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>> No.60003650 [View]
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Fuck off No-Toweler

>> No.59672764 [View]
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>Paragraph poster
Interesting, totally uncoordinated talking points.
My experience with shills is that the use similar tactics to Arthur Finkelstein where they like to avoid the real issue at hand while only appearing to topically touch on any given subject. It makes their job so much harder when you spell things out because they really don't have as response. They want to be able to just say "kek baggies" and they actually don't like when you point out the silo walls. Most people would see GME's M&A ambitions and RCs interest in BBBY and his CONTINUED involvement in CH11 BK and think there is some there there. But they obviously prefer to stick their heads in the same and avoid it all. But as a GME investor I'm going to talk about whatever I want if it pertains to the GME CEO.
You just have to DEAL WITH IT.

>> No.59437755 [View]
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FACT: Shills have no response to this.

>> No.58937919 [View]
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>Stack cash all winter
>Move $10,000 into GME at $10 per share
>Price spikes to $80 overnight
>Have quarter of a million dollars
Yea, I think I'm just going to keep slurping gme.

>> No.58170121 [View]
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It's all smoke and mirrors. The trick is to remain steadfast and trust the DD. The shorts want us to sell and they will fudge ALL of the data to make it look like the play is over.
Always remember:
1- - The DTCC stole shares during the dividend. They could not match the shares to the obligations PROVING the short thesis real in July 2022.
2 - DRS movement has captured 85% of the free float. Price should be moving higher as supply dwindles.
This is only explained by the systemic-naked-short-thesis.
If the systemic-naked-short-thesis is correct then I stand to make potentially millions of dollars WHEN the shorts are forced to close.
Hence I will never sell. Not for $50 per share. Not for $100 per share. Nor a thousand, nor $25,000. I actually like the shares and I like RC and GME. I won't part for less than a monster box of 500 1oz gold coins per share.
I went them hand delivered to my estate and maybe I'll consider selling one or two.

>> No.57386686 [View]
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Look at you fucking seethe. Staying out in front of the narrative is really draining, isn't it?

>> No.56169921 [View]
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Zero or hero.

>> No.55669135 [View]
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The price is whatever someone is willing to pay for it. If you perform a purchase of this company in such a way so as to compel shorts to close then that outcome happens irregardless of whatever valuation you think the company is worth. GME repaired its balance sheet cheaply on the tail end of a massive runup in price. The exact same gameplan could occur all over again but to an even greater extent. That's the big gameplan the silly shillies all seem to want to ignore. The shorts put their hand into a blender to grab a gold coin and refuse to accept they just wandered into a bear trap set by people who have been systematically abused by a cabal of short selling saboteurs.

>> No.55646517 [View]
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If bondnigger gets paid then sharechads squizzle-dee-dizzle.

>> No.55501158 [View]
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>> No.55436163 [View]
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>> No.54729485 [View]
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Yea, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

>> No.54283561 [View]
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Fuck off. I'll post about whatever I want.

>> No.53957055 [View]
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Shorties' literal only cope left is
>muh dilootion
It's never coming retards. Time to get squeeeeeeezed

>> No.53897616 [View]
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I couldn't care less. I hope it stays this low so I can slurp up this delicious stock even more. I think it's a good buy $3 you better believe I have no compunction about buying it for $1.40.
The second this stock trades normally it rips to $7+. We all saw it. We all know it. Even just today it gapped up 15%. That is what this stock wants to do naturally. Luckily I am patient and my calls have a fuckton of theta. I am more than happy to sit and watch you squirm.

>> No.53721701 [View]
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You're just a liar and I owe you nothing.

Get fucked shillies. Jews did 9/11 and the Holocaust never happened but it should have.

>> No.53672964 [View]
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Then how do you explain the fact that half of the free float is locked up by retail, removed from the trading pool, thereby cutting available supply in half. Yet the price goes down? How can this be possible over the long run by supply/demand? The only way it makes sense is the systemic-naked short position.
Also, the DTCC told foreign brokers to treat the share-dividend like a split. This mishandling of the dividend was done on purpose because they did not have enough shares to cover the liabilities. They basically told foreign brokers to eat a dick. GME also released a press statement acknowledging this malfeasance. Again, this is more evidence that the systemic-naked-short position is very very real.
The Market Makers sold faaaar more shares than exist and they are unable to cover the costs to get their books straight. This MOASS saga is lasting as long as it is because the MMs will be faced with bankruptcy along with criminal charges if their fraudulent schemes come to light. Retail has the legal right to demand their shares and have them removed from the DTCC and this can effectively force to light any shortfall, thereby guaranteeing a short squeeze of catastophic proportions is in the near future.
Deal with it.

>> No.53652126 [View]
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I love how you are so desperate to provide us with the logical case to sell. To no avail, as literally no one even bothers refuting you. We're just not selling at these prices. And for some reason you'll spend ten more hours in a thread about a stock you don't own tomorrow. Totally normal, organic behavior.

>> No.53486940 [View]
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350 @ $2.70. My only regret is not having more

>> No.53159865 [View]
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As powerful as they thought they were and their position as market makers who have seemingly infinite capacity to spoof the market, they still need to buy-to-close.
They went into the cave with only one exit, and as it fills up with water they can only sink and recede deeper into the cavern. Getting further and further fromthe light that they will never see again. They are doomed. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, the hedgies find themselves stuck in their final trade. The cellar boxed a healthy company and their only way out is in handcuffs. They burned everyone else who was operating a grift and the elite will not be kind to KG and his company. They now have to PRETEND that there is a rule of law still while they clean up this mess. The enemies they have been destroying for decades will now have FU money.
Deal with it.

>> No.53095214 [View]
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Why don't you shut your faggot face.

>> No.53053616 [View]
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The main threat to an equity is bankruptcy. Gamestop has none of these concerns. Gamestop is actually UNDERVALUED relative to the ratios that many other stocks trade at. And this is due to the pre-selling the shorts did.
If the shorts' collateral collapses in a market-selloff then they may not be able to maintain the margin required to maintain the short position. So DESPITE a frenzy of selling in the overall market, GME will be experiencing a flurry of BUYING.
You silly shillies have to BUY. And the best part is you have to BUY what I OWN. I will be the benefactor who profits off of bringing your little counterfeit operation to justice. Don't like it? Rock and Roll Deal With It.

>> No.53046600 [View]
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We all bought at $25 and thought it was a good investment, and upon learning GME is cash flow positive GME is even MORE of a screaming buy,
I am peeling off other profitable investments and dumping into GME to scalp out some massive gains.
GME is literally backstopped with DRS movement. There is 100% an endgame to GME systemic short thesis saga. The future approaches quickly, borthers.

>> No.52965574 [View]
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There is no volume because retail is literally buying up shares and locking them behind a vault with their names on them. They aren't for sale at any price, shorties. Not a good omen for you, not at all.
Nothing else matters other than the fact that hedgie ledgies are locked in the trade and they MUST vacate the position from our investments. Even if they die trying, they have no right to do this and it's not our problem if they are destroyed. Don't like it? Then you shouldn't have shorted the stock in the first place.
Rock and roll deal with it.

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