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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.41705791
File: 795 KB, 4000x2500, tessara__plant_drider_2_by_kinathis_d7x20ar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41705833


>> No.41705795
Quoted by: >>41705812


>> No.41705812

Is that a recent tweet?
I thought the whole idea of a Bicorn promoting Ntr/Harem was that she gets more dark-mana from a busy Husbando than a vanilla monogamous one?

>> No.41705820

Bicorn are a mistake. Like dark elves and the furry ones.

>> No.41705833

She's very pretty but that is a LOT of monster

>> No.41705845
Quoted by: >>41705866

>dark elves
Why? they are just elves for people into harder femdom variants.

>> No.41705866

and incest

>> No.41705877

is at the end of the Encyclopedia Entry for Bicorn.
Just want to figuer out if other bicorns are treated just the same as any other monster in the harem, when it comes to the "mana flow".

>> No.41705894
File: 462 KB, 700x1000, db40b0ec668a5e59d9d9e53d65218930af1f5b3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might risk a Mershark BJ but it takes trust to let your Dragon-waifu go down
>great balls of fire

>> No.41705906
File: 1.68 MB, 3000x1900, 101754008_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she sees you succumbing to her venom

>> No.41705916
Quoted by: >>41705951

Mamono fire on your dick will just feel funny, just don't wear anything and don't sit on anything flammable.

>> No.41705938
File: 258 KB, 555x405, opheliamp4crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been meaning to get her animated for quite some time so special thanks to Vada for this.

>> No.41705951
File: 1.60 MB, 1240x1754, d9c4667a8881e6e86f13941080ef0e82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or find a dragon that breathes lightning

>> No.41706016

Gonna make a powerpoint to try to explain to my bicorn wife why monogamy is better.

>> No.41706059
File: 703 KB, 882x1136, chimera ver2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideas what to draw?

>> No.41706061

Yeah, its an unknown effect.
There were a few ideas here that an Anon could game the Bicorn=Ntr system by having a harem solely of other Bicorns, so hes simultaneously cucking all the others every time he fucks one of them, but that doesn't fit with the 'mana-cocktail' idea.
It seems that it sets a practical limit to Bicorn harems to avoid taking over all of MGC, but whether making your 6th waifu a second Bicorn means you get another 4 waifus, then another Bicorn.... there has to be a practical limit on the Anon sharing his time with them all anyway.

>> No.41706071

Yeti in a Wolverine costume

>> No.41706076

Bicorn Katamari

>> No.41706085

I bet Wurms can hold their breath for a long time.
Gonna ask for the thing from the previous thread: >>41703540

>> No.41706086

The 'guy looks back' meme but its a Unicorn-waifu and a passing Bicorn

>> No.41706117
Quoted by: >>41706263

wasn't the practical limit the man basically getting no pleasure until he's fucked all of them? seems counter productive to add more when you're just frustrated that you have to conga line through like 20 manamo just to get off. And even then, accounting into the fact that some of them might be incredibly impatient might stop from adding even more

>> No.41706124
Quoted by: >>41707144

Dancing gremlin calling an elf ugleh.

>> No.41706131
File: 152 KB, 375x600, Bicorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guess is that the Bicorns will count towards each others harem limit (max 6 women, including Bicorn) so 1 Bicorn has a limit of 6 women, 2 Bicorns has a limit of 10, 3 Bicorns has a limit of 12, 4 Bicorns has a limit of 12, 5 Bicorns has a limit of 10 and 6 Bicorns has a limit of 6. On a tangentially related note, my Bicorn wife wants to be part of a harem where all the other women are former humans that we monsterize together.

>> No.41706132

those sad little wings

>> No.41706196

Bicorns don't make any sense. Like, at all, even their gimmick is a bit of a joke since it' isn't like they have exclusive access to harems.

>> No.41706217
Quoted by: >>41706363

Thanks for answering.
After some thinking I have come to this conclusion: you would be limited by how few bicorns might exist out there.
I mean, what unicorn would marry a guy already with a bicorn, wouldn't it be weird if they just gave away their own purity so easily?
Unicorns seek virgins, and only become Bicorns when their own partner is impure.
Bicorns can't attract another bicorn into the harem, since they are created when already married.

>> No.41706218

I like them, I just wish you didn't have to betray a unicorn to get them

>> No.41706231

So you like used goods. It explains why you also like bicorn, faggot

>> No.41706247
File: 46 KB, 402x565, buy one, get one hundred yokai for free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nurarihyon is op.

>> No.41706258
File: 930 KB, 3968x2806, Samurai to Ochimusha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monsterization is one of my favorite parts of the setting.

>> No.41706260
Quoted by: >>41706275

Their gimmick isn't really harems, but rather corruption of purity to the extreme MGE allows.

>> No.41706263
Quoted by: >>41706309

You also have to factor in that most Mamono are going to want to hold out for an Anon of their own.
Even if Anons are scarce, and Bicorns are supposed to be skilled at luring in fresh waifus, its only going to be lowly or poor-self-esteem mamonos who are going to settle for only getting 1/6th of a polluted Anon.
So the likely harem candidates aren't likely to be haughty nobles - Lilims, Wights, Vamps- or other prestige species, or species that are very highly momoganous - Unicorns, Hebis - they're going to be desperate Hags or the species no other Anon wants.
>your Bicorn harem is a Hag Dragon, a Cu Sith, an Alp, a Mimic and a Crab.

>> No.41706271

former humans aren't 100% always used goods, though?

>> No.41706275
File: 275 KB, 1500x870, corruption (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41706318

pfff, she can't even do that. There isn't a single girl in mge that isn't about corruption into a sex crazed slut.

Even Anubis have a line for it.

>> No.41706279
Quoted by: >>41706309

I'd say it's damn close to a sure bet, though, in his defense. Unless they monsterized at twelve or some shit.

>> No.41706309

>no cait sith because rulers have standards
grim. Enjoy your devil bug goblin harem. Might get lucky and snag an imp who just wants some playmates.
I am unsure if young children who monsterize count as 2human4me. Probably not, casual sex isn't something that crosses their minds. It's staggering how many adult women view sex as just something you have every other week with someone.

>> No.41706318

It's hard to get more extreme than corrupting a symbol of purity, though.

>> No.41706329
Quoted by: >>41706705

>I only have 96% of getting poison when drinking a glass water
>Let's drink it after not all of them are poison
>Repeat ad vitam eternal
It's thanks to peoples like you that we live everyday a little more in a nightmare (i'm not speaking about the horse one)

>> No.41706363

Unicorns will only marry Virgin Anons.
Okay, thats simple.
But as this board shows even full-wizard 30yo KLVs can be perverts and lust after multiple mamonos.
Its then a practical question of what kind of mamonos will cheat with an Anon who's already married to a Unicorn?
So even if a Uni's husbando is a sleazebag perving on other mamonos, what are the chances he gets to physically cheat?
I guess there might be a few horny desperate mamonos, or weird circumstances like full-moon in-heat etc that might lower their resistances.

>> No.41706366
Quoted by: >>41706446

Projecting your 3d prejudices onto a fantasy pseudo JRPG land and where the largest human faction is a pre-modern super-puritanical society is quite silly.

>> No.41706410

Geez, at least get a Dragon and an Eagle-harpy squeezing a Tanuki.
That's so off-thread its pathetic.

>> No.41706419
File: 963 KB, 2480x3508, Fga80VPX0AMAtoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to talk about succubus titties, not whatever the fuck this is.

>> No.41706417

>off-topic image
>false whitepilling

>> No.41706422

Why would you /pol/ faggots do this?

>> No.41706430
Quoted by: >>41706457

Can we talk about her abs too?

>> No.41706431
Quoted by: >>41706457

Now this is a succubus I can get behind

>> No.41706437

/pol/tards seem to have become more obnoxious lately

>> No.41706438

too manly

>> No.41706446

Fuck off and off topic pic
I'm speaking post portal and here. After a few weeks how can you tell the difference. They will lie and hide themselves between true blood mamono.

>> No.41706456

You mean a beargirl and a harpy?

>> No.41706457

Talking about her abs is very acceptable.
Especially what you would do to with it.

Well, that's an invitation for doggy style if I ever heard one.

>> No.41706460
Quoted by: >>41706532

That's a man, fuck off

>> No.41706463
Quoted by: >>41706486

>hey anon, wanna know how I got these scars?

>> No.41706467

Yeah, at least /mlpol/ had some fun to it, and clever mixing of memery from both.
>modern /pol is just cancer, and I don't mean the cute little crabgirl.

>> No.41706478
Quoted by: >>41707177

Or even at least do "Do you know they have Jinkos?"

>> No.41706486

I do, actually.

>> No.41706491
Quoted by: >>41706580

At least put some effort to pretend you're not an outsider.
Bear girls unfortunately get bearly any attention.

>> No.41706493

Election season so they feel obliged to push their normalfag bullshit on everyone else.

>> No.41706503

What if I walked up to a ghoul and told her that I'm about to precum?

>> No.41706532

Do you think any monster girl with even a hint of muscle is a man?
Actually, don't answer.

>> No.41706541

(You) can't derail a thread, unless anon wants you to derail their thread.
Yuri bezmenov, on the nature of complain posting.
Anon, let's be frank, they would have tried to pin you down long before you got to speak.

>> No.41706549
Quoted by: >>41707177

more like ever since Putin's invasion of ukraine turned out to be a constant ass raping of the russian army

>> No.41706560

Not him, but if /fit/ shows us anything there's going to be a lot of buff Alps with big pecs and lats.

>> No.41706562

No, but someone with this kind of jawlines and haircut is. Faggot.

>> No.41706570
File: 515 KB, 803x1200, Jinko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet that retard thinks Jinko and Minotaur are men.

>> No.41706580
File: 639 KB, 992x1403, 15413076897933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least one good artist really likes them, so they have that going for them.

>> No.41706584
Quoted by: >>41706616

that's way more than just a hint of muscle

>> No.41706593

Damn, you're picky

>> No.41706594
Quoted by: >>41706646

>the haircut makes it a man
That's even more retarded than what I expected from you. Impressive.

>> No.41706596
Quoted by: >>41706812

Process of precumming is barely noticeable itself, getting the erection that it comes with is going to get her attention anyway.

>> No.41706606
Quoted by: >>41706669

I could 'do a Putin' and ride that bear with my shirt off.

>> No.41706616

I know, I was just being hyperbolic to prove a point.
His later posts showed that was not even needed.

>> No.41706621
File: 55 KB, 488x600, Nightmare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold! A man!

>> No.41706644
Quoted by: >>41706701

If they are functionally indistinguishable from mamono and they are gonna replace normal women then what does it matter? That said I'd strongly prefer one from their world "pureblooded" or not. It feels just really weird imagining actual normal people mixed with a niche hentai setting.

>> No.41706646
Quoted by: >>41706687

No, I'm not retarded. Only dykes and men have this kind of haircut. Both are gay.

>> No.41706649

No girl horse would have such thickly defined horse legs

>> No.41706669
File: 398 KB, 1044x963, 15413076897778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41706733

Not your pants?

>> No.41706673

What a strange looking bicorn

>> No.41706675
File: 145 KB, 667x1005, QdXDIef1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless him for helping us bear with this.
That's not a Cockatrice with her feathers plucked.

>> No.41706687
Quoted by: >>41706720

>Only dykes and men have this kind of haircut.
>Both are gay.
So... you're gay?
Well, I'm sure you'll make a nice Alp anon. I'm happy for you.

>> No.41706696

Smug Chesh

>> No.41706701
Quoted by: >>41706832

Their past is not magically erased by transforming. Think about it, they have to be transformed and controled by an alien force (mana) to stop being whores.

>> No.41706703
File: 619 KB, 3000x3250, Uj0mj6vR_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chicken crosses the road to get to you.
What would you?

>> No.41706705
File: 104 KB, 810x1041, i-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we live everyday a little more in a nightmare
Every day I could be a little more in that Nightmare
>she really needs updated art, I like Cents but the colour and 'smooth bulbous' art style makes her a little too close to having an /mlp/ cutie-mark

>> No.41706709
Quoted by: >>41706832

I could see if it you were talking about how top heavy that image is, the arms especially, but the hair and jawline?

>> No.41706720
Quoted by: >>41706741

No, dykes are literally gay while liking men is gay. Why can't comprehend simple things like that. Catpcha : JMJGAY

>> No.41706725

Pick her up and bearhug her.

>> No.41706733

Obviously, but the /jp/mon/pol/ crossover would be shirtless.

>> No.41706740

Stomp the ground and make loud ouga bouga noses, she will flee

>> No.41706741

>Why can't comprehend simple things like that.
If you learned how to spell it would help.

>> No.41706762

Imagine Anon covering his eyes while being surrounded by a pack of short Cockatrices, while they keep giggling circling around to get eye contact and paralyze him.

>> No.41706764
File: 1.56 MB, 4800x4093, qsj056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41706774

That's why it's important to meet her parents before you commit. If they have any old family photos then you know immediately if she used to be human.

>> No.41706812
Quoted by: >>41706930

>Anon has a boner in the undead slums
Won't last more than 2 minutes.

She may look like an extremist and a sadist, but what is she gonna do? Peck my cheek with aggressive kisses?
Cockatrices are a joke.

>> No.41706832
Quoted by: >>41706854

It's just the usual guy who explodes on whatever is topical at the time.
Much brainwashing. A bit of a problem in the setting is that kcs human girls aren't horrible people as default. I don't know if mamano mana actually has the capability to make 3d have good personalities, even if it can force monogamy through some kind of semen addiction deal.

>> No.41706836
Quoted by: >>41706847

It wasn't that bad during 2020 which was surprising and made me hope that this shit would stop being a problem.

>> No.41706847
Quoted by: >>41707177

as has been said it wasnt just elections but russia invading ukraine now its close to election series so theyre having two effects that increase shtposting

>> No.41706854

I wasn't thinking about brainwashing

>> No.41706857
File: 233 KB, 1000x1596, 9A33EF01-157F-42AD-8120-DA7D9A8429AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, every adventuring Anon’s mortal enemy

>> No.41706864
File: 1.08 MB, 1500x1500, acb6ef74f081568e25aa034407cfe20bcec18df498e2830afb90433809163593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be a lowly Order soldier that gets "bullied" by two dark braves and their overwhelming power
>making you cum and fall onto your knees just from their sheer power
>disarming you, licking your sword seductively and making your clothes fall off
>hip-checking you between themselves
>or shoving you with their asses
>drain kiss loop

>> No.41706868

>not making your fox gf a party member

>> No.41706897
File: 1.60 MB, 2224x1792, 1525512485159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, I cannot stand against a fox's genuine love...

>> No.41706899
File: 495 KB, 706x1000, Deviljho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to convince a gullible pigeon harpy that she's a descendant of a legendary T-rex queen.

>> No.41706920
Quoted by: >>41706983

>all while anon-kun desperately tries to maintain the facade of a fearless warrior
>it only makes them hornier though

>> No.41706929

And it's a good thing.

>> No.41706930

>extremist Cockatrice paralyzes Anon
>rapes him with ferocity of a Hellhound
>smugly whispers in his ear "Nobody will believe you"
>gets up to leave, starts walking away from Anon covered in sex fluids
>"Oh, don't worry, I'm not ditching you. If you wish to see me again, just come back here later, and we can do it again. I know you will, you thirsty little bitch."

>> No.41706957
Quoted by: >>41707061

Why do you have to make everything around femdom, even race that aren't made for it.

>> No.41706960
Quoted by: >>41707061

>>gets up to leave, starts walking away from Anon covered in sex fluids
>not tackling her from behind and taking your vengeance on her womb

>> No.41706979
Quoted by: >>41707061

>get interrogated by a bogey and a manticore doing the good cop/bad cop routine

>> No.41706983

>all while anon-kun desperately tries to maintain the facade of a fearless warrior
Absolute perfection,

>> No.41706984

>she walks away
>Anon " Cockatrice? That wasn't even cock-a-twice"
>she stops and turns back...

>> No.41707061
Quoted by: >>41707684

I don't always do, just sounds like a nice scenario.
Paralysis is still up. You can turn tables on her during the next encounter, if you come prepared.
>Manticore wants to be the good cop this time

>> No.41707144

if you're referencing what i think you're referencing then it's gotta be a Bunyip

>> No.41707177
Quoted by: >>41707257

why is Russia living rent-free in your head? do you have something that you want to share with the rest of the class?

>> No.41707183

I am sure that would be an electrifying relationship

>> No.41707230
File: 16 KB, 647x503, 1666976661434469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff danuki breath!

>> No.41707244

fuck off

>> No.41707257
File: 87 KB, 850x1193, i-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/mge stopped giving a shit about the Russ/Ukie war after there were no reports of hot Ukie Kikis coming out as displaced refugees and needing foster-homes to clean

>> No.41707267

> 41707244
At least he's on topic, if boring with it.

>> No.41707284

and? still dont give a shit and all that rl /pol/shit doesnt belong here

>> No.41707301
File: 56 KB, 877x911, aXQsceTh_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff danuki breath every day, multiple times a day

>> No.41707300
Quoted by: >>41707571

I really can't express how sad I am that the war hasn't triggered the portals so I can get a cute wife.
I'll settle for anything from imp to succubus to sith, just please. Open them.

>> No.41707302
Quoted by: >>41707310


>> No.41707310

fucking spammed at once every fucking thread
k, make something like art or text with that fetish in mind instead of posting the same shit over and over again

>> No.41707312
Quoted by: >>41707327

That's gross.

>> No.41707321
Quoted by: >>41707337

He did move onto a second image.

>> No.41707327
Quoted by: >>41707337

I've done text before, and I can't art.

How so?

>> No.41707336
Quoted by: >>41707353

What does danuki breath smell like?

>> No.41707337
Quoted by: >>41707390

read my comment again slowly
k, do it again and again and again and again till you make your perfect idea. till then dont post

>> No.41707342
Quoted by: >>41707390

I don't think I want to see art related to it.

>> No.41707353

Shrimp tempura, tea, fries rice, and for some reason paper money

>> No.41707355
Quoted by: >>41707361

No, we don't need shitty forced memes here

>> No.41707361
Quoted by: >>41707413

basically this, i fucking hate the fact no one cant post jabber art without that one faggot chiming in

>> No.41707390
Quoted by: >>41707404

If you wanna see the story go back in the archives to read it.

It'd just be danuki holding anon's face and breathing slowly and heavily in it, focused on his nose. And maybe licking his nose and taking it into her mouth and breathing yet again. Before finishing off with a wet kiss to the mouth.

Yeah, a bit weird, but nothing compared to the shit you'd see on /d/ or worse

>> No.41707400
Quoted by: >>41707535

>Be Anon
>chopper insertion into Shythole-upol
>track the beacon through the mud and the wreckage
>target acquired
>the house around her is shattered, but she's on her scaly knees, still gamely trying to clear it away with a broken hearth-brush
>"I have the Kiki... I say again... I have the Kiki"
>wrap her up in the extraction harness
>one arm wrapped protectively over her sensitive ears as the chopper lifts, soft headpats with the other
>"Roger that Anon, B-52s nuking it all now... there's nothing else of value anywhere down there."
We must secure the existence of our Kiki-waifus and a future for Kiki children

>> No.41707404
Quoted by: >>41707432

I don't remember that story at all. Not sure how I missed it.

>> No.41707407

i just dont want see anything from you, im tired of the same shit, now fuck off

>> No.41707413
Quoted by: >>41707431

Cry about it. Jabber is a disgusting profile

>> No.41707423
File: 313 KB, 1200x1200, FZ4tPrNVEAc6rZd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little red riding hood

>> No.41707431
Quoted by: >>41707447

says you, multiple mouth tentacles are amazing, especially with plump juicy lips on them
very cute spider, would help her to get to grandmas house

>> No.41707432

I made one a while back too about cuddling in bed with her, under the blankets, and doing the breath sniffing. Before bed, and first thing in the morning when we wake up

>> No.41707436

Get a can full of insecticid

>> No.41707445

this thread should be nuked

>> No.41707447

she paints herself with cum.

>> No.41707449

SniffAnon's face when she lets out a disgusting garlic and ònions belch.

>> No.41707464

I'd love it. I wanna take in her hot morning breath too

>> No.41707478

>more POV anything
cool and good
also your waifu design is nice, good taste

>> No.41707487
Quoted by: >>41707614

Is she afraid of vampires or something?

>> No.41707488
Quoted by: >>41707500

Naming him?
Too far dude. Save it for people who make something at least.

>> No.41707500

What of start commissioning danuki breath pics on mass like the headsets guy fud.

>> No.41707511


>> No.41707516

Still a shitty forced meme that's propped up by newfags parroting it for angry (You)s

>> No.41707530

Jabberwock and Bazelgeuse arguing over who's a better wife

>> No.41707531
Quoted by: >>41707558

I don't really want anyone making art of my danuki breath sniffing idea.

Let's just keep it text based please.

>> No.41707535

>B-52s nuking it all now... there's nothing else of value
If it gets the Portals open, it's finally going to be useful.

>> No.41707558

Hard lesson about starting things on 4chan.
Things get out of your hands easily and spiral out of control. I would know

>> No.41707566
File: 703 KB, 3359x2791, Fg0qSq_aUAAj4S3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41707666


>> No.41707569
File: 272 KB, 688x688, Holstein farmer clothes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need cow. I just need cow, that's it.

>> No.41707571

You can't expect drone grenades to open an interdimensional portal. It has to be nukes.

>> No.41707612
File: 710 KB, 2000x2000, 101843281_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41707614

The irony that one (((bloodsucker))) is afraid of a literal bloodsucker.

>> No.41707666

maybe gachashit isn't so bad for once

>> No.41707684

>Deputy Manticore has been on the force since the day she could sign up
>she has also been single the second longest, only beaten by Sgt. Anubis, who insists she is married to her work (despite the conspiracy board of Criminal Anon’s recent extra chaotic crime spree)
>Every single one of her partners have married
>Usually after the good cop bad cop routine
>Naturally, being a manticore, she is a perfect fit for the bad cop
>even though she ends up scaring the suspect right into the open arms of her partner, they usually end up cracking by the end
>So, she has decided for todays suspect, she gets to play the good cop, pulling seniority over her new partner
>Little does she know, todays suspect has a thing for police uniforms, handcuffs, and rough girls

>> No.41707711
File: 147 KB, 408x484, 1636643906909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41707769
File: 1.29 MB, 3508x4961, 10a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41707807

>> No.41707785
File: 411 KB, 2410x1920, Hellhound1296d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41707786

>10% damage against male npcs if you marry an alp.

>> No.41707798

This is just like the cheshire fic that ended with them saying that mana meant they were married from the start
Monster girls and their lack of informed choice is scary.

>> No.41707801

She looks really excited that you're taking her for a walkie.

>> No.41707807
Quoted by: >>41709834

This doujin could have been good, but it was ruined by westoid interpretation of monsterization

>> No.41707819

Best singer?

>> No.41707830

Rob Halford

>> No.41707842
Quoted by: >>41707943

Me at the OL karaoke bar singing bad breakup songs

>> No.41707861
File: 1.29 MB, 2480x3507, __apophis_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_magnifire__15bfac3752ddaacc43ec58067b8a57b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41707919


>> No.41707870


>> No.41707880
File: 1.79 MB, 480x570, 1632541310935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox Gang

>> No.41707889
Quoted by: >>41707956


>kikimora lullabies

>> No.41707898

>seals on tails
baka fox or baka exorcist

>> No.41707902
File: 824 KB, 1280x1696, D483CECC-335B-4064-AC91-3E64836E63AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxes are charlatans

>> No.41707913

This way the fox can't trap you in her mofu realm.

>> No.41707919

What's she singing? Is it Tiny Tim?

>> No.41707920

that's just a fashion statement at this point

>> No.41707928
Quoted by: >>41707972


>> No.41707943

>drunk bar hopping on a saturday
>find a nice karaoke barwith OLs singing
>they have very nice voices, you almost feel like you recognize them
>your turn to sing comes up
>start singing Baka Mitai because it's the only sad love song your drunk ass can think of, thanks to all the memes
>before you can even get to the refrain, your head is buried in several sets of OL cleavage
and for some reason, your boring wageslave job got less boring on the next day. but that's just a coincidence, right?

>> No.41707956

>>kikimora lullabies

>> No.41707972

No anon (You) sing that to Impress the pharaoh

>> No.41708014
File: 119 KB, 526x765, 1589547781664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41708150

All men should learn to appreciate the beauty of young monster girls.

>> No.41708090
File: 168 KB, 1124x1268, ba99d34e82fc71429c517e262576b6c279043eee3cd13ff9ec7a933f34c28ee3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41708101
File: 590 KB, 1125x1288, 2F83FF1F-733E-4C54-B575-14159661C2D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41708255

>> No.41708109

very soulful boat gacha art

>> No.41708127
File: 47 KB, 535x388, 98e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41708143

Why are foxes like this?

>> No.41708143

When you get to a certain age you just stop caring.

>> No.41708150
Quoted by: >>41708423

>join the sabbath
>they're all pear shaped
there is no punchline, it would just be great. Flat chests and wide hips are sexy.

>> No.41708167

nice goat

>> No.41708171

think that's why oni are always wearing chains. they could, in fact, break those cuffs.

>> No.41708195
File: 1.97 MB, 1746x1548, One Terrible Scream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41709645

Remember to wish your Ahamkara wife a happy birthday! Otherwise it'll just end badly for the both of you!

>> No.41708196
File: 1013 KB, 1000x1220, 102591776_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41708378

>> No.41708226
File: 736 KB, 3541x4096, FdB7ECpXgAETgJX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41708255

Eros slimes make top tier wives.

>> No.41708317
File: 255 KB, 582x831, creepo coin choco edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somethin like that, I suppose?

>> No.41708319
Quoted by: >>41708341

>Fox has a pitiful magic supply
>can barely lift a teapot, let alone make it levitate
>Her foxfire looks more like a sputtering zippo lighter than the ominous glow they are supposed to have
>Anon is convinced she is a magic powerhouse because “how else could she have broken those seals all over her?”
>Those seals are purely cosmetic and sold at the local monster fashion store as the latest trend sweeping MGC

>> No.41708327

can I have a lilim trying to look cool with that cut out sprite bottle glasses.

>> No.41708341
Quoted by: >>41708351

The only seal she has that works is the one taped to her forehead, and that's just to suppress allergies.

>> No.41708351
Quoted by: >>41708367

>anon thinks something terrible will happen if he peels it off, like with ushi-onis
>one day they get drunk and anon decides to find out what happens
>she just sneezes in his face

>> No.41708359

What if most men are too busy, with important things like work, to be with monsters?

>> No.41708367

>It sets off a chain of improbable, but not impossible events that lead to anon's car getting towed, his workplace shut down by an out-of-the-blue flash flood, and his phone breaking.

>> No.41708378

>You get a new job
>Everyone tells you to watch out for the boss
>Finally meet her
>She's a massive breasted megane succ
>First thing she asks is if you're into older women

Pretty good, she looks like one of those genki shortstacks who never fail to cheer you up.

>> No.41708387

Going for milk chocolate, I see. I like her, but I'd make her a bit darker to make her choco nature more obvious.

>> No.41708420
File: 731 KB, 1200x1200, 4w3PZ063_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41708523

>get stopped by a fairy wearing a tiny cupid outfit aiming a tiny bow at you
>well that's cute but there's no way an arrow that size would-
>she shoots, and the arrow expands to normal size as soon as it leaves her bow
>goddamn fairies and their goddamn fairy magics

>> No.41708423

>momonika sabbath offshoot
>a club of young pears only

>> No.41708433
Quoted by: >>41708529

Never feed a petite harpy some candy, they go hyper

>> No.41708487

>get "recruited" as sexual relief for two dark braves
>they take turns raping you and going into battle
>right when one is done the other one arrives and rapes you until she returns and then she does the same thing

>> No.41708523
Quoted by: >>41708548

>Fairy shrinks you down to her size
>Grows herself to your size
>In a masculine voice, "who's the fairy now, bitch?"

>> No.41708529
Quoted by: >>41708559

Isn't that how you make them go pump-a-rum?

>> No.41708548
Quoted by: >>41709115

She's a actual Size but she seems much bigger today.

>> No.41708556
File: 1.60 MB, 838x950, aaf5b96ae6ca6e14b35aa7f1437652cb848c45d1bf4a8413c97b2772a55c4032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41708559

No, that's when you pump her rump.

>> No.41708585
File: 1.03 MB, 1177x1709, 1b0fd89239872d87e170c637768f3e9a635f5fd3854df323be6572d9cec8e06c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41708730
File: 371 KB, 1003x1400, 1573598543102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41708731
File: 790 KB, 1153x1094, 1463700807295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White boys ____ ____!

>> No.41708738

what happens if my haku teacher found out i cheated on most of my tests?

>> No.41708747
File: 198 KB, 1448x2048, Ff1JIkyWQAAyh3R.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41708780
File: 363 KB, 1536x2048, Dormouse2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41709050

hug mice!

>> No.41708789
File: 598 KB, 641x767, 1661328496386040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marry whitesneks

>> No.41708801
Quoted by: >>41708818

ugly white granny eyebrows

>> No.41708818

Bushy eyebrows are one of god's greatest blessings.

>> No.41708824

I will only marry whitesnek if she agrees to let me inside her tail at least once a week

>> No.41708831
File: 369 KB, 850x1012, sample_f156e8549834a202d8a1c656de7f0712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder what happened to that Anon who tried to evict a Fatalis from her land.

>> No.41708857

Oh no, she's gonna figure out I don't know how to kiss. Help /mgt/ how do you kiss a needy snake?

>> No.41708875

He tried to evict a Fatalis from a castle she claimed
That guy has been ultra mindbroken by that dangerous first class pussy

>> No.41708877
Quoted by: >>41711763

>7 fairy sisters have taken up residence in your home.
>They claim to be between the ages of 17 and 26
>They refuse to leave.
>They call you Mister Tall.
>They sometimes cause mischief (nothing serious)
>They're always happy
>They sleep in your bedroom, each with their own beds scattered about the room and in strange places
>They have a tendency to steal pocket change and keys
>They dislike cats and small dogs
>They always take a deep interest when you yourself play video games
>They'll all watch you and cheer you on like a cheer squad
>They may steal candy or a part of your dessert
>They love your houseplants and ask for more
>They love you most of all

>> No.41708886
File: 882 KB, 800x850, c720ddb5c8c0da807f26af97bf7997b0da5eff0c2b4f201b30cfdb2337b630b6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41708889

thats what he gets for not drinking his glass of wurm milk everyday

>> No.41708915
Quoted by: >>41708933

Reminder: All nerd monsters have fat asses so you can better bounce them on your cock or plow into them.

>> No.41708918

hebi kissu kissu

>> No.41708933

I'd do a diving headbutt into nerdhounds butt

>> No.41708950
File: 192 KB, 900x1200, 2W9OGJ0i_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41708969

slay dragons

>> No.41708962
File: 362 KB, 557x610, proteinshakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drink milk

>> No.41708969

Seems difficult. I'll just go to the pet store and buy that cute purple striped cat

>> No.41708970
File: 178 KB, 867x1200, 1659335789182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Jabberwock the perfect wife?

>> No.41708972

hellhound mothers would rather protest to make rape illegal than to let their daughters become nerds

>> No.41708974

almost is, the best is a meaty wurm

>> No.41708984


>> No.41708996

shut the fuck faggot, how are u not tired of this shit

>> No.41709005
Quoted by: >>41709277

Shy nerdhounds suck. Good nerdhound rapes you like a normal Hellhound, only afterwards she pulls out a Thinkpad and shows you how she riced her Linux installation.

>> No.41709018
File: 2.46 MB, 2894x4093, ctis chan 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sobek girl I commed

>> No.41709027
File: 1.99 MB, 2894x4093, ctis chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41709030 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 1218x1648, He did it again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41709114

>Being called niggerwoman because of a writer from the past
Ghost of the pas never leave you

>> No.41709050
File: 686 KB, 2859x2000, 8RgBblTh_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love sleep mice

>> No.41709062

Too boring

>> No.41709078

Gonna blackmail mother hellhound into paying for all the dates with her daughter by threatening to post pictures of nerdhound in frilly cosplay online!

>> No.41709080

Some men just want a quiet, peaceful life.

>> No.41709085
Quoted by: >>41709246

Cute croc
I bet you can have an exciting adventure if you enter the Dormouse's dream.

>> No.41709089


>> No.41709105

Sorry mate

>> No.41709114

You forgot the angle brackets (>>)
I gotchu: >>41709030

>> No.41709115

Squares may look distant in her rear view mirror, but they're actual size, as she drives away..
Should've just settled down with that nice Great Jagras next door, but he just HAD to go and "reclaim his family's honor."

>> No.41709120
File: 2.80 MB, 1700x2450, creepy gal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wake to find yourself face to face with a monster girl with a face like this, and as your eyes adjust, you see yourself in pics covering the walls of the room from little boy all the way to right now and how you got here.
What is your first reaction?

>> No.41709145
Quoted by: >>41709185

Lambast her for going overboard on the exposure, of course. Half of those pics aren't even properly developed, her camera's out of date, she's using half-rate supplies from a manufacturer of dubious repute...

Like for fuck's sake, girl, if you can't stalk someone with the right tech, then you should just try to court them like a normal woman would.

>> No.41709155

Ctis-Chan is a cute girl for someone that lives in a smelly swamp temple.

>> No.41709157
Quoted by: >>41709185

Fear and panic I guess. Grab her front horns and ask for an explanation while shaking said head

>> No.41709185
Quoted by: >>41709199

>She used magical photography
>She is stunned
>She never thought she would ever be touched by her love, they said he never existed, it was pipedream, but she knew that even eros herslef assured her He was real and he was near,.
>Eros even gave her your face and name, and this was when she was a very young girl

>> No.41709186
File: 291 KB, 919x1200, Dormouse56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41709199

So I got isekaied, will I be able to see my family again?

>> No.41709201
Quoted by: >>41709225

Be concerned about her intentions because I'm unattractive and wasn't even cute as a kid.

>> No.41709210
File: 72 KB, 600x800, Dormouse19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41709225

She knows all about you, and made sure you can visit them just need to do one single thing, take her with you whenever you do go back
but first, a date is a must!
>She still found you cute

>> No.41709227
Quoted by: >>41709236

Yeah, you just gotta go through the paperwork for a passport.

>> No.41709236

Good answer, I would like more fur but I'm ok with that.

>> No.41709239

Protect the sleep mice!

>> No.41709242
File: 339 KB, 1150x1000, 1652338058791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41709246
File: 677 KB, 1200x1200, AV4rsRC1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41709252

I'm glad there's an item for that, dream sharing makes dormice way more appealing

>> No.41709252

It's just Prisoner's Honey. Don't get it mixed up with Gaoler's Honey, though.

>> No.41709259
Quoted by: >>41709279

suplex her to establish dominance

>> No.41709272

>>She still found you cute
She must be really lonely to think that. This makes me feel sorry for her, I don't know if I could just leave her like that.
That's three words, pal, gotta drop one to fit.

>> No.41709277

>have nerdhound wife
>she wants to dm a single player dnd session for you
>sounds fun so you agree
>first encounter is a hellhound
>you're level one so you don't stand a chance
>as soon as your character gets knocked down she jumps across the table onto you
>she gives a vey detailed play by play of everything the hellhound does to your character while she herself does those actions to you
>as soon as you cum she gives you a kiss, gets up, and walks back to her chair
>she rolls a die and pouts
>hellhound failed her pregnancy check, you got lucky this time
>tells you to hurry up and get back to playing
>you crawl back into your seat and get ready to play
>a few minutes later you get another encounter
>it's a hellhound again
>maybe the same one?
>roll for initiative
>you lose again
>she jumps you again
>she rides you until orgasm again
>she gets up, rolls a die, and pouts
>no pregnancy this time either
>before you can get back up she tells you the hellhound is back
>oh no
>you tell her you've played enough for today and try to leave
>the door is locked
>roll for initiative

>> No.41709278
File: 1.86 MB, 1666x1584, td9eqnghcky91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taken Oni make good tomboys

>> No.41709279
Quoted by: >>41709359

but y? you just made her horny and wants to get spanked now

>> No.41709282
File: 25 KB, 269x302, kissu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiss hounds

>> No.41709341
File: 1.05 MB, 2894x4093, Minotaur81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real men breed cows.

Doesn't what type of cow
>Fight cow
>Milk cow
>Smart cow
>Spider cow
Just breed cows.

I prefer milk cow myself. Fight cow a close second.

>> No.41709347

the greate mg war

>> No.41709351
File: 134 KB, 1000x1183, 1644546603137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucken love cows I do

>> No.41709357

>diving headbutt
dumbest wrestling move of all time

>> No.41709359

Because I already know that if I run away she's just going to phase through the walls and jumpscare me. The only way to beat spooky monsters is to be aggressive.

>> No.41709365
Quoted by: >>41709412

They tried to be patience with you and they waited too long.
They don't care anymore.
They want to *genuinely* rape you now.

>> No.41709368

i breed wurm cows

>> No.41709412

seems like they can spell or interact with me at all

>> No.41709421
File: 1.18 MB, 1319x1339, 1667858614238478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41709433

ew, ill eat dragons eggs with some normal bacon and dragon milk but not dragon tail

>> No.41709440
File: 180 KB, 950x575, 15413077474800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently the author of this story subscribes to the "rape" translation of MGE, so even if a man really, truly doesn't want it or the girl in question; too bad, she's stronger so she's taking it despite how much he hates it and she'll just mind magic it away later.

There's always a fuck up somewhere in these stories, I fucking swear.

>> No.41709490

Instructions unclear, dong covered in peanut butter.

>> No.41709493
File: 2.62 MB, 1474x2111, 2a21c817aefb9582146cf09f4c652bf0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't eat tasty, juicy, nutritious, tail

>> No.41709494
File: 324 KB, 2100x2900, 1635369115945-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Hellhounds.

>> No.41709500
Quoted by: >>41709538

tail is too far, and ive eaten a gaint field rat

>> No.41709532

It's not really a translation issue. KC lists 逆レイプ and no amount of mental gymnastics will let you not translate it without 'rape'.
What these people don't get is that things in mge are meant to unfold in a convenient way so that both get happy because mge is that kind of setting.
You aren't meant to imagine it developing in a unpleasant way because that is against the intent of the setting.

>> No.41709535

I personally couldn't eat an egg either, knowing my future children will come from one

>> No.41709538
File: 163 KB, 1200x1100, 1491300778034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41709568

Do you have time for an interview?

>> No.41709541

Well, that's exactly how it develops. In an unpleasant way with lots of lingering resentment.

>> No.41709543

Ignore this word. I reworded it midway and forgot to remove this.

>> No.41709548

More like a fuck on. Remember, no matter what girl gets you incubization will make it so her once repulsive parts look beautiful to you.

>> No.41709549
File: 389 KB, 2962x2044, FSs12QsWIAAXcvt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have a choice anymore. You WILL breed the little fox.

>> No.41709555

Removing the tail doesn't kill the lizard, but it's not healthy either.

>> No.41709556

That's why I said "What these people don't get".

>> No.41709558

That's... less good. Kind of misses the spirit of the setting for some lovey dovey non consensual sex.

>> No.41709568


>> No.41709570
File: 163 KB, 1024x749, blue_plate_special_by_stormfeder_d7d6q84-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41709571


>> No.41709571

>that face

>> No.41709576
Quoted by: >>41709640

I think the English rape and Japanese rape have very different meanings.

>> No.41709640

>lists 逆レイプ
Somehow my brain skipped what I wanted to write here. It was meant to be "lists 逆レイプ as one of the main features".

That's a very nonsensical claim that you never find outside a western mge context.
Besides, レイプ is the english word 'rape' used in jp to solely mean sexual assualt.
You can also find 逆レイプ stuff that's much less pleasant than in mge and that by itself should show that the term doesn't have a very spefic text by itself.

>> No.41709645
Quoted by: >>41710558

Can Mamono Mana counter the Darkness AND The Witness?

>> No.41709649

>spefic text
*specific meaning
I should get some sleep.

>> No.41709655

>r find outside a western mge context.
It's a thread cope. I don't know why considering how much extra crap KC has about fate and soulmates.

>> No.41709668

did you like mgs ten(10) years ago?

>> No.41709671

i was 12 when ten years ago, i was a fucking tard

>> No.41709676
File: 159 KB, 1082x1500, 1614463511647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elven sluts drive me nuts.

>> No.41709682
File: 1.06 MB, 1517x1075, 1498235112971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I happened to play it on an emulator that year.

>> No.41709684

I was about to comment on the guy not fucking up the hands on your commission this time but then I saw the hands on the bottom two gators

>> No.41709690

10 years ago was around the time I found these threads.

>> No.41709697

I think I only watched pokemon and knew catgirls and foxgirls existed back then. Not even crazy ones, just the ears and tails ones.

>> No.41709724
File: 300 KB, 1500x3000, f6d7369941116fd1af5f82ae079afddf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41709780


>> No.41709734
File: 78 KB, 764x1300, 3209037e52e9f5d2f67bd76e9e199af5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dark elf sluts with big butts

>> No.41709737
File: 1.57 MB, 2000x2000, 102604938_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41709753

>did you like mgs ten(10) years ago?
Yes. I also like mgs that are ten(10)

>> No.41709780

Why do elves look like this? Don't they know they aren't technically a monster race? It's like they're trying to compensate their lack of elf men by luring human men, monster-style...

>> No.41709788

My thought process was, in the rare case that a guy who's 100% not into rape got paired with something like a Hellhound or Manticore, that they'd ease up on him rather than going in full steam and hoping the mana fixes him up afterward.
I'm sure that's not how it works, but it's how I think it does.

>> No.41709797

Yeah. The seed was planted with with me finding Rosario + Vampire on youtube long ago. A few years later I found Monster girl quest which made me obsessed with them. Monster Musume helped me find these threads and I've been here since.

>> No.41709798
Quoted by: >>41709855

if it wouldn't work they wouldn't pair.

>> No.41709808
File: 773 KB, 1447x2046, 0c3f35y2f445cee525ffff074dd1715b3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do elves look like this?
Like what?

>> No.41709816
Quoted by: >>41709855

If he's 100% not into rape, he doesn't get paired up with a monster like that in the first place. He may be in denial about his desires, but that's not the same thing.

>> No.41709817
File: 362 KB, 1489x1489, 635689afa5382b19b18bb86fcc62f8ce533faaecbfdf34532da4468174e69fb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer fluffy cow, if that's ok

>> No.41709834

eh, it wasnt that bad, reminded me of how eristia turns in the mge game
plus it was Ibeendz, i could have been worse

>> No.41709846

When will we get a incest mg that isn't (actual) femdom or a cockroach?

>> No.41709855

I'm trying to figure out how to get tailpussy without being raped.
I'm sure there's some obvious monster I've overlooked that can do that, but I haven't found one so far.

>> No.41709862
File: 88 KB, 1024x576, 1666927450153711m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41710204

I used to play heroes 3 and 5 which had girls like this and was very into myths back then so I knew what things like snake girls and harpies were but I didn't know the term monster girl nor did I look at them in a sexual/waifu light back then if anything the idea of sexualizing them was verboten to me back then since I had a very pure view of them and disliked anything that sullied that purity in my eyes although in retrospect it wasn't too different than one getting mad at someone suggesting that you waifu is a slut so I was probably subconsciously a monstergirlfag back then too lol

>> No.41709865
Quoted by: >>41710108

Just OC a nerd manticore that politely rapes you by asking you to pick up her tail and inject the venom into yourself.

>> No.41709866
Quoted by: >>41710108

you probably got like a 2/4 shot with a chimera

>> No.41709870
Quoted by: >>41710108

You could just politely ask her out on a date, or eat some raging mushrooms and violate her instead.

>> No.41709872
File: 605 KB, 850x1202, 9L3lt7jV_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is hairpussy an acceptable substitute?

>> No.41709888
Quoted by: >>41709898

i hated mgs ten years ago

>> No.41709895

barry says no

>> No.41709898

and now we have to suffer your nonsense here

>> No.41709904

danuki breath

>> No.41709946


>> No.41709960

I'm ashamed to say i did jerk one off to a warcraft 3 succubus, god knows how i did it thing had like 3 polygons
And a few years after that I watched the Rosario Vampire series as my first anime (it was fully on YouTube for some reason) and had a huge thing for the yuki onna girl for a while
Found the encyclopedia wiki some years after that and never looked back

>> No.41709964

I was pounded by Nergigante

>> No.41709967

Holy fuck i thought I was alone watching Rosario Vampire on YouTube, that thing must have inscribed monster girls into the brains of a whole generation

>> No.41709981

that got the craze on me too

>> No.41709983

My fucking lads I knew I wasn't the only one.
Mizore best girl and it's not even close.

>> No.41709990

damn right she is

>> No.41709999
Quoted by: >>41710027

riza wildman, aisha clanclan and those announcers from yuyu hakusho are pretty good too

>> No.41710027

>riza wildman
thats a name i haven't heard in awhile, but cant go wrong with BIG MEATY PAWS, tomboy, and exposed tummy

>> No.41710069

To be fair it was almost objectively the best options considering the others were slutty succubus, dual personality bubbly/edgy vampire and Loli witch
Newfags these days get it easy with monster musume they got a full selection of all great waifus

>> No.41710082

Weird question but I don't know anywhere else to ask, anyone that has experiencing commissioning know anyone that's good at designing tribal tattoos similar to the Pharaoh's? I'm trying to finalize a design for my desert fox wife.

>> No.41710096
Quoted by: >>41710102

>got a full selection of all great waifus

>> No.41710102

maybe he didn't make it past the one shots

>> No.41710108

Looking into different personalities or striking first is probably the best way.
I wonder how a Manticore would react to you walking in, locking the door behind you, and loudly announcing that you've just taken a raging mushroom powder pill.
She's a good girl and I wouldn't mind, but it's just not the same.
I'm an indecisive fuck, so a chimaera might be a perfect fit, actually. Being a mad magical scientist sounds like a fun time, too.

>> No.41710114
File: 370 KB, 850x1197, 1449988169768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full selection of all great waifus
Dunno about that one chief
But I do have a favorite

>> No.41710121
File: 806 KB, 980x1223, 38664d9bc4c2bfb19559b24d9a89fadd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you consider to be a monster girl classic?

>> No.41710126
File: 623 KB, 1300x1148, 1453259871520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant go wrong with succ

>> No.41710130
File: 508 KB, 800x1300, kitsune (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generic fox

>> No.41710140

I'm gonna molest that sex rabbit's ears and leave her if she tries anything!

>> No.41710152
Quoted by: >>41710168

Angels, Demons, Succubi would have been the first 'monster girls'

>> No.41710156


>> No.41710168

What the fuck are you on about, anon? Monster girls have been apart of pagan mythos for thousands of years before Christianity. Mermaids are monster girls, harpies are monster girls, Grendel's mom from Beowulf is a monster girl, the list goes on.

>> No.41710180
File: 1.33 MB, 900x1273, D692B857-AC84-4CC9-BAB5-B38519DFFDF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41710199

for me it's the Jahi of Zoroastrianism

>> No.41710204

Tower chads rise up

>> No.41710205


>> No.41710208
File: 868 KB, 1000x1200, 102601006_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41710212

Hah, what a nerg

>> No.41710226
File: 1.15 MB, 1700x2658, 1667255207131801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shameful display

>> No.41710228
File: 221 KB, 500x573, Heroes-of-Might-and-Magic-III-Heroes-of-Might-and-Magic-Игры-подземелье-4685773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually a dungeon chad, I did play a lot of hotseat against my dad who played nothing but Solmyr Tower though

>> No.41710237

Lamia, Arachne, Centaur, Harpy, Mermaid, Slime

>> No.41710250
File: 153 KB, 1024x1009, DYV_KvGU8AAYi-z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too prickly

>> No.41710295
File: 112 KB, 1024x1289, squat wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41710520


>> No.41710303
File: 265 KB, 1007x1255, 85CD6955-4DE8-49DE-8977-EE8582170546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41710315

the world was not yet ready for valleygirl shog

>> No.41710316

Man what impressive.....horns.
Don't know if I go after her now or get good for when she goes into heat.

>> No.41710329

>shog trying to be cool for mastah
>doesn't know he has an extreme maid fetish
its the thought that counts, right?

>> No.41710347
File: 745 KB, 706x1000, 51144297_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get much more classic than mermaids.

>> No.41710362
File: 1.63 MB, 2365x2516, __demonic_awakening_by_starboy8_ddv6l6s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41710371

>> No.41710371
Quoted by: >>41710421

remember to reboot your demon from ohoh loop, rub the horns three times, bit the spade tip 4 times and french her 7 times in around 7 mins 7 sex

>> No.41710379
File: 3.56 MB, 3000x2445, 0277f926e7ac5971311f8c34b7a643b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves are the perfect partner for human men and naturally other monsters can't accept the truth and say bad things about them.

>> No.41710387

i would say yes but they only eat plants tho, so they aint the best fit for men, a simple mob faced villager succ is best in terms of being perfect for men

>> No.41710399

Death roll~

>> No.41710408
File: 132 KB, 1080x1080, 1667093962305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41710428

Knife-ear hands typed this post.

>> No.41710412

Nah, Necromancy all day erry day, gotta get them skelly swarms and Goddamn enemy archers focusing my black knights.

>> No.41710413

they infest every biome so you're bound to find at least one attractive

>> No.41710421
Quoted by: >>41710431

nah I'll just bonk her on the head like an old tv
what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.41710424
Quoted by: >>41710443

Just cuddle Nergi’s belly

>> No.41710426
File: 2.65 MB, 1782x2922, 79950beae889c5d9b0f79f8c46aa4b69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41710431

Ancient elves!

>> No.41710428
File: 1.34 MB, 2842x4059, _064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. jealous non elf monster

>> No.41710431
Quoted by: >>41710470

>She starts speaking spanish
>also CSS
cow elf

>> No.41710443
Quoted by: >>41710607

>Its her weak point.
>Hug her belly as she gets ready to launch spines, causing her to freeze up.
>By the time she reacts her face is crimson and some of the nearby jagi girls are giggling that Anon stole her heart.

>> No.41710470
Quoted by: >>41710477

bonk her again, surely she will be fixed eventually?

>> No.41710477
Quoted by: >>41710536

>now starts speaking in broken japnese
>also starts speaking python

>> No.41710485

Elf women and human men should begin a new society together away from monsters and the Order. Human men would end up far more loyal to them then to human women, and elf women won't be lonely after being abandoned by elf men for monsters and secretly dwarf girls.
I don't know what the dwarves in the neighboring realms will think of this though.

>> No.41710520

An excellent display of the wolf's mating stance. She places everything on display for her possible mate and can easily be pushed backward to quickly swtich to mating press position.

>> No.41710536
Quoted by: >>41710554

maybe she has bad reception? gonna try and angle her tail correctly

>> No.41710554
Quoted by: >>41710591

>anon managed to bluescreen his "demon" gf

>> No.41710558

Yes and no. It's like a weird, horny tug of war that just leads to the Witness ragequitting, taking their toys and leaving.

The Darkness finds it hilarious.

>> No.41710563

That evil haunted doll followed you home...
You have to "play" with her now!

>> No.41710565

Hope she knows how to play cod.

>> No.41710571

Ok, hope she likes Monopoly

>> No.41710572

think she followed the wrong person

>> No.41710574

can she do my homework? ill fuck her she can

>> No.41710579
Quoted by: >>41710598

okay but who makes 7' dolls

>> No.41710591
Quoted by: >>41710658

I can fix her, no need for a demon repair lady
now, maybe I just need to turn her upside down...

>> No.41710598

a living doll lich that likes her girls to be way bigger than her for reasons.....

>> No.41710602

Alrighty does this doll know how to put an evaluation together? Decipher some NAVADMIN stuff perhaps?

>> No.41710607
File: 79 KB, 800x545, 41bd31bd1c17b389fc1f9f705a9ca610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41710621

Fun fact, Nergigante spines are actually dormant, fertile egg cells; the Elder Dragon doesn't really "mate" so much as it finds a nutrient-rich corpse, sheds some spines into it, and hopes for the best.

'course, Mana would probably be an acceptable substitute in this case.

>> No.41710621
Quoted by: >>41710647

Or it would just get reworked to the more 'normal' way as its more pleasurable that way for them.
Regardless, I need me an angry apex predator.

>> No.41710647
Quoted by: >>41710777

>The monkey's paw curls...
You get a Nergigante wife, but she has a habit of leaving her spines everywhere around the house. And there's a lot of little Nergi's running around, making a mess of the place.
And they've got their eyes on that friendly Valstrax chick next door...

>> No.41710656

i'm not sure that i want a 'wife', strictly speaking
which monstergirl is the best bedwarming slave?

>> No.41710658
Quoted by: >>41710700

>somehow made two demons, one speaks english the othe speaks russian and they cannot stand each other, ones more bottom-heavy the other top

>> No.41710660

the bedwarmer becomes the wife anon

>> No.41710700
Quoted by: >>41710766

maybe bonk their heads together to make them whole? like dbz fusion dance but more physical?

>> No.41710753

whatever species you like the most

>> No.41710764
File: 555 KB, 2480x3508, 102600417_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41710766
Quoted by: >>41710797

great now there are now 4 demons, one is german, and another is french waving the white flag

>> No.41710777

>supersonic hugs
I’d be down

>> No.41710797
Quoted by: >>41710806

I can fix this! Maybe pressing the nipple button(s) alot will do the trick

>> No.41710806
Quoted by: >>41710827

you now have spawned a jiangshi demon how rins from the number 1989 and the "demon" handbook

>> No.41710817

>Confess my feelings to the vampire who live in the gothic castle on the hill
>She leave my love unrequited
>Leaves a stipulation that I can prove my love
>I just have to become her consort and make an heir with her
Why are vampires so roundabout in their thinking?

>> No.41710827
Quoted by: >>41710837

Well after a nice lunch of burgers, for all the new gals, I shall go back to the bonk option but use a newspaper

>> No.41710837
Quoted by: >>41710861

ended up spawning a haku of all monsters

>> No.41710861
Quoted by: >>41710868

Ok, I will shake them all and they will be fixed

>> No.41710868
Quoted by: >>41710888

just made them horny and you know it ends now

>> No.41710888

It ends with me pulling their tails to restart them, like a lawnmower

>> No.41710893
Quoted by: >>41710896

She's supposed to be a powerful noble. Nobody would respect her if she started acting like a blushing virgin at the first boy that said she was cute. Jump through a few hoops for her and then she can go brag to everyone about you without looking like a lovesick schoolgirl. Or just get alone in a room with her and barrage her with all the things you like about her and watch her mindbreak.

>> No.41710896

just go in belmont style and then steal her

>> No.41710942
File: 493 KB, 1366x2048, FgMF9jbWQAAAFTl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41711452

>succubi are clumsy because of their insistence on wearing high heels and can't keep up with you if you run
The Order Paladin's Uplifting Primer

>> No.41710955
Quoted by: >>41710979

k, who asked tho

>> No.41710957
File: 2.13 MB, 3444x5000, almaelma_com2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41710969

and a fucking whore, typical

>> No.41710979
Quoted by: >>41710990

You don't want to get caught by a succubus, so you?
Next thing you know she'll even be a former human

>> No.41710990

got three beautiful wives, aint gonna get another

>> No.41710997
Quoted by: >>41711007

You know, I always imagined that cheshire colors came in 'easter' sorts like robin egg blue, sunshine yellow, bright pink, and so on.
Just always felt like it fit.

>> No.41711007
Quoted by: >>41711054

i want a chesh dyed in a retrowave palette

>> No.41711035
Quoted by: >>41711198

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that salamanders don't just come with red scales.
Black, blue, green, and even yellow are a few they can sport.
Just don't ask about scale dye, thats a forbidden technique.

>> No.41711036

>walking by some weirdo mansion where the sky is perpetual night
>strange lady in a hat backdashes up to you and says she seeks to defeat her sist- that is, the lord of the mansion and you're the missing element
>ms dhampir drags you inside and the gate automatically locks behind you because of course it does
>well, these things happen
it's going to take a while to progress after she beats up zombies and i have to hug them until they feel better

>> No.41711054
Quoted by: >>41711120

>Tye dye chesh.

>> No.41711120

>smokes alot with wonderworms
>got serious munchies
>often has a face higher than a kite

>> No.41711198
File: 105 KB, 1080x1110, 1477045992835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will paint my adventure buddy sally's scales each night and make her a peacock among lizards!

>> No.41711291
File: 641 KB, 615x872, 254C737B-A7B5-413A-BED2-2949B7058E66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female adventurers really should be more careful as to where they break in next.

>> No.41711337
File: 2.48 MB, 1646x1358, 1655251044611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hag Monday at the bars, you up for it anon?

>> No.41711339
File: 133 KB, 900x900, 1639173638341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41711465

How does one comfortably cuddle with a centaur?

>> No.41711345

anything hags, im game. imma wake up in some old gals bed with a massive smug grin on my face

>> No.41711354
Quoted by: >>41711389

>tfw no Maine coon Cheshire

>> No.41711365

hag seems so derogatory/demeaning
i mean, i guess so is the original usage of CC
but it sounds a lot better

>> No.41711377
File: 99 KB, 620x877, 1511253438671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it derogatory/demeaning when I get hard at the word? Bring on the hags!

>> No.41711388
File: 551 KB, 900x1200, 1468534727926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about hag drinking nights at (you)r house?

>> No.41711389

>tfw your Cheshire neighbor is just a Coyote with a headband and a positively rancid sense of humor

>> No.41711452

This is fucking false information by a monster sympathizer. I've seen those bitches outrun a horse in heels and they can just fly anyway.

>> No.41711465

Chest to chest, if shes stretching forward your legs go along her lower chest
Or you're the small spoon.
If she leans forward at the withers-hips, you can BigSpoon but your legs go along her hoss-back, dont try to straddle and get your leg trapped under her.
It takes practice, but they like practice.

>> No.41711523

Kikis will stay as devoted servant/slaves.
As long as you only use them for BJs or up the ass, as that is just 'serving Mashtah's desires' as part of their Maido duties, as taught at the Academy.
But be careful, if you accidentally slip into P-in-V, you have a Kiki-waifu

>> No.41711524
File: 113 KB, 365x457, 1609736050880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Hellhounds are not actually weak to water in a spray bottle? That explains why she laughed at me so hard and proceed to rape me.

>> No.41711535

>outrun a horse in heels
Yes, but thats only because a Hoss in heels really is awkward.
Tfw your Cent-waifu tries dressing up in sexy lingerie and heels for Anon's birthday and nearly breaks her neck falling over trying to sexy-dance in heels.

>> No.41711546

you get monster gf but shes a onna sumo, specifically a yozukana

>> No.41711551
Quoted by: >>41711611

CC is actually more derogatory - the idea is nobody wants Xmas Cake after the 25th so it gets sold off cheap or just thrown in the bin.
Hags seem to have embraced Hag as a proud label like Milf/Gilf/Cougar.

>> No.41711580

Fat whores go in the trash

>> No.41711588
File: 149 KB, 1368x847, 1530619845354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41711603


>> No.41711603
Quoted by: >>41711619

Dumb lich, idiot loser!

>> No.41711611

That implies I have the self esteem to go to a bar. Doesn't mean the bar can't make you come though.
Cake is cake and hags age like fine wine. It's only derogatory when used by people with trash taste.

>> No.41711615

dude, Yokozuna is just a rank.
A woman could reach that rank and still be pleasing to the eye

>> No.41711619
File: 311 KB, 1445x1374, 1480889091140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41711632

You gon get it boy

>> No.41711632
Quoted by: >>41711652

Thank God, hopefully she just kills me instead of doing something else.

>> No.41711652
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x1280, 1480995525018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41711662

>kills me
You REALLY gonna get it boy...

>> No.41711662
Quoted by: >>41711680

>Anon says he wanted to piss off a Lich so she'd just kill him instead of having to do it himself
>Lich insteads puts him in an ICU where he has to cuddle her and her minions every day until he feels better
This is bullshit

>> No.41711680
File: 43 KB, 473x349, 1514327863837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than the Kot ICU

>> No.41711691
Quoted by: >>41711702

It is said cats flock to the one who is about to die

>> No.41711700
File: 2.88 MB, 1685x1956, 1661755244982135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41711706

>go to kot mcu to cuddle with the kitties
>get kotpilled by a pride of liongirls instead
>as you lay there squeezed from all sides by their warm titties, they all start purring
it's not all bad

>> No.41711702
File: 279 KB, 665x895, 1479703755271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, die of Boredom

>> No.41711703
Quoted by: >>41713862

Is "Your tail is too thick." a valid excuse to reject a succ?

>> No.41711706

But have they passed the kot test yet? what does the scouter say?

>> No.41711707
Quoted by: >>41711713

Better apply more marshmallow cats.

>> No.41711713
File: 66 KB, 493x752, 1514362855625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many?

>> No.41711720
Quoted by: >>41711735

how many you got?

>> No.41711729


>> No.41711731
File: 215 KB, 1200x1015, df5dcb53b0a5687323860bd0e656bae2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need bigger cats

>> No.41711735
File: 21 KB, 583x513, D1gLMMqXQAEZuas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many kinds, how you like Texan?

>> No.41711738
File: 1.18 MB, 2085x2654, 1656582870218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if manticores do, why wouldn't lion girls?

>> No.41711743

I want to kiss her paw

>> No.41711746

Triple Cat Mom....

>> No.41711749

>Y2K was almost 23 years ago
god damn, time flies by fast

>> No.41711760

speaking of, is Dominions a fun game or is it minmax autism central like the average ancient 4x game is? i know that it's not really a monstergirl game but these fanarts are cute.

>> No.41711761
File: 119 KB, 829x626, 1469296959896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the kot beeper doesn't have that patch, do you have it?

>> No.41711763

Is this a reference to something?

>> No.41711764

>Local house has put up a large sign in the window that just says "ELF!"
Poor man's mana marker

>> No.41711773
Quoted by: >>41711797

She looks like she rattles that tail when you get close.

>> No.41711778
File: 12 KB, 404x428, 63f714bc502607311afcbc0a9ac383c116529574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a wargame, not a 4x game for one so it's 90% combat. Some nations are broken bad in vanilla like R'lyeh and Asphodel and some are quite good like elven or any flier nation pretty much. Lots of dudes just fuck around in singleplayer for months before they try MP but MP is the true meat of the game since you can see all these weird interactions in the later game. There's so many moving parts and such that the late game is very unique in the later game. Only get Dominions 5 since it has pretty much all the content of previous games and the entire MP community is there.

>> No.41711797
Quoted by: >>41711837

I don't have that picture, but maybe someone kind will post it for us.
I bet she does, they are all dorks after all.

>> No.41711805
File: 2.35 MB, 2894x4093, taco extra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the most important thing to have besides a basic early plan for your nation, all you really need is perseverance. Holding fast while your allies come to your aid usually saves you more often than not.

>> No.41711831

>tell a tacocat that you actually really dislike tacos since you never had a good one
>she immediately starts interrogating you over why you hate them, nearly faints over learning you've only had hard shells
>now sitting in her mama's house with your new "girlfriend" getting grilled by the entire family over your poor food tastes
>at least you aren't getting stabbed

>> No.41711837
File: 173 KB, 611x721, 1467002532898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have the manti kot expansion? too many kots

>> No.41711838

>Tako Cat

>> No.41711847

Which is better? Cajun Gator Girl's gumbo? Or Ocelomeh Tacos?

>> No.41711860
Quoted by: >>41711877

This dog need to go back in the zoo

>> No.41711863
File: 160 KB, 600x849, 1504914483691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taco cat

>> No.41711875

Do any of them are squids a la roman ? If no, it's trash.

>> No.41711877 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 1200x1200, P7pqhM65_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say that

>> No.41711884
File: 3.30 MB, 3048x2558, 8886ab737b0c26e6e09f44852c2ce01318014746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41711908

Camazotz Chili Con Carne!

>> No.41711887

Tacos cat are really cool but i don't like the fact that they're stuck behind a femdom wall. I know you can tamed or captured one to get ride of that but seems just annoying and it's never really go away. Same could be said for manticores

>> No.41711895
File: 2.49 MB, 2894x4093, 1648209968042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, have you heard the glory of Rome?

>> No.41711897
Quoted by: >>41713148

Rome was full of fags.

>> No.41711902

They are the ones getting beat up everytime in Astérix and Obélix?

>> No.41711905
Quoted by: >>41711913

Drug use is bad and makes you violent

>> No.41711907
File: 322 KB, 868x1228, ErYdR3KXcAE5LIj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41711908

>Zotziatlah's Bane flashbacks intensify

>> No.41711912 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 1080x828, 1653693608520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41711914

Gaul cope

>> No.41711913

Raging mushroom mixed with alcohol is not a drugs, it's a magical potion

>> No.41711914

>yurishit artist
Kill yourself.

>> No.41711920
Quoted by: >>41711928

Not welcome here.

>> No.41711924

didnt happen,
hail imperator !

>> No.41711928 [DELETED] 
File: 740 KB, 2578x2815, FW02ZgCacAIlHcS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knew I'd get a rise out of someone

Two for one

>> No.41711930
File: 1.56 MB, 1447x2047, 5ebd23bfe3c04140531c1ac2f1a167b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41711932

Hopefully janitors get off their asses and deal with this one

>> No.41711937

The only way is that 3 of us become a janny.

>> No.41711944
Quoted by: >>41712399

Reason for ban/deletion?

>> No.41711945 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 1000x667, 1658625646538299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41711947
File: 136 KB, 850x932, 1573688781093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senatus Populusque Romanus!

>> No.41711954
Quoted by: >>41711967


>> No.41711961

Yes, only using my imagination tho because I didn't know these communities existed.

>> No.41711963
File: 79 KB, 488x643, 1631375784037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon, it's 4 o'clock! Time to watch my 14-hour Undertale video essay!

>> No.41711967
File: 941 KB, 1470x1080, 1652989053641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41712006

>t. Persian

>> No.41711976
File: 104 KB, 922x853, 1574392554113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41711991

Can I change it to a 14-hour Crimean War lesson?

>> No.41711977

Just fucking kill me now I'm not watching that garbage.

>> No.41711989
Quoted by: >>41712020

>not "meowdical attention"
what a fail

>> No.41711991
File: 2.55 MB, 1488x2105, 1616762536333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41712003

For me it's watching the the 24 Yale Courses lectures on the Old Testament for the 3rd time


>> No.41712003
File: 608 KB, 2048x1536, 1647464021157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds very nuki, rather spend my time on Byzantine walls and gardens than tanuki chatter

>> No.41712006
File: 132 KB, 774x1500, 1657611054391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41712018

that's the picture I was looking for, thanks
gonna pinch the chub

>> No.41712018
File: 139 KB, 850x1033, 1627303228114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41712051

Kot detector is important

>> No.41712020
Quoted by: >>41712032

They aren't Felynes, Anon...

>> No.41712032

if your catgirl doesn't make meow puns she's a dog pretending to be a cat.

>> No.41712051

Don't ask this cat to use water magic

>> No.41712185
File: 1.66 MB, 2894x4093, 1659546340867288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more colorful Lamia tail, the more ferocious she is
please remember that when dealing with the slither cuties

>> No.41712263
Quoted by: >>41712279

Noted, I will instead chat with grass snakes

>> No.41712279
File: 83 KB, 709x960, 1611980867054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based taste, don't fall for these jungle savages, they can't compare with us

>> No.41712292
File: 2.06 MB, 4096x2560, skJpTKz3_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thank god I was worried for a second. This white lamia has been begging me to let her inside for a while and I was afraid she was one of those crazy monsters. Poor thing must have been cold, she kept making these fires to stay warm.

>> No.41712359
File: 370 KB, 1271x1309, 1658181961135798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white lamias are among the most docile and soft hearted snake girls Anon. the Shirohebi is a guardian of water pools, so like water they are calm and collected. it's also why they get cold outside, so do let her in ASAP!

>> No.41712393
File: 3.60 MB, 2894x4093, 1666142175834795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That depends on the nation. since if you play something like pan, ashdod or ragha you can just grug smash to win without any deep thought but others do actually require a modicum of skill to win as

>> No.41712399
Quoted by: >>41712426

Trolling outside /b/ is a violation of global rule 3. The fool was gormless enough to gloat about intentionally doing so.

>> No.41712405

Just look deep into her eyes, and give her an earnest smile from the bottom of your heart, and you will know her intentions are pure from her reaction.

>> No.41712426

huh, his post did get deleted. Interesting

>> No.41712543
File: 261 KB, 1542x2048, 1651660734296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is 1200 after Lilith (PBUH) ascension to power, the whole world is entirely occupied by the Monsters. Well not entirely! One small village of indomitable Gauls still holds out against the horny women. And getting off is not easy for the extremist legionaries who garrison the fortified camps of Coitus, Cunningulus, Ejaculatus and Orgasmus…
https://youtu.be/2Nat0rOEMCA starts playing

>> No.41712874
Quoted by: >>41712925

Fluff her hair

>> No.41712925
File: 452 KB, 750x571, 1661380622622926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how big and scary monster girl is, if her hair is fluffy, the fluffing it will make her lose instantly.

>> No.41713073
File: 544 KB, 1223x1555, ZdM13RfY_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41713084

I'd take a normal looking Ratatoskr that speaks in contralto.

>> No.41713084
Quoted by: >>41713099

sorry, the only one speaking contralto that's left is looking kinda goofy

>> No.41713099
Quoted by: >>41713132

Is it because she has a mob face? Cause I'm fine with that.

>> No.41713132
Quoted by: >>41713155

her tail is really big and her hair is messy, that's why she's blushing all the time and trying to hide behind oversized glasses

>> No.41713148
Quoted by: >>41713168

Rome was full of alps

>> No.41713155
Quoted by: >>41713166

She sounds amazing, I need her.

>> No.41713166
Quoted by: >>41713181

but, Anon! she has no drip

>> No.41713168

but the Alps are like 600km away from Rome

>> No.41713181
Quoted by: >>41713263

Neither do I, we have something in common!

>> No.41713263
Quoted by: >>41713379

>Neither do I
lmao, enjoy your nerdy monster girls, nerd!

>> No.41713379
File: 35 KB, 949x1126, 1664147537018144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will

>> No.41713529
File: 1.44 MB, 1800x1613, 1652967252687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41713594

I like my Nergis Arch Tempered if you please

>> No.41713537
Quoted by: >>41713613

>Yes, I'll uhhhh take one sandworm to go.

>> No.41713594
Quoted by: >>41713612

How would you even go about wifing a wild Nergi? They're so aggressive and territorial they would probably shoot you with spines the moment they see you. Do you have to beat them first?

>> No.41713612

You don't have to beat her, just last as long as you can in a fight with her without using a Temporal Mantle
If she cancels her roar into a slam and any point in the fight it means she likes you

>> No.41713613

>Anon sitting in a drive-thru that suspiciously looks like a sandworm sticking out of the ground
>the mouth has a chunk of wall jammed into it with only 1 window and no doors
>has "free sandworms" crudely painted over the window
>there's a happy all pink girl with a very wet and ripped up uniform
>her nametag is scribbled out and has "Sandy" written over it

>> No.41713620

imma just sleep on the streets of dragonia in a large wine bowl

>> No.41713635
Quoted by: >>41713649

>wow, nice slam, that means you like me?
she shouts, as she goes beet red and runs away

>> No.41713646
Quoted by: >>41713696

so if i slam back, does it mean i like her her too?

>> No.41713649

>follow the cute tsun Nergi her to her lair
>those FUCKING crystals on the ceiling of her cave fall and stunlock you
>it was all a trap

>> No.41713696

>you're climbing the mountains on your nice hike minding your own business
>suddenly see some black dragon girl and Anon on all fours, bashing their hands on the ground like muslims on competetive prayer championships

>> No.41713708

i drank my wumr milk,i rub lots of salt on my skin i can take her on a date to that arcade thats near me

>> No.41713817 [DELETED] 

I just realized that I will died alone and a virgin, my life will be a failure because of me and too a very long extent KC work. Feel weird

>> No.41713835
Quoted by: >>41713947

go sadpost elsewhere, i just wanna talk bout wurm holsts

>> No.41713849

>the only succubi with fat tails are alps
>alps according to kc also end up being more feminime then the average female
Ok that's an alp

>> No.41713858


>> No.41713860

Alps are just perfect, aren't they?
Thick tails are the best

>> No.41713862

thats just a whore that vores you with her tail

>> No.41713895

like half of MGQ cast deserves to be isekai'd straight into some bloodborne HFY crossover murderfest shitfic, including the canon "waifu" snake

>> No.41713915
Quoted by: >>41713957

>Will never find a mg who says she wants to devour you
>She will never be overjoyed at becoming one with you
>She will never rub you comfortingly as her predation happens. Hopefully slowly, like a snake.
But then you live because it's mge somehow. Maybe you get a new body at the end

>> No.41713927

Fuck off to /b/

>> No.41713947

I hope that this faggot will KYS soon. It's tiresome to see that kind of shit

>> No.41713957

Fuck off

>> No.41713983

My Mucus Toad girlfriend is a great dancer and singer, but nobody believes me and she refuses to show it to others. What do I do?

>> No.41714025

Beat her until she show it

>> No.41714037
Quoted by: >>41714063

treasure the fact she wants to reserve the allure of her body for you?

>> No.41714038
Quoted by: >>41714046

ew edge

>> No.41714041
Quoted by: >>41714063

keep her talents to yourself and be smug about it

>> No.41714046
Quoted by: >>41714075

for u

>> No.41714049

don't force her, instead appriciate her till she opens up on her own

>> No.41714063
Quoted by: >>41714091

But her beautiful voice does deserve to be heard.
>be smug about it
Being smug about something you can't prove makes you look like a dumbass.

>> No.41714075

I guessed it, cunt

>> No.41714080

i don't really know what to do with dancers

>> No.41714091

ask her about making montube vids where she has a mask and she sings and dances
edgy is not cool, it be cringe. now fuck off

>> No.41714123

I'm good where I'm.

>> No.41714160
File: 704 KB, 900x1200, mad jiangshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore edgelord attention whore
lets discuss why the best undead are Jiangshi

>> No.41714179

Best one are zombie dragons

>> No.41714186
Quoted by: >>41714205

big meaty tail > big boney tail

>> No.41714202
File: 565 KB, 2343x3130, jiangshi dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41714222

explain why they are worst when compared to Jiangshi Dragon

>> No.41714205
Quoted by: >>41714214

You're a faggot who have never tasted marrow before.

>> No.41714208
File: 337 KB, 600x750, Fg9pwbGUoAA5qDK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41714214
Quoted by: >>41714249

y wanna eat marrow of your dead dragon gf?

>> No.41714221
Quoted by: >>41714236

what an unfortunate cropping
you meant phantoms?

>> No.41714222
Quoted by: >>41714236

Where are the apparent bones on you jiangshi thing ? Nowhere, so she is less good then a nice fit and cold dragon zombie.

>> No.41714234

accursed cat burglar stealing my fluids

>> No.41714236
File: 594 KB, 1179x1400, dragon wight Jiangshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41714249

jiangshis are better than phantoms cause jiangshi have better jiggle physics
they got meat instead of bone

>> No.41714249
Quoted by: >>41714260

And that's the problem
If I'm allowed and offered to, yes

>> No.41714258


>> No.41714260
Quoted by: >>41714281

they wouldnt have that you know? it would have long rotted away

>> No.41714281
Quoted by: >>41714297

If she produces non rotten milk, she has delicious marrow in her bones too. You can't allowed one and not the other.

>> No.41714286
File: 820 KB, 700x1260, Fgy6pkAUcAAma1K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41714297
Quoted by: >>41714312

undead dont need marrow, but still produce milk, they undead

>> No.41714312

It's mge, i will have marrow in my wife tails and bonk you with the leftovers

>> No.41714322
Quoted by: >>41714348

thats just ew. smelly. please leave

>> No.41714329
File: 1.76 MB, 6000x2000, 1661095204.witchfiend_shaggothtfbywitchfiend2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41714538


>> No.41714348

For christ sake they're nothing wrong. What the difference with drinking pussy juice, sweat or milk ?

>> No.41714361
Quoted by: >>41714394

marrow comes from bones, dumbass. you need to break them open to get them. now leave attention whore

>> No.41714364
File: 69 KB, 600x672, d0d1ddff23415c3f59a9b4087fab7ba6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have medium.

>> No.41714367

it's a weird hill to die on

>> No.41714394

She can reform it, she's a fucking undead, it's more like eggs so my bad for previous examples. Also I'm not a AW, fuck off.

>> No.41714406
File: 97 KB, 1150x864, D6meDBPVUAECqEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41714408
File: 152 KB, 1062x1400, wide jianshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just proved my point
Now onto better things, like jiangshis

>> No.41714411

>pussy juice, sweat
You shouldn't be drinking those either faggot

>> No.41714431

Not him but a lot of people speak about that here, even if it should be on /b/

>> No.41714434

not him but how is consuming my wife's fluids in any way gay.

>> No.41714435

>he doesn't want to use his wife's pussy like a soda distributor
What are you even doing here, faggot? Shouldn't you be Alping now?

>> No.41714456
File: 330 KB, 924x1200, 1618507084214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41714509

Monsters are almost always covered in liquids

>> No.41714471

>he doesn't lovingly clean his wife's sweat from every crease of her body after a long day of hard work using his tongue

>> No.41714475

See, those faggots are even proud of it.

>> No.41714488

bet is the same dude, fucking AW

>> No.41714505

Are you same fagging too ? It's really weird

>> No.41714509

Need MGE skunk girl, I want to see them without garbage tier fetishes added

>> No.41714518

It will just make you horny. The girl will be underwhelming overall. Just imagine the panda but with a bigger tail

>> No.41714522
Quoted by: >>41714616

would be rather hard honestly, but honey badgers are cute

>> No.41714532

>Page 10
>Thread go crazy
I prefer the old time where we hit the post limit.

>> No.41714538

>shoggoth tries to be one with their "master"
Get this scorn parasite away from me

>> No.41714541
File: 1.47 MB, 884x2392, 1794_BO_mis1aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's monsters with harem/arabian clothes

>> No.41714550
File: 409 KB, 800x700, jianshi titi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not for that, i like a good china fit

>> No.41714569
Quoted by: >>41714579


>> No.41714579

why? she not showing skin? causing showing skin is borning to me now, its better when its hidden but her curves can barely be contained by her clothes

>> No.41714581
Quoted by: >>41714603

Great design, questionable content for her. Well, her ending anyhow
What will it get translated, damn it!?

>> No.41714590
Quoted by: >>41714598

They are extremely underrated.
I want a lich or a black harpy in harem/arabian clothes

>> No.41714598

great for bed room but not much else honest lest they got a good fit for the rest

>> No.41714602
Quoted by: >>41714614


>> No.41714603
File: 1.89 MB, 1392x3017, 1472_BO_ast1aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hate that my favorite designs are always in games or made by artists with shitty fetishes. I also love the witch.

>> No.41714609
File: 401 KB, 1797x2791, mgs_of_lotr_rohan_shieldmaidens_by_cerberus123_dfh5sp0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41714614
File: 512 KB, 578x700, cute jiangshi bundles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is very cute

>> No.41714616

mustelids super cute

>> No.41714627
Quoted by: >>41714649

>great for bed room but not much else honest
Says who. I want a desert kingdom where they all dress like that daily!

>> No.41714641

It's like that one studio/guy that makes 10/10 designs but all of the games are like instant corruption > mindless sluts > impregnation and waaay to much urination in every scene.
And also that ever girl gets like 2 scenes and there's next to no story so you can't get immersed either.

>> No.41714642

that's a weird posture

>> No.41714649
Quoted by: >>41714860

it gets boring after a while. and every girl just showing everything they got, now when they got more style to their dress thats when i like it

>> No.41714652
Quoted by: >>41714665

Liches doesn't care about what they wear since they already have that cloak that covers up nothing at all, so they could absolutely go for it.
Black harpies (or just harpies in general) could absolutely have it on all the time without it being an issue.

>> No.41714665
Quoted by: >>41714673

its the fact that most designs dont catch my eye for style

>> No.41714669
Quoted by: >>41714680

>I also love the witch.
I don't even remember her scenes. Was it mindcontrol or what?
Loved her design as well, but I feel I missed out on everything interesting by not understanding what they were saying.

>> No.41714673
Quoted by: >>41714690

if we had it my way they'd all be wearing dirndls

>> No.41714680

I don't know I have not played it, I just use the designs for my own girls.

>> No.41714690

that i like, habits, fancy dresses, china dresses, kimonos and stuff like that

>> No.41714709

I want a harem of desert elves

>> No.41714835
File: 527 KB, 3200x2400, a46a58ca6ad3d637846cc2c03549cc957697551d66711054c9bb2a2c5b4d1d9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally said out loud in front of my tour guide that I wonder what it would be like to eat the queen's eggs. I hope I haven't offended her.

>> No.41714849
Quoted by: >>41714858

>anon passes out
>wakes up with the "guide" looming over him with a crazed look
>"You have to eat ALL the eggs"

>> No.41714851
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x1208, tessara__plant_drider_by_kinathis_d7x1yuz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41714858

get me some bacon and some bread, some dragon chese and I will

>> No.41714860
File: 670 KB, 1125x1400, 98767503_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every girl just showing everything they got
Wrong, it's every girl showing almost everything they got, with only the naughtiest spots barely covered in a way that's always dangerously close to giving you a glimpse but never does.

>> No.41714872
Quoted by: >>41715387

>later get an omelette delivered to your room

>> No.41714882

its the same thing, i much rather it be covered by dress and her curves to shown through her tight dress

>> No.41714907
File: 615 KB, 1980x1800, 98413701_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41714984

Such a pearfect shape

>> No.41714988

i would ask for some dragon cheese

>> No.41715012

So how goes it fellow mg lovers

>> No.41715025 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.84 MB, 2480x1748, 1652537292094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41715041

You've won an all-expenses-paid trip to...

>> No.41715033
Quoted by: >>41715163

We can't speak about that here.

>> No.41715041

she looking very malnourished in that pic, she needs drink her moms milk more

>> No.41715136

thinking about them dogtits again

>> No.41715145

Made some art, got sad, thought about how monsters aren't real a bit. Saw that post about wasting my life. Got sadder.

>> No.41715157
File: 462 KB, 935x1400, 1645306889083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41715402

I want a harem of pear shaped monster in clothes like this.

>> No.41715163
Quoted by: >>41715200

Y not?

>> No.41715179

I have realized that my life is wasted and that i will died alone. I can only blam my self. I feel weird.

>> No.41715182

got mino milkers on my mind

>> No.41715198
File: 420 KB, 2220x3000, FeJ13JvWQAMlCmV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41715205

>> No.41715200
Quoted by: >>41715209

Don't listen to him, must be the shithead who samefag a few arguments earlier. He always respond without>>

>> No.41715205

Why so blue?

>> No.41715209
Quoted by: >>41715263

Nah, that would be me and that’s just a coincidence

>> No.41715218
File: 100 KB, 661x940, 1644477934415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a pharaohfag there's a question I've been considering for a while. Is it better to marry a pharaoh who's been awake and ruling for a while, or stumble across a sleeping one and wake her up? No apophis posting, this is a serious conundrum.

>> No.41715222

Steal one

>> No.41715230

How much autistic joy do you derive from city builders?

>> No.41715237
Quoted by: >>41715298

I'm sure someone who's been awake for a long time has already found an eligible bachelor to mooch off of her. Waking up sleeping beauty is the way to go.

>> No.41715240

What's the canon for getting a bunch of khepri and then finding a pharaoh?

>> No.41715257


>> No.41715263
Quoted by: >>41715321

Yeah, sure coincidences.

>> No.41715286
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You should find a married one's daughter.

>> No.41715298
Quoted by: >>41715360

I ask because I like old and ripened single CCs and a sleeping pharaoh is still old but she hasn't been stewing in her own virginity like an awake pharaoh. Then again getting pulled into a sarcophagus for a three day lovemaking session by a woman who doesn't speak your language is also very good

>> No.41715312
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>Is it better to marry a pharaoh who's been awake and ruling for a while, or stumble across a sleeping one and wake her up?
The third option, marrying really young pharaoh.

>> No.41715321
Quoted by: >>41715419

Anon, you wanted eat undead marrow

>> No.41715358
Quoted by: >>41715401

This is a nice picture and it's fine to have preferences but you really don't have to bring this up every single time someone posts about pharaohs

>> No.41715360

I’d go for an awake pharaoh and pretend I only exist in her mind but leave hints like moved objects to make her doubt that fact

>> No.41715364

>egyptian themed desert sabbath
>ruled by a baphomet that was found why the pharaohs put themselves to sleep and did it to themselves to ravage the human world once more when they return
>wakes up as a little girl and her dark army become her sabbath
>mix of egyptian and edgy theme
>lots of loli aphophis in it and other corrupted mamano

>> No.41715383
File: 1.46 MB, 2894x4093, 101713327_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxes are always trustworthy.

>> No.41715387

Are they really ?

>> No.41715390


>> No.41715394
Quoted by: >>41715409

Only if they fly spaceships

>> No.41715401

probaly same shitter with cu sith shit

>> No.41715402

>a harem of pear shaped monster in clothes like this
That would be heaven. Groping them all day and breeding fat loli ass all night.

>> No.41715409
File: 218 KB, 1065x771, 1665490416275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, welcome our new fluffy overlords

>> No.41715419
Quoted by: >>41715431

Not me, I'm cat fucker. That's why I think that you made everything up.

>> No.41715431
Quoted by: >>41715441

>cat fucker
half the thread wants to fuck cats.

>> No.41715441

Good, we can unionize

>> No.41715445
Quoted by: >>41715545

i believe that you are same shit head who like ciat sith

>> No.41715462

I rather like to hang my self then to get a furry monster.

>> No.41715465

>Old pharaoh is wiser and more mature, but totally helpless in a relationship are first. She likes to cuddle and vanilla sex.

>Young pharaoh is a smug brat that's a grandmaster in fertility magic. She thinks it's hilarious for her to demolish your hips.

>> No.41715472

Old, best one. Give me.

>> No.41715473
Quoted by: >>41715528

older is better, smug brats are bad imo

>> No.41715525

Young is better, she has room for correction

>> No.41715528
Quoted by: >>41715536

>smug brats are bad imo
Only until you roll them over and fuck them in the ass without lube. That sets them straight, usually.

>> No.41715536 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.81 MB, 1500x1500, Jiangshi94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41715551

its almost time
i dont care for brats, i want only old woman to breed to have cute kids

>> No.41715545

Maybe there is more than one person that likes cait sith.

>> No.41715551
Quoted by: >>41715560

>i dont care for brats
But you want to make them

>> No.41715560

brats are not cute, they are annoying, but kids are not always brats if you raise them right
