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File: 783 KB, 2894x4093, O5feK7lI_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44218088 No.44218088 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>44220376

Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html

>> No.44218093
File: 454 KB, 728x1035, 1635170505317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44218100



>> No.44218100

>Anon gives a hellhound fried tofu
>'Anon are you dumb?'

>> No.44218104
File: 640 KB, 721x1145, 4ac9d4dddeb2760ebd58378de3586371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no good and evil. There is only weight, and those too weak to lift it.

>> No.44218113

We are facing a fox burger epidemic

>> No.44218115

>Suplexes Anon and earns a glare from Nurse Uni

>> No.44218116
Quoted by: >>44218504

I want to have sex with fit undead, but pear shaped undead little girls are fine too

>> No.44218117
File: 853 KB, 1500x1600, 1528152000230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44218218


>> No.44218183

>Subject: Anon
>current experiment proves that physical contact is difficult, if not impossible, for a human to ignore
>while engaged in physical contact, Anon has said my name eleven times more than he would on a typical day
>physical contact has also increased his heartrate and perspiration
>my own arousal has also increased as a result of this contact
>more study is needed

>I don't know what I did, but please stop practicing your wrestling holds on me!

>> No.44218218

>"Diogenes please, we don't need thi-"
>Slaps a Bunyip on a table
>"BEHOLD! A kitsune!"

>> No.44218289
File: 114 KB, 800x401, impostermofu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your fox wife actually a fox or something more sinister.

>> No.44218306
File: 337 KB, 1566x2334, F2lUgsWW8AAXLyF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44218320

How come jobless reincarnate had so few monster girls? Are they just too much for people?

>> No.44218324
Quoted by: >>44218567

It turns out that "Identifying Mofu" actually IS required reading for a reason.

Sorry Anon, it looks like your starting point is out in Muscle Country instead of the Greenrealm

>> No.44218504

>pear shaped undead little girls are fine too
I want to assault big loli lich butt in positions impossible for a girls that don't levitate

>> No.44218509 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 337x580, 1665684843801824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff danuki breath!

>> No.44218544

I also wanna molest danuki ears

>> No.44218567
Quoted by: >>44218583

That's fine. Surely they'd never start me off with anything more than I could handle.

>> No.44218583

I hope you know how to combo.
Because there will be no tutorial.

>> No.44218633
File: 602 KB, 1000x1249, b608948d09c8f528d8eaf39b1cb63bd074e135d94ba5fea053cdf985f80f305a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44218802
Quoted by: >>44218916

How does she hide or explain the eye flames. Next chapter of scarred prey when.

>> No.44218916

>scarred prey
lol. reads less like a mg fic and more like a /pol/ one

>> No.44219044

How do you feel about centaurs and centaur-like mamono? Yay or neigh?

Assume a proper 4-legged centaur, not those biped deviations.

>> No.44219058
Quoted by: >>44219068

fuck off

>> No.44219068

No, no, anon. It's "fuck on". Didn't they teach you that at the Mamono Academy of Intercourse?

>> No.44219078
File: 211 KB, 908x1000, qeX1m15e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44219236

My wife found out about orbeez the other day and she's already ordered 200 gallons of the fucking things.

>> No.44219093
File: 140 KB, 1135x1200, Bicorn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're nice. i'd like to ride on my wife

>> No.44219101
Quoted by: >>44219112

Don't engage with the attention whore

>> No.44219112
File: 168 KB, 1086x899, Bicorn46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44219121

i will do whatever i want

>> No.44219120

How do you hold onto her when you ride on her back?

>> No.44219121
Quoted by: >>44219127

>image gallery archive filenames
>retarded behavior
Name more iconic duo

>> No.44219127
File: 438 KB, 1450x2048, jpocslju0xda1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44219242

you don't have to make up a category of people i belong to to get mad at. you can just say you don't like me

>> No.44219183

I don't like centaur. They are too horselike. I know people say the top half is human so it's okay, but it's not the top half I am poking with my dick.

>> No.44219197
File: 426 KB, 944x1100, Devil_Bug_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>getting some good fast food from kanabo burger in MGC
>nice oni service wave bye at me as I leave
>suddenly I smell something AWFUL and hear this buzzing as I'm going to my car
>Devil Bug emerges from behind the restaurant, specifically the alley behind it full of rancid dumpsters
>she must have been diving in garbage as bugs do
>"Heyyyy cutie~" she says
>recoil instantly away from her like I've seen a ghost
>"You're not greedy like most humans, right? How about share some of that delicious beer burger with me like a gentleman? I'm starved!"
>shake my head no
>she starts laughing and I see a purple glow in her eyes
>"That's the way it's gonna be then, hmm? Fine, then I'll just have to change your mind by finding you and raping you, no matter where you run! Guess what, hot stuff? I just mana marked you! NOW YOU'RE MINE!"
>jump into my car and floor it mindless of whether I get a speeding ticket or not
>fucking Devil Bug pointing and laughing at me as I leave, I swear you can see the green stink lines rising off of her
>she's fucking disgusting and filthy
>now I'm mana marked by her
>no matter where I go, no matter where I flee, no matter how far I run and no matter what I do to fight back I'm basically destined to get raped by her now, she'll find me and get me

>> No.44219232
Quoted by: >>44219275

dump her in a bath, pour in a bottle of holy water, sprinkle in some moth dust, wait an hour

>> No.44219236
Quoted by: >>44219247

>we'll dump them into the pharaoh's oasis, sucking up all her water and forcing her to grovel at my tail!
>Anon points out that it might not be easy to dump hundreds of thousands of orbeez into the oasis in the middle of the pharaoh's city without being detected
>apophis confident that she can fool the guards by wearing a neon vest and a hardhat

>> No.44219242
Quoted by: >>44219254

i like you anon

>> No.44219247
Quoted by: >>44219270

>why don't we just go for some steak instead?

>> No.44219254
File: 301 KB, 1365x2048, e8ptdxw8o2881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon

>> No.44219270

>Anon takes his apophis to her favorite hibachi restaurant to "finalize" her plans
>knows that she gets so intrigued by all the cooking theatrics that she'll forget her scheme by the time she's done with her meal

>> No.44219275

>wait an hour
what happens?

>> No.44219276

Hi all, I have a very good lamia friend who is far more hip and cool than I am. She's usually using language i don't understand, but that's fine. Today she was going on about snex with a friend who I haven't meant called Chloe Aker. I assume this is just some app or something, but does anyone know what snex means?

>> No.44219277
File: 299 KB, 1973x1865, 1650386952030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have long since fallen to the perverse temptations of horsepussy. I would jackhammer away at a centaur's horse half for hours.

>> No.44219292

You know, I'm not sure if horse ass looks like that.

>> No.44219295
Quoted by: >>44219353

Yes yes very impressive, you didn't forget to take off your name while replying to yourself

>> No.44219311

Silence of the Lambs

>> No.44219321
Quoted by: >>44219330

Don't have a cow man

>> No.44219330
File: 127 KB, 947x942, 1688933824192927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44219477

Cow has me.

>> No.44219331

It's bear girl sex time.

>> No.44219333
Quoted by: >>44219354

that's odd they should be softly bleating in their sleep at this hour

>> No.44219341
File: 187 KB, 2000x2003, 080cb44588028700beadc2f1369713b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44219343

Lamb has been silenced

>> No.44219343

beware the wolf in sheep's clothing...

>> No.44219352

beware the werewolf wearing a weresheep wool sweater...

>> No.44219353

Missionary sex. Leg locked missionary sex with cait sith.

>> No.44219354
Quoted by: >>44219371

thats because they've all gathered round your door and window

>> No.44219365
File: 318 KB, 1200x641, sheeple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does a weresheep go to get her hair cut?

The baa-bers

>> No.44219371

w-why are they doing that

>> No.44219381
Quoted by: >>44219384

They want you to count them.

>> No.44219383

Just commit suicide, she can't get you when you're dead.

>> No.44219384


>> No.44219392
File: 545 KB, 1100x1540, d0e260f984b9d8b4f68705d2cd604d13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheep hours. Post your sheep.

>> No.44219396

they know you've been having sleep issues anon, they want to help you, just let them in

>> No.44219401

>just punches her problems instead of using magic or trickery
>lost her key? punch the door
>heart burn? punch her chest
>fumbled a cute anon? punch a mana marker into him (from a distance(so he doesnt get hurt))
>pushing a pull door? punch it into a push door
>portal wont open? punch it until it does
>anon still rejecting your advances? punch a rage shroom until the spores have been inhaled
>no hammer? punch the nail in... and through the board
>that one bit of hair that just wont go down? punch it... regret.
>finally cornered anon into a dark alleyway with no escape? punch pelvic bones together, repeatedly.
>earth side hospital wont let you in? punch the... oh. no need to punch for this problem.
>give birth to the cutest little fox you've ever seen? brain neurons are punching together to produce the happy chemical
>a little too excited that night and anon is looking cute? punch pelvic bones together, repeatedly.

>> No.44219412
File: 332 KB, 750x817, BeMd4TG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong to use smol sheep as onaholes?

>> No.44219417
Quoted by: >>44219420

Yes, at least take them out to dinner first

>> No.44219420

Don't forget dessert!

>> No.44219449

sleepy sheepie

>> No.44219454
Quoted by: >>44219470

miss sheep is in of a shearing

>> No.44219462
File: 1.29 MB, 2580x1839, I AIN'T NO FORTUNATE DAUGHTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno why I drew this.

>> No.44219470
File: 432 KB, 1100x1540, e0c816f70eaa03769cf0bf9c6608a2fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44219472


>> No.44219477
File: 991 KB, 1838x1269, beeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44219487

I belong to cows

>> No.44219482
Quoted by: >>44219703

I can't tell if there's some deeper meaning, but I feel her on superficial level.

>> No.44219486

but she was so woolly...

>> No.44219487

The Milk Lord posteth!

>> No.44219507

I agree. No seriously, be yourself. IMAGINE-tier succs are so fucking rare I hate it

>> No.44219516

sheep gotta get sheared, ain't healthy to be lugging all that around

>> No.44219527
Quoted by: >>44219550

>tfw no tiny 4ft succ to pick up and carry away

>> No.44219531

>woolhound has to endure the same joke every time

>> No.44219536
Quoted by: >>44219557

>TFW no small titty succ GF
If you're reading THIS, Demon Lord, this is a joke post

>> No.44219550

>anon scoops up succ off the street
>proceeds to get chased down and beaten up by her father

>> No.44219551

Good. Tiny succs should join the sabbath or accept they are obsolete.

>> No.44219553

imagine bluebeaning your own daughter like that

>> No.44219557

I'll take the small tiddy succ to live out my breast_expansion fetish with her being the test subject

>> No.44219566

>I know people say the top half is human so it's okay, but it's not the top half I am poking with my dick.
Literally the only reason why bestiality in general is looked down upon is due to the fact that consent is dubious at best. If animals were as intelligent as humans and were as down to fuck as monster girls are nobody would give a fuck about what you stick your dick in.

>> No.44219568
Quoted by: >>44219593

everyone always forgets about the dads

>> No.44219570
Quoted by: >>44219588

>Daughter pouts
>Wife finds out, tells Dad he isn't getting any blowjobs for a week even she knows she's lying and makes him take the loli back
>The men layer become barbecue bros
Good end.

>> No.44219587
Quoted by: >>44219628

Nobody here is trying to fuck animals that don't talk back but okay.

>> No.44219588
Quoted by: >>44219649

I imagine young monstergirls would especially take poorly to being bluebeaned, considering there's not enough men to go around and there's so many husbandless hags.

>> No.44219593
Quoted by: >>44219609

>breeders face when her father doesn't approve of their plan to turn his daughter into a "broodmother" and not bother with the kids

>> No.44219594
Quoted by: >>44219628

Oh, okay. And here I was thinking it was because it's disgusting.

>> No.44219608

Is this canon or fanmade?


With KC blackout I dont know anymore. I read ugly rumors that he closed off MGE to a few.

>> No.44219609

>having to raise your granddaughters because their dad is a breeding freak and their mother is a yes-monster
man continues to be the true monster in MGE

>> No.44219615
File: 219 KB, 1080x1086, Screenshot_20230802-133412_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sabbath and those who like it are disgusting!
>Sees this Bapho or one similar

>> No.44219618
Quoted by: >>44219627

I don't know why you think it's canon when it's clearly made by that guy who makes MTG redraws.

>> No.44219627


Magic the gathering?

>> No.44219628
Quoted by: >>44219652

That's exactly my point. Anon is averse to fucking a centaur because "b-b-but it's just a horse."
This perception stems from a morally-driven viewpoint which would not exist if horses weren't dumb animals.

>> No.44219630

Do not cum in Bapho pussy.

>> No.44219631
File: 154 KB, 851x1200, Kamaitachi_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have three seconds to explain why you aren't fucking a trio of kamaitachis RIGHT NOW.

>> No.44219632

She's flossin the vulva

>> No.44219636

i dont have to explain shit. WHERE ARE MY MAMAITACHIS?!?

>> No.44219637
Quoted by: >>44219770

>I read ugly rumors that he closed off MGE to a few.
While bunkerchan is not the best place to find true info I think at this point we can confidently say if he gives a fuck about anyone it's not us or even his patrons(unless the money stops flowing).

>> No.44219639

Yeah, he redrew some of the card art with MGE girls, I don't feel like looking for examples right now though.
I believe in monogamy.

>> No.44219643

Havent found a trio made up of tall muscular ones.

>> No.44219648
File: 104 KB, 635x903, taur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44219659

Why stop at three?

>> No.44219649

Yeah, that little succ was living the dream. That her dad tried to take her back shows a deep lack of cultural understanding or overdeveloped Dad Instincts.

>> No.44219650

I'm celibate.

>> No.44219652
Quoted by: >>44219670

I am not sure if I am reading this right but if you mean >>44219183 it is very much because I do not want to fuck actual horse vagina.

>> No.44219654

They aren't real. Also, the little one needs to be stacked like pancakes.

>> No.44219659

>MGE hates cucks
>MGE loves cuckhorse
Im so confused.

>> No.44219661
Quoted by: >>44219672

Imagine what she'd tell her friends
>that's right, he grabbed ME and I didn't even have to seduce him

>> No.44219665

On the other hand, you dont want some random unshaven loser to just carry your little princess off and take her purity in some smelly back alley. You're supposed to be a good dad and vet her suitors

>> No.44219670

>I do not want to fuck actual horse vagina.
Again, this perception stems from a morally-driven viewpoint which would not exist if horses weren't dumb animals.

Which non-human pussy would you stick your dick in anon? Because if your answer is none then you're barely a monster girl fan. You just like cute anime girls with ears/tails/horns attached.

>> No.44219672

>"Lucky! I have a fiancé but my dad says I can't get married until I'm twelve."

Fate wouldn't let anyone she wouldn't be happy with hook up with her. Parental verification not required.

>> No.44219673
Quoted by: >>44219695

That's the thing, monstergirls can detect intent directly and vet people better than you ever could.

>> No.44219674
Quoted by: >>44219696

A lot of men likely aren't ready for what happens when you have a family with a species likely to produce msgks (which is the vast majority of the species in the encyclopedia)

>> No.44219686
Quoted by: >>44219762

>>"Lucky! I have a fiancé but my dad says I can't get married until I'm twelve."

>> No.44219687

>Which non-human pussy would you stick your dick in anon? Because if your answer is none then you're barely a monster girl fan.
Tell me anon, which monster girl aside from horses have a non-human pussy jn the first place?

>> No.44219688

Cait. But the legs are a requirement.

>> No.44219689
File: 707 KB, 2048x1690, F2XcALsawAAW066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember his Masticore, Delver of Secrets evolution line, Smothering Tithe being a Creeping Coin titty-smothering, and some others assorted Ravnika guild girls, like these cute clowns. He also draws MonHun monsters as monstergirls sometimes.

>> No.44219695
Quoted by: >>44219714

>le fate
then by that very fate he'll work his ass off and earn my approval first.
It works both ways

>> No.44219696

A what now

>> No.44219699
Quoted by: >>44219708


>> No.44219703
File: 32 KB, 779x639, Lich794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I need to get this out of my system. "Just be yourself" is one of, if not the most worthless "advice" people give. If you hear someone say it, it's because they're too stupid or apathetic to tell you anything worthwhile. Now the most infuriating thing is that it actually is good advice in certain contexts, and makes much more sense if you rephrase it: "don't be fake". Improve yourself so you become someone you want to be. Don't lie about yourself because other people hate it and it shows you're ashamed of yourself. And never use "being yourself" as an excuse for being complacent and lazy.
Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.44219708

Do we actually know that for sure?

>> No.44219712

>which monster girl aside from horses have a non-human pussy jn the first place?
Lamia, mermaids, harpies, slimes, alraune... there are plenty of them, what the hell kind of question is this? If you're seriously asking this then your monster girl tastes are extremely tame and boil down to exactly what I stated earlier.

>> No.44219714

>Stubborn human man forces daughter backed by the rules of nature to elope
Anon, you're in culture shock! Snap out of it or you may not see your daughter until your grandchildren are born! That won't be long, but still!

>> No.44219718
Quoted by: >>44219731

Any holes a goal.
I like when anons go mask off and remind me of who is posting in these threads.

>> No.44219730
Quoted by: >>44219778

Should be a MG telling that to a human woman. MGs are built for pleasure and seduction, so I assume this situation wouldnt happen among them.

>> No.44219731

>I like when anons go mask off and remind me of who is posting in these threads.

>> No.44219762
Quoted by: >>44219876

Young monsters talking amongst themselves must be super interesting.

>> No.44219770
Quoted by: >>44219799

Bunkerchan is actively in a state of decay to begin with so the information gleaned from them is nebulous at best.

>> No.44219772
Quoted by: >>44219883

>I dont know anymore.
ask the liaison about it. That's his job.

>> No.44219778

It could, just not forever. A flatty in the Milklands could still encounter some issues finding a man, I think. It might be that she'd get desperate and suckes into a harem arrangement before anything else.

>> No.44219799

And we are ascendant
>a game
>all the writers
>more than four posts a day

>> No.44219802

Im at a loss for words. You're brazenly admitting you havent read a single profile for any of those girls

>> No.44219805
Quoted by: >>44219812

First, he never said mge.
Second, I don't think even mge specified what vaginas they have.

>> No.44219812

Mge is default
And the setting does specify that. You'd know if you read it

>> No.44219814

mge is not default, fuck off.

>> No.44219818

Still seething your shitpost thread attempts failed, eh?

>> No.44219825

>the schizo mick is still butthurt

>> No.44219826
Quoted by: >>44219839

You're actually living proof of the anon who complained you can say something here and anons get visibly confused because it contradicts some throwaway line from mge nobody cared about.

>> No.44219839
Quoted by: >>44219848

>seething even harder
and the best part is that the you and that other guy getting upset at mge are trying to push monstergirls having animal vaginas

>> No.44219841
Quoted by: >>44219848

You're brazenly admitting you don't actually like monster girls, you just like normal girls with ears/horns/tails. If you think the default for those monster girls is a human pussy(exception for the slime since they basically mimic humans but if you're going to have basic bitch sex with something you can penetrate anywhere stop fucking responding to me) you're boring as fuck and should be talking to normies. I suggest reddit.

>> No.44219842
Quoted by: >>44219851

>We're ascendant
Not... really? A vast majority of the users that I know of on Bunkerchan are on a variety of Shitcords or post in here as well. So while it is funny to point and laugh at how their image board gets maybe 1 or 2 posts an hour spread across maybe three threads they're still pretty active on places like the MGEWiki server and others.

>> No.44219848
Quoted by: >>44219856


>> No.44219851
Quoted by: >>44219859

>actually responding to the mick
the "game" line should have been a dead giveaway

>> No.44219856

MGE doesn't matter. It's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about when I say "humans but with ___." Baby's first monster girl exposure.

>> No.44219858

see >>44219818

>> No.44219859

>I hate someone so much I'll ignore major mg stuff
Pot, kettle.

>> No.44219865

>MGE doesn't matter.
See anon, this is where you went wrong. To the person you are arguing with only mge matters. So the nidbits of lore have far, far more weight than something like... how the girls are usually drawn in all media.
What even is a human vagina anyway compared to a snake?

>> No.44219866
Quoted by: >>44219887

>major mg stuff
>some unity shitpost cobbled together from assets
You are an embarrassment

>> No.44219867

Imagine how blueballed the anons here would get if we had to get veted to get our MGs waifus. Defeats the point of the no rejection rule.

>> No.44219868
Quoted by: >>44219887

Shitty asset flip isn't major.

>> No.44219876

It's just as bad and lovey dovey as adult monsters.

>> No.44219878
File: 276 KB, 371x600, 1681696786949239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying heart shaped chocolate... And replacing them with heart shaped cheese!!

>> No.44219883


>> No.44219884

Mice love peanut butter, so consider that.

>> No.44219887

Very upset posters. Sad.

>> No.44219892

Another boogeyman mick made up, dont worry about it

>> No.44219893

Wait, is there a MGE game aside of KC's one?

>> No.44219894
Quoted by: >>44219905

We had some shitposter a while back who called baphofag the liaison to the western mge community. I found it very funny.

>> No.44219899

That's just mick trying to shill his asset flip.

>> No.44219903

No, it's micks game.

>> No.44219905

There's like four or five Baphofags.

>> No.44219907

She gets peanut butter sandwich as well, of course. But only sometimes.

>> No.44219909

mice bloody love chocolate

>> No.44219911
Quoted by: >>44219927

I don't want to name them, there has been enough of that.

>> No.44219914

there are two short fallen maidens games too

>> No.44219921

>more rpgmaker trash
Oh yeah, sign me up baby.

>> No.44219927

Yeah well I'm pedantic enough that the only one that would genuinely be considered 'The Liaison' is maybe Puuyo. AlexDoheny/A Ching Chong/Whatever the fuck he goes by on Shitcords these days is just the dude commissioning some kind of post-DOTP doujin or some shit and "Deserves to be thanked for it", or some tripe like that. When the only good reaction one could possibly have for a named waifufag is to just move on with your life and ignore them.

Unless it's GreenwormAnon. He's a real one.

>> No.44219937
File: 378 KB, 2048x1414, Baphomet1344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't tell them apart anyway.
The response was about material made by /mgt/ residents, nobody here is making a game so far. Outside of here there are a couple fan-made games.

>> No.44219946
File: 3.88 MB, 1358x870, 1690832489439242.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44219957

Did you not see it?

>> No.44219955
Quoted by: >>44219959

Why are they so adorable

>> No.44219957
Quoted by: >>44219962

This is not made by an /mgt/ anon though, this is by a /vg/ pest that only comes here to shit our thread up with nonsense.

>> No.44219959

It's a goat's nature to be smol and cute.

>> No.44219962
Quoted by: >>44219979

Anon, blind seething isn't a good look on you.

>> No.44219967
File: 507 KB, 2205x2995, RoboMilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what you've done, anon! You tried to play God and defied the natural order of things! When will your meddling cease?! Robots shouldn't produce milk!

>> No.44219969
Quoted by: >>44220090

I think the anon arguing now is the same one who said robots aren't monster girls except in mge because of the lore.

>> No.44219970

How else is she going to feed your baby after it's born from her artificial womb?

>> No.44219977
File: 277 KB, 800x800, cutecat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like cats. I do not care it is not caturday, I will catpost.

>> No.44219979
Quoted by: >>44219981

And neither is projection. You should stop doing both, honestly.

>> No.44219981
Quoted by: >>44219995

I'm just reposting mg stuff I see in the thread.

>> No.44219982

A cat is always fine too.

>> No.44219986

It's toxoplasmosis thursday though.

>> No.44219990

From the moment I understood the weakness of the flesh it disgusted me. I aspired to the purity and deliciousness of the blessed robot boobs.

>> No.44219995
Quoted by: >>44220011

stopped trying to pass that asset flip as major mg stuff already?

>> No.44220011

Wouldn't supplementing with additional assets be smart?
KC could learn a thing or two instead of posting nothing for three or four years.

>> No.44220060

aint gonna fuck weasels , they smell bad
i have sex with holy wurms instead

>> No.44220072
File: 834 KB, 2156x2272, smoking succ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just 4 u bro

>> No.44220086

>playing god
i will be god and make all monster lactacte with ease, even the lolis

>> No.44220090
Quoted by: >>44220096

Best part is the anti-robot anon will shitfit about anything beyond pure generic automaton when fact monsters aren't monolith designs and can vary

>> No.44220093

Thanks my dude.

>> No.44220096
File: 2.90 MB, 1334x2438, robobunnyseethrough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44220340

its fucking dum

>> No.44220097

Why is smoke succ so mad? I thought smoking calms you down

>> No.44220099

Smoking will make her breasts shrink.

>> No.44220126
Quoted by: >>44220156

>tfw learning blood magic causes lots of monsters to stop and try and take care of you
>all execpt one, the vampiric monsters
>they love all blood and bleed spell
>one bloody slash and the panties drop
>even in that vampire final boss

>> No.44220156

Sounds like a health and bio hazard. Imagine if one has Hepatitis?

>> No.44220157
Quoted by: >>44220787

What happens if an alraune steps outside of her flower?

>> No.44220173

thats what the others all said,but blood thorns are cool and thorns are rather sexy, same reason i like vampiric alarunes
also blood magic just is special monster magic made by vampiric monsters

>> No.44220181

The mere mention of a mamano having sex with a black man is enough to derail this entire thread but you think having sex with animals would be fine if they were as intelligent as humans. Lmao.

>> No.44220190

My uncle got a bad case of hebititis. I have 17 cousins from him now.

>> No.44220211
Quoted by: >>44220237

This is purely due to some people hating race mixing. If that was not a risk nobody would give a fuck. In basically all monster girl media they either can't get knocked up by humans or they produce more monster girls when mating with humans, not some unwanted half-breeds. Not comparable. Apply yourself anon.

>> No.44220215

>schitzo mick is shilling unironic beastiality here now
Reminder that he said he's into fucking mlp too a few threads ago lmao

>> No.44220225

OK, real talk, when the portals open, how are we going to protect Nightmares and Centaurs from the brony menace? You know those sick fucks are gonna be ALL OVER THAT.

>> No.44220237
Quoted by: >>44220247

>apply yourself
But your argument is that I'm wrong if you apply additional conditions that weren't in the original statement. In other words you're saying I'm right.

I wouldn't. Horse pussy is disgusting. Let the bronies go for them. I have no intentions of living remotely near horse pussy so I'll get to escape the bronies too.

>> No.44220238

Centaurs getting butt tattoos for their husbands? You know it’s gonna be a thing if that happens.

>> No.44220247
Quoted by: >>44220281

>I'm wrong if you apply additional conditions
False. You're the one who brought it up, I'm addressing why you're wrong. Go back to /pol/

>> No.44220253 [DELETED] 
File: 245 KB, 1500x1500, heaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a bit tricky. Now must play baldurs gate, not monster girls.

>> No.44220257


>> No.44220268

Just posting monster girls while you stagnate over drama.

>> No.44220272

>The mere mention of a mamano having sex with a black man is enough to derail this entire thread

No it didnt. It was the opposite. The thread derailment came from a misunderstood claim that a black guy in KC's game was ignored by mamono despite wanting to mate with them, which went against a core aspect of MGE. Then it was solved once the info came out the Satyros daughteru wanted to fuck his brains out.

>> No.44220281
Quoted by: >>44220294

Huh? I brought up what would occur if animals were suddenly as smart as humans. You brought up what would happen if animals were as smart as humans AND if additional conditions (what if they couldn't race-mix) were applied. Your post is in agreement with mine, if anything, because you support the idea that leveling out their intelligence wouldn't change anything by itself.

>> No.44220282
Quoted by: >>44220310

oh my god, stop fucking talking about mge shit nobody cares about.

>> No.44220283
Quoted by: >>44220297

Don’t worry, mamo mana fixes all mental retardation so those people would be cured.

>> No.44220294
Quoted by: >>44220313

>I brought up what would occur if animals were suddenly as smart as humans.
False, you added something non-comparable. You're conceding and I accept.

>> No.44220297

The only thing that can fix terminal retardition like the irish literal animal fucker is Canadian healthcare.

>> No.44220299

Anon, I'm not talking about a specific incident. My point is most people on this board and in this thread are racist as fuck and hate the idea of black dudes in MGE touching their mamano's.

>> No.44220304

I just think its gross personally, the idea of a non human pussy just doesn't do anything for me

>> No.44220307
File: 245 KB, 1500x1500, heaa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woops, this one is better.

>> No.44220308
File: 396 KB, 1600x1034, 1596234990324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like big kots?

>> No.44220310
Quoted by: >>44220320

Every single other monster girl community talks about things that aren’t mge yet you specifically come to the one that mostly talks about it. How about you just do yourself a favor and go somewhere they’ll accept you instead of being mad all the time.

>> No.44220313
Quoted by: >>44220336

Explain how what I mentioned is non-comparable. Explain how that was a concession.

>> No.44220320
Quoted by: >>44220323

Hello, do you enjoy my cait sith OC? Thank you and goodbye.

>> No.44220322
File: 269 KB, 1246x1510, 1632536677872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44220417


>> No.44220323
Quoted by: >>44220372

Nobody here does.

>> No.44220332
Quoted by: >>44220369

Auntsters shouldn't wear such revealing clothing around the house. It's not healthy for their nephews

>> No.44220336
Quoted by: >>44220352

>Explain how what I mentioned is non-comparable.
Already did. To suggest otherwise is to make the claim that what I stated about monster girl breeding is wrong. Are you making that claim anon? Are you claiming that it's commonly accepted for males breeding with monsters girls to produce halfbreeds?

>> No.44220340
Quoted by: >>44220353

that artist tried to explain that she wasn't a robot but a species that happens to look like robots.
i didn't really understand it but i'll assume something got lost in translation

>> No.44220342

>give centaur an egg
>she eats it
>harpy gives the centaur her egg
>She's about to eat it but it moves on its own
>she doesn't and gives it back to harpy after we find out it's fertilized
>snek says she still wants to eat it
I'm unsure of the meaning of this dream.

>> No.44220347
File: 349 KB, 2526x2508, F0rY33CWYAELckX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44220351

>> No.44220348
File: 2.02 MB, 1480x2800, __mershark_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_zakirsiz__44c07de45cd658d300fd7c5897a5bbe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, what are you supposed to do if she rotates you first?

>> No.44220349

Stop arguing about beastiality and blacks and whatever the fuck off topic shit with the mick, just tell him to kys and report all his posts. You can't convince completely batshit insane people who should be institutionalized with words.

>> No.44220351

What a pretty white fox

>> No.44220352
Quoted by: >>44220362

I am making the claim that in spite of males breeding with mamano producing pure mamano and not halfbreeds, people here still lose their minds about it. Anyone with a pulse can see that.

>> No.44220353
Quoted by: >>44220358

Still not a monster girl tho

>> No.44220354

>I like lamias. I think if people don't want to fuck inhuman vaginas(meaning snake body here) they just like kemonomimi at best
>"In mge they have human vaginas, move along snake fucker"
This is it. This is what you are arguing about.

>> No.44220358

that's nice, dearie.

>> No.44220362
Quoted by: >>44220373

>too intimidated to give a relevant answer to a simple yes/no question
>circular logic leading to a point already covered
So you concede. Thank you for clarifying.

>> No.44220369
File: 1.21 MB, 1595x1944, 1657549449863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44220468

Aunts need to be bred by nephews
It is the natural order of things

>> No.44220372

I am saddened by this but will keep at it until people enjoy it.

>> No.44220373
Quoted by: >>44220464

>deluded rambling
I accept your concession.

>> No.44220376
File: 361 KB, 2047x1551, F2PfRq_akAA22up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dastardly kitsune mellow out and become wholesome girlfriends or wives the moment they get themselves a man. So what are you waiting for? Date a kitsune now, go to your nearest Shinto temple and ask for any single fox girls in there. They'll even happily be your mommy or dominant breadwinner of the house.

>> No.44220380

Go away, chink.

>> No.44220383
Quoted by: >>44220673

Foxes were my entry level but I moved on really fast. i like senko still but aside from her cute personality they are bland and played out design wise.

>> No.44220389
File: 271 KB, 1383x1529, 1635594736184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44220394

kiss foxes

>> No.44220394
File: 37 KB, 480x600, 1676062412371413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even nerd foxes?

>> No.44220397
File: 535 KB, 2500x3200, F1e9lMGaEAEUS9a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44220406
Quoted by: >>44220411

I think this fox is acting

>> No.44220407
File: 512 KB, 2750x2500, F9CA195C-9BC3-474C-83DB-280A7FDD83D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44220415

The Abyss calls to me, must breed with eldritch women.

>> No.44220408

Is this general ever not overrun with schizos?

>> No.44220411
File: 148 KB, 1032x1457, 1660089277272662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove it

>> No.44220413

Naw that’s just the voices of the abyss, nothing new.

>> No.44220415
Quoted by: >>44220426

Is it even possible to have a gaunt harem? Maybe you become the creature on the back of them both, with them tied together in the center like a bondage piece.

>> No.44220417
File: 855 KB, 2520x3047, Rig Runner Cover HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame Snek for giving me a big cat fetish.

>> No.44220419

>portals open
>head straight to find wife
>find her
>sphynx cat breed

>> No.44220423
File: 679 KB, 1400x1442, 15413077852188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44220427

A shame they're so slutty. I like the valbarans more, they're cute little shorties.

>> No.44220426

Possibly where they kinda become conjoined twins, but not in a horrifying way.

>> No.44220427

What the fuck is this?

>> No.44220429
Quoted by: >>44220445

The Mick is responsible for almost all the schitzo shit and the mods have systematically refused to deal with him for the last half a year, apart from some random bans. And big surprise, the threads during the time he was banned had almost no schitzo shit. It's almost like most of the problems would be solved by deleting one insane guy who doesn't even want to be here.

>> No.44220435

Snekguy likes to do science fiction based monster girl stuff, where the Borealans are basically torn between being Space Jinkos and borderline furries. The shit in the other reply I have no idea because I avoid his furry shit.

>> No.44220436
Quoted by: >>44220447

Furshit goes in >>>/trash/

>> No.44220440

Those are both furry.

>> No.44220442
Quoted by: >>44220450

Snekguy's stuff. He's made a whole universe with catgirls at sexy aliens.

>> No.44220445
Quoted by: >>44220447

Why not just post the monster girls you like instead of false flagging and coming to a thread you hate?

>> No.44220447
Quoted by: >>44220450

I don't listen to women.

He's mentally ill.

>> No.44220450

Who the fuck is snekguy?
it feels like he shows up every night to bitch about how someome is doing monster girls wrong. It's like the maledom stuff all over again.

>> No.44220451
Quoted by: >>44220456

>The shit in the other reply I have no idea because I avoid his furry shit.
Then you're a retard and haven't read half his stories. Imagine bringing up snekguy and not knowing anything beyond 'catgirls', unbelievable.

>> No.44220456
Quoted by: >>44220460

Sorry that I have a preference?

>> No.44220460
Quoted by: >>44220480

You fucking better be.

>> No.44220464

>literal "no u" retort
Embarrassing display. You have my pity.

>> No.44220468
File: 1.31 MB, 1100x1100, 60a58838175f46d7ef4abf2fb50c06f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting drunk your first time with Aunt Mamizou. Don't have any idea how you're related to her, but she's giving you free booze so you're not complaining.

>> No.44220471
Quoted by: >>44220495

Looks like the raidfags ban evaded and are back, posting furshit and talking about some furfag artist no one here gives a fuck about.

>> No.44220480
File: 402 KB, 595x842, Gnomewaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah well, woe upon thee get Gnome'd.

>> No.44220483
Quoted by: >>44220496

I bet you haven't even read Autumn War.

>> No.44220485
Quoted by: >>44220522

ms dorome completely surpassed ms gnome in every category for me. sorry, ms gnome

>> No.44220490
Quoted by: >>44220500

I just read that one, she's a slutty psychopath.

>> No.44220495

Cry about it, gatekeeper. KC is irrelevant trash compared to Snekguy. At least Snek hasn't scammed his fans kek.

>> No.44220496

I did. It wasn't for me.

>> No.44220500
Quoted by: >>44220518

>looking up some furfag's deranged garbage
You get what you ask for

>> No.44220506

This general had a good run. Far better than most.

>> No.44220510

Well yeah, why wouldn't you be racist? What are you? An idiot?

>> No.44220514
File: 3.76 MB, 4096x3414, 110492739_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

harpy uses taunt

>> No.44220518

Okay, I didn't ask. I enjoy most of his other works.

>> No.44220520

Furry shit is a bannable offense on /jp/ don’t give up so easily.

>> No.44220522
File: 121 KB, 815x753, smugmofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I politely disagree because you're fucking entitled to have your own opinion.

>> No.44220533
Quoted by: >>44220540

Which mg is the most evil?

>> No.44220537

It's not recovered since February. That drama keeps going.

>> No.44220539

It's a good lesson for why gatekeeping is nessecary. I have full faith that if people actually practiced it when that gookboat poster first showed up we never would have gotten to this point.

>> No.44220540


>> No.44220545
File: 201 KB, 804x1200, 1525511452756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the mentally ill congregate here in such large numbers? Is this a mge thing or a /jp/ thing in general? Not gonna lie, really making me rethink my whole stance on eugenics.

>> No.44220547
Quoted by: >>44220606

it's one guy. that isn't drama

>> No.44220568
Quoted by: >>44220594

It's a /jp/ thing added with the fact that most normal people either got tired of the constant shitflinging or moved on elsewhere and left a long time ago.

>> No.44220576

Its the same across all boards.
However I agree that the more escapist and fulfilling the setting the more autism it attracts either to make it more miserable or heckle the users.
Its really a condition that such things attract mental illness and trolls like roaches to crumbs.

>> No.44220580
Quoted by: >>44220600

Furfags, cucks and other /trash/trannoids hate MGE and hate being gatekept. So naturally being some of the most subhuman and mentally ill groups on the internet, they'll also make the loudest autistic screetching when a community tells them to take their aids-infected feces somewhere else.

>> No.44220589


>> No.44220594

>switching tactics to demoralization and doomposting

>> No.44220600
Quoted by: >>44220622

I was referring largely to you and your every curse riddled and finger pointing post. It's always your posts that stand out as the most egregious of them all.

>> No.44220601

/jp/ is insane in general. Look at the idol threads and the vtuber threads.

>> No.44220606

I can't think of any reason one person would bother coming here every day without posting about monster girls.

>> No.44220617
Quoted by: >>44220650

He is clearly very mentally ill, in a sane and healthy society he'd be in an institution.

>> No.44220619
Quoted by: >>44220637

No, they dont. They might be racist, but this thread is, even among racists, is among the most wholesome. Sure, they might not want to interact with the anons of said races. But actually adherence to the MGE no rejection principle is heavily enforced and MGs are seen as girls that should be available to all men and lead them to happy lives. The people not wanted here are NTRfags, grimdarkfags and monsterboy shit. Surprisingly there is some weird sort of brotherhood of anons here, even among racist anons and anons from races they discriminate against regarding the fact that all men should get their MG waifu.

>> No.44220622
Quoted by: >>44220634

Maybe you should go back to /trash/ or whatever gay furry grooming discord you came from, this clearly isn't the place for you.

>> No.44220634
Quoted by: >>44220646

Your every post reads the same, like a bot. I'm beginning to think it IS a bot someone released on the thread.

>> No.44220635
Quoted by: >>44220650

Because he’s retarded.

>> No.44220637
Quoted by: >>44220672

I don't want niggers to get shit, retard. The only men that should exist in MGE are whites and Japanese.

>> No.44220644
File: 1.07 MB, 968x1400, Kejfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want most Anons to find their one true waifu. Barring NTRfags and actual psychopaths.

>> No.44220646

Nta but why do you even make posts like these? Everybody here already knows you and your retardation so who are you trying to convince?

>> No.44220650

That's a little harsh about some literal random, but sure, whatever. I am sure monster mana will make him smart when he gets his waifu.

>> No.44220653

weirdo narcissist, i'd guess.

>> No.44220657

Right. How about you get a name, so everyone knows who the gatekeeper savior is?

>> No.44220659

fastest monster girl thread on the site leads to people wanting in, or they think that this is a general and their discussion has to come here. Unfortunately, those people get upset with the militantly vanilla nature of the thread and try to force a change or let their dejection live rent free in their head and become habitual raiders. You just have to open any other mg thread on this site, and it won't be long until someone starts seething about us completely out of the blue. They stew out there and then come here when they boil over.

>> No.44220672

Maybe you dont. But almost everyone here agree with KC's non rejection principle. There is already a brown skinned guy in the game.

>> No.44220673
File: 1.26 MB, 1414x2000, __tingyun_honkai_and_1_more_drawn_by_meda__ddff5e18692faf71ce49731e43c2eb07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44220694

Foxes are eternal for me

>> No.44220676

Considering that i hate heat and summer i rather have undine

>> No.44220683

Don't care, MGE is about wish fulfillment and my wish is niggers, jews and chinks be gone.

>> No.44220690

let me guess, come winter you will be thirsting for an ignis. Then what's next, a wife for every season?

>> No.44220694
File: 541 KB, 1240x2000, 1635585830293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxes will always be cute

>> No.44220700

Avatar was really about finding out the ideal Elemental balance for wives.

>> No.44220707
File: 506 KB, 635x1200, 1644117429919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arranged marriages to suspicious monsters

>> No.44220709

Nope i LOVE winter

>> No.44220726
File: 742 KB, 1250x1400, 83875434_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arranged marriage to monster brats who aren't very coy about what they expect from you

>> No.44220728
Quoted by: >>44220788

That marriage contract must be a fake, but my case has gotten thrown out of every court I take it to.

>> No.44220735
File: 2.74 MB, 3200x2500, FzZXJYHacAAMuOf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44220741

>> No.44220741

oh no shes back

>> No.44220759
Quoted by: >>44220770

I want a Mindflayer to rape my penis with her tentacles.

>> No.44220761
File: 621 KB, 1400x850, pharauuuooooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44220908

Works for me. I'm not exactly coy about what I want from them either

>> No.44220763
File: 1.64 MB, 1420x1320, F2KvSB0boAA3ka5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44220773

There. I fixed a loli dragon as she is now an adult woman and not a child/minor. Now I won't be accused as a pedophile nonce!

>> No.44220770
Quoted by: >>44220786

how about she rapes it with her vagina instead

>> No.44220773

[x]return to sender

>> No.44220786

She rapes my penis with her tentacles first and then I rape her vagina.

>> No.44220787

it would be extremely painful

>> No.44220788
File: 96 KB, 896x1200, DNl9ZI5UIAAlx4H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can live with a brat fiancee but she really needs to stop sneaking into my place to eat my snacks and play my games. It's improper to be alone together before the wedding which takes place when she grows up
Just trust your parents. They picked out the perfect match

>> No.44220790

I don't care much for it. I guess from a meta perspective it doesn't matter at all. Just something for the autists to make themselves feel secure.

>> No.44220795

How would an amazon react if you showed her "Cooking with Jack"?

>> No.44220797

I don't. fuck you, you do not speak for me.

>> No.44220809

I don't know what that is

>> No.44220813
File: 920 KB, 1757x1130, its summer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you summer is great.

>> No.44220816

You'd break her anon. I doubt she'd let another man in the kitchen again

>> No.44220837

better than showing a kiki kay's cooking

>> No.44220843

It's way too fuxkkn hot
The section cup phone holder on my windshield melted into it and is now slowly dropping on to my dashboard like that Australian pitch experiment

>> No.44220854
Quoted by: >>44220885

It's currently 102 degrees burger units and It is torture. I'm staying in my NEET cave until autumn and no monster can change that

>> No.44220856

I went for a walk today in the sun at 95 burgers, it feels good to sweat so much. Acclimating to the heat.

>> No.44220866
Quoted by: >>44220898

You must live way up north if you think that, it regularly gets too 108 on a cooler day here

>> No.44220885

You live in fucking Texas or Arizona?

>> No.44220898
Quoted by: >>44220913

I live in the southern East Coast. Worst we got was some fucking Dryads trying to turn my driveway into a toll road.

>> No.44220908
Quoted by: >>44220983

>anon exchanges some letters with the Desert Kingdom's princess
>apparently she really takes a liking to him, as some time later the mighty Pharaoh sends summons to anon saying he's to be wed to her daughter
>anon is going to be a king and inherit a piece of the kingdom, awesome
>he meets the princess in person for the first time
>she's younger than expected
>a lot younger than expected, but the marriage isn't exactly a request
>yet, less than a couple weeks into the marriage the princess has convinced anon that this isn't a problem

>> No.44220911
File: 237 KB, 1500x1061, 6d439673cf09fde24086c50492d4f42c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44220913
Quoted by: >>44220984

I live in the coastal bend of Texas.
The tortoisegirls and werecoyotes refuse to leave the tall grass and their dens during the midday. Even the Lamia's don't bother coming out to sun till about 6pm

>> No.44220919

Knew it, worst state. You get terrible summers and dogshit winters.

>> No.44220922

I live in Texas and it was 108 today. I want an Ice Queen to cool me down.

>> No.44220942

Oh, my goodness; she is even more enchanting with glasses.

>> No.44220962

I hope you find a holstaur to drink her cool milk from soon anon

>> No.44220983
File: 242 KB, 663x782, Pharaoh93b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44221064

Before you marry a loli pharaoh remember that a bratty princess makes for a bratty queen. It's your responsibility to apply correction early and often, for the sake of the kingdom.

>> No.44220984

Damn, the only thing I gotta worry about are the fatass American Danukis and Ratatoskrs trying to mooch off the real animals I feed.

>> No.44220994

hot, uncomfortable, sweaty
Cool, Refreshing, Sweaty

>> No.44221016

Enlighten me again. have kitsune also been equally depicted as either shrine maidens working in Shinto temples and or upper class boss ladies who look down upon the lesser masses?

>> No.44221064
File: 779 KB, 2000x2820, F2m6C7hbUAAEOOg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst comes to worst there's always that long purple lady with some interesting ideas about diplomacy

>> No.44221067

I used to live there, my condolences.

>> No.44221070
File: 613 KB, 1243x1130, forbiddenshake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44221108

>Anon, it's your job to make sure I keep drinking this protein shake
>Even if you need to force your cock down my throat

>> No.44221108
Quoted by: >>44221125

>Yeah I can do that for you Miss Li-

>> No.44221123
File: 1.05 MB, 900x1250, 9384310de134d5fe9d306affc7d6581e65406d55f46229623afc687ba30e4860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44221229

They can be whatever you want to be.

>> No.44221125
Quoted by: >>44221145

>Should I run out of protein I will need to make use of your own
>But wouldn't it be better to just make another sha-
>Take your pants off and follow me to the rack, I need to lift

>> No.44221145

>Anon tries to tap out after the third load he shoots down Miss Lich's throat
>She keeps sucking

>> No.44221154
Quoted by: >>44221192

i've been led to believe they're sexually frustrated office ladies

>> No.44221164

Not really no. Back in about the Heian period they were depicted as assholes 9/10 times and even Tamamo-no-Mae is speculated to be the Chinese fox Daji.

Them being shrine maidens didn’t really come around until about the same time people remembered Inari was a thing and Pom Poko popularized the stereotype of them being business people.

>> No.44221192
File: 3.07 MB, 1620x2160, 1620857129768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this >>44221154

>> No.44221195
File: 444 KB, 868x1228, 1616098572535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44221229

Can they be terrifying spider ladies?

>> No.44221245
Quoted by: >>44221453

>nine tailed fox spider
>abdomen of a spider
>each tail is a leg except the actual tail
I would say yes

>> No.44221268
Quoted by: >>44221315

I have no qualms with helping an apophis overthrow a pharaoh.
I will use the opportunity to attempt to become husband to both.

>> No.44221280
File: 598 KB, 1224x936, FQ38X5iVUAMZjts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spider mofu

>> No.44221290
File: 661 KB, 1799x1223, Rock Pyrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother trying to lecture gyarus when they're not following the school's dress code. They'll just assume you like the way they're dressed or you're being tsun. They have no concept of rules or decency and will immediately tease you especially if you're a nerd or a teacher

>> No.44221299
Quoted by: >>44221319

Gonna turn pyrows into conservative, God-fearing ladies.

>> No.44221315
Quoted by: >>44221338

Honestly the idea of being the husband/master of a debased Pharaoh is pretty hot
>you are visiting the new Apophis queendom
>Walking around the bazaar, you find a semi-naked woman absentmindedly fingering herself in the middle of the stalls
>nobody seems to pay her any mind
>when she sees you her eyes grow wild and she throws herself at your feet
>she begs you to fuck her
>the other monsters just laugh and jeer her
>after peeling her off your waist one of the city guards walks up to you
>the queen declared no man of the city is to touch her, but an outsider could take her as a slave

>> No.44221317

Yeah well I’m going to tell them the 80s called and wants its fashion back.

>> No.44221319
Quoted by: >>44221350

They'll drag you by both arms into a love hotel and make a sinner out of you

>> No.44221338

The apophis pharaoh thing may have been the dumbest thing kenko cross came up with and I have trouble not laughing when people post about it.
>it's a rivalry but not really
>Big changes but not really
>coup but not really

>> No.44221350

I will douse them with holy water if they attempt that.

>> No.44221355

somebody turns off the lights and it gets a bit more bawdy

>> No.44221357
Quoted by: >>44221408

Oh come on, there's a lot more dumb stuff if you look for it. Like everything in MGE it's meant to fulfill a fantasy. It's like an always consensual non consent kinda deal, you know?
Any way, pharaohs deserve to be made into sexy nymphos, change my mind.

>> No.44221368

No, the dumbest thing he came up with are bubble slimes and siths.

>> No.44221378

sewer slime does her best

>> No.44221397

Alright fuckers, someone gimme an eldritch abomination girl

>> No.44221408

But they were already sexy nymphos. It would be less dumb if he just admitted that they aren't monsters.

>> No.44221419
Quoted by: >>44221465

Are you familiar with an artist called xelvy?

>> No.44221439
Quoted by: >>44221456

Black Wights.

>> No.44221451

It's the small, subtle difference between "I want to improve our trade network and drain my husbands nuts" and "I'm gonna fuck hubby from dawn to dusk- governance? who's that?"

>> No.44221453
File: 119 KB, 1000x1269, Black cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible monstrosities my mind refuses to comprehend?!

>> No.44221456
Quoted by: >>44223664

Brown... but yeah. They are just living egyptian wights.

>> No.44221465
Quoted by: >>44221471

Didn't they like, vanish off the earth?

>> No.44221468
File: 688 KB, 1764x2142, F1zurHyX0AA-i4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i got is this ordinary fox

>> No.44221471

I'm actually wondering if covid got him. But yes, he's gone.

>> No.44221488
File: 506 KB, 899x904, smellslikefreshkej.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44221515
File: 398 KB, 1833x1545, Hakutaku the more you know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, the dumbest shit came out of his paywalled pateron q&a session
>time traveling mamono
>insta powerups so even slimes can take down the CG
>Monsters splitting into clones of themselves if more than two people like them
and more, honestly its the most hilarious drunken spitballing i've seen for a long time. Personally I just pay it no mind, but its still funny it even exists even if it's only as a spitball to please the autismos.

>> No.44221535

>Monsters splitting into clones of themselves if more than two people like them
Fuck, I used to shitpost that this is what would happen if he ever got pushed on the no rejection rule. No way he did it, really?

>> No.44221537
Quoted by: >>44221562

Well that’s what you get for starting shit. That you got to understand these people got many entities instead them, that they aren’t like the average human being. But that’s all I’m gonna say about that before things get into off topic territory.

>> No.44221540

slimes are versatile

>> No.44221552
Quoted by: >>44221559

Sorry, but only closed-crotch panties are allowed to be displayed at school

>> No.44221557
File: 459 KB, 2296x3600, 20230711_221305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that the dark elf in journey of the magi finds a boy she likes, was sad she became obsessed with the magi. I love dark elves and I loved her, not even close to my top fav but with how subby I can be I wouldn't be shocked if I got claimed by one if the portals open

>> No.44221559
Quoted by: >>44221569

surely there's some kind of religious exemption for followers of the fallen god

>> No.44221562
File: 204 KB, 950x877, Anubis shitposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if what the anon's were posting of that q&a session were legit then yes, that is indeed what he answered
Either way its not sweat off my back, my official stance is that until it comes out in a real lore book its just a way to please the autists

>> No.44221566
File: 231 KB, 955x1500, 20230730_221943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the weirdest shit anon, and he has an easy out too. Nigger could've just said "that can't happen due to fate and Eros" easy peasy

Sidenote insext

>> No.44221569
File: 121 KB, 1088x995, Haku Hear Boob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haku would confirm yay or nae but she's busy

>> No.44221573
Quoted by: >>44221818

however, it's good to know the etiquette relating the demon-lord-giving-birth viewing so it's not completely a wash

>> No.44221574
File: 1.67 MB, 2300x2200, 20230702_225403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God that board would be filled with larpers, and dumbass dudes who get doxxed and raped by neets

>> No.44221575

It's funny just how offputting I find that, but you literally change bog to snek and I'd be diamonds

>> No.44221588
Quoted by: >>44221606

>all the anons hanging out with their clones of runya
>hundreds of runyas
>you meet up for the runya lover reunion
>But oh no!
>A single anon has wandered in accidentally!
>"Hey that's a nice girl you got there, where can I find one of her species?"
>all the runya in the room clone themselves
>hundreds of single runyas(re-virgined ofc)
>you sigh and ask the new guy how many he's willing to take.

>> No.44221596

>chelicera getting in on the action
that's the stuff

>> No.44221606

would be a lot easier if it was just some multiverse shit where each anon gets his own runyaverse

>> No.44221667


>> No.44221676
Quoted by: >>44221732

>implying the neets wouldn’t chicken out at the front door of the house
>implying I wouldn’t then open the door, drag them inside, and counter rape them

>> No.44221685

The worst part is autismos are still gonna ree over NTR since another guy’s fucking a clone of their wife or something

>> No.44221698

It is all fun and games until someone shows up with a clone of the Demon Lord.

>> No.44221711

cute slug

>> No.44221732

I want a chubby werecat neet gf who took enough raging shrooms to make a hellhound look like a pussy in order to rape me

>> No.44221737
Quoted by: >>44223527

Oh God I didn't even think about that
I wonder what the DL looks like, she's gotta be scary lookin

>> No.44221745
Quoted by: >>44221754

Gonna sell my first born son to a demon for cool powers then never have a son! The dumb blueberry won't know what to do.

>> No.44221748

What about somebody with a clone of Deruella but the original is still a single virgin because she hasn’t met her fated one yet

>> No.44221754
File: 38 KB, 454x117, Demoneyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right anon, you'll have a daughter. A demon daughter

>> No.44221765


>> No.44221769

>I will not lose to demon eyes
>I will not lose to demon eyes
>I will not lose to demon eyes

>> No.44221780

Wait a second that wasn't part of the deal!

>> No.44221784
File: 770 KB, 3418x4000, F2iOktPWUAAaLxq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make way for the goat

>> No.44221790

>can't get out of the contract until you give her a son
Oh no

>> No.44221793
File: 352 KB, 735x567, 1535511619222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon keeps laughing at his cool idea
>demon keeps "fufufu"ing at her lovable husband
>many demon daughters roll their eyes at their goofball parents

>> No.44221798
File: 256 KB, 600x771, 1675471214571402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44221844

That's not a goat

THIS is a goat

>> No.44221800

>By some miracle after first intercourse anon and demon make a baby and it's a boy
>Demon is incredibly flusters but also happy
She better start scheming again here soon

>> No.44221807
File: 895 KB, 3394x3000, 1683678737799910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but is she goat size?

>> No.44221810

I don't care what anyone says. Us humans are superior to Monsters. Their minds are weaker, and all their achievements are merely mimicries of what we Humans did long before them. Their magic is phony stuff, and any man has the potential to become just as good or even better than the average Baphomet. And what's more is us Humans have numbers over them, for there will always only be hundreds of thousands of Monsters born in a decade, whilst a few million Humans can rise in the same amount of time. Face it, Monsters, we were designed by the divine themselves in their image while you have all sorts of hideous growths and protrusions and we were destined to rule the earth and be their heralds, ruling over the land, sea and all animals as our dominion. You are just an obstacle which we will dominate and overcome.

What do you have to say to that, Monsters? Hmmm? Hmmm?! Gaze upon me and see the image of the perfect lifeform; a Human!

>> No.44221816
Quoted by: >>44222063

>Humans have numbers over them
You will be claimed by devilbugs anon

>> No.44221818
Quoted by: >>44221828

Actually with the mana cage and Chimaera lore now there actually is a good reason to wany to see the Mamono Lord give birth. That pure raw Mamono Lord Lilim birth giving mana likely mixed with the Hero too.

>> No.44221824

The demon lord is going to get a small pile of panicked letter asking for that son fix

>> No.44221828

and here i thought anon was just there for educational purposes

>> No.44221844
File: 2.00 MB, 2667x3666, 2451a1f60c81ab80cf65fbdf3d2c8395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44221992

That's not a goat

THIS is a goat

>> No.44221849
File: 1.99 MB, 1125x2054, 7334265A-3051-4672-ACB2-0F60731BA69A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to trust vampires anons. They want the best for you and will make sure that you are well taken care of. They are not trying to take over your local area and make it a demon realm full of undead. They are not trying to turn you into their personal boy toy. Just trust them.

>> No.44221858
File: 967 KB, 1412x1478, 1487456212583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>demon asks anon for directions
>he insta loses and offers up his signature
>"confused but happy demon noises"

>> No.44221871
File: 1.11 MB, 1312x1400, 1865fbf48c5ff668489aa9d467cc6ecc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile the Monsters looking at you while you rant
>"He's sooooo cute!"
>"I could just eat him up!"

>> No.44221873
File: 468 KB, 3174x2718, 1686685329669120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44221952

I'll always trust vampires
They are too dumb to plot against me anyway

>> No.44221890
File: 633 KB, 3748x3844, 1689144655869739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking you can win
>She just makes you look deep into her crimson eyes, and you don't even realize your hand already moved to sign the contract until it's too late
Sorry anon, nobody can beat monster eyes

>> No.44221926
Quoted by: >>44221945

I just don't feel comfortable losing to a vampire without my trusty dhampir friend losing with me and falling to her hunger for blood

>> No.44221933

>>Monsters splitting into clones of themselves if more than two people like them

He never said that. He said that the scenario that was presented with would not happen because a two man cant love a woman equally and neither can a woman love 2 men equally (he was asked what would happen to a monsterized human woman that is torn between 2 men she loves and each of those men loved her equally and were trying to woo her). But whatever the case, you shouldnt worry about such a man being left crying over a broken heart because doppelgangers and other MGs would rush to him.

>> No.44221934

it makes for a little humor

>> No.44221945

Of course. Who wouldn’t want to be lost in ecstasy with their dhampire wife. You pinned down by her with several bite marks on your neck as she rides you like a wild animal.

>> No.44221952
File: 2.20 MB, 3000x4338, 212F83D3-8946-46DC-9569-2DB5F4054C6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now friend you gotta know. Not every vampire is low level dummy. Some really do get up to some devious plots. You really gotta watch out for the ones that have their evil laugh down.

>> No.44221962
File: 1.58 MB, 3960x2970, 1689693760607716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a proud bloodbag for vampires

>> No.44221973
Quoted by: >>44221984

I will bully vampires by putting garlic in their wine, and playing chicken with them by sticking my leg out the door and pulling it back in

>> No.44221974
File: 82 KB, 692x968, 1547429892198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44221984

>You really gotta watch out for the ones that have their evil laugh down.
>find vampire gf practicing her evil laugh
>bully and make fun of her
>she loses evil points while in tears

>> No.44221977
File: 197 KB, 864x1080, Demon508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the portals open it'll be first come first serve, no harems, final destination for me.

>> No.44221978

I want to have a wholesome marriage with a vampire
None of that bullying stuff, just comfy love

>> No.44221984

Yeah yeah you talk big but you’ll both be bitesluts and bloodbags by the end of the week.

>> No.44221987
File: 1.57 MB, 1500x1279, 1628547403290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44222009

sorry anon, it's a bully or be bullied world out there

>> No.44221992
Quoted by: >>44222007

Draenei are one of the few western monstergirl designs I actually like. It's just a shame they're usually drawn with horsecocks.

>> No.44221996

>Monster girls constantly maintaining eye contact no matter how much you move your head away

>> No.44221997

Vampires are made for romance.

>> No.44221998
File: 160 KB, 761x683, 1614481995405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. vampire that can't control her husband

>> No.44222007

Yes. I wish those artists would all live out their fantasies and get their insides blown out by horse semen so I wouldn't have to see their fucking garbage anymore

Oh well, that's what -tags are for

>> No.44222009

As long as they're not mean about it

>> No.44222056 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>44222068

Creative monster like a Phantom with a husband that insists he's uncreative.

>> No.44222060
File: 1.92 MB, 3067x3444, 1674872001165625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like someone is in need of correction

>> No.44222063

>Devilbugs flooding a human village; 1000 to 1

>> No.44222068

Oh shit sorry about that anon didn't mean to reply.

>> No.44222081
Quoted by: >>44222086

it's starship troopers

>> No.44222086

>Come on you apes! Do you want to be single forever?

>> No.44222094
Quoted by: >>44222112

>somehow anon doesn't get taken
>he gets sad that no one wants him
>he doesn't see the queen devilbug behind him

>> No.44222100
Quoted by: >>44222110

I want a single (one) (1) devil bug wife, not multiple. I'm not a fan of harems.

>> No.44222110
File: 2.40 MB, 3611x5000, MAMA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me neither

I wanna convince a snek I don't want to get thrown in the mating ball

>> No.44222112

>>he gets sad that no one wants him
Foolish human, that just makes a monster want to rape you harder!

>> No.44222152

soft snek

>> No.44222173

having a harem would have to mean occasionally being in-between warm hugs, and I would never want to leave this snek's arms.

>> No.44222209

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that the intrinsic desire to make a huge chunk of metal move quickly is not unique to humans and that even monster girls want to see fast race cars.

>> No.44222213
File: 1.06 MB, 1172x1023, 1690784101562657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I would never want a vampire to put me in place, it's totally not the reason I prank bloodsuckers!

>> No.44222226
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x1600, 1687189924981088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still so torn on harem shit man, on one hand, I feel like I'm monogamous. On the other with MGE rules having a group of friends who all love each other deeply and being in romantic relationship with them all and them having a relationship with each other too sounds nice. I feel like I might be villainous bicorn bait
Seriously Magus stories with the evil rapist bicorns awoken something in me

>> No.44222247

Oyakodon caduceus, though

>> No.44222259
File: 130 KB, 667x1000, 1ff3546688e4dce720f30c6966ac288a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>44222173 #
Oyakodon caduceus, though

>> No.44222351
File: 133 KB, 992x1468, 1689257906347445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gn anons and remember, chaos girls are best girls.

>> No.44222370
File: 789 KB, 1280x1455, 53d94d84fe92b4aa567d746b0c873138af966bad4cdc268ab0c1c25ae2177628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black shogs>purple shogs

>> No.44222378

"And don't get me started on the third nozzle!"
"The third-?"

>> No.44222392
File: 108 KB, 404x368, 1679771696524524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember hebi?
You are now married to hebi!

>> No.44222408
File: 303 KB, 658x927, 1689015319982609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I only brushed up against her in the store!

>> No.44222427
File: 132 KB, 1197x797, 1584925657871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>touch hebi
Congrats on your marriage anon

>> No.44222435
Quoted by: >>44222772

>flying hebi
I am scared but also aroused(?)

>> No.44222448

That’s got to be one strong hang glider, do you know how much one anaconda can weigh. 550 pounds which that’s how much I think one Hebi can weigh, it might be even a little bit higher than that.

>> No.44222450
File: 3.41 MB, 2214x2950, Hades-(Игра)-Dusa-(Hades)-medusa-gorgon-art-6222300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44222477

But I'm already married to a superior snake lady

>> No.44222477

Superior? Dusa friendzoned our boy

>> No.44222480

The titanoboa had pretty similar body thickness to how lamias are usually drawn and low end estimates put them at around 1500 pounds. Not sure if hebis are constrictors so they might be less musucular.

>> No.44222515
File: 3.36 MB, 600x338, 1660505026083400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wave at flying hebi
>get dive bombed

>> No.44222549

>William Adams story in MGE
Could it work?

>> No.44222557

whats an ushi but a mutated fox?

>> No.44222591

imma just run before they learn of my blood magic

>> No.44222592
File: 254 KB, 800x650, 1661627506629063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to defeat a pyrow swarm? Please hel-

>> No.44222610

Mamonobama in Gourmet World

>> No.44222642
Quoted by: >>44222676

>time traveling mamono
For some reason, shitposters seem quite taken with this one. I see it get mentioned a lot as an example of KC being a retard yet they never directly quote him on it. Wonder why

>> No.44222646
File: 1.14 MB, 1061x1500, F1jYr9GagAEPqBT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bigger they are. The harder they: _____

>> No.44222652

First of all, anything is possible through the power of mamono mana

>> No.44222660
File: 47 KB, 550x223, 1463630454482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44222742

You now remember kelp

>> No.44222667

>Phantylia the Undying
So this is the lady who help slander the image of foxes everywhere with the necksnap.

Also why must a seemingly evil energy-spirit that has no real physical body or corporeal form give itself big bouncy boobs?

>> No.44222671
Quoted by: >>44222731

Things are back to normal?

>> No.44222676
Quoted by: >>44224543

Just assume that anyone trying to poke holes in MGE is either retarded or shitposting (usually both) and doesn't understand the purpose of the setting.

>> No.44222690


>> No.44222705

That demon dank

>> No.44222731

No all men will be transfigured, this is a message from the abyss.

>> No.44222742
File: 708 KB, 801x1100, bnmmybT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44222757

Never forgot her.

>> No.44222757
File: 118 KB, 1140x1053, 1658622531195174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44222772

The proper term is scaroused.

>> No.44222778

I'm really keen on the idea of sniffing centaur breath right now

>> No.44222791

>yandere centaurs

>> No.44222793 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 1194x1559, 1672315771281799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff danuki breath!

>> No.44222794
File: 239 KB, 1000x1000, 1468478611594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the free boy they give out?

>> No.44222798

God I wish

>> No.44222801

>implying a danuki would sell her best customer into slavery to another monster
I doubt it

>> No.44222802

I can't be very free if they're giving me out, now can I?

>> No.44222808
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1661578054662967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes a strong man to lift a Wurm. It takes an even stronger Wurm to lift a man, because a man is weighed down by the unbearable weight of knowledge.
Wurms must grow strong so they can help carry the heavy hearts of men.

>> No.44222812
File: 38 KB, 738x630, Sz5GRSc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wurm doesn't know what you said
She just wurms~

>> No.44222815

That's why I go for fire lizards

>> No.44222822
File: 198 KB, 794x836, 1670397483915939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44222854

I cannot sleep. I cannot sleep. I cannot sleep.
I want a mongirl to sweep me off my fucking feet so badly I just can't take it anymore. I haven't slept 2 nights in a row now because my heart aches for a love that will never come... I don't even know what do, I can't even walk in a straight line to the bathroom it hurts so much

>> No.44222862
File: 631 KB, 1200x946, 1467512412380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nightmare will be your super dream

>> No.44222863
Quoted by: >>44222887

You'd have an easier time sleeping if you weren't staring at the glow of a monitor

>> No.44222874
File: 538 KB, 997x1291, 1514863740734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44222887

No, I'm a square, I always make sure to stow my electronics by 9 so I can fall asleep, but I've been tossing and turning for five hours straight, it would just be a repeat of last night and continue until morning. I had to get up and boot my PC, go straight to this thread, get if off my chest you know?

>> No.44222889
Quoted by: >>44222983

it takes an even stronger man to lift a jabberwock, because they are burdened with knowledge and responsibility just kidding eat a salad flabby jabby

>> No.44222898
File: 403 KB, 1987x2494, baknek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is Feline Friday.
Submit to the cats.

>> No.44222904

those shorts must be made of carbon fibre

>> No.44222907
File: 580 KB, 2048x1818, 1532389728193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44222915

Meow Monday
Tuna-eating Tuesday
Purr Thursday
Feline Friday
Always some kind of cat day.

>> No.44222931

Werecat wednesday

>> No.44222934
Quoted by: >>44225106

lots of hair = lots of hugs

>> No.44222942

I'm going to go to sleep on the grass by a lake with a straw hat covering my face. What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.44222943

Sudden gust of wind could blow away your hat.

>> No.44222949
File: 886 KB, 1930x2417, motivational lim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can be awake, then you can grind. You need the CEO mindset.

>> No.44222954

You wake up surrounded by stalactites in some grotto, and the Sahu that lives there pointing her spear at your face.

>> No.44222968
File: 289 KB, 1118x1600, 59923c368ea78d9efe142e25ebef9339fb50d967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44222983

Wyverns are very easy to lift because of their hollow bones. An average man could easily pick one up and carry her home.
>excerpt from Dragonian tourist handbook

>> No.44222988
Quoted by: >>44222994

Do no pick up random Wyverns on the street.

>> No.44222994

I will pick specific Wyverns.

>> No.44223023
File: 616 KB, 3000x3000, Kikimora955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wikifag here, this week's new additions add up to 37. This concludes the weekly report.
New Images start here: https://imgbox.com/rMhmcsXI

Search schedule is at the bottom: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html

>> No.44223028

anything but the eros kiki!

>> No.44223034
Quoted by: >>44223177

Nice preg Chesh

>> No.44223041
Quoted by: >>44223164

Anon watch out! That's not eros kiki, that's doctor kiki!

>> No.44223042

I think that's a Grelia kiki.

>> No.44223164

into the trash she goes

>> No.44223177

I'm always surprised that MGE doesn't have more pregnant art given how much the girls like it. Even KC only made like one picture for Echidna.

>> No.44223180

At least I'll have to courage to take the colonoscopy I was supposed to do already, although Dr. Gazer would probably be even better for that.

>> No.44223374

>Egg literally chases the sperm
>Egg has magic powers
>Sperm is juiced with magic
>Still can't get pregnant

What is wrong with powerful monsters? With how hard it is for them to get pregnant, you'd almost think they weren't meant to have sex, and remain forever alone.

>> No.44223383
Quoted by: >>44224224

exceptionally soft monsters

>> No.44223386

Powerful monsters are for eldritch human men pumped on abyssal energy that’s why, they complete each other.

>> No.44223395
Quoted by: >>44223549

The succubus energy drain doesn't kill humans but it does kill human sperm, and the stronger the monster the stronger the drain. The egg is aggressive because it has to be.

>> No.44223411

This is trickery >>44223374
This is a fox hag trying to trick anons into letting them both down fertility drugs to "improve the odds"
She is actually trying to pop out 20 minimofus at once, don't fall for it!

>> No.44223425
Quoted by: >>44223471

They put all their points into MAG, or STR or INT, and not into FER or EGG

>> No.44223471
Quoted by: >>44223477

I wish someone had told me what the EGG stat did. I just tried to distribute my points evenly and now I'm stuck with a bunch of skills that I literally can't use unless I alp.

>> No.44223477

You can work for an echidna and tell her what species her next child will be

>> No.44223527
File: 120 KB, 704x704, Lilith's Panacea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar to lilims, This should give an idea.

>> No.44223549
File: 591 KB, 491x819, 1634404270824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44223575
File: 232 KB, 900x891, dg4mzj9-38164563-4c8d-4704-92ac-12cedfc747af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44223698


>> No.44223614
File: 544 KB, 1125x1600, ntr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44224091

>> No.44223664
File: 796 KB, 1713x2638, 1579002464158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pharohs are just brown egyptian Wights
And that's a good thing (tm). Also they're still undead.

>> No.44223698
File: 519 KB, 921x1200, Bogie_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44223780

Do you have prince Alber in a can? You do? Well you better let the poor guy out
I like these little bugs

>> No.44223780

Do bogies have the most elaborate outfit, and if not, who does?

>> No.44223948 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 647x503, 1666976661434469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff danuki breath!

>> No.44224091

hey, that's my view on vampires

>> No.44224224


>> No.44224231

That's some pleasantly soft chocolate.

>> No.44224315

Truly the softest monster girls.

>> No.44224378
File: 304 KB, 1906x2574, F1qCcjtXoAAvvBb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44226187

>> No.44224438
File: 2.25 MB, 2500x3000, 1460165376653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44224447

Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguin' is done
We'll take our leave and go

>> No.44224447

ms scylla can tongue me

>> No.44224475

scyllas tongue my anus

>> No.44224490
File: 1.60 MB, 500x500, 1579544407259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unintentionally lewd fairies

>> No.44224506

It is a well-known fact that every fairy's biggest desire is to be a boys cumballoon and feel the joys of stretching.

>> No.44224520

Dunno. It's paywalled so I can make up whatever I want.

>> No.44224542
Quoted by: >>44224570

Anyone know what the MGE mc mod is called so I can atleast find the fuys patreon or something?

>> No.44224543
Quoted by: >>44224585

fuck off

>> No.44224570
Quoted by: >>44224634

>mc mod
The what

>> No.44224585
File: 54 KB, 322x196, cheshy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44224594

What's the matter, hit too close to home?

>> No.44224593
Quoted by: >>44224603

Dragoncel edition?

>> No.44224594
Quoted by: >>44224630

No, we're sick of mge lore posting here. Nothing good comes of it.

>> No.44224603

Every edition is dragoncel edition.
Dragons can't get dates even if a man walked up to them and said he wanted to fuck her. Too much spagetti

>> No.44224608

Any good bicorn stories?

>> No.44224615


>> No.44224622

Is this the mick, or the other schitzo that keeps crying about us on /vg/?

>> No.44224626

Well there's that old one where a guy with a bicorn wife finds a salamander for him to marry.

>> No.44224630
File: 407 KB, 579x800, 1683021139332875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44224643

Not much of a "we" if every newfag takeover attempt fails miserably.

>> No.44224631
Quoted by: >>44224660

Please go back. There are so many places you can talk about mge exclusively. Like twitter, instead of just reposting twitter content all day.

>> No.44224632

>Sir Anon has some Centaur bodyguards.
>Also a Bicorn wife.
>"So Anon, which horse did you ride yesterday?"
>Bodyguards immediately turn a shade of pink.

>> No.44224634
Quoted by: >>44224671

Someone, at some point, posted a screenshot of a minecraft mod with a bogey on the modded mc thread on /vg/ apparently its one of those patreon/discord only things, cant find anything on it
Was hoping someone here might know atleast what its called

>> No.44224636

is there a reason to distinguish them?

>> No.44224637

The funny thing is that I don't think it's even mick.
It's kind of hilarious to think the amount of damage his autism has caused this thread.

>> No.44224643

You don't speak for us.

>> No.44224650
Quoted by: >>44224657

He's the most 'notable' current autist to plague the thread.
So its pretty reasonable to assume its him by default.

>> No.44224656

Gonna shit your pants again? Dump images from some random /v/ thread with your spambot?

>> No.44224657

Why can't you just leave if you hate this boogeyman so much?

>> No.44224660

>He is unaware.

>> No.44224671
File: 208 KB, 818x692, 1650416123946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the mod, but I have the screenshot.
And why doesn't he leave if he hates everyone else?

>> No.44224675
Quoted by: >>44225919

>go adventuring with fairy pocket healer
>you've heard stories of adventurers getting attacked by monster companions, but it's not like a fairy could overpower you
>fairy levels up
>fairy learns shrink
>suddenly you're a head shorter than her, and she's looking down at you with hungriest expression you've ever seen
>you may be shrunk but you're still a fighter and she's still a healer, you can fight her off if you have to
>fairy starts casting strength buffs on herself

>> No.44224677
Quoted by: >>44224699

he stuck his hand in a beehive and requested the bees to leave. good luck with that i guess

>> No.44224678
Quoted by: >>44224688

He can momentarily derail threads, but ultimately has no long-term effect on the thread and will be forgotten within a month or two after disappearing.
Doesn't really matter if people some other schizoid for him, subhumans are still subhumans.

>> No.44224687

I think they don't leave because they have some obsession with defending mges honor literally everywhere.

>> No.44224688

>forgotten within a month or two
Man, this shit has been going on for like 4+ months now

>> No.44224695

Because he is not the first idiot the thread has had to deal with and even when he has a meltdown the thread can still be enjoyable.

>> No.44224699

>he stuck his hand in a beehive and requested the bees to leave
That's the most perfect description of every raging anti-MGE schizo shitposter in this thread, I'm going to use it from now on.

>> No.44224712
Quoted by: >>44224730

>dead franchise
>only provides drama and dmcas
>and some cancer that shows up every other night to spam

>> No.44224717

Its days like today that I wish our goblins were green shortstacks.
Hell, even keep the hobgob mega tits for them, its still great.

>> No.44224730

Let me guess, you are furious that you aren't getting an update about your RPGmaker game.

>> No.44224737

>last update march

>> No.44224746

My what?

>> No.44224758
File: 180 KB, 1200x1200, 110459753_p26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44224764

>> No.44224760
File: 118 KB, 876x1523, 3bbbeb0fc6d5a809c281e53ad7802867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44224782

Here is your goblin. She is green. What's the problem? You aren't an mge schitzo are you?

>> No.44224761
Quoted by: >>44224792

Shortstack gobs are utter trash though

>> No.44224764
Quoted by: >>44224780

The demon queen seems quite a bit less smug ever since she lost that bet and had to wear the cowprint.

>> No.44224765

It's clearly the mick. He's furious he didn't get the free art he decided he was entitled to for some incomprehensible reason.

>> No.44224768
Quoted by: >>44225048

You think Dragonia beaches are crowded this time of year?

>> No.44224776

I think the mick is good enough at art that he doesn't care that much.

>> No.44224780
Quoted by: >>44224802

oh, i thought it was for the stats

>> No.44224782
File: 794 KB, 1200x1136, 7beb47cc96ecbd675b7eb91a1191df11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneed and feed

>> No.44224786

The low quality scribbles, the VRchat tier character models or the stuff he blatantly stole from Genshin?

>> No.44224790

Lol, okay mick

>> No.44224791
Quoted by: >>44224803

>the mick is good enough at art
I wish I had a good enough monster girl reaction image for this.

>> No.44224792
Quoted by: >>44224838

I prefer them to the normal loli versions.
Not that I would say no to a gob but I just want them to have a little bit more thickness to them.

It seems the latest tactic is trying to scream how the thread is tired of MGE
A bold move cotton, lets see how it pays off for him.

Why must you make our fair thread a den of lies?

>> No.44224795

The vrchat models.

>> No.44224796

if you see an absolutely insane take no one of sound mind could possibly believe, why bite?

>> No.44224799
Quoted by: >>44224812

I've really grown to like bogeys, shame about the name though.

>> No.44224802

Nah, look at the little head ornament and the decoration about her horns.
She's clearly a high ranking demon.

>> No.44224803


>> No.44224812

I like to say it like bo-gee. Like enemy fighter planes or something, always gives me a funny mental image of one as the red baron or something

>> No.44224818

Holy shit anon you didn't have to famine his ass

>> No.44224825
Quoted by: >>44224853

>not posting the newer stuff

>> No.44224838
File: 816 KB, 1400x1867, de139cd06f3020f9903d371b1043a420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I prefer them to the normal loli versions.
Fairs fair, I'm a lolicon after all but the western shortstack gobs do nothing for me. That said I've never enjoyed shortstacks ascetically either, I prefer my meaty to be distributed properly.

>> No.44224848
Quoted by: >>44224875

That's a boy.

>> No.44224853
Quoted by: >>44224871

What, the dollar store genie or the discount anubis?

>> No.44224856


>> No.44224859

Oh, there's nothing wrong with that.
I know shortstacks, especially with how art tends to do them, makes them a bit out of proportion for folks.
Granted I personally like that look on them but I 100% understand if other's don't

>> No.44224865

>"I made this."

>> No.44224871
Quoted by: >>44224883

Fox would be the newest. Better than his drawings, anyway.

>> No.44224875
File: 217 KB, 478x768, c7509bd1d66bff2cec5d6fa0639d2a59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then call me gainfully employed because I'm about to become a professional fudgepacker

>> No.44224883
Quoted by: >>44224910

Thats not a very high bar is it?

>> No.44224910
Quoted by: >>44224925

It's a little higher than that.

>> No.44224925

Using his chicken scratch as a meter stick for success would have deviant art in art galleries

>> No.44224935
Quoted by: >>44224956

Have you seen the galleries?

>> No.44224952

Its impossible to reason with these people as they are heavily mentally ill. Not this lel4chan autism one, but actual mental illness, which is amplified by cuckshit. They have this strange obsession of wanting to belong somewhere, but they are completely unaware how shitty people they are, and that even niche communities like this rejects them, as that negative attention fuels them.

Look at this guy. He tried to do art, writing, and even making a game just to spite on this community. His whole reason to keep going is that in his head one day he'll make something successful and its going to be a comeback moment for him on us. No wonder he's into furry and ntr, which he knows very well is despised here. I honest to God cannot imagine how they will be in their 40's. The moment he goes away a new one will emerge, with another mental illness like the Order murderfics, and its tiresome.

>> No.44224956
Quoted by: >>44225002

Yes, hence why I make the comparison

>> No.44224961
Quoted by: >>44224978

Well, modern art is literally schitzos smearing shit on canvases so the mick would be in good company there.

>> No.44224971
Quoted by: >>44224988

Why do you keep saying he likes ntr? I've never seen it.

>> No.44224978

Difference is they use that art to launder money, if they tried doing so with the mick's art the feds would on their ass like white on rice. No way someone would pay a dime for it.

>> No.44224988
Quoted by: >>44225027

Never seen his cuckshit posting? He made that whole fake game scene or two to epically dab on us

>> No.44225002

Such quality.

>> No.44225009
Quoted by: >>44225026

I think Chris Chan is in his 40s by now, so just imagine an Irish version of that.

>> No.44225013
Quoted by: >>44225232

Lamo Irish moment

>> No.44225026

So the mick is set to transition? God its gonna be like watching a brick get thrown through an airplane window

>> No.44225027

No, post it.
> fake game scene
Maybe this guy knows what he's doing.

>> No.44225048
Quoted by: >>44225156

Wish I was applying sunscreen to a nice gold dragon hag/dragon zombies supple body right now.

>> No.44225056
Quoted by: >>44225077

The most frustrating thing about it is that they waste so much effort on those demoralization campaigns and shitposting sprees instead of building their own community elsewhere.

>> No.44225064

Didn't bother saving his elaborate shitpost unfortunately, it was a screen or two from some RPGmaker teir game

>> No.44225077

You see anon that implies that they'd be able to tolerate their own company for long

>> No.44225106

You can get hugged twice over even! By her and her hair.

>> No.44225109
File: 452 KB, 2165x1218, 1690310959911494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fox passes by you
>rubs her tails across your face by ""accident""
damn foxes can't even walk past them without them trying to turn you into a mofu addict

>> No.44225110
Quoted by: >>44225144

then he cried that it got taken down after just 3 hours, kek

>> No.44225144
Quoted by: >>44225172

Why would it get taken down? KC doesn't lurk here.

>> No.44225148

Oh no, the foxes have discovered one of my weakpoints.

>> No.44225156

>personal dragon tour guide is some kind of an exotic golden orange scaled dragon
>she nervously shows you the beach
>looks flushed and overheated while you apply sunscreen on her
>must be heat stroke, didn't think that could happen to dragons

>> No.44225166
File: 105 KB, 665x718, critical hit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they cant help it man. some have tails that take up the entire sidewalk. they cant account for every unmarked man that walks by, triggering their instincts to wrap up and pamper him,

>> No.44225169

Very clearly anon should get her a cold drink to cool down, its dangerous to get overheated

>> No.44225172
Quoted by: >>44225190

>one of the fans messages KC about this retard making cuckshit with MGERPG assets
>KC sends template DMCA mail to 4jannies
>4jannies squash the potato
>schizo mick seethes
this is not rocket science

>> No.44225190

some mge autists have very little to do.

>> No.44225198

>crying again

>> No.44225214
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x850, 71ed86a7ace0ce8f5e0409f53b8a074d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certain famine victims have too much time on their hands as well. Like endlessly replying in certain threads pretending he is someone else, only after trying to make very poor anti-mge bait

>> No.44225232

The gallery is clearly just a twitter circlejerk.

>> No.44225260
Quoted by: >>44225280

Aight let's come clean here: who has an account in the old mge wiki? I have.

>> No.44225280

Not on the wiki but I did have one long ago on MGU
Stopped going there when I found a fic that was literally "Yeah she looks like Morigan because I'm lazy.'
Like, legitimately the most soul sucking thing I've seen

>> No.44225283
File: 132 KB, 768x1024, 80625947_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff danuki breath!

>> No.44225285
Quoted by: >>44225396

Must be the luck of the Irish that you can't get your art in huh?

>> No.44225299

Remember that every day you don't do art is another day where you're a worse artist than mike and every day you don't write is another day where you're a worse writer than Tara Gilesbie.

>> No.44225307
File: 394 KB, 1447x2047, 1685910489315702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44225329

Remember that skibby dibby dib ba ba dop dop!

>> No.44225314

You remind me I need to charge my tablet and do a daily drawing again, thanks

>> No.44225329
Quoted by: >>44225337

I wounder if a Bogie could make me happy or if I'm way to self pitying for that.

>> No.44225337

If you're looking for happiness in a person, you won't find it. Happiness is only found in God.
So, the answer is no. Though, she'd make your life a few degrees better and more enjoyable.

>> No.44225355

>Happiness is only found in God
Yeah, see. I tried to follow the fallen goddess and now the dark Valkyrie won't stop following me around saying something about me being the chosen (for her pussy) or whatever

>> No.44225359
File: 248 KB, 742x660, 1675902711645132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves betraying their own kind!

>> No.44225396

That's decided solely by a group on twitter, not here.

>> No.44225402

>elf and dark elf both angrily insist that they are not the same kind and have nothing in common with each other
>have to violate both of them just to shut them up

>> No.44225403


>> No.44225475

>Happiness is only found in God.
Sounds like order propaganda. I'm gonna go with demon pussy and be happy with that.

>> No.44225542

>Elf loudly proclaiming positive qualities about humans in the center of an elven city
>Kissing her human husband and doing cute romantic things with him for all the other elves to see.
>They were both thrown in a jail cell. Plenty of curious elves came by, watching the pair having sex or being affectionate with each other.

>> No.44225616

I need strongthick lizardmen.
Those cute green gals are sadly forgotten compared to their tomboy counterparts.

>> No.44225666

I enjoy it much more when dragons don't act needlessly hostile, probably why i prefer malefs more. She knows that I know that dragons are hot as hell. She'll probably roar in approval when she sees a perfect tan and invite me to indulge in her body while covered by her wings afterward. Not like sandy rough sex is uncommon on dragonia beaches.

>> No.44225769
Quoted by: >>44225962

Then find different groups on Twitter you assblasted moron. Actually build a rapport with artists not in this incredibly niche porn community. You want furry art so fucking bad there's literally thousands of artists waiting to milk you dry. Fucking tired of you and other morons bringing up Twitter, or Shitcords, or literally any fucking anything else to stir up dumb fucking meta drama.

God I wish Hiroshimoot would just fucking range ban Ireland.

>> No.44225790

Sorry no i'm not that kind of human but i would make love with that dark elf and create a big fanily with

>> No.44225850
File: 433 KB, 1267x1577, bf709f18-67a6-4bce-9e03-b96d2da0e658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44225862

Sleepy cutie

>> No.44225862

Don't be a louse
Marry the mouse

>> No.44225902
Quoted by: >>44225949

So why is the irish furry seething about a twitter group now?

>> No.44225919 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 277x308, BB85C906-059A-49D8-8077-3458565F900C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairies growing big and overpowering you during sex is hot (though at that point you might as well go with Titania from the start)

>> No.44225933
Quoted by: >>44225998

Anon no!
But I want smol fairy wife with massive tiddies.

>> No.44225949
Quoted by: >>44226032

Wikifag is part of the "MG Illuminati" in mick's head because he ignores his scribbles.

>> No.44225962

Why are you getting mad shoggykins, it won't make the mick go away.

>> No.44225998
File: 3.60 MB, 4480x3360, 1687046241993850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still small enough where you can drink from both of them at the same time.

>> No.44226013

Truly nice girls.
Although I want pixies updated to be more 'punk' versions of those girls.

>> No.44226017

2m tall Titania that wants you to treat her like she's tiny.

>> No.44226020

Do you think thr HBE is more akin to a mythical item locked away in some forgotten dungeon or is it more like a national treasure cherished and its use awarded?

>> No.44226032

I would want to add those scribbles to the archive either if I were the internet equivalent of a dredging content fisherman either.

>> No.44226054
File: 738 KB, 3600x3600, F2pjmMFWYAApI6h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44226065

>it was at this moment that Anon realized checking up on his neighbor at night was a mistake.

>> No.44226098

Will you fuckers just be quiet, I hope a bunch of fat ass monsters sit on your bitchass faces, shutting you all up for good.

>> No.44226101

Oh no....how horrible.....

>> No.44226111
File: 905 KB, 1200x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no whatever will I do.

>> No.44226114

instant loss

>> No.44226165
File: 137 KB, 750x913, 042f1874484cf584b63b6a74ee22e58d5b9328a01d934e0f97fcab088560c8d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toxoplasmosis is how they get you

>> No.44226164

>Local Genie extremely flustered when going shopping with master.
>Mostly because every other girl in the store gives her ass one look and immediately knows what he's into.

>> No.44226187

>WIDE hips
>FLUFFY tails
>Oh, and a nice pair of tits
Where am I supposed to look?

>> No.44226190
Quoted by: >>44226265

I'm gonna wish for a genie to not try to rules lawyer my wish and then I'm gonna wish for her to be happy.
Not sure what my third wish is gonna be but I'll figure something out.

>> No.44226208


>> No.44226227

>Inviting me to violate the other girl
>While her butt is sticking out
Time to show off the legendary human virility.

>I will never have an onahole like this

>> No.44226235

>Fairy needs your help with her lactation
>You lay down, face up , on a couch or bed
>Lowers both breasts into your mouth, hugging and hanging onto your nose
>You start sucking and licking them
>Her grip on you tightens
>She lets out a sigh of relief between all the moaning
>The milk has a nice sweet taste and she much more of it than you expect.
>You gently stroke her back with a finger, helping her relax
>This all goes on for quite some time
>By the time it's finished, she's too tired to fly so she tumbles and lays on your chest, still catching her breath

>> No.44226265

Just do the big brain play and learn to rhyme like Rumpelstiltskin. Wish for herself to have breasts that lactate and never rest, a rump that's plump, and for your dick to be so virile that her pussy will flow like the Nile.

>> No.44226282

Alraune have human legs and feet, so what's stopping them from stepping outside of their flower and walking around?

>> No.44226302

Because its comfy in the flower.
You should give it a try.

>> No.44226307
Quoted by: >>44226333

Assuming they can retract their roots from the earth?
If they just got up and walked around, then their husbands would stop princess carrying them, or pushing them in their plantpot wheelchairs.

>> No.44226321
Quoted by: >>44226333

don't want to get their feet dirty

>> No.44226333
Quoted by: >>44226341


What a sappy bunch

>> No.44226341

The trees are speaking mamano

>> No.44226349
File: 3.60 MB, 2000x2898, 7bd615f8ec7e400ebde3a7631caf03282f4b45c72366161f08b7a31391f05252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44226361

Okay I'm inside the flower of a Liliraune. Now what?
The two girls here are just looking at me.

>> No.44226365
Quoted by: >>44226430

You have fallen for the clever ruse.
Enjoy your new wives.

>> No.44226388
Quoted by: >>44226430

Enjoy your new home. It's a bloom with a view

>> No.44226406 [SPOILER] 
File: 268 KB, 1200x815, 1640826945881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44226441

>"I'm just saying that maybe shoggoths don't deserve to be assaulted-"

>> No.44226430
Quoted by: >>44226464

I don't think I like where this is going.
Also is is common for them to close their pedals during the middle of the day? I've only seen them do it at night. It's getting dark in here.

>> No.44226441

Good point, Kiki. Shoggoths deserve to be assaulted sexually.

>> No.44226445
Quoted by: >>44226457

Sup Caelum/Aux/Whoever the fuck you are.

>> No.44226451

And is extremely light weight almost like a tiny fairy so she could cling to you all day.

>> No.44226457
Quoted by: >>44226627

oh, we got new ones to add to the axis of dysfunction.

>> No.44226464

Of course anon, they are nyctinastic plants. Some believe it is used to retain heat. Just sit back, relax, let the nectar flow over you. They sure appreciate a nice, soft, and warm human to cuddle up with.

>> No.44226497

So a lapdog with tits? She'd be like a Doberman kobold that likes playing board games.

>> No.44226499
File: 263 KB, 1784x2048, 20230804_110556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm the only one who prefers regular lamias over their sub species, I do not like the white snek

>> No.44226506
Quoted by: >>44226601

I rather like the Basilisk myself.

>> No.44226519
Quoted by: >>44226629

It's easy if you ignore mge for five minutes in your life.

>> No.44226520

I am nearly done writing my echidna fic, and they have really grown on me. I feel you lamiabro, apophis and hebi get all the love. All sneks are good sneks.

>> No.44226556

I'd really like to write a new fic myself. Maybe after I finish up a hellhound model.

>> No.44226562

I don't like sneks because sneks are scary!

>> No.44226583
File: 929 KB, 955x1351, 6be5f7b311cf294c267c76b50cb0c350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face your fears, coward.

>> No.44226586
Quoted by: >>44226591

I don't like the white snek or bunyip and I'm kind of ambivalent on the grep snek, but the other varieties are better than vanilla, even if vanilla isn't bad. It's a common trend in the encyclopedia, but I suppose that's partially statistics.

>> No.44226591
File: 144 KB, 1190x1020, 8473a45e8b0d8905a9ec849eba988ebdc40606a64f1b278c5b1d4462c86049f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44226601
File: 595 KB, 2610x2743, 20230804_125008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute, although I would feel sad that I couldn't look at my wife's eyes without turning into a cumpump
Ooo nice, can't wait to see it. Seriously vanilla sneks hit most of my kinks, extreme monogamy, hypnosis, comfy coils, long tounge goddamn love snek
You just need to look into a snakes eyes and listen to their voice anon, they aren't scary. Promise

>> No.44226603

If they looked like that I would probably die from shock

>> No.44226609

Why is this snek so FAT
Has she been eating burgers?

>> No.44226617
File: 1.15 MB, 2681x3543, cd2fe335bafea246499120bf6210b4030bade156a9167acf146c44f704d59190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44226620

>I would feel sad that I couldn't look at my wife's eyes without turning into a cumpump
Just do it while you're already a cum pump.

>> No.44226627

Not really, I just have a pretty good bead on the people who generally try to call me Shoggykins but enjoy this last ( You ). Try not to wear it out.

>> No.44226626

damn dirty animals, they cant help but leak all over the place with their milk

>> No.44226629

How the fuck can you keep seething for so many hours in a row, this is unhealthy.

>> No.44226636

It's got plenty of coiling and some tongue stuff. I love snek hugs. It's also got an anubis OL for a kinky threesome. Hopefully will have it done and posted by sunday but who knows.

>> No.44226647

anti-mge schizos operate out of pure mental illness.

>> No.44226654


>> No.44226670

where do wurms fall into, are they more snek dragons or just legless dragons?

>> No.44226673
File: 134 KB, 1140x347, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not alone. I prefer vanilla Lamia over anything that isn't Medusa.

>> No.44226674
Quoted by: >>44226699

Wurms are not legless dragons, other dragons are just legged wurms.

>> No.44226681
Quoted by: >>44226728

I can multi task. As you say,"I made this."
i would like to fit more MG drawing time into my life though but I'm having trouble tracking down resources to help my issues.

>> No.44226689
Quoted by: >>44226750

>big Titania wants to try this 'onahole' thing the pixies keep talking about
>lowers herself onto you and slowly begins shrinking herself
>7 foot
>6 foot
>5 foot
>4 foot
>at 3 she starts gritting her teeth, but continues
>at 2 she has to stop
>you start to pull out, before she sharply tells you not to
>after a few deep breaths she continues, much slower than before
>you hear her talking to herself
>"6 inches... 6 inches... 6 inches..."

>> No.44226690

I like this snek

>> No.44226699
File: 2.87 MB, 3218x3538, werewurmfinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wurms are curiously legless scaled cows

>> No.44226710

Wurm is just a misspelling of Wyrm, which was a legless dragon really just a snake in Germanic folklore. Therefore if we're going to be really pedantic about it Wurms are both Lamiae and Dragonae

>> No.44226718
Quoted by: >>44226743


>> No.44226728
File: 25 KB, 600x458, 1639688902587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44226740

I don't give a shit and neither does vast majority of this thread, you are completely braindead if you think people will start sucking your dick if you post some """OC""" in between shitting up the thread with schizo nonsense.

>> No.44226740

No, I just expect people to say it looks like crap than go back to posting the same mge pictures over and over.

>> No.44226743
File: 203 KB, 1656x1199, 1683599422361067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-nome fuck.

>> No.44226750

I bet that Titania won't want to stay big anymore
>Fairies making themselves human sized and then shrinking themselves after they mount you
>And they making themselves a little bigger, and shrinking again
Shrinkjobs, woo!

>> No.44226760
File: 307 KB, 1127x2048, FKNknjJWYAYC4N7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44226771

>> No.44226771
Quoted by: >>44226780

Monsters with freckles are my kryptonite.

>> No.44226780

true, they are too sexy to be ignored. y tho?

>> No.44226795

Me turning down a Lilim asking me out because I think it wouldn't be fair for her to have a weak boyfriend since I'm not as strong as her and never will be.

>> No.44226801
File: 199 KB, 1407x2012, Baphomet1310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My maid keeps giving me weird looks and leaving her underwear on my pillow. She keeps making a joke about clocks and chickens I don't understand. What's going on?

>> No.44226879

Has KC ever made anything like a world map or a general direction for locations? My fic autism is killing me.

>> No.44226889
Quoted by: >>44226924

Not really. He has described a lot of locations and people have made non-canon world maps but best guidance is "just draw whatever lmao"
Which is pretty based in my opinion, a setting like MGE doesn't really need one.

>> No.44226897
File: 412 KB, 686x686, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closest we got was the Celestial Sphere of Tryst in the Sabbath book. Generally speaking you could literally just do what Warhammer Fantasy did and use a map of the real world ( Since Land of Four Mists and Zipangu are literally just China and Japan ) and could probably get away with it.

>> No.44226901
Quoted by: >>44226932

Hfw Anon asks for a BJ.

>> No.44226909

She looks like a supervillain walking up to her doomsday device

>> No.44226914

Don't bully Bapho-san. She can't help that she's very much a chuuni.

>> No.44226923

>I suppose I can part with one and still be feared.

>> No.44226924

No, it doesn't need new content either. So based. I am glad though that his secret twitter still updates with mge stuff.

>> No.44226930
Quoted by: >>44228518

When is the safest time of day to go running in MGC?
I'm guessing not late evening or night, because that's when the rape monsters are awake.

>> No.44226932
Quoted by: >>44226975

Some girls are skilled enough to tickle your balls a little while they're at it. She can suck your whole pelvis.

>> No.44226956

>Good news, onii-chan! The Mage's Circle is bringing me up on disciplinary charges! Wait, that's not good news at all...

>> No.44226958
Quoted by: >>44226968

>Is it really necessary for it to look like that?
>Fufufu... Onii-san, there's one thing you should know about being a glorious villain such as I!
>What, never let your chocolate milk spoil?

>> No.44226959

MGE has not!Japan and not!China plus not!Straya for Bunyips, and not!CentralAmerica, not!India (or maybe Jinkos are paler from not!Siberia), plus not!Celtic girls, and presumably Shoogs are from the mountains of not!Antarctica... then just addin a few extra pockets like Wonderland, and the entire Oceans... so MGE world is basically the whole Globe, or any Flat equivalent.

>> No.44226968

>How's his clothes? To shreds you say?
>Well what about his pelvis? To shreds you say

>> No.44226975

But you have to be precise with your words, if you ask her for a Headjob, it'll be your whole head, not just the tip.

>> No.44227023
File: 169 KB, 704x1006, Isawthelight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little late as I been busy, but Maine Coon Cheshire just popped into my head, A very large breed of Cheshire. A Ton of Fun.

>> No.44227036
File: 362 KB, 2048x2048, 1682552927916492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know this was a series

>> No.44227043

Sith sunday

>> No.44227056
File: 382 KB, 900x1133, __coconut_nekopara_drawn_by_araneesama__a7d4f8edb71fed147f85289cf1a2e1fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know or care much about cat breeds in general, but I have a deep desire to bone a Maine Coon catgirl.

>> No.44227065

Large catgirls with very fluffy tails, what more could you ask for?

>> No.44227070
File: 539 KB, 800x800, overfedmemkot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheshy is the only cat girl I like, maine coons are giant fucking cats, I naturally like big gals so, a Maine Coon Chesh naturally makes sense to me.

>> No.44227082

Big, THICK prankster that is here to do some more 'physical' comedy

>> No.44227168

Stupid Chesh thinks I'm going to rape her anally after all the pranks she pulled on me. Well too bad for her I plan on raping her pussy and knocking her up instead! Let's see how she likes those apples.

>> No.44227171

Your kots are still not powerful enough

>> No.44227191
File: 429 KB, 1500x2000, HAoQ1DFO_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44227220

Mine is.

>> No.44227193
File: 1.20 MB, 1890x1920, 1662222804489683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake in fear ye desirer of kots

>> No.44227215
Quoted by: >>44227240

Gimme your best pics of pharaohs and apophi getting along.

>> No.44227220

No it's not, what even are those abs? Time to bulk and start again; fetch me the cakes.

>> No.44227240
File: 1.03 MB, 1300x1595, 1642022720298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's helping her gal pal stretch!

>> No.44227249

How do you feel about Matango?

>> No.44227250


>> No.44227268

If a man isn't around its normal for monsters to take it out on each other
Don't worry they say no lesbo after

>> No.44227283
Quoted by: >>44228256

>Instead of innumerable small portals it's one absolutely gigantic portal that covers the entirety of the earth

>> No.44227305
File: 216 KB, 1000x1500, 69ed44163da6ce68fa4b85baeb88eea1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your wives must get along while you're not there.

>> No.44227310

I'm looking forward to a new dynasty of Apophis and Pharaoh's moving into the Australian outback.

>> No.44227328
Quoted by: >>44227347

I like Nekopara like my coffee: with Milk and Shigure.

>> No.44227329

snakes are a highly competitive category. they're all great except for echidna who is pretty okay

>> No.44227343
File: 393 KB, 871x1200, 1462626705129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you do fellow snakes?

>> No.44227347
File: 2.95 MB, 540x304, 40a79a1a6b7fe015086aaa7ba6dc7d45.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a blast from the past.

>> No.44227351
File: 3.00 MB, 3100x5100, Droo-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tremble you weaklings cower in fear
I am your ruler, land, sea, and air
I want your girth, erect and standing tall
I'm a demon realm spreader, I am Druella

>> No.44227365


>> No.44227371
Quoted by: >>44227391

Hfw its a literal overthrow by the G-rape-snake

>> No.44227386

>Hold hand
>She faints

>> No.44227391

Motion sickness vomit.

>> No.44227407
File: 2.42 MB, 2591x3624, 110530657_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44227408
File: 109 KB, 713x760, Coon Poon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44227427

>Taking literally anything said on bunkerchan at face value
How it looks to be bamboozled by Tanukis in real time, presented by Anonymous.

>> No.44227412

What is an eel but a slippery sea snake?

>> No.44227422
Quoted by: >>44227470

Hagfish lmao

>> No.44227427

my opinion of kenkou cross couldn't get any lower anyway.

>> No.44227470
File: 279 KB, 966x1400, eel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44227478

Young eels need love, too!

>> No.44227476
Quoted by: >>44227639

Ear wiggling wife.

>> No.44227478

i still have a hard time imagining loli unagi joro
in my head they've still got the beauty mark and everything

>> No.44227482

Didnt he nuked his secret Twitter?

>> No.44227491
Quoted by: >>44227511

I'm afraid a random cockroach's opinion is more relevant than yours when it comes to monster girls and the authors

>> No.44227510
Quoted by: >>44227566

Oh please, let's hear it. What did the big bad Kenkou Cross do to you Anon. What kind of Bad Touch did he lay upon your filth encrusted keyboard.

>> No.44227511

I may actually be the most promising monster girl content creator in the thread.

>> No.44227518

>You will know when Druella deigns to attack you. I was merely defending myself from your clumsy assault.
>But you... you blew up a wall!
>Yes, that is how Druella enters a room.

>> No.44227531


>> No.44227543

Your existance literally has negative value. Even people who aren't doing anything contribute more than you just by the virtue of not being the mick.

>> No.44227545
File: 569 KB, 979x1400, shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less fighting, more monster girls.

>> No.44227549
File: 69 KB, 849x1200, D2RWim9UwAAN1V-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44227799

>"I don't see too many of them either, myself. Want to help me with that?"

>> No.44227566
File: 448 KB, 3000x3000, 1688174794528051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, it was totally random. Like this witch picture.

>> No.44227580
Quoted by: >>44227860

Nothing stopping lolis from having beauty marks.

I want to see her mogged by a dolphin.

>> No.44227616
File: 364 KB, 640x480, tumblr_n1qoaa3YME1rzqupno2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44227636
Quoted by: >>44227647

literally who even are you?

>> No.44227639
Quoted by: >>44227756

>Unagi joro attempting to seduce you
>Her ears keep wiggling in excitement

>> No.44227647
Quoted by: >>44227705

I wanted to laugh at you for being too new to know who our irish lolcow is, but actually I envy you.

>> No.44227670

(Th)rust in peace

>> No.44227705
Quoted by: >>44227792

Let me know when he's on KF, ED, or whatever.

>> No.44227739
File: 400 KB, 700x749, 2024f6ca69e898f091a21483ea0d487fcec3d4d42441eb02d168ad87639da5a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44227756
File: 663 KB, 973x1200, 1536082084656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44227784

It's not the slipping into her embrace, but the ear wiggling that gets you.

>> No.44227784
File: 569 KB, 894x1400, 1511246122769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although her embrace is a significant contribution

>> No.44227792
Quoted by: >>44227820

He's not even important to end up on there. He's not even worthy of a footnote in the history of thread pests.

>> No.44227799

Good idea, two people will have better luck with the search.

>> No.44227809
File: 132 KB, 1021x1327, UnagiJoro56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am enjoying this revival of eelposting

>> No.44227817
Quoted by: >>44227868

It's a good (f)eeling.

>> No.44227820

You may disagree after my heckhound model.

>> No.44227827
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, 1659063124104692.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44227845

love eel
feel eel

>> No.44227834
File: 631 KB, 1231x1000, 1553287928306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're in my top 5 for sure.

>> No.44227845

holy shit mick, stop

>> No.44227859

I'm pretty sure that one isn't mick.

>> No.44227860

>lolis from having beauty marks
Certified lewd brat

>> No.44227862
File: 599 KB, 1280x829, The Almighty All-Mofu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eels are gross, accept mofu into your life.

>> No.44227863

Mick please, your sockpuppeting attempts are always miserable to watch. The model is actually of decent quality so nobody here would mistake it for your shit, never mind the moonrunes

>> No.44227868
File: 526 KB, 1171x1657, UnagiJoro18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they send me (r)eeling

>> No.44227877
File: 1.11 MB, 674x738, 1655427017325.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's funny is I got these from this very thread not too long ago.

>> No.44227881

mofu 2 big

>> No.44227890
File: 716 KB, 816x851, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems fine to me.

>> No.44227905
Quoted by: >>44227927

this post reeks of seething unmarried racoon.

>> No.44227919
File: 1.09 MB, 1140x1620, 83361587_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44227927

No. Embrace the wet, sticky and slippery.

>> No.44227927
File: 198 KB, 850x976, yugetail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44227935

I'll have you know Tanuki are a proud and noble race with unmatched quality of hags and Mofu

>> No.44227935

big fluffy balls

>> No.44227992
File: 1.75 MB, 1800x2200, 88001300_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44227999

You took too long, so now it's going to embrace you instead.

>> No.44227999
File: 834 KB, 1200x1600, 1653549214334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44228040

you'll never catch me alive!

>> No.44228013

Gonna sick my togue up a lizard girls ass.
Instant defeat.

>> No.44228030

Ghoul mouth pussy.

Wet, messy ghussy.

>> No.44228040

>Slime hops into the mofu after you
>A lot of the slime just oozes down her tails
>Much to the foxes' chagrin
Well that's not going to end well.

>> No.44228092
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, f09280b3e1279992f9e1ec9504dc832bf5369ab208586ee2382e3ae146fc6c48.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44228146

I want to experience having three girls in one.

>> No.44228101

Made for cringey purification bedroom roleplay

>> No.44228110
File: 231 KB, 980x796, What Anon Told Drew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44228130


>> No.44228130
Quoted by: >>44228154

This could only be hotter if he made her wear modest clothes. In public.

>> No.44228146

Sounds like you need a chimera.

>> No.44228154
File: 87 KB, 400x1038, 1458002571516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44228236

>Telling her you want her to wear modest clothes
>In public

>> No.44228163
File: 926 KB, 1003x1416, 843f50537362374a31943bac89e312eb0f06358b90ed09f1c02ddeb81beff903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44228173

I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna call the dark priestess cute and ten never come back to that church out of embarrassment.

>> No.44228192

>groping and hotglueing stone form loli Gargoyle
>doggystyle with using just her hair as a handhold with loli Kejourou
>teacher/tutor on student sex with loli Hakutaku

>> No.44228202


>> No.44228208
Quoted by: >>44228590

>loli Hakutaku
Didn't know I needed a loli hakutaku until now

>> No.44228216
File: 177 KB, 1280x1024, 1463785346751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44228231

You did a good drawing. I will now do a bad drawing.
It will be a cait sith.

>> No.44228236

>Tell your succ GF you're going to buy her something sexy
>HFW you walk past the lingerie store without slowing
>Pull her into a normal clothing store
>Talk her into a loose sweater and ankle length skirt
>The clerk gapes as she rings you up
>Whisper in your woman's ear that when you come back she'll be shopping the maternity section
Succs are too easy. They're all "seduction this, rape that," but the moment a man goes on the offensive they're putty in his hands.

>> No.44228240

I wish I had an Oni or a really buff Satyros that would drink with me and let me sit on her lap.

>> No.44228250

>deploy the mobile suits, do not let him escape

>> No.44228256

>neutralfags cockblock everyone from their angel/demon waifus

>> No.44228264

>The reason we don't already have monster girl wives is because we're locked in the neutral route.

>> No.44228365
File: 35 KB, 379x480, Succubus Profile Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of mamano dress sense? Would you be fine with your wife and daughters going out in public spaces of the demon realms dressed in a way that would get them arrested for indecent exposure in the human realms?

>> No.44228369

My wife does not wear underwear and her bare anus is rubbed on everything she sits on.

>> No.44228405
Quoted by: >>44228442

that's what you get for trusting a nigger

>> No.44228407
Quoted by: >>44228424

My wife is an alraune so she just wears a cloak made of flora.

>> No.44228424
Quoted by: >>44228444

And to give you a full answer no I wouldn't be okay with that either. A woman should onky expose her intimate, indecent areas to her husband I think. The goes for whst I think the man should expose.

>> No.44228436

>Hey! You! Stop howling so close to my camp!

>> No.44228442
Quoted by: >>44228458

I wish you /pol/ retards would just go and stay go.

>> No.44228444
File: 71 KB, 619x898, Lich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44228458

So she's naked beneath her cloak like a Lich?

>> No.44228446
Quoted by: >>44228489

Sorry what was that? Couldn't hear you over the objectively best option.

>> No.44228458
File: 985 KB, 760x1098, Clothed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44228478

Just ignore it. It's not worth setting them off.

You know it boss.

>> No.44228464
Quoted by: >>44228485

Dressing them modestly like a human would be akin to having them scantily clad in the human world.

>> No.44228478
Quoted by: >>44228498

She's naked beneath her cloak, but not like a Lich.

>> No.44228485
Quoted by: >>44228539

So Demon Realms have insufficient exposure laws?

>> No.44228489
File: 197 KB, 700x800, 1344106266016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posts in a monster girl thread and isn't chaos aligned

>> No.44228498
Quoted by: >>44228502

How are they different?

>> No.44228500

Chaos is pure brainlet-tier. You can still be neutral and have some form of comradery with demons in SMT. You just aren't letting them walk all over you or being a bootlicking Lawfag.

>> No.44228502
Quoted by: >>44228514

Her cloak isn't open.

>> No.44228507
File: 483 KB, 778x972, e31fa168851e8f88bf394ea17009c2af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44228523

chaos is getting killed by some fucked up demon because hurrr rule of STR
law is having lovey-dovey baby making sex with angel gf while listening to zelenin's greatest hits

>> No.44228514

Oh. I have pics where it's open, but didn't post because nsfw.

>> No.44228518
Quoted by: >>44228527

No, see, all the rapists are anticpating that men will go running during the day to avoid them, so they go out during the day to counter them. Running at night is actually the SAFEST idea. Especially in front of the apartment building at 5th street and East Main. The one with the bike on that second story patio that the owner never rides. The alley next to that building is super safe between 9pm and 11pm.

>> No.44228523

Law is the Order taking to it's 10th degree and you'd have to be retarded to think that's a good idea.

>> No.44228527

Thanks anon. I will run through that alley back and forth for my exericse. Away from prying eyes, I'm sure monsters won't see me.

>> No.44228534
Quoted by: >>44228555


>> No.44228539

Yes, in fact they're very strict about mandating that the midriff, arms, and legs should be exposed. I hear its rather trendy at the moment to wear pasties and is all the rage in lescatie, its even catching on across the mamono realms!

>> No.44228540

Your finest hags please
I have a mighty need to get insta-loss'd

>> No.44228545
File: 2.65 MB, 1782x2922, 1686632607499546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.44228551

Those eyes have seen 4000 winters without a crumb of dick

>> No.44228555

Whoopsie! Had capslock on by mistake and made a few typos as well.

Meant to say stop wasting time. Don't hesitate because it's a treat!

>> No.44228566
Quoted by: >>44228600

Yeah, a soft elf hag is an instant kill on me
I never stood a chance, the moment her ears wiggled I was done for

>> No.44228573
Quoted by: >>44228618

>End up having to travel to Lescatie for a business trip
>Anon makes an Succubus that was there during the initial fall of the city faint just by the fact that he wears a jacket and long pants.
>Husband has to carry her back inside while she weeps over the "indecency" of humanity
>You just wanted a burger

>> No.44228579
Quoted by: >>44228732

>standing paizuri with loli minos
>half body coil mating with loli lamia
>bandit/captive RP with loli gobbo
>endurance "training" with loli salamander
The list can go on and on, we must IMAGINE deeper

>> No.44228580
Quoted by: >>44228600

My knees just turned into spaghetti.

>> No.44228590

>Didn't know I needed a loli hakutaku until now
My stance is that I need all monstergirls as lolis

>> No.44228592

You get the permanently sleepy mushroom hag.

>> No.44228594

No wonder being assigned to work in an embassy in a demon realm is often used as a threat towards my female coworkers.

>> No.44228596
Quoted by: >>44228622

I just stay inside my apartment all day and never go outside. I make money to pay rent by giving lectures on astrophysics online, although I don't turn my webcam on so students only hear my voice. I spend most of my time playing video games and posting on 4mon and all my food comes from the Harpy dine and dash who I instruct to just leave the food at the door because I paid online. Monsters can't get me like this, they can't make me go outside.

>> No.44228600

Anon, no! You can't show weakness in front of an elf hag! She'll find you to be adorable, scoop you up in her arms and carry you home!

>> No.44228618

>anon walks down the street in his business suit
>keeps getting hoots and hollers from the raunchier kinds of demons
>the more 'normal' ones blush and the married ones shake their heads in disapproval
>you walk into the restaurant of your choice a little confused, its a little chilly in there so you button up the top button of your shirt
>the patrons and staff swoon
>the manager has to come out, "I'm sorry sir but we can't serve you like that! We're not that kind of establishment!"
>she points to a sign on the door
>shirt, pants, no service!
>either be forced to eat in your underwear or leave
>the only eateries that will have you sensibly dressed are the kind you'll dragged into the backrooms of

>> No.44228622

>Anon makes this post
>Gets spotlighted in a documentary called "The most reclusive human."
>Features a Rata and her entourage doing a documentary on various people
>Apparently pure intentions, although they always leave enough clues in the episode for the more dedicated fans to piece together who and where this person is

>> No.44228628

I'm not even half a century old! Demon Lord help me, I am adorable! Make her stop, I don't want to be comforted, loved, treasured, fed my favorite foods and smothered by fat titties that were ancient before I was born! I should've watched myself around elves! She's getting closer and her wiggling ears are making her jewelry jingle! ARGGGGGGGH!

>> No.44228631

I'm sorry anon...
I got elf'd...
She insists I hold onto her at all times...

>> No.44228635

>Anon just decides to order some room service in at his hotel
>When the staff opens his door to deliver his food they act like she's standing there buck naked
>...he's just wearing a t-shit and shorts

>> No.44228640

he's, whoops. Should know better than to write when tired.

>> No.44228678
File: 2.26 MB, 1488x2105, 6328d4dd8acaebe670a89c82600f73fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44228698


>> No.44228684
Quoted by: >>44228736

>the (low ranking) vampire, wearing what is essentially a bikini and tasteful half skirt in the hotels colors looks at you in shock
>almost drops the tray of food
>you just motion to put the tray on the table further in the room
>she stammer's out something about this being the first time she's had a customer 'treat her' instead
>you nod absent mindedly, not really paying attention. Your mind is on the prize.
>she lingers at the entrance a little unwilling to leave right away, asking if there's ANYTHING else she can get you
>say that you could have someone check the ac, its a bit chilly as you put on your jacket
>shes practically a wobbly mess at this point as she goes and pretends to fiddle with the ac
>you didn't mean now
>why does she keep glancing at me?
>I just want to eat in peace for fucks sake...

>> No.44228698

I can hear it.

>> No.44228706

i am begging you all to get better tastes than just
>human woman with pointy ears
>human woman with horns

>> No.44228713

>Elf but with round ears, dies younger, and can't fire a bow
>Demon but with pale skin and no tail or horns or magic

>> No.44228715
File: 532 KB, 1193x1300, 680f4753ac1dc6715df4a8b108035af9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL fuck the gote
I WILL be happy

>> No.44228716
File: 2.55 MB, 3000x2368, 53dcf18a74e2f1a2eb861b722bca6374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44228724

>> No.44228722
Quoted by: >>44228729

That's right, beg! Grovel before me and plead with me to quit being a pleb. It won't do you any good; I'd marry a kejourou with a smile and not feel I was missing anything if only they were real. I'm unstoppable.

>> No.44228724

That design doesn't work the best for monster girls I suppose. Or maybe it's just the hair

>> No.44228729
Quoted by: >>44229604

please, stop, NO

anything but that

>> No.44228732
Quoted by: >>44228770

>role play that becomes lewd with a loli phantom
>"punishment" with a loli kunoichi caught spying on you
>time traveling to fuck loli Deonora

>> No.44228733
File: 1.16 MB, 1000x1600, e7f4de21654b8625a4e3614ff4b3e012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44228815


>> No.44228736

>Anon asks if the Vampire is cold or something and wants his jacket for a bit, says he won't tell the staff if it's a uniform violation
>Vampire's kneels nearly buckle on the spot, the brazenness this human has!
>After nearly a minute of Vampire stutters Anon assumes she's probably so cold she can barely talk, decides to just take it as a yes and wraps her in his jacket himself
>Feeling his strong (mostly average) hands on her shoulders and potent scent from his jacket (he only didn't shower yesterday) activates a breeding frenzy in the Vampire long thought to be something only some feral cave vampire would give into
>Anon nearly misses his meeting the next day, shows up covered in his own mana and neck dotted with Vampire bites
>also no pants
>he liked those pants

>> No.44228747
Quoted by: >>44228790

He got himself a vampire wife
How nice

>> No.44228770
Quoted by: >>44229055

>fleshlight play with loli slime
>skinny dipping with loli bunyip
>watching and acting out dirty movies together with loli ratta
>purposely violating the loophole filled contract of a loli demon before violating her
>lewding the loli lich as she tries explaining necromatic theory

>> No.44228785

At least anon landed the meeting as the danuki in charge was impressed with 'topless' presentation the deal went through

>> No.44228790
Quoted by: >>44228824

Thankfully they agreed to tell their kids a story about how their mom picked him up at a bar one night as some seductress instead of some wild animal jumping his bones for the crime of being nice.

>> No.44228815

Greasy gote kiss...

>> No.44228819
File: 182 KB, 1200x849, F1A5yfYWAAUgRan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44228834

>> No.44228823
Quoted by: >>44228878

>go around the block in a hoodie and sweats
>you get a lot of weird looks as you go along and even get whistled at
>beginning to notice there are a few monstergirls close behind so you pick up the pace into a brisk jog
>they match your speed

>> No.44228824
Quoted by: >>44228829

>for the crime of being nice.
I mean, it's not like he didn't deserve it.

>> No.44228829

Explain exactly how in ten words or less.

>> No.44228833
Quoted by: >>44228847

No good deed goes unpunished

>> No.44228834
Quoted by: >>44228838

This looks like shit.

>> No.44228838

No u

>> No.44228839
Quoted by: >>44228847

Damn nice male, needed marriage correction. *Heavy monster breathing intensifies*

>> No.44228847
Quoted by: >>44228936

This is why humans shouldn't trust monsters! You try and do something good and they treat you like a piece of meat!

>> No.44228878

>find out there's some western themed bar
>haven't been to one of those since you migrated through the portal
>decide to head in with your jeans, old boots, and even redon the cowboy hat you had laying around forever
>you walk in and aren't sure you're at a western bar or some kind of mix of a cowboy beach bar
>at least a good mix of men and women
>the women are in essentially the lowest cut skirts and practically only wearing a bandana around their chests
>the men wear almost the same much to your dismay bit you're not here for them anyway
>from the second you entered you had some catcalls from the ladies
>the stares only increased as the holst manning the bar gets your drinks ready
>you noticed she started running you a tab without even asking
>start feeling rather out of place...
>at least the drinks are cold and the ladies friendly...
>was it really necessary to have your ass slapped 3 times before you sat down though?

>> No.44228905

>She found out about your subscription to TOMMED
>But you learned about her subscription to MOLLIFIED
Who rapes who first?

>> No.44228921

You take her first, but when you first nut she goes "ohoho, you made me feel like a molly for a minute~what a helpless tom", only to have things turned around when the gets off while riding you, and so on and so on and so on...

>> No.44228935
Quoted by: >>44228949

Those are lazily repackaged blacked jokes.

>> No.44228936
File: 517 KB, 800x600, 5ec0ae94de53a8629f4f46d9afd08d2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I pray to the CHEIFGODDESS every day even though those damned monsters keep taking over land wayyyy to close to my homestead.
In fact my devotion has paid off and she even sent me a powerful angel to protect me and my land! Cheif Goddess be praised! She's always watching over me like a hawk and I've never felt so safe, though I must say that its littttttle odd that she insists on handling my laundry, to the point that she makes me change out of clothes after my labors for the day. Oh well, cleanliness is next to godliness, right?

>> No.44228943

She takes the initiative, but I'm a schizo with Batman aspirations so I shove the socks I reveal that I've been rubbing with catnip for months in her face and ultimately claim victory.

>> No.44228945
Quoted by: >>44228966

Gazer? I hardly know her!

>> No.44228949
Quoted by: >>44228960

And thats a lazily done drawing

>> No.44228960
Quoted by: >>44228979

Compare it to yesterdays abomination.

>> No.44228966

Haha, Gazer, more like Gayzer

>> No.44228969

>Fucking faggotcat keeps stealing your food
>Shredding up your couch
>Forcing you to dick her
>Be balls deep in her and she just lets out one of those sultry purrs
"I'm your little Molly, you dirty Tom"
>Freeze, knowing she was the one who left those porn tabs open
>Blow the biggest fucking load of your life
>Don't even notice her leaving scratch marks on your back
>Post on 4mon the next day
'This stupid bitch has ruined me for life and given me a cat fetish'

>> No.44228979
Quoted by: >>44229029

I'm not gonna look for that, but it's already known he's unable to improve.

>> No.44229002
File: 2.98 MB, 1857x3036, F2DSPjkaYAAUzmk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44229007
Quoted by: >>44229054

I'll take 5 ghouls to go please. Thank you.

>> No.44229013
Quoted by: >>44229027

The monster behind the rape...

>> No.44229027
File: 1.81 MB, 1187x1681, 110531379_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was the tutorial fairy all along

>> No.44229029
File: 165 KB, 891x1663, 1689033753308605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice is appreciated.

>> No.44229034
Quoted by: >>44229047

Apply shotgun directly to forehead.

>> No.44229040
Quoted by: >>44229047

1. Go to a shrink.

>> No.44229043

Try using a thicker rope to hang your obese ass

>> No.44229047
Quoted by: >>44229051

You could at least appreciate that I catboxed it...

>> No.44229049

do not draw aggro on the tutorial monster
do not pickpocket the tutorial monster
do NOT try to pass the seduction check in her dialogue tree

>> No.44229051

id appreciate it if you'd never post here ever again.

>> No.44229054
File: 259 KB, 1400x1000, Lich412g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. I assume you are aware of our returns policy?

>> No.44229055
Quoted by: >>44229066

>getting enchanted into thinking she's your wife by loli nurarihyon
>taking a loli jabberwock home with you and fucking her senseless
>loli banshee teary-eyed orgasm

>> No.44229056
Quoted by: >>44229071

You didn't listen to her, so you get what you deserve.

>> No.44229062

Im not worried about a ghoul, they are a low level undead I am sure I can take two or three.

>> No.44229066
File: 171 KB, 1250x1400, queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44229124

Anons, please stop posting lolis, I am about to commit a crime...

>> No.44229071
Quoted by: >>44229080

>mashing through dialogue on some overly flowery and verbose demon
>still mashing
>still mashing
>you accidently accept some dialogue option
hope you like your new contract, anon

>> No.44229080

Can't even count how many owls got their husband like this.

>> No.44229083

I would never have a chance at being able to date a Monster of super high status like a Lilim or a Wight, a wagie like me wouldn't be able to attend the kinds of events or social hangouts that rich Monsters go to since I'm nobody special or able to afford it, and I'd be too scared to try approaching them, which I doubt I'd be able to do in the first place since they're surrounded by sycophants and guards. It makes me kind of sad but I guess I'd be happy settling for a Monster around my league like the cute fox I know that works at the mall's food court.

>> No.44229110


>> No.44229111
Quoted by: >>44229296

I feel pretty much the same as you. I'm sure they'd be able to fix me up and make me a worth husband, but I'd much rather go for a more mundane life. Now, if the pharaoh has a 5th daughter who spends all day locked inside her room flicking her bean and posting in /mon/, well...

>> No.44229124
File: 542 KB, 1740x474, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44229127

How terrible

>> No.44229127
Quoted by: >>44229132


>> No.44229132


>> No.44229134

>The worst part is autismos are still gonna ree over NTR since another guy’s fucking a clone of their wife or something

I almost always commission art of my waifus and frame them in a (you) way when I post them. If other anons want to fap to them or waifu them I just assume is another MG that looks exactly like her. If anything there is always the chance I get other anons do commissions of them, so its a win-win to me. Getting autistic because another guy commissioned art or wrote a story of your OC waifu or married a lookalike of her, as long as it isnt grimdark shit or something retarded is retarded as shit. It is pretty much what we already do with the bajillion of anons married to the profile pic girl or even anons that waifu specific named characters like Druella.

>> No.44229146
File: 692 KB, 1110x1553, 110519922_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44229148
Quoted by: >>44229152


>> No.44229151

Thank you for not being a schizo, anon.

>> No.44229152
Quoted by: >>44229203

i wonder what this elf wants

>> No.44229203

I've always known elves to appreciate a good ear rub, probably that?

>> No.44229211

Just date their guards. The rich monsters likely already have a husband and there wouldn't be any available anyway.

>> No.44229240
File: 362 KB, 950x1306, 1568442703169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rich monsters likely already have a husband
That just means there's a chance they have daughters to date, instead.

>> No.44229254

This, most rich monsters are probably more picky if they're not already taken. It'd be better not waste everyone's time and just court a more humble monster like one of her guards or one of the various workers on their estate!
Don't even bother confessing to one even if its a little painful, instead give your love a monster in your league
Same issue as above

>> No.44229283
File: 90 KB, 233x237, 1690783051470261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to frustrate Miss Wight?

>> No.44229292
Quoted by: >>44229351

i want nobles disguised in maid outfits

>> No.44229296

>he doesn't want to be a working class family that LIVE FOR EACHOTHER AND GIVE IT ALL THAT YOU'VE GOT
(WOAH-HO) LIVIN ON A PRAYER (prayer for mongirl)

>> No.44229301
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>> No.44229315
File: 338 KB, 578x1000, c4a0f68fa280a6d86f51ff31cdaedc53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44229468

No way, its the opposite! Miss.Wight probably has many suitors and wouldn't even glance at a pleb like me. Even though she's super stylish, attractive, and had a great sense of humor she's simply out of my league. It's better for the both of us if I don't waste her time with something like a lame love letter or some cheesy romantic gesture!

>> No.44229351
File: 1.45 MB, 2838x4135, 1625099247772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Wight hours

>> No.44229364

>Wight having to 'disguise' as a barmaid because the anon she likes keeps thinking she's out of his league as he's only a shop assistant

>> No.44229392

I want to rub snouts with a cait sith.

>> No.44229403

i going to steal the rich old wight, and have holy undead childern who use their oversized staffs to bludgeon those infidels with lovely thorned staffs

>> No.44229419

Jugs and mugs

>> No.44229425
Quoted by: >>44229441

nerf dirndl

>> No.44229431
Quoted by: >>44229440

so we got ourselves a hero

>> No.44229433
Quoted by: >>44229441

All dragons should become undeads it will be better for them, they won’t be as prideful anymore.

>> No.44229440
File: 820 KB, 1200x1600, F2MCeB-aoAE74_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think he's making it past the level 6 succ

>> No.44229441
Quoted by: >>44229454

Eh, a baby always calms them down anyway. No point in waiting for them to die to be humbled.

They're OP on purpose, nub.

>> No.44229454
Quoted by: >>44229537

Yeah but that takes time and is too much work, I say kill them and bring them back as undeads it’s so much easier.

>> No.44229467

i dont understand and i will have sex with the undead and make holy undead

>> No.44229468
File: 167 KB, 900x715, 1675807664594484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shut up and get over here.

>> No.44229493
Quoted by: >>44229520

Unfortunately for her, even if she was somehow interested in me, I still think she's far above my league so I'm just going to go ahead and ask the fox wagie I know out. I'm sure Miss Wight will be able to find someone else easily though.

>> No.44229514
Quoted by: >>44229551

My monster friends keep trying to roll to seduce my character and it's frustrating

>> No.44229520
File: 2.36 MB, 1776x3128, 1611622307582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't going anywhere and you are getting clawed for every excuse.

>> No.44229536
File: 192 KB, 900x1200, F2g1RRxaYAALLRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not looking good

>> No.44229537

>Kill a dragon
I think that says more about the implied quality of your sperm than anything else.

>Police girl! Are you a virgin?!
>Not for long~
Too bad that line doesn't actually work in context.

>> No.44229551
Quoted by: >>44229597

>play D&D with your monstergirl friends
>you're being pretty normal
>bicorn keeps trying to seduce all female npcs into your character's harem
>salamander always tries to fight everything
>vampire has fully relapsed into being a chuuni edgelord
>pharaoh keeps trying to use her god voice on the dice
>anubis gm is just facepalming about how everything keeps derailing

>> No.44229574
Quoted by: >>44229629

But I already made plans to ask the fox out, and I wouldn't know how to react to being around Miss Wight in the first place. I take it back, I'm not interested in rich monsters anymore, I wanna stay a wagie! Really! It wouldn't make sense for her to date someone like me anyway in retrospect!

>> No.44229578
File: 191 KB, 512x512, 1606949156260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44229607

I feel like I have a 100% chance of being able to date a Monster of super high status like a Vampire or a Vampire, a wagie like me would be able to attend the kinds of events and social hangouts that rich Vampires go to since I'm special, and I'd not be scared to try and approach them, which I'm certain I'd be able to do in the first place since they're always surrounded by more vampires. It makes me happy and I guess I'd settle for any Vampire I can find since they're around my league.

Go marry a vampire now

>> No.44229597

>anubis gm with a pharaoh player
Sounds like a conflict of interest
>"My character pins anon's down and starts stripping his clothes"
>"Y-your majesty, we are just meeting each other at the inn-"
>"A-anon roll initiative..."

>> No.44229604

It’s too late! Anon is happily married to his kej wife and has had 2 kids with her!

>> No.44229607
Quoted by: >>44229616

>Go marry a vampire
Gross. The closest I'll get is a dhampir and she's never gonna turn.

>> No.44229616
Quoted by: >>44229621

Your daughters will be vampires anyway

>> No.44229621

They'll be so polite and humble everyone will think they're dhampirs.

>> No.44229629

>trying to date a fox
Anon that will only get other monsters to claim you even faster as they want to save you from that horrid fate.

>> No.44229644
Quoted by: >>44229686

>high ranking monster wonders why all of her staff get married off
>asks one of her aide's
>"its because of your status ma'am"
>"they all think you're already taken, ma'am. your status is desirable after all"
>"but there is a sign out front that says im single!"
>"yes, and its hundreds of years old."
>the high ranking monster storms off, frustrated
>next anon coming to her estate, thinking he'll only be able to get one of her staff so thats what he's shooting for
>tackled by the high ranker herself.
>"no you dont! im fucking sick of people coming in here and trying to romance my staff instead of me! whats the big idea huh? i didnt slave away for the better part of a millennia just to be treated as a glorified dating service and..."
>she rambles on for the next few hours until she's calm.
>while ontop of anon the entire time, not even making any sexual moves. she's just pissed off.

>> No.44229645
File: 505 KB, 1741x1741, F2OiNnBaoAAiLOm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fox is trying to get you to fuck her friend

>> No.44229666

I just thought of the most perfect plan to annoy and infuriate all those so-called high class monsters! I’m going to treat like a normal person! No preferential treatment whatsoever!

>> No.44229686
Quoted by: >>44229693

Imagine her face when he says he was just there to ask directions.

>> No.44229693

And he got directions to her womb. All is all it should be.

>> No.44229700

If a rich monster has a problem finding a husband she should just buy one on the black market.

>> No.44229702
File: 1.47 MB, 3500x2400, Water boob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water is stored in the breasts

>> No.44229708
Quoted by: >>44229720

Well yeah, didn't you know that?
Slimes truly are magical creatures.

>> No.44229714
File: 1.07 MB, 4096x3940, Fx3NZ5NaMAAzDrU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought that was maple syrup

>> No.44229716

They're just like camels!

>> No.44229720
Quoted by: >>44229763

>Calling an undine a slime
Haku will take her time educating you.

>> No.44229723
File: 711 KB, 2096x4096, 1656898118679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's mana

>> No.44229725
Quoted by: >>44229736

That's a lotta bark...

>> No.44229726
Quoted by: >>44231504

Stop posting in these threads and learn to lurk art generals. Actually read and apply tips from there.

>> No.44229736

i've heard that her bark is worse than her bite

>> No.44229737
File: 321 KB, 752x1062, 1689025292573097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44230485

I wonder how a monster would react to an anon they like pulling out their hair from stress

>> No.44229763

She is blue and transparent, I have a 50/50 shot.

>> No.44229775

Who sawed off her branches!?

>> No.44229779

I'm aware. I'll take 5 please. Violent ghouls preferred.

>> No.44229945
File: 243 KB, 1662x2000, 1670975105139953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't handle one relatively tame ghoul, anon!

>> No.44229956

You can't handle my ghouls, anon. They are much too violent for you

>> No.44229974
Quoted by: >>44230017

Nice of you guys to respond to shitty shit shit, and yes that’s your new name now breathfag.

>> No.44230017

You sure showed him.

>> No.44230028
File: 3.03 MB, 2000x3000, 1688683084162693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surrender yourself to monsters, love monsters.

>> No.44230055
File: 168 KB, 850x1403, 0CC058CC-1335-4D2F-A009-EED3CB97B3E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry to tell you but those features on that dark elf look too manish. Dark elves should look like this.

>> No.44230081
File: 221 KB, 850x555, 1648846148755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like what you like anon, but I'm gonna go for ladies that are built like brick shithouses until the day I die.

>> No.44230178
Quoted by: >>44230199

Elf cannot defeat borger.

Muscle is great for moving into a more strongthick aesthetic after a kid or two.

>> No.44230182

>Slap dark elf ass
>Watch it jiggle
>Go to bed
>Wake up
>Still jiggling

>> No.44230188

True, I wasn’t talking about the common waifufag so much as the schizos and threadshitters who latch onto anything KC says. My main argument is that KC should stop trying to band-aid “problems” created by NTRfags when he already explained how fate and wish-fulfillment are core concepts of the setting.

>> No.44230194

>thread has been on page 10 for like 12 hours now
Is /jp/ just really slow today or did the jannies have to purge another giant vtumor spergout and we ended up back on page 7 again?

>> No.44230199
Quoted by: >>44230215

can any monster beat the burger?

>> No.44230212
File: 420 KB, 1619x2614, 22e61b32ce74b145f8fbb227393237b8bb5bc7942af39372a5201ab116e8ef2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44230232

I think this looks much better.

>> No.44230215

The three closest are the P'Orcs and wurms, otherwise no, no one has yet to win.

>> No.44230232

that's cause it does

>> No.44230257
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>> No.44230314
File: 2.02 MB, 2067x1334, 1690514947292149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the portals open
>a pack wants you as the pack chewtoy
What do anons

>> No.44230321

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, monster girl mercenaries.
For when you don't have the trained men to form a force but do have the men to buy one.

>> No.44230327
File: 451 KB, 2500x3200, F019voFXoAA0M2M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try not to squeak, lest you activate them

>> No.44230330
Quoted by: >>44230436

Pretend to throw a tennis bawl and leave when they chase it

>> No.44230342

I was thinking about taking a trip to Zipangu, so I went on the Zipangu thread on 4mon's /int/ to ask for some tips when traveling there and all I got back was a bunch of Monsters from there posting at me in Zipangese. I translated a few of the posts and most of them said "fuck gaijin fuck gaijin gaijin fuck" and some Ochimusa posted their sword at me with this really blank and stoic face. Needless to say I've cancelled all plans to try traveling to a xenophobic nation like that which hates outsiders like me enough to send death threats.

>> No.44230374

Anon I don't think they meant what you thought.

>> No.44230436
File: 2.55 MB, 1447x2046, 1690515050848712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-what happens if you squeak anon?
That's a good way of getting raped harder after they catch the ball and realize what you did

>> No.44230485
Quoted by: >>44230502

Kejourou in particular definitely wouldn’t like that, unsurprisingly.

>> No.44230502
File: 422 KB, 1200x1697, 1690691042164853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I didn't mean the monsters hair anon I mean your own

>> No.44230529

Yes I know. And they wouldn’t like it.

>> No.44230547
File: 414 KB, 1546x1616, 1690600786149363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purchase an expensive, high pedigree dog.

>> No.44230551

No! Not the banana peels! Someone save that poor shota.

>> No.44230559

If you don't go to Zipangu they'll just drag you there

>> No.44230566
File: 313 KB, 1584x2534, FrLumu7XgAcnkvt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44230661

oh no how terrible

>> No.44230574

Don’t forget to smile at any girls caught in the rain and offer them help!

>> No.44230661
Quoted by: >>44230723

Beast girls better watch out, the inner ear fluff calls to me and I will not be denied.

>> No.44230721
Quoted by: >>44230761

What if I don't want to put on hulk hands after marrying a Wendigo?

>> No.44230723
File: 169 KB, 850x850, 1656542754669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44230768

Inner ear fluff molestation in a very serious crime in beastgirl lands

>> No.44230728

Probably not, but I still want them

>> No.44230734

la vaca

>> No.44230761
File: 174 KB, 901x895, 310383CB-C27D-4F27-8E79-8B6F9BE0B526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44230796

Well then you stay a normal incubus, next question.

>> No.44230768

And how are they gonna catch me when I disable them from ear molestation?

>> No.44230796

What if I don't want to Incubize?

>> No.44230806

Lmao even

>> No.44230815
File: 482 KB, 665x813, 1688689637446923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cold Ghost

Hot cold Ghost

Hot cold sex Ghost

Sex hot cold sex Ghost

>> No.44230817

So you want to go down the Hero route…Angel Bait.

>> No.44231091
File: 254 KB, 2000x1931, 1547747478772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that pharaoh is asleep I can post best ruler

>> No.44231126
File: 834 KB, 1280x720, I see the problem.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44231161

love sneks

>> No.44231161
Quoted by: >>44231275

But do sneks love you?

>> No.44231175

>I assure you sir, she's 100% pure Lescatian rape hound

>> No.44231186
Quoted by: >>44231305

Bold, dignified, esteemed.
Dominant, intense, demanding.

>> No.44231275

This was not a statement. It was an order.

>> No.44231305

>"A 600 square foot apartment should be enough, right?"
>seller looks at hellhound
>hellhound shrugs and nods
>"Yeah, that works."

>> No.44231328
Quoted by: >>44231343

Excellent, my butler will arrive to pick her up shortly in one of my limousines. Have her bathed and combed.

>> No.44231343

>first day working as a butler in some eccentric's mansion
>first job is to hose down an 8 foot tall dog woman from hell

>> No.44231351

>she wishes her water to be "pleasantly hot"
>80 degrees Celsius

>> No.44231357
Quoted by: >>44231362

>Towel-dried, no hair dryer. She doesn't wish to look like a Samoyed.

>> No.44231358

>"If you get shampoo in my eyes, I'm going to waterboard you in the toilet"

>> No.44231362

what about all the cow licks?

>> No.44231364

Jeeves warned me there'd be days like these...

>> No.44231380
Quoted by: >>44231420

I hope you're ready to prepare her large, multiple-course dinner.

>> No.44231420

>72 ounce steak
>an entire rotisserie chicken
>a suckling pig
>19 cornish game hens
>a three pound calzone
>a whole keg of beer
>and a mint (mostly for her owner's sake)

>> No.44231435
Quoted by: >>44231445

>Eats a several meals like this a day.
>Somehow always in peak physical condition and health.
That's high pedigree hounds for you.

>> No.44231445
Quoted by: >>44231462

>Sir Anon wants to make sure that his purchase stays in peak shape
>forces his servants to walk his dog
>watches her drag some poor guy across his expansive lawn at 30 mph while he holds onto her leash for dear life
>"Mmm, yes, exquisite."

>> No.44231457

Getting some Mr. Creosote flashbacks from that menu, especially the single mint at the end
>hellhound messily polishes off every item on the list except for the mint because she claims she's too full
>agrees to eat it after the butler convinces her she won't get any on-the-mouth kisses if her breath smells like calzone and chicken
>right after swallowing the mint, her breasts start swelling as if all the calories went straight to them, and then violently lactate all over the dining room
>hellhound is very confused and also very exhausted from the lactation-induced orgasms while the butler hands her a towel with a completely straight face

>> No.44231462

He'll need to keep up, after all he'll need to join the team that spots for her in the gym.

>> No.44231480

>Sir Anon enters his hellhound into an agility competition
>patiently sits on the little table while the judge inspects her teeth and coat
>she's too big to fit through the tubes so she just shreds them
>kicks her way through all the jumps
>snaps the seesaw in half when she gets onto it
>bumbles through the slalom section by running through all the posts
>comes in last place
>Anon scratches her ears and tells her that he's proud of her, and that there's always next year

>> No.44231504

I can do half of that.

>> No.44231522

highly cuddleable elf. i want to snuggle up to her and fall asleep while she lays on me

>> No.44231563

Such a good girl.

>> No.44231569
Quoted by: >>44231607

>Jeeves is looking for volunteers to dress up in a heavily padded suit to engage is sparring with the hound.
>"Chew Toy" duty.

>> No.44231571

>He decides to put her through the Hellhound specific competition
>it's the same inspection followed by a powerlifting competition and a triathlon

>> No.44231607

>"Well come on now, it has to be one of you."
>"Stanley! I say, you've been looking a bit plump around the waist. Surely you could use a good bout of exercise!"
>Anon sips his tea while his dog hammer throws Stanley into the rose bushes
>"Splendid form, girl."
