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File: 806 KB, 995x1500, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_hug_yourhug__d674dc7ad369c4e24fb2e3e20c516684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41999008 No.41999008 [Reply] [Original]

Trapped in eternal life with your new youkai wife

>> No.41999206
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Rumia will simply eat anyone she thinks is getting too close to you. All you have to do to stop the frequent kidnappings is abandon the village and go live with her, in her house in the forest.

>> No.42001123

Suika would keep tabs on you throughout the day by making you carry around one of her tiny clones. You might even use it as an onahole in case of emergency, she'd encourage that.

>> No.42006375
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If you had to choose between two extremes
Would you rather live in eternal cold

>> No.42006383
File: 875 KB, 1200x796, bcf1af0fff75dc845a4777f8b52feebc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or would you prefer living in sweltering heat

>> No.42010094
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You, come with me.

>> No.42010148

Cold for sure, heat is overrated

>> No.42010463

cold is nicer but heat looks like more fun

>> No.42011540
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Quoted by: >>42011796

Anon... what did I tell you about trying to look at other girls with that kind of intent in your eyes? You didn't take me seriously because I'm small. Well, now you're small too, around my size! All thanks to my Miracle Mallet! Now you can spend more time with me than ever in the little doll house you got me. You're never going to even look at another girl than me again! Isn't that great?! But, I still don't think you got it all through your head yet, you're kind of thick....
So, get in my bowl now. Yes, my bowl! Get inside, or I'll drag you there myself. When the lid closes, you won't come out for a while. You want to know why?
It's because I'm going to rape you all day and night until you can only find me appealing.

>> No.42011609
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Quoted by: >>42011721

You cannot spell "Margatroid Alice" without "MAlice"

>> No.42011721
File: 883 KB, 1020x1440, FifECmKagAApAqO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42011821

scary lady

>> No.42011796

She can't keep you small forever, just take her mallet and needle away when you get big again and lock it away, then the crazy Inchling can never dominate you again.

>> No.42011821
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Quoted by: >>42012124

she is looking very weird at me
what could it mean?
does she want to kill me?

>> No.42012124
File: 83 KB, 433x551, 1467565838627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the contrary, instead of ending your life, I think she intends to create new little dolls with you. Or perhaps something other than dolls, can't be this monothematic.

>> No.42013196
File: 544 KB, 1856x2048, 1662111605182153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...You'll just stay in the mansion, obviously. You can stay here with me, or get your own room if you desire privacy. If you feel obligated, you might pay for your "rent" in blood, since you're still human. That's not necessary however, keep that in mind.
As your lover, I'm prepared to take care of your sexual needs, and in case my body can't keep up, I can always ask Koakuma for help. She's prepared to go at any time, anywhere, as many times as needed... but you're always going to come to me first. Feel free to ask for it at any time, if you think it's going to help with your focus. Just try not to knock me or yourself out.
Our day will begin here with a private breakfast, where we'll discuss the topics we're going to go over and review what you've already learned. Then, after a nice session in the library we'll join the others for dinner, rest a little, and go back to books. After that we can do what you want, as a way for you to get some necessary relaxation.
The first order of business will be getting your life extended. I'll handle teaching you required magic, but you will prepare spells and proper rituals yourself. You will have to go through several advanced topics for every type of elemental magic before you achieve this, so I'm going to cast a simple youth spell on you every month until my favourite student becomes a full fledged magician.
Yes, of course, your Danmaku skill is also something you should hone, it's important in Gensokyo. If you wish to practice, ask miss Sakuya to prepare the maids for a training session.
No, the entrance doors will remain locked for you. Don't even think about asking the maids to open them for you, you will simply be unable to pass through the door frames. This is a little like the famous vampire weakness of being unable to enter a house uninvited, but in your case you're stuck inside a mansion, and invitations of any sort have no effect. This will actually be your final test. If you learn how to remove the magic brand I've etched into your body, then you will be able to come and go whenever you want. Typically, this kind of ritual serves to curse or bless entire generations, so it requires the highest order of magical knowledge and skill. That's why you will actually need years to learn how to dispell it. After that, you may finally take me out on a date, wherever you want.

>> No.42013287
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Quoted by: >>42014173

she's not so scary when you get to know her

>> No.42013849

Actually sounds pretty reasonable desu, sure you'll miss your old life but as far as prisons go its the best you can get

>> No.42014077

doesn't sound bad at all honestly

>> No.42014173

Ran or Yukari?

>> No.42017342
File: 389 KB, 1223x1752, 1640434116231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*knock knock knock*
Hey Anon
Come on
I just want to play
If you don't I'll just talk to you through the window
You know I won't leave, I have nothing better to do
We didn't play at all yesterday, or the day before
So open the door already
We don't have to play in the snow, I know you can get sick
We can just stay inside today
Let me in, just open it for a minute
You can lock it after
I don't mind

>> No.42018191

I mean... thats not perfectly ideal if you can't leave but thats a hell of a good set up. If I was stuck in gensokyo with no real way back home I'd gladly take that willingly.

>> No.42020070 [DELETED] 


>> No.42020103
Quoted by: >>42020783

a yandere fairy sounds like it would be more funny than scary
imagine someone like lily white trying to do something to you, I'd probably stay with her just because I'd feel bad if I left

>> No.42020783
File: 226 KB, 974x1040, __cirno_touhou_drawn_by_kuromame_8gou__cfc500c9a4d0a0870ec75f8f1bb668a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't underestimate fairies, even what's effectively a kid is dangerous with a knife. And Cirno can always create icicles to stab people with, if she can't just freeze them.
Not to mention the whole immortality deal, a sufficiently motivated fairy will just keep coming for you no matter how many times she gets torn to pieces in the process. It might be funny at first, but then you realize there's basically nothing you can do to stop her from trying to kill the girl you might be after, or that there's no respite from an annoying idiot telling you about the time she froze frogs for a 1000th time.

>> No.42021035
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Cirno is certainly lethal enough if you're unlucky, but how on earth would Lily be a threat? I can see her being hopped up on energy when spring rolls around, but that's about it. An overly excited and loud fairy. Is she gonna make people go deaf by nagging them? Set someone's allergies off by offering them bouquets? Stupidly adorable, but probably not someone to watch out for.

>> No.42021327

lily is gonna leave bugs in someone's shoes and mess up their clean laundry
that'll show em

>> No.42021380
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don't worry, she's a gentle and loving giant.

>> No.42022627

I want to be Meilings love slave!

>> No.42022639

I'd only be disappointed if I was shooting for someone else in the SDM but attracting a ginger Chinese girl isn't the worst by far

>> No.42022642

she raped my ass in 07 you fucking cunt!

>> No.42022686

something something waifu loves you so much

>> No.42023589
File: 716 KB, 850x740, 1513013300355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42026561

>I'ts spring!! I love Anon!! It's spriiiiiiing!! I loooove Anooooon!! Stay away from him!!
I always thought that a big part of yandere situations is the fact that you're stalked for a long time, you usually know about it and there isn't much you can do. No more than just a couple hours of peace in a day.
In a fairy's case she propably wouldn't bother being subtle, and she sure as hell would be annoying if she's constantly following you. And imagine if it isn't spring, she'd have no other topics to yell about but you.

>> No.42026561
File: 2.80 MB, 1935x1361, lily_white_touhou_drawn_by_nama_udon__e958b81c1855937b53c4882d3630c9fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42027736

The psychological aspect would be the primary concern when dealing with Lily, yea. Mostly harmless as fairies are, they're quite hardy and stubborn. I figure she would get on anyone's nerves after sticking around you for days at a time, especially if she acts hostile towards others (by pouting aggressively, refusing to shut up whenever you have a conversation, or whatever it is Lily thinks is a display of dominance). People might end up avoiding you for their own peace of mind, which... I guess is a resounding victory for Lily. And now she can shower you in flowers without other pesky humans getting in the way.

>I'ts spring!! I love Anon!! It's spriiiiiiing!! I loooove Anooooon!! Stay away from him!!
I thought this was meant to be annoying, not make me adore her even more. Wonder if she gets meaner towards others outside of spring.

>> No.42026590
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>> No.42027228

she will do all the work while i laze around and impregnate her from time to time

>> No.42027736
File: 676 KB, 1050x1512, b986d3bc234299ab57dde2a628e8b84a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42027769

Even cutesy things like that would quickly get annoying. A yandere would propably want to constantly be around you, you would have trouble with simple things like buying food. And I wonder how would the villagers react to seeing the outsider with an irritable fairy constantly glued to his back.

>> No.42027769
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1200, Different wolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42027950

>I wonder how would the villagers react to seeing the outsider with an irritable fairy constantly glued to his back.
I have a feeling outsiders getting youkai infatuated with them then randomly disappearing from the village at indeterminate later dates is a rather common occurrence

>> No.42027789
File: 322 KB, 1200x800, 8d744dd7e79c7c64f30328f24fb1a762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42027837

Never underestimate.

>> No.42027837
Quoted by: >>42027892

>star, luna, and sunny use their powers to make your lose your way leading you to their house after you treated them nicely that one time you caught them doing mischief at the shrine and covered for them after
Sounds pretty sweet, plus theres the question if you could really escape their treehouse considering humans can't really detect them

>> No.42027892
Quoted by: >>42028412

Is that a quote from somewhere?

>> No.42027950
File: 164 KB, 707x1000, 1440585873131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in Lily's case I can't imagine her physically stopping you from going where you want in any way. At most she'd offer you her place to live in, but what could she even do convince you to stay? You'd still need some kind of job anyway, you would still need to buy food. A fairy can't really provide, you might as well just live in the village as you can assume you would normally. Cirno could try something with an icey cage or walls, maybe something about her infamous danmaku safe spot strategy, but an average fairy just can't do much.
She would only be able to follow you and talk to you.

>> No.42028124
File: 1.19 MB, 999x1171, 0c0420b55ad8b24d0b880de4c155feb8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42028432

dont get me started on this cause it would be wild

>> No.42028276

You're telling me Meiling likes Gentle Giant?

>> No.42028412

yes from the picture, can't you tell?

>> No.42028424

You know when someone is really persistant with you but they're also cute and geniunely like so you have a very hard time saying no?
something like that I suppose. Also Lily could help you find and sprout valuable plants for you to sell at Eientei or something so you wouldn't have to be around those pesky always horny humans

>> No.42028432
Quoted by: >>42029647

give me a taste

>> No.42028710
File: 313 KB, 800x600, __kazami_yuuka_touhou_drawn_by_kuchisuna__56800e1ce8e5cda2697b0856803383ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42028732


>> No.42028732
Quoted by: >>42028963

Anon should know better then being a little slutty tease and asking Yuuka for advice on how to grow flowers after he bumps into her at the village's flower shop that one time about 4 months ago

>> No.42028963
File: 222 KB, 1552x1553, 1572463783410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon's gonna learn.

>> No.42029647

basically you have to drink hourai elixir or become a ghost so you woundnt die from a ghost touching you
also any other woman (not sure if even youmu and yukari would survive) you look at would die under unknown circumstances

>> No.42030160
Quoted by: >>42030310

Youmu since half phantom and suitably strong human or youkai would survive
but for any anon he'd have to get creative to survive her death aura

>> No.42030310
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Quoted by: >>42030389

Don't you just need basically any kind of blessing to survive her passive aura?

>> No.42030368
File: 866 KB, 1000x1000, 80318381_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lily's entire plan would rely on inserting herself into your every waking moment in life, rather than making sure no one else can have you. From that point on, I think it depends on just how friendly the villagers are in regards to fairies. Having a youkai latch onto you would certainly make at least some people distrustful of you, but a fairy... opinions would range from humorous to annoying. Hell, I'm sure some would even play along with Lily, because it's really fucking funny to see that one guy who has a fairy crushing after him have to deal with her being hopped up in confidence after "scaring away" a bar's worth of bored patrons. She could certainly stir up some noise by abusing danmaku, but she would get shot down quick by Reimu. I just don't see the poor girl carrying out the perfect yandere experience, outside of Lily finding a knife and actually threatening to stab people (or you) with it. Her reign of terror could be stopped by tying her to a tree.

>> No.42030389
Quoted by: >>42030435

enough magic as well, Marisa for example can be around her well enough and she isn't even a "full" magician yet
Basically you have to boss tier or at least miniboss

>> No.42030435
Quoted by: >>42033091

I can already see Yuyuko casually inviting Eirin for another tea just to ask her to turn anon into something that can survive her. Surgically turning him into a half phantom or something.

>> No.42033081

It's funny to think about a bunch of old guys laughing at you, the guy with a fairy stuck to his back

>> No.42033091
Quoted by: >>42033481

I don't think Yuyuko would entrust anything to someone as shady as Eirin. If she needs any modifications done she'd ask someone she trusts, such as Yukari.

>> No.42033417
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 1670501045106808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya would absolutely write slander about you to ruin your reputation.
"Peeping Tom in Gensokyo"
"Outsider is a pervert? Exclusive story"
"Beware potential rapist"
Some people could even think that you've crossed her personally somehow, maybe you tried to spy on her. It would make sense that she holds a grudge, with every Bunbunmaru issue giving you at least a mention in a negative light. It would make almost everyone hate your guts, guarantee you have no chances with any girls.
And then, when you're shunned, cast out, she'd be watching you like a hawk. Waiting for an opportunity to snatch you up without witnesses.

>> No.42033481
Quoted by: >>42033641

But she did ask her to visit when Youmu went insane after IN. She did also try to poison her, but maybe they got over that.

>> No.42033558

Yuyuko as a yandere is one of the scariest thing to talk about here

>> No.42033641

Whats a little death between a ghost an immortal?

>> No.42033651
Quoted by: >>42033970

Honestly I don't think a fairy would even come up with the idea to use a knife. Not that they don't use tools or anything but using them for violence just seems like a blank spot and what makes fairies faries

>> No.42033813
Quoted by: >>42035405

Anon then starts his own wildly popular forum style public talks where takes the moniker 'Outsider Jones' where he loudly decries the Tengu mass media

>> No.42033970
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Quoted by: >>42034459

I think that's part of the appeal here, to see just what exactly can a yandere fairy come up with.

>> No.42034459
Quoted by: >>42040839

A fairy can be very vicious if you've read the three fairies manga series they just don't seem to realize doing shit like getting people hopelessly lost in the forests, or making them fall into rivers and swamps, or not letting them realize they're in harsh rain storms can actually really hurt someone or kill them by a variety of ways.
So if a fairy got it in their head to use their abilities to remove a threat to (you) it could end pretty badly for their target even if their combat power is low.
Then again a fairy is a fairy and their own nature keeps them from coming up with things too dangerous

>> No.42034925
File: 138 KB, 850x776, __yorigami_jo_on_touhou_drawn_by_alien_psr992__sample-24d3b332564534493403ed6f1a58fed3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42035344

Ever since Shion started hanging out with Tenshi more and more, she's been a bit lonely.
So, Jo'on has decided to make a friend herself!
Anon has really caught Jo'on's eye.
To make absolute sure he won't say no to her, she has a great plan!
Use her ability to make Anon lose all of his money!
He can't afford food. He can't afford water. He can't pay rent. And when everything is hopeless, when it seems like he'll have to live on the streets...
That's when Jo'on will come along and save the day by throwing her stolen money at him!
Of course, Jo'on doesn't run a charity. Anon will have to pay back what he owes by spending lots time with Jo'on.
This of course means being her new sidekick, being taken out for dates, and having to be her toy whenever she says.
Sugar mommy Jo'on...

>> No.42035344
File: 314 KB, 1400x1228, Shion joon curry gasmask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jo'on utterly mindbreaking an ignorant anon not knowing her ability!
She keeps showing him the only human kindness he'll get from being a penniless loser!
She'll get him to gamble away his money every time he starts making himself into something again!
Anon becoming utterly emotionally dependent on Jo'on as she's the only bit of stability in his life!
Jo'on taking full advantage and encouraging Anon's dependence with sweet words the only love anon's experienced since the start of his nightmare!

>> No.42035405
File: 128 KB, 800x600, f182ea254815265dfb52eb57ec27cf89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42035652

I don't like 'em putting chemicals in the water that turn the frickin' frogs gay!

>> No.42035652
File: 76 KB, 857x819, Junko moonite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah thats right people, the lunarians have their claws in the tengu mass media and they're using the fake newspapers to manipulate gensokyo into becoming nothing more then pawns for their new moon order!
You heard it here first folks!

>> No.42037455
File: 812 KB, 961x1364, __yagokoro_eirin_touhou_drawn_by_borushichi__c95f233986785b559af9b26771326ce0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My, you caused quite the commotion over in the village. The things you did to those poor girls...
Well, best not to dwell on that.
The important part is that we got there just in time to explain to the villagers how the whole incident wasn't your fault. That it was just an unfortunate illness that made you act in such a way.
We've managed to convince the village elders that we here at Eientei are well-equipped to deal with cases such as yours, and to leave you in our care until you are cured.
Of course, we cannot let you leave this place until we can be certain that it's safe, but not to worry, we will do everything in our power to make sure you'll won't be wanting for anything.
Naturally, we'll help you with your masculine "urges" as well.
So don't worry about anything, and just enjoy your time here. I'll be taking very good care of you.

>> No.42038584
File: 628 KB, 1366x768, fb5a3919acb1aa62e3e062b4228483c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42038726

Gee, I wonder just what exactly caused that affliction.

>> No.42038667
File: 71 KB, 768x1024, Eirin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine talking to the nice bunny lady because you have an overly sore back and just wanted some relief before the next day of tending the fields and being an upstanding citizen of the village then you wake up and find out that you beat and raped a couple girls and get dragged off to Eientei where Eirien is seems actually happy to see you although as always her expression is hard to read.
You talked to this doctor like once when you came in with a broken leg and offhandedly complimented her gorgeous silver hair and commented that you'd love a girlfriend like her.

>> No.42038726
File: 605 KB, 834x1200, __yagokoro_eirin_touhou_drawn_by_deetamu__b7c524a4bbf0b6e6eb1a4b0b69c46c0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a mystery. However, I'm sure Dr. Yagokoro will spare no effort to investigate this horrible malady that for some odd reason greatly resembles a drug-fuelled, brainwashed rampage.

>> No.42040021
File: 215 KB, 1133x1377, a2f5f1d66fcf4ab6dfce30a1e6784de9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got too close to you.
I warned her you know, as a shrine maiden, I told her not to overstep certain boundaries, that it would bring her an awful fate. But I can't just make other people follow my doctrines, it's a matter of their will.
Sadly, we lost a follower today, but that's fine. With your help, we can have a new one. Maybe... maybe even twins... It would be our little miracle.

>> No.42040419
File: 394 KB, 1280x1791, Hatate showing tengu fortitude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42040776

Remember anons, the common sense of youkai girls is entirely different from those of humans!
Make eye contact with one? You're now going to be their mate for life!
Buy something from them and make skin contact? you clearly want to become their exclusive mate and have them hang around you 24/7!
You spoke with them one time for a few minutes and said goodbye and hello correctly with a smile? You clearly want their attention and can barely contain your love for them!
Remember anon, youkai are troublesome and only interact with the ones that you want to commit your life to, because they'll be committing themselves to you entirely! Its the real reason humans don't live the village!

>> No.42040776

it's up to human women to protect the male population from these marriage hungry monsters

>> No.42040839
File: 247 KB, 750x625, Fff0aqBUcAE-24L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42040854

I was thinking of that trio myself, they would definitely have the ability to inflict serious harm on others through the use of their abilities, especially with all three teaming up. Overall Cirno and Clownpiece are far and away the most dangerous fairies, with perhaps Cirno edging out when it comes to palpable threats to other people's lives. The Three Fairies of Light could mess people up pretty bad too, though they need to work as a group to maximize damage. I guess Eternity comes up next by virtue of her having any sort of ability, scales can probably cut someone up in large enough quantities. Daiyousei and Lily are sadly at the back of the pack, with Dai at least having the size advantage over Lily. Life is hard for unhealthily smitten fairies.

>> No.42040854
File: 596 KB, 900x1200, 1647716076825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least they're in better position than the generic no-name fairies.

>> No.42040880

lily(spring) is not to be underestimated

>> No.42040885
File: 158 KB, 1080x720, Ehyym3hVkAI4uIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42040893

That's true enough. Unless they're carrying a sunflower, I feel like vigorous swatting is enough to put down your generic fairy. They could maybe get something going if they show up as a large enough mob. Like bees swarming a threat to smother it to death. Terrifying, actually.

>> No.42040889

Oh cold is just the fucking worst. Heat all day everyday
Like the aesthetics of cold but it ain't nearly good enough. I just don't understand winter fans

>> No.42040893

>They could maybe get something going if they show up as a large enough mob. Like bees swarming a threat to smother it to death. Terrifying, actually.
I'm just imagining the entire fairy population of gensokyo going after one guy
thats some incident level shit right there

>> No.42040898

with infinite respawns the only thing keeping fairies at bay is their attention span

>> No.42040915

Anon's great fairy wars would be a spectacle where some unfortunate person catches the attention of all fairies as they spare nothing in trying to capture him

>> No.42040927
File: 95 KB, 550x700, 1669487672181956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42041289

Anyone have that image of Reimu and Marisa running away from an absolutely massive rainbow colored tide of generic fairies?

>> No.42041289
File: 1.56 MB, 4541x1200, 2078065_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42041350


>> No.42041350
Quoted by: >>42041360

I just noticed Tewi in the middle of them all
damn it Tewi

>> No.42041360

theres actually quite a lot of references which I enjoyed

>> No.42041392
File: 3.55 MB, 2508x3541, 103485095_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Either you start eating me, or I start eating you human. You don't want to add to my collection of skulls, do you? Time to decide."

>> No.42041569
Quoted by: >>42043407

Rumia is fucking perfect yanhu material there was one particularly good two parter doujin about it

>> No.42041610
Quoted by: >>42041656

Miko doesnt need any fancy abilities, not even desire-reading to control you!

As a former politician she already knows exactly what makes people tick.

I need more suggestions for how this will work!

>> No.42041656
File: 511 KB, 666x900, Miko looking down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Miko as an administrator knows that to control her own magistrates and functionaries without use of her own abilities is the true test of a statesman and if she took interest in (you) she figured she wouldn't even need her ability. What she'd need is simple observation, blackmail, extortion, plain threats, and even promises of loves and allowing you to indulge in your desires(with her of course) are only par for the course of getting anon to become her loyal advisor.
Although she likes respect as a method of control she also knows fear is a potent one and having both is even better and regularly takes the time to ensure you have a healthy dose of both as she shows both her strong side to you and when you stray from loving her or she simply things you're thinking of defecting(get too close to other girls) shes not afraid to take things into her own hands at a moments notice and instill fear into you.
In doing this she enjoys sharpening her skills as a leader and administrator without even bothering to use her powers in the slightest and lets her followers stretch their legs in handling you as well

>> No.42043344
File: 748 KB, 1428x1500, 485c48cc972f0f1dc418c3bb1f8a5ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, fine. Itadakimasu.

>> No.42043379
Quoted by: >>42043573

The green one *is* a generic no-name fairy, anon.

>> No.42043407

Unseal the room and the now full power ex-room will claim you as a reward and prize

>> No.42043573
File: 1.69 MB, 1191x1684, 1638036825679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42044003

She's a midboss, like Lily. You know what I meant. And while the no-name thing is contentious (I believe Daiyousei is enough of a name and a character, like in Koakuma's case), she's not generic. Plain, but not in the same tier as the randoms.
She's confirmed to be a recurring character, with the GFW and manga appearances. When someone says Daiyousei you think specifically of her, not just tougher fairies. That's enough. That's more plot than some other hus with spoken lines and bossfights.

>> No.42044003
Quoted by: >>42044837

She has no defined characterization whatsoever. Her "name" has never showed up in any official context, nor does it fit in with any of the other fairies; it's literally just a description.
She has no established ability, no dialogue, no defined personality beyond *maybe* her being shy and quick to flee from minor cameos in print works.
Her most significant appearance at the end of Visionary Fairies in Shrine grouped her with a bunch of very similar looking fairies, which only reaffirms the idea of her being a generic kind of fairy without an identity of her own.

She only ever served as someone for Cirno to interact with in the background, a role that became increasingly unnecessary as Cirno's circle of associates grew.

>> No.42044837
File: 927 KB, 1920x1080, 1657819804158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42048326

Yes, the name thing is true. It's a fan given one to refer to her instead of using "that green haired fairy that hangs out with Cirno". It's just for convenience. She still has more plot than some 'named' 2hus. It's not as important, but there is more going for her than for example Kisume.
As for power, "Ordinary fairies are weaker than humans. Greater fairies are mightier than other fairies." And she is a midboss. ZUN also said she's mischievous and playful, but he also said basically the same thing about Koakuma. Who also should be 'nameless' by the way, but you're not going to turn the entire fandom around by yourself.
Ironic that you're arguing that this specific character isn't a character, in the process proving that she is unique by singling her out from the crowd. Anyway, you seem to be in the wrong thread.

>> No.42044855

I'd upper cunt her and take off.

>> No.42045324

Would people even believe what Aya says?

>> No.42045488
File: 255 KB, 768x1024, 500be535c36916b4677159010a296e69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42046161

Well, Bunbunmaru is still in business, right? Average villager wouldn't be able to tell truth from lie, I guess.

>> No.42045857
File: 665 KB, 643x900, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_zetsumame__74da6a8602cc96222af1ea0bcab79955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42046161

Those kinds of statements would paint a permanent bad rep on anyone, regardless of validity. Even outrageous news will raise eyebrows if they're published on papers because people still consider them to have some amount of authority.

>> No.42046161
File: 419 KB, 710x943, 103525230_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42142136

Hence why 'Outsider Jones' will rise and quickly gain popularity for giving an alternative media source!
"The Tengu... well let me tell you folks, the Tengu are nothing lies and sneaks whove been infiltrating our schools and media for the last generation. You've never seen even a single bad thing about the Tengu in the paper or said aloud and that's because they have people HERE IN THE VILLAGE RIGHT NOW BUT IM TELLING YOU FOLKS THEY WONT WIN AS LONG AS WE DONT LET THEM!"

>> No.42046243
Quoted by: >>42048286

B-but Rumia chan! M-MY LUNGS!

>> No.42048286
File: 2.74 MB, 2893x4092, 1655211933681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop talking

>> No.42048326
File: 277 KB, 927x665, ThGK_Bunbunmaru3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42049666

Kisume is a really bad example, given that she actually got an Bunbunmaru article in SoPM, which gave her more personality than Daiyousei will ever have. And really, a crazy chick who climbs out of wells to throw skulls at people is really not a bad foundation for a yandere character. There's stuff to work with there.

Meanwhile, what does Daiyousei have going for her? Even the "personality" you bring up is just generic stuff seen in just about every fairy. What actually sets her apart from the others; makes her different from say, a sunflower fairy beyond her being slightly more powerful? She's just a random enemy to serve as a midboss in Cirno's stage, and had never been intended to be an actual character.

>> No.42049666
File: 570 KB, 1587x1646, three bullets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea she did have a mention, and it's still less plot than what Daiyousei has. A game appearance (incident) is more important than a story on how a youkai fed one time. You do realize this kind of thing has to happen pretty often, right? It was covered because of lack of any better topics.
>What actually sets her apart from the others
Games. She's unique, her sprite is never reused for another enemy like the sunflower fairies. Not just an enemy type, she only appears in one spot, once per playthrough. And she's also not a "type" of fairy in the manga either, she's one specific girl, even if nothing is said about her. She's not "one of the fairy maids" or "a zombie fairy".
>had never been intended to be an actual character
Not just her, and she's not the first or the last instance of that in touhou either. Half the cast wasn't supposed to come back. How many times did ZUN try to end touhou project anyway? I remember IN was supposed to be the last one.
What's exactly your problem here? She's a fairy, she's not supposed to go around killing people or solving incidents. It's Cirno that's an unusual fairy, not her. That's why this established character doesn't have any official stories about her, she's among the very weakest 2hus, if not the very weakest that we know *anything* about. There isn't going to be a manga or a game focusing on her, we don't need another insight into a fairy's life, that's already covered.
In yandere context she's about the same as Lily as discussed earlier, anyone except another fairy could just tie her up to render her harmless. Or kill her to discourage any revolts. I only said she's in a better spot than literal bottom of the barrel - i.e. other fairies. Due to actually knowing danmaku at a level above pic related, if she's lucky she might actually defeat a human, especially if that human doesn't know danmaku. Propably not in a physical fight though, that may be above her power level. But who can say for sure, you know the saying about common sense.

>> No.42050402

What does Rumia taste like?

>> No.42050850
File: 537 KB, 800x754, __kaenbyou_rin_and_zombie_fairy_touhou_drawn_by_sui_ayase__de3768c2f1932ef2e60ee27549c20f5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, on the topic of generic fairies, there's several that are capable of some pretty crazy danmaku. They don't tend to be particularly hardy or have more than one pattern, but still. And I just remembered zombie fairies; I know for sure they're just dressed up regular ol fairies, but I can't remember if them dying and getting revived is part of them playing around or if they actually do come back that quickly. Regardless, they probably have the best chance of spooking people away from (You), a pale, glowing fairy that even slightly plays the part of an undead is gonna creep people out.

>> No.42050930

As a mortal cold
But if I was the heat and immune to its effects I would chose heat
Bonus points if I was the heat
Radiating eternal fire so I never get cold again would be kind of cool jump into the freezing Arctic Ocean with nothing but my swim ware and watch it start evaporating into steam
Walk though the snow in a bikini

>> No.42055304
File: 59 KB, 1000x1235, 1636846106902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42055411

I did it.
No one will stand between you and me now.
Come here. Why aren't you happy?
Come closer.

>> No.42055411
Quoted by: >>42056485

Wow Youmu, where did you get those boobs?

>> No.42056485
File: 353 KB, 2065x2002, d4a7b980e919e18b8c1adbe137cf1d9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can transfer size between her ghost half and her human body. And the more [P] she collects the more of Myon there is to transfer from. It's why Myon is so small there, she needs a lot of phantom matter to compress into that impressive rack.
Why do you think she didn't wear a bra and her clothes clearly can't contain them anyway? They weren't designed to.

>> No.42058342
File: 578 KB, 1000x900, f19d1a0bbde9ebd415a9d8596bd6e11e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found you!

>> No.42059493

Calm down Flan. CALM DOWN DAMMIT!

>> No.42060085

No flan, I've found your bloomers!

>> No.42060229

Yandere Byakuren, how would that work? Could this hag be yandere?

>> No.42060246

She can't, she's a Buddhist, she's free of desire and especially desire for a person or husband.

>> No.42060272
File: 1.16 MB, 1157x1636, __hijiri_byakuren_touhou_drawn_by_indica__da65d41911ade034539de57746ef8241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42060808

This. Byakuran-sama would never be a yandere, she's got bigger priorities than obsessing over someone. She would never hurt you.

>> No.42060808
Quoted by: >>42060834

She says this, but she keeps making me do that waterfall training with her, and she touches me in funny places, and she makes me stay in her room at the temple so that I don't tempt the other youkai... Something seems fishy.

>> No.42060834
Quoted by: >>42060995

I heard Byakuren gets mad at her trainees when they chat with him a little too much, she says its because her youkai would be tempted to harm him but I don't know...
It seems to me that poor trainee monk-san gets real lonely because of it so but it must be part of training or something to only have any real social interaction with the head monk!

>> No.42060995
Quoted by: >>42061685

Maybe trainee-kun wouldn't need so much special discipline if he didn't keep sneaking off with the other initiates for their "secret training".

>> No.42061685
Quoted by: >>42061906

Sounds like Byakuran paranoia
All trainee-kun did was try to be social with his peers and Byakuran got jealous he didn't spend enough time with her!

>> No.42061906
Quoted by: >>42062296

Anon, please. We both know that trainee-kun was the one seducing and manipulating those poor innocent youkai to force himself into their "training", even going so far to make them tie him up so he can deflect blame away from himself. They'd never do such a thing if trainee-kun wasn't forcing them to sin through his lewd chest, arms and... Uh, I mean, forcing them to sin because he's possessed by an evil demon. A very powerful demon that can only be exorcised by the head priest. In private. It would be dangerous for anyone else, after all.

>> No.42062158
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1333, bd780c5a38951bfa7dc59f6e01ab9b66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had to suffer a terrible fate, would you rather...

Become the object of fascination for a Baku that picks on you who thinks you're so cute she might just have to keep you dreaming forever to stay with her, even after your real body ends up dying?

Or get abducted by some aliens that live on the moon, only because an angelic leader among them took an interest in you while on a mission to earth, and now she's keeping you as sort of a living experiment?

>> No.42062172

Being with Sagume must be hard because she barely talks, and is always careful about what to say. It'd feel like such a one-sided relationship unless she brings out her Microsoft Sam voice.

>> No.42062230

Definitely Baku

>> No.42062274

Only taking situation into account I'd choose baku

>> No.42062296
Quoted by: >>42062485

Wow I didn't know things were so bad! I can't believe such a powerful demon slipped into the temple.
I hope Byakuran is able to exercise the demon from him soon! Sounds like it might take awhile though

>> No.42062327
File: 1.33 MB, 868x1228, f53daf45825187447fdb52192e478a06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42062779

I'm not the only monk who finds it strange that master Byakuren always seems to wear some sort of tight leather outfit whenever she and trainee-kun are alone, am I?

>> No.42062485
Quoted by: >>42062779

The head priest has been working on it every night for months now. You can hear the demon's loud moans and screams echo throughout the temple all night. It surely must be an incredibly powerful demon for even the head priest to have such difficulty exorcising it.
We should all praise Byakuren for her magnanimity and devotion to protecting all of her disciples.

>> No.42062779

If you look closely the leather outfit has her characteristic mantra and other things stamped into it. Probably to protect her body when she exercises the demons from trainee-kuns body!
Honestly I'm impressed Byakuran even spotted the demon, trainee-kun was such a helpful guy and always able to lend a hand, I hope he gets better soon. Its hard listening to the terrible sounds that pour out of the head monk's room every night!

>> No.42062903
File: 1.78 MB, 1000x1333, 62043654_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42062930

You were tired of getting caught in fairy pranks every time you went to visit the Hakurei shrine so you started carrying a "fairy offering" to give to the silly fairies while over there. It escalated and soon the fairies would follow you around like a duckling wherever you went! When you tried going home they'd use their abilities and sneak into your home!
Of course it was an issue but they were cute so as long as they didn't make too much trouble, so you would let them do as they pleased. One day as it got late and you usherd them home you made the offhanded comment, "I know you want to play more but since I don't live with you you'll have to just come back later".
You'd learn to regret those words as the next time you went to visit the shrine you soon found yourself infront of a large oak instead, confused you called out to your little fairy friends but got no reply. Soon your world went black as it seemed none of the light reached your eyes anymore and all you could hear is the pitter patter of little footsteps that grew closer at a fast pace! You felt the girls bodyslam you in the direction of the tree and instead of hitting the rough bark you fell onto a smooth wooden floor as the light returned.
You realized you were in some kind of house but oddly all the furniture was made for children and the walls, floor, stairs, and cabinets were all made from a single and solid wooden block.
The three mischievous girls came in via a fairy sized door smiling widely about how it was a huge success, you were rather cross at them and tried to leave and with innocent looks on their faces they explained only fairies can come go and they didn't think they'd even get you in! Sure enoughas you tried the door it wouldn't budge and neither would the windows, "Either way" the girls said, "now that you're here we'll get to play all the time so you won't get bored!".

>> No.42062930
Quoted by: >>42062934

>all you could hear is the pitter patter of little footsteps
This is Luna erasure and I will not stand for it.

>> No.42062934
Quoted by: >>42062944


>> No.42062944

The last thing you will never hear.

>> No.42062955
File: 251 KB, 1748x2480, __doremy_sweet_touhou_drawn_by_idaku__44b9bc004819a40b75c6307d8900be8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take the Dore, please and thank you. An unending dream will eventually be undistinguishable from reality, and her intentions seem cute enough. Don't really wanna become a moonie pet. Besides, Doremy gives the better hugs.

>> No.42066531

Guys, I don't think master Byakuren has actually been exorcising demons at all, I think she's been raping trainee-kun this whole time. Hasn't anyone else noticed that smell coming from her quarters? And why would she have to exorcise a demon that many nights in a row? Even Mara would have been exorcised in less than two nights.

>> No.42066852
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x1024, Remillia tea time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Lady Remillia has take a personal interest in you... Sorry about this..." was the words you heard as you fished in the misty lake shortly before finding yourself lifted over the shoulders of the abnormally strong Chinese girl. You tried rolling off her shoulders but you quickly realized there was no escaping her deceptively weak looking grasp on your body.
You were brought into the large western style mansion that always dominated the lakeside and although you've rarely ventured close you spent enough time at the lake to know the gatekeeper currently abducting you enough to try asking her questions at the change in her usually easy going nature. "A-ah... Meiling-san this is a bit much for a prank don't you think?" you nervously spat out as the gate to the somewhat dreary mansion got ever closer. The Youkai below you sighed but didn't slow her gait or loosen her grip at all. "Well... You see Anon-kun... You remember that night where we were hanging out drinking sake at the lake? Well the child that showed up as you were telling stories and bragging to me about this and that... well... she was rather impressed".
You barely remembered that night honestly but you were happy to meet more friends and did your best to endear them with your stories and slight bit of hyperbolic bragging and you thought you did make progress, although not that much progress. You were nervous and while you were thinking things over you soon found yourself in the entrance of the mansion, the fairy maids that you occasionally saw coming and going whispering as you were fireman carried passed them and it hurt your pride to hear a giggle or two.
Before long you were placed surprisingly kindly on the floor despite not landing right and slumping down on your butt before righting yourself on your feet. You saw Meiling bow and excuse herself before leaving and as you turned in the direction of her bow your eyes finally adjusted to the dark room. You scanned your surroundings finding the dark all pervading not seeing much of anything as the light failed to reach your eyes and you let out a slightly scared, "Umm... Is anyone here...?" coming from deeper into the room opposite of the door you hear a vaguely familiar's girls voice, "Ah thats right, Humans are terrible at seeing in the dark, Sakuya if you will?" and without delay you hear the sound of a match striking and your eyes are drawn to the small but comparatively brilliant light as it took hold on a three pronged candle sitting on a small circular table where the face of the girl from back then appeared lazily resting on her hands as she stared at you smugly.
You approached not sensing any real danger and reasoning that if the small youkai wanted you dead you'd already be dead, to her side a silver haired maid stood impassively like a shadow at the side of her lady and regarded you as nothing more then a buzzing fly.
You reached the table and with a false confidence in your voice that you didn't feel at all you asked the small vampire you were vaguely familiar with, "Is this seat taken Remi-chan?". You swore the silver haired maid's hands twitched as if reaching for something holstered on her thighs but Remillia gave her a side glance and returned her piercing gaze to you which made you very uncomfortable but you didn't let it show, "Feel free Anon-san, I've been hoping we'd be able to share a table on such a pleasant day after all.". With a smile and exaggerated bow you said with all the confidence she once responded so well too, "of course my lady, thank you for the magnanimous offer!" as you took your seat and without missing a beat Sakuya poured you a cup of tea in the empty and waiting cup that was already placed on a delicate plate in front of the chair you took and you swear her gaze regarded you as nothing more then an insect to be exterminated.
In the dark but well furnished room you and Lady Remillia got to talking about nothing in particular, she would prattle on about this and that going on in the mansion or with her friends and you could tell she didn't get out much as you responded in sometimes exaggerated fashion reacting in ways that brought a smile to her face and a scowl to the maids'. What made her especially pissed was the free and somewhat whimsical tone you used for the word, "Remi-chan" but you knew that you had too as your instincts told you that failing the immature vampire's interview would land you in hotter water then what the maid could dish out alone.
Before long the conversation wasn't forced at all as you and Remillia established a rapport with each other much to Sakuya's chagrin. However time was ticking away and before long Sakuya checked her watch and with relief interjected, "Mistress, its time for you to attend your business. Shall I escort... Anon-san... Out?". Remillia thought it over for a long second and Sakuya's face fell as the next words of lady Remillia flowed, "No, Find a room for him and a job, he'll be staying here from now on!"

>> No.42067321
File: 2.31 MB, 2024x3036, Byakuren touring suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man, I don't think Byakuren would lie to us about something so serious you know? I mean sure Trainee-kun was a pretty cool guy and got along with the youkai monks well and even helped us human monks and youkai monks get along a whole lot better and never showed the signs of possession.... But that doesn't mean that he didn't have once hidden in him, I don't think its right to accuse master Byakuren of such things since Master is super kind and would never abuse anyone even if she did comment offhand about how Trainee-kun reminded her of his brother a bit and like to take charge of his physical training and stuff you know!

>> No.42067606

Well, I hope anon likes his new life with the Mistress. Sakuya doesn't seem to like him so that'll be fun to deal with.

>> No.42067786
File: 555 KB, 2000x2600, 1644074332906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna eat you up... Hundreds of times.

>> No.42067852

this is pretty good anon
i enjoyed sakuya seething

>> No.42067883
File: 154 KB, 1000x1000, Anti mystia measures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42068252

thank god there no Yandere hecatia.

>> No.42068263

fluffy mystia ears

>> No.42068283
File: 428 KB, 1169x827, Reimu choses a hag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all greek gods go yandere

>> No.42069087

That sounds pretty heretical, anon.
If you continue to make such wild false accusations about Hijiri-sama, I really don't see a future for you here at the temple.

>> No.42069221
Quoted by: >>42069229

She's a Greek Goddess, that's way worse then being a Yandere.

>> No.42069229

Even worse, she's a virgin in her myth. If she wanted you, there quite literally isn't a force in the whole universe that could stop her from getting you, not even death.

>> No.42069829
File: 889 KB, 821x553, 1663426463927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42071088
File: 2.45 MB, 2826x2120, 1650524153044.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is Mystia anon pairing so based, wish she was real bros....

>> No.42072091

What would it be like to have a yandere Nitori fall in love with you?

>> No.42072107
Quoted by: >>42072474

You know the ninja trick with a bamboo breathing stick underwater? Kinda like that, but she can breathe underwater by nature, and can turn invisible at any time.

>> No.42072116
File: 29 KB, 517x463, 1644579999181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey, move over, this is my hiding spot."

>> No.42072474

So you never know when you are being watched by her, she can be right next to you and you wouldn't even notice! You never know if you are safe or if you have to run and hide! There is truly no escape from nitori's love for anon...

>> No.42072533
Quoted by: >>42072598

I bet she could pull anon underwater to fuck while providing him oxygen through a kiss.

>> No.42072543
Quoted by: >>42072998

Nah, you can always tell when Nitori is around because of the smell. You'd think she'd bathe more, as a kappa, but the smell of ass is always around her.

>> No.42072598

God that sounds so fucking hot.

>> No.42072998

Why does Nitori smell like ass?

>> No.42073045
File: 1.93 MB, 4093x2894, 103602782_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42073166

Nitori would gift anon with a special brooch or some accessory she knows he'd like thanks to her excessive observations of you. The accessory would be filled with sensors to locate you and report everything you do to her.
When she thinks you're in trouble, lonely, getting handsy with yourself, or too close some human hussy she'd turn invisible and fly to you ASAP to intervene as needed.
Eventually after you tease her enough(in her mind) with hugs, happy conversation, and frolicking like you're some hip waving slut in heat she'll make her move and invite you to the riverside for a playdate.
Once you arrive its already over as there's no escaping her tech and once you tire yourself playing with the kappa on the riverbank you'll be invited to rest in her room in the secret kappa base. Little do you know that even if nitori wasn't kidnapping you the kappa would never let you leave in order to maintain its secrecy.
I hope you enjoy kappa because they're about to be your new neighbors, playmates, and friends forever!

>> No.42073079

Its that anons fetish pls understand

>> No.42073136

She's a kappa, anon. They're all about pulling shit out of asses.

>> No.42073166
Quoted by: >>42073285

Anon needs to prepare himself... he is going to become the playmate of all the kappas!... but would Nitori allow it? Would she share anon? Or would she make him her husband and keep him all for herself? After all, it was Nitori who put the effort to bring him there in the first place

>> No.42073285
File: 807 KB, 953x1083, 103026012_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kappa always strike me as rather individualistic so I'm sure if anon were to be Nitori's "property" it'd be respected... somewhat...
Nitori would likely get cross if anon explored too much or played with the wrong crowd since she couldn't trust anyone outside her friends with anon.
Anon may be lent to nitoris friends as a favor or on particularly drunk get togethers where Nitori gets him to dress up in that lewd outfit she's been wanting you too wear and play the waiter to her and her friends.
It seems that the only time poor anon would get to leave is as a piece of arm candy on nitoris side when she shows up at get togethers like Reimu's famous banquets.

>> No.42073382

Poor anon.... is he also going to be forcefully married to the entire female kappa population of gensokyo? What other things would he have to do under nitori's control?

>> No.42073730
File: 394 KB, 1360x2048, adcc6ba31d19ae2e71ded0fb7111b200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You thought she was just an ordinary goat of some sort. She appeared so innocent when she wandered near your restaurant you'd set up a year ago in the Village since coming to Gensokyo. She made those cute "bahhhing" sounds and let you pet her, and she liked the way you touched her, but what truly regaled her was your cooking, she couldn't get enough of it! Always asking for thirds, making you think this goat was actually a pig. To be honest, you were fine with it, it felt nice having someone who truly enjoyed your gourmet work, you didn't receive the same kind of reception from most villagers. You weren't popular enough for too many people to try your joint out, but you knew for certain that you were perhaps the best cook on all the Village! You'd put your life towards perfection the craft of meal making! You just never understood why you were selected in specific to be taken from your home to Gensokyo back then.... anyway, eventually, the goat girl stopped showing up. You wondered why, but she came back a few days later, only this time you saw a whole new side to her than before.
You thought she was just a plain old goat, but no, she was a mob boss. A rich and powerful gangster with influence over spirits, and she could eat anything, that was why she always had such a huge appetite. She had her henchmen take you forcibly, it scarred you at first, being abducted again to yet another strange realm, away to the boss' domain.
She treated you well, but she also treated you like her property. She revealed that she'd entered a deal with a powerful god and part of the bargain was bringing her someone that made good food. All her previous appearances were to gauge your worth to her before she claimed you as her own personal chef. You passed the test big time, she rewarded you well. She let you share her private suite, made sure you had whatever you needed to accomodate yourself, she even showed you to her bed for fun times...
Now you're stuck in the Animal Realm forever as her personal chef, and maybe her lover too. You're never going to be allowed to escape, and she'll have your soul even after you die, she'll play with you however she likes and whenever she wants. You'll spend every day for the rest of eternity cooking for this goat and tending her needs, always at her side like a loyal toadie, on the brightside you get to be a capo sometimes yourself.

>> No.42073862

Well, atleast you get to pet her soft hair sometimes...

>> No.42074056
File: 42 KB, 367x242, メェー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking for others is a joyful thing, you could certainly do far worse when involved with the animal spirit mafia. Besides, you're the consort of one of the top dogs in the Animal Realm. As a human. A far more privileged position than literally anyone else down there. I'm sure some of the eagle spirits disapprove, but they know better than to try and ruin Toutetsu's bright mood ever since she nabbed you. As long as you can keep up with her, your safety is guaranteed.
And consider the fact you'd be the single soul to hear her bleating in bed. For better or worse.

>> No.42074075

Being Nitori's boytoy isn't that bad, really!

>> No.42074192
File: 210 KB, 1161x1200, Marisa monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of all the hus i'd say that I have the most trouble picturing Marisa as a yanhu. Not that she doesn't have the ability of perfect housing situation to do so but her personality is simply the opposite of what you'd need to be a proper yanhu plus she has normal enough common sense to not go off the deep end

>> No.42074271
File: 553 KB, 1098x1230, 103649420_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i don't want to sire the next generation of shrine maidens

>> No.42074288
Quoted by: >>42074341

Ay boss what's the source for this? tried reverse searching

>> No.42074341
File: 1.36 MB, 1500x2000, __toutetsu_yuuma_touhou_drawn_by_mugi_mugimugi_9kv__f46fd7e960512f384f42cf204cc0ecab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42075500

Animals talk about the sounds they make during climax.

>> No.42074352
File: 2.00 MB, 2044x1904, 1649592494783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42074865

Perhaps she's just good at hiding the bad parts of her personality. Yandere isn't always just direct threats to you, she could just go after those other women you might be interested in.
She can certainly fight, so I'd imagine she could save you from a youkai encounter, or two. Or keep saving you from convenient dangers until you get it that you're hopeless and you need her protection... training, maybe. Wanna be a wizard?
And if she can't steal your heart, she could just steal the rest of you. She can keep you high on her mushrooms, perhaps do a little research on hypnosis, plant a few suggestions in your head. Magic has a lot of applications. Inside the bedroom as well. What were those descriptions about Marisa again? Something about infinite penetration, speedy, high powered? I bet the first thing she'd teach you is how to fire a master spark of your own. And in case casting it repeatedly proves to be too exhausting, a proper witch always has a few potions on hand, right?

>> No.42074400
File: 253 KB, 550x550, ac6cef4f041d10a68568be97061de654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42076047

The future of Gensokyo depends on you. We all have to make sacrifices.
You can just close your eyes and think about nice things if you have to.

>> No.42074676
File: 377 KB, 674x896, 1671232423766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being Remilia's consort is probably the most scary out of all the 2hus.
You'd have to navigate her fey moods and childish attention-span whilst pretending to fit her idea of a gentlemen caller. And at the same time, dodge Sakuya-san's attempts to undermine you, Flandre's jealousy at you stealing her sister's attention away, Koakuma's unabashed flirting to make Remilia jealous and potentially even Patchouli thinking you're not good enough for her friend.

At least Meiling can understand and empathise with you.

>> No.42074865

Marisa and her secret room full of your borrowed (stolen) underwear!!

>> No.42074878

Flandre is probably worse because she has no self control and WILL kill you regardless of what you do. There's no safety at all.

>> No.42074939

>and potentially even Patchouli thinking you're not good enough for her friend.
Patchy is a fatty recluse, who cares what she thinks? She's probably just jealous she's not a charismatic as Remi-sama is!

>> No.42075303

Well then get out of the way, I'll do it.

>> No.42075370

>plus she has normal enough common sense to not go off the deep end
Marisa is kind of crazy. She's a kleptomaniac hoarder who left her family to go live in a dangerous magical forest and dedicate her life to magic, and, most importantly, has admitted to being crazy. Marisa is one of my top 2hus and she shares more of a "baseline" with the common man than many other 2hus but she's definitely not immune to the yandere bug.

>> No.42075500

Thanks mate.

>> No.42075518

Yuyuko would be scarier, IMO. Also, you can just tell Remilia that the other girls won't stop flirting with you and they're making you uncomfortable. Make a preemptive strike. Remi will take care of the rest.

>> No.42075610
File: 182 KB, 331x742, Remillia thinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that makes Yuyuko scary is her aura of death, Youmu would mind her business, the Yama wouldn't care, and Yukari would consider it no more then having a hamster due to how long your relative lifespans are
Remillia on the other hand has a whole mansion of hangers on to deal with all of them more dangerous then the last. Plus even if you complain about it to Remi chances are that'll only be a temporary solution that'll end up in one of them taking you out back during one of Remi's fell moods where she isn't caring about your safety

>> No.42075637
Quoted by: >>42075648

>temporary solution
I thought we were talking about yandere Remi?

>> No.42075648
Quoted by: >>42075688

Fair enough but do you have what it takes to take over Sakuya's position? Perhaps death is preferable

>> No.42075688
Quoted by: >>42075712

Yeah I think she'd be the only one that's basically impossible to deal with in that scenario, the only way I can see it working is if the yandere plot suddenly turned into a hypnosis doujinshi plot

>> No.42075712
Quoted by: >>42075776

Also depends on how far along into yandere territory Remi is, like if its at the start I can't see her turning on both flan and Sakuya or patchy but the more time goes on the more likely you could swing it.
Honestly Sakuya is the only one you can't deal with easily, you could win over patchy and get koakuma to heel and maybe endear yourself to flan as well if you're good at dealing with children. Sakuya could be won over if you could find a way to beat her probably, depends on if her attachment to Remi is pure loyalty or romantic however

>> No.42075776
Quoted by: >>42075808

The thing is that if you use Remi to take out everyone besides Sakuya, Sakuya will be wary of you and then you'll either be stuck in a stalemate or disposed of later on. If you go the route of trying to win everyone over, it's very dangerous at first(don't want to get too close), and while the danger lessens over time, it will still remain high. It's pretty tough either way but I think in terms of stay alive, killing everyone is probably the way to go.

>> No.42075808
File: 421 KB, 1920x1400, Remilla flan beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42079276

which loops around to my earlier point, Remi wouldn't turn on the girls that easily at first and by the time she's willing to hoard you to yourself no matter what you could reasonably win over all the girls but Sakuya. At that point the best way forward if you could survive the "accidents" around the mansion Sakuya would arrange for you then you could use Remi to dispose of her in turn which would be the optimal strat.
Before that however you'd do well at winning over patchy(if she even notices you exist) and avoiding Koakuma entirely where you can until she gets bored and moves on. Flan would be the hardest out of the background gang since you'd have to know how to handle spoiled children that can kill you in an instant and have little in the way of self control, personally I suggest sweets, kids LOVE sweets.

>> No.42075897

If Remilia has truly gone yandere then even if Sakuya does kill you she'd rip her to shreds in response.

>> No.42075923
Quoted by: >>42075943

Yuyuko would be scary because she could roll over on top of you and you wouldn't be able to get her off, too heavy

>> No.42075943
File: 81 KB, 300x575, Youmu yuyuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42075973

no bully yuyuk!

>> No.42075973
File: 364 KB, 800x800, 1665715531495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youmu seeing Yuyuko with a bloated belly after having a short conversation with you the other day. Youmu is a good girl loyal to her master and knows this clearly must mean you held hands and got her pregnant! Now Youmu has kidnapped you and is forcing you to take responsibility and marry her master!

You know Yuyuko could easily clear up the confusion to her half-baked gardener, but you soon realize Yuyuko doesn't seem to want to admit that she's fat!

>> No.42075998
File: 93 KB, 850x413, Youmus breeching party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42076083

Sounds about as a reasonable way to start your yandere(?) adventures with Youmu and Yuyuko as any and arguably more realistic then most

>> No.42076024
Quoted by: >>42076083

>Yuyuko doesn't seem to want to admit that she's fat!
truly something more dangerous than any yandere could ever hope to be

>> No.42076047
File: 89 KB, 640x729, Reimu the husband beater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one will happily become the grump's battered shrine husband

>> No.42076083
File: 222 KB, 840x1200, 1658441759363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42076152

Who would be the real yandere, the dork with a sword forcing you into a marriage with her master, or the master who's more then willing to let her underling do all the scary stuff?

I'd say you're stuck between a rock and a hard place, but it's really more a sword and a soft place!

>> No.42076152
File: 56 KB, 606x563, Youmu angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42076272

Yuyuko not caring all too much and just enjoying your (forced) company would probably be part you'd have to learn to cope with the hardest.
Youmu would be adamant that you couldn't leave until the baby is grown and Yuyuko would let her conclusions slide entirely since she doesn't want to face reality.
It'd lead to a loop of confusion as with your better cooking skills you'd have yuyuko press you for more food making her chubbier and Youmu panicking as the baby doesn't come and Yuyuko gets even more and more pregnant(according to Youmu).

I could only see this ending in Youmu holding you at sword point and demanding you stop making Yuyuko more pregnant while Yuyuko avoids eye contact with you as she gives up on the charade and lets you explain things as kindly as possible to the panicked Youmu who enabled this situation by forcing you to cook for her in the first place.

>> No.42076272

Yuyuko could admit to that

She could


She could just make you get her (actually) pregnant and deliver an actual baby. Can ghosts get pregnant?

>> No.42076599
File: 172 KB, 869x1237, Touhou Sangetsusei ~ Visionary Fairies in Shrine._2_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let's all take a moment just to enjoy how overpowering your yanhu would be
Pictured here is a dork hopped up on killing intent slashing away at the main girls
All who casually dodge while snacking, Marisa especially being a largely normal girl aside from magic.

>> No.42079276

Would the situation be made safer for you if Remilia herself made it clear where you stand in and how much she likes you?

Also, what yanhus can make you effectively immortal so you literally can't escape?

>> No.42079298

yukari is one i can think off the top of my head

>> No.42079485
Quoted by: >>42079613

All of the older ones no doubt have the knowledge and/or connections to make it happen

>> No.42079613
Quoted by: >>42080185

Do you mean to tell me I have to spend eternity with an old lady? That'd be awful! Who would want that?

>> No.42080185

i wouldn't mind being with eiren

>> No.42080304
Quoted by: >>42082204

I think the biggest issue for Marisa is getting away with it for long. Being so close to Reimu I have a hard time believing that Reimu wouldn't find out, and I can't really see Reimu allowing such a situation, even when the guy in question is an outsider. Reimu's lazy, but she's at least somewhat invested in doing her job in watching over the humans, after all.
>the Yama wouldn't care
Eiki would most certainly care about one of her subordinates acting in such a blatantly sinful manner.

>> No.42081710

Could be worse I guess.

>> No.42082204

>Eiki would most certainly care about one of her subordinates acting in such a blatantly sinful manner.
this 100%

>> No.42086061
File: 380 KB, 1800x1200, aef5fc39713f7b1ab83be27601247836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42087886

>> No.42087886
Quoted by: >>42091409

To me this image is funny because implies that flan has a bat or would have to use one.

>> No.42088288
File: 458 KB, 1050x1228, 90049647_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42091481

Ah it's the outsider that helps Keine-sensei out all the time...
You must be brave for a human to help out even during the yokai class...
You even give Rumia lots of snacks so I can focus better.
And now you're out in Rumia's territory at night?
Its clear you came to find Rumia right?
Its clear that you love Rumia as much and she loves you right?
That means you'll stay here with me right?
That means you don't need to help out or worry about the school since you can just tutor me instead right?
...Is that so...?

>> No.42091409
File: 443 KB, 768x1024, f9a6563e75afe3d8780150f76e4b77d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42091992

Maybe it's just for style. You don't need to beat someone with your fists if you have a gun, but if that someone really pissed you off you kinda want it to be more personal. She could use the bat instead of her powers for similar reasons, otherwise her revenge might be too quick, or something like that.
Or, she's using it becase she needs that someone to still be alive after the beating. People with broken bones can heal, people that get completely destroyed cannot.

>> No.42091481
Quoted by: >>42092775


>> No.42091565
File: 294 KB, 588x416, 1471728752454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42093923

One hu I can't imagine as a yandere is Seija. I mean, the typical yandere stuff is easy, just give her a knife and she'd go around fighting people, but the problem is that she might do that anyway. So what actually happens when a contrarian becomes yandere? Does she threaten to kill herself instead of others/you? Does she demand that you stay loyal to her or does she demand that you only have sex with girls she kidnaps for you? Would she tie herself up after breaking into your house and pretend you're the obsessed one?
It's already hard to say how she'd react to proper love, and adding another twisted layer to that isn't going to make it less confusing.

>> No.42091992

And then we got my second point, that flan has a bat in the first place
Considering the SDM was from England and the scarlet sister's are as well its silly to me that they have one in the first place as it's an American thing.
By Flan having one it implies that not only does she like baseball enough to have one on hand at times but that the SDM prefers baseball over a British sport

>> No.42092152
Quoted by: >>42092236

Surely they must have heard of outside world games. Scarlets are rich, right? They could have had that stuff custom made, even if just to try it out once.
Btw, source for the England thing? When was that mentioned?

>> No.42092236
File: 656 KB, 775x621, Remillias fluffy hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Btw, source for the England thing? When was that mentioned?
Mostly just context clues desu
First the Scarlet surname is uniquely english and used to be the exclusive name of Nobility, her tea time habits and general aesthetic of the misty lake which came with them, as well the line in EoSD that Cirno mentions that she's gonna serve you with a side of English Beef.

Now that I think about it its not a small bit of solid reasoning, as for Sakuya's name or why they moved to Japan in general and have a Chinese girl gate keeper? Well if the Scarlets are truly about 500 years they would've been traveling around the area during the golden age of imperialism and had the inroads and Remillia probably became a weeb around that time if I had to guess

>> No.42092775
File: 62 KB, 850x1241, Rumia arms wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anon is able to please Rumia and keep her happy enough then he may just last long enough to be rescued by a worried Keine-sensei and Reimu, ganbare anon-kun!

>> No.42093192
Quoted by: >>42093201

They use a bat with Cricket I believe.

>> No.42093201
Quoted by: >>42093374

Cricket bats are flat

>> No.42093374
File: 325 KB, 1086x1272, b21c63b50728ff5aaf0406ef8b65c113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cricket bats don't seem as intimidating imo.

>> No.42093923

>Would she tie herself up after breaking into your house and pretend you're the obsessed one?
i could see her doing something stupid like that

>> No.42094446
Quoted by: >>42094701

what stops you from just picking up the now tied up jaku and dumping her with the other trash outside

>> No.42094701
File: 82 KB, 768x1024, 1542842208582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42096297

She'd propably keep a knife or something on her to cut herself free. Seija seems to always have a trick up her sleeve.
But more importantly she might take you picking her up as a display of lust, or take it as rape, so she could just reverse the entire situation anyway and show you what a youkai pussy can do since you want it so much.

>> No.42096052
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x1024, a00876444f92ea51e5622573898d5ae1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42096089

Ran was never the same after that headpat

>> No.42096297
File: 116 KB, 702x1024, __kijin_seija_touhou_drawn_by_d_m_dii_emu__c373d889aee513e0a9801a5babae89a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll then visit a couple months later to show off the cute bump you gave her

>> No.42097627

I’d be scaroused if this were me.

>> No.42097656
File: 2.13 MB, 1000x1322, 1640296990276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so in keeping with character that I can't see it any other way. But no matter what, she won't ever initiate - no matter how desperate she gets

>> No.42097764
Quoted by: >>42097848

Why do I want to be in an abusive relationship where the girl will most likely kill me. Where did I go wrong

>> No.42097848

You went for a Youkai girlfriend

>> No.42098189
Quoted by: >>42100561

Who is the most dangerous yokai that I can be with that wont end up killing me? Or will kill me but is capable of resurrection or something similar.

>> No.42100561
File: 2.47 MB, 1000x1412, __flandre_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_kyouda_suzuka__6e863287bf8c545b70d5f7434ec82fe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42105408

Want a real answer? Unknown, but unless you actively try to get killed you're only in any real danger of dying with youkai that are rather young and still unaware of the rules, or how fragile humans can be. Killing is bad, youkai everywhere lose out on the total fear potential of a dead guy. Keep in mind there are fates worse than death though. Being chained to a bed by your horny youkai wife sounds nice, for a day. You don't want to spend the next 5 years unable to move, or be stuck in this prison for a hundred years. Being an immortal hourai sounds nice, for a few decades. Then you wish you could die. Then, everything around you dies, Gensokyo, japan, who knows what else. Then, the entire solar system, another planet, another system, and so on. Then, heat death of the universe. I don't think it hurts any less at any point, you know? At least you'd have some company out there, in the vast nothingness of space.
Most youkai are shown not attacking people outright, not to mention actually killing anyone. We do know that some of them do it, example being Rumia, but then again it's never said that she absolutely cannot substitute human meat for animal meat, or any other food. And we don't know how often a youkai like her needs to eat. Could be once a week, once a month, once a year, you get it. Despite some people's headcanons, even the "violent" youkai aren't that bad. Yuuka talks about performing genocide, but that could be just playing up her danmaku beatups for the scare factor. Remilia calls Reimu a murderer for beating Sakuya but she doesn't seem very dead in the next game. Remi also says that people survive "donating" blood to her since she's so small and quick to sate. People play Flan up as an insane murderhobo that uses humans like bloody water baloons but we know that's not a thing. Hell, even the instance of Kisume throwing bones at the kids mentioned above is actually just an illusion, since the well turned out to be completely empty when investigated. A lot of youkai literally warn humans of dangerous areas and tell them to stay away.
As for yandere topic, I get it, killing is a yandere schtick and all, but killing the guy she loves always seemed a little off to me. If you can't threaten or strong-arm them into doing what you want, you kill the obstacles, the competition, those that create problems for you. Other women, or even men if they're trying to interfere. You don't kill the love of your life. It's supposed to be the one thing that keeps you doing what you're doing. Keep it in a cage, you might hurt it, try to change it, threaten it, or apply positive reinforcement, but if it's completely gone, then that's just shooting yourself in the foot. Or heart, you can say there would be a big hole there.
>capable of resurrection or something
I believe anyone can learn enough magic to change into a metahuman magician, so you wouldn't get old, especially if your yanhu knows magic. Actual immortality however...
The hourais, if not through a new dose of the elixir then there was something about eating Mokou's liver to gain eternal life.
Getting turned into a vampire, youkai, oni, ghost would make you mostly immortal with specific weaknesses, as far as I know. Getting stabbed is more like inconvenience to a youkai unless the knife is blessed or something.
Certain gods could perform a resurrection miracle of some kind.
Yukari could pull off the usual gap manipulation shenanigans, if not to make you fully immortal as long as she's alive then by repeatedly gapping you out of wherever you end up after death, like Komachi's boat, or hell. Or your new reincarnated life.
Seiga's necromancy, but that comes with a danger of identity death. I wouldn't want to be a zombie, dunno about you. Or her.

>> No.42105408

>Seiga's necromancy, but that comes with a danger of identity death. I wouldn't want to be a zombie, dunno about you. Or her.
never trust Seiga
even if she's madly in love with you

>> No.42106007
File: 93 KB, 752x1062, dc3cf5277372e542311d3ba98343652e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42106237

Why would you try to leave a yanhu if she's providing food, protection and company anyway?

>> No.42106080
File: 135 KB, 836x677, 8446574834a5c7e8376e2119a57d83b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42106186

I can't imagine what a yandere Yuugi would be like but I am certain that I can make her sick of me first with the level of dedication I am willing to give her.

>> No.42106186

while i can think of scenarios where other touhou could go yandere, I can't quite think of anything that would make the oni go yandere

>> No.42106237
Quoted by: >>42106313

I would never leave her If she manages to give me those three and m a PC with Internet connection

>> No.42106313
Quoted by: >>42107182

>PC with internet connection
Why? You dont need any form of entertainment other than her, do you? What if she finds you looking at naughty pictures of other 2hus

>> No.42106521
Quoted by: >>42106890

I could see the yandere aspect being drinking related. A side of the oni that only comes out after excessive drinking. Like the oni finds you to be an entertaining drinking partner and tries to keep you with her so the good times rolling. If you try to leave because you've had enough for the night she'll first laugh it off and tell you stay longer but if you insist on leaving she will get serious and tell you that she isn't asking. She might make a show of strength to remind you that she could easily kill you if she wanted.

She knows humans can't match an oni's ability to drink so she'll have some kind of magic or medicine prepared to prevent you from dying an alcohol related death and force you to keep drinking long after you are sick of it. You feel like you aren't anywhere as entertaining as you were when you started on account of how sick you feel from all the drinking but she doesn't seem to care. She's still laughing up a storm and having a good time. She doesn't care how much you vomit, she's still laughing. Eventually she finally gets tired herself and decides to get some sleep, but not before grabbing you and holding you like a teddy bear. Unfortunately for you, she has a powerful grip that you can't seem to worm your way out of it. It kind of hurts and you worry that she might break you.

After an uncomfortable night of sleep you wake up to find that not only is she already awake, she has gotten you something to eat and drink. You can barely remember most of that night but she remembers everything and recounts it to you with glee. She tells you that she had fun and that she wants to do it again tonight. Like before, it doesn't seem like she is asking. She lets you leave but warns you that if you don't return at night she will find you and that you don't want her to do that. With her warning given she smiles again and tells you to have a good day.

>> No.42106618
Quoted by: >>42106775

Not too keen on the eternal life thing. Now Toutetsu's pretty powerful but if she ever either gets bored of me, which after an eternity is bound to happen eventually, or if she happens to get overthrown, your soul then becomes a slave forever.
I'll just die on the good old human Earth thanks

>> No.42106775

>which after an eternity is bound to happen eventually
That's not how true love works

>> No.42106890

Another oni heard about how fun you are to drink with and decides to see for herself. In true oni fashion, she simply snatches you off the street and drags you off to her place drink with her. This causes you to miss your "date" with your oni and as promised, she finds you. Before you could even take a sip, she angrily tears the door off the building, yells at the other oni for stealing you, and initiates a fight. The other oni gets the hell beat out of her in a fight that ends up leveling the whole building. At the very least your oni seems to understand that it wasn't your fault and simply tells you to be more careful before dragging you off with her again.

Even she isn't quite sure why she got this mad about the idea of you drinking with someone else. You make it to her place and the drinking begins again. After a few drinks you feel your mood lighten and you forget your troubles. She is smiling and laughing at your antics just like the night before but she has something on her mind this time. The idea that if she lets you out of her sight someone will snatch you up again. Maybe it's the alcohol but she really can't stand this idea. She watches you poorly recount some funny story you heard and thinks to herself that this is a side of you that only she should be able to see. In that moment she decided that you were now her property. Though she was still smiling, she seemed just a bit somber when she made this demand of you: you are not to drink with anyone but her. You stop telling your story for a second to look her in the eyes. You could see that she was dead serious but there was something else there too. A plea that wasn't present in her tone of voice? You get the impression that she would not just be angry but also genuinely upset if you did. Not quite understanding the gravity of the request, you agree to it. She grins and seems happy again. The session continues as it did the previous night complete with the sickness and uncomfortable night of sleep. Her grip on you as she slept felt even tighter than the previous night but she seemed happy. You were not going to simply leave in the morning this time, however. You didn't know it yet but you were already her property and she was not going to risk having you stolen again.

>> No.42107113
Quoted by: >>42113795

Very good, would appreciate more if you've got it in you to do so but it's enjoyable as is too.

>> No.42107182

2 player co-op games with yanhu wife

>> No.42107225
Quoted by: >>42107246

>yanhu decides you should play Minecraft together
>cut ahead a few weeks, you show her the cool bear sculpture you made
>she shows you an absolutely massive shrine she made dedicated to you
>you still think the bear sculpture is cooler but dare not say it

>> No.42107246

2 player minecraft is the easiest way to calm a yanderes heart next to impregnation

>> No.42107605
Quoted by: >>42113795

please... MOAR!

>> No.42107649
File: 674 KB, 2054x1938, 1569090510419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42108924

ran will have that face yet 20 seconds later will ask you to use contraception

>> No.42108924
File: 155 KB, 387x309, 1497416547583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42109909

I can't imagine why would she ask for it. It's not like she can't handle taking care of someone, and having kids seems like a solid reason to stay together in case you were unwiling to.
Actually I can't imagine her "asking" anything when it comes to sex.

>> No.42109050

I smirk at her and open the window. Does she call my bluff or back off?

>> No.42109909
Quoted by: >>42110656

Will our kids be half-youkai or something?

>> No.42109911
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>> No.42109916
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Quoted by: >>42110781


>> No.42110656
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kitsune half blood like from Zakuro

>> No.42110781
File: 524 KB, 1200x729, 510fb0a11f5025d0e70f85b664de9cb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I can totally imagine a yandere fairy only considering other fairies as her rivals and killing them for you.

>> No.42113795

You wake up to find that the oni has left you some breakfast. You feel a bit nauseated and groggy but feel thankful for whatever she is doing to prevent your death by alcohol poisoning. Whatever it is, it also seems to be preventing you from having a truly horrible hangover. You begin crawling out of the futon and towards the food she laid out for you when you notice something. A shackle with a broken chain attached to it on your left wrist, not unlike the ones that the oni wears herself. You stare at it for a moment, not possessing the mental strength to process it with the fog of last night's alcohol still clouding your mind. The oni returns to the room and notices that you are looking at her gift. She cheerfully asks you whether you like it or not. All you could manage at the moment was a "Huh?" but that seemed good enough for her. The oni sat herself on the floor across from you and began explaining to you that it's a symbol. A symbol for all to see that marks you as belonging to her. She brought up her own left shackle to show you how well the broken chain on hers matches up to the chain on yours. You begin eating your food and gulping down some water as she spoke. Slowly, your strength and mental faculties return to you and you begin processing what all of this means. She could see you eyeing the shackle and predicted what you were thinking, telling you that it can't be removed by any normal means and to not even try it. Her eyes meet yours and she gives you a sharp glare. The oni tells you that the mere attempt would be an insult and she doesn't take well to being insulted. Your blood feels as though it has frozen. She is clearly picturing this scenario in her head and it was making her angry. You reassure her that you won't and her expression softens again. She reaches out to ruffle your hair and praises your good judgement. She tells you to finish your food because the two of you are going out today.

The two of you begin heading towards the markets. The oni explains that today is a holiday for her people and that she would like to get exceptionally drunk tonight. You fear for what that might mean for you but shove that thought to the back of your mind for now. As you walk you can see other youkai you pass on the street eye the shackle on your wrist. You get the feeling that they know exactly what it means and begin wondering if she really wanted to do some shopping or if she just wanted to show you off for everyone to see. It seemed to be the latter with how loudly she was referring to you as belonging to her even in your private conversation. Despite that, she was quite pleasant when she was sober. You enjoy the conversation you shared about the comparisons between oni and human holidays. She buys two barrels of hard liquor at the market. You already know one of the barrels is for you and feel a little sick. She knows you can't carry a barrel full of liquid all the way back so she carries them both, one over each shoulder. The weight of the barrels does not bother her in the slightest and she casually holds another conversation with you on the walk home. In these quieter moments she really didn't seem that bad but the feeling of steel rubbing against your wrist reminds you of the kind of person she really is. If it is true that alcohol brings out your true self then you needed to be careful with her.

>> No.42113831
Quoted by: >>42113962

I would also like to note that I am just using the vague descriptor of "oni" so you can just picture whatever oni you want but I had Yuugi on the mind for this. I thought about changing the posts to name names but thought it would be an awkward shift if I suddenly started doing that so I didn't.

>> No.42113945

Honestly, is being the husband/property/kidnapee of a youkai really that bad? You'd be safe and loved for all eternity.

>> No.42113962
Quoted by: >>42113976

Suika doesn't fit, neither does Kasen. And nobody cares about some rando nameless oni, so in my opinion you can freely use Yuugi's name if you continue this.

>> No.42113967
Quoted by: >>42139679

Anon please more, i need my Yuugi fic fix, i wonder how it will turn out

>> No.42113976

thats true, Yuugi is the one that i imagine...

>> No.42114009

I'd worry about the broken part of the chain falling off. And you can bet your ass I'd try to prove myself by carrying the barrel on my own.

>> No.42114255

>If it is true that alcohol brings out your true self then you needed to be careful with her.
Some alcoholics are almost indistinguishable from their sober selves when drunk. I can speak from experience on this, while I wouldn't have considered myself an alcoholic I began to retain more of my judgement even when I was so wasted I was stumbling. I don't think it's like that for everyone though.

>> No.42115176

Depends on a bunch of factors, really. Are you ready to share almost every waking moment with her?

>> No.42115616
Quoted by: >>42119216

As long as the youkai isn't sucking out my life force, drinking my blood, or taking anything else I need to function it sounds like a sweet deal. As long as my physical and spiritual health remains intact and I'm not just locked in some basement I don't think I would mind.

Hell, I'd willingly give blood as long as she doesn't take so much of it that I can't function.

>> No.42116649

at this rate she's gonna have him drink from kasens medicine box

>> No.42119216

You're too kind.

>> No.42119522
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What's your plan of escape if the Oni gives you this look while you're at Geidontei during Youkai hours?

>> No.42119659

guess i became her dinner. oh well

>> No.42119882

Whatever happens, it's your fault for looking up from your drink and locking eyes with her.

>> No.42119954
File: 82 KB, 494x434, 死4OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42120519
Quoted by: >>42120652

Suika is gonna put a tiny suika in your pocket without you knowing so she can spy on you

>> No.42120568

Start drinking and don't stop. Spend all your money, offer up your clothes as payment if you have to. Steal other customer's drinks. Make enemies. Down alcohol until you either pass out, or pass out and die. Preferably the latter so you are as far removed from the oni as possible, else you risk her whisking you away for being a champ at drinking. Best case scenario you make everyone hate you enough that you'll never have to worry about being approached by another living being. Trying to be meek and crawl away will get you devoured by youkai looking at you as easy prey.

>> No.42120652
File: 291 KB, 450x550, 371088a7d3f8b722656dd2ae0941a966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42122815

Can't Suika just become mist to know what you're doing at all times anyway? Nanosuikas. But carrying your doll sized wife around does sound fun.

>> No.42121267
File: 819 KB, 960x720, HAHA, I FOUND YOU!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a human in a youkai school
The one classmate everyone wants to eat

>> No.42121881

What is preventing them from doing it?

>> No.42122082

Reimu, Keine, Mokou, Yukari (surprisingly), Kasen, Eiki, Tenshi (somthing somthing a Celestials Duty something something no friends) the Taoists and the Goddesses.

>> No.42122223

if a human is in a youkai school at all, its cause one or more powerful players want to see it work out
they'd naturally be upset if it failed and would handpick the teacher to carry it out

>> No.42122815
Quoted by: >>42122919

imagine a tiny Suika popping out of your pocket to tell some women to back off her man or else

>> No.42122889

why would a human come in a youkai school anyways? tf is he gonna do here, get clobbered during breaktime?

>> No.42122919
File: 156 KB, 500x500, 6b8a5f05e1ea7b9a2d8a6542c3a138a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42122957

"ᵀʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ˡᵃᵈʸ, ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵒⁿᵉ ᶦˢ ᵗᵃᵏᵉⁿ, ˢᵒ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵒᶠᶠ, ᵘⁿˡᵉˢˢ ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ˡᵒᵒᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃ ᶠᶦᵍʰᵗ."

>> No.42122957

Incredibly cute
God I wish I had a tiny Suika on me

>> No.42123017
File: 560 KB, 1280x720, 07a6b8c82c435c1e8f618a606129a5ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I often wonder just for how long would you be able to reject your 2hu.
Obviously some would carefully plan their moves to never even give you an opportunity to resist, but at some of them would at least give you an illusion of choice, right?

>> No.42123067
Quoted by: >>42123151

Maybe if they get some enjoyment out of the process of playing you. I don't imagine a human would be able to physically fight off most of them if they really wanted something.

>> No.42123100
Quoted by: >>42123366

I dont think I'd reject a 2hu if she approached me.
Though to ask your question, it depends on the 2hu in question. Some wouldn't even bother asking while others would gladly go for the long haul

>> No.42123151
File: 291 KB, 600x800, 9bff51558d448458526d7c81cea7d49c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physically no, but some of them could want to have a "classic" lover experience. You know, with both sides proclaiming love, consent, and all.

>> No.42123366

Yandere as a style really only works when the male isn't into the girl. If he is already attracted to her then most of the tension that drives the genre is immediately one.

That is why the Yandere scenario should be about your least favorite 2hu. A 2hu spurned by someone who has his eyes set on someone else.

>> No.42123404

Immediately gone, I mean to say.

>> No.42125126
File: 2.39 MB, 2933x3568, 1657239089474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that way of thinking is far too simple-minded. It is perfectly possible to write a yandere situation where the guy likes the girl, and there's a great many ways to do it. Perhaps it's a comedy, and it's adorable watching what the obsessive 2hu gets up as she tries to keep away evil hussies who want to steal her man but doesn't know how to do it, and the story is all about her trying to figure out ways to isolate him but completely failing, or looking cute while trying to be menacing, or thinking she's finally taken care of a rival only for her to walk past them the next day acting like nothing happened because she had extra lives. Perhaps it's a horror, as a man watches his loved one deteriorate into manic obsession and murderous tendencies due to some reason or another, unable to stop her physically and/or mentally until all that's left is painful affection. Or perhaps it's a simple romance, where the 2hu doesn't know how to express her feelings properly, so she resorts to watching the guy she likes from afar, slowly getting closer to him as he reaches out to her, drama unfolding as her tendencies slip and she ends up doing something sneaky to fuck over another girl's chances because she refuses to lose out on the guy she loves so so so much.
There's a lot you can do with the idea of yandere that doesn't necessarily have to involve the same formula of making the guy scared of her, or making the guy dislike her, or making the girl completely unlikeable if you're thinking with anything other than your dick. You've just got to be creative with the process.

>> No.42125522

I guess that's true. Many ways to approach the formula. I was just thinking about the typical one that is seen most often.

>> No.42126487
Quoted by: >>42126535

>If he is already attracted to her then most of the tension that drives the genre is immediately one.
I don't want tension I want love and someone who I can make happy with existence and tell me what to do

>> No.42126535
Quoted by: >>42126912

Don't we all, bro, don't we all... I'd scare a yandere off so fast.

>> No.42126912
Quoted by: >>42129695

Maybe, just maybe, you were the real yandere all along anon

>> No.42129053
File: 208 KB, 1280x577, 1652593429197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, you can't leave.
I just can't risk that nosy tengu, or anyone else finding out about you now. Reimu and the others were searching for you, you know, but with how often outsiders disappear, they'll forget about you soon enough. With you here, my little hidden Wonderland is just perfect.
I've told you, I can take care of your every need, wish and desire. It's not so bad here, right? A lot of room, decorations, furniture, a team of chef Shanghai. You're gonna always have some company from now on. I'll make sure you won't get bored, my dolls will put on performances the likes of which this world has never seen before, and never will. They'll fight, they'll play games, they'll act out drama, misery, happiness, all just for you.
Oh, I don't mean just Shanghai and Hourai. I can easily make and control human sized dolls too. I take pride in these special models, they're covered in artificial skin, have a wide range of emotions, and I've recently developed a way for them to simulate fluids like saliva, tears and others. Aren't they just amazing? Go on, touch them as much as you want, admire my handiwork. Just don't be too rough, okay? Ah~
...What did you think about Marisa? She's pretty cute, right? Do you want to have sex with her? It's fine, it's fine, she's just a doll of course, but you won't be able to tell a difference. I can feel what they're feeling, so it's always like you're only with me.
Or perhaps you'd like that tall muscular oni? Or the fairies? How about that silver haired swordsgirl? Me, me, me... and me? Just tell me exactly what you want. I can make them taller, shorter, giant, doll sized, with flat chests or with breast size impossible to achieve even for a youkai.
You don't have to hold anything back from me, I'll always be watching you. Just don't try to escape.

>> No.42129695

Unfortunately when men do it they are just psychos and there is nothing cute about it.

>> No.42130958
Quoted by: >>42139194

I will fuck the Marisa doll(s) in exchange for one free outing each week, sunrise to sundown. I wanna make friends with Shanghai and Hourai and take them out to see Gensokyo. They're super cute. They can hang out in my pocket or ride on my head or something. Could take them to the human village, or Old Hell, or the kappas as long as they don't tear them open to figure out how they work. I just want them to have fun. Anything to avoid Alice.

>> No.42130979

The dolls are nice, but I think I'd like a hug more than anything. Alice sounds like she needs a hug too.

>> No.42131094

I want Alice

>> No.42131281

She wants YOU bro.

>> No.42131336

I don't want to have sex with those dolls Alice, I want to have sex with you. This is bullshit.

>> No.42131440
File: 671 KB, 750x900, __hieda_no_akyuu_touhou_drawn_by_filiananna__5655bc006321c3b8c6800ab58f8d29c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I supposed to get off with dolls? Alice should be more than aware that I can only get hard while performing horribly cruel acts on women. This is completely unfair.

>> No.42131530
File: 800 KB, 1200x1200, 3798bf45254b50fa4289e8b0f0cb418a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you listen? She's linked up with the dolls, so you can break doll legs repeatedly and she'll feel it every time.

>> No.42131543

Will she feel like she is on a roller coaster if I keep throwing it around?

>> No.42131554
Quoted by: >>42131576

It just isn't the same, anon. I need to see a real girl writhe in agony as I mangle her for no reason other than my own sexual gratification.
None of this pretend horseshit. Alice is pure evil for denying me my one pleasure in life.

>> No.42131576
Quoted by: >>42133592

I'm reporting you to Eiki, you're going to hell for being a bad person!

>> No.42133592

What if Alice wanted him to do that because she was into it too?

>> No.42137714
Quoted by: >>42139194

I just wanna hold and hug Alice herself is that too hard

>> No.42137873
File: 2.19 MB, 2894x4093, __kishin_sagume_touhou_drawn_by_niko_kusa__83bae2042a6de299d409f97a0e774e74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine having to deal with yandere Sagume.
She would never need to use force to keep you, she'd just reverse your fate every time you'd try to escape her, ensuring that the entire universe would conspire to ensure that you would return to her, one way or another.

Try to run away? A freak storm would blow you away, right back into her waiting arms.
Try to hide? For some reason you decide that the best hiding spot would be Sagume's futon.
Try to get help from someone else? Whoops, looks like you somehow managed to piss them off hardcore. Guess that plan is a bust.
Try to murder her? Well now, congratulations on becoming a papa.

All of your failed efforts would eventually wear you down until you finally accept that all you need for your happiness is this adorable moon goddess. It'd be best for everyone if face this reality sooner rather than later.

>> No.42138675
File: 1.61 MB, 1536x1874, a173b9f7cbacaa60dcdd34208d57e7e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I know you're cautious, maybe even terrified of girls trying to claim you for their own against your own will anon, but you won't have to worry about that around me. I'm an ascetic, so I couldn't fall in love even if I wanted to, therefor we can be perfectly good friends! You can trust a Hermit. Anyways, here, have some tea."

Well anon, do you trust the Hermit?

>> No.42138690

Sure. Everyone knows hermits are celibate. That said, I order my own drink.

>> No.42138743
File: 549 KB, 768x1024, 1659430266847262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42140551


>> No.42138908
Quoted by: >>42139129

Go home, I don't want the authorities getting the wrong idea and coming for me.

>> No.42139129
File: 114 KB, 766x1024, 1531508150740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42139179

What authorities? I don't think the sages, Reimu or anybody really cares what fairies do, or what's done to them as long as they're not killing people. It's a big problem with the fairies too, that they're annoying and kinda there no matter what.
Cirno might fly a few meters behind you, outside your reach and just talk, or stand by your windows if you're at home.

>> No.42139179

You know, that doesn't sound too bad. I don't think I'd mind some fairy following me around and saying retarded shit all day. It would certainly liven up the day seeing as I am somewhat of a retard myself.

>> No.42139194
File: 184 KB, 700x989, 2344ad9c497c23ca03cc2d9d286b6d5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think that's part of the deal, if she kidnapped you and wants it to be a secret.
You vill fuck ze doll, and you vill be happy.

>> No.42139514
Quoted by: >>42139714

>nothing you can do to stop her from trying to kill the girl you might be after

What if that girl is stronger than her?

>> No.42139679

Now that I have dusted off my ADHD riddled brain, let's continue. This time with a name.

Yuugi sat you down her table and instructed you to relax for a bit while she made some preparations. She went off to another room and not too long after, you could hear the sounds of cooking and the aroma of meat roasting over a fire began drifting into the room you were seated in. You had no idea that she could cook but it made sense when you thought about it. The food she left you every morning must have come from somewhere. While pondering the oni's culinary skill, your eyes drifted to the barrels of alcohol she set by the doorway. Wondering how heavy they really were, you went over and tried lifting one. It was quite heavy and you could barely lift it a few inches off of the ground before having to set it back down. The strength of an oni was certainly something else, to casually carry not just one but two of these all the way from the markets. You give lifting it another go just for fun before returning to the table. After some time, Yuugi returned, carrying a large tray topped with a multitude of meat based dishes. They were basic in nature but more than enough for you. With the food set up, she brought the barrels closer and the drinks began flowing.

You were glad for all of the food present tonight and were certain that it would go a long way in postponing the inevitable breach of your drinking limit. Yuugi seemed to be in a more festive mood than usual as well. The switch from her usual sake to hard liquor was certainly noticeable and she seemed to be getting drunk quicker than usual. She was even in the mood to crack her own jokes rather than let you handle the entertainment as usual. After a time she went quiet, opting to enjoy her drinks and let you do your thing for her amusement. She seemed a bit lost in thought as she watched you. At this point there were enough drinks in your system that you didn't mind irresponsibly chugging more. After washing down a mouthful of grilled meat with a full glass of liquor, you stand up to show Yuugi an impression of something you saw once but immediately lose your balance and fall. You begin laughing but before you could even start getting back up, Yuugi pounced. Even drunk, she was still swift and precise in her movements. Before you knew it she was on top of you, pinning you down by your wrists. You could clearly see the alcohol induced blush on her face as she grinned down at you. She made a single request of you. To resist. You laugh again, assuming it was a joke. The oni maintained her drunken grin but tightened her grip to the point where it began to hurt. She was not kidding. Worried that she might not know her own strength in this state and actually injure you, you begin trying to wriggle your way out of the grip. She knew just as well as you that you wouldn't be able to escape even at your best. Yuugi continued looking down at you, clearing enjoying the sight of you struggling. She commented on how cute she found it and tightened her grip just a little more. After seeing you wince, she could no longer help herself.

The oni quickly lowered herself towards you and pressed her lips against yours. Before you could process what was going on, she had shoved her tongue past your lips. After having her fill of your taste, she pulled away. Grinning again, Yuugi commented that despite having shackled you, she had not properly made you hers yet. Her intent was to change that, loudly and for all in the area to hear.

(I'll probably leave it to your imagination. I don't think I can really pull off erotica.)

>> No.42139714
File: 209 KB, 999x999, 1536516000114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>42139786

Stronger than the strongest? Cannot be.
And besides she can't just die.

>> No.42139786
Quoted by: >>42139830

What if she powers up by constantly fighting and dying against someone much stronger than her to the point where she finally is strong enough to win, all so she could have her favorite human to herself?

>> No.42139830
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Quoted by: >>42140061

I can imagine it going like that.

>> No.42140061
Quoted by: >>42140456

Think of how proud she would be to show you how strong she has gotten before announcing that you cannot escape and that she WILL rape you.

>> No.42140456
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9 times.
Every day.

>> No.42140551
Quoted by: >>42140665

Will she still be able to keep up appearances after getting rejected?

>> No.42140665
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To a certain point.

>> No.42141059
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>> No.42141316
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Quoted by: >>42141838

Don't be discouraged, you're the only person that can really stop it from getting created.
But if you really don't want to write sex then we'll just wait to see what happens the next morning.

>> No.42141485
Quoted by: >>42141838

i cant really write anything cuz ESL so im just gonna say

MOAR! (and sexo plz)

>> No.42141838

Damn, I didn't notice how far past the bump limit we were. I might have taken a crack at it if I was confident that the thread would still be here by the time I get around to it and finish. I might still do it on a word pad and post it if another one of these kinds of threads pops up but for now I'm glad you enjoyed it.

>> No.42142136

I would listen to Outsider Jones if he didn't shill anti-yokai products every 15 minutes

>> No.42143841
Quoted by: >>42143930

So there's going to be another yandere thread right guys?

>> No.42143930
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Quoted by: >>42144629

Sounds like you really want an obsessed girl to go after you.
Is there a term for this? Consensual yandere? Two way yandere? Yandere for yandere?

>> No.42144629
Quoted by: >>42146312

Everyone knows a yandere will never go for someone who loves her back. Such is the dilemma of a yandere enjoyer.

>> No.42146312
File: 264 KB, 800x600, 1595914299656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with >>42125126, there's some fun stuff to be done with guy being fine with it, just depends on creativity. But it's also fun to have a classic yandere situation too, since 2hus are so varied.
