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File: 163 KB, 856x596, Electrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25756774 No.25756774 [Reply] [Original]

Electrum Edition

>Why Gold?

>Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)


>Bullion tax info by state:


Nitric Acid

EU/ENGLAND sources
https://www.chards.co.uk/ [Much cheaper than BullionByPost]
https://goldprice.eu5.net/ [Website to compare gold prices for UK]

Russian/European coins

Relevant information regarding mining companies

Previous thread:>>25745216

>> No.25756822
Quoted by: >>25756897

Damn that OP image is badass

>> No.25756859
File: 75 KB, 600x534, 1610211754386.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for yellow fever

>> No.25756865

this thread is not a safe space for PM holders to seethe over crypto going up.

>> No.25756880
Quoted by: >>25756905

anyone buying manganese? esp mnxxf

>> No.25756897
File: 102 KB, 768x432, pile-of-ancient-gold-found-in-kazakh-mountain-tombs-featured-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient Gold is the best gold.

>> No.25756905

I’m buying Praseodymium

>> No.25756926

could ou suggest some junior silver miners and some established silver miners to buy?
Thank you

>> No.25756938
Quoted by: >>25757145

Interesting how intricate some of the details on the coins are but the shapes are a complete mess.
Is it just due to clipping/wear and tear of the soft metal? Or they were weighed at every transaction so the shape didnt matter?

>> No.25756954
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1593102808566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 20% VAT on silver in UK

>> No.25756981
File: 244 KB, 359x347, 1610006259620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying Waifuinium

>> No.25756992
Quoted by: >>25757145

PAN MAN have you ever come across meteoric iron on your adventures?

>> No.25757031

how long are we expecting gold prices to fall? i know its impossible to time but wanting to get it for a discount

>> No.25757046
File: 365 KB, 1024x768, flotation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please do your own due diligence but look into mid tier companies like Ascot and Alexco. If you want true junior explorers or developers I can get more of those but all I ask is you research them yourself too.

>> No.25757080

>name 3 with a market cap larger than 100 million at the time they were 51% attacked
Verge on Wednesday, April 4 2017 - market cap $955m
Zencash on Saturday, June 2 2018 - market cap $118m
Bitcoin Gold In May 2018 - market cap $1.3b - $700m

there you go

>> No.25757081
Quoted by: >>25757179

10 yr auction on Tuesday. Profit taking might have been to get capital for it. That would drive yields and the DXY down again

>> No.25757100

Silver gave back 3 weeks of gains in a single day. Stairs on the way up, elevator on the way down.
Short term who knows but I think we will slowly grind higher again.

>> No.25757145

shape didnt matter much, many of these coins were meant more as indevidual scaled weights. Also wear was an issue for pure gold coinage, so the ancients liked using Electrum and copper Red Gold instead. Its stronger.
no that is something I ve never been able to find yet, but I know some who have found space iron before out in the US mid west with metal detectors.

>> No.25757167

Please don't bring crypto back into this thread holy shit. There's 99 fucking crypto threads to choose from, go have your discussion there.

If crypto and how it's relevant to PMs could be a civil conversation I wouldn't mind it but it's just shitflinging and buzzword spamming.

>> No.25757174
File: 389 KB, 2048x1536, soon a pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pirate's life for me next week anons

>> No.25757179

Good to know anon.

>> No.25757187

im surprised you guys dont make a crypto general, half the threads on this board are talking about it and only reaching 10-20 posts

>> No.25757212

Right, so. I have been thinking about pouring a couple bars of silver myself
Background, around mid-December I had the opportunity to meet a very based old man, a retired cop who poured his own bars in his back yard. His shit was pretty popular too, I can’t find any images or I’d post em, but his most common bars were 5oz loafs with what looks the Nazi eagle on the front >”>”yeah, we just took the nazi Eagle design and hoped nobody would really notice. If anyone asked we said it was a falcon. Nobody ever found out”
Anyways, he said he would be willing to walk me through learning how to pour my own shit. He even has a shit Ton of shot leftover from his pouring days that he’d give to me for spot if I decided to do it.
Everything else aside, it sounds super fun and I wanna do it. Any suggestions for designs, slogans, etc to stamp on once I do it? I’ll happily sell it to one of you retards if you’d want something

>> No.25757227
Quoted by: >>25757339

Even coins? Check britannia btw, it might be exempt.

>> No.25757229


>> No.25757248

Waifus are proven to be the best stack guardians

>> No.25757283

Holy fuck can you crypto faggots literally just go somewhere else. You’re all autistic and nobody likes you being here. Go jerk off to your PENISCOIN gains somewhere else

>> No.25757286
File: 35 KB, 395x550, Sainte Foy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25757512

Is that a scythian jewel ?

Ancient gold is beautiful, but I like medieval gold too

>> No.25757291
Quoted by: >>25757512

Is that Scythian?

>> No.25757292
File: 2.12 MB, 960x3496, 1609597294731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no pirate but a humble deckhand starting up his chest. How should I go about storing my coins and bars? All I have is a handgun safe.

>> No.25757320
Quoted by: >>25757343

>Verge uses five different cryptographic algorithms for mining, switching to a new one for every block, but the attacker figured out a way to fake the timestamps of his/her blocks, permitting them to be mined all with one algorithm. Because of this, he/she was able to capture the majority of the network’s mining power with far less computing power than would normally be required.
wtf is this shit lol

>> No.25757332
Quoted by: >>25757472

Any pictures of that knife/dagger close up? Looks fucking sick

>> No.25757337
File: 448 KB, 689x1000, 01E55D35-EBCF-48F6-BFD5-5E1F56E023E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what kind of market there would be for a Waifu round?

>> No.25757339
Quoted by: >>25757772

Nope, only second hand silver is VAT exempt since it's already paid

>> No.25757342
Quoted by: >>25758264


For mid-tiers, simply buy the ETF SILJ, or get First Majestic, Endeavour Silver, and Hecla Mining

For larger small-caps, Alexco and Great Panther, and (somewhat more risky) AUMN

For genuine juniors, Dolly Varden, Impact Silver, and Silver One are core; as far as really small mcaps go, look into Bayhorse Silver, Blue Lagoon Resources, and Irving Resources, all of which are severely undervalued and oversold, with enormous upside potential

>> No.25757343
File: 50 KB, 1222x366, cuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25757366
Quoted by: >>25757577

Nobody gives a shit, go away cuck

>> No.25757375
File: 84 KB, 680x463, stfu (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25757577


>> No.25757409


See >>25757212
I would 100% fucking order custom stamps to make waifu bars

>> No.25757412

Bury them

>> No.25757429
File: 995 KB, 1998x2772, 1596166305929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count me in

>> No.25757435
Quoted by: >>25757565

Is that a sterling letter opener? That's kinda slick.

>> No.25757445
File: 1.03 MB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200611_201722_5974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25764279

Indeed Sir. Quite right right indeed.
I trust my stack with no other.

>> No.25757454
File: 113 KB, 750x420, Bonanza-Ledge-logo-750x420-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to here for a while tonight but I will probably vanish again depending if we get the next shift back on schedule. Our fuse panel for underground keeps blowing fuses so the site manager is telling us to hold until later.

If anyone in BC / Alberta is looking for a position right now, Barkerville Gold Mines is currently looking for the following

>two general laborers
>site electrician
>two heavy equipment operators (underground training preferred but not needed)
>11 underground miners / general site staffers

I would post the hiring page for BGM but its not updated yet, will do when its official.

>> No.25757459

Do we have an ETA on the 2021 Peace/Morgan dollars? I wanna get my hands on at least one of each before the inevitably sell out.

No one cares. Even if you're shitting on crypto thread-derailers. No one cares. Just ignore them and they'll go to one of their 60 other crypto threads.

>> No.25757472

Thanks anon. I'm at my gf's home toonight, so will post close up tomorrow. Bought it over spot two years ago (like 25€ for 25g maybe, I don't remember) but it was only for the aesthetic. It's a small decorative silver tuareg dagger

>> No.25757475
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, AA4C0EDA-4D02-46C2-98D0-74E2B7E94B7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too am a pirate. I keep my 500 pieces of silver in a chest and I plunder movies and tv shows. I also routinely get day drunk on rum and likely have a low life expectancy.
Yar har fiddle de-de life as a pirate is alright with me
Who else here /piratelife/?

>> No.25757500
File: 493 KB, 1884x962, 1601160341479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25764279

thy would sell like hotcakes

>> No.25757512

I believe its Scythian yes, part of one of the more recent hoards discovered in central russia.

>> No.25757513
Quoted by: >>25757569

>he doesn’t know about what family courts can do to a man

>> No.25757525

Hide it. Unless youre gonna drop a lot of cash on a proper safe dont bother.

>> No.25757565
File: 321 KB, 2048x1536, stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I just know it's made of silver, but I can't tell what is the purity.

Other picture of my junk stack :

>> No.25757569

Whore wife can’t take your silver if you bury it with your waifu, anon

>> No.25757577
Quoted by: >>25757709


These three comments are unnecessarily harsh


Well done for substantiating your point from the last thread.

>> No.25757594


>> No.25757606
File: 23 KB, 408x745, rabbit pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25757749

AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA, this is the average level of knowledge of crypto peak euphoria january 2021 moonboy bubble soon to be bagholder newfag who acted like he knows shit.

people who have been in crypto for years are unloading en masse to buy precious metals or other things.

if someone lived through 2017/18 peak and is not unloading at least 70% of their holdings that mooned, is a fuckin brainlet doomed to repeat the same story.

if people don't see what the fuck is going on in crypto and stocks for themselves, i really cant fuckin grasp the idea that they are on this board for more than 12 months or they have IQ higher than 100.

this is the wave of poor fuck newfags with 4 digit portfolios who are discovering the catalog, and come to /pmg/ to talk shit.

/pmg/ looks like old /biz/, and dump of crypto will be most likely fatal for a lot of those low iq brainlets.

>> No.25757631

What do you lads consider a proper safe?

>> No.25757640


This. Pick a good spot for hiding shit, and possibly look at getting a shitty dummy safe to put somewhere obvious like on the closet floor

>> No.25757697
File: 1.07 MB, 1080x539, Porte louis 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to keep your gold coins in a small and classy case

>> No.25757709

he did and im proud of him

>> No.25757736
Quoted by: >>25757797

I’m the main bitcoin bug from previous thread (by # of posts at least). I just wanted to let you know I’m staying out of this thread as a sign of respect for based PAN MAN baking.

>> No.25757746 [DELETED] 

Anybody have that image some anon made of a 4chan leaf round?

>> No.25757749

i have been in crypto since 2011, seethe more midwit

>> No.25757750
File: 664 KB, 640x480, 20200816_162455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waifu watching over the stack with purity and fidelity

>> No.25757758
File: 55 KB, 916x1100, 1588476439986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25757770
File: 2.05 MB, 1486x2048, CB54B490-3E4C-4017-92B2-714B856B9EB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25757904

Hey Porte Louis bro! How goes it, you been getting much to put in your case yet?

>> No.25757772

Lots of potential for kino stash

Ehh that sucks. I looked for VAT-free trader but they always come with a catch.

Alright, good luck man.

>> No.25757794

Anybody have that image some anon made of a 4chan clover leaf round?

>> No.25757797

theres nothing wrong with posting about crypto in here when every thread inevitably always has seething over HOW IS BITCOIN GOING UP REEEE

>> No.25757805
Quoted by: >>25757938

My grandparents had one of those little weight scales for coins as well as a case like this, my sister has them though. I should have grabbed them.

>> No.25757814
Quoted by: >>25757865

The anon who said bitcoin creates Wealth gold preserves it is correct

>> No.25757829

>that gif
So kawaii
Posts like this make me seethe that my waifu has literally no figures despite being popular. The only one cost about 3k and has to be shipped from Japan.
I just want my stack guarded, man

>> No.25757856

Goddamn those ingots are ballin outta control

>> No.25757865

on the individual level

>> No.25757877
File: 1.53 MB, 2080x1560, 08_Jan_2021_panner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap safe with copper coins in visible place as distraction. Hidden stash for actual stuff. But most of all, don't tell anyone you have gold / silver, don't keep photos on computer or phone so that they don't pop up by mistake.

>> No.25757902


You come across like Big Bob's even more obnoxious twin brother who thinks he's a genius because he got lucky with Bitcoin instead of inheriting a metals recycling business.

>> No.25757904

Nope, still at my gf's house, but tomorrow I'll come back to my flat so I will put my gold coins in. Don't worry, I'll take some pictures .
My next purchase is some silver, and next month maybe more gold.

>> No.25757938
File: 273 KB, 1500x1500, EE82E32F-5C96-46BE-8A6B-01D85825A231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandfather in the UK has a really cool scale like picrel. He knows I like PM’s and coins, so here’s to hoping he remembers to put it for me in the will

>> No.25757939

i stash my gold behind light switches

>> No.25757965
File: 18 KB, 205x142, 117115880_2730429900527143_8670044887715418758_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He opened one of the tubes

>> No.25757982
File: 346 KB, 493x493, 1595549813769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25757986

getting lucky is the best thing that can ever happen to you on this planet. am i lucky i was a nerd interested in cryptography as a teenager with no social life? maybe

>> No.25758017


>> No.25758022
Quoted by: >>25758180

>thread inevitably always has seething over HOW IS BITCOIN GOING UP REEEE
Nobody fucking does that, anon. We are all content to happily talk about PM’s and post stacks the entire thread without a mention of crypto. The only time it ever becomes a topic of conversation is when dumb faggots like yourself make it one.

So fuck off to a different thread, please

>> No.25758030

Yes, I opened 2 actually. I don't want trader to fuch me sorry.

>> No.25758046
File: 72 KB, 400x333, 1600084993949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25758180

i did X25 in crypto after tax, realized profits, so you can suck on this dick.

waiting for catalog to fill up with pink wojaks so maybe i can dip my toes again.

if not - i'm all good. plenty of opportunities everywhere and im basically free of wageslaving forever if i want.

now go fuck off to crypto threads, so you can post "100 000$ BTC 2021 NO STOP LOSS"

>> No.25758048

Yeah that’s what drew me in, but in fairness a few based gold bugs who are confident in their manhood and don’t care about btc do exist, like PAN MAN, and just because they attract morons doesn’t mean I should shit up their threads by arguing with said morons.

>> No.25758074
File: 474 KB, 600x780, 6BE095C4-E87C-48D9-9737-2FB6F7A2F879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You come across like Big Bob's even more obnoxious twin brother who thinks he's a genius because he got lucky with Bitcoin instead of inheriting a metals recycling business.
Fucking lol

>> No.25758162

whats bad about opening tubes?

>> No.25758172

87oz Ag
2oz Au
better than nothing, right anons?

>> No.25758176

Kek obliterated

>> No.25758180

go look at the last thread. LITERALLY control+f bitcoin

im up infinityX since i mined all my crypto...

i agree but i like shitting on retards and it's 4chan. if they want quality control they cna go to reddit. rest assured i wont post if you guys make a safe space reddit, im banned for saying the n word :)

>> No.25758208
Quoted by: >>25758332

>he doesn’t verify his coins are actually there

>> No.25758213

>122oz silver
>.4oz gold
Gonna make a gold purchase soon, definitely getting a Buffalo if they actually do the 2k stimulus.

>> No.25758238

What do you guys think of the miner price action on Friday? With the amount the metals dropped, the miners dropped less than expected.
My take is mining shares have been accumulating into increasingly strong hands since the March lows and these shake outs are only affecting a few band wagoners.

>> No.25758264
Quoted by: >>25758475

>For genuine juniors
thank you what's the meaning of ''genuine juniors'' ?

>> No.25758308

Gold is for faggots. Buy bitcoin.

>> No.25758309
Quoted by: >>25758351

I dont mind when people talk about PM vs Crypto because as a new fag it helps give me info on both. They catalog feels too sporadic on the topic of crypto for me to follow. Im surprised there isnt a /ccg/ crypto currency general

>> No.25758332
File: 184 KB, 596x904, E141850B-99D4-4BFD-854D-FAD3AFBCB142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to LCS to sell tube of eagles
>feeling smart about resisting the urge to crack it open
>thinks he might even get some more premium since it has the mint tape still on it, same exact condition since it left the monster box
>boomer behind the counter cracks it open immediately, offers him spot

>> No.25758351
Quoted by: >>25758498

if there was it would be people who are trying to pump a worthless shitcoin all fighting to the death over what flavor of the month will do a 10x next

>> No.25758361
File: 22 KB, 419x423, futurism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25762730

Never forget that even by having a starting stack, you are already miles ahead of the normie goy-cattle that deserve to be worked to death and fed on corn syrup and syrup-adjacent products.

>This sudden influx of cryptofaggots and fud out of nowhere
>Be confused about cause
>Remember that the EO sanctioning firms with even tenuous ties to China or Chinese money comes into effect on this coming Monday
>Remember that Twatter was already down 4% when the market closed

I wonder if we'll see several days of breakers getting tripped because of a slaughter in tech stocks.
>how low can you go?

>> No.25758412
Quoted by: >>25759437

That was just the pre-brexit rules, now it's much MUCH worse. (Video just for Brits desu, Ameribros don't need to worry about Queen's taxes)
Physical silver realistically will be 40GBP per ounce with 20GBP of spot price, dark times ahead.

>> No.25758475


My language in that post is very loose and untechnical, I suppose by "genuine" I mean very small cap, sub $150 million. Small caps give you the most upside potential. Alexco has a $550 million mcap; it's still a junior but it's a more expensive one. But it's not as expensive as e. g. a mid-tier producer like Hecla ($3.2 billion) and so it will run farther than Hecla. The smallest cap on that list is Bayhorse Silver, only $15 million.

>> No.25758485 [DELETED] 

Yeah it dropped only because weak hands paniced. Next week will be interesting. If price drops more, then it will just be occassion to buy cheapies. Those miners survive March, so I'm not worried about their long-term health.

>> No.25758498
Quoted by: >>25758689

maybe, but atleast it would be contained to one thread.

>> No.25758505

Both are solid stacks
Personally thinks 2:87 is a little overweight for gold, bro make sure your next buy is some silver

If they do 2k stimulus, Buffalo will be more than 2k lol

>> No.25758542

Yeah it dropped only because weak hands paniced. Next week will be interesting. If price drops more, then it will be occassion to buy cheapies. Those miners survived March, so I'm not worried about their long-term health. This is long-term game anyway, daily fluctuations don't matter if we're aiming at 10x gain in a year or few.

>> No.25758632
Quoted by: >>25759292

What's the digs on needing Environmental/Energy Engineers from Europe? Is that a type of position you guys have there?

>> No.25758689
File: 5 KB, 300x168, morpheus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25758768

what if i told you this whole board is the crypto general

>> No.25758768
Quoted by: >>25760119

sure looks like it lol

>> No.25758855

>If they do 2k stimulus, Buffalo will be more than 2k lol
Well either way it's a $2k off gold coupon courtesy of the money printer.

>> No.25758950
File: 120 KB, 1442x736, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this screenshot going through my folders, the bottom in silver was the very next day on March 18th.

>> No.25758987
File: 80 KB, 800x480, Pagode Shwedagon Myanmar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25759102

Gold, gold everywhere

>> No.25758999
Quoted by: >>25759352

Is Silver going to $100 and Gold $3,000?

>> No.25759010
File: 402 KB, 1526x2543, iknf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25759146


This is also worth saving, from IKN.

>> No.25759047
File: 67 KB, 310x468, Gold Buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25759135

5.5 tonnes of pure gold anons, that's a lot of comfy

>> No.25759102

Picture of heaven
But less white

>> No.25759135

Perfect for my atrium

>> No.25759146
Quoted by: >>25759296

Nice, its even better that he picked on WPM which doubled from 38 to 76 CAD in the 4 months following that post.

>> No.25759169

based boomer. What sane person wouldn't do that? What if you got scammed and it's just filled with lead?

>> No.25759195
File: 476 KB, 1920x869, Sutton Hoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celtic gold was beautiful too

>> No.25759292

I am not sure on euros working here on these sorts of projects but I can go ask HR about it. I am sure there are regulations on it. BGM has a contractor do most of the environmental work out here though.

>> No.25759296


He also says to "run away" from "juniors which struggle to turn a profit at $17 an ounce silver." That was the exact situation for Endeavour Silver, it was breaking even because it cost $17 to produce an ounce. Up 240% since he made that post.

>> No.25759312

People are so retarded. It's so easy to make money on investments. Literally just buy the dip. At least DCA because inflation will push all prices up eventually. You have to be retarded to not get this

>> No.25759342

Where's the diaper poster?

>> No.25759344
Quoted by: >>25759470

the celts really did have the best gold smiths in Europe. I mean just look at that, its stunning but still functional.

>> No.25759352
File: 3.82 MB, 1920x8300, pmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25759379


You have to remember how scared people were of silver at the time. It had been suppressed for eight years straight. Eight years without going over $21. It felt as if the manipulation was never going to end.

>> No.25759437

I wonder if buying in Guernsey and smuggling would be viable.

>> No.25759470
Quoted by: >>25759723

Watch this. Talks about celtic/nomadic scythian goldsmithing and craftsmanship

>> No.25759614

On the french wiki, there's a "portal" for gold, with many topics, very interesting, the automatic traduction from french too english is not so bad. Lot of history, art, coins, politics, etc.


>> No.25759711

True, but everyone knew that if Silver and Gold didn't survive that dip, they would never return. So many people were buying that all the dealers were out of stock

>> No.25759723
File: 625 KB, 1920x2560, Power of gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25759825

Thanks anon, will watch it tomorrow I'm going to bed now, I have to work tomorrow.

You should watch this one, in three parts, very interesting too. Based on a very good book (that you can find on the z library), pic related (yes it's a long nose, but very good book)


>> No.25759752

Silver is a garbage metal. People buying silver are literally and unironically homosexual.

>> No.25759825

Thanks I will

>> No.25759856
File: 33 KB, 480x270, 1610162790745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25760500


>> No.25759889
File: 2.78 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To the Anon who is asking for a close up pic of the back of the Germania Diamond Cross coin.

>> No.25759983

Hypothetical question time
Just for shits and giggles.

You just received a letter form creepy uncle Handsy and a check for 20k. The letter states that the money is an apology for all those times he touched you while you were sleeping ( wait, what? )
But there is stipulation, you can only buy gold and silver with it because he claims the Tranny Space aliens are coming to destroy the USD.
How would you spend it and why?

How much Gold and what type?
weights of each

How much Silver?
Rounds and Junk?
weights of each

Be as detailed as you wish
If you see an anons reply you disagree with, call him a fuckwit and state why you think he is wrong and what you would do different

Im just curious on your guys take.
Oh and if you dont reply then Uncle Handsy will visit you tonight.

>> No.25760030

I think I made more money in the last few months with shitcoins than all metals on this pic five times over

>> No.25760117
File: 452 KB, 1155x680, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25760459

If you put a Trump sticker on an American Eagle case, it doubles in value.

>> No.25760119

It is literally the crypto containment board.

>> No.25760193

Oh god i'm gonna

>> No.25760215
File: 355 KB, 250x264, oh you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats nice dear.

>> No.25760284
File: 3.32 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25763929

If I had 20K usd to spend on PM. I`d get like put in a 15K in 1OZ gold coins since Gold is more stable.

The rest would be silver. like maybe 2K in 1OZ silver coins and 3K in silver bars. Maybe like 50OZ or 100OZ bars

>> No.25760351
File: 303 KB, 1440x984, tulips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats. You captured some profit? What did you buy/invest in with your profits?

>> No.25760382

huh, it appears that a bunch of properties on Minelistings.com have sold recently. I wonder whos doing that. https://minelistings.com/commodity/gold-mines-for-sale/

>> No.25760434

>the pic I posted so long ago is in the set
I swear to God, my Warhammer miniatures have a proper basing now.

>> No.25760459

Not really it's the ms70 first release there's a market difference in those ones you monkey

>> No.25760487
Quoted by: >>25763929

6K in gold, 14K silver.
1 50 gram valacambi divisible gold bar
The rest in swiss helvetias or similar low premium circulated gold coins under 1 oz

Silver: All in ASEs and 90% junk silver. Maybe one 100oz bar or some 10oz depending on how I'm feeling.
I might do more in gold though, I'm not sure. Even with 18k gold and 2k silver you can get a lot of silver.

>> No.25760496
Quoted by: >>25763929

4oz of the lowest premium .999 gold I can find and the rest on lowest premium .999 silver I can find.

>> No.25760500

What is in the box?

>> No.25760582
File: 21 KB, 356x356, Praseodymium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25760648

Honestly you can’t even call yourself a stacker until you have a solid base of Praseodymium. Praseodymium has been artificially suppressed by the big banks for decades now, and they can’t keep on doing it for long. History’s largest bull run on Praseodymium is just starting, and you’re gonna kick yourself forever if you don’t get in on it now

>> No.25760585
File: 870 KB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200806_100830_8719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25760648

>2 minutes to midnight
>and a 40lb box shows up at your door

>> No.25760648
Quoted by: >>25760732

Can someone post the Praseodymium copypasta?


>> No.25760732
Quoted by: >>25760844

that new oc? Never watched the anime but I like some of the opening theme songs
tore him a new one
>Can someone post the Praseodymium copypasta?
I just did, you replied to me!

>> No.25760797
File: 210 KB, 593x416, 7even.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25760844

Oh I must've remembered it differently sorry

>> No.25760963

And the manipulation still hasn’t ended, as far as I can tell, and in fact it may be getting more severe. But the investor demand is now starting to significantly offset the manipulation. I mean, no one can look at those gold and silver spot price graphs and see the daily (or nightly) dumps and conclude that what they’re seeing is perfectly natural market behavior. Imagine committing a crime every single day, out in the open for everyone to witness, for years on end, getting small slap-on-the-wrist fines, and simply continuing to commit that crime without fail. It’s almost like the federal government is complicit and the fines are just for show.

>> No.25761078

Kek I’m saving this next time the “I’m smart for not verifying my silver” faggots come around

>> No.25761172
File: 46 KB, 625x575, 1433445963926-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn fine taste in waifus based yukari bro.

>> No.25761391
File: 135 KB, 899x471, Beta-hunt-RNC-find-edited-e1569367415631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to find some ore like this in the coming summer and make a table top out of it.

>> No.25761513
Quoted by: >>25761601

Lol @ all the retards buying silver actually thinking they’re going to make a profit on it

>> No.25761601

it's not necessarily for profit, but as a hedge against inflation. Good to see some smooth-brains in here at least trying to learn about it though.

>> No.25761606
Quoted by: >>25761926

nice quartz hosted gold, is any of that VG though? It kind of looks like VG to me, if so that is a huge find that will no doubt go to depth

>> No.25761630
Quoted by: >>25763929

I want to commission one some day but the cost of cutting the die is going to make it go for 50% premium at least

I remember seeing it dip in March and decided to drop cash on two 100oz bars immediately. Should've gotten more instead of averaging up over the rest of the year

Half on full Krugs and 100 Corona restrikes, premiums be damned
The rest in 100oz bars

>> No.25761663
File: 44 KB, 542x675, 1474904168993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I buy shiny metal today? it's literally pointless with COVID pandemic finished and Trump administration over.

There's no risk on the market and USD will go back up, so gold will return to $1000.

>> No.25761738

>There's no risk on the market and USD will go back up
Pick one. USD will only go up with deflation, and that's when markets go down

>> No.25761840
Quoted by: >>25762293

>USD go back up
but the trillions of dollars in new stimulus.....

>> No.25761899

>There's no risk on the market
Ok son run along now to your "Robin Hood", I'll let you know when the tendies are ready

>> No.25761926
Quoted by: >>25762089

thats gold ore from the Beta Hunt Nickel mine in Australia. The miners accidentally struck a stretch of gold quartz with insane grades while digging a drift. Some of the smaller chunks were averaging 12 oz per tonne. The biggest piece is believed to run 120oz per tonne. So yea thats not pyrite in that rock, thats gold.

>> No.25761941

All you precious metal bugs are gonna eat your words when DXY goes to 200 next year. My saving account is gonna be buying twice what they would right now and your boomer rocks will be worthless. There's nothing you can do about it

>> No.25761999
Quoted by: >>25762037

Even worse the dollar index is going to go up but PMs are going to crash!

>> No.25762037

Oops i meant, even if they DXY goes down, PMs still crash!

>> No.25762089

Wow talk about luck. Those grades are insane today. Was having a hard time believing it was all gold so I began suspecting myself there

>> No.25762149


Can someone explain this? A microcap mining company discussing offering a gold-back cryptocurrency.

>> No.25762202
File: 2.31 MB, 235x175, Getting ready to face the day.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean this is clearly a bot post but who is dumb enough to believe that monetary policy is decided by elected officials, let alone the president?

Do you actually think Nixon was instrumental in the decision to go off the gold peg in 1971?

>> No.25762237

Anyone have the dimensions for the 500 silver eagle box? I want to see how it’ll fit in the safe hidden behind my portrait

>> No.25762293
Quoted by: >>25762469

You can bet your ass the Biden administration is going to get the printers going overtime. The USD is headed for massive inflation.

>> No.25762303

It's OK, if I need a few more dollars I'll wake up at 6am and head to work like every other day.

>> No.25762304
File: 15 KB, 500x500, BIG BOB's BANK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25762455

i really do enjoy laughing at all you pathetic silver stackers. i own a savings account and i’ve been in the US dollar business for 30 years now. you people are the most pathetic i have seen in a long time. none of you will ever be as successful as me no matter how much worthless silver you have.

>> No.25762311

Yeah I’ll just need to get your address before I can give you the dimensions

>> No.25762324

Is it just me or is "safe behind the picture frame" enough of a meme now that a robber will actually tear all frames off the wall before checking anywhere else?

>> No.25762455

>Big Bob's Bank
Adding that to my Collection of Big Bob's logos.

>> No.25762469
Quoted by: >>25762906

its funny how people here are only just starting to complain about the price of meat and things like vegetables in Canada, its only going to keep going up.
its cliche at this point but I dont know if your average criminals not going to check there. Safest place is air ducts or other random but in plain sight locations.

>> No.25762576

Literally just put the stash box in a clothes hamper that's full of grubby, old clothes you never intend to wear. They'll only bother to check there if they also look in the bottom of the trash can for valuables.

>> No.25762668
File: 42 KB, 646x595, 2533C2B7-3D9D-47BB-9E7C-A835C808BC3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burglar found the safe hidden in piss bottles and cum socks

>> No.25762673
Quoted by: >>25762722

I figured, thanks for the advice. trying to get at least 250oz Ag before I buy more Au

>> No.25762722

That’s absolute retard tier advice, being a former criminal myself one of the first places we would always look was in the laundry pile

>> No.25762730

da real tru tru.
my boss is all-in tech shit like Alteryx.
fuckin goober. stimmy = silvvy

>> No.25762790

Laundry hamper is such a plain sight location that it might be too in plain sight. Just bury your shinies. It's that simple guys. >>25757412

>> No.25762868
Quoted by: >>25762948

how do you get that ore out of that, panman?

>> No.25762880
Quoted by: >>25762969

if you do remember to make the area contaminated with bits of tin foil and strands of copper wire layed out all over the place. Aluminum foil is the bane of many metal detectors as it often registers the same as gold on mid tier machines. Wire too obfuscates other targets in the ground.

>> No.25762906

Man. The canadian grocery store inflation meme is actually true.

>> No.25762948
File: 113 KB, 960x960, 105740295_3138358216203326_3910526998820021274_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25763088

you mean get the gold out? I wouldnt, its worth more as slabs of raw gold quartz for jewelry, however a simple mortar and pestle will work on that no problem. bust the quartz down and your left with "cash in hand" or "free mill" gold, which wont need more than a small smelter to purify.

>> No.25762969

Cool thanks for the advice. I was thinking about putting nickels a foot deep every 5 feet or so in a 100 foot radius around where I bury it so that it's much harder to find where the stash is, but this is much easier than burying the base metal coins

>> No.25762988
Quoted by: >>25763135

When I was entering houses in Minecraft I’d also always shine a flashlight into the outlets to see if they were fake, you won’t believe how much loot I got from doing that

>> No.25763042
File: 68 KB, 928x477, 04BE7B2A-F343-48CC-89D0-4516FE4433CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25763114

Gold is officially over.

GBTC will overtake GLD this year for AUM.

>> No.25763088
Quoted by: >>25763145

that makes sense. looks pretty cool too. guess you could always sell the table top if you had/wanted to. just need to evaluate the oz within first. my life's dream is to find a nugget in the wild, no matter how small.

>> No.25763114

That's nice. Now check out my DUBS ------^

>> No.25763116

MARA is the best performing mining stock this year. Is anyone else long Mara?

>> No.25763135

Any tips on slowing down burglars?

>> No.25763145
File: 34 KB, 504x378, 62523486_490295458378165_3851946564788420608_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25765408

whats your region, depending on where you live you might be not far from one.

>> No.25763186

You are a boomer couple ~5-10 years from retirement and are putting $80k into precious metals as a form of savings, likely to be passed onto your children instead of being sold. What do you buy?

Yes this is a request for advice, I'm thinking just 100% AGEs, any counterarguments?

>> No.25763297

Junk silver so you can stack more weight.

>> No.25763461

Depends on the children, if they would sell it the instant its in hand I'd just get all 1 oz gold maples.

>> No.25763671
Quoted by: >>25764009

depends on the area, but simple triggered lights and cameras will often keep the basic assholes away.

>> No.25763707

non-lethal or lethal?

>> No.25763889

I’m phonefagging so my ID changed. The best advice I can give is to NEVER tell anyone when you go on vacation or post it on social media. When you do go on vacation, get a delay for your light switches so different ones are on different times of the day. When you leave the same lights on all day, we know the house is unoccupied. As for storing your PM’s and anything else valuable, the best place is a decoy pipe in your basement or a safe embedded into the foundation. A decoy PVC amongst other PVC pipes is almost impossible for us to find, and we wouldn’t waste our time banging on pipes anyways. “Hiding in plain sight” is just a meme since a crew of 3 guys can go through your entire house in under 10 minutes. If you have any more questions let me know.

>> No.25763929
Quoted by: >>25764090

Thanks anons
So what do you guys like more
1oz gold coins or 1oz gold bars?
any real difference?

>> No.25763932
File: 296 KB, 755x935, AB017F23-3F81-425D-9964-601A91185B98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd only bother if you know your children will build on your wealth and won't just sell it all immediately.
Personally I'd go 50/50 into Gold and Silver the Gold being in 1 oz coins and Silver mostly in 10 and 100 oz bars. Of course you can feel free to spice things up with some junk silver, Silver bullion coins and some of the "junk" Gold listed in the pic.

>> No.25764009

PAN MAN and silver miner anon, are either of you familiar with Rio Silver in Peru? Their Ninobamba property looks interesting:


Please see Table 5 at the top of page 11. Potential up to 30m oz silver?

>> No.25764090
Quoted by: >>25764247

Depends on your jurisdiction but while premiums on gold bars are lower, gold coins have the advantage of being minted by governmental mints and having legal tender status. This can provide a tax-advantage in places like the UK, and can also be helpful if you need to go through customs without declaring your gold as you can just declare the face value.

>> No.25764126


>> No.25764144

Thanks for the insights anon. What would you say to someone who lives in a condo/apartment? Is it better to find some god-forsaken empty forest somewhere and bury it there instead of having it at home?

>> No.25764160
Quoted by: >>25764227

Buy bitcoin or stay poor metalcucks

>> No.25764199
File: 1.75 MB, 1988x2500, 1606271700402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25764227
File: 1.05 MB, 1918x814, 5641684986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post fud
keeps getting easier

>> No.25764231

I understand your general sentiment but your statement is wholly garbage to be honest. If it’s so easy, post portfolios with minimum 8 figure balance. Otherwise keep dreaming.

>> No.25764247

oh cool

>> No.25764279

Waifu is best to stack.

>> No.25764292
Quoted by: >>25764343

>The best advice I can give is to NEVER tell anyone when you go on vacation or post it on social media
This. The best way to not have your gold stolen is to not have your house burgled in the first place. Practice OPSEC, don't tell people you own gold or when you won't be at home, get to know your neighbors so they can keep an eye out for suspicious activity, etc.

>> No.25764330
Quoted by: >>25764559

professional panty raider?

>> No.25764343

Based and militarypilled

>> No.25764354

>What would you say to someone who lives in a condo/apartment?
My crew never did apartments due to the security measures they have and the sheer number of people living in them. But considering most burglars are crack addicted niggers and not professionals, I’d say your best bet would be cutting open a seat cushion, storing your valuables, then sewing it back together. Like I said with the pipes we obviously know people do this but it’s just not worth our time to check. As for just straight up burying it there’s no way any burglar would even consider getting a metal detector and looking for it, so that’s another solid option.

>> No.25764367
Quoted by: >>25764419

YOLO it all into 1kg or 100oz bars of silver

I have a couple oz of gold that I kinda wish was silver

>> No.25764368

>What would you say to someone who lives in a condo/apartment?
My crew never did apartments due to the security measures they have and the sheer number of people living in them. But considering most burglars are crack addicted niggers and not professionals, I’d say your best bet would be cutting open a seat cushion, storing your valuables, then sewing it back together. Like I said with the pipes we obviously know people do this but it’s just not worth our time to check. As for just straight up burying it there’s no way any burglar would even consider getting a metal detector and looking for it, so that’s another solid option.

>> No.25764416
File: 3.07 MB, 4032x2337, 11EE8B81-F017-43C1-94F4-395A1181D12D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stack update. Most recent additions are the 10oz hand poured silver bar and the dimes. I got an itch to get the 90% silver after getting a little bored with the larger sizes. Opinions? Where to go from here? Sitting at 500ish oz silver 6oz gold.

>> No.25764419
Quoted by: >>25765116

>I have a couple oz of gold that I kinda wish was silver

>> No.25764559

Lol no, but it took me less than 30 seconds to go through piles of laundry or hampers and I’d find good shit half the time.

>> No.25764561

I know the name but its been a while since I looked at them, let me get back to you in a bit.

>> No.25764715

Fuck bros everytime I go for a weekend getaway I get paranoid about my stack like some dam dragon. Is burying my shit in a pvc pipe really the beat solution?

>> No.25764746

65k in Gold 5oz bars
15k Silver 100oz bars

>> No.25764806

Very nice assortment. If you're feeling comfortable and safe with your stack now why not buy some miners?

>> No.25764857

I'm considering buying some rural property (very cheap in my otherwise rich European country) in some far-off part using an offshore corporate vehicle in a private jurisdiction (BVI, Seychelles, etc.) which holds the title to it. This maintains total privacy as my name is off any land register domestically (and the BVI will not disclose ownership or directorship information) which means I can store whatever I want in said rural property without people ever knowing about it or my relation to the property.

>> No.25765008
File: 208 KB, 818x600, 1442353581278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty fren. ended up ordering one myself

>> No.25765116
Quoted by: >>25765354

I just think silver has more up side and I should of played the ratio better

>> No.25765120
Quoted by: >>25765810

Pan Man how much you suspect Covid will affect mining in BC? also you been reading up on this new south african strain?

>> No.25765140
File: 90 KB, 1179x424, r8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25765239

rate my recent purchase.
>Used Credit card for 1.5% cash back
>Final price of $27.80 / toz ($2.40 / toz over spot)

>> No.25765232
File: 3.29 MB, 4032x3024, 1609909796781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25765733

Which one of you is this??

>> No.25765239
Quoted by: >>25765452

Not great not terrible, if you just went with a regular dealer and used a bank transfer you would've saved some money though, unless you specifically wanted this mint's 1 kg bar and couldn't find it elsewhere for some reason.

>> No.25765269
Quoted by: >>25765375

Tube of Gold Buffaloes and 3 monster boxes of ASEs.

>> No.25765354

thanks for the info
planning on buying soon but still indecisive on what i want

>> No.25765368

not sure how it works there but in the US you'd also need offshore bank accounts to handle payments for insurance and taxes. Even then anyone can easily find you just by suing the corporation holding the property. Someone has to physically step forth to answer the claim, or the land is forfeit. That person also has to prove they have the right to answer the claim, meaning you have to prove you own the company that owns the land. For the government, finding you is as simple as accusing the landowner of a crime and waiting for someone to step up and claim it or keep hidden and lose the property.

>> No.25765375

Why buffalos instead of eagles?

>> No.25765408
Quoted by: >>25765960

norcal. inlaws live near knights ferry, CA. we go there often. gold country! so strange, my gma randomly gifted me gold panning supplies for xmas. gonna take the boy somewhere. got any suggestions??

>> No.25765452
File: 420 KB, 1163x800, APMEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best I could find

>> No.25765494


>> No.25765579
File: 490 KB, 1334x750, 35FC59C8-FC8A-4F50-BC52-60F74F8B1039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a coin that is 90% silver and 10% copper can match these specs. I see some people speculating that they'll be .999 fine but that would make them heavier than 26.73g. The new silver dollars will be 90% silver just like the historical ones!! (Which is better imo)

>> No.25765686

Not a joke...
Thinking of buying 2 rolls 40%AG Kennedy half dollars for $150 w/ free shipping.
If I absolutely had to sell these locally would a coin dealer be able to buy them quickly for close to spot? I'll call them on Monday, just wondering your opinion on the liquidity here. This will be my first coin purchase ever.

>> No.25765733

This guy is a retard when he talks about BTC being a store of value

>> No.25765810
File: 318 KB, 1666x1374, 101670824_10158505218696064_1631776544049457691_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its made operating camps a pain in the ass, and getting personal in and out of regions very hard. Everyone had to figure out covid regulations to stop idiot drillers going into remote towns and possibly spreading the virus. BGM for example keeps having to send people home after detecting covid on them.

O man yes I do, try this link out mate it should be close to you, your right in gold country. Go find some bedrock and get digging!

>> No.25765856
Quoted by: >>25766067

>would a coin dealer be able to buy them quickly for close to spot?

>> No.25765942

>If I absolutely had to sell these locally would a coin dealer be able to buy them quickly for close to spot?
Not really, some dealers even sell them for under spot. I imagine most dealers will pay 10-15% under spot for them. The best way to sell 40% halves is to list them on Craigslist at spot, which should be an irresistable offer to anyone who browses the site.

>> No.25765960
Quoted by: >>25766320

sorry mate I miss clicked your info is here >>25765810

In photos of the region I see lots of bedrock, go up the bank from the river a bit, move some larger rocks and dig down into any exposed bedrock. Look for hard bedrock with clay at the bottom of the hole, that will mean the area hasnt been disturbed. if the gravels are compacted than once again the area hasnt been worked yet and gold wont be far away. learn to pan, and pan slowly, your in nugget country.

>> No.25765973
Quoted by: >>25766011

Has anyone here made to bulionaire status? If so, are you paranoid about the government taking away your gold/silver?

>> No.25766011
Quoted by: >>25766119

If you are a billionaire, the government works for you.

>> No.25766028

If I had that much wealth in PMs like Schiff or Maloney I think that would be worthwhile. I'm just think about making a floor safe in the garage under a parked car or washing machine. Thoughts?

>> No.25766042

Get $1000 FV mercury dimes. It's so satisfying to have a heavy sack of coins to run your fingers through. Divisibility of your stack is very important

>> No.25766067

Thank you.
>of course there will be follow ups
So it's valued the same way as the 90% junk silver half dollar? By the weight of the Ag in there? Because the 40% is layered, has a Cu core, etc.
Finally would I be an idiot if I cleaned these coins, for fun? Cuz I like shiny things?

>> No.25766090

PVC releases sulfides causing tarnishing, so you will have to seal them in something else inside the pvc pipe

>> No.25766119

> billionaire
No I meant Bullionaire (owning 1,000 ozs of gold or equivalent). It seems when an individual reaches these levels the government likes to step in and fuck your day up.

>> No.25766184

>So it's valued the same way as the 90% junk silver half dollar?
it is where I live. LCS will pay spot or a tiny bit under for any junk

clean away, buddy. If you're collecting junk just for spot value it doesn't matter if it's been cleaned.

>> No.25766196

>So it's valued the same way as the 90% junk silver half dollar?
It's worth slightly less than the equivalent weight in 90% due to lower purity.
>Finally would I be an idiot if I cleaned these coins, for fun?
You'll get less back for cleaned coins because most buyers think cleaned coins look unnatural; shiny, but not lustrous.

>> No.25766320
Quoted by: >>25766509

you are the best dude. if I find anything, it's going in a little display case that says "PAN MAN".

>> No.25766509
File: 1.47 MB, 2461x3281, gold3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant use any equipment in the park zone other than a pan and shovel, and most of that areas still claimed for placer, so go find a nice hidden little area and go dig. look for places previous old miners worked, hand piled rock walls and such, look above and below those.

>> No.25766530

So far this is what im thinking

5 1oz gold coins

2 1oz gold bar

1 bag 100$FV junk dimes

1 Monster box

2 100oz silver bars

Total 35k not counting tax however that might be.

Sound like a good deal? any changes or suggesting's?
Kinda thinking about dropping the monster box for a lower silver coin count and upping the gold and silver bars.

>> No.25766549
File: 19 KB, 364x480, 24_MAIN_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was wanting to pick up a zippo lighter, came across this on their site, satin finished sterling.


>> No.25766588

You will get flagged by the irs with 10k + price on items. Get some today then roll over after 2 days to buy again.

>> No.25766600
Quoted by: >>25766746

Are you planning on doing that as one full purchase or over a few different orders? thats a kings ransom my man.

>> No.25766619

Now that is a stacked waifu

>> No.25766662
Quoted by: >>25766759

That pan is loaded! As a kid my dad took me to Dahlonega, Georgia to pan. It was kind of a tourist trap but we each got maybe around a dozen specks like that and it was the best time ever. Still have the little vial with water and gold in it

>> No.25766666

What happens if you get flagged by the irs? I thought they only care if you’re selling

>> No.25766742
Quoted by: >>25766805

is a pickaxe okay? gotta refresh myself on how to pan effectively. practice makes perfect, too. also need to learn how to find that nice hidden spot. don't want to be on someone's property or get shot lol

>> No.25766746
Quoted by: >>25766805

>You will get flagged by the irs
was going to do it at once
why does that matter

>> No.25766759
Quoted by: >>25766954

that pan came from a crew of miners last summer at 8 Mile Lake. So far they have recovered 3 of those pans worth of gold, but they still put 2 million into the ground and another half a million into development to mine it, so they will need a little more than that to be making money. Big gear = big money. Also Dahlonega Georgia, wasnt that the site of the first gold rush? Would love to wander around there.

>> No.25766765

Nice try satan

>> No.25766781
Quoted by: >>25766840


they watch for money laundering and tax evasion. If you're buying metal you can't afford on the salary you declared and can't explain where the money came from they'll probably send someone to check your bank accounts and run an audit.

>> No.25766795

It is when you buy or sell. You will get a knock on the door if they really care, but you will most likely be flagged for confiscation.

>> No.25766805
Quoted by: >>25766840

use https://thediggings.com/ to locate claims in the area, and yes basic tools are allowed. I suggest a spoon and small pry bar or screw driver to clean out any cracks you locate too.
the irs tracks any major purchases over 10k and logs the event thats all. If you want to be under the radar do smaller purchases.

>> No.25766835

Pan man is there any retard-proof guides to getting into panning for gold? Like the equipment needed and all that jazz? Do you think it would be worth it if I spent some time out camping in the summer on some rivers in the Michigan UP panning?

>> No.25766840
Quoted by: >>25766922

oh wow
i have just been saving for awhile
an audit i wouldn't care about but i dont want them taking my booty lol
but i guess its better than bringing attention to myself even if legit

>> No.25766881

so every 2 days but keep each purchase under 10k
i can do that i guess

>> No.25766918
File: 302 KB, 500x500, fetchimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is when you buy or sell. You will get a knock on the door if they really care, but you will most likely be flagged for confiscation.
This most of all. If youre convinced enough to lay this down on PM's as your true savings, if they get confiscated then it's a -100% return.

>> No.25766919
File: 888 KB, 1536x2048, 120388336_1282078722129826_8600317327279755773_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes check the OP, there are several links to how to pan and where to look in book form. Also watch guys like Askjeffwilliams, Pioneer Pauly and Dan Hurd on youtube. They have all the info will need.

>> No.25766922
Quoted by: >>25767117

they won't take your stuff. And if you've been saving in a bank account you're fine. Nothing will happen. Even if you've been hoarding cash, nothing's likely to happen. You just don't want to be earning $24k per year and buying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of metal with drug money or something dumb like that. Normal people buying $10k+ in metals legally will probably never hear from them.

It does come up in court if you declare bankruptcy within 12 months of buying, but that's another rare circumstance and even then they can't take something you no longer have.

>> No.25766945
Quoted by: >>25767117

>every 2 days but keep each purchase under 10k
they track that as well. It doesn't matter. If you buy $35k in metal in a year they're going to know.

>> No.25766953

Careful, I’ve heard they also look for people spacing purchases out over several days like this. They then say it looks “suspicious” and really bring the hammer down and civil forfeiture everything you got. FUCK this distopia bullshit

>> No.25766954

Dahlonega might have been the site of the first gold rush. Don't remember much of the history, but they did have a U.S. Mint there for a while. If gold/silver go crazy and I do well on miners I might look into getting some land there

>> No.25766986
File: 60 KB, 700x667, 1587606549085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so every 2 days but keep each purchase under 10k
>i can do that i guess
Tbh I would start looking at your local LCS too. Keep everything on a first name basis and pay in cash.

Best way to stay under the radar. Also withdraw cash from the bank in small chunks, $1000, $3400, $5500 at a time every few weeks. If the bank gives you any lip tell them you're buying a car off of Craigslist

>> No.25766998
Quoted by: >>25767249

in the Michigan UP your going to only find fine gold transferred from the northwest territories down in clays by glaciation. Look for a deep blue clay in creek banks and river beds. It carrys gold and native copper nuggets. Pan slowly or build a gentle sluice box, you will need basic hand tools like shovels and picks, o and lots of buckets, often the clay layer is high out of the modern channel.

>> No.25767001

>I’ve heard they also look for people spacing purchases out over several days like this
that is correct. I'm not sure about US law but the threshold in my state is any multiple purchases over $500 each. Even if they're spread out over several stores.

>> No.25767020
File: 34 KB, 696x433, Untitled-design-2020-08-03T170043.337-696x433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /GPL/ gang?

>> No.25767022
Quoted by: >>25767081

Dubs and ill lock in my maple with my LCS @ $1850 and get 50ozt of silver cuz fuck it

>> No.25767081
File: 83 KB, 569x566, freelance_data_broadcaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25767393

Checked better smash that order button

>> No.25767117

ok ok
yup, just savings in bank account
but in all honesty id rather they not look at me at all, dont trust the government that much lol

sadly i dont think i have a LCS that close to me, was hoping to do online.
but i really wanted as much as i can this year. I want to put as much of my savings in PM as i can.
is that risk worth it?
>They then say it looks “suspicious” and really bring the hammer down and civil forfeiture everything you got.
How likely is that to happen?

>> No.25767210
Quoted by: >>25767351

they watch your finances and mine anyways. Or more correctly they have robots watching us. That's how they build stuff like credit reports and state income estimates. Most of what you earn and buy is reported to multiple private companies and public agencies.

>How likely is that to happen?
it looks more suspicious to break up a large purchase over several days. It looks like you're trying to hide something and failing.

>> No.25767249
Quoted by: >>25767435

Do you have any pictures outlining an example of what I should look for?

>> No.25767266

This is an interesting series of questions w/r/t IRS (who are probably reading this thread, hi glowies!)

Seriously though, I asked this in another thread, if the price of PM goes up for whatever reason and you sell, that's a capital gains and must be reported, right? Voluntarily of course.

>> No.25767300
Quoted by: >>25767380

>hi glowies!
hey buddy

>> No.25767336

>that's a capital gains and must be reported, right?
yeah, if you're above the taxable limit for income you need to report it

>> No.25767351
Quoted by: >>25767410

>it looks more suspicious to break up a large purchase over several days.
sounds like its safer to just buy it all at once and hope they dont feel like being assholes

>> No.25767380
File: 1.22 MB, 1794x1842, 59463C3B-7B3E-47E3-9AB2-142C6AD5027A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everybody! Anyone wanna commit financial crimes with me?

>> No.25767393


Im buying the gold maple tomorrow 100%.. BTFD, and if the anon who was talking about big players selling PM's for the 10yr treasury auctions on this Tuesday is to believed, this dip wont last.

As for the silver, I already have 250ozt, and a portfolio of over 15 au/ag miners, do I need more? I was planning on buying some NTR 10ozt bars, but my LCS upped the premiums from $5 to $7 CAD, I'm hoping my "good patron" $1 off will apply..

>> No.25767410

that's what I do. I've never heard from the IRS about it in the 20+ years I've been buying coins and metal. They don't care. They do track the transactions but you almost certainly won't hear from them.

>> No.25767435

ah.. no actually not in this case, I ve not been able to find a good photo for an example before, especially since I am going off second hand info here.

The clay will be deep dark blue, very fine grained material and compact. Its dense / hard. It breaks down in water easily however. It may be oxidized, coated in rust depending on the area. Hard to miss honestly especially in river banks. Other than that the standard rules apply. Bedrock, river boulders and mosses / cracks / tree roots will slow and hold even micro gold.

>> No.25767445

well thats good to hear

>> No.25767482
Quoted by: >>25767621

Just got some Asahi rounds in the mail
today. Simple design but nicely executed. Like em a lot.

>> No.25767499

I am going to need to look deeper into this project but your right it looks promising, a nice wide lower grade bulk tonnage open pit copper silver gold target. https://www.riosilverinc.com/properties/peru-ninobamba/
Silver miner anon might be able to help with this as well, I ll add it too the watch list.

>> No.25767577
Quoted by: >>25767713

what was your highest purchase at one time

>> No.25767621
File: 1.74 MB, 2350x3592, 1600651945232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait until you get ahold of the 10oz bar

>> No.25767689

I really hope belangp lurks here
>captcha is boats

>> No.25767713

I spent $35k on coins in the last couple months, but they were from multiple sellers with the largest single order being $15k. My purchases actually look suspicious but I don't worry about it since what I'm doing is perfectly legal.
If they want to know more I have all my paperwork on file.

>> No.25767798
File: 3.10 MB, 1522x2048, 7312CB16-0B18-4912-9A47-9BB7AA945D60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25767862

I raise you 1 Kilo

>> No.25767862

if it ever goes at or 900, i have to get one, its killing me

>> No.25767894
Quoted by: >>25767940

Hey guys newfag here. I want to go all in, which metal should I buy? Or should I buy both gold and silver. I'm scared of the clown economy right now, this shit can fucking crash anytime

>> No.25767914

Thanks to the anon who posted this video in one of the last few threads. I watched this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cjrf6qlOtI because of it. Seems like he saw all the screeching in this thread >>25700691 and made that video

>> No.25767925
Quoted by: >>25768018

I will get the next bread, but amerifags. Look out for this.

>> No.25767940

standard ratio is 1 oz gold to 100 oz silver, get as low cost as possible from good retailers

>> No.25767944

I always listen to belangp in the background while browsing bullion dealers, it's very comfy.

>> No.25767980
File: 909 KB, 1270x716, chisame_pmg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait until you get ahold of the 10oz bar
I have five random 10oz bars coming in next week, hoping at least one is an asahi desu

>> No.25768018

what the QRD on this, how does it effect PM's?

>> No.25768048
Quoted by: >>25768097

He shills out JMBullion along side economics, but this was mostly for amerifags who is stacking PM.

>> No.25768064
File: 304 KB, 1266x1600, 1601839221642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25768280

GL, never done the rando options

>> No.25768097
Quoted by: >>25768153

i mean the DHS terror threat stuff
New to PM's so not sure how that affects it

>> No.25768153
Quoted by: >>25768196

If the goverment cracks down on you, and does not allow you think of anything but buy tesla otherwise you get sent to jail. It might be time to start talking about it.

>> No.25768195
File: 56 KB, 1080x621, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the QRD on this, how does it effect PM's?
>white supremacists are terrorists
>We need to patriot act 2.0 them
>they stack PM's to circumvent banking restrictions
>if you ever bought PM's and you're white your a terrorist
>were going to no knock raid your house arrest your family and send you to FPMITA prison for the rest of your life

>> No.25768196
Quoted by: >>25768247

jail for buying PM's?
still confused sorry

>> No.25768222

whites cant buy metals now
yea, government isnt tyrannical at all.

>> No.25768247

New bread


read >>25768195

>> No.25768275
File: 700 KB, 1000x1000, 87t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digits confirm

>> No.25768280

Enjoy getting your 5 chewed up Buffalo bars

>> No.25768288
File: 621 KB, 4032x1816, 20210109_004129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting my favourite coin aesthetic, what's the most interesting coin you other anons have?

>> No.25768424

Remember when Scott Minerd called the economy a ponzi scheme and shilled silver in January of last year?


>> No.25768585
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, nazis buy gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are living in the end times
Its becoming real

>> No.25768914
File: 3.94 MB, 4032x3024, B99CC15A-6D3A-4660-89E4-4E9F997FAE40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah gonna have to take a look.