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File: 609 KB, 650x775, 73617693_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20989212 No.20989212 [Reply] [Original]

Playing with dolls!

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h
Content Aggregator: Anubis.moe
Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk
Gargoyle remake: http://kurobine.sakura.ne.jp/mamonogirllover/zukan/gargoyle/page.shtml

Previous thread: >>20982117

>> No.20989224
Quoted by: >>20989235

Dolls must manually be given extra stuffing.

>> No.20989235

π’©π“Šπ“‚π“ˆ π’©π“Šπ“‚π“ˆ 𝒢𝑔𝒢𝒾𝓃 π“ˆπ’Ύπ“‡ΒΏ

>> No.20989261
Quoted by: >>20989266

Imagine a Living Doll with a backstory like Jessie from Toy Story.

>> No.20989266

Imagine that I have to look after all of you until I just don't anymore.

>> No.20989270
Quoted by: >>20989409

Do you think that KC has seen altair's remake of cait sith? Would be interesting to hear what he thinks of it.

>> No.20989281

>Plus I'll reiterate it is romantic to help her gain the freedom to move all the time
Well, sure, but you can't blame me for this running theme of monster girls becoming more and more human-like as you give them your love leaving a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.

>> No.20989286

But isn't that the entire point? Your inhuman partner adapting to humanity, and ceasing to be a mere monster and becoming your lover?
Not making them more human through your exposure would just destroy the entire point of such a relationship to begin with.

>> No.20989292
Quoted by: >>20989421

Why make a new thread before the old one is dead?

>As far as we know old mamono lords only got replaced when they died. Of course that doesn't mean none could have been sealed at some point instead.
Yeah I hope it’s a possibility. We really don’t have much information about the PM era and it seems interesting to theorize how some ancient relics acclimated to the new order Lilith set.

>> No.20989312
Quoted by: >>20989333

As mentioned in the last thread KC has times when he focuses on certain things. Like right now he is on to more human girls with large busts.
Also not to mention their exist quite human looking monsters in the earlier entries. I mean does everyone forget about selkie?

>> No.20989315
Quoted by: >>20989651

What about learning to love a monster girl with all of her quirks and all and finding compromises that don't involve magical cure-all handwaves?

>> No.20989318

I don't really like it.
To me, the whole point of monster girls is because they don't act like humans.
They don't deny their instincts for children or sex, or chain themselves down with stupid morals or restraints.
They are succeeding at what humans are slowly forgetting and birth rates are deteriorating at a retarded pace.
To me, giving them humanity would be the real corruption.

>> No.20989333

Or the pre-rework giant ant.

>> No.20989336
Quoted by: >>20989378

And I didn't know you'd been to Gethen but would you look at this nonsense. Every day, and you won't simply do something instead of playing puzzlemaster, though the bandaids on your hands seems to suggest you're not as quick as you present online.

>> No.20989337

>They don't deny their instincts for children or sex, or chain themselves down with stupid morals or restraints.
But they still do that, they just lose the unappealing traits about their monstrous nature while retaining the appealing ones. So where is the problem?

>> No.20989339

Memetard, see the big pic=ture

>> No.20989349

Because the entire point has always been to love monsters as they are. Not to just fuck until mamono mana gets rid of everything you don't like.

>> No.20989350

Yeah it seems people are just being purposefully forgetful.

>> No.20989361

Is there a single girl with small/flat breasts in MGE that isn't a loli?

>> No.20989367
Quoted by: >>20989420


>> No.20989372

>making a new thread before the previous one is done

>> No.20989377
Quoted by: >>20989396

Harpies of varying types, barring Jubjub

>> No.20989378
File: 20 KB, 3170x38, Cure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, let me present to you a copy pasta of yanderes to illustrate my point?

>> No.20989380

Houri has some cute small breasts and she's just a cute small womanlet rather than a loli.

>> No.20989388
Quoted by: >>20989412

OP is a retard. New threads are not to be posted until the old one falls off.

>> No.20989393
Quoted by: >>20989410

Akaname, Alp, and the Beelzebub

>> No.20989396
Quoted by: >>20989419

And gandharva and owl mage. Of the last 4 harpies, 3 have been titty monsters.
the only mammal based harpy was not.

>> No.20989409

don't think so. maybe if there were more art, it would be likely. after all, altair's cait sith is the only humanized cait sith art i can find

>> No.20989410
Quoted by: >>20989431

Alps can very wildly in size. Plus all is just the base species, but you could have a Holstaur alp if they have the aptitude.

>> No.20989412

This. And everyone who's unironically accepting this OP is just as bad.

>> No.20989419

I want a titty monster owl mage.
She seems like she'd have great fluff.

>> No.20989420
File: 1.71 MB, 3123x3310, 1419388843050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Thunderbirds, they're a cute. Very fiery and electrifying personalities.

>> No.20989421

I figured making a new thread when the old one was absolute last in the catalog would kill it off. Apparently it doesn't, so suffer like G did.

>> No.20989429

Says who?

>> No.20989431
Quoted by: >>20989450

The prompt was obvious talking about the profile because if you want to get technical all monsters besides maybe the Holstaur can vary and be flat if you want them to.

>> No.20989447
Quoted by: >>20989464

That is an absolute fucking bullshit excuse. Here you linked to your new thread meaning you fully knew what you were doing
And to add to that, we absolutely don't link to the previous thread in the OP you stupid newfag trash.

>> No.20989450
Quoted by: >>20989469

Yeah but the profile also includes a picture of an alp with massive tits. He seems to be asking if species wide.

>> No.20989454
Quoted by: >>20989671

Are sexy robot/cyborg/gynoid-ish girls kosher or MGE automatons only allowed?

>> No.20989456
File: 102 KB, 640x800, Yggdrasil - Rage of Bahamut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck a tree

>> No.20989464

Don't worry about it.
Takes >>20989447 opinion and put it in the trash where it belongs.

>> No.20989469
Quoted by: >>20989501

That isn't the profile. It's just showing off that variation exists. That's like saying that Baphomets have huge tits because Marune exists.

>> No.20989482


>> No.20989501
Quoted by: >>20989538

His question is worded poorly. Does he mean the majority of a species or one specific girl? If it’s the latter than he is actually retarded for not just looking at the profile pictures. If he means the former than the alp doesn’t really count.

>> No.20989502
Quoted by: >>20989564

Now the parasites crawl out of their holes to encourage everyone to be as arrogant and destructive as them, nice. When newfags aren't told to lurk more we get "people" like you.

>> No.20989503
File: 296 KB, 891x578, IkEZxay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGE is literally a monstergirl setting for people who hate monstergirls.

>> No.20989514
Quoted by: >>20989564

Who let you out of your shed?

>> No.20989523
Quoted by: >>20989533

Didn't you say that exact thing last thread

>> No.20989532

Spamming is against the rules.

>> No.20989533

Because it's the truth.

>> No.20989537

Quick! Imagine a harem, RPG party or maybe both , based on one elements, Earth for example:
Dorome, Troll and Gnome

>> No.20989538

>he other type consists of those who awaken to the powerful joy of being a woman while having sex with a male. Unlike the other variety of alps who mostly have an androgynous appearance, their bodies change to become even more lewd and womanly.
Alps as a whole don't just have huge boobs there are two different types flat ones are literally a whole subset of the breed.

>> No.20989545
Quoted by: >>20989565

Is boob an element?

>> No.20989552
Quoted by: >>20989564

It's not actually a big deal as long as you only make it when the thread is about to fall off, but you triggered an anon's autism so expect him to falseflag in a little bit, then point to that as "evidence" that posting the thread at the wrong time attracted undesirables. He does it like clockwork.

>> No.20989554

Quite a few. Fan art aside, the kikimora was originally depicted has being somewhat modest in the chest region, though perhaps you mean something smaller than that.

>> No.20989564

See >>20989552

>> No.20989565


>> No.20989567

The old thread fell off, can someone just make a real new thread without cancer in the OP? This one doesn't have any right to exist.

>> No.20989572
File: 597 KB, 1030x869, 1521693923333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a picture of Miia and Gazer swapping outfits
I'm really happy with how it came out, and I've been enjoying these outfit swaps with friends pictures.
I've done this for Wock, Anubis, and Gazer now, not too sure what's left.

>> No.20989575

The actual answer is any except maybe the Holst because any breed can pretty much any bodytype you want.

>> No.20989579


>> No.20989582

Might be a bit late for that, I mean wouldn't mods just get rid of it if we tried to make one?

>> No.20989590
File: 167 KB, 850x1218, __android_21_and_majin_android_21_dragon_ball_z_and_etc_drawn_by_setsuson__sample-76253c5525e5ef345f3f4f5e37813b5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, and Dragonball is a battle shounen for people who hate battle shounen, by the way, Android 21 best girl

>> No.20989594

>"Ah, such a cute outfit~!"
>"Yyyyeaaah... yours too..."

>> No.20989608
File: 677 KB, 1331x629, Gargoyle remake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how her becoming able to be active at any time of day necessarily makes her more human like, especially when most gargoyles will continue to live a similar life style as they did before.

Also, I recall some thinking that the text says she feels human, but it should be noted it doesn't say that. It just says that when you have sex with her she feels so warm and soft that its hard to believe she was originally stone. Makes it sound like they can adjust how their body feels depending on the situation.

Point being she could still feel and smell quite non-human.

>> No.20989612

Gremlin boosted build for expert craftswoman and engineer
Hellhound with Cerberus soul equipped for flame breath + doggy rape build
Shoggoth Doppelganger Hybrid for ditto transform ability plus support skills
Red Cap with Sabbath alignment for highest damage
Demon with Demon Army alignment for contract ability and Devil Summon skill
Automaton with Soul Armor and Cursed Sword equipped for tank role
and I am equipped with No Clothes to boost the all party's stats for motivation

>> No.20989637

No point in responding. He seems to be just some dude who is eternally butt hurt about KC.

>> No.20989651
Quoted by: >>20989665

Seems to be a difference of opinion between the Western and Japanese fanbase. I'm generalizing, of course, but that's the trend I notice. It's interesting.

>> No.20989660

I thought snakes were scaly, not slimey

>> No.20989664
File: 1.01 MB, 3000x3000, 54637073_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20989665
Quoted by: >>20989684

Is it really a trend he seems to be the only one mad about it

>> No.20989671

Depends. Who are you thinking of?

>> No.20989672
Quoted by: >>20989681

With enough training and sex with my Ice Queen waifu could I potentially be like Sub-Zero? Hell I'll just take conjuring up fluffy snowballs over freezing people.

>> No.20989677
File: 1.88 MB, 1600x1769, Teru_Reri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20989680

That belt doesn’t actually latch.

>> No.20989681
Quoted by: >>20989691

Only the 4 main elemental girls and the Dark Matter grant elemental powers on their own. You would actually need to learn some kind of ice magic.

>> No.20989684

He's the only one raving about it now, sure, but more generally the audience here seems to be more willing to work with or work around a girl's eccentricities rather than just waving a wand and making everything go away, which the Nips seem to prefer.

>> No.20989687

Weeb Hellhound or Ancient Evil Inari?

>> No.20989691

Thats what I mean by training. Sex with my ice queen is for extra mana and a affinity for the cold to make it easier if its possible.

>> No.20989693

Can a monstergirl like a Manticore also become a Cupid if she's hired by Eros?

>> No.20989699

You should keep quiet Anon, no one really believes there's rat women under the city anyway.

>> No.20989707
Quoted by: >>20989721

That's why they call it the Ratway.

>> No.20989709

The original profile had the husband stuck in a loop between being turned to stone during the day and getting fucked nonstop during the night. I'm not sure how you're supposed to "work with or work around" that.

>> No.20989717

You can fuck a Gargoyle and run errands at the same time.

>> No.20989719
Quoted by: >>20989775

>but more generally the audience here seems to be more willing to work with or work around a girl's eccentricities
Not really, no, considering how quickly such eccentricities just get headcanoned away.

>> No.20989721
Quoted by: >>20989724


Rumors say there's a Lich down there who can...change your face. Can you believe that?

>> No.20989724


>> No.20989729

If it's true I wonder why nips prefer it

>> No.20989730

If you’re not inside her when the sun comes up you don’t turn into her pedestal.

>> No.20989739
Quoted by: >>20989775

If you have the option to make bad stuff go away, why wouldn't you take it?

>> No.20989743
Quoted by: >>20989803

Rat man? What will they come up with next? Big busty rat ogres that prey on human men to cuddle?

>> No.20989751
Quoted by: >>20989761

How's this for a scenario:

>You enter a ancient tomb and find a gargoyle trapped inside. After getting ravished thoroughly, she reveals to you that she is an ancient demon queen who ruled the region with a iron fist fifteen hundred years ago, until the hero of the time severed her soul from her body and trapped her in this comparatively weak statue before trapping her in the tomb.

>Now she wants to reclaim the region and become a queen again, though no longer as a feared scourge but as a benevolent ruler. But first you must help her regain her lost strength by fucking her until this stone body is as powerful as her original one was. You also must help her reforge connections and influence and help her learn about the modern world.

>> No.20989761

Well I hope she doesn’t mind her plans being delayed when I get her pregnant.

>> No.20989775

Pull out, before sunrise, work to find a way to reverse the spell with actual effort rather than the setting and semen doing everything for you, set things up so the sunlight itself turns her to stone so she's fine if she stays indoors during the day and the appropriate precautions are taken, etc. It's far from impossible.

Plenty seem fine moving on to other girls or are actually intrigued by how apparent shortcomings would work as well, though. And, again, I'm not saying all of either audience is either way, just stating the trends I'm picking up from casual observation.

Is the bad stuff so bad? Isn't there a charm to a girl that's really unique from a horny human? Isn't it interesting to think about how you could deal with a life like that? You can even adjust the difficulty level with just how literally you want to interpret the profiles.

>> No.20989777

Hyper fertile Shub-Niggurath monster when?

>> No.20989780
Quoted by: >>20989805

>Is the bad stuff so bad?
>Isn't there a charm to a girl that's really unique from a horny human? Isn't it interesting to think about how you could deal with a life like that?

>> No.20989794

Not everything has to be 100% nice. Having a tiny little inconvenient caveat makes things more interesting.

>> No.20989800
File: 561 KB, 1000x1000, Tumblr_oxqdxdeA7r1ue18pho10_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider the following: Sandworm anal.

>> No.20989803
Quoted by: >>20989828

Just tales I tell you, tails!
Meanwhile Rat Ogre-chan is trying to figure out if she wants her rags to be cute or sultry, despite being rags and undersized.

>> No.20989805

Otherwise, why even go for a monster and not another human waifu? Not that I’m disparaging the alternative.

>> No.20989808
Quoted by: >>20989818

I'm just laughing at all the anon's who're butthurt it. It's not like sandworms dont do something similar with trapping you inside them.

>> No.20989813

Because human waifus will cheat on you and drop you like a bag of rocks when Chad Thundercock comes along.

>> No.20989814
Quoted by: >>20990059

>Pull out, before sunrise, work to find a way to reverse the spell with actual effort rather than the setting and semen doing everything for you, set things up so the sunlight itself turns her to stone so she's fine if she stays indoors during the day and the appropriate precautions are taken, etc. It's far from impossible.

Well let's be fair here, "more power" is a tried and true way to break seals or overcome limitations in many settings. In this one gargoyles are defined as being active at night due to lack of power or to the nature of the magic that seals the soul in them. It also seems linked to how KC over time has come to associate monsters with "night" (dark matter, undead kingdoms, dark mamono realms, smoke hobo), hence why the fiend soul in them activates at night.

>> No.20989818
Quoted by: >>20989841

Oh I'm not butthurt, I'm just explaining why some people might be a bit miffed at it. I don't find gargoyle interesting at all.

>> No.20989828

I don’t care if they are just rags. I just want to make her the happiest rat ever!

>> No.20989830

Gargoyles still look cool, have a somewhat alien mindset, can fly, mimic stone statues, club things with their tails, are superhumanly good at sex, etc. There is a lot about them a typical human waifu can't lay claim to.

>> No.20989831
Quoted by: >>20990059

It doesn't matter how hard you try to make it sound sexy, being turned to stone will always sound horrifying to 99% of people.

>> No.20989838

>Anon then Anon got carried away by a big girl with a big heart....right in the middle of battle, leaving her smaller comrades confused as she literally skipped away.

>> No.20989841
Quoted by: >>20989869

Well, it's not like normal humans are 100% nice and perfect or ideal. Some anons need to learn to take the good with the bad.

I want to wife bapho-sama, but that would mean proving my worth to her, and even after that probably being a magical experiment subject, which wouldn't be the best thing, but also not the worst. There's a bunch more "downsides" I can think of, but just having the cute and powerful baphomet waifu would be worth it after a hard day's work.

>> No.20989851

Positively adorable. I wanna worship her muscles and tell her her tail is cute.

>> No.20989860
Quoted by: >>20989875

>Tail is cute
So you DID notice the ribbon!
And her time in the la- gym didn't go to waste!

>> No.20989864
Quoted by: >>20989875

And then anon got the most powerful hug ever from his 8 foot rat ogre girlfriend.

>> No.20989866

I call it Makai Hound

>> No.20989869

I want a Hellhound but acknowledge that I would want to always be two rooms away from her in the cruel Ohio summer

>> No.20989872
Quoted by: >>20989874

I cant wait to start a little rat pack of our own. Watching them grow up and finding their own anons sounds so cute.

>> No.20989874
Quoted by: >>20989933

Yup! Although this raises the question of if she births other rat ogres or other small rats.

>> No.20989875

Yes, a good boyfriend notices such a cute girl's cute accessories.
He also doesn't question the violations of the laws of thermodynamics that something so massive can wiggle so quickly when she's giddy.
Sigmar bless this gently crushed body!

>> No.20989919

Gross sticky stuff.

>> No.20989932
File: 224 KB, 663x1000, cobra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20989969

>> No.20989933
Quoted by: >>20989966

I other rat ogres with a chance of mutation into the smaller rat girls. Need to keep the armies strong to defend against the threat of lizard girls, orc hordes, and shortstack dwarves.

>> No.20989966
Quoted by: >>20990001

I suppose, although they're also more likely to have multiples is my guess.....And she probably makes fun of those stunties, even if they're proportionally more stacked.

>> No.20989969

Clever girl, hood hair is a nice way to pull off the cobra look.

>> No.20989979
File: 424 KB, 648x879, 1447538454916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20990001

Litters of 2 or three with the odds of one of them being a normal rat at 30% seems good.
I will always be their to remind her that her bust is bigger in my eyes.

>> No.20990005

Smell or high body heat?

>> No.20990007

The smell would not be a turnoff

>> No.20990008
File: 505 KB, 800x1000, Hellhound_BBQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a guess.

>> No.20990046
Quoted by: >>20990078

>thinking he has a choice.
When a hot and sweaty hellhound wants your dick she is going to get it. Hope you don’t mind smelling like her after she is done rubbing her pussy on every part of your body.

>> No.20990059

>Well let's be fair here, "more power" is a tried and true way to break seals or overcome limitations in many settings.
Yes, but even then there's a difference between just getting a bigger hammer and questing to develop gunpowder or find a stick of dynamite instead. More power doesn't have to mean doing the same thing just longer or harder, and it's usually a pretty boring approach when it does mean that.

>being turned to stone will always sound horrifying to 99% of people.
Which even KC has realized. You're missing the point of what I'm saying though, which is that sometimes it's nice to work with what a girl does (see the examples or alternate setups already provided in the post you're quoting) rather than just have everything disappear. That's a feeling I've seen around here often, but the gargoyle is a particularly shitty example of what being a monster can mean and I wonder why KC set it up that way in the first place when a bit of tweaking from the start would've made them a lot easier to swallow

>> No.20990078

But do hellhounds or other dog MGs even sweat? because dogs don't sweat.

>> No.20990083

I want a Titania and a Demon to babysit me.

>> No.20990086

Look at the profile art again

>> No.20990092
Quoted by: >>20990630

Dogs also don’t require semen energy to live.

Not him, but can you just shut up? If you don’t like the setting sure, but can you fuck off with the incessant bitching?

>> No.20990093
Quoted by: >>20990630

Have you forgotten who MGE's target audience is?

>> No.20990097
Quoted by: >>20990630

It was one of his earliest girls and even then if you like it there is no info what what is needed to keep them that way. if you like turning to stone you could head canon that it pretty much anything less the 24/7 sex pandemonium style sex means they still need to turn to stone so just liking your normal life and having sex a few times a night means that she still needs to turn.

>> No.20990114
File: 752 KB, 1040x1514, 1445576668950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Shark homestay

>> No.20990122
Quoted by: >>20990139

>wearing a retainer

>> No.20990123
File: 493 KB, 1035x1049, Wight56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20990130

What is she singing?

>> No.20990130


>> No.20990139

>Each morning involves wrestling with her in order to brush her teeth.

>> No.20990149

Also, dogs do sweat, but only from a few places (like the soles of their feet).

>> No.20990161
File: 209 KB, 1004x727, Looks like meat's back on the menu~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you're a server at a tavern, be wary of the rowdier patrons who might want more than the drink you're bringing them.

>> No.20990175
Quoted by: >>20990184

Like food? Because most taverns also serve food if they want any

>> No.20990184

More than that. But yes, a horde marches on it's stomach, so food is good.

>> No.20990256
File: 236 KB, 632x912, 73655763_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20990279

>> No.20990279

A real Beeuty

>> No.20990286
Quoted by: >>20990467

cheetah monster girl When

>> No.20990344
File: 84 KB, 1209x915, D1fzYSLW0AAzdzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20990443

>> No.20990352
File: 558 KB, 811x456, elfbarmaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20990413

This, but I'm the patron.

>> No.20990368

Jesus can the image spammer fuck back off to wherever you came from?

>> No.20990413
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1522780842570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20990592


>> No.20990443

I see they've just moved to the big titty kingdom.

>> No.20990467
File: 525 KB, 920x1400, 1399852439269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20990562



i don't think there's any monstergirls willing to live with you in ohio, you'll have to move

>> No.20990562

What about beelzebub? I sure do get plenty of flies here.

>> No.20990592
Quoted by: >>20990622

You broke the elf, why would you do that?

>> No.20990622

Light elves are better than dark elves, you can't prove me wrong.

>> No.20990630
Quoted by: >>20990641

Shhh, it's okay. See that little minus sign next to this post? Try clicking it. In the meanwhile, no, I will continue discussing monstergirls in the monstergirl thread. This hardly even qualifies as bitching, where do you go when the thread's actually on fire?

Hardly. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if KC was equally degenerate, but a Westerner or writing for one instead. It's a different world.

Yeah, I do feel like the gargoyle would've come out differently were she written more recently. I wasn't saying the stone thing is good though, just musing on how else it could be handled other than waving it away.

>> No.20990631
File: 601 KB, 1457x1920, __evelyn_celebrian_youkoso_sukebe_elf_no_mori_e_drawn_by_aoi_nagisa_metalder__1cdbe7f53c711717b4098cd4d4589832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20990636

Oh really?

>> No.20990635

You’re entitled to your opinion.

>> No.20990636

I stand by what I said.

>> No.20990640

All elves are best when they're dairy elves.

>> No.20990641

If you're so hellbent on keeping the stone thing, then MAMONO MANA will probably grant your wish.

>> No.20990645
Quoted by: >>20990669

Assuming that’s true, why would you want her in such a lowly position?

>> No.20990669

So I can molest them.

>> No.20990678
File: 272 KB, 1697x1198, Ropurotto using Beast Boost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today we have the last of the theriomancer spells: Howling Force http://monstergirlsredux.com/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=1745

Plus we get a bit of an answer to the mystery of who Ropurotto used to be.


>Howling Force

>Difficulty: 1 out of 3
>Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

>A spell that shares the caster's buffs and mental exaltation with allies. It's invoked by howling or roaring like a beast and distributes the caster's buffs such as β€œbeast boost (p.111)” with members of her pack in the surrounding area, their mates, and her own mate. The principle by which this spell works is to carry one's own mana in the β€œvoice” one emits such as a β€œhowl” or a β€œroar” so that the effects of spells reach allies along with one's voice. All allies within range of one's voice will be targeted.

>With this spell, any physical ability or sense sharpening buffs resulting from enhancement magic, etc. will be produced in allies in the same manner as oneself, and at the same time, the caster's mental exaltation, arousal, etc. will also be shared with allies. In other words, if the caster falls into a state of arousal upon encountering a man who will serve as prey, boosts the power of her legs with β€œbeast boost”, and then invokes β€œhowling force” with a howl, every member of her pack who hears it will also enter a state of arousal, instinctively grasping that a man suitable as prey has appeared, and the man will end up being pursued by a pack of beasts with enhanced leg strength. Also, this spell even shares wild arousal towards males as well as the sexual excitement resultant from copulation with a male. When the individual who spots a male goes wild with lust, naturally so too will the rest of the pack, and even during ordinary times, it seems to be a common thing for the arousal of an individual copulating with her husband to be so overwhelming that she'll let out a remarkably louder cry of ecstasy invoking β€œhowling force”, transmitting her wild state of lust to the entire pack so that everyone will uniformly begin copulating with their own husbands.

>β€œHowling force” exhibits higher effects when cast by multiple casters of the same pack at the same time. Each of the casters acts as a β€œrelay point”, and their β€œvoices” can cover a wider range just like how the howls of beasts resonate together, so that the effects of β€œhowling force” can be extended to the entire pack. After resonating and becoming one massive spell, not only does the area of effect of β€œhowling force” dramatically expand, on top of that, it will exhibit all the effects of every β€œhowling force” that was cast. The power of a pack sharing multifold buffs will be dramatically increased; however, for instance, even if three casters were to share their leg strength buffs, when pursuing a man as prey, it isn't the case that they'd get a threefold increase in leg strength, instead it would only result in the β€œstrongest of those buffs” being shared by the pack. On the other hand, if when hunting a man, one sharpened her β€œsense of smell for detecting the presence of prey”, the next one boosted her β€œsight for perceiving the image of prey”, and the last one enhanced her β€œleg power for pursuing prey”, then all of those buffs would be shared by the entire pack. In this way, effective use of β€œhowling force” to further boost the power of the entire pack requires the β€œallocation of roles”; however, wielding theriomancy absolutely necessitates β€œa lack of deep thought”, and even β€œbeast boost”, which is classified as theriomancy, is a spell that also empowers one's abilities automatically based on instinct, which makes the deliberate allocation of roles extremely difficult for theriomancers, but the thing is, since β€œhunting as a pack” is engrained in a beast's instinct, by honing and polishing this instinct, it becomes possible to allocate roles β€œinstinctively”. What makes this possible isn't the accumulation of knowledge or training as in the case of other systems of magic, but determinedly increasing the pack's proficiency. Of course hunting as a pack and accumulating battle experience contributes to it, but so does simply spending a long time with one's packmates, and deepening the bonds between individual pack members by females intertwining each other's bodies and β€œfooling around” is also crucial. While living as a pack, beasts will naturally come to have β€œroles” specialized for their own area of expertise. If the beasts' instincts are taught to allocate duties and work together while hunting, then whatever β€œbeast boost” is required will be automatically cast as needed and exhibit an effect specialized for one's role with the presumption of sharing with the pack.

>> No.20990679
Quoted by: >>20990686

I think both types of elf are good

>> No.20990686
Quoted by: >>20990690

>Forgetting wood elves

>> No.20990688


>> No.20990690

>forgetting snow elves

>> No.20990693
File: 733 KB, 2064x2992, 119 4FbeUDf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Due to the existence of this spell, we can say that β€œthe strength of a pack” is the true power of theriomancers. If a pack has extremely high proficiency, they can sometimes even hold their own against divinities of far higher rank even when they're no match for them individually. Especially in the case of a pack that forms a β€œharem” commanded by a male, they tend to be extremely powerful. Through the same male, the females of a harem will be in a relationship where they are bound together by the β€œdesire to produce a male's offspring”; the strongest instinct a beast has which is at her core. Since they hunt together to please the same male, they'll perform advanced and intricately interwoven team work on a daily basis. What's more, through their association with the same male, there will be more opportunities to get frisky with their packmates despite them being fellow females. In order to share and savor the essence that the male produced for them, the females will deep kiss while feeding each other mouth-to-mouth, and there is a tendency to start constantly performing behaviors such as teasing and licking each other's bodies, so that they'll be ready for the male to have his way with them anytime. It is due to this that the bonds between the mana of the females become extremely deep, resulting in a stronger pack.

>Additionally, when sharing spell effects through β€œhowling force”, the stronger the mana bond with an ally is, the higher the efficiency of sharing can be. That is to say, the most powerful mana bond will be formed between the caster and her spouse whom she has sex with on a daily basis, and sharing with him will be the most efficient, as buffs on the caster will appear almost exactly as is on her spouse as well. The one targeted doesn't need to be able to use theriomancy, and those who become the spouses of superior theriomancers will become stronger males to suit the casters who are superior females. On the other hand, the mana bonds grow weaker and the effects shared degrade progressively according to the following order: the caster's children, the caster's packmates of the same race, packmates of a different race, the spouses and children of packmates. This sharing degradation can be compensated for when multiple casters use the spell at the same time as mentioned previously. Packs formed of harems have the advantage on this point as well since the mana of all the females will be extremely deeply linked into one through the existence of the male, and effects will be shared by the entire pack with the greatest efficiency.

>Furthermore, perhaps because casters of this spell have no concrete targets in mind and cast it only with the vague target of β€œpackmates”, sometimes even human women, non-members of the pack, will get caught up in it and be effected. In such cases, the human women will also share the same buffs as packmates and can acquire the power of a beast; however, since this spell shares even the mind state of the beasts, it results in the body flushing with arousal, constantly seeking a male, and the mind will easily become excited and go wild with lust in the presence of a man. Therefore, a human woman certainly wouldn't ever be able to freely command the power of a beast. Getting caught up in this spell means that the woman resonates with the pack, i.e., despite being human, the woman strongly has the qualities of a beast. For that reason, the woman will seek a male according to the β€œbestial instinct” granted to her without the sense that anything is off about herself. She will even feel a sense of liberation upon entrusting herself to impulse and instinct, realizing that living according to bestial desires is the way she was meant to be, and then ultimately, she'll completely degrade into a beast and become a member of the pack.

>β€œThere's another one of those damn beast's voices...
>You hurry up and flee too. If I'm able to hear the next howl, then eventually I too will...

>…pant pant pant”
>~one of the last people at a village on the outskirts of a forest~


>Whoever you may be, you mustn't lay a hand on the sorcerous beast's pack.

>Whoever you may be, you mustn't incur the wrath of the sorcerous beast.

>Whoever you may be, you mustn't awaken my master from her bestial dream.

>~the white goat's old note~

>> No.20990696

Is that a cu sith?

>> No.20990699
Quoted by: >>20990709

>Those last lines
R-Runya-chan you're sounding awfully Bloodborne there!

>> No.20990700

That's Ropu boosting.

>> No.20990704

Read the filename nigger.

>> No.20990709

Its Ropurotto, who is a baphomet.

Actually that part was written by Shirokuto. It seems whoever Ropurotto used to be, she was a baphomet of power comparable to Bapho-sama since Shiro refers to her as her master.

>> No.20990710
File: 970 KB, 1400x1127, 72840380_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.20990712

Oh, well that's utterly and entirely in character then.

>> No.20990714

>Every fuck becomes a superpowered orgy
Man, werewolf husbands must have it rough. Or should I say good? Good and rough. Yes, that's the way.

>> No.20990716

Shirokuto really would fit right in as a Soulsborne boss.

>> No.20990720
Quoted by: >>20990739

Question is, why did Ropurotto enter this "bestial dream"? Its presumably why she doesn't remember her past, but did she do this to herself? Perhaps to escape the memories of that horrific former age?

>> No.20990739
Quoted by: >>20990797

It may have been necessary to master theriomancy but it does beg questions about her scythe and why she mustn't awaken.

>> No.20990774
File: 159 KB, 711x876, pet me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, who could be scared of this.

>> No.20990782
File: 144 KB, 715x906, 72937996_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F@ Dragon Ass.

>> No.20990792

I enjoy fat ass dragons.

>> No.20990793

She's even exposing her belly for scratches so you know she's friendly.

>> No.20990797
Quoted by: >>20990836

I don't think theriomancy normally causes loss of memory, since Ropurotto not being able to recall her past is addressed as something mysterious by Runya.

>> No.20990812
File: 312 KB, 800x1138, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a monster girl?

>> No.20990836

Not in the sense that theriomancy induces amnesia, but that purposefully abandoning everything else would allow her to become more in touch with instincts.
A drastic step to take but that too is research.

>> No.20990843
File: 1.54 MB, 2480x3508, 1550685145342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neighbor lady Kitsune calls herself a cool wine aunt, despite not being an aunt, and always comes over to visit your mom and watch rom coms with her
>One day she comes over an your mom isn't home so she offers to take you out for Panera's
What excuse do you come up with to avoid this?

>> No.20990848
File: 466 KB, 851x1222, 1552238057338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20991041


>> No.20990850

Would be hot if not for the dumb heart on her head.

>> No.20990855

Why would I avoid it?

>> No.20990856
File: 468 KB, 1280x1013, tumblr_phhswqTDpi1rfc8o8o1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.20990862

Why avoid it?

>> No.20990878
Quoted by: >>20990922

Made for sitting on husband.

>> No.20990899

Pff, leave it to an old lady to think--wait. They have good cookies. There is no escape.

>> No.20990922
Quoted by: >>20991018

Indeed, fat ass dragons are good for this.

>> No.20990929

Aww, look at this cute little gal! Well, I don’t really have that much to say about her. I mean, she’s a cute monster and not a cool one, so you already know what to expect.

>> No.20990931

Tail too small

>> No.20990949


>> No.20990952
Quoted by: >>20990956

No man can beat the cookies.

>> No.20990956
Quoted by: >>20990970


>> No.20990959
File: 550 KB, 1200x1688, Horse Family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw whenever the dauteru dickers show up it's always some other species and never pure wholesome centaur family MGs

From Deer to Unicorns, they're all safe good lasses whom want wholesome loving families and none of the turbo degeneracy of incest.

Including Bi-Corn.

>> No.20990969
File: 181 KB, 454x571, Suspicious snek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"wholesome loving families"
>posts Monster MuKEKme

>> No.20990970
File: 386 KB, 708x1000, 1353293816912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you were sent to this domain just for us, my goy.

>> No.20990976
File: 602 KB, 1447x2046, commish_ubernimrod_s_82jE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20991037

>> No.20990985
File: 98 KB, 700x900, 470C4FA7A0FC488FA80A97476131BE94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20990992

>> No.20990987

I dunno, vanilla centaurs are pretty shit. Every other subspecies is good stuff, though.

>> No.20990992

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board, /vg/ is two blocks down.

>> No.20991004
File: 295 KB, 1280x1010, robot_power_level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought robot girls were welcome here.

>> No.20991010
File: 1.44 MB, 1693x1361, Ushi-Oni25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20991014

Fuck you. I got my tabs mixed up again.
Have a demon spider cow.

>> No.20991014
Quoted by: >>20991024

Crawling terror should not be this cute.

>> No.20991017 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 3200x4800, creampie2 [bbc-chan].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20991031

I had a new commission finish and I think it came out super amazing, we need more art of office lady monstergirls! I really want to be my wife's secretary.
Full images: https://files.catbox.moe/jxklgi.jpg

>> No.20991018
File: 118 KB, 694x1098, 1543091307989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It truly is a beautiful act of love between mamano and husband!

>> No.20991024
File: 506 KB, 1259x1156, 1542661782902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says you.

>> No.20991028
Quoted by: >>20991035

Not gonna lie, I'd enjoy a few girls with the dimensions that hatterfag's wife has.

>> No.20991031
File: 827 KB, 1705x2761, crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am retarded. Anyways:

I had a new commission finish and I think it came out super amazing, we need more art of office lady monstergirls! I really want to be my wife's secretary.
https://twitter.com/BBCChanArt/status/1105998934491758592 (embed)
Full images: https://files.catbox.moe/jxklgi.jpg (embed)
https://files.catbox.moe/wpyfef.jpg (embed)

>> No.20991035
File: 587 KB, 1200x1200, 134453451248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to lie anon! What girls would you like in her lovely ultra-curvy style?

>> No.20991037
File: 299 KB, 843x1200, 1493367073210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20991089

What compels a person like this?

>> No.20991041

Little Dragon Pup!

>> No.20991042
Quoted by: >>20991050

I know these aren't your commissions, but are these essentially her sizes only both at once?

>> No.20991047

I prefer little cows to fag dragons.

>> No.20991050

Almost exactly! Though keep in mind she's a master brewer of teas that change bodysizes and such.

>> No.20991065

I want to be your wife's cum pump.

>> No.20991073
Quoted by: >>20991088

Dice say Jiangshi, Arachne, Chochi-Obake, and a mimic.

A nice variety there, although I don't know how that Mimic gets in/out of her chest.

>> No.20991087

working late again?

>> No.20991088

>Jiangshi keeps bouncing a full minute after she stops hopping, needs extra hand rubbing to 'limber up'
>Arachne has a PHHHAAT abdomen and very big tits, loves to use both to shove you around
>Chochi-Obake has her flame right above her cleavage, illuminating it at all times and her draping clothes simply do not do enough to cover her ass
>Mimic's chest is quite plain, small, and unassuming. Her Breasts, on the other hand, are humongous, true treasures, and combined with her ass make every time she tries to jump in or out of her chest a shovey, pushy, squishy endeavor
Delightful Anon! The dice treat you well!

>> No.20991089
File: 13 KB, 189x118, 1552528998800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20991092
Quoted by: >>20991107

Yup, they're lovely girls and the dice has spoiled me.
That Arachne probably has a custom bra she had to make herself and that mimic probably gets stuck half in/out, leading to ample opportunities to enjoy myself.

>> No.20991101
Quoted by: >>20991151

What manga is that?

>> No.20991107
Quoted by: >>20991118

Yes, the Arachne often languidly sighs and oozes into a room, complaining that her 'poooor biiiig straining breasts are going to need another bra soon~~~'
And the mimic often plays pranks on the Jiangshi before running back to her chest, only to dive in and have her phat ass sticking out for ample punishment!

>> No.20991110

>Arachne has a PHHHAAT abdomen and very big tits, loves to use both to shove you around

Great. Now I have the image of a Playboy magazine about "Big Arachne Butts", and it's nothing but pinups of spiderwomen shoving their huge abdomens in the camera's face.

>> No.20991116
File: 259 KB, 1686x2048, 1551930312064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that a pregnant wife is a happy wife

>> No.20991118
Quoted by: >>20991138

The perfect life, especially with that happy, maximum curve lantern floating around.

And with a rear 'open' like that, I just can refuse, although the hefty, heaving honkers of that Jiangshi will probably remind me that I've got to pay her some attention too.

>> No.20991138
Quoted by: >>20991148

That's hot as hell anon! I bet they'd all have different personality styles too. The punky brash one, the sultry black widow, the exotic playful banana spider. All great, all with HUEG Abdomens!
No matter what your cute busty hourglass-lantern would float just above providing light to everyone, and would only 'ooOOoou!' when you take advantage of poor clumsy mimic's exposed parts. As for the Jiangshi, you'd have to give her her special warm up. Which may or may not be Paizuri.

>> No.20991147

Abdomen magazine is a hot selling Monstergirl mag. Wonder what other ones there would be.
I’m partial to β€˜Tones’, the one focused on exotic skin colors!

>> No.20991148
Quoted by: >>20991170

But if she's stuck, that would mean I'm going to have to put my hands on her great gray tits myself!

And that lantern probably has a motherly smile on her face wherever she goes, although she'd do a little 'ara ara' whenever she happens across that sight.

And she may not let it be known, but I bet the arachne gets off on having huge tits, which can get quite large without trouble considering her eight legged support...although I think they'd technically be 6.

>> No.20991150
File: 383 KB, 465x529, 1552445608926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onee-chan is asking for a lot on White Day

>> No.20991151

One Paunch Manu

>> No.20991156
File: 329 KB, 1000x1000, 68747457_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20991170
Quoted by: >>20991227

>Arachne loudly slaps her tits on the table, knocking over a few glasses
>”Oh Dear, I just don’t seem to know my own size these days~”
>Obake gives a playful ufufufu as she adjusts her own dress, as one of her nipples was showing
>”Oh my, but isn’t that the truth~ so hard to keep track of~ it’s so fortunate we have the dear good master to help us~”
>scraping sounds are heard as the Mimic drags her chest below her to the table, her thick hips and ass stuck in the pocket dimension within as she pants
>”Haah! Haah! Well it wouldn’t hurt ta have a bit more livin space, I’ll tell ya that!”
>Jiangshi meanwhile hops over with the dumplings she prepared for everyone, setting the huge pot of them on the table
>”Anon... is... good... to... us...”
>a chorus of β€œAgreed~!” rings up from the table as the girls dig in
Haremmates getting along is wholesome!

>> No.20991174

what monster would inline skate across the city, spray paint graffiti on walls, and run away from the police like a bad girl?

>> No.20991175
File: 444 KB, 614x800, Draph 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20991189

>Onee-chan thinking she needs permission.
I must correct this mistake.

>> No.20991178

Only if she gives me the same.

>> No.20991180
File: 99 KB, 600x800, Ch2UuwFUgAAu7PO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb midget.

>> No.20991181

Hellhound, also gremlin if the skates are steam and/or rocket-powered.

>> No.20991188
File: 348 KB, 1141x835, who up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20991233

Red Oni.
Redcap would run TOWARDS the police.

>> No.20991189
Quoted by: >>20991210

Her little bro might be not so little and taller than her these days, but that doesn't mean she can't fuss over him.

>> No.20991202
File: 1.14 MB, 700x1182, 1542534075177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a magnet for dumb Monsters.

>> No.20991210
Quoted by: >>20991228

Why would you not want your onee-chan to fuss over you. You may get taller and stronger than her, but she is still your onee-chan.

>> No.20991227

It is, a true family right there.

>> No.20991228
Quoted by: >>20991311

It's embarrassing when she makes you lunch, with things like carrot cut into little heart shapes.

>> No.20991233

imagine all of them being a gang together doing crime around the city. the redcap would be the one to fight the police while the others try to pull her from the clashing.
they would also plan on luring a nice sexy policeman into an empty parking lot and they all would ambush and gang rape him because fuck da police

>> No.20991235
Quoted by: >>20991242

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead remember that even big imotous deserve headpats.

>> No.20991242

do monster girls pet guys too? i hope it's not really weird.

>> No.20991246

Nothing weird about a bunyip feverishly patting you as she restrains you in her lap.

>> No.20991247
File: 385 KB, 3218x2901, E7lFGWQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20991271

Of course they do.

>> No.20991255

Newfag Just Kidding

>> No.20991259

I wish I could say the same.

>> No.20991265

Uh huh, what a common thing to say.

>> No.20991270
Quoted by: >>20991382

Those aren’t scars on her thighs are they?

>> No.20991271

>As a woman
>With an extended hand
Am I going to have to leap into her bosom and show her how to pat my head properly?

>> No.20991276
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x768, 1463832256036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20991304

>Of course "fuck the police" is literal, how would it make sense any other way?

>> No.20991304
File: 1.67 MB, 2804x1986, Demon Police.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monster girl police woman pulls you over
>Demands you step out of the vehicle
>Pats you down but as she reaches your pants she tears them off
>Tells you not to resist arrest
>Afterwards she lets you go with a warning but only if you give her your number
>Calls you after her shift if you wanna cuddle and watch Dirty Harry with her

>> No.20991311

Well then maybe she’s subconsciously telling you your not showing her enough love. As her nii-kun it is your duty to show her how wrong she is.

>> No.20991378
File: 30 KB, 530x436, ss+(2018-06-01+at+03.01.37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20991403

>> No.20991382

Not scars. Honestly not sure what they are though, maybe shading? Still looks fine to me though.

>> No.20991403

What a dumb Lim

>> No.20991454
File: 143 KB, 992x1403, 1547445117479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's almost midnight. yall ready for the witching hour or what

>> No.20991493

How do I attract a Wight as an unremarkable commoner?

>> No.20991496

You ask them very nicely and buy them something.

>> No.20991511

>Wanting to attract a Wight
>Not wanting to start out with a Zombie and turn her into a Wight
I bet you buy frozen dinners all the time, cause you're too lazy to cook

>> No.20991519
File: 3.07 MB, 2401x2800, EDy5bWa6_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20991539

Be better than them at rhythm games.

>> No.20991525

Keep trying basically eventually it'll work

>> No.20991537

>Not wanting to start out with a Zombie and turn her into a Wight
I really don't.

>> No.20991539

You've yet to even once though.

>> No.20991543


How long does it take to have a Zombie become a Wight? Assuming you have sex at least once a day.

>> No.20991551
File: 989 KB, 1920x1080, GZo50w6m_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20991560

You still have to cook a frozen dinner in the microwave, so checkmate.

>> No.20991560

"Meanwhile at space NATO...."

>> No.20991581
File: 867 KB, 2529x3165, Narught2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mofu Lodge is looking for new members!

>> No.20991598
Quoted by: >>20991657

I'll pass unless there's any cute arctic foxgirls.

>> No.20991610
File: 109 KB, 509x501, firefox_RxM7iHwvJ3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always ready

>> No.20991627

Riding on a white horn while talking about how you wish you had a gf

>> No.20991637
File: 65 KB, 516x1214, 1518314468663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roll for a monster.

A younger coworker of that species has just confessed to you. She's had a crush on you ever since you trained her, and has been planning for months to ask you out. She thinks you're really cool and reliable, and it makes her want to work hard to impress you. Now she wants to start going on dates after work, but doesn't really know how to get things rolling.

Keep in mind that you are her first ever crush, and she has no experience with guys. Your answer will stay with her for a very, very long time.

Do you accept her confession? If not, how do you let her down gently? If you do, what do you do for your first date?

>> No.20991642

I don't like this game

>> No.20991646

>it's almost midnight
It's 5:30 am dumb witch

>> No.20991651
Quoted by: >>20991813

laugh in her face and tell her no

>> No.20991657
Quoted by: >>20991697

>tundra kitsune
Cute. Do they hang out in geyser hot springs and get bullied by the big timberwolves?

>> No.20991666
Quoted by: >>20991788

>Honey Bee
Yosh, time to do our best bee-chan!
Gonna make her a queen some day!

>> No.20991677

I'm not quite sure I could say no if I wanted to. How did she even get this job anyways...

Rolled again and got
A more preferred girl for my tastes, so I wouldn't turn her down in the slightest! Half way through the training, she'd probably start training me instead.

>> No.20991681
Quoted by: >>20991693


>> No.20991693

Krakens are usually depicted as ufufuing onee-sans, which is great but a shy kouhai kraken would be super cute.

>> No.20991697
File: 3.67 MB, 3812x2470, 1461802758664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20991700

They have the fluffiest mofu you will ever have the luxury to look upon.

>> No.20991700

99% mofu
1% spats

>> No.20991705

100% cute

>> No.20991708

It's an ideal wife ratio.

>> No.20991754

Get your car keys Subaru wannabe...I need to cuddle.

>> No.20991758

Monsters getting more than they bargained for is the best.

>> No.20991760

>work at a bar

Sure, she's probably pretty chill. I'd start with something easygoing like a coffee shop, and just make time to talk to her. Take it slow. Just like when I was showing her to make a caesar.

>> No.20991767
Quoted by: >>20991773


She's come a long way from accidentally turning her paperwork into ash. Gonna date the cute fire.

>> No.20991773

>accept her confession
>sprinkler system goes off

>> No.20991780
Quoted by: >>20991875

>accept her sprinkler and the confession system starts up
"What do you here?"

>> No.20991788
File: 266 KB, 593x732, Honey_bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard workers get promoted!

>> No.20991805

And she gets a bonus for being the cutest!

>> No.20991813
Quoted by: >>20991833

She was building up her courage for months to ask out her cool senpai, and now everyone in the company knows what it sounds like when a heart shatters. She's going to cry, anon. A lot. She might even quit. Who was the monster again?

>> No.20991818
Quoted by: >>20991843

There's something earnest about a honey bee marrying young, her and her husband working very hard, her getting more and more confident, and eventually leaving to start her own hive as a queen bee where she can live a luxurious retirement filled with sex and babymaking.

>> No.20991833

I told here yes, she just works with Amanojaku fanboys so it's the Enterpise finale all over.

>> No.20991841

>Ywn swarm with a honeybee
>Ywn form the biggest, most beautiful hive with her
>Ywn turn her into a nonstop, baby-making machine

>> No.20991843


I think the term you're looking for is "wholesome as all heck" anon.

>> No.20991852

>And who are you supposed to buh?

>> No.20991860

It's only fair that I'm honest with her in return. And do the best I can to live up to her expectations.

>> No.20991862
Quoted by: >>20991907

>Royal Makai
That's not a species
>Roll again
You know what, I'll give the first one a try.
>I instantly collapse from the shear aura of the Demon Lord's domain and my kohai picks me up and drags me off somewhere safer
>By the time she gets me out, we've already developed bodies sculpted perfectly to each other's desires
>Time to call in a two-weeks notice. Not that we'll be gone in two weeks, but that we'll finally finish and come back in two weeks

>> No.20991864


>> No.20991874
Quoted by: >>20991888

then how come i'm still a bus boy at a highly prestigious restaurant

>> No.20991875


>> No.20991887


yay, a monster i can talk about how much i'm a depressed undeserving asshole to

>> No.20991888

Clearly your husband isn't dicking you enough.

>> No.20991897

do your best to be the best version of yourself so that your waifu will love you more!

>> No.20991906

>Year one of marriage she's a lithe cute worker with a bright happy energetic smile
>Year thirty she's a thicc, heavily pregnant, fertile oozing MILF with a blissful tired smile and a part of her body always pressed against you 24/7

>> No.20991907
Quoted by: >>20991918

>no love for the poor sweet virgin trainee mushroom

>> No.20991908
Quoted by: >>20991979

> [ You ]
> [ Sabbath World Guide ]
> [ Magic Gems ]
> [ Kamaitachi ]
Took a while to get an actual result, but i'm very happy with it! I'd like to have a little harem of smoke-weasels who all think i'm the coolest and most reliable boyfriend, both in and out of the workplace. Though i imagine that our other co-workers would find the workplace romance either a bit annoying or let our supervisor know that we need to be relocated, as it potentially violates the workplace anti-harassment policies.

Still though, kamaitachi are underrated girls! It'd be especially nice if they were a shortstack, same height as me chubster, and extra-tall boobmonster respectively!

>> No.20991910

>rolls a Sabbath

so uh...i have to let all the lolis down on their offers cuz i'm not attracted to little girls at all. hope they don't zap me with ouchie lasers

>> No.20991911

Unf. Shitpost me all you want, I'd make sure she was the most spoiled, thiccest, plushest broodmother ever.

>> No.20991912

Hottest girl in the office!

>> No.20991916

>even after decades of marriage and hundreds of children she refuses to give in to the stereotype and call you 'honey'

>> No.20991918
Quoted by: >>20991947

Would you date her?

>> No.20991930

Here we go again
Fuck no, glad that's not actually a monster.
Also no. That's too many moody people in one relationship. Some bullshit about not dipping my pen in the company ink (a good idea anyway) would probably let her off easily enough.

>> No.20991937 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.66 MB, 317x228, 1552541076892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 Owl Apprentices block your path!

>> No.20991939
Quoted by: >>20991978

>Just because she won't doesn't mean you can't
>Slap her jiggly butt one morning as she's lazily lounging in bed in a rare moment between pregnancies
>"Honeybunch, you're looking far too barren. What kind of queen isn't making more babies?"
>She throws a pillow at you but laughs, turning over and spreading her trunk like thighs while fondling her own breasts
>"Well a queen needs plenty of... fuel... in order to make more babies... sweetie."
>She spreads her pussy while coyly sticking a finger to her lips
>"Shouldn't it be you giving me your hot, warm, sticky..."
>This is it, she's gonna say it!
>You throw the pillow back at her as she laughs back, having thwarted your attempts at getting her to say the H word again
>"...I'm serious though. Fuck me already~"

>> No.20991945
Quoted by: >>20991978

Its nice that having a hive means they can share responsibilities of childrearing. Makes having hundreds of children much more manageable.

>> No.20991947
Quoted by: >>20991962

Nope. I'm married. I just feel bad for her. It's not easy being a pizza topping.

>> No.20991950
Quoted by: >>20991958

I mean I'm going to assume that especially since she's working that this is a world where monster girls have been for a while and most people already accept them so things like pedophilia aren't as bad as they are now. So assuming all that then yeah why not, I prefer big tits but I also really like stripped stockings.

>> No.20991958

Megamorphosis exists for a reason.

>> No.20991962
Quoted by: >>20991965

>Anchovie girls everywhere suddenly have their ears perk up

>> No.20991965

>Pineapple alraune everywhere ara ara inexplicably

>> No.20991967

Very sexy anubutt, I want to mount her from behind and fill her up!

>> No.20991978

One can only imagine what kind of body a queen bee has after her 212th kid.

>> No.20991979

Depending on where you work a trio of kamaitachi could be your whole department, or even the entirety of a small business. I'd take it as a sign that it's time to break out and form your own company, with its own adorable, sexy board of directors.

>> No.20991980

True, and that would certainly make her even better.

>> No.20991983

What sort of effect does that have on fairies and pixies anyway?

>> No.20991992

Would Alps be more comfortable wearing cosplay like Shimakaze, and other stereotypical costumes like elbow length gloves with knee socks?

>> No.20991998

Large breasted fairies that can paizuri your thumb

>> No.20992005
Quoted by: >>20992125

They become like smug shortstack versions of their local titania and mercilessly bully her.

>> No.20992018

That’s, uh, hmm.
Well, the good news for her is that I have no intention of rejecting her.
The thing is I have just as much of no clue as to how a relationship like this is going to work as she does, especially with her being a spirit.
With any other girl you could have an easy first date of going out to eat somewhere, but can spirits even eat food? One-sided dates are never a good idea.

>> No.20992024
Quoted by: >>20992041

She can find a body somewhere.

>> No.20992025
Quoted by: >>20992041

>especially with her being a spirit.
Just have her possess that cute girl from accounting.

>> No.20992041
File: 1.26 MB, 1200x1200, 1528397996646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20992051

See, but it's not that easy.
The moment a kitsune-bi becomes their own "self" instead of being more or less an environmental phenomenon is when they also lose the ability to possess. They're pretty much fox elementals from that point on.

>> No.20992051
Quoted by: >>20992063

>fox elementals
Don't be preposterous, foxes aren't an element. They'd be Fluff elementals.

>> No.20992063
File: 46 KB, 672x479, spookyfox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call it however you like, they are officially Elemental type MGs.
The embodiment of mofu.

>> No.20992104

Harpy Penguin!

>> No.20992125

Well it just seems they need knight-san to step in and teach them it’s rude to bully.

>> No.20992142
File: 272 KB, 594x595, 1456660733005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already done my time dealing with this shit in Terraria. I'm getting my star cannon.

>> No.20992151
File: 842 KB, 1722x2463, Ropurotto Sabbath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whoever you may be, you mustn't lay a hand on the sorcerous beast's pack.
>Whoever you may be, you mustn't incur the wrath of the sorcerous beast.
>Whoever you may be, you mustn't awaken my master from her bestial dream.
>~the white goat's old note~

Will Ropurotto get mad if I call her old?

>> No.20992153

Can I just have the mouse in the picture? I'll turn her to a milf in no time!

>> No.20992156

>shy office girl from accounting and her flirty BFF 'kibi-chan' from marketing both take some time off
>they're gone for a while, and the office is oddly quiet in their absence
>anon is stuck with some overtime, and gets a surprise one night as he sleepily clocks out
>office girl stops him at the door, and she's almost unrecognizable
>her perky but modest chest has grown into a perfect, wobbling rack, and her narrow hips have blown out into heavy duty child-bearing equipment
>She looks a little stiff when she walks, probably because her clothes don't fit properly anymore
>even her mousy brown hair seems to have more volume, and shines like silk
>her eyes have turned a vibrant violet, and sparkle with some kind of fiery energy when once she wouldn't have even made eye contact
>she sighs, and anon can hear two voices
>"I like you, let's go out." her words echo
>anon doesn't know what to say, but smiles anyway, trying not to look embarassed
>"W-wow. Who knew it was that easy?" she asks herself
>she reaches up to her head to adjust a stray lock of hair and accidentally knocks one of her tits bouncing
>she looks embarassed and starts to blush for a moment, but then the blush turns into a red-hot flush that reaches all the way to her cleavage
>"you know what? being shy was no fun anyway. let's try this."
>she licks her lips and shoves anon back into his cubicle, where he stumbles into his chair
>she walks up, grabs his tie and pulls him in for a hot, steamy kiss
>blue flames ignite on her head and lower back, and a ghostly set of ears and tail form
>"how lucky is it that we both fell for the same dorky, overly serious guy?"
>she yanks on his shirt, and the buttons fly off as it bursts open
>she straddles him in his chair and runs her nails over his exposed chest
>"all I needed was a push and a little help from a friend..."
>"...we really complete each other, don't you think?"

>> No.20992166
Quoted by: >>20992203

>mge terraria mod
>everyboss you defeat joins your house as an npc.
>instead of a stupid banner you get a monstergirl version of that monster as an box villager.

>> No.20992174
Quoted by: >>20992189

I bet mersharks are heartbroken learning shark week isn't about them.

>> No.20992189

Who says shark week can't be about them?

>> No.20992203
File: 475 KB, 792x1000, sw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20992224


>> No.20992209
File: 250 KB, 1250x927, tumblr_n62eu63ko21r9elqqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that formerly human MGs are noted to often be significantly more "fanatical" than their native-born counterparts.

>> No.20992212
Quoted by: >>20992306

So this is the power of a stand.

>> No.20992224
Quoted by: >>20992240

Eater of worlds chan will strike when you least expect it!

>> No.20992232

Reminder to work out so you can be a nice steady chair for your MONGIR

>> No.20992240
Quoted by: >>20992282

Still not as scary as The Destroywurm.
Wurms with lasers was a bad idea.

>> No.20992274

>day 1
>virgin maus
>She still thinks babies come from storks and worries that sex might hurt, blushes furiously whenever you touch her

>day 2
>happy maus
>she's immediately addicted to you and won't get off of you until seconds before you need to leave for work, she can't believe what she was missing

>day 7
>eager maus
>she's started figuring out how to give special service and do more advanced stuff, but she's mastered the basics incredibly quickly and can wring you out like a pro already

>day 30
>greater maus
>she can switch between dom and sub on a dime, and has gotten the hang of all kinds of play. she's already asking about moving in with you

>day 90
>passion maus
>she begins undergoing extreme physical changes, growing much stronger, and you are powerless before her raw sexual energy. your apartment has become a place of great sin and hedonism. you answer always to her whims, and she submits happily to yours

>day 180
>velvet maus
>she's filled out into some sort of demi-goddess of fertility, and uses every fiber of her being to try and tease and coax you into marrying and impregnating her. She's constantly sticky and dripping, whether you did it to her or not

>day 365
>eros-approved maus
>she's glowing with early pregnancy from your first child and refuses to take off her white wedding lingerie, even a week after the ceremony. Your hips are bruised black and blue thanks to the hormones raging through her, and you worry your face is going to be moulded into the shape of her ass if things continue

>day XXXX+
>final maus
>your life is one long, long session of mind-blowing mouse sex. there are no breaks. there is no mercy. there is only her and her perfect everything. husband has no need for clothing, it only delays the inevitable. only love. cum for the cum goddess.

>> No.20992282
Quoted by: >>20992374

Dumbwurms shouldn’t have that amount of power!

>> No.20992301
File: 2.30 MB, 2150x2129, __nazrin_touhou_drawn_by_5240mosu__b2766de4c4248ed7ca31c1ade8bdcc2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20992307

That progression is perfect! Clingy fertility-goddess mouse wife is the best! Would absolutely adore watching her transformation into a brood-mother, both the mental and the physical sides of it! I bet her sisters all look up to her jealously! She's what every little mouse girl dreams of becoming someday!

>> No.20992306

I think I know what this stand is called.

>> No.20992307
Quoted by: >>20992350

I'd take her too, but can I keep her as is?

>> No.20992323
File: 837 KB, 1191x1684, 73179079_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want in on the mouse baby-making train! Give me 10 of her and I'll be set!

>> No.20992350
Quoted by: >>20994317

Anon, no! Just think of the amount of power you're trying to compress and cram into such a small, cute, skinny frame! You'd be creating a calamity-level weapon of pure uncontrollable sexuality, yet still she would be light enough to hold up in one arm as you jackhammer octuplets into her!

You're playing a dangerous game, anon.

>> No.20992374
Quoted by: >>20992400

She's actually so dumb she didn't realize she didn't have enough INT to cast spells and learned magic. We're doomed, but at least we'll all go down like an eighties action movie.

>> No.20992400

Yeah that’s true. Although I hear those twin mecha gazer girls are quite smart and tricky to deal with.

>> No.20992513

i'm not sure she'd be good at doing anything but i'd accept her

>> No.20992524

Move to cold country, use your Hellhound as house heating system.

>> No.20992527

>Demons are malicious monster girls aligned with the "radical faction", sharing with the Lilim Druella a dedication to spreading the Demon Realm across the whole world. They prefer to corrupt men with seductive cunning rather than out-and-out rape, snaring humans into infernal contracts of erotic servitude.
Does not fit the shy, no experience with men persona. Is my demon defective?

>> No.20992536


>> No.20992541

They all gotta start somewhere.

>> No.20992556
Quoted by: >>20992617

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that they didn't exist.

It's a ruse, anon. That demon knows exactly what she's doing. That shy, inexperienced act was meant to get your guard down. Now you're right where she wants you.

>> No.20992558

>She's had a crush on you ever since you trained her
A bit late, but why is she confessing if I've been training her? She should already be my personal buttslut at that point.

>> No.20992576

Which one of her personalities is asking me out?

>> No.20992606

Hello. Daily reminder that anything besides angels and demons are bestiality.

>> No.20992615
Quoted by: >>20992650

All of them.

>> No.20992617
Quoted by: >>20992630

She's probably quoting things directly out of romance novels and womens' magazines while practicing her lines for hours in front of her mirror. The minute you get her off script, her true awkward shyness would re-emerge.

>> No.20992630

So she’s pretending to be a ara ara seductress that is also pretending to be a cute shy dork. In reallty she is just a cute shy dork?

>> No.20992650

Well I would probably have to say yes. Otherwise her snake part might go full yandere.

>> No.20992679
Quoted by: >>20992689

>You'll notice and ask about her snakes mouth being taped shut
>The other personas assure it's just in case

>> No.20992689

At least you don’t have to deal with the lamia tail wrapping you up and you have 3 other personas to chat with.

Snake would still be able to speak. She just might not be able to inject venom.

>> No.20992743
File: 347 KB, 1433x2053, mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20993264

i wanna marry a dumb zombie

>> No.20992746

Now I wanna awaken Ropu from her bestial dream just to find out what would happen

>> No.20992752
Quoted by: >>20992766

I don’t think you would want to anon. It might be so terrible that only Lilith herself could stop. Who knows maybe Lilith or bapho were the ones to help ropu seal or erase her former self.

>> No.20992766
Quoted by: >>20992799

Oh I think I do. Super powered, angry Ropu, ancient evil Ropu, or whatever is she would become would be a fun fuck I bet

>> No.20992786

>Ropu, the Vacuous Bapho
>protected by a swarm of headbutting Arachne lolis
Grant us eyes!

>> No.20992799
Quoted by: >>20993007

She was probably some beast who lead the extermination of millions and personally spilled the blood of tens of thousands. The horror causing her to seal those terrible memories away when the Lilith took over.
Are you so mean as to force her to re live that.

>> No.20993007

>Ropu awakens from her bestial dream
>She doesn't turn evil or mean
>She just is overcome with extreme feelings of sadness and regret

>> No.20993059

>Honey Bee
I am ok with this actually. I would take her out for something simple like dinner at a nearby diner to start and maybe a moonlight drive. Simple things like that.

>> No.20993134

>tfw no khepri harem lead by a khepri "momster" who is their big sister

>> No.20993143

You guys tease your wives, right?
>be married to shortstack nacha
>occassionally leave things she often uses in high places she can't reach herself
>the embarrassed look on her face when she has to ask you to get them is adorable

>> No.20993148
Quoted by: >>20993259

I'd rather make them all momsters blessed with the fertility of Hathor.

>> No.20993156
Quoted by: >>20993259

Kephris are the most loving cuddle bugs

>> No.20993193
File: 135 KB, 1004x727, D1Q8r94WoAEcGDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone using this seat next to you?

>> No.20993197

Probably not

>> No.20993213

If you cant bully it, you shouldn't marry it.

>> No.20993232
File: 1.19 MB, 1228x868, 71754439_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20993319

>> No.20993259
Quoted by: >>20993301

The harem would have all kinds of shapes and sizes, but the leader would be full on ara ara momster

Now is it a good idea to add an Anubis to the court/harem?

>> No.20993264
File: 934 KB, 1444x875, Lx80rc98_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna marry a smart zombie.

>> No.20993265

Then you can lift her up while having her big butt on your face!

>> No.20993301
Quoted by: >>20993331

Of course!
Every ruler needs an assistant and I don’t think the kephris plan all that far ahead

>> No.20993319

Should I tell her I'm hot for teacher?

>> No.20993327

That look says she already knows because she engineered it.

>> No.20993331

>Khepri momster is actually a genius and has some grand plans for the new kingdom
>She hides it all behind her very motherly demeanor
I bet she behaves quit differently when dealing with foreign diplomats. She knows the great game well.

>> No.20993352

Hot fucking damn that’s good

>> No.20993410
File: 69 KB, 459x800, 77c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20993453
File: 724 KB, 1000x936, xIYC5uDM_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20993475

What would a queen nureonago be like?

>> No.20993475

Demure empress who has lots of little polite servants working for you

>> No.20993523

The empire of smiles!

>> No.20993524
Quoted by: >>20993676

Would worship

>> No.20993540


First batch of pixiv images is currently being uploaded. About 800ish~

>> No.20993554
File: 108 KB, 595x842, Ums7Ts9H_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20993707

That's the Fairy Kingdom's title.

>> No.20993574
Quoted by: >>20995833

These β€˜mg wife progressively gets lewder and hotter over time’ posts really polish my pumpernickel. I’d love to see more for different monsters and bodytypes.

>> No.20993581


>> No.20993600


>> No.20993651
Quoted by: >>20993692

Go ahead!

>> No.20993676
Quoted by: >>20993814

Don’t forget the naginata wielding guards she made too

>> No.20993692

>tell succu-sensei that she's hot
>wake up hours later in a bed in the nurse's office
>succu-sensei is sleeping right next to you, neither of you have clothes on, and her big, bare breasts are right in your face

>> No.20993707

Are all portions in Fairy Kingdom tiny? Would dinners be like trying to fill yourself with samples?

>> No.20993722
Quoted by: >>20994014

Titania lives there so they know normal sized portions.
She’s big, not Fat! There’s a difference

>> No.20993793

If they were bigger, how you could enjoy them all once all the Fairies want to cook for you? Imagine a line of Fairies, each with a dish of their own for you to taste.

>> No.20993814


Skilled and fierce in combat. It usually takes people by surprise, given how courteous and polite they are.

>> No.20993864
Quoted by: >>20993901

Well I don't give a fuck about this shit.

>> No.20993901

Good on you.

>> No.20994014
Quoted by: >>20994144

Ignoring the fact that it wouldn't be an issue, would titania even worry about weight? Seems like another of those things they'd be too bubbly to think about.

>> No.20994028

Nice to have this one finally translated. Shiro sure seems worried though.

>> No.20994144
Quoted by: >>20994172

>no slightly chubby moonlight titania gf
Guys its not her fault, she just can't see what the food does to her. Good thing she gets plenty of "exercise".

>> No.20994172
Quoted by: >>20994329

>you will never be a moonlight titania's knight/husband

>> No.20994184

i want any kind of zombie

>> No.20994317
Quoted by: >>20994370

I'm gonna do it!

>> No.20994329

I'd like to tease one.

>> No.20994341
File: 572 KB, 1235x1400, 1488496140323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry a small (and smart) zombie.

>> No.20994343
Quoted by: >>20994370

What do Moonlight titania's look like in comparison to their normal counterpart?

>> No.20994357

Are any writers alive?
been fishing for ideas

>> No.20994370

I think its just a palette swap for the most part. More emphasis on greens and blues though. Probably silver or black hair.

>> No.20994389

I met up with one of them irl , didnt expect em to be a girl
So that was awkward

>> No.20994396 [DELETED] 
File: 627 KB, 800x1191, dd22rue-10816640-d1cd-4c19-99c3-ac88a3788006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20994402
File: 26 KB, 224x322, drawpile_2019-01-07_22-38-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20994535

What's up?

>> No.20994444
File: 203 KB, 1600x900, EOtCjoGF_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have gargoyle waifu
>live above the Arctic circle

>> No.20994474

>have gargoyle daughter
>never worry about her breaking curfew.
I wonder if she would be jealous that mommy dearest is unsealed.

>> No.20994487

>Living with gargoyle above arctic circle
What she do, guard santa's workshop for a living?

>> No.20994502

Mostly just be a middling tier-2 flyer.

>> No.20994535
File: 74 KB, 810x529, ss+(2018-06-01+at+03.13.57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20994554

What sex positions would you try to be in with your gargoyly waifu come day time?

>> No.20994562
Quoted by: >>20995495

Hey that jolly elf needs someone to protect the toys.
Man imagine being stuck in a weird orgasm face.

>> No.20994568
File: 632 KB, 850x1024, 73678488_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20994596

Not at all, wow you smell really nice.

>> No.20994667
File: 367 KB, 786x715, HU7v9KuF_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20994726

Reverse mating press.

>> No.20994686
File: 184 KB, 800x933, tumblr_p1gaalO2g21s0bx26o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20994720

>Bullying Dullahan by flushing their heads down toilets
>Using magic to hijack their neck portals and using their throat like an onahole when they're trying to give speeches

>> No.20994726

How embarrassing. Imagine people seeing you amazoned by your gargoyle waifu.

>> No.20994756
File: 258 KB, 850x1202, 4PZEELfY_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if you feed a doppelganger potion to a sandworm?

>> No.20994771


You'll have multiple sandworms and each one of those will have multiple main bodies inside them.

>> No.20994774

If you made two sandworm bodies kiss, could wou wall between them?

>> No.20994803
Quoted by: >>20994932

She gains more mainbodies inside her shell.

>> No.20994830

I am confused. Is this talking about a baphomet? Why are they suddenly linking bapho to beast men? I don't even like bapho and I know it works far far better when she's closer linked to demons and demonology, because of the nature of Baphomet.

>> No.20994863

Baphomets are demon beast types in general but this is not specifically about the breed but Ropurotto and her Sabbath which are obsessed with Beastmen types and being the most lewd and wild beast possible. Which is why she created her own brand of beast magic around it.

>> No.20994894
Quoted by: >>20994947

Ropurotto runs the Beast Sabbath, which is focused on loli beastgirls and beast magic. It’s one specific Baphomet, not the species as a whole.
Also where the fuck have you been?

>> No.20994897

To be fair, there's a benefit to not making your own wight and that is you get to listen to her stories, of the distant past, and unliving through the ages.

Zombies are likely to be far younger, and even if you found an ancient zombie, she would only remember her past, and have no stories to tell of unliving through the ages.

So if you want to just relax and listen to her stories of kingdoms rising and falling and courtly gossip a couple of centuries old, you need to find a wight, and not make one

>> No.20994907

Mge baphomet are essentially goat beast men. Also this >>20994863.
That warning is probably just about some fucked up shit ropu did in the past that she didn’t want to remember.

>> No.20994932
File: 1.19 MB, 885x1299, 43185099_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20994987

I need an adult.

>> No.20994947
Quoted by: >>20994988

Ohhh. Gotcha. Seems a bit antithetical, unless the beast sabbath is split up into hundreds of tiny pack sized chapters.
>where have you been
I don't like this place as much anymore

>> No.20994959
Quoted by: >>20994969

Or perhaps a Vampire.
They probably embellish their stories quite a bit more, however.

>> No.20994969

Arguably, vampires would be far superior for this purpose, because it's entirely possible ancient undead would eventually chose solitude, be it hermetic or with their own kind. Vampires however, must interact with contemporary society

>> No.20994981
File: 882 KB, 1140x1200, 72933848_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20994987

She is an adult. In fact she is multiple adults.

>> No.20994988
File: 179 KB, 1000x1500, 6D2E372F-6D7D-48CB-862D-D58E54170B97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well congrats, you missed out on the best thing to happen to MGE in years.
I don’t mean just Runya but she’s pretty great.

>> No.20994999

This fluff pile is getting out of control.

>> No.20995001

That fluff is bigget then she is.

>> No.20995002
File: 184 KB, 1000x1200, 71360921_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20995276


>> No.20995022

>tfw dumb

>> No.20995030
File: 1.16 MB, 1090x1219, 73533738_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAN check time.

>> No.20995039

>the best thing to happen to MGE in years is more loli

>> No.20995048
Quoted by: >>20995092

Shogs are just big dumb blobbos.
They’re only the surface of the eldritch iceberg.

>> No.20995051
Quoted by: >>20995103

>implying the only thing to come out of it was loli

>> No.20995056
Quoted by: >>20995103

Of course, but also magic and demon realm objects.

>> No.20995063 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 696x696, 1552591301342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more loli
No, even better.

>> No.20995080
Quoted by: >>20995103


>> No.20995084
File: 102 KB, 371x422, flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://i.imgur.com/WCc18a2.png https://i.imgur.com/my7qqeu.png

>> No.20995092
File: 251 KB, 900x1200, 72741427_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20995103

Granted, the items and objects seem interesting from the scant few I happened to catch while popping in, but calling it the best thing to happen in years?
You'll have to tell me since I haven't been around frequently enough, but do you guys still talk about these things asides from the first spattering of ideas after something comes out? Have they had significant impact on the thread or do you return to hashed out old topics?
Been headcannon for years, nice to see confirmation I guess

>> No.20995109

Dumb lizard gets pounded!

>> No.20995112
File: 474 KB, 577x724, __apophis_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_monorus__58f4b87832d637013e783a2c6613d979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First pic

>> No.20995113

Broken for my meido~!

>> No.20995114

Well this raises my flag.

>> No.20995119
File: 360 KB, 1094x2048, FA749541-B63A-4A62-99DE-691C74F0E6EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20995518

Eldritch bunny.

>> No.20995125

>Have they had significant impact on the thread or do you return to hashed out old topics?
A few seem really popular, mana markers especially and more information seems to have made some of the potions less taboo. The translation for doppelganger potions dropped without any real fuss and quite a few positive reactions.

>> No.20995133
Quoted by: >>20995136

Who is that?

>> No.20995136
Quoted by: >>20995181

Beast's flagmander, she's sort of his mascot.

>> No.20995153

Is there a place all this is compiled? Also, I haven't heard anything about mana markers, and assuming they've been out for a while, I should have seen something, since I've been coming back a little more frequently than usual, and I usually read through threads for interesting stuff to respond to and I haven't seen anything new desu

>> No.20995157

Phat Maus Tiddies and Ass

>> No.20995159
File: 192 KB, 695x695, Doppel Potion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20995183

>The translation for doppelganger potions dropped without any real fuss
Only because we already knew about it from the first volume. Had we been learning about it for the first time, I bet the thread would've gone nuclear.

>> No.20995163
Quoted by: >>20995182

I'm partial to the "making your own Wight" way. From a younger Wight.

>> No.20995168
Quoted by: >>20995199


>> No.20995173

monnster girl redux

>> No.20995174
File: 2.03 MB, 2000x2500, 1480796195827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whenever Jinko waifu is the big spoon she gently bites and licks the nape of my neck while she sleeps
What does this mean?

>> No.20995181
Quoted by: >>20995262

I still dont get why he comes from england yet chooses to use st.kitts

>> No.20995182
Quoted by: >>20995501

There are a whole bunch of positives to it. And the DIY waifu is the best. It's just I have a real thing for history, and most the appeal of ancient girls in the things they've seen and can tell me about. And agelessness is the greatest draw to the undead for me.

>> No.20995183
Quoted by: >>20995222

People liked it because it confirms you can use it on monsters and have harem sex without cheating on your wife.

>> No.20995195
File: 162 KB, 1357x1715, D1UJxhxXgAA1bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.

>> No.20995199
Quoted by: >>20995213

Seems like something neat that gets quickly forgotten

>> No.20995203
Quoted by: >>20995217

having sex with a selkie with a slime parasite while a shoggoth-doppelganger intertwines the both of you during sex with her slimy-shape-shifting body covering her and you inside the seal suit with a slime parasite's assistance

>> No.20995213

The point it is helps you to only get the monster you want and not get raped by the first random monster you meet.

>> No.20995215
File: 150 KB, 630x692, Lilith&#039;s Panacea 1536014021801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20995376

Everything so far translated (at this point most of the book) is compiled on MGR and sorted with links on the table of contents topic: http://monstergirlsredux.com/viewforum.php?f=39

Also, the various Sabbath leaders have become pretty popular, since several of them are as likable and well-rounded as characters as older favorites like Saphirette are. Particular favorites are Runya Runya herself, Greilia, and (to lesser extents) ones like Marune and Shirokuto.

The guide also gives us our first sorta image of Lilith. And the lore on how mana and magic works and the many specific articles are quite fascinating.

Despite it being called the Sabbath Grimoire, I'd say only around a quarter of it is actually devoted to loli stuff.

>> No.20995217
Quoted by: >>20995224

Wait so the selkie is the the slime carrier host of a slime parasite?
Speaking of which I could see potential dark mages merging with them to speed up becoming a monster.

>> No.20995219

Fuck her already, she wants babies to bathe and pamper.

>> No.20995222
Quoted by: >>20995238

I've always thought the only good use of a doppel potion was for when you had an actual harem, constant consumption and magic to reinforce the effects and make them permanent would allow you to have mulitple monogamous relationships.

My greatest dislike for harems was the fact that you could never give all your love to any one of the girls. But with a permanent doppel effect, you could be with all your girls, simultaneously, giving them the love they deserve, all the time.

>> No.20995224
Quoted by: >>20995248

yes. she's the slime carrier. and you can have a shoggoth-doppelganger act as your slime parasite so that you can have slimy hot sex as a slime carrier with another slime carrier in a sleeping bag seal suit full of gooey goodness

>> No.20995226
File: 485 KB, 1678x2174, Mana Shot by Shirokuto, the White Goat of Wisdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be clear, those are specifically the translations done by Vulture. MGR has those plus all the ones their translator has done.

Its a lot of material, given the book is 209 pages long.

>> No.20995238
Quoted by: >>20995270

But you can’t really. It’s one mind controlling however many bodies are made. Basically turns you into a pack of beasts acting on instinct.

>> No.20995239

Honestly for my while all this stuff is great quality of life stuff that would make living in MGE a lot better but the information about incubi and heroes was some of the most important world building he has done so far.

>> No.20995243
File: 1.06 MB, 1050x1485, 70296925_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will never have a big tiger girl bite on my neck while she wrecks my butt

life is suffering

>> No.20995248
Quoted by: >>20995273

So she’s a slime carrier infected by a slime parasite-shoggoth-doppel hybrid?

>> No.20995257

This one likes to kick dogs, no thanks

>> No.20995262

Beast said that the flagmaner was just a fun way of showing his roots
He has mentioned wanting to do flag monsters for england and jamaica too

>> No.20995268
Quoted by: >>20995293

I'd be her dog.

>> No.20995270
Quoted by: >>20995290

You just learn to control it better. Sure, at first you might just be wild lustful beasts, but after the fiftieth round that day, there's bound to be some level headedness seeping into your consciousness, where you can begin to sort and make sense of multiple images and sensations, and can run parallel trains of thought.

>> No.20995271

Beast is black? Explains why he likes fighting girls then.

>> No.20995273
Quoted by: >>20995289

you are infected with a shoggoth-doppelganger that's functioning as a parasite in your body
she is infected with a regular slime parasite
then both of you share each others parasites through sex, so yea she's got what you're saying. and so do you too.

>> No.20995276


>> No.20995285

Back in the MGU days he was known as Black lion

>> No.20995289
Quoted by: >>20995379

So basically a 2 girl harem with one girl being microscopic.

>> No.20995290
Quoted by: >>20995376

Good in theory, but good luck in execution.

>> No.20995293
File: 201 KB, 803x1200, 1423270035912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


big cat that hold you down and pulls at your earlobe with her teeth

>> No.20995299
Quoted by: >>20995326

I'm not taking anything up my ass faggot.

>> No.20995302
Quoted by: >>20995317

what would the over two flag monsters be?

>> No.20995307
Quoted by: >>20995373

Everything's been uploaded. Enjoy the new additions.

>> No.20995317

England= either dragon or werewolf
jamaica=either umi osh or a Lion woman

>> No.20995326
File: 107 KB, 673x729, 70309560_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.20995327

My cat keeps sitting on my keyboard... while I'm using it

>> No.20995328

Anubis Crime Boss! Scary!

>> No.20995329
Quoted by: >>20995341

Why is this Anubutt so smug?

>> No.20995338

I want to be between those anubutt thighs!

>> No.20995341
File: 450 KB, 1275x1755, 1351488562566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>into unwholesome s&m activities

>> No.20995342

I want to be her stress reliever dickthrone!

>> No.20995349


>> No.20995350
File: 42 KB, 486x501, P7ZaqKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we suddenly okay with faggot shit.

>> No.20995359
File: 164 KB, 768x768, 68455461_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because doing faggot shit with girls isn't gay

>> No.20995362

I wanna touch mg buttholes

>> No.20995365
Quoted by: >>20995384


>> No.20995372
Quoted by: >>20995390

Taking shit in the ass is still gay faggot. Your kind isn't welcome here.

>> No.20995373

Thanks archive dude.

>> No.20995375

newfags astroturfing and retards deciding to accept them

>> No.20995376
Quoted by: >>20995427

I've gone through the pastebin, but none of this strikes me as especially inspired, interesting for sure, but nothing you couldn't head/threadcannon. Though I guess it's good to have stuff like this laid out because, not to sound pretentious, most people don't actually imagine this kind of stuff on their own.

>good luck in execution
I doubt your many wives will tire of you ravishing them. Sooner or later it'll click

>> No.20995379
File: 246 KB, 722x1024, spoil me with cum, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20995431


>> No.20995384
File: 529 KB, 631x903, damn_dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20995431


>> No.20995390
File: 989 KB, 865x1389, pg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit in the ass is still gay

ironic wordsmithing, got a chuckle

>> No.20995402

I'm alive in the sense that I'm both a bogeyman and a drunkard. I guess.

>> No.20995403

>Fagmander got art
Fucking why?

>> No.20995404

>that file name and awful quality
>offtopic image
You're not any better you faggot.

>> No.20995409

It's a file from the crusades, that's why it's so low quality

>> No.20995425
Quoted by: >>20995436

Beast is open as fuck
through these threads I've learned he's black, dyslexic, is actual name and that he's a toned down big nigga.

>> No.20995427
File: 67 KB, 407x390, Incubus and echidna 1535316867674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Including the stuff about how incubi and heroes are essentially the same thing? That monsters invented white magic? That the undead have been made into beings whose afterlife is the physical world and this is why they can't die?

FYI, the pastebin stuff is far from everything, you have to go to MGR for that.

>> No.20995429
Quoted by: >>20995434

>muh offtopic image
fuck off already

>> No.20995431
Quoted by: >>20995451

I see anon. Neat to see a fellow pslime lover.

I want her to enslave me with her pussy.

>> No.20995434
Quoted by: >>20995452

Putting "muh" in front of something does not invalidate it.

>> No.20995436
Quoted by: >>20995440

>Toned down big nigga

>> No.20995440

Overweight but not obese like the big nigga meme

>> No.20995442

Plus, not only can any monster and incubi can become undead with the blessing of undeath but all you need to do to become immortal is worship Hel. Not to mention the ritual of soul marriage to bind you and your wife's souls together for eternity.

>> No.20995451
File: 119 KB, 707x800, 66459747_p20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enslave me

we need more drawings of unlikely doms

>> No.20995452

>muh putting "muh" in front of something does not invalidate it

>> No.20995469

I'm alive in the sense that I'm both a bogeyman and a drunkard. I guess.

>> No.20995487
Quoted by: >>20995500

Isn’t reincarnation a thing in setting as well? Like could one partner die and the other have to search the globe for the reincarnation of that partner?

>> No.20995490

Define alive. Every time I post a new piece it's like I've risen from the grave.

>> No.20995495

I bet it'd be fun to doodle on the faces of gargoyles and friends when they're stone.

>> No.20995496
File: 41 KB, 770x405, Lionhead Rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20995537

I hope KC adds another rabbit to MGE since there's only 2.

>yfw MGE gets a maned rabbit before there's a lion or cat version in existence

>> No.20995500

That's the whole point of the ritual of soul marriage
>Furthermore, the link between the two souls will not be lost even when both are dead. It is of no relevance to the undead who live together forever as husband and wife, but it is supposed that even after death their souls will never stray from one another; even if invited to the netherworld, the souls of the married couple will always stay together. It is said they will be able to become husband and wife once more if reincarnated in the next world.

>> No.20995501
Quoted by: >>20995522

>And the DIY waifu is the best
Especially the guilty pleasure kind where you train a monstergirl loli into that DIY waifu.

>> No.20995504

>Anubis removing local pharaoh and apophis
>Then sizes power
How ruthless!

>> No.20995509

I guess I'm missing some stuff by not going to MGR, but in regards to incubi and heroes being the same thing, being the only thing I could find, this isn't that groundbreaking either. I think you're blowing it up to much, as neat as all of this is. And even if this were revolutionary stuff, it doesn't seem like the people here even care enough to integrate it into the usual "I wanna do sexual with y" posting. Or is there hidden deep and fascinating and productive setting discussion that enriches the stories told, and written content being generated that I'm not privy to?

>> No.20995518

Is it even legal to have legs that good?

>> No.20995522

Yeah. For example, I have complicated feelings about rearing and then wifing something like an alraune from seed.

>> No.20995523
Quoted by: >>20995536

>No matter what you show me I'm going to be bitter and salty.

>> No.20995525
File: 147 KB, 1059x1200, 125835329455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big sisters are the coolest!

>> No.20995530
Quoted by: >>20995536

There are some, but keep in mind the average thread here only lasts like two days. Its easy to miss more serious talks about the settings, especially since they are a minority of posts to begin with.

>> No.20995532

>Big sister

>> No.20995536
Quoted by: >>20995542

>Super humans are just humans beyond humanity
>The only distinguishing difference is arbitrary and depends on how you went about going beyond humanity
>This is something I have to be floored over and applaud as fresh and innovative
Guess I'll actively lurk more, see if I can catch something to bring my interest back into the genre. thanks for helping me catch up on the setting info though, anons.

>> No.20995537

KC doesn’t seem to be adding specific animal species currently. Maybe once he gets through a bunch of legends and DnD monsters he will.

>> No.20995542

What sort of things would you consider fresh/innovative then?

>> No.20995563
File: 651 KB, 1080x1080, 1522616645034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20995579

>> No.20995579

I keep forgetting how common cameltoes are in the desert.

>> No.20995605


>> No.20995610

You know how he's got a rarity/power system for these items and potions? I wans a similar rating system, only it's a travel guide.

I'd like to see the different areas in the setting, interesting forests, mountains to avoid (or not), intriguing towns, storied cities, neat comfy little coastal hamlets that have dual dairy and fishing industries, lodges of interest in the near-wilderness, secluded places, historic forgetten graveyards that were so important it needed a community of caretakers, making a small hamlet since occupied by the obvious denizens. Caverns of note, dwarven holds.

He can even get into less specific areas, like caves, describe how common such natural formations are, if they're monster made or natural, what you might expect to find within.

As for items, I can say he's honestly covered his bases. He's got items for dreams, reminiscence, locating your "destined one" marking your preferred man/mg, you general lewd items, storage and refinement of mana, cursed objects that can have any array of effects, tethering objects.

I mean little is truly ground breaking, though some of the items I've seen so far have been intriguing and imaginative.

I think in terms of "best thing to happen to the thread" it would have to be this kind of global travel guide, to provide vague settings. Makai is really fleshed out from what I understand, and I don't see many writers use it as a setting, perhaps precisely because of that. He needs to put out archetypal locations as vague and open to possibility and interpretation as the monster girls themselves. I mean, any writer could invent a new species of MG, could devise their own locations to write in, but Ifeel like in these threads the creative process starts from the ground up, and it's the little greentext ideas that would be helped alot with these small locations of interest being described.

I dunno, maybe I'm off base

>> No.20995617
Quoted by: >>20995639

You’re an autistic sperg

>> No.20995619
Quoted by: >>20995639

He does do travel guides as collaborations with another author, Willsaga. The 3rd one is set to come out this year.

>> No.20995630
File: 722 KB, 705x1000, 4db4e5c7481a692fd5342a5348c531df11341-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20995707

When it comes to specific locations, you might be interested in the Dragonia stuff. Unfortunately, since KC was not the sole author MGR doesn't have permission to translate it, and thus all we have are rather hard to read translations by someone working off of Russian translations of the Japanese material.


>> No.20995639
Quoted by: >>20995663

Yeah, sorry.
Oh man, smug anubis. I want her to have some form of contact with my penis
Yeah, related older mouse girls, imagine if they had sex with you, only all at the same time

What are the places so far? I think makai was one, dragonia the second? I feel it's too stifling in it's detail perhaps? Like, its so in focus. Imagine trying to write for a MG if you were already told every facet of their race and personality.

>> No.20995661

Bubble Slimes need more love.

>> No.20995663
File: 2.04 MB, 2834x2480, p000a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first one was Dragonia, the second was a more detailed look at Lescatie (mainly various parts of its army), the third (as yet not published) seems to feature a MGE equivalent of Venice.

>> No.20995673
File: 628 KB, 727x964, bottle slime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20995861

Fun girls with a good gimmick. Bubble Slimes would make good nurses because they have cleansing properties.

>> No.20995674
Quoted by: >>20995714

They taste like sour apple, that automatically makes them the best.

>> No.20995684

Ah, I confused lescatie with makai

>> No.20995699

Man part of me wants to learn the Japanese required to read all the stuff that will either never get translated or is being translated slowly.

>> No.20995707
File: 81 KB, 800x700, dragon20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember buckos, wash your penis and fuck your dragons.

>> No.20995714
Quoted by: >>20995736

>sour apple
oh hell yeah. bring the bubble slimes on

>> No.20995716

I want a succ or demon knight to train me in swordsmanship and make me her squire

>> No.20995735
File: 2.06 MB, 1679x2463, 3 CenHkFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I find interesting on this page of the info translated on dark knights (said translator calling them demon knights despite what the title in English is) is the mention of how other monsters will attack/challenge the knights routinely as a sort of respectful rivalry.

Makes one imagine being married to such a rival monster in the woods, who week after week goes out to challenge a local dark knight to a battle and asks you to watch. She'll win one day damn it!

>> No.20995736

You understand.

>> No.20995757
Quoted by: >>20996035

That dark night is a cheater anon, everyone knows it's just an uppity Fairy in an enchanted suit of armor!

>> No.20995833
Quoted by: >>20995849

Anyone feel like doing a timelapse of a dragon getting mere'd?

>> No.20995849
Quoted by: >>20995874

It wouldn't be a canon one, since in canon its a single event. Namely you prove to a dragon you are more powerful than her and she will treat you accordingly. And the jabberwock profile makes it clear that for vanilla dragons at least sexual power doesn't count.

>> No.20995861
Quoted by: >>20995889

>Carbonated slime girls
I bet it would tickle a little bit to be hugged by one.

>> No.20995874

>single event
What, so it's like flipping a switch? I guess that's pretty hot, but it still sounds better to me if the haughty attitude and tsun tendencies gradually crumble and melt away as she falls deeper and deeper in love.

>> No.20995881

>Dragon girls are instant loss
Awesome. I want a mutual instant loss.

>> No.20995884

Is is wrong for a man to want to be spoiled by his onee-chans.

>> No.20995889
Quoted by: >>20995899

It would be like airy kisses all over your body.

>> No.20995893

>mutual instant loss.
I like you Anon.

>> No.20995895
File: 683 KB, 1323x629, Dragon book profile2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What, so it's like flipping a switch?

Something like that. Dragons are inherently proud but have it in their instincts to submit and dote on a male that proves himself stronger than they are. Most men can't do this of course, and its not like a dragon loves such a man less, she just treats him a bit differently.

>> No.20995899


And that's without the slime herself doing anything.

>> No.20995925

>mutual instant loss
Synchronized ahegao! Both of you lose your minds and melt into each other's arms at the exact same time. Like a wedding night every time.

>> No.20995929
File: 1.37 MB, 1500x2118, 1c5662ae7d764c134a99b3955645d095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20995940


that's forbidden love

>> No.20995932
Quoted by: >>20995949

And Eros cries with happiness.

>> No.20995940
Quoted by: >>20995957

But they're my adoptive onee-chans. I'm only in my twenties and they're thousands of years old.

>> No.20995949
Quoted by: >>20995977

The best sex is when you both collapse into each other’s arms from the shear pleasure and love you’re receiving from your partner.

>> No.20995950

I would rather devote the rest of my eternity to taking care of and spoiling my loli wife.

>> No.20995957
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1350, 2ca545333d928c05d0f99651369cc6ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adoptive onee-chans

>when they finally break down and admit they abducted you as a child

>> No.20995962

Did they at least save me from an abusive family?

>> No.20995963
Quoted by: >>20996078

>But I was 25 when you abducted me!
>You were so young....

>> No.20995977

>shear pleasure
No no, that’s Weresheep.

>> No.20995981
File: 48 KB, 615x1103, IMG_20190314_185916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best weight conscious monster girls?

>> No.20995984

Holst, Dark Mage, P'Orc, Vampire, basically all Hime MGs.

>> No.20996015
Quoted by: >>20996081

You also forgot Trolls

>> No.20996029

Any haughty one, which makes it great when they're plump.

>> No.20996034
File: 467 KB, 769x1200, 319_dark_mage_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today we have a pharmacomancy spell that relieves wary hearts and minds.

Also, confirmed that some dark mages go "ufufu."



>Medical Healing

>Difficulty: 1 out of 3
>Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

>A spell that dispels the fears and alleviates the anxiety of the target, bringing relief and serenity to the heart. It is used to ease the tension of the targeted patient and calm him down when providing treatment with pharmacomancy. If the patient's mind state is calm, the mana poured into the patient when using pharmacomancy will meld with less discomfort, which can boost its effects. It's also effective on targets in an extreme state of fear or derangement. The spell is invoked by touching the target, and the patient's deranged mind gradually goes back to normal as the caster keeps touching him. It's even more effective if the touching is done with intimacy instead of just plainly, such as by holding the target's hand, patting his head, or hugging him.

>The power of this spell focuses the patient's consciousness on the caster who is gently touching and embracing his body, causing the sensation of her warm touch to be strongly perceived. Due to this, the patient's strained mind is assuaged, and his thoughts also grow vague, so that eventually all he can see and feel is the presence of the caster treating him gently. Strongly aware of the protection and loving kindness he is being showered in, the patient will feel a sense of absolute security from being touched and embraced by the caster, just as if he were a small child being sheltered by his mother. Even an elderly king living with constant paranoia, fearful of assassination, who is suspicious of everyone who approaches him including his own vassals, would gradually become calm like an innocent child in the embrace of a caster of this spell. The effects of this spell are only temporary, and the state wears off after a while, but once reacquired, the feeling of calmness remains. Due to this, those who were disturbed before being embraced regain their composure, and some of them even change to have gentle personalities. It's a spell that's really only meant for β€œsupport” when treating wounds and illnesses with pharmacomancy, but there is no end to the number of patients who become enthralled by the moment of peace produced by the spell and the casters who bring it about. It is said that in medical organizations run by pharmacomancers including the Sabbath led by the baphomet Dr. Little, β€œGreilia”, the originator of pharmacomancy, a considerable number of patients will keep going even after completely recovering from their illness or injury just to have their head patted in a caster's embrace.

>The nature of this spell is to give the target a sense of security via the caster's presence. Thus, targeted patients will be in a state where they have entrusted their own β€œheart” to the caster. If the caster utters some words of significance to a patient in this state, then the patient will quietly accept it without suspicion or doubts. Normally, it's phrases like β€œIt'll be okay. You'll get better for sure” or β€œIt won't hurt” for the sake of calming and encouraging the patient before treating his injury or illness, but in the case of β€œdark pharmacomancers”, they'll use the spell and whisper sweet words into the patient's ear to spoil him and make him dependent on them in order to fulfill their own desires. With the words, β€œkeep getting off like that and cum v”, the patient is rendered unable to resist the caster as she entwines around his body and fondles him, and he'll enjoy the pleasure being given as he was told to. Whenever β€œYou were able to cum a lot. Excellent. You did great v” is whispered, his heart will calmly accept the pleasure, and the patient will ejaculate repeatedly according to the caster's guidance. While doing so, the patient will experience a feeling of relief as he has the essence squeezed out of him by the caster.

>This spell has no effect unless the caster has heartfelt β€œloving kindness” towards the patient. That's because only words spoken out of concern for the patient will be quietly accepted without a doubt. It's impossible to use malice or hatred to do something like inducing a patient to harm himself or others, nor can a patient be controlled as one pleases. In other words, it's proof that the β€œdark pharamacomancers” who employ this spell are beings filled with β€œloving kindness” towards the patient. The reason they're β€œdark pharamacomancers” is just that that β€œloving kindness” is terribly inclined towards β€œsexual love”.

>β€œUfufu, good boy. Good boy
>Now I'll put you at ease. Entrust your body to this good feeling”
>~a black dark mage dark pharmacomancer~

>> No.20996035

>wife comes running back to you fuming
>apparently the dark knight pointed down after defeating your wife in one swing

>> No.20996040

I want to marry a dark pharamacomancer Mindflayer.

>> No.20996046
File: 403 KB, 372x605, 41321bcfd2ecab1efa3fd8be720edc9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a cute

>> No.20996054
Quoted by: >>20996096


This seems like a spell that many different kinds of MGs would know or would want to learn.

>> No.20996055

Also, a bunch of males with a fetish for receiving headpats confirmed for MGE.

>> No.20996062
Quoted by: >>20996346

Ah yes.
The proven healing power of kikimora pats.

>> No.20996068

>day 1
>bully dragon
>the big red dragon terrorizes the countryside, burninating the peasants and their thatch-roofed cottages. A knight is sent to drive her away, she figures she can just have her fun raping him for an afternoon and forget about him

>day 2
>tsun dragon
>the knight showed up in a nice dress shirt instead of armor, and brought a fine vintage red wine instead of a sword. He didn't flinch or even blink when she flung a fireball past his head, and from there she had no other plan to keep him from charming his way in the front door. By morning the dragon is so embarassed she covers her face when he rolls over to kiss her.

>day 7
>needy dragon
>the knight, after several days of speaking to her like he would royalty and treating her with care, decides it's time to go home. She nonchalantly caves in the entrance and throws up her hands, as if she had nothing to do with it. Oh dear, looks like he'll have to stay a while longer. How dreadful.

>day 30
>girly dragon
>she hasn't raided a village in weeks, but she doesn't even notice. Her cute new boyfriend keeps her from getting bored, and now she's started to get a bit self-conscious of the state of her lair. They do a little redecorating. Some nice rugs. Get rid of the skulls on the walls. Get a bigger bed. That sort of thing. No big.

>day 90
>sweetheart dragon
>most of the couple's days are spent with either him riding on her back through the sky, or her cuddling up to him for hours at a time. The last village she pillaged has completely finished repairs.

>day 180
>homely dragon
>the dragon made up with some of the locals and now attends a knitting circle every week. She's starting to pick on on crafts, and now understands how much work goes into the things she burned. Her boyfriend is happy to take care of chores, but she insists on cooking for him. She likes when he praises her work.

>day 365
>wife dragon
>the knight and his kind, beautiful wife have become the guardians of their region, and their wedding was a huge event celebrated across the country. On their wedding night some passersby mistakenly thought their mountain was erupting, but locals all knew that was just them celebrating their first egg. The smoke clouded the sky for over a week.

>day XXXX+
>mere female lizard
>everyone in the country knows the stories and sings the songs of the great mother dragon and the champion with no sword. Each village has their own young dragon guardian watching over them, and once in a while another big wedding will be held between a second generation dragon and her new husband. Some even worship the mother dragon as a symbol of love and fertility, and she and her husband's hoard has never been bigger.

>> No.20996069

>tfw adventuring knight
Wife would learn all the healing spells

>> No.20996078

>”You looked like you needed a loving motherly touch to take care of you!”
>Given your living conditions back then, that’s not an unfair assessment.

>> No.20996081

I want more meaty Troll fanart

>> No.20996083
Quoted by: >>20996086

>Get rid of the skulls on the walls.

>> No.20996086
Quoted by: >>20996094

Who says they were human skulls?

>> No.20996090

Fucking fantastic, you've got a talent. I wanna hear more for other types of girls!

>> No.20996092
Quoted by: >>20996112

>headpats while cuddlefucking

>> No.20996094

No one
Not even me

>> No.20996095
Quoted by: >>20996133

10/10 Please let this become a new format

>> No.20996096

Indeed, a quick and easy way to calm fear and prove you mean no harm.

>> No.20996105

This is some good stuff, anon. Dragons are cute!

>> No.20996112
File: 579 KB, 639x886, Ushioni cook1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ushi-oni tries to give a headpat.

>She uses too much strength the first time and knocks the man over where he lies in a daze.

>She's torn between concern and a surging desire to rape him.

>> No.20996119

Girls who don't know their own strength are cute.

Like when they kabedon you and break open the wall.

>> No.20996121

Truly, the knight has saved the realm forever more.

>> No.20996128 [SPOILER] 
File: 463 KB, 1200x858, 1552606554817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996130

She could just do a good old ushi hug instead. Ushi hugs are really good

>> No.20996129

Where do you think Runya Runya falls on the scale of Monster Extremism? From being as docile and peaceful as a Sea Bishop to being a Druella?

>> No.20996130
Quoted by: >>20996225

Git you a beeg wife who does ya like this boys

>> No.20996133

Die shitter

>> No.20996141

Sea Bishop levels. She seems mostly interested in research.

>> No.20996142
File: 119 KB, 526x463, 1544321340721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look out for those bancho bullies roaming the halls

>> No.20996143
Quoted by: >>20996201

Do a demure sea bishop turning into a superior mother. Er, a mother supierior.

>> No.20996146
File: 692 KB, 1609x1625, saph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seems similar to Saphirette in that she's content to observe and experiment for the time being, but she wouldn't say no if you offered to "assist" her.

>> No.20996150
File: 884 KB, 1004x1420, 1542339881046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996180

This actually gave me a harder boner then most porn what is wrong with me?

>> No.20996153

How dangerous could some kissless goat be?

>> No.20996154
File: 22 KB, 163x94, Keep on smiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20996162
Quoted by: >>20996179

Fuck I smiled.

>> No.20996164
Quoted by: >>20996348

>Wife slime patiently watching her husband doing taxes
>Is waiting for the perfect moment to bring in some tea for him to take a break
>Wiggles in place while peeking into his office

>> No.20996165
Quoted by: >>20996497

I hate it. Sedation is shit.

>> No.20996167
Quoted by: >>20996369

I just realized her garter straps, stockings, and part of her clothing at least is all made from her own dark matter goo.
What a lewd elemental.

>> No.20996179
Quoted by: >>20996189

Enjoy your wife, anon.

>> No.20996180
Quoted by: >>20996313

Fuck I love Dark Mages

>> No.20996187
Quoted by: >>20996205

Saphi-san is a long legged cutiebooty. It scares me what the competition must be like if she somehow is still unmarried.

>> No.20996189
Quoted by: >>20996207

Should I try to clean up or prepare for her?

>> No.20996201

Not doing anymore, at least not this thread, but if you've got ideas go for it. I don't know or particularly care about sea bishops.

>> No.20996205
Quoted by: >>20996378

For the most part, her problem is being smack in the middle of a big demon realm surrounded by other monsters who tend to claim any men who wander in long before they'd get anywhere close.
Coupled with her still being a nerd who's fine staying inside with her work all the time.

>> No.20996207
Quoted by: >>20996215

No no! She'll handle it. Don't worry. Just relax.

>> No.20996215


Not to mention you probably won't have much time to prepare for her since she's going to be right behind you.

>> No.20996218



She was always a little easy-going, A little spaced out. Training her was a little difficult, but she soon got used to the work. Soon she became a really hard worker, which surprised me a little, but made me happy too.

And then she asked me out. How could I say no? I doubt things would happen slowly, but I do fear that the job we share... well, we'd soon leave it, and go start a little farm of our own. She knows some honeybees in need of a new hive, and has some Holstaur cousins who just became adults. We can sell holstaur milk, and excess honey too. It'll be quite lovely.

>> No.20996225

I'm fragile what if she breaks me
What if I Like it

>> No.20996229
File: 185 KB, 1200x1456, c754bfc8acd2f8759c5125d42163159b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20996230
Quoted by: >>20996241

Then you're a healthy, well-adjusted Beeg-lover

>> No.20996235
Quoted by: >>20996241

Mamono mana means she can't physically harm you.
However, that's as far as it goes there.

>> No.20996241

>Big fuckin huge strongfat Oni warlord
>humongous red tits and tummy dominating your vision as she chugs from a massive barrel of stolen sake
>She knows that Mamano mana will prevent you from being crushed by her during sex
>Don't mean she won't try

>> No.20996245
File: 2.83 MB, 2508x3541, 1548204899313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996254

Snu snu

>> No.20996254

Yes please. Need me a 10 foot legendary Oni warlord (delinquent)

>> No.20996261
Quoted by: >>20996269

Personally, part of my what went in to my choice of a waifu is how much fun I felt I could have with their inconveniences in their personality. I feel like the clash between me wanting my independence and an Anubis trying to optimize my entire schedule would be an interesting dynamic

>> No.20996266
Quoted by: >>20996291

>tfw no big oni warlord pressing you against her while she sleeps

>> No.20996269

That's a lovely idea and I really respect that Anon. I like those kinds of ideas with monstergirls too.
I'd unironically adore being the overworked hapless sidekick to a Team-Rocket tier thicc Apophis villainess.

>> No.20996270
File: 162 KB, 597x850, 60441888_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996278

Were all out of 10 foot tall legendary Oni warlord delinquents, we got petite short temper Oni womanlets though

>> No.20996278
Quoted by: >>20996289

That's no problem at all.
It'll be fun growing her into it.

>> No.20996289
File: 191 KB, 597x850, 60441888_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun then, cause she's got a lot of growing to do just make sure not to tease her over her height she's still got Oni strength

>> No.20996290
File: 59 KB, 320x967, __shinku_and_suigintou_rozen_maiden__560cd1246a0e5feedfb4b34186ce4304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996306

Thinkgn about dolljoints.

>> No.20996291

>her loud snoring is only soothing and lightly arousing as you're pressed between her cleavage while her lungs rumble
>When she rolls on top of you its like being surrounded by warm, soft, pleasing pillows
>No one dares wake you and her up early either. Not when she also sleeps with her Kanabo that no one else can lift right next to bed

>> No.20996294
File: 311 KB, 720x900, 47928155_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996310

If anything, knowing they can't hurt you gives them an excuse to really cut loose.

>> No.20996301
Quoted by: >>20996318

>Letting mammybammy grow your smol oni.
The wonders of monster girls

>> No.20996306
File: 99 KB, 600x800, 82bf574c8f0ebe477ae4702b415badfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like dolls for the fearboners. Like being alone at your uncle's mansion at night with a storm outside, and realizing there are things being moved out of their place and seeing shadows move closer and closer.

>> No.20996310

I will savor and adore the first several decades where she's shorter than me by picking her up.
I will then savor the remaining decades where she's big enough to give payback to me.
Precisely right. Imagine her face when she realizes that and grins with menacing drool leaking out of the side of her drunken mouth.

>> No.20996311

>monster girl farms allow people to come in for demonstrations and tours
>prospective farmhands can give milking holsts and shearing weresheep a try, to see if they've got the touch or not
>young boys can learn a whole lot about "animal husbandry" from visiting the farm's "petting zoo" for an afternoon
>beekeepers act as both farmers and matchmakers for their hundreds of honeybee daughters, and organize huge speed-dating events
>there's a waiting list but some farms even offer monsterization services for human women who want to join the herd

>> No.20996313
Quoted by: >>20996332

I love loli Dark Mages.

>> No.20996316
File: 1.44 MB, 2000x2057, 1543971315613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996345

Do I write a smutfic of Dark Mage or Kraken?

>> No.20996318
Quoted by: >>20996359

Innit? Growing girls are best. Is best? both.

>> No.20996332
File: 150 KB, 1024x1650, ce1b4f2f866e5d87e15b191b8f66ac6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996337


>> No.20996336

What kind of mentality would a girl who wants to become a Holst have?

>> No.20996337
File: 215 KB, 600x700, 58996514_p31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996343

All MGs are heretical to begin with.
What's another degree or two?

>> No.20996343

I hope you get raped and husbando'd by a full hourglass, huge dark mage. See how good of a person I am?

>> No.20996345

Whichever one you like more.

>> No.20996346
File: 217 KB, 700x785, Brushy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right.

>> No.20996348
Quoted by: >>20996370


>She quietly studies his movements as he toils away.
>Meanwhile the tea in a different room finishes
>Without even moving from her spot, she reaches out, her arm turning into multiple long slime tentacles, not even looking as she's already memorized the layout.
>She gets the tea in her hands and right on cue, she hears her husband get out of his chair and walk towards the door and moves back slightly.
>The two of them enjoy the tea together
Nureonago are good at anticipating your needs like that.

>> No.20996353

She wishes that her milkshakes brought more boys to the yard.

>> No.20996355

Well human girls that want to become monster girls end up more radical than "natural" monster girls so maybe she wants to make people happy after seeing so many injustices in her life.

>> No.20996356
File: 65 KB, 540x720, 1550029395564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996435

>Young shota anon is watching the normal cows get milked
>Says he wants to try
>Is actually really good at it and filled the bucket up in no time
>Holst tour guide leads him into a private pen for milking
>Is air conditioned, has a nice comfy bed, carpeting, etc.
>He wonders what kind of farm animal they keep in here
>Suddenly loli Holst comes in redder than a fire elemental
>She asks anon if he's the milker
>He proudly exclaims so
>Loli Holst drops her top showing him her breasts
I wonder how they welcome new farmhands to the family?

>> No.20996359
Quoted by: >>20996381

Yup, especially when she starts picking up on it.
Which makes it bad i enjoy cheshires so much, she'd pick it up and mock me with it in a heart beat.

>> No.20996360
File: 935 KB, 1892x1680, 61243122_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996405

I ain't him, and I exude an anti-Majin aura.
So the odds of that happening would be extremely low, but thanks for the well wishes.

>> No.20996369

She's gotta be ready at all times to either masturbate or have sex when a guy finally manages to reach and propose to her. Having her skirt be removable at will helps that.

>> No.20996370

Ah! So perfect, so wife.

>> No.20996373
Quoted by: >>20996386

I want a trio of Shoggoths who have a sort of hive mind where they're three distinct individuals, but share memories and experiences.

>> No.20996378

Yup, she's not pro-active at all beyond putting out advertisements in books. So her chances of getting a man are much smaller than they'd be if she actually went out and looked for one.

>> No.20996381
Quoted by: >>20996427

>Cheshire is struggling to pull up her leotard outfit over her bubbly ass and thick thighs
>Suddenly she stops and slooowly turns her head towards you
>Her fuckin smile
She knows.

>> No.20996384
Quoted by: >>20996401

Creampies on Pi Day!

>> No.20996386

>They refer to each other as either 'she' or 'I' seemingly at random
>When questioned they say 'does it really matter mastah?'

>> No.20996391
File: 2.68 MB, 480x270, Rabbit Waifu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you just want those wholesome MGs

I don't know how anyone could like that smokehobo or anything related to the Demon family.

>> No.20996392

>in the case of β€œdark pharmacomancers”, they'll use the spell and whisper sweet words into the patient's ear to spoil him and make him dependent on them in order to fulfill their own desires. With the words, β€œkeep getting off like that and cum v”, the patient is rendered unable to resist the caster as she entwines around his body and fondles him, and he'll enjoy the pleasure being given as he was told to. Whenever β€œYou were able to cum a lot. Excellent. You did great v” is whispered, his heart will calmly accept the pleasure, and the patient will ejaculate repeatedly according to the caster's guidance. While doing so, the patient will experience a feeling of relief as he has the essence squeezed out of him by the caster.

>> No.20996400

I would just like to let everyone know that Nureonago are objectively the best monster girls for men with depression and self-worth issues.

>> No.20996401

>tfw I legitimately love banana cream pies
>trying to order one anywhere ever in a demon realm would result in the girl taking the order making the same fucking pun every damn time

>> No.20996405

>An artist who understands the beauty of both topheavy and bottom heavy

>> No.20996410

But demon types are really wholesome.

>> No.20996413

>She puts her hand very gently on top of yours
>Smiles and nods reassuringly as if to say 'im glad you shared, husband'
Yeah, no arguments there.

>> No.20996417
Quoted by: >>20996468

No thanks, the hourglass Dark Mage I want is the bottom heavy loli Dark Mage grown up after many years and countless dickings.

>> No.20996420
File: 227 KB, 600x800, 1473445967378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get harems, but I can understand wanting a girl who's lewd for you alone.

>> No.20996422

Some people want seductive(wholesome)

>> No.20996427
Quoted by: >>20996459

Damn feline knows that I like it and she'll taunt me over it all damn day.

>> No.20996429


Don't you mean, "Smiled"?

>> No.20996430

Have you considered asking for a Banana pudding pie or custard pie?

>> No.20996435

The farm is a place of healing. You might be surprised.
>anon is a troubled teenage delinquent
>gets suspended from school for skipping class and getting into fights
>the school counselor hakutaku recommends he go into a reform program
>he gets assigned to a local farm after school, where he can blow off steam baling hay and chopping wood
>it's humbling work, and he mellows out a little
>one of the centaur onee-sans takes time to talk to him, and he starts to open up
>they become very close, and he starts to get sweet on her
>he manages to graduate and starts working on the farm full-time
>he and the centaur end up getting married in the big red barn
>years later they branch off to start their very own ranch

>> No.20996450
Quoted by: >>20996471


All you'll get in the demon realm is lewd themed baked goods. Finding something otherwise might prove tricky.

>> No.20996459
Quoted by: >>20996462

Expect her new favorite position to be either bent over accidentally in front of you or sitting her big fat cat ass on your face.

>> No.20996462
Quoted by: >>20996475

That's good, although we'll see if she's so smug when the mammybammy really kicks in.

>> No.20996466
Quoted by: >>20996480

>implying Vanilla Succubi proving a man that thinks monster girls are the same as 3DPD wrong isn't better

>> No.20996468
Quoted by: >>20996505

Bad anon

>> No.20996470
Quoted by: >>20996488

You're getting Kakukens who want you to shower them with...

>> No.20996471
File: 27 KB, 151x187, Intimacy Vegetable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996477

>All you'll get in the demon realm is lewd themed baked goods

Guess again anon.

>> No.20996475
Quoted by: >>20996512

You damn fool. She'll only get smugger and her smile wider! Almost as wide as she is!

>> No.20996477
Quoted by: >>20996513


That's surprisingly normal looking.

>> No.20996478

Healing is good. I can only imagine how monsters treat men with PTSD

>> No.20996479

>This nigga stands behind a horse and fucks it while his girl is two meters away, moaning and touching herself.

>> No.20996480

Can we talk about Vanilla Succubi? Holy shit what great girls. The passion! The earnestness! The sincerity! The bodies!

>> No.20996482


I feel like Titania/Fairies would do well in treating someone like that.

>> No.20996488
File: 3.68 MB, 3031x4134, monkey business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let me have my pie in peace!
Who even let these damn apes bake in the first place?

>> No.20996490
File: 59 KB, 800x781, 1402510811269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly, KC poured his soul into them.
I wish they were blue, but KC did give us a blue version that's almost as good.

>> No.20996495
Quoted by: >>20996546

Warm milk and cookies therapy!

>> No.20996497
Quoted by: >>20996521

Sedation is kind of important in a lot of medically relevant situations anon.

>> No.20996501
File: 1012 KB, 1500x1304, 1490067357163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially the bodies.

>> No.20996503

>Go to a resteraunt
>Oh fuck it's run by those damn monkeys
>Every single fucking thing on the menu is an innuendo

>> No.20996505
Quoted by: >>20996532

The Dark Mage would disagree.

>> No.20996510
Quoted by: >>20996523

I kinda wanna see, from the inside, what would happen if I dropped a cut up ghost pepper in my sandworm waifu, but I'm not sure I could ever do something that mean to such a kindhearted girl.

>> No.20996511
Quoted by: >>20996519

Man I just wanna fucking hug a Kakuen after a really shitty day.

>> No.20996512
Quoted by: >>20996526

She'll be wide, smug, and maybe a little jealous that the jinko is getting bigger and buffer.

>> No.20996513
File: 1.85 MB, 811x1200, 1194046-WR3PXAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well some get a bit strange depending on who grows them and how:

>Also, β€œmamono realm tater contests” are periodically held involving many farmers and regular families as well. Couples from all over proudly bring the crystallization of their love, intimacy vegetables. Every time a huge number of intimacy vegetables are gathered when these contests are held, new varieties are discovered. Some are so enormous that you have to look up at them, some are half transparent and can be seen through to the other side, and some are soft and flaky while raw in spite of not having been cooked, etc. It's turned out to be an event where one can enjoy looking and eating.

But what's especially notable is these mamono realm potatoes have no special or aphrodisiac effects.

Also, the Light of the Four Great Spirits spell is used (among other things) to grow normal food crops in dark mamono realms.

>> No.20996515
Quoted by: >>20996534

Autistically obsessed with romancing a man!

>> No.20996518
File: 133 KB, 494x500, Nureonago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be nice to sit outside on a rainy day with a Nureonago and just enjoy it together.

>> No.20996519
Quoted by: >>20996541

I'd love to see a Kakuken go from smug tease to going "hey are you okay?" when she sees a depressed man.

>> No.20996520
File: 66 KB, 506x748, Ren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996533

Sounds like the Mist Continent in general honestly.
Panda Express joke goes here.

>> No.20996521

I know and I still hate it.

>> No.20996523
Quoted by: >>20996540

The poor girl couldn’t even drink milk to make it stop.

>> No.20996525
Quoted by: >>20996563

>Monster girls in disguise running mental health facilities taking in people that confess to having suicidal thoughts and doing their best to heal them

>> No.20996526
Quoted by: >>20996537

Aha, I knew it was you.
>Jinko walks in with a protein shake, body sweating after a refreshing workout, muscles bulging and glistening
>Cheshire's smile fades a little as she looks at her then down at herself and the crumbs from her doughnut that have fallen all over her front

>> No.20996532
Quoted by: >>20996631

You mean witch

>> No.20996533

You know, back when KC released the grizzly profile I would never have believed he'd end up making a bear girl that looked so good.

>> No.20996534

If a Succubus was after my heart and boner, I wonder how she'd fare. My tastes change like the wind, one day I'm into the gothiest big titty goth girls imaginable, the next I'm into the perkiest lithe borderline-loli cheerleaders, the next I'm into green mohawk bad girl punks, the next I'm into devout motherly milf-bodied nuns...

>> No.20996537


To be fair, I like the pair.
Especially when one is small and soft.

>> No.20996540
Quoted by: >>20996608

Might need to buy a literal ton of holst milk and have it place in a plastic tank. Something fragile enough for her to bust into and get into her mouth.

>> No.20996541
Quoted by: >>20996609

>still being in the stage of depression where people can tell you're depressed and not just being an asshole
Fooling those dumb monster girls would be easy.

>> No.20996543

crocodile monster girl when

>> No.20996546


If that doesn't help, I don't know what will. The nice long and tender hugs from the Titania probably help too.

>> No.20996553

would it be hard to get a succubus gf if you have a hard time holding up a conversation without saying asshole remarks?

>> No.20996555

>Big Tiddy Goth Succubus leaves a FAT black lipstick mark on your napkin at the diner
>Same diner the next day, the perky adorable manic pixie cheerleader Succubus not discreetly at all flashes her pink panties from flipping around in her skirt from your table
>The next day, the buff and tatted/pierced up punk bitch succubus gives you a rare wink and slaps your ass as you walk by to leave after your meal
>The next day, the fair nun succubus sits by your side and holds your hand to listen to your problems sincerely
>She goes home that night, panting, already starting on her outfit and brewing her potion for tomorrow's identity

>> No.20996556
Quoted by: >>20996586

Routine doses of superhumanly pleasurable sex may help to stabilize those shifting tastes, and what shifts remain she can likely figure out how to accommodate with shape shifting spells.

>> No.20996560

The succubus room stuff was intriguing. It's a repurposed prison with womanly charm.

>> No.20996563
File: 3.41 MB, 3000x3200, 1548636404412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paranoid anon is admitted to mental health institution
>Nice place but something about the staff seems off
>Sometimes an orderly would disappear with a patient and he wouldn't be seen ever again
>Anon thinks they're trying to get rid of them and starts snooping around
>Looks into doctors office to find her growing tentacles and her skin turning purple
>Runs screaming out trying to warn the other patients but is tackled by the orderlies and dragged into the office
>Wakes up next morning not remembering anything

>> No.20996565
Quoted by: >>20996574

Love can do wonders for a temperamental personality, and chances are you could find a succubus who is a bit foul-mouthed herself.

>> No.20996567

I doubt anyone from here would get a monster girl if they were real.

>> No.20996571

Some here might be jerks anon but are we really all scum beyond redemption?

>> No.20996574

Having a punky tomboy Succubus would be perfect for that.

>> No.20996575


Well we're in this thread aren't we?

>> No.20996579
File: 43 KB, 473x349, 1540406470746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projecting is unhealthy, you know.

>> No.20996583

If we weren't, why would we be here?

>> No.20996586
Quoted by: >>20996597

I do suppose some days of mindblowing nonstop sex in her private room dimension could settle on some common denominators.
I think I'm feeling the Punkubus though

>> No.20996587
Quoted by: >>20996599

I doubt monster girls would want anything to do with a bitter, woman hating racist.

>> No.20996589

We like monster girls and exotic fantasy?

>> No.20996593
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 1313732173691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20996595

Oh shit, I didn't realize pity-party anon came crawling back.

>> No.20996595
Quoted by: >>20996640

Insult me harder, anon~

>> No.20996596

What is the best Queen Slime variant?

>> No.20996597

Its a good choice. Some anons here dont like that aesthetic but it can be awesome and hot (and cute)

>> No.20996599
File: 425 KB, 960x1200, 346_gargoyle_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm none of those things so I don't have to worry at least.


On another note, I gotta say I adore the gargoyle's eyes. I could stare into those glowing purple orbs all night.

And I bet it looks entrancing to see the purple glow on the various magic runes on her body as she sashays up to you in the darkness.

>> No.20996600

nice projection

>> No.20996608

1 ton of milk would be about 218 gallons. Assuming the inner diameter of a sandworm is about 10ft, that container would only be about 6 inches thick

>> No.20996609

You underestimate their power.

>> No.20996610

Mindflayers would be awful doctors.

>> No.20996611


Just how good are they at sensing that? Surely you'd be able to hide something from them?

>> No.20996612

It does make me wonder how a monstergirl would react when she finds out that you've been hiding the fact you're depressed from her.

>> No.20996620
Quoted by: >>20996648

Well its not like most of them can read thoughts, but they do have a basic affinity for feelings of lust and affection. Even if they couldn't outright sense depression, they would definitely sense a lack of positive emotions.

>> No.20996621
File: 577 KB, 2048x1556, OTHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monsters read emotions like you or I can read a book.
After sex in general, this is what they're born experts at.

>> No.20996622

Tender loving rape with lots of hugs and kisses and nice words.

>> No.20996628
Quoted by: >>20996632

Yeah some would they not that hard to get just don't go around killing people

>> No.20996631

A Witch's opinion is relevant. Bet she isn't even a genuine loli, unlike the Dark Mage.

>> No.20996632

Where's that recent translation about a medical healing spell with Griella again?

>> No.20996634

>Step one: Apply Marshmallow Cats to the affected area.

>> No.20996635

Shit caretaker

>> No.20996637

Probably want to spend more time with you and be more touchy feely with you to try and make you feel better

>> No.20996640

You’d make a beautiful Alp

>> No.20996641

>Feeling better nyaa?

>> No.20996646

It's a remarkably effective antidepressant.
Cat Kingdom law mandates that all of their medical centers be able to offer these treatments.

>> No.20996648

What species would Athena Cykes best fit?

>> No.20996652
Quoted by: >>20996671

>Is this covered by my HMO?

>> No.20996657
File: 277 KB, 600x1000, 1459459774062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20996659
Quoted by: >>20996671

>Anon is allergic to cats
>He is rushed to the nearby Kobold Kare Klinic
>Marshmallow wans lick his face and hands instead

>> No.20996662

I for one think smokehobo is sexy, and I would screw her more than any of the other youkai.

>> No.20996671
File: 66 KB, 561x536, 1542163654952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another popular offering.

Yes, but the cost is like $10 in premium cat food and some pets, so most people just pay out of pocket.

>> No.20996673
File: 1.68 MB, 480x270, 1488736520144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluffy headpats.

>> No.20996683

A shog would just rape you so hard that eventually you can't kill yourself with the common methods

>> No.20996687


What is this, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream?

>> No.20996688
File: 561 KB, 1000x1420, 1541973459685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shogs don't rape. Who told you that?

>> No.20996690

I guess I'll just have to use uncommon methods.

>> No.20996693

Meido. Is. Ready. Mastah. Now. Now. Is. The. Time!

>> No.20996700


Shogs give me the creeps.

>> No.20996703

damn, if she wants to be the mastah instead so bad, she should just ask instead of hurting me in an unforgiving act of non-consensual intercourse

>> No.20996712

bad feels man

>> No.20996714

That's not how waifus work anon.

>> No.20996718

>tfw i can't even be happy in my own fantasies
It fucking sucks.

>> No.20996725

Speak for yourself, monstergirls would be all over me.

>> No.20996749
File: 120 KB, 769x1028, 1541493469680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends how the are implemented.
If some portal opens up, it comes down to how many.
If there is some kind of dimensional shift/world merge provided there are similar amounts of monsters to humans I think a good number of people in the thread will be fine.
If it's a conversion of animals/location then I'm at least fine, being in Florida and all. At least until my pelvis is shattered by alligator girls with AR-15s.

>> No.20996761

>pelvis is shattered by alligator girls with AR-15s
I fail to see the issue

>> No.20996763

>Mixing 3D and 2D

>> No.20996768
File: 355 KB, 1180x1131, GyoubuDanuki32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrote something short and lewd about a Danuki and her husband closing up shop after a long day of selling goods. Please enjoy!

>> No.20996781

I'll just move to london.

>> No.20996843
Quoted by: >>20996872

>Living in ranchland
>Horses everywhere

>Find out later that my home used to be a dairy farm
Maybe there is hope after all.

>> No.20996854

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please make sure to listen to Shogcast every day.
They'll tell you the truth's that reality doesn't want you to hear.

>> No.20996872

Just beware of the ghosts of those cows that went unloved. They may be very needy as GHolsts.

>> No.20996881

Not him but I'd ghost holsts.
it would explain the fresh milk in the fridge every day.

>> No.20996882

That explains the constant mooaning in the distance.
