So much for that other guy and his spider OP.Monster Girl Pastebin: Girl Wordpress:
first for your waifu ntrs you
>>OPDo we invade now?
>>OPWhat IS that?
>>15525586Looks like someone made a Hanny into a monstergirl.
Thanks a lot janitor. Now I missed a lot of the thread I can't go back and see it because you didn't let it be archived.So anyway, Was there anything interesting that I missed? any new stories or art?
>>15525586IIRC it's supposed to be a golem that I looked up on Pixiv back when I used to give a shit about making OP's.This was the picture I used in the end for my last golem OP.
>>15525589New chapter of Alp Adventures.
>>15525589Did you see the new Miia bust pictures? Me and a Miiafag from the /a/ thread got one from the same artist after i recommended it
>>15525593There was 22 minutes between the previous thread being deleted and me making this one. Don't say I didn't give you a chance.
>>15525592Ehh...>>15525594Oh, I did see that one. I really like it. Well done anon.
>>15525597>Ehh...Now listen here you little BITCH! You ASKED me, and I ANSWERED you. How about giving a guy some respect over here, eh?Kids these days. Unbelievable!
>>15525598Nobody likes you, Grandpa.
>>15525598I’m sorry Mr. anon. I didn’t mean it. Please forgive me!
>>15525600>>15525601You two fight this out! The winner gets a prize!
>>15525603>>15525600... That other anon probably doesn't love his waifu.
>>15525597They both came out really niceI'm glad i helped the other Miiafag out with stuff, though he seemed like he would be able to figure it out without my help anyways.I'm interested to see what else he comes out with
>>15525603That's dumb, you're dumbDumb Grandpa.
Smug cats are ____________.
Monsters cockblocking Paladin-chans getting it on with their squires when?
>>15525633Asking for it.
>>15525633watching their parents BDSM it up in the middle of the living room floor
>>15525532A manticore that teases the MC by using her tailpussy on the MC's spadetail.
Thread took a while to be made so I decided to go do something else in the meantime. But to the anon from the previous thread that suggested the "Jeleton": That actually sounds kind of interesting. I think I remember seeing something similar about that before, but I could be mistaken. I've been known to be delusional at times. Anyway, it gave me a few ideas to run with already, so I'll see how it turns out.>>15525600>>15525607Now, now. Respect your elders, ya whippersnapper. Does someone need a paddlin'? Why, back in my day... shit. I forget what happened back in my day. But it was tough, gosh darn it. We used to tool around the intertubes with pimped out 14.4kbps modems! Had to wait five minutes for a single image to load! And we liked it! Well... no. It was shit. And it was awkward to be blueballed by a phone call. But you get the point. I hope, anyways. Because I completely forgot it.>>15525652>A manticoreHadn't thought of throwing in a manticore. Not exactly my favorites. But it does give a few ideas. I'll see if I can't pound a few out. Innuendo unintended. It was totally intended.
>>15525664Go to bed, Grandpa.
>>15525664>I forget what happened back in my dayTo be honest, I forgot what it was like before the migration, and that was only what? Two years ago? It's so strange being part of a website/community for so long and only really remember bits and pieces It would be easier if i didn't just drink a 1.75L bottle of Jager
Rabbit asses.
Blue Oni need to lighten up. They would be top tier waifus if they weren't so violent.
>All Lilim now act like Yukari.Is this better than how they are in MGE?
>>15525671>Go to bed, Grandpa.B-but! I'm not sleepy yet! Ehh fuck it. I kinda am. Back in my twenties I could go a few days without sleep when going on MMO binges. Now it kills me. Getting old sucks.>>15525683I've been around since frames were still a thing. And to be honest, even sober I can barely remember. But I suppose that's a good thing. I might spiral into despair if I really thought hard about the years wasted just here alone and the fact that my best friends are a bunch of anonymous people and... shit. There goes the despair.
>>15525701It's my taste is what it is. That would make me love Lilims.
>>15525693But then they'd be cyan.
Please send help, I've fallen in love with a boat!
>>15525709Take two doses of EoSD and call me in the morning.
>>15525705A Cyan Oni would get a drink, my virginity, and a boyfriend with a facesitting, intercural, titfuck, perfect tits and perfect ass fetish.
>>15525723You're going to make her baby blue talking like that.
>>15525726Colors are lighter when you add white.
>>15525731So you are prepared to make a baby blue oni with that cyan oni?
>>15525732It'll take years of constant sex to impregnate her. I'll still take responsibility for fucking my waifu every night.
>>15525738>It'll take years of constant sex to impregnate her.I don't like this idea. I prefer having to use protection so when you're finally ready to have a baby together it's more dramatic.
>>15525744Whats wrong with just going raw and creating a gaggle of oni children to call you papa?
>>15525746Absolutely nothing.Getting her pregnant by prematurely ejaculating from just putting it in is my top fetish.
>>15525748On the first time, obviously.
>>15525746>creating a gaggle of oni childrenThe neighborhood boys are going to be bullied by your adorable daughters in harmlessly rough ways anon, have mercy on them! They'll even try to pet that nervous were-cat that is scared just going outside on her own, and will throw sticks for that wolf pup to see if she'll run and fetch it. They'll be a harmless terror for all the other kids!
Thinking about it for a bit though, maybe not a lot of children. Because getting tackled by a blue swarm of tiny oni when you come home would almost certainly end up with a multitude of broken bones. It'd be cute as fuck, but the medical bills would be outrageous.
>>15525757They're going to have an orgy with the neighborhood boys when they get a bit bigger. They're all going to pair up with their best friends and have awkward but loving sex in the same room without paying attention to the other pairs.
I'm so close to being finished with this story. So very close.
>>15525765I bet someone even smuggled in their first taste of sake.
>>15525748Premature ejaculation is an awesome fetish. I'll tell my Oni wife about all the filthy doujins I read.
"Mama! Papa's arm is bent at a funny angle again!""Oh dear. Go dial 1 on the speed dial, honey."She'll pull out a punch card that's full of holes."At least this one will be a free trip to the ER and a free smoothie."See? Cute as fuck. But painful. And now I want a smoothie.
>>15525773Something as tight as an Oni would make you cum from putting it in but strangle you so tight you couldn't let it out before she came and relaxed. Are you a bad enough dude to please your wife with a painful post-orgasm dick?
>>15525774Yeah, but the important question is what kind of smoothie.
>>15525778I would go for strawberry, personally. But I'm also a softie. I'd get blueberry to give to my blue oni daughteru.
>>15525784That's not colorist is it it?
>>15525787Not if she likes blueberry.
>>15525787Would wearing a blue condom while fucking her be colorist? What about a red one?
>>15525808This is a wholesome conservative christian image board. Please keep your deranged interrubbercolor relations out of here.
>>15525816What if I used a colored one with a beige oni?
>>15525832I bet you occasionally wear socks that aren't part of the same pair. You monster.Sexing up an Oni with a colored condom isn't going to you get you some sort of rare collectable color. Yet alone another Oni.
Would Dullahans think wanting to have sex with their neck stumps was creepy or romantic?
>>15525839>I bet you occasionally wear socks that aren't part of the same pair.But anon, when I do that, those socks are a pair, and I have another pair just like them in my drawers as well
>>15525841The only correct way to go about the whole headless sex thing is to put her head in a place where she can watch you completely destroy her pussy and/or ass.
>>15525839>Sexing up an Oni with a colored condom isn't going to you get you some sort of rare collectable color.The idea is to get her all hot and bothered with a colorist roleplay scenario, anon.
>>15525841SexybankiWhat about the body's stump?>>15525854I bet she likes those offbrand crayons too.
Something icy.
>>15525865Both stumps are good. If fact, her body's stump might be better since then I could rest her head on her butt and make out and rub her thighs while reaming her windpipe.
>>15525870That's pretty cool, Anonymous.
>>15525870But can they chill my burning passion?
>>15525841>>15525865>Your dullahan girlfriend comes over with a doppelganger potion, saying she wants to liven up tonight's activities>Says she's wants to all her holes to be filled by your cock, all at once>The night is a blur but you distinctly remember experiencing her "deep-throat" and sword fighting with yourself inside her head>You wake up sore in the morning, reeking of sex, you girlfriend in a worse state, still twitching on the bed with semen leaking from her poor ravaged orifices.>As good as the night was, you both agree that doppelganger potions should only be used for special occasions
>>15525883>not getting a tentacle potion and going all the way through her body, the through her head, and finally into her pussy and filling her womb to the brim from the combined pleasure of all her holes7/10 dullahansex
>>15525891But then she can't watch your face twist in pleasure as you fill her with your sticky white sauce for the umpteenth time. She wont be able hear two of you moaning in her ear, while feeling you tremble in her mouth, warning her that all four of you were coming at the same time. It may be a debased gang bang, but she still only wants you.
This is your new co-pilot. Get along, please.
>>15525926I'm going to apply for a transfer. It's against regulations to have a crush on your co-pilot.
>>15525930Oh, so it's a romantic rivalry you're after?
>>15525926What should I do to get along with her?
>>15525934It's "not getting court martialed for lotus positioning my copilot in the cockpit" that I'm after.
>>15525936Cute nicknames maybe?>>15525942But it's called a cockpit, anon. Why would it be called that if you weren't supposed to shove your cock in her pit?
>>15525926She looks way too friendly. What's her deal?
>>15525926She's a cutie, isn't she?
>>15525930Fucking elves, first they're all like "Please rape my worthless pussy with your stinky human dick" and next thing you know there taking away jobs from perfectly good humans.I am angry. ANGRY ABOUT ELVES.
>>15525952She's an Elf in the air/space force and her midriff is bare. With red hair. That's her deal.
>>15525926Fucking elves, first they're all like "Please rape my worthless pussy with your stinky human dick" and next thing you know there taking away jobs from perfectly good humans.I am angry. ANGRY ABOUT ELVES.
>>15525954I, too, am angry about Elves. I'm going to take my rage out on this smug Elf all night.
>>15525948>Cute nicknames maybe?Cutei butt? Elf ear? I’m not good at nicknames. What does she want me to call her?
>>15525960>Elves can bring their bows to school>I get suspended for carrying my ceremonial axeREEEEEEE>>15525964How about Redwing? Because her hair is red and she flies?This is why I'm a virgin.
>>15525964Cum funnel ear?'Cause you masturbate into her ears while she sleeps, you know.
>>15525966>RedwingThat's not half-bad. I like it.She probably think is all cool and stuff.>>15525968That’s what I’ll call her in private. And She’ll never knows why.
>>15525966She only brought it because the bows in the archery club weren't to her taste.
>>15525966>Redwing>Calling a girl a pair of work bootsHo boy. I bet you call the pretty valkyrie Nike and wonder why people snicker at the goddess of victory.
>>15525983Let's hear a better nickname then.
>>15525985Red October.
>>15525983>>Calling a girl a pair of work bootsDamn, I thought he was going for a menstruation joke there.
>>15525985Plain old Red is common as dirt for any redhead.
>>15525985Red Baroness is a pretty obvious one.
>>15525926>>Mid dogfight, a rift opens and flings us far into an unknown continent of sand and death>Struggle to survive in the beating sun, sleeping together to conserve heats through the freezing nights>Before long my beard is ragged, and her hair has reached shoulder length, a heavy tan on her elven skin>Finally make contact with our country, only for them to find her heavily pregnant and the two of us warlords of a desert raider tribe>Return to the fold with some hundred loyal an well trained desert grills>Used a spec ops on this new sandy frontier
>>15526004That's obviously a Vampire, anon.
>>15526013She better be a fighter pilot or no dice.>Womanfred von Richerthanyou
>>15526006>2017>multiple worlds converge>become a member of interdimensional peace-keeping force that used magitek aircraft to travel between hotspots multiple worlds overYes. YEEEES, goood! Now someone write it!
>>15526017>>Womanfred von Richerthanyou>she's a massive troll and talks extremely casually about "driving" space fighters to drive all her snobby colleagues nuts
>>15526029>multiple worlds converge>realize that earth is a heavy core world and that anything with similar gravity would likely be much bigger even if it had similar Goldilocks zone >materialize in the mantle of monster worldThis is why convergence doesn't work. Even a little difference in size and somebody is sucking down a lava slurpee at a couple thousand psi.
>>15526055>wormholes are in the air>this is why you need planes to travel between themDon't be a negative nancy and bring your fancy-schmancy science and facts here!
>>15526057Portals aren't convergence anon. Convergence is mashing them together.
>>15526060Well fuck that shit, portals it is.
>>15526061Damn straight!
>>15526055>sucking down a lava slurpee at a couple thousand psiSo, a nursing cuddlefuck?
>>15526065Not exactly related, but throwing a virgin into the volcano jokes never get old with these girls.Anybody got any new ones?
I want to show a Wurm The Crow and get her to become Goth Wurm, the poetic belle of the night who all the Vampires and Wights admire!
>>15526085>they don't want their daughterus to get used goods a childhood friend-husbandosHow quaint. This sort of misandry has no place in the modern world!
>#11: June (Vengeance story) WIP>#12: Alpha and Deity (Visual novel) In queue>#13: Miia (Monster Musume) In queue>#14: Jabberwock (Monster Girl Encyclopedia) In queueGood luck Junefag
>>15526111Why would I need luck? But thanks I suppose.
>>15526114Well I mean what if you were so unlucky you had a heart attack in the middle of your commission and it never got finished? I mean wouldn't that suck or what?
Does anyone have the thread number of the previous thread? Warosu has problems and none of the other archives that have /jp/ have search enabled. For fuck's sake.
>>15526124If that were to happen, the I would probably be with June. That is my heaven.
Slumber party!
>>15525633Fattening.Can't be smug if you're too big to do anything
would you have your waifu represent your country?
>>15526159Yes. My waifu is the manifestation of the USA.
>>15525926Oh sure, the guy who fumbled his way though pilot school got the I-Cup Jubjub, I get this baby B-cup elf flatty after putting in so much time I managed to do the Kessle run in less than 12 Parsecs with a Y-Wing.
>>15526159My country needs no representation.>>15526168>in less than 12 ParsecsIt's talk like that that got you station on Ice Planet Zeta.
>>15526145No boys allowed?
>>15526145Dibs on the blonde braided girl.
>>15526184Then I vill have a roll in ze hay vith the girl vho loves ze hay.
>>15526159She has my flag color scheme now that I think about it.
>>15526153Oh, now I see why it was deleted.The janitor was shitposting as anonymous and everyone was calling him out. The anonymous guy that has been complaining about touhou threads getting posted or bumped for several threads now isn't some random /jp/ guy, it's the janitor.We should make a thread on /qa/ now and post archive links of the janitor's posts and how he deletes anyone who tells him to stop making his own OPs too early as proof. This has to fucking stop.
>>15526184I choose the delicious brown.
>>15525926So you're the new blood, huh? Well, you look the partChief, how come everyone else gets girl co-pilots and I don't? Did I wrong you in some way? Did I steal the last slice of pizza? I am very sorry about thatWhat? That's a girl? Good joke, chief! but no seriously, what did I do to you to cause me to get a boy?Whatever. If HE's a good co-pilot as you say, then I guess I'll just dealCome on, newblood. We're going drinking!
>>15526196I claim freckles! Fuck off, she's mine!
>>15526198>going drinking with the tomboy ElfThis will end with a horrible hangover and the keys to your jet missing, your left-ankle hand-cuffed to an Alp's spadetail and a cyberpunk Unicorn tattooed on her ass.
>>15526203Can't you both share?
>>15526210>SharingWhat do you think this is, Kindergarten?
>>15526211I'm sure the girl would share you with another girl. Why can't you share her with another guy?
>>15526210I don't want to. And I showed her my dick first, so she's mine.
>>15526214Fuck off
>>15526214>>15526215>Both Anons don't want to shareThen they must settle this matter like menRock Paper Scissors
>>15526220I claimed brown and he claimed freckles. It's not even the same girl.But we can still battle to see who would win.
>>15526214I find the sharing thing so dumb in MGE. I doubt my waifu would share her hoard.
>>15525926>short hair tomboy elvesThis is my fetish. I'd provide her with close air support if you know what I mean.
/qa/ thread is up.EVERYONE go in there, post archive links of the janitor's shitposting and deletions, post screenshots of unjust bans if you have them, just do anything.Just do something, I don't want to get banned over nothing by posting this and getting nobody else to act.
Your teenaged Crow Tengu daughteru wrote a slash-fic of Big Boss and Nick Fury. It was so successful it's going to be made into a movie.Is she grounded or do you just let the money flow in?
>>15526240Let's see how long he let's this one stay up.
>>15526159What flag is that even?
>>15526261Tell her no more yaoi stories from now on. She can just write about boys getting raped by girls like her mother did.
>>15526261As long as her childhood friend keeps her yaoi hole topped up while she writes it's okay with me.The yaoi hole is her urethra and bladder, the first hole in her cloaca.
>>15526261It's a good thing she's a crow because she's about to get murdered.
>>15526279For expressing herself?
>>15526279>>15526283And making money doing it?
>>15526283For being a filthy fujo. That's when you just gotta scrap the clutch and try again.
>>15526293But boys can love boys and it's a pure love.
>>15526295Alp please go before I whack you.
>>15526214Are you the "open relationship" faggot?
>>15526309Nope. I'm just Australian.
Behold the power of ABDOMINAL MUSCLES!
>>15526240Anon you realize it might just be some guy that's just butthurt? In any case, I hate seeing threads get deleted, it's rather annoying. Janitors need to receive the ability to lock threads instead, much easier and allows those threads to normally get archieved here on 4chan, incase somoene wants to properly read it.
>>15526343>Anon you realize it might just be some guy that's just butthurt?Not when all the post calling him out on it get's deleted directly. Even respodning to the "I'm going to make a new thread" with "don't do that" get's deleted.
>>15526351That's odd yes, though isnt it reply chains that get entirely deleted instead of singular posts? Well in any case, lets discuss that in the /qa/ thread.
Since when has /jp/ started deleting old threads as soon as it finishes hitting bump limit? Has it ever occurred that some of us might have been away or asleep and that they weren't archived?
>>15526159>>15526163that made me wonder what would be good representations for countries?
>>15526376Aussie funnel web grills
>>15526378But they have to be as big as a bus. With a regular human sized human part.
>>15526378Atrax robustus venom is super interesting.
>>15526376You mean, a monstergirl to represent each country?
Uh-oh, you're in trouble now anon!
>>15526396Fapped to that not too long ago.>You'll never thigh fuckl a THICK slutty nurse
>>15526396I'll just accept my rape and wait for her to finish.
>>15526405It's no fun if you don't struggle.
>>15526424Well alright then, I'll just run away. I don't get raped then!
>>15526388pretty much yeah. i mean sure one could go straight with monster girl versions from that countries mythical creatures (jackalope girl). but meh a bit to easy like this
Someone requesting America?
>>15526428>I-It's not like I want to get raped or anything, b-baka!
>>15526437>This is like it’s like to be tsundere in MGC
>>15525926This Elf is too smug. She thinks she's some hotshot space ace with a dandy candy-ass.I'm going to prove her wrong.
My H-Space story is coming out TODAY. I'm wrapping it up, reading through it, and then posting it. It's going to clock in just shy of 10,000 words.
How do you calm down an angry Jinko?
>>15526429Well the problem is that most of them would be harpy subspecies. Right now I only can think of a few countries that would have something different.Italy - WolfgirlSpain - MinotaurPortugal - CockatriceIreland - Red deer girlScotland - UnicornWales - Red dragon girlRussia - Bear girl?Australia - Spider girl?Romania - VampireMongolia - Centaur Japan - Kitsune?
>>15526452Holy guacamole!
>>15526436>not a bald eagle harpy carrying a rifle on her back, a cheeseburger in her mouth, and a stars and stripes bandana.Needs more FREEDOM, anon!
>>15526454Finland: ElfIndia: Holstaurus
>>15526453Bite or put a folding clip on the back of her neck.
>>15526461>something dumb I said got drawnToday I am complete.
>>15525590To be honest, I thought it was a Lloid from Animal Crossing.
Oh Super Wurm where are you now?When everything's gone wrong somehow?The men of steel, the men of power,Losing control by the hour!
>>15526485Super wurm is busy kissing her husband after a dramatic rescue scene.
Remember Anons, Raping an Elf Is Letting them win.Its what they Expect of you, In order to win against an Elf, You must not Rape the Elf
>>15526491What if I forcibly kiss her?
>>15526491Sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation with occasional knife ear nibbling is fine though, right?
>>15526499>>15526500As long as you dont rape the elfthe Larger Image
>>15526502Draw the planes, with the Elf doing this.
Could an alp count as a tradwife?
>>15526517A what?
My lord, should I pursue Lü Bu? Or maybe invade Poland? Their cavalry is renowned for its ferocity!
>>15526525Whats with the dragon?
>>15526531He's groping her tit.
>>15526525Why adventure with a dragon when you can just stay home with a dragon?
How are you today, peoplewritten about dragons lately?
>>15525606I've currently commissioned a Ghoul daki from the same artist.
>>15526540I know I'm supposed to, but Slendy videos are distracting me.
>>15526538Because Dragons are beings of might and to fight by ones side as a partner will make the post battle sex greater.>No dragon that helps you into your armour while whispering how she's going to enjoy taking it off and "checking for cuts" later.
>>15526550OK what if we adventure by playing video games together?
Big Harpies are best Harpies.
>>15526540>Dragon lays an egg>She takes her husband in her lap in the lotus position with the egg between them>The warm intimacy and her burning breath down his neck gets him all hot and bothered>They end up having their first post-egglaying sex in the missionary position while the mother clutches the egg like a plushieToo lewd, just lewd enough, not lewd enough?
>>15526565But this isn't a harpy."Harpies" with wings and hands trigger me hard.
>>15526570just enough
>Wake up>New thread>Want to check the last one in case I missed anything>Deleted
>>15526538Lazy dragons are no fun. I'm gonna take a jaded, shut-in dragon and show her the wonders of the world!
>>15526583Lazy Dragons are super fun! And cuddly!
>>15526570Do NOT give me ideas like this in my head, I'm miserable enough as it is.
>>15526580You might like a thread up on /qa/
>>15526588Yeah, I was wrong, all dragons are great. Beautiful, strong, protective, smart, fun. All those things packed together in a little winged lizard.If I ever met one I would give her a big warm hug and thank her for existing.
"Onii-chan stop starting. It's bad enough I have to work Loli Con this year dressed like this."
contributing a fake caption
>>15526615Bad enough? How is it bad at all, you adorable little cockmongler?
>>15526615I wouldn't let my little sister dress like that. I'd make her wear jeans and a sundress.
>>15526620H-how is babby formed?
>>15526615Oh stop whining. That's pretty modest for Loli-Con.
>>15526615If you didn't want to be seen dressed like a whore, you wouldn't chose jobs that require you to be dressed like a whore. Why can't you be more like your elder sister?
>>15526620I like these.
>>15526615I'm gonna jiiiiii~ her ass so hard it will become sentient and get embarrassed.
Remember anons: if you live below the third floor, a Slenderwoman IS watching you masturbate.
>>15526648I wish for a handjob from Slenderwoman.
>>15526648>Living in a single floor buildingDoes that mean I'm still technically living below third floor?
>>15526659Are you high up enough from the ground for her not to reach you? No? Well then you're not on the third floor now are?I live in a single-floor house too,and I'm spooped
>>15526667What if slenderwoman is only tall by jap manlet standards, and goes abroad to spoop someone only to find a 2m+ tall guy the same size as her?
>>15526679I'm a manlet so she'd still be tall to me.
>>15526627>That's pretty modest for Loli-Con.T-then what is lewd for Loli-Con?
>>15525870Nice work.
>>15526648>it's a break into your house, restrain you with the tight coil of her dark tendrils, and stroke you with her pallid, slender hands before shoving your face between her soft thighs episode
>>15526453>new Jinko art>them abs and thighsHnnngh. If only it was completely colored.
>>15526698>it's a "all that and more happened and somehow I managed to film all of it without dropping the camera once" episode
>>15526701It's still a wip, guessing he'll post it on pixiv when he's done.
>>15526707He has big hands.
>>15526461What a smug little lout.
>>15526538>you will never suck your Wock onee-sans tits as you pound her pussy
>>15526620That assertiveness is what I like in monstergirls.
Maybe we could talk about spirits now? I'd really like to talk about how an intelligence that's not tied down to a physical form or the senses of most biological organisms but that's bound to a specific element would view the world and her place in it.
>>15526751Can we continue bird watching instead?You anons can talk about Chi Pa Pa later.
>>15526758I've been waiting for a long time you know. Some guys promised to get back to me on my story and none of them did, and this topic is crucial for me to continue it.
>>15526751Go ahead then.
>>15526769What, just talk to myself? O-okay.I think it'd be interesting for an Undine to observe stuff like tiny, microscopic things going about their business and being interested in it on the same level as she'd be interested in human affairs, because to her the scale is irrelevant. She's a Water Spirit, and she's not bound to a certain size, therefore she has no reason to put importance on the "macro scale" over the "micro scale".Until she's taught all about wuv, of course.
>>15526751I like the idea of listening to a gnomes concept of nature
>>15526776The thing about spirits is that their domains are so much bigger than what a human can experience. Is there any limit to how widely in the Earth's crust a Gnome can move? At what point does it become the domain of an Ignis? Sylphs would have the entire atmosphere, Undines every body of water. They wouldn't be constrained like people are. They'd be able to experience things we never could. Like, imagine a Gnome materializing into some crystals or diamonds and making a body out of them, or an Ignis becoming one with a volcanic eruption.
Fluffy haired Demons.
>>15526772Maybe she could sense the souls of creatures on all scales? From the mindless impulse to feed and reproduce to instinctual mating, to the fully formed souls of humans and higher monsters. She'd watch insects struggle to mate with the same interest as she'd listen in to human courtship.
>>15526776Where's my blind loli Gnome?>>15526785To take it further, spirits would actually be able to perceive of things on the molecular or even subatomic level seeing as their consciousness is not tied down to the senses a living being would have.What if while you're sexing up an Ignis and she decides to share with you her perception on the movement of all the molecules and the transfer of all the energy that makes her body of fire?
What do you call a hellhound who is obsessed with dicks? A wiener dog
>>15526789What about spreading her attention? Could an Undine maintain her presence and observe a still pond while at the same time having her consciousness leave the pond in a bottle of water someone picks up and pours on his campfire, experience vaporization and ascending to the clouds, being at the same time aware of the cloud and of the pond? If she formed a physical body in one, would she still be present in the other?>>15526797HOTDOG!
>>15526802>She observes every single act of mating around the planet as her manifestation is being molested>Her power synchronizes them all to finish in unison as she does
I can't stop thinking about snek bellies.I want to kiss this sneks toned belly.
>>15526813All life consists of water, so that's actually doable.
>>15526814I'm lucky I love thighs so I'm safe from snek obsession.
>>15526818It seems like something that would get turned into a sacrament. Once a year the high priest gets to cuddlefuck Undine and all her devoted followers make sure to participate in the global simultaneous orgasm.
>>15526820My nigga, although being a leg man really limits what kinds of monstergirls you're into.
>>15526823So is that what my story is going to end up in? The whole world experiencing a simultaneous orgasm?Trippy.
>>15526820What kind of thighs?Small? Athletic? Thick?
>>15526828That's not a real problem, since I'm limited to girls that I'm predisposed to like anyway.
>>15526836Huge. I want to feel her hot blood coursing through her thighs with my cheeks.
>>15525701What? Explain. This may or may not force me to make my Lilim donut steel OC hammy instead of playful.
>>15526836Do other Wocks come in that size and thick?
>>15526836Milk the snake!
>>15526895But she's a constrictor.
>>15526897Even if she isn't venomous, something is getting milked.
You're minding your own business and planning your next move on your campaign to become shogun, miritary rurer of arr Zipangu, when this ninja sneaks into your room and slaps your ass.What do?
>>15526876Maybe not that thick, but I imagine all dragons are pretty big.
>>15526911Stab her with the knife i keep on my desk!
>>15526924ryu a YUGE
>>15526923I miss the days when agents got these animations. Were they really such a hassle to do that they had to be cut?
>>15526924That's the perfect size for breastplay during vaginal sex.
>>15526911Impregnate her. Make her train our daughters in her arts and use them as my intelligence agency.
>>15526911Another Okinawan? They must be getting desperate, sending islander ninjas after me. Raise taxes.
>>15526911But my waifu is the one who wants to be shogun! I'm just her husband!Offer her some cookies I made
>Try and remember all the little MGK characters off the top of my head>Still feel like I'm forgetting someoneThis is what happens with too many characters, but at least I'm writing them down for the future, just as Albino Lamia writes her will.
thoughts on M sneks?
>>15526980I like them S or at least aggressive/assertive.
>>15526977Obviously your waifu is getting paranoid and hired her to test if you're faithful.>>15526978>just as Albino Lamia writer her willPlease tell me this is just an ugly duckling story and it turns out she's a Shirohebi and everything is fine.
>>15526980Gentle femdom sneks are best.
>>15526996gentle and caring but lewd is the best combo
>>15526980They're for cuddling and rough fucking.They're also for making honest women out of.
>>15526986>ShirohebiNope, she's a regular Lamia who also is an albino. She also has cancer, fatal allergies out the ass, and other ailments to make her life hell.3rd grader Shirohebi is the real deal, and she has no friends and has to show off the new gaming consoles her rich parents bought her to even be noticed.
>>15526980What is this from?Am I missing much?
>>15527019Why does it all have to be so sad? Things weren't sad when I was a kid. People just made fun of each other for being fat. Even I did, and I was one of the fat kids.
>>15527021I just edited the text off of this face does not look like an embarrassed face at all, so I poked fun at it
>>15526924It's been some time since I last bullied Ryus. Big, fat, lonely Ryus
>>15527022It doesn't have to be THAT sad. Sure, she has leukemia, heart cancer, allergies to sunlight, peanut butter, like 80 other things, and needs to move around in a platic ball that blocks out most light, but she's still hanging on to life like a trooper.
>>15527038That's a rabbit though.
I want to date a flat chested loli Familiar with nipples as long as my index finger!
>>15527053That's pretty fucked up.
>>15527051The plastic ball sounds fun to roll around in, but I bet it stinks in there.
>>15527059Sure, but even the MGs with weird long nipples need love. There's nothing wrong with her otherwise so it's rude to judge.
Has thread quality really gone downhill recently?
>>15527071More shitposters have popped up in the past few weeks.
>>15527071It's summer.
>>15527062Actually it smells like strong antiseptics and rubbing alcohol.Lich has been working on a way to cure her, but everything so far involves cybernetic augmentation or manipulating genes and cells through magic, which scares the Lamia.
>>15527079Well hopefully it won't be an issue in the long run, so long as people keep drawing art, making stories, and talking about what they want to do with their monster girl waifu
>>15527048But big fat Ryu's are the best. So shy and yet so adorable. Not for bullying anon!
So are you gonna touch the cow or no?
>>15527104That cow is a filthy whore.
>>15527104Not that cow no.
>>15527104don't they go yandere if you refuse?
>>15527104>>15527104Absolutely. My milk expires tomorrow, I think
>>15527104Not that cow.>someone actually waifus this cunt
>>15527071It's been like this for months. AT least it feels like it has.
>>15527108Yeah but who is gonna resist a Holstaurs milk? Specially when you can drink right from the source?
>>15527112At least we still get art and stories. I know for a fact we got people from 8gag's monster board that post here, even if they want to deny it
>>15527104No way.
>>15527104I don't touch cheating sluts.
>>15527113What if you're not big on milk, or lactose intolerant?
>>15527122Then try drinking from a Ushi Oni
>>15527123Ushi Oni milk tastes bad.
>>15527123>>15527129Ushi Oni have chocolate milk though.Can't really cook with that.
>>15527132But anon, they don't.Are you believing spider cow lies again?
>>15527122Mamono mana removes lactose intolerance.
>>15527135Mamono mana can't remove veganism! Monstergirl PETA would be a nightmare.
>>15527104If she's offering, like hell I'd stay around after though.
>>15527145>Mamono mana can't remove veganismBut mamo mana removes all mental illnesses.
>>15527134Spider cows are perfection.Their orifices feel heavenly. Their hugs are both soft and fluffy and strong and reassuring. Their devoted desire for you makes sure you never feel neglected. Spider cows are truly the perfect wives. We should all be so lucky as to spend our nights in their warm pedipalps.I love my spider cow wife so much it almost makes me cry!
>>15527145They'd just get converted to a bunch of kobold and sith lovers by mamono mana. It'd be like the furry sabbath.
>>15527161>Lumping in kobolds with sithsEnd yourself my man.
>>15527160t. Spider cow
>>15526980She needs to be tenderly cuddlefucked until she gets over those daddy issues
>>15527161>Kobolds>FurryFuck you dude. Unless you're referring to the EMG versions of course.
>>15527171It has just occurred to me you may have been referring to EMG Kobolds and if that's the case I'd like to retract my statement.
>>15527160I fucking hate spidercows. I wouldn't even want to be in the same room as one if given the chance.
>>15527117I find this easy to believe. It isn't like this place is unsalvagable, it's just a bit wiki tier sometimes.with the over reliance on what do and daughteru stuff.
>>15527171>>15527181>Kobolds>Not furryYou're lying to yourselves, Anon.
>>15527186I love spider cows. If my adventuring party was cornered by one, I'd toss my gear aside and rush into her soft pedipalps. My friends could easily escape while the spider cow was busy being kissed and fondled by me.
>>15527160Spider cows are none of these things!
>>15527196Nigga you're braindead.
>>15527204The only human bits on there are the face and the tits. The rest of the body is furry as fuck.
Druella wants to ___________
>>15527160Just one spider cow isn't enough for me, I want more!
>>15527219suck every cock in the world.
>>15527213You might need glasses anon.>>15527219have sex with the intent to reproduce.
>>15527219luv u ~kyuun~
>>15527221>trying to NTR spider cowsBad idea, anon. You'll have to settle for a wholesome relationship with your daughters. You can get cuddled from every side.
>>15527232Is not NTR if I love them all the same, it's what I want so they will have to share.
>>15527235>a facefull of Ryu milktanksLucky lads.
>>15527235>thicc megane ryus YESAnd yet still no Komodo
>>15527188At least we still create OC, even if god forbid TFT is somehow involved
>>15527221I doubt your pelvis can hold more than one rapetrain.
>>15527235Cute fat pouty ryu!
>>15527250I'm the motherfuggin CONDUCTOR for rape trains. Bring them all on.
>>15527235So this is what happens when she stops eating the ice-cream and gets agressive. Nice
>>15527188And yeah I mean I still love /mgg/ despite its flaws. Always good to have anons loving monster girls
>>15527249Shh, go away shill!
>>15527235I want to cuddle a big fat lonely old ryu! I want to be her daki!
>>15527235Stinky and fat.
>>15527235Aww but we love big fat lonely Ryu. Specially when She lets you drink from her breasts to form a bond between you two
>>15527213The entire upper body except the arms are human. She's wearing a jacket.
>MGE anime>character design by Hisasi>Made by kyoaniWould you watch it?
>>15527279>>Made by kyoaniI'd watch the fuck out of that
>>15527279>Made by kyoaniHad me right up until that point.
So... anyone capable of a quick trans of this page?
>>15527275I want to fuck a NEET Manticore who does nothing but complain on imageboards all day until she stops complaining about things so much!
>>15527275That girl's glasses are super cute. I want to kiss her!
>>15527255this thread is the only reason I come to this fucking shitty website anymore
>>15527283I wonder if she's friends with the dragon knight latenight drew?
What's a good name for a demon?
>>15527291Pretty much this. I go to /a/ like once a month and I check some 2hu threads when I'm here anyway, but I'd probs drop 4chan for good if it wasn't for this thread.
>>15527293Maria the unloved
>>15527285>Honey, come to bed"Just one more post, husband! This idiot is claiming tailpussies are no better than the underside of an Oomukades shitty stinkpede half!">Walk up to her>I want you to get off the computer, inject me with so much of your venom that I might as well have a fire hydrant of semen between my legs and get on the bed so I can pump you full of cubs>Or if you want, have you hold that SUMPTUOUS tailpussy like a fleshlight and let me fuck it ragged"Tch... You bastard. Saying such tempting things...">I'll even dress up as your favorite character from OOO
>>15527291>>15527296Both of these desu.
>>15527293Thinkappya Oenfuchking Naymz.
>>15527303>NEET manticore who likes OOO>they will never ever be realwhy are still here, just to suffer?
>>15527304I haven't seen a great /a/ thread in years, really since the slut animes, Busou Shinki, Muromi-san and Locodol. That sort of jovial, productive atmosphere is what I enjoy the most on 4chan. The Ebola-chan threads were p. good too.
>>15527303I want to look into her eyes and tell her how much I love her and how beautiful she is while I thrust into her.
Im going to fight some snakes
>>15527293>>15527293Fun fact: If you add 'El to the end of the name, it essentially translates to "God" in Hebrew. Which makes Lucifer's fall all that more glaring because of the named Angels, he and the Metatron are the only ones with names that are not of God.So if you -really- wanted to stick it to a creator deity, use a Latin or Hebrew combination with El or just stick with "Maria" because that name literally translates into something that hasn't even been discovered yet.
>>15527329So does that mean "El Hombre" means "God Man"?
>>15527320If it's not just a generic fill in the gaps thing, it might be referring to this: not though.
>>15527302>>15527300>MariaThat name has a bit of a stigma on it. Of course nobody here would get it.
>>15527339I then tell me the story, traveller.
>>15527336If it was a fill in the gaps thing, why wouldn't he just use X?
>>15527328I'm going to fight some fiery lizards
>>15527348What a dumb Salamander.
>>15527347Because nips use circles to mark missing letters.
>>15527347I really don't know.
>>15527325>You will never get a Manticore NEET fatter on sweets than she should be and then convince her through internet imageboard shitposts that the only way to lose weight is through a "sex diet">She will never make you go five rounds, every day, for at least a week using her venom to keep you up>You will never get a few month's respite after she talks to her parents about something>You will never ask her why she's not going on another diet"I would, but my stomach seems to be getting bigger and bigger by the day... <3~">YFW she knew you were shitposting all along>YFW she got knocked up with your cubs because she loves you that much but didn't know how to say it without doing it in a really roundabout way>YFW you will never, in this life or the next, wake up under the sweltering heat of a mofu pile from your wife and three triplet Manticores only to all sit down as a family and watch Ultraman 7 as your Saturday morning family bonding time
>>15527347Because that's also a kamen rider
>>15527356We're not Japs though.
I wonder if doing magic tricks could distract a bunch of monsters that want to rape
>>15527328But why?
>>15527362 the fuck, I need to get into this shit.
>>15527367Just for a moment. Then they would want to rape you even more.
>>15527367I want to confound MG rapists by moonwalking!
>>15527329Would El apply to dark gods as well?
>>15527367It can backfire with them wanting a private magic show.
>>15527369Because I want her. And her swords
I want to remove an Ushi Oni's silly ribbon
>>15527376Yes. El itself is used in some of the variations of the name for YHWH, like Elohim, El Shaddai, Eloah, "El". Because it's based in Hebrew and therefore in the Torah, it's names that're forever associated with YHWH as a theological figure.Given the context in a fantasy world, El-XXX could refer to any number of things, at least in my opinion.
>>15527380They look pretty good, huh?Probably DEX weapons though
>>15527375Wild Raping West
>>15527358My heart and dick.>not also watching GARO
>>15527372The showa era had some pretty goofy shit.Avoid TV-Nihon subs if you can, they're garbage.
>>15527380Those are some pretty nice swords.
>>15527390>Cursed SixgunFucking ded writers postin' all sorts of cool greentexts just before fucking off
>>15527373So I just need to tie them up by pulling a long rope of handkerchiefs from my hand
>>15527104I would. She looks like she's hurting enough as it is
>>15527392GARO isn't exactly something you show to kids anon. Might be best to start with Sentai or Riders before moving on to GARO.
Can a Manticore's tail be too small
>>15527403Based on that one reverse gloryhole story, I'm going to go ahead and say yes.
Undead MGs listening to your heartbeat.
>>15527403If it's too small she won't be able to poop!
>tfw no manticore waifu to watch tokusatsu with
Why do flat chested monsters even exist if they aren't going full loli
>>15527416Because a true breast lover loves breasts of all sizes?
>>15527416What do you define as 'flat' anon?
>>15527414I want to imagine what'd be like to get her into it.I want to see her start off condescending of it only to find out that she likes it!I want to see her tears at the second to last episode of W.
>>15527416This >>15527419
>>15527416Small breasts are wonderful.Medium breasts are wonderful.Big breasts are wonderful.
>>15527423No /d/ here anon, everybody knows that tailpussies are really just highly evolved, incredibly prolapsed anuses.
>>15527425Then her disappointment in the last episode?
>>15527430You can fuck right off.
>>15527430This assumption sets a dangerous precedent.
>>15527407>tfw out of shapeWould she panic over my high resting heart rate?
>>15527429Lewd!Too lewd!
>>15527432While the last episode is a bit of a cop out she's secretly a huge softie and would be really happy with it.
>>15527430No they aren't, retard.
>>15527436She just knows you'll be joining her in undeath soon.
>>15527433>>15527434>>15527441The fuck else would it be, some random third hole that makes no anatomical sense? No, it's an anus.I'm pretty sure we've had discussions about it before and agreed about it too.
>>15527433>>15527434>>15527441He used the term "Everybody knows" anons, don't bite his bait!
>>15527445Go bait somewhere else.
>>15527437>spreading her screwhole10/10 top lewd>a girl that lewd too small to put your dick in100/10 extreme lust with no outlet
>>15527386So use of an -el/El- name could be fitting for a demon then? As well as names for other things that are similar?>>15527344It's a long story. To put it simply: a "girl" named Maria was translating a game but because the company she works for started showing interest in games by the same group as the one she was working on, she and another translator have put their projects on hold for now. Games that were right around the corner are now going to be on hold for possibly 8+ years, so BUY HARUKA and show your support to them.
>>15527438Manticores that are secretly a big softie are the best Manticores.
I want to fuck the slutty angels Metatron-chan and Sandalphon-chan! Those robutts will be mine!
>>15527416Because flatchested tomboys are cute, especially the Tsundere ones
>>15527445>some random third hole that makes no anatomical sense?Yes. KC's centaurs have two vaginas, don't think about it too hard.
>>15527458Yes. -el and -ael names are very common for angels and demons.Or you could be a faggot and just name yours Grinnorarcan and make her entire point to be to irritate the fuck out of the male human character while being a minion for the DM holy shit if somebody gets that reference I'll shoot myself
>>15527429She might wear out her screw hole
>>15527470Better load up that gun anon.
>>15527416Variety. Not everyone wants a 'Wock with giant wocks that jiggle pleasantly.
>>15527465Tomboys with curvy bodies and big tits are even cuter, especially the Kuudere ones.
>>15527481what about a flat wock
>>15527462Those Manticores probably give the best aftercare after sex. Especially after rape roleplay.
>>15527464Would you still fuck the former if she had the voice of Alan Rickman?
>>15527467Frontpussy doesn't exist either, it makes no anatomical sense.
>>15527462A shit.
>>15527482I like the Tomboy's with small ass and tits
>>15527443So an undead MG wouldn't try to encourage you to exercise
>>15527493They're great too.
>>15527493I like tomboys with small tits and big ass.
>>15527481Well then you are lost.
>>15527499She'll have you either way. Does it really matter to her? She just wants to see you happy.
Why do Kobolds wear vests of their own fur? That's pretty weird if you ask me, Kobolds must have some dark secrets.
>>15527487Is that when she loads you up with her venom and a Raging Mushroom then has you rape her?
>>15527504I want that cat in the background to slob on my knob.
>>15527510No, is when she rapes you.It's a manticore, not a fucking Kobold.
>>15527506In my personal head canon I like to think that it's Kabold tradition for mothers to take a vest out of their own fur for their daughters.
>>15527514I don't think you understand what "roleplay" is.Maybe she likes it when you take control every once in a while.
>>15527506It's because they're shy girls.
>>15527521That's very cute. Whenever the daughter feels down, she can just cuddle her mother's fur, even if she's not near.
>>15527521Kobolds must shed a lot.I wonder if people like KDF are always covered in Kobold hair.
Zombies are cute, I wonder how many is too many when it comes to cuddling for warmth
>>15527483No. It'll either end up a giant liar who posts cat pictures on the net, or a fat bottomed crazy person.
>>15527525What's that supposed to mean?
>>15527528Fur on the dick, give them the kick
>>15527529There is never enough zombies.
A human baby is found in the middle of nowhere by a monstergirl.How would your favorite monstergirl react to it and what would she do?
What if a lich accidentally falls in the zombie pit
>>15527529You can't have too many I want to be swarmed by an army of the undead looking for warmth and foodI'd cuddle and have sex with so many Zombies that I would become a gravelord of some sort
>>15527527That's what I was thinking. It would also help them feel at ease in new situations.
>>15527529>>15527537>>15527543All of them would Wight at the same time
Just be careful about the images guy. You know who is still around
>>15527510No, that's the "Human slave breaks free and takes revenge on his chubby noble master scenario"Rape roleplay is when she ties you to the bed and pretends she's captured a young village guardsman to rape until he cries and then some.
>>15527535No anon, you should never kick a Kobold. That qualifies as domestic abuse and you could get arrested! Unless it's consensual kicking, but then you have other problems.
>>15527546Like when being deflowered?Would you rather deflower your waifu while her mother's holding her hand or her clutching the vest to her face?
>>15527548But I like zombies more, can she still act like a warm lover, maybe pretend to have dazed look
>>15527541She climbs back out.
>>15527540>Lich"Oh? a baby? ... I wonder if I could make you into the prefect shota when you grow up.">>15527541She get's back up again?
>>15527551It means both.
>>15527541The zombies are going to comfort her and help her back up.
>>15527540>HellhoundShe takes him back home and raises him with her newborn litter of Hellpups after convincing her husband with puppy dog eyes to let her keep the baby.That baby grows up to have four VERY protective delinquent Hellhound sisters.>>15527541She becomes their Nee-chan, or Anego depending on their disposition, and leads them to prosperity and husbandos.
>>15527559>Zombie Waifu changed a month back>Keeps trying to stay in zombie character because she loves your cuddles so much
>>15527558I have a boner for coaching so the first.Although hugging her jacket and acting apprehensive and allowing it to be removed when she really gets into it would be nice.
>>15527529Five. Five, each one of them from a different species. My pit would include a zombie manticore, zombie elf, zombie minotaur, zombie succubutts and zombie lamia.
>>15527540What if I have two favorite girls?
>>15527570>going from whimpering for mommy to whimpering for darlingAlso extremely cute.
>>15527574They both raise it like a comedy movie
>>15527522>>15527487"Oooo~h no, the big strong adventurer managed to defeat me and has me on his bedroll, what is a girl to do~?">Gets her legs forced open, one propped against his shoulder as he furiously fingers her and rubs her clit"There's no way this feels good at all, especially if you're so rough~ Is this how you treat your human girls, like an ape~?">Then why are you clamping so hard on my fingers?>She pauses, starts fidgeting"No, you're wrong. My tailpussy would be more receptive. Not my real one.">Say what you want, slut, but you're covering the sheets in your juices>Snort some Raging Mushroom powder, your dick goes GIGANTOR "Oh my God.">Thanks, my name's Anon, too.>She giggles and calls you an ass--->Halfway through the rough sex and chicken-winging your wife's arm behind her back, grinding your dick at the entrance so her hips immediately jolt up and grind back into you, the bedroom door swings open loudly and forcefully"MOM! DAD! SHUT UP! IT'S FUCKIN' GROSS YOU'RE ACTING LIKE NEWLYWEDS!">You're halfway in your wife's pussy when you both see your daughter standing there, tailpussy agitated and shaking like a spiked mace head>Wife grins, showing the collar she's wearing for the night"You're just jealous because I've been sacked and conquered by Cocksimus Maximus.">Your daughter still won't acknowledge both of you for a week afterwards, saying that she'd rather hear traditional rape roleplay sex and actual rough sex>Over her mother's 'slovenly moans'
>>15527322/a/ is still one of the best boards on here since they actually enjoy things. its really the only good place to talk about anime on the internet
>>15527548>Have a group of zombies who follow you around and swarm over you for cuddling.>One day they all turn into Wights in the middle of it.>Now you have 4 very voluptuous Women all over you dressed in rags.
>>15527548Wight harem best harem.
>>15527581I wonder if the daughter will complain about it to the neighbor boy
>>15527566They're different scenarios anon. She's got a little book full of them.One of her favorites is "Poor boy pays off his family's debt to rich family by becoming the heiress' sex slave."Secretly, she really enjoys the "Young Hero romances his Monstergirl Rival" roleplay.
>>15527586>ragsWhy not give the zombies cute dresses
>>15527593Why not be a zombie pimp?
>>15527540>Crow TenguIf it's a girl, drop her off at the nearest village. If a boy, try to raise him as best as she could so he grows up to love her.
I bet Poor Little Order Boy is popular with the nerd monsters
>>15527581I like this.
>>15527581Oh god that's adorable.>>15527588She'd better. She might stop acting out the way she does if she'd just quit dancing around it and admit that she's had a crush on him since they were kids.Why doesn't she notice that he thinks her freckles are cute?
>>15527596That sounds like a porno that everyone knows about
>>15527594Because zombies are cute and should be taken care of, including proper clothing
>>15527589Tell me more about the rival romance.
>>15527607Too true.It's even better when they try to take care of you back, even if they are a bit clumsy.Cue when they go wight and pack their fat wight tats into a too small maid uniform.
>>15527574They both raise it, if it is a male the guy's gonna end marrying both probably.
>>15527617>Cue when they go wight and pack their fat wight tats into a too small maid uniform.Oh god my dick.
>>15527596I am shocked no one has done something like that yet. >High and mighty Paladin thinks he's hot shit>Goes out into the mountain to slay a monster girl>Ends up getting ambushed and getting his ass kicked by an Ushi Oni>Gets dragged back to her cave and gets "tenderly loved"
>>15527621Need more Ushi
>>15527617Where did they even get those maid uniforms, I swear they were wearing regular dresses before I left the room
>>15527621Better yet, have an Ushi Oni, a Kitsune, a Cheshire, and a Manticore be all over him
>>15527620>Also those tittering laughs and swaying breasts as you gaze at them>All those 'Mastah's as they bow enough just to give you tantalizing peeks of whats yours. >>15527629Wight privilege.
>>15527621Because it's trash.
>>15527619If female does she become a hybrid monster
>>15527610It goes>Manticore wakes up and finds hero tending to her wounds after their latest battle.>She's apprehensive and asks him why he's helping her after everything she's done to him>He responds that he can tell there's good in her>She denies it>They talk for a while>Eventually the Manticore can take no more, pins the Hero to the bed and talks about how her heart pounds like mad every time she fights the hero and how much she hates that she can't bring herself to kill him.>He admits that he feels the same.>Tense staredown turns into passionate french kissing>Then slow and sensual cuddlesex while holding hands and trading various declarations of love.It's some pretty tender shit. By monstergirl standards it's kinky as hell.
>>15527633Oh god anon, please stop.
>>15527623How many ushi stories do we have, anyway? I can only remember that Harblador one with the ushi childhood friend who becomes a priestess.
Lewd Bar Goats.
>>15527641The best bit is if they get soft cloth to cover their chests so that it allows you to see the subtle motions of their busts. It'd be thin enough that you could almost feel their skin through it and they may ask if you want to dirty their uniforms
>>15527642The only ones I can recall are Gretchen, MD, It's Not The Fall That Kills You by RSAnon and Harblador's Ushi-Oni story.That's discounting that one fucking David Cronenberg tier greentext I'm sure somebody has a screencap of.
>>15527650I'll absolutely dirty their clothes.Along with something else.
>>15527640Spiders are cute, even if they scare me a little
>>15527644Goat milk!
What if the Demon Lord was a petite sized girl who has a complex over all of her daughters being taller than her?
>>15527655Oh my! Is master going to welcome them all to wighthood by impregnating them?
>>15527662You're goddamn right.
>>15527659Goat milk is very good for you.
>>15527674Smug Goat not so smug after getting fucked.
>>15527670 also has a cameo in the last part.
Mindflayers can't remove my love for them from my brain
>>15527668Well, get ready for a lot of jealous vampires and liches to look at you when you walk in with your pregnant wives
>>15527679Smug Goat even more smug after being satisfied.
Ara ara~ you're not attracted to an old mantis like me are you?
>>15527689Smug goat somehow still smug while being facefucked.
>>15527679Her homestay owner will finally snap under the pressure of her lewdness, grab her horns, and use them to facefuck her.
>>15527682Why would they be jealous?Would my Wights get mad if I started looking back at the Liches?
>>15527692Nah, don't you worry about that.
>>15527689Smug Goat not so smug after getting spanked.
>>15527644She's looking pretty horny there.
Raping smug monsters just makes them more smug
>>15527698Well, the other girls are jealous because your wives are pregnant.And your wives will start pouting if you look elsewhere, they may even pick up necromancy
>>15527694>She teases you to the point where you just grab her by the horns and jam it down her throat >No gag reflex, still smiling with dick in her mouth, even parts her hair a bit to the side because she knows how you like it
>>15527642>>15527652There's also release the beast which is one of silent's earlier stories which I quite liked. Done a good job of getting the Ushi across as scary without going too far.
I want to hug a zombie and wight
>>15527708I can't help it anon, Liches and Wights are some of my favorite girls!
>>15527695Have you ever wondered what it would look like for a monstergirl to still have her smug grin while you pound her throat? I have. I have a lot.
Quick question what happens to a Dormouse that doesn't sleep
>>15527692Not especially
>>15527718I imagine it's mostly her brows and the sides of her eyes.
>>15527720She gets pouty, whines at you to let her sleep and crosses the border so that she's hyper awake.
>>15527720She becomes very dangerous.
>>15527720they die.
>>15527692I'd be more attracted if I was less worried about getting killed.
Can I wear a dullahan's head as a hat
>>15527747As a hat for your dick, sure.
>>15527644You know what my problem is with Bar Goats?They literally bring their own wine to drink and even share at the bar.Fuck that noise, she's not a paying customer and she's making the other patrons non paying customers too!Who knows what she has in those bottles as well, it could be filled with aphrodisiacs!Ban Bar Goats from bringing their own booze to the bar!
>>15527720All hunt and no sleep makes a very cheeky mouseAll hunt and no sleep makes a very cheeky mouse All hunt and no sleep makes a very cheeky mouseAll hunt and no sleep makes a very cheeky mouseShe then proceeds to lock up her guy in their bed room and sleep right next to them, pouring demonic energy into his helpless body, driving him mad with carnal lust
>>15527749I want to give the desert nuki bigger breasts!
>>15527749They'd be great at parties but they'd probably make a tanuuki extremely mad.
>>15527748Why not head had?
>>15527749>that leaf on that Desert Tanukis headpieceI didn't notice that detail before. Nice.
>>15527758You can't fit your noggin into her tight neckpussy.
>>15527749This is not only specism but also a disgrace to the god Bacchus Alcohol should bring people together and reveal everyone's true self, it should NOT be a good traded for a benefitEnjoy your hangovers and your cheap alcohol while I'll drink some blessed Satyros wine while indulging myself is goat pussy
Shiggith are cute
>>15527749I wonder how Tanuki respond to people who are reckless spenders who spend way more than expected
>>15527761Not a mask but her head balanced on my head
>>15527763Or you could buy some Satyros wine from the bar.
>>15527749Those Desert Nooks always try to haggle the price of drinks. Prices are non-negotiable, no matter how much they press their plump breasts against the bar counter, or undo their top to give me a better look. I won't be swayed.Unless they offer to let me touch their tail, it looks so fluffy and soft.
What happens when you beat a tanuki at haggling
>>15527749I want to fuck those plump brown tits while she stares down at me so goddamn much.
>>15527771Hundreds of marriage proposals from around the world, word travels fast about good potential husbands.
>>15527771Marriage. Or at the very least the Tanuki starts stalking you and masturbating to pictures of you.
>>15527771Tanuki becomes Yanuki
>>15527775>>15527776Tanuki marriage mind.
I want to fuck all the Desert Tanukis.
>>15527769>press their plump breasts against the desk>press their plump breasts into your upper arm>wrap their arm around your shoulder while at your desk>wrap the harness' breast strap under their plump breasts>tell you the first one to break an instrument pays for a night outWhy are office ladies so lewd?
>>15527782Be careful, it is in their tradition to marry the man who takes their virginityYou don't want a bunch of Desert Tanukis doting on you at the same time, do you?
>>15527795Yes, I do. I want that a lot.
>>15527795Tanuki's are the jews of the monster girl world. I always avoid them
>>15527804/pol/ pls.
It is done.
>TFW no dedicated Wightfag authors>TFW only RS has done more than one Manticore and Ushi-Oni story (to my knowledge)>TFW Harblador won't continue rough paizuriIt fucking hurts in my souls, Anon.
What about Desert Tanuki office lady?
>no Baphomet that regularly switches between loli and christmas cake
>>15527817I don't think my dick could handle that.
I want to have a wock little sis and Baph older sis
>>15527825Stop crossing the beams!
>>15527825They are going to combine powers and fuck time up so everything can be right again.
>>15527832But what about when the Wock goes to the Baph for advice
>>15527843What if they realize that by swapping places their brother is never born
>>15527810Glad to see you're still in business, I thought you took a break but it looks like I just missed your last 3 storiesDid you drop gladiators in the night?
>>15527806Every real /pol/ poster has a Jewfu.Tanukis make for a great Jewfu.
>>15527804>Oy vey, monstergirls are a peaceful race of demihumans who wish you no harm. What are you, teraphobic?>Why are human males only breeding with human girls, and not giving monsters a fair shot? Is this some form of genocide?>Mamono mana isn't a placebo sham. It's been applied in numerous fields of study, see? You're just trying to put hard-working mon-norities out of a job!I bet there's a really shady scene of underground cuckold porn where human girls are forced to watch monstergirls please their men better than they ever could.
>>15527849Nah. I got some feedback on it in my email that made me take a cold hard look at the direction I'm going with it. I'm working the 3rd part, but I'm much more critical of it at this point. The next thing I want to release is Whimsical 2, but don't worry! Gladiators in the Night will continue.
>>15527812>>TFW Harblador won't continue rough paizuriCome on now, anon. He might come back one day. The note said "a while", not "ever again"
>>15527847Then they will travel to another dimension and steal him back.
A peculiar quintopus...
>>15527854I wouldn't worry. We all reach that point where we look back at our older stuff and wonder what the hell we were thinking.
>>15527858But then they are stealing him from his caring older Baph sis loving younger Wock
>>15527852wouldn't it be cuckquean porn instead?
>>15527825>Baph older sister>She insists on her imouto to respect his elder and follow her orders>She asks you to do perverted things but never goes all the way>She gets very worried about you whenever something comes up and can't help but fix everything for you>Wock younger sister>She constantly wants to play and pouts when you don't give her attention>She already outgrew you but she fully respects you as her big brother>She does some extremely lewd things but doesn't seem to realize it
>>15527869And so begins a chain of events leading to a future where there is always one brother missing. Can they overcome fate and create a future where everyone is happy? Or will they fail and start a war across all dimensions?Who knows?
>>15527041Sorta late, but it's Kyousougiga.
>>15527878I meant otouto, I always get these 2 mixed>She insists on you respecting your elders and following her ordersThere it should make more sense
>>15527851>>15527851>>15527852What can I say, I sometimes think only TB and I unironically like Tanukis.
>>15527879They just have to accept that they can't swap places and they will time travel back before the swapped places
Hey Anon! Cheese Whiz isn't real cheese you fat fuck.
>>15527899I don't eat that shit.
>>15527899Doesn't mean you won't eat it if I put it on my dick
>>15527898That's a good ending. They finally discover that no matter what, brother will always be brother.
>>15527889I like them unironically too, I just like Kikimoras a whole lot more.
>>15527910What about a Tanukiki?
>>15527912Is that a Tanuki that acts like a Kikimora, or?
>>15527861I hate to say it but men are not attracted to "curvy" tentacles, let's just be real fat tentacles are disgustingRegular and slim tentacles deserve all the love, fat ones deserve shaming
>>15527914Tanuki raised by her Kikimora maid
>>15527871I'm not all too familiar with the terminology.
>>15527865Thats what I get for writing a story after being introduced to Monster Musume, and then watching the Warriors.
>>15527926Wanna molest tanuki maid mofu.
Oh no! What are they going to do to this poor, unsuspecting knight?
>>15527926But that's still just a Tanuki. She doesn't have those natural high heels, those beautiful feathers in her hair or that feathery tail.
They're going to "eat" him! Do something!
>>15527948Make him into the little lamia's husband
>>15527948He is going to get SNAKED
>>15527948You are now aware that little snek's pussy is probably pressed against that cold, rough rock.
>>15527936It's where the chick watches her man fuck another woman
>>15527948Judging from that basket, they're going to take him on a picnic.
>>15527926>Tanuki raised by Kiki>Tries to wear heels>wears feather bracelets and shows her "mom" how much she looks like her
>>15527972This. They're just playing a little joke on him to introduce themselves. In fact, where knight-kun is headed is very dangerous, so they want to help him out a bit if not stop him from doing something stupid and hurting himself. What kind, friendly snake people!
>Be in a seedy MGC bar, the smoke and the smell of perfume is cloying, nearly suffocating you"Hey, handsome. How would you like a job?">Turn, can't find the source of the voice, nothing"Down here.">Look down from your stool, it's a Tanuki about the same size as a Hobbit, give or take a couple of inches taller>Her skins a caramel color, with heaving breasts stuffed into a red robe of some kind. Like the kind you see Middle Easterners wearing."Help me up?">Bring her up to the stool next to you, taking your old perch and sipping on your whiskey some more"So, care to hear me out?">Care to fuck off? Don't you know what kind of person I am?"I know perfectly well who you are, Mister Y. Mous. Selling your body for hugs and headpats and oh... what was it? Purloining a woman's chastity.">She's smiling now, with slender lips, a mole near the bottom right corner marring her face"But don't worry, I don't want to bed you. In fact, I want to pay you to move in with me. Ten gold crowns a day, just to spend some time with widdle ol' me. The only recompense I want is your pleasant company and for you to tell me your life's story.">No sex or intimacy?"Not unless you want it. But I warn you, I'm quite the tiger in bed.">She gives you a suggestive glance at her cleavage, a bead of sweat seeking refuge in the canyon of her massive mammaries>Those can't be real"They're as real as the conversation we're having. But of course, if the job doesn't interest you...">Tell me, why the hell did you pick me?"You're an interesting guy.">And you're full of shit"That I am, mayhap when the time comes I'll tell you in full, but now I just need to know a simple 'yes' or 'no'. Don't worry about the drink, it's on me~">Down the rest of your whiskey, giving the Ignis barkeep a look as you ponder the irony, if not the utility of her nature for thrillseekers>Sure, why the fuck not."Then it's a deal. Here's my address and the time I'll be expecting you, be sure to pack light, love.">She dismounts the barstool and sashays towards the front door, her massive raccoon tail swishing behind her>Jesus Christ it's nearly as big as her body>What the hell did you just get yourself into
>>15527988Oh fuck, please continue.
>>15527988This should have been a CYOA, except nothing we say actually affects anything and it was all a ploy to get more discussion.
Anon, if you were famous in MGC, what would you be famous for?
>>15528011Nothing. I honestly can't think of anything
>>15528011Eating monster girl vagina.
>>15528011Ideally, for joining them and protecting their freedoms and rights. But I'm good at nothing.
>>15527976Would a non-winged monster raised by a harpy make cardboard wings to wear?
>>15528011Being the best butler
>>15528011Having the cleaning skills of a Kiki maybe? I'm pretty average.
>>15528011Not raping elves
>>15528011Being someone hard to get. Not sexually, but romantically. I'm someone who has never felt any hints of romantic love before in his life, and DESU I really do not think that would change at all if I was born in MGC realm.
>>15528011For being faithful to his lovely monster wife for life.
>>15528022>Wurm with cardboard wings
>>15527988>Arrive at the address the next day, with your suitcase and backpack filled with fresh outfits and your pretentious fucking Macbook>A man's gotta fap when a man's gotta fap>When you knock on the door, you're greeted by a rather plain looking Elf completely in the nude, barring her maid's headdress"Oh! You must be Mister Mous. Please follow me.">The entire house is full of Persian decor, plush pillows and rugs fucking EVERYWHERE, the Elf leading you into a rather expansive bathroom"Please wait here, your attendants should be here shortly.">She snags your suitcase and backpack on the way out, God DAMNIT. Stand there looking like a jackass, when you get zonked in the back of the head by something.>Next thing you know you're waking up in the complete nude (how surprising), and in a rather open airy boudoir>The Tanuki's watching and smiling at you, her tail swishing behind her while you can see the hard milk duds of her bare nipples"I'm sorry about the way they treated you, they're just a wee bit shy, you know.">Where are my clothes, I need my clothes."Nonsense. We're born in the nude, we die in the nude. Our skin is the only clothing we really need.">So... you're a nudist?"Of a sorts. There's no greater intimacy than skinship between good fellows. After all, there's not much you can hide from me at this point.">Her eyes trace across your scarred chest until she looks at your cock, standing as erect as a flagpole before you cover it with your hands"Party pooper.">She sighs, adjusting her legs, letting you catch a small glimpse at the folds of her petite sex and the fact she's shaved her pubic hair into the shape of a heart"I know what you're thinking, 'She's tempting me, she only wants me for the sex', and all that jazz that you young-bloods seem to think all monsters want from you.">Well then, what do you want then?"To give you the world. Just for the price of your life's story. King Solomon will look like a pauper compared to you, your children will never go hungry or uncared for.">So you want me to... knock you up?"I like that. You're quite a goal setter.">Pads over to her small desk, holding up a manila folder, you got a good look at her wide hips in the process too>The more primal part of your brain telling you to throw her to the floor and pump her full of children, but you digress, nothing's more dangerous than a cornered animal>And oh did she have those corners"XXX Y. Mous, born in Nebraska in 19XX, Son of XXXX and XXXX Y. Mous, grandson of... Oh, it doesn't say! That's a -perfect- place to start!">Moving towards you, she sits on a pillow near yours"So tell me, what was your grandfather like?"
>>15528015>>15528017>>15528021>>15528026>>15528033>>15528037>>15528052>>15528062Alright, but if you could be famous for any one thing you wanted in MGC. What would that be?
>>15528069What I said, being the best butler
>>15528067Better not be some shit where she fucked the grandad.
i want to wrap elves
>>15528069Wife for life guy here. My wife and I would be the best matchmakers in all the land. Basically an offline, living, breathing, monster version of eHarmony.
>>15528069Yeah, I'm good with being a pretty good house-husband. I don't really want attention, I just want to make my waifu happy.
>>15528069Being an absolute Buddha and enlightened as fuck, but in reality I'm just doing it to see all the interesting things that happen when everyone wants to woo me over but can't.
>>15528069Eating monster girl vagina. I would want them lining up.And perhaps one day, one steals me away and tenderly heals me and recognizes my obsession is because the lack of love in my life.
>>15528069Can I be a pure idol in MGC?
>>15528011Doing kinky things with my Kobold waifu and daughteru!
>>15528092that makes you infamous fuck cucking the wife
>>15528069For being the "Monster Killer."I slay monsters with science, by turning them into humans.
>>15528095Don't you try to bait me anon, we've had this discussion before.
>>15528110That is terrifying, you can't do that to slimes
>>15528105Why not pure?
>>15528069Being a damn good baker.
If you could have one anime replaced with the same one except all girls are monstergirls instead, what anime would it be? And why?
>>15528121You think your Tanuki manager will be able to make you famous without having you give some important girls with power in your sector some "favors"?
>>15528121Idols are bigger whores than Baltimore prostitutes
>>15528073Well I hope like having a bid-war on your services by the riches MGs in the entire city>>15528077Well you would certainly be appreciated by everyone. That waiting list must be quite long.>>15528080Some just want the appropriation of those close to us. You'll certainly have it.>>15528081There are going to be more than one occasion of you sitting and meditating and there are a bunch of MGs just sitting there watching you and wishing that they could fuck you.>>15528083It honestly wouldn't take long for one of them to take you away to love and heal you.>>15528086Idol? Easy. Pure? I hope you like fighting through a sea of fans that want to fuck you.>>15528092Well you wouldn't have problems with that, do you?>>15528094What kind of writing?>>15528110So you're an evil scientist that the super wurm must stop? Alright.>>15528122Do you have an "special indigent" in your pastries?
>>15528110>Have Arachne waifu>She wakes up one day not feeling too good.>Her eyes beside her main two are all pale and her lower body is twitching uncontrollably>Tells you that she'll call in sick and that you should just go to work yourself>Half way through the day she calls you begging you to return>You race home through the city as fast as you can>when you get there you find her curled in bed grabbing her arm as if it were broken>She shows you how the chitin is slowly peeling off her fingers, revealing bloody human skin underneath quickly forming>After a few hours her secondary eyes begin to dissolve entirely. She can't even see through them and becomes disoriented as the nerves die off>You try to wash one and instead it falls out in your hand, leaving behind only a small scar and smooth skin underneath>Over the course of the night the rest of her eyes fall out or completely dissolve. She cries herself to sleep as you clean up all the blood and help her peel the chitin from her new human hands>When she wakes up in the morning she can no longer move her lower body.>The spider legs pull inwards of their own accord like a dead spider and she comments that there's no feeling in them>The area where her human torso connects with the spider body turns a dark red like a superficial wound and you begin to see the chitin cracking>After a few more hours she begins to scream in uncontrollable pain while chitin flies off her body in fragments. You try to hold her but she begs you to 'pull her out'>You do as she says and grab her upperbody while she hyperventilates, at the count of three you pull with all your might until an incredibly loud cracking sound rings through the room>She sighs in relief and collapses in your arms. Her human legs completely separated from the spider body which is now an emptied, bloodied husk waiting for disposal.>You carry her to the bathtub and lay her there while wiping away the blood.
>>15528133Can't I find a new manager like my older sis?>>15528137But I'll stay pure to get fans, because purity enhances the singing
>>15528138>What kind of writing?Comedic blends of science fiction and fantasy.
>>15528138>Well you wouldn't have problems with that, do you?No, absolutely not! We'd take great pride in our lifestyle no matter how many people know about us.
>>15528139Jesus Christ how horrifying. And thank you so much for writing that anon, something interesting came out of my post!
>>15528138>There are going to be more than one occasion of you sitting and meditating and there are a bunch of MGs just sitting there watching you and wishing that they could fuck you.Exactly what I want. I'll be laughing internally the whole time.
>>15528155>writing that anonnot me, just saved it when the idea of monsters turning human was brought up in the past, I wish I had saved the slime one where she sees her organs and muscles form
>>15528155I'm fairly certain that's a copy paste tho. I swear I've read it before.
>>15528069The man who wore a "Rape Me" t-shirt all day and nothing happened.
>>15528162You are correct, because I have posted it before
>>15528161>>15528162Ah I see. I haven't actually been here in the last two years or more so that makes sense.
>>15528164Well that's depressing.
>>15528164You must have some sadistic one's scent on you already then.
>Lich with a fetish for being choked>Lava golem wants you to pour hot wax on her>Amazoness roleplaying as a housewifeDoes your waifu have a fetish that doesn't make sense?
>>15528179>Amazoness roleplaying as a housewifeThat's disgusting.
>>15528179Delete this sick filth
>>15528069Liking fatties....I have small goals.
>>15528164You'd have better luck wearing a "Hug Me" shirt in the mountains and not get yeti raped
>>15528067>Sit there, telling her the man you remembered as your father's father>A tough-as-nails vet from the second war with hands as callused and tough as aged leather>He'd often times have crying jags in German, mentioning some kind of 'black wolf', your father would tell you"He never told you about anybody he may have saved in the war?">Shake your head, it was a long time ago when ol' Gramps was still around. He died when you were what, six?"I didn't know, I'm sorry.">Just who are you, to my family, then?"Let's just say an old friend.">Quirk an eyebrow, you didn't... with... ?>Make a rude gesture with your thumb between your middle and index fingers, the Tanuki pauses for a moment before laughing, her breasts jiggling juicily"Heaven's no! I'm not a homewrecker! He was already claimed by the time I met him!">Let out a sigh of relief, thinking that you were getting aroused to a fucking granny. Jesus Christ how horrifying."So, about your childhood, shall we continue?">Tell her what you can remember, end up spending hours and hours reminiscing with her until the moon is hung high, and the wind's a little nippy"We can continue tomorrow if you want. In the gardens. Oh! and one more thing.">She's jerking her hand away and towards her pelvis, smiling at you."No anky-spay the onkey-may while you're here. It... excites the girls.">Give her a thumbs up before you're led to your bed chambers, you dreams haunted by a faceless woman fucking you ragged, whispering your name in a sweet, sensuous voice>You end up meeting her in the gardens the next day, and the day after that, and after that, time seems to lose all meaning as you just spend your time talking to her and learning things from her as well>Her name is Lamya, formerly Hana after she was forced to move from her homeland into the deserts. She's confided with you multiple times she prefers the arid clime, better for business.>Most of her money comes from precious jewels and oil, spice trades. On more than one occasion she's hinted at how long she's been doing it, referring to a certain "Polo" kid>Then comes a day you finally pop the question, as to how she knows your family"It's a long story, a boring story. One that involves a foolish raccoon and a cavalier man in a time of war.">Tell her you'll listen. So you do, sitting there with refreshments like dates and tea being served as she tells you of the trenches, the hurried runs through the heart of Europe, before the 'Cleansing' of all non-Wolves or other 'Superior races'>She spits when she remembers the black wolves and their stern faces, judging them like the saucy Germanic bints they were before Rome"Sorry to have depressed you. Finding and helping you with all this was basically a really, really roundabout way to repay an old debt.">She smiles softly"I'll understand if you want to leave after hearing my story. After all, I'm just an old raccoon and you're still quite the young stud from what I can see, at least.">Before she can turn and leave, you grasp her wrist, looking her dead-on in the face"Oh? Finally mustered enough courage, eh?"
>>15528179>Ghost that likes being tied up
>>15528205Go on
>>15528205Those poor 6 million tanukis.
Fat, faceless, old foxes!
>>15528164It's like one of those stereotype paradoxes that kills a robot. The girls just get really confused and their heads hurt.>He wants it>But it's not rape if he wants it>He wants it
>>15527367No, but doing actual magic and blinking away would work. Alternatively a ward that prevents Monsters from touching you. Just whatever you do, make sure to not get a ward that shocks the monster touching you.
>>15528235So use reverse psychology.>Please don't rape me
>>15528235The perfect deterrent. I'd be laughing like a madman in my room after I took a walk with that shirt on.
>>15528234I want to fuck them and give them faces
Little boys getting raped and turned into semen dispensers!
>>15528234noThick, pretty, 1000-year-old foxes!
>>15528260Brave Paladin's protecting them!
>>15528262Gay. I bet you like think masculine cloacas are fine too, don't you? Dyke.
>>15528266Brave Paladins being teased and hit on by monster girls.
>>15528266So they can rape them themselves.
>>15528260Time to go DEUS VULT on this rape party.
>>15528271that's ok
YUGE slime
>>15528266Sure. "Protect" them.
>>15528284>dat THICK SlimeThis is by that Himejiru artist, nice shit.
>>15528284>Cumflating a slimeI had no idea how much I wanted that.
>>15528284Keep your slimes away from Holst milk lads, jesus fuck.
>>15528260Little John was 7 when he was captured and raped by a MinotaurLittle John was a good, honest kid on the way to greatnessLittle John is now 12, he already had sex with over 580 different monster girlsHis days are now spent doing nothing but having mindless sexYour son might be the next little John, say NO to prepubescent rape
>>15528291keep your Holst away from my slime nerd!
>>15528294I'm going to rape a Minotaur for Little John!
>>15528011>>15528069Being known for having a heavily gaurded house with many magical traps and wards. It would be amusing to constantly have desperate monstergirls try and get into my house, only for them to fail constantly.
>>15528291Never!It's all I'll give them and the kobolds, although the kobolds will get fruits, veggies, etc, to keep them healthy.
>>15528294>he already had sex with over 580 different monster girls>580 over a period of 5 years>Once every three days if each only has sex JUST ONCE and we all know that's unlikelydamn son
>>15528303Oh, my pure, unsuspecting Paladin friend, I will remember you.
>>15528294>Shota>Not being husbando'd by one of the first monstergirlsSorry this is paladin propaganda.
>>15528284Oh yes yes oh my god yes
>>15528138>Do you have an "special indigent" in your pastries?Just good old fashion ingredients but it would taste so good that monster girls would wonder if I did use something different.
>>15528306Are we fattening Kobolds now too? Haven't Kobolds endured enough?
>>15528284>starts lactating after he cums in her tits
>>15528312I'm no Paladin, just a normal man getting revenge for an innocent boy!
>>15528294I imagine that sort of thing would be the big controversy in MGC schools.>"No rape? Why even have Forced Sex 101 then?" said Shoggoth-sensei, a local teacher and senior member of the Ministry for Yandere Abductions and Surprise Sex
>>15528325>Posting gay sex gif>He thinks it's actually milk on her breastsDid your local priest teach you that it's milk that comes out of a man's pants-stick?
>>15528321I was just going for some shortstack, ultra busty kobolds but sure, why not?
>>15528284Slimes really are the best.
>>15528340As long as you don't go full meme with it we won't have any problems.
>/hpg/ gets invaded with rape fetishists againThis is why we can't have nice things.
>>15528344Nah nah, you brought it up so now we're doing it. We're going full meme just so you can learn a lesson.
>>15528350I mean /hbg/.
>>15528332I'm sure most elementary school teacher would refrain from rapeOn the other hand, anything from middle school and onward is a war zone Sending boys to public schools is a terrible idea
Please remember to charge your Kiki regularly to ensure their well-being and happiness.
>>15528371If only I had a Kiki, I would not be here. It's even sadder when I actually take this seriously and am often on the verge of tears/depression.
Friendly reminder that the only fabric Kikis should be allowed to wear is latex.
>>15528205>Knock Lamya onto her hands and knees, her tail expectantly waving, the best thing about being naked is that with no clothes you don't have to fiddle with them to get ready for some intimacy, or fun"Come on now, boy. I may be a lady but I can only be made to wait for so long.">Press at the base of her tail, she lets out a small, pleased purr, panting and whimpering as you finger her quickly moistening slit>She's gyrating her hips and ass at you"I'm ready when you are~">Slap her ass curtly, eliciting a yelp of surprise from her"Oh, so that's how we're doing this? I'm ready now, M-a-s-t-e-r <3~">Stick your helmet against her slit and press in, there's some resistance before everything caves in, she lets out a wince as you feel something warm against your cock>There's a small plip-plip-plip as blood comes out"S-See? I told you I wasn't a homewrecker. Now, what are you going to do now that I'm yours?">You're sitting there, cock buried in the woman who hired you, no... the woman who stole your heart>After a minute you start thrusting, matching the cadence of her hips to yours so you start giving her maximum penetration>You can feel the plumpness of her cheeks, and the faint smell of a desert flower, in your mind, she's absolutely perfect, shortness and all>It's not long before you feel your cock twitching inside of her, and it becomes pretty apparent how hard you're holding her against your pelvis>Sit down, try to relax, but Lamya's not having any of that. Pulling you in for a kiss, you feel a small ball go into your throat, bringing you back up to full mast."We can't have you losing steam so soon, I may be yours now. But I intend to keep the promise about your children.">Straddling you, she lowers herself onto you, bracing both of your shoulders with her hands"Just sit back and enjoy it, my love <3~">Hug her against you, feeling the warmth of her now lactating breasts against your chest as she bounces up and down in quick thrusts>You're still trying to collect your addled nerves when you finally snap out of it, standing up, Lamya still situated on your cock"Woah there!">Grab both of her ass cheeks in your hands, her legs wrapped around your waist, pussy still enveloping your cock"Now where, pray tell are we going?">The bedroom, you tell her, you at least want to see her face when you finish this time"My my, what a romantic~">With each step, you can feel yourself going deeper and deeper into her, and each time her lower bits give you a small spasm>By the time you lay her onto her back in the middle of the bedroom, her juices and the semen from before are intermingled together>You pounce on top of her, silencing her with a kiss as you jackhammer her pelvis, putting her into a mating press before you thrust as deep as you can go and let loose a torrent of seed>The Tanuki screams into your mouth while you pump her full of your children, and finally speaks up while the sweat cools on your bodies later on"I'm sorry for lying to you about being a virgin.">I kind of figured"Oho? and how's that?">Nobody in their right mind uses 'tiger in bed', it's 'fucks like a tiger'"Ass.">Wife"Hmhm... maybe I am."
>>15528390Oh here we go, I hope you pastebin this.
>>15528371But what if my Kiki doesn't charge with head pats?
>>15528411They all do.
Would a kiki momster give head pats to her son?
Here have a plump faggot cat
>>15528442Someone gave that cat far too much holst milk
>>15528371Be wary the dangers of overcharging
>>15528445Well she is a cat, and cat's love milk
>>15528439Only when he is young to get him to sleep
>>15528449So what happens when you over charge a Monster Girl?
>>15528411Then keep patting until she does. And she does, she just doesn't know it yet.
>>15528454Nothing wrong with a fat monster girl. Unless she's obese. Plumpness goes a long way
>>15528442The cuddliest cat.Gonna give her sweets and rub her belly.
>>15528464Bless you shoggocks.
>>15528463They start shaking and turn the rape up to 11
>>15528478Even if she's spouting off shitty memes to you?
>>15528464Why are Tanukis so damn cute?
>>15528463>Overcharge Kikimora>Her eyes turn into fucking DEUS VULT EYEBEAM tier headlights as she rapes you into the floor>All while holding your hands and maintaining eye contact, telling you to make a fucking mess out of her pussy!
>>15528442Imagine the jiggle her asscheeks make as you spank them.
>>15528484Yep, just gonna give her some mememilk back.If she wants memes, she's getting memes.
>>15528488Complete with that cute, smug look on her face. Cant' forget her thick thighs anon
>>15528487>Kikimora with head pats: "I am growing Stronger."
>>15528411>>15528427Might be those "Naughty French Maid" edition Kiki's that I hear are recharged by spankings.
>>15528463>>15528487Somebody post the picture, you know the one.
>>15528500>FrenchOh dear.
>>15528500I can get behind this
>>15527922>>15527870>>15527861But best girl has tentacles.
What happens when you spider best friend makes you a tux out of her silk
Isn't there going to be a part 4 of yandere moth girl coming soon? I know someone posted a preview page on /a/ a while ago
>>15528522You're counting Housewife edition as part three? I thought it was more a spin-off than a sequel.
>>15528518She wants to marry you
>>15528527Apparently the "spin-off" is just a dream/nightmare the MC had
>>15528479I need to just change my name to that, officially.
>>15528390>Hug her against you, feeling the warmth of her now lactating breasts against your chest as she bounces up and down in quick thrustsMy fetish.
Why are Ushi so cute
>>15528551Because they are fluffy balls of rape.
>>15528551Why are Ushi-Oni called cow monsters? Shouldn't Holsts or Minotaurs be called that?Then again, these folks aren't the best at naming things based on their light novel titles.
>>15528564Because they have a cow skull on their crotch. And doesn't Ushi Oni literally translate as "spider cow?"
>>15528546Sounds like a reeducation specialist Mindflayer will have to be sent to your home.>>15528562>>15528564>>15528551
>>15528562It isn't rape if they ask
>>15528574Does thd seal have to be red?
>>15528551>>15528562>>15528564>>15528574I don't like spider cows! They're scary, mean and very rude!
>>15528573>"spider cow?"No, there's no reference to spider.Ushi = Cow, OxOni = Demon
>>15528564>The Ushi-Oni (牛鬼?, Ox Oni (demon)), or gyūki, is a creature which appears in the folklore of Japan. There are various kinds of ushi-oni, all of them some sort of monster with a horned, bovine head.KC may have also taken inspiration from Nurarihyon no Mago.
>>15528585Wow racist much?
>>15528573If it's name were Ushi Gumo, then sure.
>>15528591But it's true! They destroy homes, annoy men that dislike them and make little boys cry!
>>15528576But they don't.
>>15528596No, they spread a message of love and peace.The only monster here is you anon.
>>15528600They destroy nature, damage people's property and steal whenever they can!Ushi Onis are like every other spider girl, completely untrustworthy!
>>15528518> You've got a date with the confident, outgoing, sporty jinko from work> Mention to your shy beta arachne childhood friend that you've got nothing to wear> "S-spidergirls make clothes anon. I mean, if y-you were to mar-"> "You can make me an outfit! Great, thanks! A suit would be great. My date's on Tuesday. I owe you one!"> "O-oh... okay..."> If you were paying attention, you could actually see the exact moment when her heart breaks in two.
>>15528604>every other spider girl, completely untrustworthy!You've just made an enemy for life.
>>15528617You like bad girls anon, spiders are a disgusting animal and spider girls are very untrustworthy!
I want a red feathered harpy chick to sit upon my shoulder as I go about my day.
>>15528630With fluffy baby feathers?
>>15528625I like bad girls with large breasts and tasty milk. I'm just throwing that out there
>>15528634Yep.She'd Oooo and aaaah at the the new things she sees and her eyes would sparkle with childish wonder as we go about the day.
>>15528609I'll ask her to make a suit for my wedding.
Big Booty Spiders
>>15528638Ushi milk is terrible.
>>OPI know a couple of guys last thread wanted some recaps but I'm having a bit of an issue. I just got shifted to a new department at work and because of that I'll be working much later. That means the only way I'll be able to get anything done is if I post the recap once the thread is almost dead, or has just been up for a long time; IE, like now. If that's okay, great, happy to do it, but if that defeats the point then there's not much I can do until I get an off day; which I also won't be having many of for a while.On the plus side the two fellows that hate the idea will get some peace and quiet.
>>15528609I want to marry the spider and tell her she is better than Athena
>>15528667How can you knowingly hate chocolate milk anon?I want a fucking answer because I'm allergic to chocolate and I still love chocolate milk.
>>15528693Ushis don't have chocolate milk, who told you that lie?!
>>15528700Thats nice but I'd have this girl riding on my shoulders or napping in my lap like she was in a nest after a long day
>>15528710You never drank from one haven't you?
>>15528712I see no problem with this...?
>>15528644> She'd Oooo and aaaah at the the new things she sees and her eyes would sparkle with childish wonder as we go about the day.Monstergirls being amazed by human stuff is adorable whatever their age.I want to show a curious mg all the stuff we just take for granted and listen to her squee with amazement.Then take her to bed and make her squee with my dick.Risne and repeat every day for the rest of our lives.
>>15528718The one you posted is too big.
>>15528609im pretty sure his date will tell him to talk to the poor arachne
>>15528742Yep.She'd snuggle up in a blanket and snooze with a happy little smile on her face.
>>15528717Of course not, why would I?
>>15528724I want to do this with a ryu who was sheltered her whole life.
>>15528644Will she stretch out her whole body while clutching you with her feet to snag onto to strangers to talk to them?
>>15528729Non-sense, you are simply too small for her.
How do I break it to a Spider Girl who has a crush on me that I have arachnaphobia?
>>15528772She'd probably start up idle conversation while we are waiting in line or standing around.She'd be a genki girl without a doubt.>>15528785>red feathered dire harpy chick that rides around on you. Sounds nice, although she'd be quite sad when I finally tell her she's too big to ride on me.
>>15528796You let her help you get over it
>>15528799> Sounds nice, although she'd be quite sad when I finally tell her she's too big to ride on me."Eh-hehe... if I'm too big to ride on your shoulders, that must mean I'm grown up enough to ride you... elsewhere. <3"
>>15528840Well, she could ride on my back, although I'd tire out quite quickly.
>>15528743> Alpha jinko passing up a night of feral passion to give a beta arachne a breakIn her fucking dreams
>>15528851She'll flap her wings in an attempt to help you out, like that one wyvern latenight made.
>>15528890But I don't want her to tire herself out like that!Guess I'll just have to get good for her.
>>15528902At the begining you can take turns, you walk for a while and then she flaps while you rest. Still, when you get good, remember to carry her in your arms. I'm sure she is waiting for that day.
>>15528935Oh, don't worry, princess carries will be a must.
>>15528761> Anon! The humangirl slut in front of the moving map on the talking box said it's going to rain at 6pm tomorrow!> And she's right! But how could she know? She didn't use nephelomancy, I'd be able to tell?> T-they do it using cli-mate mod-els? What's that?> Sat-ell-ites? Com-pu-ters?> Oh, humans are so *cute* with their gadgets! You'll never be as good as monsters, but you really try hard! It's adorable!> And, I mean, phew, all this weather talk...> We ryus ~really~ like that sort of thing, anon.> Let me show you a hot, wet storm rapidly approaching the bedroom~On the negative side, ryus tend to ban their husbands from watching the weathergirls as they consider it close to adultery.
>>15528941But even then, I'm sure you're gonna get tired from carrying her around so much. You'll need a place pretty soft and wide so you can put her down and maybe rest for a while.
>>15528939Is this based off of a pogeyman or am I just retarded? Still, nice work and it's nice to see you back.
>>15528953Well, we could always relax on the couch after a long day of walking around.Maybe watch some TV.
>>15528965It's for a large illustration for this image and that one >>15525870I think I still have four more characters to draw.
>>15528982I see now.
>>15528761>Showing the world to a Dragon that spent centuries in her cave>"No Dragon-chan, you can't add that to your hoard."Dealing with dragons must be a blessing and a curse.
>>15528974I don't know, Anon. You might be tired but she still has her energy left. She might try to waste that energy through the only means she knows, after all, both of you are in a pretty comfortable place.
>>15529006>"No Dragon-chan, you can't add that to your hoard."Sounds like a good way to go about getting your village burned down desu senpai
>>15529032Maybe once wouldn't hurt.She was a good girl after all.
>>15528677>the two fellows that hate the ideaIt already sounds like you're going to be up yourself over this.
>>15526315Looks yandere as fuck. I love it.
>>15527810Well done, but you could use with some more self-advertisement. A related image to make it stick out more, at least. Personally, I'm looking forward to what soldier-Anon has to say about this.
>>15529043Just give her a wet kiss to put out the fire in her mouth. She is a dragon AND a lady, if she wants something then I can buy it for her.
>>15527196Wonder if the symbols on the collar are her name or something else. MGE "script".
>>15529098This is what step ladders are for.
>>15528724>We have furnaces to warm our houses and insulation to keep the heat in>No we do not need to keep hugging indoors it's very warm, even if it is snowing outside>Wrapping your scarf around me is making me sweat>Please miss Yeti I'm getting heat stroke
>>15527899Fuck you rat! What does sewer thrash know?
>>15529111I want a monster girl to accidentally kill me, and then cry because she loved me.
>>15529098>that yandere doujin of hers[Profound Feelings of Joy]
>>15529123I want to become an incubus against my will and horrify my "wife" by killing myself in front of her cell every night!
>>15526462>India: HolstaurusSacred tiddies.
>>15529123I want my waifu to go berserk and hurt me so badly that she hears me say before entering a coma is "No need to worry, I will always love you"
>>15529064>It already sounds like you're going to be up yourself over this.>you're going to be up yourself>to be up yourselfI don't understand
I want to become an incubus and cumflate lolis with my massive dong!
>>15529174You're an idiot, but you reminded me of something good.
>>15529177>not ogresCasul.
>>15529179What did you remember? Wouldn't you want your waifu to cling to your almost lifeless body? Showing you how much she needs you and how important you are to her? My heart got a boner thinking about those things.
>>15529175You're already saying people who don't want the recaps are just these two people, it sounds stupid and arrogant.Like when Commercial invented a single anon he called "bitch-kun" who was responsible for any and all posts insulting or disagreeing with him.
Arachnophobia anon won't be able to resist this!Then he'll accept the love for sure!
Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.Instead, be sure to give that nice ryu down the street a few kind words and a date.She's been following you for a while and may turn incendiary should you not pay attention.
>>15529211Fear is just another kind of love.
>>15529211>BrowniesWhat variety of havoc could one wreak with "special" brownies in MGC? I feel like finding out they're only laced with pot would be a relief with all the other shit likely to make its way in.
What is the purest expression of love?hard mode: without physical contact
>>15529217What's an old hag like her gong to do?
>>15529219>pot sexSo chill.
>>15529203Oh it's nothing great, just an old "story". A man is on the lam after ripping out his mother's heart from her chest. He goes far into the badlands, into increasingly difficult terrain. While making his way through there, he trips and falls. His mother's heart asks did you hurt yourself?
>>15529211Fate really is an ironic bitch.
>>15529211I'll never accept their love!
>>15529224The usual.Wrap you up in her coils, take you to her home, show you the shrine she made, chide you for forgetting that she's a childhood friend despite the photos having her be far older and obviously shooped in, and ask you if this is all moving too fast and if she just came off as a little crazy.You don't think she's crazy do you? Do you?!>>15529223Daughteru showing you a picture of your family holding hands under a smiling sun.
>>15529217I want to tease her
>>15529241We never knew each other s kids, and she's much older the me.
>>15529211To me at least regardless of what kind of monster girl, I'd have to politely decline her gift as I can't trust anything or gift a monster girl gives me to be safe. If it's food or drink it's probably filled with knock out drugs and made so I can be assaulted/ raped. If it's something else, I still will think it's got knockout stuff on it and way too suspicious to trust. When will monster girls learn that if they want to get to know me and start dating me, all they have to do is ask nicely ,be respectful and don't try to assault me/ rape me?
>>15529270She just wanted to make brownies you fucking racist.
>>15529270>When will monster girls learn that if they want to get to know me and start dating me, all they have to do is ask nicely ,be respectful and don't try to assault me/ rape me?You know, I find myself with similar reactions. In most scenarios where I'm being assaulted/forced (ESPECIALLY in my own home) my usual reaction is to fight tooth and nail even if it's not the smart move. As soon as I'm asked politely or flirted with I absolutely slut it up though. Odd, no?
>>15529225>A Cheshire Cat from the college you go to will never vastly overestimate her pot tolerance and end up getting high off her considerable ass.>She'll never sneak her way into your room and just float around without any underwear on, making remarks about the universe and our place in it.>She'll never notice you after about a hour or rambling and then lazily float over to you before grabbing you by the head.>She'll never look at you with adoring eyes and admit that she's had a crush on you since the first day of school but just couldn't find the right moment to confess.>She'll never kiss you passionately before flipping around and waving her ass in your face.>You'll never give in to lust and plow her from behind while she moans and squeals.>You'll never shove her on to the bed and pump into her while she wraps her arms around your head and whispers demands for you to go faster into your ear.>You'll never fall asleep in the afterglow, still balls deep in her.>You'll never get to see her blush before grinning widely when she wakes up and finds you sleeping next to her.
>>15529247I want to destroy that smile by telling her that gold and jewels are empty in the end, you can't take them with you and she's wasted her life hoarding wealth.
>>15529275I have to be careful man, you never know what monster girls will try to put in them to get what they want forcefully. Also I'm not a racist, i'd be equally suspicious regardless if it was monster girl of any kind or a human girl getting me a gift, especially one I never encountered before in my life. >>15529280Actually it's not to odd, it just means you respect girls who treat you with respect and like them because of that.
>>15529280>>15529270>only sane men
>>15529284I'd be up to this if that shit didn't smell so nasty.
>>15529300>it just means you respect girls who treat you with respect and like them because of that.Well that's certainly an interesting way to look at it. Certainly seems to line up with my values elsewhere.
>>15529313Good point.
>>15529208>You're already saying people who don't want the recaps are just these two people, it sounds stupid and arrogant.there were only two people who voiced their dislike; and there were only three or so people (which is why I said "couple") which voiced their desire. The rest of the thread don't careto be perfectly honest it's kinda arrogant for you to project your emotions on to me. There were two people so I said there were too people.
>>15529298Joke's on you, she already knows that. For a dragon to have a smile bright like that means that she has something more valuable than gold and jewels is her hoard.>>15529226That's a pretty nice little story indeed.
>>15529313You act like pot from Wonderland wouldn't smell like cotton candy or something like that.
>>15529316That's how it should be for if a girl shows clear interest and wants to form a relationship with you, it's natural to take her politeness/ friendless by paying it back as you go out on a lovely date with her.
>>15529324Whatever it is, she will lose it in the end. We all die alone.
>>15529284>DrugsNo. I'm reporting the dude weed lmao Cheshire to the school authorities so she can be expelled.Fucking degenerate cat, she's lucky I don't report her to the Philippines President.
MG meets a man with anhedonia that not even mamono mana can fix. What now bitches.
>>15529342>by paying it back as you go out on a lovely date with her.That's not what I said though; I said slut and I damn well meant it. A date's certainly not out of the question, but I'd respond almost as well to "ay boy, you wan sum tailpussy?" Or at least that's how it works in my head. It'd probably be marginally less terrible in real life.Admittedly though, part of that is because I can headcanon slutty MGs as taking better care of themselves than equivalent actual women.
>>15529351Legal in my state anon.
Why aren't you fucking your momster? Don't you know she loves you as a mother and a woman. It's been forever since she's felt a man.
>>15529347Nah, we may die alone, but at least we'll have something else waiting for us on the other side. Remember, Anon, death is just a new beginning.
>>15529374We doing this now? The focus has changed from daughterus to moms?
>>15529270What if she ate some in front of you?
>>15529367>Legal in my state>In my stateMeanwhile ten year old vampires can buy garlic, you can grow as much catnip as you want anywhere the shit doesn't die, there's a Starbucks on damn near every corner and moths can get high by huffing THEMSELVES. Some MGs have all the luck.
>>15529377>death is just a new beginning[CONTINUED LAUGHTER]
>>15529374>It's been forever since she's felt a man.Dropped.
>no monster girl to game withWhy does life torment me so?
>>15529364Well if that's what work best for you, if it isn't broke don't fix it. She ask you answer her request and never think twice about not doing it.
>>15529380mature and experienced is the way to go, anon
Our numbers have fallen a bit haven't they?
>>15529367Putting your dick in a meat grinder is legal too but it's still retarded.
>>15529383No dice, she's probably immune to whatever she put in it.>>15529393Explain.
>>15529401Cut her some slack anon, she's young and experimenting. I'd bet you did some stupid shit when you were young too.
>>15529402>ExplainI want to break my momsters hymen.
>>15529397>motherfu wearing a crucifix while you commit acts of carnal depravity with her
>>15529405Maybe, but never drugs. In fact, I bet she did them on campus too. That would definitely be grounds for expulsion.Bon voyage seth rogan cat.
>>15529383Well after waiting a bit to see if it has any effect on her, I'd defiantly be more inclined to try them so long as she also watches me eat them. If things go well and no effect bad or otherwise happen to me, we can see about going out on a date so we can get to know each other better, especially her and why she likes me in the first place/ about her in general.
>>15529405Takes me back to that time I fucked a pair of shirohebi twins. Listen kids, when people say "don't stick your dick in crazy" don't take it for granted. Especially not when the crazy has magic and is capable of crushing you with its tail.
>>15529409Virginity is grossly overrated.
>>15529387>Be some shitty cashier at a 24/7 supermaket>10 year old Vampire comes in, alone, at 2:30 in the morning>Wants to buy a big bag of garlic cloves>She looks really nervous, keeps looking around>Ask her why she wants to buy the garlic>"M-m-my mom's making, uh, uh, food. Chicken! My mom's making chicken and she wants garlic for, uh, seasoning.">Refuse to sell her the garlic>Show up to work the next night and the manager pulls you into his office to tell you that they got a call that morning from someone claiming that you told them "We don't serve your kind, bloodsucker">Tells you you're not allowed to refuse someone service just because of their race and that he's going to have to write you up>Refuses to listen to what you have to say>Later on, that same fucking 10 year old comes in and brings another big bag of garlic to your register>It takes everyone ounce of self control you have to not reach across the counter and slap that smug fucking smile off her face
>>15529424Sounds like a good time to crush a clove in front of her, rub it on her face then totally not take embarrassing pictures to not post on the internet.
>>15529424Get revenge. Make that druggie vampire loli lose her smile for good.Defanged and wings removed.
>>15529374But what if I have two momsters?
>>15529437Wouldn't they grow back? She's not an adult yet.
>>15529446She just got her adult fangs in. They won't grow back
>>15529424>Hey kid. Wanna see my tractor?
>>15529437The edge is real.
>>15529446A quick Google says "maybe." Canines fall out in the 10-12 age range. Even so, she'd still be wingless.
>>15529441>You'll never be adopted by a pair of monstergirl sisters who have absolutely no idea what the fuck they're doing.>They'll never adopt a pair of monstergirls too because they didn't want you to be lonely but failed to notice the girls were rivals with crushes on you.
>>15526454Argentina - Dark Elf insisting she's a normal light skinned Elf
>>15529351>>15529401>>15529413Fuck off dude. America is about personal choice. You're not a better person for looking down on others.
>>15529457>yfw it's this easy to get a harem Those guys would have an aneurism in MGE.
>>15529464What guys?
>>15529454Vampires regenerate. So it's more about teasing until they behave.
>>15529374Because she never expressed this to me before or asked if I would like to from a relationship with her that's not just purely for sex. Now that she has brought it up to me and wishes to form a genuine relationship with me, I'll have sex with her, even though I've never done it before and I'm still single. I just hope my passion for my Ryu mother will make up for not having any experience when it comes to sex.
>>15529469Have you ever tried to discuss a harem show on /a/?
>>15529374I could never do something like that to my momster!
>>15529480The DxD and Testament threads seem to go well, but I do get your point.
>>15529461Well I guess we were all 14 at some point.
>>15529486Not even if she asked you to?
>>15529493Remind me what it's like, friendo.
>>15529480Not him but enlighten me
Look out
>>15529507For what?
>>15529499I don't know, she would have to do some major convincing.>>15529504Have you ever posted a Sony game on /v/?
>>15529504Most harem leads nowadays get the girls because they're nice, antiharemfags hate that to death and will loudly and persistently let that fact be known to anyone who expresses any positive words about harem shows. And while it's understandable in some cases, they're so obnoxious and borderline fanatical about it get the gist.
>>15529489>DxD and Testament threads seem to go wellnope
>>15529529I've seen a lot of them go pretty well.
>>15529507I want to fuck that lewd cat.
>>15529533Well lucky you must have missed the Shinmai airing threads
>>15529520Harems like Rosario Vampire completely deserve the trashing they get.Still salty best girl didn't win.>>15529539What happened?
Reminder to be careful when you go bird-watching.Some species of Harpy can be very aggressive and territorial, even if they look pretty.Try not to get too close to their nests.
>>15529520I see, thanks for telling me
>>15529507Bastet has had too much to drink!
>>15529546I want to get close to that bird.
>>15529546I want to observe jubjub bathing habits from afar.And then get nervous when the winds shift and they start turning towards me, sniffing at the air.
>>15529544ESL shitposter in every single fucking thread going on about how Basara is better than Issei. Also did this in DxD threads. Also most likely Stellafag.
>>15529556She doesn't want you to talk to her or her kids ever.
>>15529563ESL? Basara?
>>15529566She doesn't have kids though!
>>15529557Going to Wonderland would be worth it, just to see those gigantic bouncing bird breasts as they play about in the water.Just be sure not to stand upwind of them if you want to stay hidden.
>>15529568>doesn't know what ESL meansESL please go
>>15529575>Just be sure not to stand upwind of them if you want to stay hidden.I don't think it would even matter; jubjubs have dick sense so keen they can put a hellhound to shame.>>15529574She's being extremely cautious.
>>15529575>You'll never be found and gangbanged by a group of shortstack wonderland girls while you're trying to escape.Goddamn it, why are you doing this to me boner?Why does this guy draw shortstacks so good?
>>15529581It'd be creepy to see them all swivel their heads around at once to stare in your direction, already dripping wet between their legs.
>>15529546I want to get close to a harpie's nest and have her try to chase me away. I want het to grab me in her talons and hoist me high in the air. I want to break free and climb on her body, putting her in a chokehold and crashing to earth. I want to fuck her as she's passed out from the blow and see her become a quivering mess as all that I've done to her assaults her at once. I want to make her my mount and systematically rape very harpy in the surrounding territories and make them mine in the same way, until I become king of the mountain of fucking and all I can survey from the top.
>>15529592It'd be like The Birds, only they can't fly. And bouncier. And stupider. It really wouldn't be much like The Birds, would it?
>>15529592I kind want to shoot her titties with a pellet gun.
>>15529603Close enough.Anon would get trapped in a phone booth, where the Jubjubs would press their breasts against the glass hard enough for it to start cracking.
>>15529603It'd be like the Birds, only replace the horrible avian based murder with rape. Lots and lots of rape.It'd probably be a porno come to think of it. Instead of ending like The Birds, it ends with Anon getting gangraped by Harpies of various kinds.
So what are you going to do this fine morning?
>>15529613How does one combat the jub? If you throw a cloth over their head, will they calm down and go to sleep?Stumps need not apply.
>>15529622Masturbate and throw my used tissues out of the window. Hopefully the pile of smelly tissues nets me an oddly agitated kiki.
>>15529575>Stand upwindI don't think Wonderland rules would give a shit.
Which monsters would desire to adopt human baby boys the most?
>>15529629You're probably right, Wonderland is like hard mode. None of the usual tactics for avoiding rape would work.
>>15529625Let's see...>Bags over the head>A bunch of coyotegirls>Spike strips>Shiny dildos>Shotas--it'd work for self-defense now at the cost of making the problem worse later though>>15529631Any answer other than echidna is objectively wrong. Valkyrie is less objectionably wrong than others though.
>>15529625There is no combating the Jub. Your only option is to run and barricade yourself from them, and pray they don't find their way in.Don't give in to their temptations either. Though their moaning and promises of lewd things may seem tantalizing, they shouldn't be trusted for even an instant or you'll be waking up surrounded by downy feathers, huge breasts, and a constant train of pussy until the flock is all pregnant.
>>15529632Echidnas are trash tho.
>>15529632>>15529635But wouldn't an echidna prefer to raise a boy with heroic potential from the shadows?
>>15529622Enjoy my 24th birthday with my PS4 and some vodka
>>15529639Anon, imagine the cute potential of an Echidna finding an abandoned human child and then taking him in to raise him with her newborn daughterus.
>>15529639Those are Valkyries, or maybe Kunoichi.
>>155296381. No, you2. That's not relevant to the question3. if echidna was my mom things would be different around here.>>15529639Not necessarily. A top-tier mom could raise him to have whatever values she wants so the whole incest bit wouldn't even matter.
>>15529622I"m gonna go to work and hate my life.
>>15529649Echidnas are bad!They're snakes!>based orderdog showing lazy treacherous feline her placeThe way it should be.
>>15529655Jesus fucking christ.
>>15529633I want to purposefully go to Wonderland and stay by the entrance until a Cheshire appears to guide me. Then I'll act confused and ask for help, playing the role of the lost little lamb.Fuck yeah this is a good idea.
>>15529643>>15529649But what is the point of a monster raising a human child if she's not gonna fuck him? That's a rare opportunity wasted.
>>15529655gouge my eyes out
>>15529661>if she's not gonna fuck him?Second post here. I implied the exact opposite of that.
>>15529655I still can't believe I just saw that.For fucks sake.
Monsters threaten human civilization. Join your local resistance cell today! Register as an anti-monster grump, it's totally not a set-up!
>>15529640Happy birthday anon
>>15529658>>15529664>>15529670Is it guro?
>>15529655I saw an MGE Anubis and Sphinx projected onto the wall and I tabbed right the fuck outta there.
>>15529681It's 3d cosplay, so yes.
>>15529661Because he's going to end up fucking one or all of his adoptive sisters.
>>15529681WorseIt's 3D
>>155296813DPD girls cosplaying as the Anubis and Sphinx play fighting.
>>15529683Not even Crazy Diamond can fix this shit.
>>15529655This is why girls should stay out of this sort of thing. Why would they even think this is a good idea?
>>15529693They knew it would give them attention.
>>15529693Girls dress up to attract mates.
>>15529655Where is this even at?
>>15529693>Why would they even think this is a good idea?It's a fine idea, you just need a fantastic body and far more skill than they had in everything. That's where the failure comes in; it's not from the trying, it's from not being good enough.
>>15529696They could have done anything but dress up as anime porn girls and swat at each other. The whole crowd must have been so confused.
>>15529697I want to tenderly love that Oni.
>>15529704You severely underestimate how desperate some whores can be for attention.
>>15529693This looks more like a 'we're cosplayers and these designs look cool' situation to me rather than 'let's teach MGE to the masses starting by projecting it on the wall before a crowd', so apart from obvious amateurishness I don't quite see why it gets the reaction here.
i'd bone them
>>15529712>I don't quite see why it gets the reaction hereB-b-because t-they're g-g-girls! Girls got cooties!
>>15529712>>15529715Women leave and never come back.
>>15529712Because look at it.
>>15529720Yeah! We're perfectly happy with our Alpbros giving us Alpjobs! Woo-woo!
normies get out reeeeeeeee
>>15529655I don't know what the hell you guys are so upset about, I'd fuck the shit out of those two.
>>15529721Having my toe stabbed repeatedly before getting numbing was less painful than that shit.
Well, this escalated quickly.
>>15529713>>15529730Negroes please leave.
>>15529740Why? Cause I'd have sex with women? Do you know how alpish you sound? Or are you afraid of teh normies finding out about monstergirls? Cause let me tell you, they have fucking facebook pages dude.
>>15529744>Fucking gutter trash
>>15529746>never know her mood>what she's thinking>what to buy her>if she has fun having sex with youThat's the real horror.
>>15529747Do you know them, do you have a single fact to back that up or is this just more unsubstantiated hatred?
Are echidna's the kind of monster that would slip raging mushrooms into their adoptive son's food?
>>15529752Of course not. The first-born Echidna daughteru on the other hand would do it to their adoptive kotouto.
>>15529751>Cosplaying as fucking MGE monster girls for a brief moment of attentionThat's a pretty big indicator they're vapid whores.
>>15529752That and powerthirst
>>15529752She would never! Sons are not for sexual!
>>15529752Maybe eventually, but certainly not at first. You have to ease the soneru into the cloaca to prevent future trama.
>>15529766Okay, that does sound credible enough. Still, there's an unsavory implication there, like there's something wrong with MGE monsters.
>>15529756Would her sisters get jealous that she got to me first?
>>15529775There is.
>>15529777They might, but Otter-nee-san is too lazy to bother. She'll wait for you to rest your head on her soft belly, then direct you downwards.
>>15529781And that is?
>>15529768But why would she want her son to get deported to Kenya? Are they already in Kenya? I'm sure she'd love it if he had a powerful thirst though.>>15529775>like there's something wrong with MGE monsters.Nothing wrong with the monsters, but you've gotta admit the potential that there's something wrong with the girls that dress up like them is high.
>>15529752What if the son is allergic to them, then he might die
>>15529655Is this art?
>>15529655>>Cosplays are decent>Girls are decentExpecting good fight choreography out of amateurs is just silly.>>15529693I'm with >>15529700, as aforementioned comment about choreography indicates.>>15529712Eh, y'never know. Girls can be pervs too, they could be interested in MGE content in general for all you know.
>>15529790If post-modern.
>>15529782Is this going to be my life? Being molested by my cute Onee-sans? Because I can think of worse lives to have.
>>15529793Ohhh, I see.
>>15529787>*cat onee-san/imouto>Can't cuddle up to them without sneezing like crazy and engaging maximum asthma modeSuffering, especially when they aren't being tsun.
>>15529792But MGE has little for girls unless they have a thing for corruption.
When teaching monster teenagers always wear a fake wedding ring
>>15529802Not wholely true. Some girls may find certain traits of MGs, whether specific or in general, to be admirable.>>15529804If you don't have a "Scent" on you, and the ring doesn't have a uniquely forged demon gem, they'll know you're faking.
>>15529783Their high libido might be too much for some men, along with their clinginess, morals and all that shit.Not to mention the possibility of a monster refusing to leave a man alone even if their preferences completely clashed.
>>15529802Not entirely true; there's a lot of sexual empowerment going on there and a ton of slut praising. That's without going into the various fetishes the individual girls bring so saying there's "nothing" isn't close to true. You just have to be into that sort of thing.
>tfw no Kobold waifu to sit on your lap so you can nonchalantly play with her modest breasts while you watch TV
>>15529802He's right. There is also big empowerment/change fantasy potential to it for them, at least.
Remember anons: impregnate your plump waifus now so they develop that perfectly thicc milf body after they give you daughterus
>>15529818Delete this.Dark Elves are too lewd.
>>15529822No, mon cherie. Dark Elves are just lewd enough.
>>15529812>and a ton of slut praisingInversely, in a society which increasingly normalizes adultery and infidelity, plenty of both men and women may find the magically locked-in loyalty shtick the MGE has going on appealing.Hard to believe, I know, but there are women out there just as annoyed at cuck culture.
>>15529822No. We need need more Dark Elves. I'm just pissed I'm on my phone right now and can't dump a few pics.Remember guys. Dark Elves are olev.
>>15529816But is the trade off worth the power for most women?
>>15529825I normally don't care for raping Elves, but fucking Dark Elves through me into a fucking frenzy.It's like someone slips me a Raging Mushroom every time I see one.
your waifu is stinky
>>15529811>Their high libido might be too much for some menMamono mana, incubozation, raging mushrooms>clinginessThey aren't all shirohebis and oomukades>moralsYes, their morals ARE fucked up>possibility of a monster refusing to leave a man alone You say that like women are incapable of this. I get what you're saying, I do, but unless you're writing a story or we're discussing this with a basis on OUR world, you seem to be taking this too serious.You're just upset they aren't real aren't you?
>>15529834>throughYou mean throw.
>>15529825Why did you call that anon my darling?
Plenty of women would love to be a kunoichi.
>>15529840Yes, yes I did.Whoops, didn't even notice that.
>>15529830Valid point. MGE does manage to play both sides there, doesn't it?>>15529832Doesn't have to be worth it for most women, only the ones into the fetish. There will always be SOME, and the trade off for becoming a monster is becoming beautiful and having lots of sex then getting married to man you love anyway. Or at least it can be viewed that way.
>>15529842I was implying the Dark Elf was doing so. It's not like I'm some kind of cockmunching, by golly!
>>15529843But would they like having to live far away from humans and marrying their targets?
>>15529849>MGE does manage to play both sides there, doesn't it?Indeed; it's generally left to the individual reader/fanfic writer's interpretation in any given scenario.>>15529838Sounds great.
>>15529831got you covered
>>15529812>>15529816>empowermentAt the end of the day MGs are cocksocks, those fucks wouldn't like them much, hell, we've already seen proof of it in these threads.
>>15529809Say you have a human wife, that takes care of sent and gem
>>15529861There is empowerment in understanding you can't win or lose against dicks.
>>15529839>Mamono mana>raging mushroomsYeah.>incubizationNow this is where I and possibly a lot of other men would cross the line.>They aren't all shirohebis and oomukadesWhile not to that extreme, monster girls in MGE still are way more clingy than normal women and that might just be too much for some men at first.>spoilerNot really, I really like monster girls and all but I them being around would just be such a hassle.
>>15529812> there's a lot of sexual empowerment going on thereDepends how you read it.I mean, on the face of it, "Superpowered females dom-ing puny male adventurers and unleashing their own pervertedness AT FULL FORCE" /looks/ like female empowerment, but change your viewing angle just slightly and it becomes "Nymphomaniac magic turns any woman into a 10/10 cumslut who literally cannot stop sucking your cock!"If you just read the profiles, I think you might come away with the first impression. If you read the settings info it tends to point to the second.Which leads me to conclude that chicks who like it just casually skimmed a few profiles and went "Cute cat ears! Grrrl power! Omg I'm such a perv XD", and are blissfully unaware of the whole nympho-corrupt-strong-womyn-into-heart-pupil-cocksleeve-succubi thing that lurks under the hood.But hey, "Girl fans of X only have an extremly shallow knowledge of X" ain't exactly the mindblowing thesis of the century, is it?
>>15529860Anon no.
>>15529868I don't think that they'd recognize you as "Taken" with just a human wife.More likely, one with even the slightest tinge of yandere to her would likely break into your home while you're out, intending to corrupt your wife and then tag-team you, only to discover no such wife, nor any evidence of one.And then you are fucked. Literally.
>>15529872I read that doujin. But you can't beat the cock man.
>>15529880>tfw no Lava Golem/Elf or Holstaur/Elf hybrids
>>15529884Careful, I got a ban for posting that once.
>>15529882> intending to corrupt your wife and then tag-team you>then tag-team youI could learn to deal with the corruption, but that other shit would drive me up the fucking wall.
>>15529876Couldn't have said it better.
>>15529872>Can't beat the cock.jpg>>15529876Eh, great thing about the MGE in my opinion is, for all the shit it leads to in these threads, how much of it is up for individual interpretation. You get what you like out of it.>But hey, "Girl fans of X only have an extremly shallow knowledge of X" ain't exactly the mindblowing thesis of the century, is it?Pretty inaccurate one though. Personal experience, shit usually winds up 50/50 genderwise. You'll have just as many male and female fans who're goddamn obsessed with shit. And just as many of both who take a passing glance, see something they like, and call themselves a "Fan".
>>15529884Damn Dark Elves, being so fucking lewd.Why are brown Monster Girls so much lewder than the pale ones?
Short Haired Wife I wonder if Miia would cut it at some point for an image change or something
>>15529882Well shit, maybe I could get one of the monster teachers to help fake a scent?
>>15529899Don't say that, you'll hurt the pale Elves feelings!
>>15529861>At the end of the day MGs are cocksocksWhile true, at the end of the same day men are also vaginafeet situationally. There's another for the list of "things I can't believe I actually just typed." The setting is a male sexual power fantasy sure, but KC set things up so most of the time girls don't actually get a terribly raw deal; Super Happy Fun Land is ultimately supposed to be super, happy and fun for all except that cunt the Chief God. You can GENERALLY scratch higher aspirations if you're a grill, but if you want a simple pleasure-filled life it's not bad.>>15529876>But hey, "Girl fans of X only have an extremly shallow knowledge of X" ain't exactly the mindblowing thesis of the century, is it?Hardly. Still, depending on what you want from life is it really that hard to see how someone might want that even after reading the setting material? The shittiest part seems to be how easy it is to get turned into just whatever with little choice involved.
>>15529903She'd cut it for character development.
>>15529896Where are you getting this female fan stuff from?
Who is your waifu, anon?
>>15529906But it's true! Dark Elves are so much lewder!There's nothing wrong with pale Elves, I'm just stating facts.
>>15529912Tie between Lich and Mantis.
>>15529903Not a fan of that particular style, but I do think Miia with short-hair could look pretty damn nice.>>15529905It'd involve a lot of rubbing together anon. You can do it with clothes on, but without actual sexual contact, you'd require regular..."Applications". And who's to say how long she, or you, could maintain such a thing without it leading to further intimacy?>>15529908>vaginafeetThis is far, far, far, altogether far more funny than it has any right to be.>>15529910Life.
>>15529908>girls don't actually get a terribly raw dealThat's not what I was getting at at all. >vaginafeetWhat
>>15529914it's because they've had more time to bake
>>15529919Couldn't the Lich science teacher just hug me for it to work?
>>15529919>lifeSo your head.
>>15529912Crow Tengu. >>15529918Pick one you slut.
>>15529922God damn Dark Elves, always making me want to rape them.
>>15529908>Super Happy Fun Land is ultimately supposed to be super, happy and fun for all except that cunt the Chief God.Also the gays.Lesbians, eeeeeeeeeh...fine, if I don't haveta look't'em, but gays? Nah. Fuck 'em.
>>15529912Someone like this.
>>15529912MiiaLoen picture of Miia in a daki pit soon
>>15529925I can't!
>>15529912That's her on the right.
>>15529924If that's the only place you can fathom going out and talking to people anon, then I'm sorry for you.>>15529923Well, yes, sure. That'd count for the "Rubbing". But who's to say she won't get attached, with you asking for hugs every day?
>>15529876> male> just want to get dommed by stronk perverted qts with a side-dish of adventure and mythology> profile-only MGE is muh fetish> read settings info> becomes a clusterfuck of corrupting, drugging, mindbreaking, and sexually degrading fem-paladinsI didn't ask for this
>>15529933You must.
>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus
>>15529927>"you want to w-what? p-please don't hurt me"
>>15529940I can't! I love them too much!
>>15529921>That's not what I was getting at at all.What, were you talking about the whole "human women would hate MGs" thing? Almost undoubtedly so, but I thought we were talking about girls that want to BE monster girls, not be forever inferior next to them.>WhatReally? What goes inside of a vagina? What goes inside of a sock? It's the proverbial bolt to the proverbial nut. The point being that men also get treated like sex toys by women in-world at least sometimes.>>15529928>Also the gays.What are you talking about? The gays get turned into females and thus cured of teh gei. It's a solution so perfect Jesus would weep. As for the lesbians they can always trip, fall into a monstergirl's cunt and become succubi or something, thus also curing teh gei. That or they practice pure love where none can see. Either way.
>>15529936You're free to ignore what you don't like anon.
>>15529942I miss you too buddy
>>15529941Massive brown shortstack milktanks.
>>15529946I would never hurt a Dark Elf, they would be tenderly raped.
>>15529921Depends on how you see it. By monsterizing, they are getting a new lease on life. So it could be a good thing if their life is awful or they need a fresh body because of problems with theirs
Women have Mrs. and Ms. for married and unmarried respective but men just have Mr. Would monsters come up with one for unmarried men?
>>15529953>>15529953that's a whole lotta tittuu
>>15529889>no Inari/Yukionna hybrid>no Nereid/Kejourou hybrid>no Liliraune/Tentacle hybrid>no Raiju/Hellhound hybrid
>>15529947But if they were to fight to the death for you love, which one would you chose?
>>15529953Little pale bug bites.How can pale girls even compete?
>>15529949>That or they practice pure love where none can see.That's what I meant with the whole horribly accented shtick at the end.And the point is that generally gays don't want to be women, so they wouldn't be happy in the MGE's Super Happy Fun Land. Though you're probably perfectly aware of that and are actually using sarcasm to articulate the point of "Who cares?", but well...text. Hard to tell at times.
>>15529935You speak as you know female monstergirl fans, I don't buy it, and you say it like anyone can be a fan of anything. While somewhat true, you make it sound like it's common, I think that's wrong. You're not going to tell me the twilight fanbase is composed of 50% or even 10% males, same with monsergirls having that many female fans, especially MGE.
>>15529973Well now they're going to fight until one of them is dead.
>>15529935Hug's daily aren't that bad and during summer break we can take a break
>>15529889>Holstaur/ElfI think Holstaur/Troll would be a better combination
>>15529979I'll have to throw myself between them then!
>>15529968I would've thought the whole "Jesus would weep" thing would make it obvious I was being less than serious, but text. Past that, it doesn't matter if they want to be women. They become women, and then they're happy because KC says so, simple as that. Same as women monsterizing, actually. The bigger issue is that it actually shouldn't be that easy for a man to alp so only closeted gays generally would outside of demon realms but who wants to think of things like that?
Lewd Tomboy Holstaurs.
>>15529949I was talking about a specific set of women.
>>15529974>female mg fansA large amount, I meant.
>>15529988It's only a temporary solution.
>>15529974Not him but all of my female friends like MGsThough at the same time, all of my female friends are lesbians
>>15529994So are you going to name the set? I seem to be lost unless you're talking about the two on stage who, it seems to me, would quite possibly fall into that group of those that wish to be the monstergirl.
>>15530001Guess I'll have to spank the hatred out of them.
>>15529974>You speak as you know female monstergirl fansSeveral. Admittedly of three, one loves the MGE's stuff, one loathes it, and I'm not really sure about the third but I think she was more ambivalent leaning towards dislike. All like Monster Girls though.>and you say it like anyone can be a fan of anythingThat's not "Somewhat" true, that's perfectly true.>You're not going to tell me the twilight fanbase is composed of 50% or even 10% males>same with monsergirls having that many female fansFair points. I was speaking of fandoms in general, but obviously some things are going to appeal more to male or female, and some things are just going to be plain niche. The point remains there will still be perfectly legitimate fans, regardless of their gender. Though while I've evidence and experience of female MG fans, I'm not sure I've ever heard nor seen or talked to a male Twilight fan. I'm probably wrong, just by sheer odds, but I kind of don't want to be.
>>15529980>Tell Lich-sensei you "Want to take a break">KuuTears.jpg
>>15529974I've checked the demographics of an MGE community I'll refrain from unveiling because reasons by sorting by gender and it gave roughly 20% females. Just sayin'.
>>15530011I swear I've run into a male Twitard before. The trick is you always have to wonder if they're just into it for the women. Sound familiar?
>>15530012Unless she is showing up at my house, I don't think we would be able to hug daily
>>15530011>spoilerOh hey, I knew one of those in high school. The first time I ever saw him, he was reading one of those books. He was actually pretty alright, that seemed to be his one 'thing'.
>>15530003Sounds like a nice circle of friends.>>15530013I wonder what the demographic of this thread's some ~100 patrons is? 100% male, or could there be some FemAnons, milling about?>>15530016That was Robert Pattison's reason for getting into the franchise.>>15530020I'm both horrified yet oddly curious.
>>15530011>spoilerI was surrounded by faggots my college years and every single one of them hated it, no joke. I mean they liked looking at the werewolf guy but other than that they hated the whole muh tragic love business ir whatever the fuck those books/movies became about.
>>15529890Must not have been on /jp/ then.>>/jp/image/y-Z39b9GtuOgR1LQ4hs6ZA
>>15530003I don't know what I should feel towards you.
>>15530037How so anon
>>15530022>I'm both horrified yet oddly curious.I honestly don't know why he liked them. He was quiet and a major electronics/sound equipment nerd. Nobody in our group of friends ever really questioned him about it and he never talked about them. All we saw was him reading the series for like the first half of our freshman year.
>>15530006Better not. I can't find the link anyway. Let's just say they aren't pleased. But who gives a shit about them right?
>>15530041>Nobody in our group of friends ever really questioned him about it and he never talked about them.That... that's wonderful. He and your friends sound like cool dudes.
>>15530011>That's not "Somewhat" true, that's perfectly trueJust to be a dickJew who's a fan of the nazis
>>15530047Well shit if this line of discussion didn't end civilly. Everything is nice. What's going on tonight? One of you needs to call someone's waifu a shit or something, I feel weird.>But who gives a shit about them right?True enough, especially if they throw fits.
>>15530048They were alright. I was excluded a fair bit because I was an annoying little fucker and when I finally learned that people don't like annoying little shits I quit. Problem was I was pretty boring under all that so I never talked to anybody. The times I did get to hang out with them were pretty neat though, yeah.
>>15529922>Is this what you wanted? You perverted Human?
>>15530038>all my female friends are lesbiansThat's why
>>15530055I wouldn't be...tremendously surprised.I'm sure there's an ethnic jew who'd like them for one reason or another. Self-hatred. Gets into conspiracy theories. Likes the fetishism surrounding the uniform.
>>15530017She'd be happy to. To protect you from ravenous students free from the confines of school, of course. Have to keep up appearances, lest they bump into you whilst out and about?
>>15530055>spoilerChecking in. It's more of a fascination than fanboyism though, also leads to feelings of hypocrisy and self-loathing. 2/10, would not recommend.
>>15529960>Nereid/Kejourouan interesting combination. better be careful around docks or a bunch of hair will come from beneath the water, grab and drag you under.
>>15530064Allright here goes motherfuckerradical feminist liking MGE I'm talking #killallmen tier
>>15529876>If you just read the profiles, I think you might come away with the first impression. If you read the settings info it tends to point to the second.I imagine that's because KC's corruption-fetish really shows when you go into the settings info.The monster profiles themselves usually don't go into corruption unless the monster's mythology is specifically about it. Otherwise your typical monster is just some variant of really strong girl who seduces/rapes men in unique way. The Fallen Maidens is when you start diving into the darker portions of MGE.
>>15530069Found the pharaoh lover.
>>15530073I don't follow.
>>15529876>Which leads me to conclude that chicks who like it just casually skimmed a few profiles and went "Cute cat ears! Grrrl power! Omg I'm such a perv XD", and are blissfully unaware of the whole nympho-corrupt-strong-womyn-into-heart-pupil-cocksleeve-succubi thing that lurks under the hood.I don't see anything wrong with that personally. At the end of the day, the profiles are the bread-and-butter of MGE. And KC is usually pretty lenient on how people interpret MGE as long as it doesn't go into NTR or edgelord territory.
>>15530073We're gonna remove Pharaoh, we're gonna make Desert Region great again, we're gonna build a pyramid it's gonna be HUGE!
>>15530071> The Fallen Maidens is when you start diving into the darker portions of MGE.Turning pure, upstanding, fightin' fit, religious qts into "Bimbofied cocksleeve #7".I can understand why some people might like it, but to me it's just a fucking tragedy.
>>15529655They are ugly.
>>15530069Well...yeah.Though those cunts are a niche in themselves. So you take a small sample group, united by a commonality like that, and then see how many like a niche product running counter to their creed, and of course you'll come up with zilch.
>>15530075I was talking about her not you, but...>Nearly goddess-tier>Makes people (especially men!) fall to their knees with her voice>Strong, independent leader that takes a man if and when she feels like it>Also pretty and with few mostrous features, but lets not talk about that>Is used to fighting the good fight against other womyn that don't understand why what she wants is the only right wayPharaoh is like a feminist's wet dream. What other monsters would be good for #womyn. You know, aside from maybe Amazon.Wait, we are talking about a hardcore new wave feminist, right? The older style was actually pretty reasonable.>>15530078But Mr. Trump, who's going to coordinate building the pyramid with all the anubii gone?!
>>15530090>with all the anubii goneLet me tell you, when the Monster Girls come here, they don't send their best, they send their rapists and child molesters, and I'm sure some of them are good people but we're gonna kick them out and we're gonna make them pay for the pyramids, we're gonna open up not!Egyptian restaurants at the top of each pyramid so the scent of the food flows down to their noses and then they're gonna know what freedom smells like.
femanons should tits or gtfo!
>>15530100Why would you want to see the tits of another anon? That's gross.
>>15530100Male or female, I don't want to see anyone from these threads in the nude.
>>15530100> wanting to see hummie titsNormies get out
>>15530101I said femanons, but your right, they are probably whales
>>15530104I'll have you know I'm fairly attractive! Like, totally.
>>15530087So are you.
>>15530110Cool story mang, still don't want to see you nude.
>>15530071>>15530081I don't feel like arguing on this topic againI'll just say that the way you view MGE is up to youIf you want to view it as a dystopian setting where there is nothing but sex, you can find arguments for that, although most of them stem from confusions and KC failing as a world builderIf you want to view it as the hugbox it is meant to be, you can find arguments for that too, although you have to loosely interpret a significant part of it, similarly to how you have religious people interpreting their sacred bookBoth sides are right, I simply can't understand why a lot of people default to the dystopian view when it doesn't bring them anything of value
>>15530112Anubis cosplay doesn't suit you.
>>15530115Y-your loss. Faggot.
>>15530120Definitely don't want to see you nude now.
>>15530126So it wasn't quite certain before? Everyone look at this Alpmeister and laugh!
3rd Prize of the sketch raffle! A loli mindflayer getting a piggy back ride from her oniichan!Sorry for the delay anon, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long.I'll let y'all know when it's up, but tumblr raffle post will be going up tomorrow as well.Have a nice night /mgt/ o/
>>15530117Because the dystopian is the logical conclusion of what is given. It's not like it's even anything new. You just have to look at the Lotus Eaters in the Odyssey or the Yahoos in Gulliver's Travels for similar situations. When everything is a forever escape hedonistic vacation, society simply doesn't turn out that well in the long haul.Everything KC does is about short term fulfillment of you, the overworked undersexed straight man of the 21st century. And while that's great for you, it's not for the poor faceless medieval slobs that actually don't get a choice about living there.
>>15530128I was certain anon, now I'm even more certain. Double Certain in fact.
>>15530117People call it dystopian because it's the most accurate way to view the setting based on the information given. Any setting where the primary fetishes are rape and corruption is going to be dark regardless of what the author insists. The corruption in MGE is much lighter than what you can find elsewhere, but it's still there.
>>15530130I still look at all the yammering we do on this topic with Agent Smith's line from The Matrix.
>>15530129Whew, had to make a quick correction. Have a nice night /mgt/ o/
Do anthropomorphic personifications count as Monster Girls?
>>15530117> Both sides are right, I simply can't understand why a lot of people default to the dystopian view when it doesn't bring them anything of valuePersonally it's because the hugbox is just too fuckin' easy, anon.If you're into monstergirls, you're ALREADY giving yourself artificial difficulty in your sexual fantasy. At best ur waifu's gonna get her big meaty paws stuck in Pringles tubes and you'll have to help her out navigating human/monster idiosynchracies. At worst the pair of you are going to get run out of town by a pitchfork-wielding mob and forced to hide in the forest, where the whole Faustian-sell-your-soul-for-pleasure type sex leaves you shivering and anemic on your patchwork bed of leaves. But it's your comfort or hers; she has to drain your mana with her cooch or SHE gets anemic.I dunno, it's sort of a Romeo and Juliet thing. A love that endures through hardship is more romantic than one that endures through "Everything's fine". And a love that CAUSES hardship is more romantic still.I want to suffer for mai waifu's love. Because that's what makes it love.
>>15530143Death of Discworld please go and bring your granddaughter next time.
>>15530137Cute! Loliflayer is just what I need!
>>15530136The one about the perfect world? It's not even that. One man's idea of heaven will always be another's idea of hell.But it's honestly pretty irrelevant to the KC discussion. What the facts are is that KC's setting is a fuck you to the crushing responsibilities of a modern society where a person can feel like a numberless cog and too often has to sacrifice happiness, love, and pleasure for little return. The problem is KC goes so far in the opposite direction that it becomes a pure live for today free-for-all with a dash of ultimate human extinction.What it is at least, among a great great many samey fantasy settings, is novel. And that's why it's still fun to discuss to this day. This place would not be half as interesting if all we had was the art.
>>15530145Hey man, that's some nice sufferingfag rationalization you've got right there! Can I have some?
>>15530145You just have a boner for suffering.
So what would driving an Ice Cream Truck in a monster city be like
>>15530145The point of Romeo and Juliet was that kids are dumb.
>>15530163A VERY dangerous job. If it's not Wurms, it's a whole bunch of other types. And they always get vanilla. Bring lots of vanilla for cones.
>>15530163Cute regular girls with slutty Sabbath lolis mixed in.
>>15530137It's cute.
>>15530168Nice of 'ya proving it with your post.
>>15530173You're not supposed to tell me that, bonehead.
>>15530137Nice stuff, this is heartwarming.
>>15530167>>15530170So I paint a swat van and cut the required holes>>15530171Not like they can try and pay with sex
>>15530184Ice Cream Man in Monster Girl City sounds like a fun story.
>>15530184>Not like they can try and pay with sexThey can try. They will try, but good business demands that you don't let them. This, of course, also makes that neighbor tanuki wet.
>>15529082Alas, I am but a poor boy who cannot afford commissions. Nor do I have any artistic ability when it comes to drawing.
>>15530190Well they have to give me the money before I hand them the Sonic Head Popsicle
>>15530158I am a writefag, so yes.But it involves male NTR, so be careful what you wish for.
Do not let your older sis ntr your younger sis was about to delete this like I did with the last 6 stories I wrote, but then I thought might as well post it
>>15530209Deleting stories? What are you, an Alp?
>>15530200Damn, and I've had a feeling.
>>15530209I remember you from your first one, nice to see you going.
>>15530209>incubi preaching to a guy about his unhealthy living habitsHeh.
>>15530137>Not even trying to put it inside oniichanWhat a little girl! I bet she hasn't even started masturbating yet! Look at her and laugh!
>>15530130>You just have to look at the Lotus Eaters in the Odyssey or the Yahoos in Gulliver's Travels for similar situationsOkay, I have to drag this back. You can't look at fictional literature and make assumptions about reality. No society has ever come close to a truly hedonistic utopia/dystopia. While I personally don't like or agree with KCs setting, it functions on the idea that everything else is essentially provided for you. It's not that it couldn't work, it's that it would be unrecognizable and probably a step back from growth as a species since nothing is worked towards.
>>15530241You do know the lotus eaters were based on real people right?
>>15530243>based on real peopleMost of our myths, legends, and stories are. It doesn't make them relevant. And while I haven't read it since high school, I do know that it doesn't take place in anything resembling KCs universe. Kcs world is so fundamentally different that you can't really compare them.
>>15528501>>15528487Better late than never.
>>15530266Why does she have to rip her dress? Those aren't easy to fix
>>15530269Something for her to do while she waits for you to recover.
>>15530269I wouldn't be worried about her clothes at that point anon. It would be much wiser to worry about yourself.
>>15530260>arguing relativismNever argue relativism. You know better. It's a nonarguement. Even a primary school level debate class would have told you that.The only comparisons that can be made are to draw parallels to what is known and real, not to try to hide behind "it's a fantasy so is immune from comparisons" The lotus eaters were as real as the city of troy was. There's records of them in the Aegean. They are the straight type standard of an isolated hedonistic society.In even more recent times, you can look at hippy communes, especially those run by trustfund kids as a good parallel as well.In fact the only things you need to draw a good comparison is a class of people who do no work, have all their needs attended to, no plans for the future and have a very relaxed view of morals compared to the society around them. There's just an absolute ton of them. Heck, you could use any number of cults or even nudist colonies.
>>15530137Interesting to see an artist's view of a Mindflayer's bodyThe profile picture leaves so much to the imagination because of the clothing that looks like monstrous parts along with the squid blocking part of the viewI like to think that there is no monstrous parts on a Mindflayer's torso, arms and neck, basically like a Scylla
>>15530285I can survive the satin won't
>>15528445>anon's you shouldnt make your daughteru fat, even if its your fetish, find another wife for fucks sake. what about that p'orc>wtf do you mean its not exciting if their default state is fat.
Dire, giant, and ferocious AWOO onee-samas
>>15530312O-Oh my, she's a big wolf.
>>15530312I like the runt better
Do monstergirls masturbate
What price would I have to pay to get a scary monster like a Ushi-Oni to defeat a Paladin-chan that I have a crush on and hold her in a full nelson for me to rape?
>>15530325All the time. Especially the yan and fujo ones.
>>15530326You'd have to give her your firstborn childOr just a husband
>>15530326It'd probably be cheap, they'd love to watch the scene play out and help another person confess their love. I'd say she'd only want a large coffee or something, so about $3.50?
>>15530326your virginity is the price
>>15530333Or both, if she's a shotacon.It's even better if it happens when the boy and ushi are young and the paladin is his onee-chan first crush.
>>15530337But anon, that's for the Paladin-chan.
>No dragon that helps you train to destroy and your enemies
>>15530360You...okay there man?
>>15530340well you are taking the paladin's virginity so it is a trade
I wanna drink coffee with an Ushi and cuddle her as she goes giggly
>>15530369It's not worth it if I can't give my virginity to my beloved, anon. I'd rather try going to confess my sins to her and then confess my love for her.
>>15530374that was her plan all along
Lets talk dragons
>>15530373Are you going to play with her fluffy ears when you find out that it makes her laugh harder?
>>15530376I like pale dragons that have a small hoard
>>15530377That and kiss her head while hugging her upper body
>>15530376My Dragotheru hoards comics and vidya, and I'm pretty sure there's porn somewhere in those piles.
>>15530375What a thoughtful Ushi. They truly are the best girls.
>>15530376That thought about corrupting women into dragons is still suck in my head
>>15530372I want to ruffle that cute bobcut and put my dick into her cloaca.
Make sure you check your Dragon Daughter's hoard for porn so that you can remove it
>>15530399As a concerned father, I feel like I should point out that the removal of items from a hoard is not a good move.
>>15530404Just hide it away until she asks the neighbor boy out so she gets out of the cave for once
>>15530399Just take her father-daughter porn and leave the dragon fucks adventurer stuff alone
>>15530387I had a idea of a posh woman and a peasant girl both becoming dragons and friendsBad idea, I know
>>15530419As long as there's a dragon threesome involed
What about a poor dragon who tries to look rich for you
>>15530464This is a story, isn't it? Loli Dragon and her hoard?
>>15530468Don't remember who it was by.
>>15530467They look adorable
>>15530467Atrax is so cute, I want to kiss her navel !
>>15530376I just wrote a ballad about a hardnosed dragon captain of a flying fortress who went rogue to protect some settlements abandoned by the mainline army. Just not sure what to do with it: release it as a standalone, use snippets of it playing in the background of something else for flavor, or convert it to a fullblown prose short.
>>15530474Option number 2.
So how different are hellhounds from Kobolds
>>15530486Not all that.
>>15530486>The untameable vs. the completely tameGee Olly, I dunno.
>>15530496I'ma tame a Hellhound with my love! If she doesn't behave herself, I'm going to castrate myself!
When you hug an elf lick her ears
>>15530499I think she'd literally disarm you before she let that happen.
>>15530501But that exposes your ears to being licked, nipped, tongued, and whispered sweet nothings into.
>>15530504She can do what ever she wants to my round ears
I want creepy crawlies to crawl into my bed
>>15530511>go to bed>leave foot hanging out from under the covers>feel her antennae exploring it>tickles like a bitch
>>15530513She should drawn under the covers instead of tickle me awake
>>15530499>You tell her as much, a smug grin on your face at your most ultimate of ultimatums. >The mood turns cold and her back stiffens before turning around to face you>Her face is blank, eyes unsettlingly and far too steadily set on your own >"Your arms or your cock. Guess which I can't live without."
>>15530531>implying I can't use garden shears with my feetEither she becomes a good girl or she turns me into a mindless quad amputee fuckdoll.
>>15530531>>15530537Or, probably more likely, she hands you them and says "do it."Your choices are now to Alp or cave.
I'm want to pamper a tanuki that's not as rich as the other tanukis!
>>15530537>Garden shearsIs your concept of maledom literally worth more to you than your cock? Fuck imagine the turture of even tryin to set that up>armlessly kick around a chair until its in the right position, grab the shears between two toes and drag it gratingly across the concrete floor>Sit yourself down and wiggle your toes at the handle until you have both hoops under grips facing backwards>Awkwardly try and bring the blades up to your package >Drop the thing a few times>Finally mange to get it steady>Not enough motor skills so slam the blades shut in one quick snip>Feel the blades sink into the skinAnd this is were I stop, not because I don't have the words to describe it, but because running the scenario through a mental image in detail is too much for me. >Waifu bursts in only to see the bloody bess between your legs, the blood-drenched shears on the ground and a fleshy blob of pixels by your feet>Wordlessly takes you to be patched up>By the time the hospital lets you go, the house has been empty for weeks, and you never see her again
>>15530552>loving relationship>maledom
>>15530557You are perfectly free to have a loving relationship with a hellhound.Just don't expect to be on top.
>>15530557>Tame a hellhound>Not maledom
>>15530563>anon gets missionary'd by a hellhound>she thrusts her warm hole into his twitching pole while pinning his hands to the bed above their heads>a big, wet tongue licks his face and ears all over while she whispers all about how much she loves him>it ends with him leglocking her to make sure it goes all the way inside herBest end.
>>15530563That's why memehounds are low-tier.
>>15530557>implyingOh you.
>Try to find a lizard waifu to date.>Can't beat any of them in direct combat.>Spend years learning magic.>Find out where the cutest one lives.>Drop several meteors on her house after enchanting the surrounding area against damage.>Years later, daughteru get!>She's pic related.Would this work? Young Crow Tengu don't have arms to hold the staff.
>>15530648>lizard>Crow TenguWhat?
>>15530648Chuuni are terrible, anon.
>>15530651I can't date a Crow Tengu and hope to have a cute mage daughteru! They can't hold the staff. Lizards are extremely cute and worth pursuing as an alternate.
>>15530652Chuuni are adorable when they're your kid! If they grow up to actually be uniquely powerful, the only thing I'll be is a proud parent.
>>15530656>Chuuni are adorableFor approximately five minutes.It gets old really fast.
>>15530658In real life, yeah. In a world with monstergirls they're hilarious.
Tired tubby tanukis with titanic titties!
This is a very big awoo and her not quite as big sister.
>>15530665Flirtatious fiery foxes with flat fronts!
>>15530666Thank you for showing me this picture Satan. Now have the urge to molest the big wans
>>15530666What manga was this again?
>>15530669Happy holsts with hefty hooters!
I don't actually want to be mindbroken, but I read a lot of mindbreak hentai and have it as a fetish.Wat do when MG wife asks what sex I like best?
>>15530678Increasingly Stupid Animals Lust After Superior BHC
>>15530678Murenase shiiton gakuen.
>>15530690Thanks.>>15530689Almost got me there.
>>15529082>Self advertisementWe don't need more celebrity writefags shitting up the place.
>>15530077>I don't see anything wrong with that personallyOf course you don't; you're probably into maledom.
>>15530705Not him but maledom is fine, at least conditionally
>>15530718I'm not saying is not.
>>15529812>a ton of slut praisingNigger what? The only sluts that get praised are male sluts.
>>15530722/mgg/ may be all marriage all the time, but the profiles have plenty of sluts.
>>15530718Maledom is fine. Turning all girls into generic cocksluts like in my generic hentai doujin is only fine for people who like maledom.Many people like this setting because some species still have the control while still loving sex, with >>15529876 saying is not true.
>>15530728>Actual MGEOh, I though you were talking about the threads.
>>15530728Who? Succubus maybe and the girl that likes gangbangs that nobody like.And even with that they're still loyal once they find a husband.
>Be peasant in an Order city>Have to work all day long>Barely get enough food to feed my family>Becoming sick is a near certain death>The state forces us to pay huge taxes>Can't even afford to send my daughter to school>Life is terrible>Monsters invade the city and corrupt everything>...>A few months pass>Be family man in a monster city>Work a few hours every other day>Have more than enough food for everyone>We're all immune to diseases>We're not rich but money is not a problem>Succubus daughter is going to monster school>Life is good
Somebody tipped this cow. You better touch her to make sure she's okay.
>>15530399>she gets extremely mad when you disturb her hoard>runs away from home>encounters a low-level adventurer that night>slain, flayed, repurposed into a shield>but it's a really cool looking shieldWell that went better than expected.
>>15530399My little lizard is pretty weird. Her hoard is compose of rare and beautiful plants, so I don't think there are any porn in it. Unless it's a porn tree.
>>15530848>rare and beautiful plantsI hope she doesn't get any bad influences from them.
>>15530792She looks quite giddy to me.
>>15530854Those prickles look very dangerous.
>>15530866A little prick should be nothing new to you.
>>15530325Do trolls love gardeningDo vampires drink bloodDo ushi oni rapeDo skeletons live in graveyardsDo salamanders love fightingDo Cheshire have a shit eating grinDo ogres have big muscles
>>15530854No need to worry. Most of the time my wife is with her and we always tell her to not talk with strangers.Maybe when she is old enough she can learn a few trick from those lewd flowers, but as of right now she should stay away.
>>15530782Seems biased.
this is how imagine a hellhound motheru would be.
>>15530888While I do admire your trips, I fail to see a motheru.
>>15530892Maybe he's saying they wouldn't exist.
>>15530893But hellhounds would make great mothers! They are wolfs after all.
>>15530887Now just because money no longer exists for him is no reason to go poking holes in his "money is no longer a problem" statement. Just let the poor man imagine his daughter is actually going to school and not having a train run on her in the town square.
Two new pics on pixiv, the first is the finished version of the Jinko wip that got posted the other day.
>>15530898There's nothing wrong about having your daughter get a train run on her in the town square, anon.
>>15530888>>15530892>>15530893fuck my shit up
>>15530901And the second is this lovely memecat.
>>15530914The only thing better than having your daughter get a train run on her in the town square is being a girl and having the train get run on you yourself.
>>15530910Oh, you've actually got good taste. Bakumom best mom.
>>15530898It's not about the money, rather the "monsters solve all problems".
>>15530921Somebody call the Alpcatcher. We got a live one!
>>15530911I'm really starting to like memecat for some reason. I just want to engage in double rough smug rape.
>>15530928Why, do you want to run a train on her in the town square?
>>15530928I catch Alps professionally, but I do demand a certain price for my services.Ever since I got killed by an Alp in Witcher 3 I've been ashamed of myself
>>15530933Fine, fine, you can go last.
>>15530932>>15530933Is it too much to want to see a guy in a jumpsuit chasing a flustered alp with a giant butterfly net?
>>15530924it just fits the hellhound theme so well, her husband is a pussy and her kid will either be a pussy or just as bat shit aggressive as she is.though i fear if you have an onee-san you will most likely default to pussy. since she isnt trying to raise you.
>>15530938>old entomologist type in safari gear running around a clearing chasing AlpsBetter
>>15530938>>15530941>he talks in a silly manner>the Alps learned human languages from him>this is the reason they use words like tallywacker or say gee willikers
>>15530941>Has a young assistant he's training in the ways of alp catching."Look professor, I got one!""Ara ara~""Gregory, you fool! You've captured a lesser succubus!"
>>15530944It's all so obvious now...
>>15530946>>15530948Jolly good! Now let's see if we can catch ourselves a couple of Alps to use as maids at the big ball! Tally-ho chaps!
>>15530924I'd smash dat pussy so hard.
>>15530948>>15530949Jumpin' Jehoshaphat, you've spotted a right Stage Three. I grow turgid at the thought!
>>15530957>implying the Professor wouldn't go exclusively for the early stage specimens so he could experiment on their evolution himself
>>15530957Now chaps let's keep the tallywackers in our pantaloons until the Alp is tied and tagged, by Jove!
How many times a day should I expect to give my Dragon waifu spirit energy? I can easily do 4 right now.
>>15530958Aikawa pls no, I don't want to Alp.
>>15530964You won't Alp if you fuck an Alp, dude. Just strangle her during sex until she turns stage three and you're golden.
>>15530967Based on the manga, Aikawa is the top and Maki is the bottom.
>>15530958>not showing an appreciation for the rarest of alps, the wild stage threeWhat sort of amateur do you take him for? Now, watch as the master identifies whether the crumbs left by his quarry are ranch or cool ranch doritos.
And suddenly the thread became very, very gay. At least it wasn't my fault.
>>15530977Shaddup Alp. Anything alp related is your fault, even when you didn't do anything, especially when you didn't do anything
>>15530904>not drinking doppelganger potions and running that train on her yourself Poor form.
>>15530376I want to see a guy nursing a lizard/dragon back to health after he accidentally caused her tail to fall off.
>>15530962I do at least two sessions of three. If she wants the we go after a training section, when we wake up and go to sleep and sometimes in bath. So sometimes I dick her 12 times per day.
>>15530904Now I'm not one of those daughter dicking wife-cuckers, and who my daughter fucks is her own business, but not when it comes in the form of a whole train running on her in the town square. I didn't raise a town bike.
>>15530994>not having a time machine and a bunch of doppelganger potions and running the train on your future Alp self youselfIt's Anon's final cumshot in his own future pussy that turns him Alp.
>>15531005>Now I'm not one of those daughter dicking wife-cuckersI heard this with a southern drawl.
>>15530996You know what makes them grow faster? Massages and kisses at the base, a lot of affection and home-cooked food.
>>15531005>will take any dick available to herYour daughter's a monster, which means she's a slut anon, we've been over this.
>>15531005>I didn't raise a town bike.Look at this prude and pity the daughter that has her social life controlled by him.
>>15531014>Not hearing it with a John Wayne Iowa drawl
>>15531019Yours maybe is, his won't, and I'm sure neither will be mine.
>>15531017>kissing a live stumpThat's a little gross anon. Nah, I wasn't really thinking straight cute, I meant actual care. Like changing her bandages and rubbing ointments on her. Helping her navigate without her tail. Yes, I suppose kisses would help, psychologically but really, it's about the physical aspect, though it did occur to me he would have to help her regain her confidence. A reptilian's trail is very important to their sense of self worth.
Friendly reminder NOT to spank your kitten daughterus as punishment. They actually really like it.
>>15531032>no, my child never would do xThat's how you sound, like the stupid faggot parents who didn't notice their kid's drug problem until he robbed somebody and ended up turning tricks.
>>15531040I'll spank my cat waifu!
>>15531040I'm gonna get them so high on catnip they'll go bald instead.
>>15531042So my daughteru has to behave like you want instead of how I want even when canon is on my side?
>>15531037She does need affection so that she recovers faster. But yeah I wasn't thinking about the medical stuff.Still, having a good diet and taking the right kinds of meds should make the process even faster, even though they most likely have a pretty good healing factor. I don't think there would be medical equipment to re-attach the tail, bit there is probably some therapies that makes ot grow even faster
>>15531051Ann no! Drugs are bad, especially for daughterus!
>>15531059I'm going to drug up a loli and have depraved druggie sex with her and there's nothing you can do to stop me!
>>15531021When she finds the man for her, she'll be glad she wasn't raised with the kinds of values that would make her a slut that over half of the people who she could invite to the wedding have already fucked.
>>15531061>not having the wedding ceremony be a last gangbang for all her fuckbuddiesDo you even Succuslut?
>>15531066>implying it would be the lastMama always said, Succuslut is as Succuslut does.
>>15531055They're loyal when they choose a husband, nothing says they can't be huge sluts before then and some of them reinforce this idea in their profiles (bapho, kejojorou, arachne). They're freaking lust monsters whose entire existence revolves around the dick, so yeah, you're being a retard.
>>15531070They're not even loyal all the time depending on the monster. Don't forget all the shit in the setting books about communal orgies after marriage.
>>15531059The hell should I do then, spray bottle them?
>>15531073That's a few monsters, and I think it's more group sex rather than swinging.
>>15531074That works.
>>15531076Orgies by definition are swinging. And it's not a few. It's SOP in most demon realm villages.
>>15531070Except vampire profile says they assault men for their blood, never rape one and rarely sex happens. You're the retard here.>>15531073Now this guy is a retard.
>>15531070>kejojorou>jojoNow I want to see a Kejourou posing
>>15531081That's not how it works here faggot. Don't try to turn MGE now into open relationship bullshit.
>>15531082>Now this guy is a retard.Hey, retard. Why don't you go read the part about farming pests in the demon realms before you say something stupid again.
>>15531066We're talking about monstergirls here anon, not human women.
>>15531085Post it here faggot.>Not loyal all the timeKC allowing them to cheat? Yes sure.
>>15531084>I didn't read World Guide 1That's nice. KC would obviously say that your wife would be as loyal to you as you want, but it doesn't change the fact that those things are common occurrences with monsters in his world. The guy likes to talk about lots of people in orgies. This occurs from the Black Mass of the Sabbath to regular demon realms to pandemonium.I don't like it myself, but it's a fact about the MGE setting. Just another thing to throw away like mamanobama really.
>>15531082And ONE monster invalidates what is the make up of ALL monsters?>Most monsters prioritize their own pleasure and desire. They're hedonists who hate it when morals and ethics, etc. get in the way of pleasure. Also, the strongest desire of all monsters is to have sex with men and obtain spirit energy. Their values and behavioral principles are based on that. Their thoughts and actions are in line with that, and when monsters have conversations, etc. the topics are often mainly focused around capturing and having sex with human men.Drinking blood arouses vampires by the way, and they PREFER to have their husbands become incubi before fucking them, it doesn't say that they can't or won't. >In order to enable their daughters to find men through their own power and have sex, monster mothers often give their daughters as much freedom as possible and let them make their own decisions. Monster children basically spend their days doing whatever they like, and going wherever they like. Monster children like to play with beloved human males, but while they're playing with human boys their own age that they get along with, or beloved big brothers and uncles, they awaken to monster-like obscene play. On such occasions they often assault and ravish the male right then and there.They are like that since birth you faggot.
>>15531094Orgy can either mean fucking all with each other or group sex, everyone with their partners.Given this is KC, it's clearly the second option but it looks like you really want it to be the second one.
>>15531098>Orgy can either mean fucking all with each other or group sex, everyone with their partners.No it doesn't. The definition is literally everyone mingling.
>>15531100>group sex, everyone with their partners.What's even the point to something like that?
>>15531102It's just public sex at that point. Several old cultures used to do it. It's not an orgy though.
>>15531100Look who's the author. Look what's the setting about, again. If you really want in your headcanon to have your waifu being spitroasted by two guys is not our problem.
>>15531102Exhibitionism. Community. Catching up with friends. Finding a husband or wife for your kids.
>>15531103>Feast day with newlywed couples having sex in public>Old couples gushing about how cute their childen and nephews and nieces are together
>>15531103To me it looks like this is what KC wanted to say, and it got translated as orgy.
>>15531105How about you read the original post again. What does it say? Oh yeah, that KC would say that a woman is as loyal to you as you want.But also that he specifies that the orgies DO HAPPEN in his setting and quite often.You should look who the author is yourself. This is the guy that says if a monstergirl happens to take a liking to you and you're already married then your wife has no choice and has to shove over for the new arrival in your harem. And the guy that says no matter what you prefer in a woman, if you get fucked by a powerful monstergirl then you'll be unable to resist her. Saying that some of the most fuck crazy and corrupted groups like their orgies is not off base at all.
Daily Reminder that KC fucking hates NTR. And NTR is considered one of the worst things you can do.
>>15531123>But also that he specifies that the orgies DO HAPPEN in his setting and quite often.Orgies, or group public sex? Because you know, it's not the first time we have a problem because of translations.>that KC would say that a woman is as loyal to you as you want>wouldSo yeah, you're twisting KC's way of thinking for your own purpose, without any real prove of him saying anything like that, and thinking KC would be ok with the thought of your waifu cheating on you.As I said, you're a retard.
>>15531096Literally nothing here implies that they fuck lots of men at the same time. The just fuck one man lots.
>>15531139Unless you can look up the Japanese word used and prove it doesn't mean orgy then orgy is what we got to work with. And an orgy doesn't happen without swapping around.Since you are too retarded to put it together, what you're quoting means that something like an orgy would be entirely optional. You would never get NTR'd by your waifu running off to Fuckfest 2016 without you. But since somebody is obviously doing orgies as stated by KC, then somebody is swapping around.That's the facts. If you wanna push the conjecture that it's a bad translation then go do the footwork and come back with some proof.
>>15530312That's a lot of awoo in one woman.
>>15530327>>15530372I wanna milk this Harpy.
Dragons are big right?
>>15531149>nothing here implies that they fuck lots of men at the same timeYou're confusing me with orgy guy, the original point was, that monster are always willing and able to have sex, saying they're not all sluts is fucking dumb, and to further cement that>Lasciviousness is considered to be a virtue, and the more lascivious they are, and the more sex they have, the more highly regarded they are as monsters. A monster ought always give in to desire, have sex with men, and indulge in pleasure and spirit energy. The obscene form of a monster in ecstasy, drunk with pleasure, showered in spirit energy, and no longer concerned with anything but sex is the most beautiful and wonderful form of a monster.>. Among the monsters, there are some that are pure and chaste, and some that have a strong sense of shame. One could even say that they are very unlike monsters in general. And yet, they aren't even repudiated according to the monsters' values which regard lasciviousness as a virtue. The reason why is that for the monsters, even that is just is one of the tools they have to arouse men and get sex. It's because the monsters know that human men are attracted to and aroused by those kinds of women.I think by orgies KC meant couples fucking in large groups, though the Sabbath balsck mass does seem to include what the other guy was saying. Hell, there's even a doujin about it.
>>15531153Didn't you tell me to read the World Guide 1?>After getting warmed up from this, the monsters' eagerly awaited orgy of pleasure begins. The assembly hall where black mass is held is protected by the baphomet's demonic energy, so the monsters of Sabbath can just focus wholeheartedly on going at it with their onii-chan, and indulging in pleasure. Since the condensed demonic energy generated by the baphomet and many monsters having sex at the same time permeates the entire assembly hall, the bodies of all the monsters change, becoming even hotter, and even more sensitive to pleasure. Hence, the monsters are able to experience sex with onii-chan that is far more frenzied and pleasurable than ordinary.>By showing off the indecency of child sex to one another, they reaffirm the wonderfulness of a child's body. Besides that, they like to introduce, or show off and boast their favorite onii-chan by having everyone watch as they're being violated by him.It explicitly says they just fuck with their onii-chans, and the point of the orgy is to make it more pleasurable with all the demonic energy in the air, with also a point of exhibitionism.Woah anon, it says ORGY but they just fuck with ONE person! Now you will tell me you were talking about other type of orgies without postin any example again.
>>15529903Miia looking Mercy as fuck.
>>15531091I'm still waiting for this other guy to post it.
>>15530312What's this shit named and is it translated?
>>15531170Yep. My dragon waifu is as big as the world for me.
>>15530901I want to cum on those abs.
>>15531172Or at least based on his work, I mean, the main girl plain tells us she's a bicorn.
>>15531184>>15531192How big?
>>15531195Something like 220cm?
>>15531194What does that doujin have to do with KC?
>>15531196>Not 275
>>15531202B-but I'm only 167...
>>15531199>based on his work
>>15531194That isn't tied to the MGE at all.
>>15531207That doesn't mean shit. They both do black mass and that's it.
>>15531214>nu uh!Adorable.
>>15531217Please point me how it is based ok KC's work.
>>15531204>Not wanting a big powerful dragon who'll protect you and be super gentle with you
>>15531195Something like 200 cm, like the other guy said. People used to bully her because he was a small dragon, but for me, she is the biggest and strongest little lizard.
>>15531217Nigga you're retarded.
>>15531226It's probably this guy >>15531153 who got btfo and is trying to continue the shitstorm.
>>15531219>Sabbath orgy>bicornI like how you're ignoring every other point I made and are trying to discredit me by focusing on this on one thing.>>15531226>no argument>better insult him
>>15531228That's not me and this isn't even a light breeze.
>>15531233Do you even know what Sabbath means? You think KC invented the word? Are you this fucking retarded?
>>15531233>bicorn KC is a centaur>this one is a sheep>all the girls aren't lolisTOTALLY RELATED GUYS
>>15531233KC didn't invent Bicorns and Sabbath orgies you mongoloid.]
>>15531204Jesus Christ.I hope you're still growing.
>>15531129he is fine with reverse NTR
>>15531220>Not protecting a big and "scary" dragonShe might be rich, powerful, and smart, but she is still lonely and sad. You need to protect her smile.
>>15531173Oni chan is the generic term for male acolytes of the organization. They're not always attached to a specific monster. Even the rest of the paragraph you cut off talks about how that's their favorite one, but doesn't mention it's their only one. Usually that is the case though. All husbands are oni chans but not all oni chans are husbands.And you didn't include the part from the witch profile where the rite is stated to be used in an orgy to induct new members, men and women.Which is a case of>KC>consistencyBut don't cherry pick and ignore the rest.>>15531228Not even close.
>>15531246But I'm lonely and sad.
>>15531244Haven't grown since middle-school, anon. Might as well join the circus, eh?Still wish I could have this with a Dragon.
Would you or would you not accept the love of life fiber monster girls.
>>15531254Ragyo is a cunt.
>>15531248On the same text>The adherents choose big brotherBut please, continue defending it.
>>15531237Do you? And keep ignoring everything else I've said, I've already schooled you and I'm done with you. Not my problem if you want to keep being an obtuse ostrich.>>15531240>>15531242>Another pair of niggers who can't read
>>15531257How can you say that, look at that hair, you'll never get any more fabulous than that.
>>15531254B-but she'll make me dick the daughteru...
>>15531250Then you can be like me and my waifu. Protect her smile while he protects yours, live for her and she lives for you.
>>15531266Picked the fuck up!
>>15531248>>15531261The mental gymnastics you two are going through to defend your shitty fetishes are pretty hilarious.
Say something nice about a monster girl you dont like.Matangos have really squishy butts.
>>15531248>>15531261I'm genuinely surprised that people to your level of braindeadness exist.
>>15531259That part just says the men become big brothers and the women become witches. But here's the sort of stuff you're purposefully ignoring.>Those who aren't can also be found among the ranks of Sabbath, but eventually they will be. >>15531275>Pointing out something in a setting is true means you approve or like it being there.You're doing some flips in your head yourself buddy.
>>15531284>>15531275(you)Share it.
>>15531288>Those who aren't can also be found among the ranks of Sabbath, but eventually they will beThis isn't even on the same section I have been quoting the text, and it talks about how some aren't brainwashed into being lolicons yet.What the fuck does that have to do with the rest?
>>15531288>says the guy that cited an hmanga with no relation to the MGE whatsoever
Shirohebis were made to be bullied
>>15531292Thanks for confirming you're shitposting. This is the last (You) I will give you. Use it carefully.
>>15531297You can't even follow the reply chain right. That's the other guy.
>>15531279Beelzebubs are pretty shit, but they have a good taste with all that kissing and licking.
>>15531279Holsts often have nice hips.
>>15531300>get fuckin schooled>I don't like what he's saying >S-s-shitposting!No, that's you my alpish little friend. May you get all the dicks.
>>15531305>wanting to be kissed by a trash mouth>>15531306>doesn't like holsts You better explain yourself right now.
>>15531296If you read the whole thing the context is you have men that are in the organization but haven't been husbanded yet.
>>15531313If you had read the whole context of MGE you would have know a monstergirl fucking someone else than their husbands can't happen, but since you didn't here we are.
>>15531248>Oni chan is the generic term for male acolytes of the organizationIt can be interpreted both ways, but you're pretty eager to defend the shit one.
>all of this pedo, "MGs are born sluts", and "but the canon says __".When the thread gets this way it's so much easier to find less cancerous things to read.
>>15531279Cait sith have a potential to be pretty cool if they weren't furry and didn't have shit tier personalities.
>>15531333I need that Paladin-chan so bad. I want to wrap her hair around my hands and sniff it. I want to hug every part of her. I want to kiss her all over. After hours of molesting I want to put it in her boymaker and get leglocked to make sure I give her all my love.
I want to get high out of my mind with a monster girl, which monster girl is the best for that?
>>15531279Manticores have a neat design.
>>15531311I would never kiss a dirty thing like beelzebubs, I meant to say they have good taste in fetishes. I would kiss and lik all over my waifus body, but I would rather bite my tongue if it was with a fly.
>>15531350t. Beelzebub
>>15531356Matango. You'll never have to worry about coming down ever again. Or think or worry much at all ever again.
What Monster Girl has the best Nonhuman feet
>>15531371My bias says Kikimora, but I'm forced to admit that big fluffy paws are too good to pass up.
>>15531356The pothead.
>>15531371Reptile girls. Claws>Paws>>15531377>kikiThey look the best but they would be awkward when you realize they're some weird lump of molded flesh like chinese girls with broken feet. Could you even imagine massaging meaty high heels? I know how this sounds in a monstergirl thread but that's a little too uncanny valley for me.
Just because I would fuck old hag monster girls but only for money doesn't make me a slut, right? Older mgs need love too.
>>15531387>meaty high heelsThey look scaly and hard, though, not meat.
>>15531390Of course you're not a slut anon. You're a whore. Whore's get paid. Now put those good looks to work and go make momma some money. this you, anon?
>>15531375>>15531377>>15531384Monster Girl footjobs when?
>>15531387I like to imagine that there is non-scaled skin at the top of the arch of the foot between the ball and the heel. Its pretty well shaped to stick your dick into too
>>15531394Scales covering meat, anon. Even if the main toe bone was the diameter of the tibia, it's still 3/4 meat. They're thick feet.
>>15531400Right here>>15529825Elf feet are human feet though.
>>15531406Watch they turn out to be surprisingly sensitive to the touch (i.e. ticklish)
>>15531395>having a pimp
>>15531413Who else going to protect a frail little dandy like you from those street ushis and homeless tigers?
>>15531361I always forget about the floating cocaine balls>>15531370Put it that way it actually sounds good
>>15531390Better than me at least. I would fuck old poweful MGs and the only thing I would accept as payment is their smile.
>>15531418>not being at the very least hero tier>not having a posse of like minded individuals watching out for you
>>15531390Would you sell yourself to a brothel? Or would you work freelance?
>>15531434What would happen if I went around town slapping every girl with rude tits?
>>15531428Nobody want's to be friends with a whore, anon. Except Jesus, and he's bad for business. The ladies don't like someone that handsome telling them he's not for sale and preaching celibacy.
>>15531444The not-sample was too big to post, give me a break.
>>15531439>nobody wants to be friends with a whore Says you.
>>15531438They would slap your rude dick.
>>15531446You'll get no mercy from me, you dirty failure.
>>15531454A cannot be rude, it stands at attention lavishing praise upon the one that rouses it, and being at rest it shows it's composure.
>>15531400Yeti footjobs on a cold day, just tell her you need "warmed up"
>>15531437Brothel is much better.
>>15531437Both are soul crushing and friendless environments though.Pretty sure monstergirls would stop wanting to buy such a broken and pathetic man after a while.
>>15531437Brothel means a more clients and no risk of getting husbando'd but it also means I can't say no to the regularsCan you really lick an old Wock's feet if she asked for it? I'd cry while doing it
>>15531428>not being a top adventurer and becoming an expensive whore>and then doing charity fucks for unpopular girls>not having a Cyclops fujo cum with every thrust 'cause she's so excited about having her hero inside her
>>15531490I smell suffering.
>>15531495I'm sure old wocks don't look THAT bad.
>>15531499>fujoYou want to die round eye?
>>15531510Old Wocks are as beautiful as young ones, it's about how humiliating the whole thing isSelling your body is one thing, selling your pride is another
>>15531513She's drawn so many doujins about you and your friends, and now you're really inside her! I bet she'd faint when you walked in, too. Would you put it in her butt so she could pretend to be one of her bottoms or put it in her vagoo to give her a taste of het?
>>15531502Depends, does being a cynical and washed out young MGC prostitute count as suffering?
>>15531495Hey, don't cry when you pleasure your boss. It makes her feel awkward.
>>15531529I'd fuck her a full day for every doujin she drew. ON raging mushrooms.
Unicorn prostitutes
>>15531490>Pretty sure monstergirls would stop wanting to buy such a broken and pathetic man after a whileNah, monstergirls with a healing fetish exist too.
>>15531528You sell your pride the moment you sign on that dotted line to be employed by a brothel. It's probably literally in the job description.
>>15531538You understand that she'd be in heaven if you fucked her brain out every day for a month, right? You sound like it's supposed to be a punishment. Would you use condoms?
>>15531538She'll never hold pencil or pen again.>>15531531Could be.
>>15531544What monstergirl would want to waste her time healing a cynical piece of trash?
>>15531550>spoilerWhat are you a sailor?
>>15531545>By signing this form you accept that non-employees are literally better than you.
>>15531543Prostitutes and sluts
>>15531553>She'll never hold pencil or pen again.More like she'll exclusively draw Anon x Her stories from now on.
>>15531561Anon, that's kind of what prostitution is.That's a lot of jobs come to think of it.
This doujin always makes me wish for a Baphomet Onee-san who would help me graduate from my virginity.
>>15531568I could live with that.
>>15531555Trolls, Unicorns, Shirohebis, Houri, Holstaurus.
>>15531588Not asking for your permission.
>>15531583I'm not worthy of any of them.
>>15531495I'd become a whore for the sole purpose of licking old Wock feet!
Alright /mgg/ I got a question for you. So, I'm thinking about doing something that involves you guys.It's a story I'm gonna write. It takes place in a courtroom, and the readers are the jury.A poor man has been accused of a serious crime in MGC. And it is your job to decide whether he is guilty or not. I'll make a strawpoll and everything.Would you guys be interested?
>>15531595Depression anon is that you?
>>15531577Would you be fine with her calling you every day to beg for your cock? She's the kind of girl that will get obsessed with you, especially when you've reamed her non-stop for a month.
>>15531602Sounds kinda neat, but I think it's so close to a CYOA that some people will get mad.
>>15531610Honestly, that could be over half of us.
>>15531602>strawpoll>after GabbyStill mad.Fuck you.
>>15531595You will be receiving an unmarried orphan wendigo child as part of the Young Eldritch horrors for Troubled Individuals program, please take care if her and raise her well
>>15531602Eh, why not? Let's do it. Hopefully this doesn't burn the board down.
>>15531629What the fuck did I do? I was just tossing ideas out.
>>15531605Can she cook and clean?
>>15531602Go ahead.
>>15531576This manga is good for the penis and the heart.
>>15531636Your crime is being an ignorant lout.
>>15531630I don't think monstergirls would take well to a single dad either anon.
>>15531638Probably not very well.
>>15531576So would all MGs be able to sense if you were a virgin?
>>15531642The judge is a hottie and I can't control my body?
>>15531671What if I told her she could live with me if she learned to care for my house? That way we'd both benefit and I wouldn't have to deal with an obsessed Cyclops calling and following me everywhere.
>>15531679Smell it or taste it in your spirit energy.
>>15531685I'm sure she'd spend every day at the housewives' school if you told her that. Are you sure, though? She'll think you've made her into your sex slave, or even mistress or common law wife. She'll do all sorts of creepy shit like giving you a kiss when you go to work and asking if you want dinner, a bath or her when you come home.
>>15531555>Succubus that doesn't give a shit about healing but takes you home to slake her lust>Grudgingly start to care about one another as time goes on>She's laying stretched out on the couch watching tv>"Why do you always have that sappy love channel on? Not like you care about anything but dick, my dick most of the time.">"How could I not care about your dick? It's a wonderful prick.">"I really am just a piece of meat to you aren't I? Just another dildo in your collection.">"Hey now, a nice dick is a nice dick. But it takes a man to know how to use it. Don't sell yourself short. You're at least two steps above a dildo, three if you ever learn to vibrate.">"Funny.">"I thought so.">"There room for two on that couch?">"There's always room for you."
>>15531602If there's no Dredd option, we riot.
>>15531696>sex slave, or even mistress or common law wifeI'm just a man taking care of a Cyclops to make sure she doesn't fuck up anymore and damage my rep.
>>15531707She doesn't see it like that. If she behaves like your secret wife and you put your dick inside her, she's going to think she's your secret wife.
>>15531698>learn to vibrateKek, perra.
>>155316841 month in the Iso Cubes for you punk.
>>15531715So what you're saying, is I should keep her locked up and use her solely to slake my lust and maybe make a basement family?
>>15531666It is too late Satan, the sound of snow crashing and muffled awawas will signal the arrival of your new daughter
>>15531602Seems interesting, but instead of making it a CYOA you should put the focus on making the accused's case as controversial as possible to really create a debate around his guiltiness
>>15531726>Basement familyYou just reminded me of that guy that had like four successive generations of girls in his and he was the father of all of them. Makes me imagine what KDF will become.
>>15530946>Lesser SuccubusI wonder if any succubi retain the fur from that phase.
>>15531731Hmmm... I have an idea for my case, but I don't know if I should make it super silly, or try to present it as so serious it's hard to take seriously.
>>15531726Sounds good. Being chained to the wall and used every day to receive your seed would make her very happy, almost as happy as being your mistress.
>>15531738They are kind of unique in that they're about the only monster I can think of that gets less beastly when it levels up. Curious, isn't it?
>>15531736 What's KDF?
>>15531746Korean Defense Force
>>15531746Kobold Daughteru Fruit or was it Furniture? I can never remember.
>>15531740>mistress>hfw I gift her a black and red dress signifying this
>>15531746You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
>>15531752No idea what you mean. I'm completely serious.
>>15531751>>hfw I gift her a black and red dress signifying thisAnd the best part is, you can keep being a hooker since as a mistress you're her privilige, not her right!
>>15531746King Dire Faggot
>>15531739Well, the most important part is that you have fun writing it so do whatever you want
>>15531763I'll have fun writing it no doubt, but I like being a writefag for the people. I try to let you guys interact with me as much as possible.
>>15531759Are Cyclops best girls or just useful?
>>15531728Well I guess I can at least enjoy the platonic love between father and child.
>>15531772They're plain-best. They're not that powerful or tight but they try their best!
>>15531772They are useful, even a she-goat's skin can warm a desperate man anights.
>>15531736Pretty sure KDF is against making more dauhgteru generations if I remember right
>>15531794I thought he was a platonic daughter fag, not an incest fiend.
>>15531796His name is Kobold Daughteru Fucker, if that doesn't imply incest then what the hell does.
Reminder that your waifu and all other monster girls would never actually love you.Cheat on them before they cheat on you.
>>15531809I misremembered it as faggot.
>>15531814You shut your fucking whore mouth.
>>15531809Would his waifu hold their daughterus hand while he fucks her?
>>15531809OOOOOH, him.
>>15531822That is fucking hot. You know what's hotter? If the mother sits her on lap while you pound her and coaches her all through it, praising he and giving her headpats as she takes daddy's dick so well.
>>15531833Daddy better give mommy some sugar, too. Maybe give every other kiss to her and then let her drink the cum out of the rubber afterwards.
>>15531819You know it's true.
>>15531846>using a condom
>>15531846Of course, you'd be face to face. Only way this could be any hotter is if you turned your daughter around and you both nursed from your waifu as you alternate between their holes.
>>15531860Why not tease your daughter by just starting to have passionate sex with your waifu with her sort of in the middle being hugged? Just be careful not to overdo it, particularly with worshipping your waifu's big tits, or she might feel inadequate and cry.
>>15531869But my waifu is an A cup.
>>15531869>daughteru between you and your waifu>while you tend to her, she tells your daughter of the night she was conceived>guiding your hands and emphasizing every touch, every squeeze, kiss and caress>your wife makes it a point to show her where you're connected, how it gouges her, in and out and how she'll soon experience their husbandDude, get the fuck out of my head.
Teasing a wolfu in heat!
>Young Kobold daughter tries to hit on boys she likes >Never works because they all assume that every night she goes home to suck her dad's cock
>>15531886I bet the girl would think it a little gross to get daddys dick while it's all covered in mommy's juices, though.
>>15531891Isn't that the case for every monster girl?
>>15531881Is your daughter bigger? She might accuse you of being a pedo for giving all your attention to your legal loli wife while ignoring your voluptuous daughter.
>>15531892Mister, I don't think you understand how perverted monstergirls are.
>>15531602I wouldn't mind having this turn into some sort of 12 Angry Men thing.>>15531847Truth is subjective, and can still be wrong.
>>15531898No, for some reason the deviants and scum flock to fuck kobold children in particular.
>>15531891>she tells you of this between sobs>make it a realityGG faggots.
>>15530311Drunk crows.>>15530312Source name?
>>15531890absolutely yes
>>15531925>Make it a reality>Then some years later the daughteru you got from fucking your daughteru tells you this>Make it a realityIt's a self perpetuating cycle. I just wish multigenerational incest was a bad thing in MG land. then the daugher fuckers would sort themselves out
>>15531920That doesn't matter, the same thing still applies to all monster girls.
>>15531927Are you fine with monsterboys, literal shit eating and tons of other garbage?
>>15531934Contrary to thread discussions, incest isn't all that common in the MGE.
>>15531933What's wrong with it? You could never love her the way I do, no one can. So she'll stay. With Daddy. FOREVER.
>>15531942>LyingThat's pretty sad, anon.
>>15531942Oh boy here we go.jpg
>>15531942Right, except with species like Dark Elves.
>>15531940If you're talking about fecal pap from koalas I already knew about that before the manga page was put in here. The rest of it I can tolerate if it's not done in any erotic context.Except Kangaroos, because how can human men hope to compete with those fucker's muscles
>>15531943Her eyes mang, look at them. That's not safe at all.
>>15531943So sultry.
>>15531901She's not a loli though, she's tall and pear shaped.
>>15531950Fuck off.
>>15531898>>15531934Kill yourself.
>>15531943>hey fuckface san, who's better, me or the vibe?>she proceeds to seriously think about it>"SHE'S FUCKING THINKING IT OVER"Oh hentai MCs.
>>15531945Got eyes in the back of your head pal, because your waifu's twat could use a little dusting off if you catch my meanin'. And if not you, then I'm sure some other gentleman wouldn't mind.
>>15531954I just want to know the manga's name Anon. I don't care what gets people's motors revving but you'd be damned blind if you don't know how fucking big male Kangaroos get in Straya.
>>15531933>grandaughterfu daughter getGG EZ QUEERS
>>15531960Again, fuck off.
>>15531949Also, Large Mice and Devil Bugs.Even so, that's three species out of god knows how many out there? Not necessarily what should be considered common. I mean, not unless you're a rat or a cockroach yourself.
>>15531959I don't have to worry about that, I'm not low t.
>>15531965Take a midol and chill.
>>15531945Do you even care about your waifu?
>>15531953...She's not a Lich, is she?
>>15531973No, she's a Kikimora.
>>15531967Don't forget about slimes. Dhampirs are also strong candidates.
>>15531972You need to chill.
>>15531980You need to answer my question.
>>15531920It's just the KDF and now people who've been corrupted by him and his memes. Really just the KDF though I think.
>>15531968But you are only one man. Any moment your cock is in your daughteru is a moment it isn't in your waifu. This is why yanderes a best. No way in hell would they put up with being a cuckquean.
Muscle Zombies?
>>15531978Okay, I honestly didn't know that about slimes.You learn something new every day..
>>15531967Also dhampries and slimes That the races that always fuck their dads. All races can fuck their fathers but some of the do it all the time
>>15531987Why, so you can reject my answer as always and say I don't love my waifu cause I'll dick my daughteru, even when that is normal and encouraged for monsters? Nah, eat a cunt. Your waifu's cunt and no one else you boring ass vanillafag.
>>15531995I'm just in it for the mother-daughter encouragement. It's fine if it's her childhood friend doing the daughter, too.
>>15531999No.Zombies are to be small and cute.
>>15531999Muscle Oni!
>>15532008But can't I have one that's thick and springy?
>>15531998>what are doppelganger potions>what are threesomesYou are not very smart are you
>>15532008But you can't get a 7ft Wight without a YUGE 7ft Zombie.
>>15532004>as alwaysNever asked before.>I don't love my waifu cause I'll dick my daughteruIf you dick both I don't see the problem, but since I never see your waifu mentioned I don't know if she's dead, or she left, or you just don't care about her.
>>15532014I don't want a 7ft Wight.
>>15532010Tomboyish girls are the best!
>>15531995>corrupted>implying daughteru dicking isn't a proud /mgg/ tradition that started coming into question when the anti lolifags, anti incestfags and hardline vanillaniggers jumped on board
>>15532020My man!>tfw no tall Oni tomboy gf to princess carry you
>>15532021I wouldn't know, I haven't been here much more than a year.
>>15532013>What are d.pot.A cheap copout, and an equally cheap imitation of the real thing>what are threesomeIrrelevant, you don't have two cocks. I'm smarter than you at least.
>>15532027I want to intercrural her spats!
Did even one of you saw Song of the Sea?
>>15532032>those don't count!What are you 5?
>>15532019>Not wanting a 7' Wight to kabe-don you while she hikes her dress up to show off that thigh cutGet out of my sight you slimy walrus looking piece of shit.
>People will either dick their daughterus or leave her to become the town's bike>Daughteru is just playing with her childhood friend while me and my wife watchOh god what is going to happen with us?
>>15532013>doppelganger potionsA shit>threesomesAre you a cuck?
>>15532019>Not wanting an Ara ara~ Undead with milky breasts that'd fill a bucket several times over>Not wanting to ravage her plump jiggly ass as your fingers sink into each cheek>Not wanting her to give you an intercrural with her thick Wock-tier thighs so you can come on her absSad!
>>15532032>you don't have two cocks>implying mamono mana couldn't make this possible>implying Sabbath couldn't make such a potion>implying you aren't arguing for it's own sake
>>15532047you die.
>>15532027I want to carry her instead!
>>15532032Nigger did nobody ever teach you how to take turns and share when you were a kid? That's something people do in case you were wondering. They share.Jesus.
>>15532044But she can do that without being 7ft!>>15532051That all sounds nice, but I just don't want her to be 7ft.
>>15532059You share your waifu?
>>15532049A threesome between me, my wife and daughter you no reply chain following, orange picking, grave defiling, disrespectful cum rag tea chugging kissless handholdless suicide by 40 useless piece of shit neet waste of resources.
>>15532064With my daughteru only, but yes.
>>15532051Anon stop, you're awakening my inner Gomez.
stop taking the bait KDF we've had this conversation before god dammit
Please stop fighting! Think of the children!
>>15532059Sharing is for faggots >>15532041>Have this imitation that will only last long enough to blow a few loads I'm sure it's an apt replacement for your beloved husband>It totally counts>>15532053Ehh. The only way extra dicks can justify this is if you have three or more. The first and second belong t oyour waifu
>>15532060On a scale of "not blushing" to "noticeable on a red oni", how much is she going to blush when you pick her up, wobble a few times, and then begin walking, gaining confidence with every stride?
>>15532073Children are dumb. I hate kids.
>>15532073>Think of the children!
>>15532073That's right! Everybody chill, take your daughteru and waifu in arms, and fuck the shit out of them!
>>15532075She's going to be redder than a Red Dwarf.
>>15532077And then the fires on the Salamander's tail went out.>>15532078...only to spawn elsewhere?
What monster girl would greet you at home after a long day on the job?What would they do to help you relax?
>>15532072I don't think it's the KDF. I don't recognize his posting style at all, plus I'm one of the people in the discussion.
>>15532085Good! Kids are stupid!
>>15532019I'll take her then.
>>15532091I don't work, my waifu doesn't want me to.
>>15532063>>15532069But anon(s), a 7ft. Wight is also perfect for lap sitting and nursing handjobs! Seriously. Vaginal+breast_sucking+lactation+size_difference is the best shit ever, and I lament the fact that it isn't drawn more often.
>>15532091My waifu would greet me with a wagging tail and open wings.
>>15532095Too bad. I'm taking her now.
>>15532072But anon, I haven't posted since last night!
>>15532096I hear you. It's dangerous outside the cave anyway.
>>15532084Where are you going to princess carry her? Don't tell me that you're going to carry her upstairs, toss her, a blushing, stammering mess who has never been treated this way before, onto the bed, peel off her spats and fuck the bed in half, right? Nothing like that?Or even worse, you're going to princess carry her down the street, where everyone can see her, to the dress store where you're going to get her nothing short of the frilliest dress possible, then go for a walk in the park while eating ice cream, where she will almost surely squeal with pleasure and embarrasment when you carefully interlock your fingers right there in front of everyone, right? That would be bad too.
>>15532100>lap sitting and nursing handjobs!Not a fan of that crud.
>>15532106>the caveCastle
>>15532106You need to face the danger of the outside, Anon. How else are you going to protect her?
>>15532107I wasn't going to before, but now you bet I will.Maybe I'll even carry her in the dress in front of all her friends!
Reminder that it's only logical to fuck your family members. Why would you want the baggage that comes with other people's families, and who's closer to you than your own flesh and blood? Who understands you better and could love you more?
>>15532115Protect her? She has her buddyguards for that. Me? I stay indoors. There's bioluminescent mushrooms and glowing crystal thingies that you can use to get a tan. It's fine.
>>15532115She protects you.
>>15532100>Those thighs
Daughter fuckers deserve to be shot.
>>15532129No they don't.NTRfags do.
Stop arguing about the daughterus please, I never meant for it to be this way.
>>15532134Both of them do.
>>15532136They need to line each other up and fire on each other musket-line style.
>>15532135You could say you didn't ask for this.
>>15532135We must carve our own path.
>>15532122>>15532125Why won't you guys protect your strong waifus? Am I the only one who tries to protect big kingdom destroyers?
>>15532136Just stop, you're gonna depress the guy.
>>15532144Good, Daughter Fuckers deserve it.
>>15532120Agreed. Fuck the onee-san. But stop at the onee-san. never betray the onee-san. Onee-san is love, onee-san is memes
>You will never dick your gyaru Cheshire daughteru for the first time on her 18th birthday>She will never give you a lovely grin and confess that it's the best present she could ever ask for
>>15532143Because she's far stronger than any man and also rich as fuck. Why would I need to protect her?She likes to protect me.
>>15532129> he thinks he'll get past my army or daughterus >>15532147Did your dad fuck your sister before you could, is that why you're so upset?
>>15532140Yes, I do believe I could.>>15532142That's what I've tried to do, it's just that there's shitposting on my road now and I feel responsible for it even though I hide and avoid the thread anytime this kind of shitposting happens.
>>15532155Kill yourself, daughter fucker.
>>15532158Anon, you cannot hold yourself responsible for those who do nothing but follow their wrath, because, just maybe, we're all the same.
>>15532143I'm a cripple and weak. She's tough powerful and older then me. What can I do for her?
>>15532158It's not your fault man, people shitposted about dicking the daughteru long before you started your shtick. If you're KDF that is, I'm just assuming here.
>>15532118You're a monster.If you carry her in front of her friends, like maybe after she scores the winning kick in the monsterball game, they'll all see her blushing and trying to cover her face while you walk along and talk to her, exchanging full words for her breathy, exhausted mutters, until she succumbs to exhaustion and stops fighting it, accepting her fate to be carried! They'd all see it!Even worse, she'd be really sweaty afterwards, so you'd get it all over you and you both would stink really bad.If her friends saw that she was carried, they might stop thinking that she was such a tough monstergirl who only liked beer and dunking on stinky nerd girls like ookumades and elfs and start thinking that she's a tough monstergirl who likes girls stuff as well, stuff like being princess carried by her boyfriend!All her friends would be jealous that they don't have cute boyfriends that can carry them, and she doesn't want to make them all jealous because she can't contain how much she loves you! She might even get so embarrased that she, red faced and shaking in the knees, gets up, grabs you by the collar, picks you up and kisses you right there before dragging you under the bleachers where she can gently and lovingly bruise your pelvis!You're the real monster here, anon.
>>15532163>What can I do for her?Love her as always?
>>15532159How should I do it, should I drown myself in her pussy juice, or let her suffocate me with her tight, firm rump? Or strangle me as she buns me with cigarettes and milks load after load after load until she revives by letting me drink her saliva just to do it all over again? Help a brother out.
>>15532127Abigail's thighs are enough for me to want to throw her onto the bed and love her all over. Then make her the best strawberry parfait.
>>15532162>>15532167I suppose you anons are right. Back to my lurking hole it is then!
>>15532170Well obviously thatThe point is though I can't really protect her
>>15532154>>15532163Maybe it's just me. I think I got that stupid "must protect her" disease from a shonen protagonist. In my point of view, my dragon isn't a rich, evil and powerful being, she is just my wife and I love her.
>>15532136This, the monster world can only tolerate vanilla romancing.
>>15532168I'm no monster, I'm just being a good boyfriend!I'll even carry her to the showers after her exhausting match where I totally won't molest her in front of all her friends while helping her get clean!
>>15532176I'm strong (for a man) but she's stronger and wants to pamper me. I don't see the problem.
>>15532120Monster girls incest tier listGod tier: older sisterTop tier: younger sisterMid tier: daughter and motherTrash tier: aunt, cousin, etc...
>>15532188God tier:Onee-chanTrash: Everything else
>>15532188>>15532190Older sisters are dumb.
you know, everyone complains about the daughteru fags but nobody complains about the onee-san fags even though they're just as obnoxious if not more so
>>15532190This nigga gets it>>15532193There's a massive different between dicking a sister, and dicking your daughter
>>15532193You can be dominated by older sistersThat's why /mgt/ has a clear bias for them.
>>15532188>>15532190Some corrections to be madeGod tier: Onee-chanTop tier: Older cousins, adoptive motherusShit tier: Everything else
>>15532193Sure they do. You're doing it right now.
>>15532196yeah the onee-san fags are all like 'onee-sans are great, everything else is shit! everyone should have an onee-san!' but the daughteru fags aren't nearly that pushy.
>>15532196>Hyuck massiv differnce tween fuggin' ya sister and daughterThis is you right now, Cleetus.
>>15532200If you put on that fucking mask, you're dead to me.
>>15532202>but the daughteru fags aren't nearly that pushyHAH
>>15532177>autism speaks
>>15532202I never thought about it that way before, but you're not wrong this time Shitpost Man.
>>15532202>"P-People who like Onee-sans are mean though!"If you have that thin skin you actually do need an Onee-san.
While I wouldn't fuck my own daughter, I would like to have a loli sabbath girl call me daddy and pretend to be my daughter during sex.
>>15532091A kiki would greet you with a nice warm meal. ...And she'll secretly be shlicking herself from the aroma of you having worked so hard.A Shogg would prepare you a nicely cooked meal...while withholding the urge to scream in ecstasy with every bite you take.
>>15532202Eh, they are just as pushy.
>>15532188Top tier: onee-san, daughteru and motherMid tier: imouto and cousinBottom tier: aunt They're all good though.
>>15532188>>15532190>>15532198These are all wrong, the only incest that matters is Blood Related
>>15532180Jesus Christ, you really hate this girl if you're willing to go that far. So far that, after the game when all the girls start dragging their boyfriends to the showers, you're going to pick her up, walk through the door and, while various boyfriends line the wall while watching their girlfriends, you're going to tell her to give you her jersey, exposing her decidedly ungirly sports bra and her extremely unfeminine sweaty abs!All her friends are going to be there, wiping off and trying to do rape their boyfriends that they brought with them, while you're going to be wiping her off and groping her decidedly girly ass and extremely feminine tatas, making her the only girl in the room who is being molested rather then molesting! I bet a horrible person like you would even unnecessarily scrub her crotch, until she orgasms right there and almost passes out because all her friends, while mid-rape, are looking at her and thinking that they're not feeling as good as she is!Once she's clean, i bet that you and all the rest of the boys are going to wander off, but not before you give her ass a good slap on the way out, surprising her enough that she, leading tomboy and strongest girl on the monsterball team, make a moan/yelp, a very well hidden red mark growing under her spats!I hope you feel good about yourself, you really shouldn't be allowed to love because of how terrible you are if you would do any of that to her.
>>15532120>Who is closer to you than your own flesh and blood?>Who understands you better and could love you more?About that...
>>15532205Well there's two possibilities.She puts on the mask so she can become important or you can date her and make her feel important.
>>15532210I enjoyed it more then I should have.
>>15532218I'd live to come home to an ultra stacked kiki whose got a warm meal ready.
Dragons are for ab licking!
>>15532236What if your dragon is pudgy though?
>>15532227I know the feeling, I absolutely despise ntr yet seeing a monster girl do that to a human woman gave me a boner.There's something very wrong about that.
>>15532231*Ultra stacked shortstack kiki
>>15532238Then she's for going to the gym together and getting in shape!
>>15532241You're a racist, racists against human women, and not as pure as you think.
>>15532221>Not having a single motheru, your father having died the night before you were born >Not having her train you in the ways of the paladin to fight by her side>Not having her head off one night for a routine extermination, an infested graveyard>Not sitting on your hands at home, sharpening your sword, while she falls in battle, but is brought back by a Lich that took a liking to her >Not using her training to sense her when she comes to take one last look at you before heading off>Not hunting down the shadow that flees when it realizes you've noticed it, and using your mother's training, capture it>Not realizing that you were hunting your wighted motheru all along>Not telling her you don't honestly care what she has become, you're just still glad to have her
>>15532243This sounds fucking adorable as fuck. I'm suddenly imagining having to give her upsies to help her get to those hard to reach spots on shelves.
>>15532238Belly rubs and the feeding of snacks
>>15532243This >>15529953 stacked?
>>15532236Dragons are for slaying and taking back your heart from.
>>15532236I'm gonna lick her abs so much that they got sore.
>>15532251she'd probably have little stairs she could use to get up but giving her help to reach the very top shelf would be lovely, especially when she starts fussing about how she had to make you work. >>15532255At least.
>>15532224Tell me.
>>15532265Needs a little more stacked.
>>15532222What's so wrong about having a bit of fun with your girlfriend? I'm also insulted that you'd think I would leave her there instead of getting her dressed and carrying her to my car. Maybe I'd also get a quick photo with one of the local reporters so her friends and all the other kids in school would get to see it in the paper tomorrow morning!
>>15532250Thanks for that.
>>15532245That sounds like work. And I don't want to be buff either, I like being a skeleton.>>15532254This option sounds easier, I'm going with this one.
>>15532273Stupid, sexy beautiful, suffering, protectable, needy girls.
>>15532256I would rather steal her heart. That should teach her.
>>15532228>>15532268What if there's nobody left?
What if you want your Zombie Waifu to keep her figure when she turns Wight instead of getting huge
Rape is bad, ok?
>>15532284Pudgy dragons are olev.
>>15532293>WaspAlready can tell she's a mega cunt that deserves a beating.Thanks Crabman for having terrible taste in everything.
>>15532293Whatever you say, Mr. Mackey
>>15532301You're dead to me.
>>15532293Wasp Girls are scary!
>>15532291You hire a lich to make you an embryo and implant you within a monster and then you go from there. Simple really.
>>15532299>>15532310That ass doe
>>15532267>get to hold her up by her big brown bubble butt as her tail wags>starts wan-waning and trilling when you lift her up to tighter areas
>>15532317Ass means nothing when it's attached to a 3DPD-teir bitch.
>>15532293How else is a monster girl supposed to get in your pants?Do you want them to take you on a date or something?
>>15532292why would you want that
>>15532321Yep, and you'd even be able to see her special place if you look right.
>>15532296That they areSomething wonderful about such powerful high ranking monster girls being chubby and cuddly
>>15532322Wasp Girls are just aggressive, they don't know how to be nice.I'll show one kindness, you'll see, she's a good girl!
>>15532326I'd rather stay in and play scrabble, then watch horror movies and gorge ourselves on junk food, pizza, root beer and ice cream.
Monsters would lose at scrabble because they would always try to play dirty words
>>15532293I honestly don't like that her wasp abdomen isn't coming off her butt like Queen Bee from Darkstalkers.
>>15532277Was that sarcastic?
>>15532338Wasps are cunts and don't deserve nice things, especially Wasp girls that Crabman made.
>>15532349Here's where you beat them at their own game and try and play words that only sound dirty.Things would get real interesting when you hand her a 'd' tile, though...
I wish wolfus were real
>>15532292Zombies can be pretty hot but they're still damaged, when they Wight they bloom to their maximum beautyTheir figure might change or stay the same, it all depends on their husband's view of beautiful
>>15532362>maximum beautyBut they already are beautiful
>>15532275You've really got it out for this girl. You've got it out for her so much that I bet you'd get the first page (because it was a slow news day),a half-page shot of you carrying her to your car while she smiles like a loon, a very clear shot of her completely unresisting body and her face.It would have the caption "Game Winner celebrates with boyfriend", stating her name, and the fact that she was responsible for six of the seven goals scored by the MGC Penile Fractures, a three year undefeated team, because your girlfriend joined three years ago. She would, of course, then be hounded by at least ten Crow Tengu with cameras, all searching for a good shot of the reigning champion and her cute boyfriend, because they're alone and they want to ask you if you have any cute friends who will princess carry them, as well as the fact that, by featuring a cute boy carrying a monstergirl, it's their most bought issue yet. It's so popular that the image has been shown on national television on a major news channel, reporting the image sweeping the internet and the nation, stating your girlfriend by name as the tomboyish girl who is being carried very romantically. You'd like that, wouldn't you? You'd like for everyone at school to have seen that image and know that the monstergirl who just stuffed that dork girl into a locker and then put that locker in the trash was getting totally princess carried in that image, right? You'd like to be chilling at her house when her even musclier mother comes up and tries to convince you to princess carry her just like you do her daughter, "just like on Tanuki News", while right in front of her daughter, making her shout at her mother to shut up and go away, right? Honestly, I'm not really shocked. I always knew you were like this. Anyway, I'm done.Don't expect any more out of me.
>>15532361I wish horses were real.
Can Monster and Man be just friends
>>15532361Me too, anon.
>>15532370If you find scars and decaying skin perfect then I don't knowMaybe they just get the ghost hand and powers
>>15532380I want to have a few monstergirl buddies who will come over and chill with me, no pressure.
>Wake up>"Ho hum, I wonder what happened in the wee daylight hours in the monster girl thread this morning?">Pure, concentrated, utter stupidityWhy do I even bother.
>>15532375Of course I'd like that, there's nothing better than teasing your tomboy girlfriend.Thanks, anon.
>>15532361I wish dragons were real.
>>15532396>we've been at it for the better part of 8 years, consistently>expecting things to changeNo anon, you are the stupid.
>>15532398Any time, dude.
>>15532361>>15532378>>15532404I wish wolfus, horsegirls and dragons were all real!Also magical undead qts.
>>15532380Sure but if you make a friendly marriage pact saying you two will marry by aged 30, then don't expect any relationship until then to work
>>15532361Wolfus are delinquents who hang out in gangs!Attacking innocent men in packs!
>>15532406Yeah, well, I've only been here for 4 and oh god what am I doing with my life...
>>15532413That's why you gotta assert your dominance over them!Be like the tomboy teaser anon!
>>15532383Maybe her skin could turn the white for no decay, but her love lines are cute
I wish Kejourous were real
>>15532419I-I have some squeaky toys they might like...
>MFW trying to think of different kinds of theocracies in the MGE world>MFW The Angel Mechanicus>MFW Order Paladins using fucking Magitek>MFW even the magitek golems turn into waifus
>>15532427You're treading into dangerous territory. Everyone knows that wolfus cannot resist chewing and squeezing squeaky toys, no matter how hard and tough they are.
>>15532427Perfect! Then while they're distracted you pull out your cock and fuck those Wolfus like you just ate several Raging Mushrooms at once!Make sure they all get pregnant for bonus points!
>>15532413There needs to be a story about the toughest delinquent hellhound in school who falls in love with the nicest guy in school. It would basically just be High School Rumble but gender swapped and with monster girls.
I like Zombie Paladins who try and keep paladining
>>15532437Oh jeez, I don't want to make them all pregnant, that's so many Wolf Pups to take care of.I just want to make it to work safely without being shaken down by scary-looking Wolf Girls.
>>15532441Anything in particular you would like to see?Give me an interesting idea and I'll promise you some writing 'eventually'.
Remember to stay strong in the face of a cute, purring kitty-cat.
How different are hellhounds and wolves?
>>15532448>Not getting them all pregnant>Not fucking them doggystyle while caressing their pregnant bellies
>>15532448Do it anon! It's the only way to make them stop harassing you!Then you marry them afterwards and live a happy life surrounded by the Wolfus who used to constantly bother you and all your adorable pups!
>>15532461That'll just mean more delinquent Wolf Girl thugs! They'll be just like their no-good mothers, maybe even worse!Hundreds of Wolf Pups who say things like 'Sheesh, don't worry 'bout it Pops, I'll be back before 10, relax you old geezer.' And she'll be back at midnight!I won't stand for it!
>>15532464The only reason one would marry their abusers would be to bully them to oblivion.
>>15532481Exactly.>>15532478Then stop that behavior from even developing! Bully your Wolfu wives until they become respectable members of society!
>>15532461That'll just mean so many well-behaved Wolf Girl beauties! They'll be nothing like like their no-good mothers, so much better!Hundreds of Wolf Pups who say things like 'Don't worry, I'm going to go to the store and bring back ingredients for when I make you dinner at 10' And she'll be back at 9!I will stand for it!
Uh oh.
>>15532497I like her eyes
>>15532489100+ pups!From multiple mothers!If they're not shaking people down in the street, there'd be in-fighting between all the different litters.They're mothers would just encourage them, that poor Jimmy kid from next door would be passed around between the different packs, each Alpha Wolf fighting for the right to be his boyfriend.The best I can do is try to make sure they don't get into trouble with the law when they grow up.
>>15532509You're a pathetic father!Be a man! Raise those pups right!
>>15532489100+ pups!From multiple mothers!If they're not shaking people down in the street, there'd be in-fighting between all the different litters.Their mothers would just encourage them, that poor Jimmy kid from next door would be passed around between the different packs, each Alpha Wolf fighting for the right to be his girlfriend.The best I can do is try to make sure they don't get into trouble with the law when they grow up.
>>15532497Oh yeah.
>>15532497I still don't see the appeal in her character
>>15532516You're so pathetic you can't even post right!How will you be able to turn those Wolfus into a respectable women if you can't even post correctly?
>>15532449I didn't think anybody would offer to do the story, I didn't think that far ahead.I just think it would be cute to see a big tough hellhound acting cute and flirty around somebody she likes.
>>15532529I don't know, maybe I can send them to a special kind of school that teaches them to be ladies.Teaching them manners, poise and politeness. Instead of "Haahn?! You looking to get raped small fry?!" It'll be "Excuse me sir, if it's no trouble, may I engage in some non-consensual intercourse with you this evening?"
>>15532497What kind of shitbag do you have to be like her?We may never know.
>>15532550That's not good enough!You gotta humiliate them in front of their friends and the entire town!
I like monsters in hoods
>>15532553June did nothing wrong.
>>15532553People pretend to like her so they can ruin the story.
>>15532564I suppose that makes more sense than the alternative.
>>15532560White, pointy hoods?
>>15532497Dan lives?
Who is June?
>>15532570And YBA is falling for it by abandoning the premise.
Monsters should wear modest clothes
>>15532564The only real Monster is whoever looks at what the guy in Vengence did to June and think all is just in the world.June did not deserve to be raped, maimed, and have her entire life ruined because "she was a mean bully"
>>15532447>Giver Berserker style armor that keep their limbs together no matter how internally damaged they are so they can keep fighting.>One zombie paladin armored in this manner could take out something as fierce as an oni, by sheer virtue of her body not being torn to pieces >Have to give her a good dicking aferwars so she can heal up and not fall to pieces the moment she takes her armor off
>>15532579Character from YBA's Vengeance story. IIRC it's the MC's Succubus step-mom.
>>15532587I was more thinking she is clumsy and cute
>>15532583>VengeanceOh, that. After reading how the MC was I didn't even bother to start it.
>>15532583I disagree, but I refuse to have this dumb argument AGAIN.
Can you ask your Momster to wear more motherly clothes
>>15532589I thought June was some kinda viper lamia who bullied the MC and got her shit fucked forever? I dunno, don't read it.
>>15532582How about you masupialize your ballsack?
>>15532583Fuck off you limpdicked price of shit. This story was never meant for the likes of you.
>>15532588>Cm_qpC0UsAIsyPs>0UsAIsyP>AIsyP>AlP>ALPI'm on to you!
>>15532583I disagree. Don't talk the talk etc.
>>15532601I don't know to be quite honest. I went for the Love Nina route and left it at that because I'm a horrible vanilla plebeian.
>>15532616>because I'm a horrible vanilla plebeianMore like you're not a faggot like the people who enjoy the rest of that shit.
>>15532617>Marsupialization is the surgical technique of cutting a slit into an abscess or cyst and suturing the edges of the slit to form a continuous surface from the exterior surface to the interior surface of the cyst or abscess. Sutured in this fashion, the site remains open and can drain freelyMarsipialize. Your. Ballsack.
>>15532634I'd rather not and then go find a modestly dressed monster and tell her about the crazy ball cutter
>>15532627Your opinion has been noted.
>>15532326>Do you want them to take you on a date or something?Yes. I'd be a hundred times more receptive to being romanced by a monstergirl than raped by one.And I'm already pretty receptive to being raped by a monstergirl.
>>15532644>Not wanting to be raped and dated at the same time
>>15532649>Implying those two don't mean the same thing to monsters
>>15532604Mad that your edgefest toned down as the writer got older while you remained the same?
>>15532640You're going to a cathouse and you will admire the risqué outfits and like them. Or your balls are gone.
>>15532604>>15532627CRAWLING IN MY SKINWhat Monster Girls would love edgy stuff?
>>15532656>implying it has anything to do with sexNigga did you even see what that queer said?
>>15532665I want to hug all the Dhampirs. is what I imagine monster girl sports being like. Winner gets to to fuck the man in front of them while the loser is stuck with the vibrators.
>>15532661>>15532665I'm mad because he became a sellout that ruined the story so the people he hated would read it and he could get attention.
Dhampires are cuties, would the Dhampir wife introduce her husband to her parents ever?
>>15532665Cursed Sword.
>>15532662Can't I just go to the library and talk to the nice modest lich librarian
>>15532684What about a Cursed Sword who is reverse edgy and wants everything nice and hugboxy
Would a Vampire younger sis look up to her Dhampir older sis?
>>15532665Dhampir and Cursed Sword duo sounds like a fun idea for a TV show.
>>15532695No because vampires are good and dhampirs are not.
>>15532649I'd rather be teased endlessly during the date so I'm a blushing mess who winds up in her bed.Seduction > Rape
>>15532695No because the Vampire is a tomboy and the Dhampir took after her mother and is taken to the vampire masquerade balls over the actual vampire
>>15532699You got the backwards bud.
I want to lick a curse sword's blade
>>15532695Isn't the firstborn always a vampire and dhampirs come after or am I getting it mixed up?
>>15532361>>15532413Wolfus make for good pets when properly trained.
>>15532715adoption time magic
>>15532715If you get the Vampire preggers while still human it's a Dhampir.So odds are the Dhampir will be the older one.
Dhampirs are pretty much just humans so they are okay to marry
>>15532441>There needs to be a story about the toughest delinquent ___________ in school who falls in love with the nicest guy in school.
>>15532737>Pic relatedWasn't there a couple chapters about how he's actually this horrifying delinquent himself?
>>15532737I'm going to restate my offer to write something 'eventually', if you've got any actual cute ideas to help out with.
>>15532741Ex-delinquent, but yes.
What are some good money making schemes for monster girl land?
>>15532758What happens if you convince a Dhampir to do femdom
>>15532771Run a brothel.
>>15532771Anubis and a pyramid scheme
So how do flat Kikis entice their master?
>>15532776I want a dhampir to capture both me and her mother and dominate us both
>>15532792They sit in the corner as their master beds a real woman.
I like Lizards that are nice
>>15532804Please no cuckquean monsters
>>15532810But it makes the master happy.
>>15532776Then I may be interested in them for once.But why would I go for them anyway when I have a biting and a femdom fetish and the vampire already fullfils them.
>>15532810but she has to take care of her husband's daughter
>>15532798>Dhampir whipping her mother and laughing at her cries>Comments about how she's squealing like a pig in a way that's unfitting for a noble vampire>Forces you to fuck your wife doggy style which is something she always refused to do since she seen it as demeaning >After you cum your daughter mounts you in the cowgirl position and forces you to impregnate her while she has her mother on a leash like a pet
>>15532823She's getting disowned.
>>15532564>Pretend to like June, the greatest case of healing to ever be known.What can I say, I commissioned for her to be drawn because I'm the healing story sucker.
What if I want to raise the daughteru but not dick her?
>>15532807Nice lizards are nice
>>15532836What a nice long tail
>>15532834Then you shouldn't be reading the story in the first place.
>>15532841It's not your place to judge who and who can't read a fucking story. Chill out.
>>15532835keep her away from Kobolds and make sure she doesn't read daughter dicking porn
>>15532834Are you the June Waifufag? If so, are you a serious waifufag, or do you just really like her?
>>15532835Then geet out. This thread is for Alabamians only.
>>15532853I'd like to think I am serious.
>>15532848It's obvious what YBA was going for before he pussied out.
>>15532844Please don't question their father fucking ways, it's their nature.
>>15532859>heat is making me crazyI want to take her home so she can be in my air conditioned home and cool off
>>15532665Cursed Sword.Druella's army.
>>15532870I'd rather be the childhood friend and sidekick
>>15532867There are multiple paths, you realize? You can keep your edgy stuff. Let me have a "Love June" ending.
>>15532870>Dhampir and Vampire getting you hyped up on Raging Mushrooms, daughter keeping her mother pinned on top of her, spreading her cheeks so that you see your wife's dripping wet pussy>She's complaining it's demeaning to be fucked from behind like some kind of animal"So... Lord Father? What shall it be?">Dhampir daughter giving you the eyes as she poses the next question"The hen, or the egg?"
>>15532886Letting readers influence the story was a huge mistake.
I want to have my Dhampir Daughteru marry the nice neighbor boy
>"Anon, it says here you, uh "Have a nihilistic and wicked sense of humor". And I understand that's what we'll be fixing today, correct?"
>>15532900I respect your opinion. But I do not share your opinion. I feel that he's going for the long haul, and will make endings for everyone. Don't mind the fact we will all probably be fifty by the time that happens.
I wonder if a Mindflayer could give a brain hug?
>>15532906But miss, I thought you liked that sort of thing too...
>>15532896Goddamn shitty raging mushrooms.
>>15532916I imagine so, if she just parked her tentacles inside your skull. She'd have to have just come, though, otherwise I'm sure she couldn't resist fucking your brain.
>>15532904>You don't understand me dad, father fucking is perfectly normal ughhhh
>>15532921Keep crying bitch nigger.
>>15532912 He shouldn't. If you want want to be a monsterloving bootlicker, read something else
>>15532906No, I'm just jaded. No wicked sense of humor here.
>>15532859>Let me sit on his face so I can let him get a taste of my scrumptious flower!kek
>>15532930Whatever you say maledomshit.
>>15532906> nihilistic and wicked sense of humorpoor guy
>>15532923Maybe we could both experience the love we share at the same time if a Vampire's ideal husbando is Dracula from Symphony of the Night?
>>15532931I'm not going to argue with you on this. I'm sorry you feel that other people ruined a story for you. Guess you're just gonna have to deal with it.
>>15532936>Being this much of a whiny little bitch over something you can ignorePathetic, delete your reaction image too faggot.
>>15529374Freud pls go and stay go
Are Dhampires good mothers?
>>15529374I'd need a time machine to when she was a hippie chick, though.
>>15532945>"What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!"What MG would you tell your pile of secrets to?
>>15532954>>15532955>They don't want to have a spectacular charismatic aura and the best sense of dress of ANY villainSad!
>>15532964my wife
>>15532946Go and take your bad taste with you.
>>15532951Hey, don't knock it 'till you choke it.
>>15532974>that soft fur patch just above her breastsTop grade breast pillow right there.
>>15532960Why not remind her of her hippie days rather than time travel?
>>15532964yeti psychiatrist
>>15532964None of them. I'm too insecure about my secrets.
>>15529374I don't have a momster, just a regular mom.That Anubis is pretty cute, though. Is she a mom?
>>15532985Because she's really fat now
Do not hire a monster wetnurse 7/10 kidnap the child after being mistakenly called momma
>>15532768My dream is ruined!RUINED!
>>15532945Minions of the night aren't actually weak to whips, but they encourage the myth.
>>15533002Yes. She has two college-aged daughterus.Getting a drunken foursome with them leads to a bad-end.
>>15532964>Be vampire's incubus husband>It's your Dhampir daughter's 120th birthday today, you're decked out in the full get-up>Black dress coat and thigh high boots, your coat and mantle having red trim>Your wife even gave you a fake set of fangs to wear and powdered your face>Tell her you feel stupid"You look... absolutely ravishing. Like a cool, handsome dandy!">Pours you a vintage wine in a deep glass, you're holding it, bored on the throne when your daughter bursts in"BEGONE, YOU DO NOT BELONG IN THIS WORLD!">Go through the entire scene, telling her how justice is defined by the mighty and that mankind is held down by burgeoning desires like religious creeds>Daughter visibly blushes when you toss the glass aside nonchalantly until she stabs forward with a fake sword>Give your best "RRRRRRRRRUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAA" as you use illusion magic to make it look like you vanished from death>Wife's clutching the curtains when you walk back behind them, she's clearly hot and bothered"After our supper. I want you to fuck me like one of those French girls.">Try to say something but she Shh-shhs you, leaning in closer"Leave the fangs in. I want to feel the bite when you're pumping me full of that delicious 'white blood' of yours."
>>15533022Bad end how?
>>15533022W-What do you mean?
>>15533033When they wake up from their alcohol coma to find your dick scent all over them they're going to team up to CBT you to death.
>>15533010But that's actually kinda hot. I now remember a previous discussion involving a yan MG wetnurse producing even more milk after getting called mom IIRC.
>>15533010I'd hire a Holst wetnurse for my humangirl daughter so she can be bigger than her Paladin-chan mother with her A cups.
>>15533049>Oppai loli human daughteruYou fool! You're crossing the streams!
>>15533049I'd rather not let the daughter get corrupt and lose her boy maker
>>15533033>>15533038Just that the Anuboss breaks up with you, fires you, and you never see her again.Pretty sure that's what happens.
>>15533043>The baby is mine now
>>15533043>Call Minotaur wet nurse 'Mama' as a tot>She starts to lactate uncontrollably>Ends up stealing you away that night, to raise you as her own>Goes full Jocasta-Yan, fucking you ragged the day you hit puberty>Submits to your budding lust so long as you suck her tits and call her "Mom">All because you're her cutest little husbando
>>15532984soft and toasty warm cuddles are excellent
>>15532792Legs, hips, fingers, posterior.There's more to a fine lady than her tits.
Are Hellhound moms abusive
>>15533106>You will never mating press a flat chested Kikimora after she wears a French Maid's outfit, showing off her apple bottom>As well as Elin tier hips
>>15533113Why would they?
>>15533113The only MG that ever comes close to "abusive" is Ogres.
>>15533113not abuse if it toughens them up
>>15533096>No Hellhound delinquent who's two feet taller than you will ever have a secret crush on you.>She'll never lose control of her emotions during the full moon and learn that you're attracted to her too.>She'll never ride you ragged and then wake you up in the morning with a blowjob.>She'll never be a surprisingly doting girlfriend who introduces you to her gang and threaten to annihilate anyone who hurts you.>You'll never become friends with the girls who call your new girlfriend "Anego".>They'll never start calling you "Aniki" and be similarly defensive of you in a more platonic way.>They'll never attend your wedding to the Hellhound.>Her stoic Oni right hand will never visibly fight back tears at the sight of her honorary sister getting married.>They'll never act like a pack of doting aunts to your daughterus.>You'll never have family movie nights with all of them.>Your daughterus will never climb into bed with you and your waifu for a platonic cuddlepile.God damn it, it hurts so much.
>>15533083Gonna get strong on Mino milk!Gonna pin Minomom to the bed and fuck her ragged!
I like monster girls that are like poles so no ass or tits but height
>>15533113Hellhounds are the most loving and protective of all the MGs anon, absolutely not.
>>15533137>Getting huge on Mino-Mom milk>Like a creatine lunk with a brain>Having proactive wrestle sex with Mino-Mom>When your cell phone calls you're plowing into her, grabbing the bull by the horns
>>15533113It's not abuse. It's Training from Hell.Literally.
>>15532792Tight, shiny latex that shows off and accentuates their immature bodies.
>>15533113Personally, they're one of my top picks for non-lewd monster moms. And I'd probably bring back a werecat as a girlfriend.
>>15533043Tittyfox is coming for you, watch out!
>>15533172>werecat as a can you break your mother's heart she wanted you to find a nice hellgirl to settled down with and have tons of pups
>>15533171Oh hai Quicksilver, how's your sex life?
>>15533179The answer is obvious.He gets a hellcat.
>>15533177You'd have to be a crazy man to run from that.
>>15533195But I have a childhood friend fox with average tits to run to
>>15533136nothing can stop the pain of not being with your waifu
>>15533186The same as it always is anon and the same as it will likely always be, painfully lonely and nonexistent.
>>15533202More stories when you degenerate piece of human garbage.
>>15533179Cats are just dogs that poop in a box and sleep on your face.
>>15533022>>15533040Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
>>15533012More like enhanced.
>>15533209Never, if that's the way you ask! No but in all seriousness I don't really know. Kind of at an impasse of no ideas or motivation, plus my work schedule is about to get busier. I'm sorry I don't have a happier answer.
>>15533219Classic Battletech
Hellhound for class president
>>15533242Hellhounds would be terrible class presidents.I nominate Lich!
>>15533242Nothing but chaos in the classroom!
>>15533232I'm actually in the same boat of all of the above. I wish I could write more than greentexts right now but I fucking hate being expected to do more when I can't into dialogue or non-repetitive shit without exploring some unpopular themes like maiming and healing afterwards
>>15533242Anubis for President! And treasurer! And secretary!Anubis best at all things!>>15533245Lich-chan doesn't care about class politics. She just wants to run her after-school experiments in peace.
>>15533242I'd rather vote for the Mexican Kiki because if you do then all your wildest dreams will come true
>>15533232Personally I have several ideas, but only some vague motivations, and just seems like there's a lot of other shit I could/should use my time for...
>>15533257Lich-chan totally cares about class politics, she just doesn't show it!
>>15533260I heard she has a sweet bike
>>15533242I don't care about politics, I just want to be in the Nap Club
>>15533242I want to help a Lich crossbreed an Anubis and a Hellhound!
>>15533269So that'd be dormice, nightmares, baku, succubus, and anybody else that appreciates a good nap?
>>15533269Monster girl politics!Druella for president!Is a man not entitled to a wife on each arm?!
>>15533325I bet there'd be a bunch of creepers trying to take "totally non-lewd" naps with the boy members.
Liches ain't shit but science and tricks
>>15533330>Is a man not entitled to a wife on each arm?!No, unless you're at a folk dance.
>>15533325Alps, maybe?Also how could you forget weresheep?
>>15533335It's laws magic.
>>15533335The fuck did you say?
>>15533346Ambient guitars.
>>15533346I'ma show her the old disappearing penis trick!
>>15533346She seems sad, I want to give her a hug
>>15533353Don't sexualize the Lich.
I want to play video games with a lich because we are best friends
>>15533370Then she gives you a blowjob while you play?
>>15533361I will sexualize the Lich.
>>15533242>Not PharaohShe's literally the only one qualified for the position.I mean Slime Queen could handle it but she's lame.
>>15533378No because then her head isn't watching the game so she can be player 2
>>15533380I won't let you.
>>15533385You doubt the power of a Lich.
>>15533380>Lich in a cheongsamStill glorious.More. More girls in delicious, curve-hugging china dresses!
>>15533380That Lich must have a huge ass.
>>15533381Apophis for class rep!
I want to call a smart slime my queen
>>15533370Would you have her rez Zombies/Skeletons so you can play 4 player Smash?
>>15533386Too late. I'm already hard at those cold, dead hips.
>>15533393Well if she thanks she can play, but I wouldn't force her to if she loses to me in a 1v1
>>15533396Qualifications:>Being a bum>Taking things that don't belong to her>Poisoning people that disagree with her>Rapist>Bernie Supporter
>>15533403Don't do it!
>>15533399I'm sure her undead friends and I can get along and become friends, we might even play early Mario party after it
>>15533415>Mario PartyWhat is WRONG with you?
>>15533410Woah woah woah woahApophises may be old fat hags that are prideful, loud, overbearing, dominant, rude, childish, and rapists, but they would never support a sell out. Apophises are against Pharaohs after all, it'd be against Apophis Genes to like sell outs.Apophises are pure of heart, like a shonen protagonist who means well.
>>15533422Just 3 undead monsters and a human having a friendly game
>>15533410>He's shit talking wine navel snakeYou and I are going to have a pistol duel, Ser.
>>15533423>prideful, loud, overbearing, dominant, rude, childish, and rapistsYou say all of this as if they're bad.
>>15533381>Queen Slime>LameCronyism wouldn't even be an issue with her, since she would fill all the other positions with herself.Also, slimes are love.
>>15533432I'm not.
>>15533415>Mario PartyI hope you have REALLY good homeowner's insurance.Hell, might as well throw some Monopoly into the mix while you're at it.
>>15533242>>15533257Anubis class president and Hellhound delinquent fighting for your love!
Taking a ryu to see a movie in a movie theatre for the first time!
>>15533438Sure if she wants to play Monopoly after scrabble, just gotta tell the zombie that Waaarm isn't a word every turn. >homeowner's insurance.Just undead they can't destroy my home
>>15533448She can't fit in any of the seats.
>>15533433I wonder if a single position would open if a human happened to apply.
>>15533444I'd rather have Hellhound class president and Anubis delinquent
>>15533429>Three Undead and an Anon go to play some good and honest Mario Party as friends>15 minutes later and the police were called to the household after a neighbour reported hearing "incoherent swearing" followed by "threats of ones life" and what sounded like "a hex being cast"
>>15533448>no lid on the drink>Popcorn flying everywhereAs a theater worker, I am triggered
>>15533444But anon, the Hellhound is my childhood friend!
>>15533457If I tell the three that we can't play at my house if they break it then they will calm down
>>15533458I just want you to know whenever I'm done watching the movie and I finish clapping after the movie ends, I purposely leave my popcorn and drink in the seats.
>>15533470Just a small annoyance, not that bad
>>15533444i hope the hellhound wins
>>15533430You're neither a good man or a strong man.You'll die just like Hamilton did.
>>15533458>theater workerI wonder how many monsters would try and rape you
>>15533478I also purposely piss all over the seats when I'm upset at how a movie is going.
>>15533444I'm not having some mean dog dictate my life. Bad girl Hellhound all the way.
>>15533448I'm super fucking hangry for movie theater popcorn now.Good going you pringus.
>>15533486None because I do concessions before the movie and I have a counter in front of me including a soda fountain >>15533487tv please
>>15533482She won't win. Because shes a tomboy, and they never win.
>Still no Fernir or norse MG besides Valkyrie.
>>15533444Hellhounds can be nice, but Anubi are best in all regards.
>>15533503And Kraken.
>>15533502jokes on you i'm gonna make sure she wins by confessing to her!
>>15533511"But I'm a tomboy! I'm not pretty at all!"
>>15533517>"Don't talk to me or my son ever again!"
>>15533517there's only room for one person to have shitty self esteem in this relationship and its me
A big tubby hell hound that acts fierce but is content to just sit on the couch and eat snacks.
Don't fear fat tats, they slow monsters down so you have to be scared of the fast flats
>>15533530Thicc cuddlehound
>>15533544No, it's thick.And at this point I'd say its a stretch.Honestly, the best way to escape your monster girl captor is to get them out of shape so they aren't fast enough to catch you when you make a break for it.
>>15533505Kraken already exists.>>15533503Trolls, Elves, Dwarves and Nightmares are technically Norse, just FYI. Hell, one of the less-talked-about fun little things about the Trolls that the movie Troll Hunter brought up is after Christian themes being included in Scandanavian folklore, Trolls fucking hate the smell of Christians and the sound of church bells. Often times becoming murderous if they can get their hands on them.Part of it being that during the expansion of the Roman Catholic Church, they snuffed out any and all paganistic beliefs to supplant them with their own. But the Norse girls are horribly underrepresented with only about four or five girls currently?I mean, shit. KC hasn't even scratched the surface with stuff like Hel, Iku-Turso (Technically a Kraken or other sea monster), Jormungandr, Fenrir, Fafnir (Dwarf and Dragon combo woo), Ratatoskr (BIG, FAT, SQUIRREL TATS), Nidhoggr, the Huldra, and some other things like Sleipnir.But part of me being the faggot I am actually kind of hopes he doesn't do them, because no offense to him but the guy tends to ruin some pretty fucking good ideas like Cu Sith and Cait Siths by turning them into fucking furries. Just my two cents though, take it or leave it.
>>15533554>Kraken already exists.So does Valkyrie.
>>15533541I like fat tats though, the fact they slow down monster girls is just one of them and makes it so I have lower chances of being assaulted. Plus when you find a monster girl you wish to form a relationship with, you can do a lot of things with her fat tats that not only help you bond with her but also help her to relax after a busy day. I'd personally want a cute Flowkelp,Tentacle girl, or mermaid with fat tats so I could fall asleep on them listening to her heartbeat or drinking the delicious milk or nectar that comes from them.
>>15532200>>15532301>lifting her tail so everyone can see the goodsWhy are horses so desperate/slutty?
>>15533554I'mma be mighty miffed if one of those dozen or so new MGs next month ain't a dragon to tie in with the new fanbook. Nidhogg being a prime candidate.
>>15533564I want to convince a shy arachne that big breasts are best!I want to pressure her into being the biggest in the school!I want to take her out on an innocent date that involves me not touching her breasts or doing anything lewd with them.
I want to ask the flat chested Arachne to stop stuffing her bra with her silk, because I like her flat chest better
>>15533554>Trolls, Elves, DwarvesNot really. They are Tolkien trolls, elves and dwarves, not the original norse variety, and Nightmares are frank/germanic spirits.
>>15533593Germanic paganism is part of Norse mythologies.
>>15533022>>15533040Sounds to me like they just need a warm glass of milk and some scratching behind the ears.
>>15533530>>15533544She's getting mating pressed.
>>15533580I like the way you think sir, arachne after all do work very well with pulling of big breast after all. You shouldn't really have to convince her to have big breast, she likely already possesses them instead you should work on making her feel comfortable about having them and growing a strong relationship between the two of you. Taking monster girls out on innocent dates are my preferred way to get to know them and start the road to forming our relationship.
>>15533605Would she be normal sized so that you are face to face, short so that her head is in the crook of your neck, or tall so that your face is buried in her impressive chest?
>>15533607I'm shooting for an arachne that'll even put the holsts to shame. I want to take her cute dress shopping and noticeably not put her in anything that's too terribly revealing for her gigantic chest.I also want to remove her glasses and call her cute.
Crabman did nothing wrong.
>>15533626He actively uses monsterboys as a buffer for pretty mediocre world building.
>>15533626Except looking the part of a Japanese uber-otaku stereotype.If I go to Japan and find that KC looks much the same, I'mma be-...>tfw no screencap of Sei and Mao's disillusionment
>>15533612The third one.She's getting kissed right before I pass out after it's all done though.
>>15533544Why is my face not in that fat? Also, what happens if you try to bully a chubby hellhound?
>>15533622That's going to be one massively busty arachne, I keep on liking the way you think. Maybe after you buy her a wonderful dress, you can take her to the dance and show her that she shouldn't be afraid of her amazing bust and dance moves. After such an event, you could then taker her out to eat as you celebrate and tell her she was the best dancer in the room, much to her surprisingly brightly blushing face.
>>15533643>what happens if you try to bully a chubby hellhound?She sits down on your dick and refuses to move until you get her off.
>>15533642Well, I hope you enjoy to a big soft hellhound stroking your hair in her sleep and when you wake up.
>>15533643Depends.Does she like being bullied by you or not?
>>15533647>She sits down on your dick and refuses to move until you get her off.lovely!
>>15532678>I'm mad because he became a sellout that ruined the story so the people he hated would read it and he could get attention.>became a sellout>selloutNigga, the story is called Vengeance. Vengeance was on the menu for the entirety of its inception. If anything he sold out to the strawpoll that said he should do a love Nina route before getting back to true route.
>>15533647I don't think she would be fast enough to catch me.>>15533651Maybe. I guess she's just waiting excitedly for the day I lower my guard and she catches me.
>>15533646That I would.I'd even take her home afterwards and bid her good night without any funny business. I'm just hoping for her to take a few deep breathes, puffing out her impressive chest, before planting a surprise kiss on my cheek and skittering to her room.
>>15533637 guarantee you that this guy's been NTR'd at least once.
>>15533650I don't think I'd ever be able to stop blushing.I also don't think I'd be able to control my rampaging morning wood either. Those fat tits of hers are getting coated.Then I can take a shower with her.
>>15533666Trust me Satan, chubby or not, there's no outrunning a Hellhound.
>>15533673Only until she presses her soft body against you for some surprise shower sex.
>>15533666If she doesn't like you bulling her she's going to bully you straight back.If she likes it she's going to let you bully her, then start bullying you after you stop bullying her and she won't stop until you start doing so again.It's a bully-or-be-bullied world out there.
>>15533672Well, guy might not have looks, but what he does have is international infamy, even if it's within a still fairly niche sector.I presume there's a more than modest bank account to go with that.
>>15533680You act like that's not why we got in the shower together. What, you think a newlywed man and his monstergirl wife aren't going to be fucking like rabbits all day in all sorts of positions and places?
>>15533626>Monsterboys>Garbage characters like that cheating cow>Everyone's mom>Mediocre writing>Making Zombina have so many cons it's not even worth standing near herHe did everything wrong.
>>15533677>>15533681I guess it's just a matter of time until she decides to rape me for an entire year.
>>15533690At least the monsterboys are a comic relief and he made sure to point out all monstergirls prefer human men over their own males.For now
>>15533669That's cute the only sad thing you won't be able to see the cute smile on her blushing face as she rest dreaming about all the fun things you two did together, like how today she performed her fist ever kiss. I think she'll grow more secure in her large bust and her as a person, due in part to how well you treat her and that you like her for more than her mighty bust.
>>15533635>>15533690>MonsterboysDid I miss something in one of the more recent chapters?Also, he at least got pic related right. Lala is perfect.
>>15533684Just watch out if it looks like she's putting on weight.It may be a sign that pups are on the way.
>>15533703Loen needs to draw another Scylla. He's got a god-given knack for rear ends.
>>15533700That doesn't make anything okay.>>15533703Lala and Zombina are fucking 10/10. If only that faggot Crabman didn't ruin Zombina though.
>>15533701Yep.We'd go to the movies, hang out, and just be comfy. Our first time will be with her holding me in her pedipalps while I suckle her teat. One can only wonder what her chest will be like when she becomes pregnant.
>>15533703>Did I miss something in one of the more recent chapters?They've been in since extremely early, I don't even read the thing and I know that.
>>15533703I never realized how Lala has such a nice ass, this just makes her even better than she already is. Chunni Dullahan is a cutie and it only makes me want to sit on her lap and kiss her blueberry lips more.
>>15533712>Zombina has best personality>Worst body>>15533719I only really remember the Duke Nukem looking pig criminals that show up.
>>15533703They are talking about the male centaurs, and the 12 Beast monsters.NEETs can't proccess the fact that there might be another penis on the entire universe other than their own.
>>15533729>and the 12 Beast monstersNo we aren't.>NEETs can't proccess the fact that there might be another penis on the entire universe other than their ownI'm not doing this shit again, you can fuck off.
>>15533703>tfw you will never fangirl/boy it up with Lala over GundamSaddness.
>>15533729>NEETs can't proccess the fact that there might be another penis on the entire universe other than their own.Anon the thread is almost over, stop trying to cause a shitstorm to cap it out.
Would a wight still love her cuddles like when she was a azombie
>>15533705Again, what makes you think that's not what the goal is?
>>15533727>Worst bodyNot even, her appearance is fucking gorgeous and is one of my favorite designs in the series.It's what's inside her body that's awful.
>>15533748Yes. Possibly even more than when she was a zombie.She's just more flirtatious about it is all.
>>15533715Careful man, just be sure to help her out when pregnant as they may become too big for her to easily carry them around. I hope you enjoy your busty arachne lover and wonderful spider daughters.
>>15533748Of course, it's their one weakness.
>>15533748I don't care if she doesn't like them, she's getting cuddleraped.
>>15533703You're kidding, right? The only species that have been explicitly stated to be all female as far as readers have been made aware are Slimes, presumably Arachne, Harpies, and Lamiae.Case and point on some of the other glaring shit:- Mero's mother is literally cuckolding her father with a human man who's younger than she is.- Centorea's mother and harem sisters are literally cuckolding her by-marriage father with human men and seemingly hiding the fact from her that she's pretty much a half-breed that won the sperm lottery after her human father committed dicking horse pussy God knows how many times.- Miia's mother and every girl in her village that's old enough to have young basically buried her father in a snake mosh pit and may have fucked him to death. She probably has more half-sisters than fucking Ganondorf has sisters.- Orcs are basically hyper-otaku Pig Men, a play on the whole "HURRRR Men are Pigs!" shit- There's not enough evidence to support that there are male Arachne (thank God), but pretty much every species we know of aside from the ones mentioned earlier have male counterparts. So Polt's dad would literally be a furry with a knotted penis.I mean, for fuck's sake. I can understand having monsterboys if it actually makes sense in that world, but people who read Monster Musume are there for the fanservice and lewd girls, not the idea of having to compete with fucking Glue Factory Mongorian's City Wok sized penis fucking a Centaur lady while a human man used as a fucking teaser being forced to watch her take horse dick when she SHOULD know what's really fucking her.Mind you, this is coming from one of the biggest faggots this thread has produced and even I think fucking monsterboys need to either stay the fuck out of the thread and go to /d/ or be restricted to very minimal bodily changes like the Incubi from MGE, who're just basically human men with an even bigger sexual appetite. But fuck it, the night is young and I still have some Jack Daniels about here somewhere. Just going to put on some good old music and watch the world burn while some shitbag plays a re-run of "Humans can't compete with monsterboy penis!" bait shit.
Gigantess are cute.That is all.
>>15533751Because then she'd start worrying about if she's going to be a good mother or not.
>>15533765but she is getting wet also
>>15533764Harpies and lamias are confirmed female too.
>>15533764>Orcs are basically hyper-otaku Pig Men, a play on the whole "HURRRR Men are Pigs!" shit>Seeing feminism in a harem manga.You're trying too hard.
>>15533759Oh, I would.Even if she has to special order bras or I need to sit on her back and support them for her, I'd be willing to help out my titty spider.And those daughterus are getting all the head pats.
>>15533774Re-read the first line.
>>15533764Congratulations.>Mind you, this is coming from one of the biggest faggots this thread has producedYou proved that to be an exemplary truth. 5 gold stars and a cookie.
If you have a zombie harem do they all wight at once, or does it happen one by one?
>>15533768She doesn't need to worry and if she does I'm gonna cuddle her until she stops.
>>15533764>"Humans can't compete with monsterboy penis!">In a echii harem manga with a human male protagonist explicitly targeted to human males
>>15533786All at once.Get ready anon, because you're suddenly going to be surrounded by fat asses, plump tits, thick thighs, child birthing hips and a whole lot of "Ara-Ara".
>>15533787Congratulations, you've won over your big hellhound lover.Expect her to be a loyal wanwan.
>>15533729Never read 12 Beast.But yeah, I don't really see the issue with male monster characters showing up, as long as there's no yaoi or whatever the fuck. It seems unrealistic to me that there wouldn't be male versions. It makes me think of a friend who used to watch yaoi anime, and any show he watched seemed to take place in these bizarre worlds where there's no females at all. Like I get it's supposed to be for gay dudes, but it seems so weirdly unrealistic to not show anybody of the opposite gender, even as background characters.>>15533754That's what I mean, what her body contains, and the fact that it quite literally falls apart at the seams all the time.>>15533764>You're kidding, right?I know that they exist, I just mean we rarely see them.
>>15533790>Doubting the faggotry that Jap scum pull off.
>>15533783They were explicitly stated to be all female in the manga too.
>>15533793Do they have to get fat asses and plump tits. I'm more of a fan of average rather than extreme>>15533794How much would it change if one Wights and the rest are still zombies
>>15533799That's what I meant. Lamia and Harpies are pretty much the only two explicitly female species since Suu is pretty much an abnormal existence and unsurprisingly, Papi's mom is the only monogamous, pure love Mom out of the bunch. Go fucking figure. She even went gyaru for her husband who happens to be Smith's boss.
Do wights convert women into wights, or into zombies?
>>15533797>fact that it quite literally falls apart at the seams all the time.Now, if this wasn't such a common problem for her I would find it cute, but the fact that a stiff breeze could turn her into the guy from Neverdead then it's just a pain in the ass.
>>15533807why is Smith the best
>>15533807You said "presumably".Also papi's mom said the rest of harpies are starting to go monogamous as well.
>>15533797>But yeah, I don't really see the issue with male monster characters showing up, as long as there's no yaoi or whatever the fuck. It seems unrealistic to me that there wouldn't be male versions.There has never been any yaoi in any single one of Crabman's works. Not even the self-insert protagonists are are shown in any sexual way; they are exclusively used to show off the girls Okayado draws.Anon's are just too jumpy about dicks. I don't even know if they can see their own without puking.
>>15533814Because Crabman fucked up with so many characters that a fucking human in a monster girl series is one of the only girls that's not garbage.
>>15533795Just wait until the family cuddlepiles.She's going to have to keep me from crying when they're born because they're so adorable and perfect.>>15533801Don't worry anon, it's proportional. No extremes.
>>15533764>>15533774>>15533781>>15533790>>15533797>>15533816There is a thread in another board to discuss this shit.>>>/a/
>>15533826>Can't discuss monster girls artists in the monster girl thread.k
>>15533782That's a very good idea to do, back and breast massages would also be appreciated by her so she could relax easier. Also those head pats are the first step to helping your spider daughters become the very best they can be, both emotionally and physically.
>>15533825Abs are better though.
>>15533825But the spider has 4 times the amount of legs
>>15533824Yep, a whole pack of heckpups snuggling up to you while your soft wife cuddles you from behind.
>>15533814Overworked, under-compensated government employee who seems to have some level of affection for the MC since she actually likes his coffee compared to the standard issue shit.May or may not be a Succubus in human form.
This is your yeti now
>>15533834Yep, that's right.Now fuck off.
>>15533846Do I have to feed and water it?
>>15533834>Can't fight over barbed dicks in the monster girl threadftfy
>>15533849Just don't do it after Midnight. That's how you get Wendigos.
>>15533835Yep.Although I may let it slip that I like my wife that busty. I won't pressure her to do anything this time, I'd be too busy chasing daughterus around in games of tag.
>>15533846She looks sloopy.
>>15533846I don't want it.I don't have anywhere to put it and my budget is strained as it is.
Zombie Yetis give cold hugs so avoid them
>>155338493 servings of stretchy meat a day and at least 30 minutes of hugging
>>15525664>We used to tool around the intertubes with pimped out 14.4kbps modems! Had to wait five minutes for a single image to load! And we liked it!You tell 'em! Back then we used to hike for miles with our data packets! It was upstream both ways!
>>15533839My heart can't take this.
>>15533852Why do you have to turn everything into a strawman, Anon?
>>15533865Yep, just you, the daughterus and the waifu.All in big, lazy saturday snuggle piles.
Which monster is most pure
>>15533846I wanna take her to timmies for a big cup of white hot chocolate!
>>15533874Whichever monster you're married to.
>>15533874The beast of possibility, the unicorn.
>This is a collect call from the Monster Girl County Jail, do you accept the charges?
>>15533885Sure, no reason not to
>>15533881Timmies needs to take over the US faster so I can get a cute Yeti waifu who roots for the Cleveland Browns
>>15533873What about when they grow up and move out?Would the waifu be okay with having more?
>>15533855I think she'd be surprised yet okay with you saying you like her being even more busty. As for tag with your daughter's, just make sure they don't knock down any pictures on the walls when they try to hide on the ceiling.
would monsters get empty nest syndrome
>>15533911Of course she would, although she still hasn't really lost the weight from the first daughterus.
>>15533881Yetis are Himalayan, not canadian!And their coat is brown, not white!
>>15533914That would require them to ever stop producing children.
>This is a collect call from the Monster Girl County Jail from "HORSE PUSSY IS BEST HAHAHA" will you accept the charges?
>>15533914No, they'll always make more.Also some species have children who grow up to become another wife.
>>15533927no reason not to
>>15533914No.Monsters suffer from Empty Pussy Syndrome instead.
>>15533882My wife isn't that pure. I've felt those hungry eyes staring deep into my souls, the smell of lust so thick that the air got heavy and those moans filled with anteciaption echoing across the corridors. I got raped and she calmed down afterwards.
I want to make a nazi elf fall for a simple human boy like me!
>>15533934do you want her to call you a dirty round ear while in bed
>>15533912Well, I imagine we could put a little plastic mount so that pictures are locked in place so the kids can't knock them down.And those spider titties are getting tenderly kneaded in the bedroom.
>>15533927THE BEST
>>15533916I'll help her work off that weight with rigorous sex.Of course, she's just going to get it back when she gets pregnant again, but I'm sure she'll enjoy our roleplay until she does.
>>15533953I'm sure she will.Are you ready for doggy style? It's secretly her favorite.
>>15533932>>15533947It's actually an Ushi-Oni who tricked you into answering.She's on her way now.You've made a grave mistake.
>>15533959Can I offer her a cup of coffee before the rape begins
>>15533940True, as long as it's their mother kneading their young breast i'm okay with it. I mean she is the one who gave them all their large bust in the first place, so it only makes sense she teaches them all about how to knead them and make sure they are well massaged.
>>15533937No! I want her to be all sweet and lovey-dovey with me!
You guys know what this thread needs?MORE THICK GIRLS!!!
Raise monsters as humans, then nothing can go wrong when the Ushi is using pleasantry and manners or when an elf is talking about her human culture with other monsters
>>15533773It's nothing, she likes the rain anyway, baka.
>>15533967What?I was talking about kneading their mothers breasts.I certainly wouldn't do such a thing to the daughterus. But a bunch of oppai loli spiders running around while their mega oppai mother just 'ara ara's and adjusts her glasses?I'd be in heaven.
>>15533958Depends. Does she want just vanilla sex, hard dicking, vanilla roleplay, femdom roleplay or maledom roleplay?Because I'm down for all of them.
>>15533837Mako is best girl.
Good night anons, take care an don't burn down the thread.Instead, grope them spider titties no matter how big or small they may be.
>>15533986Maybe she could take the man to her cave so both are dry
>>15533982Do not overfeed the MGs.
>>15533994>You'll never help a Shark Mermaid apply her lotion>It'll never get lewd.Damn it
>>15534001Tell that to fatty over here.
>>15533989Just had to make sure, as for their mother's breast keep kneading them until he's putty from how relaxed you make her feel. As for having a bunch of oppai loli spiders running around while their mega oppai mother just 'ara ara's and adjusts her glasses. Well that actually does sounds cute/lovely, and this is coming from someone who doesn't like loli's in terms of having sex with them so that's saying something.
>>15533992Any and all.She may even do some light femdom to go back to the days when she was just the lazy hellhound who sat on the couch and growled at you.... Not that a lot has changed, it's just that her growls are ones of lust now and she's only lazy because she loves cuddling with you
>>15533959Little does she know that I knew It was a trick, so I pretended I was fooled by her trick so I could trick the fool back, that Ushis are ones of my favorite monsters along centaurs, that I like playing rough, and that she just made the greatest mistake of her life.
>>15533959I'll just bop her nose until she goes away.
>>15534017What's that Anubis gonna do when Pharaoh comes back? She'll see she's been slacking off!
>>15534025You won't survive once she gets you.
>>15533982She is quite thick but also quite a cutie. I have to wonder why she looks so shy, is it because of her body that she's insecure of possibly not thinking she's beautiful or is it because she only has one tail making her think she's not good enough to be my girlfriend?
>>15534019Yep, that's a comfy life right. there.Good night anon.
>>15534001Don't tell me what to do!You're not my real dad!Just for that, I'm doubling the rations of this anubis!>>15534017
>>15534036It's ok, I'm already dead.
>>15530901looks a bit lumpy but I'll take what I can get
>>15530958heeyyyyyyeah I'd fuck that. Can I see the back?
>>15534077Fuck off faggot.
>>15531602huh. neat. bold too. have at it.don't fuck this up.
How do you control mice populations when they're so fuckable?
>>15534094You can't.They'll eventually outnumber us. We're all doomed.
i miss yba.. he never finished vengeance
>>15534106Read his other stuff beyond Vengeance you drunkard flip.
>>15534113I like how you think anon.
>>15532027I don't want to be babied. I just want someone who I can bond with as friends and lovers.
>>15534106Porn of that alp when?
>>15534094By not fucking plague ridden rats.
Which monster girls don't exist according to /mgt/? I can think of:AlpMindflayerZombieLilirauneCu SithCait SithWedingo
>>15534163>AlpMentioned all the time>MindflayerMentioned all the time>ZombieScroll up>LilirauneActually, yeah. It's been a while since they've been brought up>Cu SithMan>Cait SithCome on>WedingoSeriously?
>>15529374>NTRing your dadwhat the fuck.
>>15533113of course. Abusive mothers and wives.
>>15534135I want to know this as well, did that anon actually commission porn of it like he said he would?
>>15533191okay, now what?
>>15534174>It's been a while since they've been brought upLast thread they were.
>>15534135Aftyn may have convinced .less to draw some, but I've yet to see it.
>>15534215You have to wave bundles of money and cookies with milk and a picture of Laska in .Less' face for him to draw it
>>15533635>>15533690>>15533703>>15533739>>15533746there's nothing wrong with monsterboys, stop being triggered. unless you're such a cuck you get ntr'ed even in your own imagination you have nothing to worry about.>>15533797>>15533816>>15533729this.
>>15534182did i say your dad was still around, or that you weren't adopted by a single monster? believe me, i hate ntr too, but by leaving things vague, those who like it aren't left out
>>15534227Anon please at least try to sound like you're not shitposting.
>>15534227Were you just replying to hour old posts in an attempt to garner (you)'s?
Would you kiss a mushroom?
>>15534249Hell no.
I actually hate the taste of mushrooms, so how can I make sure no monster would feed me them
>>15534249What happens if do and why does she want me to kiss her, why not ask me out on a date ?
>>15534199Now delete your pic and stop wasting image count
>>15534244>getting offended for people using a website for it's intended purposeI will never understand faggots like you.>>15534240>>15534248>>15534257nice memes.
>>15534271no, you need to have a followup! You can't just leave a perfectly goodjoke just hanging!
>>15534274>for it's intended purposeYou were shitposting in the previous thread as well weren't you.
>>15534269Because the fungus formerly known as cute village girl twelve is no longer capable of cogitation.
>>15534284well I'll have to say no then, I wish not to be a mushroom and also mindless husk aren't appealing to me.
>>15534282>>15534277nice memes! Good to know having triggers doesn't count as "shitposting"
>>15534306>>15534274>>15534227Anon please, This is the Monster Girl Thread
>>15534269She is quite shy and doesn't think you'll say yes.
>>15534319Well then I shall say yes to her request, but only after we've gone on our fist date together. Then we an go on a bonding quest to help her gain control of her spores and restore her memory after losing parts of it when she became a matango in the first place.
>>15534315it is, but we must discuss things related to monstergirls in order to properly structure our understandings of monstergirls.In the same way that you cannot make a successful product for a certain consumer-base without first understanding things like the language, culture, median income, spending habits and the operation of the average store.Of course, you are (assumedly) a smart business woman and you must already know this.
>>15534354>monsterboys>related to monstergirlsWhew lad. There's a whole board where you can discuss the average fantasy setting with boys and girls of every race. It's called /tg/ and has been around a long time. This thread's purpose isn't to be a clone of something already done en mass on a whole other board.
Anyone play MGIsland? Any good?
>>15534375>monsterboys>related to monstergirls>these two things are so closely related they literally share a naming convention but they're not related at all guys trust mejesus this is a bad fucking laugh.>>15534381nope. But the shark is best girl.
>>15534354Tell bob to write more so I have something to laugh at.
>>15534381Mostly people just talking about the concept art and models. I don't think it's fully built yet is it?
>>15534381>VR-capable>Cute GrillsIt must be pretty bad for /mgt/ not to be sperging out over this thing
>>15534383>>15534390>>15534386I've never talked to bob in person and I don't have an account on tft so you'll have to do that yourself.
>>15534383Your faggotry reminds of TheGreens.
>>15534381It's trash.
>>15534392That FUCKING dark elf! How do they do it every time?
>Breeding Season is kill la killedParts of it were good.Real fucking good.The super rant of why it's killed was a pretty good read too, that's some platinum mad shit there.
>>15534392It isnt finished yet and some of the girls arent in the demo currently
>>15534394hold up, are you the same faggot who has been forcing that for the last two (three? maybe even more) threads? >>15534397what? why?>>15534402...that a good fucking or bad fucking?
>>15534392Not bad, just in extreme alpha.>>15534381Personally I'm just waiting for it to near a more completed state before I really look into it.
>>15534407shark girl is and that is all you need
>>15534405where can I read it?
>>15534405What happened? I haven't really paid any attention to it.
>>15534408Trash fetishes, snuff and all that other garbage.
>>15534405>tabsgreat summary
>>15534408No? TheGreens, on top of being a /d/ick and trapfag would fervently defend that shit during his recaps. Which made your monsterboy enabling all the more suspicious.
>>15534413Here>>15534416Took the money and run.>>15534419>Someone appreciates my tab workThanks anon.
>>15534418>snuffO-oh. Why
>>15534408>Says somebody else is forcing>When he's forcing monsterboys, talking about what the thread's purpose is when he's obviously spent no time in here and says trigger more than a tumblerinaHaven't seen this level of shitposting in awhile.
>>15534392It's under development. There's a demo that you can download.The monster girl designs and animations are great. The story and dialogue are average. I have expectations for future sex scenes and interactability. The creator intends to make the game occulus rift compatible at some point.
>>15534418>Trash fetisheslike what? looked pretty vanilla in the webms that I saw>snuffand this isn't?>>15534423>>15534430oh okay, someone made you asshurt a decade ago and you haven't let it go because you have no life. Thanks, that clears this issue up. futa and monsterboys exist, deal with it.
>>15534426Because the guy is a fucking faggot.>>15534439I don't view snuff as a fetish, I view it as a mental illness.
>>15534430Quit replying to him.
>>15534439Take a hike faggot.
>>15534424>People donated over 190k to what was essentially a flash gameJesus Christ.
>>15534408Oh, I'd give her a good fucking alright.
>>15534439>and this isn't?>>15534418>snuff>>15534444wait hold up, do you mean the "showcasing an actual murder" snuff or "showcasing actual sex" snuff? Or neither? Snuff means a lot of different things.>>15534446>>15534448it's fucking hilarious that after three years or whatever, centuries in internet time, you're still asshurt about the same thing.
>>15534453Both, the guy who is making this talked about one of the girls beating the protagonist to death while fucking him if I remember right.Not to mention discussion of shit like watersports.
What happens if I impregnate my dragon's hoard?
>>15534467>impregnate my dragon's hoard?how did you manage to make gold coins and assorted gemstones pregnant?>>15534465>beating the protagonist to death while fucking himkinky. I always found arachnids hot.
>>15534450Double that, I think it was. 190k is justwhat the artist got with his 50% cut.>>15534405>>15534416The artist-thief already setup his copy-cat game paetron. I wonder how long until an angry breedingseason paetron mob descends on it to reign vengeance. The drama will be entertaining, at the very least.PaetronDAWTCALM/agadgfsdgsdfg/community
>>15534450>>15534419>>15534416>>15534413There's also an entertaining thread on /v/ about it.
>>15534467Your daughteru?Her most precious treasure in the hoard is her family. But you can't impregnate yourself, so that only leaves the daughteru.
>>15534472Still, THAT much money for what was out is totally unreal. Any drawfag with half decent art and maybe a writefag could work together and make bank off of these people. MG Island, a VN, you name it. They're all cash cows.
>>15534465It's a great way to die to be honest.
>>15534475Why are Wolfus so cute?
>>15534475>visiting /v/God, that place is horrible, possibly even worse than /pol/ or /x/. One of the most extreme cases of "FUCK YOU FOR LIKING THINGS I DONT LIKE" on 4chan, and not even in the "trolololo you're an idiot m80" joking way.
>>15534485It is an innate quality of all canids and small cats.>>15534486That sounds like the internet in general honestly.
>>15534479>you can't impregnate yourselfYou actually could in MGEland.
>>15534471>>15534484Fuck off, snuff is trash.
>>15534485Because reasons.I'm just amazed that game came out at all.
>>15534486>Go on /v/>Pick two random threads>Both are "This thing sucks and how dare you claim otherwise"It's never any different...
>>15534471>how did you manage to make gold coins and assorted gemstones pregnant?Elemental golems.
>>15534508fair enough I suppose?those are hers then, you know.
>>15534513Not if they live in an area with freedom of the womb then the children are free
>>15534534>Not if they live in an area with freedom of the wombThe way you phrased it, you make it almost sound like some Special Cuckolding District or some shit
Ayyy /mgt/Tumblr sketch raffle post is up if anyone wants to enter o7 hope y'all are having a nice night o/
>>15534227>it's another fucking WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO TRIGGERED BY MONSTERBOYS/YURI/FUTA episode I'm not actually triggered by any of the above (and even like futa or yuri on occasion), but it doesn't belong in this thread."Why not just ignore it"? Anon always asks. "Why always the shitstorm when somebody posts something about monsterboys?". My response is simple -- although I know others may genuinely hate the above on principle. Yes, there's no reason that a single, or even a few, monsterboy stories, yuri/futa images, or what have you would really compromise the board on their own. Sure they don't really fit with the MGE setting, but surely a few funposts wondering about monsterboys can't hurt anything.The problem is that if we allow memes like monsterboys or futa into the thread they'll fester and grow. Maybe a futa pic gets posted on /d/, and suddenly you've got futa fans invading the thread when someone mentions us there. Maybe someone writes a genuinely good monsterboy story that gets picked up by people outside the MG fanbase (or women lol), leading to an influx of writefaggotry or greentexts involving monsterboys, crowding out the waifus we all know and love. It could happen any number of ways, or it could be a slow trickle that changes the mix of content over time, but it WILL happen. I saw it happen on MGU with edgy goreshit until KC slapped them down.My point is that we NEED a disproportionate response to stamp out monsterboys/futa/yuri before it can take hold, or else we will lose the culture of the thread and the one decent place to discuss MGE in english.
what can't a golem be made out of
>>15534543>tfw RNGesus hates you
>>15534548mega bloks
>>15534548your semen
>>15534547That faggot you're replying to isn't gonna listen, and he obviously isn't a thread regular in the first place.
>>15534547You don't need that giant explanation anon. All you need to do is point out that we're the only monstergirl community that doesn't allow that shit. You can see what all the others have become. And honestly, if that's what someone is looking for, they can go to one of those. No need to force it here unless a guy is a troll or a faggot.
>>15534553Megablok golem vs lego golem in a fight to see who can pleasure you more
I still want to get a picture of Miia, Wock, and Gazer sitting at a table in fancy dresses with their hair all nice and everything like they're sitting down for a triple date I also thought of a good picture for just Miia and Wock, were they would be in the winter outside somewhere by a fire Miia would be all wrapped up wearing really heavy but fashionable winter clothes, cold, but enjoying the fire and having funAnd Wock would be next to her just in like, an open winter coat, but in like summer clothes underneath, like a bikini, or a tanktop and some shortshorts And Wock would be looking all smug and blowing a steady stream of flame onto the fire Miia might have a skewer next to her with a marshmallow or a hotdog just burnt to a crisp on it
What happens when you buy an Anubis knock off legos?
>>15534555still at it are ya? Like a broken clock. >>15534559>You can see what all the others have becomefunctional and stable...? tft is doing fine, and has plenty of vanilla art for those not interesting in bob's... Things. But who am I kidding? Futa is to us as the jews were to the nazis; a convenient, slightly imagined target that we can spastically scream and overreact about like children when we rarely see it. Honestly tft is the best example of you people being wrong, and that there is no such thing as a "/d/ invasion" or whatever. >>15534547>The problem is that if we allow memes like monsterboys or futa into the thread they'll fester and grow. Maybe a futa pic gets posted on /d/, and suddenly you've got futa fans invading the thread when someone mentions us there.>it's another fucking MUH EBIL /D/ INVASION episideChrist, it's like you're afraid of the boogyman under the bed.
>>15534570She uses them for bulk structures, like any good girl. A ten foot tall pyramid is much cheaper with a megablock core and lego facing but looks exactly the same as a pure lego one when completed.
>>15534562>hard, bumby plastic rubbing your dicklego would win hands down and remain undefeated champion for eons if its bionicle pieces>>15534570she looks at you with disdain and disappointment
>>15534570christ alive that's an old reference.
What happens if you put a string on a wurms tail and tell her she can't break the string. Would she believe it?
>>15534573You sound just like the futafags of old.
>>15534589That's because he is. Just look at all the dated shit he says and how he acts. It's like someone who left here a couple years ago and has come back to sperg about toxic noninclusiveness like it's 2014. It's just sad really. Both that he's a shitposter lost in time and that he's still raking in those (You)s.
Which monster is least soft
>>15534603Cursed sword. She's all sharp edges.
>>15534602>>15534589They've been flooding their shit in the /a/ threads again for awhile People have been telling them to just come here instead of just going to /d/ and posting in one of the several MG threads they have there
>>15534603Adamantine Golem
>>15534603Living Armor. She can't be soft if she's going to defend you.Alternatively, Amazons in the ab region.
>>15534603Steel Wool Weresheep
>>15534589>>15534602you and your compatriots are no longer much concern to me as you have exposed yourselves as either artists who hold years old grudges on abstract people (or just entities) or as conspirator /pol/ tier nutcases who believe that /d/ is going to ransack and burn the threads, because they'd get ever so much out of it.and you're really easy to identify too! here is the neckbeard who can't get over things well and truly past: >>15534602. It was that easy! He just can't stop forcing his shitty theory on people. and here is the "/d/ invasion" fellow! >>15534607 who knows what will happen next, maybe he'll reveal that all this "deviancy" is to blame on the immigrants or minorities or people who listen to rock n' roll.
>>15534607So he sorta IS a luddite from the MonMusu threads.
>>15534615You've overplayed yourself.
>>15534603Detective Werewolf. She's been hard-boiled by years and years of witnessing the evil that lurks in the hearts of men.
>>15526159Unless someone makes fanart of dark elves/amazons in tacticool gorilla gear I don't think I'll have a good time.
>>15534628I want to date her!
>>15534635>gorillaGuerilla gorilla kakuen participating in hit and run rape when?
>>15534636Sorry kid, but she's got a date with her two best friends. One is near her heart, a little to the left, and keeps her going. The other is to the side, and she keeps that one going in case there's trouble. And there's always trouble.
>>15534642The sounds of ass slapping and slamming fills the air with the shrieks and moans of once, fighters now lovers.
>>15534613>Steel Wool WeresheepMost combustable than a gunpowder elemental!>Steelwool Weresheep brushes up against a fence post>Catches fire>Runs in circles screaming, "AWAWAWAWAWA">Not as moe as I imagined
>>15534674Maybe that is how she loses the rough wool and for a while she has soft steel that slowly sharpens as it grows, that way she can be soft and rough
>No soldier beetle that mistakes relatives as a threat while guarding you
>>15534690What if they join the hive?
>>15534700>Family expanded. Returning to Guaardo Moodo.Yes, this is how they talk.
>>15534690>"Husband, get behind me.""What? Why?">"I feel a dangerous presence approaching. Don't worry, I'll protect you.">Anon's mother rounds the corner>Soldier Beetle waifu readies her weapons"It's just my mother, put that down.">"I know.">The Soldier Beetle and her mother-in-law stare daggers at each other
>>15534690Good. my brothers a dck
>>15534690>No soldier beetles to BRING ME THE GELFLING!
Wheelchair-bound hellhound ojou-sama.
>>15534723Does she run a school for gifted youngsters?
>>15534727Nah, she's in the Gloom Patrol.
>>15534723I'm suddenly imagining a hellhound wearing one of those plastic cone thingies the vets give them.
>>15534733My neighbor's dog has one of those right now and she looks bloody miserable with it.
>>15534727Only if she has weird hairless paws. Not human hands or feet either, hairless Hellhound paws. She also may or may not wear a wig.
>>15534705What, is your mom from Starship Trooper? Did she have to fight off the husband stealing insects during the Bug War?
>>15534733We had a story about that, didn't we? I vaguely remember a greentext about that.
>>15534739>I'm from Lescatie and I say kill 'em all!
>>15534739Worse, she's one of those "No one is good enough for my son" mothers.Also she occasionally makes disparaging remarks about his wife's species when she knows his wife is within earshot.
Don't forget to put the dick in crazy, because that's where the dick belongs.
>>15534723Is she still a delinquent?
>>15534748>Hardwork Guarantees Husbandos!>Would you like to know more?
>>15534753She has a clock in her eye.Does that mean it's time for love?
>>15534753No, the dick belongs in my waifu or even my daughteru, not some chuuni slut.
>>15534567Sounds cozy
>>15534749>I wish you would prefer a women who won't disembowel you with a single swipe.
Is it bad that I still don't know which of the three waifufags commissions the art of Mii/Gazer/Wock all together?
>>15534763I should commission some group art too. One of these days.
>>15534763Usually Jabberfag.
what kind of snide comments could your mom make about your waifu
>>15534763I (miiafag) did the first one, which got jabberfag going crazy and making the restHe usually asks Gazerfag and I what we want though, and keeps us updated on the commissions
>>15534762What would the beetle do when her hounor is insulted.
>>15534776>All that money won't buy you happiness. You should buy me happiness with it instead.That goes for my grandma too.
>>15534776I think my mom would actually get along well with my waifu.
>>15534776She's not very good with snakes, so there's that.
>>15534787What about half-snakes?
>>15534776She used to be my dog.
>>15534776>In my day we didn't need to become demons to get men.
This is what paladin-chan says after she learns you fucked a monster
>>15534802My waifu is going to spit acid on your tits.
How many pictures of Liches smiling exist? I'm pretty sure every one I've seen is deadpan/frowning at least.
>>15534805I wonder how you get a lich to smile?
>>15534805It looks wrong.
>>15534802>paladin-chan>cursed Blade.pngsomething isn't right
>>15534805I'm scared.
>>15534776I can't really think of anything to be honest, my mom is pretty nice Worst thing i can think happening is my dad/grandpa asking me how sex works later in private, and that's not too bad
>>15534805Cute stuff Nuke. Them thighs too.
>>15534805I think that lich needs some underwear
>>15534803Thats just mean to women who didn't mean to become monsters
>>15534822story about freshly turned monster trying to cope with family issues when?
>>15534802It's also what a cursed blade says after she learns you fucked a human.
>>15534814Seeing a Lich you don't know looking at you from across the room and slowly smiling probably would give anyone a few conflicting emotions.
>>15534835they should compare swords
Would you let your waifu drink a potion that turns her human for a day?
>>15534843I don't want my waifu to grow a dick
>No mermaid that treats disney's "The little mermaid" Like its twilight.
I've been playing dead of alive 5 and alpha 152 got me thinking about slimes doing martial arts.
>>15534853I'd let an alp take a potion that turns her into a human girl if it means she could birth me a son.
>>15534851>You will never watch Twilight with a Vampire and see her scream internally
>>15534858>slimes doing martial artsTwo words: Majin Buu
>>15534843Yea sure why not?We could both see how shit Human sex is to MG sex and realize how good we both have itLike going camping, you kind of enjoy it, and you make the best of it, but the main thing you take from it is coming home and enjoying a real bed, AC/Heater/ a fridge, a sink, all that shit
>>15534862No shit, because I'd be screaming externally.
>>15534862Bring your werewolf friend along when shirtless guy is added to the movies
>>15534861I understand how you feel.
>>15534776My parents are pretty nice so they'd probably get along fine. They would definitely make a comment or two about her hair though
>>15534888I love you. Please draw what an ice cream truck would look like in MGC.
>>15534891You mean the Gloryhole Van?
>>15534776My mother believes in both god and aliens, she will be MG roulette teir surprised. hell she would probably approve if only to stop the gay jokes SHE makes
>>15534891>It's just a tank with the barrel replaced by an icecream cone
>>15534892No, I mean the ice cream truck that has to be prepared for overenthusiastic Wurms and sad, binge-eating Water Wurms.
>>15534843>You call these claws? How am I supposed to tear people to shreds if you're threatened?>What do you mean I don't radiate heat?>Holy shit I can use a keyboard without mashing all the keys>Picking up small things is a lot easier now>I miss my tail
>>15534896>MG roulette tier surprisedExplain
>>15534891Just a repurposed swat van with a hole cut in the side
>>15534901would she be more clumsy without her tail for balance
>>15534905It's a unique brand of not giving a fuck.
>>15534909>swat vans keeping out wurmsMost of them aren't even armored, anon.
>>15534776>There's a mouse in the house!That's about it, and even then it's a stretch.
>>15534916I know what you mean by MG roulette, But all i'm thinking about is a orgy in a casino
>>15534853Whatever do you mean, fellow human male? Alps are the best of the monster girls for those with superior taste. Your attempts to deny them your huge, juicy co-- uhh, heart, is in vain, anon.
>>15534929My whacking stick is aquiver.
>>15534933Such is life in Monster Girl City.
>>15534933Is that even legal?
>>15534941How could you mix 1 and 4?
>>15534912Given that all canid MGs have spent their entire lives with a tail balance aid, they'd probably be falling all over the place if they had to go without for a day.>>15534943As long as they don't get caught!
>>15534933>16+ onlyY'all are going to get picketed by angry loli protesters and hooligans.
>>15534945that 1 looks more liek a 4
>>15534946>they'd probably be falling all over the place if they had to go without for a day.That is cute
>>15534965Not to me it doesn't.
>>15534843I'm sure no monsterized paladin-chans would get addicted to that potion
>>15534967>That is cuteOnly if you're there to catch them!Otherwise it's painful instead of adorable.
>>15534967She would gin appreciation for the no-tails
Slimes with exoskeletons.
>>15534943It's an Ushi Oni and a Hellhound. Legality isn't in their vocabulary
I want to open a chest and be disappointed when it isn't a mimic
I will annoy succubi by tying their tails together.
I will overjoy succubi by untangling their tails.
>>15535038>>15535040I will turn Succubus tails into bananas as soon as I obtain my wizard's diploma!
What happens if you cry into an ushi's arms?
>>15535051They offer the comfort of their soft bosoms.
Mister Sandman, send me a dream~
>>15535054What happens if you cry into the arms of a flatchested monster then you have no soft bosoms to give comfort
>>15535057>no Weresheep
>>15535063A lesson learned.Better get some Holst milk.
>>15535064Feel free to add her.
>>15535063Cry into her abs
>>15535070What if she has no abs?
No dragon samurai
>>15535093Yes Dragon ronin.
>>15535093>Knight anon and and dragon knight will never team up with their eastern versions: samurai and dragon samurai
>>15535085always have her shoulder
Can a monster knight trick her squire into thinking that he serves a human?
>>15535098Would would dragon samurai be a Ryu or a eastern raised dragon?
>>15535101I guess so, but why would they?
>>15535101Every cosplay species and species with an affinity for magic canThe others might pull it off but it'd be pretty hard
>>15535102Eastern raised draing, going by my mental image
>>15535101if you tell a young wurm she is a paladin-chan she will believe it
>>15535115Paladin Wurm, the implacable servant of justice!
Heroes in a half shell!
>>15535144Kappa bullying time!
>>15535144Turtle power
>>15535144If you break a Kappa's plate does she make you repair it with your hot glue?
Gonna touch that butt
>>15534763>tfw my waifu will never have a group to be commissioned inIt's okay. All we need is each other.
>>15535165What kind of group would you want your waifu to be associated with anyway?
I want a strong, muscled and scarred Minotaur to handle me in bed like I'm her boy toy
I don't know what caused the surge in Jinko art but I'm not complaining.
>>15535269Neither am I.
To whomever was complaining about the lack of Ghoul art.Here's some.
>>15535217Too bad! She is going to treat you like the fragile man you are, carefully making sure that you are enjoying sex just as she is. Full on with after sex cuddles too.
>>15535395Might as well become a full blown house husband at this point
>>15535434I can dig it.I wanna spoil the Minotaur!
I need thick monsters now!
>>15535486Thick enough or too thick?
>managed to fuck up my armI want a nice sea bishop nurse to take care of me now.
>>15535358It was me, and so you a good boy, but I don't even know what to make of that.What is it? Knee fetishism? Am I being memed somehow?
>>15535511Just ask her to use healing magic on your arm, it takes a lot of mana but if you take care of her afterwards everything should be fine
>>15535517>guy is naked in a sewerHow on earth did such a thing come to be? The Ghoul in a sewer I buy, but that?
>>15535519Playing doctor for her wouldn't be too bad either. Although being a monster she would probably request an "injection."
>>15535501That's good.Although I'm always up for thicker
I love cute cat feet!
>>15535593I love cute dragon everything
>>15535611I see sexy Dragons and I want them painted black~
>>1553562110 dollar
>>15535611Dragon abs are the best.
>>15535629Can't, I need that money to buy the memoirs of this guy who has had a bullet in his brain since 1944.
>>15535632Dragons are the best.
>>15534405Where do I donate?
How do you support your wife's studies on the secret arts of water NOT!bending?
Remember to polish your dragon horns while she takes a nap in your lap, it makes her have extra good dreams.
>>15535699I leave everything nice and tidy so she has an easier time finding the material she needs. I'll also cook and feed her some snack so she doesn't need to worry about getting hungry. At night, after she sleeps, I'll princess carry her to bed, give her a kiss in the forehead and go and make everything ready for her next study session while she sleeps.
Interactive porn coming your way! Only five more months until 2017!
>>15535773>2017 happens and my waifu comes out of my computer>Instead of having sex we just hug and cry in each other's arms, promissing to never let go
>>15535790This hits too close home for me, you poopyhead.
>>15535773Why is she looking directly at the viewer and not the guy in front of her?
>>15535800It's her way of saying the same is going to happen to you.
>>15535790>This is recorded as evidence of the first encounter. All the mgs at home look on panting heavily and blushing with steam coming out of their ears, grinding their legs together as they watch your hands intertwine with hers. The more powerful ones declare with swirly mind-lost eyes that this is proof mankind is a perverted species that needs MGs to invade immediately to take them over and take them as husbands to better look over them
What writefags should I include in my commission? It'll just be their names.
>>15535827I'm confused. What are you talking about?
>>15535831It will make sense when you see it, I promise.
>>15535835I'm suspicious. Better throw Alpie under the bus here.
>>15535817>broadcasting me and my dragon waifu saying and doing mushy things such as holding hands and eskimo kissing while saying "I love you"I would probably overheat and die of embarrassment, she woud also be teased to death by other monster.
>>15535827Any one still relevant
>>15535863Well give me some names! I don't know what everyone considers relevant.
>>15535863Don't do it.This will cause nothing but bad results.t. relevant writefag
>eczema starts itching>only have moisturizer to put on>whatever, anything do make it stop>the itching stops>but now it burns>BUUURRNNSSI need a big bowl of Holst milk to keep my hand in, dammit. It's how Pharaoh keeps her youthful looks.
>>15535870Do it. This will cause only good results.t. relevant writefag
>>15535870>>15535873>t.Stop appropriating my culture you swines.t. a totally relevant writefag
>>15535879Fuck off Alp
>Just smashed a cockroach at work>A little bit of her insides splashed onto my fingerOh god, how can anyone love devilbugs when they are based on something so nasty?
>>15535908If you smash a person and get their insides on you, you'll find it pretty gross too.
>>15535827Alp, because I want to see how he reacts to the results.
Don't move! She's a big one.
>>15535924Don't do what now?
>>15535928Move. She can't see you if you don't move.
>>15535908They're cute, unfairly cute. Reality sucks so it's best not to think about it too much when talking about monster girls.Just imagine being being surrounded by six devil bug sisters, all carefully exploring your body with their hands and antennas. That doesn't sound so bad compared to real roaches does it?
>>15535908You say that now but just wait until you get gangraped and mindbroken by cockroach pussyYou'll be having incest sex with your many daughters in no time
>>15535942Are there any good mindbreak stories?
>>15535937Doesn't sound as bad as the real one, but I still think it's pretty bad.I wonder if a time will come where I love all kinds of monster girls.
>>15535908>A little bit of her insides splashed onto my fingerThat means she likes it, anon
>>15535924Jokes on her. I laid out a table of delicious meat within smelling distance of me, and all the meat is laced with an agent that makes her fat she won't ever catch me
>>15535957>Masochist devilbug that begs you to hit her with slippers.Don't make me hate them less, Anon.
>>15535946I don't remember any fullblown mindbreak but there was that one story about a guy losing his mind in Pandemonium>>15535957Fingering a bug has to be up there with the most inappropriable things you can do to a monster girl
>>15535908>Have roach infestation at home>Family bombed the house twice, used a roach gel that didn't work, used baits that the roaches ignored>Finally spend 30$ on that expensive as shit advion gel that is an amazon bestseller>House is now the scene of a roach massacre>Nearly every roach I see is now dying or dead>The ones I see still alive and healthy are sooner or later going to eat that delicious poison like it's chocolate>Gonna need a bigger broom to get all of these corpses off the floorI'd feel bad if those little bastards were actually cute girls.
>>15535972Do the bugs even know how to speak?
>>15535937>exploring your body with their hands and antennae That sounds like something just about all monster girls who have antennae would do.
'sup, boytoys?
Dangerous, scary monsters being forced to be cute.
>>15535986Elpheth = Ramethal
>>15535953You'll come around in time.>>15535982Yup. Except Beelzebubs, they're probably the kind to skip the formalities and jump right into sucking your dick or something.
>>15535908If loving them is wrong, I don't want to be right.
>>15535981All monsters can speak to some extentIt's just that bugs prefer to be quiet and communicate with their antennae
>>15535981>Do the bugs even know how to speak?It's unclear.Some bits of the encyclopedia say they can't, some bits say they can.I headcanon that they can be taught language if you waifu one and power her up with daily brain-food that is, oral creampies, but all the ones you'd find in the wild can't.
>>15535986Fuck girls that have that smile on their faces, it makes my dick so hard it hurts.
>>15536005How would one understand one trying to talk with their antennae?
So what would a Monster Girl version of a slasher flick be like?Imagine, a group of dumb teenagers go out to party in Suspiciously Isolated Location, get stalked by a Monster who corrupts the girls and rapes the boys. Could it work?
>>15536016It'd be like trying to learn Helen Keller's tactile language in reverse.Not literally impossible, but breddy difficult.When she starts gently stroking your groin with her antennae you can probably figure that one out, though.
>>15535999I doubt it, insects are really low tier for me except maybe Mantis. The only thing that could raise the bug kind in my ranking is maybe a dragonfly, and that's a pretty big maybe.
>>15536007I was sure that it was said somewhere that all monster girls can speakI tried to find the source but couldn'tAnyway, teaching your bug waifu how to speak must be a great experience
>>15536042> I was sure that it was said somewhere that all monster girls can speakI agree with you, it does, somewhere in the start of Fallen Maidens iirc.But the original Devil Bug profile says they can't.Then again if you're looking for internal consistency MGE's not the best place for you.
>>15536042>Get a bug waifu and teach her how to speak>Yfw she haltingly says that she loves
>>15536055Say what you will, but there are worse fates than being held captive as a community pogo stick for a band of devilbugs.
>>15536064But what if they give you weird chitineous handjobs?That has to be a fate worst than hell
>>15536038How about a nice crane fly waifu? They're silly bugs that can't help flying into anything and everything.>>15536055I like to go by the original profile for them, there's something cute about silent girls who manage to convey their love through actions.
>>15536080I feel like a footjob would be even worse based on their encyclopedia picture.
B-burning love?
>>15536095Is that a pink dragon? Aren't those evil?
Onee-chans and delinquents once again asserting their dominance as top-tier archetypes.
>>15536089Bug girls can't reach my heart, high class monster girls already claimed it and they don't want to share it.>>15536095That image is actually named burning love on my waifu folder. Dragons for life my man.
>>15536062Teaching monstergirls language is my weird-niche-within-a-weird niche fetish.> You will never be kidnapped by a solitary harpy from the remotest of remote mountain peaks, where they almost never see humans and haven't even learned what language is> She gets all confused and annoyed at first when you keep making complicated noises, and stuffs your mouth full of fluffy feathers to shut you up when she's mating with you> But after a few days she starts to realize that your words are a more complicated version of her hunting cries, and she's overjoyed and gets you to teach her> Sometimes she doesn't understand and gets frustrated and angry, leading to her mounting you roughly and raping you while glaring at your face> Sometimes it clicks and she learns a new word, leading to happy cuddlesex> She's blushing furiously the first time she manages to haltingly tell you she loves you> But in time you're having long conversations as she asks you about everything and anything about the world beyond the mountaintops> Finally you return to civilization to settle down, arm in wing with your harpy wife> You taught her well, but luckily not so well that she ever loses her sexy accent
>>15536103>high class monster girls already claimed itDragon millipede then maybe? Think a classy Oomukade with more legs, a pink colour scheme and high class taste in clothing.
>>15536101This fucking guy just keeps on dishing out the abuse.
>tfw you will never be the genki route in a monstergirl vn
>A small group of devil bugs poking you with their antennae and touching you with their hands>After awhile of silently doing this they suddenly become more agressive, taking off your clothes and having sex with you repeatedly>The ones who aren't currently having sex resume pokes you with their antennae and exploring your body with their hands.>They are absolutely relentless, not pausing for anything, leading to you passing out from exhaustion>When you awake there's a least a few dozen devil bugs around you>They force feed you something to keep you going and then it starts all over again>it wasn't long before your place had over 100 devil bugs in it
>>15536126Can I be the chuuni route? I'm really good at hamming it up.
>>15536116I don't think a bug will ever reach the majestic and beauty that are Dragons, Wights and Vampires.
>>15536130Sure why not. Will you be the chunni with emotional baggage to satisfy the healing fetish girls or will you just be the qt chunni for monstergirls?
>>15536139I'll have the emotional baggage as part of the whole chuuni act, but it's all going to be fake.
>>15536095That's a big tail for such a little girl.
>>15536141Nice,nice. Will that be part of your dark backstory on how you got your dark demon powers?
>>15536142It makes the tail wraps and wing hugs better.
>>15536143I... don't like to talk about. That's all in the past now.This is the part where I hold back my tears and pretend to light a cigarette, when it's actually a lollipop
>>15536126I want to be the class-president/school idol type who is strict and upright but turns dere to the heroine
>>15536148I bet you even do that thing where you turn your back to us and look up to the sky.
Flamingo harpy when?
>>15536148>not 'M-Maska how did you know? *telelports behind you* ''pshhhh... nothing personell kiddo'' *slices you with a katana* and etc
>>15536126>not wanting to be the tsundere who the heroine roughly rapes in the locker and turning dere after that
>>15536159That's during the night, when she wakes up to notice I'm not in bed with her and she comes outside and asks me what's wrong and I say I just came out to stand in the rain and she realizes that there is no rain.
I want to be the moeblob otouto who is in every VN
>>15536105Something worthy coming in the form of MEME ARROWS in a while.
>>15536178>Onee-chan, denwa!
>>15536178Moeblob otoutos get RAPED every VN they're inDo you really wish for that?
>>15536126I'd be the shy neet route and probably become a meme character on monster girl imageboards.
>>15536184>'Am I kawaii onee-chan uguuu?'Jesus imagine what animus would be like in a monstergirl dominated world>a token shota character in every single show>both cute girl and cute boy SOL animu become wildly popular>that one dominant character who turns into a submissive semen pump in every single doujin>>15536191I think that you would become a mascot. >114 days since anon left his house for you>tfw neet-anon will never be your husbando>neet-anon is for ____________
>>15536187I'll even say 'please be gentle onee-san' in my cutest voice
>>15536191I'm halfway through writing a fic where you are the childhood friend in a VN that Charon's playingAnd I have been halfway for about 4 months because I'm a lazy hack who ran out of ideas and puns
>>15536178Are you sure? We all know the audience for those types of boys.
>>15536219Jesus Christ, that's an ingenious idea.
How would you deal with nerds who say that you look exactly like a super popular character in a VN?
>>15536221People who want to innocently take care of their cute otoutos with absolutely no intention of sexualizing them?
>Tall onee-sama delinquentSENDHELP
>>15536226shrug indifferently
>>15536055The quite poor and un-passable quality of art of devilbug has made me end up just imagining some anime/vidya or sometimes pretty looking 3D female with close appearance (haircut, hair & eyes color etc.) and applying devilbug nature to her. The result is surprisingly boner-inducing.
>>15536232But they wont leave me alone
>>15536226Tell them to fuck off so I can go and get raped by a REAL monster girl
>>15536230No AnonYou will be sexualized by a whole bunch of NEET Onee-san types
>>15536226Get my innocence on.>R-Really? I hope it's a cute guy...With lots of blinking and shit.
>>15536239What if they suddenly drug you or knock you out only to sleep rape you?>>15536240What kind of LOSER would SEXUALIZE their cute otoutos? ONLY stinky NEETS would do such a gross thing
>>15536207>I think that you would become a mascot.Being a mascot wouldn't be so bad. God help me if the portal opened though.>>15536219>more charon contentI need this.
>>15536245Go on....
>>15536253No Alp, I won't go on. Get out.
>>15534933Lucky little lad.
>>15536252>portal opens>many shitposting monstergirls are delighted to find out their husabndos exist>thousand of monstergirls competing trying to claim their ideal archetypeMan I would try to be the cute genki character
>>15536245Anon you're only exciting them further
>>15535269I like how Jinkos are able to be both cute and intimidating at the same time.
>>15536226Act like said character and be friendly with the girl. I want to see them awawa.
>>15536248Anon, that's just it!They ARE stinky Onee-NEETS!
>>15536226Flex and proceed to sexually harass them. Cyclopes and Crow Tengus are super cute.
>>15536264Those girls better stay away from me, for their own good. I only bring suffering to those around me. My enemies will stop at nothing to get at me, even if it means hurting someone else.
>>15536274You should show of your cursed demon eyes and mystic sword in front of them. You know, to show how dangerous you are
>>15536270What if they suddenly decide to marry you right there? How would you politely reject their adoration heart pupil eyes?
>>15536276Tsk, those aren't toys to show off.
Everyone post pictures of themselves for science!
>>15535868Beast, seafoam, YBA
>>15536271Maybe if I try being even more cuter and more innocent to them they wouldn't sexualize me! I should be even more moe, pouting and even giving them massages!
>>15536282Go away Manticore, you're not fooling anyone.
>>15536281But their lives are in danger! The dark organization can hunt them down!
>>15536226I apparently look like several black celebs and someone who sells drugs. it'll be a step up
>>15536282Good luck monsters I'm behind 69 proxies
>>15536293Then I'll protect them when the time comes. Even if they don't know I'm there.I don't need their thanks. I don't deserve their love.This is another lollipop scene, I think?Damn, I'm better at being a chuuni than I thought.
>>15536297Yes and then you throw pocket sand to disappear without a trace
>>15536282I already posed myself here, I had a mask but still
>>15536280"Sorry, but a girl like is too beautiful for a guy like me." Then I would give her a wink and run off while they have a heart attack.
>>15536300Wish I had a theme song that could play at that moment.
>>15536301I would like to think that I'm good enough looking for multiple MG's to find me attractive.
I want to be a popular e celeb or a seiyuu who has coplayed/voiced a lot of popular male characters! I want to be the idol of millions of neets and nerds!
>>15535057 Girl version of Stubbs the Zombie would be GOTY every year for those dirty Undead loving anons.
>>15536305Anon they might become 100% yan for you thinking that you've claimed them. Will you take responsibility?
>>15536306Well it should be the ED or OP of the anime that you're in. Maybe linkin park?
>>15536316But I'm a VN character, I need my own theme.We could call it "Heart of Broken Glass".
>>15536320No it should be 'Crimson Night of a thousand tears'
I want to tie a big fat red ribbon around a Hellhound's tail when she isn't looking!
>>15536305Anon are you trying to make them go in heat just be being in your general direction? What if they decise to rape you?
>>15536322How about "A Shade In The Crimson Rain", because my non-MG-demonic katana leaves behind a crimson rain?
>>15536313>>15536329Nope. I'll just act like my usual self in case things get too dangerous, I just hope it won't be too late by then.
>>15536308Will you have bodyguards who protect you from the hundreds of rapist fans?
>>15536338Anon it was too late the moment you decided to act as their favorote character
>>15536337Then it should be 'Crimson Petals at the End of Spring'As the theme song starts playing you should summom your dark demon familiar who is just a spiritual form.of all your hatred and evil darkness
>>15536325If she finds out you're in deep trouble, she'll either remove it out of defiance and rape you, or she'll keep it out of love and rape you
>>15536264What kinds of monsters could I attract with smug, fancy and megane archetype?
>>15536350I can't have one of those though, because then I'd already be spoken for and the girls hate that.
Ryu starting their own horde of goldAll other dragon types taking jobs to report the weather
>>15536360Oh yeah. Shit. Then maybe have you rely.on the heroine to bring out your surpressed ultimate dark power?
>>15536358The really haughty ones who hate plebshit or the ones who want to rape you and turn you into their dere submissive husband.
>>15536369Dakini intensifies.
>>15536364Ryus are benevolent creatures, their hoard is the smiles of people surrounding her!
>>15536364>Jabberwock says its raining Otoutos somewhere far away>All Oneesan types run out to check>Now all the Otoutos in MGC are free game to the JabberwockNever trust a weather dragon
Stiny oneesan neets are pretty great rightI wanna dress up like her favorite anime characters
>>15536101I want a fuckhueg wolfu
>>15536527Still keeping this up?
>>15536536I saw the other guys posts and realized how top tier they areI'm entering the neet market
>>15536544Not just any old slob can get one of those gals though. You gotta be able to support her parasitic lifestyle.
>>15536530Me too. I'd rather not have a Hellhound, they're too rapey for my liking, but a big dominant Werewolf would be lovely.
>>15536556Same here. I could do without the hell aesthetic, just givem e a huge polar wolfu. Stern and preferrably alone whilst deeply craving a pack of her own.
>>15536555I can wear lewd otouto outfits open a patreon and camwhore
>>15536565Well good luck with that.
>>15536565Lewd otouto outfits?
I want to learn karate, judo, aikido and jiujitsu so I can impress all the Kunoichi with my mastery!
>>15536615You know, small tight swimtrunks. Magical boy outfits. Schoolboy uniforms. The kind of outfits monster girl otakus like.>>15536571Thank youIs there any better feeling then acting like a ditzy otouto on camera, watching the donations roll in knowing lots of loser Neets are masturbating to you?I don't even so it for the money. I'm just a slut like that. A slut for loser older sisters. All human boys are slaves to the V. And I'm no exception.
>>15536664>Magical boy outfitsI need one so I can "punish" my waifu for her villainy.
>>15536670I want to roleplay being a Magical Boy who gets defeated by my waifu who puts me in my place! Mindbreaking me into a good human boy slut!
>>15536637Are you sure about that anon? Are you sure you can handle the waves of Kunoichi that would try to kidnap you?
>>15536791Hah! My sixth sense will warn me of their approach!
>>15536637you'd surely have some hinezumi after you too
Dear Anubis-senpai, I tried to do IT again. I failed. I got really close this time though, since I didn't do THAT last night. Maybe I'll succeed tomorrow!
I just want a faggot cat, like in the doujinshi. She's perfect.
>>15536803Ninjabus, Firerat, Emotionless Bug, Slutty Panda... plenty of martial artists around.
>>15536809Do you need Anubis-senpai to show you how to masturbate again?
I like monsters that don't rape
>>15536826How could you possibly infer that from such cryptic language?
>>15536802You are already raped.
>>15536841This calls for cheesy 80's music and a training montage.
>>15536835- Anon's last words before getting kidnapped and raped by a Ushi-Oni
>>15536848Anon that doesn't work.
>>15536856Maybe she will be one of those weird Ushi that kidnapped me for a date
>>15536858Rocky and Karate Kid have taught me different!
>>15536869Those were fake.
>>15536876Oh yeah? Well then I'll just give up and become a jizz-dispenser at the girl's locker room, how about that?
>>15536862Nah, you're definitely getting rapedThe question is, once she is done raping you will she let you go, forcefully husband you or actually try to seduce you
>>15536881Can I hug her a profess my love before the rape so that I consent making it not rape
>>15536879Well if you're going to be a weak little faggot then sure.
>>15536889>training montages don't work>giving up is not an optionWHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?
>>15536836I thought it was a reference to the Greentext where Anubis Senpai teaches Anon how to masturbate properly with her big meaty paws
>>15536892Actually train.
>>15536887If you do that it's not rape, it's a honeymoon
>>15536893big paws or scaled feat make for worst penis touchers
So does an ushi seal have to be red or can it be rainbow
>>15536893Well it is a reference to what such a greentext was probably based on.
>>15536898What about manticore tail?
>>15536898Says you footjobs best footjobs
>>15536909the worst very stabby
Mindflayers are cute and have great tentacles
>>15536927Mindflayer pls go
>>15536920 that design, even if she is slightly on the cheesy side.
>>15536937What is bad about cuteflayers?
>>15536938She's not CheesyI want those claws to jerk me off
>>15536927>>15536950Mindflayers are eldritch creatures from the depths and should be avoided at all costsUnless you literally don't care about anything but your happiness, Mindflayers are pretty good at making people happy
>>15536963but they are cute and loving
>>15536970I want her to play me the song of her people.
>>15536976Everytime I fap to her I keep hearing Kermit singing "Rainbow Connection"It's the worst thing and I wish it would go away her design is great
>>15536975They are horrifying and diabolical.
>>15536974eldritch doesn't mean bad>>15536979it isn't diabolical if they love
>>15536978Well that's unfortunate. I just wish the artist would draw her more often and fat girls/futas a lot less.
>>15536991They don't love.They're eldritch monstrosities made to do awful things, just like Shoggoths.Lovecraft was right.
>>15537003They love with their thoughts
>>15537009Their thoughts are horrible and disgusting.They steal memories of innocent men and fill them with disgusting replacements.
Monoeye Monocles
>>15537021>disgusting replacementsWatery noises are not disgusting, they are calming and beautiful
>>15537059I hate watery noises!
I hate Mindflayers and Shoggoths so much!
Kejourou are love
>>15537104Hair prostitutes are bad.
>>15537104>Kejourou has twins>They fight all the time>End up getting their hair all tangled together once>The panic and try to free themselves>Only succeed in getting themselves more tangled>Mom comes to see what the commotion is>Twins are panicking>Mom tries to help but somehow manages to get her hair caught in the giant knot as well>Mom starts panicking>Anon has to sit there and untangle them>Takes three hours>He's stifling his laughter the entire time
>>15537064You probably offended about 80% of all Monster Girls>>15537103You say that but you haven't even given them a chanceA Mindflayer would fiddle with your head a bit and suddenly you'd be overwhelmed with joy and all your worries would go awayA Shoggoth would take care of everything you could ever need and make sure you never have to make any effort for the rest of your life
>>15537120No, it's only Mindflayers, Shoggoths and the obvious girls I don't like.Mindflayers and Shoggoths are not to be trusted! Never let them have a chance!
>>15537116Untangling that would be a pain.
>>15537107 are you going after the prostitutes? They'll break your heart.
>>15537153They're all prostitutes.
If you have a yan stalker stay away from Kej
>>15537165That's racist.
>>15537176The truth isn't racism.Kejourou's are all hookers just like Manticores are all terrible women.
>>15537180Truth is subjective, and can still be wrong.
>>15537180You're not wrong.
Remember,.to avoid towns that get raided by dragons
I want to laugh as an oppai loli manticore tries to bully me!
>>15537185I'm sorry anon, but they're all prostitutes.
>>15537180You are wrong.
>>15537193Just because they won't fuck you doesn't make it right to hate them so.
>>15537190Oppai loli Manticores would be the opus magnum Manticore variants.
>>15537197You can't fuck what isn't real, hooker lover.
>>15537120I wish to cuddle a Thing girl and let her kiss my whole face at once by opening her horrorifice and closing it around my head.
>>15537201>can't fuck what isn't real>getting fucked by temporary text on a screen
I like awkward monsters
>>15537199Yep, smug but small enough that it doesn;t matter.Well, all except for one place of course.
>>15537188Why? Might as well pretend to be a hero and have a chence to raid the dragon.
Reminder that Dark Elves are the best kind of Elves.
>>15537274I wanna hug Dark Elves
>>15537283I wanna fuck the Dark Elf queen.
There are a couple of things I want to address in this general.1. If the thread has hit the image limit, it's OK to start a new thread. You don't have to wait until the thread has fallen off the last page before starting a new thread.2. Only report posts that obviously break the rules. Repeatedly spamming the report system with false reports will result in a ban.
>>15537291Thanks mod, but are we allowed to wait for it fall off before we make a new thread?
>>15537300Regardless, there's no way that's going to happen anymore now that anons know they can just start back up after image limit.
>>15537306I'm sure we can all have self control
>>15537291Holy shit really? I love you.
>>15537308>self controlI hope you're kidding. This whole image limit row was already the source of problems not that long ago.I predict anons are going to immediately post new threads and the old thread will fill with arguments about how we need to wait for fall off before moving.At least until we get over it acclimate to the change.
>>15537291Hey mod san, do you like monstergirls or are you just here because it's your job?
>>15537308That would be severely tempting fate right there. If we could pull that off, I'd be impressed; but suddenly I'm filling with a sense of dread of people spamming pics and using that as ammo to start a new thread.
>>15537317>>15537308I liked having the no image talks, they're a lot diffrent then the thread normally
>>15537291>If the thread has hit the image limit, it's OK to start a new thread. You don't have to wait until the thread has fallen off the last page before starting a new thread.We usually prefer to keep our image count a stable as possible before we ever hit page 10.
>>15537291And there we have it, clear confirmation and an end to the drama.Please do train the janny to archive rather than delete though, it makes checking threads that died overnight a pain.
>>15537324I do too but I'm just saying that these times probably aren't going to remain for much longer now.
New thread when?
>>15537340There are only a few more threads ahead of us, so we can stand to coast for a little while.
>>15537340when we archive kek
>>15537116>>15537146Just cut it all off and make them into a bobcut.
>>15537347you don't cut their hair ever
>>15537347You disgust me.
>>15537291We don't refrain from making a new thread because it may break a rule, we do so because there's a rather outspoken but (I believe) small group of users on this board that are fiercely opposed to our being here.What we've typically seen happen when making a new thread before the current thread falls off is one or two people, who seem to be from that group, coming in and disrupting the thread.Yes, we can report those posters and yes, they're deleted, but it's better to avoid conflict entirely rather than have mom and dad come in and end it.We've been here and few years now and it's just sort of become a thing to keep a low profile, at least as far as our visibility to other users on the board goes.In the end though, we're simple users and are beholden to the decisions of the administrator and his moderation staff, so if it's decided that our current model is wrong, we'll go along with that.
>>15537347That's like amputating your twin daughterus' arms because they hold hands too much for your liking, jesus fucking christ anon.
>>15537340>>15537342Like two minutes ago >>15537352
>>15537358Here we fucking go.
>>15537358Aww man.
>>15532792They grow tits.
>>15532823>forced impregnationDIAMONDS
>>15533346Lich as Kula when?
>>15534802>OUT OF MY AY! OUT OF MY WAY! CAN'T YOU SEE SHE WANTS TO CUT OFF MY DICK!?>Paladin chan gets savaged by every monster in a 20 mile radiusI'd pay to see that shit.
>>15536226Question why they're paying attention to the loser background characters at all.
>>15534950What do the lolis care about the lack of shotas in distribution? Don't most of them prefer an onii-san anyway?