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File: 2.21 MB, 3024x2777, 1602431084307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23203557 No.23203557 [Reply] [Original]

The Abominable Hydra edition

>Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info



>Bullion tax info by state:


Nitric Acid

Previous thread:

Copy Holder:

>> No.23203562
File: 152 KB, 1534x1180, buy silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for cute asian girls and buying silver

>> No.23203577
File: 302 KB, 1365x2048, Buy Silver 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23203594


>> No.23203584

The only thing that is going to experience deflation is your ego

>> No.23203594
File: 2.30 MB, 1163x1153, Bully people without metals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23203616


>> No.23203607
File: 799 KB, 598x704, coinbabe3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those stars tho

>> No.23203616
File: 1.16 MB, 621x1105, Buy more silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23203630
File: 2.53 MB, 999x1153, Should have bought silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23203654
File: 370 KB, 1389x2000, Buy Silver 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23203657

So where is the inflation going to come from? We see stock buy backs, housing price inflation. And now inflation from lack of supply or lack of demand for specific things like flights. But where is the real mass inflation going to come from? Seems like the most likely way it happens is first we hit deflation and then the government releases ubi. I can’t figure out how else we’ll get mass inflation. The fed printing money really doesn’t do anything if banks don’t give out loans.

>> No.23203661
Quoted by: >>23203703

Nth for fuck jannies

>> No.23203674
File: 2.99 MB, 348x485, when he doesnt own silver.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23203682
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x1164, 1597032886103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23203683
Quoted by: >>23203708


>> No.23203703
Quoted by: >>23203711

This is probably gonna get me banned isn’t it >>23203661

>> No.23203708
Quoted by: >>23203808

Go on... I say this as someone who owns enough gold and silver to own many formerly well to do house wives. I just don’t see the full picture and was thinking to hoard cash for awhile instead of buying more.

>> No.23203711

Why would it

Fuck jannies anon, they are trannies

>> No.23203728


Is this fucking real? What does this mean for silver?

>> No.23203758
Quoted by: >>23206923

This is real. https://twitter.com/usmint/status/1314198133342113797..
This means a small pop up, then it pops down, then long shoot up to standardize at that price.

>> No.23203808
Quoted by: >>23203863

I'm a little drunk and tired, but the foreigners have the least friction for reducing their dollar holdings and have the easiest way out. Domestic CPIs didn't spike the last decade because of interest on fed deposits and because foreigners were willing to soak up the inflation in their dollar holdings (especially China with their peg). As the reality of increased permanent direct payments becomes recognized, foreigners will have to at the very least hedge against it. The dollar is artificially high because of it's privelege and the yuan is artificially low because the chinese don't want to have a recession (even though they'd be better off in the long run because they wouldn't be building 10 billion dollar roads to nowhere and ghost cities).

IF China decides that they aren't going to underwrite these direct payments (meaning make even more of their economy unproductive to maintain the peg), the cost of everything we import from China will rise 30% in the next year. And then the selling begets more selling.

>> No.23203863

Interesting, thanks.

>> No.23203882
File: 491 KB, 1125x1648, 1596779517925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its almost like they got raided by a little Korean girls crochet forum for cheap silver

>> No.23203953
File: 366 KB, 752x666, A81DDA07-BC02-41C2-9712-2AFF5E500ECD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23204039

>> No.23203972
File: 727 KB, 754x1422, 02D774BD-6990-4B4B-920A-079745F5E30A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23203987
File: 155 KB, 580x640, F65F2DC6-0103-4F08-97E0-F4CCD26B2CB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23204039

>> No.23204022
File: 152 KB, 1024x768, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>159 sold

I... is it habbening?

>> No.23204026
File: 2.04 MB, 3889x2143, 20201011_104016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23212335

Post stacks

>> No.23204039
File: 136 KB, 425x491, EAA720F9-0A66-420C-98A6-341883DEA593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

>> No.23204132

Assets are already more inflated than ever. Brrr = stonks go up, bonds go up, interest rates doesn't go up

>> No.23204172

>flea collars required

>> No.23204199

My God what the fuck is this demented fetish body horror image

>> No.23204213
Quoted by: >>23204270

first week on the internet?

>> No.23204222
Quoted by: >>23204270

It’s called modern art, bigot

>> No.23204231
Quoted by: >>23204330

No, sellers just raise prices like that when out of stock to keep the old established listing with lots of watchers from ending before they restock.

>> No.23204270

You know I keep thinking I've seen it all but the Internet just keeps reaching new lows

>> No.23204307
File: 1.05 MB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200605_090259_163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23204351

postin stacks

>> No.23204330
File: 934 KB, 1702x924, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i meant to post this... sorry anon thats the ole giver taker sex doll, you see, when you have been married as long as I have you both need to spice things up a bit

>> No.23204351
File: 1.11 MB, 2552x1701, coingoldengun2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lewd panty shot of yuki
>fuddy fiver mags

Anon pls.. this is a blue board and some of us are trying to no fap

>> No.23204356
File: 593 KB, 1099x631, 65823511-52B4-4989-B237-41195216921A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening pmg. First full stack pic.

>> No.23204410
File: 772 KB, 1080x1137, mgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23204580

PAN MAN, have you heard anything about Maple Gold? Just saw this story.


>> No.23204420
File: 3.67 MB, 3832x2989, coinstack3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some nice stackin there anon, jelly of all the walking halves and mercs

>> No.23204443
Quoted by: >>23204565

Gorgeous stack anon I'm jealous of how many merc dimes you have

>> No.23204448
File: 1.74 MB, 2016x1512, 20201011_211620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari's too pure for this world

>> No.23204461


>> No.23204475

FWTDHWAHQUD Status {are banks scams?}

>> No.23204504
File: 1005 KB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200726_103801_2891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice stacks
love that Griffin rollmark

>> No.23204517
Quoted by: >>23204569

Interesting stack, what are the gem stones on the ten ouncers? And the two larger rocks on the left, rough emeralds?

>> No.23204542

Want to hear some other peoples thoughts on Reyna Silver Corp

Thinking about throwing some at them, tell me why you think they are great/shit

>> No.23204549
File: 310 KB, 903x847, us cbdc 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep your eye on these two:
both are becoming bipartisan issues. So imagine an all blue sweep in the election. implementing either of these becomes much easier and highly likely.

>> No.23204565

Thanks. Been stacking about 15 years. Stack will swell or shrink based on my level of economic anxiety. But most of the mercs are from the 2008 SHTF insurance. Those will be the last pieces I ever part with.

>> No.23204569

fake/circonia diamond, amethysts, pearls, large low quality emerald, large low quality ruby.

>> No.23204570

Does anyone have the original FWTDHAHQUD story? I want to see this piece of essential /pmg/ lore

>> No.23204579
Quoted by: >>23204740

how much gold and silver is that

>> No.23204580

I had seen the headline but hadnt read it yet, yet another small miner getting a boost from a major to fund exploration and development.

>> No.23204612


>> No.23204637
File: 52 KB, 1164x433, credit tightened.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting from prev thread:

The fed doesn't create money, it creates bank reserves. And just because bank reserves are created doesn't mean any new cash is circulating in the economy. There are 2 ways money can circulate in the economy:

1) Member banks can buy treasuries to give loans to the government which is as good as fiat since the government doesn't have to pay it back (technically they do but in reality they don't). The fed delivers reserves to the member banks in exchange for the treasuries, and it's up the congress to actually spend the treasury's new funds for it to circulate in the economy. As we know, congress/senate is holding up additional stimulus.

2) The fed issues reserves to member banks *in the hopes* that member banks will issue new loans against it. As you can see in pic related, those banks and the entire commercial banking sector in general is not lending.

The reason why the stock market is receiving any of the benefits of the Fed minting reserves is because by directly/indirectly purchasing bank corporate bonds, they are providing capital that is being used to purchase equities/etfs as opposed to being lent into general circulation.


Of course that's just a drop in the bucket. The majority of the reason why the market went through a price recovery is because the Fed convinced the markets that it has taken action to hold up asset prices; the bulk of the buying in the stockmarket was investors playing musical chairs.

There's alot of moving part here. It's not as simple as

>money printer go brrr haha inflation go up

>> No.23204672
File: 74 KB, 693x475, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based book

>> No.23204740
Quoted by: >>23204806

About 460 ozt ag and just shy of 3 ozt au.

>> No.23204806
Quoted by: >>23204846

I want a horde of mercs like yours..sexy

>> No.23204810
Quoted by: >>23204912

This is my take as well. The bank reserves aren’t doing anything as lending is tightening and the Fed can only push in a string at this point and beg Congress to authorize more deficit spending or allow the Fed to lend directly. DC is so dysfunctional at this point that I could see them not doing enough to prevent complete deflationary spiral collapse just because the politics are as toxic as they’ve ever been.

>> No.23204817

>1) Member banks can buy treasuries to give loans to the government which is as good as fiat since the government doesn't have to pay it back (technically they do but in reality they don't). The fed delivers reserves to the member banks in exchange for the treasuries, and it's up the congress to actually spend the treasury's new funds for it to circulate in the economy. As we know, congress/senate is holding up additional stimulus.
But this does increase money supply doesn't it? Fed prints, buys T-bills, government gets funny munny hot from the presses, private banks turn a profit. What am I missing?

>2) The fed issues reserves to member banks *in the hopes* that member banks will issue new loans against it. As you can see in pic related, those banks and the entire commercial banking sector in general is not lending.
This in turn is deflationary, correct? Again please tell me if I misunderstand

>The reason why the stock market is receiving any of the benefits of the Fed minting reserves is because by directly/indirectly purchasing bank corporate bonds, they are providing capital that is being used to purchase equities/etfs as opposed to being lent into general circulation.
Yeah private banks make stock market investments hoping for returns with their new dollas

I still think that every time the printer goes brrr it leads to inflation, provided that money keeps exchanging hands and people believe in the market of course.

>> No.23204828
File: 344 KB, 979x743, qe mindfuckery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stocks went up because of corporate bond purchases.
Fed only put $3.6 billion into corporate bonds and has since offloaded most of them. Compare that to $7 TRILLION in US Treasuries and MBS.
>banks buying stocks
I thought so too but then I read the National Bank Act, which gave me autism, but section 24 paragraph 7 says banks can't buy stocks, only debt securities.
>stocks still went up
Its because of Portfolio Re-balancing effect.

I get the whole deflation jiggy, but I am not convinced that fiscal spending will NOT cause increased inflation. Clear relationship on the charts as the march stimulus was distributed.

>> No.23204833
Quoted by: >>23204879

I love you guys for destroying the US Mints inventory and triggering them so hard they had to permanently reprice everything.

>> No.23204846

Those were the first I bought when I started stacking as people online said they were best for SHTF. I think mercs have always been a meme amongst stackers. Anyone starting out stacking, I’d say pick up mercs and walkers first if you can.

>> No.23204849
File: 191 KB, 750x1000, 1599086351087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23204949

Guys...whats the cutoff date for coin and silver in general so the government cant confiscate it? Assuming they would even follow their own laws if it came down to a confiscation.

I want to convert all my bars and modern coins into old silver coins and bars.

Am I pic related for wanting to do this?

>> No.23204879
File: 321 KB, 1024x797, 1597280126401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23204920

nah, wont be permanent, it just happened to be they finally became worth it at 31 an ounce. at the time everyone was losing their shit and the mint went largely amiss by the public. even if it went tits up, the burnished rarity would make its money back

>> No.23204886
File: 84 KB, 882x729, canadayarsss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23205078

You are missing the psychological impact the money brrrrrt has.

The more money made, regardless of MMT magic means its being technically classified as "inflationary", makes normies think their money is worth less.

The prices of food and other necessities have gone up significantly just in the last 6 months, you may not feel it as much in the states, but up here we are spending much more for the same shit we bought 6 months ago, let alone a year ago.

>> No.23204912
File: 56 KB, 1137x640, cover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23207579

>The bank reserves aren’t doing anything
Sorry to derail pmg into macro again but I have to drop this black pill

>in 2016 the Fed paid $12 billion to commercial banks of interest on excess reserves
>$30 billion in 2017
>$38.5 billion in 2018!
>$35 billion in 2019!!


This interest is paid for by the taxpayer.

People say I am being misleading. That the Fed generates 50 billion in revenue of interest off the securities it holds, mostly US Treasuries.
>The US Treasury uses tax revenue to pay interest on outstanding debt

>> No.23204920

Greenbacks may have been shitty fiat but at least they weren’t Federal Reserve notes

>> No.23204949
File: 155 KB, 500x522, dowhatIwant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you are a retard if you even think of doint it.

be your own bank and make your own laws, they are as just as the ruling powers, if not more so.

>> No.23204977

Not the anon you were replying to, but the problem with the book is that it does indeed end up supporting central banking, but adds a caveat that since the bank is controlled 'by the people/by the government' it will therefore serve the interests of the people rather than private interests. The problem with this is that governments are equally as prone to manipulating and debasing currency as a private central bank would be, so a government operated central bank wouldn't actually solve the problem, and could easily be just as bad or worse considering the utter lack of transparency when it comes to governments and money.

The only solution to the problem is the restoration of sound money, aka an actual gold standard, but as we know from Gaddafi, JFK etc the central banks have no interest in ever allowing this to happen.

>> No.23205050
Quoted by: >>23206131

>But this does increase money supply doesn't it? Fed prints, buys T-bills, government gets funny munny hot from the presses, private banks turn a profit. What am I missing?
So 4 parts:
>Member bank creates /provides credit to Treasury in exchange for treasuries
>Credit on Treasury balance sheet, treasuries on member bank balance sheet
>Fed creates/provides reserves to Member Banks in exchange for treasuries
>Reserves on Member Bank balance sheet, treasuries on Fed balance sheet
So the Treasury has the credit, and although the money has been "minted" in a sense, it has not entered the economy. It's up to congress/senate to allocate it into the real world and stimulate the economy. In shitcoin speak, while the total supply has increased, the circulating supply has not.

>This in turn is deflationary, correct? Again please tell me if I misunderstand
Yes, it's deflationary. Even though the Fed has credited the Member Bank with reserves doesn't mean the Member Bank is offsetting that credit with additional lending.

It it possible this all leads to inflation in the future, but definitely not in the near future. The Fed has done all it can do within the system. Unless the Fed gets money into the hands of actual spenders (which is the main argument for Fedcoin imo) then money velocity doesn't increase. And even when inflation does hit I'm betting you it's just going to flow into assets (housing, stock market, hopefully gold/silver/crypto).

tl;dr we're fucked sideways. I'm almost rooting for Fedcoin at this point.

>> No.23205078
Quoted by: >>23205122

Yeah, I was trying to cover the psychological impact with this part:
>The majority of the reason why the market went through a price recovery is because the Fed convinced the markets that it has taken action to hold up asset prices; the bulk of the buying in the stockmarket was investors playing musical chairs.

>> No.23205122

Yeah all good, I mean what you are saying is well written, and correct as it stands in theory, or in a vacuum.

Both deflation or inflation are both bullish for gold/silver.

While they are not lending all that new money out right now, they will have to at some point.

>> No.23205138

>What am I missing

I struggled with this too. This is my understanding after weeks of deep divin':

>Primary Dealer jew buys $10k of bonds at Treasury's auction with its own money
>PD sells $10k in bonds to a commercial bank, commercial bank credits PD with a $10k deposit
>Fed wants the bonds, it gives the commercial bank a $10k deposit in its reserve account held at the fed, and gets the $10k in bonds.

So the government gets the money as soon as the PD or anyone else buys, but they can only buy if they have enough money. The Fed can't deal directly with the treasury at auctions.

Bank of England had a good article on it this:

>> No.23205175
Quoted by: >>23205431

So let me get this straight, was the original Central Bank of the US not a privately owned bank? If we didn’t have a central bank from the 1830’s to 1913, did the department of the treasury take over this duty? What does the Treasury do now that we have a privately owned central bank? I’m not very well versed on this topic, most of my knowledge is about physical metals

>> No.23205361
Quoted by: >>23205801

ag just broke new highs
uptrend continues

>> No.23205431
Quoted by: >>23205601

The Bank of North America was a private bank, as was The First Bank of the USA and the Second Bank of the USA. From what I recall prior to the creation of a federal central bank, the states themselves largely accounted for the supply of currency (silver/gold, not paper).

The treasury today creates actual currency, but the Fed is the one who basically controls how much currency is created. This gets mucky because of the fractional reserve system (which doesn't actually even exist anymore) and the fact that currency creation is debt creation. Let's just say the system is confusing and opaque for a reason. I'd encourage you to read OP's book and maybe something like The Mystery of Banking by Rothbard.

>> No.23205601
Quoted by: >>23205688

So at least in American history, all Central Banks were actually privately owned by bankers right?

>> No.23205688
Quoted by: >>23213904

They were all privately owned, including the Fed. State banks and national banks during the free banking period were also privately owned, but had different branches in different states. I don't actually know if there were any states who created 'state government banks' so to speak.

>> No.23205801
Quoted by: >>23205834

what new high? i agree we are now in an uptrend, but it has by no means broke a new high.

>> No.23205834
Quoted by: >>23205851

what time frame do you think I mean
new high for the last three weeks or so

>> No.23205851

which is a new high for this uptrend

>> No.23205935

I need to stop fighting for coins on ebay
Holy shit they're just going ape and dumping money into these things
+30% of value lol

>> No.23205974

Get the cheapest bars possible while you still can

>> No.23206020

Be smart instead of greedy and you'll be able to get stuff at spot.

>> No.23206046
Quoted by: >>23206100

I'm not buying those coins lol, I go to spot and then I stop. I find it retarded that people are spending 30% more on the coins than they're worth

>> No.23206073
File: 70 KB, 750x571, B7F99CC5-727A-4A2A-9513-E81A1A8ABB01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23206162

The day gold simply disappeared from the indexes

>> No.23206100
Quoted by: >>23206333

I know what you're talking about. Search up Half Crowns and you'll see people paying +50% over spot for worn common date coins.

>> No.23206131
Quoted by: >>23206339

>So the Treasury has the credit, and although the money has been "minted" in a sense, it has not entered the economy.
But the government and the private banks how have new money to invest in the form of credit. More money (or "money") enters the economy with a delay, right? The money will enter the economy at some point, and when assets get liquidated the inflation is either realized or institutions/people default, not being able to supply the demand for cash (deflation). The fed postpones this problem with more credit.
>It it possible this all leads to inflation in the future, but definitely not in the near future.
Yes this was my point. I'm feel like I understand the system fairly well now, thank you for clarifying.

>> No.23206162
File: 4 KB, 320x200, B24E56C3-4BEF-4278-8ACD-0156D988872F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the charts resetting on the website.

>> No.23206171

I really need to stop browsing /pol/ it’s slowly turning me into a fucking schizo

>> No.23206217

you say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.23206281
Quoted by: >>23206396

If we're facing deflation are PMs even a good investment? Wont we see people looking for liquidity and offloading their PMs driving the price down?

>> No.23206309
Quoted by: >>23206329

bought this book but it's just sitting there
is it really worth reading? 600 pages about the FED seems kinda meh use of time

>> No.23206329

Read 10 pages a day and you'll have it finished before the end of the year.

>> No.23206333
Quoted by: >>23206581

Ebay sales aren't even beating retail spot lmfao
Sterling and LCS it is

>> No.23206337
Quoted by: >>23206488

where the fuck on ebay can you get anything silver at spot? Especially once you calculate for shipping and taxes?

>> No.23206339

>The money will enter the economy at some point
To me, this is what the real question is. That "money" can just take up space on a balance sheet forever, it doesn't necessarily have to be used. Whether or not it is lent is up to the commercial bank and whether they are willing to take that risk. Whether or not the treasury account is spent depends on if/when congress reaches a consensus and allocates it. I mean, if there's one thing our government is good at it's spending money so I guess the question is when it will be spent and on what.

>> No.23206396
Quoted by: >>23206718

maybe for a short time, but PMs always rebound quickly. actually during the great depression newmont gold(i think?) was inversely correlated with the dow. As the dow sunk 90% newmont gained 90%. Why try and time the dip that might happen. You're losing out on the potential for gains when you swing

>> No.23206405
Quoted by: >>23206631

it is being used dude. The fed is buying corporate bonds. you think these corps are just sitting on cash?

>> No.23206488
File: 77 KB, 640x399, 64CE099B-7AC6-4A3C-B379-2742F5CC0CB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up some obscure coin or find a world coin lot, calculate spot and then figure out what the highest you can bid is to get the coin at spot after shipping and taxes. Then bid at the right time. I've done this before successfully many times. Of course you can also do this at your LCS too by simply asking if they have any foreign junk on hand.
Look through newly listed BIN deals on sterling, you can usually snag some for less than spot if you're quick.
Both of these methods require putting in a good deal of research, which isn't much of a hassle if you're autisticly fixated on Silver, but can be very time consuming.

>> No.23206567

All the dollars outside the country will come back and presumably not slowly but en mass

>> No.23206581
File: 538 KB, 828x1354, BA5C2C07-2DCA-46B0-B57F-2AE94BA122FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23206710

The Half Crown in pic related is a common date in horrible condition and yet people are willing to pay $8.00 for it, close to 2x spot. At any LCS on the planet the owner would be overjoyed to unload this coin to you for spot.

>> No.23206598

Has anyone used PG&G? What are their fees like when you sent in your sterling and scrap?

>> No.23206608

It definitely is used. It really is a matter of where the money goes. There wouldn't be a problem if the government(s) were able to use the money to increase productivity and create value. But this isn't the case. GDP is going down and debt is going up.

>> No.23206631

The Fed barely bought enough corporate bonds to make a meaningful difference.
Also they buy from the secondary market meaning the bonds had already been issued.

>> No.23206645

what are you gay or something?

>> No.23206680

how much in corporate bonds did the Fed buy?

>> No.23206710
Quoted by: >>23206805

It must be internet access fucking the prices all up. LCS and some select retailers feels like my only option.
These prices are fucking absurd desu, not too long ago I was getting ounces for $24 leafbux
Fucking 2020

>> No.23206718
Quoted by: >>23206743

Idk. That doesnt make sense. We saw a significant drop in PMs in march because people were scrambling for liquidity, I dont see why the same thing wouldnt happen in a deflationary environment. I hold as much gold/silver as I could reasonably afford a while ago but I have a hard time believing that we wont see prices drop if we really are facing deflation.

>> No.23206743

I think realistically there will be deflation of asset bubbles (stocks and housing) and inflation in consumer goods, but due to the way inflation is calculated the inflation side of things will be largely ignored. Assessing inflation on a macro level is dumb anyway.

>> No.23206791

>there are people here naive enough to think that fiat currencies are some how going to GAIN purchasing power

Wew lad

>> No.23206805
File: 650 KB, 828x1304, FB652A85-AFCD-487F-A32E-1789643FC5BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that these get bid up by people getting into coin collecting/silver stacking without doing any research or realizing there are cheaper options than Ebay. Here's another example of people bidding nearly $4.50 (after shipping) for a Shilling most coin shops would be happy to unload for $2.25. It's absolutely insane how readily people will overpay for items that don't have a market.

>> No.23206822

Why do people in SMG reguarly post porfolios of $50,000+, but people PMG are always posting baby-tier stacks of msotly 1 oz rounds. Why does no one have 100k worth of silver like so many have in stocks?

>> No.23206850

Being paranoid is probably a godsend in today's world- it is a well known century old fact that bad people do bad things behind closed doors. Paranoia and perhaps insanity is nature's way of hedging against those who would destroy humanity. Madmen are less predictable, and perhaps harder to kill/dissuade.

>> No.23206859
File: 2.62 MB, 3000x4000, IMG20200927184348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us do, they're probably paranoid about being geo located and robbed or something. There's one faggot who keeps claiming he has 18,000 ounces of silver Eagles but refuses to post a pic. A few guys here bhave a kilo of gold so there's definitely high rollers.

>> No.23206865

Because we arent stupid enough to post our shit.

>> No.23206880
File: 2.16 MB, 3024x3356, 1601226242538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post
some of us do, or small amount at a time, its a huge pain in the ass if everything is packed away

>> No.23206882
File: 600 KB, 828x1310, 4D0E1265-DB50-4F3C-AD48-840D64A9601D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23207011

Here's another example, this common date Shilling, an item nearly impossible for Coin Shops to sell at spot, is already bidding close to $4.00 FIVE DAYS before the end of the Auction.

>> No.23206892

Notice how this is the only thread on tjis god forsaken board that isnt absolutely retarded? Look at the quality of discussion here. I dont need to post my shit to impress random mouth breathing retards like the beta fish in the group think smg and crypto threads do.

>> No.23206905
Quoted by: >>23206927

you linked yourself, jackass

>> No.23206912

Thats why I was slowly drawn to this thread in the first place. I wanted ACTUAL investing advice. Biz is a shit filled cesspool of morons and retards. Like those beta fish in spongebob that go "meep" all in a group.

>> No.23206916

Yep this is going in my cringe collection.

>> No.23206923
File: 286 KB, 458x484, Linkers are ball garglers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the link!
i feel like its burfday & xmas all at once haha fucking so glad i took that advice from that guy i dated in 2014 about silver. haha fuck me lmao haha poo peepee.
thank you for allowing me to expand on a long running in joke with husbando.

>> No.23206927

Yeah no shit. Im continuing my thought. I wasnt finished yet. I have complex ideas that sometimes take a few moments to accurately express. Its a

>> No.23206930

Whenever I do an informative writeup on biz my thread gets completely ignored.

>> No.23206931
File: 53 KB, 500x383, 1536447701359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23206977

>still talking to himself

>> No.23206942

Sign of high intellect

>> No.23206952
File: 8 KB, 400x353, 1461264280274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23206995

did, did you just get candleja-

>> No.23206953
Quoted by: >>23207038

Why are you talking to yourself?

>> No.23206977

>imaging that I give a single modicum of a fuck about what you think. Youre the one replying to my post and even taking the time to post an image to lend credibility to your derision. Like. I. Give. A fuck. Sorry. I just finished fucking my girlfreind and giving her a creampie and now im relaxing reading up on so me shit while shes asleep because she has yo work tomorrow and i dont have to work at all bevause of my investments and so tomorrow i get to spend yhe day riding my motorcycle and going to the gym and doing whatever the fuck I want. Trust me. I dont give a fuck about what you think at all pal.

>> No.23206991
Quoted by: >>23207009

you could have just replied anon, no need to greentext something currently happening

>> No.23206995


>> No.23207008
Quoted by: >>23207024

Nice anon you're living the dream!

>> No.23207009
Quoted by: >>23207016

I give so little of a fuck that i accidentally greentexted the whole thing and made several spelling errors. That how little of a fuck i give because im that awesome. Sorry. Wish I gave more fucks.

>> No.23207011
Quoted by: >>23207141

Based on what I've seen, yeah it must be people just fucking dumping money at coins without a modicum of research
>tfw have almost no LCS after checking google
why live
I am stuck paying online retailer prices

>> No.23207016
File: 507 KB, 640x480, edd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23207031

you know what would really show me up? posting your stack

>> No.23207024


>> No.23207031
Quoted by: >>23207051

I bet youd like that wouldnt you, you jew glower bastard. No thanks. Im good.

>> No.23207038

>Because I like to converse with a higher class of people

>> No.23207051
File: 3.58 MB, 498x339, 1586919967868.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23207059

confirmed no stacker, we got him boys

>> No.23207059
Quoted by: >>23207074

Okay mossad.

>> No.23207074

oh you stack cope, my bad that is a big pile, nice dood

>> No.23207141

Judging by the prevalence of scam grab bags on Ebay, 90% of the people buying coins and silver there are uninformed retards.
It is possible to find good deals on Ebay, you just have to do the research that the idiots flooding the site are unwilling to do and factor in shipping and taxes before you bid.

>> No.23207179
File: 237 KB, 1610x528, 1593306049577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, i see merc dimes go for 4$ each sometimes, wonder whos buying but people definitely are. i feel like kids and older people buy these for fun and dont really know what they're getting. when a trip to the lcs is far more informative and valuable. ive only gotten 1-2 deals on eBay and they weren't great

>> No.23207203

Having a suicide stack or a make it stack is a good idea but 50k is a lot to put into something that doesn't grow and it's not liquid at all, it just sits there taking up space. It's hard to store that many ounces securely. Stocks are easy to buy a d unload if needed.

>> No.23207211
Quoted by: >>23207250

I've often thought about selling rounds on eBay individually at huge mark ups then just using the money to buy more tubes. People seem to be fine with paying 30 or 40% premiums over what you can get in a coin shop. After eBay fees and postage you'd still be ahead

>> No.23207213
Quoted by: >>23207253

Yeah , just put your max bid in and either you get it or most likely not because some mong is willing to pay too much. Wasting time and energy trying to "scoop a deal" is not worth it. The price people are paying for most junk right now you may as well buy bullion from a reputable source. Not to say you can't snag a deal but it is far and few between right now

>> No.23207250
File: 59 KB, 500x500, 2019-Dont-Tread-On-Me-SR_obv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23207274

yeah ive considered this with some of my more "boomer" inspired rounds from silver shield, intaglio. ive bought them for 23$ but they go online for 40 or more sometimes, do i sell my other 2 sets of queens beasts or keep them? i feel like having pretty silver is nice, but ultimately its for weight so i should keep it to a minimum. i also dont want to deal with returns or "this is fake im keeping it"

>> No.23207253

You don't understand man, THEY KNOW WHAT THEY GOT NOW PAY 3X SPOT
>when a trip to the lcs is far more informative and valuable
I can't even do this because the locations in my city are cringe or buy-only
Time to troll semi-obscure websites

>> No.23207255
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20201007_223517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I continue buying or wait for a dip?

>> No.23207274

I've got about 20 rounds of silver shield, the prices they can go for are ridiculous. I think maximising ounces is the way to go personally, sell the pretty designs and get a basic kilo bar. You'll be better off in the long term

>> No.23207290

I should’ve bought over the weekend. My bags are too light

>> No.23207292
File: 111 KB, 1024x409, 1600497648654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23207351

i feel really lucky to be relatively close to your laid back, cool dude run shop, they let me pick through junk and whatever for hours and shoot the breeze. big wall of trays filled with foreign, its comfy as and i learn alot.

i desperately wish for a kilo asahi

buy it if you can afford it

>> No.23207337
File: 461 KB, 933x1142, 25.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23207350
Quoted by: >>23207379

It's a cool picture but the design is very "busy". Aesthetically , asahi are more beautiful imo. Why are ss so high?

>> No.23207351

Nice. My shop only has Roosevelt dimes and Washington quarters for some reason which sucks

>> No.23207361
Quoted by: >>23207579

>where is the inflation going to come from?
Lack of dollar demand. Dollars are only in demand because debt is denominated in dollars because big gunz. Money is the grease of the gears. We've worn the hell out of the gears and a few are going to pop off.

Based and hard money pilled
>can just take up space on a balance sheet forever, it doesn't necessarily have to be used
This is true, but you end up with a use it or lose it scenario. If the money is to stay on the sheets, it's not likely to just stay on the sheets. It's likely going to enter short and medium term t bills to maximize benefit due to it being "risk free", creating artificially low rates in bond markets, driving inflation. You're right saying that it can just stay there. The likelihood is that it probably won't.

I'm building up liquidity again and only splashing on a huge drop.

>> No.23207379
File: 29 KB, 375x375, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23212835

they have things like this on them, this one i have and would prob get 40 shipped if i put it up, but its a really nice coin and i like it

>> No.23207423
Quoted by: >>23207460

>I can't even do this because the locations in my city are cringe or buy-only
What exactly makes them so bad? The various ones I've visited over the years tend to be pretty uniform.
What does that mean? If you aren't allowed to browse without buying just make a small token purchase before browsing a few other items.

>> No.23207436
File: 423 KB, 1142x600, $50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$50 silver coming this year! Soon we will all be partying like it's 1980!

>> No.23207444
File: 359 KB, 1536x2048, 121198111_346876796581697_6069134338913564064_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23207507

I think this was the last day of digging for me this time. Weather has turned to dark gray and -4 in the high country mornings. I think I only got a few grams this time, the waters too high and cold to hand dig in my favorite creek. Time to go home and file unnecessary assessment work.

>> No.23207460
Quoted by: >>23207599

>What exactly makes them so bad? The various ones I've visited over the years tend to be pretty uniform.
Have nothing and overcharge
>What does that mean?
They only buy, not sell

>> No.23207507
File: 76 KB, 721x540, jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23207520

checked, don't freeze bro!

>> No.23207520

i ll be hitting myself though if it warms back up, this mountain weather is bullshit I tell you! Ah well even if its deep freeze time, I have 20 or so buckets of river dirt to mess with all winter.

>> No.23207560
Quoted by: >>23207575

Why is the cheapest silver price I can find around $27/oz when spot price is $25.60?

>> No.23207575
Quoted by: >>23207604

>$27/oz when spot price is $25.60?
I fucking wish I could find those prices

>> No.23207579
File: 137 KB, 1432x693, bank reserves to the moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23207641

>The likelihood is that it probably won't.
Look at the risk free interest they are making on reserve balances >>23204912
Also the current levels on pic related.

And the interest on reserves right now is 0.1%. To me that signals commercial banks are prepping for uncertainty, which should be pretty bullish for PMs. Now I have to deep dive into c-bank viability of investing in PMs. I know investment outfits of some like JPM and HSBC are hoarding metals. My guess is commercial banks can't hold PMs by regulation, so high reserve balances are their proxy.

TLDR: banks that can't hold PMs hold $2.7 trillion the next best thing.

>> No.23207589

Irony's on the menu I see

>> No.23207599

>They only buy, not sell.
That sounds like something out of a nightmare, anon.

>> No.23207604

Sorry, I actually meant $28/oz



Why so expensive?

>> No.23207641

That's a good post. I agree with all of it and anticipate that you're right here on all counts.

>> No.23207924
File: 552 KB, 1020x828, 543427F5-DAEA-46C6-8CEC-6A26E9CA813C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23208282

>> No.23207967
File: 465 KB, 1291x1721, v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon posted this not long ago, they just don't wanna e-brag about their stack. Also fuck miner opened in green, go back in red so I can buy you at discount!

>> No.23208022

Picked up 70g of sterling for 65 USD today, got jewed on the cake cutters.... Steel blade and tang, with a sterling shell handle and stuffed with some kind of resin. The spoon was pure but I feel dumb as shit, should have pinged it with my sterling falcon. Oh well, live and learn. I might go back to that estate sale again and pick up more of the spoons sometime.

>> No.23208075

the knives/cutting implements are always that way. the handle is always sterling filled with something, the blade/tang are always steel. why? because sterling cutlery was made to be used, you arent going to be cutting shit, or holding an edge on, fucking silver lmao. you didnt get scammed, you just weighed it wrong.

>> No.23208251

I've only been buying junk silver at under spot lately in private sales. it's truly the only way to get cheap silver during dips, or any time really

>> No.23208282

based and jefferson-pilled

>> No.23208376

To the anon that always posts the
>A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind
book, can I ask your thoughts on this? Asking in good faith because I read the book on your recommendation, but I don't see how a government operated central bank actual solves the problem, it just shifts control to a different party. Private bankers can be greedy and have vested interests, absolutely, but government officials can be equally greedy and have their own vested interests (a very brief look at virtually any level of government confirms this). Decentralising control of the money supply is the only viable option of taking power away from ALL the bankers, private AND public, but the book only really focuses on the private bankers.

>> No.23209069
File: 1.31 MB, 1057x772, fiat money inflation in france & the law.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23209161

the 5 francs are nice, I own one just forgot to picture it. (Everytime I look at the Hercule coin I see the rider waite 'the devil' card)

>> No.23209161
File: 697 KB, 671x694, the plot thicens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I mean bit of a stretch but he has the tail and same composition

>> No.23209283
File: 3.91 MB, 3236x2361, bitish pre decimal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23209790


>> No.23209423
Quoted by: >>23209671

(Not him)

Private bankers are the only game in town for governments if they want to issue currency. Lincoln issued pure fiat greenbacks and look what happened to him. Gaddaffi wanted a gold standard for the Libyan dinar and look what happened to him.

Even this quick article explains the advantages to a government in having control of its money supply.

>> No.23209566
File: 116 KB, 550x800, 5182c0cbd813313a395b685b7fc95fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight PMG. Yukari-chan wishes you all a goodnight and sends you dreams of PMs and tanks!

>> No.23209671
Quoted by: >>23212118

I'll be honest, I dislike and disagree with a lot of that article because it argues for centralisation of power, and in my opinion federal governments should have to actually win the (political and monetary) support of the states in order to fund and carry out objectives. What Lincoln did was what many of the founders directly opposed, which was empowering the federal government at the expensive of the states.

I find the fact that the author celebrates things like the use of hard tariffs and '300% increases in federal government spending!' quite disgusting. Contrary to this author's opinion, it is a fantastic thing that state banks were only willing to fund Lincoln's war efforts at a 20% interest rate, because it shows that war is destructive and risky and that nobody wants it. Lincoln wanted his war and used regulation to force the banks to lend to him, just like Nixon wanted his war and forced the US off the gold standard to pay for it. Both would have appalled the founders.

>> No.23209783

hecla mining corp (HL)

>> No.23209790
Quoted by: >>23209899

are those ASWs (actual silver weights) or full coin weights?

>> No.23209798

Whats the state of fakes like where you are?

Here in the UK we have a huge influx of fake scotsdale 1oz bars, silvertowne and sunshine minting bars. Massive amounts of fake 5/10/20/1oz perth mint gold bars being bought by unsuspecting idiots too. As silver rises, the fakes will become more financially viable.

>> No.23209864
Quoted by: >>23210004

Why would you buy perth mint bars not from the perth mint directly?

>> No.23209899

under the coin name is the actual weight. the red weight is the silver content weight

>> No.23209941

the redpill is bitter
ignorance was bliss

>> No.23209986
File: 3.88 MB, 1774x1350, stack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy to post a screenshot. It's not easy to pull out hundreds of pounds of metal to take a pic and tetris it back into a safe.

>> No.23210004
Quoted by: >>23210228

Hundreds of these sell everyday. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1oz-Perth-Mint-Gold-Bar-sealed-in-tamper-evident-case/284041983563?hash=item422238b64b%3Ag%3AxcwAAOSwMwJfgzYB&LH_Auction=1

>> No.23210085
File: 1.92 MB, 4032x3024, BE1E1019-7252-478E-A18F-E62FDDDCA13D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this coin today, /pmg/.

It’s a George V two-and-a-half shilling coin from 1928, back then Hertzog was Prime Minister and as you can see from the coin, no Afrikaans spelling reform yet, so Suid Africa starts with a “Z”.

>> No.23210100
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23210243


>> No.23210127

One day I will make it to your level anon.

>> No.23210138
File: 1.94 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And from a few decades later, this tiny 3d. coin.

>> No.23210228
Quoted by: >>23210278

that doesn't answer my question. Why not just buy from the Perth Mint directly?

>> No.23210235

>The fed printing money really doesn’t do anything if banks don’t give out loans.
Trickle-down economics :^)

>> No.23210243

Interesting coin, always nice seeing King George on one

>> No.23210278

Most people blindly believe that they are getting gold for under spot on these ebay deals.

>> No.23210341

>that batboi hiding in the back

>> No.23210459

Honestly? You've already got inflation in the stock and housing markets, but I think a combination of a digital currency, universal basic income and negative interest rates will be when shtf. Negative rates themselves might do it.

>> No.23210580

>The creature from jeckyll island

why is wikipedia desperately trying to dissuade me from reading this

>> No.23210736
Quoted by: >>23211146

Because wikipedia is infested with bergs and steins who report to childs and morgans

>> No.23210756

Oy vey no reason at all, did you see the NBA finals last night?

>> No.23210839

don't you feel like you overpaid a bit, anon?

>> No.23210864

The anon wanted to send a message to the mint. They are now forced to buy alot more silver at higher premium then they would without a bulk order.

>> No.23210965

$25/oz new floor?

>> No.23211064
File: 732 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-10-12-14-47-19-774_com.fusionmedia.investing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23211146
Quoted by: >>23211262

What is their rational?

>> No.23211262
Quoted by: >>23211279

I imagine. “‘Childs and Morgans” refer to old Banking families who would prefer that your average person has no real understanding of the The Federal Reserve, or how it came to be.

>> No.23211279

replied to the wrong comment, I'm down on the bergs, childs, morgans etc

>> No.23211450

i'm 5 minutes in lads and boy, im in for a wild ride. its obscene how no we go our whole lives and no one mentions this shit. we are no better than insects.

>> No.23211923
File: 35 KB, 780x451, Screenshot_2020-10-12 The Store That Called the Cops on George Floyd Is Facing a Painful Reckoning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm leaving this country soon frens. If we are now blaming people for calling the cops on a drugged out guy trying to pass obviously fake bills, anything that doesn't actively benefit blacks is going to be racist. I'm not letting a portion of my income fund reparations. If you're flying internationally with bullion, do you think it would be best to liquidate all gold? Generally best excise treatment

>> No.23211961

Just get a pooled allocated account in a non cucked country like Singapore and call it a day. Liquidate all your metal into cash, pay for the allocated metal, move to a better country and you can start stacking again.

>> No.23211995
File: 48 KB, 650x650, 119297208_3180320305412658_573153840417854289_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an absolut Platinlet

>> No.23212008
Quoted by: >>23212298

Based stack, you're really gonna make it. How did you find a black void to pose the metal?

>> No.23212118

The truth is that the (((same people))) who operate the federal government are the same people who run the banking institutions, government operated Central banks can only work in a government that’s actually controlled by the people and privately owned banks will never work to the advantage of the people.

>> No.23212193
Quoted by: >>23212279

Take silver coins and take your proof of purchase with you. You should also be very open about it and declare it. Gold will get you pounded in the ass.

>> No.23212279

You mean I can't just fly out of my country with a pocket full of 1oz gold coins? They're my damn coins!

>> No.23212298

Black fabric pinned up with excess draped over table

>> No.23212335

Only 2oz this month.
Its not enough of a stack update anon.

>> No.23212356
Quoted by: >>23212484

Melt them into a giant gold chain and wear them out

>> No.23212428
File: 1.77 MB, 1656x1656, The_Chad_Coomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going down before stock market open
I can't fucking take this

>> No.23212433

You can... it just depends. The real issue is value. If you think you'll get on a plan with 200k of gold you are dreaming... even if you have the paperwork and declare it. It'll probably get confiscated and you'll never see it again. If you want to take a couple small gold coins no one will care. Silver's value is low so it's not something authorities care about or are looking for... but you should be open about what you've got... even if you did have two small gold coins.

>> No.23212480

Just drive there mate.

>> No.23212484

Jewelry can be confiscated.

>> No.23212515

>silver crashing today
its really over isnt it bros?

>> No.23212577

I think people are waiting for the election. On Friday we got the announcement that Trump was agreeing to a stimulus bill, but now we know it's probably not happening so soon,so that also plays into it. Just be patient imo.

>> No.23212586
Quoted by: >>23212752

>Down $0.12 with every other commodity

>> No.23212630

>down a less than a quarter of a percent

why is /biz/ full of such pussys?

>> No.23212752
File: 3.70 MB, 480x360, 1584495371326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23212817
File: 222 KB, 600x598, plebbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23212859

Because some degenerates spilled over from plebbit who play weekly options on PMs.

>> No.23212835
File: 74 KB, 1253x885, snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23213483

lmao nice reference on that coin
"Don't tread on me" = no step on snek

>> No.23212859
Quoted by: >>23213013

With the IV you'd have to be retarded

>> No.23213006
File: 28 KB, 600x547, 1585429825590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear god

>> No.23213013

>Implying they aren't.

>> No.23213410

it's almost as if smg is full of larping faggots :o

>> No.23213420

at the time everything was peaking hard and you couldnt get anything less than 33-34

>> No.23213483

i actually just got some pvc snek patches

>> No.23213904

Checked. Bank of North Dakota is the only public-owned state bank since 1919.

>> No.23214091
File: 43 KB, 625x262, Screenshot 2020-10-12 at 9.29.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23214517

Not even attempting to hide their fuckery

>> No.23214168
File: 37 KB, 704x396, 1420924723390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canada silver cobalt rising 10% right when I wanna buy it
motherfucker, go back where you were 10h ago so I can buy in peace.

>> No.23214199
File: 236 KB, 299x455, 1590000419706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pacifico goes up 20% five days after I buy in

>> No.23214359
File: 24 KB, 480x480, 1597789070036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances the metal rally continue into the week? Thinking of selling my GDX calls today just to take a small loss. Surely trump is gonna crash the market again this week right?

>> No.23214392
Quoted by: >>23214730

Yep I bit the bullet and bought 1000 shares this morning, didn't have any in the sitfolio yet. Wish I wasn't a brainlet and knew how to day/swing trade but at least I know how to sit and hold!

>> No.23214469

>sunshine minting bars

they're able to fake the Mint Mark SI?

>> No.23214517
File: 249 KB, 863x752, 38a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even attempting to hide their fuckery

It used to be quite tiresome but I've come to accept the fact.

>> No.23214595
File: 105 KB, 400x400, 20_francs_napoleon_or.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I will buy myself one or two of these French Emperor coins for Christmas. 6.45g, with 5.8g of pure gold, for 314€ (54.3€/g while gold is 52.4)

>> No.23214616

You have my permission.

>> No.23214619
File: 39 KB, 1440x269, bayhorse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bayhorse is making me rich!

>> No.23214657
File: 449 KB, 559x507, 1597348150499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my stamp is inked and pressed, good luck anon

>> No.23214730
File: 31 KB, 1355x254, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been a month it goes up and down between 0.3 and 0.38. I'm trying to get something like 0.33 or 0.35 at worst.

>> No.23214953
File: 138 KB, 1536x2048, or.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For now, I have some silver coins (~40oz) and I'm starting gold. Already have 5 dollars indian head (8.36g. 7.52g pure gold), and 20 belgian francs (same weight as Napoleon, thanks to Latin Monetary Union)

>> No.23215153
Quoted by: >>23217729

i've got 140toz silver but I have some weird mental block where I don't want to buy anything short of a 1 oz gold buffalo.

>> No.23215416

Is now the time to buy silver? Are we waiting? What's going on

>> No.23215588

Yes, buy it all now. It's definitely not going to go lower.

>> No.23215597
Quoted by: >>23215676

who are you and how did you get in here

>> No.23215670
File: 159 KB, 800x600, 1584476819345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23217374

>Asking a nigerian prince board for investing advice
Wew lad, fucking figure it out or be fucking disappointed. Silver is not a one time purchase, you continually buy and try to keep your cost per oz down as low as you can. Sometimes you buy high sometimes you buy low but you faggots that keep asking "is it time to buy" need to neck yourselves because you all start crying when we say yes and then price drops a buck or two

>> No.23215676
Quoted by: >>23215751

idk I just wandered in here I was attracted by the shinies

>> No.23215683

Inflation on the low end will start with supply shortages, on the high end with excess capital hunting for yields.

Shit will really hit the fan when supply shortages become so bad they have to be addressed with direct stimulus.

>> No.23215751
File: 3.48 MB, 4000x3000, 1600824881610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23215823

ah i seem to remember something similar happening to me. well, your here now and there isint a way out. we do rocks and rock accessories, grab a seat fren.

>> No.23215760
File: 1.28 MB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20201012_094757_com.google.android.apps.photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23215801

Anyone know anything about this meme coin?

>> No.23215798
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20201012_094748_com.google.android.apps.photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23215992


>> No.23215801

whats the back like? vader?

>> No.23215823

Fuck I want german tiddies, that fucking premium though

>> No.23215842

Storm trooper

>> No.23215900

When are we getting 1.0 fine silver?

>> No.23215984

When the laws of reality allow 100% efficiency.
Basically almost never.

>> No.23215992

well known mint, fairly low mintage numbers for niue, i would look up similar coins for pricing

>> No.23216053
Quoted by: >>23216638

Where did you find it so cheap?

>> No.23216262
File: 65 KB, 716x404, abe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a handy guide for you

>> No.23216302

Based af

>> No.23216324

im starting to think this image is used on purpose just for how gross it is

>> No.23216330
Quoted by: >>23216470

elemental silver exists.

>> No.23216470

I know but why can’t we have 100% pure bullion?

>> No.23216638
Quoted by: >>23217660

In France,
https://www.. acheter-or-argent. fr/

>> No.23216712
File: 1.04 MB, 2895x1696, KIMG0544~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got jewed on the cake cutters.... Steel blade and tang, with a sterling shell handle and stuffed with some kind of resin

Crappy man sorry if I contributed to leading you astray.

The sterling handles are always hollow shells (except for the small solid butter spreaders) and there are a few things you apparently didn't know I'll outline.

Sterling handle dinner knives (and sterling handle carving knife/fork/steel sets) are the heaviest and thickest because they were used frequently and are decently sized. Smaller luncheon knives and sterling handle butter spreaders yield successively less.

Most commonly the handles are filled with a pitch/resin, sometimes cement which I split off with scrapping axes/chisels. More common for the older ones is sometimes they're hollow and just soldered to the tang so I melt those off with a blowtorch and tap out the melted beads of solder. The actually hollow handles tend to be pretty sturdy and yield nicely

When you get to fancy cake cutters and breakers, pie servers, cheese spreaders etc. They were usually made with a thinner silver shell handle than anything else because they weren't frequently used or subjected to much abuse. Avoid the tiny European fruit or tea set forks and knives like the plague because they are retarded and only yield 1-2g each, literal foil-tier garbage.

Very roughly, handles from carving sets yield 20-30g, dinner knives 18-22g, luncheon 14-18, butter handles ~12g, and the different cake/serving handles 8-12g.

A very rough outline with differences of style and manufacturer being important, but that is a good start, and if those spoons were a good deal definitely grab them, good luck!

>> No.23216782
Quoted by: >>23216950

because it is impossible to be 100% effective.

>> No.23216866

Because it's not possible to get anything 100% pure.

For example, distilled water will still contain or pick up trace contaminants, and even if you were able to remove that you'd still have Deuterium and Tritium isotopes of hydrogen in some molecules making it technically not pure H2O.

>> No.23216950
Quoted by: >>23217022

That's not what your mom said last night after I promised to 100% satisfy her womanly needs.

>> No.23217022

>t. crypto fag

>> No.23217274
File: 440 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201012-104747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breddy happy about snagging this, a classy pristine mid-century modern laquered mahogany and sterling 7 piece set still with original boxes and packing newspaper dated 1957.

Should be 8-10 ounces of silver in the set, but it's also the best salad set I've ever come across and surely worth a collector premium to the hipsters and artfags who like the mid century aesthetic so scrapping it would be dumb.

>> No.23217374


>Is it time to buy silver?
Are you alive? Then yes.

>> No.23217660
Quoted by: >>23217820

Thanks. I'm seeing there's even one coin, which is even a bit cheaper.

I found some gold coins from other countries for a similar price on heubach-edelmetalle. de if you're into that kind of thing. And if you're in France the delivery will cost you the same, maybe even a few euros less.

>> No.23217729

i have the same mental block but >>23214953
those indian heads looking pretty good

if youre not stacking right this moment then youre asleeo

>> No.23217779

Someone shill me a cheap silver miner to stack up.

>> No.23217820

>heubach-edelmetalle. de
Just checked, french coins are more expensive, but some other coins (like gold and silver maple leafs) are cheaper. Thanks anon !

>> No.23217822

redpill me on austrian economics, based or no? i know a lot of gold/silver bugs fall into the austrian line of thinking
keynesiasm and marxism are shit tier but how does austrian economics hold up against chicago school? sowell, who falls into the chicago school, doesn't seem bad on a lot of takes
anyone have thoughts on this?

>> No.23217849

Silver Elephant, Sprott bought a shit ton

>> No.23217907
Quoted by: >>23218070

Austrian is pretty based, but funny money has the power to outperform sound money in the short term. It's like doing PCP can give you ape strength but then you pass out later.

>> No.23217916

I'm thinking based. But I don't really have much knowledge on different schools of economics so who knows, maybe there are better alternatives.

>> No.23217947

No problem.

>> No.23217958
Quoted by: >>23218359

Give me a letter and a number

>> No.23218052

Who’s baking lads?

>> No.23218070
File: 215 KB, 1024x1024, 1597729952815m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>funny money has the power to outperform sound money in the short term. It's like doing PCP can give you ape strength but then you pass out later.

Kek this analogy is perfect

>> No.23218077
Quoted by: >>23218250

By the way we should probably create a list of euro online shops, cause most in the op are American.

>> No.23218145
File: 30 KB, 570x607, CHADFOLIO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post your chadfolios. we makin it big boys

>> No.23218250

This is a good starting point for comparing euro prices - sadly it only lists german stores:

These one seems to come up here sometimes too

>> No.23218264

I can't get over how fucked up these prices feel
Call me a retard but it feels like EVERYTHING is overvalued

>> No.23218276

i was still hesitant on buying and now it seems i missed out :(

>> No.23218333

You really think silver is overvalued anon?

>> No.23218349

We're still down from August highs.

>> No.23218359
Quoted by: >>23218507

I dunno, maybe I'll throw a grand at what seems promising.

>> No.23218367
File: 71 KB, 957x585, 52BAD549-72B1-4D1B-87CF-BF9101586D3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23218556

Don’t worry fren :) the dips will continue To come. Buy with 25% of your cash right now and then use 50% on the next dip and keep 25% for any other opportunities you see

>> No.23218371

The most overvalued thing is the dollars in your pocket though.

>> No.23218397
Quoted by: >>23218556

You have missed out on very little, just get in and buy something.

>> No.23218465
File: 62 KB, 691x690, aurcanaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sees things up 5-10%
>thinks he has missed out on 1-100X run ups

whew lad.... throw some in now, and do monthly buys, while saving some for a dips

>> No.23218507
Quoted by: >>23219044

Hecla or first majestic are solid plays, but if you wanna mess with microcaps I would have to say Tinka or KXPLF

>> No.23218522

you think aurcana has still a long way to go ? I have it in my portfolio but hesitant about throwing too much into it seeing how it went up

>> No.23218556
Quoted by: >>23218579

What broker are you guys using? Im in the US

>> No.23218558

are there any good small caps that aren't up? I'm finally green on aurcana and i'm trying to move it into something else. I was gonna buy some DSV but its up 6% today :(

>> No.23218579
Quoted by: >>23218627

Fidelity is what I use, they have 0 fees on everything(even OTC) and I hear interactive brokers has a huge variety of OTC smallcap miners. Fidelity is solid though.

>> No.23218627

TD for the ToS platform but I like to daytrsde from time to time. If what >>23218579 said is true and Fidelity doesnt charge fees for OTC thats huge for miners. If you plan on buying and holding miners, I'd probably go with thay

>> No.23218633
File: 124 KB, 872x314, CD5A5F91-BEAE-4426-A471-98B0390112C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goldman is going long on silver. Bery bullish

>> No.23218656


>> No.23218670

If we were in times of stability it would be.

>> No.23218721

It's almost like all the prices are inflating or something....

>> No.23218742
File: 107 KB, 1669x588, chadfolio_partial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23218875

I think we'll be hearing news from Aurcana in the next few weeks about financing and estimated production date, hopefully it's good

I plan to reduce my Majestic and Endeavour positions a little when I'm up and buy 1000 more Alexco if it goes back to around .70 or less

>> No.23218759
File: 236 KB, 580x563, 13976528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh bread

>> No.23218801

hey anons, my grampa gave me some old morgan dollar and said it was a good coin to hang onto. its an 1889 "cc" mint or whatever this means. i took it into a coin shop and they said it was a great piece in about "au" condition but they said it would be worth way more if it was "bu" so i looked that up and it seems like it just looks slightly newer if its "bu". i went ahead and used the ez-est coin cleaner on it and it looks great now.
what do you think i can get for it now that its in "BU" condition? \thanks

>> No.23218875
Quoted by: >>23218995

Yeah I have a few right now I am looking to throw money at:
CCW, AUN, maybe, MAYBE (BIG MAYBE) BHS now that its at .13

realistically its between CCW and AUN though. Might just sit on the cash for a week or so and see what happens, might bite me, might now... such is the game we play.

>> No.23218995
Quoted by: >>23219091

I think our odds of at least 1 significant dip before silver/gold moon is way better than 50/50

>> No.23219044

>tinka & butthorse
Run the other way from this guy's advice

>> No.23219091
File: 19 KB, 362x240, coinbuysilver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there will 100% be a dip, but if that dip is from 25$ to say 22-23%, or if that dip is from 30-27$, or from 35-30, we just cannot say for sure. Kinda feel like we already had the 27-23$ dip, so next dip is going to be a thirty something dollar dip back to 28-29$.