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>> No.42100561 [View]
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Want a real answer? Unknown, but unless you actively try to get killed you're only in any real danger of dying with youkai that are rather young and still unaware of the rules, or how fragile humans can be. Killing is bad, youkai everywhere lose out on the total fear potential of a dead guy. Keep in mind there are fates worse than death though. Being chained to a bed by your horny youkai wife sounds nice, for a day. You don't want to spend the next 5 years unable to move, or be stuck in this prison for a hundred years. Being an immortal hourai sounds nice, for a few decades. Then you wish you could die. Then, everything around you dies, Gensokyo, japan, who knows what else. Then, the entire solar system, another planet, another system, and so on. Then, heat death of the universe. I don't think it hurts any less at any point, you know? At least you'd have some company out there, in the vast nothingness of space.
Most youkai are shown not attacking people outright, not to mention actually killing anyone. We do know that some of them do it, example being Rumia, but then again it's never said that she absolutely cannot substitute human meat for animal meat, or any other food. And we don't know how often a youkai like her needs to eat. Could be once a week, once a month, once a year, you get it. Despite some people's headcanons, even the "violent" youkai aren't that bad. Yuuka talks about performing genocide, but that could be just playing up her danmaku beatups for the scare factor. Remilia calls Reimu a murderer for beating Sakuya but she doesn't seem very dead in the next game. Remi also says that people survive "donating" blood to her since she's so small and quick to sate. People play Flan up as an insane murderhobo that uses humans like bloody water baloons but we know that's not a thing. Hell, even the instance of Kisume throwing bones at the kids mentioned above is actually just an illusion, since the well turned out to be completely empty when investigated. A lot of youkai literally warn humans of dangerous areas and tell them to stay away.
As for yandere topic, I get it, killing is a yandere schtick and all, but killing the guy she loves always seemed a little off to me. If you can't threaten or strong-arm them into doing what you want, you kill the obstacles, the competition, those that create problems for you. Other women, or even men if they're trying to interfere. You don't kill the love of your life. It's supposed to be the one thing that keeps you doing what you're doing. Keep it in a cage, you might hurt it, try to change it, threaten it, or apply positive reinforcement, but if it's completely gone, then that's just shooting yourself in the foot. Or heart, you can say there would be a big hole there.
>capable of resurrection or something
I believe anyone can learn enough magic to change into a metahuman magician, so you wouldn't get old, especially if your yanhu knows magic. Actual immortality however...
The hourais, if not through a new dose of the elixir then there was something about eating Mokou's liver to gain eternal life.
Getting turned into a vampire, youkai, oni, ghost would make you mostly immortal with specific weaknesses, as far as I know. Getting stabbed is more like inconvenience to a youkai unless the knife is blessed or something.
Certain gods could perform a resurrection miracle of some kind.
Yukari could pull off the usual gap manipulation shenanigans, if not to make you fully immortal as long as she's alive then by repeatedly gapping you out of wherever you end up after death, like Komachi's boat, or hell. Or your new reincarnated life.
Seiga's necromancy, but that comes with a danger of identity death. I wouldn't want to be a zombie, dunno about you. Or her.

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