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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.42863066
File: 56 KB, 877x911, 1675524317432148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff danuki breath!

>> No.42863069
File: 223 KB, 2000x2000, 103971424_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42863071
File: 499 KB, 2600x3405, 15413077660864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42863729

Why use a genie when a shog can make whatever you wish come true

>> No.42863090

i wish for cute loli-butt mm to spank.

>> No.42863096
File: 583 KB, 1219x1592, Troll_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42863131

I wish I could start my day with a tall glass of freshly squeezed Troll milk

>> No.42863128
Quoted by: >>42866643

Learning time manipulation magic so I can have a harem made up of entirely my wife, just at different ages and from different timelines. (Including mother-wife version wife)

>> No.42863131
Quoted by: >>42864903

Why a glass? Just drink from the tap while you're still in bed.

>> No.42863139
File: 517 KB, 479x408, based_and_chaospilled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, anon! There are a lot of lonely chaos girls out there that are desperate for some company!
That abyssal mamono realm won't build itself!

>> No.42863156
Quoted by: >>42863212

Yeah I created that after too many loses on ETF. A gondola chesh idea was bouncing around in my brain since a while.

>> No.42863175

Top tier:
>Shoggoth, Wendigo, Night Gaunt
Acquired taste:
>Atlach-Nacha, Mindflayer
Hope we get more chaos girls, I'd love one based on "The Colour out of space".

>> No.42863193
File: 165 KB, 1024x792, queen_sylke_by_shouhda_d6p0vdl-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42863212
Quoted by: >>42863268

>Going on a nearly entire monstergirl server, getting a PMC with a moisin, and then mocking her in proximity chat as whatever manticore you owned just seethes behind the monitor
I would troll monsters playing video games so hard

>> No.42863225

Sounds dope
I'm surprised we didn't get a Deep One MG yet

>> No.42863231
File: 301 KB, 800x800, harpy landing strip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42863268
Quoted by: >>42863287

>"Head, eye" your favorite mamono streamer with a simple double barrel and watch her moan and cry while you scream "eggless" in the voice chat
It would be really really really fun...

>> No.42863279
File: 1.26 MB, 3624x2590, bf708556ac09ba275a8fef6278060bb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42863345


>> No.42863287
Quoted by: >>42863295

All fun and games until she figures out an ACE glitch and pulls your IP and address live on stream

>> No.42863295

The emergency raging mushroom injector is here for that. I want her to find me.

>> No.42863329
File: 1.64 MB, 2600x2720, 1678299772887498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon is sentenced to sacrifice by combat in the arena of the Ocelomeh city of Tenkottitlan.
>He is forced to face off against their champion, with nothing but a wooden paddle.
>The crowd roars, but first, a snack.

>> No.42863345

Poking a wolf's pawbeans until she snaps and rapes.

>> No.42863347
File: 145 KB, 1335x1388, FoXUasRaIAATJ-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42863351

Can... Can I have a taco?

>> No.42863355
File: 621 KB, 1000x1000, 1678314749015438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42863422
File: 2.34 MB, 5005x4093, Double hebi (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42863426
File: 129 KB, 1600x1600, 1678037168194987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42863471

>Two snakes inside ME
>Both love YOU
Ohnonono! Seriously, this is killing my inner haku.

>> No.42863500

Best mamono for social anxiety?

>> No.42863514
File: 481 KB, 2847x2178, 1589118559620-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42863583


>> No.42863526

It's clearly the hebi speaking.

>> No.42863545
File: 474 KB, 792x1000, Sandworm_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42863583

You don't have to worry about social contact when you're 50 feet underground in the middle of a desert.

>> No.42863583

I don't think a violent dog from hell is the cure.

Sandworm doesn't care if you're a shut-in, in fact she prefers it.

>> No.42863617
File: 569 KB, 657x850, Shogged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42863630


>> No.42863630
File: 300 KB, 1837x2950, shogworm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42863644
File: 152 KB, 1024x776, Gazer Pout Siosaba317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42863648
File: 154 KB, 615x1024, 1678386441773627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would happen if your waifu caught you masturbating to pictures of her?

>> No.42863652
File: 203 KB, 1280x905, Gazer22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42863662

>> No.42863662

Inky brat in need of correction

>> No.42863668
File: 127 KB, 700x813, Gazer310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think would happen? She'd tie me up and spend the next several hours fucking the horny out of me.

>> No.42863675 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 1200x1600, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ban has expired, time for Angel oppai.

>> No.42863677
Quoted by: >>42863685

>>He is forced to face off against their champion, with nothing but a wooden paddle.
The crowd is gonna be shocked when I spank her with that paddle, literally.

>> No.42863683
File: 1.08 MB, 868x1228, Underrated gals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true what they say about owl girls?
That they're a real hoot?

>> No.42863685
Quoted by: >>42863691

>The whole city can see their champion's ass jiggle violently with every smack.
How embarassing.

>> No.42863686
File: 93 KB, 850x613, C4FEFE2C-1E3E-476B-A94C-28BE90C51C9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42863727

I’ve already bought the lewdnomicon so that’s gonna happen real soon.

>> No.42863691
Quoted by: >>42863726


>> No.42863692 [DELETED] 

Chaos girls are doo doo feces.

>> No.42863696

Oh no. You'll never see the outside world again!

>> No.42863698
File: 149 KB, 848x1200, gU5A0S1i_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42863725

Someone really needs to introduce the concept of clothing to those savage cats

>> No.42863722

Need owl hooters.

>> No.42863725
Quoted by: >>42863754

They're wearing clothes, dummy! They live in warm climates so they need to keep cool!

>> No.42863726
Quoted by: >>42864139

>None of the Ocelomeh know how to react.
>Their champion is now submissive and purring.
>The Human outsider is squeezing one of her well-toned, fluffy thigh with one hand.
>Eating a fresh taco with the other.
>What did the gods mean by this?!

>> No.42863727 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure I will attract a wendigo on portal day. I have so many smoked meats, and one day she'll break in and eat it all in one sitting.

>> No.42863729

I wish for a Kiki.

>> No.42863738
File: 578 KB, 964x969, 1528093000290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42863787

of course haha

heres your kiki haha

>> No.42863741
File: 629 KB, 1883x583, 1653611290225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Beastwomen fall victim to the P A T
Know your true power as a human!

>> No.42863752
File: 25 KB, 739x415, images (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two snakes inside...
One snake inside is bad enough, two inside is a bit too kinky for me

>> No.42863754

A loincloth does not qualify as clothing. They need to put on some pants or a nice summer dress on!

>> No.42863760

A loincloth is a perfectly acceptable piece of clothing! It covers the delicates but still leaves ease of access for mating!

>> No.42863763 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>42863868

I will fuck you waifu 's lonely hag aunt.

>> No.42863774
Quoted by: >>42864039

>monstergirls decide a full invasion is too risky
>surgical strikes. portal in, get the man, portal out
>anon gets caught with his pants down when a monster of his preferred species portals into his room
>"no time to explain, grab my boobs"

>> No.42863787

Shogs shape their goo to look like maidos because they realize Kikis are bestgirl so they try to copy them.
>Shoggs go to Maido Academy to learn the arcane secrets of Borscht and Piroshkis

>> No.42863808

She's the one constantly sending me nudes while I'm at work

>> No.42863811

Shogg - the 'desk' starts giving Anon an under-desk BJ

>> No.42863817 [DELETED] 


>> No.42863819
File: 614 KB, 857x1125, 65586065_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42863828
File: 670 KB, 1125x1400, 98767503_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865203

Loincloths come in high class versions too.

>> No.42863831 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>42863846

I prefer my foxes to be flat and sassy.

>> No.42863842
File: 53 KB, 600x447, 50C72A8F-0454-48A8-B099-45AAE40FD937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864427

>The Colour out of space
Wouldn’t the transformation be that the husbands of those MGs would take on a purple mist form so I guess they would be like the Wisp but they can transform the soul into a purple energy tentacle-like being that was see in that somewhat recent movie about the color out of space since they are a abstract monster.

>> No.42863846
File: 400 KB, 1200x1800, EPH5c74X4AE4hBd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42863861


>> No.42863861

You have a board.

>> No.42863868
File: 117 KB, 1024x766, E8D3DB74-5144-4247-8B86-D43ACAF6F4DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based hag fucker.

>> No.42863869

The best foxes are
>Specialized in curses
>Willing to bring a nation to ruin
>Willing to seal away the two of you together

>> No.42863871
File: 2.69 MB, 3761x4076, 1673143568712243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Visiting auntser
>UI appears beneath her
>One of the options is "mating press"
Do you select the option anon?

>> No.42863874

I don't want to be a rock though

>> No.42863876
File: 1.61 MB, 2300x1300, eZU6KKXC_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuddle a mino, all worries gone
imagine waking up before her, in her arms, and seeing her cute smile as she snoozes

>> No.42863881

I hope the next girl added is a fox sith.

>> No.42863923
File: 60 KB, 1060x1131, 1659379784896400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to a change in legislation all ancient evil, sadistic, dominant, or other confident monsters must watch horror movies or play horror games while cuddling under the covers with their husbands at least once a week. All married couples who disobey will be sentenced to hard mana generation in a locked room for a period of up to two months. Thank you

>> No.42863924
Quoted by: >>42863935

It's kinda amazing how quickly a general can deteriorate, desu.

>> No.42863925
Quoted by: >>42863948

I want some cool monster space adventures

>> No.42863931 [DELETED] 
File: 1.45 MB, 3834x1037, nataly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 part Ocelomeh greentext fic. Part 3 in the making:

>You are walking around a town ans having a bad day, the female order knight you liked turned you down, hard.
>A nearby Succubus felt your inner storm and approach you
>"Are you okay?"
>Tell her what happened
>"It is not the same but I think I get how you feel. I like that guy over there a lot but he seems to fear monsters, I dont even know how to approach."
>She asks you if you fear monsters
>You have heard some claims by the order, but they are the complete opposite to all the encounters, as distant as they were, you had with them. And in complete contradiction to what friends that had a romance with them told you. Today in particular you dont feel like liking the order.
>The Succubus grin
>"I have an idea! If you help me with my man, I will help you!"
>After some minutes you walk to the guy and tell him about the Succubus's feelings. With few convincing, he agrees to go on a date with her.
>"Thanks a lot! It isnt like I can do much for an order knight that turned you down..."
>Angry face
>"But I have a lot of friends. So tell me, which type of girl do you like?"
>You arent one to easily admit your tastes. Men were expected to like delicate dainty girls, but there is a reason you went after an order knightess that was the instructor of the combat school.
>"I like... stronger girls. A warrior would be nice... though I am not ony myself."
>The Succubus makes a big grin
>"I know a girl exactly like that! She would be very glad to meet you! But, she might be a bit too much she is... an Ocelomeh."
>You nervously agree
>A few days latter you meet the Succubus outside of the Satyros pub
>Your heart is beating, you are expecting to feel a hit on your head with one of those scary spiky clubs
>"She is waiting inside, good luck! She is a little bit off balance, meeting in a date is not an Ocelomeh thing, she wanted to just bop you in the head and drag you away as her husband but I couldnt do that to you, you got me a date so its fair I got you one."

>> No.42863935

It's what happens when you toss out any form of quality control and just let every retard come in posting shit like what gachaniggers have done. Gatekeeping is a necessity.

>> No.42863946

Jesus fucking christ you retard how did you manage to fuck up a greentext? Delete this and don't even bother finishing it because this doesn't deserve to see the light of day.

>> No.42863948

what monsters make the best space crew?

>> No.42863951

>Wonderworm blowing a genie
Finally gonna have monstergirls that make o/u/t with each other. Let’s see how they like getting raped by monstergirls!

>> No.42863981
Quoted by: >>42864010

Because that worked so well in the great dmca crusade of February 2023.

>> No.42863985

go all in on automations

>> No.42863989

I can't wait to smoke this genie

>> No.42864010

This thread was a dead husk long before Wightnigger acted like the nigger he is and kicked up a shitfit. This thread is now plagued by /v/edditors and twitter faggots that have made the thread unusable 90% of the time.

>> No.42864011
Quoted by: >>42864272

>UI appears beneath her
>One of the options is "mating press"
The rare context-sensitive prompt, only sometimes appearing on monstergirls like cakes, defeated rivals and slutty brats.

>> No.42864039

>"Cahm with me if you want to cahm."
>"You wanna try that again in Eng--"

>> No.42864043
File: 1.45 MB, 3834x1037, nataly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 1 of 3 of Ocelomeh story.

>You are walking around a town ans having a bad day, the female order knight you liked turned you down, hard.
>A nearby Succubus felt your inner storm and approach you
>"Are you okay?"
>Tell her what happened
>"It is not the same but I think I get how you feel. I like that guy over there a lot but he seems to fear monsters, I dont even know how to approach."
>She asks you if you fear monsters
>You have heard some claims by the order, but they are the complete opposite to all the encounters, as distant as they were, you had with them. And in complete contradiction to what friends that had a romance with them told you. Today in particular you dont feel like liking the order.
>The Succubus grin
>"I have an idea! If you help me with my man, I will help you!"
>After some minutes you walk to the guy and tell him about the Succubus's feelings. With few convincing, he agrees to go on a date with her.
>"Thanks a lot! It isnt like I can do much for an order knight that turned you down..."
>Angry face
>"But I have a lot of friends. So tell me, which type of girl do you like?"
>You arent one to easily admit your tastes. Men were expected to like delicate dainty girls, but there is a reason you went after an order knightess that was the instructor of the combat school.
>"I like... stronger girls. A warrior would be nice... though I am not ony myself."
>The Succubus makes a big grin
>"I know a girl exactly like that! She would be very glad to meet you! But, she might be a bit too much she is... an Ocelomeh."
>You nervously agree
>A few days latter you meet the Succubus outside of the Satyros pub
>Your heart is beating, you are expecting to feel a hit on your head with one of those scary spiky clubs
>"She is waiting inside, good luck! She is a little bit off balance, meeting in a date is not an Ocelomeh thing, she wanted to just bop you in the head and drag you away as her husband but I couldnt do that to you, you got me a date so its fair I got you one."

>> No.42864068 [DELETED] 
File: 1.42 MB, 1900x1080, Hellhound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864140

Are hellhounds warm? My furnace is broken and I've been thinking about which girls would be good for snuggle buddies.

>> No.42864074

Is there a Fox-boatgirl of the Yamato that Anon can convert into spacebattleship?
>wave motion gun is her pussy contractions when she ahegaos

>> No.42864081
Quoted by: >>42864114

Nice, I was waiting for the third part

>> No.42864088

Now that a religion I can enjoy. Some heroes are made, not born.

>> No.42864091
File: 626 KB, 1600x2600, Baphomet168a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864096

I thought I told you to not to come back here until you took your meds. Don't want gachashits eating up images?
Then post images you want to see first. Nobody likes you or appreciates what you do in these threads. Your just another uppity dipshit that throws a fit if everyone else doesn't cater to your specific ideals of "thread standards".

And if you aren't reporting anyone for flooding, you don't get to complain. Want the mods to do something? Go bug them on IRC.

>> No.42864096
Quoted by: >>42864107

>Go bug them on IRC.
They're too busy being tranny faggots ERPing to give a shit about doing their "jobs"

>> No.42864099

Fox Shog.

>> No.42864103
Quoted by: >>42864272

I'm a romantic that would try to set a mood first. Is there a "Kabedon" or "ask to eat her cooking every day" option?

>> No.42864107
File: 61 KB, 935x639, CheshireCat817_Latenight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865500

Hehehehe. Yes.

>> No.42864108
File: 550 KB, 1556x1179, oceloshy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You enter the pub and can figure out in the distance a feline figure, it stands from the Werecats that are usually around, for once it is way taller and that light darker skin is a dead giveaway. You are bit surprised that she is facing against the entrace, though it is better for you as you wont feel the weight of her stare as you approach her.
>As you get nearer you begin to notice more the white fur around her neck and shoulders and her multi colored black and very light brown furred ears which are twitching detecting the surrounding sounds
>You feel your heart beating faster as you get nearer. Part of you want to walk away, but that would make you as rude as that order knight.
>You give the final steps entering her view. You see her eyes pose themselves on you immediately, those honey colored eyes with a dark slit pupil, bearing the full stare of a predator.
>You gulp as you see resting just besides her that spiky obsidian club
>You immediately turn back to look at her and unlike her huntress predator eyes you notice some things. She is blushing, so hard it is clearly visible even on her delicious light chocolate skin. Those imposing eyes are darting, looking at you and then instantly looking away.
>Her fur spotted claw hands are nervously holding each other.
>Everything is complimented by a deliciously toned body, not super muscular like a Minotaur or Jinko. But the human part of her arms are clearly buff and bulging, showing its defined muscles. Her fur spotted arms and forearms looking big and strong. And you can faintly notice some abs in her belly. No doubt you are looking at the body of a warrior.
>You are unsure how to greet her so you slowly get near her and give her a peck on the cheek
>"NYA! H-he-hell-h-h-hi! I am Yaotl nya! I-I am v-ve-very nyanppy to me-meet you!"
>As you take a sit you can see her nervously playing with her paws and some slight trembling too
>Looking around you couldnt help to notice the smaller Werecats looked way more confident than this jaguar warrior. Though to be fair you cant tell if they are too on their first date
>A succubus waitress comes to take your order
>"Y-y-yo c...an nyarder wh-whatever you want nya!"
>You ask for some beer and meat
>"I-I will have some fi-fish and-" *blush more*
>"I-I mean.... I will ha-have the same he is having!"
>After the waitress heads away Yaotl begind to nervously scratch her head
>"I-I see you like t-the same food as m-me! We are so alike nyahaha!"
>As you eat your meals Yaotl nervously recounts her battles to kill the silence. With her demeanor honestly cant believe this woman has fought off even a common cold.
>You are surprised how she devours her food like a barbarian contrasting with her shyness. She eats in seconds her meal. A few minutes latter you hear her stomach growling and see her blushing brightly while looking hungrily at your food and the menu. You can tell for some reason she is keeping herself from ordering more.
>You ask her in a friendly tone if she is hungry and wants to order more.
>"N.. now that you mention it, y-yes!"
>She orders 5 more meals.
>You look at the Macuahitl weapon and ask her if you can look at it
>Her face brightens up at this expression of interest
>She quickly hands it to you, upon receiving it you are suddenly dragged to the floor by the sheer weight of it. You never expected it to weight this much, she easily lifted it with one paw after all.
>You let go of it, hearing a *thud* sound as it falls to the floor
>She yells almost pleading as she picks up her weapon
>You reassure her that it is okay, it was your fault for not asking, besides you think its cool that she can handle such a heavy weapon so easily
>The Succubus waitress comes in with the bill
>"Here is the bill for the food and the couples bedroom."
>"NYAAA!" Yaotl yells before looking at the waitress with a killer glare and in a composed expression you think you are looking at another person
>"I-I mean, the food and your room!" its clear the Succubus said something she was not supposed to say
>Yaotl's eyes dart back at you. Each time her eyes look at your you cant help but feel something. Like if you were looking at a hungry dangerous predator.
>Blushing furiously with a dizzy nervous look, she is now full on stuttering
>"Nyahaha... yo-you know... this is a pub and an inn and its getting late..."
>She takes out a bag, however because of her trembling movements she accidentally graze it with the Macuahuitl's spike, causing those strange looking silver coins to spill.
>She clumsily jumps straight to pick gather and pick up the coins
>You also drop to help her
>"So-sorry!" she says
>"¡Estupida! ¡Eres una estupida!"
>You pick a coin and look at its foreign design with some pyramids grafted on it
>When you look back at her you can see tears flowing from her eyes, it seems she thinks the date is fucked and you dislike her.

>> No.42864110
File: 37 KB, 503x610, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864185

Of course there is.

>> No.42864114
Quoted by: >>42864336

Part 2 was originally going to be the end, but since some anons wanted to see it continue and there is a chronic drought of greentext here, why not?

>> No.42864130 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>42864155

I'm not reading all this shit. Summarize the story in 3 lines, thanks.

>> No.42864139

Dudes get the horny offa da tacos.
>Shoggy rapes and kidnaps a Kiki for you
Really giving sorts.

>> No.42864140
File: 98 KB, 860x1200, 9BFD99B0-9B39-4744-AA8B-FB098D0A5A9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42868307

Yetis are your best choice for unwinding in a cold house after a long day at work. Hellhounds also make good space heaters, but your “unwinding” will probably involve an hour of nonstop mating press until you pass out.

>> No.42864155
File: 538 KB, 866x1400, 1554912653124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be such a grumpy cat, Anyon! It's a quick read!

>> No.42864174
Quoted by: >>42864258

>be Anon
>make wish
>your Shoggwaifu brings in a bound and gagged Kiki
>Shog/Kiki dom-sub show as Shoggy prepares Anon's new toy
>Shog/Kiki threeway
>Kikimaido compulsively 'cleans' your Shogwaifu afterwards

>> No.42864176
File: 531 KB, 1500x1500, 1678125274056125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons need a girl that can lift their fat otaku asses.

>> No.42864184 [DELETED] 

Fine. I'll give it a chance, just for you.

>> No.42864185
File: 2.50 MB, 3201x1939, FlXH2UragAErHoq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azur Lane added Shinano in 2020 and Musashi in 2022. That means Yamato will come in 2024.
That's a fan design.

>> No.42864201

Cat accents are cringe. She needs to close her meowth or use it like a real warrior. It’s the first date and she hasn’t even beaten him. She should die alone for being an embarrassment to all Ocelomeh. More like she is a 0cel0meh.

>> No.42864224 [DELETED] 

I love shitty chink gacha designs being spammed 24/7
I love retards posting them outside of their containment board because they're more obnoxious than bronies
I love threads being completely ruined thanks to gachafags treating other threads like an image dump for their containment thread on /vg/
I love janitors being incompetent faggots because they're either busy with vtuber threads or gachaniggers themselves

>> No.42864232
Quoted by: >>42864282

>Shoggy rapes and kidnaps a Kiki for you
Other Mamonos for starting a harem:
>JungleKot brings home birbs and ratas as gifts
>Anon points to other hot mamonos, tells his Heckhund to "Fetch"

>> No.42864255
Quoted by: >>42864266

>thread ruined
>because some fags post mostly inoffensive gachashit
goddamn, /mgt/ anons are spoiled as fuck.

>> No.42864258
Quoted by: >>42864377

>Shogg doesn’t clean herself by injecting it into Kiki
What a quaint notion. You must have gotten a feral Kiki. The academy trained meidos use the traditional pseudopod technique, as it leaves both sparkly clean.

>> No.42864266
Quoted by: >>42864291

They've never experienced a real thread schizo.

>> No.42864269

Post may be really old, but just saw this and felt like clearing it up. No, there's no mention of Druella ever failing in anything in any MGE book, nevermind failing miserably, with Side 2 even showing her straight up convincing a country to become a demon realm just with a single letter. Even in WG1 she trivially conquered Lescatie in a single night, with that being the second most powerful human country in the world.
The impression that Druella curbstomped Lescatie was so great that KC actually had to tell the japanese fans that the heroes of Lescatie were actually extremely strong, but Druella was on another level.
Side 2 then furthered this by stating that Druella is as powerful as a high-ranking god (e.g. Poseidon, Fallen God, Ares) and by all indications she could have taken down Lescatie by herself in a direct confrontation with zero effort. Just the passive mana she releases is enough to take down the country.
The main reason she didn't is because she actually dislikes direct invasions. She prefers to convince the population to become monsters and/or marry monsters out of their own will. Lescatie was just so fucked that they had to throw the slow plan out and just take it down immediately.

>> No.42864272
File: 477 KB, 1034x1045, 1654675503403825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes actually. Normally you have to unlock the press option but her affection is already at 90. Ignore the fact that her "UI" is made of cardboard and wire
>Use it on your hellhound school bully/aunt/older sister/etc
>uno reverse card

>> No.42864277 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>42864287

Why are you here?

>> No.42864282

>The Anon-with-no-name
>rides into town on his BlackHoss
>every single Mamono is lining up to show they're the Fastest in the West

>> No.42864287
File: 1.31 MB, 992x1403, 1526735833404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864294

I've been here longer than you, newfaggot.

>> No.42864289

Gremlin and her Automaton twins
Anubis and her Mummy that may be a Pharaoh playing dumb to avoid unnecessary attention watch out for the Apophis-controlled space pirates
A Gandharva for morale

>> No.42864291

They just have.
Every thread.

>> No.42864292

Actually cute. Not only has she successfully gathered and applied information on the younger generation, she made her thoughts so clear even my autistic ass would get it. I just hope she doesn't Floss or Dab or something after the sex.

>> No.42864294 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>42864301

I doubt it.

>> No.42864296
Quoted by: >>42864325

>heroes of Lescatie were actually extremely strong, but Druella was on another level.
This is why power level shit always falls apart. You just keep introducing new peaks that invalidate the old ones. But it's been repeated so often in the thread it's probably true.

>> No.42864299
File: 658 KB, 1355x1251, fishing_buddies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even worth giving the post number. Just R&H&I.

>> No.42864301
File: 277 KB, 1000x1000, 1421380024310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say, subhuman

>> No.42864317
File: 286 KB, 560x420, Chapter 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864457

Twelve years ago today.

>> No.42864320
Quoted by: >>42864360

>heroes of Lescatie were actually extremely strong
It’s been awhile so maybe I’m remembering this wrong but didn’t one of them have trouble fighting a dragon?

>> No.42864325

That's not it. The heroes of Lescatie were strong, but their ideals as heroes directly conflicted with what the Order wanted them to do, and Druella used this contradiction to gain the upperhand.

>> No.42864327
File: 855 KB, 1200x857, 104028302_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864454

>> No.42864336

Nice, but why is the matchmaker a Succ? Shouldnt it be a Pink-beret?

>> No.42864337 [DELETED] 
File: 569 KB, 1024x725, gran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After all this time, she's still the best design.

>> No.42864344
Quoted by: >>42864396

You just said her passive effect alone would have taken down the kingdom.

>> No.42864345
Quoted by: >>42864540

>hellhound ui
Why do all options start with “Ask to be raped and…”? Wtf is this shit?:
> Ask to be raped and discuss hobbies afterwards.
>Ask to be raped and share a romantic spaghetti diner afterwards.
>Ask to be raped and she gets you a plate from the salad bar afterwards.
>Ask to be raped and introduce yourself afterwards.
>Asked to be raped afterwards.
This worse than the Cupid UI where every choice ends with you getting randomly shot, and then she shows up late to the date.

>> No.42864346
File: 112 KB, 823x667, 1546704792941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42864352

>dyke cunt
>good design
fucking kek, the only good girls in MGQ were the lolis and I don't even like lolis that much

>> No.42864358 [DELETED] 

What is it, officer?

>> No.42864360

I don't recall any of them fighting a dragon. In any case, dragons are supposed to be one of the strongest mamono outside the likes of lilims and maybe baphomets so you can hardly hold that against them.

>> No.42864376 [DELETED] 

I would get in trouble in MGC if it meant this girl would wrestle me down.

>> No.42864377
Quoted by: >>42864423

>Anon finishes cumming in both Kiki and Shogg
>Shogg tries to suck out the Kiki's share with her tentacle pseudopods
>Kiki tries to clean up all the cum on the purple squishy walls and floor
>Shogg/Kiki end up 69 and snowballing
>Anon watching
>Anon so hard has to start all over again
>cycle repeats

>> No.42864383

Having two hebis love you seems scary

>> No.42864384
Quoted by: >>42864390

>factually correct
Well yeah.

>> No.42864390

You're part of the problem

>> No.42864395
File: 2.26 MB, 2500x2143, 1677430986534517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42864396

Nta, I'm disagreeing with the first guy.
Lescatie basically became a "hero factory" that took individuals of noble birth, talent, or prophecy, trained them to be soldiers, and denied them of any human companionship or compassion.
And on top of that, they were taught Order doctrines of justice, benevolence, charity, etc. despite being ultimately used as tools of the aristocracy to perpetuate class division and poverty. And then they were praised for it.

>> No.42864398

Not really, she didn't need to do this and the confrontation between the heroes and monsters didn't have any psychological aspect. The heroes just straight up lost. Even their monster versions which are noted to be massively stronger can't compare to Druella.
Like, Mimil just got trivially beaten by Kuroferuru, and she didn't talk to her at all before that. Mersé tried to fight Druella and got trivially defeated, only after that did Druella start talking. Wilmarina tried to fight Druella and lost so badly KC had to outright tell his japanese fans she was really strong. Koyoi lost to the air of Demon Realm Lescatie, the monsters didn't even fight her. Primera got one-shotted by a random werewolf who wasn't even paying attention to her. Francisca was a non-combatant. Sasha had a chat with the Fallen Goddess and never fought anyone.
Even if they were completely without issues, they have no chance against Druella, who is noted in Side 2 (and by KC) to be a match for the most powerful gods.
Later, in somewhat more recent posts, KC mentioned that the invading monsters were composed of a lot of civilian volunteers that didn't have any combat experience, like normal Kikis. Monsters are so much stronger than humans, though, that random Kikis with brooms and frying pans were outright crushing the army of the second strongest human country.
I mean, according to Side 2, Druella's mana is so immense that just the fact that she exists in Lescatie is enough to turn everything in the country into demon realm stuff and outright convert anything new brought there into a demon realm version. WG3 also mentions that lilims are on the level of "just by existing here the country turns into a demon realm even if I do nothing".

>> No.42864403
File: 2.48 MB, 1230x2396, FWoNgleUcAANQx3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you get drunk from drinking oni milk?

>> No.42864404 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>42864438

Just go to /monster/ already.

>> No.42864405

>Shogs being able to take the forms of other monsters
How can a single girl be so good

>> No.42864416 [DELETED] 
File: 512 KB, 3646x4096, dunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42864420
File: 637 KB, 1280x1109, 1461540787045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon I think you made a mistake, you've posted on /jp/ when you should instead be posting on /vg/! Simple mistake, don't worry!

>> No.42864423

Can’t argue with digits like that. Meidos are officially depraved and hardcore. As is natural etiquette in high society.

>> No.42864426

This is why I just look at the pretty pictures.in my head the canon can be nice and logical without walking gods and two different versions of humans being able to transcend their limits.

>> No.42864427

I think if we get any chaos girls the color out of space is unlikely, at least for now. His next chaos girl would probably be the thing or something, It would probably have a similar vibe to shog

>> No.42864436

WG3 is a Sabbath psyop. Post hands, goatfucker. I bet you glow in the dark.

Also, Lescatie defense efforts kinda completely collapsed once the people welcomed their cute mamono waifus as liberators.

>> No.42864438
File: 381 KB, 1250x1139, 1458881609902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864494

Been posting here since before that crippled fed even made his shitty CP dump website and never set foot there. Maybe you should go back to twitter or discord or just wherever the fuck you retards came from.

>> No.42864439

I want a Shog that looks like a Jinko.

>> No.42864452
Quoted by: >>42864477

Is there anything on any male heroes, were any of them more successful, or at least put up a good fight?

>> No.42864453
File: 579 KB, 1600x2600, Baphomet168b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864559

Both of you shaddup. Neither of you are going to concede anything to the other, so you're both just effectively screaming at brick walls.

>> No.42864454

From the thumbnail I thought this was one of those images where the girl has boobs so big she's immobilized. Fortunately it's just a drunk cat with normal big boobs.

>> No.42864457
File: 419 KB, 600x839, bf4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad are the mechanics? I could probably mentally prep myself for the edginess but if the gameplay is terrible I might just like cheat if that's possible.

>> No.42864463

From what I remember before MGR went down, some dude had actually asked KC about the possibility of a Hound of Tindalos and lucked out in that KC answered. His answer was that both the picture and the lore for that one was already decided so that's probably the most likely for the next chaos girl.

>> No.42864466

Puzzle tier fights mostly so you can cheat pretty easy on the wiki.

>> No.42864470
Quoted by: >>42864498

It's a Visual Novel, no difficultly or rng really, just select the correct attack/counter.

>> No.42864474
Quoted by: >>42864531

>be Anon
>Doppelwaifu copying his idealized 3D
>Anon finally realizes she's a Doppel
>Doppel panics fearing rejection
>will do anything to keep her Anon
>Doppel shifts into a different mamono every morning
>neighborhood mamonos finally come to 3D to tell her they've seen her Anon in town cheating on her with slutty mamonos
>can't understand why the 3D is laughing so hard

>> No.42864476
File: 42 KB, 800x500, 1673812753148403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864508

Squish evil girls!

>> No.42864477
Quoted by: >>42864489

Mainly just when rebelling against unjust and corrupt Order top brass. I think there was something in Side 3 were soldiers revolted and sided with the monsters.

Other than that, if you just want to be strong, you can train hard and fight on even terms as an incubus.

>> No.42864478

>going heckin insanerooni
But Kobolds already drive you crazy…

>> No.42864482
File: 183 KB, 972x808, 1678147331241621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it matter? She's literally like a demon princess descended from a demon goddess, of course she's going to be strong as fuck. She should be strong she's part of the good guy faction for fucks sake. What do you want for her to lose and for humanity to be oppressed in that hellhole?

>> No.42864489

I just wanted to look over the stuff with male heroes. Remember where it is?

>> No.42864490

I'd rather not have people have someone that actually cares in charge instead of just being put under new management

>> No.42864491
Quoted by: >>42864745

Heckhund of Tindalos
>its in the walls/corners for paranoid skitz Anons
CooS is a bit too amorphous - a mist cloud?

>> No.42864494 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>42864516

Quit acting like you're not new. All of your posts reek of newfag anger. Maybe do a jigsaw puzzle or something, then come back with a better attitude.

>> No.42864498
File: 2.18 MB, 1600x1391, Yao_cropped_Aishafan1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no difficultly or rng really,
>no difficulty
>no rng
>no rng
>no rng
You're funny

>> No.42864508 [DELETED] 

Pinch their cheeks and their foreheads!

>> No.42864516
File: 211 KB, 1008x1725, 1413340451453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864537

>Quit acting like you're not new.
Now that's fucking hilarious. Go slit your wrists you absolute niggerfaggot gachatard, at least the pickle poster was easy to filter. Maybe you discord shitters should get ones so nobody has to see your dogshit posts.

>> No.42864523

That'll be interesting, I hope he goes with a shog hellhound combo

>> No.42864531

Clever Doppels wouldn't even bother copying 3Ds, they should just copy a popular but short-supply mamono
>Haughty Lilim seething at the news that her 'fated hero Anon' isn't coming because he picked up a Doppel-Lilim in a Tavern on the way to her castle

>> No.42864533
Quoted by: >>42864564

No, I agree with you. I actually like that Druella is that strong and hypercompetent since she wants to help people. She is probably the most recurrent character in MGE, since she either appears or is mentioned in nearly every book, so I like that she's extremely powerful.
It's more to stop things like
>but she only managed to beat Lescatie due to exploiting psychological weaknesses so she can be defeated by a normal hero
Since she's portrayed as one of the strongest beings in MGE.
Sincerely, I think that at this point it's more a knee jerk reaction to people trying to paint Druella as much weaker than she is, since edgefags keep wanting to use her as a punching bag.

>> No.42864537 [DELETED] 

Quit trying to impersonate me. I'm Anonymous from 2014, not you.

>> No.42864540
Quoted by: >>42864592

>Ask to be raped
Surprisingly given their reputation hellhounds do not actually understand what rape is. At least she waits for consent

>> No.42864550

I like your spirit bud. Don't give up

>> No.42864559

>KC gets truck’d as a really old man
>his last girls were a foot, a truck, and a wall
>they are the most popular girls in the entire history of MGE

>> No.42864564
Quoted by: >>42864574

>since edgefags keep wanting to use her as a punching bag.
I don't want to use her as a punching bag, but demigods are boring. The whole "sneeze and level a city" or "swing a sword and create a hurricane" is just inane. I hated it in the Malazan books, and I don't particularly care for it in MGE except for the fact that I'm actually rooting for her.
I think it's much more *interesting* when she's only "really strong" and still relies on cunning and careful plans to win.

>> No.42864574
Quoted by: >>42864597

It's a hugbox porn setting. There is a reason that almost every time mge is brought up in other places the consensus is that it's a bad setting.

>> No.42864582
File: 739 KB, 800x1159, 14059c55997bdcf4f688df78f8cc439f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice 4chan filename on the screencap you made, retard.

Stop replying to the idiot.

>> No.42864592
Quoted by: >>42864805

The joke is that she instantly rapes you no matter what you do. The only portion you can vary is after rape activities. Or you could view it as her seeing everything you do as “Asked for rape and…” The Cupid part was a similar notion, she can’t resist shooting you before the date, and rushes over slightly late to the date.

>> No.42864594 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 2000x2500, Baphomet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop putting growth hormone in the Sabbath punch bowl!

>> No.42864597

>It's a hugbox porn setting
I don't disagree with that, just pointing out that the setting I'd want to read/write is different than the one I want to live in.
Who doesn't like the idea of living under benevolent, loving demigods in addition to benevolent, loving ACTUAL gods?

>> No.42864599

Brave even by /jp/ standards. Fresh off the boat from /trash/?

>> No.42864620
Quoted by: >>42864742

Titty Bapho getting boned is that wild to you?

>> No.42864624
File: 787 KB, 1022x1400, Baphomet616_Nav_Runya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864644


>> No.42864631

Now that’s a religion I can get behind, if you know what I mean. I mean that the policy is one that I support and agree with.

>> No.42864638
File: 660 KB, 900x1273, CheshireCat_Elfudraws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's retarded. Stop replying to him.

>> No.42864644

Lil Runya grew up to be a nice looking woman. Does she still magic failure?

>> No.42864651

Saw this was posted on AO3 today... it's pretty dark/mindbreaky but I know some of you are into that garbage.


>> No.42864655

> 42864599 [no You]
I find #1 less offensive than the Reeee-shit of #2
Wtf is a set of threads about fucking hot horny mamonos on a blueboard in the first place?

>> No.42864657

Fuck off.

>> No.42864665

>also complains about being gatekept

>> No.42864670

fuck off

>> No.42864683

I can't be arsed to follow this whole insane conversation, but I can already see that you need to fuck off and go back where you come from. I have never seen someone use this catchphrase here and not turn out to be some cancerous shitstain

>> No.42864684

> * 42864665
Would just rather fuck mamono cunt than have to put up with one fucking reeeetard cunt.

>> No.42864688 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1100x1100, Baphzuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864775

I would like to apologize for my behavior. I have made a severe and now repeated lapse in judgement.

>> No.42864693

Why would you post this here, I maybe into weird things but grimshit doesn’t belong in MGE dumbass.

>> No.42864696
File: 658 KB, 1000x1333, __inaba_and_inaba_tewi_touhou_drawn_by_ruu_tksymkw__7d3338248959d10e4ec86beb1deb0ac0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh? The monthly "Rabbit Rabbit" threads are about fucking a loli bunny girl yokai. The internet is for porn.

>> No.42864704

Did you read it?

>> No.42864707

Greetings new friend! Welcome to 4channel dot org!
On this website, many users take advantage of anonymity on order to attempt to enrage other users. This is called "trolling", and the posts that troll other people are known as "bait".
Do not reply to "bait"

>> No.42864714
Quoted by: >>42864729

>it's pretty dark/mindbreaky
Dude I don’t need to read it when you come in and say it’s pretty dark, that do you not know what you’re even saying.

>> No.42864717

If this shit was done in any other story it'd be ripped apart as Mary Sue

>> No.42864726
Quoted by: >>42864787

All monstergirls in MGE are Mary Sue. Wdytwa newbie?

>> No.42864729

I think what anon was trying to say is that it's dark as compared to what usually gets posted here. It's not that bad.

>> No.42864731
File: 166 KB, 552x694, Mari Strong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864769

It's called hentai pro/antagonist powers. Can't win against the Lim.

>> No.42864734

Yeah. Didn’t like it and will not elaborate on why.

>> No.42864742
Quoted by: >>42864754


>> No.42864745
Quoted by: >>42864794

Colour out of Space is a bit too nebulous to make into a monster girl because it has no real physical form outside of a gelatinous larvae. Honestly of all the various associated things with the greater Cthulhu Mythos the biggest candidates would be:

Deep Ones, Shub-Niggurath, Abhoth, Ubbo-Sathla, Hound of Tindalos, Byakhee, Shantak.

>> No.42864754
File: 517 KB, 1238x1082, Familiar89_SuikaMoeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864775

Lmao Puritan

>> No.42864769

>”I am not good enough for you. I’m sure your handwriting is very attractive. Please understand.”
Lilim never give me any problems.

>> No.42864775
Quoted by: >>42864799

Got any busty Familiars?

>> No.42864787
Quoted by: >>42864808

Druella can suck my dick AND my cock

>> No.42864794
File: 35 KB, 512x454, 49128628-0A88-4E19-8CB8-0E61C0DF3AB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well we know most likely the Hound of Tindalos is going to be next than maybe after her would be the deep ones which I like to imagine with the deep ones they be the first ever artwork from KC to showcase a strong fat monster.
Than with Cthulhu I like to imagine she would be more of a individual like Eros in MGE that she or Azathoth would be the mother of all of the chaos girls.

>> No.42864799
File: 778 KB, 1000x1515, __familiar_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_nav__4be5ed4ed293fbe058f4d14f5fe583e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42864817

This busty enough?

>> No.42864804

>"strong fat monster"
Even the pig girls KC drew are thin by American standards, I doubt you're getting a chubby girl

>> No.42864805
Quoted by: >>42864859

I feel like if you waltzed up to a hound and asked for gentle cuddle sex instead of rape she would gladly be gentle

>> No.42864808
Quoted by: >>42864820

Druella is probably the type to lovingly kiss and suckle your balls while she works your shaft and tip.

>> No.42864817

Yeah, what Sabbath has those?

>> No.42864820

Typical femcel Lilim - would have expected a bit more than that but they're not experienced

>> No.42864859

>man asks for rape and extra gentle rape
>hellhound is confused
>how does she do 2 rapes at once
>is it like with double negatives
>should she phone her sister?
>is too distracted to you rape during the date
>Anon: wow she is a sensitive girl who took me on a lovely date

>> No.42864894
Quoted by: >>42864947

Azathoth would actually be a pretty easy girl to make at least what she does would be easy I'm not sure what you could make her look like, Just make it a combination of a dormouse and a phantom, and when she awakens everyone gets dragged into a dream realm temporarily or maybe permanently and have it be like its own little pocket dimension type of thing.

>> No.42864903
Quoted by: >>42864913

There's nothing quite like the 'wake up, snuggle closer, latch on' breakfast routine

>> No.42864913

For Manticores it works in reverse

>> No.42864936

Shell shocked hound best hound

>> No.42864947

Depending on when Azathoth comes out, this might not work out. Red Queen is a confirmed species from Wonderland, and if KC ends up using the Red King too, then that description would fit it perfectly, even better than Azathoth.
Though to be honest the one I'm really curious about how it could work out is Yog-Sothoth. I can't how that one would be as a monster girl.

>> No.42864999

Yeah I think Yog-Sothoth would just be a repeat of the Mindflayer since all the pictures of Yog-Sothoth has him being this Tentacle being with many eyes so if anything Yog-Sothoth would just be the queen of the mindflayers as a individual like the DL who’s husband is almost a thousand years old who is the most eldritch out of all the crotch squids.

>> No.42865034

Isn't the tentacle thing more Nyarlathohotep (sometimes)? Yog-Sothoth is normally shown as a bunch of disconnected spheres (no eyes) that somehow aren't its true form. Also it's apparently one with all of space-time while being outside of it too. Which is still really hard to picture how he could work as a monster girl. Strangely, the description sounds to me more like the god of all mimics, since they are the ones who tend to have a pocket dimension as part of themselves.

>> No.42865076
File: 111 KB, 664x700, 8038C70C-F961-41BB-8B44-D7ADFDF3CE7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yog-Sothoth is normally shown as a bunch of disconnected spheres (no eyes)
Yeah I think you’re actually right because I believe this is the oldest picture of him colorized.

>> No.42865089

anyone still have the source for "Heroines Eroge"?

>> No.42865100

Wait what's the red queen? I never saw any mention of her, Is it based off the yellow king or something?

>> No.42865103

nah, alice in wonderland.

>> No.42865110
File: 540 KB, 660x1160, 6AE70B57-CC4F-4565-88F9-C45D63D63E1C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865126

I need as many shock/electric pun pickup lines as possible

>> No.42865126

wow, aren't you a shocking sight for dead eyes

>> No.42865162
Quoted by: >>42865171

I feel like she would just be the chaos version of the Enchina, isn't she like the goat mother of all monsters or something?

>> No.42865171
Quoted by: >>42865196

No that's shub niggurath.

>> No.42865183

Red Queen from "Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There". Not to be confused with the Queen of Hearts from the first book. The whole novel has a chess motif, with the Red and White Queens representing the queen piece. The Red Queen is more famously known due to her race where you need to run as fast as you are capable of just to stay in the same place, and twice as fast as your maximum to move even a bit. The White Queen, on the other hand, lives backwards in time. Our future is her past and vice-versa.
The Red King is a figure in the book and the Red Queen's husband. He is constantly sleeping and nobody wants to wake him up because the whole place is his dream (though Alice believes that it is her dream instead) everything and everybody there would cease to exist if he woke up.

KC has mentioned before that both the Red and the White Queens exist as chess golems (not necessarily the species final name):

>29) Do the 'Red Queen' and the 'White Queen' of Wonderland belong to the Trumpart species?

>They belong to "Chess Golem"(Name not confirmed yet) species (KC)

>> No.42865190
File: 1.15 MB, 1903x1520, 1678221300767606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What species type do you think he's going to do next? I personally think he's going to do a balrog, dragonnewt, or chaos girl.

>> No.42865196

I looked him up I am very dumb, hmmm. I'm honestly just imagining a shog with a fuckton of eyes or a galaxy humanoid looking thing

>> No.42865203

! !

>> No.42865207
File: 1.40 MB, 2752x3368, fox2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42865220
Quoted by: >>42865284

>Isn't the tentacle thing more Nyarlathohotep
Obviously Nyarlathotep is a Pharaoh. Since Nyarlathotep is widely popularly or commonly depicted as an Egyptian Pharaoh-looking motherfucker. So Nyarlathotep in MGE might be a Pharaoh, but for some reason a part of me does also believe and imagine Nyarlathotep even in MGE. Would be a male, but an Incubus of MGE, so an bishonen Egyptian Pharaoh-looking Incubus in MGE. Who goes around to serve and enact the will of the Outer Gods and his mommy Azatoth.

>> No.42865234

catoblepas outta nowhere

>> No.42865241

anon, pleas stop with inserting males into the elder god turned goddess of mge, so leave that stuff elsewhere.

>> No.42865258 [DELETED] 
File: 1.49 MB, 4629x2672, Ocelomeh57(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Part 3 of 4, it got longer than expected.

>She puts her paws on her face
>"Pinche Natalia, ¿porque te escuche? "ay Yaotl, no puedes simplemente sacrificarlo y llevartelo, ten una cita con el, sera divertido. No onions una sucubo, yo no se de esas cosas."
>You are unsure about what to do. It isn't like you have a lot of experience with women, you wonder if you did something wrong. So you go for something encouraging and innocent.
>You tell her that you have been enjoying being with her a lot
>Her flattened ears perk up
>"Nya?! M-me too! I am so glad you... do-don't think I "
>She dries up her tears with a napkin and gives you a forced smile that shows up her sharp feral teeth
>"I am having a very nice time with you too! Nyaha!"
>There a weird silent pause. She takes a deep breath
>"S-s-sooo do y-you have anything else y-you want to d-o?" She says with great effort.
>You tell her you have nothing else planned and was thinking of going home after that
>"I-I see... i-is your home f-far? T-this pub is also... an inn..."
>She stands up from the table picking up her weapon and placing it in a kind of belt to her side, you aren't sure if she is waiting for you reply or thinking about what to say next.
>You notice several things seeing her standing. She is tall, way more than you anticipated. Easily above 2 meters, the few Werecats in the pub looked like midgets. Her chest was proportional to her size decently sized, though not massive you would say it leans to big. Her toned body was more noticeable which makes you take a loot at her faint abs in her belly which were more prominent. This leads you to another discovery.
>Upon seeing her belly you see it, her waist. Perfectly delineated, curved and small and curved. You wouldn't believe she eats well if you hadn't seen her wolfing 5 full meals. That waist simply looked unnatural.
>You couldn't help but imagine your arm going around it or feeling its curved sides with your hands. You feel dizzy.
>You hear near besides you a man saying "Its late and it could be dangerous to walk home alone. I think I would be safe with you."
>Surely this must be a man in a similar position to you, you look around to find him but can't see any man near enough, you are sure he was within earshot. You think about saying something similar to Yaotl even if it is clear you are blatantly stealing the words from him.
>"Nya! O-of course you would be safe with me! I am a very strong warrior nya!"
>After some seconds of confusion, you realise it was you who said those words while being completely mesmerized. Now it is you who are blushing.
>Her yellow feral eyes look directly into yours
>"I a-already ren-rented a-a-a room."
>She walks away towards the counter leading upstairs. Contrary to her demeanor, as she walks you can see her waist sashaying with each step while her spotted tail also moves siniously like if she was a model in a runway.
>You also notice her wide hips and massive ass filling the coincloth.
>Before you realize it she has already reached the counter and turns around to look at you. Though there was no mention of such a thing in the encyclopedia entry you read yesterday after learning you would meet with an Ocelomeh you are now certain their waists have a mesmerizing ability similar to the Asparas's dance which for some reason was not recorded in the entry.
>You walk towards, her sight not leaving you even for a second.
>She gives a paper to the young Satyros in the counter, the Satyros gives her a key and you follow her upstairs.
>Both of you begin to walk the hallway towards the room. As you walk you can't help but decide to place your arm around her waist. With a "nya" her tail and ears tense up and your hand is blocked by her buff arm.
>You must have timed it wrong, you make a move again only to feel her big paw brush your hand away.
>You make a move to put your hand on the side of her belly nearest to you rather than surround it and your hand gets swiftly blocked by her paw. Over and over again, it is clear she is doing it.
>You hear her giggle as you stop confused, she looks back at you and say "that's for husband only" she says in a surprisingly composed tone.
>You feel a strong grip as she drags you by the forearm to the room. You struggle to keep the pac-e given how much taller she is than you.
>She inserts the key into the door opening it and j-ust looking at you with those yellow preda-tor eyes, like a bouncer guarding a door.
>*click* you hear the door close behind you
>"I-I-I-I-I won't have in se-sex before marriage..."
>You don't know how to respond to this. Did you misunderstood the situation? Are you getting turned down?
>A smirk forms on her face seeing her words having an effect on you
>"S-so let's get married now!" she says in mix of shy and confident tone

>> No.42865278 [DELETED] 


Part 3 of 4, it is getting longer than expected. Deleted and reposted to fix a typo.

>She puts her paws on her face
>"Pinche Natalia, ¿porque te escuche? "ay Yaotl, no puedes simplemente sacrificarlo y llevartelo, ten una cita con el, sera divertido." No onions una sucubo, yo no se de esas cosas, ¡no mames!."
>You are unsure about what to do. It isn't like you have a lot of experience with women, you wonder if you did something wrong. So you go for something encouraging and innocent.
>You tell her that you have been enjoying being with her a lot
>Her flattened ears perk up
>"Nya?! M-me too! I am so glad you... do-don't think I "
>She dries up her tears with a napkin and gives you a forced smile that shows up her sharp feral teeth
>"I am having a very nice time with you too! Nyaha!"
>There a weird silent pause. She takes a deep breath
>"S-s-sooo do y-you have anything else y-you want to d-o?" She says with great effort.
>You tell her you have nothing else planned and was thinking of going home after that
>"I-I see... i-is your home f-far? T-this pub is also... an inn..."
>She stands up from the table picking up her weapon and placing it in a kind of belt to her side, you aren't sure if she is waiting for you reply or thinking about what to say next.
>You notice several things seeing her standing. She is tall, way more than you anticipated. Easily above 2 meters, the few Werecats in the pub looked like midgets. Her chest was proportional to her size decently sized, though not massive you would say it leans to big. Her toned body was more noticeable which makes you take a loot at her faint abs in her belly which were more prominent. This leads you to another discovery.
>Upon seeing her belly you see it, her waist. Perfectly delineated, curved and small and curved. You wouldn't believe she eats well if you hadn't seen her wolfing 5 full meals. That waist simply looked unnatural.
>You couldn't help but imagine your arm going around it or feeling its curved sides with your hands. You feel dizzy.
>You hear near besides you a man saying "Its late and it could be dangerous to walk home alone. I think I would be safe with you."
>Surely this must be a man in a similar position to you, you look around to find him but can't see any man near enough, you are sure he was within earshot. You think about saying something similar to Yaotl even if it is clear you are blatantly stealing the words from him.
>"Nya! O-of course you would be safe with me! I am a very strong warrior nya!"
>After some seconds of confusion, you realise it was you who said those words while being completely mesmerized. Now it is you who are blushing.
>Her yellow feral eyes look directly into yours
>"I a-already ren-rented a-a-a room."
>She walks away towards the counter leading upstairs. Contrary to her demeanor, as she walks you can see her waist sashaying with each step while her spotted tail also moves siniously like if she was a model in a runway.
>You also notice her wide hips and massive ass filling the coincloth.
>Before you realize it she has already reached the counter and turns around to look at you. Though there was no mention of such a thing in the encyclopedia entry you read yesterday after learning you would meet with an Ocelomeh you are now certain their waists have a mesmerizing ability similar to the Asparas's dance which for some reason was not recorded in the entry.
>You walk towards, her sight not leaving you even for a second.
>She gives a paper to the young Satyros in the counter, the Satyros gives her a key and you follow her upstairs.
>Both of you begin to walk the hallway towards the room. As you walk you can't help but decide to place your arm around her waist. With a "nya" her tail and ears tense up and your hand is blocked by her buff arm.
>You must have timed it wrong, you make a move again only to feel her big paw brush your hand away.
>You make a move to put your hand on the side of her belly nearest to you rather than surround it and your hand gets swiftly blocked by her paw. Over and over again, it is clear she is doing it.
>You hear her giggle as you stop confused, she looks back at you and say "that's for husband only" she says in a surprisingly composed tone.
>You feel a strong grip as she drags you by the forearm to the room. You struggle to keep the pac-e given how much taller she is than you.
>She inserts the key into the door opening it and j-ust looking at you with those yellow preda-tor eyes, like a bouncer guarding a door.
>*click* you hear the door close behind you
>"I-I-I-I-I won't have in se-sex before marriage..."
>You don't know how to respond to this. Did you misunderstood the situation? Are you getting turned down?
>A smirk forms on her face seeing her words having an effect on you
>"S-so let's get married now!" she says in mix of shy and confident tone

>> No.42865284

It would make more sense if Nyarlathotep is the husband of Azathoth and was once a regular human man before he married his eldritch wife like all the other chaos incubi in the MGE canon.

>> No.42865296
File: 1.49 MB, 4629x2672, Ocelomeh57(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865299


Part 3 of 4, it is getting longer than expected. Deleted and reposted to fix a typo.

>She puts her paws on her face
>"Pinche Natalia, ¿porque te escuche? "ay Yaotl, no puedes simplemente sacrificarlo y llevartelo, ten una cita con el, sera divertido." No onions una sucubo, yo no se de esas cosas, ¡no mames!."
>You are unsure about what to do. It isn't like you have a lot of experience with women, you wonder if you did something wrong. So you go for something encouraging and innocent.
>You tell her that you have been enjoying being with her a lot
>Her flattened ears perk up
>"Nya?! M-me too! I am so glad you... do-don't think I "
>She dries up her tears with a napkin and gives you a forced smile that shows up her sharp feral teeth
>"I am having a very nice time with you too! Nyaha!"
>There a weird silent pause. She takes a deep breath
>"S-s-sooo do y-you have anything else y-you want to d-o?" She says with great effort.
>You tell her you have nothing else planned and was thinking of going home after that
>"I-I see... i-is your home f-far? T-this pub is also... an inn..."
>She stands up from the table picking up her weapon and placing it in a kind of belt to her side, you aren't sure if she is waiting for you reply or thinking about what to say next.
>You notice several things seeing her standing. She is tall, way more than you anticipated. Easily above 2 meters, the few Werecats in the pub looked like midgets. Her chest was proportional to her size decently sized, though not massive you would say it leans to big. Her toned body was more noticeable which makes you take a loot at her faint abs in her belly which were more prominent. This leads you to another discovery.
>Upon seeing her belly you see it, her waist. Perfectly delineated, curved and small and curved. You wouldn't believe she eats well if you hadn't seen her wolfing 5 full meals. That waist simply looked unnatural.
>You couldn't help but imagine your arm going around it or feeling its curved sides with your hands. You feel dizzy.
>You hear near besides you a man saying "Its late and it could be dangerous to walk home alone. I think I would be safe with you."
>Surely this must be a man in a similar position to you, you look around to find him but can't see any man near enough, you are sure he was within earshot. You think about saying something similar to Yaotl even if it is clear you are blatantly stealing the words from him.
>"Nya! O-of course you would be safe with me! I am a very strong warrior nya!"
>After some seconds of confusion, you realise it was you who said those words while being completely mesmerized. Now it is you who are blushing.
>Her yellow feral eyes look directly into yours
>"I a-already ren-rented a-a-a room."
>She walks away towards the counter leading upstairs. Contrary to her demeanor, as she walks you can see her waist sashaying with each step while her spotted tail also moves siniously like if she was a model in a runway.
>You also notice her wide hips and massive ass filling the coincloth.
>Before you realize it she has already reached the counter and turns around to look at you. Though there was no mention of such a thing in the encyclopedia entry you read yesterday after learning you would meet with an Ocelomeh you are now certain their waists have a mesmerizing ability similar to the Asparas's dance which for some reason was not recorded in the entry.
>You walk towards, her sight not leaving you even for a second.
>She gives a paper to the young Satyros in the counter, the Satyros gives her a key and you follow her upstairs.
>Both of you begin to walk the hallway towards the room. As you walk you can't help but decide to place your arm around her waist. With a "nya" her tail and ears tense up and your hand is blocked by her buff arm.
>You must have timed it wrong, you make a move again only to feel her big paw brush your hand away.
>You make a move to put your hand on the side of her belly nearest to you rather than surround it and your hand gets swiftly blocked by her paw. Over and over again, it is clear she is doing it.
>You hear her giggle as you stop confused, she looks back at you and say "that's for husband only" she says in a surprisingly composed tone.
>You feel a strong grip as she drags you by the forearm to the room. You struggle to keep the pac-e given how much taller she is than you.
>She inserts the key into the door opening it and j-ust looking at you with those yellow preda-tor eyes, like a bouncer guarding a door.
>*click* you hear the door close behind you
>"I-I-I-I-I won't have in se-sex before marriage..."
>You don't know how to respond to this. Did you misunderstood the situation? Are you getting turned down?
>A smirk forms on her face seeing her words having an effect on you
>"S-so let's get married now!" she says in mix of shy and confident tone

>> No.42865299

put s o y

>> No.42865333

Why can't The Order just have and recruit the typical Ugly Bastards and hentai rapists? Its obvious the shonen heroes and even edgier Light Novel Protagonists The Order has are ineffective against monstergirls. But Ugly Bastards and hentai rapists? Now thats a different story. Look at any hentai and doujin and you often will always see the fat ugly bastards and rapists, despite their disadvantageous appearance and being out-of-shape. Seemingly bend the rules and laws of the logic and reasoning and are easily capable of overpowering and beating the seemingly more powerful and capable female warriors and heroines just because their are mean and unpleasant. So it should makes sense The Order starts utilizing Ugly Bastards and Rape Chads to beat and overwhelm monstergirls.

>> No.42865340
File: 271 KB, 3840x2160, FqFlVNSX0AIn7dt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont care, fuck off faggot
but teachers that are monsters are very top tier

>> No.42865344

As a joke I wrote an outline of a story with an Ugly Bastard villain that irrationally hates MGs. He still loses, obviously.

>> No.42865360
Quoted by: >>42865372

>Monstergirl teachers and Hakutaku teachers, but they're basically Denzel Crocker from Fairly Odd Parents
>"F!!!" The Crocker!Hakutaku says out loud to a boy student, handing him a big F failing grade
>has some unhealthy obsessions with faeries

>> No.42865369
File: 589 KB, 3093x4096, FpqW_GJX0AU_c-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865380

>> No.42865372

one of the worst posts I've seen today

>> No.42865377

>tfw your teacher calls on you to demostrate the male gentalia for your sex ed class but you are already at full mast

>> No.42865378
File: 255 KB, 1900x1700, Gazer891a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865385

>> No.42865380

Most mirrors are aluminum these days so she'd be able to see her reflection

>> No.42865385

The least smug Gazer.

>> No.42865388
Quoted by: >>42865418

As a 2hu fan, I want rokurokubi, amanojaku, baku, yatagerasu, moon rabbit, kobito/inchlings, kasha, qilin, lion dogs, lampads, lunarians, menreiki, shinigami, and taotie.

>> No.42865407
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x1646, better demon nun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monster nuns maybe vanilla buts its holy vanilla

>> No.42865408
Quoted by: >>42865451

I hear if you impregnate all your teachers in a given semester you get a prize.

>> No.42865418

Sekibanki wasn't a proper rokurokubi anyway, she's a dullahan in all but name.

>> No.42865426

>be me
>iskekaied to mge land.
>"Anon, we have brought you here to fight for the Holy Order! As a fat bastard even a desperate monster shall not go near your penis, wherever it may be!"
>"We'll send you back if you do one thing for us though. We'll even pay you in magic gold, magicless peasants won't be able to tell the difference."
>I'm demoralized. They send me out to fight and eliminate some big shot monster mage.
>Dumped straight at the gates of some stronghold and none of the scary big monster will go near me. I head deeper in.
>I see little girls with big hats everywhere. Some of them look tempted but they hold back from my sheer fat bastard aura.
>I reach the inner sanctum
>There is a baphomet, she turns to face me. I prepare for a fight. She runs at me, flailing her giant ass scythe.
>Just before she reaches me, she tries to swing it at me, failing and doing a full revolution before tumbling to the ground.
>"Uuuuuwaaaa, no, Don't rape me, disgusting Ojii-saaaan!"
>she pulls her panties aside as she protests.
>I spill spaghetti and hit the ground too.
>"A worthless man like me will never be rape corrected by a damn brat!"
>She looks at me, I look at her.
>Our standoff lasts for hours, most of the monsters around come to see who breaks first
>While they are distracted the order breaks in and loots the place with minimal losses.
>Order victory achieved. Just According to Keikaku

>> No.42865434
File: 588 KB, 2728x1109, 2D4BF02B-1371-42FB-813E-0BAD925B99AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possible idea of what the hound of Tindalos may look like of course she would have more dog features than pic related like dog ears and a tail, the many heads that you see coming from her back would be the transformed husband that they would be very similar to the night gaunt which instead of helping with flight they are used for teleportation and causing space distortions.

>> No.42865451

but who should Anon start with?
Ms. Lich, math teacher, rival of Ms. Haku
Ms. Wurm, geology teacher/pe sub
Ms.Mino, pe teacher, younger sister of Ms. Holst
Ms. Holst, lactology, older sister of Ms. mino
Ms. Haku, Science teacher and rival of Ms. Lich
Ms. Jiangshi and Ms. Fox, Mist and zipanu teachers, playful tease each other
Ms. Greenworm, botany teacher
Ms. Cheshire, English teacher

>> No.42865462
File: 78 KB, 1024x1315, DevilBug4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? Here's a (you). I'm on board with your ugly bastard idea.

> Be you, Ugly Bastard Anon.
> Mostly spend your time posting on /mgt/ and wishing you could suck your own dick.
> After years of living in filth and squalor in your mother's basement, you lose a foot to diabetes.
> Eventually, even your family just tries to ignore you.
> One day a pack of wild devil bugs break into your mother's home.
> Saved from certain death by their rapacious lust, you eventually become Peg Legged Ugly Bastard Anon, a small sensation on OnlyFans, where you fuck your harem of deeply inbred hillbilly devil bugs.
> Isn't nature beautiful?

Disclaimer: I actually like devil bugs, and wish that a pack of wild ones would break in and rape ME.

>> No.42865481
Quoted by: >>42865539

Yeah. Nah. She needs to be a doggo.
Or at the very least look like Amy from MGD.

>> No.42865487

You know, I hear Ms. Greenworm has the biggest melons.
>Forgetting Ms. Grem, the Computer teacher...that tends to get board with just typiing and how to use a PC and also teaches kids how to hack shit.

>> No.42865493
File: 199 KB, 1387x1834, the deep servant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that whole series is based on deep sea monsters

>> No.42865498
Quoted by: >>42865530

Ms. Lich seems like an easy place to start, just grope the dumb zombie and she'll be an easy lay?

>> No.42865500

Big hair Chesh!

>> No.42865506
File: 304 KB, 1200x1400, 1570495318.akaunkel_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Abyssals and Cosmic Horrors
Lol. Lmao. Get gazed at.

>> No.42865530
Quoted by: >>42865586

>Cut to anon with a red slap mark on his face in detention and Miss Lich blushing yet having a straight face with somewhat angry eyes

>> No.42865531

her feelings of inadequacy are cute

>> No.42865539

Not a bad idea, I do hope he adds more....magic. purple fire type stuff

>> No.42865561
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, 1678061068179432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll gaze back, what is she gonna do huh? Rape me?

>> No.42865586
Quoted by: >>42865600

Guess if she's going to be like that might as well try someone else. Wouldn't want to risk getting my brains eaten on a second attempt.

>> No.42865600

>Ms Lich then makes Anon sits down in sieza while giving him 2 hr long lecture on what a lich is
>Later making sure he got it by raping the facts into his head

>> No.42865619
Quoted by: >>42865628

>The pleasure from rapes makes anon forget causing a cycle of lessions and rape corrections
I think Ms lich needs to try to teach better

>> No.42865622

Started to feel things for hairy chiseled beast tummy.

>> No.42865628
Quoted by: >>42865635

Sorry but I'm not that into having sex with a woman likely full of maggots.

>> No.42865635
Quoted by: >>42865658

anon, the only one whose full of maggots is u, liches are very clean, dummy

>> No.42865658

But I'm not a walking corpse. How could I be full of maggots?

>> No.42865661

Anon, i think you need to go to cadaver college and learn about undead, they offer free degrees

>> No.42865667
Quoted by: >>42865672

Classic Undead Kingdom prank.

>> No.42865672

I know what a morgue smells like, anon. I have zero interest in going to a college full of that smell for any possible reason unless I had a gas mask.

The Undead Kingdom sounds like it sucks.

>> No.42865677
Quoted by: >>42865703

u sure? i heard the wights there are hot, and it smells of lavender, incense, and meer

>> No.42865684
File: 1.86 MB, 1920x1080, 17854986549654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Undead Kingdom sounds like it sucks.
Once you get used to the food, it's actually quite comfy.

>> No.42865690


>> No.42865695

Gazer is a far-rape extremist.

>> No.42865699

More like near-sighted dork.

>> No.42865700

that's ng

>> No.42865702
Quoted by: >>42865761

I want Gazer to give me a footjob until I'm dripping with slime

>> No.42865703
Quoted by: >>42865723

>and it smells of lavender, incense, and meer
well I guess they had to find a way to get rid of the rotting body smell somehow

>once you get used to the food
I don't think you can "get used" to poison, anon.

>> No.42865708
Quoted by: >>42865723

Don't listen to him, He's being paid by the college You will be married to lonely undead grad students

>> No.42865710

Do you think they would use the undead mushrooms in their cooking for men at least? I don't think monster girls can eat it without getting sick

>> No.42865718
Quoted by: >>42865723

I like being bigoted to monster girls, it feels fun to see them get really mad knowing they can't do anything and I get to show some actual resistance without having to worry about being hurt!

>> No.42865723
Quoted by: >>42865762

Anon, they are literally not dead corpses, they actually turned into something neither living nor dead, a whole new family of creature as per kc
its free tho, just gotta wet some snatches here and there
i'd imagine they would not lest requested and would actually tell you beofre ordering you
nah, its cringe and stupid

>> No.42865724

Sometimes it's better to stick to the safer foods, like crispy bat wings or pickled eyeballs.

>> No.42865730
Quoted by: >>42865740

>Do you think they would use the undead mushrooms in their cooking for men at least?
If they do it without express permission after explaining absolutely everything about the mushroom then that kingdom needs to burn to the ground.

>> No.42865731
File: 488 KB, 707x1000, B088E9B9-7DFA-4D59-9CE1-9F7DD8B50C3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you posting a off topic pic you know how /jp/ feels about it and has been mentioned many times on here to not do things like that, that I can only conclude you’re a possible newfag.

>> No.42865737

>mobilefag filename
Like you're any better.

>> No.42865740

if you don't tell them you have an allergy to it that's on you

>> No.42865744
Quoted by: >>42865751

I don't care how /jp/ feels about it.

>> No.42865751
Quoted by: >>42865758

funny to see someone blow in and gate keep harder than everyone else. Although I think that's the same anon who posted the wendigo dog and used to link to reddit.

>> No.42865758

always curious to see how the dregs wash up here

>> No.42865761
File: 478 KB, 680x928, gazer kaz_scarlet sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865771

I kinda want Gazer to step on my back. I bet she's really good at massages.

>> No.42865762
Quoted by: >>42865768

>Anon, they are literally not dead corpses,
I don't care. They're fucking gross and should feel ashamed.

>> No.42865768
Quoted by: >>42865784

anon, you look worse that a corpse, and smell just as gross. Do you feel any shame but what monster does your vanilla ass likes then, bet its damn basic hellhound or something

>> No.42865771
File: 147 KB, 581x606, Gazer - Cat 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, I want her to step on my front.
Like, on my dick, bro.
Step on my dick, Gazer Mommy!

>> No.42865775

that sounds painful but I also get it.

>> No.42865777
File: 45 KB, 190x221, 1678228828253879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand the racism against foxes now, been playing monster girl dreams and kotone is a bitch I can't beat that stupid temple boss fight on hard it's fucking insane

>> No.42865779

Okay but what about a goth fox?

>> No.42865781

Bullying footjobs are a based kink, I don't even like feet but I like bullying footjobs

>> No.42865784
Quoted by: >>42865790

Don't have a favorite but I know for a fact I have ones I fucking hate and Undeads are right there along with Wonderland girls for monsters I'd throw rocks at until they ran off.

>> No.42865786
File: 3.46 MB, 1528x2149, 1598988591432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White-haired foxes are the most erotic.

>> No.42865790
Quoted by: >>42865801

please leave and dont let the door hit your ass on the way out

>> No.42865795
File: 318 KB, 838x1200, 646765534756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865819

>fluffy tails too op pls nerf

>> No.42865801
File: 26 KB, 538x435, 1503009287569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865818

No thanks, I'll post all I want about how terrible Undead monsters are. Like how they steal bodies to use without anyone's consent and spit right in the face of the natural cycle of life/death

>> No.42865808
File: 1.14 MB, 1139x1250, Kotone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, yep. I started the anti-fox posting specifically because Kotone turned me into a chair.
Also, that fight is easy if you have a good build.

>> No.42865815
File: 1.29 MB, 2000x3500, 104996843_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42865818
Quoted by: >>42865831

a cycle being natural doesn't make it good.
see also; previous chief gods.

>> No.42865819
File: 1.17 MB, 1332x2048, 1676643584779012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42867091

She is the only good fox

>> No.42865831
File: 959 KB, 1087x1032, 1505703930971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't make it good.
Oh okay, so that makes is fine for some creepy bitch to dig up my dead aunt and have some whore that isn't even her puppet my aunt's corpse around?

>> No.42865832

>a chair.
your back or your face?

>> No.42865840
File: 202 KB, 1332x2048, 1677113587966445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What build? I swear to God I am going to cheat soon I've tried everything I can think of and I read the wiki The attrition battle does not work
Also based, I'll never forgive the foxes! Still mad kotone is a bitch, she hit all my kinks

>> No.42865844

did you have some other use for it?

>> No.42865849
Quoted by: >>42865874

did she die a virign? then she would get up if mamano mana was introduced to her if not she would stay in the ground if her husband is already dead

>> No.42865874
File: 245 KB, 662x700, 1413171281106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did she die a virign?
It wouldn't matter, the soul would be gone by then and by the time demonic energy did come around it would just be some artificial spirit walking around with a family member's face. People who die have a right to stay in the ground instead of having their corpses raised so some haughty bitch can have one of my ancestors suck off homeless guys in an alleyway.

Fuck you, fuck the Undead and their shitty Kingdom and fuck people that like this idea of having dead family desecrated like this.

>> No.42865880
Quoted by: >>42865913

wouldn't be the average case but okay, enjoy your suffering

>> No.42865885
Quoted by: >>42865890

honestly sounds like you forget that the undead remember their life, did you read the setting?

>> No.42865890
File: 340 KB, 822x1507, 1461516905879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forget that the undead remember their life
So we're forgetting Skeletons exist and their entire thing about being an empty fucking corpse that's just a half-rotten woman wearing a possible loved one's face?

>> No.42865893
Quoted by: >>42865898

anon did you read the setting?

>> No.42865894
Quoted by: >>42865919

Skeletons can also be formed from the bones of male corpses too

>> No.42865897
Quoted by: >>42865919

could also be several women mixed into one

>> No.42865898
Quoted by: >>42865903

Yes, did you? It seems like you haven't.

>> No.42865903
Quoted by: >>42865919

you are taking things at face value, remeber this. Its a fucking porn setting..... did that get through your skull

>> No.42865913
File: 105 KB, 600x450, take it easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865928

It is retard o'clock again probably the same dude who shat the thread up yesterday.

>> No.42865919
File: 903 KB, 1000x914, 1449614956631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865938

Sweet, so Undead are stealing bones from random people at a moment's notice and without any permission from the family they're stealing it from and people are meant to be fine with that.

Just because you're fine with seeing one of your dead family members walking around getting gangbanged by bums in a shit filled alleyway doesn't mean everyone should.

>> No.42865921
File: 115 KB, 540x582, 1677887888439312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865932

By Druella's tits stop responding to the anti undead dude, It's probably the same guy who started anti chaos posting last thread

>> No.42865928

yeah it seems like that. He doesnt even read. but aside from that i had a fucked idea, one lim came out stillborn but was an undead

>> No.42865932
File: 258 KB, 1536x2048, __lucoa_kobayashi_san_chi_no_maidragon_drawn_by_hhhori__9ecbb73ab93f33c532cb64da30d337f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But responding to obvious bait is a 4chan classic. Too bad we can't all just imagine dragons instead.

>> No.42865936
Quoted by: >>42865951

this dragon is wrong where is the milk

>> No.42865938
Quoted by: >>42865950

i can only imagine the righteous fury you feel upon seeing a hermit crab

>> No.42865944
File: 956 KB, 1412x1080, 1664586580699929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865951

>such small chest on Lucoa
This is blasphemy

>> No.42865950

The only good crab is a dead crab

>> No.42865951
File: 2.98 MB, 1240x2054, __lucoa_kobayashi_san_chi_no_maidragon_drawn_by_lunia__51145e7a8ac8e6d82fb45ce4578385c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you Lucoa was naturally flat but she has a huge milk storage capacity, hmm? What would happen if she were milked, do you think?

>> No.42865955
Quoted by: >>42865963

I'd think you're an annoying faggot and this series is shit.

>> No.42865958
Quoted by: >>42865967

Would probably look like a couple of drained abscesses on her chest

>> No.42865960
File: 71 KB, 814x678, Fqy9zDLaYAAzUl9_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dare you dare?

>> No.42865961
File: 103 KB, 868x700, 1678026120011098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42865966

I can understand responding to bait a little for your own amusement but my God the thread is actually getting derailed from it
Also wurm and malef best dragon

>> No.42865963
Quoted by: >>42865973

she's got nice drip. lot of dragons could take lessons from her on approachability

>> No.42865965

I do dare, I will pet the tummy

>> No.42865966
File: 8 KB, 456x542, remiujiangshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy undead shrine maidens are the best
wurms are amazing as well

>> No.42865967
File: 1.55 MB, 1000x2000, __lucoa_kobayashi_san_chi_no_maidragon_drawn_by_osa_osaosa__463dad1f9d9f7f45f95297a1f35759a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be god awful in real life, but in 2D having a waifu that could vary from small and pert to FAT SAGGING MILKERS depending on how thirsty you've been sounds fun. I guess there's always Flowkelp.

>> No.42865971
Quoted by: >>42865990

Racism is bad. Don't be racist to monster girls

>> No.42865973
File: 688 KB, 725x977, 1389294063181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But dragons wouldn't be dragons if they weren't mostly hikki neets.

>> No.42865977

Choc kot is back on the menu

>> No.42865980

isn't this cat a massive whore?

>> No.42865981

nope, that aint a tummy, thats a board

>> No.42865983
File: 147 KB, 833x1200, FWUD719aUAA0YPs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna make the lim roleplay evil human overlord and monster heroine in the bedroom again

>> No.42865990
Quoted by: >>42865996

I'm going to be racist to malef dragons, talking about how they're barely smarter than wurms, and how they could never dominate a man!

>> No.42865995
File: 845 KB, 4096x3106, Fn5PVemaQAM_8ay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42865996
Quoted by: >>42866356

That's not really racism, that's just being rude. What anon was doing earlier to Undead girls was racism.

>> No.42865997
File: 13 KB, 170x179, 4BC8F5AC-6902-4812-A077-9979B545241B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forcefully robbing every sufferfag’s turbovirginity!

>> No.42866001
Quoted by: >>42866016

but i wanted the forceful rape...

>> No.42866003

Stealing is wrong. She better give it back

>> No.42866016

Don’t worry you will anon, you just get to keep your pelvis intact

>> No.42866019
File: 1.25 MB, 2549x3624, 11146710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you prayed today, anon?

>> No.42866026
Quoted by: >>42866395

Close the door in the creepy woman's face.

>> No.42866028
File: 1.55 MB, 1119x1323, __kaga_azur_lane_drawn_by_shusiki__701cba4b9266a0d5e01036b1cdb61cc3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been preyed upon, does that count?

>> No.42866031

i do pray to eros everyday

>> No.42866036
File: 189 KB, 960x540, __centorea_shianus_monster_musume_no_iru_nichijou_and_1_more__0ff6a529f75004f41d8e8fc03a5d3232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not?

>> No.42866037

This is a no-solicitation neighborhood Ms.

>> No.42866042

awful character

>> No.42866050

Every monster expects sex from you.
You are a devoted servant of lust.
Think only about sex with monsters forever.

>> No.42866055
File: 260 KB, 2013x1726, Fge2q2cVUAILcDp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well ok

>> No.42866058
File: 324 KB, 1000x1428, c7dbf10c9d14cf65dfd3c35c84b1a8f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sabbath doesn't want you to know this, but holstaur aren't the only milk producing monsters. Baphs deny their true calling, but you can save them and help them realize the joy of a simple farm life. Drink goat milk!

>> No.42866060
File: 670 KB, 935x917, 755C907F-BA93-4BD9-97BC-0A42A2336B19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game over, white woman
>Your men are being FUCKED by BBD (big black dog)

>> No.42866061
File: 79 KB, 988x827, 1658207232571-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil looking women who are really cinnamon rolls

>> No.42866066

I want you to know that you should never post again, this is genuinely one of the worst things posted here in a long time.

>> No.42866067
File: 974 KB, 1389x1965, 1652337448905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Big Brown Dogs. Are the Big White Dogs? I don't see enough.

>> No.42866079
File: 239 KB, 1311x1810, FqyhhLwXgAAaGAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any strange side effects to drinking highly potent magical goat milk?

>> No.42866081
File: 3.96 MB, 4584x3032, MGE_Will_o_Wisp_Shirohebi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried some of those ideas some anons reccomened for the cage of the shirohebi will o wisp. Personally I like the hat version a lot but I'd like y'alls opinions too before I move on to drawing her.

>> No.42866085
File: 405 KB, 808x1143, __goat_chan_original_drawn_by_kuavera__7527e0b42d54e91fd0a77d2f11884378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some consumers experience a desire (and ability) to eat non-food items.

>> No.42866089
Quoted by: >>42866926

First and last look best imo, the cages look tacked on in the others

>> No.42866091
Quoted by: >>42866926

Bottom middle

>> No.42866098
File: 104 KB, 682x1024, FoFQMzjaQAEQDcu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On it.
It's perfectly safe.

>> No.42866101
Quoted by: >>42866926

Bottom middle will require skill, but could turn out best. There's potential in the far right one, but it's missing a certain cageyness.

>> No.42866105
File: 564 KB, 1400x800, Will-o-the-Wisp79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866926

Bottom middle is far and away the best, most organic-looking idea. Instead of a cage, she wraps you in her lower body.

>> No.42866110
Quoted by: >>42866926

i think the hood might look better with a stronger cage motif.
maybe the lower parts could work as an external metal corset and the upper parts curled and tensed back as if they could snap shut around an anon for extended makeout session

>> No.42866125
Quoted by: >>42866926

bottom middles pretty neat
the hat's a bit much on the other, at least as that form and shape. a different styled hat could easily win me over, maybe with a mourners veil tacked on too.

>> No.42866139
File: 614 KB, 997x1400, 75559694_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it since goat's milk is delicious, hell even undead goats produce top tier delicious milk

>> No.42866140
Quoted by: >>42866926

bottom left

>> No.42866151
Quoted by: >>42866156

She coils around your very soul not letting you go.

>> No.42866156

constricted and soulbranded

>> No.42866177
File: 175 KB, 1450x1508, Raiju sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42866220
File: 1.18 MB, 1218x1274, 550ddcebe56c2180a92931184af15201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 10 most loveable weasels. (#1 will shock you)

>> No.42866225
File: 196 KB, 1354x774, 1513138218043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42866289

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, be sure to beware the winter mantis.
We may be close to spring but they're still dangerous in that snow camo of theirs.

>> No.42866345
Quoted by: >>42866926

I was the anon who recommended the hat, I would strongly recommend going with the bottom middle It looks the most unique and natural in my opinion

>> No.42866356

Damn can I still get correction from an angry dragon though?

>> No.42866379
File: 66 KB, 1076x881, 1677376446436527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866639

I really wish there were more horror aspects in some fanfics, I don't like misery edge fag stuff, but I do want some scary elements especially at first with monsters. Bonus points if the monsters take care in comforting and easing their fears either while chasing, or after rape.
>You go home after a miserable day at work
>You lay down at your bed just trying to recuperate but you start hearing screaming coming from outside
>You look outside and see some dude get their ass zapped with electricity and then picked up by like a multicolored bird woman into the sky
>You see another dude getting dragged by his ankles into an alleyway by a demon
Like don't get me wrong they're all going to have happy endings and stuff but even if you know what's going on you're going to instinctively be a little nervous, let alone if you don't know what's going on or are paranoid and don't trust it.

>> No.42866388

Imagine a yan dark priest who is hell bent on converting and indoctrinating you

>> No.42866395

>You think that's the end of it
>You go to the grocery store to buy some stuff and you swear you keep seeing her out of the corner of your eye
>Get really nervous and leave to go home early
>Run into the house and close the door
>A few hours pass and you eventually relax enough to fall asleep
>When you wake up you're chained up in a basement wall and you see the creepy nun staring at you
>She says "I'm sorry Anon, but I need to save your soul, for the fallen god. I can't let you waste away without pleasure and love, besides I need to teach you manners. It's rude closing the door on someone's face when they're trying to help you!"
Fallen god cultists are scary

>> No.42866403
File: 633 KB, 3748x3844, FabggAiUEAA2U3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42866404
Quoted by: >>42866422

Fake choking to death! Then when she comes close you bite her neck!

>> No.42866417
Quoted by: >>42866438

Office demon lady erotic

>> No.42866419
Quoted by: >>42866446

close your eyes and pretend she isn't there

>> No.42866422
Quoted by: >>42866467

>Anon tries this
>She's not stupid and can tell you're not choking to death and decides to gag you and put pleasure runes on your entire body

>> No.42866435
Quoted by: >>42866454

Sure hope she doesn't do anything bad to the new intern, Anon...

>> No.42866438
Quoted by: >>42866500

Office lady erotic. Being a blueberry demon is just icing (in 2D).

>> No.42866446

Genius, on par with a baphomets intellect

>> No.42866454

Oh she won't Anon, she'll just make him sign a new employee contract is all. Nothing nefarious

>> No.42866467

Fake an allergic reaction to demonic energy! Guilt the Dark Nun into a deep feeling of guilt thinking she almost killed me!

>> No.42866476
File: 204 KB, 827x545, 1410901296754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866633

Stupid horse making me fall for her big horse butt

>> No.42866480
File: 259 KB, 860x814, 1678222126059970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which girl do you think you're bait for? I think a Chesh would destroy me in seconds, if they like being a sexual bully. I am very easily bullied and gullible.

>> No.42866500

Blue skin is an unfair advantage

>> No.42866501
Quoted by: >>42866508

familiar, manticore, apophis

>> No.42866504
File: 589 KB, 1600x2262, 33A5BDF8-069D-4560-A2C4-5EE5053C242D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866511

Chaos girls I already feel otherworldly sometimes.

>> No.42866508
Quoted by: >>42866513

Familiar? I rarely see people talk about her what about her do you like? Nice to see more unpopular girls get love, she has a neat design

>> No.42866511

Very true, I would honestly want a shog. Love everything about em

>> No.42866513
Quoted by: >>42866533

highly intelligent manipulator, weird pupils, squishy looking paws

>> No.42866520

Pyrow were made to be my anathema. Holsts and vanilla succs are also similarly disarming, I think.

>> No.42866525
Quoted by: >>42866552

Isn't anathema a negative thing?

>> No.42866533
Quoted by: >>42866572

Fair, just wish they weren't part of the Sabbath. Although you could probably make your own. Kinda like a golem

>> No.42866538
File: 254 KB, 800x650, 1661627506629063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have alerted a group of pyrows!

>> No.42866552
File: 2.77 MB, 2894x4093, __mad_hatter_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_yositsune__3eee4c1ade03121a753f1ad8072ec2d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866560

Yeah, I'm basically saying they'd be the damnation of me. They're the fire type to my grass. I wouldn't stand a chance. If standing a chance were a good thing not having one would be bad, but standing a chance is a bad thing here, so not having one is good, ya dig?

Nooooo! I just wanted to go to the convenience store! Why do they all hang out there?!

>> No.42866560

under ms hatter's gaze i often feel like a defenseless prey animal

>> No.42866572

You could also just imagine a branch of the Sabbath that you don't dislike. It's not like all of them are out trying to turn dudes into lolicons.

>> No.42866573

Any long tongued monstergirl. I would immediately want her to rape my throat.

Manticores as well

>> No.42866592
File: 69 KB, 680x680, FqbkPUeagAINkL3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866597

>> No.42866597

Abyssal Kiki who’s grandmother is a Shog.

>> No.42866599

Bottom middle is what I imagined

>> No.42866603

Yep and she uses her own tail to constrict your soul so you're not running away

>> No.42866624
File: 1.01 MB, 2159x2851, Fq1Y8yxXoAIMq5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The key to waifuing a salamander is to simply shoot her.

>> No.42866631
File: 150 KB, 1075x1518, 93d1bc89e8089f0fade7e48f106083e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866705

It's late, post monstergirls drinking and drinking with monstergirls

>> No.42866633

I swear centaurs are the first step to fapping to actual horse pussy. Scary.
I want to love them though. But the horse part! Are you not curious to compare to the real thing?
Is this actual forbidden love

>> No.42866639
File: 416 KB, 1053x731, haggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scary/intimidating monsters having to convince anon that they're not going to hurt him and then cuddling him/calming me down is one of my favorite things.
I like it when mamono treat me like a frightened wild animal they need to approach carefully to keep me from hurting myself.

>> No.42866642

or you can just wrestle for three days and night, gritting your teeth to stay away and wrestling until they give up, works with most monsters in fact

>> No.42866643
File: 458 KB, 888x1129, 1675480449439937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866649

No harem is complete without a loving mother-wife to carefully direct and oversee it!

>> No.42866647
Quoted by: >>42867340

bros i'm watching cute monstergirls dying in anime and it's making me sad

>> No.42866649

Only if one of the members of the harem is her daughter

Otherwise it's better for the old lady to be insecure in the face of youth

>> No.42866657
File: 311 KB, 2000x3300, 1678268828418005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866661

Not her fault she took homemaking and not rapenomics 101 in school

>> No.42866661

the better wolf

>> No.42866668

Any of the smug hags, they aren’t exactly my favorite but I’m not the confrontational type so I’d probably have a tough time resisting their advances

>> No.42866669
Quoted by: >>42866820

>tfw no jk pyrow to drag me off to the MGE version of Hot Topic to dress me up in the new hip and gaudy fashion popular amongst her peers
I hate this plane I hate it

>> No.42866674
File: 3.12 MB, 318x348, 0kjMlJvf_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866786

Like many of the anons on this board, I am bogeybait.

>> No.42866703
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1180, vpr47acw8tma1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866744

So spicy, she had to get nerfed twice.

>> No.42866705
File: 190 KB, 630x844, 1404943354356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42866707
File: 208 KB, 1639x1207, A414107F-CA6B-4345-89F3-E75ACC8CE0D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did the whole chubby jabberwock thing start? I’m not exactly complaining, but it’s weird when her official profile’s slim as anyone’s. Is it the extra mouths?

>> No.42866708

>treat me like a frightened wild animal
Not far from the truth if they get to the frightening part in the first place.

>> No.42866710
File: 3.04 MB, 2795x3366, 966e64d70d327d05d1001fccabb67ac3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42866712
File: 1.54 MB, 1126x1523, 1665451841774860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866890

I think it's that guy who commissions her a shitton

>> No.42866713

waifufag has lots of art where she snackin it down

>> No.42866715

The main jabberwock guy sees her as the MG equivalent of a fat lecherous old man. Thus he comms chubby art of her

>> No.42866744
Quoted by: >>42866751

Go away.

>> No.42866746

Hey so I picked Hagville as my starting zone because of the xp bonus but there is nobody here?

>> No.42866751
File: 2.88 MB, 3678x2000, Rat Queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42866753
File: 2.48 MB, 1646x1358, 1655251044611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause it's Hag Night at the bars

>> No.42866760

Hooray! The Salamander mercenary and the Human soldier got married!

>> No.42866777

Oh it's too late anon, they're all in bed right now. Gotta wait for the early bird special, although if you encounter any hags at night RUN. They're very rare powerful desperate dire hags, if they catch you it's over

>> No.42866779

But I heard they can't see well in the dark. Or in general.

>> No.42866781

But I picked a support class?
I'm gonna lose my XP bonus!

>> No.42866786
File: 572 KB, 2700x2290, 1677707450415469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866797

God that does make me wonder how many of us would end up with bogeys, personally I would love a big plush waifu. I am a sadsack, and a whore for soft plush things

>> No.42866797
Quoted by: >>42867253

Somehow I imagined a Bogey with a kangeroo-like pouch.

>> No.42866820

If it's any consolation there is a universe where that is happening

>> No.42866830

imagine dragon deez nuts across Deonora's face

>> No.42866832

I keep the fight stuff simple
Human vs human: do whatever
human vs monster: they're probably gonna fuck later regardless of winner
Monster v monster: good clean fun

>> No.42866865

Still need a good corruption story

>> No.42866870

Had this idea of a rich girl that like collecting things becoming a dragon

>> No.42866890
Quoted by: >>42866899


>> No.42866895
File: 823 KB, 2894x4093, 7F3245F8-9AF2-4EFB-9D0D-2DF0EB69C020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s this I remember years back with a yandere becoming a dark priest.
Than there’s this I just read a day ago about a Night gaunt who saves a bunch of slaves from imprisonment with her hubby if you’re into chaos incubi transformations.

>> No.42866899

You’re back again?

>> No.42866905
Quoted by: >>42866924

is there any transformation stories with a horror element?

>> No.42866909
File: 157 KB, 1000x1415, cabf521b8323748dad7e445fdc5140a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866921

>Hellhound grins at me
>my class automatically changes to "Chewtoy lvl 1"

>> No.42866921

>batcat grins at me
>my class automatically changes to "Tardwrangler lvl 99"

>> No.42866924

The night gaunt story I posted kinda has it but not too much, though that’s more with male body corruption than female body corruption which I believe that anon is asking for the female body corruption stories instead which I will look later since I’m getting tired, that it’s been awhile since I got into reading MGE stories again.

>> No.42866926

Thank you all for your input! Looks like cage tail wins out and I'll forward with that. I'll prob rework the hat idea for a Zipangu/weeb phantom eventually.

>> No.42866952
File: 224 KB, 830x1051, hgR7AfL2_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42866987

>Kunoichi trained raiju that knows all the right pressure points to zap for desired results
It was over before it began.

>> No.42866987
Quoted by: >>42867230

But would back tingles make her hair glow?

>> No.42867091
Quoted by: >>42867178

Wait.. this is an actual game?

>> No.42867178

sadly, no

>> No.42867230
File: 701 KB, 1592x2048, jrNSD7r8_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only warnings of imminent ninja raiju rape are flashes of electric blue in the corner of your vision

>> No.42867253

>Australian bogey
oh no

>> No.42867340
Quoted by: >>42867406


>> No.42867406

shitty danmachi season 3

>> No.42867434

Are sub bunyip a thing or even tomboy bunyip?

>> No.42867453
Quoted by: >>42867460

all bunyips are submersible

>> No.42867460
Quoted by: >>42867477

But are they submissive?

>> No.42867477
Quoted by: >>42867486

Until they snap and date you? Yes.

>> No.42867486
Quoted by: >>42870075

Ah, raging mushrooms are need if I want to marry one.

>> No.42867493

all monster girls are as diverse as regular girls, since they basically are regular girls but better
you will find tomboys, ojou-samas and other archetypes there

>> No.42867541
Quoted by: >>42867549

coffee is just bean soup

>> No.42867549

Aren’t the beans really just seeds from a fruit?

>> No.42867637
Quoted by: >>42867708

"Enough lust. Enough sexualization. Enough monsterization. Enough pro-active dating. No more Demon Energy. No more praying to your Chief God. No more RPG game. The universe is suffering, and we are here to put an end to it. To end all unneeded deaths and suffering. There will be no Monstergirl Encyclopedia Volume 3. There is only Final Shape."

>> No.42867708

What kind of a masochist you need to be to give a fuck about destiny 2, I bet even a Dark Elf would go
>eww what the fuck man, have some dignity

>> No.42867730

Game's easy if you farm mimics for XP

>> No.42867923
Quoted by: >>42867976

>Get caught for a big crime in mamono territory : condom smuggling
>2 punishments: forced marriage or death
>Choose death
>First time It happen
>They put you in a cell
>Try to convince you of chosing the other punishment
>Same cycle repeat for weeks
>Have to cut open your own throat with a sharp rock
>Now they don't know if they should revive you or let you rot away
>Choose the second option and erase any mention of death penalty

>> No.42867976
File: 542 KB, 832x1200, 275_will-o-wisp_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, you're now married to a Wisp like every other edgy suicide boy

>> No.42867988

No. Wisp are cringe.

>> No.42868014

Should've thought of that before you an heroed

>> No.42868023

too late now edge boy

>> No.42868046
Quoted by: >>42868160

Wisp are fucked up, even death can't free you unless the chief goddess protect your soul or something

>> No.42868055

>eros wisps

>> No.42868079

You can't mix something good and benevolent and a cruel abomination.
Suicide anons need a bogey, not some stupid ghost

>> No.42868100

Big plushie hands wrote this

>> No.42868160
Quoted by: >>42868179

Chief God can't do shit, souls are Hel territory.

>> No.42868179

what doe the CG even do

>> No.42868191

At this point just stop male children be born from monsters and literally nothing else. How she even pulls off that seems to be old lore though.

>> No.42868207

sulk in her room all day whilst her bureaucrats try to coax her out

>> No.42868228
File: 1.53 MB, 1218x1400, Valkirie_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send human meatwaves at monster girls, that end up only making the DL stronger, by pumping monsters all day the rest of their lives and >>42868191 this

>> No.42868292

I haven't seen anyone complain about Eros Manticores.

>> No.42868293

Imma just pull out her room and toss her down to earth

>> No.42868307
File: 2.98 MB, 2198x2813, 1529545454436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeti would be the one to break your furnace so your house is cold, she wants to be the hero to hug and cuddle every last sniffle and shiver out of her husband!

>> No.42868513

I hate them too. Arrogant cunt trying to look gentle is disgusting

>> No.42868543
File: 65 KB, 619x900, FqtHcX1aYAEKl1V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42868599

uh oh

>> No.42868599

Get lost dog i'm into elves only

>> No.42868715
File: 344 KB, 886x849, Manticore_107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42870123

can't hate on the dork, that decided to be honest about her dorkiness

>> No.42868953
File: 179 KB, 1112x1200, IxCBlVvn_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42868992
File: 513 KB, 2999x2999, 1595955144005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42869080


>> No.42869012
File: 285 KB, 946x1200, undeadwitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42869021

Dead little girls of the second best sabbath.

>> No.42869014

massive elf thighs

>> No.42869021

tetori is for hugs

>> No.42869080
File: 168 KB, 850x850, 5a7dcd04e5a36ab3be1bf1985cea1f1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42869210


>> No.42869168
File: 516 KB, 2160x3840, E810iIrVcAIynOj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42869184
Quoted by: >>42870135

I need more stories like this. I'm surprised there's nothing written about someone in the MGE world first encountering a normally dangerous monster just after the new Demon Lord took over so the idea of monsters not eating you was actually new

>> No.42869185
File: 279 KB, 850x1401, fluffy_tail_sekuhara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42869253

>> No.42869210
Quoted by: >>42869261

>womb tattoo
and they'll be pregnant soon enough, I'll make sure of it

>> No.42869222
File: 678 KB, 2279x3200, Czeszajer w kolorach Garfilda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42869253

Why fox are a bunch of tsunderes?

>> No.42869261
File: 572 KB, 1235x1400, 1537022195469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undead girls get pregnant and give birth to daughters
I want to fuck undead girls' daughters

>> No.42869265
File: 557 KB, 2475x2562, 1678417763310652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42869282
File: 618 KB, 1000x882, snistra-gloria-accumina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42869319
File: 452 KB, 599x732, hound teasing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think monsters should use teamwork more

>> No.42869347
File: 245 KB, 1524x1844, Cheshire_033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42869361
Quoted by: >>42869367

>red anon

>> No.42869367

if I understand correctly this means it's from inifinity chan

>> No.42869371
File: 228 KB, 846x1199, Kikimora888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pewnie jeszcze wymawiasz W jak czytasz Cursed Sword.

>> No.42869382
Quoted by: >>42869386

Is that a meat cleaver?

>> No.42869386
Quoted by: >>42869406

You know shit is serious when Kiki reverts to polish and pulls out the hatchet.

>> No.42869406

>Mastah, the purple bubbly bits need to be cut out of the house before the straight angles of the walls grow to more than 90 degrees
Best leave her to it.

>> No.42869416
Quoted by: >>42869424

1772, 1793, 1795.

>> No.42869417
Quoted by: >>42869432

Eheh, Garfield

>> No.42869424
Quoted by: >>42869441


>> No.42869432
Quoted by: >>42869446

>Anon I require lasagna
>Anon I can smell you
>bullets won't work Anon

>> No.42869441

And it was all downhill from there.

>> No.42869446
Quoted by: >>42869451

>Funny character for kid but horror
This trope need to die, K

>> No.42869451
Quoted by: >>42869467

agree, there's nothing more reddit than taking a kids' show character and turning him into "dark parody"

>> No.42869454
File: 1.03 MB, 1040x1850, 66316117_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42869467
Quoted by: >>42869487

Fucking an eldritch abomination is nice tho

>> No.42869487
File: 700 KB, 3789x4000, FPWfEW5WQAcecid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42869508
File: 518 KB, 745x513, average wonderland mealtime conversation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42869522

>> No.42869511
Quoted by: >>42869580

>I prefer kikis, sorry but I can help you find a husband if you wish.
Best sentence to avoid rape and get what you want

>> No.42869522
Quoted by: >>42869543

Wut? I'm ESL, is It why I don't get it?

>> No.42869543

No, its a terrible joke in the first place.

>> No.42869566

any more of this?

>> No.42869569
File: 1.55 MB, 2159x2851, BraganzaCom1_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42869580

She'll just morph into a very purple Kiki, anon, there is no escape

>> No.42869587

>join the town guard to protect everyone
>spend your days being the arm rest for the sally captain

>> No.42869591

Do shogs go to Medio University? I only hire drop out maids

>> No.42869594

What manner of beast did she slay for those teeth around her boobs?

>> No.42869631

Would kc ever do crocs?

>> No.42869655

He seems to not care for big reptiles other than dragons.
No crocodiles or dinos, sadly.

>> No.42869686

no dinos makes some sense though since none of them lived through chixulub

>> No.42869696

What are some mythological crocodiles that would make a good monster girl?
He did say he wants to do dinosaurs at some point.

>> No.42869701


>> No.42869705
File: 736 KB, 1013x1200, Gandharva_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically we already have dinosaur MGs.

>> No.42869706

I like to belive kiki is a dino

>> No.42869713
Quoted by: >>42869726

Crocodiles are already irl monsters is there really a need for a myth?

>> No.42869721

>He did say he wants to do dinosaurs at some point
Which do you think he would do?

>> No.42869726


>> No.42869783
File: 59 KB, 680x637, 1675518872038097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister spilled an entire jar of pickled lotus roots under the passenger seat of my car, once. Rotted in there for weeks under the hot sun until I figured out why it smelled like rot and vinegar in there. I imagine that's what Jargrubs(tm) smell like

>> No.42869787
File: 720 KB, 900x761, 1677015931106494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42869798

>Hey there. What might a human be doing here in the dead of night?

>> No.42869798

leaving! sorrytobotheryougoodbye

>> No.42869813
Quoted by: >>42869982

What is a hag Ittan-momen like?

>> No.42869855
File: 1.69 MB, 2424x3728, mermaid_corrin_commission__by_raydango_delvhxe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42869859
File: 1.84 MB, 1798x7769, ClipboardImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42869869

Average demon realm beast pigeon?

>> No.42869874

Anyone have the image with the crow harpy on a bench trying to sing?

>> No.42869893
File: 842 KB, 1722x2463, RopurottoSabbath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the wild hunt.

>> No.42869921

Doesn’t that Sabbath specializes in certain transformations similar to the Chaos girls, though that’s probably more of a assumption than fully stated.

>> No.42869924

Temporary potions that turn you into beasts

>> No.42869932

I know about the potion stuff that can turn you into a hentai monster I was more saying aren’t they the group that specializes in it the most with their husbands.

>> No.42869936
Quoted by: >>42869972

Not gonna lie, it's kind of the worst sabbath.

>> No.42869972
Quoted by: >>42869985

That much should be clear instantly just from looking at the picture.

>> No.42869982
File: 167 KB, 866x572, 2e1e5daec9aebc202be94c4e8bc806b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a special winterstown variant. She'd be like a big, thick, fluffy blanket. She'd always feels like she just came straight out of the dryer and would constantly want to be wrapped around you. Her soft body cradles you and your head sits between her breasts like a neck pillow. Your body feels like it's melting away in her soft embrace and you wouldn't even notice if she removed all your clothes, her warm body now rubbing all over you. You'd be lost in bliss as she lovingly massages you and milks you until you eventually pass out. She'll hold you while you sleep, with a gentle smile full of love. It would feel so safe, so cozy, so warm. You'd spend most of your day lazing around your home while bundled up in her. And if you ever had to go outside for a while, she'd be waiting at home for you, ready to warm you up the second you come through the door.

>> No.42869985

I don't get the anons that want the girls with the most fluff. Fur against skin sounds itchy and uncomfortable compared to just skin on skin

>> No.42869997
File: 155 KB, 850x1190, 3E0E4512-A024-47D2-A7D7-657B0EC28EC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust foxes

>> No.42870001

Desperate hag claws typed this post

>> No.42870000

Trust? Never.
Thrust? Everyday.

>> No.42870013
File: 57 KB, 700x461, 1652364310116-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you never had a furry blanket? Imagine that with soft flesh underneath enveloping you and licking you.

>> No.42870028
Quoted by: >>42870036

Depends on the kind of fur. I'm sure some particularly rough fur would feel unpleasant, but my old cat for instance (peace be upon him) was exceptionally soft and comfy. I imagine monster fluff would be even more so.

>> No.42870036
Quoted by: >>42870069

Until you snuggle them and then have to pick fur out of your mouth

>> No.42870037
Quoted by: >>42870098

vampiric living armor gf, holy living armor gf, jester living armor gf, or automaton living armor gf?

>> No.42870046

Apparently, at some point, yes. According to this older question from before Raiju was released:
>123) While still presumptuous, are there pigeon-shaped harpies (the ability as a subspecies is an aura of peace, a symbol of peace), phoenixes (with the flame of regeneration, you can become a loli or an adult according to your husband's wishes), and Raijus (Beast type thunderbird, I like Monhun's Thunder Wolf Dragon w), Basilisk (a reptile with a petrification evil eye? Mechakure attribute suits you!), Crocodile (crocodile girl, a man is dragged to the bottom of the water and eaten sexually?) Do you have any plans to make something like these?

>Phoenix, Raiju, Basilisk, and Crocodile are different from what you said, but I already have ideas and rough sketches. I wasn't thinking about a pigeon-shaped Harpy, but the recently released Gandharva has a similar ability...

>> No.42870067

Yes, they're just as individualistic as humans maybe more

>> No.42870069
File: 577 KB, 2048x1556, 1677784258106766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's the price I have to pay, so be it.

>> No.42870075

I mean it'll help, but a lot of them will probably be submissive naturally.
Speaking of the raging mushroom does it work against hellhounds? I always wondered that

>> No.42870076
File: 508 KB, 1593x2048, 1674364320809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

momma mofu!

>> No.42870087
Quoted by: >>42870101

Damn wtf now I'm gonna kms with a note requesting the most unhinged psychotic cagies

>> No.42870098
Quoted by: >>42870120

Holy. Let me have that lewd Divine Smite.

>> No.42870100
Quoted by: >>42870131

I like to imagine their cage will be soft and plush
Honestly if I actually did get with a wisp I would try to get like a fire retardant blanket or something because if I'm going to be stuck in the cagie I would want something soft

>> No.42870101

Is this racist toward cages?

>> No.42870112
Quoted by: >>42870132

It's with a spell or she's blocking a spell I'd imagine, I really do wonder what's going to happen to her when she loses. Is she just going to end up in a harem with the DL and her hubby or something? They don't really seem like the type to kill her, but if she gets corrupted who is she going to end up with?

>> No.42870120
Quoted by: >>42870242

quite a naughty anon, taking a bride of eros.... shes a nun when not worn and will make you the toughest eros priest when you wear her armor

>> No.42870123
Quoted by: >>42870139

Bullying Kaia in MGD was very fun, if I ever do get a manticore waifu I will do the same to her

>> No.42870131
File: 403 KB, 1871x2595, Will-o-the-Wisp76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People think wisps are mean, but that's just not the case! They're very concerned with making sure you feel so pleasurable all the time you can't spare a moment to think about what's making you sad.
The soft part of the cage is you wife's plush body!

>> No.42870132
Quoted by: >>42870243

herself and her 20 adopted werecat daugthers

>> No.42870134

The fate of ecery dragoncel abd dragondyke

>> No.42870135
Quoted by: >>42870241

I think it's because it might be a little hard to write without getting into edgy territory, especially since all the wounds would be extremely fresh.

>> No.42870139
Quoted by: >>42870251

Kaia was absolutely great, she should get more content

>> No.42870147

I want to bully this cat very badly

>> No.42870166
Quoted by: >>42870221


>> No.42870180
File: 415 KB, 3048x3048, 91305907_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if they're small.

>> No.42870185

Unbeatable boss

>> No.42870190
File: 105 KB, 665x718, 1678269311175601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never again

>> No.42870192

bogie, bogey, bogie living doll, bogey living armor, bogie ophanim jester, bogey guadain angel, bogie wurm, bogey wurm

>> No.42870204

Wisps cannot be trusted

>> No.42870214

god, this is good. ideal waifu is one i can just cuddle, lazily fuck, and lie about with forever

>> No.42870220
File: 1.93 MB, 1356x1826, e48ddce36c6ee43fe8b5dbd6fe27e0af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42870664

>"we can share Anon, but the gold stays in separate piles"
>"damn right it does"
>Anon has to set aside two rooms for treasure storage because they don't want their hoards to mix

>> No.42870221
File: 286 KB, 1400x1867, 1639262237629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wan butts drive me nuts.


>> No.42870234

Bogey Hellhound

>> No.42870236

God I love wisps, and nah like I'd love for the entire cage to have plush blanket parts or something. I love wisps

>> No.42870238

>bogey living armor
looks like joke armor but it's really max def and unremovable

>> No.42870241
Quoted by: >>42870254

I'd just go with some random farmer boy in the middle of nowhere that hasn't actually experienced a monster beyond other villagers repeating stories about them

>> No.42870242

Eros wouldn't have sent me her strongest if I weren't meant to use her. I will destroy the bachelorhood of the nonbelievers.

>> No.42870243

>The chief God becomes a primordial cat lady
Do you think her and Bassett would get along?

>> No.42870244
Quoted by: >>42870248

can shogs speak out of their other mouths?

>> No.42870248

They probably speak out of all of them at the same time in different female voices

>> No.42870249

>dragon using her wurm little sister to track down that cute boy she saw last month at the bar and managed to steal a bit of hsi shirt
>Cut to her showing it to wurmy, making her smell it then wurmy digging off to anons location with dragon-chan flying above

>> No.42870251

Same, love to be able to go on a date or something with her

>> No.42870254

Good idea actually, It would actually be interesting to see a dragon going after a lil peasant boy. Hmmm, maybe the catalyst for the turning point would be him escaping and almost dying but getting saved by her or some shit

>> No.42870259

that would be the softest hound of hell of all time, and her loving will be very gentle and loving

bogie jabberwock would be scary, imagine you are in wonderland and you hear voices messing with you

>> No.42870264

>the armor makes you look kinda like onion boy from dark souls

>> No.42870275
Quoted by: >>42870281

Bogey boobies

>> No.42870281
Quoted by: >>42870288

> boobies with big boobies that are verty soft and have blue feet

>> No.42870288
Quoted by: >>42870293

>great tits with great tits

>> No.42870289
Quoted by: >>42870314

cheif god is a bitch
support the demon lord
she has cookies
and bacon

>> No.42870293

have you heard of boobies harpies?

>> No.42870301

No escape from the struggle snuggle

>> No.42870314

I'm going to support the Chief God and become her greatest champion so that I can gain her trust in order to corrupt her.

>> No.42870330

i dont want a hellhound, where are the kind Heaven Hounds?

>> No.42870355

All dogs go to heaven

>> No.42870358
File: 305 KB, 693x1100, faf11a5dd3a414b4c0ea5554ec330014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a Kobold? I've heard good things.

>> No.42870372
Quoted by: >>42870385

I actually did get some fat hound ass art recently, but it's of muscle hound so I'm just keeping it private for now

>> No.42870385

Hopefully I am here when you decide to post it, I love hellhounds of all shapes and sizes.

>> No.42870398
Quoted by: >>42870508

Isn't that just a mascot costume...or a...

>> No.42870508

Surely it's just a giant plush knight. I am accepting no other conclusions.

>> No.42870560
File: 1.04 MB, 3200x6900, 519193e073fc98706f9712b18361c6324e0122a26779a59f6fd4e5cf003c6fc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42870862

>> No.42870566
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>> No.42870575
File: 1.38 MB, 2000x1414, 698f2a6331bfda46f059efbe8a0cfe60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42870611

>> No.42870611

>Hair color and ear/tail color doesn't match
This has to be one of the worst things you could do to a fox, worse than 4 ears that's for sure.

>> No.42870664

>a coin gets stuck on Anon's back after one of the dragons fucked him into her treasure pile
>doesn't notice when the other dragon takes him for her turn
>she has to stop mid-ride to get in a screaming match with the other one about trying to steal from the hoard

>> No.42870671

Any kind Anon can sum up whats the brat Malef Dragon is about? I can't find the profile anywhere...

>> No.42870698
Quoted by: >>42870722

Evil dragon who gets even haughtier when you mere her.
That's what I remember from anons summing up her profile.

>> No.42870722

Nah she's already haughtier and wants to mere you.

>> No.42870755
Quoted by: >>42870763

Sex dragon who thinks all men should be breeding dragons whenever the dragon wants. Then they go and create evil dragon kingdoms with standard coomer logic.

>> No.42870763

I'm gonna breed the dragon even when she doesn't want it and it's inconvenient for her.

>> No.42870812

Even more more more femdom dragon

>> No.42870815
File: 120 KB, 944x1092, Kikifast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42870846
File: 350 KB, 1650x2000, 86949224_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42870862

What manner of chimera is this?

>> No.42870881
File: 833 KB, 1121x1200, Angel38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only wish for when I finally die would be to reincarnate/isekai-bullshit into an MGE Setting - probably the best place my consciousness could end up if anything is waiting for us.

>> No.42870890
Quoted by: >>42870896


>> No.42870896

Oh. That's actually kind of clever.

>> No.42870910
File: 287 KB, 927x743, 1677208078964073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42871445

Me too anon, It's actually my biggest wish for myself as well. It's not even necessarily because of the horny, I just want to have a happy ending in a world free in a lot of suffering we have right now

>> No.42870936
File: 1.13 MB, 4800x6290, 8f78da19c0755afa5ac7f25ff387e2119a7d6e690ab12409b031307eb4d80d5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rare and elusive gachafish.

>> No.42871005

>You reincarnate as a baby randomly spawned in a head of lettuce
>Immediately get adopted by a monster
Would you prefer for her to be single, or already married so that you can have sibblings and a dad?

>> No.42871025

>You reincarnate as a baby randomly spawned in a head of lettuce
The Vegetable Anon of Tartary?

>> No.42871041
File: 590 KB, 1250x904, sai_0sBecpWvb6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42871076
File: 290 KB, 1871x1604, FoIj5RhacAEI_jh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42871088

>I wake up
>There's a lack of a p'orcer harem cuddling me
> I cry

>> No.42871105
Quoted by: >>42871121

Man was born to make P'Orc go bui-bui.

>> No.42871110

Dragon that meres you, they're like an extremist dragon basically, they're fine with mering or being mered

>> No.42871111

I know the feeling. I'm going act all tsundere once the portals finally open for making me wait this long. We all deserve an apology!

>> No.42871117

NTA but honestly It legitimately would not matter to me, If it's like a legit reincarnation where I am no longer myself it doesn't matter. My desires would probably be different at that point, as long as I get a happy loving family and a wife

>> No.42871121
Quoted by: >>42871126

In an ideal world, it is overrun with p'orcs

>> No.42871126

>Anon gets adopted by p'orc bandits.
At least you'll get to explore the world and eat well.

>> No.42871129

Legit I'd cry hard, or run away and hide. It depends on how impulsive I am at the moment, I would be scared it was a trick

>> No.42871133
File: 220 KB, 678x697, 1678114528726373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42871144

>Would you consider a thigh job?

>> No.42871137
File: 2.20 MB, 2894x4093, bigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42871142

>Oh come on, it's just a little spark, it will feel good, I promise.
Nothing scarier than a raiju offering a blowjob and you see the lightning arcing in her throat

>> No.42871142

Don't be a baby, fuck the lighting weasel. You know you wanna

>> No.42871144

That's a fairy, wouldn't it be a full body job?

>> No.42871149

Definitely married. I always wanted a dad.

>> No.42871170
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, FqX8aDRacAEDcze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42871177
File: 57 KB, 720x720, sketch-1678178071757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42871184
Quoted by: >>42871475

Do you think Bapos randomly bleat?

>> No.42871186
File: 530 KB, 1263x1635, 1675900200767467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

codependency with a protective, doting adoptive momster is one of my all-time fantasies

>> No.42871197
File: 235 KB, 1300x1200, 1554001517582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with defeated brown lolis

>> No.42871202
Quoted by: >>42871214

Now I can use her tail to roast the venison I got earlier.

>> No.42871204

Time for some tasty fire-roasted tail!

>> No.42871214
Quoted by: >>42871407

Mere kitchen appliance

>> No.42871220
File: 498 KB, 3986x2853, 1674521043848465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Anon's duel at noon with Rattlesnake Sally goes in his favor.

>> No.42871242
File: 1.17 MB, 1509x2107, 1674992968612173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Beware a virgin old man in a world where boys get fucked young."

>> No.42871248

I've gotta run, I've already made eye contact with the Familiar!

>> No.42871253
File: 270 KB, 1600x1280, 1636488157347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the idea of a cowgirl lamia

>> No.42871254

>red head
>sharp teeth
>black sclera
>eye scar
>delicious pudge
>fat tail
I'd let her jump my claim ifyouknowwhatI'msayin

>> No.42871265

I looked at the whisp first. Send help.

>> No.42871296

Bros when's the portals going to open? I'm running out of time.

>> No.42871301

Right after the first MGERPG update, I promise

>> No.42871304

Does she really need to be 3 times your size though?

>> No.42871308
Quoted by: >>42871317

I looked at the Pyrow first, can't be bad since she'll just want to be friends.

>> No.42871310
File: 156 KB, 1613x1969, Fqy9zDLaYAAzUl9.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42871388

Hmm... Today I will pat the cat.

>> No.42871315
File: 1.13 MB, 894x1190, 15413077418067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42871317
Quoted by: >>42871328

Pyrow are nice.

>> No.42871328

I know, I'd just be happy to have a friend.

>> No.42871347
File: 866 KB, 774x1100, 1676138700152326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42871388


>> No.42871392

Don't worry Anon, just stand firm, look her dead in the eyes, and say "I don't want to be trapped in your cage." Trust me it works everytime, I'm not being blackedmailed by my wisp wife I swear

>> No.42871395
Quoted by: >>42871495

I unironically choose to believe I will get Isekaied into the MGE world upon death at this point

>> No.42871399
Quoted by: >>42871503

Please Druella open the fucking portals for the love of the DL

>> No.42871405


>> No.42871407

Loli Salamanders really are the ideal adventuring partner-daughter-wife-portable stoves

>> No.42871416

where do lamias keep their butthole...

>> No.42871428

Lost to Big Dog once again.

>> No.42871429
Quoted by: >>42871459

Is there more or is it only that short webm?
also https://files.catbox.moe/v4ohp1.mp4

>> No.42871445
Quoted by: >>42871468

A world that minimizes any risk of harm towards you with the biggest "threats" being loving potential wives sounds like the best ending you can get.

>> No.42871454

I had a dream last night where I was trying to learn magic from a dark mage, but she wasn't teaching me shit so I told her I was going to leave, and she got MAD. I'm paraphasing a bit but she said something along the lines of "If you won't be my apprentice, you'll be my familiar!"

>> No.42871459

that is all with a "currently"

>> No.42871462
Quoted by: >>42871564

I would prefer single so that you can have the overly-affectionate hag experience who will make sure you only end up with the wife that's best for you.

>> No.42871466
Quoted by: >>42871490

I would run and hide simply because what are the chances it isn't just a bait-and-switch? But I think that's just because I'd expect the worst on first-contact.

>> No.42871468
Quoted by: >>42871719

It's not just me specifically it's everyone, everyone is miserable and sad and the world is miserable and sad, it's a cruel fucked up place where it's almost guaranteed that you're going to have a bad end and not a happy one. I just want a world where people are basically guaranteed to be successful if they try to not be a shithead

>> No.42871475

Only if you spank them when they least expect it.

>> No.42871476

God I wish that were me

>> No.42871486

Trying to talk to a hellhound will usually just result in this in a 1-10 second sudden flurry, depending on how susceptible to dog you are. The best strategy when dealing with them is

>> No.42871490
Quoted by: >>42871726

Same, I'm extremely paranoid to the point where I think the only thing that could make it go away would be a flayer

>> No.42871495
Quoted by: >>42871515

There's a few worlds I've imagined that happening to me but literally the only hugbox one without suffering I've done that with is MGE.

>> No.42871503
Quoted by: >>42871547

Chief God needs to lose faster and the Deep Ones need to wake the fuck up.

>> No.42871515
Quoted by: >>42871741

Same, It's not even that I'm necessarily against suffering like you're probably going to suffer no matter what you do, but the level of suffering and if there's a point to it and if there is a happy ending at the end of it is what matters to me the most. Right now it's literally just suffering to enrich people who don't care if you live or die, with no purpose or reason it's pure chaotic inertia and I hate it.
Not to mention there is no guarantee of anything, you could be an amazingly kind sweet attractive person but if you get dealt the wrong hand in life you get nothing but agony. It's fucking hell

>> No.42871539

Did they get you Anon?

>> No.42871547
Quoted by: >>42871747

Honestly I don't even pick the chief God would actually need to lose for them to open the portals, granted it would probably be more covert

>> No.42871553
Quoted by: >>42871570

I have a -30% weakenss to canine-type MGs, this does not bode well for me.

>> No.42871564
Quoted by: >>42871757

>Her standards for who is fit to be your wife are so high that only she fulfills the requirements
There is a problem.

>> No.42871570
File: 1.69 MB, 2000x2600, 1677287839140727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42871728

Don't worry anon, they're sweethearts.

>> No.42871603
Quoted by: >>42871722

>eugh, gross!
>you smell like wet dog
>do you ever bathe?
>I guess all that water would just make you smell even mustier
>why are you looking at me like that, you stupid mutt?
>get the fuck out of here, I don't want your drool on my clothes
>hey, did you hear me?
>I said-

>> No.42871719
Quoted by: >>42871742

You'd get to either explore a colorful fantasy world and adventure or have a comfortable settled life - either way you'd get someone who loves you soon after.

>> No.42871722
File: 200 KB, 903x452, Screenshot_20230301_122125_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually a massive kink of mine, the idea of a ""lesser"" feral like monster girl just claiming you is so hot, especially if you end up as their submissive bitch

>> No.42871725
File: 261 KB, 1000x1000, 1525512647093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need fluffmonster

>> No.42871726

I think incubisation is supposed to cure a man of any mental or physical issues so really any wife could fix you

>> No.42871728
File: 125 KB, 800x1115, 5643243243465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are too good for this world, too pure.

>> No.42871739

socialize with monsters over the internet so theres no chance of rape, maybe use a gender neutral pfp too so monsters dont act creepy.

>> No.42871741

The future New World Order better be ran by a Lilim.

>> No.42871742
Quoted by: >>42871818

Sounds nice doesn't it? Imagine going on adventurers with your wife, or finding and being claimed by your wife as an adventurer, settling down and raising a happy family

>> No.42871747

We'd be out of the Chief God's sphere of influence so we could be the only humans able to have male children with monsters.

>> No.42871757

I can't see the problem!

>> No.42871759
Quoted by: >>42871766

>You end up chatting with the most unhinged gremlin who finds out everything about you from a single DM
Rip your pelvis anon

>> No.42871760
File: 29 KB, 310x242, Alp_Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's ma'am!

>> No.42871764


>> No.42871766
Quoted by: >>42871783

If a gremlin immediately zeroed in on the porn stash and acted upon it I'm not sure there'd be a problem. Real weird to see a cow print hell gremlin though.

>> No.42871772
Quoted by: >>42871838

That's actually a really good idea for a portal story, combining that with the DE issue the Magi had from Magus anons stories would be a really interesting long story, something I could see them doing is using a human who incubised from our world as like a template to cast a spell to make all of us a lot more receptive to DE

>> No.42871774
Quoted by: >>42871792

Fuck that, you go full e-whore for free shit from orbiters and beta MGs.

>> No.42871775

monster boys

>> No.42871783

Oh boy, I'd be terrified if a gremlin found my porn. They might be upset that I'm not too into machines but am really into magic

>> No.42871788
Quoted by: >>42871794


>> No.42871792
Quoted by: >>42871851

Anon....you would be doxxed and brutally raped by crazy neet mgs. Is that what you want? To be a beloved toy/hubby to loser MGs?

>> No.42871794
Quoted by: >>42871801

chaos boys

>> No.42871795

I NEED a massive hag motherwife soon...

>> No.42871801
Quoted by: >>42871857

>the squad name me and my friends gave ourselves after we got our abyssal wives

>> No.42871818
Quoted by: >>42871897

I'd purposefully go on "adventures" into the areas I know from the books where to find my favourite MG and then let them claim me straight away.

>> No.42871832
File: 653 KB, 2048x1755, 1510267753891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls nerf batcats

>> No.42871838
Quoted by: >>42871894

I hope someone takes the idea and uses it - we can never have enough content.

>> No.42871842
Quoted by: >>42871885

>"chad" melee anon is reduced to a quivering horny mess before he even gets in range
rangechads always win

>> No.42871843
Quoted by: >>42871850

Absolutely not - I don't even like when people use the male children idea with them having their mother's traits for their personality. Just seems wrong (like the green of the guy who's mom is a dormouse and he's narcoleptic).

>> No.42871850
Quoted by: >>42871930

I don't know - I think little traits like that are cute, they show ancestry without veering into monsterboy territory. You get half your genes from your mom, you know

>> No.42871851

That's the goal - who wouldn't want to be tied to a bed but still try and bully the clumsy dorky monstergirls into a nerd rage fuck-fest?

>> No.42871857

>Not calling yourselves the "tenta-cools"

>> No.42871885

>Every melee fight with a Manticore is on a timer, needing to defeat her before the venom takes effect.
>Once she's stung you, she just evades your attacks, with the occasional jab from her big paws.
>When the venom takes hold, it's time for intense grappling and bullying, with your heavy debuffs to STR you can't break free.
It's not fair!

>> No.42871894

Been trying to writefag, but man it's HARD. I got so many ideas but then I lose motivation

>> No.42871897
Quoted by: >>42871952

Man I'd be scared of making the wrong choice, I'd probably end up just working for the church of Eros or something

>> No.42871900

>manticore venom has stacking, escalating debuff effect:
>love slave
>cum pump
This almost as bullshit as the big fox mansion, I hate how all the post-portals games are so imbalanced. Fuck globomamono.

>> No.42871907
Quoted by: >>42871912

i hate danmachi, they made me watch a harpy, dragon and arachne being killed.

>> No.42871912
Quoted by: >>42871923

What made you think anyone would care?

>> No.42871915

Oh no aha I'd hate for a manticore to do all this to me and make me a love slave ahaha

>> No.42871923
Quoted by: >>42871934

Because you asked and I thank you for caring

>> No.42871930
Quoted by: >>42871960

That's fair, I guess if the idea was used in more greentexts it'd probably grow on me (if done well).

>> No.42871934
Quoted by: >>42872001

Kill yourself.

>> No.42871939
Quoted by: >>42871965

As much as I'd love to just surrender to a monster, it'd just feel wrong to put up no fight. I assume half of the thrill is the chase/hunt, feels half hearted to just lie there for her to take you.

>> No.42871947

I'd say when you get motivated to write an idea, just write as much as you can when the motivation hits you and then save it. If you feel the motivation to continue that story, open it and keep going. But if you get motivation for another fic, just create a new one and repeat the process until you can start uploading whatever gets finished overtime.

>> No.42871952

As far as I can tell, you wouldn't make the wrong choice as you'd end up finding love whoever you meet around the corner. And if the soulmate idea is to be believed, then Eros has already predetermined who you'll be meeting anyway.

>> No.42871955

Idk about a debuff, that just looks like leveling up to me.

>> No.42871960
Quoted by: >>42872007

I kinda like it, I always headcanoned that you got some traits from your waifu. Nothing obvious or anything you'd still look like a normal human with some expectations (chaos gals)

>> No.42871965

The more aggressive monsters would probably act the same way a Grizzly Bear would to you playing dead. Maybe they'd storm off saying you're being no fun or try and scare you on purpose.

>> No.42871989
File: 415 KB, 850x709, G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42872031

>> No.42872001

i prefer being alive to keep zombies warm

>> No.42872007

Your waifu would change slightly (from how she was when you first met) to match your preferences, so how would you end up changing for hers?

>> No.42872019
Quoted by: >>42872030

Pretty sure all MGs just want bigger dicks - even if you're already packing.

>> No.42872030
Quoted by: >>42872038

Small penis fetish mamono despair: as soon as you incubize your husband, he will get hung.

>> No.42872031
File: 1.39 MB, 1062x928, 1528006003943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Griffons are my favorite girls, but they don't get much art or attention. Not as bad as some other girls, but still too little for my liking.

>> No.42872038

Pretty sure their preference would win out in the transformation - best to avoid that fetish in an MG.

>> No.42872062
Quoted by: >>42872078

the most important thing is that at least a single piece of decent quality griffon anus art was produced

>> No.42872065
Quoted by: >>42872453

I hope mine would want me to be small and short, im already short but I wanna be like half the size of my waifu

>> No.42872078
Quoted by: >>42872081

>tfw can't post the pic of griffon with pink puffy vulva

>> No.42872079
Quoted by: >>42872091

They're the best harpies honestly, would steal from them

>> No.42872081

catbox it

>> No.42872091
Quoted by: >>42872100

You call a griffon a harpy, that's a raping.

>> No.42872100
Quoted by: >>42872137

They are harpies! Raping me won't fix that hoarder bird

>> No.42872112

how does that work when you have like 10 wives

>> No.42872119
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I do remember one piece of writing from a few years ago about a guy sharing a prison cell with a Griffon, but I've hardly seen any writing for them since.

>> No.42872124
Quoted by: >>42872163

You don't only degenerates do that

>> No.42872137

Stop being racist towards griffons anon

>> No.42872139
Quoted by: >>42872196

Well with chaos girls it’s simple and has been answered what would happen if you had a harem of chaos girls, that I would think it would be somewhat similar with the regular girls where you would have a morph ability to pleasure each one of your wives.

>> No.42872144

If you have a harem they probably all have fairly similar preferences or else they wouldn't be with (you)

>> No.42872163
Quoted by: >>42872171

what if it's 10 wives but all the same girl

>> No.42872168

If they all go for the same guy then they probably all have the same preferences. It wouldn't make sense for them not to.

>> No.42872171
File: 184 KB, 850x1202, 746E2341-B7B7-494E-B6E6-9034C57AE7BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am king amongst dogs all of my wives are dog girls.

>> No.42872175
File: 118 KB, 763x1080, demommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditional momster who insists you have a harem, and very carefully finds and vets single mamono to find the nicest, prettiest girls for her son to fuck.

>> No.42872177

why has he named himself violated hero. Why are there Ids?

>> No.42872183
Quoted by: >>42872202

>fuck you mom I'm marrying a shirohebi

>> No.42872195
File: 85 KB, 993x643, IHtzlG9a_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to write another story and so far it's going like shit, but let me tell you to not give up. Hopefully the other Anon's advice works for you, cause I don't know what I'm doing myself.

>> No.42872196

Maybe you'd just get passed around, changing forms each time

>> No.42872202

Yandere snek harem, a very rare and terrifying site when the white snakes work together to get a man.

>> No.42872210

imagine the circumstances that must arise for that to happen

>> No.42872212
Quoted by: >>42872228

That's not how this works. I'm marryingnthe pyrow that hangs out in the alley behind our house and that chubby unicorn in play games with at the arcade when I'm out "studying."

>> No.42872219

>get claimed by an unga bunga hellhound
>no worries, you can train her
>yell at her the next time she does something wrong
>she mating presses you
>yell at her for fucking you
>she fucks you again
>repeat for a few months
>now perfectly in tune with her wants
>can tell by her growls when to stuff yourself between her thighs
>realize that training didn't go quite as planned

>> No.42872228
File: 463 KB, 1358x1392, drag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42872473

Trying to marry disreputable *street* mamono? You'll catch a disease. Let momma handle finding you some nice girls, m'kay?

>> No.42872231

>That greentext
She should just rape him

>> No.42872238
Quoted by: >>42872306

This way is funnier

>> No.42872252

Just noticed I used the wrong site should be sight instead.

>> No.42872264
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Quoted by: >>42872298

Civilizing a wild hellhound isn't done over night, she'll never be tame but you can probably get her to eat at the table with a fork and convince her that brushing feels good and by proxy her mofu will become a little softer.

>> No.42872263
File: 667 KB, 600x600, 1674505325849900.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone is a backwater boonies "rape-on-sight" monsters. Some of them are modern, civil "plan-how-to-rape-on-sight" monsters that respect most of the rules of society and would have the decency to drag him into rape alley first, and maybe spend some getting to know him before raping him.

>> No.42872282
File: 667 KB, 600x600, tamamo_fast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42872323

move it, granny

>> No.42872297

Yes being turned into a mere husband for a borderline feral mg is top tier, one of the reasons I like orcs actually

>> No.42872298
Quoted by: >>42872343

Ask your sabbath sister to give her weresheep attributes that will mellow her out.

>> No.42872306

Gentlewomen I see
Noooo poor fox needs love too :(((

>> No.42872312

its rather fun wrestling with your wurm childhood friend, dont ya know its even more fun with no clothes

>> No.42872323
Quoted by: >>42872403

No anon she'll pop a hip!

>> No.42872341

It is the most civilized of monsters that use the designated raping streets, 'tis true.

>> No.42872343
File: 867 KB, 633x1280, 654654523654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want her that mellow, somewhere between agressive rape monster and capable of being taken places is fine.

>> No.42872383
Quoted by: >>42872428

Reminds me of the fanfic of the Jinko tribe.

>> No.42872396 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 1084x350, wide wurm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon looks down a hole and sees.....

>> No.42872403
File: 667 KB, 600x600, tamamo_faster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42872459

no mercy for hag foxes

>> No.42872408
Quoted by: >>42872436

Her hole?

>> No.42872414

throw dirt in the hole

>> No.42872421

Snuggle the manticore!

>> No.42872424
Quoted by: >>42872436

Wurm Wide Web

>> No.42872428

The one by magus? I liked it, just wish it didn't have such.... violence?

>> No.42872436
File: 32 KB, 738x630, unclear instructions wurm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are peering into it already
just wurm

>> No.42872448

That's my only complaint about his stuff. I love his stories, but I could do without feeling like girls will happily beat the shit out of me until I submit.

>> No.42872453

>Marry a meaty hag
>Her tits get bigger, hips get wider, gains a few inches of height
>You get a little shorter and your face looks younger
>She was already taller than you before, but now you're barely as tall as her hips

>> No.42872459

anon no!!! acording to MGC law you'll be forced to take care of her when she gets hurt!

>> No.42872465
Quoted by: >>42872491

Yeah, there's aggressive and then there's Magus' violent rapey girls.

>> No.42872467
Quoted by: >>42872480

Most of his stories aren't like that, I can only think of two. That one, and the salamander one. Poor girl

>> No.42872473

Hook me up with one of your lonely hag friends

>> No.42872479
File: 1.34 MB, 2880x2880, File too large it says when I try to upload it, the original file is fucking 3.2MB, is this good enough for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42872604

>> No.42872480
Quoted by: >>42872506

Well, and JotM. But yes, I agree. It's not his norm.

>> No.42872484
Quoted by: >>42872499

i'm okay with getting bodied but i'd expect more grapples and throws
and the occasional surprise redcap cleaver

>> No.42872491
Quoted by: >>42872526

I don't mind violent gals, but the ones in the Jinko and salamander story was a bit much. I personally like some scratches, bruising and bites. I am an actual masochist tho so I'm biased, it's gotta be done carefully, if ever, with MGE.

>> No.42872499
Quoted by: >>42872547

I want less that and more 'being manhandled by a monster twice your size like a sack of potatoes'.
Pin me against a wall, or against the bed, or make me sit on her lap....

>> No.42872502
File: 200 KB, 1226x1612, FpVT_89acAY-qoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42872514

>> No.42872506
Quoted by: >>42872526

They weren't really violent in the Magi one, just careless and dumb. I don't count violence when they're using demonic sliver shit personally, and the elves being like that are fine because I hate elves in MGE

>> No.42872514
File: 348 KB, 2048x1807, 1678221820668934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42872610


>> No.42872526
Quoted by: >>42872573

I recall the dark elf being really violent. I know I hated her.
To each their own. I like knowing that they *could* but wouldn't. Peak sexiness is them knowing they can make me submit without violence. Charm magic/pheromones/seduction is peak to me.

>> No.42872547

i'm a sucker for the playful succubus fighting style.
flustering opponents, suggestive movements, dancing slightly out of attack range, blowing kisses, hip-checking, layering multiple casts of charm magic, and all that good stuff
doesnt seem to feature much

>> No.42872556

Damn fucking SHAME

>> No.42872562

Canonically the way MGE Succubi fight if you go by what the wiki says.

>> No.42872572
Quoted by: >>42872593

>blowing kisses
Bonus points form me if it turns into some kind of magical projectile

>> No.42872573

Oh the dorm one? Yeah she was a bitch, although I'm gonna be real, I did like her. Like I've said before, I am dark elf bait. My main issue with her and most of the girls in Magi was that they were going to fucking kill him because of his DE allergy.
That's nice too, I really liked the alarune in MGD after you beat her in a fight. If you chose to fuck her and keep fucking her she ends up beating you instead it's very funny

>> No.42872590
Quoted by: >>42872723

>alarune in MGD
Hah, are you me? I don't even rank them in my top5 but it's easily my favorite end, and I think about it from time to time. There's just something so sexy about being gently wrapped up in their flower, high on nectar and pheromones while they gently milk your brains out. And the way the flower petals seal you in like a soft prison and lock you with even more pheromones? Delicious.
If I were a plant mamono guy I would be very satisfied meeting my "end" like that.

>> No.42872593

Like blowing a love heart of pink smoke

>> No.42872604


>> No.42872605

>DE allergy
Sounds made up just to have grimshit in MGE that even heroes and angels can get corrupted by DE.

>> No.42872606
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>> No.42872610

i love the humpty slime...

>> No.42872628

The DE thing just ended up being an unsatisfying cockblock for the whole story. Plus the real grimshit was the entire Tomb Haven bit imo

>> No.42872648
File: 262 KB, 1044x725, Succubus86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blows you a kiss
>Pink heart shaped energy beam hits you right in the chest
>Debuffs all stats, temporarily stunlocks you, gives you a massive boner and adds +30 charm

>> No.42872668

Needs nerfing!

>> No.42872673

>dodge it
>it tracks you

>> No.42872691
File: 439 KB, 1581x2048, FC6261D5-C0E6-4FB2-99D7-25DB5250AE65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wurms are a combination of a dragon and a snake, satan is sometimes depicted as both a dragon and a snake and is a hyper intelligent being, conclusion Wurms are secretly hyper intelligent beings.

>> No.42872698
Quoted by: >>42872715

Nah it wasn't that bad, at least until the tomb haven part. It made sense since this dude was from our world, not theirs. What I hated was the soul shit, I don't remember it being resolved, shit made me so anxious. It was a really good story tho

>> No.42872701
File: 75 KB, 493x597, bang the wurm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42872745

are u sure?

>> No.42872703

Not with all the rocks they crash into all day

>> No.42872715

The soul shit was honestly a kick in the balls desu

>> No.42872722
Quoted by: >>42872735

why? I didn't read it.

>> No.42872723

God yes, and not just that but also the whole trickster aspect made me harder than diamonds man

>> No.42872735
Quoted by: >>42872744

Was it ever explained?
Basically when he got Isekaied into MGE he went through our afterlife and got a fuckton of souls stuck inside of him. I don't think it was ever explained

>> No.42872737
Quoted by: >>42872754

I wish kc depicted how lamia and arachne bodied type monsters do butt stuff

>> No.42872744

Basically this. I'm not sure if it got fully explained by the end because I got bored at chapter 39 out of 51.

>> No.42872745

You jest but this is how I fixed my PS4 once lmao
Wurmie is smartie

>> No.42872754

Wouldn't the scales just move further down or something?

>> No.42872778
File: 384 KB, 960x1200, Demon144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demons with a high enough perception stat can look at you and instantly know all your fetishes and preferences, too OP pls nerf

>> No.42872784
Quoted by: >>42872799

They did nerf it. You have to wear the enchanted tin foil hat item from last patch

>> No.42872797
Quoted by: >>42872805

What's a Demon like that gonna do when she sees I'm into muscular women? She won't bother lol.

>> No.42872799

i sold all my foil and glass beads to a black harpy

>> No.42872805
Quoted by: >>42872874

Show her abs, obviously

>> No.42872818

My fetishes are vanilla, hand holding and breeding in the missionary position.

>> No.42872825
Quoted by: >>42872850

It wouldn’t work out between me and her since I’m built for Chaos.

>> No.42872850

That's okay, I'm sure she could introduce you her mindflayer friend.

>> No.42872874
Quoted by: >>42872885

Her arms look pretty thin to me.

>> No.42872885

Demons are masters of illusion
