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File: 1.83 MB, 3000x3000, 1675546379858671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53616195 No.53616195 [Reply] [Original]

Aliens Aren't Real Edition

>Why gold?

>Bullion dealers
https://jmbullion.com/ (US)
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://goldsilver.be/en/ (BE/EU)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (UK)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)


>COMEX vault live graphs

>Retail price index calculator

>Gold reserves by country live chart

>Numismatic news (featuring international gold & silver coins)

>Ancient coins for sale

>Bullion tax info


Nitric acid, magnets and ping test

>Relevant information regarding mining companies

Previous Thread >>53599130

>> No.53616213
Quoted by: >>53629523


>> No.53616220

Thread theme

>> No.53616224
File: 881 KB, 2592x1940, IMG_20230207_222702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for kilo round

>> No.53616234

that's a big round

>> No.53616250
Quoted by: >>53629523

Yeah, I love it and it arrived today.

>> No.53616255
File: 36 KB, 456x480, 264654441564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my purchase

>> No.53616257

The Anunnaki are coming for their gold. We were just created to be slaves.

>> No.53616275
Quoted by: >>53629523


>> No.53616281
File: 2.31 MB, 2000x2000, 1564813196995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

thats ok retarded lesbians with quick hands will save the day

>> No.53616283
Quoted by: >>53629523

is that from MM?

>> No.53616299
File: 1.23 MB, 816x1224, m0dfead12dd938b7a99fda58358f39cc5d829860a.79886b6484_se.3115776387_st.40_c.5.5_816x1224_20230119_010804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

Ara ara. Not bad anon. Not bad at all.

>> No.53616316

JPows talking in twenty minutes. Will he dump or pump?

>> No.53616329
File: 37 KB, 720x621, 1631925780326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dum dum tisk*
Get it? Get the joke Anon?

>> No.53616335
Quoted by: >>53629523

Dump to 20USD.

>> No.53616344
Quoted by: >>53629523

pls dump my basterd
need to redeem cheapies

>> No.53616377

How many in the tube?

>> No.53616382
Quoted by: >>53629523

Nice digits desu. You should've bought bars anon.

>> No.53616592
File: 1.49 MB, 2610x1430, GB_QsB00_Completer1kg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for kilo coin

>> No.53616670
File: 44 KB, 400x400, 1656966494692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to weigh 500 pounds
>is only a kilo
Those lying brit bastards

>> No.53616762

Looks amazing anon, as usual. You should buy one of those kilo kooks and take a pic.

>> No.53616920
File: 1.29 MB, 2740x1400, AUS_UnderSStars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny... I never really got 'into' Kooks. I have no reason for it - they are very pretty. I guess my budget goes only so far.


>> No.53616953
File: 85 KB, 680x680, 361891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm going to throw up. I can't believe I just spent $2k on a golden rock. Maybe I should have just stayed in the silver lane.

>> No.53617014
File: 1.20 MB, 2592x1940, 2023-02-07-12-53-30-370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say that being a cheap bastard. I buy only the cheapest shit. God bless you anon.

>> No.53617036
File: 822 KB, 1440x1440, EC8_Grenada2020_Octopus_Au.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

Wait 'til you get it (and... what did you buy?).
It will have an interesting effect on you.

>> No.53617043

Can't bring myself to pay the premiums on silber

>> No.53617095
File: 1.03 MB, 2680x1440, GoodLuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with cheap.
Best wishes for your success.

>> No.53617237

First for kilo bar! (I’ll post the pic later)

>> No.53617449
Quoted by: >>53629523

Keep it. It doesn't hurt to have some gold in your stack.

>> No.53617718
File: 1.67 MB, 2560x1440, OPM_Kilo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

Silver talks, bullshit walks.

>> No.53617843
File: 682 KB, 720x779, Gold cost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

I hope you mean throw up with excitement. You just acquired a gold rock of crystalized wealth! Let's look at the shit normalfags spend two grand on
>a scalped PS5/ online membership/shit yearly sports games
>dates/gifts for spoiled women
>a boat they'll use 3 times ever during their midlife crisis, then desperately try to get rid of
>"home theatre" setup for shitty netflix movies
>about what it would cost to golf a dozen times
>crypto meme investments
>toys, look at all the literal toys like legos or old video games people were buying with covid stimulus checks they "desperately needed". (me personally I bought an upper middle end AR-15)

>> No.53617881
Quoted by: >>53629523


>> No.53618277

Newbie questions:
Good idea to make my first purchase of gold fractional?
So not something to repeat every time, but pay a little more so that if I ever have to use it, it's ready to go in smaller amounts.
I have enough money at the moment to get the same amount as if I bought in full ounces.

>> No.53618306

British Gold sovereigns, full ones though not half

>> No.53618307
File: 216 KB, 759x744, 140-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me your thalers

>> No.53618406
File: 1.18 MB, 2001x750, silver-coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what silver is for: a smaller denomination so you don't use gold. Gold for very large purchases, silver for normal ones.

>> No.53618635

If you have the time to say more:
I'm seeing in my country that gold coins must be at least 99.5% purity to qualify for certain exemptions.
Meanwhile the Sovereign (and 1 ozt Eagle as well) are 91.6%.
If you can bear with my lack of understanding here: is that simply the percentage of the coin but the gold itself is still pure?

Thanks for the insights.
If you have more time: in the event where PMs must be used is there never a risk of encountering someone who only wants gold?
Or in the event it does need to be sold for fiat in an emergency, that an LCS doesn't have enough for a full ounce coin?
Are those unrealistic concerns?

>> No.53618704

$10 tubes means quarters, so 40 per.

>> No.53618806
File: 1.94 MB, 4000x2250, 20230201_105623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sovereigns are 22karat, so mostly gold and a tiny little bit of copper. This means that technically they are also just under 1/4oz of pure gold. I actually prefer that because it makes the coins a little bit more durable, and they also have a nice orange/red tinge, but if you need a .999 fine gold equivalent then 1/4oz gold Britannias and bigger are also decent alternatives, and they will have that classic yellow gold look as well as nice security features.
In terms of premiums, smaller stuff like half sovereigns or 1/10oz coins are a no go as they will cost more overall per oz total

>> No.53618841
Quoted by: >>53629523

Fine insights. Thanks for the further breakdown.

>> No.53619142
Quoted by: >>53629523

There's an ounce of gold in each coin irrespective of purity. Buy ounce coins of whatever your country's sovereign mint produces.

>> No.53619179

If I've done my research right that's 57 ounces? I'm no hotshot with math.

>> No.53619211

I bought a 1 kg gold bar. Now I'm worried tho that when I want to sell it one day, the only interested parties will be gold shops low balling me.

Feels bad man..

>> No.53619213

>but the gold itself is still pure?
24k or three/four nines fine is "pure" gold, lower karats are alloyed with silver and/or copper
22k = 91.6% gold
18k = 75% gold

>> No.53619223
File: 3.40 MB, 1500x1500, Britannia 2023 Quarter Ounce Gold Bullion Coin Reverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm seeing in my country that gold coins must be at least 99.5% purity to qualify for certain exemptions.

1/4 ounce gold Britannias are the best fit for you bud.

>> No.53619316

No sir. It's about 14.5 ozt
90% silver quarter : 6.25g
ASW: 5.625g (5 5/8ozt)
Times 80: 450g or ~14.47 ozt

>> No.53619359

For future reference
Dimes: 2.5g total weight, 2.25g ASW
Quarters: 6.25g tw, 5.625g ASW
Halfs: 12.5g tw, 11.25g ASW
Dollars: 26.73g tw, 24.05g ASW

>> No.53619396
File: 2.31 MB, 3618x3024, D3AEC011-16F4-47FA-9FB7-3678B9248C40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold's cool, anon! After a while you'll want to buy more.

>> No.53619424
Quoted by: >>53629523

Thanks for the details. I'll double check with the shop about taxes then. Interesting that there'd be a tax for having some other metals mixed in for durability.

Unfortunately unavailable at the shops near me as far as I know, but I'll ask just in case as I've seen online listings not always match up, so thanks for the recommendation.
I do think it's unlikely that there would be confiscations, but if it does happen I'd rather make it harder to pull my name out of the hat. Undue concern?

Thanks for the education. I'll note that down.

>> No.53619429
File: 115 KB, 686x1200, c2875f5f9794006a24c2a8907ad5fd8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

My stack is going to attract a goblette with such a great rack that she'll give me a heart attack and none of you can stop me.

>> No.53619436
File: 287 KB, 800x1067, thick_lizzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First for kilo bar! (I’ll post the pic later)
Which is also a coin…>>53617095

>> No.53619437

You can easily get or get very close to spot, that's the whole point of a spot price. If some boomer is insultingly lowballing you below spot tell him to fuck off and go somewhere else.

>> No.53619458
File: 307 KB, 960x1280, success.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1/4 ounce gold Britannias are the best fit for you bud.
Can I interest you in some fine, Austrian 1/4 Oz Wiener?

>> No.53619496
File: 2.30 MB, 1000x563, holo1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also does a neat trick.
When do I get my Oscar for best camera work?

>> No.53619523
Quoted by: >>53629523


>> No.53619536
File: 1.03 MB, 2001x2000, thin-lizzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and for comparison, here's thin Lizzy.

>> No.53619562
File: 565 KB, 1500x1125, goldstack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And while I'm at it, here's my Gold stack.

>> No.53619662

Maybe you don’t understand. That $8-24 is with free shipping. Let’s say $5 shipping. eBay fee let’s say $2. If it’s a high volume seller, they pay taxes to the IRS. So that $8 coin is really worth $0.50. You’re not getting eBay prices on the street or at the coin store. If you sell on eBay, you just lost $3.50 if you sell at $8. You aren’t doubling your money. You probably bought at fair value i.e. $4.

>> No.53619687
File: 2.84 MB, 4576x3432, non-virgin silver bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

How much of your stack's milkspot virginity have you taken?

>> No.53619732
File: 2.39 MB, 2862x3019, Silver parcel 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

>Can't bring myself to pay the premiums on silber
I fucking love silver premiums.

>> No.53619768
Quoted by: >>53629523

Not for me but you can for the other anon.

>> No.53619779

I think if you have a store on eBay the fees are less

>> No.53619852
File: 956 KB, 1357x1306, IMG_2367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would do the math first. Usually 1/4oz has less of a premium than 1/10oz, but I found this to not be the case on some bullion sites. Figured this out when I filled my cart for future calculations.

I have 1oz Brit and plan on getting...
Two 1/2oz
Four 1/4oz
Ten 1/10oz

When I put these in my cart, the 1/4 held the highest premium.

>> No.53619915
File: 41 KB, 768x346, How To Calculate Coin Premiums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is the thing when you're shopping around, you've got to calculate the premiums yourself.

>> No.53619927
File: 1.34 MB, 1584x3146, IMG_2102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool bar/coin. Now satisfy my autism and get 4 more please.

>> No.53619955
File: 2.72 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also does a neat trick.

>> No.53619977
File: 2.46 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53620090
File: 35 KB, 375x375, fetchimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no choice...

>> No.53620093
File: 105 KB, 500x591, 364653634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we not tell you to fill that box already?

>> No.53620107
Quoted by: >>53629523


>> No.53620109
Quoted by: >>53629523

Fine. But anon thinks his coins are worth $8 when they are being sold on eBay for $8 with free shipping. He thinks he doubled his money.

>> No.53620132
File: 3.12 MB, 2819x2596, 1DCAC303-CD13-4EF4-9BEB-FB2F046C08F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv thin lizzy
Very cool

>some canuck coins

>> No.53620185
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, triggerednigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523


>> No.53620199

wahey that's my stack in the OP

>> No.53620203
File: 227 KB, 853x558, Screenshot 2022-11-17 191109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, you might like these.

>> No.53620231
File: 243 KB, 1024x658, 1671322254434194.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523


I got it as part of a graduation gift. It's just kind of a little gag. I bought a little ornament capsule too, so they can hang it from a Christmas Tree.

>> No.53620249


>> No.53620398

You'll find that this is a rough guide and there's a lot of bullion dealers that aren't taken into account.

>> No.53620431
Quoted by: >>53629523

Found some great deals on there also
Good to find credit card deals so I can get my sweet sweet cash back rewards

>> No.53620476
Quoted by: >>53629523

There is no spot price. there is no premium.
There is only cost to acquire metal that is of a particular shape, size, and fineness.

>> No.53620487
File: 84 KB, 500x395, Absolutely Barbaric Silver & Gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523


>> No.53620515

Could get that in person. Do you own any USA mint gold or is "gold is gold" how things are and you just go for the lowest priced you can get?
In my research I've heard one tale about LCS rejecting generic silver, can't remember if it was a matter of demand or that the price per ounce went way down.
This all assuming that story is true, but I guess given the price per ounce of gold and how it's traded between countries, it's nigh unthinkable that someone would reject it for being/not being from one place or the other?

>> No.53620573
Quoted by: >>53629523

>camera work
Pretty darned cool!

>> No.53620600

You're not buying 400oz comex bars.
Some items you will get more for than others. Best idea is whatever coin your sovereign mint produces.

>> No.53620602

>Good idea to make my first purchase of gold fractional?
No, your first gold purchase should be a full fucking ounce!
Put a jar on the shelf and stuff fiat notes into it until you can afford a full ounce.
After you own ONE FULL OUNCE feel free to add fractionals.

Also, the GSR is insane right now. I haven't bought gold for 3 years and I won't until the (market, not 'spot') GSR drops to about 30:1.

...and what this guy said: >>53618406

>> No.53620648
Quoted by: >>53629523

I've bought around 150oz of silver in the last 3ish years. Bought around 8oz of gold. Because silver is too damn high and the GSR is irrelevant.

>> No.53620702

“Silver is silver”, “gold is gold”, “stack weight” are shortsighted and misguided suggestions that get used around here. Coins are more liquid than generics/rounds. They are more trusted and more recognizable. The coins of your country will always be more easy to trade or sell. They are also more often easily verified as genuine. Take this hypothetical…you are selling a dozen eggs. someone offers you a silver eagle. Another person offers you a silvertowne buffalo. Premium aside, Which will you take? On gold, coins over generic is a no brainer. I’ll happily pay $50 more for an eagle or maple as I know I can easily sell it.

>> No.53620709

Every gold one ounce coin contains the equivalent of one ounce of 'pure' gold.

Note picrel, Krugs are 22kt (22/24 or 91.6%), thus the coin itself weighs 1.09091 ounces, giving 1 full ounce of "FINE GOLD" (i.e., "pure" gold).

If your faggot country taxes anything below 99.5% pure, you're stuck with Canada Maple Leafs, American Buffalos and other "pure" coins.

>> No.53620735
File: 1.66 MB, 1777x1757, Krug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523


>> No.53620758

Silver is silver tho
I don't believe in the premium jew for silver

>> No.53620799

The premium exists for a reason. I can verify a genuine eagle by looking at it. I know it’s weight and dimensions. I know the sound of the ping. If I’m selling something, Knowing it’s genuine is worth a premium to me. I wont even bother with generic if someone there is offering eagles. You’ll be last in line and get nothing.

>> No.53620853

What I take away from this is the true price of silver per ounce is a dozen eggs.

>> No.53620919

If it’s an eagle I’ll give you 13 eggs. If it’s a generic that I can hopefully verify as genuine, I’ll give you 12. If I have a dozen eggs left and one man has an eagle and one man has a ST buffalo, guess who goes hungry. That’s how it works. Telling me that silver is silver won’t work. Because my preference is to have recognizable, liquid, trusted, verifiable silver.

>> No.53620932

I'll just come back and burn your house down

>> No.53620951

Noted, thanks. I'd been thinking of getting at least 1 US mint coin since I'm right next door, but I do remember seeing a video about people turning down a gold maple in part due to it not being US coinage.

I'm fortunate enough to have enough for that full ounce already. Thanks for the additional input. Could actually go for 2-3 ounces at once, so maybe make just one of those fractional then?

>> No.53620953

we are dumping my basterds

>> No.53620960
File: 324 KB, 1080x1339, 10558812.795000035_Screenshot_20221111-075132094 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I live in Mexico so Libertades are the easiest and cheapest for me. Nearly no premium and no shipping. I just go to the bank counter and if they have them they sell them to me.

I have a relative in mexico. I read your post and told him about this. He went to the bank today. They had them. 650 pesos. Hardly spot price. Care to elaborate on this? Does he have to offer corn tortillas with some secret handshake while playing an accordion or something?

>> No.53620974
Quoted by: >>53629523

>People lie about things on the internet

>> No.53621013

Familiarity is that important then. Got it, thanks. Glad I'm not in this for the design collecting then. Maples are great looking but they're not the only ones.

Thanks for insight. Interesting. The FAQ for one shop mentions it's all tax-free. They're an official mint partner so maybe they get some exception when it comes to selling Krugs. I'll be sure to ask.

>> No.53621041

You’re not getting it. In a world without dollars, the preferred coin/round will still command a premium. In the US, the eagle will likely be that coin. Like it or not, that’s how it will be. Fighting it is silly. In the end, it’s best to own both coins and rounds and bars and gold and silver. Diversification is best. Each will have its uses.

>> No.53621076

You paid 36x?

>> No.53621081
Quoted by: >>53629523

I'm not buying any more silver until the silver:egg ratio is more favorable

>> No.53621083

Liquidity is important most of all. Familiarity makes a non-rare coin/round more liquid. But it’s best to be diversified. Have some rounds and coins.

>> No.53621088


Mind blown. Should I put 50-75% of my cash in gold?

If banks cant be trusted, then where to store your gold? Storing at home is mad risky. 1 burglary away from being wiped out..

Second question: should i also invest in silver? Or is gold the best bet?

>> No.53621093
File: 68 KB, 800x600, 1671920840528001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one

>> No.53621167
File: 2.84 MB, 2925x3215, IMG_2387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into silver Britannias. Not too pricey, and probably the best security features on a coin available as of yet. You'll have no problem liquidating. Not that I recommend selling your silver once you've attained it.

>> No.53621178

Can someone explain to me why coins trade at a premium to bars with the same weight?

>> No.53621208
File: 2.60 MB, 2803x2836, Hecho en Mexico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digits observed.
Invest in both gold and silver. Personally I'm saving and trading fiat for gold at the moment as I'm pretty heavy in silver and extremely light in gold.

>> No.53621213
Quoted by: >>53629523

Supply and demand mostly. Cost to manufacture as well.

>> No.53621297

Im in europe and we have vat on silver at 21% in my country but pretty close to switzerland where it is 7.7% ONLY

ill probably buy a 1000 oz silber bar in switzerland. Anon told me ill get lowballed and wrecked if i ever want to sell a 1000 oz silber bar


>> No.53621326
File: 230 KB, 1004x561, 6 Mega Banks Which May 'Bail You In' - G20 Bank Bail-In Laws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

With just looking at the thumbnail, I take it the topic is all about bank bail-ins. If so, yeah it's fucking thievery, but they will never be punished because they have permission from nations around the world to do so.

>> No.53621362

There is a lot of really subtle fud going on in this thread

>> No.53621366

Dont get into the whole another Country has a cheaper tax rate thing, cheaper tax rates usually mean the dealers there can charge a higher premium making it not worth going there to buy it at all.

>> No.53621374

Do you mean i can just buy 1000 oz bar silber and expect to sell it at close to spot whenever i want?

>> No.53621421
Quoted by: >>53629523

>ill probably buy a 1000 oz silber bar in switzerland. Anon told me ill get lowballed and wrecked if i ever want to sell a 1000 oz silber bar

This is correct. It is much tougher to sell bars of that size than it is to sell silver coins. But it really depends what you want to exchange your 1000oz silver bar with more than anything else. It would come in super handy for the supposedly solar panel boom, or buying a car, but selling it purely for fiat will be a pain, as Backyard Bullion found out.

>> No.53621442
File: 391 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230207_231437_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know. Check this

>> No.53621448
File: 1.20 MB, 2080x1560, kangaroo_britannia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

In my case I realized that I'm too lazy to sell it. So I guess it will be with me until I die.

>> No.53621451
File: 359 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230207_231553_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53621475
Quoted by: >>53629523

>Storing at home is mad risky.
Storing elsewhere is even riskier.

>> No.53621529
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x3024, 3A9F6A68-2A76-4819-AA5D-4650DEAB03CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I bought that one it was definitely
>gold is gold, just look for the cheapest thing.
Nowadays I don't care as much about the premiums, I want cool coins.

>> No.53621532


>> No.53621577
Quoted by: >>53629523

What about 15 kg bars? I could theoretically go to norway and get silver COINS vat free

But probably wreckage on premiums. Should i just buy a couple of 15kg bars?

>> No.53621692
File: 114 KB, 657x527, 1617838146513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apu is a poorly drawn pepe
>aputannia is a poorly minted apu
i see no problem here

>> No.53621722
File: 7 KB, 250x199, 1656643341957s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

shoulda replied >>53617305

>> No.53621770

How possible is it for gold to 10x?

>> No.53621842
Quoted by: >>53629523

I'll make my first set coins and then build up a nice bit of rounds then, thanks.

Thanks for the recommendation. Fortunately those are readily available at my LCS (gold too). Truth be told, I understood that desire to hoard I've seen talked about when I saw them. Was weird to have to shake the feeling.

>> No.53621843
File: 339 KB, 399x433, 1612588328980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

>gold 10x
it doesn't. the unit which it is measured against devalues over time. PMs store economic energy over time, they don't increase wealth

>> No.53621869
File: 82 KB, 631x710, Central Banks Paper & Gold Reserves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fiat price for gold is fake with price suppression, banksters flood the gold market exchange with future market receipts making it look like there's more gold on the market than there actually is. A gold squeeze can happen like WSS is trying to do with silver, but as we all know not everyone has the fiat to buy up all the gold in the Comex or LBMA to expose the scam and reveal the real price of gold.


Buy cheapies now, profit big time later.

>> No.53621965
File: 82 KB, 612x612, 83f3738b-a537-4008-b2c5-cb2da1e18f44_1.d15ac0a8a8979ab4793459065700deaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you

>> No.53621971

Any of you invest in gold stocks? What are some of the solid blue chip ones to consider?

>> No.53622003

Are you saying its best to buy comex gold? I bought 1 kg bar. Did i fuck up?

>> No.53622010
File: 3.55 MB, 406x202, AAAAAHAHA gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

>Any of you invest in gold stocks?

>> No.53622044

No you haven't fucked up and no, that isn't what I'm saying.

>> No.53622050
Quoted by: >>53629523

very nice stack, I have a '75 krug myself

>> No.53622139


When you feel that weight in your hand, Anon - all that bullshit will go away.

What you will feel - along with the supernatural heft and mass of your new gold - is an immediate and subconscious hearkening to genetic memory - as you connect with every single one of your ancestors all the way back to the first ape who picked up a shiny rock and liked what it saw. That This is Money.

Then you post that shit here.

>> No.53622155

Ok so i will just buy more gold and silver. Is there an optimal time to buy? I bought 1 kg gold a few weeks ago and already got temporarily wrecked on the price. But im 100% sure it wont matter in the long term

>> No.53622263
File: 1.05 MB, 1599x910, cdncoinsopen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53622286
File: 56 KB, 667x1024, 1643475220011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any of you invest in gold stocks?
Not much but yes, I like the royalties companies. GROY and MTA. Especially MTA because I like Eb Tucker he is pretty based.

>> No.53622296

I dont trust him

>> No.53622332

buy dips, hold on highs. I did have a graph showing this, but it appears I've deleted it. Hopefully someone has saved it to show you what I mean.

>> No.53622350

Why not sell highs

>> No.53622366

Because you're accumulating wealth for when the fiat ponzi scheme collapses and reveals the true wealth of silver and gold. I showed you the graph here remember.>>53621869

>> No.53622379
Quoted by: >>53629523


>> No.53622388
Quoted by: >>53629523

Because you’re supposed to sell the lows.

>> No.53622399

So essentially, you think gold could 27x overnight?

>> No.53622440
Quoted by: >>53629523

Shiny rock tongue my anus

>> No.53622443
Quoted by: >>53629523

Those coins are crafted nicely

>> No.53622460
File: 111 KB, 980x1376, 7LrSrmZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

>So essentially, you think gold could 27x overnight?

>> No.53622489

Conclusion. I must buy in Switzerland and not Belgium

>> No.53622495
Quoted by: >>53629523

Not overnight, but eventually. I have already shown what gold and silver could be worth in a financial collapse, but considering the banksters don't want to lose their control over wealth, expect every dirty trick in the book to postpone that from happening. The death knell is when people in mass refuse to accept fiat currencies. This has already happened in Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe and now Lebanon.

>> No.53622568

Man i got wrecked buying gold in belgium. Cheaper in swirzerland. Feels bad man

>> No.53622625
Quoted by: >>53629523



>> No.53622653
File: 636 KB, 1127x1587, A0F7B2E6-8D18-4F9E-B0C4-44A1C0C5DCBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

I too have a Georgie

>> No.53622661
Quoted by: >>53629523

Dang, wish I could get that. It's rabbit time right now, though, it also looks nice.

>> No.53622710
File: 609 KB, 1200x900, 17999028.760000017_session-attachment-2023-02-07-124911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

preach my nigga, preach

>> No.53622806
File: 1.64 MB, 4032x1622, 20230207_165229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

Aayyys are real and I'll fight all of you niggas

>> No.53622870
Quoted by: >>53629523

That's a nice brapper

>> No.53622890
File: 495 KB, 1096x1460, 20210411_165711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If its a buffalo and you offer me 12 eggs but your neighbor offers me 13 I will tell you where to put your eggs. But because both you and your neighbor have more eggs than you can use, you will both be anxious to sell your surplus before they go bad and so you WILL lower your price until you can unload all of your surplus. The market will not give a shit about your personal preference for eagles.

Your fantasy in which you somehow have unilateral control over market prices is just that - a fantasy. And anyone else's fantasy is just as valid as yours. The bottom line is that the market will decide what you take for your eggs.

>> No.53622943
Quoted by: >>53629523

you could buy some fractional instead, better premium deals on certain ones if you know where to look

>> No.53622973

Me and my wife are both 27 this year. we have £24,000 to our name and we live with my parents. I have about £5000 in metals. I can't spend more money on metals, because I need to get deposit for a house and I can't buy a house because I don't have enough money. I earn £2000 a month after taxes and last year my car blew up, so now I use my dad's. How fucked am I?

>> No.53622999

You are stupid to marry broke

>> No.53623007
File: 2.25 MB, 1080x1416, gay nigga booty sex dot com .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

I only have the 1780

>> No.53623016
File: 537 KB, 918x900, frensilber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53623080
Quoted by: >>53629523

If you store your PMs in a vault, you deserve me cumming onto them.

>> No.53623094
File: 158 KB, 450x405, 1631918333958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

Do whatever you have to do just DO NOT SELL METAL and YAGMI

>> No.53623136
File: 2.74 MB, 640x292, 42D116BF-5E57-4765-8FD4-05D402E8B70E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523


>> No.53623166

>Equifututores. Horsefuckers in latin

Pardon my naivete, but... seriously? The translator says, "Horsemen" - is that real, or a cleaned up version?

>> No.53623283

Maybe. maybe not. My point remains the same and remains true. Some coins/rounds will command a premium. In the US, it’s likely to be the eagle. Go seethe somewhere else. In any case, a full on collapse remains unlikely. I’ll enjoy all my gains on my eagles. Way more than if I bought cheap generic.

>> No.53623421

There was quite a bit of discussion on it during the design, from what I remember different online translators would give different translations, and latin translations could mean a bunch of different things given it's context of usage. Like the edge latin text is supposed to say "The ride never ends" but at the same time could be read as "The heat never ends" or something like that, so it has a double meaning. I don't remember if anybody contacted a latin expert or not, there was talk of wanting to do that though. But anyways, it wasn't an intentionally cleaned up version.

>> No.53623561
File: 40 KB, 1269x660, Translate-Latin-to-English-online-Translate-com (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I did some reference checks myself at the time. This is what one online translator gave me, the "sumus" was dropped which presumably is the "we are".

>> No.53623742
File: 96 KB, 1024x950, 1666466388536030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver is silver. If you are looking for post collapse currency just buy dimes and quarters and half dollars.
ASE purchases help feed gobohomo.

>> No.53623882

It just gets so tiring explaining over and over why you’re wrong. Eagles and to a lesser extent maples over the last 2-3 years are proof enough.

>> No.53623899

wtf is going on in burgerland with your eggs??

>> No.53623947
Quoted by: >>53629523

I use 1oz = 1 dozen eggs as a hypothetical example explaining how premiums will still exist in a post-fiat world. People here are so stupid they take it literally.

>> No.53623988


feeds them what? worthless us dollars?

>> No.53623997
File: 294 KB, 2048x2048, 1662683635522205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629523

Calling anonymint
if you are out there, my buddy is having problems
check ya email

i got my gilded prospectors but my 2 friens didnt get non gilded yet. any update?

btw i love the coins

>pic rel

>> No.53624010
Quoted by: >>53629523

>feeds them what? worthless us dollars?


>> No.53624017

You're not thinking about when we shift into a new paradigm.

Silver is silver.

>> No.53624060

Sorry bro. Eagles will always carry a premium in the US regardless.

>> No.53624068
File: 3.30 MB, 480x480, 1592669507713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He lives in North America
>He doesn't stack ASE or RCM Maples

>> No.53624080

But please. Tell us all about this new magical paradigm in which all silver in all forms will have exactly the same value all over the world.

>> No.53624132
File: 84 KB, 214x214, 1673352203940700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629534

My fiat stinkies have not arrived yet.

>> No.53624133
Quoted by: >>53629534

Sir, this is /pmg/

>> No.53624162
Quoted by: >>53629534

I live in the US and stack primarily UK coins with a bit of South Africa and LMU gold thrown in. To be honest US and Canadian coins are ugly. I will make an exception for the Mercury dime but that is just too small to horde in any significant size.

>> No.53624238
Quoted by: >>53629534

Its called spot price.

>> No.53624255
Quoted by: >>53629534

You want to pay more for your silber go ahead but I’ll stack more weight. Maybe you’ll get a few extra shekels for your government coins, but I’ll have more ounces for the money.

I think there will be so much demand for PMs that the design won’t matter.

>> No.53624395

The Buffalo is stunning. Think I'll take a trip and see a 2023 for myself in person.

>> No.53624613
File: 234 KB, 1200x1600, pic silverware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help my identify those?

>> No.53624684
Quoted by: >>53629534

i'll buy your buffalo for 12 egg. you can sell your fake eagle to that 13 egg dipship

>> No.53624803

If only I were wiser when I had a chance to get these on sale. I was trying not to FOMO but I guess I should have that one time. Oh well, not starving because of it.

>> No.53624944
File: 277 KB, 1500x736, 5DFC1F1A-46FF-4323-8680-5D7C1E3C8821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the coolest antique gold coins?

>> No.53624972
File: 2.82 MB, 3468x4624, 1671747807686944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Range day and three year anniversary with my Garand next week
Silver order comes in on Thursday

>> No.53625000

what kinda garand is it anon, is it 'murican or spaghetti ? also is it in 30-06 as God intended?

>> No.53625064
File: 1.27 MB, 3196x2785, P2140025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

murican SA from 1955, and yes 30-06 as God intended

>> No.53625075
Quoted by: >>53629534

hes a high roller, thats a proof

>> No.53625142

very nice, i was thinking about getting a breda spageht Italian m1 garand in .308, but ive just been dumping my money into more PMs lol

>> No.53625160
Quoted by: >>53629534

>Dr. Livesey
Ok not quite but it's a fun thought

>> No.53625258
Quoted by: >>53629534

I get it anon. I appreciate your bad jokes

>> No.53625330
Quoted by: >>53629534

Yes, I personally own Rio Tinto, BHP Group, and Barrick Gold stocks. I love me some dividends.

Do not ever buy a gold ETF. Always buy the actual gold if you can.

>> No.53625344
File: 3.40 MB, 4288x3216, P6160009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was kinda debating on buying more Garands since I do visit the gun stores often, one store had 2 of them they wanted $1,500 for them, one of them did need some love and care for it. The other store I went to the old man wanted $1,200 for it. This may seem odd but that one was a bit lighter weight compared to the others.

>> No.53625703
File: 2.23 MB, 3124x2048, 167532313524437714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was the stock different?
mine have CMP stocks and i hate them but here they are.

>> No.53625739
Quoted by: >>53629534

Checked. I spy a waffenamt

>> No.53625794
File: 633 KB, 2148x1000, nippbabes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53625834
File: 83 KB, 736x1119, ccc178170ffb38e95ad796a5290d07af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629534

>fetishizing human females in pursuit of gold and silver

>> No.53625973
File: 3.22 MB, 4288x3216, P7210010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was the stock different?
Not at all, other than it was from H&R, the rifle just weighed less. Haven't went to the gun stores lately, the three that I mentioned are probably gone by now.
Beside my Garand, I do have the m1 carbine, mosin, and the Lee enfield. I did have a 1903a3 but she really needed some work done to her...buddy wanted a ww2 rifle so I sold it to him.

>> No.53626087
File: 1.00 MB, 2560x1440, TheDamnedMan_fr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap. I thought 'horse fuckers' was just the derogatory term for MLP used by MLP haters.

>> No.53626109

They're not just grown men who like a kids show they also sexualize it

>> No.53626110
File: 2.14 MB, 2047x2730, 167538089671024942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629534

well that's kind of you.
coincidentally the Lee Enfield and Mosin are the only two major WWII rifles i'm missing.

i need to add some metals to this picture, but i'll do it later.

>> No.53626125
File: 1.41 MB, 1660x1930, FourHorsemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's another sign.

>> No.53626206
Quoted by: >>53629534

secret high premium gold purchase coming in the mail... :)))

>> No.53626324
Quoted by: >>53629534

Yeah it is called /cmmg/. It is on /biz/.
However i DO own Newmont, Barrick, Kinross and Sibanye-Stillwater.

>> No.53626358
File: 243 KB, 1076x1208, Screenshot_20230207_215419_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629534


The GSR hasnt hit 30 since the 1970s. Even in the last silver bull run the gsr didnt get to 30 to 1.

>> No.53626391
Quoted by: >>53629534

>Coins are more liquid than generics/rounds. They are more trusted and more recognizable.

This was true 15 year ago when i first started stacking. Its not as true now. If you have a scotsdale stacker bar or round you will have no trouble finding a buyer AND getting a premium above spot.

>> No.53626497
File: 514 KB, 998x1331, 20230208_171125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've made it to 20 pieces of 1/10oz gold

>> No.53626532

why don't you just save up for a larger piece surely it'll save you money on premiums?

>> No.53626570

because 1/10oz coins are fun to collect and i can get a lot a lot more different designs quickly and affordably

>> No.53626682
File: 359 KB, 1020x494, 1657579606421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629534

>Have the cash to buy a double sovereign right now
>Gonna cost me £819.
I was hoping for the price to at least drop to around £780, but it appears the spot price of gold is being a right stable wanker this week. Also, The Royal Mint is the only place selling them, I was expecting Chards to at least have some in stock by now. Gonna have to give them a ring later to see if they're going to stock any.

>> No.53626745
Quoted by: >>53629534


>> No.53626792
Quoted by: >>53629534

Charles III of Spain really blows Charles III of the United Cuckdom out of the water in terms of his coinage.

>> No.53627102
File: 104 KB, 640x329, 402F04F1-CD13-4D69-9A87-2E27F82DD13C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the few freezing days this winter. But the river broke its ATL yesterday, so this gravel bars are normally inaccessible. So I gotta do it!

>> No.53627125

Do I buy now sirs?

>> No.53627142
Quoted by: >>53629534

24k white gold.

>> No.53627159
File: 71 KB, 1366x637, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629534

Up to you anon but I'm holding. Hoping it's going to be lower for this weekend.

>> No.53627179
Quoted by: >>53629534

the original is much better than this chipmunk shit

>> No.53627203
Quoted by: >>53629534

>Four "Equi fututores" of the Apocalypse
That look on the middle horse says it's seen things. And Pestilence should have used protection, his horse ain't looking so good for a reason.

>> No.53627311
Quoted by: >>53629534


>> No.53627509

>36x face
Please tell me that price is in Canadian Dollars or something.

>> No.53627717
Quoted by: >>53629534

It's 2 tubes, stupid

>> No.53627743
File: 1.51 MB, 2572x2572, IMG_2159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had a chance to get these on sale.
Should've bought and skipped a few meals. A little fasting never killed anybody.

>> No.53627769
Quoted by: >>53629534

based premiums dismisser

Nice coins, fren.

>> No.53627923
Quoted by: >>53629534

Fun fact: apparently it’s cold enough for wet gravel to freeze solid, so i had to dig in water. Meh. Like 10 colors or something for frozen hands.
But could have been worse. Ice climbing is colder.

>> No.53627932
Quoted by: >>53629534

Physical spreads are a scam. You lose like 10% right of the bat through the buy / sell spread. Unless you are using a vaulted service.

>> No.53627947

anybody to help me?

>> No.53627954
Quoted by: >>53629534



>> No.53627966
Quoted by: >>53629534

who else excited for boomer coin?

>> No.53628011

That's plate fren

>> No.53628040
Quoted by: >>53629534

Thx fren, i just found this out too, it's from the house Christofle.
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.53628061
File: 477 KB, 1096x1461, 20210818_181656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I prefer to stay right here and point out why you are wrong. Here it is: you are projecting your collector value structure into an hypothetical monetary market. Remember (or learn it now for the first time) that one of the reasons gold and silver have always been money is because they are FUNGIBLE (look it up). Every atom of gold and silver is identical to every other. This is why the mass of the metal in specie has always been the central matter in evaluation. Newton didn't flay the coin clippers because they were harming the aesthetic value of the coins or obscuring their brand name. Jefferson didn't care a coin scale because he was interested in the aesthetics. When gold and silver are remonetized, it will be in part because of their natural fungibility. As long as you stick to a situation where silver coins are being traded for collector value, you might have a point about your ASEs. But as soon as you stray into a situation of remonetization - which is what you did in your hypo - you are dead wrong.

I happen to like the aesthetics of the ASE. I own a few myself. But I'm not emotionally attached to the idea that they are in some way inherently worth more than their silver content.

>> No.53628063
File: 2.45 MB, 4032x3024, 20230208_055117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a book yesterday from a bookstore with cash, and when rhey gave me change, they gave me a silver quarter. It's not much but i pretty much got the book for free.

>> No.53628068
File: 2.65 MB, 3024x3917, A89E1816-CE32-4653-8E11-08A657C81E30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t stop buying mercury dimes bros. It’s like a mental defect

>> No.53628285
Quoted by: >>53629534

Paid $1.99 day before yesterday for a dozen.

>> No.53628307
Quoted by: >>53629534

It's called fungibility, one of the main reasons gold and silver are money.

>> No.53628315
Quoted by: >>53629534

Maybe your explanation lacks merit?

>> No.53628344
Quoted by: >>53629534

I'm not into hallmarks and it seems like hallmark anon is not around. You could go to some university library and photocopy some catalogs.

>> No.53628417
File: 153 KB, 1440x810, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder

>> No.53628508
File: 106 KB, 779x356, balls-of-steel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629534


>> No.53628620
File: 256 KB, 1096x1461, 20211104_084845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The easy availability of gold today that should have been turned in under this executive order demonstrates that the order was widely ignored and not enforced in any effective way. It would be even more widely ignored today and probably openly nullified by state laws.

>> No.53628830

>collector value
>monetary market value
You can't claim absolute certainty in this situation. It's not a stretch at all to assume that in this hypothetical scenario, there will be value attributed to PMs based on their spot price, and additional value ascribed to collector's value as well. At the end of the day, humans are human and place value where they want.

>> No.53628980
File: 370 KB, 640x640, 1665662195177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629534

gold or silver?

>> No.53629042
Quoted by: >>53629534

anon that's cupronickel

>> No.53629086
Quoted by: >>53629534

>over paying for a gov meme

metal is metal. if you dont acid test or have a sigma forget it

>> No.53629119

I never claim anything with absolute certainty. I am simply making the point that the very fungibility that has made silver money for thousands of years is likely to prevail in a scenario of remonetization (which was the other fellow's choice of hypothetical, not mine) over some vestigial collector value adhering to a type of coin that has been minted in the hundreds of millions.

>> No.53629181
Quoted by: >>53629534


in fact if the us collapsed i would NOT take any money from a dead nation many would describe as the great satan

god puts good/silver in ground for us to use. governments usurp this role and make people think money comes from gov; there is a damn good reason our money use to say "certifies deposit" and now it says "in god we trust"......but whose god are they referring to? certainly not ours

>> No.53629273
Quoted by: >>53629534

The new Washington bust is awful. Also government coinage isn’t silver past 1964. I’m sure you know that.

>> No.53629292
Quoted by: >>53629534

>very fungibility that has made silver money for thousands of years is likely to prevail in a scenario of remonetization
we are all in agreement here. no one is arguing this. me and the other anon are saying that ASEs, or Buffalos (these are just examples) would likely carry ADDITIONAL value on top of the basic value. maybe not ASEs, maybe not Buffalos, maybe the Krug becomes most sought after for whatever reason. maybe I misunderstood. but it's a fair bet that the premiums over spot that xyz coin carries now will continue to carry in the future regardless of any situation.

>> No.53629310
Quoted by: >>53629534

They are BOTH real women, Chud!

>> No.53629322
Quoted by: >>53629534

Good defect to have anon. I buy only kilos.

>> No.53629351
Quoted by: >>53629534

Better than Reichsmarks at 2X spot.....

>> No.53629478
Quoted by: >>53629534

Today, we are more domesticated Jewish pets than the older generation IMO.

>> No.53629484

we crabbing hard

>> No.53629520

Can you make it last till end of Friday? I want to go to a physical store and get my shinies this time anon.

>> No.53629523
File: 216 KB, 996x911, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>OP >>53616213 >>53616220 >>53616224 >>53616234 >>53616250 >>53616255 >>53616257 >>53616275 >>53616281 >>53616283 >>53616299 >>53616316 >>53616329 >>53616335 >>53616344 >>53616377 >>53616382 >>53616592 >>53616670 >>53616762 >>53616920 >>53616953 >>53617014 >>53617036 >>53617043 >>53617095 >>53617237 >>53617449 >>53617718 >>53617843 >>53617881 >>53618277 >>53618306 >>53618307 >>53618406 >>53618635 >>53618704 >>53618806 >>53618841 >>53619142 >>53619179 >>53619211 >>53619213 >>53619223 >>53619316 >>53619359 >>53619396 >>53619424 >>53619429 >>53619436 >>53619437 >>53619458 >>53619496 >>53619523 >>53619536 >>53619562 >>53619662 >>53619687 >>53619732 >>53619768 >>53619779 >>53619852 >>53619915 >>53619927 >>53619955 >>53619977 >>53620090 >>53620093 >>53620107 >>53620109 >>53620132 >>53620185 >>53620199 >>53620203 >>53620231 >>53620249 >>53620398 >>53620431 >>53620476 >>53620487 >>53620515 >>53620573 >>53620600 >>53620602 >>53620648 >>53620702 >>53620709 >>53620735 >>53620758 >>53620799 >>53620853 >>53620919 >>53620932 >>53620951 >>53620953 >>53620960 >>53620974 >>53621013 >>53621041 >>53621076 >>53621081 >>53621083 >>53621088 >>53621093 >>53621167 >>53621178 >>53621208 >>53621213 >>53621297 >>53621326 >>53621362 >>53621366 >>53621374 >>53621421 >>53621442 >>53621448 >>53621451 >>53621475 >>53621529 >>53621532 >>53621577 >>53621692 >>53621722 >>53621770 >>53621842 >>53621843 >>53621869 >>53621965 >>53621971 >>53622003 >>53622010 >>53622044 >>53622050 >>53622139 >>53622155 >>53622263 >>53622286 >>53622296 >>53622332 >>53622350 >>53622366 >>53622379 >>53622388 >>53622399 >>53622440 >>53622443 >>53622460 >>53622489 >>53622495 >>53622568 >>53622625 >>53622653 >>53622661 >>53622710 >>53622806 >>53622870 >>53622890 >>53622943 >>53622973 >>53622999 >>53623007 >>53623016 >>53623080 >>53623094 >>53623136 >>53623166 >>53623283 >>53623421 >>53623561 >>53623742 >>53623882 >>53623899 >>53623947 >>53623988 >>53623997 >>53624010 >>53624017 >>53624060 >>53624068 >>53624080

>> No.53629534
File: 529 KB, 996x911, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629575

>>53624132 >>53624133 >>53624162 >>53624238 >>53624255 >>53624395 >>53624613 >>53624684 >>53624803 >>53624944 >>53624972 >>53625000 >>53625064 >>53625075 >>53625142 >>53625160 >>53625258 >>53625330 >>53625344 >>53625703 >>53625739 >>53625794 >>53625834 >>53625973 >>53626087 >>53626109 >>53626110 >>53626125 >>53626206 >>53626324 >>53626358 >>53626391 >>53626497 >>53626532 >>53626570 >>53626682 >>53626745 >>53626792 >>53627102 >>53627125 >>53627142 >>53627159 >>53627179 >>53627203 >>53627311 >>53627509 >>53627717 >>53627743 >>53627769 >>53627923 >>53627932 >>53627947 >>53627954 >>53627966 >>53628011 >>53628040 >>53628061 >>53628063 >>53628068 >>53628285 >>53628307 >>53628315 >>53628344 >>53628417 >>53628508 >>53628620 >>53628830 >>53628980 >>53629042 >>53629086 >>53629119 >>53629181 >>53629273 >>53629292 >>53629310 >>53629322 >>53629351 >>53629478 >>53629484 >>53629520 >>53629523

>> No.53629555

we should make it until friday, we have a anon in the thread who buys on weekends to dump the price for us on mondays

>> No.53629575
Quoted by: >>53631337

I hope you get a kidney stone and the emergency room refuses to give you anything stronger than ibuprofen

>> No.53629585

Can’t believe people are still buying these boomer rocks. I feel bad for my dad he’s probably sunk over 200k into these worthless rocks in the past 20 years lmao

>> No.53629592
File: 27 KB, 460x339, 1654618121543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53629594
File: 233 KB, 700x500, 1675774743177242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629604

Holy digits desu. I'll save some monies for Monday then.

>> No.53629604
File: 93 KB, 994x662, 1667914886126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53629748

i checked them before you saw them

>> No.53629619

Lucky you. You might get 400k in boomer rocks

>> No.53629748
File: 1.48 MB, 3000x4000, 248v9z6ugkba1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53631188

True anon.

>> No.53629753

Do I need to throw away this fish?

>> No.53629758

>20 years
he bought gold at 400usd upto 1000usd per 1oz and he already broke premiums and made profit, retard. If he is continuing to buy its still a good thing.

If he doesn't realize how much of a retard son you are by squandering your wealth on fiat and crypto, you will end up inheriting his stack.

If you're smart you will only liquidate enough to pay off your debts (if you have any), and at least keep 80% of your dads stack to hold onto

>> No.53629777 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x979, POOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoopsie doopsie! I just pooped in this thread. This thread now STINKS. Ugh. YUCK!

>> No.53630017


>> No.53630372
Quoted by: >>53630664

ummmm anon 1000$ silver when????

>> No.53630664
Quoted by: >>53630894

Just stack for 2 more weeks bro... or 2 more decades... It's Yahweh's money after all so... trust the plan.

>> No.53630894
Quoted by: >>53632823

>hehe i'll fud 6000yo hard money to this audience of redpilled angry white males schitzos who only value real goods and despise ponzi scams, this way they may buy my LamaKotSharkInu bags
do shitcoiners really?

>> No.53631065

Waisted trips.

>> No.53631188
Quoted by: >>53631309

990 ozt - cool! Just two more bars, man!

>> No.53631292

Very nice

>> No.53631309

That's not mine anon. I'm at approx 540ozt.

>> No.53631337

Ibuprofen is uniroically the best thing to take for a kidney stone. But yes, I also wish all mass repliers pain and misfortune

>> No.53631359
File: 82 KB, 715x717, 4a139b3c038c23d7b08036fec99010e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone get their Megumin coins yet?

>> No.53631671
File: 438 KB, 824x723, 2023-02-08 18_01_16-Gold and Precious Metals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53631902

Friendly reminder to FOMO into gold, silver and other precious metals because our reserves are running out.

>> No.53631902
Quoted by: >>53631949

Rookie numbers sirs, we need to pump up the gold reserves.

>> No.53631949
File: 1.27 MB, 1284x987, canadian gold maple leaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reserves is how much gold is left in the ground. In the 20 minutes since I took that screenshot the gold reserves have declined with 5,000 oz. So we drop 15k an hour or 360k oz of gold each day.

>> No.53632000

What’s going on? Silver keeps dropping and gold is close to record highs and keeps going up.

>> No.53632051

I went to my LCS last week looking for a 1oz Buffalo. He was out, so I purchased a 1 oz American Eagle. He said he would trade me the Buffalo for my Eagle this week. Should I do it?

>> No.53632078

Is he giving 2 ozt rounds for 1 ozt eagle? If not no. Round should cost far less than a coin.

>> No.53632190


>> No.53632280
File: 201 KB, 1500x1500, 8FE86F0E-6376-4FED-B9DE-D55BC4CC7985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a 1oz American Buffalo, 24k minted by US govt. they’re the same price on APMEX. The American eagle is from 2011 so it might have slight value. The American eagles are 22k I believe

>> No.53632310
Quoted by: >>53632438

No. Look at how much ASE go for and look how much buffalos go for. Easy choice. He either needs to add some cash or another coin/round.

>> No.53632426

At that point I could already see the value of silver, but I understood a lot less as far as why obtaining it ASAP (but not beyond my means) should almost be my mindset.
Also didn't know what types were out there and what to get. Found it just a bit interesting that they were on sale. Wouldn't surprise me if they go up in value. Beautiful make.

>> No.53632438

On APMEX I see 1ozt gold Buffalo for 2037.69, 2011 1ozt American Eagle for 2052.09… I think the buffalo is comfier. I got the AGE for $1970. I think my LCS dealer treats me well

>> No.53632471

Probably worth trading it in just to keep good relations with your LCS.

>> No.53632474

Most of the pre-33 Gold Coinage that's still around today was sitting in bank vaults in Europe for the entirety of the confiscation.

>> No.53632494
Quoted by: >>53632604

Ok, 22k for 24k right? If that's the case, go ahead.

>> No.53632533
File: 71 KB, 740x1024, turkey vagoo cloud days before earthquake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53632957

>The reserves is how much gold is left in the ground.
Tbf they are pulling those numbers out of their ass. It's nothing but conjectures and projections. If the price of gold were to do a x10, you can bet a lot more gold would be added to said reserves, because it would become economically viable to get it from the bottom of the ocean or blow up mountains in natural parks.

Personally i'm more interested with the energy cost of extracting PMs. Because the less metal there is, the more difficult it become to extract. We now deploy insane amounts of Megajoules just to find tiny pieces of rock.
It's only allowed while fossil fuels are absurdly cheap. Think about it, the entire industry rely on cheap diesel alone, as operations are taking place in remote locations, far from the electric grid.
For the sake of the argument, lets imagine for a minute diesel disappear, and we go back to XVIIIth c. methods. Considering we mined the easy stuff a long time ago (hell, even the difficult stuff), it would probably require x50 the human resources/labor to extract the same amount compared to 300 years ago.

And since PMs are a store of value, ie storing human labor in a tangible, durable element, it means that PMs now are far more valuable because of how much more work it would require to extract it.
Ofc it's true for literally everything else, oil is everywhere, but even more so for the mining industry, since it's their first operational cost by far.

So if energy = value, then PM = max value.
The more expensive energy gets, the more relative instrisic value they carry.
That's said, it's a double edged sword, if tomorrow we figure out magic free energy, the price will take a big hit (as for pretty much everything else).

>> No.53632604
Quoted by: >>53632742

Carat is a meaningless concern

>> No.53632742

OK, on further research, looks like I know nothing about American coins so I'll stop talking.

>> No.53632760

i got mine
its next to my yotsu

>> No.53632822
File: 40 KB, 600x800, 1614297200180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53632886


>> No.53632823

Unfathomly based.

>just hoddel for 6000 years, goys
Funny you chose the number (((6000))).

>> No.53632857
File: 720 KB, 1750x1750, megumin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53633099

forgot the pic

srry im retarded

>> No.53632886
File: 41 KB, 500x500, artworks-wxgOBPLxmBh3v3hT-CBzIcA-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53633573

i forgot the pic
i know im retarded

>> No.53632919

Sweet shot. Love the ones that are taken under more normal lighting conditions.

>> No.53632957

despite having seen the filename by this point the image still comes off as a freaky runic symbol manifesting

>> No.53632987
Quoted by: >>53633065

the price of gold is almost at an all time high.
isn't this a really bad time to invest in it?
buy high, sell low? really?

>> No.53633015
File: 805 KB, 4233x529, Full 4Chan Collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last post for a while
figured showing the collection grow would be worth.
here are the memecoins i have so far
also. Fuck that broni coin. its not pmg so its not for me

>> No.53633065

It's a little iffy
Prices rise 5%, I usually hold on on purchasing
Prices dip 5% I consider buying

>> No.53633099
Quoted by: >>53633229

Ngl these coins look like shit.

>> No.53633220

They all look like shit. Real talk. They don’t even look silver, looks like stainless steel.

>> No.53633229

meh, the anonymint ones are the main ones im collecting, but i do think the megumin was meh.

>> No.53633344
Quoted by: >>53633373

whats better, gold coins or bars?

>> No.53633373

Gold coin

>> No.53633429

in Italy tha VAT on "investment gold/silver" is 0%
despite this it somehow costs more

>> No.53633550

new bread, checked

>> No.53633573

>decide to post the perfect reaction >can't find it anywhere even though I know I have it
>search internet until I find it and save another copy
>try to post picture
>4chan does not recognize that format
>copy picture into paint and save as jpg
>try to post again
>forgot to attach picture

>> No.53633661 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 306x628, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53633675


>> No.53634033

Someone pointed out here once that the reason they look like shit is that a coin bas relief is not a drawing. It's a sculpture. So these 2D designs look like garbage.

>> No.53634105


Got mine last week and promptly sold it. Would have kept if she were prettier, oh well.