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File: 17 KB, 441x387, 80DFCC94-2E01-4D40-B48B-13A43816AC78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19096878 No.19096878 [Reply] [Original]

Shoggs make for good technology helpers

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Content Aggregator:

Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk

>> No.19096885

Cute dragon girls?

>> No.19096888
Quoted by: >>19096901

>It looks like you’re searching for “Big booty Maid French outfit tits”. Do you want some help with that?
>you appreciate her helpfulness, but not saying it aloud as you ride the train back home from work

>> No.19096890

How can kikimoras even compete!

>> No.19096891
File: 417 KB, 648x905, 1457585473189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19096892
Quoted by: >>19096901

Can Shoggies help me code? Because I REALLY can use some help right now

>> No.19096894
File: 111 KB, 620x877, C95DA00D-F99A-4CBC-B02F-A599814E9BE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Very Cute dragon girls.

>> No.19096895

>Visit porn.com on your Shogware computer
>Every single thing is exactly what gets you going, it's the perfect porn site only you can access
>Even better is knowing that your maid will reenact any video you rate highly later that night

>> No.19096901

That’s why you wear earbuds in public. She can whisper all kinds of lewd things directly into your ears.

Whats up? I might be able to help?

>> No.19096922

>Needing to wear earphones
Please. She could just morph your collar into a pair so you don't even need to bring any. Oh. You were aware she was also your shirt, right?

>> No.19096927

The computer comes with a special USB onahole attachment made just for you.

>> No.19096929

I wonder what it looks like when Shoggy does a slow striptease for Master. Since it’s all just her, it would take some good acting on her part to make it look like she’s taking clothes off.

>> No.19096940
Quoted by: >>19096959

>After clicking on a video, you notice the man is entirely missing from each and every video.
>The girl is acting like she’s really having sex with a man and cum is appearing, but there is just a black void where the man is supposed to be
>Notice a button next to the player
>”Add to queue?”
>Must be a playlist feature.
>Add a dozen or so videos that look good that you’ll want to save for later
>Get home to your shog
>”Hello master! I’m so glad you’re home. I see you added some movies to the queue. Shall we get started?”
>Reenact every single video you added to the queue, in order.
>Load the website the next day.
>POV and multiple angle views are now available for the videos and the void is replaced with you

Even more convenient! Aren’t modern innovations great?

>> No.19096944

Just how far could Shoggy go? Could she make a pair of glasses give you a heads-up display and augment your vision?

>> No.19096954
Quoted by: >>19096970

Depending upon how comfortable with it you are, she could just augment your eyes directly.

>> No.19096956
Quoted by: >>19096966

I need to create some certain websites for my school assignment but I have never used php or css or js or whatever shits that are required for web developing before.
Now I am going through php basics but fuck this is frustrating. How can people even use this shit? This is the most degenerate piece of language I have ever laid my eyes on.

>> No.19096958
Quoted by: >>19097048

Someone did a greentext a while ago about a Shog replacing your contact lenses, so I'd imagine something like that could be done.

>> No.19096959
Quoted by: >>19096990

That’s one dang convenient meido. She’s savvy too, sounds like a Shog born here on earth who knows a bit how the world works.

>> No.19096966

Dropdown boxes.

>> No.19096970

I don’t mind it at all, but I do want to make sure that I’m seeing Shoggy with my own eyes. She’s too beautiful to see any way other than her pure true self.

>> No.19096990

Definitely. One feature I’d really like is Shoggify. Always able to know exactly what song you want next and find new songs you’ll like. Plus, the option to have your waifu cover the song is amazing. Even the advertisements are more bearable.
>”Want a break from the ads? Cum in your maid now to listen ad-free for the next 30 minutes!”

>> No.19096994
File: 191 KB, 400x500, Shog Believe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19097015

If I'm traveling I hope she's got a convenient way to make that payment handy...

>> No.19097015
Quoted by: >>19097100

All Shogphones have the ability to morph into onahole mode at their master’s request.

>> No.19097023
Quoted by: >>19097032

I prefer Pandora(‘s box). Opening the app makes me black out and my memory go blank for an hour, but when I come to I feel so refreshed and clean inside and out!

>> No.19097032

Sounds like a great app for bedtime.

>> No.19097043

Now I’m imagining Shog in a Steve Jobs turtleneck with cute glasses advertising all the features of Shogphone to you. While Shog also sits next to you and exclaims “Wow masta! Are you gonna get one?”
It’s all her anyway. She’s a cute actor in such scenarios.

>> No.19097048
Quoted by: >>19097070

>Replacing contacts
Small time. A real Shoggoth will replace your eyes.

>> No.19097061
File: 81 KB, 640x715, Srcdxew-UxmIew84o89xbStRbQC2ZuJaNa8V9R-rOpE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We can rebuild her, we have the technology.

>> No.19097070
Quoted by: >>19097086

Problem: will I be seeing what's real, what's REALLY real, or what Shog wants me to see?

>> No.19097072

Cyber arachne are probably embarrassed that their legs aren't real.
Automatons probably call them posers

>> No.19097074
Quoted by: >>19097092

>”We’d like to thank you all for coming to our unveiling keynote presentation!”
>”One more thing...”
>”Everyone look under your chair! One of you will be lucky enough to get a Shogphone, for free, today, with a complementary infinite universe plan.”
>You look under your chair
>It’s the new Shogphone
>”We found our winner! Give him a hand ladies! Good night!”
>Entire amphitheater of shoggs clap for you as you turn it on
>After a second, it boots on with a cheery “Hi master!”

>> No.19097086

That depends. Could you see infrared and ultraviolet before? She kinda forgot what the base level ability of humans were so she picked some neat abilities she saw other animals on Earth had. Take a look at how pretty the flowers are now!

>> No.19097091
File: 273 KB, 814x768, slime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinite keks.

>> No.19097092
Quoted by: >>19097102

Gonna kiss my Shogphone’s screen to see how it reacts!

>> No.19097098

You ruined it.

You ruined it and I'm leaving.

>> No.19097100
Quoted by: >>19097115

Not convenient enough. Have her morph into a condom that applies itself and then milks you. You wouldn't even need to unzip your pants.

>> No.19097102

That's how you unlock it.

>> No.19097107
File: 471 KB, 779x890, Shoggoth79b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do you get past the safe mode filter without signing up?

>> No.19097108

Wouldn't she just fill your vision with shog ass and shog boobs?

>> No.19097115
Quoted by: >>19097178

If your wearing your shoggoth pants and undies, like you probably are, then it can simply collect through that. Plus, no embarrassing wet spot wince it absorbs instantly!

>> No.19097117

You don't.

>> No.19097119

You can't because tumblr is trash. Great shogs though.

>> No.19097124

>wake up in bed next to your Shoggoth meido/waifu
>go into the bathroom and brush your teeth your Shogbrush while your waifu makes you some Shogfee in your favorite mug
>get dressed for work, go downstairs drink your Shogfee, kiss your waifu goodbye
>drive your new Shoggoghini to work, as your Shoggcedes-Benz is in the shop
>check your Shoggphone for messages and check your fantasy baseball team
>work until three and go home listening to that catchy song by Shoggy and the Blowfish “Dick the Meido”
>get home to your meido preparing dinner
>you pull her in for a kiss and try to get frisky while she tells you to wait for tonight
>go into your home office, get on your Shogbook and start listening to Shoggtunes while you send some emails out to your family and friends inviting them to your waifus birthday party next week
>yoir meido then tells you that dinner is ready
>go eat some Shogloaf and potatoes and broccoli
>help your meido clean up the table, ask how her day was
>remind her that people will be coming over next week for her birthday
>can’t have a mixup like last time when she almost sent your sister in law to the abyss
>go watch some Shogflix while cuddling with your meido
>get frisky on the couch
>after two rounds you two retire to the bedroom where you go another eight rounds
>just as your about to go to sleep you hear you meido softly laughing and telling you that you’ll make a great father
>fall asleep while hearing your meido/waifus soothing voice speak Eldritch to you

>> No.19097128
Quoted by: >>19097148

You get an anon who bit the bullet to grab the images.

>> No.19097130

>Encounter a cute fairy
>She speaks with an intolerable working class British accent
Oh no, what do I do with her

>> No.19097134
Quoted by: >>19097148



>> No.19097138


>> No.19097139


>> No.19097142
Quoted by: >>19097154

Some may find this comical, some may even think it horrifying, but to me this is total perfection.
Shog life is the good life.

>> No.19097143
Quoted by: >>19097157

Marry her.
t. working class britbong

>> No.19097148 [SPOILER] 
File: 667 KB, 600x847, 1527267555229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19097163

Danke. Have this Aryan mermaid as a token of my gratitude.

>> No.19097154

I'm too much of a modest guy for this level of Shog life. A cozy two story house, simple yet dependable Shogmobile...I don't need much.

>> No.19097155

Imagine how perfect everything in this scenario would work out for you. It’d be like you’re surrounded by an aura of good luck and blessings and lewd love.

>> No.19097157
Quoted by: >>19097171

How do you not laugh at your own silly accent

>> No.19097159

>accidentally gave the mermaid spammer something

>> No.19097161
Quoted by: >>19097611

See if she can lead you to a group of freshly monsterized chav girls.

>> No.19097163

Wait is that Ro as a mermaid? Perfect.

>> No.19097171

By laughing at silly accents further north and the welsh.

>> No.19097178

The wet spot may not be embarrassing, but the ahegao you make when you jizz in your pants certainly would be.

>> No.19097183

I want to introduce a Lich to speedrunning games.

She could probably practice nonstop for weeks.

>> No.19097189
Quoted by: >>19097201

Imagine all the alps in monster girl speed running communities.

>> No.19097201

Delete this.

>> No.19097202
Quoted by: >>19097252

I hope meido is good at riding on top.

>> No.19097206 [SPOILER] 
File: 138 KB, 1130x707, 1527268427243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19097245
File: 387 KB, 902x1280, Dragon148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Call me heavy and I'll turn back to my Dragon form on top of you!

>> No.19097252
Quoted by: >>19097305

"Top" is a concept that doesn't matter much with slimes, and even less so with shogs. Still, like everything else, she'd be good in the sack.

>> No.19097254
File: 356 KB, 800x670, Dragon111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19097266


>> No.19097257

Can't hear you, your fat thighs are covering my ears.

>> No.19097266
File: 405 KB, 973x1271, Dragon37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are dragons so good and lusty?

>> No.19097284

>make her as un-sexy as possible
he has failed

>> No.19097287

Cyborg girls are the best and cutest

>> No.19097291


>> No.19097300 [SPOILER] 
File: 131 KB, 640x905, 1527269783286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go near the water.

>> No.19097302

Is it racist to sing Waltzing Matilda to your Bunyip daughterus as a lullaby?

>> No.19097305

I bet a Shog really getting into it would do all sorts of cool stuff, like while you’re making out a bunch of hands and arms spawn from her puddle beneath you and rub and caress you all over, or when you’re about to cum on her face in a handjob she spawns two more heads so you can bukkake them all at once as they look up tongue out and eager.

>> No.19097323


>> No.19097327

Gonna play with her ears

>> No.19097329

I want to go to mge Australia to flirt with the dangerous monsters

>> No.19097336
Quoted by: >>19097928

Fuck you, cunt, I'm goin' swimmim'.

>> No.19097401

I want a buff bunyip to snuggle!

>> No.19097481
File: 1.49 MB, 1750x2396, 1486962659422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19097538

[Maid in training]

>> No.19097538
Quoted by: >>19097549

I want to write that on the hotpants of an indentured servant from a species one wouldn't expect to be a maid.

>> No.19097549
Quoted by: >>19097622

Dragon maid!
Vampire maid!
Wight maid!

>> No.19097611
Quoted by: >>19097681

>trashy drunk Cheshires that make onis look high class

>> No.19097622
Quoted by: >>19097636

In hot pants and a tank top, armed with nothing but a feather duster!

>> No.19097636
Quoted by: >>19097656

>Trashy clothes
At least let them wear a fancy maid uniform!

>> No.19097656
Quoted by: >>19097800

They can have proper clothes when they're proper maids. Until that, they're only good as eye candy.

>> No.19097681

>you will never be assualted by some drunk, trashy Cheshire sisters at a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert and taken back to their trailer for the “afterparty”
Not gonna lie, I wouldn’t mind getting raped by some trailer trash CC MG in a tube top and daisy dukes.

>> No.19097713

Is there any difference between a red and blue oni when they're drunk?

>> No.19097719
Quoted by: >>19097751

I'd imagine since Blue Onis seem to hold themselves back more that they'd be more intense when they're drunk.

>> No.19097729

Blue oni would give you the choice between willing snusnu and rape snu snu. They're also softer for the post coital cuddling.

>> No.19097751

Fun Fact: Scientists have observed there are 4 major archetypical responses to getting drunk:
>”Earnest Hemingway” - No significant change
>”Marry Poppins” - Extroverted individuals become more outgoing and happy
>”Nutty Professor” - Introverted individuals become more willing to take risks and become social
>”Mr. Hyde” - Individuals become more reckless and impulsive
Which one are you and which one is your waifu Oni lovers?

>> No.19097758

Why limit it to Onis? Why not everyone's waifus?
Because I can tell you my Demonfu gets really cuddly when she's drunk.

>> No.19097762
Quoted by: >>19097780

What if one of the onis is called Samantha?

>> No.19097778

>two cheshire sisters with messy, poorly-dyed hair and crooked tails corner you outside the men's room
>some shitty sex pistols cover band is moaning in the background
>they're both wearing dirty sweatsuits, covered in trashy tattoos and reek of gin
>their English is barely comprehensible past their snaggle-teeth, trying to talk around their cigarettes
>suddenly they start getting grabby and trying to slip their hands under your clothes
>"Yew wanna fook mate? Ey! Yew wanna fook?"
>they start licking your neck and grinding you, blowing smoke in your face and tugging on your belt
Shit, I think I'm feeling it too, mate.

>> No.19097780

She can't keep getting away with this!

>> No.19097790
File: 395 KB, 595x842, Hakutaku_by_butter_t-d9t0ltv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell the teacher what you have learned recently

>> No.19097800
Quoted by: >>19097832

Then let it be proper eye candy. A frilly bra and panties, those frilly maid-style cloth cuffs on her wrists and thighs, high heels.

>> No.19097822

I learned that it's futile to resist, I have become a full-on waifufag. Gonna start commissioning stuff soon.

>> No.19097828

I learned about teacher's fetishes, panty colors and how much she masturbates.

>> No.19097829

The arc length of a given vector equation can be defined as the definite integral of the magnitude of the derivative of the vector equation from the start of the arc to the end of the arc.

>> No.19097832

That's step two. Conveniently, they will also optionally be wearing those under their actual maid clothes.

>> No.19097841

Fruit jerky is a thing
Theres only so much granola one should eat per week.
"May you live in interesting times"is just a fancy way of saying "I hope you step on a lego"
Blue cheese dressing and BBQ sauce make a great mix to go on pork

>> No.19097900

How PID systems work.

Imagine a missile launched to hit a target. The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was. The missile guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error

>> No.19097920
File: 599 KB, 777x1100, f950793685627501996b4883b03f69f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm gonna send in my dick throne animation commission, but I was wondering.

Womb tattoo: Y/N?

>> No.19097922
Quoted by: >>19097975


>> No.19097923
Quoted by: >>19097975


>> No.19097928
Quoted by: >>19097985

>quote from man with crushed pelvis

>> No.19097930
Quoted by: >>19097975


>> No.19097932
Quoted by: >>19097975

>Womb tattoo: Y/N?
1000% yes

>> No.19097961

Lymphomas can sometimes ignore most treatments and keep on progressing.

>> No.19097964
File: 71 KB, 707x1000, Dbh0iR-V4AErpm0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19097975

Womb tattoos are a must.

>> No.19097969
File: 19 KB, 367x368, 1346214914565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally sent Melon a commission email
>Check timestamp
>Already passed mailing period
>Still hasn't responded a few hours later
I shouldn't have dawdled.

>> No.19097971


>> No.19097975

Looks like the yes has it.

I was thinking of using https://i.imgur.com/mSitPTp.png as a reference.

>> No.19097985

Think of the aftercare. It's worth.

>> No.19097988
Quoted by: >>19098111

Oh, and I only really know of dynamo-x who dose porn animation commission. Do you have any other recommendation or should I just go with him?

>> No.19098011
Quoted by: >>19098070

Bullying ancient evil shortstacks!

>> No.19098014
File: 112 KB, 800x600, 1523061896615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good. Simpler tattoos are better, especially when they are interactive.

>> No.19098027
Quoted by: >>19098127

If it's going to be animated why not have the tattoo light up as she goes up and down her throne

>> No.19098034

That heart should turn white when it's full.

>> No.19098070
Quoted by: >>19098098

>"How can this be...? My empire once spanned continents! I nearly conquered the world! But that damnable seal has reduced my regal form to this... this! Tiny thing!"
>"I suppose I should be a little grateful I still have my tails and my generous bosom, but my long slender legs! My perfect hourglass figure! This stout body cannot rule an empire! I'll have to make the fool who unsealed me find me a mage to restore me to my proper propor- wait what are you doing?"
>"Put me down you foolish mortal! I am destined to become the Queen of the Rising Sun Empire! Put me do- oh sweet merciful Izanami is that your penis? What do you mean that's when it's soft?"
>"Wait wait wait don't put me down! Don't put me down it won't fit! You'll ruin me! Please n-yaaaaaaahn~!"
And that's how an ancient evil was defeated for good.

>> No.19098098
Quoted by: >>19098107

Gonna molest her tails

>> No.19098107
Quoted by: >>19098118

While you're using her like an onahole?
She's going to pout so hard once you finish emptying your balls into her anon. You'd better take responsibility.

>> No.19098111
Quoted by: >>19098133

From experience I'd say only commission him if you're patient and willing to wait a couple of months.
He does great work and I love what I got from him but he's got a backlog of commissions and a busy schedule irl.

I'd gladly wait the same amount of time again for an animation personally.
Seeing stuff like that really makes me want to get a salamander from him when I have the funds.

>> No.19098113
File: 504 KB, 2000x2829, haiki0327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything better than elf okayodon?

>> No.19098118
Quoted by: >>19098132

I will, even if I left her looking a little bloated from all the seed

>> No.19098121
Quoted by: >>19098175

An Elf harem made entirely of Octuplets.

>> No.19098126
Quoted by: >>19098175

Lich okayodon

>> No.19098127

I'm considering getting a variation for $50 extra that's basically a "Broken phylactery" version.
Glowing womb tattoo, ahegao, all that good stuff.

>> No.19098132
Quoted by: >>19098147

Her body would process your spirit energy way to fast for that to happen anon. At most she'd be cum-drunk for a few hours.
Then she'd get upset that all the energy she got from you went to making her tails fluffier and her womb more fertile instead of making her tall again.

>> No.19098133
Quoted by: >>19098166

>From experience I'd say only commission him if you're patient and willing to wait a couple of months.
are we talking 2 months or something like 4?

>> No.19098139
File: 1.07 MB, 1060x1500, 65028772_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thicc Elf onee-san.

>> No.19098147

Well, I'm certain that'll happen if we keep trying.

>> No.19098150

>Thicc Elf onee-san
Looks like a momster but could also be both.

>> No.19098166
Quoted by: >>19098178

I waited 4 / almost 5 since I caught him right before his life became hectic and when he hadn't got his own apartment yet so his situation is probably a lot better now.
I've waited longer for an artist before, sometimes it's better to wait for an artist you really want something from than get something quick from an option your heart isn't in.

>> No.19098170
File: 505 KB, 1600x900, 1524607863088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elf twins

>> No.19098175
Quoted by: >>19098253

How do it make it up to them when you accidentally call one by another's name?

Undead okayodons are weird, it's hard to truly enjoy the age difference when they're both technically 300+ years old.

>> No.19098178
Quoted by: >>19098244

Fair enough. I'm gonna send in the commission and see what he says, I commissioned him before, but that was just a single pic, and that was done fairly quick.

Also, I've decided to have a broken phylactery version.

>> No.19098183

How do you feel about momsters that encourage girls to fuck their sons?

>> No.19098191


>> No.19098233

That borders on cuckqueaning, especially if the momster in question is single.

>> No.19098238

Making older monster girls wear the outfits of their youth is what life is meant for.

Pretty interesting if she gets in on the action too, otherwise she'd just be a sort of awkward wingman.
>Bicorn momster who insists you have a full harem by the time you graduate high school

>> No.19098244

Going all in? Nice. Hopefully all goes well, Liches are great.

>> No.19098253

>Undead okayodons are weird
It's fine.

>> No.19098257
File: 2.05 MB, 2328x3041, office lady1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last of my waifu commissions from Sookmo finished! It's a really nice set, I like how it sort of progresses through her day, and I was thinking how it would be really nice to be her secretary!

>> No.19098260

>That borders on cuckqueaning
No it's not. She's just being a good mom.

>> No.19098264

Here I assume the father is healthy and giving it to her every night.

>> No.19098270

You've got a really cute waifu anon.

>> No.19098279

>be her secretary
Is she not the secretary?

>> No.19098285

Yeah anon. And if you're not a daughteru dicker you are a cuck.

>> No.19098308
Quoted by: >>19098347

She almost looks like Hexxus from Ferngully. Would fap if she had Tim Curry's voice.

>> No.19098312

Lovely picture, though I think her top leg looks small compared to her bottom one.

>> No.19098313
Quoted by: >>19098324

What about momsters that subtly acknowledge and approve of you being her young daughter's husbando?

>> No.19098316
Quoted by: >>19098323

>Bumming around the house after hand surgery, typing and general tasks are shit.

I need a maid

>> No.19098323

Hi Glenn.

>> No.19098324

They're the best. Especially if they give you sex advice as their daughter is embarrassed.

>> No.19098347
File: 259 KB, 841x1182, Fae still a best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably regret this but https://imgur.com/a/5bVD3Fw here you go anon.

I just need your signature and it's all yours.

>> No.19098373

>Anon is driving back from a meeting with one of his coworkers, a Dhampir, in the car
>Gets a frantic call from his Apophis mother, it's largely incoherent but he hears "help me" enough times to worry him
>He apologizes to his coworker and gets on the highway
>15 minutes and 2 speed cameras later, he's at his mother's home
>He bursts through the door expecting the worst only to find her setting the table for dinner
>Anon's coworker follows him inside just as his mother greets him
>"Ara, and who's this? You didn't tell me you had such a cute girlfriend."
>Her acting is terrible, she bugged your car again
>Start to tell her that this wasn't funny, but she interrupts you
>While you're both here, come take a seat and have a meal. No buts, come sit."
>Your coworker obviously feels awkward, but sits down nonetheless
>"What'll you have, dear? Water? Wine? Something stronger?"
>Your coworkers says water is okay
>"Wine it is!"
>Your mother leaves the room and immediately returns with a glass of red wine, almost like she had it prepared already
>Your coworker takes a sip and then a few moments later, she starts getting noticeably uncomfortable
>"I see you're feeling it already. Is my venom a little too strong for you, dear?"
>By the time she finishes her sentence, there's already a naked Dhampir writhing around on the table
>Your mother wraps you up before you can do anything and sinks her fangs into your neck
>You're only able to get out "Mom, what the fu-" before it turns into a moan
>She uncoils herself and gives you a push towards the Dhampir who is now shamelessly masturbating on the dining room table
>"Go get her, Anon" are the words of encouragement your mother leaves you with as she slithers out the front door
>"I'll be back in a few hours, I'm meeting the girls for a movie! Have fun you two!"

>> No.19098388
File: 188 KB, 600x800, 1527269143254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19098489

How would healsluts MG be like?

>> No.19098443

>I just need your signature and it's all yours.
Won't fool me, demon!

>> No.19098465

>Glowing cujine
It'll take more than that to get my signature, Fucksmith.

>> No.19098489
File: 181 KB, 1024x1325, 1527086526111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learned that autoresolve may as well not work.


There's only two of those that do that work because they're easily the most qualified to do so. All the other healers are human men.

>> No.19098501
Quoted by: >>19098524

I would love being the healer for a party of buff/strongfat monster girls

>> No.19098524
Quoted by: >>19098531

I want the opposite

>> No.19098531
Quoted by: >>19098589

Being the tank for a party of chubby monster girls?

>> No.19098561

>Human men being healers
There's only two types of those: jaded healers that make you beg or potential alps.

>> No.19098569

Well, I can certainly say Im the former

>> No.19098589
Quoted by: >>19098607

Not that anon but YES!

>> No.19098607
Quoted by: >>19098724

>Anon getting fawned over by pudgy/shortstack spellcasters and DPS

Well, at least you know what you want.

>> No.19098624


One of two materclaws got finished, and I must say I'm really happy with this, I like the way he draws the wife. Hopefully I'll be able to post the second one before the weekend is over !

>> No.19098657

Those daughterus look like they're ready to pounce, cute.

>> No.19098665

>Man-thing! Time to raperape.

>> No.19098669
Quoted by: >>19098673

What about a gentle giant of a healer with a soothing, velvety voice that takes the hurt away? Can I do that?

>> No.19098671

Nice, cow mouse remains cute

>> No.19098673
Quoted by: >>19098680

Yes, you can be the alp.

>> No.19098680
Quoted by: >>19098705

Oh, come on. There's nothing alp about being a soap opera doctor.

>> No.19098693

Nice mice!

>> No.19098705
Quoted by: >>19098751

Sorry guy, it's cheesy porn doctor or alp.

>> No.19098724
Quoted by: >>19098732

>P'Orc battlemage
>Holstaur mage
>Troll healer
That's my dream party

>> No.19098732

Sounds nice, lots of soft girls who probably want to spoil you

>> No.19098751
Quoted by: >>19098823

Cheesy porn doctor can work. As long as I get to wear a white tuxedo mask costume.

>> No.19098758

What's the best way to have sex with your waifu, and why is it the reverse missionary position?

>> No.19098781

cowgirl while tied to the bed.

>> No.19098782

>Reverse missionary
Isn't that just cowgirl?

>> No.19098784

No it's amazon you fucking nigger.

>> No.19098785


>> No.19098790
Quoted by: >>19098802

Reverse mating press by gentle MGs.

>> No.19098791

Got a link to what it looks like? I can't be bothered to remember fucking positions

>> No.19098794

The best way is not a specific position. It's an attitude, and angry sex is best.

>> No.19098802

But that positions is shit.

>> No.19098807

What monster would you have hatesex with? Which monster would be the best candidate for that honor of being so hated by me that I choose to rape her and her only?

>> No.19098810


>> No.19098814
Quoted by: >>19098827

>Kinkly explains Reverse Missionary Position
To get into this position, the penetrative partner lies down with a pillow under their lower back if needed. The receptive partner straddles the penetrative partner then leans forward so they’re lying down, face-to-face. This keeps the receptive partner’s back rounded forward instead of arched. Partners can take turns doing the work here, making this a very equitable position.

>> No.19098816
File: 318 KB, 888x1009, Redcap barb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19098832


>> No.19098818

You have the internet at your fingertips you retard.

>> No.19098822
Quoted by: >>19098848

>Woman on top
So cowgirl?

>> No.19098823

>I'm Doctor Dick

>> No.19098827

Congratulations for being able to read and figuring out how to copy/paste

>> No.19098829
Quoted by: >>19098866

I was thinking Fuxedo Mask, MD but sure.

>> No.19098832
Quoted by: >>19098842

Perfect. Just right

>> No.19098842
Quoted by: >>19098857

!Caps are perfect for rough sex. They can dish it out as well as they can take it, and might even enjoy a little ryona.

>> No.19098848
Quoted by: >>19098867

I guess the key difference is the girl is lying down on top face to face.

>> No.19098857
Quoted by: >>19098903

>White Redcap is annoyingly clingy and air-headed
>Violent Redcap is crass, smug and shit talks hero Anon at any chance she gets
Perfect little rapebaits

>> No.19098866


>> No.19098867

Why didn't you say so earlier?

>> No.19098871

Do you really need to post a shitty /tg/ monster every thread.

>> No.19098893
Quoted by: >>19098900

It's cute so it's okay.

>> No.19098900

It's pretty shit. Literally nobody likes Skaven.

>> No.19098903

Fighting your waifu before sex is the wisest of tastes. I would probably dick a Redcap just enough to leave them a constantly horny Pinkcap.

>> No.19098931
File: 430 KB, 1000x1277, Red_and_Blue_Oni_Sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19098948

I like Oni's.

>> No.19098948

I know it's a quirk of non MGE character design, but I can't help but imagine that Blue Oni's skull decoration being the actual skull of their Grandmother on their father's side who constantly shouts at them to get a husband already.

>> No.19098990

Vamp Mosquitoes

Their bite remains itchy until she heals it for you. She'll probably make you marry her first too.

>> No.19099023
Quoted by: >>19099029

Not even skaven like skaven.

>> No.19099029
Quoted by: >>19099052

>Get taken by skaven and get a harem
>They're all tsun to each other and competing for the man thing

>> No.19099049

Do you really need to bitch every time someone posts a non-rule breaking monster girl you don't like?

>> No.19099052

Imagine a complex web of intrigue, complete with betrayal, murder, bribery, and politics; all for deciding who gets your D that month.

>> No.19099055
Quoted by: >>19099138

People love to bitch about something they don't like. I think it counts as a fetish.

>> No.19099057

>Implying it really isn't just getting a girl to ahego so much that she can't even think about standing

It would be a shitshow though, an adorable one

>> No.19099058

Yeah, i'd much rather have one or more of the three flavours of WH elf.

>> No.19099062
Quoted by: >>19099068

They might not necessarily be murdering each other.

>> No.19099063
File: 194 KB, 850x943, d2a9be3119a9c16a07f36c0763f5aec5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19099064

I want to send my MG daughteru to school wilt her holes stuffed full of egg vibrators!

>> No.19099066

That's not how you spell "doggystyle." And you can easily adapt it for facefucking too, by taking position at her front instead.

>> No.19099068
Quoted by: >>19099098

Would be funny to see Rat Ogre-chan tying up some of the other girls

>> No.19099074

The best way is whichever position she likes most.

>> No.19099084


>> No.19099096


>> No.19099098
Quoted by: >>19099150


Sounds like my kind of harem, though I think I'd make time to dick all of them equally. I want to see what kind of fetishy curses the shamans come up with.

>> No.19099100
Quoted by: >>19099121


>> No.19099103

Jesus Christ, a lion!

>> No.19099117

Implying it isn't because only faggots like Ace, Shoggocks, and Psychofox deal with Skaven

>> No.19099121

>Local Anon raped by Lion girl because he can't get back to his car in time
>The two are now happily married

Another good end bought to you by Ratatoskr News Network

>> No.19099130
Quoted by: >>19099136

Bet the safari nuki was involved in that one, too.

>> No.19099136
Quoted by: >>19099155

Hey the brochure told me there is no unauthorized breeding in Monster Girl Park.

>> No.19099138

It's important to remember that they can't actually stop you from posting things

>> No.19099140

Hate them not the girls anon, skaven are just more aggressive bustier mice! They only want and deserve a little love

>> No.19099145
Quoted by: >>19099181

I want to mess with the Ratatoskr news station's teleprompter

>> No.19099150
Quoted by: >>19099169

>Shaman gets mad at Rat Orge-chan for making fun of her smaller breasts before tossing her out of the room
>'Fine fine, if she wants to be a cow, then she be be a cow!'
>Hits the rat ogre with a spell that make her chest start leaking milk constantly along with being thrice as sensitive along with making her chest go up a few cup sizes

>> No.19099155

Yeah, but if you looked at the paperwork a little closer you'd see that there's a clause stating the act of attending Monster Girl Park is informed consent and breeding with consent isn't unauthorized.

>> No.19099169
Quoted by: >>19099182

Silly shaman, that'd only make her hubby want to play with the rat-ogre's tits even more! A better idea would be to hit herself with that curse, twice! That or temporarily lolify that rat ogre while she's in heat and then throw her at their husband.

>> No.19099181

>In other news: Anon is both strong and cool and every monstergirl should marry h-
>Who wrote this crap?

>> No.19099182
Quoted by: >>19099197

Hey, if she hit herself twice then SHE would be the cow and a single grope of her breast would get her ahegoing!

>> No.19099197
Quoted by: >>19099219

If it means her husband enjoys toying with her breasts more than the ogre's I don't see how that's a problem

>> No.19099206

Letting other people ruin things for you is one of the most spineless and weak things ever

>> No.19099208
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1503188959739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just a normal day at the Aquarium

>> No.19099219

It's going to be a problem because her huge breasts are going to be staining her robes and making it tough to do her job

>> No.19099241

What is she doing?

>> No.19099250
Quoted by: >>19099264

Pressing her boobs against the glass

>> No.19099264
Quoted by: >>19099329

But why?

>> No.19099267

Napping, obviously

>> No.19099269
File: 327 KB, 600x806, 61357e74f18fe6451aeae4607d12d48857472cdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19105566

>the merrow exhibit is just them reading erotic fanfiction

>> No.19099329

Why not?

>> No.19099405

Ok anons. Name your top 3 favorite monstergirls and your top 5 thread appropriate fetishes!

>> No.19099434
File: 405 KB, 960x1358, 68919903_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19099483

>> No.19099446

Top 3 Girls:

Top 5 Fetishes:
>Big tits

>> No.19099449
Quoted by: >>19099454

Kobold (waifu and daughteru)

Oral play

>> No.19099454

Gee, I wonder who's behind this post

>> No.19099459


Expansion (Breast/Rear)
Fat/weight gain
Cum inflation

>> No.19099467

He said thread appropriate, retard.

>> No.19099471

Fuck off to /d/

>> No.19099472
Quoted by: >>19100878

Favorite girls:
Night Gaunt

Fucking Night Gaunt wife in all 3 holes while trasformed.

>> No.19099473

A man of culture.

>> No.19099474

IF KDF can restrain his autism so can you, fatfag.

>> No.19099477

>top 3
That's a bit of a tough one, I can barely contain it to 10 but I'll go with the first ones that come to mind.
>monster girls
Wight, Lich, Salaamander
Rough sex, threesomes, intimacy, [redacted], [redacted], impregnation and rape.

>> No.19099478
Quoted by: >>19099512


>Big butts

>> No.19099483

Huff the fluff!

>> No.19099502
File: 853 KB, 1800x2250, CheshireCat59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I apologize.

>> No.19099503

What'd be a hellhound's or ushi's idea of a date?

>> No.19099504
Quoted by: >>19099508


>soft femdom
>childhood friends
>pillow talk/post coital cuddling

>> No.19099508
File: 341 KB, 850x832, 1444053868608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19099512

Holst facesitting sounds like it could be fun

>> No.19099516

>uh.....I guess I'd take a bunyip

>gentle femdom
>loving missionary
>reverse cowgirl

>> No.19099534

Imagine a Hellhound raised by an Anubis:
>6:30 - Meet Anon at Porkers for beer and wings.
>7:30 - Invite Anon back to house.
>7:45 - Rip his pants off as soon as he enters the threshold.
>8pm to 4am - Ride that son of a bitch like a stolen motorcycle until he knocks me up with triplets! (Them mom will finally get off my back)

>> No.19099536

Out of order
Mershark and Apophis are also tied for third

>Deep kissing
>Just...holding one another and never letting go

>> No.19099538

I would enjoy cuddle cat and fat rat together

>> No.19099541


>Extreme vanilla
>Deep kisses
>Sporty girls

Something like this.

>> No.19099542

>manticore & griffon

>scratching & biting

>> No.19099546
File: 86 KB, 850x1187, 1523129363455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19099548

>Mad Hatter
>Dark Mage

>casual sex (like nonchalant constant handjobs etc)
>wish fulfillment/granting

>> No.19099550


>Light femdom

>> No.19099554

>Two of his top three cannot facilitate either
Must be rough, anon.

>> No.19099561
File: 398 KB, 905x609, 1521853401632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on a second

>> No.19099566


Thighs, handholding, scent-fetish, naked ribbon, light bondage

>> No.19099573

A hike in the woods late in the evening. That turns into a midnight hunt in the forest.

A monster truck rally. Need I say more?

>> No.19099574

Atlach-Nacha (without transformation)

size difference

>> No.19099593
Quoted by: >>19099617

I want to mix all the different kinds of monster girl venom together into a single concoction and then dose a human girl with it and see what happens.

>> No.19099596
File: 204 KB, 321x545, tundra 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borealis https://pastebin.com/8dJdunTD
White horn


>> No.19099598
File: 173 KB, 1002x1400, DRnR3Q3VAAA4E3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19099603

Absolutely based tastes. Fantastic.

>> No.19099604
Quoted by: >>19099648

you what?

>> No.19099611
Quoted by: >>19099640

I'm glad northen anubis left such a mark on you after those posts, she's such a cutie.

>> No.19099617

You get a mess, that's what happens.

>> No.19099621

If you're who I think you are, try writing again. If not, still fantastic tastes.

>> No.19099629
Quoted by: >>19099638

- Girls
>Large Mouse

- Fetishes
>Fat tits
>Pregnant Sex
>Scent stuff

>> No.19099633
File: 128 KB, 1193x1200, winternubis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winternubis a cute!

>> No.19099636


legs (includes feet)

>> No.19099638
Quoted by: >>19099647

Does not compute

>> No.19099640
Quoted by: >>19099657

Yeah, I originally was just spitballing with that first greentext description but once she got drawn and I actually saw her I fell for her, hard. I think I've gone full waifufag. I'm putting away money to commission some art right now.

It's a weird warm feeling.

>> No.19099647

Never heard of oppai lolis anon? I actually like my tits and my lolis desperate though, on different girls. But those are a thing!

>> No.19099648

Sex without use of orofices. Covers handjobs, legjobs, paizuri, etc.

>> No.19099649
Quoted by: >>19099667

Brown cow

>> No.19099655


Body worship

>> No.19099657
Quoted by: >>19099669

She's a real cutie, congratulations!

>> No.19099663
File: 1.29 MB, 1686x3016, Kikimora100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19099697

>More Mofu
>Literally anything with soft fur and good thighs to lay my head on
>Salamanders and anything in the dragon family are okay too.

>Butt Stuff Preferably her butt.
>Sexual Violence (No actual hitting or anything like that just hair pulling, spanking, choking, etc. It ain't love making if you don't feel it the day after.)
>Love Bites
>Eye Contact/Handholding/Cuddling. Just general intimacy stuff.

>> No.19099667

How now?

>> No.19099669

Meegwetch. I had to restart it due to a hardware failure and data loss but I have a story about her in progress, and I've been working hard on my writing skills. I hope to bring her to life even further.

>> No.19099697
File: 681 KB, 799x800, 1512420559029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering this and my weird fetish for girls with facial scars, am I a sadist?

>> No.19099710
File: 2.59 MB, 2048x2732, gazer ragecandy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19099723

Quick new wife commission

>> No.19099720

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.
Instead, get the waifu(s) ready for swimsuit season

>> No.19099723
Quoted by: >>19099776

She looks like a 50's housewife. All she's missing is the dress and a smoking habit.

Does your wife cook, Gazerfag?

>> No.19099754
Quoted by: >>19099763

What are you going to do, rape me?

>> No.19099763
File: 992 KB, 1280x1541, 1513998735352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19099772

I won't, but she might.

>> No.19099772
File: 375 KB, 871x1200, 304_unagi_joro_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quote from man raped

>> No.19099776
File: 219 KB, 1024x1252, gazer masakanomasaka2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19099779
Quoted by: >>19099807


Pure love
Footjobs with stockings/pantyhose/thigh-highs/that sort of stuff(ironic I know)
Large breasts/paizuri if those count as fetishes.

>> No.19099791

>stop at red light on my way home from the grocery store
>blasting some music with the windows down, not many people on the road
>seconds later, another car slowly rolls up next to me
>at about 3:30ish in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ_UeBxEQPQ
>glance over and see blank stares from the occupants
>green light, we both go our own ways

So, anons. That brings a thought to mind. Imagine a mamono. Any mamono. Now imagine she was the sole occupant of that other vehicle.

How does she react?

>> No.19099792
File: 3.97 MB, 2122x2619, 1492424741655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19099871


>> No.19099802
File: 1.33 MB, 2300x1900, 1527024160720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Public sex
Male transformation, within limits
Switch dom

>> No.19099805
File: 65 KB, 579x900, Pure succubus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What an odd fellow

>> No.19099807
Quoted by: >>19099850

A cow purist. Excellent. You have my respect.

>> No.19099816


>Emotional healing

Voyeurism gets an honorable mention.

>> No.19099822
File: 251 KB, 1200x1818, ABnubis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet a anubis has the most strict workout regime

>> No.19099835
File: 891 KB, 998x1394, 66636039_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When portals open make sure to have all your papers in order. Or you will get arrested by MG police.

>> No.19099838
File: 432 KB, 696x826, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your greentext gave me a different idea:
>Have holst waifu
>You're driving around town at night
>Pull up at a red light
>Holst waifu gets agitated
>Starts trying to rape you when you're driving
>Pull over and let her have her way with you because there's no way you can stop her at this point
>After a good half hour she finally calms down and your resume your drive
>Pull up to another red light
>The whole process repeats
>Try to get clever and drive down some side streets
>Your headlights shine on the red stop sign
>She rapes you again
>This happens about 15 times before you make it home at 5AM in the morning
Having a holst or mino waifu is harder than it sounds at times

>> No.19099850

I just can't help myself around them, their powers are too great.
I don't know man that just sounds like date night to me.

>> No.19099864

>big butt mg cop
I'll just get myself arrested on purpose by grabbing it.

>> No.19099871

I want to write a story about a kejourou, but I don't have any ideas.

Marrying the eel whore!

>> No.19099881
Quoted by: >>19103989

Hairdresser kejourou.

>> No.19099887
Quoted by: >>19099908

>want to write a story about a kej
>calls other girls whores

>> No.19099908

It's not my fault, it's translation.

>> No.19099909

How do you make stubborn MG daughterus eat their veggies?

>> No.19099916
Quoted by: >>19099927

Cum topping on top

>> No.19099919 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 456x448, 1527303664472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19099927

By eating their vaggies.

>> No.19099921

Damn it... I read that as 'stillborn'

>> No.19099927

These >>19099916 >>19099919

>> No.19099934

I've found making a bowl of pudding and dipping carrots and celery into it as a dip works. Although the wife makes it seem much lewder.

>> No.19099967

I tease her weakness with a smug smile and ask if that's the might of a dragon.

>> No.19099969

My daughteru loves food anon, she'd eat her veggies without any encouragement!

>> No.19099972
File: 64 KB, 182x192, 1510359046139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to wiki to nab any new cheshire pics I haven't tracked down.
>Dicks everywhere

Why is the wiki such a fucking shit stain?

>> No.19099978

Not defending them but, you can choose to ignore stuff you don't like.

>> No.19099981

>Not blindfolding your Holst so you make it home at a reasonable hour, then taking off the blindfold in a cushioned red room and letting nature take its course

>> No.19099982

I don't like being lactose intolerant, but that doesn't mean I can just ignore it.

>> No.19099986

I'm well aware, it just pisses me off.

>> No.19099992
Quoted by: >>19100065

It's retribution for all the Cheshire avatarfagging

>> No.19099993

Futafags are cancer. They push it down everyone's throats. It's clear that the wiki is run by them. They'll reject most other fetish content from the wiki, but futa is given an exception

>> No.19099994
Quoted by: >>19100024

Succubus are too slutty to be cutesy housewives

>> No.19100018

I wanna fuck a pregnant holst

>> No.19100024
File: 79 KB, 928x575, pregnancy hormones are a powerful drug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lies and slander!
Pregnant MGs are the best

>> No.19100035
Quoted by: >>19100082

>in MGC there are men with rap sheets that could wrap around a city block
>not because they are criminals, but because some monstergirl cops keep arresting them on trumped up charges so they can spend some time in the "interrogation room"
>the arresting officer also hopes her repeat offender will get sentenced to house arrest (her house, of course)

>> No.19100039
Quoted by: >>19100081

Do you want to get calcium poisoning? Because that's how you get calcium poisoning.

>> No.19100043

I want to fuck a baby holst!

>> No.19100045

I need a World-Class Doragon.


>> No.19100065
File: 18 KB, 273x278, 1511385628828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19100087

You do realize that there's more than one of us right? I'm the other cheshire poster's shitty inbred cousin, complete with flamethrowers and chainsaw hands.

I will now use said flamethrowers and chainsaw hands to purge this

>> No.19100072
Quoted by: >>19100084

anyone that likes Cheshire is a faggot one way or another

>> No.19100081

It's completely natural and encouraged, all pregnant monster girls should be dicked repeatedly during their pregnancy.
Worth it.

>> No.19100082

What are you even supposed to do when a dirty cop keeps getting you arrested?

>> No.19100084
Quoted by: >>19100616

As a cat person, I'm obligated to automatically like all Cat MGs.

Even the Cait Sith.

>> No.19100087
Quoted by: >>19100104

tfw no space paladin gf with a flamethrower and chainsaw fist

>> No.19100098

Rape them.

>> No.19100104

Well I sure hope you can do without handjobs cus she's gonna bring you a whole new meaning to "edging."

>> No.19100105
Quoted by: >>19100128

>Lonely Kej runs an onsen inn out in the sticks
>she's very lonely but only old bald men come into her store anymore
>none of them look at her hair, they're all dirty old breast men
>one day a bancho with a huge pompadour comes in, he's left his gang and is debating cutting it
>kej catches him staring at her hair while she brushes it
>she finds his collection of high-end products for pomp maintenance, decides he's the one
>she pulls out all the stops to make him love her
>pours his sake by wringing it from her hair
>repeatedly tricks him into touching it
>She even gets him to use it as a towel
>he goes bananas, fucks her bangs with his pompadour and they live happily ever after

>> No.19100115
Quoted by: >>19100137

I want to teach a bunch of little Sabbath lolis all the joys and wonders of shoplifting!

>> No.19100127

not much you can do. they have their own Miranda rights
>You have the right to a handjob
>Anything you say can and will be used against you in the bedroom
>You have the right to a wife
>If you do not have a wife, one will be provided for you
>With these rights in mind, do you wish to marry me?

>> No.19100128
File: 57 KB, 340x460, 1523113725691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19100154

Everyday we stray further from the light of god.

>> No.19100137

I need to call the MG police and stop you

>> No.19100154
Quoted by: >>19100178

t. balding

>> No.19100178

Hair is not a sexual orifice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.19100183
Quoted by: >>19100211

Tell it to the Kej, pal. You're going downtown.

>> No.19100203

Brush the bunyip.

>> No.19100211
File: 61 KB, 640x798, 1513550041644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19100255

You'll never take me ali-mpmphphmmph

>> No.19100255

And it's thanks to the long dick of the law that just ass was served.

>> No.19100330
File: 337 KB, 730x973, 1495355790497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19100363

I want to watch porn while my
Kiki is under the table giving me a blowjob. How dutiful!

>> No.19100363
File: 232 KB, 768x1024, naughty kiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't have that happen and not expect to eventually wake up in the middle of the night, tied down to the bed, your maid's fat ass bouncing on you as she tries to stifle her moans, can you? Even the most dutiful and composed of maids will have her breaking point.

>> No.19100448
File: 21 KB, 550x430, RobotDevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fuckers, I've decided to make a deal with you. I'll give you you're waifu.

BUT, seeing as none of you little shits deserve happiness given you're complete inability to actually strive to achieve it. I'm going to make you fucking work for it.

You have three methods for getting your waifu.

Method 1:Succubisation
On the night of the next new moon you're waifu will appear in your house in the darkest place possible. (A broom closet, the basement, etc. The only requirement is the complete and total lack of light in that spot.) However she will appear in her traditional monster form even if she doesn't actually have a normal monster form (Succubi, inari, etc.) The point is it will be a very unpleasant and horrific sight. She will have no regard for you as a human and will immediately try to kill you and fulfill her bloodlust. The only way to stop this is to restrain her and rape her. That's right anon, your going to succubise her. Gradually, she will turn into her normal monster girl form, and her temperament will change to match. But it will take some time. If you're waifu is a dragon or another super powerful monster. I suggest you pray, but I'm not even sure if God can help you.If you're triggered by my uses of your and you're this will be the method you go through by default unless you pick the mystery box.

Method 2: Rape Stay Night
On the morning following the next new moon. You will wake up to find your waifu in bed with you. On your hand you will find three command seals that will force your waifu to perform any actions to the best of her ability. In addition to this, every other anon out there praying for a waifu will also receive the same. In 2 years time your waifu will dissolve into ash unless you kill all the other anon's waifus. There can only be one.And yes, if you produce any children in that time frame they too will dissolve into ash. No, nobody can be revived if they die.

Method 3: Completely normal waifu
On the night of the next new moon you will meet your waifu completely by accident, and you'll some how hit it off with each other. You'll go on a few dates, and eventually you'll decide to go steady, but there is no such thing as mamano mana, meaning she has no obligation to love you just because you put your penis in her. If you don't put any effort into the relationship or otherwise neglect her or hurt her, she has every right to leave you. She can cheat on you, disagree with you, and all the other horrible things that come with being their own person. Her body won't change just to suit your wants and preferences. She'll have her own dreams, opinions, and kinks. She won't just put your feelings first by default. That being said, she's not going to just hurt you for no reason, so you have nothing to fear.Right?

Of course these aren't the only methods, there's always....the mystery box.

>> No.19100469
Quoted by: >>19100524

Well what's the mystery box?

>> No.19100474

Just alp my shit up senpai

>> No.19100486

>Method 1

>> No.19100487
Quoted by: >>19100495

How do I rape a real Kitsune

>> No.19100495

I believe the technical term is "yiff"

>> No.19100503

Dark Slime, Shoggoth, Will o Wisp

Sexy lingerie, bondage, fringe science, delinquents/bad girls, tsundere

>> No.19100505

1 is the best option for me, I'm not above a little bit of bestiality if it means the ultimate dream.

>> No.19100512

3. Hopefully nobody else will like her.

>> No.19100515
File: 1.85 MB, 1197x1947, 67188946_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19100521

But anon, she's already full monster.

>> No.19100517

I'll take this guy when you're done, Robot Devil.

>> No.19100521

Shitty fucking choice for option one or three, not too bad at all for option two.

>> No.19100524 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.04 MB, 992x1403, 1527311445354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inside the mystey box is....A noose!While you're suffocating to death, no doubt you will probably hallucinate due to your brain's rampant oxygen deprivation. During which there is a slim chance you will actually dream of a life spent with your waifu. But if that isn't satisfactory for you, you can always venture into the....mystical cave of wonder.......

>> No.19100532

I'll take option 3, because i'm 100% confident my waifu would love me more than anyone else.

>> No.19100533
Quoted by: >>19100658

Well what's in the mystical cave of wonder?

>> No.19100539

Stop giving Wisps a bad name. They are more than mere suicide spirits.

>> No.19100545
Quoted by: >>19100658

>mystical cave of wonder
You mean the Matango pit? No way, Robot Devil!

>> No.19100556
Quoted by: >>19100614

How strong is a wisp?
A lot of souls would be opposee to her so she would need a way to force herself upon them

>> No.19100560
Quoted by: >>19100614

Yeah! They probably appreciate a good accident or well-placed homicide, too!

>> No.19100574
Quoted by: >>19100658

>A noose!
Well slap my ass and call me Sayori! Today's my lucky day!
But since I'm feeling lucky, give me the cave.

>> No.19100580
Quoted by: >>19100652

How did shoggoth get so popular?

>> No.19100614
File: 507 KB, 832x1200, will o wisp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as Undead go, the ghost types are probably considered very powerful. It's unclear whether a Wisps fire is similarly destructive to real fire though. The profile says it can flare intensely.
I think a small appreciation for those is universal.

>> No.19100616
Quoted by: >>19100630

>Here let me defend my case by pointing out that I'm also a furry

>> No.19100630

Just gonna point out that that is a completely different fag, not that I particularly care if I piss you off PMSanon, but I just don't want any confusion going on in case I somehow get pinned by you and your reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetardation.

>> No.19100633
Quoted by: >>19100641

>She can cheat on you
Yo there's being your own person and there's being a complete piece of shit. You say she's not going to hurt me for no reason, but then she'd surely break up with me long before hopping in some other dude's bed.

>> No.19100637

You don't belong here.

>> No.19100641
Quoted by: >>19100657

Most people wouldn't love monsters.

>> No.19100644

You belong here.

>> No.19100652
File: 56 KB, 170x600, meidos contrasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maids are loved everywhere, and she has one of KCs best designs for a monster that had little exposure. Also her profile is very interesting.
Her rise to popularity came when she became the threadcanon sister species to Kikimoras, and then KC went and made official art to write it in stone. Cute Shoggies did the rest.

>> No.19100657
Quoted by: >>19103627

I don't believe this meme. No man with a functioning penis would refuse a monstergirl when she was blatantly throwing herself at him.

Even more so when it's a wight

>> No.19100658 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 500x493, 1527313045673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19100675


you go into the mystical cave of wonder and find that the walls ooze viscous slime that sticks to everything it touches. You try to wipe it off on your pants only to find you've just covered your shirt in it,[/spoiler} And it's starting to crawl all over you. You scream as it spreads across your body reaching your mouth and plunging down your throat. Your voice is snuffed out, and the slime continues to fill out every part of you, your blood vessels, your brain, your lungs. Your mind melts as your body becomes a mere puppet. You watch in horror as you make your way out of the cave, unable to fight back against the pull of the slime. For reasons you can't fathom you find yourself going through the motions of your life as if it was completely natural to do. Everyone stares at you though. Not only that, but some times you feel an overwhelming ecstasy and there's a voice that speaks to you. You can't understand what it's saying but it's almost affectionate, no matter how hard you try to shut it out it pierces your mind. A few months pass and you catch it, a glimpse, you see yourself in the mirror. Rather, you see what's left of yourself, consumed by the slime. The voice speaks, and for the first time ever you understand what it's saying.

"Don't we look so cute together, Honey?"

You have no mouth and you must scream.

>> No.19100675
File: 1.04 MB, 920x1330, High Orc Barb colored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Th-Th-The, Th-Th-The, Th-Th... That's all, folks!

>> No.19100691
File: 221 KB, 689x527, D661FF6C-F000-41A3-BD3E-5ED1BA889EEB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we like this?

>> No.19100693

Well....goodnight thread.

>> No.19100708
Quoted by: >>19100716

>ywn get seduced by the monstergirl versions of the three stooges
Why live anons?

>> No.19100709

Don't lump me in with you.

>> No.19100712

Doppel> Rach > Lala
She's in my top 3

>> No.19100716
Quoted by: >>19102464

>anon gets raped by 3 Wurms

>> No.19100717

Speak for yourself anon, I'd like to think I bump this threads quality up, not down.

>> No.19100718

(In no specific order for MGs)
Childhood friend , gentle femdom, clothed sex,pillow talk, and hugs.

>> No.19100725
File: 500 KB, 1179x836, VCRCyzir (2.10) [F][A].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really nice sweater commission from VCR! A tall lovely older dark-skinned monster with in a sweater is like a match made in heaven, I love my wife.

Also I don't know if this was posted here yet, but Ramen drew a really fantastic Monster Girl Dungeon Crawling pic!


>> No.19100726
Quoted by: >>19100742

Why is Wock always touching up on her tittuus?

>> No.19100742

Because they're the lewdest dragons and she knows what she's working with.

>> No.19100744

Great Wock, and that group piece is really, really nice!

>> No.19100751
File: 306 KB, 1349x1632, 1456652348770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes suh!

>> No.19100799
File: 783 KB, 1139x1500, 1490668082244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got a baaaaad feeling about this, Sarge
Do you take her concerns seriously, squad leader anon?

>> No.19100819

Some anon posted some pages from Monster Musume in /v/, and it was from some extra chapter involving Wasp, Leech, and Kyuri. He didn't provide a source on where it came from, and the thread 404'd since it was a very off topic thread. Is there another scanlator doing those other than Pretty Anon? Because that extra chapter isn't on any of their release pages, nor is it on any of the reader sites that I know of.

>> No.19100822
Quoted by: >>19100827

We can just go home then.

>> No.19100827
Quoted by: >>19100828

Back to base? Just like that?

>> No.19100828


>> No.19100829

>I am arresting you for your crime of fantasizing!
>You perverted ero-glasses! I will never let you go!
>Why are you handholding me like we're lovers?!
>But you said you will never let me go..
>Th..That was my first handholding!

>> No.19100831
Quoted by: >>19100838

These threads don't really talk about EMG.

>> No.19100833

Discipline her for tempting fate

>> No.19100838

Well shit, I thought it got banished to /jp/ and became part of this. My bad then.

>> No.19100847

It was originally, but mge ended up consuming basically every other 'fandom' that is supposed to be part of this thread. Nowadays if you mention EMG people here will just call you a cuck and a furry for liking it.

>> No.19100851

Try /c/.

>> No.19100878

For some reason I was surprised that someone who likes chaos species also likes latex then I remembered Night-Gaunts are basically a latex fetish species.
They truly appropriated the fetish and they have so much more going for them that it's hard to think of it of them as "the latex fetish species".

>> No.19100920 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 3840x2160, 1499829616565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to go into any dungeon with a well balanced party. You never know what you may run into.

Artist is Ramen
Check out his twitter, it's full of some fantastic art this month.

>> No.19100926
File: 1.16 MB, 3840x2160, 1496140471915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to go into any dungeon with a well balanced party. You never know what you may run into.

Artist is Ramen
Check out his twitter, it's full of some fantastic art this month.

>> No.19100956
Quoted by: >>19100973

I seem to get away with general EMG posting for some reason.
Side content has never been really taken care of on their own website.

For any other extra stuff or 4koma books, just check the archives,
I think keeping that stuff around is too close to the line for pretty anon to step into 7shit territory.

They can TL it, but if they make it obvious, there's no reason to buy the books. Seeing as TTF/TF did a much better job of translating it.
No one wants a volume 4 where every other sentence has "itsy bitsy" in it besides pure meme shit

>> No.19100973

Like everything in this thread, the reactions to anything simply depend on the time of day.

>> No.19101047
File: 36 KB, 760x546, DUwiGJAWkAA_WqH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19101091

I want a Latenight cat

>> No.19101056

Praise your darling Kikimora

>> No.19101059

She has better senses than humans so maybe

>> No.19101071

She's adequate.

>> No.19101087
Quoted by: >>19101140

Only if she keeps bobbing her head on my cock while I'm having dinner

>> No.19101091

I want a Latnight catgirl late at night.

>> No.19101140

That's a bit cold. You should be more considerate of her needs.

>> No.19101231
File: 710 KB, 1169x951, 1482779076033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19101243


>> No.19101243

I'm gonna kiss her!

>> No.19101254
File: 244 KB, 900x1274, DeCY4mdUwAAenCe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't turn down a blowjob from a monster girl just because of her sharp teeth, right?

>> No.19101263

Absolutely not.

>> No.19101265
Quoted by: >>19101273

Monster girls are the only beings in the universe that you can implicitly trust with your penis.

>> No.19101273

Depends on the monster
Wouldn't want one of those "kill/vore" monsters on you.

>> No.19101281
Quoted by: >>19101304

What could you possibly hope to accomplish with such a shitpost?

>> No.19101282
Quoted by: >>19101312

Nope, but only cause said teeth act like demon silver or she's practiced well enough on Licking Fruit that I needn't be worried

>> No.19101288
Quoted by: >>19101312

I would specifically request them.

>> No.19101297

Stop my boredom.

>> No.19101304

Fuck if I know.

>> No.19101312

I'd be more afraid of a monster girl with demon sliver-like teeth. If she gets too into it the blowjob will quickly devolve into a bitejob and then she'll turn your dick into a broken faucet as she keeps biting it and making you cum without rest.

Good. There is something magical that happens when you entrust a monster girl whose mouth is designed to tear apart flesh to give you a safe gentle blowjob.

>> No.19101413
File: 617 KB, 720x876, 1460297853819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get dehydrated out in the sun. Go ask that nice plant for some nectar. It's for your own good.

>> No.19101467

I'll just walk around her, thanks

>> No.19101484
File: 92 KB, 835x679, MariNeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19101506

I only drink from the prettiest plants.

>> No.19101502

I'd pollinate that pistil, if you know what I mean.

>> No.19101506
File: 33 KB, 284x432, honeybee03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking plant nectar
No thanks. I'll let a honeybee girl drink it for me, fill up her stomach with it, vomit it back up into her mouth, chew it for awhile, and then spit it out in its new form, honey, to eat.

>> No.19101512
Quoted by: >>19101562

Honey is too sweet, I can't stand it. Tried to put some in my tea a couple times and the bitterness was just completely ruined!

>> No.19101515

That's fucking lewd.
Try to picture her letting the sweet honey slowly drip into your mouth from hers while she holds eye contact with you.

>> No.19101521

I really dig it when they stare you in the eyes while they do what they do. Makes me feel like a deer in headlights.

>> No.19101558
File: 477 KB, 2182x2800, Good news, everyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19101560

There are 1.8 BILLION planets in the habitable zones of their stars in our galaxy. Let's go check some out!

>> No.19101560
Quoted by: >>19101563

She looks like the kind of person who has towers of pizza boxes all over her house.

>> No.19101562
Quoted by: >>19101635

I love honey. I eat a couple spoonfuls of raw, unfiltered honey everyday. I've tried honey in my tea before; personally, I liked it, but tea is better with just sugar. It's easier to gauge how exactly how sweet you want it.
Honey is wet when it's freshly made, so it wouldn't be as slow as the stuff you have in your kitchen. But it wouldn't be too fast either I imagine. Maybe just a bit more viscous than saliva, perfect for those intimate moments. Tastier and sweeter too!
>Eyes locked onto each other
>Her mouth wide open getting every nearer towards yours
>More and more you feel her hot, steamy breath fill your nostrils and mouth simultaneously
>Her breath has a sweet smell to it
>Slowly the honey stored in her cheeks works its way down her warm, wet tongue, mixing in just a slight amount of her saliva
>Her hands hold your head in place, caressing and running her fingers through your hair
>The incredibly sweet honey slowly drips onto your eager tongue coating it more and more with each passing second
>Just as you're about to gulp down her sweet, sweet honey she pulls you in for a kiss
>The two of you pass the honey back and forth before you finally gulp it down
>The experience leaves the both of you entranced
>The two of you continue you to deeply kiss each other, the sweetness everlasting
>Each moment she gets ever more forceful with you, ready to copulate with you, the man of her dreams

>> No.19101563

Who would throw away perfectly good fort-building material?

>> No.19101568
File: 108 KB, 827x1063, 8c471de00cc33632f8d35d94352e9181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

>> No.19101591

Ictiosis is a mixed bag, some of their stuff is absolutely beautiful while sometimes they suffer from really bad uncanny valley.

>> No.19101594

Holy shit is right. The way the face is drawn makes her look like she's a retard

>> No.19101635
Quoted by: >>19101642

Bees are way too lewd.
>Her mouth wide open getting every nearer towards yours
This can be even more arousing if she has a monstrous mouth.

>> No.19101642
Quoted by: >>19101762

Unfortunately, considering the diet of honeybees as only being the honey. I can't imagine them having monstrous mouths. Not like a mershark or hellhound who needs sharp teeth to tear through meat,

>> No.19101699
File: 1.32 MB, 1501x972, 1459243760744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19101712

I want to see a Lich wander the world and expose charlatans and hoaxes!


>> No.19101701 [SPOILER] 
File: 366 KB, 750x1500, 1527334363493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is canonically the angriest / meanest MGE right now?

>> No.19101712

But she's an actual magic user.

>> No.19101716

Sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic but remains science nonetheless!

>> No.19101717

Meanest are still Manticores, angriest are probably Nachos.

>> No.19101762
File: 2.57 MB, 3096x2218, l4LnxPI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's ok. We can leave mandibles and other fearboner to bugs who aren't as sweet and kind-hearted as bees.
They do need cute lips though.

Manticores are the meanest.
I'm not too sure about angriest right now but Balrogs will definitely take that role once they're released.
Just imagine a large muscled fire demon girl who contains within her the raging eruptions of the most dangerous volcanoes.

>> No.19101788
File: 422 KB, 900x3810, 1527050946005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading the original Jurassic Park and Lost World novels
>they're way spookier than the movies
Not cute or whimsical at all! Dinosaur bad! Dinosaur bad!

>> No.19101836
File: 656 KB, 754x1021, Fashioptrix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translators note: dinosaur means terrible lizard.

>> No.19101856

The first JP had pretty poor pacing for a movie, and the climax was silly. Some of the scenes were spookier but it would have made for a less iconic film.
The Lost World had a tiny cast compared to the movie, but I really wish they would have carried over the flashlight scene.

>> No.19101858
File: 40 KB, 450x600, rip&tear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly its the dormouse. Truly rage incarnate that's why they sleep so much, all that anger burns them out.

>> No.19101871

More like tear up since she woke up and hubby isn't home!

>> No.19101904

That looks like a girl who can't go to the bathroom alone at night.

>> No.19101924

I'll escort her to the bathroom, but the deal is I get to watch her pee

>> No.19101939

I want to meet the leader of a hugely muscle porc horde and find that shes a chubby, shortstack High Orc

>> No.19101941

I live how easy this is. 3 without a doubt.

>> No.19101944

Deep down, do we all just want our equal?
Someone to spend the nights caressing and the days striding towards the future.
A partner who can intuit your thoughts and laugh at your sense of humor, who might not have all the same knowledge but "gets" you regardless.
The wellspring of stability in comfort in a shifting, uncaring world. Eminently familiar yet a source of constant surprises.
Love unconditional not because they're simpleminded or locked to some instinct, but because in all their great intellect they've come to appreciate you and your flaws more than anything else in the world.
A dancer who never misses a beat, the other side of a flawless duet, your indubitable partner in crime.

Our better half.

Isn't that what we want?

>> No.19101957
Quoted by: >>19101966

I just wanna shag some mice

>> No.19101966

I hear you.
Buff mice, chub mice, or cow mice, I just want mice!

>> No.19101975
Quoted by: >>19101996

The only vermin I'd try for is a fire rat.
Gotta get in that kung fu hustle.

>> No.19101976

I want to rub my cock between her thighs

>> No.19101983
Quoted by: >>19102023

I feel like I've read this before but yes, exactly. The key is to have someone that you can make happy in a way only you can.

>> No.19101988

>ywn have a pack of chubby, well endowed mice all trying to feed you their breast milk while riding your dick raw
It gives me a deep, spiritual pain anon. I don't understand what makes mice so high tier, but bless those girls. They're the cutest and the lewdest!

>> No.19101996

I'm Ok with all three, I just want some variety in the bodies.
A tomboy fire rat would be good to start with though.

My brother, you understand me.

>> No.19102023

It's not a pasta, but also not an original sentiment.

I just really want my waifu. I don't know her name, I don't know her appearance or personality even, really.
I'm sure my enduring love of Mamizou would influence something.

Each night I dream that I will wake with her beside me, and we'll both know our desire was somehow fulfilled. Perhaps we died, maybe the world changed. But we're together, and would cling until we couldn't any more, afraid that the dream might end.

And then, of course, I wake up alone.

>> No.19102031

Don't judge everything on looks alone, that's one of the ways the most dangerous lure you in. Everyone knows to be afraid of the dragon, nobody expects the cuddlemouse.

>> No.19102033

>Smallest (height-wise) is also the youngest.
>She's also the bustiest
>Always comes up to 'oniichan' and offers him her milk before the others an

>> No.19102225
File: 2.68 MB, 1800x2400, 68914561_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19102235

An evil cat in heat, prime for impregnation

>> No.19102275



>> No.19102308
File: 602 KB, 1024x768, 1520895752978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cum inside of fat cat ass

>> No.19102328
File: 213 KB, 800x800, 0736AB7E-62CD-43C8-9A00-AC6040E2C265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but dragon ass.

>> No.19102331

Imaigne being the closest human male to a catgirl in heat. I would be hard dealing with her.

>> No.19102337
Quoted by: >>19102360

>Be born to a normal human family
>Grow up in a monster friendly neighborhood
>Your parents don't know much about monster girls
>The local monster cakes keep trying to rape you but are always accidentally scared off by your oblivious parents
>The day you turn 18, you get a phone call from your friend who lives across the street
>He invites you over but sounds pretty nervous
>You guess your friends are throwing a surprise party for you and play along
>There's a windowless van outside your home when you head out the door
>You pay no attention to it and walk around behind it
>The rear doors burst open and you're yanked inside
>The van starts up and drives off
>Looking up from the floor, you realize the predicament you're in
>There's Cassie, the 43 year old Manticore who lives down the street
>Dana, also 43 and a Manticore (no relation) from next door
>Elizabeth the Succubus, 48, who lives on the next street
>And offering a "Hi cutie!" as she drives is Mary, the 51 year old Demon who followed you from school to school as the school nurse
>You feel a prick in both arms and realize you've been given a double dose of Manticore venom

>> No.19102353
File: 3.81 MB, 1748x2480, 8166253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19102861

This is now a no honk zone, dude. I better not catch anyone honking!

>> No.19102360
Quoted by: >>19102399

How do those girls go so long without raping anyone?

>> No.19102397

>4 ears

>> No.19102399
Quoted by: >>19102578

They made a decision a long time ago and are nothing if not persistent.

>> No.19102417

Who's better at exposing a fraud than an actual mage? That's right, nobody.

>> No.19102464

They wouldn't even be able to figure out how to undo your belt

>> No.19102578
Quoted by: >>19102797

They couldn't get the father while they were in highschool so they decided to get his son?

>> No.19102734
File: 288 KB, 941x889, 62326212_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19102784
Quoted by: >>19103084

I want to bend that wight over a table and pound her while her legs dangle!

>> No.19102797

I feel like I’ve seen that anime before.
Oh yeah it’s Tenchi Muyo!

>> No.19102861

Dammit Chen.

>> No.19102870

It's hard to type one handed

>> No.19102872

So what

>> No.19103030

I'd tell my Hellhound daughterus that it's a shame that a man is stronger than them since I can eat my veggies

Unfortunately the wife overheard this and practically overdosed on broccoli

>> No.19103049
Quoted by: >>19104301

You could of just told them that girls who don't eat their veggies get Baths

>> No.19103056
Quoted by: >>19103171

Because clearly you can see 4 ears in the pic.
Please make an appointment with your nearest optometrist anon.

>> No.19103079
Quoted by: >>19104318

Can confirm that this works. My Hellhound wife and daughters are currently going through their third pound of carrots of the day. They've already eaten five whole sweet potatoes each because I told them that their mofu will so much prettier thanks to all the good nutrients in them and all the boys will fall over themselves to date them.

>> No.19103084

I want to alternate between tenderly fucking a loliwight's mouth and pulling out to press her cheek against my cock, and tell her to get a good close look at the thing going in her ass soon while she stares at it with shining, heavy-lidded bedroom eyes.

>> No.19103098

Ive never gotten why people act like broccoli is disgusting

>> No.19103123
Quoted by: >>19104190

it's a matter of taste really

>> No.19103171

Somebody didn't watch Kemono Friends i see

>> No.19103205

Of course not, the teeth make it more exciting.

>> No.19103212
Quoted by: >>19103234

I want my dominant momster to shave my legs!

>> No.19103221
Quoted by: >>19103236

I just can't stand how bitter it is.

>> No.19103234

But why?

>> No.19103236
Quoted by: >>19103538

Really? I've never noticed that.

>> No.19103250
Quoted by: >>19103516

Maybe it’s for his swim meet.

>> No.19103269
Quoted by: >>19103474

Because sonus shouldn't have all that unsightly excess hair!

>> No.19103474

What monsters like hairy men and which ones like smooth?

>> No.19103516

I can see a high school boys swim meet being sold out because of all the desperate CC monstergirls who want to oogle the swimmers in their speedos.

>> No.19103526

They are no longer allowed to attend.

>> No.19103537
Quoted by: >>19103587

>All those CCs at a swim meet
>None at hockey
Its a tough life in the rink

>> No.19103538

I've heard this a bunch of times, but I don't understand. Broccoli is easily one of the most bitter food I can think of.
Maybe it's something location related? I know that the tomatoes I get here are basically just water, while mediterranean tomatoes are pretty nice.

>> No.19103544

Maybe, I don't taste anything bitter about it.

>> No.19103554
Quoted by: >>19103559

What happens if you one night stand a CC monster?

>> No.19103559

She goes yan

>> No.19103587

Oh please. You still get desperate CC MGs at the ice hockey games, they’re just all Ice Queens, Yetis, and White Horns.

>> No.19103596
Quoted by: >>19103606

Broccoli isn’t bitter when you put a shit ton of cheese on it.

>> No.19103601

Would be nice then, although you forgot the yukis.
I wonder which would go for the goalie though

>> No.19103604

Don't you get hurt a lot in ice hockey?
I think a team had 2 of their players throats slashed by the skates.

>> No.19103606
File: 26 KB, 419x296, 1470259843643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19104324

Or you could just eat it.

>> No.19103612

Depends, you have to be pretty unlucky to have your throat get cut, most injuries, aside from bruises and cuts, are tears, broken bones, and sprains

>> No.19103627

Some people might not like the monster bits and that's not to mention the other people who still call monstergirls furfags.

>> No.19103639
Quoted by: >>19103654

>The girls who bully anon at school come to one of the hockey team's games.
>Their smug smiles evaporate when anon gets checked into the dividing wall and doesn't get back up.
>The Cheshire that leads them almost looks like she's gonna cry when the medics come onto the field, declare that he has a concussion and a broken arm and then stretcher him out.

>> No.19103654

I actually saw that happen to one of my teammates, got spun around in the air and had a concussion.

The ironic part is that you're pretty safe as goalie.

>> No.19103666

>you have to be pretty unlucky to have your throat get cut,
Monster girls would probably get hockey banned if they witnessed that.

>> No.19103671

Or at least lobby to get the blades made of something safer like Demon Silver.

>> No.19103674
Quoted by: >>19103677

Hey, you run that risk in everything!'
Its less common than you think, along with not as fatal as youd imagine

>> No.19103677
Quoted by: >>19103683

Yeah but then you wouldn't get to see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY89WmecbkM

Yeah it just completely ruins your chance at playing again.

>> No.19103678

You're not SUPPOSED to step on people either.

>> No.19103683
Quoted by: >>19103706

Are you kidding?
Once that shit heals up you can just get on the ice again and maybe go back to wearing a neck guard

>> No.19103686
File: 2.17 MB, 1678x1930, leaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be pretty brutal. I played for over a decade when growing up, and I had 2 broken arms, 2 concussions, a dislocated shoulder, a slew of miscellaneous sprains, bruises, and cuts, and once I got taken off on a stretcher after getting slashed in the windpipe. Still a great sport though.

>> No.19103706
Quoted by: >>19103746

Tell that to Clint.

>> No.19103726
File: 1.88 MB, 1350x2100, 68856176_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind that not all loli foxes are innocent balls of fluff. Some are very cunning creatures.

>> No.19103746
Quoted by: >>19103819

HEy, if you don't want to bounce on then so be it, some do and some don't

>> No.19103757
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x1836, Selene doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would give the swordlim a new sword

>> No.19103758

The real problem with loli foxes is they only have one tail.
Fortunately that’s pretty simple to remedy.

>> No.19103770
File: 2.94 MB, 3000x3816, 1524424895096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard choices every time.

>> No.19103785


>> No.19103813


Cute snek

>> No.19103819

Well I guess being a suicidal alcoholic didn't help much.

>> No.19103825

he knows you will buy all 3

>> No.19103857

I choose B for that Bust!
But you'll probably get all three, which is even better.

>> No.19103861

I wounder what a guy preparing to fight a seductress thinks when he encounters a warrior?

>> No.19103880

Ironically, he'd probably be seduced.

>> No.19103882

B since there's more going on

>> No.19103888

B is more interesting composition-wise.

>> No.19103912
Quoted by: >>19103977

Literally just think of any scenario where you would find a human girl and make her a Kejourou instead.

>> No.19103977

Not him but how would you go about this?

>> No.19103989

Would her skills translate to mofu care? Would she have a huge stable of CC regulars like inari and tanuki who all come to her because they have no husbands to help with fluff care?

>> No.19103990
Quoted by: >>19104014

Cursed shampoo.

>> No.19103996


>> No.19103997

>Warrior anon tasked with slaying a lilim breaks down the door
>"Aha! foul temptress of the night I have trained for many a moon to not... be...seduced?"
>Anon is rendered confused at the sight of one of the most infamous breeds of succubi decked out in a warriors outfit and armed with a longsword.
"Resistance to seduction you say? Excellent! That means nothing will distract you from our fight!"
>Anon doesn't no what to do, confronted with a sex monster wanting to battle first.

>> No.19104014
Quoted by: >>19104017

But what would the woman be like?

>> No.19104017
Quoted by: >>19104037

A Kej.

>> No.19104037
Quoted by: >>19104043

Before the transformation.

>> No.19104040
Quoted by: >>19104048

So you're the one that stained them.

>> No.19104042
Quoted by: >>19104062

What's rapebait to a MG?

>> No.19104043

Your average woman, with frumpy hair.

>> No.19104045

Yup definitely B

>> No.19104048

Yes anon. I go around cumming on random girls and hiding my SE behind seven magic walls.

>> No.19104062
Quoted by: >>19104146

A young office worker, tipsy after his fist work related drinking party and taking a shortcut through a back alley.

>> No.19104099

I want cunning little loli foxes to subtly manipulate me into raping them!

>> No.19104146
Quoted by: >>19104233

What if his MG boss and secretary are the ones who find him taking the shortcut? Sure, they're drunk too, but they couldn't possibly take advantage. Right?

>> No.19104160
Quoted by: >>19104181

whats even covering her breasts

>> No.19104181
Quoted by: >>19104195

Eel slime.

>> No.19104190

i find tomato disgusting but i eat it because its a vegetable

>> No.19104195

thats what i figured and am now wondering what paizuri would be like with her

>> No.19104233

Alone they couldn't but together even drunk monster girls are scary. Poor/lucky guy would get violated by his demon boss and her devil secretary.

>> No.19104266

How about this

>Soldier, either foreign or domestic, disenchanted with the stuff he's had to do in the line of service to his country or Order
>Finds himself in a Yūkaku to relieve stress
>Unbeknowest to him, it's one of the mamano brothels
>His hostess is a Kejorou
>They're sharing drinks-- and then the flashbacks hit him-- Summer heat, the smell of rotting fruit, sounds of dying men and monsters all around him (Since it's a pre-current DL war)
>Her touch brings him back down to Earth
>It's warm, sympathetic, and comforting
>She jostles her kimono in just the right way, letting him see her breasts pushing up against each other just the right way in their youthful firmness and fullness
>They fuck
>Whatever ending you want

Or conversely

>Anon meets Kejorou in a mountain onsen frequented by monsters but no people (Unless they're being fucked ragged in said onsen)
>Whatever you want

>> No.19104301
Quoted by: >>19104322

Truly a harrowing task having to bathe a family of stinky hellhounds

>> No.19104318
Quoted by: >>19104500

silly girls, I guess their mother hasn't told them how she got you, and it didn't involve you falling over yourself rather her uh, "falling" on you

>> No.19104322
Quoted by: >>19104338

Bathing the kids is easy, you just gotta bribe them with candy.
Its the mother thats a problem

>> No.19104324

What kind of god are you that you can eat Broccoli without steaming it or covering it in melted cheese?

>> No.19104326
Quoted by: >>19104354

Anon broccoli isn't even that bad, c'mon.

>> No.19104331
Quoted by: >>19105424

That's why I'll just stick to basketball, you'll just tear a few ligaments and maybe break a bone from falling.

To which the MG physical therapist will happily spend 9 months rehabbing your torn ACL with "experimental" exercises

>> No.19104338

Bribe her with dick

>> No.19104350

its also fine with some ranch

>> No.19104354

but nobody eats raw broccoli anon, it taste bad unless you do something to it.

>> No.19104370

I don't normally eat them raw either but like, it's not THAT bad.

>> No.19104375
File: 502 KB, 800x1139, 1511745356133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19104416

They're easily drawn to food though

>> No.19104376

broccoli doesn't even have a taste until you cook it
What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.19104385
File: 136 KB, 1000x1500, FB_IMG_1517905401685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually boil and blanch my broccoli, and then add it to a stir-fry.

Why are we talking about broccoli?

>> No.19104416

Can you convince a loli fox to touch your weird place in exchange for some fried tofu?

>> No.19104428

Fuck off duder.

>> No.19104452

That's a really cute plant. She has a cute outfit.

>> No.19104486
File: 1.03 MB, 1133x1600, 1526799336950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19104639

Very cunny creatures indeed!

>> No.19104500

They'll never know because my wife thinks that I'm even MORE smitten with her since she started eating her veggies! A con for the ages! Muahahahaha!

God help my pelvis if she ever finds out that I only said that so she'd eat her veggies and our girls would as well.

For any anons out there who want your girls to eat right, try what I've done. I even got them to eat curried lentils and potatoes yesterday and they only had a small helping of chicken compared to the veggies!

Oh and uh....it turns out that I was right about veggies making the mofu so much better. My wife's fluff is super soft and practically shiny right now. It makes our post-coital cuddles so much better.

>> No.19104572
File: 657 KB, 749x945, Spider cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19104611

Posting some Rach because she's a babe.

>> No.19104584
Quoted by: >>19104590

I bet its every young onis dream to work in a brewery

>> No.19104590

until they learn they're not allowed to drink all of it

>> No.19104596

I dunno, the employee discount may be worth it

>> No.19104604

At least, until they own the company. Then they can skim as much alcohol off the top as they want.

>> No.19104611
Quoted by: >>19104737

Rachnee is probably the only good girl in Kurusu's harem aside from Centorea. We really don't know anything about her outside of her trust issues (mostly stemming from her own physical limitations like when she hurt her original host family's daughter) but it does help make her more relate-able. Especially given she's in an alien environment that doesn't share her culture.

She's also far better written than Miia and will always be.

>> No.19104639
File: 786 KB, 850x1200, 63644798_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon that's a wan.

>> No.19104666
File: 1.54 MB, 4000x3000, 1517177618429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread has gone too long since a shit show , so how about a controversial question?
Who here is into monster but is also bi

>> No.19104673

I am not.
I will a stage 2 though

>> No.19104693
Quoted by: >>19104700

I can think of at least two named posters who are but lets not do this.

>> No.19104695
Quoted by: >>19104734

>Wants to look at strong men from behind the lines
>Turns into an Alp when a certain Lilim finds him

Strategists, not even once

>> No.19104700

You could just spoiler text it, my curiosity is intrigued.

>> No.19104706
Quoted by: >>19104739

Uh....I'm just gonna keep my thoughts to myself for the sake of the thread.

Anyways, how about them mamono wives? My hellhound and kiki are perfection.

>> No.19104715

>Bringing homosexual blog posting here
Get out

>> No.19104734

>Dont know if I want to do wizard and bend the fabric of reality to perform my fetishes or fighter to go full hot blooded action.

I may take the middle ground and do muscle wizard

>> No.19104737

Lala is better than all of them.

>> No.19104739

If you marry a kiki, does she keep being your maid or does she become a housewife?

>> No.19104742
Quoted by: >>19104782

Primarily a housewife but there's always room for some sweet, sexy maidplay!

>> No.19104750
Quoted by: >>19104761

>Who here is into monster but is also bi
As in 'being the alp' or 'shagging the alp'?

>> No.19104752

Title formally becomes housewife with daughterus covering the maid title when they aren't at school

>> No.19104761

Avoid both to be safe

>> No.19104775 [DELETED] 
File: 382 KB, 869x1273, rmm_036_019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Scyllae throat rape their husbands with their tentacles if they're being unfaithful?

pic kinda related

>> No.19104782

Seems like some kiki wives might accidentally get too into the maid "play" and go right back to cleaning like before if you don't stop them.

>> No.19104784

I am. I like girls better though, and definitely like having a dick.

>> No.19104816
Quoted by: >>19104846

What the hell those are not boy legs

>> No.19104844

How do you deal with a little Wendigo daughteru who has figured out what her Wendi screams do to people and creatures around her and just loves abusing it?

>> No.19104846
Quoted by: >>19104856

Eunuch-ay snippy snippy

>> No.19104849
File: 289 KB, 640x360, 1521831655629.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off to /lgbt/ with your garbage nigger.

>> No.19104856


>> No.19104862

Go away.

>> No.19104882

Cant I just ask her for it?

>> No.19104899

Throat rape is not acceptable if it doesn't involve her tongue.
She can just immobilize him with her tentacles and rape him so thoroughly that he won't even think of upsetting her anymore. She could even cover his entire body with sucker marks so that he learns his place.

>> No.19104914
File: 221 KB, 929x834, k7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should you do if your Anubis goes baby crazy?

>> No.19104919

Schedule procreation for a few decades into the future.

>> No.19104920
Quoted by: >>19104934

Out a baby in her

>> No.19104934
Quoted by: >>19104943

But how do I get my penis inside her without touching her paw pads and ejaculating immediately? Bondage?

>> No.19104938

Double the amount of daily anal session until she enters heat.
Everyone knows buttsluts start to ovulate with enough rear stimulation.

>> No.19104943
Quoted by: >>19105041

You stop cumming in an instant

>> No.19104967
File: 1.33 MB, 1141x1920, 1521928825547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the world famous explorer from the Rabbit Kingdom, Sophita Cottontail! Say something nice!

>> No.19104974
Quoted by: >>19104989

She's chunky for an explorer.

>> No.19104978

What an attractive haircut!

>> No.19104985

>7.5 million
What does that number mean?

>> No.19104988

Amount of men who have creampied her

>> No.19104989
Quoted by: >>19104996

I'd be more than willing to pump her full of kids and take responsibility

It's to aid in seduction!

>> No.19104991

She's weak to anal!

>> No.19104996

Oh, so she's one of those people who want to fuck someone from every single nation and tribe?

>> No.19105004

But that's a handler, anon.

>> No.19105012

No, it just helps her out when when she's in a tough spot and needs to convince a guy to help.

>> No.19105013

Exploring for an explorer husband!

>> No.19105022

I want to read her cock review revue when she's done! And then travel to the country that has the worst dicks to find a wife! Turns out it's Amazons and I'm in for lifelong sexual slavery

>> No.19105040

>Explorer Rabbit making her way through a dense, uncharted jungle.
>Filling out a map as she goes.
>Hears the slicing of vines nearby in the opposite direction.
>A Human in a pith helmet with a machete appears.
>They stare at each other for a while, then approach.
>Without saying anything, she pulls out her unfinished map and holds it out.
>The Human does the same, his map is also unfinished, it's missing what she's explored.
>They put their maps together.
>They make a complete map.
>She gasps and her pupils turn to hearts.

>> No.19105041

I can't do that, anon. Her pads just feel too good!

>> No.19105057
File: 610 KB, 1200x675, 1200px-Weresheep49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flexing on these betas

>> No.19105069

The wooly bully just has show mucles, my weresheep wife is THICK with muscle and fluff!

>> No.19105070

The Champion of the Sheep Kingdom, the Wooly Bully!

>> No.19105072

That sheep looks evil. I need a wan to protect me!

>> No.19105078
File: 76 KB, 908x925, 1524936696783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what can you do for wan?

>> No.19105085

I want a tiny Kobold who thinks she's as big and intimidating as a dire Hellhound!

>> No.19105089
Quoted by: >>19105091

Would she do it for a scooby snack?

>> No.19105090
Quoted by: >>19105100

Draw baths, cook for her, worship her paws, that sort of thing.

A super aggressive but cowardly one like those chihuahuas who bark at big dogs and then run away the moment they look back at them?

>> No.19105091

Anon that's racist!

>> No.19105095

I can make good steaks?

>> No.19105097

I want a small little kobold to call me cute and tell me how I need her per protection.

>> No.19105100

>A super aggressive but cowardly one like those chihuahuas who bark at big dogs and then run away the moment they look back at them?
No, one who genuinely believes in herself and what she thinks she can do! None of that weenie coward stuff.

>> No.19105113

What do monsters think of humans

>> No.19105120

I want someone like that to take her childhood friend back from a slut who kidnapped him with the intention of NTR'ing her.

>> No.19105128
Quoted by: >>19105140

Go away.

>> No.19105129

A virgin with rage

>> No.19105135
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, madman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never be as big of a monstergirlfag as this guy

>> No.19105139

Fuck right off Shoggocks

>> No.19105140
Quoted by: >>19105146

>he doesn't want to see a tiny Kobold going to town on a succuslut
It's funny because it doesn't even hurt, but seeing her try so hard to rescue him makes her feel bad and she just gives him back.

>> No.19105146
Quoted by: >>19105161

Fuck off, ok?

>> No.19105151

Tiny fluffball kobolds standing proudly in superhero poses with smug faces! They're unstoppable as long as they believe!

>> No.19105152

He would later go on to torture his creation.

>> No.19105153

>implying I don't hug an Abomination in my dreamless sleep every night

>> No.19105155
Quoted by: >>19105176

Confusing and petty creatures who spend all their time fucking around with each other when they should be spending all their time fucking each other.

>> No.19105161


>> No.19105166

The dream!

>> No.19105174
File: 66 KB, 700x1001, 1502687958867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to hug them and ruffle their ears and there's nothing they can do against me!

>> No.19105176
Quoted by: >>19105183

Imagine one office lady monstergirl explaining hostile internet communities to her friend over lunch, how they just argue and argue with each other but argue even harder with outsiders. Such a waste of time, the friend thinks, they should just spend all that time with their wives.

An evesdropping oomukade who's "gone native" and can shitpost as hard as any bitter human has to bite her tongue and not correct every error the two make.

>> No.19105177

Headpats and bellyrubs while calling her a good girl

>> No.19105183
Quoted by: >>19105203

>oomukade who's "gone native" and can shitpost as hard as any bitter human
I'll find and marry her.

>> No.19105192

Soft,warm, and sweet smelling creatures that likes to hang out in groups and do silly cute things

>> No.19105203
Quoted by: >>19105210

>trolling IRC and creating new memes with your centipede wife

Sounds comfy.

>> No.19105210
Quoted by: >>19105216

Is this a Tomoko centipede or a Hex Maniac centipede? How do massive hips on an oomukade work, anyway? Is the entire lower body thick?

>> No.19105216
Quoted by: >>19105225

Thick human hips into a thick human body.
I'd love one all night long if she was a hex-maniac type

>> No.19105225
Quoted by: >>19105234

The Hexmukade is extra creepy, anon! You're going to wake up in the middle of the night to her kissing your face and sniffing your hair and going ehehe!

>> No.19105229

>tfw you will never get bitten by a cute dinosaur.

>> No.19105231
File: 1.77 MB, 5000x5000, mge levining .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19105234

Then I'd just need to give her the kiss on the lips and tell her how cute she is now wouldn't I?

>> No.19105235
File: 80 KB, 650x366, aquafall-defense-force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19105267

Retarded dragon girls

>> No.19105238 [SPOILER] 
File: 119 KB, 497x547, 1527375971278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19105271

>Remember the 7.5 million Tanukis that lost their pension sheckels!

She's such a nice gal, reminding everyone about that tragedy constantly. Makes it easier for them to pickup boyim.

>> No.19105244

What the fuck?

>> No.19105245
Quoted by: >>19105311

Who thought it was a good idea to add EMG girls to that image.

>> No.19105246
Quoted by: >>19105419

>Gets his arm ripped off
>Survives because all the blood goes to his dick
This son of a bitch makes KDF almost seem normal.

>> No.19105267

I miss those idiots, nice to see someone else watched it.

>> No.19105271
File: 581 KB, 768x768, GyouboDanuki4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the greater danuki Queendom

>> No.19105277

is this chart intentionally made to piss people off?

>> No.19105288

All three are for squeezing

>> No.19105295

I'm more confused than pissed, truth be told.

>> No.19105300

I'ma deflower you blonde daughter dude.

>> No.19105311
Quoted by: >>19105320

I don't see any EMG girls in there

>> No.19105317

Needs an update. Ghost to Phantom, and such.

>> No.19105320

Fuck off retard.

>> No.19105324

Are you sure it's not you? I see some non-MGE girls, but they certainly aren't from EMG.

>> No.19105328

Uh, I don't see them either. Who are you refering to?

>> No.19105331

He's right though

>> No.19105354

>three day weekend
>Spend the night sleeping for sixteen fuckin' hours instead of working on writing
Feels fucking bloggy man.

>> No.19105361
File: 790 KB, 900x1300, 68868849_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19105369

>> No.19105367
Quoted by: >>19105388

Could have been a good image if it just pointed out how they work, not that pokemon thing.

>> No.19105369

I feel like I should recognize this get-up from somewhere.

>> No.19105374
Quoted by: >>19105381

What would monster girl 4chan be like?

>> No.19105377

>Zombie to Anubis
>Not Pharaoh
This annoys me more than anything else in the picture.

>> No.19105380

i feel you man

>> No.19105381

Lots of reeing over /hbg/ being moved to /trash/, perhaps?

>> No.19105388
Quoted by: >>19105392

It could have been cool even with the pokemon shit added - as long as it's actually accurate. This looks like something done by someone who has only ever looked at the pictures.
Even then it's kind of iffy.

>> No.19105392

Yeah that too

>> No.19105402
Quoted by: >>19105406

>three day weekend
I gotta get out of the service industry...

>> No.19105406

I am in the service industry. The difference is that we're not counting jack shit this weekend for good reason. One of them being stores like 7-Eleven having sixty-four grand in beer alone in their cooler.

>> No.19105419
File: 565 KB, 1920x1080, thick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>co-worker he's known for years literally tells him she wants him to impregnate her
>not a single fuck was given that day or any day afterwards
>meets a dino-oni-spider-ayylmao lolibaba once
>eternal erection even after she bites his whole arm off in a fit of autistic rage
Our guy

>> No.19105424

MGs would ban tackle football outright. I played offensive and defensive line and I know I had more than eighteen concussions in the five years I played for my school. Playing “in the trenches” isn’t for the faint of heart I can tell you that.
Also what sports teams does your waifu like? If she likes sports of course.

I just want an Echidna waifu so that she and I can coach our own traveling softball team made up of our daughterus.

>> No.19105441

I'm going with A actually

>> No.19105513

A softball team of assorted species of daughters sounds really adorable. There’s something about a girl with her hair in a ponytail through a baseball cap that is so endearing.

>> No.19105523
Quoted by: >>19105729

wait whats this from it sounds cool

>> No.19105535

>banning a sport
Fuck that
I don't want MGs if they're going to turn the world into a nanny state

>> No.19105547

I really like C, but I feel like I’ve seen something like it before.

>> No.19105552

Demons would be pro-Momster State, Onis would be anti. Who else would participate in the war?

>> No.19105566
Quoted by: >>19105592

What would monstergirl produce fan fiction even be about

>> No.19105575

Fucking this.

Can’t they all just hit the locker room and bone their wives until they’re all patched up?

>> No.19105592

Self-insert isekai staring overpowered beautiful MC "Not-Lizardwoman" who defeats everyone super easily, minus one tricky antagonist. Perceptive readers will note that this antagonist is more powerful than they are in canon, but also have uncanonical speech patterns that resemble those of the author's childhood friend

>> No.19105605

Mamomo mana cures the concussions and resulting Parkinsons.
Even the most docile monster girl wants a strong husband.

>> No.19105607

Why are vampires always blonde and cute?

>> No.19105610

Silver and black haired ones are olev too.

In short, Vampires are olev.

>> No.19105612

An Alp giving you a rim!

>> No.19105615
Quoted by: >>19105628


>> No.19105621
File: 258 KB, 322x439, Vampaiyah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure but they get bullied a lot in official material.

>> No.19105628

(sound of a man who needs Alp rimming)

>> No.19105629

You've gotta be pretty flexible to rim yourself anon, impressive.

>> No.19105633
Quoted by: >>19105683

She caught Alraune pollen allergy. Unless someone shoved her head into one there's no bullying involved.

>> No.19105635
File: 722 KB, 1600x2000, 1526442527366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that two adopted momsters are better than one

>> No.19105641
Quoted by: >>19105683

To vex and lovingly torment your vampire wife is one of lifes greatest pleasures.

>> No.19105643

That is a lot of macaroni paintings to make. That's going to add up.

>> No.19105651
Quoted by: >>19105664

I would be weird explaining to my girlfriend why I have two moms.

>> No.19105657
Quoted by: >>19105688

Absolutely true, and a Pharaoh/Dark Elf momster pair like that is pure kino.

>> No.19105659
File: 39 KB, 480x480, DK2270HVoAARApi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19105672

I wish I could get random texts from weird monster girls who really wants to fuck me

>> No.19105660
Quoted by: >>19105670

Only if I can impregnate them

>> No.19105664
Quoted by: >>19105680

Silly Anon. If you've been adopted by two monstergirls, you won't have any girlfriends. You're going to marry your loving momsters of course

>> No.19105665

>[Anon, Come To Bed, Now.]
>"You heard her sweety, mommies want to cuddle~"

>> No.19105670
Quoted by: >>19105690

I'm pretty sure that's mandatory. Once you hit puberty, they'll find all sorts of reasons for you to shoot your baby-batter inside them.

>> No.19105672
Quoted by: >>19105687

Same. Monstergirls existing would make the world a better place. It would also improve the thread and hopefully make the discords less shit too.

>> No.19105673

I prefer sexy over cute. Blonde is good, but dark hair with pale skin is also top tier.

>> No.19105680

You're not the one who determines that. I'll find myself a cute girl who I met and start a relationship with her. I'd even ask my momsters how many grandchildren they wanted.

>> No.19105681
Quoted by: >>19105723

>"Sweety, which mommy has the bigger chest? You don't have to be nervous, just tell us honestly!"
>"...But it's me, right dear?"
>"Oh, its clearly me, we just want to hear you say it out loud~"
>Anon gulps, having just walked in the door from school

>> No.19105682
Quoted by: >>19105685

I want to get blacked by a pharaoh and a dark elf.

>> No.19105683
File: 108 KB, 320x439, Vampire psuedomatango.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19105693

What about this then?
The finest pleasure.

>> No.19105685
File: 78 KB, 544x416, book02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting graped can do that too

>> No.19105687

Would people still post in here if monstergirls wereal?

>> No.19105688

>Dark elf momster handles punishments when you've been a naughty boy
>Pharaoh momster makes sure you do things like brush your teeth and do your homework with her God Voice
I...I don't think I could come up with a better combination of momsters than that.

>> No.19105689

Name the best combo for this, and show your work/explain why.

>> No.19105690
Quoted by: >>19105746

>That awkward parent teacher conference where both are there, pregnant, and your teacher notices there’s no dad

>> No.19105691
File: 114 KB, 688x689, 1506999787736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19105718

What kind of mouse do you prefer anon? Brown fur, black fur, grey fur, charred fur?

>> No.19105693

>Even the mighty vampire falls to the effects of demonic produce

I'm guessing concentrated demon realm wine

>> No.19105703

I bet someone will post pics of their monstergirl parts here like paws, claws, tails or something.

>> No.19105707

Holst mom and dark elf mom.

>> No.19105708

Pharaoh and apophis. They want you to help turn the other into a mindless slut. Sometimes you'll walk into one of them caught in a shibari trap.

>> No.19105714

>Dark Elf momster edging you with a handjob as her boobs press against your back and she practically oozes against you with whispers of how you're a naughty boy into your ear
>Always stops just short of you finishing, biting her lip and telling you if you want to finally release you have to properly finish your homework, as she wants you to succeed and is still a responsible momster just like the Pharaoh too
>Anon becomes a state scholar/valedictorian student and when people ask his moms how he stays so motivated they just giggle

>> No.19105716

It'd be a honeypot ran by shy monstergirls turning to the internet. The random waifu questions would actually be by girls looking to change something about themselves to be more appealing, you'd have greentexts that were actually just propaganda for some monstergirl extolling the virtue of her species, and saddest of all you'd have prose stories by monstergirl authors that were basically just veiled love letters to a boy she doesn't think would ever take her as a wife

>> No.19105717

Look at all that MEAT!

>> No.19105718

Gray, black, or red, three way tie

>> No.19105723

>they give you a 'closer look' by squishing your head between their breasts
>"Go on, honey. 「Say I have the bigger chest.」"
>"Hey, that's cheating. We have to let Anon tell the truth. My breasts are larger."

>> No.19105726
Quoted by: >>19105768

I really like that one on the right.

>> No.19105729
File: 361 KB, 800x600, best couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19105752

Latest episode of Darling in the Franxx. Show is a hit or miss, depending on if you really like the cute oni girl and the main mc couple doing cute things like me. Otherwise, don't bother.

That guy in the pic is Dr. Franxx, who's one of us. Helped the two MC's get together

>> No.19105746

>"Our Anon is doing well, right? He's such a hard worker," one of the says, giggling and stroking her belly
>your succubus teacher just looks at their stomachs
>"Uuuh yeah. I csn see that..."

>> No.19105752
Quoted by: >>19105770

The world building in this series is fucking terrible.

>> No.19105757
Quoted by: >>19105771

>"Sooooo hard... working~"
>The other giggles and leans over to smooch the top of anon's head, lingering much longer than a regular mother would
>Succubus teacher sighs as both momsters' eyes start hearpupiling as they sigh and stare at anon between them, completely checked out of the conference

>> No.19105758
Quoted by: >>19105764

I wouldn't fuck my own momster, but I'd fuck anon's. If he went down the childhood path of course.

>> No.19105762

We need more monstergirls with freckles.

>> No.19105764
Quoted by: >>19105775

So your anon Bro/best friend has a childhood friend and is taken, but whenever you go to hang out at his house his momster is just a bit too clingy with you?

>> No.19105765

There could be a Pharaoh hiding her powerlevel and shitpost here too.

>> No.19105768

Funk's Vanessa is absolutely fantastic. And lewd-free too, all tasteful. Great stuff.

>> No.19105770

It really is, and this episode drove in the final nail on DitF being irredeemably mediocre. Like I said, I only started watching, kept watching, and keep watching, because of the main couple. As long as they get a happy ending, I don't care about the rest of the plot.

>> No.19105771
Quoted by: >>19105864

Although I'd be terrified to think how their competativeness would carry over into the pregnancy.

>My daughter is more lively!
>Well, I have two!

>> No.19105775

Yep. Things would get really nice once I went to his house alone while he was out playing with his childhood friend.

>> No.19105864
Quoted by: >>19105885

>"Anon, whose tummy is bigger now?"
>"Anon, you like my milk best, right?"
>"Anon, which mommy has the best hips?"
>"Anon, tell mommy she gives better blowjobs~"
Kids gonna have an iron will by the time he gets older.

>> No.19105885
Quoted by: >>19105897

Yep, he may just be prepared for daughterus giving him puppy-dog eyes

>> No.19105897

>Anon's twelve daughters visit home for Ra's day, each of them either royalty of their own kingdom, powerful CEOs or otherwise just very successful women
>"Gosh dad, you know we love you, but you were really strict compared to the other girls' dads! You made us work for everything! How'd you get so tough?"
>Anon just grins a bit as his wives giggle and squeeze him tighter between them, each the epitome image of a fertility idol

>> No.19105905

Nice, although one must wonder if his wives are going to start pushing for another batch

>> No.19105909
Quoted by: >>19105914

The only way to make things better is if the daughters grew up to be just like their mothers. I'm sure they'd be great mommies too.

>> No.19105914

>Each batch of daughterus pairs up to adopt their own kids

>> No.19105925

You know a mimic would make a really good merchant.

>> No.19105932

I wanna see what she can pull out of her box

>> No.19105934
Quoted by: >>19105951

I would imagine she would live a sign on chest saying "FREE GOLD INSIDE! ONLY MEN CAN GET IT!"

>> No.19105943
Quoted by: >>19105959

>"M-Mister Anon, u-uh- I mean, g-grandp-"
>"Save it kid, we'll be here all night. Just relax and share a beer with me while your momwives are in the kitchen."
>"M-mister Anon, I'm only just 16-"
>"Then trust me, you're gonna need this."
>"W-well, I... I have to tell you, it turns out that Halla and Elua are... are pregnant... I-I'm taking respo-"
>"Scratch the beer. Lemme grab the bourbon. Grats, by the way. Took ya long enough."

>> No.19105951

>Female human adventurer opens it to see Mimic-'chan' smoking a cigar and shuffling cards while she waits
>"Hey, beat it hussy, get your own spot."

>> No.19105953
Quoted by: >>19105973

back to /v/, but yeah they would. There is in fact a Mimic in my ideal MG adventure group for precisely that reason, as well as easy living quarters and an infinite vault.

>> No.19105955
Quoted by: >>19105963

Why would you let them do that? Just give them the wonders of having a genuine kid.

>> No.19105956

Pretty sure I've seen someone drew powerful Mimics as entire food trucks or even a conbini.

>> No.19105959
Quoted by: >>19105971

See, I wonder how long it will take young anon to realize that old anon isn''t that much older than the eldest daughterus

>> No.19105960

How do you know this isn’t happening already?

>> No.19105963

No, its more a joke that they're repeating what they're moms do.

>> No.19105971
Quoted by: >>19105977

>Anons slowly become buff and manly after impregnating both of the wives
>New and young ones are always scared, not knowing they will end up the same way

>> No.19105973

Do danuki's keep mimic chests?

>> No.19105977
Quoted by: >>19105987

I'm imagining they all stay shorter than their wives though, as they just can't resist loving the feeling of mommydoming their husband throughout life

>> No.19105987
Quoted by: >>19106017

With how much pampering the momwives would need and how slutty they'd get for the cock I doubt it, especially when they would be taken to such great lengths. Plus, looking menacing to the younger anons would only add to the fun.

>> No.19105989

Momster Fucking is just as bad as Daughter Dicking but you’re okay with it because your horny.

>> No.19105993

That's why you should fuck a girl, her om and sister and your daughter after she is born.

>> No.19105995

Anon im a daughteru fag and even I know your wronh.

>> No.19105996

Quiet, you!

>> No.19106000

What monstergirl would be most devastated by the fact that David Cage's latest garbage pile will be praised by people who want people to think "Games are Art" and will be glorified due to superficially resembling a movie despite the fact that it's shoddily written french garbage stealing from much better stories?

>> No.19106002
Quoted by: >>19106910

This, at least daughterufags are relatively self aware about their degeneracy.

>> No.19106004

Why does everyone have to get so fetishpolice
We get it, you don't like it. We get it, it would be absolutely abhorrent if you apply it to the real world as it is right now. Can we move on and talk about our desire to fuck monsters of a plethora of ages now

>> No.19106008

No, it isn't pedophilia. I mean unless you're imagining yourself as a shota.

>> No.19106011

People like you must be here for the absolute weirdest reasons

>> No.19106013

Why does daughteru dicking always have to be pedophilia? I'd only dick my daughteru if she was of age, fucko.

>> No.19106014
Quoted by: >>19106041

Connor chapters were all kino, fite me

>> No.19106016
Quoted by: >>19106041

Viddy gayes stay out

>> No.19106017

That's true. It's even funnier to imagine the growthspurts the anons would have at some point then.
One week they practically get lost in their momwives' cleavage, the next they're absolutely looming over them in bed while they rail them doggy style.

>> No.19106032

Once a man, always a man. I wouldn't even go near an alp let alone letting one give me a rimjob. Besides, when it comes to the succubus family monster girls, demons are more my style.

>> No.19106036

Can a hellhound overcome her urge to rape?

>> No.19106039

A Hellhound resisting the urge to rape is like Losenis resisting the urge to put hats on everything, or Bob resisting the urge to be gay.

>> No.19106041
Quoted by: >>19106048

Literally nothing made by Cage could ever be good, it's all QTEs and zero actual game.

But I need to share the pain with my waifu and know all the other people who would share the pain with their waifus.

>> No.19106048

Listen I agree, its a glorified visual novel without the anime titties, but if we get too far into this we'll never stop.

>> No.19106050

I'm sure after the first rape, which is meant to cement her claim on you, she'll slowly default to gentle femdom. Sometimes, she'll even let you take the lead.

At least...until you collapse from lack of energy. Then she'll take control again for rounds 6-17.

Hellhounds are perfection. But you gotta spoil her sometimes. Go on a nice hike in the woods and surprise her by suddenly stripping and sprinting off naked. That'll REALLY get a fire burning in her loins.

>> No.19106051

How do you attract a monster to you?

>> No.19106052
Quoted by: >>19106099

Holy shit

>> No.19106054
Quoted by: >>19106101

Be you. A monster compatible with you will turn up eventually.
If you're not seeing signs of a monstergirl check for the telltales signs that you're being stalked by a Kunoichi or a Kakuen.

>> No.19106059

>he doesn't want to make love to an adopted monster loli daughter

>> No.19106069
Quoted by: >>19106105

BEEG muscular tiddy Holst

Warning, some would say /d/ sizes.


>> No.19106071

Be yourself. And make it clear what kinds of mamono you want to claim or that you want to claim you.

For instance, when the portals open up, I will be tracking down the first tall, fit hellhound I can and just letting her claim me. Hopefully, I can also score a cute kikimora wife at some point.

>> No.19106099
Quoted by: >>19106109

But I don’t want a Valkyrie to follow me to the bathroom!

>> No.19106101

How long does it take for a ghost to make her self known to you?

>> No.19106105

I'd tap it

>> No.19106109

>Huge buff Valky-chan silently fingering herself over her clothes while waiting for you to finish your shower, praying she could just have the courage to just go in one day and fuck you all soapy and wet

>> No.19106115

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, ponder upon how sleeping arangements work for harems, because everyone should be in bed with hubby, right?

>> No.19106126
Quoted by: >>19106161

>She prays everyday that one day you will ask her to wash you

>> No.19106135

Without the care of the thread REEing or not, I imagine all my harem wives (were I to have one) would enjoy each others' bodily comfort plenty and could entertain themselves even if they weren't constantly right on top of me.

>> No.19106137

My Dire Wendigo waifu hates it when I make her sit still so I can braid her hair for her.

>> No.19106146
Quoted by: >>19106154

No matter how many wives you have or what race they are, be them mice or dragons or whatever, I hope we can agree on one thing. The husband belongs in the center of the bed!

>> No.19106154

Would be the best way.

This is true

>> No.19106158

>Be out on the road with Hueg-Valk-chan
>Come across a tranquil waterfall and pool in the forest
>Feel exhausted and suggest bathing there before setting camp
>She has a blank face as she nods, but you think you notice her also making a weird humming noise
>Finally she speaks up with a certain quickness, suggesting she help wash you down from the grime of travel
>Nonchalantly agree, saying you'll return the favor and thanking her
>You don't see the humongous smile on her face as you turn to disrobe and enter the spring, with her following close behind you
And then you've got a huge amazon-tier valk that could throw a Hummer softly sponging your back, both of you naked as her heart throbs so fast it almost makes her gigantic boobs jiggle.

>> No.19106161

Meant for >>19106126 >>19106109

>> No.19106170

Assuming Anon isn't dense-protagonist tier, how would he react to her gingerly starting to rub her suddy boobs against his back as she continues to wash him?

>> No.19106174
Quoted by: >>19106199

>valkyrie references right now

Holy shit. My girl's getting some spotlight.

Were it me? I'd reach behind me, firmly remove the sponge from her hand, grasp her wrist and place her hand right onto what she really wants to hold. We'd have to see where it goes from there.

>> No.19106176

If he's into huge musclebound and tiddy-stacked Angelic Warrior Women (which he is), his second head would quick start rising up.
Whether she is able to take the initiative and drift her hand south to attend to her hero's "sword" is in her hands, literally.

>> No.19106187
File: 423 KB, 776x1200, Cupid_Big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the cuteness to lewdness ratio of this idea:
>Church of Eros has magical items designed to tell little girls when their body has become developed enough to safetly have sex.

>> No.19106194

My rims never spin, to the contrary
You'll find that they're quite stationary

>> No.19106195

Sounds pretty degenerate.

>> No.19106199
Quoted by: >>19106222

Would you want her to gently cocoon her wings around you as she starts pumping you inexperienced yet eager?
Is she the kind to try and whisper in your ear or would it just be [Heavy breathing] as her muscles surround you and the waterfall masks the lewd noises?

>> No.19106203
Quoted by: >>19106242

Yeah, there's really.not much cute in that.

>> No.19106212
Quoted by: >>19106220

Cute musclevalk snuggling in bed while she gets crazy bedroom eyes

>> No.19106213

>yfw they all go off instantly

>> No.19106220
Quoted by: >>19106263

Benching while thinking of Hero and how she wants to hold him.
Squatting while thinking of Hero and how she wants to ride him and do all the work.
Polishing her weapon while thinking of rubbing Hero up and down.
Sleeping next to Hero and wanting to just lean forward, cocoon him, and kiss him again and again and again and again and again and again...

>> No.19106222

Gotta have the wing cocoon. I'd lean back into her chest and let her do her thing. And I hope she'd be intensely silent with just gentle breathing and maybe a few whispered "I love you"s as she does what she wants with my sword.

We'd have to follow that little bit up with some lakeside intimacy followed by another bath in the lake, though.

>> No.19106224

>Have a somewhat function penis
>Don't have homosexual tendencies
>Don't be a psychopath beyond redemption
Do those three and you'll be set!

>> No.19106229

Anyone else actually holding out hope that someday the portals will actually occur? I know it's a ludicrous thought but...fuck, life just gets rough sometimes. And the nightmares don't help.

>> No.19106231
Quoted by: >>19106245


>> No.19106233

What if you're damaged goods?
Like scars or missing limbs/eyes etc?

>> No.19106237

You're fucked then, what kind of girl would want anything like that?

>> No.19106238

that would only make them want to cuddle you more

>> No.19106241
Quoted by: >>19106327

I doubt that any mamono would say no to a man who's willing to marry them and love them wholeheartedly.

At least I hope so for my sake. Otherwise, I might have some issues in the scars department. Getting shot, blown up, stabbed and bludgeoned tends to leave some nasty marks.

>> No.19106242

How can something that involves little girls not be cute?

>> No.19106243

>"Back off skank! I saw him first~ I'm gonna be his everything that-"
>"Both of you hoes best not be talking about MY anon! He's MY beloved, and I saw him first!"
>"No way! I wanna be Anon's beloved!"

>> No.19106245


>> No.19106247

Only every day anon.

>> No.19106252
Quoted by: >>19106268

I don't think there would be much need for that.

>> No.19106253

W-what about non physical damage?
My left side doesn't work too well.

>> No.19106256
Quoted by: >>19106277

Oh Anon you got the right damn idea alright.
I bet she's the kind of girl who wants to always have her wings around you so she can be alone with you, even hidden from the eyes of the gods.
>After finishing she gently guides you out of the lake and into the camp she set up
>her body is presented naked before you as she timidly yet determinedly lets you see all she has to offer
>her eyes dart to the sleeping roll and back to you, with the faintest blush running across her face as her whole body shudders

>> No.19106263

Damn, Buffkyries are sure amazing.
I kinda want to get damaged very badly in a mission so she can transition into caring for me and being my huge buff protector from there on out. Is that wrong?

>> No.19106268
Quoted by: >>19106274

Sure there would, in a setting where magic can presumably assist somebody in finding their perfect mate.

>> No.19106271

She'd be riddled with guilt, so probably.

>> No.19106274

Having a set betrothed or sort of arranged marriage sounds actually right in line for the Middle Eastern theme Eros seems to have.

>> No.19106277
Quoted by: >>19106300

You're on point, anon.

Wing cocoon missionary is the purest thing in the world. Well, just after post-coital wing cocoon cuddling and mid-pregnancy wing cocoon cuddling. Valkyries are pure love.

Well, don't worry anon. Valkyrie is my waifu and I've been badly mangled. I doubt I'd make much of a hero now. But hey, when the portals open up, maybe there's something that can get me right as rain again so I can fight beside her against injustice and stand with her against the darkness. I'm sure she'd still love me just as much even if I couldn't though. And I'm sure your Valkyrie would love you just as much.

>> No.19106295

>When you're basically Marv from Sin City covered in scars and you have a Succubus named Goldie

>> No.19106300
Quoted by: >>19106363

>poist-coital wing cocoon cuddling
Ah, that is the sublime stuff right there. Just imagine her short breathing slowly regulating as she stays with you inside of her and wraps you up as much as physically possible. You'd fall asleep to the sound of "I love you so much" over and over again.
And Valks are there for both active heroes and those who have already done their deeds. They would use the power of their great Light to either heal to fighting fit again or soothe to a pleasant 'Valhalla' on earth.

>> No.19106315 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19106322

I need no monster-woman....thing to defend me! all I need need to defend myself is my trusty revolver!

>> No.19106318

Here is a much better, cuter idea:
>Matchmaking Blossoms
>Flowers blessed with eros’ power
>Little girls are encouraged to make daisy chains and wear them as necklaces, or to braid on into her hair.
>They normally have a closed bud, but can absorb the ambient DE given off by the monster and any SE from nearby males
>When a compatible match is detected, the flower blooms into a beautiful blossom
>This is often used by monsters too young to be able to judge compatibility based on SE
>... and girls too socially awkward to determine if the man in front of them is their perfect mate or not

>Bunyip plants a full field of them all around her lake
>A man approaches her lake to start fishing
>She sees the lure drop and scrambles to get her notecards on how to introduce herself and start a conversation
>She splashes out of the water and eyes up the man on the bank
>Just as she’s about to say hello, all of the flowers burst open around them
>The sweet smell drives her already rape-crazy mind into overdrive as she drags him down to her underwater cave

>> No.19106320
Quoted by: >>19106344

>but can absorb the ambient DE
Eros isn't into the demon shit.

>> No.19106322
Quoted by: >>19106330

Go away faggot

>> No.19106327 [DELETED] 

What happened to you man?

>> No.19106329

Yip yip!

That's cute anon.

>> No.19106330
Quoted by: >>19106357

He presented it poorly, but I like the idea of a bunch of cowboys trying to be stoic and manly with each other, while a herd of cowgirl holsts follow them as impromptu cheerleaders. Making sure nobody actually gets hurt but fawning over the displays, much to the cowboys' embarrassment.

>> No.19106333

Always a flicker, mate. I know it's not likely, but the idea never fails to bring a light to my eye.

>> No.19106337
File: 1.98 MB, 1754x3027, 122817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 3 Girls

Top 5 Fetishes
>Gentle Femdom
>Role Reversal
>Love bites
>Face sitting

>> No.19106338
File: 6 KB, 217x302, eUfOYB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work 10 hour days in a factory
>Get fridays off
>4 day weekend
>mfw I haven't written a fucking thing.

Guess I'll just stay dead.

>> No.19106340

Fuck off cross-siter.

>> No.19106344

Maybe I used the wrong terms. Basically, I just want them to be able to tell if two people are a match made in heaven and bloom accordingly.

>> No.19106346
Quoted by: >>19106396

So what about men that work with bad guys because they feel that despite the bad things they do the end result will be justified?

>> No.19106351

I just discovered that so long as I have a boner, an idea, and my laptop I can peck a few words out at lunch. It's a start.

>> No.19106352
Quoted by: >>19106531

Procrastination is the ultimate enemy to mankind

>> No.19106357

>"Shucks, hard out here on the trail."
>"Ain't it the truth, pardner."

>Meanwhile in the herd of holsts watching the campfire with happy whisking tails
>"Siiigh... Anone shure is a rugged man, innit he?"
>"You can say that again Bessy, but I'm all about that Antwo. He looks rough but, gawsh, he's just one a them sweet, sensitive types, I know it~"

>> No.19106363

Here's hoping anon. As much as I hate what it did to me, I miss combat. The smell, the rush, the feel, the closeness. Less so the bullets ripping through flesh. Or the concussive force of an explosion. Or the cold bite of a knife getting stabbed into your leg.

Maybe with mamono here we could fight over things that are worth fighting for. Ideals and dreams. A better and brighter world. With her by my side to watch my six, warm my dead heart and ward off pervasive nightmares.

Shot six times across two different deployments. Had a grenade get tossed into a guard tower I was in. Was in every single vehicle in our company that got hit by IEDs in both deployments. Got stabbed in the leg by an insurgent before bludgeoning him to death shortly into my third and last deployment. Had another insurgent tackle me to the ground when we were breaching a building and break my jaw with the butt of his AK. A lot of nasty shit that I prefer not to talk about. I'm only 24 and my body feels like I'm 60. Surprisingly little hearing loss, though. So I guess I've got that going for me.

>> No.19106370
Quoted by: >>19106409

Hang in there, Lucky. Your Buffkyrie would be in awe of you.

>> No.19106386
Quoted by: >>19106409

If you don't mind answering, what branch?

>> No.19106387

I realize now I don’t have that musketeer holstaur saved. Anyone got the images and text? It’s not on the wiki.

>> No.19106396
Quoted by: >>19106412

Apophis vs Pharaoh is a thing so morality is, in some part, subjective.

>> No.19106404
Quoted by: >>19106416

Might be a bit autistic, but I’d love to see the Oregon Trail redone with monster girls.

>> No.19106409

I could care less about awe. I'd prefer the warmth of her love over that.

Army. Made the mistake of not listening to the Navy recruiter who offered me anything I wanted in the Navy if only I'd enlist.

>> No.19106412

Yeah but that's not really bad people doing bad things.

>> No.19106416

What replaces Dysentery?

>> No.19106421
Quoted by: >>19106431


>> No.19106424

Cute! Those holsts have to make sure the cowboys don't encounter any predatory snakes while wandering the desert, though.

>> No.19106425

Where did you go for basic? I'm scheduled to leave in two months for Fort Jackson.

>> No.19106426
Quoted by: >>19106449

I'll skip the Alp joke about the Navy and just stay best of luck, mang. I hope you're gettin some help.

>> No.19106429

Getting addicted to some kind of wacky plant imagined by Uncle KC. How about that nudity cabbage?

>> No.19106431

I mean, that must be like dying fie an incubus. Bet MG waifus wouldn't be too keen to embark knowing that happens.

>> No.19106435
Quoted by: >>19106452

Get this off-topic blogshit out of here already. I guess it's no surprise you're retarded when you've joined the army.

>> No.19106448
Quoted by: >>19106465

Can imagine a centaur following the cowboys around trying to get one to ride on her instead of there horses

>> No.19106449

>”It’s not gay if you’re underway”
>Quote from Alp commander to his newly turned Alp crew on how to rape and marry the rest of the crew

>> No.19106452

Leonard Wood. I thought CBRN would help me become a firefighter once I got out. Instead, my unit shipped out to Afghanistan twice and they put everyone into combat roles both times. Have fun with the sand mites or whatever they are. I hear they get real bad this time of year.

I was purposely spoilering my stuff. Forgot to do it on that last post. My bad. I'm going to bed anyways so it's done with. And you're right, joining the Army WAS a retarded decision on my part.

Goodnight anons, don't forget to cherish your mamono. And don't forget, your girl is always best girl.

>> No.19106456

>"Shit! Rattler!!!"
>"Watch it!"
>"Hiss sss sss~ Oou, big handsome cowboy! You'll do jusst fine in my clutcheOOOUUFFFF!!!"
>Rattle-lamia gets absolutely bowled over by a herd of holsts, all angry-pouting and huffing as they carry her to the riverbed and toss her comically in
>Cowboys looking dumbfounded

>> No.19106465

How is there not art of this yet?!

>> No.19106470
Quoted by: >>19106494

The most important question is, does she give a Wilhelm-ina Scream?

>> No.19106475
File: 25 KB, 656x550, ornamental hair pin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If demon silver works on the concept of making something's spiritual energy "bleed out", does that mean that stabbing a demon silver object into a girl's heart will cause them to be corrupted slower if it's left in, and faster as it's pulled out, like they're bleeding out?

>> No.19106491
Quoted by: >>19106535

What would a queen shoggoth look like?

>> No.19106494

Something like that.
>Cut to her pouting as she slithers out soaking wet, her makeup running and hair drooped around her while her Coyote-girl and Chupacabra friends snicker and smug at her
>"Dja miss the herd'a cows barrelin down on ya?"
>"Hermana, you some kinda loco if you theenk you can steal los rancheros from those vacas!"
>"Ssshut it, you two... sniff..."

>> No.19106498
Quoted by: >>19106533

>Native American centaur trots up beside them
>”Lookit! There’s a wild horse.”
>”Hello big boys! Care to take a ride on a real beauty?”
>”Careful partner, those are mean and wild. They’ll buck and trample you just as soon as let you pet them.”
>”Whaaa? That’s not true you jerks! Eat shit asshole! Fall off your horse!”

>> No.19106503
Quoted by: >>19106560

Someone needs to go care for and love those girls. Probably someone wearing a black hat.

>> No.19106510

The hells a chupacabra?

>> No.19106512
File: 796 KB, 3300x4200, 1422410703494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor girl needs a hug.

>> No.19106517

Spiny looking lizard girl with some doggish fur for a mane and around her wrists and foot paws, speaks fluent spanish and likes teasing goat-girls.

>> No.19106520

A vampire coyote

>> No.19106521
File: 142 KB, 553x704, Chupa-Chan bite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19106532

Mexican goat girl with a biting fetish

>> No.19106524
File: 665 KB, 867x1717, 1472642640963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19106532

Blood-drinking jungle monster. Also a cute.

>> No.19106527

Wendigo's hispanic cousin.

>> No.19106531
Quoted by: >>19106536

I figure nobody actually cares about any ideas I have on a non-ironic level so I don't write any more.

>> No.19106532
File: 165 KB, 720x1088, 5c6Jmg3oAbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm gonna be bitten by anything, it better be by a grep snek

>> No.19106533
Quoted by: >>19106568

>They pass by a grouping of THICC cacti Alraune catcalling them
>"Ai papi! Ju look thirsty! Come drink some tequila off of us, we won't pinch ju too hard~!"
>Angry chorus of moos as the cowboys carry on stoically

>> No.19106535

To gaze upon its beauty is to go insane.

Just ask that Danforth fellow.

>> No.19106536
Quoted by: >>19106571

Well for what its worth i care on a non ironic level

>> No.19106537

What does grape snake's voice sound like?

>> No.19106539

>Balloon tits
>cyka blyat
Waste of a good outfit

>> No.19106542

I am LOVING that pic, that's top tier grape.

>> No.19106549

Oiled velvet

>> No.19106556

Rough translation for those interested.
"Those who recklessly read the encyclopedia, will be punished!"

>> No.19106557
Quoted by: >>19106575

I like Russian grape snek

>> No.19106559
Quoted by: >>19106569

Define recklessly?

>> No.19106560

>white hat and black hat cowboys have gotten into a standoff, nobody willing to make the first move
>mariachi Gandharva is even providing an intense musical backdrop
>all the tension deflates as the cowboys sheepishly look to the assembled entourage engaged in an all-out brawl
>holsts, laminae, centaurs and cacti alraunes all catfighting
>shared sigh between all the assembled men
They should probably let the girls tire themselves out a little before intervening

>> No.19106562

Deep, some rasp to it. Intimidating but also distinctly nonchalant, like "Maybe I'll just bite you and save us all the trouble, hmm? Might be fun seeing your twitching face twist~"

>> No.19106563

>What does grape snake's voice sound like?
I've always imagined grape snakes having a lower voice, a contralto, good for speaking in a sulty, seductive manner

>> No.19106568
Quoted by: >>19106591

Imagine Rancher Anon with his herd of cows going up against an evil fat lawyer Tanuki out to take his farm unless he can pay up to keep the deed to the land.

>> No.19106569

Another definition is inattentively. I guess the artist wants people to read the wiki more carefully?

>> No.19106571
Quoted by: >>19106579

You would not say that if you knew who I was, and no, I'm not factoryanon.

>> No.19106573

So the Apophis is going to BDSM people who say shit like monsters do nothing but fuck and have no interests beyond sex?

>> No.19106575
File: 220 KB, 720x1280, 7vn0gH6BuwM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed a ton of art coming out of the Russian MGE community as of late. Thanks for the translation! It's always so difficult to translate it without a Russian keyboard on hand. I've been having to find online keyboards then pasting the typed out Russian from the picture into Google Translate. It can be a tedious process, especially when images contain a lot of words

>> No.19106578

Could be in character. The viewer maybe mistakenly assumed something about Apophisis (Aphophi? Aphophae?) from skimming or misreading the encyclopedia, and she's now going to show them the consequences of their mistaken assumption?

>> No.19106579
Quoted by: >>19106621

Still would read what you make

>> No.19106591

>"Daggummit! How'd I get so behind on these payments anyway?"
>Holsts sheepishly blush
>"U-uh, well darlin', we uh... we have kinda been a bit behind on'a'counta..."
>Cut to Anon and his herd fucking in a plethora of positions all over the ranch day in and day out, each Holst's face in pure ecstasy as they get bred like a damn frenzy by cowboy Anon and his meatpackin manhood
>"...Shucks, yer right. Damn! Alright girls, I'm sorry, but no more sex till we get this sorted out!"
>an audible chorus of gulps from the holsts

>> No.19106598

I'm just happy to have a use for my Russian dictionary. It's kinda neat that Russia has a active mg community.

>> No.19106612
Quoted by: >>19106627

Guy, I want to make a monster girl a mother.

>> No.19106617
File: 2.70 MB, 2000x2500, 6A15B5E4-B97E-4056-B331-1B630EEEC93E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this in any way related to it?

>> No.19106621

[ X ] Doubt

>> No.19106627

You are not alone, my friend. I also want to make one a happy wife.

>> No.19106638
Quoted by: >>19106646

Marry and reproduce.
Enjoy the clickity clack of natural high heels.

>> No.19106646
Quoted by: >>19106692

What is Kikimora?

>> No.19106676

This one is kinda weird. The gist is either that the apophis has grabbed you and wants marriage, or is about to "check you out". Russian is a cruel and confusing mistress.

>> No.19106692
Quoted by: >>19106703

Excellent. You have control of the board. Pick again.

>> No.19106703

What is Satyros?

>> No.19106758

put a baby in that dark skin belly

>> No.19106852

only autists get pissed desu

>> No.19106863

What's this girl from?

>> No.19106902
File: 148 KB, 820x1022, garbage pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19106907

delet this immediately

>> No.19106910

Ha, I'm pretty sure everyone with an oedipus complex is all too aware of it.

All too aware.

>> No.19106923

I need a "Pills that make you stare at alps-to-be" edit

>> No.19106950

Why do people like "Succubi but they're THE BEST succubi and they're ultra powerful and they're related to the Demon Lord and they're the BEST"?

>> No.19106961
Quoted by: >>19106979

>Succubi but they're THE BEST
You answered your own question

>> No.19106971
Quoted by: >>19106979

>Why do people like a good thing made even better

>> No.19106979
Quoted by: >>19106980

Special-snowflake tier
>well MY succubus is super special, she's the Demon Lord's daughter and she could beat your waifu up

>> No.19106980

>t. lesser succubus
