No party like Baph party.Monster Girl Wiki: Girl Archive: Aggregator: list: Grimoire Scans: Galleries: Archive:
>>OPHags are the greatest.
>>41860327MONSTERgirls are also equally great. But so are monstergirls.
Taking the wives to thanksgiving is certainly going to be a thing. Even chesh is on her best behavior!
>>41860327i sure do love old women, i also love popping their hips41860347starting early with the shitposting i see, damn you really need some attention. then just go outside
>>41860327can you reipu correct hags?
>>41860375Even the human fetish granted from overexposure to mamono mana pales in comparison to that of the LAMP
>>41860377you usually get raped corrected by them but with a bit of training and stamina you can just grab one then fuck her retarded
I, too, enjoy sexy old hags.
>>41860347No they're not. Back to /trash/ you vermin
>>41860473anon, hes a shitposter and you gave him what he wanted
>>41860460i only see a loli, no meat, no milk, nothing of what makes sexy old hags
>>41860375>>41860393>H: honey... why do you have a framed picture of a lamp?>M: ah, he was my first love! a daring companion that would always burn bright with the light of day.>M: he would accompany me on the darkest of nights and even the brightest of days.>M: he was the light of my life...>M: but it was not a relationship fated to last forever, one day... he... HE BURNED OUT!>M: oh i would give anything to see his sweet visual song again... except you of course, ive got a lamp on the desk.>H: ok, i get it. forget i even asked.>H: (out of moth's hearing range) i should see if the tanuki has a nightglow potion in stock...
what if mge went mainstream?
>>41860552i would be angry and just keep to here and tell normies to either adapt or get bent and leave
the fox has ascended
>>41860552another episode of "normalfags ruin everything"they would pervert it away from the concept of "cute and sexy monstergirls with loving human husbands", and KC would be powerless to stop it.
>>41860478Hey, some people like those designs. >>41860597Kitsune are made to be bred. And eat bread. And bake bread.Kitsune are bakers.
>>41860611and those people have Teratophilia, which means they like true monsters and deformed peoplebut foxes are sexy
>>41860634On the contrary, I like true monsters AND monstergirls. I just have a lot more pics of the former saved up.
>>41860646k, just keep to the latter. we ain't teratophiles here, if you want that, go to /trash/remember to reread what you write, anons
>>41860661/trash/ hasn't had a proper /terato/ thread in a LONG while, though. Like, the last one was in early October, and more or less got flooded with pics of Mal0.Pretty much turned into a porn dump with little to no conversation going on.
>>41860665and? you should stay there and make conversation, then you lazy ass
>>41860552You know damn well what would happen.
>>41860611There doesn't seem to be a picture of Kemomimi-chan as a loaf of bread yet, how disappointing.
>>41860677Not him and he should indeed keep that away from here, but conversations are a team effort.>>41860677Sounds like something that would have been an obvious choice, so it's odd it hasn't happened yet.
i thought this was a low level zone
>>41860695Hey, at least you bagged yourself a crimson fatty.
>>41860695it is, shes just a weird wild holst
>>41860694First link was supposed to be >>41860671>>41860695Devs didn't put a level cap for unlocking the hidden boss for some reason.
>>41860695>nobody told him about FOEs
>>41860712Normally, you're supposed to unlock her after running through all of the Danuki-run egg smuggling ring quests, but clearly Anon must've fucked up his story flags somehow.
>>41860718FOE?>>41860695you just found your new healer, just look at those milkers
>>41860695well anon good for you is that it takes her a few minutes to get up due to the sheer weight and her lazinessyou can watch her struggle while all flustered or you can run.
>>41860739i pick option c, take a quick sip of her milk then run
>>41860739>you can watch her struggle while all flustered>can't help but offer your hand up>she blushes and thanks you>she grabs your hand and pulls you into the softnessdamn my kindness...
>>41860762i wouldnt do that anon, causes a animation cancel that puts her into a standing state instantly.
>>41860767so im stuck on her teat then left dangling with my feet off the ground?
>>41860771for a moment before you get launched back.
>>41860695You don't play with cheat engine open? It's the only way to counter how over powered the devs have made monster builds
I'll make hellhound my bitch
>>41860785>t. future submissive hellhound husbando
>>41860780im going to stay on there for as long as possible
>>41860736>FOE?From Etrian Odyssey, enemies in areas that are astronomically more dangerous than everything else around.Most are meant to be completely avoided.
>>41860810so the best monsters to steal milk from? to level up extremely quickly?
>>41860816In at least one of the games, they award ZERO experience.
>>41860793it will slowly tame her for party recruitment, but she gets more desperate and dangerous the longer you stay on. which isnt easy to do at low levels with how there is very little to cling to from that position.however there should be a tanuki tavern close enough to prevent her from despawning. the tavern sells buff items and charming potions that will quickly tame her.
>>41860818>so little to grip ontoi'll grip onto the titty and stay on till she calms down
Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread. Instead, spend a happy turky day with the waifus and family.I'm sure the shenanigans will be kept to a minimum.Probably.
>>41860830not enough STR or DEX to do that at a low level. again, go get the buff food.>>41860810would the MGE equivalent be ancient hags that camp low level areas and kidnap young men for their daughters?cant do shit against them because they already have a beloved, and causing any physical harm would get a pretty powerful and incredibly mad incubus focused on you.
>>OPIn this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will.
>>41860849its too late, my auntsters have already gotten into the liquor help me, i have barricaded my door but they are breaking it down
>>41860850i'd do some jobs for those old gals>>41860850ill just give up hp for grip, i will make that big gal my healer
>>41860850Yep.Also:>adventuring higher rank DL army members (e.g. Dark Brave)>treasure-hunting Dragons>slimes that are actually part of a Queen Slime>Sandworms and regular Wurms>spontaneous Wonderland gates>for the extremely unlucky: a wandering Lilim
>>41860877>Grumpy Blackflame Fatalis>Horny Chameleos playing hide and seek>Velkhana, that frigid bitch
>>41860849Not Murrican, but I wish I had some turkey. I haven't had a proper roasted turkey leg in ages.
>>41860976she had that gas station weed bro
>>41860695Well the low level zones are beautiful and picturesque, all the high level zones are fiery hellscapes or deadly pocket dimensions.Sometimes a Monster just needs a place to relax.
>>41860986>letting your zombie have the devil's cabbageshame on you, now her munchies will have her munching(nibbling) on your head
>>41860990Yeah, it ain't uncommon to see a lilim shooting the shit with some university students on the finer details of spell theory. Or watching a succubus spend a day without railing people.End mamono stereotypes today, dial 1-800-Fuck-Me# to show your support to our cause.
If you need me I'll be covering extremist gang graffiti with order gang tags in the projects of mgc jet set radio style
>>41860990>You're a low-level adventurer, currently doing quests on Sea Slime Coast>Need to collect 20 Large Sea Shells, so the Mermaid in town can fashion you a piece of armor, your first uncommon piece of equipment>While walking along the beach, a portal suddenly opens, the souls of the damned pouring out>After a while, a powerful-looking Lich steps out with her entourage of Undead servants>They set up a deckchair and a parasol and she takes off her robe to sunbathe>Sneak closer out of curiosity, but a pair of intimidating Ghouls block your pathIt's like having a celebrity show up, if you're lucky you might even get the chance for an autograph.
>>41860341Cold beer, warm paws
>>41861121just yell out that you want to marry the lichyour adventure might be over, but you can explore her spooky castle instead
>>41861135>Fufufu~ do you wish to submit already Human? Surely you should become stronger before challenging a monster as powerful as me?
>>41861139she sounds too smugbetter challenge her to a card game for our virginities
>>41861148Good idea, Monsters are terrible at card games in general.
>>41861151liches are different though, they can use their minions as bets so you better have the chips for that
>>41861139time to turn her into a MERE corpse
>>41861139She's right, fuck this. Let's get some seashells a few km aways. The new armor is more important than this cold bitch, special event or not.
>>41861291>giving up that easy there is plenty of guards to woo...for example, I am going to marry the zombie holding the lich umbrella !
>>41861341And working under the lich ? No thanks.
>>41860441I've heard that big breasted monsters are slow minded because all the energy goes to their chest.Might explain why flat wurms aren't a thing.
>>41861352chest fullhead empty
>>41861352Then how do you explain mages with big breasts full of big mana?Mages aren't stupid
>>41861344hell noi will carry my new zombie wife away from the aristocracy of lich
>>41861417Burn her books and she can't do shit. They LARP as smart ass
>>41861352>Might explain why flat wurms aren't a thing.I would not discount possibility of adult flat Wurms, and I'm sure there are Wurms that belong to the Sabbath. Are those geniuses?
>dragons sleep on their treasure hoards>dragons consider their husbands their treasureImagine 8ft dragon sleeping on top of you, haha.
>>41861151Goblins aren't even in my top 10, but something about them makes me wanna breed them furiously.Same for greenworms, they invoke primal breeding rage in me, and they are not my waifu species.
>>41861596green is good
>>41861580Stop wiggling around so much
>>41861621Green volleyball needs to get smashed and bounced again the nearest hard surface
>>41861580>She lets you sleep on top her instead>Can't move from her absolute death grip
>>41860791Hellhounds tongue my anus
>>41861727>bounces against the wall>greemworm sticks to you>mwee?
>>41861802>mwee?More like>MARMUUU!
>>41861802A bunch of greenworm sticking on me is a fine armor too.
>>41861817This is what happened to Leto Atreides II
>>41861121>encounter a vampire lord sunbathing in the starter area>"I should have known you humans would attack me when I let my guard down. Can the dead not rest even here?">bitch I'm just trying to collect sea shells>"Have at you, human! I may be weakened, but I'm still more than a match for you">she isn't
>>41861745>start trying to wiggle out>Dragon squeezes tighter and begins to growlStaying in bed the whole day is fine, actually.
>>41861857its all fun and games until you need to pee
>>41861843>Just ignore her and collet seashells>She starts a tantrum and tries to stab you>Special Beach Pocket Sand her face >She's blinds and leaves crying>Back at her Castle she writes an another long rant about how human are inferiorVampcel never learn.
>>41861867Just pee in her
>>41861877No dude nothats infections waiting to happenyes i know monsters are bullshit immune but still fuck off
>>41861843>vampire lies on the ground defeated, weakened by the sun, her bikini threatening to fall off>How could this happen?! Those lecherous eyes....s-stay away from me, you lowly ape! I cant have you defile my noble body!>completely ignore the vampire and her corny acting>Gotta keep collecting seashells>have a jilted, butthurt vampire chasing you every night from that point on
>>41861896Naturally he meant the "white pee", mamonobanana makes your body hyper efficient, so that's the only thing you need to piss out.
>>41861904>Lowly apeNow, I'm sad. I will just head back home.
>>41861580yeah, it would be nice and warm
>>41862073>Sit, calm down!no, it's she who should sit (on my face)
>>41862073brother, I crave the forbidden tails
>>41862131She's a slug, she can't sit for she has no ass!
>>41862203that slimey tail me acting unreasonable
>>41861802Greenworm? More like, Mweeworm.
>>41862294Kill yourself, this isn't a request.
>>41862073I bet she's warm and moist in a good wayprobly feels like hugging a high quality warm water bedshe melts you away in her plentiful bossom till you drop all resistance to her having her way with you
Please tell me whatever this is it has a compelling and nuance narrative, right? No? Let me guess, it's just "I hate MGE" and justifies wars and bloody conflict?
Nobody is going to read your faggy webcomic, retard.
>>41862502Why did you post this? What's your endgame here? Delete it and fuck off already.
>>41862502You saved it from the last thread and it was talked about, you know exactly what it is.
>>41861121>It's like having a celebrity show up, if you're lucky you might even get the chance for an autograph.>Wow! Are you the Raid Boss of the Nefarious Nether-realm dungeon?! You're the coolest! I can't wait until I'm a high enough level to try it with some friends! Can you sign my guild tabard?! So scary! I bet no one's managed to beat you one on one!
Shog mama with a bunch of kiki daughterus.
>>41862603>shog insists I only shower at home>use my experience gained from years of recluce to masterfully dodge every droplet of the showerhead goo, just out of sheere spite>she proceeds to pull out the utensils instead, and begin throwing them at me with ludicrous speedWhat do I do? I never got this far before.
>>41862662Use your bomb
Meanwhile, at the Hagville library.
>>41862671fool, love bombing only motivates meido to serve their mastha more.
>>41862700Shog adapts to any attack
>>41862662>shogificationShe would be out cold for a few days because of the intense pleasure from such an event. Take care of your meido while she rests!
>>41862713>obey mastha, gain pleasure>disobey mastha in order to keep them safe, gain pleasureshog seem to always win, they can't keep getting away with it!
>>41862502 are obessed with dismantling MGE's loremost of the characterters are out of character. >monster love is seen as false due to the DLs influence,>monserisation is seen as false due to the DLs influence>The DL's plan is not equality, but simply mass domination via brainwashisng and doesnt give two shiits for love, only control>The MC are strong enough to kill the gods becuase of corse he fucking is >MC has killed the fallen good, the DS death god has shut hel's system down good chance eros and ares won't see the end of this fucking mess alive (posidon has allied with the MC>Willamarias jorney from happy devoted succ to wanting to avenge friends to war crimiminal/mass murdering dictator that will gut drullea first chance she gets (and elt is has been turned human)TLDRif you want to see someone more or less write 500K on why "The demon lord is bad and the monsters are bad, featuring overpowered dark souls lore and characters to smother what I don't like" then sure, its compelling.
I want to do get involved in some monkey business.
>>41862779Sounds like what if /tg/ made MGE, only lacks warhammer and lort of the rings references
>>41862819its the crown fic of the western sites (ao3,, spacebattles) and is basically a frankenstien of last decade and so's "problems" people have with MGEI would talk about it more, but would rather world build my own take on the setting in regards to the story im writing, which I assure you has none of this shit
I wanna sniff danuki breath!
>>41862502You are trolling. You have to be to keep posting this. Fuck off and go back to shithole sb.
>>41862839Yeah there is some mild amusement from poking fun at those "people" but we should stop at this point
>>41862839>rape is bad>proceeds to commit genocide insteadthat is the morality these "writers" seem to indorse. I might get a bit sad at times when I gripple with the impossible high of fantasy, but it least I don't vent by making grimdark murderhobo stories.>world buildwhat kind of stuff do you like the most about the mge setting?
>>41862779>>41862819>>41862839>>41862869Are you seriously fucking replying to yourself to ragebait with some dogshit fanfiction on a dogshit website full of fujos dumping terabytes of BTS or FOTM anime boy female insert porn? Fucking CRINGE!
I also wanna sniff black harpy breath
You're at the beach when this chick flops out of the water and start singing like so do?
What do unmarried zombies do all day? Do they just wander from place to place looking for someone to be with?
>>41862889just buy a sardine can
>>41862880Calm down, anon
>>41862893Yeah. And if they meet another zombie, they starts wandering together. And that's how they eventually form a horde of the walking dead.
>>41860492Baphomets are the best. All the experience of a hag and the cute young body of a girl
>>41862895I don't think black harpy breath would smell like that. Also, that's not very intimate
>>41862891>make big dreamy eyes to make her think the charm is working>lie down there with your chin in your hands to make her think the charm is working>smile dopey to make her think the charm is working>kiss her to make her think the charm is working>follow her into the depths to make her think the charm is working>marry her to make her think the charm is working>sex her every day to make her think the charm is working>raise your kids together to make her think the charm is working>grow old in a happy marriage to make her think the charm is working>pass away holding hands with her to make her think the charm is workingpull a prank on that dum fish
>>41862921That's some next level punk
>>41862878>what kind of stuff do you like the most about the mge setting?Mostly the lore regarding the knights and dragoniaTheres also the corruption/transformation aspects, but I've never truly nailed that right in my writing (dispte writng several mge tf stories)I want to incorprate more lore, items into my stuff, along with some of my own twists, in that sense talking about dragonium last thread was a godsend as its something I can use to push my story further.
>>41862904I dunno, but they do hunt wild animals, so what do you prefer, the smell of dead fish or rancid meat?If you are really lucky, they might have just eaten some fruit, but that odor can also just be ketoacidosis.
>>41862878It's not actually odd for a westerner to view rape as the ultimate crime. It's what society has pushed for years and dumbasses would probably start believing it.I guess it's the biggest sticking point since in mge rape isn't really a big deal, just something that happens every now and again.
>>41862940Profile says they tend to rob their food from people. They're well practiced thieves. So, if you don't offer one your French fries, she's taking not only your fries, but the burger and milkshake you just bought too. Their breath will be okay. But the moral of the story is to buy some extra fries
>>41862930I'm still trying to find anybody who cares for this funny potion here. It smiles even, how lovely, I should take a sip of it right away.
>>41862969What's the name of this one?
>>41862953Rape is bad and i don't like it. Consensual lovemaking is good and i like it.
>>41862839>>41862878The rape isn't even real rape. You don't want it at the moment but the only reason she's doing it is that the both of you are perfect for each other. If they read the setting they'd understand that. But they don't want to read anything past fallen maidens and opt to write shitty stalker fanfiction.
>>41863014mimicry potion, it heals you, trust me :)
>>41862953>>41863048>another episode of retards thinking "rape" in MGE is actually rapeWould you retards please take five minutes to do some basic reading before posting here about something you clearly don't know shit about
>>41863078Shut up, Druella.
>>41863078They're no rape in mge but people still call it that. My statement is true.
I've got your lotr reference right here.Behold! The primordial darkness! Who ruled over all shadows in Middle Earth before Sauron, before Morgoth, before the first rising of the sun!
>>41863078Get over it. Rape is rape even if it's your soulmate pinning you down for it. Yes means yes, anon.This thread thing of explaining away the rape as some sort of super dressed up consensual sex is super strange.
>/tg/niggers are backwell there goes the neighborhood.
>>41863078monster girl (she loves you)>ehm, when you think about it this is against like my free will and stuffcan we just get back to day dreaming instead?Damn what I wouldn't do to have a meido such as this>>41862746
>>41863078Then we should call forceful sex, not rape. Word have a meaning, let's use it a little bit more. I want to fuck a manticore
>>41863133Why are you proud of being unable to do the most basic of reading? Are you proud of being dumber than the average ghetto nigger or something?
How about instead of shitposting, we post pictures of adorable dormice?
Take it easy!
>>41863014Mimicry potionWoman drinks it: becomes slime carrierMan drinks it: attracs human women, and sexually attractive to a woman that has feelings for him, leading to them having sex and her becoming a slime carrier
It wasn't shit posting and I truly think that saying forceful sex is more accurate. What attracts you so much in sleepy mouses ? They look a little bit boring
>>41863173Don't take it too easy tho, don't want to end up like wurmie.
>>41863071>>41863174Ah, what about it?
talking about the loreIt's come to attention that the liliths panacea could have fun stories>drinking it alowes unassisted transformation into anything>dragons and baphomets included>can also become a psuedo-lilim, and be adopted by the DL
>>41863259Perfect final rewards for a big dungeon. Could be sold for a lot of gold.
>>41863259I feel like in a adventure this would be like finding a master ball
>>41863259The article for this doesn't mention what happens to men right?
>>41863177They're cute and taste like brown sugar
>>41863259feels like a pretty good mcguffin item>wife is a human, but she wants to turn into a monster that is rare or doesnt have a form of transformation any more practical than the LP potion>go on a journey with her to find it>but the order is looking for it as well>they want to use it on one of their female archmages to create something powerful enough to cause a lot of damage to MG lands>most monsters step out of your way and wont corrupt your partner when they find out about your goal.>journey is mostly you fighting against the order, taking whatever it is they know about the object, and using it to move on.>final battle with order where the potion is, find out that they cant get to it for some reason. have to beat the arch mage>after beating her discover that "only a couple fwith true love and a transformative desire can break the seal"
>>41863407Safe to assume you'd turn into an incubus instantly, maybe a gigachad one from the start.
>>41863407>>41863441It'd probably instantly make you an Incubus, make you VERY desirable to any monster nearby or put the effect into your cum.
>>41863429There are also monsters fantasy beasts that could be used as obstacles. Like in Monster hunter.>>41863441I wouldn't be surprised if this is what happens.
>>41863068>You don't want it at the moment Sounds like rape to me.
>>41863497>>41863441>Drink the potion>Jawlines grow>Perfect musculature>Still no hair >Black and white filter surrounded you everytime you take a flex pose >Max stat everywhere>Start to levitate Time to build a flying black pyramid.
>>41863646This is KCs perspective in it.So, MGE has the essence of masochism primary.I think the translation of the word "犯す(okasu)"to"rape" caused confusion.Actually, it is not used in serious nuance.For me and Japanese fans, this part is interpreted like "Such attractive girl nestles and pushes me down! Yes!"At least, we don`t consider it creepy or with denial of the dignity of man as you may feel from that word.So it's more hentai doujin rape and not the dark kind rather then real life. If you can't understand this, that's fine. But there is nothing more to discuss.You can join the rest of the haters on sb.
>>41863718So forceful sex just as I said before.
>>41863718But I want to be raped stop trying to make it into lovey dovey shit
>>41863718Basically KC's definition of rape is that if you enjoy it, you can't be raped, but that's retarded because all women enjoy being raped (even monster girls). The actual definition of rape is subsuming another's will with your own, which is why women are prone to rape (because they're not capable of having independent wills).
>>41863738Don't know. Didn't read and don't care. I simply posting how the perspective is supposed to be rather then taking words literally literally like the anal retentive faggots your side is.I have nothing more to say. Fuck off.
How about we post pics of minos instead?
>>41863786Too many words, i don't understand. I want to rape a meme cat
>>41863793We're on the same side you fucking retarded niggerish faggot.
>>41863104O bet Pyrows be looking at Melkor or even Sauron and are like:>"Wow! My grandma Balrog fought in the War of Wrath! Melkor-sensei and Sauron-sensei are Maiar. My grandma Balrog is a Maiar! Therefore I too am a Maiar and related to Melkor-sensei and Sauron-sensei! Hahaha, take that Vanilla Succubus-chan! I'm related to deities!"
>Portals open>Want to break up with gf but I live in a rural area, no monsters here (yet)>Finally convince bitchy girlfriend to visit the other side on a vacation>Visit the local countryside, very nice area and lots of interesting things to do>Last day of our vacation>End up getting "lost" and we find ourselves in a demonic realm>She monsterizes a few hours after we get "lost">As a monster she now qualifies for citizenship in various demon realmsThis is the easiest way to get yourself a green card kek
>>41864180nah, its literally just appearing in a monster realm and saying im lonely out loud
>>41864180The Dragonia book has an immigration office where you can apply to become a citizen and be provided a home. You just have to be married to a dragon.
>I am the mouth of Druella. My mistress bids thee-->Oh it's just you, Anon
>>41864261Who was she expecting?
>>41864261im going to make fun of this damn chunni and make her wear bright colors as well as the 80s workout gear in bright colors
>>41864261>High ranking demon army general that is extremely powerful and skilled at planning battles>Becomes a stuttering autist whenever she sees you or you are in a room with her
>>41864244When I visited dragonia the immigration officer wouldn't let me in unless I agreed to marry her. Are you saying she tricked me?
>>41864368just jump the border and work as the gardener for some rich old dragon
>>41864368YesYou can visit Dragonia without a wife. It's just a requirement if you want to live there and become a citizen.
>>41864383I ended up marrying her so it's too late now. It turns out only unmarried dragons work the immigration booths, they use it as an excuse to pick through/sort all the single men entering the country. It's all one big covert matchmaking operation. You'll never see this reported in The Dragonia Times
>>41864261>any luck on that ancient fox hag with ice blue tails and a slightly cold aura due to her ice affinity?>yeah thats what i thought. back to the overworld with you.>greedy bastard...
>>41864431thats why i just hop the border and do whatever, if there is a lack of dragonfruit, i go find some, come back, make a little booth and sell them for 4 silver coins for a lb and attempt to speak with my broken draconic
>>41864630>sorry, thermostat was set to 28 by accident
>marry a recently revived wight >gets pestered by her (still human) great-great grand nephews, nieces and other relatives about being married to a commoner
>>41864827this is where you show just how much stronger you are than them as well as the fact you dont care
>>41864792>accidentally giving little girls a reason to take off their clothes
>>41864827>Human womens>Criticized mamono>Can't understand why everyone prefer mamono other themYou know the drill. I hate women so much it's unreal.
don't trust dragons
>>41864991Use Stinger on dragons. Fuck those bratty hags.
>>41864991just turn them holsts, their swollen breasts filled with milk will make them honest
>>41864976What about women that join the Sabbath and become witches
>>41865085Not my cup of tea but they're mamono do they're ok.
>Just sign on the dotted line boya and we will solve your problem>The protection package ensures your safe passage to and from work in one of our many facilities along with lodging>No monster outside of the organization will dare even look at you>Oh you want to know what you will be doing for the organization?>Don't worry about silly boring details, it's a super easy job
>>41865133but i have only fought in the underground and never learned anything aside from knowing how to speak
>>41865168Should have taken the deal anon, if the mofukuza boss tells you to take a dive you do it, now you have a debt to settle. Hope you like frying tofu and handling a brush.
>>41865133>It's just a guard job where you stand around in a warehouse with your rifle and socialized with your coworkers>They're all nice and you learn more about Zipangu>You really like the cat one with two tails and will ask her on a date tomorrow Where was the catch ?
>>41865233nah, i bend the knee to no one, but imma just leave and go fight as the nukis champion instead
>>41865133sure okay
>>41865243Good way to get sold off to some low level street thug hellwans, you could have had it all anon, nice suits riding in your fox bosses limo to escort her about her business but you let your pride get in the way.
>>41865271still i aint taking no dives, and hellhounds just want my autographs now
>>41865271>Trying to get an anon who is already married to big nukiRetard fox hag can't do shit
>>41865133>Sign contract>Don't do what's written on it>It's not demonic one anyway>But muh honorDon't care and thanks for the free money. Bunnyip have better fluff anyway
>>41865288>big nukishes old and fat but thats why i love her, my life and body is hard but big nuki is soft and warm
>>41865318Based retard bro, would drink with you.
>>41865243>I bend the knee to no one>Immediately goes for a nukiAll muscle no brains.
>>41865367hey, as long as i get good food, some nuki nookie, training equipment and good opponents, im happi.
>>41865277Cute sea dragon.
>>41865133>sign contract>first day on the job>mofukuza boss is there to introduce me to it>"so your job is to be a personal bodyguard and servant for one of the lesser heads of the organization.">"she's a sweet fox. not too many rough sexual tendencies like the others.>"prefers things like cuddling, snuggling, and kissing over sex. she has 6 tails, and they are as silky as they are fluffy. even im jealous">"why she needs a bodyguard is because of how many are also looking to have rough sex with her.">"the boyas in management picked her for you specifically because of why you came to me for protection.">"personally i think you two are a good fit.">"ok look, i hear your silent protests and i know you might be a little mad because you are not looking for a relationship but as you humans call it you are soulmates">"so just give her a chance, please?"
>>41865625KF will neer be good again.
>>41865643Not salsa, not flamengo my brother. Have you ever heard of naattu koothu?
>>41865625Elk are dumb. They wait there at the side of the road if you slow down, but then when you speed up again they rush in front of you.
>>41865481I like it, it's sweet
I want to marry the strongest Dark Brave.
>>41861875>>41861904>ignore vampire>ignore vampireThat's how you annoy any woman. The best way to annoy a vampire is to play the long game and take advantage of her desperation to turn her into a dhampir factory
>>41865774What if she loves being praised and has you cheer on her whenever she goes to the battlefield?
>>41865985Sure. I'd also bring her homemade lunches (once I learn how to make them) .
Good morning I hate elves so much it’s unreal
>>41866036Even recluse wood elves who dress likely absolute whores but are pure?
>>41866054Fat old elf gonna get fucked
>>41866036Good evening, I hate dark elves so much it’s unreal
give me your hottest mg take
>>41866063Yes.Mostly the accent in their case.
>>41866098I love my Pslime wives (and Mucus Toad) and think they are the best monstergirls.Also wip of wife who is a Angelic Slime Carrier Dark Brave.
Yo how about some of them brews
>>41866098Sex with a Hellhound in heat next to a lava flow from an active volcano.
>>41866121I love how monsters never wear Bras.
>>41866098All the public promiscuity is actually really unnerving to see happen.
>>41866098hellhounds are somewhat unappealing to me
>>41866098some wurms live near pockets of lava when its winter, some even live in said lava
>>41866165And who wouldn't be?They're a very sex oriented girl
>*waggles eyebrows*
>>41845835The joyous world I glimpsed into thanks to the trans hags anon.
>>41866199>>41866165as well as they are pretty basic nowadays
>>41866237Only within the confines of this thread, maybe.
>>41866241yeah thats what i mean.
>>41866241They're the most popular outside the thread specifically because they aren't too exotic.
>>41866250Outside the thread is either foxes or elves by such an insane amount it’s not even comparable.
>>41866266Foxes elves and succubi are barely monster girls. Hellhounds are the only ones who even tickle their monster radar.
>>41866266that fox in nearly all leg, to the point that her legs is almost twice the length of her upper body, but she still cute for having a dopey body
should i watch jashin? the girls look cute but it seems kind of mean spirited
I don't know which one of you told the church of eros about mistletoe but they're already hanging it up early. Watch where you step
>>41866098Monster nature needs to be wildly different from human nature.This means that you can't just write a typical woman character, slap on a few quirks, and call her a monster girl.
>>41865998repopulating extinct species with my beastgirl wife
>>41865639at least it was good for a while, that's all that mattersplus theres the i+ mangas by quick waipa that mimic the style of the first season 1-to-1, they're nice too
>>41866346You won't like mge much then. The background lore is good enough but it's specifically built around them acting like humans. The only exceptions I really know are the cat kingdom who have silly cat laws, wonderland who are all sex obsessed loonies, and the Sabbath who are just culty.The best you're gonna get is being called tom.
>>41866347upgrading my beastgirl wife
>>41866377Actually they act like Succubi, because that's what the DL is/was.
>>41863407I swear somebody asked KC in a q & a and his answer was basically "overdose and Incubize instantly then pass out on the mana overload until a monster finds you"
>>41866413Which is human lite considering modern society. Monsters used to act violent and stuff.
>>41866454And now they don't except where it contributes to Rape Time
>>41866467No rape, remember?Anons are very explicit that's it's all consensual
if that anon who asked for the holst in vanilla, here she is
>>41866483"Ravishing" may be a better way to put it.
>>41866499>Definition of ravish>to fill with strong emotion, especially joy.>to seize and carry off by force.>to carry off (a woman) by force.>to rape (a woman).What did you think "ravish" means?
>>41866518In older works it's specifically used to imply that it's "semi-consensual", i.e. it's forced but not unwanted.
>>41866377>MGE monsters don't get bored or desensitized from repeatedly doing the same thing>In fact they derive more enjoyment the more they repeat the actionThat's one out of a few examples. MGE isn't perfect but still far better than most.
>>41866539>mamono are all autisticperfect
>>41866555It came to me in a dream.Nah but really this is something I recall from a class on Shakespeare in college.
If a team of highly skilled ratas were to check your entire posting history I bet you'd be categorized as one the following:>Ripe for a loving marriage >Deserves violent rape>In dire need of healing
>>41866611Everyone can meet the requirement for those categories
>>41866611why not all three?
>>41866611oddly obsessed with tubs of jelly
>>41866528Uppity brats like amazon lolis who thought they could win against cock and be on top are for ravishing
>>41866628I don't think you can heal a broken anon by having him brutally raped by a loving monster.>>41866640Sounds like you're in need of healing by a nurse slime.
>>41866611mostly gonna see that im into my wives who are way older than me, way larger than me, milky and are pudgy and soft also that im an artist
>>41866611>>41866628The second and the third imply the first.
Thanksgiving with monsters.
>>41866660>my wives who are way larger than me>im an artistJust no like foot fetishist cares for the mandragora, no artist cares for the art fairy.I hope one of your wife is at least a titania
>>41866679with a harpy as your wife, you'll be stuck stuffing the bird>>41866688>>41866688nah, ones a wurm nun, ones a wock dark mage and the youngest of them is a opahnim bogie, the clown bogie, just now in weird angel flavor
>>41863226I don't know, maybe we'd all be a bit happier if we were more like wurmie.
>>41866711wurmie is a cute dummy!
>>41866711>"Hubby, look! I caught this weird wiggling thing!"
>>41866725>Honey, thats your tail, now look what i got>Its his dick in a box
>>41866711nice nip
>>41866711well she does give some solid advice
>>41866711Wurmie's week was just digging for shiny stones, trading said stones for meals, searching for a single male and sleeping.She's even technically homeless since her cave is in a goblin-owned mountain.Don't be like wurmie.
>>41866746and? anyone trying to evict her is not going to be to
>>41866611Ripe for loving rape healing
>>41866210>six daughters already born with a seventh on the wayEither echidna eggs take a while to hatch or she must have an iron womb
>>41866765That's just the third one And I probably qualify since even Anons here said I hate human women too much.
>>41866776Her husband insists that doing a "10 pull" will increase his odds of getting a super rare frosthound daughter.
>>41866266Foxgirls and elves aren't unique to mge, they've been around in anime and other stuff for decades now. Among mge unique designs hellhounds are undoubtedly the most popular.
>>41866266that or dragons
>>41866798The Frosthound doesn't exist. She's a myth.
>>41866836You vastly underestimate how many people are grossed out by reptiles.
>>41866841Gibe de sauce
It would be hot if monsters test the waters on men who are already with another monster by sexually harassing them to see if they're interested in having a harem. It's not wanted at all but it would kinda make men feel sexy and confident in their appearance at the same time.
>>41866841Frostbite is a strange place
>>41866882It's only if you do want a harem. It would get old very fast if you want to remain monogamous.
>>41866882they can try
What's with that strange cliff side mansion in MGC?
>>41866937You only think you do, but all Anons will be whored out until they have at least one wife for every hour.
Greenworm hanging out in a cornucopia
>>41866941>Massive Oni approches Anon>Says such a pretty boy is made to serve sake>Hebi forces a smile with closed eyes>Flames intensify around her>Oni apologizes and leaves in a hurry>Hebi squeezes Anon extra tight afterwards
>>41866882I'd swoon if a big, tall monster sexually harrassed me desu
>>41866958They say it was once owned by the city's founders, but it's been abandoned for years
>>41867008I would not marry a girl that I would not be content having as my only companion 24/7.
>>41866958Thrunderbird base
>>41867144I have a main girl but there are other ones I cannot get out of my head. I don't know how it will go in reality though, probably insta lose to a familiar.
I know she's very honorable and all, but I think a Jinko doesn't have to feel obligated to return the favor after I eat her out.
>>41867332Yeah well she can't really eat you out if you don't have a pussy, baka anon
>>41867339Thank goodness they're not that autistically literal minded.
>>41867229Peak height difference, need me a monster that's almost twice my height
>>41867360they are the best to have their massive thighs wrap around
>>41867403Or when she teases you by pinning you against a wall and pressing her hips into your face
>>41867223Is this what you get when you order the "3 chocolates special" at the mofu parlor?
>>41867332You will accept her inexperienced clumsy blowjob and you will enjoy it.Don't you date mention that her fangs keep touching.
>>41865133>Accept the job.>What's the worst that could happen?>Cut to Anon wearing a revealing outfit in a seedy mofu club, getting groped and fluffed by lecherous Foxes.
>>41866841Fluff as soft and fresh snow.Abs as hard as ice.
>>41866711I made that post and I apologize to you and wurmie. I admit you are right and didn't want to insult her. I only wanted to make a Cirno reference.
Need big baka monsters
>>41867527big monsters with big hearts
>>41867527What about a big baka cat who acts high and mighty and ends all her sentences in "nya"?She's also easily coerced with food and all the fat goes to her thighs.
>>41867462It's only fair since at that point I'm not experienced either.
>>41867527How about this cute ditzy big fairy?
>>41867563and her number one enemy... small doors!then again, i suppose a lot of monsters would struggle with smaller than average doors>horns>naturally big monsters>foxes with multiple fluffy tails>wings, expecially fragile ones
>>41867527so you in the mood for a wurm, my friend?u wish for choco, vanilla, rocky road, or cookies and creme?
>>41867527Monsters need baka humans
>>41867663Joke's on them, I was only pretending to be retarded.
>>41867707>anon reveals his mega-retardation
>>41867707That won't get you out of miss Haku's remedial lessons.
>>41867663I don't need some monster thinking for me just like I don't need their protection to get through the scary parts of town!
>>41867663>>41867723>monster thinks retardanon needs help getting through scary part of town>he's actually the reincarnation of a earth human that would always pick mage or magic classes in everything that gave him a choice>for some reason this transferred over into immense magic skill in MGE
>>41867663Intelligent monsters are attracted to dense boys.
>>41867746Too bad about that miscast % though.
>>41867765That's why you take the Chaos Magic perk. Even the miscasts are guaranteed to do something.
>>41865774>Anon says he wants to marry the strongest Dark Brave>two end up dueling over him>results in considerable property damage and several craters
>>41867783>A .1% miscast chance causing the final battle to devolve into a massive, slightly horny LARP session
I'm actually retard, please post thick rata
>>41867967No thanks, /v/ermin that posts in off-topic webcomic threads.
>>41867983>same filename>same imageDo I really have to get the archive out to prove this shit because you're too cowardly to admit your home board?
So h100 cards are apparently out or going to be , it seems coreweave got their hands on some Thoughts on the hopper architecture?
she can be your angle...or yuor devil
>>41867995Sure, do it.
Dark elves>light elves
Vampire fight!
>>41868021what about blueberry elves
>>41868037i was gunna defend that anon and say "well perhaps he just saved it from there", but he's a catposter.
>>41868037That's a thread on /v/. Why should I care ? Take your meds and fuck off
>>41868045Seethe and go back, /v/nigger. Stay in your ghetto instead of shitting this place up.
What is even being complained about right now
>>41868052cat(real)poster being a retardnothing abnormal.
>>41868002me no understand
>>41868021I want to have a dark elf mistress
>>41868060Cat(real) ?
>>41868052one retard getting mad at another retard for accidentally posting an off topic image because he saw the same image on a web comic thread on an entirely different board, apparently
>>41868063Catgirls are real now. Get your catgirl while you can.
>>41868052Someone should take his meds and stop noticing dumb things
>>41868063As opposed to cat you wish was real.
>>41868063an actual cat, not a catgirl.i feel the distinction is important here.
>>41868072Nah, detective gatekeeper-san is based, I don't want /v/tards being too comfy here
>>41868071>>41868075>No childhood friend catIt's really cold tonight...
Are Americans still busy with their turkeys?
>>41868089No, my turkey has been thoroughly stuffed.
>>41868096is the bird okay?
>>41868081He would if that didn't implied that he is also a v/tard/. How could he noticed that otherwise. Or it's the local schyzos trying something new.
>>41868089>>41868096>tfw you will never leave your harpy wife draped over the table and insensate from wild sex every Thanksgiving
>>41868106>anon doesn't know the phrase know your enemy
>>41868104she's a bit troubled by estrus and you emitting all those pheromones
>>41868106He probably just ticked all boards on b4k reverse image search to check where the tard came from, it's nothing special for anyone invested more than your typical phoneposter.
>>41868118But I just took a shower last night!
>>41868089My family has deer instead of turkey. Don't tell miss whitehorn. I don't need her stalking me in the woods
>>41868151>anon and miss whitehorn hunt each other to see who gets to "eat" who
>>41868151anon do be looking cold and rescuable
>>41868028Anon please.The left is not a vampire.
>>41868186Of course she is. She has fangs. Only vampires have fangs.
What would a zombie do if she found a freezing man?
>>41868227Return with a blanket, help the warm recharge.
>>41868151White Horn-san has found your location
>>41868227hug and nibble, same as always
>>41868021Drow > brown > vanilla
>>41868248>...Maybe I should let her in.
>>41868227Get mom, obviously. Mom being a very tired looking Lich.
>>41868262i wonder if elves will ever figure out they might look nicer with clothes
>>41868271She could use a hot beverage.
>>41868271White Horn-san just wants to "talk", of course! The SKS she brought along is for hunting, nothing more
>>41868227Free popsicle.
>>41868248Whitehorn breath == extremely sniffable
>>41868299Seems it's time to hide in the panic room
Post pics of fashionable whitehorns
>>41868356Summer fashion!
>>41868356Don't worry senpai, I got you
>>41868383cute little nightmare, I wanna see her wiggle her ears.
>>41868383Better, hate centaurs.
Don't listen to those nymphs anon, that "Rhinegold" is a trap
>>41868383>bipedal How to ruin a whitehorn.>>41868374Slavic whitehorn seems fun. But i think if prefer a Canadian one or a Nordic one
Cursed/Monsterized Guns, wat do?
>>41868425Anon, no.
>>41868413>every monster in the river is just waiting for you to "forswear love" so they can show you the error of your ways>it's not even real gold
>>41868425kill yourself.
>>41868425Sup Reddit
>>41867663i aint idiot, just got many noggin floggin when was kid
>>41868425this is basically just posting humans no matter what you say they are, go away and take your reddit meme with you
I'm going to show monsters I'm fine living alone by showing off my gourmet chef skills. Once they see how well I make instant Ramen and frozen pizza they'll stop saying I need a wife!
this snek does NOT exude 'best mom' energy
>>41868501she's doing her best
>>41868499Dummy, you're supposed to bake the pizza, not freeze it.
How can whitehorns be so lewd when they dress so conservatively?
>>41868524Woman with a natural charm and a good fashion sense doesn't have to show much skin to be alluring.
>>41868595Picked a bad image for your post. That demon doesn't look lewd at all
>>41868524I think they're frustrated from constantly having to take off all those layers before they can get a man. After one too many men gets away while they're still getting the coat off, the brain of a whitehorn melts with pent up lust
Next sith profile soon.I can feel it, we are overdue.
>>41868425>draw a human girl>Call it a robotMiss me with that shit.
>>41868595What's natural charm, though.
>>41868814I'm not sure how to define it without circular reasoning, just that feeling that a White Horn gives you. That quality that makes a girl lewd without being explicitly lewd.
Raiju is masturbating in public again, keep walking and don't look at her in the eyes
>>41868934But it's making my hair stand on end and I'm not even that close.
>get one of those ai art generators>type monster girl in the prompt>get this as first result so what is she supposed to be? a chimeric abomination that mixes dragon/harpy/shog?
>>41868973She looks like she'd be a closet nerd who just wants to be told that she's done a good job for once.
>>41868973Though it was a beetle girl at first
>>41868981she looks like she just wants a husband that ruffles her feathers and won't mention that she is getting bald
>>41868973Some cross between wyvern and mermaid? Idk
>>41868973Whatever she is she deserves kisses.
Was there a guy In these threads thst got mad at the word "heckpups"?
>>41868973my first impression is a dorky neet abyss monster that doesnt like all the corruption/assimilation stuff that her friends are into, and likely models her habits and appearance after a surface monster to try and put herself further away from all of it.
>>41868973I love the feather dress
>>41869032Byt why?
>>41869040it accentuates her figure by making it bigger and fluffier and it makes her shoulders look alluring by their nakedness in comparison
Hahaha where am i?
>>41868973She looks spiky.
>>41868973LOL! LMAO! This what Lilith's Influence and "Mamono Mana" does? Hahahaha! And you nerds say human women are low tier! Look at that face, and look at those teeth! What and absolute L.
>>41868973either a shoggoth trying to be a dragon for her master or an unmarried chaos dragon
>>41868425Impregnate them and create more daughters cursed guns. Simple.
>>41868934Hit her with the spray
>>41868973Dangerous Abyss Demon, very deadly! Do not try to kiss!
Well I have bad news about the AI generated mamonoI kept feeding the same image to the AI in order for it to try to enhance the originally made imageunfortunately, it seems she has succumbed to a fate worse than death, "they" got to her, look her fall from grace as she embraces the forbidden arts
When cornered by a beast monster do I curl up and play dead or pretend to be big and make loud noises?
>>41869168sabbath strikes again
>>41869168This is why we need the uwaa bomber.
>>41869168Oh no
>>41869252never AI my greentext again.
>>41869168The blessed fate of all mamono
>>41869252whats with the sextupletits
>>41869252Mofu multibooba is good booba
>>41869252tf is this? this is why you just grab a pencil and learn
>>41869294>tf is this?fun
>>41869303nah, its just a mistake. no woman has more then a pair of tits, if she does, it aint human
41869314please anon, go shitpost else. or just go outside
>>41869294Drawing is hard and we don't all have time to put into it.
>>41869276>Portals open>Excited for monster sex>Gleefully jump at them>Your first time is staring at some fucking horseshoes on a loli goat
>>41869168You cannot escape.
>>41869252>>41869350Leave.>>41869347Does not excuse shitposting.
>>41869347you can start very small and in just 5 mins a day, and you can avoid making mistakes like that machine spat out by learning41869350it aint funny, just sad that you need to do this for attention
>>41869350This actually does look ai generated.
>>41869374Konshin has been drawing for far longer than AI art being a thing.
>>41869400Sucks to be him then
>>41869374>>41869400nta but the knee shading is kinda iffy and his style is very similar to what ai spits out, must be rather common style
>>41869410Someone has to be doing the common style. All those technically correct but soulless twitter artists are pretty pissed they've been replaced.Its not just the shading either. Thr clothes lines bother me and the folds of the sleeves are super noisy and don't feel delibersre
>>41869409>himTheir Danbooru wiki page says they're a woman.
>>41869168Is this the results of deferalization for a monster girl?
41869515please stop
who is going to tell him?
I love sleep mice like you wouldn't believe.
Remember to leave your Kjarr-brand equipment at customs when traveling out of the New World! If the Danuki mofukuza catches wind of it, they're gonna be on you like white on rice.
I made a drawing of a Shog.
>>41869682cute bowtie
>>41869682i want to go to slimeland
>>41869682I think I recognize that Shog.>>41869694Agreed.
>>41869750She's a great shog. Her colors and design are really fun and a breath of fresh air I would say.
>>41869646>Forgetting about the safi brand weapons Congrats on invalidating every other elemental weapon
Court Alf book has this huge ship. It's interesting that you could do a cruise ship vacation in MGE if you want to then arrive in a fantasy country and explore the surroundings and culture. And if you like it become a citizen like with Dragonia.
mgs that don't look at explosions
>>41869798Safi'jiiva doesn't create monstrously-powerful elemental weapons from a precious metal, anon.Come to think of it, wouldn't Safi be considered somewhere on the same level as the DL, or a Lilim at least? What with the whole terraforming thing.
>>41869765I didn't know it's a waifufag's OC and not just an artist's one-of picture. The design is really cool.>>41869802Spending your life traveling the world with your beloved is also romantic.
>Try to resist hag>Fail >Mating press her This happens everyday, how do I stop giving into my temptations?
>>41869802Their world looks super cozy and I'm sad I will never visit a place that doesn't exist.
>>41869917Wear a blindfold so you can't be tempted by her mature beauty
>>41869936He's gonna be tempted by her beautiful voice now.
>>41869917It's what Hobbes would want, desu
>>41869951Shove a gag in her mouth.
>>41869917stop taking trips to hagville
>>41869951Then add ear plugs. That way he can walk the streets of hagville temptation free
>>41869978Anon why are you calling a young and spry cat woman a hag?
>>41869750Best Shog in a long time.
>>41869978then you will keep mating press hagsI'm sure they will name a street after you in honor of your duty of breeding hags
>>41869971or better yet, get a sabbath member to escort you through
>>41869872You could. Work or mama cage max to buy a submarine and then explore the world.
>>41870000>hag thinks Anon is blind and deaf>wants to help him cross the street and takes his hand>Anon is tempted by the skin contact
>>41870021Why indeed
>>41870045Damn these old ladies are crafty. Okay ear plugs, blindfolds, and now thick gloves
>>41870045>help him across the streeta likely story, I bet she will lead him to her house if she could
>>41869971Yeah, go to hebeville instead.
Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread. Instead, hug a birb today. Gotta enjoy those soft birbs.
>>41870170>refuse to hug birb>birb hugs youoh darn
>>41870170>>41870182If I hug the birb I fear I will not let go.
>>41870170>hug birb>bigger birb hugs youThink I got it
>>41870170I had my glasses off and accidentally hugged a cupid thinking she was a jubjub. Did I break the rules?
>>41870039oh god black cat erotic
>>41870201Yes, but you're forgiven.
Remember to ignore that Vampire that's harassing you and instead go for her older sister. Who wants to be a servant to some dumb elf that berates you for being born when you can go on cool adventures with a Dhampir?
>>41866937That's why anons need protection from unwanted harem otherwise their rights for practising monogamy will be revoked.
>>41870256Get off my property
>>41870463She'd like nothing more
>>41870256>>41870502>showing off her tit to some random guy while having a "husband" Whore.
>>41870502It makes sense mamano agents would be married, can't have them fraternizing with the suspects.
>>41870256great, feds know about me pushing manticore venom to order countrysidewhere's my ignis mana stuffed demon realm boar?
>>41870256>>41870502I've heard you can't say no to a Male Body Inspector.
>>41870514That's a married woman, retard.
>>41870256Feds get the dark matter
>>41870508Her badge was in her coat's inner pocket, man
>>41870531uh huh, sure
Looking and searching Mist Continent news and politics with Mist Continent Uncensored starring Christy Chappell (Ratatoskr)
>>41870573I'm gonna steal her during her news report!
>>41870593Steal her what?
>>41870573I'm gonna be one of those people who stands outside the window of the live report at the studio, holding up a sign that says "I <3 CHRISTY! PLEASE MARRY ME!"
>>41870632Huff the fluff
>>41870632Wow, I didn't know she was so smol, you never see that on the cameras.
>>41870639I bet she uses stilts to make her seem taller, what a phoney
>>41870573Yell fuck her right in the pushy into the mic during an interview
>>41870645Not at all, subtle camera angles and positioning help our little reporter report big news! It's all in the tricks of the trade!
>>41870645It's okay for squirrels to be small unlike for anons :^)
>>41870651>Rata Reporter keeps accidentally interviewing the "Fuck her right in the pussy" Anon by accident.>He's always in disguise, startling her so much she becomes a flustered, embarrassed mess each time.heh
>>41870652>report big newsleave it to the interns that have the height
>>41870695That poor chair is giving its best.
>>41870715The Oni is heavy
>>41870715Put me in it's place
>>41870719shut up denji
>>41870715don't be ruderata isn't fat!
>>41870715It's a tabouret, not a chair
beelzebub outta nowhere
>>41870733Tabouret is a type of chair.>>41870742You should have expected her, it's Black Flyday today.
>>41870742>Happy Black-Fly day!I'm throwing her into an Arachne web.
>>41870750Not it's not, chair are chair, tabouret are tabouret, rata are molestable and sofa are sofa
>>41870731Ratas are small, lightweight and easy to carry.You could walk in to the nearest news agency, grab a rata, throw her over your shoulder and there is nothing she could do about it.
>>41870791And it's what I will do when the portals open. Raiding the nearest new station, balaclava on head, with only petite tree rat in mind, i hope that no one will interfere.
>>41870780Tabouret is a type of chair and Ratas are viable both for molesting and being molested by.
>>41870791That's rude, anon. How would you feel if some big monster came into your workplace and threw you over shoulder?
>>41870814>How would you feel if some big monster came into your workplace and threw you over shoulder?Aroused.
>>41870814Probably pretty aroused
>>41870814please do itI prefer a beeg kot but I will take anything
>>41870814Bad but it's the mge rule. You are either on top or under. I choose to be on top and the rata will not leave unmolested.
>>41870814I'd get revenge by grabbing a handful of her ass from my new position.
>>41870833do it kotif you won't take me, I will throw you over my shoulder and take you home
>>41870819>>41870820>>41870823>>41870827This is why monsters think all men are sluts! They'll never take us seriously if this keeps up
>>41870814She can have me.
I commissioned someone to draw a baphomet
>>41870844cocaine is hell of a drug
>>41870844They already can't take anything seriously, they're always thinking with their vaginas.
>>41870844I will have you know just because I can't name my top 40 monsters doesn't mean I'm a slut! I just have a big heart!
>>41870844I'm not expecting any more respect than a stripey musclekot carrying me to her home is going to give me.
>>41870844Speak for yourself, they won't caught me.
>>41870844They don't actually think that though right.
>>41870844Respectful monsters will prince carry men instead.
>>41870904Dangerously in titty squeezing range
>>41870844>4/5 anons are into femdomWow who could believe, it's almost like maledomfags are not welcome. Now fuck off with your maledom shit.
>>41870894>he thinks he can run away on those short little legs of hisMen are adorable.
>>41870844any notion of pride or resistance goes away the moment a big monster grapples me into their tits/chest fluff
>>OPAztec birb cloaca sexo.
>>41870912uh ohretard detected
>>41870916Not running away, tackles them. They won't catch me because i will catch them first and if everything go bad in my end i will inject as much raging mushroom in my blood as humanly possible. It's about sending a message
>>41870924I'll ask her to give me a carnita burrito
>>41870926he is probably the tard that keeps trying to start shit between maledom and femdomfagshe seems to pop up around this time usuallybest to ignore him
>>41870926Local schyzos trying to start shit, ignore him.
>>41870695Is this the rare late night where he actually bothers to draw?I swear his stuff looks like a dementia patients progress sometimes
pigs are good
>>41870956Can she devour an entire corpse, bones and all?
>>418709562D Pig Delicious
>>41870961she would faint, unless it was some chicken
>>41870982I head if you pull the high orc's tail, she actually squeals
>>41870956Not so tough without her H'Orc delinquent ringleader to back her up.
>>41871010we will never know...
>>41871010its the emergancy eject if her stiing on your face becomes too suffocating
>>41870924>anthroNo, fuck off
Shady buisness men deserve shady wives
Why are you in her house?
>>41871050dumb nukis
>>41871068Flickering her lights.
>>41871068Putting garlic spray in her perfume
>>41871068Really wanted to sniff her panties, hail Caesar!
>>41871073Is this Pawn Stars?
any good ideas for corruptin storiesI want to read about women becoming monsters
>>41871097You might as well write an alp story at that point.
>>41871198I said women becoming monsters, alps even if the end result is "female", don't count
>>41871050How do I stop getting shady ads about receiving free "genuine gold" in exchange for dating a nuki?
>>41871097>Undead cancer>Basically slowly girl slowly turning undead and have to figure out why she suddenly doesn't need to eat or sleep but feel cold all the time.>Demon cult>The head priestess is gonna use some magic to ascend into demonhood. Works a bit too well and she becomes a greater demon. She realizes how weirdly fucked up their cult is and decide to follow her monster instincts instead. She ends up corrupting the whole town into monster girls as well. >Hero's curseYoung female hero gets in a fight with a demon/Lilim. The monster decides it would be more fun if she just cursed her instead. The curse makes it so she's utterly convinced all the lewd stuff she does to her squire or whoever is totally in line with what the chief goddess wants. Basically a dark valk curse. >Novice warlock>A young man wants to become a wizard and finds a book of dark magic. Asks his childhood friend if he can train with her. She agrees and he ends up corrupting her while having no idea how any of this works, and just corrupting her even further while trying to fix it.I can probably think of more but these are some ideas at least.
>>41865133I’ll find the target, and catch her for you. Mounting and stuffing is extra.
>>41866098Monsters don’t rape if you ask them to stop. This is played totally straight. A monster will stop ripping off your clothes as soon as you “pls no”. All of them are like this, even the forceful ones.
>>41870963>>41870956>Pig monsters are delicious>They're afraid of being eaten outHow do I taste sweet p'Orc juices without buiis piercing my ears?
>>41871279>Think that shit works You are fucking retarded. The real way to get a monster to stop raping you is to rip off her clothes and pin her down instead, from there you show her how it feels to be raped and she’ll never do it again.
>>41866640Based chad. Please fuck my sister in her horse ass.
Mamono Brand hand-warmers
>>41871279Just cry and roll in a ball. They will find you so pathetic and disgusting that they will ignored and ask anyone they know to fo same. You can be a ghost.
>>41871298>Forgot your gloves>It's freezing outside>Walk up to a massive winter wolf girl>Slip your hands in her cleavageYou'll enjoy the warmth for a bit, but then she'll enjoy (You) for a while.
>>41871097Anon gets a dragon zombie wife and tries to take her home with him. Unfortunately she has never been to a city before and is easily startled by bright lights and loud noises, which leads to her starting a zombie outbreak when she gets scared by a subway train and tries to attack it with her zombifying breath.
>>41871323Sounds like a fair exchange to me.
>>41871285Can’t we all just get along?>>41871304>banshee cries and goes fetal with anon>crying fetal-position rape happensOr you could ask politely.
>>41871355No, we're going to guts each other in front of the portal just because we're too retarded
>>41871355Fuck you. I will kick your ass in front of your waifu before she kicks my ass and run to nurse unicorn to heal me so I can kick your ass again and then get my ass kicked till nurse unicorn gets tired of healing me
>>41871396Yeah, that's why I coming with my riot gears, mamonos and most of you are too retarded.
Monsters can't rape me if I never leave my apartment.
>>41871439I taught about it and even our apartment aren't safe. You can trap them but they can teleport in, so you have to also to put mines mid air everywhere. It's hard to make no noises and internet can bring to much external attention. Food is limited and be recovered without going outside.
>>41871439Sandworm is your apartment now.
>>41871465Does she have wi-fi connection in there?
>>41871529She doesn't come with it by default but she does have space to install it.
Riddle me this now and riddle me quick! When did Pixar turn to shit?
>>41871582Toy story 4, now can i marry you ?
>>41871582About when you turned 15 and got better taste.
>>41871073Perfect for breath sniffing
>>41871582>Can we skip to the part when you go full coomerbrain on me?
>>41871605So do you watch Don Bluth cartoons with your Sphinx cubs?
remember to consider all your options when hiring staff
>minitaurs Minotaurs that're just as strong and have the same temperament, but instead of being 6'+ tall, they're between 5' and 5' 11" tall.
>>41871654I don't want to get beaten up...
>>41871721you'll be fine anon
>>41871625Godzilla the Animated Series with the wurmlings
>>41871654>>41871737>negative herovery wholesome, can't believe the succ is dead
>>41871690>5’11”I can now tell everyone I’m as tall a minotaur
>>41871760That's the best thing to come out of that turd of a movie
>>41871654>>41871737those are some meaty ears
>”Death” has come again for my soul>Says she’ll give me another week to live if I share some of my essence with her Why are undead so theatrical? If she wants to fuck she doesn’t have ride in on a skeletal steed demanding my soul before settling for my cum
>>41871465How much do the utilities cost?
>>41871823Challenge her to a game of chess like that guy in that pretentious Swedish movie
>>41871823She looks scary, better do what she says.
>>41871823Just don't do it. She will just excuse herself and go back flustered and crying. Fucking normies walking in my woods and stealing my shrooms. Just get the fuck out
It's Friday! Time to watch Police Story with a fire rat!
>>41871828She's not connected to the grid, so you'll need to buy a mana generator if you want to run anything electrical.
>>41871959What about solar panels?
remember if you have a villain wifethe moment she starts raninting about how the world is twisted, fuck herYou'll be saving the world by reminding her love existsUnless i'ts a bicorn or someonme vrazed love maniac that wants everyone to feel what she feels or some other crazy shit
>>41872298The Egyptians used mirrors to bring light underground
>>41872315>she starts ranting about mana contamination in the water turning her son into an alp
rememberThe cute girl worling a subway may be a kikimora in disquiseThe nice old lady may be a dark mage under an illusionThe cheerful bartender may be a satyros
You were the first boy to hold her hands in kindergarten. You are destined to marry her.
level up your wife!
>>41872366con makes the monster thicker
>>41872344Does the same apply if I beat a lizard girl in kindergarden as well?Does she just remain mere'd or does that only come up when she's in her teens?
>>41872344It can't happen to anyone here now...
>>41872342You know what would be fun? if a little dark?stalker psychiatrist lilimSo say you've got something like the above going on and it creeps anon out, among other things and he goes to get mental helpAnd said lilim works things so he gets a harem with herself included
>>41872342>talk to the ugly homeless woman because there's no way a monster would intentionally look like that>she's a titania in disguise looking for a man of pure heart or something
>>41871298Doing this to a White Horn
>>41872387How is that dark?
>>41872376Not if you level up STR and unarmed. Unless you mean hips and ass, then you can get the best of both worlds.
>>41872554i meant the higher the con value, the curvier the monster bodies become
>>41872379Join the sabbath and ask for the shota potion and a witch that wants to larp as your older sister childhood friend whatever. It's a real thing, KC said so. The sabbath is basically a refuge for mentally ill flatties and larpers.
>>41872488Manipulation, especaly on a dependant mind, is pretty fucking evil.
Gonna max VIT and laugh as a lizard girl tries to do any damage to me.
>>41872611how common is that potion in the world of MGE?
>>41872654Max vit, max PV Regen, heaviest armor and max counter damage
>>41872672The sabbath are pretty good at the spell for little girls.
>>41872693i mean the shota potion
>>41872700I just made that up anon. It probably exists.
>>41872711the thing I'm thinking just how common that potion would be in a typical MGE town
The islands are beautiful this time of year
>>41872693The spell is unisex, so the potion should probably be too.
>>41872672there's those wonderland cookies too. maybe the sabbath scouts'll sell you some
>>41872913im going to get some and wait till im alone, and eat some, then go sneak into a bar
>>41872654nah, just get max level sharoi, and just make her feel like shes hitting the air as you stand her blade
>>41871828i assume there'll be evolved sandworm subspecies that already have some bio-electricity generation for her husband's convenience, obviously running on residual sex energy because MGE.imagine sandworm's "mouth" but it glows in RGB colors like an expencive, gaudy battlestation, except all the colors are bioluminescence. that'd be cool as all fuck.
>>41872611i'm here for it
>>41873146cute zombie maid, i do wanna see her with a braided ponytail tho
>>41873146The garterbelts, they're erotic. But why?
>>41873149>sandworm but her outer body is the ghost leviathan from Subnautica
stretch your hopper
>>41873193i was thinking more Black Mesa Xen chapter Interloper, but with less metal sewn into flesh but that works too
>>41873193MGExSubnautica sounds so cool
>>41873218think somebody took a crack at writing that a while back, alp maybe? i remember it being worthwhile
>>41873218MGE X Iron Lung>several years after portaling nearly everyone into their universe, the monsters realize that they missed the people on spaceships>they go back and set up portals on the few remaining moons to hopefully draw in any survivors>some convict in a makeshift submarine gets sent down to investigate
>>41873218be wary of assimilation by feral deep sea shogs
>>41872611>The sabbath is basically a refuge for mentally ill flatties and larpers.Except for the best one, that is.
>>41873149WATER WORM, warcraft tidal guardians were giant snakes, but then in wow theyre giant worms, point being they shoot lightning
>>41873332>Kraken spots the ship>Tries to look around it while it's going around>It seem to be taking photos and can't see her>But she can feel there's a man inside>Even here she can smell his mana>She makes it so it takes a photo of her before she rips it open and "saves" the man inside
>>41873218MGE X darkest dungeon is still the best. I want to breed all the pig girls in the warrens. Especially the swine princess.
>>41873505MGE x Bloodborne would be better with the cosmic horror mamonosbut the well have been poisoned by a bunch of retards.
>>41873218>The entire game leads up to you breeding the haggiest of hagsI’d play it.
>>41873621It would be top tier stuff for abyssal girl and the like, shame it has been so thoroughly ruined.
>>41873460>fur color does not mach hair colorsus
Lilim that simply warps unworthy men back to their hometowns before they even get their boss fight
>>41873798Very rude.I bet she's even disliked by other monsters since she's just teleporting away potential husbands for them.
>>41873798>Get teleported>Cry>Dot leave your house out of shame>Died of hunger or thirst
>>41873798At least send a monstergil with them
>>41873711Yup, even some great insect and beast girls. You can also larp as a hounter with your big weapons and duel your future wife.
>>41873798Unless all of them are scumbags or she wants to pair them up with someone else that doesn't make sense and is very out of character for a monster.
>>41873836>Other monster girls find out about this>Picked up by Rata news>It becomes a huge deal that a Lilim effectively killed a man>Sure, he was revived like 3 days later and got a nice undead wife, but still>She eventually has to resign from her job as final boss
>>41873845A baphomet will always think you are worthy because you are smart enough to see flat is best.
>>41873879>3 days dry rotting corpse Miss lich had a lot of work on this one
>>41873798This is lilim slander, they aren't anything like that at all!
>>41874022Damn elves, making me want to put babies into them
>>41873907Miss lich has seen far worse. Just last week she had to patch up an alchemist that accidentally blew himself up with one of his experiments. It took 2 days just to find all the pieces.
>What even is an eye of newt and why do I have to cum on it before you throw it in the cauldron?
>>41873798too bad for her, i set a teleport point right outside her throne roomtime to restock on consumables and warp myself back to her from hometown
>>41874141Do dark mages call their pussy "eye of newt"?
>>41874126Animals eat parts of you and some parts are reduced to red mist. Either they have a few extra bits of meats, they use mechanical augmentations or magic regrow what's needed.
>>41874243>that lich whose husband is a living head in a jar after the catastrophic loss of the rest of his bodyif the two of them weren't so picky maybe he'd have a body by now
>>41874358Just put him in a dreadnought or a power armor. Also, regenerate a new dick and balls fast.
>>41874243There are plenty of dark magic to regrow limbs and even whole bodies. Just takes a lot of mana. So whoever is getting their whole lower half regrown better pay her back.
>>41867753Reminds me of that greentext of an anon chatting with a girl over a dating site who worked with special needs children and using the pick-up line>Well you're gonna love hanging out with me then, haha.
>>41874568Never forget that renrushka is the best baphomet and that KC was kind enough to add medically assisted painless suicide pills to the setting.
>>41867785>Not forcing them to do domestic tasks to see who would be the better wife>It's not actually a contest but an excuse to see two demigods struggle to bake a cake
>>41873409That’s not Shirokuto’s
>>41874699God damn I love bicorns.I want to marry one and have a monogamous relationship even tho she keeps talking about wanting me to fuck other girls.
>>41874749>Screenshot 2021-12-05 at 21-18-42 1638748030914 jpg (JPEG Image, 1749 × 2490 pixels).png
>>41870844>Wanna hear a joke?>Human rights
>>41874439>be male teleport mage>dont have any affiliation to the DL or order>you just stand at a ravine and teleport people that need to cross>one day a group of cats come by, one of them is a cheshire>she teleports across herself, do your job on the rest of them>just one more to go...>TELEFRAG>rather than be shocked or horrified the group starts laughing>turn around to find a disembodied chesh head at your feet, also laughing>"i have a single friend that knows dark arts, she can repair my body... but she needs a lot of mana to do it. and its law that the person responsible for a body needing to be repaired is the one that needs to 'provide' it">as she finishes the group starts howling with laughter.>"cmon chesh, tell him the best part!">"no you dumbass its better as a surprise" >"i'll tell him then. THE PERSON SHE'S TALKING ABOUT IS A FATASS! SHE'S PROBABLY EATING A CAKE RIGHT NOW.">at this point the group completely breaks down, no chance of hearing anything over their laughter.stupid cats and their mean pranks...
>>41874868>Wow what's a funny joke, i'm sure that your buyer and future master will love it. Now, shut the fuck up and stop making noises in your cage.
>>41874921>ntryou are not welcome here.
>>41874931>Being a slaver is NTR Are you retarded ?
>>41874939its close enough faggot, now go back to your vtuber general.
>>41874931The buyer and the master are the same person, where is the NTR ?
>>41874942What the fuck since when is something forbidden here and why are you talking about vtumors?
>>41874942What the fuck are you on and where can I get some?
>>41874939To be fair, human slavers tend to sample the merchandise.
>>41874962No they don't, how can you sell a mamono if she's your loving wife. That's retarded.
dont care, anything related to actual slavery or cuck shit is depraved shit and not welcome in MGEperhaps you would be more welcome in /d/ or /trash/
>>41874962Now I'm just imagine some guy going to the monster girl slave market and asking to "sample the merchandise" and both the slaver and the slaves looks at him like he's completely retarded.
>>41874979Do you think the same for dark elves and other mamonos or they get a pass because you're a disgenuine cunt ?
>>41874971Now that I think about it, monster-slaving wouldn't work as a profession for a man. It would just be an evergrowing harem because the slave would imprint on the man who captured her.
>>41874994yes.ALL cuck shit and slavery is get >>>/out/
>>41874979So no dark elves then ?
>>41875009And nothing of value was lost.
>>41875000It's just a matchmaking schemes for sub mamonos. The slaver and the girls are playing an act more or less
>>41875028>Go to buy a demon salve>Have to sign a contract to become her new masterHmmm
I would love to be enslaved by the cat kingdom and turned into a throne for a sith.I'd also accept a chsehire if loli.
>>41875047Paperwork is part of the job. Anon wants a Jinko? Sure, we need blood samples, a little bit of his mana and papers showing that he can take care of her. When we got everything we go "hunt" a Jinko with a matching mana (validated by our Eros expert) and deliver what anon pay for.
Sir please redeem (the Jinko wife gift card)
>>41875112MGC wife scams must be rampant
>>41875097>>41875047>buy one werewolf get the entire pack free
>>41874971>>41875000That actually sounds like a pretty funny story. I'd read one about a slaver that keeps "imprisoning" and "sampling" the girls he catches and every time he goes to sell one she either bends the bars of her cage and carries him away, or teleports into his bedroom for later, or pounces on him right there when let out.
>>41875130>get a typical Indian phone scam call>this time the voice is female>she wants you to log into your bank account not to steal from you, but to see your bank account>after a few minutes there is an an incoming transaction>a sizeable sum of money with title "Dowry">scammer just says "ok, rape you next week" and hangs up
>>OP>broke: Ba’ath Party Iraq>woke: Baph Party Iraq
>Living with a Shoggoth long enough leads to you becoming made of shog>Touching anything made of shog leads to sharing physical senses and thoughts with a monster from the abyss>Prolonged contact with anything made of shog leads to being unable to tell your mind apart from her own>Shoggoths desire to make this permanentDo you truly think you can handle having one as a maid?
>>41875184That's really kind of them to set us up with enough money to get a big house for our start on a big family.
>>41870731rata more like fata
>>41875259don't be rude
>>41875202The Iraq war was actually about stopping the spread of Baphist-sympathetic governments across the middle east.
>>41875202So that is why they are called goat fuckers.
>>41874620>That’s not Shirokuto’sBut Shirokuto's sabbath isn't 100% made up of genuine young monstergirls.
Inside your heart are two wolves.You are a white man.
>>41875138>>41875376my wives
>>41875352>US government is run by cowsthings are starting to make sense now
>>41875400Why else do you think they put all that growth hormone in the milk? Total global tiddy domination
>>41875441I, for one, welcome our cow overlords
Portals open but fate is a gacha and you have ten spins.
>>41875493someone post the mg roulette
>>41875493>>41875498 reels let's go
>>41875493well i do like to gamble
>>41875493>NurarihyonInfinite rerolls, baby!
>>41875505Got a kiki, I'm happy. Be careful of those who lies in the stars, only an empty socket could see theirs bluish threads.
>>41875216probably, SAN is an overrated stat and at the end of the day you'll still be you
>>41875505 I hate bugs, horses, and regular human women.The only path forward is tom.
>>41875546Fuck the deer, anon.
>>41875542SAN is a fake stats, media are just the executioner tools, medz and Psy are your enemies, never stop the fortification
>>41875493>>41875505Nice, got a Thunderbird in my roll. I'll take her.
>>41875559She's a deer and not a horse?either way that's too close to bestiality for my liking.
>>41875546Tom way is the good way, i can trade you a kiki for the cat if you really want.
>>41875505Kraken on the first roll. I don't even need to look at the others.
>>41875574Who would trade away a bow legged scoliosis suffering molly?You can have the other one.
>>41874919>not speccing into time magic to rewind any accidental telefragsit's like you just graduated from mage college, c'mon son
>>41875600>>41875614I saw that
>>41875649wit comes in spurts
>>41875493>>41875505>Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Alright. Strong contender... nah. Alright. No. YES!Fox makes it in for the last-second save- though Khepri are a strong second-placer for me
>>41875674>inari>over loving brown girl haremYou don't want to be a king?
>>41875493>>41875505Well regardless, my Bicorn will be happy. The mindflayer can absolutely fuck off though.
>>41875505>Dragon zombieHell yeah I'll take it
>>41875505I think it's telling me something.
>>41875743>they blue his mind
>>41875505>Lilim>Giant Ant>Cyclops>Tritonia>Wererabbit>Sahuagin>Valkyrie>Troll>Mershark>HellhoundNice knowin' ya, folks. I ain't gettin' out of this one in one piece.
>>41870573NIGGA THAT'S NUTS.
>>41875794You don't have to pick 10, just pick the one you like the most.
>>41875743I just blued myself
>>41874450I wanna sniff that yeti's breath
>>41873149> but inside a Sandworm.
>>41868413>>41868442>curse love to get gold>it's just a creeping coinfooled again
>>41875828Nut gem up
>>41868413>>41868442>>41875937What operas do monsters like?
>>41875691I do like khepri a lot, but the fox just got to me first
Delicious snacks
>>41876087tasty snake cheese
>>41876087>Cheese missed.
>>41876087Oh, so that's how that cheese got it's name.
>>41875202>bath partyi wouldn't mind taking a bath with a Houri (they are from iraq/islam mythology right? i forget) even if i needed to convert into some unknown to me religion
>>41876087>Eh? My cheese is too strong for you, Human.
>>41876142>forgot to pay the protection fee>made mofu knocks on your door>tells you she's here to break your pelvis
>>41876182I am going into battle and I require your strongest cheese.
>>41876177jubjubs splashing around in water would be super cute
>>41876087I like her logo
>>41876135>>41876196your local Dark Mage says you shoud get out of /jp/
I still want to repopulate extinct species of beastgirls
>>41876224it's a cross-site raid, don't bother
>IT has arrived in /jp/hide your loli foxes, hide your hebi's, hide your overly chunni cheshires.ITS THE ETERNAL NIGHT OF LIVING CANCER!
>>41875505Weird mix.Dont know how the unicorn is going to fit in.Most of the other girls should be okay with a harem.
>>41876322Maybe the Bongworm gets the Purityhoss absolutely wasted, and suddenly she's DtF.
>>41876340>Wight throws a fancy soiree to celebrate the harem coming together>Bongworm starts sharing her stash of wonderland herbs> the 2 Merelizards are trying to turn the robomaids gun attachment into a shotgun bong 'Platoon'-style>LiveDolls like to play with innocent little girls and seduce them into being succy and doing 3ways, so starts playing with the stoned Pony>Watergirl and pinkfish are splashing together but pinkfish really like to watch>Wight and Hairtramp are getting Anon ready with hair and handjobs>partytime
>ywn watch stupid Christmas TV with your monster children>Ywn shop for gifts>Ywn stop their mother kidnapping a man for them>Ywn meet in the middle and buy her a little dildo and a temporary womb tattoo
>>41875505>definitely too much sucking and draining>does sticking your D in an Angel count as wearing a protective crucifix?
>>41876547>not letting them get their own husband>getting them a womb tattooWhat kind of father are you? I'd let my wife teach them how to kidnap one themselves.
>>41876583She's only four. Stop falling for Sabbath propaganda and wait until at least eight
Where are her pubes?
>>41876600between your teeth
Your thoughts?
>>41876608No thoughts, head empty
>>41876600Do lolis have pubes?Do you want them to.
How would a monster girl wish me a happy birthday?Do monster girls even care about that kind of stuff?
>>41876687Of course they care about that. This one is especially excited to take you on a nice date for your special day.
i love my jub
>>41876755Do I have to go into the sack?
>>41876687Speaking ofThis day I have finally graduated to wizardhood. Fear me mortals, for my power climbs to eternity.
>>41876687Of course, birthdays are very special to monsters. Thought their gifts are not usually material in nature which is fine given what it is.
>>41876687Birthday comes after birthBirth is preceded by pregnancyPregnancy is preceded by you know whatNot too hard to figure out how mamono would celebrate it
>>41876809When you open the portals tell baphomet that anon says hi and please marry me
This is peak female form,you cant disagree or prove me wrong
>>41876862There's one major flaw.Big fat fluffy tail WHERE
>>41876862I really can't
What's your wife (or you) making for dinner, Anon?
>>41876899I cook the finest beef and a dessert of sweetened mouseheads for milady sith.
>>41876816>Hellhound wife lets you dominate her for a whole day
>>41876969Hellhounds don't care if you dominate. They'll just dominate you after as long as the sex keeps going
>>41875505>Nereid>Kakuen>Grizzly>Wyvern>Owl Mage>Salamander>Pslime/Carrier>Weresheep>Humpty Egg>CyclopsNice roll, only one bad option there, so it's a hard choice. I'm taking the Cyclops home.
Any good stories about tall/big monstahs basically anything with a focus on the height/size difference?
>>41877078The thumbnail made me think it's a Mershark.
>>41877108bad gobo
Too many goddamn biters in this thread
>>41877186Watch your tongue knave, you are speaking to high nobility here!
>>41877173That gob is mega breedbait
I forget, what is goblins niche in mge again?
>>41877243portable cocksleeve wife
>>41877243mobbing or stabbing you
>>41877186Damn I wanna sniff that breath so bad
>>41877243They are lolis that'll rape and/or rob you. They can also sometimes be merchants. Their leader is a hobgoblin who basically is an idiot with huge sensitive breasts and super strength. They don't care that she's stupid or can pass out from a liitle groping because they think big boobs are really cool.
>>41877419Wtf unfair. Why every time I do gacha I get shitty dupes and the loser prize
>>41875493>unsuspecting anon does his free 10 rolls>gets 10 shirnohebi'show fucked is this harem?
>>41876608Yes that's a fishe
>>41875505>>41875493Got some good ones, marked with gold starsGot some decent ones, marked with lavender starsGot some "meh" ones, marked with gray dashes
Post your best centaur pics please!
>>41877419I'm jealous of your rolls. I'd have killed to roll at least one snek, especially white snek
>>41877243trash mobs that should be ignored by most save for the few anons depraved enough to fuck them.
>>41877631cool 'pede
>>41877658>baalbuddykill yourself
>>41877658give gob
Okay, post pics of centaurs now!
>>41877731If you think about it, arachnes are just spider centaurs.
>>41877849I have to strongly disagree with you there. I'm sure they're nice girls and all, but I just can't do spiders. They genuinely terrify me. Horses are much better.
>>41877870>Anon hears the movement of a massive ushi oni behind>Is frozen stiff in body and in his pants
>>41877882That won't happen. I'm taking the portal to the wild plains where the mustangs roam and minos and holsts are dressed in cowgirl attire. And the occasional native bison-taur can be found.
>>41877898I'd wife a bicorn and ask to court a centaur, unicorn, whitehorn, and nightmare for me.
>>41877870Exposure therapy is very effective, anon. Please do not squirm too much in the web. Or do, she kind of likes it
>>41877939>spider that can flyoh no oh on oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no
>>41877939Nah, I'm good. I'll stick with horses. The more horses the better. Horse harem even. I want my head pinned between multiple horse butts.
>>41877964You are the strangest anon here. But whatever, I can't judge.
I'm about to say something arachnophobic
>>41877939i like the fuzzy ones but i'm not large about large amounts of exposed chitin.
>>41877999so you aint scared that she is gonna fly and drop right on you?
>>41877961Have you heard of the parachuting spiders?
>>41878046yes, i am now imagining baby spider girls drifting in the wind
>>41878013not really. what's she going to do, love me a lot?
>>41878046diving bell arachne
>>41877972You're not a true monster girl appreciater until you've gone through the centaur enjoyer phase
>>41878075Thanks, I've never seen anyone draw an arachne version of the diving bell spider before.
>>41878093it's a rarity for sure
>>41877990>Theres a Redback Arachne On Anons Toilet Seat
>>41878113I'd rather it be a razorback
>>41878090what if the only thing i can actually enjoy now is fluffy foxgirl tails that individually surpass the size and weight of the girl portion.
>>41878128>fur part>greater than girl halfke mo no
>>41878156fuck off, furfag.
>>41878164Live in denial if you want. either way I am going to bed.
>>41878156I do enjoy
>>41878175i need not live in denial for cuddling the girl part while the supermassive tails are wrapped around us is perfection.
>>41878046>diving bell>social spiders/communal webs = instant harem>ogre spiders waiting to net you>trapdoor spider>(mostly) herbivorous spider>tarantula/mucous toad buddy duospiders are cool, yo
>>41878194>herbivorous spideris this a rival to greenworm's gluttonous greed?
Yeah, but imagine riding a centaur like a horse. That'd be fun. Especially when she starts running and you grab on to her front. Yeah. That's really REALLY nice
>>41878221this but with cancer
>>41878221barometz is my valiant steed
>>41878258I don't see how having cancer would improve the experience.
>>41878221No time to talk get on the cuck horse
>>41878258Horses are faster and more fun. Also cancers can only go sideways.
>>41878271Uhhh sure, but why does she have such a strange smile?
>>41878276There's no time to explain just enjoy the ride to the motel
>>41878286Why the motel?
>>41878300the sleaze is an important part of the experience
>>41878272>yeah but do you have to move like tha->yesanon, to ms sidewinder lamia
>>41878272its a common misconception that cancers can only move sideways, its just they prefer to move sideways so their front is always facing you
>>41878319I'll take the sidewinder lamia over the sea spider cancer anyday
>>41878535i understand the skepticism but that one's not gacha
>>41878539Ah christ you're right, my mistake. I was going off of the robes and jumped the gun.
>>41873505>Ancestor mellowed out after accidentally summoning a Shoggoth Lord, who later became his research assistant>Upmost layer of the Warrens is converted into a brothel, completely isolated from the rest of the tunnel complex>Parts of the Weald closest to the Hamlet are home to some friendly Myconid populations, though the deepest reaches are still full of the bastardized fungal abominations>Cove is under a ceasefire between the pelagics and merfolk, though relations are starting to improve>Courtyard is still a nightmare, though the Curse is a little easier to deal with due to mamono mana interfering with the Heart's influence>Hospital is run by a frightningly-strict succubi who treats wounds and diseases the old-fashioned way, as she takes pride in her work>The Farmstead is off-limits entirely, though there's been sightings of an unknown Lilim lurking near the threshold around the keystone
>>41878353>sidewinder lamia and cancer try to intimate each other because they want the same anon but dont want a harem>its literally just the two staring at each other while going in a circle for hours.
>>41878677I'll walk over to the lamia. Sorry Cancer girl
My fetish is when the guy resists though
>>41878194>trapdoor spidersthe deadliest of predators
>producer Anon is perplexed by the new meme on the internet about his show>he could understand the nepotism complaints because he got his wife a role, but not why they're only popping up now>now people are pretending Nurarihyon wife's character was sloppily retconned in and not the integral part of the series from the first episode
>>41878637>Ruins are best left alone since even though the Lich is quite nice, all of her undeads that she keeps making are still quite brain dead