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File: 593 KB, 1558x1012, 4325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52288244 No.52288244 [Reply] [Original]

Hummingbird Edition

>Why Gold?

>Bullion Dealers
https://jmbullion.com/ (US)
https://goldsilver.be/en/ (BE/EU)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (UK)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Russian/European Coins
https://oldsilver.ru/ (EU/UK/US)

>Constitutional/"Junk" Silver Info

>Compare Spot Price Websites
https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)


>COMEX vault live graphs

>Numismatic News (featuring international gold & silver coins)

>Bullion Tax Info By State:


Nitric Acid, Magnets and Ping Test

>Relevant Information Regarding Mining Companies

Previous Thread:>>52271847

>> No.52288288
File: 16 KB, 247x244, baldwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52302113

>> No.52288346
File: 253 KB, 680x524, 1667463247931525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto crashin'
>Silber moonin'
This is our time, boys. We must convince the baggies only PM can save them from financial doom

>> No.52288443
File: 445 KB, 1096x1461, 20210422_063856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except we don't need to convince them. Stackers are not dependent on getting someone to buy our bags. That's the crypto fag game. We stack for the ages, not for the greater fool.

Out of my humanitarian nature, I hope they dump their play money and get on the PM bus. But if they don't it doesn't matter to my stack in the slightest.

>> No.52288459

Whew. Silver finally mooned. Now I can retire comfortably. Who wants to buy my silver?

>> No.52288490
Quoted by: >>52288533

We did it boys, we won. Time to go get some pussayy

>> No.52288491

idk i dont like coins which have elizabeth on the back because i have already so many with her

im waiting now for charles, any one feels the same?

>> No.52288521
File: 75 KB, 640x421, jeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Boys... boys! Good morning.

>> No.52288533
File: 383 KB, 1733x2600, japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, how many mercs?

>> No.52288541

yes no more uggo grandma coins please

>> No.52288623
File: 283 KB, 1072x1429, 20210512_151046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52288654

You and I are destined for a bidding war, fren.

>> No.52288637

didn't buy my gold corona over the weekend so i knew gold was going to spike

>> No.52288641

What's with the rapids moves in gold and silver as of late?

>> No.52288654
File: 185 KB, 1000x1500, 53f9114ed3b5dbd66afeeb7b373b7978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52288733

More people looking for unpopular but effective hedges
(((They))) are allowing more volatility to signal to people paying attention that movements are coming.
It's going to be slow, like PMs always are. Multi-year leg ups and plateaus

>> No.52288787

even so, pm are still having several +/- 3% or moves in a day. Typically we see a >3% move in a day about once every 3 months.

>> No.52288986
Quoted by: >>52289129

Its not that difficult
Clownworld is causing unprecedented inflation in most people's lifetimes and there's no sign of it stopping.

People are looking for anything that can last forever to invest it, which gold and silver both are. Hence a lot of movement

I'm including myself and I convinced one other too

>> No.52288990
File: 39 KB, 640x640, 4e40b88cfae109731619c240721891c5363e827ce5741e4044861f86273c0e61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to get a tube of 2022 roos and krugs, but I'm getting priced out. Maybe I'll just get one coin of each. Oh and a maple too.

>> No.52289129
Quoted by: >>52289426

that would explain sharp upward movements but what about downward ones too?

>> No.52289167
File: 12 KB, 326x252, 533EDB9A-C415-4D92-B538-C8C9E428FC54.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crypto nerds will seethe

>> No.52289186
File: 1009 KB, 1016x2950, Did You Know The Gold In The Earth's Core Could Cover The Earth In A Knee-High Layer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So the quantity of gold available for money is controlled by geology itself instead of politician and banker greed? The future looks bright and shiny!

Mostly, but there are multiple things affecting the price of gold. If you wiped out 7 billion people right now the value of gold would drop significantly.

>> No.52289195

somebody make a big gold purchase, so price goes down again

>> No.52289202
File: 522 KB, 2048x1536, brit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> MONSTER BOX 500 x 1 oz silver BRITANNIA 2023
> 15 599,35 €
Wew lads! I bought a 2022 monster box a couple months ago for 3900 euros less.

>> No.52289209
File: 442 KB, 709x2062, Feds announce seizure of $3.36 billion in bitcoin stolen a decade ago from illegal Silk Road marketplace the second-largest crypto recovery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto nerds will seethe
They do indeed.

>> No.52289337
Quoted by: >>52289490

Just sold a bunch of old Nintendo stuff like Game Boy, Camera, Printer and a few games. Still kept my GBA SP, tho. Now I can afford a few more coins.

>> No.52289410

>Stackers are not dependent on getting someone to buy our bags
Yes of course you are. In the case of G/S you literally have a physical bag you have to dump on someone if you want to do any transactiin with it. Shit on crypto all you like if you want but this is delusional.

>> No.52289426
Quoted by: >>52289578

Maybe speculators selling? Or people desperate for cash trying to get something for their increasing bills? Temporarily less demand as people have less to spend?

Something like that

>> No.52289443
File: 70 KB, 1260x483, MOOOOOOONING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52289498

you tards need to check your definition of mooning

>> No.52289490
File: 10 KB, 145x206, 1665559652263074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a small monthly pension that has been my pm fund for awhile now, but I'm starting to put small amounts of money aside in daily life, and buying what I can once I get over the free shipping amount. Adds up surprisingly quick.

>> No.52289498
Quoted by: >>52289542

>posts a pic of fake, fantasy meme price
Check out price in the real world some time.

>> No.52289542

go ahead and link me some historical real world prices

>> No.52289556
Quoted by: >>52290496

>It's going to be slow, like PMs always are. Multi-year leg ups and plateaus
lol, i dont think so bub
the system is unstable as fuck right now

>> No.52289578

it's called the banks dumping paper silver
you sure are a newbie

>> No.52289596
File: 21 KB, 1874x841, REAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52289621


>> No.52289606
File: 452 KB, 2048x1536, brit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda just did >>52289202
Those are prices on goldsilver.be 2 months ago vs. now.

>> No.52289621

top minds of /pmg/ right here

>> No.52289632
File: 1.65 MB, 1168x766, 20toz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit on crypto all you like
thanks, i believe i shall

>> No.52289648
File: 1 KB, 235x89, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52297182

did any of you guys get an error like this trying to use the shop in UK?

>> No.52289778
Quoted by: >>52290086

My mining stocks are on a tear right now. I enjoy the suppressed price as it gives me a comfy-cheap place to invest my money. But damn is it comfy to see your stock portfolio start to reflate.

>> No.52289840

>Late last night be browsing ebay
>Lowball bidding on 20-30 different pieces of Silver
>See NGC graded ASE's
>"Why do retards buy these who cares about grading"
>Price seems low, place bids without verifying

This morning I woke up to having won 3 NGC MS69 ASE's at between $40-$42. God fucking damn it. I don't even like ASE's that much. For the premium I'd rather have Libertads or Kooks.

>TFW bought 3oz of silver but could have bought 5oz of generics for same price

>> No.52289889


>> No.52290030

What are the implications of buying before eclipses only? Clearly it worked out well this time around! thats my new strat

>> No.52290086
Quoted by: >>52290429

Which miners you holding?

>> No.52290148
Quoted by: >>52290222

nice anon, show us some shinys!

>> No.52290222
File: 659 KB, 2048x1536, wienerbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the box >>52289606
I also bought these wieners for a little bit more. Maybe I should have gotten 2 boxes of britannias instead? I just don't know.

>> No.52290228
Quoted by: >>52290428

sweet box, frendo

>> No.52290281
Quoted by: >>52290428

>That's the box
yes, but surely you're memeing with these blurry pics lol? anon im requesting professional shiny photography here, not this amateur work

>> No.52290428
File: 73 KB, 800x800, monster-box-500-x-1-oz-philharmoniker-2022-bu-150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a nice box, even has columns on it like a building. The britannia box is just... a box. Pandas come in a fucking milk crate. XD

It's an old phone, and I suck at photos, can't hold still long enough to take a picture that's not blurry. Plus the cable gets in my way, I don't like to remove the USB cable it's a PITA to plug it in. And I have to hold a light in that hand too. It's just generally not much fun for me to take photos.

>> No.52290429

A lot of them. Some are tiny positions, some much larger. NEM, GOLD, PAAS, Dolly Varden, Baghorse, Ascott, AEM, GROY&WPM(royalties), Blue Lagoon, AG, SILJ (ETF), OR, NFGC,SLVRF, GGTHF.
Most are down HARD because I bought them last year, but if miners take off I want to be spread out and diversified to protect myself from political risk.

>> No.52290449

Just picked up 4 second hand philharmonics for £25 each last ones in stock, had to be quick on the draw.

Feels good to not be a VAT paypig with silver for once.

>> No.52290496

a lot of people are going to sell at $50/oz, $100/oz, any other psychological number.
Lots of volatility ahead.
The real long term holders will be separated from the chaff over some surprisingly long crab sessions.
If there's one skill they do have, it's can kicking

>> No.52290567

i respectfully disagree with your idea that there will be 'long crab sessions'

>> No.52290573

never selling

>> No.52290611

Good, same. Will use as collateral for loans, perhaps, at some point later, but never selling, will be passed onto kids

>> No.52290723
Quoted by: >>52290761

lmao I'm in the green already with silver coins I bought just a month ago. I can sell back immediately to the dealer and get 2.50€/coin more than I paid. My 250g bars from July sells for 70€ more. This is the easiest profit I ever made.

>> No.52290740

Dumb money will be selling BEFORE the bond market is resolved. The exponential nature of debt ensures that it will come to a head eventually. The only way to prop it up is to have increasing input: Cheap energy, cheap labor, cheap imports while simultaneously debasing the dollar. Inflation is here to stay, sadly.

>> No.52290745

Feel free to do so but don't say stupid shit at least.

>> No.52290761

happy for you, but the issue is lack of historical retail pricing information unless you're filling in your own spreadsheet

>> No.52290787
File: 705 KB, 2048x1536, coins2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52291826

I'm not interested in graded stuff, but I did spend almost 40 euros on some old kooks. And now with everything going out of stock, I'm going to try to pick up the coins I like before everything disappears. Already I'm seeing some stuff I bought is all gone, as are some coins I didn't get but should have.

>> No.52290834
Quoted by: >>52292639

When will the price go back down? Lobo on kitco said to wait till the reccesion kicks in because commodities will go down and the only things u should be buying is uranium stocks. Whats everyone thoughts atm? We going higher or back down?

>> No.52290848

If you really want a historical real price data, you'll have to do the legwork yourself. Go on web.archive.org and put in every major dealer, then record all prices. Lots of work, and not really worth the hassle IMO. But if you want it, it's there.

>> No.52290947

Indeed the lack of retail price tracking anywhere is unfordunate. At least I can't find any on the shops I frequent or any of the aggregator sites. I can at least check my purchate history with the price at the time. Still, the point stands. If you bought silver within the last few months at least you are likely in the green, even if you just sell back to the shop instead of p2p.

>> No.52290954
File: 118 KB, 720x731, 1621684199186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52296649

But i want all my non-outright-scammer /biz/ brothers to make it

>> No.52291046
File: 297 KB, 800x800, Hummingbird-1oz-gold-coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hummingbird Edition

>> No.52291766

Waiting for Bunny King Charlie on a coin, even if his mug is gonna be just as old&ugly as the Lizard Queen was.

>> No.52291826
File: 288 KB, 500x500, Screenshot 2022-11-08 at 12-24-00 2013 Australia 1 Dollar Kookaburra 1 oz 999 Silver BU Coin eBay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only recently started getting into Kookaburras. Wish I got into them before premiums got crazy but oh well, not like I'm trying to buy tubes of them.

Whats your favorite year?

>> No.52292158
File: 467 KB, 1280x954, kooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only got a few (2019, 2021, 2022). Out of those the 2019 is my favorite. I'm going to try to get the 2018 at least. Some of the older ones like you posted are pretty sweet too, but probably very hard find now.

>> No.52292296
File: 797 KB, 4045x2064, P10317741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell at $50/oz, $100/oz, any other psychological number.
I will hold but average into gold at 1:35, 1:25, and 1:20. I will not part with more than 40%of my silver in this exchange.

>> No.52292554
Quoted by: >>52294096

Dad just sold his $2,350 guitar and is gonna go buy cheapies. Glad the price is already coming back down.

>> No.52292636
File: 68 KB, 523x800, D6FEDCEB-8C2C-4052-9A2A-611BB06B0C3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52307427

Day 3 of asking Mintanon for Greggs coin. NORF FC on obverse SOUF FC on reverse

>> No.52292639
Quoted by: >>52293421

In the next week? Back down to 19.8 or so probably. Buy buy buy.

>> No.52292678
File: 1.44 MB, 2448x2544, IMG_2063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new shiny
1oz proof silver krug

>> No.52292702
File: 1.14 MB, 2448x1860, IMG_2061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes the bullion look like a piece of shit

>> No.52292843
File: 1.00 MB, 2196x1792, IMG_2058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one, check the ultra cameo finish

>> No.52292848

I call next

>> No.52292884

very nice krug fren

>> No.52293118
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 2020_1_oz_silver_australian_kookaburra_100-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite is the 2020 anniversary version. bonus: it has twice the bird and a quater the lizard

Other than that the 2013 is really beautiful and the 2022 has a nice composition except for the font. I really love them all though and have like 13 different ones.

>> No.52293137

The only thing I'll ever part with my silver for is land. Fertile land is the only other thing i see as being as valuable.

>> No.52293401
File: 437 KB, 967x1289, 20221108_090759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52293421

Sweet im planning in staying in cash for a while nd shiiiii so idk if i should wait or pull the trigger when it dips, and even if it dips how cheap will coins be, cheapest j see is 29 bucks for canadian maples

>> No.52293589
File: 141 KB, 750x741, 1665265624060503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye, Captain. She's a beautiful sight, aarrgghh.

>> No.52293631
File: 1.37 MB, 2340x2373, IMG_20220618_083607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52294938

That is the predicament, fren.
Liquid or solid?

>> No.52293672
Quoted by: >>52293891

I doubt premiums go down any time soon, might as well buy now.

>> No.52293770
File: 2.10 MB, 1944x2592, 544325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52294206

Noice, have 2 of the reverse proofs myself

>> No.52293891
Quoted by: >>52293971

You underestimate the financial hardship of the goyim come Januworry. The goyim are already on credit cards just to maintain some part of their standard of living and they continue to be squeezed tighter.

>> No.52293971
Quoted by: >>52294211

people who are that financially strapped don't have big hoards of PMs to sell

>> No.52294096
File: 112 KB, 630x410, spiky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they're going to sacrifice more and more of the eligible silver to dampen the impact of free fall in stock. That would mean quite a few more months of cheap silver. They can and probably do just program their system that way to make it happen in real-time. I don't think it's going to help since what is stacking for another half a year if not great? There's more than enough demand to drain it all.
>price is already coming back down
FWIW, nothing of that sort is happening here. Sometimes prices goes down a few cents but then it jumps up big.

>> No.52294206

very nice. haven't seen any of those for sale.
I only picked this one up because it was cheap (£55). It was listed on fleabay as having slight tarnishing (you can see it >>52292678 on this one, but not really with the naked eye). There's also 2 small milk spots on the other side.

>> No.52294211

Fair, but the redittards and many others will be burnt out come Jan especially stackers buying for black Friday and Christmas. I am holding my cash for a delicious slurp while everyone is bleeding.

>> No.52294240
File: 105 KB, 630x410, smooth.jsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52295256

For comparison, this is gold spot price. It looks exactly the same but lacks the weird sharp downwards spikes. Is that what market manipulation looks like?

>> No.52294253

best of luck

>> No.52294403


>fully stocked desert island paradise
How many days in a row do you think you could hit it before you got bored with it and took a day off?

>> No.52294524

>If you wiped out 7 billion people right now the value of gold would drop significantly.
That's a level of collateral damage I am fully willing to accept.

>> No.52294599
Quoted by: >>52295641

When do you think that big ole slurp is going to come my fren?

>> No.52294827
Quoted by: >>52295238

this agreed, the money masters are sick of giving us cheapies.
their main concern is not letting price action lead to a normie fomo and if it does to of course contain it to SLV and friends
unfortunately there are 100's of thousands of pseudo-normies who are on WSS and have been sperging to all their friends irl about silver
so if any normies ask these people about metals there are not a non-negligible proportion of the population who know the important facts that a run on silver could finally be dangerous

>> No.52294877

If you want to bet better look closely at registered and eligible. Reddit won't do anything.

>> No.52294938

Solid Snake best Metal Gear Solid

>> No.52294941
File: 343 KB, 1536x2048, first Bucket Nugget of the Winter 2.77 grams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

afternoon all!
My first bucket of winter panning dirt thawed enough to play with this morning and look what popped out of it!
Its just over 2.7 grams, a stunning chunk of dendritic gold. The bucket came from under a boulder patch in my hand workings that I have posted before. Surprisingly very few magetites in this bucket, its almost entirely crushed quartz and pyrites.

>> No.52295211
File: 120 KB, 1187x748, 57507E11-8F81-450A-B7B7-BBAF614FA32D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52295324

Nice. Hope to find such a chunker myself. Looked up some more info a put my area and seems like it should be possible.
Apparently this 1oz (including quartz) is the biggest found here so far.

>> No.52295238
Quoted by: >>52295416

I guess that might be a cultural difference. No way many cash-in-a-bank kind of normalfags and boomers who are still not aware of what's happening are going to put serious money into metals around here. Most don't even take stacking seriously. Maybe right before it's over anyway but even then it would mostly be gold and not silver. I know because I've been sperging out about silver, too.

>> No.52295256
Quoted by: >>52295301

Yes, in the past those sharp spikes, those individual dump batches, were enough to change momentum for a day or more. The same techniques are being applied but the market demand for non-crypto non-RE non-(35+P/E stocks) is quickly shrinking

>> No.52295301
File: 783 KB, 1916x1322, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*demand is increasing supply is shrinking

>> No.52295324
Quoted by: >>52295519

that nugget wasnt far at all from the source! Gold with a lot of quartz in it usually breaks apart after a short travel distance into smaller nuggets. I cant wait to get to the other 11 buckets i saved, but with -25 outside, those will take ages to thaw out.

>> No.52295416

this is my point
the money masters will let silver slowly go up so it is more expensive for the small number of stackers
but it cant pop to $25 or something like that
this may attract actual attention
more and more people looking for "inflation defense" now adays
some say crypto, oithers stocks, real estate.
if metals gets the pump then the fomo comes in

>> No.52295519
Quoted by: >>52295785

> that nugget wasnt far at all from the source! Gold with a lot of quartz in it usually breaks apart after a short travel distance into smaller nuggets.
Looks a bit like a conglomerate with gold as the concrete. But I agree, that really can’t have travelled far. Again, source wasn’t found and no others, but still, shows that you can get lucky.

>> No.52295521


>> No.52295552

>Crypto plummets
>silver and gold moon
All is well

>> No.52295563
File: 47 KB, 750x438, CentralBanksGold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real answer is that central banks have been buying gold. Lots of it.

>> No.52295641
Quoted by: >>52307524

I'm betting on middle of January 2023.

>> No.52295785
File: 944 KB, 1536x2048, 307276197_1734702123561255_6407161374039025740_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats for sure source gold, its fresh from an extremely rich vein. The gold coagulated in the semi fluid quartz, creating a cheese curd of metal that has weathered out and made a gorgeous chunk.

Once temps rise out of the -20s i am going back to the bush to start a shaft on this spot, pic related. I ll be comfy in a wall tent on my weekends, I want to see what bedrock has to offer.

>> No.52295861 [DELETED] 

Interesting way to market bird i wonder how many schizos fell for it

>> No.52295899

Cheapies will come back, cope.

>> No.52295927
Quoted by: >>52295991

Delusional. Current prices are going to be cheapies going forward.

>> No.52295944
Quoted by: >>52296676

> thats for sure source gold, its fresh from an extremely rich vein.
Guess where that vein’s from, there ought to be some more.
Amphibolite, Gneiss, Quartzite and various weird mixed lithologies in this area. Geologic map looks like a psychedelic pattern in some areas. Guess the best way to find it would be to systematically sample tributaries and the work my way up, once (if…) I found something.
But maybe it’s from some freak vein. Apparently, gold ore (very little, though) when they dug inside the dolomite hill right here in the city, starting in someone’s basement in WW2 for an air raid shelter.

>> No.52295991

>Coping this hard
I've got dubs and u don't fren

>> No.52296100

ok bro

>> No.52296193
File: 736 KB, 500x526, 1615152073390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> two birds for the price of one
Ooooh maybe I'll get that one too!

>> No.52296297
File: 56 KB, 322x402, 54116.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52296775


Panmeister, are there any sources you can recommend to help newbie get started on this stuff? I'm out East and interested in catching fat nuggets in the weekends when I'm not hunting or fishing

>> No.52296330
Quoted by: >>52296609

only cope i see is from people not satisfied with their current stacks
they might manage to shove the spot price down, but premiums are never going down

>> No.52296449
Quoted by: >>52297023

You assume I plan to sell PMs for dollars. I have no such thing in mind and the time is coming when nobody will sell anything for dollars.

>> No.52296458
Quoted by: >>52296609

Daily reminder that BGASC is still doing generics for $3 over spot. If you find a better deal post it.

I wish that were true, but I just don't see it happening. Even if spot drops to $15 they are just gonna add $5 to the premium and people will still be buying it.

>> No.52296609
Quoted by: >>52296673

I've got 369 oz and more on the way so I'm firmly in the 1%. Cope more.
Yeah but going back down to 19.8 is not impossible, in fact I think it's likely. The want to signal that 18 ISN'T the bottom, that way people sell more, and the only way to do that is shove the price down.

Anything $20.99 and below is a cheapie. You'll see.

>> No.52296649

Agreed. I don't really want anyone to suffer. But I DO need someone to mow my lawn while I bang his sister. So, somebody has to take the hit.

>> No.52296651
File: 203 KB, 960x640, 5482B116-5E5A-4D45-839A-D30075C48E98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52297924

New hoard found

>> No.52296673
Quoted by: >>52297123

Really dollar price doesn't matter though. Any silver above an 80:1 ratio is a cheapie. That's the price that really matters.

>> No.52296676

those are the best looking maps! the ones where the geo team just gives up half way through coloring because the map already looks like they just scribbled at random across the page. The kind of maps that makes the grad student want to shoot himself!
I would start where ever it appears there is a contact between the local bedrock and intrusive volcanic, quartz veins always show up there.

>> No.52296766
Quoted by: >>52296805

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

>> No.52296775
File: 184 KB, 1536x2048, free mill gold from the Arastra prospect 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52297071

>out east

ah thats a bit of a challenge in most of the States, the Carolina's though have some tasty gold if you can find land to play on.
You will need the basics like a gold pan, some buckets and hand tools such as a pick, pry bar, shovel. Remember the basic rules, gold is heavy, its stubborn. Gold only moves if its forced to, look where the heavy storms have left material. Check every bedrock crack and clay boundary. I can only go so deep into this, but there are dozens of vids out there by guys like Dan Hurd and Ask Jeff Williams, they can help you get onto the gold, if there is gold in your region.

Remember! Research is 75% of what we do, once you know where to look you can start looking!

>> No.52296805

i want so desperately to go back and keep digging, but -25 with windchill and ground being frozen like cement makes things difficult. It will be there in the spring.

>> No.52297023
Quoted by: >>52298380

>You assume I plan to sell PMs for dollars
No, I don't. Until you manage exchange that silver for food, bullets, land and/or daughters you are holding a bag of stuff. Physically in your hands.

>> No.52297071
Quoted by: >>52297202


Eastern Canada, actually. Newfoundland. I thought you were from B.C so I didn't specify. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.52297123

Absolute price still matters because that decides how many oz you get. Silver is cheap on multiple levels right now and GSR is just one of them. Another is spot price and the next is retail price. It's also cheap in terms of ATH. And cheap compared to inflation but in this sense it's getting less cheap.

>> No.52297182

Something wrong with the piece of code that prevents cross site scripting. Nothing to worry about.

>> No.52297202
File: 779 KB, 1024x551, Newfoundland gold belt properties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH! I can help with that! Most anons here are US so I was confused. You can get placer gold in a number of places in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland but its difficult ground to read, and very little documentation is left from the placer men who worked those regions in the 1890s. There are a number major hard rock operations being explored in Newfoundland right now, use pic related for an idea of where to start your search.

>> No.52297324
File: 112 KB, 823x1024, 1663740939568047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every time an exchange goes tits up because of retarded leveraged ponzi schemes crypto crashes
>when we break our over leveraged ponzi scheme exchange it will moon
Feels real good to have boomer rocks today.

>> No.52297564
File: 171 KB, 1024x640, 34-1024x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52297697


Awesome. Thanks dude!

>> No.52297599
File: 3.56 MB, 1000x4500, 1647032860866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost at marquess lads, my stack is growing out of control. I'm at the point where I'm going to install an in floor safe

>> No.52297697

>europe covered in lost loot from dozens of kingdoms and empires
dam it why couldnt north american natives make any worthwhile treasure!? Central / South America did but up north... nothing.

>> No.52297761
File: 898 KB, 1228x1116, very_important_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been buying gold lately because silver premiums are out of control

>> No.52297924


>> No.52298044
Quoted by: >>52298087

>why couldnt north american natives make any worthwhile treasure!?
tobacco? naturalist voodoo bone crowns? bison? so good it almost died out
don't know much about them, tho.

>> No.52298087
Quoted by: >>52298210

The peoples of the Pacific northwest were never introduced to the concept of metal until the 17-18th centuries. Its extremely frustrating as their art is stunning, the stuff they started making after they were shown gold and silver through trading. If only they had an extra 300 years with the stuff, the hoards that could have been generated...

>> No.52298210
Quoted by: >>52298564

so what they didn't have the need to play with metal

>> No.52298324
File: 291 KB, 1664x1664, CopperCulture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52298564

>why couldnt north american natives make any worthwhile treasure!?

Hey bro, 6000 year old copper is treasure too! There are some artifacts made from silver/copper halfbreed nuggets which are absolutely stunning.

>> No.52298360
File: 145 KB, 767x1024, 1666115787024611m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52298380
File: 284 KB, 1096x1461, 20210527_175730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52299525

I think we misunderstand each other. The bag holders I'm talking about are looking for short-term profit by finding a greater fool to buy their speculative asset. That is in no way my strategy. I stack to preserve wealth I already have through the coming collapse of the debt-based American and world currency system. I don't need or want anyone else to buy my stack. So I don't need to convince anyone else that PMs are undervalued.

>> No.52298539

Why are silver premiums so ridiculously high at the moment?

>> No.52298564

these really bug me, because i am not 100% convinced the locals on Lake Superior made them. The "Copper Culture" is fascinating. When I was in University, my anthropology / archeology professor was obsessed with this stuff, especially with some of the rumors of tablets that went missing in the 19th century.
To be fair they had Obsidian, which was exactly what they needed.

>> No.52298579

they're not really, you're just judging them off the spot price, which is bullshit

>> No.52298590
Quoted by: >>52298693

gee i dunno, it must be those greedy bullion dealers! just wait a few months and im sure you'll be able to buy a silver coin for 60 cents over spot again

>> No.52298693
Quoted by: >>52298760

I already have a (very small, 10oz) stack. I'm not worried about it. I'm just wondering why "spot" price is so out of whack with "true" price.

>> No.52298711
File: 268 KB, 1576x698, World Debt Pyramid & Info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are They Going To Take Your GOLD? Why CONFISCATION Might Be Coming & What To Do About It!


>> No.52298760

we have been telling people that spot price is fake for years. the discrepancy between spot price and the price of real physical silver will only continue to grow, especially for smaller amounts.
right now you can still get pretty close to spot price if you commit to buying 1000oz bars. you used to be able to get pretty close to spot with a 1oz coin. soon enough, you'll only be able to get close to spot if you commit to buying 5 1000oz bars. this is how they keep plebs like this guy >>52297761 from buying more silver.

>> No.52298796

I always have. Oz of gold, kilo of silver

>> No.52298875
Quoted by: >>52298982

Pan Man hope ur doing good, thank you from saving my shekels from that Ethos Gold stock, i move to the carolinas, where would i go to find gold?

>> No.52298883

But why is the spot price fake? And how are they keeping it down?

Also how do I take advantage of premiums when selling?

>> No.52298982

North Carolina, look up the Reed Gold mines and the discovery of Little Meadow Creek. 1799, the US and the worlds first true Gold Rush. In that region, gold is heavily concentrated on or in a bright blue oxidized band of clay, often located along river banks.

>> No.52299018
Quoted by: >>52299044

>52298693 #
we have been telling people that spot price is fake for years. the discrepancy between spot price and the price of real physical silver will only continue to grow, especially for smaller amounts.
Suck it, Reddit.

>> No.52299044

>he used a plural pronoun!!!!! reddit!!!!!

>> No.52299241

Congratulations on finding the pretty!

>> No.52299389
File: 1.97 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do most of you in /PMG/ primarily hold?

I've got 100oz in .999, like $100FV in junk, and probably 50oz in foreign. It seems though that most of you are primarily stacking .999 though. A

>> No.52299525

My argument is that wealth essentially means power to cause desirable activity in people. There is no store of value that is without risk entirely. You are just speculating that the least speculative device is a good bet. And I would agree it's a good idea and I'm betting on it too, but it's ultimately still outside my control how well it does in reality for the time-spans I care about. Could also go like shit when too many people are hungry because they lose their jobs or just more crazy cost-of-living bumps that they call inflation. Or something more or less mundane that might happen given the current situation.

>> No.52299702 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 1782x1150, ods_PMStanding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing more seriously with this sheet. The factors influencing the results are:
- The more PM available to the public there is, or the fewer people actually owning PM, the more you yourself need to raise your standing (these factors should be obvious).
> By the numbers I've chosen to accept, you'd need 287.17 ozt of silver and 76.611 ozt of gold to be a top 1% owner.
That's kind of depressing, especially since there are waaaay fewer people who even have access to the metals. So here's the sheet and how to create it. Don't like it? Knock yourself out and plug in your own numbers there are basically three spots to do it: population, available silver, and available gold. My reasoning and sources are briefly explained in the sheet.

The first two rows of data use the ozt values you enter manually. In my sheet I link the cells to my inventory sheet so it's always up to date.

I think the rest of the sheet/table is uninteresting, but I initially made this to compare with one another Anon offered, but more versatile. The increment in this example multiplies the preceding row's ozt by 1.5 (the value in cell K2) - doesn't add 1.5.

>> No.52299717

>the discrepancy between spot price and the price of real physical silver will only continue to grow
I think what we're seeing is that the price of something becomes more volatile as the amount of that particular piece of something gets lower. That's why coins go up so much more than bigger bars. That's why they're manipulating silver and not gold.

>> No.52299991
Quoted by: >>52300527

I've been looking at junk silver lately. The crazy premiums make junk silver look especially cheap since they haven't adjusted in price yet. It's possible to get 20-30% more silver by going for good deals on old coins. They also contain less silver which means they're more immediately divisible into smaller denominations which is good for liquidity.

>> No.52300090
File: 213 KB, 1780x1153, ods_PMStanding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52300175

Apologies for the repost: typos in the first sheet. This is corrected.

I've been playing more seriously with this sheet. The factors influencing the results are:
- The more PM available to the public there is, or the fewer people actually owning PM, the more you yourself need to raise your standing (these factors should be obvious).
> By the numbers I've chosen to accept, you'd need 287.17 ozt of silver and 76.611 ozt of gold to be a top 1% owner.
That's kind of depressing, especially since there are waaaay fewer people who even have access to the metals. So here's the sheet and how to create it. Don't like it? Knock yourself out and plug in your own numbers. There are basically three spots to do it: population, available silver, and available gold. My reasoning and sources are briefly explained in the sheet.

The first two rows of data use the ozt values you enter manually. In my sheet I link the cells to my inventory sheet so it's always up to date.

I think the rest of the sheet/table is uninteresting, but I initially made this to compare with one another Anon offered, but more versatile. The increment in this example multiplies the preceding row's ozt by 1.5 (the value in cell K2) - doesn't add 1.5.

>> No.52300156

Got 120oz .999, about $180 in junk, maybe 60 oz of sterling and 4oz of foreign. Its nice to split it up

>> No.52300175
Quoted by: >>52300364

>That's kind of depressing, especially since there are waaaay fewer people who even have access to the metals. So here's the sheet and how to create it. Don't like it? Knock yourself out and plug in your own numbers.
Two notes, this is the MAXIMUM. There is almost NO reasonable way for you to be outside of the top 15% with 5oz of gold. Second point, if we assume that the distribution is most likely exponential, your srnading among the total population with 5 oz is much more likely to be closer to Top 5%-10%.

>> No.52300267
File: 330 KB, 1860x460, gsbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52301260

I guess because there are supply problems. Most stuff is out of stock or pre-sale. Pic is biggest european dealer. They can't even get a 1 kilo bar or most monster boxes until next year.
That's where I bought those two monster boxes a couple months ago. Prices were much lower and there were only very small shipping delays. Most stuff was in stock.

>> No.52300364
File: 2.17 MB, 2270x1440, PMTableForAg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two notes, this is the MAXIMUM.
Correct. I'm assuming the entire world's population has access to PM, and that it's evenly distributed among everyone. In fact far fewer people can hold PM.
Also, I'm considering only PM truly available to the public to hold, not what's actually been mined or could be ("Discovered" is the term from the USGS).
If you more realistically cut down the pop number to only holders and/or increase the amount of PM to include all mined (ignoring discovered) both factors will increase the amount of PM you need to hold to maintain your status. So your status is *less* likely to be that high.
The impossible part to know is how much is held by each individual. It could be for instance that 10 people in the world hold more than you, and there are more people that hold less. Then of course you would be highly elevated.
Good luck figuring that out. The original (attached) didn't either. This is why I'm giving instructions on how to *make* the sheet - so you can go wild playing with your own numbers. Good luck modeling who has how much.

>> No.52300388
File: 875 KB, 1052x1052, 5fb7e2bb133ca6.20425115-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52300445

Yeah just .999 silver so far, but my gold is all 22k krugerrands. I'd like to get some old .925 canadian coins from the 70's like pic, and some older .900 and .835 european silver, but not in any large quantities (just for collecting).

>> No.52300445
File: 537 KB, 256x175, medusaheads.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52302073

>like pic

>> No.52300465

In terms of mass, I'm at about 98% Ag, a fraction over 1% Au, and the rest Pt, Pd, Rh. Unless you count Cu. Then that 98% would split about evenly twixt Cu and Ag.

>> No.52300527
Quoted by: >>52301260

I don't even count my junk, just stack.

>they haven't adjusted in price yet.
Not really true for Clapper junk when you calculate cost per actual ounce of silver, but my LCS can't keep the stuff on the shelves anyway.

>> No.52300533

20 au
620 ag

>> No.52300699
File: 2.37 MB, 4128x1956, Gold Silver Sovereign Stack Update 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52300846

>What do most of you in /PMG/ primarily hold?

>> No.52300846
Quoted by: >>52300996

Silver like 400 to 4 oz of gold

>> No.52300996
File: 68 KB, 988x821, Gold Silver Ratio Year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silver like 400 to 4 oz of gold
As of now around 320oz of silver to 4oz of gold.

>> No.52301072
File: 586 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221108-195519_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent bought any in a while im guna wait but im nigger rich and have 2500 atm, hopefully more soon but i might buy a nigger gun cuz it looks nice

>> No.52301085

1,050 ozAg +/- a few ounces, and 10 oz Au.

>> No.52301113
File: 15 KB, 280x280, 21D09D62-8B94-46EE-A264-8BBD6622542F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52301129
File: 32 KB, 1642x160, table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52301373

I made a table with some of my last purchases. I currently calculate profits from current price which might not be accurate. This list is not sorted. Later orders come after earlier ones.

>> No.52301260

There are other places where kilobars are still available but yeah, the market is heating up.
OK, maybe it's more accurate to say that there are some sources where price hasn't adjusted yet. Last time I checked the 900 purity Schilling was the cheapest silver coin available on price per oz, at least for a sufficiently large number of them.

>> No.52301267


>> No.52301337

you got me. I'm a glowie

>> No.52301373
File: 152 KB, 1000x920, 1d06471707bf97f6731a6da7f0f4a06b1c7daf5d5c567e6fab12004a65d49b2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've kept a similar record in a text file, so I can stay on track. But it's in ozt instead of grams, and I don't have any profit stuff.
Turns out my average cost is 23.79 euros/oz so far. And I guess that's irrelevant now since everything's getting super expensive, but it was useful during the 5 months when I was buying heavily.
Now it's more like I have to make a list of the coins I want to get, and make sure I have enough in my bank account (less than 700 euros currently, not even enough for a tube of roos these days).

>> No.52301390

god i wish they were all that shiny...normal krugs are unsatisfying to look at

>> No.52301409

1M oz of silver 0.1M oz gold


>> No.52301463

today is ASE day
and it feels great!

>> No.52301499
File: 209 KB, 1138x1195, Central Banks Buying Loads of Gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why The Banks Are Collapsing: The Coming Economic Crisis


>> No.52301509
File: 1.33 MB, 2404x2240, 7211BB86-8B40-4912-BB22-6ED6B9351E7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52301535

Leaf stacker here, I live near the mint so I get it fresh from the source

>> No.52301535

how do you get it from the mint? story time pls!!!!

>> No.52301623

newfag here, why in the fuck silver premiums are expensive as fuck? Now, I live in bumfuck nowhere and most of my silver are imported, but it costs like paying twice per oz, compared to buying gold which is like maybe 20-30%

>> No.52301657
Quoted by: >>52301904

Spot is no longer connected to dealer price.
It's going to get worse.
If you're into silver pick up what you can while you can.
We might only have a couple more months of low prices.

>> No.52301678
Quoted by: >>52301914


>> No.52301847
File: 1.68 MB, 1870x1401, AlanGreenspanMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52301904

The Fed is pursuing an inflationary policy and they need to head-fake the plebs and make it look like storing your capital in PMs is a bad plan. It would make headlines if inflation was officially 8% (but people can see firsthand 50-100% on certain food items) and gold was making new all time highs. It would be far too intuitive for people to see gold as a safe haven and begin to stash some of their money in commodities and outside of the financial system. The way they can keep PMs at lower prices is by jacking up premiums. How can they accomplish this? They restrict the production of American Silver Eagles which pulls all premiums higher which can be proven with the US Mint's own production data showing they are comically below their real production capacity. This all seems extremely conspiratorial, and it is. We are literally being looted in order to prop up the banking industry and any semblance that we all won't be destroyed in order to save themselves is a pipe dream. Only AFTER the banks have reached their inflationary goals will they allow PMs to rise. And even then, I wouldn't sell jack shit until the bond market blows up in our face.

>> No.52301904

Got it.
And I'm a dick sucking faggot, apologies. It seems most of the imported coins and bullion are a lot more expensive, kinda sucks because I do love the designs. But I have found some local made coins to be tad cheaper. I guess I'll buy those for stacks instead, maybe slip 1-2 pieces foreign coins for collectibles. I really like Canadian coins.

>> No.52301914
File: 7 KB, 517x141, Capture3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52301937


jesus christ read a book lmao

>> No.52301937
Quoted by: >>52302126

jesus christ get your eyes checked lmao
look at the pic again

>> No.52301963
File: 74 KB, 770x600, 1667443943629989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coins or bars?

>> No.52302022


>> No.52302073
File: 2 KB, 320x200, ghostsn_goblins_elite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both?


>> No.52302113
File: 1.57 MB, 5000x3000, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good evening lads, new bar came in

fpbp and checked, love a leper me

nice treasure anon

>> No.52302126
Quoted by: >>52302242

A marquess is a man. The pic is wrong obvs.

And fuckin retard...stop doubling down on ignorance and just be happy you learned something today!

>> No.52302217

Coins. Bars/bullion is only worth it if you plan to store large amounts over a long period of time. Coins have great local economic liquidity.

>> No.52302242
Quoted by: >>52302538

>stop doubling down on ignorance
take your own advice turd wrangler

>> No.52302317
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 2013 polar bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have this coin and/or know if it can fit into a standard 1 oz capsule? It's 38 mm diameter, 4.10 mm thick.

>> No.52302381
File: 549 KB, 537x540, Screenshot 2022-06-11 230635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52302394

>Hummingbird Edition
Got this for my mom for her birthday this summer.

>> No.52302394
File: 157 KB, 629x562, Screenshot 2022-11-08 215418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just ordered this last night for her for Christmas.

>> No.52302408
Quoted by: >>52302633

Theres no real standard 1oz capsules as not even the 1oz coins are the same size, just find a 39mm capsule for it.

>> No.52302455
File: 1.04 MB, 2769x1387, IMG_2117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone have this coin
No I have these though.
>know if it can fit into a standard 1 oz capsule?
Check out the seller "onfireguy" on Ebay. I just ordered some capsules and capsule tubes off him. He seems to have a lot of stock in the way of coin accessories.

>> No.52302456
File: 2.11 MB, 1080x1500, coin collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the fox version and it's far too thicc for a standard capsule.

>> No.52302538

lmao how do you think i figured out it was a dude title

>> No.52302566

"onfireguy" on ebay DOES have them. Search his store for "1.5oz Silver Canadian Coin Capsules, Air-Tite Holders X38mm White Ring, 5 Pack"

>> No.52302573

I was told rounds yesterday now people are saying coins?
I thought silver was silver if your just starting out. The fuck.

>> No.52302614
File: 91 KB, 900x900, Silver shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coins or bars?

>> No.52302633

I did order some 39 mm capsules for some 1 oz coins I bought without any. And actually one of those coins is exactly 39 mm diameter, so I'm not sure it will even fit. XD

Unfortunately I don't have an ebay account anymore, for like over 10 years. Nice smol coins though. I guess they also sell the 1.5 oz ones in tubes, but I better get only one (not much money in bank).

Cool fox, I'd also get that one if my dealer gets it in stock. So I guess you just don't bother with capsule at all? I'll probably just try to rig a 1 oz capsule.

>> No.52302635
File: 2.88 MB, 2952x3057, 60C88A1B-AA40-4DAD-82AF-109D55B42002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My favourite is the 2020 anniversary version. bonus: it has twice the bird and a quater the lizard

This guy gets it.

I also really appreciate that they matched the second kook to the correct designs for the bullion and proof coins.

>> No.52302657

i haven't purchased in a while and went looking online, where is all the 90% us and 80% canadian? It's all extremely high priced or just not in stock anywhere.

>> No.52302731
File: 78 KB, 646x646, twiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I better get only one (not much money in bank).
I just made a ridiculous purchase, due to arrive on Thursday. Felt pretty naughty when I hit that "confirm order" button.

>> No.52302787
Quoted by: >>52302942


I actually just got some OnFireGuy capsules in the mail today. Ordered on Amazon but they have their own website as well. Seems like pretty good quality, fit my ASE tight as fuark.

>> No.52302942

I ordered the 20 capsules and holder. Too many singles clacking around in my boxes. Nice to hear he has a good products.

>> No.52303380
File: 1.16 MB, 1080x631, birb n burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52303428

Spot price is "fake" because its mostly based on paper and digital trading. Technically you can still almost certainly get real silver for spot price, but only if you're willing to get at least 5 of the roughly 1,000 oz bars that they trade on the exchanges. I think a lot of the reason premiums can vary so much is that most people can't afford or don't want that much all at once. Compared to gold, silver is the people's money, so it's monetary demand is better reflected by the price of much smaller units, IMHO. Right now, I imagine it would take an increase in industrial minting capacity, which will take time, at best, for the increase in retail demand to be able to affect the spot price much. More people are buying silver coins than before, but apparently mints can't turn the big bars into coins fast enough for that extra demand to flow through to the exchanges.
Also, the exchanges that set spot deliver very little physical silver, compared to the amount of trading and investing that takes place. I'm not sure how effective they are at keeping it down over long periods of time, or to what degree the following statement is true, but the conspiracy idea is basically that they sell digital silver that doesn't exist in the real world.
In times like these, you should get a premium when selling to anybody. You'll probably get the best price by listing them for sale online, or running into someone like the anons here IRL.

>> No.52303414

the differences are minimal
just stack as much Ag atoms as you can

>> No.52303428

>Compared to gold, silver is the people's money, so it's monetary demand is better reflected by the price of much smaller units, IMHO.
that's a good point

>> No.52303633
File: 47 KB, 847x390, silver1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52303644

Its the futures trading. The banks sell futures contracts to each other back and forth. The market sees this as an oversupply of silver and so the price of a less scarce commodity goes down. Those contracts however "contain" silver that does not even exist yet. Then there's the more blatant criminal fuckery, where the banks will create huge fake sell orders that they promise to deliver in say 1 week. Then just before they are to deliver the commodity, they delay the settlement date. They delay this settlement date over and over and over. This is called spoofing. They flood the market with the silver they promised to deliver, which lowers the price as the market sees it as an oversupply, then then just can-kick to infinity.

They also straight up short the silver exchanges, which is basically like borrowing silver that they don't have (and probably doesn't exist) and then sell it on the market back and forth to each other. The market sees a large supply of silver being traded and price goes down.

JPM got fined $920 million this year for getting caught manipulating the COMEX futures (again). It amounts to about 0.002% of their 2021 revenue.

>> No.52303644
File: 94 KB, 1002x687, 324242342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong image.

>> No.52303989

Rounds are almost guaranteed to remain at or near the general silver price. Coins have a much greater potential for additional numismatic additional value. If you store them properly.

>> No.52304553
File: 272 KB, 777x389, 69378D51-F37E-44D7-B2AC-789CE9273300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why's the thread so slow tonight?

>> No.52304566
File: 89 KB, 624x472, BigCoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52305177

Idk if this is the right thread, but do any of y'all know what the hell this is?
Found it when cleaning out a passed relative's storage unit, hadnt ever seen a coin this big before.

>> No.52304682

Does anyone have the copy pasta about gold responding to everything by going down

Oil goes up, strong economy so people want risk assets
Oil goes down, recession fears so people dump gold to raise liquidity
Interest rates down, stronger dollar so gold drops
Interest rates spike, you get better yield so people sell gold and move to bonds

>> No.52304763

Because we were all waiting for you to show up, fren!

>> No.52304858
Quoted by: >>52305014

because it's also election day in the US. That said, I can't believe anyone still thinks that the US has fair elections

>> No.52304919

If it’s any consolation that stuff is hard to find, harder than gold, probably, plus the laws on that stuff are much harsher than on gold. Slim chance that you’re gonna keep anything of your historic find, but native gold should be OK in most jurisdictions I know about.
Personally, I’d d rather have canadas huge, “empty” natural spaces (their gold content is only a secondary concern) instead of the slim chance of stumbling upon some treasure.

>> No.52305014
Quoted by: >>52305216

I didn't think people here gave that much credence to Red Jew vs. Blue Jew anymore.

>> No.52305177
File: 179 KB, 338x338, 1910_Pattern_Washington_Nickel,_obverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn jus found out they almost made a Washington nickel. Looks sussin n bussin ngl bros.
Replica of a double eagle. Not sure what it's made of. What's the back look like lol?
Aaaaaaaand checked
> So I guess you just don't bother with capsule at all? I'll probably just try to rig a 1 oz capsule.
Nope. I don't capsule many of my coins anyways. Post your rig when you make it.
>Cool fox, I'd also get that one if my dealer gets it in stock.
Yes it's one of my favorites.

>> No.52305183
Quoted by: >>52305216

Can you bend that gold coin with your fingers? It looks so thin and fragile.

>> No.52305216
File: 2.75 MB, 1080x1415, love me Texas love me gold love me buccees ate me jews ate me feds ate me vaccines simple as.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52305276

Daaaam checked bro. Nice lucky sevens digits too my man! Better post my lucky angel to commemorate this most excellent event.
If I wanted to I'm sure I could. He's already a little bit bent due to how thin of a coin the 5 francs is. I think even a one ducat is thicker. And I'm for sure that a piece of paper is about the same thickness.
You're id says jew if you squint. Pretty sussyyyyy

>> No.52305228

I’m so happy precious metals appear to be decoupling from dog coins and crypto ponzi schemes.

>> No.52305235
Quoted by: >>52305276

Looks miles better than the Liberty Nickel, but the Buffalo Nickel and Washington Quarter were both ultimately better than it.
I honestly wish they had minted it, it has a different 'feel' to it than other US coinage.

>> No.52305276
File: 68 KB, 450x451, 1866 5C Five Cents, Judd-462, Pollock-536, Low R.7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daaaam checked bro. Nice lucky sevens digits too my man! Better post my lucky angel to commemorate this most excellent event.
Thanks cool pic.
*your. Learn grammar retard.
>I honestly wish they had minted it, it has a different 'feel' to it than other US coinage.
If they did then there would be no buffalo nickel. I'd like if maybe they minted it after the Jefferson one. I like the classic Jefferson one but the Washington nickel looks better to me. It does have a certain feel too it, I must agree. It could have done well as a commemorative one off coin like the Lincoln penny was supposed to be.
>Buffalo Nickel and Washington Quarter were both ultimately better than it.
I do like the Buffalo nickel a lot better. One of my favorite US coin designs.

>> No.52305465
Quoted by: >>52305730

Except that silber has actual industrial uses. Also dont forget it has actual numestic value kek kek

>> No.52305483

For anyone scared that the pic related will mean shit for the gold price; it wont.

Unless they find easily mineable deposits just think of the cost and risk involved to mine the fucking earth's core.

>> No.52305730

>sending money over the internet is not useful
These are like NFTs and gay for similar reasons.

>> No.52306176
File: 86 KB, 1024x775, 1666567599130579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black swan event hitting once again the shitcoinsphere. And once again because of a jew.
And that's more entertaining to see ppl lose all their savings in a minute than watching boomer rocks doing a +3%.

>> No.52306368
File: 1.11 MB, 1050x520, d70jub8do4781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a big metals guy. This is the only coin I want but I can't find it for sale anywhere.

>> No.52306418
File: 81 KB, 720x579, 1545713756753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had enough frens.
I'm too poor to afford the current premiooms, so it's time for me to try the scrap-pill.

I'll try to walk in the footsteps of scrapanon. I never managed to score the absurd prices he talk about (which i sometimes doubt bcuz it's just too good to be true), but maybe it's because i don't live in the US.

Few things i noticed :
>bars are fetching an INSANE premium in EU, where i live they are going for 28€/oz on ebay
>there is a pretty consistent flow of silverwave/sterling jewels on ebay
>by searching hard enough and with a bit of luck, i can manage to find silverware for 16-17€/oz

It's a lot more work than i initially thought, because a lot of sellers are purposefully misleading you to think their stuff is the real deal instead of just electroplated shit. Navigate around all the differents marks by countries, scrutinizing the low res pics to find the marks, trying to guess the weight, or if it's filled with concrete, etc... That's a real job ngl! I guess it will become easier as i get more experienced, but you feel the risk each time you bid.

So here's my plan :
- i'm gathering $5K only dedicated to snipe scrap silver on ebay
- forbidding myself to buy over $17.50/oz (shipping included)
- contact refineries to try to get the best offer to cast it into bars (a reputed one would be a big plus for resale purpose)

Normally, with my $5K, i should be able to clear 300oz of pure silver. I plan to cast them into 1kg bars like scrapanon, so 9.3 bars. Let say the refinery is charging 15% of the metal, i'll be left with 8 x1kg bars.

If i sell them on ebay - and assuming the price stay the same - i should be able to resell them for $7200. So i can net 2.2K optimally. But then i need to account for the 13% or some absurd numbers the ebay fees are.
Those 2.2K are approx 2 and half 1kg bar in my pocket for "free" if i manage to do it right.

I'm starting today, wish me luck frens!

>> No.52306435
File: 745 KB, 1913x1801, IMG_20220727_104623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52306514

Why do pms have to keep on mooning :=(========
I want cheapies :=(===========

>> No.52306514
Quoted by: >>52307678

>Why do pms have to keep on mooning :=
>stonks crashing
>shitcoins crashing
>real estate crashing
>bonds crashing
The money have to go somewhere fren. Granted, most of it ends up paying bills, gas and food nowaday. But we are the last bastion of assets doing relatively ok, alongside collectibles.

>> No.52306568
File: 251 KB, 933x1169, 2c6785c4c090899c407e50eb16716dda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you feel it, stackers? It's time. It's time for precious metals to shine. Stories will be told about how we sat proudly as crypto nerds seethed from sea to shining sea.

>> No.52306582

How much of our gold/silver has been in an endless cycle of being melted from historic coins vs what has been mined in the past 100 years?

>> No.52307132

So fellas i should buy silver then? Trade for gold when it goes back up?

>> No.52307153
Quoted by: >>52307172

I bought today so the price should go down until my next paycheck comes in

>> No.52307172

Thank you i will be waitin for cheapies

>> No.52307427

Literally buy your own minting negatives and mint your own coins with a sledgehammer in your backyard. Have a try, it's fun.

>> No.52307524

Risky but could be true. A friend of mine owns a restaurant and the time before Christmas people spend like crazy and in January they shot all the powder.

>> No.52307526
File: 132 KB, 390x390, 1618774786783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me being FOMO faggot bought most of my silver during second half of 2020(peak bull run). Checked prices today and cheapest is like 27 euro per ounce. I probably average cheaper than that. How the fuck am I ahead?

>> No.52307530

Probably closer to 70 or less factored in with premiums ,

>> No.52307613
File: 431 KB, 1245x1140, fundametals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52311866


>> No.52307678

That's my bottom line and the fuds have no response. I have wealth to protect, where else am I going to put it that isn't either at the mercy of bankers or resting on a fragile debt bubble? I already have guns, ammunition, and food.

>> No.52307765
Quoted by: >>52308042

Good luck Anon! Consider selling through another channel besides eBay if they're going to gut you for such a large percentage. Scammer buyers may try to fuck you as well. Watch out for the sharks.

>> No.52307782 [DELETED] 

Anon Get funded and make money if you know how to trade.

After losing so much money with shitcoins I decided to try this and made $3230.10 from trading.

Proof: https://files.catbox.moe/hvueub.jpg
>since bitcoin is crashing I think trading is the best way to make money.
>literally turned my last 200 bucks into $3000+

>> No.52308042
Quoted by: >>52308084

Have you frens figured how you'll sell?

>> No.52308084

Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace and any other other local face to face platform. Most states legally allow the sale of PMs with no tax burden as well. Just meet at a very busy gas station with parking lot cameras and carry a gun.

>> No.52308359

Looks really nice and pleases my autism. I also wanted to get some silver bitcoins before but the premiums always turned me off and I went with cheap shit instead. Right now I'm all in on metals, silver in particular, but long-term I plan on moving some of that over.

>> No.52308860
Quoted by: >>52308915

Uh oh, blue wave is cancelling our cheapies.

>> No.52308898
Quoted by: >>52309539

silvergoldbull is having a "sale" on brits, only 30 dollars an ounce

>> No.52308915
Quoted by: >>52310434

this. only reason i wanted repubs to win is i wanted business confidence so metals would go down again

>> No.52308985
File: 425 KB, 1284x1804, 1667986410793628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be a soldier in iraq 2003

Those bars each weigh 40lb. Just one could easily purchase you a home in 2003. I heard a lot of shit went missing back then.

>> No.52309073

>bought 3.5oz for $100
>sold same 3.5oz for $170 less than a week later
Is this /pmg/ approved behavior?

>> No.52309122
Quoted by: >>52309550

I saw this exact post on /pol/ few hours ago.
Why are glow nigger bots bombarding us with this crap?

>> No.52309126
Quoted by: >>52311013


>> No.52309216
Quoted by: >>52309256

>Buying paper dollaridoos with real money
(j/k. Its fine by me.)

>> No.52309256

I would suspect most here would be okay with the practice as long as that money was re-invested back into more PMs. I'm beginning to understand how people become coin dealers.

>> No.52309440

Yep yep. It seems my impression is there are a lot more "buy and hold" types, which seems like the better strategy when dealing with generic bullion or junk coins. But there are definitely some opportunities for flipping numismatic stuff for big quick profits. Others here have definitely done that, and I've never see anyone here condemn the practice. Probably almost everyone who likes PMs also likes free markets.

>> No.52309467

pmg moving so fast these days no one will know I’m a piece of sulfur.

>> No.52309539
File: 356 KB, 690x690, 1618027743645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your 1/2 oz libertad today, only 99.95, limited offer while supplies last!

>> No.52309550
Quoted by: >>52309734

Because they're planning on going to war in iran

>> No.52309734
Quoted by: >>52311728


>> No.52309759


>> No.52309970
File: 3.73 MB, 4096x2732, cactus cat and rat coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52310038

never was a stacker all i got is like 10 wieners from 2019 but recently i got into numismatics

well the rat 2020 is one of my favorite, maybe ill post later a pic with a real rat holding the coin

i want to buy the 2020 opal series lunar mouse but I've only seen one seller in Germany selling it for 500€ which is way too much imo and one from Australia on ebay for 380€ with shipping
maybe next year when I've got more money again...

any rat coins you can recommend me guys?

>> No.52310038
File: 656 KB, 828x1139, C9D600E9-85B5-4504-846E-971C47C2B770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52310214

This but in a pendant. I assume you are a yoomer

>> No.52310154
File: 706 KB, 2862x2291, KIMG3541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52310227

Good luck anon, were you the one asking about the sterling spoons and fork lot the other day? Most of them were made in Sheffield (crown hallmark) but the "Lion Passant" sterling silver purity hallmark is the most important English mark to watch out for.

I know some anons express doubts about my cheapie scores because they're stuck in the normie mindset of paying premiums and they have absolutely no knowledge of antiques and hallmarking systems, eBay auction mining or estate sales/liquidations, but I've been honest about it in hopes of encouraging clever anons to go out and get remarkable deals for themselves instead of paying into the pockets of the eternal premium-jews. I'm not so autistic that I think a few hundred here or thousand there in cheap bulky dirty old metal is a credible flex for anyone, but I do like sharing and showing anons what they can go do for themselves. Scrap may be harder to come by in France or continental Europe generally because lots got looted during the World Wars or sold/traded away for food during hard times. The USA was rich and untouched by the ravages of war so there's probably a lot more sterling floating around here than anywhere else on earth. I think Canada and then the UK also still have lots of old scrap. I've dealt with antiques since I was a kid, am a blessed burgerfat, and conveniently live near a refinery so it was easy to switch almost entirely to old scrap. I understand it will be harder for people who don't know anything about antiques or who live in shitholes like Romania to start doing but learning curves apply to everyone and it definitely does get much easier, faster and more efficient as your knowledge and instincts get stronger and as you discover and develop successful personal strategies like you're doing. It ain't for everyone but I think it's a helluvalotta fun, the euphoric hits of dopamine from scoring cheapies are like a potent drug and feel way better than paying retail.

>> No.52310214
File: 1.08 MB, 650x512, 1664446204376209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52310334

ahhh this looks nice, especially because it doesnt have elizabeth on the back
but getting this will also take some time, im actually a zoomer and currently earn slightly above minimum wage, but i ll put in on my list

>> No.52310227
Quoted by: >>52310405

Do you scrap and refine or refine yourself? I want to see a fat bar.

>> No.52310271

Now that's what I call military spec anti-semitism. Weapons of mass destruction indeed.

>> No.52310334
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 4841BDCA-B99B-4261-B535-654067BAF6DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52310635

If I buy a bigger gold pendant I would go this (birth year), but we are practical and reasonable foremost.

>> No.52310405
File: 888 KB, 4025x1858, KIMG3330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52310607

No I don't refine myself but found a good source of nitric acid and am looking at starting for fun, I use the refining and bar manufacturing services of Prospector's Gold & Gems because their bars are trusted and easily marketable, my own garage bars wouldn't be trusted or marketable even if purity was .999+. They'll make bars up to 100oz but the largest I've had made are kilos, lately I'm getting 10oz bars because they're more practical and liquid. Anyone random schmuck can use their services unlike other refineries which might want you to be a listed business, but for the best rates you need 100+ ozt batches of scrap.

>> No.52310434

Foreal doe, should I buy silver right now for £27 or will it drop to £25?

I think silver will only go up meaningfully and lastingly when the fed pivots

>> No.52310607

Ahh yes friend. We have chatted before. Those non-retail bars are sexy.
I did a feasibility on refining myself through some new sterling channels I found and it’s borderline, but I enjoy learning and hands on hobbies.
BTW Perth mint is slow as fuck. It’s taken 2 weeks to deliver my physical from my purchase through the app. Will receive today.

>> No.52310635

hongkong and singapore have some really nice motifs
i only looked mostly at European coins because its the closest and they are so ugly esp the ones from austria

>> No.52310887
File: 46 KB, 512x512, 1667941772858924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey does anyone have any ballpark idea/guess as to what the price of gold would be unmanipulated? (Also silver) I don't even expect a dollar value if you could tell me you think gold is underpriced or over that would also be helpful.

What I'm interested in is whether or not this as an investment is more solid than traditional securities. I appreciate any serious answers. Thanks.

>> No.52311013

Prices have been insane lately. If you're just playing around it's no big deal but selling now is unwise unless you have to or can move into better deals if you do it.
Volatile market. It'll bounce back. Rest is correct, though.
A p2p market for /pmg/ would probably be fun.

>> No.52311094

Timing the market / picking tops or bottoms is really difficult. My guess is that small retail products won't drop to 25 again, but I thought that last time they were around 27, and there was actually a brief window when they went back to 25. What I see is a spot price chart that looks like it may have just put in a significant bottom. Most of the primary silver miners I keep tabs on are barely breaking even. Also, I don't foresee retail demand, and thus retail premiums, dropping any time soon because there are still a lot of people who haven't realized yet that inflation isn't going away and that the economy and stocks are likely to remain under pressure. I would guess that it's not a bad time to buy, but I would probably hold some cash back just in case I am wrong.

>> No.52311295

>I never managed to score the absurd prices he talk about (which i sometimes doubt bcuz it's just too good to be true)
yah, he's a big fat larper

>> No.52311348
Quoted by: >>52311772

I think Doug Casey is right about gold being pretty fairly priced right now. I would guess that prices for typical retail silver products are also pretty fair.
I think as long as you have a long time horizon, like a year or two at least, gold is definitely a much more solid investment than pretty much any stocks or bonds. Silver is much more volatile, so I would probably rate it's "solidness" in between stocks and treasury bonds.

>> No.52311500
File: 110 KB, 1024x1024, 1661037831373012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy, always stack. No cap.

>> No.52311590
File: 3.72 MB, 3024x4032, Glod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is extremely undervalued. The reason for this is that so much pent up demand is sitting in deferred assets such as bonds and other financial assets. People and institutions are foregoing consumption TODAY in order to have more consumption tomorrow and they do so because they want to earn a little bit of return. However, if the bond market gets too big, and interest rates begin to rise and these debts cannot be serviced, the risk could become to great and people will want to move their money into safer assets. Gold being one of them.
To give you a perspective, the U.S. bond market alone is $46TN in size. That is TWICE the size of the U.S. GDP. These debts can never be paid, and it is a mathematical fact that a shitload of this money is going to be looking for a home at some point. It is also a certainty that some amount of these debts will be monetized and our cash will be devalued in order to make the commodity-equivalent of these debts worth less. Gold and other physical commodities have no where to go but UP because the CLAIMS to wealth are bogus and can never actually translate into real world purchasing power. The globe is going to absorb the devalued claims/cash via higher prices. Despite the head-fake in price we are seeing now, gold will be far higher once the bond market issues come to a head.

>> No.52311657

Very nice

>> No.52311728

The Arab Spring meme is being forced in Iran again.
I wouldn't bet on it. Retail price has decoupled from spot price.
Maybe double or triple in inflation adjusted terms within the next 10 years. Gold is the safest bet you can make but nothing is certain. Diversify if you want to minimize risk even if that just means buying different metals.

>> No.52311743

It gets cold up here.
We did invent pemmican.

>> No.52311772

Thanks bros. Not sure how to feel about it. The premiums on buying physical make me wary. But I already began stacking. May as well fill a treasure chest I guess.

>> No.52311811
Quoted by: >>52313709

That is the big secret here. You won't see substantially higher gold price until shit really starts breaking down. That is a tall order to predict that the global financial system is going to implode, but give the exponential nature of debts, interest, and money creation, it is a fact that this will happen in our lifetimes and possibly even within the next few years.
Debt/Leverage has the effect of expanding balance sheets, with the problem being that the IOU notes can never collect on spent money. Money spent on consumption has no capacity to be paid back when it was being used to spur on a "service economy". If you don't invest in infrastructure or manufacturing/assets then you don't have the capital to repay the loans. So there are a metric fuckton of ZEROS just waiting to be written off at some point. Zeros written off on balance sheets of pension funds, insurance companies, housing valuations, stock valuations, etc. The deflationary collapse will no doubt be met with money printing in an attempt to pull a switcheroo, similar to Indiana Jones grabbing the statue and replacing it with an equivalent bag of rocks. But the cash/claims created will not be able to translate into real world commodities as they simply don't exist. Hence why you bypass the claims and own the capital assets before your claims are devalued.

>> No.52311836
Quoted by: >>52312354

Premium on gold is 3-5% which is minimal

>> No.52311866

This guy explains it in this whole playlist.
TL;DW: the market cap of physical gold must be the same as the market cap of physical silver which must be the same as all the amount of all paper dollar in existence.
Also, this pic here >>52307613 explains the value of silver in non USD terms.

>> No.52312233


>> No.52312354
File: 721 KB, 571x580, 1661377737764801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been able to find those low 3-5% premiums. I feel like the new floor is 5-6%, unless you're a whale buying 10oz at a time.

>> No.52312622

Based on past performance, high silver premiums seem to be a bullish signal. It seems more likely to me that spot will come up to meet current retail prices than for premiums to come down significantly for a sustained period of time. Personally, I feel fortunate that I got started early enough that I was able to accumulate a reasonably comfortable amount of 1 oz silver at lower premiums, so I've been sticking to kilo bars recently to maximize weight.

>> No.52312742
Quoted by: >>52313173


>> No.52312815
Quoted by: >>52313709

And I'd like to add that Sovs and LMU coins aren't the low premium deals they used to be. Sovs are around 7%, and LMU coins are higher. Is this an issue in the UK and Europe, or are they still plentiful there? I still stack sovs as they're cheaper than pre33 half eagles, but I think I'm done with LMU coins.

>> No.52312889

If you wiped out 7billion people tomorrow the price of everything would drop dramatically.

>> No.52313173
Quoted by: >>52313530

So 50g is the new 31.1g for 3% premiums? The same dealer's cheapest 1oz is 4.1% premium on a sale. So the old average is now a "deal".

>> No.52313530

Stop being a fucking retard

>> No.52313608
Quoted by: >>52313832

Here's a cute bunny

>> No.52313675
File: 836 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_20221107_171731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to back bans, I love it. Ordered this early this month.

>> No.52313709
File: 119 KB, 338x272, 1614457970942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard there's supply problems with LMU 20F coins, but I don't stack them because the premiums were always higher than 1 oz krugs.

>the global financial system is going to implode, but give the exponential nature of debts, interest, and money creation, it is a fact that this will happen in our lifetimes and possibly even within the next few years.
The dollar reserve currency is failing. It basically already failed and is on life support since 2008, and a total zombie since 2019. They plan to replace it with a CBDC slavery system. Then they won't care about the other stuff like balance sheets, debts, bonds, etc. That's why they're destroying all the economy, creating supply problems for fuel, fertilizer, food, etc. That's the kind of leverage they need to make the population bend to their will and submit to the CBDC slavery system.
The banks are also buying gold, but it doesn't mean it's to back a sound currency with it. Gold is for international trade.

>> No.52313808
File: 1.61 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20221103_184202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52313827

Smart anons, what comes next? Will I get cheapies or is it over for us poor people?

>> No.52313827
Quoted by: >>52314228

Start stealing catalytic converters and refine them at home

>> No.52313832
File: 969 KB, 2090x1270, PAMP_LunarYears_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52313868

Awaiting the PAMP version to complete this cycle's series.

>> No.52313868

Impressive. Very nice.

>> No.52314029

I have the BTC and ETH versions, and I’d be willing to let go of them if you’d like. I’m not as much into crypto as I was then.

>> No.52314181

I have a very important question but I'll save it for the next thread

>> No.52314228

I'm poor, I'm not a nig.

>> No.52314779

It's not 1oz of 999 silver. It's a lie and magnetic.