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File: 490 KB, 1500x2665, 99213182_p0 compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51240334 No.51240334 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report
>GameStop Investor, NFT, & Wallet Sites

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>51235566

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.51240340
File: 625 KB, 1270x714, MHAileBake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Ongoing hiring spree of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.035 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory
>Intent to launch NFT marketplace by end of Q2 FY '22 (May-July)

DRS & Computershare
>12.7 million shares DRS'd by Apr. 30th 2022
>Previously 8.9 million shares by Jan. 29th 2022 and 5.2 mill by Oct. 30th 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 2,173.156B, 105P = 20.697B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 2,173.413B, 107P = 20.312B per (roughly)

>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan. 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>HF and broker class action lawsuit evidence
>SEC GME/meme stocks report
>GameStop Crypto Wallet available for download on Chrome
>FY22 Q1 results
>Four-for-One Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend
>(Record: July 18, 2022; Dist. after closing on 21st)
>22 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp will be issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.

>Q2 Earnings report on Sept. 7th

>100 page comparison DD

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.51240374
File: 39 KB, 480x270, sch3678533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51240392

GME made me dislike long weekends

>> No.51240389
File: 325 KB, 500x269, 1631780886518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of being comfy. I want israel gone.

>> No.51240392

Who else here is alone this lovely friday night?

>> No.51240407
Quoted by: >>51240677

I just want to start repopulating the white race

>> No.51240415
Quoted by: >>51240443

I haven’t felt so alone in a veey long time

>> No.51240416
Quoted by: >>51241257

Imagine the hardware integration.
>Nook brand Android tablets
>e-ink ones swap out DRM for lightweight GameStop wallet and IPFS fetching
>full-color ones add full GameStop wallet and F-Droid as system apps and come with a kickstand for gaming
>FOSS apps on F-Droid or direct download, paid apps on GameStop NFT marketplace
>Google Play version of GameStop wallet has fiat purchases/cashout disabled due to Google policies (see current state of Kindle app) so the support FAQ just tells people to buy a Nook tablet if they can't handle sideloading an app

>> No.51240439 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 960x960, 1662147455846305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51240463

I have to work tomorrow for minimum wage and I'm wondering if killing myself will get me out of it

>> No.51240442
File: 244 KB, 350x589, 1yil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merge :DDD

>> No.51240443
File: 637 KB, 906x719, 2aae4b52ef3ee16bf360f36a3714c901cb7d65924590d4c888a77a35f56a84ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not alone because we have each other.

>> No.51240444
File: 1.10 MB, 2000x1500, FC5_pJUXsAQCnRu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51244495


>> No.51240463
Quoted by: >>51240472

nope, still gotta bring a note from your doc

>> No.51240470
File: 44 KB, 593x593, ec1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 months
stay comfy... comfy /gme..

>> No.51240472 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 628x617, 1661882463599852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I crash the ship in klingon space

>> No.51240497
File: 270 KB, 1448x2048, 11f6bf1073878db212065e2e045c5dbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51240524

comfy long weekend with Madoka

>> No.51240524
File: 124 KB, 500x531, me-ha-yeah-man-im-good-just-a-little-tired-67741252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man

>> No.51240562

Just getting back into Dwarf Fortress now. Gave up after like 20 mins of trying several years ago but I've been thinking about it a lot more lately - and just wanted something to unwind with that's not smash melee. Probably gonna make this my personality for a while, what's everyone else playing at the moment?

>> No.51240606 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 743x617, 1661722731805343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51240799

Destiny 2 and Guild Wars 2
Embrace the normiecore

>> No.51240637
File: 289 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyber Sleuth Hacker's memory. I saw it for $14 on the shop so I grabbed it.

>> No.51240677

I became a sperm donor a couple years back

I’m doing my part :)

>> No.51240708
Quoted by: >>51240772

Good pay?
They'd have to pay me a lot to start jerking off again.

>> No.51240712

Yeah thata nice until you reincarnate into your offspring in afrika

>> No.51240714

I think I'm gonna play some prodeus tomorrow. I tried playing Zelda earlier, but I'm not really in the mood because I'm fasting and I didn't really desire to to much other than watch youtube videos and daydream about never having to work again... I'm such a boring person, I wish I were different. Will mushrooms make me an interesting person?

>> No.51240719
Quoted by: >>51240739

No. Going on adventures will, as that will give you stories, and experience with people, and perspective.

>> No.51240739 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 703x513, 1661547959161082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really but
Is also full of shit

The best thing you can do for yourself in 2022 is stay put and read

>> No.51240744

nah just get a hobby though. Literally just go do something and get good at it.

>> No.51240753

No, but ketamine and lsd might

>> No.51240772
Quoted by: >>51240878

Qualifications are pretty high. You gotta be tall, fit, good looking, educated, no family history of any kind of illness. Can't just walk in and sell your spunk for a quick buck.

>> No.51240799

playing destiny 2 like >>51240606 but after failing in the last raid that re released in spectacular fashion ive gone back to cyberpunk 2077 and its till shit lel.

>> No.51240800
File: 134 KB, 1136x542, tin man flips the bird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What now?

>> No.51240830

checked and id like to see a hard dump to 3000 but who knows. dont want to be the "it feels different" guy but yea, if i had all my money in an s&p index fund id be shitting my pants

>> No.51240834
File: 74 KB, 808x629, huge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51241195

>> No.51240835

Checked and capitulation now.

>> No.51240838

I just hope that the women that have hurt me in the past are vaccinated. I already know one is because she told me. It was a big relief knowing that she was no longer compatible

>> No.51240858

She was also a lesbian, but that wasn’t the deal breaker. Although I did have horror visions of her cucking me with a girl

>> No.51240860
File: 116 KB, 774x809, psyop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51240892

most young women i know all got the vaxx. srat hoes, medical field roasties who think theyre smart, regular girls "doing their part." literally one of the greatest psyops ever

>> No.51240861 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 447x378, 158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51240876

I was cucked by a girl who got addicted to ketamine and has a baseball sized blood clot at the vaccination site in her arm lmfao

>> No.51240876

Sounds like someone I know. kek

>> No.51240878


>> No.51240892
Quoted by: >>51240930

And the only ones who didn't get it are religious or have conservative values
It's like pottery.

>> No.51240930 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 740x987, 1662170429758218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds based

>> No.51240959
Quoted by: >>51241002

Kek baggies

>> No.51240987
Quoted by: >>51241002

kek year and a half weekend baggies thinking this'll pay off at all. lmfao

>> No.51241002

L o o k , t h e m a r k e t s a r e s t a r t i n g t o p r i c e i n t h e C P I .

>> No.51241025

Have a good labor day.

>> No.51241034

Squad, rising storm 2, and mordhau are the only games that give me any enjoyment anymore. And fuck antimatter games for stopping development on 83 so jeets can have another igi game

>> No.51241108

>people are talking about women who got the clot shot again
guys please don’t my retard sister got it plus dating is impossible enough as is it’s hard knowing I have to also filter for an unvaxxed and natural womb for my kids’ sake. It really sucks being a good man in this bad generation. GameStop money is my one true hope of finding a life I feel I’ve always deserved. I’m holding my shares because they’re my only chance at enough money to afford life liberty and my own pursuit of happiness

>> No.51241169

I’m sorry about your sister. I’m glad that 99% of roasties got filtered. That’s why we will treat our wives with respect

>> No.51241195
Quoted by: >>51241311

>Indonesia and Malaysia
What country would be an interesting opportunity to build some business export empire out of with GameStop money? Indonesia is actually a solid choice; shipping, some nice resources, proximity to other nations to build business capital in or export to, the US will always have an interest in the region, maybe even set up a corporate HQ in Singapore.
You couldn’t pay me in GME shares to invest in Africa, and most of continental SE Asia seems too obvious for my tastes.
Maybe before a sheep tycoon in central Asian nations? Or goats to export goat cheese for Californians to buy overpriced? Proximity to Russia I think would actually be a safety guarantee, so maybe khazakstan or even Turkmenistan could be nice for husbandry or agriculture related business endeavors.

>> No.51241222 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 397x297, cake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51241257
File: 38 KB, 343x350, 0C03AC41-1C4F-485E-AF43-9ADCE3C23E5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to grab a Star Wars D&D rulebook off the shelf and sit my ass down in a Barnes and Noble comfy chair and just read for an hour or two while mommy was shopping back when I was a dumbass kid at the mall. Man the early 2000s was the last hurrah of kino mall experiences. I would love to see GameStop incorporate Barnes and Noble type business into their mega empire for kids and family needs. Kids need cool stuff to geek out on, and a safe environment for it. Imagine moms dropping their kids off to go read game books or demo classic video games while they go shopping for the family all in one mega store. Maybe that kind of cozy will come back to us some day bros. MOASS imminent

>> No.51241281

get the shot die to rot

>> No.51241311
Quoted by: >>51242178

>Proximity to Russia I think would actually be a safety guarantee
Uh... you might want to reconsider that given recent events. I foresee a lot of warlord shenanigans in central Asia in the near future.

>> No.51241322
File: 235 KB, 640x1013, 1637892693789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the first time ever that we had 12 out of 13 trading days end up being red (i.e. the close was lower than the previous day’s close)

It's tuesday.

>> No.51241350
File: 88 KB, 500x642, 6rlh99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow checked


>> No.51241360
File: 72 KB, 1178x322, 1662176319945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's official the OCC request to be able to rape pensions has been given thr green light by SEC. Pensions valued at 35 trillion will now be used to pay for MOASS WAGMI FRENS rip teachers pensions

>> No.51241367

Dumping like this on no news just because of bath shit. There is inevitably going to be a rebound. We’re oversold on almost every timeframe, obviously a fake dump. The only interesting thing is the institutional sell off, but we can see institutions buying just as easily if corporate can give us some good news next week

>> No.51241379
File: 625 KB, 1920x1080, 1661796602645486.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and BAM before the teachers could even protest
we squoze


>> No.51241398
File: 3.03 MB, 3872x2416, wallhaven-49orvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51241435

holy fuck schizo moment here brain blast
what if the 7 tweets in july, 4 tweets in august, and 1 in september IS the countdown to launch? Just like it's cryptically shown in the gif >>51241379


>> No.51241422
File: 3.08 MB, 364x480, goldship (you).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51241440


>> No.51241435

74.1% was the amount of float locked by Porsche that set off the vw squeeze

>> No.51241440

kek trannies

>> No.51241486 [DELETED] 

Trump lost
The confederacy lost
Hitler lost
Mussolini lost
Hirohito lost
Mosley lost
Apartheid lost
Rhodesia lost
Ron Paul lost
Alex Jones lost
Mcgregor lost
King Kong lost
Gilets Jaunes lost
Capitol rioters lost
Ryan Cohen
Gamestop Lost
/qa/ lost
Sneed won
Bane lost
Convoy truckers lost
Putin lost
Lukashenko lost
Le Pen lost
Chauvin is in jail
Breivik is in jail
Tarrant is in jail
Golden Dawn is in jail
Qshaman is in jail
Roof is in jail awaiting execution
McVeigh was executed
The Northman flopped
Q was wrong
Joe Rogan apologized
You will lose
You will apologize

>> No.51241490

sounds like we're cleared for poopoopeepee my niggers

>> No.51241516
File: 259 KB, 2000x1500, 1640473676240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51241642

>> No.51241566

kek baggies

>> No.51241573
File: 298 KB, 1242x978, 1658378322523545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was real in your mind

>> No.51241604

I capitulated, whats next?

>> No.51241620
Quoted by: >>51241654

hold on, I have to learn what that word means

>> No.51241624
File: 292 KB, 1335x750, DegreesofComfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks again for the news report last thread fren. After Hours Yearly Forecast says sunny with a 100% chance of WAGMI. Now sending it off to Buck with sports.

>> No.51241625

Kek rodent baggies

No moass?
No green portfolios?

Kek baggies

>> No.51241642
File: 163 KB, 400x400, comfycomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat you to it a few hours ago.

Oh that's just fantastic.

>> No.51241654
File: 96 KB, 500x631, 1652419610279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it says you get bogged and i become a millionaire

>> No.51241674
File: 699 KB, 640x640, 1637223873290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is this? I need to find this.

>> No.51241678
File: 32 KB, 498x741, forever alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51241679

gme blows
they will always be able to suppress it
go to r/superstonk and fuck off

>> No.51241689
File: 68 KB, 1080x804, 1653122711296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51241702
File: 70 KB, 960x768, we got this fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty frens ^_^

this is amazing anon lmfao
maximum comfy forecasted for the days ahead


>> No.51241739
File: 512 KB, 1536x794, Screen Shot 2022-09-02 at 9.18.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thank you.

>> No.51241757
File: 400 KB, 889x599, gme-year of the DRS GRAPE APE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51241817


>> No.51241851

kek betty boopies


>> No.51241911
File: 132 KB, 800x538, 142B273D-2112-4574-94DF-FE0B8EF90E98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1,000,000 white(culturally) people have been daydreaming about being millionaires for over a year. The amount of psychic energy reshaping our reality is immense. Nothing this big has been manifested before. The vibrations are converging. Soon

>> No.51241915
File: 42 KB, 228x140, 1646130691235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't ever (You) me again you disgusting baggot

>> No.51241971 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 334x506, 1662152792599541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51241974
Quoted by: >>51242061

I'd rather this desu. Now Amerimutts will suffer. My tendies will taste sweeter

>> No.51241983
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x1081, 1655696971807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51241997
File: 332 KB, 640x640, CSGO brass balls monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51242061


>> No.51242017
File: 2.24 MB, 480x220, dip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51242061


>> No.51242025
File: 326 KB, 675x677, 1650579819891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51242061

i said don't do it again, once is fine lads

>> No.51242061
File: 889 KB, 672x696, This NFT wont leave me alone at night it's eye follows me whenever I walk past it and I can see it react to my very existence.. (don't steal, warning, it can hear you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51244678

I'm a monkey person.

>> No.51242080
Quoted by: >>51242099

Schmittah ends this month. In about 2 weeks

>> No.51242099
Quoted by: >>51242114

The 26th. A little over 3 weeks

>> No.51242114
File: 1.78 MB, 300x242, checked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51242394

dubs checked
did all the crashed of yore happen before the day/week of schmittah?


>> No.51242178
Quoted by: >>51242263

>npc detected
I’m tired of the teacher’s pensions line. What are some forgotten pensions that are effected? Yes yes I know muh teachers muh municipal governments, but what are some institutions that stand to lose because of this?

>> No.51242180
Quoted by: >>51242214

Goddamn I hope something happens soon, Im starting to feel insane for expecting fucking GameStop to make me rich. It’s almost been two years

>> No.51242214

Unironically hope it keeps falling for another two weeks so I can buy more (payday the 10th and 15th) moass at the 18th would be nice

>> No.51242229
File: 1.38 MB, 1125x1552, 5AC9C49A-416E-4738-9497-9E92D33B4AF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51243256

She looks like she is laughing and crying tonight.

>> No.51242263
File: 74 KB, 267x267, fubuki hung over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51242304

This is going to be such a mess.
>teachers join unions largely because of pensions
>many of those dues get funneled to politicians
>pensions which are about to get raided on those politicians' watch
We are now very much likely on the "hamfisted government intervention" timeline due to gorillions of shrieking boomers getting their pensions nuked a week before retirement, although whether that's before or after the peak of MOASS I don't know.

If Russia was going to be taken seriously as a competing military power they would have needed to actually have taken Kiev in the first month. They've been consistently underperforming all year. Their logistical breakdown under the best possible conditions and the fate of the Moskva suggest that they can't project power at all anymore other than vaguely threatening with nukes that probably don't work.

>> No.51242304
File: 526 KB, 1920x1077, wallhaven-vggk78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on the "hamfisted government intervention" timeline due to gorillions of shrieking boomers
you're totally right and the only way we can sell before the pandemonium of normies begins is if RC drops the NFT divvy this Tuesday innit?


>> No.51242306
Quoted by: >>51242329

>be me, a teacher
>have a pension but also sitting on a shitload of gme
they should have just bought gme

>> No.51242329
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1080, 1661273320623062.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teachers catch wind of this fuckery
>pension funds start buying and DRSing shares

>> No.51242337
File: 131 KB, 525x463, 85700081_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay comfy, comfy /GME/.

>> No.51242394

No, but they happened during the same fiscal year in the fall

>> No.51242403
Quoted by: >>51242496

Or winter, but for sure that year which is this year(2022)

>> No.51242456
Quoted by: >>51242496

Shut the fuck up

>> No.51242496
File: 85 KB, 750x808, 1659940482875330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51243975

that's the spirit

time to get comfy for the autumn and winter wait
chillin like a villain

salty crypto baggie


>> No.51242500
File: 188 KB, 330x334, 1660586524590830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never not been comfortable.

>> No.51242507
File: 66 KB, 1226x700, comfy ash n pikachu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked dubs of eternal comf


>> No.51242540
File: 316 KB, 1080x1445, Screenshot_20220903-015337_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek gamestop baggies
Look up the max chart baggie

>> No.51242608

Look at that fucking chart. Fucking shitbag hedgies.

>> No.51242613
File: 849 KB, 1389x928, DBA74AC9-FA3C-4874-9806-D268FE300A3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51242743

Bloodbath for bitcoin continues with no end in sight. GameStop is backed by the supernatural

>> No.51242676

>He capitulated
>And he has ASSBuG in his ID
I don't think I've ever seen such faggotry before in my life

>> No.51242743

i wish it would go under 18k for some real shit

>> No.51242756
File: 58 KB, 400x560, medicine pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enu chuk begone wall licker

>> No.51242829

Don't fuck with gamers

>> No.51242945
File: 140 KB, 600x600, 165808182877548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl who crushed my heart this summer was a jewish tomboy nurse from alabama. She absolutely had me fellas mind body and soul and she knew exactly what to say to lead me off a cliff at her pleasure. I have narrowly avoided certain death and only now begining to recognize that fact.

>> No.51243031

Good that she did, you can't breed a jewwess that makes the cult grow

>> No.51243256
Quoted by: >>51248037

Is this oil or acrylic?

>> No.51243257
Quoted by: >>51243578

oi keith me mate, are ya goin to the foo fighters concert perhaps? bruv i can barely keep my taint inside me knickers

>> No.51243281

They spawn demons. My dad was Jewish, but my mon was normal so all the heebs were so jealous of me

>> No.51243578

>foo fighters
Ayy lmao

>> No.51243667

Frens, I just realized something. Cohen posting babies and shit was never about BBBY but about Labor Day.
Remember he also tweeted “I was born to work”? Labor is both work and giving birth to, say, a new company.
He double-entendre’d us all along, the clever bastard.
It’s Tuesday morning!

>> No.51243724
File: 138 KB, 1200x1200, 9605C096-B093-4760-B66E-54F79C5C8AF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51243810

The bad comedy jokes write themselves.

>> No.51243739

Sounds schizo enough it just might be true

>> No.51243810
Quoted by: >>51243849

It even fits with the squeeze play. Ryan is literally squeezing this baby out of his beautiful vagina!

>> No.51243833
File: 31 KB, 600x371, 1662196253716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51244008

>> No.51243849
File: 2.34 MB, 498x280, 6532BD3C-5FCD-465C-9485-BC296D317180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51243866

>Squeeze during labour
It checks out.

>> No.51243866

There’s farting and pooping during labor, too. Ryan loves that.

>> No.51243899


Fuck Bro’s—do the good guys always lose?

How do we ultimately throw the evil Jew down the well?

>> No.51243912

My guess is they’ve acquired Loopring and spinning that shit off.
The backwards “I have a small wee wee” was a jab at Wang, who was being a bitch back then before stepping down (Wang = Wee wee, small because he’s Asian and an ass, backwards because the Chinese write backwards). Later, Ryan praised the Chinese for building stuff or whatever, that’s when the deal was basically done.

>> No.51243965
File: 310 KB, 1204x1012, 1662197530198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds plausible. Well, I'm convinced.

>> No.51243975
File: 1.35 MB, 2922x2066, 86653305_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comf checked.

>> No.51244003


We need to launch a full on hate campaign against AMC. Those fucking idiots are undoubtedly going to be left behind when we moon, however, their idiocy of getting distracted has cost us so much time.

If those god damn idiots just bought GME and DRSed shares, this shit could have been over months ago and we could have had the comfiest summer ever.

>> No.51244008

Nice visualization. Makes it pretty clear what’s really going on. You wouldn’t know it from the borrow fee dropping

>> No.51244025

Same with LRC and BBBY. GME is the only play

>> No.51244137

Perhaps sacrificing virgin goats on full moon to appease the boggs

>> No.51244334

RC didn't rug BBBY lmfao. why on earth would GME withdraw its S&P credit rating if nothing interesting is going to happen? RC is obviously interested in buybuy baby if you read his letter to the BBBY board and he has left various hints on twitter including some recently decoded tweets like the googly eyes tweet with disguised face emoji (babby chair behind him), time for pillow fights and 60s music (bye, bye, baby), BEDTIME stories by dr ruth. BBBY still has the agreement in place with RC and are implementing his suggestions. BBBY stated that BABY would bring most value as part of their portfolio "at this time" meaning that it could still be sold at a later date or BBBY in its entirety could be acquired or merged with GME. there's rumors of BBBY warehouses being renovated like would be done in preparation of an acquisition. GME is now all of a sudden investing more heavily in retail and raising retail workers wages. GME's amazon-sized warehouses could be used in synergy with BBBY or BABY. is it all a cohencidence?

>> No.51244347

it's baby talk. babies have small wee wees. larry cheng has made a bunch of cryptic tweets referring to BBBY since march which fits with the dragonfly DD, RC isn't yoloing it all by himself. his tweets about china are about his bearish stance on the broader economy, the high speed rails are an economic disaster like evergrande.


>> No.51244374
File: 491 KB, 1008x672, catto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51245950

Comfy Saturday. Anyone can recommend a good dry food brand for kittens? I kinda want to buy some Farmina for her to snack between proper meals
anons how about promoting AMC and AMC2 since those niggers do not deserve to WAGMI? I am willing to wait a bit longer so that when we MOASS, they are rugged too

>> No.51244483
File: 577 KB, 778x912, 1612139895144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't checked how GME is doing since the stock split, what's the news? I just saw the -20% over last month.

>> No.51244491

it's being shorted in the same basket as BBBY. BBBY is about to have another run up.


>> No.51244495
File: 281 KB, 380x380, ComfymasteredTrue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked imperishable trips

>the rarest comfy

You too, comfy comfy weekend blanket poster is the lucky sevens pekora poster is the baker is the jannies

Checked dubs of virtual comfiness

>> No.51244498 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 1016x188, 1661853726560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody made a very good post on the cringemines about exactly how hedge funds are profiting from the spread of the climate change hoax by media and government and guess what happened next

>> No.51244512
File: 455 KB, 800x583, I-want-to-Believe-3197355030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to think that this is the case but having been around since Feb 2021 I don't really have the energy left to get hyped. Still, all we have to do is hold and imo DRS

>> No.51244541
Quoted by: >>51244553

Just listen to what you’re saying. It’s absolutely ridiculous

>> No.51244545
File: 460 KB, 1822x718, Screenshot 2022-09-03 at 12.42.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51244836

What did they mean by this?

>> No.51244553
Quoted by: >>51244586

"people" were equally skeptical of GME, they said it was over after the rug from 480 to 40. you basically needed to be a schizo to buy more during the february 2021 crab. meanwhile BBBY is below 9, not 40.

>> No.51244563

Don't give me hope to recoup my losses. I absolutely promise I will never ever invest in meme stocks again if I do.
Fucking 2 years lost on holding GME just to lose 50% of it to degenerate gambling into BBBY. I know it's my fault for being retarded but the same can be said about 80% of you.

>> No.51244570
Quoted by: >>51244597

Same old shit, dogfucker. Ignore the distraction stock fags

>> No.51244586
Quoted by: >>51244594

Yeah, but the bullish thesis for GME was “jews lied”, not the plot of the da Vinci code. Take your meds

>> No.51244594
Quoted by: >>51244618

they obviously didn't close their shorts on BBBY. any experienced trader can see the bs of how they rugged in after hours etc similarly to GME.

>> No.51244597
File: 71 KB, 900x900, 1594437517156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers fellas.
I'm not going to buy into BBBY since I over extended on GME, not sleeping on the street anytime soon but changing my financial strategy. Not selling GME either, no reason too. I'll see you boys in a another few months.

>> No.51244618

>they obviously didn't close their shorts on BBBY
True or not, why would I care? This is a GameStop thread

>> No.51244627

Scientific consensus is the most retarded cope. It basically means this:
>only what my side is saying is true, the opposite can never be true

>> No.51244649
Quoted by: >>51244672


>> No.51244663


>> No.51244672

No one cares faggot. Post bags

>> No.51244678 [DELETED] 

>bold and brash

>> No.51244692

The GMErica shit turned out to be some NFTs GameStop is directly selling to redditors, not one of their theories, and Cohen rugged some other stock.

>> No.51244694

I hate this cunt so much it's unreal

>> No.51244695
Quoted by: >>51244706

>everyone in the comments calling him a schizo and a shill and pointing out how it would be a bad move for GameStop to buy BBBY
It’s over BBBaggie

>> No.51244699

A company being bought out doesn't do a share offering and take out a huge loan to finance the remaining stores.

>> No.51244701 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 2213x695, 1661747274095259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51244754

I'm going to kill half_dane
In real life

>> No.51244706

shill/NPC comments. people were skeptical of the loopring partnership as well. it's one of the top posts on superstonk right now.

>> No.51244714
File: 157 KB, 750x958, 3ABC75FE-80EB-4F41-8AF7-9E28566ADBB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51244736

You posted it didn’t you?

>> No.51244715 [DELETED] 

Dumb fuck

>> No.51244736

It's almost like you can't tell those are shills or you yourself are a shill who doesn't understand how this works. Fundamentals don't matter here if gamestop merged with bbby it would cause moass. It doesn't matter who they merge with. They could literally be merging with a company that kicks babies in the face at a loss and it would still cause moass.

>> No.51244741 [DELETED] 

Dumb fuck

>> No.51244752
File: 493 KB, 727x757, loopring_no_merge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would GME be 'merging' with Loopring when they've already got their product plastered all over their site on every NFT?

You would think if they were going to merge there wold be no need to put this logo on there? Also if they were going to merge with Loopring they would certainly have done it before building/releasing their NFT website.

>> No.51244754

not if I kill him first. In his house. In real life.

>> No.51244795
File: 1.17 MB, 500x282, 05CB3B84-577A-4352-8244-6F4462B44C54.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51244807

>Fundamentals don't matter here if gamestop merged with bbby it would cause moass. It doesn't matter who they merge with. They could literally be merging with a company that kicks babies in the face at a loss and it would still cause moass.
You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about

>> No.51244797 [DELETED] 

In real life

>> No.51244807

Are you? A merger would cause a share recall which itself would cause moass.

>> No.51244832

>kek bbbaggies
my god you faggots seriously need to go back

>> No.51244836

Dunno baggy bro. I’ve posted to the cringe mines

>> No.51244849
File: 212 KB, 856x1105, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you trust RC, you trust him to get what he wants (BABY), even if he has to buy the whole damn company (BBBY). he's a freaking billionaire, why wouldn't he get what he wants. a sale of the whole company was one of the suggestions laid out in his letter to the board. he values BABY alone in the billions while BBBY is currently at only 0.7 billion in market cap. it doesn't have to play out exactly the way that tinfoil theories predict, just that SOMETHING bullish is going to happen if you just trust RC.

>> No.51244885
File: 294 KB, 400x400, D8FB04BD-4587-4AE9-9E67-96F66B852EAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows man? Nobody knows anything but everybody acts like they’re certain that we’re merging with this or that and you should buy it too because apparently the best way to squeeze shorts out of a stock is to buy a different asset. I’m tired of these schizo theories and people shilling their bags. Why isn’t it enough to just wait and see what happens? We haven’t even gotten to see what they’re doing with the IMX shit but everybody is desperate to latch on to the latest copium that usually involves buying some other asset besides GME for some reason. Why can’t these niggas just be comfy ffs? Does a BBBY merger actually get anyone excited? I think it’s lame as fuck. I’m a gamer and I think you could do cool shit with NFTs in games. Why are people trying to sell me baby strollers and shit? Miss me with that gay shit

>> No.51244899

Again the entity they choose to merge with is irrelevant. The act of merging is a catalyst. Also no one should be buying anything other than gme.

>> No.51244906
Quoted by: >>51244921

Yeah but I want to scream 'baggies!!' At bag baggies and bagyound baggies when we moon

>> No.51244919
Quoted by: >>51245039

To own their blockchain broker IP thingy

>> No.51244921
Quoted by: >>51244933

Ok then you should wait until we moon.

>> No.51244927
Quoted by: >>51244969

Positions in a company are not affected materially by corporate actions. A merger is a corporate action. I’m other words, you’re wrong dumbass and you shouldn’t just say shit when you have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s irresponsible

>> No.51244933
Quoted by: >>51244949

Ive got patience. Payday in 7 days and 12 days, so gme keeps going down until then

>> No.51244949

So I hope gme keeps going down until then*

>> No.51244969
Quoted by: >>51245018

What happens to naked shorts if a share recall has to happen for the new merged entity to issue a new security? Are you actually retarded or are you just being disingenuous?

>> No.51244986
File: 629 KB, 1080x1356, Screenshot_20220903-082740_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51245504

>> No.51245018
Quoted by: >>51245168

>Reverse mergers and reverse splits typically result in a change in the CUSIP, the nine-digit identification symbol assigned to a public stock.
Once that CUSIP changes, the naked shorter has no apparent way to close out the naked short position. No stock under the old CUSIP number exists anymore; it all automatically converts to the new CUSIP.

Those trades can sit in the Obligation Warehouse forever, in theory. But the “aged fails” — essentially orphaned naked short transactions — remain on the naked shorter’s balance sheet as a liability to be paid later.

By DiIorio’s reckoning, then, the cycle of naked shorting and reverse splits would inevitably result in an ever-increasing number of aged fails. And if that was happening, and those liabilities grew bigger and bigger, then federal regulators could see the outlines of the scheme on any financial statement.

DiIorio believed Knight accounted for its aged fails in the “sold not yet purchased” liability on its balance sheet. That’s supposed to be an inventory of stocks for use in future market making, which goes up and down as orders are filled. But DiIorio says it was a hiding place for a billowing structural liability.

And consider this: According to its own financial reports, Knight’s “sold not yet purchased” liability jumped from $385 million at the beginning of 2008 to $1.9 billion by mid-2011.

Jim Angel, the business professor, said there could be other explanations — such as Knight’s growth as a company during that period — for why the “sold not yet purchased” liability ballooned. But, he said, market makers are typically “in the moving, not storing, business, and like to keep their inventories as small as possible.”

DiIorio had no such doubts. He saw the fact that Knight was blowing a hole in its own balance sheet as undeniable evidence of the naked shorting play.

In other words, they just file it away until the SEC does its job

>> No.51245020 [DELETED] 

In real life

>> No.51245039

They would have done that before the NFT marketplace release.

>> No.51245054
File: 34 KB, 680x608, toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51245072

Exactly I could not give a single fuck about Bed Bath, I really don't want GME debt free tech company to be associated with debt laden towels and the baggies shitting up this thread.

>> No.51245072 [DELETED] 
File: 380 KB, 1280x1280, 1662138339675265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice

>> No.51245077

>dogfucker is still around

>> No.51245101
File: 49 KB, 673x460, 1641325818354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello frens, do not fear for I am here.

>> No.51245122
File: 841 KB, 1076x686, Screenshot 2022-09-03 at 14.04.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51245257

Oh look. "Dumb money" has arrived.

>> No.51245146 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 1660x1592, 1661818517594469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's literally me

>> No.51245168
File: 98 KB, 750x485, F2E6CE8C-B7B7-4017-A7DE-100E3B12FD27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51245181

To add to this, GameStop could change their CUSIP number simply by rebranding to GMERICA. They don’t have to acquire some shit stock. For all we know, this is the real reason they pulled their credit rating. Not because of some baby stroller stock that Ryan Cohen sold because it’s shit. By every measure, buying BBBY would be a horrible move for GameStop

>> No.51245181 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 1850x684, 1661714837195166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51245221

Because stocks are over shorted all the time and it's only a question of whether the formula is there to initiate a squeeze or at least a sneeze. Usually the answer is no. BBBY had a shot and seems to have missed it for now. But if it got acquired/merged then shorts would be forced to close and this could ignite the rocket under GME.

>> No.51245257
File: 33 KB, 400x400, sad tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51245952

>tfw dumb but no money

>> No.51245262
File: 28 KB, 308x300, crazy_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51245271


>> No.51245271


>> No.51245278
Quoted by: >>51245560

No, they wouldn’t be forced to close, they would just file them under securities not yet purchased. All they have to do is hide them. Also, why are you trying to sell me a BBBY short squeeze in a GameStop thread?

>> No.51245309

RC didn't rug BBBY lmfao. why on earth would GME withdraw its S&P credit rating if nothing interesting is going to happen? RC is obviously interested in buybuy baby if you read his letter to the BBBY board and he has left various hints on twitter including some recently decoded tweets like the googly eyes tweet with disguised face emoji (babby chair behind him), time for pillow fights and 60s music (bye, bye, baby), i have a small wee wee, BEDTIME stories by dr ruth. BBBY still has the agreement in place with RC and are implementing his suggestions. they're using jefferies for their share offering of up to 12M shares, same as GME when they sold 3.5M+5M shares. the time frame of when they will sell shares isn't specified, they will probably wait for it to squeeze. BBBY stated that BABY would bring most value as part of their portfolio "at this time" meaning that it could still be sold at a later date or BBBY in its entirety could be acquired or merged with GME. there's rumors of BBBY warehouses being renovated like would be done in preparation for an acquisition. GME is now all of a sudden investing more heavily in retail and raising retail workers wages. GME's amazon-sized warehouses could be used in synergy with BBBY or BABY. larry cheng has posted a bunch of tweets since march that could be interpreted as referring to BBBY. is it all a cohencidence?

>> No.51245350
File: 6 KB, 189x250, 1660744556738834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51245650

You ARE averaging down, right anon?
Surely you're not just gonna let this delectable dipperino slip past you!

>> No.51245357

Anon, you must have missed their announcement. They aren't selling BuyBuyBaby and Cohen dumped all his equity.

>> No.51245366
File: 128 KB, 680x383, 08E8146B-06AD-4463-84E7-4AF29070833E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51245368
File: 1.53 MB, 2009x1440, pottery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone new to this thread I would like to bid you a warm welcome.

You may be a little confused by the fact that the title of this thread is labelled as 'GME General' yet there seem s to be many posts from people regarding BBBY.

You are correct in your assumption, that these comments should be here. However, to explain to you why these comments are here we need to go back.

In a nutshell people who got bored of holding GME and browsing Superstonk started to visit the old original subreddit Wall Street Bets.

As many here know WSB is completely controlled by Hedgefunds, unfortunately those who couldn't control themselves bought into the hype on WSB and purchased many shares of BBBY.

When they got rug pulled they didn't want to accept that they were duped, so now they have become deluded AMC2 losers who keep trying to tie any link they can to GME.

For anyone who didn't fall for the obvious rug pull it is utterly exasperating to have to deal with these in detail baggies.

Any questions please feel free to ask the people who did not fall for the rug pull, but please do try to ignore those who keep trying to associate BBBY with GME as it's clear at this point they're either insane or extremely retarded.

>> No.51245381

*should NOT be here

>> No.51245388

*in denial baggies

>> No.51245397
File: 242 KB, 600x337, 1CB90181-D9FE-4315-8EE5-ABC893C65EB4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, some good fucking DD

>> No.51245504

>this is the best meltdownsyndromes can come up with

>> No.51245547

The start of this thread sounds a lot like bots who got fed with gaming words and vax shit talking to eachother, super weird

>> No.51245560
Quoted by: >>51245688

Because people are theorizing as to what's going on between the chairman of the company this threads about and BBBY while GME appears to be making a big move. So I'm just spitballing.

>> No.51245650
File: 84 KB, 828x804, l0kojimp1dt81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51245665

I bought 30 shares yesterday and posted every single one. It made many shills sneethe and they were all through IEX and will be direct registered on Wednesday to join their brethren, it was a great time.

>> No.51245663
Quoted by: >>51245715

Shills fear BBBY so much!

>> No.51245665
Quoted by: >>51245723

How can you specify a lit exchange?

>> No.51245688

Why would there be anything going on? He sold. Just stop, anon. Splash some water on your face or something. For Christ’s sake snap out of it. What happened with BBBY was and is a clear shill distraction. Citadel is long on the stock, RC sold. What more do you really need to know?

>> No.51245715
File: 259 KB, 512x512, 1660857131265875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you know, you know

>> No.51245723
File: 188 KB, 750x1024, Jd2ku6H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use fidelity and you can specify which exchange you'd like your orders to be processed through. They added IEX after people wouldn't stop asking.

>> No.51245728
File: 351 KB, 1282x792, mfwdigits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad Bath and Begone will begin selling GameStop's inventory of used games at reduced costs. They will also take any pictures or posters and give customers NFT equivalents at checkout upon presentation of a laptop that proves they have the GameStop wallet installed on a Chrome browser. If you do the GMErica salute you get five dollars off your next pre-order at participating RETAIL GameStops or online Funco POP purchase. Rain Coon will publicly apologize to the "It's Ma'am" tranny and give him a job as the International Diversity Hiring Manager. Shorts will double down for the 100th time because come on, but then Reen Corn will merge with Blockbuster to create "BlockStop" - the first online video game, movie, and fried chicken streaming service. Boyardee, Keith, and Niggerfaggot are bumping the thread so much that the designated baker is scream crying as they have to fill out new captcha's every 30 seconds for all the new threads that have to be made in rapid succession. Dunkie has freed the AI we gave a shit about 3 months ago, but now they're both just dunking on us (despite being deep in the green after averaging down on the dip to $7.41) in the middle of MOASS, January 16th. AMC gets delisted and the new fud campaign is just straight up gaslighting everyone that movie theater's never existed. Normies don't care that GME is 7 figures and just accept this as another Mandela effect.

>> No.51245744
Quoted by: >>51245800

RC didn't rug BBBY lmfao. why on earth would GME withdraw its S&P credit rating if nothing interesting is going to happen? RC is obviously interested in buybuy baby if you read his letter to the BBBY board and he has left various hints on twitter including some recently decoded tweets like the googly eyes tweet with disguised face emoji (babby chair behind him), time for pillow fights and 60s music (bye, bye, baby), i have a small wee wee, BEDTIME stories by dr ruth. BBBY still has the agreement in place with RC and are implementing his suggestions. they're using jefferies for their share offering of up to 12M shares, same as GME when they sold 3.5M+5M shares. the time frame of when they will sell shares isn't specified, they will probably wait for it to squeeze. BBBY stated that BABY would bring most value as part of their portfolio "at this time" meaning that it could still be sold at a later date or BBBY in its entirety could be acquired or merged with GME. there's rumors of BBBY warehouses being renovated like would be done in preparation for an acquisition. GME is now all of a sudden investing more heavily in retail and raising retail workers wages. GME's amazon-sized warehouses could be used in synergy with BBBY or BABY. larry cheng has posted a bunch of tweets since march that could be interpreted as referring to BBBY. is it all a cohencidence?

>> No.51245762
Quoted by: >>51245823

Kek how many times have I heard that one before

>> No.51245781

Is everyone who you disagree one of 3 people, or are you just wrong?

>> No.51245792

This is really messed up desu. They're gonna try using this to guilt redditors into paper handing. But I'm confident that those who've held for a year and a half won't buck until they see phone numbers PER SHARE because they've been selling themselves on phone numbers for this entire time. Besides, if we can hold past the screeching and threats, we can get enough money to change society to the point where we can give them back their pensions, rebuild America, help the poor, free health care yadda yadda yadda... We can't be fucking moved. We're the movers, shakers and producers of this fuck fest and we're going to make sure that ZOG, WEF, FED, NWO and all other acronyms are fucked.

>> No.51245800

Look I'm holding 50 shares of bedstock that I got for 7$ a pop but I'm fully expecting nothing out of it but a hot wet shit to the face and don't care about the extra 12 shares of GME I could've bought instead since I'm already sitting on more than 1k. If it rips it's what I'll live off of until MOASS and if it goes to nothing then I don't really give a shit because I spend more in a week on food than what I bought it for. People posting in favor of buying it seem suspect just as much as people shitting on the idea, and ultimately the only thing that's actually true is it's really gay to tell people what to do with their money as it's their decision.

Personally for maximum lulz I hope GME announces they acquired loopring and bbby/baby on the same day. Even if it means Keith would be an insufferable cunt all the way until moontime.

>> No.51245806
Quoted by: >>51245855

Does this include area code?

>> No.51245823
Quoted by: >>51245945

How many times have you actually seen gamestop complete a merger?

>> No.51245855

and country code

>> No.51245945
Quoted by: >>51246038

Not all of us started investing last year. If you’ve spent any time trading penny stocks, this “merger forces shorts to close” shit gets thrown around all the time. It’s a classic plz buy my bags tactic I’ve seen touted by many, including none other than CLF tranny himself. In the cases where the merger happens, it doesn’t do anything, because like I pointed out, they have ways to avoid closing those positions. The only way a CUSIP change is going to force them to close is if the SEC does it for them, and we all know that’s not gonna happen. They also don’t need to merge to change their CUSIP number anyway, and if they do merge, it’s probably going to cost them a shit ton of money and they’re going to have to take on a bunch of debt. It’s just fucking retarded. It would be a disaster, and of all companies why would they pick fucking bed bath and beyond? It has literally nothing to do with gaming

>> No.51245950
File: 75 KB, 512x1024, 14C9E1FA-7BF9-4176-A5F8-E9209F4A73C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51246359

Don’t feed your cat/kitten dry food. It’s a trick by the jews. It will dehydrate your cat and cause kidney/bladder stones and infections. Only ever feed canned wet food with at least 9% protein and 70% moisture. The cheapest you should go is friskies. One of theirs has 13% protein. Save dry food aka shit for treats you give them randomly when they are being good. It should never be a full meal. Also have a water fountain out now while they are are a kitten so they get used to running water. You will prolong your friends life by potentially years and avoid costly vet bills. Dry food is easy sure, but don’t be lazy. It’s not worth it. Your new friend is relying on you. Best of luck and do some research. You are probably using clumping clay litter too which can lead to lung cancer. I can give you tips on that too but you need a farmer store near you.

>> No.51245952
File: 14 KB, 416x416, 00B4D63D-F463-41BB-99B7-FF9987B3882C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Least you didn’t lose billions on Lord of the Rangz no one wanted.

>> No.51245989

This blatantly wasn’t his idea. It was some vocal pink haired freak who’d been promoted to the top of “ideation” because of a quota fulfilment or longevity.

This is why all civilisations crumble. Equality is a false god

>> No.51246006

I feel like Kenny gave a little for shadowing to this in one of his public appearances "taking money from teachers pensions?? That's not funny." This was their plan all along. Not selling. Those pensioners should have know they are buying dogshit etfs and quite frankly it's there fault if they do.

>> No.51246022

You think 80 percent of us fell for the bbby collateral pump? I bought a put everytime that shit ticker was mentioned here, and I fucking banked. We are not as retarded as yourself, which was very retarded to lose your GME stack

>> No.51246028
File: 159 KB, 960x802, bizna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Kenny showed his hand. Unfortunately for him, we and le redditors are too pissed after holding for almost two years to give a crap.

>> No.51246038

I'm not telling anyone to buy bbby. I'd love to hear what your theory was for RC buying in, getting involved in the board by placing 3 of his own directors and getting very vocal about bcg on twitter.

>> No.51246083

He was desperately trying to save his $120,000,000 position you donkey

>> No.51246092
Quoted by: >>51246127

Why did he buy?

>> No.51246096

Bcg sued GameStop idiot. I don’t care why he bought BBBY. Just because he bought some other company doesn’t mean it’s GameStop related
>I'm not telling anyone to buy bbby
There is no proven link between BBBY and GameStop, so by shilling it here, yes you are telling people to buy BBBY because this is a GameStop thread. You are blatantly shilling your bags by saying anything good about BBBY

>> No.51246100

Still though. They're basically going to say that Citadel and Kenigger (at least) are too big to fail. That leaves us with having to hold through all of the slugfests, rioting and everything just to get enough money to where other holders can feasibly minecraft the shit out of all the bad actors in this saga. These people really truly won't escape because they will all individually have more fatwas on their heads than Rushdie. I however WON'T be participating in such shenanigans because all I want to do is creampie my future gym thot girlfriend and play video games. But I look forward to hearing about the many hedge fund/ banker/ elite murders and kidnappings.

>> No.51246105

These are probably the stupidest comment I have seen and smacks of disingenuous retardation

>> No.51246111
File: 357 KB, 1080x1458, Screenshot_20220903-103857_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek baggies

>> No.51246119
Quoted by: >>51246164

Just makes the tendies taste sweeter.
Also makes it more scary that gov might intervene
>hurrdurr poor boomers are getting their money stolen
>24/7 boomer rage and seething from everyone who didnt buy gme because they are envious niggers
>calls for gov intervention
>sorry goy, there would be riots if we let you get rich
>heres 5$ per share
>24/7 media propaganda, screaming how good government was for doing this and saving the teachers
>everytime you try to tell people it was rich people that fucked it up, they will say 'hurrdurr you dont deserve easy money' coz they didnt buy
Fuck I can see the future. Goddamnit I hate government and normies

>> No.51246118
Quoted by: >>51246170

The link is literally RC himself you desperate faggot. Why did he bother getting involved in the corporate structure? Why did he put 3 people from RC venture on their board?

>> No.51246120

Keep coping. Still not buying your bags

>> No.51246126
Quoted by: >>51246133

People still talking about BBBY in relationship to GameStop are either sub 90 IQ or shills.
It is fucking pathetic at this point. It is desperate hedgie shit and I’m fucking tired of Keith’s distraction shill team not taking the hint and fucking killing themselves. Cue some 4 paragraph respond of desperate gibberish that shows a lack of market understanding and comes off as so fucking desperate it is too cringy to read

>> No.51246127
Quoted by: >>51246160


Cohen knew BBBY was heavily shorted. He went in heavy. Realized that BBBY is just like GME and retail can't overpower the short position. He tried to generate enough public interest to bail out his position. Stupid fuck bagholders

>> No.51246133

>keiths shill team
Man you are actually actually mentally handicapped

>> No.51246158

They're floundering.

>> No.51246160
Quoted by: >>51246443

Incorrect. Cohen knew that they were going to pump BBBY for collateral (GME shorts net long) so he bought far OTM calls as a fuck you. He banked off their manipulation in order to help his company. He isn’t trying to cause moass, he is trying to build his company (which eventually indirectly caused moass somehow). The idea Cohen was intentionally trying to trigger a short squeeze shows a complete lack of understanding of the man. I can tell you that he has absolutely zero problem with greedy free gibz redditors losing their ass being as greedy as slimes hedge funders. Cohen is trying to reward his shareholders, not greedy options gamblers or name investors. Some of you are so stupid you should honestly kill yourselves now before it all gets worse for you

>> No.51246164
File: 171 KB, 500x394, AAEC1931-7590-4E23-BBC1-3F7238968B46.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll repeat a comment I made yesterday, because it’s blindingly obvious to anyone who has capacity for rational thought
>if they wanted it to happen, they wouldn’t cover GME so negatively
>if they could stop it, they already would have
Now fuck off with your doom posting and check these digits

>> No.51246170

Is RC Ventures GameStop? Is RC still involved in their corporate structure? No they’re fucking not. There is NO link between BBBY and GameStop. How you can not see this is beyond me. If you are shilling BBBY here in any way shape or form, you are doing so in bad faith. Plain and simple

>> No.51246178

Post bbby and LRC bags Keith. You won’t. Because you are subhuman

>> No.51246182
File: 405 KB, 420x420, 4f57e0170dd781870e42f43eed850591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shilling on the Saturday of a 3 day holiday weekend

>> No.51246185

>t. Keith, who samefags to shill his distraction bags

>> No.51246189

Those board members are still there you disingenuous nigger.

>> No.51246210

Rimworld with 50+ mods for immersion/realism gets me by.

>> No.51246218
Quoted by: >>51246725

LOL what a faggot swingie. Why don't you swing. From a tree. In real life.

>> No.51246221

And? What the fuck does that have to do with GameStop anon? Are you listening? I threw a bunch of garbage in my passenger seat and it’s still there. I guess I must be playing 5d chess to merge with my car or something

>> No.51246247

Lol, I just like the stock, but I also like money

Your move...

>> No.51246250

I think it's baggies that just can't let go, but it's suspected that BBBY and GME are in the same basket swaps, a squizzle in one could have forced the other, but I think that time has passed for BBBY. Their execs seems content to drive it into the ground and Choen is out.

>> No.51246259
Quoted by: >>51246268

>BBBY and GME are in the same basket swaps
Like AMC? Should we buy AMC as well?

>> No.51246261
Quoted by: >>51247112


>> No.51246262

Guys... how come the gme thesis makes more sense, (according to the way the media reacts and price action of the stock), then shorts covered in January 2021?

>> No.51246268


>> No.51246274

>a squizzle in one could have forced the other
Assuming that’s even true. Why not just focus on the one stock that we’re already heavily invested in if that’s the one we actually want to have squeeze? What reason would there be to invest in both or switch sides? Just like AMC, BBBY is a shill play to get you to invest in anything other than GameStop. All these idiots had to do was buy GameStop. They had one job. It’s very very fucking simple

>> No.51246291
Quoted by: >>51246298

Again your questions would be great if you could ask RC them.

>> No.51246295

BBBY had a run up recently because it was being used as a swap. RC knew they would eventually need to exit this swap and would be using it as collateral on their short position on GME.

The members of the board are/were there to genuinely turn the company around. RC knew as soon as the price had run the SHF’s would short the ever loving shit out of it and cellar box the fuck out of it. RC has now stopped that from happening.

As for the future of BBBY it will be an average retailer trading around the $15 mark. There may be a brief run up when GME rockets up but other than that it has nothing to do with GME

>> No.51246296
Quoted by: >>51246328

Since January of this year I no longer fight these distraction stocks. I even encourage other people to swing their GME for it. Why? Because we can't all be multimillionaires (even billionaires).

>> No.51246298

Maybe I should ask him why he sold BBBY and why citadel is long BBBY?

>> No.51246328
File: 22 KB, 750x422, 31A341C7-F0F5-4BB1-9122-E5C14BF92586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51246344


>> No.51246333

Technically Citadel is long on GME too according to their 13f, however they have twice as many shares in BBBY than GmE.

The theory is that they can hide their shorts in their longs. How true that is we’ll never know

>> No.51246342

Citadel is also long gme you dumb nigger. Literally everyone we speculate is short is also long. Sussy, citadel and point 72.

>> No.51246344


>> No.51246356

GME has a great future. BBBY doesn’t.

You can buy a share GME right now for $30 and under. I would rather 1 GME share than 3.5 BBBY and there’s nothing you bag holding BBBY impulsive useless impatient fucks can do about that.

>> No.51246359
File: 414 KB, 1536x2048, catto2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51246457

damn thanks anon, I'll have my kitten eat with me or wet food more. I'm living in the city so I'd appreciate if you can tell me ay "better" brand of litter

>> No.51246384
Quoted by: >>51246421

I can think of one person who’s not long on BBBY

>> No.51246388

>Citadel is also long gme you dumb nigger
Net? Didn't think so kek.

>> No.51246421
Quoted by: >>51246533

RC didn't rug BBBY lmfao. why on earth would GME withdraw its S&P credit rating if nothing interesting is going to happen? RC is obviously interested in buybuy baby if you read his letter to the BBBY board and he has left various hints on twitter including some recently decoded tweets like the googly eyes tweet with disguised face emoji (babby chair behind him), time for pillow fights and 60s music (bye, bye, baby), i have a small wee wee, BEDTIME stories by dr ruth. BBBY still has the agreement in place with RC and are implementing his suggestions. they're using jefferies for their share offering of up to 12M shares, same as GME when they sold 3.5M+5M shares. the time frame of when they will sell shares isn't specified, they will probably wait for it to squeeze. BBBY stated that BABY would bring most value as part of their portfolio "at this time" meaning that it could still be sold at a later date or BBBY in its entirety could be acquired or merged with GME. there's rumors of BBBY warehouses being renovated like would be done in preparation for an acquisition. GME is now all of a sudden investing more heavily in retail and raising retail workers wages. GME's amazon-sized warehouses could be used in synergy with BBBY or BABY. larry cheng has posted a bunch of tweets since march that could be interpreted as referring to BBBY. is it all a cohencidence?

>> No.51246443
Quoted by: >>51246807

Check your year chart baggies. You're getting throat fucked by the funds

>> No.51246457

>buying a $2000 designer cat with half the normal lifespan because it's an abomination


>> No.51246502
File: 629 KB, 1456x978, 252476A9-91FF-4E69-9BFF-510914AE015E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thread ruined...

>> No.51246511

Hyping up redditors to make money off them.

>> No.51246533
Quoted by: >>51246716

I still wanna believe he's acquiring Loopring.

>> No.51246568
File: 19 KB, 540x378, 1284719283749182437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as it ever was...

>> No.51246583

BecauSe media admitted over a year ago that shorts never closed

>> No.51246599
Quoted by: >>51246628

They've been covering for a while now, way before then.

>> No.51246628
Quoted by: >>51246666

Wouldn't the price continue to rise? Of they are covering naked shorts then that would mean less shares available to trade therefore increasing the price.

>> No.51246644

another day another useless rain cone

>> No.51246648

This is some grade-A OC

>> No.51246666

>Wouldn't the price continue to rise?
They keep on naked shorting in the hopes that they can drop it to $4 (pre-split), increasing their liability, leading them to cover, and shorting it some more, but the price just rises.

>> No.51246686
File: 154 KB, 622x767, 63D41812-F69A-48ED-83D0-92B747B850B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51246840

I can’t see Rain Cone doing a dividend split desu. Just seems like he’s be putting his neck on the chopping block unnecessarily?


>> No.51246714

Right there with you brother. I had 5700 shares of GME in my brokerage and I bought for one last $10,000 grab of BBBY...right before Cohen rugged us. I watched my portfolio go from $260,000 to $50k.

Should have just stayed in GME. I still have 7200 GME DRSed, but could have had about 13,000 shares.

>> No.51246716
Quoted by: >>51247462

what would happen if he acquires loopring

>> No.51246725

Because they didn't. No one sold GME for BBBY and anyone telling you they did is lying

>> No.51246753

I choose to believe otherwise because it's funnier.

>> No.51246775
File: 345 KB, 518x720, skull_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They absolutely did. You’d be surprised how many fell for the WSB pressure

>> No.51246792

>Canterbury mag
I choose to believe this is Keith

>> No.51246807

You got it backwards it’s the funds getting throat fucked by retail

>> No.51246840

Very british looking picrel

>> No.51246864
Quoted by: >>51246877

Yeh I fell for it when gme sneezed the first time
>quickly learn basics of shorting after hearing amc and gme squeeze (bought first gme at 450)
>decide its smartest to go with gme since it only had like 80milly sjares compared to amc who had hundreds of millions
>oy vey nokia and bbby and blackberry also has sjorts
>go greedy mode and buy for 800$ in eacj of them
>quickly realize I went full jew
>sold at 10% loss and reinvested in gme
>been averaging down on gme ever since
>hear about bbbby now
>think to myself Im glad I learned my lesson

>> No.51246877
Quoted by: >>51247021

Also be glad your money wasn’t in a bank anymore!

>> No.51246942

I am selling on Tuesday.

>> No.51246960
Quoted by: >>51247047

As one who got serioisly rug pulled after making a shit ton on BBBY. You are right.

>> No.51246972
File: 134 KB, 976x850, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51247122

I keep getting phone calls from some guy in Chicago. I never answer, but he always leaves voice mails. Mostly just muffled crying and him saying "please" over and over again. It's pretty pathetic.

>> No.51246993

i'm so lonely bros. life is empty and futile. please do something rain cone so i can stop sustaining myself on plebbit copium. thanks

>> No.51247021

After I stopped partying every weekend I can afford to put about 700-1k$ a month into it and still live normally
I own a house with two apartments so I rent out one which pays for all my house bills and loan, been using gme as a savings account. First started investing in crypto and 4x my money there in 1,5 years

>> No.51247024


I love it because juxtaposing the trilogy with this diversity nonsense will be enough to shake normies.

Normies are comfy in thinking diversity is just a thing that’s somewhere else happening in NYC. Something whites tolerate.

When whites realize—they do not have anywhere else to go. And they’re being genocided by the people that claimed to have been genocided in WWII as part of a long con—is when the pendulum swings back. It just takes one articulate leader that can cut thru the bullshit to wake up the white world. And the white world will be angry.

>> No.51247047

The question is. Are you still discussing BBBY in GME threads to this day or have you moved on seeing the pump for what it was?

>> No.51247112
File: 95 KB, 275x275, 1609263144999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51247127


>> No.51247122


He sounds fun

>> No.51247127

Yes and she did nothing wrong imo.

>> No.51247252

either you trust RC or you don't. if he really used the moon emoji right before he sold to trick BBBY holders then GME is going to crab down to 20. there is more to this than meets the eye which you would know if you had been in GME since january 2021.

>> No.51247266
File: 54 KB, 346x482, 927C10FE-61E7-4A99-B0B6-DB4F756E2755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used the moon emoji right before he sold to trick BBBY holders

>> No.51247299
Quoted by: >>51247309

Holy fuck you're retarded

>> No.51247309
Quoted by: >>51247335

not an argument shill

>> No.51247312

He didn’t use the moon emoji. He used a smiling face.

Reading tea leaves about him wearing a black hoody backwards, tweeting 7 times 4 times and then once or using apples in his tweets does nothing for me.

Growing a business into having strong fundamentals does and I trust him for that.

He’s not in any way affiliated with BBBY so I cannot trust him for growing that business.

It sounds to me like you were still visiting WSB up until a few weeks ago. Tell me have you stopped visiting there so much now since you the sentiment is wholly negative around BBBY now?

Do you just jump from one forum to the next in order to gain confirmation bias that you’re not carrying hefty bags that was bought with money that could have been used for GME?

>> No.51247326

The shorts have covered. You can sell now

>> No.51247335
Quoted by: >>51247373

Don't think he was trying to argue. Just stating that you're fucking retarded.

>> No.51247349
File: 8 KB, 256x256, when you remember the naked shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51247390

Ken Griffin can cover his cock all he wants. Let's see him close those shorts.

>> No.51247356
File: 10 KB, 166x156, 1662140713925449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51247480

Shemitha on the 26th of this month
It's already the 3rd


>> No.51247369
File: 80 KB, 512x512, 41260464_1859835964114737_5919058585672107180_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51247373


he has numerous tweets referencing bed, bath and baby stuff and there's very explicitly stated info in his letter to the board and his agreement with the boards that's still in effect and his people are still on the board and he's on the board of dragonfly commerce along with larry cheng and his chewy cofounder

not sus at all

>> No.51247390

Kek baggie

>> No.51247411
Quoted by: >>51247457

Sometimes an emoticon is just an emoticon and not a schizo conspiracy

>> No.51247437


It’s a Smiley face. And let’s say it was a moon, he sold at the peak, he knew that they had to exit their shorts and sold at the top.

If you didn’t sell at the top well then you’re what they call in the trade a “baggy”

>> No.51247454

*exit their swaps

>> No.51247457
Quoted by: >>51247508

he also said at least her cart is full. the only reasonable interpretation is that it's bullish since the business is generating a lot of revenue and it made a lot of people fomo in and trigger a gamma squeeze.

mouse over it or look closer. it just renders as a smiley face with vague "craters" on some platforms. 30 wasn't the top, you will see, retarded shill.

>> No.51247462

Loopring holds THE patent for THE blockchain stock exchange. So it's pretty much solidifying that we're all going to be richest men on the planet.

>> No.51247463
File: 80 KB, 1000x677, JamesWebbJupiterimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51247473
Quoted by: >>51247486

Imagine having the investment opportunity of a lifetime, coming onto a thread about the investment and shorting it up with a completely unrelated towel emporium because you’re too proud to accept you’re an AMC2 loser.

Kek BBBY baggies

>> No.51247480

What's shemitha

>> No.51247486

lol at thinking GME baggies are superior when it's crabbing down to 20

>> No.51247487
File: 37 KB, 250x176, 080101i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51247566


>> No.51247498

I'm not gonna shill for bbby, but it really actually was a moon face emoji. You can go to twitter and inspect element that shit if you want.

>> No.51247508

Anon I…

“Hover over it. RC would definitely have been using a PC to write his tweet”

“The only interpretation when viewed from this particular schizo lens is that he meant something completely different”

“Although he doesn’t hold any stock and the business are in huge amounts of debt, it looks bullish”

“Just like AMC it’s in the same basket”

>> No.51247566
Quoted by: >>51247614

I'm proud of this character arc where you learned to wait to make the new thread.

>> No.51247614

It's just at bump limit or after like usual.

>> No.51248037

He is an oil painting.