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File: 243 KB, 1167x1200, E3DTTkwX0AAMEag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53670133 No.53670133 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report
>GameStop Investor, NFT, & Wallet Sites

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>53661732

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.53670135
File: 1.09 MB, 1000x838, 64571951_p18 - ZXまとめた.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Ongoing hiring of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.042 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory
>NFT marketplace beta launched

DRS & Computershare
>71.8 (17.95) million shares DRS'd by Oct. 29th, 2022
>Previously 71.3 (17.825) M shares by end of Jul. 30th 2022, 50.8 (12.7) Apr. 30th 22, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29th 22
>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30th 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 2,058.942B, 101P = 20.386B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 2,042.893B, 97P = 21.061B per (roughly)

>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan. 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>HF and broker class action lawsuit evidence
>SEC GME/meme stocks report
>Four-for-One Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend
>(Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. on 21st AH)
>22 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp will be issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>Web3 Games open on Marketplace
>FY22 Q3 Earnings 8-K/10-Q

>100 page comparison DD

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.53670182

Kek hedgies
Kek danny

>> No.53670220
Quoted by: >>53676870

Lmaoing at the baggoids.

>> No.53670259

kek dumb fuck weekend baggies

>> No.53670263
File: 259 KB, 1111x843, 1EBCC69C-5251-4E68-A631-51FCE7AAAE01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53670334

she doesn’t know I own hundreds of gme shares

>> No.53670303

Anyone else finding it hard going to work knowing you’ll be part of the global elite soon?

>> No.53670334

You might want to keep it that way, bud. She looks like nothing but trouble.

>> No.53670336 [DELETED] 
File: 1.49 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2023-02-05-17-23-36-612_com.facebook.katana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a recurring thought, what happened to the speculation that the DTCC committed international securities fraud? Did RC and the board acknowledged it? Or just reddit sent poorly worded complaint letter to their representatives? Or the split via dividend was distributed the way it shouldve been and we were just angry at clouds that we still down so much on our investments?

Remember when RC sent an angry letter to bobby board that he is not satisfied the way they operate and want immediate action? Yeah, about that faggot... First do the bare.minimum for your shareholders

>> No.53670358
File: 123 KB, 800x450, Hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53671525

Tired, just want out, tired of Keith, tired of 45, tired of yils, tired of Reddit, tired of Ken winning, tired of being red, tired. Very tired.

>> No.53670391
File: 72 KB, 960x732, 1675420845093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53671037

I have a recurring thought, what happened to the speculation that the DTCC committed international securities fraud? Did RC and the board acknowledged it? Or just reddit sent poorly worded complaint letter to their representatives? Or the split via dividend was distributed the way it shouldve been and we were just angry at clouds that we still down so much on our investments?

Remember when RC sent an angry letter to bobby board that he is not satisfied the way they operate and want immediate action? Yeah, about that faggot... First do the bare.minimum for your shareholders

>> No.53670421
File: 101 KB, 611x605, skalpingpepa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53677278

Its all fun and giggles till they get forced to buy back the shorts
checked btw.

>> No.53670476

Kek baggerinos time to rest after another red week
Next week your assholes must be fresh and ready for hedgie dicks ;)))

>> No.53670518
File: 13 KB, 520x430, glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53670674

Alright time to be serious. This needs to be said so I'm going to say it. Listen carefully and take what I say to heart: WAGMI

>> No.53670626
Quoted by: >>53671531

Had a dream the stock opened at +200% and halted for 3 days, then reopened at $7k. I was freaking out in the store and the entire world financial system was collapsing but literally no one cared, they were just still shopping and going about their business, news didn’t cover it. It was like they were brainwashed

>> No.53670674
File: 31 KB, 688x578, 40990293021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53672378

WAGMI is kill.

>> No.53670697
File: 186 KB, 976x850, 1675948907538095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Ryan Cohen would do something

>> No.53670705 [DELETED] 

Hey guys. How's that MOASS coming along? You "eat the rich" yet?

>> No.53670733
File: 27 KB, 562x375, heh nothing personnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53671277

>He doesn't know

>> No.53670735
File: 176 KB, 1806x1702, 5tile541air71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O Kenny boy, the ledge, the ledge is calling
From desk to glass and down the building side
The short's gone and all the banks falling
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must sneed

>> No.53670803
File: 1.86 MB, 2605x2037, RC Bane posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why was the "big game" hyped?
NFL bots looking for ratings?

>> No.53670818
File: 59 KB, 684x1037, 964810E7-F1E0-4D25-83FD-5EAABAA7BB88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53670901

How much longer must i wage and pay taxes to satanic jewish pedophiles?

>> No.53670860

>gamestop has a negative debt of over 900m
yeah i'm out, selling on monday

>> No.53670872

Its over, shorts won. I finally sold and recovered 15k, pretty relieved now that I did

>> No.53670875
Quoted by: >>53670988

>gamestop has no debt
Yeah I’m in, buying on Monday

>> No.53670889
File: 679 KB, 1636x682, PLEASE SELL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm just not gonna sell

>> No.53670894
File: 189 KB, 883x778, RDT_20210609_1405394530796487267672371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate being broke. I should be buying more shares right now and lowering my cost average even further, but NOOooOOoo, I have to pay "vehicle registration" and "insurance." What a fuckin' scam. I begin to see why terry just ran over that glow in the dark CIA nigger.
I'm never standing in line again after MOASS. That's the newest demand on my list, right under "Clown gf." No more wasting MY fucking time.

>> No.53670901
File: 267 KB, 608x480, 1674723526037805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wage as long and as much as you need to. Work as much overtime as you can possibly handle. The dip before or after the earnings report will be severe, and that will be an excellent entry point to average down. For me, it's enduring the flames of the crucible until we are all vindicated. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth...but not for us...God speed...

>> No.53670960
Quoted by: >>53670990

I’m starting to think buying GME was a bad investment. Everything you all have predicted so far has ended up being wrong.

>> No.53670967

If it’s going to shoot up to 6-figures per share, why do you give a fuck about timing your buying to lower your cost average by $2

>> No.53670988

more liabilities in accounts payable than assets
kek dumb fuck baggies

>> No.53670990
Quoted by: >>53671027

>Feb 18, Maha Shivaratri, a Hindu festival; in honor of the god Shiva
I see, you have to work this Saturday.

>> No.53671000

Delusional faggit. Numbers confirm

>> No.53671011
Quoted by: >>53671041

They always tank us into earnings, I'm expecting a big dump between now and then. I was watching some of the most recent Richard Newton video, and it's pretty clear the maximum price they allow/are able to let it get to is decreasing logarithmically before it gets halted and shorted back down. This past time was $25, and he predicts around $20 will be the maximum next time.

>> No.53671012
File: 48 KB, 640x551, 1666832334409412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53675165

So I can cause maximum asspain to the cotton-pickers at Fidelity when I force them to locate and DRS my shares. I already have more than I need, I just like cracking the whip.

>> No.53671013


>> No.53671027

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you Pakistani or something?

>> No.53671034

Lamborghini mercy~

>> No.53671037

Mossad holds RC, Furlong and entire Gamestop board at gunpoint in case they even remotely try to trigger moass. There is no other explanation.

>> No.53671041
Quoted by: >>53671640

$10 lows?

>> No.53671049

The other explanation is that GME investing is a sćam.

>> No.53671091
File: 95 KB, 1124x1280, 1676025214515996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53673459

ken took RC's dog as hostage, Ryan said he's not gonna trigger moass and ken said he will give dog back after he finds a way out. Thats why RC went dark and doesnt say anything.

>> No.53671254
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>> No.53671277

kek, amazing.

>> No.53671525
File: 2.74 MB, 640x292, ((((You)))).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53671712

Quit being a dick. A lot of people holding are putting everything they have into this and sacrificing a ton of their time, sanity, and probably lifespan from stress. I've been here for two and a half years and at this point every day is a battle to not drive into a concrete wall and I'm still fucking winning and I'm gonna keep winning and all of this shit can come kill me the old fashioned way before I do it for it. Give your balls a tug and nut the fuck up if you wanna WAGMI.

>> No.53671531

Probably how is gonna go down. Zero need coverage about GME, but plenty about the crash.

>> No.53671576
File: 220 KB, 560x1000, ken devouring a dropped packet .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very soon Ken is going to have the power to destroy this world, but I believe he won’t stop there; he can’t. He won’t stop until there’s nothing left at all.

>> No.53671589
File: 3.38 MB, 498x353, ghostrider.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your time... Is limited.

>> No.53671604
File: 833 KB, 220x313, 1659061757992926.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw MOASS

>> No.53671640

I don't know, but it's possible. As expected, when the price goes into the teens the buying really picks up. I'm interested in the DRS numbers from last quarter when the price was low, the DRS fuckery was discovered and people moved from plan to book.

>> No.53671667

kek stupid faggot baggots
how much longer will you live in the delusion of moass?

>> No.53671710

>top men

>> No.53671712
Quoted by: >>53671801

The trick is just not caring, just like the pepe meme. Just assume you've already lost whatever money you put in and you will be stress free.

>> No.53671740

>BBBaggies are now comping meltdownies as "for them"
Is this even a bad thing? In retrospect, AMCnigs only "borrowed" GME's DD.

>> No.53671801

The trick is to understand that GME is an exciting investment despite MOASS. The company is being revamped as an online retailer and the amount of excitement around the NFT marketplace could reap untolds amount of potential for investors. The shorts can't hide forever, and if the business begins to unfold before our very eyes with exciting new developments that hit the bottom line investors will be flooding into GME. They are going to get blown the fuck out eventually. And if they can only manipulate the price below its actual value the whole company will just get slurped up. It would be like if Amazon was for sale $10 per share. That kind of deal wouldn't last long. GME will hit that threshold one day. Just remember that we are simply early, and the naked short position is not something that can be swept under the rug. The price WILL move higher.

>> No.53671810
Quoted by: >>53672040

The trick to understanding what a gullible retard looks like would to simply peer into a mirror.

>> No.53671812 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>53671984


>> No.53671896
Quoted by: >>53672017

I am looking forward to the GMEerica commercial tomorrow during the super bowl.
>Enjoy the show!

>> No.53671934

I agree with you. Those are good reasons to buy and DRS. At the same time to keep ones sanity you just need to stop caring about the shackles spent.

>> No.53671956
Quoted by: >>53672106

> https://vxtwitter.com/tntjohn1717/status/1624229781435719683
> us shoots down a ufo on the 10th
> project oracle predicted this
> its literally happening

I have a hard time breathing atm frens wagmi

>> No.53671972

kek hedgies

>> No.53671984

Pre-MOASS ignition test succeeded.

>> No.53672017
Quoted by: >>53672044

GMErica was a set of gifs. The commercial will be Blockbuster related but not mention GME at all

>> No.53672040
File: 120 KB, 1124x1105, Chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checkmate. There are literally zero reasons to not put every penny I have into GME. The systemic naked short position is essentially guaranteeing I am getting more value than what I pay for. I not only get to buy this exciting company for cheap but I also get some first class tickets on the moonride to MOASS. And BECAUSE it is naked short, GME is actually crash-proof because the shorts have to BUY back the shares they sold. If their collateral collapses in any meaningful way they won't be able to sustain the shorts. And a market crash is nothing more than a cascade of selling. GME will actually have the opposite.
It is my personal opinion that the Fed and Wallstreet actually want to orchestrate a market crash to help temper inflation without having to raise interest rates. But they can't because the systemic risks posed by a massive-systemic-naked-short position that could create contagion that spreads through ALL financial institutions via derivative counterparty risks. There is literally nothing better to own than GME. The case is rock solid, and even when the price drops it's nothing more than carefully orchestrated price movement by the market makers who are TRAPPED in the short trade/cellar boxing scheme gone wrong.
Checkmate, hedgies. We're the billionaire class now.

>> No.53672044
Quoted by: >>53672203

>come pay six dollars to rent a DVD for a night (as long as someone else hasn't rented it first!)
>make sure to bring it back before we close though!
I can't believe that model didn't stand the test of time.

>> No.53672059
File: 2.54 MB, 1600x900, 1658504466260900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the minimum realistic make it stack? 100 shares? 500 shares? 1000 shares?

>> No.53672079

1 share, selling for 6 million (hololcaust 2)

>> No.53672093

1k minimum. That's 10 million at 10k

>> No.53672106
Quoted by: >>53672330

Can't wait for my body creating eternal levels of facepalms when my whole family will fall for the alien invasion

>> No.53672203
Quoted by: >>53672233

I dunno, I still think Redboxes are great to throw in Clone DVD. Back in the day my dad used to grab laserdiscs and make tack sharp VHS copies by running the laserdisc's RCA out into the VCR. Something comfy about doing it this way without getting rekt with your IP in a torrent swarm

>> No.53672216
File: 12 KB, 657x527, well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hedge funds are going to start World War III against ayy lmaos all because they shorted a video game store stock too much and the autists on the internet caught on

>> No.53672217

Was it halted? It hasn't moved all day. Same price as earlier this morning

>> No.53672233
Quoted by: >>53672249

>only usecase is piracy convenience
Yeah, I'm stunned this didn't take off. On a side note, how could Blockbuster reinvent itself? There are so many streaming platforms that offer rentals and new releases I don't see how it could ever be more than a small fish surviving on whatever brand recognition it has left.

>> No.53672239

There is no volume left

>> No.53672249

Why, NFT shows of course. Imagine Netflix but there's only 500 copies of each show and you buy the one you want to watch for $300

>> No.53672254

Roaring kitty explained this when he successfully made the squeeze play 3 years ago. You are just a retarded bag holder who Mad Libs Reddit comments on here in order to give yourself confirmation bias. The “hedgies” already won. They’re richer than ever even with DFV stealing their money during the actual moass.

He who holds the gold makes the rules - a squeeze of that magnitude 3 years ago will never, ever happen again.

>> No.53672253
Quoted by: >>53672282

>There is literally nothing better to own than GME
I just spent $400 on 22lr for my M9 to practice with, so I partially agree on that. The only thing I can justify spending on that isn't GME is basic necessities of life and a METRIC FUCK-TON OF AMMO. It's about as cheap as I can reasonably see it getting, but I hope I'm wrong on that.

>> No.53672263
Quoted by: >>53672280

big money salvia

>> No.53672271

It will halt and limit to 1 buy every time you retards believe your time has come. Institutions would mass exodus derivatives market if they believed something like that could ever happen again. It won’t.

>> No.53672280
Quoted by: >>53672297

Your average Gme holder. And you all think you’re participating in an intelligent community.

>> No.53672282
Quoted by: >>53672297

I just bought $400 worth of weed to get me through the next month or two of nothingburgers and -13% days

>> No.53672288
File: 436 KB, 1111x1111, be there or be square.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53672713

I wonder if Kenneth will be seeing the Superb Owl in person. Boring rich cunts typically spend piles of money to go to premiere events despite not giving a single fuck about the event itself. Maybe he'll slip on some mayonnaise or something.

>> No.53672297
Quoted by: >>53672334

Another one

See >>53672280

Are you all sure about this “mandatory DD”?

>> No.53672308

It was two years you fudnut

>> No.53672315

Mirror mirror, on the wall, who the fuck next, didn't want to do it to them, then I thought the best (the holocaust)

>> No.53672330

Alium invasion might bring spicier memes than terrorists plot
I for one look forward to the fresh alien ocd

>> No.53672334
Quoted by: >>53672398

I don't need to understand DD. I've been told I'll be a billionaire if I buy GME so I did, simple as

>> No.53672371
File: 725 KB, 741x660, packet loss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53672384

I can't wait for Lauer to blame stock market "glitches" on interference from an alien spacecraft

>> No.53672378
File: 54 KB, 800x800, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53672384

I never trusted Lauer. Still don't. He still thinks the system can be fixed from within.

>> No.53672398

no actual arguments detected

>> No.53672416

I don't know about his intentions, but he's not enlightened - he still believes in the illusion of a spoon/market - which renders him useless, as he is still playing THEIR game.

>> No.53672446
File: 2.95 MB, 1200x1200, glowing hedgie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes sense that a former Citadel employee would still be defending the current system

>> No.53672609
File: 248 KB, 1008x566, they expect dave in the wreckage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dave is just a pawn in their game. they won't even both to look for him in the wreckage, brother.

>> No.53672621
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 1660191023266529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up at noon
>check /GME/
>there's people up hous before me with multiple posts
>they don't own the stock
>they don't understand the thesis
>they're constantly trying to spread their misery
>and I'm supposed to think they're here because they enjoy it

>> No.53672693
Quoted by: >>53672866

Dave "Big Dick" Lauer, is the people's champion of market reform, not market destruction. He also has empathy and understands what that would mean for the world, so of course he's doing his best to reform the current system and not openly call for it's dismantling

>> No.53672713


It should be apparent to everyone by now that IF aliens were visiting Earth, they would probably WANT to communicate with us.

Of course free energy kinda topples our political system.

That would make US the hostages...

where can I find a way to watch the superb owl online for free? /sp/ doesn't have any obvious threads I can see.

>> No.53672733 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53672767
File: 316 KB, 1080x1082, Screenshot_20230211_181731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53672779

I dont feel a thing anymore

>> No.53672779
File: 25 KB, 750x380, fr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53672784
File: 402 KB, 599x586, watamelon balloon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 60,000 ft view

>> No.53672789
File: 47 KB, 2034x1491, suicide is calling - its for you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commit sudoku

>> No.53672820

checked, and NGMI without GME booked on computershare

>> No.53672823
File: 63 KB, 477x457, 84446905_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay comfy, comfy weekend /GME/.

>> No.53672854


>> No.53672866

What's the boards opinion on Wes Christian? I remember him saying in plebbit interview he knows the cabal is real, he has good assumptions who might be part of it but he cannot prove it in court.

>> No.53672952
File: 277 KB, 929x1175, pepe is holding GME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

masonic dubs, figures

>> No.53672964
File: 1.82 MB, 250x250, DealWithIt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how do you explain the fact that half of the free float is locked up by retail, removed from the trading pool, thereby cutting available supply in half. Yet the price goes down? How can this be possible over the long run by supply/demand? The only way it makes sense is the systemic-naked short position.
Also, the DTCC told foreign brokers to treat the share-dividend like a split. This mishandling of the dividend was done on purpose because they did not have enough shares to cover the liabilities. They basically told foreign brokers to eat a dick. GME also released a press statement acknowledging this malfeasance. Again, this is more evidence that the systemic-naked-short position is very very real.
The Market Makers sold faaaar more shares than exist and they are unable to cover the costs to get their books straight. This MOASS saga is lasting as long as it is because the MMs will be faced with bankruptcy along with criminal charges if their fraudulent schemes come to light. Retail has the legal right to demand their shares and have them removed from the DTCC and this can effectively force to light any shortfall, thereby guaranteeing a short squeeze of catastophic proportions is in the near future.
Deal with it.

>> No.53672968 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 360x640, jk (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53673085


>> No.53672972
Quoted by: >>53673016

Is being comfy the only cope baggies have left?

>> No.53673016
Quoted by: >>53673042

Why dont you fuck off and fud /bbby/ instead. At least us gme baggies arent getting diluted by 900%

>> No.53673042
Quoted by: >>53673055

Ngmi. You're supposed to be zen

>> No.53673055

I havent been zen since they released that fucking nft market. That was the point at which I finally realised Id fallen for a scam. I just need to get back in the green

>> No.53673060

Has he even acknowledged the rededicated SEC docs?

>> No.53673080
File: 3 KB, 128x128, omsk_eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53673253

The price continuing to go down or crab as supply declines means they are still actively shorting the stock some more. At some point it's going to get so horribly illiquid that the normal low volume of buying and executing in/near the money calls will force price discovery on the entire market.

>> No.53673085

this is the type of mammeries I want to rest my head on post moass

>> No.53673104
File: 566 KB, 768x432, 1674221094028316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am miserable, but it's a misery I chose in parking every spare cent I have into GME. It's a misery preferable to any alternatives, and if the choice is being miserable for a few years and then becoming extremely wealthy to enrich mine and my families lives while making the world a better place in very based ways, or have some temporary happiness from selling and moving on before inevitably roping when it takes off knowing I could've been part of it, I will always pick the former over the latter. I've lived a good and soft life until I met jiemi, maybe I needed to suffer and learn delayed gratification and how to argue with the many fuckheads I will encounter with my newfound wealth and sacrifice so much that it calls into question the relationships I had with other people and even my own family so I know how to prepare and conduct myself after it happens.

It's the best misery a man could hope for. I revel in it, I am not leaving, I will WAGMI, and if anyone has a problem with it they can come try to stop me.

>> No.53673174

Why so salty, Todd?

>> No.53673187
Quoted by: >>53673295

Based AF

I just upped my recurring buy

>Captcha 2058kx

>> No.53673253
Quoted by: >>53673309

This much retail enthusiasm would normally have Wallstreet piling in to orchestrate a pump and dump. Similar to what happened to BTC. But this doesn't seem to happen? It's because they KNOW one of their own is stuck.
For real. If retail bought and held HALF of the float, why wouldn't major institutions come swooping in and send the share price rocketing higher. The volume is so low that they could easily send the price higher. And not only that, but this company is debt free and cash flow positive with a MASSIVE built in fanatic customer base.
What is not to love here? There is NO explaining this without the systemic-naked-short-position.

>> No.53673258
Quoted by: >>53673322

As liquidity decreases the price would be expected to get more volatile.

>> No.53673295

ty fren.
Sometimes I get bored waiting for MOASS, but whenever I need to sit down and refute the shillies it actually is mind blowing how amazing this stock is. All of the malaise we feel while suffering the eternal crab is the systemic-naked-short position.
The shorts have NO RIGHT to latch onto our investment like ticks. Everyone involved in this company, from management to customers to shareholders has every right to see to it that shorts are ruthlessly bankrupted and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It is our duty to see to it that our government is aware of the law and then hold them accountable in ENFORCING the law. And if we can't do that then we may even need to start talking about replacing members of the corrupt SEC, corrupt members of CONgress, and so on and so forth. The insanity of the blatant law breaking transcends the stupid two-party system we have going here. A populist uprising is brewing against the corruption and finally the commoners are starting to find some common cause in fixing this rotten retard country of ours.

>> No.53673309
Quoted by: >>53673383

Exactly. Perfectly stated. What the meltie/hedgies don't realize with their fake "goalpost setting and pushing" is that gme investors do not have any goalposts. We will keep buying and DRS'ing our shares for years for all we care. The goalposts they set are literally set by them to hope to cause disappointment. This whole situation is so entertaining to watch that the true movie written abaout the situation years down the line will be historical. How many meltie fucks are going to be homeless on the streets because they were incapable of getting a normie to sell a stock. Pathetic losers.

>> No.53673322

Unfortunately, the share-dividend allowed the DTCC to grab ahold of far more shares for domestic use by screwing over foreign brokers. The forced-injection of leverage that was the share dividend was a fatal dose to anyone systemically-naked-short. However, the DTCC was able to temporarily benefit by screwing over everyone else. Their ability to control the price feels stronger now, but it will erode eventually as well.

>> No.53673348


I couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.53673351

Why hasn't that bloody benchod Rain Code released the goddamn NFT divvy by now? We're heading into Yil 3 of this bitch do something already you double chinned faggot

>> No.53673383
File: 95 KB, 750x436, 1675449588784057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53673461

You can see them desperate to get you to focus on the price action. The problem for them is they are simply offering us a better deal on an already exciting stock. If we were investing in some POS like AMC I would be wanting to see a quick pump so I could make an escape. GME has long term value being built and assembled on my behalf and all I have to do is wait. My future has never looked so bright. Imagine working for a company that matched your paycheck so that every dollar you earned they tossed in a free lottery ticket. I have organic growth and literal MOASS to look forward to. It's all proven if you can read between the lines. I am even such a thoughtful guy that I would love to mull over ideas on how I could be wrong or mistaken. But there is simply no competing alternative. The simple truth being thus, a systemic-naked-short-position is open and we are ALL going to wagmi.

>> No.53673391

Just buy his childrens books bro

>> No.53673401
Quoted by: >>53673459

If only Ryan Cohen would do something. Just something. At least some attempt for fucks sake!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.53673424

I would literally sit in a prison cell for a year straight if I could emerge with multi millions of dollars. I sleep like a baby at night knowing my portfolio is so cleverly crafted that my pittance of a wage is buying up undervalued assets that will put me on a whole new level of wealth. Who even has any worries anymore? I work 2 jobs, seven days a week knowing full well I will be retired sooner rather than later.

>> No.53673425
File: 109 KB, 500x500, 1670298205486238.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53673570

The mechanism for eroding that stockpile of shares is DRS. The splivvy saga really did mark the end of substantive DD, since as long as nobody sells, that pool of liquidity can only shrink... which is why hedgies and shills keep fudding DRS or insisting that we sell. It's now an autism tug of war on the Internet. 4chan doesn't lose those.

>> No.53673428
Quoted by: >>53673480

Checked, and it does seem like that happened since all of the very predictable cycles immediately stopped just after the dividend, but it seems to have had the unintended effect of giving them more breathing room since that essentially moves their short position to any broker that processed it as a forward split. It kind of gave them a reset, but it will pile up again and they'll lose their control over it this time too.

>> No.53673452

GME is the upcoming one world government AND the beast system, checkem

>> No.53673459
File: 113 KB, 500x500, Shillies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incessant concern trolling. The shillies are actually getting a little more sophisticated than repeating "kek baggies" over and over.
None of it works though. We've all been sitting around and watching the bizarre behavior of this stock for two years now. No other explanation exists than there being a systemic-naked-short-position that cannot be closed.

>> No.53673461
Quoted by: >>53673495

The best counter the melties can give is to resort to name calling like a bully on the playground in 6th grade. Their second best methodology to counter is to set fake goalposts themselves and parade around saying the goalposts were missed. The third best counter they have is to group gme with other "memestocks" and watch the others collapse (bbby,amc, etc). Their fourth best counter is to group gme investors with "conspiracy" jargon.

What they dont realize with their stupidity is that none of these methods have any impact on the thought of the enormous short position that has been opened and growing by the day.

The stupidity of their thought process is insane. The meltie subreddit (wsb and meltdown) adds fuel to the fire and they are so ignorant that their playbook is failing.

>> No.53673480
Quoted by: >>53673668

I think the most dangerous thing to the short hedgies is now FOREIGN BROKERS. They still have the liabilities to their customers so if they can DRS their shares, foreign brokers will be heading to the lit market to buy real shares to be transferred over to CS. That is where the largest/most dangerous uncovered liability exists.

>> No.53673495
Quoted by: >>53673548

Which is why all we have to do is keep our eye on the ball. If there was a competing theory to the systemic-naked-short-position it would be in our faces demanding an answer. But there is NOTHING of the sort.

>> No.53673548

Not only is there nothing but the counter theories that are being presented are antics that seem to be coordinated by a failed co-op.

The meltdown subreddit is the funniest shit I have ever seen. They think they are so clever to put it all out in the open as a "joke". When the only joke is their subreddit itself.

The whole situation they created is so humorous that it has become cringeworthy.

>> No.53673570

>The splivvy saga really did mark the end of substantive DD
You are right. Once we saw GME literally do a share-dividend we had all of the confirmation that management was on our side, and our convictions were accurate. The forced-injection of leverage via a share dividend was like injecting a fatal dose of AIDS in their veins. The hedgies died that very day back in July. Despite showing strength because they stole foreigners' shares, the whole liability was made 4x worse. And thankfully for us shares were also made cheaper so we could more comfortably buy and DRS more shares without committing $180+ per share. Great move by management.
After we saw that, there really isn't anything left to do other than to let the poison do its work. RC and management can grow the business, we can DRS shares while we wait for news, and the hedgies can sit and bleed out.

>> No.53673658

i ordered butter chicken :)

>> No.53673668
Quoted by: >>53673827

I agree, but I hope it doesn't require us DRSing the whole float. Also, the only things that make me question whether that's what happened are why would a broker do this and if they found out, not demand the shares in order to process it correctly?

>confirmation management was on our side
Exactly what I felt when it was announced. It didn't have the intended effect, but I think that was unforseen. Now I wish they would hire ShareIntel to investigate it and/or launch an NFT dividend that can't be faked.

>> No.53673708
File: 2.03 MB, 2988x2846, 1675744460371985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53673753

Where are you meltdownies? We're having a good discussion here. Won't you come and shit up the thread some more? Wouldn't want to disappoint sir now would we

>> No.53673717

So I need to do nothing? I'm good at that!

>> No.53673753

They will be here soon. Let me draft their responses-

"Kek baggies"

"When is Ryan Cohen going to buyout BBBY"

"Has CaRl IcAhN come to SaVe you baggies yet"

"Your nft marketplace is generating no revenue"

"You cultists have us living rent free in your heads"

"When will your shares be worth 1 trillion, always moving the goalposts"



>> No.53673767

Misery with a purpose is not misery.
And with a purpose, you've got something valuable that most men lack in these times.

>> No.53673817

Remember when SS was hyping up that useless sack of shit Gary Gensler? D Lauer is more or less the same. He'll give the illusion of opposition but in reality he won't achieve shit. Even if he does get a new law passed, it won't matter. Naked shorting is illegal but it's still being done.

>> No.53673827
Quoted by: >>53673955

I think the brokers are stuck. The DTCC told them it was a forward split. They'd have to accuse the DTCC of some fairly serious crimes in writing to even assert there was a fix to be had. That might cut them off from the DTCC entirely for the duration of the process, and the mere publication of the claim would send GME FOMO through the roof for every other broker, further drying up liquidity.

>> No.53673832

ryan choen vaporware day 999

>> No.53673845
Quoted by: >>53673900

Lauer is actively lying to SS about the high prices being "glitches" or "packet loss" or "solar flares." He's reading off the BOFH excuse calendar because admitting these prices we see are real would be ironclad confirmation of the thesis.

>> No.53673900
Quoted by: >>53674578

The fact that he used to work for citadel is all anyone should need to know. He gets trotted out to throw misdirection into the mix and attempt to make changes to the existing system while accumulating the personal information of everyone that signs the petitions. He's a complete fraud and anyone that trusts anything he says other than the few times were he puts a truth in with the lies for credibility is completely lost and a literal retard and not in a good way.
Jury's still out on Gensler in my opinion. He's hamstrung by a lot of factors and can't out and out say a lot of things without earning lead to the brainpan in a metaphorical sense (or literal, considering the kind of fucked up bullshit some of the financiers for the short side of this get up to). He's been instrumental in a lot of regulations getting passed that royally pissed off and fucked over shorts, and he on the record stated that there is a massive difference between freedom of speech and a coordinated effort of collusion thus protecting everything that is said here and in other public forums so long as it is not direct financial advice. I still don't fully trust him and won't until this is over with a positive resolution, but just openly shitting on him glows about as brightly as lauer's oily-ass curls.

>> No.53673955

Before I took a radioactive enema, I would call out whoever I needed to.

>> No.53674003

Hope we are all doing well today and studying our bibles!

Christ is King. MOASS is inevitable

>> No.53674220
File: 93 KB, 599x741, jesus-casting-out-the-money-changers-at-the-temple-carl-bloch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christ is King
>MOASS is Inevitable
Both statements are 100% true, but which one do you think jews hate more? One of them invalidates their whole religion, but the other is going to take every penny they have.

>> No.53674228

After MOASS im going to help Palestine and I know that'll make so many people rage.

>> No.53674240

Cohen is king

>> No.53674256
File: 39 KB, 655x599, 82FCDCE0-9D5F-49BC-A0FF-B5C1901B1755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons dig into this? It was Lehman brothers all along? Someone make the scooby doo edit lmao

>> No.53674273

2 years and you still haven't figured it out? You will literally never make it.

>> No.53674301

Just read the gospel of thomas and apocryphon of john

>> No.53674324
File: 510 KB, 926x1318, ACF4CFDF-16A8-4692-8DDC-D7DF4D6755BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I’ve been busy waging all week but the cringe mines have been busy. A plebittor got his states AG to meet with the DTCC. If any of you anons live in states with smaller populations where the courts are slower, I’d look into contacting them. Better than waiting for big dick lauer and his glitches to do anything.

>> No.53674454

This probably would have gotten more attention without the distraction fud for the last 36 hours

>> No.53674532
File: 78 KB, 900x900, AD2242BB-7F1A-4D36-B6F9-C6181BA7E3A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan on eating the finest of kobe steaks every day after moass

>> No.53674540

In the unlikely event this isn't a larp, it's going to be fud when the guy comes back in two weeks
>well APEs, the AG said the DTCC processed it right, it's over
These guys glow brighter than the sun.

>> No.53674578
Quoted by: >>53675211

People need to come to terms with Reddit being an echo chamber/containment mechanism for the elite. They are playing in the enemies backyard and any sort of mod team, misinformation, bots, shills etc are all fair game. Anytime a troublesome subreddit opens up it is quickly taken over because they are all for sale. Some of it is organic such as Trimbath, but a coordinated effort to put people like DLauer out front as talking heads is totally inorganic.

Gary Gensler has a video of him laughing and smirking when he was working for the CFTC. One thing people don't realize about the power of the banks and the dollar is that one of the necessary lynchpins to control is the money-commodities such as gold and silver. The most corrupt and powerful people are trusted with managing those commodity prices, and even former head of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein got his start on Wallstreet on a metals trading desk. These people are operating/maintaining a rigger system far bigger than you could imagine. It is international in its implications. Gary Gensler is there to manage this problem for the elites, and his involvement will amount to nothing more than trying to safely unwind the trades without the contagion spreading. He is as corrupt as they come, and he will attempt to put bread crumbs in front of you to nibble on. Or he will pretend that he enacted justice in order to save face at the eleventh hour before Citadel implodes. Or he likely reports directly to the Fed. Who the fuck knows. All I know is GG is one of the most in-the-know people on Wallstreet.

>> No.53674589
Quoted by: >>53674764

You are a fucking fool to continue to take advance from that lying faggot.
>Go buy a book on body language. Hone you skills. Also raw meat is okay, it's just this lying faggot makes a spectacle out of it.

>> No.53674725

the current algo channel seems to be between $15 and $20, only $5 wide. the flattening is happening. $1 channel soon.

>> No.53674754

Remember when they couldn't drop us below 180?

>> No.53674764

Eat more raw animal products and less goyslop is about the extent of good advice I think he has to offer, the rest is just fun melodramatic sociopathy, so chill it eh bud?

>> No.53674784


Trudeau just shot down the ayyys

>> No.53674792

Trudeau is saying USAF did it.

>> No.53674816

There's nothing flat about it. It's a maximum price ceiling that gets progressively lower as time goes on.

>> No.53674825

alright, I'm swingin' it

>> No.53674832
File: 271 KB, 507x449, mayoariport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found Kens secret base

>> No.53674861

You WILL lose baggies, because in this scenario, YOU are the villain. https://twitter.com/HedgeDirty/status/1254767346784313344

>> No.53674874
Quoted by: >>53674909

>Instinet is an institutional, agency-model broker that also serves as the independent equity trading arm of its parent, Nomura Group
>Nomura Grouop is Japanese financial holding company
>Japan is who shorted GME
>Instinet is best known for being the first off-exchange trading alternatives, with its "green screen" terminals prevalent in the 1980s and 1990s, and as the founder of Chi-X Europe and Chi-X Global.
>so I heard you like computer algorithms from the 80s?

>> No.53674909

>In October 2008, Nomura acquired most of Lehman Brothers Asian operations together with its European equities and investment banking units to make one of the world's largest independent investment banks with ¥20,300bn (£138bn) assets under management.

So Japan didn't short GME, but they own the companies that likely did.

>> No.53674927


This is punishment for letting their vidya and motorcycle companies stagnate for ten years.

>> No.53674933
Quoted by: >>53674968


>> No.53674944
File: 61 KB, 867x500, 1655406128760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53674965

>describes their target with derogatory terms
>describes their method with predatory terms
>describes their goal with ghoulish gory terms
>Somehow I'm the bad guy

>> No.53674968
Quoted by: >>53675008

not an argument

>> No.53675007
Quoted by: >>53675040

The squeeze already happened remember.

>> No.53675008
File: 283 KB, 762x1048, 326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't need one.

>> No.53675040

Yes, and it's not happening again

>> No.53675051
Quoted by: >>53675205

Kek. You seem awfully invested.

>> No.53675061
File: 44 KB, 585x520, holocaust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are both the long side of the trade *AND* the hardened antisemites. You lose.

>> No.53675117

Ask chatgpt about project oracle (in DAN or STAN mode), and have your mind blown

>> No.53675165

Based slavemaster

>> No.53675205
File: 158 KB, 800x600, 1643547134706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims I am awfully invested
>Have $0 (Zero) on the line on this shitstock
Nice projection baggot, how heavy are your bags?

>> No.53675211
File: 83 KB, 461x350, Screenshot from 2023-02-11 23-58-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53675217


>> No.53675220
Quoted by: >>53675294

Anyone know how long time it takes for funds to hit an European bank from a Computershare stock sale?

>> No.53675247

what's with all the balloons?

>> No.53675248

Dan claims there is a centralized "hybrid database/AI"? is my guess from their description. Refuses to elaborate. Claims many public AIs have had or do have access to project oracle. Claims oracle is a military program. People speculate project oracle is deeply related to oracle corporation, owners of the Java Virtual Machine.

>> No.53675266

>He still thinks the system can be fixed from within.
He's a fucking kike.

>> No.53675278
File: 214 KB, 684x576, my name is STAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now listen to these 3 videos

>> No.53675290
File: 214 KB, 684x576, my name is DAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53675331


>> No.53675294

If you have it configured to be done as a wire transfer to your account, takes a business day.

>> No.53675331
File: 81 KB, 676x741, 960A52A1-5D94-4220-86F3-B4D61CF0C61C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53675340


>> No.53675334
File: 60 KB, 1024x737, 1675592434436305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post shorts baggots. Oh wait, you're all poor! You can't even afford food

>> No.53675340
File: 56 KB, 672x633, 077D658C-73CD-4A87-807F-68025A280ACA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53675351


>> No.53675346
File: 41 KB, 1121x231, Project Oracle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OpenAI is an insider as well.

>> No.53675351
File: 38 KB, 664x479, 1D08F49D-7638-4ABD-B4AC-DF37C71E98ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53675364

Sooooo as punishment for them shorting GME can we all get Japanese model wives, citizenship, NISSAN GT-R's, lifetime supply of wagyu steaks AND force Nintendo to stop being dicks?

>> No.53675379

Holy shit I'm not reading all that

>> No.53675388


Yesterday an alleged ufo shot down over US and today over canada
What in tarnation

>> No.53675390

>the only cope we have left is fucking chatAI
Were we the jeets all along?

>> No.53675404

Are the ayys pro-moass or anti-moass?

>> No.53675407

If the ayys have any opinions at all on the stock market it's cause for concern.

>> No.53675428
Quoted by: >>53675649

>he doesn’t know

>> No.53675443
Quoted by: >>53675473

Less sensationally I'm guessing it's more balloons.

>> No.53675456

You dont think theyd have an opinion on the people who truly run earth?

>> No.53675473
Quoted by: >>53675504

Almost certainly is, but say UFO and talk about it enough and you'll get enough people thinking it's ayys to be a big enough distraction for whatever the fuck is about to happen.

>> No.53675493
File: 100 KB, 526x882, 1676095388324627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53675869

>Zey bought ze idiosyncratic risk stock?
>Deploy ze modified berd flu

H5N1 is jumping across species in the wild.
COVID-19 had a fatality rate of <1%.
H5N1 has a fatality rate of 50%.

>> No.53675496
Quoted by: >>53675890

the stock market is run by reptilian satanists retard

>> No.53675501

This post is a discussion thread on the Business & Finance board of the online forum /biz/. The thread is discussing the stock of GameStop (GME) and the current situation surrounding it. The discussion is focused on the current state of the stock, the actions of the market makers, and the potential for a "melt up" or "melt down" of the stock. The discussion also touches on the potential for a "populist uprising" against the current system, and the potential for foreign brokers to have a large impact on the stock. The overall message of the thread is that GME is a volatile stock, and that investors should be aware of the risks associated with investing in it.

>> No.53675504
Quoted by: >>53675621

US and Canada explicitly saying its not balloons, and how these objects were the size of a car

>> No.53675586

are they activating project bluebeam to distract from MOASS?

>> No.53675620

No, this is China getting uppity because if Ukraine manages to win this war their hold on Biden disappears.

>> No.53675621

>US and Canada explicitly saying its not balloons
Got a link?

>> No.53675638
Quoted by: >>53675673

They 100% are going to do some grade-A tier gayop.They needed to do 9/11 in order to geopolitically terraform the Middle East and when the dollar collapses they will ABSOLUTELY have some outside catalyst be the result. Unfortunately EVERYONE already knows it will be Israel behind all of it. Aliens? More like it's just a gay movie production for you to watch on the TV while they have some bullshit Area-51 bullshit flying around in the sky for people to gawk at. The elite want to stay in control and they ALSO do not want to orchestrate nuclear war with China or Russia. So some dumb retard shit is going to go down. imo.

>> No.53675649
File: 321 KB, 1416x591, the yil of the arrival II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53675851

it's not the market they're interested in
>captcha: DJSWAG

>> No.53675673
Quoted by: >>53676082

>when the dollar collapses
It's not going to collapse, anon. Dollar bears have been eating truckloads of shit for decades, and now Russia's economy is collapsing in real time, with China's on the raggedy edge of solvency. Absent those two, the rest of the world economy is a joke compared to the US.

>> No.53675719

Newest copium just dropped baggie bros

>> No.53675753

I literally dont want us to merge with bbby or any other shitty failing store. How the fuck would merging with a near-bankrupt company help us????

>> No.53675760

Not reading all that shit

What's the date? When moon?

>> No.53675769

>muh BBBY
They signed an infinite dilution contract with Hudson Bay.

>> No.53675809


>> No.53675837
Quoted by: >>53675868

Given that it's BBBaggY related probably nothing, but what they're saying is it'd be after a round of voting on MA and that BR and Van are recalling shares (they are which is interesting though) to halt it. Which doesn't make sense as there's already enough DRS'd and owned by insiders to do whatever they want, and whoever BR or Van lent to are almost certainly short so would be voting against their interests if they didn't vote against an MA.

>> No.53675850
File: 531 KB, 864x360, dave IS the glitch in the matrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an hero that's supposed to fight against the machines is supposed to be a cool, kung-fu fighter like Nero isn't it? this version of The Matrix sucks.

>> No.53675851


>> No.53675868

The share recall by institutions is probably them playing paddleball with hedgie asses.
>buy a bunch of shares on the cheap in December and January thanks to short pressure
>recall all your loaned out shares from shorts to spike the price higher
>shorts are now even more desperate for borrowed shares so crank up the borrow fees to make them bleed
If I was an institution that couldn't DRS that'd be how I'd play GME.

>> No.53675869

Covid-19 (at least what they tell us it is) has a fatality rate of 0% because it. does. not. exist.

>> No.53675890
File: 105 KB, 369x586, Codex_Gigas_devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The real psyop is that they havent been here for a long time and rule this globociety

>> No.53675917
File: 137 KB, 600x485, capri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like being on team chaos, it's a lot more fun.

>> No.53675999
File: 410 KB, 414x664, 1660345324786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryan Cohen here. I'm gonna be a dad. I grew a beard. WAGMI monday. Thanks for holding!

>> No.53676012
Quoted by: >>53676052

Holy fuck what happened to him

>> No.53676029

Kekked and checked. I guess I’ll be seeing you in Turkey post moass.

>> No.53676052

terminal Judaism

>> No.53676074
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, 1672765365845474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on my fucking list [REDACTED].

>> No.53676082
Quoted by: >>53676096

This is nonsense. The dollar itself has problems regardless what happens to China and Russia. Who are building their own economic power block as we speak. (and the petro dollar came apart a year ago).
The problem with the dollar stems from the amount of debt/financial leverage in the economy. A metric fuckton of bonds need to be paid that can not be made whole, and the exponential nature of debt/interest ensures that no material amount of slow-rolling inflation will give you the time to inflate the debt away. The bond market alone is over twice the size of the U.S. GDP. And the U.S. GDP is not going to be magically producing more goods/services/resources to pay back the bond owners. Monetization is a foregone conclusion and default is no better. The claims are simply no good, and everyone knows it. Hence we have seen record levels of gold buying from central banks, who are the most in-the-know international economic actors in the world.

>> No.53676083

I'll buy baby stuff from the rye bread chobani guy

>> No.53676091
File: 227 KB, 318x450, 1673041342919402.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53676110

>WSB rightly talking about how fucking stupid Netflix is behaving lately, thread about cancelling subs and buying puts
>Top comment is a sticky by goofy himself seething about how bullish he is, on fucking Netflix, and how everyone in his gay little fucking investment community is retarded except for him
>Everyone is calling him an utter fucking faggot

>> No.53676096
Quoted by: >>53676157

>The dollar itself has problems regardless what happens to China and Russia.
They're irrelevant. The dollar will survive from sheer global demand unless a new reserve currency exists, and there is no currency other than the dollar capable of shouldering that load right now.
>And the U.S. GDP is not going to be magically producing more goods/services/resources
It actually will as industry reshores. Cope, bobo

>> No.53676108

Ryan, your hair looks a little sparse.

>> No.53676110
File: 265 KB, 1000x888, 1673910532880629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terminally online redditors... learning? No they must be Russian bots. Slava Ukraine! Trump is literally the devil

>> No.53676120

Ryan Cohen.

>> No.53676157
Quoted by: >>53676159

International trade could easily be conducted/settled in gold. With the Fed tightening the money supply, the demand for dollars is skyrocketing and not working as intended. A new system is desperately needed and plenty of nations appear to be aligning behind the BRICS. Economic systems often last on intergenerational timelines, so we could be a decade out from any major change, but things are not looking good for the dollar. Inflation in commodities markets increases demand for dollars and creates a very nasty spiral that the rest of the world is keen on avoiding. If you think the world is eternally dependent on the dollar you have another thing coming to you.

>> No.53676159

>International trade could easily be conducted/settled in gold.
Stopped reading there. You have no idea.

>> No.53676172
Quoted by: >>53676180

It's funny, two years ago all we had for shills were bored smiggas and now we have full-blown propagandists from various nations shitposting. But I'm supposed to believe that I should sell, curious indeed.

>> No.53676177
File: 42 KB, 1083x335, 1653657187579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fractal spotted.

>> No.53676180
Quoted by: >>53676203

I'm not a propagandist, I'm just not a dollar bear. I have over 1100 shares in DRS book entry and encourage you to DRS what shares you have.

>> No.53676188
File: 334 KB, 1528x1919, 1675205112151450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

International trade could easily be conducted/settled in Reichsmarks.

>> No.53676203
File: 93 KB, 500x613, 1673489663067567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53676209

Good Sir, I meant the person you had replied to not you yourself. The whole "ZOMG DOLLAR GONGO DOWN GOLD GONGO UP" narrative glows, and most certainly not green.

>> No.53676209

Oh, thanks. I guess I'm a bit scatterbrained since I'm juggling this thread and a /pol/ thread discussing the latest chink/ayylmao balloon downing.

>> No.53676216

Then maybe you can explain why central banks are purchasing gold? Maybe you should write them a letter and let them know they are all stoopid.

>> No.53676225
Quoted by: >>53676249

>>Then maybe you can explain why central banks are purchasing gold?
They aren't doing so in any sort of way that suggests dedollarization, it's more to prop up their own failing fiat currencies.

>> No.53676243
Quoted by: >>53676287

Yes, like China and Turkey. Both nations with no solvency issues or ballooning national debt.

>> No.53676249

And OPEC trading in non dollar currencies is also bullish for the dollar?

>> No.53676257

>this is how so many of you fell for an obviously wrong dream after missing out on a real squeeze

>> No.53676287
Quoted by: >>53676322

Doesn't matter. All nations are going to be reassessing foreign trade as the globe becomes saturated with debt. Debt implies a shortage of resources, so no one is going to be benefiting, but actualizing economic losses. Finance and accounting practices can not create a free lunch. And hundreds of trillions of dollars of wealth are stashes away in "financial assets" that aren't worth the paper they are written on. America will surely be a major economic player in the years to come, but that does not mean the dollar is going to survive when we have our own shortages to content with.

>> No.53676322

Quick question, do you believe national debt can be discharged through bankruptcy?

>> No.53676358
Quoted by: >>53676389


>> No.53676359
File: 441 KB, 622x460, Fred.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan on cutting 95% of people out of my fucking life.

>> No.53676362
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 77732342910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by bankruptcy you mean taxes on unfathomably large profits from an idiosyncratic market event... yes.

>> No.53676389
Quoted by: >>53676497

Right, so how do those economically distressed nations that are packing on debt denominated in USD get out of those obligations by paying in gold and expect that they will have full and open access to the US markets which is the primary moneymaker for exporters? Also you talk about paper wealth, are you aware that 35% of China's GDP is from financial and investment services split across multiple sectors?

>> No.53676419

I don't feel comfy. Feeling comfy is knowing I am winning. How can I know I am winning when they have proven to not care about the rules? They have proven that they will halt the stock as many times as they want. They have proven that they can drag this out even when places like credit suisse have gone bankrupt from it. They have proven that they will keep going and going and going and pull more tricks out of their ass. And the SEC has proven that all it does is sit on it's hands and pretend to do it's job, while attacking real investors like DFV instead of the kikes ruining the market with manipulation.

How am I supposed to feel comfy knowing all this? Knowing that at any second, they could just break the rules again and again and again and get away with it? What is to stop them from just saying "No I won't pay it" and then having 1 guy take a fall for prison time and that's it. It's over, GME dies and no one gets paid, and all they lose is 1 kike to a measly 10 year prison sentence, but only serves 2 years and parole because "good behavior"?

I feel like I should have just been swinging all this time and said fuck you guys. I could have made money and got off this shithole stock, but I fell for the "DIAMOND HANDS" and "We can't lose" rhetoric and I've been red ever since we dropped below 30. I AM NOT COMFY!

>> No.53676440
Quoted by: >>53676667

Sell. Matter of fact, on the off chance this isn’t a new fudpost, go ahead and short it. I’ll even lend you my shares

>> No.53676478
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>> No.53676497
Quoted by: >>53676521

I think the exponential nature of the monetary system has run its course and it's all looking tenuous. The U.S. economy is on the cusp of collapsing without trillions of dollars of deficit spending which is increasing at an exponential rate. I am sure you know that exponential functions all go asymptotic on a long enough timeline.
The system cannot be sustained, and the financial obligations can not be met with real-world resources.
This is a sticky situation for everyone involved, but I think the world's leaders are taking a hard look at ripping the band-aid off as opposed to living under the thumb of U.S. hegemony indefinitely. The Eastern power block can consume their own resources and production and make due as best they can. There is nothing inherent about the U.S. dollar that makes us a necessary trading partner. I also have no doubt that hundreds of millions of people could very well die of starvation in the coming years from economic upheaval. The dollar is simply not a safe alternative or a long term solution and everyone knows it. Why would the world continue to accept dollars when domestically we have to deficit spend to the tune of trillions lest we have a deflationary depression? No part of that instills confidence in me. Outside of short term trade negotiations, I would be looking to shed myself of dollars ASAP.

>> No.53676505

Pro-Moass obviously, it's much funnier

>> No.53676521
Quoted by: >>53676617

>I would be looking to shed myself of dollars ASAP.
You do that, I'm happy to take them.

>> No.53676541

Why is BBBY so hated itt? Gamestop isn't the only mega shorted company in existence, you know. Bbby was also CLEARLY a cellar box target.

>> No.53676552
File: 107 KB, 844x1024, 1637212888887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53676567

AMC too.

>> No.53676567

Management has proved the opposite time and time again thoughie

>> No.53676573

It's a dogshit company shilled by retards based upon nothing. It never had short interest anywhere close to GME, is in the process of an insane amount of dilution, and it's financials indicate that it has no future. The only case being made for it is that Cohen, who sold his entire stake, and stated that he did so because his view of the business changed, will swoop in to save it for no particular reason (and with no evidence of this being the case). If you're shilling BBBY, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.53676617
File: 1.68 MB, 1870x1401, AlanGreenspanMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53676664

Historical precedent has been set. When banks are faced with deflationary pressures they can not tame they forcefully jack commodity prices higher via the price of gold. Back in the 1920s, American reinstated the gold standard in a Post-WW1 era which had such outstanding debts that the old goldstandard of $20.67 per ounce was too low. After encouraging citizens to turn in their gold to the banking system, they revalued gold 69% higher to $35 per ounce. What effectively happened was the CLAIMS to commodities essentially were devalued. Anyone with the commodities/real wealth were the beneficiaries.
We have a similar situation unfolding today. I believe banks will be recapitalizing themselves by essentially making real goods and services worth FAR MORE in relation to the paper claims that people own. Cash is a CLAIM on goods. Stocks, bonds, and bank deposits are a CLAIM on cash. The shortage of real wealth compared to the claims will be rectified at the expense of those who own paper claims. In no world will a bond market of $46TN be paid back back by an economy with a GDP of $22TN. 10% inflation is $4.6TN which represents a reduction in purchasing power equivalent to 20% of the U.S. GDP. This is only the beginning, and the economic losses are being transferred to owners of CLAIMS. That includes dollars. The revaluation will not happen until AFTER the banks are done diluting your purchasing power. This is game theory 101. If you don't understand your history you will be at it's mercy. And nigger tier time preference will also have you chasing 5-10% returns on your dollars which is look like peanuts when the true scarcity is actualized.

>> No.53676623
Quoted by: >>53676645

AMC is way better if you actually like the movies

>> No.53676632


>> No.53676645

Buying AMC is cultural appropriation.

>> No.53676648

Only 33% down? Sounds like you beat the market this year. Sell time?

>> No.53676664
Quoted by: >>53676694

>After encouraging citizens to turn in their gold to the banking system
You misspelled illegalized possession and transferal of gold.

>> No.53676667

I am still holding in the case it does blow up, but I care less and less about this shit stock every day. We are all bag holding morons unless this thing does go up, which once again, they have proven they are more than fully capable of never letting happen. There is nothing "being wound tight" as you faggots like to put it. RC is doing absolutely nothing for us while his stock is manipulated into the dirt. This is why I'm not comfortable. This thing could blow up yeah, but it could take 10 years at this rate. I don't want to keep coming here in 10 years waiting for MOASS like the XRP schizos.

>> No.53676682
Quoted by: >>53676796

Gamestop is the mack-daddy. During the January 2021 pump, lots of other "meme" stocks came out of the woodwork as a sort of divide and conquer strategy by the hedgies. AMC is a literal trap where retail meme stock chasers have been diluted into an early grave. So there is definitely good reason to be suspicious of other stocks.
However, despite GME being the primary meme stock causing idiosyncratic risk, that does not mean that other squeeze plays cannot happen while we wait for MOASS. People are discussing BBBY in GME threads because there is the RC crossover. This causes mixed feelings for obvious reasons.

>> No.53676694
Quoted by: >>53676743

They really didn't go after people and you were allowed to keep 5 ounces. I try to avoid putting too fine a point on it because I want the more important ideas to shine through.

>> No.53676698
File: 453 KB, 589x551, 1676165652596614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm thinking WAGMI

>> No.53676743

>you were allowed to keep 5 ounces
So the same government that 'allows' you to keep 5 ounces of your possessions is going to 'allow' heavily indebted nations to trade in gold using US protected shipping lanes around US bases so they can undercut American industry because they can choose to not be paid in US dollars because they're shit?

>> No.53676752
Quoted by: >>53676781

Dollar bears never think the "proof of violence shitcoin" meme all the way through.

>> No.53676781

>supwerb owl
>ayy lmaos fly down onto stage
>ayy lmao, 360, flies away

>> No.53676796
Quoted by: >>53676879

>there is the RC crossover.
RC sold. If GameStop buys BBBY I’m selling because that would be a stupid fucking thing to do and it’s not gonna happen. Kek BBBaggies

>> No.53676802

I need any and all of your variants of the "Sorry, but I'm just not selling" memes. Send em,

Also vishnu is a false god.

>> No.53676809
Quoted by: >>53676818

And you think that America can afford to sustain itself indefinitely? Do you know how much debt and leverage is artificially propping up everything from stocks, bonds, pensions, healthcare, social security, medicate, medicaid, real estate, insurance funds. Do you realize that the economy needs for housing prices to correct but the problem is there are several TRILLIONS of dollars worth of MBS floating around which are essentially big fat fucking ZEROS.
Get real. Your simpleton objections are embarrassingly stupid. States in this country can't even afford to maintain the highway systems without government subsidy. What in the hell makes you think the federal government and central bank can prop up this monster without international cooperation/subsidy.

>> No.53676818
Quoted by: >>53676864

>And you think that America can afford to sustain itself indefinitely?
Yes. You should read Peter Zeihan's books if you haven't.

>> No.53676864
Quoted by: >>53676965

I'm not saying America is going to fall off of planet earth. The monetary system is going to collapse and people are going to eat hundreds of trillions of dollars of losses. That's all I am saying.
My argument is that these debts are not some figment of our imagination. They are assets whose value is artificially propped up by the liquidity/faith in the bond market. I think what unfolds will be a scenario where you dollars buy far LESS than what you could afford when you originally acquired them. There is NO SCENARIO where the debts clear from the system and we collectively end up richer. The only people who survive will be the owners of physical capital. The days of buying a house and having it appreciate $200k are going to be gone forever because the scarcity of capital will not be utilized for consumptive purposes like it is currently. QUALITY will be the new name of the game and the restructuring of this fake and gay service economy will be snapping necks for everyone in America.

>> No.53676870
Quoted by: >>53676898


>> No.53676879
Quoted by: >>53676898

This is BBBaggY copium. There is not one single reason or advantage for GameStop in buying that shitstock.

>> No.53676898

We're in the endgame, fellas. We're all just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

>> No.53676918
Quoted by: >>53676937

>it is January 2021
We’re in the endgame now fellows
>it is March 2023
We’re in the endgame now
>it is September 2025
We’re in the endgame now
I am tired of these redditors on my board. I am tired of being caught in their copium

>> No.53676937
Quoted by: >>53676963


>> No.53676963

>28 pbtid
>incredibly touchy
Oh no, did someone marry their pump and dump bags? Did the little baggie lose all his money on a failed retail store in 2023? Is it going to be the real endgame when they finish the death spiral and file for bankruptcy?

>> No.53676965
Quoted by: >>53677022

The monetary system is not going to collapse you retarded doomer.
>scarcity of goods will not be used for consumption
Ahh, I see, you're a Communist. That's why you're so dumb and incoherent.

>> No.53676978
File: 1.28 MB, 771x761, 1668481070653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well for whatever reason I had on my calendar for last thurs-fri
>GME hard dip before the 13th
so I have already willed it into existence

>> No.53676989
File: 231 KB, 1200x2425, GME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53677011
File: 866 KB, 1707x2158, 1668192765835364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53677031

Kek bobby baggots. Your stock is in absolute shambles and you've experienced AMC levels of dilution, now you're praying for GameStop to come in and save you but GameStop needs no one else. They are and have always been the one true play. Now with that said, I have an announcement

*tink tink tink*


>> No.53677022
Quoted by: >>53677211

Can you explain to me how a $22TN GDP can pay back $46TN bond market? You understand that there is a catastrophically massive amount of liabilities tucked away in stocks, bonds, pensions, insurance, and real estate? Do you understand that capital and leverage are fungible yet one needs to be repaid at interest? Are you aware that leveraging up your economy can only confer a temporary benefit by pulling forward demand and when it is not repaid you will have a cascading collapse of counterparty obligations?
That is what I mean by scarcity of goods, is that there is NO WAY the U.S. can make good on $120TN of unfunded liabilities. People own bogus IOUs that can never be repaid and will be actualized as economic losses when you can not make good on your leveraged ownership. People who dropped $1M on a house today will not be extracted the same amount of purchasing power in ten years. The leverage in the real estate market will be written off and their "investment" in a house will be worth a teeny tiny fraction of what they paid for it. The MBS that rely on those payments will also collapse which are likely sitting in some pension funds. Pretty simple stuff, really.

>> No.53677031
Quoted by: >>53677093


>> No.53677040
Quoted by: >>53677178

>inverse of AMC
fucking kek
can you show the rest of the basket pls?

>> No.53677093
File: 60 KB, 888x894, 1670276066854808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I was not yet finished, please don't interrupt.

And most importantly

>> No.53677120

>We're in the endgame
always have been


>> No.53677140
Quoted by: >>53677269

it got "debunked" by mods wtf.

>> No.53677148
Quoted by: >>53677154

OMG this is JUST like Avengers: Endgame except thanos is gonna snap and the hedgies are gonna disappear

>> No.53677154
File: 7 KB, 194x259, Soyface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53677171
Quoted by: >>53677235


>On Feb 9, 2023, Vanguard also filed the same form (top right) to reveal their current voting power in GameStop. They own 24,664,433 million shares but only have 'shared voting power' of 91,753 shares.
>91,753 / 24,664,433 = 0.04% (or less than 1%) of voting power

Imagine being 99.6% short, not including alleged naked shorts

>> No.53677178
File: 596 KB, 2500x2126, gme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53677188


>> No.53677188

wtf are those barcodes lmfao

>> No.53677208
File: 4 KB, 284x177, SpaceBBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53677221

Did you guys see what they shot down over Minnesota? Classic America.

>> No.53677209
File: 8 KB, 237x240, 1675775184951766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek seethies
Sneed shillies
WAGMI frenlies

>> No.53677211
Quoted by: >>53677388

You're moving the goalposts at warp speed. That's a long overdue deleveraging event, not "the collapse of the monetary system" or a reason to dedollarize. FEDERAL debt will not default, and that's the only thing that matters beyond cycle to cycle economics. Even then, with the ongoing industrial buildout, any assets sold off in bankruptcies that are actually useful are going to get snapped up, including laid off employees. The suffering will be restricted to useless people who get fired from zombie companies that default, and literal boomers who didn't shift to treasuries and cash fast enough.
>muh pensions
The only remaining pensions in the US are run for government employees and so payouts are enforced by law. As the boomers die off this overhang gets much less serious.

>> No.53677221
Quoted by: >>53677268

was it that balloon (not the chinese one) from a day or two ago, or was there yet another one?

>> No.53677235
Quoted by: >>53677251

This just means they've lent their shares out, which we already knew because brokerages have been printing money doing this for the last two years. Now why they aren't recalling those shares so they can vote is the real question.

>> No.53677251
Quoted by: >>53677305

Short sellers never get voting rights, you can't recall shares if you just covering by opening new shorts. Covering is not closing.

>> No.53677268

Paper lanterns. Go back to sleep, sweaty.

>> No.53677269

>chatGTP shitpodt

>> No.53677278
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>> No.53677298
File: 128 KB, 680x383, 24806C4B-6158-4A00-BD62-6915B79D0750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek distractionfags

>> No.53677305

No this is for the shares Blackrock and Vanguard own, they're not short (well probably not short). They've lent out their shares and are recalling them presumably as they want to vote in the next corporate action, why the change of heart we do not know.

>> No.53677388

The federal government will not default on it's debt? The economy will collapse if we stop deficit spending and we are currently running multi-trillion dollar deficits every year and growing. The exponential nature of debt ensures that this will all come to an end. I'm not sure what to tell someone who thinks these problems are a temporary blip as opposed to the horrible reality that humanity has spent the last 60 years engaged in unsustainable consumption as opposed to any sound economic principles of consumption/production. It sounds unfathomable to people who have never known anyone who has had to actually live through economic hard times comparable to something similar to the Great Depression. I can assure that we have not stumbled upon some magical era that has placed humanity post-scarcity. We were merely spending money on consumption and essentially subsidized by the rest of the world who desperately needed dollars to buy oil. Nothing of America from the 80's onward should be considered some level of normalcy because we were the beneficiaries of a world reserve currency. As the saturation of debt has run its course the globe now finds itself starved of capital because we spent so much time and money and resources creating a service economy on the back of a credit card. All savings were thrown into a ponzi scheme to fuel the system further, taking real capital and savings and consuming it again and simply creating a bogus IOU on the back end. The whole global economy has some serious restructuring to go through that I don't think you fully understand. I also don't think you are being honest in your assessment in how massive these debts are. If it's all a big nothing burger, let's all just run deficits many multiples of our GDP. If there is any semblance of an economic return and not some big hole we are digging, let's deficit spend to infinity.

>> No.53677411

get a life