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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26732161 No.26732161 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>26683971

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!


Interactive map:

- Maps!

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.

>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)
>/pcclg/?: !!S9vZSg00/Br
>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1

Ocean Currents
Weather Systems
Climate Analysis
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces



>> No.26732192
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP!

>> No.26732264
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Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
>Vote post archive

>> No.26732310
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Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

What does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Is fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!
What crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?
What kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?
What religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?
>Alcohol and Drink
what do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?
What are your nation's current goals now? What are you trying to aim for in your development? Would said development make your people happy?
>Funeral Rites
How do your people observe the death of one of their own? What kind of ceremonies are held? How are their belongings handled?
What kind of musical instruments/music does your nation make/use?
Does your thread's nation have any naming conventions? What are people named, and why? Do names have meaning? Do people have surnames, and how are those derived?
How does the balance of power look in your nation? who are the ruling/most powerful class? Who are they competing with?
What sort of superstitions/folklore do your nation's people have, as in, are there things that the people believe in or things they think they know to be real that are not real on a meta level? What are omens of good or bad fortune? What mythical monsters lurk in the forests, or in the depths of the sea? Do some foods or materials have to be prepared in a certain way before they are seen as fit to use?
We are making a /vtl/ team! Here are the current suggestions:
Feel free to suggest and add to it!

>> No.26732322
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Quoted by: >>26735409


>> No.26733091

Reminder to throw a brick at /nasa/'s representative for ruining /nasa/.

>> No.26733157

Reminder to have sex with /nasa/'s representative because menheras really get me going...

>> No.26733393

Why not beat the fucker with a brick while raping his asshole!?

>> No.26733529

What the fuck did /nasa/ do?

>> No.26733616


>> No.26733636
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Nothing to anyone else, but they just have difficulty not giving themselves mental breakdowns.
Let's all wish for /nasa/ to find internal peace and meds.

>> No.26734536
Quoted by: >>26734635

So how's everyone's writing projects doing tonight? I had to throw away writing because /nasa/ ruined everything. I'll be starting over tomorrow. If I can sleep tonight.

>> No.26734635
Quoted by: >>26734896

You can repent for your sins at the church sunday.
Going well on my, just wrote my first dream sequence, it's kinda fun to throw logic to the wind for a second.

>> No.26734896
Quoted by: >>26735059

Dreams are tricky to write because they have to follow some logic. Sure there's times when a dream has no logic at all. But often when writing dreams for a story they usually have meaning for something.

>> No.26735059

Not quite, anon. Dreams do not need logic; dreams need meaning, and this meaning should be logical within the story. But a dream doesn't need to respect causality, which is the fun part.
Though you can have perfectly logical dreams, especially if they're meant to be very immersive.

>> No.26735324

I'm going to have to ask a forbidden question. How high are your import taxes? I'm thinking about either having a 2% or 3% import tax on goods. Import taxes have to be paid in gold or silver.

>> No.26735409
Quoted by: >>26735797

Glad someone is gonna enjoy my post.

>> No.26735797
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>> No.26736436

>/risu/ exchanges nuts.
>Get shiny coins instead of nuts.
>*angry squirrel noises*

>> No.26736491
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Quoted by: >>26736510

Is 5% high for import tax? 10%? I'm not too familiar with that sort of thing.

>> No.26736510
Quoted by: >>26736745

Canada has 5%... I think it's normal.

>> No.26736745
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10% on import tax then. 1% on export tax. Certain parts of /rose/ is willing to trade, but the Overseer council still has many that are stubbornly against getting anything from outsiders. They would also raise the export tax, but they don't want to tax their own people anywhere near as much.

>> No.26736821

Anon, your own people is also paying the import taxes...

>> No.26736894
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Quoted by: >>26736940

Uh... Counter argument: Rosebutas don't pay import tax because /rose/'s law says so. Importer pays import tax, exporter pays export tax. Easy fix, get owned.

>> No.26736926

"They can always not buy foreign goods"

>> No.26736940
Quoted by: >>26737034

Anon, the importer is the rosebutas.. They're the ones importing the product...

>> No.26737018

It seems with the ex-Principal's leave, we are witnessing an exodus of Sanalite civilians. About 600 Sanalite civilians are planning to leave /nasa/. The reason: they cannot obtain citizenship or they lost citizenship from due process. Sanalites would rather leave the comfort of /nasa/ and become citizens of other countries than live second class and never vote or own property.

>> No.26737034
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>> No.26737047
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Quoted by: >>26737139

I got distracted and missed an entire thread about trains...
Comfydants WILL sabotage any neighbors' attempts at developing steam engines. Just warning you now.

>> No.26737088

Anon, if you do that, the seller you're importing from simply increases their prices by 10% to offset the added expanse of selling their product to Rosebutas and your people end up paying the tax anyway...

>> No.26737139
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>> No.26737143
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Quoted by: >>26737181


>> No.26737181
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Quoted by: >>26737273

I'm sorry anon, the invisible hand of the market is a harsh mistress.

>> No.26737273
File: 3.52 MB, 2390x2823, 1655491910671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna start going fucking communist.

>> No.26737282

Money go brrrrrr

>> No.26737349

Based, fucking do it.
Kinda sounds like Rosebuta society is already a bit communist anyway.

>> No.26737373

Rosebuta. Reject economics. Embrace monke brain like me. Risuners use nuts and orks from 40k use teeth as currency. Use rose petals or some shit.

>> No.26737528

guess roses are red after all

>> No.26737770
File: 474 KB, 1244x1612, FNfpJ8OXMAASiw0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, yeah fuck it. /rose/ is going full commie. Currency is out the window. You get what you need, you work the hours demanded of you. You work the job you're good at, you eat the same food as everyone else, you worship the Lovedaughter, you get one day a week off of work, and so on. If anyone's got a problem with it, they can take their complaints to the babirusas. To defy the system is to defy the Lovedaughter, and there's only one path for you if you do that.

>> No.26737821

First your import tax has to go somewhere. Question is what government funded project is your income tax supporting? Infrastructure, navy, military, etc? A low income tax still means higher prices of imported goods for the consumer in the end. But depending on the goods you will want higher security. Also 10% import tax is insanity.

>> No.26737836

Swiss Protectionism

>> No.26737974
Quoted by: >>26738224

Rosebutas are biologically different creatures than humans. Their gardens are separated by biology. I don't think communism is a good route since Rosebutas are in a biological caste society. You can have no money for Rosebutas. Alternatively money is exclusive to foreign trade deals.

>> No.26737992
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Moriji has no export or import taxes on most products. The government would encounter some resistance from the merchant fleet in trying to enforce that. The export of some controlled products is tightly controlled by the Goddess Faithful, anything related to Mori-type chuubanite or Mont Mori, mostly.

>> No.26738033

Enough about capitalism and socialism
Adopt non-standard economics like corporatism and mutualism

>> No.26738224
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Quoted by: >>26739160

Shit. I mean, it's more of a sex in the biological sense, I see you Risuners thing. Rosies are just more feminine, while Boars more masculine. When I talk about /rose/ I mainly mean the Tunnelhogs as well. The Sunwalkers are tribal nomads just living off the land. They don't live together.
Money exclusively for trade deals isn't a bad idea, though.

>> No.26738492
Quoted by: >>26738626

it was good knowing you guys before the economic collapse. you will be missed.

>> No.26738626
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Quoted by: >>26738662


>> No.26738644

economics is binary, either the government does stuff, or it doesn't, there are no "nonstandard economics" that don't fall somewhere between gubermint dos stuff and gubermint dosn't stuff.

>> No.26738662
Quoted by: >>26738887

>Magic replaces science
>Magic replaces economics
What's next? Magic replaces philosophy?

>> No.26738887

could we please have a /meat/flic set in this setting. please! i want to hear about sapling tea and risuner casserole (from back when we did that. i would never support betraying our allies, especially if they were as cute as you guys!) and a please!
"magic is everything" is a philosophical statement if it means anything at all. this encompasses science and economics, respectively.

>> No.26738935

God, I love these threads. You never know what the daily flavor of autism is going to be.

>> No.26739051

and a /meat/ centric /meat/flic*

>> No.26739128

>risuner casserole
we have home-grown sources for that...

>> No.26739160
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Quoted by: >>26739623

Hey Rosebud, I'm curious...
How would the rosebutas react to seeing the corpse of the troll that had tormented them for years?
t. schizoraidbeat

>> No.26739393
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Imagine having an economic system or even comprehending what an economy is at all

>> No.26739464

>Trees just get paid by the sun through photosynthesis
This is some bullshit.

>> No.26739565
Quoted by: >>26740117

economics is simply the everyday interactions of people who exist in a world with scarce resources.

>> No.26739623
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Ooo, good question! I would say the initial reaction would be a sense of fear. Almost as if they believed it was strong enough to simply get up again. After some careful prodding from one of the braver buds, or just after enough time, a Boar or two might start kicking it. Then the rest of the Boars would join in on pummeling it. Then the Rosies would hop in. They'd likely just unload all of that pent up anger and sadness and trauma. And then if you want a bit of shock factor, but something that would be accurate, they'd start tearing the body apart. They might even start eating it like vultures. Rosebutas believe the best outcome after death is to be used as the catalyst for another to grow. To deny something that right, by consuming the flesh themselves, they're casting the highest level of dishonor upon that creature. Not only on that creature, but the creature's entire lineage.

>> No.26739700
Quoted by: >>26739739

Ah, that's why I ask you those questions! I'd basically come up with that first part, but I'd never have thought of the spoilered stuff, superb... Thank you.

>> No.26739739
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Quoted by: >>26739857

Happy to be of service! And very excited to see what you make with it!

>> No.26739857
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This chapter's shaping up to be a beefy one, and I'll probably get more questions as I write. I appreciate the vote of confidence, Rosebud.

>> No.26739939

>To deny something that right, by consuming the flesh themselves
rosebuds might not grow from consuming it's flesh, but the microbes in their bodies might. corpses are unavoidably fertile ground. you should want to disolve or cremate the body but you can always send it to /meat/ if you want to be practical. desu, i never understood this line of reasoning
>x is so terrible, i wont make use of it after it becomes potentially productive for my ends out of disrespect and to punish the now lifeless pile of cells of the thing that was so bad because of how counterproductive it was for my ends.
just doesn't make much sense is all.

>> No.26740025
Quoted by: >>26740247

>paragraphsanon doesn't understand disrespect for the sake of disrespect

>> No.26740101
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Quoted by: >>26743224

Beliefs don't make sense.

>> No.26740117
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Maybe this shouldn't be considered canon but I'd like to think that Saplings are caring yet stern about letting saplings who aren't strong enough to survive be reclaimed by the forest as they abide by the rules of nature such as survival of the fittest.

>> No.26740247

disrespect of a lifeless corpse that was only disrespectful because it defied your goals, and the means of that disrespect is to have it further defy your goals by not making it align with your goals. saplings turn their scum and undesirables into compose that will assist the desirable population in not being scum. be like saplings, force your enemies into slave labor, and when they die, turn their bodies into the compost that will keep your slave plants working. don't even let the sweet embrace of death be an escape of their torment.

>> No.26740403

Well, I think the rosebutas do process the nutrients in the corpse, it's more about taking those nutrients for themselves instead of letting them return to the "natural" cycle of life, or something.
t. not rosebud

>> No.26740441
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It's not a logical thing. Rosebutas believe that being used as fertilizer is an honor. They believe that not letting you be used as fertilizer is a dishonor. A part of you doesn't live on in what was created from you, because you were denied the chance to create. You have been removed from the cycle. That's what they believe in. >>26740403 has the right idea, pretty much.

>> No.26740484
Quoted by: >>26740599

oh, and then when the rosebutas expel their waste from their bodies, it no longer counts because... shid and fard lul?
>Rosebutas believe that being used as fertilizer is an honor.
>saplings turn their scum into compost
the duality of plants.

>> No.26740599
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Quoted by: >>26740801

To be fair, Saplings don't have to kill their mate in order to have sufficient nutrients for their child to grow. That sort of thing can warp your view of death by quite a bit.

>> No.26740801

>You have been removed from the cycle.
as a /meat/head/ and as the /meat/head that came up with the life cycle lore in the first place maybe i just don't understand the point of trying to remove something from an immortal, omnipresent cycle that exists in everything, it seems like a waste of time to even try.
that makes sense, i guess. being part of the cycle would be romanticized in such a situation, but the act of eating the body of those who deserve disrespect doesn't seem to achieve the stated goal there in. might as well state it in what part of the cycle they wont be a part in, rather than the futile goal of making it not part of the cycle at all.

>> No.26740886
Quoted by: >>26741869

It doesn't achieve it from a thermodynamics point of view, but it does emotionally/spiritually, which is the part that matters in a purely emotional/spiritual action.

>> No.26741154
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>> No.26741178
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Yeah, I just don't think you're really getting it... I'll try again, hopefully it makes more sense to you this time. It's not the same cycle /meat/heads believe in, you gotta remember that. For Rosebutas, it's different. First is Seed, then True Plant, then Rosebuta, then Fertilization, then Propagation. This is the cycle they have. Other intelligent creatures, in their minds, just have Birth, Death, and Propagation. To them, Propagation requires death and then to be used as materials for another creature's birth. They don't understand, normally, that their way of breeding is unique to them. And even if they knew, it's the spirituality of it all. They believe they are removing you from the cycle. Not your cycle, theirs. To clarify again, it's a separate belief. There can be other cycles of life that people believe in.
At the very least, I plan to go in more detail on this when I get to the Religion section for the Rosebuta revamp.

>> No.26741320

Oh rosebud, I was wondering about the whole "If you get fertilized, the rosie must die" thing. How would rosebutas feel about a Rosie who gets some Risuner cum in her flower, or something like that? Which wouldn't result in a fertilization, by my understanding.

>> No.26741383
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Quoted by: >>26741684

>tfw my pink woman stops streaming, I go to watch your pink woman and the stream is ending

>> No.26741481
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>> No.26741491
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Quoted by: >>26761950

One of /who/'s main strategic concerns are the maintenance of its relative autarky. So for its strongest sectors namely that of minerals, textiles, printing, and food there would be a decent import tax of around 4-5%. Goods with an extremely high demand, most notably of coffee and exotic spices used for sweets would have a lower than average import tax compared to other goods. But industries that the Republic have an imperative to protect and develop like that of machinery, the import tax would be upwards of 20%.

idk not really a economics guy

>> No.26741638
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Quoted by: >>26741938

Since Rosebutas, and I assume most species, wouldn't know at first if a Risuner can fertilize a Roli... The Risuner would be expected to handle the proper rituals to have the child be born. Rosebutas would guide him though, of course. If he denies this, he will be shunned and permanently restricted from entering Rosebuta society. Another Rosebuta will have to take his place.
After they realize there was no seed, it will be a long and sorrowful mourning for the Roli. But the Risuner won't be seen as the one at fault, since no one could have known. Afterwards it will be generally assumed that Risuners can't fertilize a Rosebuta and Risuners will be banned from having sex with Rolis, because at that point it goes directly against what Rolis were born for. They don't fuck for pleasure, although they try to make the most of it for that one singular time that they do have sex. They fuck to reproduce and then die. To have sex and not die is enough to mentally destroy the fragile mind of a Roli.

>> No.26741684
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Unfortunately, that can happen sometimes. To be honest with you, I wasn't actively watching it. I had it muted in the background. I love Rosemi very much, but nothing will make me watch Valorant.

>> No.26741842
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Quoted by: >>26742099

Wait, muted? I thought the whole point of watching in the background is to hear your oshi's voice

>> No.26741869
Quoted by: >>26742099

ok. well, as a /meat/head, i wont stop you from eating the flesh of your enemies, i just wanted to know more about why you wanted to take them "out of the cycle".
>There can be other cycles of life that people believe in.
>seed, plant, rosebuta, fertilization, propagation.
/meat/'s cycle is "birth suffering death rebirth" so seed is "birth", plant and rosbuta are "suffering", fertilization is death, and propagation is rebirth. plant is different from rosbuta only in so far as one is more advanced than the other, similar to how an adult is more advanced than a child.
we might have different words for the process, but unless your process is specifically applies to rosebuds and not anything else, which wouldn't make sense since you don't want to use their bodies to fertilize non-rosebud plants, either, it seems, then this is the same cycle.
>To them, Propagation requires death and then to be used as materials for another creature's birth
this is why /meat/ has suffering and rebirth as separate parts of the cycle. one refers to change through living, the other refers to change through dying, or letting go in other words. depending on how much you've read about our religion, you might be surprised how in depth it is.

>> No.26741938
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Ah, mentally destroyed? Interesting, very interesting... Thank you.
Kek, relatable... Weirdly, I can just about take Apex if it's Selen, but Valorant is too hard to get into in usual. I think Valorant has less downtime, so the cute girl has less time for idle chat.

>> No.26742099
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Quoted by: >>26742490

Normally, I wouldn't mute it. However, Shoto was in that collab.
You're still not getting it, unfortunately I don't think we can understand each other on this matter. I'm not sure quite how to convince you on how it works for Rosebutas anymore. All I can really say now is that's how they believe it works.
Happy to help!

>> No.26742252

Yo Takeus is back!

>> No.26742490

does non-stop laughing count as idle chat?
is it a metaphorical process as much as it is a physical one? or is it more one than the other? if you are literally just describing the cycle of a rosebud's life, that would be one thing, but unless it was i can't help but see it as the same exact idea put into different words. if i am still not getting it, help me find where the misunderstanding is. it's not a serious thing or anything, so you don't need to feel stressed or anything, but i am curious, and maybe if we have similar enough religions, we could learn from each other and make a stronger alliance together.

>> No.26742688
File: 3.03 MB, 2850x2900, That Kronie Story TM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26742810

is it really the same guy who wrote the original stories? i really missed the guy from /inf/ who would occasionally post in /meat/. really good writer, but i guess he hasn't been here for a while. is it you?

>> No.26742810

Nope. Not the original Kronie. Just a passerby wanting to expand the lore

>> No.26742839
File: 717 KB, 2000x2829, 1653613460063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26745373

It's kind of both a physical thing and a spiritual thing. I'll give it one last try. So, to them Propagation is the final step in the cycle before it loops back to Seed. Seed is the unfinished form of what will soon be a new Rosebuta. Propagation ties back to the start here because it "finishes" the Rosebuta. Completes it using part of the previous self. It's assumed that each Rosebuta is made with a small piece of every Rosebuta before it. This belief of theirs extends to other intelligent creatures, where they believe a small piece of a man is made up of all the others before him. In order to pass on this small piece, Rosebutas believe their corpse must be used for the Seed. Seed uses the corpse for nourishment, meaning that small piece moves on. By eating that corpse, or otherwise making it incapable of being used for that purpose, you are preventing that piece of them from continuing on. Not only that, but you have prevented every other small piece that person had already. All of those small pieces, those remaining spiritual vestiges that made up a whole lineage, have been lost forever.
I'm really hoping this one makes sense, I'm trying my best here I promise.

>> No.26742956

Yes, some of the finest idle chat this Earth knows in fact. If there was injectable selen laugh, my upper arm would look like a french field after WW1. If I was suicidal, each selen laugh would add a year to my life. If there was selen laugh hot sauce, all my meals would be impossible to eat for a white east coast american in their forties.

>> No.26743224

Although if rosebutas want, /meat/'s always glad to exchange recipes...

>> No.26743745

>Deadbeats make /morig/ a taxless libertarian heaven
>Mori complains about taxation being theft
Maybe she really is /here/...

>> No.26745369

Nothing convinces people that tax is evil like being taxed, and that goes doubly so for Calli (heh)

>> No.26745373

so, you think that things that are part of the cycle are reborn, and retain parts of themselves going forward into the new thing that is created from their bodies. if this were the case, everything would be a product of everything before it, and as a result everything would be made up of the same things, which is technically true in a genetic and memetic sense, but you intend to apply this in a spiritual sense. the things that made a person bad are either in too many other places for their death alone to carry any significance, or aren't influential enough to require such drastic actions, and if you are excluding every other way someone can be passed on, even in death which leads to new life, then that is something that has to be explained, too.
so just to make sure i am understanding this correctly, the seed requires the propagation that necessarily comes from death, it turns into a plant, and then a rosebud, and then becomes fertilizer so as to propagate the new life. /meat/'s cycle is as much a metaphor as it is an observable process. birth could just as easily apply to a new idea, a new culture, a new object, a new organism, or a new life. suffering refers to the struggle to change, so all of existence could be said to embody this concept in one way or another, and to differing degrees. death is the end of something, be that a concept, process, life, or state of matter. and rebirth is the tendency for things that end to fuel the birth and suffering of things around it, that is to say, the creation of the new, and the change of the old. you are expected to go through the full cycle multiple times in just your own life time, nevermind the "lifetime" of everything else. it is an all-encompassing concept, so while the cycle rosebuds are talking about definitely falls within the life cycle, it doesn't seem that yours is quite as grand as to include everything, and not just the maturation and reproductive processes of intelligent lifeforms, specifically rosebuds.
say what you will about prejudices over whether or not meatbags count as intelligent creatures, or if plants should count as intelligent, but seeing as how one of the stages of the process is "rosebuta" you would either have to say that letting them be fertilizer for non-rosebutas would still count as taking them out of the rosebuta cycle, or you would have to say that it actually refers to something broader as to include non-rosebutas, but not to include more metaphorical things.
lastly, i just wanted to point out, plants eat through fertilization the same way rosebuds eat through their mouths. the consumption of resources for the purposes of propagation, be it self-propagation or the propagation of kin, are ultimately the same no matter the method, or the state of maturation. a child-bearing organism eats to sustain both their own body, and the body of their host, the child, in the hopes of propagating their likeness into future generations. you can say beliefs don't always make sense, but long-lasting beliefs almost always have a degree of internal consistency that at least hides any lesser flaws or contradictions from the people who might believe them. what happens when people start thinking about a similar process to fertilization that is simple enough to teach their children or outsiders who don't understand their philosophy? what are they going to say when the question comes up of why eating a body through the mouth is different from eating the body through sucking the nutrients out of the corpse-enriched soil? btw, this is for fun, i just like poking and prodding at people's worldbuilding to see if i can ask questions to get it further developed, don't feel like any of this is a lost cause or anything, i might just be intentionally trying to get to to go into more detail on something that may or may not already be understood.

>> No.26747309


>> No.26748879


>> No.26749394

Nah. No one likes the taxman

>> No.26749486

Someone needs to write chariot racing in a Initial D style in this thread. Drifting down a mountain with a chariot sounds badass and horrifying.

>> No.26750430


>> No.26750933
File: 120 KB, 850x939, __tsukumo_sana_and_sanallite_original_and_2_more_drawn_by_pako_pakosun__sample-bfe96cccc46b42be61ac65c87a5b1bfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26752641

>/nasa/ brings up import tax
>/rose/ becomes commie because of it
Fucking kek

>> No.26752129


>> No.26752551
File: 92 KB, 364x299, 1655477901093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26754782

Secret Histories Chapter II: A Cousin's and Widow's Tale.
I have tried to incoporate some feedback about being more expresive with certain characters, and I hope that I did will. As always, I desire everyone that is willing to tell me how they liked the chapter, the characters and setting; but most importantly, what was done well and what needs more work.

Thanks bros!

>> No.26752641

>/rose/ becoming commies
Only to you. They made trade deals with me, Pomerlane anon, over trains (no not the timeloop shit but primitive locomotives used for mining)

>> No.26752667
File: 87 KB, 809x1200, E9GCEUyVEAc0mbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26752798

Man, we really need to get some Eurochads in here, I'm lonely.

>> No.26752745

Thats Pomerlane’s economical system (well it will be) ITT. That and distributism.

>> No.26752784

Pretty sure they going commie for everyone. Well, at least for today. Let's see what they think up tommorow.

>> No.26752798

Same, I always write in the morning and I feel like I end up getting feedback whenever I am not here or asleep.

>> No.26752852
Quoted by: >>26752921

We already struck a deal. And I dont think our economical systems are going to be at odds anyways since they both are collectivist.

>> No.26752921
Quoted by: >>26753111

NTA Doesn't that mean you are a commie too?

>> No.26752943
Quoted by: >>26753288

i wonder what the pros and cons of having an import tax that is dependent on the import tax of wherever the importation is coming from.
i wonder if chuubanite could help us think of a version of communism that isn't guaranteed from the get-go to fail spectacularly, but i'm willing to bet the fact that chuubanite is a limited resource will make it end pretty much the same as every other instance where communism has been tried.

>> No.26753032
Quoted by: >>26753165

Why wouldnt commies trade resources with others?

>> No.26753056

Niki continent rn


>> No.26753111

Not at all, Corporatism is the advocation of organizing society of society by corporate groups based on common interests.

>> No.26753165

They need locomotives, we want trading rights. Its that simple. They cant produce their own locomotives but we can. We also want to trade our goods in their markets. I dont think they are going North Korea here.

>> No.26753200

Ah good
I have an aneurysm everytime someone mixed up corporatism and corporatocracy

>> No.26753207

corporations, nations, communes, they're all societies. doesn't matter if you're a corporatist, a nationalist, or a communist, if you are trying to plan the market interactions of a society, you are a socialist.

>> No.26753259
File: 228 KB, 866x826, SI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26753471

Pomerlane Youth when

>> No.26753288

Tariffs are good to protect local industry and help your own industrial sectors grow because say another nation can make steel at .95 dollars per ton while you make it at 1.30 per ton. If you put a tariff on foreign steel that raises it to 1.35, industries in your own nation will be more likely to buy local assuming that locals can produce enough. It will also allow those local steel mills to expand since they can now compete. And that extra tariff income can be used for spending elsewhere. Tariffs built the American Economy during the 19th and 20th century FYI

>> No.26753407
Quoted by: >>26753564

So the ancient greeks and Romans were socialist? Also this means the European Kings were socialist for subsidizing trade companies and guild. Cmon man.

>> No.26753471

>Pomerlane Youth
He isnt taking the fascist form of this but moreso the feudal and catholic social version of it.

>> No.26753476

at least the rest have the brains to use actual money
Meanwhile socialists s*y over unorthodox currencies like labour vouchers and mutual credits

>> No.26753519

This is your brain on Liberitarianism.

>> No.26753564

quite literally yes, though modern socialism has radicalized and purity-spiraled to the point where people forgot the literal definition of these words that have existed for thousands of years.
communists* and yes, there isn't a shit hole on earth that isn't a more desirable living space than a communist nation

>> No.26753586

Yeah, I'm not doing that. Gold Standard for Pomerania and no Fiat currencys.

>> No.26753668

>theocratic communism
Loving the idea, looking forward to where this goes

>> No.26753682
Quoted by: >>26754168

It's a bad use of the term "socialism" and that's why I am calling you out on it because it is anachronistic to think that way and doesn't account for actual socialism. Just say Interventionism and Planned Economics instead because its hard to compare a post-industrial ideology to anything pre-industrial.

>> No.26753740

Well, to be frank Rosebro, if you are going full commie, don't expect our deal regarding locomotives to happen because the deal was you get the engines in exchange for trading rights. If your people cannot buy our goods, then there is no reason to make the deal.

>> No.26753826

As for /meat/'s economy, since our society believes in a cycle of birth, rebirth, and effort, obviously we'll have some form of market and competition.
But just like our rage against nigh-immortal deities we also despise a body that gets too huge and powerful for too long it brings the cycle out of balance.
That means no monopolizing megacorps. Or mega-guilds whatever. Interventionist methods are present to curb any guilds from going over a set limit.
Just as we seek joy in killing a powerful influential being and consume their bodies, if there exist a mega guild, like East Indian Trade Company level influential, expect them to be liquidated and every asset redistribute to every small organisations

>> No.26753982

>East India Trade Company
Oh yeah. Since this world's zeitgeist is like a discovery-era or age of enlightenment-ish fantasy, then the East Indian Trade Company is the best example of how megacorps work at the time

>> No.26753992
File: 165 KB, 500x500, HmmTime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26754272

So would you say that if the /meat/ cult has spread to /nasfaqg/, they would plot to dismantle the megacorporations?
Because that sounds kino as fuck, I could see some story potential there

>> No.26754168

it's the literal definition of the word. if it was latin you might care more about what the words were meant to imply, but to nationalize, communize, or corporatize all means the same thing, giving to certain societies (socialize) based on certain factors (nation, commune, corporation) to use the incorrect definition of the term is to make unnecessary confusion when referring to previous usage of a word, which is only made worse if the reason the words changed was because of a conscious effort to obfuscate philosophy through language.

>> No.26754232
Quoted by: >>26755155

nta but calling feudalism or whatever the european kings had socialist is even more confusing and thus should not be done

>> No.26754272

Probably but post-revolution the lines between economics and religion have begin to diverged
Before that economy is dependent on belief. Islam has its free competition and welfare, Christianity has distributism, Hinduism has classes.
Nowadays we have muslim libertarianism (Minaret of Freedom Institute) and Christian capitalism (Opus Dei)

>> No.26754507
Quoted by: >>26755155

Anon... I don't care what your modern definition is of the word when it is anachronistic and outright confusing to use the label like that. You can't in good faith label Kings of Europe, Asia or wherever as socialist. I cannot call the Russian Empire socialist, nor can I call the Ming Dynasty that either.

>> No.26754660
Quoted by: >>26755155

Also, there is no such thing as a "capitalist nation" by that definition of socialism because the Goverment always has some say in the economy.

>> No.26754741
File: 409 KB, 2048x2048, 1655969857987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, /meat/bros, our rep seems set on keeping our demigod with enough power in it to shape this planet into a donut alive. Would that make a good appetizer before you get to the slaughter of the gods? As a Sanallite currently exiled for agreeing with ex-principal, as well as an accomplished cartographer, I can give you a detailed map of the shortest route to Lamington, in case you are hungry. All I ask in return is one of those wonderful tattoos our Principal was seen sporting. I was told they can help with our immune system problems.

>> No.26754753
Quoted by: >>26755155

Planned economics doesnt have to be socialist.
End-goal and method are not mutually exclusive.
Interventionism and welfare is a method. Not the end goal.
If a church has a commune for the poor that doesnt instantly makes them some kind of humanitarian anarchists

>> No.26754782
Quoted by: >>26754850

Avoiding the great economical debate going on, I think you have improved with your dialogue. Since I am not good at dialogue and am autist, I can't help you much but i can feel characters better imo.

>> No.26754850

Thanks bro, I appreciate the feedback.

>> No.26754910

Pretty sure that is not necessary. That's just one cosmic fish in a pond. In my theory, it would be getting competition from the gestalt beliefs of other chuuba gods

>> No.26754954
Quoted by: >>26755026

Pomerlane-anon, Can we possibly get a overview of the Empire and the big picture now that Part I is over? Like telling us what diplomacy is looking like, the response to this, the map, policies in the new Kingdom, etc.?

>> No.26755026

Yeah, I can do that. It's been on my mind. I'll also try to get into some of the inner politics of each Kingdom and economical developments as well.

>> No.26755135

Is there any way with the map I can download a certain area zoomed in so I can get better detail when I make regional maps?

>> No.26755155

funny that that's how they described themselves back in the day, but nevermind that.
not always. if it helps you to think about it, the difference between "public" and "private" is typically a good way to distinguish the two. fascism is often associated with nationalistic economics, but they tend to allow any private interaction to take place unless the government believes it's in their best interests to intervene, so it's technically, theoretically possible for a national socialist system to be more capitalistic than other socialist systems.
socialism is a method. communism is more of a goal. one has an end-point in mind, the ideal communist state, the other seems to have two definitions, the correct definition that i am using, and a second definition that was wholly defined by one schizo, the moron who came up with communism in the first place. the word existed before him, yet modern socialism seems to only exist to describe something as "not yet communism" which makes it pointless. meanwhile, the words we use to describe actual socialization are getting muddier and muddier every time people allow those words to be misused. you can be wrong for all i care, but i wont partake in it.

>> No.26755330
Quoted by: >>26755413

i thought only the ai knew of it's existence. also, i thought it was dead or otherwise incapable of doing anything at the moment.

>> No.26755339
File: 125 KB, 500x500, Fluffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26755474

So here's the funny thing, just make up your own details.

>> No.26755397
File: 107 KB, 1000x1200, 1655601520470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26755579

Good morning, it would seem that my turning red has sparked a great deal of discussion. Who would have thought that communism was such a hot topic?

>> No.26755413
File: 394 KB, 2048x1947, Even more smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, but our rep saw all that and decided to ignore it. So now we potentially have a demihuman who can't really control it's powers and could fold this planet in half in a split second walking among us. See now why I had that menhera moment last thread?

>> No.26755456

*demigod not demihuman whoops my bad

>> No.26755474

to clarify, the map and climate are detailed to a degree where any more detail wouldn't change too much. you have free reign within that limit.

>> No.26755500
Quoted by: >>26755553

Lure it to the North Pole! The psychic collective of trolls and various schizos will weaken it

>> No.26755553
File: 513 KB, 2048x1152, WAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will it? Or will it make it explode? Oh well, let's find out!

>> No.26755579
Quoted by: >>26755782

Well, I just want to know if our deal is still going to work.

>> No.26755693 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 1644944028629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>among us

>> No.26755782
File: 934 KB, 2434x4096, 1655439699681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26756284

I'd imagine it still could. You'd just be trading with the government's people instead of directly with the regular people.

>> No.26755831
File: 38 KB, 483x561, TheMightySteed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26755886

Welp, good news and bad news guys. Schizos up north did not make our demigod explode, as you might have noticed, since we are still here.
Bad news, however, are that their presence doesn't really seem to have any effect on it. Like, at all. So we need something else. Ideas?

>> No.26755886
File: 68 KB, 250x250, 1644543572085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried asking it politely?

>> No.26755921 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26756537

why do they have to be alive or able to use their powers? would killing it put /meat/ in bad relations with /nasa/? why are you guys intentionally setting yourselves up to walk into situations you know are more difficult than you can handle? if it's because that one anon wants to justify the lockdowns as the ai trying to save the demigod, just say the saving was either imperfect, or outright a failure, if you insist, you can say it was just imperfect and now they have no ability to use their powers. maybe say that the ship was designed to dispose of any traces of the demigod if anything were to happen to the ship for too long, trying to prevent too many people from learning about it, but the ai saved them in hopes of still having a chance to return (and possibly for other reasons) but was incapable of saving their powers because that was the first thing the ship destroyed of the demigod to make it vulnerable enough to be killed with ease.

>> No.26755992

I don't think they're the same kind of being, considering that theologically, the issue /meat/ has with the current pantheon's that they have effectively outstayed their welcome, which if left unresolved would eventually cause the whole system to collapse, hence the need to recycle the gods in other to keep the cycle going. I haven't been keeping tabs on what's going on with /nasa/, but I don't think your demigod's running on the same chuuba juices, so even if /meat/ knows of its existence, I'm not sure if /meat/ would have a strong reason to try eating it. It also doesn't seem to have a lot of worshippers, so /meat/'s usual means of eating the gods probably won't apply here either (that, and the hardware probably isn't very meaty).
That said, if you're interested in getting the tattoos, we can always arrange a deal...

>> No.26755994

why do they have to be alive or able to use their powers? would killing it put /meat/ in bad relations with /nasa/? why are you guys intentionally setting yourselves up to walk into situations you know are more difficult than you can handle? if it's because that one anon wants to justify the lockdowns as the ai trying to save the demigod, just say the saving was either imperfect, or outright a failure.
if you insist, you can say it was just imperfect and now they have no ability to use their powers. maybe say that the ship was designed to dispose of any traces of the demigod if anything were to happen to the ship for too long, trying to prevent too many people from learning about it, but the ai saved them in hopes of still having a chance to return (and possibly for other reasons) but was incapable of saving their powers because that was the first thing the ship destroyed of the demigod to make it vulnerable enough to be killed with ease.

>> No.26756284

You realize that the deal is basically trading rights and comms for locomotives. I don't see how the former makes sense in your society because we don't really desire anything from you resource wise. We want to sell in your lands. That's all.

>> No.26756520
File: 71 KB, 224x224, 1653440882423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26756643

Oh. Well piss. I guess that does sort of throw that out the window, yeah. Not really sure what you'd be selling them though. In any case, I'd imagine we could strike up a new deal then?

>> No.26756537
File: 115 KB, 893x1070, Oh hi there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26757018

>why do they have to be alive or able to use their powers?
They don't. I specifically wrote them as this dark secret nobody knows about that would explain the distance we traveled, and in order not to give us even more overpowered stuff, I immediately killed them off during the crash. That was their role in this whole story. To get us here, and then perish in an accident.
But our rep decided otherwise. And now I guess they are walking about. And the thing about them is, they are simple tools, artificial ones even more so. And unless you break the tool beyond repair, it will still be able to do it's job. Except now this tool doesn't have anyone that tells it when and how to do it's job. And if you would break this tool enough for it to basically be useless, you would be left with a clump of meat and bones in this case, which our rep doesn't want I guess.

But hey, in the end, this is for our rep to solve. I'm just here for the ride by this point.

>> No.26756585

>>26756284 (me)
Also for the map, I want to know if there are any places that can be labeled (towns basically) and what /rose/ calls itself. Unironically, I think calling yourselves a Peasant Republic like this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peasant_republic
would be cool as fuck.

>> No.26756643
Quoted by: >>26756997

Well, what would Rosebutas want? Weapons, Tools, Raw materials, consumer goods, luxury goods, or food?

>> No.26756910
Quoted by: >>26766907

>>26756585 (me)
Sending this to our Boys lore creator. Any ideas on town names and stuff up there? Any languages you want me to use for them in terms of towns?

>> No.26756997
File: 3.68 MB, 1809x2560, 1653191661719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have to work on that in my spare time for a map, never made one or really thought about it. Are you just referring to surface where Sunwalkers live or the underground where Tunnelhogs live? Or both, I suppose.
A peasant republic, at a glance, does seem like an option for Sunwalkers. I'll consider it for the future.
Well, weapons they're pretty okay on. Those who need them, have them. Tools are fine, they generally have what they need in order to do the needed jobs. Raw materials aren't an issue, we have a decent amount of lumber alongside an abundance of stones and metals and such. Food isn't something they're scarce on and only the really adventurous Rosebutas would try something from another nation, I feel. Consumer or luxury goods might be the only thing they'd want, but naturally it would have to depend on what kinds of consumer or luxury good it is.

>> No.26757018
Quoted by: >>26757286

you can definitely make a tool unusable if you damage it enough. you don't need to kill someone to make them functionally dead, just paralyze their lower body or amputate all their limbs and they'll be as good as a door mat. using our magic system, there needs to be a physical explanation for their existence, and their abilities, i gave an idea somewhere above that nobody responded to for some reason. all you need to do is think of a reason why they would be neutralized and incapable of using their powers outside of the ship, otherwise it would be pretty unbalanced. this seems like the easiest thing possible, all you need to do is think of a way to do something without causing problems, else refuse the thing based on the problems it makes. are you guys maybe a bit more schizo than i initially thought?

>> No.26757286
File: 811 KB, 2896x4096, Sananana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26757892

>all you need to do is think of a way to do something without causing problems
Wishful fucking thinking when it comes to /nasa/ kek

>> No.26757297
Quoted by: >>26757348

Sunwalkers, I am making the main map now if you want a look. I'll let you decide where you want towns and stuff, just consider the basic principles of where towns appear. You can name them whatever you want, hell make it French for flavor. Here it is, take a look.

As for the trade, I am sure we can work it out. There won't be rail directly yet but shipping down the rivers Pomerlane destroys the Schizos, so Rose will be more open in the future. and via the sea is likely. Considering that resources and production won't be an issue, anything Rosebutas want (that we can produce) is on the table.

>> No.26757348
File: 1.19 MB, 1163x1095, ninisani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit didn't give the map.

>> No.26757410
File: 326 KB, 396x387, 1652973346974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, hang on one moment. Where did half of my fucking land go?

>> No.26757465
Quoted by: >>26758209

to Schizos. I can redraw that part.

>> No.26757476
File: 2.70 MB, 2551x3149, 0023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26757595

Takeus' journey resumes

>> No.26757595

>those callbacks

>> No.26757609

I love your maps, they look great and the borders feel natural.

>> No.26757892
Quoted by: >>26758183

i don't understand why it's so hard, though. i think it's because your rep is attached to the idea. if you just make a few concessions where they seem warranted, it wouldn't be a problem, but for some reason he feels really inclined to have it 1) alive, and 2) just as powerful as before, otherwise it would have been resolved already. it has to be an emotional attachment, too, since there are too many ways to explain how or why it would be dead or incapable of using it's abilities for it to lack a logical explanation. he knows it's creating problems, he knows it doesn't have to create problems, and yet he sticks to it, still? why? if he can't explain his reasoning to a sufficient degree he should defer to others who can. are you in communication with him?

>> No.26757899

To tell you why I redrew the border like that, it was because of what you told me about how things are in /rose/ with Roseschizo. The land in "Bad Lands" that's from /rose/ is under him.

>> No.26758051

nta but I don't understand within /rose/s lore and climate wise why Rose controls all of that land when the north that was taken away is different that the rest of /rose/. It's more similiar to the northern areas that rose if i am not wrong. That's part of the problem with how the map was made though.

>> No.26758118

Points to Nuefag

>> No.26758150
Quoted by: >>26766907

Problem that NijiEN has on the map in general is that you have LazuLight and Ethyria having their own threads while Obsydia has their seperate ones and the Boys have no thread.

>> No.26758183
File: 898 KB, 1536x2048, Summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26758749

I couldn't even tell you to be honest. He just kinda decided that he wants it(her?) to survive somehow. And no, our last comm was when I told him I quit and it's his project now iirc. Then all that menhera shit happened, and I just kinda tuned out. As I said, just along for the ride and eventual crash now...

>> No.26758209
File: 1.18 MB, 1163x1095, map edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26758381

I would appreciate that big chunk of land back, yeah. I'd say preferably the chunk from /HAHA/ too, but I'm not as worried about that as the huge amount of land from the badlands. Or at the very least, we can call that a part of the badlands that's under /rose/ territory.
That makes more sense. The area that Roseschizo and the other babirusas are meant to exist in is more meant to be a constant battlegrounds of babirusas versus sunwalkers, if that helps with anything.
Other than that, give me a little bit and I'll have those tribe locations marked down for you. Are you going to take their nomadic nature into account or will this just be marking down wherever they settle down most frequently?
It's definitely an issue with how /rose/ is made, which is why I decided to make it less of an established place and more of where a lot of babirusas have ended up being pushed back to.

>> No.26758381
File: 1.19 MB, 1163x1095, ninisani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26758445

Here, knock yourself out.

>> No.26758445
File: 476 KB, 423x473, 1647384918243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26758525

Shit's bitchin'. Thanks man, I appreciate it.

>> No.26758514
Quoted by: >>26758624

In hindsight, the borders did needed cleanup
They did not conformed to climate, topography, and natural borders like rivers and mountain ranges
Thanks nuefag

>> No.26758525
Quoted by: >>26758783

Yeah, I should have just had a dotted line where I put the OG border because I think it came off that I took land when in reality i wasn't taking any land.

>> No.26758624

who are you talking to? Pomerlane-anon isn't new lmao (well by some standards I guess he is but he's been here for like 2 weeks.)

>> No.26758749
Quoted by: >>26759529

and you stopped being the rep because someone mentioned the fact that they took inspiration from 40k, and that you didn't want to do the research we all told you was unnecessary to learn everything about those universes, even though he explained what he meant by all of that stuff so that people who didn't know anything about 40k would know what he was talking about? now the rep is a megalomaniacal coombrained schizo who is obsessed with ruining your project to have a cute, overpowered demigod waifu who will get everyone killed, and it's all because you had a schizo moment, and thought about and made a major decision in all of an hour or so. brilliant.
can you at least tell him to bring this up to us here so we can see his perspective and see if we can't come to an agreement? least you could do before you go is set up a successor and make sure everything goes well, right?
2 weeks is nothing

>> No.26758783
File: 80 KB, 170x263, 1644735946506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26758878

No worries, it happens. Oh and if it makes you feel better I wasn't mad or anything, just kind of surprised. I know you're doing a lot of hard work rearranging borders to make more sense and I respect that.

>> No.26758866
Quoted by: >>26758945

I was mentioning how the borders we're accustomed to was made haphazardly. Pomerlane's cleanup is something we should consider

>> No.26758878

>I wasn't mad or anything
I knew you weren't lol. It's all cool. /yeah/ wants me to take over for them now so looks like I have pretty much all of the girls except Rosemi and Petra.

>> No.26758945

Agreed, wouldn't mind him doing it with the whole map, so long as he is given a general idea of what we think they should be.

>> No.26759133

>doing it with the whole map
He's doing it for free!

>> No.26759153

>him doing it with the whole map
Hard pass, it's not hard to get a general feel from download the map without borders and then looking at the current borders to see what should be redrawn. I just want to stick with NijiEN.

>> No.26759245
File: 193 KB, 701x625, 1640482076573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, things have really progressed since i last visited here

>> No.26759278
Quoted by: >>26759364

Neufag refers to neutralfag, an anon who helped settle the nations to the borders you see right now, at the start of this general. Then a bunch of shit happened and he left.

>> No.26759364

I see, because I can also speak some german, whenever i see Neu, I think New.

>> No.26759382

I miss nuefag...

>> No.26759458
Quoted by: >>26759693

This is basically everything I have written so far.

>> No.26759529
File: 441 KB, 850x1646, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_reinene__sample-38b875d721ed88efd85b1f4d6e627cfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26760026

Mate, you are getting shit mixed up. I'm the cunt that made the 40k reference, our rep is the one that had a meltdown over it. At that point I told him I'm done and he can do whatever he wants. It's /nasa/'s rep that is getting a demigod waifu and complicating things. I never was the main rep, just the guy who did some writing on the side.

>> No.26759693
File: 208 KB, 480x480, UWNaYtS6McSJ8wTLhovQCg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, that's really extensive. i kneel even harder.

>> No.26760026
Quoted by: >>26761583

then what significance does your quitting have on anything? why is the rep having a meltdown over it? i would have figured that if he didn't like the references, he would have made it non-canon. why can't you tell him to talk to us?

>> No.26760057

Welcome back! I like her cursed ASMR

>> No.26760174
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>> No.26760330
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1648138051020s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26763031


Sumargo logs ch 5.

Oh my god I am so excited! Me and 2 other risuners are finally going to go and meet the big council underground. We are accompanied by Acicularis and a few other guards as we go into the tunnels. These tunnels are kind of weird. They are way too smooth to be natural so my guess is they must put stone or whatever up to keep them from collapsing.
One thing I need to complain about. Why the fuck was the tunnel SO LONG!? It took forever to walk there. Thankfully they had those cool cart things which were really fun to ride in. I kind of want those for /risu/. The kids would love it. And it was also cool to see the INSANE scenery as well. Their inner city is beautiful, heck it makes me jealous we don't got cool underground areas like this. Maybe I should ask molerisuners to fix that.

So. I discovered something. No wonder the risuners back home love to get fucked in the ass. Not even gay but holy shit the smell was enough to make me consider trying it. It must have been hours but my mind was blank the entire time. All I was thinking of is how nice it feels to be on the receiving end of anal sex. Too bad plants cant bust any nuts but oh well.
All the other guards did not approve at all. In fact they looked slightly annoyed at the fact that we spent the entire day essentially having sex. I bet they were just jealous they didn't get to fuck my ass as well. I do have a damn nice ass after all. Oh well, their loss.

Speaking of sex. THE GRAND OVERSEER! AS SOON AS I SAW HER ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS SPRINT TO HER AND PUMP 20 NUTS INSIDE HER UNTIL MY BALLS RAN DRY I NEVER WANTED TO HAVE EXTREME MATING SEX WITH SOMEONE SO BAD IN MY LIFE! Not only was she MADE OF SEX but she even helped out with the negotiations. The other overseers were kind of low key assholes in a way until she came along.
Everything took a while. More time than I ever expected. But who am I to complain after seeing all their pretty things underground. They had gems all over the wall for lights, beautiful architecture, not to mention their grand overseer who I had to bust some nuts to just by thinking about her.

Ok enough about my dick exploding. We actually did manage to establish some trade connections. Official business stuff they insisted on which wasn't all that interesting but such is the life of an ambassador. In all seriousness it all went extremely well after the grand overseer came in. Eased a lot of the tensions.

Last thing I want to say. I will be able to take some of these plant people home. I think they are gonna LOVE it at /risu/ Our home is actually warm and has loads of nature. I bet hey would love it. And if they ever get horny there are plenty of risuners to take their nuts...or seeds.

>> No.26760879

We can still get Alex to breach the core and pull the demigod out with Cass's guidance. Now the Principal is not apart of /nasa/'s government he's a free agent. Cass can order the Principal's bread dog to find a terminal so they can communicate. There's still time.

>> No.26761017
File: 465 KB, 1980x1980, db164ae4d2b1d9f23a9e0f15faf33462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26761138

Uhhh the day we have afternoon Tea together?

>> No.26761138
File: 2.96 MB, 1000x1780, 116ab33e5f9582779817fcd162cc0340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean sure that usually comes before the foreplay

>> No.26761583
Quoted by: >>26761817

What do you want me to talk about? I'm here. What is your vision for /nasa/? I am lorebanned until we figure out /nasa/'s vision.

>> No.26761703
File: 2.91 MB, 1229x1383, rha0rr1ehzd51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nasa going full menhera
>Roseanon now is a commie
>import and export taxes
>worldborder getting redrawn?

the fuck did i miss?

>> No.26761742

You missed an entire city getting turned into Carthage too.

>> No.26761817
Quoted by: >>26761875

you are the guy i was just talking to, right?

>> No.26761875
Quoted by: >>26762146

No. I'm /nasa/'s rep.

>> No.26761910
File: 217 KB, 850x662, sample_26325fd77104fc2177339cd81a2031c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26762094

you missed the part where risuners cum all over trees

>> No.26761950
File: 207 KB, 771x644, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine I think, I'll come up with something more detailed for taxes when I have the time. Generally, the Republic would probably be very protectionist with it's industrial production, agricultural production is presumably kept cheap as to be an easy exporter and by the needs of the military. We can always change retcon things too.

>> No.26762094
File: 288 KB, 475x449, horny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least some things stay the same i guess

>> No.26762146
Quoted by: >>26762999

ok, so i want to get your side of things. correct me if i am wrong, but you are opposed to the idea that the demigod could be either dead or incapable of using it's powers, correct? what are you trying to avoid by not finding some way to neutralize it? the main concern i have is over balancing. i can think of quite a few ways it could be balanced, but i need to know what i need to work around to make it satisfying to you.

>> No.26762554
File: 354 KB, 604x609, 1647021689835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final confirmation on things.
1. Will saplings trade nuts that grow from trees to risuners
2. Will saplings warn risuners of the magical transformation bullshit
3. Can we have sex with saplings. At the very least can they suck us off.
4. Are saplings friendly.
I have most of the thing done I just need final confirmation. Going over lore now.

>> No.26762999

My idea for the demigod is that she is a bio-android. She's still a fully organic being but her celluar structure is able to conduct energy and power like a machine. By laws of physics her body cannot store the energy needed to make a gravity well. However if she is hooked up to a machine then she can manipulate the energy inside her body using her will to create the gravity well. This is my thinking. She has no power of her own. Only when she's hooked up to a machine to give her energy can she bend space. This is my thinking. If she's removed from the pod then she's like a normal human. The paralysis also affects her ability to use her will inside her body correctly. If she can't control her full body circuit then the unpredictable energy will have catastrophic results.

As for her appearance she's a child that looks like Sana. I'm thinking while she lives in the pod the only thing she sees is space and floating bread dogs that guide her where to fly. She's completely unaware of being in a ship. However the crash destroyed that virtual world and now she's stuck in a void with only Cassandra to keep her company. Lock down could have been a way to rebuild this world but the child has also been injured. The child is literally dying of loneliness. It's a gamble but perhaps tearing her out of the core and have Sanalites take care of her is the best way for her to survive. Maybe with some neuroligical implants, cybernetic braces from /vrt/, and /meat/ chuubanite can the demigod walk on her own.

I see the opportunity for her life to have a unique story. At least that's what I think. If she's dead then she's just dead. And Sanalites would never know they killed a child of Sana.

>> No.26763031
File: 182 KB, 1170x1326, 1655825941896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26763136

LET'S GROW! I'm so happy to see this completed, great job! I'm glad we got to do this, it was a lot of fun.

>> No.26763136
File: 489 KB, 2048x2048, 1647394014200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Season 2 in /risu/ kek

>> No.26763361
Quoted by: >>26763441

You know what? WMD Kaiju battle!
Sanalite Starchild vs Meathead Eldritch Horror

>> No.26763394
File: 398 KB, 534x534, alterlumiwow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26763830

if i understand this correct... she is basicly a gravity bender that is just an OS for the engine?
engine is there to supply the huge amounts of energy needed for her to go avatar mode and able to do the gravity well thing otherwise she would only have low amount of powers in terms of gravity
so both pieces need to function fully for the OP shit.

>> No.26763441

We're going to need hundreds of bread dogs so she can merge into the MEGABREAD.

>> No.26763667
File: 295 KB, 850x2065, sample_d448015ab8e84cffb9a54aba5626f5c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading uuu lore
>human plant hybrids
>"All saplings start out with their normal human DNA intact."

>> No.26763830
Quoted by: >>26765109

Yes. The machine is broken. We need 4th Industrial Revolution technology to rebuild it. The lock down was suppose to have Cassandra self-repair the core. But we lack the materials and parts necessary to repair the extent of the damage. I think this is also where /nasa/'s meteorite went to but I digress. Starchild is more like an energy processor than an operating system. She does have "some" power inside her. All humans do. But power inside humans is not enough energy to do anything with. Humans make terrible batteries for a reason. As long as Starchild is not strapped to a machine to supply her energy then she has no power to warp space with. Even then she'll have to rediscover how to warp space on her own because she has no virtual bread dogs to guide her now.

>> No.26764046
Quoted by: >>26764923

>celluar structure is able to conduct energy and power like a machine.
>If she can't control her full body circuit then the unpredictable energy will have catastrophic results.
so, i like that you are saying she needs the ship to use her powers, but if i am understanding this correctly, there is some kind of catastrophic, unpredictable energy that is released when she is in a state of paralysis. again, how. is this only the case in the pod, or is she actually currently causing unpredictable harm from the energy in the ship, wouldn't it be easy enough to stop it by getting her out? maybe the lockdowns could have been a means of ejecting her from that pod so as to either repair the pod, or at least keep her alive if her condition inside the pod was getting worse due to the damages.
i know lonliness causes stress which can reduce lifespan, and that it is also registered in the brain as physical pain for some reason, but how would she die from lonliness if it's all she ever really knew? btw, it kind of reminds me of shelter, so call me a weeb with shit taste or something if you want i guess. so far, the only balancing concern is the errant energy surges, but it seems like your goal is to disconnect her from the thing that is making it possible in the first place, so that's good. right now, i just want to know how it works, and whether or not you've gone that far. it's not as bad as the other anon made it out to be, and if she's organic, transubstantiation is better the more similar they are.

>> No.26764416

>Vtubia 100 years into the future
>be group of OP endgame adventurers
>fought in the Great Niji-Vshojo War and /asp/ Global Insurgency
>check job boards
>one mission stuck out
>from an elderly Sanalite living in /uuu/
>visits him
>he mentions that when he was young, he was in charge of maintaining a powerful device onboard the space station
>he is worried it might go on meltdown after a century
>adventurers agree and go north
>the site of Sanalite descend is now covered in glacier
>the crater is no longer there
>adventurers digs in to find an enormous cavern beneath
>someone is living here
>the Starchild appears
>unstable and in rage
>Boss battle

>> No.26764638
File: 17 KB, 474x266, OIP (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764937


As always, tell me how you felt about it, its a rather dialogue based chapter and I look forward to you reactions.

>> No.26764923

As for how she can conduct energy in her body I have no other explaination other than "god". I know you hate "magic is everything" but even I can't figure out the exact details. As for her dying from loneliness, which is figurative speech, I do have an idea. What if people who died on /nasa/ have all of their online accounts and activity scanned? Then the AI generates a virtual bread dog "soul" based on the personality of the deceased. Then the virtual bread dog goes to heaven inside the ship where Starchild resides. Using full VR with augmented senses since her brain is linked into the machine Starchild can play with bread dogs until the next jump. What happened during the crash is the link to heaven gets severed. And now Starchild has no bread dogs to interact with. At least outside of Cass. But yes the pod does need to be repaired. Which means the removal of Starchild from the pod. The energy and paralysis is also a problem. You don't need to know physics to know that a cut live electric wire can kill anything that gets near it.

Anyway there is a way to neutralize the warp core without killing the starchild. And that's simply to remove the starchild from the core. The problem is nobody excepts the AI knows that the starchild exists. And that the AI is under strict orders never to expose this sectet. That said if Cass becomes rogue and needs the starchild to survive, then she can call the only Sanalite she trusts to breach the core.

We may see a new era for starchildren if this secret is exposed. That's where the interesting story comes in.

>> No.26764937
Quoted by: >>26765110

I love Magnus, holy shit.

>> No.26765109
File: 248 KB, 444x471, 1650117398804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean if without any outside energy source she would just be able to like lfit small objects or apply nonlethal amounts of G-forces and you accept that the reactor got damaged to such an extent that it will be hundreds of years even for /nasa/ to get it repaired than i see no issue

power-core probably got badly damaged with the crash and when sanalites wanted to move the ship once more to get out of crater is what finishe dit off and could also be the moment it fully going broke crippled the starchild, would also make it plausible why sanalites should suddenly care about someone when they learn of the fact that their own actions led to her state

since /moon/ and /pagi/ have no rep or specific lore set up its easy to ignore what they coudl potentially offer till then.

/rbc/ seem to be on a decline from what lore they have and should not be able to offer a power source even remotely close

Comfydants from /nijiEN/ would also never give away any powerful powersource if they even brought one with them from the future

and /vrt/ had their engine obliterated in their crash together with the data bases holding the informations on how to build one so best we could do is built an oversized soul-furnace wich would most likely be super unstable and dangerous since it is not meant to be constructed for such a size and also would be something the onobots would probably never agree to since it would eat up valuable resources that could be used to build hundreds of new bots.

unless i am forgetting another mayor spacefaring nation or very advanced nation that should cover all bases i think so your cripple should be fine for the world

>> No.26765110
Quoted by: >>26765227


>> No.26765207

>Comfydants from /nijiEN/ would also never give away any powerful powersource if they even brought one with them from the future
I don't know where we would even get one from if I am honest with you.

>> No.26765227
File: 1.24 MB, 3000x4335, 1647044611505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765265

he is a nut exchanger?

>> No.26765265
Quoted by: >>26765302

He ded, in case you didn't read (its hilarious, I'd recommend.)

>> No.26765276

actually you might reall hate this idea and in all fairness i never thought that it even could be used for such a mayor thing buuuuuut...

you do kind of got onobots in the walls, so if cass cannot share that info due to restrictions, 9141 is not bound by such a thing

>> No.26765302

no i did not. RIP that guy

>> No.26765354

>The bounce caused the starchild to become katawa shoujo.
Good job Principal. No wonder Cassandra baited you to get your ass fired.

>> No.26766342

ya, "god" is not an explanation. i gave an idea a while ago that nobody noticed it seems >>26691431 obviously this isn't a perfect idea, but it works better as an explanation, and you can modify it if you want. the basic concepts of transubstantiation and ascension, combined with advanced technology are still a good enough process to explain it if we want.

>> No.26766406
Quoted by: >>26766561

Going into Aristotle and Aquinas are we?

>> No.26766561
Quoted by: >>26766597

we've already been there for months. that was one of the first suggestions for our pantheon, back when we were debating how chuubas should be represented in the first place.

>> No.26766597
Quoted by: >>26767249

As a Theology minor, where would you say when stand there.

>> No.26766643

Well that's my argument for keeping the starchild. If its "OVERCOMPLICATED REEEE" then I don't know what else to do. Also the starchild is not a waifu. She's smol like an actual child. So she's a daughter that must be protect.

Unless there's any more questions I'm done with my proposal. I have to get back to writing /nasa/ foreign policy and wait for Saplings to continue our story.

>> No.26766681
Quoted by: >>26767305

What loot does she drop if we kill her?

>> No.26766813
Quoted by: >>26767051

Feel a little bad for Pomerlane anon, considering we are just timelooping and he wants constructive criticism (I can't help).

>> No.26766907
File: 203 KB, 2048x1590, @sushisushi_iiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the late response, I was out touching grass.

Kindred do not have a name for their kingdom as a whole. They just call themselves the Holy Land. Their capital is Akuma Castle, but this is a Forbidden Palace type deal -- commoners are not allowed inside, let alone outsiders. Things should be given weird Latin-Japanese names because I refuse to believe people who worship a god that thinks "Vox Akuma" and "Box Tenshi" are good names would have a much better naming sense themselves.

Quilldren locales should be given Nordic names. They have one central city and several smaller towns clustered around it, then a lot of empty land that appears to just be marsh-y forest because their territory is full of sinkholes that can't be built on. Safe passage through the forest requires a local guide. A lot of their storage, travel routes, etc are actually hidden underground, but outsiders are unlikely to ever see any of it.

Yaminions are Japanese. Largely based on the Heian-era, if that's relevant to your naming things.

I'm officially making Lucubs Imperial citizens who decided to move out into the badlands, so name their towns the same way you did Pomerania's. Similarly I was considering making Mystakes split offs from Honeys, since Mysta and Nina both have the fox motif going on. Possibly a long time ago they were originally considered twin gods, but religious differences caused a divide that eventually resulted in Mystakes going "FINE, we'll make our OWN country!" and fucking off. The religions eventually changed enough that they're barely recognizable as having the same root anymore. If that sounds good to you, just name Mystake towns however you're naming the ones for Honeys.

I need to give Noctyx a bit more thought, naming wise. The ones I'm certain of for now are Comfydants and Takaradachi. Fulmen Libera Civitas for Comfydants. Coloquially, it's referred to as "the Lightning Republic" or "the free city." They're going to call themselves this even if I end up making Noctyx a single state.

Takaradachi locales have Japanese names, but it's shitty Japanglish. Nekobini for the major trade/port city.

Major trade is expected to arrive by sea, passing through Nekobini first. The land route through Lucub territory would not be safe for trade caravans since it lacks roads and there are many ooutlaws + aggressive wild animals and the occassional schizo gang roaming it. Noctyx is unlikely to want anything other than luxury goods from you. They're self-sufficient resource wise.

There's an image in the archive of roughly where the borders for the boys' kingdoms should be. If making this many maps is too much of a pain in the ass, I can do it myself, but they'll take a long time and be shitty so please be nice if they're not up to your standards. I am not a cartographer by any means lol.

A /luxnoc/ split was actually created just yesterday and seems to be sticking for now, but the vast majority of the posters in there have already said they have no plans to stop posting in the main thread. Its purpose seems to mostly be for fanart spamming to not eat general image slots, and as a refuge during prime gender wars + gore schizo hours. There's no telling whether it'll actually last anyways, as there was also a fairly successful split shortly after Luxiem's debut that died after a few weeks, so let's see how that goes.

>> No.26767051

In my opinion, overcomplication is not a problem so long as you can make it make some degree of sense to laymen. Not everyone needs to be familiar with exactly how it works, rather understanding that it works. If your logic and means work, it doesnt matter if someone doesnt understand it. Just explain it in simple terms to them instead
No one owes me anything. I ask but its not an obligation. Others have issues they need to talk out.

>> No.26767054
Quoted by: >>26767177

>>26766907 (me)
I'll read through your new Secret Histories and give feedback in a bit too, I just need food first.

>> No.26767131
Quoted by: >>26767300

Just link what you had before and i will draw it out. Im only waiting on Rosebuta.

>> No.26767177
Quoted by: >>26772215

Thanks, I appreciate it. Also my lastest chapter from main story would be nice.

>> No.26767249
Quoted by: >>26767456

idk, i only know basics and the stuff other anons here told me. i just know that multiple aspects of our lore are based off of a bunch of concepts, many of which were from the ancient greeks and what not.
this isn't overcomplicated. it's undercomplicated. "god did it" is too simplistic and undetailed. you need to find an explanation that works according to the lore. the funny thing is that you could say god plays a role in it, but there is a process through which that role would be fulfilled. think it over for a while, look at the archives if you need a better idea about how chuubanite works or anything. just try to hammer out the how until you come across a plausible enough sounding explanation, then test it a bit until you get the kinks out of it.

>> No.26767300
File: 978 KB, 1241x998, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767510

It's in the archive, but here it is again. Feel free to shuffle borders a bit if it makes more sense that way.

>> No.26767305
Quoted by: >>26768099

Only the clothes she wears on her back and her corpse.

I might not understand everything you said. I do get the gravity wells part. In 40k the first God Emperor of Mankind had strong psychic powers. In a way we see that with the starchild's will controlling the energy in her body. Which to her feels like flying through a sling star in Mario Galaxy. I do kinda get the golem idea. But she is an organic lifeform with a unique bloodline. That said the way starchildren and chuubanite both handles energy would be uncanny. I suppose one thing to keep in mind about starchildren is that they are suppose to have no human involvement in their lives from their creation until their death. /nasa/ discovering the starchild is going to change everything in Starfleet. Implying Starfleet won't nuke /nasa/ from orbit to keep the starchildren a secret.

>> No.26767456
Quoted by: >>26769018

Which Sanalite am I talking to btw? As for the aspect of God, it needs to be understood that medieval theologians explain such matters to understand God and not as a cop out. (You never said that, i merely stated that because these theologians were well read on Aristotle). Go full Aquinas. If you feel like you dont want to stop until it all makes sense, you must continue.

>> No.26767510

As a dumbass, explain the colors to me

>> No.26767637

Also I am utterly lost on Noctyx fanbase names.

>> No.26767783

It's the boys' colors, I was just using it as shorthand to denote which spaces belong to who.
red for Kindred (Vox)
yellow for Lucubs (Luca)
blue for Quilldren (Ike)
purple for Yaminions (Shu)
orange for Mystakes (Mysta).
red for Comfydants (Fulgur)
yellow for Briskadets (Sonny)
purple for Stargazers (Uki)
blue for yuguys (Yugo)
orange for Takaradachi (Alban)

>> No.26767877

Got it. Working already.

>> No.26768099
Quoted by: >>26768802

>But she is an organic lifeform with a unique bloodline.
i wasn't there when that was decided, but the whole point of it being a golem was that it would be human-like. if starfleet has synthtech or biotech, t's ultimately still a golem of sorts, what matters is that she's artificial, and is made with a high amount of chuubanite. we were talking about chuubanite-creatures some time ago, she might not require it to live, but if she was engineered from the ground up, her biology would definitely be more likely to make use of chuubanite to a more extensive degree than natural organisms due to specialization. think cellular glyphs, chuubanite processing, and activator substanceses all baked directly into her biology, and all used to give the demigod the greatest ability to make use of chuubanite, or as you put it, to be a conduit of it's power. being made to make use of chuubanite from the ground up might cause her body to go through chuubanite at an accelerated pace, so large machines full of chuubanite reserves would be necessary. the chuubanite is also useful in the transubstantiation process, as chuubanite effectively bridges the gap between here and the conceptual/magic quanta/heavenly realm. as for her being a secret, depending on who/how she is rescued, and what she looks/acts like (probably like sana if it's transubstantiation) she might be able to secretly integrate herself into normal society without revealing the secret to too many people.

>> No.26768802

I think she would act like an infant for a few weeks. She may have logic in her mind but she doesn't quite understand how to use her body outside the pod. Like a baby she'll cry for constant care until she learns how to move. As for chuubanite this implies /nasa/ found chuubanite in space long before reaching Vitubia. /nasa/ didn't discover Vitubium until they landed here. So we opened up a plot hole with that.

>> No.26768949
File: 1.23 MB, 1163x1095, ninisani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. Yes, I used Noraneko as a name for one of Alban's cities. Latin-Japanese might be the oddest combination ever and incase you are wondering, Ike's land is literally called "north forest" because I cannot think of a name that fits.

>> No.26769010
Quoted by: >>26770390

chuubanite is as prominent in /vt/ the universe as it was in /jp/, the stuff is an element, why would it be localized to only one region of space?

>> No.26769018

The post you replied to. Not a Sanalite. The Sanalite talking about the starchild is the menhera rep. Don't forget to hit him with a brick.

>> No.26769032
File: 274 KB, 850x1202, sample_27a1e8a224264af7dc3890966d3434c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I said I would do /uuu/ lore today. Well I meant tonight. I will do it though just if the saplings don;t answer the questions I had I can just go off their rentry. Heck some of their lore already answers a few of them. It seems I post a lot of actual shit at night anyway. So tonight will be the first /uuu/ expedition and soon. SEXUAL TEASING WITH SPACEMEN!

>> No.26769116


>> No.26769145
Quoted by: >>26769194

wait why is alban's city named after on of the japanese tubers of niji?

also why exactly does this starchild need to be in any shape or form be categorized as a godly being? that makes absolute no fucking sense if our gods are supposed to be chuubas

>> No.26769194

Alban has his own city as requested but I couldn't help myself with Stray Cat.

>> No.26769208
Quoted by: >>26769287

NTA but you seem to have forgotten Sonny

>> No.26769206

Threadly reminder that due to polar distortion, /OBSY/ is actually much smaller than NijiEN than it seems.

>> No.26769287
Quoted by: >>26769498

I am colorblind, I cannot see where Yugo was supposed to be.

>> No.26769288
File: 652 KB, 1000x1120, 1645774926778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26769351

Oh one thing
A /yeah/ anon madae a map of Ethyria before
Maybe you can use that as reference?

>> No.26769351

/yeah/ anon told me to overhaul it so I am not naming a city /yeah/ but I will use the other parts.

>> No.26769449
File: 1.23 MB, 1163x1095, ninisani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26769591

Alright, sorry Sonny and Yugo, you must be split now.

>> No.26769498
File: 56 KB, 672x623, Screenshot_2022-06-24-13-17-17-376_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26769542

He had a tiny chunk of land squished between the other noctyx boys

>> No.26769542
Quoted by: >>26769636

Do you mind what I did? Because I don't even think I can fit the name of the map for poor yuguys.

>> No.26769591
Quoted by: >>26769635

>Massive Kingdoms everywhere
Just move across the river

>> No.26769636
Quoted by: >>26769697

Sorry I'm still NTA. But did you possibly miss their overviews on the boys? It mentions that Yuguys have a tiny city they rarely even visit. Can't grab it because I'm a filthy phone poster but they did anchor it so it should be in the doc

>> No.26769635

>HRE Border gore.
I could absolutely make it 100 times worse if you want to. I can have random exclaves and enclaves everywhere.

>> No.26769697

Fuck, I'll fix

>> No.26769761
File: 1.23 MB, 1163x1095, ninisani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26770540

Welp, Third times a charm.

>> No.26769805
Quoted by: >>26770390

so idk if it makes any sense to not have chuubanite at all, but maybe the technology you guys developed is so advanced tech that even if they know how the most advanced technology works, they don't know how to replicate any of it with the more primitive technology available. basically, they'll have to rediscover every technology between their goal and the current technology level available to them.

>> No.26769884

Foreign Policy of /nasa/ as enacted by the executive Principal Jonathan Mattock.

-/nasa/ will enact an import tax for all goods at 3%. Taxes must be paid in either gold or silver. The import tax will be essential for funding /nasa/ infrastructure like roads and seaports.
-All citizens represent the state of /nasa/. Therefore only citizens can trade with foreign entities directly as vendors. Civilians must buy imported goods second hand through approved vendors.
-/nasa/ will not trade with nations unless there is a formally written treaty. Treaties are necessary under the Grand Directive to determine what goods can and cannot trade.
-Checkpoints will be established on the border to check visitors, goods, and paperwork before they are allowed to enter the country.
-No civilian is allowed to leave /nasa/'s border. Only citizens with visas can leave. That especially goes to you ex-Principal.

These policies are to be enacted immediately as direct orders. Any civilian or citizen violating foreign policy will be arrested and charged.


Jonathan is a fucking dick.

>> No.26769908
Quoted by: >>26770198

Hey Risuner, just so you know, the Deadbeat lieutenant coming to /uuu/ is the lady, her name is Justicia Kinui, she's escorted by a couple other soldiers... Have fun.

>> No.26770110

honestly the more you add about the girl the more perverse it gets. he rbeing crippled wasn't enough? now she also has to be some mental infant and crawl around wih her crippled body ect?

this feels less and less like "nerfing" some OP tech and more like you trying to insert some of your fetishes into your country.

some kind of super broken female that needs to be "fixed" and "taken care of" by strong male sanalites.

>> No.26770151
Quoted by: >>26770315

and I thought Pomerlane anon was doing that with incest.

>> No.26770198
File: 582 KB, 1649x1115, 1647618489632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noted thank you.

>> No.26770209

For the record, what does NASA have to offer and what does NASA want?

>> No.26770261

>this feels less and less like "nerfing" some OP tech and more like you trying to insert some of your fetishes into your country.
NTA but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh based?

>> No.26770315

I wasn't self inserting. I was basing it off how things were done by everyone, from royalty to peasants until recently. Marrying your first cousin was extremely common, and is only an issue if you do it too many generations in a row. To put this into perspective, having kids over 35 has a much higher chance of birth defects that it.

>> No.26770319
Quoted by: >>26770694

Dittoing this question, if Jonathan is a directive hardliner, what is he willing to trade? Are rations and stainless steel still on the table?

>> No.26770331
File: 47 KB, 508x472, 1647436481312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if we have no gold or silver? this wont apply to us will it?

>> No.26770373

Don't worry about it, import taxes are paid by the citizen of the country imposing them, not the seller.

>> No.26770390
Quoted by: >>26770627

So we throw the idea out. If its too fetishy or creepy then we won't do it. I'm still keeping the paralysis. The paralysis could just be nerfed to one leg. The child still needs rehabilitation and intense care to help her live outside the pod for the first few weeks.

We've already written in lore about /nasa/ only discovering chuubanite here. I can retcon the chuubanite discovery if I have to. It'll take alot of work.

>> No.26770416
Quoted by: >>26770464

>>26770373 (me)
How the fuck have so many anons never paid import duties... Have you guys never worked in a procuring department???

>> No.26770425
Quoted by: >>26770601

why aren't you just calling it a tariff? Just curious.

>> No.26770462
File: 94 KB, 625x661, 1649429016569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26770726

Tonight. Risuners are gonna do some HARDCORE SQUEEBING! Where are the saplings btw they are usually very active?

>> No.26770464
Quoted by: >>26770601

No one knows how much money you can make off of tariffs. I have planned from the beginning to have them in NijiEN.

>> No.26770540
File: 55 KB, 750x750, FSWOZY7aMAAyIwp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, I return from getting food and you've already drawn maps. You work really fast! Mostly looks good, but if we're going with Asian names for Stargazer territory they should be Korean. Yugonia should be shuffled over so it rests between Comfydant/Briskadet territory, for defense reasons. Noranekobini...There's a JP niji literally named "Noraneko" so that might be a bit confusing if we get a /2434/ rep in the future, but I think that's kind of funny. This random city completely unrelated to them that just so happens to share a name with one of their gods. Thanks for all the hard work!

>> No.26770601

This is just IIRC, but I believe tariffs are import taxes applied to a specific class of product, like the tariff on aluminium imports from the US Canada has. Here, the import tax is applied across the board, so I think it's a better fit for its usage. But I'm not the sanallite, just an an economicsbeat.
Fucking feds...

>> No.26770627
Quoted by: >>26771049

i don't mean to put you in a difficult situation here, i guess i didn't notice you had to discover chuubanite in the first place. also, nta, but making her a child is what makes it fetishistic, not being in paralysis. she really didn't learn any social skills from interacting with dead people's scanned brains in the virtual space?

>> No.26770694

/nasa/ has space rations, iron, and coal. And when we get steel mills going then we'll get coke and steel for trade as well.

If Sanalites want /risu/'s nuts then we also have to pay gold. Which means civilians are SOL. So you will have to exchange nuts with vendors instead of people. And civilians will have to buy nuts from the market. But first /risu/ needs to talk to diplomats to negotiate a trade treaty.

Alternatively /risu/ can use nuts as currency to buy goods from /nasa/ vendors instead. You spend nuts as money to buy nuts as goods. Exploit the loop hole while you can.

>> No.26770707
Quoted by: >>26770931

I was being cheeky with Noraneko. Would actually be funny lore wise if someone came from 2434 and saw Norenekobini. I'll try to border shift but it will be hard.

>> No.26770726
Quoted by: >>26770770

Sorry, I left some lead around

>> No.26770770
File: 79 KB, 536x682, 1647442872859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26771343

Are you using lead as chastity belts?

>> No.26770931

Thank you, I know it must be a pain in the ass managing these tiny territories. I love the Japanese-Latin by the way, it's exactly as weird sounding as I was hoping.

>> No.26771002
File: 1.23 MB, 1163x1095, ninisani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I am keeping Stargard as a city in Uki's land and I am going to make interesting lore reason for it, it was what was last remaining LazuLight holdout in that area and Stargazers after being accepted integrated with the population.

>> No.26771042
Quoted by: >>26771082

These small ones are only pains because I can't zoom in more. If I could, I would have no issues because the text could be readable.

>> No.26771049
Quoted by: >>26771301

Well there's interacting with your mind in VR via neurolink and then there's physical interactions. She will need rehabilitation to learn how to move and speak outside the pod. After a few weeks she'll be able to at least speak. So she's won't be infantized.

>> No.26771082

>>26771042 (me)
Takumius is literally named after Takumi from Initial D, which I have been watching while screwing around here. Use that information as you wish.

>> No.26771127
File: 2.70 MB, 480x270, 1650842860920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese-Latin bros? Maybe their language shares an etymological root with /morig/... Some Indo-Aryan population movement shit.

>> No.26771161

Vox I think is from the underworld so it makes sense to me.

>> No.26771198


>> No.26771224
File: 1.01 MB, 1276x1376, 1653556382408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26771286

The New Underworld Order grows...

>> No.26771239

That would be fun! I need to give the Moriji lore a more thorough reading, but Kindred are going to be some of the most inhuman residents in the Empire, so it'd make sense if they also came from the same weird place you living skeleton deadbeats come from.

Vox appeared out of thin air one day. That's his actual lore. He just showed up on the coasts of Japan with no memories or name or anything. The locals started calling him Vox Akuma because he's a demon with a magic voice that makes people love him. I've always hated that explanation for his name bc why did these Sengoku peasant know the Latin word for voice? The world may never know.

>> No.26771286
Quoted by: >>26771526

Think Fairies and Ghosts would fall under that too.

>> No.26771301
Quoted by: >>26771620

that's at least half the hard part. just say she's been stuck somewhere in the wreckage in stasis and was recently found after all that time, and now needs to relearn how to use her body. that's literally what is going on, except you don't need to say she's a secret program or anything and most people would probably understand.

>> No.26771324

Pomudachi (Well they look human but have probably the evillest spirits) and Rosebuds would like to talk about that.

>> No.26771343
Quoted by: >>26771579

I... what? Do we need to?

>> No.26771350

I did say "some"

>> No.26771372
Quoted by: >>26771473

Disagree, as Pomerlane-Anon. Pomu is a Fairy Goddess of Weather and its up to debate whether or not she had intercourse with a human according to my lore. (Probably not)

>> No.26771401

Pomerlane vs. Kindred. That's an interesting battle.

>> No.26771473

Well, personally I think Pomu might be top tier on lore powerlevels, higher than either dragons and probably only Vox is up there because fairies in actual mythology are honestly more scary than dragons to me

>> No.26771526

Necromancers, zombies, demons and vampires are canonically aligned with the Underworld, so I think Ghosts would make a lot of sense. Fairies are more of a stretch, since they're not undead or aligned with the forces of Death or Hell.
Nice, maybe we can get something going... The TL;DR on the Japanese-latin thing is that Mori's catchphrase "Memento Mori" and her lore is direct greco-roman mythology inspiration, but her aesthetic tastes and her influences are all Japanese.

>> No.26771554
Quoted by: >>26771642

Lore powerlevels don't really matter in Vitubia. The gods are off in their Heavenly Realm and don't directly affect us unless they're /here/

>> No.26771579
File: 176 KB, 850x850, sample_0318e9fd37b8dae4b8b80570fab9d435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK just know that in lore there are some at least partially human saplings which of course means SEX WITH YOU

>> No.26771602
Quoted by: >>26771931

Fairies are wicked creatures but not all fairies are evil. Whether or not Pomu is up for interpretation, I lean to yes.

>> No.26771620
Quoted by: >>26772038

Problem is will Cass allow the starchild to live outside the station. Sadly I am not in charge of this decision. The other Sanalite has already tried to rally /meat/ and schizos to try to kill her. I don't think he wants her alive.

Anyway I need to talk about something else. Jonathan just fucked over Risuners on their visit.

>> No.26771642
Quoted by: >>26771721

>they're /here/
Half of NijiEN...

>> No.26771721

How /here/ are we talking? The only chuubas I really consider /here/ are like Kiki, Koopa (KOOPA LOVE), Beatani and the like. Risu just barely passes the threshold, once in a long while.

>> No.26771750
File: 109 KB, 1177x634, risusmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why she only appears once a year in vitubia to collect nuts.

>> No.26771764

Well prior to Noctyx's debut someone leaked the entire lineup. Shitposts claim it was Sonny but who knows

>> No.26771888
Quoted by: >>26771965

I mean, Reimu is the obvious one as is Pomu.

>> No.26771931

If you watch her streams, you know Pomu is an evil fairy.

>> No.26771965
Quoted by: >>26772102

as a fun fact, Reimu'd be in the Anya-Petra Global lineup of deities

>> No.26772038

/meat/ seems to not see the purpose of killing it, and until we have an explanation of how it works, we can't say for certain whether or not schizo's should be able to do it, so idk. what happened to the rep? whether the ai lets the demigod out is unimportant if the risks of keeping it in are large enough.

>> No.26772066

Can I ask a simple question. Why is there a Demi-God in Nasa. I'm out of loop.

>> No.26772102

she unironically fits the criteria of most /here/ chuubas.

>> No.26772144
Quoted by: >>26772449

I don't fucking know at this point, it's just stupid.

>> No.26772174
Quoted by: >>26772449

Honestly, I've been skimming through all those posts and hoping /nasa/ rep comes out of the other side with at least some mental sanity left.
I think they wanted to figure out why their FTL didn't work, and instead of going for the classic, reliable.
"Ah, FTL core broke when we fell! FTL core not work, can't repair FTL core."
They started coming up with a shitload of crap about some mentally disabled space bending cunny.

>> No.26772195
Quoted by: >>26772306

I have already thought of something crazy that I don't want any anon to go nuts over because Pomerlane is a story of both reality and myth. Incorporating the story of Paris and the three Greek Goddess but the Goddess are now LazuLight.

>> No.26772215
File: 717 KB, 734x725, @nin_919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26772569

Alright, finally got around to reading your latest work. I see you took some of the advice from last time to heart. The conversations are already feeling a lot less stiff, especially in the main story. You're overusing caps a bit too much imo. The first time it shows up it works well since it's sudden and emphasizes Magnus's anger, but after that it's a little bit of an eyesore. Exclamation marks are good enough.
Regarding the Secret Histories, the formatting here is a bit weird. I can see what you were going for with the italicized actions, but it's better to just write things out normally, like you did for the main chapter. At the very least if you're going to stick with this format, stick quotation marks back in there to separate dialogue from action, like you did in the last few paragraphs. It looks kind of gross from a reader perspective when it's all just one big jumble of words like the early paragraphs. Did you perhaps just forget to edit?
Anyways, I think you have the gist of it now, it's mostly just going to be a matter of practice from here on out. Complex, multi-faceted characters are still a ways off as of yet, but you're already doing better at making your characters feel like actual characters and not pieces on a board.

I don't know much about the girls' lore so I can't speak on their relative powerlevels, but Vox is definitely not "up there." Canonically he's stronger than regular humans, but he also lost in hand-to-hand combat against Fulgur. Most of his power isn't physical, but rather comes from his hypnotizing voice. That being said I don't think any of this is relevant anyhow since we're not writing about chuubas. We're writing about their fanbases. Even when it comes to the chuubas, their in-universe lore isn't going to line up with their actual real lore 100% since it would make international worldbuilding really weird.

>> No.26772242
Quoted by: >>26772341

/meat/ has Kyusaichan, Gomi, and Gashiya

>> No.26772306

Make sure Pomerlane has a son with one of them (not really but you know what I mean for mythos) so that we get a demi-god that makes sense.

>> No.26772331
Quoted by: >>26773202

Whelp talking about starchildren is fun, but I'm going to have to put a freeze on anchoring /nasa/ lore. I do have a plan for it. Unfortunately starchildren are not what's important to /nasa/ right now. /nasa/'s civil war is over. However /nasa/'s new principal is restructuring foreign relations to become much more strict. /who/, /morig/, /uuu/, and /risu/ need to negotiate their treaties with /nasa/ so we can figure out what we're trading between them. All trades have to follow the Grand Directive. Which means no trades for technology and knowledge. Raw materials, food, and medicine are open for trade. Books, records, and machines are not.

>> No.26772341

i was banned for a few days recently when i posted gomi's thigh roach, fucking jannies fucking suck.

>> No.26772449

I didn't introduce it. I'm just trying to figure out how to salvage this fucking timeloop. In the end I'm leaning towards sayong "no" to the whole thing.

>> No.26772493
Quoted by: >>26772629

well here's the thing about Goddess and Demi-Gods. Pomerlane anon can actually do that since his story is not supposed to be 100% fact and is written with bias by someone who admires him. He can have these mythological scenes because of that, and that we know in reality its not actually true.

>> No.26772541
File: 319 KB, 666x570, rose overland map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here you go. I can really only speak for regions that each tribe would dwell around. Overlap exists because the tribes don't really quarrel over land, unless you count the tribes fighting the Babirusa. The locations of villages can shift around some due to nomadic nature, but I think I did alright with where I put them. I'm not a map guy by any means, but feel free to let me know what you think.

>> No.26772569

>Did you perhaps just forget to edit?
>All Caps
Will be fixed.

>> No.26772620
File: 724 KB, 942x662, 1654836262759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26772643

Wait shit, we hit bump limit already?

>> No.26772629
Quoted by: >>26772908

It'd be nice to have conflicting accounts from opposing forces in that case. Pomerlane's tale but one of many possibilities on what happened "x" years ago or something. Those accounts would have to have certain points regarding the history that for sure happened, the exact details would be what's borked

>> No.26772643

Bread doko?

>> No.26772808

Ill post risuner trip to uuu tonight. See you saplings later

>> No.26772908
Quoted by: >>26772966

That's actually my plan long term.

>> No.26772966

>>26772908 (me)
Well...write Ryuguards off since they pretty much got their records destroyed and the writer of the chapters is bullshitting some of their interacts.

>> No.26772975
Quoted by: >>26773008

Thanks for this btw, it looks good! Should we anchor it?

>> No.26773008

Not until tomorrow, when I get Rosebuta's stuff on the map.

>> No.26773202

i am glad to see the new principal is reasonable enough to not have included /vrt/ in the list of nations that need to negotiate treaties wich i can only see as a sign of friendship and desire for open trade.

guess we will build you your botlegs for your crippled onahole for free then too

>> No.26773324

Think about mythical Demigods, the legend is Pomeranius was the son of Pomu. Pomerlane is his descendant but he wont have a child with a goddess.

>> No.26773704

"Behold! This man is the son of a goddess!"
The crowd however
