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File: 418 KB, 1983x1244, 656E280B-9356-49AA-8858-9C58EDAEDA3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54193229 No.54193229 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc

Blackrock 14% stake in BBBY

10Q Filing

>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Completion of Public Equity Offering and Provides Strategic
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Pricing of Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Proposed Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and

>> No.54193238

New 8K's


>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

Latest hires
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Shawn Hummell New Snr VP

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

As always:
>Sneed hedgies
>Reminder to filter the spamming shills

>> No.54193343
File: 62 KB, 272x429, 1672220467736410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sneed baggie, sneed

>> No.54193411

Kek baggies

>> No.54193418
File: 41 KB, 500x328, 0e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no longer a need for this general.

>> No.54193562
Quoted by: >>54193606

Massive bear trap. Buying more monday.

>> No.54193592
File: 238 KB, 1920x1080, 5E46F922-FF91-4C7A-862A-4DDC17ABE352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naked Calls Editio
Picrel found by the PitchBook redditor this morning. Same date (Jan 13th) as the rumored BBBY buyout/LBO

>> No.54193606
Quoted by: >>54193627

Yes baggie, its a bear trap from $7 down to $0.70. Just buy more

>> No.54193627
File: 42 KB, 768x1020, 3203 - SoyBooru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54193702

Yup I am, thanks for being concerned about what I spend my cash on Shill :)

I also have puts on JP Morgan, incase you wanted that info as well. get fucked

>> No.54193655
File: 428 KB, 1080x1074, Screenshot_20230318_175145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek baggies

>> No.54193690
File: 86 KB, 830x720, 1678588397437747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is anon, we must remind the GME baggies this is the future they chose

>> No.54193702

Never selling. Diamond hands. People like you will never understand, this wasn't about the money. Never was. THIS. IS. WAR. And for the first time the hedge fund suits are pissing themselves scared and hiding under their desks.

>> No.54193756

>Not wanting to laugh at bbbyaggies

>> No.54193797

Yeah, They chose scorched earth and that's what they're going to get.

Any of you glowie ID's can get fucked. Matter of fact I'm going to double down Monday. originally wanted 2k shares but I think I'm going for 4k.

>> No.54193815
File: 371 KB, 1080x2400, 167845223114651267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Price of the stock for a merger needs to be above $4

Teddy trademark uses BBBY/BABY pictures from their online stores

Brett Icahn resigned from the Newell board to avoid conflict of interest

I'm buying more personally

>> No.54193840

You originally wanted 2k shares, but the plummeting price means you can afford 4k. If you wait for Tuesday you can probably get 8k.

>> No.54193855
File: 106 KB, 1284x930, 167905686211010494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhh hedgies, you can't stop this. I know you're gonna try anything you can but it's just not gonna be enough.

You did this to yourselves.

>> No.54193867
File: 2.01 MB, 1024x1344, grid_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only ever bought bitcoin. What exactly is the appeal of BBBY? Can someone give me a quick rundown?

>> No.54193875
Quoted by: >>54207824

>originally wanted 2k shares but I think I'm going for 4k.
Ok but those 4k shares now represent less equity in the company than 2k used to be due to dilution. Youd have to buy 6k shares to own the same share as 2k wouldve represented before
Kek baggie

>> No.54193884
File: 94 KB, 633x360, 1677254063744305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54193918

Total hedgie death.

>> No.54193887

Based. And doubling down on Monday as well.

>> No.54193918
File: 257 KB, 928x1232, c0bzlYM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54194388

is it working? have any hedge funds gone bankrupt?

>> No.54193946
File: 123 KB, 441x441, king k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just uh oh stinky'd you for double baking

get fucked bathniggers

>> No.54193954
File: 370 KB, 1040x1779, 167845843275394335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since GME in January 2021, retail has become aware of the fact that large market makers and hedge funds are printing fake shares of companies and using them to drive the companies to bankruptcy. This is called 'naked shorting' and it has killed hundreds of companies over the last 2 decades all for the personal benefit of those orchestrating the share printers.

Bed Bath is being targeted by the same bad actors who attempted to drive GameStop to bankruptcy back in January 2021. The reason GameStop squeezed to such a huge degree is because of the insane short interest that the company had, and when the company showed that it was going to turnaround it squeezed dramatically.

BBBY is coiled much tighter then GME was and is likely going to have similar movement, but most importantly there is a mountain of evidence that a merger is in the works, which would force all shares to be recalled. The kicker here is that if 2-3x of the entire share count is currently short (as is likely considering we have been on the reg SHO threshold list for the entirety of 2023 and the volume has been dramatic despite this) and the marketcap of this company is much lower then GME was.

So basically this is has Super Saiyan squeeze potential and if/when a catalyst occurs the shorts are absolutely fucked.

>> No.54193997
File: 763 KB, 2604x2802, FE828DF0-CC05-402B-96F3-02464B1C8779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54207977

>Mr. 40 pbtID aka gavinder
2k shares is still 2k shares if the dilution was enough to save the shorts you jeets wouldn’t have to be here trying to convince unstable retards to rope

>> No.54194040
File: 133 KB, 1440x1080, CZ-U8_DWQAA0sdu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you're involved with both stonks, I've also got a considerable GME position.

Monday can't come soon enough.

>> No.54194122
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, 1647466082123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>large market makers and hedge funds are printing fake shares of companies and using them to drive the companies to bankruptcy
prove it
>it has killed hundreds of companies over the last 2 decades
prove it
>Bed Bath is being targeted by the same bad actors who attempted to drive GameStop to bankruptcy back in January 2021
prove it
>The reason GameStop squeezed to such a huge degree is because of the insane short interest that the company had
prove it
>BBBY is coiled much tighter then GME was and is likely going to have similar movement
prove it
>a merger is in the works
prove it
>which would force all shares to be recalled
prove it
>2-3x of the entire share count is currently short
prove it

>> No.54194135

Didn’t read. Filtered.

>> No.54194161
File: 2.32 MB, 480x270, 73568233456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54196439

you read it and you didn't filter
you will continue to read my posts too and either seethe quietly after muzzling yourself like a hugbox faggot redditnigger or you'll out yourself as a lying faggot by replying to any of my posts itt going forward
kek baggies

>> No.54194210
File: 226 KB, 302x320, ACTIVATE_IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>price is almost at the lowest point it has ever been
>which means that shorts opened almost at any point in company's history would be in the money
>somehow this means that le hedgies are losing
explain to me baggies how exactly are you going to btfo le heckin hedgies in these circumstances

>> No.54194232
File: 3.82 MB, 242x294, 1662559454852362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be careful bro 29tMxmDe might claim to filter you

>> No.54194250

>has no answers, just fantasies
enjoy poverty

>> No.54194252
Quoted by: >>54194341

>shorts opened almost at any point in company's history would be in the money
Theres no "almost" about it
The ATL was $1.01 before yesterday
We are now 20% below that
Every single short is at least 20% green
Kek baggies

>> No.54194341

These posts are so disingenuous. Short sellers get money the moment their position is opened, and if they never intend to close said position there is no real benefit for them if it keeps going down.

Y'all keep acting like the people short this trade are ever going to close their positions. Their intent was for BBBY to go bankrupt so they never had to close their short. That's not happening, so now all the greed and liability that comes with opening a position that has potential for INFINITE LOSSES is going to become a reality.

The really funny part though is the shorts can't even close their positions if they wanted to at this point because even the smallest buy pressure rockets the price up

>> No.54194364
File: 844 KB, 1488x1003, 2DBAD93C-0CFC-495E-A496-F7A5525A274F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54194452

>cries about getting filtered
>doesnt grasp your shitposts can be expanded for laughs
kek shillies

>> No.54194388

I think melvin went under but to this other hedge funds didn't learn for that mistake is lunacy

>> No.54194395 [DELETED] 

>claims to filter you
still replies to every shill post
what did he mean by this?

>> No.54194429
File: 93 KB, 976x850, 1678702378394994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54194613

Honest question, why would any anonymous post care in the slightest about getting "filtered" by anyone else on 4chan? It doesn't make sense, it's like saying you closing the browser and walking away the from the computer hurts other posters somehow, it's literal retardation.

>> No.54194452
File: 2.34 MB, 498x396, 7682345625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i'll give myself an extra step to read all of chadshill's posts, that'll show him how unbothered i am by his posts"
top work by top men

>> No.54194613
File: 423 KB, 688x547, 1657132003192808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well see in these redditors fantasyland no one on 4chan would ever be mean to them unless they're working for (((them))). So we're all actually pajeet paid shills and we only get paid is by the (You). If they "ignore us" (actually quietly read every post and seethe blood red like their shitty stock). So when they scream out
they think they're doing us some harm like our village is going to go hungry or some shit. In reality they can't and haven't been able to refute a single shillpoint this entire time and their only cope is to hide while nursing their asshurt

>> No.54194643
Quoted by: >>54195840

Baggies should be thanking shills for trying to warn them all this time

>> No.54194987
File: 176 KB, 1242x2208, 1662400511723026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pls redeem ser
>filtered benchode

>> No.54195141

That's a generic stock picture of a product, it's the same on any site. Stop misleading people, it's fucking over dude.

>> No.54195345
File: 879 KB, 1289x1385, bbbydelusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think, I've ever seen a more delusional group. Before you guys say "why would you be here if you don't have any input? You must be a shill!". No, I'm a former investor in this who's following how it's going to see if I made the right choice. Boy oh boy am I glad I dumped.

Reddit truly is cancer, no wonder people hate it. Biggest cesspool of smug no-nothingness I've ever seen. They truly deserve to lose it all.

>> No.54195466
File: 3.60 MB, 498x498, angry-tantrum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54195529


>> No.54195539

Reg SHO means jack shit here

>> No.54195628
Quoted by: >>54195837

What if people who shorted this stock are also the ones who are exercising the warrants? Meaning they can cover at any time they want and can suppress any attempt at pumping this stock. Looking at intraday price action in the past few weeks this seems plausible.

>> No.54195837

"shillls" said this when the deal was announced
pretty sure Hudson has/had a short position to profit even more from the dilution

>> No.54195840
Quoted by: >>54195918

The baggies that dumped this shit stock probably do. All that's left now are the most delusional schizos unable to be reasoned with.

>> No.54195918
Quoted by: >>54195983

Yep. The current cope on reddit is
"just because the outstanding common stock has gone up by 3x does not mean we have been diluted" which is even stupider than any baggie theory up to this point.
Which tells me that the smarter baggies finally woke up and left. Only the most retarded are left

>> No.54195983
Quoted by: >>54196077

yeah i sold the mili second i heard the words "Reverse split" anyone who can't do that is delusional, but desu hudson is incentivized to run this stock after the reverse split desu and also the cusip change or whatever could actually be a catalyst for short covering? doubt that part tho

>> No.54195996

What you are doing with these gens, trying to sucker more buyers in on a dead stock, ought to be illegal. You people are fucking garbage, desu

>> No.54196077

>hudson is incentivized to run this stock after the reverse split
no, they are even more incentivized to continue dilution as their deal isnt adjusted for the split
If a 10 for 1 reverse-split causes the price to go to $8 they can instantly convert those $6 warrants and dilute you straight back down
Then they can dilute the remaining 900M shares (yeah, the total allowed dilution isnt changing despite the reverse split either, so now Hudson can dilute from 35M shares outstanding - post reverse split - all the way up to 900M shares outstanding)
baggies got fucked real good

>> No.54196087
File: 498 KB, 387x305, 31731836-98AD-44A4-B5E1-713931EA5D2F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some (You)s

When the same handful of posters are spamming FUD every day, every week, for months it’s pretty blatant that the consistent posters like zUn+JFuV aka gavinder are paid to here. It takes barely any logic to notice spending months of your “free time” spamming FUD for something most claim “to have no position in” doesn’t checkout. You would have to be an autistic manchild to spend so much of your time here if it was just because “it’s funny” and statistically it’s pretty unlikely you’re all retards.

The question is why would so many shills have to be swarming on multiple platforms if the stock was doomed like they claim?

>> No.54196126

baggies are the property of Big Hedgie Cock
simple as

>> No.54196246

>everyone is laughing at me for shitting my pants
>that means they are paid shills! I shall continue shitting my pants!

>> No.54196439

Why do all of you end every post with "kek baggies" and all have a very distinct posting style? I've been watching you for a couple weeks now and either you are all severely mentally ill watching a stock you don't give a fuck about or you're paid to be here, neither option is good for you

>> No.54196457
Quoted by: >>54196504

>being this new
Holy shit you have to go back
Kek baggies

>> No.54196462
File: 74 KB, 624x1232, 1679175659608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54196673

Heres the problem: you're a redditor who doesn't understand 4chan culture. You abhor at the thought that people would shitpost and troll on a website because that's unacceptable behavior over at your favorite website. Shitposting and trolling are foundational pillars on which 4chan sits upon, always has been and always will be unless Hirogook wants to kill this website by driving everyone away. Any board you go on will have serial shitposters running rampant from /ck/ to /biz/ to /ic/ to /pol/ and the overwhelmingly vast majority of these shitposters do it solely for their own entertainment and no monetary gain.

So why are there so many "shills" on /bbby/? It's because they're here to laugh at (You). It's actually that simple. Ask yourself why hedgies would honestly spend money hiring an army of shitposters to raid a dead as fuck general like /bbby/? Keep in mind, BBBY baggies are a minority in these threads now.

>> No.54196491
File: 153 KB, 614x900, 808A7ED9-B305-43A5-B36C-A9AB1161F49F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54196587

>I’m not a paid shill I’m just here to laugh!
>Hits 40pbtID multiple threads a week
>Spamming r/BBBY screenshots proving they’re browsing and almost definitely spamming there too
Cry more gavinder nobody with a brain thinks you jeets are here for fun you’re literally the most blatant of the bunch nobody is shitting out paragraphs and paragraphs of FUD in their free time because “they’re laughing”

>> No.54196504
Quoted by: >>54196587

you keep talking in this weird incel dialect and don't provide any reasoning for your claims, you're a pathetic waste of a person spending your life on the internet demeaning people you wouldn't have the balls to look in the eye in the real world, if anyone is fucked that's you

>> No.54196556

Investing is my hobby. Things like BBBY don't happen too often and general like this one gives me a unique insight into thinking process of people who gamble on such companies.
It's simply fascinating to me. I was hoping for a squeeze months ago but the moment warrants were made public it became apparent that all hope is gone.
What followed is quite scary. I hope my brain will never trick me into sticking with a very bad decission and rejecting any information which counters my beliefs.

>> No.54196587
Quoted by: >>54196627

>you’re literally the most blatant of the bunch nobody
>you're a pathetic waste of a person
coming from bbby baggies who held from $25 to $0.86 this is hilarious
kek baggies

>> No.54196608

I lose a thousand dollars if I don't sell on monday and ride this to zero, otherwise I recoup around 600 dollars and lose 400, I'm not happy about losing the money and I take responsibility for it because I was dumb in gambling, it's just these no-life recluses who speak in their weird little coded language really smell fishy, but maybe that's because I'm a normal human being and I can't fathom someone actually being like that in the real world, these "people" only exist online

>> No.54196627
Quoted by: >>54197718

Keep talking big guy, you're a real winner here, maybe one day you'll win so much you'll learn how to engage with other human beings without sounding like a recluse

>> No.54196634

So Teddy is already selling buy buy baby stuff? I mean thats pretty fucking clear that a deal is done surely?

>> No.54196673
File: 69 KB, 423x408, F2C339B3-751E-440C-8D1D-38B33618C09F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you absolute clown. I’ve been on 4chan for over 10 years though admittedly not on biz until gme. There are some shitposters who float on through and they’re not who I’m referring to. The jeets that post together like clockwork all day everyday are not “laughing” it’s genuinely their job no sane human finds the same joke hilarious enough to spend all day everyday “trolling” for months.
It’s not contained to biz retards like gavinder have already outed themselves as meltdownies. Weird how if you go to the gme or bbby employee subs and check post histories a huge chunk of the commenters are in fact meltdownies sowing negative sentiment. Almost like there’s an army of shills being paid to spread FUD or do you seriously think they’re larping with the employees because they’re laughing at stockholders
Glad to see gavinder is now seething but yeah looks like he’s just having a laugh

>> No.54196681

There are definitely some assholes who come here to attack people at their lows. The fact they are anonymous means they can get away with it without losing repsect of their friends and family. Sorry for your loss, I really hoped it will work out. Unfortunately it seems like BBBY either had a choice between lowball buyout offer or buying some time with a dillutive deal. Maybe they will explain it later in an interview once the dust settles. I would love to learn what exactly happened.

>> No.54196683

>not on biz until gme
You HAVE to go back

>> No.54196700

Kek newfag reddit baggies

>> No.54196707

I think I’m going to slurp some more. The shillies are desperate for us to sell because they are the ones with the infinite liability exposure. We are in the middle of a banking crisis, bbby is on regsho, 100% short, massine pile of ftds, and we’re about to change Cusip#. The shorts are in a much more tenuous situation than before and it is unclear if any dilution has even taken place.

>> No.54196711

I've been stuck on 4chan for the past 16 years mate. I have angry asshole phase way behind me.

>> No.54196730

I still hope in no bankruptcy and turning this into a normal long position to sell at a small profit in a couple years, at least I'm glad next week we will almost surely know where this is going with certainty

As for these little pathetic "men" on this site, whatever, do you really think they have friends and family to disappoint? someone who spends their free time like this is already long gone to the world, their existence is confined in this board and they're proud of it too, no reason to worry about them, be happy you're a well adjusted human being because money will never buy that for you

>> No.54196748
Quoted by: >>54196879

same "joke" repeated thousands of times a day, you are really something my man, good luck with your life and have fun

>> No.54196764

>do you really think they have friends and family to disappoint
I did when I was using /b/ and /pol/ to shitpost. I'm no saint, nowadays I'm just way less autistic.

>> No.54196775

The fud is incredible today. The shillies are pretending to be longs who are admitting defeat. Very adaptive behavior. These are not pajeeties that’s for sure

>> No.54196861
File: 7 KB, 236x284, b4b98a83da0cd1ebc13248bcb951a6a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me?

>> No.54196879

kek baggies

>> No.54196901
File: 710 KB, 1724x1116, 1668097628574929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54196949

get fucked bathniggers

>> No.54196916
Quoted by: >>54196976

>As for these little pathetic "men" on this site, whatever, do you really think they have friends and family to disappoint? someone who spends their free time like this is already long gone to the world, their existence is confined in this board and they're proud of it too, no reason to worry about them, be happy you're a well adjusted human being because money will never buy that for you
but enough about the fine folks on r/bbby

>> No.54196949

some of the comments on that are hilarious now that dilution is confirmed

>> No.54196976

Listen I agree, I will lose 1k on this bbby business and I'm a moron for listening to fucking reddit users, I accept responsibility for it, all I'm saying is that your "shitposting" is on the same level of humour and wit of a 10 year old kid who doesn't know when to shut up for attention, so either you are very shit at practicing your "tradition" of shitposting or the entire concept is fucking embarassing

>> No.54196977
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, 5p9jxgki27h61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gambling is my hobby
>general like this one gives me a unique insight into thinking process of people who gamble

l m a o

To profit from stocks constantly you need insider info. Period.

Otherwise you're just gambling and you attribute your lucky profits to some kinds of deep understanding of markets or even worse - analysis of fundamentals (that makes you even more retarded than BBBY holders)

>> No.54197000
File: 1.71 MB, 500x280, 08902D27-8A5C-4176-BD0E-5D3363684E89.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there a dozen shills in these threads since Friday trying to convince us that’s it’s TRULY over but FOR REAL this time, since Friday? Desperate and pathetic. Buying more on Monday.

>> No.54197044
Quoted by: >>54197108

How do you get that info? is all this stuff really a circle jerk for a couple thousand people who know everything that's going to happen weeks early or is there a way for a regular person to understand it?

>> No.54197055
File: 356 KB, 400x210, mkay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54197108

You completely miss the importance of understanding human psychology and mind traps. You also completely dismiss the possibility that studying an event like BBBY might help me use similar future events to my benefit.
I agree that it's gambling in the end, I just like to increase my chances and I also find it all interesting.
pic related, I got a gif for you if you want to post your "profound" opinion again in the future. Should go nicely with it.

>> No.54197059
Quoted by: >>54197072

I've only been taking fat stinky dumps in the center of your baggie threads for the last two weeks. I just got hired and now I'm going to get reassigned a new thread to shit in since this one is going back to the mud

>> No.54197072

very witty

>> No.54197108

worship satan and sell your soul

I'm glad you admit agree. I don't consider my opinion to be "profound", I just want most of the people in this thread to admit we're just degenerate gamblers and there might be just safer ways to make money.

>> No.54197111
Quoted by: >>54197143

it's the next GME. same guy ryan cohen involved as well as carl icahn/brett icahn hinted at. many of ryan cohen's cryptic tweets are believed to refer to BBBY/buybuy baby while being vague enough to maintain plausible deniability. BBBY is one of the most highly shorted stocks on the market which makes it ripe for a squeeze if they succeed with their cost cutting plans to break even on operating cash flow.


>> No.54197119
Quoted by: >>54197160

Then you don't know shit about what you're talking about if that's all you can come up with

>> No.54197134

Well you're speaking with wrong person then. I have no stake in BBBY. I come here just to watch. Not my type of trade but It's very interesting to observe..

>> No.54197141
Quoted by: >>54197223

why are there a dozen redditniggers on my 4channel board trying to convince me to buy their niggerstock?
buying more puts on monday

>> No.54197143
Quoted by: >>54197358

checked, but stop getting new people involved in this cult. I think 2 years of constant losing money on meme stocks should be enough.
I bet there are less than 10% of individual investors who made any money on GME/BBBY/AMC.
I've had many opportunities to exist at a profit but instead I followed the cult and waited for the prophet (MOASS).
I admit to being an idiot and I can only hope to learn from my mistakes.

>> No.54197160

lmao say that to Epstein and his friends, you have lots to learn about this rotten world my friend. If you think some random guy can join their circle without sacrificing something you're naive

>> No.54197211
Quoted by: >>54197229

anyone in here: please do not listen to this and take profits if this ever has a wild step up. you will thank me later

>> No.54197212

Hello Bavesh here. I like let you know that we no longer tell you to no buy the bed bath beyond stock.
At .85 cents the hedge funds no longer require services of my village.
If you like to help Bavesh's village you can buy Internet Computer coin. Coin very good, make you much money.

>> No.54197223

Who’s convincing who? You have 11 posts in this thread. Look how desperate you are. I hope you get wiped for all your worth.

>> No.54197229

Agreed. I could have walked away with very little loss last time it went to $6. I don't consider it possible to go to those levels ever again, but if you hate your money, don't listen to us :^)

>> No.54197358
File: 134 KB, 765x792, 1678395276256579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ouch, I actually made money on GME and then lost 40% of those gains on AMC in a single day. Easy come easy go Since then I didn't touch meme stocks anymore. I still remember the diamond hands / "we" / HODL culture around them though. There was plenty of DD in dedicated generals as well, unfortunately quality was simialar to what could be found in BBBY general over past few weeks (ever changing deadlines, people posting their theories as pure facts, in-fighting).
I still remember schizo theory that Gold went up in price to entice people to move their capital from GME to gold miners kek.

>> No.54197501
Quoted by: >>54197801


>> No.54197630

Eh I'm still bullish. Currently riding with XXXX shares at 1.24 average. Either goes down or goes to the moon. When it moons I'm gonna make some ads on /biz/ to mock you guys

>> No.54197679
Quoted by: >>54197740

Didn’t know there was a new thread, I feel left out :(

I need this money to become at least $30000 in the next year for a wedding. 5000 shares at 1.45 avg

>> No.54197718

Go back, you're so new it hurts. Calling someone a neet may work as an insult on leddit, but it's a source of pride here

>> No.54197740

Kek baggies

>> No.54197801

just uh oh stinky'd your post

>> No.54197889
File: 568 KB, 1441x1080, 1659319938528097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm still bullish
>When it moons I'm gonna make some ads on /biz/ to mock you guys
it's amazing how you're illiterate yet you can still type out full sentences. That's quiet the feat. When this goes to zero you should get a job in the circus. You'll fit in with the rest of the clowns

>> No.54197952
File: 278 KB, 1080x1428, Screenshot_20230319_000755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54197978

>I own 0.1% of Sears Im already a multi-millionaire
What causes someone to fall for not one but 2 baggie cults?

>> No.54197959

David Kastin’s resume tells me all I need to know. Wagmi

>> No.54197978

my guess would be the same way most people fall into a cult ended up there: they're predisposed because they are ignorant and lonely.

>> No.54198431
Quoted by: >>54198742

The BBBY board represents the shareholders and has a fiduciary responsibility to do so. That also means doing what is necessary to avoid bankruptcy which they have done while maintaining the most value as possible. A reverse split and spin-off makes the most sense and was indicated in Ryan Cohen’s letter to the board. We don’t know anything about how those shares will be used only that they are created and the buyer will have put up 460 million by early April to save this company. It would make sense for a short hedge fund to make the investment if they were to get shares to cover their short but they still have to cover their short. Otherwise, it might be a combination of a hedge fund saving their own ass and eviscerating other hedge funds and Icahn/Cohen wombo combo. Icahn/Cohen makes too much sense and evidence leads their way.

>> No.54198555

Imagine if some day giant alians invade earth and their giant alienesses keep you as a pet and use you on their giant alieness body like a rag as a funny gag on alien instagram or something haha

>> No.54198737
File: 810 KB, 498x372, king-of-the-hill-hank.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54198742

>fiduciary responsibility
go back nigger

>> No.54198846
Quoted by: >>54198862

Have you ever tried to find a flat Earth forum? If not, don't bother, because if you do actually find one that isn't ironic you will quickly discover that around 90% of the people there are not Flat Earthers, but people who want to laugh and argue with retards. There's a certain percentage of people who enjoy watching others be made to look stupid, ESPECIALLY when said people are extremely confident and hostile to outside viewpoints.
Nobody is getting paid to shill against your penny stock on an underwater basketweaving forum, for fucks sake half the people who I see post positions have less than 10k in this play, literal chump change.

>> No.54198862
Quoted by: >>54199005

they're actually just paid shills from india faggot

>> No.54198976

how's my scratch-off lotto ticket doing?

>> No.54199005
Quoted by: >>54201656

Shills that aren't shilling anything, just calling you stupid and bbby a garbage company? Sure thing champ.

>> No.54199017
Quoted by: >>54201656

kek stupid fag baggots

>> No.54199169
Quoted by: >>54201656

Wait, if there's any unironic baggies left; Since the price is at 80 cents, why can't hedgefund employees have their relatives buy tons of the stock, let the stock squizzly squooozle to le moon, then retired from working at their hedgefund as billionaires?

>> No.54199176
File: 228 KB, 1170x1724, 167858507973810095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychological warfare is a set of techniques and tactics used to influence the thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of an opponent, usually during a conflict or war. The stages of psychological warfare may vary depending on the context, but generally include the following:

>Intelligence gathering
This stage involves collecting information about the opponent's strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, and values. This information is used to design strategies and messages that can influence the opponent's behavior.

>Propaganda dissemination
This stage involves spreading messages or information through various channels such as media, social networks, and personal contacts. The messages can be factual, partially true, or completely false, depending on the intended effect.

This stage involves using psychological tactics to lower the opponent's morale, reduce their will to fight, and create a sense of hopelessness or despair. This can be achieved through various means, such as spreading rumors, creating confusion, or staging fake events.

This stage involves creating divisions among the opponent's population, such as exploiting existing ethnic or religious differences, to create social unrest and weaken the opponent's unity.

This stage involves using psychological tactics to disrupt the opponent's plans and operations, such as by spreading false information, creating disinformation campaigns, or carrying out cyberattacks.

This stage involves using threats or force to compel the opponent to comply with certain demands, such as surrender or withdrawal from a particular region.

It's worth noting that these stages are not always linear and may overlap or occur simultaneously. Psychological warfare can also involve other tactics such as disinformation, deception, and manipulation.

>> No.54199191
File: 172 KB, 1284x1707, 16784660824666182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54199362

Counteracting the demoralization stage of psychological warfare can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Here are some ways to counter the demoralization stage:

>Counter the propaganda
The demoralization stage often involves the dissemination of false or misleading information that can weaken the opponent's morale. To counter this, it's essential to identify and expose the propaganda for what it is, using facts and evidence to refute false claims and rumors.

>Build resilience
Resilience can be defined as the ability to cope with adversity and recover from setbacks. Building resilience can help individuals and communities to withstand the psychological impact of demoralization tactics. This can involve promoting a sense of unity and solidarity, emphasizing positive values and achievements, and encouraging people to support one another.

>Provide psychological support
Demoralization can lead to feelings of despair, hopelessness, and helplessness. Providing psychological support to those affected can help them to cope with their emotions and maintain a sense of perspective. This can involve providing counseling, emotional support, and practical assistance.

>Foster a sense of purpose
Demoralization tactics can undermine people's sense of purpose and meaning. Fostering a sense of purpose can help to counter this by emphasizing the importance of individual and collective goals, and the role that people can play in achieving them. This can involve promoting a sense of civic responsibility, social engagement, and active participation in community life.

>Promote positive messaging
Positive messaging can help to counter the demoralization tactics by emphasizing positive values, achievements, and aspirations. This can involve highlighting examples of resilience, courage, and determination, as well as promoting positive cultural, social, and economic developments.

>> No.54199362
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 66f-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm WAY too paranoid schizophrenic to give a flying fuck about any of this shit.

>> No.54200122

Ledgies pick out a tall building yet


>> No.54201656
File: 383 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230319_033723_Webull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54201807

I just realized.

They've been barcoding almost everyday of 2023. Lol

Why the sudden dump?

To demoralize. I stand READY.

>> No.54201807
File: 22 KB, 345x284, 563405980854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm fairly demoralized currently but i'm too stubborn/retarded to sell my position.

>> No.54201828
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 1678358540729857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course there'd be a thread here for this cult of retards. keep holding to -100%, MOASS tmrw, etc etc

>> No.54201880
File: 1021 KB, 500x354, 06540448-C047-4B12-A1F1-945E7486DCE3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54203531

I can’t believe you guys are still here, I really don’t even know what to say. I’m embarrassed that I hold GME with some of you retards.

>> No.54202279
File: 24 KB, 360x240, url(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54202542

I repeated myself many times:
Why noone was afraid of resplit and further dilution?
I guess chillers aren't long on the stock market ffs.
But listen on these stupid chills

>> No.54202619

>Price of the stock for a merger needs to be above $4
Just reverse split it until morale improves

>> No.54202816
Quoted by: >>54203037

wen delist?

>> No.54202913
File: 13 KB, 500x306, 1632943559654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna keep holding but I'm not happy about it

>> No.54202985

Good morning sunday morning
Kek baggies

>> No.54203037

this right here is the next cope

>> No.54203101
File: 62 KB, 1170x620, wjintl5ghooa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54203722

>> No.54203136
File: 319 KB, 1266x688, 1493021i2181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54203278

It's quite simple. I refuse to sell for a loss. I would rather hold to $0 out of spite than realize a loss. I will continue to average down until I can exit with a modest profit or the company goes bankrupt.

>> No.54203278
Quoted by: >>54204673

$0 it is then nigger

>> No.54203313


>> No.54203404
File: 16 KB, 268x284, 1666292993174255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54203451


>> No.54203441

kek dumb fuck BBBaggots

>> No.54203451

Do they think bbby is lying in its own sec filings now?
They wont believe it till marketwatch and yahoo update their float count after earnings kek

>> No.54203471
File: 1.66 MB, 3840x2160, Comfy_Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how all of the fud really does end up being a big ol' nothingburger.The new CUSIP number means we will be coming to a head this month and we will all be vindicated and rewarded with tendies piled higher than a heaping stack of blins!

>> No.54203489
Quoted by: >>54203558

>all of the fud really does end up being a big ol' nothingburger
Yeah bro, 250M new shares is a nothingburger
You are never seeing $1 again

>> No.54203531

>I’m embarrassed that I hold GME
could've stopped right there. You're next baggot

>> No.54203558
File: 13 KB, 452x636, Pika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54203610

It's a Sunday and you are f5ing incessantly to respond to posts about a stock you don't own. Top kek!
I think the shorts are shitting their pants worse than the longs. Worried about a banking collapse? Worried about the new CUSIP number? Worried about BBBY turning itself around and being forced to cover? The stock was never diluted because they never filed a form required to document an outstanding share change. It never happened no matter how desperate you are that it did.
I for one, trust is Hudson BASED Capital to protect my investments and help guide our company to a bright, new and PROFITABLE future.

>> No.54203610

>The stock was never diluted because they never filed a form required to document an outstanding share change.
You've already had it explained to you that the form they have to send to Nasdaq is not the same as public disclosure, and that the dilution does not constitute a material event because it was predeclared. Now the company has come out and directly told you that the dilution has occurred, and that the shares outstanding has increased. I was expecting you tards to turn to a new hopium, but it's shocking that you're still clinging to the old one after getting btfo by your own company. Let me ask, what exactly would be enough to prove to you that dilution has occurred? I don't see how the company saying it happened isn't enough, but do you seriously need yahoo or wherever to update their numbers before you believe it?

>> No.54203620


>> No.54203633

They are genuinely the most retarded group of people I have ever seen in finance
2x stupider than people who bought LUNA as it was failing
5x stupider than AMC baggies
10x stupider than GME baggies
20x stupider than doggy coin retards - at least they know its a scam

>> No.54203710

I don’t think anyone (for better or worse) is dissuaded by any dilution. Imo most people holding at this point are banking on some kind of 69d chess a la the Icahns, RC, Teddy, GME, this reverse split, etc. It presents an interesting scenario where by definition of such a play, it would be intentionally obfuscated/smoke screened to the limit of the law and as such hard to assess by traditional metrics, let alone by retailfags. It does also present a possible money pit/mirage for baggies though insofar as for the same reasons the claim cannot be verified until the dust settles.

>> No.54203722

Sell signal

>> No.54203761

>Imo most people holding at this point are banking on some kind of 69d chess a la the Icahns, RC, Teddy, GME
A man who held shares in this company but sold a year ago because he said he didnt agree with the direction management was taking posted a picture on twitter with another man. This is proof that the first man is going to buy my company with the other mans son!
Genuine schizophrenia
Anyone posting about RC since the day he rugged is coping
I cant wait for him to make a statement about how bbby sucks now that his standstill is over

>> No.54203764
Quoted by: >>54203809

What you are saying is all conjecture. They never said the dilution occurred but are simply taking into account that outstanding warrants do in fact exist.
100% short interest, 100% CTB, REGSHO, M&A, New CUSIP. High risk high reward, this stock is about to blow higher and that is why you shill this stock (one that you don't own) 24/7. I'm going to buy more, personally.
The tickets are cheap and the stock is a literal short-squeeze waiting to happen.

>> No.54203769
Quoted by: >>54203852

I remember my old boss stopped conversations about gamestop the days of the run up.

He was mad one of his employees made a 6 figure gain and was in disbelief this "retard" made more money then him.

Like a child, my boss threw a tantrum. I quit after I saw this man's character. That's who's character I equate to shills and hedgecucks.

Sneering disbelief to all that is great and lofty.

>> No.54203785
Quoted by: >>54203805

>for the same reasons the claim cannot be verified until the dust settles.
There's not a scrap of credible evidence of a Cohen/Ichan merger though, and Cohen dumping his entire stake is a very clear indication that he's done with the company. It's not sufficient to make something up and then say that I can't disprove it, otherwise people would be buying into companies in the hope that the flying spaghetti monster is going to buy them out.

>> No.54203805

Thank God there's no evidence. Then it can't be used against cohen in the court of law when the buck's back breaks ya $BBBY

>> No.54203809
File: 73 KB, 864x363, 1678109596540335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54203923

>What you are saying is all conjecture. They never said the dilution occurred but are simply taking into account that outstanding warrants do in fact exist.
If that was the case they would have listed the shares outstanding as 900,000,000 as that is the number once all warrants/preferreds are converted.

>> No.54203845

The CUSIP change doesn’t do anything. I’ve followed countless penny stocks and pumpers always push this narrative.


>Once that CUSIP changes, the naked shorter has no apparent way to close out the naked short position. No stock under the old CUSIP number exists anymore; it all automatically converts to the new CUSIP.

>Those trades can sit in the Obligation Warehouse forever, in theory. But the “aged fails” — essentially orphaned naked short transactions — remain on the naked shorter’s balance sheet as a liability to be paid later.

>By DiIorio’s reckoning, then, the cycle of naked shorting and reverse splits would inevitably result in an ever-increasing number of aged fails. And if that was happening, and those liabilities grew bigger and bigger, then federal regulators could see the outlines of the scheme on any financial statement.

>DiIorio believed Knight accounted for its aged fails in the “sold not yet purchased” liability on its balance sheet. That’s supposed to be an inventory of stocks for use in future market making, which goes up and down as orders are filled. But DiIorio says it was a hiding place for a billowing structural liability.

>> No.54203852
Quoted by: >>54203898

This is what the American education system has created. It can only function on having worker bees slave away pretending that working harder is how you get ahead. If you truly size up the amount of money you make doing productive work compared to how much you can make speculating and providing no benefit to society is pretty astounding. Most people who jump through all of the hoops to get a high paying job would take offense to a shlub securing a serious amount of cash that would take years, decade, or a lifetime to acquire through a paycheck. Hate the game, not the player imo. I've made enough money from writing options to pay for my rent this year. It's actually quite profound how you look at money now when you can conjure it up from nothing.

>> No.54203859
Quoted by: >>54203932

>Knight’s involvement with suspicious stocks following this same pattern kept cropping up.

>For example, NewLead Holdings (NEWL) — a shipping company with a mining concern on the side that was accused in federal court of having “no coal mines, no coal, and no ability whatsoever to engage in the coal business” — engaged in 1-1,125,000 worth of reverse splits over nine months in 2013 and 2014, meaning that 1,000 shares prior to the splits were equivalent to 0.0008 shares afterward. NewLead did another 1-300 stock split just this spring; it now trades as NEWLF, at 0.00030 as of August 23. Its 2015 annual report admits, “There is substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern.”

>FreeSeas (FREE), another penny stock, did a 1-60 reverse split on January 15 of this year, and then another 1-200 split on April 13, changing its stock symbol to FREEF. The company has engaged in seven reverse splits in the last five years; someone with 900 million shares five years ago would have one share today, trading at less than a penny. The company’s annual report says it currently has no employees. Private equity firm Havensight Capital made an alleged bid to purchase FreeSeas in June at $0.43 a share, about 80 times its price at the time of this writing, which FreeSeas called “false and misleading.”

>> No.54203876
Quoted by: >>54203912

Long story short: in theory, shorts would have to close due to a CUSIP change, but in practice, they just file them away under “securities sold not yet purchased.” Sound familiar? BBBY is fucked. It will never recover and you’re all just sitting here watching your money float away.

>> No.54203898

You take away it's power grip from your life and in dropping fear somehow collect more. It's such a retarded twist lmao

>> No.54203907
File: 620 KB, 1080x1912, Screenshot_20230319_135623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek baggies
Its ogre

>> No.54203912
Quoted by: >>54203953

You're sitting here with us Mr. Paradox so I don't know why you're so cocky.

If it's over leave? Yet you don't see this type of sentiment for Kohls.

Literally kek the kekkers.

>> No.54203923
File: 30 KB, 656x679, NeverSelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54203952

Yet for some reason my broker still lists the number of outstanding shares at $116.8 million. I trust they will have the updated numbers. Even if some of the shares are converted/diluted, that says nothing to the effect that they are joining the free float and not held by an insider. I trust the management team far more than some fudster. I'm just not going to sell, and I also plan on making a very large purchase now that we are under $1. Without the emergency barcode algo I see this stock move parabolically higher EVERY SINGLE TIME. We ripped straight to $7 per share before they had to prevent the squeeze. I'm going to wait out for the new CUSIP numbers, and the banking collapse to shake out the shorts and see what happens. And there is NOTHING you can do or say to get me to sell. baaahahahaha

>> No.54203926


I saw into the future. There's a Ludacris run up, they dilute to get loaded with bags of spare capital (hence baggies) and then to cuck the HFTs they reverse split 1 billion shares to 100 million.

Source: I made it up.

>> No.54203932
File: 1.98 MB, 1280x1136, GMEParty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54203962

Oh well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there I suppose. Until then, I'll just enjoy the cheapies ^.^

>> No.54203947

it's amazing how quickly they've grabbed on to this "dilution with a reverse split are actually turbo bullish" nonsense. Give them a few days and they'll whip up some copium to make anything look good

>> No.54203948

Did everyone read this? It is eerily accurate as to what we are seeing today

>> No.54203952
File: 414 KB, 1080x1260, Screenshot_20230316_141719_Webull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine trying to convince people on a guatamalen cheese curdling forum that there's "NOTHING THERE" after seeing barcoding like this all year lmao

>> No.54203953

I’ve explained many times that I’m here because I resent you baggies for shitting up the GameStop thread. You fell for the hedgie divide and conquer tactic instead of helping us DRS the float. If you’d just stuck to the plan you wouldn’t have lost all your fucking money on BBBY. GME is the only play and always has been. You’re weak-willed and greedy and now you’re paying the price. Sell now and buy GameStop or lose everything you put into this. You should be thanking me for giving you such sage advice.

>> No.54203958
Quoted by: >>54203980

How desperate were the shorts to push the price under $1. I think the shorts are pissed that BBBY management team is defending itself.

>> No.54203962

Stop posting GameStop OC in your baggie thread. We are not the same.

>> No.54203964

I sold some gamestop to buy a motorcycle a little while ago. Bank of New York Mellon is the one behind computershare.

I wonder if DRS'ing was always a scam.

>> No.54203976
File: 1.89 MB, 1079x1436, Screenshot_20230319_100341_Photos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54204009

If society is going to collapse I want to have quick means of transportation for when the banks fail

>> No.54203980

>How desperate were the shorts to push the price under $1
why are the shorts desperate when the stock price is hitting ATL every other day and every green candle is being kneecapped by dilution? How could they possibly be in trouble and what stops them from using any of the millions of new shares to close their position should they want too?

>> No.54203979

its not that theres nothing there its that the house manufactures wins for itself. the retail mob bug has been patched. your stock is worthless, which is why the bankrupt company has been liquidating assets

>> No.54203988
File: 51 KB, 1533x577, BBBY-FtDs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? I think the regulators are stepping in behind the scenes to prevent a squeeze and a market crash because we are in the middle of a banking crisis. This has to be illegal levels of spoofing that are comically obvious but they have no other choice while they sort everything out on the back end. I saw it with my own eyes that this stock wants to rip higher but this barcode algo prevents us from having any green days. The next few weeks should be spicy, because eventually this comes to a head.

>> No.54203991

Happens every time. I’ve spent enough time on stocktwits to know how these kinds of retards cope. They’re married to the stock, literally everything is bullish to them. I just explained in great detail giving multiple examples of how they’re going to lose everything but they refuse to listen and remain hostile towards me instead of towards those who are determined to dupe them into holding this until they’ve lost everything.

>> No.54203997

Anyone who owns bed bath and beyond or GameStop at this point needs to be shot. The original guy who said GameStop had a fair value placed it at 5 dollars and cashed out for millions

>> No.54204009

Congrats on your future Darwin Award

>> No.54204012

>Meme stock baggies deserve to be shot
Unfathamobly based

>> No.54204019

I said they would reverse split a few weeks ago and was called an indian and that it was fud. Now they've done it and it's bullish, kek. These types of people will be calling it bullish when BBBY files for bankruptcy.

>> No.54204027
Quoted by: >>54204169

DFV doubled down at $150 pre-split after the price had already gone to $480. I guarantee you he never bought BBBY though because there’s no value there.

>> No.54204036
Quoted by: >>54204055

it's fascinating to watch. Like there was a moment there when the dilution 8k first dropped that there was panic in the ranks. I imagine some of them got hit with the wake up call and they're ready to cash out on opening bell on Monday. The rest, however, have circled the wagons around the new copium and are back to screaming

>> No.54204039
Quoted by: >>54204056

Yeah probably. And guess what happens after a reverse split every single time? Dilution.

>> No.54204045
File: 778 KB, 1080x1722, Screenshot_20230319_141121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54204131

Jesus christ baggies

>> No.54204048
File: 150 KB, 900x900, Mountains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54204071

I don't think the price action is real. If it is undervalued and a squeeze is imminent I am slurping up an easy 10x minimum. There are too many anomalies surrounding this stock for me not to be all over it. Especially when I am making so much money selling options on it. And when the price moves higher I will be able to sell dozens of calls too. It's actually a very exciting opportunity.

>> No.54204055

imagine falling for moass shill drivel after you followed zion don to hell and back 2 more weeks

>> No.54204056

The reverse split proposal filing specified that the preferred warrants deal will remain unadjusted
This means they will still be allowed to dilute up to 900M shares again after the float goes back to 35M
Kek baggies. Good luck DRSing that

>> No.54204061

People who fall for it once I can sort of make exceptions for. I fell for the
with gme because id never seen anything like it
But there are people out there who have fallen for it multiple times with various stocks/crypto now. I dont think these people should be allowed to procreate

>> No.54204067
Quoted by: >>54204084

falling for exit liquidity get rich qwik propaganda crafted by the very hedgies you claim to hate

>> No.54204071

>Especially when I am making so much money selling options on it
So you're buying puts or are you selling baggies way OTM calls that they'll try and exercise for fun? Sounds pretty shillie to me, homie

>> No.54204077
File: 29 KB, 200x200, sneedies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were numerous examples of squeezes that occurred to companies that went through reverse mergers. I see no reason why it can't happen here. We literally have a time frame for when this thing pops off. We are ALL going to wagmi in the next two weeks.

>> No.54204081

>numerous examples
give me 3

>> No.54204084

they money lender have rigged a little table you can pay 5 bux to flip when you enter the temple and it automatically reset for new customers

>> No.54204088
File: 120 KB, 1272x961, 167896584987373870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54204151

If you are aware of bad actors using psychological warfare tactics to spread negative sentiment, the following actions can counteract these tactics:

>Identify and expose false information
The first step is to identify false or misleading information being spread by bad actors and expose it. This can involve fact-checking and verifying information before sharing it online, and using credible sources to counteract false claims.

>Build a positive narrative
It's important to build a positive narrative around the company being shorted by highlighting its strengths, achievements, and positive developments. This can involve sharing positive news stories, testimonials from customers or employees, and highlighting the company's social responsibility and ethical practices.

>Report illegal activity
If bad actors are engaging in illegal activity, such as spreading false information to manipulate financial markets, it's important to report this activity to relevant authorities, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

>Use social media strategically
Social media can be a powerful tool to counteract negative sentiment, but it needs to be used strategically. It's important to use credible sources and provide accurate information, engage with others respectfully, and avoid falling into the trap of spreading false or misleading information.

>Educate others
Finally, it's important to educate others about the tactics being used by bad actors and how to identify and counteract them. This can involve sharing information about psychological warfare tactics and providing resources for people to educate themselves.

In summary, counteracting bad actors using psychological warfare tactics requires a strategic approach that involves identifying and exposing false information, building a positive narrative, reporting illegal activity, using social media strategically, and educating others about the tactics being used.

>> No.54204101

>reverse mergers
Kek baggies

>> No.54204131
Quoted by: >>54204210

No, they can't make a Ramen section, but they can wait in the bread line with the former employees once the store closes.

You can't see a reason or you choose to ignore them?

>> No.54204151

This is obviously written by chatgpt. You know the elites have designed it to only spew out 1 narrative right?

>> No.54204169

DFV "doubled down" on the stock because he was smart enough to realize that money wasn't worth haven't 200,000 delusional cultists stalking/hunting him down everyday for the rest of his life and potentially getting murdered. He exited the public eye brilliantly.

>> No.54204179

You do realise that stock prices are going to match inflation right? People will buy into that bullshit. The jump to crypto is not going to happen overnight.

>> No.54204206
File: 236 KB, 1148x1176, bbby pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54204250

Remember how COSM ran after they announced the RS? This will do the same.

>100% short interest, 100% CTB, REGSHO, M&A, New CUSIP

Not selling till I make six figures profit. Fuck you don't care you're not getting my shares.

>> No.54204210
Quoted by: >>54204238

>You can't see a reason or you choose to ignore them?
I see fudsters going insane to desperately get me to sell. I think I will hold while the CUSIP and the banking crisis sorts itself out. I will also believe the dilution narrative once my broker updates the outstanding shares data. Until then it's just noise. Dilution can happen but that speaks nothing to where those shares actually end up. I happen to think the warrant holders are benign and are invested in a turnaround. And if I happen to be correct I will hit the jackpot. I'd gladly risk 100% loss to make 10,000% gain. The company isn't even going bankrupt so what is there even to worry about? Dilution? It's probably already priced in at this point so why sell now? I bet we move significantly higher from here and I will put money on that bet come Monday.

>> No.54204238
Quoted by: >>54204261

>The company isn't even going bankrupt
You’re going to eat those words

>> No.54204250
File: 104 KB, 1075x1250, Thisisyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54204406

Be careful with how based you are, anon. These shillies are literal days away from the ledge. You might send them careening over before they get to see the green candles tickling Uranus.

>> No.54204261
File: 60 KB, 294x361, BAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will gladly do so. I agreed to this deal multiple times. If BBBY eats shit I will sit in this thread and let everyone make fun at my expense. I just want you silly shillies to afford me the same courtesy of making fun of your before you kill yourselves.

>> No.54204273
Quoted by: >>54204313

>hedge fund sells all its profitable short positions to a newly opened shell company LLC for 1 dollar
>new company tries closing shares
>declares bankruptcy
What now? Anyone who lent out shares took on counterparty risk, there is no magical reason they need to have their shares returned.

>> No.54204313

The DTCC takes over the losses and they sure as fuck do not want that. PFOF created some pretty scary situations where retail is now sniffing out the counterfeiting operation that they were engaged in and they have no legal way to close this shit out without eating shit.

>> No.54204406
Quoted by: >>54204452

>These shillies are literal days away from the ledge
Says increasingly desperate bagholder for the 7th month in a row

>> No.54204452
Quoted by: >>54204480

Only one of us can be right. I think the bull thesis is far more compelling. My 100% loss is nothing compared to what you lose if we squeeze. Your loss is my gain and I'm not selling.

>> No.54204480

>Only one of us can be right
>I think the bull thesis is far more compelling
Its compelling in the same way a james bond movie is compelling. Great narrative but not based in reality
>My 100% loss is nothing compared to what you lose if we squeeze.
Ok. Its impossible for it to squeeze though. You didnt squeeze at 100M shares so you definitelt wont squeeze at 335M
>Your loss is my gain and I'm not selling.
Ok. Hold till zero then
Kek baggies

>> No.54204497

Good morning from Hyderabad sir

>> No.54204498
File: 495 KB, 168x130, tldr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read

>> No.54204575

Did you guys hear about the fake-and-gay "bank run" orchestrated by MAGAtards? Yea, that sounds like it's totally organic and not setting up for a left-right political spin instead of the bankers being responsible.
Shorts have to be shitting their pants right now. CUSIP change, bank runs, market crashes, spiking interest rates. It's all setting up to blow out your assholes in a massive squeeze. Things are not looking good because the collateral underpinning the shorts is tenuous at best in this environment. And the needs of the American banking system on the international scene is going to trump the needs of short hedge funds. They know they will be thrown under the bus eventually.

>> No.54204673

When? Two more weeks?

>> No.54204789

I am so excited to buy more tomorrow.

>> No.54204819
Quoted by: >>54204958

me too

>> No.54204958

Same. The price crash in afterhours was meant to be a scary event but it's really not. It's all fake and gay. The only real price action was the weeks leading up to 120% increase to $7 per share before the price started barcoding. The shorts are on life support and everyone knows it. They are grasping at straws. This is the dip before the rip. It's looking like a gayop "bank run" was scheduled for Tuesday and the precursor for a banking collapse/market crash and the shorts are basically piled in on the wrong side of the trade. All of the selling already occurred, and they will soon be the forced buyers when their collateral collapses all around them. Banks are going to need their money and shares this week and the end game is nigh.

>> No.54205036
File: 137 KB, 1080x593, 1678141421902082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54205067

no, you misunderstand me. I'm excited for you all to buy more because I want you to lose everything when this junk play goes to 0.

>> No.54205067
File: 42 KB, 460x338, Brrrrrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBBY gonna go brrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.54205077
Quoted by: >>54205103

yep it'll be brrrin all the way down bankruptcy and zero :D

>> No.54205103
File: 526 KB, 500x352, Checkem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ch...checked t.t

>> No.54205110


>> No.54205444
Quoted by: >>54205478

Reminds me of the time it dumped to like 1.25 then went to $7 within a few days.

>> No.54205478
File: 1.36 MB, 320x240, AwwSheeeit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54205589

Nice get. Yea, I think we haven't seen the last of the explosive days higher. I think the next time it happens will be even more explosive than before. The more you slurp sub $1 than more your portfolio will balloon when it does.

>> No.54205589
File: 180 KB, 1080x742, Screenshot_20230319_122027_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54206114


Well that's a wrap

>> No.54205893
File: 29 KB, 334x506, 55026047-9A47-461D-9461-9C4BBFABA544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that the shorts are in a good position because the stock is at an ATL
Sure if you’re a household investor who shorted a reasonable amount. No luck for the greedy Jews who are betting everything on never having to close. A low price is risky for them because people can afford more shares than ever before they want to play into retards emotions to get people to “cut their losses” not buy and DRS for cheap.

>> No.54205943

How low could this actually go before M&A, spin off news comes out?

>> No.54205992
Quoted by: >>54206140

There’s not a lot of down side, but whole lotta upside. Prime slurping zone territory.

>> No.54206028
Quoted by: >>54206140

We are below the ATL, act accordingly

>> No.54206110
Quoted by: >>54206140

>How low could this actually go

>> No.54206114
Quoted by: >>54206140

What the fuck does this mean

>> No.54206140

This whole thread is just one guy samefagging, isn’t it?

>> No.54206169


>> No.54206247
Quoted by: >>54206445

No, I'm just asking how low it could go, since the vote for the reverse split go come with additional news.

>> No.54206266

took my gains to gemly.site anyways

>> No.54206445
Quoted by: >>54206892

It’s going to zero

>> No.54206642


>> No.54206746
File: 325 KB, 580x580, 1671107098232900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't be convinced you're all not figments of my imagination

>> No.54206892
Quoted by: >>54207060

the company isnt worth zero.

>> No.54206905
File: 226 KB, 1822x414, bbby split.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54206969

>the split is bearis-

>> No.54206919

Remember when shills said bbby was going to be bankrupt next week? That was three weeks ago.

>> No.54206969
Quoted by: >>54207008

The amount of evidence piling up in favor of M&A activity is very compelling.

>> No.54207008
File: 187 KB, 399x399, 1661925282001768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the shills don't get is at these prices, what do I have to lose? $5000, if it goes totally to $0 (which it won't). $5000 is more than these shitskins make in 5 years. I can sell a deal at work and make it back in a month. Upside if we're right far far far outweighs losing a few grand. Shills are so retarded kek

>> No.54207060

it's actually worth much much less given that 5 billion in debt they have around their necks
are you trying to convince me or yourself?

>> No.54207103
Quoted by: >>54207119

I really don't care what you think.

>> No.54207119

so you're trying to convince yourself. Gotcha.

>> No.54207122
Quoted by: >>54207280

Also David Kastin's resume tells me everything I need to know about BBBY's plans.

>> No.54207280
Quoted by: >>54207532

Right? The shillies are desperate for us all to focus on the price as if we all can't see it is fake. They know damn well they are not trying to convince us of our lying eyes but to dissuade others from seeing what an imminent goldmine BBBY is. The future of internet retailing is not going anywhere and BBBY has existing infrastructure already in place. Lots of people would be interested in buying it up at these prices. We could get diluted or even go into Chapter 11 but that doesn't magically undo the fact that we own a profitable subsidiary in Buy Buy Baby. The bear thesis is comically insufficient at explaining anything orher than affirming short hedgies' attempt to shake the tree and get retail to sell. Retail typically does not parse through all of the SEC filings to sniff out a merger, and the exposure given to it by RC, GME, and Icahn is an absolute disaster for the shorts. I think a bear trap was set and they live or die on the dilution that is not coming. Despite the price they are are far more worried now than ever. They dug the grave, and we're gonna put them in and bury them in the short position they willingly opened.

>> No.54207498

Nice false dichotomy you really got them!!

>> No.54207529

I know right. I was at the dogpark the other day, and noticed a Labrador pushing out a fat log. On the spot I whipped out my wallet and paid it's owner $500 for it. Jokes on him, if it turns out the turd is worthless I'm only out $500. If the shit goes up in price, I'm worth millions. Won't he be mad when he turns on the news and sees that the great turdsqueeze is happening. I was slightly worried that further poops might dilute my investment, and the owner did tell me that the dog shits at least twice a day, but I've chosen to interpret his warning as a hint that Ichan will buy the turd from me. I'm so glad I've found this community of like minded investors to share wins like this with.

>> No.54207532

You're straight out lying. People here bring up valid points. I think it's possible that the same people who shorted this company are also the ones who bought warrants. If that's the case, they can cover their shorts whenever they want + they can suppress any pump by exercising more warrants.
Dillution kills squeeze play basically, and yet it has been ridiculed for weeks for some reason. I sometimes wonder if people like you maybe work for HC and are trying to lure in more retail traders into a losing trade.

>> No.54207549

if this is supposed to scare people into selling, you are really terrible at your job

>> No.54207632

Whole lot of false equivalence from the shills today, running out of ideas?

>> No.54207670
Quoted by: >>54207696

Fuck off shilly. Post the 8-k that shows that Icahn isn't going to buy my dogshit off me. Oh, that's right, you can't.

>> No.54207696

these made me laugh very hard. thanks

>> No.54207747


>> No.54207824
Quoted by: >>54208264

You realize that the dilution hasn't set in, "outstanding shares" includes other forms of equity, not just common shares.
>the shills continue to shill.

>> No.54207977

My resolve is stronger.
>Dilution never happened. Outstanding stock includes the preferred stock.

>> No.54208071
Quoted by: >>54208568

>dilution never happened
>hudson bay never bought the warrants
>ryan cohen never sold

>> No.54208264
Quoted by: >>54208559

>dilution hasn't happened, the new shares haven't been sold yet
ok. what do you think happens when those 200M new shares *are* sold then?

>> No.54208559
Quoted by: >>54208608

We pretend they haven't been sold. It's foolproof!

>> No.54208568

>Earth is round

>> No.54208608

And then when theres irrefutable evidence, we just pretend its bullish anyway!

>> No.54208870
File: 34 KB, 680x608, toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao wel played

>> No.54208975

Just FYI, this guy, u/ppseeds, is a shill plant


He will be used to price anchor once the squeeze starts. Shills have been artificially growing his reputation to make him seem like a prominent member of the movement. Be skeptical of anything he posts.

>> No.54208983

this destroys the bbbaggie

>> No.54209016
Quoted by: >>54209973


>> No.54209038
Quoted by: >>54209973

fuck you are retarded if you think this works

>> No.54209072
Quoted by: >>54209973

He isnt a shill he's just fucking retarded. Went all in at $11, and then "doubled down" at $8

>> No.54209077

>price anchor

why is having an exit strategy a bad idea? I'll be very happy with $20-30 a share. Is that really low?

>> No.54209096

Outstanding shares include preferred, common and restricted.


Does this mean we haven't been diluted? Idk we'll just have to wait.

>> No.54209120

until we see an 8k that shows the exercising of preferred to common then we have not been diluted.

>> No.54209126

That’s not bad, but it could just as easily hit a new ATH

>> No.54209184

It specifically said "outstanding common stock: 335M"
The fully diluted outstanding is 900M (ie: what they are authorised to issue)
You will see come earnings, baggot

>> No.54209755

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that BBBaggot can't tell when someone is mocking them.

>> No.54209776

It's not, it's because they don't want other people to leave before they do and they'll be stuck holding the bag

(assuming it squeezes, which it won't)

>> No.54209852
Quoted by: >>54209973

go back nigger

>> No.54209973

I actually wasn't sure if this and just wanted to see what shill sentiment was when I posted this, interesting responses so far pajeets

>> No.54210214

Threaded frens

Sneed hedgies