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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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39631111 No.39631111 [Reply] [Original]

Read more. and listen!
Ignore Tatsumoto spam

previous thread:

>> No.39631121
File: 545 KB, 744x1229, 165148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39631123
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Follow the updated DJT guide before asking how to learn Japanese https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

Make targeted sentence cards (TSCs) for maximum gains.

>> No.39631137
File: 109 KB, 827x570, 1496617325702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39639741

The only way to learn 日本語:

1. Filter all tripfags
2. Don't waste time/money on ゴミ like:
・Garbage videos and youtube channels, shitty apps, translations, learning kanji instead of vocab, Genki, Imabi, RTK, KKLC, Wanikani, Duolingo, Bunpro, Kodansha, Tobira, whatever you're using, language schools, Italki, JLPT, Kanji Kentei tests and many other scams
・Japanese From Zero, Pimsleur, japanesepod101, Memrise, Duolingo and other blue-pilled resources.
・tmw/The moe way. Patreon scam run by a turkish tranny.
・any rentry.org and геddiт "guides". nothing good has ever come out of геddiт.
・Itazuraneko. Outdated, hard to follow, confusing for beginners.
・So called anime cards. Words cards are proven to be less effective than targeted sentence cards (TSCs).
・Core 2.3k and any "Core" Anki decks. They are based on newspapers from early 90s and additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. Try Ankidrone Starter Pack instead.
・Anacreon. Anacreon is an infamous spammer. He constantly hijacks our threads to shill his shit.
・Discord servers. Discord is malware that runs a data mining operation. Ask questions on Matrix.
・Refold, Migaku and other money grab schemes.
・Visual novels. Experienced learners say they're trash because of unnatural speech and useless vocabulary. Most VNs are proprietary ー https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/

>> No.39631158
Quoted by: >>39631192

bro if youre gonna put sides you have to put itazura too please

>> No.39631164


>> No.39631174

tsc ngmi
make kanicards

>> No.39631179

true true

>> No.39631192

Literally noone use itazuraneko guide
People only care about the mega links
Also Animecards and TMW have link to itazuraneko site

>> No.39631202
File: 241 KB, 535x400, 1535622775051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this animecards guy doesnt have a job or family to take care of. Only thing he does is post on 4chan and beg for money. beginners he is trying to scam you see tatsumoto.neocities.org don’t forget to join the official djt matrix space where we are all fluent!
> learnjapanese.moe
Another patreon begging parasite. doesn't know japanese and recommends you to do shit that never worked. his teachings are going to set you back at most.

>> No.39631233
Quoted by: >>39631404

>Another patreon begging parasite. doesn't know japanese and recommends you to do shit that never worked. his teachings are going to set you back at most.

>> No.39631279
Quoted by: >>39631293

>Literally noone use itazuraneko guide
Get out of here with your spam guides
That goes for you too, get out.

>> No.39631293

itazuraneko is outdated, hard to follow and confusing for beginners. that's why we recommend tatsumoto.

>> No.39631305
Quoted by: >>39631333

>Ignore Tatsumoto spam

>> No.39631315

I was thinking about learning how to have conversations in japanese so i'd learn words about what I wanted to talk about but then when I thought about it i realized I don't know how to have conversations in english.

>> No.39631320
Quoted by: >>39631344

no WE most certainly do NOT endorse tatsucuckhold or his tatsucuckhold spam cards, and certainly hope the mods blacklist his fucking spam site already

>> No.39631333

ignore the op, it's a spammer and a patreon beggar.

>> No.39631334

just be yourself bro

>> No.39631342

just focus on input and be a "good listener" in conversations

>> No.39631344
Quoted by: >>39631348

you do, analfaggot, because that would kill the competition and allow you to spam relentlessly.

>> No.39631348
Quoted by: >>39631361

>that would kill the competition

>> No.39631360

Personally I want the mods to just lay waste to this entire thread and start enforcing a a no advertisement rule against all guides

But they are too busy eating their hotpockets to actually work so we are stuck with the spam forever. This is why I only visit the thread once every few weeks

>> No.39631361
Quoted by: >>39631375

yes i know that analfaggot's guides are complete shit but he pretends that they're better than tatsumoto.

>> No.39631366
Quoted by: >>39631386

>Personally I want the mods to just lay waste to this entire thread
agree, this thread honestly has no place on /jp/

>> No.39631369

>But they are too busy eating their hotpockets
You mean holoshit threads

>> No.39631374

朝飯前 is such a cute phrase for some reason

>> No.39631375
Quoted by: >>39631395

both are trash. the only true guide is to read more
something you obviously dont do much of

>> No.39631377

im down with no guides

>> No.39631378 [DELETED] 
File: 2.91 MB, 800x450, 1649686854832.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39631712

This is why Im learning Japanese

>> No.39631386

yep, w need to go back to /a

>> No.39631391

>indian edition

>> No.39631395
Quoted by: >>39631417

if i read, i'll kill my accent.

>> No.39631404

>teachings will set you back
I don't understand this anyway. Just listen to japanese language like all of you do anyway and look up what it means. Then you'll know it, after a while. Easy.

>> No.39631417
Quoted by: >>39631440

read/listen vinnies ez

>> No.39631423


>> No.39631431

dame masks are evil she looks doable with it

>> No.39631432

Current thread: #3249

Previous threads:
>>39617845 #3248
>>39604714 #3247
>>39587037 #3246
>>39585084 #3245
>>39573479 #3244

>> No.39631440

you're basically just reading when you play VNs

>> No.39631493

She is so fucking ugly and is a total bitch. Don't understand how Joey let himself get complacent with that

>> No.39631503
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>> No.39631521

great guide

>> No.39631588

Japan >>>>> America

>> No.39631658

thanks for this amazing guide!

>> No.39631712

for hags?

>> No.39631734

to be fair japan has a lot of hags

>> No.39631737

She is so fucking gorgeous and is a total sweetheart. Don't understand how Joey got such a catch

>> No.39631794

wtf i can understand the subtitles

>> No.39631885

same, my understanding of japanese is simple and clean, japan is my sanctuary despite being a kingdom of thieves of hearts and fluids
everytime i try to quit i go "maybe one last kiss" iykwim
heres hoping for a beautiful world in 2022 so it opens up

>> No.39631897

gayest post for a while

>> No.39631905

WTF i can understand this too

>> No.39631922


>> No.39631940

WTF i can understand nihongo

>> No.39631999

dang i didn't realize how much i've progressed

>> No.39632011

we all noticed tho, youve come a long way bro, keep it up!

>> No.39632015

proof immersion works

>> No.39632051 [DELETED] 

I'm not getting the fucking Ritalin LA 20mg until Tuesday. Strangest experience I've ever had
>Prior to this, the original pharmacy had told me on Thursday that they were going to get stock on Friday, but I called on Friday and they still did not have stock
>Saturday comes, found a pharmacy that did have stock
>Called the original pharmacist and asked them if they could fax it to the other pharmacy
>Told me that most pharmacies won't accept a script faxed from another pharmacy, I need to contact my psychiatrist and ask them to resend from their end
>Psychiatrist's clinic is closed on the weekend so can't get them to send it
>I call the other pharmacy and they say they'll accept a script faxed from another pharmacy
>Call original pharmacist again and tell them the other pharmacy will accept it, they tell me they'll call the other pharmacy to confirm it and that they'll call me back in 20 minutes (why would it take so long?)
>Wait 40 minutes, never get called back
>Call pharmacy to check up on what's happening, but the line is busy
>Hang up and call the other pharmacy (the one with stock)
>They tell me nothing's come through yet
>Call original pharmacy again
>This time they pick up, tell me they "had a nice long chat" with the other pharmacist and that the other pharmacist had no idea what they were talking about, then confirmed we were both talking about the same pharmacy
>Confused asf, call the other pharmacy again. Other pharmacy says they haven't received any phone calls from the original pharmacy
>Call original pharmacy again, and ask them what number they called and who they spoke to. Definitely the same pharmacy I'm talking about
>Call the other pharmacy again, and this time they put the actual pharmacist on the line
>Tells me that she DID get a phone call from the original pharmacy, but apparently the original pharmacy said that they were stay waiting to receive my script
>Don't know what this means, cause I already confirmed with the original pharmacy on Thursday that they've got my script ready to go
>Tell her this, then tells me that they can't accept faxed scripts anyway for Ritalin
>Then tells me they don't actually have stock
>Basically just tells me too bad so sad, I'll have to try and find another pharmacy that'll accept it
>Try several other pharmacies and they won't accept it
>Monday is a public holiday so everything is shut down for ANZAC day (I bet the ANZACs are happy about this)

>> No.39632084

ok but who asked

>> No.39632086

bro just wait until tuesday instead of stressing out over this

>> No.39632093

i did
thank you for sharing

>> No.39632121
Quoted by: >>39632141

Tuesday is a very busy day for me, and if I take this on Tuesday and get a bad reaction then it's going to fuck me over big time - for a whole 8 hours. I don't respond at all to normal short-acting 4 hour ritalin

>> No.39632133
Quoted by: >>39632206

if you ever wonder why djt is completely shit nowadays then click on "Catalog" and take a good look on the other threads. those people are posting here now.

>> No.39632141

i care too thanks for sharing bro
you probably should take it on a day you have clear, or the evening in case it makes you really tired

>> No.39632164
Quoted by: >>39632176

ADHDtomodachi >>>>>>>>>> mlen/jamal/OG/obasan/tatsumoto/etc.

>> No.39632167
File: 2.90 MB, 764x870, 1648953856278.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based love new friends!

>> No.39632170


>> No.39632172

Might try making some of those ANZAC biscuits actually, they're pretty delicious

>> No.39632173
Quoted by: >>39632176

Pharmacies do this because they are trained to. Side-effect of the war on drugs, they assume everyone with a prescription is selling pills on the side or is addicted to their meds

>> No.39632176
Quoted by: >>39632179

true true
who won?

>> No.39632179
Quoted by: >>39632185

Drugs always win bro

>> No.39632185
Quoted by: >>39632195

it was close tho right...?

>> No.39632191
File: 1.32 MB, 2000x2000, 1650921611251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39632192

never taken any study drugs and never will

>> No.39632195

The truth is far worse than even the fearmongers imagine

>> No.39632199

motivation is my study drug

>> No.39632206

touhou threads have been like that since the beginning

>> No.39632209

>study drugs
>immersion drugs
literally based and red pilled

>> No.39632215

there's no biological free lunch

>> No.39632217

only coomers can save this thread

>> No.39632238
Quoted by: >>39632259

amusingly enough we have tatsucuckhold to thank for all the new friends, you see, he spams in every chan (not just this one) and in other boards, and he mentions its djts guide

the only based thing hes ever done, he injected a wonderful influx of new blood that countered the rising run away schizophrenia (at this time last year random schizos would spam kys every other post)

its the one and only thing ill thank tats for

>> No.39632247

/jp/ has actually improved a lot now that a large amount of vtuber folks went to their board. This place was practically unusable when the mods let them off the leash

>> No.39632259
Quoted by: >>39632264

Never seen him post in any of the altchans I browse, and I go on a lot of them

>> No.39632264
Quoted by: >>39632267

post them

>> No.39632267

You aren't invited

>> No.39632269

i've only dabbled in a few altchans and they were all dead and gay

>> No.39632278

based tatsunyan saved djt

>> No.39632283

John saved DJT

>> No.39632284

honestly tatsumoto is a gift

>> No.39632288

lets get this thread back on track

>> No.39632292
Quoted by: >>39632339

Fine, today I will remind you all

>> No.39632298

pls no

>> No.39632310
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Quoted by: >>39632322


>> No.39632321
Quoted by: >>39632353

fake cat girls are cringe

>> No.39632322


>> No.39632339

WTF I want to teach Eigo in Nihon!

>> No.39632343

only if you're a fat woman apparently

>> No.39632353

nah it's hot when the tail goes up the pooper

>> No.39632354


>> No.39632360
File: 418 KB, 2000x3000, 1650826884804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the catgirl at home

>> No.39632364
Quoted by: >>39632377

I hope you continue to post her in every thread because she does things to my dick

>> No.39632366

you will never be a real cat girl

>> No.39632373

but with the power of CRISPR I will mate with a catgirl

>> No.39632377


>> No.39632381 [SPOILER] 
File: 296 KB, 2000x1333, 1651069960870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they said id never be a real miku too

they were wrong

>> No.39632385

that's a man isn't it

>> No.39632392

naturally. that shit always hits uncanny valley for me, dont know how people get into it

>> No.39632393

no haha of course not... aha...h

>> No.39632459

つば‐ぜりあい〔‐ぜりあひ〕【×鍔競(り)合い/×鍔▽迫り合い】 の解説
1 打ち合わせた刀を鍔もとで受け止めたまま互いに押し合うこと。
2 勢力に差がなく、緊迫した状況で勝負を争うこと。また、その争い。「―の接戦を演じる」「両党入り乱れて―する」

>> No.39632491
File: 127 KB, 279x566, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39632508

kick the moba habit friend

>> No.39632520

seconded, you can find someone to make you want to die on /b/ who won't take 50 minutes of your life to do it

>> No.39632543

team games are pure cancer

>> No.39632571

i like team masturbation

>> No.39632646

itazuraneko is fine we've been using it forever and its the only one without a retarded scam for donations

>> No.39632725
Quoted by: >>39632874

speaking of that i watched my holo waifu for the first time in a couple of months and.. and i just understand it. i didn’t have to look anything up

>> No.39632762

we all ignore tatsurapiat see >>39631121

>> No.39632844


>> No.39632874

based holochad

>> No.39632921

i never play ranked, only norms and some events. i haven't played in months tho

>> No.39632979
Quoted by: >>39633038

if i can't learn japanese do i just commit suicide

>> No.39633038
Quoted by: >>39633056

yes and respec intelligence or change your starting location to japan

>> No.39633056
Quoted by: >>39633070

don't know if i have enough points for that
what's the best suicide method

>> No.39633070
Quoted by: >>39633089

travel to foreign country and party with hard drugs until you od

>> No.39633089
Quoted by: >>39633106

sounds long and drawn out and i don't like hard drugs

>> No.39633106
Quoted by: >>39633131

you sound like you wouldn't even try to do a flip if you jump off something

>> No.39633131
Quoted by: >>39633145

jumping is a pretty shit way to go. the adrenaline kicks your will to live and you have all the time to regret your decision

>> No.39633145
Quoted by: >>39633162

bro just close your eyes

>> No.39633162

it happens all the time drawn out suicide methods end up with the attempter regretting their decision and freaking the fuck out
glorified suicide methods are a pathetic meme, the entire act itself is already pathetic no need to cover shit with gold

>> No.39633310
Quoted by: >>39633352

suicide itself is a pathetic meme. goes to show how rationale the idea is when most of them end up regretting it at the end, and die in endless agony wishing it to stop. natural selection in effect

>> No.39633352
Quoted by: >>39633372

hence why a good method avoids all that.

it's a pathetic way out for pathetic people. you don't give everyone infinite chances in life. a repeat failure is a waste of resources

if you fail out of class too much you get expelled
if you fuck up too much you get fired
life is not never give up. you get only one chance

not like life after 30 even matters at all anyways. at that point you're already dead

>> No.39633372
Quoted by: >>39633416

>not like life after 30 even matters at all anyways. at that point you're already dead
nah, 50 is the cut-off point

>> No.39633416

life at that age is pretty much irrelevant because your body has already been ruined
30 is plenty enough time to know if you're going to make it or not
at 30 you're just living a parody of a decent life if you're trying to catch up to 20 year olds all day

you get one shot at life to make it. 25 is the real cutoff, and then 25-30 are the best years of your life if you make it by then
after that 30+ is just a consolation prize
everything you can possibly do is worse at 30 than 20

so like
by 30 you know if you're a failure that has to blow their brains out. why waste the next 50 years of your life because you couldn't use the only important 30 properly?

>> No.39633493 [DELETED] 

>Whites speaking fluent Japanese
Holy kino

>> No.39634084

Any good manga for practicing japanese? I just finished Yotsubato and I'm more or less N3 level

>> No.39634341

don't fuck with manga unless there's something you really want to read. lookup is too slow.

>> No.39634395
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>> No.39634422

right column not easy on my dick

>> No.39634525


>> No.39634689
Quoted by: >>39638851

i didnt make it but all i care about at this point is siphoning as many ressources from society is possible until i kick the bucket to spite those who did

>> No.39634824
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, Nagoya Ichiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39635044

Am I missing something here?
She says "Ichiro," but phonetically she spelt "Ichiroichi," イ千ロ一
I'm a big dumb idiot sometimes so feel free to call me as such if it's obvious.

>> No.39634852
File: 23 KB, 198x276, 1523007874492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of the stuff I wanna read uses furigana

>> No.39634979
Quoted by: >>39635031

I'm not manually typing shit in, fuck you. Manga is for semen eaters

>> No.39635030

i don't believe in furigana and try my hardest to ignore it or cut it off by scrolling

>> No.39635031

Fuck you on about?
I'm just saying I'm shit at kanji.

>> No.39635044
Quoted by: >>39635063

yeah ur missing something it's not 一 it's ー as in the thing that makes katakana sounds longer

>> No.39635063
Quoted by: >>39638436

Thank you. I always mix those two up.

>> No.39635071

furigana cant hurt me

>> No.39635075

Don't learn from anime, you'll end up speaking like a child or teenage girl

>> No.39635126
Quoted by: >>39635502

if you're not able to differentiate speech styles, you're too low level to be speaking anywayttebayo

>> No.39635131
Quoted by: >>39635502

kys dumb uppercaser

>> No.39635306
Quoted by: >>39635502

back to r*ddit with you

>> No.39635497
Quoted by: >>39635889


>> No.39635502

mad because right LMAO

>> No.39635618

If I learn Japanese from musashi, will I be able to write and speak like him?

>> No.39635630

if you watch mma you end up being a pro fighter

>> No.39635720





>> No.39635746


>> No.39635765

does anyone use zenmarket to import manga from japan?
i have some questions

>> No.39635885
Quoted by: >>39636128

just use cdjapan

>> No.39635889

Before I learned how to speak English I had to consume a lot youtube videos, play weirdly english dubbed videogames and movies in native language with subs, from that i could refine my listening and words by doing volunteering in UK and listening people having a chat during dinner, is always better to have some knowledge, even bad one that no knowledge at all.

>> No.39636098

I'm basically a ghost at this point bros

>> No.39636128

you can get like an entire collection of a series for under 1000yen from sites like yahoo auction/mercari if you use a proxy service
that's the price of a single volume on sites like cdjapan

>> No.39636176

Ok, I'd bite because I am an ignorant. What is the idea behind the tatsucuckhold's method? How the targeted sentences cards are better than the other ways to learn vocabulary?

>> No.39636187
Quoted by: >>39636233

waste of time. make kanicards.

>> No.39636207

yeah thats why ciaran speaks like a feudal lord from the 1800s

>> No.39636233

Yes, but why is a waste of time? Not the empirical answer from people that know better and never used it. But any reasoning. Too time consuming? Pain in the arse to make? Is obvious that tatsucuckhold is an annoying beggar but I want to understand the flaw in his method.

>> No.39636235

そういやさ、最近妹の投稿に怒ってるBeginnersいないな >>39635720

>> No.39636238

because nothing beats kani

>> No.39636242

this is the most brainlet take in the thread

>> No.39636252

imouto's posts make me angery for some reason

>> No.39636302

it's bad because my friends don't like tatsumoto

>> No.39636393
File: 40 KB, 498x280, coffee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gooooooooood morning everyone

>> No.39636444

cum on her tongue

>> No.39636505
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39636640
File: 179 KB, 850x1430, FRa9nBLXwAAdMCS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39640516

曲 of the day

>> No.39636725
Quoted by: >>39636765

What kind of vocabulary do I need to read Umineko without wanting to kill myself? I like that the mangagamer's releases let you switch between Japanese and English on the fly. However, I'm going through Tango N4 at the moment, and it took me an hour to decipher the first three screens.

>> No.39636744
Quoted by: >>39636854

Was this really in the game?

>> No.39636747

matt bonder deleted his mal

>> No.39636753

did he move to anilist

>> No.39636765

you will struggle with vinnies until you finished N1

>> No.39636768
Quoted by: >>39636838

i haven't consumed anything japanese in 2 weeks and now i've lost all my gainz

>> No.39636838

this nofap shit is getting out of hand

>> No.39636854
Quoted by: >>39636964


>> No.39636865

anime be like
>hi, i'm a lumberjack and my name is Wood Treecutter

>> No.39636902
File: 741 KB, 1448x2048, pee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39640516

>> No.39636952


cool word

>> No.39636964

damn, it is

>> No.39637001
File: 820 KB, 1920x1080, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39637103
Quoted by: >>39640516

got some 白味噌

>> No.39637121


>> No.39637183

i can't watch anime anymore
i'm fed up with it (it might be because i'm depressed as fuck)

>> No.39637217
File: 1.49 MB, 626x540, ringo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch drama

>> No.39637254
File: 758 KB, 1920x1080, DOG DAYS S01E05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39637265

depression is just a mindset

>> No.39637280
Quoted by: >>39637298

there are no dogs in this picture

>> No.39637284

what the dog doin

>> No.39637298
File: 439 KB, 1920x1080, DOG DAYS S01E12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39637310
Quoted by: >>39640516

is it true that there's an 800 year old monk living in china?

>> No.39637402


>> No.39637436


>> No.39637447
File: 39 KB, 639x520, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39640516

no, women are to blame for depression

>> No.39637496


>> No.39638019

love me baby baby
give me very very

>> No.39638060

any other good alternatives to finding anime with japanese subs? Nyaa doesn't have everything I want

>> No.39638081


>> No.39638098
Quoted by: >>39638192

you find em in the itzaruenko library, or whatever the website is called. dunno why it isn't in the OP

>> No.39638120


>> No.39638176
File: 528 KB, 606x552, 1651232309176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39640516


>> No.39638192
Quoted by: >>39638353

managed to find it thanks

>> No.39638204

Another day of words just not sticking in my brain. I can't keep 動く in my head even though I know the word orally.

>> No.39638276
Quoted by: >>39638554

think of this

>> No.39638296
Quoted by: >>39638554

apply power to weight and it moves

>> No.39638353


>> No.39638436

if it's next to katakana you should always assume extension

>> No.39638439
File: 1.06 MB, 810x1194, 1627797926711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39640516

>> No.39638463
Quoted by: >>39638539

im lack toes in toddler ant

>> No.39638483

suck it up and read them, furigana is a worse reading experience

>> No.39638539

my condominiums

>> No.39638554

The problem is the info isn't sticking. Like, I learn it, remember it for a little while, then the information just drops out hard. Some days, I remember them all. Some days, I just can't get things to stick.

>> No.39638625
Quoted by: >>39638703

If the mangaka uses a lot of text boxes rather than having the text on the art then it's very easy to use kanjitomo to quickly read it. Chainsaw man is like this and I was able to read all 100 chapters in like a week and a half. I picked demon slayer next and I'm on chapter 23/200 and it is much slower because there's so much text on art that kamjitomo can't pick up. Considering dropping it because of his much I'm having to manually look up but I'm enjoying it.

>> No.39638670



>> No.39638703
File: 390 KB, 764x1200, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39638738

kny has furigana you shouldnt need kanjitomo at all

>> No.39638738

Kanjitomo is much faster than typing the furigani into jisho

>> No.39638830

Why is the OP image of a thread about learning Japanese a doujin cover?

>> No.39638850
Quoted by: >>39640516

pretty sure this is just how the cookie crumbles
as erotic manga are based on actual events, they serve as a very good resource for learning and understanding how natural and native japanese sounds, as opposed to textbook japanese or stiff japanese

>> No.39638851
File: 72 KB, 800x614, 10-1055-s-0035-1555115-i00674-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39638957

what metrics are you even using the determine if you're going to "make it" or not?

>> No.39638853

can you really not connect the dots on that one?

>> No.39638957

I'm not going to make it because I'm over 30 and too retarded to know what this chart says

>> No.39638993


>> No.39639042

it says that the younger you are the faster you can process, but your vocabulary isn't crystalized (like how honey turns to crystals and becomes solidified)
and the older you are the slower you can process, but your vocabulary is crystalized
maybe, or not
you can make it

>> No.39639078
File: 24 KB, 299x168, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39640516

>Learning Japanese in minutes

>> No.39639178

where's the contradiction

>> No.39639319
File: 220 KB, 1920x1080, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39639335
File: 55 KB, 431x917, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39640516

>> No.39639348

yoko was one of my first faps

>> No.39639439

according to moe this no means 's

>> No.39639538

growth's nonexistance guy

>> No.39639576

you can teach an old dog new tricks

>> No.39639618

nta i don't care if i'm coping or not but i believe that i'm special and that chart doesn't apply to me and i use examples of other people who learned languages in their old age to motivate myself

>> No.39639738
File: 58 KB, 702x384, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39640561

thought being at my sis' place would effect my reps today but it looks like i killed it again this week

>> No.39639741
Quoted by: >>39640185

I'm using Duolingo for hiragana and katakana, I also don't see the harm in doing all of their lessons, there's no way that it does more harm than good.

>> No.39639744


>> No.39639763

how the fuck am i supposed to study nihongo when there's nothing to eat

>> No.39639786

You're telling me I need to learn nihongo as well as katakana, hiragana and kanji? Bruh.

>> No.39639790
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hidden shit

>> No.39639879

how much jp subbed anime are you watching?

>> No.39639894

made some chinese garlic sauce but it wasn't very good i think i used too much rice vinegar

>> No.39639951
File: 14 KB, 308x76, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets fucking gooooooo

>> No.39640047

is 2.3k anki deck a meme? why am I seeing cards without kanji for words that I see written with kanji all the time?

>> No.39640086
Quoted by: >>39640146

use the tatsumoto decks he kanjifies all words
even dumb shit like 仏蘭西 or 埃及 but you can just ctrl+delete those cards as they show up and you decide you dont need em

>> No.39640095
Quoted by: >>39640146

like what

>> No.39640144
File: 242 KB, 730x394, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39640561

No new words today, didn't finish reps. Need to go sleep

>> No.39640146
Quoted by: >>39640223

most recent was 喋る like I see it so commonly that it struck me as odd. 沢山 is another off the top of my head where I've seen it at least enough times to wonder.

I'll have to look, thanks.

>> No.39640159

2.3 is the worst deck, we don't use it. you need to download ankidrone starter pack https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/basic-vocabulary.html

>> No.39640185
File: 75 KB, 1538x359, 1590027126741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has ever learned japones on Duo*go. For hiragana and katakana stick to https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/learning-kana-in-two-days.html

>> No.39640220
File: 191 KB, 512x512, 1621398899241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like a jehova's witness that won't stop knocking
that schizo was right, mods do give preferential treatment

>> No.39640223

i think it's cards from the iknow decks, so just add the kanji yourself. there shouldn't be too many

>> No.39640226
File: 128 KB, 1920x1080, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39640228

based groomer

>> No.39640233
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (113).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39640293

>> No.39640235
File: 7 KB, 952x68, japanesecyrillic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does tatsumoto think japanese should use cyrillic, in particular?

>> No.39640247

because he's russian and can't learn the current japanese scripts

>> No.39640293
File: 906 KB, 1920x1080, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39640510
File: 149 KB, 540x180, あ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39640561

>> No.39640516
File: 335 KB, 1463x2000, 1650106272940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goooooood mooorning mother brother close friend cuuuuudler!
theres many
true true!
in seconds!
do the impossible break the unbreakable!

>> No.39640525


>> No.39640546
File: 706 KB, 1295x961, 1599359749616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically, what apps should I get if I wanted to learn JP using only my phone? My family wants to do a road trip.

>> No.39640561

eat pocky! instant gains!
the fuck
washi mo!

>> No.39640567

google podcasts

>> No.39640571
Quoted by: >>39640603

Anki, but you can't learn japanese using a phone alone.

>> No.39640576

depends, will you have internet?

>> No.39640603

what if its not just a smartphone, but the smartest of phones?
realistically all one needs is internet and a powersource

>> No.39640619

summer pockets

>> No.39640710
Quoted by: >>39647866

anon japanese will always be there for you, these annoying roadtrips wont

enjoy it the most you can, youll miss it one day

as for downloads, get a binch of manga you like from nyaa, you can get english and nip versions if you want to play like that, or just nip ones, get a dictionary, and anki and that's really all you need. maybe a couple podcasts or audiobooks or drama cds, theres some good ones

>> No.39640786
Quoted by: >>39640832

Was planning to get shit done today but woke up feeling like garbage so I guess I'll just read VNs instead

>> No.39640832


>> No.39640847
Quoted by: >>39640874

Amane just licked Kaori's face. Please tell me I'm nearly done with lunch.

>> No.39640874

you are nearly done with lunch

>> No.39640884

had lunch ages ago

>> No.39640915

didnt have lunch

>> No.39640925

bout to have lunch

>> No.39640940


>> No.39640996

how would you translate this?

>> No.39641001

"well yea"

>> No.39641006

"boy howdy"

>> No.39641008
File: 1.74 MB, 1004x540, turning.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39641045


>> No.39641045

`sup sweetums

>> No.39641070

joseis with less than 25% bf be looking kinda ugly in an unhealthy kind of way

>> No.39641075

its ok ill be their 100% bf

>> No.39641099

ill give them the high protein diet they need

>> No.39641170
Quoted by: >>39641190

the kana are so cool. why do there have to be kanji

>> No.39641179
Quoted by: >>39641196

mined 等閑

>> No.39641190

You'll be wishing you could hear kanji once you realize ever word has eight homonyms.

>> No.39641191

toukan something about tranquillity?

>> No.39641196
Quoted by: >>39641219

read that as toukan

>> No.39641212
File: 16 KB, 648x413, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39641219


>> No.39641239
File: 102 KB, 220x318, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39647866

the teen boy learning japanese on a family road trip sounds like a fun character in a movie
kind of like little miss sunshine except instead of not talking he does ajatt and refuses to respond to anyone unless spoken to in japanese and in turn he responds in japanese as well LOL

>> No.39641244
Quoted by: >>39641414

if u read it as なおざり u know japanese
if u read it as とうかん ur part of qms discord

>> No.39641289

en: i think im getting carpal tunnel
jp: 指がシビれる

jp localizations are always so soulless

>> No.39641304

doesn't this actually mean the finger is climaxing?

>> No.39641314


>> No.39641330

Anyone has any ideas on where I can find JP subs for Saki Achiga-hen beyond episode 9 and Saki Zenkoku-hen? I'm using this series to study, but Kitsunekko only has subs up to episode 9.

>> No.39641332


>> No.39641348

mined 目脂

>> No.39641352

my finger is always climaxing

>> No.39641354

en: let's get my flashcards
jp: 支度する

>> No.39641359

sibireru doesn't mean to climax its the thing that happens just before that

>> No.39641369
File: 323 KB, 1920x1080, translation good japanese localization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are and I'm always chuckling when I see N5 eops make threads on /v/ or /a/ bitching about a minute detail caused by omittance of the passive voice or such shit missing from the ENG localization or using a different expression that's the same thing, when ENG->JP localization is literally "I don't give afuck they'll pay me and nobody actually knows the language anyway so I cna just do whatever the fuck lol"

>> No.39641376

nip: 彼女は悲し
en: ?!?!?!

>> No.39641404
File: 1.77 MB, 1004x540, catgirl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coincidentally the thing im watching with jp subs is on disney+ as well

>> No.39641414
Quoted by: >>39641455

i don't even know what a discord is

>> No.39641438
Quoted by: >>39641466

If you're saying 'Welcome to the guild', like in FFXV or a chat room or some shit
Do you then type ようこそ or いらっしゃいませ?

>> No.39641455

I think it's a Matrix clone

>> No.39641464

translations aren't supposed to be overly literal. they also have to capture the INTENDED meaning in a way that is captured by the language that you're translating into.

>> No.39641466
Quoted by: >>39641527

[guild name]へようこそ

>> No.39641480
Quoted by: >>39641491

capture this intended meaning in a way that is captured by your mouth
*unzips pants*

>> No.39641481
File: 281 KB, 1062x1499, DJT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you blind?

>> No.39641491

i fucked up, i meant to say
in a way that sounds natural in the language

>> No.39641507

Does parsing the prolapsed anus of unnecessary bullshit at the end of every other sentence get easier at any point? I'm really starting to hate these girls.

>> No.39641525

they're not unnecessary and pack a lot of meaning

>> No.39641527

Google was useless for this.
Apparently there's only entering a country or a store and nothing in between as far as answers there are concerned.

>> No.39641547
Quoted by: >>39641601

The entire language is unecessary, we should have made them speak English during the occupation.

>> No.39641552

>prolapsed anus of unnecessary bullshit at the end of every other sentence
dude, you're reading a vinnie
that's what vinnies are all about.. prolapsed anuses

>> No.39641601
Quoted by: >>39641672

if you feel like that then just go for the translations

>> No.39641604

>nooo that embarassing don't prolapse there... ahhhh

>> No.39641632
Quoted by: >>39641650


>> No.39641637

*flips through a dense book about programming in japanese*

>i just understand it

>> No.39641650
File: 950 KB, 1920x1080, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39641670


>> No.39641670
Quoted by: >>39641692

what music is she refering to here?

>> No.39641672
Quoted by: >>39641740


>> No.39641692
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39641693

せいたい‐かいぼう【生体解剖】 の解説

>> No.39641740
Quoted by: >>39641745


>> No.39641745


>> No.39641809
File: 162 KB, 1920x1080, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

analcreamu was right about the baka thing

>> No.39641825

fansub translated baka as ignoramus

>> No.39641916


>> No.39641936
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, 0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

en: shake that money maker! destroy her with your big fat butt
jp: やっちゃって!

>> No.39641984
Quoted by: >>39642066

now that the dust has cleared who was in the wrong here?

>> No.39642063

too cutesy for me

>> No.39642066
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who was in the wrong here?

>> No.39642086

How old is the little guy?

>> No.39642105

why do you keep posting western shit in a japanese language learning sure

>> No.39642107

it's a movie for kids. maybe it gets too dirty in the target language if translated too literally. that also matters.

>> No.39642124
Quoted by: >>39642147

watched jav, its still a money maker in japanese

>> No.39642131
Quoted by: >>39642161

muh jp sanctuary faggots are annoying too

>> No.39642147

jav is for adults. it's literally in the name.

>> No.39642148
File: 73 KB, 720x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39642239

>maybe it gets too dirty in the target language
japanese kids literally do かんちょう and love butt jokes

>> No.39642161

>but what about xyz...
sine majide

>> No.39642192
File: 833 KB, 2508x3541, inner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39642229

why not? im posting examples of japanese localizations

>> No.39642239
Quoted by: >>39642574

man, you guys sometimes become super brainlets and it's unbelievable. in that case it obviously wouldn't be about how the kids feel about butt jokes. it'd be obviously up to how the adults doing the translation feel when it comes to that kind of stuff being in a family movie.

i don't know how it is today because i haven't watched a dubbed movie in ages but they would remove swearwords even in movie for adults in my language

>> No.39642305


>> No.39642309

based jp translators filtering out western degeneracy

>> No.39642316


>> No.39642460

>you'll end up speaking
That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.39642469
File: 179 KB, 470x470, 1633041141801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just drop it, that's what I do, you can tell the writers are unconfident when they add unnecessary flavor text like that and it bleeds into their characters
its trash

>> No.39642524
Quoted by: >>39642604

calling that flavor text means you dont know japanese

>> No.39642558

incredibly based

>> No.39642574

in japan gurren lagan is a pre school toddler show

>> No.39642578
File: 81 KB, 800x523, Skægget-Sugemalle-Ancistrus-sp-lille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39642591

>> No.39642591

holy chad
calling that flavour text means you understand japanese
cute fish

>> No.39642602


>> No.39642604

stop swallowing buckets of japanese semen and defending that garbage

>> No.39642637

Tatsochists believe that you need example sentences to understand what contexts a word is appropriate in. The problem with this method is that a a single isolated sentence doesn't explain shit, such as when to use 覚める vs 覚ます.
Additionally, there's the problem that when you see a sentence, eventually you will know what the meaning of the word the card is for, before you even read the word the card is for. This undermines your quest to learn Japanese vocabulary. If, on the other hand, you carefully read the entire sentence before you answer, that will bloat your rep time; the time you spend doing TSC is time you could spend either learning more vocab, or immersing.
t. have used word cards for vocab and TSCs for grammar. I review word cards 3x faster despite words being much harder to retain than grammar.

>> No.39642646
File: 60 KB, 562x438, Table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're not unnecessary

>> No.39642649

this is a hanahira line

>> No.39642670

Is there something fairly lightweight material to read every single day?
Like someone just posting some random short blogpost or something consistently

>> No.39642676
Quoted by: >>39642688

bookmark this convo and then come back to it in 3 months after you've read something like japanese the manga way.

>> No.39642686
Quoted by: >>39642741

lmao but i doubt even mr cuckhold even subscribes to his own religion, its just a random potpurri of shit he thought memetic enough to make imbeciles patreon him
that's also where his tatsucuckhold spam card fixation and the propietary thing came from, he has, at most, somewhat of a background/knowledge of marketing and sales techniques

its also why he detests/fears tatsucuckhold and tatsucuckhold spam cards, because he is aware that the memetic potential is there and itll spread in his target spam communities

and its also why he loves mini yoga and likely coined it himself, and why he spams eceleb garbage, for a veneer of credibility "hey he spams matt, clearly he must know what hes talking about"
remember when his site was islam themed? (might still be don't check it that often)

>> No.39642688
File: 120 KB, 790x1229, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39642701

lol you got owned

>> No.39642701

that image is irrelevant to what we're discussing

>> No.39642705

just find a web novel you like on syosetu and read a chapter every day

>> No.39642706

So TSC becomes redundant quickly and all the "early gains" are not sustainable in the long term.

>> No.39642710
Quoted by: >>39642779

he is right that they aren't unnecessary

>> No.39642718

had a great 宅配ピザ

>> No.39642730

holo subs?
oh. actualy nhk easy news is probably what you want
you can also google 童話 for eh, 童話, and theres tadoku, altho some of it is not native material and some anonhas made the point that native aimed material is probably better and hes right

>> No.39642741
File: 94 KB, 700x900, gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39642801

>he has, at most, somewhat of a background/knowledge of marketing and sales techniques
he has a background in gaslighting
most of what he does follows this

>> No.39642756

theres no "early gains" at all, unless you mean that you naturally come to memorize the card, its not knowledge that can be used in any way, the cards are random idiocy, not even set phrases or chunks and include shit like the kanji for egypt which youll never ever fucking see even in most dictionaries

>> No.39642779
Quoted by: >>39642826

no, he's only right that it packs in meaning
but that doesn't mean it's necessary

>> No.39642801

well yes, thats really what marketing is
you can also see that exact technique in his "we recommend" and "we have always done" and generally his "we" bullshit
unfortunately people here tend to detest the use of "we" and do additional research
hed probably be more successful if he spammed normie stuff (but those were already monetized to the fullest extend by shit like duolingo, and werent really a sustainable avenue to begin with (see matt and dogen for this, or even dolly, you run out of stuff to cover, and also people only watch your stuff once and intermitently which wrecks you in the algo))

>> No.39642824

It's debatable whether there are any "early gains" at all. Anything the dictionary doesn't tell you is more efficiently learned from immersion, which you should be doing anyway.

>> No.39642826

playing the necessary game is always a losing argument, itll always lead to "its childrens entertainment and thus nothing is necessary" which ends with everyone eating white rice donuts

>> No.39642855

the only gains one could see would be from doing stuff routinely, if anyone goes from not doing japanese at all to spending 1 hour on cards a day, they WILL feel an improvement
but... nuke is still doing 2 hours of cards a day

>> No.39642878

japanese agglutinations are sometimes ommitted but they are never unnecessary

>> No.39642894
File: 2.05 MB, 960x540, 1650452565536.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read ommm nom nom

>> No.39642905
Quoted by: >>39642934

mined 餌木

>> No.39642933

I haven't mined any words for like, 4 days.
Kinda ashamed.
Back to watching anime tho.

>> No.39642934
Quoted by: >>39643230

That was such good anime.

>> No.39643071

あっ それと

>> No.39643229


are we watching this

>> No.39643230

dunno what you mean i mined it from an isekai linnie

>> No.39643277
File: 742 KB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah im watching doramas

>> No.39643288
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1046, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ponytails are the cultured hairstyle.

>> No.39643307

no i'm watching a bad romcom anime

>> No.39643318
File: 218 KB, 1478x1108, 1632529960013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol he looks sick of doth

>> No.39643345

>"what are your thoughts on rtk?"
*closes tab*

>> No.39643365


>> No.39643367

might have paused my immersion for this and lol'd at it if the australian fag had a better mic i can barely understand him

>> No.39643447

no i clicked it, saw 9 people were watching, probably all from here and went back to elden ring

>> No.39643455
File: 917 KB, 1920x1080, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39643461

>> No.39643461

me and og

>> No.39643468
File: 539 KB, 701x957, jouzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39643483

>> No.39643483

the trick is to jouzu them before they get a chance

>> No.39643540
File: 267 KB, 952x720, まぶらほ 第13話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this show is exhausting to watch glad they don't make em like this anymore

>> No.39643788
File: 927 KB, 1920x1080, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39643796

glad they make em like this now

>> No.39643796


>> No.39643967


>> No.39644051
File: 854 KB, 872x1280, uraaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39644079
Quoted by: >>39644317

what does this table mean? is it something like info / time it takes to convey info

>> No.39644122

me taking the pic

>> No.39644148

I'm Hornyyyy!~

>> No.39644176

if i have a large amount of overdue cards can i just set a review limit of like 100-200 cards and work through it that way then raise the limit once im caught up

>> No.39644221
File: 106 KB, 779x1200, EBI3gHcVAAEoNC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39644472

sure, you make the rules bro
>marine drew this

>> No.39644250
Quoted by: >>39644442

changing the limit only changes how many cards it shows you are due, more cards will continue to accumulate at their regular rate, it doesn't "pause" cards if you would.

so if youd rather only see 200, change it, but most leave it unlimited so they xan see how many are actually due, even if they don't do them all

>> No.39644317

it's how much information is in each syllable
if it were based on time, then japanese would be more even with other languages since they speak faster

>> No.39644333

Is there one anki deck for kana that you recommend to a total novice?

>> No.39644334


>> No.39644412
Quoted by: >>39644556

oh hi tatsucuckhold slow day?
don't worry friendly random person, tatsucuckhold has a tatsucuckhold spam card deck for that, probably
in the remote case you aren't a tatsucuckhold spam prompt, try https://kana-quiz.tofugu.com/ and the other stuff there
using an anki deck for kana is a bit of a waste of time and would take too long, ideally you want to drill them for a couple days and then just reinforce as you go, as everything you see will be written in kana
you don't have to have them perfect mind you, again youll see them everywhere, forever, a lot

>> No.39644442

i used migaku vacation for shit like that and set daily reps to 100 or something till i fixed it

>> No.39644446
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x2299, guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>total novice
check the guide

>> No.39644472
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x720, 1651067113613.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39644500

yoooo thanks for the amazing flawless guide!!

>> No.39644545


>> No.39644551

Has anyone ever thought about doing sing along karaoke to work on their reading and speaking? Like you would just study the song lyrics for a bit and try to remember the meaning, but then you go and sing while reading the lyrics in Japanese
Sure, there's probably wacky speech things like a fully pronounced "u" at the end of a word or "wo" pronounced as "woah" but idk, this sounds like a fun idea

>> No.39644556
Quoted by: >>39644647

I was doing exercise with pencil & sheet but i feel that i am doing very bad in Katakana. I would check your link.

>> No.39644583

dont you naturally sing along to songs you like?
and remember the lyrics that way

dont think you have to go out of your way and study songs as long as you enjoy em

>> No.39644617
File: 51 KB, 677x327, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39644641

sounds retarded
shadow an audiobook instead

>> No.39644647
Quoted by: >>39644715

i do that but its not so much as study as i like singing, theres tons of channels with lyrics in kana, and songs are much much more speech dense than anime so if you want to justify your karaoke by saying its practice, go for it
here a fun song to get you started https://youtu.be/dL1lbe6D9_0

katakana is hard in general cause you don't see it much (or i don't, anyway), if you feel like its hard or taking too long just move on to vocab, the katakana you need to remember will usually be in set words, and you need to learn those words anyway cause nips have weird ways of transliterating things sometimes

>> No.39644677

that's what i do.
i set it to 50 then 100 then 150 and so on

>> No.39644715
File: 55 KB, 449x680, FRnhqjEVcAA6bnK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39644732

or use channels that vtubers use to sing


>> No.39644732

nice saved

>> No.39644780

back from my sister's place selected all the stuff i'm going to include in my new portfolio did yoga with my niece and watched her softball game afterwards had a conversation with the old man across the street when i got home and then went to the gym finally gonna look at some pics fire up some hanahira and then continue working on my portfolio

>> No.39644820

Just imagine as the kanji radicals being moved against each other because they look squished

>> No.39644822


gonna make a playlist for my hypothetical vtuber debut

>> No.39644889
Quoted by: >>39645433

nice sounds like a great day bro

>> No.39644907
Quoted by: >>39644916

>did yoga with my niece
did she need correction

>> No.39644916
Quoted by: >>39644947

she was stiff and needed a thorough massage and stretch

>> No.39644944

>tfw no sisters to stretch with

>> No.39644947
File: 50 KB, 1200x1200, 💢.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see...

>> No.39645000
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (115).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39645062 [DELETED] 

if i were born in a first world country like most of you and not gone through the shit i went through maybe i would have explored my full potential but it's too late for that. it's all downhill from here

>> No.39645117

just for curiosity's sake
is there anyone who thinks my usage of "were" (subjunctive mood) in that sentence is wrong?

>> No.39645127
Quoted by: >>39645147

sounds fine to me

>> No.39645147
Quoted by: >>39645175

but i needed a "had" before "not"

>> No.39645161
Quoted by: >>39645188


>> No.39645175
Quoted by: >>39645205

first should be was, but you can use were, after and you need a hadnt, or a had, you could probably use commas for easier parsing/more comfortable flow

dunno it fits with the retard style in which most posts are written here so don't sweat it too much

>> No.39645181
Quoted by: >>39645188

why is japan obsessed with the gayest american sport

>> No.39645187
File: 19 KB, 590x296, 174832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39645220

wish i wasn't retarded

>> No.39645188
Quoted by: >>39645220

because idiot burgers forced it on them, like mosaics

>> No.39645205

>first should be was
wrong bitch

>> No.39645214


>> No.39645220

dont forget christmas and fried chicken and canned spam
its still 70% of random squiggles retained bro
even moon people forget their own runes

>> No.39645232

my fav jav tag is debut

>> No.39645234

here you go imbecile, dont at me again you are too stupid for this conversation

>> No.39645243


>> No.39645263

>The phrase “if I were” is part of a very small subset of English grammatical tense called the subjunctive mood. This tense is used to talk about situations or things that are hypothetical, or that haven’t or couldn’t happen but are being considered from an academic perspective. For instance:

>If I were king of the world, I’d give everyone one million dollars.
>If I were a dog, I’d get to laze around all day.
>If I were you, I’d go apologize to her.
good job linking the 1st thing you found on google without even reading it lmao

>> No.39645274

yep, 205 won

>> No.39645280
File: 44 KB, 838x536, sub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems to me like the correct usage then

>> No.39645286

My shoulder hurts from playing too much of the switch badminton, time for reps

>> No.39645290
Quoted by: >>39645398

体温 humiliating himself again

>> No.39645326
Quoted by: >>39645332

What is the English version of Cure Dolly/Tae Kim Grammar?

>> No.39645332

it depends on the language you're coming from retard

>> No.39645341


>> No.39645342
Quoted by: >>39645366

Why do women always try to piss you off when you are in the middle of work on something?
Do Japanese women do this too? Does Japan have a word for this phenomenon

>> No.39645345
Quoted by: >>39645375


>> No.39645366


>> No.39645375

he's right

>> No.39645397
Quoted by: >>39645416


>> No.39645398

i missed the 体温 thing, what was it?

>> No.39645404

i watch animu with jp subs and jp movies with eng subs
they were saying "ihen" and subs were saying "earthquake" and i was like "wtf?"
i didn't recognize the word 異変 until i looked it up. i'm weirded out by this phenomenon every time it happens

>> No.39645416
Quoted by: >>39645452

>an english grammar primer for esls written in english
are you retarded

>> No.39645420

rebuilding my digital eromanga collection to be completely in japanese
crazy how much of it i can read already

>> No.39645433

yes it is quite nice so far thanks bro

>> No.39645434


>> No.39645452
Quoted by: >>39645483


>> No.39645474
File: 998 KB, 829x692, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy how someone with such a cute style can draw something so dirty

>> No.39645483
Quoted by: >>39645522

never respond to me again mongoloid

>> No.39645484

look at how jamal's method is flawed (i might have transcribed something wrong here. my ears aren't as good as ciaran's and i'm just a drunkard brazilian)

>usually before she'll meet anyone new, the earth has to move
>what has to move, mino-san
>"the earth moves", missus
>the earthquake
>that one this morning
>wasn't that something?

>> No.39645487

is that goomba

>> No.39645505
Quoted by: >>39645513


>> No.39645513
Quoted by: >>39645525

what did i do wrong?

>> No.39645518
Quoted by: >>39645535

yeah obviously anyone with half a brain can figure out that 10,000 hours of subbed anime isn't a legit method

>> No.39645522

keep malding

>> No.39645525

you left your mother's womb

>> No.39645527

earth has to move lol

>> No.39645533

are you just trolling me or did i fuck up anything?

>> No.39645534
File: 850 KB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39645535

stfu queef

>> No.39645567
Quoted by: >>39645694

post the clip dumbass your transcription cannot be trusted

>> No.39645569
Quoted by: >>39645579

queefster too scared to post

>> No.39645579
Quoted by: >>39645598

he's afraid of another dokoroga incident...

>> No.39645593

wish there was a good place to discuss learning japanese, here is just e celeb blogging and schizo fights, /r/learnjapanese is n5 girls trying to decide if they should use 僕

>> No.39645597


>> No.39645598

ye he said it himself lmao >>39505196

>> No.39645602
Quoted by: >>39645622

what do you want to """"""discuss"""""""

>> No.39645604

i wish all girls would use 僕

>> No.39645607
File: 847 KB, 1920x1080, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39645612

acquired 有酸素運動 and 無酸素運動

>> No.39645611

there is nothing to discuss learning japanese is solved

>> No.39645612
Quoted by: >>39645659

i don't even know what those mean in english because I'm a fat lazy neet

>> No.39645622

is majinai a conjugation of majiru

>> No.39645647

queef sisters we won

>> No.39645649
Quoted by: >>39646431


>> No.39645650

as you get better you have less of a need to actually discuss the language, study methods, or questions regarding it for that matter and all you want is to be around minded individuals who are doing something similar to what you are and see whatever they're up to on their journey and what they're reading/consuming
complaining about not having a place to "discuss" japanese is n5 thinking

>> No.39645652

kek that is how it do be bro

>> No.39645659
File: 2.37 MB, 960x540, undou.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

有酸素 = cardio / endurance
無酸素 = lifting

>> No.39645661

true true

>> No.39645668

wanna acquire that babe

>> No.39645684
Quoted by: >>39645755


>> No.39645694
Quoted by: >>39645701

apparently you now need an account to upload shit to streamable so fuck that shit

>> No.39645701

catbox / litterbox is free

>> No.39645743
File: 346 KB, 475x343, 1648828456828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39645755

what of it

>> No.39645756

did 100 new words a day for 5 months now, I thought you guys said it was impossible

>> No.39645760

Someone needs sarah moon

>> No.39645769
File: 958 KB, 960x540, ice.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39645799

>> No.39645789
Quoted by: >>39645870

100 new words per day means you're approaching 10k reviews per day
congrats on having no time for anything else, not even immersion

>> No.39645798 [DELETED] 

i think moe sucks when it comes to his actual anime taste but his taste in anime movies is decent. not gonna lie

>> No.39645799

nothing is impossible
how many you are at now and how many reviews?

>> No.39645817

Read YouTube comments

>> No.39645826

i mine conjugations so i can boast about new cards

>> No.39645858

youtube comments are actually a bad idea cuz the frequency is too random. you need something with the same vocab repeating all the time. for example i chose isekai. i mined every word i came across (anime cards) but i only watched isekai as much as i could, soon i exhausted 90% of the vocab of the genre. this is what you need to do to progress fast in the language

>> No.39645870

bro it's 10x new cards not 100x, and it's even less if you refold

>> No.39645879
Quoted by: >>39645954


>> No.39645882
Quoted by: >>39645889

from there you can expand. for example. i found that the romance genre was easy but something like 幼女戦記 was hard was fuck cuz it has a military vocab which i had mined yet. next i exhausted the shounen combat genre... then i went for vinnies, i read one novel came back to vinnies, more shounen, etc..

>> No.39645889 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39645902

and you still dont know japanese

>> No.39645893

its just two cute girls sitting by a fountain

>> No.39645902

i can't speak it like bunko but i can read the material i enjoy decently in my opinion.

>> No.39645918

bunko is one of the best outputters. not even pisscorders can compete

>> No.39645940


didnt understand most of the japanese in this until i turned the lyrics on in spotify

>> No.39645953
File: 217 KB, 600x600, [6巻] デスマーチからはじまる異世界狂想曲6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39646016

new デスマーチ out today let's gooooooo

>> No.39645954


>> No.39645964
Quoted by: >>39645967


>> No.39645967
Quoted by: >>39645979

too early you dumb fuck

>> No.39645968
Quoted by: >>39646043


>> No.39645979


>> No.39645985 [DELETED] 

kys retard

>> No.39646000

NO :)

>> No.39646001
Quoted by: >>39646043


>> No.39646016

nothing better than a nice isekai linnie audiobook

>> No.39646039 [DELETED] 

on the contrary,you're the newfag

>> No.39646043
Quoted by: >>39646102

actually i think its 帽子の帽

>> No.39646052
Quoted by: >>39646081

all we need to do is to refuse to post in those early threads and let them die.

>> No.39646053


yooo sauce

>> No.39646081 [DELETED] 

not really possible
people will open the catalog, ctrl+f "djt", find the new thread on top and post in it without ever knowing that it was an early thread created by a mouthbreathing subhuman piece of garbage

>> No.39646102

yeah thats what the subs said

>> No.39646108


>> No.39646114
Quoted by: >>39646125

yeah that's just tatsucuckhold, don't pay mind to him hes, well, tatsucuckhold

>> No.39646125

true true
yeah this anon won gg no re

>> No.39646135

sheeeesh i haven't downloaded this much erohon since i was a teen lad

>> No.39646141

we didn't have erohons OR how to download them when i was a teen lad

>> No.39646155

they will see two threads
they'll open the most recent one and see that it's a ghost town then realize that people are still in the old thread just like it's always been

>> No.39646159

i was born just at the right moment to experience the peak of western otakuism as well as as its downfall

>> No.39646167


>> No.39646394
File: 2.21 MB, 1125x2436, 1882747F-927C-41BA-87EA-BA53C184B996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sugeee i thought it was her 3d model for a second

>> No.39646431

why does everyone look the same?

>> No.39646638

except that's not what happens as we can see right now

>> No.39646658
Quoted by: >>39647585

the problem is not just the newfag posters
if you know you know

>> No.39646806








>> No.39647585

Have you two tried not caring so much about a 4chan thread? It doesn't matter

>> No.39647612

>just don't be mentally ill bro

>> No.39647637

Yeah man it works pretty well for me

>> No.39647866

ok I downloaded manga (k-on+the college spinoff, non-non-biyori and shoujo shuumatsu ryokou), takoboto and the grammar guides in pdf. it will be a short trip so ty guys
mentally, i'm a chuuni currently trying to appreciate my neet days to the fullest learning japanese. i'm the scapegoat of a narc family please don't lecture me about family values, I do appreciate the comfy position i'm in even if my parents think i'm a nuisance for being better than them. btw the emo teen from that movie was a pussy.

>> No.39652895

International Phonetic Alphabet exists
