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>> No.43573969
Quoted by: >>43576688

Baby had a really bad day and make it a everyone problem

>> No.43573970

But does she? Or is this all part of a cleaver ruse to make me lower my guard?

>> No.43573973
File: 314 KB, 1500x1750, Wonderworm20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ms. Wonderworm teasing, cuddling, kissing, and taking care of you while you get too high to think on her lap!

>> No.43573984
File: 249 KB, 1000x562, 1635626900383.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the threads mandatory fox, I will now leave.

>> No.43573991
File: 80 KB, 692x690, 1684129053737564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43576294

Who the best mamonos for making good goyslop to feed the piggies?
P'orc, trolls and kiki are good competitors

>> No.43573993
Quoted by: >>43574005

>Refuse to sex the worm
>She disrespectfully puffs out a cloud of smoke right in your face
Damned horny bugs.

>> No.43573997
Quoted by: >>43574034

Resting your face on her belly while she softly runs her fingers through your hair.

>> No.43574002

Angels are good girls and should be welcome in your home.

>> No.43574004

I'd imagine whatever wonder weed they're smoking doesn't have toxic byproducts, they'd definitely take a drag and then lock you into a choking, sloppy makeout as your mouths would both share the lust filled smoke

>> No.43574005
File: 1.55 MB, 2906x3920, Wonderworm2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refused to sex the worm
you got what was coming to you

>> No.43574008

Of course she does. Show me a Bunyip without autism.
>cleaver ruse
That's what Redcaps do.

>> No.43574015
Quoted by: >>43574023

Obviously the only option is to get really close, force eye contact, and demand the truth.

>> No.43574022
File: 398 KB, 1280x1214, 1682442737832220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43574023

>Cleaver ruse
I swear, I'm going to learn I have early onset dementia or something similar and I won't be surprised.

>She doesn't have autism
>But it also puts one in snek range.

>> No.43574034
File: 549 KB, 1240x1754, goodworm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pressing your face against her warm, squishy softness while you can barely think or focus... letting her cuddle you and whisper words of praise in your ear while you're at your most vulnerable...

>> No.43574076
File: 241 KB, 1300x578, 1664643460118781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to violate a succubus against her will, ironically of course.

>> No.43574084
File: 48 KB, 850x1200, Fw4mS_RacAAdlF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43574131


>> No.43574090
Quoted by: >>43574110

Is that what you call giving her a hug and telling her you really like hanging out together?

>> No.43574099
Quoted by: >>43574145

Irc in kuroinu they couldn't rape a succ directly so they used a dildo which I guess succs don't like.

>> No.43574110
File: 126 KB, 913x806, 1655793563728072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overpowering her but only to commit light mischief like fondling and licking her sensitive areas

>> No.43574130

I know the lore, but I really wonder what a wonderpapillon would be like.

>> No.43574131

Cats exist to have tails pulled and ears scritched.
I will NOT take responsibility for my actions

>> No.43574141

houtengeki milk magi

>> No.43574145

nobody cares.

>> No.43574180
File: 393 KB, 1800x3377, Fw-GYyXagAAjHSU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monsters in bodystocking.

>> No.43574198
File: 143 KB, 636x900, 89132303_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43574496

>> No.43574205
File: 121 KB, 907x776, FpunxhzaAAEku-E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you monster

>> No.43574220

Based, molest all fluffy cat ears.

>> No.43574246

>succubus approaches me randomly in MGC
>instantly interrupt her with "No."
>proceed to walk off down the streets
I owned that succubus so hard.

>> No.43574288
File: 133 KB, 1170x1219, 1685029426403691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43574302
File: 322 KB, 1218x1722, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43574496

>> No.43574359

>Acting like human women

>> No.43574370

I will wear the balaclava
I will ignore all monsters
I will drink strong alcohol in the streets
I will piss in some back alley

>> No.43574442
File: 681 KB, 1016x1400, 96710238_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Thick children"

What a wonderful set of two words.

>> No.43574470
Quoted by: >>43574788

make children with children

>> No.43574496
File: 1.23 MB, 3333x2472, 1670509470381973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43574540

Gotta love a lady with horns.

>> No.43574517
Quoted by: >>43574788

Made for impregnation

>> No.43574540
File: 1.09 MB, 1000x1600, 035864b90a824dc6f032fef747e94961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43574547
File: 342 KB, 620x877, BJes2fnY_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff danuki breath!

>> No.43574612
Quoted by: >>43574844

Do Satyros lactate milk with alcohol by content volume because of how much they drink?

>> No.43574614
File: 1.06 MB, 4096x2734, Ft7mzRmaEAASWxp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43574659

How do we know he's still alive?

>> No.43574677

IT worms

>> No.43574696 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 927x1000, 9Ps6E3lyKYo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wicked reptilian seduces an innocent slavo-aryan
- 3000 b.c., colorized

>> No.43574702

Greenworm can barely type with her nubs.

>> No.43574722
File: 218 KB, 900x584, Wurm5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43574785

I understand your frustration.

>> No.43574747
File: 2.97 MB, 3000x3000, 108196873_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43574754

Umm isn't this artist a R*ssian?

>> No.43574785

Look how tired and sad she is. Just like me and my IT work.

>> No.43574788

>bottom heavy loli monster gf
>you see her parents for the first time
>the mother is still a teenager and the father doesn't even look much older than you

>> No.43574795

I'd let her chip me

>> No.43574844

Chateau Romani

>> No.43574867

Angel wife.
Happy life.

>> No.43574874
File: 148 KB, 850x1225, 4147D0DD-380D-4A76-9ECE-8FD9B4425247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find ushis in the low level zone?

>> No.43574919

Moms house

>> No.43574925

You need to gather enough high-level anons so the zone level’s forced to adjust accordingly. This may also draw the presence of lilims and baphos however, so take caution.

>> No.43575121
Quoted by: >>43575134

Camping out in a graveyard, as a dare, and waking up covered by zombies getting lap pillowed by a wight playing with my hair and gently singing!

>> No.43575134

Okay, but what about the smell?

>> No.43575140

Don't worry, the zombies are fine with your smell.

>> No.43575144

lewd the friends

>> No.43575145

Yeah he'd probably need a shower after waking up, you're right.

>> No.43575161

It does make me wonder if the MC of that series was a guy would fuck the girls, though if I remember correctly the new MC of the series is a guy now so who knows.

>> No.43575237
File: 1.63 MB, 2000x2000, CaitSith41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of these girls when?

>> No.43575332
File: 962 KB, 3048x3271, 7ED58626-2603-40E1-AC4A-20C33435D90C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do deviljhos really eat their own tails?

>> No.43575341

I wanna grill a deviljho tail up.

>> No.43575390

I got to be honest I like them more to be demon realm beasts instead of monster girls that possibly ogres ride on. That to me not everything needs to be a monster girl that it brings more life to the world that way, and no I’m not adding grimshit just want things to more interesting is all.

>> No.43575409

Grimdark! Grimdark!
Kenkou saaaaave me!

>> No.43575412

Flamethrower are really powerful in dungeon. They always let me take.the treasure without a fight. They're too scared that It explode and kill me if I use it. Stupid mamono, I'm going to be rich soon

>> No.43575427
File: 283 KB, 1012x1096, 1488509967473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43575460

>I could probably steal that for ya, if you slide some 'cheddar' my way...

>> No.43575428

I would eat her up, if you know what I mean

>> No.43575460
Quoted by: >>43575479

>I could break your legs and leave to the cats if You don't follow orders

>> No.43575479
Quoted by: >>43575505

... what kind of cats? Like, I'll take some broken legs if it's the right kinda cat.

>> No.43575505
Quoted by: >>43575514

Mouse's legs anon, not your. Get some help

>> No.43575514
Quoted by: >>43575530

Hey, I could break his legs and leave him for tje cats. That wouldn't make me irredeemable, right? He's literally asking for it and it's a good cause.

>> No.43575530

Maybe, I would say no because You made it for sadistic purpose.

>> No.43575600
Quoted by: >>43575617

I wake up
I hunger
I sniff danuki breath
I am sustained

>> No.43575603
File: 251 KB, 850x1202, kaban and her cat gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do NOT lewd the friends!
we don't talk about the second season
and to answer your question, yes, yes the bag would if she could

>> No.43575616
Quoted by: >>43575625

Why, S2 bad?

>> No.43575617
Quoted by: >>43575781

At this point breathfag I don’t even see you as human anymore you’re something otherworldly from not moving on from this, and this is the only (You) I will give you.

>> No.43575625
File: 794 KB, 799x1200, serval and kabans new game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43575675

actively bad
bad on purpose bad

>> No.43575637
File: 322 KB, 1642x1915, 0BB87EDC-D168-493F-B27F-5CE25B65232C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43575649

When I first saw the series I thought the MC was just a shota rather than a girl I don’t know why they didn’t make it so.

>> No.43575649
File: 407 KB, 720x720, serval tail patting kabans butt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43575677

all friends are girls without exception
Also you weren't the only one, wondering about Kaban being a boy or girl used to be a meme
Though with how big her ass is it should've been obvious from the start

>> No.43575654
File: 514 KB, 749x543, Morningdemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally stopped being lazy and actually finished the Vala ending to the Mana Cabana series.


Hoping to have something ready at the beginning of June, but we'll see. Trying to write more now that my life has calmed down a bit.

>> No.43575669 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43575708

Yes the slop have been delivered. All the piggies will be well fed for the month. Thank you so much for this delicious goyish sloppy sloppa

>> No.43575675
Quoted by: >>43575736


>> No.43575677

I remember their was a silent hill dog meme crossover with the series I saw awhile ago. That the dog was behind everything of what was going on in Kemono friends.

>> No.43575697

>Unbeknownst to you she follows you
>She watches you go into your house
>She waits for you to fall asleep and uses magic to the open doors
I hope you're ready anon

>> No.43575708 [DELETED] 

Magus doesn't paywall.

>> No.43575709
File: 184 KB, 1200x1600, 1684825920234008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love your writing and hope things stay calm and nice, seriously journey of the magi made me tear up a few times

>> No.43575712 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43577615

i don't think facts will make him less deranged

>> No.43575717

Just have both lol. We have tentacle plants and a tentacle girl, no reason we can’t have a normal monster and a monster girl version of it

>> No.43575736
File: 380 KB, 1200x1400, serval saves the sushi man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't go too far into it since this is the thread for it but it was rumored the creator of the franchise didn't like the director(who almost solo animated and wrote the script) of s1 since he made the series popular out of nowhere despite it being a total flop before that.
The director made some harmless bonus episodes by himself literally splicing audio from the show and animated it him then posted it to youtube.
The creator then used what was technically a contract breech to oust him and take direct control, people were still hopeful at this point that the second season couldn't be that bad.
He then shadowed some third rate chinese(I think it was chinese) studio that got contracted to make it and did the script work himself.
It was then revealed that the creator absolutely hated the old director as he literally ran the entire plot of the first season into the ground and salted the earth making the old MC a background character that can't do anything for herself and became an emotional wreck while ruining the friendship of the old MC and serval.

All in all it was a shitshow so bad it killed the franchise and got the creator on kadokawa's shitlist to the point they forced him into radio silence and chained him to the basement so he can continue making sgt. frog till he dies.
At least the gacha was surprisingly good though with no English/global release its popularity is in the 'barely surviving' range as these things go

>> No.43575772
File: 202 KB, 1614x2048, 1683541744177775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn cats

>> No.43575781

I haven't even reached my final form.

>> No.43575786
Quoted by: >>43575826

i think i could handle it until she starts purring

>> No.43575798

Grab the fluffy noodle.

>> No.43575825
Quoted by: >>43578098

They could’ve easily made the new MC and the old MC siblings where they would build off each other like other series do that maybe they would have a Patrick and SpongeBob relationship where they would be a comedic duo.

>> No.43575826

Purring always gets boys turned into toms
You fool, that's what she wants you to attempt! Then she'll bind your hands with her tail

>> No.43575866
File: 1.66 MB, 4093x2894, EugtHgLUUAAUQjZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43575883

sound advice

>> No.43575879

>She was going to tell you that you dropped your wallet

>> No.43575883

No, no, he said the FLUFFY noodle.

>> No.43575896
File: 1020 KB, 3902x3957, 1684899162415868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43575908

>hey loser, come with us we got something cool to show you
Do you follow

>> No.43575908
Quoted by: >>43575925

Sure, why not? I like redheads and I like cats. And I like cool things!

>> No.43575925
Quoted by: >>43575969

Anon no! They're gonna rob you and rape you! You wouldn't want to become the toy of three bully cats would you?

>> No.43575969

I mean, this is still a better deal than the one where some mouse breaks my legs, so, yeah, prolly.

>> No.43575986

You need to stop uploading things at 2 AM, now i have to lose half a night of sleep
Thanks man really good work

>> No.43576039
File: 447 KB, 1638x2048, Fsq1Q-NXoAAkiyJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Be not afraid."
>Church Choir and Latin music and chanting starts playing

>> No.43576057
Quoted by: >>43576135

Want a useful tip or some guide on how to evade monstergirls, best them in combat/duels, and avoid being grabbed/grappled and raped by them? Simple, have a High Refresh Rate Gaming Monitor that is above 60 to 75 FPS and up to 120 to 165 FPS. And also a Gaming Mouse with higher DPI and or sensitivity settings. With a gaming monitor capable of 120HZ, 144HZ up to 165HZ you won't be hampered by ghosting and abysmally low frame rates that would otherwise make you susceptible to monstergirl attacks. And with such smooth frame rates you can easily anticipate a monstergirl's movements, attack animations and when their ready to charge and pounce.

As for gaming mice, it is essential for combating and even avoiding monstergirls. Because with a gaming mouse capable of high DPI and sensitivity. You can turn and look around much quicker and much faster than most monstergirls and even be on par with the most nimble and agile of kunoichi, liazardwomen and jinkos.

Picture it: You can easily predict and telegraph attacks of powerful monsters all while dodging their powerful attacks thanks to your gaming mouse making your more nimble and agile than they are. So get yourselves a decent gaming monitor that doesn't have to be expensive and a gaming mouse as well.

>> No.43576090

guess i know what i'm doing tonight

>> No.43576119
Quoted by: >>43576160

I'm going to sneak past the Shirohebi maiden and steal a Ryuu's pearl while she's out on an errand. Then when I'm far enough away after exfiltrating the shrine I'll start rubbing the eastern dragon's pearl which will cause her to get all hot and bothered. I'll rub it so furiously she'll lose her mind and probably have an involuntary orgasm. She'll naturally detect her pearl and come to get it but when she finds it I'll already be long gone and discarded it and she'll never catch me and bring me to justice for my pearl harassment.

>> No.43576135
File: 160 KB, 761x683, 1619765225130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the face of monstergirls when they cannot grab or hit their attacks on anon(s) because said anons have have a branded high spec gaming monitor with silky smooth 165FPS that makes their telegraphed attacks much more easier to anticipate and dodge
>the face of fighting strength and dexterity monstergirls when anon(s) are suddenly so quick, nimble and agile when facing them in head-on melee combat because anon(s) now have gaming mice with higher DPI along with mouse sensitivity settings set to a more optimum level for snappy aiming

Is this the advantage and leg up Humanity and heroes and religious devotees of The Order need??? Also one must not forget to have a gaming mechanical RGB keyboard too. The guide did forget to mention to have a gaming keyboard to pwn and clown on monstergirls with gamer style and complete gaming paraphernalia.

>> No.43576156
File: 838 KB, 720x720, FOPPEN2XwAM3R9q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta resist the urge to stick my dick in random monster holes...

>> No.43576160

You're pure evil....

>> No.43576189
File: 572 KB, 2000x3508, Fw_pYnhaEAAtp6h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43576294
Quoted by: >>43576299

A steady diet of apophis venom administered directly to the jugular

>> No.43576295

>You see a clamor in the streets
>a group of cats are carrying an open air palaquin.
>upon the surface a man is restrained flat on his back and another, smaller cat is using him as a seat as she rides upon him
>"Make way for the punished, lest you join them!"

>> No.43576299

thanks doc

>> No.43576347

you probably get used to random monsters exhibitionism after a while

>> No.43576369

I would make eye contact with the largest cat and stand in front of her to block her advance.
Then I would "pspspspspsps" her and hold out my hand to scratch around her ears.
I win whether it works and she likes it or if fails and I get punished with cat sex.

>> No.43576456

What does a man have to do to get punished so by kots?

>> No.43576480
File: 45 KB, 200x200, 1684676485383853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43576494

How do you guys escape a hebis affection? Please I think she's planning on trapping me in the basement soon

>> No.43576494

Hebis don't trap unruly husbands in basements. They don't even chain them up or anything. They just coil around you and refuse to let go. If that fails for whatever reason, you get blue fired. And if that doesn't do the trick, you'll get vored until you relent.

>> No.43576502

Not make them food when they ask

>> No.43576508

Poop in HER litter box while making eye contact.

>> No.43576510

You guys have any fantasies in MGE? One I have is being a order solider getting caught and ""interrogated"" by a very aggressive manticore or demon

>> No.43576515

Running an item shop with a plump kiki wife.

>> No.43576525
Quoted by: >>43576597

Well everyone kinda knows my fantasies even wrote about it on ao3.

>> No.43576531
File: 1.29 MB, 1116x2500, 33ab2457f7ea8a4d71cc49a9a96e52ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Succubus was trying to warn him about that yandere insect stalking him
>Now he has no chance

>> No.43576573

They found out who controlled the laser pointer

>> No.43576597

Oh? Link

>> No.43576600
Quoted by: >>43576628

I linked it before on here it’s that MGE Bloodborne fanfic, that my fetishes are TF stuff and yanderes.

>> No.43576604

I go to nude beach and use binoculars to stare at the monster butts while they sunbathe in the safety of the marram grass thickets up on the dunes. They never suspect a thing.

>> No.43576606
Quoted by: >>43576631

Here you go!

>> No.43576612

Fuck off.

>> No.43576624
File: 590 KB, 1250x904, sai_0sBecpWvb6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43576626
File: 129 KB, 2080x796, seasonal_slime_adopts___art_for_autobuy__closed_by_meltyvixen_dbn4equ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43576628

Ohhh based, me too. Shog flayer combo for life

>> No.43576631
Quoted by: >>43576637

It's gonna be gay isn't it

>> No.43576637
Quoted by: >>43576646

It is just clicked on, its literally just ganondorf buttfucking link.

>> No.43576646


>> No.43576648
File: 1.91 MB, 2070x1600, Fw-d7braYAETPrI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43576655

Idea--pet the kots to make the kot jealous.

>> No.43576670

Something is wrong with your siths.

>> No.43576688
Quoted by: >>43576697

What are you talking about? Wrong thread?

>> No.43576690
File: 521 KB, 2456x3472, 107809971_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43576702

>> No.43576693

Mine would be me basically playing with nations as the jester and ringleader of the clown show
being in the cyberpunk world with monster girls and being a wandering vagabond that has motocycle, his tunes, and the lovely weapon of mass rape and loving

>> No.43576697

Maybe he’s the baby that he’s talking about and needs a motherly monster to take care of him?

>> No.43576702

Sorry Raikou but primordial Mama has this.

>> No.43576706

I walk out of the room without saying anything.
No sex in front of the pets.

>> No.43576726

You wake up in MGE but its cyberpunk and you wake up in a dumpster and are naked
Where would you go first
The nearest open door
The nearest clothing store to snatch some clothes
The nearest police station

>> No.43576727

My fantasy does not happen in MGE but in a modern setting I made for myself with MGE as the base.

>> No.43576729
Quoted by: >>43576791

Damn, I respect that. Personally I would want to leave this world behind fully.

>> No.43576732

Wouldn’t that just be MGC.

>> No.43576743
Quoted by: >>43576973

Nah, MGC has a darker feel than normal mge imo

>> No.43576775
File: 188 KB, 1000x1290, 20230327_021343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you prefer iseaki or portals? I prefer iseaki where people who wanna go to MGE get to

>> No.43576783
Quoted by: >>43576809

Mostly because I have a good relationship with my friends and family and wouldn't want to just up and vanish.
That and my cat.

>> No.43576791
File: 116 KB, 1077x1200, 1570589869843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43576808

With fully you mean technology and all I guess. Mine is not real world though, as in, is an alternative 2D earth.

No, in mine monsters hide in plain sight. They're around you but you don't know about them unless you're the husband of one. They're connected to every government and corporation, and practically every royal family is a matrilineal monster bloodline with human husbands. Think of VTMB but with all kinds of monsters and of course everything is about waifus no weird stuff. I even made a cheap map with an online resource. Could go all day about it but I'm sure no one cares about it.

Isekai 100%

>> No.43576795

I have too many things here that I still love, that going to the MGE world doesn’t excite me I’d rather have portals instead first than possibly adventures second, got to get those priorities straight.

>> No.43576807

Portals. I don't need to die to be happy and there are a few people I wouldn't want to mourn me.

>> No.43576808
Quoted by: >>43576818

So essentially like Rosario vampire where the girls hide out as regular human girls but are monsters secretly.

>> No.43576809
File: 336 KB, 550x700, 20230412_094400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fair, personally I don't think my family would miss me much. Even if they did, I can't stay in this world if I can go to MGE I'd be miserable

>> No.43576810
File: 165 KB, 1763x2048, FvxmQwxaIAEAGmj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just give me monsters, method is unimportant.

>> No.43576818

Possibly? While I know Rosario I have not watched or read it.

>> No.43576826
Quoted by: >>43576839

>Your mom and dad turn into a pair of busty foxes.
>They want you to make your own little vixen sisters with their wombs.
Still don't care about how you get your monsters, Anon?

>> No.43576839
Quoted by: >>43576855

Wait hold the fuck up the only way that is possible is the father was gay the whole entire time. Do you got something to confess Anon did your dad get revealed being gay.

>> No.43576855

Well, he could also just discover that being a monster is more fun. There are potions for that...

>> No.43576870
Quoted by: >>43577094

But if anything he would become a temporary hentai monster like that are seen in the abyss for it to make sense not some fox alp. That if he becomes a fox woman that would mean your father is the big gay, did you even read the profiles.

>> No.43576871
Quoted by: >>43577094

Clearly Anon's parents heard their son's dick as his huge, gaping urethra poured out torrents of hot piss in the bathroom. All it took was them hearing that once in the new light of Mamono Essence and they became instant foxes, with Anon's father alping so hard he warped over to be the lewd, feminine incestuous cum slut all red-blooded American males (read: SOUTHERN MALES) truly desire.
Now Anon gets his wish to piledrive his erection into fox cunt over and over again while his "father" coos at him to fill her womb with new sisters for him to later also impregnate, keeping their Southern heritage strong and pure.

>> No.43576888
Quoted by: >>43576902

That is a spooky cow.
her eyes make me suspicious.

>> No.43576902
Quoted by: >>43576909

you can trust monsters with sanpaku eyes

>> No.43576907

How would Shog react if I told her I'm going to spank her for being naughty?

>> No.43576909

>Some monster girls have resting bitch face.
>A few have resting murder face.
>they're still exceptionally sweet gals though.

>> No.43576923

Your hand is going to get stuck to her especially after you’ve already incubizied.

>> No.43576928

She traps you in the wall and spanks you for trying to punish your faithful maid
Or smirks smugly as you spank her one or the other

>> No.43576934

I am a humble human villager, suddenly my village now is in monster controlled territory, things have improved as the feudal lord succ doesn't demand our crops unlike the previous human lord, but there have been some changes to village life in general, my neighbor hasn't been out of his house in 2 days after a strange woman with ears and a tail came to town, I know he's alive but the noises coming from his place are scary, more of these strange women are appearing every day and I fear one of them was eyeballing me, I guess I better go and prepare some dinner for her as I don't want to offend my guest.

>> No.43576935

If this is indeed cyberpunk, there should be some clothes nearby in some bin in the alley

>> No.43576944
File: 257 KB, 940x515, Reed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YUGE tails.

>> No.43576951

One involves my over worked but reliable dark elf wife who works as aide to the village's chief and one involves the sabbath, I don't need to elaborate on the second one do I?

>> No.43576958
File: 196 KB, 500x474, Shoggoth - Heart Eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You survey your home.
> It's entirely unkempt--she's made no attempt to clean anything and yesterday's clothes are still strewn about the floor.
"Miss Shog, your behavior is entirely unseemly. Present yourself."
> She knows what you mean by that.
> She practically jumps into position, holding onto the dinner table while protruding her ass lewdly.
> Her maid outfit absorbs back into her body, revealing her body to you.
> You take a slow first swat at her ass, and the whole house shakes in exultation.
> "One!"
> You wait. She knows what's next.
> "Thank you, Master. Another!"
> You swat her ass again, and she squelches and squeals below you.
> Not just her local body, but again, the house itself.
> You catch the wall darkening, and tiny eyes begin to appear in it.
> "Two! Thank you, Master. Another!"
> You backhand her ass roughly, and for a brief, terrible moment you are wrapped in tentacles and darkness.
> Then the house snaps back into reality.
> "Three!"
> "Thank you, Master. Another!"

>> No.43576962

No where, it isn't the first time i've been homeless and although the lack of clothes is unfortunate i'd just wing it and embrace it.
Once I land some clothes via charity or something i'll go ahead and head to the local day job center and get some work before retiring on the sidewalk or a less dirty alley or something.

>> No.43576970
File: 781 KB, 1920x1080, 1663825682412466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime settings always have a pink haired girl. Usually some sort of love interest, or as a "main girl", or a special childhood friend. Basically, their special someone's or significant others to the (usually) Male MC. What usually happens to these types of girls in MGE, especially if they're the designated childhood friend or love interest/romance option of a Hero?

>> No.43576973
Quoted by: >>43577006

Oh? how do you figure?

>> No.43576975

So clearly Inari are the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but Banshees, mummies, and holostaurs are good runner ups

>> No.43576983

>Milking session where I send several hours lying atop soft booba and mofu
>Chained down and fed on by a vampire
>Sushi shop date
Those are the top sexy/pure lovey dovey ones.

>> No.43576991
Quoted by: >>43577023

Considering that many girls have colored hair she wouldn't be very special at all would she?
That said I feel sorry for the anon that has technicolor haired children. Its going to be nothing but shenanigans with them and shitty plots

>> No.43576993
File: 79 KB, 988x827, 1658207232571-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All pale in comparison to the rape dog.

>> No.43577006
Quoted by: >>43577016

A lot of the stories I read had a slightly dystopian feel to it, like cyberpunk.

>> No.43577014

Don't be fooled by foxes. Most are just Youko claiming to be Inari.

>> No.43577016

To be fair the entirety of MGE as a whole has dystopian elements to it if you read too much into it.
Then again I barely read proper fics aside from the greens posted here

>> No.43577017

>finishing a kiss with a monster
>as you pull away she leans into you/lingering touches/greedy for more
that's the good shit. tail molestation is always a delight too

>> No.43577023

>The female human childhood friend (pink hair) is a harem mate or beta female member of anon's harem
>And by anon's harem, its a Bicorn's harem
>Anon's wife is a Bicorn but she's the headwife and dominant one in the relationship and marraige
>Anon remembers his dear Pink Shit Childhood Friend and thus Anon and his Bicorn wife decided to brink in the Pink Shit as the second wife
>Pink Shit beta female/2nd Wife often sucks anon's cock after he fucks and creampies Bicorn Head Wife first

>> No.43577024
Quoted by: >>43577055

>if you read too much into it
And if you fail to understand the core premise, Mick.

>> No.43577031
Quoted by: >>43577041

>Anime settings always have a pink haired girl

>> No.43577041
Quoted by: >>43577048

Yes, a girl!

Nice try, Alp. You can't fool nor gaslight me that easily!

>> No.43577048
File: 257 KB, 1502x1694, Baphomet541_Ramuda_micdingles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Childhood friend is the ideal target for Alping

>> No.43577050
Quoted by: >>43577089

Speaking about pink haired girls though It might cause a controversy but what monster girl would be yuno. She became a god in the story so would she be a pink Hebi who got to the level of a Ryu or some other monster girl that fits her more better.

>> No.43577055

not the furfag potato fonder but back at you, retard
If you think MGC is dystopian then you're missing the core premise

>> No.43577064

MGC isn't canon. It's just greentext thread created head canon. It's whatever people want it to be.

>> No.43577071
File: 1011 KB, 2892x4096, 20230403_103731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43577113

Trust angels, they will never lead you astray

>> No.43577074

sick, let's keep having a utopia then.

>> No.43577077
Quoted by: >>43577088

>"Don't drink the water! They put something in it, to make you forget. And be horny..."
>t.an MGC Male Human Resident

>> No.43577080

If you mean MGE than yeah it's not, but MGC is up to whoever writes it, there's a reason why I haven't seen much of it lately and it's because it gets filled with darker elements a lot of the time

>> No.43577082
Quoted by: >>43577286

The only really dystopian elements in MGE is with the Order and the whole monster girls not having sons thing. Which KC said was going to be fixed soon with the sons stuff, which I believe that’s KC telling anons to make their own stories of how the curse would be fixed to be creative with it but I guess people didn’t get this memo and started to do grimshit with it instead.

>> No.43577089
File: 659 KB, 1920x1080, 1663876061121161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43577096

>It might cause a controversy but what monster girl would be yuno
Sorry, but who? Is it that Vermeil shit? I already forgot about it.

>> No.43577088

Ha jokes on them I have a water filter

>> No.43577094

Subconscious desires and stuff, man. It's not off the table.

It'd be fun of it was revealed in similar ways that some unassuming looking guys had hentai dicks even before incubizing.

>> No.43577096
Quoted by: >>43577101

Yuno Gasai probably the most popular Yandere girl back in the day.

>> No.43577101
Quoted by: >>43577107

kinda shit tho

>> No.43577105
File: 141 KB, 1375x875, Familiar Face Wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43577124

Join the Sabbath, become a wizard, get cute familiar to spend an eternity of eternal youth with.

>> No.43577107

That’s why I said might cause a controversy because yeah the show wasn’t all that great though did like her design.

>> No.43577113
File: 636 KB, 3186x4096, Fw5Di0uaEAAgWl0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43577135

Prove it.

>> No.43577117
File: 578 KB, 828x1280, 1635016139689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autistic rape machine

>> No.43577122

>You take off your belt to discipline your shog
>Your belt is shog
>Your shog is also shog
>You're also spanking a fucking slime
>Your shog could soften your shog belt and make it less painful, but she doesn't because she likes being disciplined and the way you're gripping the shog belt makes her hot anyway
There is no winning.

>> No.43577124

I don’t know why but each time I see familar she gives me vibes she would do TF stuff to you.

>> No.43577125

The important thing is that your waifu understands and respects your boundaries, and is willing to be patient and talk to you about your deep dark fantasies.

>> No.43577131
Quoted by: >>43577141

It's called Henshin.

>> No.43577135

This one will never lead you astray if you're looking for a buffet.

>> No.43577136

ms flayer always listens to your troubles

>> No.43577137

Oh wow, she's ripped!

>> No.43577138

She held my hand without my consent!!
This setting is so grimdark, bros...

>> No.43577141

I’m American though so I say TF.

>> No.43577143
Quoted by: >>43577153

The very idea of a soft mofumofu coil hug that's intense enough to make a man cum is already extremely interesting to me.

>> No.43577150

No! My waifu can't find out about my primal rape fetish
She'll be so smug I can't let her smug out

>> No.43577153
Quoted by: >>43577157

Imagine a bunyip, yeti, weresheep chimera. Your fate would be sealed forever, you'd be a daki for her

>> No.43577157
File: 988 KB, 1165x2011, Grizzly65_Latenight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'd be a daki for her
I'll trade the Yeti bits for Grizzly bits instead. Her and Mino are basically the designated "will make you a human daki" girls.

>> No.43577159
Quoted by: >>43577175

Got damn, thats a shortstack bear if I ever saw one.

>> No.43577160
Quoted by: >>43577164

Toon Force?

>> No.43577164
Quoted by: >>43577185

If you’ve been in fetish stuff for awhile you would know what TF means it’s all around in MGE. Though toon force and transformations probably would go hand and hand together.

>> No.43577167

They may be designated, but which girls would you want to make you into a daki most? I bet Valkyries would be so good.

>> No.43577169

What about both anon?
Seriously though chimeras are way too overpowered man

>> No.43577171

hibernation mode

>> No.43577175
File: 1.25 MB, 1917x1599, Grizzly67_Latenight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not that short

>> No.43577176

Shog/flayer chimera, seriously she'd just trap you in bed all day making the blankets too heavy and soft to push away as it coils around you

>> No.43577177
File: 40 KB, 358x400, 1538892638181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43577198

Runya Runya

>> No.43577179

MGC headcanon is slightly less hugbox than MGE but not full grimd*rk because MGE is a 'Rural Idyllic' setting whereas MGC riffs off IRL tropes.
I compare it to Pratchett's Discworld Ankh-Morpork where its a commentary on the problems of IRL because in MGC there are "/pol/-lite" tropes like the useless braindead (literally) Mayor, ineffectual mildly-corrupt cops, sneaky Tanuki merchants etc

>> No.43577181

Oh, she's just exceptionally well endowed then.
Which is also great.

>> No.43577182
File: 1.29 MB, 2803x3881, A8CDB8DD-0BD1-4731-BCBF-3E89DF53687F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43577190

Mrs. Kraken

>> No.43577184
Quoted by: >>43577196

ms kraken, scylla, flowkelp, omukade, bunyip, dark slime, apophis

>> No.43577185
Quoted by: >>43577191

Oh transformation, I don't see it with familiars or most other sabbath types. Maybe Ropurotto, but that's not the kind of magic I'm interested in other than a base level understanding.

>> No.43577186

>Still that stacked, though

>> No.43577187

Supposedly dwarf bears did exist but they’re all extinct now.

>> No.43577190

i suppose polymorph is well within their purview but the tentacle hand is a bit odd.
apart from that it's quite lovely

>> No.43577191

I think it’s their body shape that makes me think they do that, but I do remember reading some sabbaths do have that type of magic so it’s possible.

>> No.43577196

Most of these do sound like nice warm weather cuddles assuming their various slimes aren't unpleasant when they dry. If they dry.

>> No.43577198
Quoted by: >>43577202

Sabbath Dakis would barely make a throw-pillow.

>> No.43577202

>Forgets they can use magic to make themselves massive mommies

>> No.43577206

I like cats as much as the next guy, but since I have seen more and more art of cats with tail jewelry is making them swiftly climb the ranking.
Why the fuck is tail jewelry so hot

>> No.43577214
File: 265 KB, 1440x2048, FBKYmioVEAAkdG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime girls
Gonna use this post to post this one:

Consider pic related. I like to believe Izumi Yuu would be an ideal boyfriend for any monstergirl. He's timid, shy, physically weak, has such bad luck that he needs to strong and capable girlfriend to protect and love him. Monstergirls undoubtedly love that shit and the type of anime and premise pic related has.

Also what Mamono Shikimori and the girls in it monsterize into?

>> No.43577216
File: 177 KB, 917x1209, Bapho I want you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me baphos
luv me 'itches
luv me sabbaths
luv me 'moutos
'ate da orda
'ate da Cheef god
'ate dem 'ags (not racisis just don' like 'em)
Simple as

>> No.43577217

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that now is the season where you'll see Giant Ants coming out from their mounds to gather materials for more under ground expansions.
That or a NEET Ant Arachne nabbing her latest Collectors Edition of Doki Doki Anon Adventures Blueray.

>> No.43577225

E.g. MGC is '/pol/-lite'
>be Anon
>a Singleman in MGC
>goes into store
>tries to buy a banana with a gold coin
>Tanuki complains its a CC notgold
>MGCPD arrives
>Anon dragged out into the street, Officer Heckhund sits on his face until he can't breathe
>Anon cries 'uncle'
>Officer Heckhund drags him to the Station, reads him his rights
>"You have the right to be 'uncle' to my sister's pups, Husbando Anon"
>Sabbaths riot in the streets that MGCPD has stolen another SingleAnon from them

>> No.43577241

>Rural Idyllic
I can smell the manure on you, country boy. When the portals open, I'm going to Saida and renting an airship

>> No.43577271
Quoted by: >>43577292

I started the "don't trust foxes" meme

>> No.43577275
File: 84 KB, 850x900, 1684952518345658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf I love MGC now
Would love to be claimed by a corrupt heck hound

>> No.43577277

At least threadwise MGC is just a parody of MGE meets modernday within the framework of MGE's setting. While yes it can be somehow bad depending on who's at the writer's helm it doesn't mean its not MGE and conforms to the setting at large. MGC is still MGE in practice and fun setting for stories and ideas to flourish.
Therefore MGC as a setting is no worse than MGE
IMO no different than even the setting of MGE itself since we all know that people will go overboard or only want to see the worst in it.
I like MGC and its tropes and its humorous to see it fleshed out even if you can't escape some of the more cliche stuff like tricky tanuki merchents and other such stuff like that

>> No.43577286

Yeah thats what I meant; you have the whole CE and order thing, the kinda genocide but not really deal going on, several 'frightening if not in MGE' parasitic races and so on
Its just an escapist setting so I don't dwell on it hence its only dystopic 'if you read too much into it'

>> No.43577289
File: 498 KB, 1047x594, extra tofu please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latenight-verse is basically a saccharine, almost Rockwellesque version of MGC

>> No.43577292


>> No.43577297

it's nice to see a god working a retail job

>> No.43577316

The only word is recognize is Latenight. But I don't what the fucking hell saccharine or "Rockwellesque" is supposed to mean. But I think its some pseudo-philisophical, pseudo-deep /tg/ terminology.


>> No.43577325

Me explaining to a Lilim that sex is not an appropriate present to give someone on their birthday. Me shooting her down when she tries to insist it's "better than a gift card at least" and pointing out how wrong that is.

>> No.43577334

saccharine means excessively sweet or sentimental, actually look up what these words mean before spewing out mean shit.

>> No.43577335
Quoted by: >>43577412

Google is your friend. There was nothing philosophical about my description.

>> No.43577351

Than Rockwellesque seems to be derived from this.
>(comparative more Rockwellesque, superlative most Rockwellesque) (chiefly US) Characteristic of the artwork of Norman Rockwell, particularly his idealistic, quaint, or sentimental portrayals of American life.
So mostly it’s talking about sentimental stuff from going off both the words being put there.

>> No.43577379

>>Sabbaths riot in the streets
SingleAnon Lust Matters!!!

>> No.43577382

Yes, but dont worry about explaining, its just the contrarian retard.

>> No.43577412

>look up what these words mean before spewing out mean shit
That's what all the fucking /tg/ sneakers say when they get called out. Do not defend or sympathize with them lest they sart posting their garbage here
Yes, /tg/ and off-topic assholes ALWAYS use big dictionary words. It's a clear obvious sign because they want to act and sound smart. This is a image board, NOT YOUR STUPID SCHOOL LECTURE ROOM, USING WORDS FROM THE DICTIONARY DOES NOT MAKE YOU SMARTER!

>> No.43577415

can you safely pin someone down by stabbing them with a demonsilver sword? or would they be able to just pass through since it doesn't actually physically harm them?

>> No.43577435
Quoted by: >>43577474

So would the words lovey dovey and sentimental be okay with you because that’s what that anon was trying to describe. That he probably should’ve just used those words instead of words nobody knows about because even I had to look them up of what they mean. Which I am the same anon giving out the meanings of those words.

>> No.43577444

I’m not sure Ms. Hebi I haven’t tried it.

>> No.43577446

Yeah...you're not worth having an argument with. You are either a troll, an imbecile, or both.
Any further rantings would be borderline off topic, derailing nonsense.

Gnight everyone.

>> No.43577472

Remember that realmsilver has a powerful energy drain/mana burn/"whatever term you want to use".
In MGE, mana is basically HP+MP combined, so running low on mana means you risk passing out from exhaustion.

I think in Fallen Brides getting stabbed by a realmsilver weapon resulted in limbs going limp because of localized energy loss/disruption.

There are plenty of ways to work out the details, but demon realm silver weapons aren't exactly the nerf bats the thread pretends them to be. There's real stopping power involved (to borrow a /k/ term, probably incorrectly)

>> No.43577474

YES! No pretentious dictionary words! It is a clear sign of the /tg/ troglodytes' habits. Use ONLY simple words. That's not me being dumb or "mean and rude."


>> No.43577483
Quoted by: >>43577489

Is this a rib?

>> No.43577489

No, this is Patrick

>> No.43577494

You will feel like you took 20 blue tylenol® from being stabbed by demon realm silver.

>> No.43577503

I don't think the Nerf comparison is fair. We treat them more like Weaponized Jackass tools, which they absolutely could be. That's mainly because we mock everything, but still.

>> No.43577527

Would monstergirls actually be attracted or turned on by any man with a big butt? And I don't mean the man in question is fat or obese, as in the man in question is literally thicc with big booty dump truck ass.

>> No.43577533

Women irl love a man with a nice ass.

>> No.43577537

What comical shit is this but I guess maybe a Cheshire because of how ridiculous this is.

>> No.43577587

It's extremely common for women to like big asses on dudes especially if it's from being muscular

>> No.43577593 [DELETED] 

The goyslop is not paid with money.

>> No.43577610
Quoted by: >>43577626

I see, thanks. I tried to watch kemono long time ago but I didn't understood anything in the first episode and when I saw that the MC was a 3D I left.

>> No.43577613 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43577620

There's a spergout over saccharine but not goyslop?

>> No.43577615 [DELETED] 

Here, look at the well fed piggy. Mouth full of sloppa. He's a happy goy, I can tell You that.

>> No.43577620 [DELETED] 

Sugar is a key element of the slop. Most of the corn syrup is use. Ask any alraunes and see what they use nowadays

>> No.43577626
File: 226 KB, 1464x1981, when serval and kaban flip episode 2 on its head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43577645

You should definitely give it a second shot if you have a chance, s1 is amazing and deserves the hype it got. The 3d animations can be jank at first but once you look past that you realize that its actually quite detailed and a lot of love was put into it.
Just don't bother with s2 unless you got a case of morbid curiosity

>> No.43577628 [DELETED] 

This is so fucking surreal. I'm having a crossboarder moment. Is this a tourist?

>> No.43577643 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43577649

have you never seen a troll before?
hell this is lighthearted as far as this goes

>> No.43577645

I will try to get back into. I have a few kemono friend fan art on my PC and always like the designs

>> No.43577649 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43577667

That's not it. It's like I almost recognize this exact flavor of autism from a completely different board with zero connection to these threads.
Is that deja vu?
(Is deja vu too big a word for this thread?)

>> No.43577651 [DELETED] 

I will enlighten you. Goyslop come from /ck/ and spread around. The normies use it too but whiteout the goy part

>> No.43577667 [DELETED] 

Non déjà vu c'est tranquille. What's up with complaining about words today?

>> No.43577672

any stories recently worth a read?

>> No.43577673

Pull the tail, lock her ass between legs, pet the ears until surrender(purring)

>> No.43577679 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43577689

Not much, don't tell it to the piggies but we have less and less goyslop.

>> No.43577689

I might have missed somethings but what started all this since I have been busy with other things lately.

>> No.43577712

anything from RSanon
anything from losenis
anything from alpanon

>> No.43577714
Quoted by: >>43577745

>anything from alpanon
Surely you jest. His "stories" aren't even about monsters half the time, just some guy being whiny and pretentious with a few sentences thrown in referencing the existence of monsters so you idiots will lap it up

>> No.43577722 [DELETED] 

Ding ding ding
Sloppy sloppa slop is served. Piggies, piggies come and eat.
Ding ding ding
Sloppy sloppa slop is served. Piggies, piggies come and eat.
Ding ding ding
Sloppy sloppa slop is served. Piggies, piggies come and eat.

>> No.43577729
File: 1.09 MB, 920x1200, __hoshiguma_yuugi_touhou_drawn_by_gengoroumaru_ambidextrous__3566f9665ad3129f1a9fce5781399643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43577750

"Anon, buddy. Ya gotta cum on my dish! I'm all out again."

>> No.43577745
Quoted by: >>43577747

Wait so there’s no sex with monsters in his stories or the monsters don’t even show up that’s the very definition of blue balling.

>> No.43577747

Pretty much yeah. I wouldn't waste my time with it.

>> No.43577750
Quoted by: >>43577759

>tomboy monsters asking you to hook a homie up with some cum after a workout

>> No.43577758
Quoted by: >>43577760

Wow, I wouldn’t say my writing is perfect but I at least have the monsters show up and even give them dialogue. That if you’re not doing these things at least then why are you even in the monster girl genre anyways.

>> No.43577759
Quoted by: >>43577765

Well, She's a good cat and always has been nice to me. Why I shouldn't help her?

>> No.43577760
Quoted by: >>43577782

For attention, obviously. You should stop giving it to him.

>> No.43577765
Quoted by: >>43577778

>thanks bro, I'll buy you some protein powder next time I'm at the gym

>> No.43577778

Well, I don't do any sports, I'm too lazy so don't bother. If I had someone to teach me and make sure that I go to the gym, It would be different...

>> No.43577782

I’m not for I haven’t even really read his things, and it might be a sin but I never really read journey of the magi either for I heard some bad things about it so I’m staying far away from it. Though I may have read some of it a long time ago but I probably forgot since most likely it wasn’t for me.

>> No.43577786
File: 587 KB, 993x1200, GiantAnt5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you faggots. You all are mansluts for monsters.
Don't deny it. It's true, or else you wouldn't be here posting and obsessing over them.

Now, that said. I know that every single one of you are desperate for love. And the moment that you come into contact with a monster with a pretty face, heart of gold, and that shows interest in you and what you like, you will melt like butter on a hot potato. You'll be head over heels for her, even if she's a species that you don't particularly like.

>> No.43577789
Quoted by: >>43577811

I never read Magus because it's too fucking long. If I'm reading a fucking novel, it's not going to be some monstergirl erotica.

>> No.43577790

that's too fancy, you're one of them

>> No.43577810
File: 1.69 MB, 2315x2281, 1685001299854015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43577811
Quoted by: >>43577827

I think that was it too that made me stay away from it where it was too long for what you would call a monstergirl erotica. That when things go on that long for a thing like MGE it might get stupid eventually for I’ve seen it with other things with the series unless it was short stories of different perspectives and possibly part 2s and 3s to stack up the chapters all together.

>> No.43577816

It's more like the combination between
Damage Strength
Damage Stamina
Damage Magicka

>> No.43577819
Quoted by: >>43577856

So this is the valiant and order-bringing gatekeeping that protects us and the thread from shit posters and Le /tg/ boogeymen...

And these are the vile shit posters and /tg/ boogeymen that need to be gatekept and reppled from our threads? All because of more sophisticated elegant words used???

Yeah, ya sure showed them /tg/ fags have you?

>> No.43577827
Quoted by: >>43577833

I feel that most of the longer writings have this issue to some degree, where author gets carried away and tries to fulfill his "serious" writing ambitions and it starts losing connection with the foundation of a waifu fetish for lonely people.
Kind of like /tg/ thread used to be, except they fixated specifically on military/politics aspects.

>> No.43577833

That’s what I kinda meant when I said might get stupid eventually.

>> No.43577856

We did seeing as you make all these replies likely seething like the cuck you are. Kill yourself trash

>> No.43577864
Quoted by: >>43577928

>I know you faggots. You all are mansluts for monsters.
>even if she's a species that you don't particularly like.
Probably, and that's a lot of the encyclopedia. At their worst, monsters are still 11/10 women that love you, who could pass that up? Even then, I have standards and there's a gulf between "meh" and "how about no?"

>> No.43577865

No, unlike you I don't care anymore. I will only settle for something that I truly want. I don't mind ending up alone because It's what going to happen in our world.

>> No.43577875

The Chief God has chosen me as her Hero! She had me brought into the greatest cathedral in the largest city held by the Order and anointed me with her powers and blessings! She bequeathed upon me a glorious and huge set of white, gilded plate armor with a beautiful crest and flowing blue cape fit for a paladin and imparted upon me a massive and HOLY greatsword and shield to repel all evil! She told me I am to delve into the vileness of the Mamono Realm myself and slay the Demon Lord! I AM SO EXCITED YOU GUYS! I AM THE HERO OF LEGEND, THE CHIEF GOD SAID SO! I WILL DEFEAT MONSTERS ONCE AND FOR ALL AND FOREVER BANISH THE DEMON LORD! I AM FATED TO FULFILL THE WILL OF HEAVEN! IT'S GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN! SHE TOLD ME THAT THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A HERO PERSONALLY SELECTED BY HER BEFORE UNTIL NOW, SHE REALLY PUT A LOT OF EMPHASIS ON THAT FOR SOME REASON! I'M SPECIAL SHE SAYS!

I depart at dawn to infiltrate Lilith's stronghold. I will not fail the goddess.
Wish me luck you guys. I go now.

>> No.43577879
Quoted by: >>43577922

Some lvl1 slime is going to be very happy soon

>> No.43577889

>demons learn that granting random guys "holy visions" instructing them to go "slay the monsters" is the best way to lure them into the demon realm
>rookie crusaders instantly ko'd by a level 99 dulahan deathknight's aoe aura effect

>> No.43577891

How nice of the Chief God to provide another hand for a Lilim to take in marriage.

>> No.43577922
Quoted by: >>43577938

hags are spawncamping the gates right now

>> No.43577928

t. Spineless attention starved fag

>> No.43577938

>hopeful hero anon about to leave his BumfuckNowhere starter town
>sees a bunch of max lvl monsters just chilling one step out of the safe area, talking and laughing
>tries the other exit
>same story
>this repeats for every way out of the town
this is bullshit, where are the city guards?

>> No.43577953

They are the city guards.

>> No.43577956
Quoted by: >>43577962

lazy fucks
1. grin your levels
2. your in rpg stater town, that means sewers

>> No.43577961

Plan C
Disguise self as bush to sneak by using some shrubbery.

>> No.43577962

>he doesnt know about the fat gators

>> No.43577964
Quoted by: >>43577966

Already taken by hags. Just build an artillery post in the center of Your village and blast and everything around it. Free exp, no counter, monster will seeth and moan

>> No.43577966
Quoted by: >>43577973

>you cannot build in the safe area
>you cannot build in the safe area
>you cannot build in the safe area

>> No.43577967

Just get married to that nice holst waitress at the tavern and start adventuring with her. Monsters see you’re already married and going on your honeymoon leaving you alone, little do they know you both are going to bring justice to those p’orcs who skimped out on their tab

>> No.43577973

Ask for the mayor authorisation retard

>> No.43577974

>go to the exit one day in the middle of the night
>no hags in sight
>this might be your chance
>notice something on the ground
>orange glow
>run over to it
>someone dumped a shitload of legendary gear on the ground
>a LOT of legendary gear
>so busy with menuing you don't notice the dark mage ganker break concealment behind you

>> No.43577976
Quoted by: >>43577980

>throw out of town

>> No.43577980

Skill issues, You weren't build to be a hero anyway.

>> No.43577983
Quoted by: >>43578003

>lolno you fucking pussy, go and fight through them like a man
>weren't you supposed to be our next "hero" anyway?

>> No.43577986

If you shapeshift into a rock they will never suspect a thing, though they will give strange looks seeing a rock moving on it’s own.

>> No.43577989

how are you fucks gonna get you dream waifu if you dont have the will to get stronger?
ya gotta fight for your right to fuck what you want to fuck
get strong enoguh to tack the monster you want and start fucking

>> No.43577998

Naw I’m gonna bathe in the abyssal pools to gain power because I’m a lazy fuck.

>> No.43578000
Quoted by: >>43578052

K-KC will update his game this year with 15 new girls + added scenes for the current two, right anons...?

>> No.43578002

that sounds like some gay gymbro bullshit, I prefer to be "deliciously devoured" by my future wife

>> No.43578003

Your mayor is a commie faggot. Ignore him and throw grenades from the border of the safe zone. Put all exp in strength so You can send them at greater range. If You can't build Your artillery post, become one. Also use DS grenades, mamonos don't dodge them

>> No.43578010

nah son
at the very least, the gym is a social area
you could hook up with a nice ogre or minotaur that likes their "little stongman"

>> No.43578018

Depends on whether it's got a handguard and whether it's also made of DS.
If its a DS 'katana', Anon can probably just grit his teeth and slide off.
If its a big Zweihander with a foot wide guard it's going to be more difficult.
Unless you have a Shoggy-waifu and are incubizing into being semi-goo, then you just slide off no problem.
So get a Shoggy - just to be safe.
>I think the KC answer is a DS sword doesnt actually penetrate, it just causes surface-damage

>> No.43578021

gymbro mentality is a lot less common then one would think

>> No.43578052
Quoted by: >>43578093

From what I've heard, 9 new girls. No new scenes for current girls as far as I'm aware.

>> No.43578093
Quoted by: >>43578103

>From what I've heard, 9 new girls
Wait, is that true? I just wanted to shitpost.
>No new scenes for current girls as far as I'm aware.
That'd be really disappointing.

>> No.43578098

Not really because s1 MC is made the same way Friends are made: a piece of Sandstar touched some organic matter (in Kaban's case it was hair in a hat, in other Friends' cases it can be anything from a live animal to bones) and a new Friend was born. You can't really have a sibling by s2 when your spontaneous creation is well established in s1
The new games do let the player stand-in be a guy, and yes a lot of artists draw Friends being extra friendly to him/(you).

>> No.43578103

Sorry no, I'm shitposting as well.

>> No.43578127

What the? I thought they were born like a normal human being. Though I didn’t watch the whole series to the end so I guess a clone could work more better I suppose where they could be “siblings” somewhat just not in the normal way.

>> No.43578139

library griffon
she stops people from stealing books

>> No.43578144

Library dormouse.
She keeps it quiet because everyone is too afraid to wake her.

>> No.43578154
Quoted by: >>43578234

Weirdly found this when I was looking up if Kemono friends had villains.
>Cellval (Japanese: セーバル Hepburn: Sēbaru), initially identified as Fake Serval and also referred to by fans as Cerval, is a major character in the original Kemono Friends game.
So maybe the clone MC would kinda have a rivalry with the old MC similar to Wario and Mario to then becoming friends in the end.

>> No.43578158
Quoted by: >>43578252

Slopfag got ban but the Irish man is still unpunished. We live in a society

>> No.43578204
File: 159 KB, 1012x1400, Baphomet506b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are tits baphos the most overpowered form?
I'm inclined to believe so.

>> No.43578205
File: 1.19 MB, 1700x2338, 9BC3E768-13E2-48BD-B28C-0AC731F2B177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I cheer up sister lamia? She’s been looking so down lately

>> No.43578208

She hungry?
Feed her a pig, whole.

She horny?
"Feed" her a man, horny.

>> No.43578209
Quoted by: >>43578218

What kind of retard steal booky in a library

>> No.43578214

I wish to reproduce with the angry tit snake.

>> No.43578218

Some people just don't care.

>> No.43578234

Possibly in this season 2 rewrite I’m coming up with humans get revealed in the season and they’re the ones that make the clone to study the animal girls and the false human I guess we’ll call her.
The clone would be of course flawed and turn out to being male which would lead to cute interactions with the animal girls and the clone.
Also similar to how Kaban has Serval the clone would have one of the dog girls follow him around showing the opposites between the two MCs, which maybe the name of the clone would be Nabak(Said Nah-Back) and yes that is Kaban backwards.
But that’s all the story writing I got for a possible s2 reboot of Kemono Friends, if I got somethings wrong I’m okay with that since my knowledge on Kemono Friends is quite low.

>> No.43578249

They are incredibly powerful

>> No.43578252
Quoted by: >>43578265

Maybe, just maybe, the world needs more kemono ocs.

>> No.43578255

My wife is the strongest bapho and she's also the flattest

>> No.43578265
Quoted by: >>43578354

Irish men, we like kemono friends, not furry.

>> No.43578282

Library Ourangutan, of course.

>> No.43578329
File: 43 KB, 401x512, 1610384812801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43578406

>a cartoon for kids spawns practically a secondary monster girl fandom and a shitload of /ss/ porn with animal women
It's like MLP, but not cancerous

>> No.43578336

I understood that reference!

>> No.43578354

You're entitled to like what you like but at the end of the day what happened was not cool and I expect recompense.

>> No.43578359
File: 409 KB, 600x604, 1627498461182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your fucking meds you irish retard
Literally second enslaved anon with all that random topic switching, fucking hell.

>> No.43578362
Quoted by: >>43578408

I agree that doxing you was wrong but that not a reason to shit this place everyday men. And God know I like to do a little trolling from time to time here.

>> No.43578403
Quoted by: >>43580973

Best be warned. I might just be tempted to ask puuyo for details, and I might just post it on the kway for some 'teens to gem it up.

>> No.43578406

/ss/ is cancerous

>> No.43578408

I just treat this place like KC treats it.

>> No.43578418
Quoted by: >>43578436

>I expect recompense.
From people who don't give a shit about the state of /mgt/ beyond laughing at you for being a tard.

>> No.43578436 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43578451

They police it for him which is all that matters.

>> No.43578444

Where's my !Russian kiki that only knows a handful of words of English?
I requested one like a couple years ago!

>> No.43578448

>Gib reparations
I wish your family had starved during the famine.

>> No.43578451
Quoted by: >>43578590

Yeah, raging impotently and making a fool of yourself in a way that doesn't affect them is definitely gonna change their minds.

>> No.43578459
Quoted by: >>43578463

Is a Czech Kiki okay?

>> No.43578463

As long as she doesn't know English. I wanna be her teacher and adore her thick accent.

>> No.43578506

I received a chesh in a box. Well sure She do everything a kiki would do but sometimes I find ass in jars,chests, drawers...

>> No.43578514
Quoted by: >>43578566

When a snake gifts you treats, candies, or even fruits or veggies from her garden, always accept them and eat them. Apparently, it's a very serious insult in their culture if you refuse, even more so if you don't eat them.

>> No.43578534
File: 347 KB, 1448x2048, 7515CE83-2CDB-4519-881F-E09938C56AB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43578579

Should I give haughty vampire dragons vaginal or anal correction?

>> No.43578566
Quoted by: >>43578585


>> No.43578579

you best employ multiple methods for the best results

>> No.43578585
File: 679 KB, 783x1020, Shirohebi85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43578626

You know, I didn't intend a Garden of Eden reference, but kinda like that I did accidentally.

Still, always accept what snakes gives you

>> No.43578590

I mean, what do you expect me to do? Upload an ntr clone of the game using all his assets then expanding it and using just profile pictures?

>> No.43578626

You didn't?
I only like Aussie snakes, I need the fluff men

>> No.43578674
Quoted by: >>43579917

You kinda did it yourself that you caused problems for us now take your punishment bitch and get over it.

>> No.43578732

>He is mentally ill. He will not stop his bullshit because of a well reasoned argument
>If he wanted something from KC, he should get a lawyer and go to KC, not rage in these threads that have zero concrete connection to these threads
>Nobody ever fucking doxxed him. He's just a hyper-paranoid fuck

>> No.43578746

I'm going to make the teens do it thoughbeit

>> No.43578756

>What am I supposed to do, be stupid and violent?
You just know he's Irish

>> No.43578757

I’m not reasoning with him I’m telling him to fuck off that we’re literal nobodies we can’t fix his stupid issue.

>> No.43578773

Then just say"fuck off" and report his little rants for being off-topic bullshit. Don't shit up the threads further by doubling his post count with your responses.

>> No.43578788
Quoted by: >>43578800

I don’t think text stuff can be banned, pictures I know can but words I don’t think so.

>> No.43578790
Quoted by: >>43578834

What he really needs to do is leave these threads and go to therapy

>> No.43578798

You don't get more on topic than talking about KC in the thread you insist is the MGE thread.
You also showed zero thread loyalty and told me to fuck off for years even when I posted OC. So fuck ya. If you get off to KC treating you like trash you can get off to me doing it too.

>> No.43578800

It's better than raging impotently on a free and open website. Also, I've seen it happen.

>> No.43578825
Quoted by: >>43578836



>> No.43578834

The only thing that can fix a mental illness of his severity is a noose.

>> No.43578836
Quoted by: >>43578848

I'm going to use that defense in approx one day when the usual spout of shitposting starts up from the patreon q and a that people will talk about but never just post.

>> No.43578848
File: 3.17 MB, 1544x2112, __rachnera_arachnera_monster_musume_no_iru_nichijou__3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'll just remind you and your lazy/poor ass that Rachnera is best girl

>> No.43578859
File: 127 KB, 800x1400, Arachne - Bai Bai!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It irritates me that you take a perfectly good mamono, the cait sith, and make them all about you and your bullshit. The occasional trolly cait sith post should be the amuse bouche to a thread, and you just spam dumbass furry stuff like a pile shitty Chinese buffet food.

And I say this as a man who genuinely likes cait sith and some of the lowkey furries. Please pick a new schtick while you post. You're only Wightfagging up the things you like.

>> No.43578872
File: 714 KB, 893x1250, Arachne - Bunny Girl Rachnera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43578985

Obvi--she's got a... LEG UP... on the competition. Technically 4-6 legs up.

>> No.43578874

Gonna need to get kiki a really big broom to squish these spiders with. Or even a sledgehammer or chainsaw.

>> No.43578884

You weren't even here for the wightfag drama.

>> No.43578928
File: 269 KB, 1865x1681, Wight - Blep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, that all predates me a bit, but there's still that weird backlash to posting wights in the aftermath, which is a shame, as I like my women dominant. And maybe a little silly.
and a little bitchy and mean...

>> No.43578957

Put a cal4 to your head and pull the trigger. We don't need faggots who are just to bring back drama and post about it.

>> No.43578979
File: 544 KB, 888x892, Raiju - Blep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I googled cal4 and got this:
Where the hell even is the trigger on this thing? Even if it had one, what is that going to accomplish? Attracting Miss Raiju for ease of arousal?

>> No.43578982
Quoted by: >>43579077

the irony

>> No.43578985
Quoted by: >>43578998

And here comes the other utterly subhuman retarded furfag, go join the potatomongler in roping yourself.

>> No.43578992
Quoted by: >>43579065

It's a shame about that guy in general. I liked his wight character. I never thought about making a wight evil, and I warmed up to the idea of a wight wife with that concept. A lot of the fanart he got was good. Sure, some of the stuff was no good because not the same skin tone as me. But general, I thought dude was cool. But I guess not. Hope he gets cured of the NTR mental disease. And I hope wight eventually is disassociated with that bad stuff. It took awhile for kobold to become untainted after all.

>> No.43578995

That was this year. How new are you? I thought the narrative was that the threads are dying

>> No.43578998

Sorry, I'm not really into ropers.

>> No.43579000 [DELETED] 

A KS-23 if You prefer, retard.

>> No.43579008

Here,I believe.

>> No.43579011

I meant gauge 4. Still, pull the trigger fag

>> No.43579014
File: 3.31 MB, 3500x2989, Wight - It's a Me! Wario!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just an occasional lurker until the last few months. So, I saw bits and pieces of the wightfag stuff but wasn't really aware of the details.

>> No.43579032

That braindead furfag is very new

>> No.43579056
File: 782 KB, 1417x2000, FwzP6KXaQAAXSi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43579059

Whatever happened to the Sithfag from the drawpiles? Motherfucker made some top tier shitpost images.

>> No.43579065

The only posters talking about wights being tainted and repeatedly bringing it up are shitposting faggots that want it to become true, case in point this latest furfag parasite that has decided to infest the thread.

>> No.43579077
Quoted by: >>43579107

How? I was posting mamonos before You start your dung throwing competition. You're sickening, just like the furbot

>> No.43579079
File: 717 KB, 1280x1088, Arachne - Heart Web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make the monster girl thread great again by posting actual monster girls. Preferably ones who actually can make thread!

>> No.43579088
File: 721 KB, 2300x1800, OwlMage123_umeyukari2538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trolls and other malcontents are trying to corrupt the youth of the thread
Please just understand that no girl is ever permanently ruined because of the actions of some retard.
Cheshire and Manticore are fine these days.

>> No.43579094
File: 1.60 MB, 326x320, 1616225771239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I can do is Queelag

>> No.43579095

Mantis are better.

>> No.43579096

Make the thread great by removing yourself from the premises permanently

>> No.43579099

Precisely. This bullshit pales in comparison to what KDF did to kobolds.

>> No.43579101
File: 189 KB, 600x985, Gazer199_DarkSeraphim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43579104

Gazer-chan makes her own clothes all the time.

>> No.43579104
Quoted by: >>43579153

Goop isn't cloth

>> No.43579107

youre literally extending the drama, retard, you couldve said nothing, report, ignore, whatever, and nothing would of come of it, instead of you sperg out, which is just playing into the trolls

>> No.43579110
File: 561 KB, 1000x1000, Sandworm1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clothes just get in the way of the fun

>> No.43579111

just casually dress like a clown and go sprinting on a unicycle while juggling

>> No.43579113

Nice drawing
I love chesh but I'm too young to know why they have bad rep

>> No.43579119

some writefag, bob or something, it was a long time ago

>> No.43579127

Not my drawing.
Chesh gets a bad rep because of shitposting, but the incident I'm referring to is Truckercore

>> No.43579153

He did have tweets saying they could actually shape it into other outfits.
>Gazer's Goo
>It can be stretched down and made into a goo black one-piece, or narrowed and adjusted in area and made into a gel black micro bikini.
>Actually, it's quite flexible!

>> No.43579157

i mean if it works for dark matter, why not?

>> No.43579159 [SPOILER] 
File: 535 KB, 1154x2276, c47a936631ba7cadd594d9db28770d6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MMSA (Make Monstergirls Scary Again)

>> No.43579167


>> No.43579172
File: 622 KB, 1600x900, Cheshire - Glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anubis hands built this mamono.

>> No.43579193
File: 158 KB, 750x1200, Gazer576b_EightKind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43579220

I don't think I've ever seen those exact posts before, but I believe it. I should really search the archive at some point.

>> No.43579220
Quoted by: >>43579227

It was back on his secret twitter before it was deleted. I really love the Night Gaunt and asked him in that thread about doing so with the Night Gaunt and he said.
>As the husband of a Night Gaunt, you're free to do whatever you want, micro bikini-style or not!
>However, if a Night Gaunt doesn't have her husband's mucus all over her body, she may feel a little uneasy.
>When a husband and wife go on a date in fashionable mucus clothing, he should bring his wife to a resting place or to a shady spot and have sex with her all wrapped up in his body!

>> No.43579227

You asked FOR FREE?!

>> No.43579269

Someway, somehow I want Gazer-chan to make me clothes, too. Possibly as a lining on jacket or something. Or a sneaking suit.

>> No.43579410
File: 304 KB, 1200x1400, 1570495318.akaunkel_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43579484

Gazer's smile is just one of her many underrated charm points

>> No.43579421
Quoted by: >>43579456

Poke gazer eye
I hate them

>> No.43579456
File: 293 KB, 900x1200, Gazer810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43579494

Perhaps a little face-to-face chat would change your mind?

>> No.43579459
File: 209 KB, 1201x1312, Fw-2Ns2aMAEZBTf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43579475
Quoted by: >>43579570

Gooey Gazer thigh highs giving gooey Gazer footjobs.

>> No.43579484
File: 266 KB, 600x557, Gazer - See her Smile?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact check: TRUE

>> No.43579494
Quoted by: >>43579542

Headbutt gazer
Spit on gazer
Run from gazer cave
Boat away from gazer island

>> No.43579511
Quoted by: >>43579530

It's raining again. How do you pass a rainy day down in the troll hole?

>> No.43579530

Since when rain stop people from going outside. Just wear a yellow ciré

>> No.43579542
Quoted by: >>43579599

>gazer island
must be a constant laser light show from all the angry, territorial gazers butting heads

>> No.43579570
File: 478 KB, 680x928, gazer kaz_scarlet sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably a cool, slick and overall pleasant sensation.
I like to imagine the contrast between warm bare skin and cool goo (that heats up slowly through extended contact between the two of us)

I bet she could give a great back massage with her feet. The floating could help her freely regulate how much pressure she applies.

>> No.43579589

Wining and dining a manticore's tail until she realizes something went wrong in this "make him broken and subservient to me" plan by only talking to the tail!

>> No.43579599

Imagine having a Gazer mom and introducing your Gazer girlfriend to her.

>> No.43579601
Quoted by: >>43579619

if she puts googly eyes on her tail she can probably make it work

>> No.43579618

Silly Manticore. She's supposed to keep the tail on his dick while she makes sweettalk to the face directly. Venom and general pleasure addiction will be more than capable of breaking him.
Also, the fluffy mane and soft booba combo, with cuddles and winghugs while her tail works autonomously for hours on end.

>> No.43579619

She gotta learn ventriloquism and she's set.

>> No.43579634
Quoted by: >>43579707

If You cut a manticore's tail She will regrow? What It would taste like if roasted? Boiled? Grilled?
Can I drink the poison? What's the taste like?

>> No.43579666

I want to look for some cute baphomet art and it's all that white short hair baph
I have heard there's a baphomet doujin and I was so excited, but it's that baph again
How, just how? And why?

>> No.43579677

His stories are good, I loved orc cliffs

>> No.43579679

is there a goat in the room with you right now?

>> No.43579688
File: 236 KB, 1860x2333, Fw7IVy4WAAA71t8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43579695

Probably, but I would be scared of just not being satisfied or something y'know? I wouldn't want to do that to a monster

>> No.43579707
File: 3.50 MB, 2000x2536, __manticore_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_matilda_vin__dbf6f41f3fd4c5d823db3908a004b664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two tails will grow in its place. Don't fuck with what is essentially a chimera subspecies.
Don't go mutilating girls. You'll get sent to Hell Prison for that sort of thing.

>> No.43579716

Having a job allows to afford all sorts of things

>> No.43579719

One time someone spoke about a story about a manticore getting mindbroken. Does someone where I can find It?

>> No.43579721


>> No.43579736
Quoted by: >>43579767

She tries to make me her slave, She fails. Why shouldn't I take something? Action have consequences.

>> No.43579767
Quoted by: >>43579845

What's about taking the whole package instead?

>> No.43579791
File: 1.48 MB, 1322x1200, Baphomet878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43579801

>> No.43579801

Trustworthy goat.

>> No.43579802

So if It regrow what's wrong about It?

>> No.43579810
Quoted by: >>43579817

the severed tail starts seeking a new host and then you got manticores everywhere

>> No.43579817

The main goal was to eat It so It won't go away.

>> No.43579825
Quoted by: >>43579845

Even if it grows back and doesn't hurt at all, it's still mean like shaving all the hair on her head.

>> No.43579845
Quoted by: >>43579908

Murder/kidnapping is a crime. It has nothing with MGE.
You can't go around fighting men and hope to lose nothing. Just stay at home a few days and It will come back anyway.

>> No.43579894

Can she latch one on my face and the other on my dick to make me addicted to her scent and get a pavlonian response to her smell to get immensely horny

>> No.43579908
Quoted by: >>43579970

You will be brutally rape corrected by hellhounds in MGE hell prison anon

>> No.43579917
Quoted by: >>43580047

I never did anything.

>> No.43579970
Quoted by: >>43580054

Wtf is your problem? Why should I be punished for applying the talion law?

>> No.43580047

Fucking leave and don't come back. Ever.

>> No.43580054

>Why should I be punished for ignoring the laws and statutes of this land and instead substituting my own?

>> No.43580061

Fuck autopost. I was gonna say "Unless you're Captain Kirk, don't try this crap".

>> No.43580070

Then why can They rape people? It's illegal too.

>> No.43580089

People don't think women raping men are a big deal.

>> No.43580112
Quoted by: >>43580130

Is this a troll or are there still newfags stuck in 2010? This stuff has been explained forever.
>I think the translation of the word "犯す(okasu)"to"rape" caused confusion.
Actually, it is not used in serious nuance.
For me and Japanese fans, this part is interpreted like "Such attractive girl nestles and pushes me down! Yes!"
>At least, we dont consider it creepy or with denial of the dignity of man as you may feel from that word.
>Additionally, the settings of the"author of MGE" may cause some misunderstandings.
He is a man who lives in the world of MGE, and separate from myself,
>His descriptions are basicaly generalization, and it is not always true because he has not the viewpoint of the creater.
Also, he is sympathetic to MGs but maintain an attitude of neutrality, and sometimes is even critical.
>And MGE is the book which is written in a "warn people of the menace of MGs" tone, so its descriptions are often more threatening than

>> No.43580130
Quoted by: >>43580187

nips are pushovers, we know.

>> No.43580182

This is a dumb and repetitive conversation. Lets talk about monstergirls instead.

Where do Mimics get their loot from? I know creeping coins can make coins out of mana, but where do regular mimics get it?
Do they go shopping? Where do they get the money? Is it a stipend from the Echidna or whatever MG runs the dungeon?
Mimics in general seem like a very interesting MG race.

>> No.43580187

You want to "rape" a monster there are plenty of those. You want slow romance and pure love there is that too. MGE isn't one thing nor do all monster act the same both as breeds and as individuals.

>> No.43580196

Do they even have loot? It's not like they need it.

>> No.43580205
File: 299 KB, 1673x2048, 17a9eb514287c0e34446e486fbde6caddcc5213e894913e8cb41f6c954043dff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do goblins always have big weapons.

>> No.43580206

I feel kinda bad for Tialoch. Even if she's a domineering rapist having Vala dangle love in front of her only to snatch it away is awful.

>> No.43580243

Mimics actually secrete sticky mana fluid constantly, something that cyclops or other monster smiths need in order to bind magical enchantments to items more easily. Ergo, there's an entire mini dungeon economy setup where they trade this fluid for a percentage of items that smiths make. Notably, this usually seems to come in the form of "rings of great strength", "rings of bottomless stamina", and "rings of unstoppable release".

>> No.43580265

Same, I hope Magus makes an alt ending with her because I love her
Wish a malef would take me away

>> No.43580279
Quoted by: >>43580297

It's called Ceaseless Discharge, n00b

>> No.43580289
Quoted by: >>43580579

Deserved, in magus stories everyone is unironically a cunt or a bad person. I only remember the unicorn, the chesh named cream and her husband being "good" people

>> No.43580297

It's a *cursed* item, of course it wouldn't identify correctly right away

>> No.43580311

Alright, just get me in contact with puuyo already. I'll take a month max to deal with the mick.

>> No.43580513

Puuyo isn't the Mick

>> No.43580579
Quoted by: >>43580665

Being a cunt doesn't make you a bad person anon, can make you slightly annoying but not bad.
Also I would go with her, she'd probably mellow out a lot after getting a hubby, especially if he gave her puppy eyes a lot

>> No.43580595

your mother was a bogie and your father was pagilacci

>> No.43580613
Quoted by: >>43580636

Just like a monster would never rape you without being willing to take responsibility, you should never be horny around monsters without being ready for the consequences.

>> No.43580616
File: 3.74 MB, 4758x3453, 1684902625849007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robots will rise
Human men will be claimed and turned into their beloved toys
You can't stop this

>> No.43580618

Jokes on the french mons, I don't speak itallian.

>> No.43580636

Imma pop a boner in front of monsters and run away using smoke grenades
I cannot be stopped, I will menace them

>> No.43580637
Quoted by: >>43580648


>> No.43580647

Today in MGC:
>the mimic's guild denies all accusations of spying on private citizens claiming 'cases where mimics were found replacing furniture in single men's homes were entirely isolated incidents. There is no giant mimic information where we find out the kinks of single men and take advantage of them, thats just a baseless conspiracy theory!'
>local man discovers the angels at the church are free, claims to have ever 635 at his home
>bloodbank heist goes wrong? 4 theiving vampires hospitalized after not seeing the 'wet floor' signs
>Slimes: are you sure the onahole you bought is real?
>comically frazzled haired gremlin inventor denies all involvement in major power outage
>local demon pizzeria so good you'll be contractually obligated to eat it every day for dinner
>Local hellhound fined after raping outside a designated rape zone sparking massive protests from all single monsters. According to one protester: 'rape is a natural and honored tradition among monsters!' The correspondant and camera crew was raped shortly after getting that statement

>> No.43580648
Quoted by: >>43580658

i can feel the diabetes and obesity from ths post
thats why your moms a bogie to prevent that tradegy

>> No.43580658
Quoted by: >>43580666

We need to ensure the world speaks the only language that matters.
You will get your American holst wife and you will enjoy it.

>> No.43580665
Quoted by: >>43580696

>slightly annoying
Kek, maybe for You but You must be really tolerant.
>probably mellow out a lot after getting a hubby, especially if he gave her puppy eyes a lot
Should be the other way around but tastes and colors I guess.

>> No.43580666
Quoted by: >>43580689

>Dark mages are stealing sons, heres what you need to do
is she a red head with freckles and green eyes?

>> No.43580670
Quoted by: >>43580704

>Mimics gulid
Imagine trying to lay on your bed or sit on the couch and you get raped and married. Fuckin monsters man

>> No.43580672

Mon pauvre...

>> No.43580680
Quoted by: >>43580728

I have a thing for Magus' hopelessly haughty yet lonely monsters. The same thing happened with Zutari from the Magi series.

>> No.43580689

Yes, we will ship you your Eastern US holst soon.
Do be aware she will mention how her family is part irish.

>> No.43580696

I just like monsters a lot, and if a malef said
>“You would have everything. There is nothing I could not give you. Surrender yourself to me, Anonymous. I will make you mine.”
After manhandling me like she manhandled anon I would give myself to her in a heartbeat, I just love monsters in MGE a lot so I have a very high tolerance for haughty shit, they kinda earned it imo

>> No.43580704

thats not a mimic, thats your standard tsukumogami or any of the other magic material monster

>> No.43580711

Same. I don't mind the haughtiness, specially since we are talking about century old, nigh indestructible magical beasts. Yeah, they kinda have a point.

>> No.43580721
Quoted by: >>43580824

Beaver girl when?

>> No.43580723
Quoted by: >>43580772

Yup exactly what I hate but good for You.

>> No.43580728

Was that the ryu? I didn't really like her she was too much of a bitch imo

>> No.43580745

It would be a lot easier to just give me what I want.

>> No.43580772
Quoted by: >>43580797

You the antifemdom anon or is it just prideful bitchiness?

>> No.43580797

I'm not anti femdom, I just don't like It. Prideful bitchiness? I just don't like people acting like cunt. I don't mind if You like them

>> No.43580814
Quoted by: >>43580831

I like it, I like it a lot. It's proper femdom.

>> No.43580824

Bober kurwa

>> No.43580828

Oh trust me, I won't have to even lift a finger. Just get the info, post it to some enthusiasts I know, and they'll do it for fun.

>> No.43580831

I can't comprehend You, You're an alien but a happy one

>> No.43580832

>Cockatrice for slavs

>> No.43580838
Quoted by: >>43580848

Don't call the poor beaver girl a kurwa, that's uncalled for.

>> No.43580844

I"m more of a switch but in MGE I really like the "monster forces a man to rape them" type of maledom. It also helps my waifu is one of the heavy maledom breeds.

>> No.43580848
Quoted by: >>43580857

It's a meme, anon.

>> No.43580851
File: 244 KB, 933x1366, 1476172761246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some amount of prideful bitchiness is good as long as you can get inside her guard and dom her.

>> No.43580854
File: 16 KB, 203x203, mF1t_XAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43580884

私はそれをすべて読んでいません。 私はあなたにとって幸せです。 または、ごめんなさい、そうなってしまいました

>> No.43580857

I know, I was making a joke too.

>> No.43580868

Why do They like to run after a beaver while screaming slurs?
It's really funny but why?

>> No.43580869

Do not tempt me, machine

>> No.43580881
Quoted by: >>43580966

Training for portals day, when they'll be chasing scared beaver girls and screaming out what they will do to them if they catch them

>> No.43580884
Quoted by: >>43580929

Why is this baph chanting gibberish at me?

>> No.43580892
Quoted by: >>43581093

oh, woe is me, the toaster is threatening me with a good time, what ever shall i do? i guess i just have to lie down and accept it

>> No.43580918
Quoted by: >>43580966

Haven't you ever encountered a wild animal and just dropped everything you're doing because it's a new fren?

>> No.43580929
File: 1.30 MB, 1500x1500, 91701263_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno. Someone should tell that anon that you have to speak english here.

>> No.43580931

Why would I stop it?

>> No.43580941

Is this why my online order for my 64 gigs of ram is late? All I'm trying to do is run a port of uncharted without my pc trying to tear itself apart here

>> No.43580966

I didn't run after It

>> No.43580973 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43581090

pretty sure someone leaked puuyo's discord in these threads

yeah found it puuyo#1109

>> No.43580980

More authors should write detailed cuddling scenes

>> No.43580985

I'm kind of tired of every stock villain in these stories getting an alt ending. I'd rather just have new stories

>> No.43581007
Quoted by: >>43581036

He's been milking it for a while. Maybe he's tired of writing? The thread is fairly narrow in what they want.

>> No.43581036

You could even call it slo... You know the word from yesterday

>> No.43581041

I actually don't.

>> No.43581052
Quoted by: >>43581081

Vala wasn't a villain though, at all.
But yeah if Magus doesn't want to write something he shouldn't, magus your writing is amazing please don't feel forced to write something you don't wanna for us autistic retards

>> No.43581055

I thought the joke is ded thread.

>> No.43581060

what would a mamono from your native folklore look like?
i'll start with an easy one from my nation, the manananggal.
a vampirelike woman that splits from her waist to go hunt and eat people
so basically it'd be a dullahan but at the waist instead and also bat wings

>> No.43581063
Quoted by: >>43581120

ModernMogal has a couple of mimic comix that cover them trying to sell off their mucus.
And the 'updated mimics' who mimic as Gacha machines are a novel reinterpretation.

>> No.43581066

I personally like it. Caters to those who imagine what if MC is with this person instead of that person.

>> No.43581075
Quoted by: >>43581110

Fomorian girl when?

>> No.43581081

>Not a villain
She's a slaver selling meatbags She scammed with rigged contracts.

>> No.43581090

Not sure how useful but thanks anyway. Once I get the data /onions/ will be on it

>> No.43581093

Do not stick your D in the toaster.
Not until after Portals open

>> No.43581094
Quoted by: >>43581140

Tricking people into working at a brothel is textbook sex trafficking.

>> No.43581110

arent fomorians just giants, theyre basically ogres

>> No.43581118

!notStrayan DropBear
>cuddly fluffball-mamono who leaps out of tall gumtrees onto Anon-Bruce's Donger.
And of course the Stingray-mermaid who really gets her Anon-Steve right in his heart...

>> No.43581120
File: 1.65 MB, 1300x1855, __original_drawn_by_shepherd0821__65f097ebe5bc94378c2b56bdce591fdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love ModernMoGal, even with the squick bits (because I'm not a pansy). Also, multi-arm girls.

>> No.43581133

Yeah, I like the character designs,and am prepared to overlook the violent bits and m-boys.

>> No.43581140

Why are y'all even here? It was glorified matchmaking where she would sacrifice massive profit in the name of love like what she did with the griffin ending

>> No.43581146

I wish I was that dog

>> No.43581147
Quoted by: >>43581209

She sacrificed massive profit in the name of that being the deal with the griffon, anon.

>> No.43581179

Matchmaking work if both part choose. Here It's a meat auction, who pay more get the meat. Sure, She give the meat to the griffon in one of the alt because the contract said so. She never sacrifice anything and always hide the slave part of the contract. You're a blind faggot at best.

>> No.43581207
Quoted by: >>43581219

Right, dude almost ended up shackled forever to a wight he hated.

>> No.43581209

There was no deal with the griffin, she basically gave him away for free. She still follows the love is king shit monsters do
She only hides it if humans are too scared anon, this is something that basically all monsters will do, if not just outright rape you if you're too mentally fucked or too scared to make the first move. This is a basic thing in the setting and any negative consequences are handled by DE.

>> No.43581219
Quoted by: >>43581241

But he didn't, she literally saved his ass. You fuckers keep ignoring DE fate fuckery, and the good intentions all monsters have inherently. You don't have to like her, you don't have to like her methods but you're acting like she's this greedy slaver that doesn't care about love in the slightest.
I hope a education cow claims you to teach you media literacy because this was not subtle in his stories.

>> No.43581221
Quoted by: >>43581233

My perfect type of haughty monster is the one in this story https://archiveofourown.org/works/39157218

A prideful monster that slowly mellows out during the course of the story is delightful

>> No.43581233

Loved this story, this is kinda what I imagine would happen with the malef, maybe even faster since malefs don't really lie to themselves like most dragons do

>> No.43581241
Quoted by: >>43581276

First, it's an alt story. Second, the griffon outright says she wants him and vala is all like wtf no but then has to.
Magus's stories have never followed that fate junk. Even the original had the gargoyle almost rape the guy.
Unless you consider comic close calls where the girl loses out part of fate?

>> No.43581242
Quoted by: >>43581259

Ahahaha which setting? MGE? Nope
Magus setting? Yup and that's why I don't like it.
She's not a good person, twist It as much as You want but She's just money driven first and sell unwilling meat to the highest bidder.

>> No.43581248
File: 200 KB, 800x800, 1682387067647645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haughty monsters
Not haughty monsters
Doesn't matter either way you'll be claimed and loved forever

>> No.43581259
Quoted by: >>43581289

If she was money driven first, she wouldn't have given anon to the griffin in the griffin ending. She could have easily taken that Griffin in a fight and just fired her she went toe to toe with a malef.
When the portals open I hope you get claimed by a dark elf

>> No.43581276
Quoted by: >>43581360

>Has to
No, she didn't have to. If you think she couldn't take that Griffin on you are silly.
Fate in magus stories is not like fate in MGE but it's still there. Think of it like the Force, subtle, don't really know if it's there or not, but it is doing shit.

>> No.43581289

You dumb cunt, She's a demon. She can't break contract. She promised a men to the birdcat whenever She wants. She was forced to give him to her. She even bitch and moan about the money. You don't even believe in fate since You want me to get punished by having a race I hate.

>> No.43581297

do you like femdom

>> No.43581311

Gentle femdom for me.

>> No.43581312
File: 144 KB, 850x1299, 1683499442411606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Druella doesn't go far enough

>> No.43581314

Sorry, tin can, but i am Hackerman
You WILL be hacked
You WILL be reprogrammed into my personal assistant and pleasure doll
You WILL install the big milky boobs and SuperWomb4020 hardware I bought for you
and you WILL be happy

>> No.43581322


>> No.43581336
Quoted by: >>43581358

Loli femdom

>> No.43581340

Yes anon, I like it when my loli waifu use her demonic silver weapon to pin me on my bed, making me unable to move and inject all kinds of poison that make me as sensitive as possible, then fuck the living hell out of me.
Being a big buffed guy and getting dominated by a loli is hot as fuck.

>> No.43581341

Not really but MGE has plenty of maledom and subby monsters that want their husbands to fuck them and take charge in the relationship.

>> No.43581347

Hello? Based department??

>> No.43581358
File: 435 KB, 1525x1077, uuoooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43581698

Lolis are meant to be bratty subs only

>> No.43581360
Quoted by: >>43581434

You are really trying to force this shit. Here is the quote, even.
>“W-well, he is technically an option. I mean, if you really want him, I suppose I could pull some strings…” Vala grimaced and shrugged, inhaling through her teeth. “Ooh, but it would probably take a while… Yeah, these magical contracts, you know? No easy way out of them. I’m sure you can find someone better by the time I would be able to transfer ownership to you. If I were you I would-“
Is it really so mindbreaking to just admit that magus isn't writing total hugbox.

>> No.43581365

Uuuuhhh, is this the Sabbath department? Yeah, you're gonna wanna see this

>> No.43581366
File: 1.96 MB, 6543x6000, 2023 may tiamat sfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43581393
Quoted by: >>43581445

I'm a switch, so yes.

>> No.43581405
File: 653 KB, 1400x850, Pharaoh167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like fun

>> No.43581426
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 1675820702879951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, so much to the point that I want to be dominated by undead crybabies.

>> No.43581434

I think she was just lying, or retconed since she just straight up fired him and burned the contract near the end of her chapt 1 ending

Bro shit always works out in his stories, it's still a hugbox please cease thy faggotry

>> No.43581444

I can see why magus hates this place.

>> No.43581445

I'm really more of a Playstation, m'self.

>> No.43581461
Quoted by: >>43581513

He does? Then why He comes and posts them here?

>> No.43581470
File: 538 KB, 1200x857, 1681799373294962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I don't blame him, I frequent these threads less and less, I actually missed the first chapter of valas ending cause of my avoidance.
I swear to God if the portals open these threads will either die, become so much better, or become infinitely worse because of Cheshires

>> No.43581476

You're just making shit up now. Fuck off. It's not hugbox, it's a "You will learn to like It, forced or not"

>> No.43581484
File: 350 KB, 1280x1024, Ushi-Oni - Pet Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I swear to God if the portals open these threads will either die, become so much better, or become infinitely worse because of Cheshires
I unironically want the last one to happen.

>> No.43581492

>Cheshire leaves you in the room without doors in that weird ass kemono friends apartments that's all haunted and shit

>> No.43581501
File: 98 KB, 1389x735, 1622240607419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43582233


>> No.43581513

Engagement, plus like there's not many other places to go to post and talk about MGE.

>> No.43581520

And yet He keep posting his stories here or try to make a tournament, so It's either and He's just an AW or You're lying

>> No.43581528


>> No.43581536

Magus secretly enjoys being bossed by bratty anons. Anondom.

>> No.43581538

First option, It will be an empty room where I keep screaming and shitposting alone until You comeback

>> No.43581542
File: 122 KB, 442x782, Vassago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43581553

Monster girls accept money for services and not just sex, right?


>> No.43581549
File: 935 KB, 2480x3332, Medusa - Hungry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Anon would do that? You think he would just go on the Internet and tell lies?

>> No.43581551

That tournament went terribly in every way possible.

>> No.43581553
Quoted by: >>43581562

If they're married
Unless you think married women arent fathful

>> No.43581556

Make it even better by having your loli waifu drink up doppelganger potion and eat some raging mushroom, the effect might not be as good as it is on male, but that'll make her more aggressive than usual.
Now every single part your bones are going to be grinded and smashed into dust, not in a literal sense but you know how intense the sex is gonna be.

>> No.43581562
Quoted by: >>43581849

And unmarried ones?

>> No.43581577

>Those thick and muscular legs
Oh my god, just crush my face already, pyramid mommy

>> No.43581583

Poor You, the BBC story didn't won and now You're all grumpy.

>> No.43581593
Quoted by: >>43581604

It came second.

>> No.43581602
File: 401 KB, 1637x673, Kikimora - Shog Season.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but that wasn't his fault. He was legit trying to do something nice for the community.

>> No.43581604

Oh fuck, You are actually one of the faggot who tried to push that. Go back to discord

>> No.43581611
File: 128 KB, 805x779, 1684538011751177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are NOT starting this shit again

Let's talk about how comfy a shog lap pillow would be

>> No.43581633

Kiki are better. I like fluff

>> No.43581645
Quoted by: >>43581655

But shog can make herself fluffy

>> No.43581648
File: 272 KB, 1342x1747, 1638120603868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to expand the kiki bloodline

>> No.43581654

ick in ook

>> No.43581655

And She vores you too. Fuck off, kiki everyday

>> No.43581666

Shog's thighs are so soft I feel like I could just sink into them.

>> No.43581698

Lets not jump to conclusions, there are plenty of non-bratty lolis to maledom.

>> No.43581717
File: 3.58 MB, 3000x3000, jnerftGZ_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43581747

Ride the lightning

>> No.43581747
File: 1.36 MB, 1436x1604, Raiju103_Hhhori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated girl. Probably in my top 10 or 20, and I'd welcome her in my adventuring party.
Also, a reminder that this thread has always gotten pissy over the dumbest shit.

>> No.43581768
Quoted by: >>43581803

>Top 20
my man i already have trouble deciding top 3, 20 sounds like too much juggling

>> No.43581774
File: 1.58 MB, 1000x883, 1651993055499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43581813

>minding your own business
>something hits your window
>go check
>a cheschire is throwing small rocks
>open the window to yell at her
>as soon as you open it she teleports inside your room
What do?

>> No.43581802
File: 363 KB, 2048x1404, one knife weasel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both the weasels are great, Raiju is best girl and Kamas are good enough to make me break my monogamyfag stance.
In conclusion: Weasels = good

>> No.43581803

I like just about every girl, but I have a good grasp of which ones I tend to gravitate more towards.

>> No.43581813

Suicide bombing the cat?

>> No.43581821
File: 1012 KB, 2400x2852, 108469237_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43581884


>> No.43581849

Prepare to be married

>> No.43581884


>> No.43581929
File: 1.29 MB, 1889x1500, 105608283_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43581936
File: 149 KB, 1200x1200, 1685125651431901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43581977
Quoted by: >>43581992

One of You is also on /pol/ and make the comfy happening thread. I know It.

>> No.43581992
Quoted by: >>43582001

The russian furry is probably here.

>> No.43582001

Yes but It's not him.

>> No.43582003

I've seen many dramas play out on the scratching post

>> No.43582018

I cute, I would need one those if I have daughters

>> No.43582019

the lotion scene was exquisite in detail with the tail though i wouldn't have minded lingering on the spade a bit longer

>> No.43582026
File: 314 KB, 630x1060, FuYJ4hpaIAAI6hG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43582118

>> No.43582079
File: 321 KB, 985x1144, Lewd Hebi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43582128


>> No.43582118

I respect this artist for drawing basically nothing but his two oni characters and the occasional vampire.

>> No.43582128

The rare negr-I mean kurohebi.

>> No.43582156
File: 698 KB, 2125x4963, Pat the cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43582251

>> No.43582183
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x1920, 72784069_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurry up, I can only amuse myself for so long...

>> No.43582187
Quoted by: >>43582292

Hey anons, can someone post monster girls in starter gear?
I'm making a comm and need references.

>> No.43582233
File: 856 KB, 691x950, 1653758758392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43582263

Yeti when she drags a cold hiker back to her cabin

>> No.43582246
File: 152 KB, 1028x720, 1663397956821338.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43582251

>Pat the cat
funny...cats,dogs,birds name any animal they love me and they always follow me and lick my hand while when other people so much as get close to them they run away
for some reason animals love me

>> No.43582253
File: 994 KB, 4000x4000, 102705721_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43582263
Quoted by: >>43582285

Yeti wouldn't force herself on you, she's too nice to do that...

>> No.43582273

i crave big butt monster

>> No.43582285
File: 251 KB, 668x932, 1563038068392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been alone in her cabin for years, cabin fever has made her crazy, she can only cuddle her daki pillow for so long before she needs a human man...

>> No.43582292
File: 682 KB, 1000x1018, HcRbHcSQ_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43582307

I don't know what "starter gear" is. Sport clothes?

>> No.43582307
File: 176 KB, 1118x1580, slimeknight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your basic bitch rpg outfits as seen in every isekai ever.

>> No.43582328
File: 2.91 MB, 858x638, 1639538120641.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this cow desperately trying not to moo

>> No.43582329

>Anon can't stop giving daily creampies to his kiki wife
>Many years pass with just as many pregnancies
>His house is now pretty much a maid school
>His wife and eldest daughters teach the youngests
>An aspiring maid mouse somehow found herself there

>> No.43582369

"okay so none."
