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File: 174 KB, 1450x2048, FV23lr1akAAHMg5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26643241 No.26643241 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>26644327

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


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Previous thread: >>26637089

>> No.26643264
File: 101 KB, 800x800, FBqu45RVUAUz3nf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26643266
File: 372 KB, 2048x1450, FVtQLI4UUAQKNJj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ike love!

>> No.26643265
Quoted by: >>26643409

what do you mean? I'm also in stocks and I'm making a killing. Trust me sister.
also did you just assume my gender? bigot.

>> No.26643273
File: 146 KB, 480x480, 1642225008948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26643278
Quoted by: >>26644480

I want Vox to impregnate me and rub my pregnant belly!

>> No.26643283
File: 718 KB, 1280x720, hook.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26643346

Sonny LOVE!

>> No.26643286
File: 135 KB, 423x630, FV1SlHaaMAApQjm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.26643304
File: 222 KB, 1407x1406, 9151FED2-A634-44BF-B879-DED94B50441E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26643351

Luca love! This game is so much slower than Until Dawn…

>> No.26643320

Milord so happy to get finished with the outside of the castle!

>> No.26643326
File: 61 KB, 512x680, FTcooIZVEAA4XAn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26643333
File: 626 KB, 2340x2879, pleaselive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta is really proud of you living despite everything.
You can do it!

>> No.26643338

yall niggas are lucky reimu and petra are being super extra cute and spicy right now.

>> No.26643346

do another karaoke you whore

>> No.26643351

i hope he joins the group that plans on doing this as a collab. maybe that will make it bearable.

>> No.26643355

>I'm going to be very careful about not pissing off. Reimu in the future
>Just don't be a cop
Damn Reimu

>> No.26643365
File: 115 KB, 1200x821, FVyqFa_UAAAuD8G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta Love! The game he's playing is kind of boring but I'm enjoying his commentary so far!

>> No.26643377
File: 151 KB, 1500x1158, FMweOmlaQAMDMAu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shu sex love

>> No.26643395

I was about to write the same thing. Imagine Mysta laughing cheerfully when cutting your leg.

>> No.26643401

wait reimu is black? why does she hate cops?

>> No.26643403
Quoted by: >>26643482

She absolutely was detained or arrested by a crooked cop once in Columbia.

>> No.26643409

Nta, but did you assume that anon assumed your gender?

>> No.26643410

I want another niji uk collab now that Enna's back.

>> No.26643412
Quoted by: >>26643448

Imagine a threesome with my spicy skeleton wife Reimu and tiny flat chested Petra

>> No.26643421
File: 484 KB, 800x1000, 1645894223609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with mysta (to cheer him up because this game sucks ass)

>> No.26643424

Wish this game has a faster pace...

>> No.26643425
File: 19 KB, 300x300, F54B7886-15DA-40B2-A9F3-2610F3D35DEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milord LOVE!! I shall persist and have a good day!

>> No.26643440
File: 44 KB, 888x727, babyshu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby Shu!

>> No.26643446
Quoted by: >>26643723

Reimu really hates Sonny

>> No.26643448

reimu's bony chest and petra's penguin flippers both fighting to caress my penis...

>> No.26643450
File: 75 KB, 600x603, 4886297486771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Randon, come home

>> No.26643462
Quoted by: >>26643520

Vox Love! I hope you will have a good day!

>> No.26643464
File: 15 KB, 408x103, 5445542129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This aged well.

>> No.26643473

Ryan really is the only good thing about this game, love that autist.

>> No.26643482

I fully believe this and I love my Columbian drug lord oshi

>> No.26643491
File: 94 KB, 1204x720, FV25HUHaMAAHQSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26643595

Noctyx LOVE!

>> No.26643506

It's because he's Mysta's self-insert and thus automatically endearing.

>> No.26643505
File: 81 KB, 500x500, 1652990491063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shu is genuinely really adorable.
Please kill me I don't want to be a homo.

>> No.26643514

Mysta has a good taste.

>> No.26643520
File: 27 KB, 300x300, DD31F87C-E143-4B5C-A09F-D82E67F816D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I hope you’ll have an amazing day!

>> No.26643521

Wave 6 where?

>> No.26643522

Watch them move goalposts now.

>> No.26643530
File: 417 KB, 1800x1200, FRHxJaAaIAAcLDY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26643634

Milord love! His stream today was very nice and comfy, a wonderful way to start the morning. I can't wait to catch him again! I hope your day gets better too if you're the kindredsis who had the accident earlier!

>> No.26643545
File: 254 KB, 1126x2048, 1651991609190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, Shu is a woman!

>> No.26643551
Quoted by: >>26643640

petra's laughs/chuckles are so tskr

>> No.26643554
File: 286 KB, 1073x2048, FA0452B7-1690-4D45-8ADD-47D5C77D3416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26643623

Shu sex!

>> No.26643566
File: 509 KB, 1463x2048, 5B75F1C9-B0DA-4AF8-96D9-96BB1DA6D27B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira love!
I love this warm, fluffy dragon!

>> No.26643567
File: 1.72 MB, 844x1852, 1655612035895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26643654

Keep living, pentomo-kun

>> No.26643577


>> No.26643582

Please don't ever take schizos seriously. Anyway, pissed off how anyway?

>> No.26643584
Quoted by: >>26643655

>S-she’s going to talk about off collab!
Or that kind of cope

>> No.26643585

why no homo? shu is an authentic yamato nadeshiko.

>> No.26643595
File: 210 KB, 1800x1200, @sevenforVtubers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26643594
File: 463 KB, 803x715, 1652553996275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26643748


>> No.26643623
File: 254 KB, 1280x2340, FVT3JpBVUAA6JzA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shu sex

>> No.26643629

>Gloating over 1.2k viewers for a return stream
Do Honeys really?

>> No.26643634
File: 61 KB, 300x300, 3A71852D-29FC-45AC-9121-C20C46E50E1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26643785

I can’t wait to watch the VOD this evening! It’ll be a good way to relax after today because yeah that was me haha. I was on the phone with insurance not too long ago who said they’ll get back to me within a business day. Things will be fine! I hope you have an amazing rest of your day as well— Love!!

>> No.26643640

For all the doomposting about their collab it was actually really fun to watch.
I wonder if poppy was displaying symptoms last time and maybe that's why Reimu wasn't really feeling up to it

>> No.26643647

Nina telling Luca stories later for any interested Lucubs

>> No.26643650

>reimu end stream
>decided to not raid nina for her comeback stream
god this spicy latina ghost is too based.

>> No.26643654

I want a design like this in wave 6

>> No.26643655

I mean she's probably going to but that' beside the point now. I just despise people bringing numbers as their sole arguements.

>> No.26643665

chat just wants this bitch to die kek

>> No.26643670

I hope this girl dies

>> No.26643678
Quoted by: >>26643717

>moving goalposts
like clockwork.

>> No.26643696

Finally, the only good NijiEN female is back

>> No.26643705

We like Nina here

>> No.26643717

Do Honeys really?

>> No.26643718

You didn't have to prove me right so fast.

>> No.26643719

whens this bitch going to shut up and talk about the off collab?

>> No.26643721

no thanks

>> No.26643725


>> No.26643723

Nah it's Finana that she hates after overlapping her birthday stream

>> No.26643724

Let the nina shitposting starts

>> No.26643729

Still milking the boys weeks after the off collab. Honeys...

>> No.26643731
Quoted by: >>26643834

Sauce please

>> No.26643732
File: 141 KB, 279x226, 1654195686890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been waiting for this day for weeks and my popcorn is ready!
Fight for my entertainment friends! Fight over Nina!

>> No.26643738
Quoted by: >>26643791

mysta isn't even trying to keep the characters alive at this point kek he can't stand them

>> No.26643747
Quoted by: >>26643768

She's now got 2k+.
She's getting close to what elira gets playing xbc

>> No.26643748
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x1280, 5435321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26643801

pomudachi getting jealous of nina closeness with pomu

>> No.26643750
File: 705 KB, 850x1444, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait I'm already talking about Luca this soon, no, let's talk about YOU and ME...

Finally a base take, keep this way and I might watch you again Nina

>> No.26643753
File: 189 KB, 1920x3400, shlongcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26643929

bless shlongcat

>> No.26643761
File: 199 KB, 1526x2048, albanknox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26643862

i love catboy

>> No.26643768

Do Honeys really?

>> No.26643772
File: 84 KB, 226x266, 1655056093820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate when i click a poipiku link and its just a huge cock front and center. i wanted porn not an anatomy lesson

>> No.26643785
Quoted by: >>26643999

nta but I hope your day gets better!

>> No.26643786

Use better bait, since Reimu showed up to the totsu.

>> No.26643787

Also Nina after not raiding her for her return stream.

>> No.26643789
File: 995 KB, 1104x730, 1651455852344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well well well if it ain't the fattest leech in nijien.

>> No.26643791

Its incredible how they made characters worse than Until Dawn, I get that this is supposed to be a homage to teen slashers in the 80s but fuck

>> No.26643793
File: 436 KB, 1872x2158, FR1SWgTagAEJs3-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my daughterwife!

>> No.26643796

and she already started talking about Luca
I like her but this is getting obnoxious - if I wanted to see some retard acting like one, I'd go on Twitter

>> No.26643801

Pomudachi are intimidated by most women

>> No.26643812

the face mocap is so uncanny

>> No.26643834


>> No.26643837
Quoted by: >>26643938

Stop baiting then by saying X hates Y

>> No.26643842

i can't wait for the nijiuk minecraft collab with peto enna and millie giving reimu a tour! cute petorei! cute nijiuk!

>> No.26643853
Quoted by: >>26643933

Not even a honey but it's pretty hard to say that this is a failure when she's getting close to the same number elira does during a game this thread doesn't shut up about and she just got $400 in a supa

>> No.26643862
File: 61 KB, 735x425, 8d6cc9d048cb01bb9284cc0b38ab92c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love him too

>> No.26643865

Good. I was waiting for the real drama to surface for the last 12 hours. Entertain us, fools.

>> No.26643877

Watch out, two Ninafags have rolled in from Twitter and are ready to yasss queen ad infinitum!

>> No.26643883

share the cock

>> No.26643897

I swear this fucking game

>> No.26643901

Do falseflagging holokeks really?

>> No.26643903

Guess who invited the baiting in the first place. Don't be a hypocrite

>> No.26643907

Mysta's cute psychotic laugh!

>> No.26643910
File: 79 KB, 250x246, Nina Kiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, the twitter cope.
Fuck off faggot.

>> No.26643911

Based, Mysta finally killed off Emma.

>> No.26643917

>Girl gets mauled to death
>Mysta laughs hysterically

>> No.26643920

Will they start spamming nina images to try and impress this thread?

>> No.26643929
File: 25 KB, 200x200, 1653988381063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644034

Mysta that's so based
I'm so happy when Shu said he like this cat plushie because I own one too

>> No.26643933

Do Honeys really? Really really?

>> No.26643934
File: 6 KB, 162x161, 1632529348101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26643935
File: 325 KB, 1152x2048, FUif6arX0AEG_sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645200

Nina love

>> No.26643937
File: 168 KB, 512x512, 1639587168501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting in!

>> No.26643938

It's not bait. Reimu hates cops. Sonny is a cop. Ergo, Reimu hates Sonny. My god, anon, do I really have to spell this out for you?

>> No.26643942

Keep coping, you are doing well!

>> No.26643964

Mysta's laugh as the monster is killing this girl. Looooooool
I'm hard

>> No.26643966

Mysta being an incel on stream again...

>> No.26643969

Briskadet please we're shitposting about nina right now stop talking about porn

>> No.26643982 [SPOILER] 
File: 345 KB, 840x859, 11523021440yb1j05froo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26643985
File: 6 KB, 225x225, shuyaaaamianainsoans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644065

have a nice day anon!

>> No.26643991

they are gonna have hatesex

>> No.26643999
File: 68 KB, 300x300, C309C9BD-1856-4F35-B6F7-18D572684B15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644436

Thank you so much! I’ll be just fine. I hope you’re having a great day as well!

>> No.26644008

I love it!

>> No.26644015
Quoted by: >>26644353

Link please I wanna see cocks.

>> No.26644026

mysta is saying dangerous things right now

>> No.26644025

Please stop fighting... I'll suck your cocks so everybody play nice, okay?

>> No.26644034

I need it now
I also need shlongcat in physical form

>> No.26644036

He just like me frfr

>> No.26644051

>Nina at 2k
Truly the actual protagonist of EN, those whores Elira and Selen wish to have her success

>> No.26644058

Why do you have to be a weirdo about it then? If you can joke about Reimu hating coworkers, I can do it too. Funny how you get triggered and call it bait when someone ese does it.

>> No.26644065
Quoted by: >>26644228

Im trying, I caught covid and the past two days have been painful. refreshing this thread is the easiest thing to entertain myself with since it moves fast..

>> No.26644067

>President elections in Colombia won by the leftist candidate
>The next morning Reimu tweets: "The day greeting me with a miracle"
Oh no...

>> No.26644071

chat goaded mysta into saving the fag just because he's a fag lol

>> No.26644075

Holy crap i KNEEL. 2K queen!!!!!

>> No.26644080


>> No.26644091

Do Honeys really?!

>> No.26644095


>> No.26644122
File: 82 KB, 250x250, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bait, i give it a 5 out of 10

>> No.26644128

Success breeds jealousy. Sorry Nina mogs your 2view oshis

>> No.26644132
File: 166 KB, 2000x2000, 1853F05D-5CA0-465F-AAE3-140CBAF82179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does this game Mysta’s playing actually pick up its pace?

>> No.26644135
Quoted by: >>26644173

2.4k and rising. She's got more people watching her right now than elira did for most of the last xbc stream....

>> No.26644143

anon HATES anon

>> No.26644156

Nah she really does. It's obvious that she barely pays attention to Finana. Didn't even know that she was doing her birthday stream already.

>> No.26644173

nina the daisenpai of en

>> No.26644179

This is the most obvious samefagging in quite some time. I constantly underestimate the truly mentally ill people here.

>> No.26644182
Quoted by: >>26644237

Numberfag language detected! Shitposting credentials lowered to “aspiring”!

>> No.26644184

Nina is making people hate watch her numbers now, sasuga.

>> No.26644190


Oh nononononono

>> No.26644207
Quoted by: >>26644316

Apparently this IS after it's picked up it's pace...

>> No.26644217

is Ryan a stoner?

>> No.26644219
File: 300 KB, 1200x1718, 1651350514585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644258

>nina streams
>her antis shits the thread out of spite.

Welcome home nina, i missed you.

>> No.26644222
Quoted by: >>26644291

it's really slow. I'm kinda worried for when luca plays this.

>> No.26644228

get well soon anon!

>> No.26644231

I'll be success and you be jealousy, ok?

>> No.26644232

Holy shit its actually real

>> No.26644237

It's all about the numbers honey. Too bad you oshi isn't half as good

>> No.26644240

Probably a few people too. They’re just here to shitpost

>> No.26644250
Quoted by: >>26644349

She's 100 away from the peak of eliras Xenoblade

>> No.26644258
Quoted by: >>26644285

>i missed you
you don't mean that. lmao.

>> No.26644269
Quoted by: >>26644347

A bunch of phantomo schizos can't accept that their oshi is the less successful leech of ethyria so they shit up the thread instead.

>> No.26644277

I am pretty sure it's just one schizo at max and rest of them are shitposters.

>> No.26644285
File: 36 KB, 270x290, 1637637937596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644342

i do.

>> No.26644288

Fuuchan is joining the classist city's army instead of the pirates kek

>> No.26644291
Quoted by: >>26644364

If Luca plays this game he's NGMI, Mysta can actually read and even his attention span can't stand it

>> No.26644302
File: 283 KB, 1606x2048, FOc32NLVsAY_D8k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope he plays more on stream too...

>> No.26644301
Quoted by: >>26644341

Pomu is learning how to make coffee?

>> No.26644305

Honestly I can’t tell whether you’re trying to say that’s good or bad

>> No.26644316

Oh… and it’s still this slow…

>> No.26644322

ninasharts going crazy over a measly 2.6k viewers for a special event like a comeback stream
when reimu got 10k easily when she did karaoke.
scraping bottom of the barren aren't we honeys?
at least she'll start doing solo content and play kino games now right? kek.

>> No.26644327

Preteen Fuuchan ToT

>> No.26644337
File: 183 KB, 890x800, 1653479883020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644475

Waaaaaaaaaaah I was oh so triggered how dare you!

>> No.26644342

Then stream and post on membership you cunt

>> No.26644341
Quoted by: >>26644404

>you will never have a freshly brewed cup of Pomu's coffee in the morning
why live

>> No.26644347

Keep coping Kachiku

>> No.26644349

2.7k now. She mogged Elira!

>> No.26644353
File: 314 KB, 556x556, 1649386187147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644582

i fear i may have exaggerated the size of said cock but here it is nonetheless

>> No.26644358

neener saw your shitposts

>> No.26644360

Nobody wants to watch your 2view fagtomo. Go back to /lig/ and spout fake numbers there

>> No.26644364

I hope he does this during a collab when the coop gameplay comes out

>> No.26644375
Quoted by: >>26644654

>No streams for three weeks
>Tepid return
Will the real Honeys please stand up?

>> No.26644379

Wait, are we finally getting classic Nina back?

>> No.26644381
Quoted by: >>26644448

> comparing a normal zatsu stream with a karaoke

>> No.26644391

i swear honeys have brain rot or something.

>> No.26644392
Quoted by: >>26644502

Can't believe I was actually considering shelling out cash for this kusoge

>> No.26644399
File: 17 KB, 325x268, ike smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello how you doing

>> No.26644402

Ike where is your schedule hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hhahahhahahahahahahahah ahahahhahahahahah ahahahhahahaha ahahahahahhahaha ahahahahhahah ahahahhahahah ahahahahahhahahahahah ahahhahahahaha

>> No.26644404
Quoted by: >>26645332

Pomu making coffee for you in the morning is such a cute art idea

>> No.26644417

This is the game picking up its pace, and that's not an exaggeration. If the devs wanted to imitate shitty slashers from the 80s like Madman, THINGS or Sledgehammer, they nailed it.

>> No.26644431


>> No.26644436
File: 75 KB, 300x300, DA1BA16B-AE84-4896-9497-E3EFBFA3D1F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645192

Thank you!
Also, here is the short drabble I made yesterday if you want it https://controlc.com/4b7a18c7

>> No.26644447

she'll at least pretend to for a week and a half

>> No.26644448

>normal zatsu stream
holy cope, it's a come back stream, there is nothing normal about it. why are ninafags so retarded

>> No.26644450
File: 79 KB, 646x645, 1638639069972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me quilldren... >>26644402

>> No.26644461

Keep coping Rosekek

>> No.26644464
Quoted by: >>26644562

Does Nina say honey anymore?

>> No.26644467
File: 391 KB, 1920x1080, shlongcat + moar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26644465

>the thread right now

>> No.26644475
Quoted by: >>26644722

The proof is written down >>26643938

>> No.26644476

yeah, you have the usual retard back to shitting the thread. At least it'll mean less gayposting.

>> No.26644480

Me too! After a day like today, all I need is exactly what you wrote out in the controlc you made yesterday… oh it’d be so nice to be too dumb to think about anything or stress about anything anymore!

>> No.26644487

Man I thought the spics at my job were retarded

>> No.26644498
Quoted by: >>26644566

Huh she’s acknowledging the fact her content has essentially turned into others’ instead of her own I guess

>> No.26644502

Unironically. Just watch a YouTube playthrough of all the deaths and all the ways to prevent them and you've played the game.
People shit on games like Metal Gear Solid 4 and Uncharted for being movies but The Quarry has less impactful choices than Until Dawn. It's not worth $60 let alone $70

>> No.26644512

It only makes sense. honeys are the biggest numberfags in /nijien/

>> No.26644511
Quoted by: >>26644558

Mysta's entire chat has done an eye exam and he hasn't...

>> No.26644522


>> No.26644526

>the thread during sea hours

>> No.26644527
Quoted by: >>26644605

>special event
Your bait is too obvious, falseflagging holofaggot

>> No.26644529

it probably won’t last but at least honeys will have her for some time

>> No.26644530

The fuck is /lig/? That sounds like catalog trash. How many actual Honeys are there, not catalog shitposters

>> No.26644536

Phantomos stop shitting on other NijiEN members challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

>> No.26644540

Nina is back to show all the sluts how it's done! Whoremu and her dying channel specially, it's all about the numbers honey

>> No.26644541
Quoted by: >>26644612

Nina saying what all Yaminions want from Shu to say to them!

>> No.26644552

Nice try Pomudachi

>> No.26644558

How? Do bongs not do them at schools?

>> No.26644562

Yeah she says it, fairly often but she doesn't spam it like she used to

>> No.26644566

Oh did she? So is she finally going to stop leeching off others and make her own content?

>> No.26644581

/lig/ my balls you retard lmao

>> No.26644580

/lig/ma balls

>> No.26644582

>not my ship
>closes tab
ty anyway kdt

>> No.26644598

This pretty much confirms Pomu is the best, doesn't it?

>> No.26644604

easy there pomukek

>> No.26644606 [DELETED] 


>> No.26644605
Quoted by: >>26644776

Honey the numberfag stereotypes...
You're enforcing them...

>> No.26644608

It feels kinda lame that the devs repeated the formula of until dawn with the quarry (human mutation).

>> No.26644611
File: 118 KB, 1283x722, 1631943903750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi anons i hope you're having a good day enjoying your steams! I love pomu!

>> No.26644612

what was it? i'm watching mysta

>> No.26644613

LIGMA BALLS. Insert SmugLuca.png.

>> No.26644623
Quoted by: >>26644928

Have you eaten today?

>> No.26644627
Quoted by: >>26644704

Best at blowing every man she sees

>> No.26644636

Yeah, when i heard the term I thought it’ll be different

>> No.26644641
Quoted by: >>26644693

No, fuck off

>> No.26644649

It'd be way better if they just went the straightforward slasher route this game with a human killer.

>> No.26644654
File: 748 KB, 3896x4096, 1646836465440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up, darling?
I'm just hoping for more gaming streams eventually.

>> No.26644659

Phantomos can't stop being doxxfags

>> No.26644672

>I'm just hoping for more gaming streams
this honey is gonna starve...

>> No.26644677
Quoted by: >>26644754

>Nina stream
>No discussion
>Numberfagging ONLY

>> No.26644691
Quoted by: >>26644740

They're amongus...

>> No.26644693

Yes, fuck off

>> No.26644694

Latin america

>> No.26644695
Quoted by: >>26644726

Pomu will stream in 2.5 hours.

>> No.26644704

She can blow and be entertaining, something most women fail to do

>> No.26644707
File: 5 KB, 465x52, 1643087503193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mysta rias viewing experience

>> No.26644708

best Luca's cock accessory

>> No.26644715
Quoted by: >>26644790

What did Nina say she asked management about?

>> No.26644717

Honeys run this place. We just let you hangout here

>> No.26644719
Quoted by: >>26644816

>*Opens thread*
>Sucks more than usually sucks

>> No.26644722

I take back what I said about the bait. You were actually right anon, Reimu fucking hates Finana.

>> No.26644726

Pomu please save us from numberfag hours

>> No.26644727
File: 58 KB, 1032x473, Elira Graduation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont even know how to write good ones with this shit, this is the best one I got after like 15 tries

>> No.26644739
Quoted by: >>26644843

Well it sounds like you are getting more solo content from now on with her previous acknowledgments. Happy for you.

>> No.26644740
File: 213 KB, 564x644, 1628725087080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26644748

Why is Nina sub-only mode?

>> No.26644754

it's a zatsu
she's giving some vodka drinking tips.
what is there to discuss now

>> No.26644760

Well at least he’s paying attention… I’m worried for Luca now…

>> No.26644762
File: 73 KB, 231x266, 2022-06-22+17:33:32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644924

What is "think"? Can you eat it?

>> No.26644765

Honeysharts, has Nina given footjobs and if no does she seem like the type that would give them?

>> No.26644776
Quoted by: >>26644836

You missed my point. I was only showing that "return stream" is not some special stream.

>> No.26644780
File: 109 KB, 838x900, t3n_2434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching Fuuchan click his skills and not even change from the default hotbar assignments... you cute retard

>> No.26644782
Quoted by: >>26644859

Mysta just singlehandedly invented the term "pick me boy"

>> No.26644790

Some sort of drink mixing kind of stream.

>> No.26644809

Seems like she would get bored and switch to something else quickly.

>> No.26644814
File: 729 KB, 777x777, 1640722577375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and yes

>> No.26644816

> Sucks more than usually sucks
Thank you for your lips around my fat dong, anon

>> No.26644832
Quoted by: >>26644914

Most of the chuubas have it on as a counter spam measure

>> No.26644836
Quoted by: >>26644954

yeah by using a numberfag site. as if you are not a numberfag at heart. nigga please.

>> No.26644843

The last time she tried to do that she overslept half of her schedule and went to make another offcollab...

>> No.26644857


>> No.26644859

That already exists. It's common lingo with SEA people.

>> No.26644864

Is there anyone who doesn't as a precaution nowadays?

>> No.26644896
File: 434 KB, 1280x720, 1639133794639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If sneed and John Cena fucked and had a baby this is what it'd look like.

>> No.26644899
File: 34 KB, 643x477, 73724384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck werewolves.

>> No.26644905
Quoted by: >>26644988

Has anyone mapped out the girls' menstrual cycles yet?
t. periodCHAD

>> No.26644907

>from 2019
wtf Reimu a time traveller

>> No.26644914

Who is spamming them? Casino bots?

>> No.26644920

I hope ryan the good boy survives

>> No.26644924
Quoted by: >>26645124

You look adorable in a maid dress. You should try wearing some other women's clothes... outside.

>> No.26644928

nope just woke up!

>> No.26644954
Quoted by: >>26645038

Now you are just being an absolute faggot.
Retards were comparing numbers, retards got what they were asking for. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.26644957

what is this?

>> No.26644979

>take time off so I can steal your viewers

>> No.26644985

Nope, nowadays vtuber channels are spammed by pornosite bots. Doesn't matter if you're a Niji or even a vtuber from a small corpo.

>> No.26644984

god I love her the more I learn about her.
Reimu is so fucking Based.

>> No.26644988

>needing to map them out

>> No.26645013
Quoted by: >>26645097

That was Mysta's first and possibly last real scream of the stream.

>> No.26645021
File: 194 KB, 1115x1123, 1650073597358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645214

Since everyone's numberfagging, I'm happy that Alban has half a million followers on twitter now! Sexcat is working so hard! Also didn't he say he was going on a break? His schedule is up this week. He's not my oshi but I'm so proud of him for working so hard

>> No.26645037

a couple of chuubas got their entire channel taken down because of the spam, mika and some jp channels iirc

>> No.26645038
Quoted by: >>26645170

heh, it was never about the numbers anon.
more social skill reps for you and less number counting.

>> No.26645043

She didn’t say that specifically but she said something like “I’ve been so focused on being a mom to the other members lately I haven’t been enough of a mom to you guys” so my two cents was that she’s acknowledging her fans miss her solo gaming streams

>> No.26645061

Vox should get Nina to see a therapist too with all this random crying out of nowhere.

>> No.26645072
File: 791 KB, 900x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645092

All it takes... is one fox vtuber to reduce the sanest thread to lunacy...
That's how far the world is from where we are...
One fox vtuber...

>> No.26645074
File: 3.81 MB, 400x300, 1650998990774.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't take a break
>didn't cry
>didn't apologize
>didn't kneel to antis
>didn't quit streaming
>delivered two kino karaokes, MGS4 streams and totsu calls
>endured through the ordeal and came out stronger than ever

>> No.26645076

can pomu hit 400k subs before her bday

>> No.26645086

Aww that's actually really sweet of her

>> No.26645092


>> No.26645094
Quoted by: >>26645252

She'll be back to leeching off Luxiem when her solo streams keep getting 1200-1500.

>> No.26645097

And I missed it. Fuck me...

>> No.26645100

All me.

>> No.26645111
Quoted by: >>26645143

How many gifted have you gotten, anons? Are you keeping any of them?

>> No.26645123

Nina LOVE!

>> No.26645124
File: 80 KB, 284x253, 2022-06-22+16:46:51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645236

>other woman
Which woman, I'm maidenless.

>> No.26645125

Fuuchan is getting his Chocobo! I wonder what he will name it. Probably Legatus if I had to guess

>> No.26645126

Mysta's gonna get these little faggots laid.

>> No.26645142

Wow Pomu is amazing how can anyone even compete?

>> No.26645143

0. All of them.

>> No.26645151
Quoted by: >>26646483

>didn't cry
I dunno about that one chief

>> No.26645170
Quoted by: >>26645195

>2.6k viewers for a special event like a comeback stream
>when reimu got 10k easily when she did karaoke.
>heh, it was never about the numbers anon.
More reading reps for you and less sucking cocks

>> No.26645172
Quoted by: >>26645231

>Locked her stream chat for no reason
>Suddenly cancels planned game
>Makes up horrible excuse for cope karaoke
>Reopens chat just to lock again when the truth is called
>Only streamed the game for 3-4 hours
>Spent most of the time malding at chat
Weak ass bitch

>> No.26645192

I read it and adored it!! It got me thinking about CEO Vox slipping little pills and libido enhancers into your morning coffee to make you all pliant and needy for him…

>> No.26645195
Quoted by: >>26645274

yeah, retard take confirmed.
Why are phantomos like this.

>> No.26645200

Ngl, actually really based cosplay

>> No.26645214

Aw really gnna miss him next week

>> No.26645217
File: 834 KB, 738x647, petraguitar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took a break
>cancelled her stream
>wrote a twitlonger
>got super mad at people
>cried a lot
>streams haven't been the same since


>> No.26645231
Quoted by: >>26645265

>Weak ass bitch
How nice of you to self-identify and spare me the trouble

>> No.26645236
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x2048, 95099132_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm maidenless
Not for long.

>> No.26645252
Quoted by: >>26645319

We'll have to see honestly. Because she kinda makes it sound like she got burned out pretty heavily while with luxiem. And it kinda makes sense cuz she was in Australia for two weeks longer than planned and nobody really acknowledged it.

>> No.26645264
Quoted by: >>26645308

How come faggot interactions are the funniest and the most interesting things in this shit game?

>> No.26645265

Okay Pomu, don't cancel today's stream because I said mean things

>> No.26645267

lotta bait today

>> No.26645274
Quoted by: >>26645335

Yep, reading reps are absolutely obligatory for you

>> No.26645293

If I were to rephrase that basically she realised she’s having too much fun numberfagging that she forgot the people who actually like her for who she is. But well, being the human that she is, that doesn’t really guarantee that she’ll return to gaming mom either. If anything I hope she quits collabing for a week or two to at least prove herself that she cares about her honeys, but I guess that’s asking too much.

>> No.26645300
Quoted by: >>26645322

I don't remember any twitlongers or her getting angry

>> No.26645308

BL makes the world go 'round. And Mysta's reactions to them are cute.

>> No.26645311
File: 745 KB, 749x1086, 99035343_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much bait
not enough titties

>> No.26645319
Quoted by: >>26645569

>it kinda makes sense cuz she was in Australia for two weeks longer than planned and nobody really acknowledged it.
Yeah I literally forgot she existed for weeks. I hope she does find an identity that works for her and her actual fans

>> No.26645321
File: 53 KB, 768x768, 1655084126261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645853

Hopefully I can take some of it on a fishing trip.
Can't wait for comfy river fishing

>> No.26645322
Quoted by: >>26645367

yeah cause nobody watches petra :(

>> No.26645332

I wonder what pomu tea tastes like...

>> No.26645335

>pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.26645367
Quoted by: >>26645408

I watch Petra every stream but she didn't really get mad. I don't even remember her banning anyone

>> No.26645377

do you guys think the finana birthday merch will be on yahoo auctions or ebay or something i can't afford it at the moment

>> No.26645396

We need some legit manlet EN vtubers

>> No.26645408

>watches petra
>doesnt remember her banning almost everyone the next stream afterwards...

>> No.26645413
Quoted by: >>26645470


>> No.26645418

So is this official stated height change a hint at upcoming 3D debuts? Maybe even in 2022 still?

>> No.26645421
File: 836 KB, 3368x3598, 1644416403031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645440

Petra only canceled one stream over doxx. The rest never happened

>> No.26645447


>> No.26645461

Don't forget
>info just strengthened all pomudachis' love for her
>antis are left holding a toxic bag they can't even post without getting party van'd
>she's going to have lesbian sex with her chicken friend next week
Biggest backfire in vtuber shitposting history.

>> No.26645466

I'm still feeling betrayed by Alban...

>> No.26645470
File: 69 KB, 480x480, 1653879467912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645624


>> No.26645473
Quoted by: >>26645565

For real, most NijiEN members in her position would have at minimum taken a break.
Makes me think she's been preparing herself for the inevitability of the situation.

>> No.26645478
File: 245 KB, 1431x2048, FVyC06dXoAYHnKl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645547


>> No.26645477
Quoted by: >>26645618

Speaking of NijiEn heights - NijiEN males are fucking manlets. Hopefully wave 6 has someone above 190cm.

>> No.26645498
Quoted by: >>26645557

Aruban couldve been our cute little twink. Nijisanji HATE

>> No.26645502

i dunno about that, but if they are in the making, might as well space out the height changes that needs to be done to not make the 3d debut date obvious.

>> No.26645509
Quoted by: >>26645587

Mysta amputated his hand!

>> No.26645512

why is nina such a failure by herself despite going so hard with the shorts/social media/leeching?

>> No.26645528
File: 101 KB, 916x1146, FV24xiVXkAMwcA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646129

>Apparently can break dishes with her own hands without meaning to
>Still can't beat Finana on arm wrestling
The fairy's powerlevel is inconsistent (or Finana is retarded strong)

>> No.26645536

that fag was way too nonchalant about his fucking hand being cut off

>> No.26645537

The two worst ones are manlets.

>> No.26645539

No, shes just acknowledging it.

>> No.26645547

Why? Him being cute despite his height is sex

>> No.26645550

because autist sims like Darkest dungeon or complicated shit dont stream well

>> No.26645556

There's no way Nina unironically uses internet explorer.

>> No.26645557
File: 93 KB, 2039x1378, 1655550639329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can still change it.......

>> No.26645565

I mean it's probably not her but if it is she knew they were out there and probably after like 10 years just didn't care. but with how easy they were accessible and just HAPPENED to be in a thread that archived itself and reached bump limit ABOUT her, I find it very strange that this adds up too well considering the nature of 4chan itself

>> No.26645566

This but Pomu

>> No.26645569

I was more referring to the livers. Like Luca didn't even mention that Nina was leaving and during those two weeks she was sick he didn't even make any comments about like
>Oh yeah. I've heard from Nina and she's okay
There was just radio silence for those two weeks.
My personal theory is that it's like they say about friends being college roommates. It's a lot different when you actually live with them. I wouldn't be surprised if they were all kinda burned out with each other's presence

>> No.26645585

who's getting roided?

>> No.26645587
Quoted by: >>26645643

I'm cooming.

>> No.26645617


>> No.26645618

they're all around average height anon, not really manlets

>> No.26645624


>> No.26645635
File: 370 KB, 730x730, 1647094243306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645753

Tastes like love

>> No.26645640
Quoted by: >>26645663

will they shotafy alban?

>> No.26645643

Same that was good.

>> No.26645644

I don't remember who, but didn't this change in height happened before in JP when someone got a 3D model?

>> No.26645646
Quoted by: >>26646068

I can't think of any other reason for height changes other than future 3Ds.

>> No.26645648

Luca feels like a person that is very tiring to be around irl, so I could see Nina wanting to distance herself for a bit

>> No.26645647
Quoted by: >>26645667



>> No.26645653

nina just confirmed there will be more height change that'll magically happen for some niji members. Didn't say who.

>> No.26645657

God I fucking hope that was the case. I don’t want anymore of this stupid offcollab shit happening, it’s just recipe for lazy content

>> No.26645659
Quoted by: >>26645744

Maybe anon is Dutch?

>> No.26645663
Quoted by: >>26645758

Shota? No way. Shrink him? I really hope so...

>> No.26645667

but... holoEN already had 3d...

>> No.26645672

don't know what you expect from femcels who've never interacted with a real man anon

>> No.26645678

Maybe JP average, so it's strange that they are such midgets

>> No.26645709
Quoted by: >>26645751

>Emotional scene over a girl Mysta didn't hesitate to kill permanently

>> No.26645712
Quoted by: >>26645801

This but opposite

>> No.26645716

I'm sorry about your mental retardation friend... hopefully god treats you well in the next life.

>> No.26645719

Being 5 10 is average.

>> No.26645730

Wait who died? I wasn’t paying attention

>> No.26645737

She lost family at Ulvade when the little piggies were pissing themselves for an hour

>> No.26645738
Quoted by: >>26645792


>> No.26645744
Quoted by: >>26645899

I am not Dutch but Latvian.

>> No.26645751
Quoted by: >>26645810

>who cares about Emma? She was the biggest bitch around
I'm loving Mysta's psychotic side coming out this stream.

>> No.26645753
File: 110 KB, 400x400, 1650079594690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645957


>> No.26645758
File: 1.49 MB, 2996x4096, 1655453462615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

160cm Alban... please....

>> No.26645768
Quoted by: >>26645841

Me haha... if only...

>> No.26645774

live with paid dancer =/= actual 3d debut on own channel with their own body

>> No.26645792

Oh, I thought there’s an additional one

>> No.26645793
File: 441 KB, 1039x716, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy cringe

>> No.26645795

for SEA, maybe

>> No.26645801

don't know about that - Nina can be obnoxious but feels like a normal human being, Luca from all stories coming out is retarded

>> No.26645810

Same. He's the least moralfag.

>> No.26645815

What the fuck is Nina talking about if it was really 3d I think she’d try to hide it more, well it is Nina

>> No.26645819

177cm is average, globally.

>> No.26645826

>It's real
Pomu, what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.26645831
File: 761 KB, 4096x3243, Babushka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit but she's been doing since debut so you could say Nina Kosaka (the character) does.

>> No.26645834


>> No.26645837

Truly the strongest (numberfag) fairy!

>> No.26645840

Not counting Yugo, the shortest NijiEN males are Shu and Uki who are both full East Asian. I think Uki is under average even for Asian guys, but Shu is about average.

>> No.26645841

Start rolling for dubs and if you do, you can go to the train station.

>> No.26645845
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, FUCKINGBITCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645846


>> No.26645852
File: 719 KB, 720x900, Reimu_Endou_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trolled Vox and kindred during a bfe stream on purpose
>received some mean words online
>cried about it
>apology stream
>took a break
>went back to pandering to the same chinks afterwards

>> No.26645853

>Can't wait for comfy river fishing
Remember to bring some deet. Specifically 100% for your waders. River mosquitoes don't give a shit about anything lower than 40%.
t. Just got back from a flyfishing trip, covered in bites

>> No.26645856

Well, if NijiEN get their 3D before November, it would mean it took them less time to get 3D than for HoloEN. And that's if only Lazulight gets 3D, if the whole branch gets it, HoloEN time to 3D will be absolutely demolished

>> No.26645860
Quoted by: >>26645911

JP average is 160cm. Even Netherlands average is 183cm

>> No.26645864

It's over

>> No.26645867


>> No.26645868

time to stream lazulight into space again, come, together we can take pomu to the moon

>> No.26645873
Quoted by: >>26645887

based pomu lmao

>> No.26645876

I feel like most people get tired of each other if they have to interact daily.
I also feel like Nina isn't the social butterfly she portrays herself to be. Like this is the same lady who lives by herself in the middle of nowhere in a country where they're known for being excessively polite.
Now put her out in the city for a month at a time

>> No.26645881


>> No.26645884

i thought it was a shitpost until i checked...

>> No.26645887
Quoted by: >>26645948

But if it was anyone else you would say cringe

>> No.26645899

Latvia average is only 181cm

>> No.26645901

Damn she really hates finana wanting to upstage her birthday for no reason

>> No.26645906
Quoted by: >>26646108

Why does hearing Virtual to Live make me so fucking sad bros, what's the song even about I dont speak japanese

>> No.26645911
Quoted by: >>26646059

>JP average is 160cm
Not for men it isn't.

>> No.26645915
File: 538 KB, 494x840, 34784657956708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646005


>> No.26645918
File: 391 KB, 405x570, 1651071040939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645949

Time to buy 20k bots and get her to 400k

>> No.26645921

The next Pomudachi that says Nina is a numberfag will get the cock

>> No.26645934

>already went back to talk about luca

>> No.26645937

Your excuse, pomies?

>> No.26645936
Quoted by: >>26646013

You can't even get Internet Explorer these days unless you go way out of your way. The default is Edge. Even on older devices that already had explorer they will pester you to switch over

>> No.26645948

cringe anon lmao

>> No.26645949
Quoted by: >>26645992

Theoretically...where would one go about purchasing these

>> No.26645953
File: 72 KB, 300x275, 1639707738152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Honeys were the number fags?

>> No.26645954

I am a numberfag
Pomu is a Nina
where is my cock

>> No.26645957
File: 296 KB, 500x576, 1639401489287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645984

>receiving headpats while drinking Pomu's tea
>"Good boy..." she says with her cute playful voice

>> No.26645963

Pomu what the fuck don't beg for numbers

>> No.26645962

N...Nina is numberfag!
Give me the cock.

>> No.26645964


>> No.26645975

20 days, needs 18k subs. It's possible but she would have to grow pretty quick. She would probably need to do an endurance karaoke near the end.

>> No.26645978
Quoted by: >>26646039

fuck off mysta
oh, wait

>> No.26645981
Quoted by: >>26646187

kek Uki isn't east Asian, he's SEA

>> No.26645984
Quoted by: >>26646095

Cringe. Have sex

>> No.26645992

Reimu, focus on making good streams

>> No.26645995

Pomu, that's not how you get subs. You should make an endurance stream till 400k like everyone does if you want to reach this number in time.

>> No.26646000

Both are numberniggers but, one of them doesn't latch on other success

>> No.26646003

Uki is twink-sized

>> No.26646004


>> No.26646005
File: 2.87 MB, 1000x1000, 1639065094356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consistently the highest quality post in any given thread

>> No.26646011

Fuck off Pomu

>> No.26646013
Quoted by: >>26646155

Edge is also really nice. Its a chromium clone so just about every addon for chrome is available for it and it loads faster than chrome or Mozilla in my experience.
I still use Firefox first because I'm a boomer

>> No.26646025
Quoted by: >>26646063

there will be a day, that we hear this on someones stream for the last time, as Nijisanji EN branch becomes nothing more than a fading memory in our heads

>> No.26646039
Quoted by: >>26646078

Can we get 1500% subscribers tho????

>> No.26646042


>> No.26646049

weimu in mysta's chat

>> No.26646058

Whoremu should take tips from Nina to save her dying channel

>> No.26646059

Yep sorry my b. JP male average is 172cm

>> No.26646063
Quoted by: >>26646080

If you an hero that day will be a lot sooner for you

>> No.26646068
File: 263 KB, 900x606, E9yT4x-UYAILu9t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nina grew up a little
>Millie revealed her height (150cm)
>No one else said anything
It's probably that no one feels like talking about it but I choose to believe both Finana and Petra are actually THAT tiny!

>> No.26646078

Hey Mysta how about trying on a lolita dress? I'm sure Ike can recommend you a cute one.

>> No.26646080

Never, my feesh and dragon wives would be sad.

>> No.26646081

First Reimu and Nina and now Pomu too?

>> No.26646095
File: 356 KB, 468x707, 1655075035749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want sex I want "tea"

>> No.26646098


>> No.26646103
Quoted by: >>26646235

Man, Luca sounds insufferable irl

>> No.26646108

It's about working hard but persevering by singing a song

>> No.26646110
File: 663 KB, 707x677, 1614863713131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong, nippleniggers?
Ain't this the part where y'all tell her fanbase to fuck off to /#/? lol

>> No.26646112

well this aged poorly

>> No.26646120

Boss is such a cute himbo

>> No.26646125
File: 775 KB, 770x804, pomufairytail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will Millie and Collab Pomu together?

>> No.26646124

wtf is morbius

>> No.26646127

nick is fucking morbing

>> No.26646129

Finana has retard strength, confirmed
Also does anyone else ever get like pangs of guilt when they break a dish
Is it just cuz I've been hit before for breaking a dish?????

>> No.26646136
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, 1619690425628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646199

Pissydachis must be such a disappointment to her...

>> No.26646135

Based chimken

>> No.26646143

I mean selen got to 400k way faster than I thought (she got 1k daily so I thought it would be at the end of this month but she started getting 2k for some reason) so it could be possible

>> No.26646152

Holy kek

>> No.26646155
Quoted by: >>26646286

It also doesn't devour memory the way Chrome does if you use tabs

>> No.26646166

ungodly, unfathomably, undeniably, incredibly, dangerously, based.

>> No.26646169

I guess Mysta's attempting to finish this game in one sitting
Bros, my attention span...

>> No.26646168
File: 165 KB, 480x480, 1627710032990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please use Gura or Ame next time you're baiting around here

>> No.26646174
File: 923 KB, 546x815, 1655776292484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646176

This is the part where I tell Kiara to stop streaming her POV on somebody else's birthday.

>> No.26646181

At least Pomu and Nina are successful. Reimu is still at the bottom of the branch

>> No.26646184
Quoted by: >>26646241

>Anon says while posting a picture of the same girl who's cried about not having more numbers at least 3 times

>> No.26646187

Anon, he's Korean...

>> No.26646188

>now Pomu
What she has always been into numbers

>> No.26646199

She should piss on us as punishment

>> No.26646214
File: 463 KB, 792x754, ppbrain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646301

VtL is doable but I have my doubts about the other milestone, regardless, kinda lame of Pomu to beg like that.

>> No.26646230

That's what we are doing. Now go back

>> No.26646235

yeah... that would have annoyed me honestly. He didn't even bother to check it himself, she had to do it for him

>> No.26646241
Quoted by: >>26646291

to be fair, numbers pays the bills.
No numbers and you're poor as shit.

>> No.26646243

I don’t get how asking your subscribers to get you to 400k works, it’s not like them unsubbing and subbing again will do anything, you need to put out stuff that’ll get you exposure and not beg for it. Especially in this case since Pomu doesn’t have the male buff

>> No.26646252

Maybe Pomu is not so different from Nina after all

>> No.26646262
File: 86 KB, 850x911, 23728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In times like this, please remember Ryushen sex.
That is all, thank you very much.

>> No.26646272

You're barely realizing this now? Even years ago she was crying about numbers

>> No.26646273

My sides

>> No.26646279

oh poor dumb anon....

>> No.26646285

Nina is not a backstabbing bitch

>> No.26646286

Yeah, edge is honestly a really good browser. It's icon is ugly and I hate how light it is in color but it's one of the few things Microsoft has done right

>> No.26646289
File: 585 KB, 2000x3000, FVJB3cNVsAE_wTu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finana anal

>> No.26646290

yeah that's just you

>> No.26646291

No member of HoloEN will ever be "poor as shit"

>> No.26646294

the werewolves turned nick into a rapist apparently

>> No.26646301
Quoted by: >>26646336

Pomu has always been a bit of a numberfag ever since her Lazulight debut. It can't be helped, let's just hope it doesn't affect her mood too much if she can't reach those goals.
No wonder she's friends with the chicken.

>> No.26646302

Why is Nina looping the story

>> No.26646310

How many chapters left?

>> No.26646312
Quoted by: >>26646571

everyone please leave Pomu alone we should be standing with her and helping her through this time of hers

>> No.26646314

The numberfag trio for the girls is the ones that regularly do youtube shorts. Nina, Pomu, Selen. It's just Nina is the most obnoxious and blatant about what she is doing by far while Pomu and Selen actually create quality content of their own instead of leeching off others so nobody cares as much.

>> No.26646322
File: 22 KB, 493x113, feesh2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646379

she should just be happy that after a year shes FINALLY ahead of feesh

>> No.26646335

I do, but it's because I'm poor and that shit costs money.

>> No.26646336
Quoted by: >>26646485

>It's okay that she's a numberfag because..... SHE'S ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT OKAY

>> No.26646342
Quoted by: >>26646464

Community posts that get a lot of activity can get on other people's feed, also it creates a call to action on social media so people who are subscribed can talk about it on twitter and such. Like that post here got a billion (You)'s which causes bystanders to engage with it

>> No.26646358
Quoted by: >>26646381

This dialogue is so

>> No.26646366

I love all the newfags outing themselves not knowing that Pomu has ALWAYS been a number fag. or are you just gonna casually forget when she cried because she was last to reach 300k by like 4 months and thought she was dragging the whole branch down

>> No.26646378


>> No.26646379

As a ryuguard I can honestly say, it was deserved.
Finanas gotten better at streaming but I don't think she ever deserved to be seen as the second biggest in laz

>> No.26646380

Caring about their numbers or pushing for milestones is completely different from changing your content to pursue numbers, it doesn't bother me that pomu wants to grow unless she start to ruin her streams in order to get there

>> No.26646381
File: 1.34 MB, 874x1095, 1649735220765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish your thought!

>> No.26646385


>> No.26646390

So is everyone just a number nigger?

>> No.26646391

Oh god this is so dumb

>> No.26646398
Quoted by: >>26646428

Don't say this bro, the Pomudachi can't cope any harder

>> No.26646399

It unironically does work but for youtubers asking their viewers to subscribe, don't know how it'll fare for a community post.

>> No.26646404
Quoted by: >>26646519

Same, and also I wanted to go do groceries after the stream but the shops will be closed most likely...

>> No.26646426

Yeah, but her making an effort to get more subs isn't what she's describing here. I don't really know what she was thinking from this, I can only imagine it leading to bad things.

>> No.26646427

Wow pathetic

>> No.26646428
Quoted by: >>26646482


>> No.26646429

well that was a thing that happened

>> No.26646443

As people have said before.
Numbers are quite literally their job.

>> No.26646442

They're friends for a reason.

>> No.26646444

Didnt it take Reimu 9 hours

>> No.26646446

You mean 100k and 3 weeks? She didn't do anything special for 300k

>> No.26646454

I'm sorry the morbing caught me off guard I forgot what I was gonna say...

>> No.26646461


>> No.26646464

Yeah I occasionally see random community posts from channels I recognize but never actually subscribe to.

>> No.26646465

Did his body explode? What the fuck was that?

>> No.26646475

Everyone cares about it to some extent its their job too but some obviously care more than others and do far more to actively chase numbers while other don't do much at all.

>> No.26646482

Woah calm down Pomie you're acting like Pomu right now

>> No.26646483
File: 522 KB, 640x640, 1654894025757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, where's your proof that she did? Exactly.

>> No.26646485

Of course it's not okay, but what is anyone supposed to do about it. I'll just continue to drop out of zatsus whenever she picks up that topic.

>> No.26646491
File: 43 KB, 600x450, Edgelord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646751

>"Numberfagging is soulless! Imagine watching a chuuba solely for their numbers, fuck off back to /#-"
>*this happens*
>"I-It's okay! I-I-It's for her b-b-irthday anyway, r-right bros-"

>> No.26646499

It's like jazz, anon, it's the words you don't read

>> No.26646503

Except Enna and Petra yea.

>> No.26646512
Quoted by: >>26646738

you care about numbers too you gigantic faggot.
If I took away your wage and didn't pay you for working, you'd get pissed off at me lmao

>> No.26646518
File: 440 KB, 1079x1500, 1655917757753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646519
Quoted by: >>26646669

The game's like 10 hours long according to google, it's not happening today.

Oh god, same here. I even have a tab with train schedule open.. I hope he finishes the stream soon.

>> No.26646520

Everyone is a number nigger. Some are more number niggerer than others.

>> No.26646522

A lot of coping today huh

>> No.26646530
File: 87 KB, 212x271, 2462837468234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with being numberfag if you're not leeching or slacking off on content, and actually care about your viewers and people you work with (Pomu does for sure)?

>> No.26646544
Quoted by: >>26646738

It's their job, of course they care, it only gets bad when they start compromising their content like the leeches do, or when it's the audience numberfagging when they don't have a horse in that race

>> No.26646560

Rosemi drinking Merry's pilk!

>> No.26646566
Quoted by: >>26646613

What is pilk? Penis milk?

>> No.26646571
File: 3.45 MB, 590x322, 1649981435474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646610

Shitposters gonna shitpost. I for one will be streaming VtL and supporting Pomu, that's my birthday gift for her.

>> No.26646586
Quoted by: >>26646659

well of course it does... you're fucking carbonating milk which instantly curdles it

>> No.26646591

Whiny Mysta is so cute.

>> No.26646593

You can't say that on this board thats illegal!!!!

>> No.26646594

If it's a ceramic dish I just get a little bummed and pick it up but if it's a glass one I get grumpy because it's more way annoying to clean the mess up

>> No.26646609

This. It’s just honest work

>> No.26646610

How sad Pomudachi. She's doesn't love you for it

>> No.26646614
Quoted by: >>26646651

Pomie menhera arc...

>> No.26646613


>> No.26646631

Vtubers caring about their numbers is fine. It's their job. Vtuber fans caring about their numbers is weird and should be condemned

>> No.26646651

>pomie menhera arc
nigga thats like the entire manga lmao ain't no arc at all.

>> No.26646650

>Nina talking shit for 1hour
>2.9k watching with 2 males overlapping
>ctrl+F: Nina [1/56]
Finally home

>> No.26646659
Quoted by: >>26646715

so it's kinda like carbonated yogurt

>> No.26646665

Nothing wrong if you're being honest, but don't also shit on others for doing it

>> No.26646669
Quoted by: >>26647092

>I hope he finishes the stream soon.
I feel so bad and selfish thinking such way sometimes... But also I feel you.

>> No.26646679

Nothing. But pomudachis shitting o numberfagging while their oshi is like that is pathetic

>> No.26646681
File: 418 KB, 501x558, 1655077637451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, this is purely one sided. As long as she's happy then it's fine for me.

>> No.26646687

my fanart was shadowbanned and it hurts

>> No.26646698

So Luca not only looks like a gargoyle but is also retarded

>> No.26646709
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1650708035143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how this place judges numberfags like Mysta and Nina as the worst type of human being, yet when a certain hag BEGS for numbers, it's somehow okay, kek.

>> No.26646715

nigga it IS yogurt, carbonation is literally one of the first steps to making it more creamy and yogurt like

>> No.26646723

Make another twitter and post a comment with the hashtag in it

>> No.26646728

It didn't appeared on tags? It happens to me sometimes too.

>> No.26646732
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, 1655434721469.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit its actually real and I thought anon was just shit posting

>> No.26646734

Shadowbanned from a tag? How does that happen?

>> No.26646738
Quoted by: >>26646837

Begging for 1 mil is cringe as fuck

>> No.26646751

No, numberniggers are still faggots, the audience have no reason to care this much about the numbers

>> No.26646753
Quoted by: >>26646782

Im gonna rape you tonight, big boy.

>> No.26646761
File: 92 KB, 300x300, 75675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning i hate this thread but I can't leave

>> No.26646781

The scary part is I think Mysta's actually starting to enjoy this game

>> No.26646782

Sorry, I called Pomu over for a quickie first. You'll have to wait in line to get your cock cage off

>> No.26646786

I love you, Briskadet!

>> No.26646790

>Luca telling fan to stream his cover to hit 2.5
>Now Pomu
Maybe they are actually meant for each other

>> No.26646791
File: 1.22 MB, 2870x4000, FRRzB4uVsAYGcZe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even decide whether to go with "DYRBI?" or berating you for defending the millionth unproductive whining session over numbers, so have some milliepits instead.

>> No.26646809

First yes she is a numberfag cause she needs this shit do live now
Second it was to 100k and she was sad cause lazulight wanted to celebrate together, Pomu not getting there fast enough foiled the idea

>> No.26646816

It's easy to make fun of and digest.

>> No.26646821
File: 2.49 MB, 162x195, 1641707751613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning I hate myself too but I still live

>> No.26646826

you and me both fellow briskadet... might as well just sit back and watch the shit flinging unfold

>> No.26646834

Me too. It's still shit tho, but you can squeeze enjoyment out of it eventually.

>> No.26646835
File: 6 KB, 150x150, 1655595475043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to SC Enna on her return stream. I don't want to give that bitch the gratification of her knowing that I missed her. But I also don't want to be too mean to her after all she's been through recently.

>> No.26646837

It is but she's putting the effort, it's better than doing nothing and still cry about lack of growth

>> No.26646839
File: 461 KB, 1920x1080, Reimu on playboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think?

>> No.26646841

So how many people here actually like NijiEN? This thread feels exactly like a DSP thread where 90% of the viewers are just hatewatching...

>> No.26646852

I want to listen to Pomu's VtL but this is currently occupying all my YT playtime

>> No.26646850

Pomudachi don't run shit except their mouths until their oshi does something stupid and get put back in place

>> No.26646868

>defending pomu numberfagging but cry about others numberfagging
You guys are apathetic

>> No.26646872
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, 1654836980595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Colombia one of those countries where every political party is ran by cartels?

>> No.26646873
File: 279 KB, 1612x2032, 1654985791757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /NijiEN/! I hope you guys are doing well!

>> No.26646877

Honestly,I shit on her and all but I enjoy Nina’s zatsudans and her voice is nice to listen to, if she was more of an actual streamer and wasn’t so boy crazy I’d probably watch her more

>> No.26646880

>it's now on the catalog
Based as fuck
People should spread the word

>> No.26646889

>likes her twitch
>goes to /vt/ so much its on her google
>also does her reps

she's perfect...

>> No.26646913


>> No.26646914

Postpone the SC. I never SC on milestones to stand out more and to be contrarian.

>> No.26646931
Quoted by: >>26646982

Just take a look in the catalog and remind yourself that it's miles better than the rest of this shithole.

>> No.26646935

Just don't write anything, if you're that worried about it then you already lost, you won't be able to say anything without showing how desperate you were

>> No.26646942

I enjoy most of them, and the worst I feel is apathy to some of them.

>> No.26646947

Empty supa?

>> No.26646954

It makes it seem like they don't really value their fans current efforts.

>> No.26646957

Go superchat her about it

>> No.26646960

Did Pomu post that because she saw that selen hit 400k? She posted it a few minutes after congratulating selen

>> No.26646959

I like deeper voices but hers just sounds a big too hag for me to like it.

>> No.26646977

Threads like this and /vsj+/ are beset with constant, unrelenting raids during certain periods of the day, every day. Only /hlgg/ has the privilege of shitposting and spam immediately getting stamped out by their pet meidos.

>> No.26646982
Quoted by: >>26647038

At least the catalog doesn't spam gore, unlike this place.

>> No.26646991

you people make me sick the way you hate on livers and fanbases

>> No.26646993

Just look at who don't care about numbers
the ones that have a safe zone with their parents
Petra, Finana, Elira and Reimu

>> No.26647002

>after all she's been through recently
Oh totally, mosquito bites are soooo traumatizing

>> No.26647004
Quoted by: >>26647154

Idk if you're joking or not, but no he's not Korean he's Chinese-Indonesian

>> No.26647013
Quoted by: >>26647536

She probably wants to celebrate but don't want to make a milestone stream right after a birthday stream

>> No.26647022

Don't like a little banter?

>> No.26647024

yes, shes menhera more than chimken

>> No.26647027


>> No.26647037

You’re on /vt/ sadly.

>> No.26647038

I've seen it. That and scat porn and gay porn. Now that you mention it, maybe it isn't so much better here...

>> No.26647056
File: 465 KB, 459x518, 1641449382041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647143

only alcoholism can make me survive this thread
i hope I survive until undertale

>> No.26647059

my stummy still hurts from planking

>> No.26647084

Then do nothing? You are not "being mean" by inaction.

>> No.26647086

Man I'm glad I never watched the VTL now
Pomu is pathetic

>> No.26647092
Quoted by: >>26647193

Nah, don't feel selfish. It's fun listening to Mysta, but sometimes the game just ain't it.

>> No.26647095
File: 30 KB, 231x483, 1636994713332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burger hours were comfy, they said
>it's guaranteed drama free, they said

>> No.26647110

Mysta's chat is so fucking horny. Like streamer like fans I guess.

>> No.26647120

Just pretend Sonny is kissing you

>> No.26647129

send a tsundere SC, embrace who you are

>> No.26647133
Quoted by: >>26647636

Niji EN covers so many time zones now that you have a lot of people hanging out here while people that they watch aren't streaming, so some of them have decided to just shit on the ones they don't watch all day instead. Too much blame gets put on outsiders for it, it just keeps up all day now.

>> No.26647139
Quoted by: >>26647161

I need the smartest detective on this thread to deduce the location of NijiEN 3D studio based on their recent travels.

>> No.26647140

This isn't burger hours, it's the combination insomniac SEA/EU/Early riser burger hours.

>> No.26647143
Quoted by: >>26647171

you'll die of alcohol poisoning, never to hear or see petra's sweet laugh and face and smile and gaming abilities, ever again

>> No.26647154

I'm fairly certain he's never said that on stream, doxxfag

>> No.26647158

it's growing on me. Still shit, but Mysta's commentary is going a long way

>> No.26647160
Quoted by: >>26647645

Wheres the vomit noises.

>> No.26647161


>> No.26647164

Send a crying emoji and heart emoji

>> No.26647171
File: 970 KB, 1203x1744, 1636352600452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dying would be pretty cool too

>> No.26647172

Who ever said that, huh anon? Your tulpa?

>> No.26647176

I bet that google drive is there because Reimu is your average reaction image spammer

>> No.26647175
Quoted by: >>26647220

Remember when pre-Luxiem everyone thought fans of the males would be "homobeggars" but instead now we're getting dykebeggars? Man how the turns have tabled.

>> No.26647194
Quoted by: >>26648633

Pomu wtf... Wouldn't it be more profitable to let the milestones happen naturally so you can hold multiple celebration streams instead of just one... with the added benefit of not having to beg for numbers?

>> No.26647193
File: 236 KB, 1700x1600, FVuFjV6acAAi4_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647276

NTA but I want to catch up on the several hours I missed... Coming in now I have no clue what even happened

>> No.26647201

Lots of doxxnigger tourists as of late, wonder why

>> No.26647212
File: 20 KB, 896x991, threadgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26647220
Quoted by: >>26647326

well, we got brotuberbeggars, who are even more pathetic.

>> No.26647221

>Son of a binky bonky
who wrote this shit

>> No.26647227

>Son of a binky bonky
It's kind of getting better compared to the first few chapters

>> No.26647232
Quoted by: >>26647275

Cope, your homo of choice is not a k-pop boy.

>> No.26647240

This but Pomu's sub growth

>> No.26647246

>10am PDT/1pm EDT
>6 pm BST/7pm CEST
Make the call yourself.

>> No.26647248
Quoted by: >>26647301

You see all those people watching Nina? All me

>> No.26647255
File: 344 KB, 1237x1079, FV2SKBzUUAAttw_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Son of a binky bonky
>Sounds like something Shu would say
I love Mysta

>> No.26647262
File: 208 KB, 648x648, impomudontcare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647289

Ignore them. The best way to counter hate watchers and shitposters is to simply support your oshi and make positive posts.

>> No.26647265
File: 102 KB, 1111x634, oopsie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26647275

go back doxnigger

>> No.26647276
Quoted by: >>26647377

It turned into 2 hours of teenage drama instead of horror. Mysta kept mocking the game hard.

>> No.26647289
Quoted by: >>26647321

Closing your eyes and covering your ears changes nothing

>> No.26647296
File: 138 KB, 259x355, 2462837468235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I defend numberfagging in general because it's not a problem by itself. Nina is a bit annoying because they take priority with numbers over her own fanbase and content. But I don't hate on her either.

Take numbers as money, alright? It's cool when you're passionate about your work, and caring about your salary doesn't make gay, soulless and less passionate. But if you're ready to do everything to get on top and get more money, using any possible opportunity to do that, good or bad, and get to the point when your creation becomes solely a tool to get more numbers - this is soulless and a problem.

>> No.26647301

I'm just zoning out her airport talk while waiting for the serious talk she says is coming.

>> No.26647302
File: 147 KB, 1080x1111, 1617333193458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647342

>You need to buy the everything merch set to get the tapestry
AHAHAHA fuck anycolor

>> No.26647318

>more numbers
Noor can't keep getting away with this

>> No.26647320
Quoted by: >>26648079

Hiring this jap tranny was a mistake

>> No.26647321
Quoted by: >>26647340

Worked for the teamates desu

>> No.26647324
File: 51 KB, 499x500, 1654855614870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His little laughs jfc please let it be Friday already

>> No.26647326


>> No.26647327
File: 755 KB, 890x653, 1645117662444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEA anons I love you, please come back to me... Don't leave me here to deal with these other burgers...

>> No.26647332

When Elira came back from vacation claiming to have an ear infection, someone claimed adults don't get ear infections and there was a stupid argument (that I waded into, like an idiot).......and now I'm currently suffering from an ear infection that is seriously fucking painful. I hate all of you. Be grateful to Elira, I'd have been cancelling a week of streams for this.

>> No.26647340

They're more delusional than the Pomudachi

>> No.26647342
Quoted by: >>26647456

Same, all I wanted was the tapestry, but I ended up just not buying anything.

>> No.26647355
Quoted by: >>26647409

Nothing really incriminating here, just talking about scheduling

>> No.26647356

what does anycolor staff-san meant by this?

>> No.26647358

>Sometimes shit is just shit.
So is this game.

>> No.26647361
Quoted by: >>26647472

Oh doesn't seem like it actually said anything to worry about luckily. Seems like the kind of stuff you would expect a manager to talk about with them numbers and schedules.

>> No.26647377
File: 509 KB, 2048x1678, FVK875OXoAULSbF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's honestly cute when he does that

>> No.26647388 [DELETED] 

I know this may be a longshot, but do you guys think…..maybe…idk…….it’d be possible to get 100 (You)s and 20 reaction images by the end of this thread? Q.Q Q.Q (pien)

>> No.26647393


>> No.26647394

Fuck you Pomu

>> No.26647408
File: 460 KB, 524x440, feeshface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26647409
Quoted by: >>26647661

The incriminating thing is that he's been here for four months and still doesn't know how to not leak private conversations...

>> No.26647412
Quoted by: >>26647497

I feel guilty for throwing out anything ever. Ive been using the same toaster for almost 20 years

>> No.26647423
Quoted by: >>26647558

>staff throwing numberfag graphs in the liver's dms
so that's why pomu's desperate...

>> No.26647424

>I kinda just wanna be a bitch.
Good way to spice up the game.

>> No.26647433


>> No.26647434


>> No.26647440
File: 121 KB, 1000x1200, BFC0B0F7-9B21-413E-A2E6-B35C398D021A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26647443

Shut up pomu

>> No.26647453
File: 111 KB, 542x842, oshiumori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you asked nicely, Pomu!

>> No.26647456

japanese people may shell out more money for their hobbies but i sure as hell won't. i'm sorry finana

>> No.26647459

When will they teach yugo how to use OBS?

>> No.26647463

100 (You)s for you Pomu. slayyy queeen!

>> No.26647472

How many times is this retard going to leak something harmless until its not? She's like a ticking timebomb of yabs

>> No.26647486

Pien pien~

>> No.26647488
Quoted by: >>26647529

This jail scene is taking way too damn long.

>> No.26647493
File: 228 KB, 732x728, pomu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647513

100 (You)'s for my fairy wife!

>> No.26647497


>> No.26647501
File: 660 KB, 2710x4093, 1643717565172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, it's more cringe than I initially thought...

>> No.26647504
Quoted by: >>26648093

Staff just saying something like they don't have time to check schedule because they are in a hurry or something but they gonna do it more properly later
also wonder if Yugo got shit on in that 19 min call?

>> No.26647513
Quoted by: >>26647538

She's not your wife. She's doesn't even know your name

>> No.26647514

>Mysta comparing the game to Birdemic
Oh, he's over it.

>> No.26647526


>> No.26647529
File: 68 KB, 248x291, 2022-06-22+19:55:27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647570

Just like everything in this fucking game.

>> No.26647532
Quoted by: >>26647589

Please remember to clean up your links. It might seem like a small thing, but everything from that question mark on contains tracking info that lets twitter know exactly where you're coming from.
There are browser extensions that can do this for you too.

>> No.26647536

Oh wait she literally said it on the post, people are just being retarded as usual

>> No.26647538
Quoted by: >>26647559

maybe she doesnt know YOUR name anon, no need to take it out on me

>> No.26647548
File: 1.75 MB, 294x518, 1651265755875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok gonna do my VtL reps and start begging all my online friends to sub to you Pomu!
Pomu love!

>> No.26647558

Probably preparing to cut off those that underperform.
Which means everyone except Luxiem.

>> No.26647559
Quoted by: >>26647588

I don't give a fuck if she knows my name. She's nobody to me

>> No.26647562
File: 695 KB, 2362x3496, FVI5ph3aAAANhHL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647602

Cutest yamamoto nyadeshiko

>> No.26647568
Quoted by: >>26647712

When will the English version of the Nornis song be available?

>> No.26647570
Quoted by: >>26647660

Cute face. I'd cum on it.

>> No.26647573

Holy cringe

>> No.26647588
Quoted by: >>26647607

then why the fuck are you giving me (You)'s you fucking schizo

>> No.26647589

Hmm, okay. It came from the app, so I guess I’d have to do it manually

>> No.26647591


>> No.26647593
File: 439 KB, 385x614, 1654733365797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You owe me a headpat and a cheek kiss, Pomu

>> No.26647602
File: 242 KB, 634x696, kusozakontyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26647607

Here's another one my fellow schizo

>> No.26647612

>Nina doing the fragrance talk again
What fragrances have you been wearing, anons?

>> No.26647635

Ew cringe

>> No.26647636

This >>26647133. Just hang out here less, itll make you feel better over time

>> No.26647645
Quoted by: >>26647760


>> No.26647650

Can anyone access this yet? It's the English version of the Nornis song curious to hear it but I am guessing it will only become available once it hits 12pm in my region.

>> No.26647660
File: 71 KB, 271x247, 2022-06-22+20:33:11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647824

What about this one?

>> No.26647661
Quoted by: >>26647713

i dunno, petra's been here longer and she still fucked up.

>> No.26647689

What's Nornis?

>> No.26647690

I relate with Max. Sometimes it's dekinai.

>> No.26647701

SEA nigger here.
It plays normally in mine.

>> No.26647712

already available in spotify and apple music i think

>> No.26647713

Wasn't that Millie's fault?

>> No.26647715

Wouldn't it say "unavailable in your country"? It straight up just says unavailable, I don't know if it exists even in Japan yet

>> No.26647721
File: 25 KB, 600x685, 1629059488541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647894

VtL was already on track in 5 days, and it would have been cool if other EN members helped sell the final subcount push during a totsu or something. Anything but begging yourself...

>> No.26647723

cringe all you want, I love my oshi and I'm not afraid to show it

>> No.26647728

New NijiJP unit made up of Chima, Inui and Ako three of the best female singers in the company. They just released their first song.

>> No.26647734

Nina smells like sex

>> No.26647747

Euphemism for "normies".

>> No.26647749

New unit with Akane, Inui, and Chima

>> No.26647750

Man, sometimes it's so weird listening to someone who is so aggressively straight like Nina. Maybe I spent too long watching yuribaiting idols.

>> No.26647756
File: 1.65 MB, 1532x860, sus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my pomie, Pomu said cringe is dead

>> No.26647757

millie cant control petra's screen and pov?

>> No.26647760

Sonny love, puke noises love

>> No.26647768
File: 298 KB, 2048x2048, 1655759521669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648288


>> No.26647789

None, but if i ever cared about interacting in society outside of my friends id probably take her advice on tobacco flower style stuff

>> No.26647790
Quoted by: >>26647887

Then why does she do cringe worthy things like begging for subs?

>> No.26647813

I feel so too.
t.bislut femanon

>> No.26647824
Quoted by: >>26648012

It's so cute it makes me want to rape you again.

>> No.26647825

No, Petra was screen sharing and probably got careless since she wasn't the one streaming

>> No.26647834

Is it normal to not have all these smell, perfume, cologne preferences? I couldn't care less.

>> No.26647838

Estee Lauder, Pure White Linen. Been using for years

>> No.26647842
File: 2.28 MB, 1921x3061, 1cd9e8b169f51fa9dc3a395c5a9abff4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647857

good morning I still love Pomu
fuck numbers though

>> No.26647852

When will Lazulight get signed to a label?

>> No.26647857

The most sane Pomudachi

>> No.26647886
File: 18 KB, 592x158, vtl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, that was fast holy fuck

>> No.26647887
File: 356 KB, 362x513, 1654907613023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647980

Because we're free. Don't you like freedom? Are you some kind of dirty statist?

>> No.26647892

Why do they have to sing it in english too? I feel sorry for them...

>> No.26647894

I think she was already on track to hit all those marks without making the post. Oh well, just Pomu being Pomu, still love her.

>> No.26647916


>> No.26647918

I can't understand their engrish

>> No.26647920

Mysta's favourite characters are the fags.

>> No.26647921


>> No.26647924

why did I fall for it

>> No.26647943
File: 150 KB, 320x320, 1634970714133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648005


>> No.26647955

It was already really close, she probably was going to hit 1m before the birthday regardless, not so sure about the 400k tho

>> No.26647956

After Pomu gets her numbers up

>> No.26647961


>> No.26647966

I was waiting for this drama and it's already 1:30am here in Flipland. I feel like those tourists watching shit unfolding in tiananmen square.

>> No.26647980

You're free yet you follow the orders of your oshi who wouldn't even consider how you feel? You parrot the words of your other """free""" thinking Pomies, yet you have never considered thinking for yourself. You're being heavily taken advantage of, and if you're okay with that then it is fine but don't pretend like what she is doing is a good things because if it was anyone else people like you would be shitting in them

>> No.26647990

because they're just like him fr fr

>> No.26647994

After you stop caring about people you don't watch

>> No.26648005

All out whore

>> No.26648006
Quoted by: >>26648133

I love it. I don't mind the yuri baiting of the other girls since I can filter it, but as a straight woman, I missed this aspect of Nina's streams

>> No.26648011
Quoted by: >>26648046

Anything worth watching from finanas birthday stream yesterday?

>> No.26648012
File: 87 KB, 275x279, 2022-06-22+18:34:44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648225


>> No.26648016

She lost her eye, like it was a minor inconvenience kek.

>> No.26648018

Wtf is this scene…

>> No.26648028

Oh So Heavenly lotions do a lot more for me in terms of fragrance than any cologne ever could. Easy on the nose, too.

>> No.26648033

Relatively speaking I would guess these girls are some of the most popular with English speakers? Chima has always had quite a few showing up to her karaokes. Inui is well known even by holofans for her friendship with Suisei and Akane has been shilling herself on reddit forever. So maybe with the new audience NijiEN has drawn in and how successful the group songs have done for the NijiEN units they wanted to try experimenting with an EN version too.

>> No.26648040
Quoted by: >>26648232

Mysta just laughing at the characters getting maimed. So cute.

>> No.26648042

Holy cringe

>> No.26648046

Watch the uno part where they kept shitting on ipn for 2 hours

>> No.26648064

They are unironically the best characters in this kusoge tho.

>> No.26648063

this game just drags on and on holy fuck

>> No.26648079


>> No.26648084

Don't waste your time. He is stupid

>> No.26648093

The fact Yugo fucking manager types in japanese annoys the fuck out of me
Stop babying her ffs, bring a manager that speak in english

>> No.26648098
Quoted by: >>26648220

so we're just gonna timeloop the same catalog bullshit that's been looping for the past week now huh?
That's we're we are?
cool I guess

>> No.26648133

Heres your londonpost

>> No.26648137

If only Levi was in the unit. Her English pronunciation is actually quite good even if she doesn’t understand much of it

>> No.26648149
Quoted by: >>26648207

lmao okay transphobe

>> No.26648162

But you can barely bait in english

>> No.26648170
Quoted by: >>26648190

>NTR means Non Toxic Relationship
Based. I looooooooove NTR!

>> No.26648189

why are people in chat calling mysta daddy i thought that was just a vox thing

>> No.26648190

Based Pomie

>> No.26648196

I like smelling my underwear after a workout. That's how I enjoy my own scent Nina.

>> No.26648200

>Until Dawn stream
>Mysta is genuinely scared to the point of needing to call his bro for support
>The Quarry stream
>Mysta just shits on the gamethe entire time

>> No.26648207

I don't know which one of these is bait so I'll reply to both

>> No.26648209
File: 1.09 MB, 2048x1691, 1655648575490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648234


>> No.26648215

Gotta be honest with you. I'm all for unity, and tried really hard to appreciate Yugo, but holly shit... The further we go the further I feel disgusted with her.

>> No.26648220

Holobronies have a stale company and are unhappy with what they get so they come here to shit on others for hours, just today you can see how the changed from shitting on Reimu to Nina to Pomu. Just be proud that we have streams and vtubers that actually give a fuck for their fans

>> No.26648222

woman call anyone with a penis daddy

>> No.26648225
File: 719 KB, 1914x1668, FP6SKZnaMAQUrUr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26648232
Quoted by: >>26648394

It is funny, tho. Girl had her eye cut out and her reaction was "Fuck. Guess I don't have depth perception any more." in bored teen voice

>> No.26648234

I too am partial to watamelon

>> No.26648244

she took it like a champ because the nudes aren't her

>> No.26648245

>implying mysta has a penis

>> No.26648270

Looks like you didn't try at all

>> No.26648274
File: 396 KB, 820x790, 1628917425063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Pomu, this is just embarrassing at this point.
This is her excuse for deleting the post.

>> No.26648288
Quoted by: >>26648375

Take a shower and buy a cheapie cologne, maybe try Cool Water by Davidoff or something by Issey Miyake

>> No.26648290

Cool. Hey, you should put a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger with your toes

>> No.26648291

>Holly shit
>The further we go the further

>> No.26648294

SEAniggers who haven't gone to bed yet.

Excuse me, Mysta is my wife (male).

>> No.26648303
Quoted by: >>26648322

Disgusted is a harsh word but I do wonder what made them think it was a good idea to hire a tech illiterate retard

>> No.26648318


>> No.26648322
Quoted by: >>26648468


>> No.26648325

>she deleted it AND it was the fucking post about her begging

Pomu please... stop browsing this thread you retard, it's bad for your already fragile and decaying mental health, you don't wanna end up like Reimu right?

>> No.26648335

My body is becoming so fucking stupid. I can't watch porn or hentai anymore, but I become so fucking aroused watching streams of my oshi it's unreal.

>> No.26648338

Rumao even.

>> No.26648341
File: 32 KB, 150x150, 1655001040381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be fake

>> No.26648343


>> No.26648344

Nah, I wouldn't. You're just assuming things.

>> No.26648351


>> No.26648356

this should be a bannable offence

>> No.26648365

its so cute when mysta screams at every little thing im not even a mystake but i want to fuck him so badly

>> No.26648375
File: 667 KB, 2360x3401, 1655685312991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shower three times a day, I just live in Florida. Colognes always look really expensive, so I stay away from them.

>> No.26648376


>> No.26648383

Sorry Pomu but it's too late I'm gonna get you to 400k subs and 1mil VtL views regardless.

>> No.26648387

>you have to reach this number if you still want to remain in niji
Holy shit they're ruthless towards Yugo...

>> No.26648392

Cakalang vtuber lets gooooooo

>> No.26648394
Quoted by: >>26648429

The pain tolerance in that game is off the charts. The kid who gets his hand cut off is somehow totally functional for hours afterwards

>> No.26648402
File: 1.48 MB, 900x1200, 1639545716860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will accept this Enna bird.

>> No.26648407

Oh god its real.

>> No.26648408

>Still no Obysdia outfits

>> No.26648413
Quoted by: >>26648443

Pomies your oshi can’t stop numberfagging and lying

>> No.26648414
File: 107 KB, 800x1280, 1646146252336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in line.

>> No.26648426
File: 74 KB, 242x274, 2022-06-22+17:28:03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648479


>> No.26648427

>/here/ status confirmed
God damnit Pomu lmfaooooo

>> No.26648429

Yeah dude barely reacts to the fact that he just had his hand cut off 3 minutes ago

>> No.26648432

What's going on?

>> No.26648443

my oshi can't stop reading this thread because shes addicted to it, just like me frfr on god cuh

>> No.26648446

She gave me a Enna bird I can't really be mad at her

>> No.26648452

Pomu please post your feet I love you

>> No.26648460

I'm done with this bitch

>> No.26648456

I still love you, Pomu

but please stop lurking

>> No.26648458

Pomu you're so fucking pathetic and a bad liar

>> No.26648468

Management is retarded. Hope they learned from Yugo and makes sure they won't have any other fuck up hires next wave.

>> No.26648475

Hi Pomu!

>> No.26648479
Quoted by: >>26648717

Hey, get back to bed. We're not done yet.

>> No.26648483

>posting a bird
was someone on twitter throwing a fit about it?? I don't want to believe Pomu's here.

>> No.26648497

It's really pomu...

>> No.26648500

bros... I don't know how to handle the information that incredibly old, weeb girls with fat asses who are (somewhat) mentally stable browse this hell hole...
I thought it was all incels and lonely males...

>> No.26648501
Quoted by: >>26648538

pomu if you're here please make a tweet about wanting your branchmates to do snake / mgs impressions for your birthday
idk why sonny didn't do it for you, i felt bad when he denied being a mgs fan

>> No.26648509

this is just funny at this point i really thought this was an aloupeep shitpost...

>> No.26648515

I missed something. Is Pomu being menhera again

>> No.26648518
File: 128 KB, 850x850, 1655562791547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you have a great day too pomu i fucking love you you dumb fairy

>> No.26648521


>> No.26648531

pomu i love you but please stop posting

>> No.26648538
Quoted by: >>26648563

fuck off

>> No.26648543

Holy shit she is pathetic

>> No.26648549
File: 1.20 MB, 1170x1390, 1652014424219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26648553

I wish nina gave me covid...

>> No.26648554


>> No.26648563

go fuck your elira dakimakura some more sonny
maybe she'll stand up and you'll think she's real

>> No.26648564
File: 117 KB, 851x1200, 978001b68ce13cc4e253165ada190d3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love menheras
Pomu please make a side account hint hint wink wink

>> No.26648576

Funniest shit

>> No.26648585

Nah shitposters are just shitposting about her saying it'd be cool if we helped her reach 1 million views on vtl and 400k subs on yt

>> No.26648587
Quoted by: >>26648621

Nina wants to play the Quarry and No Mans Sky

>> No.26648589

>don't believe Pomu's here

>> No.26648598
File: 82 KB, 256x250, q9b1rt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu is really /here/...

>> No.26648605
Quoted by: >>26648671

was deleted and this was posted

>> No.26648607
File: 1.60 MB, 1855x2189, FPcQCwkUYAUMbbD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu since you're /here/ I just wanted to tell you how much I love you!!!!
There's nothing wrong with wanting to have a milestone on your birthday, you don't have to feel bad or apologize!

>> No.26648618

Why bring Enna into this you bitch

>> No.26648623

toxic strain pozzed by nina

>> No.26648621
Quoted by: >>26648724

>Nina wants to play the Quarry
No she doesn't. This game is a fucking slog.

>> No.26648629

Nina wants to play the Quarry. From watching the thread it seems like an awful game to stream.

>> No.26648633

She's lazy

>> No.26648636


>> No.26648639
File: 300 KB, 639x648, 1645133496097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26648641

he already thinks she's real... its useless...

>> No.26648646


>> No.26648662
Quoted by: >>26648743

>I don't want to believe Pomu's here.
she privated her jpopsuki snatches within minutes of someone pointing them out in here, you better believe she lurks

>> No.26648669
File: 3.07 MB, 1000x864, 1655252615472.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok will do

>> No.26648671


>> No.26648680
File: 235 KB, 1524x2048, FRzhUP3XoAAhGG7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daaamn pomu got a whole lotta (you)s

>> No.26648682

It’s really slow, that it doesn’t feel like horror

>> No.26648684
File: 322 KB, 850x520, 6241_[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftvkx2b.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26648689
File: 144 KB, 1021x903, 342456345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648801


>> No.26648688
File: 162 KB, 585x564, tiredpomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw my oshi is busy shitposting when she SHOULD be getting ready for her minecraft collab
pomu please...

>> No.26648705

fyi this isn't Pomu it's the fag who made the bait thread about the discord leak and had his post history purged for shitposting too much.

>> No.26648713

Why is Pomu suddenly being so pathetic out of nowhere?

>> No.26648717
Quoted by: >>26648763

can we share mysta please

>> No.26648724

She literally just said it.

>> No.26648735

because she got her privacy violated and isn't feeling so good

>> No.26648740

That sounds like a pomu thing to do!

>> No.26648743

Pomu was /here/ all along, but she let Nasi shit on Petra in her chat and never banned him. She really does hate Petra

>> No.26648746

She's giving into her insecurities considering recent events

>> No.26648758
File: 447 KB, 1294x967, pomer chief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawabunga CHOO CHOO pomu train on route

>> No.26648761
File: 208 KB, 488x627, 1655557789021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emiira LOVE!

>> No.26648763

Sure thing. He's too cute not to share him around.

>> No.26648770
File: 260 KB, 360x362, image0-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26648785

Thanks for telling us Pomu. We believe you.

>> No.26648784

It's objectively a bad game but it's played because 'so bad it's good' which just means it's shit and boring.

>> No.26648792

Mysta please end this stream after this chapter... I love you but nobody is enjoying this boring ass game

>> No.26648793

Never trust a fairy

>> No.26648802
File: 1.72 MB, 2480x3508, pomu 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Pomu I hope you know that. I wish in some other life I could have been your friend.

>> No.26648801
File: 159 KB, 1440x1440, 1647896165745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my fish oshi? Why can't she be a menhara like Pomu and give my low quality posts here some attention?

>> No.26648807
File: 1.28 MB, 1200x1200, 1648592614246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648835

I wasn't able to stay awake during Pomu's member's only kararoke, anything big?

>> No.26648815


>> No.26648818
File: 267 KB, 585x564, tiredpomu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomudachi, how we feeling knowing that our oshi is shitposting (probably with selen), and they're laughing at our reactions to this shit...

>> No.26648824

have you seen her streams? she's not very smart

>> No.26648826

No. Finish it Mysta, don't be a fucking pussy.

>> No.26648827

Pomu is having a melty sandwich

>> No.26648830

Why were these two videos recommended to me in the span of a day

>> No.26648835
Quoted by: >>26648867

my dick

>> No.26648851

She did the same at 300k, im a pomudachi but really if she wants 400k she should do an endurance stream BUT actually fucking announce it on her schedule ahead of time.

Posting it to her members will achieve nothing. Plan ahead and do streams that get good numbers, be a number fag if you want to get a goal done.

>> No.26648852
File: 353 KB, 433x427, 1624732725317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's just like me...

>> No.26648859
Quoted by: >>26648983

i feel like mystas entertaining enough to make even this tolerable

>> No.26648867
File: 448 KB, 1200x989, 1653885108839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648899

Prove it.

>> No.26648875
Quoted by: >>26649287


>> No.26648883
File: 435 KB, 779x704, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26649100

When you go to hide something and accidentally press the delete button instead
There's no confirmation. It just deletes it LMAO
Have this Enna bird as an apology

>> No.26648885
File: 82 KB, 300x300, 1625622747956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648937

Why do you want us both to suffer

>> No.26648889
File: 152 KB, 600x600, 1652039257959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pomu is /amongus/ right now

im pomu :)

>> No.26648899

I am not posting my penis on 4chan again

>> No.26648900

>she should do an endurance stream
24 hour stream... never forget....

>> No.26648905
File: 35 KB, 200x200, 1650649764894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No... you mean she did all of this intentionally to bait us... I can't believe we all felt for it

>> No.26648917

I want him to finish it. I like his commentary

>> No.26648918

Imagine the seethe Pomu went through when Luxiem debuted

>> No.26648923
File: 173 KB, 1638x2048, FRMjXt1aAAA6Jt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling very good i love my kamioshi pomu and selen

>> No.26648930
Quoted by: >>26648979

>Pomu having a menhara moment
>anal nevertheless

>> No.26648937
File: 64 KB, 240x240, 1654600015286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26648940

Giving Pomu a (You) in the NijiEN general thread!!

>> No.26648945

Holy fuck, not Lauren again...

>> No.26648947

I don't think he has the stamina to go for another 5 hours...

>> No.26648953

What would you guys like to see for an endurance stream, asking for a friend.

>> No.26648959
Quoted by: >>26648995

I don't have imagine. The quality of her content sank like a turd in a toilet

>> No.26648972

Lmao I can actually picture both of them coming up with baitposts

>> No.26648979

This is not a menhera moment, this is a "being retarded" moment

>> No.26648980

Pomu please tweet something about water and staying hydrated on this hot summer day.

>> No.26648983

He's a really entertaining guy but it's really fucking hard to make long dragged out conversations like this where they just say the same shit over and over again interesting, it's not on him it's on the shitty writers

>> No.26648993
File: 378 KB, 1536x2048, 99F972D8-1C20-43B2-9B2F-8D0148812629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good. I'm under no delusions that she'd ever actually post in these threads, but just knowing my oshi has probably read my countless posts detailing how much I love her makes me kinda happy.
I hope she's been seeing all the unconditional love and support she's been receiving lately and doesn't let the catalog Indonesians in the catalog get to her.

>> No.26648995

>t. projecting rosecuck

>> No.26648996
Quoted by: >>26649046

I don't like pathetic-pomu, i want angry pomu
when is she singing that song about the chainsaw again

>> No.26648999
Quoted by: >>26649060

He can finish it next week! Just like Undertale.

>> No.26649001
Quoted by: >>26649047

page doesn't exist

>> No.26649008

Honestly just do variety stuff with a set schedule so there's something for everyone, or pick a game series you like and try to finish all games in it.

>> No.26649017

She seethed a bit of it for every wave after obsydia. Especially Noctyx

>> No.26649022
File: 2.56 MB, 1750x1650, 1654111612444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to bait first

>> No.26649026

me impregnating pomu with 24 hour Polynesian sex

>> No.26649029
File: 83 KB, 275x213, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but I feel you. I'm so sleepy tho...

>> No.26649036
File: 38 KB, 132x131, break stuff [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftxjiyw.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26649043

I'm Pomu!

>> No.26649045

page 10, will we clean up this thread while we have the chance or shit it up further

>> No.26649046

when you leak her REAL nudes

>> No.26649047
Quoted by: >>26649093

Sorry, don't get an Enna apology bird

>> No.26649050

I bet Pomu being a menhera numberfag is because of whatever is coming up with Luxiem

>> No.26649049
Quoted by: >>26649120

>Especially Noctyx
Why the suicide wave?

>> No.26649052

how do i see someone's twitter follow age? i think pomu recently followed finana's alt cause of her menhera attacks. i hope she follows in her footsteps

>> No.26649053
File: 83 KB, 250x262, 1655920990469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT right now

>> No.26649055

>t. copidachi

>> No.26649057

>I had my hands on my crotch
Mysta was about to jack off..

>> No.26649060

Oh man, I forgot about Undertale... I think he always planned on playing the Pacifist route on Twitch, though. When he'll actually get around to it is a mystery though.

>> No.26649066

Look im not a #fag ask them what kind of games get good numbers cause getting 18k subs in less than a month won't be easy. Then check what if solo streams or some group stream will bring more people. Then do a 400k endurance stream when you are 2-1k away.

>> No.26649075
File: 185 KB, 480x480, 1654587855172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira's soft nipples...

>> No.26649076

BATMAN Games, even Lego ones. Lego Batman 2 sucks ass tho so I would skip it

>> No.26649085
File: 661 KB, 2880x3840, @l223v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuchan's nya...cute...

>> No.26649089
File: 1.64 MB, 1440x1440, FJEKVx_akAEng1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VR idol song karaoke!

>> No.26649093

soft, but getting harder

>> No.26649100

I miss Enna

>> No.26649106
File: 222 KB, 350x366, 1633790270285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to make them hard

>> No.26649111
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, ZBu7QAM3LATJM8fl0ecj4w0ZxBmVpNVQ_rV-SNcXTcw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I can see, kek

>> No.26649119
Quoted by: >>26649222

How would she react when alban passes her in subs

>> No.26649120
Quoted by: >>26649229

She complained about it being rushed and not what she expected when she joined Nijisanji. She was talking about how for every wave prior she had a chance to talk with the livers before debut and expressed discontent at the acceleration from so many waves in a short amount of time

>> No.26649122

I liked the "running while singing" stuff she did, maybe an unarchived karaoke endurance? Her recent one was REALLY good, maybe some more metal songs too.

>> No.26649140
Quoted by: >>26649211

A used up whore and an art commissioned for a failed to form cover. I see it too

>> No.26649151

now I am thinking about Elira's nipples... dragon milk big dragon boobs in mouth

>> No.26649157
File: 2 KB, 115x95, 1654391063456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26649263

I love you Pomu, please don't mind the shitposting. Fags gang upon people for the silliest stuff and make a big deal out of everything.

>> No.26649161

The funny thing about how I'm feeling with covid right now is that she's the only stream I can easily watch without getting a headache right now...maybe this is her plan

>> No.26649171

I was expecting hate from jp schizos for Sonny's stream today, but it seems they liked it? What they're hating on is the cuttlefish design of the briskadets. Wtf

>> No.26649176
File: 562 KB, 569x636, elirapendora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26649218

now kiss

>> No.26649183

Don't respond to the schizos baiting for (You)'s in such a blatant manner

>> No.26649195
Quoted by: >>26649241

Mysta's really laying into chat this stream, kek.

>> No.26649209

I don’t care

>> No.26649211
File: 106 KB, 1200x675, FLhfIJTXoAMtY5n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I meant this picture. You weren't in the last one

>> No.26649218


>> No.26649222

God, I don't like Alban, but I want him to overtake her already

>> No.26649229

selen talked about it too except she didn’t single out noctyx, not that she was upset or anything but how everyone right now is a tight knit group since most came from the same batch of interviews (except ethyria but they were all friends with elira,Petra,etc in PL so) and this new batch of auditions will be sort of distant

>> No.26649230

No Nina I don't cry when I go for walks wtf.

>> No.26649233
File: 313 KB, 512x512, 1631560620131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soft nipples on those huge fluffy mommy milkers
Great, now I'm hard.

>> No.26649235

why Nina crying

>> No.26649241

I want him to lay on me ohhh!

>> No.26649246


>> No.26649249

Someone give this hag a hug...

>> No.26649257

stop checking that dogshit site already

>> No.26649263
File: 469 KB, 3864x2376, FJPzemXWUAIYnHM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can still like Pomu and tell her that post was a bad idea, though.

>> No.26649276

how are your nipples right now, anon?

>> No.26649280
Quoted by: >>26649307

nina fake crying for pity supas.
how pathetic can she get

>> No.26649287

What's wrong with the phrase "Hada gave Nina Covid"

>> No.26649290

But the Yugo schizos are funny

>> No.26649301
Quoted by: >>26649368

>Said while checking this dogshit site instead

>> No.26649303
File: 23 KB, 820x183, pomu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26649357

>> No.26649307

She could be Pomu

>> No.26649306
File: 104 KB, 255x377, unknown-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder how big pomus /nijiEN/ reaction folder is

>> No.26649309

God why am I so annoyed by the life choices these characters are making

>> No.26649316
File: 53 KB, 814x346, 1641607144392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking guy needs to read the room kek

>> No.26649321

Briskadets really are the worst. Newfags who think places like that are even significant

>> No.26649326

Pomu is really desperate...maybe it's time to try her first anal on stream

>> No.26649353

he's a gifted sub, go figure.

>> No.26649357

i got so confused and thought it was something she actually has always said

>> No.26649365


>> No.26649368
Quoted by: >>26649475

keep it to yourself if you absolutely need to visit that shithole, no sense dragging off-site drama here
a place for everything and everything in it's place

>> No.26649373
File: 157 KB, 332x360, 85897987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26649475


>> No.26649376
Quoted by: >>26649475

Keep it to yourself dramafag.

>> No.26649377
File: 123 KB, 217x274, 1629473695174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao which one of you was this.

>> No.26649383

Why the fuck is winscp being so trash while transferring NFS heat

>> No.26649389

I cannot imagine dedicating the energy to actually hating any vtuber.

>> No.26649399


>> No.26649409

It takes no effort. Give it a try

>> No.26649415

kek based

>> No.26649427
File: 880 KB, 1224x644, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26649477

>> No.26649441


>> No.26649445
File: 69 KB, 264x270, 2022-06-22+18:18:41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm falling asleep...

>> No.26649450

We can never understand schizo minds and how dedicated they are to their craft

>> No.26649455

Is this what genuine autism looks like?

>> No.26649472


>> No.26649475


>> No.26649477
File: 19 KB, 128x128, 1626910502196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu's toes... delicious little piggies...

>> No.26649483

>Don't agree with my opinion
>You're a schizo
