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>> No.46893554 [View]
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lilims after a succesful marridge between a man and a woman they personally helped become a monster

>> No.45786108 [View]
File: 203 KB, 1656x1199, 1683599422361067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, even your greatx5 grandkids know of your epic battle and fall(in bed) with the lilim nerd

>> No.45722526 [View]
File: 203 KB, 1656x1199, 1683599422361067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you're not just being a dipshit.
>Mature body type similar to Pharaoh or Wight
>Wears the lid of the Pitcher Plant on her head like a wide brimmed hat or beret
>'Digestive' juices emit a perfume that lures men to them
>Their pitcher gets bigger to trap their husband inside with them, can't be observed from the outside
>'Digestive' juices similar to the Claustrophyte only melt clothes and dial the man's pleasure up to 11
>Given their nature as Man-Eaters despite their seemingly gentle disposition they're extremely possessive of their husband and will ravish him if he leaves the sac for any amount of time like it's their first time together

I set zero expectations or resolutions so I can't ever be disappointed past making passive-aggressive remarks. If Cross isn't going to release the girls I'd want I can just homebrew my own versions and be content with that.

>> No.45131349 [View]
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Imagine deciding the fate of your country with a game of rock, paper, scissors
And you lost

>> No.44393970 [View]
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So, I'm going to be as real and brutally honest I can possibly be about it. A lot of the times when you're writing smut-- Regardless of how you feel about writing pornography in general-- Most people, especially on the 4ch, Bunkerchan or otherwise aren't into a deep emotional story or involvement. They're into the hot and sloppy, sort of like McDonald's or Chipotle, or what have you. The instant gratification, ya dig?

Unfortunately, amateur and professionally made porn tends to leave out that sex can and tends to be awkward in real life. Less so much about the bashing of genitals like a pair of animals rutting ( Though this does happen ALOT, make no mistake ) in the spur of the moment and more like... I don't know. Foreplay, small talk, breaks between rounds if you've got a shorter refractory period-- Which usually will have continued heavy petting and foreplay anyway. Oh, and there's a lot of weird noises in sex, like, A LOT of weird noises.

Now-- Not to bore you any further so long as you've got a basic knowledge of human anatomy it's pretty easy to write from a male perspective. Dude is cocked, roaring, and ready to rock. He's going to pay more attention to the physical side of things. The noises she makes when he slips his hand between her thighs, the movements when he presses his thumb into her clitoris or slides a finger into the warm, wetness of her snatch. The way her nipples get erect when he teases them. Men want to make their partners feel good and will watch for signals while not really putting any emotional weight into it.

Women, and consequently female characters, are different. There's always an emotional subtext to it. She'll find some way to tie in the way he feels her up or plays with her to an emotion beyond just feeling good. Sex positions are great for this because missionary is, hilariously enough, the most male dominant and possessive of positions. As if he's marking her as HIS woman.

Now for the act itself, it's pretty simple. Man thrusts in and out, stimulates his penis and his partner's vagina ( or anus ), man orgasms. Repeat ad infinitum until we find a better way to reproduce. To spice it up you can just use different words to avoid "He pumped, he stroked" etc. Nothing kills a sex scene like repetition.

One last thing, please. For the love of fucking God. Do not refer to a man's erect penis as his turgid tallywhacker. It isn't nearly as amusing or appealing as people think it is and just about the only writefag who's ever used it is AlpAnon as far as I know.

Hope that helps.

>> No.44226743 [View]
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G-nome fuck.

>> No.43893294 [View]
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Joke is on her I don't have any levels to drain!

>> No.43449827 [View]
File: 203 KB, 1656x1199, VictoryIsInevitable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lilim appreciation post
Surrender now, her victory is inevitable

>> No.43440985 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 203 KB, 1656x1199, heh-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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