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>> No.59785528 [View]
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oh fuck off who made you the judge

>> No.59695958 [View]
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>Don't fall for any scams

>> No.59577929 [View]
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>if you're not then you aren't worthy anyway.
Too bad for you that's not up to you. If you want to make it, then that means I make it too.

>> No.59454378 [View]
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so when am i gonna get money

>> No.59446441 [View]
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What do you think his quota is?

>> No.59437894 [View]
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It used to be that people would diversify their portfolio because of unknown risks. The brokers are impossibly ass-mad because so much of the easy-retail-money is now flowing directly into their weakspot.
MOASS is 100% a FACT and you will MAKE SIX MILLION DOLLARS. You don't need a pension, 401k, social security or even health insurance. GME is all you need.

>> No.58982637 [View]
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>Use the legal system to force corrupt hedge funds to give you the equity you are entitled to
You mean like the MJL guy who tried to do that but got btfo and now has to pay a fine?

>> No.58974349 [View]
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The hedgies are mad that BBBYchads will get paid out for the proven fraud investigation and they are going to take all of that money and slurp GME.

>> No.58942147 [View]
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Did I get banned again.

>> No.58832013 [View]
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>another cryptic announcement
this dude really enjoys leading people on

>> No.58817449 [View]
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I really really really hope that this reaches a conclusion this year

>> No.58780987 [View]
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So if nothing happens at the end of September, will this finally be officially over? Or will there be another secret tinfoil induced endgame?

>> No.58681878 [View]
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Should I expect extensive court battles spanning multiple years for this to reach any sort of resolution?

>> No.58659469 [View]
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>It's gonna happen
>Expect delays though

>> No.58648775 [View]
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I'm pretty sure CH11 is going to wrap up relatively soon and we'll all find out that we are ALL going to make it.

>> No.58610470 [View]
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So that hearing was another pointless waste of time with no actual results

>> No.58442661 [View]
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>I don't care a shit past that
Keep hiding behind your anime girl images, esl fag.

>> No.58357082 [View]
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They're making the frogs gay

>> No.58340248 [View]
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I just slurped

>> No.58339351 [View]
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I also would like to be rich now

>> No.57871479 [View]
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Deranged thread full of mentally ill retards

>> No.57742182 [View]
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This seethie is coming unhinged.

>> No.57623509 [View]
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gib money now pls

>> No.57522818 [View]
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>Kek narrative controllies
This is exactly correct. To put it plainly Citadel was operating a looting scheme of endless amounts of naked shorts and the SEC and FINRA were the getaway drivers. That's actually quite a profound sentiment when it comes down to a cadre of private sector operational management to step in and put a stop to the madness. The MMTLP saga sounds about as violently criminal as white collar crime as you can get. Creating an unauthorized entity to get naked shorted is akin to someone kicking in your door and robbing you at gunpoint in the middle of the night.
Let's not mince our words. This is pure desperation you would expect from someone who financially drowning and looking to you and me and everyone else under the water. The problem is the Citadel balance sheet is so hyper leveraged (likely shorts opened at $4 per share back in 2020) that can NEVER be bought back without this massive counterparty to TRILLIONS of dollars worth of derivatives.
This is a big fucking mess they created and they said it themselves. GME can theoretically go to infinity and we've all been literally meming exacting that sentiment.
There is a non-zero chance we are standing on the cusp of the end of the dollar or the U.S. capital markets as we know them. Literally two weeks away.

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