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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5448484 No.5448484 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>5441047

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other retro FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


Doom, Quake, Duke, Marathon, or Thief:
-Album of infographics with setup information and user-made content recommendations

Same thing, but in video format:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ietb4JwaaXA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGj4gXyCzg0 [Embed]

IWADs and more (>3 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake pastebin (2016-06-22): http://pastebin.com/XjBHDRFw
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Duke Nukem, Doom, Blood, and Quake.)

Doom RPG series

Launchers for Build Engine games



Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.5448485 [DELETED] 

=== NEWS ===

[3-18] System Shock 3 teaser premiered at GDC https://youtu.be/j--cFOyeT7E

[3-16] WitchavenGDX & TekwarGDX updated as part of beta BuildGDX multilauncher

[3-14] Google announces id software's presence at GDC, Possibly DOOM related

[3-12] Trailer released for DOOM ANNIHILATION, another live-action Doom movie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDF9CPwSvFA [Embed]

[3-9] Zanieon releases MMDCXIV, feature one large map with three more to come

[3-9] DoomRL Arsenal finaly gets a new update, adding in the new PDA, HUD, and some new monsters

[3-7] 3D Realms announces Wrath, a new game made on Darkplaces

[3-7] SM193 for Quake released, themed on white castls

[3-7] AMC TC Episode 3 released

[3-7] Author of gameplay mod Hell Caliber looking for playtesting and feedback

[3-5] TNT 2: Devilution is almost done

[2-26] Dimension of the Boomed sequel 'Realm of Z-Magic' teaser demo relesed

[2-24] Chex Quest HD trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDblwrDDGc8 [Embed]

[2-22] Powerslave EX mouse fix for Windows 10

=== PREVIOUS ===


=== PROTIP ===

To submit news, please reply and anchor it to this post.

>> No.5448497

=== NEWS ===

[3-18] System Shock 3 teaser premiered at GDC https://youtu.be/j--cFOyeT7E

[3-16] WitchavenGDX & TekwarGDX updated as part of beta BuildGDX multilauncher

[3-14] Google announces id software's presence at GDC, Possibly DOOM related

[3-12] Trailer released for DOOM ANNIHILATION, another live-action Doom movie

[3-9] Zanieon releases MMDCXIV, feature one large map with three more to come

[3-9] DoomRL Arsenal finaly gets a new update, adding in the new PDA, HUD, and some new monsters

[3-7] 3D Realms announces Wrath, a new game made on Darkplaces

[3-7] SM193 for Quake released, themed on white castls

[3-7] AMC TC Episode 3 released

[3-7] Author of gameplay mod Hell Caliber looking for playtesting and feedback

[3-5] TNT 2: Devilution is almost done

[2-26] Dimension of the Boomed sequel 'Realm of Z-Magic' teaser demo relesed

[2-24] Chex Quest HD trailer

[2-22] Powerslave EX mouse fix for Windows 10

=== PREVIOUS ===


=== PROTIP ===

To submit news, please reply and anchor it to this post.

>> No.5448503

On top of old Smokey... All covered with grass and stuff... I got bit by a rhino... Because I didn't run fast enough.

>> No.5448504

Pime Taradox.

>> No.5448505
Quoted by: >>5448508 >>5448529

There isn't really a lot wrong with glory kills as done in doom 2016. They're fast and serve a gameplay purpose (neo-doomguy is a huge glass cannon and the maps are balanced around stunned enemies being piƱatas)
They only become cancerous when tacked on to a game that has nothing to do with that shit, like doom 1993

>> No.5448506
File: 25 KB, 520x520, facefatnigcry2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ID at GDC: "we have the full game running right here at the conference on Google's Stadia!"
>no livestreams
>no leaks
>essentially 2014 all over again

>> No.5448508
Quoted by: >>5448514

>They only become cancerous when tacked on to a game that has nothing to do with that shit, like doom 1993
It'd work as a gameplay mod if you made it a core part of gameplay, like in Doom 4.

>> No.5448514
Quoted by: >>5448520 >>5448534

Yep. Just mess around with the spawn rates for stimpacks/medkits and it'd probably work
Space Pirate had a really good doom-fu system going, what ever became of that?

>> No.5448520
File: 398 KB, 535x800, memento-marty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5448534

I think Marty shelved that.

>> No.5448524
File: 145 KB, 208x223, 1380538909579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody with Doom modding experience redpill me on the the extent of possible gameplay programming trickery in any of the source ports.

For example, if I were to implement tetris, pinball, text adventure inside of Doom, what could I use for that purpose and how complicated it would be? Are there any source ports that support more common scripting language?

I've seen All Out War mod few years ago and they strayed pretty far from the stock Doom logic, what did they use?

>> No.5448529

I'd say Doom 4 as a weird thing with health that isn't just the glory kills alone.
>Health/armor upgrades and maybe some of the runes
>Syphon grenade
>No more extra health items like the 1% bonuses or power ups except maybe Megahealth
>Armor is kinda like a second health bar
Did they confirmed they'd show the game only to people there like with QC14?
Because i thought they quit that.

>> No.5448531
File: 6 KB, 199x181, bloodshot eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these things are cancer
I hate when there's mini-games in a run&gun game like doom, they completely fucking bypass the emphasis of the game.

>> No.5448534

Space Pirate mods are cursed.
ACS or zscript would probably need to be involved..

>> No.5448537


>> No.5448538
Quoted by: >>5448561

>these things are cancer
>I hate when there's mini-games in a run&gun game like doom, they completely fucking bypass the emphasis of the game.
I'm not adding minigames to Doom, it's just an example of gameplay modification. I didn't want to use something vague.

>> No.5448543
Quoted by: >>5448561

You're saying people are in the wrong for daring to do whatever they want with the game? Since when does Doom NEED to be about what you want it to be and nothing else?

>> No.5448552
File: 947 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (163).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5452053

Pic related. I finally got Quakespasm to work. But still no Soundtrack.

>> No.5448554
File: 70 KB, 588x318, 1522481324702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5448563 >>5450419

first one for big ass

>> No.5448557
Quoted by: >>5448602

I've made tetris in ACS, and text adventures could be done in it too (but I wouldn't recommend it); a pinball game would probably be best done with zscript, because math in ACS is unbearably awful for anything beyond the simplest of tasks

just keep in mind that making doom do these things is an uphill battle; it's doable, but how worth it is it, really?

>> No.5448561
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, 1546368710333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5448581 >>5448602

the best thing to do with programming capabilities is to code exceptional and iconic weapons and monsters into it

- Did you know that doom still has an AI problem and there currently (aside from bot behavior) is no way to improve the AI? Even porting over some AI from another game would be a massive benefit.
- Did you know some dude coded a really awesome homing missile launcher in the last couple years? It locked onto multiple targets and then fired multiple missiles that went after those targets individually. It seems from peeling apart the mod this dude did it almost entirely with decorate and ACS.
There's so much cool shit you could be using this platform to make, and potentially even use in your portfolio, however silly the application of it might seem.

>> No.5448563
File: 100 KB, 880x655, le clothes girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5448909

speaking of big ass who is the other girl
pink girl

>> No.5448568
Quoted by: >>5448602 >>5448604

Can you reach DooMero levels of autism?

>> No.5448572
Quoted by: >>5448583 >>5448595

If there was, hypothetically, a mod that made doomguy's sole weapons into a set of dual handguns, what weapon upgrades would you add to replace the other weapon spawns? I say this fully hypothetically and totally not as a stumped-ass coder stuck halfway through his project, I promise

>> No.5448581
Quoted by: >>5448602

ZScript if you want to make minigames or radically alter how the game plays on the fundamental level.
VooDoo Dolls on conveyor belts if you're an absolute madman building a Rube Goldberg Machine


That picture makes me think of prepackaged slices of cheese.

>> No.5448583

Full auto, fuller auto, explosive bullets, penetrating bullets, an ultimate upgrade that just turns them into the fucking robocop gun.

>> No.5448584

gonna draw more big ass

>> No.5448590 [DELETED] 

redpill me on UAC Ultra
I just finished it and I'm not sure how I feel about it, what does /vr/ think?

>> No.5448595

i'd say with the ability to replace/mod each gun individually, probably
>triple barrel (shotgun replacement)
>sawn off shotgun (super shotty)
>extended clip (chainsaw?)
>higher ROF/full auto (chaingun)
>flamer (RL?)
>flaregun (RL?)
>lasgun (plasma)
>plasma grenades (BFG?)

>> No.5448601 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 1300x866, rolled up newspaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5448602
File: 76 KB, 653x681, 1314578234585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This autism level looks unreachable. My goals are probably quite a bit simpler though.
>ZScript if you want to make minigames or radically alter how the game plays on the fundamental level.
Yes, thanks, I see that zScript is probably what I will have to deal with.
>VooDoo Dolls on conveyor belts if you're an absolute madman building a Rube Goldberg Machine
No clue what this could mean.
That sounds ambitious, I'd have prove myself first.
>just keep in mind that making doom do these things is an uphill battle; it's doable, but how worth it is it, really?
I know it's not, but I'm fascinated by Doom.

If anyone can link me some reading material about zScript, I'd be grateful.

>> No.5448604

You can do pretty much anything in ZScript, and if you want a "differnet game in Doom engine", like >>5448568 it'd be just as complicated as making such a game in any other non-specialised engine (since ZScript is basically C).
Doom-related stuff like a gameplay mod with items and powerups would be easier

All Out War however is made for Zandronum which does not have ZScript so a lot of doom-specific fuckery had to be involved and it's really complicated since you need some kind of workaround for pretty much everything.

>> No.5448608
Quoted by: >>5448614

i think you should go away.
stop asking people to tell you what to think. formulate your own god damn opinion, you fucking leech.

>> No.5448612

>If anyone can link me some reading material about zScript, I'd be grateful.
Good luck with that.

>> No.5448613
File: 1.29 MB, 2000x2000, the girl who wears clothes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more big ass

>> No.5448614
Quoted by: >>5448617

If they unironically use the term "redpill", do NOT engage them. Humoring subhumans will only lead to ruin.

>> No.5448615

>No clue what this could mean
Voodoo doll scripting.

>> No.5448617 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>5448619 >>5448642

you're such a fucking twat

>> No.5448619 [DELETED] 

Truth hurts, you fucking bleeding festering cunt.

>> No.5448620

what gamer food do you eat while playing Doom?

>> No.5448624


>> No.5448632

I forgot we're on 4Channelā„¢

>> No.5448637
Quoted by: >>5449126

I fapped to Doom porn last night. I don't feel so good. What have you done to me? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?

>> No.5448638
File: 100 KB, 600x666, NUTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5448657

>gamer food

>> No.5448640
File: 411 KB, 460x458, 11014885_830407137034018_4934928171650924832_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5448657

>Eating next to your computer
Why do you do this to yourself?

>> No.5448642
File: 277 KB, 512x512, based shooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its okay, I like the styling and the choices done with it. I dont like the slaughtermappy stuff at the end with the radsuits. The two maps prior to that are pretty nice.
Overall its a medium quality pack in modern day terms, I would've said medium-high if it was alot longer though. I really dont like these 7-10 map long projects... if you're going to go in you might as well go balls in for 20 maps.
Even though BTSX was 23-24 maps I still wanted more.

>> No.5448649
Quoted by: >>5448663

I eat normal human food instead

>> No.5448652

Today, it'll be a bastardized carbonara. On a rather hot day, this goes very nicely with an ice cold coke.

>> No.5448657
Quoted by: >>5448660

That shit looks vile.

So I can type code or draw while I'm chewing my food.

>> No.5448660
Quoted by: >>5448669 >>5448673

Doesn't your keyboard get filthy? Just thinking about getting bits of food on mine makes me blergh.

>> No.5448663

I too ingest normal human food and hydration cylinders, fellow human.

>> No.5448669 [DELETED] 
File: 555 KB, 3072x2304, DgpDk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5448672
Quoted by: >>5448860

Thanks I hate it

>> No.5448673

I don't lean over my keyboard while doing it, obviously.
Nor do I type when I eat something with my bare hands.


>> No.5448683

Yea im here thinking they are gonna release it publicly. im still not sure whats happening

>> No.5448685
File: 175 KB, 1366x768, prboom problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5448752

I just snagged PrBoom+ to play Eviternity with and ive never used it before. So its spitting an error at me that it cant find an Iwad when ive got my wadsmoosh file right there. I even dragged it onto PrBoom and it wouldn't recognize it.
> I dont have iwads anymore, I just have doom_complete because it has all of that in it

>> No.5448691
Quoted by: >>5448707 >>5448718

how does one even touch it without throwing up

>> No.5448707

People are very good at getting used to some really messed up environments over time, whoever's used that keyboard probably doesn't even notice.

>> No.5448709


>> No.5448715

Autism. The post.

>> No.5448718
Quoted by: >>5448738

How do people live in places like India, Somalia or Haiti? They get used to it.

>> No.5448738

poverty!=self neglect

>> No.5448739

I hope we see more before E3, this is quality

>> No.5448752

nevermind I found a plutonia.wad I still had stuck in a zipfile somewhere

>> No.5448754
Quoted by: >>5448802

Is Doomguy making voice sounds?

>> No.5448759
Quoted by: >>5448789

Hideous Destructor would be better if there was roller skates.

>> No.5448761
File: 69 KB, 649x826, 1530154660890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gzdoom deleted my keybinds for the second time this week

>> No.5448779
Quoted by: >>5448797

What do I miss out on by playing Blood on the lower difficulties?

>> No.5448784

>Caco shoots more projectiles in a row

>> No.5448789

not incorrect

>> No.5448797

frustration and quick loading

>> No.5448802

hes grunting again. nice

>> No.5448810
Quoted by: >>5449027


>> No.5448818

I'm not too keen on the new cacodemon projectiles. they also kept the lame pew pew plasma sound, like come the fuck on.

everything else though. just everything else.

>> No.5448819
Quoted by: >>5448823

Stuff I noticed:
>micro missles are back, thank christ
>doomguy makes pain sounds just like he did in quake 3
>several weapon reticles changed, some are green
>green bar at the top of the screen, don't know what it does
>new enemy, looks like a strogg
>codex entries are added by killing demons
>midair detonate alt fire is back for the rocket launcher
>new area, looks like a destroyed space station orbiting mars
>doom takes a page out of Celeste's book and has dash replenishing orbs suspended in the air
>Caco has new attack pattern similar to some modded cacos
>new way to switch weapons while having the weapon wheel up on controllers
>one enemy flashes like it's glory kill-able while moving around, so it's stunned but can still move
>meathook stuns imps, so you can hook them and then immediately glorykill them.
>new enemy in the first ten seconds, looks like an armored imp of some kind

There's probably more, but I don't have the time to rewatch this more than five times.

>> No.5448823
Quoted by: >>5448826

>>new way to switch weapons while having the weapon wheel up on controllers
What exactly was different?

>> No.5448826
Quoted by: >>5448829 >>5448837

There are button prompts on the weapon slots, so you can hit the weapon wheel button and hit another button to switch to that specific weapon rather than using the right stick to hover over to that weapon slot.

>> No.5448829

That's a nice solution for it.

>> No.5448830

Read the name of the ''armored imp'' and it's actually called a prowler, so I think they're bringing in the extra demons from Doom 2016s multiplayer over into the singleplayer of doom eternal.


>> No.5448834

Nice find. Couldn't give less of a fuck about this Google platform thing but eternal is looking neat, Doomguy has a deep fucking voice now

>> No.5448837
Quoted by: >>5448843

Those aren't button prompts, they're showing what weapon upgrade is currently equipped.

>> No.5448840
Quoted by: >>5448845

Edit: Space station is not orbiting Mars, it is orbiting Earth, because when they killed a zombie during the footage it said "Zombie Earth"

>> No.5448843

Oh okay, gotcha. I was wrong.

>> No.5448845
Quoted by: >>5448857

i wonder if it also has something to do with the bfg10k

>> No.5448857

there are green stains all over some of the structures edges that are floating around.


>> No.5448860

What happened here?

>> No.5448876

>having time to eat while playing doom

>> No.5448882
Quoted by: >>5448887

Hey some of those elevators are fucking slow.

>> No.5448887
File: 53 KB, 670x531, archvile at 35 thousand feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> when the elevator is so slow you have to keep dodging enemies on the elevator
> when they teleport onto the elevator with you and its one of those caged elevators

>> No.5448890
File: 214 KB, 846x846, 1439042932162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5448897 >>5449220

The movement still looks very stiff, especially with the dashes that don't carry momentum
Other than that it looks great so long as the platforming isn't obnoxious
Also mod support please

>> No.5448897

It might be delayed because its on the google streaming console thing

>> No.5448904

his grunts sound exactly the same as in doom 64.

>> No.5448907
Quoted by: >>5451380

>take a bite or two
>unpause and continue playing while chewing
>rinse and repeat, occasionally taking gulps from drink

>> No.5448909

Sewie. She's the embodiment of all the concentrated thirst people have for Daina.

>> No.5448937

>Could somewhat explain why people like Terminus and Kegan have a more varied background than SgtMark to the point GMOTA might as well be 2 or more different mods together, considering how different the characters can be

Iunno. I just like making different playable characters feel significantly different from each other and Doom modding makes most of that easy. Thank Christ for brainlet friendly tools.
Speaking of GMOTA, I've been trying to think of a use for the red bullet gems for Blaz if he has full ammo, because I find myself only using the Blazter for clutch moments and that leaves bullet tier ammo littered on maps. It kinda sucks.

If anyone has any suggestions I'm listening, the only two things I got written down at the moment is bullet gems become health bonuses at full ammo, or a meter that gives you some kinda power up when you fill it up

>> No.5448942

Fuck. Didn't mean to quote that first one.

>> No.5448962
File: 328 KB, 1112x956, poor guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5448976 >>5449658

I love Cacodemons.

>> No.5448963
Quoted by: >>5449105

>Meter that fills up as you pick up ammo gems while your ammo is already full
>Once it's full you get 25 armor or something
Pretend blaz is fashioning armor out of the gems and gg

>> No.5448976
File: 370 KB, 1536x2048, runforit.pk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5448979 >>5449021


>> No.5448979

this is terrifying

>> No.5448993
File: 2 KB, 23x23, Doom-BAL3_anim_unused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5449012 >>5449015

>those new caco projectiles
could it be?

>> No.5449012


>> No.5449015
Quoted by: >>5449017

what if they bring this back?

>> No.5449017

>they decide to give the BFG weapon mods like they were experimenting with in 2016
>one makes it function like the BFG10k, rapid fire green rockets with concentrated splash damage
>the other gives it a christmas tree shotgun blast that annihilates everything at close range
it would be neat

>> No.5449021
File: 100 KB, 96x96, 1482617138266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem legs

>> No.5449024
Quoted by: >>5449105

>I've been trying to think of a use for the red bullet gems for Blaz if he has full ammo,
Some kind of temp bonus for damage / speed / something?

>> No.5449027

cool, the exact same way i feel

>> No.5449031

What's the advantage of doom builder compared to slade?

>> No.5449034

Slade's so bad for mapping that most people forget that it was it's original intended function.

>> No.5449036

all of them

>> No.5449038
Quoted by: >>5449053

SLADE isn't as much of a map editor these days as it is more for organizing and coding your WADs internally.

>> No.5449053

Thanks, so Slade is still handy for something?

>> No.5449057
Quoted by: >>5449073

Yes. It's good for managing your lumps and for writing your code.

>> No.5449060 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 128x128, 1553041108684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit yes, it's what you use to look inside WAD files and edit data that isn't maps. If you were making a gameplay mod, you would use SLADE. Even if you don't really mod but want to take a look inside the contents and maybe extract sprites or textures, it's useful. Here, have some FIREBLU.

>> No.5449073
Quoted by: >>5449074

and for crashing, Slade is real good at crashing.

>> No.5449074

Haven't had that happen much at all.
I make sure to make copies of my project often, however.

>> No.5449092
Quoted by: >>5449113

really dig that they brought back the grunts. helps reinforce the idea that there's someone actually inside the suit instead of just a pair of disembodied hands and feet you're controlling. it felt weird and alien to have a full on mute protagonist. leave that shit to Gordon Freeman.

>> No.5449105

Armor's not a bad idea. I'll write that one down for consideration.

Well Blaz is plenty fast as is, a damage thing was what I was thinking, I wonder if I could use flash states to launch extra attacks, make something similar to what the ring of might does, but timed instead

>> No.5449108
File: 53 KB, 1024x600, doom00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5449113
Quoted by: >>5449117

Doomguy was in a coma for like a century, right?
>inb4 he's slowly recovering his cognition and he'll learn to speak by doom 3 (2024)

>> No.5449117
Quoted by: >>5449121 >>5449131


>> No.5449121
File: 183 KB, 500x250, consuming amphetamines.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5449180


>> No.5449126
File: 100 KB, 600x446, thanos SNAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5449131


>> No.5449134

Lagavulin 16 and white fudge pretzels

>> No.5449139
Quoted by: >>5449175



>> No.5449141
File: 19 KB, 207x300, Shotgunhybrid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5449167 >>5451867

Fuck hitscan

>> No.5449167
File: 299 KB, 422x414, 1523157287823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao stop getting hit

>> No.5449175

A lot of this looks like video game footage they make for tv shows.

>> No.5449180
Quoted by: >>5449193

poppo is hitler

>> No.5449190
File: 55 KB, 542x616, 1348233955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that heavy machine gun

>> No.5449193

not incorrect

>> No.5449203
Quoted by: >>5450293

is it me or do enemies still move around with the takedown glow on? that's a nice change. I prefer they'd kept their mobility instead of just standing in place waiting for you to prompt the glory kill.

>> No.5449220
File: 126 KB, 386x758, 1544321631551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5449231 >>5449249

It was confirmed we'd get mod support at some point after launch.

>modding eternal with quake movement physics

>> No.5449231
Quoted by: >>5449249

>bethesda recognizing that modding keeps their games alive
At least whoever is at the wheel up there has more than 2 brain cells.

>> No.5449241
Quoted by: >>5449247


>> No.5449247

Good shit. If only he didn't disable embeds.

>> No.5449249
Quoted by: >>5449256

>inb4 no custom content, only snapmap

>> No.5449256

They also confirmed Eternal won't have snapmap in favor of DLC and mod tools

>> No.5449258
File: 41 KB, 713x553, 1412615222048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, now I feel some relief.

>> No.5449270


>> No.5449290
Quoted by: >>5449347 >>5449429

Fuck me, I realized I need to make a special room with mirrors for testing my player skin, so I can see how it works out.
What'd be an optimal shape, an octagon with 7 mirrors in it?

>> No.5449347

looks like you only need three: https://my.mixtape.moe/rgjezx.wad

>> No.5449353
File: 68 KB, 200x250, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mod tools

>> No.5449360
File: 213 KB, 827x691, le clothes girl 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5449368

what she saw

>> No.5449368 [SPOILER] 
File: 154 KB, 617x700, 1553052365156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5449494


>> No.5449429
Quoted by: >>5449443

actually y'know what, fuck it, you don't need mirrors, because instead you can have a movable camera

>> No.5449443

then i remembered it'd probably be nice to be able to see more than just the spawn state with this, so now you can press mouse1 to cycle between the Spawn/See/Missile/Melee/Pain/Death/XDeath states

>> No.5449494
File: 221 KB, 827x691, le clothes girl 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would he allow that

>> No.5449584
File: 637 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20190319_222622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5449589
File: 223 KB, 800x800, the girl who wears clothes 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5449601

she got the fattest ass

>> No.5449601 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>5449607 >>5449608

Stop drawing this bitch.

>> No.5449607
File: 192 KB, 1920x1017, 1522480027712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but she's doom related

>> No.5449608

No way, fag.

>> No.5449615
Quoted by: >>5449618 >>5449643

What's with these elephant legs? It looks not anime like.

>> No.5449618
File: 545 B, 24x29, STFST00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5449689

how would you go about drawing anime like legs then so i can make rin

>> No.5449621

I will admit I do hate the dot mouth, it pisses me off.

>> No.5449628
Quoted by: >>5449632

It's not just the dot. It's the fact that it's so dark, it looks like mouth is open. Lighter pixel could suggest lips, but this dark one looks ugly.

>> No.5449632

I thought the tie knot hole below the chin was supposed to be the mouth lmao

>> No.5449640
File: 12 KB, 220x397, fi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5449847

now it's fixed

>> No.5449643

But it is doom-like.

>> No.5449653
File: 687 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20190227_143749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450479

unfortunate her golf portrait makes her look like fiona from Shrek.

>> No.5449657
Quoted by: >>5449662

who did them portraits anyway and gave them skin colored eyes was it scubasteve he's cool i follow his spriting tutorial

>> No.5449658
File: 43 KB, 504x308, DemonsHaveFeelingsToo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5449669

Say it to my face fucker and not online! See what happens!

>> No.5449662
Quoted by: >>5449668

Check the credits.

>> No.5449668
Quoted by: >>5449671

we ain't got no credits

>> No.5449669
File: 882 KB, 1266x680, 1454695108358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5449692

Thanks anon, that brought a smile to my face. I'm jealous of your qt caco

>> No.5449671
File: 57 KB, 852x481, Credits right there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5449683 >>5449751

Have you tried checking the files in SLADE?

>> No.5449672

Is gzdoom fixed yet?

>> No.5449683

I told you I ain't got no agua.

>> No.5449689
File: 243 KB, 681x1098, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have they done to the earth what have they done to our fair SHIBUYA RIN
Page 4: She gets fucking pissed.

>> No.5449692

I was going to say you don't have to be as I got mine cheap in January from a Go Calander store closing down after Christmas so I figured it wasn't expensive, but apparently it was made in 2016 and is going for an average of $34 now online, which is pretty pricey compared to the $17 it retailed for, and the $9 I paid for it. I just assumed it would be cheap still as I thought it was made in the past year.

If you still want to take the plunge it was made by USAopoly, might be able to find a better deal if you search around online.

>> No.5449751

Aren't the credits just on the forum thread?

>> No.5449764
File: 121 KB, 634x825, j2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5449769

>> No.5449769 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>5449771

Fucking shota fag.

>> No.5449771
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 1531640011497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450569

i don't understand

>> No.5449773
Quoted by: >>5449781 >>5449795

Liking c kid makes you a shota now?

>> No.5449781

The character isn't named C Man.

>> No.5449795

Cmon m8, i dont think anybody gets platonically obsessed with anime characters...

>> No.5449806

Next thing you will say is that man and woman can't be friends?

>> No.5449809
Quoted by: >>5449976

I guess he is the MJ of this thread.

>> No.5449816
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, big ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then i shall draw big ass instead

>> No.5449828
File: 472 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20180824_223842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450431

speaking of big ass i want to start production on idolmaster doom again but i tried getting into aseprite but i don't like how my tablet is not compatible with it can i use another program of my liking to make sprites instead like clip studio paint all i have to do i just a binary brush what do doom modders even use to make sprites nowadays

>> No.5449834
File: 70 KB, 600x438, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5449847
Quoted by: >>5449996

why is she still skewed? I thought you'd be fixing this

>> No.5449858

What's a "Google Stadia"?

>> No.5449861
Quoted by: >>5449879

The future of DRM.

>> No.5449871
Quoted by: >>5449879

Google is trying their hand at a video game streaming cloud service.

>> No.5449879
Quoted by: >>5450201

I really doubt game streaming would replace anything until we have sub-20ms ping globally on every ISP and unlimited bandwith becomes the norm.
So, we'd have to wait another ~50 or so years, or at least until Google comes through with their "unlimited wifi for everyone via satellites" project

>> No.5449903

Is it possible for Dehacked to change WHICH map gets the text screen before/after it?

>> No.5449904
Quoted by: >>5449971

How long until someone makes a modified GZDoom that creates a new Oblige map every time you hit New Game?

>> No.5449971

when the feature allowing GZDoom to load wads from inside itself will get added

>> No.5449976

He's cool with me.

Gnarly, I hope he records some sweet albums!

>> No.5449996
File: 32 KB, 258x296, itstooeaerlyforthisshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck did I wake up to

it is being fixed ya twat
this shit takes time

>> No.5449997

Good morning.

>> No.5450002

1 question:
Bra or
No bra

>> No.5450004
Quoted by: >>5450052

Also dress-able Daina companion, when?

>> No.5450006

I'm platonically obsessed with Suicide atm.
Is anime that different?

A thing James Rolfe will make a video about in 2030, to remind us what a failure it was.

>> No.5450008

You can wear whatever you like anon, as long as you feel sexy and comfortable.

>> No.5450052
File: 514 KB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20190320_144357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450071 >>5450082



That would be neat but I have no idea to approach such task or how to even pull it off
tho if someone were to make it, I wouldnt object

>> No.5450071

Use the basic companion code everyone seem to be using (from Ralsei mod and Priestess mod), but replace sprites with Daina.
Make an inheriting Daina actor for every costume and just replace the sprite names with new ones.
Make a kill script that makes monsters drop random costumes from time to time.
Costumes are one-time use items that despawn old Daina and spawn new one in apropriate costume.

If feeling extra creative give each Costume apropriately different attacks or something, copypasted from same mod.

Personally i don't really like the gameplay of LTG all that much (I prefer DAKKA), but enjoy the fanservice part, so a companion mod that can be added on top of any other gameplay mod would be really appealing to me to the point of becoming an autoload.

>> No.5450074
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, fat man on tripod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450106 >>5450121

nuDoom 2 is trying really hard to be old school. Your thoughts? Makes me think you could see something like it in a mod but not vanilla Doom.

>> No.5450082

>casting couch

>> No.5450106
Quoted by: >>5450107

From what has been shown, it's addressing the majority of my complaints with the original game. All it needs now is proper armor.

>> No.5450107

Yeah but it's been long confirmed that the armor is a second lifebar again. I would have preferred damage reduction as well though

>> No.5450121
File: 96 KB, 600x450, possible eternal enemy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450126 >>5450135


>> No.5450126
Quoted by: >>5450135

Wasn't that some russian dude's fan project instead of actual leak?

>> No.5450135
Quoted by: >>5450146

yeah thats from around the Doom3 release
to be fair "demon with metal parts" is like 90% of what doom is already

>> No.5450146
Quoted by: >>5450148 >>5450193

To some extend, but why would you put a fat guy on a tripod?

>> No.5450148
Quoted by: >>5450163

Why would you give a fat guy flamethrower arms?

>> No.5450163
Quoted by: >>5450396

Why not? Hamburger dispensers are better?

>> No.5450181
Quoted by: >>5450471

Why aren't there armor equivalents of the stimpack and medikit...?

>> No.5450182
Quoted by: >>5450185

> -. --- .. .-. . .. ... .- ... .... .. - .-- .- .. ..-. ..-
what did yholl mean by this

>> No.5450185

>too late you're gay now

>> No.5450193
File: 161 KB, 1148x792, 2657747-mojo_annihilators_earthfall_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450202 >>5450447

It's like peanut butter and jelly.

>> No.5450201

Botnet gaming is going to bring the demand for all that in the first place

>> No.5450202

That's a quadroped, though.

>> No.5450205

I love caco

>> No.5450246

Your attitude is cancer. Some people like to create and just try what they are able to do with Doom wad, and nobody is forcing you to play their creations. It's not like all the existing and upcoming vanilla/boom wads cease to exist, if somebody makes some fun little minigame wad to ZDoom.

>> No.5450293
Quoted by: >>5451129

Only one enemy does that, it's the one that looks like a flying imp. The rest of them stay still when stunned

>> No.5450338

>No clue what this could mean.

A voodoo script is a design pattern often featured in modern Doom mapping.

Doom does not naturally feature any sort of scripting language, and while advanced ports have implemented various languages, many Doom mappers have wanted to add more interactivity to their maps without being forced to tie their WAD to that particular source port. After the release of the Boom source port, mappers soon discovered that if they placed a voodoo doll on a sector with a scrolling floor, the voodoo doll could trigger linedefs on its own as it was scrolled along the floor.

Ingenious design of the scrolling floor, and removable obstacles placed in the way of the voodoo doll, could result in more complex behavior. Mappers soon also realized they could apply this trick to existing Doom-engine games that featured scrolling floors, such as Heretic, Hexen, and Strife.

Voodoo scripts can also be used, to a more limited extent, in vanilla Doom without using carrying sectors. This requires other means to force the doll to move horizontally, such as damage from an exploding barrel destroyed by a crusher. To prevent the player from noticing the sudden damage, further tricks must be employed, making them much harder to use than the conveyor-belt approach.

>> No.5450349
File: 16 KB, 1440x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did I wake up to

>> No.5450379
File: 148 KB, 800x655, big ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450394

gonna need a ref sheet on how to draw big ass

>> No.5450394 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>5450419


>> No.5450396
File: 655 KB, 1400x875, Screenshot_Doom_20190320_170252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450642 >>5450646

I like how you think, so I stole a sprite from Kegan and made burger dispensers be a thing.

>> No.5450419

if nobody is willing to help then i shall look in the warosu myself to find the scraps of big ass like the one here >>5448554

>> No.5450431
Quoted by: >>5450457

for me it's paint.net, if you wanna go real oldschool you can always pilfer a copy of deluxepaint2 enhanced off the internet

>> No.5450445 [DELETED] 

SArais did nothing wrong

>> No.5450446
Quoted by: >>5450448 >>5450469

Sigil will be awesome based on the streams. Romero understands mapping better than those who think the neon colored Unreal layouts with shitloads of enemies equals quality.

>> No.5450447

stop posting your fetish orangebomb

>> No.5450448
Quoted by: >>5453707

more like shitgil amirite
romero is the worst
don't be his bitch
praise tchernobog

>> No.5450457

This is one of the things I learned to sprite in, it's kinda painful seeing all the blur tool use in spriting these days.

>> No.5450469
File: 227 KB, 1920x1080, dumb normie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talentless hack who can't even follow his own instructions
>beautiful constructed enviroments
Factually wrong

>> No.5450471

But there are anon, they look like helmets.

Like you.

>> No.5450479
Quoted by: >>5450484

Jesus Christ, I'm not the only one who thought of that?

>> No.5450484
File: 98 KB, 1024x576, steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450508

yeah the artist should have made her look more like in the respective mod's title screen and intermissions. la tailor girl man how come terminus didn't get you to do the portraits for big ass herself

>> No.5450508
Quoted by: >>5450532

>la tailor girl man how come terminus didn't get you to do the portraits for big ass herself
>- P_DAINA by Hege Cactus
he did

>> No.5450513
Quoted by: >>5450557 >>5450571

speaking of unreal, there's mouse smoothing in that game that I can't get rid of. How do I solve that issue?

>> No.5450527
Quoted by: >>5450676

2/10 bait attempt.

>> No.5450532

Are you sure that's not sneed?

>> No.5450536
Quoted by: >>5450551 >>5450694

Doom with Sneed feed & seed.

>> No.5450547
Quoted by: >>5450551

Does the Cyberdemon have a large dick?

>> No.5450551

quality posts you're attraciting

>> No.5450557

this, its one of the reasons I wont play it
its too smooth overall

>> No.5450569

stalker from another thread. don't engage

>> No.5450571
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, unreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450721

if the option isn't present, then grab the oldunreal patch

>> No.5450624
Quoted by: >>5450629 >>5450712

I can't get over how enemies in Quake 1 are such huge bullet sponges. The double shotgun feels so limp because of it.

>> No.5450629
Quoted by: >>5450712

almost as if the super shotgun in quake 1 is equivalent to the shotgun in doom 2

>> No.5450641
Quoted by: >>5450681


>> No.5450642
Quoted by: >>5450646


>> No.5450646
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 3b00ffe80f8b3418b1c130cb017507f7d7794287ed44380f7d5e426506951133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5450676

0/10 see me after class.

>> No.5450681

TFW I already have my own minimod for DRLA too.

Still pretty neat of him to share his, specially the decorations one.

>> No.5450691
Quoted by: >>5450702

How does it feel being yholl and having made the greatest gameplay mod for doom?

>> No.5450694
File: 1016 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20190320_203419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450710


Made a throwaway reference in my mod

>> No.5450702
Quoted by: >>5450730 >>5450742

Are there any flaws?

>> No.5450710
Quoted by: >>5451265

that's a fancy german pistol

>> No.5450712
File: 116 KB, 800x600, Its Dangerous To Go Alone - Take This.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450853 >>5451012

There was a huge revolving debate about it but basically what one guy said was
> "There's a 2:1 damage and health ratio between Doom and Quake"
And also some roleplay stuff he reasoned about how the shotgun shells in quake were shit, like 20 gauge, so even at a 2:1 ratio thats why they would still do less damage than doom shells.
IDK I can see an Ogre having 400 health in doom and a Shambler having 1200. It would take about as long to put them down with doom weapons I think.

Somebody else made a Vore for doom that was rendered very well for transition to sprites, and they made the firepods do 40 damage even though in quake they did 20. It felt about right.

>> No.5450721

okay I just had trash brain then

>> No.5450730

I've had issues where my PDA permanently forgets assemblies from having several different saves on the go at once.

>> No.5450742


Bethesda is retarded and thinks Brutal Doom is actually doom.

>> No.5450758
Quoted by: >>5450773

finished dissolution of eternity, whats next

>> No.5450773
Quoted by: >>5450783


Dimension of the Past

>> No.5450780
File: 35 KB, 580x326, 1542445997379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this posted?
is not the single dude, it's the single dude + nvidia

>> No.5450783
File: 79 KB, 800x600, AN EASY TARGET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5450792 >>5450798

I dont agree with what some people said about it being uninspired. It does look Quite Nice and some of the traps and secrets are pretty cool. The 2-Path mentality is only a problem if you're a mapper and you're on the lookout for things like that.
> No Shub Bossfight DOES suck but to be fair in quake you never had to really contend with Shub, it never fired at you and the tentacles never swiped at you. It was technically a harder boss map than og Shub was.
I like it, but the gfx requirements are probably ridiculous.

>> No.5450792
Quoted by: >>5450815 >>5451062

nvidia announced the 1xxx series will support rtx (probably because crytek showed raytracing running on an amd card)

>> No.5450798


>> No.5450815
File: 536 KB, 381x512, 1522117101717.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5451532 >>5451815

They say capitalism is best because the competition makes people get inventive.
But the article said this shit could've been done years ago if it wasnt for certain standards getting in the way.
Why the hell couldn't someone have just gone for the throat and did this shit 5-10 years ago?
- Notable demand for a product which goes unfulfilled for many years
> While ray tracing has been previously stuck behind Microsoftā€™s DirectX 12 API, the Vulkan API is also conducive to a little ray traced action, too. Built upon the Vulkan API, Quake II RTX features a purely ray traced lighting system. All lighting, reflections, shadows, and effects utilise the ā€œholy grail of computer graphicsā€, and Nvidia has opted for its own Nvidia VKRay extension to add complete ray tracing support down at the API level.
>...Stuck behind Microsofts DirectX12 API
>...Stuck behind
>...Vulkan API is also conducive TO A LITTLE ray traced action

mfw the years happen

>> No.5450823

Anyone know that program that gives you a cute little caco that floats around your desktop, like one of those desktop strippers?

>> No.5450825

Will RTX On finally make people realize that Quake 2 was a good game?

>> No.5450828


>> No.5450830

only if someone mods the weapons to be awesome and provides some at least medium-def monster models
> that mutant AI/attack sequence has to be fixed too

>> No.5450836
Quoted by: >>5450849 >>5450856

>doom wiki says zombiemen can be gibbed with the chainsaw
is this true

>> No.5450838

What the fuck is with the machinegun in Quake 2 and why does it fucking kick to the ceiling after firing a single bullet

>> No.5450847

after you kill the enforcers you gotta dispose of the flies so they don't go off and alarm the other enemies in the map

>> No.5450849
Quoted by: >>5450859 >>5450902

It would have to be a bug if it was true.
The chainsaw can only do a maximum of 20 points of damage, and if the zombieman only has 1 health left this would bring him to -19 and he would have to be at -20 or worse to be gibbed.

bare bones lightweight paratrooper weapon designed to use an intermediate cartridge (basically think of it as an MP-7 firing 7.62x39mm).
Its meant to give the player a weapon that can use bullets but not be all that useful.

I dont think it should be in the game.
Give me a Chaingun and then later on give me an item that upgrades it ("power drive motivator" etc) which gives it the higher fire rate.

>> No.5450853
Quoted by: >>5450860 >>5450875


My theory, now that I think about it, for them being such bullet sponges in Quake is that the PCs couldn't handle the Doom amount of enemies on screen at once so they decreased the numbers and increased the health.

>> No.5450856
Quoted by: >>5450859

max damage a chainsaw can do is 20, which can get a zombieman to -19, which isn't enough to gib him

>> No.5450859

why they lie to me

>> No.5450860

Not much of a theory as a fact they've outright admitted to many times over as part of slowing down the player to make the reduced level space and monster count last longer.

>> No.5450868
Quoted by: >>5450882

Because the community is a bunch of jerks and pretends to be nice.

>> No.5450870
Quoted by: >>5450882

to make you doubt everything

>> No.5450874
Quoted by: >>5450879

Which wiki?

>> No.5450875
File: 127 KB, 1024x741, horror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats probably the case. Though that kind of issue made a return in D44M.
It reminds me of that scripted battle mechanic of some old console games where you fight 5 guys, then a few more guys pile in, then you're allowed to progress to the next screen down the street. In TMNT 2 there was a limit of I think 8 sprites per line on the screen.

The other reason might've been to put people on the edge of their seat. Monsters in quake dont have the same kinda flinch behavior as doom. So if you were used to that you could be stuck in a corner unloading on an ogre or fiend and you cant do anything but keep firing and the monster just tears into you and its like a trainwreck.
Kinda like being cornered by an HK or Baron in doom. And im guessing they wanted to exaggerate that kind of psychological horror.
Meant for 18+ (even tho marketed to teens)
...it goes along with all of that

>> No.5450879

zdoom probably
that wiki is extremely misleading

>> No.5450882
Quoted by: >>5450891

You still get dipshits around who are convinced of their weird misconceptions about stuff like the BFG and how long the berserk lasts, and feel they have to correct everybody else about it.

>> No.5450890
File: 17 KB, 377x240, chainpulley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed, his new rocket launcher has some sort of chain pulley system when it fires.

>> No.5450891

berserk lasts full map
bfg is basically a multi-stage weapon which makes it arguably more balanced than the SSG

>> No.5450894

you are cancer

>> No.5450902

I dont want the single barrel shotgun in the game either, just have the SSG and give it a powerup that makes it great at close-medium.
My idea is make it fire like two blasts from the single barrel gun so its good at range. The upgrade would be a Spreader Choke which you clamp on the end of the gun, which makes it behave like the standard SSG does and do more damage.
Like doom you could select the item again to take the spreader choke off of it to get the ranged ability back.

>> No.5450920
Quoted by: >>5450931

Careful not to mistake it for a repost of:
>[1-19] Somebody tries implementing RTX tech into Quake 2

>> No.5450931
Quoted by: >>5450996

it's actually the same project but the dude turned out to be an nvidia intern
and nvidia went full steam with it

>> No.5450971
File: 1.79 MB, 1366x768, 1522529141930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5450974
Quoted by: >>5450993


>> No.5450993

I sense a trap
> lets spring the trap

>> No.5450996

I think he just secured his career. But as an intern he will still have to pay them for a few years for the privilege of working for them.

>> No.5451012
Quoted by: >>5451031 >>5451072

What is this wad?

>> No.5451029

The lighting actually improves old 3d games like that a lot
On modern games, the difference is minimal

>> No.5451030
Quoted by: >>5451045

those textures are new, they are physically based

>> No.5451031
Quoted by: >>5451072

Eviternity, it came out sometime recently, its about as good as btsx and it has episode transitions (pistol start) about every 6-7 maps. Im running it on PrBoom+
dude, my penis

>> No.5451045
Quoted by: >>5451335

no the materials were physically based, that doesnt mean the textures, it means the way they're rendered and all the shader stuff that goes with it (PBR, etc).
So things have been added, but they're laid over the existing textures.

>> No.5451057
Quoted by: >>5451118 >>5451223

Kinda reminds me of Serious Sam HD for some reason. Also why is Q2 always used for raytracing tech demos?

>> No.5451062
Quoted by: >>5451527

Oh boy, I'm sure my 1060 will love that.

>> No.5451072
File: 197 KB, 800x600, doom04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5451109


>> No.5451109
File: 226 KB, 800x600, doom11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5451126

the landscaping crew are gonna have a damn fit

>> No.5451118
Quoted by: >>5453380

Yeah there was also that real time audio propagation thing that was also in quake 2

>> No.5451124

I'd love to see this implemented in NewDark for Thief and System Shock 2

>> No.5451126
Quoted by: >>5451130

Why isnt the grass in Doom overgrown? It isnt even fescue

>> No.5451129

we didn't get a look at any other stunned monster besides the imp when the player latched onto it.

>> No.5451130

those automated lawnmower bot things, like a roomba but for the lawn

>> No.5451150
Quoted by: >>5451152

Unlike DOOM, their are no truly terrible-bad versions of Quake 1, only ones not as good as others.
IBM MS-DOS=PPC Mac>Saturn>Amiga>N64>Unreleased PS1 port

>> No.5451152
Quoted by: >>5451158 >>5451196

What abotu Dreamcast

>> No.5451156
Quoted by: >>5451158

Why is Quake so fucking ugly.

>> No.5451158
Quoted by: >>5451162

Slightly better than the Saturn Version.
You fail to appreciate games make with engines higher than Idtech 1.

>> No.5451162
Quoted by: >>5451327

>engines higher than Idtech 1.
Did you mean older? Well it's not like there are 3D games older than Quake, but that doesnt change the fact that it's visual style looks like mud.

>> No.5451186

Quake 2 was merely good. Bar minimum to be "good".

>> No.5451196

Is it bad on Dreamcast? I seem to remember it being fine.

>> No.5451218


>> No.5451223
Quoted by: >>5451240

Because it's open source and new stuff is easy to implement

>> No.5451240

but why not in Q1 instead of Q2?

>> No.5451253

Ask the devs

>> No.5451262

Something to do with Quake 2's lighting design being really ahead of it's time so that they could just put in raytracing and not have to manually do much.

>> No.5451265 [SPOILER] 
File: 335 KB, 840x581, 1553127133847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5451312 >>5451327

Berettas are Italian.

>> No.5451312
File: 27 KB, 600x528, Buc0SWxIIAA200P[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5451318

What better to take down a spicy meatball

>> No.5451318

Mmm... meatballs

>> No.5451325

Doom but its Gradius

>> No.5451327
File: 8 KB, 480x269, ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette.wikia.nocookie.net%2Ftftc%2Fimages%2Fb%2Fbb%2FTales_from_the_Crypt_intro%2Frevision%2Flatest%2Fscale-to-width-down%2F600%3Fcb%3D20180518215756&f=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5451349

the visual style looks like an 80s and early 90s horror movie, there's nothing wrong with this
> nickel plated sissy pistol
> get yerself a glock

>> No.5451335

Not necessarily. A large part of getting PBR right is mapping parameters (metalness, roughness, etc.) to extra textures, so that things like rust and scuff marks are achievable.

>> No.5451336

Graf Zahl approves

>> No.5451349

Glocks are boring.

>> No.5451353
Quoted by: >>5451390 >>5451603

Then get a Desert eagle or Luger.

>> No.5451380

I use to do as you describe, but found i didn't get proper 'full' signals to my brain and overate, thus got fat. Now i try to focus more on eating as a separate activity, i feel full a lot quicker.

>> No.5451390
Quoted by: >>5451410 >>5451603

no, get a Zip .22

>> No.5451410

But don't I need to download winrar to use it?

>> No.5451457
File: 21 KB, 220x277, futureshock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come no one ever talks about this game here? I remember this shit being fucking mindblowing back when I first played it, Todd Howard pulled some wizardry with this.

How can I play this nowadays? Along with the other game skynet

>> No.5451458
File: 18 KB, 300x282, 1429900846612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5451469

Trying to play co-op DRPG+RLA with a friend. Megawads like Back to Saturn X have specific monsters placed for multiplayer, eg. Spider Mastermind right at the start of Map 01. Is there any way to disable those MP-specific monster spawns on gzdoom?

Also, does anyone have any big megawad recommendations? Specifically looking for ones without any custom monsters or weapons. Thanks frens

>> No.5451461
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20190319_222326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5451465
Quoted by: >>5451471


>> No.5451469
Quoted by: >>5451487

give oblige+obaddon a go, it's pretty fantastic

>> No.5451471
Quoted by: >>5451478

fuck, I was really hoping there was another way to get a hold of it.

>> No.5451472

It was a bit weird back then, also you could shoot the moon down.

>> No.5451474
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20190319_221845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tatsurd cacodemon??

>> No.5451478

There's also PCem and 86box.

>> No.5451487

Not the guy your replied to, but I had no idea this existed
Definitely giving this a spin when I get the chance, thanks

>> No.5451494
Quoted by: >>5451501

What Engine does it use?

>> No.5451501
Quoted by: >>5451531

XnGine, the same as daggerfall

>> No.5451504
Quoted by: >>5451529 >>5451554

how come no one told tatsuredcacocaco to turn off the vaseline

>> No.5451524
Quoted by: >>5451548 >>5451578

An attempt at partial analysis of Quake1's E1M2: Castle of the Damned.

The level is shotgunstartable. On the previous level, E1M1, you have a chance of acquiring both SuperShotgun and NailGun. E1M2, however, gives you SuperShotgun relatively close to the beginning of the level, not only putting it on arguably main progression path, but also putting an unsourced spotlight on the ground under it (similar, but smaller, unsourced spotlights appear further on, designating points where nails eventually hit the walls at the nail trap - by the way, on Easy/Normal the nail trap only has two spitters, while on Hard, there are three spitters), seemingly indicating, that, yes, you are sure meant to pick up that SuperShotgun. There are also several nail boxes. By the end of the level, however, you realize, provided you shotgunstarted, you still don't have the NailGun. Indeed, unless I have missed something, this level doesn't contain it.
It giving you SuperShotgun by both putting it at a place you HAVE to pass in order to complete the level, AND putting it in an unsourced spotlight, thus indicating that you are MEANT to get it, also hints upon that since you didn't get the NailGun, you were NOT actually MEANT to get it on this level.

This immediately makes NailGun ammo boxes, appearing on the level, highly suspicious, and their placement - worth of a careful scrutiny.

The first nail box appears at the beginning of the level, under the bridge. There is a secret wall, nearby in the same pool.

The second nail box appears in the room with the silver key, immediately under the button, drawing a bridge to it. If, instead of crossing the bridge, you look down, past the bridge, you notice the third nail box, jumping down to collect it, you get to the lower, water-filled level, in a room, taking the only exit of which, immediately opens up a '"secret'" right under the contraption with the shootable button and yellow (150) armor you hopefully collected immediately before visiting...

>> No.5451527

I want to believe we will able to run this quake 2 rtx at least

>> No.5451529
File: 129 KB, 512x512, 1523995705563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw I remember watchin his playthrus back in high school

>> No.5451528

quake 2 is modular

>> No.5451531

XnGine Sourceport NEEDS TO HAPPEN! Call it XnChocolate or EXn.

>> No.5451532
Quoted by: >>5451556 >>5451586

dude, STILL TODAY there is no raw power to do real time raytracing

>> No.5451548
Quoted by: >>5451553 >>5451578

...the silver key room. Anyway, in the just opened secret, there is a fourth nail box and a teleporter. Taking a teleporter, you emerge on a ledge containing green armor from near the beginning of the game (opposite of the ledge where the SuperShotgun was). The teleporter pad is on one end of that ledge, the green armor is on the other end of that ledge. Coming to get the armor, you come face to face with the demon face indentation on the wall. Moreover, if you have collected the yellow armor immediately before visiting the silver key room, it is likely you still have more than 100 armor, meaning, green armor doesn't get collected. In any case, the demon face indentation is seemingly supposed to get your attention.

So, let's recall the sequence of events for the time being. Nail boxes two-three-four form a bread crumb trail, at the end of which you come face to face, with, well, demon face.

Okay. Where have you seen such demon faces already? Silver key room. Okay, backtrack. You collect the key, door opens, there is a sequence of the same demon face indentations on the walls, marking a pathway from the silver key toward the silver door. I don't currently remember a single other such indentation on the level, apart from the already mentioned (on a silver_key/silver_door pathway, and a stray one on the ledge with the green armor). This seemingly indicates that demon face indentations, where they appear, are supposed to mark the main progression path.

Now to the last part. You enter the silver door, shoot some enemies on your level and on the ledge above, then notice said ledge contains one (on Easy/Normal) or two (on Hard) nail boxes. You stand on the touchplate, door with the fiend opens, what also opens is access to two teleporters nearby, taking which makes you teleport to said ledge above, from which it is trivial to dispose not only of this fiend, but also of the two fiends that spawn after its death on Hard difficulty.

>> No.5451553

So, there. Nail box sequence -> stray demon face -> demon face sequence -> final nail box(es).

>> No.5451554
Quoted by: >>5451578

he probably speedrunned the gzdoom configuration too

>> No.5451556
Quoted by: >>5451586

Wonder how much better the TITAN supercomputer is at Ray-Tracing.

>> No.5451578
File: 9 KB, 400x400, bag on head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTH why would someone start going at this like they're suddenly reciting shakespeare?

Quake 1 e1m2 is simply murder even if you did shotgun start. The only thing in that map remotely dangerous is the Scrags. The fiends could be a problem but if you use the quad damage correctly you butcher them just like the rest.
> mfw I use the one from the room with the knights, and even with the clockwork mechanism taking its time to open the door for the fiends ive still got just enough time to detonate them with my shotgun
All of the maps in Quake 1 can be finished with shotgun start. Some of them like Azure Agony are harder to do that way, but there's no math here.
Now THAT is implessive.

>> No.5451586
File: 51 KB, 413x243, holy fuck its 2019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5451596

Ive been kinda out of the loop when it comes to high end graphics. And dare I say this is a horrific thing to find out. I just took another blackpill today.
I thought this had been accomplished at least five years ago.

>> No.5451594

don't engage

>> No.5451596

have you seen the rtx games running with rtx enabled?, it tanks the performance hard
every time we approach to run games in 4k and 60 fps they add a new tanking technology, hairworks, hdr (not really), rtx, etc

>> No.5451603
Quoted by: >>5451607 >>5451616

Get a rope

>> No.5451607


>> No.5451608

In order to try to get the intent behind the level.

>> No.5451609

>actually wanting 4k
Such a number of pixels is too many. Seriously, that's computing power better spent somewhere else.

>> No.5451612
Quoted by: >>5451619 >>5451650

4k was a tanking technology

>> No.5451615
Quoted by: >>5451650 >>5451669

I don't speak for me, I have a 144 hz monitor
(I actually want a 240 one)

>> No.5451616

Get a whip instead.

>> No.5451617
Quoted by: >>5451650

And ep4 in particular absolutely isn't INTENDED to be shotgunstarted (barring E4M2), since the entire episode (disregarding E4M1) only gives you each weapon strictly once.

>> No.5451619

Whats with the hate for stuff that goes above 1080p resolution?

>> No.5451629

Sour grapes and fear of being ruined. I use a 1440p monitor and 1080p is just unacceptable.

>> No.5451643

>not having a trimonitor setup of 32:9 8k 1 ms 240 fps g-sync amoled monitors
fucking casuals

>> No.5451646

1440p is fine. 1080 is a little low but still workable. 4k goes beyond what the typical human eye can actually see from a comfortable viewing distance, and is unacceptable. Those useless pixels would be sucking up fps when they don't need to.

>> No.5451648
Quoted by: >>5451667 >>5452683

>not sticking to cathodic screens
suck my dick
just kidding, but i'm still not sure what could be the best tool to use my big ass Trinitron as a monitor

>> No.5451650

Ok ill bite
This is from an oldfag
And this is right up /vr/ alley too because its one of the best things about /vr style.

Basically put you're playing a game, and it is Not Real. And you should not be so engrossed in it that you cant tell the difference.
There should be something there as a reminder that you're playing a game, something just a little bit off.

You know what I miss about TV and Movies?
24 frames per second, and softened pixels at 480p resolution. It gave the movies a laid back romanticized look. You didnt need to see fine grit details, you focused on the actors. When there were display screens in the background you didnt pay attention to what was on them. If you try then its like those things are kinda dreamy, out of focus. Low resolution, but not low quality, its all about what its meant to convey.

When HDTVs showed up it all went to shit because the pixel precision was through the roof. Except when it wasnt, and then you had a high def screen that had fuzzy pixels which still had a very fine black line dividing them.

So to compensate, and I mean compensate like an aircraft carrier, everything has had to become excessively "Clear" and "Crisp" and run at much higher framerates (60 vs 24). And this makes things look much more *Realistic* but thats a BAD thing because now the suspension of disbelief is gone. Now you're not focused on the scene, you're focused on picking apart any errors or details in it.

Yeah and you can still shotgun the fuck out of it
> E4M2 seriously? There's an SSG sitting in the cage right in front of you when you pop in the level. To get past the shambler in the pit you use the ring of shadows and you should just about be able to get on the lift by the death knights by the time it runs out. And then you have an Invulnerability AND you can go down the hall for a Quad and wipe the floor with all these pricks.

>> No.5451667
Quoted by: >>5451674

over 9000 searchs on google

>> No.5451669
File: 1.44 MB, 2592x1944, dead on the side of the road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5451684 >>5451702

And to continue
My preferred resolution for gaming isnt so much about the pixels as it is about the pixel density and screen size. Im talking like 17 inch at the most on a laptop screen.
I like my games with full-on Antialiasing running at probably 40ish fps range, at roughly 1024x600.
I want there to be some "grit" to it, I dont like smoothness, though I dont like lag either.
Used to be I would set fps on games to 30 and cap it there no matter how fast they were, but now its not quite enough. I would really love to have 24 fps back but I would need the same kind of CRT blending going on that I remember from back then. Its a lost technology.
If anything I think the big mistake was made all the way back when television came out. Setting the resolution to 648x484 instead of something larger, and then investing in the extra bandwidth at the time to make it work.
800x600 would have allowed for more data on the tv and a higher quality picture, and when the computer age happened regular TVs could have been used straight up for information display instead of needing specialized computer monitors. It could have carried as the standard for a long, long fucking time. And even when a (much) higher resolution would have been required, it could have been done with projectors or specialized big-screen-tvs at double the resolution for another 15 years.
Someone with some brains could've figured that eventually tv screens might need to hold more information on them.
There is also the mistake of not going with the Golden Ratio on the subject either. 16:10 pretty much. It could've Always been widescreen. Though now that I think about it there might've been some engineering hiccups with getting the CRT to scan that wide (who knows).

>> No.5451673
Quoted by: >>5452643

>Now you're not focused on the scene, you're focused on picking apart any errors or details in it.
You took an awful long time to get to a somewhat reasonable point.
It's still off though. It's not the resolution, it's the style. We've had high res monitors for a long time.
High res low poly looks fine imo.

>> No.5451674

i'm not looking for A way, i know i could just buy a random hdmi to vga/S-video adapter, i'm wondering what's the BEST way

maybe a 2nd video card with an s-video output, i don't know

>> No.5451682
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20190319_222403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5451684
Quoted by: >>5452643

hd crts were more expensive than hd lcds, also, the widescreen crts were prone to more failures because they were more complex, the magnetic field directing the electron beam were super sensitive so that it doesn't distort the image around the edges added to that these crts were shallower

>> No.5451690

>4k goes beyond what the typical human eye can actually see from a comfortable viewing distance, and is unacceptable
massive seethecope

But really that depends on the size of your monitor. The difference between a 1440p and 2160p monitor at 27 inches and above is night and day.

>> No.5451695
Quoted by: >>5452643

television and movies arent at 60 FPS, theyre still at 24-30. The TV always ran at 60Hz

>> No.5451702
Quoted by: >>5452643

Is this copypasta or are you just an idiot

>> No.5451706
Quoted by: >>5451739 >>5451747

What reasonable person plays on a 27 inch monitor?

>> No.5451717
Quoted by: >>5451727 >>5452653

> E4M2 seriously? There's an SSG sitting in the cage right in front of you when you pop in the level.
I meant, that E4M2 IS the only Petersen's level from ep4, that is seemingly INTENDED to be shotgunstarted. I didn't try to seriously analyze it, but after my last time playing beta3 version of it shotgunstarted. Well, it basically seemed, that if you waste shotgun ammo on the knights right in the beginning of the level, you are likely to run into mild ammo problems right about the pool, leading to shambler, provided you are thorough about killing stuff. So, the intended way of doing things seemed to me to use the megahealth, and to duke it out with knights, using axe, while hiding behind the, like, between a beam and a cage - in order to conserve the ammo. Or, well, first to duke it, then to use the megahealth. Anyway, if you have excess of shotgun ammo from the beginning, then it's no brainer, you just flatten everything, and then proceed further.
>Yeah and you can still shotgun the fuck out of it
Why would I want to? A tangent. Back when I was at school, I also played piano, 5 hours a day, every day, not really by my own volition, played it pretty good though. I find nothing all that amazing about finger dexterity. I get my kicks otherwise. End of a tangent.

>> No.5451727

Actually, no, 5 is an overestimation. 3, occasionally 4, is a bit more like it. It was also a goddamn long time ago, so
Anyway, whatever.

>> No.5451739

That depends on your desk setup and how close you can or want to sit to the monitor. 27 inch monitors were very popular for 1080p.

>> No.5451747

I play on a 32" dildo tv
it was uncomfortable at first but I can't go back now

>> No.5451781
File: 50 KB, 646x378, The UAC didn't train me for this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this thread even right now

>> No.5451791
File: 85 KB, 1782x1002, Screenshot_Doom_20181227_131346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5453034

>> No.5451815 [DELETED] 

>They say capitalism is best because the competition makes people get inventive
The problem with capitalism in its current form is that globalisation and corporatisation make it much easier for companies to collude and completely avoid the competition, while crushing any smaller company that tries to compete in their niche.
When the capitalism was considered "the best thing ever" globalisation was not an issue and nobody could forsee that it would ever become what it is now.

The same problem as with any system, really - it only works as long as people are not egotistic douchbags.
And people in positions of power are mostly egotistic douchbags since that kind of people have less moral restraints when reaching for such a position.

>> No.5451867

you're essentially saying "fuck firearms".
hitscan is just a way to model really fast moving bullets while saving CPU. Having a projectile that moves as fast as a bullet probably isn't going to affect your game, unless you're sniping someone from a super long distance.

Its not like you're going to be dodging bullets anon - they move really fast.

>> No.5451885

Is there a way to change the scale of my M_DOOM graphic? Like is there a definition somewhere where I can scale it down to 80% size?

>> No.5451902

>Its not like you're going to be dodging bullets anon - they move really fast.

We already did the math a few threads ago:
If bullets were fastprojectiles moving at correct speeds (~1200 fps for pistols and shotgun, ~2000 for rifle), then Doomguy would be able to dodge most of them from 30-40m at the speed he goes.

>> No.5451903

Yeah but theyre in space so ballistics have to be much faster for Mars heavier gravity

>> No.5451906
Quoted by: >>5451914 >>5451934

Heavier gravity ->more power required to accelerate an object ->slower bullet speeds

>> No.5451907
File: 15 KB, 226x300, Grenadehybrid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5451924

Some projectiles in SS2 are bullshit too. Fuck grenades.

>> No.5451908
Quoted by: >>5451914

... mars' gravity is like a third of earth's

>> No.5451914

thats what I meant. Thus it'd be faster. Also of course Hell is a vacuum so no air resistance

>> No.5451916
Quoted by: >>5451925

Gravity has nothing to do with bullet speed. Mass does, but mass does not change. The trajectory and effective distance would be different (also because different/no atmosphere), but that has little bearing onto Doomguy's ability to dodge bullets.

>> No.5451921
Quoted by: >>5451934 >>5452643

This is such bullshit. Nobody dodges a rifle round.
Casual fucks are just buttblasted because they can't play for shit.

>> No.5451923


>> No.5451924
File: 865 KB, 1000x1200, 6ca1a4c38fb8dfb9b07a2f717f45707c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't get blown up lmao

>> No.5451925
Quoted by: >>5451934

If gravity was heavier you would want to make bullet speed faster because what would be good for X distance on earth would instead hit the ground before reaching that distance if gravity was higher.

>> No.5451927
Quoted by: >>5451934

Movement speed is one thing, but reaction speed is another.
If you notice you're about to get shot at, and act accordingly, you're probably going to move behind cover at pretty much the same speed as if you would if it was just a really really fast projectile.
If you didn't react fast enough, the extremely tiny added delay would be unlikely to make a difference.

>> No.5451934

ya'll fail at physics

you also need to account for there being no atmosphere and thus no air resistance, besides Mars (and especially its satellites) have much less gravity than Earth so it can be argued as a reason as to why shotgun shots are so acurate at long ranges.

Muzzle velocity however would not change in any way, since the force of explosion (bullets have their own primer and explosion happens in a closed system) and mass of a bullet would not change, and that's all that matters in velocity

Bullet would be able to keep its initial velocety for much longer than on earth, but velocity itself would not change.
If Hell for example has higheer gravity than Earth... initial velocity still wouldn't change and as long as it is comparable to earth (1.5-2 times earth level) it would not matter at 50-100 m range.

Doomguy moves at ~20m/s. That's enough to dodge a rifle bullet at ~50m range since doomguy would be 1.3m away from initial point if he is running when the bullet reaches his prior position.

If he is moves while being shot at, bullets are very unlikely to hit even from 40-50m, since he's much faster than a normal human.

>> No.5451939
Quoted by: >>5451942

Enough of your excuses, filthy casual.

>> No.5451942
Quoted by: >>5451947

>fails at math
>calls others casuals
get a load of this faggot

>> No.5451947
File: 290 KB, 600x600, get_a_load_of_this_zoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filthy casual confirmed

>> No.5451952
Quoted by: >>5452423

Is youtube disabled sorting vids by date, views, etc? I want to search for more PSX Doom videos, but it won't let me.

>> No.5451958
Quoted by: >>5451964 >>5452447

Do you think they'll explain Doomguy's change in armor design between 2016 and Eternal or just retcon it as "always been that way"?

>> No.5451964
Quoted by: >>5451990 >>5452447

He'll probably change armor to get rid of the control Hayden has over his current one

>> No.5451975
Quoted by: >>5452438

You still forget that movement speed isn't reaction speed.
Either you react in time to the enemy shooting at you, or you don't, regardless of movement speed.

That said, it's true that Doomguy's high movement speed greatly aids in avoiding incoming fire you're prepared for.

>> No.5451990
Quoted by: >>5451992 >>5452039

Shame. I really like the 2016 Praetor suit, it fits perfectly with the aesthetics of the new games.

>> No.5451991

For every whiny MUH HITSCAN /vr/tard I'll place another 10 chainguners in my maps

>> No.5451992

They could make it a skin like that Zombie Doom Slayer one they have, it's not like it has to be canonical if it's a skin. They'd only need to change it to have the shoulder cannon and wrist blade.

>> No.5451994


>> No.5452007

Can I encourage you to do that anyway?

>> No.5452039
Quoted by: >>5452042

It looked entirely too much like MJOLNIR Armor, IMO.

>> No.5452042

It looked way better IMO.

>> No.5452053

Because you need soundtrack files.
Place them in id1\music dir

>> No.5452074
File: 86 KB, 500x393, a fair price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5452136

Do it bitch, I bet you won't. I bet you don't have the balls to make a well balanced and engaging map with a strong focus on hitscanners but still some projectile monsters for the sake of variety and to avoid encounter fatigue.
Or maybe it's possible to have an entire level with hitscan based encounters and still manage to keep things interesting besides the standard "A wall opens up and we shoot your butt" routine.

Themed maps like that could actually make for a fun jam sorta thing.

>> No.5452103
Quoted by: >>5452110 >>5452212

> a chaingunner
> except with a minigun
> fires a bullet every tic
> teleports to a random spot after every shot

>> No.5452110
Quoted by: >>5452212

>each bullet deals splash damage
>every time he teleports he leaves a revenant at his last spot
>he has 10 cybies worth of HP
>and keeps screaming all the time at full volume

>> No.5452136

>tfw 4chan will never have an April Fool's where all images posted get Chaingunners watermarked on them somewhere

>> No.5452212

>that one mod that lets Revenants shoot Chaingunners at you

>> No.5452367

who's gonna play your maps other than a few dweebs around here lmao.

>> No.5452416
Quoted by: >>5452505

Hedon has released

>> No.5452423

I noticed it too while searching for videos about some mods.

>> No.5452438

it is known that demons can't lead shots
so if doomguy runs fast
he can outrun zombiemens aims

>> No.5452442
File: 93 KB, 761x865, 1548841515626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The recent changes to HD are giving me an aneurysm, removing item limits in favor of the encumbrance system is turning me into a walking blob of fat that has to shit out dozens of mags and stimpacks every 15 minutes to remain mobile.
And I can't just easily trim the fat either because doom level design ignores such things as fall damage and flimsy health, and I need those zerk packs and ladders to not run into an impassable wall.
Pic semi-related.

>> No.5452447

Well, he finds all these armor shards lying around so I think he might be just retrofitting his armor gradually with whatever he can find on the field, only keeping the powered frame-base (that was made for him by the "wretch") onto which everything else latches.

>> No.5452471

I want to hold a DERP and tell it everything will be okay

>> No.5452505


>> No.5452525
File: 231 KB, 800x450, 1536761258954.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high pitched UNF

>> No.5452570
File: 2.69 MB, 800x450, 1544305427817.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5452580 >>5452617

>> No.5452580


>> No.5452583

CripsyDuke, CrispyShadowDuke, and BuildGDX(a multifaceted Build Sourceport that is compatible with every Build engine game in one way or another) NEED TO HAPPEN!

>> No.5452608

what's the average age here

>> No.5452610

That can't be answered.

>> No.5452614

What's YOUR average age?

>> No.5452616
Quoted by: >>5452776


>> No.5452617
Quoted by: >>5452635 >>5452709


>> No.5452619

>panic/frustration while trying to load a save
>end up deleting it
uh, so at what angle should I position the barrel if i want to make it instant? 45 degrees, correct?

>> No.5452631
Quoted by: >>5452640

>Inmost Dens on Tumblr still hasn't posted about DRLA

>> No.5452635

"Hold you dick steady and get your credit card ready"

t. Steam sale

>> No.5452640

Didn't sound like anybody's running it anymore.

>> No.5452643

> you took an awful long time
Im like a dog chasing cars, I wouldnt know what to do with one if I caught it, I just Do things (-The Joker) Im an agent of chaos.
I just go with the flow man, I write like I speak.
So basically there is a problem with tuning the magnetic field to get a widescreen picture. Got it. Though, there's nothing wrong with having 4:3 ratio and just having a higher resolution (eg, 800x600 vs 800x500)
Monitor Size is a BIG problem, pun intended.
On a smaller monitor, 15-17", 1080p is just fine.
Movies had to be tweaked up to 30fps even if they were 24fps to be displayed on tv. Missing frames were interpolated, and it fucked with the motion and feel of the movies --just enough--

People with guns realistically will lead targets when they're moving. Nevermind that zombies in doom usually shoot from the hip.
You cant see bullets or shotgun pellets without a slow motion camera either. If bullets have tracers embedded in them its typically only on belt fed machineguns, not rifles, and its only every 5 rounds, and they're easier to see from behind the bullet than in front of it.
Long story... but what it means is you cant dodge bullets in doom.
Zombies have a massive inaccuracy cone, 22.5 degrees wide. In fact they are 4 times as inaccurate as doomguy is with his chaingun.
> doomguy would be 1.3m away from initial point
What if the zombie missed, firing in front of where he was going, and because it takes time for it to get there it turns out he actually dodged into it?
You dont get to see the bullet anyway.

True intelligence is considering the Actual Results, not just putting together the theory. Consider ALL the variables.
The 150IQ autist in me would also point out that the hitbox for all enemies in doom is absolutely huge and it should be harder to hit people in general. Radius 16 should probably be more like Radius 8.

>> No.5452650
Quoted by: >>5452653 >>5452672

I really hate the doom fanbase sometimes.

>> No.5452653
File: 9 KB, 157x83, SNG0D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5452665 >>5452739

If you cant shotgun start E4M3 and E4M4 I just do NOT know what to say to you.
Can you even into tactics?
Are you aware of infighting?

The error may be with your playing style, stop letting monsters hit you. Start using cover. Start running from monsters and evade them while you get the prizes and kill weaker monsters. Let those wandering monsters scrunch together so you can get them infighting.
I believe the question you might have is whether all of the weapons are available on a given level, as qualifying it for being shotgun start. Personally I think its irrelevant because in the next level you're likely to pick up any weapons you missed.
What you miss out on in Episides 2-4 by doing a shotgun start at a later level is all of the Cell Backpacks that the Enforcers drop in the first mission of each. Thats usually Alot of cells too. You find energy cells as you go later on when you're getting close to getting the thunderbolt (almost as if there's a logistics reason for it... hide the ammo close to where the gun is stashed). With the initial boost on the first mission you can hit 100 and use the gun as you please
Using the quintessensial Quake 1 level E4M4... you find a SSG immediately, there's a GL up by the healing pool, there's a NG and SNG later in the level. The thunderbolt hasnt shown up yet. So you have the ability to use your 3 ammo types. They even conveniently put a little tiny hole in the floor for you to shoot a grenade into so that you can grenade jump into the horizontal teleporter.

If they've bothered to put multiple instances of the same guns into the game maps as you go along, then the game can be played with a basic weapon start. Initially, I always wondered "Why am I finding another SNG? Ive already got an SNG and it was an obvious pickup?". For a long time I thought it was foolish, and people should be punished for cheating by not giving them weapon pickups they missed.

which part of the information do you contest?

>> No.5452664
File: 35 KB, 1760x1856, 1545014860096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about the physics or logic of it, hitscanners are good because they present a unique challenge that forces you to switch tactics, keeping the gameplay exciting.

>> No.5452665
Quoted by: >>5452672 >>5452683

these posts are a fucking mess

>> No.5452670
Quoted by: >>5452695

>gotta snap to hitscanners while dodging projectiles to reduce damage, target prioritization
>gotta snap to hitscanners and kill them instantly before they turn me into swiss cheese, instant tension

I don't know why people hate them so much.

>> No.5452672
Quoted by: >>5452683


>> No.5452676


>> No.5452678
Quoted by: >>5452683

Wrong, that's not how TV displays work and interpolation is only in recent HDTVs and can be turned off. Please educate yourself instead of spewing constant bullshit.
Also films were never shot at a constant 24 FPS

>> No.5452680
Quoted by: >>5452691

Hitscanners in system shock 2 are not good, full stop.

>> No.5452683
File: 38 KB, 805x540, THE SWITCH DOESNT WORK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5452781

I think the BIG problem here is
Why the hell do you need such a large screen?
Are you trying to encapsulate your full peripheral vision or something, so that you cant see anything other than the display? Why could you possibly want to do that?
I find that idea very uncomfortable, I hate having my vision taken up completely by something (unless its a woman's face when im kissing her). Its like fingernails down a chalkboard. I can almost guarantee you I will never adapt to VR displays.

Huge ass screens is an 80s and 90s meme for richfucks who could taunt people with their big screens and use it as a prop to host sports game get togethers. It was cool back then because it was rare. Now its not, and its not cool anymore.
In the 90s information density on the screen was an important thing, and you needed a big monitor to have 1600x1200 resolution or higher. Thats just how it was and man that fucker weighed alot, you needed a sturdy desk to hold your 19 or 21 inch monitor.
But, really, I think once you get around the 1366 or 1920 pixel range you've got enough space on the screen for all the info you need.

If bigger screens means you need higher resolution, stop getting bigger screens.
Get the smallest HDTVs you can which are 1080p and save yourself money. Probably $150 vs 600. Spend the savings on making up the difference on a graphics card.
Those are probably higher quality and will last longer than bigger ones that everybody is expected to buy. Advancements in technology making everything cheaper and all.
now this is autism, vol12
so what, 4chan and 4channel are a mess, they're basketweaving forums that essentially amount to a bar scene except instead of booze there's an aroma of paint thinner
we get together to talk about shared hobbies and interests, but without being able to exchange contact info, so nobody knows that you're a serial killer or worse, a cat, when you're posting

>> No.5452691
Quoted by: >>5452702 >>5452741

havent played, wouldnt know
but in doom they are mostly fine, depending on usage
unless its the DRLA spider mastermind that is also legendary
fuck that thing
fuck its armor bypassing, super high damge, super fast firing minigun

>> No.5452692

Learn to read. Muzzle velocity isnt magically changing because of gravity, the muzzle velocity of the weapon and ammo used on a different planet is designed to be different than one from earth, so it's stupid to assume that pistol and rifle velocity is the same as an earth weapon.

>> No.5452693
File: 1015 KB, 1080x1805, Screenshot_20190202-192027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5452723

what is going on

>> No.5452695
Quoted by: >>5452723 >>5452729

Because they're cheap, fake difficulty. It throws away skill and makes it luck-based whether you get hit or not. Hitscan exists SOLELY because of limitations.
>target prioritization
You realize these only happen BECAUSE of the luck-based factor right? If there was a room with a bomb in it that would only go off depending on a coinflip, of course there'd be tension, but it wouldn't be fucking fair. Why not target prioritization based on legitimate mechanics and thing that actually matter based purely on skill? What it means is that less skilled player could survive a situation that a more skilled player didn't simply because rng favoured the former more. Make their projectiles the fastest in the game by far which would still give them prioritization but still be fair and dodgeable, pretty sure there's mods that do that. Arachnotrons are the closest example to this since they have a deadly line of fire but it's still dodgeable and interruptible.

>> No.5452702
Quoted by: >>5452723

It's more so that vanilla Doom is so easy that hitscanners aren't really a problem, nor is anything else. Then you play some crazy shit like Dark Tartarus and O O F.

>> No.5452709

If you like salads, fuck you, I hate salads, I'm gonna put a razor in your salad

-milly bays

>> No.5452723
Quoted by: >>5452747

you need to apply some shading and shine on the barrel to fix the blandness
Ive never played system shock 2 and this isnt really the thread for it. But the anguish sounds like its stemming from zombies with really good accuracy, do they miss alot or are they hitting you like clockwork?
There was some enemy like that in Descent that amounted to a demon-spider trope too, a driller machine thing that hits you like a chaingunner but with perfect accuracy
If anything fireball throwing monsters in vanilla are weaksauce and its the hitscanners that actually provide some challenge. Get some sergeants together and they're basically as dangerous as a chaingunner.
Fireballs arent fast enough, monsters dont lead targets, and as magic spells they should probably have some homing when the fireball gets close.
(or Splash Damage that only applies to the player)
Also its a FIREBALL, it should do a dump truck of damage.

>> No.5452729
Quoted by: >>5452758 >>5452768

"Fake difficulty". What the fuck is fake difficulty? What distinguishes it from "real difficulty"?
>You realize these only happen BECAUSE of the luck-based factor right?
What? How is hitscan more luck-based than projectile enemies? You see a projectile enemy fire a missile, you dodge out of the way. You see a hitscanner prepare to fire, you dodge into cover. It's not like they instantly fire with zero windup.

>> No.5452739
Quoted by: >>5452768

>Using the quintessensial Quake 1 level E4M4... you find a SSG immediately, there's a GL up by the healing pool, there's a NG
Wait, what?
I thought
I thought Petersen's levels didn't have weapon duplicates, period. Especially since he was kind of anal about player picking up the new weapons (text prompts like "You might have forgotten something on the level" or something like that, those I remember quite vividly). I have played through that episode once (continuously), and only have replayed E4M2 recently.
Anyway, my initial posts were concerned with E1M2. I did NOT yet undertake tackling on ep4 (E4M2 onward).

>> No.5452741

Dude we get it, you love chaingunners

>> No.5452746
Quoted by: >>5452768

I like hitscan weapons because you get to use them too

>> No.5452747

If Thief is allowed why not SS2? Might as well include all the Dark Engine games

>> No.5452758
Quoted by: >>5452768

If you have to ask, you dont need to know.

>> No.5452768
File: 12 KB, 224x293, 230mph underwater missile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had fast projectile weapons so that I could miss things more reliably at a long distance. Not realistic speeds, but basically nailgun and arcane dimensions shotgun pellet speed.
I wish I had to lead targets...
I think he's saying that the idea of treating something as difficult because it actually is. Compared to something which is difficult in a stylish way.
But, landmines and IEDs are the real life equivalent of fake difficulty. Its not stylish and doesnt carry the bravado of some sniper nailing you from 600 yards, or being ganked by special forces in the middle of the night. Because then the skill means something and you got bested by someone who was really that dangerous.
Doesnt make them any less difficult.

Zombie has shotgun, this deadly implement only has to be pointed at you and fired and you're dead. Thats a very dangerous zombie and you need to be treating it like it is. You need to be setting traps or doing whatever you need to do to avoid that shotgun blast.
Do you get the shotgun afterwards?
Does the person playing the game consider what would happen if their character was shot with the kind of weapons they themselves are destroying zombies with?

Why does doomguy only lose, at most, 15% of his health from a gunshot when similarly armored zombies (sans the helmet) regularly lose over 50% of their health from the same gunshots?
Ignoring the stats issues - sounds like any guns that doomguy is holding are Blessed by christ and it makes them cause a fuckton of damage to demons.
If you're new to Quake 1 just play it, and play it until its been loved thoroughly. It is a unique critter and it should be played all the way through before you start commenting on it.
Also even without a rocket launcher yet in E4M5 you have to grenade jump over a lava pit near the end, before you get the bridge in place, and skip past a Vore to get to the secret level. Either that or bunny hop onto some very thin posts over lava.

>> No.5452776

that''s not an average, it's a range

>> No.5452780
Quoted by: >>5452793 >>5452796


>> No.5452781
Quoted by: >>5452793

>unless its a woman's face when im kissing her
how I know you never kissed a woman?

>> No.5452782
Quoted by: >>5452806

I'm so glad i remembered this mod existed.

>> No.5452785

whatever happened to polished skull

>> No.5452793
Quoted by: >>5452796 >>5452845

that was the tldr
losing some resolution on that info...
fake difficulty is a fallacy
it means you're assuming something shouldnt be difficult because it doesnt seem like a logical place to put difficulty.
but you dont know shit, thats what

>> No.5452794
Quoted by: >>5452804

>If you're new to Quake 1 just play it, and play it until its been loved thoroughly. It is a unique critter and it should be played all the way through before you start commenting on it.
Also even without a rocket launcher yet in E4M5 you have to grenade jump over a lava pit near the end, before you get the bridge in place, and skip past a Vore to get to the secret level. Either that or bunny hop onto some very thin posts over lava.
Those levels of fart-sniffery should be proclaimed illegal or something. I am not new to Quake, I was deliberately avoiding replaying ep4 for quite some time, and I am a picky guy who has individual tastes of his own, and no amount of, say, my replaying McGee's trash is going to lead me to liking his brainfarts. Did I make my disposition more or less clearly understood?

>> No.5452796

example of fake difficulty:
A boss monster that is scripted to cause fps lag, dropping your framerate to 10fps or even below that when its attack is going off. Regardless of if your rig can handle it, the game caps the fps during that time.

>> No.5452804

No you didnt make your disposition understood.
And frankly I dont know who designed which levels, ive never cared to find out, all I know is Quake was made by iD software and iD is a bunch of guys in the credits.
Much like how somehow NIN made the music for the game, but except for the intro music its not easy to tell, and Bobby Prince probably could have made the level tracks just fine all by himself and they would've fit just as well.
No, I do not get anal about the individual map designers. I think it kinda sucks that they didnt make map decisions via committee to get some checks and balances. Kinda important to get consistency in a product.

You dont have to do that to win E4M5 just reach the secret level.
Also for the final level of one of the episodes, I forget which one, it has a lava pit below the player with a red armor at the start. Well the ring of shadows right across the bridge can be used for heinous amounts of assfuckery to the enemies there and you can go all the way to the Silver Key with it and have most of the enemies you met along the way infight with each other by jumping in the secret room with the yellow armor.

>> No.5452806
File: 10 KB, 84x84, tumblr_inline_nhpkunJKRh1rk028s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5452897

>One year and one day old
I need to something about it.
Maybe not an update.
But something.

>> No.5452808
Quoted by: >>5452826 >>5452878

Also, quite obviously, E4M5's intended way of getting to secret door is platforming over posts. The way I know it is because E4M4 has a dedicated grenade jump secret, which looks like a missing brick you are supposed to lodge your grenade in, under the teleporter it is supposed to propel you to. Moreover, this grenade secret was added to the game pretty lately, as beta3 version of the map lacks it entirely, and it was leaked, IIRC, three weeks before shareware's release, and, correspondingly 7 weeks before mail order release of the full version.
This kind of setup is entirely missing from both beta3 or final versions of E4M5, while everything layout-related in the vicinity of the secret door in beta3 version of the map is identical to the released version of the game.

In other words, the only piece of evidence, that Petersen even knew about grenade jumps was added to E4M4 later, than the secret map exit sequence in E4M5 was essentially completed in a more or less finished form.

>> No.5452826

to be fair you dont need the missing brick to do the grenade jump there, you just need to know your GL and lob it so comes to a rest under the teleporter instead of falling in the trough.
I get what you're saying though. Its been awhile since I played E4M5 and id forgotten how I had solved that since I didnt find out about the secret or getting across those posts until my last couple playthroughs (I assumed it was completely impassable without cheating until I tried platforming the posts several times and actually got it to my surprise, was worried about how to get back across then discovered the second door was there)

I didnt know about Grenade Jumping in games until probably 5 years ago. Which I learned spontaneously because of Archvile Jumps.

>> No.5452845
Quoted by: >>5452878

you kiss with your eyes wide open?

>> No.5452878
File: 7 KB, 213x255, wojak blushing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5452906 >>5452924

Not wide open, but half open.
And its lovely.

> beta3 version of the map
> three weeks before shareware release
> 7 weeks before mail order release of the full version
Back in 1996 I knew vaguely of quake coming out but I was informed even more vividly of Diablo and how cool it looked.
My dad didnt have a good computer really it was kinda middle of the road, we had a 486/40mhz for a long time and eventually he dug into a credit card to get a 586/100mhz...
Not a Pentium mind you, but a 586 which is some weird middle of the road level of performance between a 486 and a Pentium.
And we used that until the end of the millennium.

Mostly as far as retro games go I mainly played Doom 2, Rise/Triad, Heretic Shareware, Warcraft 2 Expansion, C&C/RA, Duke3D, and Xcom TFTD. And I did alot of modding on those but it was lightweight stuff
No multiplayer.
Except on a few rare occasions I played deathmatch with a kid across town over modem. And I completely demolished him in Rise/Triad, Duke3D, and Heretic.
I was a geek in a small town and there really werent any other geeks around to get a Lan going.

Quake 2 was my first introduction to quake, because of a local small tech expo showing it off in multiplayer. I got the demo for Quake 2 which kinda sucked but it was okay enough, just the first two maps of the game and it even lacked the walking Tank enemy which was supposed to be on the map and it would spit errors for not being able to find the assets for it.
After awhile I bought Quake 2. And after I played it abit I got curious about Quake 1.
So I snagged the software version of Q1 sometime around 1999 or '00 as an Afterthought.
(keeping in mind the software version has no music)
I wasnt impressed with the weapons or the lack of a BFG. So I didnt care to see 3 more episodes of it. In 2001 I found a full version of Quake1 on an ftp site and downloaded that. It didnt have music for it either.
My experiences would say Quake1 is a bastard stepchild of FPS.

>> No.5452897

I liked the mod because it simulates horde style fights in non-horde maps
I always wanted those kind of survival/round/horde/wave/whatever maps that worked with gameplay mods but this still works and it works that great.

>> No.5452906
File: 89 KB, 306x250, NIN box.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5452924

Also Quake 1 came out in 1996 so by the time I got ahold of it in the early 00's the multiplayer scene shifted to QW and TF and a number of other mods that you simply had to have to play the game in multiplayer. I didnt want to play those, and I didnt know how to get them to work, it was a hassle.

When I was in college I found a way to install stuff on the computer lab comps. So if I had to skip class, I would go there with Q2 and play that in the lab for probably 8 hours and end up with a dehydration headache and needing to piss really badly.
Quake 2 has a Railgun you know, it was a much more badass game than Quake 1.

I didnt know Quake 2 had music to it either until I accidentally left the disk in the drive after installing it. But I didnt like the music so I played Dark Side Of The Moon to my fragging fests.
(which fits perfectly with the industrial theme of the game)

I hate the way Quake 1's rocket launcher looks. Its like something handcrafted out of folded metal, it looks like shit, while everythhing in Quake 2 looks high tech and awesome.
I was also unaware that Quake 1 had its own deathmatch maps (which to this day I have never seen).
So I played Quake 2 multiplayer when I had the chance and never bothered with Quake 1.

The biggest mistake in my opinion that iD Software made with Quake 1 was releasing a shareware version. They absolutely should NOT have done that. Because if you dont get the CD version you dont get the Music either which its supposed to be famous for, and you dont get the Thunderbolt or the real meat and bones of that game (which I consider to be Episode 3 and 4).
Marketing for it should have been done with tv advertisements showing off the video and visuals of it. Since online video wasnt really a thing back then. Along with releasing modding tools so people could do the same shit with it that they produced the game with, so that word of mouth would spread even more.

>> No.5452924

Another way Quake 1 was fucked up by iD Software was coming out with Quake 2 just one or two years later.
They should have waited until idtech3 was ready and came out with Quake 2 at the same tech level as '3.
And then they should have placed emphasis back on Quake 1 with a refurbishing of it under idtech3, or at least some kind of upgrade.

Waiting until the equivalent of idtech3 was critical and they didnt do it. If they hadn't wasted their time working on Quake2 under idtech2 instead of escalting the tech to idtech3 and then producing Q2 assets for that they could have outshined the competitors of the time who were making Unreal and various console games.
Waiting just 6 months or 1 year would have been enough to get an even better next-gen tech leap.

idtech3 did carry a nasty sting with it though, it was the first game ever produced that required a graphic accelerator, if you could only use software mode the game would not even execute. At the time I think the only player at the table who had that was NVidia with the GeForce card, pretty clear that they had an agreement with Nvidia behind the scenes.

>> No.5452968
File: 397 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot_Doom_20190321_170334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5452981

This wall texture is really cool looking, wonder why it wasn't used more often.

>> No.5452981

Those TNT cave wall textures? Yeah. they're actually pretty neat.

>> No.5452995

What are the first things to learn to become a good modder? Is there a certain coding language for first timers?

>> No.5453002
Quoted by: >>5453023

Decorate is pretty simple if you keep things simple.
Look at the Decorate code for the regular Doom actors, and see what they do, then see if you can use a few of them as a base for something of your own.
Doesn't have to be super creative or anything, you're just starting out and experimenting.

>> No.5453013
Quoted by: >>5453023

DECORATE's supposed to be really easy to learn. Tinker with other people's stuff and see how they've put things together, use that as inspiration AND learning.

>> No.5453023

thanks anons!

>> No.5453034
Quoted by: >>5453048

Decorate. If you want to go vanilla Dehacked is your only real option.
As far as art is concerned pick a style and stick with it. Consistency in a mod is most important.
See: >>5451791 for instance. Wool Ball's art is simple, appealing, and consistent.
If your mod is for traditional Doom mapsets you're a bit locked into Doom's style, or something adjacent, so either get decent at that, or learn to kitbash sprites together.
Mapping is tricky to learn, but Romero's rules are a good start. Things like height variation between rooms, etc... It's trickier to learn to map "good" because people's opinions of what is "good" varies wildly from person to person.

>> No.5453036

check out some tutorials/YT on map editing
modern map editors like Slade3 are really easy to use for it and you can see results in realtime

>> No.5453045

Definitely start with Decorate, it's not the most advanced thing ever but regardless of what a lot of people think, you can do an awful lot with it and it's pretty easy to grasp the basics with it.

>> No.5453048
Quoted by: >>5453052

make a vertical pipe quake map that requires timing the teleporter orb as it moves around the level to get to places in the map to progress. And if you dont finish it fast enough you die from traps no matter where you're at in the map

>> No.5453049

>What are the first things to learn to become a good modder?
Avoid gzdoom.

>> No.5453050
Quoted by: >>5453056 >>5453060

Nobody is going to use Edge or Eternity.

>> No.5453052
Quoted by: >>5453064

Do anything except this.

>> No.5453056
Quoted by: >>5453073

Didn't say you should, just stick to boom compatible source ports that aren't gzdoom.

>> No.5453058
Quoted by: >>5453061 >>5453064

You do that, I'll enjoy all my cool GZDoom toys.

>> No.5453060

Meanwhile DRLA was developed for the final build of ZDoom.

>> No.5453061

Last time someone said this nobody could show anything gzdoom-exclusive that was worthwhile.

>> No.5453062

High Noon Drifter?

>> No.5453064
File: 128 KB, 459x508, epicmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this basically
Boom/PrBoom+ is your friend
Make it compatible with Zdoom 2.8.1
...also you will need to use DeHacked to make some of the modifications to the game because Decorate doesnt touch everything. Namely the ammo pickup values.
if they use the port to make it look like not doom or quake then chances are its not worthwhile
pixels make the experience

>> No.5453070
Quoted by: >>5453074

There's High Noon Drifter, LA Tailor girl and that's about it, maybe Trailblazer too.

DRLA is ZDoom
Dakka, GMOTA and Combined Arms are all Zandronum.

>> No.5453071

This. So. Freaking. Much.

>> No.5453072

Hideous Destructor's pretty fun.

>> No.5453074
Quoted by: >>5453087

>maybe Trailblazer too.
Yeah nah, might as well play russian overkill from how much that mod destroys any semblance of difficulty.

>> No.5453073
Quoted by: >>5453083 >>5453098

DeHacked isn't particularly flexible.

>Namely the ammo pickup values
Just make a new actor.

He's gonna give a bunch of contrarian replies to all these guys.

>> No.5453079

>pixels make the experience
GZDoom means non-optional smear filters now?

>> No.5453082

as overhyped as it is, metadoom is the best tribute done for doom and kinsie's magnum opus after reelism

>> No.5453083
Quoted by: >>5453085

Limitation breeds creativity which is why the best Doom mods ever made aren't gzdoom exclusive, like Alien Vendetta and Scythe.

>> No.5453085
Quoted by: >>5453086

>Limitation breeds creativity
To a point.

>Alien Vendetta and Scythe.
Those are map packs.

>> No.5453086
Quoted by: >>5453091 >>5453105


>> No.5453087
Quoted by: >>5453090

That's why I had it as a maybe, it can be fun but just about everything it does well is kind of done better on Dakka without having a weapon you can lean on for everything after an upgrade or two.

Personally I find Yholls mods do being OP as shit better, you at least feel like you earned it most of the time.

>> No.5453090

I tried Trailblazer with Colorfull Hell on Struggle Antaresian Legacy (lots of slaughter maps) to increase the difficulty and I still curbstomped everything, forgetting I even had more than 2 weapons.

>> No.5453091
Quoted by: >>5453097

They do basically nothing with DeHacked, they're stock gameplay, so they're not a good example of a mod in the sense that anon is looking for.
Someone who's interested in coding things would not have a lot of fun with dehacked.

>> No.5453097
Quoted by: >>5453104

I said they weren't gzdoom exclusive, that was my point.

>> No.5453098
File: 31 KB, 355x385, armor class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen the thing is its about cross-compatibility
if you make a new actor for ammo you'll have to replace the weapons because they're not going to use that ammo
and the status bar isnt going to display the numbers for it either
there are alot of people who like their particular favorite status bars, and there are people who want to run various mods that are already replacing weapons but maybe not the ammo

GrafMcFuckup decided that you couldnt replace the ammo actors and have them still reflect those changes to everything that used them. If you replace "Cells" in the decorate or zscript code then the Plasma Gun will not use whatever you replaced them with, and the status bar will not show it in the reserve area either.
The modern ideology of doing something faster/better/stronger doesnt apply here. You just have to do it the way it actually Works to get the intended final result.
You really cant plan for "what the average user does" you have to plan for the lowest common denominator.
Which in this case is like someone wanting a close retro experience and running it on Boom or an old Zdoom version.

>> No.5453104
Quoted by: >>5453114

But your point is fucking null, anon wasn't asking about making maps, which is what AV and Scythe are, and what they're good at.

>> No.5453105
Quoted by: >>5453139

most creative mods i've seen are those that star oc's as protagonists, as in, some of term's mods

>> No.5453107
Quoted by: >>5453115

>if you make a new actor for ammo you'll have to replace the weapons because they're not going to use that ammo
No, you can just inherit the existing ammo.

>> No.5453114

My point was that limitation breeds creativity, to support that point doesn't mean I'm forced to only mention things that the guy would be interested in, seeing as how you can speak for him apparently and don't know if he'd be interested in mapping as well. After all, "become a good modder" is a broad term.

>> No.5453115
Quoted by: >>5453121

Even when you do that it still doesn't work.
It might work for monsters, it might work for weapons, but basic ammo pickups it does not. Its a specific case.

>> No.5453116
Quoted by: >>5453136

>and the status bar will not show it in the reserve area either
Do a new status bar.

>> No.5453121
Quoted by: >>5453125 >>5453136

Why the fuck wouldn't it work? The Clipbox pickup literally inherits from the Clip actor, that's why it adds onto that ammo pool.

ACTOR ClipBox : Clip
Inventory.PickupMessage "$GOTCLIPBOX" // "Picked up a box of bullets."
Inventory.Amount 50

Just inherit from the original ammo actor then change the other things as you please.

>> No.5453125
Quoted by: >>5453147 >>5453156

>Why the fuck wouldn't it work?
This is Graf we're talking about, are you surprised?

>> No.5453136
Quoted by: >>5453147

Counterproductive and impractical.
There are alot of status bars out there
You want people to be able to use theirs instead of some hackjob you come up with.

Yeah I know but its a matter of what the basic ammo pickup is. Thats what defines the ammo as an ammo TYPE.
More or less you might as well consider clips, shells, rocketammo, and cells to be some of the few hardcoded items in the game.

This is cause and effect, try it and see if you dont believe me. Even here as late as GZdoom 3.6 or whatever version its at now, if you do something like this it will NOT APPEAR on the standard status bar:

Actor 762Clip : Clip replaces Clip
{inventory.amount 30}

It will appear on the special fullscreen status bar that comes with gzdoom, but the vanilla one will not show it.

>> No.5453139
Quoted by: >>5453142

Some have kind of gained most of it's OC retroactively, like with Combined Arms' weird dude.

>> No.5453142
Quoted by: >>5453262

OC as in Original Character?
Because CA's appeal was mostly the weapons.

>> No.5453147
Quoted by: >>5453160

Because I literally do it all the time?

>if you do something like this it will NOT APPEAR on the standard status bar
Yes, because you're defining a new type of ammo, and the classic status bar only has graphics for the original four ammo types.

>There are alot of status bars out there
Which would easily be compatible with new ammo types.

>> No.5453156
Quoted by: >>5453164

Think outside of memes for one second.

>> No.5453158
Quoted by: >>5453164 >>5453173

>GrafMcFuckup decided that you couldnt replace the ammo actors and have them still reflect those changes to everything that used them. If you replace "Cells" in the decorate or zscript code then the Plasma Gun will not use whatever you replaced them with, and the status bar will not show it in the reserve area either.
how the fuck is that graf's fault? that's been the case since at least zdoom 2.3.1

>> No.5453160
Quoted by: >>5453167 >>5453171

No and No
Im not talking about the graphics on the status bar
Im talking about the number being reflected.
If using my example you had 155 rounds of "762clip" the status bar would read "0" for the amount of rounds you had for it.
Likewise even if you had set the max capacity at 999 it would still read "200" for the capacity you had, or 400 if you got a backpack.
And alot of status bars out there would not be compatible, because many of them reference standard ammo types in addition to other specialized ones like "nails" or "grenades"

Stop lying.

>> No.5453164

When did Graf apologists get here?

>> No.5453167
Quoted by: >>5453173

>t the max capacity at 999 it would still read "200" for the capacity you had, or 400 if you got a backpack.
this is completely false, the status bar reads the ammo type's current max capacity directly, so if you change how much ammo you get in dehacked, it'll be reflected in the status bar

fuck, that happens in vanilla too

>> No.5453171
Quoted by: >>5453194

>Im not talking about the graphics on the status bar
>Im talking about the number being reflected.
Which is a graphic representing an ammo actor like any other.

>If using my example you had 155 rounds of "762clip" the status bar would read "0" for the amount of rounds you had for it.
Likewise even if you had set the max capacity at 999 it would still read "200" for the capacity you had, or 400 if you got a backpack.

>And alot of status bars out there would not be compatible, because many of them reference standard ammo types in addition to other specialized ones like "nails" or "grenades"
Fucking modify them, you cocksucking faggot, NCHUD, to name one, literally just has a list of actors which you define as ammo types for it to display. Writing a compat patch for it takes 30 seconds.

>> No.5453173
Quoted by: >>5453196 >>5453225

...if you have the power then you have the responsibility, and when you specifically say that you like things the way they are you only perpetuate it. He's copable. And yeah all it would take is a tiny bit of reworking to make the same thing that happens to everything else also apply to basic ammo types (eg, if you replace "clip" then anything that replaced it also gets referenced by anything that depended on it prior)
Yep, you HAVE to use Dehacked to change it.
You cannot do it with Decorate or Zscript alone.

>> No.5453174 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 460x356, 1473433998615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5453178

>something Randy did eons ago is Graf's fault
Stop thinking in memes.

>> No.5453183
Quoted by: >>5453245

>"I don't like eating shit"
>"OH, so you enjoy driking piss"
If you want people to believe you're right, trying being good at this thing called "argumentation".
Graf may be a dumb retard but GZDoom is possibly the most popular source port for a series with one of the most flexible modding scenes, some of the best mods are in said source port.
It's just a case of having to put up with some shit and we all wished he'd just qut and we'd get a better source port dev or a fork.
I do agree GZDoom needs competition which is why that Sonic Kart mod is a good thing,

>> No.5453194
File: 83 KB, 640x480, 10mm vs 10mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5453206 >>5453225

Yeah but if you modify them then someone has to download that.
Its a distribution problem.
> yes because the original hud
Thats not the problem.
The issue is that if you have something both inherit and replace an existing actor, anything that depended on that actor is supposed to reference what replaced it.
In this particular case, the status bar does not. It still reads data from the stock ammo type instead of what inherited and replaced it. If I do:
"Actor 762clip : clip replaces clip"

then the statusbar damn well should be reading data from 762clip, just like everything else would regarding the item number for the map placement.
But, for whatever reason, in this particular case it does not.
And this was a deliberate decision.
So they only way to alter the data for "clip" or "cells" or "rocketammo" and have the INTENDED proper effect is to use Dehacked.
Even in current year 2019

>> No.5453196
Quoted by: >>5453206 >>5453212

>Yep, you HAVE to use Dehacked to change it.
No, you're using DeHacked to do it, because you don't want to learn how to write your own HUD, or even use an existing one.

The vanilla HUD is there for vanilla compatibility, and Dehacked is there for vanilla compatibility. If you want to make a new HUD, or put a new element over the old one, you would use SBARINFO or ZScript.

>> No.5453197

>another thread-ruining autistic argument
Wonder who's behind it this time, again.

>> No.5453206
Quoted by: >>5453212

>Yeah but if you modify them then someone has to download that
Or you include it.

>But, for whatever reason, in this particular case it does not.
Because see this post: >>5453196

>> No.5453209
Quoted by: >>5453212

>idiot wants to do stuff but outright refuses to learn how
gee never seen that one before
at least not often and not here

>> No.5453212

Can write my own Hud
Dont want to modify 50 existing ones and include them in a zipfile and then have people load up whichever one they want from that folder.
Also since whatever pk or wad file they've got their status bar in that they load over might have a bunch of other goodies in it too.

Stop trying to ice skate uphill when it comes to infrastructure and distribution. You want stuff to work functionally with things that are already out there.

>> No.5453217
Quoted by: >>5453241

>Dont want to modify 50 existing ones and include them in a zipfile and then have people load up whichever one they want from that folder.
Then don't fucking do that, include your own HUD, and if others have a problem with that, they'll have to fix it themselves.

>> No.5453218
Quoted by: >>5453241

Then use the ZDoom hud.

>> No.5453221

then whats with all the bitching about

>> No.5453225
Quoted by: >>5453241

>And yeah all it would take is a tiny bit of reworking to make the same thing that happens to everything else also apply to basic ammo types (eg, if you replace "clip" then anything that replaced it also gets referenced by anything that depended on it prior)
the same thing that happens to everything else already happens to ammo actors: instead of the replaced ammo actor spawning, the replacing actor is spawned instead. that's all "replaces" means. and that's not even a guarantee, because zscript can use NO_REPLACE with Actor.Spawn, completely ignoring the replacement system.

>The issue is that if you have something both inherit and replace an existing actor, anything that depended on that actor is supposed to reference what replaced it.
no, that's not what "replaces" means. "replaces" just means "this actor spawns on the map instead of the other one". no more, no less.

just because the "replaces" keyword doesn't do what you think it does doesn't mean it's broken. and at this point, changing it is a massive gamble regarding mod compatibility... and if you're who I think you are, isn't that something you supposedly *also* care about?

>> No.5453231
File: 12 KB, 880x655, c kid 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5453241

get him the hot bullets of shotgun to die

>> No.5453241
Quoted by: >>5453250 >>5453259

dem firey bullets

didnt think it worked like that, and now that I know, its damnable and another nail in the coffin for the game
"replaces" should make the engine ignore everything associated with the entry being replaced.
But check if its being inherited from first, if it is, then copy that data before purging the original from memory.
and if something gets replaced a bunch of times by different things then its all down to order of operations
this is common-A-fucking-sense
and its more an issue of "it always should have been done differently" which means the longer it goes unfixed the more flies the piece of shit has on it
thats not exactly nice to those people though
and while some semblance of decorate coding might be known by a variety of the casual folks in the community, im pretty sure SBARINFO hacking is not
the zdoom hud is a piece of shit and doesnt look like vanilla and doesnt adopt any of the graphics of a status bar that has been included with a mod
also, fuck conformity, thats /v/ shit

>> No.5453245

>I do agree GZDoom needs competition which is why that Sonic Kart mod is a good thing,
That's kind of a one shot of a heavily modified version of a port, I think eventually Eternity will something of competition but that's going to take some time.

>> No.5453250
Quoted by: >>5453279

>thats not exactly nice to those people though
You literally do not owe them anything. This is like being concerned that some people aren't willing to deal with the fact that your mod won't be compatible with Brutal Doom.

>the zdoom hud is a piece of shit and doesnt look like vanilla and doesnt adopt any of the graphics of a status bar that has been included with a mod
Literally not anyone's problem but yours. If you want something different, either use an existing hud and modify it, or be the change you want to see and learn how to make your own.

>also, fuck conformity, thats /v/ shit
You think you're a rebel, when in actuality you're just a fucking idiot who demands others to accommodate him or do his work for him.

>> No.5453259

>"replaces" should make the engine ignore everything associated with the entry being replaced.
... why the fuck would you want it to work like that?
never mind that such a thing can't happen, because DEHACKED kinda needs the vanilla actor frames (which you'd be deleting) to still be around for it to work, and I already mentioned that zscript lets you bypass the replacement system with NO_REPLACE; do you know how disastrous this could be?

simple example: replace Clip with a CustomInventory. bam, now any gun that uses Clip no longer has a valid ammo type, and you'll crash the game. how do you replace clip pickups then?

>> No.5453262
File: 42 KB, 1056x750, new_arti-export.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree there, I mainly put the weapons center stage. But outside the mod itself this bubble headed weirdo has kinda just manifested and I really like him.
I wanna put him in a game of his own one day, but for now I've just been sneaking him in as cameos in my own stuff.

>> No.5453269
Quoted by: >>5453274

Cameo in H-Doom when

>> No.5453270
Quoted by: >>5453275

I've updated Champions to v2.5

Sorry it's been so long. This update brings Guncaster Compatibility and various other tweaks and fixes.

>> No.5453274
File: 227 KB, 720x633, Barti 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5453282 >>5453410

Just put a bar in that little test room map and have him serve cocktails.

>> No.5453275
Quoted by: >>5453306

Duh I'm dumb and forgot the damn link:

>> No.5453279
Quoted by: >>5453284

> you literally do not owe them anything
Somehow dehacked turned into this argument

And for public record this is the syntax you would use for a DEHACKED lump since actually using the program these days is kinda difficult to do. Along with some adjustments to show what can be done with it.
"Patch File for DeHackEd v3.0
Doom version = 21
Patch format = 6

Weapon 5 (Plasma rifle)
Ammo type = 3

Ammo 0 (Bullets)
Per ammo = 300
Per ammo = 25

Ammo 1 (Shells)
Max ammo = 100
Per ammo = 10

Ammo 2 (Cells)
Max ammo = 100
Per ammo = 10

Ammo 3 (Rockets)
Max ammo = 100
Per ammo = 4"

>> No.5453282
Quoted by: >>5453292

Or make a blue tipped dildo.

>> No.5453284
Quoted by: >>5453290

Anon, shut the fuck up.

>> No.5453285
File: 34 KB, 640x640, 42003672_2426238_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5453292

Obviously in a point and click adventure game for uncanny fellows.

>> No.5453290


>> No.5453292
File: 7 KB, 100x100, taking in the sights.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5453310

Between this and the countless questions I've read of "What happens if you drink him" I'm concerned with how many people want this guy inside them.

I tried replicating that goofy ass stance for an easter egg for another game a few months back. A point n click would be pretty fun I think.
I also thought about solar jetman style game starring him.

>> No.5453306

Finally, I can play as a hugeass dragon against hell's strongest.

>> No.5453310

>I also thought about solar jetman style game starring him.
That'd be neat, finding weird as fuck treasure kicking around.

>> No.5453380

It was in Quake 3. I wish there was a download somewhere.

>> No.5453410

His hemlet kind of resembles the ones worn by Rigelian soldiers(Rigelians being the main villains from Duke Nukem 2)

>> No.5453453
File: 981 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot (21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5453457

This mod is so stupid and it's amazing

>> No.5453457

FPSrussia wants his guns back

>> No.5453463

Gee Yholl! Why does DRLA get two cacowards?

>> No.5453474

Dear Combine Kegan, what is the source of KNFHIT.ogg in GMOTA?

>> No.5453486
File: 28 KB, 800x800, the.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the o of destruction

>> No.5453487

Where's the co-op cyberdemon

>> No.5453493

get your slaughtershit map outta here

>> No.5453527
File: 138 KB, 687x553, NergSweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5453571


>> No.5453540
Quoted by: >>5453571

do the circlet of crucifixion

>> No.5453557
Quoted by: >>5453565

Joel's doing the final stream for his doom contest right now. Can't wait to try out some of these wads once he's all done.

>> No.5453565
File: 319 KB, 539x452, tacodemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5453593

Okay nevermind me. Looks like he just decided to stop.

>> No.5453571

Why dont we ever get a Donut Of Destruction?

>> No.5453593


>> No.5453601
File: 44 KB, 1236x1026, orbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5453613

Orbb > all

>> No.5453613

>rocket jumping with quad damage
was it worth it

>> No.5453650
File: 597 KB, 492x250, shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the solution was actually really obvious but still you solved the problem and now the actor works like it should

>> No.5453692
Quoted by: >>5453698

any way to get latest ow fuck my RNG to work with oh fuck my RPG? drpgrla

>> No.5453698

or any map wad for that matter as it's not loading even maps

>> No.5453705

think i got it nevermind

>> No.5453707
Quoted by: >>5453709

Who is he?

>> No.5453709

modern arts and fear books

>> No.5453713
File: 496 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20190322_053348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is time for a comfy techbase mapping weekend

>> No.5453724

no it is time for voremap

>> No.5453763
Quoted by: >>5453782

How possible would it be to make a mod, compatible with other mods, that starts the player with an item that, when used, creates a save, and replenishes at the start of every level?
Quicksaving has been bothering me lately and want something that feels less cheesy, but doesn't require doing the map in one go or needing the map to have keys to autosave when you get.

>> No.5453779

i don't think you're right in the head

>> No.5453782
Quoted by: >>5453787

what will you do for hour long maps?

>> No.5453787
Quoted by: >>5453804

It wouldn't work for mapsets that switch from short as hell to long as hell maps, but ideally there'd be a slider in the options menu that would allow you to set how many save items you get at the start of each map. Would allow you to account for how hard you want it to be, and for those hour long maps.
If you really wanted to up them after realizing a map is too long, you could reload to the save at the start, crank up that slider, and then just changemap to the exact same map.

>> No.5453793

i'm really into this

>> No.5453804
Quoted by: >>5453807

how about regenerating it over time

>> No.5453807

If you're doing that, you might as well set Autoautosave to just save every few minutes. This gives you the problem of just "wait in place to save". If you have to ration your saves you can't cheese like that.

>> No.5453939

Make a new thread, cheeki breeki incoming.

>> No.5454015

New thread.
