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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30720998 No.30720998 [Reply] [Original]

Previous >>30678944

What if your general was not just a thread but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this thread where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

MonHun edition

Interactive map:

Introductory blurb for new anons (Test version, subject to change):

- Name Oceans and Seas, possibly make new names for continents
- Maps!
- Chuubanite doc

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.
>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.
>Please refrain from posting if you are intoxicated.
>Ignore any trolls or falseflaggers. Report, hide and move on.

>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)
>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1
>LazuLight: !Ju8511RBaI, !VPFshGyIyE
>/risu/: !I18uq92BL.
>/2434/: !5/2kkxYfkE, !5/2kkxYfkE
>/mep/ !AvkpUsvqyw
>/KR/ !.NKzGxKvQY

Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces:



>> No.30721012
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP

>> No.30721045
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Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

Planned(/Ongoing) vote: >>30571026

>Vote Results
https://rentry.org/otafy (most recent)
>Vote post archive

>> No.30721090
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Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!
The roster result for out /vtl/ team came out, see here: >>30042825
Music for the medals are also decided: >>30323043
The next round would decide the music for the team anthem, see the suggestions here: https://rentry.org/team-vtwbg
Submissions for your vocaroo in the WAR chant are still ongoing.
Team Caretaker Trip Code: !p84LALNCrk

Last but not least, an anon stepped up and wanted to do a quick tourist's guide for the various nations of Vitubia! >>29911443
If you are up for it please submit a short text that introduce your nation by replying to this post.
More details in the rentry below.

>> No.30721118
File: 964 KB, 498x290, how does chuubanite work.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anchor post for the chuubanite concept.

PLEASE KEEP ALL CONCEPTS ON THE CONCEPTS OF CHUUBANITE TO THIS CONCEPT CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see chuubanite concepts should hide this concept.

Current Concept: https://rentry.org/chuubanite (CIP)

Official Chuubanite Concept Video: https://youtu.be/V83JR2IoI8k (embed)

>> No.30721146
File: 225 KB, 850x601, 6a118b517eacb182b8f7ca4f2513ec5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anchor post for Ocean, Sea, and Continent naming discussion.
Post your maps here so we can see them and talk about them!

>> No.30721494

Looks like I'm not sleeping for three days. Time to get back to work.

>> No.30721524
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>> No.30722017
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Quoted by: >>30722269

Word cloud for last thread.

>> No.30722269

>serious Alice sex posting
Word cloud....

>> No.30722278
File: 179 KB, 128x128, Yeahimgood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit socposting but the previous thread is archived
Some fever dreams I've had. Warning they are all /meat/;

1. Military presence
Right this one is simple. Some kinda insurgency in the local town. And Im stuck in mini-mart
For some reason they never fired on this place as if every civilian here dont exist
So I got front row seats to a failed revolution as the military just melts everyone, both civvies and revolutionaries, with some kind of weapon

2. Reality warping photos
This one is a bit... SCP-ish. It tells a story about an anomaly
You know those 'find the difference in these pictures' puzzle? Well you got mailed a package with photos of places around your house
From the biggest room down to the darkest cranny
The photos all show slight variations you do not recognise. There was no compartment in this wall? Why is there a second freezer there?
Tough luck buddy, the moment you viewed these anomalous pictures your house has been modified to fit their alterations
The kicker, some of the changes are beneficial like a vault full of gold under the dinner table, some are not for the faint of heart such as a compartment full of frozen human meat behind the painting on the wall
You need to find set number of beneficial modifications, or else the malicious ones will keep spawning
For every malicious alterations you find, a sociopathic version of your family member (chosen randomly) will get closer to hunt you down
Found a compartment filled with winning lottery tickets, nothing changed; found a jar of human brains on the sofa, you start hearing their voices down the hall
Another malicious object, and you can hear them behind the walls, then behind you but never there, then you hear them whispering on your ears when nobody's there, finding another after that and it's game over. You get killed and the alterations are reset.
Package of anomalous photos will then disappear and reappear anywhere all over the world.

3. Costume themed VN/RPG
Playing some kind of harem VN with a dash of RPG elements
MC is able to wear certain super suits for certain powers and unlock certain dialog options
Costumes are found scattered all over your school, they are the seven mysteries
Starting costume is moth themed with wind powers, the rest are bird? Squid? I forgot some
Harem girls join the party and they can wear any suit for extras skills, all unique to each character
Preferably find all the suits and get all the girls, one of them required beating the boss without supersuits
Game is your average JRPG... until you decided to look for a secret suit
Cassettes, police reports, and other various analog horror type media scattered around town talks about a serial killer in a rabbit suit almost a decade ago
Recently, school compound cctv shows a ghostly bunny man roaming around after midnight, ending his route in the gardener shed
You break in there, found nothing of worth. Until you found a secret vent going to an underground basement
Planks boarding up a section on the floor, removing them reveals a crate with 'i warn you not to do it' stamped
Opening the crate reveals two rabbit costumes, one for you and another for a harem girl of your choice
Suit power, opening up a pocket dimension to trap your prey
Going down this route turns the game into a slasher where you and your partner hunt and butcher everyone in school, culminating with the final hunt on your former harem
Victory once you've killed and properly clean your harem for a final feast with your partner-mate

>> No.30722337 [DELETED] 
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Planning somethings so I can properly set up the whaling industry of /who/ later, which depends on when I finish chewing through a metallurgy book while fighting my ADHD. Inputs are welcomed of course, and GeologyAnon if you are willing can you roughly describe the ocean ridges and trenches in Vitubia?

Ecosystem of the Owlantic sea (place holder name)
Ocean ridges and trenches surrounding the sea from west and south, combined with the ocean current create unique ecosystem below the twilight zone. Large Islands in the middle of the sea creates flowing wood, which sinks to the bottom and feeds small organisms that can digest ligneous cellulose.
The Indie sea trench and the south Owlantic Sea Ridges create hydrothermal vents, bringing vitubium enriched minerals up and mixing with the water, particularly "lively", compared to other ecosystems below the twilight zone.
Unique sea creatures developed novel uses for chuubanite, from food sources, survival and hunting.

Ocean ridges and trenches surrounding the sea from west and south, combined with the ocean current create unique ecosystem below the twilight zone. Large Islands in the middle of the sea creates flowing wood, which sinks to the bottom and feeds small organisms that can digest ligneous cellulose.
The Indie sea trench and the south Owlantic Sea Ridges create hydrothermal vents, bringing vitubium enriched minerals up and mixing with the water, particularly "lively", compared to other ecosystems below the twilight zone.

Unique sea creatures developed novel uses for chuubanite, from food sources, survival and hunting.

Giant armored squid (also placeholder)
Exceptionally efficient in terms of metabolism. Mostly opportunistic feeder but would become more active during breeding season. Spawn in deeper depths, near the hydrothermal vents and volcanically active zones. Young feed near the spawning ground, occasionally going up to the midnight zone to hunt as adolescents. Adults can grow up to 20 meters in length. As it grows, armor like plates begin to grow on it's trunk, parts of it's head and the ends of its tentacles. Diet mainly consists of smaller fishes, but feeds on bigger ones like marlins and tunas when surfacing up. It's hypothesized that it's giant size and armor helps it to avoid predation. Doesn't possess ink, rather a viscous substance containing chuubanite is created, water passing from gills are mixed with the substance and shot out of the creature's beak at high speed, using the chuubanite's propelling power. Can regulate it somewhat by focusing the spout and secreting the activator which "ignites" the water jet. Used to knock fish or a whole school of them out and feed. Also used for self defense against predators, can focus it like a water jet, also creates light and heat when it focuses by adding even more chuubnaite muscus and activator. Beak has many sharp "teeth", has some amount of lateral movement capability. Beak also almost completely wrapped in flesh, protrudes not unlike a goblin shark.

The Owlantic Furred Whale (just assume every name is a placeholder)
Special hair grows almost everywhere on it's body, hollow in the inside and very thick (think polar bear hair). Glands secrets chemicals which bonds with chuubanite it ingested through smaller fishes and obtained from the environment. The chemical boned chuuabnite acts as a magic disruptor,, not unlike lead compound obelisks used by the Owl Republic to disrupt magic. Hair filled with the substance protects it from magic used by its prey, which prominently includes the armored squid. Older specimens has longer and thinner hair. Thinner hair has a much longer and stronger anti-magic life span compared to the obelisks, where leftover chuubanite compound completely fills the hair, and the whale stops secreting the chemical.
Hard nodules dotted throughout it's body, mostly in the front. Defense role very minor, houses sensory organs to compensate for weaker detection due to hair covering whole body. (think narwhal tusks)
Hunts adult and adolescent squids when it surfaces near midnight zone to feed. Behaves like real life sperm whale.

Thinner hair used to weave anti-magic fabric, which helps mitigate offensive magic, physical and psychological. Can be used in environments where magic disruption is strong but also prohibitively expensive. As status symbol, early fabric can only be made from stranded whales, only expanded after long distance whaling starts to mature. Thicker hair with chuubanite left in it treated and used to reinforce cuirasses. Hair without chubanite can be used like baleen after treating. But most important material derived is spermaceti, early demand pushed by need for lubricant in manufacturing machinery. Candles and perfume relatively secondary, but large and experienced whaling fleet makes Republic one of the biggest exporter of whale derived product.

>> No.30722464
File: 2.16 MB, 1800x1800, bluemei_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning somethings so I can properly set up the whaling industry of /who/ later, which depends on when I finish chewing through a metallurgy book while fighting my ADHD. Inputs are welcomed of course, and GeologyAnon if you are willing can you roughly describe the ocean ridges and trenches in Vitubia?

>Ecosystem of the Owlantic sea (place holder name)
Ocean ridges and trenches surrounding the sea from west and south, combined with the ocean current create unique ecosystem below the twilight zone. Large Islands in the middle of the sea and subtropics in the west creates floating wood, which sinks to the bottom and feeds small organisms that can digest ligneous cellulose.
The Indie sea trench and the south Owlantic Sea Ridges create hydrothermal vents, bringing vitubium enriched minerals up and mixing with the water, particularly "lively", compared to other ecosystems below the twilight zone.
Unique sea creatures developed novel uses for chuubanite, from food sources, survival and hunting.

>Giant armored squid (also placeholder)
Exceptionally efficient in terms of metabolism. Mostly opportunistic feeder but would become more active during breeding season. Spawn in deeper depths, near the hydrothermal vents and volcanically active zones. Young feed near the spawning ground, occasionally going up to the midnight zone to hunt as adolescents. Adults can grow up to 20 meters in length. As it grows, armor like plates begin to grow on it's trunk, parts of it's head and the ends of its tentacles. Diet mainly consists of smaller fishes, but feeds on bigger ones like marlins and tunas when surfacing up. It's hypothesized that it's giant size and armor helps it to avoid predation. Doesn't possess ink, rather a viscous substance containing chuubanite is created, water passing from gills are mixed with the substance and shot out of the creature's beak at high speed, using the chuubanite's propelling power. Can regulate it somewhat by focusing the spout and secreting the activator which "ignites" the water jet. Used to knock fish or a whole school of them out and feed. Also used for self defense against predators, can focus it like a water jet, also creates light and heat when it focuses by adding even more chuubnaite muscus and activator. Beak has many sharp "teeth", has some amount of lateral movement capability. Beak also almost completely wrapped in flesh, protrudes not unlike a goblin shark.

>Left to do: fish breeding season affects its own spawning season and feeding? Does chuubanite help with it's survival?

>The Owlantic Furred Whale (just assume every name is a placeholder)
Special hair grows almost everywhere on it's body, hollow in the inside and very thick (think polar bear hair). Glands secrets chemicals which bonds with chuubanite it ingested through smaller fishes and obtained from the environment. The chemical boned chuuabnite acts as a magic disruptor,, not unlike lead compound obelisks used by the Owl Republic to disrupt magic. Hair filled with the substance protects it from magic used by its prey, which prominently includes the armored squid. Older specimens has longer and thinner hair. Thinner hair has a much longer and stronger anti-magic life span compared to the obelisks, where leftover chuubanite compound completely fills the hair, and the whale stops secreting the chemical.
Hard nodules dotted throughout it's body, mostly in the front. Defense role very minor, houses sensory organs to compensate for weaker detection due to hair covering whole body. (think narwhal tusks)
Hunts adult and adolescent squids when it surfaces near midnight zone to feed. Behaves like real life sperm whale.

Thinner hair used to weave anti-magic fabric, which helps mitigate offensive magic, physical and psychological. Can be used in environments where magic disruption is strong but also prohibitively expensive. As status symbol, early fabric can only be made from stranded whales, only expanded after long distance whaling starts to mature. Thicker hair with chuubanite left in it treated and used to reinforce cuirasses. Hair without chubanite can be used like baleen after treating. But most important material derived is spermaceti, early demand pushed by need for lubricant in manufacturing machinery. Candles and perfume relatively secondary, but large and experienced whaling fleet makes Republic one of the biggest exporter of whale derived product.

>left to do: how does squid and whale interact, more behaviour, seasonal behaviour, etc

>> No.30722831
File: 167 KB, 560x560, waste_not_want_not.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Victory once you've killed and properly clean your harem for a final feast with your partner-mate
Sounds kino

>> No.30722845
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As the guardian deity of socposting, I absolve you of your sin, my child.

1. Eh, been there seen that. Those dreams are always nice.
2. Really liked this until the random member of your family bit came. Like why? Just have the entity that kills you spawn from the pictures, a difference like any other.
3. Gonna need a holy hand grenade for this one chief.

>> No.30723186
File: 104 KB, 1376x816, 1656371246795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a giant squid and a furry whale? Our seas are becoming more kino by the second! Also a really nice counter balance to the more fantastical sea serpents and giant crustaceans me and bonebro are planning.
One thing though. Would the hair help with thermoregulation? A full coat would decrease the need for a thick layer of blubber, to a certain extent. Just something to keep in mind.

>> No.30723266
Quoted by: >>30723479


>> No.30723344
Quoted by: >>30723689

Need to read more into marine mammals but I do remember that hair doesn't help much in cold waters, what matters is blubber, or fat. The hair is just a trait developed to counter the magic used by the squid, also adds some ability for it to resist physical attacks. Though I do remember that the hollow hair of polar bears do help them to insulate their body against the cold. How effective it is underwater is unknown to me, however.

>> No.30723479
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Monster myths that came from stuff like this would probably only be present locally instead of nationally.

>> No.30723637
Quoted by: >>30725596

I know panon wants me to base the vegetables on Germany. However if I'm going by the climate map based on the OP then half of Lazulight is temperate rain forest. Germany is Oceanic. And while there is a small oceanic region in the south Lazulight should have both subtropical crops and oceanic crops. Now I have to go world traveling to figure out what crops grow where.

>> No.30723689
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Quoted by: >>30724051

Yea, one note I wanted to make but had to check first was the case of Otter fur. I know you specifically mentioned polar bear fur, but as a sea creature, this, imo, should also be considered. After all, if it's growing a coat anyway, might as well make it as thick as possible to help with thermoregulation, which in turn reduces the need for a layer of blubber (which otters specifically don't have at all) and further still, the need to consume enough food to keep that layer up. Just some ideas to bounce off.

>> No.30723790
Quoted by: >>30723822

i agree with this.

>> No.30723822
Quoted by: >>30724021

Which other general?

>> No.30724021

any. just don't mention anything specifically.

>> No.30724051
Quoted by: >>30724662

Otters live relatively close to the surface so it might not apply so much for a species that lives in the deeper ocean most of the time.
This would explain how the squid (and whale) got so massive, and apparently real life giant squids only need 5 kg of food to survive around 200 days. But that doesn't account for the more active lifestyle and larger size of the armored squid in Vitubia. Whales also need less food than you might think. Alternatively I can make more prey species for the whales so it has access to more food sources. The bottom of the sea in that area is (probably) supposed to be richer than others after all.

>> No.30724124

Once more, this movie has become /vtwbg/

>> No.30724662
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Quoted by: >>30725127

Well the one thing I want to avoid is making the single function of the fur be magic disruption. Mainly because that would imply that over the course of it's evolution its habitat was so full of chuubanite magic that it required an active defense against it. So that would leave you in a spot where you would basically have to keep using chuubanite as an active offensive tool your animals use.
And as for the thermoregulatory part, while I still personally stand behind thicker fur like otter's, a polar bear-like fur would still work just as well. The important thing, really, is to just have two layers of it, and that the upper layer can trap air so the lower one doesn't get wet. That's the thing that keeps you warm.

>> No.30725127
File: 509 KB, 1975x3414, FaBBDeSUsAAgYaP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30726129

The idea I had but forgot to include in the previous post is that the whale split off from the main family pretty early, when whale ancestors had a bit more hair on them. I will consider these ideas, however, but first I need to finish the steel/metallurgy part of the industry...

>> No.30725596
Quoted by: >>30742390

don't worry about that. Pomu is a Forest Fairy from the Rainpuff clan, which has control over weather. I will handwave that. Please, just make a rentry on the crops.

>> No.30725646
File: 1.11 MB, 1500x1633, pproposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working like hell on this, preview.

>> No.30725779

People are waking up, should the voting begin?

>> No.30725923

Add this to the voting:
>Should the current date by 1130.

>> No.30726129
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Quoted by: >>30726964


>> No.30726488
File: 581 KB, 835x809, FQTUEZ-UYAE32Qn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30734343

sorry my response is super late due to work and stuff but:

you did not piss me off at all alice? you asked me if i got a more indepth economic list and i said i do not since it is not my focus to have super long lists of such stuff and try to pursue super realism

since i returned after my long break and made sure i am in a good mood after health stuff i think it really might just be the german par tof me that seems more aggressive than i am.

i was actually quite happy you wanted to talk about stuff with me, it just sadly was something i cannot really provide.

>> No.30726964
File: 1001 KB, 4000x3000, 1660367749430794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30727576

According to wikipedia a sperm whales captured in New Zealand ate more squid than fish, around 1.69:1, so the pressure would not be predation from the squid but rather from the need to hunt more squid without endangering yourself too much. I can make the squid smaller to make them more like prey (tbf I was thinking of those illustrations from old hardcover encyclopedia books when I wrote about the squids). I also mentioned that
>Unique sea creatures developed novel uses for chuubanite, from food sources, survival and hunting.
There's one more kind of creature I have in mind that's sort of like a water dragon, maybe related to your dragons in the sea near /mans/ but smaller and less dangerous. But I don't know how it should use chuubanite and its niche. Originally I wanted the whale to fight sea dragons but gave up, instead moving to a more realistic one.
The thing about the range make sense though. I do want to expand on both the squid and whale's distribution an range, that would depend on what kind of fish (or other sea creatures) they eat and also the lifecycle of these prey. I would love for more anons in this thread to developed the marine ecosystem of the sea and coast near them but unfortunately there aren't that many active threads near the ocean between Holo continent and Indie. For now the distribution of the whale and squid would be around the whole ocean between the 2 continents.

>> No.30727303
Quoted by: >>30728063

Warkop short story.

>> No.30727576
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Quoted by: >>30728112

Oh yea, the fights between sperm whales and giant squids do usually end in the whale winning. I really should think my own posts through a bit more. I blame phoneposting. As for making the squids smaller, this would actually work against the fur idea. After all, if a prey is easier to hunt, why would you need any special adaptations for it? If anything, I say make them bigger. Not too big, mind you, but just big enough where a water jet attack would pose serious danger if the whale didn't have the fur. Like, could cut off it's tail kind of danger. Unless of course you already planned for it to have that kind of power behind it and I just missed it.
And as for another anon helping you with the sea life, retro is back, so could ask him for some feedback, since you are on the opposite shores iirc.

>> No.30727730

ppanon! Dragonsister here! I want to write an erotic/romantic scene between Emylia and Pomerlane after reading over your saga. Can I do this?

>> No.30727868
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Quoted by: >>30727935

So long as you understand them as characters and understand their relationship (which i will admit I have not done a good job on) You may proceed as this is something I have not done a good job on imo.

>> No.30727935

ok!! I will do my best I promise!

>> No.30727985
File: 185 KB, 2048x1674, FXd1bRLacAA24bn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30728051

Dragoonsis already based as all hell. Hello btw, I'm Cunt, resident horny/funposter and a spec. biology autist, as well as the husband of the other Dragoon on here. Glad to have you on board!

>> No.30728051
Quoted by: >>30728182

I am not a dragoon, I am famelira kek. But nice to meet you!

>> No.30728063

kek the "celebration" made me laugh ngl

>> No.30728112
Quoted by: >>30728748

I sort of handwaved it but the jet in my mind is kinda like a mix between a pistol shrimp sound blast and a fishing dynamite charge. At lower powers it just stuns fishes that are around the jet. At higher powers it sort of explodes when it contacts with something. I don't know any real life physics phenomenon that can cause an explosive like effect underwater, however, and in a deep environment at that. To be fair the anti magic property of the fur is also kinda handwavy on my end... Like how does such a small amount of chuubanite be able to last longer than a big thing with less surface area...

>> No.30728182

O shit right, sorry for that, autocorrect being a silly bitch.

>> No.30728748
File: 102 KB, 1112x1106, Smile more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, now that you describe it, it really doesn't make that much sense...
Ok, how about this. Ignoring the chuubanite in the attack of the squid, it would still unleash a lot of kinetic energy, right? So how about we lean into that aspect with the fur instead? Instead of having this handwavy magic canceling effect, it instead makes the fur act as kinetic putty, hardening when struck with some power. How would that sound? This of course wouldn't be a perfect defense, but it would give the whale a definitive edge over it's prey. And in return, the squid could get specialized "teeth" on it's suckers (which it already has irl btw) to help tear the fur off, trying to expose as much of the soft skin under it before going for a jet attack. I think it would make for an interesting dynamic, and it would pose another fun problem for your whalers to solve. How do you haropoon a whale whose fur hardens in response to the strike?

>> No.30729754
Quoted by: >>30729908

Sasuga /meat/heads

>> No.30729908
File: 2.66 MB, 3000x3000, magicaldraw_20220813_065158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy who one-upped me did a better job though. i can't draw for shit.

>> No.30730126

What am I looking for here?

>> No.30730239


>> No.30730298

bottom middle. the blender.

>> No.30730341

i also drew the heart and the face, but the blender in the background is better.

>> No.30730357

Ah I see them. What do /meat/ mean by this?

>> No.30730405
File: 31 KB, 474x352, a blender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30747133

pic rel.

>> No.30730406
Quoted by: >>30730560

It means smoothie is now on the /meat/ menu

>> No.30730560

not entirely wrong, considering how it was used in that comic

>> No.30730780
File: 692 KB, 4096x2708, 1660332095981704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30752023

Hi!!!!!! I don't remember if I already talked to you before, but it's nice to meet you famelira!!!! I'm very bad with writing smut so it's nice to see people with different skills joining!!!!!!

>> No.30730909

Bottom text says
Does that mean anything?

>> No.30731148

As the evening clouds roll over, Selen stretches her back and let out a relieving sigh. NIJIFES had been a tiring effort, and it still shows. With a smile, the dragon extends her arm and pets Ember on the head. He loves it. Inspecting her camera one last time, Selen double-checks her mental note for any missing steps. Backlight? Done. Camera? Connected. Microphone? Cleared. Ember? Fed.

With only 10 minutes left before the broadcast starts, Selen readies herself to- 'Ding-Dong!'

Was that the doorbell? Confused, she stares back at her draconic companion who is just as surprised as her. Who is coming over this late? Delivery? Not any she could think of. Quickly with no time to lose, Selen makes haste towards the front door. Hoping she gets this over with before the stream starts. As she unlocks the door and opens it, her pupils contract at the sight. It was Finana. Completely underdressed, softly sobbing as tears drip onto the floor. Within a fraction of a second Selen realizes the item she is carrying in her hand. A knife. Her draconic instinct immediately picks up the context and murderous intent.

Immediately she slams the front door on Finana. Pushing herself against the door, not giving her a chance to break in- too late. With a quick thud, Selen fell on the floor. Finana is standing in the doorframe, a shovel in her hand. Standing above the reeling dragon, Finana apologizes before knocking her out with the shovel. It would not be a while until she regains consciousness.

As she wakes up groggily, her senses immediately go on full overdrive. The fuzzy lights entering her eyes, the ringing in her ears are still deafening. What is that horrible smell? Ember? Is that you? Selen tries to recollect her most recent memory. The stream. Yes, she was preparing for a stream when Finana came over and- and... 'This stench... I can't think properly with this scent.' Selen shakes her head, trying her hardest to recalibrate her psyche. The scent is disruptive. The scent of.. 'Is this blood?' As she realizes what the scent was, her fight-or-flight response kicked in, and her consciousness immediately returns.

The first thing she sees is Ember. Locked up in his cage. Frightened. By what exactly? Unknown to Selen, she will regret knowing the answer a few seconds later. Slowly glancing to her left, in the direction of her streaming set-up, she immediately finds the source of that stench.

Finana. Limping in her birthday suit against the camera. Sobbing with ugly moans and demonic wheezes. Selen could feel the the coldness of a banshee's breath running down her spine as she picks up every detail. Finana is covered in wounds and fatal injuries. Ones that struck fear within her. From cuts all over her body, to chunks of flesh and body parts missing from her figure. Swaying around as she moves, Finana's left arm is left dangling only by a mere bone, flesh dripping on the floor.

Screaming in a fit of rage, Finana lowers the camera and gives out a threat. A threat to the audience. Selen's audience. Realizing what she has done, Selen tries to get up. It was at this moment she begins to discover her current state. Her entire body has been strapped down onto her bed. From the neck down, Selen could see ropes and belts, restraining her from getting up. Selen cannot get up and stop Finana. All she could is scream. Hoping somehow the fish snaps out of her manic episode.

Alas to no avail, her pleas fell on non-existing ears. Blood dripping from the side of her head where her ears once were. As Finana continues to insult the audience, she shoves the knife into her left eye socket. Forcefully gouging out her eyeball, pulling it from the optic nerve. In a fit, she threw her eyeball at the PC. Fluids splattering across Selen's workstation. In a demanding tone, Selen orders Finana to stop this act of insanity.

Finana decided it has been long enough. Insisting to her 'fans' it's time for her final show as a Liver. Or in this case, liver. With a quick thrust, Finana buries the knife into her abdomen and tore open her belly. Screaming in excruciating pain with blood expelling from her mouth from pressure. Satisfied with her newly made orifice, Finana throws the knife away and grabs onto the camera. As she staggers onto the floor, she chose to give the audience their well deserved big finale. A final gift from Finana Ryugu.

Soaked in blood, the camera slowly makes its way into Finana's gastrointestinal orifice. Broadcasting every putrid detail of her insides for the world to see. Deeper and deeper the camera goes in, Finana stops wheezing in pain and hunches over. Lying still on the floor.

Selen, tears running down on her face, could not believe what had just happened. All she could do now is plea for Finana to wake up. But it was already too late. Too late for apologies even. The authorities arrive an hour later, freeing her and Ember. As for the stream, Anycolor refused to take down copies of it, a reminder.

>> No.30731358
File: 939 B, 19x26, 1660282123274938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30731495

what the fuck did I just read

>> No.30731495
Quoted by: >>30731595

Certified /meat/ classic

>> No.30731595
Quoted by: >>30731645

Certified NijiEN classic actually.

>> No.30731645
Quoted by: >>30731673

But /meat/bro wrote it

>> No.30731673

It was posted in NijiEN first and this is only part of it.

>> No.30731729

and this was back from "educate yourself" days.

>> No.30731796
File: 51 KB, 674x283, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. /meat/heads wrote it

>> No.30732585

hey, i remember this. i was in the thread when it was made. certified /meat/ classic.

>> No.30733211
File: 481 KB, 1277x1080, 1659991723301560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i don't know what to write and haven't know for a week with mujigae. Like I know shit needs more detail, but my brain just isn't going there. Sockpuppet allegations certainly haven't helped, not just to me but other anons. It's really disrespectful to someone who is just starting out and trying to get everything in order. I also don't believe only schizos are saying it either. Rant over. I clearly need help with this, but I don't exactly know what kind of help.

>> No.30733379
Quoted by: >>30733463

When in doubt, violence.

>> No.30733463
Quoted by: >>30733540

I need to flesh out culture, military and religion but am absolutely stumped on it. The prompts arent helping me either.

>> No.30733540

Why not write a short story for someone else in the mean time or turn on a video about rome?

>> No.30733541

can relate somewhat with mhm.

>> No.30733732

Yeah, i can definitely see the point you made. That would frustrate me too. My advice, just dial down your own self expectations when needed. Its not like you have done nothing at all, you have made good and interesting contributions with vnugbro.

>> No.30733937
Quoted by: >>30734065

Honestly, consistent contributions are the best way to dement those allegations amongst the non-schizo crowd, since they came from your arrival/immediate vasalization under Nijisanji/immediate vote and should pass in time if you just carry on normally. If you feel like you hit a roadblock with Mujigae, feel free to write a short story, or collaborate with others.

>> No.30734065

But thats not how it went down
>i wrote about an alliance because NijiKR is absorbed into JP now and is doing better than ever
>discussed it with my thread
>we split it up and turned the alliance into something that made sense in a vassal.
Thats what happened.Not to mention i feel like i have let vnugbro down a bit and not been a good writer/rep because i havent figured out the Indie Kingdom.

>> No.30734123
File: 53 KB, 480x640, FZ24wFDakAAJee9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30734308

Well maybe. I sort of intended for the whales to have some sort of symbolic meaning in /who/ since they gives this anti-magic material, but it could also work and still have some utility in armors.

>> No.30734151

yeah, as the one targeted with this, i feel personally drained somewhat by the constant allegations of this. Feel like it has pushed newfriends away a bit too.

>> No.30734308
Quoted by: >>30734539

The whale's hair acts like lightning rods
They dont reflect or cancel out chuubanite
Thats what people see
In truth they absorbed the chuubanite effects, converted them into energy for their own body

>> No.30734343

Its fine. I need to follow my own advice of giving people a break.

>> No.30734392

honestly, don't feel "obligated" to anything, this is supposed to be fun, trying to write something just for the sake of getting something out at all costs.

taking a bit of a break and recharge is a fair option too, while in my case it was mostly due to health, i gotta admit i feel the most positive about /vtwbg/ i have in a while thanks to it.

>> No.30734539
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...That could also work. Truth is it would ultimately depend on what kind of chuubanite magic the prey creatures for the whales use. But this idea would make more sense if I keep the anti-magic fabric idea. Any armor made from it would also be weak to overloading, after which it stops working or maybe explode catastrophically. The stuff inside is chuubanite, but it's deliberately expended ones that leak magic quanta to the environment quite fast thanks to the chemical it bonds to.

>> No.30734566
Quoted by: >>30734623

I want to apologize for those allegations as now that i think of it, damn it really does remove fun from the project and makes it hard to work because everything you do will be microanalysed(or at least it will feel like it i think) by the thread. Shit bro, i wish i never said anything and i feel bad for the other newfags too on this

>> No.30734623
Quoted by: >>30734739

>>30734566 (me)
Also, most importantly, i need to apologize to alice, the one accused of this, as I think maybe some of her problems come from the drama she always gets.

>> No.30734641

Anti-chuubanite is a can of worms because it's a cliche'd trope to have anti-x plus it breaks the laws of physics where energy can be canceled out

>> No.30734739

Its fine, although you are correct. I can deal with the normal antis i get but hell, i have a hard time writing national lore because I always think I will do something that will piss someone off and have problems reaching out recently for treaties, especially with holos or newfags for that reason.

>> No.30734932

Mother Florida did not approve of my lore post so no more power for me

>> No.30735651
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>> No.30735668
Quoted by: >>30735971

i don't think they are suggesting that the energy is canceled out, more that it is made to disperse over a larger area. idk though.

>> No.30735962
File: 49 KB, 640x480, isegye_idol_rewind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /vtwbg/, after some discussion, I'll try to fill in as much for the indie and corpo region of /kr/ (which for reference will be called just /kr/ as both /nijikr/ and /vnug/ have their own more specific monikers.)
What has been come up with so far is:
>Using the Polish-Commonwealth as a base, the land is a loose confederation with nobles ruling regionally, all with different ideas of how to run the country
>Each region is representative of different philosophies surrounding vtubing. These can be presented as different interpretations on the same religion, kind of like the Protestant-Catholic divide. The border region towards NijiKR represents the JP-styled vtubing, and the region towards /vnug/ represent KR vtubers that mostly speak English (i.e. Tonya, Miori, etc.). While the center represents the local KR scene, where things can differ very drastically even between smaller regions. As the KR vtuber scene is still growing this region is always in flux and quite unstable.
>The geography of the region is very mountainous, allowing for these separate communities to all grow so different. Because of this they lack crops, however, the area is incredibly rich in minerals. Because of this the Isegye region (since they have big numbers) are incredibly affluent economically but try to stay neutral (representing the fact that they're not talked about a lot in the thread.)

>> No.30735971
File: 95 KB, 1290x626, melonwhale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30737549

Whales have an organ they used to create echolocation
Electric eels have an organ for storing energy
Combine both
The fluffy whales absorb natural chuubanite from their environment or chuubanite attacks using their fur and store the energy within the melon organ
They use this for basic whale stuffs like echolocation
But when threaten they can amplify and discharge all the energy in the same manner as a sound cannon
Basically, fluff whales are equipped with LRAD ultrasonic cannons in their heads

>> No.30736285
Quoted by: >>30737179

If the Commonwealth is used as a base, does that imply the presence of an elective monarchy? Additionally, is there freedom of religion inside of the indie-corpo region?
As far as I understand, the Commonwealth wasn't necessarily decentralized in the same way the HRE was except for the two separate entities for the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Crown of Poland (and, to a lesser degree, special treatment of Ruthenia although the Commonwealth of Three Nations never came to be due to the Cossack revolts).

>> No.30736611
File: 179 KB, 656x296, what_once_was.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30736708

My knowledge of climate, tectonics, ecosystem is terrible so details on those parts will be sparser.
In terms of writing philosophy, my approach to writing the region will be trying to canonize as much of the real life history of KR vtubing and related history going back from 2017 to now as part of the lore/folklore of the region. This will include:
>The KR pngtuber cartel
>SE:A and Choy, early forays into vtubing during the Kizuna Ai/Kaguya Luna "Heavenly Kings" era of vtubing.
>Decay of the pngtubers
>Brief history of NijiKR rise
>The rise of various smaller indies (especially Maoruya)
>Fall of NijiKR including the Ara incident
>Schism between KR and JP styled vtubing
...and various other irl history will be re-formatted and stylized as part of the /kr/ lore.

>> No.30736708

So like /meat/'s history rentry
Using actual posts as lore

>> No.30736859
Quoted by: >>30736913

Wait, weren't we in the /jp/ dimension before we come to this world in 1 VTE?

>> No.30736913
Quoted by: >>30736997


>> No.30736997
Quoted by: >>30737058

Won't that mean the ruins of the First HLGG Empire won't be in this world but in /jp/ dimension?

>> No.30737058

According to the story, the archaeologists travelled to /jp/
We kinda agreed dimensional travel to there is possible. But not everyone have it

>> No.30737164
File: 50 KB, 456x449, 1646887422117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30752373


>> No.30737179
Quoted by: >>30737754

My knowledge of the Lithuanian Polish Commonwealth is not very in-depth, as is much of my history, usually only know broad contours, so perhaps that was not too good of an example, but I thought it was a good base.
>does that imply the presence of an elective monarchy?
Yes. However, the aristocracy holds a lot of sway over the decisions of the crown. Functionally the King has greater power, as written in law. However, this is only a written rule, and it would be frowned upon if the King actually acted in this manner.
I feel this best represents the fractured nature of the KR vtubing scene as it is now, with various separate groups all with very different ideas on what vtubing should be represented, yet disorganized.
>Is there freedom of religion inside of the indie-corpo region
Theoretically yes. Additionally, most regions of the /kr/ have the same religion, however, interpretations of each vary significantly, (this part is much closer to how Confucian doctrine was argued over rather than Christianity, but still a mix of both), religious freedom does exist however, and regions like Isegye (who irl have very little connection to the rest of the KR vtubing scene) have a completely different religion than the rest of /kr/.

>> No.30737201
File: 1.72 MB, 680x1200, Judgement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Basic concept is up and running, no Rentry because there is a bit of formatting and tables. Need to narrow it down to one method, but there may be additional methods I could add to simply add "More Options." But presently, these are the key 3.

A / B are what I'm least confident about, but C is a bit simple regarding what's needing to be done. Comments are open, so feel free to ask any questions.

>> No.30737549

It's not really an "anti-chuubanite". The original idea is to have its effect be similar to what lead have on chuubanite magic. Then it's using expended chuubanite, mixed and bonded with a chemical the whales make to absorb the energy, then make it relatively loose that energy/transfer it to another organ quickly to achieve the effect of anti-magic.

I think I'll just go with the absorb and disperse theory for now. It's a more simple way of achieving the desired effect and it's probably more believable by being perceived as less complicated.

>> No.30737688
File: 249 KB, 337x524, kyue_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30737990

Exactly like that. My own philosophy surrounding the project is that the world we are creating is a representation of real-world phenomena (i.e. the threads/generals), and thus canonizing various irl events and happenings into the lore of the world (similar to how old folktales were allegories for ancient history) is what I see as the main goal, at least that's what I'll be holding to in my own writing.

This means that any sort of action that the region takes will be based off of prior irl history. For example, Isegye is talked about sometimes in /#/, so it makes sense to have some sort of relation to them, and vice versa. Or for another, if some schizo spammed local KR indie chuubas in a certain thread, that would perhaps represent an act of war or a conflict with that region represented in this world. At least that's my opinion.

>> No.30737747

*relatively quickly, loose

>> No.30737754
Quoted by: >>30738987

I have a fairly in-depth knowledge of the Commonwealth, so if you want to get some writing help, feel free to ask. I'm honestly happy that someone decided to refer to it since it's an extremely interesting historical entity.
Are you also planning on introducing the quasi-democratic elements of the commonwealth, such as the Sejm (legislature of elected nobles)?

>> No.30737755
Quoted by: >>30737893

>then make it relatively loose that energy/transfer it to another organ quickly to achieve the effect of anti-magic.
it's like the difference between bullet-proof and bullet-resistant. say it disperses or redirects the energy, because that's more descriptive and clearer.

>> No.30737893

Yeah probably should've done it earlier. Thought that since anons should know that lead can disperse or block magic energy they would get how it works.

>> No.30737990

Thats great!
It's exactly how we turn /vt/ into an actual universe
Where things like jannies, doxxes, schizos, and posts are part of the world

>> No.30738016
File: 426 KB, 1000x750, 1659842289836946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30739138

/mhm/ lore

>> No.30738164
Quoted by: >>30738377

Agreed, this should be the gold standard about how shit works in the world. Would make it easier for newfags to understand and allow better, more accurate lore to be written imo. I think this should be added to OP.

>> No.30738251
File: 17 KB, 480x272, 180193580391850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good. In my case, I will take things one step further to have the region represent the history of the local KR vtuber scene untop of the thread happenings.

>> No.30738377

Would add to the punk history flavor, make diplomacy make sense and actual wars would make sense too. Right now, feels like this is just wg in a world atmosphere instead of what the project was supposed to be.

>> No.30738475
Quoted by: >>30742098

Good job anon, just reading that really makes me want to play
I dont understand much about TTRPG mechanics but to me all of those seem cool, although B and C i like the most

>> No.30738630

>wg in a world atmosphere
Been like that for a while, unironically panon is a major reason the project has turned like this. Not his fault completely but he started it.

>> No.30738709
Quoted by: >>30738857

thats not necessarily a bad thing at all

thats completely fine too, depending on what people want. I dont think we should force reps to canonize every thread event or force all lore to be justifiable by thread events.

and this is coming from someone primarily writing for a nation to which most things are thread culture based

>> No.30738759
Quoted by: >>30738857

>wg in world atmosphere
What? I don’t understand this conversation at all. What is being proposed?

>> No.30738857

All i am saying is this feels less like a representation of the threads of vt.

>> No.30738987
Quoted by: >>30740154

>Are you also planning on introducing the quasi-democratic elements of the commonwealth, such as the Sejm (legislature of elected nobles)?
Could you tell me more about it?

Generally the approach I'm taking right now is having various factions in some sort of elective system, where decision is made by some consensus of nobles, is that generally what you are describing?

The faction split as of now will be:
>The Streamers
Based off the irl "Virtual Streamer Gallery" on the KR internet, who like JP styled vtubing as they are a splinter from NijiKR fans. In the world, they are culturally similar to /nijikr/. They also represent former NijiKR vtubers that have reincarnated after graduation as indies.
>The Hakkos
Named after another irl KR vtuber community ("Small Korean Vtubers Gallery", basically Korea's version of /wvt/). They are different from the Streamers and they have a particularly antagonistic relationship with them.
>Isegye Region
Representing Isegye Idol. Their high numbers irl translate into lots of mineral wealth, making them quite an influential region. They have very little cultural similarity with the surrounding regions however.
>/vnug/ Border Territories (need a better name for this)
Representing the Korean vtubers that mostly use English, ruled over by Shabel Tonya, (by technicality also includes Miori, since she also falls into that category). They are the most neutral faction, but they have little connection with other regions.

>> No.30738996

I doubt that is a realistic or even interesting outcome for most anons. In fact, i would believe that hardlining on that would cause many to quit imo.

>> No.30739116

it does, but that is in my opinion a completely OK thing. I do prefer to write most my thread's lore to be based on thread events and culture, but i dont think it is good to force everyone to do it, thus Im siding with >>30738996

>> No.30739138
Quoted by: >>30739264

>shrapnel shells
Shrapnel shells were invented during the Napoleonic wars.

>> No.30739169

The OP literally says that. I dont think it would cause people to quit, maybe some of the newer ones but we get newfags alll the time. I just feel we have lost the purpose of this project and that the more cultural and casual lore i make is less relevant than war lore.

>> No.30739215

The state of the threads on /vt/ and irl events should still be a rough guideline for how things play out. For example, it wouldn't make sense to have /nijiEN/ and /#/ have an alliance since in irl both threads have a particularly bad relationship, which should be reflected in universe.

>> No.30739254
Quoted by: >>30739501

Back. Was having fun with Kronies

>> No.30739264

for the record, i didnt think too much. i assume we would have advanced metallurgy so i thought that sounded like a possibility to me.

>> No.30739350

Yeah if /#/ had a rep, i would expect constant war and raids.

>> No.30739501
File: 870 KB, 1280x720, 1634887468326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30742098

Welcome back!

I don't know much about TTRPG, but it looks quite good to me. Keep up the good work!

>> No.30739516

Emphasis on rough. Not everything has to be based on how the board is, like risu-infinity friendship kino, but I do agree on stuff like /#/ and nijiEN

>> No.30739636

I don’t particularly see how my lore contradicts this, considering I have made the history in particular matching NijiEN as a thread. Obviously I cannot talk about Holoraiders, /#/ raiders or shit like that but beneath all of the pomp, my lore is based on the fanbases and the livers. I take liberties to tell a story but i never miss this aspect.

>> No.30739718
Quoted by: >>30739961

>risu-inf kino
kind of sort why I am disappointed in mep for how they are trying to undermine this. Ruins a great part of the threads own history

>> No.30739961
Quoted by: >>30740127

What am I doing? Or are you just a schizo.

>> No.30740095

This is true. I don't know exactly how relations between Kronii and Risu are irl, but I assume they are neutral at worst and friendly at best. So it makes sense for that to be represented as risu-infinity friendship, even if in irl they have little connection, at the very least neutrality allows people to be more flexible with how friendly those two are.

What I am saying, is if in a hypothetical situation where irl something bad happens between Kronii and Risu, then that should be reflected first and foremost within the world. i.e. the lore should bend to real life.

So the lore should not directly contradict real life, but if things are neutral or not clear, then the thread can expand upon those things.

>> No.30740127
Quoted by: >>30740807

No not one, you rubbed me the wrong way when you said its your goal ultimately to push inf out of risu a couple days ago

>> No.30740154
File: 14 KB, 248x255, mori glasses 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like option B the best. The Storyteller is a good system overall and Attributes/Skills can be tailor-made for /vtwbg/. This kind of rolling is also easily tunable if need be, since besides just modifiers to the dice pool, there could be modifiers to the success number, or rerolling of dice a'la rote quality.
Very nice pictures.
The Sejm was essentially a legislative chamber of nobles that needed to approve certain actions of the King, such as going to war or raising taxes. It was called once every 2 years for a couple of weeks, with representatives (nobles elected by local nobility) of Sejmiki (literally "little sejms"), the regional legislatures to draft laws and for king to pass things that had to be passed by the nobles by law. It kind of resembled a representative democracy, except that only nobles could vote (~10% of the total population, a lot of nobility was poor and unlanded, but had the right to vote).
As such, factions in the Sejm would be regional by nature.
I think it is the right goal to strive towards, since it is the original idea for the thread. Granted, sometimes there just isn't enough material to translate into lore, which is where anons should get creative. Also, forcing all events into a nation's lore might make it incomprehensible, so I'd treat it generally as a well to draw from rather than the sole thing to depict. A good example of this is /vnug/'s thread merger and how it was handled.

>> No.30740183

There I agree with every word you said. We seem to be on the same page.

>> No.30740386
Quoted by: >>30740965

Shouldnt mep be closer to risu then?

>> No.30740621
Quoted by: >>30742098

i would prefer a mix of A and C, i personally rather have actions represented by a die, with the better youa re at a thing, the better the dice. add some small modifier on top of it for some "stability" and then try to reach a certain number.

that way a martial artists could have a D12 for punching someone with a modifier of +3, the modifier garantues he will always succeed against easy challenges because its his expertise but with the randomness of the die he can still have a chance to fail at a average difficulty when he has an "off day"

also since the adventure is mor eimportant and the focus of TTRPGs, i wonder if it even needs its own system fron the ground up or simpyl modifying an existing system like Pathfinder or DSA to fit more with the world of Vitubia might not be better.

>> No.30740807

Ok, i will keep it simple. I am not changing lore, but dynamics might shift over time. Its up to OGsuner however

>> No.30740873
Quoted by: >>30742098

I'm not completely familiar with roleplaying (I'm more into wargaming), but I've heard that GURPS is a good base for building off a roleplaying system off of? Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.30740903
Quoted by: >>30741644

everytine Mep acts like the french he is my dick twitches

>> No.30740965
File: 94 KB, 420x267, 3414135315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30741115

Isn't risu right next to mep?

>> No.30741115
Quoted by: >>30741665

I meant in relations diplomatically.

>> No.30741190

>The Sejm was essentially a legislative chamber of nobles that needed to approve certain actions of the King, such as going to war or raising taxes. It was called once every 2 years for a couple of weeks, with representatives (nobles elected by local nobility) of Sejmiki (literally "little sejms"), the regional legislatures to draft laws and for king to pass things that had to be passed by the nobles by law. It kind of resembled a representative democracy, except that only nobles could vote (~10% of the total population, a lot of nobility was poor and unlanded, but had the right to vote).
I guess it'll be some version of this yeah. I want to make some significant alternations though, like the 2 year thing isn't going to work because the timescale here is much quicker (I assume).

>> No.30741644

Same. I just wanna rub olive oil on his cute little bumhole and go to town while I choke him from behind

>> No.30741665

I mean maybe it could be reasoned as more of a rivalry thing? Not completely hostile foes, but more in the vein of modern Britain and France. Maybe you can reason it as Reine and Risu fighting over a similar pool of viewers. As long as there is some logical basis for the relationship, I think it is okay, even if it bends the rules a little bit. Again, the only thing that should be completely avoided is complete misrepresentation, like again, with the /nijien/ and /#/ example.

>> No.30742098
File: 24 KB, 300x527, Swords05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs a bit of work, but once I get things hammered out, I'll see about posting more updates.

>there could be modifiers to the success number
Christ, you're getting into Song of Swords territory with that one. Though in all honesty it would be relatively simple to do. B is by far the most . . . nuanced, but may be a tad bulky rather than "Throw Dice and Be Happy"

I'll mull on it.

Ey, probably adapting a system -would- be easier, but this already has enough small bits and pieces that "everyone" is going to want something else with it. So, may as well roll up my sleeve and get hammering.

GURPS is a mass toolbox of ideas and mechanics, even if it kind of melds together into a "GURPS Flavor." One could argue that C is more of the "GURPS-Like" angle due to being a one-size fits all super simple idea.

>> No.30742390
Quoted by: >>30743568

You got some good places for crops like rice, lettuce, eggplant, cherry tomatoes, onions (not the wordfilter), garlic, apples, pears, blackberries, blueberries, and other temporate rain forest crops.

>> No.30742667

what makes b more nuanced?

>> No.30742731
File: 97 KB, 710x859, mori glasses 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modifiers to the target success number are a staple in the classic World of Darkness rather than the new Chronicles of Darkness. It works, but it's a powerful buff for large dice pools. You can also dabble with X-again or 1's removing successes. Those qualities of rolls could be modified by Chuubanite artifacts, and so on. Basically, it'd let specialized equipment have interesting effects on the rolls outside of of course their primary function, which is having a narrative effect.
Not sure if you've used it before, but for balancing's sake you can always check probabilities of results/number of successes with https://anydice.com/..
You'll need a custom function if you want to simulate nWoD-style rolls, but I can share my function that I found works well if you want to.

>> No.30743568
Quoted by: >>30743953

Did you write this in a rentry

>> No.30743953
Quoted by: >>30744211

I crashed and passed out for 5 hours. I have an Open Office text document still open and saved. Rentry soon.

>> No.30744211

Thank you.

>> No.30744331

Who are the bad guy nations?

>> No.30744474


>> No.30744558

Depends on how you look at it, as in, who could be an antagonist in a story?

>> No.30744687

Based beyond relief. I've had fun with systems with all three types of rolling, so I'm not sure which I'd pick...
/morig/, /vsj/ and /inf/

>> No.30744821
Quoted by: >>30745131

Out of nations that sometimes play the roles of villains, you have /2434/, some /nasfaqg/ companies, and /meat/. Maybe /mans/ will also have that villainous element to it.

>> No.30745131

Who are the good guys then?

>> No.30745219


>> No.30745258

Governments cannot be good.

>> No.30745260


>> No.30745453
File: 108 KB, 345x575, 1656846048183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, that would be /rose/ of course.

>> No.30745517

Forgot to mention that Watamelon is also playing the role of a villain, plus there are multiple pirate nations. I'd say that nations that are more on the sidelines could be considered 'good', but this just depends on the perspective of the one stelling the story.

>> No.30745753
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, SOFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30745888

Yo. What did I missed?
was hornyposting in the pregnant general. /meat/ hornyposting

>> No.30745888
File: 75 KB, 1376x229, 1660417540113130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this you?

>> No.30745964
File: 266 KB, 1222x1189, tabarak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New chapter for fruity sheep!
I felt a bit bad about the first chapter, I wrote it intending to get across the Admiralty not realizing the capabilities of the watamelons, but in retrospect I can see it kinda looks like I just ignored all their lore and wrote them to be useless pirates kek. This chapter is a better representation of how they'll be written when involved in the events unfolding.

>> No.30746005
File: 600 KB, 650x917, egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes hehe

>> No.30746321
Quoted by: >>30746754

very based post, founder.

>> No.30746332
File: 467 KB, 1638x2048, FaDgn7DaMAA_mvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/haha/'s religion rework is almost done!!!!
I wanted to add more stuff but today has been a bit busy for me!!!!

>> No.30746530

Founderkun... what the fuck?

>> No.30746735

Kinda surprised it doesn't end up with the baby or the mother being eaten

>> No.30746754

I was very on edge! I needed to relief all of my thoughts....
thinking about pregnant women with the babies moving inside them like maggots in a blood bag. and the wriggling umbilical cords and hormone imbalance
it's a delicious sensation of anatomical fantasies!
Glad you enjoyed it!

>> No.30746846
File: 34 KB, 704x788, mori efficient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30747174

I didn't receive the first chapter like that at all. It was written from the perspective of the Admiralty, discussing events from second-hand accounts. Great chapter!
I know it's a bit personally biased question, but how do you see Fruit Co./Elrea's involvement?

>> No.30746926

/meat/bro, I will pay you all of my money for that VN-RPG!

>> No.30746943
Quoted by: >>30747133

I'm going to trigger some PTSD. Smoothies.

>> No.30746963
Quoted by: >>30747387

This is why I prefer Lunaito for my shota fantasies.

>> No.30747017

Cunt, don't look...

>> No.30747133
File: 150 KB, 900x1200, 1656880733140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30747174

Thank you anon! I'm glad to hear it, that was the intention.
My idea is that once Admiral Ovi's expedition goes terribly wrong and the Admiralty has an "oh shit" moment, she'll be brought to fill their gaps in knowledge, either for a single presentation to the Admirals, or she'd tag along as an advisor to the Admiral leading the follow-up campaign.

>> No.30747328

Better than alice’s story

>> No.30747366

>>30745964 (me)
Also, I want to note that writing while listening to a playlist of Nasheed songs is a great experience. Would recommend.

>> No.30747387

R/ing lewd greentext involving Founderkun

>> No.30747840
Quoted by: >>30748698

If the Admiralty asks the Co-operative's Oppia HQ for potential aid, the parent-company higher-ups will devote a considerable amount of resources for free, given that the Watamelon piracy cuts into Tiszhin's shipping profits, either by the virtue of requiring more convoys or losing ships. They'd likely scout for potential overseers of coordinating the aid amongst the more "strong-armed" companies operating in the region, ultimately settling on Elrea due to her pre-existing network of contacts and strong motivation, as she begged for the assignment.
She'd be alright with either tagging along or staying with the commanders. Make no mistake, she's literally putting her entire career on the line for this; under Tripoint's 'perform of perish' mantra, this is her chance to get into the executive levels if the mission succeeds in curbing losses for Tripoint, but if she over-spends her resources or contributes to mistakes that'd make it a failure, she'll lose years of work, position, and reputation she has built, being demoted or delegated elsewhere.
That's why she'd likely be motivated to tag along, to ensure everything is running smoothly and to cover for the blind spots of Deadbeat sailors.

>> No.30747924

Can the Black Fleet ask us for advice or something? We know all about them, you can even have a scene where we get laughed off at first.

>> No.30748019

stop inserting yourself everywhere. Watamelons just appeared so you dont have a history

>> No.30748211
Quoted by: >>30748280

Just replying to say to ignore the schizopost below, I think it's a great idea! Typing a proper answer, phoneposting is hard...

>> No.30748280
Quoted by: >>30748494

Of course about that idiot, we do have a naval attaché already so you can paint the picture. I am sure i can send some hard ass from my navy later as well.

>> No.30748494
Quoted by: >>30748613

Do you think the Imperial Company should have its own mercenary division?

>> No.30748560

I think I will start the Prince of Tsushima story, especially in these circumstances. He will be attacking Black Fleet/Merchants/Nasfaq units operating in the Golden Sea. He is a megalomanic, fyi so its more than just money but prestige.

>> No.30748613
Quoted by: >>30748794

As in? Almost all land forces are already Pomeranian and Dragoonian Mercenaries already. Confused.

>> No.30748698

If you're fine with it, let's do that! Hmm how to work it in. Once the Admiralty decides to get more data about this, it would make sense if they searched for information from all possible sources. I would work in your attaché at the same time as Elrea. Elrea being from a long-term ally would be more trusted, so perhaps although the Admiralty laughs off the attaché at first, Elrea would confirm his claims and then the Admirals take him seriously?
That's great insight! I'll definitely work that in, Elrea sounds like a go-getter. She'll get along well with some other characters I've planned.
Sounds good, let me know if I can help in any way!

>> No.30748702
Quoted by: >>30748981

I need to know how he interacts with both the Imperial Navy and KAG, given that they are separate entities.

>> No.30748766
Quoted by: >>30748816

He will actually be avranches own grandson, Louis d’Avranches.

>> No.30748794
Quoted by: >>30748890

nta i think he meant that the navy would take military contracts

>> No.30748816

And I mean before this disaster for you fyi.

>> No.30748890

The KAG? I am not sure because thats not really their style. We are like Carthage, in that our navy is professional. The KAG doesnt really have many warships anyways.

>> No.30748981
Quoted by: >>30749431

Well, this guy is looking for glory (not an idiot however) so what kind of forces does the Black Fleet have in the Golden Sea?
He is allied with the KAG in that he has friends in the company, i dont think your navy will like him.

>> No.30749173
Quoted by: >>30749431

I guess I should give you a character concept of Louis
>Hardass, like Ozawa. Brawler like him as well
>Innovative, not a traditionalist admiral
>Gambler, risk taker, but wise.
>Has a chip to prove he isnt a child of nepotism.
>Similar to Thomas Cochrane in many ways.

>> No.30749299
File: 617 KB, 1000x1037, 1659201023773777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30749431

>"What is this strange creature, and why does it fill people with such rage?"
What a nice collab that was btw, real comfy hours. I hope the holo isles can be as comfy. Anyway, I should try to hammer out some more stuff. Gotta get things ready now that the collab ban is lifted. Perhaps I should make funeral pyres a thing...

>> No.30749431
Quoted by: >>30749580

I was just going to ask you for info like that, thank you.
This far from home, you'll be dealing with ships with 20 to 40 cannons, 100 to 200 men. About two dozen vessels patrolling in the region, most of them doing escort duty, but that number will vary depending on what goes on in pther oceans, probably decreasing during the /meat/ raiding season for example. Only conventional artillery on those vessels. There are bigger ships as you get close to the south side of /nasfaqg/.
Deadbeats are currently building the island's first putting green to absorb the comfy powers of this latest divination.

>> No.30749553
File: 47 KB, 680x680, FaEOLNyXkAE-ant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30749765

Alice should make a character named Jean Regis tbdesu!!!!!

>> No.30749580
Quoted by: >>30749672

Make him talk french too, he isnt arrogant but he bucks the establishment. His grandfather’s legacy is put down somewhat by him being a minority.

>> No.30749672
Quoted by: >>30752154

Ah... Finally, a character I can give interjections in non-English without having to pull up google translate. Merveilleux.

>> No.30749765
Quoted by: >>30749835

My nation is Japanese, these are « fleurs de cerisier» or just Fleurs. They are Cherry blossoms, my new name for Rosebuds that have lived in the Empire for generations following the Obsydian Invasion or the Luximite Revolution.

>> No.30749835

They also represent the JP fans of Rosemi, i think she is the most popular EN girl in JP.

>> No.30750146

I do like the Rosebud diaspora. Represents that fanbase well, especially since Rose itself is very different from EN general Rosebuds.

>> No.30750409
Quoted by: >>30750824

I was also thinking that Eli, Seffy and Pomu have some sort of religious festival celebrating them, as three fairies.

>> No.30750824

Kino idea, something that gets celebrated in 3 nations (4 actually kek)

>> No.30752023
File: 1.19 MB, 1300x804, 1658412648556739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30752748

Well, I'm all up for helping you improve if you want to~

>I just feel we have lost the purpose of this project and that the more cultural and casual lore i make is less relevant than war lore.
To me this just sounds like you want more feedback and praise for your "mundane" lore. In which case, throw it at me if you ever see me, I'll be happy to talk about it! Like hell, drop this notion that only lore pertaining to war is relevant, we spent the end of last thread and the beginning of this discussing how to fit a monke and a whale in this setting!

All me.

>> No.30752154
Quoted by: >>30752406

Also… make him 24, i want him to be a hero for Phase later…

>> No.30752373
File: 374 KB, 899x899, 1657388062255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30754957

Ehhh, not really? We monhun now, and that's about it from what I care about.

>> No.30752406
Quoted by: >>30752460

That’s a kino idea, what pushes him to join rebels.

>> No.30752460

He gets in trouble and exiled, and becomes friends with the future God Emperor.

>> No.30752583
Quoted by: >>30753331

Crop analysis of Lazulight's crops: https://rentry.org/LazulightCrops

You can still have German dishes. Except now you have more variety. I know Pomu controls rainfall. But each region has a lovely variety of crops. I couldn't resist. Hope this is satisfactory.

>> No.30752748
File: 97 KB, 651x900, FaDwJtTaIAA_TpD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30753927

If it's not much trouble please do!!!!!!

>> No.30753331
Quoted by: >>30753490


>> No.30753490
Quoted by: >>30753599

You can name the regions to whatever you want. I just gave the regions names based on direction.

>> No.30753599
Quoted by: >>30753692

I hope you know that LazuLight isnt just Pomerania… unless you just did pomerania…

>> No.30753692

I just did Pomerania. I'll do the other kingdom another time. Easier to half the work load on me for now.

>> No.30753748

Ok, thats good. Everything works perfectly!

>> No.30753794
Quoted by: >>30753893

Well, probably change it to Pomerania food crops, then do the others seperately if you think that is wise

>> No.30753893

I'll just add the other kingdom to the same document later.

>> No.30753927
File: 62 KB, 411x1200, 1657200782133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so lemme get this straight. You are OK with us writing and exchanging smut for review? This feels like a falseflagger...

>> No.30754250
Quoted by: >>30754309

And I am watching you like a hawk.

>> No.30754309
File: 385 KB, 1000x1000, you go anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30754776

So you would read all the potential smut we would wtire to make sure there is no self inserts going on, right?

>> No.30754485
File: 45 KB, 680x680, FaA6GiUVsAE3pOk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30754587

?????? I meant my religion page rework!!!!! I barely write smut!!!!!

>> No.30754587
File: 136 KB, 1000x778, FXdF8lDaIAARaaC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30754687

Ahhh, there's the miscommunication haha! Don't worry, I already started on that promised review, just getting some coffee and something to eat rn.

>> No.30754687

It's ok!!!! I don't mind if your review takes some time to make!!!! I'm a bit busy right now anyway!!!!

>> No.30754776

Yep. I have a junior writing smut about Pomerlane. Idc

>> No.30754903
File: 811 KB, 2896x4096, Sananana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30755149

Yea I saw that, dragonsis is based! Can't wait to see what she cooks up.

>> No.30754957 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.45 MB, 2060x1806, 1660414570985733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30755527

Oh, it won't only be monhun. Especially with me seeing that there are others in /mans/ who had this thought. I asked them to make the fifth character to represent /mans/. I hope to see how it goes for them

>> No.30755149
File: 255 KB, 1857x1857, C35C8C46-EDD6-4AB5-8FE7-7988F4E9276F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomerlane wrote a short poem! But its going to be good!

>> No.30755436
File: 177 KB, 636x900, FZ-4UMJakAAsHDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30755555

Panon stop creating so many sockpuppets!!!!!!

>> No.30755527
Quoted by: >>30756354

is that etrian oddessy? looks a bit weird for some reason. which game?

>> No.30755555

You are my most obvious one, kek. I am using you to torture Cunt and write good lore for Selen under the cover of “!!!”. If Alice is my right hand, you are my left and I am ambidextrous.

>> No.30755728
File: 166 KB, 850x1195, __tsukumo_sana_and_kaniko_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_binishu__sample-c5e043bd57959dbd2812a45cacf956a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30760150

If you think this is enough to torture me, then you are a real softie, mate. kek

>> No.30756302
File: 60 KB, 680x526, FXzc2uNaMAAzxSH (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30756445

Quints of truth!!!! If you wanted Cunt to write lore for Selen you could've just asked me!!!!

>> No.30756354

Hold on, now that you mention it... That's weird. It looks like nexus and while the classes are right, the appearance isn't at all. It might be modded?

>> No.30756445
File: 597 KB, 1536x1920, 1656267000459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30756554

Ey yo what you scheming now?

>> No.30756482

Also, please send help Cunt. I think funeral pyres would be really fitting what with all the burning in the thread, but I can't come up with a good in-verse reason

>> No.30756554
File: 87 KB, 726x1200, FZ-bCgeVsAIRrCd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30756752

Nothing!!!! If he wants Selen lore I could do it!!!! He doesn't have to bother you with something you're not interested in!!!!

>> No.30756752
File: 640 KB, 2341x4096, Sana cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30757258

Oh yea, saw that idea, vespieBro. Didn't really comment on it, since it would have required me to be out of bed and awake to really think it through from both a spiritual and physical aspect, but I have a coffee in me now, so gimme like 5 min or something. I'll see what bullshit I can come up with.

>He doesn't have to bother you with something you're not interested in!!!!
I'm never not interested in lore, sweetie. It's just that writing is hard unless it's spec. biology, which just sends me into overdrive.

>> No.30757258
File: 274 KB, 373x307, 1660270660719834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh okay!!!!! Just tell me if you're having trouble with anything!!!! I would hate to have someone struggle on something that is my responsibility to work on!!!!!

>> No.30758082
Quoted by: >>30761369

Would /mans/ have domesticated griffins? I want a griffin friend.

>> No.30758264
File: 840 KB, 2600x3431, FYir8lGWYAEP3hK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, here's what I came up with.


Originating in the jarldom of the northern Elysium, the practice of burial pyres has spread and been widely adopted over the entire island in the last few centuries.

Originally intended as a means of disposing of dead bodies, which in the wake of their death could be corrupted by the island's chuubanite effect into undead monsters, it has since gained a deep spiritual meaning.

Particularly prominent is the belief of the northern Axelotls that, over the course of his life, a man's body and soul take on impurities that would prevent their entrance into the halls of Elysian Palace, where their ancestors await. If the soul is not purified after death, these impurities would instead chain one's soul to their body, making them rise in death as nothing more than a base beast.

A pyre also serves as both a beacon and a gate through which the beastial spirit Syrion can guide the soul to it's eternal rest. It is recorded that at burials of great warriors, the spirit itself would materialize in the form of a large wolf, however scholars debate the authenticity of said claims, as a common material used for the pyres is Elderbleak wood, the burning of which can cause hallucinations if a sufficient amount is inhaled.

>> No.30758519
Quoted by: >>30759059

>Star ritual of great sanallite warriors materializes the spirit as dog holograms
>JRPG ritual of great mans warriors materializes the spirit as wolf holograms
I'm onto your idea recycling, cunt... both are kino, good ideas shouldn't go to waste

>> No.30759059
File: 112 KB, 769x604, 1658570455381294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Star ritual of great sanallite warriors materializes the spirit as dog holograms(spirits btw)
>Great warriors
Fucking kek! Nah, that was for every funeral, and it was an actual manifestation of Sana's love for us.

The manifestation of Syrion is based a lot more on belief, since an actual, not drugged up sighting of him during a burial is yet to be recorded. And yea, I will reuse this specific idea, since I REALLY like the idea of a spirit guiding a soul into afterlife, and welcoming them into *cough* valhalla.

Just wait till I start recycling fucking railguns, but organically grown on monsters kek

>> No.30759403
File: 188 KB, 1000x1000, skele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a cute idea, I like it. Some things are classics for a reason.
my autism will fall upon this like the Chicxulub on Mexico to make it work, I look forward to it.

>> No.30760027
File: 551 KB, 716x551, D1CC58F6-772A-48CB-9223-1413881B94B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>30721012 https://rentry.org/RoyalRomance
This is spicy, I did a lot of reading and reps on both of them. Tell me if you liked it and PPanon, tell me if i did good to them! This is for LazuLight!

>> No.30760074

I had an idea where sometimes a Sanalite's memory was uploaded to a bread dog. But that seemed to sci-fi. I wound up dropping it.

>> No.30760150

You the actual softie, kek
Alright, lets see.

>> No.30760352
Quoted by: >>30760802


>> No.30760353

Do hoomans have anything about their capital in their lore docs? Cant find shit.

>> No.30760535
File: 80 KB, 1143x1308, 620F94CC-87B0-4A79-AD03-617BD604BCDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30760802

BRAVO, I SAY, BRAVO. Shit, you did a better job on my own characters than me. I cannot describe how grateful I am that you wrote this, as you captured many of my own thoughts about them that I personally struggled to get into text. Shit, this is a masterpiece by my own standards and adds so much to what i have written. Kek, smut explaining shit better than I can. Thank you Dragonsister!

>> No.30760802
File: 2.80 MB, 400x196, 268EB92E-2086-4395-BA32-2D46FBAA2985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30760991

She is uoh isnt she? Thats what I thought when I read over her.
You are welcome! I have done my reps on your lore and what you have said on them. I am extremely happy that you loved it! I worked all day on this and doing reps to make it fit seamlessly into your work. I love what you do for LazuLight, and how your represent us in this thread; and i wanted to be part of the amazing work you do. LazuLove!

>> No.30760991
Quoted by: >>30761220

LazuLove! So happy to have you working with me. Drop any ideas you got about Eliria, or heck any of the LazuLight states. You have been around as long as I have been so you get it as much as me. I would be willing to delgate Eliria to you if you wish.

>> No.30761072

You need to read the smut OG, hot sex in it.

>> No.30761149
File: 329 KB, 1200x677, F906D3C2-3088-44B5-9923-FD877A4195EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30761220

GREAT WORK!!!!!!….. i wish i had a kouhai to work with me with 2434.

>> No.30761179
Quoted by: >>30761273

hooman smut or the one just posted?

>> No.30761220
Quoted by: >>30761517

Oh i dont need to take over something from you! I cannot do the stufc you can. I will contribute here and there. >>30761149
Awww, I wish i could help you <3

>> No.30761273
Quoted by: >>30761361

The LazuLight smut just posted. Cousin sex in it.

>> No.30761283
Quoted by: >>30761361

It's more of a nice character piece, the sex is two lines, I barely got my hand on my dick and it was over.

>> No.30761361

Its not smut, its a character with a little bit of nsfw stuff in it.

>> No.30761369
File: 542 KB, 2755x1838, 1660390462039888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30762040

I dig it, though it's very focused on axelotles and talks of an afterlife I'd like to mull over before I add it to the rentry. Because this might mean we'll have to do more work on the religion on the island and it's varying nature and what clashes might exist (and might worsen). Perhaps they all have an idea of an 'Elysian Palace', but their interpretation of what it entails might differ?

I'd say no, for now. Perhaps time will bring about change?

>> No.30761517
Quoted by: >>30761583

Its ok. I adopt kouhais from all sects by dabbling heavily in diplomacy and fun projects. I wish i had one in 2434 or nijimales…

>> No.30761583
Quoted by: >>30761779

Be careful what you wish for, Roseanon wanted one so bad and look how that turned out for him.

>> No.30761613
File: 204 KB, 337x307, 1659662967915253.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30763210

There's some description in my first Carla story and NSFW story

>> No.30761779
Quoted by: >>30761832

Well…no offense to rose senpai, but he is hard to work with because he has a lot of great ideas he just doesnt have written and that confused the situation…i would never want to work under him in fear of ruining his finely craft lore. i am not picky and i have plenty of things i need help with!!!

>> No.30761832
File: 1.60 MB, 1488x2105, 1652058524527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need some assistance dear rose maiden?

>> No.30761949
Quoted by: >>30763517


>> No.30762040
File: 347 KB, 798x622, 1658542345915937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final score: 3.5/10 as smut, could do with more sex descriptions, but 8.5/10 as romance.

I like the descriptions of both characters, both physically and their state of mind, so good job on that.
Dialogue, however, feels just a tiiiiiny bit forced. Perhaps a good way to really convey feelings behind their words would be more varied description of their actions as they say them ("smiled" is pretty prominent, specially in the last paragraph, and it gets kinda stale.)

Overall, not a bad piece. Good job dragonsis!

It does feel like I am focusing on Axelotls a lot more than other fanbases, huh? Gonna have to reign that in a bit. But to clarify my thinking of putting them in the spotlight for this specific piece, it was because out of the four factions, I would make them be the most primal, and as a result, the most spiritual. Norse culture would be a big inspiration for them, after all.
And yea, while the act of burial pyres would be shared between all factions, it would hold different meanings for each of them, with varying afterlives. It should also mention that any and all afterlife talks are purely based on belief, just like real religion. The people wouldn't actually know if there is an afterlife, but they would like to believe it, as people often do.

>> No.30762047
File: 195 KB, 998x1200, g3whtni1gd221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30762127
File: 951 KB, 848x1200, DAA8BAA7-A799-4DF7-BB84-4E4BE98CFE10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Kek.

>> No.30762188
Quoted by: >>30762426

My question is would it be possible to have a sentient brain in a 12-24 inch tall humanoid being like a fairy or homonculus?

>> No.30762192
File: 47 KB, 508x472, 1647436481312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is this bullshit

>> No.30762218

I was forcing it with the dialogue at the end lol, it turned more into romance when i wrote it anyways. Thanks!

>> No.30762252
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1648138051020s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30762321


>> No.30762278
File: 219 KB, 2048x1230, 9C6A15CC-E311-477C-9AC3-274A0E2F920E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30763517

Me trolling you. Have a laugh!

>> No.30762321
Quoted by: >>30762386

Mepper is still waiting on you kek.

>> No.30762337
File: 286 KB, 665x612, 1658545661642194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30763517

The consequences of your actions

>> No.30762386
File: 30 KB, 461x461, Ehcag9oU0AAe0jJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lost my notebook (never use physical copies again everything digital from now on) anyway yeah ill do that. I got time

>> No.30762426
Quoted by: >>30762492

Idk, I think me, Alice and Mecharep will discuss something involving faries soon since we (well at least me and alice) want to have a holiday dedicated to Pomu, Seffy and Eli, three fairies in Nijisanji. Maybe something with that could tie in.

>> No.30762443
File: 7 KB, 280x239, 1498695059054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never stoped to look at this thread and now i see its some high level autism holy shit

>> No.30762487
File: 287 KB, 558x591, 1647046661237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30762585

you have probably seen nothing. read the lore docs and you will see TRUE autism at its finest newfriend

>> No.30762492

Oh i like this idea, a lot actually. That is sort of what I need to inject life into my lore. I know Pomu and Seffy are “Evil” faries but idk about eli.

>> No.30762520
File: 1.00 MB, 1080x1080, 1658541560686292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you haven't seen anything yet, my boy. Welcome btw, you can never leave.

>> No.30762553
Quoted by: >>30763410

Don't mind the namefags chatting, enjoy the lore archive and stories.

>> No.30762585

I wrote 158 pages of war autism, tightly packed into a word docs file. You have not grasped the autism that this thread has until you see that and Chuubanite discussions. (I have to name fag because of falseflaggers fyi)

>> No.30762695

Eli is similar to both of them, all the fairies are chaotic, seffy is probably the least kek.

>> No.30762806

Eli is chaotic as hell, just as much as Pomu. But yeah, this should be our objective to build together as a team.

>> No.30763210
File: 1 KB, 223x34, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30766169

Wait didn't those stories happen in the port city, which is no longer called picrel because I'm a dumb ass and made Mumei read it out loud on stream?

>> No.30763410
Quoted by: >>30763517

What namefags were chatting? Chatting about lore?

>> No.30763517

You call these lore?

>> No.30763579

the first one is asking if someone needs help with lore to be fair

>> No.30763627

And the second was telling the person who they are.

>> No.30763691

And the third one was fucking KEK-ing.

>> No.30763781

Listen, I don't want to cause a timeloop or drama, but it was namefags using the thread like a chatroom. These kinds of extremely short, low-effort posts can turn people off if they opened it for the first time, I wasn't even being hostile in the first message, just telling the new person to let it slide.

>> No.30763797

Oh no! I made two posts off topic… anyways, eli and seffy are flower faires while pomu is a forest fairy. Idk the difference really. Could be some cool festival ideas though!!!

>> No.30763817
File: 92 KB, 400x320, 13D6E306-44D3-4127-8CC7-A8B518A5F1BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking computer shut down in the middle of me writing and it won’t turn back on and I am going to fucking kill myself.

>> No.30763871
File: 836 KB, 3368x3598, 3451261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30763878

…. Have had that happen TWICE. I feel you senpai. Anyways, do you know what a flower fairy is and if it relates to Rosemi????

>> No.30763928
File: 10 KB, 264x246, 1654064330403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30765546

Oldbud, didn't this already happen to you once before...? Maybe start writing it on some sort of online document editor so it auto saves?

>> No.30764316
Quoted by: >>30764418

Alice, truth be told, there likely isnt much of a difference. Indeed this may shock you but Elves, dwarfs, gnomes and trolls are types of fairies in mythology. The clear thing we can say is that they are nature loving chaotic gremlins

>> No.30764418
Quoted by: >>30764768

But does Rosemi fit into this then given a fairy gave her life…

>> No.30764437

Maybe spec-bio friends can help us with fairies when they're online later.

Are you getting power? Or is your computer dead?

>> No.30764768

No, Rosemi doesnt need to be involved in something about fairies.

>> No.30765026

Nah if we add fairies we dont need specbio because no one is making them their race to my knowledge and there is enough mythology about them IRL from acrossed europe, including Nymphes that we can use

>> No.30765125

Panon, you silly goose... You always need spec bio.

>> No.30765546
File: 173 KB, 2048x1152, 4CC8363E-A69B-45B9-9D23-2313468C7EB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t know what a flower fairy is, but it probably doesn’t relate to Rosemi.
Yeah it did. Honestly the issue isn’t that I lost anything, it’s that it won’t start back up. Taking it to a tech place tomorrow to help me out.
Computer broke, just not working anymore.

>> No.30765681
File: 161 KB, 960x1280, 1658559566283150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOOOOOOOOO there is always a need for spec bio!!

>> No.30766169
Quoted by: >>30766501

No, I'm the dumbass who got the cities mixed up. Don't mind my birdbrain.

>> No.30766392

Pomu is a forest fairy and plays a role in her lore but I also dont think Rosemi is related at all.

>> No.30766501
File: 38 KB, 1444x341, 1659806300524942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still way less of a fuck up than mine. Water under the bridge now, conlang anon made a script for us so we can start actually naming places. >>/vt/thread/S30200864#p30201661
Just need him to finalize it with the rep and maybe write us a short guide of how to make new words and sounds with the conlang.

>> No.30767048
File: 797 KB, 220x330, 8AFB2CAB-C890-4D47-92F8-BA694B67DDFA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30768688

You’d soon see me do conlang, shit I have no intention of being autistic on, that spec bio on anything.

>> No.30767486
Quoted by: >>30767641

How come every new niji writer is already better than me. Fuck man. I need whatever you are using kek.

>> No.30767641
File: 66 KB, 429x600, CFE1EB73-71D2-423F-89D2-A4E7EC6E3985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its an all world autism team, then you have me, who just shitposts and slowly add things over time…

>> No.30767979
File: 293 KB, 680x680, 1660440422673758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how you mention that they would be the most spiritual when two of the trifecta of ritual posts in /mans/ feature Magni. I've been toying with the idea of there being a faction/cult trying to establish an organized faith, founded by a magmate. They'd be quite isolationist and kinda supremacists for the native island population as well.
Like you say though, all aspects of faith regardless would just be what people believe rather than necessarily the truth.

>> No.30768241
Quoted by: >>30768688

Hopefully its just the power supply and not the processor or motherboard.

Thoughts about creating a tiny bio-android called a homonculus? Also what about keeping cute domesticated griffins?

>> No.30768582

Bump limit. That means I can talk about silly bread dog dreams now! I had dream where I was in the Mori priestesses private baths. I made them sake mochi as a bath treat and they love it. Also priestesses have pretty big booba. Then suddenly Boney Kong showed up. All he wanted to do is drink sake and sit in the bath with us. It was a nice dream.

>> No.30768688
File: 265 KB, 600x600, 1659022464845173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30768740

Who says you have to do anything? Plenty of anons on here that would gladly help. You just gotta, ya know....bend the knee and ask for it.

It's the niche golems would take, so already filled out. And as for griffins, I'll pass. Don't really like them that much.

>> No.30768740
File: 246 KB, 970x368, 5A4C37E9-C1BE-4ABB-9EFF-CE681F84A504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>30768688 https://youtu.be/aoE1SSCjvDI

>> No.30768832

i will save the stories i wrote for next thread if its bump limit. which will be tomorrow since ill soon be sleepin. i couldnt find too much hooman shit on the capital but 3.5 is done. SAPLING REP WHERE ARE YOU CUZ IN 3 DAYS TRI FLEET SEASON 2 IS COMING FOR YOUR SHORES BABY!

>> No.30768933
Quoted by: >>30769018

Did you get everything for Mep done at least? Mepper seems to have it in mind how this is going

>> No.30768948
File: 69 KB, 850x581, __ceres_fauna_and_tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_since2019__sample-e83a831b49c1d740adec3999377aecc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30769082

Pretty sure Saplings are gone....

>> No.30769018
File: 489 KB, 2048x2048, 1647394014200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30769061

ch2 i have done. Im going to combine his 3 and 4 into one log. That will be what I do tomorrow

>> No.30769061

Kek, i just dont want you getting too backlogged on this. He writes fast

>> No.30769082

They still pop in occasionally. But it's true that it's been a while since they posted anything substantial.

>> No.30769206
Quoted by: >>30769302

A lot of them in uuu dont like OG at all, but i doubt that has anything to do with here other than his falseflaggers likely are a result of that

>> No.30769235 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.08 MB, 498x267, love me wife simple as.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump limit. You know who this is for, I don't even need to say it.

>> No.30769237
File: 66 KB, 720x720, 1648297812097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30769424

I really fucking hope they stick around. Even if its that one sapling lurker I kind of need them since in current time risuners are looking at /uuu/ as essentially the perfect society and that going back there for magic shit is an all time must. I cannot put in words how fucking big this will be and how hyped risuners are for this.

>> No.30769302
Quoted by: >>30769367

Side note I never post directl;y in /uuu/. Only in the bait threads. And I stopped doing that after my day ban. Not worth it if jannies are gonna be fags.

>> No.30769367

I dont think you and ri2ner got any favors. I also got banned for a day for mild shitpost there.

>> No.30769424
Quoted by: >>30769543

Well, desu, you going into their threads might have actually done some harm then. Even if their old rep wasn't there to witness it/didn't have an opinion on it, there might very well be a good chance that if some new Sapling comes in and wants to write, he might not want to have anything to do with you or just straight up leave because you are here.
Just something to consider next time you break containment.

>> No.30769543

Considering how Risuners are seen now, I think this should have a in universe effect.

>> No.30769613

yes. We do see them negatively now.

>> No.30769642
File: 356 KB, 640x575, 1648577117744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30770192

I did write about a single sapling getting raped by a single risuner in the initial expedition. In which of course Hamdani chopped his dick off then raped his asshole with his own severed dick.

>> No.30769667

Qrd me on it. I only really heard about the stuff he did, wasn't really there to see the reactions firsthand. We got a "kill Risuners on sight" type of situation or something?

>> No.30769729
File: 142 KB, 1200x1067, EjhTE14UYAAf4lJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30770192

assuming your an actual sapling I actually feel bad..........

>> No.30769824

Fucking KEK if that's true! OG metagamed himself an actual enemy!

>> No.30769995

he went really hard in the ERP catalog threads on saplings, this made the /uuu/ and global saplings get a negative image of risuners

>> No.30770095

>>30769995 (me)
not too much on global since there's other risuners not engaging on ERP there to counteract the image

>> No.30770192

You, Ri2ner and others have harrassed saplings repeatedly in or outside our general. We do not like risuners very much and it didnt help that you and ri2ner are on that twitter. Arent we supposed to represent thread relations?

>> No.30770196

Godamn! OG you might have actually fucked up your lore plans by being too horny. Specially if we go by what oldfagchamas want and represent thread culture more.

>> No.30770274
Quoted by: >>30770334

In his defense, he did have saplings who played along utterly and completely...

>> No.30770322
File: 894 KB, 1500x1140, FV8plh-VEAEh9Ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30770419

Ey yo leave me the fuck outta this, I love Saplings and wouldn't do that shit to them! I have only ever gone to their general once iirc, to talk about sauna for a bit.

>> No.30770334

Yes, but saplings do not like risuners thanks to their antics. Its why he got banned.

>> No.30770419
Quoted by: >>30770621

Never mentioned you, this is Risuners (this is ri2ner isnt it)

>> No.30770435
Quoted by: >>30770513

shit, if his trip got caught on the fucker's twitter that could be bad

>> No.30770513
Quoted by: >>30770614

It didnt. But his other shit was. I have been keeping quiet but This should have a world effect.

>> No.30770570

New bread

>> No.30770614

>Risuner fucks an outer god into existence
They were the Dark Eldar all along...

>> No.30770621
File: 1.54 MB, 900x1080, Wassup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>30769667 was me. And no, I ain't Ri2ner, even she knows better than to try any falseflag as me. The only one who ever attempted that was Ri3ner and even that was a one time thing.

>> No.30770639
Quoted by: >>30770758

Wonder how the Pomudachi/Pentomo friend shit works with Rose considering they saved that thread. (I am actually the Pomudachi in this case too kek.)

>> No.30770758
Quoted by: >>30771046

Should mean Pomudachi and Pentomos are respected. Albeit that thread also threw you under the bus too.

>> No.30770811
File: 482 KB, 1000x1000, 1658447230853624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30770913

Honestly OG, I feel for you man. This is some real shit you dug yourself into, specially since you were really excited for your Sapling stories for the last few weeks.

>> No.30770831
Quoted by: >>30770916

But I still have baby mammoth videos to show Saplings. And we still have ice-cream sammies to share...

>> No.30770913

I feel bad too, but his fuckery was his own doing (Ri2ner being found out is actually worse.)

>> No.30770916

Not about us, Rep.

>> No.30771046

Roseanon doesnt like Pomudachi.
