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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2581686 No.2581686 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>2573346
(We mainly talk Doom, but Unreal/Duke/Quake/Marathon/whatever are also welcome! Let's post like gentlemen)


The OFFICIAL Doom Wiki, actively maintained and supported by the Doom community. Want to learn more about Doom? Check this site first!

FAQ/Pastebin, updated semi-frequently

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Channel: #vr

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So You Want To Play Some Fucking Doom? (v5)

Vanilla/Boom: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/
/idgames torrent (as of 2013-11-25; 12GB): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13513277/idgames.torrent

##Our WADs can be found here!##
http://pastebin.com/5sKRiJzS (old)

>> No.2581687


[08-01] Summer Games Done Quick: the videos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90A3WdbKP2c Unreal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JYyqUU3Hq0 Scythe.wad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN2JzwBmS8A Spear of Destiny
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xpJoI42tsQ Super Noah's Ark 3D
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSc1U-ii1Qk Doom 64

[08-01] Anon map release: DIKZAK v1.2 demo (a jokewad)

[07-30] Anon map release: jukejoint.wad (for gzdoom, cc4-tex + colored lighting)

[07-29] Quakecon matches are being uploaded

[07-25] Adventures of Square v1.2 is out

[07-25] Doomworld forced into early move by DNS issues, but was successful.

[07-24] Arstechnica article on the new Doom

[07-24] Andrew Hulshult is teasing a remix for Rise of the Triad

[07-24] Doom 4 stuff from QuakeCon: new screenshots, multiplayer, weapons

[07-23] Another Doom High Resolution Texture Pack release

[07-23] /vr/doom booru

[07-23] Zandronum 2.1.2

[07-23] Crispy Doom v3.0


Please reply to this post with news.

>> No.2581707
File: 755 KB, 3456x2109, DOOM-4K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does /vr/doom think doom 4 will be good?

>> No.2581708


>> No.2581712
Quoted by: >>2581827

/vr/doom is not a hivemind. We have people that think yes, we have people that think no, we have people that want to wait until it comes out to see.

>> No.2581713

Do we have to do this debate all over again

let's keep to revenantposting, arguing about filters, teaching doombuilder basics and gushing over GMOTA/DS like usual

>> No.2581718

if rage was good, why wouldn't that be?

>> No.2581720

It will be just OK. Is it the new Doom that we have been waiting for? No, not really. Does it look more appealing than most FPS games released in the past couple of years. I think so. I don't really plan on buying it, but probably will anyway.

>> No.2581736
File: 777 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20150801_222131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2581737

Almost finished with a 800*600 res version of the hud for all the poverty-stricken peasants out there.

This is getting exciting since the only things left to do before the beta release is a dialogue system, more comments in the code, and restructuring the pk3 a bit.

>> No.2581737
Quoted by: >>2581879


Can't wait to see it. This is going to be cool.

>> No.2581757
Quoted by: >>2582202

It looks a bit generic to me, but as long as there are plans for proper mod tools and mod support, I'm down with it.

>> No.2581758
File: 2 KB, 81x124, all filled up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2581971

>I need to finish up monsters, implement Blaz's voice.
I thought you weren't going to put any talking because of that one time you tried putting in one liners, but I see what you're saying about finishing the other monsters. I'm looking forward to seeing the edits, but they still seem to fit in with the other monsters combat wise.

>And I feel like the mod is still pretty unbalanced because of some of the subweapons.
Yeah, this is true. I don't know which is which, but POW Dagger seems to completely dominate everything else as long as you're near the target. Once you get indoors it just crushes everything. Also, the missle subshot seems better than everything else since it drenches the battlefield with balls and damage. I remember when I used earthshaker all the time; not anymore.

>And finally I feel Blaz is a mess due to how convoluted his weapons are, like most people aren't aware that you can throw the sword, the life drain effects, etc.
Like another anon said, if you had a more information "How to Play" screen(s) then that'd help clear up a lot of confusion. For example: I thought you had removed the life-steal function because it didn't seem to be functioning, but that might be because I was too busy playing instead. Also, I didn't fully understand the rings/necklaces and their function besides powering up things.

>I could just be too hard on myself though
Probably. Blaz is fun as shit to play as, and his whole kit is fun to use; it just needs some clarification.

I fucking love GMOTA as it is now, and I can totally understand wanting to fix some item/weapon balance; however, you saying you want to "rehaul Blaz" reminds me of how you'd start changing things that didn't needed to be changed. I'm curious as to why and how you'd do the overhaul.

>> No.2581798
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, gzdoom 2015-08-01 22-50-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dl'd blade of agony to see what the fuzz is about

Holy shit I'm fucking floored, the quality is absolutely crazy so far

>> No.2581827

and people who don't care at all and are sick of hearing about it.

>> No.2581834

Agreed, shame the game becomes next to unplayable after the second mission (not sure if unfinished or just ZDoom acting screwy)

>> No.2581838

I'd say that we all just shut up about it for a while and wait and see how it plays out when it's released.

>> No.2581879

I'm starting to feel hope I'll actually have the time and motivation to make a game with it. Man, it'll be great mapping some again.

>> No.2581913
Quoted by: >>2581917 >>2581939


That's Tormentor for you.
A sperg when it comes to dealing with people, brute forces his way through contributions, relies far more on pretty effects than good gameplay, but the production values are almost always through the roof.

>> No.2581917
Quoted by: >>2581939

oh it's one of his? that explains why it keeps getting hyped here every 1-2 threads

>> No.2581929

I liked it, but the level design could use some work. It's not always clear where to go. I got stuck on the first level because I didn't figure out to shoot the fire extinguisher which led to 10 minutes of walking around confused.

>> No.2581939


Oh yeah, another sign of Tormentor's works:
Hype hype hype hype, constant hype posting.

I've been trying to ignore his posting and his threads because I want to give it a fair shake when it's finally released, and his incessant hyping is just going to mess that up, be it souring it or sweetening it.

>> No.2581971


Well by voice I'm talking like. Grunts and yells. Marty recorded a bunch of those and I'd like to use them. And honestly I say I'd LIKE to tweak Blaz, I'm not gonna because I'm pretty sure that'd get a lynch mob after my ass. I'm just hard on myself and I want strive for perfection like a jackass.

Honestly Blaz is done mechanically, I just want those grunts and HIYAS in, finish up the monsters, and then start on kustam

>> No.2581976
Quoted by: >>2581993 >>2582008

Question: Are there any Japanese influenced mods out there besides Demonsteele?

>> No.2581993
Quoted by: >>2582017 >>2582136


WildWeasel made The Stranger, which is a super early gameplay mod and it shows, but even despite its age it's still pretty fun.
Otacon once made a mapset where you play as Priss and shoot possessed otaku. It's kind of dumb. Cool sprites, though.
Black Warrior is difficult as shit to acquire and unfinished as can be, but offers a very unique and different style of gameplay.
Swan Fox...well, everyone knows about Swan Fox. It's easily one of the most fun experiences I've had, but not a single one of it was intentional--mechanically, it's a total wreck.
Doom Radys Classes might be cheating a little bit since I think it was made by someone Japanese? But still, it's got a whole ton of anime and VN grills fighting demons.
And then there's HDoom, which is "japanese influenced" by virtue of "lewd anime demons" but that's about it.

Honestly, I'd love to have some kind of giant mecha/SHOGO style mod.

>> No.2582008

There is TheCraftyTitan's Doom Hack.

>> No.2582017
File: 9 KB, 250x140, DarkInquisitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw seeing Dark Inquisitor for the first time

>> No.2582021

playing doom 2 for the first time

I´m now level 30 and HOLY FUCK
how do I NOT die in that level?

>> No.2582045


To kill the Icon of Sin, shoot its head until it dies.

>> No.2582048

Get the megaspheres on the sides when you're low. Kill archviles ASAP.

>> No.2582058

git gud :^)

>> No.2582064
File: 29 KB, 588x440, 4ertgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hideous Destructor makes me cry inside

>> No.2582065
File: 71 KB, 800x600, Jeff is a hardcore motherfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be like Jeff.

He's looking at an old unruly evil, him and everyone he cares about is in peril and he has to succeed, his friends are in danger, if he doesn't they're all done for, he doesn't know exactly what he's looking at, he is crying uncontrollably, this event might scar him for life, but he just continues to load and fire his rocket launcher at the evil before him.

>> No.2582073
Quoted by: >>2582087 >>2582097

So I joined a server, and upon finally spawning, the map had trillions of enemies. I died almost instantly, and I looked at the map to see that everybody else had immediately fucked right off, at least 10 yards away from the spawn in mere seconds.
I know I'm going to get a ton of shit for this, but I'm just curious to know what the fuck happened there.

>> No.2582087
Quoted by: >>2582093

>I know I'm going to get a ton of shit for this
Why? It was probably a 'slaughterwad' you played, and they pretty much work like that.

The reason the other players got so far is because they'd played the map before and knew to strafe-run to cover ASAP most likely.

>> No.2582093

Oh, I thought I'd be burned at the stake for not knowing something, like a lot of other communities I've talked with.

I was just confused, and a bit pissed off since one of those guys said "that really weeded out the weak" as soon as I died. Now I don't know what else to expect among the other servers.

>> No.2582097


If you're not very familiar with the game, don't join slaughtermap servers. Anything with Chillax, 12-in-1, slaughterfest 2013, or etc, avoid like the plague.
Some people take strange amounts of pride at being able to click keys slightly better than other people in a 21-year-old game.

>> No.2582102
File: 86 KB, 699x610, 1434874013881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol look at this weak lil nerd, gimmie ur milk money befor i gives you a swirly

>> No.2582123

>Oh, I thought I'd be burned at the stake for not knowing something, like a lot of other communities I've talked with.
This isn't the dota or lol community anon.

>Now I don't know what else to expect among the other servers.
I never play online so I can't give you an answer on that, but you could always ask someone here to host - or do it yourself. /vr/ does get to together and play occasionally.

>> No.2582131
File: 405 KB, 499x263, 1432515610760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No additional pc mod tools beyond SnapMap

>> No.2582136
Quoted by: >>2582141 >>2582450

I've kind of been wondering if something relatively close to Titanfall would be possible or Mechwarrior for that matter

>> No.2582141
Quoted by: >>2582261

Yeah, absolutely possible. It's just a lot of work.

Personally I'd much prefer a take on Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri. It's an ancient tactical mecha game that was way before it's time in some aspects, and way too late in others.

>> No.2582152
File: 443 KB, 1920x1080, 2015-08-01_00020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2582889

If DIZAK guy is still here I just wanna say the ammo pickups in map 6 was improved greatly however the only thing I'd recommend changing is getting rid of the two ammo boxes at the plasma rifle secret. Not that it makes the map easier but it just seems kinda redundant when a shitload of enemies in that area are already dropping plasma ammo after you kill them.

>> No.2582189

Alright, that actually does bother me.

>> No.2582196
Quoted by: >>2582531

>CC map 15
>11 secrets
>only manage to find the first one near the beginning, and another one halfway through
>die about 30 times throughout the entire fucking map because I'm fucking sucking ass for some reason and literally everything killed me almost once by now
>finally reach the exit switch
>still 9 secrets to go
>search the most obvious spots, namely the ones with a blood splat next to them, walls with different textures
>no dice
>there's a fucking room filled with health bonuses and I can't even get in
>still 100 enemies left

I'm literally at the 15th god damn level and my autism is being tickled this fucking hard already

>> No.2582202
File: 198 KB, 500x375, 1427068294987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2582210 >>2582229

I really hope that there will be tools to modify game mechanics. Even if it will just be PC exclusive.

>> No.2582210
Quoted by: >>2583119

I'm fairly certain the'll release the same but adapted sdk they released with rage for it,

>> No.2582220
File: 982 KB, 320x287, oh bother.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only used to build corridors
>No open areas
>No outdoor areas

>> No.2582229
Quoted by: >>2582242 >>2582257

They already confirmed there is NO proper modding tools.

Only snapmap.

>> No.2582242
Quoted by: >>2582252 >>2582257


And in another interview they confirmed there will be an SDK release.
So what the fuck is going on? Is there some kind of internal strife?

>> No.2582252

>Is there some kind of internal strife?
More likely incompetence and poor information within the company.

I'm pretty sure there'll be an SDK, perhaps they meant snapmap is the only thing that'll ship with the game from the beginning?

>> No.2582257

They said something about advanced mod tools for PC at the quakecon panel.

>> No.2582261
Quoted by: >>2582285

>Terra Nova

Oh shit, I remember that game. Would love a Doom mod on that, or a modern remake of it.

>> No.2582270
Quoted by: >>2582276 >>2582325

Help quell my autism, guys:

Should I put ZDoom and other source ports in my "Games" folder or my "Emulation" folder?

>> No.2582276



ZDoom is not an emulator, it's a source-port

>> No.2582285
Quoted by: >>2582327

>Would love a Doom mod on that, or a modern remake of it.
I'm considering it as my next future side project since my main thing has reached the halfway point at least. Won't be a remake of anything, but some kind of mix between terra nova and system shock gameplay-wise, maybe with light 'rpg elements'.

>> No.2582325


That's easy in my case because I don't have a separate folder for emulators. Game installation directories and emulators sit side by side in my Games folder, but I access them via a folder full of shortcuts.

>> No.2582327
Quoted by: >>2582335

You probably will have to make custom sprites though, since to my knowledge you never had a visible weapon, just a small picture on your hud. Although it might save time since they're all wrist mounted weapons it seems.

>> No.2582335

I would make all the graphics from scratch if iI decide to do it, maybe consider 3d models even.

>> No.2582401
File: 98 KB, 640x480, Imscrn1p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2582412

I created a short survey regarding Doom because I was curious to see the statistics of how /vr/ plays Doom.

If you want to take it, here it is: http://surveynuts.com/surveys/take?id=35393&c=302397809HJLV

>> No.2582412
Quoted by: >>2582414

Why do you wanna know my hardware?

>> No.2582414
Quoted by: >>2582417

I was curious about how GZDoom could be modified to increase framerates for some players.

For example, a recent change to the source code in Git was to cast certain values as doubles instead of floats. That's a good thing for modern CPUs that perform double-precision floating point arithmetic natively, but can slow things down for older CPUs.

Also, current GZDoom requires a much higher GL version due to its increasing use of shaders, with a minute if any change in graphical detail, and also causes problems for users of certain videocards.

>> No.2582417
Quoted by: >>2582425

Are you a GLOOME developer perchance?

>> No.2582425

I've helped marrub a couple times through posts here, but I haven't made any commits. Been thinking about getting more involved; definitely interested in the project. But I have work and IRL stuff to do, too.

>> No.2582450
Quoted by: >>2582892

there was one with power armor that you could eject from and detonate? anyone remember the name of it?

>> No.2582478


But is it actually fun?

>> No.2582531

This is why I disable monster/secret totals from being shown during the level. No longer feel like I have to search for shit for the sake of 100%, and when I do manage to get 100%, it feels pretty good.

>> No.2582562
File: 1.90 MB, 316x213, 1434373021678.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2582568 >>2582795

>play unholy realms on UV first time
>reach map07
>save in the middle of a monster ambush right before the end
>end level
>map09 et al easy as shit
>reach map11
>god damn it, I'm actually having fun
>cacodemon spam
>revenant closet
>topkek, step it up cunt
>red keycard ambush
>6 hell knights, mancubi surrounding
>briefly get them to infight
>"holy shit I can't really recall the last time I died"
>one of them teleports right behind me
>get one-shot blankpoint by a fucking fat cunt
>all the way back to map07's ending

why is it that I either get my shit slapped almost inmediately every time I quicksave every 20 seconds whenever I play a new megawad and get mad at the game, ragequit and have zero fun, and also die everytime I spend too long without saving anyways either because I'm having too much fun and the game forces me to either lose all my guns or take me back to my last goddamn birthday

this fucking game sometimes

>> No.2582568

either enable autosaves or just pistol start the level

>> No.2582576
File: 835 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20150801_150425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I'm doing with outdoor areas.

Lack of Doom 4's PC SDK killed all hype for me. I'll pick it up out of loyalty, but I want SW2 Coop more now.

>> No.2582605
File: 19 KB, 387x250, doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing Doomguy's helmet is a lot harder than it looks. It's quite easy to screw up the detailing/dimensions.

I can see why the design got "streamlined" or whatever for Quake 3.

>> No.2582613

A lot of that shit seems unnecessary from a practical standpoint anyway. Helmets shouldn't have lots of flat angular surfaces and little nooks and shit.

>> No.2582627
Quoted by: >>2582645 >>2582669

having trouble finding weapon retexture packs for ultimate doom. I just want something to spice up whats in the middle of my screen during vanilla runs without altering the gameplay. any ideas?

nothing limit removing or boom only because I'm using chocolate

>> No.2582645
Quoted by: >>2582649

You ever tried Smooth Doom? Adds a lot more frames to the animations and you can swap the weapon textures for Doom 64 ones.

>> No.2582649
File: 20 KB, 581x364, 1431735510763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait I'm retarded and didn't read the rest of your post before replying.

>> No.2582669
Quoted by: >>2582687 >>2582783

I kinda like the Q3 design better to be honest
looking for mods while using a sourceport that's designed for a true to vanilla gameplay is kind of misguided don't you think

>> No.2582678
Quoted by: >>2582702

Speaking of which:

Yahtzee judges Doom by the cover:


>> No.2582687
Quoted by: >>2582693 >>2582794


A sprite/texture pack is also considered a mod, anon. It modifies the graphics.

Dime just called Scythe a mod for Doom in the SGDQ stream too.

>> No.2582692

Is there any wad that turns doom gameplay more close to the build engine one, more specifically Duke Nukem? Adding stuff like items which really improve the gameplay, having to crouch/jump to carry on in a map.

>> No.2582693

>A sprite/texture pack is also considered a mod, anon. It modifies the graphics.
that's my point
he wants a mod while using chocolate doom
that's silly

>> No.2582696


how is it silly?

>> No.2582698

>he wants a mod while using chocolate doom

So? Now you're telling me the only kind of mods that should be referred as so are ZDoom gameplay mods?

>> No.2582702
Quoted by: >>2585549

I was hoping for a more serious analysis :3

>> No.2582721

the baron on the left looks like a shitty fnaf fan drawing

the shotgunner in the middle looks like lex luthor

>> No.2582739
File: 48 KB, 130x173, DUKE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2582750 >>2582768

Some OC I made

>> No.2582740
File: 24 KB, 320x200, Doomguy's inter weeb is showing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2584954

>> No.2582750

>no bubblegum
>no problem!

>> No.2582765
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20150802_021709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /vr/, I recently abandoned a project (you can probably draw some conclusions if you recognize the HUD) and now I'm remaking it into something new. What do you think about my art style here?

>> No.2582768
File: 143 KB, 640x479, D3D_E4L6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Looks like its time for me to go postal!"

>> No.2582772


Looks pretty stylish. I can dig it.

>> No.2582783

>I kinda like the Q3 design better to be honest

Well, its helmet is closer to the sprite.

>> No.2582792

>he wants a mod while using chocolate doom
And contrary to what you believe, mods that work with vanilla/chocolate do exist. Remember Instadoom?

>> No.2582794
Quoted by: >>2583019

>Dime just called Scythe a mod for Doom in the SGDQ stream too.
i imagine he made the simplification knowing doomers were only a subset of the audience.

>> No.2582795

heh i think it was this kind of thing that weaned me off using savegames. forgetting to save is so annoying.

>> No.2582801
Quoted by: >>2582803 >>2582804

I wonder what will be done after FDTWID and UDTWID eventually get finished?

Memento Mori the way TiC did?

>> No.2582803
File: 13 KB, 255x177, I NEED A HELL KNIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2582806

We go on to UDINO and FDINO

>> No.2582804
File: 8 KB, 792x564, 1438498862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2582805

i'm hoping for No Rest For The Living. i love the design of it and would really like more in the same style.

perhaps some of the other commercial pwads, like Perdition's Gate.

>> No.2582805

I'm a Double Nazi! BRILLIANT!

>> No.2582806
Quoted by: >>2582808 >>2582815

Meh. While I do like some levels in D2INO (especially Xaser's wolfenstein), it was just new levels that are based on the level titles. Doesn't really feel like a tribute to the old school days.

>> No.2582808
Quoted by: >>2582809

Also, IIRC, INO's team was a mixture of veteran and newbie mappers, which resulted in an uneven mapset overall.

>> No.2582809

and it was rushed out without proper testing to meet an arbitrary deadline ("666 days in development!!")

>> No.2582813

Modding and mapping doom has pretty much always been the most accessible foray into development in computer gaming. These numbskulls must be intimidated by it being old or something?

FFS this is the reason why I love Doom so much, its pretty much one of the only games ever that actually streamlines in all the right ways, but that's going to just be ruined now.

>> No.2582815
Quoted by: >>2582817 >>2582819

>(especially Xaser's wolfenstein)
reminder nobody else had the privilege of using custom textures and sprites. if he'd had to follow the rules and use only stock resources like everybody else things might have been very different. as it is, he basically got to cheat, and then get fellated by the community for it. i don't see how this is very fair.

>> No.2582817

>he basically got to cheat
Is it really cheating if everyone agreed on it and let him? It's not like he's not a skilled mapper who's unable to do something good without custom shit.

I mean, hell, they're not even "custom". They're still unbelievably limited--if anything, even more limited.

>> No.2582819

Its a bit odd they would even enforce a rule like that. I would've thought because it was "in name only", that custom textures would have been free game.

>> No.2582856
Quoted by: >>2582862

>Doomworld forced into early move by DNS issues, but was successful.

The server move was because their host AtomicGamer was shutting down.

>> No.2582862
Quoted by: >>2582874


and those DNS issues forced said move earlier.

>> No.2582874

The DNS issues were because some people were still loading the old server. They already moved by that point.

>> No.2582879
Quoted by: >>2582884


looks like GTA vice city
very nice

>> No.2582884

This, please don't ever abandon it again. I'm a sucker for those chilly colors.

>> No.2582889

Thanks. I removed them right away. The whole mod is one big learning process for me, so It's nice having people help me out and point out stuff like that.

>> No.2582892

That was Necrodoom. Filename xa-necro.pk3. It's loads of fun on larger maps, but smaller maps will feel incredibely claustrophobic in my opinion.

Still, a great mod

>> No.2582913
Quoted by: >>2582938 >>2585315

Music in Chocolate Doom is too loud, and whenever i turn it down, it resets to being loud when the midi loops, or a new midi plays.

Any way to fix this?

>> No.2582918

That image reminds me of the fact that I've always wished for a game that was basically GTA meets Fallout NV.

>> No.2582938
Quoted by: >>2582951 >>2585315

I think I remember having that too, and it went away when I updated. What version do you have? The current ver is 2.2.0, which iirc fixed that bug. There's also an SDL 2.0 ver in the works on their Development page you can try.

You can also get daily builds here to see if it's fixed: http://latest.chocolate-doom.org/

>> No.2582951
Quoted by: >>2582964 >>2585315

No matter what version I have it still happens.

I have to use OPL emultation in order to not have this problem. But OPL sounds like farts.

>> No.2582964
Quoted by: >>2582981 >>2585315

Native MIDI and GUS emulation both do it? You're not usnig an external softsynth? Note that "GUS emulation" is more or less just Timidity. It'll sound the same as the usual windows synth if the gus patch field is left blank. I'd read that it has to do with an old sdl_mixer bug.

I should ask if you're on something other than Win7 though. Seems to work here with W7 x64.

>> No.2582981
Quoted by: >>2582985 >>2585315

I use win7 64-bit. And yes, it does this with both native midi and gus emulation.

What do you mean by external softsynth?

>> No.2582985
Quoted by: >>2585315

Some people use virtual midi device programs like VirtualMIDIsynth or BASSMIDI System Driver for richer midi playback, couldn't rule it out.

As for your problem, I don't know. I'm sure you'd get better help if you posted your issue on chocolate-doom's Github tracker.

>> No.2582995
File: 967 KB, 245x245, [Turbo Autism 2x].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No games make me feel like a macho badass like doom, duke or wolfenstein anymore.

Seriously i'm so tired of being a random grunt fag who is really out of shape and can only sprint 5 fucking feet.

Duke nukem forever was one of my last hopes, maybe doom 4 will live up but i reserve my judgement.

I also find it funny how everyone was using DNF as an example
>Lol macho badasses don't belong in modern day media EDGY TORTURED HEROES ARE WHERE IT'S AT
i'm not even kidding people legitimately said it just google a bit and i'm sure you'll find some results.

All in all I miss the old days, fuck this new shit.
I want to be the hero, not the zero.

>> No.2582997
File: 227 KB, 1024x576, Episode 2 ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame the focus on plot modern videos games have adopted for that. You feel like a bad ass in Doom because everything is short and to the point. Perfect example is the ending to episode 2. That's gotta be the most macho response to discover you've been floating over hell I've ever seen.

>> No.2583003

blame the casual modern military kiddies

>> No.2583006
File: 327 KB, 1024x768, jam3dlc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2583447 >>2583513

Reminder that RetroJam3DLC got released and that since Quaddicted is kill (for now) you have to manually install it.


>> No.2583018

>Modern day FPS protagonist's reaction to On the shores of hell's ending

>> No.2583019

Well, a wad is a mod.

>> No.2583034 [DELETED] 

what´s the most controversiom wad you´ve played?

mine is columbine

>> No.2583063
Quoted by: >>2583104

What about Shadow Warrior reboot? It's also getting a sequel next year so at least the reboot was successful in the market.

>> No.2583090 [DELETED] 

Hmm, it seems Crispy Doom 3.0 with capped framerate runs slower than 2.3 which only has capped framerate.

>> No.2583101

E3M3 is a bit tricky and I barely had any ammo for most of the level tbh, was fun.

>> No.2583104

What's Wrack like?

>> No.2583109
Quoted by: >>2583131

Sorry, haven't played it.
I could try pirate-testing it, if you want me to

>> No.2583118


>> No.2583119
Quoted by: >>2583141

How is the rage sdk? I haven't heard of any rage mods but then again I never go looking.

>> No.2583126

At best, I think it'll be decent, but nothing great.

>> No.2583130

Wrack was short, boring, and lacked style.

>> No.2583131
Quoted by: >>2583218

Sure m8

>> No.2583141
Quoted by: >>2583145 >>2583453

Dead in the bucket.
There have been comments about the SnapMap having more gameplay customizability than what was shown at E3. At a recent interview the devs were asked if Doom 4 could be made in SnapMap. They revealed that gameplay-location-wise it could be and that devs internally use the tool to block out the levels before adding detail.
Add to that additional developer toolset and the game might actually have the right combination to support initial creation of the mod community and longterm dedicated modders.
The devs also said the maps made through the SnapMap will be exchangeable through all platforms and that BethesdaNet will act as a hosting hub.

Key question is if Zenimax/Bethesda wants to monetize this.

>> No.2583145
Quoted by: >>2583184

Of course they do, they tried to monetize skyrim mods remember? Paying for lego block levels would be a terrible idea though so this hopefully means you can create entirely new assets.

>> No.2583153
Quoted by: >>2583218

Level design is decent, but everything else isn't that great.

Bobby Prince's OST for it seems like it could sound great, but the choice of synthesised instruments used by the game does not work.

>> No.2583184

Remember that Valve initiated and approved the damn thing. They wanted to roll that shit out to lots of other games.

>> No.2583195
Quoted by: >>2583210 >>2583228

What the fuck is with that background? It's difficult to read the text with that fucking background like an imported Arabic rug.

>> No.2583210
File: 28 KB, 279x304, K4c69Yp[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2583219

Are you some kind of a casual?

>> No.2583218
File: 590 KB, 1152x710, browse_0083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even half an hour in and it's already become a meme game.

About Bobby's work. I listened previously to the soundtrack on Youtube and didn't think it was good. But playing the game now in the cartoony style that it is the soundtrack works quite well. I'm pleasantly surprised.

>> No.2583219
Quoted by: >>2583228

No, I personally find it difficult to read text on certain kinds of backgrounds, that's all.

>> No.2583223
File: 2.90 MB, 540x304, 1437928053496.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diversity is one of our strengths.

>> No.2583228
Quoted by: >>2583237


I do have to admit that I dislike that most modern ports neglect to scale the background in the story intermission screens.

>> No.2583232
File: 879 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot_Doom_20150802_145214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just played return of the triad

shit is fun as fuck
short, sure, but really neat if you like the rise of the triad

>> No.2583237
File: 604 KB, 1440x1080, 2015-08-03_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2583245

pic related from Eternity

>> No.2583245 [DELETED] 

Where can i download blade of agony mod? Every download link gives me a 404 page, fuck this is frustrating.

>> No.2583321
Quoted by: >>2583323 >>2583327


>> No.2583323
Quoted by: >>2583325


you momma's dead. i prefer this calm over quakecon/be3 season any day

>> No.2583325

My mum is quite alive m8

>> No.2583327

have you beaten all of plutonia from pistol starts on UV yet? get practising

>> No.2583328
Quoted by: >>2583332 >>2583345

or even just all of Doom, and Doom2

>> No.2583332
Quoted by: >>2583365

Meh, I just want to run and gun. The only genre I take seriously are shmups for score attacks.

>> No.2583345
Quoted by: >>2583365 >>2583504

What has that got to do with the thread being ded?

>> No.2583365

just a suggestion to improve, you don't have to get the best time ever
just a suggestion for something to do

>> No.2583380

I still think if the soundtrack used a better instrument set with more oomph to it, it would sound a lot better.

>> No.2583447

hope customgamer does his thing
as in the make chill videos about it thing
not the miss every obvious secret thing

>> No.2583453
Quoted by: >>2583470

>The devs also said the maps made through the SnapMap will be exchangeable through all platforms and that BethesdaNet will act as a hosting hub.
The problem is that this means level creation is gimped on PC since the levels need to be able to run on consoles too
Hence the Graphics meter that limits how much shit you can put on the level

>> No.2583470
Quoted by: >>2583483

I guess it's only a reminder of how many items can be placed before the map will be unavailable for console players. I suppose it could be a hard set limit on consoles but not really a limited on PC.

>> No.2583483
Quoted by: >>2583502

They've said you won't be able to recreate open levels like the first level shown on the E3 demo on snapmap

>> No.2583498
Quoted by: >>2583509

>and it's already become a meme game.

What? How is this a meme?

>> No.2583502
File: 375 KB, 843x460, browse_0066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By open they mean the visual openness, i.e. exterior scenes or in the demo that was shown the lava stream below the level you're at. Basically all that you see in front in the picture is for obvious reasons impossible to make in SnapMap. Primarily because SnapMap is gameplay oriented and those visuals, those surfaces are not part of the gameplay but of eye candy.

There might be a block type with the cieling open to reveal the sky but nothing more to somehow elevate the experience.
I don't think this is an issue with classic doom modding.

>> No.2583504

>What has that got to do with the thread being ded?
>thread being dead
>last post was only an hour ago

Where the fuck are you from that this is considered dead?

>> No.2583509
Quoted by: >>2583539

>Diversity is our strength

It's such a common statement in support of multicultarism that it has become a meme. I don't even know if the devs are serious.

Btw dropped Wrack after several tries at the first big Robot encounter in a closed room. Got frustrated over his hardly obvious attack patterns or when the damage is done or not.
Otherwise the enemies are sluggish and predictable. It's not satisfying fighting them.

>> No.2583513

Daz's recent mapping streams and his playthrough of RetroJam3DLC really make me want to start Quake mapping.

Hope Jackhammer isn't too hard to pick up.

>> No.2583518
Quoted by: >>2583519

Can you jump in the original Hexen?
I got a little stuck cause I cant seem to go up the these stairs that seems like I'd just walk up, but apparently the ledge is just a little too high.

I even found a Let's Player jumping up it but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to jump in Doom engine.


>> No.2583519
Quoted by: >>2583523 >>2583524

You can jump in Hexen and Strife.

>> No.2583523

Oops, forgot to wipe name field.

>> No.2583524

Well son of a bitch. I'm surprised I even made it there without jumping then.

>> No.2583539
Quoted by: >>2583550

>It's such a common statement in support of multicultarism that it has become a meme.

I don't think that's what a meme is.

>> No.2583550
Quoted by: >>2583569 >>2583585

>A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem)[1] is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture

It is a meme.

>> No.2583561
Quoted by: >>2583690

can we stop having this conversation

>> No.2583569
Quoted by: >>2583575 >>2583576


In that case, would the SYWTPSFD image be a meme?

>> No.2583575
Quoted by: >>2583587


it's an infopic, and it literally has nothing to do with anything

>> No.2583576

I'd argue not. By possibly containing memes it doesn't become a meme itself.

>> No.2583585


Wouldn't that make Doom and Wolfenstein the original meme games because they started the trend of hunting for keys and shooting dudes in a first person perspective?

and Doom started Deathmatch, which is an idea that's been passed on from generation to generation for YEARS.

>> No.2583587

>and it literally has nothing to do with anything
No, if we're going by that definition of meme, it's an idea that spreads from person to person. It has plenty to do with it.

>> No.2583598
Quoted by: >>2583616

just accept that you got angry because they used 'meme' to make reference to a 'social justice' reference that was thrown in without making any sense.

>> No.2583608
Quoted by: >>2583616

memes tbh lads

>> No.2583616
Quoted by: >>2583630


And why are you getting angry? Discussing the nature of a meme and what counts as a meme is perfectly fine discussion, the only person being a cunt here are the ones trying to shove it off.

>> No.2583628
File: 1.33 MB, 1366x768, asddffgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2584075 >>2584080

How do I make darkplaces quit defaulting to the multiplayer versions of each map?

>> No.2583630
Quoted by: >>2583635

>Discussing the nature of a meme and what counts as a meme is perfectly fine discussion

But it's an off-topic discussion and you're prolonging it on purpose

>> No.2583635
Quoted by: >>2583648 >>2584998


You are not a moderator. You do not determine what is off-topic.

>> No.2583640
File: 894 KB, 1920x1080, gzdoom 2015-08-02 21-13-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This amused me.

Anyway still playing Blade of Agony, still loving it. The second mission was a bitch though, I had to cheat myself to some ammo at one point, the minefield was much more frustrating than fun, and I never managed to find the shotgun that I had full shells for. Also I get a bit booty-bothered that enemies firing mp40's at me only drop them occasionally. The mission(s) after that have been much smoother though.

>> No.2583648
Quoted by: >>2583658 >>2583675

haha no. topic is determined by the board rules, the thread starter, and consensus amongst thread participants.

>> No.2583658

>the thread starter, and consensus amongst thread participants.

Has absolutely no rule over the current line of discussion.
Besides, we're all anonymous, with no way to track who is who. You have no way to verify what the "consensus" is, aside from spontaneous "me" "me" "me" posts which can be easily samefagged.

>> No.2583664
Quoted by: >>2583674

I quit mapping my super experimental map a long time ago for several reasons.

I kind of feel like continuing it, but I there is so much other stuff I want to do and finish like learning how to program and make decent music.

>> No.2583674
Quoted by: >>2583692

Do it in your spare time. Mapping for doom is a pleasure, not work or an obligation.

>> No.2583675
File: 140 KB, 719x421, bI4JGQR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the thread starter,
haha no.

>> No.2583690
Quoted by: >>2583713

>capable of following orders

You're hilarious.

>> No.2583692
Quoted by: >>2583696


Yeah, I think I need to start scheduling myself though since I am balancing so many hobbies in my freetime that take actual effort to become better at.

>> No.2583696
Quoted by: >>2583704 >>2583716

> think I need to start scheduling myself
That's a really good idea for anyone who has the discipline for it. Or actually, even more so for those who don't.

What kind of map are you making anon?

>> No.2583704
Quoted by: >>2583723 >>2583729


A massive black void that takes 3/4 of a massive sector with islands of architecture that you must either teleport to or use bridges to get to or run off the edges of things to get to.

It uses lots of slope based level design and abstract stuff, It's kind of inspired by Super Monkey Ball, just levels dangling in space.

However when you finish up in the black void, a immense sector which takes up 1/4 of the overall map opens up and reveals a insanely large room with a massive cube you can walk inside and fight monsters in, it actually has light and a roof that opens up to the sky.

It's basically going from 1 end of an extreme to another I guess.

I am trying to make monster encounters well placed and meaningful, and architecture relatively basic in order to keep things optimized in such a large map.

>> No.2583713
Quoted by: >>2584998


And now what does /pol/ and /v/ have t--

Oh wait, it's you.

>> No.2583716
Quoted by: >>2583723 >>2583729

A Doom map, obviously.

>> No.2583723
Quoted by: >>2583735 >>2583867

If you're using a lot of 3dfloors in open areas, consider using flying monsters so their pathfinding doesn't get fucked as bad.

Anyway it sounds neat, a bit like Xen from half life?

you must be great at parties

>> No.2583729
Quoted by: >>2583867

that described in >>2583704 does not sound much like a doom map to me... except The Sky May Be crossed with Nullspace, perhaps.

>> No.2583735 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2583742

>you must be great at parties
Not him but thanks you just reminded me I have not been to a party since my student days back in '02, '03.

>> No.2583742


You should go to /tg/, you'll join bunches of parties.

>> No.2583761
File: 2.78 MB, 320x240, pl03u.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


4th attempt.

>> No.2583790
File: 269 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_BTSX2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2583875

>> No.2583867
Quoted by: >>2583882


Kind of like Xen but in a black void.


The "islands" you play within play like their own little contained doom maps with their own little gimmicks.

The cool part about it is you can see what other areas look like from far away.

Like I said, it's experimental. I also have a old-school style Boom compatible Doom 2 map cooking that is just for pure John Romero mapping style inspired gameplay.

>> No.2583875
Quoted by: >>2583890

That EoE skybox looks neat, wad?

>> No.2583882
Quoted by: >>2584072

>The "islands" you play within play like their own little contained doom maps with their own little gimmicks.
Sounds pretty damn fun.

Post some screenies!

>> No.2583890
Quoted by: >>2583892


Check the filename.

>> No.2583892

Oh didn't notice, thanks anyway

>> No.2583919
File: 553 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20150803_004931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2583931

I know it landed up in a Cocoaward, but I feel Hadephobia was under underrated anyway.

>> No.2583931
Quoted by: >>2583947

Is it a megawad? What's it like, thematically and gameplay-wise?

>> No.2583947

I was mistaken, it was a runner up.

Still I think it's a solid Boom megawad.


>> No.2584072
File: 539 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20150802_174847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's nowhere near close to being done. Like 2% done. And I am a very slow worker.

I haven't textured anything yet or put any detail in the geometry because I am still outlining the basic map structure.

My other more vanilla style doom map has had more progress on it.

>> No.2584075


You know, that's a good question.
I had that exact issue when playing Darkplaces, and I had to jump through so many fucking hoops to fix it. And since there's like zero information on this anywhere, it was pretty much all trial and error.

>> No.2584080

Delete all of your .cfg files and try again. You likely have some multiplayer config executing.

Failing that, go get Quakespasm.

>> No.2584120

>one of the people who worked on the 3DO port of Doom discusses it's development cycle

>> No.2584123
Quoted by: >>2584198


THE Burger?

>> No.2584162

Damn, I never knew about the plan for new weapons and monsters. I found a source confirming it.


>> No.2584195
File: 229 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2015-08-02 18.50.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2584950

How the fuck do I fix this?

>> No.2584198
Quoted by: >>2584225

Yeah, Burger Bill had a sex change.
Whatever makes them happy I suppose.

>> No.2584225

Well, given her age, she's more convincing than a lot of other mtf transgenders

>> No.2584227

this is pretty crazy stuff, i cant open any of those files, is there any new art in them?

>> No.2584252
Quoted by: >>2584261

>the magazine shots were literally just photoshopped over actual Doom screenshots

Holy hell that must have been a lot to take in. Can't imagine being forced to essentially make an entire port in a few months from scratch.

>> No.2584261
Quoted by: >>2584276 >>2584290

Well, according to the video, Rebecca ported over the Jaguar version to save time. But because that particular port had a special sound driver, she had to go back later with her co-workers and make brand new music

>> No.2584262
Quoted by: >>2584336

>here's the pictures!
>okay, where's the game?
>here! see these pictures?

oh my fucking fuck, yikes
This pretty much explains everything.
I never knew just why the 3DO version was so screwed, yikes.

>> No.2584268

Is there some kind of mod to remove the randomized damage? Its really starting to get on my nerves.

>> No.2584276

She say it was the CEO and his band that made the music.

>> No.2584285
Quoted by: >>2584297 >>2584306

You really hardly notice the damage spread.

Go play Heretic if you want true pain related to that.

>> No.2584290

Yeah, just getting into that part.

I'm just boggled that the company was funded by this dude's church, and he thought you could just copy pictures to make the game. That shit would be legit horrifying if I was her.

>> No.2584297


Oh I have, and I hated it. Its a real pain in the ass in berserk mode too, but I'm noticing it enough during normal gameplay for it to get in the way.

>> No.2584306

>Heretic E4M1 in smite meister
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.

>> No.2584336
Quoted by: >>2584357

Keep going, it gets better
the CEO called up demanding to know where the new weapons are and was recording their conversation so that if Rebecca spoke out of turn or something, he could sue her and her company for not fulfilling their end of the contract

>> No.2584347

Who the fuck thought chaingunner traps made good gameplay, and why hasn't he been killed yet?

>> No.2584352
Quoted by: >>2584397

Chaingunner closets and revenant+archvile spam are the cheapest and most annoying kind of traps. Seriously, fuck Chillax in the ear.

>> No.2584357

Not him, but holy fuck. I can't believe the fucker was that incompetent.

>> No.2584384


That'd make for an interesting mutator

>> No.2584386
Quoted by: >>2584427 >>2584505


Eh, randomized weapon damage isn't really an issue, but holy shit, randomized enemy damage? Such stupid fucking design.

You know, looking back, Doom had some really shit design decisions that they really didn't learn from in Doom 2.

>> No.2584397

Chaingunner traps hurt a lot and basically guarantee that the player gets hurt.
Mappers use it as a HP tax.

Archviles and Revenants are the only enemies dangerous at all times on any skill level.

>> No.2584406


>Mappers use it as a HP tax.

But that doesn't work. Enemy damage is randomized to a stupid degree, so you cannot know how much damage they're going to do, so you can't effectively design around them.
What mappers actually do is throw in a chaingunner trap when they feel like making their maps more difficult without making them challenging.

>> No.2584415
Quoted by: >>2584474

When I said HP Tax I didn't mean that they were looking to take a specific amount of HP.

Only that they are going to be taxing your HP.

Most enemies will not even really hit a seasoned Doom player outside of Revenants and Archviles.
Hitscanners don't generally hurt a lot when you have armor but Chaingunners get lots of changes to take some HP away.

>> No.2584419
Quoted by: >>2584434

i think youre really making a big deal about this, theres usually a reaction delay for chaingunners and shottys, at best youll get 20 hp off you if youre confused about something. You just have to accept straight up traps sometimes, youll know the next time.

>> No.2584425


Okay, so what the fuck is going on?
Is Snapmap actually something more than just mapping? They're talking as if it's a full set of tools, when at first they just said Snapmap would just be for mapping, and previously they said there'd be a development kit, and then they said there'd be no more mod tools, and now they're saying everything's handled with Snapmap?

What the FUCK is going on?

>> No.2584427
Quoted by: >>2584434

>randomized enemy damage? Such stupid fucking design.

Dungeons and Dragons, boys.

id software played that thing religiously and it ended up inspiring Doom to a good extent.

>> No.2584434
Quoted by: >>2584473 >>2584505


>You just have to accept straight up traps sometimes

No I don't, and I don't know why you think I do.

Also you'll get a fuckload more than 20hp off, depending on if you get lucky or not. Which ties back into that being a shit mechanic.


Yeah, I know, and it shows a really clear lack of understanding about both DnD and Doom. Which is weird, given who made the game.

>> No.2584435


Wait until release, find out then. All tools related to modding seem to go through development hell.

>> No.2584438
Quoted by: >>2584463

Straight up.

If you can't deal with how Doom was designed, and of all things, you complain about randomized enemy damage, then maybe you should consider that Doom is not the game for you.

There's plenty of other videogames to try, and not just first person shooters. Thanks for giving it a try in the first place, though.

>> No.2584445
File: 337 KB, 331x270, 1378188539828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm pretty fucking baffled.

>> No.2584447

Did anybody here upgrade to Win10? If so, do ZDoom, GZDoom and Zandronum all work on it (including DoomSeeker)?

>> No.2584450
File: 19 KB, 479x357, What madness is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2584456

Snapmap is your mod tools, fucking deal with it.

It's not hard to understand.

>> No.2584459
Quoted by: >>2584467

>without making them challenging.

You can't declare something as not challenging just because you don't like it.

>> No.2584461


>misinformation fucking everywhere, one side said X thing when the other one said Y, etc.

you know, this is the kind of stuff they were so worried and scared about, that led them to do that quakecon reveal at closed doors in the first place.

they should sit the fuck down, tweak whatever/whoever the fuck is loose inside the current team, and keep the focus on one single fucking thing, otherwise this is going to be a huge disaster and everyone will lose the spirit and whatever hopes they have on the industry.

>> No.2584463
Quoted by: >>2584475 >>2584505


But I'm enjoying Doom quite a bit, and it seems like an easy and obvious thing to fix, so I assumed someone would have done it.

>> No.2584467
Quoted by: >>2584478 >>2584505


Its kind of hard to argue that effectively spawning an enemy behind someone and giving them a free hit is an effective test of skill.

>> No.2584473

>Also you'll get a fuckload more than 20hp off, depending on if you get lucky or not.

More like, depending if you're standing still or moving a lot, and how far/close you are to the chaingunnerr. Cover also helps.

>> No.2584474
Quoted by: >>2584505 >>2584520

>is snapmap more than just mapping
They actually did have a game logic editor shown for like 5 seconds at E3, so it is more than mapping.

revenant missiles are probably the dumbest thing
>random 10-80%, random homing
who fucking thought THAT was a good idea

>> No.2584475
Quoted by: >>2584485


If you tweak the enemy damage to a single, static number, then I can assure you Doom's balance is going to go down the toilet.

If nobody made a 'fix' for over the past 20 years, then maybe such thing wasn't 'broken' by any means in the first place.

>> No.2584478

You don't seem to understand what skill is even being tested there...

>> No.2584485


No one said it was broken, just bad design, and I suspect that statement is hard to argue with. However, as you say, its part of balance, so maps would have to pick one or the other, and logically they'd pick the default. Still, I suspect if you just set damage values to the average, since they're normalized anyway, balance would work out more or less fine.

>> No.2584505


You seem to be visibly upset over how a WAD is managing monster traps (by the looks of things is either Plutonia or a custom WAD), and you're also blaming one of Doom's gameplay mechanics that rarely ever gets questioned for it.

First of all, what you need to do right now is to stop playing Doom for a while and calm down. I gotta say that I'm a bit curious over how you're complaining about such thing when Doom (or Doom 2 for that matter) never actually had such a strong amount of chaingunner traps in the first place, so I'm going to assume you're quickly jumping to the hard stuff right off the bat.

Therefore I must ask, why? You had the entire first episode of Doom (which arguably isn't that hard on Ultraviolence in the first place) to get accustomed to Doom's mechanics; you stand still, you die: that's one of Doom's most well-known laws. Nobody in the community actually puts chaingunners just to damage the player without actually leaving a bit of room for them to maneuver and take cover.

By the way, what difficulty are you currently playing on? Are you indeed playing Plutonia or another WAD?

>> No.2584509
Quoted by: >>2584551

what are some good hi-res huds?

Hud files that won't mess with any other texture or sprite mods

>> No.2584514


I'm not all of those people, but I for one am neither particularly upset, nor playing anything other than vanilla Doom 1. I just noticed an easily fixable design fault, and asked if anyone had fixed it.

>> No.2584517
Quoted by: >>2585703


I just played through one of the first levels of Doom 2 where they shove you in a darkened hallway with a bunch of chaingunners. If I recall, the number of chaingunners drop off quite a bit after that, so its not the end of the world or anything, just generally poor design.

From what I've played, Plutonia is straight up shit though.

>> No.2584520

>>2584474 here, I'm not that guy from those other posts

but 10-80% is a really stupid spread
don't give a shit about randomized damage in general, monster traps are okay unless you don't have room to maneuver

>> No.2584551
Quoted by: >>2584569


alright fuck. ANY good huds. I can't find shit that doesn't look like the inside of a misshapen helmet or a call of a duty screen

>> No.2584569

i like nc hud

>> No.2584582

Do people who hate chaingunners not move very often ingame or something? I hardly ever have a problem with them, outside of a few hordes in slaughtermaps, but even then, those maps still usually have enough cover.

>> No.2584624
Quoted by: >>2584645

It's generally how they're used outside of the stock maps at times. Some maps use them as hitscan turrets that will not stop until you take cover (and can also be unreachable in vanilla gameplay unless you get closer), and other have a tendancy to dump a chaingunner or two at point blank.

Although much worse are archvile and Spider Mastermind "turrets", those are just bullshit. Like the last level of Sunlust has unreachable Archviles that are very far away, but will attack if you get too close to the edges.

>> No.2584625 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2584638 >>2584645

I can't be the only one who absolutely despises shotgunguys.

They were fucking insufferable in Doom 3 as well.

>> No.2584638

you spoilered the wrong part

>> No.2584645
Quoted by: >>2584659

>and can also be unreachable in vanilla gameplay unless you get closer

I've hardly played any maps that didn't have some form of cover to use. Some maps just have it less obvious than others.

Shotgunners can be a nuisance in big numbers. But I'm still not that irritated by them.

>> No.2584659
Quoted by: >>2584663 >>2584668

I can accept cover, but my main beef with chaingunners is how tough they are health wise. They normally take two shotgun blasts to kill unless you get lucky with a meat shot, which can cause problems if you have multiple ones on you. Their saving grace though is that they're pretty good at instigating infighting and can severly injure monsters even if they come out on top.

>> No.2584663
Quoted by: >>2584670

I can agree that a single shotgun shot not always killing it is annoying. But most levels with them tend to have bigger weapons.

>> No.2584664 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 192x192, 1418590637198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only one who fucking despises shotgun guys

they were even worse in Doom 3
>what is reloading

>> No.2584668

jjust use the chaingun on them, it stutters them pretty well where if youre fast enough you can juggle bullets between the two

>> No.2584670
Quoted by: >>2584764

At least they arent like the Lost Souls. Those things are retardedly durable for an enemy that can be spawned over and over again.

>> No.2584671

the only Doom monsters I truly hate are Revenants and Pain Elementals, but its a love hate kinda thing, but i fucking hate them so much

>> No.2584672

At least Pain Elementals you can block by getting point blank in their faces.

Gotta admit, that PRO DOOM MONSTER STRATS video had some legit useful tips. Still am trying to get the hang of baiting Revenants.

>> No.2584676
Quoted by: >>2586137

it does actually, ive taken quite a few tips from it, the pain elementals tip is good but only if youre alone and close, theyre usually wandering the skies with a buddy while youre fending off a separate horde

>> No.2584764

One of the main changes I've always cherished in both Doom 64 and the PSX version of Doom was both having weaker lost souls. You can literally take them out in a single shotgun blast, which is doubly good especially in D64 where they are thrice as aggressive.

Though one of my biggest beefs with it was also the fact that you could no longer block PEs from spamming because they made it so that they deal splash damage everytime a soul gets aborted.

Every Doom monster can become a fucking cunt to fight on certain occassions and on certain wads, actually. Scythe 2 teached me to hate mancubi and revenants almost as much as I hate fucking feminists.

>> No.2584830
File: 152 KB, 437x708, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2584869

>but its a love hate kinda thing, but i fucking hate them so much

they hate you too

faggot <3

>> No.2584851
Quoted by: >>2585005


played some doom earlier. how the fuck do i do this when there's 2 barons and a bunch of imps in front of him?

>> No.2584869

alright I admit it, this whole post is adorable

>> No.2584885

Anyone got the WebM of that custom doom level with the portal doors/ doors from prey.

>> No.2584914
Quoted by: >>2585008

Has anyone ever made a mod that makes the Monsters behave more closely to their Doom 64 counterparts?

>> No.2584950

This is doom life, right?

>> No.2584954

Will the cyber demon be unbroken? by en by by en by.. there's a better home a way in the doom portal in the doom portal.

>> No.2584968

I only just noticed this, but the M_DOOM in BTSX E2 is slightly shorter than E1's.

I'm guessing it might be because E1's glitches with the satusbar in Chocolate Doom (most likely vanilla, too).

>> No.2584984
Quoted by: >>2584998

random damage is balanced by savegames anywhere. took a hit you didn't like? just quickload!

no but seriously. random damage teaches pessimism. you must assume any incoming shot may take the maximum possible damage, and act accordingly. so instead you learn to dodge, and you find you are fast enough to dodge pretty much anything. you are not a slow-moving tank.

>> No.2584992

Honestly, only thing I dislike about random damage, is that its ridiculous with the berserk fist. it can go as high as 200 damage, and can be as low as a mere 20 damage.

>> No.2584998 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2585292


he wouldn't have latched on that post about wrack if it wasn't for him telling the truth about some games hopping on to the 'diversity' train for a quick buck. it gave him away.

>You are not a moderator.

the irony hurts so much.


i seriously couldn't understand those arguments against tough monster placement. you're playing a hard wad, you should expect tough opposition at minimum.

don't like it? accept that you may not be prepared for the challenge and drop the difficulty a little. any decent wad made post-2009 should have been tested and tweaked on all difficulties.

you don't like the wad at all? stop playing it and play something else instead. we have more than ten thousand custom wads at our reach, more than we may ever play in our lives, there must be something made over the past 20 years that fits your liking.

vanilla saves also stops whatever monster was attacking you.

>> No.2585005

>in front of him?

Swing your fist, make the PE shoot Lost souls at them to make them in-fight

>> No.2585008


Have you checked Super Doom 64? I apologize for the shitty answer but you might have to open the mod and extract the DECORATE code from the monsters.

>> No.2585063
Quoted by: >>2585070

>been mapping for awhile
>start working on stuff for another long while
>go to test the map
>several textures are now HoMs with no apparent reason

There's nothing wrong with them, according to the linedef info, but I have no idea wtf is causing all these textures (which appear perfectly normal in doombuilder) to give HoM effect. There's not a fuckton of textures or sectors being displayed or anything liket that; it's just all sorts of fucked up.

If anyone knows about this, or why it might be happening, any tips would be nice.

>> No.2585070
Quoted by: >>2585073


A screenshot might help, bro.

>> No.2585073
File: 115 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20150803_035922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2585079 >>2585086

I dunno if you can gleen any info from this, but here ya go. Certain textures come through, but it seems like the HoMs are on the BIGBRIK2 and on some linedefs that don't have any textures.

>> No.2585079
Quoted by: >>2585083 >>2585086


It looks like your sectors aren't actually properly closed.

>> No.2585083

What? All of these textures were fine until I went about making other things, but when I came back to check stuff out they were all broken.

I don't know what you mean about sectors not closed properly though.

>> No.2585086
File: 416 KB, 1600x900, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2585112

For example, this is what it's SUPPOSED to look like.

>> No.2585112
Quoted by: >>2585124

Yeah prolly it's broken sectors. Try selecting the Make Sectors tool and click every sector in the area, then launch.

>> No.2585124
Quoted by: >>2585126

No, I sorta figured it out. It has to do with the nodebuilder and (possibly) having to do with me switching from z(doom in hexen) to udmf in the middle of making the map; which I think might've changed the nodebuilder, I dunno.

I'm going to try making the whole map into a prefab and then putting it into a fresh wad so it'll all be built the same way. Thanks for the help though.

>> No.2585126
Quoted by: >>2585129

>and (possibly) having to do with me switching from z(doom in hexen) to udmf in the middle of making the map


I know it was probably for a legitimate reason but I want to yell at you for it anyway

>> No.2585129
Quoted by: >>2585170 >>2585531

I was trying to take baby steps, but then someone called me a fag and said I should just jump in and learn; so I did.

I'm really hoping this prefab copy-paste will work.

>> No.2585151
File: 530 KB, 1600x1403, 1432238379190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hype is totally gone now.

>> No.2585170 [DELETED] 

that looked really cool, too. then you decided to tie it to zdoom for no reason... i am saddened

>> No.2585176
Quoted by: >>2585180

Doom in Hexen format isn't even as widely supported as UDMF, the hell are you talking about?

>> No.2585180

wait. never mind. i didn't see the zdoom in hexen part. sorry.

>> No.2585193
Quoted by: >>2585232

Does anyone know how can i to load this Blade of Agony wad? I've been trying everything since yesterday but it only gives me errors.

>> No.2585227 [SPOILER] 
File: 256 KB, 1000x1000, 1438604501522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The SnapMap tools are much the same. Give it to anybody and they can do simple stuff, but the complex stuff – all those things that used to be super-complicated – the idea is that there's enough complexity and depth there that you can do all this scripting stuff, and make new gameplay modes. It’s got this really steep high end, but you don’t have to jump right to it like you do with the [previous] Doom tools.

>Still, SnapMap won't be as flexible as previous Doom modding tools or even Minecraft, with the editor seemingly incapable of recreating outdoor environments.

So apparently, SnapMap will be the all-in-one modding/mapping tool but it will be ultra-simplified so console kids can create maps with a pad.

>> No.2585232
Quoted by: >>2585274

Do you have the latest development build of gzdoom? Should be able to just drag and drop BoA with it, choosing doom 2 as your iwad.

>> No.2585274
Quoted by: >>2585281 >>2585283

Yeah it says could not load realloc. Before it was something about DirectX is missing but i've updated my drivers and still can't get to play it.

>> No.2585276

In Black Ops 1
>One of the few CoD game I ever bothered to really play.
I enjoyed the perk in multiplayer that let you run for an infinite number of time.

Figures in the 2nd black ops they changed it to only be a 5 second extension before you stopped in your tracks panting heavily.

Advanced warfare luckily changed it back.

Still though I'm so tired of limited sprint. I love any game that encourages running and gunning, advanced warfare with the right perks lets you run infinitely and shoot whilerunning. Thats all I need.

>> No.2585281
Quoted by: >>2585284

Can you play other wads with the same version of gzdoom?

>> No.2585283
File: 67 KB, 670x593, Blade of Agony Folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2585285

I forget how the file originally came when you downloaded it.

I assume I extracted the folder from the pk3 and just used that. For some reason just dragging the folder over to gzdoom works absolutely fine. So if all else fails and i'm not delusional try that instead.

>> No.2585284
Quoted by: >>2585295

Well no, Even i've updated my drivers it still gives an DirectX 3.0 error.

>> No.2585285

I've been actually trying that. Also putting pk3 file into ZDL doesn't work too. It is a total mess.

>> No.2585292 [DELETED] 


fucking epic, of course it's okay when you do it

>> No.2585295
Quoted by: >>2585305

Okay do you have an ancient graphics card? Try downloading a pre-2.0 build with the old renderer.

>> No.2585305
Quoted by: >>2585314

Aaand... a script error. That's it i'm giving up. Fuck this computer.

>> No.2585314
Quoted by: >>2585319

What do you mean script error? Like scripts in-game? Might be BoA requires a recent build and those all use the new renderer which makes them incompatible with your pc, but there could be a driver issues of some sort. You could ask over at the zdoom or drd team forums.

>> No.2585315
Quoted by: >>2585423

Well, I've now setup BASSMIDI, set its volume about 3000, and then turned down offending ports to about 50% on volume mixer. Fixes problem. As a side effect, I now have to have the music in non-offending ports in the louder side of the bars, but oh well.

>> No.2585319
Quoted by: >>2585370

Nah i mostly get it. This wad needs an 2+ version renderer and 2+ version renderers needs directx 3.0 which i don't have any.

Well, guess it's time to buy a new computer. Thanks for trying to help anyway.

>> No.2585367
Quoted by: >>2585397 >>2585427

Are the two Memento Mori megawads good?
I was looking for WADs designed for coop and I want to know why exactly they're categorized as that.

>> No.2585370

To be more precise, what you need is a GPU that supports OpenGL 3 or higher. I wouldn't recommend settling for less than 4, though. While the new renderer will technically run on GL 3 cards, it runs like utter shit and gets framedrops in stock maps, never mind crazy high-detail Tormentor wads. Nvidia is also a better choice than AMD for GZDoom, because Graf doesn't have AMD hardware to test on and so can't optimize the renderer for it. That only compounds on AMD's inferior OpenGL support and generally leads to bad times all around.

>> No.2585379
Quoted by: >>2585453 >>2585543

Does anyone have a link to the latest version of that arcade machine mod?

>> No.2585397

Map changes triggers and stuff if you play in Coop so they need both of you to solve stuff iirc

>> No.2585423
Quoted by: >>2585434

BASSMIDI sucks ass.
Use Timidity, or something along those lines.
BASSMIDI has a tendency to stutter on certain parts of a song.

>> No.2585427

MM1 has at least half a dozen maps that have coop exclusive sections/functionality.

MM2 downplayed that significantly, though coop was still implemented.

>> No.2585434

>BASSMIDI has a tendency to stutter on certain parts of a song

I've never had this, myself. And I've used it for years.

>Use Timidity

Except that's worse.

>> No.2585453
Quoted by: >>2585543

You don't mean that weird grand theft auto style city thing which has an arcade with Doom Hunt in do you?

>> No.2585530

Does anyone else feel like they made the cacodemons too small in the new Doom? They are HUGE in 1 and 2

>> No.2585531
Quoted by: >>2585642


I'm kinda learning that starting backwards from UDMF to Vanilla has been better for me.

In UDMF you can cheat a whole bunch of shit. Texture use, alignment, triggers, scripts, blah blah blah. Vanilla is a lot more unforgiving (especially with flat/ceiling alignment jesus fuck.)

>> No.2585540
Quoted by: >>2585541


I've seen some re-imaginings that are less offensive (pic related) in terms of being so odd, but yeah - Doom's original boxart helmet is just as impractical and wacky as is his gun. Definitely dig the QIIIA version the most. Doom 64 gets a special mention for the more recon look' antenna dangles.

At least it's not Marathon's pilot helmet. Gave him big ol' fly eyes - but I can't be mad because Craig Mullens is hot shit.

>> No.2585541
File: 1.24 MB, 744x1051, a450937d845c81bce05974e43d4aeedceb45f096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess when you go (pic related) it's really kind of important to upload a fucking picture.

>> No.2585543
Quoted by: >>2585570


What? Dude for how long you've been?

He's talking about this


>> No.2585549

then you are new to yahtzee's content i'm assuming
he's a pretty cool guy

>> No.2585556
File: 628 KB, 800x1008, 1436393154131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these people for real?

>> No.2585570 [DELETED] 


>"This doesn't seem to work with pre-2.x versions of GZDoom, sorry guys"

And here. we. go.

>> No.2585575

Question: Have we actually seen Doomguy move fast in DOOM 4? I'm talking original, DOOM 1, faster-than-fucking-lightspeed-sanic tier running. Have we seen any footage of that?

>> No.2585584
Quoted by: >>2585591

>Have we seen any footage of that?

plenty, but it has been taken down every now and then in youtube

the player is not Classic Doom fast, but pre-COD fast, sort of like UT2K4 fast

>> No.2585585
Quoted by: >>2585594

>not piñatas
Christ, it's not even the same pronunciation.

>> No.2585591

>the player is not Classic Doom fast, but pre-COD fast, sort of like UT2K4 fast
That's... pretty good. I'll say I'm looking forward to 4. Definitely not maximum hype level yet but I'm excited to have a new game. We'll see how it goes.

>> No.2585592
File: 2.93 MB, 400x225, deathmatch leak.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The E3 demo was said to be slower than the QuakeCon footage last year. I think they played it slowly on purpose.
The speed is obviously not going to be nearly as fast as the originals, it would probably be a bit silly if it was.
They could do it, but I doubt they would present it well enough to work.

>> No.2585594
Quoted by: >>2585596


American keyboards don't have such thing, anon, cut them some slack.

>> No.2585596
Quoted by: >>2585602

My Spanish keyboard doesn't have certain symbols (even though it has more than an American one) but I can look them up or copypaste them.
Besides, you can ~ and n to write an ñ.

>> No.2585602
Quoted by: >>2585609

UK keyboard here and I can €éáúíó but no ~n

>> No.2585609
Quoted by: >>2585612 >>2585651

Uh, that's weird. My keyboard doesn't even have ~ written in it, but I can just AltGr + 4 to write it.
I usually memorize alt codes for some symbols though.

>> No.2585612

AltGr+4 is € on UK keyboards tbh

>> No.2585613

I like the demon piñatas.
There, I said it.
Not really. There's some fast movement in the snapmap demo.
It's UT/Quake (intended) speed, at most.

>> No.2585642
Quoted by: >>2586768

I actually forgot that I could move flat/ceiling textures because I've conditioned myself to build around the 8px lines, and I'll keep up with where the patterns get cut off.

There's definitely some easier things in UDMF, but the reason I'm using it is for more advanced scripting and such; also silent teleporters.

>> No.2585651

you can just press Alt Gr and the " ¨ " key, then type "n"

>> No.2585654
Quoted by: >>2585665

Hey /vr/doom I'm completely fucking retarded and as such need some help.
I'm trying to start using 3d floors using doom builder 2, and understand how to make the 3d floors, but I'm wondering how do I get the 3d floor to appear in visual mode? When I go into the game mode, the 3d floor appears just fine but that's incredibly tedious compared to manually editing it in visual mode.
It's probably something really fucking basic that I'm missing, right?

>> No.2585658
Quoted by: >>2585668

Archies, yes. Revenants no. Just stick to the fucker and use ssg.

>> No.2585665
Quoted by: >>2585678

>I'm trying to start using 3d floors using doom builder 2
You really really should use GZDoom builder for that. And for everything else, even vanilla really. DB2 doesn't support showing 3dfloors in visual mode.

>> No.2585668


Archies take 5 SSG shots to die
Revenants only two. (I legit killed one with two shots yesterday)

>> No.2585671
Quoted by: >>2585676

>Archies take 5 SSG shots to die

Can be 4 if you're lucky.

>> No.2585676
Quoted by: >>2585729

It's pretty consistently four, as long as you land full blasts. And that's with ZDoom's more lenient RNG, it'll be even more certain in vanilla since you'll be rolling more 15s.

>> No.2585678
File: 547 KB, 1936x1056, ss (2015-08-03 at 12.48.37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2585738

Thank you based anon.

>> No.2585687


>> No.2585689

Any good WADs that make use of 3D floors? I've only seen them in Putrefier.

>> No.2585693

Why are Bethesda so shit

>> No.2585694


this got legitimately posted in this thread, and the past one.

>> No.2585696
Quoted by: >>2586825

Monster's danger depends how it reacts to the weapons. If it can be stopped with continous shots(like revenant or caco), then it's an easy prey no matter what damage he inflicts. Archviles mostly waste your time, they're not that deadly unlike real assholes like baron of hell or a chaingunner.

>> No.2585698

guess shills at bethesda forgot how doom prospered.

>> No.2585701

>giving consoles limited mod support for FO4
>limiting mod support for DOOM 4
Bethesda y u do dis

>> No.2585703

>From what I've played, Plutonia is straight up shit though.
>if it's hard, that means it's shit

not this shit again

>> No.2585706

I just want to know if they're planning on releasing the game with mod support in the sense that the pak files will be hackable/what-not.

Problem is there wouldn't be a decent way to build maps for Doom4 without idtechs editor...

>> No.2585712

Forgive me if this is a really dumb question but is there a way to letterbox in ZDoom? I want to have a decent resolution that's not stretched out or widescreen because of wonky FOV shit.

>> No.2585716
Quoted by: >>2586048

This was posted before. Like 4 times.


Relevant information at 48:50
twitch tv/bethesda/v/8544322
"The Snapmap feature looks to me like it's something that could really extend the life of Doom and keep us playing it for years and years but does it include or are there any plans to include the ability to modify textures, character models, weapons, anything like that"?
Marty Stratton:
"The base Snapmap doesn't but I actually want to make this point. Snapmap is our approach to making everybody have the ability to mod "in some fashion" it doesn't in our mind replace our desire to make our tools and technology available like we always have to real programmers. Now I will say, if you've done that, if you've been a modmaker I highly encourage you to try Snapmap too because just the fuctionality in there is really cool. My favorite part about Snapmap is that everybody has all the data so is you've been a modmaker or somebody who makes levels or texture packs to have somebody play your stuff requires you to upload it and to download it and things like Steam Workshop have made that easier but with Snapmap literally everyone has everything and the only data that passes between clients is a little instruction file. The depth of the stuff you can make is going to blow you away. We had a guy in QA that made a piano. So I highly encourage everyone to try Snapmap but fear not, making our stuff available to you is near and dear to our hearts so it certainly isn't a replacement"

So we'll have to wait and see more

>> No.2585719
Quoted by: >>2585736 >>2585739

do not touch the descending skulls. They're not just for spawning monsters, they'll kill you instantly when touched.

>> No.2585729
Quoted by: >>2585740

zdoom's rng is actually fairer than doom's fixed table of numbers, it's been shown doom's rng gives slightly higher than 33% average of 15 damage pellets.

what you are probably referring to is the zdoom blockmap and intercepts fixes that prevent on occasion hitscans passing harmlessly through a target whose hitbox unfortunately straddles two or more blockmap squares.

>> No.2585736
Quoted by: >>2585739

the flying skull boxes are harmless to the touch and will pass straight through the player. you will die instantly if you are standing on the spawn point when they produce a monster, though.

>> No.2585738

Bonus: You can actually select the 3d floor directly and change it's height/textures etc. It makes using them a thousand times more convenient.

>> No.2585739
Quoted by: >>2585748

I thought you transform into a monster instead of dying at there.

>> No.2585740
Quoted by: >>2585756

No, that's what I said. ZDoom has balanced out RNG and you can still kill archviles in 4 full SSG shots fairly consistently. In vanilla's skewed pRNG you'll definitely pull it off because you roll 15s...I think 39% of the time? As opposed to much closer to 33% in ZDoom.

>> No.2585743

I really really wish the acs HudMessage had a ScaleX and ScaleY value. It'd make things so much fucking easier.

>> No.2585748

While that IS a nice headcanon, that's not what happens in game. You just get telefragged by a monster spawn-point. It's like the death teleports some maps have, where you teleport into a voodoo doll of the player and kill yourself.

>> No.2585756

you said "more lenient". this means "less strict". if anything zdoom's rng is more strict.

>> No.2585934
File: 234 KB, 900x723, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then you decided to tie it to zdoom for no reason... i am saddened

The horror is palpable.

>> No.2586029
File: 109 KB, 450x520, tumblr_inline_nsiajduQy31tvslpp_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2586279


>Doom 4's imps look more like the originals', with the spikes and shit. They kinda look like Demonicron's.

Plot twist: IMX got into id software as an intern and that's why he left. And he's also the one behind the imp's new look.

Picture unrelated, but cute.

>> No.2586035
File: 202 KB, 627x597, Samsara Roster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Among all the people on the Samsara roster i'm amazed strife guy isn't one of them.

>> No.2586039
Quoted by: >>2586098

It's because strife guy is far too strong for his own good.

>> No.2586043

Wait, prisoner never got in right?

>> No.2586046

...never will.

>> No.2586047
Quoted by: >>2586098

The reason given is he's too hard to implement and balance + terminus just likes other characters more than him and doesn't have infinite time and motivation for every single character from old fps games.

>> No.2586048
Quoted by: >>2586074

>Pete Hines, one of the leading forces of TES and Fallout 3, some of the biggest games that feature modding, is shitting all over a child company in terms of modding
I really don't fucking get it. At least Marty has a fucking clue what Doom 4 needs to succeed. Whether or not Bethesda is a bunch of shitheads or not will remain to be seen. But then again, with how New Vegas was handled, I'm expecting that it's going to be a shitty experience for everyone who isn't Bethesda, including id.

>> No.2586074
Quoted by: >>2586094

>" So I highly encourage everyone to try Snapmap but fear not, making our stuff available to you is near and dear to our hearts so it certainly isn't a replacement"
I think it's just a case of miscommunication within the company, I'm fairly certain we'll get an SDK since they've said so.

>> No.2586089
Quoted by: >>2586152 >>2586496

Guess who's famous now :^)


>> No.2586094
Quoted by: >>2586119 >>2586168

I know that people from id have said so, I just hope is doesn't get blocked by Bethesda because they want Fallout 4 to be in the headlines. I still cringe painfully whenever I think about the 85 on metacritic deal they had with Obsidian.

>> No.2586098

Who plays multiplayer anyway?

In singleplayer balance don't mean shit, and if you mean the game will be too easy.

Who cares? If I want a challenge i'll pick somebody else.

>> No.2586119

>Who plays multiplayer anyway?
It was designed from the ground up as a multiplayer mod with balanced DM as well as co-op. There are tons of addons for samsara that add strifeguy as well as tons of other shit, but the quality doesn't approach terms original stuff.

Yeah the metacritic thing was fucking retarded. FN:V was infinitely better than FO3, I'm guessing largely due to based chris avellone.

>> No.2586120

>Who plays multiplayer anyway?
Not you?

>> No.2586121

>Who plays multiplayer anyway?


>> No.2586129

>Who plays multiplayer anyway?

we can see you, graf

>> No.2586130
File: 301 KB, 624x416, cBrh281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who plays multiplayer anyway?

>> No.2586137
Quoted by: >>2586241

Yeah, stuff like blocking the Pain Elemental or how you can hug a short wall to take less damage from Arch-Vile hellfire, I didn't really know of those.

And while I did know you could bait the Pinkies to whiff with their chompers, I never quite realized to what extent you could do so and the video showcases such very thoroughly.

>> No.2586138
Quoted by: >>2586496

>Who plays multiplayer anyway?
RT @doom_txt

>> No.2586152



>> No.2586168

That guy with the suppossed insider info said that apparently they want Doom to be a flagship title and they don't have much confidence on Fallout media wise because of that clusterfuck

>> No.2586179
File: 535 KB, 640x636, 1430035281829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't play multiplayer
LOL Fagget

Am I doing it right guys?

>> No.2586241
Quoted by: >>2586272

did you know hiding behind collectibles protects you from lost souls?

>> No.2586272

If I remember, any custom enemy that uses the lost soul charge code stops dead at any item. I don't think there's a known reason why that happens.

>> No.2586279


>I call it bold and Blaz.



>> No.2586334
Quoted by: >>2586343

Is there any way to implement the Quake 2 soundtrack into Q2PRO?
It's the most faithful sourceport, to the original Quake 2 that I've found.

>> No.2586341
File: 38 KB, 753x543, 1434652721622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2586360 >>2586394

People actually liked the items shooting out from the enemies after you killed them? I thought it looked out of place for Doom, shit like that belongs in stuff like Diablo.

>> No.2586343

Just intuition here: Mount a folder with the sountrack files in them as a cd with daemon tools or similar software.

>> No.2586360
File: 2.86 MB, 640x480, doom 4 prototype.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is a really stupid system. It removes the necessity of map knowledge and might result in lazy level design.

>> No.2586368

anyone wanst to play some jedi academy?

preferably someone who doesn't know how to do poke/wiggle/etc becasue I'll be fucked before I learn to use that effectively

>> No.2586371

>It removes the necessity of map knowledge and might result in lazy level design.

Bro who needs that when you got four hella epic execution moves to spam for at least six hours?

>> No.2586374
Quoted by: >>2586382

That actually looks like it could work out decently on slaughtermaps, but with less health and armor dropping.

>> No.2586382


I think they should have went with a threshold system for the HP and drops from monsters.

Like HP drops from monsters only heal to a certain percentage, and if you want to get back up to full HP, you gotta go find medkits and shit.

>> No.2586394

I've got no problem with it as long as it's reasonable. Like they drop less stuff at higher difficulties, or what >>2586382 said.
>It removes the necessity of map knowledge
Eeeeh. You don't need to know the map that well for medkits and stuff in SP.
And there are medkits and ammo packs anyways.
>might result in lazy level design.
I don't really think so. Monsters play a bigger role in that

>> No.2586417
Quoted by: >>2586425 >>2586509

>Like HP drops from monsters only heal to a certain percentage, and if you want to get back up to full HP, you gotta go find medkits and shit.

From what I read and saw at the E3 presentation you get less health/ammo drops if you kill enemies normally and extra if you use the finishing moves.

>> No.2586425


Which means they're pressuring players to do executions. I wouldn't be surprised if medkits and ammo pickups are incredibly rare.

Moreso on harder difficulties too.

>> No.2586496 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2586505

>I was born January 23, 2001. Yes, I was born before the events of 9/11. But is this about me or Doom 4?
Literally underage b&

>> No.2586497

SP should have balance. I shouldnt be able to steamroll past monsters with broken weapons. The original characters all play pretty differently, but still are roughly more or less balanced as Doomguy himself.

>> No.2586505
Quoted by: >>2586524 >>2586530


Do you realize that Twitter feeds from the conversations of the Doom community, right?

>> No.2586509
File: 2.05 MB, 640x360, health drop madness.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At E3 you see the player get nearly all of their health back from two imps.

>> No.2586524
Quoted by: >>2586530

I did not.

>> No.2586530


It's pretty fucking retarded in its choices at times, but eh.

>> No.2586608

he was also godmoded at 10 hp permanently, save for that one time he blew himself with a rocket and left him at a laughable 8 health he later got back from an imp.

Not to mention the demo was most probably showcased on a lower difficulty level, you can see a lot more enemies in the gameplay trailer section of hell at the very beginning where the player walks through the catwalk that leads into the keep.

>> No.2586630
Quoted by: >>2586650 >>2586720

>gameshow demo is indicative of final product code

>> No.2586642
File: 786 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20150803_191945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2586659 >>2586685

So how does this room looks?I feel like is empty, but i would like to hear your opinion

>> No.2586650

It's set to release in roughly 6 months so I'd hope so. They've said at Quakecon polishing is all that's left.

>> No.2586659
Quoted by: >>2586713

It's alright, no need to over-detail unless you're consistent about it. I'd remove the blue thingies on the light armatures though, they look a bit cluttered.

The wood/dirt texture on the ledge to the left should be some type of grey, and the "elevator texture" on it's side is a bit weird.

>> No.2586685
Quoted by: >>2586713

Put in a carpet, it'll tie the room together.

>> No.2586713
File: 749 KB, 1920x1080, boredoomfix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2586873 >>2587468

Did like told and it looks more comfy.
I don't know what type of carpet would look nice.

>> No.2586720
Quoted by: >>2586729

>this is the product that they thought would hype us up

>> No.2586729

They don't care if it hypes us up.
They show stuff at E3 to hype up the general population.
This game has been in development since around 2008, they need all of the money that they can get.

>> No.2586741


>No modding past SnapMap


>> No.2586768

flat alignment is so damn annoying in vanilla
sometimes, I end up just adding a new flat with it shifted so it lines up where I want to be (usually, it's just shifted 32px diagonally, since I'm generally trying to center a pad/light in an area that's 64 wide or something and don't want to move the room, and often I have other lights around)

being able to just align however you want in UDMF is so damn nice

>> No.2586821
File: 39 KB, 480x320, doom rpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2586893

any good mapsets for doom rpg + roguelike arsenal?

>> No.2586825
Quoted by: >>2587049

>they're not that deadly

One on one in a room with plenty of cover, sure. But throw in some corpses and/or remove most of the pillars and stuff to hide behind and ayy lmaos are easily the worst. They don't stun reliably either. Barons are for the most part just ammo sinks since they're fairly slow.

>> No.2586873
Quoted by: >>2586939

Regular blue carpeting.
Consider using the UAC logo variant once or twice for detail.

>> No.2586893
Quoted by: >>2588082


>> No.2586939

Tried that but it looks kinda weird.

>> No.2587049

This. BTSX E2M24 shows just how evil a mapper can be with arch-viles. Sunlust map29 on UV, too.

>> No.2587075
File: 111 KB, 650x650, 1438657811164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2587259

So what have you been playing, Doom general? Anything you would recommend other people try?

>> No.2587085

>played through Hellbound and Deus Vult 1&2
>decide to do a full, complete play through of Scythe 2
>its now way too easy
>despite good textures, layout, and placement it feels lackluster

I need more big, hard WADs. Where dey at?

>> No.2587098
Quoted by: >>2587114

>I need something big and hard to play with

>> No.2587114


I got a nice, sticky WAD for you, anon.


>> No.2587116
File: 664 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20150731_205635_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2587182

BTSX Episode 2 is pretty good

>> No.2587118


Swift Death

>> No.2587119
File: 941 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20150801_105749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2587182

>> No.2587125
File: 431 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20150715_201506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2587182

BTSX Episode 1 was also good for that matter

>> No.2587126
File: 806 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20150718_221140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2587182

>> No.2587128
File: 650 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20150731_205548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2587182

>> No.2587182

Yeah, BTSX is awesome.

I've always kinda wanted the community to do some sort of "megawad trilogy", so it really is nice having this a reality. Look forward to Episode 3.

>> No.2587258
File: 584 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_Doom_20150804_014136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2587275 >>2588172

why does this happen? please help

btsx 2 + smooth doom

>> No.2587259
File: 6 KB, 194x160, 1436850590689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing through Doom 2 again since it's been about ten years the last time I played through it all. Currently on one of the city maps.

>> No.2587273
Quoted by: >>2587410

>Next major 3DS Homebrew release coming up

Doom sourceport when?

>> No.2587275

BTSX uses a custom palette that glitches with graphics that weren't designed for it. Because of this, BTSX includes palette fixed versions of all the iwad sprites in the wad.

Smooth Doom has default palette sprites, which is why you see these glitches when played with BTSX.

>> No.2587410
Quoted by: >>2587439 >>2587446

Probably soon. Is it just me, or is Doom becoming the thing that's used to see if another thing can be hacked into well?

>> No.2587439
File: 85 KB, 540x786, smbc_doom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2587496

"doom can be ported to anything" is practically a meme by now


>> No.2587446


Son, I've got some news for you...

>> No.2587468

that looks great as is. doesn't need any blue in it, IMO.
not too sure about the cut-off BRNSMAL* on the left. MIDBARS3 might be better there?

>> No.2587496

Someone got Quake to display on an oscilloscope. Not quite a port but super interesting.


>> No.2587501

I want to play Quake but I guess I need something else than just the Darkplaces program? Is it like zdoom where you need actual doom for it?

>> No.2587512
Quoted by: >>2587515

yes you need the pak*.pak files too
someone will have a link soon enough

>> No.2587515
Quoted by: >>2587551

The thing is, I do have a zip that has the files and glquake, but when I use those files, it keeps giving me some 'bad data' error so I hope someone else has a better solution.

>> No.2587551
Quoted by: >>2587575

Wait wait, I figured out what it was, there was a bunch of files in the id1 folder that didn't need to be there and I guess that messed it up somehow.

>> No.2587575
File: 700 KB, 2480x3508, enforced_commandos_by_helios437-d6x1cfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2587589 >>2587836

Yeah, all you need are two files called PAK0.pak and PAK1.pak to play. Make a folder named "/id1" wherever your sourceport is. If you have the cd music, install it in there the way Darkplaces likes it.

For the future, this is also how different mods and maps are loaded. To load a mod, put its contents in a new folder (say, retrojam3dlc) the same way you did with your PAK files. Then, launch it like quakeport.exe -game retrojam3dlc. PAK files load in numerical order, so you can add more things and adjust their load order.

You can find loads of maps and stuff on Quaddicted, but like Doomworld they're moving to another host because AtomicGamer's closed shop.

>> No.2587589

Thanks. I had tried messing with Quake stuff before but I couldn't get it working right, and told myself I'd try again tomorrow, and then a few months later I actually try to figure it out.
The two mission packs are on emuparadise under abandonware if anyone is interested

>> No.2587759
Quoted by: >>2587768

>Who plays multiplayer anyway?
Nigga, you are talking about a mod designed for ZANDRONUM, a -/MULTI-PLAYER/- ORIENTED SOURCEPORT.
I know late reply but fuck i am angry i want to slap you to death and then slap your dog.

>> No.2587768
Quoted by: >>2589585

tbf zandronum gets fucking samey with the same servers up all the time, or the same wads.

>> No.2587835

Yeah it's silly. I hope it's just a lower difficulty level.

Also man, that Mancubus didn't even react to the SSG. That sucks, pain chance is a huge part of what makes shooting shit enjoyable

>> No.2587836

>You can find loads of maps and stuff on Quaddicted, but like Doomworld they're moving to another host because AtomicGamer's closed shop.
FWIW, it seems like Quaddicted is back up.

>> No.2587904

Just get Quakespasm. Darkplaces has a lot of issues with custom maps and is mostly not supported by mappers.

>> No.2587924
Quoted by: >>2587928 >>2587935

A Doom alpha version between v0.2 and v0.4 has been found

>> No.2587928
File: 154 KB, 1024x768, kM5xwR9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2587935
File: 28 KB, 781x482, GhqLIGU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>PISTOL → ╭╾

>> No.2587970
File: 5 KB, 560x384, 42927-castle-wolfenstein-apple-ii-screenshot-hold-up-the-guards-and.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone played "Castle Wolfenstein"? It's pretty reminiscent to Berserk for the Atari as far as gameplay. They used actual recorded voices as sound effects, too. It's ear-bleedingly loud and scratchy, but still a feat for the time.

>> No.2587975
Quoted by: >>2588148 >>2588174

That minimap on the HUD was a pretty good idea.
Is there any mod that does this?

>> No.2587979



I wonder what kinda sandwiches you'd get on a UAC base

>> No.2587980

>captain's hand
>heart of lothar
Damn, we need a mod where player picks up fuckloads of weird stuff and maybe get rewarded when collecting sets or something.

>> No.2587995

possessed ham sandwich, it bites back!

>> No.2588034
File: 15 KB, 300x225, bubblegum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2588179 >>2588386

I just set up a server to play with my friends on using BestEver but its on nightmare difficulty and id like to switch it to ultra violence instead

how do i switch the difficulty? ive looked but i cant really see anything, what would i have to type in using rcon to get it to ultra violence?

>> No.2588037

knee deep in the cheese and pickle

>> No.2588042
Quoted by: >>2588186

Any great or major wad released in the past 6 months?

>> No.2588082

That's wrong anon.

>> No.2588148

There's the motion tracker from one of the Aliens mods, but that's about it.
The closest approximation would be this:

>> No.2588163

Ham, cheese, mustard and lettuce.
That's what I'd do.

>> No.2588172

you'll have to convert every sprite in the smooth doom wad to png in order to fix the colors

>> No.2588174


>> No.2588179

rcon skill 3 // skill is 0-based so 3==UV
rcon restart // have to restart map to see changes

maybe, just guessing here.

>> No.2588186
Quoted by: >>2588192 >>2588252

someone finally uploaded kusok

>> No.2588192
Quoted by: >>2588205 >>2588231

what's that?

>> No.2588205
Quoted by: >>2588218

A WAD made by a Japanese female Doomer. The author calls it "shitty", though, dunno how it is.

>> No.2588218
Quoted by: >>2588280


>> No.2588231

a couple of large techbase maps by kurashiki / 88alice / "you know, the one who draws the cute cacodemon pictures". was pretty popular in /vr/doom when it first surfaced 2 years ago.

>> No.2588252


that someone being kurashiki herself

>> No.2588280
Quoted by: >>2588285

>author never makes mention of gender, the only way we know is because of voice


>> No.2588285
Quoted by: >>2588338

Wait, is there any video with her speaking?
I'm playing her WAD and so far it's pretty good.

>> No.2588315
File: 86 KB, 640x480, 1438704648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha ffs


>> No.2588337
Quoted by: >>2588440

>no more doom news at gamescom
Well that sucks

>> No.2588338


look on her twitch, i don't care enough to keep links

>> No.2588347

Knee Deep in the Bread
The Shores of Dill
Thy Ham Consumed

>> No.2588351
Quoted by: >>2588387

>Rye, Fresh Consumed

>> No.2588386

Enter rcon, input "skill 3;map map01"

>> No.2588387


>> No.2588431
Quoted by: >>2588557




>> No.2588440
Quoted by: >>2588470 >>2588607

it was rumoured that they were going to announce the beta.
shit, I should never trust the internet hype machine.

>> No.2588470

How long's it been since they announced the pre-order beta thing? Over a year?

>> No.2588541

>it's really powerfull tool
>no out doors capability

>> No.2588557

my fucking sides

>> No.2588607

>it was rumoured that they were going to announce the beta.

this soon, anon? that's hella ridiculous

>> No.2588623

Is it me, or does Heretic's weapons feel really, really inaccurate?

>> No.2588648

Is it me, or do Doom 64 cacodemon shots feel really, really delayed?

>> No.2588654
Quoted by: >>2588663

suppose for a moment you want to test/play a map without fear of death.

do you use god mode or buddha mode? and why?

>> No.2588663

>god mode
no, i'd use give all instead.

i would like to see what weapons fit the map. god mode is for "when death is certain" maps

>> No.2588740

I'm playing Plutonia for the first time, and it's my first foray into pistol starting as well. A few maps have given me trouble, but I've been able to grind through most with saves after most large fights.

I just got to the first secret map, Cyberdens. I've never seen it played before like I have Go 2 It, so I'm curious if it's worth playing/playing from pistol start. If it's really that much more difficult, I don't want to pistol start or even play it, as I'd rather get through Plutonia proper instead of banging my head against a brick wall.

>> No.2588749

So is a proper set of mod tools coming later or not?

>> No.2588772

Also I just want to comment that Plutonia from pistol start is *really* well balanced. I do feel my saving can be excessive, but I don't feel like I'm save-scumming.

It seems to be about finding a safe place to control the fights from, and that can be really difficult to do.

>> No.2588775
Quoted by: >>2589046

cyberdens is not that hard. i can usually beat it, within one or two attempts.

you need to be able to rocket duel 4 cyberdemons, one at a time. there is plenty of room and rockets so circle strafing works fine.

the part right at the beginning with two archviles that teleport behind fake walls can be annoying. there's also a green brick room with some chaingunners that requires some wariness. other than that it's a case of finding the next switch. it's pretty obvious which ones let the next cyberdemon out.

>> No.2588845
Quoted by: >>2588876



>> No.2588856
File: 49 KB, 558x405, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell to Pay has got some fugly sprites. I'm busy deleting them in slade, holy fuck are they ugly.

Most of it gets overwritten with SmoothDoom but some sounds and sprites still surface.

>> No.2588868

Some things just never change.

>> No.2588876


I'd say the odds of anything complete coming out of this are about 0.01%.

>> No.2588898


The DoE download is unavailable, anyone else have it?

>> No.2589038
File: 42 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20150805_002238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I picked up some scuba gear in Blade of agony and this happened, what gives?

>> No.2589046

FWIW that anon was right. Cyberden is super easy. Legit died like ~6 times. Far, FAR from the second hardest map in Plutonia. Wouldn't even put it in the top half of the first 15.

Now on to Go 2 It.

>> No.2589049
File: 41 KB, 1024x640, doom_002-20150804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2589329

Pretty cool seeing another unearthed Doom alpha.
Something I wish I could ask Romero or Carmack about, but maybe someone here knows:

Did Hi-Color DAC mode ever work? If so, what hardware was needed?

>> No.2589084
File: 158 KB, 1280x768, doom01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2589117 >>2589436

I made three maps, they should work in Chocolate doom and everything else probably, some of you have played the first map already.


/vr/ needs to do another mapping project sometime btw

>> No.2589117

Fuck I just realized there is a really really easy skip on map 3 that I completely missed.

>> No.2589329

it "worked" but it wasn't coded to display right: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/doom-general/57966-alpha-v0-4-hicolor-mode-screenshots/

>> No.2589436

That was fun, but the boxes in the slime creek in map02 hurt you when you stand on them (although that's not really an issue, I just found it to be weird.

>> No.2589469
File: 302 KB, 290x705, 0c7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2589481 >>2589609

>tfw no Hdoom updates
>tfw not even new art

>> No.2589470
File: 2.22 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN1408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2589537 >>2589550


>> No.2589479
File: 88 KB, 644x477, Screenshot_2015-08-04_19-39-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poking around the Doom 0.3 alpha a bit.
Apparently instead of Watcom C, it was built with Intel's "Code Builder," which had its own DPMI extender and FPU emulator built in.

Nothing terribly out of the ordinary just yet, but something caught my eye, a string:


I believe this was mentioned in the Doom Bible, as Tom Hall wanted cutscenes like that. Makes you think what could have been....

>> No.2589481

>tfw futa update never cause the modders a real jerk cunt

>> No.2589490
File: 33 KB, 100x116, lotyar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are now aware that no game will ever have software rendering again
>None of that sweet dark shading
>That gritty look will never be achieved again

>> No.2589496
Quoted by: >>2589501 >>2589506

The mod is open to add whatever fag features you want when it's finished.

>> No.2589501
Quoted by: >>2589509 >>2589535

>when it's finished.

So, never :^)

>> No.2589506

nah hdoom guy needs to do it himself, he's got scores of people begging for it offering to donate for it but he won't do it because "he doesn't like it"

futa is pretty inoffensive, guy's just a prick

>> No.2589509


Yo, that's not fair.

>> No.2589514
Quoted by: >>2589520


Obviously you aren't throwing enough money at him, if you gofundme his patreon through crowdfunding and dad's bank account, around the tune of a few hundred thousand dollars or so then I'm sure he would be more receptive.

>> No.2589520

Dude, I'd totally work on a mod if someone threw money at me.

I think you're on to something.

It'd be cool to have another /vr/ project though. There's been a rise in mappers recently.

>> No.2589525

that's a very strange attitude to take towards someone's personal passion project

"he won't do what people tell him to do, what a faggot"

>> No.2589535



>> No.2589537
File: 2.02 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN1410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2589550


>> No.2589550
Quoted by: >>2589553 >>2589560

forgiveness, maybe nobody cares. Just so you know what to do with your old hardware before you throw it away or burn. This is a small project I'm experiencing and would like to share with you guys.

>> No.2589553


Keep up the good work; when you're finished try uploading it to imgur and see if it becomes viral

>> No.2589560

Gonna make a pull-out drawer for that keyboard and mouse? Though I dunno about it being a 'small project' though, unless you've been working at an arcade for a few years.

>> No.2589580

i, too, get incredibly angry for modders not appealing to my fetishes

>> No.2589585
Quoted by: >>2589592

Maybe if someone made better mods for zandronum, oh wait. No one does, its all Complex Dumb or MM8BDM classes mods or Dead GvH addons.

>> No.2589592

>nah hdoom guy needs to do it himself, he's got scores of people begging for it offering to donate for it but he won't do it because "he doesn't like it"
I don't really see anything wrong with this. If he doesn't like it, he's under no obligation to do it.
I don't care much for HDoom but whining about how your fetish isn't is pure faggotry.

There's plenty of good Zandronum mods, the problem is that nobody's hosting the good ones.

>> No.2589597
Quoted by: >>2589610

I am never going to understand futafags. In /d/ they act like you are a fucked up shitstain if you dislike futa

>> No.2589602


I'd be happy with new art but it looks like the artists got bored of it.

>> No.2589609 [SPOILER] 
File: 134 KB, 846x1128, 1438746899909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mike should have done Hexxen instead.

That way we would have delicious centaur pussy

>> No.2589610 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2589627

Because they are closet gays, if you insult their sexuality they will come and say that they are not gay just because they like dicks.
Seriously, they will come with tons of excuses in order to prove they are not gay and in all of them, the general and biggest excuse is "I only like dicks, not men.". GAY AS FUCK.

>> No.2589616
File: 118 KB, 396x615, 1391145749419-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, all I wanted to do was hold hands with her.

I would've been a lot more interested in an actual dating sim rather than Press X to Little Death.

>> No.2589627 [DELETED] 

Because they are SgtMark supporters, if you insult their mod they will come and say that they are not retarded just because they like reloading.
Seriously, they will come with tons of excuses in order to prove they are not retarded and in all of them, the general and biggest excuse is "Doom is about gore and cinematic kills.". RETARDED AS FUCK.

>> No.2589752



>> No.2590175 [DELETED] 

>muh futa ;_;
Make your own mod later if you want your gay shit.