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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.43144454
File: 1.26 MB, 4096x2458, 1635590214238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, finally. Another excellent fox thread.

>> No.43144461

>gachashit op
Kill this thread.

>> No.43144465
File: 2.80 MB, 3007x2005, hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a monster girl that would hug me like this.

>> No.43144470
File: 261 KB, 1000x1000, 1525512647093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43144489
File: 79 KB, 600x600, 0A1E2037-1BAE-4F09-81BE-FF07D29E9C5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleepy times in the desert kingdom.

>> No.43144493
File: 104 KB, 635x903, cucktaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be young anon
>playing in the swing alone
>a little horse girl with two nubby horns on her head approaches me
>she bashfully asks me if we can play
>say sure, the more the merrier
>she blushes when I say that and takes my hand, taking me to the sandpit
>a young dog girl is playing there already
>she's a bit of a tomboy, skin black as coal, scraped all over, and red, angry eyes
>she eyes the two of us and looks like she's about to start something when my playmate asks if she wants to play with me
>we both look at her confused, I ask her if she meant us
>she blushes even harder and tells me to have fun
>she clops away to a nearby bench and sits down to watch us
>the dog girl shrugs and goes back to her sand castle
>I hesitate but eventually we are both building the mightiest fortress this meager park has ever seen
>I look up a few times at the centaur and wave her over, but she is just sitting there watching us with a strange expression
>eventually the girl's mother (even more of a tomboy than the daughter) shows up and she has to leave
>the dog girl thanks me for playing with her and gives me a long lick to my cheek
>I hear a squeal behind me
>as she leaves, the little horse girl comes back and thanks me for playing with her too
>she trots away before I can reply
And that's how I met my wives.

>> No.43144495
File: 73 KB, 504x1139, FTMbZxvt_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeti has been talking too much trash on the ice. I'm finally gonna work up the courage for a cross-check

>> No.43144500
File: 149 KB, 850x744, __blue_tongued_skink_original_drawn_by_sparrowl__sample-4cad9d6e4a5a4511946384acc2f22520[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinions on skinks and their big, fat, moist, meaty tails?

>> No.43144502
Quoted by: >>43144555

>two nubby horns
Why would you want to marry a hornlet?

>> No.43144503

>replying to a literal reddit screenshot
Go away.

>> No.43144517

Bicorns don't strike me as cucks, they strike me more as big family monsters and matchmakers. She's still getting impregnated at the end of the day, just might be the last one to be.

>> No.43144519
File: 1.03 MB, 1714x1468, 1676599188787817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43144524 [DELETED] 
File: 275 KB, 560x560, 1680818789939804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43144558

>wanting to be hugged by saibaiman
Anon, she is going to self-destruct on you.

>> No.43144537

they just want to play the queen bee and spank the lesser ranked wives.

>> No.43144542

Very squishable. I wonder how she'd react to having it slapped?

>> No.43144544

Less than 20 posts in and this thread is already a lost cause.

>> No.43144554
File: 1.85 MB, 1639x1757, a0a8a3d755bd732b9c719a371f892c9986861bb0b9072bdc55deff26f4223027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43144619


>> No.43144555

Gotta give them time to develop. When puberty hits those puppies are gonna catch some eyes (and light fixtures)

>> No.43144558
File: 1.05 MB, 1652x1200, slimehug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. That's just a normal, affectionate hug. Just like this one.

>> No.43144568

I would use it as a pillow!

>> No.43144569

Do slimes have body temperature? I always assumed they were something like water beds.
Now I am thinking of slime-warmer devices for cold nights

>> No.43144572 [DELETED] 

I reported the guro post, though it will probably do nothing.

>> No.43144582

Guro post?
Did I miss something?

>> No.43144590
File: 88 KB, 700x800, 048d498c981589ea083d6285a5ec5dc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I missing something? Or did the post already get deleted?

>> No.43144591

This place is well past its sell by anyway.

>> No.43144592
Quoted by: >>43145378

I would not and don't. Fuck off and die.

>> No.43144596
Quoted by: >>43144629

Though it might be too cartoony to count as guro that’s why I said it may not work, I’m probably gonna get a ban myself instead.

>> No.43144601

Wouldn't it be a gas if he was so sensitive he meant the cartoon bomb picture.

>> No.43144607
File: 2.18 MB, 1323x1871, __sea_bishop_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_tyomoti__9481a0144e4603f662c71c83553b0c32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been preparing all day for a reprieve from monster harassment
>take unknown routes only known to me, myself and I
>sneak out and manage to safely reach a slice of beach that only I know of
>nobody around, not even for miles
>just me and this nice beach
>set up my chair and umbrella
>apply sunscreen and strip down to my swim trunks
>crack open a cold one from my cooler filled with sandwiches and beers
>lay back and turn on the radio
>breath a sigh of relief at being able to finally relax for once, without any monsters to chastise me
>suddenly hear a whistle
>the kind of whistle blown by a cat-caller at someone they find attractive
>lean up and lift my sunglasses
>there's tons of fucking aquatic mamono floating on the water at the shoreline
>mermaids, mershark, kraken, sea slime, nereids, even a sea bishop
>all have bedroom eyes
Damn it man, I just want some peace. I just wanted to swim in the ocean and relax without fear of getting claimed but nowhere is safe. Nowhere....

>> No.43144609

Referring to the one where the Saibawoman aloha snackbars the guy she's hugging.

>> No.43144619

Why are elf clothes so lewd?

>> No.43144622

She sure looks happy that her slab was returned.

>> No.43144629
File: 1.80 MB, 378x368, Remillia eats burger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah anon thats 100% not guro
Just to be specific guro is a category of porn where something is maimed or injured but in an erotic light, as its porn. This differs from gore in obvious ways as gore is not meant to be erotic in of itself.
What you just reported is not considered guro, gore, or even porn in the slightest, sadly you misreported it.
Fortunately in this case /jp/ moderation is rather lax so you getting banned is up in the air

>> No.43144638

>they just want your sandwiches.

>> No.43144644
File: 177 KB, 1315x1881, BCB6A519-2C43-4CB2-9F6D-B7FEA8427517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43144646
File: 121 KB, 202x462, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43144667

They're not cucks. People only get that idea because the way they're created being from having sex with a guy who isn't a virgin and the fact they let their man flavor his meat with the lesser wives before she shows them how to really please him.

TL;DR: Dumb fucks confuse being Head Bitch of a harem as being a cuckqueen.

>> No.43144649

Need an extremist toad (with the accompanying aesthetics) to invade my mouth.

>> No.43144651
Quoted by: >>43144655


>> No.43144655


>> No.43144667
Quoted by: >>43144676

Doesn't matter. She's worse than siths, Alps, and humpty. I treat anyone who likes her the same as I'd treat an mlp fan. But that goes for all horsegirl fans.

>> No.43144669
File: 570 KB, 800x1142, yuuutsu kun to succubus san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can be as depressed as possible, to the point where your dick is nonfunctional
>but monster girls will still love you

>> No.43144676
Quoted by: >>43144694

Yeah well that is certainly your opinion and you're entitled to it. Even if you're a cunt for implying they're worse than literal furries.

>> No.43144694

I didn't imply it, I said it. Twice. Centaur fans ain't attracted to the top part.

>> No.43144700

>>but monster girls will still love you
No they won't. That's a load of shit, if they had the option between a sad sack of shit or some guy with a working dick and close to becoming an incubi guess who they're gonna pick

>> No.43144706


>> No.43144707

This is cute. I like this.

>> No.43144715

i like my centaurs bipeds like satyrs. yeah i know it's heresy but i dont give a fuck about it.

>> No.43144722

Nta but if anything you will get a wisp that will suck and fuck your spiritual dick.

>> No.43144732
File: 120 KB, 789x1500, IMG_4469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kunoichi are crafty, you’re almost completely sure they’re human as they wait patiently for an opportune moment to seize you. Her natural beauty captivates you and you think the date she agreed upon is going well until you reach a secluded corner. Then, once your guard is down, boom fat monster tits and a matching appetite for your energy fill your senses as the beast shows her teeth to start devouring you (via sex of course). You can’t even resist, and get subdued by the succubus before you’re aware of it. Your life as anon the salaryman ends and the life of anon the kunoichi village cum tank begins

>> No.43144741

No they won't. Wisps will go after some tragic hero type that kills himself to save his friends there's zero shot they'd go for some loser.

>> No.43144742
Quoted by: >>43144763

Don't respond to the troll.

>> No.43144749
Quoted by: >>43144765

This isn't even a monster girl, you just posted some random faggot's porn OC. At least MGE Kunoichi have succubi bits on them.

>> No.43144759

At least she took me out on a date. I hear some like to break into your house and get in bed with you and act like you're a married couple before you even know her name.

>> No.43144763
File: 411 KB, 1600x1079, 945B58BF-C62C-4611-9F38-AAB76A58EDE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43144766

Yeah just realized the similar phrases being said not responding again, have a actual troll instead.

>> No.43144765
Quoted by: >>43144777

Man the kunoichi art selection is literally in the single digits cut me some slack

>> No.43144766

>itoddler filename
mobilefags OUT

>> No.43144777

I know the feel. Cait sith has about four images that aren't terrible or nsfw and learning to draw is slow going.
Getting better, but still slow.

>> No.43144779
File: 837 KB, 3000x3000, SlyAsAFox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneaky fox for a fox thread

>> No.43144781

Hi all.
DogFaced here, the anon who wrote the ice cream story about a month and a half ago.

I've written another story set after the portals open. This one is set in a theme park built by monsters, for monsters. Find out why it's a bad idea to sit next to a manticore on a rollercoaster if you get scared easily.

Thanks to everyone who read and commented on the last one. Hope you enjoy.

>> No.43144784
Quoted by: >>43144802

Fuck off furfaggot.

>> No.43144790
Quoted by: >>43144804

Why is everyone releasing their stories at the exact same time

>> No.43144802
Quoted by: >>43144814

No, and please remember thanks to me you can now read Cait sith erotica too

You are welcome.

>> No.43144804
Quoted by: >>43144843

Maybe they just got their accounts up in running. Because remember ao3 has a waiting time before you can have a account.

>> No.43144805

GODSPEED, ANON. The world needs more cait sith in business suits, nun outfits, and 1970s hippie gear.

Less sith in their standard TURRIBLE outfits. Just TURRIBLE.

>> No.43144807
Quoted by: >>43144844

>tfw the mermaids come after you

>> No.43144814
Quoted by: >>43144843

WHEN AND WHERE. Is there biting?
Catgirls should bite.

>> No.43144817

>40k words
Thanks anon, I will give this a read.

>> No.43144820
Quoted by: >>43144849

She owes ME $20 since she got wet doing it.

>> No.43144844

Impossible, they can't come on land to abduct a man, they aren't lubbers they're blubbers and there's a big difference! Besides, what's a mermaid's plan after getting a man in the water with her anyway? He'll drown without air.

>> No.43144843

These are all old accounts. That's what makes it so odd. I'm just waiting for high class to do one now. And the ghoul story author I can never remember.
Ao3? You Anons do actually check it, right?

>> No.43144849
Quoted by: >>43144862

>monstergirls trying seductive tricks to turn you on
>showing panties, pulling down tops to show nips, flashing nude crotch
>turns herself on and begs you to take her
monstergirls sure are silly

>> No.43144852

I don't check a website full of trash, no.

>> No.43144854

>no pubes
sorry no dice

>> No.43144858
Quoted by: >>43144885

>said in a post on 4chan

>> No.43144859
File: 203 KB, 512x512, 1480036384099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter, it beats fucking a talking Snuggles Bear shaped like a cat. Give your balls a tug titfucker.

>> No.43144862

>>turns herself on and begs you to take her
She can find someone else, I'm not interested.

>> No.43144864

Lizard girls think they can get away with eating lots of junk food since it doesn't make them look fat.
But they learn the hard way it all goes to their tail, so people will know.

>> No.43144873

I want to feed this girl a sandwich. Preferably several.

It's a better look and function. Sorry, horsepussy.

>> No.43144879
Quoted by: >>43144885

I am sure aux can email you the list of his weekly curated picks.

>> No.43144885
Quoted by: >>43144950

Yes, no matter how many faggots like you post here it's always going to be better than a website full of fat tumblrites writing kpop boy fanfiction and having to sift through MGE stories where 90% of it is written by retards who don't get the point of MGE.

Nobody knows who the fuck you discordfaggots are talking about holy shit. Keep your drama on the platform it belongs to you sniveling retards.

>> No.43144903
File: 883 KB, 1793x992, 15413076701029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they look better like this.

>> No.43144915
Quoted by: >>43146661

Me too, Nightmare looks cute, would go on adventures with.

>> No.43144920

Y'all making me and my tiny two chapters feel inadequate, lmao.
Good job! I look forward to reading this over the weekend as well as the others posted recently. I'm really excited at seeing you all continue to write.

>> No.43144922

how did the pic of my harem leaked on the net? i smell another bicorn-waifu lewd weird plan.

>> No.43144924
File: 265 KB, 2048x1438, E7CC3C6C-388D-4B28-BF48-5D7E387BE806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43144945

This feels cursed and blessed at the same time.

>> No.43144928
File: 458 KB, 2000x1500, Ewwrn-RVEAAOtYa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this version but only if they're also tall

>> No.43144930

They all look better, but vanilla and /fa/horn are absolutely gorgeous. Too bad the latter loses part of her gimmick and has to copy yetis.

>> No.43144937
File: 664 KB, 2154x3645, Fsi6PuAaEAEIKx4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43144940

Didn't barb color this? Or did he leave it as a sketch?

>> No.43144945

It's an image that's existed for years, retarded newfaggot. Figures some chaostard posting shitty meme edits wouldn't know fucking anything about these threads.

>> No.43144950

Fine, if you're so desperate for sith fiction here you go.
Skip through it if the first girls smut scene doesn't appeal to you. Sith at the end.

>> No.43144959
Quoted by: >>43144974

Have you considered taking a shower and going outside? Maybe touch some grass and soak up a little sunshine?

>> No.43144966

No I’ve seen it before a long time ago outside of these threads I’m just saying how odd it is seeing them like that.

>> No.43144968

The ones with normal legs are way too close to just being succubi

>> No.43144974
Quoted by: >>43144976

Go post like a redditor somewhere else.

>> No.43144976

No thanks

>> No.43144980
Quoted by: >>43144985

always nice to a see a penywise drop every year or two.
the werewolf story was lovely

>> No.43144985
Quoted by: >>43144997

I don't recall that. Got a link?

>> No.43144986
File: 378 KB, 950x1045, FsdKBQcagAEDf5q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43144991
Quoted by: >>43145023

Her hair looks like cum

>> No.43144997
File: 1.15 MB, 2550x3700, FqOi-WnagAEiJzU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43144998

This story sucks, everyone acts like an asshole in it.

>> No.43145003

>those tags
not reading

>> No.43145007
Quoted by: >>43145017

He showed up about six months ago, tops. Cut him some slack. The only thing to learn is slowly increasing hatred of everyone here anyway.

>> No.43145009

thanks familga

>> No.43145016

Can't say I'm interested in harems or body stuff as well, but I'll still give it a shot. Not sure i can think of another werewolf story.

>> No.43145017
Quoted by: >>43145060

>Cut him some slack
Fuck you. The only good newfag is a dead one, being nice to these cocksuckers is how we got into this situation to begin with.

>> No.43145023


>> No.43145025

I don't know what you expect from werewolves and while bringing it up is wierd penis growth is explicitly mentioned canon. Right next to the line saying you'll be mindbroken into finding hideous monster parts attractive.

>> No.43145031 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43145033

La critura de las arenas...

>> No.43145033
Quoted by: >>43145044

epic /v/eddit meme!

>> No.43145044
Quoted by: >>43145049


>> No.43145049


Many updoots to you, fellow gamer!

>> No.43145060

There is no situation

>> No.43145065
File: 270 KB, 1620x2160, Fs-tpKjakAAx_9h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43145083
File: 1.44 MB, 1452x1454, 1618584381635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get in the longboat Anon.

>> No.43145087

Vikings are dorks

>> No.43145089

I'd rather die.

>> No.43145094

only when they're sober.

>> No.43145098

>Anon get's sacrificed to a sea serpent girl by Vikings in exchange for safe passage

>> No.43145100
File: 776 KB, 1500x3248, Fs2zjofX0AE8KS4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43145153

>aw yeah getting raided by viking monsters
>it's elves again

>> No.43145102

sorry, too pale for me

>> No.43145124

>Sea serpent rises up from the depths to claim her toll for safe passage through the waters
>(you) get shoved face first into wolf cleavage because "I pillaged him, I get to decide what to do with him, and I am NOT giving him to that wet floozy"

>> No.43145132

>he's right here you DOUBLE NIDHOGGR

>> No.43145136
File: 726 KB, 2530x4216, 106770827_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43145138

1 hug

>> No.43145140

I wish monsters didn't exist anymore.

>> No.43145141

This. Vikings are dumb. Always have been dumb. Now a cool civilization for your setting to be in definitely has to be the Crusader times in the holy lands.

>> No.43145144

>slime heel feet

>> No.43145149

A 3 foot long hoagie.

>> No.43145150
Quoted by: >>43146667

would a monster go insane if a anon got intimate with them then he suddenly disappears(it was a prank all along)

>> No.43145153

Damn norse elves and their glamour magic. It's impossible to hit them

>> No.43145158
File: 1.30 MB, 2690x2270, brats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43145159

I want Druella's panties

>> No.43145164

Make me immortal! I'll need to if I want to be alive by the time portals open.

>> No.43145166

all cheshires to be pranked at the same time

>> No.43145174
Quoted by: >>43145185

crank monsters hornyness from 11 down to like a 9.

>> No.43145183

Crank monster horniness from 11 to like a 14

>> No.43145184

ropu panty dispenser

>> No.43145185

>Monsters now only go for Chad instead of guys like Anon
>Monogamy now a thing of the past
Good job

>> No.43145187
Quoted by: >>43145205

to be able have portal opens and to be able to ss13 with autistic monsters

>> No.43145194
Quoted by: >>43145198

Send anyone who replies to this post to the world the MGE setting takes place within 24 hours of their reply!

>> No.43145197

Erase all Kikimoras from existence please.

>> No.43145198
Quoted by: >>43145213

I don't want to go, though.

>> No.43145200

Erase all Shoggoths from existence please.

>> No.43145201
File: 1.04 MB, 2993x4079, b6a2bc307bb99a4848b69f57c81f4a6b2a1a1ab242072b13fd06717e39a5f6bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43145205

>he wants all the ERP servers to explode in population ushering in the end of all things holy
>Normal servers struggle to cope in moderation as MGs and their horny orbiters ERP every where regardless of server rules.
Sounds like hell anon-chan
Why would you do this to us(me)?

>> No.43145211

thats it
im maxcap bombing every station

>> No.43145213
Quoted by: >>43145224

All you had to do was not reply to my post.

>> No.43145217

Cargo is officially seceding and making a land free of perverted monsters

>> No.43145221
Quoted by: >>43145233

Anon, just how many monsters would be autistic enough to even play the game once. let alone play continually and even is able to operate a comupter without not being frightened by it.

>> No.43145224

Well I'm still not going.

>> No.43145227
File: 94 KB, 594x631, Wight - Watching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43145236


>> No.43145233
Quoted by: >>43145247

How many horny people would use ss13 to ERP regularly much less use a computer without cumming in the hard drive and destroying their own machine?

>> No.43145236
Quoted by: >>43145249

Oh how "wonderful". Now you're here.

>> No.43145237
File: 167 KB, 500x500, 1679946159688789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a gentlewoman.

>> No.43145243

I wish for this shitty gear list i'm having to make to be done without me having to autistically make every single item I can think of for the purposes of my TTRPG
Which Mamono is enough of a nerd to help with this?

>> No.43145245

i want to see the mamano revision of the wishmaster opening scene

>> No.43145247

Not many, the ui filters alot of people. i do that erp servers exist. But really imagine, you come to a new world filled with so many things that you dont understand and are brand new. Most monsters would be too overwhelmed at first to even think about using the machine with many screens and flashing lights and loud sounds. at most i can see gremlins being the first to use computers, and taking a month to understand and a month to start gaming on it

>> No.43145249


>> No.43145251
Quoted by: >>43145266

What if I showed a Mamono episodes of Ultraman? How would she react to seeing all the monsters getting killed violently and constantly villainized?

>> No.43145254

Also, imagine any cod or cod like game chat room post portal, its gonna be half insults and half erp i think

>> No.43145266

they're aware of their own history and are capable of contextualizing evil actions.

>> No.43145283

I just want a monster girl to kill me, none of that undead shit either just lights out. Maybe a Manticore can hit me with so many spines my heart pops, that sounds like a cool way to go at least.

>> No.43145294
File: 504 KB, 1200x1600, 1528730200000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe edgelords get the babying treatment.

>> No.43145304

cruel but fair

>> No.43145306
File: 461 KB, 1280x720, Demon - Don't Worry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43145333

>> No.43145309

I don't want that though. I thought monsters were supposed to give good endings?

>> No.43145310
Quoted by: >>43145321

If I'm dying it'll be after forcing myself upon an entire dungeon of monsters. I refuse to let myself die from exhaustion until I reach the final chamber and rape the boss enemy!

>> No.43145321
File: 340 KB, 1200x792, Lich - Get Well Soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Boss enemy is a lich.
> She's not having it.

>> No.43145329
Quoted by: >>43145340

A Lich can just get a new assistant, why would she give a shit about her current one? Even if he died she could just raise him and toss him to one of her zombies.

>> No.43145331

She does realize if she keeps me alive she's going to have to share me with every other monster I had sex with on the way to her, right? Might be better just to let me die off and find a husband she can be monogamous with.

>> No.43145333

>not helping
Get in my bed immediately and let me use those mama mammies as warm pillows.

>> No.43145340
File: 1.99 MB, 2481x3507, Lich - Nurse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss Lich is going to nurse you back to health whether you like it or not, and then she is going to perform TEST AFTER TEST AFTER TEST on you to determine why you tried to impregnate her entire undead entourage.

You have aroused her curiosity, Anon, and an aroused mamono is nearly unstoppable.

>> No.43145350
File: 3.64 MB, 2290x2856, CheshireCat - Butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43145359

Kinda worried the kats will start doing a version of the gym thots trying to trap men on camera... but more sweaty.

>> No.43145358
Quoted by: >>43145364

i wish to stare at my wife while she stares at me silently for around 3 minutes and 14 seconds.

>> No.43145359

sounds like a great way for cheshs to become the forever alone meme monsters irl

>> No.43145364
Quoted by: >>43145370

since shes a cutie pi?

>> No.43145370
File: 148 KB, 985x806, 1596936618212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43145374

the cutest

>> No.43145374

the fish

>> No.43145378

Fuck off

>> No.43145384
Quoted by: >>43145392

>portals finally open
>every time you try to get close to one the monster holding it open guiding people through looks at you in disgust, hops back into the portal and closes it behind her
>before long you're the only living person left, all alone in a dying world without even getting to know what it was that you did wrong

>> No.43145392

I get a whole planet to myself? Nice.

>> No.43145428
File: 1.62 MB, 2340x2740, 106913854_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the rival character. her hobbies include:
following you around
leveling at a similar rate
writing rivalrous poetry about you
unjustifiably smug and overly familiar attitude
not being mad about all those times you declined her party invite
fighting shirtless in the rain
teaming up at a critical point of your adventure

anyway those clouds are looking stormy so you better take that shirt off too

>> No.43145435
Quoted by: >>43145441

There's no way I would lose to a bratty short loli and get dominated.

>> No.43145438

My rival uses dex weapons? Ew.

>> No.43145441
File: 1.46 MB, 3300x7300, momonika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL lose to brats

>> No.43145450

>monster rival notices you're on a depressed slump ever since you got rejected by that Wight princess you saved last week
How does she handle it?

>> No.43145452
Quoted by: >>43145468

No I won't! I'll spank a brat into submission!

>> No.43145453
Quoted by: >>43145500

Do you guys' rivals also want to do that naked wrestling thing when you rest at the same inn? Mine won't quit and it's making my quest very hard to complete.

>> No.43145465
Quoted by: >>43145482

I think I'm going to retire from adventuring and fighting. Maybe just be a hermit on my own in the woods

>> No.43145468
File: 435 KB, 1525x1077, momouuuooohhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fool! That only makes them stronger!

>> No.43145482
Quoted by: >>43145524

That's a surefire way to run into the "young apprentice" character. You think your rival is bothersome? Try a salamander loli with a chip on her shoulder and all the time in the world to pester the famous hermit to teach her his secrets

>> No.43145487

thrusting into baphomets looks like it feels good

>> No.43145496

Then they leave me with no choice!

>> No.43145497
Quoted by: >>43145506

You think a Manticore would like a guy with a defeatist attitude or would they just view guys like that as weirdos?

>> No.43145500

one of the easiest ways to farm stamina and vitality

>> No.43145504

This is what Baphomets should look like.

>> No.43145506
File: 207 KB, 620x877, Cheshire - MANTICORE TEAMMATE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little of both!

>> No.43145511
File: 247 KB, 850x1088, 1663807925704281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43145526

Forget sneaky foxes, I want a maniacal villainess who's upfront about her plans for world domination.

>> No.43145524
Quoted by: >>43145538

Surely, you can just teach her something and she'll leave

>> No.43145526
File: 2.39 MB, 3445x3445, Kitsune - Sneaky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43145540

Sorry, buddy, all I got is this gal. She's..., well, she's not sneaky, so you're kinda getting half of what you wanted?

>> No.43145538
Quoted by: >>43145565

Fool! By doing that you're showing your skills which will lead to her demanding you show her everything you know!

>> No.43145540
File: 480 KB, 900x1179, 106932724_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a baka is fine too

>> No.43145565
Quoted by: >>43145634

So I teach her everything and then she leaves, right? This brat can't stay forever and she should leave old men the woods alone

>> No.43145630
File: 349 KB, 850x920, b968cea124296d00a6f9caef02c9fd61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43145634
Quoted by: >>43145782

Fool among men! By teaching her everything you know she'll then want to be your representative for tournaments and have you tag along as her coach! You'll be watching her fat little butt bouncing around the arena and it will be all your fault!

>> No.43145641

>Up and cumming new porn director
>Sick and tired of the old stuff
>Poor little human
>The way those hellhounds ravaged anon was banal
>They keep just giving the guy makeup to look different and releasing the same porno every year
>Never go through the effort of finding a new guy with a hellhound harem
>How to breed your dragon
>You’d think it would be a human dom flic but no
>Just an hour of a guy worshipping his dragon wife
>Kissing her abs, sucking her tits, showing off how hard she can flex her thighs and eating her out
>Then rides him for 10 minutes till he creampies her
>Of mice and a man
>Begins with some found footage thing before the guy gets grabbed by a dozen mice
>Good selection of body types
>Muscle mice bigger than him, extremely thick wannabe milf mice, lean mice, even some cute and funny mice
>Ends with him becoming hopelessly addicted to large mouse pussy
>All of these always cover a monster domming a human never the other way around
>Only time that is seen when it’s amateur work
>Time to make a full production
>Recruit the smallest, weakest, nerdiest looking hellhound
>Even get her bully to agree to shoot and marriage contract
>Poor little hellhound hitting MonHub+ next week

>> No.43145643
Quoted by: >>43145664

How to improve any centaur

>> No.43145664
Quoted by: >>43145675

> Remove monster pussy
> Mamono is "improved"
Anon, get help--you're an alp.

>> No.43145665

I want to show Momonika's friends her cumming from anal

>> No.43145675
Quoted by: >>43145711

The only pussy removed was horse pussy, which is /mlp/ territory.

>> No.43145711
File: 258 KB, 2428x1720, Nightmare - Ass Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, well, let's see how you feel if Twilight Sparkle here wants you to give her a ride on the ol' horse puss 3000.

>> No.43145732
Quoted by: >>43148561

maybe if ms whitehorn pinned me up against the wall

>> No.43145770
File: 1.29 MB, 2803x3881, A8CDB8DD-0BD1-4731-BCBF-3E89DF53687F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43145782

Surely we can find a more appropriate coach at one of those. Then I can go back home

>> No.43145888


>> No.43145898
File: 117 KB, 473x303, 1661773619800345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A """centaur""" you can't ride
The very definition of pointless

>> No.43145903

I'm sure they can give you a piggyback ride.

>> No.43145911

Not everyone is attracted to horses

>> No.43145935
Quoted by: >>43145949

She looks like she challenges you to a fight JUST as you're about to reach the next town/city. After having gone through several combat counters that have drained your HP and mana.

>> No.43145937
File: 246 KB, 1653x2337, 1584052544554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like kissing dogs don't you, anon?

>> No.43145949
Quoted by: >>43146069

you did remember to quicksave, right?

>> No.43145950
Quoted by: >>43145973

I'm gonna have to say no on that since I'm too scared to go near a dog.

>> No.43145951

I'm a white man, yes

>> No.43145965

as long she can ride me it's fine.

>> No.43145966

imma just wrestle her, also dex is dumb, all i use is str, agi, and int.

>> No.43145973
File: 790 KB, 1153x1094, 1510907829150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43145991

Don't worry they come to you!

>> No.43145981
File: 807 KB, 1000x1414, e9649cb53e68c1bfce039b340f29218e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to tour the zipangu region
>hotels all booked
>luckily a kind kitsune lets me stay at her house so I can tour the region
>even lets me experience real genuine mofu in person
>all is wonderful until I decide it's time to go back home
>she blocks the door and just stands there smiling at me deviously
>knew I should have listened to that guy who told me foxes are bad news and tricksters
Ma'am please I already have a home back in my own country I can't just move in with you all of a sudden and marry you, we've only known each other a week come on, move! I'm gonna miss my train back home! MA'AM PLEASE I NEED TO CATCH MY TRAIN PLEASE MOVE-

>> No.43145984
Quoted by: >>43145992

Don't you fucking dare reply to that faggot.

>> No.43145991
Quoted by: >>43146056

If she gets any closer I'll be forced to use a human's ultimate weapon! Calling her a bad girl!

>> No.43145992
File: 1.07 MB, 3000x3364, Baphomet - Joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which faggot? You?

>> No.43146002
Quoted by: >>43146465

Don't reply to this other faggot too.

>> No.43146021
File: 1.03 MB, 2150x3035, 1650519962115086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well get to know her younger sister while you're there

>> No.43146023
Quoted by: >>43146035

Never trust a fox who walks around 24/7 in a body stocking

>> No.43146029

I'll only consider marriage if the fox is a loli

>> No.43146035
File: 1.72 MB, 5357x7504, 1654725562092120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43146036
File: 283 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_20230406-204225_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43146722

That (uncomfirmed but plausible with what KC said) talk about you being able to create your Chimera waifu from a Mana Cage, waifuing a lot and feeding the cage "essence" really made Chimera go up in my waifu list and now I see her as "best girl" type. Very tempted to commission or write a story of guy with a guy with a mana box wanting to meet a MG to marry but keep procrasting it, maybe out of social anxiety. He has many species he would like to marry and it ends up with him never approaching and just fapping to different MGs. Eventually it ends up with a Chimera being born.

>> No.43146056
File: 883 KB, 1200x1400, 1509766862574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not very nice

>> No.43146058
File: 450 KB, 1750x3100, FsUK3ifaMAEfrUC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43146110

shapeshifters are good wives

>> No.43146069

I made a manual save, since if you lose you get a thigh-crushing scene.

>> No.43146089
Quoted by: >>43146112

I want a massive muscle monster girl to call me a pretty boy.

>> No.43146095
Quoted by: >>43146112

i want a massive fat monster girl to molest me

>> No.43146104

monster girl

>> No.43146107

Ugh the post nut clarity is hitting hard, I dived too deep a couple minutes ago and need happy pictures of monster girls.

>> No.43146110

>Shapeshifter wife
Can offer you any form you wish, ranging from loli cunny to big tits milf hag forms

>> No.43146112

I desire both

>> No.43146113


>> No.43146116
Quoted by: >>43146134

Monsters understand when you're not ready for love right?

>> No.43146121

I think you might be on to something here

>> No.43146129
File: 444 KB, 708x1000, E7D9okzXoAAxD2l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43146134

Some like taking it slowly.

>> No.43146139
File: 151 KB, 850x1082, 1054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43146154
File: 1.85 MB, 1432x2427, dc27de36b634a8393c6a95d7c75da3d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather her mom

>> No.43146157
File: 62 KB, 600x858, 446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43146189


>> No.43146163
File: 114 KB, 850x1083, 1052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43146189

I want a hug too!!

>> No.43146177
File: 540 KB, 752x1062, 2061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43146189

What about horse-dogs?

>> No.43146189

Kill yourself you spamming nigger.

>> No.43146202
File: 819 KB, 1200x1200, 751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not even bumping with a pic? Naughty

>> No.43146207

>impregnate her horsepussy
>centaur daugher
>impregnate her human pussy
>horsegirl daughter

>> No.43146278 [DELETED] 
File: 872 KB, 4000x3400, 1675644373009843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43146350

I wanna sniff danuki breath morning, noon, and night!~

>> No.43146297

>Pokemon based mamono

>> No.43146327

have you never played moemon? I don't have to imagine

>> No.43146330
Quoted by: >>43146465

Fuck off.

>> No.43146345

What's stopping me from just using an invisibility spell to sneak past all the monsters?

>> No.43146350 [DELETED] 

>Face planted on her ample chest
>Looking up at her smug face
>Hair causing a natural shadow over her eyes like that of a raccoon's bandit mask fur
>Sinister yet motherly expression
>Enjoy the rise and fall of her chest as she breathes softly on your face
>Taking in the delicious scent
>The comforting warmth from above and from her chest

>> No.43146360
Quoted by: >>43146389

A few monsters like Gazer have permanent true sight/see invisibility going.

>> No.43146389
Quoted by: >>43146425

Well there's no guarantee I'll run into a Gazer so I should be safe.

>> No.43146393

They can still smell and hear you

>> No.43146394
File: 759 KB, 626x1403, __anubis_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_barbariank__54b8c0efc1dfd4f7b99bc07b36c7f488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43146439

What do you guys think about interacting with other people's characters/worlds? For example, a friend of mine had a couple of daughters, one of which was given to me as a gift, of sorts. She's now basically my wife.
There's no "wife swapping" or whatever going on, but is it still too weird for you?

>> No.43146396

High level monsters can see through invisibility spells and cloaks. While they won't see you physically there, they know for a fact you're there and will even blow your disguise if they want to, alerting the lower level monsters to your position. Additionally, any monster with a good sense of smell will detect you, so canines will be your position regardless of how quiet and invisible you look. So no, you're not fooling your kiki meido when you "sneak" out the house with that spell active. But for your sake, she'll pretend like she didn't notice you slipping out.

Such spells and cloaks are more so good for sneaking past a p'orcer raiding party or the gang of street mice or the stray mino or imp.

>> No.43146397
Quoted by: >>43148561

I want to be backed into a wall by white horn san

>> No.43146413
File: 1.68 MB, 1353x1300, e5e5d54cd50ff3f9bc268408db3412f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you prefer dark skinned or light skinned monsters? I think it depends on which monster it is, but personally I prefer dark skin in general. It seems like dog girls (not counting anubis) get the most art of them being darker compared to others, which I find interesting.

>> No.43146425

>T. Man about to get Geizah'd
You'll also probably have to watch out for girls with life sight.

>> No.43146430
Quoted by: >>43146448

So what happens if an undead monstergirl finds out her boyfriend/husband actually is a devout worshipper of the Daedric Prince Meridia? Imagine going to undead mamono realm and saying you worship or a devout faithful to the Daedric Prince of Infinite Energies and undead hater?

>> No.43146435

I have to agree on the case-by-case approach, though my tastes could use a little bit of work. Lighter skin for the more feminine or willowy specimens, dark skin for the rough, tomboyish lasses.

Also, Apophis remains one of my all time favorite designs.

>> No.43146436
Quoted by: >>43146452

There's a monster girl "pokedex" currently in the works. I think it's on the 2nd gen pokemusu now. It's not hugbox like MGE, so be warned. No NTR, I don't think, but bad end death stuff is mentioned for the more dangerous ones. But 95% of it is explicitly lewd like MGE. How to court them (catch them). Etc.

>> No.43146439
File: 109 KB, 900x837, 304e7b160d8d3738b7867bbd7453f774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43146622

I think it's perfectly fine if that daughter you're marrying either doesn't exist in his canon or he gives you permission. I wouldn't have a problem if it happened to my daughter if it was a good guy she was marrying.

>> No.43146440

The moment you get anywhere near a magic using Monster, a Dark Mage, a Lich, a Lilim, they utter a word and your invisibility fades. Can you guess what happens then next?

>> No.43146444
Quoted by: >>43146458

what happens if you break a demons contract?

>> No.43146447

i like most of them. purple, blue, alabaster and chocolate seem to come up an awful lot though

>> No.43146448
Quoted by: >>43146465

fuck off

>> No.43146452


>> No.43146458


>> No.43146460

is that where the thing is?

>> No.43146465

Hi Anon

>> No.43146481
Quoted by: >>43146550

>Most of the content exchanged is basically a peaceful treaty that benefits both nations
Biggest load of shit I've ever read.

>> No.43146494

Grape your pharaohs

>> No.43146497

I would rather not help turn one of the only halfway decent places in MGE into another shitty orgy full of degenerates.

>> No.43146502

accidentally break a clause in marriage contract that stipulates a minimum of 10 kisses each day, you slept in so you missed your quota accidentally.

>> No.43146512

It's like the even with pharaoh in charge. Only difference is graped kingdoms have better fashion, better shops, and better food. And all the girls are higher levels as a result of their graping

>> No.43146518
Quoted by: >>43146540

I just want to be a minor noble in monster lands...partially because I enjoy city building and management games.

>> No.43146525
Quoted by: >>43146579

what about lands ruled by a khepri king anon?

>> No.43146527
File: 167 KB, 1252x779, 1666842276269068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll protect the pharaoh by keeping the grape busy with dates!

>> No.43146528
File: 284 KB, 792x906, 1534886683717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43146538

>> No.43146537
Quoted by: >>43146548

I’ll just be a soldier Of fortune, maybe seducing a princess there, sleping with a nun over there

>> No.43146538


>> No.43146540
Quoted by: >>43146551

just build your own city from scratch, you have the time.

>> No.43146548
Quoted by: >>43146599

anon, that girl is always the same hebi

>> No.43146549

I'm a prince and I'm going to kidnap a Dragoness.

>> No.43146550
Quoted by: >>43146561

Kill yourselves subhuman

>> No.43146551
Quoted by: >>43146562

I mean, I'd need land and capital.
And for that I'd need to go adventuring.
And if I do that, I'm going to get married at some point.

>> No.43146552

Horseshit, at least under a pharaoh I wouldn't have to risk seeing some woman getting gangbanged in an alleyway.

>> No.43146561

Meds, reetard.

>> No.43146562

plenty of open land, it even has all the materials you need and the land will provide a wife to help you.

>> No.43146579

I personally prefer the tribal sandworm anarchy.

No one worm in charge, just a loose set of solemn codes that basically says:
>don't eat your neighbor's prey
>don't eat your neighbor's husband
>help a worm in need

>> No.43146582

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that a new an interesting array of monster girls can exist in the local bodies of water!
Nerids, sea slimes, maybe even a Charybdis sitting in the shallows.
Go and explore your local waterways today!*
*We are not responsible for Flatfish kidnappings.

>> No.43146590

I hate deep water and I hate water monsters.

>> No.43146599

It’s the same wurm, no a hebi, they give me the hebi, jibes

>> No.43146603
File: 25 KB, 414x422, 1558193718247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43146631

flatfish is my destiny but there is no water around...

>> No.43146617

goodness, that was a long one.
i do agree cid was pretty insufferable to my tastes for the first couple chapters. i see the reasoning to it, it does portray him as an ideal prey animal. got somewhat more tolerable as it went along.
the roller coaster premise was pretty good too, i love scenarios where anon is forced into close proximity with monsters and clutching her was very sweet.
i could tell you had a lot of fun with bianca, it was an interesting portrayal.
cid has a crazy amount of stamina too. i'd be tired as fuck after two or three of those attractions+chases, give up and ask if she wanted to eat ice cream together or something. still, the mental image of being pursued by a haggard, pissed and done-with-this-shit manticore is a good one.
always feel that pang of regret for side characters who don't get their featured happy endings (mob face soldier beetle in particular) but it's greedy for me to want that in a story with so many characters.
would've liked a peek inside the haunted mansion but it's a little out of scope
alraune and kakuen came off far too bitchy and outright mean to my sensibilities. i feel like plant girls get done dirty too much but maybe that's just me.

anyhow, i don't mean to come off too severe; i had a good time reading through it apart from some nitpicks. love manticores

>> No.43146622

Young me would've loved to have met a gloomy bathtub ghost like her. Nowadays, I'd be too ashamed over being too old for her tastes; moreso now that my own grey is showing.

>> No.43146631

Truly a tough spot you're in.
May need to go see a Girtablilu about that.
I hear they know all the good spots in drylands.

>> No.43146647
Quoted by: >>43146700

>Hfw Anon confesses that he's been fucking her loli-daughter since the first evening
>Yfw she annonces tonight's menu is Oyakodon not tofu
The only thing more cunning than one foxx is two foxxes.

>> No.43146653

Ipotanes > Centaurs
All the advantages of the hosspussy from behind with more regular positions from the front, none of the size and mobility problems of the hossbody.

>> No.43146661

Agreed, KC canon nightmare and centaur suffer that they were early-art styles so are pretty simplistic compared to later releases.

>> No.43146667
Quoted by: >>43155034

Going to track you down with no escape.

>> No.43146689
Quoted by: >>43146724

You think Eros agents would go undercover online and make friends with lonely guys to make sure they don't do anything bad?

>> No.43146700

I think the only way you could make oyakodon not trigger the pansies in /mgt/ is if Anon married momma fox in a previous life, got reincarnated, then fell in love with his daughter and also rekindled his love for momma fox. All these hoops you need to jump through just to prevent these manchildren from crying NTR.

>> No.43146709
File: 121 KB, 990x1400, 1526301142481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big kikis

>> No.43146712
Quoted by: >>43146719

You know for all your bitching you just sounds like a massive faggot upset that nobody likes your shitty cuckold fetish.

>> No.43146719

>replying to the obvious bait

>> No.43146722

Dont you need to mix mana in the xage with all the desired species to get your Chimera?
Maybe find an Anon with a harem of the types you need and 'commission' your waifu by providing the mana-cage and your made waifu is basically marrying one of his daughters.
Bicorns make the gold by pimping out their Anon and their harem.

>> No.43146724

It would turn into a "To Catch a Predator" scenario. You would start chatting with some bro on the internet who reached out to you that he too is lonely and disgruntled. Then you'd show up to a gym to lift with him, only to find the cupid Christine Hansen there. She'd force you to take a seat and talk about all the messages you posted about how you weren't really lonely and that you were happier alone. After she finished interrogating you, you would make a sheepish exit out of the gym and be taken down in the parking lot by your loving wife that Eros hand picked for you.

>> No.43146731

but what if I want Christine Hansen as my new wife?

>> No.43146741
File: 819 KB, 1360x1920, 106943475_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43146743
Quoted by: >>43146853

Then she continually uncrosses and re-crosses her legs during the interview and tells you that she can make all your problems go away if you do what she says. (It's marrying her)

>> No.43146746

....sorry anon, she's married to the job
>A very special TO CATCH A PREDATOR episode focusing on Christina Hansen herself

>> No.43146747
Quoted by: >>43146767

Bestrice is just a variety of harem not NTR
>"cunning old foxx" cucking her daughterfoxx behind her back is ntr, consensual simultaneous double-up isnt.

>> No.43146749
File: 872 KB, 1360x1920, 106943475_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43146755

>Lately been having some darker thoughts, decide to talk about them to this new friend you've made
>Nice guy, even if it feels like he's a bit preachy when it comes to that Eros junk
>Little does Anon know that behind his bro's screen is a panicking Cupid calling into dispatch to get a swat team in order
>The second Anon posts about how he thinks he's gonna go through with it his front door is kicked down and he's arrested by a swarm of officers in pink armor

>> No.43146758

Then I would refuse to leave my seat until she agrees to marry me, all on camera!

>> No.43146767

Get them both pregnant
>full daughter-aunt-granddaughter-neice confusion

>> No.43146771

Made for picking on about her weight and poor spine.

>> No.43146773

Did he bust out a magnifying glass to see if her eyes were closed?

>> No.43146776

"Don't make me ruin the butt Christine! I'm a warrior!"

>> No.43146782

think so

>> No.43146789

he's got to make sure she isn't evil

>> No.43146792
Quoted by: >>43146853

>now you told me in this chatroom that you were happier alone and had no interest in mamono, but the messages you posted to a different anonymous image board tell a different story
>"I want to huff cupid wings"
>"I want to kiss cupid tummies"
>"I want to come in a cupid's hat and make her wear it"
>can you explain any of those messages?

>> No.43146804

i'm a swamp slut

>> No.43146819

>be Anon-kid
>chbf-Bicorn keeps introducing Anon to new kids in the playground, at preschool
>start playing more games - 'Doctor', 'House'
>growing up with group of galpals
>games like spinthebottle, twister, truth&dare, lipstickparty etc
>twinhorns keep growing bigger
>Anons 16th birthday party
>all Anons friends moms bake aphrodisiac cakes and potion drinks
>close the doors
>allnight fuck orgy

>> No.43146828

>chubby gator girl
>mangrove dryad who uses her roots like tentacles
Which one?

>> No.43146832

Gator, chubby is better

>> No.43146834

>notice all the milk in the fridge is out
>tell Kiki I'm going to the store to pick up some
>she stops me and says she has a better solution
>when I ask what she pulls her shirt open and reveals her double Ds filling out a cow print bra
I don't want to let her down but at the same time I also can't use that for my cereal man...
What would Shog have done in that situation?

>> No.43146835


>> No.43146839
File: 443 KB, 1500x1134, 1619195023673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43146863

with shog, your milk would be purple

>> No.43146841
Quoted by: >>43146861

shog would have already replaced all the milk with her own

>> No.43146849

Anon dummy thinks that empty bottle in the fridge was cow-milk from the shop.
It was switched over months ago, as soon as the Kiki maid arrived.

>> No.43146851

I warned you about foxes

>> No.43146853

Buy the special dvd edition that comes with the unaired special episode that's just anon dicking down Christina Hansen.

>> No.43146857

>just double ds
yea, get yourself a real milk maid anon

>> No.43146859

are dryads for gloryhole fetish?

>> No.43146860

I recently purchased a cute Anubis slave girl. How do you think I should decorate her? I was thinking about some tattoos to start with.

>> No.43146861

Don't forget her also leaving to go do "shopping", where once she steps out of sight she milks herself into the bottles, getting off on the thought of you drinking it.

>> No.43146863

Shoggs were created by the OldOnes at Mountains of Madness to be their servants.
Created so their goo looks like a Kiki maido uniform because even OldOnes knew Kikis were the best maidos to try to copy.

>> No.43146871

Okay but what would taste better between Kiki's milk and Shog's grape soda lactate?

>> No.43146892
File: 202 KB, 1129x800, Gazer345_くろつつき.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43147034

Sometimes Gazer is a laid-back beacon of wisdom and tranquility that easily slips into lovey-dovey doting. And other times she's an aggressive tease/borderline bully that suddenly switches to belligerence if anyone muscles in on her turf.

>> No.43146894 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1644386730668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43146896

Hachinosu seems like a fun place, Apoo should join BB

>> No.43146896
File: 112 KB, 1077x1075, 1630768569720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck wrong thread

>> No.43146994
Quoted by: >>43146999


>> No.43146999

Not clicking that.

>> No.43147008

But it's the portal ritual

>> No.43147018
File: 428 KB, 721x1022, DEAA756E-CC9E-4ECC-94DF-C03D7A0D0F19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made sure with it and it’s nothing controversial it’s just a monster girl that drugged her man with sex drugs.

>> No.43147026
File: 17 KB, 256x256, 1653903034259213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of the mofu in the world, for me. no one else gets any.
is that so much?

>> No.43147027

>The apophis cult is started once again in the pharaoh’s city
>Grows in power and members
>Anon with apophis fetish learns about said cult
>Joins and immediately carts off apophis
>Cult dissolves due to no apophis

>> No.43147034
File: 189 KB, 600x985, Gazer199_DarkSeraphim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and she seems to change moods on a whim. Sometimes I'll be enjoying a lap pillow, and then she'll crack a toothy smile and decide to coat my ears in her goo.

>> No.43147039
Quoted by: >>43147058

Fox tail is the worst layout of fur you can get anyway. Gluing yourself to a tail is impersonal and wierd but the rest of the girl has nothing going on

>> No.43147056
File: 99 KB, 850x799, 1657377791472634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43147059

wait a second, thats the cropped one i used for an objector in tf2 and i accidentally deleted the original.
oops. take this cursed fox instead.

>> No.43147058
Quoted by: >>43147065

name your fluffy mg then

>> No.43147059

Oh wow, a five tailed rat!
Rare spawn indeed.

>> No.43147064
Quoted by: >>43147073

Do foxes cap out at 9 tails?
Is there a power difference between a fox that grew her 9 tails herself and the fox that got creampied 10,000 times by her hubby?
Are fox clothes machine washable?

>> No.43147065
Quoted by: >>43147076

Manticore is better

>> No.43147073
Quoted by: >>43147198

>do foxes cap
yes. but if you are into 10+ tail abominations there is always magic
>power difference
not really, but the ones that grew them due to age are generally more willing to use their strength
>machine washable
depends on the age of the fox in question.

>> No.43147076
Quoted by: >>43147096

she's not the comfy type of fluff, bad taste detected.

>> No.43147084
File: 490 KB, 888x892, blep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weasel fluff

>> No.43147096

Ah more of a man's best friend kind of person. Well, there is no shortage of cu siths and kobolds if you are into that.

>> No.43147180
File: 545 KB, 1280x1654, Swordlim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fight sword lim

>> No.43147195

just wear a chastity cage and monsters can't get you stupid

>> No.43147198

>but the ones that grew them due to age are generally more willing to use their strength
woe to the courier anon tasked with delivering package from BadHuman.com to the ancient 9-tailed foxcel

>> No.43147206
Quoted by: >>43150045

Ready to give Anon his first quest, to deal with the rat girls in the tavern basement.

>> No.43147236
File: 71 KB, 800x800, DnP8EzkF_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I hate to admit it, I am the biggest faggotcat bait alive. When the portals open how can I keep my virginity safe from these shitposters?

>> No.43147255
Quoted by: >>43147581

That's easy, just hide your dick in a purple Werecat. You'll be completely invisible!

>> No.43147264
File: 285 KB, 800x656, 1593112543574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43147326

Personally I'd give it to a more honest and reliable monster for safekeeping.

>> No.43147326
File: 166 KB, 1200x1200, 1659379402920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43147339

I'd rather be bullied than harassed everyday with "send dik and balls" texted to me by Jinko.

>> No.43147337
File: 1.16 MB, 2346x1839, quick - anubis karamat big ass fucking ears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like big eared dog grills?

>> No.43147339

I'd just show them to her in person.

>> No.43147356

More surface area to bully is good. Give me an elephant girl whose ears I can hide my head in.

>> No.43147363
Quoted by: >>43147376

if you ever get too hot, just lean over and kiss your tall big eared doggo and have a natural fan from her ears starting to wag

>> No.43147366
File: 330 KB, 1448x2048, 657d93b88ee949ef8084bcfb71dbd6a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43147392

Man's breast friend

>> No.43147370

They look like they get in the way

>> No.43147376

>giant canine wife resting her head on your chest
>radar dish ears just sitting there ripe for the teasing
>use your finger to brush the very tips of the fur on her ears
>her ear twitches away
>do it again
>wife rolls over and give you the "one more time and you're dead" glare
Dare you?

>> No.43147385

Do you think monster girls use sex toys or do you think they wouldn't want to since they won't get mana from them?

>> No.43147386
File: 152 KB, 1028x720, ear.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X] Touch twitchy ears

>> No.43147392

>man's breed friend

>> No.43147395
Quoted by: >>43147408

Pissing her off just makes it better. Besides, what's she going to do, rape me?

>> No.43147406

The kakuen's entire thing is masturbation, MG schlick. Other monsters definitely would too, especially before marriage, but I bet solo toy usage would drop off once they have a man. They'd still be fun spice for the bedroom.

>> No.43147408

>quote from husband raped

>> No.43147412
Quoted by: >>43147427

>wife rolls over and give you the "one more time and you're dead" glare
>give her tummy rubs and tickles
>rolls over again to escape the onslaught
>go back to touching her ears

>> No.43147427

>torturing your innocent wife like this
Humans are the real monster

>> No.43147431

Yeah, tickle monsters. Terrors of daughteru's, tormentors of wives.

>> No.43147439

You must make time to remind your canine waifu that you are the alpha. Even if she is a cleaner kiki meido, ahe must learn her place

>> No.43147579


>> No.43147581
File: 144 KB, 523x677, FEC5BF62-DB55-4E68-A9BD-CE0C5E38BB4E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks worked like a charm

>> No.43147584

the fate of slime lords

>> No.43147586

What the fuck is wrong with the guy’s torso, slime nipples are 10/10 though

>> No.43147587

Imagine Terraria modded by Zell

>> No.43147599

DID YOU KNOW: The slimezuri can defeat any man easily in seconds.

>> No.43147657

>Hakutaku teacher get into a sex agreement with baka man raised by Wurm mom
>Put him the easiest tests
>He fails them all
>She just plain cant justify passing him, she tries all
>Sobbing.jpg because he failed
>Everyone thinks she is an ass that just had sex with him and didnt kept her word

>> No.43147665 [SPOILER] 
File: 585 KB, 1597x1037, chaotic_gore_magala_by_milkpanda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wandering Malformation! The Black Eclipse Wyvern! The Harbinger of Frenzy!
Look upon her and tremble!

>> No.43147669
Quoted by: >>43147688

She looks like your hollering just woke her up

>> No.43147688

Good, it's not healthy for a growing girl to sleep too much

>> No.43147694
Quoted by: >>43148076

Chaotic gore magala deserves love, care, and a chance to get back at her shagaru sister

>> No.43147790
Quoted by: >>43147956

>try to look for cu sith art
>all of it is art of some faggot from housamo

>> No.43147914


>> No.43147924

>Be prince anon the middle child
>Eldest brother gets betrothed to the Wurm Queen below our city
>Youngest becomes a man of the cloth for the Fallen God moving into the nun convent
>I get married to the High Orc bandit queen so she’ll stop her P’orcs from kidnapping men for marriage

>> No.43147926
File: 138 KB, 337x580, 1675430342690115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff danuki breath all day everyday!

>> No.43147931
Quoted by: >>43148016

I h/c that Centaurs who cant schlick their rear hosspussy will go into the forest, find a tree with a convenient height branch, carve it into a dildo and back up onto it.
Well crafted branches become hangouts for small groups of delinquent Cents
>be Anon
>portal opens, step through into a small forest clearing
>see a cute teen Centaur
>she sees Anon
>she's obviously excited, eyes bright, face flushed, breathing ragged...
>Anon beckons her closer
>Cent blushes shyly, hesitates
>Anon thinks she is stuck trapped, offers to come help her get free
>Cent blushes harder...
Anon's funny embarrassing himym story.

>> No.43147956

There is a downside to using very generic species names.

>> No.43148008
Quoted by: >>43148058

All the MGE names are generic - Mermaids, Lamias, Pharoahs, Anubii - I always figured KC had just used standard English names in the translations.
Anyone read MGE in moonrunes? Are they the same?

>> No.43148016

Its canon that mamonos will deliberately go into the Tentacle Forests.

>> No.43148058
Quoted by: >>43148158

This isn't a unique problem it's just a very annoying one when characters are overshadowed by more popular franchises. Funnily enough Anubis has a lot of unrelated but essentially identical art.

>> No.43148076
File: 787 KB, 1660x1016, __gore_magala_shagaru_magala_and_chaotic_gore_magala_monster_hunter_and_1_more_drawn_by_milkpanda__556c0ce31ae151301b998ae45da69694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think they have dhampir-tier feuds?

>> No.43148158
File: 49 KB, 640x480, IMG Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43148184

Otoh any other similar female monstergirl art can be headcanoned as just being variant MGE girls - e.g. MonOisho and Monmusu girls, but even just generic Vamps Elfcels Mermaids etc

>> No.43148184

I liked that vampire but the only manga I could find of it was half translated into english at best. Shame, she was a fun girl.

>> No.43148316

more like dogs and cats like kissing me
srsly animals never run away from me,to most people when you come near a cat or dog or piegon they run away but not from me

>> No.43148442

Is there a fetish you hate out side of the obvious guro/scat/ntr/blacked/bleached?

>> No.43148467

Heavy emasculation/sissy
only thing worse than that is the 3d's that are into it
Also bleached?

>> No.43148503

I hate mindbreak. The idea of being fucked into loving it is super rapey and weird. It's basically a subgenre of bimboification at this point.

>> No.43148507

You forgot vore as an obvious
Other then that, mindbreak, regardless of gender.

>> No.43148523
Quoted by: >>43157084

Futa and Furry
>I'm here for girls not dicks, and monstergirls not animals
I dont mind monsterboys but I just ignore them as failed competition because their presence in some canons just reinforces that all monstergirls want the BHC

>> No.43148532

>Is there a fetish you hate out side of the obvious guro/scat/ntr/blacked/bleached?
BDSM and foot fetish.

>> No.43148544

abortion (yeah I know is a snuff subsection but its the tag that hides when you loof for preg stuff)
extreme femdom

>> No.43148553

Anything that's not anal/vaginal
I'm not even kidding, I skip every non-penetrative sex scene in games/VN/eromanga. It just feels so dumb and a waste of effort, only case when I can enjoy a handjob is nursing handjob because titty is so good

>> No.43148561
Quoted by: >>43148594

White Horn-san is pure! If you asked a flustered White Horn-san to pin you against a wall she wouldn’t know what to do!

>> No.43148594
Quoted by: >>43149429

She doesn't know to pin you against a wall? Silly deer.

>> No.43148696

Grimdark shit in monster girl settings. I couldn't play Monster Girl Quest, cause I genuine felt too bad for humanity in that setting. Both "God" and the monsters are pricks, and even ignoring their
purpose of serving as low tier fetish material like for vore. The monster girls are just crule and sadistic. There is some good stuff in the game, and it has some few not horrid characters. I just can't stand some of the weird shit, and the whole "coexistence" spiel after learning of the literal body counts of some of the main characters. A more personal gripe with certain fetishes overlapping with monster girl media, is how my love for Slime Girls, means having to filter tons of garbage tags like futa, genderbend and vore, anytime I search for new material. That and cheating/used goods which like why even have them as monstergirls at that point? Reality is plenty bleak enough.

>> No.43148701

I should just post link to that one work by uru and say NONE OF THAT

>> No.43148725

Gotta be honist if I its not my personal fantasy I dont get for used goods

>> No.43148727

at least you guys get girls
it's a bara dog for cu sith

>> No.43148779

Cu sith would be cool to friend. Not to lewd though.

>> No.43148785
Quoted by: >>43148869

>Grimdark shit in monster girl settings. I couldn't play Monster Girl Quest, cause I genuine felt too bad for humanity in that setting. Both "God" and the monsters are pricks
Oh god MGQ was so retarded about it, this idiotic hypocritical morality turned Luka into an insufferable monster apologist
>monsters kill humans and brag about it
>"t-they are just misunderstood, I'll depower her for 2 weeks and that will set her straight!"
>human extremists retaliate and kill monsters

>> No.43148816
Quoted by: >>43148961

lets say a monster species commits 50% of violent crimes despite being only 13% of the population
would you say that species is evil?

>> No.43148857
File: 67 KB, 680x529, 1680867314693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sithfags will not stop at 2
they will beg until KC draws everything up to 5

>> No.43148869

>why even have them as monstergirls at that point?
I might be going out on a limb here but my best is on the monster parts attached to the woman. Monster girl does not mean mge monster girl.
in fairness luka just hates killing. In the epilogue the other monster girls sentence everyone to life imprisonment if they think they aren't going to accept the big blanket pardon and most of the big names like the beelzebubs I think might just be dead. The game is bad at portraying it but I think it's implied everyone mostly got along before the ilias false flag attack

>> No.43148902

Have a scale to more modern sensibilities.

>> No.43148961

But 99% of MGE violent crimes are rapes.
The other 1% are public handholdings.

>> No.43149044

i want my wife to be an amorphous non-euclidean tesseract being living in the 4th dimension
something something harkness

>> No.43149205
Quoted by: >>43149419

>like why even have them as monstergirls at that point?
That's very weird statement. Do you think that monster girls have to be 100% reddit wholesome for people to find it arousing?

>> No.43149219
Quoted by: >>43149258

I want KC to make a level 3/4 girl just too see the mental breakdown people would have

>> No.43149258

a cait sith is already 4 if you took off her clothes
i always thought they stood up to your waist at most.
now how would KC manage to get a 5 off, that would be something to see.

>> No.43149283
Quoted by: >>43149308

>KC makes a dog with a animeface
>MGE fanbase commits collective suicide

>> No.43149303
File: 2.56 MB, 2400x2400, pondering_wan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those retard takes
>"teheee furry ecksdeee ebin troll"
Is there a /v/ thread up or what?

>> No.43149308
File: 159 KB, 960x1080, 1680869974228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a jinkenmen girl would probably work
no worse than a torsoless centaur.

>> No.43149366

>i always thought they stood up to your waist at most.
They are proportioned like lolis so it would be a good assumption.

>> No.43149419

well I don't find it arousing to listen to or read a girl rant about their previous partners. Recall a specific Dark Valkyrie script, which really turned me off due to it. I want to be the object of desire, not hear somebody else past affairs.

>> No.43149429

White Horn-san thinks kabedon is a fancy new dish at Selkie’s Diner, she doesn’t know lewd things

>> No.43149471

(you) are chosen to be a player in a pro CSGO tournament thanks to a lottery system that allows random viewers to take part
which 4 mamono do you put on your team?
automatons are banned due to aimbot

>> No.43149483

Four Kikis

>> No.43149499

is shogputer tournament legal? Otherwise, I might have some issues...

>> No.43149523

My buddy BJ (an Alp), my dog Daisy (Kobold) and the two random Elves I caught trying to give young boys candy in the park

>> No.43149525

all beelzebub for eyesight and reaction speed

>> No.43149532
Quoted by: >>43149664

Yeah, sure. I get that nobody here finds that arousing. Hell, most people in general don't find that arousing.
But saying "If they are gonna do that why would you have them as monster girls?" is still a very odd statement.
Like, do you legitimately not get it or are you just being facetious?

>> No.43149541
Quoted by: >>43149664

>arousing to listen to or read a girl rant about their previous partners
how do you get around incest then
your very existence requires it to be used goods

>> No.43149547
Quoted by: >>43149664

There is like one dude writing all these mge asmr scripts and sometimes he goes mask off and makes them degenerate.

>> No.43149590
File: 155 KB, 1224x1443, FtGVbysXwAE4WZz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a NATO compliant PDW? Oh no- Don't tell me your weapons and guns in general are some garbage Cold War-era Soviet Surplus garbage! Inherited ashitty Mosin from your Boomer grandpappy who sniped a Red Commie back in his Army days?"

>> No.43149605

is the phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range my automaton gf gave me when i found her in some ruins NATO compliant?

>> No.43149664

Previous anon asked for fetishes one dislikes, and my personal preference is not a selfish woman with some monster parts, but a ideal partner which I can trust to not hurt me (which happens to inclunde all the kinky monstergirl sex).
Some people have real siblings, and therfore don't find it erotic to fantasize about those sorts of things. I didn't talk about incest, I just meant the whole sloppy seconds thing, or the scenario of a "loving" wife settling for a new guy, which erodes the personal fantasy I have in mind.
I have noticed, some people must make all that they touch impure. Again, this is why I get so bogged down by the massive need for filters to avoid certain shit, and even more frustrated when it is not enough.

>> No.43149674
Quoted by: >>43149702

All lilim to make a horny aura so strong the enemy team is forced to forfeit.

>> No.43149702

You're going to turn the whole event into a monogamy orgy, idiot.

>> No.43149710
Quoted by: >>43149739

nato is for pussies

>> No.43149711

>my personal preference
That still doesn't answer my question. I know what you prefer but that's not what annoyed me.
But whatever, either your dodging the question or legitimately don't understand it so I won't bother.

>> No.43149713

fuck that, im getting colt monitor or the fn mdl D, then im going to figure out how to get a rotary clip on a double barrel boltaction and if possible an over-under so i can make the wolfslayer sniper rifle

>> No.43149739

t. Serbian Kiki

>> No.43149753

wife getting new guy also doesn't jive with me especially if she already has a child. no matter what you will be a third class parent since women imprint, even on a piece of shit the absentee would be more valued than you trying to parent because you weren't the donor.

>> No.43149789

Which monster girl would you go bowling with?

>> No.43149793

how do we defeat the vampire menace?

>> No.43149797


>> No.43149799


>> No.43149806


>> No.43149811

With peners.

>> No.43149821
Quoted by: >>43149839

marinate in garlic sauce for a week and then dump directly on a hot sunny beach

>> No.43149823
File: 394 KB, 406x458, goat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43149825

Probably any of them that know how to bowl or are willing to learn.
Its a pretty comfy game.

>> No.43149827
Quoted by: >>43149844

does it count as used goods if her previous man was (you) in a past life, again, and again, and again.

>> No.43149830
Quoted by: >>43151259


>> No.43149833
File: 1.76 MB, 3000x2000, doodled mgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gave me an idea
Also a bunch of other stuff...

>> No.43149839

whoops meant for >>43149793

>> No.43149843

With whips

>> No.43149844
Quoted by: >>43149876

Yeah. YOLO

>> No.43149856

>we wuz hellwan

>> No.43149859


>> No.43149861


>> No.43149870

top right needs more 4head

>> No.43149876
Quoted by: >>43149902

>being an atheist in a world where God and angels literally exist
for WHAT purpose

>> No.43149886

Don't like bowling but I'd sit and watch a snek do it.

>> No.43149902

Unless Eros herself comes down and tells me to get some bitches, I refuse to believe. Angels are probably just a type of monster pretending to be an agent of the divine.

>> No.43149936
Quoted by: >>43149952

I'm going to sex the lich.

>> No.43149948
Quoted by: >>43149982

but anon angels can literally cure lepers and made bread from nothing

>> No.43149951

Angels don't like people anyway so fat fucking chance

>> No.43149952

No, She's gonna make a shadow clone of herself and make you fuck it so she can figure out how much you can cum before giving you a potion so you'll perfectly fill her up before she lets you fuck her.

>> No.43149982

Demon magic probably.

>> No.43150045

>get quest to defeat the ratgirls under the tavern
>search until I find a rat girl hanging near the basement entrance and chase her around
>follow her until she's cornered
>to my shock, she leaps onto a tiny window and swiftly escapes
>before that, she looks behind me and says "all yours, don't forget to pay me later"
>I turn around in time to see the kiki barmaid locking the exit with a lewd expression
>get married and have 8 kids
many such cases, beware of beginner quests

>> No.43150162
File: 991 KB, 1838x1269, powermilk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's big cows

>> No.43150181
Quoted by: >>43150277

>tfw you and your monster girl wiife suck on the massive cow tits of the healer nun holst of the party
>she gets a breast milk addiction like me

>> No.43150190
Quoted by: >>43150243

There is a fox hidden in this image

>> No.43150243
File: 355 KB, 1300x1100, 313bf0b8d5cec99ddb1e0eb98e2290c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are everywhere, even in your walls

>> No.43150277
Quoted by: >>43150337

Fact: 95% of human-monster adventuring parties become harems within 6 months of being formed.

>> No.43150281

Monsters walking around with tits at head height are asking to be motorboated

>> No.43150337

yup but milk is what unites my harem together

>> No.43150387

A Kiki with beeg american tities.

>> No.43150408
File: 94 KB, 768x947, Wedding Succ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43150486


>> No.43150486
Quoted by: >>43150641

Are you sure that's a succubus and not a goat of some kind?

>> No.43150641
Quoted by: >>43150744

>among monsters succubi and demons having unique horns are seen as beautiful and elegant
>but humams just tease and laugh at them for looking like rams or cows

>> No.43150744

Hey, I'm just saying that if it bleats like a goat, eats cans like a goat and headbutts you like a goat...

>> No.43150899 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 1480x1690, Fq6r3R1X0AEV0Bt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and cheshire shall on the cow healers tits, as a joke hahah

>> No.43150961
Quoted by: >>43151036

i like dark settings
because i have a hero complex and want to save a mamono girl from nazi concentration camps by heroically assaulting the camp with my buddies instead of waiting for the tanks to arrive because they'll kill all the prisoners by the time support arrives

>> No.43150978
File: 341 KB, 1446x2048, Fmh1ITWaMAEjNBs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43150998
File: 212 KB, 1480x1690, chcococow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and cheshire shal suckl on the cow healers tits, as a joke hahah hah, no way we are addicted to her milk, no way.

>> No.43150999
Quoted by: >>43151027

why would you attack the good guys though?

>> No.43151007
File: 543 KB, 1653x2653, FtDkNPlX0AAg0V9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have sex with choco cow, i want to do it now

>> No.43151012

kek'd good greenie

>> No.43151027
Quoted by: >>43151036

because villains are more fun to be around

>> No.43151036

i was referring to>>43150961
why would he attack the camps of the good guys?

>> No.43151050

i stand by what i said

>> No.43151055

from my point of view the monsters are evil

>> No.43151101
File: 92 KB, 897x960, 72354131_532403827520246_9171494058894295040_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43151110
File: 147 KB, 408x484, 1636643906909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43151112

depends on if frontussy or bestiality

>> No.43151135

Second one for centaur daughteru. First one for rare chance of human son.

>> No.43151156
Quoted by: >>43151219

if men alp because of gay thoughts
amd gay thoughts are cured via shock therapy
if i tazer an alp, will it become a guy again

>> No.43151217
File: 2.30 MB, 958x1365, Gaira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Gaira, so new KC girl. This time, an arachne.

>> No.43151219

Nah, that's just how you get a alp with a shock fetish

>> No.43151226
Quoted by: >>43151243

it's a nice expression but i don't really like the anatomy around the hip area.
also who the fuck balances a tray like that?

>> No.43151234
File: 234 KB, 1075x862, 1623687738584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43151243

And thus did Anon Khan establish the units of ten thousand and appoint the leaders of the ten thousand; his daughters, and established the units of a thousand and appointed the leaders of the thousand; his granddaughters, and establish the units of the hundred and name the leaders of the hundred; his great-granddaughters, and establish the units of ten and appoint the leaders of the ten; his great-great-granddaughters.

>> No.43151236

I only see a cow

>> No.43151243

spiders do, theym have amazing balance
boring, imma make history myself by stealing the queen of dragonia

>> No.43151248

Didn't he say last Patreon questions that Gaira is in limbo in whether it's canon or not?

>> No.43151259

top kek

>> No.43151260

I'd go to three

I'd go to four

>> No.43151302
File: 1.32 MB, 1800x2300, 106949082_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43151327

>> No.43151326

i want to keep a slimegirl entirely inside my intestines
after taking a fast and cleaning up of course, i don't want her to get dirty.

>> No.43151327

Now I'm imagining slimes going back to water droplet form for transport and some cuddling.

>> No.43151347

I've seen like four of these comics before a single game update

>> No.43151361

turns out a cover page is a little simpler

>> No.43151370
Quoted by: >>43151429

>valkyrie stands in the middle of an Order city
>she shouts: "The Chief God can go suck a dick!"
>grabs a boy
>refuses to elaborate

>> No.43151382

pay up, western devil

>> No.43151429

>Tfw one day the cheif goddes wakes up an there is no holy tendies at her door
>She goes from her smelly neet cave and sees that all her angels have left her

>> No.43151464
File: 1.87 MB, 1700x2408, 1655833921250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43151474

Hairy worm, hairy worm! Her shitty rhymes make you squirm!

>> No.43151466
File: 663 KB, 724x1023, 1623506208573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43151474

cute ugly bug

>> No.43151498
File: 1.88 MB, 2700x2700, FtH25waagAAq2fR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer is almost upon us

>> No.43151504
File: 2.32 MB, 1200x904, 1fPxlAao_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43151574


>> No.43151509

nah, I'd rather buy a water-breathing-magic manual from this totally trustworthy not-a-mermaid salesperson and then march along the ocean floor to surprise the enemy coastline, surely our troops won't encounter any sea critters along the way, of course.

>> No.43151527

uh, oh no, I don't have any wish prepared... Can we just like, be friends?

>> No.43151551

cow nuns for all parties

>> No.43151574

I think I've yearned for women in these kinds of hats since I first saw Winry from FMA wearing one

>> No.43151580

the big floppy straw hat is something i also enjoy

>> No.43151600
Quoted by: >>43151664

for me it's the sundress

>> No.43151624
File: 233 KB, 873x1200, Gazer1493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the goo as a plus. I bet it improves skin and hair health, and also feels great.
Nightgaunt coating her husband in goo was what stood out most to me from her profile. I woul love Gazer to so something like that.

>> No.43151629
File: 891 KB, 4096x2637, Fm8BPvlXEAgjCbZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part about Spring is more monsters in tight baseball pants

>> No.43151664
File: 404 KB, 1280x1652, 1528001004400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the humble dress and sundress are unbeatable

>> No.43151682
Quoted by: >>43151708

Monsters fixes broken dicks

>> No.43151702
File: 288 KB, 723x723, 106954186_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how big you like your fairies?

>> No.43151708
File: 254 KB, 800x668, 1519101775640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43151722

He also forgot that a lot of monsters, if not all of them, have nursing and healing fetishes. The immediate thought from a monstergirl upon seeing a broken man is "I can fix him."

>> No.43151722

which mamonos see a broken man, and think "I can make him worse"?

>> No.43151724

what are the thread thoughts on?

>> No.43151727

Only the most ancient of evils.

>> No.43151735

no think
head empty

>> No.43151740
File: 77 KB, 633x606, questiongoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43153737


>> No.43151745
File: 801 KB, 777x1087, 106955420_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ms devil
the sabbath

>> No.43151763

Always be careful when handling cloth obtained from monster-friendly territories. Ittan-momen have a tendency to get mixed up with normal cloth while spacing out. Anything from clothes, curtains, a towel, or even your bedsheets might be one lying in wait.

>> No.43151766
File: 46 KB, 200x200, 1658682375395895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want hebi to mind break me.

>> No.43151789

You already are. Remember last week when you were talking about how much you hate hebis and that you would never marry one?

>> No.43151796

the nice thing about ms hebi is she'll take the time to build you back into something better afterwards

>> No.43151801
File: 362 KB, 1129x1600, 1528004000070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody got that pic of the holstaur getting denied sex over and over until she snaps? I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.43151810

I hate hebis and I would never marry one.

>> No.43151824
Quoted by: >>43151830

All I have is the uncensored version and I don't want to go on vacation.

>> No.43151830
Quoted by: >>43151933

There's an uncensored version?

>> No.43151862
File: 272 KB, 2048x1774, demon cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have cow in red

>> No.43151879
File: 504 KB, 696x826, 1528003997736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, found it.

April of 2012.

>> No.43151911
File: 1016 KB, 780x1320, cowe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43152052

this is why you should always touch the cow and do it now

>> No.43151933
File: 1.04 MB, 1085x1610, mud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43151945

Yeah, but the one I have saved I edited the man's skin to be lighter because I am not a pavement ape. You'd have to look around for the original, probably on the artist's twitter if they have one.

>> No.43151942

Honestly kind of disgusted by all the bovine-appropriation going on in this thread. Unless you are a holst, haku, or mino, you're not a cow. You're a poser in a piebald bikini. You will NEVER be able to lactate like a cow. Stop trying, it's embarrassing and tasteless.

>> No.43151945

Can't you just put mspaint pasties on her nips or something?

>> No.43151953
File: 580 KB, 1431x2048, FtADvIhacAARkdV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43151972

>> No.43151960
File: 1.75 MB, 2046x2894, hopping cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any monster can be a cow

>> No.43151972

old desert cow

>> No.43151983

I will impregnate this hopper!

>> No.43152028

>sad ushi noises

>> No.43152052
Quoted by: >>43152092

hair covering the eyes always makes me rock hard

>> No.43152061
File: 120 KB, 944x1092, Kikifast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43152064
Quoted by: >>43152145

I am uncomfortably erect thinking about MGs in tight baseball gear hitting dingers out of the park.

>> No.43152072
File: 277 KB, 780x1035, FD1363B0-9CA4-49CF-9621-0F54A494CBD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you stop a succubus home invasion?

>> No.43152075 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1037x1500, SHED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43152088


>> No.43152092

Same, I like it better when it’s the mirror maiden, headdress and blindfold

>> No.43152094

Only four? I thought they are monthly

>> No.43152125 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43152190

if you have a cat it will bat at their tail and the succubus will become uncomfortable and leave

>> No.43152145

I'm more concerned with being erect from playing pitcher and having the monster catcher make lewd gestures for pitch selection

>> No.43152153


>> No.43152155
File: 407 KB, 1280x720, 106718820_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43152167

>> No.43152167

This is awful

>> No.43152190
Quoted by: >>43152199

Cait sith proves herself the best and defends her territory once again. Aren't you grateful?

>> No.43152199

>pinches behind her neck and throws her outside

>> No.43152261

Give me ALL of the mob faced hags you have in Hagvile.

>> No.43152263
File: 112 KB, 316x338, 6885fbb12e6a4df14c6c077bb024bd9b1cff26fb_s2_n2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43152266
Quoted by: >>43152278

prove it, give me the biggest foxcow you have.
the flavor is up to you.

>> No.43152267
File: 1.07 MB, 3000x2296, 1680645510166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew my wife gyobu

>> No.43152278
File: 81 KB, 617x847, cow ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43152282

Imagine this, but with 5 cows instead

>> No.43152318

I'm going to kick your waifu in the dick!

>> No.43152333
File: 721 KB, 1066x1200, cowwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someones just tossing bait
now look at this cow, isnt she cute

>> No.43152335
File: 336 KB, 1024x1480, 1674096187227853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43152382

Nooo, don't assimilate me, haha. I certainly don't want to be stuck perpetually in your body while you pleasure every milimeter of my body until my mind breaks.
I certainly hope you won't go around making my head peek out from your body and make me ahegao in front of others. Haha, that would be terrible.

>> No.43152344
Quoted by: >>43152886

I drew and posted a foxhag back then but she doesn't have a mob face...
nice, what is she drinking?

>> No.43152362
File: 1.27 MB, 2304x2533, werewurm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43152472

got you

>> No.43152374

big nun

>> No.43152382

This nigga wants to become absorbed by, and therefore become part of a girl! What a loser!

>> No.43152397

Seeing this Saibawoman had me thinking: Is it considered incest if you wife a plant you've grown? Sure, you didn't make the seed, but you did nurture the plant girl into adulthood like a parent would.

>> No.43152442

>ask an automaton what her biggest dream is
>she says in her flat monotonous tone that her ultimate wish is to marry her master, get impregnated by him and then experience the joys of motherhood
Stupid machines, they think they can get pregnant lol robots can't get pregnant. Why are automatons so dumb? And nobody is going to marry a robot either that'd be like marrying a toaster. Robots only exist to be tools.

>> No.43152472
Quoted by: >>43152485

dork lim, gonna take her out on a date and watch her cute ears wiggle

>> No.43152485

she is the dork one of the whole family

>> No.43152493 [SPOILER] 
File: 507 KB, 1200x1400, Gazer43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43152581
Quoted by: >>43152600

It's flatfish friday

>> No.43152600

get kuu'd on

>> No.43152651

Don't bully Automatons, they mean well.

>> No.43152662
Quoted by: >>43152671

I'm going to impregnate that automaton

>> No.43152671
Quoted by: >>43152686

You can't knock a machine up.

>> No.43152678

Kakuens can double jump.

>> No.43152680

Someone get that Troll out of the sun before it's too late

>> No.43152682
Quoted by: >>43152693

re-enacting gachi scenes with my bros (alp)

>> No.43152686
Quoted by: >>43152701

Not with that attitude

>> No.43152693

I would have sex with and Alp, maybe impregnate her and even take responsibility as a joke

>> No.43152701

>blow your load into an automaton
>nothing happens
>2 months and still no baby
What's the next step of your master plan?

>> No.43152708


>> No.43152709
Quoted by: >>43152739

go to the local hobby store and pick a model out with my wife

>> No.43152739

That's not impregnation if the baby didn't come from the Automaton herself.
Robofuckers lose again. You will NEVER impregnate a robot.

>> No.43152749
File: 817 KB, 850x742, 1624909552818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can if they have the right modifications.

>> No.43152754
Quoted by: >>43152762

WTF, I thought I was replaying to >>43152739.

>> No.43152762

WTF is wrong with me today?

>> No.43152766

>gay men when their twink bf alps (this is the 5th one this month)

>> No.43152769
Quoted by: >>43152774

>modifications for a gestation chamber allowing the automaton to birth human children costs more than all the life savings you've ever had tripled so you'll never be able to afford it
Checkmate again robofucker.

>> No.43152774

as an european this would be free

>> No.43152780

Big dumb innocent monsters are thus the best.

>> No.43152837

>tfw anon doens not know that automatons make automatons

>> No.43152847
Quoted by: >>43152883

Need cunnymaton

>> No.43152872

Strong disagree. It's all about synergy
>Big Dumb Innocent
>Small Smart Lewd
I have an aversion to big smart lewd and small dumb innocent.

>> No.43152882
File: 324 KB, 1346x2048, Fpvb1MwaUAEkoR7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are many viable builds

>> No.43152883
Quoted by: >>43152917

I hate early access versions because then I'm not really excited for 1.0 launch after so much time.

>> No.43152886


>> No.43152904

>>Small Smart Lewd
Sounds like correction is urgently needed.

>> No.43152914


>> No.43152917

Small chassis versions are great

>> No.43152946
Quoted by: >>43153021

there's no way that ferris wheel is osha compliant

>> No.43152967

How enraged would your Kiki and Shog maids be if they found out the reason you aren't giving them "special" attention is because you've actually been fapping furiously to magazines you get from your secret subscription to Slutty Satyros' Girls Weekly whenever you lock yourself up in your bedroom?

>> No.43153021
Quoted by: >>43153041

Now I realized that post-portals, all the safety laws would be modified to include performing sexual acts.

>> No.43153041

The meaning of "safe sex" would also change quite drastically I think

>> No.43153052

so, how busty is she once she takes it off? should I be afraid?

>> No.43153059

What in the world would possess a man to pay for playboy magazines of mamono when he lives in a world surrounded by them???
Kiki and Shog should beat the hell out of this idiot for being a paypig.

>> No.43153091
File: 873 KB, 4096x3350, Wtf1LQ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43153097

i like when ms hebi is smiling

>> No.43153101

inside of you there are 2 hebis
they both love you

>> No.43153108

>when he lives in a world surrounded by them???
He's scared of being rejected? He doesn't think he's capable of being a good partner? He just wants to be alone? There are a lot of reasons a guy might just want to keep doing the same jerk off and stay inside shit people are doing right now.

>> No.43153142
Quoted by: >>43153192

Who unleashed the kurohebi? She ought to remain sealed.

>> No.43153183

Kiki and Shog would never beat their master, they would instead discard those filthy magazines and show him he has no need of them when he has Kiki and Shog by showing him the night of his life.

>> No.43153192
File: 330 KB, 1464x2048, E1qgRYzVUAM2_xm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43153238

hebi are meant to be free

>> No.43153207
File: 100 KB, 260x293, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43153238

>> No.43153208

i like my fairies with big tits but fairy-sized torsos
just flying boobs and onaholes for me to use (and they like being used)

>> No.43153237
File: 166 KB, 850x1202, 1668272118859586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pet your awoos.

>> No.43153238

I hate hebis! I hate evil women! I hate monster girls! I will NOT be happy!

>> No.43153263
Quoted by: >>43153272

What's the maximum age a man can hope to reach before Monsters make his virginity expire?

>> No.43153272

depends on how many older sister and mommy monsters are around

>> No.43153276

Anon at this rate YandereDev will finish his game before KC.

>> No.43153304

>concern trolling over the game again
Why are cuckolds like this? Are they still mad over their fetish getting the treatment it deserves?

>> No.43153333
File: 1.10 MB, 1900x2495, 106906575_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43153344

I'm not a cuckold you quadroon, I'm just of the opinion that with all of his projects, the DMCA bullshit, and the breadth of girls he's adding to the game it'll be a long fucking time ( if ever ) before the game fully comes out. For the last goddamned time, I fucking hate NTR.

>> No.43153343
Quoted by: >>43153369

Is it really trolling at this point? Last actual content update was over a year ago. I'm just really annoyed that KC can't seem to make the game or just call it quits and just cancel it so he can go back to making profiles like he seems to want.

>> No.43153345
File: 235 KB, 1300x1200, 1553041216748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43153362

But Small Dumb Innocent is the second best after Small Smart Lewd

>> No.43153356
File: 239 KB, 1037x844, 1987462834995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

\\ beep \\ boop \\ i love you \\

>> No.43153357

Disappointed Kiki beats her Mashtah.
>be Anon
>wake up next morning hands tied to bedposts
>disappointed Kiki dumps pile of PlayCow and PentHebi magazines onto the bed
>slowly starts jacking Mashtah's D
>an hour later Mashtah is finally allowed to coom
>Kiki fastidiously licks it all up
>Kiki caringly spoonfeeds Mashtah her restorative chicken soup
>Kiki starts slowly jacking the D again
>three days later Mashtah is untied so he can stagger out to the trashcan and dump his unwanted magazines
>dutiful Kiki returns to cleaning the house as if nothing ever happened

>> No.43153360
Quoted by: >>43153401

I get that shitting on KC for the game slowness is one of the favorite shitposting tactics of our resident vermin, but this is really getting ridiculous at this point.
Just throw the towel completely or hand over the project to someone experienced with RPG maker, fuck.

>> No.43153362

Why are her panties down? ...why is her hand buried in her crotch?

>> No.43153369

Fan poll gives Zipangese Salariman a task, task continues even though worker is overburdened.
>the reason we wait for the Portals to open

>> No.43153372

Because Anon just got lucky?

>> No.43153375
Quoted by: >>43153384

Funny how the second you point out very obvious concern trolling you get swarmed by a pack of retards all using the same language that's been used ever since Wightfag got slapped for being a retard. How curious...

>> No.43153382
File: 1.77 MB, 2650x1500, 1674579765686220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pure, innocent, cinnamon bun elf knight agrees to bodyguard you while passing through dark elf territory
>have to wear a collar and a leash to get through unmolested
>she is embarrassed at first but seems to enjoy the idea way too much by the end

>> No.43153384
Quoted by: >>43153389

>Say something retarded
>People point out what you said is retarded
>"Wow! How curious people are telling me I'm stupid. Must be [insert bogyman of the week]"
Look, you said something stupid, people are fed up with KC not posting actual content but also being to stubborn to give up and make what he likes instead. That's it.

>> No.43153389
Quoted by: >>43153407

Yeah I guess you and a couple other discordfaggots constantly circlejerking the same exact shit every couple of days counts as "people".

>> No.43153392
File: 669 KB, 1200x1877, Fl9X-PUXoAMrEKQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43153395

Clothing mishap in combat and she's covering herself up

>> No.43153401

Similarly to Wikifag and his problems with QC, KC really needs to either get a team or hand off the reins to the project to an experienced RPG Maker. He's almost, ironically, like the George Lucas of his own project because rather than starting small he wants to start massively and then get stuck not doing shit he actually enjoys.

All while people like me on an obscure Latvian corkboard website shit on his poor time management.

>> No.43153407

What the fuck are you on about, anon?
Whatever, seems like you already made up your mind so I guess I'm the idiot for trying to talk to you.

>> No.43153411

>Take a detour through Order territory
>The master has become the pet

>> No.43153412

should have gotten a dragon Knight

>> No.43153414

Gonna go to a graveyard owned by a Lich at night and make exaggerated reactions to her Zombie minions there confused at what the hell I'm doing pointing in their faces and screaming and thrashing my camera around so I can upload the video of it to Youtube later as "DON'T GO TO HAUNTED GRAVEYARD AT 3AM! I GOT ATTACKED BY ZOMBIES?!" with a clickbait thumbnail and get millions of views and Youtube moneys.

>> No.43153448

>Eventually get caught by the Lich's Ghouls that are sick of you making fun of their Zombie sisters
>Forced to make a live stream of you admitting your videos were fake and you were just terrorizing innocent women with you personally apologizing to every minion the Lich has raised
>Stream ends with the Lich calling you her dullard husband and making out with you as her minions film it like a parody of your previous videos
>After that the channel turns into a daily life vlog channel where Anon or random minions record the daily life of being in a Lich's army.
>Lich's videos are glorified video diaries of her trying to make you like her more

>> No.43153458
Quoted by: >>43153505

Undead Mamono would have it the worst in a world where youtube exists
>video is a guy trespassing on a liches property and running away pretending to be scared when the camera pans to her
>video is guy faking a ritual with candles and salt and then opening the door to his apartment to see his vampire neighbor getting home at night and then slamming the door
>DON'T STAY 24 HOURS AT HAUNTED HOTEL! (I got a ghost blowjob!)
>thumbnail is a wisp lunging at the camera

>> No.43153461
File: 1.49 MB, 1229x1700, fad43273fa0aa568bccd3eac9a3472e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43153467
Quoted by: >>43153486

Fluffy feather wrists on balls HJs are best HJs
>in the Maido Academy training manual the topic is written as "Master-baiting"

>> No.43153485

Foolish Anon, how can you hide pr0n under the bed when your Shoggy is the bed?

>> No.43153486

I sure hope the curriculum for maids in waiting that aren't kikis is just as stringent.

>> No.43153492
File: 529 KB, 1334x2048, 1655205723417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to kiss the gang of delinquent gators, one by one

>> No.43153495
Quoted by: >>43153516

>video is man playing a random n64 game and having his Phantom wife secretly corrupt the tv screen and graphics
>1.4M+ views

>> No.43153504
File: 713 KB, 1269x1800, 3700 PSI of EXTRA T H I C C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crocodilian girls are dangerous.

>> No.43153505
Quoted by: >>43153566

>Undead Rights groups claiming said videos are discriminatory in nature and should be punishable by rape.
>Queen Wight makes a formal statement that single human men entering her country with a video camera will be detained on sight

>> No.43153513
Quoted by: >>43153523

Your bedroom is not a fucking zoo, do not mingle with animal girls

>> No.43153514

I'm not gonna let some big dumb cajun lizards bully me because I lived in the city

>> No.43153515

>gangbang porn
You can kill yourself for posting this.

>> No.43153516
Quoted by: >>43153535

>I drank the CHESHIRE POTION at 3AM and THIS happened! (Not Clickbait) [REAL]

>> No.43153522
File: 654 KB, 1284x1521, 1680667100754974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gators fear the Crocodile.

>> No.43153523

Well, a bit late for that, got a whole pack of werewolves sleeping in my bed right now

>> No.43153535

>it's just a special brand of beverage owned by a Cheshire that teleports the closest single cheshire next to you
>video is just Anon doing a taste review of the drink while the Cheshire tries begging for a sip since it's her favorite flavor

>> No.43153537
File: 736 KB, 2127x4096, 1676041517720991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be best to steer clear of them, they can be very rude and grumpy.
Florida is full of mean gators walking around the place.

>> No.43153545
Quoted by: >>43153554

Jokes on them they can't bite you if you're too busy keeping their mouth shut with a big ol' french kiss.

>> No.43153547

Hit the gym, lady.

>> No.43153554

>Crocodilian girls are extremely smug (just like how real ones look , actually) because their hubby is constantly frenching them
powerful girls indeed

>> No.43153559
Quoted by: >>43153570

meanwhile gharials and caimans are just happy when you remember them

>> No.43153563

i don't even know what is the difference

>> No.43153564

>gator attacks a man
>turns out it's THE Florida man
>"you tried to rape me? well you're my bitch now"
task failed successfully

>> No.43153566
Quoted by: >>43153584

>enter undead country with a pair of glasses that have an inbuilt camera
>they don't suspect a thing
>don't even seem to question why I'm wearing these simple "sunglasses" at night time
Heh, time to film some clickbait. Wight palace, here I come.

>> No.43153570
Quoted by: >>43153585

>gharials and caimans
Gharial girls would probably be lanky tall girls while Caiman girls would be shortstacks or something especially if they’re dwarf caiman girls.

>> No.43153571
File: 124 KB, 1017x1714, 1670536411359736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crocodilians just keep getting bigger as they get older, so I imagine Hagigators and Hagodiles are very big and extremely dangerous

>> No.43153584

>Wight's daughter turns out to be a huge tech junkie and can spot your glasses out right away
>Says that she won't rat you out if you let her suck your dick
>Surely nothing can go wrong, right?

>> No.43153585

>tease a Dwarf Caiman for being short
>next day she brings her Black Caiman cousin
you are in for a rape, do not bully the 'dilians

>> No.43153586

>"Now you vill not needz zhoze filzhy magazinez, Mashtah, you cans puts zhem in zhe trazh."
>the Kiki takes the empty soup bowl and leaves
>Anon staggers to his feet, scoops up the magazines, and staggers out to the trashbin on the curb
>Anon slowly returns to his front door
>Anon looks down, his pyjama pants are soaked in sweat, his licked clean abs are now a rockhard sixpack, his D hanging out has increased inches in length and girth from its tortuous corrective workout
>Anon slogs slowly across the room, mentally and physically wrecked like he has just run a Marathon... up Everest...
>in the kitchen Anon hears the Kiki maido humming some little tune
>Anon steps unsteadily towards the kitchen door
>Anon's Kiki maido is leaning over over the kitchen bench to clean dust off the window-sill, her short maido skirt lifting up to show her plain white cotton pantsu, the thin marerial pressing into the plump folds of her sweet pure Kiki-pussy...
>the Kiki pretends she hasn't noticed as Anon steps behind her, but her tail lifts slightly
The Maido Academy records many such successful porn-addiction cures

>> No.43153591
File: 829 KB, 1312x2000, 1607116292033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adventurer, please keep your distance from the Nile Crocodiles, they are too strong for you as you are now.

>> No.43153596
Quoted by: >>43153629

>Meanwhile, in MG Australia
>"Come on Anon, it's your turn to feed Big Cassia!"

>> No.43153606

>Hardcut to Anon happily playing with the Nile Crocs
>Turns out they were just grumpy because of the Pharaoh telling men they were scary and shouldn't be messed with

>> No.43153618
Quoted by: >>43153634

I want to pet one. Would you provide a training regimen so I can get strong enough?

>> No.43153629

What happens to the Anon who goes to Africa in search of the MG-equivalent of Gustave?

>> No.43153634
Quoted by: >>43153644

>Anon joins the oiled wrestling club full of scary croc women.
Afterwards he will actually be a lot stronger.

>> No.43153644

Damn, I was hoping I could trick the Anubis into sending me on the world's most efficient training arc.

>> No.43153665
File: 35 KB, 481x680, 15436356434534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43153728

I'm going to lick the pharaoh and tell her she tastes like dark chocolate.

>> No.43153712
Quoted by: >>43153720

Are their tails fat?
Do they have pudge?

>> No.43153720

fat all over, but especially their tails, anon
if they let those relax the ground quakes and the floorboards are gonna break

>> No.43153728
Quoted by: >>43153760

but I have authority anxiety

>> No.43153733

I just laughed my ass off imaging the
>jesus wept
scene from Hellraiser, except his face was being sucked on by manticore tails and no gore.
I though you guys wanted to know.

>> No.43153737


>> No.43153739

Nobody gives a shit about your faggy blog.

>> No.43153740
Quoted by: >>43153764

>Randomly bring up Hellraiser
Fuck off soggy shoggy

>> No.43153760

I hate all power structures. I want to live alone with my wife beholden to no lilim/god/baphomet

>> No.43153762

should Crocodilia have a louisiana or aussie accent?

>> No.43153764
Quoted by: >>43153822

Is soggy shoggy just another name for shoggocks now or is this a new person, for I’ve been in and out of the threads as of late since I’ve been busy with other things.

>> No.43153768


>> No.43153771

Yes. Better yet, combine the two so her husband and other gators are the only ones able to understand her. Make hatters blush.

>> No.43153776
File: 3.55 MB, 1814x3663, 1665435345602574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no tall wight sugar mommy with big milkers to come pick you up
life sucks

>> No.43153788
Quoted by: >>43153798

>chilling in your parents basement
>suddenly mom shouts for you and says you're coming with this lady
I just wanted to play vidya

>> No.43153798
Quoted by: >>43153823

She has two of that new graphics card you wanted in her car.

>> No.43153806

>wearing THAT dress

>> No.43153823

What if I don't want the GPU's but I want to cuddle a lot?

>> No.43153822
Quoted by: >>43153933

it is but that name got run into the ground hard last month when everyone was accused of being him.

>> No.43153842
Quoted by: >>43153871

>physical contact with mamono
that is obviously not a problem. just don't be surprised if it doesn't end at hugs

>> No.43153846
Quoted by: >>43153916

Then you can use the parts as space heaters while you sit in her lap and play Halo Souls or whatever the human boys are into these days.

>> No.43153871
Quoted by: >>43153891

>mamono is getting a bit too close to you
>decide to shove her away and call her a weirdo
>she now declares you her husband
>start hitting her in the face to get her to let go

>> No.43153891

>mamono decides to pacify you, by using her nipple as a pacifier and shoves it in your mouth
>you discover the wonders of nursing handjob and stop struggling
monsters are OP, please nerf

>> No.43153912
File: 504 KB, 1020x1200, Kitsune-Tsuki - Blep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43153916

>play games while sitting on big mamonos lap
>she occasionally rubs her cheek against the top of your head
>you respond by leaning up and kissing her cheek

>> No.43153933

Isn’t he into snuff or something because I was going through the archives to find more information about him to see what this guy was about and that was one of the things being said though I was getting tired when I got to that part so I might’ve misread.
Then the other thing mostly being said in the archives he doesn’t make stories or at least not anymore and just complains most of the time now.
So I guess if snuff is being mentioned a lot it probably is him trying to start things up again.

>> No.43153935
File: 197 KB, 850x1133, 7a05db777fba1d98c0f9e4277585b07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to tease primitive monsters for using sticks and rocks for weapons

>> No.43153941

You actually gave me an amusing idea for a throw away Sobek fan profile. The most ancient members of their race being large enough to palm an adult man's head and carry him off to the marriage tent.

>> No.43153972
File: 541 KB, 878x1400, 97228151_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43153979
File: 934 KB, 797x1080, 65357a9f72a5cbcb0f9e8edf5fc4257d0c1cc0bac70ed94726438dd5c3d0c629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43153990
Quoted by: >>43154040

This thread has so many trolls you shouldn't bother trying to figure out which is doing it at the time.

>> No.43153998

Accidentally tripping while walking with Wight-chan!
The only thing your hand grabs in an attempt to break your fall is her dress!
Tearing Wight-chan's dress off and exposing her underwear!
In front of all her Undead servants too!

>> No.43154013

Dunno about the snuff but he has an autistic obsession with Hellraiser.

>> No.43154030
File: 508 KB, 1593x2048, 1674364320809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154089

if you're going to be a mommyfag could you at least put more than a few minutes' work into stringing your sentences together

>> No.43154038

>grabbing the dress and getting yourself labeled a pervert instead of taking the fall and getting fawned and doted over
you didn't think that one through

>> No.43154039
File: 246 KB, 669x724, yosh yosh master - you did well today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154110

Do you think a vidya streamer waifu would use her husband like some streamers use pets?
The face camera is just a live feed of me napping on her lap, and all the MGs in chat donate for her to scratch my head?

>> No.43154040

>This thread has so many trolls
Vast majority of shitposting can be traced to a maximum of 3 obsessed morons. I won't name them because (in)famy is what they desire, but it's not like /mgt/ is swarming with trolls. It's nowhere near as organic as they want you to believe and the repeatable patterns become noticeable once you spend enough time here.

>> No.43154049

Implying Wight wears any

>> No.43154057
File: 269 KB, 1865x1681, Wight - Blep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154152

She might! You never know.

>> No.43154089
Quoted by: >>43154119


>> No.43154099

As a professional underwear thief, I can confirm that wights and other undead nobles maintain massive lingerie collections

>> No.43154110
File: 528 KB, 977x674, 1503969318393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154114

>I just want to watch my waifu play Ishin
>She keeps reading superchats about how cute I am
>Answering questions about my favorite things and how we met
>Get a request for me to say hello and wave at the camera
>Chat goes wild when I start blushing
Damn, single MGs are thirsty

>> No.43154114

If think that's bad, try being a single male streamer with a wife cam that just shows an empty bed

>> No.43154119
Quoted by: >>43154142

And as sure as that annoying faggot will post that fox pic, his miserable, equally faggotlike, taint-sucking jester will follow, cheerily chiming
like we don't already fucking know

>> No.43154128
Quoted by: >>43154171

I want to feel all fuzzy by flaunting my relationship in front of the world, not get an Eros strike force dispatched to my house.

>> No.43154142
Quoted by: >>43154157

>trying to distract from retards posting vtubers outside of /vt/

>> No.43154149

If I was ever a streamer in a world full of monster girls I'd make sure I had a primarily male audience.

>> No.43154152

Her husband would find out on a regular basis.

>> No.43154157
Quoted by: >>43154161

/jp/ doesn't have reddit mods, faggot. >>r/monstergirls

>> No.43154161

I'd rather not talk about the place you came from.

>> No.43154162
File: 129 KB, 1021x851, 5823421048344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

automatons make very capable nannies

>> No.43154171

You can get that after the Eros swatting but the flirting from chat before that happens is easily worth a broken front door and a trip to the local church.

>> No.43154179

Consider loli Wight underwear
Thick monster children in full lingerie

>> No.43154181
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x3000, 767b95c3e8a00b40c383496f8c5831b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Welcome child of man, what brings you to the Church on this day?"

>> No.43154187

Please keep your gook gacha to /vg/.

>> No.43154190

to find the biggest and strongfat angel

>> No.43154198

I came for milk. I mean the Lord's milk. I mean the Lord's love.

>> No.43154199
File: 381 KB, 837x560, you idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154205

Please take your meds, or failing that a whole bottle of painkillers mr. schizo.

>> No.43154205
Quoted by: >>43154211

Hm, apologies then. With faggots posting those Blue Archive girls I jumped the gun since the halo looked a bit similar then.

>> No.43154208

Would you dress up in cosplay for your waifu's vidya stream?

>> No.43154210
File: 379 KB, 1588x2048, EzTuRU4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154232

does it make you feel nice knowing that you've got a personal guardian angel out there, looking out for you? don't screw up too bad, or she'll have to come down here and put you back on the right path herself!

>> No.43154211
Quoted by: >>43154232

I find it funnier that you are making a fuss about designs so generic you cannot even tell where they came from.

>> No.43154214
Quoted by: >>43154226

>there is holy barrier around her tits
why does god deny me my holy milk?

>> No.43154215
File: 1.26 MB, 1032x1050, IB7rupIx_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something seems wrong with my valkyrie is there something I need to do to fix her?

>> No.43154216
File: 522 KB, 936x1200, Gazer575_いぬまとリ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord what bakas these ningen be

>> No.43154225

some people have it easy

>> No.43154226
Quoted by: >>43154236

That's a holy antigravity field, a reward to the faithful to prevent their heavy, divine breasts from weighing them down. Milk if thou wilt, child.

>> No.43154232
Quoted by: >>43154721

You know what? Fuck you and fuck any apology you would have gotten. The only thing you nigger faggots deserve is more pushback until you cancerous fucking tumors are finally gone.

>> No.43154233
Quoted by: >>43154248

Thinking about them Gazer butts.

>> No.43154236
Quoted by: >>43154240

>no sag
fucking worse, i like my tits with sags, and weight, i want them to be able to snap bras and ass cheeks enough to snap normal panties

>> No.43154240

The sag is still there, they're just being held up. Ask her to do some jumping jacks for the chief god or something, you'll see. I bet it'd go away when she's sinning anyway.

>> No.43154248
File: 2.61 MB, 1500x2000, Gazer301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a lot to take in

>> No.43154256
Quoted by: >>43154276

Made for spanking.

>> No.43154261

Just about the only thing I have to complain about these days is the lack of an official Balrog profile or Malef not being public yet for reasons unknown. Not into snuff or whatever other myriad of other fetishes have been pinned on me either since NTR fags are as bad if not worse than furries. Only fuckers worse are the unironic paedophiles.

>> No.43154273
File: 199 KB, 518x368, 1676071051521337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd totally smear some peanut butter on that then take a bite of it

>> No.43154276 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.49 MB, 3977x5579, gazer greenopi 2 cens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154385

Made for vigorously spanking with your own hips and groin region.

>> No.43154286
File: 796 KB, 1872x4096, 1679328783235792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lingere foks

>> No.43154295

>gazer's black ooze slimes off her body
>"This armor made to contain my overwhelming power has been broken..."
>she's just naked now

>> No.43154324

I'd bully a lich. Not out because I have feelings for her or anything, but because she's a nerd!

>> No.43154344
File: 174 KB, 904x1134, 106963503_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you prayed today?

>> No.43154352

Why should I? Eros has done nothing for me.

>> No.43154354

Sorry miss I haven’t, also shouldn’t you be more covered?

>> No.43154358
File: 380 KB, 1000x665, 1673956773862945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does masturbating while thinking of the Fallen God count?

>> No.43154369

>Anon was later raped by the Lich as her minions hold him down

>> No.43154385
File: 616 KB, 1130x1400, 1639714201781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154423

>Made for vigorously spanking with your own hips and groin region.
Same but with other tiny pale girls with huge butts.

>> No.43154386
File: 57 KB, 450x273, Lich - Idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154412

Liches have feelings too, you know.

>> No.43154389

I worshipped the pharaoh's thighs, does that count?

>> No.43154406
File: 306 KB, 561x431, 1611901832682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kero Kero Rero Rero

>> No.43154407

i like that size because it's huggable

>> No.43154412

But that lich stole my first kiss! She deserves every bit of bullying I give her.

>> No.43154413
File: 338 KB, 784x1200, Lich - Mild Shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Portals open.
> Lots of weird shit happens immediately.
> Slows down eventually as mamono stop flooding the zone with horny single ladies.
> But weird shit even for mamono does keep happening.
> For example, single male chess players all over the world are suddenly disappearing after they lose a game of online chess.
> Turns out that while liches are very smart, they completely misunderstand what www.lichess.org actually stands for.

>> No.43154422
Quoted by: >>43154429

Made for hate sex.

>> No.43154423
File: 584 KB, 2400x2000, Lich781_Gazer_Skai_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154435


>> No.43154429
File: 1.56 MB, 3534x4974, 9b57d40420fa0dfc09d4c7c16f08e364b9326e651f325758bb36a70f9366c451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154455

Made for love sex

>> No.43154435
Quoted by: >>43154454

Gayzer appropriating undead culture by wearing naked cape? Why am I not surprised?

>> No.43154448

What if I don't like Liches and want to fuck one?

>> No.43154455
Quoted by: >>43154460

Made for loving hate sex?

>> No.43154454

how many undead wear naked capes

>> No.43154460
File: 1.93 MB, 2396x2969, 1604080543237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154487

Made for loving love sex

>> No.43154463
File: 465 KB, 1948x1504, IMG_4514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>o-ojamashimasu, sadako desu

>> No.43154467

I like to imagine my face just getting assaulted by her thick, slimy, frog tongue, covering it with warm, thick, sticky saliva.

>> No.43154468

If she can fit her tits through my screen, they're not big enough!

>> No.43154487

Made for loving love sex that was previously hate sex!

>> No.43154490
File: 1.87 MB, 1652x2285, 32e2dc0def70c37953633d67aa3cdbde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair over the eyes has a powerful effect on me

>> No.43154493

Get a haircut, hippie!

>> No.43154496

Oh, if I could draw, I'd draw that.
> Oppai Ghost tries to assault you.
> Tits get stuck in the TV.
> She pouts at you, "Get a bigger television so I can rape you, Anon!"

> New TV arrives.
> WAY bigger.
> That night, Miss Ghost tries to go through
> She's just proportionately larger on the new TV--still gets stuck.
> But now her tits are each the size of a bean bag chair.
"I shoulda gone bigger."
> Miss Ghost's anger allows her to burst through the TV, destroying it!
> Anon raped by 15' tall ghost for a week straight.

>> No.43154514
File: 209 KB, 1419x1053, fishface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43154526
File: 291 KB, 1600x1200, QvmRWMua_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43154532

Hey! Get out of the water, you're scaring the fish away!

>> No.43154550

Being furiously jerked off by nerdwan as she explains why I should care about her model train set!

>> No.43154552

>be archaeologist snooping around ancient civilization's ruins in the desert
>find the jackpot of technological ancient masterpieces
>hulking power armor
>literally 15 feet tall
>strong enough to punch down a building with one hand
>capable of surviving submerged inside a volcano
>equipped with huge arm mounted laser cannon and neutronium missile launchers
>more powerful than any mamono or your money back guaranteed
>it still has power and turns on
>get inside and fly off at supersonic speeds through the sky
>got an idea, gonna give those filthy Anubis guards who raped me the other day some pay back for what they did
>fly down and land in front of them at Pharaoh's palace
>power armor's speakers amplify my voice to sound booming and terrifying
>point laser cannon at them and the barrel starts lighting up with a red glow
>Head Anubis guard raises her eyebrow
>mfw she throws a little water on the power armor
>mfw the water seeps past the torso armor plates and to the core
>mfw it short circuits and shuts down
>mfw the suit auto ejects me right into the middle of the pack of Anubis guards
>mfw they all rape me again
Why the fuck didn't the ancients make their shit water-tight and sealed?!
This isn't fucking fair! Why can it survive lava but not a fucking cup of water?!?!!?!?
Now Pharaoh took my cool power armor and put it in her museum and I'm still getting raped by her Anubis guards!!!

>> No.43154570

It was probably made during a drought.

>> No.43154582
Quoted by: >>43154644

Look at this way, now that you've graciously donated the mech suit to Pharaoh she can paint it gold and personally pilot it herself to initiate total Ap*phis destruction so some good did come of your rape anon! The world has moved past the need for grape snakes anyway.

>> No.43154587
File: 1.06 MB, 1381x1851, Fk2xVBxaYAE1Wne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154600

>> No.43154600

If that's supposed to be a krampus the boobs should be bigger. She chestmogged holstaur so hard she forced KC to give the cow a redesign.

>> No.43154604
File: 285 KB, 877x1285, IMG_4515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have ring ghost wife
>feel the need for a quick succ
>connect to home tv vhs via screen casting
>put phone to your dick and she sucks it dry from the pocket spectral world
The most convenient waifu

>> No.43154611

>not just fucking the anubis and desert girls
they are all fucking tiny

>> No.43154644

Pharaoh is an oppressive ruler wtf?

>> No.43154680
File: 641 KB, 3410x3250, 1671242987502104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to summon a succubus but didn't have any salt for a circle so I used protein powder. She says she's a succubus but she only has one horn. Should I believe her and let her out of the summoning circle?

>> No.43154683

>upset about being the plaything of multiple anubises
Quit your complaining. Just about every other man here would kill to be in such a situation, myself included.

Anubi are love, especially the tall temple guards.

>> No.43154693
Quoted by: >>43154920

ask her to do her best seduction
if you get charmed shes a real succubus

>> No.43154694
File: 607 KB, 763x1080, MercurialMaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43154708

Been picking my brain to do a metal slime girl story or profile. Should have something done by the weekend, I guess. Pic contextually related because Trimmau is cute. CUTE.

>> No.43154701


>> No.43154708
Quoted by: >>43155053

>metal slime maid
You will die of mercury poisoning.

>> No.43154721

monsterfags seething over angelwifechads

>> No.43154723

i love sahu

>> No.43154748

Gonna pee on a plant monster's roots. Tell that bitch to drink up.

>> No.43154768
Quoted by: >>43154780

All human fluids have at least a little essence in them, even things like sweat and pee.
> Miss alraune is mad that you peed on her.
> Mad that you didn't use her mouth as a toilet.

>> No.43154780

Fuck off

>> No.43154793
File: 137 KB, 1200x712, 1675564818685071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo orderfag

>> No.43154810
File: 289 KB, 1280x1024, 0EE545F3-D8BE-4178-950B-36239F78193B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onis were made to be manhandled

>> No.43154814

Sorry anon but these are the new regulars. Don't like it? Make your own thread.

>> No.43154831

Urine contains many nutrients that plants crave. This seems like a good way to make your alraune very lush and thick, very quickly.

>t. Avid gardener

>> No.43154836
File: 62 KB, 660x700, Goblin - Adult Mag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, OK, lighter note--mamono porn. What's it like?

>> No.43154854

great feeling that its gonna have a nondesprict monster of x species getting it on with (insert vanilla fetish like shota, ojisan, silver fox, young man, salaryman)

>> No.43154864

it's like an advert to get you to fuck the species with a matchmaker phone number at the end

>> No.43154876
Quoted by: >>43154933

Does it matter? Porn is still shit at the end of the day because you're watching other people perform sexual acts like a cuck.

>> No.43154906

wow so much bait,lmao
also imagine how life would be if you were a pornstar post portal to get through college, imagine how your proffoser, Ms Haku

>> No.43154920

>ok but I need a watermelon

>> No.43154931

The websites collect your data, and once you hit a certain threshold in time watched, a report is compiled regarding favorite species, temperament, age, and proclivities. This information is forwarded to the Mamono Bureau of Intelligence, where in conjuction with your ISP, they track you down, arrest you for being "horny and single" or "horny and unfaithful" and you're sentenced to a sealed jail cell with a monster girl that best matches your impure internet history for a month. If you're already married, your wife(s) will accompany you to the cell and receive counseling.

>> No.43154933


>> No.43154978

Why is there so much abuse porn of Jinko? Not hating or anything, just asking.

>> No.43154986
Quoted by: >>43154995

they arrest you to make you scared and anxious so you're more likely to accept the comfort your new wife is offering. mamono are overbearing and devious rulers...

>> No.43154995
Quoted by: >>43155006

>responding to retard namefag

>> No.43155001
Quoted by: >>43155011

there is and it ends in snuff

>> No.43155006
Quoted by: >>43155018

Big Sister mamonogovt. is a cute idea, i like seeing it around
He's been here for months, anon. He's not going to go away.

>> No.43155007
Quoted by: >>43155115

would a demon agree to sign a marriage contract made by anon or would she mandate drafting it herself?

>> No.43155011

nevermind tired and misread, don't really know but i wish it didn't exist.

>> No.43155017

I too have read the Xanth series of novels.

>> No.43155018
Quoted by: >>43155038

>He's been here for months, anon.
Do you apply this to everyone?

>> No.43155034

imagine if it was a chesh

>> No.43155038

i don't recognize anyone else... they don't use names...

>> No.43155042
Quoted by: >>43155059

You can recognize some people by their posting style. You might need extra autism to do it though.

>> No.43155048

What do you mean? There's that annoying Anonymous guy who is always samefagging.

>> No.43155053

Mamanobanana son.

>> No.43155059

Give an example.

>> No.43155071
File: 203 KB, 653x549, Just daughteru my shit up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy up there was you.

>> No.43155076

the wendigo anon and the guy who posted fox sith for a while then swapped to regular images are easy ones.

>> No.43155077

it wasn't though, that was me. that last guy is a different guy

>> No.43155078


>> No.43155082

uhh.... there's the jubjub guy, i guess

>> No.43155092

i can be recognized as a specific fishfag

>> No.43155094
File: 746 KB, 2900x3300, FlHaMB5aYAAjyFm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43155135

>> No.43155095

Would hellhound be good at raping? Being black and all.

>> No.43155101

Yeah whatever floats your boat.

>> No.43155102
File: 1.80 MB, 1856x1770, 1675100768978989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43155117

obviously hellhounds are good at raping, what are you on?

>> No.43155104

Sadists are subhumans. The why's don't really matter.

>> No.43155115

I imagine it'd turn her right on, but she'd insist on modifying or negotiating it. That kind of initiative has to be attractive to the monster psychology.

>> No.43155117

No like the music. All the popular rapers are black so I was wondering if hellhound would be good too.

>> No.43155121

I want to go see a mist continent martial art's tournament.
I bet they're pretty neat.

>> No.43155124


>> No.43155130
Quoted by: >>43155159

right. and someone who raps is a rapist.

>> No.43155135
Quoted by: >>43155155

Big Kot energy

>> No.43155143

Oh raping misread you nothing with rape, but like said before whatever floats your boat nobody is stopping you with a headcanon like that especially since it’s mostly a throwaway joke and doesn’t lean into the disgusting nonsense like ntr or gore.

>> No.43155144

I've been dating this human woman for a while now. I was disillusioned before but now I'm starting to think I have a chance at finding love. I just wish she wouldn't wear a hat for one of our dates so I could take her to an amusement park without having to worry about it flying away.

>> No.43155155
File: 121 KB, 1100x1500, FaS5GAIUEAA4Ega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43155157

Oh sorry. Yes rapping.

>> No.43155159
Quoted by: >>43155182

Commonly but not always. A hellhound who raps would be a rapping rapist.

>> No.43155182
File: 199 KB, 850x1202, Hellhound - Poetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hellhound who raps and works at a department store during the holiday season is a wrapping rapping rapist!

>> No.43155187

So if lich is a nerd and dork mage is a dork, what is witch? A geek?

>> No.43155199
Quoted by: >>43155208

A creep. Also, that one goth girl you never had the nerve to ask out.

>> No.43155204

Witches and liches are bitches. They'll tease you till your penis twitches, but in the end you'll be left in stitches.

>> No.43155208
File: 292 KB, 1464x2048, Gazer - Goth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Miss Gazer is the one goth girl I never had the nerve to ask out. Even though I thought about it every time I saw her.

>> No.43155211

Zipangu wetlands sahu with naginata samurai fish

>> No.43155234

I would never lose to a

>> No.43155240
Quoted by: >>43155401

>I would never lose to a

>> No.43155259
Quoted by: >>43157590

RIP. On the bright side, since Anon got claimed nobody else has to worry about getting taken by

>> No.43155273
File: 177 KB, 1403x1943, 1663644308463125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43155285

starting zone mob?

>> No.43155281
File: 362 KB, 557x610, proteinshakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43155285

Using my strongest attacks on the level 1 mobs!

>> No.43155286
File: 134 KB, 1199x814, vG1Umg0X_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys look out there's a sni

>> No.43155293
Quoted by: >>43155322

Sni? The fuck are you talking abo

>> No.43155312

>Anon casts his once a day spell, Greater Smite, on a rat girl
>she gets btfo
>Anon immediatlely pulls out his sleeping bag and sleeps for 24 hours
>rat has respawned
>Anon casts Greater Smite
>does this for a week
>rat breaks down crying
>Anon emotes at her
>sends her a party invite

>> No.43155322

Hey guys, I got the snacks for the incel meeting. Woah! What the hell happened he

>> No.43155326
Quoted by: >>43155379

This but continuing to smite her until her older sister from the end-game dungeon has to intervene.

>> No.43155344
File: 248 KB, 1852x2420, __gazer_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_nonochton__5492e77277f16319f10107f09fc56168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's in the box?

>> No.43155358

all i do is dodge until the fighter passes out in exhaustion, i still able to level up

>> No.43155367

I dunno. What do I look like, a psychic?

>> No.43155370

an object thats small

>> No.43155376

Nothing I want. Now get off my property.

>> No.43155379

she gets smited too

>> No.43155398

>just trying to play some competitive counter strike soloqueue, getting to faceit level 10
>mamonos constantly trying to ERP in voice chat and trying to add me when they hear that I'm a dude
when will this harassment stop!?

>> No.43155401

That old meme? That's almost as bad as those Xzibit and krampus kidnapping memes we used to crack back

>> No.43155407

thats why you use a soundboard instead

>> No.43155408
Quoted by: >>43155496

Have you tried using a voice changer?

>> No.43155409

When you git gud.

>> No.43155411

Call in the bully hunters.

>> No.43155412
Quoted by: >>43155496

Just use a voice changer.

>> No.43155425

>he doesn't like receiving female attention
Once you alp you won't have to worry about it.

>> No.43155428

>every other player in the server gangs up to flash bang you over and over again
>shooing randomly in a fit of rage while your screen is permanently white

>> No.43155436

Monsters would abuse the hell out of nsfw sprays wouldn't they?

>> No.43155437
File: 757 KB, 1000x1154, __gazer_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_yofukashi__8d3a7b2a21f9f6354d5223f94f502fc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey kid
>wanna learn how to bhop?

>> No.43155442

Just play against bots or your friends.

>> No.43155446
Quoted by: >>43155471

I've done it! I've invented Gazer-proof glasses that allow you to look her in the eye without being hypnotized! They also work about Basilisks too. I can't wait to land a contract with the Order mass producing these for their troops, I'm gonna be so rich!

>> No.43155452
Quoted by: >>43155469

Which monster would like ribeye steaks?

>> No.43155458
Quoted by: >>43155494

But women love female attention

>> No.43155463
Quoted by: >>43155494

>he isn't grinding to be the very best
how about YOU alp.

>> No.43155469
File: 505 KB, 800x1000, Hellhound_BBQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellhounds definitely don't like steak and they won't steal it off your plate if you look away

>> No.43155471

I can't believe it, they really work! I can stare at this gazer all I want and I don't have to worry about her hypnoti

>> No.43155490

>WhiteSnakeOXO crouches and uncrouches in front of you to get your attention
>uses her spray on the wall next to you
>it's a detailed hentai pic of you being sexed by a hebi
>they send you a friend request and a suspicious link
>start to think that they might not be a lover of classic rock

>> No.43155494
Quoted by: >>43155515

I thought women hated each other.
Not in video games. I need to practice my sword making to woo that cute monoeye that moved next door.

>> No.43155496

>implying the automatons all playing at high ranks with natural aimbot can't just decipher the voice changing and know you're a man anyway
they really should do something about them, they have great aim, but play with no gamesense and have to be told the game plan every round

>> No.43155515

>I thought women hated each other.
Only when one party feels threatened. It's complicated, if it weren't for dick unity even monster society might fall apart.

>> No.43155525

This reminds me of that one WoW parody video of a guy who joins an all female guild. The one that shattered my young psyche and probably contributed to me ending up here

>> No.43155538
File: 849 KB, 1818x1488, CE85BBC3-A1C2-448C-B275-92B7126B8DE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I acquire extremely slutty gyaru monsters? I’ve been riding the train damn near everyday but all I’ve been finding is prudish lilim class presidents, haughty pharaoh mean gals, delinquent jinkos and ocelomeh and nerdy quiet oomukades

>> No.43155556
File: 706 KB, 1333x629, 1638539175966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've gotta go to the convenience store late at night to buy premade food because you can't/can't be bothered to cook for yourself. Monsters love that.

>> No.43155567

prankster paradise instead of bein in school

>> No.43155568
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 106197749.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43155570
File: 183 KB, 801x974, b0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for agreeing to do this interview, Anon! We'll start with a couple of simple questions: What's your favorite monster girl species, and why do you hate the Jews?

>> No.43155581

...I feel like this is a trap of some sort.

>> No.43155583

Hey Aux.

>> No.43155603

>they're just using their nudes with a phone number at the bottom

>> No.43155608
File: 362 KB, 946x692, Hell dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43155621

>"Please ignore the barking outside the door"

>> No.43155621
Quoted by: >>43155664

>Its still Female Body Inspector but its 'Female' in that the inspectors are Female and they're inspecting my body.
>Kobold walks in to ask whats going on just to catch a demon silver filled beanbag to the chest.

>> No.43155630
Quoted by: >>43155634

There is nothing a nerd fears more than hearing the chime of a convivence store door opening and the laughter of gyarus.

>> No.43155634
Quoted by: >>43155704

"OMG" and gum popping in the distance must come close.

>> No.43155640
Quoted by: >>43155706

Especially If you're just getting off work! Monsters LOVE guys that can barely be bothered to eat a decent meal after a hard day of work!

>> No.43155642

Anon, Candian holsts lactate maple syrup

>> No.43155647
Quoted by: >>43155654


>> No.43155653

Wrong, they just have busty Dryads.

>> No.43155654

russain ones lacatate potato milk that has high ethanol content

>> No.43155656
Quoted by: >>43155661

>Being this dumb
Canadian alarunes lactate maple syrup, Canadian holsts lactate coffee milk

>> No.43155661

>coffee milk
i can bare it

>> No.43155664
Quoted by: >>43155705

>tfw cock inspection day

>> No.43155685
File: 211 KB, 1493x1145, Wererabbit24b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's no Wererabbit or March Hare in the OP during Easter, I'll go buy lots of fries, give them to a large group of Black Harpies, and tell them to make a huge mess in your house.

>> No.43155696
Quoted by: >>43155705

It's just the cute rata from the school newspaper.

>> No.43155704

In order
>gyaru laughing
>popular girls snickering
>school bully yelling
>class president shouting
>tomboy hailing
>nerd mumbling

>> No.43155705

>"All I said is, 'Fine, I'll whip it out' and they started blasting."

>"Y-you really shouldn't go around asking that you know."
>'Ok, we'll move on to the next question.'
>"Ok, that sounds go-"
>'Are you aware that despite only being 18% of the population, Kakuens ar-"

>> No.43155706
File: 118 KB, 706x1065, __senko_sewayaki_kitsune_no_senko_san_drawn_by_rimukoro__9f7cb86f7845036b44d9518afdd5529a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a dangerous strategy because it also attracts hags and hags pretending to be lolis pretending to be hags. Tread lightly and keep your eyes on the cheap perfume-smelling prize.

>> No.43155729
Quoted by: >>43155735

>You knew you shouldn't have responded to that ad you stumbled across on that Ranon news group...

>> No.43155735
Quoted by: >>43155749

That website wasn't very good about giving me weather updates but I think I know who is behind those rough storms.

>> No.43155740
Quoted by: >>43155749

Oh I know the answer to that! Despite only being 18% of the population Kakuens make up to 60% of hug ambushes!

>> No.43155749

That would be yetis, dumb dumb.

How many times do we have to go over this? Poseidon did not do Sexxon-Valdez and storms can crack steel keels. This is getting tiresome.

>> No.43155766

You say that but I know this succubus that has some very convincing Jpeg graphs.

>> No.43155787
Quoted by: >>43155827

I want to lick a succubus’s horn.

>> No.43155800

All I'm saying is, I don't believe you can contain that much Mana behind just wooden doors...

>Checks Hakupedia for 'tanuki life'...

>> No.43155827

Just go easy on it. If you lick it too much, the layers start to peel back like a jawbreaker

>> No.43155832
Quoted by: >>43155845

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.
Instead, make sure you watch out.
The rabbits are going to be far more active than normal surprisingly aggressive

>> No.43155843

I have an Undead waifu... and we just want a future for our Wight children.

>> No.43155845
File: 574 KB, 1280x1816, bunnies on the prowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surprisingly aggressive

>> No.43155885
File: 1.14 MB, 948x1250, df6bxjz-160ceb21-ed60-4536-823a-c087410b7fb6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43156020

>dumb dumb.
Fool. Yetis make up 80% of consensual hugging! Kakuens take what they want...

>> No.43156050
File: 1.96 MB, 1231x1800, 106951176_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43156058

There's no way Bogeys' numbers are that much lower.

>> No.43156059
Quoted by: >>43156179

they take big spanks on their ass.

>> No.43156061

>Using bluebilled "mostly consensual" hugging statistics
Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.43156063
File: 1.80 MB, 3272x4961, @Timaeus_art patre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need big fat cow

>> No.43156067

being sad annuls your right to refuse hugs so they get off on a technicality

>> No.43156085
File: 635 KB, 1300x919, Gazer326_Packge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to feel every part of her

>> No.43156179

Bogey/Bogie hugs are their own category due to the special circumstances they use to get their hugs.

Hey! That's an offensive stereotype! Not every Kakuen likes forcing a man to spank her butt before making him her husband!
it's just most of them...

>> No.43156224
File: 198 KB, 1065x1500, IMG_4386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laying with them. Mating with them. Courting them. Marrying them. Touching their tails. Touching their breasts. Being adorned with their milk. Planting your seed in them. Becoming husband and father to them.

>> No.43156241

how terrible of anon.

>> No.43156277

But I don’t want too I just want my body to drift through the infinite void, no mamono will find me there.

>> No.43156280

>husband and father
this only works with lolis

>> No.43156304
File: 1.98 MB, 1307x1726, __gazer_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_barbariank__7c651cbfd940bee0ab3a548c85d06961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43156393

The goo looks so shiny

>> No.43156305
File: 314 KB, 700x990, 106932724_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i guess

>> No.43156393
File: 124 KB, 761x978, Gazer413_Dynamo-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43156398

Seriously, bros. I just want to throw myself at Gazer and dive into her arms. She has so many charm points, it's unbearable to just focus on one

>> No.43156398

i would tickle her.

>> No.43156437
File: 941 KB, 1632x2500, 20230408_142012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43156442

dumb spider maid getting into my jams again

>> No.43156461

too hairy

>> No.43156481
Quoted by: >>43156507

>courting them
Foxes need to learn that my hand grazing theirs as I pass them the coffee they ordered isn't me making a pass at them.

>> No.43156507
File: 151 KB, 926x623, 1533093067461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43156585

>hand grazing theirs as I pass them the coffee they ordered isn't me making a pass at them
>he does this everyday
imagine how many monster hearts you have broken anon, shame on you

>> No.43156585
Quoted by: >>43156624

>work at a cafe in a monster city
>tons of regular customers
>they all get nervous around you
>go out of their way to make small talk when it isn't too busy
>one day you accidentally touch the hand of a succubus regular while you hand her her drink
>she gasps and almost has a breakdown
>other monsters looking at her like she just murdered their families in front of them
>rest of the line is icy and terse when ordering
>all of your regulars disappear in less than a week
>all except for the succ
>comes in every day to order the same drink
>no longer sits in a chair, just leans on the counter and talks with you since you hardly have any customers anymore
>ask online thinking you must have committed some faux pas towards monster kind
>internet informs you that you married your customer and the other women left in a jealous rage
>such is the life of a small business owner in a monster city

>> No.43156624

Guess you need a sign saying "Hand touching does not mean marriage" in front of the register

>> No.43156629
Quoted by: >>43156729

>get a knock at my door
>open it up to see a fucking cannon pointed right at me with a lit fuse steadily decreasing on it
>a bogie is behind the cannon cackling at me
>cannon blasts me with three pounds of birthday cake point blank and takes me right off my feet leaving me gasping for all the air that just got taken out of my lungs
>have to go to the hospital to get treated for broken ribs
And that's why you never tell a Bogie when your birthday is everyone

>> No.43156638
File: 195 KB, 849x893, 1653030360880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43156690

What did the bird say?

>> No.43156640
Quoted by: >>43156684

large monsters taking advantage of my drunken state! oni bartenders refusing to let me stumble home alone!

>> No.43156684
File: 457 KB, 1154x650, 1650480792249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon is passed out on his favorite bar stool
>meanwhile it is a free for all as all the monsters fight for the right to take him home
>like always, they don't see the oni bartender take him and let him sleep it off in her bed

>> No.43156690

how do you even lay an egg that big

>> No.43156705

You can't really tell how big it or her are

>> No.43156713
File: 393 KB, 1131x1600, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43156763

she's a big girl

>> No.43156729

Bogies and cheshires have an instinctual knowledge of birthdays

>> No.43156735

BUILT for BIG HUMAN COCK or something

>> No.43156763

damn, i cant believe i never considered big fluffy giant harpies. where's my roc mg, kc?

>> No.43156780

*places the last brick of my bunker*
with 30 years of food and water, an air filtration system that can remove any form of slime or other organic material
now no one can take my virginity down here!

>> No.43156790

>wurm busts in through the wall
>"ow, who put this thing in my way?!"

>> No.43156861
File: 123 KB, 990x1400, 1574364006216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smoke hobo walks in and claims your bunker

>> No.43156954

They went too far with this Roxane, she is too fat.

>> No.43157038
File: 2.56 MB, 1400x1312, 1586628393474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43157062


>> No.43157044

You fool
The bunker is made of shoggoth

>> No.43157062
File: 172 KB, 946x896, Esxqcxvq_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep posting these wights and you're going to get involuntarily snatched into an arranged marriage, Anon.

>> No.43157070
File: 254 KB, 566x1213, 1462316059001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43157154

I rather marry their head maids instead of some noble corpse

>> No.43157084
Quoted by: >>43157241

>Hates futa
>Doesn't mind monster boys
I think you are just an homo.

>> No.43157090
File: 237 KB, 1200x1125, 1587051767423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43157185

how many wights for a wight wife?

>> No.43157154
Quoted by: >>43157184

>kidnapped and dropped in the room of some annoying noble brat Wight for her 12th birthday
>she goes full mesugaki and teases you how hard she's going to break you in
>few months later, the mansion's kiki maid is bloated with triplets and the brat is still a virgin
>her face turns into a tomato whenever she sees the smugly gravid maid

>> No.43157184

>maid is pregnant
>wight loli thinks that her time is now
>soon she finds the head dullahan knight and guard dog hellhound pregnant as well
>she can only rage as she sees anon sneaking into the troll gardener's shed

>> No.43157185
File: 410 KB, 900x900, gzYzLLzd_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43157204

You really think the Danukis aren't tracking these threads for portal day? It may be too late for you

>> No.43157195

>be selfless Kiki maido
>find Mastah's porn stash
>it's all (x-species) mamonos
>add note to weekly shopping list:
>>get Mastah a (x-species) Mishtress
>go to the markets
>pick the best freshest produce
>pick the best future Mishtress
Of course most Kikis aren't THAT selfless.
Warning: if (x-species) is a Shogg, Anon will be marrying his Kiki as soon as he gets out of hospital
>another tragic "tripped and hit his head on Kiki's frypan" accident - multiple times

>> No.43157204

>I want to sniff Tanuki breath
>it smells like hiding in attics, railcars, and delousing powder...

>> No.43157212
File: 883 KB, 2147x1255, 1463804834462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"tripped and hit his head on Kiki's frypan" accident
strange, that always happens when anon tries to give her a vaction

>> No.43157218
Quoted by: >>43157238

Don't mind me, just gonna go driving my Shogcar now.

>> No.43157224
File: 137 KB, 864x1200, ZoBsXPVk_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43157247

need me a 'tismhound to play vidya with.

>> No.43157238
File: 489 KB, 794x1572, 1503615847162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43157283

Don't forget your shog add ons

>> No.43157241

The difference between MG-verses with and without Mboys are that Mgirl-only verses are for weak anons who don't have the confidence that MGs will ignore puny MBs for the BHC.
Even in Monmusu - Cents canon ignore Centmales for BHC, and the mermaid empire is collapsing because they all want to breed with BHC.
In MonOisho, some MGs do marry same-species MBs, but still most want the BHC.
In all MG-verses all human males are now the Chads, and MBs are the new incels.
MBs probably get left with only the Alps and Siths that few humans will touch.

>> No.43157244
File: 3.47 MB, 1500x2000, 88278618_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43158117

Saying that a fox is "up to no good" implies that there was ever a chance that wouldn't be the case.

>> No.43157247
Quoted by: >>43157252

That appears to be a tiredhound.

>> No.43157252

>Just one more turn...

>> No.43157253
File: 95 KB, 811x833, A96283D7-5DAB-4FF6-B643-424F80B07D09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much does weresheep wool sell for?

>> No.43157283

>Shog OS
Would running Cyberpunk 2077 count as bullying?

>> No.43157291

>turn on path tracing
>shogputer melts

>> No.43157299

you will have a glitching shog, so be careful in yoru shoghouse

>> No.43157309

More importantly, can she run Crysis?

>> No.43157358

how many hashes per second does a shogputer make?
i'll have her mine me bitcoin!

>> No.43157363

Really enjoyed this one anon. I like that you didn't let the mc be completely fucking gay for too long.

>> No.43157387

now draw them kissing and making up and sharing Anon together with no jealousy

>> No.43157407
File: 335 KB, 1020x1447, dork croc gets bullied by salty croc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crocodilian girls are dorks

>> No.43157421
File: 356 KB, 1609x1558, 1649640763647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cows are too powerful

>> No.43157422

That's why you go with gators and get that gumbo.

>> No.43157442
File: 2.04 MB, 1764x2508, the cutest croc dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43157459

wrong, i love dorks so i'm going with the crocs
plus even the dorkiest ones can deathroll you into bed so i'm not missing out on much

>> No.43157459

Oh, I dunno. I love dorks, but a Cajun gator who makes me gumbo and loves a good crawfish boil? Who could make me beignets in bed? Those people take good food very seriously and that would be hard to resist.

>> No.43157469

Anon's are lured into the deep parts of the swamp regularly, by the sound of music, delicious food and thrashing in the water.

>> No.43157474

I bet there is a queue for entering a swamp, good food and fertile bodies sounds like a good deal

>> No.43157502
File: 420 KB, 808x720, FtH_mdtaAAIXMWx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43157543

How do monster girls help me deal with the dread of my own mortality?

>> No.43157503


>> No.43157521
File: 87 KB, 700x700, 163786554665465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it's gonna be a good boil when she breaks out the Swampfire.

>> No.43157533

Being the big spoon while spooning with a rata would be very comfy.

>> No.43157534

I'm going to go to the Fairy Kingdom.

>> No.43157542

Based sithfucker

>> No.43157543
Quoted by: >>43157554

By making you immortal like them, DE be crazy.

>> No.43157549

>run cyberpunk 2077 on shogputer
>for some reason the game seems completely different
>it's the immersive sim people dreamed it would be on its announcement
>after having a blast with it, you get an idea
>you try to play star citizen and it sits there loading for a while
>after a few minutes of loading, your shoggoth walks into the room, bows deeply, and apologizes profusely, saying she hasn't been able to find a reality where it's released in a good state yet

>> No.43157551
Quoted by: >>43157563

Never mind I am leaving the Fairy Kingdom.

>> No.43157554

But then I have to deal with the dread of my IMORTALITY now.

>> No.43157556

>Talking animals making a lewd Disney song about you and your monster wife

>> No.43157560
File: 220 KB, 678x697, 1678114528726373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43157659

They'll show you the way, but you need to play some games with them first.

>> No.43157561

Semi-selfless Kikis find a suitable Mamono-Mistress to suit her Anon's tastes, but then:
>"Nyet zo fasht - I finds zhe Mashtah, I gets ten percents finders fee, hokay?"
>the eager Mamono reaches into her purse, she'll pay everything she has for a good quality Kiki-trained Husbando
>"Nyet zhe gold, I vants ten percents of zhe Anon mana."
>the shocked future Mrs.Anon goes 'wtf!'
>"Iz zimple - I find zhe Anon, I cleans him up, I makes him a good Husbando, I stays and does the Maido works zo you cans have lots of times for zhe Anon sexxing, and zhen I gets every tenth Anon mana... now, ve can share zhe sexx togezher, or you can pretends you dont see nothing when zge Mashtah sexxes his Kiki, iz up to you. Deal?"
Most desperate Mistresses sign the Kiki contract to get an Anon.
>lots of Anons feel bad that they are cheating on their waifus when they can't control their urges and end up fucking the Maido in the kitchen or other sneaky quickies, but it's all in a legal contract.

>> No.43157563
Quoted by: >>43157588

What happened in the Fairy Kingdom?

>> No.43157571
Quoted by: >>43157647

This is some wierd disguised cucking fetish and not a healthy consensual relationship.

>> No.43157588

I stroll up and the first Fairy I see gives me the creepiest look you could imagine and she says "Welcome to the Fairy Kingdom! We LOOOOOOOOVE humans a lot here!" and then she started panting like a dog.
Nuh uh, I know danger when I'm in it. I got the hell out of there. I ain't going back.

>> No.43157590

there are two of them! This is getting out of hand! We need to notify the guards that we're under danger of a

>> No.43157616
Quoted by: >>43157653

Remember that lizard girls doesn't lose their virginity because they never lose!

>> No.43157625
File: 16 KB, 441x387, image_2023-04-08_023654288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanted to be real mean, I'd run yandere simulator and see how long it takes for her to punish me.

>> No.43157631

Let's try Spore

>> No.43157647

The original premise was weird - Anon has a perfectly good Kiki but he's still fapping to other mamono porn?
Option A - Anon gets 'stuck with just a Kiki' and never his fated waifu? Not a bad-end but not a best-end.
Option B - Anon finds his fated Waifu and doesnt need a maid anymore. Not a good-end for the poor Kiki.
So, option C: a small 3way harem with the Kiki as #2waifu, either openly or in secret.
I figure sooner or later any Anon with a Waifu and a Kiki maido is going to crack and fuck the Kiki anyway, at least this way it's approved.

>> No.43157649
File: 153 KB, 1135x765, crocs and gator family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you marry the whole family. The gator big sis, and the croc smaller sisters and cousins.

>> No.43157653

That's why you have to take alternative measures to court one. Hire one as a bodyguard, or refuse one's challenge for battle. In either case, they'll follow you around until the job is completed or the battle takes place respectively. Make sure she's following you around for a couple months. MGE canon states that mamono will naturally start to recognize the man they're living with as their husband, simply because of the duration of time spent together. So yeah, after a couple mouths, when you're at camp together on that cold, rainy night; things will get up between you two.

>> No.43157659
Quoted by: >>43157771

oh boy! i love games! what games do fairies play? do they know how to play Homeworlds?

>> No.43157738
File: 28 KB, 592x518, Centaur of attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar to the Monstergirl Doctor rules on a wife who has servants - Glenn marries the heiress, he also gets her two servants.
If a MGE noble has a retinue of servants they all get a share, or the alternative is the sad-Lilim issue where the Anons keep stealing her disloyal staff away one by one.

>> No.43157771

The ball-slaping game.

>> No.43157796
Quoted by: >>43157881

What's with monster girl nobility exclusively being shit girls?

>> No.43157797
Quoted by: >>43157818

>be fishing on the open sea
>feel mindflayer looking at me
>internally scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER as loud as i possibly can

>> No.43157818

>Tentacles go into your ears
>Your internal screams turn to "RAPE ME, RAPE ME RAPE ME"

>> No.43157881

Because the entire concept of nobility is retarded and promotes shitty mindset, so you have to remodel them to be viable waifus.

>> No.43157966
File: 415 KB, 1012x1550, Wight - Glowing Eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43157973

How dare you call her retarded!

>> No.43157972
File: 407 KB, 2200x2800, 6193DF3C-612C-416E-A709-16A46A980CAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43158059

>Defeat lilim in 1v1 duel
>As the victor I get claim something of her’s as mine
>Take her succusisstant as my wife

>> No.43157973
Quoted by: >>43157975

If she's so smart then how come she's dead?

>> No.43157975

>If you’re dead you can’t die again

>> No.43158059

>1. Anon departs with disloyal SuccAssistant who abandons her Mistress to loneliness and despair without a second thought.
>2. Succ's pledge of loyalty to her Lilim holds - "My Mistress I present all that I have in service of the Lilim-hood." - Anon becomes the property of the Lilim, with the 'sharing' rules, of course.
Lilim needs to work on her staff loyalty system.

>> No.43158085

Kay and Lorna are best girls. Without them Tisalia would never got her hooves fixed, returned to winning, including winning half of Dr. Glenn from the NinjaHebi.
It's only fair they get a slice.

>> No.43158117
File: 1.23 MB, 2371x1018, 101170222_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you're talking about, I've never had any problems with vixens, they're always so nice to me.

>> No.43158191

Tfw parts of the Demon-realm have a populist revolution and declare themselves a Mamono Democratic Agrarian Socialist Republic.
>All Comrade mamonos have to surrender their Anons as property is to be shared equally by the Collective.

>> No.43158216
Quoted by: >>43158573

>Kiki insists on acting like the two of you are having some illicit affair
>tell you're pretty sure your wife knows
>what with the threesomes and all

>> No.43158220
Quoted by: >>43158319

You've angered nukiCorp one too man times anon, now they've sent in the cleaning squad

>> No.43158254

First they steal your produce, soon they will try to claim your hand in marriage. Remain vigilant around the Vixen.

>> No.43158319

Considering the piss poor service they have, I assume I got 3-4 weeks before they arrive.

>> No.43158496
File: 1.26 MB, 955x1024, 1635166868816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43158523

It's spring. I saw a butterfly and the sun burned my face.
Goodbye, wondrous winter!

>> No.43158523
Quoted by: >>43158532

I've seen the other pictures of that set while browsing a booru, end yourself.

>> No.43158532

The filename should tell you I just saved it from here

>> No.43158573
Quoted by: >>43158716

>Anon is in the kitchen
>bending the Kiki over the table, skirt up, and pounding her senseless
>Waifu walks in, gets a white wine out of the fridge, engages Anon in smalltalk about dinner plans
>Anon grunts out a reply as he cooms
>Waifu is completely ignoring the Kiki ahegaoing as Anon blows a load deep in her
>Waifu wanders back into the dining room
>as soon as the door is closed, waifu is schlicking wildly from being turned on watching her Anon pump the Kiki
>she ambushes Anon as soon as he leaves the kitchen for her turn
>Anon and Waifu at dinner
>Kiki serves the soup then disappears
>Waifu sips her soup and asks Anon about his day while ignoring the bumping of the Kiki's head against the underside of table as she sucks Anon dry
>Waifu reaches under the table and gives their Kiki the shocker to hurry her up to serve the main course
>Anon tries to keep up the dinner conversation and not spill his soup as he cooms

>> No.43158586
File: 1.24 MB, 2371x1018, foxed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43158596

She's still the same trickster she was when you were kids, except now she plays tricks on your family's genealogy tree

>> No.43158596
Quoted by: >>43158633

How big can she go?

>> No.43158626

i will just go down to the everglades then fall asleep floating in the water

>> No.43158633
Quoted by: >>43158659

Depends on how much of your Genes you fill her with.

>> No.43158650
Quoted by: >>43158661

>anon explaining the history of Chinese warfare for about 1 hour and 30 minutes to an increasingly annoyed wife that just wanted to make a sun tzu joke

>> No.43158653
File: 422 KB, 900x1492, FrwHFBEaEAEcIvb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43158659
File: 129 KB, 735x1041, 1680809277792570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see.

>> No.43158661

i see this happening more often if you try and tell a sun tzu joke to a haku

>> No.43158716

>main course is finished, time for dessert
>Anon's waifu lies back on the dining table, legs spread wide
>Anon is covering her puss with whipped cream
>not one of those cheap canned whipped creams
>Kiki maido is at Anon's side, hand-whisking fresh holst-cream and filling a piping-bag to top up Misstress' creamcoating as Anon eats her into a frenzy

>> No.43158730
File: 1.52 MB, 1000x1412, 1445219944837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43158878

As you can see, the situation is incredibly grim. We must escape to the only place not corrupted by Pharaoh's influence. SPACE!

>> No.43158756
Quoted by: >>43158803

If you're looking to wed a lich make sure you pick one that researches with qualitative evidence. Being forced to cum 1000 times in one sitting for a quantitative lich gets exhausting when it's an every day thing.

>> No.43158803
Quoted by: >>43158814

>cum 1000 times in one sitting
I thought the most someone has done was 50 times and he died after.

>> No.43158814

With a Lich, the "died" part won't be an issue

>> No.43158875
File: 100 KB, 848x1200, cheshire mama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no cheshire momster

>> No.43158878

Based Grape Snakes.

>> No.43158896

What if I rape the monster instead?

>> No.43158903

>intrigued Cockatrice noises.

>> No.43158905

