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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.05 MB, 1218x1648, depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47240533 No.47240533 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>47242175

Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE

>> No.47240541
File: 263 KB, 1047x924, b11a54b75a8a5028c38bec9e0d36603e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's burger day.

>> No.47240567
File: 386 KB, 1908x1101, 1689033792464-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot dogs

>> No.47240574
File: 1.07 MB, 1924x1581, 1715625493010804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this senator!

>> No.47240577
File: 700 KB, 1764x2654, GReSny_b0AEKqzS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How gold do you want your dragons?

>> No.47240597
File: 362 KB, 933x1000, Spacenubis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47240648

In space, no wan can hear you break your schedule?

>> No.47240605

Still applying for a position under her desk

>> No.47240608

t. limp-dick lawyer

>> No.47240625

Demons look way too good in business suits.

>> No.47240635
File: 18 KB, 1072x956, FDggMqgV_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't take my meds and there's nothing she or the demon lord can do about it

>> No.47240641
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, 1712589358949562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What evil plan is Miss Malef plotting today?

>> No.47240648

In space they can’t hear me crying from loneliness

>> No.47240781

Wasting a Djinn's wishes on frivolous things despite her attempts at seducing you to wish for her hand or encouraging you to wish for her love!
>"I wish for a corn dog with mustard."
>"Granted! Now you have only two wishes left dear anon! You should be especially considerate with them. After all, my wishes can make anything come true. I could grant your deepest desires... sate your most carnal lusts for-"
>"I wish for a jet ski!"
>"Ah. Oh... alright. Fine. You get a jet ski now. So, you have only one wish remaining, dear anon. Think of what would benefit you most in life, being the lonely, lonely poor man you are. Think of the LOVEly things you deserve. Now tell me what you want among them the most and-"
>"Now I wish for a luxurious resort island all for myself off the coast!"
>"Y- I... Wait, what? That's what you want now? You want to waste your last wish on such a base thing?"
>"But you could have anything!"
>"And I wanna luxurious resort island, all for myself and myself only, situated over there off the coast in those nice clear blue waters."
>"B-bu-b-but-but... but..."
>"Grant it!"
>taking my jet ski and riding off to my new island while eating the corn dog and leaving the Djinn all alone by herself

>> No.47240805

>Wasting a Djinn
Wasted Djinn is really dangerous. You don't want someone with that kind of power to be completely drunk

>> No.47240813

Edging a Djinn by pretending to make the last wish but backing out the last second to "rethink it"!

>> No.47240827
File: 702 KB, 1810x1400, 96873306_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to see here

>> No.47240828
Quoted by: >>47240840

>he didn't wish for another Djinn for his final wish

>> No.47240840
Quoted by: >>47240857

>wish for another Djinn as the last wish
>Anon is now a father.
Not so smart yourself.

>> No.47240857
Quoted by: >>47240898


>> No.47240898
File: 54 KB, 322x196, 1704246911985889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47240937

djinns are battery powered, seeing as you have infinite wishes and not limited to 3

>> No.47240956
File: 820 KB, 2141x1404, 1550519595552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome traveler, what can I do for you

>> No.47240957

I just imagine this song playing

>> No.47240966

I forgot someone's birthday and need a present ASAP can you also please gift wrap it write down your name on it as the recipitient k thx

>> No.47241043
Quoted by: >>47241107


>> No.47241107

You can't just approach a Monster out of the blue and just straight up ask to fuck her tits like that.

>> No.47241122
Quoted by: >>47241143

How are you supposed to ask to fuck her tits?

>> No.47241143

"Ma'am can I please fuck your tits?" might do it

>> No.47241210

Who can do I do you for... do... you do you? Can you do me?

>> No.47241245

Taxi inspection, you're done. Resistance is futile, put your paws on your head.

>> No.47241283

Oh no, she's first image. She's gonna eat the rest of the thread!

>> No.47241306

Oh so they can rape, use illusions, hypnotism, indentured servitude, usury, addiction, propaganda, shapeshifting, pheromones, booby traps, mind control, noble/legal ties, and even fate itself. But I'm the bad guy for just simply asking to fuck her tits?

>> No.47241314


>> No.47241319

Put sandalwood perfume on your tits so I can motorboat them.

>> No.47241322

A good man is seen, not heard. She'll come after you if she wants you.

>> No.47241334
Quoted by: >>47241363

>t. dark elf aphorism

>> No.47241337
Quoted by: >>47242597

Femdom shitpost is not fun and yet it has become a recuring thing since last year.

>> No.47241363

>Just take the backseat and let her decide
No. I'm going to go up to a dark elf and ask to fuck her tits. I'm not going to get pushed around or told what to do and just wait for a woman to choose me. I am a free man and will do as I please.

>> No.47241372

You gotta go up and ask her if she’s ready to spend her own 1001 Arabian Nights in your bed first.

>> No.47241373

Alright Miss Cupid, you won. You caught me at long last. Now that your little manhunt is over, what's the next step of your master plan? Huh? You'll shoot me with that there love arrow, turn me into another soulless drone and force me to take part in your mindless little society? And why? Because it was ordered? All because I wanted a choice? Is that what your goddess really wants? To strip people of their freedom to think for themselves? To crush all forms dissent by force? That's the "side of good" you're on? A church turning "love" into a violent and oppressive regime, a hive mind that makes assimilation mandatory, or else there's consequences. That's all you are, really, a jackbooted thug in pink, who gladly makes others bend the knee all because of a flimsy promise that one day you'll be rewarded with a husband for this. Well, you haven't been rewarded yet, huh? Can't you see how hollow it is? Well ask yourself this Cupid, is this really what YOU want?

>> No.47241384
File: 678 KB, 1000x1000, Harpy - American Harpies 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday, America!

>> No.47241385
Quoted by: >>47241428

Man this action movie is getting cheesy. Why is she just letting the villain monologue this long? She should be thighcrushing his head already.

>> No.47241396

Resorts need servants even if it’s for exclusive use. That Djinn is going to be show up there dressed as a maid, boat captain, chef and whatever else a resort needs.

>> No.47241428

Mamono movies are always putting in these hot guy "bad boy" characters for women to fixate on. It's getting really obnoxious these days. That's why those characters almost always end up eating an unhealthy fast food meal or some kind of terrible home cooking in a dirty apartment. Even rich characters who SHOULD be able to simply hire someone to do those things for them.

>> No.47241430
Quoted by: >>47242789

Equal rights where never real. Not in the past, not today and certainly not in the future when mamono arrive.

>> No.47241470

Meowing Meowers Meowing Meowfest: Volume MEOW.

>> No.47241476
Quoted by: >>47241518

What if I'm real polite and gentlemanly about it?

>> No.47241518
Quoted by: >>47241720

Describe it in detail. Let's say you were asking a Lilim for this sort of thing, just hypothetically. What would you tell her, and how would you ask?

>> No.47241604 [DELETED] 
File: 3.50 MB, 2109x1406, b9ea1c34ea89d508b4c419433ecead67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out anon! It's the legendary and savage Skinwalker! She's gonna eat you up!

>> No.47241678 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 896x619, 1705391197840889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47241713

Would tame her

>> No.47241713 [DELETED] 

Invoking the blessing of Shiva The Destroyer multiple times a day to incarnate more arms so that I can pet all of my children at once.

>> No.47241720

>Good day, my lady. Would you lend me your ear just for a moment? I could not help but notice that you, beyond any shadow of a doubt, have the best rack I've ever seen or imagined in my entire life. Why, I was practically mesmerized by all those curious movements that happened in your chest region as you walked. It impressed me so deeply, that I simply must make a proposition to you! A proposition that is sure to be, as they say, to our complete mutual satsifaction. Would you be so kind as to let me fuck your magnificent tits?

>> No.47241753

>not a bunny
zenzen wakaran

>> No.47241805
Quoted by: >>47241845

>elf ears
>dark elf body
>harpy arms
what kind of genetic abomination is that?

>> No.47241845
Quoted by: >>47241879

a mutt

>> No.47241879
Quoted by: >>47241941

A strong HYBRID mamono, like AMERICA.

>> No.47241925

What kind of mamono would be into cake farts? Asking for a friend.

>> No.47241941
File: 696 KB, 2600x3500, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, lmao

>> No.47242014

>tfw no oomukade gf to choke me and lick my face
Why is life so cruel?

>> No.47242020
File: 979 KB, 2731x4096, GRo7D07aUAMUnA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47242030 [DELETED] 
File: 1.55 MB, 1240x1754, 1719835980186546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47242089

>> No.47242089 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47242261

Yes I agree, this unrelated chink gacha image needs to be reposted in every thread

>> No.47242106
Quoted by: >>47242148

>cheshire toilet

>> No.47242148

>skibidi, I'm anon's meat toilet!

>> No.47242150
File: 3.75 MB, 1950x2800, 120217819_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47242173

>> No.47242173

Tell me about candlegeist. How soft is her candleussy?

>> No.47242175
File: 3.98 MB, 400x400, hebi dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the secret hebi mating dance

>> No.47242211


>> No.47242222
File: 1.14 MB, 2000x2000, Oomukade - Let Me In!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47242660

Let her in, Anon. Let her in!

>> No.47242228
File: 290 KB, 874x1240, GRpSWeiaUAUAPNL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47242261 [DELETED] 

Not the MGE thread :)

>> No.47242265

For a snek, her belly dancing game is weak. Very weak. Maybe if she spent more time practicing and less time building shrines to her future husband, she's be better at this.

>> No.47242414

Anal mating press the bratty wendigo

>> No.47242451
File: 903 KB, 808x1284, 02dc5b4b07af4daeb1ccc35a6500de420b405133b3cc359aab83fd3757051af6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47242528
File: 289 KB, 665x887, 1696768127586210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47242532 [DELETED] 
File: 774 KB, 1000x729, 70658043_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47242536

>> No.47242536 [DELETED] 

That's a really nice ahri.

>> No.47242576
Quoted by: >>47242609

Fairly soft.

>> No.47242597
File: 1.26 MB, 2165x2819, 1673831434772114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not shitposting, i just like femdom.

>> No.47242603

cute bald eagle

>> No.47242609
File: 1.05 MB, 664x1196, cgeist5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47242738

I'd call it goopy

>> No.47242618

I want to bite those thighs. Sensually.

>> No.47242635

Is it weird that you said "bite" and "thighs" in one sentence and all I can think about now is how much I want fried chicken?

>> No.47242644
File: 1.18 MB, 1080x1527, 41cy89dbrzx71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to bite chicken thighs. Sensually.

>> No.47242649
Quoted by: >>47242682

You need a pyrow wife to eat junk food together with.

>> No.47242660

I can open to her the door to my house.
I can open to her the door to my heart
But i cant open to her the door to my reality.
What a cruel joke.

>> No.47242682
File: 428 KB, 1062x752, zoomzoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making tiktok with those two in zipangu

>> No.47242695
File: 1.11 MB, 3935x2886, 1676300790591311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born again
Time after time
Found again
Time after time
Bound again
Time after time
Our hearts as one
Time after time

World's apart
One beating heart
Calls another
In love to smother
Crossing lands
With empty hands
Caring not
If your shoes will rot
Seek and find
Speak words so kind
Time after time

Born again
Time after time
From womb or egg
With fin, tail or leg
Found again
Time after time
No matter how far
Shining like a star
Time after time
Bound again
Before men and gods
Time after time
Our hearts as one
Smiles warm as the sun
Time after time

>> No.47242701

boo, play free bird

>> No.47242712

Soittakaa Paranoid!

>> No.47242721
File: 1.07 MB, 2167x1993, 1619022842692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47242730

I'm so confused right now

>> No.47242738

Giving jubs a run for their money in terms of wetness.

>> No.47242743
Quoted by: >>47242757

I'm not sure what leg and arm wrappings are for, but damn she looks good. Demons really look great in business clothing.

>> No.47242757
Quoted by: >>47242774

Every mamono looks good in Office Lady clothing.

>> No.47242759
File: 472 KB, 768x1024, 4868bf76306e2fdc8f9aed0ba11ab6dae256c4c3cf0bda6fca62878ed958062f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47242767

>> No.47242767
Quoted by: >>47242845

Now that's the kind of bird with thighs I can bite into.

>> No.47242774

pyrow would look like a younger sister who took her serious older sister's clothing and pretends to be a cool and mature

>> No.47242784
File: 552 KB, 838x1200, MadHatter66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you... mad, for hatters?
I am.

>> No.47242789
Quoted by: >>47242810

>mgs arrive
>yes, society is saved and they'll overthrow our corrupt leaders
>life not so fun when they cut a deal with our corrupt leaders to give up the excess men to monster girl milking farms and most people continue their lives as normal
On the bright side being sold to monster girls is an improvement to our lives since at least you get regular sex and sometimes cuddling in your new life.

>> No.47242793

When is the mad hatter's natural enemy, the sensible cobbler is going to be added

>> No.47242810

Sounds like you didn't read the setting at all.

>> No.47242813
File: 87 KB, 213x338, hatter feet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47242857

Now I'm thinking of hatter feet and hatter shoes.
I wish to kiss her stockinged feet, and drink tea that she pours down her leg off her toes.

>> No.47242816

Not never haku-sensei would be able to make me do THAT.

>> No.47242827

It's my setting agnostic fetish fuel.

>> No.47242829
File: 70 KB, 389x600, rpg_madhatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hatter heels

>> No.47242838

I would probably notice them, if I wasn't so busy staring at hatter hips and ass and thinking about doing butt stuff with hatter.

>> No.47242845
File: 1.43 MB, 3125x3445, Featherybirdthing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need better plumage to attract a mate.

>> No.47242854
File: 217 KB, 1252x1454, GRouZYCaUAABumS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47242861

>> No.47242857
File: 257 KB, 998x900, hatter butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47242863

>All of her most attractive elements are on the lower half of her body
Wonderland truly is bizarre

>> No.47242861

What accent would a goblin witch doctor have?

>> No.47242862
Quoted by: >>47242874

>"Guess who's getting turned into a human dildo, Anon!!!"
That. That's what that face says. Well either that, or she intend to stick you in her tea and drink you up with it.

>> No.47242863
Quoted by: >>47242882

i really like her eyes in the profile pic. very captivating

>> No.47242874

Shouldn't have eaten that 'Eat me!' cake before entering her boss arena

>> No.47242876
Quoted by: >>47242898


>> No.47242882
File: 165 KB, 1381x1108, 1712502837277994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure know how to make an older lady blush

>> No.47242888

You don't have to stick to MGE 100% to tell a decent story but the post you're replying to is just miseryfag bait.

>> No.47242898

She doesn't strike me as Russia's greatest love machine but I'll believe her
>Time for another one of the tsars sexy parties
>they've been becoming more frequent every since he hired this goblin girl to cure his son

>> No.47242934

The "Ooh, ee, ooh-ah-aah, ting, tang, walla-walla bing bang" accent.

>> No.47242981

I have not liked a KC girl since the creepy clown. Anyone else?

>> No.47242985

candlegeist a cute

>> No.47243004

Candle girl was decent. But that's not a very high bar.
Other than that? Not really, most of them have been either kind of bland, forgettable or just... meh.
Kind of strange that that after KC decided to put out more monster girls they just become... well, not worse, just not as interesting.
I'm still not gonna forgive him for releasing the same girl twice in a row tho.

>> No.47243012
Quoted by: >>47243026

>I'm still not gonna forgive him for releasing the same girl twice in a row tho.
Imagine forgiving him for disregarding the poll saying to make the game in the first place.

>> No.47243016

Pyrow, Phoenix, Malef and Candlegeist have been pretty good and Balrog will probably be great.

>> No.47243019
Quoted by: >>47243028

She's already been leak a while back and she's not very interesting.
I find her profile more frustrating than interesting.

>> No.47243020

>Balrog will probably be great.
Just go back in the archive and you can see her.

>> No.47243026
Quoted by: >>47243033

Look, that demo is 4 years old now. It's vaporware and we all know it.

>> No.47243028

>I find her profile more frustrating than interesting.
It's really overdesigned. If you told me it was a random gacha character I'd believe you.

>> No.47243033

It will never stop being topically funny since we get people who come here and advertise where to give money to KC.

>> No.47243052

Pyrow was a banger and malef pretty fine. Krampus enjoys seasonal relevance and the rest are alright. Strange you don't mention any of the many forgotten mgs in the enyclopedia. Aside from a select group, no one ever thinks about the lesser known ones.

>> No.47243056

He didn't charge for them and we didn't have an anti leak squad either.

>> No.47243070

they can't all be slam dunks like ant arachne
plus there's always the issue where you've already settled on your favorites and need something not just equal, but better to feel anything

>> No.47243081
File: 403 KB, 820x1200, There's a shortstack on your lawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243104

I like her

>> No.47243095
Quoted by: >>47243245

I greatly enjoy Balrog since she's basically finally out but before that I felt like he kind of peaked at Krampus. The Man-Eater plant girls are whatever because of a personal bias against plant based girls in general, Kelpie was a let-down, and Candlegeist is pretty nice. Boggleboe is basically a direct upgrade to Selkie at the cost of her being a loli in a slutty bikini.

>> No.47243099
File: 112 KB, 600x783, f4ddba97996567428919b61b1fc299dc8d4e02291e5dc6283f1958c37705d27b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need something not just equal, but better t
I'm telling you. Fox furry is the way to go. A crossroads of many fetishes.

>> No.47243103
File: 1.92 MB, 4096x3072, Arachne - Laundry Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true--my Aunt Arachne is a slam dunk.

>> No.47243104

Why is this plant so smug?

>> No.47243111
Quoted by: >>47243129

attracting a mate

>> No.47243115
Quoted by: >>47243119

Her husband adjusted her soils pH correctly

>> No.47243118

This, the newer profiles follow the same statistics as the older releases. There's always been multiple less popular ones for each big hit, and some here or there that get their popularity elevated by one or two passionate waifufags.

>> No.47243119


>> No.47243125

idk why you defend it so much.

>> No.47243129

Best I can give is a check

>> No.47243142

Its called discussion, you human lover

>> No.47243144
Quoted by: >>47243155

We all know KC had his lowest point in 2015

>> No.47243146
Quoted by: >>47243157

you're right. he should only make good profiles exactly catered to your tastes

>> No.47243153

He should release another hellhound, but bigger, and more rapey, and more smug

>> No.47243155
Quoted by: >>47243185

No, that will be 3 years where he'll get it in his head to destroy the western half of the fans over pirating issues. He will autistically devote all his assets to this and destroy the life support we've been running on.
Only portals can save us from this nonsense

>> No.47243157

I've been asking for another sith repeatedly and directly though.

>> No.47243162
Quoted by: >>47243166


>> No.47243166
Quoted by: >>47243182

she's all tied up though

>> No.47243179

oh, I guess this thread is gonna be shit then

>> No.47243182
Quoted by: >>47243979

That can be her funny gimmick. You untie her from her seals. She ties you up in her chains (against her body).

>> No.47243183

?? Thats every thread

>> No.47243184

We could have talked about monster girls but it's looking like a kcs patreon day with a dash of mge.

>> No.47243185

>the life support we've been running on.
FYI the only specimens who actually care about the MGE meta dramas are mindbroken pests most likely includes (You), the rest of us are perfectly content posting about the same girls as always and shitposting about threadcanon for eternity.

>> No.47243190

>people start talking about the girls they like
>massive schizo rambling about KC bad and gangstalkers begins
You're never going to get art from anyone, artists wouldn't even accept commissions you because you're too hostile and deranged.
You're never going to be the main character.

>> No.47243197

Gonna place upon my annoying Haku coworker the curse of the werejub, every full moon she will transform into the most jubbed jubjub imaginable and if she can't control herself she'll end up a bimbo brained birb forever!

>> No.47243199

Another thing is that a lot of the popular girls don't start out popular until someone starts popularizing them. It'd be interesting to see how much the girls were talked to back then whem they came out. Im sure you would find the same type of people being all doomer over bogey, saying something like: i wont forgive KC for releasing the same girl twice. Luckily, that doesnt happen these days.

>> No.47243202

>the rest of us are perfectly content posting about the same girls as always and shitposting about threadcanon for eternity.
Not him, but honestly I'm starting to get tired of talking about the same 5 girls over and over again.
Actually no, I fucking hate the spam about foxes and hags more than anything. It feels like a good 1/3 of our thread is just fox and hag spam. When is it gonna be undeads turn?

>> No.47243203
Quoted by: >>47243221

I want to talk about pyrows.
I'm not sure why, but pyrow is the only monster that makes me want to kiss her the moment I look at her. I don't know what it is exactly about her that makes me want to kiss, kiss and kiss pyrow, but that's just how things are.
Stupid kissable gyarus.

>> No.47243205

Yes, that is life support anon. A community that doesn't grow isn't a bad thing at all. However, if we're just going to decline due to a lack of source material it won't look good. That would truly us being on life support, though thats not a worry for now as long my shitpost doesn't become reality.

>> No.47243213

>the rest of us are perfectly content posting about the same girls as always and shitposting about threadcanon for eternity
I wouldnt go that far. It gets stale, and there is still plenty of stuff you can do with the more neglected mgs.

>> No.47243218
File: 395 KB, 665x943, 1630000773472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to how I feel about Medusa.

>> No.47243217
Quoted by: >>47243225

>It feels like a good 1/3 of our thread is just fox and hag spam
Well once upon a time it was all CLACK and BEEG schizoposting, day in and day out.
Spam is everpresent, deal with it.

>> No.47243219
File: 800 KB, 2000x1380, GQaDB2tbgAA80c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47243221
Quoted by: >>47243261

Woah man, kissing your best bud like that is a bit sudden. But I guess she could accept if it's just for practice for when you get a girlfriend...

>> No.47243225


>> No.47243226
Quoted by: >>47243247

that's quite mean anon

>> No.47243228

Become the spam you wish to see, but yeah hags and foxes are nice and all but shesh, you got all these fun and exotic monsters and you're just obsessed with foxes? One should consider branching out a bit.

>> No.47243231

>I fucking hate the spam about foxes and hags more than anything. It feels like a good 1/3 of our thread is just fox and hag spam
Blame /vg/ pests not knowing when they're not wanted. 99% of those posts are them because they have brains like that of third world spambots and /vg/ trannies are scared of any body type that isn't hips wider than the side of a bar and tits bigger than Saturn.

>> No.47243238

how will Jubku cope with her new predicament?

>> No.47243245

Based on everything I've seen of the Balrog so far I can already say I love her.

>Boggleboe is basically a direct upgrade to Selkie at the cost of her being a loli in a slutty bikini.
That doesn't sound like a cost at all, if you ask me.

>> No.47243247

she deserves it for being a smug know-it-all

>> No.47243255

>/vg/ trannies are scared of any body type that isn't hips wider than the side of a bar and tits bigger than Saturn.
I noticed that, its weird mindset of virtue signaling but it seems to specifically about how you aren't a pedo. Like goddamn, I get that you don't want people to even assume you like girls that aren't 10/10 bimbos as a thing but its just ridiculous to be so afraid of saving or posting art where the chick looks normal and not a fat clown

>> No.47243257

I called it a cost because I don't particularly prefer or enjoy lolis but given how their profile plays out, they are guaranteed to have dedicated fans. Plus, they're an Undead monster girl so there is a plus to that.

>> No.47243258
Quoted by: >>47243277

>anon ends up with a jubjub wife

>> No.47243261
Quoted by: >>47243289

Maybe said best bud shouldn't be flaunting her perfectly-shaped tanned boobs and tummy constantly, and acting all smug and knowing and generally being casually seductive to the point where I'm practically addicted to touching her.
I cannot be held responsible for my actions, I'm sure the court will agree with me.

>> No.47243264

Right? Sounds a bonus

>> No.47243272

what happens if you place a werejub curse on a Kiki?

>> No.47243275
Quoted by: >>47243305

You forget the pipeline for /v/ermins. It's usually /vg/, /v/ and then they either come from Plebbit or Twitter where fags there shit their britches over lolis or any girl that is short and has a flat chest.

>> No.47243277

>Haku screaming in her mind as jub does deed
>each wave of pleasure melting her more and more into the jubmind

>> No.47243289
Quoted by: >>47243360

Sorry but the courts are all full of Demons. You're getting sentenced to a long, happy life of making out with your best friend (wife).

>> No.47243291
File: 393 KB, 1228x1736, GMgwBPWbMAMVneS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hips make the woman

>> No.47243305
Quoted by: >>47243359

Yeah, I know the type. Honestly its insane, but that's just a product of our times. Everyone's whipped into a frenzy over stuff they can take moral highgrounds on, and today its lolis.

>> No.47243316 [DELETED] 
File: 935 KB, 2480x3332, Medusa - Hungry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243334

Medusa are good girls.

>> No.47243319
File: 1.09 MB, 1291x1400, 97552240_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.47243333

Sorry anon, thats a dangerous level of fat ass. Gonna have to confiscate those, official business and all...

>> No.47243334 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243418

you have a board for your tripe

>> No.47243354

I can't believe that you can score a girl like that just by hanging around you local graveyard

>> No.47243359
Quoted by: >>47243407

Nobody in here is taking a moral high ground on lolis though?

>> No.47243360
Quoted by: >>47243372

>the courts are all full of Demons
Just imagine
>Succ Prosecutor: Your honor, anon is guilty as fuck.
>Succ Lawyer: Your honor, my client is guilty as fuck.
>Succ Judge: Yep, I'm glad we agree on that. Give anon to the pyrow and lets go for lunch.
>Supremely smug pyrow giggles as she drags the stunned anon out of the courtroom.

>> No.47243368

i thought wethorse was a cute
i wanna wife who fetishes patheticness

>> No.47243372
Quoted by: >>47243422

>Go to court for something minor like a parking ticket or fucking jaywalking
>Turns into something out of Ace Attorney with the Judge, prosecutor AND your suddenly now a Demon lawyer all vying for your attention and trying to settle the case in a way that ends up with them getting custody of you

>> No.47243373
File: 1.99 MB, 1536x2048, 29f22f17f107e38e7e3f30fe11a679a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243390

>I wasn't stealing your stuff, I was just borrowing it.
>Besides, I was here first. You can't just barge in and throw me out.
>So what if I was living under the floorboards and not paying rent? It's still squatter's rights.

>> No.47243377
File: 100 KB, 1448x2048, 1419388847728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, this is very true. A woman with D cups would look very sad with a flat ass, but a woman with A cups with thick thighs, thick ass and wide hips is still very attractive.

>> No.47243385
File: 1.37 MB, 1185x1600, 1719957212709093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243401

Look at that wall of fluff.

>> No.47243390
Quoted by: >>47243411

is it really that much trouble to spare her a shoebox to live in?
now the problem is when she invites all her friends too

>> No.47243401

It's almost all fake. If she stands up only 1 of those tails moves with her.

>> No.47243404
Quoted by: >>47243425

I like these medusas a lot more than the MGE ones
I want to play with her hairsnakes and feed them mice

>> No.47243407
Quoted by: >>47243425

Fortunately, any anti-loli posting here is pretty nill like on most of /jp/, but the type i talk of will be more obnoxious elsewhere like on /a/. It's pretty rare to see here, but it happens and I feel the types that are bothered are probably the same kind of guy that goes out of his to post gacha foxes.

>> No.47243411

>now the problem is when she invites all her friends too
That sounds adorable, actually.

>> No.47243414
File: 227 KB, 1769x1998, 1706837835871373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243511

Rude. Foxes have a grand and vaunted tradition of inserting themselves where they're not wanted
It's not virtue signaling I just like women you can't pick your teeth with jesus

>> No.47243418 [DELETED] 
File: 309 KB, 1893x1747, Mothman - Brought you a Snacc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, who cares if the occasional vtuber shows up if they're actual monster girls?

>> No.47243422
Quoted by: >>47243440

I cannot get the image of the succubus prosecutor trying to entice you into admitting your guilt and turning it all into an elaborate innuendo about you being a bad boy who needs to be punished and re-educated. By her.

>> No.47243425
File: 132 KB, 850x1063, Tsuntsunderedere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243511

Eh, nearly all iterations of Medusa are good in Japan. The West has this problem with making her beautiful outside of the 2011 Clash of the Titans and it annoys the fuck out of me because she was never truly ugly.

For what it's worth I only mentioned Boggleboe being a loli in the negative because they're not my cup of tea. Don't really care what gets peoples' engine going as far as monster girls so long as they aren't cringe about it.

>> No.47243426
Quoted by: >>47243436

Personally I'm the opposite, I care little for ass and more for tits(or lack of them) lithe girls, tallflats, busty girls and tit cows. I love them all regardless of the size of their ass!
To each their own I suppose

>> No.47243427 [DELETED] 

>who cares if the occasional vtuber
There's a reason you faggots have an entire board now you tourist fuck. Eat shit, take your trash where it belongs instead of dumping it here.

>> No.47243431 [DELETED] 

filth and sludge carrying the taint of 3D
if anything it's more offensive

>> No.47243435 [DELETED] 

You have a board for it and we don't need people spamming them like we already have to deal with Wakamo and the boat foxes.

>> No.47243436

I think a girl with big tits but a flat ass would look lopsided and weird.

>> No.47243440

>Succ cops playing Good Cop Bad Cop to make you confess to spraypainting anti-monster graffiti on the side of an Eros church
>Can't actually tell who is trying to be who, don't know if you should ask or not

>> No.47243441

The trick is to only have sex with her in the missionary position for the sole reason of procreation.

>> No.47243444 [DELETED] 

>hololive thread in the catalog at all times

>> No.47243446 [DELETED] 

Personally I don't care, but I see the point of gatekeeping it. When you laugh at idiots and all...

>> No.47243449 [DELETED] 

And it shouldn't be.
They have /vt/, they have a containment board.

>> No.47243450 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243471

Reminder that the anon you're replying to is a furfaggot. He's engaging in bad faith and should be considered an outsiders at all times. Watch, he'll try to cattily respond to this post acting like we're friends or something now that I called him out.

>> No.47243456 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243482

I'd say my thoughts on that but the janitors would get really mad.

>> No.47243459
File: 3.55 MB, 1814x3663, Wight289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243465

Equilibrium is fine too

>> No.47243462

Symmetry is always better looking of course, but I know where my boner wishes to lie and it is in a glorious milky realm

>> No.47243465

I have nothing but contempt for Wights now.

>> No.47243470 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243482

Just because the mods are all reddit doesn't mean anyone else has to be

>> No.47243471 [SPOILER] 
File: 181 KB, 864x864, Alp - Bully Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, what a faggot. I hate that guy, too. Someone should really put him in his place. I bet you could do it, Anon. You seem like the strong, masculine type who'd really be able to give him what for.

>> No.47243474
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x1816, Wight5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243491

then you are a cuck who has let cuckoldry infest his shitty little brain

>> No.47243478
Quoted by: >>47243491

Don't let autismos ruin fun things for you, ms.wright is a kind girl!

>> No.47243482 [DELETED] 

Uh-oh, we love meidos here. And yes we don't call them mods or jannies, tourists.

>> No.47243491

Alright, have fun dealing with the absolute baggage that comes with Wights then. I'll enjoy Undead girls that aren't horribly tainted.

Eh, royal monsters were always kind of cunty in their profiles. Now I just have further reason not to want to associate with them.

>> No.47243494 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 1328x1842, rape (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243510

The overton window shifted a bit too. Look at how it's all about new mge material to talk about and nothing else.

God forbid you make something up.

>> No.47243496

How do I convince danuki-chan that if she marries me the ROI will be good?

>> No.47243498 [DELETED] 

I'm not calling them meidos anymore. I used to back when we got booted to /jp/ but now? Well, I got a few reasons.

>> No.47243504

you're the one carrying the baggage though

>> No.47243508 [DELETED] 

>imagine letting the faggotry of one faggot ruin a monster girl completely for you

>> No.47243510 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243548

Oh hey look, the crossboarder faggot is responding to himself with shit his faggot friends likely made in his aids infested discord server or back on /monster/

>> No.47243511
Quoted by: >>47243512

Hehe, sorry foxbro, it seems I've bullied you too much.
Please don't let me police your language or anything, you aren't what I mean at all when I mention those sperglords that like salivate over how much they hate lolicons.

>> No.47243512


>> No.47243521
Quoted by: >>47243530

Alp sex
Alp mating press
Alp impregnation

>> No.47243528
File: 878 KB, 1063x1189, 1577058571521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I pet that dog?

>> No.47243529 [DELETED] 

Anon, the meidos are long gone. The specific mod you're thinking of left 5+ years ago and mods are now all fags who live on discord and reddit. Hell, you remember how they handled kemono friends on /a/?

>> No.47243530

Alp clone sex

>> No.47243531
Quoted by: >>47243555

That fat tail is so tempting though

>> No.47243532 [DELETED] 

If you were at a party and someone told you they spat in the punch bowl would you still want some? No, of course not so why should I want anything to do with Wights after Wightfag completely tarnished them? I stopped liking them ever since he first showed up cause I KNEW this shit would happen eventually.

>> No.47243536

>Bully scrawny guy
>He ends up alping
>Keeping bullying her
>She gets off on it now
I.. I'm not how to handle this.

>> No.47243542 [DELETED] 

but you're pretending they spat in every punchbowl ever to exist
even your food-based metaphor is lacking

>> No.47243543 [DELETED] 

Why does this community have so many bogeymen

>> No.47243548 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243556

Rude, pointing out the health of a community isn't raiding.

>> No.47243549 [DELETED] 

>capital letters for boards
Holy newnigger

>> No.47243551

Goodness gracious, the BOOBA on that alp is a thing of beauty. Consider me completely seduced.
Also that collar is so damn cute, it's just precious.

>> No.47243555
File: 2.81 MB, 2000x2462, 86967116_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing with their massive tails while ravaging them from behind is one of the most attractive points of Alps

>> No.47243556 [DELETED] 

It is when you're engaging in obvious bad faith arguments because you're assmad nobody likes the tripe you insist on posting.

>> No.47243559 [DELETED] 

Did you really just pull out a fucking food metaphor? Anyways, letting your mental image get trained by a troll that specifically wanted to poison the well is the definition of getting cucked. He raped your mind and sullied it, the only thing you can do now is get over it.

>> No.47243561 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1024x576, rapememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243572

I got that image from here.

>> No.47243562 [DELETED] 

Wrong, other punchbowls would be other monsters so your attempts at damage control don't really work. Wights as a whole have been ruined for a lot longer than when Wightfag got exposed for being a retard.

>> No.47243567 [DELETED] 

Well thats like, your opinion man

>> No.47243568

More like 2/3rd is hag spam. Like you'd at least expect some variety to it but at this point it feels like people just want to straight up fuck their real grannies and everything else is just a side dressing to that.
I hate it, makes me subconsciously dislike all types of monsters that are even implied to be above 25 years of age. I hate it.

>> No.47243572 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243644

Yeah, and those dogshit images WEREN'T made here, newfaggot even if you retards spam them endlessly. Now shoo.

>> No.47243576 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243592

I have gotten over it, I tossed Wights in the trash where they belong and refuse to acknowledge them. As far as I'm concerned Zombies just stay Zombies in MGE and that's it.

>> No.47243578

I've tried to get monster girl talk going in lots of places and it's just hard.
People like images. They enjoy sexy girls. They don't enjoy getting really creative about it and making little greentext chains about scenarios and worlds.

It is what it is. But it does make new thread stuff hard to spark off.

>> No.47243579

>straight up fuck their real grannies
Shhh-! I don't take it you browse the hag threads here? Someone posted a granny cosplaying as Junko and it got way to many people in that thread salivating over her. Way too many people off site salivating too, hag fuckers are really that. Hag fuckers.

>> No.47243581 [DELETED] 

It is just an autist concern trolling. Guess he must have remembered that he hasn't brought up the "baggage" for at least several months (maybe even longer) despite people happily talking about wights during all that time with no issues.
Don't bother arguing with the mentally ill, he is beyond help. This ain't the first time.

>> No.47243592 [DELETED] 

So you're entirely cucked? You've genuinely let another man ruin something for you, in bad faith, and now you just accept that? You are the cuck anon, the blacked porn for ms.wright was truly made for you then. You should thank wrightfag for helping you with your fetish, cuck.

>> No.47243600 [DELETED] 

>Don't bother arguing with the mentally ill, he is beyond help. This ain't the first time.
Ah, naruhodo...

>> No.47243603 [DELETED] 

Phoenix Wight - Attorneys at law

>> No.47243606 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243624

I can decide to post my opinions on Wights whenever I want, retard.

You act like I gave a shit about Wights to begin with. I always disliked the royal Undead monsters since they all acted like cunts but after Wightfag decided to act like a retard now I have a tangible reason to voice my dislike of the monster. It's interesting how you keep bringing up your fetish for black people though. Wonder if Wightfags all have something in common...

>> No.47243619 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243635

>in bad faith,
That retard was posting here since 2017 and only left after anons chased him out for being a nigger. Retards like you are why he felt emboldened to be as retarded as he was by downplaying the cancer he brought here initially.

>> No.47243624 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243632

>You act like I gave a shit about Wights to begin with.
Didn't even read the rest of your post, you 100% do or you wouldn't bring her up. That is all, you are cucked beyond belief and just waiting for wrightfag to make more garbage featuring (your) monsterwife

>> No.47243632 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243641

>you 100% do or you wouldn't bring her up
Does this mean someone actually loves it when trash is piled in the street because they voiced their displeasure of it? Again, projecting your fetish for black people onto others is a very interesting thing I've noticed among Wightfags.

>> No.47243635 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243645

So badfaith actor that wrightfully got chased out? Yes cool, let's move on and forget his damages or you'll wind up like cuckboy.

>> No.47243641 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243669

Anon, the garbage had been removed for years now. You have to move on.

>> No.47243644 [DELETED] 

i don't get the reflexive hatred of those monster girl memes. i thought they were funny

>> No.47243645 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243673

>So badfaith actor that wrightfully got chased out?
After years of retards like you coming along and trying to act like he's harmless and even then people like you acted like we were in the wrong for chasing him off until he got exposed for being a faggot on Twitter a couple years back.

>> No.47243647 [DELETED] 

The only people who care about /monster/ are pests or assmad clowns who tried to sabotage the writing contest last year.

>> No.47243654
File: 215 KB, 800x1125, 1676344029662479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true. I would much rather fuck someone else's granny, that way our children could be healthy and free of genetic defects.

>> No.47243656

Curious how nobody brought up blacked or whined about wights being "ruined" in ages until certain concerned person randomly brought it up. It is almost like he is a malicious actor.

>> No.47243659 [DELETED] 

They're not funny, they're facebook boomer impact font trash only liked by people who think it's fucking hilarious to post a Danuki and make a jew joke still. Just like those dogshit headline images that are just made to circlejerk some popular political talking point while having plausible deniability for just wanting an excuse to post about politics.

>> No.47243662 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243679

There's other mg communities that don't have such puritan views and enjoy silly memes. That is where they come from, these communities aren't liked much because they have less pure views of the setting than here and have been annoying before. Honestly just ignore the guys that bitch you for posting funny mg memes, they're too jaded to laugh anymore.

>> No.47243668 [DELETED] 

>i thought they were funny
Well, this thread isn't about being funny, retard.

>> No.47243669 [DELETED] 

So people can dump more of that trash? No thank you.

>> No.47243673 [DELETED] 

Wow, seems like did a whole lot without realizing. Either way, he's gone now and it's over, stop letting him cuck your mind and dominate you(exactly what he wanted, he had cucked you)
It is your choice to move on or not, its been years.

>> No.47243679 [DELETED] 

People do take things way too seriously.

>> No.47243686 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243749

I like them, it reminds of old school memes and they're always humorous and topical.

>> No.47243690

Genetic defects are not a thing in mge. That's why incest is so big.

>> No.47243695
File: 891 KB, 1223x1624, 4665bc31b2814beed269b0d671d615e4c8881270d4d1679340dd81202764a5c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243700

>> No.47243697
File: 735 KB, 977x875, fetus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47243700
File: 610 KB, 708x900, 1444606296750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those wings need more detail.

>> No.47243704

It's a granny, anon. That's pretty damn far past fertile.

>> No.47243712
Quoted by: >>47243752

if you're so inclined to realism old women also struggle to have healthy children

>> No.47243713

Yeah I liked kissing the hellhound. She'll never hear me say it though

>> No.47243720
Quoted by: >>47243725

she'll be fertile when i'm done with her

>> No.47243725
Quoted by: >>47243752

You'll at least have fun doing it.

>> No.47243730

But she can read it-
Oh wait, she can't. But her friends can.

>> No.47243738

Yeah I liked kissing the human. He never would guess though. I told him earlier that my tail wagging was a sign I'm UNHAPPY. I'm so tricky. Smartest hellhound ever.

>> No.47243749

I feel like we struggle to come up with new stuff sometimes but dumb wurm is still pretty good.

>> No.47243750
File: 323 KB, 2048x2048, 1703465663762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243786

Stupid dorks.

>> No.47243752
File: 1.89 MB, 2480x1790, FVQ5K8paQAASAKm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is more fun than trying your damn hardest to impregnate an old lady. It might take weeks, months, or years, but I won't relent...
It's true. I'll recklessly impregnate an old lady anyway, though.

>> No.47243758
File: 318 KB, 850x1202, 7u7i0llitqva1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst tsunderes ever

>> No.47243762

Gonna tell a hellhounds she's just a pretentious werewolf

>> No.47243763
File: 112 KB, 1200x1209, burg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hellhound/other dog monster tries to do something clever/secretive
>Body language can be read like a book
>More likely than not to just tell you what she's done to your face
>Or bribe it out of her with burg
Dumb dogs

>> No.47243774

what's the point in drawing a hellhound if you don't got the big meaty paws

>> No.47243779
File: 216 KB, 441x553, 1435710619490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With enough strength you can refire a dying star.

>> No.47243784
File: 546 KB, 1047x1100, Malef_Dragon_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see a malef lose her cool when she's comfirmed to be pregnant
no smugness, no "this is the way it must be", I want her to curmble in panic about being a mother

>> No.47243786
Quoted by: >>47243800

I'm not a tsundere. Just because I liked doing that one thing doesn't mean I like her or anything. In fact, I hate her most of the time

>> No.47243787

Busted oven. I'm going to go for the pyrow instead, who is definitely not older than the fox secretly.

>> No.47243800


>> No.47243803
File: 294 KB, 1200x1779, d3f2bb76bf0659a1190b80601817f8572687070ad28a8c1969f413557f622539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47243813

>this is the way it must bee

>> No.47243815

could play several games of tic tac toe on that forehead

>> No.47243824

>Malef not being smug about releasing another chuuni dragon with deliriums of grandure into the world
I dont think that's possible.

>> No.47243835
File: 416 KB, 1053x731, haggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i love old women

>> No.47243841 [DELETED] 
File: 835 KB, 2234x1412, cd785426409f5c1339c33ba2e721ecb658dd257646d75742f306113ceac24395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243847

All I have on my mind are what if foxes were dressed like they were space nazis. There is very little art on this.

>> No.47243845

the end game dungeon is a kitsune retirement home

>> No.47243847 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243867


>> No.47243849
Quoted by: >>47243865

I have intense urge to press my face in those fat hag tits.

>> No.47243855
File: 139 KB, 1233x1253, 1573412402709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no-one makes it out unfluffed

>> No.47243865
File: 745 KB, 2976x4096, haggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your instincts are correct and will be rewarded

>> No.47243866

>Fox this
>Hag that
How about you come up with something new?

>> No.47243867 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47243905

Yes, we know you hate almost everything but you should go back to reposting late night art if you got nothing else.

>> No.47243871

You can sneak past the hags when they all gather in one place for bingo (you can't)

>> No.47243872
File: 3.14 MB, 1663x1884, e01d81863014b0e07ff2d4e5a1136b81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47243884

how about YOU go into THE HOLE.

>> No.47243884

i'd prefer a slime pit or a lamia mating ball but i guess that'll work

>> No.47243889

Huff hatter spores.
Get addicted to hatter stink

>> No.47243901
File: 159 KB, 496x800, 1740128063132662b3e9896aec18437d69952ccc57d9056c1adf53606713f5b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I struggle to think of anything new and really just want to see monster girls in military uniforms now. All of them from cats to foxes to harpies.

>> No.47243905 [DELETED] 

go seethe elsewhere, retard.

>> No.47243914 [DELETED] 

I see another raid is underway

>> No.47243922
Quoted by: >>47243933

I hate this place because my penis twitches at the thought of fox hags with their eyes closed.

>> No.47243929
File: 560 KB, 1027x1400, 1583464319705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hips make the woman
>hips make you want to make a girl into a woman

>> No.47243932 [DELETED] 

they tried forcing an early thread and got told to fuck off. it's why they're so upset about this one

>> No.47243934 [DELETED] 

P'orc raid

>> No.47243933
File: 45 KB, 1831x1204, lnfox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47244141

damn old women...!

>> No.47243946

You can start with yourself, nobody owes you anything.

>> No.47243951
File: 763 KB, 1431x2000, 0128f88f10382031bb95616d001c7796fa4e12cb9b431ef9d214545d96bf85f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get drunk with monster girls in taverns and wake up with less money and a sore penis.

>> No.47243962
Quoted by: >>47243970

and married, don’t forget that

>> No.47243963
File: 1.48 MB, 1180x3788, 1692256622766183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a collar, leash and peanut butter jar
>mamono cashier gives you a knowing smirk

>> No.47243967

If you sleep with a Tanuki in a drunken frenzy, you'll find most of your saving have been invested in a reliable index fund and you're getting call backs about a resume that you don't remember revising.
She'll even write her number on your bar receipt (no tip given) for advice about how to deal with capital gains taxes.

>> No.47243968


Not a KC-hate but practically, he is on diminishing returns by now - any Anon remotely interested in MGE-type mamonos has already picked out a waifu.
So this slow drip of new girls are a bit of a waste.
I'm pretty sure there wasn't a big audience of Anons out there saying: "Gee, MGE is cool, but I won't commit myself until there's a girl made entirely out of sentient candle-drippings".
And if there were, they'd probably already settled for a headcanon waxworks golem or lava golem as 'close enough'.
Same for Phoenix, most birdAnons had already just picked a variety of Harpy.
KC by now would be better spending his time bringing out new lore or new realm descriptions for Anons to see with the waifus they already have.
Or at least saving them up and dropping them all as a whole new Volume.

>> No.47243970

I was describing getting robbed of your money and your cum so no. stop making it boring.

>> No.47243974
File: 311 KB, 672x1200, Ren_Xiongmao_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bamboo has many uses

>> No.47243979

Or you have to show mutual trust by sticking your hand in her mouth...or any other available orifice.

>> No.47243984

anon wants to hit it and quit it but she'd rather stay and play

>> No.47244038

>most birdAnons had already just picked a variety of Harpy.
Well, black harpies ARE the best kind of harpy so I don't see why I would want something else.
I mean, immortality is nice but that's about it.

>> No.47244053
Quoted by: >>47244102

Phoenix would be probably way more popular if he hadn't butchered the arms.

>> No.47244054

Immortality is cool until you get to experience being 90+ forever.

>> No.47244071
Quoted by: >>47244149

thunderbird are nice for that punk rock motif
jubjubs have the softest feathers
owl has those pretty eyes and spats
sirens have that voice, but so would many birds
gandharva is big, brown and charismatic
crow tengu are nerds
cockatrice got nothing

>> No.47244079
File: 1.01 MB, 868x1228, 1525512613461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute small foxes

>> No.47244102

I agree. It's why I don't like harpy types much.

>> No.47244112

Krampus and pyrow are both B-tier for me. The rest have been C-tier or below. So, I'll have to disagree with you on this one.

>> No.47244119

to be honest I'm sure there was some point on the past when also KC released low tier girls. I remember the panda and gandharva not having many fans. Maybe we will get some top ones in the future again.

>> No.47244121

Just move on.

>> No.47244128
File: 52 KB, 538x600, Echidna_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still want to go dungeon exploring
I wanna dodge traps, solve puzzle and then have epic victory sex with the echidna at the end

>> No.47244139

Dinah,i still like angel Dinah more
i memeber her

>> No.47244141
File: 138 KB, 1024x918, 1435507012160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old fox EROTIC.

>> No.47244149

And they are all inferior to the black harpy.

>> No.47244160

>Maybe we will get some top ones in the future again.
Balrog and a new undead loli are the ones coming up next, so this is more likely than you think.

>> No.47244171
Quoted by: >>47244424

>Anon trains to avoid all the large mice littering the dungeon
>Brings plenty of cheese to placate them
>Covers himself in bug repellent to ward off all the bugs and spiders camped out in the various rooms guarding keys and puzzles
>Brought a fire staff to stop the attacks of mushroom and plant girls
>But anon forgot 1 thing, the mini-boss
>3/4 through the dungeon, Anon gets trapped in a round room with a powerful beast
>"Mini Boss of the Woodland Temple, Mini the Minotaur"
>Short stature for a minotaur, only 5' 7" tall
>Excellent axe wielder, confidant, strong, and smug
>The temple boss's magic turns the walls of the room bright red
>Mini becomes enraged and gores Anon with her horns, ripping out his mana
>Mini rapes Anon hard and fast
>Anon leaves the temple with his minotaur wife
>Echidna boss mildly upset that she needs to find a replacement minotaur
>Echinda also upset that yet another man couldn't reach her boss room

>> No.47244174
File: 90 KB, 629x1200, 1686233366604488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is my Grey KC!

>> No.47244177
File: 287 KB, 1302x2048, af273e1ed73c2b9d7e41ce74191ae3a18f47b098c9f230a26bce2590f723f96f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47244220

Did you know spiders have two pussies? Well, now you do.

>> No.47244258

I want a cait sith to crawl on my back then sit on my neck so she can be up really high when I stand up again.

>> No.47244265
Quoted by: >>47244385

So do centaurs, she ain't special.

>> No.47244295
File: 409 KB, 1378x2039, GRUX2qbbwAAjK-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47244385
Quoted by: >>47244476

I mean aside from her human one. Imagine the possibilities of tripple impregnation.

>> No.47244394

Just get her hooked until the third wish... ummm, errrr... pause... think about it again... ummm again...then, when she's jumping up and down in expectation.... wish for a Tall stacked Kiki maido.

>> No.47244402

Damn Tanukis, my waifu bought this new raep video so we could watch it with our daughters as 'educational' and they waste half the runtime with bullshit plot exposition.

>> No.47244424
Quoted by: >>47244438

the better an echidna is at her job the less likely she is to be married
poor echidna

>> No.47244432

>I open my eyes and the first thing I see is the empty gallon bottle of peanut butter whisky
>Then I am hit by the smell of sweat mixed with burnt charcoal and a hint of cinnamon
>It's then that I notice I am surrounded by a large cuddle pile of 12 Hellhounds.
>I can't even get up to take a piss without the risk of awaking the beasts.

>> No.47244438

She'll eventually just go to the nearest town tavern and whore herself out. Gotta continue the bloodline, ya know?

>> No.47244444

>kobold's face when you grab the peanut butter jar

>> No.47244454

If the mamono spooders follow irl spooders, she has three:
The humanish one on her upper body
The spooder vag is actually a shallow patch on the front underside of her main body
The epigyne spinner at the back
>But...Anon, I spin web from there
>Not right now you don't...
Later she struggles to knit herself a scarf of silk mixed with Anon's coom from her poor sore epigyne.

>> No.47244470

>Why the long face
You say to your cu sith wife

>> No.47244476

>tripple impregnation
... Continue.

>> No.47244478

>kobold's face when you grab the rolled-up newspaper
She tries to pretend she doesn't like a spanking, but it's hard to hit her ass when her tail is wagging like crazy

>> No.47244486
File: 140 KB, 480x480, Arachne63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching an arachne buy a whole pig, wrap it up, inject it with venom, and then suck out its liquified innards must be wild.

Hope she isn't a lazy NEET though, I'm not interested in having to take down desiccated corpses hanging from the ceiling.

>> No.47244521
Quoted by: >>47244536

She can do it to you if you ask nicely.

>> No.47244525
Quoted by: >>47244664

It sucks because I think KC's design is probably the best it's ever been, but I think he's running out of gimmicks and struggling to come up with new personalities for the girls, which I do think is understandable, but still.

>> No.47244536

I'm not really interested in becoming a slurry of organic matter for her to suck up like a smoothie. Also, I think that'd probably kill me which would not be cool.

>> No.47244546
File: 2.63 MB, 2168x1533, 77b2d4fd77396900da41c01574b539aa2176f9731e5883253d717c8d2e3286af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47244565

They should tail hug.

>> No.47244562
Quoted by: >>47244651

When she's done with emptying the innards, just put the neatly gutted out pig on the spit for a bbq, crack open a beer and sit back.

>> No.47244565
File: 319 KB, 2048x2048, 1520024545678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47244661


>> No.47244621

>Watching an arachne buy a whole pig
That should be enough to last her through one movie night...

>> No.47244651
Quoted by: >>47244684

Ain't gonna be enough to grill, fren. It's just a husk wrapped in silk at that point.

>> No.47244661
File: 279 KB, 1800x1400, dfbbd0dfb4e8ca2fa5998c71a260eac2427814bfce8551b09ac104883460c9d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47244733

I don't think the world will make it that long.

>> No.47244664

There's a lot more he could do in filling out the MGE Realms geography, history, even internal politics and customs instead, and it would probably be needed in any actual game development.
Even simple background stuff like do Kots need a litterbox or do they have modern plumbing, can single Cents reach to brush their own tails or do they pair up to groom each other, do MGE spooders reingest their silk like ModernMoGal spooders do or sell it off like Monmusu etc etc
Even just things like the headcanon lore here of MGC and its Mayor and PD, who arrests misdeeds in MGE and does the Lim have to deal with every petty case personally?

>> No.47244671

>sell it

>> No.47244684

>just a husk wrapped in silk
As always, it depends on how hard and how long, and when she finally stops sucking.
This comment could also apply to the pig bbq.

>> No.47244689

>Kots need a litterbox
I see those cait sith litterbox jokes were actually deadly serious.

>> No.47244703

Rachnera is the only main gal with her own steady income from selling her spare silk to the Corporate Bossguy

>> No.47244726

Iirc EMG is Tanuki-free, it only has human sleazebags and violent orcs.

>> No.47244733
File: 171 KB, 600x700, 1520024544809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47244780
File: 953 KB, 2900x4096, GPeI56jboAAsBfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47244784
File: 769 KB, 3172x2776, GRNU7NyWYAAIduQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47244789

I do think at this point, between the unknown fate of MGERPG and the increasingly lukewarm profiles, I'd like more world guides and like you said, more domestic affairs how certain species and factions live more than anything.

>> No.47244803

Then you have an awful sense of humor and need to reconsider your life choices.

>> No.47244808
File: 916 KB, 1200x1293, dfarhrh-48c73367-d357-4134-8368-35f32c2b20eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47244812

More proof the spooder is best girl ALWAYS.

>> No.47244816
Quoted by: >>47244822

>girl selling her products to a guy

>> No.47244822
Quoted by: >>47244829

Is female on male contact like that allowed?

>> No.47244829
File: 1.56 MB, 1000x2000, Shirohebi - Reasonable Lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47244841

This monster likes bananas

>> No.47244849

Radioactive green slime?

>> No.47244855
File: 46 KB, 631x731, Werebat - Just looking at her gives me a tummyache.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47244859

Oh, that's easy! Fruitbats.

>> No.47244859

how's it hanging

>> No.47244869
File: 583 KB, 1277x1143, 04701667aee88b633d9110033daced9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the only way it could have ended. A machine built to end war is always a machine built to continue war.

>> No.47244877

good thing she was built to be a babysitter

>> No.47244880

Being robbed is boring. Getting a companion for life is fun and exciting!

>> No.47244895
File: 101 KB, 852x597, LesserSuccubusExtraArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont drink the kool aid

>> No.47244908
Quoted by: >>47244948

i wanted to hear more about lesser succs in the succubus notebook

>> No.47244918
File: 1.27 MB, 1000x1417, 84500504_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hag sex

>> No.47244925
Quoted by: >>47244952

She looks to be of average age.

>> No.47244927

The heavy siege Automaton models come equipped with a shield generator which makes them impervious from outside attacks. However, they're very vulnerable from an attack on the inside. [Insert joke on penis in vagina creampie = gun going boom inside an automaton rendering her a non-combatant and thus actually ending war by creating life]

>> No.47244943

She's like, 30.

>> No.47244945

And that Anon is only 13 years old!

>> No.47244948
Quoted by: >>47244955

lesser lilim when?

>> No.47244952

>replying to spam

>> No.47244955

That's just a regular succubus.

>> No.47244958
File: 322 KB, 1213x1499, Buffcubus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summers here, lets get some GAINS

>> No.47244959

Average lilim and middle of the road succ when?

>> No.47244961

Imagine, higher Jub.

>> No.47244974
File: 1.17 MB, 2576x1862, Alp_06s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but a lean Alp

>> No.47244978

Dire tutorial fairy

>> No.47244980
Quoted by: >>47244996

The problem with that is that you run headlong into the over explained lore issue.
MGE has for a very long time been vague about it's world, letting people project whatever their favorite fantasy world is.
The moment you start to explain and specify thing the more people are gonna go "oh, I don't like this".

>> No.47244990

I'm not a curious person but I would spread open her cheeks and violate her anus just to see if it feels good or not

>> No.47244996

Personally could've been much happier without the knowledge of the fucking bestiality/male furry/big red love rocket potion in WG3. Ruins an otherwise pretty fun Sabbath branch.

>> No.47245008

I wish to buy a private island and fill it with smug monsters.
It shall be called Smugland, and will have the highest Smug per capita of any territory or nation.

>> No.47245018

I think it's fine for the various beast potions to exist, what a human man and their monster wife does in the bedroom is their business, the moment it becomes a problem is when it's discussed in depth here because by it's vary nature it's niche and not attractive to most people and should be avoided.

>> No.47245019

Alps were made to be impregnated btw

>> No.47245023

I like how friendly this buffcubus looks, would hug.

>> No.47245039
Quoted by: >>47245155

yeah. people will still freak out about trumparts because of a single line giving an example of the extremes one suit might do and then act like every single trumpart would do it

>> No.47245048
Quoted by: >>47245155

In my case ignorance was bliss because similar to the reputation the Diamond Trumparts have, it just leaves a door open for unseemly elements to do shit.

>> No.47245069
File: 870 KB, 1103x1400, 76958527_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47245115

I like fatty Alps

>> No.47245078

But that just leads to more "there's part of the cannon we don't talk about" which always ends badly.

>> No.47245079
File: 1.51 MB, 1003x1416, Dr Grem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr Grem would like to know about the part of the cannon you don't talk about

>> No.47245091
Quoted by: >>47245097

it's pretty easy if you lurk

>> No.47245097
Quoted by: >>47245183

The siths for one. Beast potions. People freak out every time you mention tentacles as well for some reason. The lists go on

And we will keep having shitshows about it every time someone brings it up.
Lets just leave it here.

>> No.47245103


>> No.47245115
File: 791 KB, 2560x1991, Alp139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can fatten up one yourself, if you know what I mean

>> No.47245121
Quoted by: >>47245126

that'll likely be Cerberus, Orthrus, and/or maybe even Fenrir as like a frosty flavored hellwan >:3

>> No.47245126

Frosthound would be cool.

>> No.47245127

Those were mentioned years prior with the wonderland release, though.

>> No.47245139
Quoted by: >>47245242

Post the translated version please. I'd assume the majority of us can't read cyrillic.

>> No.47245143

man, how sick would an updated/upgraded version of that lamia be, we gotta see that!

>> No.47245155

Wait what line?

>> No.47245159

it is a mystery

>> No.47245170

A little too buff

>> No.47245181
File: 184 KB, 992x1403, __gremlin_and_automaton_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_barbariank__751062ac1e439a9eef1c42a59ee21a3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47245183
File: 24 KB, 334x157, Gremlin_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She meant cannon in the shooty kind of cannon

>> No.47245197
Quoted by: >>47245206

From the Trumpart profile:
>"Diamond" soldiers are mischievous and immensely curious about the men they capture, so they'll try teasing a man's body in every indecent manner they can think of. They prefer thrilling sex, such as changing a man into an animal and having sex with him. Together with the queen, they think up new mysterious occurrences for Wonderland, and they have been granted the power to actualize the things they come up with.

It was compounded by the fact there's Theriomorphosis potions in the Sabbath that basically turn you into an animal ( temporarily ) to fuck your monster wife and the Horse/Wolf models tend to be the most popular for obvious reasons, and given KC's rules if you specify the animal is the husband transformed you can get away with bestiality in MGE.

>> No.47245206

>given KC's rules if you specify the animal is the husband transformed you can get away with bestiality in MGE.
Did you forget the wightfag rant he had where he even wrote
>"The animal was not her husband."
And in the Q&A he said diamond trumpart fucks dogs.

>> No.47245210
Quoted by: >>47245218

Wightfag caused untold damage to the reputation of wights

>> No.47245215
Quoted by: >>47245222

It's filth and attracts human filth, just like other garbage like furshit.

>> No.47245218

nah, that's just you

>> No.47245222
File: 443 KB, 3124x2683, a7d25ae31cefba5cbcb0bdffdda7c47acd9d459c57feaba3662b35d3f212d853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your faerie hound wife doesn't like when you call her trash.
She might have to punish you later.

>> No.47245239

It's mindboggling how after all those mass post deletions and literally 18 months straight of spending his every waking hour being a psychotic stalker spamming the thread with trash, the furschizo still somehow never gets banned.

>> No.47245242

I don't have it and I can't speak Russian

>> No.47245248
Quoted by: >>47245283

You get what you pay for.

>> No.47245250
Quoted by: >>47245263

I didn't forget it, that's why I even specified that so long as it's her husband it's a non-issue in theory. Wightfag was doing other shit I don't feel like talking about or entertaining. He was warned and chose to disregard it and paid the price. Simple as.

>> No.47245263
Quoted by: >>47245311

I feel like you didn't get the subtext of finding the idea of bestiality being okay, even somewhat endorsed, as absolutely disgusting.

>> No.47245283

You're gonna get banned if you keep talking about it

>> No.47245310
Quoted by: >>47246095

>Lilim looks over and sees a man approaching her
>he's carrying a bundle of roses and a box of chocolates in his hand
>her cheeks go a flush
>she begins to smile
>immense happiness building within as he gets closer
>and finally, she faces him and he's close enough to kiss
>"Aw, you shouldn't hav-"
>he walks right past her
>Lilim freezes and slowly turns around to look
>he was bringing all that to a cute Greenworm he saw behind her
>starts hugging and kissing the Greenworm after giving her the items
>Lilim frowns and turns and walks away
>goes back home that night to drink heavily again and jill until she's passed out
>it's the only way she can distract herself from the fact that nobody is ever coming for her

>> No.47245311
Quoted by: >>47245330

That just raises more questions than answers.

>> No.47245330

does it? any number of subhuman activities is far above ntr

>> No.47245353

I agree that KC has not done favors for himself with Patreon releases and no game updates and no new books. But the profiles issue is meh. Not every Mamono will appeal to everyone. It's why we have the constant spam of foxes. People love foxes.

>> No.47245354

Can someone translate what she's saying?

>> No.47245359

Oh buddy, that's the stuff.

>> No.47245361

Now that we know we are having a boy, he can use my old clothes!

>> No.47245364

No, we have fox spam because of retards from /vg/ flooding this thread and acting like insufferable faggots.

>> No.47245368
Quoted by: >>47245379

Just that? it seems like a lot of text

>> No.47245372
Quoted by: >>47245385

You really cannot comprehend the idea anons might want more than reposting the same mge images over and over, can you?

>> No.47245378

Those are some faggy ass clothes for a son.

>> No.47245379
Quoted by: >>47245387

I don't speak russian I'm bullshitting.
> not done favors for himself
He clearly disagrees since the moment it went down he went to subscribe star and said the funding for the translation of the game is proceeding great.

>> No.47245382

But people do love foxes. Even disregarding them. You have people always posting hellhounds. Some species will always be preferred while others languish. Nothing can be done about it.

>> No.47245385
Quoted by: >>47245418

By posting the same 5 fox pictures all day? Cmon now, you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.47245387
Quoted by: >>47245389

I should have phrased myself better. It's going great for him in financial terms absolutely. Not great for those who are fans of his setting. Yes, that's more accurate.

>> No.47245389
Quoted by: >>47245414

>Not great for those who are fans of his setting.
Again hard to judge since he has a few simps who think it's going well enough to become the long arm of his law.

>> No.47245395

But, I feel that's a problem in of itself, and an issue I don't see people talk about, how specific a lot of them are now, like they serve this one niche and not much else like Malef and Phoenix.

>> No.47245414
Quoted by: >>47245443

But those are simps, they were gonna suck dick regardless even if things weren't going well

>> No.47245415

Yeah, but on the other hand, I need a dozen more spider type mamono, and would be fine with them all being insanely niche.

>> No.47245418
File: 700 KB, 1170x1816, 65cecf26bc9cb32b31a19502ca265393bb84bf05e0ab1c84c603f371cd7844b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post a prodigious amount of images. The specific fox posters are their own group but what's the actual difference between reposting the same foxes over and over compared to reposting the same nav lolis?

>> No.47245431

What's this the third "KC bad" meltdown he's had just in this single thread?

>> No.47245437
Quoted by: >>47245446

Yeah, like before we have stuff like driad, who as we all know has so many niches. It's like you are a tourist who douesn't know what he's complaining about. Most monstergirls are niche by design idiot.

>> No.47245440

Usually this only happens like right before or right after a new girl releases.

>> No.47245443
Quoted by: >>47245467

The game's dead even if he doesn't admit it and I imagine he's actually quite happy with the pace he's giving out profiles.
i don't know if he thinks he working on the game or the exact specifics but claiming it covers translation is a lie.

>> No.47245446
Quoted by: >>47245450

I'm not going to engage with you angry ESL

>> No.47245448

What meltdown?

>> No.47245450

And yet you did.

>> No.47245467

We'll just have to see, the funny thing about it is he could really be working on that translation, but because he wrote thousands of words, translating years worth of work is a problem too

>> No.47245481
Quoted by: >>47245488

If you think he's mad about KC, you should hear his opinions on the Sunshine Band.

>> No.47245485

Translating years worth of work isn't the problem. I meant the budget. He can't possibly have spent that amount of money on translation costs and not have a book of dialogue to show for it. So unless he really want into the pitfalls of infinite budget than it was bullshit.

>> No.47245487
Quoted by: >>47245590

But he could show his hand that yes he is actually still working on it by releasing an updated demo with new content.

>> No.47245488

Are we just part of a divine comedy?

>> No.47245493
Quoted by: >>47245576

I'm of the opinion that the game has fallen into the same issue that plagues Kickstarter games and Patreon games. I don't care cause I'm not paying him subscribe star or Patreon money. He just needs to release more books.

>> No.47245509
File: 200 KB, 1472x979, 1635590215672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47245515

I DO love foxes. Their cheeky personalities and extreme fluffiness makes them top tier.

>> No.47245515
File: 185 KB, 752x1062, Arachne - Mofu Spider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47245521

The dreaded mofu spider has just as much fluffiness and can be VERY cheeky.
Because she's got a big ol' spider booty.

>> No.47245521
File: 516 KB, 600x800, 1635635804467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47245545

Yeah... but spider.

>> No.47245534
File: 202 KB, 837x609, MadHatter52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47245621

How would Miss Hatter really react if you complimented her butt for its impressive size and shape?

>> No.47245545
File: 613 KB, 1200x1500, Arachne - Movie Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47245563

The spider is the cutest of all the animals in the insect kingdom. But I can see why their natural sexiness is intimidating.

>> No.47245563
File: 287 KB, 2000x1500, 1714821185871693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dorky spooder is wearing a shirt that says 'spooder' on it.

>> No.47245576
Quoted by: >>47245618

I wish 7Seas would stop being cowards and just translate or localize the world guides but that’s a pipe dream because they can’t differentiate between lolicon and actual underage stuff.

>> No.47245590
Quoted by: >>47245597

He should but that's why this is a problem in the first place, we don't know what he has because even after all this time he won't show anyone what he's been working on, even if like a simple Twitter post would end all this confusion.
He could, but he should've done that a while ago really, but like I said we'll see.

>> No.47245597

He shows wikifag.

>> No.47245598
File: 476 KB, 755x1166, Wight108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel very strongly about wights. I want very much to be in a Corpse Bridge situation with an undead duchess. It's my dream.

>> No.47245610
File: 3.66 MB, 4200x4800, 104678239_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47245615

Me too but I like to make them from scratch, if you catch my drift

>> No.47245611
Quoted by: >>47245622

corpse bridge? corpse bride. i'm off tonight.

>> No.47245615
File: 191 KB, 737x979, Zombie60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making your own aristocrat from scratch is a noble endeavor, and also one that gives you the opportunity to make plenty of blackmail so that you can embarrass her at parties

>> No.47245616
Quoted by: >>47245633

Where? The last thing I saw was the Holstaur Cgs. And I don't know who wikifag is

>> No.47245618
Quoted by: >>47245628

Means nothing. He's a KC simp. Everyone needs to be able to see updated content. This shouldn't be an issue. If he is really working hard on it then he should have many versions of the game. So let's say version 5 has all the latest content, he can release version 2.
Even if they won't do this, just more books as pdfs would be fine.

>> No.47245621

By offering to let you touch it. (Warning: don't, touching her bum will transfer ownership of yourself to her immediately, run while you can because the next stage after touching is smothering)

>> No.47245622
Quoted by: >>47245643

Don't worry man I read that as Corpse Brigade at first and imagined a bunch of angry zombies/Ochimusha/Wights kidnapping Anon because they were denied their payment in loving husbands.

>> No.47245627
File: 156 KB, 1200x1575, 70F415B4-94CE-4E13-BE75-9201AA09BD67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to bully vampires by putting them into compromising positions.

>> No.47245628
Quoted by: >>47245709

I'm not leaking the weresheep deep kiss cg.
Wait until KC releases it like everyone else.

>> No.47245633
Quoted by: >>47245909

Wikifag is the guy who shows once a week with all the new images(but he sometimes misses a few for some reason) every week.
He also stalks the thread for wrongthink and to drum up patreon hype.

>> No.47245634
File: 94 KB, 594x631, Wight - Watching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47245658

I like wights, too. They're the cutest of the non-yan, non-kuu undead.

>> No.47245638

bully vampires by making nothing but dhampirs with her

>> No.47245640

Oh, no, monster species 1 dressed up as monster species 2. One of my greatest weaknesses!

>> No.47245643
Quoted by: >>47245657

also a good end.

>> No.47245647
Quoted by: >>47245664

the romantic bridge between life and death, if only because she'd be annoyed if I asked her to smother me to death with her thighs cause they value life very highly

>> No.47245657

Corpse Brigade just sending a magitech video to your family "He looks like he enjoys a rave to the grave."; "INDEED"

>> No.47245658

She's just standing there... menacingly...

>> No.47245664
Quoted by: >>47245666

>wights fetishizing their husband's aliveness

>> No.47245666

>"Hubby, hubby! Stop moving. Let my friends see your heartbeat."
>"Look! Look! You can see his heartbeat when he's lying still!"

>> No.47245679

I'm gonna blebi the hebi

>> No.47245685
Quoted by: >>47245698

Miss Hebi does not know what that is. But she is intrigued and would like to know more.

>> No.47245691
Quoted by: >>47245693

What monsters can turn invisible?

>> No.47245692
File: 1.02 MB, 1370x1600, 87635167_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could have a cute undead loli happily listening to my heartbeat.

>> No.47245693

Phantoms and Ghosts.
Also, Cheshires.

>> No.47245698

okay so basically I take both of my hands and squish her cheeks until her tongue pokes/rolls out with a 'bleb' noise

>> No.47245699
Quoted by: >>47245702

Man it sure sucks grilling all these beef hot dogs and bratwursts and honey glazed chicken breasts all by myself, if only there was a Monster of greyish complexion and canid demeanor out there that would love to enjoy it with me...

>> No.47245700
File: 977 KB, 600x338, Shirohebi - Sneaky Kiss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss Hebi is READY.

>> No.47245702
File: 410 KB, 700x1082, Ushi-Oni - Cute Dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss Ushi has a fluffy, dog-like tail. I think that's who you meant.

>> No.47245709

>I'm not leaking this thing that totally exists guys

>> No.47245712
File: 181 KB, 1179x1344, F3kLQFuW8AAjmUb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47246048

Post asking about touring Zipangu

>> No.47245713

Honest question. If I marry a shirohebi that's more yandere and creepy that your average shirohebi, what are the chances of me getting vored by her?

>> No.47245728
Quoted by: >>47245748

What if the hebi blebis you back?

>> No.47245748

Then you kiss.

>> No.47245777

All a Holstaur has to do is smile at you to seduce you. Maybe offer to let you pet her soft head and moo a little as you do. You'd be completely taken with her, a hug from her would paralyze you completely and you'd fall in love in an instant.

>> No.47245788
Quoted by: >>47245920

How does a yandere hellhound work?

>> No.47245798
Quoted by: >>47245814

You come across a sad Holst who's crying because her chest is completely flat. When you ask how this came to be, she points over at a Baphomet with an incredibly busty chest jiggling about and cackling at the side and says that the Bapho used magic to steal her assets just because she jealous of her. The sad cow pleads for you to help her get her jugs back, but the Baphomet laughs and gives you a counter offer that you should join her instead and help her steal more size from other Monsters, adding that you may get to enjoy her all for yourself if you do.

Who do you choose to help anon? The flat sad cow? Or the evil thick Bapho?

>> No.47245814

I acknowledge cow supremacy. Of course, they're probably not the only monsters that could do that to me, but...

Time for a reverse Maken-Ki.

>> No.47245817

I keep hearing my Automaton say:
16514919 or 315311.

>> No.47245838

rape is bad and monsters should feel bad about it

>> No.47245841
File: 521 KB, 541x608, 1705665560488839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47246775

No straight man can resist an adult holst.

>> No.47245859

>Watching your confidant, domineering, badass, hellhound wife turn into a meek, scared, whimpering mess just because of some boom boom in the sky on the 4th of July
Gonna take a video of her cowering and bully her later with it

>> No.47245900
File: 49 KB, 724x1024, 1720122590059884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47245909

Why would it matter to you what he does and doesn't do? He has no real power outside of what you give to him by letting him live rent free in your furry addled brain.

>> No.47245920
File: 199 KB, 850x1202, Hellhound - Poetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47246003

Pretty well? She'll write you poetry and shower you with attention and stuff.

>> No.47246003

>implying hellhounds can read let alone write

>> No.47246029
File: 2.79 MB, 4961x7016, 1720144322862715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47246048

My advice is to go tour the Mist Continent instead. There's fewer crazy monster races.

>> No.47246083
File: 277 KB, 2048x1740, GKf8vYzakAET4Tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go to church and spend personal quality time with your Nuns/Sisters

>> No.47246095
Quoted by: >>47246105

Excuse me I'm buying chocolate and flowers to give to this particular lilim right now. Not out of a desire to romance her though that would be nice but out of empathy given we've all been in that situation before.

Valentines day stings as a single person. Man or monstergirl

>> No.47246105
Quoted by: >>47246117

My trick is to just be depressed and sad ALL the time, so Valentine's Day is just another day! It helps. Also, at least we're not in Japan with White Day.

>> No.47246117

holy based

>> No.47246119

don't do this, they'll touch you in the confessionals and say it was god's will

>> No.47246140

I grew up religious, so no thanks.

>> No.47246202

Getting hitched to a Chinese or Japanese Monster girl would be bad enough. Thank goodness I'm never at risk of getting hitched to a KOREAN Monster Girl though!

>> No.47246231

>You walk up to the shop. No words on the door, just a drawing of a spider web.
>This is the dreaded spider vendor.
>Spiders for every need.
>Jumping spiders, webspinners, hunters, trapdoor spiders.
>You step inside.
>The vendor's not a spider herself--she's an echidna.
>She looks at you oddly, like you're lost.
"Spider vendor, I require your strongest spiders."
>"You can't handle my strongest spiders."
>"Actually, what do you want a spider for at all?"
>"It can't be for a dungeon."
>"Look at you."
>You look her in the eyes.
"Your. Strongest. Spiders."
>"You're one of those weird spider perverts."
>You nod eagerly.
>She pulls a piece of paper out from below the counter.
>"Sign this."
>You begin to step up to the counter...
>Only to fall into a trap door.

>You land on a web, in near complete darkness.
>Dozens of glowing eyes open in clusters of 4, 6, or 8.
>The spiders have found their prey.
>Meanwhile, Miss Echidna is resetting her trapdoor.
>"Fuckin' weirdos."

>> No.47246251
Quoted by: >>47246313

>Laughs in fox mofu

>> No.47246265
Quoted by: >>47246313

But the Koreans are the BEST fox girls. They're with you, liver die.

>> No.47246313
Quoted by: >>47246428

They have dumb names like Dong Cum Make Son and their food is awful. Plus those Korean Foxes are also catty as hell and they talk talk talk talk talk talk, it's annoying. They also try to act hip and young and carry around a phone with a pretty pink case while wearing the latest hot fashion and they look like an old lady with how fat they are. I would never date a Korean monster girl.

>> No.47246344

>"Fuckin' weirdos."
Awful way to refer to her daughters' husband.

>> No.47246422
File: 159 KB, 2048x2027, GL2xuKoaIAAhBRD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47246889

Jiiiis from the door frame

>> No.47246428

Kumiho are nice though if not a bit terrifying.

>> No.47246433

Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, be sure to celebrate with your freedom bird.
Celebrate what? Your new marriage of course!
You didn't think she was going away just because the fourth ended did you?

>> No.47246453
File: 815 KB, 1463x3075, Salamander52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where burnin this place down untill their are no survivers!

Check it!

>> No.47246498
File: 42 KB, 697x378, 1679432637362556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47246528

It's finally over, she can relax now.

>> No.47246499

remember when these threads were fun?

>> No.47246509
Quoted by: >>47246512

Some posters are trying to imitate how dreadful /vg/ threads are for some reason

>> No.47246512

they know no other way of life and refuse to adapt

>> No.47246517

There are still highly enjoyable moments like those monster sports threads, it has been years since I saw anons so entertained throwing ideas and expanding on it while ignoring crossboarders and tourists

>> No.47246528
Quoted by: >>47246535

She deserves many forehead kisses for being such a good girl

>> No.47246535

Headrubs until she is satisfied, a big medium rare steak with some bulldog sauce, followed by heavy petting and a 7.5 inch bone.

>> No.47246557
File: 405 KB, 3000x3000, GRrODL2bAAAqbSN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47246581

Which monster girl will literally eat me after mating with her?

>> No.47246594


>> No.47246604

All of them if you want them to.

But typical candidates that just may do it without being prompted or even against your will include sandworms, all lamias, wurms, jabberwocks, shoggoths, red slimes, pixies, manticores, man-eaters (both kinds), and ghouls. Some of these girls rely on size-change magic; others do not.

>> No.47246620

I will destroy Greenworm...

>> No.47246655

>t. the salad bar security at the olive garden

>> No.47246677
Quoted by: >>47246766

T. Big Steak

>> No.47246758
File: 80 KB, 692x690, 1684129053737564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47246774

>Friday night in 11 hours
What are you drinking to night? With who would you want to drink and why?

>> No.47246766
Quoted by: >>47247801

>Holst rouge that goes by the name Big Steak
>Eternal rival is greenworm, Green Giant
>Rivalry started when greenworm cleared out the salad bar before holst could get her own bowl
>Every time they meet at a restaurant, a massive, anime-style battle ensues

>> No.47246770

>Retards are actually posting REDDIT screenshots now
Yeah that's it, take this thread out back and shoot it. This place is done for, I thought the faggot reposting shit from reddit was bad enough.

>> No.47246774
Quoted by: >>47246788

>11 hours
That'd be 1pm you dumbass.

>> No.47246775
Quoted by: >>47246785

KC makes them look and act too good. A simple titcow shouldn't be this powerful.

>> No.47246785

Every monster wants to be them aside from a very small group of goat cultists. The power of large breasts is undeniable, and even the cultists are jealous of holstaur's powers. They're the only monsters that are stronger than baphomets, save for the DL herself.

>> No.47246788
Quoted by: >>47246801

Maybe in your time zone but not in mine

>> No.47246801

Time zones aren't real. Stop saying dumb stuff.

>> No.47246855
Quoted by: >>47246861

>Ywn hold back a horde of extremely violent ghouls from breaking down your front door so that they can "eat" you everyday, all day, for the rest of your life, and the next and "fail" to keep them out
Please give me the extremely violent ghouls. I need them. I wanna watch as they cover me in that ghoul spit faster than a sandworm can cover her fresh catch in her spit

>> No.47246861
Quoted by: >>47246883

>Ywn draw a horde of extremely violent ghouls away from your friends home, sacrificing yourself to save him
Don't worry, bro. You've got a friend in me.

>> No.47246883

No Anon! Don't do it! I have accepted my fate to become ghoul food. You don't need to sacrifice yourself. Go. Go find the monster girl of your dreams. Leave me to my glorious fate of saving the town from these ghouls! I will take them down with me!

>> No.47246889

Wait what, I didn't know we switched into a general purpose Girl Thread

>> No.47246914

foxes are cunning my ass
i just tricked one into marrying me!

>> No.47246917
Quoted by: >>47246939

>foxes are cunning my ass
How do you cunny an ass?..

>> No.47246939

I'm sure there's a potion for that.

>> No.47247031
Quoted by: >>47247039

context: this is from the russian equivalent of a facebook "ask a fictional character" page but for the entirety of monstergirls
>Oh lord! I saw this stupid question before, but didn't know how to answer it! But now...
>Just look at my future daughter, how [these clothes] will fit her, how cool she'll look in them...
and idk what the question was that she's answering.

>> No.47247038
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x1873, offering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47247059

You know those donation box's at shrines, you can put $1 or a piece of tofu in there and just take a fox home with you. The shrines are over crowded and they want your help to take care of foxes they can't support. Don't worry, they are all vetted, they are not lazy foxes, nor are they mischief makers or psychos like tamamo.

>> No.47247039

why are russians so obsessed with alps?

>> No.47247047

I mean, there is talk that the soldiers rape each other a lot.

>> No.47247059

>Don't worry, they are all vetted
They better be spayed too

>> No.47247065

Russians are cringe, alps are cringe.

>> No.47247105

I suppose living in those run down soviet apartments drives a man to wish for his bro alp

>> No.47247112

>nutting balls deep in your former bro (now gf) Alp
>whisper "no homo" while dumping the content of your balls into her womb

>> No.47247114

first it was wights who got ruined forever, not its alps that are forever shit tier because of their supposed association with russians

>> No.47247126
File: 264 KB, 1550x1262, 1718747168503099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47247134

When your faggot ass alps I'm coming to Ireland and raping you.

>> No.47247130
File: 108 KB, 849x1200, rata reporter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking news. The general election results for wonderland are in, as are their colonel, seagent and captain election results. The diamond party has not pulled off the landslide victory it had hoped for, nor an avalanche defeat, it is an earthquake stalemate. A hung parliament has been declared and the queen of hearts herself is at the houses of parliament right now fastening a giant noose around the building. Key election results include a massive swing for the Hatter party, who they say will donate it to a local playground, and a rise in support for the Rebooblican party, who aren't sure why they are in wonderland and can't find the exit. Over to our international correspondant, Miss Dhampir.

>> No.47247134 [DELETED] 

I'm just tired of good monstergirls being always associated with literal subhuman scum, that's all.
And in case of alps you can't even ignore it since half of the time pics have r*ssian text in them.

>> No.47247150 [DELETED] 

Anti-fr*g schizoanon, is that you?

>> No.47247151 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47247289

Ireland needs to be nuked if only to get rid of mick

>> No.47247166 [DELETED] 
File: 1.94 MB, 1384x1964, ON2ugsHtd6tD2BUA4mwmaLxc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just tired of good monstergirls being always associated with literal subhuman scum
You're letting people that are intentionally bad actors ruin something that is the complete opposite of what they portray it to be. It's the equivalent of reading a bad fanfiction on ao3 and hating an entire character because some cuck wrote bad shit about them. Cheshires, Hellhounds, and numerous others have art depicting really terrible things. Does that mean you'll instantly dislike them once you see it? No, because doing so would make you a faggot and seeing it as canon goes against the very thing this setting is made for. Now enjoy your days in a monster free world, because when those portals open I'm telling the demon lord about you and nothing can stop my vengeful erection from saving this thread. I will personally request you alp into a dullahan so you're carry the burden of knowing you're irish forever.

>> No.47247170 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47247252

>have art depicting really terrible things
That doesn't get posted here, unlike alp pics with r*ssian scribbles on them.

>> No.47247185 [DELETED] 

>anti-russia schizo
>thinks the literal tranny is a good monstergirl
fuck off back to /k/

>> No.47247233 [DELETED] 

>It's the equivalent of reading a bad fanfiction on ao3 and hating an entire character because some cuck wrote bad shit about them
I know a guy who hates certain anime girls for that reason
Hinata from naruto for one

>> No.47247245
File: 422 KB, 849x1200, 1638890389277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this paper justs says "I do what I want"

>> No.47247247

Paper isn't alive, it can't say anything, dumb demon.

>> No.47247252 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 1700x1500, e9607e0c1571de36f1a72e6906ea6b4af756bd87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither do wight images of the awful shit that nigger commissioned. Also why do you give a single shit about some artists being russian? There are plenty of monsters from slavic mythology, does that make kikimora bad? I genuinely do not understand why you feel the need to shit up these threads every single day for over two years now. You must have other interests, some form of income, a roof over your head to care about rather than baiting and ban evading everyday. As much as I think you're fucking annoying, your recent antics have me actually concerned for you. It is very sad you have revolved your life around this, and I really hope you're able to turn it around because you clearly are very mentally ill. Nobody is falling for it, everybody knows you're a bad actor that has fallen off the deep end because you were delusional about some shit nobody cares about from years ago. I hope I'm not alone in actually wanting schizo mick to get help, or at least try to find a way to redeem himself because I sympathize with the side of you that is suffering from your schizophrenia. Originally wasn't going to reply to your schizopost but it's eating me up inside just how much worse you've gotten over these two years and I know there's a person on the other side of the screen suffering. Mick, from the bottom of my heart, I genuinely want you to get better and see you be happy. But I can guarantee you won't get any satisfaction from continuing this. Just bury the hatchet and move on, I promise your life will improve.

>> No.47247257

my hyper specialized PVP build dumps charm resistance for increased physical damage resistance so that I'll be able to tank any hits in battle! I really do wonder what's the difference between physical damage and physical contact stats? Probably nothing, now to fight these horrific "man-eating monsters" everyone talks about!

>> No.47247265 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47247280

That's a lot of projection and obsession with mick for no reason.

>> No.47247280 [DELETED] 

It hurts to see people in pain.

>> No.47247282 [DELETED] 

Irish aren't people

>> No.47247288 [DELETED] 

Not a good enough reason to see mick everywhere tho.

>> No.47247289 [DELETED] 

Mick isn’t even Irish in real life he’s an Argie like Lostpenis

>> No.47247303 [DELETED] 

>Also why do you give a single shit about some artists being russian?
NTA but russians are like niggers, you just don't want to see them even mentioned near monstergirls. It has nothing to do with mythology - not to mention that kikimoras are not russian inherently, they are simply slavic.

>> No.47247307 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47247314

First off, I don't think that was him and I've been dealing with his idiocy for 3 years now.
Second thing, he does not deserve pity. His personality entirely revolves around annoying others and he was like that long before he disgraced this thread with his presence. He's most likely some spoiled shit who never endured any hardship and is completely devoid of empathy towards people. You're not the first one to show him pity and it only fuels his ego further, just don't.

>> No.47247309
File: 76 KB, 833x1024, 1698569198833164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you like that? I thought that our Euro's hours where dead but comfy.

>> No.47247313

>have wright childen
>wife is still a zombie
funny how that works

>> No.47247314 [DELETED] 

>First off, I don't think that was him
Nice falseflag, mick.

>> No.47247327

I want to pre-sign a blank contract and tell the demon to fill in whatever details she wants

>> No.47247341

I'm going to give her a "Super-Duper Meal Ticket: You can have lunch with me sometimes, I guess (no monetary value)" and see how she likes it

>> No.47247358
File: 1.10 MB, 1305x1400, 5e3a2de749b04f7d6656d2966b99db76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47247373

>"So you used to be Dr. Lich's minion?"
>"We prefer the word 'assistant'"

>> No.47247373

It would take a crane to pull me out of their cleavage.

>> No.47247377

tomboyish girl so erotic, short hair and shared interests so romantic
plus a lack of western style trannyism or whatever

>> No.47247380

what's wrong with Russians? I would a Russian Kikimora

>> No.47247406
File: 1.13 MB, 2100x2580, 41870934-29f1-4557-954c-6412bb125a1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love is funny

>> No.47247411

Wights are still good monster girls if you’re letting one dude ruin them for you that speaks volumes more about yourself than others.

>> No.47247412
Quoted by: >>47247416

salamander more like sillymander
silly girl fell in love with a nerdy dork and can't even confess to him

>> No.47247416
Quoted by: >>47247427

she's a dragon

>> No.47247427

That explains it.

>> No.47247435
File: 942 KB, 2100x2580, 16fe4a0a-ce2d-41bd-8e25-b29d08b5d84c.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47247475

I like the wolf girl

>> No.47247475

World record mere’ing

>> No.47247515

imagine being brought to your knees by a domineering Oni in a scuffle after you tried to resist in futility and she walks up to you and grabs the back of your head and presses your face into the spot over her womb, looking down and smiling at you
almost as if to taunt you that soon you'll filling that place up and putting children into it, whether you want to or not

>> No.47247529
File: 806 KB, 1500x1376, 1626065517071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47247537

Oh no! What a disaster!

>> No.47247537

Big oni...

>> No.47247546
Quoted by: >>47247579

acceptable if its a soft oni

>> No.47247548

Date monsters at least 2x your size, preferably more

>> No.47247551
File: 839 KB, 1000x1000, 32fa4ae2df63582f2af63ae6420d94e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onis get the bean!

>> No.47247557
File: 370 KB, 900x1200, Cuteredoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47250945

>Yo anon
>I hear you work as a bean counter
>That's perfect! We can compliment each other's weaknesses. I'll be your big strong wife to protect you, and you can counter the beans.

>> No.47247559
File: 499 KB, 1115x1600, 9-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47247579
Quoted by: >>47247633

Soft chest, hard tummy

>> No.47247581
File: 535 KB, 1280x1906, Kannasama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zipangese men belong to Oni women. It's just the natural order of things.

>> No.47247586
Quoted by: >>47247588

Onis may be freakishly big, but they have hearts to match, and are all around lovely girls who deserve a nice guy to get drunk with

>> No.47247588

Of course, heart is a muscle.

>> No.47247590

Do you guys prefer anon-insert stories in the second person or the third person?

>> No.47247598

self inserting is cringe

>> No.47247600
Quoted by: >>47250954

Second person stories in general read kind of weird.

>> No.47247633

but I need soft tummy
At the very least her abs need to be ruined by baby fat

>> No.47247638

Ahah by hugging me you triggered my secret trap, get MATING PRESSED

>> No.47247735

I need a big soft oni wife to cuddle silly

>> No.47247736

Imagine getting locked inside a big abandoned lodge in the middle of the woods at night and being trapped in there with a hungry Ghoul who wants to eat you alive like some kind of survival horror game where you have to use stealth and hiding to find a way out and escape her, all while she chases you a few times and gets your blood rushing.

>> No.47247752

I prefer the one with the mansion and the really big bogey who cant move when you're looking at her

>> No.47247753
File: 709 KB, 713x1000, 1636961754974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Major Wurm answered with her virginity, madam, as you should have done if you had any sense of honor

>> No.47247758

Five Nights at Automatons

>> No.47247762

>second person
Nobody writes in second person. Did you mean first person? Either third or first person is alright. Just be consistent about it in the same story at least.

>> No.47247768

Nah I don't like those stupid horror game, they don't scares me, they anger me and I try to brute force it before rage quitting. So I would just give up after the first chase, sit on the sofa and wait for her to kill me.

>> No.47247795

>Nobody writes in second person.

>> No.47247801
Quoted by: >>47247827

Uh, what? People definitely write in second person--greentexts are quite often that style.

First Person:
>I fucked your mother.
Second Person:
>You fuck Anon's mother.
>Or this post for a recent greentext in this very thread:
Third Person:
>He fucked Anon's mother.
>Or this post for a recent greentext in this very thread:

>> No.47247827

A greentext has a sifference cadence and structure that allows second person better than a full lenght story. The constant "you did x, you did y." Would get very tiring very quickly.
I have personally only seen it work when the narratoris directly interacting with the mc, like stanley parable, or slay the princess, not in any traditional narration style.

>> No.47247831


>> No.47247844
Quoted by: >>47247862

No one tell him that Magus_Anon's biggest and most known story uses the second person story telling structure.

>> No.47247862

Journey of the Magi has a whole slew of other problems aside from being in second person.

>> No.47247957

I think it would be funny to see how an MG finds the best in the most aggressively bland and non-offensive self-insert type character imaginable. A literal grey NPC who succ can't stop fawning over.

>> No.47247967
Quoted by: >>47247998

so is the butt

>> No.47247998
Quoted by: >>47248078

So, an Oni's heart, is in her butt?

>> No.47248013
Quoted by: >>47248024

and you need it to summon Captain Planet

>> No.47248024

What's the mamono version of Captain Planet?

>> No.47248039
Quoted by: >>47248057

An extremely chuuni Lilim.

>> No.47248057
Quoted by: >>47248064

>extremely chuuni
Oooooh, I'm into it!
Boo. Interest gone.

>> No.47248064

There's not really any other archetype that really fits the combination of all elements outside of maybe Dark Matter and for that you could just dress them up in a Sailor Senshi uniform and call it good.

>> No.47248078
File: 2.58 MB, 3411x4169, dock the seaport (lower res for posting).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nonono, you dont get it
oni muscles are big so her heart is big
but oni muscles are big so the butt is big too
therefore the path to an oni's heart is through the butt

anal the oni to make her yours, that's how Momotaro did it in the legends. also works on other oni-family monsters like the Bogey and the like

>> No.47248083
Quoted by: >>47248109

>dress them up in a Sailor Senshi uniform
Yeah, but you can just do that with any mamono.
>Sailor Spider
>Sailor Greenworm
>Sailor Oni
>Sailor Succ
>Sailor Gote
>Sailor Leanan Sidhe
That last one's not legit--she's on her way to an anime convention to sell her doujins.

>> No.47248092
File: 1.19 MB, 694x1024, db1e1d5463a7a223fa122866011d213c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Matter makes more sense than Lilim.

>> No.47248100
Quoted by: >>47248136

I kinda want to drink her. Is that weird?

>> No.47248108


>> No.47248109

It's early in the morning and I'm bored man. That and it's amusing to think of a spinster like Sapphirette dressing up as an evil magical girl to be the Captain Pollution to her husband's chuuni antics.

>> No.47248122

Second person in greentexts works because it's a similar structure as VN narration

>> No.47248123

I wish to eat an oni's heart out

>> No.47248136
Quoted by: >>47248652

Do not drink the dark matter. It tastes like black licorice and horny.

>> No.47248210

Hellhound tongues and human butts
Human tongues and hellhound butts

>> No.47248336

>anal the oni to make her yours
>also works on other oni-family monsters like the Bogey and the like
Bogies like a good joke right, I've got one: "Her ass can win against the cock"

>> No.47248437
File: 1.37 MB, 1580x1884, 120265409_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47248490

>> No.47248474
File: 796 KB, 3500x2800, GRq7qWZWgAAQLLN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47248490
File: 2.48 MB, 4494x4803, Hasumi nurse .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47248531

Angels have no right to judge us for being horny when they dress like this.

>> No.47248493

would hug

>> No.47248531

Exposed booba erotic.

>> No.47248536

With a giant snek like that, I would have to fight the urge to ask for "sneky rides" where I ride around on her back. I know she would tell me no. But, like, look at her! LOOK AT HER! It'd be so cool.

>> No.47248551

thinking about terror birds and cave bears

>> No.47248578
File: 850 KB, 3892x4096, GRsL0tZWYAAHteX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47248585
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, centaur's NEET setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47248598

>> No.47248598

Her smug aura mocks me. I may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.47248652
Quoted by: >>47248739

What does horny taste like?

>> No.47248739

Keratin. Because that's what horns are made of!

>> No.47248766
File: 546 KB, 605x850, 2acde6eefef25fa764e15f0451c78eec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not be afraid of god messengers

>> No.47248783
Quoted by: >>47248833

Need boobhat.

>> No.47248833
File: 512 KB, 945x1063, c78e79f33a2bb35b60979cb5652bebb22e58e99b5a2031300bb319a3724d4343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47249068

Instructions unclear.

>> No.47248855 [DELETED] 
File: 911 KB, 2200x2852, 1720175583283151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47248881

>> No.47248870 [DELETED] 
File: 3.16 MB, 4000x3300, 1720177306893557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47248881

>> No.47248881

Mindless chinese gacha character spam, the epitome of /jp/ - Otaku Culture

>> No.47248915
File: 234 KB, 900x900, 8bcda74bc7c10c8b781c19d678a3dfff9fc5937b779c79034367379b11639919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47248940

Harpies are nice. I bet the feathers are soft.

>> No.47248940
Quoted by: >>47248967

Birds are very warm to hold.

>> No.47248967
File: 181 KB, 566x800, e63fac81f7f1675b1c798c79ce634bd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47248986

Firmly grasp the birb

>> No.47248986

That is a happy genki bird who doesn't mind sharing her breasts

>> No.47249007

They are a much better alternative when the only thing you have are Russian women

>> No.47249068
File: 706 KB, 2172x3000, pirate cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47249081

I'm tired, I want to sleep on the kot booba in a chill place

>> No.47249081
File: 458 KB, 1280x720, Catgirl - Cuddle?.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47249105

Everyone does.

>> No.47249105
File: 370 KB, 1200x1156, KOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47249341

The little ear twitch always get me, if only they were real...

>> No.47249173
File: 545 KB, 2480x3658, 1701370608588528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47249318

fox activities

>> No.47249318
File: 2.14 MB, 1280x720, Kitsune - 100% American.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47249464

Like eating burgers?

>> No.47249341

So, would you say that mamono has an eary quality?

>> No.47249464
File: 1.08 MB, 3638x4542, 115416104_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47250273

Ot giving birth

>> No.47249532
File: 82 KB, 1370x1024, kejnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47249555

>brushing kej hair
>a particularly thick lock wiggles out of the way
>you maneuver the brush to follow, but it then lifts itself over your hand
>you frown and lift the brush, but it coils back like a snake
>so... it's like that, huh?
>you get out Big Bertha (your largest brush) and dual-hand that fucker like a paladin of old
>the coil strikes fast as a whip, but you deflect
>other coils join in the attack- you're surrounded
>you swat at them mercilessly, driving them back as best you can but eventually one catches your wrist and Big Bertha is sent spinning through the air
>the coils sense weakness and mass into one giant mass that rears over you
>you rip off your shirt
>you body slam the hair to the floor and wrestle it into submission
>it thrashes wildly, but just as your strength begins to wane, you remember the comb in your pocket
>drive the flimsy plastic into the hair underneath you
>the hair goes ballistic while you hold on for dear life, driving it deeper and deeper until it's struggling slows and it lays lifelessly on the floor beneath you

Normal Tuesday night with kej wife

>> No.47249543
File: 694 KB, 922x878, 1720181896444354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47249551

>> No.47249551

Such a romantic way with words. I'm swooning.

>> No.47249554
File: 3.01 MB, 1654x2085, 1720195205180904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47249555
Quoted by: >>47249566

Would the Kej herself stay still the whole time like nothing unusual is going on?

>> No.47249566

>kej is blissfully unaware of the whole thing and is enjoying the most recent hair-centric magazine

>> No.47249580

These things are kinda hot but the opposite of graceful elves.

>> No.47249588
File: 173 KB, 800x1200, GRuyU40aUAAOX3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47249594

Yeah, they're the opposite of elves all right--these ladies are ATTRACTIVE. Not like UGLY ELF SLUTS.

>> No.47249600
File: 1008 KB, 1785x1370, 1525456240729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd take a REAL elf.

>> No.47249669


>> No.47249680

Those are goblins in elf face. Just look at the ears.

>> No.47249772

Tfw no gf whatsoever…

>> No.47249822
File: 767 KB, 1200x1694, 120260090_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47249869

>> No.47249851

What monster girl makes the best tradwife?

>> No.47249869
File: 225 KB, 971x1079, GK4iV0-bYAAnL0M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47249884

Homely fox lolibabas are the best

>> No.47249878


>> No.47249884
File: 915 KB, 1291x1850, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47249891

lolibaba + apron is hard to beat

>> No.47249886
File: 103 KB, 1000x1600, Demon - 50s Aesthetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47249915

Miss Demon knows all the tradwife moves and can do them with aplomb.

>> No.47249891
Quoted by: >>47250065

Lolibaba + TWO aprons!

>> No.47249894
File: 524 KB, 1000x660, 92fb31988b4aa1adeb6bdd8afd9b319e73c7c6c0a4fc2f8a469593073ae582c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47249909

It's miia.

>> No.47249909
File: 914 KB, 3000x3750, Arachne - Blah, Blah, Blah, Hillary's Handwriting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47250584

Obviously not. Only Rachnera properly understands the tradwife's job of holding her husband's love rod while he micturates.

>> No.47249915
Quoted by: >>47250016

Weird how she manages to do all of that and still feel superior to you.

>> No.47249954

But those are boats.

>> No.47249976

I will not ride the boat.

>> No.47250016
Quoted by: >>47250131

I mean, she is.

>> No.47250050
File: 196 KB, 1603x1871, 1720193848368012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47250065
Quoted by: >>47250088

Would your lolibaba wear one apron on front and one apron on back or two aprons layered?

>> No.47250077

Can your dick survive a night with cheshire and manticore fraternal twins?

>> No.47250081

Yes. The trick is to distract them with bad puns and shitty reality TV shows.

>> No.47250086

My nose won’t survive it though

>> No.47250088

Two aprons layered.

>> No.47250126
Quoted by: >>47250163

No they aren't.

>> No.47250130
Quoted by: >>47250197

I would sniff a manticore

>> No.47250131

Well, yes, but she's being really subservient at the same time.

>> No.47250163
Quoted by: >>47250169

Yes they are.

>> No.47250165
File: 140 KB, 867x737, 1718559355770457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the monster species is tall, leggy, elegant and womanly and tends to wear heels, you can be certain the young members of that species are of peak female form.

>> No.47250169
Quoted by: >>47250173

No, they're clearly elves.

>> No.47250173
File: 1.34 MB, 1782x2754, 102910558_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're boat-elves, closely related to boat-foxes.

>> No.47250197


>> No.47250201
Quoted by: >>47250208

>Kissing your kiki wife through the kitchen window while you grill and she makes the side dishes

>> No.47250208
Quoted by: >>47250224

... what side dishes? And what're you grilling?

>> No.47250224
Quoted by: >>47250247

Burgers and hot dogs, maybe some brats.

Deviled eggs, potato salad, watermelon, and baked beans

>> No.47250238
File: 234 KB, 1200x1800, GM_jcG9aQAIvR9M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47250247
Quoted by: >>47250274

Man, I am hungry now. This is a self-own on my part.

>> No.47250263
File: 625 KB, 795x593, foxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47250267
File: 1.73 MB, 1323x1871, 93249713_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47250273
Quoted by: >>47250286

Getting lolibabas pregnant...

>> No.47250274

I like to imagine that p'orcers make some good BBQ and have unique BBQ techniques and sauces and seasonings.

>> No.47250286
Quoted by: >>47250304

Is the best

>> No.47250296

But when are we getting the LUCA monstergirl?

>> No.47250304


>> No.47250311
File: 650 KB, 749x1200, hork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47250346
File: 363 KB, 2048x1712, RAN SHAMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47250351

>leave high elf outside on a sunny day for a few hours
>she's a dark elf now
It's that easy.

>> No.47250358
File: 447 KB, 2048x1365, GJmysfwWMAA88O8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47250360

Don't let your elf smoke weed.

>> No.47250385
Quoted by: >>47250392

Anyone have the post with the list of the contest winners?

>> No.47250388
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>> No.47250392


>> No.47250401

will i get a snow elf if i toss an elf in a pile of snow?

>> No.47250403


>> No.47250412
Quoted by: >>47250456

This is precious! The ogre has fallen in love with the prince!

>> No.47250422 [DELETED] 
File: 957 KB, 2894x4093, 85300125_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47250429
Quoted by: >>47250458

I need to find a good time to read these and think of some feedback to give

>> No.47250456

Lord Farquad only needed dark elf correction

>> No.47250458

POST TITS. It's the feedback all authors crave.

>> No.47250484
Quoted by: >>47250561

Does your favourite movie pass the greenworm test?
This test is whether the movie is about greenworms, contains a greenworm in a leading role, and had greenworms at all levels of production and marketing.
If no, it is not a very good movie.

>> No.47250561

Clearly this test wasn't created by greenworms as no criteria involving leafy greens is present. What are the tanuki up to now?

>> No.47250584
File: 1.92 MB, 1690x1820, 56efc933892d1bfc8c70c508ddfbb8690c34173d2d3be2a671fe8db89a83ff0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47250594

Yet the amount of wholesome art of her is minimal.

>> No.47250594
Quoted by: >>47250601

Because spider = erotic. Try and draw non-sexy spiders and you'll fail 100% of the time.

>> No.47250601
File: 317 KB, 1200x900, spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This spider is more cute than sexy though.

>> No.47250611

I headcanon her DarkMana ball is like an inflatable spacehopper except double-dildoes instead of handles.
>still would unplug her and fill them both one at a time

>> No.47250612

Fair. She's extremely adorable.

>> No.47250626

>be Anon
>not give a fuck about grammar
>unless she's in Hagtown
>greentext fucking her anyway

>> No.47250673

Very cute; would pat

>> No.47250771

I accidentally put cut monsters instead of cute monsters on my eros dating form and now I've got a bunch of swole onis and hellhounds and that type messaging me, also a cursed sword for some reason

>> No.47250814
Quoted by: >>47250826

Just be glad you're not getting monsters who self-harm.

>> No.47250817
Quoted by: >>47250823

>also a cursed sword for some reason
>sends you a vid
>it's her cutting things to show off
>first part is her cutting a steel beam cleanly in half

>> No.47250823

OK, so, there's an adorable lesbian lumberjack on youtube who you made me think of with this. Would waifu this cursed sword.

>> No.47250826
Quoted by: >>47250830

Or undead.

>> No.47250828

>It's hebi with scissors

>> No.47250830
Quoted by: >>47250840

What's wrong with undead? They're good girls.

>> No.47250837

Need hebi with scissors to wrap my present menacingly.

>> No.47250840

2cold I kid, most of them are pretty good.

>Hebi with realm silver scissors
>Symbolically cuts off your dick every time you "cheat" on her in addition to the usual blue flame
>It gives you a raging boner and feels great but the view never ceases to be disturbing

>> No.47250841
Quoted by: >>47250882

>Dorky hebi bowl cut

>> No.47250860
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>> No.47250876
File: 3.57 MB, 3000x3000, 106895331_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47250907

they're korean gachagame elves, which explains their sluttyness
the games lore is that (you) are the last human on earth and all the other characters are half biological robots programmed to serve humans, so now you have your own harem of bioroids that the old humanity hated (them robos took our jerbs) and you get to enjoy loving all of them

>> No.47250882

You can just call them hebis--everyone knows that they're dorks just by looking at them.

>> No.47250896
File: 1.81 MB, 1620x1620, mindflayer_by_mkittyx_dhn1ei9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47250914

>> No.47250902
Quoted by: >>47250953

Get better material mick.

>> No.47250907

Why do you think anyone gives a shit?

>> No.47250914

I found it informative.
I could have gone my life without seeing this though.

>> No.47250923
File: 3.63 MB, 1764x1856, 119996240_p0 elf cow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

porn is elevated by a good story, that's all

>> No.47250929

Risky image.

>> No.47250942
Quoted by: >>47250955

>Korean game, which mean Korean artists
So dogshit and interracial cuckolding? No thanks.
>good story
Highly doubt that considering you're talking about some shitty gacha title. Even the shitty one retards like to hype up right now has a completely dogshit story in reality.

>> No.47250945

...You know what sure. I can work with this. I can be some Onis bean shield.

>> No.47250953

I like to think my models are better than that.

>> No.47250954
Quoted by: >>47250991

Hmm, okay. I've been having a lot of fun with second person but if it's a straight up no-go for people I can convert it over easily. Audience immersion is my #1.

>> No.47250955
Quoted by: >>47250981

>dogshit and interracial cuckolding
only in the fan arts, which any sane person would ignore
but you're replying in bad faith so i doubt you're sane

>> No.47250967
File: 1.36 MB, 2742x3658, 120202465_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47250981
Quoted by: >>47251027

>only in the fan arts, which any sane person would ignore
Well I'm not gonna consume the official material which is some dogshit skinnerbox made to siphon as many funds from me as possible. Hell I bet you're completely full of shit when you try to hype up being able to fuck the girls, 20 bucks it's just some fade to black with the base implication of something happening while 99% of the time the MC is a bland genderless faggot like the Nikke one.
>a bloo bloo bad faith
No shit, retard. I fucking hate you gachafaggots so why would I be nice to you people? You're not even posting monster girls, you're posting human robots with ear deformities.

>> No.47250991
Quoted by: >>47250999

Nah ignore that guy. Plenty of stories in 2nd person, especially older ones.

>> No.47250999
Quoted by: >>47251000

Those are hard to read though...

>> No.47251000

Your MOM is hard to read.

>> No.47251010


>> No.47251016

Lmao gottem.

>> No.47251027
File: 2.05 MB, 3345x3406, 108530941_p0 lower quality for posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did i tell you to play the gachagame you silly cretin? i just like the girls, and that's that. sometimes i post the monstergirls from that game. and technically female robots are monstergirls too, see also Automaton. and no, the game's not localised to english officially yet, so the MC is a dude and he does fuck the girls. but again, that's not a reason to play a gacha game, if you want the story then i gave you all the relevant bits.

take your hate and point it in a more productive direction rather than getting your knickers in a twist over anonymous forum users posting sexy pictures of monster girls in the monster girl thread.

>> No.47251061

>where did i tell you to play the gachagame you silly cretin?
By writing off rightfully terrible fan content like doujins or fan art then what's left but to go for the official content? It's not like the devs decided to be smart and let you have a model viewer without needing to play that dogshit.
>and technically female robots are monstergirls too, see also Automaton.
No, they're not. Literally no booru or site with a tagging system will use the monster girl one with robots/androids aside from the absolute dogshit ones with malware ads. Automatons are a very specific exception by virtue of running on Demonic Energy.

From your behavior and generic deflection every other shitposting crossboarder uses when they get pushback I can see you know exactly what you're doing though.

>> No.47251116

Hey, what would Mamono think about US politics? Would they want Biden to drop out? How would they feel about Trump's many infidelities?

>> No.47251128
Quoted by: >>47251146

>let you have a model viewer without needing to play that dogshit
but there is one. I'm sorry you're tok angry and too stupid to find it.
I'll stop posting now because I ran out of worksafe images though.

>> No.47251135
Quoted by: >>47251146

>Automatons are a very specific exception by virtue of running on Demonic Energy.
I find this very funny. It's not an exception.

>> No.47251139


>> No.47251146
Quoted by: >>47251156

>It's not an exception.
It objectively is. Other robots are just generic robots that don't at least have a connection to monster girls. Automatons work because of this unlike faggots like you and >>47251128 that just want to post generic korean robotsluts with the most horrid fanart in the world.

>> No.47251156

I don't think the setting lore of what fuel they use makes a monster girl or not. It only works like that with fanatics. It either looks like a monster girl or not.

>> No.47251171
File: 806 KB, 2734x4096, GP4VZMEa0AAFMFI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a conversation destined to run in circles

>> No.47251208
File: 3.65 MB, 2962x4144, 1667928463552849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I also don't give a shit if a monstergirl is from gacha or not, cute monstergirls are cute monstergirls.

>> No.47251218
Quoted by: >>47251233

>Walk up to sleeping hellhound on the bench outside the grocery store at night
>Wake her up
>"Ma'am. Ma'am! Hey... Hey, can I lick the inside of your mouth?"
50% chance your get claws to the face.
50% chance she says yes.

I like those odds.

>> No.47251226

If you're going to be a faggot and dump shit that isn't even a monster girl could you at least post Japanese ones and not gooktrash?

>> No.47251233

i thought you weren't supposed to lie with sleeping dogs

>> No.47251242
Quoted by: >>47251254

They never said anything about speaking to or licking sleeping dogs though!

>> No.47251254
Quoted by: >>47251255

What about killing sleeping dogs?

>> No.47251255
Quoted by: >>47251278

Kill their virginities!

>> No.47251278
Quoted by: >>47251344

No, like cracking their head open with an axe

>> No.47251298
File: 588 KB, 1322x1839, 770b8d25bfa2ef08b829991e6d8e7ac5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47251395

Ugh. My pet cat started being in heat today and came into my bedroom wearing this skimpy bikini trying to seduce me, well I wasn't having any of that so I took you by the scruff and put her outside for the day and locked the door. She keeps banging on the door and crying "Pleeeeeaaase!!!" begging me to help her with her needs and promising to give me kittens in return. That's exactly what I don't want to happen! A bunch of kittens crawling around here, tearing up my house. I'll just keep her at bay until the heat subsides, then she won't be trying any of that breeding nonsense anymore. This is not animal cruelty, this is a perfectly stable choice I'm making in the name of conserving my personal peace and budget, which a litter of kittens would threaten.

>> No.47251332
File: 586 KB, 1213x1776, 1696977511273096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47251341

Don't care, humans need and deserve Druella. She'll fix this shitshow.

>> No.47251341

True; she'll have time for that what with her being a femcel.

>> No.47251344

I wouldn't recommend that. First and foremost because murder isn't cool; it's just mean. Also because killing beautiful ladies is super uncool and a waste. At least give her a chance to pass on those beautiful genes. Lastly because she'd crush your skull before you had a chance to crush hers. All monster girls, even those dormice that often end up getting digested in the bellies of jabberwocks and lamias, are stronger than humans. A hellhound would most definitely be stronger, but exceptionally stronger and faster too. She'd be behind you before you got 1/4 the way through your swing of the axe.

>> No.47251374
File: 418 KB, 1508x1474, GLcj3A3bQAA-86Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47251395

>My pet cat
Humans are supposed to be the pets though.
