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File: 174 KB, 700x990, 47859064_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17307754 No.17307754 [Reply] [Original]

All who catch a spider's eyes are nothing more than helpless flies.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h (embed)

Monster Girl Wordpress: http://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.17307760

Monster girl paizuri.

>> No.17307765
Quoted by: >>17308079

Doromes deserve cute flowers for their hair

>> No.17307770
File: 751 KB, 1000x634, Succubutt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, are you going to take her up on that offer?
Of course I am, who do you take me for?
>What about the post sex snuggles?
Yes they will be there. What kind of self respecting succubutt shows a man her mating dance and doesn't snuggle him after sex?

Also repost of the pic because new thread.

>> No.17307771

Maids are olev

>> No.17307777

I want to coat my demonfu's tits in white as she taunts me and I struggle against my bonds!
I want to take a shower with her afterwards and then cuddle with her as we fall asleep in each other's arms!

>> No.17307786
Quoted by: >>17307814

Cute butt.
Would use

>> No.17307793

The big question is, is she shorter or taller than you? Because both present adorable cuddle scenarios.

>> No.17307799
File: 309 KB, 950x1200, received_1730660056962164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17307803
File: 227 KB, 850x1044, Stig zin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here plays monster hunter?

>> No.17307814
Quoted by: >>17307822

You'd better cuddle the cute girl it's attached to after a long night of lust.

>> No.17307822

You know it.

>> No.17307827

If even one of my adopterus did something like this I might just have a heart attack right there in front of my whole family.
Especially if it's the Baphomet.

>> No.17307830

I do, but I haven't done it in a while.

>> No.17307842
Quoted by: >>17307914

The thing about dragon transformation is that it goes against the DLs influence. That's the main point here and shows how strong they are. Other monsters have transformation magic, sure, but they aren't going against the law of the world to do it.

>ogres are more common and one of those could take out a wyvern
If you band up a bunch of ogres then sure, maybe a party of 5 or more could take one out. Now how many harpies would you need to beat an ogre?

>> No.17307844

Last one I played was the psp one.

>> No.17307846

I had this idea once about DE corrupting female hunters, making them become monster girls of the Armour they were wearing.
Had a lilim blacksmith so the idea would work.

>> No.17307849

One of these days I'm gonna find a Lilim.

Then I'll hit her with a fish.

>> No.17307859

Hit her with your dick instead.

>> No.17307861

Lilims and fishes agree that noboy deserves bullying

>> No.17307864
Quoted by: >>17307868

What kind of fish though? You could get some sweet pussy depending on your answer.

>> No.17307868

A large trout, right in the kisser.

>> No.17307870
File: 1.20 MB, 1350x2100, Forest moth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17307898

Moths are olev

>> No.17307872
Quoted by: >>17308040

She'll find some way to make getting hit with a fish erotic. She might even trick you into "raping" her only to find that her thighs are too strong to escape when she leglocks you.
A Lilim who doms from the bottom would be terrifying.

>> No.17307877

That would suck for the Alatreon wearers.

>> No.17307890
Quoted by: >>17307936

Can jabberwocks tentacle mouths talk? It would be fun if one expressed the rough sexual nature while the other was more lovey dovey.

>> No.17307893

Imagine all the slutty kirin and narga. Nice.

>> No.17307898

Moths are SHIT
And so is that hairstyle

>> No.17307900

You're welcome pup, see you on our roof dinner.

>> No.17307912
Quoted by: >>17307932

What about Khezu and giginox? I don't think i would find a monster girl version of those appealing

>> No.17307914
Quoted by: >>17307960

Now that's a tougher question as ogres have the sheer toughness and numbers that beat wyverns and harpies.

I'm honestly going to give it to ogres as they wouldn't be outnumbered as badly as a wyvern would while also keeping the strength.

You could equip and train ogres into a hard as nails force for cheaper than getting a wyvern.

I still think a single ogre with equivalent cost in equipment and training would win.

>> No.17307932

For Khezu, wouldn't that just be a electric eel/Dragon hybrid?

>> No.17307936

Aye, they bitch about her ex's how you're compared to them.

>> No.17307945 [DELETED] 
File: 453 KB, 900x950, anubis05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone was asking for a particular story to be made about an anubis a couple threads ago, well here it is:


>> No.17307960

I said an ogre anon, stop trying to put everything into packs.

Also, stop with the training cost bullshit. It's dumb as fuck.

>> No.17307966

>Chameleos MGs prefer stealing men's virginities

I still want to get licked by one though

>> No.17307971 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself.
Don't do it quick either, make it painful.

>> No.17307973

Nah an ogre would beat a wyvern assuming it was hand to hand.

>> No.17307981

>Beating a giant wyvern
Nigger a wyvern would dwarf an ogre.

That's the crux of it. You have no idea how strong a wyvern is. You think they're pleb tier. Like a lizardman with wings or some shit.

>> No.17307982

>Tigrex encounter
>zingore encounter

>> No.17307996
Quoted by: >>17308025

Not to mention the ogre can use bows and other weapons.

Training and cost are brought up because, relative to the cost of hiring a wyvern, you could get more/better equipped ogres.

>> No.17308001

>not beating a mere female gecko

>> No.17308010
File: 474 KB, 636x900, Gravios girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17308021

4U player here
remind me what elder dragon that is, I remember it being a elemental clusterfuck

>> No.17308015


You grossly overestimate the size of a wyvern.

A transformed wyvern would probably be as tall as an ogre without the ability to use weapons.

A properly trained ogre could probably put the hurt on

>> No.17308021

It's the one with the horn pomp. And it being an elemental clusterfuck while being weak to water is the exact reason why I thought it would suck for someone to turn into that.

>> No.17308025

Like anon there said, you have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about. A wyvern could knock out an ogre with a few tail swipes.

Alright. What if I say the wyvern has preparation time and she's determined?
Even if you give the ogre an weapon she won't be able to go shot it as if she were Gough. Not only that but the wyvern is pretty agile so she can just dodge the shots.

>A transformed wyvern would probably be as tall as an ogre without the ability to use weapons
What. I'm not even joking here, seriously, what?

>> No.17308040

If by rape, you mean fish her in the face, then yes.

>> No.17308042
Quoted by: >>17308081

>you have no idea
The ogre from the profile is fit so she could dodge those tail swipes. Wyverns can't use bows or lances with those claws either.

>> No.17308043 [DELETED] 

Fuck off and kill yourself

>> No.17308046

What even is this wyvern talk anymore?

>> No.17308047 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308059

Oh my god.
You have balls for writing this, man. The less stable elements of the thread are going to go crazy.

>> No.17308059 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308073

It's just shitty bait.

>> No.17308066
Quoted by: >>17308095

>A transformed wyvern would probably be as tall as an ogre without the ability to use weapons.

>> No.17308073 [DELETED] 

The huge gap between that post and the original makes me think they're both the same person.

>> No.17308079
Quoted by: >>17308109

That's how you get her heartpupiled and giving you two hour long hugs.

Which s worth it. Dorome chan is cutest and purest!

>> No.17308081

I work out too, that must mean I'm able to dodge all of an wyvern's attacks and because I can use a knife I must be able to slay a wyvern!

Really anon? That thing's claw can rip through steel and the ogre is pretty much naked. You can give the Ogre dragon slaying weapons and armor, but at that point you might as well get a human and give him the same things.

>> No.17308085 [DELETED] 

Doesn't really matter. At the end of the day he wasted his own time, not mine.

>> No.17308086
Quoted by: >>17308135

DnD stats place both creatures as large.

They'd be of comfortable, if not the same, size.

Furthermore, a wyvern is going to have to get in close as they don't normally have ranged attacks, just poison.

An ogre is strong and tough enough to level the playing field

>> No.17308092
Quoted by: >>17308510

I'm not sure which surprises me more

That Gazer is able to sneak cqc both a Jabberwock and a Lamia

Or how thick Jabberwock thighs are

>> No.17308095
Quoted by: >>17308128

Both large size

>> No.17308102 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308119

That's completely retarded. Just because YOU don't like it anyone who isn't throwing a tantrum over a mediocre troll story is the same person?

>> No.17308109
Quoted by: >>17308145

Dorome-chan doesn't care about pointless autistic powerlevel discussions. She doesn't even understand them.
But she still listens, bright eyed and with a big goofy smile, because it's you talking about it, and that just makes her so happy to see you getting excited about something. She hopes you'll like the gift she gives you later, a homemade cup for you to drink out of when your mouth gets dry from all your talking. She thinks you're so smart and cool!

>> No.17308112 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308157

This one guy is just baiting, really, from the detail of the story and a little research you'll find that it's just a faggot NTR shitposter from the /d/ threads. He created an Anubis NTR greentext and actually went on a few drawthreads to get some art of it requested but got zero attention.

Basically one guy trying to push his shitty fetish. Just ignore and he'll fuck off.

Also considering it's the same faggot who writes vore NTR shit. Literally just ignore it.

>> No.17308117
Quoted by: >>17308135

Wouldn't even need dragon slayer armor, just proper martial training and some appropriately sized gear would be enough

And humans are always the answer, the question is how many and what strength

>> No.17308119 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308125

>doubt (X)

>> No.17308125 [DELETED] 

Don't respond he's just baiting

>> No.17308128

A wyvern has to be large enough so comfortably sit a man on its back without impeding its height. So its back has to be broad for starters. It's wingspan also has to be huge to comfortably lift itself, a lesser dragon, and her master. That means her legs have to be able to support her, and with such a large mass, her tail has to be long to balance out.

I'm thinking something like thrice the size of a warhorse.

Now, in MGE ogres aren't giantess tier. So they aren't equal in size at all.

>> No.17308135
Quoted by: >>17308176

>DnD stats
I'm talking about monster girls from the encyclopedia.

Just one human would be enough. He had praparation time, dragon slayer armor and determination. Hell, I bet he can even beat the demon lord.

>> No.17308137
Quoted by: >>17308146

>"muh wiafu cant kick your waifus ass"
Im actually enjoying this.

>> No.17308141
File: 396 KB, 726x1200, Satyros_clean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17308162

I will get fucking drunk in two days

>> No.17308144

Meant weight

>> No.17308145

That is because she is pure.

Me? I'm too lost in the autism to turn back now.

Someone, somewhere doesn't understand that harpies are better for policing than wyverns and I must prove them wrong

>> No.17308146
Quoted by: >>17308164

Do you think this makes waifu's shake their heads or cheer their husband's shitposting?

I mean they are dragons

>> No.17308148

Everyone's rooting for ogre and wyvern.
I'm sitting here cheering for that quiet vampirr.

>> No.17308157 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308166

Sounds like he really gets under your skin.

>> No.17308162
Quoted by: >>17308186

what's in 2 days?

>> No.17308164

They probably thibk its pointless since they dint have a reason to fight. They probably argue over who can get a husband faster.

>> No.17308166 [DELETED] 

Nope. Just noticed obvious things.

>> No.17308170 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308233

You lunatic, you actually did it. The guy who requested it should be happy.

You could be a bit more descriptive with the sex but you got the point across. Do you still take requests?

>> No.17308171
Quoted by: >>17308200

I agree with you there, they are better for doing normal police work, but if things get a little rough then they have to bring a wyvern.

>> No.17308176

They'd be a little bigger but that's still not huge.

They're long, that's for sure, but they're not tall.

And THEY'RE still big, strong and mean in KC land, which means they can still dish it out hard core.

They're western onis and, as such, can get a long way when properly armored and equipped

But yeah. Humans are ultimate the best

>> No.17308185 [DELETED] 
File: 944 KB, 1280x1835, 51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, you finally added impregnation. NTR without impregnation is shit and not even proper NTR. Rimjob part was also fantastic
Now you need oyakodon NTR with both mother and daughteru being fucked and impregnated for ultimate NTR experience. Something with daughteru rimming bull's ass while he is balls deep in your wife.
Also I would prefer if MC was suffering instead of enjoying it but it's just imo

>> No.17308186
Quoted by: >>17308265

A decent reason to part if any
25th birthday and lets live that there
Keeping this relevant. what would you celebrate with monsters?

>> No.17308189 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to /d/ NTR cancer

>> No.17308192
Quoted by: >>17308212

>Dorome sitting peacefully next to her crush as he angrily types away on the computer
>gets distraught when he gets visibly upset and growls at the other poster's stupidity
>"Y-you're right anon! Anon is the smartest, and he is right! That takka takka box is silly and anon is smart! Y-you show em anon!"
>she pumps her hands in the air for emphasis, a little bit of mud flinging onto the computer screen
>"O-oh! I am sorry! I will clean it off!"
>she tries to run the flecks of mud off the screen, predictably getting it even muddier
>"Oh no! Oh no oh no oh no... I messed it up..."
>Dorome shirks away upset with herself for interrupting anon's very important and smart shitposting

>> No.17308197



Yeah, not buying it.

>> No.17308200
Quoted by: >>17308224

And that's where I disagree.
The cost of hiring a wyvern full time is prohibitive.

You'd be better of keeping an elite force instead or having a onetime cost for the event with the wyvern.

That way you don't need to deal with the cost they would regularly necessitate

>> No.17308204

Yeti paizuri with her fur bra on

>> No.17308207 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17308210
Quoted by: >>17308232

>but they're not tall.
I disagree. Something nearing twice, maybe thrice a man's height if she's standing straight on all fours.

>> No.17308212
Quoted by: >>17308259

Too cute.
Would stroke her head before returning to the war

>> No.17308213 [DELETED] 

Trick question. What we're all living isn't life.

>> No.17308217 [DELETED] 

they shitposting while someone else is fucking their waifu

>> No.17308218 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308278

got a feeling this is somathat good ol samefagging

>> No.17308224
File: 845 KB, 845x1200, Mgewgs_dragonia_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighty anon. First you look at the Ogre in the profile and make sure to check her bonus art. She looks bigger than a human, that's for sure.

Now you look at this wyvern standing on top of a castle made for girls like salamanders and lizards.

The elite force IS the wyvern.

>> No.17308232
Quoted by: >>17308311

That's a dragon.
Wyverns don't grow that huge.

They're bigger than a horse but not by much

>> No.17308233 [DELETED] 

If you have an idea that I like, I might do it.

It's not really NTR if the main character is suffering. That's just rape, but I like those stories too. Mother and daughter though, that's some good stuff.

>that doujin
Great taste friend!

>> No.17308252
Quoted by: >>17308277

>wyvern 6ft
>ogre 5ft
>Human 4ft
>castle 10ft
Womanlets everyone

>> No.17308259
Quoted by: >>17308280

She'd be so happy she'd wiggle and grow a daisy out of the top of her head

>> No.17308261
Quoted by: >>17308277

Not canon.

KC is contributing but that right there is elder dragon size, not wyvern size.

And again we run into the issue of too much money being put into one person

>> No.17308265

Any significant milestones in us or our relationship.

I'd probably sneak in something extra to show her how grateful I am for her coming into my life

>> No.17308273 [DELETED] 

>If you have an idea that I like, I might do it.
Hellhound taming. I don't care if it's rape, ntr or whatever as long as she's being made someone bitch.

>> No.17308277

>10ft castle
>That one demonfag's waifu can't even get inside

Alright, let's say that is elder dragon size. A normal wyvern would be of the same height as her leg there.

>> No.17308278 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 1384x276, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone likes something that I hate? That can't be it! It's just samefag!
Whatever makes you sleep better at night

>It's not really NTR if the main character is suffering
Dude what. That's literally the opposite of truth. In NTR MC has to suffer, if he doesn't it's just cuckolding/swinging

>> No.17308280

Is there anything cuter than a wiggling Dorome?

>> No.17308281 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308341

Oh, I thought you were referring to the girl not enjoying it.

>> No.17308285 [DELETED] 

Nice seeing that atleast you faggots want stuff that wouldn't happen in MGE

>> No.17308289
File: 99 KB, 850x1020, IMG_20170710_200759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do when you see your Ochimusha in a position that shows off her abs?

>> No.17308290

She could!

Her horns though...

>> No.17308291 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308315

Its not even friday fuck off.

>> No.17308293 [DELETED] 

Yeah how about you fuck off to /d/? Like, where you belong and can talk about this shit freely?

>> No.17308294

Rest my head on then

>> No.17308297
Quoted by: >>17308304

>10ft tall demon
Do a 360 and walk away

>> No.17308303 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308316

Why these people come where they're not welcomed, I will never understand.
I mean, even (You)s lose their appeal after a while.

>> No.17308304

She's 9'9 and I'm 6'6 so it ain't so bad.

>> No.17308306
Quoted by: >>17308314

It's basically 10ft

>> No.17308310

Masturbate, and if she stays put, ejaculate into her navel.

>> No.17308311
Quoted by: >>17308345

>That's a dragon.
Nigger, in it's bestial form a dragon is even larger than that, the size of a few houses. What are you even basing this bulshit on?

Wait. From you're tone and what you mentioned earlier I'm guessing you're a DnD baby.

>> No.17308312

You're taller than my waifu and even I thought she was big. Still won't feel comfortable if she was standing next to a tall guy


>> No.17308313 [DELETED] 

Anon who asked for NTR anubis
Good job! The only thing I don't like are male monsters, it's not like I get triggered by them, but their presence makes it less MGE-ish

Monster girls are /d/ on their own, anon. The whole thread should go there

>> No.17308314
Quoted by: >>17308444

Strokes / folks I guess mang

>> No.17308315 [DELETED] 

>this thread is okay with incest and latex bondage, clear /d/ material, being openly posted on /jp/
>but when someone else links to their /d/ tier stuff offsite, all of a sudden the knives come out
Just hide what you don't like and move on.

>> No.17308316 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308327

ever heard of shitposting

>> No.17308320

Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki

>> No.17308323 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308335

under what rock do you live or do you ignore the shitstorm after the kobold fag posts something

>> No.17308327 [DELETED] 

Never got the appeal of that either.

>> No.17308330 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308346

Hmm, maybe. Taming the untamable does have its appeals.

>> No.17308333 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308343

Oh boy, it's the ancient "This thread belongs on /d/ so just accept our shit fetishes" bait.
Ignore and Report as always.

>> No.17308335 [DELETED] 

KDF gets his own defense force, even though he's just as cancerous as the NTR tards.

>> No.17308336

Hey no worries my dude. I'm sure she'd be plenty imposing and you don't gotta worry about me.

>> No.17308338 [DELETED] 

>but their presence makes it less MGE-ish

NTR makes it 100% not MGE by the get go you actual fucking retard.

>Monster girls are /d/ on their own, anon. The whole thread should go there

Except that's not an argument. As the shit talked here is not on the same level as "xddd vore, inflation, body suit, NTR"

Again, you're a retard if you think that.

>thread is ok with

You must be new here then if you haven't seen the reactions it gets. Also, "off site", yeah sure I mean it's ok to post futa imgur albums then? Oh of course because it's off site :^)

>> No.17308341 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308350

Nah, by MC I mean the hubby. Wife has to absolutely love it

So are you going to do oyakodon NTR?

>> No.17308343 [DELETED] 

/d/ouchebags always play that card, don't they? Like it's the law or something.

>> No.17308345

Yes, a dragon is the size of a house in beast form.

A wyvern is not.

Still too big

>> No.17308346 [DELETED] 

Doesn't it? Hellhounds are smug too, bringing smug girls down to earth is even more appealing.

>> No.17308349

>A wyvern is not.
I never said it was. did you misread house for horse?

>> No.17308350 [DELETED] 

Later down the road maybe, but not in the near-future. I'll be sure to keep it in mind though.

>> No.17308351 [DELETED] 

>If you have an idea that I like, I might do it.
Do a Valkyrie going dark and serving her master

>> No.17308362
File: 332 KB, 550x440, 1470078838380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17308375

>He's a manlet

>> No.17308365 [DELETED] 

How about a story about you jumping into oncoming traffic?
Only it's not a story, it's something you do for real.

>> No.17308367

As a Khepri-lord, would you dress your harem up as maids or belly dancers or just keep them in their normal desert aesthetic?

>> No.17308371 [DELETED] 

Why isn't this reportable

>> No.17308372 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308433

>not in the near-future.
Sad! I'm looking forward to it
What are you going to write next?

>> No.17308373
Quoted by: >>17308417

Any answer other than "belly dancer outfits" is blatantly incorrect.

>> No.17308375

Fuck off. How can I control my height? So leave me alone. It's not my fault.

>> No.17308377 [DELETED] 

Thanks! You could always fudge the last few lines of the references to male monsters and just make it human men, maybe of different stature: officials, politician, druggie, or whatever floats your boat.

>> No.17308378 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308381

Posting about NTR isn't actually against the rules. Your best bet is to ignore it.

>> No.17308381 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308386

>Your best bet is to ignore it.
I'm not buying it, NTRfag

>> No.17308383
Quoted by: >>17308417

First I'd dress myself respectfully as Kars to fully look like a khepri lord.

Then I'd dress my harem up like brown maids. The look of the maid dress is up to them individually.

>> No.17308386 [DELETED] 

Shitposting is against the rules anon. You know what you can do now.

>> No.17308390 [DELETED] 

Fucking kill yourselves

>> No.17308399 [DELETED] 

I don't think that Mods agree. Maybe, but I'm not sure.

>> No.17308400

>Too big
Alright, Is 10ft an acceptable size for you?

>> No.17308407 [DELETED] 

I've been banned for reporting shitposters on a shitstorm before. I don't trust mods anymore.

>> No.17308412
File: 72 KB, 264x193, 1479138035967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not my fault.
Mea culpa
Mea culpa

>> No.17308417

Would you require them to writhe for you idly and demand constant tongue baths from them?
Good stuff. I'm sure they'd appreciate the theatrics. And maybe Incubization will even adjust their bodies a bit to be more like the maids from which their outfits are from.

>> No.17308418 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308464

Not even /d/ wants your kind, go to /trash/

>> No.17308422

Just off yourself and reborn as normal human bean, it's easy

>> No.17308430
Quoted by: >>17308450

No, just cuddlepiles and vidya all day long.
Belly Dancer outfits are just the perfect blend of sexy and comfy looking in the heat.

>> No.17308432
Quoted by: >>17308451

>you will never have a cheshire so autistic she thinks bullying you is what girlfriends do.

>> No.17308433 [DELETED] 

>What are you going to write next?
Hard to tell. I try to write at least one story a week, but I tend to do mostly vore, so it might be that, as you can probably tell if you visit my pastebin page. All my content is MG involved though.

>> No.17308435

I wanna see a Khepri lord and his harem battle another Khepri lord and his harem
It would be 90% synchronized posing

>> No.17308440
Quoted by: >>17308488

>giving each and every khepri you own a tongue bath

I like. Do go on.

>Good stuff. I'm sure they'd appreciate the theatrics. And maybe Incubization will even adjust their bodies a bit to be more like the maids from which their outfits are from.

How is the appropriate way to dick each Khepri? Perch her on your dick until you explode inside of her in front of all the other girls waiting for their turn?

>> No.17308444

Why so big? my local bridge is 13ft tall.

>> No.17308448 [DELETED] 

Off yourself

>> No.17308450
Quoted by: >>17308468

Cute and very comfy anon, but be aware that Khepris are very horny girls.
They'd of course be happy to just lay and snuggle with you as you game, but expectat least two of them at any given time be idly stroking your cock or massaging your balls or licking your nipple even while watching the game attentively.

>> No.17308451
Quoted by: >>17308466

But isn't that what girlfriends do? Especially mg ones?

>> No.17308452 [DELETED] 

Just ignore it

>> No.17308454 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308505

>Just ignore it, let him do what he wants

>> No.17308459 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308505

If we ignore it it'll think it's welcome.
You know what to do.

>> No.17308464 [DELETED] 

There are NTR threads in /h/. And NTR threads are the most popular threads on the board by far, getting to bump limit in 1-2 days

>> No.17308466
Quoted by: >>17308478

Onis bullying anons based on height is not okay senpai.

>> No.17308467 [DELETED] 

Go there then

>> No.17308468
Quoted by: >>17308519

It'd be kinda awkward, but nice to have a shortstack Khepri giving me a paizuri blowjob at all times.
They'd probably gush over how cute it is that their master gets flustered so easily.

>> No.17308470

Alps and matangos are preferable to NTR. Whats the point of a waifu if someone's going to fuck her for you?

>> No.17308472 [DELETED] 

Yeah, because pretty much everywhere else rightfully tells NTRfags to fuck off.

>> No.17308475 [DELETED] 

Eh, not a fan of vore at all, but I will keep an eye on your pastebin

>> No.17308478
Quoted by: >>17308507

Aww my oni only bullies me for getting turned on by her muscles and when shes all sweaty.

>> No.17308480 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308506

Because like the interracial threads, those threads have some really dedicated autists posting all day.

Also call them for what they are: containment threads.

>> No.17308488
Quoted by: >>17308514

Yes, though first it's best to have them all kneel before you and open their mouths in anticipation as you blow your first load all over each of them. Then they'll all be primed and aching, wombs throbbing in need as you go one by one, taking your time as you bloat their wombs right in front of the rest. By the time it's the last ones turn, she'll be desperately, hysterically begging, not wanting to stop until she's passed out from semen overload.

>> No.17308505 [DELETED] 

I know anons, I want him to sincerely tell him, from the bottom of my heart to lull himself. But giving him (you)s will also just feed him

>> No.17308506 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 1499013189944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NTR thread
>109 posts, 54 IPs

>this thread
>180 posts, 37 IPs

Hm, I wonder who are bigger dedicated autists posting all day

>> No.17308507

This is the best kind of muscle wife. Nice anon.

>> No.17308510
File: 1.54 MB, 1500x1500, Loen91 (4.22) [F].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thick thighs save lives

>> No.17308514
Quoted by: >>17308554

Now I have a dire need to become a Khepri lord. And of course you'll cuddle every single one of those little khepris in your bed right? Letting them all grasp onto your sides while you lay in contempt of your victory?

>> No.17308517 [DELETED] 

>all those loose factors unaccounted for

You really are stupid.

>> No.17308518

reminder mge is a shitty world to live in and youll most likely die

>> No.17308519
Quoted by: >>17308543

>"Gluk... gluk... ssshhhlluuuupppp...pwaaah! Kyaa, lord, you've cum so much again!"
>"Silence, sister! Our lord must focus on this boss fight!"
>"Yes, move aside! It is my turn to service our lord and master."
>"Hora, see how his face reddens... our lord is... so adorable~!"
>"mmm... I can taste his enjoyment through his sweat, I swear it..."
>"Really? Let me see! Mmmllln..."
>all the remaining Khepri join in to lick their master as he dies once again to the boss

>> No.17308523 [DELETED] 

You're retarded, aren't you

>> No.17308526

Beats living/dying here, where getting fucked doesn't involve sex.

>> No.17308533
File: 65 KB, 310x588, Glacies_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best popsicle

>> No.17308538

>tfw ywn live in MGE

Can I lick?

>> No.17308543
Quoted by: >>17308593

>That last line.
That's the point where I just lay back and let them have their way with me.
As usual, they just do whatever they want. They're too cute to reprimand though.

>> No.17308546 [DELETED] 

>Thread in its natural state
>Thread in the middle of a pseudominishitstorm

>> No.17308551

That awkward moment when my tongue gets stuck while trying to eat her out

>> No.17308554

Of course. I'd rotate lovingly stroking their heads one by one to help them sleep, then draw them all in as close as possible before dosing off.
I imagine they'd all whisper in their sleep throughout the night, saying things like 'lord...' and 'master...' as they get wet in their dreams just being near their everything as they feel his chest rise and fall.

>> No.17308555

Of course you'll die, you're going to die anyways; you're not immortal. The difference is, do you want to die living a long happy life with MGs? Or do you want to die alone or with 3DPD?

>> No.17308558

Does she come in green apple flavor?

>> No.17308560 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308569

MGE has an afterlife anyway, which makes it better already

>> No.17308566

Does she come in lime?

>> No.17308568
File: 3.23 MB, 2000x2053, Office Anubis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Office Anubis is coming to tour the facilities and pick up slack! Remember to look busy.


>> No.17308569

I think you're confused anon. MGE is our afterlife, and the MGE afterlife is our afterlife afterlife.

>> No.17308577


>> No.17308581

>death for the dead

Poor devils...

>> No.17308585 [DELETED] 

>NTR shitposting stays up
>posts telling them to fuck off get deleted

That's /jp/'a shitty janitors for you

>> No.17308589 [DELETED] 

Yep, I got a warn between some more

>> No.17308591
Quoted by: >>17308600

Is breakfast them sitting on your face while leaking femcum? Does it give the lord power?

>> No.17308593
Quoted by: >>17308605

>Khepri all lined up looking timid and embarrassed
>"We're sorry, lord..."
>"We messed up your game..."
>"We are but dung to your magnificence..."
>"Our lord shows such restraint while we are base and simple creatures..."
>"So don't show restraint against us!"
>"Y-yes! Punish us according to our transgressions! Punish me, great lord!"
>"Please lord, do not hold back- punish me first and take out a-aall... all of your pent up frustrations on me... your big, thick, loads of frustration..."
>"No! I am the worst transgressor! I deserve the most punishment! See, I have even brought bindings for you to place upon me, oh virile one..."
>"No, me first! See how disobedient I am, exposing my body when master is trying to focus! He should gorge me on his righteous rod of justice until my lungs fill with his resplendent retribution!"
>"no, choke me with it lord-"
>"Me, I am your sleeve for frustration-"
>"Please, me, lord-"
Such a hassle being king.

>> No.17308595
Quoted by: >>17309878

If I stick a cherry-flavored Slime in a freezer does she turn into a cherry-flavored Glacies?

>> No.17308600
Quoted by: >>17308607

It sure as fuck would be for me. Just a buffet of puffy, gushy pussies and delicious girlcum leaking down thick bronze thighs as they gasp and moan at your godly tongue's ministrations.

>> No.17308602
Quoted by: >>17308633

That's what I want, only with p'orcs!

>> No.17308605
Quoted by: >>17308633

I'm gonna cuddle all of them.
They're so cute.

>> No.17308607
Quoted by: >>17308633

I wonder if they each have their own unique flavour. Also keep licking until they squirt into your mouth.

>> No.17308608 [DELETED] 

>don't do anything about shitposters
>delete everyone telling them to fuck off
This surely won't encourage retards to shitpost more in the future.

>> No.17308612 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308647

They're faggots and hate these threads, nothing new.

I bet it was the yurifag one.

>> No.17308633
Quoted by: >>17308644

Good man. Probably a lot more buiis and instead of lithe, writhing shortstack sex machines they'd be thick, wobbling strongfat sex addicts, right?
>call them all so cute
>they all heartpupil and "Kyaaaa!" At the same time before dogpiling you in a group cuddle and light kissing fest
They would. Each a different satisfaction to their master's palette. And if one particularly suits his taste that day, the others would finish up then hold her in place on his face, not letting her get a moments respite as he goes harder and more wild with his tongue, her desperate moans and yells growing as orgasm after orgasm wracks her, her fellows grinning and telling her she must bear this blessing even as tears form in her eyes and her hips shake in panic and her eyes roll back, the pleasure shutting her brain down with no chance for recovery.

Then she gets the morning to relax.

>> No.17308636 [DELETED] 


>> No.17308644
Quoted by: >>17308670

I'm gonna make all those cute shortstacks understand that I see them as girls and not just servants.

>> No.17308647 [DELETED] 

>I bet it was X person

>> No.17308649
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x1293, Sookmo (3.5) [F].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popsicles are nice, and tasty on a hot day

>> No.17308658 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308661

>mods actively encouraging shitposting and things like NTR and deleting people who wants to get rid of then
So this is it. This is how these threads die.

>> No.17308661

I think you're blowing it out of proportion man.

>> No.17308670

Noble, but always know they'll see you as their Sun, their brightest star, their livegiving lord and superior being.

>> No.17308671 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308698

This is the first time I can see it happening. Just see how the little faggot already has its supporters and aldo the mods on hid side.

By dying of course I meant turning into shit, which will make a lot of people leave.

>> No.17308682 [DELETED] 

That's what they said over at /a/.

>> No.17308698 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308711

>By dying of course I meant turning into shit, which will make a lot of people leave
Look, I'm not a fan of it either but if someone leaves over a fucking pastebin link they don't even have to open they're even more of an insufferable faggot than the guy posting it.

>> No.17308701
Quoted by: >>17308727

Who's the artist?

>> No.17308711 [DELETED] 

>He thinks it will stop here

>I'm not a fan of it either

>> No.17308723
File: 293 KB, 1200x1029, 1499678370137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get an army of Ochi waifus?

>> No.17308727

Enter at your own risk (There's Yuri and futa in here)

>> No.17308741

>Come home from work
>It sucked, hard
>Collapse into a recliner as your Kikimora maid brings you a cup of tea
>"At least it's finally the weekend", you mutter
>"Master," your maid interjects, "it's only Tuesday"
>['Nam Flashbacks Intensify]

>> No.17308746

This is why you get a djiin wife.
It's Friday if you say it is dammit.

>> No.17308755

But I'm a filthy NEET, why is there a maid in my house?

>> No.17308769

That's too many Ochi's.

>> No.17308771
Quoted by: >>17308791

Neither, I get them to develop 8 pack abs, a Minotaur-like build and dress them in Jinko-like or Orchimusha-like outfit.

>> No.17308777
Quoted by: >>17308799

I don't know but I'd love an Ochi harem. Maybe not quite that many but 4-5 of them.

>> No.17308788 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308808

Ochis are alps in disguise. Women are never warriors.

>> No.17308791
Quoted by: >>17308853

A musclesub harem?

My man!

I am personally feeling a bunch of tubby kephris in dancers garb right now but yours is fine as well

>> No.17308799
Quoted by: >>17308825

I want an Ochimusha, Kunoichi, Warrior Oni, and spy Kejourou.
Imagine how the streets would clear as we walk down the streets with them flanking me.

>> No.17308803

So how do we enter wonderland exactly? If we have experience with psychedelic substances will we he able to hold our own in wonderland.

>> No.17308808 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.17308810
Quoted by: >>17308822

You ever watched space jam?

>> No.17308821
Quoted by: >>17308845

Just follow the white rabbit

>> No.17308822

Uh oh.....besides getting to wonderland now i want ogre doubles partner to slam on some of yall and your waifus.

>> No.17308825
Quoted by: >>17308847

That's a pretty nice harem.

Thinking about if it I had to mix Zipangu girls for a harem I'd want twin Ochi body guards, a tanuki advisor, a Kunoichi as the head of security and a sub former courtesan Jorou-Gumo as a diplomat.

>> No.17308827
Quoted by: >>17308837

>wonderland was inside of you the entire time

>> No.17308837
File: 2.54 MB, 2105x3019, 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different ways. It's a sorta dreamlike realm that you can get into via a weird dream, or the easier and less RNG way by following a White Rabbit.

>> No.17308842
File: 2.22 MB, 2105x3019, 020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17308843
File: 80 KB, 581x651, __inaba_tewi_touhou_drawn_by_takamura__c2cd08c1a62da1d2f9e1225e84b83472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17308864


>> No.17308845
Quoted by: >>17308855

>anon searches for the white rabbit for years
>but the rabbit find you
>one day anon is sitting at home when a knock is heard at the door
>goes to check it and its the white rabbit!
>"Hey kid wanna go to wonderland?"
>"DO I!"
>rabbit punches anon in the stomach and put a bag over his head
>throws him onto a jabberwock who flys the barely conscious anon to wonderland

>> No.17308847
Quoted by: >>17308861

Nice. See, I need at least one real big, boisterous girl, hence the Oni.

>> No.17308849
Quoted by: >>17308890

It's like the dreasleave from elderscrolls?

>> No.17308853

Not sub, I would gradually make them dom or do activities with them where their dom side shows.

Like playing "war games" with them, half the harem try to protect me and the other half to capture me. If the defenders win I spend the next hours thanking them and servicing their brown muscular bodies. If the attackers win, I get taken as prisoner and brutally raped as they get to do whatever the fuck they want with me with their brown muscular bodies.

Or designating a portion of them as the "disciplinary guard" in charge of punishing the King when he breaks the law, and write difficult to follow laws, so I get constantly arrested and dragged to the rape room.

>> No.17308855

>bag over his head
>being flown
I'm trying my hardest not to reference it

>> No.17308861
Quoted by: >>17308897

I'd probably want jinko sized ochis for the big part, not so much boisterous.

Onis are good girls though.

>> No.17308863
Quoted by: >>17308870

They work for the party host. The Hatteda mon.

>> No.17308864

Stupid sexy tewi. How dare shitposting incarnate be this cute?

>> No.17308870

Tell me about Mad! Why does she wear the hat?!

>> No.17308874

Because that's her name.

>> No.17308876

If i were to put it on, would I die?

>> No.17308884

I didnt mean for this to happen. Honest. I feel like wonderland would be super comfy despite all the crazt stuff there.

>> No.17308885 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308889

Kill yourself.

Now go crying to the mods so they delete my post.

>> No.17308889 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17308950

They actually deleted it

Good job mods. Thanks guys.

>> No.17308890

They have roughly as much in common with each other as Wonderland does with the Plane of Salt.

>> No.17308897

I feel you. For me though it would be
>Strong yet still feminine body Ochi, earnest and eager to please
>mega-hourglass short Kunoichi, silent yet easily turned on and soaking wet and flustered
>Towering, immense strongfat Oni, proud and lewd, drinks to merriment
>Supermodelesque, long legged Kej, seductress and femme fatale

>> No.17308912
Quoted by: >>17308927

That sounds lovely, especially the Kej. It would make leglocking so much sweeter.

I'd go into specifics about what I want but I'd probably go full autism.

>> No.17308920

Pick/roll an underrepresented monster girl and say something nice about her!

I'll start:
>Adorably devoted to their user with a potential edge if you mistreat them.

>> No.17308925

So im thinking of what my next story is going to be about. How does a story of anon secretly learning sealing magic and using it to turn the tables on his oni waifu when she tries to take sex from him? Maybe it works maybe it dosent and shes just playing along until the perfect time to break them. Sound decent enough?

>> No.17308926

Sounds similar to the ochi one I want.
One normal ochi with a katana
A pair of shortstack twins with naginatas
A tall, flat one with a bow and killer ass
A strongfat one with a club

>> No.17308927

Go for it. It's good autism compared to before. And thanks!

>> No.17308932

I'm sorry but does someone want to hear about cost efficiency?

>> No.17308945

>Kesaran Pasaran
>She looks pretty cute and her size would make her extremelly fun to play with (non-sexually)

>> No.17308947
File: 1.94 MB, 1488x2105, 1491183211026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fruit that are in not only provide for better sexy time but also tastes good!

>> No.17308949

Just uh, just keep it to body type and personality, anon.

>> No.17308950 [DELETED] 

That shitheel you replied to even shitposts in the /d/ monstergirl threads. Hell, he even tried to worm his way in here at first with a Black Harpy Prostitute story to appeal to resident used goods fags.

>> No.17308954

I love nature and the colors they can bring to a garden is amazing.

>> No.17308955

A kej wouldn't be fit for sex, you need a smaller and weaker girl so you can inseminate her more easily!

>> No.17308959
Quoted by: >>17308966

I wanna lick a Barometz.

>> No.17308961

Sounds fantastic, anon.

>> No.17308962

Id love to taste her

>> No.17308966
Quoted by: >>17309020

this is an understandable desire, as i to wish to lick one. I'd also like to be covered in dry rub spices and licked clean by holsts,minos,and weresheep on a somewhat related manner

>> No.17308976

Femdomfags won't like it, I wouldn't if it was the other way around with a kiki, for example. It's just my opinion though

>> No.17308981

Sure. You could sue a blue oni for easier and lewder domination.

>> No.17308989
File: 123 KB, 701x1200, Automaton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17309886

Nav should give an Automaton the desert/dancer treatment he gave the Glacies at some point.

>> No.17308996
Quoted by: >>17309026

Fuck it, you're right.
>Ochimusha bodyguards
Two twins, Jinko sized in full samurai armor with terrifying face masks. To the casual observer they would seem like terrifying, slient monsters of no discernable gender but having seen them outside of their armor in the bedroom I would know just how cute they are.
Nothing like imposing armor to make people think twice about attacking their master.
A small girl, probably doraf sized in height but without the large chest. Not a loli, just a short girl. A bit more talkative than others of her race, has a smile that could melt even an ice queen's heart and becomes extremely happy when praised.
>tanuki advisor
Tall and appears to be in her early 30s, red hair and fur with her long hair tied back into a pony tail. Outgoing, tomboyish and teasing with a love for alcohol when off duty.
Despite all that she's still ruthless and cunning when it comes to devising plans that benefit the kingdom.
>Jorou-Gumo diplomat
Similar design to the one in the profile with a more expensive looking dress, smokes a pipe and has a morbid sense of humour. As a former high class courtesan she has a way with words, not just on the job but also in the bedroom. She may be a sub but make no mistake, she's fully in control of what actually happens due to knowing exactly what buttons to press to get what she wants.

>> No.17309018

Blue Raspberry, I like it.

>> No.17309020
Quoted by: >>17309023

If you set out a salt lick in the shape of your dick with a label "Actual Size" overnight, what girls would you expect to see in the morning?

>> No.17309023

plenty of even toed ungulate girls

>> No.17309026
Quoted by: >>17309168

Awesome! Your harem sounds like it really gets things done. I like it anon

>> No.17309044
File: 592 KB, 1280x1867, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this hmanga been posted already? Because holy shit this thicc fox is perfection.

>> No.17309072
Quoted by: >>17309105

If only it wasn't shota.

>> No.17309085

All i get is a sadpanda

>> No.17309089

Nice meme bro.

>> No.17309097

HAHAHA nice.

>> No.17309099
File: 152 KB, 676x900, C4T6ZwuUkAE9C4V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha faggot.

>> No.17309102
File: 130 KB, 1000x1000, RenXiongmao5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange, I get happypanda

>> No.17309105
Quoted by: >>17309115

Might just be a manlet.
It is Japan after all.

>> No.17309109

Happy pandas are cute pandas.

>> No.17309110

I want to mate with that panda.

>> No.17309115

It's the same as them after all. Pure and innocent, with small height and dick.

>> No.17309143
File: 95 KB, 564x900, C4YFD01UoAAq4hW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ren-Xiongmao are underrated Mist girls. I mean. who doesn't like a monstergirl species of thicc pandas?
Shortstack Rens when?

>> No.17309150

When you draw/commission them.

>> No.17309153

I'd rather a big, tubby or strongfat one for cuddling.

>> No.17309155

Someone needs to draw a sad panda version of her.

>> No.17309157
File: 178 KB, 500x500, Cute Mermaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become the Lich King.

Alternatively become Overlord, can probably switch that power over gremlins into something else.

Or if you want to be even more obscure become the Brightlord.

>> No.17309166
Quoted by: >>17309173

>Become the Lich King.
He needs a Lich waifu for that.

>> No.17309168

I hope it would get stuff done, even with my fantasies I nitpick at the details and how efficient things would be.
I still feel there's holes that could be filled in by other girls but that harem size is perfect for me.

>> No.17309171

That's a thicc fox b.

>> No.17309173
Quoted by: >>17309176

No, he just needs a Lich to bring him back to Undeath.

Then he can start working on becoming a Necromancer before eventually tearing his spirit out of his body to become a Lich.

Probably about as difficult as obtaining a harem of Unicorn's and becoming Unicorn King.

>> No.17309176

Men can't become Liches in the MGE.

>> No.17309178

I hate maledom with a passion, but its your story.

>> No.17309187
Quoted by: >>17309223

You can become a really powerful undead mage.

>> No.17309192

Would you be opposed to a monster girl encyclopedia anime? From the scholar's point of view.

>> No.17309195

Only if the scholar isn't a harem protag and is instead some sleep deprived looking weirdo more interested in the girls species instead of the girls themselves.

>> No.17309200

It wouldn't work, and given what happened to EMG I'd rather not

>> No.17309202
Quoted by: >>17309217

That's not a bad idea actually could make for some goofs along tha way.

>> No.17309203

I would be cautiously optimistic. If he gets raped every episode, then no. If it's just him watch guys get claimed and saying "Isn't nature fascinating?" I'd be more appreciative.

>> No.17309209

He does have that Leanan Sidhe to give the sassy finger waggle to any and all monsters that might try to make a move.
So he's mostly get to observe the wacky hijinks.

>> No.17309210
Quoted by: >>17309217

The scholar is married to a draw fairy anyway. You could do an anime with the two of them travelling, observing new races in their natural habitat and then at the end of each episode the girl they were following finds a man and drags him off screen for some implied sex that is never shown.

>> No.17309217

Messy hair, eyes with bags under them but a manic energy, a big, ink stained robe, stooped posture, and a quill stuck in his hand.

The draw fairy would be watching everything going on as he goes throughout the land, the man unwilling to settle down as it would take him away from his precious study time.

>> No.17309220

>"Oh my god. This is so lewd."
>"Wow (I wish I could do that with master)"
>"I must document this for science!"
>"Ganbare! Ganbare!"

>> No.17309223

The best thing you can do for an undead waifu is becoming a powerful enough wizard that you don't need to be undead to be timeless, so you can keep your genuine living warmth.

>> No.17309248

If it is not censored. Um, I really dont know. I would be scared shitless every episode of having my waifus ruined. What if they make it so Jinkos are only interested in male martial artists? Or that Minotaurs only fuck guys of a physique similar to them? Or Hellhounds only liking guys that can beat them in combat? Waifus is like handling clay, you have to be very careful. I honestly dont think I would support it, unless all the monsters were loyal to the profiles and the makers studied the settings very thoroughly.

>> No.17309252
Quoted by: >>17309264

Pardon my ignorance, what is EMG?

>> No.17309264

Everday monster girls. Im curious to what he means though.

>> No.17309270
File: 145 KB, 1050x1523, 1457319981287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. Im curious to what he means though.
who cares post snexy miia's

>> No.17309271

>Im curious to what he means though
The threads and fanbase definitely went to shit after the anime aired.

>> No.17309273


>> No.17309275 [SPOILER] 
File: 139 KB, 569x936, 1499809036257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17311258


>> No.17309276

Thing is, EMG was the first unapologetically monster girl anime. It was only natural that it would turn out that way, plus the fanbase was already kind of "special" before it was animated.

>> No.17309279

I would throw money at it

>> No.17309281

>wanting to attract normies
hell no

>> No.17309286

What's wrong with EMG anime? It seemed to follow original faithfully. Unlike the disaster that was dumpire, how they managed to fuck up design so badly is a mystery

>> No.17309290
File: 2.71 MB, 1638x3484, 1499134212812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rub a Yeti's paw pads until she's a shaking, ahegaoing mess

>> No.17309298
File: 560 KB, 600x800, 1455560926653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17309334

>What's wrong with EMG anime?
attracted too many normies. Also made crab tone down the lewd

>> No.17309299

Gimmie the haughtiest Pharaoh you got.

>> No.17309310 [DELETED] 

The one from NTR vote story

>> No.17309316
Quoted by: >>17309325

It attracted too many fags as people said, including tons of tumblrfags and others like them.

>> No.17309317 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17309362

>NTR vote story
Would that be lying about who you're going to vote for?

>> No.17309319
File: 1.07 MB, 1402x1760, a9d88ee6ad675a6411409323638e54cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know it's National Cow Appreciation Day in the US?

>> No.17309321
File: 123 KB, 471x577, 1495393958499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did

>> No.17309325

>some of that tumblr art
I will never understand why people draw things to be intentionally ugly.

>> No.17309326

Cheating slut

>> No.17309329

Would happily bake some sweets for the tubby holsts on my farm.

>> No.17309331

Hey, it's not like it's her fault her husband was incapacitated.
Oh wait

>> No.17309332

to not shater their fragile ego

>> No.17309333

Post links, I want to check out that shit

>> No.17309334

The general opinion is that it should have stayed like the first chapter and the proto-stories right?
Speaking of, are they back from hiatus yet? Last I saw was the bird and vampire arc end.

Please not here

>> No.17309341

i just want it to go back to daily lewd things with lewd monster girls, and some proto in there would please my penis

>> No.17309342
Quoted by: >>17309361

Feminazis would riot if a true to the settings MGE anime was released. It would be changed horribly, at least for a western release. A studio cant do it, you would need a MGE fanboy with tons of cash financing the project from his own pockets or financed by the fanbase and with representatives of every fanbase in the project. Yes, including maledomfags and patheticfags. The guy above is partly right, MGE is not just like doing DxD with monster girls, it is like working on fine glass. A single line can do or destroy a MG for its respective fanbase.

>> No.17309344


>> No.17309351

Worst cow.

>> No.17309350 [DELETED] 

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.17309352
Quoted by: >>17309369

And to think I thought it was just Free Slurpee Day

>> No.17309354

I would never play videogames with her. Why? Because she always use cheat codes!

>> No.17309357 [DELETED] 

NTR posting time again?

>> No.17309358

>The general opinion is that it should have stayed like the first chapter and the proto-stories right?

>Speaking of, are they back from hiatus yet? Last I saw was the bird and vampire arc end.
August. It's gonna be a hell of a month. Okayado coming back from hiatus, KC's new book and KC starting the profile releases again.

>> No.17309359

my autism has required i always having been puzzled as too why shes got a stripped tail. Is it supposed to just be alternating fur colors or is she wrapping tape around her tail?

>> No.17309361
Quoted by: >>17309440

>Yes, including maledomfags and patheticfags.
Which wouldn't be hard at all as long as you're not retarded and don't cross the streams, so to speak.

>> No.17309362 [DELETED] 

>NTR vote
The ballot box tells you it's yours and yours alone but in reality it's letting everyone who wants to put their voting slip in it.

Jokes aside, what kind of monster girl would work at a voting booth?

>> No.17309364 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17309390

Tanuki and her two oni friends.

>> No.17309365
Quoted by: >>17309372

How about one that'll make you hang around her throne room in a collar and loincloth?

>> No.17309369

You can also get free ChikFilA if you wear anything with cow print.

>> No.17309370 [DELETED] 

Kikimora who hacks the elections

>> No.17309371

I want to work at her farm!

>> No.17309372
Quoted by: >>17309403

Literally or figuratively hang?

>> No.17309375
File: 73 KB, 841x595, 1479482240565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna work on this farm
would you be okay with her manhandling and roughing you up?

>> No.17309378

Do not feed the Wurms.

>> No.17309384

I'm going to feed her cake every day and you can't stop me!

>> No.17309387
Quoted by: >>17309405

All the girls from that farm are already in love with someone.

But I guess you could fuck her anyway, given what she does.

>> No.17309390

I could see that, the onis would make sure there was no funny business going on assuming they weren't drunk.

>> No.17309398

It's fine, as long as you don't feed them after midnight.

>> No.17309401
File: 438 KB, 917x1920, 15744877654345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting Ruto again
Please, my dick can't take this abuse that I'd dish out on her tits

>> No.17309403
Quoted by: >>17309406

You're there to do things like feed her or massage her, giver her someone to talk to or some entertainment, and so she can show you off to visitors to prove how great she is.

>> No.17309405
Quoted by: >>17309413

Yeah right, I'm not the one getting milked here, she is. I guess we would be doing milking battles constantly.

They could always add more girls.

>> No.17309406

Sure that sounds great.

>> No.17309407

We don't need anymore EMG cow spam.

>> No.17309410
Quoted by: >>17309438

Can you imagine her panting and fighting back the moans as you abuse those tits?

>> No.17309413

>I guess we would be doing milking battles constantly.
my brain showed me images of milking cowgirls while trying to get the milk to shoot out and hit the other girls

>> No.17309415
Quoted by: >>17309438

I want to fuck her brown sister.

>> No.17309417
Quoted by: >>17309438

i still am required by the law of my penis to choose big brown

>> No.17309438

Understandable. But now whenever I think of a Holst I think of that shy, flustered megamilk monstertitter.
Almost as much as I imagine her whimpering and stammering out to p-p-p-please stop as I promptly ignore her and slap them around and suck on them, slurping up her nipple and forcing her arms back, even though she's too timid and pathetic to even try and fight back
Hot damn

>> No.17309440
Quoted by: >>17309513

I mentioned them specifically because those 2 are the worst of the fanbase and as such, there is likely a good chunk that would not want them in the project. Nontheless, they would still be required for a full picture of MGE to be made into anime. And because they cancel each other out, which would prevent them from turning every monster into a Lizardman or Hellhound.

>> No.17309443
Quoted by: >>17309448

More fun than a water balloon fight any day.

>> No.17309448

Milk is gross.

>> No.17309449

I guess I'd join that game as well with my own milk. The farm party would be pretty fun.

>> No.17309451
Quoted by: >>17309463

>t. poor lactose intolerant sap

>> No.17309454 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 500x446, 1499811214920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17309730


>> No.17309463

Milk is fine when used as an ingredient, I just fucking hate drinking it.

>> No.17309504

I want a fairy to give me a blowjob after I pop some manticore venom.

Wanna watch her drink it all.

>> No.17309513

>it's a femdomfag hates maledoms for no reason -episode

>> No.17309522


>> No.17309531
Quoted by: >>17309556

Does someone have to dominate in bed? Don't you just make love to each other? Im only a few levels away from being a wizard, sorry if it's a stupid question

>> No.17309547

An overlord? A Lich King? Thats the kind of shit that can defeat a Dragon.

Here is one way you can use that actually the average anon could do: Just enter to a Zipangu military graveyard or an ancient battlefield and eat an Undead Grey Lamentation Mushroom. There, you got your Ochimusha army harem, problem solved.

>> No.17309555
Quoted by: >>17309566

Hey, I took a jab at both maledom and patheticfags, not just maledomfags.

>> No.17309556
Quoted by: >>17309562

It's a spectrum. Some people like it hard dom/sub, some people are even. The variety of human behavior is not simply encompassed by single generalizations.

>> No.17309562


>> No.17309566
Quoted by: >>17309581

>Hey, I took a jab at both maledom and patheticfags
Aren't those the same thing?

>> No.17309581

Since when? Patheticfags belong to an extreme part of femdom.

>> No.17309594

Femdom vs maledom is absolutely the dumbest fucking argument I have ever seen, especially since it affects literally nothing.

>> No.17309608

I actually like Wisps. They are charming and devoted, and probably game as hard as I do.

>> No.17309610

Never understood what patheticfags are supposed to mean

>> No.17309617
Quoted by: >>17309685

Fairies can't handle that much no matter what they say, it's just that they're all high out of their minds on Kesaran-Pasaran fluff

>> No.17309624
Quoted by: >>17309685

That's one big, sloshy, gurgling wifeballoon.
I hope you give her tummy rubs as her mamano digests it all.

>> No.17309627
Quoted by: >>17309648

It's that slew of anons who are stuck in a downward spiral of self hatred, who always approach new or difficult things by rolling over like a bitch and relying completely on others. Their waifus for instance.

>> No.17309629
Quoted by: >>17309648

It's when an anon can't do anything other than rely on his waifu for everything, some are said to even cry if things don't go their way and waifu would have to fix everything up and comfort him.

>> No.17309634
Quoted by: >>17309645

Wanna hear five things nobody ever needs to hear?

>> No.17309645
File: 252 KB, 791x1045, 1490982021584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it because that's obvious?

>> No.17309648

As someone who started using the term before I had heard anyone else use it, I really just meant it to mean when someone bitched about a monstergirl that required you to have some strength or input or for the people who would like get horrified at the suggestion that some Ochimusha may want you to be a respectable lord
If people prefer to be pampered and submissive that's totally fine, I don't give a shit knock yourself out, its just when they can't separate that some other people like to fantasize being strong or being more capable people and think that somehow 'ruins' a monstergirl species
Its make believe, you don't have to literally cry if some people like imagining their waifus being less powerful than them
That's all

>> No.17309651
Quoted by: >>17309777

I really want this drawing of my favorite girl, best girl, best clingyfu, best ass, best tits, and best juices colored

>> No.17309658

>"Haaa... haaa... h-hubby! You're home!"
>"U-uun... hubby... you look so... good... please... a-are you thirsty? Please... perch... need to perch..."

>> No.17309662

In the end, that's what patheticfags are. Pathetic people who can't imagine themselves doing good things in life.

>> No.17309664

Extreme maledoms and patheticfags are 2 sides of the same coin. I have seen them try to turn every monster girl into a girl with standards or that somehow wants a guy to prove himself, and the other set into a girl that wants to marry and protect weak men. Including the opposites of those fetishes. "I bet there has to be a way to tame a Hellhound." "I bet there has to be a Hinezumi out there that wants a weaker guy she can protect." "Every monster girl like a strong guy that can defeat her." "Every monster girl likes and "aw" at a man weaker than her that wants to be protected by her." and so on and so on.

>> No.17309681

>Extreme maledoms
You had no "extreme" part in your original posts, though. And even your definition for "extreme maledom" is questionable.

>> No.17309685
Quoted by: >>17309700

Oh yes they can!
You just gotta believe!

Would do.
Especially when she drunkenly giggles about it.

>> No.17309686


>> No.17309689
Quoted by: >>17309737

That works the other way around too. Just as there are anons whinning about imagining their waifus weaker than them.

There are also anons who jump and get horrified because an anon has a Salamander bodyguard waifu that doesn't give a shit about his strenght and think it is cute he is so weak. And throw the "patheticfag" insult.

So it goes both ways not only one.

>> No.17309697

>Lich King
>Not Lich Queen
One job

>> No.17309700
Quoted by: >>17309715

Yeah, believe just like when a fairy tells you she can eat an entire cake and then passes out after eating 1/12th of a slice
Fairies don't know moderation

>> No.17309701

I think it'd be cute if a shortstack jub tried to climb up onto your back while you were distracted
>finish making dinner and go looking for her so you can feed each other the way she likes
>can't seem to find her anywhere until you feel her start kissing your neck

>> No.17309715
Quoted by: >>17309857

>A fallen paladin princess that now commands a legion of undead.
>Probably expects some great hero to come and try to slay her.
>Instead gets a jaded, grumpy looking paladin with a twitch in his eye and 39 other people of dubious intent at his back.
>Her speech begins and is cut off by the man telling her how he is sick of speeches, sick of fighting wars, and sick of having to go clean up the worlds messes simply because no one else will.
>He just wants to go back to fishing.
>She's stopping that fishing.
>The Lich queen's imagined battle of good and evil turns out to simply a battle between her, 39 psychos and a paladin that is getting too old for this shit.

I just need to cheer her on!
Ganbate little fairy!
You can beat that cake!

>> No.17309730
File: 21 KB, 1000x700, alice miss concert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17309731

True enough.

>> No.17309736 [DELETED] 

Wanting to give EVERY monster girl picky doesnt sound extreme to you? It sure does to me.

>> No.17309737
Quoted by: >>17309760

>anons whinning about imagining their waifus weaker than them
I've never seen this before.

>> No.17309740
File: 206 KB, 784x600, e8173e4179f9ef9b1251b0701a892575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Lich Queen who's best friend and mount was a Centaur in life
>And a Undead Pegasus in death

>> No.17309745
Quoted by: >>17309778

Wanting to turn EVERY monster girl picky doesnt sound extreme to you? It sure does to me.

>> No.17309747

Delete this trash.

>> No.17309760

I meant anons whinning about other anons imagining they are stronger than their waifus.

>> No.17309761
File: 622 KB, 700x1125, 1437359542621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17309783

Summer treats with friendly Yuki-onna family

>> No.17309776

It's your story. Just write it or fuck off.

>> No.17309777
Quoted by: >>17309780

>best clingyfu
That's not a gargoyle

>> No.17309778
Quoted by: >>17309881

That doesn't sound like what you were saying in your post. Even if an absolute statement like "Every monster girl like a strong guy that can defeat her." was true, that still wouldn't mean it's a necessary quality. And the only times I've seen posts saying something like that, it's been obvious they're doing it to bait someone.

>> No.17309779


>> No.17309780
Quoted by: >>17309784

Someone oughta draw a gargoyle in a tank top and denim shorts.

>> No.17309781

There was a very good pic of a gender bender version of the Lich King, but I can't find it.

>> No.17309783
File: 615 KB, 900x1050, 1461758215847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17309899

Throwing a barbecue with the Hellhound and Heckpups!

>> No.17309784

*Denim short shorts.

>> No.17309828
File: 102 KB, 874x601, 1497395655056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd check myself into a clinic for my mofu addiction if I wasn't so sure the attending nurse would be a kitsune with the softest tails

>> No.17309844

See, its people like you that are causing foxes to grow larger and larger breasts in the hopes of people focusing on their chests instead of their tails.

>> No.17309847
File: 116 KB, 595x727, Crabfarm 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown cow is still best.

>> No.17309855
Quoted by: >>17309861

I will only pay attention to their tails then.

>> No.17309857
Quoted by: >>17309861

better than a guy that comes along to fights against deity level things because hes a murderhobo who lives for battle

>> No.17309859
Quoted by: >>17309861

Like I wouldn't focus on both. In fact, I'd love it if a foxy fox trapped me between her prodigious bosom with her silky tails. I bet once she has me locked in tight, she'll start smushing my head with her tits like she's paizuri-ing my face

>> No.17309860
Quoted by: >>17309865

Her personality ruins her.

>> No.17309861
Quoted by: >>17309863

Anon, this is how those foxes end up bigger than holsts.

Grumpy Paladin is best paladin.

And after he's beat her and put some other fallen paladin on the throne he goes back and fishes for a few months, relaxing in his retirement......until a giant, black metal dragon torches his favorite lake into steam.

Well, at least you won't just be molesting her tail.

>> No.17309863
Quoted by: >>17309874

They're gonna need to have bigger asses if they even want me to think about something other than her tails.

>> No.17309864 [SPOILER] 
File: 179 KB, 1108x530, 1499817580491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17312290

Anyone able to do colour edits? A whole rainbow of variants, so there's a popsicle for everyone. Even rocket flavor.

>> No.17309865

Her personality makes her cuter.

>> No.17309870
Quoted by: >>17309879

It makes her generic. Ruined her body type in doujins.

>> No.17309874
Quoted by: >>17309887

Well that's one way to to get folks to do it.
Become so top heavy and bottom heavy that one can't help but ignore them.

>> No.17309878
Quoted by: >>17309889

Who would be brave enough to put a slime in a freezer? Wouldn't that violate some sort of monstergirl rights?

>> No.17309879

You're generic.

>> No.17309881

By that logic, we can say the same about the "every monster girl likes a weak guy that wants to be protected be her" statement.

>> No.17309882
File: 135 KB, 750x600, 1466884872857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17309895


>Lich Queen getting defeated atop Icecrown Citadel
>It's been a long, cold war
>You'd been fighting it for three years, but you look twenty years older physically
>Gone is the chipper, green horn Paladin
>All that stands there now is a middle-aged appearing man with a good deal of rugged, unshaven facial hair
>Liches, Zombies, Ochimusha and such running rampant down below in the frozen glacier
>Put her back on her throne, the ice encasing her
>It's funny, in a way, she's your greatest love, the source of your vexation
>As she sits upon the frozen throne, her eyes closed and sword shattered, a great beam of light shoots upwards into the Heavens
>A beacon that shines so brightly that the entire northern continent can see it, from the Walrus selkies of the Tundra, to the great Draconic Council of the South
>Even the magi in their floating city can see her light, the spirit of the Lich Queen
>You can hear her whisper into your mind, her voice soft and somber compared to the gravely, echoing timber from before
"When my days are at an end...
You shall be King."

>> No.17309886

The same with a lizardgirl, a dark-teal colour. Or was it a red-orange colour, i forgot

>> No.17309887

Then I will have the perfect fox wife.

>> No.17309889
Quoted by: >>17309892

Salt her up first and that should lower her freezing point a bit.

>> No.17309892

That would be an interesting game. Freeze a slimegirl and lick her back to being slimey.

>> No.17309895
Quoted by: >>17310065


>> No.17309899

That's how you attract a large, uninvited pack of Wendigos to your barbeque

>> No.17309901

Fuck it.

Give me a genki fox with a huge tail, huge tits, and huge muscles.

>> No.17309905

socially awkward cow is best cow

>> No.17309912

She's not even swole she's just skinny.

>> No.17310004

How do you like your cows?

Big and meaty, or big and 'meaty'

>> No.17310011
Quoted by: >>17310014

Normal. Neither thick nor muscle, just a normal cow with D sized titties.

>> No.17310014
Quoted by: >>17310017

>D cup

So you want the flatties of the holst world.

>> No.17310017

She's able to make just the right amount of milk, so yes.

>> No.17310023
File: 891 KB, 960x1280, b1315320ada90091125ceaf7a49267da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17310025

Ah, the mythical landseacow.

>> No.17310027

That cow is for groping and giving sweets.

Also the dick.

Give her the dick.

>> No.17310032
Quoted by: >>17310042


I like cows of all shapes and sizes, all heights and weights, all colors and flavors. I love all cows.

>> No.17310042
Quoted by: >>17310072

Then you deserve a small harem of cows.
An oppai loli cow
A huge, brown muscle cow
A thick, red haired chubby cow with long horns
And a 'regular' cow with the largest chest and nice wide hips.

>> No.17310052

>"Haaa... haaa... h-hubby! You're home!"
I would never hear these words from my jubjub waifu, because I'd never ever leave her. I'd be her perch all day everyday, also because they're not real.

>> No.17310060
File: 519 KB, 1024x1024, 1e5097c47e66ab37cd09beabb89fe535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310071

all of them.

>> No.17310065

If I wanted to be cancerous I'd say that Tachibana-san by Jin is the Sistine Chapel of hentai.

>> No.17310071

You get a harem too!
A small, brown oppai loli one.
A strongfat one with red hair and a large rear.
A regular one with all black hair and fur with a decently sized chest.
And a hugely muscled one with the standard coloration.

>> No.17310072
Quoted by: >>17310079

The only thing that could make me happier is a giant cuddle pile between all of us and our daughters with me at the center, obviously a life living with 4 cow wives will have made my bones indestructible and given me the stamina to play with all of them for days and 'play' with all my wives for days more.

>> No.17310079
Quoted by: >>17310091

Just make sure to love them all properly.
Even the oppai loli who is actually the oldest of the group and miffed that her daughterus are growing taller than her.

>> No.17310091
Quoted by: >>17310093

I'll make sure each and every one of my wives and daughters knows just how much I love them and how special they are to me, I'll make sure they're loved each and every day.

>> No.17310093

good man.
Love the cow.
Love them now.

>> No.17310100
File: 135 KB, 420x600, Minotaurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fit body even for a Minotaur
Then I guess the Minotaurs in this guy's universe arent fit at all.

KC's generic Mino is twice as fit, I bet one that was fit "even by Mino standards" would be a delicious mountain of muscle.

>> No.17310102

I can't stand it.
Thread, I need an anubis. Every anubis. All of the anubi in the world. I need to gather them all up into a single location, and coordinate them into the biggest, fucking fluffiest cuddlepile of delicious brown skin ever to exit.
Then I need to throw myself into that pile and cuddle, molest, stroke, have sex, comfort, scritch, fondle, squeeze, and snuggle every single of those anubi until I die.
Then, at the entrance to the afterlife, I'll meet the original god Anubis, progenitor of the species, ready to weigh my heart. And I'll cuddle, molest, stroke, fuck, comfort, scritch, fondle, squeeze and snuggle her too. Without cease, until the afterlife itself comes to an end.

>> No.17310107

I want to milk a Minotaur.

>> No.17310116

i need them one way or another, all the biggest cows, no shorter than 6'6 up to 10ft, with big heaving milk laden mammaries, with a good mix of delicious golden brown ones. some with nice soft bellies and others with abs so hard you can grate cheese on them

>> No.17310120
Quoted by: >>17310183

It'd be nice to be the guy that gets to paint all the silly patterns on anubis and sphinx stomachs. The stern anubis might be surprisingly ticklish under a paintbrush.

>> No.17310121
Quoted by: >>17310125

The hard ones getting more muscled for you and the soft ones getting softer for you to enjoy?

>> No.17310125
Quoted by: >>17310137

Yes, thats the stuff variety is the spice of life and so forth

>> No.17310127
Quoted by: >>17310183

I didn't know people could die of anubutt overdose.

>> No.17310134

So lets say a child befriends a mompire. Now lets say they start to fall for each other as he grows older. Does she hold herself off by buying fake blood and wait for him to be of age to ask to feed off him or does she just take it when she wants?

>> No.17310137

Those big ones probably try to get buffer to show off to you in competitions while the soft ones practice cooking together so they can give you better meals.
Although they all end up working together on courses anyway so no one girl feels left out if you get full.

>> No.17310143

>vampire /ss/

Shes going to take the blood if she damn well wants to. Shes a vampire, and they're known to just take what they please.

>> No.17310157

She tries to hold off, but she can't be held responsible for what happens after the inevitable paper cut or razor nick.

>> No.17310165

>Implying she didn't speak with his parents years ago
>Implying there isn't an arranged marriage pacted

>> No.17310168
File: 1.21 MB, 2048x2048, 1499716468475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squid or Octopi anon.

No you may not have both.

Or secret box.

>> No.17310173


>> No.17310176

give me the box and no one gets hurt

>> No.17310177
Quoted by: >>17310194

The brown Octopus is the superior choice.

>> No.17310181
File: 1.19 MB, 843x1199, DDU4ro0UAAAMyUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mompire isn't a pussy, she'll take his virginity non-consensually and he'll take hers as a side-effect.

>> No.17310182

I'd rather have Marie.

>> No.17310183

>Find the ticklish anubi
>Give them extra-elaborate designs on their stomachs, like slow little spirals
>Subtly tease them by painting in circles around their navel, letting them squirm and whine, telling them to hold still while you complete this very important ritual
I would take that up as a life career even if it only paid in breadcrusts.

It's the only way I want to go. I want to see if it's possible. Either I snuggle the anubis cuddle pile so hard I ascend to a higher plain of anubis cuddling, or I die trying.

>> No.17310185

Mama a cute.

>> No.17310187

I need a cute yandere ochi momster now

>> No.17310193

Why not have her and the Octopus?

>> No.17310194
File: 2.25 MB, 279x401, 1499354609468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310248

Any squid, any Octopi, but never both.

Or the box.

>> No.17310195
Quoted by: >>17310210

If I had a momster Minamoto, every day would be fucking heaven on Earth.

>> No.17310197
File: 1.18 MB, 700x1000, 1483210447909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310333

Winter Anubi need extra snuggling and ear warming

>> No.17310202
Quoted by: >>17310333

I'm sure that your body would be burried in a Anubis tail coffin, so it's okay.

>> No.17310204
Quoted by: >>17310642

Yandere Shoggoth from outer space?

>> No.17310206

they're basically the same thing though

>> No.17310210
Quoted by: >>17310298

No, you'd be fucking HER on earth.

>> No.17310240
Quoted by: >>17310270

Yes they can. That was one of the species mentioned by KC in the Q&A..

>> No.17310248

The box, THE BOX!

>> No.17310264
File: 180 KB, 377x1256, 1495329360392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310304


>> No.17310270
Quoted by: >>17310279

Source or fuck off. You can't just claim things are in the Q&As when they're not.

>> No.17310279
Quoted by: >>17310283

Really? This translation is only years old.

>Are there any cases of men turning into monstergirls other than Alps, Skeletons or Pharaohs?

>It's possible to Alp into other kinds of the Succubus family, like Dark Priests, Amazoness, Nereids, Kunoichi and such. It should also be possible to turn into a Lich, no.

>> No.17310283

Not him, but I'm pretty damn sure the point of the conversation was about being a Lich and a guy.

>> No.17310295

In that case, no.

Men can become liches but they have to sacrifice their dick.

>> No.17310296

If Steven Lichman can manage it, then it must be within the reach of other men.

>> No.17310298
Quoted by: >>17310329

No, I'd be fucking her INTO the earth.

>> No.17310304

Callie is trash.

>> No.17310315
File: 765 KB, 768x900, 4 armpits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310325

>> No.17310318
File: 320 KB, 800x670, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be King.
>Dragon messing with trade routes
>Heard its apparently one of those "Monster girl" things.
>Hire a knight to slay it.
>Pretty sure he wasn't completely listening.
>Don't hear about him for a while.
>Presume he's dead.
>A few years later get a letter.
>Check who sent it.
>It's from the knight.
>letter says something along the lines of "This was the weirdest contract I ever took, but I ain't complaining."
>also has a picture.
>The knight, the Dragon and what looks like a baby dragon as well.
>fucker thought I said "Lay the Dragon"

>> No.17310325


>> No.17310329
Quoted by: >>17310353

Just be careful.
She won't be letting you pull out.
And she won't be letting you stop till she's pregnant.
Dat oni blood man.

>> No.17310333

Which is why you wear an especially big coat during winter. You can open it up, wrap one or two anubis up in it, pull them against your chest, and keep them huddled up like that. Princess carrying them literally everywhere from the moment you step out the door to keep their cute little paws out of the snow is good too.

Is that where a bunch of anubi sit around you, cover your body with their tails, and make a huge mofu ball around you? Then the mofu ball glows from inside, and when they part tails, there's no body left?

>> No.17310340 [DELETED] 

Reminder that she and both loli onis cuck you with kintoki. Most of fgo grills (and guys, I guess) have canon lovers and cuck you
It's truly a thinking man's game

>> No.17310342 [DELETED] 

Oh I don't know/care/want to know/want to care about the actual story of the abomination that is fate, I just like some of the character designs
That whole series is trash lul

>> No.17310348 [DELETED] 

>Playing f/go for the waifus

I just want to go on a bro quest with Cu, Waver, and Herc that lasts forever.

>> No.17310351 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17310361

Fuck off already cuckposter.

>> No.17310353

Why else would you fuck a momster other than for the purpose of breeding through vigorous mating pressing?

>> No.17310360
Quoted by: >>17310390

I don't know but this MAMA is clingy.
Very clingy.

>> No.17310361 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17310385

Go back to your shed.

>> No.17310363

For the intimacy and companionship? To mutually fulfill each other, while strengthening emotional bonds?

>> No.17310373


>Couple years on
>Dragon-knight breeding program in full swing
>By far the best mistake you've ever made
>Literally no other nation's army can match yours
>By god you might finally be able to conquer those damn norsemen
>If only your knights weren't so tired in the morning from their "long nights"
>To be honest the bruises and scratches intimidate you a little
>Not to mention the noise, damn horny dragons could wake the dead
>Thankfully this is fate is not your family's to share
>You already being married and your firstborn son promised to one of the demon lord's daughters to keep further corruption out
>Wake one morning to find the queen staring at your from the foot of the bed; wet from the shower sans towel.
>She's begun to grow scales and is giving you a strange look
>Worry intensely

>> No.17310381
File: 291 KB, 693x1100, 1497632157233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no pink haired kobold

>Pluck the Scaredy-Cat Kobold, starring Pluck the Scaredy-Cat Kobold
>abandoned as a pup, she was found by Anon, who lives in the middle of Nowhere with his childhood friend Paladin-chan
>but creepy stuff happens in Nowhere
>it's up to Pluck to save her new home
>"Stupid Kobold. You make me look bad.

The things she'd do for love...

>> No.17310385 [DELETED] 

t. cuckold

>> No.17310390
File: 371 KB, 1000x1412, 1494296535434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310414

You say that like it's a bad thing. I'd let her be embarrassingly clingy if it meant getting to pound that hot milf body

>> No.17310404
Quoted by: >>17310433

Thats what the Holstaurus is for, all Minotaurs must be hard as a rock.

>> No.17310406
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus

>> No.17310414

Well, just get ready for when you wake up to her holding a positive pregnancy test.

>> No.17310424

Man, having a doting dragon wife like that would be amazing.

>> No.17310429
File: 2.72 MB, 2878x2248, lewdkenjouro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That one episode with the Kejourou barber though....

Hello dear friend, my name is Blair.
Oh please don't cry, do not despair.
The threads that bind us are just my hair.
If you struggle like that, your clothes might tear.
And that could get very....


I can hear the music to this day.

>> No.17310431

Just fucking stop.

>> No.17310433
File: 557 KB, 886x1500, 3ecd1e58b091572a56640bdcb6f477d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please

>> No.17310439

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that even Lich's can shitpost with the best of them.....Although one can only wish you well should you decide to take her on IRL.

After all, she's behind 7000 skeletons.
Good luck.

>> No.17310444
File: 650 KB, 1424x842, 7000 Skeletons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310466

Only a few more months until necrololis.
Get hype.

>> No.17310453
Quoted by: >>17310466

I'd just kindly ask the skeletons if I could meet the Lich.

>> No.17310454

>Paladin-chan steals the local pharaoh's favorite dildo
>"Return the rod, or suffer my curse."
>"What's your offer?!"
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGiRRTi_hJk

>> No.17310466
Quoted by: >>17310471

They may let that happen, if only because they want to see what happens.

Necro lolis a cute.

>> No.17310471
Quoted by: >>17310484

I don't know if a Lich could handle several thousand of her skeleton minions watch her being tenderly loved.

>> No.17310484

>That chorus of Jiiiiis

Truly terrifying.

>> No.17310486

Like cicadas in summer

>> No.17310490
Quoted by: >>17310495

I'd be pretty spooked, but that's what happens what a Lich doesn't have her own bedroom.

>> No.17310495

what happens when*

>> No.17310499
File: 764 KB, 1042x1500, 169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a noisy elf loli in hotpants.

>> No.17310501
File: 976 KB, 777x1087, 20170711_222017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310506

Nothing but a 10ft mountain of muscle who will rape me all day.

>> No.17310506

oh my yes

>> No.17310509
File: 316 KB, 1000x700, SoldierBeetle_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bugs are taking jobs away from hard working White Horns!

>> No.17310512

Those bugs are cuter.

>> No.17310513

That just looks like a womanlet, not a loli.

>> No.17310515

Any girl taller than 8' is giantess shit.

>> No.17310522


>> No.17310527

Any anon as salty as you is a faggot.

>> No.17310544

Someone has to go to the underground realms.

>> No.17310549
File: 334 KB, 900x1271, 63436907_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310566

>> No.17310566

Gonna sexually harass that Oni.

>> No.17310574
File: 303 KB, 872x1236, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be wrapped in fluff

>> No.17310581
File: 67 KB, 508x546, 21ccc273dac77dba66419b7294065bf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310589


>> No.17310589
Quoted by: >>17310619

Tamamo is too good for MGQ.

>> No.17310600

I know this is a Courage reference, but your post made me remember a Neil Gaiman short story.

It was about a couple who live out in a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, where people from the city seem to dump unwanted cats. The couple takes in these cats and cares for them. There's this particular one they just call the Black Cat, looking too old and well-fed to be a stray, who comes and goes.
The narrator leaves for a few weeks to finish a book, and returns to find the Black Cat on the porch, thin and ragged, with scars and a chunk missing from its ear. While he wonders what sort of animal the Black Cat is fighting every night, the injuries get worse. One day, he decides to keep the cat inside the house, long enough to recover. During the week that the cat stays inside the house, mewling to be let back outside, bad things happen. The narrator is barraged by bad personal news, misfortune befalls his children, and his wife even gets into a car accident.

When he lets the Black Cat back out, it takes up its usual resting spot on the porch, looking out at the fields and trees. Over the coming days, the streak of bad luck seems to end. Personal woes are resolved, misfortunes resolved, the wife recovered. But the Black Cat only appears each morning with new gashes and wounds. So, armed with a pair of night-vision goggles, the narrator decides to see just what sort of animal the Black Cat is tussling with every night. He sits inside the house, at a window, viewing the world through the goggles. Hours pass into the night, and he's fighting the urge to sleep, when he hears something outside.
Looking through the goggles, he sees movement in the distance. Something massive and horrific, out of a nightmare, making its way down the driveway, towards the house. It's the Devil, and it sees him back.
The Black Cat approaches it before it gets near the house, and the two fight. Screeching and snarling, in a whirl of claws and teeth, tearing flesh from each other. A flash of light from the headlights of a truck startles the two, and the Devil flies away into the night.

The narrator exits the house, picks up the bloodied Black Cat, and cares for it on the porch until the sun rises, and it sleeps.
The Devil keeps coming, every few nights, and the Black Cat fends it off. Every following morning brings new scars, and leave the Black Cat a little weaker, less full of life.
As the story ends, the narrator wonders what they did to deserve the Black Cat's protection. Where it came from. And, perhaps selfishly, how long it'll be able to keep fighting for them.

What I'm saying is that I really like the idea of a kobold protecting her husband from supernatural threats. Driven by love and loyalty, no matter how terrified she is, or how awful the creature that threatens the life of her husband, she'll guard him. Night after night, whatever it takes.

>> No.17310607
File: 628 KB, 845x480, __original_drawn_by_mazume__sample-8041a6a4ce874a4d24c595aa51de297e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310622


>> No.17310610

That's because Noise doesn't draw lolis.

>> No.17310619
File: 306 KB, 600x600, 60810ceb3ca418528458f660d8244eb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true.

>> No.17310620
File: 605 KB, 2000x2824, DBBcNLlUQAA48WV.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to bug the fug.

>> No.17310622
File: 2.80 MB, 960x720, aishaboobboobs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17310628

Bug the fug off.

>> No.17310634
File: 301 KB, 1000x1412, C88qhvWU0AA-VwP.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310647

On the bug, hug.

>> No.17310635

Frig off, Randy.

>> No.17310639

I think I'm sexualising her bug joints.

>> No.17310642

Isn't that sort of all Shogs though?

>> No.17310644
Quoted by: >>17310653

What is this from? I'm assuming it's not translated yet.

>> No.17310647
Quoted by: >>17310673

Would hug that mof.

>> No.17310650

Super strong Space Cats!


>> No.17310653

Made in Abyss. It's about cute lolis going into cute holes.

>> No.17310660
Quoted by: >>17310669

Not all shogs are as obsessive as Venom, anon.

>> No.17310669
Quoted by: >>17310685

Maybe not that bad yeah, but they do seem to be yandere-lite at the least.

>> No.17310673
Quoted by: >>17310677

Avoid the mof. Just trust me on this.

>> No.17310675

They were created on earth, so not particularly. They're more like your big sisters.

>> No.17310677
Quoted by: >>17310704

But she looks so small and cute and prim and proper and I just want to molest her all over.

>> No.17310685
Quoted by: >>17310692

But that's not as fun as a Shoggoth that will do anything to be with you no matter how many times you reject her.

>> No.17310692

What happens if you tell a shog she has a day off?

>> No.17310695

Silly mastah.

>> No.17310698
Quoted by: >>17310734

>Instead of cleaning she clings to your side 24/7

>> No.17310699

Lewd maus

>> No.17310700
File: 79 KB, 857x1200, DEdwv4HUAAAg0r3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310721

Small elf in a one piece swimsuit

Non-loli short girls are cute, especially when you pick her up, overpower her and use her tiny body as your private onahole
It shows them how weak and vulnerable they are

>> No.17310704
Quoted by: >>17310716

That's a bad idea, trust me.

>> No.17310716
Quoted by: >>17310729

I won't. I'm gonna hug her and kiss her and make her my lolibride.

>> No.17310720

If you knew the portals would open overnight, would you bother locking your doors?

>> No.17310721
Quoted by: >>17310737

Do you want your woman to feel vulnerable? What kind of jerk are you?

>> No.17310724

Locks can't stop them anyway.

>> No.17310728
File: 2.62 MB, 1400x2100, when is this happening, it better be tonight or im gonna cry myself to sleep again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310733

might leave it ajar

>> No.17310729

She's not even a loli.

>> No.17310733

We need more images like this

>> No.17310734
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x1455, 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell Shoggoth she has the day off for being so loyal and hard working, she can do whatever she wants except kill/absorb people, that rule stays
>Unlike the Kikimora from earlier, the Shog understands and graciously accepts
>The remainder of the day the Shog follows literally inches behind her mastah, smiling the whole time
>Not commenting, not touching him at all, just simply smiling and observing him from mere inches away, even as he walks about
>Hovers centimeters over him when he lays down to bed, eyes unblinking, smile wider than ever, dominating his entire field of vision before he doses off
>She does this the entire night and his sleep is troubled because of it
>When he does wake up the next morning, she's back in the kitchen, making breakfast, back to work as usual
>Asks her if she got her necessary respite
>To his shock, she turns with a peppy, genki stance, bizarrely acting like a normal happy go lucky girl, giving a quick 'Yes mastah!' before winking and bouncing back around to fixing breakfast
Good Shoggoth.

>> No.17310735
Quoted by: >>17310738

I don't have AC so I sleep with my window open. Gonna get a batgirl infestation on the first night.

>> No.17310737

Only women over 6" get to feel safe
It's natural to remind any short monster girl that her size makes her lower than you on the rape chain

>> No.17310738

That or those little mosquito bitches.

>> No.17310744
File: 96 KB, 912x720, 1484589286435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shogs are just too cute. There's nothing better than waking in the night to a cute Abomination's cute face filling your entire existence.

>> No.17310761

Perfect. I like my Shogs incomprehensible. She just has too much love.

>> No.17310767

What piece of technology would monster girls have trouble with? I want to design smart devices made for monster girls.
>Touchscreens compatible with big, meaty paws, claws, feathers, undead stumps and everything else
>Smartphone the size of a small tv for giantess
>fluffy ear compatible hands free devices

>> No.17310784

Some girls would need big controllers for video games except of course for the original xbox

>> No.17310785
File: 182 KB, 984x834, 1484230055151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17310793


>> No.17310787
Quoted by: >>17310810

VR headsets for basilisks.
Somehow, any character she looks at in the headset goes beyond the bounds of the game code and starts masturbating.

>> No.17310788
Quoted by: >>17310915

A shoggoth ought to give their master a handcrafted sleeping mask, so he doesn't happen to wake during the night and see something he shouldn't.

>> No.17310790

Sex toys, ironically enough.

>> No.17310793

Forget Gorilla glass. We need glass that won't get damaged by dragons.

>> No.17310794
File: 356 KB, 1218x1540, 1467133231273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad faggot

>> No.17310798

she was the first 2d girl i ever jerked to

>> No.17310802

Glass made by dragonfire should do the trick.

>> No.17310804
Quoted by: >>17310820

well, technically you could use sapphire crystal like in watches, but scaling them to that size makes them a quite a bit more expensive, also probability of lattice defects increases with volume, so they could cleave on that plane due to stresses.

>> No.17310809

Would Dragons employed in the manufacture get all hot and bothered about all those boys fingering their glass?

>> No.17310810
Quoted by: >>17310812

>Camera mounted outside of headset lets her see the world without having her gaze leak
>the man she was interested turns out to have a face for radio
>doesn't matter, he has a homely charm to him anyway

What kind of processor does she have on that phone? Snapdragon?

>> No.17310812

I read that as "a radio for a face" and I was really confused

>> No.17310813
Quoted by: >>17310831


i regret nothing

>> No.17310820

Thankfully, waterproofing is becoming standard and should allow the slimes access. Imagine having a gaming system or a mining rig with a Yukki Onna.

>> No.17310823

What a pleb. I dabbed my turgid dick on 2d girls before I even realized you can jerk it.

>> No.17310826
File: 64 KB, 182x192, 1458933053484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17310831

I only regret that she never grabs jim for some /ss/

>> No.17310833
Quoted by: >>17310851

I thought you were dead. I wish I was right.

>> No.17310851

Always thought that became a meme-word with several copycats

Like cunny

>> No.17310854

When should a monster girl with a childhood friend finally claim him and lose her virginity? Before high school, during high school, during college, or after college?
>pls note childhood friend, not daughteru d******

>> No.17310856

I'm just gonna say it:
Manticore fluff is better than Kitsune fluff.

>> No.17310861

A rare type of mofu to be sure.

>> No.17310881
File: 971 KB, 800x1131, 1407787604657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oni fluff is the best fluff.
Because my waifu is an Oni.

>> No.17310887

I'm sorry but all I can imagine now is QSDF's waifu as a supernatural monster hunter.

>> No.17310897
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x1000, 1491156133000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17311086

I want a cute yancat to defend me from the rapists every night.

>> No.17310905

She can fight the supernatural and fantastical, but it's all just an escape from her horrifying reality of sexual abuse at the hands of her father.
He's the one monster she can't fight.

>> No.17310915
Quoted by: >>17310925

What sort of things?

>> No.17310920
File: 607 KB, 827x1012, 63127552_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are entitled to your opinion, as ill-founded as it may be.

>> No.17310921
Quoted by: >>17310942

I said his waifu, man. He's always on about how they beg for that stuff too.

>> No.17310925

Her transforming into unspeakable, terrifying forms. Forms like a loli with breasts the size of a grown woman's entire torso, or a CC with hips that press on both walls at once

>> No.17310928
Quoted by: >>17310948

Worse than NTR posters

>> No.17310942

I could see her getting into a career like that anon, if the circumstances were right of course. All I could hope for is that she wouldn't get caught in the middle a whole long conflict between heaven and hell.

See >>17310921, they genuinely like and enjoy that sort of thing. There's no way I'd want my daughteru to be doing something as dangerous as actual monster hunting though, not as a young girl for sure.

>> No.17310947

What are monster afraid of hiding under their beds or in their closets?

>> No.17310948
Quoted by: >>17310970

You act like you wouldn't enjoy being cuddled by a big manticore while you get a face full of mane and plenty of chuffing ASMR.

>> No.17310950
Quoted by: >>17310956

Those gross creepy human girls of course!

>> No.17310955
File: 97 KB, 800x600, ev608_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiders are very intimate.

>> No.17310956

There's a dangerous Paladin-chan in the closet!
She's going to rape your daughteru's childhood friend!

>> No.17310957

Regular monsterous monsters would actually exist alongside monsterigrls in my headcanon, so those. Even if they didn't, they'd still be in fiction and stuff, so still those.

>> No.17310964

>daughteru asks you if you'll check her closet for Paladin-chans who want to lock her in chastity and/or smite her
What do?

>> No.17310968

Tell her that I've got a special Paladin-chan-dar that will alert me to their presence and I'll subdue her so my daughteru can use her as her plaything.

>> No.17310970
Quoted by: >>17311006

Not really.

>> No.17310974

ayyliums of course.

>> No.17310987

The closet can't scare you if you just remove the closet doors!

>> No.17310996

My daughteru might ask me to put her in chastity before she goes to bed as she's really in to that, when it's me or my waifu doing it to her of course. About the smiting though, I'd tell her that no Paladin-chans will be able to get her when she sleeps between me and Mama.

>> No.17310998


>tom cruise

>> No.17311002

The night man.

>> No.17311005
File: 572 KB, 908x1500, 90f83e52c436c89a625ae1876f01bf98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17311064

I want to defeat a Paladin-chan and make her into my maid, and then sexually harass her in all sorts of ways.

>> No.17311006
Quoted by: >>17311028

Well clearly we have very different tastes.

>> No.17311028

I mean, of the three major features mentioned (Manticores, mofu, ASMR) only mofu was appealing.
And I can get a lot more of that from pretty much any other fluffy girl.

>> No.17311030
File: 113 KB, 903x528, partystarted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17311064


I want to expose her to large amounts of raw demonic energy and see what type of monster she'll turn into.

>> No.17311070

That's how you get an Apophis-ex-paladin who is very confused and very, very horny

>> No.17311071

I hope you enjoy your kitsunes and moth girls then anon. Just remember to check the foxes for sharp teeth and long tongues, don't want a liver nibbler.

>> No.17311075

I'd rather expose her to low doses repeatedly, fir example by always jizzing on the floor when I masturbate to her and forcing her to lick it up.

>> No.17311079
File: 877 KB, 1000x1000, 57647066_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I check.
It'd be just foolish otherwise.

>> No.17311086
Quoted by: >>17311090

That pic is a yuricat though.

>> No.17311090
Quoted by: >>17311095

It's my fantasy, she can be yan for me instead of those slutty birds.

>> No.17311093

Whichever one is more closely related to cuttlefish

>> No.17311095
Quoted by: >>17311099

Who's going to protect you from the yancat though?

>> No.17311099

I'll pay her for her services with my dick.

>> No.17311103


>> No.17311106
File: 1.06 MB, 2000x2500, 1423256386648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But sharp teeth and long tongues are my fetish.

>> No.17311118
File: 259 KB, 1017x547, 1478850618731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sure are nice, aren't they?

>> No.17311128

I want a long tong to caress my dick while sharp teeth torture the head.

>> No.17311130

I want to deep kiss a girl with a long tongue like that.

>> No.17311131
File: 696 KB, 1251x1493, 1455851056753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect for love bites!

>> No.17311139
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x1844, 1497136809437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many possibilities

>> No.17311140
File: 41 KB, 540x540, 1499798974833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17311143

Beautiful bloody Vampies!

>> No.17311142
File: 406 KB, 767x1500, MGE-Ice-Queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scribbled MGE's Ice Queen in casual clothing

>> No.17311143
File: 193 KB, 1690x2000, __drawn_by_electricblue__e97ed523b9889ec1fd87bb75fdd3f756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's wrong, my love? Something on my face?

>> No.17311144

Glacie's mom has got it going on, as usual.

>> No.17311146

Cold shoulder
Hot butt

>> No.17311242
File: 3.79 MB, 2480x3507, Critterpunk-Reri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17311250

Cute Manticores!

>> No.17311250

Cute! Would kneel respectfully before her.

>> No.17311258
File: 412 KB, 1280x768, gm_gtav_mp_apa_060000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17311344


>> No.17311354
File: 154 KB, 1311x799, 1456865465465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will that mofu be here, or to go, sir?

>> No.17311373
Quoted by: >>17311379

I'll take 3 orders of mofu to go please.

>> No.17311378

Iunno, do you have any black mofu?

>> No.17311379
File: 228 KB, 1200x855, DEYdfGnU0AAuMuW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17311384

I'll take a diet mofu please. Extra crispy.

>> No.17311389
Quoted by: >>17311394

>Diet mofu

Trying to cut back a bit huh?

>> No.17311394
Quoted by: >>17311409

Diet mofu is for little boys and effeminate men
Real men take their mofu extra thick

>> No.17311396

Y'all got any Yaos?

>> No.17311404
File: 586 KB, 850x734, 1438754354365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17311413

Black, no sugar.

>> No.17311409
Quoted by: >>17311419

Am I going to get my mofu or not?

>> No.17311410
File: 216 KB, 884x893, 60113080_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17311433

To go please. Give me the biggest awoo you got.

>> No.17311413

I'd marry that yakuza lieutenant

>> No.17311414
File: 299 KB, 850x1202, sample-e89d9585041b1c20706cae47777123ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody knows that diet mofu is just as bad as non-diet!

>> No.17311418

The latter obviously. And under the tender guide of her gentle tongue, hips, thighs breasts fangs, pussy and lips he'll become a man

>> No.17311419
File: 637 KB, 1280x1109, 1480250725076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extra thick, order up!

>> No.17311426
Quoted by: >>17311441

What non-sexual things would your waifu try to get better at for you? Cooking? Messaging? Dancing?

>> No.17311433

>Going to a mofu restaurant for an order of awoo
Try going to the nearest steak house instead

Isn't that the secret menu item "mofu mountain"?
It is rumored that if one was to finish it he would be able to seduce any fox of his choosing

>> No.17311438

This isn't the mofu I ordered. I clearly asked for a brown fox loli.

>> No.17311441
File: 780 KB, 1280x1268, 1432231526048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking for sure, not so much so she could cook for me but so she could teach me how to.

I've always wanted to get good at cooking but I've been lazy about it, now watching Isekai Shokudou is making me feel that urge again and being the cute Anubis she is, she wouldn't want my potential to go to waste.

>> No.17311465


>> No.17311476

Can I get one with extra fires please?

>> No.17311479
Quoted by: >>17311534

I go to the mofu restaurant to ask for scales.

>> No.17311500

Is it wrong that I want to put something in the drinks of my vampire mistress to make her bukanyuu tier?

>> No.17311504
Quoted by: >>17311515


>> No.17311515
Quoted by: >>17311559

Well too bad!
Going to put it in her drinks and the drinks of her ghoul maids!

>> No.17311533

Give me winter mofu for delivery, and send the White Horn delivery girl

>> No.17311534

This is how you get angry foxes to throw you out while calling you a pervert

>She picks up the drink and brings it to her lips
>Stops right before drinking it
>"You've put something in there didn't you?"
>Proceeds to down it while staring you dead in the eyes
I hope you're ready for the consequences.

>> No.17311539
Quoted by: >>17311593

Oh, I am.

I used the extra strength stuff that I got with my minuscule wages.

After all, she wouldn't expect any less now would she?

>> No.17311559

If you don't mind her not being able to walk and not having sex as punishment, sure.

They can't throw me out! I'll as for nice and delicious black dragon scales to eat out there.

>> No.17311567
File: 180 KB, 665x737, furamie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a Flemish?

>> No.17311589

I really liked her so yes, even if I probably would end up dead.

>> No.17311593

Does increased breast size means increased blood consumption?
You might be threading dangerous grounds

No, she's a disgusting half-breed

>> No.17311597

Meant for >>17311567

>> No.17311629
Quoted by: >>17311685

That's fine.
I can use in on the ghouls and try to tease her back till the punishment is over

>> No.17311650

If it does then there's nothing a little magic/alchemy can't fix

>> No.17311669
Quoted by: >>17311828

>Getting brainwashed into loving the person who had themselves been brainwashed into killing your family and everyone you knew and cared about
Adlet and Fremy had hard lives.

>> No.17311685
Quoted by: >>17311701

That's how you get so much blood sucked out of you that you are knocked out.

>> No.17311701
Quoted by: >>17311710

Well, the mistress better be careful, all that blood but no exercise can lead to it settling in bad places.

Not to mention the ghouls will have me at their mercy should she ask them to take me to my quarters

>> No.17311710
Quoted by: >>17311750

She is already done for with those abominations that are hanging from her chest. Might as well finish the job.

Since you made her grow like that, as a punishment she would also do the reverse to you and let the ghouls have their fun.

>> No.17311750
Quoted by: >>17311760

Well, I guess.
.....although I just realized something.

Because she's stuck there, she can't exactly stop me from 'playing' with her and teasing her right?

I may even let the ghouls watch me tease her while denying her relief.

Also going to find a way to make two ghouls get hugely muscled so that they can carry the wife around when we go out

>> No.17311760
Quoted by: >>17311774

You would need to get close to her to play, that's when she bites and drugs you. Plus the ghouls are her servants, she'd give them an order to hold and tease you right there.

>> No.17311768
File: 230 KB, 900x1200, DEX-FWMUMAA_ANJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many anons dislike harpies?
Harpies make you happy!

>> No.17311774
Quoted by: >>17311800

And if I bribe the ghouls with fresh steak and a movie night while she's using her chest as a support?

I'm certain they may want to see their mistress on the receiving end for once

>> No.17311778
Quoted by: >>17311833

I don't mind them, there's just a lot of competition to talk about

>> No.17311800
Quoted by: >>17311816

You can give them fresh steak and a movie, the mistress can give them the same thing plus letting them have their fun with your body after she paid you back for increasing her size.

>> No.17311807


>> No.17311816
Quoted by: >>17311835

And if I match that offer and throw in cuddling and a shot at having a kid, seeing as my mistress doesn't mind it being a harem apparently?

>> No.17311827

But I love jubjubs and black harpies.

>> No.17311828
File: 35 KB, 500x541, 07167b2cd672a9200c6314f62afeade70f8b65463e4ad3806e12a9ac45f683a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Volume 7 when?

>> No.17311833

Isn't there a single area where harpies shine over the competition?
They have fluff from feathers, nice wings, cute talons, mating seasons, colorful personalities, etc... There has to be at least one thing that makes them stand out

Remember to fertilize their eggs.

>> No.17311835
Quoted by: >>17311852

They are already getting that and whatever they want to do with you. You made the ghouls into titty monsters and two of them are hyper muscled, they are going to be using drugs to hell and back, making sure to violate every single bit of your body before sending you back to the mistress.

>> No.17311852
Quoted by: >>17311870

Well, that's good too.
A bunch of big, tough, muscled ghouls and a super busty and, inevitably, super soft vampire mistress is nice.

Gonna save up to buy some corruption fruit, manticore venom, holst milk, mothman dust, and a raging mushroom to give the entire mansion a night of fun.

Or explode my heart, one of the two.

Gonna go till they're all pregnant

>> No.17311858
File: 202 KB, 900x1278, CrowTengu9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17312031

I want to call the shy Crow Tengu that works at the library 'cute', then ask her what her favourite book is!

>> No.17311859
Quoted by: >>17311909

They're all excellent singers who may make custom songs to romance you

>> No.17311860
File: 494 KB, 1115x1200, 1494591407091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17311900

>Remember to fertilize their eggs.
I'd love to, black harpies are lovely girls and deserve more attention.

>> No.17311870
Quoted by: >>17311907

It's not like you have a choice and due to your mistress' punishment you would be stuck there for more than a month, having sex at every single second. Just hope that someone will bring a flayer to fix your mindbreak. Those ladies really wouldn't want an ahegaoing vegetable as a husband.

>> No.17311888
Quoted by: >>17311955

My man. They are favorites as well.

>> No.17311891
Quoted by: >>17311909

Flight without being a stuck-up bitch or mere female lizard

>> No.17311900

>sex crazed
>strong family values
>red eyes compliment black hair and feathers
Literally the best harpy design out there.

>> No.17311907
Quoted by: >>17311921

>Implying I'm not a big enough pervert to be looking forward to the month long orgy and all the cute daughters I'll get from it.

No flaying needed.
If anytging, they may be a little frightened about me wanting to keep going after that month.

Gonna pump them all full!

Gonna play with cute ghoul daughterus and a cute vampire daughteru who is curious as to why momma has to such a large chest and is so soft

>> No.17311909
Quoted by: >>17311940

Nice one
Being woken up by harpies singing must be the best way to start the day

A harpy would be more than happy to carry you while she flies around, a dragon would refuse and go on about how shameful it would be to do so

>> No.17311921
Quoted by: >>17311940

I doubt they would be frightened because of how many drugs they pumped into you. Your blood got pretty much sucked out of your body and substituted by manticore venon. You'd be a small sex machine instead of a person and that's where the healing comes in.

>> No.17311940
Quoted by: >>17311957

I dunno, it's nice waking up to the wife but waking up to a harpy aiming Wrecking Ball may not be as fun.


Anon, I'm going to be willingly doing that stuff.

I've made my bed and now it's up to me to make sure that every girl in that mansion is pregnant and satisfied.

Even of my body aches, even if my veins are nearly empty, and even if my heart threatens to stop, I'm making sure those ghouls and that boobpire are sporting wombs filled to bursting, full stomachs, and letting out content sighs!

>> No.17311955
Quoted by: >>17312079

Good man.
>dominant and ferocious outside of mating season
>during mating season they're deredere and lose their composure
It's the best of both worlds.

>> No.17311957
Quoted by: >>17312011

If you think you'll be comfy on your bed you are absolutely wrong. Remember that this is supposed to be a punishment, so you'd be locked in the basement and chained to something like a surgical bed with the girls using you to get some relief whenever they need.

How many ghouls are we even talking about anyway?

>> No.17312011
Quoted by: >>17312065

Probably seven ghouls.

And that would be fun too, although I do wonder if the mistress is going to come down herself or if she's gonna wait.

Also, can I get an hour to work out every other day?

They probably don't want me to lose my muscles

>> No.17312031

Looking kinda yan there. Just the way I like it.

>> No.17312052

What kind of a kisser is your waifu? Would there be any little things she'd do that really get you?

>> No.17312065
Quoted by: >>17312083

Oh, there aren't that many then. And nope, the only thing you would be getting is drugs and rape. You should be alive by the end of it but whatever happens to your body would be considered part of the punishment.

>> No.17312079
Quoted by: >>17312170

Black Harpies are the best protective waifus
They might initiate the relationship by swooping down on you and raping you, but anything after that will be nothing other than pure love and healthy family building

>> No.17312083
Quoted by: >>17312097

Ok then.

Could always be worse.

Gonna save that concoction till after I get out then so I get a little 'workout after the imprisonment.

That super busty, super soft vampire will ge getting it last though

>> No.17312097
Quoted by: >>17312106

She would've gotten a lot from when you were locked up so it's not like she would mind.

>> No.17312098

Mindflayers would always flay you during a kiss and stick their tongue deep inside your mouth
Shoggoths would be the same but without the flaying

>> No.17312102

>What kind of a kisser is your waifu?
An addicted kissu slut one

>> No.17312106
Quoted by: >>17312122


Well I hope she doesn't mind me doing doggy style so I can see how her rears been doing in the month I've been 'gone'

>> No.17312109
Quoted by: >>17312126

>What kind of a kisser is your waifu

>> No.17312111
Quoted by: >>17312133

I don't think my waifu would be the top best kissser, but she'd definitely be the best as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure she'd get distracted and excited quite easily when we're kissing, and she'd also likely use a lot of tongue. She wouldn't just stick to my mouth either in some more passionate situations, she'd get a little frantic and occasionally break from the kiss to lick other places on my face too.

>> No.17312117
File: 437 KB, 640x480, 1499826547212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the consensus on taurs?

>> No.17312122
Quoted by: >>17312129

Nah, she won't mind at all and she even burned a few calories by fucking you all day while you were locked. She has more stamina then ever.

>> No.17312123

They're the "I want to fuck an animal, but need tits and a pretty face to justify it" of the monstergirl world.

>> No.17312126

That's p top tier. The only thing I can imagine that's better would be getting swarmed by mgs that love to give you dozens of kisses all over. Like devil bugs or a rat pack.

>> No.17312129
Quoted by: >>17312173

Then I guess it's time for her to start feasting again, can't have her starve

>> No.17312130

Some of them are good girls, but would be better bipedal.

>> No.17312133
Quoted by: >>17312141

What kind of girl would kiss like that?

>> No.17312134
Quoted by: >>17312221

I'm fine with them. That one is cute but the nose ruins it.

>> No.17312135
Quoted by: >>17312221

Centaurs are gross, because horses are just inherently disgusting creatures.
Sphinxs and cataurs are pretty alright.
Due to personal bias, I love the idea of canine tauric MGs. Those would be fun as fuck.
Four-legged griffin girls can look pretty fantastic too, come to think of it.

>> No.17312138
Quoted by: >>17312164

Anything beyond a centaur is degenerate.

>> No.17312141

My Kobold waifu!

>> No.17312163
File: 709 KB, 713x1000, Dragon-Knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember guys, it might be tempting to spend all the time at school dicking the monster students. But if you do, you will end up as a Minotaur muscle slut or a generic Dragon treasure. Only good boys that finish their magic course, get to storm Dragonia as an evil wizard that will be stopped and be claimed by a Dragon warrior among Dagon warrior with abs of steel.

>> No.17312164

Centaur are degenerate too. It's just that they're a huge staple of mythological creatures.

>> No.17312165

That's a furry you faggot.

>> No.17312169
Quoted by: >>17312213

Friendly reminder that it's okay to dick the daughteru. Incest is great!

>> No.17312170

>Black Harpies are the best protective waifus
They're up there for sure, it's hard to pick a best protective girl because they're all so great

>> No.17312173
Quoted by: >>17312188

You can always slip some more potions to her, but the punishments would be getting more and more severe, and I don't mean that in the monster girl way.

>> No.17312188
Quoted by: >>17312292

And what if I offer the ghouls some potions, be it for more muscle or bigger busts?

>> No.17312202
File: 148 KB, 307x257, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a disappointment to anyone and everyone don't look.

Also hi.

>> No.17312207
Quoted by: >>17312225

What is your favorite hairstyle, Melon?

>> No.17312208
Quoted by: >>17312221

The average -taur is much worst than the average monster girls
The best -taur designs can be pretty good

>> No.17312213

Yes. There is nothing like puffy drippy daughteru cunny.

>> No.17312218
File: 618 KB, 840x1200, headsharts_xmas_eyesblush_resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow, and maybe a little hesitant initially. She'd rarely initiate a full-on tongue kiss, but heated moments would always be an exception. Every kiss she'd give would be significant to her, full of love, wherever it's a kiss to the cheek, forehead, mouth, or anywhere else.
She'd also have a tendency to make little satisfied noises during a longer kiss. Small humming laughter and happy sounds that'd vibrate pleasantly from her throat.
Her tongue's a little longer than a human's, so she might go overboard if she got caught up in it. But that just makes it easier to catch her tongue and gently bite on it. Doing that would practically make her melt.

>> No.17312220

Nice to see it coloured, lich lewds are important.

>> No.17312221
File: 96 KB, 517x354, yes_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first i thought i saw a strap on


>> No.17312225
Quoted by: >>17312229

fluff, seks hair, curls, mom hair, every iteration of hanekawa's hair, slight perm (think black aunt), holst's hair, arcueid's hair, etc. me ballpark is wide son.

comfy hairstyles are nice

>> No.17312227

That particular one is top tier. Even with horses, it's hard to go wrong with small 'taurs.

>> No.17312229
File: 452 KB, 640x462, 4353df344dcccead1a96fb95fbd92a1d6f3eedb4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arcueid's hair
Goo taste.

>> No.17312230

Wooo! Thank you Melon!

>> No.17312237

I really liked that one.

>> No.17312244
Quoted by: >>17312254

I don't know why but I feel that something is up with that necklace.

>> No.17312254
Quoted by: >>17312373

she's packin' runes on most of her stuff yo, brought out the big guns.

>> No.17312255
Quoted by: >>17312263

Is it just me or is that head a bit big for her body?

>> No.17312263

After looking at her entry I noticed it was about the same. Ignore me.

>> No.17312272

Is it true that the smaller a monster girl is the cuter she is?
What about the other way around?

>> No.17312282
Quoted by: >>17312287

The inverse is the bigger the sexier and the more arousing.

>> No.17312287
Quoted by: >>17312294

I thought it was the bigger the scarier

>> No.17312290
File: 458 KB, 563x1000, edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasty looking popsicle

>> No.17312292
Quoted by: >>17312303

Same thing. The more potions you use, the higher the chances of them going to wonderland to buy some things.

>> No.17312294
Quoted by: >>17312307

You mean the bigger the more scarousing

>> No.17312296
Quoted by: >>17312300

Cute lich holding a rattle.

>> No.17312299

Damn that is one tasty looking popsicle

>> No.17312300

That's obviously a sex potion.

>> No.17312303
Quoted by: >>17312333

Not use, offer.
I'll offer those ghouls more personal exchanges with them

IE: one on one dates with post coital cuddling

>> No.17312304
Quoted by: >>17312325

It's the exotic appeal
The more different from normal women the more exotic

>> No.17312307

Are Glacies ok with random anons sucking on their strawberry flavored hair?

Fearboners are bad for your health
Stay with small monster girls for a happy and healthy life

>> No.17312311
Quoted by: >>17312326

>Fearboners are bad for your health
The infrequent spook is good for circulation, plus it pumps the blood to penor harder so you have a better climax, leading to a happier sex life.

>> No.17312325

You're going to make Succubi and other vanilla species sad, though that does explain why Shoggoths are so beloved despite being literal eldritch abominations

>> No.17312326

>this is what Arachne actually believe

>> No.17312330
Quoted by: >>17312363

Good for me then. I love Succubi so much, they were my first monster love.

>> No.17312332

Gotta town down on the bitterness Baho-chan if you want to fool anyone

>> No.17312333
Quoted by: >>17312351

Oh, I guess it wouldn't really matter then. If they felt like it you would be ganged upon and raped. The vampire I'm not so sure, she is your miatress and you aren't in a position to be making deals with her.

>> No.17312335

Unless they are drawn by xelvy
Not really

>> No.17312351
Quoted by: >>17312371

True but the added must and tits make it so future negotiations dont need others with them.

And was for the ccmmvampire that's fine. I can turn my attention elsewhere

>> No.17312352

What MG would love to go to concerts with me so that I'm not all alone in the crowd?

>> No.17312359

This message brought to you by totally not the Sabbath Defense Force.

>> No.17312362

I want to kidnap some Sabbath Scouts when they come to my door!

>> No.17312363

Succubi are a lot of peoples' first monster love
They're the perfect blend of lewd, beauty and charm. Their monstrous parts are rarely if ever found off-putting too so that helps them even further

>> No.17312371
Quoted by: >>17312385

I doubt dates and things would be aneough to convince them to change their body. They are rapey ghouls after all.

Also, be careful to not make your vampire mistress mad, anon. The punishment can come at anytime and I'm sure you wouldn't like it.

>> No.17312373
Quoted by: >>17312384

>Lich wants to try and seduce a man

>> No.17312384
Quoted by: >>17312413

Dumb lich. Putting pleasure runes on your tongue won't give you charisma.

>> No.17312385
Quoted by: >>17312411

I'm talking favorite positions, serious attempts at kids, favorite meals and formal marriage

And what punishments would the vampire have planned if her servants are getting more attention

>> No.17312399

Why would anyone want to kidnap Sabbath scouts? Those poor lolis didn't hurt anybody.

>> No.17312411
Quoted by: >>17312431

The favorite positions and meals aren't worth that much. Kids came with the previous punishment and I don't think the vampire would allow formal marriage with the others slaves.

She'd lock you up for herself. If you still ignore and treat her badly she'll have to put you in your place as her bitch.

>> No.17312413
Quoted by: >>17312448

>"Why doesn't this help me talk sexy?"

>> No.17312431
Quoted by: >>17312440

Well, we can always do informal mairrages and simply room together.

And I am curious about how the ghouls would feel about them being denied me, along with the daughters not seeing papa

>> No.17312440

Informal marriages are already done through rape so there would be no need.

The ghouls would say something like "I told you about the vampires bro" as you got raped and sucked over and over again. It's not like they can complain either since mistress was kind enough to let them fuck you.

>> No.17312448
Quoted by: >>17312455

It'd be funnier if it did, but by making anything she says sound sexy, instead of teaching her to say sexy things or talk in a sexy way.

>> No.17312455
Quoted by: >>17312468

Her dirty talking with a monotone voice without knowing would make her the joke of the century. That poor lich is going to be teased.

>> No.17312459
Quoted by: >>17312485

>Ghouls don't care that their daughters can't see their dad.

So this is whore mansion then.

Shit tier, 0/10, wouldn't serve the mistress

>> No.17312466
Quoted by: >>17312485

I'd take my daughters and leave on an adventure if that was how it would be

>> No.17312468
Quoted by: >>17312495

>"My mammaries are accentuated by this dress. Do you enjoy it? I expect you will enjoy it. Please enter me and ejaculate soon."
>her husband immediately gets rock hard and can't resist shoving it in like an animal

>> No.17312475
Quoted by: >>17312481

You don't kidnap Sabbath scouts, they kidnap you
There is a reason those cookies are so addictive

>> No.17312481
Quoted by: >>17312492

Gonna invite those girls in for cookies and milk.

>> No.17312485
Quoted by: >>17312521

That's what happens when a servant goes around transforming the girls and refusing to obey orders.

>Thinking you can escape her love

>> No.17312492

Sabbath scouts are instructed to refuse any food item containing milk ever since the incident of 1990 where a man caused over 30 scouts to become his oppai loli wives after feeding them Hathor milk and cakes

>> No.17312495

If it was me the more she tried to dirty talk the more I'd laugh. I'd blow a happy load inside of her.

>> No.17312521
Quoted by: >>17312535

I'm with anon on this one.

Run away with those cute daughters and leave that place.

Granted, he could always just wait it out till mammy bammy kicks in

>> No.17312523
Quoted by: >>17312563

>and cakes
If they've been fed cakes then they ain't no oppai lolis any more. Just oppai.

>> No.17312534
Quoted by: >>17312563

But this is normal milk and sugar cookies, surely a little stop on a warm summer day won't hurt?

>> No.17312535
Quoted by: >>17312546

Mammy bammy kicking in would only make the vampire more addicted and crazy on getting him and he would be already addicted to her pussy so running away wouldn't work.

>> No.17312546
Quoted by: >>17312552

Yeah but by then he wouldn't need to use potions ant more on the ghouls or vampire as they'd change to suit his tastes

>> No.17312552
Quoted by: >>17312590

It's easier to erase the whole story then and just have Anon, his vampire wife and the maids.

Mamono mana time machine.

>> No.17312563
Quoted by: >>17312590

That's even worse then
At least oppai lolis are still cute, just oppai are attractive at best

It's a strict order from the head Baphomet, nothing you can do can sway their mind

>> No.17312566

>Sabbath scouts
I only buy cookies from those cute Snuggle scout girls

>> No.17312590
Quoted by: >>17312819

But then it starts wall over again!

Then I will just happen to leave some cookies and a few glasses of milk outside should they happen to feel peckish

>> No.17312604
Quoted by: >>17312614

The Snuggle Scouts are actually more dangerous than the Sabbath Scouts anon, once you snuggle them you can't help but dick them too.

>> No.17312614

I want to buy mud cookies from a Dorome snuggle scout and pay her with a hug

Only a few members are that lewd, like the Yetis who wear a custom bikini uniform

>> No.17312627
Quoted by: >>17312641

>custom bikini uniform
What is it with monstergirls scouts and their lewd uniforms? That doesn't sound all that snuggly either.

>> No.17312641
Quoted by: >>17312649

How else are they supposed to get the "obtain a husband" badge, if not by showing off their cute bodies to potential partners?

>> No.17312649

What happens after they get the "obtain a husband" badge? Is there some sort of graduation where they get new uniforms or do they quit the scouts altogether?

>> No.17312666

You could argue that every other badge is a lead-up to the "obtain a husband" one which is the final and most important one
Once a scout gets it she can either quit or become one of the leaders and help newer scouts get their badges
This does lead to some awkward situation such as the Flow Kelp leader who tells her squadron of the Snuggle scouts that they will obtain a husband by constantly clinging onto a man until he admits his love

>> No.17312673
Quoted by: >>17312701

I'm not him, but I'd say a graduation ceremony with a new uniform or at least a version of the old one that shows for sure that she's taken sounds appropriate. Then the little girls who are already taken can mentor the single ones and still engage in all the non-husband-getting activities.

>> No.17312677

So is the snuggle scouts part of the sabbath scouts, or what?

>> No.17312680

Could be, or they're a separate sister organization.

>> No.17312690
File: 563 KB, 1053x1200, 1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17312702

>mud cookies from a Dorome snuggle scout and pay her with a hug
She's working so hard and you'd make her so happy!

>> No.17312696

Sabbath scouts = wants to turn men into lolicons and know exactly what they're doing

Snuggle scouts = wants to make people comfy and are a more pure organization at least in intent

>> No.17312701

>THICC, milf Holstaur puts on her old way too small snuggle scout uniform one night to get her husband in the mood
I like it.

>> No.17312702
File: 194 KB, 900x1200, DEeCs4JVwAAm86f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17312707

Big breasts, large size and overall softness improve a scout's ability to snuggle
Sabbath members are welcome but their flat loli only doctrine isn't

A Dorome's goofy smile is what makes life worth living

>> No.17312706

How do Doromes give birth?

>> No.17312707
Quoted by: >>17312732

How long could you stare at a Dorome's silly smile? I probably could for twelve hours a day and not get bored

>> No.17312714 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17312718

Can a much be a wight?

>> No.17312717
Quoted by: >>17313074

She'd either leave to be with her husband, or do the thing like KDF's kid would do and stay a scout but a married one.

>> No.17312718

What did he mean by this?

>> No.17312726

When her husband puts enough SE into them, they grow a big baby bump quickly like a mud bubble, and then when it pops a lil Dorome pops out giggling. Then its hugs all around.

>> No.17312728
File: 825 KB, 3100x1200, 1482771738160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After getting enough energy from their husbando, sure.

>> No.17312732
Quoted by: >>17312750

They can get pregnant just like any other elemental, as to giving birth they probably separate divide out their children when it is of age for birth similar to slimes in a way

Only a few minutes before succumbing to the urge of hugging her to make that smile even wider and sillier
I'd put pictures of her smiling everywhere at home to make sure I never spend a second without that wonderful sight

>> No.17312739
File: 354 KB, 1377x2120, 10d059b08bf6f314c1d18ddcbdbd385f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17312743

Dat everything
Would rise her tide

>> No.17312746
File: 242 KB, 800x800, 60594733_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't even have pointy ears
What a lazy design. The artist would have gotten more mileage from drawing a generic tittymonster.

>> No.17312750

I bet kissing that cute silly smile is even more amazing and makes her wiggle all happily. Probably even tackle hugs her hubby when he does.

>> No.17312751

I prefer my mermaids with a proper mermaid lower half
This kind of weird thigh-tail is nice for lewd stuff but it ruins the design's integrity

And yeah, those knees ruin it + the lack of cute fishy ears leaves something to be desired

I would rather go for a Selkie if I wanted an aquatic vanilla girl

>> No.17312754

Can a lich become a wight?

>> No.17312757

Cant wait till kc makes a megalodon or whale mg. She's going to be EXTRA THICC.

>> No.17312769

Whale will be thick. Megalodon will be amazonian height and muscle.

>> No.17312771
Quoted by: >>17312777

Girls can't be downgraded. :^)
But for real, yes they can but it wouldn't change all that much.

>> No.17312773
Quoted by: >>17312783

How long has it been since there was a new girl?

>> No.17312774

>Beluga mermaid
>THicc, curious, cute, and likes fine dining

>> No.17312777

I mean if shes both rich and a scientist
Then all she needs is a tragic backstory

>> No.17312781

I don't think so.

>> No.17312783

We've gotta wait till Comiket mang. It was just like this before the MGE2 came out.

>> No.17312798
Quoted by: >>17312808

What would be her special characteristic aside from being extra large and thick?
They'd be the only marine species to have a mating season that's for sure

>> No.17312808

Comes up from the depths of the ocean with mating calls. Has connections with cthulu.

>> No.17312816

I want to hug her pudge

>> No.17312819

It doesn't start over again because there won't be a punishment, meaning that anon would just live his normal life with his vampire mistress.

>> No.17312829

>obtain a husband by constantly clinging onto a man until he admits his love

>> No.17312835

>Comes up from the depths of the ocean with mating calls.
Oh right, they'd have beautiful mating calls that could be heard from miles away
>Has connections with cthulu.
No, that's a bad idea. Just look at how crazy the 4 current Cthulhu girls are

Hey! That's not pudge, it's plankton reserves for the cold months where it's harder to find food
I wonder if they'd be ashamed of their size and softness

>> No.17312845
Quoted by: >>17312868

>Plankton reserves

I saw her eating a bunch of fried shrimp in garlic sauce!

I'm gonna grab her hips and nuzzle her pudge and she can't stop me!

>> No.17312846

I wanna blow raspberries on it
Then I want to smooch it in the cold months and sink my arms into her as she gets flustered yet turned on

>> No.17312858

not like you're getting a chance

>> No.17312865
Quoted by: >>17312877

I can only imagine her weakly squealing nooooooo as that's done

>> No.17312868

You go and try eating planktons all day long, of course she would need to binge on fried sea food here and there

>I'm gonna grab her hips and nuzzle her pudge and she can't stop me!
Don't you dare soil such a majestic creature's purity
That goes for you >>17312846 too

>> No.17312877
Quoted by: >>17312894

>Tongue her navel
>Wrap my arms around her love handles and squeeze her fat mermaidy butt
>motorboat her pudgy belly and jostle her around a bit with my arms
>She can't do a thing because I bought her dinner that she hasn't finished yet
>Her squeals of 'noooo' only make me hornier
She is pure alright, pure plush

>> No.17312878

>Every year there's a substantial group of senior scouts without the "Obtain a Husband Badge"
>In the year book they're the easiest ones to spot
>Imagine it
>A few bleachers full of teary eyed daughterus
>Sporting a wide array of badges across their sash
>But at the tip-top of the sash where their husband badge should be
>Instead rests a silver "You did your best" badge, all by itself away from the rest
>The wyrm can't hold herself together and is open mouth sobbing when the picture was taken
>She just tried SO hard this year and it was her last chance
>She didn't even eat any of the cookies this time like she promised

Why must I do this to myself.

>> No.17312879
File: 2.80 MB, 2000x4500, Kiki Uniform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, Ms. Kiki, I don't know what to say.
>At first I thought I didn't need a maid to take care of my house. But thanks for proving me wrong.
>Here's your payment, I'm sure the amount in the envelope should suffice. This week's payday came early, thanks to you impressing me with your cleaning skills.
>Why did you throw the envelope in the trash?
>We can discuss a raise-
>What's with that look?

>> No.17312883

What if you can't graduate until you find a husband, meaning the occasional CC has to go door to door selling cookies in a uniform that is way too tight for someone her age. Would you help her get her merit badge anons?

>> No.17312892

Monsters you objectively shouldn't like but do anyway

>> No.17312893

>She's just as chipper and peppy and vibrant as when she was young
>"Hey mister! Would you like to buy some cookies? I'm working towards my final merit badge and sure would love if you'd be willing to help me and my fellow snuggle sisters out!"
>Button flies off her vest as her tits are too much to contain and nearly shoots the man in the forehead

>> No.17312894

Gonna grope that meat and buy her a good meal!


>> No.17312899

Your mom

>> No.17312905

Man, why you gotta write sad stuff like this?
I'm sure they'd let her keep going even if she ends up the only CC of the division

If a CC monster girl in a skimpy scout uniform asks you to buy her cookies you better buy her a ring instead
Can you imagine how happy she would be to finally earn the last badge after all those long hard years of trying?

>> No.17312911
Quoted by: >>17312916

Girls with sharp teeth and predatory eyes make up my top 5.

Not in order they are Manticore, Hellhound, Gazer, Apophis, and Mershark.
They're not in order because I know the Ratostkorkotoko are watching and making notes

>> No.17312916

What is spelling?

>> No.17312932
Quoted by: >>17312968

Tell me more about this Wyrm. Does she have a family to console her? How important is Cuddle Scouts to her?

>> No.17312940
File: 1.46 MB, 992x1403, 1493842125519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nachos. The whole spider thing would normally make me ignore them and look elsewhere but when everything else is so perfect I can't deny them.

>> No.17312956
Quoted by: >>17313007

You're a damn lolicon who deserves a much worse fate than being a disgusting spider body that contually violates a woman. You deserve to be swatted by a rolled up newspaper and stepped on by a winter boot.
Love you hon!

>> No.17312958

Reminder that Blue Oni is smarter than you and also can drink more than you and also madly loves you

>> No.17312961
File: 209 KB, 621x900, 1499594976288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17313102

Now with image

>> No.17312968
Quoted by: >>17312973

>Snuggle scouts is the world to her. Her mother got her into it after dance class didn't pan out.
>The badges they gave her was her first draconic hoard.
>She loved how they sparkled and glistened and would spend hours telling anyone who'd listen about them.
>Even as clumsy as she was, they were proof to her she could do great things if she put her mind to it.
>The first time she did anything right without breaking something.
>And they had COOKIES too!
>Her husband badge would've been the crowning gem.
>But even after four years it was just one more thing she couldn't finish.
>She spent the night wrapped around her father's leg crying.

>> No.17312973

Does she have any idea what she's doing wrong? Maybe it's time to try a new tactic. What is she looking for in a husband?

>> No.17312976
Quoted by: >>17312981

Tentacles, they're a species of spaghetti-spilling plants who can go from shyly blushing and being embarrassed over the slightest thing all the way to completely ruining your innocence by milking you dry with her various appendages built to excrete as many bodily fluids as possible

Girtablilus, I'm not much of a masochist or anything but I'd let a desert scorpion sting and rape me over and over again until I became conditioned to cum whenever she stabbed me with something pointy

There is nothing wrong with being a disgusting lolicon who needs a chaos spider to remind you about it daily while lolidoming you

>> No.17312977
Quoted by: >>17312987


>> No.17312981
Quoted by: >>17313001

>There is nothing wrong with being a disgusting lolicon who needs a chaos spider to remind you about it daily while lolidoming you
I wouldn't have it any other way. Actually I lie, I wouldn't mind an adult nacho like buck's one either.

>> No.17312986
Quoted by: >>17312997

I don't think there are any. I'm an one monster man and wife will be forever at the top, but I like most monster girls platonically.

>> No.17312987

Also, forgot to mention Alice

>> No.17312996


>> No.17312997
Quoted by: >>17313003

Same here. I probably love around 80% of the monsters and would be happy with any of them claiming me.

>> No.17312999
File: 136 KB, 300x300, alice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't lewd something this pure and innocent would you?

>> No.17313001

Then replace lolicon with pervert and lolidom with regular dom and you've got it
Atlach-Nachas are mostly a loli species just like Wendigos, but you can still have mature adult versions KC even confirmed it

Alices might be the most shameful species to love
Whenever I think of someone who would actively be attracted by Alices I envision those old fat men who kidnap young girls in doujins

>> No.17313003

Oh I definitely wouldn't be happy with any of them. I mean, I probably would but I would still do my hardest to get a nice dragon and make her happy.

>> No.17313007

kuso post

>> No.17313010
File: 127 KB, 1023x1457, ratatoskr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17313018
Quoted by: >>17313146

That's what I'm afraid of.

Having to deal with some inner shit that I don't like being there. Being old enough to be one of those fat men; being terrible around women my own age, recurring Alice dreams...

>> No.17313025
Quoted by: >>17313035

Friendly reminder that Alices were literally built for sex and are actually the lewdest loli MG type out there.

>> No.17313026

Anon you're on 4chan. You could post a picture of bathroom tile and someone would lewd it.

>> No.17313029
Quoted by: >>17313119

Wintoskr is the best reporter in winterstown!

>> No.17313031

Naav needs to start taking commissions soon.

>> No.17313035

>Alices were literally built for sex
Aren't they all though?

>> No.17313036
File: 346 KB, 833x1100, 271_hellhound_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been wondering, how does Hellhound milk taste?

>> No.17313041

Yes, but Alices are specifically.

>> No.17313046

More sour and much spicier than regular milk with a fuller, richer taste. Also gratuitously hot.

>> No.17313047
Quoted by: >>17313050

Like hate and apple pie

>> No.17313048

I want a tubby Alice with a love of sweets

>> No.17313050
Quoted by: >>17313066

I love apple pie!

>> No.17313053 [DELETED] 

Like the jizz of a thousand black men

>> No.17313054
Quoted by: >>17313154

Stronger, mostly.
Also has the effect of leaving you feeling warmer or even hot for a good while after.

>> No.17313057
Quoted by: >>17313065

>Atlach-Nachas are mostly a loli species just like Wendigos, but you can still have mature adult versions KC even confirmed it
Good because I need something like this in my life.
Although the loli version is fine too.

>> No.17313059

So what happens if you pay a Kiki money instead of headpats or seed?

Sweater puppies

>> No.17313063
File: 53 KB, 174x220, 1400535851674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17313065
Quoted by: >>17313080

Oh I like this a lot.

>> No.17313066

Now imagine the cider equivalent.

>> No.17313074
Quoted by: >>17313094

>KDF's daughteru mentoring other daughterus
oh the horror

>> No.17313079

Do Hellhounds force their husbandoa to drink their milk?

>> No.17313080
Quoted by: >>17313084

She's a great looking spider, shame none of the adult nacho images are blue board safe.

>> No.17313084
Quoted by: >>17313126

There are more?

>> No.17313086

All monstergirls should do that, just to make sure that her milk is ok for daughterus of course.

>> No.17313094

In surely unrelated news, there's been a marked increase in bondage fetishists amongst the scouts.

>> No.17313098
Quoted by: >>17313107

It is entirely up to husband whether or not they have to force it.

>> No.17313102

How romantic. Meeting her in a bar for the first time would be quite the night if she drinks that much.
I imagine meeting one after I finish my last engineering final exam and chill in a bar. Hopefully the clash in personalities wouldn't be too much.

>> No.17313106
File: 1.03 MB, 1488x935, Cop with rookie dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protect and serve with dragons

>> No.17313107

What if he refuse because Holstaur bottled milk is so tasty?

>> No.17313109


>> No.17313114

He gets tied to the bed and starved till he's begging for wifey's milk.

>> No.17313115
Quoted by: >>17313129

Fuck off.

>> No.17313116
Quoted by: >>17313136

Then, having chosen such, he gets the hard way.

>> No.17313119
Quoted by: >>17313149

That's cuz she's the only reporter there!

>> No.17313123


>> No.17313125
File: 651 KB, 1262x869, 1468982858425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17313134

Brown sugar and cinnamon.

>> No.17313126
Quoted by: >>17313133


>> No.17313129
Quoted by: >>17313635

What did I do?

>> No.17313133
Quoted by: >>17313160

Thank you Anon. These will serve me well. But what does she call her man? She can't call him a lolicon.

>> No.17313134

I want to resist her arrest.

>> No.17313136
Quoted by: >>17313141

I dont see how you can forcibly put your boob inside an unwilling mouth. Unless she literally bitchslaps him until he agrees to drink it and drinks it under threat of a beating if he tries anything funny. Would a Hellhound do that to her "fragile" husband?

>> No.17313141
Quoted by: >>17313165

1. Sudden stimulation to force a reaction from husband such a gasp
2. Jam it in
3. Hellhound wins

>> No.17313146
Quoted by: >>17313186

Look at this sleazy squirrel wearing a convoluted sweatshort to trick innocent men into believing she is thinner than she actually is
I bet she writes about all the boys who stare at her fluff so that she can blackmail them later on

I know how you feel. Don't worry you can get a cute Alice imouto without being a complete failure at life

And hey, fat old men make good onii-chans too even the wocks will ufufu at you when you go to tea parties

>> No.17313149

She's a quality reporter who always has two huge stories to look into

>> No.17313154
Quoted by: >>17313167

I bet it also makes you feel really safe, like you feel nothing in the world can harm you and you cuddle tighter to your waifu and keep drinking. Drinking from those black DD tits, as she holds you in her strong protective arms must be bliss.

>> No.17313160

[ ] Asshole
[ ] Quick shot
[ ] Breast obsessed fool
[x] All of the above

>> No.17313163
File: 3.56 MB, 4206x2803, 1472208570801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would sample all the drink i could in that bar

>> No.17313165
Quoted by: >>17313175

What if he bites her tit so she lets him go?

>> No.17313167

A side effect of the heat is also that it makes one's clothing stuffy and uncomfortable.
Definitely an advantage for her if nothing else.

>> No.17313175

Probably just turns her on like it would for most MGs.
Nipples of Steel™

>> No.17313186
Quoted by: >>17314410

...and suddenly I'm reminded of that hentai with the red-haired high school girl w/ the tiger print panties.

>> No.17313203
Quoted by: >>17313234

I'd probably run up a tab so big I couldn't possibly pay it back. If there's a drink mixed by a Wurm I want to try every single one.
I'd be open to paying off my tab via "alternative payment methods."

>> No.17313230
Quoted by: >>17313242

>[ ] Asshole
I like to think that loli Atlach-Nachas never use curse words, maybe mature ones would but I'm not too fond of the idea

Also any combination of belittling adjectives and nouns would work
>Disgusting horny monkey
>Clingy impatient pervert
>Obsessive needy slut

That would cost quite a fair bit, you'd need to work as a server or a butler for the owner to reimburse her
Draconic alcohol ain't cheap

>> No.17313234
Quoted by: >>17313260

You don't need to worry about the bill anon.
After all, the first Wurm drink will have you passed out on the bar.

>> No.17313242

>I like to think that loli Atlach-Nachas never use curse words, maybe mature ones would
I agree, it's mainly for some of the adult ones. Loli ones would probably use less vulgar insults.
>Also any combination of belittling adjectives and nouns would work
All those work wonderfully, nacohs are love.

>> No.17313244
Quoted by: >>17313294

Personally I'd like to be called "pig".

>> No.17313260

>passed out in a bar full of dragons
I'd probably wake up in some strange dragon's home with no idea where I was.

>> No.17313282
Quoted by: >>17313298

I wonder if dragon's water is rich in minerals. I'd drink it.

>> No.17313294
Quoted by: >>17313337

There's way too many things I want one to call me, all of them harsh. Except for "darling" in the afterglow after she's been fucked silly.

>> No.17313298

Fortified with capsaicin!

>> No.17313300

Is it true that dragons only eat and drink spicy foods?

>> No.17313312

Just the fire types. They just happen to be the most common.
I've heard Frost Dragons enjoy liquid nitrogen.

>> No.17313327

If I down it in one go it won't be a problem and some dragons might even like that I can breathe fire.

I like to imagine my dragon wife fucking loves spicy curry.

>> No.17313337
Quoted by: >>17313374

Sounds nice. Now I ant a CC Nacho.

>> No.17313370

Her breasts look like they're in dire need of milking.

>> No.17313374
Quoted by: >>17313446

You and me both, I want to handcuff one to the bed, chain her spider legs to the posts and tenderly love her.
Being insulted and hearing her struggle against the chains while being treated gently in a way she's not used to would be perfect.

>> No.17313384
Quoted by: >>17313392

I wonder if the Sabbath scouts occasionally get sent out with a checklist that asks anons "What You Want in a Loli" that lists various loli body types (omitting oppai loli) and the various deres one may want?

>> No.17313392
Quoted by: >>17313404

id tell em to screw off until they are at least 6'6 and at least a g cup

>> No.17313404
Quoted by: >>17313413

>Anon slams the door on a bunch of sabbath scouts
>They all tear up but for the medusa who starts openly crying.
>Suddenly a large oni tells the girls she'll straighten anon out.
>They're too busy cheering her on to notice she's round eight feet tall and sporting H cup breasts.

>> No.17313413
Quoted by: >>17313419

yes, she'll need to straighten out my pelvis

>> No.17313419
Quoted by: >>17313446

And thus the lolis went on, knowing that anon had been straightened out by that nice oni.

>> No.17313446

Are Atlach-Nachas physically weak?
Being monsters they'd have to be fairly strong, but they seem awfully vulnerable when their husband tries to turn tables

>Sabbath scouts go back to their HQ
>They're all proud of how they helped straighten out Anon
>Baphomet leaders asks for details
>Has to sermon them for 2 hours about how handing men to big busty girls is the exact opposite of what they should do
Would you help a teary eyed Familiar feel better after she got bullied by her Baphomet senpai?

>> No.17313449
Quoted by: >>17313483

Would scratch her ears while she sits in my lap, sniffles, and munches on some cake I made her.

>> No.17313457
Quoted by: >>17313483

>Are Atlach-Nachas physically weak?
The natural way of things is for the nacho to take the lead until the venom kicks in and then the man turns the tables.
>The effect of the venom in a man doesn't cause irritation, instead, it incites wicked carnal desire towards the little girl in front of him. A man's spirit will become depressed, and a change will come over him so that he'll have no qualms about shutting them up by screwing his penis inside their mouth, the source of the abusive language, or pinning them down on the ground and violating their tiny body according to his own desire.

>> No.17313483

Good. Next buy all her cookies so that she can get another badge
The money will go to a good cause such as cuter uniforms and accessories for the Sabbath scouts

So they never struggle when you want to physically dominate and abuse them despite their mouth telling otherwise?
That opens up a lot of possibilities

>> No.17313487
Quoted by: >>17313518

What if I buy all the cookies and let her eat them all?
I don't really eat a lot of them and she and her friends look like they could use a snack or two.

>> No.17313491
File: 524 KB, 1641x1359, DEW-w7QUAAIU0C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17313498
Quoted by: >>17313518

>So they never struggle when you want to physically dominate and abuse them despite their mouth telling otherwise?
They're the ultimate tsunderes, without all the shitty physical abuse that comes with modern anime tsunderes.

>> No.17313499

I want to put my Kobold waifu in her strict leather sensory deprivation hood, carefully strip her down, and give her a slow loving oil massage!

>> No.17313518
Quoted by: >>17313520

Sabbath scouts have a rule to not eat their own cookies, though they also have a rule to always listen to their onii-chan
You're giving them a rough dilemma

Exactly, god bless the chaos spiders

>> No.17313520
Quoted by: >>17313528

If I thrown in an extra headpat for each would that be enough?

>> No.17313526

What sort of badges would there be for Sabbath Scouts or Snuggle Scouts to earn?

>> No.17313528
Quoted by: >>17313532

>Such is the life of a lonely fox priestess
At least she gets enough donations to buy big bottles of sake

They would start breathing heavy and squirm in anticipation
That wouldn't help the dilemma though

>> No.17313532
Quoted by: >>17313557

Probably a junior alchemist badge for succesfully making a few potions.

Master alchemist requires them to make a multitude of potions of different types successfully.

It will allow them to better know how the cookies taste and, thus, be better able to sell them.

>> No.17313535
Quoted by: >>17313539


>> No.17313539
Quoted by: >>17313548

What happens when they don't have fingers though?

>> No.17313541

Ropes, knots, and shibari.

>> No.17313548

Press even harder.

Also we can't forget Basket weaving. Basket weaving, fingerprinting, and pioneering are the holy trinity of X-scouts merit badges.

>> No.17313549

Kink and Kinky Accessories

>> No.17313557

A main large set of badges for scout activities like selling cookies and camping
A half dozen of badges for every housewife skill
Another subset for lewd stuff
And finally any badges for the specific ideology of the scouts' institution. Sabbath scouts would have a badge for "Love of small breasts!", Snuggle scouts would have one for "Cuddling like a Yeti"

Now take responsibility by headpating them all and carrying them to bed when they pass out after eating too many cookies

>> No.17313562

She seems fun to be around.

>> No.17313565

Will do.
Gonna carry them to bed and tuck them in when they're done.

And then they can sell them to me all again the next day to do the same thing!

>> No.17313572
File: 70 KB, 512x512, something.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about them slime carriers?

>> No.17313573

Anyone else just want to fuck a Ghouls throat for hours?

>> No.17313582
File: 663 KB, 735x1000, slime carrier chocolate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17313609

In my top ten, and top five favorite Slimes. I'm glad you finished that too, because it's definitely their best fanart.

They are basically just like Venom or the Witchblade. I wonder why other Monstergirls don't use them more often. Dark Mages for instance.

>> No.17313583

Yes, especially after popping some manticore venom.

Theyre cute.

>> No.17313596

The best use of a paladin, also a criminally underrated species
They're one of the better tsundere girls and the slime + slimed girl relationship is a fascinating one

You need a Ghoul to lay down on her back on a bed, open her mouth wide and let you pound her throat pussy until you both feel satisfied
Seeing your cock's shape going in and out of her throat will be more than enough stimulation to go on for hours

>> No.17313597

I definitely would it it were my waifu instead of some Ghoul.

>> No.17313599

I want to learn Cuddling like a Yeti from the Yeti mom with slightly graying fur!

>> No.17313609

Personally I'd prefer a slime that acted more like a symbiote.

>> No.17313612

That's how I've imagined the interaction betwen the parasite-slime and her host

>> No.17313621

I know they are the best, but I'd still prefer dragon mouth. Long tongue and she has her elemental breath for some fun too.

>> No.17313624

Basically what it is anyway

>> No.17313629

Undead give best blowjobs due to not needing to breathe.

>> No.17313635

Nothing, he seems to just be autistic

>> No.17313636
Quoted by: >>17313640

Well, technically then there are other types who probably don't breath. Automatons, Ittan Momens, Golems, you get the idea.

>> No.17313638

What are Slimes for $200?

>> No.17313640


Creatures that technically aren't giving a blowjob due to their entire body being a fuckable orifice

>> No.17313648
Quoted by: >>17313703

>you will never be saved from depression by a brown succubut with a Scottish accent

>> No.17313650

Parasitic Slimes can't speak or force the girl to do anything other than lewd stuff or prevent her from acting too bitchy
Or at least that's what the profile seems to imply

>Succubus internet celebrity goes on about she gives the best blowjobs
>Spams porn sites with videos of her blowing her husband
>None of them are longer than 15 minutes and they're all slow paced
>One day an amateur couple releases a 5 hours long video
>It's a Ghoul ravenously blowing her husband until he passes out from repeated ejaculations
>The Succubus deleted all her social media accounts shortly afterwards

>> No.17313651


Sticking your dick in a slimes mouth is exactly the same as sticking in in the back of the knee.

>> No.17313654
Quoted by: >>17313785

What about a parasitic slime that's combined with another monster?

>> No.17313659
Quoted by: >>17313663

>It's a Ghoul ravenously blowing her husband until he passes out from repeated ejaculations
Oh god my dick.

>> No.17313663
Quoted by: >>17313695

I want to get manticore venom for this just so I can watch her and see how far that ghoul can go.

>> No.17313675
File: 3.47 MB, 2000x3167, 63824267_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big strong dog!

>> No.17313678 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 752x1063, 1474134765685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17313683

I want to make her into a big, strong, pregnant dog!

>> No.17313689

Delicious, I wouldn't mind giving her a massage after her fight. She looks worked up.

>> No.17313695

No amount of manticore venom will help you defeat a Ghoul's insatiable hunger
You'd have to stop her when she gets so full of semen that she looks pregnant with octuplets

>> No.17313698
Quoted by: >>17313714

That would be fun.
Especially when she has to walk around afterwards....although I wonder if practice can get her to hold more.

>> No.17313703
Quoted by: >>17313737

I didn't know what I was expecting.

>> No.17313713

Not him, but that'd be kind of nice though. Waking up after an insane blowjob session like that with her passed out, cock still in her mouth, would be a nice treat. Do you think she'd still make a great onahole while she was sleeping? Would she instinctively suckle and tease your cock gently or would she go full throttle even when she was unconscious?

>> No.17313714

>abusing ellipses
Sasuga /d/fags

>> No.17313723

Would there be a lot of undead near me if I moved to Litchfield, AZ?

>> No.17313726

Says the guy quoting incorrectly.

>> No.17313728
Quoted by: >>17313759

Hey, my wife is a lich!

I can use those ellipses as much as I want!

>> No.17313737

Exactly what it says in the tin. I didn't see the age progression tag when I started it though so the onee-san form was a nice surprise.

>> No.17313759

I want a Lich onee-san, who treats me like Wednesday Addams treats Pugsly Addams.


>> No.17313785
Quoted by: >>17313801

I remember some discussion a while ago about an anubis bonded to a slimegirl symbiote.
Because of the anubis' spacial intelligence and architectural/engineering experience, she was a natural at bringing out the symbiote's full potential. Using a morphable material she could literally alter and shape with a thought, she could create nigh-invincible structures, and precision instruments made from the slimegirl.
It was a cool idea. Plus it also led to the idea of the anubis being totally naked, save for a shiny, blue, transparent layer of slime. Like a see-through goo bodysuit, or the sort of thing you'd see in a Cheeseyeast doujin.

>> No.17313801
Quoted by: >>17313821

>she was a natural at bringing out the symbiote's full potential.
Is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.17313815
File: 195 KB, 850x1368, sample_b5dc8c0eb42af7fab2c0ea2c31efafa7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news: A portal opened and you ended up in Dragonia, and Dragons there follow the same rules as MGE Dragons. So lots of Draconic waifus without standards to fullfil.

Bad News: You have no papers and thus an illegal, so you are arrested by Da Police.

>> No.17313820

>Kanna with a gun
So that's why you don't lewd the dragon loli

>> No.17313821

If you spend years studying architecture and engineering, then I guess.
Good luck fighting an anubis who soaks her enchanted, prehensile bandages in the symbiote slime to strengthen them both even further, though.

>> No.17313823
Quoted by: >>17313828

I think I'll stay here, thank you very much.

>> No.17313826

I thought you just get impounded until your owner comes to claim you.

>> No.17313828

But anon, you are under arrest.

>> No.17313835

Arrest is a weird name for a Dragon.

>> No.17313838

How did I end up there If I didn't cross the portal though

>> No.17313839
File: 351 KB, 1278x2000, 61777505_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuddling 101 with Yeti mom

>> No.17313840

I don't see any badges, they just look like weirdos in dumb costumes.

>> No.17313861
Quoted by: >>17313896

I'm not illegal I'm a free inhabitant. I am a traveler in these lands and I am not bound to their laws.

>> No.17313863

Literally my waifu
This is the exact Ratatoskr I want
Only she'd still get flustered when I grope her huge scoops in public

>> No.17313866 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 307x156, Bronies, this is your mindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.17313879
File: 334 KB, 600x800, c3fd5cbf276413616303accdeb512941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What a tragedy, you wake up in the Monster Girl Quest world
>The good part is, you encountered the only monster girl worth marrying there, Tamamo and she took you
>1 week after living with her, she hacks into your phone
"I found a lot of female muscle "hore" in your device, anon. Hore, hore, so I started to work out to get the body you like so much. Look at my bicep! It is getting bigger, don't you think?"

>> No.17313881 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 275x356, 1486657003652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you post on /jp/ now

>> No.17313882
Quoted by: >>17314197

I want to learn advanced cuddling techniques from a Yeti who was a wrestler, but has retired.

>> No.17313887
Quoted by: >>17313917

Do I get taken into care by a dragon Onee-chan after?

>> No.17313892

Thick Squirrel News

>> No.17313896

"Alright sir, I need you to place your hands on my brests where I can see them. You will come back with me to the station."

>> No.17313901

They can't lie to me. I know one of them teleported me there.

>> No.17313902
Quoted by: >>17313919

Hakutakus hosting educational kids shows!

>> No.17313906 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17313921

Now this is autism.

>> No.17313909
File: 791 KB, 1161x600, Scales of battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still need to write that lizardwoman, salamander, and dragon comedy thing

>> No.17313917
Quoted by: >>17313936

If there is an Onee-San officer, yes.

>> No.17313918 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17313926

There's no way it's not a bot at this point. Maybe it didn't start out as one, and was genuinely the biggest autist on 4chan.
But now, it has to be an image-searching machine that scours 4chan for Derpibooru posts.

>> No.17313919
File: 80 KB, 403x500, 8ff0c58c20f4eb624eac14a4c2683f72a94841744e9b6991f08d95ee9d128087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17313920 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, Lee.

>> No.17313921 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17313926

It's probably a bot

>> No.17313926 [DELETED] 

>Doubting Barneyfag

>> No.17313936

I hope she's nice.

>> No.17313948 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is a Barneyfag?

>> No.17313959 [DELETED] 


>> No.17313961


Is there a MG that personifies this song?

The MG version of Stubbs would be goty.

>> No.17313967 [DELETED] 

Fuck off newfag.

>> No.17313971 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17313995

There's no way it's not a mostly automated process. Nobody human can sit on Derpibooru all day and photographically memorise every single image that's posted there, then reply to any post across almost all of 4chan that includes one of those 1,331,674 images in less than an hour.
If you told me it was still a human clearing the captcha, I could believe that. Otherwise, no. Partially because I don't want to believe there's a human with that ability and that amount of time, who spends it doing that.

>> No.17313972
Quoted by: >>17314003

>tfw you will never bully a Hakutaku with alternative facts

>> No.17313981
File: 254 KB, 489x600, 1350672770547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314032


There are actually a few decent monsters in the MGQ setting.

I wouldn't mind cumming inside the grey kitsune three times. Or the brown kitsune introduced in Paradox.

>> No.17313985 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17314139

I don't get it

>> No.17313995 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17314012

iirc he uses scripts to know when someone posts an image from derpibooru. Lee Goldstein is one of the most autistic people on the planet.

>> No.17314003
Quoted by: >>17314009

Don't be rude to Hakutaku.

>> No.17314009
Quoted by: >>17314021

Would it be possible to gaslight a Hakutaku?

>> No.17314012 [DELETED] 

>Lee Goldstein

I shouldn't laugh. I know I shouldn't. But goddamn.

>> No.17314021

No, stop thinking about doing cruel acts like that.

>> No.17314022 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 307x156, Bronies, this is your mindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.17314032

Kitsunes indeed are likely the only salvageable species in MGQ.

>> No.17314036

The loli bandits were good girls too.
>MGQ is full of murderous lunatics
>all the nice girls are lolis

>> No.17314041

dont trust any MGQ monsters, they will kill or eat you(eat in the BAD way)

>> No.17314044
Quoted by: >>17314171

MGQ is what happens when The Order turns out to be 100% right

>> No.17314047
Quoted by: >>17314073

Don't trust any monster.

>> No.17314051

I trust Tamamo, only her.

>> No.17314057
Quoted by: >>17314290

>implying she wont kill you in some manner
nope, not even gonna chance it

>> No.17314073
File: 1.74 MB, 4000x2992, 1482414740712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't think this is a trustworthy woman

>> No.17314076 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 307x156, Bronies, this is your mindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.17314081

Shog wife! Why so mischievous?

>> No.17314082

I want a stern combat kiki maid!

>> No.17314086
File: 691 KB, 750x1061, 1494721189492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Pharaohs.

>> No.17314093

I love fucking Pharaohs.

>> No.17314096
Quoted by: >>17314136

I don't think a lot of people are trustworthy, especially monster girls. They're just too perfect, I can't trust them.

>> No.17314110
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x700, Shog Monorus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a better copy. Maids are Olev.

>> No.17314113
Quoted by: >>17314119

That's not true at all. Just because she doesn't have mamono mana doesn't mean she's bad.

>> No.17314116 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 307x156, Bronies, this is your mindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.17314119


>> No.17314136

Ever play WoW?
There's these dudes called the Naaru, and they're sentient being of pure energy that are made up of all the goodness in the universe. The drawback is that they can fall into a void state when wounded or drained of energy, and that void state is made up of all the badness in the universe.
Monster girls are like the Naaru, except replace that void shit with them getting pregnant with your children and bringing more goodness into the world.

>> No.17314137

Super Monster Vitality mixed with pure, filtered mamono water

>> No.17314139 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17314146

same here. why would someone make a bot that get pissed at certain pictures (unless for being retarded of course)

>> No.17314146 [DELETED] 

I have a strong feeling that this shit is being coordinated somehow, especially with the NTR bullshit from earlier in the thread.

>> No.17314150 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17314173

NTRfags are NTRfags. Barneyfag is a seperate entity entirely.

>> No.17314151
Quoted by: >>17314184


The harpies were also fine.

>> No.17314153 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 307x156, Bronies, this is your mindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.17314157
Quoted by: >>17314172

It'd be neat to see an assassin sneak up on a pharaoh in her private chambers, and attempt to kill her by stabbing her through the back. He'd drive the sword all the way through, she'd gasp and stagger forward, turning to look at her assailant in shock and terror before dropping the act, and smiling calmly as she pulls the blade the rest of the way through her body. The assassin, stunned, would look at the hole in her body, and see her insides, darker than a human's, with pulsing lines of red light webbed across her internals, showing that every part of her body is infused with magic. Instead of blood, there's just a small puff of reddish smoke drifting from the wound. It'd be the last thing the assassin sees before the pharaoh knocks him out cold with a single strike of her scepter.
Minutes later, the pharaoh would be comforting a crying mummy and anubis attendant as they bind up her wound with bandages, assuring them that she's fine, and it wasn't their fault the assassin reached her.

>> No.17314160
File: 239 KB, 945x1181, 1492592826881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314181

Your ignis wife has been hitting the Dark Matter, hard

>> No.17314166 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17314173

No, fucking no. This is how bad your conspiracy boogeyman shit has gotten, that you think BARNEYFAG is part of some plot to ruin the monster girl thread.

>> No.17314171

MGQ is basically what would happen if the Chief God killed the Mamono Lord + Lilims, returning the monster girls to the instincts of old age monsters, but retained the monster girl form and a preference of semen over flesh and this also caused monster girls to be picky and have standards.

>> No.17314172
Quoted by: >>17314199

What happens to the assassin?

>> No.17314173 [DELETED] 

why would they even care THAT MUCH about that specific picture is beyond me.

>> No.17314175 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17314189

How new to this website are you? Or do you only use /jp/ or something?

>> No.17314177 [DELETED] 

I have a feeling that this might be a copycat.

>> No.17314178 [DELETED] 

Lurk more retard.

>> No.17314181

Hyper corrupted monster girls when?
>Kikimora with black feathers, red eyes, vicious talons for feet, clawed hands and extreme yandere tendencies

>> No.17314184

A reminder that MGQ MGs do cheat and can cheat, unlike MGE. I dont trust harpies wouldnt cheat. I think only Tamamo would for sure remain loyal.

>> No.17314186

Now you're talkin.

>> No.17314189 [DELETED] 

only here for the monster girls threads. from time to time i visit /tg/ though. so not really new, just a limited coverage of this site

>> No.17314193
File: 1.16 MB, 904x1273, 63826175_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17314197

To yetis, wrestling and grappling means resisting their hugs, making them sweaty and more likely to pin you down and hug you tighter

>> No.17314199

Treated to a nice meal in a rather pleasant looking cell, with an anubis guard who, all things considered, is actually rather friendly. After that, they're painfully executed in a brutal public display that lasts several hours.

>> No.17314200 [DELETED] 


>> No.17314204

Mother and daughter know how to please

>> No.17314212
File: 548 KB, 1000x1250, 795a2135aa9b92f70b70fbe3461c5a72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314228

>> No.17314214
File: 5 KB, 300x171, The_Akujiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ywn have a haughty cursed weebsword that gets hungry and requires specific junkfood.
My pain....my suffering...

>> No.17314215

Thats not my phone, my phone is filled with pictures of soft and chesty foxes

>> No.17314217
File: 14 KB, 320x240, FernGully32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314282

>Hyper corrupted Dorome
>Black, burbling, tar like mud
>often rears back to full height and sticks to any surface, surprisingly nimble and evasive
>emits a dark black smoke
>Still has a big goofy smile

>> No.17314228

Gives a new meaning to BBC
>Big brown cow

>> No.17314232

This guy draws his girls too lanky.

>> No.17314235

Oyakodon is the best!

>> No.17314243
Quoted by: >>17314301

>I thirst for the flowing red lifeblood that is Mountain Dew: Code Red

>> No.17314253 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 307x156, Bronies, this is your mindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.17314256
File: 613 KB, 717x1000, 1480466927997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demons are dangerous, especially if they have a sister.

>> No.17314259 [DELETED] 

I feel bad for the janitor having to deal with this.

>> No.17314276 [DELETED] 

He's simply referred to as "Barneyfag", he obsessively finds anything even vaguely MLP related on the site, and in response posts a really old TV listing showing Barney in the same timeframe as MLP. He's more autistic than the people he mocks.

>> No.17314282
Quoted by: >>17314302

I want to go up to her and give her a big hug!

>> No.17314290

Her "bad end" is probably one of the nicest in the game.

>> No.17314297
File: 134 KB, 500x484, tamamo souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314333


>> No.17314299
Quoted by: >>17314315

>Cursed edgy sword keeps asking for blood, whispering that she's hungry and all of that
>Give her to a vampire

>> No.17314301
File: 926 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mountain Dew: Code Red
Today we remind them of true horror.

>> No.17314302
Quoted by: >>17314338

Would you fall into her all encompassing inescapable embrace?
Don't worry, she'll let you go. She just likes really long hugs. Really long.

>> No.17314308

I want a hyper corrupted Apophis!!!

>> No.17314315
Quoted by: >>17314323

Y tho?

>> No.17314317

I really don't think MGs and Phazon are a good mix.

>> No.17314323

So they can be blood hungry sisters.

>> No.17314324
Quoted by: >>17314329

she's already strong enough to break mountains, im not sure what else she can do to make gains.

>> No.17314329
Quoted by: >>17314334


That strength is from magic. If you take away her magic I imagine she wouldn't be very strong.

>> No.17314333
Quoted by: >>17314335

I think she was lying to scare Luka when she said that. She really doesnt like to kill.

>> No.17314334
Quoted by: >>17314348

>. If you take away her magic
she just becomes a fox

>> No.17314335

going by paradox, monsterworld tamamo apperently doesnt mind.

>> No.17314338
File: 1.21 MB, 1687x1199, 1482677584680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be the one who wouldn't let go, I'm the kind of guy who is a sucker for dopy smiles

>> No.17314342 [DELETED] 

Paradox doesnt count, its the result of an unknown guy warping reality Fairly Oddparents style to change the world entirely.

>> No.17314343

I want to blow raspberries on my cute dorome wife's black tummy area!

>> No.17314346
Quoted by: >>17314354

Would you always have patience for your Dorome even when she makes clumsy mistakes or doesn't remember simple things?
Would you give her a reason to smile, anon?

>> No.17314348
File: 469 KB, 1600x1444, 1368241969701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314359

Would still pet.

>> No.17314350 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 307x156, Bronies, this is your mindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314372

Kill yourself

>> No.17314354
File: 913 KB, 992x1403, 1484946020960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314389

As long as she remembers me and our love, I will always be there to catch her when she falls

>> No.17314355

Paradox doesnt count, its the result of an unknown guy warping reality Fairly Oddparents style to change the world entirely. It doesnt reflect the original MGQ world and neither the characters there behavior can be taken as indicative of their pre-warp MGQ world behavior.

>> No.17314359
File: 88 KB, 359x355, yao tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw father forced my to shoot foxes when I was a kid.

>> No.17314370

What? Tamamo kills men in Paradox?! Spoilers please.

If true this is absolute bullshit, way to ruin the best girl in all MGQ and one of the only good ones.

Ugh..... MGQ is a truly forsaken place and not a waifu setting, at all.

>> No.17314372 [DELETED] 

>I recognize that cameltoe

>> No.17314380
Quoted by: >>17314418

in a timeline where dark god alice defeated illias and monsters rule the world

>> No.17314387

Contain your reddit.

>> No.17314389

>Relaxing at home watching the sunset on the back porch
>Dorome wife shuffles out next to you and gives you a hug
>You can tell this one is a bit deeper and seems a bit more of a hug she needs than a hug she's giving
>Ask her what's up
>She explains in her simple way how she's afraid she makes too many mistakes and is too dumb to be your wife
>Hug her extra hard and ask her where in the world she got that idea
>Apparently she was getting teased by a Cheshire at the library when she started writing checkmarks on the books she was picking up for you before trying to leave with them
>Reassure her that you will always love her and that you think she's the best thing that's ever happened to you and every man in the world should be jealous of you for having such a perfect wife
>She looks up with a great big goofy smile and you both enjoy the sunset embracing each other

>> No.17314394
Quoted by: >>17314420

Fuck MGQ I stopped after seeing men getting eaten.

>> No.17314410


>> No.17314418

But where is it stated she kills? She says she fucks men until they die or something.

Again if true Tamamo got ruined. And if she does it in this timeline I see no reason she wouldnt in the original.

>> No.17314420

You didn't miss much.
Everything of value is what worthwhile art it spawned.

>> No.17314429

>what is Lamiaroid

>> No.17314432 [DELETED] 
File: 472 KB, 724x1024, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17314436

I want to breed a dorome

>> No.17314441

That Dorome is getting cuddlefucked until the stars start fading
and that Cheshire is getting her ass kicked, and not in a funny or lewd way

>> No.17314446

>She started writing checkmarks on the books she was picking up for you before trying to leave with them

She got told to check out the books
Oh my god she's so adorable

>> No.17314449 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17314455

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong thread.
The /e/ board is two boards down.

>> No.17314455 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 640x480, 1499908618430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this better?

>> No.17314456 [DELETED] 

Why do you keep trying to summon Barneyfag over and over? Do you have nothing better to do?

>> No.17314460

Any translation news?

>> No.17314461 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17314469

Literally who?

>> No.17314462 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17314469


>> No.17314466 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17314499

Is this one a new MGQP girl?

>> No.17314469 [DELETED] 

Some guy who really hates MLP and throws a fit over pictures that have ponies in them or come from that pony booru(like the post I just replied to). You'd have to google it.

Did you miss the deleted posts earlier?

>> No.17314471 [DELETED] 

This isn't even monstergirl related. You just posted some MLP OC to try and fuck with things.

>> No.17314484

I want to lick her body clean

>> No.17314492

Why did you post a man?

>> No.17314495
File: 94 KB, 768x1200, tumblr_okr1kd3Uhv1ujbdkfo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute! CUTE!

>> No.17314496

Would pester near constantly by making yellow temperance jokes

>> No.17314497
Quoted by: >>17314529

I wonder how likely you are to break your hand if you slap that ass.

>> No.17314499 [DELETED] 
File: 482 KB, 640x480, 1499730775975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314504


>> No.17314501 [DELETED] 

That's furshit.

>> No.17314504 [DELETED] 

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.17314506

>thanks to a random birth defect and Mamono Mana a Glacies is born with cherry flavored hair
>her best friend is a Soldier Beetle who followed her home one day from the forest and never left
>all because the Beetle girl loves the taste of cherry

>> No.17314511 [DELETED] 

There's definitely a correlation between the strings of shitposting we're having right now.

>> No.17314519
Quoted by: >>17314614

I was just thinking of a sleepy lazy kikimora

>> No.17314520
Quoted by: >>17314528

I want to take a can of Raid to the spider girls infesting my shed. Several, if possible.

>> No.17314528

That's a crime.

>> No.17314529
File: 127 KB, 1137x1200, CyhjJa8UkAE90KU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it depends on what you're implying, breaking your hand on her ass, or her breaking your hand after you slap her ass? I don't think she would mind the latter.

>> No.17314534
File: 45 KB, 1000x900, 1496750655625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to snuggle a tough girl like her

>> No.17314539
File: 477 KB, 880x1200, 1483925727630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be her little spoon!

>> No.17314541
File: 336 KB, 1280x1921, 53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314546

How do I get a Rabbit Bodyguard Waifu?

>> No.17314544

I want to kiss a monster loli on the collarbones.

>> No.17314545 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 307x156, Bronies, this is your mindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.17314546
File: 801 KB, 813x998, 63623769_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just grotesque.

>> No.17314549
Quoted by: >>17314564

I want to get a job at a sleazy pizza joint downtown where a muscular monster girl frequents and become renowned for my great za and exceptional customer service.
Every time I make a pizza for the girl, i'll dose the sauce with sensitivity increasing drugs and a healthy dose of "spirit energy" and, after a month or two, will ask her out.
She'll be so entranced by my familiar energy that when that afternoon's 'za (made with the finest lust poisons) hits her, she'll be blown out of the park and will get an ahegao that lasts for an hour, leaving her writhing and pawing at herself disgracefully on my bed.

>> No.17314552

I don't like when you talk to that guy, he just posts more.

>> No.17314556
File: 352 KB, 700x681, 1489208896845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to brag about my cute wife! Even is she is shy!

>> No.17314558 [SPOILER] 
File: 333 KB, 1000x1300, 1499910838011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would MGs be put off if you had tattoos of their species type? Or would they like it?

None of that small crap either, Yakuza sized stuff.

>> No.17314561

Depends on how stylish the tattoo itself is.

>> No.17314564
File: 540 KB, 1200x1315, IMG_0413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to get fired. Pizza-bus pizza is a reputable establishment!

>> No.17314565 [SPOILER] 
File: 342 KB, 960x1280, 1499910988695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314582


>> No.17314567

If you don't brag about how cool and cute your waifu is you are doing it wrong.

>> No.17314569

>"H-honey, p-please sto-"
>Ratatoskr trembling and whimpering in embarrassment

>> No.17314572

If I come in straight with my intentions, they'll be sure to hire me! Pizza-bus pizza is a certified matchmaker and is proudly boasts an extremely high employee turnover rate!

>> No.17314574

Same here anon, same here.

>> No.17314576

Pizzabus's hotpants have an access tunnel, I just realized.

>> No.17314580

Ratatoskr is for making flustered, no matter her size or bodytype or whether she's usually smug or not

>> No.17314582

Dangerously close to AyyLmao on that face.

>> No.17314583

> a completely different man grabs his shy, hiding kitsune waifu and starts boasting back at you.

>> No.17314585
Quoted by: >>17314598

Squirrels need the extra warmth if they're going to report on the Ice Queen's domain

>> No.17314588
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x720, 1495263626698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll brag so much, she would be on the news! Truly she is the perfect waifu

>> No.17314590
Quoted by: >>17314594

Why do you think I posted that image?

>> No.17314592

I was referring to breaking your hand on her ass.
Buns of steel and all.

>> No.17314594
Quoted by: >>17314603

To show your stock image collection.

>> No.17314598
Quoted by: >>17314627

I want to see a Ratastokor sweating it while writing about the ongoing Apophis/Pharoah war

>> No.17314599

That's how you end up with a ball of mofu that refuses to unfurl.

>> No.17314602
Quoted by: >>17314611

In a world where anubi are all born with unique tummy markings, their husbands will receive a matching symbol or set of markings too, appearing somewhere on their body when they accept the anubis in their heart.

>> No.17314603
File: 1.05 MB, 992x1403, WHEN WILL THEY LEARN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be a real bastard sometimes Anon.

Good on yeah m8.

>> No.17314607

>Anons boasting goes back and forth getting more and more descriptive and revealing
>Kitsune and Ratatoskr have each hidden inside their own tails respectively, not without taking heavy alcohol with them, any revealed skin tomato red from embarrassment
>Bartender just shakes his head

>> No.17314610

Naav took our advice about Rata tails, and holy shit did it go over well
Wanna sleep curled up in that thing after smacking those titties around for hours

>> No.17314611
Quoted by: >>17314628

I'm not talking symbols my man.

Think of a man with a giant snake tattoo on his back marrying a Lamia, or a giant gyphon tattoo on his back marrying a Gryphon.

>> No.17314614

Now you got me thinking about a shog that doesn't act eldritch at all, but instead is just a hyperactive deredere type.

>> No.17314619

I like this image.

>> No.17314622

I bet MGC news would have entire segments of their show dedicated to new couples and how they met.

>> No.17314624

>soon it just becomes a bunch of husbands getting dragged away by their wives after starting to fight about who's wife was better

>> No.17314626

>All the other Shoggoths at the maid center think she's a total weirdo an avoid her
>When she finally gets chosen, her master is expecting the stereotypical Shog, 'silly mastahs' and all
>Instead she skips about and dusts everything personally, winking at him and often sliding over for headpats when she's done well
>"Tekeli-licious, master! What'll it be for dinner today?"

>> No.17314627
Quoted by: >>17314632

Hopefully not that thick Wintertoskr, she needs to lose some weight and get fit before going to the desert

>> No.17314628

I thought my idea was pretty romantic, but okay.
Let's go full Yakuza then. When men get stylised back tattoos of the creature their wife represents, it gives them fighting style knowledge and lets them do Heat Moves related to that creature.

>> No.17314632
Quoted by: >>17314645

I'd watch the thick Wintertoskr jog panting on the treadmill for literally hours and hours on end

>> No.17314633

I want the same thing but with waifus yelling about how great their shy husband is

>> No.17314636

That makes them better IMHO.

>> No.17314637
Quoted by: >>17314649

You sure this isn't an alp familia?

>> No.17314638

>Stoic lich and her stoic husband are watching from a gloomy side booth sipping bitter drinks
>"...You're the best, you know."
>"A satisfactory comment."

>> No.17314641

I kinda hoped that being incubi'd by a ogre gets me some sweet body tattoos.

>> No.17314645

She won't stay thick that long if you keep doing that.

>> No.17314649
Quoted by: >>17314700

Alps can only be succubi family MGs.

>> No.17314650
File: 283 KB, 647x706, 1476934537093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314657

Are you sure you want a waifu to join that war? She'll have to shout extra hard to be noticed!

>> No.17314652

>"Turn you into a slime?! Like, no way master! That'd just be so weird! I like you just the way you are~!"
>"Here's the new silverware I bought! Isn't it, like, so amazing? It's brand new and extra shiny!"
>"Aww... master, you're too cute! I don't get it either! Maybe you should do some research and try and figure it out! You're like the best at solving mysteries and finding things out!"
>Meanwhile in reality anon has been sitting in his armchair for days on end as his shog wife of many years simply stands next to him smiling silently watching over him, his eyes glazed over yet twitching, the house long since covered in dust and to the outside eye abandoned, entirely converted to her body

>> No.17314657

>Normally timid and shy waifus go full crass delinquent when having a shouting match over who's got the best husband
>Many developing rough accents

>> No.17314661
Quoted by: >>17314695

You ruined it.

>> No.17314663

Lemme smash

>> No.17314664


>Declare political asylum
>Dragon police woman is skeptical of a world in such dire straights as to warrant political asylum into Dragonia
>Literally just tell her the plot to "Watership Down", replacing rabbits with humans as you go and fudging a few details
>Dragon is convinced that you now require the greatest protection possible
>Demands you come home to live with her so she can make sure you recover properly from your ordeal

That's my plan anyways.

>> No.17314669
Quoted by: >>17314680

That would be quite the sight. Slimes getting in the faces of ogres to propose how amazing her husband is while the ogre shouts how great hers it. All while a group of men stand around talking about the weather.

>> No.17314672
File: 105 KB, 600x834, JK oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about gyaru monsters.

>> No.17314678

The gyaru Ryu described a while back was just divine. No pun intended.

>> No.17314680
Quoted by: >>17314693

Or a bunch of big minotaurs growling about how their husband's dick is biggest when suddenly they hear a squeaky hiccup and a fairy flits up, drunk, and starts bragging profusely about how her husband's monster cock

>> No.17314681
File: 168 KB, 1278x2048, .less gyaru cheshire low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17315345


>> No.17314684
File: 378 KB, 907x900, 1494239628589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be the shy guy to some rough and tough gals!

>> No.17314687

I wanna be their mansel in distress that they tease but beat the shit out of anyone who so much as looks at him wrong

>> No.17314692

I want that big blue oni to steal my wallet then treat me to lunch.

>> No.17314693

> " y-you think that...you think that your husband's dick is big? nah, your husband's dick is like a toothpick with a coup'la olives. my husband's dick is so big that it went in my ass, out my mouth, and I still couldn't see past it! you hairy broads, i bet you just say 'ooh, ah' and get him off so you can go back ta, go back ta wishing you'd grabbed that cute neighbor boy when you'ze was ten. "

>> No.17314695

I think he enhanced it. Gap moe is shit. Shoggoths being creepy, husband-loving lotus eaters is neat.

>> No.17314698
Quoted by: >>17314710

You're shit.

>> No.17314700
Quoted by: >>17314713

Yeah, about that.

Could somebody translate this tweet for me?


>@KarinaSnowFox お返事が遅くなってすみません。大半はアルプになりますが、男性に資質があれば、狼の特徴を持つサキュバスや、ワーウルフ自体になる可能性もあるかもしれません。ですが、とても珍しいです。

>> No.17314701

Oh my, what a champion of a wife. She's getting the full package that night and breakfast in bed with some hangover nursing in the morning.

>> No.17314705
File: 356 KB, 633x800, 1494248003377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314716

I want to go up to a tough blue oni and shyly ask her out on a date!

>> No.17314710
File: 718 KB, 4093x2894, 2bf4ad883bc07b24205d848ac40d0fb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u

>> No.17314713
Quoted by: >>17314721

Alps are men. If you like them you are a fag. Period.
t. kc

>> No.17314715

Thick Ratas are best ratas!

Small except where it counts and soft enough to snuggle be it their tail or body

>> No.17314716

I want to apathetically ask a tough monster girl out on a date.

>> No.17314719
Quoted by: >>17314728

>other husbands start looking at fairy husband
>fairy husband is just standing there with his hand over his face
>"guys im sorry she gets like this when she drinks"
>his friend speaks up
>"she had 1 beer"
>silence then all the husbands start laughing
Kinda sucks shoggs turn their husbands into mindless husks and they miss all this fun.

>> No.17314721
Quoted by: >>17314732

Instructions not clear dick stuck in big booty alp.

>> No.17314728

Eh, fuck em. I can take the banter. I'm still gonna take my cute little firecracker fairy wife to pound town that night.
Might have to bear with some nicknames from the guys though.

>> No.17314732
Quoted by: >>17314764

What dick? Fags turn into alps, so you are an alp as well

>> No.17314735

She seems like the kind of girl who TELLS you you're dating, not asks you, yet treats you right otherwise.
Just like she TELLS you you're a couple now, and TELLS you you're going to a nice dinner with her, and TELLS you you're putting a baby in her. Aint nothing wrong with being told.

>> No.17314743

Gonna bum that green one.

>> No.17314748

Well I call eating out Rude Red

>> No.17314750
File: 475 KB, 1361x1892, 63288159_p0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be interesting to see how gaudy the dragons got.

>> No.17314757
Quoted by: >>17314761

I want the tubby dragon baker of dragonia.

She'd be cute.

>> No.17314760

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that the automaton officers are here for your safety, listen to what they say.

>> No.17314761


>> No.17314764
Quoted by: >>17314789

>Dick stuck in female
>must be an alp

>> No.17314766

>gyaru dragon
I'll take two to go please.

>> No.17314768
Quoted by: >>17314774

Liking alps is inherently gay.

>> No.17314772
Quoted by: >>17314779

>Automaton officers
That got me thinking about an anarchist Gremlin that goes around and 'repairs' them so that their pleasure receptors will overload at random times.

>> No.17314774

But do alps rape or be raped?

That is the question at hand.

>> No.17314776

I need her to sit on my face right now.

>> No.17314778


There's no rest for the rape-alps.

>> No.17314779
Quoted by: >>17314829

Would be nice.
Especially when one is demanding proof that you are married/have a girl friend only for her to suddenly overload and ahego.

>> No.17314783

Pick one anon. Even the muscled alps can't rape anyone.

>> No.17314784
Quoted by: >>17314790

>Automaton officers
I wouldn't trust them with anything more than parking tickets without protection against Gremlins.

>> No.17314789

Sure thing, tumbrl

>> No.17314790
Quoted by: >>17314798

>meter maid automaton

>> No.17314792

Strongfat alps are the cuddliest.

>> No.17314796

>muscle alps
>not raping their loser friend and getting him in shape.
They're still salty about high school.

>> No.17314798
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, 1488753322941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314811

Am ages old monstergirl species reduced to such a position, how tragic.

>> No.17314799

>can't rape anyone
Well, i guess its time to through them out of a window.

>> No.17314805 [SPOILER] 
File: 258 KB, 732x824, 1499915313327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute neighbor wendigo got too out of hand

>> No.17314809
File: 169 KB, 850x1074, 5867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So comiket when? Is it already happening?

>> No.17314808

Give her the ball gag anon. Biting is no.

>> No.17314811
Quoted by: >>17314818

It's ok. She'll like her job when she finds out I'm a sucker for a woman in uniform!

>> No.17314815
File: 581 KB, 1500x1090, 1499566798703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to bring her back to her mom, she's hungry and needs food

>> No.17314818

Automaton cops probably have their own specialty armor.

>> No.17314820

Fierce awawas!

>> No.17314826
Quoted by: >>17314838

She's just marking you for when she gets older anon, don't worry. You only have to worry when she comes back in a few years during a full moon.

>> No.17314829
Quoted by: >>17314864

>Automaton demands proof of marriage license.
>You have 20 seconds to comply.

>> No.17314832

>You will never reenact the events of Until Dawn with a group of college friends and your wendigo wives
>Only instead of everyone escaping, everyone breaks off into their couples and do lewd things together.

>> No.17314838 [SPOILER] 
File: 209 KB, 1000x1000, 1499916158157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17314860

Well hopefully she learned some manners by then

>> No.17314858

Tb h the wendigo profile looks like shit was expecting a lanky amazon wendy not a kid.

>> No.17314860

>tfw I just noticed the hand coming out of her coat and sliding down her leg

>> No.17314863

That's only one member of the species.

>> No.17314864

And what if I don't comply? What'll she do then?

>> No.17314865

Just use your imagination/drawfags interpretations

>> No.17314896
Quoted by: >>17314927

A chunni Kiki trying to be mysterious like her Shog classmates but failing by being too genki.

>> No.17314927
Quoted by: >>17314929

A shog maid student who is actually pretty chill and just cool and low key around her friends and only acts all eldritch and fearboner around the boy she has a crush on

>> No.17314929

Shogs are shit
Kikis are life

>> No.17314932
Quoted by: >>17314938

>Writing a simple smut story
>By 1000 words, expect the story to be finished by 5000
>By 5000 words, the story doesn't look like it'll be finished until 9000 or 10000

I just wanted to write about a guy putting his dick in a wolfgirl. But now the characters are doing their own thing, talking with each other and bonding over emotions.

>> No.17314938

That's usually how it goes anon, just roll with it.

>> No.17314940

What inspired people to make monstergirls?

>> No.17314942

Depends on who you're talking about. For many it was probably just money or their dick told them to

>> No.17314943

What do stay at home waifus do during the day besides cleaning? Do they have a monster girl version of the food network or stuff like that?

>> No.17314944
Quoted by: >>17315020

The Ancient Greeks saw what the Ancient Egyptians did with those animal-headed people.
Then the Ancient Greeks thought to themselves, "We can do better than this furshit."

>> No.17314947

To justify their bestiality.

That and or our ancestors had nothing better to do and a lot of exciting new hallucinogenic plants to eat.

>> No.17314950
File: 711 KB, 2500x580, 1497136514437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just wanted someone to love

>> No.17314960

Take, for example, the wolfu. Imagine a woman: sexy, breedable, and social. Now imagine a dog: man's best friend, protective, undying loyalty, accepting and lovingly appreciative.

Now imagine a female with the personality of that dog. That represents a lot of what monster girls are based upon.

>they're good girls, brant

>> No.17314976

So what you're saying is most of us are romantics?

>> No.17314982
File: 503 KB, 1600x2339, 2e0176a1db4c57ba8f20dc72ad0f3af9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sun's rising in England.
Post sungirls.

I think he's saying that wolfgirls are literally the perfect monstergirl.

>> No.17314983

>Thinks of all the kinky BDSM stuff I want to do with my Demonfu
Wouldn't quite say that

>> No.17314986
File: 570 KB, 1899x1466, 1471054086944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17315013

who says we ain't?

>> No.17314987

Are you implying kinky BDSM stuff with a Demonfu isn't romantic?

>> No.17314988
File: 2.00 MB, 1240x1753, 1414154851666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, I think most of us are.

>> No.17314996

Well, I guess that's true. I guess one of us tying the other up and making them pant and beg as they're teased yet kept from release is quite intimate.
Wonder if she feels the pangs of love when she gets the demon silver whip. I know I would when she does it to me.

>> No.17314998

Foxes are love.

>> No.17315001

>most of us are romantics
The majority are.

The rest are people who believe nothing can love them.

>> No.17315005

>Tails of a monstergirl couple making a heart
I can't get enough of this sort of stuff. Intertwining tails too.

>> No.17315007
Quoted by: >>17315012

To be fair, I have yet to be proven wrong on that one.

>> No.17315008

That would also explain the whole
>the monster is on the outside
argument and the reason why, despite everything kinky like >>17314983 it almost always comes down to feeling loved or appreciated and their actions, such as hugging, kissing, and cuddling.

>> No.17315012

Neither have i.

I once had a waifu. Once had.

>> No.17315013

Did kc really answer it?

>> No.17315019
Quoted by: >>17315028

Did you grow out of the waifu thing?

>> No.17315020

>the end of Ptolemaic Egypt and Roman Empires

goddamn muslims

>> No.17315021
Quoted by: >>17315032

Unless your waifu is 10ft tall.

>> No.17315025
File: 177 KB, 635x885, 1350007143072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm the same.

My dream is to meet a monster that can beat through my own self loathing and convince me that she really does love me.

>> No.17315028


Its the dream of most of us brother.

>> No.17315029

As far as I'm concerned a waifu is more like a vague concept of having an individual who unconditionally loves me.

>> No.17315031

It's never going to happen.

>> No.17315032


>> No.17315033

That's why we have the miracle elixir, the nectar of hell, the cure-all, end-all, be-all:




>> No.17315035

>Not 9'11"

>> No.17315037

It's hilarious to see people who don't know how feet and inches work.

>> No.17315042

I wish a cute fox would break through my self-loathing and insecurity to seduce me.

>> No.17315054
Quoted by: >>17315462

BDSM is incredibly romantic anon, you're good.

>> No.17315055
File: 346 KB, 900x750, DEZJPitUIAAnCEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17315059
File: 623 KB, 868x1228, 1490450225703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you loved your birds today?

>> No.17315072

I love my bird.

>> No.17315082
Quoted by: >>17315097

I need this birb's name

>> No.17315097

its shoebill

>> No.17315099

>Not 7'11"

>> No.17315101
Quoted by: >>17315103

>Not 4'11

>> No.17315103

You are my nigga, anon.

>> No.17315126
Quoted by: >>17315140

Most of you are retards.

>> No.17315137
File: 315 KB, 625x1000, Wurm_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got another one for you guys!
might expand this later, or have theem teature in another story
Enjoy the day (seeing as its my 25th, I know I will!)

>> No.17315140
File: 66 KB, 384x479, fuck_you_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of us, one of us

>> No.17315142

Thank you

>> No.17315143

hapi burfdai bic boi

>> No.17315154

At what age is it appropriate to give your daughterus sex toys as birthday presents?

>> No.17315155
File: 275 KB, 850x683, Shog tie latenight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17315181

It honestly doesn't sound too bad. You could spend centuries living in stasis together in your illusory chaos house. Then one day a random adventurer would somehow stumble inside and you could wake up and become their supporting characters, as a mad couple with sarcastic bantz.

>> No.17315160
Quoted by: >>17315176


>> No.17315163

What do you think a pacifier is?

>> No.17315167
Quoted by: >>17315176

From birth, for some. >>17315163 has it right, I bet monstergirls would even give their daughterus penis shaped ones.

The true degenerates would have them shaped like papa's penis.

>> No.17315168
File: 154 KB, 553x550, 1476662359217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe there are people who wouldn't hug a flayer

>> No.17315172

Seems like there are a lot of birthdays around this time of year. Have a good one! Could we split a cake?

>> No.17315176


>> No.17315181
Quoted by: >>17315207

>Wanting to wake up
If I had the ability to, I'd freeze time for me and my waifu in the middle of our most intimate and happy moment. Or cast a gargoyle's petrification spell so we could both be dimly conscious of each other, embracing in stone for the rest of eternity.

>> No.17315193
Quoted by: >>17315209

I would probably wait until 13~15, assuming similar puberty schedules. Would raising your daughteru "human-style" be looked down upon, like not vaccinating by momsters?

>> No.17315207

I'm not him, but I really feel you on this anon.

In all honesty I see this as the best end-game scenario in my fantasy, rather than dying we'd get a Gargoyle spell or some other kind of time-freeze/eternal lumber spell put on us while we're cuddling at our happiest and comfiest moment, and we'd hire a Nightmare to connect our dreams so we can have fantastical dream adventures together for the rest of eternity. It'd be a heck of a lot comfier than one of us dying and leaving the other two alone, that's for sure.

>> No.17315208
File: 167 KB, 735x980, IMG_3413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17315282

Tall monster girls in pantyhose.

>> No.17315209

>Would raising your daughteru "human-style" be looked down upon, like not vaccinating by momsters?
Signs point to yes.

>> No.17315212
Quoted by: >>17315221

Some people are afraid to get their head that close to theirs. They assume Flayers have poor self control. I'd squeeze them nice and tight though.

>> No.17315215

>tfw anon and his waifu have been in the dreamscape for centuries, and are now bored as shit, and trying to go deeper.

>> No.17315221

Anon before hugging a flayer:
- Full of hopes and dreams
- Working hard to make a better future for himself
- Has completely vanilla tastes in romance and sex

Anon after hugging a flayer:
- Completely lost it
- Spends all day having sex with her
- Has an unhealthy obsession with tentaclejobs

>> No.17315234

I'm sure we'd try to push the boundaries at least a little, but our addiction to comfiness and to each other would likely keep us occupied for a very long time.

Our daughteru would be there with us too though.

>> No.17315244
Quoted by: >>17315283

Isn't that the common reaction to being with any monster girl?

>> No.17315247

So an improvement then.

>> No.17315255
File: 204 KB, 653x549, BVOeEsN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon only wants to snuggle with the loli flayer that so happens to be here

>> No.17315263

Are her hair eyes squishy too or will it hurt if I poke them?

>> No.17315273
Quoted by: >>17315285

How does she get away with being so slimy?

>> No.17315282

>tfw no tallflat spider to engage in standing sumata with
Why live?

>> No.17315283

It usually takes a long time of building a strong and trustful relationship, even then you don't usually completely lose it

She won't be able to see the 4th dimension if you poke her hair eyes, so please don't

>> No.17315285
File: 213 KB, 750x693, 1466308657437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17315338

would you say no to that? have you no heart?!

>> No.17315298

Wolfus are basically the ideal, perfect woman. I wish they were real so I could touch their tails and make rough love with them!

>> No.17315312
File: 165 KB, 1000x800, 49262753_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17315338

How do I get a spider to add me on li◯e?

>> No.17315332


I want a cute squirrel to use as an outlet for my positive emotions. A fox would be fine too. I guess I have a lot of pent up love.

>> No.17315338
Quoted by: >>17315364

She's already practicing the squid thing with her plush
Flayers are dangerous

When a spider sports such a large abdomen you have no choice but to propose becoming her breeding slave in the hopes that your daughters will carry on her top tier genes

>> No.17315345


I've been gone for a while and haven't seen this. She's gorgeous.

>> No.17315364
Quoted by: >>17315382

But that spider is just a JK, she can't have any breeding slaves yet.

>> No.17315381
Quoted by: >>17316401

Yeah, exactly. The nightmare thing is a great idea too. I'd be happy with a barely-there consciousness as a statue, just enough to touch her mind and be aware of her stone body twined with mine. Or freezing us in a moment so those thoughts and emotions extend continuosly, like a note being drawn out forever.
But sharing a dream between frozen bodies sounds like literal paradise. No sense of time to worry about. No seconds to count, or years to pass by. Just you, her, and an endless world shaped by your imaginations and fantasies.

It'd be hard to pin down just what "centuries" means and implies in the dreamscape of a couple literally frozen in time. They'd exist outside the world, and our concept of time as we know it.
But if boredom did strike, then we could just sleep. No thoughts or awareness, just an eternal pleasant warmness, wrapped around and floating together with the equally content soul of your waifu.

>> No.17315382

That just means she is at a ripe age where puberty makes her womb ache
Few things are as welcome as teenage pregnancy in monster culture. All her friends will be jealous of her when she's carrying her eggs

>> No.17315425
File: 88 KB, 554x803, DEdXPAAUQAAlbO1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding hands before lewd time with your Anubis/Pharaoh waifu.

>> No.17315462

I want my cute childhood friend Demonfu to tie me up and cuddle me.

>> No.17315476
Quoted by: >>17315510

>You'll never fluster a Himedere Pharaoh by locking fingers with her.

>> No.17315510
Quoted by: >>17315575

>Pharaoh finally allows you in her bed after months of teasing
>She expects you to be a flustering mess
>Her smug radiates so hard that she could do an ojou laugh at any point now
>You grab her hand with confidence and interlock your fingers with hers
>She gets extremely confused and blushes profusely
>Not even a god's omniscience prepared her for such a depraved act

>> No.17315575
Quoted by: >>17315599

How would she react to you resting your head on her shoulder while cuddling up close to her?

>> No.17315599

At first even more confusion and fluster, but then her maternal instincts would kick in and she would pull you in closer while caressing your hair until you go to sleep
You'd have to spend the next morning making up the lack of sex though so think twice before pulling this off

>> No.17315690

If a young monster girl tries to seduce or rape you, please refrain engaging in sexual activities with her and instead relocate her to her house
And no matter what you do, do not listen to Sabbath propaganda. Every loli has a mother and father who care deeply about her

>> No.17315696

>For hours
Was gonna say I couldn't just do one thing for hours. I'm not so monotonous a guy and I'd probably move on from foreplay.

But then I remembered her aphrodisiac spit would probably wipe my mind for a few hours anyway.

>> No.17315742
Quoted by: >>17315754

>KC even confirmed it
Speaking of that, anyone have the extra notes for the Nacho that KC added?

>> No.17315754
Quoted by: >>17315759

>As expected, the appearance of unmarried and married individuals differs greatly, and the illustration is of a married individual in a state of being joined with her husband. They have venom and will spew venom such as “You're the lowest scum!” at men, which is rare for a monster girl.

>By the way, their husband is able to freely return to human form, and supposedly they also have sex while he's in human form as well, but for some reason, they're shy about being seen getting it on with their husband in human form or something to that effect

>> No.17315759

Thanks but I can find those, just sure there were more that I saw on the wiki but that's removed now.

>> No.17315774

Odd, you could always try checking the previous versions using the history tab.

>> No.17315788
Quoted by: >>17315809

Perhaps someone posted her making-of in the wiki and it got deleted shortly after
Aside from that and fake information/bad translations I don't recall any text that we don't currently have on the wiki

>> No.17315809


Here are the ones I thought of.

>> No.17315814

Happy birthday beast, and thanks for the roulette story.

>> No.17315819
Quoted by: >>17315831

That's indeed her making-of
KC occasionally releases them on his Enty, you're supposed to pay 500 yen a month to see them
It got deleted off the wiki out of respect for KC

>> No.17315821

>And yeah, their proof of intercourse is just dripping all over the place… Please understand.
This bit made me laugh for some reason.

>> No.17315831

I see, thanks for the answer.

Shame for it to be paywalled since it adds a lot to the nacho in particular.

>> No.17315884

>The majority of the assaults were committed in the Soviet occupation zone; estimates of the numbers of German women raped by Soviet soldiers have ranged up to 2 million.[8][9][10][11][12] According to historian William Hitchcock, in many cases women were the victims of repeated rapes, some as many as 60 to 70 times.[13] At least 100,000 women are believed to have been raped in Berlin, based on surging abortion rates in the following months and contemporary hospital reports
> Soviet soldiers raped German females from eight to eighty years old. Soviet women were not spared either.

I wonder if it was like this at the fall of Lescatie

>> No.17315886
Quoted by: >>17315890

>That one man with 70+ wives after the gangrape to end all gangrape.

See, this is why rape female on male is considered better usually.

>> No.17315889

>I wonder if it was like this at the fall of Lescatie
Only for the single people. And no, anime protags(heroes) that lived there and were so dense it probably made a certain goddess of love quickly got claimed by their sidekicks and the people crushing on them.

>> No.17315890

>Any of those 70 women sticking around
Nope. He's used goods.

>> No.17315892
Quoted by: >>17315901

Better dead than red.

>> No.17315901
Quoted by: >>17315911

>Better dead
I bet those reds didn't think it as they were swimming in tight unwilling german pussy.

>> No.17315911
Quoted by: >>17315949

>60+ people before them
I dont think its tight any longer......

>> No.17315949
Quoted by: >>17315958

>2 Million women
>Never managed to be the first to find one, hiding under the bed or something
What kind of bad luck is that?

>> No.17315958

The same kind of bad luck us NEETs will have when the portals open but we have to go to their world, and only important people get to go for the next ten to twenty years.

>> No.17315968
Quoted by: >>17316001

Thick, meaty werewolves that complain the hunts aren't as tough as in the old days

>> No.17315979

That Wendigo is too dangerous now, she's got a taste for blood, a Vampigo even.


>> No.17316001
File: 367 KB, 1003x1594, 1449903600647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17316008

They should find wolf god already and find fulfillment in Ammy and husband.

>> No.17316008
Quoted by: >>17316015

But ammy doesnt have the conveniences of fried food or the joy of Joanne Madden's Rapeball 20xx

>> No.17316015
Quoted by: >>17316041

You act like those things can't coexist. Heck, Ammy ate anything that wasn't locked up that was in her path when she was on earth.

>> No.17316026
Quoted by: >>17316056

Let my people go.

>> No.17316041

So Ammy is a fatty?
Or does she simply promote gluttony?

>> No.17316045

Ammy is the best protagonist of a Zelda game.
No-nonsense, fun loving, wild.
I'm sure the fact that she's possessing a wolf contributes to that. One of your interaction buttons is to bite people on and drag them around by the leg.

>> No.17316056

Desert people are for handholding without consent.

>> No.17316059
Quoted by: >>17316067

Nah, she burns all of those calories off fighting evil. And most of it becomes mystical energy that can revive her in a fight, so I doubt she'd store it as fat. Sorry to spoil your hopes and dreams of a holy fat girl.

>> No.17316064
Quoted by: >>17316383

Lewd lolitaur.

>> No.17316067
Quoted by: >>17316071

Gods are supposed to be beautiful and have the perfect body and all of that, so of course she wouldn't be fat.

>> No.17316071
Quoted by: >>17316082

Sorry to assume, there is just a percentage of this thread that are basically chubby chaser that like to inject that into everything.

>> No.17316082
Quoted by: >>17316129

Normal girls a best. Remove super muscle and extra fat.

>> No.17316129
Quoted by: >>17316147

The perfect female body is muscled

>> No.17316147
Quoted by: >>17316173

Maybe just a bit athletic. The girl needs to keep her sexy and smooth curves.

>> No.17316173
Quoted by: >>17316182

>Ripped abs
>Slighty buff arms
>Strongfat thighs
>Hueg tits.
>Big meaty ass
The only true combination

>> No.17316182

If the girl is pretty big then it can work. Porportional bodies are the best.

>> No.17316189
File: 285 KB, 503x850, 1432444310088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17316390


>> No.17316327
Quoted by: >>17316398

>go to look up list of animals with humps
>find list of animals with hymens

>> No.17316383

Glad to see he done more of that image sequence. Small centaurs are cute.

>> No.17316390

ABSolutely yes!

>> No.17316398

Any surprises?

>> No.17316401

What would you even do in a dream world like that?

>> No.17316404
File: 58 KB, 445x488, 1331220635817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Melon opening commissions soon
Time to get in late and have all the slots full when he does again.

>> No.17316408

Commission some thicc monstergirls m8.

>> No.17316410
File: 172 KB, 500x375, 9659c22450e748fc8bde1cfe7545c7be.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you even do in a dream world like that?

>> No.17316414

Can't wait until the slots get filled and someone starts an argument about popular girls getting commissioned again.

>> No.17316415

Who is the least popular girl?

>> No.17316416
Quoted by: >>17316425


>> No.17316418

I want to ask out a Salamander and be beaten up by her for asking her put while not being .0000001% strong enough to match her requirement. Then be found by an above 7ft uber muscular Hellhound who will cure my insecurities and shattered faith in all females, while she hugs me and whispers to my ear that she is protecting me. Break into teats embracing her fluffy chest as she holds me tighter and comforts me. Then beat up the crap out of the Salamander and drag her to our home for she to apologize and force her to give me a blowjob upon which she will enjoy it like crazy. Then the Salamander will blush and confess that she beat me up because she found my confession extremely endearing but couldnt bear the fact that her body was so attracted to someone so weak so she took it out on me, and had the Hellhound not found me, she would had eventually come looking for me and ensured I always have a smile in my face.

>> No.17316423
Quoted by: >>17316575

Realistically? I'm going to say Dryad. People remember pot devil and other girls as jokes but dryad is just so plain that she gets outright forgotten.

>> No.17316425

Whatever the heck you want anon! Live multiple full lifetimes together with different variables changed, become the main characters in all of your favorite TV shows, books and movies, create vast intricate universes over millennia of work, or just have sex for a REALLY long time with orgasms lasting days, weeks or even years!

The possibilities are truly endless.

Anon that was uncalled for.

>> No.17316426
File: 137 KB, 363x394, 1472823917300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very interesting Anon.

>> No.17316442
Quoted by: >>17316460

I want to suplex a dragon and attack her weak points as her horns are stuck in the ground.

>> No.17316460
File: 125 KB, 974x750, nacho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to choke the insolence out a atlach-nacha and brutally take her virginity. Afterwards she'd take and big gulp of air and call me pervert lolicon in a raspy voice, starting the cycle all over again.

>> No.17316461

Imagine the look on her face when she cracks one of the decorations on her claws.

>> No.17316470

>choking a nacho during sex
>her delicate hands grasping your wrists and not being able to pry you off
This shouldn't give me a boner.

>> No.17316477
File: 930 KB, 1500x1414, tumblr_osp42rpbZB1vldipoo2_raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Nacho grabs back.

>> No.17316480
Quoted by: >>17316491

>you will never impregnate your tubby momster after you catch her sniffing your underwear
>you will never rub her pregnant belly while drinking from her overly filled breasts

The suffering continues.

>> No.17316488
Quoted by: >>17316496

Don't forget the slight trace of drool down the corner of her mouth and the way each time she strains to breath she get tighter around you.
Fuck-fighting is the best, I'm completely ready for her to repay me in kind, wouldn't be fair otherwise.

>> No.17316489
File: 334 KB, 494x370, gele.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17316498

It certainly should.

>> No.17316491
File: 115 KB, 1134x1200, DCD2LC8WAAAyTBe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking straight from a monstergirls lactating bosoms must be the best feeling ever.

>> No.17316493

How do you tell Sabbath Scouts and Snuggle Scouts apart? I like cuddles but don't want to get turned into a lolicon, please help.

>> No.17316496
Quoted by: >>17316506

I wish I was grabbed by those thighs.
>Don't forget the slight trace of drool down the corner of her mouth and the way each time she strains to breath she get tighter around you.
That's lewd, thankfully there's no real risk with monsters since they're incredibly durable.
>Fuck-fighting is the best
Indeed it is. I really want one in a wrestling outfit like this

>> No.17316498
Quoted by: >>17316509

Go away

>> No.17316506
Quoted by: >>17316524

Which girl do you think would fit best as a wrestler and how would you attempt to defeat her?

>> No.17316505

One are like girl scouts who spread cheer, and the other is like Jehovah's Witnesses

>> No.17316509

Why do you hate Gele so much?

>> No.17316512

It's really easy anon, snuggle scouts have bikinis as their uniforms but sabbath scouts wear little leotards with the chest and pussy areas completely bare.

>> No.17316514

Sabbath has a cuddle branch too. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

>> No.17316516

>sabbath scouts wear little leotards with the chest and pussy areas completely bare.
I'm sorry anon but that is just too lewd.

>> No.17316518

I want a Shoggoth, Nacho, Wendy, and CaveSquid battle meidos.

>> No.17316524
Quoted by: >>17316539

Nacho would be a jobber for people with a ryona fetish while a real wrestler would be something like a minotaur.
>how would you attempt to defeat her
Come to the ring wearing a red lucha mask, red tights and red kneepads. Then pray that getting her worked up clouds her judgement and try to do some sneaky take downs, if she manages to get back on her feet I'm fucked.

>> No.17316528
Quoted by: >>17316530

What would they do if you invited them inside to talk about the glory of eternal lolis?

>> No.17316530

Everything they could to show you the merits of their soft little bodies.

They may even do a dance for you!

>> No.17316538

Doesn't the sabbath focus on the purity and innocence of little girls? Sounds like you are just talking about young succubi.

>> No.17316539 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17316555

>Nacho would be a jobber for people with a ryona fetish
Hey, that's me. I'm not into guro but if she can take some rough stuff I'm all for that.
>Wrestler Nacho charges at you wildy with a snarl on her face
>During her clumly move you trip her up and force her to the ground
>"Unhand me dirty human, this in the rules!"
>One minute later you have her by the hair, using it as reins while you bottom out in her ass, pained grunts rising from her every time as you are way too large for her tiny hole

>> No.17316544

A little. The Sabbath focuses mostly on teaching people that lolis are the best for sex, however true that may actually be.

>> No.17316545
Quoted by: >>17316547

He's just trying to force his stupid meme.

>> No.17316547

I kinda like it.

>> No.17316548
Quoted by: >>17316558

>Nacho would be a jobber for people with a ryona fetish
Hey, that's me. I'm not into guro but if she can take some rough stuff I'm all for that.
>Wrestler Nacho charges at you wildly with a snarl on her face
>During her clumsy move you trip her up and force her to the ground
>"Unhand me dirty human, this isn't in the rules!"
>One minute later you have her by the hair, using it as reins while you bottom out in her ass, pained grunts rising from her every time as you are way too large for her tiny hole

>> No.17316552

But the end goal is super lewd though.

>> No.17316555
Quoted by: >>17316558

>audience cheers and laughs
>an ushi in the front row audibly asks if such a weakling can even be called a monster girl
>the humiliation makes the nacho even wetter
It's a good fantasy.

>> No.17316556
Quoted by: >>17316566

You could get a whole box of blue slimes for that kind of money, or a pair of Reds. Rarer chromatics like greens and oranges might run up the bill though, and Bubbles are nearly a thousand bucks. Darks and Greys? 2k minimum easy.

>> No.17316558
Quoted by: >>17316589

Weird, no idea where that went. Meant for >>17316548 I guess.

>> No.17316566
Quoted by: >>17316583

I'm not sure it's okay to buy and sell monstergirls.

>> No.17316575

What happened last time? I must have missed it.

I'd say Cockatrice is worse.

>> No.17316583

>tfw no Dark Slime criminal mastermind to be on the lam with, running the "slime trade" from the shadows.

>> No.17316589
Quoted by: >>17316662

Sorry, just got annoyed at my spelling errors.

I like the way you think though, with an audience you can then do things like hold her in a full nelson and show off how her small rosebud is taking your entire length.


>> No.17316609
File: 1.22 MB, 1451x1079, woof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pair of cute dogs

>> No.17316623

>Nerd hound and dire kobold

>> No.17316628

Aww man anon, that Hell-Kobold is pretty.

I've always wondered what my Kobold waifu would look like as a Hellhound so this is really neat.

>> No.17316634
Quoted by: >>17316647

How the hell did I not notice all those little accessories on the Kobold before?

>> No.17316647
File: 83 KB, 800x1200, C3fIL08UkAARoHg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17316660

Those edits need a bit more work.
Because they rarely get fanart outside of bondage trash.

>> No.17316660

weird KDF fetishes aside, I do prefer the way his girls' paws are. MGE Kobold's are too furry and their legs are too animalish.

>> No.17316661

What did he mean by this?

>> No.17316662

>full nelson anal
Now that's how you humiliate a nacho on front of an audience, it's perfect.

>> No.17316667

I don't know but I wish he'd come back, I really enjoyed his stuff.

>> No.17316672

You play videojuegos with Silent?

>> No.17316676
Quoted by: >>17316717

I want to smack a Mega-Holst's titties around with a baseball bat!

>> No.17316710

All i want is to be ruined for marriage by an ara ara. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.17316717

>They're so big and meaty she just blushes and timidly asks you to stop with no pain

>> No.17316721
Quoted by: >>17316753

She ruins you so you have no other choice but to marry her

>> No.17316738

>Drag out your Atlach-Nacha waifu from her web covered cave
>Bring her to the mall to try on a bunch of cute outfits
>She keeps making a scene
>Refuses to put on any item you bring her
>Loudly calls you a lolicon and all kinds of other nasty names
>Enough is enough
>You pick her up like the small bitchy spider she is
>Violently rip out her clothes to reveal her dripping wet pussy
>Put her in a full nelson and start pounding at her ass
>You don't stop until more than an hour later when she finally apologizes for her behavior
>Too bad all the mall visitors and workers already came by to take pictures and videos

>> No.17316747
Quoted by: >>17316782

Imagine the humiliated and frustrated tears in her eyes when inseminate her anus in front of an entire stadium of monsters and humans.

>> No.17316753

At this point i would marry even an ara ara alp. Lonliness can ruin anyone.

>> No.17316764

Anon, what happens when your onee-san tells you it's pecker pulling time?

>> No.17316766

It gets bigger when I pull on it

>> No.17316771

Run to the nice minotaur next door neighbor.

>> No.17316777

I tell her I don't even know what that is.

>> No.17316782
Quoted by: >>17316882

>even the workers would take pictures
Poor girl, if she was a big enough masochist she would probably be turned on if she was a big enough masochist though.
If you want to go for ultimate humiliation you could tighten the grip and promise to loosen it slightly if she makes double peace signs.

>> No.17316786
File: 317 KB, 781x1017, tumblr_ok4ukwOWx01vldipoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask for facesitting.

>> No.17316803

>And then Anon was arrested for pedophilia and public fornication the next day.

>> No.17316815
Quoted by: >>17316826

There'd be no such thing in MGC anon, public fornication would be encouraged if anything. Same with pedophilia.

>> No.17316817
Quoted by: >>17316851

And somehow you're okay with other men having videos of pics of your waifu nude and getting fucked

>> No.17316824
File: 250 KB, 600x500, IMG_0417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're good girls, brant
I want to see We Rate Monster Girls run by a genki kobold.
>This is Alyssa. Hecking strong dragon. Ain't no mere female lizard. Prideful af. Pls don't bully about height. 10/10 would be her treasure.

>> No.17316826

You'd be okay with some guy groping your daughter/son?

>> No.17316829

Say "ok" and continue cuddling my girlfriend that she hates a bit.

>> No.17316830

They've all got to learn sometime anon.

>> No.17316834
Quoted by: >>17316838

You're disgusting.

>> No.17316836

Hey, rape is a legally recognized way to kick off a marriage, so I don't see why not.

>> No.17316838

How about we institute Romeo and Juliet laws to allow childhood friends to enjoy each other, but prevent being taken advantage of?

>> No.17316844
Quoted by: >>17316850

I'd be okay with me or my waifu groping our daughteru, if that counts.

>> No.17316846

It's not just sons and daughters, the Sabbath is a thing.

>> No.17316850
Quoted by: >>17316859

Just when i thought anons couldn't go any lower.

>> No.17316851

>Anon is behind the accusee's glass with cops and justice people all telling him how deep in trouble he is
>His Atlach-Nacha wife is invited to give a testimony before the judge gives the verdict
>She insists on him being a disgusting pervert lolicon who kidnapped her
>Asks the justice people to give him the harshest sentence possible
>Goes as far as to report other instances of him abusing her to add onto his case
>Shoggoth judge deems him innocent and releases him without any sentence
>She dealt with Atlach-Nachas and knows they actually go berserk when you try to take their husband away even though they usually say the opposite over and over again

In a monster society there isn't much wrong with that aside from the shame of it
Other species like Succubi would actually be proud of it, so you could even argue there is nothing wrong with it in a lot of instances
You definitely shouldn't have sex in public in a human city, they'd react very negatively to it and use the footage for harmful purposes rather than for entertainment, education and admiration like monsters would

>> No.17316859

You must be new here.

>> No.17316864

The monsters already have that, it's called "as long as there's love anything goes"

>> No.17316875

You're underestimating how bad it is to be ruined by a big mature ara ara.
One night with her and you'd see the world through completely different lens,
All the cute young monster girls trying to hit up on you just wouldn't do anything for you,
Any semblance of love and arousal you had for the opposite sex would be crushed, not even your favorite porn would be able to get you up.
Meanwhile, just receiving a message on your phone would cause you to breath heavy because you know it might be the ara ara inviting for another evening of just "dinner and a movie"
Do you really want your days to start and end with you pathetically failing to jerk off because she conditioned you to not be able to from anything other than her bomb body?

>> No.17316882

>Slowly puts her hands up, shaking all the while, forming two unsteady peace signs as she bites her lip in anger over being treated like this by a lower-than-mud human
>You whisper additional instructions in her ear
>"I-I can't say that you fool! Be happy I've indulged your creepy fetishes thus far!"
>Her eyes grow wider and she looks panicked as you continue whispering what will happen if she doesn't
>"I'm...happy to be my new husbands personal sexsleeve and stress relief toy, nothing makes be happier than taking his big human dick up up impertinent ass..."

>> No.17316898

If I could get a nacho to say that I'd be the happiest man in the world.

Well, maybe second happiest. I'd be the absolute happiest if I could tie her arms up in the ring ropes and spank her until she begs for baby making vaginal sex.

>> No.17316904
Quoted by: >>17316943

That's really lewd tb h. Is there an explanation to why i like mature ladies more?

>> No.17316906

Now imagine being AraAra~ed by an ice queen who froze your heart too. You would be a complete wreck.

>> No.17316917
Quoted by: >>17316927

Spankings a good one too, you doing by hand or paddle? I prefer hands as I find the image of red handprints all over a butt extra arousing.

Either way it's neat that nacho skin is such a pure white, any mark would stand out really well.

>> No.17316922
Quoted by: >>17316944

>Astronauts find MGE planet.
>Whenever they attempt to make first contact, the monster girls will turn around and 'trip' while begging not to be anal probed.
>There has been no explanation for this behavior.

>> No.17316927
Quoted by: >>17316933

Hands, definitely hands. Although in a wrestling ring it would be tempting to go all sandman/tommy dreamer and use a kendo stick.

And you're totally right about the pure white skin, wrestling outfits would leave most of it exposed too.

>> No.17316933
Quoted by: >>17316969

To be honest I wouldn't stop at her butt, that soft tummy could use a few slaps too, chest and thighs are not out of the realm either.

>> No.17316943

Making an Atlach-Nacha say such shameful things would require a master of sexual torture with doctorate in sexual humiliation
I have an hard time seeing a situation where an Atlach-Nacha would give in anytime before you fill her up with so much semen that her venom gets negated

That's because you just know they are superior in every aspect: Size, fertility, experience, etc... Even in aspects that are usually reserved for different types of girls like cuteness, not even the genkiest oppai loli can hold a candle to the cuteness of an ara ara trying on a new piece of lingerie and asking you if you like it while blushing profusely

This is how depressed anons are born

>> No.17316944
Quoted by: >>17316957

>Fellow astronauts find you with your tongue jammed in a Succubus' ass
>Ask you what the fuck you're doing
>"I caught her inside the perimeter and now I'm checking for weapons, go away!"

>> No.17316957
Quoted by: >>17316977

>Anon has to spend the entire stay in the isolation chamber since he could have gotten parasites or other nasty infections since he stuck his tongue in an unsanitary place.

>> No.17316958
Quoted by: >>17317023

I guess it would depend on the individual nacho in question, seems it could be a sliding scale of stubbornness too depending how much venom they currently have.

>> No.17316962
Quoted by: >>17316981

I also don't want an ara ara that fucked tyrone and had three trains run on her for "experience."

>> No.17316965

>That's because you just know they are superior in every aspect: Size, fertility, experience
But smaller and inexperienced is better.

>> No.17316969
Quoted by: >>17317023

I can understand that, nachos are such tempting targets.
>I have an hard time seeing a situation where an Atlach-Nacha would give in anytime before you fill her up with so much semen that her venom gets negated
Play on her fear of the humiliation in front of a crowd, tell her that you'll only prolong the punishment and all she has to do is ask and you'll speed things up.

>> No.17316977
Quoted by: >>17316994

I would say that getting anywhere near a Succubus is unsanitary,

>> No.17316981
Quoted by: >>17316991

Why would you want either 3DPD or blacks to exist.

>> No.17316985

I'd rather not.

>> No.17316991
Quoted by: >>17317018

I thought we were going by real life rules.
In that case i take back what I said.

>> No.17316994

Unless its an alp that just turned.

>> No.17316995
Quoted by: >>17317396

An Alice kind of guy I take it?

>> No.17317018

>monster girl thread
>real life rules

>> No.17317023

The toughest small spider on the block could take a full day of frequent creampies to even think about listening to your orders
A more common Atlach-Nacha who has some spirit energy leftover from the previous day could take as little as half an hour before giving in to your messed up fetishes

>Play on her fear of the humiliation in front of a crowd
I like to believe that to Atlach-Nachas the spider thing is the normal, respectable vanilla way of having sex and that having sex with their husband in human form is the most vile /d/ tier way of procreating
Even just holding hand with one in human form would cause her to freak out and try to explain herself to everyone you came across so that they don't get the wrong idea
>tell her that you'll only prolong the punishment and all she has to do is ask and you'll speed things up.
You're definitely onto something, but if you go too hard she will refuse to go out in public with you ever again

>> No.17317037

>master of sexual torture with doctorate in sexual humiliation

>> No.17317054
File: 629 KB, 800x1163, 5a31653f34880866a13f183973ac137b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All monstergirls can be improved by their desert kingdom version


>> No.17317057
Quoted by: >>17317081

N. I love my pale waifu!

>> No.17317058

You do have points about how shy chaos girls are to be seen with their man in human form, careful planning would be needed. Very careful planning.

>> No.17317066

Many of them can, but its as equally great as Undead, Slime, and Ice kingdom varients.

>> No.17317068
Quoted by: >>17317116

No, I don't like brown people very much.

>> No.17317079
Quoted by: >>17317086

Reminder to support Net Neutrality
>implying ISPs would support discussion of monster girls
>implying we wouldn't have to pay through the nose or deny us access to our favorite Taiwanese Hiroglyphics website

>> No.17317081
Quoted by: >>17317135

Are you the kind of Anon who would seek out a waifu outside a middle school rather than in the local Succubar?

This >>17317057
Pale skin > Exotic skin (purple, red, blue, charcoal black, etc...) > brown > other tasteless regular skin color

>> No.17317083

I'd love to talk Nachos all day but I'll leave with a thank you for the good material.

I like the idea of /d/-tier vanilla, pretty supported in canon too. Meanwhile stuff like going in through her anus. rubbing the head of the tentacle on her teeth from behind and cumming out of her mouth and all over her face and tiny breasts.

>> No.17317086

But I'm not American.

>> No.17317089

>Come home to find your wife snorting lines of dark matter
>Her body changes a little bit after each one

>> No.17317091
Quoted by: >>17317102

>All monstergirls can be improved by their desert kingdom or winter wonderland version

>> No.17317092
Quoted by: >>17317140

*is considered totally normal.

>> No.17317102
Quoted by: >>17317108

No thank you

>> No.17317103

The only thing my waifu would snort is cummies.

>> No.17317108

I meant the ice town. You know, the one with the chubby squirrels, the onsen run by the Yuki Onna daughterus, and the Wendigo husband hunting club.

>> No.17317115

>Apophis with four arms, king cobra coloration and oversized fangs dripping black venom as well as a massive fat lamiass and glowing red eyes
Implying I wouldn't be encouraging her to huff more

>> No.17317116
Quoted by: >>17317130

I bet you're comparing 2D brown to irl brown.

>> No.17317129
Quoted by: >>17317169

Welcome to Winterstown, population 601
Don't be alarmed by the rumbling, that's just Helena the Snowurm. Say hi!

>> No.17317130

I don't really like either, the only 2D brown girl that I somewhat like is Lisa from DoA.

>> No.17317135

>sweeping generalizations like a dumbass
It depends very much on the girl.

>> No.17317140

>You ask your Atlach-Nacha waifu if she could give you a blowjob
>She calls you all sorts of hurtful names and goes on about how no woman with any sort of pride would do this
>Ask her for 50 consecutive hours of tentacle rape where you will use her entire body as a tool to relieve yourself in without any care for her safety or wellbeing
>She accepts without any hesitation
Chaos girls make no sense

>> No.17317155
File: 204 KB, 1250x734, e968d3168ffe772faccc3eab5608d945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Delicate and pale skin is great as well.

>> No.17317156

>Chaos girls make no sense
t. Silly

>> No.17317157
Quoted by: >>17317204

Chaos girls are disgusting abominations and I don't like them.

>> No.17317163
Quoted by: >>17317204

>Chaos girls make no sense
They make plenty of sense based on their own set of morals, chaos culture is pretty amusing and I'd love to know more about them.

>> No.17317169

Does the Snoworm give rides to the kids of the town?
Is she a sandworm that strayed far from the desert or a unique species?

>> No.17317191
Quoted by: >>17317203

Siberian jinkos?

>> No.17317203

Yes, including a loli body one who puts ads in the newspaper for men to come challenge her.

>> No.17317204

You're mean
Go ask the Eros girls how to love

A guided visit to the abyssal Realm would be quite the trip
The total darkness only lit up by the girls' shiny eyes, the dormant elder gods, the constant melding of couples, the eldritch moans echoing through the darkness, etc...
I wonder who would make a better guide:
A cute Wendigo who tries her hardest to make every participant feel comfortable
A smug Shoggoth who is an expert at the presentation, but always answers to questions and concerns with haughty remarks
Or a Mindflayer who can communicate through telepathy and flay any visitor who couldn't handle the spectacle

>> No.17317215
Quoted by: >>17317218

Eros doesn't exist.

>> No.17317216

This is both amazing and unbelievably stupid at the same time. Good work anon.

>> No.17317218
Quoted by: >>17317233

Then why are you upset?

>> No.17317224


>> No.17317230
Quoted by: >>17317396

>Desert kingdom Lich

>> No.17317233

Because I'm an incredibly lonely person and being an asshole is how I cope with it.

>> No.17317241

The wendigo sounds like an adorable guide, she could ride on her husband's shoulders to guide people.

Actually that sounds like a very comfy life.

>> No.17317251
Quoted by: >>17317283

>Show up to the hunting club
>it's just a bunch of the guys and a friendly troll whose husband is at work so she's hunting for his dinner
>go on an outing, have a great time, get a buck and agree to split with the crew
>when you get back to the lodge all have a good time and celebrate a good outing
>one of the husbands finally says he better get home to the family and takes his coat off the rack
>as he puts it on it expands and shapeshifts into its normal form, and before you stands the Wendigo husband
>he gives a cheery nod and lumbers out

>> No.17317283

I want this life

>> No.17317301

>Wendigo husband
I'm not living in a place with abominations

>> No.17317319

I'm going to find a chubby elf to settle down with!

>> No.17317325



>> No.17317396
Quoted by: >>17317413

Alices are too pure, they can't properly learn anything or reach full potential happiness.

Someone has actually done a photoshop of that, I can't remember if I have it though.

>> No.17317398

Where would you live? Zipangu? Mist Continent? Desertrealm?

>> No.17317407

Anywhere with none of those monsterboys married to chaos monsters

>> No.17317408

Keep your age of consent BS laws out of our town. It is explicitly stated that all monster girls are physically and mentally prepared for sex at 10 by the latest. There is absolutely no reason to establish such among MGs beyond 9 years, other than "cause its gross."

>> No.17317411

Want some cheese with that whine?

>> No.17317413

They can if you take them to Wonderland.

>> No.17317415
Quoted by: >>17317442


>> No.17317424
File: 15 KB, 123x99, I came here to laugh at you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17317433

>how to embarrass yourself and alienate acquaintances in a single post

>> No.17317434
Quoted by: >>17317449

>Home of Nureonagos AKA Shog Lite

>> No.17317437

>you will never be this autistic
Feels refreshing man.

>> No.17317442
Quoted by: >>17317451

Watch out, you'll make him screech about standards again.

>> No.17317443

What did he mean by this?

>> No.17317449

Don't you talk shit about slime wives.

>> No.17317451

At least he's been expos now and people are calling him out on it
That post from last week was right on the money

>> No.17317453

Well memed my friend

>> No.17317455

Slime wives are better than shoggs.

>> No.17317459

It's about time.

>> No.17317470

Chaos girls are far too creepy to find attractive.

>> No.17317471

Always nice to have a good ol scapegoat for when people sperge out.

>> No.17317472

>If thinking that they’re human women, the man returns the smile and calls out to them, then they end up recognizing the man as their husband and chase after him for the rest of his life
Damn that's cute.

>> No.17317480

Only shoggoths and mindlflayers. Wendigos and Nachos are pretty cute looking.

>> No.17317482

Nachos are the fucking worst ones, though. If Wendigos didn't turn their husbands into coat monsters they'd be pretty good.

>> No.17317488

>If Wendigos didn't turn their husbands into coat monsters they'd be pretty good
It's the same with every chaos girl to be honest

>> No.17317493

I'm sure some monster girls think the same about anons.

>> No.17317496

You said they were creepy, but they aren't. Things are different with their husbands though.

>> No.17317497
Quoted by: >>17317523


>> No.17317503
File: 98 KB, 535x339, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17317514

>Nachos are the worst ones

>> No.17317504
Quoted by: >>17317513

"Waifuuuuu! This anon is saying really mean things!"

>> No.17317505
Quoted by: >>17317521

Getting rejected by a MGE girl would be far worse than a normal rejection.

>> No.17317510

Daughterus are for _______!

>> No.17317511

I got PSTD from reading this comment.

>> No.17317513

"Just close the tab dear!"

>> No.17317514
Quoted by: >>17317532

Smug lolis are trash.

>> No.17317516
Quoted by: >>17317523

The settings flatout say you are wrong.

>> No.17317517


>> No.17317519

Petting, hugging, kissing and cuddling!

>> No.17317521
Quoted by: >>17317529

This is impossible and cant happen, not even with Lizard Girls or fire mouse. At least, not perpetually.

>> No.17317523
Quoted by: >>17317544

I could totally see lizard girls thinking that
>"they spend all their time on a website about cartoons?"
>"they don't even train in the way of the sword?"
>"look at them, they all want to lay back and let some whore have her way with them, it's disgusting"
They actually may think a man isn't their type at all at first but change their mind if he's serious about them so it's not completely wrong.

>> No.17317529
Quoted by: >>17317548

>cant happen
Murphy's law.

>> No.17317532

Well that's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

>> No.17317544
Quoted by: >>17317562

Nuh Uh, KC already gave the veredict. If you sincerely confess, they will not reject you.

>> No.17317547
File: 2.16 MB, 2537x3600, Shoggoth high res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoggoths literally exude an aura of purity, and Mindflayers are more sinister/predatory than creepy.

>> No.17317548
Quoted by: >>17317559

Murphy's law can work with the improbable, not impossible. It is a fact that rejection is not a thing with MGs unless she is married or has her heart taken.

>> No.17317559
Quoted by: >>17317585

>It is a fact that rejection is not a thing with MGs
That's a pretty naive way of thinking, anon.

>> No.17317562
Quoted by: >>17317578

That's what I mean,if she knows you but you haven't confessed yet she might not be into you at all but if you confess seriously it'll sway their heart. Initially finding someone creepy doesn't mean they would deny them.

>> No.17317565

I've had this story idea for a while about an Anon and a Ratatoskr matchmaker who keeps setting him up on all manner of blind dates.

>> No.17317578

In the canon material, it says monsters cant find men ugly, so I really doubt creepy is a thing. They might find him wierd to not want him unless he confess though, but not creepy. Then again Lizard Girls will not want 99% of men unless they confess.

>> No.17317585
Quoted by: >>17317589

Word of the Author + In universe canon material >>>>>>>>>> your opinion.

>> No.17317586

The aura of purity only makes them more creepy. She's almost the Thing trying to be cute. Flayers are pretty creepy with the whole kidnapping stuff they do too.

>> No.17317589
Quoted by: >>17317599

You're a fucking retard if you think you can just walk up to any MG and make her yours with a confession out of the blue.

>> No.17317599

Yes you can, this was stated by the author. You know, the guy who actually decides what is real and isn't and can poof away the Chief God and Mamomo Lord with a stroke of his pen. If you think you know better than the author in his own setting, I cant help you.

>> No.17317608

I do understand what he's trying to say though. They shouldn't be 3DPD tier but it shouldn't also be "you're with me now" and that's it.

>> No.17317610

Maybe you should actually read what KC wrote instead of twisting his words to suit your narrative. He used the typical polite Japanese mannerism to say "I won't write about any bad ends or times where you might get rejected." Not full out "you will always win no matter the girl."

>> No.17317614

Dumb maledomfag.

>> No.17317616

Lilims don't care about that, you know, you could have used at least one species that does, like Echidnas.

>> No.17317623

If you're sincere, that shit works.

>> No.17317625
Quoted by: >>17317699

Show me where KC directly states that you can walk up to any MG and always successfully hit it off.
Especially given girls like Salamanders who are stated (by KC) to pursue worthy fighters. Sure, KC said later you can work it out if you continue to pursue them and they'll train you, but that's a far cry from "first try every time.

>> No.17317637

Cuddling with the waifu and playing video games.

>> No.17317639
Quoted by: >>17317642

How cheesy would romance novels written by monster girls be?

>> No.17317642

A lactose intolerant's nightmare world.

>> No.17317644
Quoted by: >>17317679


I really wish that I had a shortstack little kiki maid to pick up and carry to bed because holy shit I have entered a true state of not giving a fuck after four hours of driving.

>> No.17317659

I am not talking about that. You dont even know what I am talking about. KC said in a tweet that if you confess to a monster girl and you are sincere, she will take you.

>> No.17317676

The only challenge with the echidna is that she makes it a bit harder to just confess, usually at the bottom of an intricate dungeon with plenty of lewd traps and lewder guards. In a modern setting, their social status would be a daunting challenge to overcome, so anybody that manages the courage to confess has the courage and willpower to overcome that. And they can sniff out insincerity, so blowhards won't get a free pass.

>> No.17317679

>four hours of driving
You are small time.

>> No.17317680

>and you are sincere
It stands to reason that couldn't be just any MG though, because otherwise it wouldn't really be sincere.
It'd have to be your One And Only™.

>> No.17317689

Its 8 if I count the same trip I did yesterday.

A man can only listen to NPR for so long before going insane.

>> No.17317694

This. I had to do twenty straight on a round trip to pick up some rare 70's computer equipment last weekend. I looked like a dead man when I got home. Felt pretty good from the energy drinks but man, looked like somebody left dracula in the sun.

>Not having your music library on your phone playing

>> No.17317696

Not my phone.
I can't throw that on a work phone.

>> No.17317698
Quoted by: >>17317707

>listening to music
You'll never be hardcore like that.

>> No.17317699

It likely got buried in the tweets, but it is there. The question was what would happen if a weak guy confessed to a Salamander and the reply was that she would get engaged to him and train him, a training that mighy not even come to pass because remember, mana addiction is a thing and when it happens, standards are droped entirely. Then there was also a similar tweet with Baphomet and he said the Baphomet would send the guy on a quest or give him a challenge he can complete and accept him. There was also one about an out of season Jinko and he basically said if you get hug her and get close, or something like that, she will enter in heat. There is also the in-universe canon material that states that monster girls are overjoyed if a man directs his lust at her and she will "pounce on him at once to help him alleviate those desires". Also about how the most wonderful man to them is one who doesnt even ask and just assault them. So no, rejection does not exist in MGE, the setting is patched entirely against it.

Standards only apply in the sense that they will prevent on having the monster girl actively pursue said man or make him complete a procedure (that is within his possibility to complete), never do they apply in the sense that they reject him and thats it.

>> No.17317703

>Anon grinds to hell and back, even fighting some gods along the way just so he can confess to a dragon when all he had to do was say "I love you"

>> No.17317707

Anon, I have to drive through the most boring stretch of land in Michigan.

Grand Rapids to Lansing to Flint to Bay City.

Nothing interesting is on those roads except for one very large bridge over the Saginaw River that is about two miles from the destination.

>> No.17317710
Quoted by: >>17317769

Basically, Echidnas have a loophole that allows them to reject, without rejecting. So I guess it is technically possible to reject via the use of workarounds and loopholes.

>> No.17317711
Quoted by: >>17317792

You just stated two cases where the answer is not "yes," it's "prove it."

>> No.17317717

>hug her and get close, or something like that, she will enter in heat
Damn, I guess I wouldn't be able to even greet the poor girls.

>> No.17317726
Quoted by: >>17317737

You are sincere in the sense that you want to make her your waifu. Do not, not rejection, does not mean easy. A Lizard Girl will train you, so you have to be sincere enough, to be willing to go through the hell that is her training, at least partially until your mana sticks to her and she decides you being a warrior is not important.

>> No.17317728

Something something mamomobama

>> No.17317737

I don't think we're disagreeing here.

>> No.17317761

Haremfags blown the fuck out.

>> No.17317768

MILF Hakutakus working at the public library helping indecisive little girls and boys find books they would like and encouraging them to complete the summer reading program!

>> No.17317769
Quoted by: >>17317776

Just write a letter. Imagine an Echidna being wooed by her lover's letter, wondering who this wonderful-sounding boy is, and wondering why he won't enter her dungeon. Is he lazy? Is he too proud? Is he rude? The letters and continued act of not entering her dungeon yet showering her with love intrigue her, and she eventually tracks down the source. It's a frail house-bound human boy, unable to leave his home for inability to.

>> No.17317771

Tbqh haremfags are haremfags because they can't be commit to any one thing in the first place.

>> No.17317776

Snake protective instinct engaged.

>> No.17317778

Haremfags just need a bicorn to do the work for them, failing that a smoke hobo.

>> No.17317780

If I recall, you have to hug them and get turned on, so your body makes hers go in heat, or something like that. Basically she somehow scans you and if you want to fuck her real bad, she will go into heat. I dont know if it requires physical contact or a statement of you wanting to fuck her. Also KC said that a plant that a catnip-like plant can also make her go into heat and get all "purr" with you.

>> No.17317783
Quoted by: >>17317810

>forced to choose between Horsepussy and a majin-type

>> No.17317787
Quoted by: >>17317810

I wouldn't mind a smoke hobo.

Would love boning her after I get back from work while she watches TV .

>> No.17317789

Your confession has to be really sincere, so you can't can fuck dragon today and lilim tomorrow.
They won't immediately start sucking your dick, but will train your ass until worthy like lizard
High-ranking monsters are inaccessible to normal humans anyway. To confess to a dragon you will need to climb mountain's peak while fending off other horny monsters. To confess to a lilim you will have to reach DL's castle which is almost impossible due to thick mamono mana and tons of other powerful monsters etc

>> No.17317792

Its still not a rejection, my argument was that rejection does not happen. And it is important to note, the proof will be one you can do, so there is no scenario in which you will try but fail and get rejected.

>> No.17317797
Quoted by: >>17317818

>To confess to a lilim you will have to reach DL's castle which is almost impossible due to thick mamono mana and tons of other powerful monsters etc
Incidentally this is the reason why they're pretty much all single. Including Ms. Dark Matter.
Everyone gets taken before even getting close.

>> No.17317804

Getting a smoke hobo could be hard. They have higher chances with an unicorn but even then, maybe she'll feel how awful they are.

>> No.17317810
Quoted by: >>17317826

That's only if you want your harem to be multiple races. Otherwise you're fine with large mice, goblins, khepri and other harem races.
I like smoke hobos too, they're really seductive looking girls and pipes makes a girl instantly shoot up in the ranks for me.

>> No.17317812

>High-ranking monsters are inaccessible to normal humans anyway. To confess to a dragon you will need to climb mountain's peak while fending off other horny monsters
Mixed bag here. You wouldn't need to fight off other horny monsters. You just need to tell them you're not interested because your heart is already set on another. I mean Monster Girls don't actually rape people and they'd love a good romance story. They might even help you on your quest to climb that mountain, or reach where that extremely high level Monster Girl is.

You can be Level 1 and still get that Lv. 100 Dragon, you just need to be really dedicated. Most people, even if they say they'd want a dragon or something would quickly be satisfied if a Slime hopped into their lap. If your heart is truly set on that high level Monster Girl, then you'll make it there.

>> No.17317818
Quoted by: >>17317825

>Everyone gets taken before even getting close.
>The Order is actually a dating service pretending to be anti-monster crusader states that trains people to be strong enough to actually meet the lilims

>> No.17317822
Quoted by: >>17317860


>> No.17317823

>High-ranking monsters are inaccessible to normal humans anyway. To confess to a dragon you will need to climb mountain's peak while fending off other horny monsters
KC has outright said that if you're serious about the girl you're looking for and you explain to your would be rapist that your heart is already set on a girl then they will leave you alone because monsters don't like to crush a man's dreams.

>> No.17317825

Illuminati confirmed.
>That feel when the Chief Goddess just wants a noble and brave hero of her own to snuggle on cold nights, but they're all thirsty for high-ranking monster pussy

>> No.17317826
Quoted by: >>17317852

I wouldn't mind one lazing about my house and doing her yakuza-esque stuff.

Kinda torn between having her be the intelligent, tubby kind that easily makes money with good decisions or the tough, hugely muscled kind that has an intricate tattoo on her back that has to sometimes go out and rough up some folks that aren't playing nice, although she has a smaller tattoo below that that has my name in a heart.

>> No.17317828

Of course you cant fuck a Dragon one day and a Lilim tomorrow, the confession has to be to be your wife. That doesnt contradict my point. Also, not locating those monsters is not rejection, it is simply not locating them, I was arguing against rejection, so my point still stands. And I am still not sure about the not locating them part, its not an unpassable barrier either, because KC basically said Love is basically God The Father on MGE and nothing can trump it, also the "no sad endings" part. So if you love Dragons or Lilims, you are bound to find them eventually. Hakutakus are also a thing, and they can specifically prepare you so you attract the monster girl race you want. Also the fact that mamonobama is responsive to enotionally charged desires.

>> No.17317829

>You just need to tell them you're not interested because your heart is already set on another. I mean Monster Girls don't actually rape people
Last time I read MGE you had a high chance of getting raped/corrupted and husbando'd against your will if you leave secure zones.

When did everything go wrong?

>> No.17317832

While I enjoy the idea of having a one and only, I need your spoiler to be wrong because I haven't the foggiest who mine would be.

>> No.17317834
Quoted by: >>17317860

>Monster Girls don't actually rape people
Something that was lost in translation here. They do rape people, only it's not the brutal rape people like to joke about with ushi pelvis breaking, it's more like the comedy rape you see in doujins with a girl yelling "onii-chan get your dick out of me you baka!" but she doesn't really make an effort to fight back.
It's just that with the genders reversed.

>> No.17317837
Quoted by: >>17317852

>monsters don't like to crush a man's dreams.
Only if those dreams are monster approved.

>> No.17317842
Quoted by: >>17317864

If you're undecided or open to persuasion, meat is still on the menu.

>> No.17317844
Quoted by: >>17317860

Huh. I didn't know it was this easy to get the waifu.

I wonder if you die and ask nicely to death she'll let you go back and continue your quest.

>> No.17317845

They do rape, but they make exceptions if the man is really incompatible with them or if the man already has his heart set on a particular monster girl.

>> No.17317846

Yknow unless you've got monster DE on you you're fair game right?
You just might get catch & released if you're really that incompatible.

>> No.17317852

>hugely muscled kind that has an intricate tattoo on her back that has to sometimes go out and rough up some folks that aren't playing nice
This is how I really love my smoke hobos, just less on the muscle side and more freakish supernatural strength that catches people off guard because she doesn't look that tough.
Risking the elements, rape and all kinds of other dangers in the name is love would totally be monster girl improved. They have a huge weakness for romance stories and men overcoming hardships for their girl and visa versa.

>> No.17317860
Quoted by: >>17317866

When I say they don't really rape, I don't mean "rape" like >>17317834 says, I mean the actual definition of rape, rape that's very miserable and suffering for one party. I'm sure you can connect the dots to what that would be like. Monster Girls are rapists, just not actual rapists.

It's not easy, most people will still get raped. The only people who get the speech option to end encounters with Monster Girls are people who's hearts already belong to another, and they're just trying to find them.

>> No.17317861

But what if the man's hardship is himself?

>> No.17317864

What did you mean by this?

>> No.17317866
Quoted by: >>17317982

So it would be pretty easy, at least for me.

>> No.17317867

That's fine.
I'm more a fan of her looking physically imposing to match her strength.

>> No.17317888
File: 1.73 MB, 2376x2797, 9a8b13ddfd16bf17ad62be532a748472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who do I get vampire waifu. Or more like, how can I be claimed by one.

Hard mode: Staying pure until she gets me.

>> No.17317893
Quoted by: >>17317900

Monster girls aren't real you fucking nigger.

>> No.17317898


>> No.17317899
Quoted by: >>17317907

Smuggle yourself into a vampire kingdom. Fine a qt Hobopire.

Pay her in blood and sex to let you stay with her in her shack. Grow into seasoned adventurers living on the backstreets of not!Yharnam, doing odd jobs and earning enough money to afford her a weresheep wool blanket so you don't have to watch her shiver at night

>> No.17317900
Quoted by: >>17317905

>Monster girls aren't real

>> No.17317902

Being purchased from your parents as a child.

>> No.17317905
Quoted by: >>17317912


>> No.17317907
Quoted by: >>17317918


Anon, that's werewolf territory.

>> No.17317912
Quoted by: >>17317916

That's what they want you to believe

>> No.17317916
Quoted by: >>17317919

No, it's the truth.

>> No.17317918

Gotta brush up on ye old pugilism. The only thing those wolf girls respect is strength.

Just make sure that when you punch one in the mouth, it's a punch declaring friendship, and not a punch confessing love. Subtle nuances and all that.

>> No.17317919

Not really.

>> No.17317924

>How to fail Hard Mode in one easy step

>> No.17317925

>it's a punch declaring friendship, and not a punch confessing love
The fuck is the difference?

>> No.17317928
Quoted by: >>17317937

A 3 degree twist to the left and a slightly extended ring finger.

>> No.17317929
Quoted by: >>17317937

Real women can understand the language of fists.

There is.

>> No.17317936

>The fuck is the difference?
It's a highly complex and developed form of sign language practiced by a blind warrior of yore and passed down through generations of ruffians. Only every message is encoded within a swift punch to the face.

>> No.17317937

That's dumb, Wolfus are dumb.

>> No.17317948
Quoted by: >>17317958

Maybe they are but the wolfus of Yarnham are strong to make up for that amount of dumb.

>> No.17317958

Wolfus aren't that strong if you know their weakness.

>> No.17317964
Quoted by: >>17317974

A man can only scratch the bases of so many tails at a time.

>> No.17317966

Look, I won't say that all those punches haven't knocked something loose. Those Yharnam wolfus are nuts. But at least they all have fit bodies and pretty faces!

>> No.17317968

Neither are humans.
C'est la vie.

>> No.17317974
Quoted by: >>17317977

Thankfully Yharnam Wolfus are only found in groups of two.

>> No.17317976

Wolfus are stronger than humans

>> No.17317977
Quoted by: >>17317984

Not if you move more towards the old quarter, that's where the wolfus gather in packs, not to mention the occasional dire wolfu.

>> No.17317982

Well, ease is relative. Im sure a boy raised by a mage or Lich would find it pretty easy to wreck a Dragon.

>> No.17317984
Quoted by: >>17318005

But those wolfus are almost as weak as a human.

>> No.17317987
Quoted by: >>17318001

I'm sure that spending three years with a certain dragon in my mind and a huge gap in rank between her and other monsters would make the jorney really easy.
I'd still grind though.

>> No.17318001
Quoted by: >>17318012

Not grinding = not that dedicated = not sincere.
Flawless logic.

>> No.17318004
File: 188 KB, 1920x1696, FB_IMG_1499962364231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant take it anymore, I need a Hinezumi waifu. There has to be a way to waifu a Hinezumi without having to be strong or a martial artist!

>> No.17318005
Quoted by: >>17318020

Hence why they are in packs.

Then theres those lone wolves that were former order huntresses sent in.

>> No.17318009

I doubt it

>> No.17318012
Quoted by: >>17318019

That's dumb, anon.

>> No.17318015
Quoted by: >>17318024

Just git gud dude.

>> No.17318017
Quoted by: >>17318026

Shoggoth is by far the best chaos girl! I want my body to meld with hers, becoming one with her.

>> No.17318019
Quoted by: >>17318043

Prove me wrong.

>> No.17318020
Quoted by: >>17318036

It should be fine if you get that doll to help you out.

>> No.17318023

That Dormouse is lewd.

>> No.17318024
Quoted by: >>17318034

I cant.

>> No.17318026
Quoted by: >>17318042

Eddie please leave.

>> No.17318034
Quoted by: >>17318092

Just throw water on her.
It's their glaring weakness.

>> No.17318035
File: 2.41 MB, 2022x3085, 335d129081ff84873561ef3aba897b7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to climb the highest mountains, compose epic poetry, endure suffering and hardship beyond mortal conventions for the sake of aquiring my harem. If I have PTSD that requires tender healing femdom, so much the better. I'll succeed or die in the attempt!

>> No.17318036
Quoted by: >>17318049

But she's too busy kicking her legs and sitting by that church.

>> No.17318038
Quoted by: >>17318089

>anon gets Slime Pussy'd 50 feet out the door

>> No.17318042
Quoted by: >>17318045

Genuinely curious, who's Eddie?

>> No.17318043

Eh, maybe it's true.

>> No.17318045

Eddie Brock.

>> No.17318049

Just ask kindly, she'll be happy to help.

>> No.17318055
Quoted by: >>17318058

heard carnage will show up in the venom movie
i hope they announce who they casted

>> No.17318057
Quoted by: >>17318073


>> No.17318058

Probably a black guy.

>> No.17318061

Ahh, I see. I've never been a comic guy, so that reference flew right over my head.

>> No.17318062
Quoted by: >>17318089

There was a second game that hasn't been translated yet, right?

>> No.17318063

Actually, they will start sucking your dick. They dont wait until you complete the training to have sex with you. In fact it is implied the training is also sexual. So there is no "she will not have sex with you until you are worthy like Lizard." Thanks Kenkou Cross.

>> No.17318073

I would had posted it uncensored but, sigh, the rules.

>> No.17318075

Double faggot.

>> No.17318079

Open MS Paint and censor that shit yourself.

>> No.17318081

Link to the uncensored version:

>> No.17318089
File: 3.27 MB, 480x288, 8a5384a06d064c804e92767fe44cb439a3e5238e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17318095

>or die in the process
I will die before giving myself to another woman.

>> No.17318092

Throwing water at her make her not want you to be a fighter to husbando you?

>> No.17318095

Succubi are trash!

>> No.17318096

>You just need to tell them you're not interested because your heart is already set on another
That might not always work, especially if said monster girl has the hots for you.

>Monster Girls don't actually rape people
They do when they're starved for spirit energy. Some rapes can even turn into actual relationships though, even if it wasn't their intention from the start. They go in thinking, "I just need a fix of spirit energy", but halfway through they might change their mind and keep you even if it's against your will. But with the pleasure monster girls offer, no normal man would be able to reject their charm and love forever. However, it's not like what a lot of people think, where once you set foot in the demon realm, hordes of monster girls chase you down. Monster girls tend to wait for a guy they like before they attack, so slipping past a few might not be too much of a problem.
