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File: 329 KB, 1352x1227, 1693195082138205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44594309 No.44594309 [Reply] [Original]

Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
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>> No.44594315
File: 1.19 MB, 885x1299, Sandworm19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I submit to sandworm anarchy!

>> No.44594318
File: 108 KB, 857x842, aZeqMsrA_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the name of crabitalism, i proclaim is the thread

>> No.44594319
Quoted by: >>44594337

I guess use this one because it was made in the five seconds between when I checked the catalog and posted mine.

>> No.44594324
File: 35 KB, 684x739, 1506406615924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44594327
File: 748 KB, 1024x932, 1687186113378964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At any rate, sharks.

>> No.44594337
File: 530 KB, 1200x1038, W52Husqu_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually fill out the captcha and check the catalog in another tab before I make a thread, but five seconds is still a really small window.

>> No.44594360
File: 1.16 MB, 920x1191, 1660707754904859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stuck in traffic, full blown gridlock
>Hellhound won't leave you alone

>> No.44594372
File: 345 KB, 1200x1349, 1650633615878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44594391

hellhounds are dorks!

>> No.44594386

>Nigger fruit
Kiki is fired

>> No.44594391
Quoted by: >>44594448

Which makes them cute

>> No.44594443

>portals open
>rifts have appeared all over the world, seemingly an error.
>one appeared right outside, so naturally you go through it.
>in the middle of the wilderness, see a town on the horizon so you decide to go to it-
>suddenly an extremely powerful monster teleports in front of you, she has her own orchestrated intro music so she must be very powerful.
>and then a second monster teleports in front of you.
>but you're monogamous, and they both know it.
>the two monsters stare at each other for a moment before getting into a fight.
>both of their boss themes are blaring and playing at the same time. rather annoying to listen to.
>the fight goes on for at least an hour, you're pretty sure they dropped using "peaceful" attacks 20 minutes ago since the environment is taking a lot more damage. they both must REALLY want you for themselves.
>they haven't done anything to each other either, they've failed to break each others shields thanks to all the dodging.
>you need to find a way to diffuse the fight before one of them gets hurt...
>and as if responding to your very thought, someone else steps through the portal. your neighbor who acts exactly like you!

>> No.44594448
File: 173 KB, 1400x1400, 1688014836778741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO, hellhoounds ar FEARSOME and DANGEROUS predators and STRONG warriors!

>> No.44594459

>Hellhound Trucker harassing anon in his hatchback by pressing her hams against the glass and flashing anon
>Finally traffic begins moving and you think you have lost her when you get home you see her parking across the street

>> No.44594481
File: 433 KB, 1267x1577, bf709f18-67a6-4bce-9e03-b96d2da0e658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44594501

Sleeping beauty

>> No.44594501
Quoted by: >>44594597

>sleep mouse in your house
>steal her cheese
thanks for the gouda, nerd!

>> No.44594542
File: 287 KB, 1500x2000, 1674048378857749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44594557

I want to put an orange on Deonora's head.

>> No.44594546
Quoted by: >>44594655

>Going through portal without checking anything
What the fuck anon, are you insane? I have a list security protocols that I will apply in this case, you don't have that?

>> No.44594557
File: 577 KB, 600x600, 1646833125141.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dragons are dumb

>> No.44594558

AND dorks

>> No.44594575
File: 442 KB, 686x648, 1518583206219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and dorks!

>> No.44594579
Quoted by: >>44595092

>Eat raging mushrooms
>Nigger hound is now well behave and a dork

>> No.44594597
File: 100 KB, 900x1200, b831ce4a-9fa1-491e-9545-58922e04a449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44594622


>> No.44594622
File: 152 KB, 1080x1080, 1692420661945013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shame, I stole her cheese while she slept and ate it with crackers
She had alot of brie, sharp cheddar, and goat cheese, need alot of crackers for that

>> No.44594641

Where is the Saint nectaire, the Bleu d'Auvergne, the Parmigianino, the gorgonzola or the Cantal? This mouse must hide the good cheese from us, vrother

>> No.44594655
Quoted by: >>44594725

literal fucking hell is better than this shithole of a planet.
so yes, i AM walking through that portal without a second thought.

>> No.44594678
File: 145 KB, 1280x996, 1626506793104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44594700

>where is the cheese?!
>tch...she is too tough for us...
Wish she would reveal the mozzarella, gouda, and pepperjack!

>> No.44594684
File: 223 KB, 659x897, caaa4d38-b897-4c1e-bdc2-dd5c1a9b169e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44594747


>> No.44594700

Stop making up cheese names

>> No.44594725

You're wrong, at least put an apple on a stick and check if she doesn't rot, use a cameraand

>> No.44594728
File: 2.30 MB, 2150x2129, 1466590029044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheese names are real, gorgonzola, ricotta, Parmigiano-Reggiano....

>> No.44594735
Quoted by: >>44594746

Hello American boy

>> No.44594746

64 slices of American cheese...

>> No.44594747
File: 161 KB, 1080x1080, 1692421386814024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evil? no
I do need alot of crackers for her cheese!

>> No.44594817
File: 541 KB, 3076x3048, 1690048082598216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, my neighbor seems to be out of sugar every day and asks to borrow some from me, what could she possibly need so much sugar for?

>> No.44594839
Quoted by: >>44594952


>> No.44594848

Is that a "spot 5 differences" type of image or is only her glasses different?

>> No.44594852

clearly for nefarious purposes, she snorts sugar everyday

>> No.44594887

Clearly she has a supply of potassium nitrate and is using it to make rocket fuel.

>> No.44594903

Sabbath loli monsters and or any magical Lolibaba monster, but they make the same in-game sounds and noises of the Abyss Mages from Genshin Impact

>> No.44594952
Quoted by: >>44595055

>anon expected the usual lewd doujin shenanigans with milfy neighbor
>turns out she's really just boozin' for the local ghetto hellhounds who cannot get fucked up on regular alcohol
>as anon can attest after breaking into the secret cellar, that moonshine is really fucking mean
>few hours later, anon wakes up getting PLAPed in her apartment

>> No.44594993

It's the "nicest fox you've ever met" and "twisted fucking psycho femdom vixen" situation. Better think fast to figure out which is which.

>> No.44595016

One of them is from the good dimension and one of them is from the evil dimension.

>> No.44595055
Quoted by: >>44595103

Her? Anon is a girl?

>> No.44595092
Quoted by: >>44595113

Ok so you've had your one round on top and now the mushrooms are wearing off and she's got a predatory glint in her eye that somehow gets through the flames
What now big man
You know as well as I do that any semblance of "tameness" is only a temporary state

>> No.44595095
Quoted by: >>44595126

If I visit the fox village in Japan, will I get a permanent marker for Zipangu foxes?

>> No.44595103

her as in vulpine boozer's, obviously

>> No.44595113

Wrong, check raging mushrooms profile, the change is permanent, she gets a masochist side. Also, I have the project to create quick injector with concentrated raging mushrooms, chem mask for inhaling it or even a cybernetics pump with week with of raging mushrooms

>> No.44595126

No because they are actually all westaboos and they crave the murrican burg

>> No.44595137

With a week worth of*

>> No.44595154 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>44595160

>chem mask for inhaling it
No one cared who anon was until he put on the mask

>> No.44595160
Quoted by: >>44595171

Unironically this, I will live my Bane/urgot fantasy if portal opens and no one will stop me

>> No.44595161
Quoted by: >>44595171

>chem mask for inhaling it
No wan cared who anon was until he put on the mask

>> No.44595171


>> No.44595176
Quoted by: >>44595339

>it actually is
what the fuck
what is this deus ex machina bs

>> No.44595339

It's the reason why I don't cry about femdom. I just need to get it as soon as possible and start a business around it

>> No.44595350

Don't they basically only work if you want them to work though? Like if a hellhound wants to be a dom, then shrooms won't stop her. Isn't sincere wishes basically the foundation of why the shrooms aren't NTR bait?

>> No.44595367

The real question is how to put raging mushroom in a syringe? Or even how to convert raging mushrooms into a injectable extract. The only guy who can help me is my old tranny roommate or one of you

>> No.44595387

Monsters are not primarily "dom" or "sub". They want beloved hubby's dick first and foremost. The application method is barely relevant.
Hellwan quirk is not about her always being on top, it's just that she will never fully submit to anyone. Interpret that as you want, but she'll absolutely allow you to put her in a mating press if that gets her your dick.

>> No.44595391

Shrooms only work on one of your fated target. It doesn't work on random mamonos. In the hellhound example, it will narrow down your fated to a sub inclined hellhound and make her extremely weak against you and only you

>> No.44595404
Quoted by: >>44595530

>Like if a hellhound wants to be a dom, then shrooms won't stop her
It's the other way around, it depends on what (You) want. MGE is a wish-fulfillment tool first and foremost, wannabe dom anon becoming an unwilling carpet muncher for a femdom hellwan would go against this.

>> No.44595465
Quoted by: >>44595480

If Order-fags and Humanity Fuck Yeah fags want to really repel monstergirls away from their lands. Just use and utilize Leftist-Socialist politics, policies and Leftist Political People. And special case for Zipangu: send plenty of black/African Men; especially someone like Johnny Somali to Zipangu to harass and threaten the women.

>> No.44595480
File: 2.56 MB, 2400x2400, thinkdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monstergirl written without a space in between
>low quality mostly off-topic shitpost
Name a more iconic duo

>> No.44595486
Quoted by: >>44595751

>Name a more iconic duo
Chesh and Bogie

>> No.44595510
File: 3.94 MB, 1280x720, 1694339661820835.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to react to unidentified flying kitsune?

>> No.44595519
File: 1.60 MB, 1240x1754, d9c4667a8881e6e86f13941080ef0e82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come to plunder my hoard, have you?

>> No.44595530

if you can just pick up and eat some mushroom that grows anywhere and overwrite her personality i don't see why you should be exempt from being, ahem, "persuaded"
if they must exist i prefer it being a both parties consensual type of affair

>> No.44595547

Uh, yeah, can you move to the side a little bit?

>> No.44595638
File: 803 KB, 1038x1400, 92398653_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44595907

Imagine those ripe familiars from the hag Sabbath

>> No.44595751
File: 207 KB, 620x877, Cheshire - MANTICORE TEAMMATE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chesh and MANTICORE.

>> No.44595780

>Yarrr, your booty is now mine!
Then just grab her and carry her off, ignoring the gold. That oughta make her feel special.

>> No.44595828
Quoted by: >>44595949

MGE is already femdom by default, fuck off

>> No.44595866

>The only way to not get rape is raging mushrooms
>Let's just make overpowered mamonos if even more overpowered if they eat the same thing
>Destroy the whole point of raging mushrooms
Are you retarded?

>> No.44595880
File: 560 KB, 976x1042, 1676420658112714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only way to not get rape is raging mushrooms
Oh do I have a treat for you... Have you heard about consensual sex?

>> No.44595901
Quoted by: >>44595924

Not really a thing in MGE.

>> No.44595907

Queens of the dairy industry, just below the zombie dominance

>> No.44595924
Quoted by: >>44595946

Why not? Just go up to a girl and tell her she's cute. You will hit it off and take it on from there.

>> No.44595942

monsters already can eat them for a boost

>> No.44595945

>The only way to not get raped is raging mushrooms
I think you are the one who is retarded

>> No.44595946
Quoted by: >>44596291

Find me at least 10 profiles who don't mention rape or forceful sex. You can't, your scenario is impossible, it's them or me and I already made my choice

>> No.44595949
Quoted by: >>44596006

Sometimes you wouldn't know it to look at these threads

>> No.44595963
Quoted by: >>44596145

I'm afraid I'm not up to date with the latest forms of degeneracy.

>> No.44596006


>> No.44596036

People here have spent so much time arguing with a tard schizo that they have forgotten that the MGE is all about rape and femdom. Don't like it? Cry more. We like rape here.

>> No.44596109

Theres also the age old thing of
"its not that I can have my fantasy, I dont want you to have yours"
KC pretty much shrugs and in some rare cases invests in maledom, but here any-dom is retard stew

>> No.44596117
Quoted by: >>44596198

Some threads it really seems like half the posts are just variations on "how i would totally le dominate and win against something twice my size that wants to fold me in half and rape me"
Don't even get me started on the whole taming hellhounds thing
Feels like a bunch of comparatively normal guys who like maledom have all just jumped into a femdom setting and started saying they would do this that and the other because the creator mentions that relationships end in unconditional happiness
tldr bratty anons... seduce a monster... super bravado bluffing..., rape correction needed

>> No.44596129

Sounds like said tard schizo is (You), everyone gets their fantasy realized in MGE
except cucks, kek[/spoiler[

>> No.44596145
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1600, 1690930838752506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what I did with my wife? I had a wedding with her. And she wore a white dress. And we only had sex after the reception.
And we went on cute dates before. In fact we still do.

>> No.44596150
File: 2.93 MB, 1668x2388, 56c959684baf5fb7199028bdc4572d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if mge is so femdom explain why so many mge stories and greentexts posted in this thread have maledom or equal partners
MGE is wish fulfilment fantasy. for most overworked japanese salarymen, being forcefully ripped out of the cycle of wageslaving is a blessing and a fetish. for other people, you can have a comfy life with your monster wife, no worries, even an Ushi-Oni can learn to be civil and cook a fish properly, who's to say they also can't learn to be less aggressive in bed either?
checkmate atheists

Now for a brighter note: would you help an extinct-in-the-wild species of beastgirl repopulate her species? What if she asked you with a very very big "please"? Them sabertooth tigers aren't gonna just pop out of nowhere, you know.

>> No.44596160
Quoted by: >>44596218

I get femdom is the bigger point of the setting but I would like to see anons take adavntage of a monstergirls weakness and sexualy dominate them

>> No.44596168
File: 992 KB, 1417x2006, 6efa7fe7d1c925aefca7916f9be7eed3851dc01a73bbc6ca64435cce1b28315a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44596177
File: 196 KB, 1251x2048, 1693855896376802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't argue with him, he's trying to cause a storm here.
Monsters canonically don't give a damn how the dick is delivered. Only that they get it from their husband.

>> No.44596198
Quoted by: >>44596259

Raging mushrooms are canon, fuck off.

>> No.44596214

>if mge is so femdom explain why so many mge stories and greentexts posted in this thread have maledom or equal partners
Show them to me if you can because I haven't seen anything like that in months

>> No.44596218

I mean, you could
>molesnting weak vampires in the sunlight
>tying up an umiosho and placing her on her back
>beasting a salamander/lizardman/orc in a fight
and more
remember, its YOUR fantasy, just dont be stupid about how anon dominaties his girl and everything should be peachy with in the rules of the setting and the tools KC himself has given people

>> No.44596259

making my own mge with blackjack and hookers and no mushrooms

>> No.44596272
Quoted by: >>44596320

It was Mick and I fell for it. Shame on me

>> No.44596291
Quoted by: >>44596379

Nta, but
>demon (you literally sign a consent form)
>leanan sidhe
>pyrow (unless magical seduction counts)
>sea bishop (unless it's to save your life)

>> No.44596297
File: 986 KB, 1280x1080, 1692885577252057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44600747

>retarded mge posting
post interesting settings to get them to fuck off

>> No.44596320
Quoted by: >>44596326

Protip: retarded opinions and "mge" in lowercase usually mean it's him

>> No.44596326

The schizos are out in full force today. Haven't you got an internet to police?

>> No.44596329
File: 899 KB, 846x1100, 1688505282463139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your wife have scales or fur? Does it make it better or worse for her to be out on a beach?

>> No.44596334
Quoted by: >>44597262

Monsters trying to correct their flaws can be depressingly cute.

>> No.44596356
File: 124 KB, 1280x960, f28ab20e2df9a4164340b18bddaea58d4e19ed20b82e31dd8f1a671dd7f6a841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's beach ready

>> No.44596379

Greenworms: rape cocoon
But you're right, still none of them interest me (on the design side)

>> No.44596390
File: 201 KB, 1280x720, FyhIUVxaMAAQCrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44596410

Hebi-chan will stalk you even in games.

>> No.44596400

and the mick reveals himself

>> No.44596410
File: 96 KB, 924x1005, 1677208082409925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not gonna stay so smug once I kiss her on the lips.

>> No.44596421
Quoted by: >>44596427

You have 72 hours to leave.

>> No.44596427
Quoted by: >>44596453

Fuck off.

>> No.44596446

i think mge should be maledom by default
monsters should be submissive

>> No.44596453
Quoted by: >>44596492

Tick tock, you're going straight to the garbage bin where you belong

>> No.44596467
File: 2.03 MB, 600x338, 1687813373204016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think (You) should stay home and slober at each other with Hebi.
I am not a Hebi myself, I am just a smart and cultured gentleman who you should be taking example of.

>> No.44596492
Quoted by: >>44596543

You're too much of an outsider to know what a janny does.

>> No.44596518
File: 399 KB, 601x850, c361474d5d9c2911694cfd91927af64d8739bdf3ca24eb92859074cf7d062709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44596556

Enough engaging with schizos post monster girls.

>> No.44596543

Yeah, defend the honor of vtubers.

>> No.44596556

You dont understand anon, i need to pointlessly argue with strangers over the internet.

>> No.44596567
Quoted by: >>44596771

Show your hebi with a timestamp.

>> No.44596575
Quoted by: >>44596710

Fur, perfect for bunyip but if I get Kot it will be difficult to swim with her.

>> No.44596710
Quoted by: >>44597050

Some wild kitties like swimming, you just have to get one.

>> No.44596734

the sea is too big for monsters to know where i am at any given time.
Damit, that sunken pirate's treasure hoard WILL be mine! And no sea monster is going to stop me!

>> No.44596757

Yeah, you can totally make it! I believe in you!
Just gotta get through that patch of kelp first! No sweat!

>> No.44596771
Quoted by: >>44596799

Uhhh I am currently at the gym and can't take the photos. Being married to a Hebi is great for gains. I used to be a scrawny beansprout, now I'm a manly hunk and all men look at me with envy.
I workout at the gym and build more muscle easily and men envy me, but mostly because I'm married to a hebi and that's a status symbol that elevates you to an alpha male.
What if some sahuagin decided to make the treasure chest her napping spot?

>> No.44596784
Quoted by: >>44596879

I do not have a hebi of which to slober. I would like one. Although I'd take like 80% of monsters offered, and could be convinced to take the other 20% if it's them or nothing.

>> No.44596799

>Slowly bring treasure up to surface with your winch
>AT LEAST 3 monster girls sitting on the chest in provocative poses
>plus a sahuagin who is genuinely asleep
>You sigh, and drop the chest back into the ocean
>You'll try again tomorrow

>> No.44596802

>live in the middle of basically nowhere
>not close to cities
>not close to the sea
>not close to forests
>not close to mountains
>just a bunch of farmland
It feels good being safe from scary monsters

>> No.44596841

Anon, I would HIGHLY advise against plundering sunken treasure. For one, it is a valuable habitat for sleepy sea monsters and also aquatic creeping coins
Second, what if the treasure belongs to one of the infamous pirate lords? You REALLY dont want to fuck with that.

>> No.44596879

Great plains are prime Hoss habitat.
>go back to the ship
>Sahuagin is now napping on your bed.
Consider giving hebi a priority, don't look around for some bad girl who'll hurt you. Entrust your heart to someone who will cherish it forever.

>> No.44596896

Meanwhile in the monster extremist research facility, Druella has just launched a new experimental dark matter weapon. It's just a test though, so they chose some secluded place with no humans or monsters. The dark matter's targeting must be off it's veering to the left. "Oh shit, is that a house?"

>> No.44596943
Quoted by: >>44596997

You best start believing in ghost pirates anon
You'll soon be in one

>> No.44596972

Narcoleptic monsters are cute.

>> No.44596997
Quoted by: >>44597050

...ghost pirate lechonk?
post pirate monsters

>> No.44597043

>Consider giving hebi a priority
I have a weakness for the white hair girls, so hebi is high on the priority list. If I end up portaled into Zipangu, I'll knoe it's fate.

>> No.44597050
Quoted by: >>44597116

Water kot need law correction

>> No.44597116

I'd plunder her booty

>> No.44597135
Quoted by: >>44597795

Good thing isnt not plains then
Just fields of grass surrounded by water

>> No.44597183

>Emergency. Nearby apex leviathan is showing extreme sexual aggression.

>> No.44597211

No anon, dont do it!
It's a sea bishop honey pot!

>> No.44597216
Quoted by: >>44597303

Now post the "happy anniversary" edit

>> No.44597258

Love big girls
Love big muscles
Love even bigger boobs
Simple as

>> No.44597262

She hasn't any flaws to correct
I would take her home without hesitation

>> No.44597276
File: 732 KB, 800x1081, 202309111400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44597288

I have information that the headmistress of the mage academy is actually a monster. I will report it to the inqui-

>> No.44597281

I just imagined a batcat with batman costume fighting Bane anon

>> No.44597288

I have a headcanon that ordinary human women that fuck around too much with mana/essence become the female version of incubi. That is, no outward change to appearance, but a fundamental alteration of their very being.

>> No.44597303
File: 828 KB, 707x1002, 9f960adf66fb5b3d42214926a5f781a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44597311


>> No.44597336

I feel like something is missing. Was there a before pic to the first?

>> No.44597345
Quoted by: >>44597488

I imagine that automatons begin life after waking up as complete morons, but have an unparalleled capacity to learn and develop.

>> No.44597447
File: 82 KB, 636x597, 1684109411100894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so much to love about them.

>> No.44597470

Thats some good beef

>> No.44597488
Quoted by: >>44597681

Its one of the main draws of automatons and other robot girls. They lack an understanding of what it means to be alive and you are there to teach them.

>> No.44597611
File: 986 KB, 3073x3287, F5tuO9cbEAA5EhL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44597616 [DELETED] 

Doll werecat for maximum hug overload

>> No.44597639

Ragdoll werecat for maximum hug overload

>> No.44597670

>Each dumbbell weighs 100lbs

>> No.44597680

I prefer milfs more
No dragons,vampires or lilimd

>> No.44597681
Quoted by: >>44599690

What does it mean to be alive, anon?

>> No.44597703
Quoted by: >>44598100

sure she does, everyone has at least one (of varying degrees). You just accept them, and honestly, that's fine.

However if she wants to correct any of them, then sometimes helping her is better than just the usual "you're fine the way you are" line

>> No.44597716
File: 191 KB, 512x512, 1606949156260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no vampires
Are you some kind of dork

>> No.44597718
File: 532 KB, 2048x1063, Kappass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44597726

Keep plastic out of the oceans! You don't want to rid the world of fine pieces of ass like this, do you?

>> No.44597726

You shouldn't pollute the oceans, but this is a freshwater monster.

>> No.44597740
Quoted by: >>44597755

>Alice is referred to as a mutation
So does this mean that you can have Alices of other mamono species, or just succubi?

>> No.44597747
File: 1.23 MB, 600x338, buz buz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44597825


>> No.44597755
Quoted by: >>44597863

I'm fairly certain it's just Succubi

>> No.44597795

>not plains
>field of grass
it is plains, anon

>> No.44597825

What will this madlad uncreatively make in koikatsu next?

>> No.44597863

>tfw no Alice Manticore

>> No.44597875
File: 1022 KB, 1080x1080, F31L8xwbEAA1fHG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44597901
File: 367 KB, 1030x760, Alice embarassed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know not where I am, I know not what thread this is, I know not the time.
But I must ALICE

>> No.44597921
File: 544 KB, 2600x3500, F5vspfYbYAAEKlf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44598910

>> No.44597927

Mamono sure do love wearing nun outfits, but somehow the only bible verse they seem to know is
>be fruitful and multiply

>> No.44597941

They also seem to know the ones about marriage, oddly enough

>> No.44597956
File: 159 KB, 486x538, lamia_by_muhut-dcqmqnk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44597991
File: 365 KB, 863x1200, Lilim240b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me complete this thought:
Lilims are ______.

>> No.44597999
File: 713 KB, 1063x978, 74604739_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's also a line or two about handling snakes
in fact, it's probably the crux of the whole book and integral to divinity

>> No.44598003
File: 309 KB, 628x605, demon_king2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44598045

I've heard a few quote Song of Solomon

>> No.44598062
Quoted by: >>44598078


>> No.44598078
File: 77 KB, 786x1017, Lilim373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delet ur life

>> No.44598092

Want to join the snake cult?

>> No.44598100

Not wrong anon, I didn't saw this face of the puzzle. I feel dumb now

>> No.44598101


>> No.44598109

Do we summon fluffy noodles from the swamp?

>> No.44598112
File: 93 KB, 700x777, Bapho tease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry guy, but i'm in the GOTECOLT

>> No.44598152

Joined a harpy sex cult, may have gotten more than I bargained for.

>> No.44598168

IIRC it was a species of cat that went extinct in the wild and then went extinct in captivity because the zoo had to be abandoned and the last few specimens starved to death.

>> No.44598181
File: 1.09 MB, 1071x1370, 1689094597465240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vampires are prime milfs. If you're looking for a sugar mama, you'll probably go vampire.

>> No.44598206

Fugg D: I hate this story

>> No.44598214
File: 361 KB, 1100x1816, professor consused assistant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44598245

>> No.44598232
File: 990 KB, 1448x2048, 89c04707b49c8f6cc011005536a34731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were too late

>> No.44598245
File: 659 KB, 2366x1700, 1656078184328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44598414

Why are owls the way they are?

>> No.44598308
File: 632 KB, 789x1080, MalefDragon1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make fanart and stories of Malef Dragon and Dragonewt, or any other unreleased mamono. You just can't post the profile, as confirmed by KC.

>> No.44598315

lmao. Nobody heres talks to him.

>> No.44598355

It's probably the most retarded move ever. Anyone who wants to see those profiles can easily look up the "leaks", meanwhile everyone is anxious to write stories or make fan art

>> No.44598384
Quoted by: >>44598446

There was never any restriction on secondary creations of them. You just assumed you'd be striked down for making them.

>> No.44598401

>archive style filename
>acting like he talked to KC
anon, you're being graced by the ultrafaggots themselves.

>> No.44598414
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, __northern_white_faced_owl_and_eurasian_eagle_owl_kemono_friends_drawn_by_musi_imo__c28e0d2bce6b0b3939071551b14b7282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one to make them curry, very sad

>> No.44598419
Quoted by: >>44600011

It's a thylacine girl from Kemono Friends
In KF extinct species lose the shine in their eye so if you see a beast girl with "dead inside" eyes you are legally required to cheer her up by giving her the D. and a litter of children.

>> No.44598421
Quoted by: >>44598446

Bizarre if true. Need a citation and even then I'm not expecting a wave of fan art now.

>> No.44598446
Quoted by: >>44598486

Still no fan art of her in the fan art gallery or the boorus. I don't care about the intentions, what I see in practice is that those monsters are in state of half-existence.
Like >>44598421 said, even if KC makes an official announcement about it, the damage is already done.

>> No.44598473

Don't forget "be kind to thne neighbor"
Actually, why don't you let your sweet Christian heckhound neighbor show you just how kind she can be?

>> No.44598486
Quoted by: >>44599706

How come we aren't all talking about the new baphomet?

>> No.44598505
File: 2.70 MB, 10000x5500, 101487909_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44598537

Dragons: Hate cars
>Foxes: Love cars
I think we all know which one is the better waifu

>> No.44598537

Yeah, you can ride dragons.

>> No.44598640
File: 2.88 MB, 4000x3000, 1630830550636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44598666
File: 531 KB, 3642x2929, 90448383_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44598743

>> No.44598743

Dragon pussy?

>> No.44598761
File: 88 KB, 850x1057, 43e3086e69a147a93c2643965e2cd038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cat pussy!

>> No.44598872
File: 645 KB, 3508x2480, Fz91rVEaUAE64XQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44598896
File: 673 KB, 2894x4093, 111587981_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44598910
Quoted by: >>44598936

now that's a SPICY batcat, hot damn

>> No.44598936

Greens are good for you.

>> No.44598977
File: 223 KB, 1024x1365, HornyGETIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord I was born a lambing man
Trying to make a living and doing the best I can
When it's time to shear her I hope you'll understand
that I was born a lambing man

>> No.44599098
File: 152 KB, 811x1147, jinkobeaned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles are a VERY bad birthday present for beeg paw monsters - they can't hold the pieces properly. Feel for autism dogs because they would enjoy a good jigsaw.
Also bad to have around kots, because they WILL destroy your jigsaw half way through.
Not cheshire's though, they'll wait until you are almost done before destroying it.

>> No.44599119


>> No.44599173
Quoted by: >>44599416

Dragon sex.

>> No.44599185
File: 1.70 MB, 1500x2000, 11269093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44599199
Quoted by: >>44599277

Why did you post picture of the one kot polite enough not to ruin your jigsaw?

>> No.44599277
File: 473 KB, 850x1020, neverrelax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44599330

She falls into the big beaned category, rather than the annoying kot category.
I agree though, Jinko is far more likely to accidentally ruin your jigsaw than on purpose
pic rel is the real jigsaw predator

>> No.44599286
File: 457 KB, 2300x3400, 111647847_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44599336

Elves are for ___.

>> No.44599330
File: 76 KB, 850x1020, Buttkot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chesh would absolutely hide the last jigsaw piece between her tits or somewhere even lewder just to spite anon with his almost completed puzzle.
Or just park her fat ass on the puzzle halfway through and ruin everything.

>> No.44599336


>> No.44599341

What's the appropriate punishment for chesh?

>> No.44599371
Quoted by: >>44599725

anal annihilation

>> No.44599391
Quoted by: >>44599725

has to help me finish my jigsaw using a pair of beeg paw friendly tweezers

>> No.44599392
Quoted by: >>44599725

Deleting 10 of random images from her meme folder

>> No.44599416

Watch out, it's alduin the cock eater and she's going to make sure you are NOT the last dragonborn!

>> No.44599482
Quoted by: >>44599570

Just sit in her lap and let her use your hands with her hands like she's piloting you. It's a nice way to bond with any beeg girl with beeg paws or claws or whathaveyou, as she gets to have you in her lap and your head on her boobs AND you help her solve a puzzle her kind usually struggles with mechanically

What I'm saying is i need more art of average height guys sitting in a beeg girls lap, resting the head on her boobs like a pillow

>> No.44599570
File: 467 KB, 2000x2452, Hellhound225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a cute idea.
You've got me wondering if hellhounds and other beastwoman are born with paws small enough to use human tools, but then lose that ability as they get bigger.
It'd also get the more hyperactive ones to sit still for a moment.
Either way, jigsaws sound like a cute bonding opportunity for both your wife and daughters.

>> No.44599690

Are you an automaton girl, anon?

>> No.44599692
File: 404 KB, 1535x2048, F5jtr-VbYAAcW2K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44599706
Quoted by: >>44599765

Not everybody is subscribed to the Patreon and in practice if you post about something that’s marked by KC as “Do not replicate on anonymous etc” it gets DMCA’d. As has happened in the past like when people posted Dragonnewt.

>> No.44599725

Too mean
Based and will be applied at the same time.

>> No.44599745

>tfw ywn be a living dolls ken to her barbie

>> No.44599765

Yeah, but apparently fanart of the profile is ok, weirdly enough. Just not the official thing

>> No.44599803

I’m going to hold off on final determination until we get some official statement from KC, preferably on his Patreon and official site. Wikifag passing it along secondhand is not enough for me to believe anything.

>> No.44599804

Just best to avoid that whole mess and claim it's not MGE if you go that route.

>> No.44599855

KC's newet emtries are starting to feel lazy and uninspired. Have we passed peak MGE days?

>> No.44599893

Isn't it strange how the mick constantly whines about getting DCMA'd, yet he seems to never seems to suffer any bans for these alledged repeated offenses. As usual, something about that schizo's story doesn't add up.

>> No.44599896
Quoted by: >>44600162

We have. Malef was called lazy at the time and dragonnewt is waaaay worse than that. Not everything can be good but when you draw one to two girls a year then it's kind of telling.

>> No.44599906

does seem that way

>> No.44599932
File: 630 KB, 894x872, s3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think she's pretty?

>> No.44599942

>constantly whines about getting DCMA'd
He whines about shit all the time, but to my knowledge he's not the one posting DMCA-worthy things. He does keep teasing that one model that he said is definitely gonna get KC-sempai to notice him, but he's too much of a pussy to ever commit to it.

>> No.44599947

>just a bunch of farmland
and its holsts for you

>> No.44599988
File: 110 KB, 1105x1200, Flymeaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44599998

Why does it have a dong?

>> No.44600011

Humans really deserve the worst fate imaginable huh

>> No.44600026

Because he likes them, duh.

>> No.44600051
Quoted by: >>44600134

Because it's made by a psychotic gay furry that's spent the last 8 months of his life whining about how much he hates MGE

>> No.44600050
Quoted by: >>44600075

i see big meaty american hellhounds in future anon
I see them smothering you with ease

>> No.44600052

It doesn't but catbox is down and I'm lazy with scaling the censorship box.

>> No.44600075
Quoted by: >>44600102

A fly swatter should have been enough.
Can she take me to Alaska?

>> No.44600087

>You can post fan art and stories of her
>But you can't see the profile unless you pay money
>So you'll be either making the fan art blind or making it for people who doesn't know who the character is
I see.

>> No.44600102

y alaska? shog searching?

>> No.44600104
Quoted by: >>44600165

Not everybody who disagrees with KC being more trigger happy than a stereotypical spaghetti western is the Irishman but you do you, Anon.

They’re not bad it just feels like kind of like with Phoenix, the wait and anticipation for black dragon girls was kind of like Duke Nukem Forever being vaporware for the longest time. People’s expectations were just a bit too high especially because of the content drought we’d already gone through.

>> No.44600119
Quoted by: >>44600278

I would have picked something like Texas, but I prefer colder climate.

>> No.44600134
File: 2.69 MB, 2978x4412, 1694448753966848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell my monster girl waifu about the gay. She doesn't know.

>> No.44600143
File: 50 KB, 163x167, 1690219700360778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44600162
Quoted by: >>44600200

I have no interest in the JRPG (fuck posting monthly for an unfinished game anyway) and the girls he's released lately haven't been impressive.

I really don't see new exciting MGE content coming any time soon at this rate. Which I'm genuinely sad about.

>> No.44600165

That would explain Phoenix/Malef but dragonnewt just came and went and nobody even talks about them anymore. At least people still mention Malef.

>> No.44600174

People still talk about Malef because the power of mesugaki dragons is eternal.

>> No.44600177

I still think it's funny how that character/pic have just become a shorthand for shitposts now.

>> No.44600194

This loses all kick when you remember that KC/puuyo was enough of a pussy to DMCA the full picture here. Now it just seems sad.
>"Ok you can post the head to fuck with people. But NO MORE than that!"

>> No.44600200
Quoted by: >>44600240

>I really don't see new exciting MGE content coming any time soon at this rate.
A really think KC taking on a project that was waaay to ambitious was the first problem, the drama and everything that followed just seem to have taking thew wind out of his sail.
It's really sad, but as long as he focuses on it I double anything will change.

>> No.44600218

>Pic to make fun of a guy who got DMCA'd
>Can't even post the full thing without getting DMCA'd
It's honestly really funny.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Mick and the bahofags deserve one another, they are just as autistic.

>> No.44600219 [DELETED] 

>sucking up to the creator so much that they give your wife a cameo
||Yeah, I know some westerners do it too but that's not the point.||

>> No.44600240
Quoted by: >>44600292

I really only see one way out of it
>kick out the people feeding him wrongthink images and whatever other shit they tell him because clearly this is like 40% of what he does now
>actually communicate and say why the game is three years late and never got a single update
>stop paywalling things, the patreon is just another porn game scam at this point
>draw a new catgirl who rules the kingdom of cats

>> No.44600243

Dragonnewt was basically revealed in the malef profile. The only real new thing is we have a picture for her, and it's just a lesser malef.

>> No.44600278

anon, no matter what if you have a hellhound you are always will be in a sauna

>> No.44600291
Quoted by: >>44600305

>0 votes
>0 friends
>0 replies from KC
>72 hours

>> No.44600292
Quoted by: >>44600446

>Will never happen, he drank that kool-aid a long time ago
>He "tried" to do that, but honestly I just feel like he has nothing to report and it would be a bit to obvious if he tried
>Patreon money is just crack for online creators, will never happen
>Hi Mick

>> No.44600295

Wendigo searching more like it

>> No.44600305
Quoted by: >>44600495


>> No.44600331
Quoted by: >>44600371

Why are these powerful monsters fighting over a literal who? Why do they even know about him?

>> No.44600371
Quoted by: >>44600420

he has emcee-itis

>> No.44600385
File: 805 KB, 2048x1697, 1683120762300100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went out for a bit
>when I come back there is a dragon and my house is on fire
>I stand there terrified
>Meanwhile Dragon-chan tries to maintain her cool after burning down Anon's house by sneezing too hard
>she is trying to decide what to do now but she doesn't want to tell Anon the truth because it is too embarrassing

>> No.44600406
File: 143 KB, 1005x1280, 15413077620648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44600565

Maledom this, femdom that, I just want to hug a soft monstergirl.

>> No.44600420

>Self aware Anon tries to avoid the tropes at every turn
>His Sisyphean struggle goes down as man who refused to score

>> No.44600446
Quoted by: >>44600675

>I just feel like he has nothing to report and it would be a bit to obvious if he tried
After this long he does have something to report. He clearly has a major problem and won't admit it. If he had any progress, he would have it. But he doesn't even post game CGs or anything so I assume none are done.
>Patreon money is just crack for online creators,

>> No.44600457
File: 1.92 MB, 1800x2546, 88994998_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44600487
File: 161 KB, 828x800, 1693569799395471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think /mgt/ has a bit too much to think

>> No.44600495

My last bit of monster girl art got maybe six (you)s so some of that seems silly. The other thing is circlejerking about janny applications.

>> No.44600502
File: 2.13 MB, 2505x4073, 77220347_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44600565
Quoted by: >>44600640

I must not cuddle the fluff noodle

>> No.44600567
Quoted by: >>44601023

You just know when the portals open sphinx are going to be the smuggest of all monsters
Which other monsters have got gigantic statues dedicated to them?

>> No.44600573
File: 3.34 MB, 4000x3000, mermaid_problems-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44600602
File: 528 KB, 2717x4016, FECRaL_VUAUs5V_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44600628
File: 802 KB, 1830x1610, 111442475_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44600640
File: 169 KB, 1366x832, 15413077620403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, because she's mine.

>> No.44600649

The real question is how is he not rangebanned yet?
Remember: he only picked up writing, art and modeling just to get back at us. He definitely wants to use them to make ntrshit with this. He also tried to promote that blacked cheshire pic and asked /ic/ how to dodge dmca. To to top it he tried to draw bapho possibly as a get back to puuyo, and If he had the skill he definitely would have done some nasty shit. You are dealing with an extremely ill faggot who uses cu sith to get you angry since ntrfags only operate on attention just like feminine men and women

>> No.44600654
File: 694 KB, 832x802, Static.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44600768

Van de graaff generator dildo

>> No.44600660
File: 854 KB, 1500x1000, 1465098016260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44600702

I want to pamper a kejourou and be pampered by one in turn

>> No.44600675

Creators who don't paywall everything make very little money, if any. There's a few monster girl creators who have few if any paid subs, despite giving chunks away for free. Generosity is not rewarded on Patreon.

The only reason no one gripes about MGERPG and makes a fuss publicly is because they know they'll immediately get dogpiled by KC dick riders.

People are stupid and stingy. This is nothing new.

>> No.44600695

For the love of christ Anon take your meds.

>> No.44600702
Quoted by: >>44601005

I want to kiss a Kejourou in her forbidden zone and unlock her pent up lust, her neck’s nape!

>> No.44600731
Quoted by: >>44600782

But MGE is just a hobby and doesn't pay the bills? lol. he's fast enough with the dmcas too

>> No.44600737
File: 990 KB, 1361x1892, 110642578_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are angels like this?

>> No.44600747

I’d rather not get vored today, maybe later though.

>> No.44600765
Quoted by: >>44600810

Honestly, I don't care too much about 20's MGE . I just enjoy things KC created before. The same situation with his game. If it comes out - good, if not - i don't lose anything.

>> No.44600768
Quoted by: >>44600784

What's that van de whatever that lets geckos walk on walls?

>> No.44600782

>But MGE is just a hobby and doesn't pay the bills?
If MGE isn't generating a lot of profit or able to have much of KC's attention then the slow drip MGERPG is even stupider of an idea.

>> No.44600784
Quoted by: >>44600797

van de waals?

>> No.44600795
File: 230 KB, 850x1274, 1683734526834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44600797
Quoted by: >>44600812

Haha, on de walls yes

>> No.44600810

This type of passive acceptance is why hentai game scams will never stop or slow down.

What is the point of finishing anything if this is good enough? Not mad, just curious.

>> No.44600812
File: 136 KB, 900x1200, Cowtow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me laugh anon, ty
Have a smart cow

>> No.44600828
File: 730 KB, 1638x1036, IMG_1026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44600829
File: 371 KB, 824x963, 1690027726285437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop talking about bullshit and post something lewd instead

>> No.44600842

I did but got no (you)s so eh.

>> No.44600865 [SPOILER] 
File: 617 KB, 850x1200, 1683748699514353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44600886
Quoted by: >>44600960

I mean, in this case you have the regular group of people who buy into the scam but there are also people who go around making sure nothing leaks. I don't know what level you have to be at to stop one of the oldest mge thread seeing mge content because they didn't pay for it. Do you think they have secret discords where you have to verify you paid to join so they can post the profiles?

>> No.44600890
File: 294 KB, 850x638, missionary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44600918


>> No.44600899
File: 353 KB, 992x1403, F361EF61-A99B-4F70-B7BC-1C69DA4D7CDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44600947

I want to be in the coat.

>> No.44600918
Quoted by: >>44600973

Missionary working hard to bring faith to the kot that needs it.

>> No.44600936
File: 47 KB, 562x350, IMG_1114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44600999

Have a classic.

>> No.44600947
Quoted by: >>44601063

Think her crotch fluff is downy soft?

>> No.44600960

>Do you think they have secret discords where you have to verify you paid to join so they can post the profiles?
>I know several do and they each neurotically browse these threads

Sad and true.

>> No.44600972
Quoted by: >>44600997

Anon I don't think that specific slime is safe

>> No.44600973

These primitive kots will learn to accept our lord and savior. Now excuse me, apparantly I am some sort of honored guest that has to go lie down on this stone altar.

>> No.44600976
File: 1.09 MB, 1275x1800, SD Suu-Centaur V1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44600988
Quoted by: >>44601042

You misunderstand me. I don't support the current KC behavior, never even donated to him (only bought two volumes of Encyclopedia in 2019). But that shouldn't stop me from enjoying his previous works. If Kenkou completely screws up, I'll just forget about him and build my own MGE headcanon. And as one anon has rightly pointed out: we don't worship KC, but we do love the setting he designed.

>> No.44600997
File: 124 KB, 600x394, 1690031933376476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44600999
File: 85 KB, 954x800, 1f9a5ba2a82fea35e26e341cddefab4ad6f8d395d79cfc44579127fa1db78abb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man sure did draw a lot of senko.

>> No.44601005
File: 248 KB, 700x611, 6H58rvM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's basically her "reverse scale". She's usually able to guard it quite well everything considered. You seal your fate by kissing it.

>> No.44601023
File: 1.05 MB, 3333x5000, 1672077497959496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asia is full of dragon statues and the entire country of China is represented as a dragon in most media.

>> No.44601042

There is a significant group doing exactly that.

>> No.44601049

imagine the effect on their egos when they find that out...

>> No.44601063
Quoted by: >>44601091


>> No.44601072

At this point just stop making threads, this shithole is just a bootleg /b/ at this point and the board would be better off without spamming threads just to get into internet slapfights.

>> No.44601083

>Sphinxes and dragons come through the portal and surprised (only inwardly of course) to already be revered.
>Demon-types are sad because the new world is already terrified of them
Just doesn't seem fair

>> No.44601091
Quoted by: >>44601403

I would drive my fluffy soft monsterwife insane, I'd constantly be petting and playing with her soft crotch fluff without even thinking about it and inadvertently edging her.

>> No.44601129

Naw if it was truly /b/ then there would be alot more off-topic posting not just from you know who.

>> No.44601144
File: 197 KB, 850x1275, 1691171676231697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44601153

>The real question is how is he not rangebanned yet?
He barely ever even gets normally banned despite the never-ending shitposting for almost a year now.

The only explanation for this level of negligence is that there's a similar situlation as the /a/ threads had back then, some compromised janny is keeping him as his pet weaponized retard, binning all reports made about him and letting him attack us on purpose.

>> No.44601173
Quoted by: >>44601207

But why sounds like some demonic behavior.

>> No.44601187
Quoted by: >>44601213

>cute hellhound model posted
>ignored in favor of talking about the thread celeb

>> No.44601195
File: 353 KB, 900x900, 1646934166842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey. The neighborhood watch is watching you.

>> No.44601207

You could ask the /a/ janny from all those years back the same thing, he let the shitposters run completely free on purpose and then justified kicking the threads off /a/ by saying there's too much shitposting.

>> No.44601213

Kill yourself Mick.

>> No.44601235
File: 178 KB, 542x523, 1606787599979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute boat

>> No.44601277
File: 2.15 MB, 1778x1000, 84886236_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute boat?

>> No.44601290

People were calling for these threads to be ended for less.
Like I said last time, you're giving the jannies too much credit. They just ignore most of the board exists until you post porn, spam at least 30 posts, or make shitposts but only those that even somebody who's never been on the board can recognize as shitposting like "made for BBC" or soijaks.

>> No.44601334

>Anubis joins the HOA board

>> No.44601336

Ah yes let’s stop making threads and move over to some other shit hole administrated by ultrafaggots. Or you know, let’s not and just ignore the attention whore?

>> No.44601355

Can't a man enjoy his pool in peace before summer ends?

>> No.44601369

>ironically likes to assemble small ships in a bottle as a hobby
>Will come up and critique the craftsmanship of the boat she's about to wreck.

>> No.44601380

I wouldn't count on activities that require you to wear no more than swimming briefs.

>> No.44601390
Quoted by: >>44601431

Believing all the malice is coming from one unpleasant individual is unironic schizoposting.

>> No.44601392

No says the Goobis next door, his loins belong to the Dynasty.

>> No.44601398

>Monster Girl Thread
>gacha spam
>gacha spam
>screeching about some artist
>arguing about furshit
>falseflagging about furshit
>screeching about artist
>gacha spam
>gacha spam
Yeah I really want these threads to keep getting made, anon. That's such a good idea.

>> No.44601403
File: 282 KB, 2000x2000, 1635585852389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whenever you're laying or sitting together your hand always eventually gravitates towards her extremely soft pubic hair
>hfw has a hand down her skirt all the time but never gets off

>> No.44601407

>portal opening day, MGE side.
>group of high ranking mamano go through for a week to make sure humanity is ready
>they come back through
>the dragon, 9 tail kitsune, and sphinx are all in high spirits, talking about how great earth people are and how they were treated kindly...
>and then there is ms. lim, who has the biggest frown you've ever seen.
>"hey ms. lim how did it-"
>"y-yeah... you can invade. just leave me alone."
>she sulks to her room and slams the door
>month later
>*knock knock*
>"ms lim..."
>"LEAVE ME ALONE! humans dont love me"
>"but you've been in there for a month. you havent even come out to eat"
>"im fine"
>"you're not fine."
>"i was scolded, insulted, and called the 'incarnation of evil' non-stop while the others were praised and damn near worshipped. id rather die in here than go back over there"
>"you know the demon lord wont let you do that, but whatever. we got you a gift, i'll slide it under your door."
>whoever was outside walks away
>it takes her a minute but ms. lim finally moves for the first time in a month and looks at what was slid under the door...
>its a love letter from earth, and addressed to her!
>attached to the envelop is a sticky note from the other commanders and a map
>"we felt really bad about how you were treated when we first went through. so we found someone that matches your preferences and doesn't follow the same religion as THOSE people."

>> No.44601408
File: 617 KB, 2000x2500, Hernewestproject.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A gremlin who tries to build giant death robots like a giant robot dragon or giant robot spider and each time it monsterises to a different type of automaton, causing her to get increasingly angry.

>> No.44601417

Everyone knows furshit is just mick and he doesn't even try to hide it. You are either retarded or mick himself trying to make himself more relevant, either way it's best that you simply leave this thread.

>> No.44601431
Quoted by: >>44601813

I am still pretty sure that most of it is the same group who would love if people moved to the more MGE compliant sites. It was never this bad before the wight thing.

>> No.44601434

you really overestimate the amount of furshit posting and arguing.
its just mick posting the furshit and people telling him to fuck off.
besides, what alternative do you want to provide for monster girls?

>> No.44601459
File: 296 KB, 1839x1962, 1635585344826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad... but anyways I'd be taking a fox back home to my parents.

>> No.44601470
Quoted by: >>44601876

>screeching about some artist
99% posted or incited by the Mick or his /trash/ trooncord friends. The calmest the threads were all year were when the main instigator got banned for 3 days.

How about that ban was simply made permanent, almost all the problems would simply dissappear just like that.

>> No.44601487
File: 625 KB, 614x877, Lordnelsons trousers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ski free yeti...

>> No.44601488
File: 1.63 MB, 1275x1800, SD Suu-Mermaid V1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44601498

>> No.44601498
File: 1.04 MB, 1287x1800, 1667931534279242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memaids are alright.

>> No.44601513
File: 128 KB, 800x1031, 1642979175203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer berds though.

>> No.44601515
File: 445 KB, 992x1403, 61d946d4fa6603be088ecab552f8fb8a1e2eef5aafa54a9b4496f6c230581370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's barmaid time.
Imagine coming back from a long hard day of killing slimes for her to greet you like she actually missed you.

>> No.44601538
Quoted by: >>44601558

as in she pretends she actually missed you or

>> No.44601544
File: 219 KB, 572x472, 1461358975121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine someone actually being excited to see you.

>> No.44601553

those poor slimes

>> No.44601558
Quoted by: >>44601571

Depends on your self confidence/delusion

>> No.44601568

As far as I care the doujin with her and Stunk is the canon ending

>> No.44601571

I take that as a yes she's pretending

>> No.44601573

No, I don't like it. I enjoy being able to walk into a room completely invisible.

>> No.44601588
Quoted by: >>44601604

>doggirl that nearly rapes you any time you come home, even if you just went to get the mail
>catgirl who pretends she didnt miss you, her purrs betraying her appearance when you sit on the couch with her and cuddle up.

>> No.44601603
File: 1.29 MB, 2803x3881, A8CDB8DD-0BD1-4731-BCBF-3E89DF53687F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squids are superior.

>> No.44601604
File: 1.87 MB, 1457x2114, 152608475038220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to annoy a catgirl by putting a cat filter over her

>> No.44601609

Kek, no I don't want to drink until blackout tonight

>> No.44601679
File: 604 KB, 743x718, Akagi found you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44601742

>> No.44601727

I miss my bavarian kiki

>> No.44601730

So they've captured him; now what?

>> No.44601742
Quoted by: >>44601782

Most mentally stable fox

>> No.44601765

>Automaton keeps track of the time you spend away from her and asks for increasingly more lovey-dovey compensations whemever you finally come back.
> she always stands stoically behind the door whemever you arrive, arms open and completely neutral expression

>> No.44601766
Quoted by: >>44601829

I think all anons here should be subjected to yandere monsters.

>> No.44601771

The Beast Girl HOA is really getting out of control
I supposedly ain't allowed to wear swimming trunks while I am in my back yard and must swim in the nude for my safety supposdley, I ain't allowed to have curtains, I am getting stared at and having dog tits and ass on my windows at all hours of the day and night. I thought this was a friendly neigborhood for single human males.

>> No.44601782
File: 1001 KB, 920x1400, Akagi not noticed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so cute.

>> No.44601796
File: 208 KB, 975x1200, 72DC4466-0675-4903-A1B6-7FC167AA403E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44602048

Reminder that if you’re waifu doesn’t have a giant one shot aoe attack with a heavy telegraph she’s bottom tier

>> No.44601813

Take out one ntr nigger and the whole hoard gets pissed and drives the nip to paywall his shit. It's a damn shame.

>> No.44601829

I probably wouldn't resist at this point. Gonna be interesting if she finds out I'm into muscular women and she's not big yet.

>> No.44601843
Quoted by: >>44601851

I want to eat dragon fried rice.

>> No.44601851
Quoted by: >>44601863

A dragon fried this rice?

>> No.44601863


>> No.44601876

Even if he's switching ips, its piss easy to out this kind by just the way they type.

>> No.44601896
Quoted by: >>44601937

As much as I dislike the paywall situation I can understand why he did it. I wouldn't want to deal with those faggots either.

>> No.44601905
Quoted by: >>44601962

NTRfags and furries are largely one and the same in their MO. You go after one of them and they all strike back like a bunch of niggalociraptors.

>> No.44601937

>I can understand why he did it
It makes absolutely no sense, the paywall only harmed the community and had zero effect on bad actors.

>> No.44601949
File: 427 KB, 700x962, 1584828448880-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the ideal woman.

>> No.44601962
File: 219 KB, 500x625, 1FB42FE5-5EF9-4330-94D5-5D8B0ACE6316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44601994


>> No.44601964

I don't trust this lady

>> No.44601983
File: 972 KB, 2480x3507, Sandworm_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted the wrong picture.

>> No.44601994
File: 2.26 MB, 3900x1500, niggerwoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned a new word for moon crickets.

>> No.44602017

What is married life with a cheshire like?
Does she EVER stop?

>> No.44602019

Dunno how she is redeemable at this point.

>> No.44602048

One shot?

>> No.44602059
File: 356 KB, 600x604, 1593551994612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would throw a grapefruit at you when you are freaking out in a bathtub because she loves you.

>> No.44602093
Quoted by: >>44602218

Does she jump in the bathtub with me, or is she a kot who hates water?

>> No.44602094

Vast majority of the bad actors have exactly zero power and are a free circus to laugh at.

>> No.44602095

On a unicorn that shits your name in stars

>> No.44602101
Quoted by: >>44602108

>zero effect on bad actors.
Like everything

>> No.44602108

For a free circus to laugh at they sure seem to live rent free in somebodies head.

>> No.44602110

I don't even like grapefruit

>> No.44602140
Quoted by: >>44602180

Im saying it's the internet, where there virtually no consequence for being a dick. Assholes are going to be omnipresent whether you like it or not.

>> No.44602158

They live rent free in his head because one of them got something for free from KC himself. No other reason. Just sit back and point and laugh at the marriage of immovable autism and unstoppable faggotry.

>> No.44602164
File: 382 KB, 685x842, 1694336631589286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for her to be the one getting pranked

>> No.44602180
Quoted by: >>44602209

That's what I don't get , 15 years ago people had even more freedom to be a jerk with to repercussions and yet somehow almost everyone made the conscious choice not to.
What happened?

>> No.44602200

Do you troll your chesh daughters?
Or do your chesh daughters troll you?

>> No.44602209

Seems like everything went downhill in 2020.

>> No.44602215
File: 231 KB, 1314x1885, F5s0BeAa4AA40Nz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44602631

>> No.44602218
File: 1.74 MB, 2893x2893, bathingwithchesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you calm down from getting beaned by the grapefruit.


>> No.44602227
File: 353 KB, 1572x3000, c7e70357156dc3e6ffb25acd4b14e5f805e8a03e935560dc941527a0c5cf5d06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, whatever you say. I wish catbox still wasn't down so I could upload that hellhound.

>> No.44602247

i think he's trying to reduce the community and keep a small circle of true believers
but who knows, really

>> No.44602257
Quoted by: >>44602279

This is not funny, but it sure is annoying as fuck.

>> No.44602258

But he doesn't talk on the patreon. It's just a paywall to extract money.

>> No.44602279

It is actually really funny that they've kept saying this for eight months now. Why do they come here and say it? Who can say.

>> No.44602282
Quoted by: >>44602305

you must think smaller

>> No.44602300
File: 1.20 MB, 800x1254, 111278719_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44602305
Quoted by: >>44602324

I just didn't want to think about how soulless extracting money from people you hate by stringing them along would be. Maybe that fake game screenshot was real and he just won't give it out to the people who are paying for it.

>> No.44602324

>I just didn't want to think about how soulless extracting money from people you hate by stringing them along would be.
I mean women do that all the time a do it doesn't weight on them at all.

>> No.44602357 [SPOILER] 
File: 136 KB, 912x1200, MadeforCorruption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44602372

Humans are JUST BEGGING to be corrupted

>> No.44602364
Quoted by: >>44602386

Because he doesnt want to deal with fantastically retarded mentally ill fags like you. Im surprised he still has the will to contact with westerners after all of this.

>> No.44602372
Quoted by: >>44602383

Don't care, post off-topic images elsewhere

>> No.44602383
File: 710 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230911_135725_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44602386

From what I've heard the Japanese are even worse.

>> No.44602400
Quoted by: >>44602431

a frightening prospect, for certain.

>> No.44602417
File: 380 KB, 1541x2000, F5qVg7yakAAQPOo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must fox

>> No.44602419

It depends in context.
Japanese purityfags are pretty hard-core but at least theyre predictable.

>> No.44602430

There is a reason why misskey became a thing.

>> No.44602431

That means the only people he engages with are the council of MGE and we know how those guys are.

>> No.44602437
File: 878 KB, 1500x2000, 101795030_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44602442


>> No.44602444
File: 193 KB, 1000x1000, EvMnqJbVEAA96BU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44602566

Everyone always prepers their defenses for the reality altering magic or raw brute force of the higher level girls, but they never think about securing their downtime between adventures beyond an easily pickable lock for the local catgirl to find a bedmate to cuddle up with.

>> No.44602457
File: 584 KB, 1147x1200, 1635585402177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44602898

I like this fox

>> No.44602513

I knew you cucks are low IQ but damn if this is your best attempt thats just sad.

>> No.44602558
File: 71 KB, 700x994, Djinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44602615

>> No.44602561

>keep a small circle of true believers
Oh fuck, he is planning a ritualistic mass suicide to open the portals. Lilith bless him.

>> No.44602566
File: 1.32 MB, 1080x1755, FxNHh0FaIAcL_G_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44602574
Quoted by: >>44602595

Based.I forgive everything. Godspeed, brothers. Your sacrifice will be appreciated but probably not remembered.

>> No.44602595

>probably not remembered.
You just know some lich will revive them and they won't shup up about it.
They deserve the recognition though. The day will probably become an international holiday

>> No.44602594

All part of the wisps’s plans. Which thinking about it our world would be a haven for undeads do to how many wars we have been in of so many souls being lost.

>> No.44602615

First 2 wishes were perfect, but he should have asked for 3 more wishes with the last.
>can't ask for 3 more wishes
She clearly didn't specify that, a Genie has to specify you can't ask for more wishes. Checkmate.

>> No.44602631

This isn't even a fucking robot girl you retarded faggot.

>> No.44602705
File: 106 KB, 447x501, kikimora02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44602711

>> No.44602711
File: 199 KB, 1953x1500, shogloaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44602736

Shogloaf for dinner again?

>> No.44602739
File: 310 KB, 1280x2025, QJAr4Fst_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44602751

I'm going to use this as an onahole.

>> No.44602793
File: 233 KB, 996x1200, v8xLiiop_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44602817
Quoted by: >>44602925

I like to imagine that if you got married in on the border of monster territory a high ranking succubus or even a Lilim will hand deliver you a giant sack of money and tell you that you'll get a new sack of cash for every kid you have with your wife to show people still skeptical about monsters that they're nice while also helping boost monster population.

>> No.44602868

>tfw you wake in MGE Jerusalem, but with all holy monsters and beings abound
>And instantly called a slut for showing that much skin while wearing a t shirt and shorts

>> No.44602883

>tfw the PTSD-laden demons that can't forget the old days go through the portal for a fresh start
I could fix one.

>> No.44602885
File: 1.17 MB, 1200x1600, translation-[object Object].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44602887
Quoted by: >>44602935

Christianity goes surprisingly well with MGE monsters

>> No.44602898
File: 633 KB, 1200x1200, 1635585345279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has the biggest tiddy foxes I've ever seen.

>> No.44602907

I will not drink the mofu milk

>> No.44602910
File: 979 KB, 1735x1990, 1635585345513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44602927

Imagine being smothered by this bazongamonster.

>> No.44602922

Could shogmilk convince you

>> No.44602925
Quoted by: >>44602981

>prioritizing some citizens in certain areas over others solely for political purpose
That would drive the population in those towns up. Its best to just establish programs that ensure families are financially able to support the growing number of children. Higher ammount of paid vacations for parents with more children, etc

>> No.44602927
File: 745 KB, 1393x2000, 1635585345847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44602935
File: 311 KB, 2000x3300, hellsangel2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singing Saturday Satan and Sunday Saint while you walk past your local church with your Hellhound wife.

>> No.44602963

Nightgaunt are best abysal girls.
I want to hug one with my tentacles, forever.
Or just hug one.
I'll take a handshake at this point to be honest.

>> No.44602977
Quoted by: >>44603053

You will perpetually molest and grope her for eternity and you will like it.

>> No.44602981
Quoted by: >>44603101

>That would drive the population in those towns up.
Which means more single monsters to go after the cute boys in the human towns next to them! This is all part of the Demon Lord's master plan.
no such plan is being made, she's busy recreating their first meeting for the 50th time this month

>> No.44602992
File: 693 KB, 1455x1464, FdP6bRWakAAsokM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what they all say.

>> No.44603009
Quoted by: >>44603053

You will become her clothes and you will like it
Now execuse me I'm going to become a giant spider

>> No.44603028

Breast milk and cookies?

>> No.44603053

Becoming clothes have never sounded better.
But at the same time, how am I meant to play video games?

>> No.44603061
Quoted by: >>44603209

(she intends to eat that whole box tonight as comfort food because she fumbled another man today, spilled her spaghetti everywhere)

>> No.44603077

Abyssal cloth hands

>> No.44603083
File: 1.48 MB, 3100x5100, 1674400492226258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44603149

>after overthrowing the local order government ms. lilim introduces a revolutionary new programme to boost human-monster couplings
>every married couple may take an interest-free loan that will finance a new home and very amenity they might need
>for every child born 1/4th of the loan is forgiven and after the fourth child the loan is forgiven entirely

>> No.44603089

is manticore fluff one of your 5 a day?

>> No.44603101

Such great strategy. By incentivizing population growth on the borders of you territory you efortlessly create an expanding front without even the need of an army. Not only that, but that front grows itself in a feedback loop when the new generations of monstergirls keep searching for new husbands.
Sasuga Demon Lord-sama.

>> No.44603149
File: 64 KB, 369x309, Noisy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What benefits do I get for marrying ms. Lim herself?

>> No.44603153
Quoted by: >>44603403

Monster girls are just too powerful. Why use the stick when you can dangle a carrot? Any needs humans want or need can be met by magic and monsters.
Hell, why stop at money?
Wouldn't it be funny if it was easier/more rewarding to be a follower of the Chief God in monster territories compared to order ones? E.g. they provide more subsidies, more knowledgeable theologians, hotter nuns etc.
Could you imagine the seethe from the order?

>> No.44603209
File: 785 KB, 1200x900, 1635754568294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44603215

What man wouldn't find a beautiful foxgirl awkwardly interacting with him because she's nervous endearing? It's hard to assume hostile intent when she's in the process of embarrassing herself.

>> No.44603212

>when asked for further comments by the local Ratas in the region the Demon Lord had this to say!
>"H-huh? Oh yeah that was pretty sma- honey no I didn't knock your sword by the bed, I'm telling you it was by the fireplace!"
>"Because I made out with you by the fireplace and then you dragged me to my bed! No I'm not gonna stop, the whole region can hear about this until you put your sword where it belongs!"
>"Not that sword you lovable dork!"
>"...This was MNN, the Monster News Network, bringing you the latest in Royal Makai. Back to you Jen."

>> No.44603215
Quoted by: >>44603228

What's the appeal of foxes?

>> No.44603221
File: 448 KB, 2370x2024, 1611532436008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44603291

big snake mama

>> No.44603224
Quoted by: >>44603235

Just be human for a while and tell nightgaunt to wear some of your clothes instead.

>> No.44603228
File: 847 KB, 1600x1100, 1635635805376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very fluffy

>> No.44603235

This is considered wife abuse in MGC

>> No.44603242
File: 544 KB, 1223x1555, Smugsquirrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So called "democracies" when the two candidates are a big tittied holstaur and a washboard baphomet obviously not backed by Big Milk and Sabbath respectively
Get cup sizes out of politics

>> No.44603259
Quoted by: >>44603299

Politics would be infinitely more interesting if the candidates were big titty monstergirls fighting over breast size.

>> No.44603268

I vote based monster ass quality anyway

>> No.44603276

I will always vote for Big Milk.

>> No.44603291

A beast which can turn even the most stern, independent man into a mere 'young boy who needs his mama's affection' with a simple 'ara ara'...
legendary monsters are too powerful.

>> No.44603295

Hnnghh loli rata

>> No.44603299

3 jars of holstaur milk have been deposited into your account

>> No.44603300
File: 2.26 MB, 1488x2105, 6328d4dd8acaebe670a89c82600f73fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44603334

I'm a single issue voter and that issue is horn size.

>> No.44603309

Sounds like the sabbath candidates get your votes every time, then.

>> No.44603321
File: 80 KB, 252x352, bdbe8325-c632-4c5f-9394-028c2197bdaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote for Dormouse to get free cheese every friday

>> No.44603334

I hate dumb slutty dragons. At least Salamanders actually love me instead of how much money I might be worth!

>> No.44603337

But which party will give me my state mandated monstergf

>> No.44603339
File: 173 KB, 1000x411, 27d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know that monster politics is entirely based on meido preference.

>> No.44603345

Listen quickly!
I have incriminating photos that the sabbath candidate was caught drinking megamorph potions and snorting condensed holst milk!
I am currently on the run to the mootriarchy to avoid capture! Those flat chested brats will never catch m-

>> No.44603346

Goats are for milking just like cows.

>> No.44603365

Every MG party, because they realize it benefits both humans and monsters. Human parties in MGC have different opinions on it.

>> No.44603369
File: 218 KB, 1065x771, 1665490416275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44603385

Neither, wait for kitsune ayys to annex the planet and then you will be "volunteered" to a cultural exchange

>> No.44603385
File: 128 KB, 750x1121, 1635170894520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44603475

I'm sure the kitsune ayylmaos will be here in just two weeks more.

>> No.44603395

Awww. Cute

>> No.44603402

Imagine the debates on the Rata network
>Miss Baphomet, what exactly is your connection to the free beer van kidnapping scandal that happened 10 years ago?
>Sweating from baphomet
>And Miss Holstaur, is it true that you once had a dating profile showcasing your ASS and not your TITS?
>Absolutely not! Your pictures don't scare me! That could be anyone's ass!

>> No.44603403

While that would be hilarious, i doubt it would work, unless Order followers just completely ignore their god's teachings. It would be easier to show them that they can still preactice most of those teachings while also applying them to monstergirls. >>44603242
I don't carea as long as us fox husbands get a hair product subsidiary. Keeping your wife's mofu clean and fluffy is both time consuming and expensive. As a high ranking officer of the hubby branch of the M.O.F.U(Monsters of fur united, for short) association i can ensure our support if our demands are met.

>> No.44603449
Quoted by: >>44603479

so basically demoflats vs rebooblicans all over again

>> No.44603475

>korean kitsunes
Oh no they'll make me play league, and say gamer words.

>> No.44603479

Nah, it's the laboob party versus the conservatits party

>> No.44603488
File: 1.64 MB, 2057x2539, 1686789461477272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are easy to tilt though

>> No.44603514

Anon they will devour your liver

>> No.44603524

Don't be a baby. Livers grow back.

>> No.44603531
File: 201 KB, 2203x1568, 1538955226165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44603542

Well yeah, but...

>> No.44603542

Gurotrash stays out.

>> No.44603543
File: 111 KB, 577x904, 1682073833785352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They like hearts, too.

>> No.44603550
File: 761 KB, 2440x3393, 111576793_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44603563

cute fox lady with nice eyes

>> No.44603568

I bet they undergo lots of plastic surgery.

>> No.44603570
Quoted by: >>44603612

>that tiny bit of belly chub
FAT angel. This angel is FAT. Why would a FAT angel be FAT? Can your little wings carry all that FAT?

>> No.44603582
Quoted by: >>44603587

I just want a yandere fox wife that leaves bitemarks all over my skin so that the other monsters know i fully belong to her. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.44603583
File: 1.86 MB, 1200x1600, 70906138_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44603587
Quoted by: >>44603616

You do bite her back, right?

>> No.44603609

So what else then p'orcs?

>> No.44603612
Quoted by: >>44603624

>anon does this to every single monster who's belly isnt completely fat
>one day two of his recent victims come up to him with an actual fatty
>a big ol kot who's wearing a "morbidly a beast - morbidly horny" shirt
>she is very clearly in heat
>the two jump to his sides
>"cmon anon, wont ya say it?"
>"yeah, you ALWAYS say it. right?"
you made your bed, anon. now lie in it.

>> No.44603616
Quoted by: >>44603643

>her back
And her thighs, neck, breasts, nipples, shoulders, gently nibble in other places and leave kissmarks in many more.

>> No.44603622
File: 1.48 MB, 2000x2000, dva_shin_ryeong_by_inussualdreamz_de6wsws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44603624
Quoted by: >>44603674

I'm going to cave her fucking head in. Fatties deserve death.

>> No.44603627
Quoted by: >>44603645

What do you call an invisible cheshire?
a wherecat

>> No.44603643
Quoted by: >>44603660

That's good, every man's waifu needs to have plenty of bite marks and hickeys to showcase ownership.

>> No.44603645

>invisible chesh
>unknown chesh
>unexplained chesh
>impossible chesh
>inconceivable chesh

>> No.44603653
Quoted by: >>44603669

Funny, but I've yet to meet a chesh who can't conceive

>> No.44603654

I want to be stalked by a mystery who-cat

>> No.44603660

I consider pregnancy as the highest form of marking, but the two aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.44603668

you must prepare her for babby by leaving hickeys on titties

>> No.44603669

ah, you remind me of THAT image from the gallery

>> No.44603670
Quoted by: >>44603675

>dork chesh

>> No.44603674

your only option is to run away and never do it again.

>> No.44603675

A quadri-cat-eral if you will

>> No.44603684
Quoted by: >>44603702

Hard to imagine a chesh behaving herself at a tea party

>> No.44603693
File: 1.28 MB, 1011x1545, AngelLewdness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44603784


>> No.44603699

What happens if I eat the mad hatter's hat?

>> No.44603702

all wonderlanders are able to hold back if its tea time. the worst she brings is a few party tricks.
infact its a good way to buy yourself time, just make some tea and hold onto it for when you're assaulted.

>> No.44603718

What about hyper pregancy

>> No.44603744
Quoted by: >>44603755

What would that even be? Your wife getting you pregnant at the same time? You getting your taur wife pregnant in both sides?

>> No.44603754

Hyper anything deserves to go.

>> No.44603755


>> No.44603783

That's hardly hyper. Gotta be double digits, at least.

>> No.44603784

genuinely kill yourself

>> No.44603794

One pregnancy still counts as one pregnancy, no matter the ammount o children.

>> No.44603802


>> No.44603803

t.angry dwarf

>> No.44603806
File: 285 KB, 1200x1732, 0eb54554c108e28729878cf0bda04925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44603819

>Anon I require Genmat

>> No.44603815
Quoted by: >>44603838

I looked him up and I don't see anything except slightly muscular women. Are you some kind of a faggot?

>> No.44603817

It's a 4x bigger imprint than only 1 fetus, söyjak
The science supports it

>> No.44603819

a wot

>> No.44603824
File: 169 KB, 1200x600, (You)Gettinginorwhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44603838

What are you ass hurt about now

>> No.44603838
Quoted by: >>44603844

Nothing against his content, he's just a dogshit western artist that draws whatever flavor of the month garbage is popular at the moment like gacha trash or the popular anime girl at the moment. He's a boring hack and whoever posts his art is a faggot but he's ultimately harmless.

>> No.44603844

I will draw a new soulful sith now just for you.

>> No.44603857
Quoted by: >>44603929

>that furfaggot likes CSR
nevermind whoever posts his art is absolutely a shitposting faggot now I'm convinced.

>> No.44603890

how tall is droo droo?

>> No.44603899

she a womanlet most like with the height of a slight taller than average nip

>> No.44603909

She hates that nickname more than Deonora hates egg cartons

>> No.44603929

I don't even know who that is. But sure, we can do your thing and ignore all settings with monster boys like MGE.
Glad we agree.

>> No.44603941
Quoted by: >>44604003

She levitates to hide the fact that she's short.

>> No.44603950
File: 1.34 MB, 1175x1920, 1501659990053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44603991

She is tall and imposing as befits a monster of her power and prestige!

>> No.44603979
File: 1.52 MB, 3072x4096, d_va__shin_ryeong__by_painterthekiller_dfgrgjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44603991

>is 4'9"

>> No.44603995
Quoted by: >>44604059

End of the day it's ultimately KC's prerogative to do whatever he wants, but it would be nice if you nerds would go fester in the coffins of your dorkpire friends.

>> No.44604003
File: 3.00 MB, 3100x5100, Droo-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be diplomat to Lescatie, get to meet Droo Droo herself
>"It's an honor to meet you Druella, women of your STATURE are in SHORT supply"
>Grips table in annoyance, but smiles nonetheless
>"It's hard to find one who could MEASURE up to you"
>Gnashes teeth
>"I just have a SMALL thing I want to raise about the SCALE of your military build up - something I have written at LENGTH to you about"
>Openly tells me she is going to invade if I say one more thing
>"Please, your eminence, this is not the time for SHORT sightedness
>Get invaded

>> No.44604059
Quoted by: >>44604381

I would rather be kneaded by cats.

>> No.44604087
Quoted by: >>44604098

This order propaganda. Lady Druella, not "Droo Droo", dwarfs even the tallest of humans.

>> No.44604098

>meet Druella in person
>she's 5'1

>> No.44604174
Quoted by: >>44604178


>> No.44604178

That's it. You're both getting the dark matter

>> No.44604200
File: 676 KB, 1108x1400, 1635725063484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44604223

With how early monster girls are considered matured, it only makes sense that a considerable number of starting monster adventurers are little girls.

>> No.44604223
Quoted by: >>44604618

>childhood friends register with the adventurer's guild together
>a young fox who's fully aware of what she's signing up for and a little boy who's just happy to be playing with his best friend
what hijinks will they get up to?

>> No.44604247

Why's she so mad? She's IMAGINE sized.

>> No.44604261

spiders only keep the bad bugs away

>> No.44604318
Quoted by: >>44604373

Given that KC is Japanese that's not out of the question either. She's a dead ass womanlet.

>> No.44604344

Dark matter because we discussed the dork matter
face it, Droo Droo the VERTICALLY CHALLENGED has to make her speeches on a box

>> No.44604373

im gonna pick her up

>> No.44604381
Quoted by: >>44604426

dastardly torture techniques of the cat kingdom

>> No.44604419
File: 512 KB, 1003x600, Es-95rgUcAgRmJu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44604426
File: 2.45 MB, 1448x2048, 1638922985427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For his crime of pulling a tail, Anon will be subjected to a thirty hour kneading session followed by a forty hour breeding session.

>> No.44604430
File: 556 KB, 2500x2500, IMG_5839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44604440

mons in tight shiny latex

>> No.44604438

Looking at Druella’s body shape and going off some people I know in real life she’s most likely between 5’3 or 5’7. So yes she is probably short.

>> No.44604440
Quoted by: >>44604535

>Monster spy movie where they have to steal the most guarded treasure in existence
>Anon's virginity

>> No.44604489
File: 237 KB, 638x900, F5lE0lWakAAklMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44604516

>> No.44604516

>try a summoning to get a genie for your three wishes
>you mixed up your lore somewhere to think this is how you get a genie
>succubus comes out
>says for your first two wishes you have to rub each breast
>for the third you have to rub something lower

>> No.44604519
Quoted by: >>44604573

Joke's on her, I'd rub her tail for free

>> No.44604530

close enough

>> No.44604532
File: 213 KB, 1500x1500, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a cat looking for love.

>> No.44604535

"Anon is locked is locked up tight, his house may look normal but he's been expanding his basement into a sprawling labyrinth filled with the latest security features avaliable"
"His house is wired up with infrared lasers, electromag sensors that won't even let a ghost through, armed adventurers, trap rooms, and active anti-wurm sonar."
"But tonight will be different... security will be lax as he's hosting his weekly TTRPG session... this will be the only time we can strike for a whole 7 days!"

>> No.44604573
File: 1.69 MB, 600x600, 15413077319316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44604592

>hfw she's laying there with her legs spread wide and you rub her tail

>> No.44604592

>so when do i get my wishes?
>shut up and keep rubbing

>> No.44604618

>the fox's magic aptitude carrying them before the boy starts behaving like a shonen hero and big brother figure
>having to flee some hag sorceress that wants to adopt them both
>teaming up temporarily with other adventurer pairs
>sneaking together to spy on a young amazon & adult man team in an attempt to figure out the mystery of how they can be getting along, only to witness the amazon being mating pressed

>> No.44604638
Quoted by: >>44604675

>>sneaking together to spy on a young amazon & adult man team in an attempt to figure out the mystery of how they can be getting along, only to witness the amazon being mating pressed
oh my

>> No.44604675
Quoted by: >>44604808

Obviously the little fox is gonna wanna try the impressive "mating press" training move. You know, to get stronger.

>> No.44604693
File: 331 KB, 1589x2475, 109905082_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44604734

>> No.44604702
Quoted by: >>44604858

Cut the wife
Slice the goo
Once there was one wife
Now there are two!

>> No.44604703
File: 1.15 MB, 4096x3803, F5wQ9YUbEAARKce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44604712

king cobra

>> No.44604712


>> No.44604734
Quoted by: >>44604777

Do you think businesses in mge have to have designated milking stalls for their more lactate inclined clientele? Like how all stores need to have a bathroom?

>> No.44604777

you can probably lease a couple rooms from pandemonium on the cheap

>> No.44604782

imagine waking up in a hakus class, nude and being used to demonstrate what is a human male looks like and how to calm down a paniked anon

>> No.44604801

>your next class is posing nude for ms sidhe's painting exercises
why do i even bring clothes

>> No.44604808
File: 462 KB, 935x1400, 1662049969421307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44606991

They'd learn a lot about less than appropriate things from peeping on other adventurer pairs
>hidden, they watch a meek loli anubis healer in her tiny pelvic curtain getting full nelsoned
>she starts getting rocked up and down faster, making the cloth flap up and aside enough to surprise reveal she's being fucked in the butt

>> No.44604821
File: 130 KB, 555x432, 1574739326271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to change schools.

>> No.44604858
File: 911 KB, 848x1200, IMG_4902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The slimes dance in sync

>> No.44604874
File: 46 KB, 566x800, 1640036249483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touch slime girls

>> No.44604875

queenslime's got some good choreography

>> No.44604891

i'd make sure im as musculatr and as lean as I can be for that class

>> No.44604943
Quoted by: >>44604962

all schools in MGC are like that

>> No.44604962
Quoted by: >>44604991

Pervy teachers and gangs of delinquents?

>> No.44604991

yup and gloomy creepy girls that tend to attach to you to an unhealthy degree
the lunchladies do look out for you

>> No.44604996
Quoted by: >>44605064

at least the bubble slime custodian is nice

>> No.44605009
File: 917 KB, 1200x1600, 111343851_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44605064

she is very nice and the theology angel teacher is very nice and soft as well

>> No.44605102
File: 593 KB, 1920x1080, 1694478540283600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the Sabbath.

>> No.44605116

does sticking a pineapple/potato in a manticore's tail stop her from waking up?
need to know asap, my pelvis depends on it

>> No.44605130
Quoted by: >>44605151

Hey Anon, does something seem off to you about Mechazawa?

>> No.44605138

Anons remember that's it's the present that matters not past or future, What you do today shapes tomorrow not the other way around. So love today and seize all tomorrows .

>> No.44605151
Quoted by: >>44605186

I don't know, seems like just a normal girl to me.

>> No.44605166
Quoted by: >>44605241

i will gently molest big fat southern American p'orcs

>> No.44605186

I dunno, I think we need to follow her to be sure.

>> No.44605211
File: 1.74 MB, 3500x3500, lunchisready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44605357

>Skipping class to hang out and learn with the hellhound lunch lady
>Getting to eat special treats and smoking lucky strikes with her behind the dumpster while she teaches me all sorts of stuff.

>> No.44605241

I bet they let out a little squeal if you sneak up on them and squeeze their bellies.

>> No.44605294
File: 75 KB, 254x257, cat nonsense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44605297

Remember to always fuck your Anubis wife’s anus twice a day.

>> No.44605304
File: 905 KB, 1568x2177, 1694477549958174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44605357
Quoted by: >>44605413

is the "special treat" her butt? As in a cleverly worded metaphor to mean I'm going to eat her ass?

>> No.44605366

>Unicorn with a corruption fetish
>Her husband is a rabid monogamyfag

>> No.44605413

Ass and pussy is eaten, along with various cookies, cakes and extra pizza on fridays.

>> No.44605417

Do you reckon manticores keep track of the longest one has managed to convince their husband they were going to eat them?

>> No.44605427

Going off succubus prison the answer is pretty damn long.

>> No.44605435
File: 421 KB, 1011x607, 1694477875327357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44605452
Quoted by: >>44605511

>No no I REALLY am going to eat you anon. I promise. Just after I pop out our fifth manticore - what are we going to name her by the way?

>> No.44605510
File: 1.14 MB, 1042x1461, 79580259_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44605511
Quoted by: >>44605521

Hey, wait a minute...!
Manticores with stupid Anons have a clear advantage!
That isn't fair!

>> No.44605521

He really is stupid.
She calls him shit like sugar, or honey, or muffin, and because those are edible he thinks she's going to eat him
He is beyond saving

>> No.44605565
File: 899 KB, 1200x1400, 30970430_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44605583

Get in the fucking robot Anon.

>> No.44605583

I was just in her though.
My Automaton doesn't need a recharge THAT quickly....
Maybe she needs a battery replacement

>> No.44605586
File: 469 KB, 633x695, 16943799123377857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44605587
Quoted by: >>44607457

>Get a manticore wife and hellhound wife
>Hellhound insists on 'marking' me
>That means rape
>Manticore also wants to 'mark' me
>That also means rape
>Hellhound says her 'marking' was too strong, and is masking her own
>More rape
>Manticore notices her 'marking' isn't showing anymore
>Guess what that means?
>Did you guess rape?
>Yep, it's rape

>> No.44605689
File: 871 KB, 1181x1021, Demon260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Movie night with (you) and your wives sounds nice
imagine being at the center of a cuddle pile of 4-9 monsters, sprawled around the room with the lights low, watching scary movies. everyone's paying half attention- just enough to still gasp at the gore and jump at the scares. giggling and whispering to yourselves, while you're idly cuddled with and doted over, with one of your wives moving to snuggle up into your arms over a jumpscare while another coos and spoons you from behind when you flinch at another.
you're probably the most loved person in the tri-state area right now. everyone is comfortable, safe, warm and happy. you are completely secure, the irreplaceable nucleus of your little love tri-quad-pent-octangle, and all that's left is to wait for someone to come out of the kitchen with popcorn.

>> No.44605690
File: 1.09 MB, 1013x1450, 78659844_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44605702

Honestly, I wouldn't even say we'd do scary movies.
It would probably be comedies or action movies most of the time, something to laugh at and do quotes of later.
The big Lebowski, Naked Gun, Airplane, those sorts of things

>> No.44605738
File: 614 KB, 1339x1548, F47tqpfbcAA4wyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44605759

>> No.44605743
Quoted by: >>44605787

I want to watch Ghibli movies with monster girls.

>> No.44605759
File: 92 KB, 707x850, Co7_-I-UEAArNOz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44605975


>> No.44605787
File: 449 KB, 2048x1790, Kikimora31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44605831

sounds comfy

>> No.44605798

I want to adverb verb with popular monster girl

>> No.44605831
Quoted by: >>44605861

I feel this need to show a bogey Totoro for whatever reason.

>> No.44605837
File: 739 KB, 3720x5262, 111576233_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44605856

Do you now? I very much doubt that!

>> No.44605861
File: 166 KB, 1134x1417, 1687493117919824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44605892

>watching a comfy movie in a bogey's lap
anon, you're going to fall asleep halfway through...

>> No.44605874

I want to haphazardly polka with krampus

>> No.44605892

I think I can stay awake for 90 minutes.

>> No.44605913

she's double-stuffed with weresheep wool

>> No.44605923

That's just overkill.

>> No.44605945
Quoted by: >>44605976

>double stuffed
she needs to lose some weight then.

>> No.44605955
Quoted by: >>44605966

Everyone says that 'till she rests you against her body and starts running her fingers through your hair

>> No.44605963
File: 1.27 MB, 2373x3300, 78275126_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44605966
Quoted by: >>44605974

Well as long she's actually watching the movie, it's fine.

>> No.44605974

I'm sure she'll finish it! You might just spend the last forty minutes of it drooling against her chest, that's all.

>> No.44605975
File: 3.60 MB, 2332x3471, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44606009


>> No.44605976

rip a seam then

>> No.44605992
File: 203 KB, 317x399, ruffle ruffle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna ruffle the hair!

>> No.44606009
File: 777 KB, 1071x1403, 1e4a73579d5a84ff2d27454653677b53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or if you need her with gear

>> No.44606028
File: 49 KB, 271x439, 1690592594319496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can be(troth) heroes...

>> No.44606040
Quoted by: >>44606051

Underrated harem/bigamy couple
Gremlin and an automaton(s)
So many waifu builds to do

>> No.44606051
File: 181 KB, 1235x998, Printersaysyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44606070

what boob card does ur automaton wife have?

>> No.44606070
Quoted by: >>44606132

>So this here is Carol, she came in with a badly damaged heavy lancer frame from what we saw so we tooled up her chest protection, downgraded her DE rifles for some smaller shot-cannons and gave her a backmounted Bastion Breacher for Seige Breaker duty.
>And that is Anna, a nice scout model that we decided to splurge on for the active camo and some excellent leg supports! Small downside is she activates it if you stare for too long an- Ooop! there she goes!

>> No.44606124
File: 618 KB, 2508x3732, 1694458226523629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44609573

>> No.44606131
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>> No.44606132
Quoted by: >>44606223

i like to think anna's just shy
>anna is in the kitchen baking a cake for anon
>another automaton walks in
>"unit-08. it is currently 5 hours into our recharge period. query: why are you active"
>anna makes a few mechanical noises while the other automaton just stares at her.
>her cooling fans kick in as she tries to process a response
>camo activates
>"disappointed tone: please plug in before hour 7 of the recharge period."
>the other automaton walks away
>anna's camo deactivates and her fans wind down, she resumes baking the cake.

>> No.44606139
File: 843 KB, 2072x3277, 98929552_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44606175
Quoted by: >>44606189


>> No.44606189
Quoted by: >>44606224

fat cat

>> No.44606192
File: 99 KB, 600x800, Ch2UuwFUgAAu7PO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44606223
Quoted by: >>44606382

For sure.
Part of it is that, as a former light model, being 'seen' isn't exactly a good thing and the second is that she has some very STRONG leg actuators.

>Anna speaks in bineric clicks the other automatons have to translate
>Carol is basically very blunt speech which makes her seem like a thug.
>There's a 'generic' medium model that is 'normal' and isn't super weird in anyway.
>And then there's the backline command and control model that has a himedere attitude and flaunts her 'combat theorems'

>> No.44606224

>anon with an actual fat fetish
>monsters hear about it and just assume it means "bigger than average"
>every time he meets a monster with larger than average breasts he gets a "haha im so FAT, just look at how FAT my breasts are. oh if only someone who liked FAT girls were here..."
life must be suffering.

>> No.44606236


>> No.44606244

imagine those FAT TITS pressed up against you

>> No.44606245
File: 289 KB, 640x480, 1686503632867992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44606321

Trick question.

>> No.44606321
File: 76 KB, 479x478, Vinum Succubus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want yes, but I know where she is from and that means getting your life succed out.

>> No.44606336

Good night Anons, rest well and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that unless you go black market, you need to go ruins delving to get your automaton waifu.

>> No.44606353
File: 341 KB, 2000x1000, 1634676562635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? Just get a spare computer and download all of the suspicious exe's onto it and eventually you'll attract an automaton.

>> No.44606362

Bonzi Buddy is not a waifu, Anon

>> No.44606382

>anna: unit-S08 (scout number eight)
>carol: unit-B76 (breacher number seventy six)
>"tifa": unit-CV98 (civilian grade 98), what you would expect from an automaton made to be a partner. more or less a mechanical maid
>"sally": unit-O30 (overlord model 30), lightweight model without much firepower, but advanced processors meant for composing strategies on the fly. a neet who plays grand strategy games all day when not commanding the others. thinks that those strategies transfer over to real life. they dont, but she luckshits her way through everything.
>"reb": unit-T11 (tanker), a really beefy gal with ridiculous guns, detachable armor, and a imposing appearance. dorky weeb with anime decals all over the inside of her armor. plays multiplayer games with sally when not on old imageboards.
>"vanessa": unit-A65 (ambush), minimized model meant for stealth and speed with a wasp like appearance, stinger guns meant to dispatch of enemies quickly and silently. edgy, always appears when and where you least expect it, speaks in haikus (the others hate her for it)
>"gina": unit-D00 (dark matter) heavily armored unit with an internal generator meant to produce the same stuff that dark matter orbs are made out of, can be launched from her canons to monsterize human women, incubize human men, or drive monsters/incubi into a sex frenzy. rather emotionless, but enjoys doing things with anna... if she can convince anna to let her join in.

>> No.44606388
Quoted by: >>44606411

Truly Automatons + Grem are the best harem.

>> No.44606390

I read that in Harlan Ellison's voice.

>> No.44606411

im not a fan of harems myself but it would be fun to build a group of automatons with my wife, its like they're children at that point

>> No.44606425
Quoted by: >>44606441

Buyer beware any black market automatons could come with strange, or possibly illegal, modifications. I had a friend order one and turns out it was sourced from Hagville. Instead of a standard model, he got a heavy mobile baby factory.

>> No.44606441
Quoted by: >>44606503

Listen, mass construction units are very rare and worth a shit-ton of TanuBucks, even if they're of questionable legality.

>> No.44606503

would a mass production unit be centaur shaped?
>stylized model allows you to fuck either the front end or the back end
>centaur backend can be detached when not gestating, leaving you with something closer to a regular automaton with digitigrade legs, like goats or cows
>when gestating she can either produce four other little automatons, or one other mass production automation
and inline with >>44606382
>"bella" unit-MP46 (mass production), very motherly personality and an absolute breeding addict. often scolds vanessa for scaring the little automatons.

>> No.44606556
Quoted by: >>44606576


>> No.44606576

>replying to yourself
gay faggot mick

>> No.44606582
Quoted by: >>44606588

Centaurs suck though.

>> No.44606588

thats why the taur part is detachable.

>> No.44606595

you always find the best automatons when ruin delving, i found "siege engine xtreme" model

>> No.44606634

I like the idea of a revolving womb system that lets her guarantee multiple children per pregnancy. That or her larger size gives her more space for production tools in the womb, and so a single child gets produced faster.

>> No.44606664
Quoted by: >>44606703

I wonder how you'd get a harem of automatons. The funniest way I'd imagine is if you filled out one of those little internet surveys thinking you'll just get a gift card to some burger joint only to end up with a whole squad of robot women knocking on your front door.

>> No.44606703
Quoted by: >>44606742

Storage wars.

>> No.44606731
File: 234 KB, 1449x2048, 1617926340565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44606920

Ronin cat

>> No.44606742
File: 1.10 MB, 1500x1402, 1488253800403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon doesn't really want to be here
>Studio basically picked him off the street to be some betting extra
>Just told he has to put the first bid on the next lot to help kickstart the bets
>Storage door opens up to six Automatons sitting there perfectly preserved, top the line hardware
>even a fucking Siege Weapon model
>Anon is pretty bummed that he won't get something that cool and places his bid once the camera starts rolling
>nobody is bidding now
>why is nobody bidding now
>oh fuck
>few hours later Anon is reading through the user manual trying to figure out how to fucking turn the damn things on before giving up and calling a Gremlin hotline
>"Have you tried fucking them?"

>> No.44606920

She can play ninja while I play as the evil organization boss who has to get her to talk. A few pregnancys should get her to reveal her secrets.

>> No.44606957

Pregnant Y'shtola!
Sensitive nipples and random lactation!
Mood swings!
Taut belly expanding as the months go by!
Gets extremely horny at random and sometimes inopportune times!
Grumpy that she shouldn't have a glass of wine with dinner for a few months!

>> No.44606991
Quoted by: >>44609727

Anal with lolis is a waste

>> No.44607188
File: 414 KB, 828x1497, FsYI-G8aQAAp_PB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44607499

>> No.44607279

>tfw ywn be picked by a monster girl after ou've been abandoned by everyone

>> No.44607284

I'm commissioning a futa loli monstergirl on male thing and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.44607297

implying anon wouldnt have fun making said monsters actually fat without them knowing

>> No.44607426

Do not, and i repeat, DO NOT call your monster wife your girlfriend in front of her friends, even if you aren't officially married. I have been consoling and apologizing to mine for the last week and she hasn't stopped crying in our bed yet.

>> No.44607452
File: 631 KB, 3500x3500, Pyrow104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's weird, my best friend and the mother of my two children gets all fidgety if someone implies we're even so much as dating.

>> No.44607457

>It stopped being "rape" by the dictionary definition several months ago
>Just haven't been able to tell them in between the various wrestling-adjacent positions they put you in and you sleeping off the bodily strain

>> No.44607499

I'm gonna spill yogurt on a scantily clad succ

>> No.44607514

>N-n-no, the ring in my finger is just to look cool. Doesn't mean anything.

>> No.44607524
Quoted by: >>44607579

Lucky you i guess. She cries even harder if i even attempt of leaving the room and only calms somewhat if i cuddle with her or do any other romantic activity. I need to confess like an akward schoolboy every morning for at least half an hour, but that seems to make her feel somewhat better. She keeps clinging to me and telling her to not leave her, so i have been carryfucking her for anytime i have to cook or clean the house. Needed to call in sick to work for an extended period of time, and the manager lim just sighed and approved it without asking further.

>> No.44607579
Quoted by: >>44607652

Let me guess, Cupid?

>> No.44607610
Quoted by: >>44607652

When you do get married call her your ex-girlfriend, you're technically not lying.

>> No.44607648
File: 521 KB, 881x1865, 1636123885009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this moment of post-nut clarity I realize that penance is important.

>> No.44607652
File: 74 KB, 605x680, FLW30VbagAE98S0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44607666

Dark haired Inari and she's the love of my life.
Do you actually want me to die? I suggested takeout once and she cried while complaining that i didn't want to make her food anymore because i didn't love her.

>> No.44607666
Quoted by: >>44607720

Anon its about time you make a call to Ms. Flayer and have a nice therapey session about why your kitsune is broken

>> No.44607720
Quoted by: >>44608294

>having another monster girl in the same room
Worse, she might think i want to leave her with the mindflayer, or that the therapist brainwashed into not loving her anymore. I have been making good progress with headpats and gentle whispering in her ear about plans of marriage and dates. She might even agree to going out soon.

>> No.44607766
File: 306 KB, 540x624, 1690922441401388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs smothering anti-correction (mistaking?) (she does the smothering)

>> No.44607792

>you can't have both at the same time

>> No.44607798

But being smothered by boobs would make my birthday a happy one.

>> No.44607883
File: 289 KB, 1000x700, 906a6bd6-5044-4572-a76d-da92fbe30fd4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44608158

Happy sleepy mouse

>> No.44608158

She looks like she's been working out
By which I mean she climbed on the bed by herself

>> No.44608195
Quoted by: >>44608272

I princess carry her everywhere or let her ride on my shoulders

>> No.44608272

>Not throwing her around like in payday

>> No.44608293

She deserves extra protein for working out.

>> No.44608294
Quoted by: >>44608664

Have you considered giving her mini mofus?

>> No.44608423
Quoted by: >>44608623

Fucking pink dragon reeks of lust, gluttony, and pride. Gonna keep that girl away from the dormice and jubjubs. Don't want them to get vored by her insatiable appetite.

>> No.44608623

She reeks of three sevenths of the deadly sins, and that’s 42%, which is terrible.

>> No.44608654

give me a monster who lives in the forest to write a short scene around

>> No.44608664

That's the thing anon, she's already pregnant. It just came naturally as she demands copulation in copious ammount, but those will take a while. I sneaked a cuople of calls with the therapist and she just sighed and recomended i just be patient with her and that i keep doing the daily affirmation routines. Recently changed her petname from fluffball to wifey, just in case.
Worst part about it is that rumors started spreading and now everyone looks at me like i commited a warcrime
>Eh, did you hear about anon? He called his wife girlfriend.
>*Gasp* How could he?

>> No.44608765
Quoted by: >>44609446

>anon goes with his wife to a national park to camp for a few days, but she's clumsy. Shenanigans ensue
>Strong oni lumberjack is building a summer house to finally confess to the man she has been courting for a long time
>Shota anon is doing a competition among friends as to who catches the biggest bug. While his friends look for normal beetles, centipeeds and the sort, he finds a more interesting arthropod wandering in the forest
I just realized you asked for a monster. Whatever. Feel free to modify those if you want.

>> No.44609046


>> No.44609069
Quoted by: >>44609446


>> No.44609140


>> No.44609209
File: 2.45 MB, 2182x854, 20230908_035644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44609612

It's rabbit season!

>> No.44609279
File: 530 KB, 1263x1635, 1675900200767467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dependency on your wife is cute - CUTE! It's okay to completely depend on your wife for everything! It's fine to have separation anxiety so bad you can't stop yourself from crying when she goes to the grocery store! It's normal to be unable to sleep if you're not cuddled up with her! It's good to only drink and become addicted to her sweet milk! It's common to have horrible nightmares about being left alone that only she can calm you down from!

Dependency on monster wives is the only way to keep fragile humans safe!

>> No.44609428

Big creepy hagwife!

>> No.44609446

These will work, thank you, I just needed some material to write a few scenes with. Here's what I've got so far.
>Red oni lumberjack out to find the biggest tree in the forest to cut down and give to her love as a token of her love
>Self concious oomukade who's ran away to the forest because she's afraid of professing her love. Is 'bullied' by a group of fairies and pixies (are actually very supportive she just interprets things in the worst way possible)
>Ancient hag redwood dryad
now just to write

>> No.44609573

Is there any monster that's close to her, or do I have to become an evil wizard and try to create a new species from nothing?

>> No.44609587

I think its cuter when the monster is the one who heavily relies on the human. Having such a strong and imposing being developing a dependancy on a weak and fragile human exudes gap moe. Extra points if she tries to keep a self percieved honor throughout.

>> No.44609612

rabbit rabbit

>> No.44609652
Quoted by: >>44609696

I want to live inside a big fox's clothing

>> No.44609696
Quoted by: >>44609776

Be careful, you might get addicted to her smell and breastmilk and might never want to leave. Foxes are well known for trapping adventurers by tempting them with a warm nights sleep inside of ther clothes. Those who accept were never seen again.

>> No.44609727
File: 746 KB, 1051x1400, 100000960_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44610324

>Anal with lolis is a waste
Nonsense, you can't possibly look at girls like these and say it's not time well spent.

>> No.44609776
File: 406 KB, 1432x2048, 1692234366263445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute affection-starved cuddle-addict anons...

>> No.44609799
File: 1.44 MB, 2100x1851, 1670460065272799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44610048

>no lusty Dragonian maid
life is suffering

>> No.44609836
File: 444 KB, 652x592, 20230910024101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44610046

Behold, I stopped a mighty dragon about to rape me in her tracks just by the sheer power of my autism.
Become too autistic to be raped.

>> No.44610046

Can confirm, autism dries up pussy, I got a good reminder today. Especially avoidant personality. Oh well, back to my VNs.

>> No.44610048
Quoted by: >>44610484

a dragon would never submit herself to the humiliation of being a human's servant. don't be ridiculous

>> No.44610216
File: 1.50 MB, 1800x2100, 1694478601983090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44610233
File: 108 KB, 1200x1017, Sphinx16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44610304
File: 936 KB, 1412x1478, 1694187415436057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44610389

Guys, I can't do this anymore. I need to be the filling in a Demon hag/Demon loli sandwich. I will sign anything, just free me from this torment.

>> No.44610324
Quoted by: >>44612965

Analingus to disarm smug lolis!

>> No.44610372
File: 1.28 MB, 2480x3860, 111667403_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44610389 [SPOILER] 
File: 551 KB, 1000x883, V8UB6N2Y_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44610434

>I will sign anything
You really should read the fine print

>> No.44610408
File: 355 KB, 1447x2047, E4y9D8UUYAIWeh9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44610737

>> No.44610416

Bro, don't single me out like that...

>> No.44610434
Quoted by: >>44610470

A demonic smug cat is fine too.

>> No.44610442
File: 443 KB, 2048x1536, E1B__wMVkAApU6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44610452
File: 415 KB, 1270x1237, 1694526740718430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44610554

>> No.44610470

She could really use the black sclera though.

>> No.44610476
File: 2.68 MB, 2000x2000, 1670401683929667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm upset and I hate everything and everyone. Post cute things to soothe this raging torrent in my soul.

>> No.44610484

An increasing desperate draconian tour guide typed this.

>> No.44610520
File: 260 KB, 875x930, Atlach-Nacha - Nacho Wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44610540

Relax, have a nacho!

>> No.44610540

Wish I had some really spicy doritos right now

>> No.44610551

Have you considered taking a big step with a short rope?

>> No.44610554

Is that like a ceremonial thingamajigger?

>> No.44610559
File: 695 KB, 2902x4000, FejF48KacAIvxlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44610589

Stupid adorable fox, melting men's icy hearts

>> No.44610618

very cute.

>> No.44610647
Quoted by: >>44611473

Rope? More like Roper. Shortstack Roper.

>> No.44610651
File: 123 KB, 500x500, snek.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44610667

Get off the computer Ms. Wisp.

>> No.44610737
Quoted by: >>44610761


>> No.44610761
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>> No.44610768
File: 1.87 MB, 3143x3508, F0Tcag4aMAAiraB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44610847

You're not sleeping tonight

>> No.44610788

wurm forest ranger

>> No.44610847

Guess I could deliver stuff to people...

>> No.44610911
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>> No.44610941
File: 827 KB, 879x967, 3197293_rtil_horny-and-squishy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44611087
File: 620 KB, 3825x5230, 3223932_ggrimmfield_vexoria-the-sun-eater-fanart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44611145
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>> No.44611158
File: 1.01 MB, 2649x2785, F3FDPd1aIAA98n6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44611415

>> No.44611241
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>> No.44611268
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>> No.44611373
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>> No.44611401
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Casual clothing cat.

>> No.44611410
File: 143 KB, 1024x576, lamia_by_reminel_dauh9al-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44611415
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Quoted by: >>44611639

Best foxwife!

>> No.44611461

>decide to take a university course by doing a book exam
>don't read the book
>score well anyway through bullshitting on the exam essays
Am I haku-sensei's natural enemy?

>> No.44611473
Quoted by: >>44611483

Ropers are probably one of the worst girls unironically. Even Parasite Slimefag is better.

>> No.44611483
Quoted by: >>44612493

what's the issue?

>> No.44611636

dum elf

>> No.44611639

>Gacha shit

>> No.44611647
File: 1.56 MB, 991x1720, 103297455_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44611667

You'll be well taken care of. She makes bank off royalties.

>> No.44611694
Quoted by: >>44611800

Technically, Tamamo was introduced to the Fate series before it became gachashit.

>> No.44611703

Sometimes i think doxing official gacha artists to mental breakdown and suicide isn't a bad idea.

>> No.44611719
File: 489 KB, 705x803, big-floof-big-ears-and-a-big-heart-v0-xqawa7rxi9v81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44611800
File: 907 KB, 2046x1447, 1692612592596668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the remake.

>> No.44611803
Quoted by: >>44611957

Man it sure is a good thing there's no one around to exploit such a blatant and debilitating weakness!

>> No.44611807
File: 314 KB, 720x1200, RuJg1Sh9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44611842

>> No.44611842

it's weird how sometimes she's not in spider form

>> No.44611846
File: 685 KB, 1024x768, b2df957bcedcb9d12b5f8955c0e88f1d95b0e36eb523dd405d4509fd73dfaa17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44611878

Take the yurishit somewhere else

>> No.44611898


>> No.44611957
File: 116 KB, 884x1200, 96383439_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely. nobody
stop whining

>> No.44611995
File: 277 KB, 637x900, F506UiKbQAAseBg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44612016

>> No.44612000
File: 853 KB, 2894x2976, FwiuELIaIAEkyJ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i kindly ask a monster to STOP TAKING UP THE WHOLE GODDAMN SIDEWALK!?

>> No.44612014
Quoted by: >>44612057

Just jump into her tails, let yourself be carried around and hopefully you'll be able to break free by the time she walks near where you want to go.

>> No.44612016

Made for getting fat and falling in love with blind shotas.

>> No.44612033
Quoted by: >>44612116

Yeah, take the yurishit to /u/. It's not welcome.

>> No.44612041
Quoted by: >>44612077

I will fattenn up a hellhound make her a soft overfed lapdog

>> No.44612057

stinky vulpine hands made this post

>> No.44612077

She thinks she's a guard dog from hell, but look at those love handles! She couldn't even guard the refrigerator

>> No.44612080

>oomukade out on a morning jog
>heading right towards you
>no room to pass
>she diverts up the wall around you and keeps going
oh, okay

>> No.44612112
Quoted by: >>44612123

Better off as a broodmother than doing something dangerous like a guard

>> No.44612116

A little variety never hurt anyone, calm down.

>> No.44612123
Quoted by: >>44612166

guard's one of the easiest and safest jobs apart from the boredom

>> No.44612166

Not as a guard of hell it ain’t, she’s better suited to be at home while I do her job for her

>> No.44612429

I could easily be hypnotized by standard lamia with black scelera even if I prefer beast girls

>> No.44612493
Quoted by: >>44612508

I don’t like them. No subtext.

>> No.44612508
Quoted by: >>44614165

>I don't like them
>oh! what don't you like about them?
>I don't like them

>> No.44612533

I like reverse impregnation fetish. Is that the word for it? Not like you getting pregnant but a monster girl mocking you for impregnating her. Just imagine her deriding you for ruining your bloodline. That's hot.

>> No.44612538
Quoted by: >>44612658

>cut to anon and his soft hellhound wife
>Their kid cant believe that woman in the picture is her, shes way too puny to be her mom
>She tries on her old outfit, it didn't stand a change against her pixar level hips and village feeding tits at all

>> No.44612627


>> No.44612658
Quoted by: >>44612738

>fathound is telling a story about the first time she and anon met
>kid laughs at the idea of her mom dive tackling him. no way she can get off the ground with her current frame, or even push anon around
>"oh really? is that what you think..."
>fathound stares at anon with a devilish grin
>the proceeding display of strength and agility to rape anon leaves both him and their child shocked

>> No.44612668


>> No.44612700


>> No.44612709


>> No.44612738
Quoted by: >>44612758

>Thats what she thought in her head, in a dream
>Cut back to reality, anon is scratching her chin and shes stuck kicking her leg so very content
>Anon all the while has the smuggest smile on his face
>He tells her the true story
>Anon lured her in with good food then raped her after eating a raging shroom, then let her rape him for a day then raping her the next day and did that for 2 months straight

>> No.44612748

>He fell for the ol' free cock inspection trap

>> No.44612758

no, you can make the hellhound soft and lazy but you cant remove her pure muscle core.

>> No.44612776
Quoted by: >>44612807

But you got to get inspected regularly, why not just get it done for free? You'll save a lot

>> No.44612807

That doesn't explain why they have to describe every detail about my cock while the mirror in the room occasionally coughs or sneezes or makes schlicking noises.

>> No.44612825

never did, we just switch off who rapes who every other day
She is just that trusting of me and its fun to switch around

>> No.44612885

I mean it's free what did you expect me to do

>> No.44612895
Quoted by: >>44613015

let me guess, the unicorn was free too?

>> No.44612897
File: 1.08 MB, 2800x3600, A1E8E965-473E-4823-9943-8BE2AC023955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44613058

The time of apophises and pharaohs is over. Now is the time of the bug

>> No.44612965

>smug monster brat says she'll milk you dry, you should surrender to loli pussy, etc.
>spends the rest of the night making embarassing o-faces and cumming from having her anus played with and fucked
Why are they like this

>> No.44613004
Quoted by: >>44613012

chubby jub who doesn't fly so good

>> No.44613012

I bet most jubs can't even fly all that good, too horny to fly.

>> No.44613015


>> No.44613023

>she didn't fly so good

>> No.44613024

It's easier to spot and approach the male this way so they have reason to fly.

>> No.44613035

nono they get a see saw and get miss wock to jump on one end of it while they stand on the other.
With how fat she is, it's as good as flying

>> No.44613058

This girl has a lot going on, damn.

>> No.44613057

>guy runs his truck into a ditch in a volcanic region town
>he asks around for anyone that can help him get it unstuck, but all of the town's monsters are out on the seasonal hunt.
>all except for... anon's fathound.
>she's taking a nap on anon's porch. now we COULD get into /d/ tier descriptions, but lets just say she's very fat and you wouldnt expect her to be able to lift much more than a gallon jug of milk.
>the guy comes up to her and asks "do you know anybody that can help me? my truck is stuck and-"
>"yeah me."
>"yep. just give me a minute."
>'what a joke!', the guy thinks
>how could she move his truck? just walking to it alone is taking forever.
>eventually the two get to his truck.
>"so this is it?"
>"yeah, but i can understand if you cant help..."
>and she smirks, she SMIRKS! pah, at least watching her embarrass herself will be worth the trou-HOLY SHIT
>the fathound is lifting the truck over her head!
>it takes her a minute, but she gently places it back on the road.
>the guy is just standing there frozen in shock
>"so is there anything else you need or can i go back to sleep?"
>"huh? oh. y-yeah thats it. do you want anything in return or-"
>"yeah. to sleep."
>the hellhound slowly walks away, leaving the guy frozen in shock
>later, the town's monsters come back from the hunt
>group of hillbilly salamanders come up to the guy, one leans on his shoulder
>"so, ya had 'er help you huh?"
>the group bursts out into laughter
>"yeah! dont worry she got all of us like that once."
>the group walks away, the guy finally decides to drive off. this town is nuts.

>> No.44613076

>t. every boomer 30+ post portal
Literally easy prey.

>> No.44613095

if you think about it jubjubs are actually heckin cute birbirinos

>> No.44613114
Quoted by: >>44613176

Even at their horniest they don't use lingo this retarded.

>> No.44613122

which monster uses reddit on a regular basis?

>> No.44613132


>> No.44613134
File: 2.14 MB, 2480x2530, 1683022696442910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"More sacrifices to the mighty bull god."
>"Lay this man out upon the altar!"
>rough, yet petite, hands throw you down
>"Our weak kin to the east can only watch as we take what is owed to us!"
>an armored dwarf climbs atop you, spikey armor dangerously as glinting off the lavas light as she slowly exposes herself
>"Hashut! Hashut! Hashut!"

>> No.44613142

lesser succ

>> No.44613176
Quoted by: >>44613188

Chonky hornygirl shlicker shortstackerino

>> No.44613188
Quoted by: >>44613211

you could enrage a hag with that one.

>> No.44613206

I want a gremlin to beat me with a realm silver monkey wrench for using reddit on her PC

>> No.44613211
Quoted by: >>44613247

Or make her worried that you have brain damage.

>> No.44613247

oh no not a doting hag who breastfeeds me because she thinks I had a lobotomy haha

>> No.44613300
Quoted by: >>44613345

I was thinking this was going to be way more grim for a moment.

>> No.44613345
Quoted by: >>44613385


>> No.44613385

oh no, watch out! It's creativity!!

>> No.44613395
File: 11 KB, 275x142, Angry about foxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44613400
Quoted by: >>44613410


>> No.44613407

Salamanders from that dragon princess game clearly would. They'd call it an app too.

>> No.44613410
Quoted by: >>44613505

Can't be, Pyrows have social skills.

>> No.44613413

Sometimes i wish i would walk into a rift in reality and land on a non-euclidian labyrinth with a Shoggoth stalking me, always out of sight. I want her to make me feel like i'm being hunted down by something cruel while she toys with my senses, only sometimes giving me glimpses of her true body before finally revealing herself fully and swallowing me with all her love in a mating embrace.

>> No.44613468
File: 186 KB, 1216x1200, F506U2abUAAdEo_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44613746

>> No.44613505

You are correct, I was thinking about instagram or something.

>> No.44613517

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread, the /tg/ nigger thread is two pages down.

>> No.44613556

Business idea. Manticore proofing bedroom doors by making the handles look like cucumbers

>> No.44613567
File: 268 KB, 1221x2048, F5a-tb_bgAASXAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44613707
File: 3.14 MB, 2784x1529, tresspassing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44613811

The foxes have already infiltrated your home

>> No.44613724
Quoted by: >>44613744

Business idea. Fox proofing houses by imposing an upper age limit on who can enter

>> No.44613744

you make more money by harnessing foxes

>> No.44613745
File: 3.65 MB, 2480x3508, a8fbe7731a0e497f995566cce2a7c4fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jiggly slime ass

>> No.44613746

soft warm pillows

>> No.44613770
Quoted by: >>44613821

Business idea. Slime proofing houses by covering the entrances in cornstarch

>> No.44613811

>Call MGC Pest control to deal with a fox infestation
>Now I have a fox, kot and hellhound sitting on my couch eating my food and saying they can't find the pests.

>> No.44613821

You'd have to cover the entire width of the pipe to make it effective.

>> No.44613882
Quoted by: >>44613934

do not feed the foxes. they are needy, manipulative and moochers.

>> No.44613934
Quoted by: >>44613943

i fed one

>> No.44613943

expect more foxes to abuse your generosity, move into your living room, leave hair everywhere and sleep on your furniture.

>> No.44613984

better give me an endless free supply of mofumilk in return

>> No.44613999
File: 241 KB, 1000x1518, cj56xjujzpoa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44614005

>One day anon is chilling on his porch
>It's raining and this sad looking wet fox girl approaches him looking all vulnerable
>Anon decides to pity this poor creature and give her some fried tofu and a nice soft spot on the couch
>The next day she has practically made herself at home and walking around wearing nothing but one of anons tshirts and is raiding the fridge
>Anon tries to protest this intrustion but she simply strips nude and squeezes anon dry of semen and goes back to eating and watching the price is right.

>> No.44614012
File: 261 KB, 1058x870, 1637522999754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon's home becomes known as the "foxhole"

>> No.44614050
Quoted by: >>44614388

Feh. I’ll just get a chesh to annoy the foxes enough they’ll leave on their own.

>> No.44614079
Quoted by: >>44614729

>Fox dresses herself up like a maid
>Proceeds to damage her own outfit, burning the sleeves, cutting the fabric etc.
>Add some fake bandages for good measure
>Find a cardboard box, write "will work 4 food" and wait for some poor sap to fall for it
>Inevitably get adopted when she says she'll be a maid
>Has never done a chore in her life
>Proceeds to NEET on anon's couch, eating junkfood all day and just being useless.
typical fox behaviour

>> No.44614086
Quoted by: >>44614112

Oh no, he has one of the breeders in his house. Before he knows it that one fox is gonna be twelve.

>> No.44614112

Hang on a minute, by my calculations if she has 12 foxlets per litter anon will be over ran by foxes in no less than 2 years, That's literally 1000's of lbs of tofu consumption, and in a few years they will want cellphones and pretty dresses. Anon will have to start robbing banks to support that many foxes.

>> No.44614121

they can afford it. foxes make a killing off permeable condoms

>> No.44614138

Just wait until one teleports the sperm out of your balls and you need to take responsiblity

>> No.44614143

That's no issue, his lazy fox problem is a few centuries old and has a loaded bank account, makes all her money off interest and dividends. That's why she's so lazy after all, she just pays everything done.

>> No.44614146

I'm not scared of any fox, I have a large surplus of ofuda specifically designed for sealing unruly foxes.
Got em cheap in bulk from NukiMart

>> No.44614165
File: 111 KB, 1024x1024, 1435108376834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44614197

Alright you gopping little shit. I'm awake again and I'll give you an earnest answer. I don't like them because their entire way of coming to be is by parasitizing human women. "But Parasite Slime does the same thing!" No, shut the fuck up. Slime Carriers more or less live symbiotically with their hosts whereas Roper larva just dead-ass recode the woman's body into a semen milking machine completely autonomous and then start molesting her with its tentacles. Then to top shit off, the woman is at least mostly lucid and still retain human-like thoughts and behavior, so it's basically a woman getting tentacle graped by her own fucking body, even getting some tentacle bukkake going on in her mouth, on her face, etc.

I didn't want to bring it up because it almost comes off as stupidly, unintentionally against the spirit of MGE but that's more or less how KC wrote out the profile you carnal canine cavity of an Anon.

>> No.44614197
Quoted by: >>44614570

parasite slime does the same thing but roper can more effectively pull off cosplay
lil parasite slime face is cute as a button though

>> No.44614272

>our Mrs Hebi

>> No.44614328
Quoted by: >>44614488

All of this fox slander. Kitsnes are very dedicated to their husbands and diligent wives. They might require more care than your average Hellhound, but if you take the time to pay attention to her needs, she will reward you with unlimited mofu, milk and heavenly cuddles.

>> No.44614335
Quoted by: >>44614869

>Make a thread calling manticores vorefags on 4mon
>1000 replies

>> No.44614388
File: 57 KB, 579x818, FGMqOixXEAkXtpJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they wont team up to annoy (you) instead
foxes are tricksters to core. the only thing you might accomplish is getting chesh her first actual friend.

>> No.44614394

true, chesh is secretly cringe and very lonely. sad!

>> No.44614410
File: 1.75 MB, 2303x3655, F52f1AJXoAAMONC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44614411

>doesn't even go yan
>just gives Captain Anon those big sneky eyes and he agrees to at least take her to the next major settlement they come across

>> No.44614416

Pretty much this, about the only non wonderland monster that could get along with Cheshy is a fox.

>> No.44614417

her tail is pathetic, how is she supposed to cuddle up to a man? tailet.

>> No.44614431
Quoted by: >>44614442

how on earth does a snake fit on a spaceship?

>> No.44614442

see this taillet >>44614410

>> No.44614445
Quoted by: >>44614475

someone post a brown cow

>> No.44614475
File: 114 KB, 758x1086, F4c0mRyaMAASt4P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44614497

i can't

>> No.44614488
Quoted by: >>44614535

I'm surprised she let you stop brushing her tail long enough to type this

>> No.44614497
Quoted by: >>44614515

does she moo?

>> No.44614515

If you ask politely.

>> No.44614535

I don't like what you are implying anon. I brush my wive's tail out of my own volition and can stop at any time.

>> No.44614541
Quoted by: >>44614620

there is shooting yourself in the foot, and then there is sliding into a sleeping minos arms without waking her up

>> No.44614570

I don't care. I don't enjoy the idea of some fucking tentacle plant putting ovary parasites into women. Just like I don't like the idea of becoming a mother while a man because some fucking vagina with legs raped my face from an oddly moist egg on a derelict.

>> No.44614578
File: 1.47 MB, 1091x1800, FarfNSiaAAI26ul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44614653

is this a cat, bunny or a cow?

>> No.44614588

>Just like I don't like the idea of becoming a mother while a man because some fucking vagina with legs raped my face from an oddly moist egg on a derelict.
You have to admit, facehuggers are kind of kinky.

>> No.44614607
File: 41 KB, 500x375, 1otefn107qx51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44614620
Quoted by: >>44614641

Yeah but it looks so comfortable under that mass of muscle and Moo, it's obviously Liliths fault that monsters look so inviting not mine

>> No.44614638

>throughout the entire trip hebi is trying to get that little bit closer to the captian
>when they get to their destination something happens and they have to take off urgently
>with the snake still in tow

>> No.44614641

>Of muscle and moo
Hey, that's the name of my memoirs!

>> No.44614651
Quoted by: >>44614743

if anything, i'm more surprised you tolerate parasite slimes. does slime feel less penetrative to you?

>> No.44614653

shes soon to be pregnant

>> No.44614674
Quoted by: >>44614698

>Anon is a planet the realtor described as a fixer-upper
>Cockhugger-chan jumps him
>After hours of milking she finally scurries away
>Days of recuperation pass and anon regains the courage to exit his ship again
>A line has formed
>the cockhuggers were waiting patiently

>> No.44614682

how will captain anon cope with the impending fact she may become a permanent member of the crew?

>> No.44614698

That's the stuff man. Just a harem of puppy like squid vaginas that love me.

>> No.44614715
File: 665 KB, 1600x1500, CowmanCom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44614720

monster most changed by threadcanon?

>> No.44614723
Quoted by: >>44614778

locking his cabin at night

>> No.44614729

>fox becoming a neet in MY HOUSE
>the house of a fat fetishist
catastrophically poor judgement on her end.
id have left her figure alone if she was willing to do her fair share of work, but now she leaves me no choice...

>> No.44614734
Quoted by: >>44614785


>> No.44614737


>> No.44614738

Lilim probably

>> No.44614739
File: 1.42 MB, 2068x1578, 1656467804657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that thick long tongue squirming in your mouth...

>> No.44614743

It's more or less the fact that while Parasite Slimes also parasitize human women, end result is that they are more or less just an extension of her thought patterns and live rather symbiotically with her. Profile even states they can do things like errands, eliminate foreign enemies, etc. without her having to really think about it and allow the main body to continue fucking.

Ropers just more or less invade the body of a woman, molest her in their larval state against her will ( to include the afformentioned tentacle grape bukkake which gives her a powerful aphrodisiac ) and more or less makes her a half-slime/half-plant monster fully only after having sex with a human man.

I guess a TL;DR version would be like this:

I tolerate Parasite Slimes because ultimately at the end of the day the host and Slime effectively become two 'sisters' sharing the same body. You have the genki Slime and the horny human woman. Ropers I tolerate much less because their profile is written in such a way that it comes off as mid-90's hentai like Magical Woman Meruru in that the woman's agency is completely removed in favor of self molestation via tentacles.

>> No.44614746


>> No.44614748

wock and wurm

>> No.44614750

Threadcanon Lilims are practically reverse of actual lims. But I gotta say, seeing clueless anons get iseaki'd into MGE and then absolutely rekt by mamono they underestimated based on thread memes would be hilarious

>> No.44614762

Oh no, the sexy demon lady is going to wring me out because i underestimated her, how horrible.

>> No.44614778
Quoted by: >>44614864

what vessel does captain anon fly and who are his faithful crew?

>> No.44614780

The common succ on the other hand is probably overestimated by a factor of 10.
Haha don't succ me silly monstergirls

>> No.44614786
Quoted by: >>44614810

Or it turns out you're not her destined soulmate and she just tosses you into the barracks of her underlings, after blasting you with mindbreak aura that is

>> No.44614785
Quoted by: >>44614879

Firefly reference

>> No.44614810

Being in a room full of horny cute monstergirls that would rape me for 3 nights straight before finally mellowing out and start calling me hubby while taking me out on dates on the mamono realm sonds like a nightmare.

>> No.44614814
Quoted by: >>44614818

MGE upsets me.

>> No.44614817
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1080, demon lord.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44614876

oh nooo and you'll have to marry the demon lord oh noo what a travesty nooooo

>> No.44614818

That's because it's bad.

>> No.44614823
File: 421 KB, 910x910, 1870106cf12f31b590a0fb131ed05a90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Awful confident for someone without fire immunity, boy"

>> No.44614838
Quoted by: >>44614885

Awful confident for a lizard without dick immunity

>> No.44614843

They'll battle for dominance to see who gets you first.
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door, the leather club's two blocks down.
Fuck You
Oh, Fuck You leather man. Maybe you and I should settle it right here on the ring if you think your so tough.
Oh yea? I'll kick your ass!
Ha! Yeah right man. Let's go! Why don't you get out of that leather stuff? I'll strip down out of this and we'll settle it right here in the ring. What do you say?
Yeah, no problem buddy!
You got it. Get out of that uh, jabroni outfit.
Yeah, smart ass.
I'll show you who's the boss of this gym.

>> No.44614864

The fastest smuggling vessel you can find crewed by
>scurrying numerous goblin tinkerers
>a young, hyperactive salamander who's flames only come out when she feels the "flame of desire"(she insists when she demands to fuck before every big heist)
>a no nonsense harpy savage you picked up from some backwater
>and your right hand dog girl who's been by your side since day one, affectionately nicknamed chewbacca sith.

>> No.44614869

>They all embrace the title
>A mix of poorly photoshopped and expertly photoshopped pics of manticores eating men flood the thread
>A mix of good and bad acting
>That one random manticore that doesn't like the moniker, 100 posts by this ID

>> No.44614876
Quoted by: >>44614895

I will not yield to any evil demon. Especially not one that would be my wife and finally fill the hole in my heart.

>> No.44614879


>> No.44614885
Quoted by: >>44614932

>anon blindly charges at a dragonia guard because mere lizard memes
>5 minutes later he's dragged to the guard barracks and put into amazon position by a muscular dragon woman
>begs her to stop and says his legs hurt
>"what, there's 4 of my friends waiting for their turn"

>> No.44614893
Quoted by: >>44614896


>> No.44614895
Quoted by: >>44614953

Will you yield to a morally ambiguous demon with complex motivations?

>> No.44614896

zap weasel? really?

>> No.44614897
File: 221 KB, 1200x1200, F5rpepzWkAAx23u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I seriously hope you don't do this, Anon

>> No.44614906
File: 188 KB, 747x1132, 1690055704077324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear armor you faggot.

>> No.44614914
File: 378 KB, 494x616, shiggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44614937


>> No.44614918
Quoted by: >>44614930

maybe he wasn't around for the ace stuff
i couldn't count that as threadcanon

>> No.44614930
File: 137 KB, 1248x567, Plebeian fetish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, fucking Ace.

>> No.44614932
File: 108 KB, 600x714, 1554591704846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44615013

If I believe hard enough and show those dumb dragons the memes portraying them as the mere then I'll eventually win

>> No.44614937

Why is she holding that sword like a batter does a bat in baseball?

>> No.44614953

Will highly depend on those motivations and if i can set her straight on a path to good. Surely i can heal whatever wound she has kept from her past and show her a bright future as a fair ruler, and my wife.

>> No.44614995

>the cheekiest
>of the kikiest

>> No.44615006
Quoted by: >>44615039

no! anything but the Kiki with the chesh grandmother!

>> No.44615013

>quote from anon PLAPed

>> No.44615034
Quoted by: >>44615042

>Cheeki Kiki

>> No.44615039

>haha! I've inherited grandma's powers, I'll be back home in no time!
>teleports right into anon's room
>her clothes got left behind

>> No.44615042
Quoted by: >>44615051

get out of here stalker

>> No.44615051
File: 2.49 MB, 3000x4000, kiki with a gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44615103


>> No.44615103

I'd unironically let a kiki light me up with a demonic silver ak-47. As long as she takes responsibility afterwards.

>> No.44615127

imma make 'em fat

>> No.44615152

imma wrestle her into a mating press

>> No.44615161
File: 538 KB, 1118x1196, 1455079042699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44615287

What a hairy situation!

>> No.44615287
Quoted by: >>44615304

A close shave?

>> No.44615304

A bald hairgirl becomes a human woman.

>> No.44615314

So a reverse Sampson and Delilah?

>> No.44615331
Quoted by: >>44615417

You can take the hair out of the kejourou
but you can't take me away from the kejourou
you also can't take the gum out of her hair

>> No.44615397
File: 996 KB, 1272x2200, Snistra_B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44615408

>Go to MGC pancake place by myself
>Obviously single, already getting some raised eyebrows
>Ask for the 'Cutesy couples special' becaues its got the best sauce
>Yes, I tell the waitress, I am going to eat it by myself
>Entire diner goes silent
>Feel many, many pairs of eyes on me as I eat my meal for two by myself

Why have so many monster things got to be couple exclusive?

>> No.44615417
File: 323 KB, 776x1043, cheering kej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bald hairgirl
>You can take the hair out of the kejourou
Perish the thought! Kej hair is to be loved and cherished!

>> No.44615424

You are just lucky you didn't go to MGC Wafflehouse. You wouldn't have had time to sit down if they knew your were single.

>> No.44615456

Eat too fast, unicorn interrupts
>"Anon, stop! Your going to choke! Let me do the heimlim maneuver, take off your shirt!"
Eat too slowly, minotaur takes offense
Leave some over at the end, kobold slides into booth
>"Wow anon, you want me to finish that off for you? Oh, you've got some crumbs on your cheek."
Eat all of it at the right pace, pancake chef succ comes out to congratulate you
>"You really liked that huh, Sugar? Imagine that but every morning. Then we can both have some breakfast in bed... ~"

>> No.44615466
File: 541 KB, 1500x1056, F5VnDcsaMAAmlWg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh Oh. What is the Big Pharma Sabbath trade secreting this time?

>> No.44615473
Quoted by: >>44615685

Don't monster girls have a sense for that sort of thing? They could just be biding their time.

>> No.44615477
Quoted by: >>44615685

I bet MGC Wafflehouse has seen some seriously fucked up shit

>> No.44615478

>monstergirls feeling bad for you as they watch you eat

>> No.44615484
Quoted by: >>44615505

oh come on, anon can't look THAT sad while eating his favourite pancakes

>> No.44615505
Quoted by: >>44615550

He doesn't have to look sad, it's already sad watching him eat a couples meal alone.

>> No.44615537

>Anon used to just stay at home all the time
>Now he finds he likes spending his days outside.
>Going to movies, playing at the arcade, eating at restaurants, whatever
>Sure he does it all alone, and yes this is something monster girls have taken note of
>But this isn't something he dwells on.
>Even as he orders or goes to events meant for couples.

>> No.44615540
File: 260 KB, 2048x1336, D99C89A3-9721-4EAA-8CF8-ADE500C2928C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44615546

Shock weasle step aside

>> No.44615541

I used to be a shoggist, but now I'm a kikiite.

>> No.44615546

All this and I'm disappointed there isn't a single pikachu reference.

>> No.44615550
Quoted by: >>44615599

Now tell the monsters that he does it on the regular, putting a bit of money away each week to always eat the same couples meal by himself in the same spot. They would think him so lonely, it'd break their hearts.
Anon, of course, just wants to eat his damn pancakes.

>> No.44615562
File: 103 KB, 727x638, 1528006000100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder; monstergirls have a highly elevated sense of empathy. Yes, even the smug and prideful ones.

>> No.44615599

>"Am I bothered eating alone?"
>"Not really. Some people just don't end up with someone you know?"
>Eros monsters in the diner take a moment to compose themselves. A houri nearly slams her fists on her table but is barely able to stop.

>> No.44615602
File: 1.46 MB, 1240x1754, 1517780534634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big, mean looking dragongirl approaching single Anon eating his pancakes for two
>asks him what he thinks he's doing eating at a couple's restaurant, eating a couple's meal even, alone
>responds that he always eats alone and spends most of his time solitary because he likes the peace and quiet
>almost chokes on his pancakes when the scary dragon starts tearing up at him, still with a completely stone face

>> No.44615613
Quoted by: >>44615622

I'm going to take all the mean and snide comments at face value and let it ruin my day!

>> No.44615622
Quoted by: >>44615649

No wait you're meant to get off to that.

>> No.44615623

scary monster tracks you down and pins you against a wall? just shit yourself. Works everytime

>> No.44615625
Quoted by: >>44615629

imma just steal meat and eat it raw, bones and all and sleep in some corner of an abandoned building
no monster would want a savage like that

>> No.44615629
Quoted by: >>44615640

there are multiple monstergirls that match that exact savage energy
prepare to be claimed

>> No.44615640

im running from them and might end up in some hakus house or something
shivering and hungry

>> No.44615649

It's too late! I've already internalized it!

>> No.44615655

>"I uh... just never met someone, you know? Never imagined myself marired so I don't put myself out there."
>"I don't mind. I like the peace and quiet. The home can get a little lonely, so I come here."
>"Yeah, I do eat a lot. I skip breakfast sometimes, which might be why."
>"It's my birthday next week. I'm planning on treating myself to some more pancakes then. Don't tell the staff, I don't want to attract more attention to myself than I already do. I'd rather not spoil their meals."
Sad pancake anon.

>> No.44615658
Quoted by: >>44615661

I'd be the type to act the fool but hide the pains with laughter and that's gonna get a bogey bogie duo after me

>> No.44615661
Quoted by: >>44615675

I'd be the type to not act at all and keep a stone face at all times, because I'm an apathetic fuck.

>> No.44615664

You're not supposed to tell a monster girl when your birthday is. I thought everyone knew that. They'll force you along with them for a memorable day of fun!

>> No.44615674

I for one am a vocal critic of monster dress reforms in MGC that state that underwear and bikinis are perfectly fine as every day clothing.

>> No.44615675

sounds like u either gonna get a bogie, a chesh, a kakuen or all three

>> No.44615681
Quoted by: >>44615694

>talk yourself down
>say no monster should bother since you'll just drag them down with you
>walk away
Its just that easy

>> No.44615685
File: 126 KB, 1200x1200, 1601255507513-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44615699

For sure, but MGC Wafflehouse is not a high class establishment.
If the waitress doesn't rape you one of the monsters in the other booths will. Anon is gonna get scattered smothered and covered.

>> No.44615694

Just keep claiming you have someone you're interested in when you're asked, even though you don't.

>> No.44615697
File: 710 KB, 2500x580, Anon and sharks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44615726

I'm going to go to all sorts of nice resturants alone and enjoy the food without company!
I'll make sure to get a two seater every time in order to kick my feet up on the opposite chair while enjoying the quality food! If any monster asks I'll tell them i'm waiting for my human girlfriend that will never show up because she doesn't exist, they'll never be the wiser!

>> No.44615699

>Sit down
>Booth of scary, beeg monsters opposite side of the restauraunt staring at you
>Ignore them
>Waitress goes over to them
>They point at you
>Waitress comes over to you
>"Hi I'd like a-"
>Picked up by waitress
>Delivered to their table

>> No.44615703

To hell with this pancake place! I'm going out for crepes instead.

>> No.44615722

>Anon goes to pancake place for his birthday
>Sits by himself, does the normal thing
>Hums Happy Birthday to himself softly
>This was the straw that broke the camel's back

>> No.44615726
Quoted by: >>44615800

>Eventually when this supposed girlfriend never shows up, they assume you were stood up

>> No.44615727

great idea! the crepe place is functionally identical to the pancake place except for two differences:
the pancakes are thinner
and the monsters have french accents

>> No.44615731
Quoted by: >>44615763

>TFW just want to re-enact being a nerd like Avatar TLA elemental girls
>None of them are into the idea
>Dark Elementals and a Malef arrive, seeing your woes
>Offer to become your Four Fiends of the Elements and your most powerful Ally/Master
>TFW you're all but Golbez now

>> No.44615735

Perfect! Still gonna eat there alone though.

>> No.44615739
Quoted by: >>44615810

You forgot the part where you say
>I'd like a crepe
And they say
>You'd like to be raped?

>> No.44615754

Fuck crepes, they have the texture of wet paper and have no substance to them at all.

>> No.44615763
Quoted by: >>44615838

>Blond Kej cosplaying as Barbariccia

>> No.44615766

fuck that imma get a damn bacon burger with eggs, mao and ketchup with some damn fries like a true burger would

>> No.44615767

The monster girls are surprisingly tolerant of someone being single if that was the breaking point.

>> No.44615771
File: 212 KB, 800x800, 15413076933639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cupid across the restaurant brutalizing her beret in frustration as she witnesses such a sad display

>> No.44615780

>on page 10 for over 12 hours now and not even the last thread in the catalog
Holy crap /jp/ is slow today.

>> No.44615796


>> No.44615798

>The Pancake Man is an infamous, high-budget, monster tragedy movie
>The critics say that its a deep dive into the human psyche, and about the fragility and sadness of the human condition, and what being lonely is truly like.
>Highly controversial, banned in some countries for being too sad.
>Is known to cause local tissue shortages whenever it is aired
>"Every bite a bite of sadness, of sorrow, of a kind of mindset that destroys a man." is what the critics say
>You just see three hours of anon eating pancakes

>> No.44615800
Quoted by: >>44615820

>concerned manager gives you a free dessert as a gift
And they were never the wiser!

>> No.44615805

/jp/ is healing...

>> No.44615810

the really insidious part about this is that they can handwave their obviously intentional misinterpretation as a language barrier
the french accents have a purpose

>> No.44615818

You want crepes?

>> No.44615820

For now. They'll catch on sooner or later.

>> No.44615831

But... what kind of pancakes?

>> No.44615834

>the entire film is three hours of Anon narrating how much he loves pancakes and is completely fine being alone
>The monologue while he's pouring syrup is known to cause monsters to go into a catatonic state as he comments on the happy couples and comes to the conclusion that he doesn't need another soul to be happy
>The subplot of the mamono waiter he winds up rejecting because it would get in the way of his isolation and that he doesn't wish to take a wife when he doesn't have any excitement to spare was actually known to cause cupids to hospitalize

>> No.44615838
Quoted by: >>44615890

>Chuuni Lich and Ghoul pretend to be Scarmiglione

>> No.44615846
File: 3.23 MB, 1714x2150, 0c2c3fd6560a7fb522ee6491afc9efd2e3ff0b4541845915a74cf7e93844b5c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new one, I think.

>> No.44615870

The director's cut has a scene where The Pancake Man sees he has a missed call from his childhood friend, and decides not to call her back.
He figures it can't have been important, and they haven't spoken in so long that she wouldn't know him anymore.

Needless to say, this is not the version shown in cinemas

>> No.44615869
Quoted by: >>44615920

>Another Anon, having never seen the movie or even being aware of it, sits alone at the same pancake place

>> No.44615884

>Needless to say, this is not the version shown in cinemas
That's fair, that would even make me angry.

>> No.44615890

>Umi-osho as Cagnazzo

>> No.44615918
Quoted by: >>44615943

>"alright, what happened on the twelfth? how did the entire interior get destroyed"
>the manager goes onto explain this one anon kept coming in once a week to get pancakes all alone
>one day he came in, ordered his usual, sat down, and put a candle on his stack
>the moment he started humming happy birthday everyone went into a frenzy trying to claim him for themselves.
>he managed to escape, unfortunately
>the boss is sitting there bawling her eyes out

>> No.44615920
File: 122 KB, 848x1200, wight look down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that was why 24th and main was locked down until the mamono stopped rioting after the MGC SWAT team extracted him...
The part that got it banned in some Mamono realms and even some Eros centric order territory was the scene where one the baker mamono that he see's every morning to pick up his morning pastry offers to give him a two for one deal if he'll pass over his number. Only for the pancake man to politely refuse stating that he's not interested in that kind of relationship at this point in his life. He internally justifies that while Ms.Troll is a wonderful women and would make some lucky man very happy he just isn't looking for a relationship, he gets enough excitement everyday enjoying good food and a quiet life.

>> No.44615943
Quoted by: >>44615976

>Pancake anon was never seen at that place again
>They say he just makes pancakes for himself at home now.

>> No.44615944

>by the end of the movie the entire audience of monsters is in shambles
>ends off on the line
>"ive thought about finding someone once or twice... but im just too simple, i wouldnt want to disappoint anyone"

>> No.44615960
Quoted by: >>44615965

It's September and I have my window open at night in a nordic country. Still doesn't feel chilly or cold.

>> No.44615965

It's fucking cold in Ireland but I don't hear the banshees wail.

>> No.44615976

>anon's childhood friend worked at the pancake restaraunt
>she was just happy to see him come in every week, even if it broke her heart to see him sit alone all day. no matter how many times she asked if it would be fine if she sat with him quietly.
>when he didnt show up for his usual the other employees had to console her
>now she's on paid leave, putting up missing posters everywhere and going door to door trying to find him.
>she isnt even looking to force him into a relationship, she just wants to make sure he's ok and to eat pancakes with him.

>> No.44615982

>And right behind him is a ghost that's been stalking him the whole film, she was there at all times
>Also when anon is seen talking to himself there is some static
>He thinks that the ghost is but his own delusion

>> No.44615981

das cute

>> No.44615990

>post credit epilogue where pancake anon is visiting his mother and he's enjoying some homemade pancakes
>she asks him if he's found somebody yet
>he mentions that he's found some good women but he isn't interested in anyone particularly since he doesn't have anything that interests them
>she tries talking him into meeting up with his old friend who monsterized recently, saying she's been asking about him even before she turned
>he refuses while his mother looks on dejected
The actor who played pancake man had to go into hiding for his own safety thanks to his stellar acting

>> No.44615994
Quoted by: >>44616011

What kind of monster is the childhood friend? This is important.

>> No.44615995

Incidentally the actor is also single and isn't interested in a relationship

>> No.44616011
Quoted by: >>44616034

intentionally ambiguous so you can decide.
maybe its a goat cashier, maybe its a lamia chef, maybe its a fox waitress.

>> No.44616034
Quoted by: >>44616071

>the ambiguous childhood friend character becomes a stand-in for every lonely monster
>pancake anon fansites have entire sections dedicated to childhood friend fanfiction and roleplaying
>the more deranged monsters believe themselves to be the character
>some make a habit out of visiting restaurants every day, ordering a single coffee and waiting for hours for a single anon to come by and get some pancakes

>> No.44616043

I loved his monologue in the third act
>I've... seen things you monsters would not believe
>Girls asking me for my number, though they know I'm just a client
>I've watched waitresses ask me to the park, but I politely ask them to take my plate.
>All those moments will be lost
>Like syrup down the sink
>Time to dine

>> No.44616071

pancake man x reader
pancake man x druella
pancake man x childhood friend
pancake man x pancake alp

>> No.44616079

All I'm getting from this story is to get the food to go and eat in the car for safety and concealment

>> No.44616083
Quoted by: >>44616095

but then you have nowhere to run when that permavirgin kot finally goes into heat and tears your car door off.

>> No.44616088

>leave the well lit and populated restaurant to walk down a long, dark, empty parking lot with plenty of cover to lay in ambush
congrats on your marriage anon

>> No.44616095

>Anon gets safari'd by the Jinko hag

>> No.44616103
Quoted by: >>44616116

Now they'll assume that you're too depressed to even eat in public, you're only making them worry more.

>> No.44616105
Quoted by: >>44616112

well imma just not mention the fact that I'm single at all, and sleep in a nice comf bed and try not to show how empty I might feel, coming home to no one at the door

>> No.44616112

Hope your windows are locked, they can smell loneliness

>> No.44616113

>So, you like pancakes do you pancake man?
>Well, have all the pancakes in the world!
>Wakes up every morning to demon in nude aside from apron carrying a plate of his favourite pancakes
The good, TOTALLY CANON, ending

>> No.44616115

What does loneliness smell like to them?

>> No.44616116
Quoted by: >>44616132

>I just don't feel like I should take up space in the restaurant since it's just me. They can serve more couples and make more money that way!

>> No.44616119

I am 26 and perfectly able to take care of myself

>> No.44616127

they could probably tell from the eyes bereft of life that I have

I'm 22 and am not able to take of myself

>> No.44616132

>Hellhounds, succs and other horny monsters pressing themselves against the restauraunt window is ruining the view for the other patrons! I'll just eat cold pancakes at home...

>> No.44616147
Quoted by: >>44616154

>tfw no big american cheshs to fuck with you

>> No.44616149
File: 519 KB, 715x1000, 1598881588146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44616242

>A world where a fat girl is just one with big fat tits
>It's not the one I live in

It's not fair

>> No.44616154
Quoted by: >>44616207

>try to leave for work
>american chesh is sitting infront of your door eating a burger, you cant open it.
>try to leave through the back door
>instead met with her "double wide back door"

>> No.44616159

Depressed anons get arrested and sentenced to stressball duty for hags

>> No.44616178
Quoted by: >>44616191

>Oh no I've gotten arrested. I've inconvenienced all these officers who were better off chasing actual criminals

>> No.44616191

>anon shortly before getting squeezed and squished by a big hag

>> No.44616195

Eat out your hag neighbour's ass, and you can take a bite out of crime!

>> No.44616207

>Tfw you finally satifsy her , you stumble to your work
>She keeps messing with, using her massive ass to give you assjobs
>Suddenly frenches you when you turn your head to see something at your side, usually her anus
>When you come back home, your smothered in XXX lbs of American made Cheshire

>> No.44616217
File: 900 KB, 960x1280, b1315320ada90091125ceaf7a49267da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44616225
File: 650 KB, 1262x869, breakingthelaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44616243

>Knock Knock Anon
>Why are you eating alone in your car?

>> No.44616237
File: 153 KB, 816x1500, danger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44616263

Damned lactose demons

>> No.44616242
File: 982 KB, 860x1181, 1667931526004141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44616295

life is so cruel

>> No.44616243
Quoted by: >>44616276

Your choices are either roll up the window and keep eating or demand to know what you're doing wrong like a sov cit

>> No.44616263

Gotta say, the bull demons sure do look a lot different now...

>> No.44616276
Quoted by: >>44616447

>I anon y mous a man of FLESH AND BLOOD Revoke Reject and Rescind all claims of the demon lord and her maritime courts. I am a Sovergin of the land and representing the corporation of ANON Y MOUS therefore without any-
>Yeah yeah got it sir, you were travelling, not driving. Now what I am about to do to you is not rape, it's one-party consent sex

>> No.44616295
Quoted by: >>44616300

Ah, concerned looking monster girls! My weakness!

>> No.44616300

shes concerned youre not currently being smothered in tits and ass

>> No.44616317
Quoted by: >>44616350

I bet this is required watching for cadet cupids

>> No.44616350
Quoted by: >>44616363

The viewing of such intense training material jumps the washout rate up by 50%.

>> No.44616363

what's a cupid dropout do for a living?

>> No.44616366
Quoted by: >>44616376

make lovey dovey fanfics.

>> No.44616367
Quoted by: >>44616376

eat hot ramen all day and watch cheesy romance flicks

>> No.44616376
Quoted by: >>44616391

Private, extralegal matching. They join a PEC (para-eros company) and do unsactioned operations for money. Lonely dragons, impatient tanukis, and Pharaohs with NEET daughters are their top customers.
Alternatively they become shut-ins and do >>44616366 >>44616367

>> No.44616391
Quoted by: >>44616471

>dark cupid freelancing for the fallen god

>> No.44616447

Being a lolberg would be fun in MGC.

>> No.44616453

im going to grope miss officer

>> No.44616471

>hathorite cupids

>> No.44616473

Follow anon around, he can fix her probably.

>> No.44616485
Quoted by: >>44616530

im going to fall asleep in ms hakus biology class
and she will not use my body as a teaching aid

>> No.44616530

>monster biology class
>called up to the front with your highschool sweetheart to demonstrate a mating press for all the single boys and girls

>> No.44616544
Quoted by: >>44616557

>you get a C because she didn't get pregnant
i knew i should've yelled get pregnant

>> No.44616557

it was a group project so you both get a c

>> No.44616565
Quoted by: >>44616580

>tfw i ask the teacher to help me since i don't have one

>> No.44616580

Teacher is married, Anon. Otherwise she would never get any teaching done, hitting on all the single guys. You're supposed to use what you learn watching on your crush.
