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>> No.58278862 [View]
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If anyone is confused by this timeline, just know that those who own money actually want to remove cash from the system in order to give themselves far more leverage over the economy using credit. Private entities have wanted to take control over the ability to mint/coin going so far back as the East India Company who used to lobby the crown in order to export domestic silver coinage and sell it for Indian gold. In the U.S. you used to be able to go to the mint with silver and exchange it for U.S. silver coinage free of charge (or a minor siegnorage). This allowed for the people to always have access to coinage. In human history there is often extreme shortages of coinage. Even in the case of the pre-revolution U.S. the people took to mining their own coins much to the dismay of the crown and the international shipping companies.
Restricting your access to money and replacing it with credit is a tale as old as time and will forever be a conflict of interest between the haves and the have-nots. Unfortunatley, the 'haves' need to be taxed to a draconian degree because their unfettered access to capital is squandored in largesse or used to sabotage the masses to keep the addicted, docile, stupid tax cattle. Human capital needs to be unleashed and fostered and cultured and not denigrated and suppressed as if it were an adversary. It's origins stem from the money supply.

>> No.58208928 [View]
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The paper-ponzi is far more profitable than any speculation on commodities. As the paper ponzi expands it is like a pizza dough that gets too thin and tears. The first tears can be seen in very shallow commodities such as Rhodium and Palladium. The base metal markets had 10x rips last year in Nickel and Tin(?).
One of the most important metals to explode is silver. It having dual purpose as a monetary metal link to gold as well as being one of the single most important commodities for the digital age, silver is set to cause a run on the banks which will inevitably pull gold along with it which will blow out all international treaties/trade unions.
It's a very dangerous scenario because the global economy is saturated in IOUs. It is essentially a giant ponzi scheme with financial planners carefully managing the withdrawals of the ponzi. Silver can tear the whole managed economy to shreds as the IOUs pent up in 401k, pensions, insurance, bank deposits and brokers are simply NOT able to flow in to the real world. Our IOUs are meant to be inflated away and never actually made good. We are supposed to work as credit-slaves owning "demand units" with 100% of our capital being reinvested in the ponzi or consumed as services.
The flight to quality breaks it apart.

>> No.58191779 [View]
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I actually think they can't. All financial systems are dangerously leveraged and Citadel is counterparty to hundreds of trillions of off-balance-sheet derivatives. If Citadel topples over the amount of risk/exposure in the market will cause a massive hedge/unwinding/deleveraging all on its own. And that is not even considering that Citadel will literally get liquidated to close ALL of their shorts.
This is starting to look damn close to the true reckoning to where all of the credit in the system is exposed for what it is. Nothing more than an IOU that deserves a 90% haircut.
As bullish as I am on GME, I want "one foot out" of this market and think it is prudent to keep half of your wealth in precious metals.
If they can pay us for GME then we win. But if they rugpull out of the reality that the capital does not exist and the credit is worthless then you have a hedge. Anyone exposed to this market that is not in GME is going to get rugpulled in multiple avenues.

>> No.57735544 [View]
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Central banks don't hold it because it is too scarce. It actually can't be both a store of value and simultaneously an industrial metal.
This is why you are here to be a fuddy duddy. A flat screen TV costs several hundred dollars and they all have close to 2 ounces of silver in them.
What would happen to the price of TVs if silver was priced based on supply/demand of physical availability and not paper silver/derivatives.

Gold is a great investment to weather the global bankruptcy of humanity that is looming. But per historical, mining, and current ratios, silver is comically cheap.
I hold gold only to stay diversified. However the trader in me thinks it is obviously the correct choice for everyone to sell ALL of their golf for silver.
Central banks are massive and could easily slurp up 100% of the silver market if they really wanted to. But that betrays the trust of the paper-ponzi we all consent to living under. You are I are free to buy up silver and they really can't do anything to stop us. But make no mistake about it, real-life shortage will be exposed first and foremost in the silver market. This makes it hands-down the single most important commodity in the world aside from oil.

>> No.57586222 [View]
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The trick is this: The U.S. economy is an global fiat empire first and foremost. However, the financial benefits can never usurp entirely the need for a real economy. So the problem actually becomes one where the U.S. needs to impoverish its citizens because the paper-ponzi scheme (a system of banks, wallstreet, federal government, and insurance) can actually confer to individuals pretty lofty levels of purchasing power. This PP comes from ownership and not work.
The economy can not just have a massive owning class with most people then opting out to retire or work less. So they essentially need to impoverish you to keep you working. Here's how:
1. Inflation. 2. Taxes. 3. Precarity (health care is too expensive to afford without a job). Rising asset prices forcing you to take on debt to afford health, education, cars, and real estate.
4. Deferred consumption - 401ks, and insurance. (subsidy to wallstreet and Uncle Sam), leveraged purchases such as car, edu, and real estate (subsidy to banks). The rest of your money goes into stocks (worth pennies on the dollar worth of assets. They are ALL already bought up). Consumption of renewable commodities such as vices, entertainment and food and services.
Almost none of your money goes into capital assets or precious metals.
With all that said: Domestic dollars are nothing more than a demand control mechanism. You buy in you can chase basis points. If not you get inflated away. So keep working and keep paying in to the system.

>> No.57273835 [View]
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Things will swing back. The trick is that purchasing power is pent up and tucked away in the bond market.So long as they can keep prices relatively stable DESPITE supply/demand and you can tuck money into the paper-ponzi and earn basis points it will keep humming along. The bond market and the money markets are what keep this whole charade kicking the can. Oh, the fact that probably 90% of everyone's income gets recycled back into the ponzi through investments, 401k, social security, insurance (they invest in bonds), or financialized products such as education, healthcare, cars, and real estate. And almost everything else is a service offering you renewable products such as vices, entertainment and media. Almost NONE of what the average McCitizen does puts them in control of actual capital. Their stocks are worth pennies on the dollar in actual assets and almost no one is investing in things like capital assets such as machinery. And many small businessmen actually are leveraged and owned by the banks.
My brother works for a small business and the CEO claims that he gets phone calls REGULARLY from financial predators looking to buy the company out. If there is ANYTHING available for purchase the funny-munny-peddlars show up to steal it.

>> No.57252805 [View]
File: 1.68 MB, 1870x1401, AlanGreenspanMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a second job specifically to buy more metals. I feel like we'll look back on silver at $18-25 as some sort of twilight era. I look back on when I started stacked when gold was under $1000. These transitions will just sneak up on us and whatever the fuck happens in 3 or 5 or 10 years, I want future-me to be extra comfy with the hard work I am doing today.

>> No.56747098 [View]
File: 1.68 MB, 1870x1401, AlanGreenspanMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a huge vat of poop-casseral (inflation) and the banks need us all to step up to the plate and eat a big heaping plate. You can choose to walk away and avoid it all if you want. But you should all do you civic duty and keep your wealth with the people who ruined the financial system in the first place and let them solve the problem by diluting your purchasing power. If you don't let the banks dilute your money, then you are unpatriotic.
Pay no mind that if you do the exact opposite of what they want you can actually profit. You can skip the poop-casseral and go eat steak and eggs instead. Whatever you do! Don't withdrawl yourself from the ponzi scheme. Be a team player.

>> No.56728034 [View]
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They are industrial metals responding to economic downturn concerns.
They are not monetary metals. However, they carry many of the same attributes of monetary metals. This is a classic example of the dangers present in PMs. The fundamentals of something like Platinum shows a tight market with most of the supply coming from S.A. and Russia. It is only $1K. Juxtapose Pt and Pd from 2007-present. Pd gave back most of its gains from the high of $3k.Pt used to be 2:1 with gold, ad is now .50:1. (roughly).
What matters is the fundamental analysis. This shit is valuable and useful.stacking it under the mattress as an investment will be smarter than attempting to trade it.
My opinion is PMs are for the BIG collapse. You don't buy this shit expecting to trade. Overextending on Pt and Pd are easy to do.
In my opinion. I think these expensive ass fucking metals sort of give the game away... Imagine the amount of labor, time and toil it would take for your to buy an ounce of rhodium. This is similar to a pizza crust being spread out over a pan. The places where the dough rips first are the shallowest amounts of dough. Rhodium and Pd ran away for a bit out of necessity. Paper derivatives can not contain it. Silver is simply NOT allowed to have similar price movements because of its relationship to gold. Gold is 100% a political commodity. Whether we get to see the agreements or not, I think it is fair to assume that NONE OF US are playing with a fair deck. We have to ANTICIPATE, and will have no success in trying to REACT.

>> No.56465684 [View]
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Wrong. Paper debts are exponential in nature and the real world can never keep up with the input necessary to pay them back. Bankruptcy of some or all of it will happen and it will be actualized as leveraged assets collapsing in real purchasing power regarding off whatever happens to the price.

>> No.56338853 [View]
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It's the price you pay to sidestep the leveraged losses we are all about to eat on stocks, bonds and real estate. A collapse in the bond market means all of the wealth and purchasing power will transfer to commodities and physical capital (capital represented by equities are already leveraged up and are worth pennies on the dollar).
With the bond market being twice the size of the U.S. GDP I will happily forego short term consumption for long term wealth ESPECIALLY in the middle of the worst financial crisis of this century.

>> No.56281835 [View]
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The economy is a ponzi and keeping as much demand tucked away in the financial system is key to keeping its true nature concealed. People see their paper gains and feel special, and it helps keep plebs on the hamster wheel.
It's the same reason medical insurance will bankrupt you. No one wants you to retire early so they basically force you to work until you are 65 to get Medicare. They also want you to defer spending until you are 65 by keeping it protected from lawsuits. They keep you in banks by making you lawful ownership of cash limited to $10,000.
It's so obvious when you start connecting the dots that the elite want you working and handing over you money and generating taxes for the ponzi.
>muh free market
>muh capitalism
This shit is every bit as evil as communism.

>> No.56254224 [View]
File: 1.68 MB, 1870x1401, AlanGreenspanMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on your home life, relationships, friendships, hobbies etc. Now is likely a good time to be working a second job for general security but also having more excess cash to stack. I'm coming up on my second year of working a second job in order to make more investments and my life's financial health has made some serious gains. No one knows where/when the endgame is, and once we cross that threshold will be like going off into the deep end. The "safe haven" of PMs will no longer be an option to dump your money. Your paychecks may go straight into 100% cost of living for YEARS before the price of PMs rips due to deflationary pressure. Even if you have PMs, expect the coming collapse to be like someone squeezing your balls to see if your drop any silver from your hands. Expect the banks to wring the economy out like a sponge.

>> No.56183838 [View]
File: 1.68 MB, 1870x1401, AlanGreenspanMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "strength" of the U.S. economy was being powered by creating a toxic-nuclear-waste product known as the bond market. It is called leverage. Basically the same value is being spent over and over and over again and the whole thing can unwind in a violent game of musical chairs.
Folks, the $33TN bonds have been offloaded onto the masses and you own them in your pensions, your insurance, and your currency/bank deposits. It will blow sky high and so does any "value" you hold that is exposed to dependant on this leverage such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and any insurance benefits you own.
Believe it. There is no way for accounting and finance to create free wealth. All they were doing was getting the entire world to buy into an exponential pyramid scheme and they paid their debts with dilution. Exponential functions in the real world require exponential more inputs, resources and labor and will always come to a screeching halt. Nothing about this is confusing or unknowable to any one. A freshman in algebra could tell you this.
This was a lawyer-financial scheme to transfer property rights to the 1%. And I don't think they are all that confident they will be able to pull this off without losing political control of the country.

>> No.56157561 [View]
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The important thing is relative value. We all understand if a hurricane destroys Florida than the price of orange juice futures will rise as a material reality of supply and demand manifest in the real world. It is not a function of capitalism or communism, it just IS.
This exact scenario applies to the purchasing power of bank credit. If they banks are insolvent and reliant on credit to make loans to finance consumption then we are getting everywhere close to that very actualizing of true scarcity in the face of innumerable TRILLIONS of "wealth" ready to deflate like a balloon.

>> No.56139245 [View]
File: 1.68 MB, 1870x1401, AlanGreenspanMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this book. It sticks pretty close to the single idea that shares at ALL brokers are being sold as entitlements and everything we own is owned by another legal entity and can be PLEDGED as collateral elsewhere. This is a necessary function of leverage that the SAME VALUE is being bought and sold and owned over and over.
It is a complicated read given how many acronyms and little agencies exist all over finance. But you can get the gist of it.
I am not convinced that some great taking can exist given all of the powerful people, lawyers, police etc who will be livid at losing literal everything.
My tinfoil:
Such an event will happen after a major 9/11 style event.
I think this could be fud thrown out to the internet spheres for some reason.
He acknowledges a "them", being a power elite, but does not even bother to opine on Rothschilds etc. He makes no dogwhistles towards jews even though he does provide an anecdote from Soros.
Interesting book, I might reread it. But the case that we all have our hand in the blender is clear. Whether or not the blender is plugged was not sold to me despite myself being amateurs af and being able to articulate the issues the economy has better than a supposed seasoned veteran.

>> No.55966250 [View]
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Liberalism and capitalism are basically ways for the wealthy to dominate society to their benefit and having essentially no responsibility to the country as a whole. Make no mistake about it, foreign policy, trade are all self serving. It's not done for your benefit even if you do benefit. The elite destroy you with totalitarian liberal edicts, opioids, diversity, and student loans. They antagonize racial conflicts, they lie about history, health and nutrition, and refuse to teach you finance or the law in school. They promote vice and addiction and want to see you live as a McCitizen rather than a pinnacle of human achievement.
I had this realization when everything I had to teach myself basically put me at odds with American norms. And I was even a staunch free market capitalist in college.

>> No.55790349 [View]
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This is gonna be like the fatso stepping off of the teeter-totter. Bad debts are propping up asset values and they way to avoid suffering from a collapsing ponzi scheme is to head to the exit BEFORE the collapse. I would suspect Blackrock would do what they can to keep things capitalized. But if you see them sticking a toe onto a liferaft it would be wise to take notice.
Remember, folks. There is no such thing as a free lunch. The U.S. economy that is $22TN in size has spun off a pile of bonds $46TN in size. We import an ungodly amount of resources annually on the back of the dollar and everyone is incentivized to put their work, and resources back into the system to chase basis points via pensions, insurance, healthcare, and social security. The resources needed to pay back these bonds do not exist so you need to act accordingly as if there will be 100% losses to be divvied out. ALL DEBTS ARE PAID. They are either paid in full or eaten as losses and you better believe we are all going to be considerably poorer once we take proper accounting of resources and claims to resources.

>> No.55708222 [View]
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monument metals

>> No.55697760 [View]
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I think the oligarchs will create some sort of distraction, namely fostering extreme levels of violence in the street to enact martial law. I believe there will also be a carrot in that the government along with corporations may even try to implement a coordinated effort to create jobs and basically toss a bone to people. New social programs will be created that come along with the pretense of allowing for higher taxes. And some form of monetization and outright default will occur so as to ease the burden of the losses. All of this will be in an effort to maintain the body politic. I also think there will be competing currencies introduced that are not intricately linked to the debt-bomb to help offset the demand for precious metals.
I also think the real-world economic fallout will create a major hiccup that the world can recover and will continue trading again with MUCH higher commodity prices now that demand for the dollar is destroyed. America was a dream economy because we could run massive trade deficits without it contracting our economy. Our economy will implode because we import essentially $700BN more goods per year than we export. Historically trade balances are net zero. So our economy and all of the stupid and useless service and retail jobs will just evaporate very rapidly and with it goes all of the overextended commercial real estate that requires cheap imports to sell. As those topple so goes the service industry as people tighten their belts etc.
A well known solution to a glut of people is to kill them off with war, so expect plenty of culling of the population. Draconian leaders, especially in the west, would love nothing more than to kill off a revolutionary force in their midst. So expect a gayop to blame the woes on an outsider. Expect there to be a gameplan as everyone knows this is coming. Expect them to do everything they can to maintain political and economic control while they scramble to reestablish financial control.

>> No.55661783 [View]
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The DTCC share theft by mishandling the dividend is all you need to know. And go ask anyone who knows what supply/demand is and ask them what happens when you remove 60% of the supply from a supposed fixed quantity and top it off with YEARS of subsequent buying pressure and explain to me how the price does not move substantially higher.
It's obvious. You aren't actually buying anything when you purchase shares through a broker. They are operating a ponzi scheme and the stock market is nothing more than a mechanism to inject and withhold purchasing power from the retail investors. The whole purpose of the markets has CHANGED. They sell you basically nothing and use an algo to bounce around the price and ALL of the money you use to buy stocks is basically used to prop up the leveraged ponzi they have created.

>> No.55633149 [View]
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The problem with the country is the banks wrote a metric fuckton of mortgages and sold them off as MBS paper and there are trillions of losses set to implode. So all of those losses basically get put onto you.
If you remove the leverage from the system or at least create a sensible cost of capital through interest rates then you won't have these types of scenarios that compel even more malinvestment to offset the bad decisions of the past. In a normal economy, the prices of things like housing and commercial real estate should be allowed to fluctuate. But once you leverage up the prices to absurd levels and people start walking away then you have a problem. We now have waaaaay too much and it is waaaaay too expensive. Supply/Demand would imply that prices should be going down.
The banks were chasing after short-sighted profits and giving out way too many loans and they even went so far as to create government owned enterprises in FNMA & FHLC to dump these loans off on to so they can recoup their capital quicker in order to generate more fees. Basically using the tax payer like a cum dumpster. Corporations do the same thing with welfare and medicare, basically tying a noose around the workers' neck and refusing to pay them anything because unaffordable healthcare puts you at a disadvantage.
The only way to oppose capital is through AUTHORITARIAN collective action. Libertarian ideals are no threat to capital and why it is pushed so hard to inexperienced college kids.

>> No.55500078 [View]
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I know a few doctors and it is not uncommon for many of them to leave med school with almost a million dollars in debt.

I have a thesis that I need help developing that much of our economy is essentially an evil math trick. Resources and ownership are a function of exponential functions. Interest, inflation, GDP growth etc. This is actually offset in the fact that you can have infinite growth% and nothing is wrong. But at the same time you can only every lose 100%.
Our spending power for the middle class is carefully managed so as to not allow wages to get too high without taxes structurally putting on the brakes. Cost of healthcare and housing is also there as a major hindrance to soak up your purchasing power so as to not allow you to have access to the time-value of money. Your incentives to save are also schemes to get you to lock up your money until you are 65+ and hopefully you die and even if you do cash it out the taxes come and take a bite. If you can only lose 100% of your money, how many times do percentages take a portion of your money. How many iterations of that need to happen before your purchasing power effectively errodes to nothing more than middle class lifestyles?
I really don't know how better to describe it, but the notion of a "free market" is complete and utter nonsense. These things are carefully constructed so as to not allow people to get their hands on some money, invest it, and then retire at 35. Even healthcare costs are so prohibitive that it basically keeps ALL of us on the cusp of bankruptcy until we can apply for Medicare at 65. If you get sick and can't pay your medical bills you better have you savings tucked away in an IRA anyway EXACTLY where the banks and wallstreet wants it. Otherwise they'll take you to court and seize it all. And don't even think about having cash because the gov will steal that too!

>> No.55445943 [View]
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The elite/bankers need you to keep your capital within the system which gives their bank checks purchasing power. If you and everyone tried to manifest your capital in real goods then everything of value would get slurped up. The lifeblood of an economy is deferred consumption, otherwise known as savings. Those savings are often employed in investments to grow the economy. However, the injection of leverage is allowing the elite to siphon out ungodly amounts of capital using debt and this debt bomb is going to blow up in our faces as the taxpayer is basically going to foot the bill. This is like a powerplant that operates and creates a boatload of radioactive waste. The extract profits with leverage and they give us the bill.
Also, crypto maxis are retards who don't understand any of this. There is a dissonance where crypto and precious metals are attempting to occupy some of the same roles. They can make some rudimentary cases about the hard cap on amount of BTC and believe it operates as an inflation-proof currency. This is not going to be enough when everyone finally figures out there are not enough goods and services in the world to make good on what we owe ourselves. When scarcity is actualized, a fundamental revaluation will occur and QUALITY of capital assets will win the day. Stocks, real estate, bonds etc are all extremely overvalued, and that valuation is a function of liquidity and low interest rates. As interest rates rise, everything will be cratering in value with banks toppling as well. Taxpayer funded bailouts will essentially monetize dollar liabilities and a rapid devaluation will occur. Precious metals will thrive as they have built in hedges of labor and energy baked in to the final product. crypto nerds sense the weakness of their investment and feel threatened by what gold really is.

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