Now that I have dusted off my ADHD riddled brain, let's continue. This time with a name.
Yuugi sat you down her table and instructed you to relax for a bit while she made some preparations. She went off to another room and not too long after, you could hear the sounds of cooking and the aroma of meat roasting over a fire began drifting into the room you were seated in. You had no idea that she could cook but it made sense when you thought about it. The food she left you every morning must have come from somewhere. While pondering the oni's culinary skill, your eyes drifted to the barrels of alcohol she set by the doorway. Wondering how heavy they really were, you went over and tried lifting one. It was quite heavy and you could barely lift it a few inches off of the ground before having to set it back down. The strength of an oni was certainly something else, to casually carry not just one but two of these all the way from the markets. You give lifting it another go just for fun before returning to the table. After some time, Yuugi returned, carrying a large tray topped with a multitude of meat based dishes. They were basic in nature but more than enough for you. With the food set up, she brought the barrels closer and the drinks began flowing.
You were glad for all of the food present tonight and were certain that it would go a long way in postponing the inevitable breach of your drinking limit. Yuugi seemed to be in a more festive mood than usual as well. The switch from her usual sake to hard liquor was certainly noticeable and she seemed to be getting drunk quicker than usual. She was even in the mood to crack her own jokes rather than let you handle the entertainment as usual. After a time she went quiet, opting to enjoy her drinks and let you do your thing for her amusement. She seemed a bit lost in thought as she watched you. At this point there were enough drinks in your system that you didn't mind irresponsibly chugging more. After washing down a mouthful of grilled meat with a full glass of liquor, you stand up to show Yuugi an impression of something you saw once but immediately lose your balance and fall. You begin laughing but before you could even start getting back up, Yuugi pounced. Even drunk, she was still swift and precise in her movements. Before you knew it she was on top of you, pinning you down by your wrists. You could clearly see the alcohol induced blush on her face as she grinned down at you. She made a single request of you. To resist. You laugh again, assuming it was a joke. The oni maintained her drunken grin but tightened her grip to the point where it began to hurt. She was not kidding. Worried that she might not know her own strength in this state and actually injure you, you begin trying to wriggle your way out of the grip. She knew just as well as you that you wouldn't be able to escape even at your best. Yuugi continued looking down at you, clearing enjoying the sight of you struggling. She commented on how cute she found it and tightened her grip just a little more. After seeing you wince, she could no longer help herself.
The oni quickly lowered herself towards you and pressed her lips against yours. Before you could process what was going on, she had shoved her tongue past your lips. After having her fill of your taste, she pulled away. Grinning again, Yuugi commented that despite having shackled you, she had not properly made you hers yet. Her intent was to change that, loudly and for all in the area to hear.
(I'll probably leave it to your imagination. I don't think I can really pull off erotica.)