>> | No.51244885 File: 294 KB, 400x400, D8FB04BD-4587-4AE9-9E67-96F66B852EAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>51244752 Who knows man? Nobody knows anything but everybody acts like they’re certain that we’re merging with this or that and you should buy it too because apparently the best way to squeeze shorts out of a stock is to buy a different asset. I’m tired of these schizo theories and people shilling their bags. Why isn’t it enough to just wait and see what happens? We haven’t even gotten to see what they’re doing with the IMX shit but everybody is desperate to latch on to the latest copium that usually involves buying some other asset besides GME for some reason. Why can’t these niggas just be comfy ffs? Does a BBBY merger actually get anyone excited? I think it’s lame as fuck. I’m a gamer and I think you could do cool shit with NFTs in games. Why are people trying to sell me baby strollers and shit? Miss me with that gay shit