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>> No.42013196 [View]
File: 544 KB, 1856x2048, 1662111605182153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...You'll just stay in the mansion, obviously. You can stay here with me, or get your own room if you desire privacy. If you feel obligated, you might pay for your "rent" in blood, since you're still human. That's not necessary however, keep that in mind.
As your lover, I'm prepared to take care of your sexual needs, and in case my body can't keep up, I can always ask Koakuma for help. She's prepared to go at any time, anywhere, as many times as needed... but you're always going to come to me first. Feel free to ask for it at any time, if you think it's going to help with your focus. Just try not to knock me or yourself out.
Our day will begin here with a private breakfast, where we'll discuss the topics we're going to go over and review what you've already learned. Then, after a nice session in the library we'll join the others for dinner, rest a little, and go back to books. After that we can do what you want, as a way for you to get some necessary relaxation.
The first order of business will be getting your life extended. I'll handle teaching you required magic, but you will prepare spells and proper rituals yourself. You will have to go through several advanced topics for every type of elemental magic before you achieve this, so I'm going to cast a simple youth spell on you every month until my favourite student becomes a full fledged magician.
Yes, of course, your Danmaku skill is also something you should hone, it's important in Gensokyo. If you wish to practice, ask miss Sakuya to prepare the maids for a training session.
No, the entrance doors will remain locked for you. Don't even think about asking the maids to open them for you, you will simply be unable to pass through the door frames. This is a little like the famous vampire weakness of being unable to enter a house uninvited, but in your case you're stuck inside a mansion, and invitations of any sort have no effect. This will actually be your final test. If you learn how to remove the magic brand I've etched into your body, then you will be able to come and go whenever you want. Typically, this kind of ritual serves to curse or bless entire generations, so it requires the highest order of magical knowledge and skill. That's why you will actually need years to learn how to dispell it. After that, you may finally take me out on a date, wherever you want.

>> No.41084607 [View]
File: 544 KB, 1856x2048, __patchouli_knowledge_and_koakuma_touhou_drawn_by_soregashi_nk__b463895ddb823b3cb9f8072ea0f36bcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would she allow you to take her as a wife afterwards? Is she fertile enough to have children?

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