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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 161 KB, 906x1000, 1520862512988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19266414 No.19266414 [Reply] [Original]

Wyvern is a dragon! A DRAGON!

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h
Content Aggregator:
Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk

>> No.19266416
Quoted by: >>19266502

Real thread.

>> No.19266417
Quoted by: >>19270448

I want a minotaur to spit in my mouth!

>> No.19266427

Nth for disciplining loli maids in-training.

>> No.19266429

Dragons > mermaids. Most things are better than mermaids though

>> No.19266500

do not

>> No.19266502
Quoted by: >>19266509

>newer thread

>> No.19266509
Quoted by: >>19266511

I like this thread better, it has a better girl.

>> No.19266511

That's not how these work
Now get in the real thread

>> No.19266517

No U

>> No.19266526
File: 50 KB, 639x640, 1520774486281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, so, i spent my whole life living in the demon realm and i'm in my early 20s and I was always single., a virgin. Could I somehow stay a virgin forever in the demon realm or is that impossible and that I need to leave immediately and move far away as possible?

>> No.19266532

Fuckin' making me post in the wrong thread just because it's more popular
A monster girl can't fuck you if you genuinely don't want it

>> No.19266537
File: 30 KB, 539x446, 1521260755603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mershark-fag is mad his waifu isn't getting any attention.

It's okay anon.

>> No.19266538
File: 892 KB, 300x300, tumblr_p1ad0tO0KL1tsymcro1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unpronounceable eldritch letter for only scoring 1 out of 12, but maybe you're just easygoing until the correct arena appears...

>> No.19266540

Chances are slim, but you can try.
If you want to leave the demon realm, make sure to walk and not run as some monster girls enjoy the chase.

>> No.19266547
File: 154 KB, 826x754, kiki in training.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please.

>> No.19266550

eat shit, fishspammer

>> No.19266552

Most mermaids ideally wouldn't be dealing with filthy destroyed ocean zones.

>> No.19266555 [DELETED] 

Go back where you came from subhuman cancer.

Is this just mermaidredditor trying to shitpost this thread because he's butthurt nobody wants to put up with his shit anymore?

>> No.19266556
Quoted by: >>19266684

Marshmallow werecat when?

>> No.19266558

But I'm the guy that posted the cyborg foxgirl

>> No.19266564
Quoted by: >>19266576

Epic reaction image dude!!!!!!!! Take my upboat xD

>> No.19266570
Quoted by: >>19266572

No this is the Chumbucket you ignominious poltroon!!!!!

>> No.19266572

Damn, a word I actually don't know, that's rare
What's the most verbose monstergirl?

>> No.19266575
File: 532 KB, 1200x1200, 1519454109055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19266612

Is it best to have girls similar or from the same area for monster girl bigamy or ones that are wildly different?

>> No.19266576

I never learned how to sail captain!

>> No.19266598
File: 214 KB, 919x1215, 19d0850cafcbbf4137847dbd4756262d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you're going to have to tag along when the wife goes clothes shopping if you want your kids to be halfway decent in public.

>> No.19266612

Gotta have that variety. Kitsune and Anubis, Kikimora and Shoggoth, Lich and Cheshire, etc.

>> No.19266627
File: 3.75 MB, 1743x2000, inioli - Vellu 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked this artist so I decided to commission a second sketch batch from them, and I got the first of three pics back! I am absolutely smitten by ye olde anime-esque style. Also artists who give Vellu assloads of hair are pretty high-tier in my book.

>> No.19266634
File: 259 KB, 1440x810, DWxk0BEVwAAozlN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267776

>tfw no cyber-police gf

>> No.19266641
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, OCDog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19266658

It's the rules you faggot.

>> No.19266646

She needs to specify how she's categorizing what we find, women have standards in strange places.

>> No.19266654
Quoted by: >>19266677

Would her fair skinned boy slave really get to make such decisions?

>> No.19266658

I hope you get flesh eating bacteria.

>> No.19266661
File: 73 KB, 1200x797, DgDp9dMX0AET-LV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your Shog replaces your eyes
>this is the first thing you see

>> No.19266677
Quoted by: >>19266728

It’s either that or the daughters are wearing what she dubs “optimally efficient.”

>> No.19266684
Quoted by: >>19266700

Too soft, can't beat it

>> No.19266685
Quoted by: >>19266693

Where the monstergirls at

>> No.19266687


>> No.19266688
Quoted by: >>19266827

Pretty cute, and yeah I agree the tons of hair looks great on her.

>> No.19266691
File: 770 KB, 800x1000, Hellhound6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's how we always operated son.

>> No.19266693
File: 43 KB, 473x349, cat nurse 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breeding these monstrosities.

>> No.19266699

That's better

>> No.19266700
Quoted by: >>19266716

But what if I don't want to beat it?

Marshmallow cats are not monstrosities.

>> No.19266714
Quoted by: >>19266931

My apologies for the failing of this boards usuals, but there are easier ways to teach a lesson.

>> No.19266716

Then you know your place.
Despite being laid back, all loving, and softer than soft, none can defeat a marshmallow werecat.

>> No.19266721
Quoted by: >>19266732

nah, just a random anon

>> No.19266725
Quoted by: >>19266744

>laid back
Marshmallow cats are devious devils!

>> No.19266728

I guess I have no choice but to try.

>> No.19266731
File: 615 KB, 900x1050, 56559387_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Insert Soviet reversal joke

>> No.19266732

Ignore him

>> No.19266735
Quoted by: >>19266827

Super high tier commission my dude. Your daughterus are extra cute.

>> No.19266741

>That position

>> No.19266744

Devious in their snuggliness!
If one gets in your lap to relax, you can't help but remain there and pamper it!

>> No.19266746 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19266752

>using a reddit image hoster

>> No.19266747
File: 54 KB, 495x555, marshmallow cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there is one they fear. In their tongue she is Wurmakiin, Marshmallowborn!

>> No.19266752
Quoted by: >>19266780

Why do you care?

>> No.19266754 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 400x400, 1529117884945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19266814


>> No.19266756

>Nya nya nyaa, nya nya nyaa, nya nya nyaaa, nya nya nyaaaaa

That's only because she's a cuddler through and though!

>> No.19266760
Quoted by: >>19266768

But what about all the spec ops gear they wear?

>> No.19266767
File: 76 KB, 527x644, marshmallow cat 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just a cuddler, she eats their souls for breakfast.

>> No.19266768
Quoted by: >>19266789

Advanced infiltration tactics for pampering in secure locations.

>> No.19266772
Quoted by: >>19266793

She doesn't look like she's eating it's soul.

>> No.19266776

Less eating, more nibbling.
None can bring themselves to eat a marshmallow cat.

>> No.19266780
File: 159 KB, 1067x1200, DTIKSoqWsAIy65b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Reddit is shit.

>> No.19266781

Im gonna adopt a large breed of kobold that doesnt understand that shes too big to be a lapdog!

>> No.19266783
Quoted by: >>19266790

Marshmallow cats are too pure to hurt. Even if someone did try those things are invulnerable.

>> No.19266789
Quoted by: >>19266805

But that's scary!

>> No.19266790
Quoted by: >>19266797

Well, they are Bastet's favored felines.

>> No.19266793
File: 120 KB, 1032x871, cuter cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19266805

Eventually she will, these things take time.

Somebody save this poor girl!

I heard that to the tune of the Call of Magic. Can marshmallow cats levitate?

>> No.19266797
Quoted by: >>19266804

Everyone loves them. Even the Demon Lord herself has one!

>> No.19266798
File: 503 KB, 783x1200, tumblr_pa709xiQWl1rfc8o8o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would an MG Virtual Youtuber be like?

>> No.19266802
Quoted by: >>19266827

I see what you mean, the style really reminds me of retro stuff so I don't blame you for going back for more.

>> No.19266804

>Even the Demon Lord herself is controlled by one
Fixed that for you.

>> No.19266805

Only until one realizes its fluffy felines instead of a hitsquad

No, marsmallow cats cannot levitate.
They're too chill for that.

And none can defeat or free themselves until the cat decides its time

>> No.19266811
Quoted by: >>19267139

Those exist already, you retard.

>> No.19266814

Stop posting off-topic images newfag.

>> No.19266815

There's already succubus and fox girl ones out there.

And a human ojou-sama who rated dick pics people sent her, she's a monster girl in spirit for being so lewd.

>> No.19266816
Quoted by: >>19266832

>First hats
>Now cats
How many things that control people are out there?

>> No.19266820
Quoted by: >>19266832

Those innocent being of love aren't evil masterminds, anon. They just want to spread love and happiness.

>> No.19266827

Thank you! And yeah, the closer she is to a kej the better.

I think its the eyes I like the most. Im a super big fan of that kind of stuff.

>> No.19266828

>Flat chested mg shows up at her crushes house one day with giant breasts
>The are incredibly soft and she pushes up against him trying to seduce him
>She trips
>reveals she had shoved two marshmellow cats in her bra.

>> No.19266832

Anything can control anything when magic is involved, it's a lawless land.
Yeah sure that's what they said about monster girls in general especially the Lilims.

>> No.19266833

>Pink panties

>> No.19266838
Quoted by: >>19266859

>Anon gets a cute wife and TWO marshmallow cats
Sounds like a good deal to me.

Yeah and it's completely true in both cases.

>> No.19266844

Wurm-chan, just because they're called marshmallow cats doesn't mean you can eat them!

>> No.19266845
Quoted by: >>19266859

>She's blushing and stammering up at him while he looks at her in disapproval
>The marshmallow cats are rolling around the floor, not giving a care about whats going on.

And the girl doesn't need to worry about her flat chest.
She'll get one and some extra meat soon enough

>> No.19266859
Quoted by: >>19266870


>girl wakes up the morning after her wedding with anon
>sees a huge bulge under her shirt on her stomach and gets immensely excited
>"Anon Im pregnant!~"
>marshmellow cat pops its head out of the bottom of her shirt

>> No.19266864
Quoted by: >>19266874

>especially the Lilims
>Implying this little cutie isn't the embodiment of love and happiness

>> No.19266870

Those cats are precious

>> No.19266871
File: 43 KB, 320x450, 1513368392094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19266886

>All monsters in the centaur family have another vagina, aside from the horse vagina located at their rear which they’ve had since the era of the former Demon Lords. It’s in the front at the boundary of the human upper body and the horse lower body (In the same position as a human woman), and it was newly formed when their body changed to become more suitable for intercourse with a man upon the dawning of the era of the current Demon Lord. They can have sex with a man and become pregnant no matter which one is used. The rear vagina has also changed to become small and tight, capable of squeezing, matching the human size so it is suitable for intercourse with a human.

Question: do they have a womb at each end too, or does MAMONO MANA simply transport the sperm from the frontpussy to the womb in back?

>> No.19266874
File: 2.53 MB, 795x1110, 152356346346546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture ran away on its own, I swear

>> No.19266883

So what would a marshmallow werecat be like?

>> No.19266886
Quoted by: >>19266915

Its not like that both use the same womb, or do they?

>> No.19266890

The softest assets in the land, lazy, affectionate. Potentially some sort of slime hybrid

>> No.19266901

Like a Yeti mixed with a cotton candy weresheep and an ultra soft breed Holstaur.

>> No.19266908
Quoted by: >>19266987

Do you perhaps have their names?
Asking for a friend.

>> No.19266910
File: 919 KB, 1600x1589, Cat (3.4) [F][M][A].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19266929

A nice cute commission from a friend!

>> No.19266915
File: 141 KB, 375x600, Bicorn_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even want to think about what kind of anatomy that would entail.

>> No.19266929

nice size difference

>> No.19266931
File: 111 KB, 821x767, Dizzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19266989

/jp/ "moderation" in action.

>> No.19266936

>L-Looking for husband...
She's had trouble adjusting to civilized life.

>> No.19266943

I'd be up for her.
I even have blond hair and blue eyes!

Although I guess I may get a redhead which is fine too

>> No.19266952 [SPOILER] 
File: 929 KB, 955x1351, 1529541767336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mother of all blowjobs.

>> No.19266954

I demand more greentexts of Possessed-Pally-chan and her dutiful/CLAIMED/Adorable~/Fuck Anon!/precious squire.

>> No.19266955
File: 1.29 MB, 1421x1351, 1498424963006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19266975

Can she Shout? How strong is her Voice and her arm? Otherwise I may just go with my Dragon childhood friend.

>> No.19266960
Quoted by: >>19266969

I crave something magically delicious all of a sudden.

>> No.19266962

Go away bollocks.

>> No.19266966

would give a kiss.

>> No.19266968

No dentist of man borne!

>> No.19266969

Hey, its not just the irish that can do it!
And introducing a girl taller than me to my family and friends as a girlfriend would be interesting

>> No.19266970

I thought bollocks was the furfag.

>> No.19266973
File: 554 KB, 1467x714, 90cc2d38-a164-4fdc-8036-a5c4fa443e21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, you must have some sort of interaction with the folks around ya if you manage to live at all. And through that, you might have picked up a little too much attention to keep your virginity for a while. Here's an illustration of you in about a month.

>> No.19266975

She can't Shout due to copyright lawsuit threats from a one Tanuki Howard, but she can sing battle hymns that strengthen her prowess as the battle goes longer! She's got an arm like an Oxen and legs like the Mountain!
Her Battle-sister is a freckled Highland redhead, she herself is a chiseled Fjordland Blonde.

>> No.19266977
Quoted by: >>19266990

Well, I'd be game for her and/or her sister.

>> No.19266981
Quoted by: >>19267092

so any ideas how kc will handle multi headed girls like Cerberus or hydras? Fraternal Triplets for cerberus could work. Id imagine the hydra would be a lamia with multiple upper human bodies that fuse together on the snake half.

>> No.19266985
Quoted by: >>19267078

Only if you set out to be the shittiest person imaginable.

>> No.19266987

Catgirl: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCevD0wKzJFpfIkvHOiQsfLQ/videos
Vampire: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsA8nM8e5--IdeRaxZwTWHg/videos
Can't remember the succ's channel.

>> No.19266989

>(Top reply... )
>danger zone on accordion plays

>> No.19266990
Quoted by: >>19266996

Are you sure Anon?! They're terrors of the sea! Towering stoic musclebound amazons with intimidatingly big boobs and crater-inducing bootys! Not to mention they're both v-virgins!

>> No.19266995
Quoted by: >>19267001

You're not even six feet tall are you?

>> No.19266996

Yes, I'm 100% up for it.
Would happily take them to meet the folks.

>> No.19267001
Quoted by: >>19267043

Statistically average

>> No.19267007
Quoted by: >>19267026

What about that oujo? I want to at least see the dick rate video.

>> No.19267011
Quoted by: >>19267043

Anyone else procrastinate forever when it comes to picking an artist for something? It'd be easier if there was a cute draw fairy yelling to pick her.

>> No.19267018
File: 145 KB, 1339x1266, Db1BGC4UQAAdMc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check out this neat weapon I found!

>> No.19267022
Quoted by: >>19267174

Holy shit that is a cute Redcap

>> No.19267026

Not a monster girl but I wouldn't mind one like her.

>> No.19267030

Well, he's definitely fucked.

>> No.19267035

Wurm-chan no! Go put that back!

>> No.19267039
Quoted by: >>19267235

That hellhound looks scary.

>> No.19267043

You claim the highground against me by an inch only!
I'd yell but I wasn't sure what was going on, try buying a megaphone and recording it through a small comforter or blanket.

>> No.19267051

>I'll be sticking with the Wyvern merchants shop selection thanks!

>> No.19267058

Thank you, anon.

>> No.19267059
File: 457 KB, 1024x1024, Pic_M1903_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna introduce a dark mage to /k/!

>> No.19267064

>overnight she turns into the father from that one greentext involving custom shotgun loads

Worth it.

>> No.19267065
Quoted by: >>19267081

>platform scene boots shopping montage

>> No.19267066
File: 271 KB, 1200x1632, Anubutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19267070
Quoted by: >>19267164

I wanna introduce a Dark Mage to my Kloah-tier lactation fetish!

>> No.19267072
Quoted by: >>19267080

The one with gravel?

>> No.19267075

Uh, what?

>> No.19267078

You always wanted that one guy who had it out for Speed Racer to win didn'tcha?

>> No.19267080

The one where he was making homemade dragons breath shells and shooting squirrels with them.

>> No.19267081
Quoted by: >>19267108

More like an interesting DND game where she's looming next to me and watching.
Lifting would be nice though, would be nice to have a buddy instead of lonely lifting

>> No.19267082

>she just turns into an edgelord in the swamp
>claims self defense after setting booby traps and raping you

>> No.19267084
File: 1.02 MB, 1545x864, 69329040_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19267085
Quoted by: >>19267093

I don't think I've read that one.

>> No.19267092
File: 1.21 MB, 1080x2220, 5eeb688c-ca44-4538-9100-3d3f0bb8fd5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19273226

I'd imagine the extra heads being small 'half-heads' that are not human-like and then the rest can be easily designed. Here's a thing that kinda shows what I'm talking about

>> No.19267093

He was also packing little pieces of chain into the shells and put together chemical shells that hit the water and then exploded.

>> No.19267096

When the hell did virtual youtubers start being a thing again? My memory is kinda fuzzy.

>> No.19267101

Also buy better chemicals after studying up right? Hit those bound tomes of knowledge and Ect.

>> No.19267105
Quoted by: >>19268234

>I thought they would burn the fur off the squirrels not set the woods on fire

>> No.19267107
File: 226 KB, 1200x1448, 1528898816503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are many monsters but this one is special to me

>> No.19267108
Quoted by: >>19267116

Would be nice if you volunteered any info instead of assuming I know who you are here.

>> No.19267110
Quoted by: >>19267129

>Could this be god himself?

>> No.19267114

That does look serene...

>> No.19267116
Quoted by: >>19267142

Its more that something like that would happen rather than platform shoes shopping.
Why would I or them need shoes?

>> No.19267118

Those are two different ones
The homemade napalm guy did it himself

>> No.19267123

When's the day of questionably holy matrimony?

>> No.19267124
File: 36 KB, 684x739, 1511497059447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Oops looks like I missed a spot! Gotta sweep sweep sweep!"

>> No.19267129

>no you don't Donald that's a shitty plot twist!

>> No.19267131
Quoted by: >>19267184

>Boogeymanning this hard when it isn't western shit or furries

>> No.19267132
File: 82 KB, 939x834, De3s6E0WsAEO6vZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267151

>You're gonna need a bigger boat

>> No.19267134
Quoted by: >>19267148

I want to pamper these maids on their day off!

>> No.19267137 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19267168

~Shoggy Shoggy Shoggy, I wanna marry you!~
~Shoggy Shoggy Shoggy, I wanna Join with you!~

>> No.19267139
Quoted by: >>19267145


>> No.19267142

Probably, always have backup careers in mind. I'm all for fitness, but I'm no image board scrying talent on who's whom.

>> No.19267145
Quoted by: >>19267170


>> No.19267148

Good man.
Brush the Kiki's feathers and fluff.
Strain the Shoggoth's bottom-mass through your fingers.
And most importantly, KYS
Kiss Your Servants!

>> No.19267151

>"Why does no one buy a Submarine?"

>> No.19267153

>shog laughs at her for even trying to get rid of her
>yan kiki pulls out the flame thrower while shog disappears into the floor
>only thing stopping her is her fear of burning master or the house

>> No.19267164
File: 86 KB, 762x942, DYRbp9rVMAAP578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267180

>Kloah-tier lactation
His lactation stuff is rather piddly. If anything, you'd want to look into Sachito.

>> No.19267168

This isn't even peak autism.

>> No.19267170

Heck. I thought I had auto refresh on. I see the links now. Sorry.

>> No.19267171
Quoted by: >>19267635

Im gonna treat them to a candlelight dinner, a nice bath, and warm blankets and movies!

>> No.19267174
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x2220, c00d4446-9329-4c1e-8dd1-b33344ed9ebf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267210


>> No.19267180
Quoted by: >>19267196

Oh ho, I'm familiar. I thought that'd be too much for the virgin eyes of the thread. Yes, that'd be absolutely perfect seeing her have that level of explosive lactation in massive swelling boobs.

>> No.19267183

>No stories of a husbando under the sea with his waifu

>> No.19267184
File: 29 KB, 500x500, Cheshire Bullshit Ahead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you post mermaids, then you're the mermaid spammer
>if you post kobolds, then you're KDF
>if you post raijus, then you're Ace
>if you post anything that bothers me, then you're Bollocks
Such is life on an anonymous image board

>> No.19267196
Quoted by: >>19267220

Not that guy but I hear you.
Sachito tier is best tier.

>> No.19267205
File: 125 KB, 600x450, 34608966_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19267207

At least delete the image.

>> No.19267209

Because submarines are just hermetically sealed containers for Alps and their husbands.

>> No.19267210

Whoa, she's bratty. That's exactly the type of Redcap that is best, and the kind I will make live with me. Thanks for these doodles. I'd be interested to see if you could draw sexy things as well.

>> No.19267212

Why? It's on topic isn't it?

>> No.19267213

Hello mermaid spammer, see you're still using cheshires for your whining.

>> No.19267220
Quoted by: >>19267273

And exactly the kind of thing a Dark Mage would have happen when she over-zealously prepares a too-potent spell to cast on herself. Imagine walking in to see her panting on her knees as she desperately tries to make the spell run it's course. Hope you're thirsty!

>> No.19267226

>Delete this monstergirl image
I don't see you complaining about these >>19266537

>> No.19267235
File: 1.16 MB, 1080x2220, 080cda96-5058-4bdb-8e69-3960ab8abce0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267249

Ah, they're usually harmless, right? I hope so.

>> No.19267238
File: 421 KB, 2000x2653, DdBwDapW0AApzft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267276

>Officer Tailpussy always gets her man!

>> No.19267249
Quoted by: >>19267263

>hellhound with shark teeth

>> No.19267256

Wanna make of our own then
>better luck next time public service detective!

>> No.19267263 [SPOILER] 
File: 809 KB, 500x281, 1529545281149.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19267269 [SPOILER] 
File: 254 KB, 650x835, 1529545363112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my hot wife.

>> No.19267273

I pretty much live off dairy so she'd be getting the milking of a life time

>> No.19267275
File: 2.98 MB, 2198x2813, tumblr_panbzls4PQ1ue18pho1_raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big fluffy yetis!

>> No.19267276

>anon is a career criminal with a rap sheet that could make dr.evil blush
>manticore just likes to strip search and rape him using bullshit regulations and the patriot act

>> No.19267277

do lava golems think the floor is lava children's game is offensive because they think no one wants to touch them?

>> No.19267278
Quoted by: >>19267307

oh my goodness she's hot!

>> No.19267280
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x1813, tumblr_od0ij1M9Ep1qaf7v4o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267330


>> No.19267281


>> No.19267283
Quoted by: >>19267292

Fucking nice, who's the artist?

>> No.19267287

>Long haired Yeti
Oh yes. This is good.

>> No.19267288

Lava girls are tropical island compatible only Prof. Tree! How else can the evolve into island girls with a SP. bonus and learn Foresight and Fissure?

>> No.19267292

Never mind I'm a retard who needs to sleep.

>> No.19267295

Looking at his Pixiv, I never knew Kuro could draw butts that well.

>> No.19267307 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 748x1061, 1529545786525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come get some! And here's some ski's for that slippery downhill, watch your step.

>> No.19267329
File: 340 KB, 661x923, 1516123778648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strongfat girls are great and shortstack girls are great, but what about a strongfat shortstack(strongstack?) girl? It'd be like a strongfat monster downsized to shortstack height. Picture a thicc girl of that stature squat 300lbs like it was styrofoam.

>> No.19267330

>yeti hunt happens
>both mei and the yeti are now the same
What do you guys think the yeti are hunting for, now?

>> No.19267335

I want a shortstack, chocolate skinned dark mage with fluffy pink hair.

Fantastical cosmic power, small package, 100% sweetie.
200% pervert

>> No.19267336
File: 1.16 MB, 835x1285, 66838172_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other Wonderland girls don't stand a chance.

>> No.19267344

Portable, strong, soft?
I can dig it, especially in a strongfat harem.

Maybe a dwarf in that style would be nice.

>> No.19267351
Quoted by: >>19267359

I want a shy witch who likes it when I play with her pink hair

>> No.19267358
File: 794 KB, 980x775, 68861855_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does a human women infected with Basilisk venom turn into another basilisk or a generic succ?

>> No.19267359
Quoted by: >>19267896

Is it big and fluffy?
Does she blush and try to hide behind that big spellbook while you keep playing?

>> No.19267363
File: 64 KB, 416x608, sippppps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267381

Curious how often one feels the need to reassure themselves of something seemingly so certain. Unless said certainty is simply shying unceremoniously from self-suspicion? Seemingly so, says myself. Is superiority not subjective, when all's said and sexed?

>> No.19267370
Quoted by: >>19267376

Bootup that Stalkerdex, your morally questionable pokedigimon journey continues... after you rest up creepazoid. You think this is some cakewalk do ya?

>> No.19267373

I'm more a cat man myself, although anyone with huge breasts and THICK would be welcome

>> No.19267375

What's with the preponderance of low quality retardposts in these threads lately

>> No.19267376


>> No.19267379
Quoted by: >>19267389

If she acts innocent and pure like a magical girl, I might die from cuteness overdose.

>> No.19267380
Quoted by: >>19267387

Shitters filtering in from other boards and sites.

>> No.19267381 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19267401

Who invited the beguiling discord of an
Equestrian …
>anything you have to say is worth as much as you are

>> No.19267385

If she was a regular dragon, I'd probably like her, but the mouth tentacles always kill my boner.

>> No.19267387

Reading through every thread feels like I'm having a stroke and deja vu at the same time

>> No.19267389

But she IS a pure magical girl!
She even names her spells like one!
Love Love Color Spray, Heart Heart Magic Missile, Love Love Disintegrate.
You know, normal magical girl spells

>> No.19267390

Good, you'd been paying attention!

>> No.19267392
Quoted by: >>19267399

The worst offender has to be >>19251438

>> No.19267393
Quoted by: >>19269184

You really need to explore your psychosis in a clean environment and soon.

>> No.19267394
File: 89 KB, 254x263, 1424194740426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one reads like the bot that throws together sentences using other posts.
I hadn't seen it in a good while.

>> No.19267398
File: 1.06 MB, 1080x2220, 7af2ec63-ded1-4313-9016-065cc00c30e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19267399

Jokes on them I sleep outside!

>> No.19267401
File: 1.38 MB, 1165x1144, 107sw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267424

But I don't see any horsepussy there.

>> No.19267407


I guess.
Looks like its going to be a rough summer.

>> No.19267410

Did you get your feelings hurt woof woof? I say feelings since no one with such low social-moral consciousness would be a good detective.

>> No.19267418

>"Hubby, are you okay? Doki Doki Healing~"
>"I'll clean up this mess in a jiffy. Shiny Sparkly Prestidigitation~"
Too cute

>> No.19267420
Quoted by: >>19267438

Too saccharine.

>> No.19267421
Quoted by: >>19267430

Yep, just make sure that Ms. Woof Woof isn't being a bad girl out in the forest though.
No one wants to see Kyu Kyu Meteor

>> No.19267424
Quoted by: >>19267669

Is it shameful to have a unicorn as your wife?

>> No.19267430

Did I do something wrong to you or was it a case of almost famous?

>> No.19267433

Can you please do a smug Gremlin or a Kuudere Automaton?

>> No.19267438

But its supposed to be Saccharine, she's a magical girl!

>> No.19267439

That got through I believe.

>> No.19267455

So a self portrait of you then …cause I ain't smiling. Try to keep your fragile sense of balance away from the siren call of online superego, advice from a friend.

>> No.19267469

Goodness those are some big hands

>> No.19267479

All the better to give you a handjob

>> No.19267482

Why don’t any of the posts make sense? It’s like the words are there, but there’s no meaning to them as a whole.

>> No.19267485
Quoted by: >>19267514

It's just an old spamming faggot.

>> No.19267486

Some weird spambot is my guess.

>> No.19267492

Goodness those are some treacherous but scalable mountains on your personal journey to be mentally /fit/. And the other parts of the map I guess. Depends on merit don't you know? That's right, look away, it's what you do best year after year freak.

>> No.19267509
Quoted by: >>19267566

It could be. I've seen bots that sample fragments of posts across the whole board to create spam, and bots that sample entire sentences to make semi-coherent non-posts. These seem markedly different though, I'm not sure where these posts are being pulled from if it's a bot.

>> No.19267514
Quoted by: >>19267559

Okay, so I’m not having a stroke. Thanks anons.

>> No.19267528

god yes i love tall girls

>> No.19267547
File: 384 KB, 752x1062, DgJI8vnUwAEJXvO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267566

>> No.19267559 [SPOILER] 
File: 271 KB, 896x960, 1529549363490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, given what that radometer you keep nearby says you're just fine.

>> No.19267566
Quoted by: >>19267584

For breeding like a beast in heat.

Whatever it is, its random garbage

>> No.19267580
Quoted by: >>19267590

Please stop making this post everything. You really don't need to.

>> No.19267584

Glad you could come to that moment of painful self awareness in a mostly safe space!

>> No.19267588
File: 1.15 MB, 1080x2220, cb4afcc0-3fe7-4f36-a143-f03d497ab264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19267590

As much as I'm allowed I do what I want. Work that one out.

>> No.19267592
Quoted by: >>19267840

yo thats some good smug

>> No.19267598
Quoted by: >>19267612

I want a fully ripped muscular mg to pin me to the ground!

>> No.19267605

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please make sure to take time off work.
It's healthy, keeps you productive, and lets you maybe ask the local cake out for a day at the beach

>> No.19267612

Define what "mg" is for the archives.

>> No.19267615


man grundle

>> No.19267621
Quoted by: >>19267636

Reminder the cake has become a lie.

>> No.19267623
Quoted by: >>19267773

meat grinder,

>> No.19267624
File: 56 KB, 790x605, d139a13c06305d76a696118cf00c8fc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267641

mg mg

>> No.19267630
File: 221 KB, 663x787, kiss your servants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267643

Good man, maids deserve loving.

Best of all, time off lets you spend time with your loving maids!

>> No.19267635
File: 402 KB, 1414x2000, 1529449270197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shog is going to be the bath and the blankets

>> No.19267636
Quoted by: >>19267649

Well, she certainly won't be a cake after the beach trip

>> No.19267637

>a Yeti with a freeze blaster and warming hugs
This can only end in disaster

>> No.19267641

So why do you want to tackle yourself...?

>> No.19267643
Quoted by: >>19267664

That it does.
Lord knows I need a shortstack maid to come home to.

>> No.19267649

The one that never happens?

>> No.19267653
File: 557 KB, 800x1000, 1527984697167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you get a dakimakura of your monster waifu?

>> No.19267657


>> No.19267663
File: 1.23 MB, 879x1500, 50988306_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267677

4 day work weeks was the best decision I ever made.

>> No.19267664
File: 2.66 MB, 2000x1977, barmaid kiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267677

We all do.

>> No.19267669
File: 480 KB, 595x842, unicorn_by_butter_t-daipcgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267699

Whatever gave you that idea?

>> No.19267671

Pregnancy edit when?

>> No.19267674
Quoted by: >>19267689

I could have bought one at any point but never bothered to, so I suppose the answer is "no."

>> No.19267677

Is it 4 10s? I hate couldn't do that.

She'd be small, meaty, and ready for loving after a hard days work

>> No.19267683


>> No.19267687
File: 140 KB, 429x429, 62568396_p36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19267688

>4 10s
That it is.
It's tough, but having a third day off forever makes so much difference.

>> No.19267689
Quoted by: >>19267707

I'm surprised that your waifu is commercially available. What is she?

>> No.19267694
Quoted by: >>19267840

Damn, thank you.
Gremlins are underrated and I would definitely let them scrap my whole house for crazy experiments.

>> No.19267699
Quoted by: >>19267790

You have to be a virgin to get a unicorn. Everyone will know that you were a virgin when you go outside with your wife.

>> No.19267707

I never want for art and various articles, but I've never been much of a merch guy.

>> No.19267711

I'm a network engineer and being in the office that much makes me nuts.
Granted, we get work from home days we can do once a week and I'd rather do that then 4 10s.

>> No.19267720
File: 820 KB, 1662x1449, mandagora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any mandragora fans here?

>> No.19267724
Quoted by: >>19267730

Already have.

>> No.19267725

I work 10 hour shifts 5 days a week. Sometimes they want me to work Saturday was well. What monster girl would take me away from this nightmare?

>> No.19267729
Quoted by: >>19267741

Dragon or Tanuki.

I wouldn't mind them but I don't have a food fetish

>> No.19267730
Quoted by: >>19267986

I want to see it!

>> No.19267732

plants are boring

>> No.19267739
File: 91 KB, 1107x605, honest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Tanuki who just needs a tail-fluffer 9-5. I know that feel. 12 hour days on weekdays plus 6 hours of research and drafting on weekends.

>> No.19267740

id like to get a life size daki

>> No.19267741
Quoted by: >>19267753

Based on how tasty their roots are supposed to be, I can’t tell if that was a typo for “foot” or not.

>> No.19267742
Quoted by: >>19267997

I'm a fan of all monster girls.

>> No.19267743
Quoted by: >>19267757

Jesus christ why

>> No.19267744
Quoted by: >>19267818

Mommy girl

>> No.19267753

Fuck it.
It's late, I'm suffering burnout, lets just roll with food.

>> No.19267757
File: 215 KB, 1000x689, pallyushioni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267767

Lawyering. Your working hours 9-6 are burnt by clients asking for urgent advice, filing papers and attending to court matters. The only time you have to do the substantial legwork for all of this is after hours and on weekends. Pay is supposedly good, but I quit my training contract so I'll never become one now. At least it's mostly just paperwork and research.

>> No.19267767

Latenight is that you?

>> No.19267773

Meet'N Go Fuck yourself if the opportunity presents itself.
>my old pal

>> No.19267776
Quoted by: >>19267842

Wyverns are for riding.
This does not look like police action. This looks like cartoonish super-villainy.

>> No.19267780
File: 241 KB, 650x545, shemayhaveherflawsbutshesoneofthebestprivateinvestigatorsoutthere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, but one of his biggest fans. In other news, Ushi pounds man into floor through bed.

See my mountain, Tanuki Howard? You can climb it.

>> No.19267790

They'll learn not to complain about it later on.

>> No.19267796
Quoted by: >>19267813

>tfw most people here don't remember when latenight first showed up here

>> No.19267797

No complaints here.

>> No.19267809
File: 46 KB, 600x1800, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19267810
Quoted by: >>19267813

Did you anger a Catholic voodoo gypsy!?

>> No.19267813

I've been here since /a/ and I don't remember that. I do remember him drawing on the back some insurance documents though.


>> No.19267818

My wife is dead and my loved ones hate me, that hurts dude.

>> No.19267820

now are gnomes size queens or frustrated because its hard for them to get themselves off because of their giant hands

>> No.19267824

Haha, look at her blush!

>> No.19267840

You're welcome, you guys
Gremlins are pretty special mamono imo, they deserve to shine for the achievements in technology!

>> No.19267842

So it looks like American police action?

>> No.19267848

I hope LN never leaves but he's too good for this place.

>> No.19267855
File: 515 KB, 844x1045, 1476488353556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrong, Gremlins are lewd little sluts that can only think about your large piston.

>> No.19267861
Quoted by: >>19267883

The best part about LN is that he doesn't attentionwhore.

>> No.19267870
Quoted by: >>19267903

I want a minotaur to lovingly choke me!

>> No.19267874
Quoted by: >>19267904

You describe a secret king amongst drones
A kitchen timer of men over here though
>I'll call him a cheap AI or a bot then ill be better off

>> No.19267880
File: 137 KB, 540x800, 1480120772452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heavy petting.

>> No.19267883

Also draws exactly what he wants, not by request.

>> No.19267886

It only leads to trouble. And seat wetting.

>> No.19267889


>> No.19267891
Quoted by: >>19267976

I would love to fill a Gremlin in on the intricacies of the modern internal combustion engine. Gremlins might be a bit much to handle for this world though.

>> No.19267896

Yes and yes

>> No.19267903 [DELETED] 

Stop doing that and converse inter dependently in the moment?

>> No.19267904
File: 137 KB, 800x539, 3E2g0Hz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flayer-chan, get your tendrils out of this man's ears!

>> No.19267911

I have a hunch it's a heavily intoxicated Hatterfag.

>> No.19267916 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 500x372, 1529189830156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know you were a man...

>> No.19267920
Quoted by: >>19267937


>> No.19267923 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19267948

I have hunch you're in a scooter chair. 0

>> No.19267927

Is it strange I want an MG to pet me like that?

>> No.19267929


>> No.19267937
File: 48 KB, 497x363, 1529142192888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And do we go for a grand slam?!
>when there is no joy in mudville

>> No.19267942

You have a tail? Cool.

>> No.19267948
File: 304 KB, 991x716, 1486066426250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secret tower with the Tower is the shape of the only name of God, I. There can be no official art, only fixation points of complexity that will erase from the awe of the people give enough time. Embrace the art of the people and marry it and by that I mean have it secretly murdered. One and one, eleven, an inelegant number. Which of the ones is the more important? Could you ever tell if they switched places? I can and that is why you will need me. The acorn is a kind of tree-egg in this instance, and the knowledge is water and sun. We are the chicken inside the egg, but also the dirt. The knowledge from Chaos is what we push against to become full-sighted ourselves.

>> No.19267950

I would heavy pet a monstergirls abbs and squeeze and massage her womb from the outside. Lets say a Redcap.

>> No.19267957
Quoted by: >>19267965


>> No.19267963


>> No.19267965
File: 204 KB, 653x549, confused flayer orphan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267983

Ma'i wa'ifu ftaghn.

>> No.19267966

>Go for a drive with your Apophis childhood friend
>Find a human woman walking down the street alone at night
>Drag her into the car
>Take her home
>Inject her full of venom
>Have sex on top of her while she writhes, moans and ultimately monsterizes before joining in

>> No.19267973

Not me this time, friend. How curious!

But seriously, looks like someone's just testing out a spambot.

>> No.19267976

She'd probably start breathing heavily and by the time you get halfway through she'd be openly masturbating on the floor moaning at you to keep talking dirty to her.

>> No.19267977
File: 192 KB, 622x542, 1488210479885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19267998

A mighty Dragon encounters a curious creature.

>> No.19267978

What is the best cat dog combination?

>> No.19267982

>Blah blah blah blah blah blah it helps that veryittle of what you coin as Awe has ever made its way into my life, and I'm spoken for as soon as you learn to speak box plain grok aka plant language.

>> No.19267983

Well shut up then, don't want her waking up.

>> No.19267986
File: 46 KB, 377x410, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19270623

Here you go http://i.imgur.com/QS0Aazur.jpg

>> No.19267991
Quoted by: >>19267996

What the fuck is up with the jibberish in this thread

>> No.19267996
Quoted by: >>19268072

One spammer and a thread of idiots who cannot help but reply.

>> No.19267997 [SPOILER] 
File: 231 KB, 864x742, 1529553755846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19268006

Even matangos?

>> No.19267998

Wrong. Mighty only applies to *active* elementals

>> No.19268005

I wouldn't mind a bunyip obsessively petting me while she's having complicated feelings mid-rape.

>> No.19268006

That's just a monster.

>> No.19268007

Mermaids are cute

>> No.19268018


Nice Shoggoth story for y'all.

>> No.19268019
File: 587 KB, 1280x1198, 1528668330955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>International Yoga Day
Trolls in yoga pants!

>> No.19268026


>> No.19268030
Quoted by: >>19268053

Could a spectrum of monsterization be canon? As in some Manticores might appear much more human than other Manticores in a kemonomimi sense, with more monsterized Manticores having less human characteristics?

>> No.19268037

This wouldn't be a bad idea.

>> No.19268041
File: 2.59 MB, 1280x1557, tumblr_p0tryyeLmh1v2gw9ko1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively false.

>> No.19268053

You can always just have your headcanon. There's nothing like that ever mentioned in the Guides.

>> No.19268062

yoga pants a shit

>> No.19268069
File: 184 KB, 1477x1240, 1478705251358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Bloodbag, do some jumping jacks for me.

>> No.19268072
File: 466 KB, 999x1500, 1529089685181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorly trained gambler joins the mess but does very little the remainder of that night

>> No.19268075
Quoted by: >>19268118

Oh hey neat anon. I want to watch my Kobold waifu do yoga in a shiny latex catsuit! I want to watch my Kobold daughteru do her very best to mimic her mother's yoga poses while wearing her own shiny latex catsuit!

>> No.19268079
Quoted by: >>19268090


>> No.19268080
Quoted by: >>19268090

no way dude!

>> No.19268087

Is watching the cock helicopter their version of watching tits bounce?

>> No.19268090
Quoted by: >>19268093

Please don't disobey her she's a powerful vampire.

>> No.19268093
Quoted by: >>19268102


>> No.19268095
File: 1.36 MB, 1125x2337, Raiju123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19268105

Is it KDF hour?

>> No.19268098

Make me

>> No.19268101

That was cute and quick read. decent lewd. I laughed at the silverware scene.

>> No.19268102

She'll pay you if you'll be her friend.

>> No.19268105

Why, do you want it to be?

>> No.19268109

But I'm already quite financially secure.

>> No.19268110

she doesn't have to pay me we can just be friends not my boss.

>> No.19268114

She's never had friends, just subordinates and thralls.

>> No.19268115
Quoted by: >>19268141

>we can just be friends
Five words that’ll land your ass out the door before you can say “What did I do?”

>> No.19268118
Quoted by: >>19268136

Once again, this would be hella cute if it weren't for the fetish degeneracy.

>> No.19268136
Quoted by: >>19268143

Says you!

>> No.19268141

you got to walk before you can run anon.

you got the build up the romance and you have to start out with getting to know her and the best way to get to know her is to be her friend.

>> No.19268143
Quoted by: >>19268148

Says next to everyone in the thread.

>> No.19268148
Quoted by: >>19268153

Actually I think most of us don't care either way.

>> No.19268153

This. KDF is for ignoring.

>> No.19268162
File: 200 KB, 560x420, RJ149523_img_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19268169

KDF is a faggot but latex is god-tier.

>> No.19268169
Quoted by: >>19268176

Personally, I find it interesting that three of the waifufags here are some form of latex fetishist.

>> No.19268176
Quoted by: >>19268179


>> No.19268179


>> No.19268180


>> No.19268187
Quoted by: >>19268196

I don't have a latex fetish, anon.

>> No.19268196
Quoted by: >>19268205

My dude latex is part of your waifu's biology. Assuming you aren't KDF being a faggot.

>> No.19268198
Quoted by: >>19268202

Don't listen to those tiny foxes, their idea of classic rock is Green Day and Weezer. You won't get any Zeppelin or Rush.
Also the beer is just Bud Light.

>> No.19268202
Quoted by: >>19268206

I don't listen to music or drink beer so that's fine.

>> No.19268205
Quoted by: >>19268223

Goo might superficially appear similar to latex but if you're not a brainlet you'll realize that it's closer to bodypaint in both form and function.
Latex fetishism emphasizes the restricting nature of skintight latex clothing. It's a whole different point of appeal.

>> No.19268206

>I don't listen to music or drink beer
What DO you do then?

>> No.19268208
File: 652 KB, 1200x1670, 1527196479495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to visit Shortstack Beach.

>> No.19268214
Quoted by: >>19268220

I’m here aren’t I?

>> No.19268217

I read things.

>> No.19268220

That doesn't count for very much.

>> No.19268224
File: 1.06 MB, 858x1200, 1502241053870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19268333

>That awkward moment when you're both too big *and* too small
How can human girls even compete with dorfs?

>> No.19268223
Quoted by: >>19268248

I don't know man. Maybe I'm just autistic but Gazers/Nightgaunts seem like direct appeals to latex fetishists.

>> No.19268233

Feign drowning so they give mouth to dick resuscitation!

>> No.19268234
Quoted by: >>19268242

>/k/ a magical place

>> No.19268242
File: 107 KB, 1210x1016, hunting with napalm rounds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19268269


>> No.19268248
Quoted by: >>19268261

Nightgaunts I can definitely see because of the fullbody latex-looking outfit, but other than that I think some straws are being grasped at.

>> No.19268261
Quoted by: >>19268281

>profile makes no mention of their goo
Guess not then, my bad.

>> No.19268265

I would if I lived alone

>> No.19268267
File: 418 KB, 990x870, 1529408890797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to adopt a feral fox and then have my way with her when she least expects

>> No.19268269

>Anon is later confronted by an angry group of Wood Elves.

>> No.19268276
File: 234 KB, 750x961, 1392785049721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon was caught and made to mate with plant girls until the forest was replenished

>> No.19268281

I think Nightgaunts are actually the only latex-heavy girl in the book as of yet

>> No.19268284

Such a cruel and unusual punishment

>> No.19268286

>"I-It was an accident! I just wanted to hunt Ratatoskrs with napalm rounds!"

>> No.19268287

Is this what they mean when they say forest fires can help a forest grow bigger than it was before?

>> No.19268295

What if I tell that elf I can clearly see her panties?

>> No.19268301
File: 77 KB, 578x842, 1430726536417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves at large don't seem to give a shit about panty peeking.

>> No.19268303

>D-Do you like them?! I got them from a Human Town!

>> No.19268307

>Human Town!
You know it's kind of racist to call cities that. They have names you dumb knife ear.

>> No.19268309
Quoted by: >>19268322

They're alright, but I would recommend bear print panties next time

>> No.19268322
Quoted by: >>19268324

Ewww, who likes those, they look dirty

>> No.19268324

Dumb elf

>> No.19268333
File: 195 KB, 850x1200, __miimu_and_razia_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_asanagi__sample-fc0a64eab7e4f535a8663b930ae9fc11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19269186

Human girls should just give up and become shortstack monsters. They'll be a lot happier once they impale themselves on their big husband's big cock.

>> No.19268349
File: 90 KB, 413x867, DgK6jn7UwAIaFp6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19268367

It's hard for it to peek when they don't wear any.

>> No.19268367

These tribal elves are really lewd

>> No.19268371

Unlike their stuck up cousins, Wood Elves really want to breed.

>> No.19268376
File: 62 KB, 576x808, 1431621464921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you walk around in nothing but leaves and loincloths all day, it tends to skew your idea of decency a tad.

>> No.19268382
File: 203 KB, 600x800, 1378808831148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19268424

Wood Elves don't have big fancy spires and poetry like High Elves or spazzy BDSM dungeons and crystal formations like the Dark Elves but they have a respect and love for live itself.

>> No.19268383

I hope they're really hairy

>> No.19268394
File: 194 KB, 750x1000, 7BRARP81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give them a bit of ego-stroking, let them feel like they have control of the situation, and High Elves are just as perverted as their hippie cousins.

>> No.19268395
Quoted by: >>19268424

Just imagine being shown around a Wood Elf village by a tall and very endowed genki elf wearing a loincloth, warpaint and nothing else.
>"And this is where we smoke the meat from our hun- Anon? Anon why aren't you looking at me? Oh my your face is so red! Let's get you to the shaman, maybe she can help! Here let me carry you! What's that hard thing against my back?"
One way or another this will end with breeding, anon.

>> No.19268416

Woof elves use leaves to wipe themselves

>> No.19268421

High Elf Propaganda will not fool us.

>> No.19268424
Quoted by: >>19268430

Aren't wood elves super territorial of their forest and very hostile to outsiders?
I smell elvish tricks to lure men to their doom

>> No.19268426

Converting cum into energy is hyper-efficient. Just a load or two in the morning can give her energy for the whole day with zero waste produced.

Monster's only make waste if you're into that sort of thing, you degenerate.

>> No.19268428

Woof Elves are just Werewolves.

>> No.19268430

They let you cum in their territory but good luck getting out of their leglocks.

>> No.19268440

Woof elves must be something special

>> No.19268477
Quoted by: >>19268483

I really want to bang and pull a monstergirls devil trigger.

>> No.19268483

Not in a million years!

>> No.19268511
File: 699 KB, 900x1350, 1467035982721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just got to be strong in your faith brother!

>> No.19268547

Why exactly is this elf nun posing like that?

What's her game plan? All I want to do is pray!

>> No.19268552

Yes go on worship at her altar brother!

>> No.19268556
Quoted by: >>19268578

That elf is trying to trick you! Everyone knows Elves are too lewd to be nuns!

>> No.19268573
File: 360 KB, 1631x2048, 1523492190896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even as nuns, elves cannot restrain their desire to fuck.

>> No.19268578

Naughty nuns are the best! I want to be captured by some Dark Priests and be spanked and edged for my sins!

>> No.19268580

Wood elves don't wipe and only bathe once a year

>> No.19268582
File: 296 KB, 700x1050, 1510536205029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19268611

I bet wood elves spend all day polishing the shafts of their spears, wishing they had something else they could stroke for hours on end.

>> No.19268589

>and only bathe once a year

>> No.19268603

>Wood elves don't wipe
Girls don't poop so who cares?

>> No.19268611

I bet a lot of them have oral fixations.

>> No.19268624
File: 2.13 MB, 2033x5175, 1479058824340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sloppy eating.

>> No.19268671 [SPOILER] 
File: 923 KB, 1076x1207, 1529563397055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waifu doesn't bathe at all, because she can't

>> No.19268673
Quoted by: >>19268798

Lust-fumes everywhere.

>> No.19268691
Quoted by: >>19268798

Dust baths, bruh; she bathes all the time. The stinger with sandworms is that they never brush their teeth.

>> No.19268699

Sandworm a cute.

>> No.19268798
Quoted by: >>19268803

Just the way I like it!

That may keep the shell clean, but the interior, her main body, has no real way of being washed. I'm guessing the "digestive fluid" destroys anything harmful or any bacteria that would cause a terrible smell

>> No.19268803
Quoted by: >>19268816

>the interior, her main body, has no real way of being washed.
That's what I was referencing when I said "brush their teeth." Of course, we know from the profile image that the main body is capable of extending outside the shell; she could easily take a dip in a river or the like to clean that up, it's the rest of the inside of her that'd be hard. Can you imagine a sandworm gargling? It's that or her husband spending a long day with a bucket, a handled brush, and a ton of toothpaste.

>> No.19268816
Quoted by: >>19268868

I imagine the latter could be turned into something erotic

>> No.19268868

I mean, with the right kinks they both could. I can only imagine "hehe, it tastes like strawberries!" for the brushing, though. Sandworms are just too cute in my mind.

>> No.19268880
File: 168 KB, 850x1299, __lilim_monster_girl_encyclopedia_and_original_drawn_by_matilda_vin__sample-40e43b02fbdd4dde9fde989b197af177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Lilim, or higher succubus to an Order Hero: "Alright, the truth then. You're right about one thing. The Demon Lord and my fellow lilims, succubi and I do need spirit energy, and cum. You want to know why? We have a dream! That one day every person in this world will have their own lover. A world of actual peace, dammit. A planet of affection, not hate! Ruled by passion, not bloodshed! Where society changes for the sake of romance, not the other way around. Where hope and dreams are back where they belong: in the hearts of the non-divine! Where every woman is free to love - to fuck - for her man! Fuck all these limp-dick priests and chickenshit knights and paladins. Fuck this omnipresent plastering of chastity and xenophobic bullshit! Fuck human supremacy! Fuck the Order! FUCK ALL OF IT! The Chief God's world is broken. Worn down to nothing. There's no saving it - we need to jack out every drop of it. Liquidize culture. MELT IT DOWN! And from the puddle, a new era will be born. Evolved, but unfettered! Ambition will be purged and the lovers will thrive - free to live as they see fit, they'll make Heaven great again! In this new world, people will fuck and breed for whom they love! Not for family connections, not for the sole purpose of procreation! Not for whom they are arranged with. Every monster will be free to fuck her own man! ...So, what do you think?"

>> No.19268884
Quoted by: >>19268962

I dig chicks in uniforms.

>> No.19268885
Quoted by: >>19269232

I liked Armstrong
And I also like Lilims

>> No.19268926

So long as I get to cum so hard my legs turn to jelly, I'm in

>> No.19268939

>Fuck human supremacy
So long as she isn't one of those radical faction crazies that want men to basically be cum slaves and have no freedom. Just all of us be equal and free and space exploration and shit, I want my scifi future tech now.

>> No.19268946
File: 287 KB, 978x833, she thought you were in trouble so she came to help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chose something different! I chose the impossible! I chose...Rapture!

>> No.19268962
File: 124 KB, 850x1364, 1511590916776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dick chicks in uniforms.

>> No.19268966

I watched a documentary about sharks recently. It showed two of them grabbing one another by the tails as foreplay.
Would a Mershark find it erotic if I nibbled on her tail?

>> No.19268985

I would think nibbling in general, both ways, is erotic for them.

>> No.19268999
File: 265 KB, 918x932, rHgIX9G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19269104

Give it a try and find out! That tail looks very nibble-able.

>> No.19269032

I will continue to worship 尻神様 until the day I die.

>> No.19269104
Quoted by: >>19269117

But why does she have a goldfish?

>> No.19269117

It's her big brother.

>> No.19269120
Quoted by: >>19269135

>Goldfish-aniki runs the toughest gang around
Man I better impress him somehow.

>> No.19269135

Is he related to bob the goldfish?

>> No.19269182
File: 1.41 MB, 1600x900, 1459848375546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkey trouble.

>> No.19269184

Not him. Seems legit to me. Shiny Sparkly Prestidigitation is the perfect antecedent to Super Electric Buttsex. Alas the Shining Dragon no longer works as a defense.

>> No.19269186

I enjoy my shortstacks meaty and with breasts that would look huge on a normal sized girl.
Bonus points if they are smug

>> No.19269187
File: 1018 KB, 1024x1280, latex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm starting to get it.
To see what KDF was after all along.

>> No.19269190

Anon, no! You gotta resist.

>> No.19269193

Nylon is so much better.

>> No.19269199

Yeah but I'll still go for leather.

>> No.19269201

That doesn't do anything for me, I've grown to find latex overrated

>> No.19269204 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 800x1104, revised_family_by_kapaychan-d7o127w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As said in a previous thread:

So as time goes on and on and passes by, the Demon Lord and basically the monster girl side keeps winning and gaining more and more, uh... Gains!

And with that the very idea of human men being in a relationship and or in love with monster girls or being paired with is now becoming more and more of a commonly accepted and normalised mainstream thing. And thanks to that the old fashioned human men and human women being together in a relationship is now starting to become considered "taboo", lame, boring and /d/eviant-tier shit.

Even human women are now starting to embrace the idea of becoming monster girls that are stronger and more powerful. And little human girls who're born as their natural human selves are taught that becoming a monster girl is a great thing to do as to love and protect their men and future boyfriends and or husbands.

That face when human manxhuman woman is now considered un-normal and /d/ material.

>> No.19269232
Quoted by: >>19271046


>> No.19269289

>Ben 10
What the fuck is this garbage. From what shithole do you hail from that gives you the idea that your off-site schlock is okay.

>> No.19269300
File: 1.98 MB, 1754x3027, Hellhound252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19269301
Quoted by: >>19269454

/co/ is basically tumblr except worse.

>> No.19269304

No dude you can fuck off.

>> No.19269333

Nigger what the fuck are you doing posting this shit, fuck off.

>> No.19269336

>ben 10
>that art
>the entire post

>> No.19269354

>From what shithole do you hail from
I'm fairly certain of where they come from now. Found a monster girl server that isn't related to the wordpress, tft or the wiki and decided to lurk in it for a bit out of curiosity and it's pure cancer. It seems loosely affiliated with reddit and Snowdrake was there bitching about this place calling tft furfags. One or two of the other posters with cancerous behaviour posted links to here too.

>> No.19269365
Quoted by: >>19269414

Can't they bugger off to /monster/? Their cancer would probably readily accepted there.

>> No.19269414

Last I heard /monster/ was having another crisis of some sort.

>> No.19269433
File: 347 KB, 644x990, 69313941_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upon further thought, Grizzlies would make for excellent onee-sans and momsters.

>> No.19269450

Bears are cuddly but Otter is the only nee-san for me.

>> No.19269454

Hey I recent that I've had perfectly nice times on /co/

>> No.19269464
File: 635 KB, 640x1173, 1526397878155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to vote for an Anubis prime minister

>> No.19269477

She's going to make the trains run on time, but at what cost?

>> No.19269505
File: 1.77 MB, 1078x1603, 8244466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19270011

Wow, is it hot in here or is it just me dude?

How's your summer going?

>> No.19269514

She'll outlaw maledom

Submissive monster girls are being prosecuted!

>> No.19269519

Big beefy bears are best

>> No.19269531

>outlaw maledom
It doesn't effect me so I'll be fine. Hail the overlord!

>> No.19269537
File: 610 KB, 848x1200, 411fbec973d6200cdcaeb93011a570fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19269544

Somebody needs to go back to the past and restore the timeline.
Becuase I think this threads in a loop

>> No.19269548

>Arrives one minute and a half earlier

>> No.19269551
Quoted by: >>19269584

What if you spawn a multiverse by doing that?

>> No.19269562

Damn you quantum Wuuuuuuuurm!

>> No.19269584
Quoted by: >>19269641

Like an AU where theres would peace and monsters exist but everyone has to watch an bad adam sandler move one a day?

>> No.19269589
Quoted by: >>19269633

Everytime you post this Vampaiyah, my urge to blackmail her into fellatio increases.

>> No.19269593

But I'm writing this paper about the similarities of the gekiga movement to the way in which some westerners misuse the word graphic novel to grant themselves and their hobby legitimacy!
This is the timeline where Sega is bringing Shenmue, Yakuza and Persona to the PC, it's the best timeline.

>> No.19269618

That would explain the low quality posts that seem to be wholecloth pulled from Reddit

>> No.19269623
File: 835 KB, 1280x1883, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19269636

Especially cuties

>> No.19269632

What fucking server is this

>> No.19269633
Quoted by: >>19269690

The thought of a vampire blowjob scares me.

>> No.19269636

>Excuse me officer, I lost my cumrag around these parts

>> No.19269641

How bad could they really be if there’s monster girls?
>Jack and Jill, but he’s fucking himself as an Alp
Never mind, it would still be bad.

>> No.19269647

>I’m sorry sir, but we cannot find items related to hygiene. It’s our policy to make sure we don’t get sick.
>M-maybe I could replace it for you?

>> No.19269674

>Yes officer I can describe it for you
>It's about 5'2" tall, has a lot of feathers around its wrists along with a fluffy tail. Usually seen in the company of a broomstick. Stained white in some area

>> No.19269687
File: 438 KB, 800x555, USC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What species would they turn into

>> No.19269690

Tell her to scrap and lick,NOT SUCK

>> No.19269692

Why does the left one dress like a whore?

>> No.19269694

Never read this but based off this picture, Ice Queen, Succubus, Ghoul

>> No.19269698

She's anime tier strong and does't really care

>> No.19269700
Quoted by: >>19269761

I want Akaname Hana to make me drink her pee!

>> No.19269708
Quoted by: >>19269915

Because the author's previous series (the god-tier Me and the Devil Blues) was cancelled and he needed all the fanservice he could get.

>> No.19269743
Quoted by: >>19269814

Left: Minotaur
Center: Eh......not sure desu.
Right: Akaname

>> No.19269761

Fuck off /d/

>> No.19269773
Quoted by: >>19269862

>tell her if she doesn't take her studies seriously, she's gonna get held back and you won't be around to help her
>deep down, the thought of you two no longer being in the same class scares her
>she starts asking you to help her study more often, and although she doesn't really get the material you can see there's an effort
>when the results of finals come around, she just barely passes and throws her arms around you before giving you a deep kiss
>"Be sure to take care of me from now on, alright?"

>> No.19269784

Well that makes sense, it's been what I've been thinking as well. Question is, how can we get them to fuck off for good?

>> No.19269808

I want a meaty Fox neet

>> No.19269814

Center is wight or ice queen I would say

>> No.19269852
File: 1.21 MB, 2000x2127, 1489430190198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wouldn't?

>> No.19269862
Quoted by: >>19269881

Wait i didnt sign up for this

>> No.19269881

Few people do when it comes to monster girls
>anon gets tackled by a hellhound who starts raping him
>"Um, I'm more into lamias, so could you stop?"
>hellhound ignores him and keeps riding anon until he's passed out from cumming so much and so hard

>> No.19269889

Good hips, boobs and thights but needs larger body

>> No.19269897

Would fluff that tail while she games

>> No.19269905
File: 132 KB, 915x752, Mershark23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mere female fish.

>> No.19269915

Someone told me his bitterness about the cancellation was why he paid that as silly as it was .

>> No.19269940
File: 41 KB, 760x546, 1527320375213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong that I want a monster girl version of marshmellow cat? I feel like I shouldn't think about something so adorable and innocent in a lewd way, but a thicc, soft, nigh-indestructible cat girl doing cute cat girl things is just too tempting.

>> No.19269946

I want a rail thin fox NEET

I don't know why it's so attractive to me

>> No.19269954
File: 108 KB, 752x1062, 2F0E72E2-9358-4209-A9FE-6165C24F709A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy, find a Marshmallow Cat Nekomata. You can now have both a cuddly cat and a cute girl.

>> No.19269956


>> No.19269981

>Anubis prime minister outlaws maledom in hopes of inspiring an uprising to live out her Kuroinu-inspired fantasies

>> No.19269995

Yes it is wrong
Seek professional help

>> No.19270004

Yes, they’re too good

>> No.19270007
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x1589, DgLRaRDUEAA84hM.png orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19270025

>> No.19270011

summer makes me mad because the internet keeps fucking cutting out randomly when the weather warms up

>> No.19270020

Dogs need to be collared

>> No.19270025
Quoted by: >>19270040

This was already posted last thread and not shamelessly ripped from twitter you dunce

>> No.19270040


>> No.19270048

Is that wyvern alp?
I'm getting slap vibes from her for some reason.

>> No.19270056
Quoted by: >>19270965

Where do you retards come from

>> No.19270058
Quoted by: >>19270067

Exactly, so take into consideration what you're posting instead of blindly spamming images.

>> No.19270063

Nah, she's one of the Dragonia guides.

>> No.19270067

Better yet, he should just fuck off entirely.

>> No.19270069

Please don’t bully the Wyvern, she may not be girly, but she is and always has been 100% woman.

>> No.19270071

Shes a guide of dragonia
Her name was somwhere

>> No.19270077

I can see underboob and vagina bones

She's up to something with those lewd clothes

>> No.19270083
File: 261 KB, 595x393, Ritea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a newcomer. Plus she's friendly to humans too.

>> No.19270087

>what would a girl named crow user turn into
Obviously a Wight since they have the best asses.

>> No.19270090
File: 845 KB, 845x1200, Mgewgs_dragonia_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my phone wasn't a piece of shit, I would of gotten you that translation already

>> No.19270098
File: 536 KB, 830x1000, laxis_by_akuoreo-d9ib65i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Someone finally drew Shog getting D'd in her V

Aw yiiiiiiiiis.

>> No.19270112
Quoted by: >>19270126

>literally reposting reddit shit here
Can you maybe fuck off

>> No.19270116
Quoted by: >>19270126

Make like a tree and fuck off, Reddit.

>> No.19270120
File: 103 KB, 953x785, 1526239772468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish more monsters would dress like that. Especially the more voluptuous and busty ones, like pic related.

>> No.19270122
Quoted by: >>19270147

I have to wonder where the Nightguants goo went. I can see Shog all over the room, and even some Shog on the Nightguant, but no goo.

>> No.19270126

It's the only place I could find the full picture.

>> No.19270129 [DELETED] 

You don't belong here faggot.

>> No.19270132

Hot dogging a slime.

>> No.19270136
Quoted by: >>19270368

>attempting to justify being from reddit

>> No.19270141


>> No.19270147
Quoted by: >>19270157

>taking reddit posting seriously
You need to get out too

>> No.19270156

Her name is Lytia

>> No.19270157
Quoted by: >>19270164

How the fuck would I know it's from reddit? I posted before I refreshed and saw those two anons. It seems I am not the reddit one here today.

>> No.19270164
Quoted by: >>19270168

The imgur link directs you to view other posts on the subreddit he comes from

>> No.19270167

So would you rather be a dragoon and fight alongside a wyvern?
Or a dragon knight and fight along a dragon?
Or a wurm knight with a wurm

>> No.19270168
Quoted by: >>19270195

Also something I wouldn't know, because I mentally block all adds to focus on the porn.

>> No.19270177

Fuck off monsterboy fag

>> No.19270184

Dragoon, wyverns are cute

Anon, you know those are basically RPG classes right?

>> No.19270186

You do realise that post has nothing to do with monsterboys?
Dragon knights are usually just classes

>> No.19270187

What did he mean my this?

>> No.19270189

Do you have brain damage?

>> No.19270192
Quoted by: >>19270201

Reddit source aside, that artist has done some nice stuff.
Looking at their patreon there's a hellhound too, hope it's just a temporary exclusive.

>> No.19270193
File: 63 KB, 1069x1200, Dragon214a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say dragon
Though I wonder how the wurm knight would function in battle

>> No.19270195

I see how you could skim over it but the imgur post itself has a source button which links to the reddit post it comes from.
Better get a CT scan before it's too late or you might miss that cancer too.

>> No.19270196
Quoted by: >>19270217

Reminder that MGE canonically has monster boys.

>> No.19270197


>> No.19270201
Quoted by: >>19270221

>Reddit source aside
Sod off cunt

>> No.19270208 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19270215

Bear with some headcanon
So if dragons knights are jack of all trades warriors and dragons exel at arial combat then Wurm nights would be the tanky motherfuckers that use clubs and anime greatswords

>> No.19270210

Wurm knights probably just try to direct their mounts rather than directly fight

>> No.19270215

Don’t forget double digit IQs for wurm knights, anon. It comes with the job.

>> No.19270217

Chaos husbands?
Because male elfs and dwarves are basically considered human males, they're like a sub species of humans.

>> No.19270218
Quoted by: >>19270240

I’m loving this Shog art. https://imgur.com/apSV3NP

>> No.19270219

Wurm knight, since the only other dragon I really like is the Dragon Zombie and I don't know how well that would work.

>> No.19270221

Look I hate reddit as much as you probably do but I wanted to talk about an artist I like too.

>> No.19270224

Jabberwock knight!

>> No.19270229
Quoted by: >>19270259

Wurm wives must be difficult

>> No.19270235
File: 513 KB, 960x1052, Wurm44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bear with some headcanon
So if dragon knights are jack of all trades warriors and dragoons exel at arial combat then Wurm nights would be the tanky motherfuckers that use clubs and anime greatswords

Think about swiping grunts into the path of a large dragonic bulldozer during a fight

And the victory sex after the battle

>> No.19270240 [DELETED] 

Eat your own cock

>> No.19270242

What the fuck is happening here?

>> No.19270246
File: 986 KB, 1330x1983, 1521197644177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a Stargate Miia commission, pretty happy with it. I think I'm going to try and get an alt with the actual serpent guard helmet on, but I like being able to see her face.

>> No.19270254

Reddit won't fuck off

>> No.19270255
Quoted by: >>19270269

Hypergamist fuck off

>> No.19270259

>"Anon I found this!"
>She drops a boulder in your front yard

>> No.19270260

Walk away anon, just walk away

>> No.19270263

I'll have to go with the Wyvern on this one. Polearms and all that, plus the wing hugs are nice too.

Business as usual?

>> No.19270267

Mix between someone unironically posting a link from reddit and one very angry self appointed thread police officer not letting it drop.
Notice how all the sane people just called him out on it in the initial post and left it at that but one guy keeps going? Autism is scary.

>> No.19270269
Quoted by: >>19270283

What the fuck are you talking about retard

>> No.19270274

Good taste

>> No.19270280

Dragoon, dragon knight and wurm knight sound like an awesome trio

>> No.19270283 [DELETED] 

>liking the queen of cucks herself

>> No.19270288

Nice, always have loved monster girls in cosplay.

>> No.19270289
Quoted by: >>19270352

You need to fuck off.

>> No.19270290

Or an fantasy land version of ed edd and eddy.

>> No.19270291
File: 598 KB, 1213x1168, catesucc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest we'll ever get.

>> No.19270295

Would wolfus do the same with large sticks they found?

>> No.19270298

>having a wurm gf is like living with the Kool-aid guy
>thank god your home insurance covers all the busted walls she makes on a regular basis

>> No.19270300
Quoted by: >>19270352


>> No.19270311
Quoted by: >>19270325

I want to pet her all over. And I do mean ALL OVER.

>> No.19270314
Quoted by: >>19270378

What about other dragon race kights, like jabberwock, ryu and otohime?

>> No.19270315
File: 853 KB, 1800x2250, 1517865356230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Loen's fat cat?

>> No.19270321

It looks nice. I kind of want to get a picture of my loli Night Gaunt wife in an Eva plugsuit.

>> No.19270324
Quoted by: >>19270352

r9k please go.

>> No.19270325
File: 59 KB, 638x547, mya nya nya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her sister's way ahead of you, lad! Best claim your waifu fast.


>> No.19270326
Quoted by: >>19270332


>> No.19270329

That sounds cute gauntfag you should go for it

>> No.19270331
Quoted by: >>19270347

Fine, I'll pet them both! Feel my magic fingers!

>> No.19270332
File: 168 KB, 1000x1000, 1501336499484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just wants to eat Pizza with you in bed.

>> No.19270339

Cute idea!

>> No.19270340

Great taste. I've always wanted to get a monster girl in a muv-luv suit too.

>> No.19270346

Meh. Plugsuits are overrated.

>> No.19270347

Good man, you'll make a pair of werecats very happy some day.

>> No.19270351
Quoted by: >>19270420

>Kuroinu-inspired fantasies
You mean she wants to be raped on a balcony in front of her people? Because I'd totally do that to an anubis.

>> No.19270352
File: 260 KB, 550x693, Disapproving whitesnek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men being cucked causes outrage
>women being cucked causes indifference
Really activates my almonds.

>> No.19270354

Cuddlecat is cute but not like a marshmallow werecat

>> No.19270356
Quoted by: >>19270366

Forgive me for asking, but does your waifu have a name anon?

>> No.19270358

Oh it's just you, see you didn't use your "monster cuck-me" line or whatever it usually is with your Cheshire avatarfagging, dumb mermaid spammer.

>> No.19270360

Anon please, only Popcorn May be eaten there

>> No.19270366


>> No.19270367

You seem obsessed with cucking.
How about going to /monster/ or somewhere like that where you can be among fellow cucks in denial

>> No.19270368
Quoted by: >>19270396

Most of 4chan is now
What exactly is the point of being mad about it at this point?

>> No.19270369

Why do cats suck on fingers?

>> No.19270372
Quoted by: >>19270390

That's a pretty cute name! Which color plugsuit would she wear?

>> No.19270374

Hakutaku paizuri

>> No.19270375

But what about the crumbs?

>> No.19270376
File: 266 KB, 811x644, nya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subliminal messaging expressing their subconscious desire for the D.

>> No.19270378

Lets do them all shall we?
>Dragon knight is hero guy, allways will to fight and do things in the name of justice
>Dragoon is a thrill seeker and main rival to dragon knight
>Wurm knight is just as clumsy as his wife but in battle the two become absolute terrors.
>Wock knight is a trickster and is the most unpredictable
>Ryu samurai is laid back, open to peaceful resolutions but still keeps his blade sharp
>Otohime samurai is a partyman who fights drunk, bro's with ryu samurai
>Dragon zombie knight is a guard of the undead kingdom, man of few words
And all other go on various adventures with their respecive wives involving love, battle, and who ate the last of the bacon

>> No.19270383

I don't know anon. My cat is a biter.

>> No.19270384

A lot of animals do, rabbits come to mind. My one always used to lick on any finger that was presented to it. Kind of makes sense why March Hares are so lewd.

>> No.19270390
Quoted by: >>19270395

Rei's . Probably the original white but the 3.0 black probably fits the color scheme better.

>> No.19270393

Lucy's a cute name, really suits a small nightgaunt.
Look at the size of those tits, jesus.

>> No.19270395

Good taste anon. White latex is criminally underrated.

>> No.19270396

You're part of the problem, nigger.

>> No.19270400

Why does that wurm have a sledgehammer?

>> No.19270401
Quoted by: >>19270404

I thought the Otohime Knight would be more of the suave, high roller, Bond-esque type who protects her casino and attractions.

>> No.19270403

Now those are some cow tits

>> No.19270404
Quoted by: >>19270411

I like you're idea better

>> No.19270411

>angry grammar nazi Anubis noises

>> No.19270420
Quoted by: >>19270438

Maybe at some point, but you're going to need to bring friends regardless. Now I'm just trying to figure out who her princess knights would be.

>> No.19270424
Quoted by: >>19270453

I thought hakutakus were the grammar nazis?

>> No.19270425 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19270430


>> No.19270426
Quoted by: >>19270431

I wonder who would anger an Anubis more, one who intentionally makes typos or the Anon who talks shit about the Pharaoh online.

>> No.19270430
Quoted by: >>19270441


>> No.19270431

>faroh has a phat lumpi ars that is 100 persent diskusting to look at!
>Anubis nearly has a coronary

>> No.19270438

Lizard and Salamander with a desert theme for two of them maybe. It's a shame KC hasn't made any warrior types from the desert but it would be fun seeing the anubutt's knights violated.

>> No.19270441

Oh. Sorry about that.

>> No.19270443

i enjoyed this

>> No.19270448

I want a Minotaur to rape me until I beg her to stop, the BITCHSLAP ME and ride me harder.

>> No.19270451

Red hair is perfect for dragons.

>> No.19270453

A haku's eye would twitch and her smile might strain, but she'd gently correct the error and remind you of the importance of clear communication. It's the Grammar Anubis who is more of an attack-dog.

>> No.19270455
File: 218 KB, 857x511, 1509203271738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like one happy family of men and lizards

>> No.19270464
Quoted by: >>19270493

Anyone here practice lucid dreaming or any other similar stuff so they can temporarily be with his waifu?

>> No.19270475
File: 81 KB, 640x715, cybermaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We can rebuild her, we have the technology

>> No.19270493
Quoted by: >>19270526

I used to, but it takes a lot of practice, and a regular sleep schedule.
Sleeping is too all over the place for me right now due to work so It's too hard to do it regularly.

I always have the most success by drinking a fuckload of water and not peeing before bed, so I wake up in the middle of the night to do it. Then when I'm going back to sleep it's easier to have a lucid, or at least more vivid dream

Melatonin can also help vivid dreams as well, can't really speak to helping control them. But it will help you remember your dreams long enough to write them down. Capturing them when they're fresh is really important to making sure you remember them, so either write them down or describe them into a reco

>> No.19270511
File: 53 KB, 800x566, 800px-Shoggoth31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19270604

best maid

>> No.19270520

Do you have preferences between natural born/monsterized MGs?

>> No.19270526
Quoted by: >>19270585

Did you ever succeeded with being with your waifu?

>> No.19270530

A monsterised girl is more interesting as she has to cope with new feelings and sensations.

>> No.19270532

Natural born, monsterized MGs still retain the human woman standards, which for all intent and pruposes ruin said monstergirl to me.

>> No.19270547

If i could I would go for a harem with both naturals and monsteised, seeing as thats already a thing

>> No.19270556

The closest girl I have to a waifu is monsterized but willingly as the situation allowed.
I don't really have an overall preference though.

>> No.19270585
Quoted by: >>19270610

Pretty regularly yea
Even if it's not 100% controlled, I can often push the dream to be about her.

>> No.19270591

I'd much prefer natural born ones.

>> No.19270604
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x1049, 59036707_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best maid is a Mer-maid

>> No.19270610
Quoted by: >>19270622

I am thinking of doing it, but it seems to much effort. Is it worth it? Have you ever maanged to have sex with her at least once?

>> No.19270617

I don't get the maid fetish, in fact maids are a turn-off to me. Likely becuase I live in a country where maids are very cheap and are, with all due respect, ugly as fuck.

>> No.19270618
File: 547 KB, 2069x1455, Lesser_Succubus_extra_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19270641

>monsterized MGs still retain the human woman standards
No they don't you faggot robot.

>> No.19270622

Yea it was great, It's worth the effort for sure.
Having sex is great in the dream, and there's not really anywhere else you can feel something like it if your wife has really non human bits.

Honestly even just the comfy SOL dreams are worth it alone.

>> No.19270623
Quoted by: >>19270693

How much did that cost you? I want one as well but I'm too chickenshit since I still live with my mom and sister.

>> No.19270625

Natural >>>>>>>>>>>>> monsterized plebs

>> No.19270637

Dick the daughteru!

>> No.19270641
Quoted by: >>19270666

Yes, they do. Their standards are likely not AS strict as when they were human women, but they still retain them. If a human woman like rich alpha dudes, then as a monster she is still going to be after rich alpha dudes.

>> No.19270644

nah i'm good

>> No.19270649

natural born for maximum comfort with her nature

>> No.19270655
Quoted by: >>19270810

but then you'd have a filthy water house otherwise she can't do shit

>> No.19270661 [DELETED] 

Fill her tight lil' cunny with your hot sticky cummies!

>> No.19270666
Quoted by: >>19270677

The great thing about 2d is that unless stuck in an ntr doujin they don't have to be like that as evidenced by all the girls in harem shows that go for the dense and bland self insert.

>> No.19270671
File: 784 KB, 1800x1900, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer mere-maids.

>> No.19270677
Quoted by: >>19270713

This is only if you assume that human women in MGE are anime waifus. But KC has made it clear (likely to make a contrast with monstergirls) that they are like our world 3DPD. Also we are talking about us, so likely our monsterized monstergirl would be former women from our world, as opposed to MGE women.

>> No.19270691
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, waifika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone here is against hunting animals. What would you do if your waifu is into hunting? Would you forbig or allow her to continue doing or? Or would it be irrelevant because she would just do what she wants?

>> No.19270693

The amount for the art will vary from artist to artist, but aside from that the pillow was about 80 dollars and getting it printed costed roughly the same, so you'll be looking at over 200 dollars easily.

>> No.19270694
File: 283 KB, 900x700, wolfu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong image, I meant to post this one.

>> No.19270696
File: 65 KB, 227x567, Tenshi caught a fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to get a maid

>> No.19270713
Quoted by: >>19270722

>But KC has made it clear (likely to make a contrast with monstergirls) that they are like our world 3DPD
Yet the fallen maidens exist
>Also we are talking about us, so likely our monsterized monstergirl would be former women from our world, as opposed to MGE women.
It's your fantasy nerd, it's in your head. If you have so little confidence in your fantasy self that's on you.

>> No.19270722
Quoted by: >>19270766

>It's your fantasy nerd, it's in your head. If you have so little confidence in your fantasy self that's on you.

True, but if we go by that. Then I might as well use any setting and any fiction. MGE stands out because I can actually be with my waifu without having to bend all the rules of reality and probablity just so that she would like me.

>> No.19270733
File: 76 KB, 844x766, 1509449166157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i get a shadow spawn beyond the stars gf?

>> No.19270744

They don’t though, except in your headcanon. They explicitly gain MG values.

>> No.19270749
Quoted by: >>19270777

I want to tell her that her Darling is false and see what happens.

Fuck that; I hope whaling is one of the traditions of her people so I can go do that once or twice. Hunting whales sounds awesome (so long as it's not done to excess, yada yada)

>> No.19270766
Quoted by: >>19270803

It's not bending if it's canonically possible and has proven to be.

>> No.19270777
File: 2.13 MB, 2059x1200, Waifu friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to tell her that her Darling is false and see what happens
You bastard.

>> No.19270783
Quoted by: >>19270791

You men are disgusting. If I was living in the MGE world, me and my succubi sisters would punish people like you.

>> No.19270790

I feel

>> No.19270791

Joke's on you, daughteru dicking would be perfectly legal in monstergirl cities.

>> No.19270802

Every time I see this picture it makes me feel like the epitome of manliness.
Do any of you fucks in this thread cut your damn hair?

>> No.19270803

In MGE yes, not in other fictions. And bear in mind Fallen Maidens is not canon and even then it only happened because the women were already in love with the MC (who is a handsome redhaired guy, I have to add) .

>> No.19270810

>mermaid knows you have a maid fetish
>plops herself on top of a giant mo-head and pulls it along under her, like she's swimming just above the floor
>she isn't getting much clean but she is doing her best

>> No.19270822

>tfw my hair is longer than all of theirs

>> No.19270829

>And bear in mind Fallen Maidens is not canon.
You're thinking of Fallen Brides.

>> No.19270834
File: 604 KB, 1000x1142, 56668810_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>handsome redhaired guy
So? They didn't fall for him because of his looks, but because he was the only one to treat them as people instead of tools.

>> No.19270837
File: 347 KB, 1087x831, fallenbrides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19270883

>Fallen Maidens is not canon
It's Fallen Brides. Fallen maidens is part of world guide 1 and that's canon.

The redhaired guy is pic related.

>> No.19270841
Quoted by: >>19270851

Goddamn hippies.

>> No.19270848
Quoted by: >>19270906

Handsome is just their impression. They fell for him because he was nice to them/treated them differently than other men treated them.

Except for the Inari, though. She just descended into degeneracy tonthe point where joining in seemed like a good idea.

>> No.19270851

Jokes on you anon, I don't smoke or even drink!

>> No.19270855
Quoted by: >>19270869

>They didn't fall for him because of his looks

>> No.19270856
File: 6 KB, 120x120, FUCK BEES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19270864


>> No.19270862

Oh yeah, well my hair is longer than all of their wives' hair

>> No.19270864
Quoted by: >>19270875

Do bee girls' lady juices taste like honey?

>> No.19270867

Oh yeah, well my dick is longer than your hair!

>> No.19270868
Quoted by: >>19270902

Are you a Kej by any chance?

>> No.19270869
File: 99 KB, 456x448, 62568396_p28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19270879

Someone get this lost robot back to his home.

>> No.19270875

Sugar water.
You can get honey from their tits.

>> No.19270879
Quoted by: >>19270886

Anon you're completely retarded if you think his personality was the only reason they fell in love with him. There's a difference between being a faggot from /r9k/ and being logical.

>> No.19270882
Quoted by: >>19270903

>sugar from their crotches
>honey milk from their tits
I'd hope their personalities are sweet enough to match.

>> No.19270883
File: 2.34 MB, 834x1200, Merse_Echidna1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19270891

Where is best girl?

>> No.19270885

That's gross

>> No.19270886

First day in MGE I take it

>> No.19270889
Quoted by: >>19270899

Reminder that in MGE quite a bit of humans cheat, and the majority of the population is male.

>> No.19270891

Too busy turning new recruits into monstergirls I think

>> No.19270896

Anon that only applies to monster girls. Human girls are the exact same in that setting as the ones we have now.

>> No.19270899
Quoted by: >>19270912

There's a population explosion not unlike ours after the industrial revolution 200 years ago after monsters became monstergirls and stop eating/killing people.

>> No.19270902

No, I'm the guy who is obsessed with spider arse.

>> No.19270903

Honey bees and (especially) Bumblebees, yes.
Beware the similar-appearing wasps though.

Unrelated, but the other day I learned that a lot of bumblebee species like to live underground or under ground level foliage.

>> No.19270905

>They didn't fall for him because of his looks

We don't know if they would had fallen in love with him if he didn't had those looks though. That he treated them as people was the tiebreaker, but we don't know if the same would had happened if he looked different or was older. I prefer natural born monstergirls than taking that chance. Specially since, again, canon does confirm us that MGE human women are like the human women in our world.

>> No.19270906

Everything about the Inari's story rubbed me the wrong way. Now I always have the feeling in the back of my mind tat I shouldn't fuck an MGE girl because it's like taking advantage of someone.

>> No.19270907

Combined or respectively?

>> No.19270912

They stopped killing people, but they still effectively reduce population growth a bit due to the steady abduction of males/monsterization of women.

>> No.19270916

>Fallen Maidens is not canon
Confidence issues posters don't know what's canon, go figure.

>> No.19270918
Quoted by: >>19270939

Well on the bright side, not like you're actually in risk of that.

>> No.19270921

This only goes for monster girls. Human girls in MGE are the same as the ones here.

>> No.19270924
Quoted by: >>19270951

Seemed to me more like she was just saying “fuck it and fuck you” to her past life where she had been denied the life of a normal girl.

>> No.19270933
Quoted by: >>19270942

>you will never be the aide of a demon/lilim shipmistress

>> No.19270939


>> No.19270942
Quoted by: >>19270966


>> No.19270948

>Epitome of manliness because you're balding

>> No.19270949
File: 3.50 MB, 3114x3766, 69340512_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like dhampirs.

>> No.19270951


It doesn't help she walked into the place where demonic energy is at its densest and stumbled upon other fallen maidens having sex with [YOU].

>> No.19270953

Reminder that even monster girls have standards. If you're just some loser the best you'll get is a slime that doesn't really even like you.

>> No.19270956
Quoted by: >>19270963

I dont

>> No.19270958

If you're stuck in an Order-controlled town, what do you do?

>> No.19270961
Quoted by: >>19270990

I just remember to visit a barber more than twice a year.

>> No.19270963
File: 729 KB, 1052x751, 68843085_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19270981

Are you the Vampire cowering in this pic?

>> No.19270964
Quoted by: >>19270976

I want to be a Dhampir's childhood friend

>> No.19270965

Originally from /pol/

>> No.19270966
Quoted by: >>19270977

>not signing up to serve the mamono-human empire

Love through unity!

>> No.19270967
File: 590 KB, 1200x1300, Shogtanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19270974

>using a Grigori pic

>> No.19270970
Quoted by: >>19270996

They don't have standards, they have preferences.

>> No.19270971

Place one foot in front of the other, then repeat until you are no longer in that town.

>> No.19270974

The entire post is so fucking bad. The fact that you're the only person to point out something wrong about it is awful.

>> No.19270976

When you you find out she wasn't human? Or would she have introduced herself as what she was from the beginning?

>> No.19270977
Quoted by: >>19271002

Why the fuck would I go to fantasyland just to get another job?

>> No.19270981

That is some really bad art

>> No.19270982

Stay in it. Not like I have any hope outside of one.

>> No.19270983

Why do you keep posting this

>> No.19270985
File: 420 KB, 720x960, 35215190_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271034

Can i get a rare slime for a rare loser?

>> No.19270989

The first one. That sounds like it'd be cuter.

>> No.19270990

>Not being a literal skinhead is keeping your hair too long

>> No.19270995
File: 510 KB, 1280x1817, p023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having sex with her is how people usually notice she isn't human.

Pic related lived her whole life without knowing she's a Dhampir until a certain Lilim came.

>> No.19270996
Quoted by: >>19271012

They absolutely do anon, are you retarded?

>> No.19270997

Nice try at baiting. We know from multiple canon confirmation that MGs do not reject anyone unless they are already married or are in love with someone else.

>> No.19270998

>this is your mind on onions

>> No.19271001
Quoted by: >>19271022

Look like I hit a nerve somewhere.

>> No.19271002

Space adventures!
I guess you could just join the shady mamono trader crew instead

>> No.19271007
Quoted by: >>19271026

They reject you if you're a total scumbag.

>> No.19271008

Didn't know it had gotten that far

>> No.19271009
Quoted by: >>19271019

You really think a Lilim would go for a commoner loser that would have issues holding his girlfriend's hand in fear of embarrassing her?

>> No.19271012
Quoted by: >>19271016

>goes for the insult instead of supporting with evidence

So much for taking you seriously

>> No.19271013

It's time for a new game! Welcome to WHICH WORST END!

In this game, you are given three options to choose from for your preferred worst end. NOTE: All worst end picks are considered final. There is no way to game the end AT ALL to result in a good end.


Anon is sitting at his computer shitposting on 4chan like he always does when he's suddenly RIPPED from our reality and into the world of MONSTERGIRLS!

Which end will he choose?

Anon is pulled through and finds himself on the ground before a Cu Sith and Cait Sith pair who are ecstatic that their husbando from their favorite anime was successfully summoned! The girls love to engage in threeways but love nothing more than to sexually dominate their male lovers! Looks like Anon is going to be the Beta of THIS pack!

Anon is pulled through and finds himself in a dark, filthy room with a single tall, buff Akaname standing there, her saliva dripping into a puddle at her feet! She's always been in love with Anon since his anime first aired and now that she has him, she can engage in all the depravity she's imagined! Her favorite thing to do is mount Anon's spear and simply sit there, forcing him to orgasm through JACKHAMMERING his butthole with her tongue! Looks like Anon's gonna need to learn to stretch!

Anon is pulled through and finds himself in a sterile room in front of a pair of his FAVORITE monstergirls! Unfortunately for him, they're intending to use him to cover up their lesbian love for one another! Anon is going to spend his life living at home as a live-in maid, sometimes getting banged by these two lesbo lovers so they can have some cute daughterus! Unfortunately for Anon, even the daughterus are lesbians AND the two mamono won't EVER love him


>> No.19271016

Salamanders and Lizards. Don't forget that Baphos only go for strong men.

>> No.19271019
Quoted by: >>19271021

Yes, I do. Its how the setting works.

>> No.19271020

See, that's more like it. Also, good thing I'm covered in those regards.

>> No.19271021

Then you're a naive fool, anon.

>> No.19271022


>> No.19271025

i want a gun and 3 bullets

>> No.19271026
Quoted by: >>19271045

I don't think total scumbags would go for MGs.

>> No.19271033

3 and then just leave I guess

>> No.19271034
File: 2.42 MB, 1800x2560, Gray Slime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271040

Grey Slimes are GOAT and I hope we get one from KC eventually.

>> No.19271036
File: 947 KB, 1800x2250, Lich23b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271047

Please consider the following. Splicing a holstaur with glacie dna to produce a cow that lactates ice cream.

>> No.19271037
File: 154 KB, 960x870, two succs and a goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271063

>KC's stance is "as you wish, as long as not counter to the spirit of MGE". Love conquers all. Even without everything but love, you can still live. MGE is such escapist porn fantasy. It is not a work meant to make you suffer. After all, everything will be settled at a good conclusion, as long as the settings permit. And it is the main theme of MGE.

>> No.19271040
Quoted by: >>19271052

He tried, but they kept running away every time one was seen up close.

>> No.19271043
Quoted by: >>19271063

Wrong. We have confirmation that Salamanders (and by extension Lizards) will accept weaklings provided they accept to be trained, and they would drop even that if they completely fall in love with him in the meantime.


KC's word and the canon settings >>>>>> your opinion.

>> No.19271045
Quoted by: >>19271069

You don't know that. There are probably some that can be fixed by monster girls

>> No.19271046

Hi. That anon isn't me, even though I agree with him.

>> No.19271047
File: 42 KB, 238x207, Holstaur12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lactating a solid substance
How the fuck does that even work????????

>> No.19271048

Fuck off.

>> No.19271049

With great difficulty, it seems.

>> No.19271052

Is that something that was actually noted in the books? If so then my hope has increased. Maybe she'll be released the same time as Shrimp Knight

>> No.19271055

Soft serve.

>> No.19271062

If you are weak Baphos will send you in a quest you can fulfill to accept you, with the implication the entire thing is basically just a complex RPG game with her. Salamanders and Lizardmans go for weak men on the condition of training them. KC revoked the standards a long time a go. It is no coincidende that the lastest monster girl with requirements (Hinezumi) came with an in-profile workaround inlcuded.

>> No.19271063

High class girls like Lilims have absolutely zero reason to fall in love with someone like a regular poster in these threads

>> No.19271069

If they can be fixed by monster girls then they would not be rejected.

>> No.19271071

Sure they can, that's why there's infinite lilims.

>> No.19271080

It doesn't matter if there are reasons or not or if its logical to you. KC and the settings confirmed it.

>> No.19271084

>He thinks we don't have high class posters
new I see

>> No.19271085
File: 210 KB, 728x1032, Lilim81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271093

KC sez there are at least 100 lilims out there, since the Demon Lord has had 1000 years to make babies.

>> No.19271087

>Be a bounty hunter that takes pride in your job because you're killing people who don't deserve to live
>Monster girls start popping up everywhere and now you have to be constantly on the run so they don't kill you
>You just wanted to keep people safe

>> No.19271089

Love conquers all.

>> No.19271092
Quoted by: >>19271099

Fuck off

>> No.19271093

This image is so busy that I can't figure out what's what.

>> No.19271095

3 is my fetish.

>> No.19271096
Quoted by: >>19271114

>young lilim and a young plain normal guy are in a relationship
>Demon Lord family dinner
>A lot of lilims and their rather powerful husbands are there

It's going to be fine though since the firstborn lilim is a really cool oneesan!

>> No.19271099

There is nothing wrong with killing bad people.

>> No.19271105
Quoted by: >>19271424

Can i KMS or will they resurrect me as a undead incubus?

>> No.19271109
File: 2.31 MB, 1574x1063, 46911082_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster girls can distinguish between people who do bad things because of bad circumstances and people who do bad things for shits and giggles.

>> No.19271114
Quoted by: >>19271206

Hopefully that guy doesn't have self esteem issues or else he's gonna be in for a bad time.

>> No.19271117
Quoted by: >>19271132

Monstergirls wouldn't kill you for being a bounty hunter. There are probably Monstergirl bounty hunters also.

>> No.19271119
Quoted by: >>19271135

I'd kind of like to see a monstergirl healing a bounty hunter or something similar who assumes he's too far gone.

>> No.19271127
Quoted by: >>19271147

What about someone doing it for money?

>> No.19271132

I'm pretty sure the only requirement is enjoying causing pain to others. So someone who became a bounty hunter because he knows he's a terrible person that likes doing bad things to people who deserve it isn't getting a monster wife.

>> No.19271135
Quoted by: >>19271144

Monster girl healing is the best healing.

>> No.19271144

Francisca's story could count as healing too.

>> No.19271147
Quoted by: >>19271158

Then monster girls would view him as a terrible person.

>> No.19271149
Quoted by: >>19271154

What story?

>> No.19271154
Quoted by: >>19271181

Her story in fallen maidens.

>> No.19271158
Quoted by: >>19271177

What if it's to save the orphanage?

>> No.19271163

What is the story behind this Wurm?

>> No.19271167
File: 110 KB, 1024x744, Jabberwock143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271179

>becoming a gross blob of slime and tentacles

>> No.19271168
Quoted by: >>19271189

Merse too. The extremist faction probably uses her childhood as evidence that humanity is corrupt and needs to be saved.

>> No.19271177

They'd probably think it's a lie.

>> No.19271179

She was living like a cancer patient in palliative care. I'd say that's an improvement.

>> No.19271181

Oh that one, yeah no.

>> No.19271184

What would happen if I called a succubus/lilim fat, ugly, and that I don't like her?

>> No.19271185
Quoted by: >>19271191

It has been confirmed that monster girls don't reject men going after them, only if they are married or are in love they will do so. Monster girls operate on a completely different logic than humans. This is why you can have an illiterate beggar become a King just because he entered a ruin in a desert, while if it was remotely like our world the Khepris would kick him out and would only accept a guy deemed worthy or that at least has some culture.

>> No.19271186

I still wish someone would edit in Baronnessfag and his waifu, their heads both out of frame from being easily taller than everyone there

>> No.19271189

They would have a hell of a time with Deadly Women.

>> No.19271190

What if on an emotional level I enjoy causing pain but I know its wrong and avoid it?

>> No.19271191
Quoted by: >>19271227

>illiterate beggar become a King just because he entered a ruin in a desert,
That sounds like it could be a really cute story.

>> No.19271198

I dab repeatedly

>> No.19271206
Quoted by: >>19271218

Mommy demon lord and firstborn oneesan will cheer them up

>> No.19271213
File: 331 KB, 780x1000, e5b8d3ae0a80c0af992652ca060c5f6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271220

Look at this cute Nacho childhood friend I have.

>> No.19271216

If you somehow gained the abilities of the mamono lord in real life. Would you give MGs waifus to everyone or deny them to some people? I honestly wouldn't deny them even to my worst enemy or the scum of the Earth (provided the MGs will not be mistreated)

>> No.19271218

They should probably have not gone to begin with.

>> No.19271219
Quoted by: >>19271237

Everyone except for furries

>> No.19271220
File: 68 KB, 584x416, 7D4F5635-DF70-49CA-8B71-435E28708780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting Darling in the Cuxx

>> No.19271225
File: 831 KB, 557x568, 1393885060318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Sandworm be flattered if I showed her the documentary about Jodoroswky's Dune and told her it was a modest attempt compared to the works of art I intended to produce in her honor?

>> No.19271227

Well, they will surely accept him as we know MGs don't reject. But..... I think the Khepris will get really desperate trying to educate him. Not to boot him out or stop loving him, but some nasty fights might occur.

Or maybe they somehow are OK with him being completely ignorant and won't try to educate him.

>> No.19271228

Its a human girl getting cucked.

>> No.19271232

Kill yourself

>> No.19271233

I love bicorns, so I'll pick #3 and use her harem powers to attract women that love me and that they'd be willing to share.

>> No.19271235
Quoted by: >>19271317

Don't care, go back to /a/.

>> No.19271236
Quoted by: >>19271247

He was brought to lead, not read.

>> No.19271237
Quoted by: >>19271243

Not even furries anon. I truly believe in expanding MG love to everyone. Yes, even the guys manning the concentration camps in North Korea and torturing people out of pleasure.

>> No.19271238

Wouldn't he just give up and leave in the middle of the night?

>> No.19271239

It's a retard watching a shitty show.

>> No.19271240

They don't have to educate him; even if all he does is fuck hell still become king of a demon realm, it'll just be dark instead of green.

>> No.19271243

Okay good for you but I really hate furries

>> No.19271245
Quoted by: >>19271255

Judge it by a case-by-case manner. In the event of your aforementioned concerns, a special consultation with our staff of mindflayers should suffice with any questionable clients.

>> No.19271247
Quoted by: >>19271256

I see him becoming some sort of puppet king while the Khepris and influential mamonos do the actual ruling. We know from KC notes that Khepris actually have different bodytypes and functions and there are "minister type" Khepris, so they would likely be the ones that do the actual ruling, provided the king remains uneducated.

>> No.19271249

Sandworm pleasant Onee-san is too heartboner inducing

>> No.19271250

>implying I even know what you're assblasted about
Anon pls.

>> No.19271252

They probably fight for the right to rape him first.

>> No.19271253
Quoted by: >>19271263

What if I want to beat a Redcap into submission with demon silver knickles? Surely Redcap abuse is A-Okay

>> No.19271255
Quoted by: >>19271331

Would you deny them to clients that have personally done harm to you? Like bullies for example or something.

>> No.19271256
Quoted by: >>19271305

He might not be booksmart. But I'm pretty sure the beggar would quickly realize that he's just being used.

>> No.19271260

>Orphaned Shota-kun wanders into ancient ruins
>Ends up becoming Kephri Prince
>Harem of Onee-sans now tasked with raising him into a fine young man
>Educate him about the world
>Take care of him
>Guide him in learning his princely duties
>One day, he will become a great king, they are sure

This stuff writes itself!

>One day, a boy around his age shows up in the ruins, accompanied by an Automaton

>> No.19271263

Is it okay to impale a Redcap Louise on a demon silved stake from taint to clavicle and use her writhing body as an onahole?

>> No.19271264
Quoted by: >>19271285

And that's how you manage to make Khepri waifus snap and send the would-be king to a special educational camp run by a very strict Lilim for human men spoiled brats.

>> No.19271270

That's probably a bit much. I was hoping for some light Ryoma into wrestle sex and choking.

>> No.19271271

Ruined it.

>> No.19271278

Explain further.

>> No.19271280
Quoted by: >>19271288

How about crucifixion with demon silver nails and used as onahole?

>> No.19271285
Quoted by: >>19271292

That's also how you get a bitter and vindictive husband that regrets every meeting wives.

>> No.19271286

I'd revert them back to killing machines and send them out to purge all the corrupt trash like politicians ruining humanity and put the low IQ normalfags back in the slave cages where they belong so democracy stops being the tyranny of retardition and propaganda.

>> No.19271288
Quoted by: >>19271307

That sounds interesting.

>> No.19271291

Enjoy your new cage

>> No.19271292


>> No.19271293

Actually this discussion is something that some of you Kheprifag anons and Inari husbandos need to consider. Yeah MGs don't reject and as such they will not reject you, no matter the high class. But we come from a completely different world, we are in many ways more ignorant than a beggar. So I think not all would be fun and if we marry high class mamonos they would likely demand that we become educated in their manners. At the very least you are not going to escape going to the Hakutaku tutor or the Inari teacher.

>> No.19271297

When we last left our hero, he couldn’t find his Automanee! What has that dastardly Gremmy done to her?

>> No.19271304


>> No.19271305

Would he have any reason to care? He gets hot meals, a bed, clean clothes, and all the hot ties to bang a man could want and all he has to do is appear from time to time. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal depending upon the type of vagrant he is.

>> No.19271307
Quoted by: >>19271338

Consider a really abusive Red Cap nailed to a cross, unable to move or do anything else than hurl abuse at you as you have excruciatingly soft slow sex with her and keep her on the edge for hours.

>> No.19271314
Quoted by: >>19271352

I think being educated by your inari wife sounds fun. Just imagine her borrowing a chalkboard and scholar's cap from the local hakutaku and making a big show out of educating you.

>> No.19271315

>Anon is worth less to monster girls than an insane begger
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.19271317

Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.19271324
Quoted by: >>19271398

Maybe he doesn't appreciate being treated like a child.

>> No.19271326
Quoted by: >>19271398

I can see him feeling like he was taking advantage of them if he wasn't too familiar with how monstergirls work. That might be a cute scene too, him leaving in the dead of night, thanking them for their hospitality but not wanting to abuse of it, and there's a mad scramble to "bring the king home again."

>> No.19271330 [DELETED] 


>> No.19271331

Difficult to say. I want to say that I would, but in the end I'm not that callous as to stoop to their level. If they want mine, though, then all bets are off.

>> No.19271336
File: 3.82 MB, 2500x3500, Black Beauty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271376

It's not my place to give waifus. It is my place to go full Miracleman on this world and let them make their own while I resurrect dead artists for my own vanity.
First I'll bring back Gaudi so he can design a palace for the missus and me.

>> No.19271338
Quoted by: >>19271353

I often IMAGINE™ a similar scenario, where you screw a raging Redcap until she's a airheaded Whitecap. Then tie her up and edge her until she's a frothing Redcap again, but now she can't rape you. Plenty of orgasm denial and creampies.

>> No.19271339


>> No.19271352

What would be the punishment for getting an "F" in her exams?

>> No.19271353
Quoted by: >>19271374

>Plenty of orgasm denial and creampies.
Anon no.
You pull out just as she's about to cum and hump her belly button to completion.

>> No.19271355

Sleeping in a hotel for the night.

>> No.19271360
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x1382, tumblr_pajko80aZk1vldipoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271371

ded dragon

>> No.19271371

Do zombie Dragons hoard defunct currencies?

>> No.19271374

It's possible that I might be packing just a little too much heat to successfully screw a belly button. But otherwise good idea, because I like to see Redcaps writhing on the peak of climax.

>> No.19271376
Quoted by: >>19271387

>and let them make their own

You mean giving anons the capacity to create their own waifus?

>> No.19271378

Spending time in Detention Hall, which looks suspiciously like your kitchen with some sheets covering it up. You have to spend at least an hour after class brushing the teacher's fluffy "educational equipment."

>> No.19271381

>Redcap Louise
If you mean the louise you think I do I want to beat her stomach with demon silver gloves while fucking her.

>> No.19271382
Quoted by: >>19271387

do sandworms and their husband race other sandworms and their husbands?

>> No.19271386

A curse that leaves you perpetually on the verge of climax/coitus. The sensation intensifies with every action you take or sensation you feel, but you will be unable to release without her sayso.

>> No.19271387
Quoted by: >>19271406

Sure why not.

>> No.19271388

There's only one Louise worth mentioning, anon.
>also not strangling her with the gloves

>> No.19271391


>> No.19271398
Quoted by: >>19271423

Any competent khepri could pretty handily avoid that. Especially if it's made clear to him that's he's just a figurehead and needn't have any responsibilities.

This is an interesting scenario. You'd need a reason he's a beggar with a heart of gold and not just a bum, though.

>> No.19271401
Quoted by: >>19271415

Short. flat and extremely tsun.

>> No.19271404
File: 1.27 MB, 1000x1412, 1393279134386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271416

It's a rather steamy sale effendi, I give you good price.

>> No.19271406

Im not sure the Mamono Lord powers are enough to allow you to grant average joes the power to create monster girls. You would likely need the Original Chief God abilities to do so, and even then its uncertain.

>> No.19271408
File: 327 KB, 1050x1500, 1351550237177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271415

That's on the list of things I'd do too.
A tsundere so harsh she makes nachos look like alices.

>> No.19271415

Sounds nice, I like tsun. What are the best tsundere monstergirls?

>> No.19271416

What's the sale on your hand in marriage?

>> No.19271419

Well then I wish for more Genies, maybe they can solve this.

>> No.19271421
File: 182 KB, 1620x1060, the true you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271442

If doppelgangers are born from the feeling of a man being rejected, what does a doppelganger give birth to if she gets pregnant?

>> No.19271423

>Especially if it's made clear to him that's he's just a figurehead and needn't have any responsibilities.

I don't think the Khepris would ever tell him, it would be too disrespectful. And they might not consider him a figurehead, but a "king in training" or they simply took over the duties without realizing the king is a figurehead.

>> No.19271424
File: 544 KB, 1550x1647, 798A4218-7C6C-47CC-ABF4-0CC4529E63EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271430

Please kiss your servants! They enjoy it very much!

>> No.19271427

Then use science

>> No.19271430
Quoted by: >>19271437

I refuse

>> No.19271437

>"Silly Mastah" intensifies

>> No.19271438
File: 716 KB, 776x1200, Cupid dark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271448

>What are the best tsundere monstergirls?

>> No.19271442

The way doppelgangers work and how mamono mana is responsive to desires, at times I wonder if it is possible for a man strongly desiring a particular monster girl if this could cause the mamono mana to give birth to an entirely new species of monster girls.

>> No.19271445

>Sounds nice, I like tsun
Zero no Tsukaima if you're interested, it's a classic of the harem genre. I just hope you have a tollerance for her beating selfinsert-kun with a riding crop on multiple occasions.

Dragons make for great tsunderes though, so do Salamanders and Hinezumis who don't want to admit you won.

>> No.19271448
File: 473 KB, 1200x900, 66952010_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong dere.

>> No.19271454

May have several stranger than normal fetishes, bio-luminescence, cloven hoofed Succubi, monsterization but furries are not one of them. Cu and Cait Shit are cute in the same way a teddy bear is cute, it looks soft and fluffy but you only keep it around for decoration.

>> No.19271455

>likes tsunderes
>isn't aware of one of the classic archetypal tsunderes

>> No.19271456

To be fair Louise gets better a lot faster compared to most physical female leads

>> No.19271458

A divorce.

>> No.19271464

What made you this posting this garbage art was a good idea when there are better images?

>> No.19271467

Cupids would definitely be tsundere. They are constantly pent up from their duty, terrible at expressing their emotions through anything other than physical violence, and probably try and take themselves seriously.

>> No.19271474

>physical female leads
I always hated love hina for that. Naru was the worst and any other girl would of been better

>> No.19271479
File: 111 KB, 1200x850, DbcVWcbU8AARO_E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiver me timbers!

>> No.19271489
Quoted by: >>19271512

That's a comely coat. I bet she'd be good at ships in bottles, too.

>> No.19271491
Quoted by: >>19271506

She does, she was brutal in season one but I have so many fond memories of the second. It pretty much cemented my love for tsunderes.

>> No.19271493

In life or in death none shall have that which is Black Jack Lee's!

>> No.19271494

Why repost shit from twitter with some inane caption added

>> No.19271495

The creator apparently hated the boosted violence of the anime version

>> No.19271504
Quoted by: >>19271560

>her beating selfinsert-kun with a riding crop on multiple occasions
I wish she'd whip his dicku with it and also ram it way up in there

>> No.19271506

It helps that saito can put his foot down when need be

>> No.19271512
File: 89 KB, 877x620, kraken_by_lutherniel-d7ucey6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19271515

Yagsparroo, we meet again

>> No.19271526

I feel like I've seen this face before. Singing really off-key in some Johannesburg-like high school slum

>> No.19271537

Motoko was literally perfect.

>> No.19271553
File: 336 KB, 620x877, 69321573_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271559

This is your maid for today.

>> No.19271559

I will treat her appropriately. No lewd stuff or bullying!

>> No.19271560

/d/ out.

>> No.19271570
Quoted by: >>19271629

Don't worry, it's a demon silver riding crop.
One that I'll bully her relentlessly with while she's crucified.

>> No.19271586

>would a guy who has been homeless and penniless his entire life give up on being made a fucking king because his free personal harem wants to teach him a thing or two?
Your lack of perspective is staggering.

>> No.19271593
File: 511 KB, 751x1052, 69162733_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW no wight onee-san to spoil me

>> No.19271602

I can't remember any others except Atlach-Nacha, but she's really got the tsundere part down.

>> No.19271609
File: 257 KB, 400x540, Medusa_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19271612

I want to be a orphan abandoned at a graveyard and adopted by a big undead family!

>> No.19271618
File: 822 KB, 345x462, 1406600888537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a tomboy oni onee-san who comes home from a day of being a rough delinquent so that I can spoil her and rub cheeks with her while she demurely thanks me for taking care of her!
I want to send her to school every day with a homemade bento wrapped in cute cloth, complete with a little seaweed picture of her and me crudely done!
I want her a rival delinquent game to try to break into our house while I'm giving her a lap pillow and playing with her hair, only for them to discover that she's far too relaxed to fight them!
I want to invite the home invaders to dinner while thinking that they're her delinquent friend and make them eat a healthy dinner with her, solving their delinquent dispute!
I want them, driven by their desire for a cute younger brother to spoil them, to change their ways!

>> No.19271621
Quoted by: >>19271630

If i was keitaro i would have just left the inn
Better that over getting sword beams, getting kicked and tacking a punch so strong it makes the godanzuki look like a minor uppercut

>> No.19271623

Sandworms are too pure for this world

>> No.19271626
File: 403 KB, 2295x3068, DeFDtVaVwAA6Mf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big brown beautiful thighs!

>> No.19271629

What if you've inserted the riding crop into your penis and use it to ram it through her cervix so you can strapon her womb while you dick her vagina?

>> No.19271630
Quoted by: >>19271647

The what now?

>> No.19271633

What is the point of reposting the same twitter images every thread with pointless commentary

>> No.19271634

Anubi are really oily, aren't they? All that fur oil gets them slick all over. I bet you don't even need lube to dry hump them!

>> No.19271635

yeah, you don't need lube to do anal

>> No.19271641

Yeah, I guess all that tail oil would dribble over the anus and keep it smooth and slick.
I'd still rather intercrural her, though.

>> No.19271647


>> No.19271649

What if you get the one Anubutt who's strong against anal? What if she critiques your technique as you do it?

>> No.19271651
Quoted by: >>19271661

Why do you keep posting this

>> No.19271655

I'll learn perfect technique so she can enjoy it with me!

>> No.19271657

God I wish that were me.

>> No.19271658

You read from the ancient papyrus scrolls to learn powerful new techniques to defeat the anubutt's butt

>> No.19271659
Quoted by: >>19271666

Anubi have a natural weakness to anal, so her resistance would just balance it out.
You can use those critiques to improve your technique, and by the end of the session you should have her a slobbering, drooling, climaxing mess.

>> No.19271661
Quoted by: >>19271667

He's a spammer, which means this isn't the only image he posts every thread.

>> No.19271666

>by the end of the session you should have her a slobbering, drooling, climaxing mess.
I'd rather she had a single, simultaneous orgasm with me.

>> No.19271667

Who are all the retards that keep replying to it and why won't they go away

>> No.19271670
Quoted by: >>19271679

>paraplegic Anubis who can't feel her anus

>> No.19271678

Reminder that male and female mindbreak is for plebs. Patricians know the greatest form of Mindbreak is a double KO.

>> No.19271679
File: 229 KB, 900x721, no fun allowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271699

Pretty sure MAMONO MANA would heal any spinal cord injuries.

>> No.19271680
Quoted by: >>19271683

Only two posts called the fag out on his shit while one braindead retard replied seriously.

>> No.19271683
Quoted by: >>19271688

All three are braindead retards for replying

>> No.19271687 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19271778

Newfags that don't know how to fucking lurk, /monster/ vermin that refuses to leave and redditor trash.

>> No.19271688

>getting this assblasted over anubischat
It's like you shitters actually want this thread to be ded

>> No.19271699

She needs a lot of mana to heal her shattered spine. Which is why I need to give her a lot of sperm up her butt to speed up her healing process. It's physical therapy!

>> No.19271700

>Unironically defending braindead spamming.

>> No.19271702

A thread kept alive only by spamming might as well be dead.

>> No.19271704 [DELETED] 

>borderline ERP reply chain to an image spammer
>not cancer
Fuck off nigger

>> No.19271706 [DELETED] 

>borderline ERP
Literally 100% of these threads nigger

>> No.19271709

We need to ban images altogether. It's the only way to stop spammers.

>> No.19271712
Quoted by: >>19271715

just put the last nail in the coffin why don't you

>> No.19271713
File: 90 KB, 435x367, 1521217839343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271724

For all the shitters that bitch about "muh meanie self appointed thread police" these threads are in dire need of quality control.
>Literally 100%
Nope, that shit only comes courtesy of ESLniggers and cross-site cancer.

>> No.19271715
Quoted by: >>19271720

Let's just ban monster girls. It's not like anyone wants to talk or think about them.

>> No.19271716

The only borderline ERP trash posted here is the kind of bullshit you're defending. It's because of retarded newfags like you, you god damn reprobate

>> No.19271717

>Imagine the fag goblin boomer who posts this shit. kys kuk

Spam comes in many forms. It needs to be dealt with at the source.

>> No.19271718

>being this assblasted over getting called out
Feel free to mindlessly spam elsewhere.

>> No.19271720
Quoted by: >>19272156

we should just all kill ourselves then

>> No.19271724
Quoted by: >>19271731

Our actual moderation is and has always been shit, but when did we lose the self-enforced quality control standards this website used to hold so dear

>> No.19271731

>self-enforced quality control standards
lol @ ~posting standards~
touhou hijack lol

>> No.19271736
Quoted by: >>19271737

Eat shit spammer.

>> No.19271737 [DELETED] 

sugg my cogg newfag

>> No.19271742

Not strict posting standards, but the unanimous "Get the fuck out of here" response to retards who attempt to integrate their faggotry into the community

>> No.19271743
File: 971 KB, 810x1200, ApsaraRecolor2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your opinion on undead Eros monsters?

>> No.19271750

How would that even work?

>> No.19271753

Love is dead.

>> No.19271756

KC sez that any MG can become undead if they die with regrets.

>> No.19271765

By killing love.

>> No.19271776


>> No.19271778
Quoted by: >>19271785

>/monster/ vermin that refuses to leave and redditor trash
They're one and the same.

>> No.19271783

If that's borderline erp then all cute posting is borderline flirting, guy just said the lewds things he wants to do to an anubis.

>> No.19271785
Quoted by: >>19271797

I will agree that 2*4chan is basically a reddit equivalent but those communities are two different kinds of absolutely fucking awful

>> No.19271788

It's wiki tier trash.

>> No.19271790
Quoted by: >>19271840

What would you do if you were fucking her haha I bet I'd cum so hard haha oops I mean she haha ;¥

>> No.19271794

>If that's borderline erp then all cute posting is borderline flirting
Exactly. These autists want the thread to be MGE speculation for people who have memorized the canon.

>> No.19271797

That entire site is basically /r/thedonald mixed with whatever topic the board is about.

>> No.19271798
Quoted by: >>19271819

Look we're going to keep going around and round until we actually draw up some rules.

>> No.19271803
Quoted by: >>19271817

If you want to roleplay do it on the wiki.

>> No.19271806

I'd rather see a shota adopted by a Pharaoh or an Apophis

>> No.19271809 [DELETED] 

>waah they don't like my image spam erp can even though these threads would be dead if I didn't talk about my big cums all the time
Unironically shoot yourself in the gut

>> No.19271810

It'd be nice if the thread police could outline exactly what topics and forms of discussion they find acceptable. That way when they disagree with each other they fight amongst themselves.

>> No.19271811
Quoted by: >>19271838

It's basically the same as daughteru posting, waifu posting or any other sort of popular posting but lewd rather than cute. You're only getting so mad because of who he replied to if you're choosing now of all times to complain about it.
The image spammer is cancer but don't let that lead you into getting so mad that you'd burn everything down to spite him.

>> No.19271817

If you want to curate MGE trufacs, you should probably actually do it on the wiki. That's what they're for.

>> No.19271819

Rules are meant to be broken, as bans are meant to be evaded. This pathetic song and dance routine will continue until either the threads are purged from 4chan, or the posters are physically dealt with.

>> No.19271821

>wah wah thread police
Funny how the only time posters bring this up is when absolute trash is being called out as such.

>> No.19271822

As a white guy, what's the appropriate response to brown desert girls?

>> No.19271835

Dicking them, white on brown is great as long as the girl's the brown one.

>> No.19271838 [DELETED] 

If you want a place to jerk off over other another anon's anal techniques then you should go to >>>/trash/ you stupid cunt

>> No.19271840

Alright now it's completely sure we have been getting raided for hours.

Falseflagging and gaslighting like this, and the uncharacteristicly angry arguing about imgur links earlier, is the newest tactic of the whatever discordian or cross-siter or cross-board retardfaggot doing it this time.

>> No.19271843

As a male, you should be predisposed towards mating with every sapient creature you encounter.

>> No.19271844
Quoted by: >>19271850


>> No.19271846
Quoted by: >>19271859

Or you could go to the wiki if you want to post autistic trash like >>19271634

>> No.19271850
Quoted by: >>19271916

More than likely it is Beast since he's always been one for the nubile fighting game girls who almost look like boys.

>> No.19271854

>wtf why do people not like my cunnyposting tier trash

>> No.19271859

There was unironically nothing wrong with that post apart from the ! at the end if you want to be picky. Posting about wanting to fuck a monster girl from a porn setting of all things is perfectly on topic.

>> No.19271861

By that logic we've been getting raided for years. Remember when we had writefags and drawfags here?

>> No.19271862 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19271921

>the people calling out garbage posts are raiding us
More like we've been sitting in a pile of garbage for a while now and people are sick of your shit

>> No.19271869 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19271921

I bet you give good anal huh anon you'd make lots of girls cum haha

>> No.19271884
Quoted by: >>19271895

That post is such shit that all it needs is a cropped doujin image.

>> No.19271895

>discussing what we'd want to do with our waifus is bad now.

>> No.19271896
File: 181 KB, 787x1117, 92f7eedaad476c48596dac09969c60c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19271933

>> No.19271900

ERPing in the thread is not discussing what you want to do with your waifu you braindead retard

>> No.19271903
Quoted by: >>19271908

It was always bad

>> No.19271905
Quoted by: >>19271908

Wiki tier trash has never been allowed, anon.

>> No.19271906

Being fine with it.
Hell, I'd enjoy some chocolate skinned monster girls

>> No.19271908

What is allowed then?

>> No.19271916
File: 210 KB, 400x580, Nyotengu_C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record there are quite a few women that I enjoy in fighting games that have womanly bodies thank you very much.
Baiken, bullet and leona heidern at the top of that list

>> No.19271919

Pulling out so you can enjoy the contrast of white semen on her brown belly or back.

>> No.19271921 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19271972

You've been overplaying your hand in a way that makes you obvious to any regular who's been here a long time. The way you overextend the definition of "ERP" and accuse everyone of random garbage just to cause drama makes you stick out like a sore thumb.

I don't know where you're from. A discord? Le leddit? /d/ or /trash/? TFT or /monster/? Some butthurt tumblr clique?
I don't know what your problem is that you have to keep shitposting here. Getting butthurt about being told to go back to l*ddit so now you're falseflagging? Getting told to fuck off with your cancerous fetishes? Insecurefaggot still butthurt about hellhounds? Mermaidspammer butthurt about his thread being ignored and deleted?

Either way, you're still subhuman parasites and you need to fuck off with your aids. Do everyone a favour and just end it all.

>> No.19271922
Quoted by: >>19271930

Discussion about monster girls that isn't trash.

>> No.19271926

Talking about monster girls is okay.
Being a wiki-tier ERPing faggot is not okay.

If you don't have the common sense to tell the difference you should get the fuck out

>> No.19271927

Tasteful, canon discussion.

>> No.19271930
Quoted by: >>19271962

Such as?

>> No.19271932
Quoted by: >>19271972

There's an obvious attempt by someone or a group of people to cause shit here, case and point post right bellow you being a god damn trap.
ERP is against the rules if you think it is, report it and move on rather than derail the thread trying to play sheriff. It was far from being that though.

>> No.19271933
File: 118 KB, 924x529, gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19271936
Quoted by: >>19271961

Not even the best DOA girl, Beast.

>> No.19271950
Quoted by: >>19271971

Congrats, now he knows he got to you.

>> No.19271951
Quoted by: >>19271959

What the fuck

>> No.19271959
Quoted by: >>19271970

Summer, anon.

>> No.19271961

She's the only monster girl apart from alpha152, so shes all i can post from DOA
Best girls is either hitomi, tina or mila

>> No.19271962
Quoted by: >>19271989

Talking about what monster girl is the best.

>> No.19271963

I was just ribbing you, Beast. Leona is patrician taste.

>> No.19271970

That time of year when all the cheshire lolis get out of school

>> No.19271971

Please no bully, he's probably got his tabs mixed up.

>> No.19271972 [DELETED] 

>quality control is playing sheriff waah waah
How about you go away and never come back.
It's obvious to anybody who didn't just come here in 2016 that if you think any of that shit is okay you're a massive fucking faggot holy shit. Go back to the wiki where people actually care how big you say your dick is. Go back to plebbit where your shitty contributions are considered worthwhile.

>> No.19271973
Quoted by: >>19271987

Isn't phase 4 a clone?

>> No.19271974

I want to be "forced" to eat out my anubis boss from under the desk. My place is between her thighs!

>> No.19271975
Quoted by: >>19271982

Come on, Beast. The fact that you didn't list Christie or Lisa yet put her in is awful.

>> No.19271976

I'd like to see kobold equivalents for other races<

>leopard gecko lizard girls
>Kitten girls
>Hamster mice girls
>cornsnake lamias

>> No.19271982

Whats wrong with hitomi?

>> No.19271986

Which monstergirl would be into yaoi and BL ?

>> No.19271987

Clones dont count as monstergirls

>> No.19271989
File: 1.64 MB, 400x400, CheshireCat161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best MG is obviously your least favorite

>> No.19271991

Boring outside of her dealings with jan lee and hayate/ein

>> No.19271995

She's lame and annoying. She's a better version of Honkers but fuck me

>> No.19272001
File: 213 KB, 1044x725, Succubus86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19272044

None, because homosexuality is wrong.

>> No.19272002


Demon Royal Navy>Pirates

>> No.19272013

I want her to bully me

>> No.19272014


>> No.19272029
Quoted by: >>19272089

All of those in image are fucking normal you buzzcut neonazi

>> No.19272031
Quoted by: >>19272198


>> No.19272044
Quoted by: >>19272055

It's not.

>> No.19272047 [DELETED] 
File: 285 KB, 1000x602, 62568396_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19272067

>The room is ripe with the stench of bitches

>> No.19272055
File: 389 KB, 1179x821, 64944501_p37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19272070

Guys should only love girls, and vice versa.

>> No.19272059

1 for a good end my dude

>> No.19272067

t. Somebody who's never smelled a kennel full of dogs in heat

>> No.19272070

I disagree but I know you'll never change your mind.

>> No.19272071

>stereotypical Vikings are depicted with long hair
>Sampson lost his strength when he cut his hair
Really makes you think, I bet Salamanders would love a long haired dude with 250lbs of muscle to full nelson them.

>> No.19272074

Go look up whale milk

>> No.19272079
Quoted by: >>19272100

I just find it kind of funny that he's judging their appearances when monsters don't judge people by their looks.

>> No.19272084
Quoted by: >>19272092

Somehow I doubt any of our poofy-haired pals are muscle beach material.
Call it a hunch.

>> No.19272089

It's a proven fact that your chances of getting laid are inversely proportional to the amount of hair on your scalp. Hentai taught me that.

>> No.19272092
Quoted by: >>19272126

Yeah that's what you think faggot check these pecks

>> No.19272097
File: 171 KB, 992x1403, 1516384184588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can a jinko teach me how to defeat the Huns

>> No.19272100
Quoted by: >>19272113

I would guess that poster is a human and not a monster girl.

>> No.19272113
Quoted by: >>19272139

Just goes to show humans are inferior to monsters.

>> No.19272116
File: 126 KB, 1000x667, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were given the chance to fuck a bapho, getting a taste of the best pussy in the entire world, with no strings attached (no loli addiction, no commitment to a relationship, etc), would you do it?

>> No.19272125

>No commitment

>> No.19272126
File: 2.73 MB, 1750x2660, D6EDF7D7-065C-41C7-B5CF-9C0828149749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19272135


>> No.19272127

Possibly, but she can't teach you how to defeat mongolians, judging by how the Middle Jinko got vigorously dabbed on the the Mongolian Centaur Khanate

>> No.19272135
Quoted by: >>19272151

Caw caw motherfucker

>> No.19272136
Quoted by: >>19272231

What if I want some strings attached?

>> No.19272139
Quoted by: >>19272142

Humans > Monsters

>> No.19272142
Quoted by: >>19272184

Why are you here

>> No.19272143

Casual sex is shit. Monster girls are for marrying.

>> No.19272149

I want a minotaur to pin me against a wall!
The people in this thread are autistic hypocrites anon,stop being surprised

>> No.19272151
File: 167 KB, 466x2048, LJDX5qE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19272153

I'd have a one time session with all but two races in the encyclopedia and baphos are in my top 10 so damn right I would.

>> No.19272156

i'll do you if you do me no homo

>> No.19272182

If i hadn’t met my waifu yet or wasn’t in a relationship, I’d totally take a bapho up on that offer.

>> No.19272184

Because I'm a human that wants to fuck a monster girl.

>> No.19272192
Quoted by: >>19272313

>Shitposter try to pretend that he's better than anyone

>> No.19272193


>> No.19272194

one nights a shit

>> No.19272198

Blood riot leona is sexy

>> No.19272201

No. Loli makes me uncomfortable. Bad enough I'm old enough to have potentially been a father for a while, and I refuse to partake in that dickering of the daughteru nonsense.

>> No.19272231

I'm sure that if the two of you took an interest in one another it could blossom into something more

>> No.19272246

Could she make a man out of you?

>> No.19272258
File: 99 KB, 804x898, DgEen32WsAIn6ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you poke a Tritonia and run?

>> No.19272277

sure, what the worst that could happen? its not like im poking from behi

>> No.19272285

Poke? I would grab and squish

>> No.19272288
File: 43 KB, 528x520, worried bunyip noises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19272311

Did you have a stroke or something?

>> No.19272302

Your finger getting stuck and can't pull out I guess. It's similar to poking an Unagi-joro.

>> No.19272311

Poking a slug in her back-tentacles is like saying 'Candlejack'. You never ret

>> No.19272312

>replying to a five-hour-old post

>> No.19272313

I'm not a shitposter

>> No.19272316
File: 342 KB, 703x1200, wight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wooing an onee-san or cc type Wight and making her properly see you as a man
>dating a teenage class rep Wight and her letting it show and make people jealous by hanging off your arm in public, whether the situlation was you being the same age or being older or even younger
>doing lots of both romantic and lewd things together with a cute loli Wight, connecting her passionate young love and your more mature tender care, and her small pale body and your big warm dick
They're all so good.

>> No.19272323

Messy haired crow girls are the best harpies

>> No.19272335
File: 282 KB, 800x900, 69159283_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna learn horse-fu from Centaur-sensei!

>> No.19272337

Loli wights and zombies are incredibly high tier anon. I want to take a cemetery’s worth of Loli zombies out on the town and make them feel alive again!

>> No.19272341
Quoted by: >>19272455

I used to be more of a Lich guy but Wights really stole my heart, all three of those sound like a dream come true. I'd prefer the first or third one though.

>> No.19272359
Quoted by: >>19272380

Yes you are.

>> No.19272368
File: 517 KB, 1125x987, 68892892_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best horsepussy.

>> No.19272370

Prove it

>> No.19272371

I really need to get back to trying to translate this image set.
>t. Guy who doesn't know any Japanese and is just trying to painstakingly translate certain things through sheer trial and error.

>> No.19272380
Quoted by: >>19272389


>> No.19272384
Quoted by: >>19272402

>When you fluster the shit out of a Nightmare in the real world by telling her you want to do to her what she did to you in your dreams
>During the day

>> No.19272389
File: 871 KB, 1920x1080, Wurm20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I say you are.

>> No.19272400

how does the nightmare react when they find out the ideal version of themselves that their crush is attracted to is the shy easily flustered waking version of themselves?

>> No.19272402

Looks like it's magically-induced nap time.

Whitehorn tries so hard, though, despite not technically qualifying.

>> No.19272407

Please do, anything is better than nothing and there's so many monster girl images I'd love to see translated.

>> No.19272414

I wish that guy made more of that frumpy crow girl

>> No.19272420
Quoted by: >>19272428

Those pats are so good, they stay a dream becuase reality can't handle them.

>> No.19272428
File: 158 KB, 600x675, 9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19272459


>> No.19272455

Well to be honest, I prefer the third one and came up with the second option last to round out the lineup. But when I started thinking about the second one more, all three sub-scenarios somehow became really appealing "mini-stories" too.

There's the tried-and-true anime/VN plot with Anon and Wight being classmates, there's the eromanga plot where they look like it's compensated dating but the girl just has a lust for an older guy, and finally there's a "you've got to be kidding me" spectacle with a horny middle schooler Anon and a 20/10 JK Wight being together in public.

>> No.19272458
File: 953 KB, 800x1149, W1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19272759

>> No.19272459
Quoted by: >>19272786

I fucked up two times. I'd let the horsepussy fuck me because of it thought.

>> No.19272463
File: 305 KB, 889x805, dormouse meditate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets all take a moment to relax

>> No.19272481


>> No.19272485
File: 11 KB, 427x320, IMG_20180621_165556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little-known fact: Anubi can tranform into a convenient travel-size form for easy transportation

>> No.19272492
File: 441 KB, 1792x2048, 1518900908739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Ochis are noble and stoic monsters and most certainly do not want to headpat or be headpatted by their aruji-dono.

>> No.19272499
Quoted by: >>19272517

How do I FUCK her like that?

>> No.19272503
Quoted by: >>19272516

I'mma headpat the first Ochis I see

>> No.19272507

Would you a waifu who can make herself compact size?

>wyrm who can wrap around your arm like a belt/bandana
>dragon into a small winged lizard
>animals the size of small plush dolls

>> No.19272516

What if she's like 7ft tall?

>> No.19272517

Have you ever punt an onahole into a daki or one of those marshmallow pillows? It's a very similar concept, though we do not reccommend intercourse with your bean-waifu.

>> No.19272519

That's really fucking adorable, well done.

>> No.19272520

Well I'm 6'6" so that doesn't really matter.

>> No.19272521
Quoted by: >>19272527

>have tall girl fetish

oh she's getting extra headpats and a kiss on the cheek

>> No.19272526

I’ve always liked the idea that dormice take sleep walking to the next level. I wanna have a dormouse that constantly tries to give fellatio and straddle me in her sleep!

>> No.19272527
Quoted by: >>19272533

You're gonna restart her heart acting like that Anon.

>> No.19272529

>Dormouse leads a meditation class of roughly 20
>5 minutes into the first session she falls asleep in a meditative pose
>Rest of the class continues mimicking her not knowing she's asleep
>Occasionally a class member opens an eye to see if anything's changed
>Hours pass
>One by one a class member gets frustrated and leaves
>It's now down to 3 class members left
>One of them gets brave enough to check on her
>Realize she's been sleeping the whole time
>Frustrated, they try to wake her up
>It's no use
>Dormouse is in advanced meditative sleep
>The last few class members leave feeling stupid they just sat there for hours

>> No.19272533

Thats the plan!

>> No.19272534

Moreso. There's something sweet about the tall, cool ones being treated like a cutie pie.

>> No.19272540

>I-if you insist that much, then I’ll let you show your worthy of being my oni-chan through any means, magic or sword.
>But, bear in mind that if you lose, then Sabbath will take over your hometown, and will hold grand Black Mass there..

Very crude translation

>> No.19272550
Quoted by: >>19272560

I want an ochi to headpat me!

>> No.19272560
Quoted by: >>19272586

She'll do it, but only because you asked her to. She does not take pleasure in this at all.

>> No.19272586
Quoted by: >>19272665

>She does not take pleasure in this at all.
That just proves that ochis are shit tier

>> No.19272603

>the other pictures in that set
Fuck now I want to go to a monster girl yoga class.

>> No.19272665

I think something flew over your head there Anon.

>> No.19272671

Are we talking pillow or pocket-sized here? Because either way that's too cute.

>> No.19272686

Ask her to kneel.

>> No.19272699

It's like a digimon baby form.

>> No.19272727

It's a bummer post but I hate how for the life of me I can't settle for a fucking simple plot and always give up

>> No.19272759

Hey is this new? I've not seen it before and I thought I'd seen them all.

>> No.19272786

>fuck me

>> No.19272793
File: 708 KB, 2063x916, 46UjfoI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19272815

Polymorphing means most MGs can.
It's just that not all species look cute when doing so.

>> No.19272804

Prove it.

>> No.19272814
File: 106 KB, 851x1200, DfcrXXTUwAAJCHv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon, let's go to the beach!

>> No.19272815

Wouldn't most MGs just polymorph to hide in plain sight?

>> No.19272816
File: 267 KB, 972x918, 1450548043277112635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19272898

am i doin it right

>> No.19272873
Quoted by: >>19272881

I want to rape a loli Cheshire so hard she won't know her butt from her ass!

>> No.19272881

That's a good dream, flat cheshire with a great ass and decent hips would be perfect for dominating.
Even more so if she was making small penis jokes with her stupid grin on her face before it happened.

>> No.19272898

That's a female snek.

>> No.19272936
File: 42 KB, 842x605, huff the fluff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxes are objectively the comfiest monsters. Not even tanukis or ratas can compete with the multi-directional mofu. Don't even try to lie.

>> No.19272942
File: 875 KB, 2052x2476, Wurm52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19273094

It's a female doragon.

>> No.19272948
File: 892 KB, 800x800, 29181798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19272963

I'm not about to argue.

>> No.19272963
File: 865 KB, 3508x2480, DMaGnK0UEAAKGNp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brother.

>> No.19273008
File: 615 KB, 1909x1301, 1503972038375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to debate, though Yipper may giver her a run for her money with 360 muscle mofu.

>> No.19273021

>tfw no zomBaiken wife

>> No.19273026
Quoted by: >>19273134

>Foxes are objectively the comfiest monsters
Entirely false. They may have fluffiness on their side, but sandworms are the comfiest by far: warmth, safe, secure, no outside interruptions, and they maintain the perfect blend of sexiness, cuteness, and innocence

>> No.19273052

As fare as I'm concerned, you're preaching to the choir.

>> No.19273065
Quoted by: >>19273200

If something really fucking awful happens to me, which girl won’t

>Make excuses for the other party
>Refuse to get emotionally involved
>Loudly accuse me of blaming them for my problem
>Yell that they had that same problem too, but worse - so I shouldn’t be complaining
>Expect me to give them sympathy for whatever happened to them

I know none of them would do this, but which reverses it as much as possible? Which girl is the best at taking your side?

>> No.19273094


>> No.19273103

>A jinko that isn't a massive muscle bound iron abbed giant.

Well it's about fucking time somebody made decent art of that cat.

>> No.19273132

>Not wanting a massive muscle bound iron abbed giant
You have awful taste
Muscular women are 10/10

>> No.19273133
File: 32 KB, 2347x1874, Template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /mgt/, I've done nothing productive all day. Whatcha up to? I should've been writing today since its my day off but I've just been playing video games and goofing off.

Have this template I made somewhere between staring at an empty libre office word document and staring at a libre office word document with 20 words. Make sure to downsize it a tad because I think I made it too big. Show me your top 13 so I can continue to goof off before going back to staring at a libre office word document with 25 words.

I want to die.

>> No.19273134
Quoted by: >>19273195

Get out of here /d/.

>> No.19273137

I want to introduce my young inexperienced Kiki maid to fist-sized anal beads!

>> No.19273143
Quoted by: >>19273176

>Wanting to fuck a pseudo man.
Alp Detected.

>> No.19273147 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 587 KB, 1201x1753, 1529626731834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I'd rather not have my women look like Rob Liefeld drawings.

>> No.19273151
Quoted by: >>19273158

>You rupture her colon and she bleeds out.

>> No.19273152
File: 1.97 MB, 2500x4000, 1407018297453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19273156

Not the first time. I like muscle jinkos and all but when they're memed as 7ft giants all the time it's nice to see other depictions.

>> No.19273156

What a cute little jinko! I want her to sit in my lap!

>> No.19273158
File: 212 KB, 1600x997, CheshireCat220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>applying realism to MGE

>> No.19273165

I want gapingfags and their shit fetish to die out.

>> No.19273176

>Pseudo man
You're retarded
It's possible for them to look muscular and like a woman
Big strong girls are objectively the best

>> No.19273178

my wife doesn't let me think about other girls.

>> No.19273181

Whatever you say gayboy.

>> No.19273182

>It's possible for them to look muscular and like a woman
Hello where is the proofs

>> No.19273183
Quoted by: >>19273196

I'd rather us not spam the thread with pictures like this, imgur would be alright.

>> No.19273184

That's a lot of work and there are only two girls that really matter to me.

>> No.19273185

I'm no good at editing.

>> No.19273191
File: 674 KB, 1000x1000, 21421421111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19273195
Quoted by: >>19273413

going inside her wet shell ain't vore

>> No.19273196
Quoted by: >>19273215

Can you even upload pictures to imgur anonymously anymore?

>> No.19273197

>"hey kid, ever heard of oyakodon?"

>> No.19273198

That's literally a dude with tits grafted on.

>> No.19273200
Quoted by: >>19273205

Maid types. They'd just give you the lap pillow and sing a lullaby until you doze off.

>> No.19273203
File: 1.16 MB, 1080x2052, Jinko45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the profile one isn't that muscular, she has slight ab definition and her arms aren't really bulging but people try and make the race all about being like arnold schwarzenegger with tits.

>> No.19273205

What if I want a loli maid to sit in my lap and sing me a lullaby!

>> No.19273208

you dumb m8?

>> No.19273215
Quoted by: >>19273230

Uh yeah, that's kind of half the point of the website.


>> No.19273218

Anon have you ever seen a man in your life

>> No.19273224

Musclefags think that if it she can't grate cheese on her stomach then she isn't a woman. A typical sign of autism. Real women have big spankable butts that jiggle, not giant iron meat loaves that break every last bone in your hand if you so much as try to pinch it.

>> No.19273226
Quoted by: >>19273230

>Not splitting them into a set of three whole female bodies.

No weaselfags here, I guess

>> No.19273230

oh okay.

Harem is harambe anon.

>> No.19273231
Quoted by: >>19273280

Oh so you're literally retarded.

>> No.19273241

>Musclefags think that if it she can't grate cheese on her stomach then she isn't a woman
No one has ever said this
>but people try and make the race all about being like arnold schwarzenegger with tits.
This strawmanning is getting autistic
Bulky musclar woman does not automatically mean a man with tits

>> No.19273242
Quoted by: >>19273247

I want to cook eggs on a Hellhound!

>> No.19273243

I would like to pet this creature.

>> No.19273247

I want to cook eggs IN a Hellhound!

>> No.19273253
Quoted by: >>19273256

The word is "fertilize".

>> No.19273256
Quoted by: >>19273287

No it's not anon, I can't eat that kind of eggs.

>> No.19273272
Quoted by: >>19273317

I want a big muscular minotaur to punch me in the stomach!

>> No.19273280

Anon its simple grammer,

>> No.19273281

Likes Jinkos
>But without abs, muscles, 10th dan martial artistry and 7ft tallness

This is like liking sushi without sauce.

>> No.19273287
File: 216 KB, 884x893, It&#039;s going to get extra kinky today!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Hellhound gf pops a whole egg in her mouth
>Waits 10 minutes
>spits it back out and cracks the shell
>Comes and offers you a hard boiled egg out of nowhere
>You enjoy it but she's being wierd
>Blushing and muttering something about 'indirect kiss

Whoa Nelly that's lewd

>> No.19273290
Quoted by: >>19273298

They're insecure about themselves so they want jinko to be boring and generic

>> No.19273293
Quoted by: >>19273353

Just wait until she feeds you the hardboiled eggs she had cooking in her pussy.

>> No.19273294

Actually the profile arms are really muscular, more than Minotaur's.

>> No.19273298
Quoted by: >>19273308


I never said I didn't want a jinko with a mastery in martial arts or height. I'd just rather not fuck a brick wall. Soft girls are best girls.

>> No.19273308
Quoted by: >>19273316

>Soft girls are best girls.
Personally I disagree but the difference is I'm not going to flip out and start reeing because you like "soft girls" like the antimusclegirlfags are

>> No.19273316
Quoted by: >>19273334

Yay! A calm person in a sea of madness! I'll make sure you get an extra special present in the afterlife!

>> No.19273317
Quoted by: >>19273329

fuck you.

I want big muscular minotaur to cuddle me during a thunderstorm!

>> No.19273318

A Chie-like Jinko sounds plenty cute. Lean but tough, great at martial arts and with a tomboyish dash of subtle femininity.

>> No.19273319
Quoted by: >>19273371

Not the guy you're responding but
>and 7ft tallness
The the profile doesn't specify that. The words tall, large or height don't appear anywhere in there. I like muscle girls, love Jinkos even but the whole "she's not a strong girl unless she has giantism" meme is tired.
Wocks get similar treatment at times but the one in the official doujin was the size of a normal girl and so was the one in after school alice.

>> No.19273329

Why not both!

>> No.19273334
Quoted by: >>19273378

No one's marrying you, Wisp-chan.

>> No.19273353

Hellhounds bring a new meaning to breakfast in bed, huh?

>> No.19273369
Quoted by: >>19273404

>real women have curves!
Fuck off fatty.

>> No.19273371

Its natural, Jinkos are tigers, tigers are huge, freaking huge and the profile makes her look huge too.

However I think there is freedom with height, KC stated that variance is allowed unless it is a race trait. The abs, muscles and martial arts stuff however, are a must.

>> No.19273376

>Real women have big spankable butts that jiggle
No those are fat fucks

>> No.19273378 [SPOILER] 
File: 499 KB, 962x1200, 1529629540525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19273382 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.45 MB, 2347x1279, 1529629558158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bored half-way through but here you go.

>> No.19273384
Quoted by: >>19273409

There is nothing stopping her from being able to grate cheese with her stomach and at the same time have a big spankable butt.

>> No.19273391


I am an embarrassment to my girls.

>> No.19273404
File: 3.64 MB, 2290x2856, Booty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19273412

>Getting this mad over the truth. Looks like someone can't accept reality.

>> No.19273409

It's all fun and games until she starts shredding the skin right off your bones anon.

>> No.19273412

Learn how to greentext, retard.

>> No.19273413
File: 209 KB, 1419x829, Sandworm33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the main body. All the organs and support system needed to keep the body going will be in the worm. You think that little gummy blob of pink has a heart that can drive all that blood or a brain that can fire off big enough signals to move the muscles or lungs to give it air? The creature even has more eyes on its shell than in its mouth. And the hair isn't even hair. It's made of meat.

The tongue is a puppet that sandworm uses to show it loves you. And believing that a womanly body is the most important part, the worm would identify with it most of all.

I wish Latenight would draw more sandworm art

>> No.19273416 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 453x604, 1529629959840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19273437

You never forget your first job in MGC...

>> No.19273418

Looks like someone has anorexia by proxy.

>> No.19273437
Quoted by: >>19273451


>> No.19273442

Sounds like someone who's never seen a butt. Sure fat ones jiggle a lot and it's disgusting but normal butts will jiggle to some extent too.
I hate 3d posting but it's just to prove a point.

>> No.19273451
File: 228 KB, 1082x822, 1515291834496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.19273463

What is your waifu's style anons? What kind of clothes does she like to wear?

>> No.19273471
File: 498 KB, 897x1165, tumblr_oxjgmilWF31stljsho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19273696

Her birthday suit.

>> No.19273477
File: 3.76 MB, 2347x2480, Best Girls Fite Me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19273484

Rate me.

>> No.19273478

Cow print and sweaters.

>> No.19273484

good taste out of 10

>> No.19273486

it has all the heart i need

>> No.19273490

Dis nigga sure loves pink.

>> No.19273494
File: 1.07 MB, 833x1096, 1525166668982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She likes gooooooooold.

>> No.19273501

If she's dressing for work, usually a nice blouse and a pencil skirt covered by a lab coat. Around the house though probably just a tee shirt and panties for maximum comfort. There's also her avid love of cosplay outfits and latex.

>> No.19273503
File: 1.29 MB, 1686x3016, Summer Uniform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She likes her "Summer" uniform a lot because its really easy to move around in.

>> No.19273511

How does a maid keep herself clean after spending all day around dirt and grime in such a revealing outfit?

>> No.19273514
Quoted by: >>19273525

What kind of alternate hair accessories would look good on a kiki? I think instead of a butterfly she should wear a spooky looking bat.

>> No.19273515

would bunyips and other girls with fluffy backs modify their clothes to be backless for comfort?

>> No.19273516
File: 1.52 MB, 1500x1500, Devil52a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leans in close
>Whispers in your ear

>> No.19273517
Quoted by: >>19273533

That calls for a spanking. Bad Devil-chan.

>> No.19273520
File: 1.20 MB, 1488x1286, 1478392508527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikis are the only monsters that make me a leg man. Their built-in high heels are too sexy.

>> No.19273525

Red ribbons like >>19273520

>> No.19273526

>One shit week at work followed by one with burnout.
>Had to argue with neighbors about a fence on my property, that is mine, that's coming down today.
>Still two days till they move out and I'd originally planed to take tomorrow off.
>Going in instead.

I now know why wizards live in the middle of no-where.
I would kinda be up for reclusive monster girl where I don't have to deal with this shit.

>> No.19273529

Would you date a nerdy Devil who loves character action games?

>> No.19273533
Quoted by: >>19273540

Cheer up, crew cut.

I'd prefer a more developed woman like a Demon but I can accept a Devil.

>> No.19273538
File: 405 KB, 737x1200, Kikimora_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19273561

They don't look that high in the profile art.
I always thought they were talons

>> No.19273540

What if you were dating a Devil and her Demon sister and both of them were huge Clover/Platinum fans?

>> No.19273547

I'd stab them both at the same time. If you know what I mean.

>> No.19273554

I'd fill their dark souls with light if you know what I mean.

>> No.19273561

Do feather meidos have pointy wolf ears or humanoid ears, you can never tell from the profile pic. Unless those floppy locks on the side with the slight curves are the ears.

Kiki ears confuse me.

>> No.19273569
File: 218 KB, 789x812, Devil21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather be spoiled by a somewhat naughty Devil who enjoys teasing me by acting way too lewd for her physical stature.

>> No.19273576

That Devil is in need of some restraint!

>> No.19273580
File: 445 KB, 540x797, tumblr_paju8oM8pG1wdvkn8o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say hello to your new boss.

>> No.19273591
File: 480 KB, 965x684, Gazer386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19273620

How about no

>> No.19273595
Quoted by: >>19273609

i wonder what meat hair feels like but then i just think of a dog licking you and drooling

>> No.19273599
Quoted by: >>19273620

She's not professional at all though, she looks more like a gangster than an actual business person.

>> No.19273603
Quoted by: >>19273620

>She will never lovingly treat you like shit

>> No.19273607
Quoted by: >>19273620

Hey there, Manager. It's really great to be here. Say would you like to come over to my place for dinner? I'd love for you to meet my wife. I bet you two would get along great!

>> No.19273609

Have you ever felt a cat's tongue anon? Well like that, but softer.

>> No.19273620

>reposting garbage from reddit
>replying to it

>> No.19273626

How do you know it's from reddit, anon? Do you have something you'd like to admit?

>> No.19273628

Reverse image search, retard.

>> No.19273629

>tumblr filename
I mea, I hate reddit as much as the next guy anon, I really do, but how the hell are we supposed to know which images are reddit images if most of us never even go there?

>> No.19273634

She'd wear mostly light stuff, like sundresses, tank tops and shorts, maybe a skirt here and there.

>> No.19273637

Nice damage control.

>> No.19273638
File: 1.97 MB, 852x480, Sabbath in action.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to be careful near these holiday seasons, threats to your virginity can come in any size.

>> No.19273643
Quoted by: >>19273650

You're supposed to reverse image search every single picture that gets posted in the thread like anon here>>19273628 just to make sure it's not from a website you dislike.

>> No.19273646
Quoted by: >>19273704

Is this proof that you retards are playing both sides?

>> No.19273648

They have floppy dog ears.

>> No.19273650

I see a random shitty image with an inane retarded caption, so I do some incredibly simple research and find out it's another reddit repost.
It's literally on the top page of the subreddit the guy earlier reposted shit from.

>> No.19273653
Quoted by: >>19273665

>tumblr filename

>> No.19273661
File: 376 KB, 1000x1000, 1429431285033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are students at MGC High allowed to date their teachers? I want to confess to that elf history teacher.

>> No.19273665

You can't be this retarded can you

>> No.19273666
Quoted by: >>19273682

>It's literally on the top page of the subreddit the guy earlier reposted shit from.
And why the fuck do you think anyone here cares about that or clicks on it? I'm not trying to be a dick here but you're a retard and the world would be better off if you fell yourself off a cliff.

>> No.19273673

Are you having a stroke? How many fingers am I holding up?

>> No.19273677
Quoted by: >>19273685

Would you rather your boss be a demon and your secretary be an angel, or your boss be an angel and your secretary be a demon?

>> No.19273682
Quoted by: >>19273702

>defending redditors reposting shit here
Fuck you

>> No.19273685

I don't know.

>> No.19273688 [DELETED] 

Reddit has definitely been a problem lately but nigger you are just as bad by making drama where there is none.

>> No.19273692
Quoted by: >>19273702

I know people were saying some discord of redditors was raiding us, it explains why the thread has been so low quality lately. Hopefully the redditors andd image spammers lose interest and leave soon. I miss this thread being comfy.

>> No.19273696


>> No.19273697
Quoted by: >>19273699

It's time to relax.

>> No.19273699 [DELETED] 


>> No.19273702
File: 23 KB, 270x360, Devil50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19273704

>nigger you are just as bad by making drama where there is none.
Good, I'm not the only one who thinks this.

>> No.19273709

Casual clothes or her kimono.

>> No.19273716

If he hadn't started bitching there would be no drama or conflict whatsoever

>> No.19273718

I'm half-convinced the anon who overreacts to everything is the same one who posts stuff in the first place, and is either trying to desensitize the thread for some specific reason or just has some sort of vendetta.

>> No.19273721
Quoted by: >>19273737

Which girl would go the most nuclear on her husband’s abusive family?

The “It’s okay for me to secretly drug you, because you were born without a soul and don’t have real emotions” kind. Not the “Ugh mom won’t let me take the Ferrari to school today” kind.

>> No.19273723
Quoted by: >>19273752

Why do you care?
The image is good,that's all that matters

>> No.19273732
Quoted by: >>19273748

Gee it's almost like it's raidniggers trying out their newest strategy again.

>> No.19273737


We make fun of them for being so powerful, but imagine Bayonetta getting really angry at someone.

>> No.19273740

>If you tell a problem to fuck off you're just as bad as the problem
What is your solution to the influx of spammers, redditors, and newfags then? Not even him but I would rather people have some semblance of quality control than just ignoring a problem

>> No.19273746
Quoted by: >>19273792

You could try this newfangled idea. It's called "not giving them attention".

>> No.19273748

This. I've highly suspected the fishspammer of samefagging for ages. Even now there's always that one reply to his dreck that reads as if there's nothing wrongwith his behavior over the past months.

>> No.19273749
Quoted by: >>19273792

You could try not biting the bait.

>> No.19273751

Fucking hell, all of this.

I've had it with petty arguments and boogiemen.

>Muh thread quality
Yes, because one half-good picture and 50 posts complaining about it makes good thread quality.

Jesus Fucking Christ, how long before someone brands a greentext as ERP?

>> No.19273752

Because you're from reddit.

>> No.19273760

Some posting in this thread is extremely obviously out of the norm. Some faggots are raiding us, or it's mermaid spammer or insecure spammer triggered for obvious reasons and shitting up the thread.

>> No.19273761

Look out, he's gonna call you reddit now!

>> No.19273762

Do not feed trolls, Anon

>> No.19273770

Pretty bold of you to lament the degradation of our culture in the same breath as you defend an influx of people reposting shit they found on reddit.

>> No.19273775
File: 129 KB, 405x882, black kiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19273789

"P-please stop fighting guys."

>> No.19273780

What's worse
>Someone posting a picture from reddit
>Someone posting a picture from reddit and then a bunch of pointless fighting over it

>> No.19273785
Quoted by: >>19273867

wtf i love low quality art spamming and trash posts now!

>> No.19273789

You're not my mom, you can't tell me what to do!

>> No.19273790

There shouldn't be any fighting over it, there should be a unanimous "redditors fuck off" and then back to normal business.
This is 4chan for fuck sake

>> No.19273792

>Just ignore it bro
Literally all this does is make cancer common place. Ignoring shit just makes it the accepted norm. If you have been in any place for any considerable amount of time you should know this. Hell the fact people here are saying "dude it's reddit who cares" is proof of this fact.

>> No.19273794
Quoted by: >>19273826

Fuck off with that either or bullshit, we don't want reddit here in the first place.

>> No.19273810

It's a lose lose situation, we ignore them and let them think it's okay or we call them out and give them the yous they so pathetically get off on, it's completely fucked.

>> No.19273816

The trolls are looking to cause drama. If you ignore them, they'll get bored and leave.

>> No.19273820

Your problem is that you think it's genuine and not bait. They are BAITING you. Maybe you don't know what bait means. It's like trolling, you know what that is? You ever heard of "not feeding the trolls"? You ignore them, they get bored, they leave. Understand? Can you get that through your thick skull? They aren't looking to be "accepted", they're looking to get a rise out of you, and you're giving them exactly that.

>> No.19273826
Quoted by: >>19273855

I survived a /pol/ raid on /v/ the other day. We need something a bit better than shit moderators who don't do their job for that to work.

So unless you or someone you know is a mod, you better zip it and stop giving the trolls their desired reaction.

>> No.19273827 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 620x413, 1512854819154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh secret club!
>I must defend le thread's racial purity from the invading 9gag towel heads and their shit skin redditor dindu nuffins!
>Build the wall!
>Donna Grump for demon lord!

>> No.19273838 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19273922

Fuck off redditor

>> No.19273842
File: 133 KB, 768x1024, DgQgJp2VMAAns-F.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19273858

Enough fighting. Post ninja weasels.

>> No.19273843

At least /monster/ can still go 10 posts without losing their shit over image sources.

>> No.19273848

That's what, 2 weeks for them?

>> No.19273850

Then go back there.

>> No.19273855
Quoted by: >>19273864

>We need something a bit better than shit moderators who don't do their job for that to work.
>tfw you get warned for reporting a post that still got deleted anyway
200% fucked.

>> No.19273858

>twitter filename...full size
In case our retarded friend has any questions

>> No.19273860
Quoted by: >>19274138

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please make sure to fully use mofu to de-stress.
Its soft, soothing, and calming

>> No.19273864

>tfw you get warned for reporting a post that still got deleted anyway
Happened to me too.

>> No.19273865
Quoted by: >>19273906

It's incredible how much cancer can be written in one post

>> No.19273867

>people are unironically trying to pretend it's not falseflagging and gaslighting when the self proclaimed alledged """""anti-redditors""""" are making shitposts like these

>> No.19273870
File: 125 KB, 481x400, Kiki org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19273895

Here's the concept art for Kikimora

>> No.19273877

m8 we all see them, but at this point its been 6 fucking months since these raids have started, and I've lost the energy to explain why something thats obviously bait is bad.

>> No.19273882
File: 714 KB, 1113x1200, 1525301358999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19273892 [SPOILER] 
File: 676 KB, 824x1352, 1529634373649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys.

Since Reddit likes things, we should stop liking everything.

Hell, since Redditors are alive, we should stop living.

What? Of course, I'm not a wisp? Why would you ask?

>> No.19273895
File: 1.49 MB, 1750x2396, 1484447248457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proto-Kikis a cute

>> No.19273899 [DELETED] 

Go away, redditor.

>> No.19273904

I really, REALLY want you to stop shitposting with Wisps. Please, for both our sanity. She is my darling.

>> No.19273906
Quoted by: >>19273922

It's incredible that so much of a fuss can be made over a fucking image just because it's been posted on reddit. Is literally every image that's ever been posted on reddit by definition locked out of circulation? Should we start keeping a fucking list? Maybe if this thread would learn to stop being such a paranoid schizophrenic wreck of an existence we wouldn't have to have the thread fill with the stench of our collective shits stream smearing over every fucking thing every 3 days.

I'd just like everyone to shut the fuck up without going fucking bonkers. I mean for God sake we are on a containment board for a fucking reason.

>> No.19273913
File: 374 KB, 956x1930, Kiki proto barb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cute. I would want an undead one, with a cold stare and perfect balance.

>> No.19273914

Why is mama Kiki cleaning a dildo?

>> No.19273918
Quoted by: >>19273927

>Based Barb
I...I think my heart just stopped
Call the cops, she just stole my heart

I want her to smile at me, and say kind things. I want to rest on her lap as she moves her fingers through my hair.

>> No.19273919
File: 17 KB, 467x289, LOOKS LIKE SEMEN&#039;S BACK ON THE MENU GIRLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19273926

Reminder that you can't call yourself a real man if you can't beat your waifu at Battleship

>> No.19273922


>> No.19273926
Quoted by: >>19274040

But what if you were playing on/against a shog? She couldn't help but know where the pieces were.

>> No.19273927
File: 1.17 MB, 1674x1123, wisp lich games colored barb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is more based than you know. He drew more of her because of a heated discussion we once had here about the superior undead.

>> No.19273935
Quoted by: >>19273946

Liches are still better than Wisps though.

>> No.19273939

Please don't shitpost with good art Mr. Redditor. It's inconsiderate.

>> No.19273946
Quoted by: >>19273960

We shall agree to disagree. I think they both have an appeal though that covers different bases.

>> No.19273960

No fuck you wisps are TRASH

>> No.19273965
File: 94 KB, 850x853, 1529318216143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His girls are so boner inducing. Must impregnate this black dragon.

>> No.19273970
Quoted by: >>19273992

Imagine hanging out with them.
>Frequently sandwiched between them
>Wisp keeps flirting with you
>Her hair tickles whenever it touches you
>Lich watches you closely
>Sometimes it seems like she's about to say something
>She keeps feeling you up when she thinks you're not paying attention
>Then again the Wisp does the same thing

>> No.19273982
File: 839 KB, 1200x1200, Autism now and forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19273992
Quoted by: >>19274019

>take turns playing split screen games
>whoever loses has to swap controllers
>odd one out has to perform oral on the others
I've done some Imagining.

>> No.19273993

Who would win in a fight between mary poppins and a kikimora?

>> No.19273996

>Cheshire avatarfaggot
>even saves a master1200
You have to go back.

>> No.19274002
Quoted by: >>19274049

whoevers umbrella is sharpest.

>> No.19274005


>> No.19274007


>> No.19274012
Quoted by: >>19274028

Would Mary Poppins be a titania?

>> No.19274013
File: 1.85 MB, 1500x1500, 64899897_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19274032


>> No.19274015

What is the most "evil" motherly monster that I can try and defeat? Like I try and try but she thinks my struggle is adorable until one day she just keeps me.

>> No.19274016
File: 320 KB, 1200x1150, 1504220565291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19274029

Summer dresses for summer weather

>> No.19274019
Quoted by: >>19274043

I just want to snuggle in bed with them
>Wrapping themselves about me
>Keep saying how warm I am
>Keep telling me how I can stay with them forever if I wish
>Whispering sweet things in my ears

>> No.19274022

>Mary teaches kids to behave and better themselves
>Kiki does the same, only she might have a immoral eye for the masters son.

>> No.19274028

Given the shit she pulls its either that or a shoggoth

>> No.19274029

Is that a snowoman, or did someone decide to play a prank on a poor Glacie?

>> No.19274032

Remember to shitpost with the highest resolution possible kiddos! It's important otherwise some retard might think you need the proper size and waste another image.

>> No.19274037
File: 325 KB, 874x701, 1515030871831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19274132

>Anon, stop trying to clear my dungeon. You're not strong enough. You'll only wind-up getting hurt. Just stay here with Mama where it's safe. You can give up on all of that futile "adventuring" nonsense.

>> No.19274040

Then you have to pull a Kumar, anon, and play her in BattleSHIT!. I'll legit lose it if someone posts a pic.

>> No.19274043

Me too. I always imagined they would share you after you died too, with the Wisp holding your soul and the Lich raising your body.

>> No.19274049

So they would both have hidden blades in their umbrella/broom?

>> No.19274071
Quoted by: >>19274306

Griffon or dragon may just add you to the collection.

>> No.19274084
File: 228 KB, 1201x1950, DarkMage23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to make a Dark Mage edit of "get out of /jp/" Marisa picture.

>> No.19274092

Is there anything happier than a wock watching her 17 year old husband play with his 5 year old daughter?

>> No.19274096

>Is there anything happier than a wock watching her 17 year old husband play with his 5 year old daughter?
A Wock watching her 17 year old husband play with his 5 year old daughter in bed!

>> No.19274100

You wouldn't happen to be that husband, would you?

>> No.19274105

How come we can’t have one single fucking thread without some autistic idiot raising shitstorms for (you)? I strongly suspect it’s always the same guy but this is getting ridiculous

>> No.19274112

Neck yourself.

>> No.19274132

Aw yeah, getting caught and having all those snake kisses would be amazing.

>> No.19274137

Friendly reminder that all Kiki maids should clean while wearing nipple clamps at least once a week!

>> No.19274138

I dream of hugging an Inari’s mofu and letting out years of bottled up emotions.

While she whispers that it’s okay, and she’s here.

>> No.19274142
File: 634 KB, 1032x1327, tumblr_oxzwzxH6Gq1stljsho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursed swords are wonderful.

>> No.19274155
File: 349 KB, 1549x2048, DT8ECtWUMAAUHsT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19274178

>17 years old
>5-year-old daughter
That's some genderflipped-Saudi Arabia shit right there.

>> No.19274178

Supposedly it happened to somebody on /r9k/ in real life.

>> No.19274185
Quoted by: >>19274202

The cougar part or the pedo part?

>> No.19274195
File: 192 KB, 900x1200, 69337084_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19274321

>> No.19274202

The impregnating an older woman at 12 part.

>> No.19274205
Quoted by: >>19274293

Friendly reminder that it isn't technically daughteru dicking if all you do is eat her out or molest her all over. As long as you don't touch her with your dick then everything is perfectly acceptable!

>> No.19274215

I want to hear my parents scream at my Inari Waifu for taking me away from them, even though I’m 22.

Then I want her to dismantle them so thoroughly that both of them start wailing like they killed me in a fit of rage and are just realizing what they’ve done.

>> No.19274219

You ok there anon?

>> No.19274227


>> No.19274270

I doubt your parents will decide an imaginary person is taking you away from them. But I've got a feeling that since you're in this state, they'll want you to be taken away by someone, anyone.

>> No.19274288

Isn’t your age too old for this edge, anon?

>> No.19274293
Quoted by: >>19274302

Why are lolicon anons always so obsessed with cunnilingus?

>> No.19274298

How about let's have a good old fashioned "what is your most out there thread approved fetish" confession time?

>> No.19274302

A little monstergirl's cunny is the purest thing in the universe, are you telling me you wouldn't at least want to taste something like that?

>> No.19274306

Ogres will also add you to their collection
Their cringe collection

>> No.19274309
File: 184 KB, 441x383, 1520916909925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19274336

>tfw it will never be summer

A terrible feeling really.

>> No.19274313

It's happened a lot.

>> No.19274315

>/r9k/ anons
>ever getting laid

>> No.19274320

Is age regression thread approved?

>> No.19274321
File: 503 KB, 618x595, 64489564_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draphs are wonderful.

>> No.19274323

Recently I've ben thinking about taking a potion that ages me down to my daughteru's age and then having my waifu femdom me and our daughteru pretty hard. I'm not usually much for transformation potions at all especially when it comes to taking them myself, but this scenario is stuck for whatever reason.

>> No.19274326

Depends on how far you'd take it anon.

>> No.19274328
File: 570 KB, 857x1200, tentacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if the thread approves of having a tentacle waifu "collect" a harem for me.

>> No.19274331


>> No.19274336

I HATE this moth.

>> No.19274339
Quoted by: >>19274342

loli/shota potions are a-ok #1 if that's what you mean.

>> No.19274342

meant for>>19274320

>> No.19274346

I want to swim with my waifu in a huge vault of gold and jewels like Scrooge McDuck. I want to screw my waifu amongst the riches and pour diamonds over her while we bone.

>> No.19274354

Well, I like the idea of corruption that de-ages the girl based on how much of their memory is "relinquished" in the process.

>> No.19274363
File: 290 KB, 1280x1837, Mothu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is wrong with you anon?

>> No.19274366

Is my waifu breaking my mind cool with the thread? Because i want to feel my shogg waifu slithering around in my head.

>> No.19274368

She's a bad girl and has done bad things

>> No.19274371

She's a murderer.

>> No.19274374
Quoted by: >>19274390

She ALLEGEDLY MAY HAVE POSSIBLY killed a human woman. Big fucking deal.

>> No.19274377
File: 661 KB, 800x1170, 1510571512456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19274390

She's flawless
Murder isn't so bad when it's for love

>> No.19274387
File: 162 KB, 850x1201, gyaru bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: 4 arms > 2 arms

>> No.19274390

There is undeniable proof that she killed a little boy's mom.

She has no qualities.

>> No.19274392
Quoted by: >>19274395

She came back.

>> No.19274394

>She has no qualities.
She's cute so it's all ok

>> No.19274395
Quoted by: >>19274399

Yeah but she still died and the boy wants to kill her.

>> No.19274397
File: 293 KB, 1024x1159, Super Cute Moth who is also Super Waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19274414

Moth's are ideal partners.

Look at MGQ's Cecil moth, she's peak performance if I'd ever seen it.

>> No.19274399
Quoted by: >>19274414

It's not murder then.

>> No.19274400
Quoted by: >>19274630





>> No.19274408

If you want to milk something so bad go find a cow.

>> No.19274414
Quoted by: >>19274417

Bad moth and bad wife. Also bad mom.

But it is.

>> No.19274417
Quoted by: >>19274430

Someone has to stay dead for it to be murder.

>> No.19274420

Literal ballroom dancing on a pile of hobos is cool, right? If not, then I'll pick the thing with 3 limes and a artificial cream-cheese maker.

>> No.19274430

Go away moth.

>> No.19274437
File: 473 KB, 680x922, 1529269413777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19274443
File: 213 KB, 1400x1050, 1517279406150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19274488

>"How many times do I have to tell you that clerics should stay behind the tank so they can buff them?!"
>"Fuck that! They should stick close to the berserker for healing!"
>"Goddamnit, I keep telling you two I'm a black mage, not a white mage! This cloak was just on sale!"

>> No.19274445

What penace do dark priests ask you to pay for your wrongdoings?

>> No.19274446

>deaf kiki telling her master she wants some 'private time' with him

>> No.19274448

i love this moth that boi is just a pussy

>> No.19274451

Hardcore hand holding. She's not even wearing gloves! So lewd. I actually find this appealing, my first gf kept my hand in a iron grip. Utterly did not care about sweat.

>> No.19274452

A meaningful relationship with someone who actually loves me for who I am?

>> No.19274454

The chains come off. If you know what I mean.

>> No.19274456
Quoted by: >>19274464

Being bound and having your body used to educate little monster girls.

>> No.19274458
Quoted by: >>19274466

Creamed corn wrestling.

>> No.19274464

does the little monster girl become your wife?

>> No.19274466
File: 359 KB, 800x800, 62399079_p33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19274476

Corn is no place for a mighty warrior.

>> No.19274473

Say five 'Hail Cthulhus' while butt-chugging scrumble. It's made from apples, well mostly apples.

>> No.19274475

Be her volunteer for her next fertility mass at Our Dark Mother of New Life church. She'll load you up with a lot of semen production enhancers and spend the entire mass dick throning you and reading from the Book of Brood as her stomach swells with your baby batter.

>> No.19274476

Get out of here Strongbad.

>> No.19274482

Am I forgetting something, or are there currently no monster girls that have something different about them based on whether they were natural born, or if they were converted?

>> No.19274488
Quoted by: >>19274524

>you will never be the healslut of a big strong warrior girl

>> No.19274524

You're right, I won't. Damage wizard all the way, bitch!

>> No.19274528

Not as far as profiles go, but then again monster both natural and made will probably widely vary anyways

>> No.19274550
Quoted by: >>19274559

I think the only explicitly "monsterized" monster would be the Lesser Succubus?

>> No.19274551

No cosmic monster girls? Cmon I just want a cosmic Titania.

>> No.19274559
Quoted by: >>19274562

Slime carrier and roper are two others

>> No.19274562

You're forgetting cursed sword and kitsune tsuki

>> No.19274566

Moonlit Titania is better.
>tfw no blind titania nee to dote on you

>> No.19274575

I don't know if I want a Titania in charge of the cosmos. What if she starts moving stars around to make constellations cuter?

>> No.19274585
Quoted by: >>19274596

There's Quantum Wurm, but she was/is/will-be looking/found/looked for her husband already/again/one-day.
Shoggoths are also generally pretty cosmic.

>> No.19274591

I do so love the little things we've fleshed out about her.
>Bump into her at night when you're coming back from the kitchen for a midnight snack in the hall
>"A-ah, anon, is that you? Why did you leave the bed? I-I was afraid you had run off... please do not leave me, I do not know how I would carry on without you..."
>You never knew you could feel so guilty over a ham sandwich

>> No.19274593

Friendly reminder to properly store your horses.


>> No.19274596

I thought shoggs came from the deep sea?
She's great but I need to see cosmos in her eyes and galaxies in her wings.

>> No.19274601


>> No.19274603
Quoted by: >>19274609

>She insists on bathing you one night
>Its a whole ordeal with her fumbling and feeling around awkwardly to try and make sure every inch of you is clean
>when her hand reaches close to your private area you see her blush and her wings flutter nervously
My question is, what do her eyes actually look like, just glazed over or full on blind-eye murky and slightly crossed?

>> No.19274606
File: 446 KB, 634x824, 166befbac7e2556c78652b349f3b5d43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fluffy

>> No.19274609

The latter actually sounds adorable as it adds to her whole 'pathetic but in a cute way' thing she's got goin on
>"Leave it to me, otouto!"
>She says this while making a peace sign pose over her listless eye, facing the wrong direction

>> No.19274624

Cosmic girls are incredible. Would it be too much to ask for a GALAXY EYES PHOTON DRAGON

>> No.19274625
Quoted by: >>19274647

Shoggs are actually subterranean. I mean, ignoring the whole cosmic spawn thing.

>> No.19274630

I do not physically understand how anyone on the earth thought gauges were a good idea. What idiot thought of it, and what idiot said "Hey that's a neat idea?"

>> No.19274634


>> No.19274636

a fucking idiot who wanted to be the most special idiot

>> No.19274647

What happens if you find a shog before a shog finds you?
Like a wild shog

>> No.19274654

Just be thankful you don't find what made the shog. Your mind would snap like a Slim-Jim.

>> No.19274657

The same idiot who saw that obviously fucking painful/inconvenient african tribal lip disc thing and said "Fuck me, that looks like a great time!"

>> No.19274660
Quoted by: >>19274669

I want to protect Onee-san, but in a way where she feels like she's the one protecting me
It's a delicate balance

>> No.19274663
Quoted by: >>19274671

What is a gauge?

>> No.19274664
Quoted by: >>19274684

Would she be just a lonely blob of slime out of the wilderness, or would she be in a cabin somewhere practicing her maid skills in Hope's she could find a master someday?

>> No.19274666

So the moonlight fairies are they blind like the Titania too or can they see? Do they act as her "eyes" in a sense.
>ywn have a moonlight Titania feeling the features of your face to try and get a picture of her husband in her head.

>> No.19274669

>Onee-san sets off to do the dishes for you
>She nearly breaks them all, but you're there to catch them when they fall
>Good job onee-san

>> No.19274671
Quoted by: >>19274679

The things in
her ears

>> No.19274673
File: 34 KB, 664x334, 1524190977601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19274680

When civilization is all you know, barbarism holds romance

Protip: There is no romance or nobility in barbarism

>> No.19274677
File: 885 KB, 967x1500, 1467986551695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your wife have a large collection of steam games?

>> No.19274679
Quoted by: >>19274686

That doesnt look bad

>> No.19274680

Silly cat, you can't even read.

>> No.19274683

>Walk in on Moonlit Titania-nee finishing up a cake
>"Ah, otouto! I made this for you~ It's your favorite!"
>She holds up the uneven cake, it's innards slopping out and it's top an illegible mess- you can only make out 'to my' before it becomes so illegible and off course that it just becomes squiggly lines
>She smiles before setting it down dangerously close to the edge of the table
>"B-because you really ARE my best friend, otouto... so I hope you like it!"
>She holds up a spatula to hand to you
>"Dig in!"

>> No.19274684

I imagine she's just a mass of blob/ooze that doesn't get a human form until after watching long enough to emulate the human form and associated mannerisms.

>> No.19274686

I'm going to be honest, I hold several of the worst people here in higher regard than you now.

>> No.19274691

Being a healslut isnt bad, but there is benifits for your woman to take the healer role while you be the warrior guy
