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File: 434 KB, 741x1093, 1614801507880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30144972 No.30144972 [Reply] [Original]

First signs edition

>Why Gold?

>Bullion dealers
https://jmbullion.com/ (US)
https://goldsilver.be/en/ (BE/EU/UK)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

Russian/European coins
https://oldsilver.ru/ (EU/UK/US)

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)
https://goldprice.eu5.net/ (UK)


>Bullion tax info by state:


Nitric Acid, Magnets and Ping Test

Relevant information regarding mining companies
Miners to DD

Previous thread:

>> No.30145110
File: 1.72 MB, 2488x1488, 1602556406794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


READ "A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind"

You can read it here: https://archive.org/details/a-history-of-central-banking-and-the-enslavement-of-mankind-pdfdrive/mode/2up

Direct link to PDF: https://ia601703.us.archive.org/26/items/a-history-of-central-banking-and-the-enslavement-of-mankind-pdfdrive/A_History_of_Central_Banking_and_the_Enslavement_of_Mankind__PDFDrive_.pdf

Also, see: https://files.catbox.moe/ly45vq.mp4

>> No.30145107
File: 161 KB, 1006x562, 1614564290909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30145531

first for comfy

>> No.30145140
File: 2.21 MB, 4032x3024, stack2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based meat stealer

>> No.30145231

5% of your portfolio IS in pemmican, right?

>> No.30145370
File: 51 KB, 600x410, the-wise-words-of-ricky-19-photos-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a self taught skill, you dont learn that shit going to school for rocket appliances.

>> No.30145373
File: 3.39 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_20210131_170903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what I found buried in a desk

>> No.30145387
File: 106 KB, 1920x1080, B17D58B1-2E69-4F0D-9F94-F8A7CD5B062E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30145643

If this bond yield shit keeps going on into march, I don't see how we can maintain 1700. I'd imagine we bottom out in a few weeks with mid 1600s before Powell comes out of his box for the FOMC meeting to announce yield control through whatever mechanism.

>These next few weeks will be painful for miner bros.

>> No.30145417


>> No.30145434

/pmg/? More like noglover general.

>> No.30145485
File: 58 KB, 720x720, weed bff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30145684

>the primary issue with using it to back currency is that there's no way to manage the supply
anyone with enough land and a modest amount of skill will he able to grow their own money, which will dilute the buying power of everyone else in the market.

This is not a bad thing. I know this will make the ancaps / free markcucks ree (no one really cares what they think anyway) but the government could set the price of 1 hempbuck. Isn't it a good thing to be able to grow your wealth? you are using the same args as was used against "free silver" movement in 19th century USA. huehuehue silver is more inflationary than gold. is this really an argument? you want the supply to inflate with the amount of work being done. you want people to be more rich with more work being done, don't you?

you can just trade PM's outside of this hempbux system because you can't fix their price to hempux bc their supply is limited, which again, makes them unsuitable as money.

do you really want PMs entering the currency supply? i dont. i want a public room made of gold that people can share and sit in for 15 min for medical reasons. i want silver used industrially. i want to stack shinies. i don't want that shit circulating where it can be clipped/devalued/speculated/vaults drained/made into a face of joe biden.

The limited supply of silver and gold is one of the things that makes it ideal money.

I agree that hemp is a godsend in terms of utility, it just doesn't make for sound money

>> No.30145531
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>> No.30145541
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>> No.30145572
Quoted by: >>30150965

Whu do raider tards ignore history? They'd inevitably get strung by their necks by people who would be paid in silver and people who care about maintaining order in their communities. Raidertards are the same idiots who would do cattle rustling back in the day or even armed robbery today.

>> No.30145607

Of course its the jew has to infiltrate the laws of time

>> No.30145643
Quoted by: >>30145842

How so? We have strong hands here. We understand the fundamentals. We've survived an eight month correction in PM prices. Another month or two is meaningless at this point.

>> No.30145648

THis is why we need a digital ledger.

>> No.30145664

so what is it?

>> No.30145684
File: 730 KB, 574x1134, sheffield silver bar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just realised i c&p'd that post w/o greentexting it. third line and last 2 lines are from the post i was responding to.

>> No.30145725

whoa, must be a sign to buy more silver

>> No.30145731
File: 774 KB, 1195x1131, joomerzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30145842
Quoted by: >>30146062

Oh yeah we've got the strong hands here for sure. I'm just saying it's probably a good idea to accumulate dry powder now and not go in yet as its too risky to call it a bottom now. Goldseek/GV on twitter have called the bottom and are using margin now, but I think theres more downside just from kneejerk reactions due to the bond yields.

Look at the 10y minute chart today and compare it to the Gold spot minute chart, you'll see what I mean.

This is an opportunity to reduce our cost basis, but additionally the miners haven't been dumping to the same valuations they had the last time gold was this low.

>> No.30145858 [DELETED] 

Yes, fuck the Jewish baal worshipers who enjoy the subversion of human civilization.

>> No.30145875

Hi. I'm the newfag from the last bread.
So I'm looking at silver prices and the markup for them is pretty horrific.


Is that a god deal? It seems to be about 1000 pounds more expensive than just 250 grams of pure silver.


250 of these would be £1000 more expensive still.
Is this normal? How do you deal with these markups. How the fuck do you even intend to make a profit?
I'm really only buying this silver as a hedge against massive inflation or economic collapse. Is this wise?
Please be gentle I have completely disregarded precious metals until now and I know I probably sound like a fucking retard. Thanks.

>> No.30145920

very nice, cool coin
holy shit

>> No.30145946

Welcome to the party.

>> No.30145973

common bug on 4chan when posts are made at the same time

>> No.30146040

Inb4 jannies memoryhole this

>> No.30146047
File: 328 KB, 509x612, 1614617314708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>September 2019
>still meat available
When are we resorting to cannibalism already, /pmg/?

>> No.30146062
Quoted by: >>30146162

I am not interested in selling and trying to get back in a little cheaper. Who knows what could happen in the near term? I'd rather take comfort in the fact that I have my mining stock shares now and am ready for whatever comes.

>> No.30146097
Quoted by: >>30146273

premiums are always going to be there. find whatever you can with the lowest amount of premiums. PMs aren't a get rich quick scheme, they're a wealth preservation tool

>> No.30146123
File: 13 KB, 583x108, 400billiondollars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is bad, isn't it?

>> No.30146129
Quoted by: >>30146273

The premiums are indeed awful right now but you just have to suck it up if you want to buy now. I would advise getting some gold too, the premiums should be more bearable that way and it's a more stable store of value. Oh and if you're a bong buy some Britannia coins, you get some kind of tax benefit when selling those in Bongland

>> No.30146136

This is like telling a slave that a beating is for his own good.

>> No.30146148
Quoted by: >>30146225

No this is very good

>> No.30146162

I'm speaking from a sense that you already have your portfolio setup but you've got maybe 35-50% more cash on the sidelines waiting to be deployed, if you're fully invested already just get ready for the rollercoaster, but if you've got spare cash wait a little bit.

>> No.30146225

is that even nearly enough to keep the yield at bay?

>> No.30146229
Quoted by: >>30146343


>> No.30146254

Don’t buy, most of these guys itt are underwater on their purchases. The time to buy was 2014-early 2019. Wait for a downwards correction. None of these guys itt know what they’re doing and have piss poor knowledge about precious metals, money, the economy and probably life in general.

>> No.30146273

Okay. Cheers. I'll just treat them as if they were eth gas fees or something. The jew always gets his tax.
I'll look into it. Cheers.

>> No.30146280

Woah is OP another MB fag? Small world

>> No.30146282
Quoted by: >>30146458

What does this mean though

>> No.30146314

silver spot price (what you see when you look up the stock market ticker style price) is what raw gold or silver is worth in an unrefined state. it's the raw material value as if you were to just dig it out of a rock. but when mining companies process, refine it, and make it into pretty stuff, this is where the premiums come in.

the most basic "close to spot price" will be hand poured, non-artistic, basic bars and coins. then you get into the mining company branded stuff which is basic but usually don't command insane premiums. then you have the art coins/bars (stuff like american silver eagles, animals, dragons, etc) which sometimes are limited or exclusive runs (only made for 1 year) and those command the highest price "over spot".

i understand where you're coming from, you're looking at silver going for $26-$27 and wondering why some random coin is going for $43. that's how it goes.

>> No.30146316
Quoted by: >>30146477

What does MB stand for? Meat Buyer?

>> No.30146323
File: 1.05 MB, 1075x760, Photo_1614802645878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30146343
Quoted by: >>30146458

i also want to know

>> No.30146381
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x720, 1613111403648.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30147220

kek just noticed the OP image
>no stereotypical meat thief

>> No.30146440
File: 87 KB, 576x768, 1AE4A97D-2DA4-47A9-900F-F5D62DB6617D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s funny people itt are parroting Mike Maloney and Peter Schiff verbatim on gold/silver, the same guys whose jobs is to shill you gold/silver lol

>> No.30146458

It means the Fed will be buying bonds so that the yield stays low. If the yield gets too high there will be massive deleveraging and literally everything but cash will dump like never before

>> No.30146477
Quoted by: >>30146546

Manitoba, one of the prairie provinces. Similar to Montana

>> No.30146508

Okay, thanks.
Damn, pretty fuddy post anon. I'm okay with not making a profit for a decade, though, honestly. I intend to literally bury these coins in my garden inside a safe.

>> No.30146509
File: 4 KB, 480x288, deliveries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don’t buy, most of these guys itt are underwater on their purchases. The time to buy was 2014-early 2019. Wait for a downwards correction. None of these guys itt know what they’re doing and have piss poor knowledge about precious metals, money, the economy and probably life in general.

>> No.30146520
File: 2.35 MB, 576x576, ethot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rolling for $27 silver on Thursday

>> No.30146526
Quoted by: >>30149186

What is your net worth? And how much do you weigh.

>> No.30146546
Quoted by: >>30146685

lol no I just took the image from somebody else last thread

>> No.30146548
Quoted by: >>30146631

Time to use that cash to buy silver

>> No.30146550

>being a thief is le uh..based!!!
if you ever own a business, or do anything on your own dime, you will know that thieves are fucking scum.
allah willing, they shall no longer have hands.

>> No.30146582
Quoted by: >>30146608

Michael Pento
Gregory Mannarino
Ray Dalio
Michael Burry

>> No.30146608

>Michael Pento
>Gregory Mannarino
>Ray Dalio
>Michael Burry

>> No.30146631
Quoted by: >>30149977

I would wait a bit and see what the yield does. Critical next few weeks and months ahead, we might see a sell-off if the Fed doesn't monetize the debt quickly and decisively.

>> No.30146640

>that's how it goes.
You must be a newfag too, 10 years ago you could buy refined coins for 40-50 CENTS over spot. 5-6 years ago you could buy for 1-1.5 dollars over spot, 2 years ago you could buy for 2-4 dollars over spot, and now..

>> No.30146648

>year is 2048
>commerce is now conducted in hypothetical shares of NFT bitcoin Avatars scoring insane goals in cyberfootball+
>converted from shares to USD, a loaf of bread costs $425
>silver boomers cheer as silver finally hits $35

>> No.30146651
File: 982 KB, 1548x2064, LCS test 0303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30146762

For anyone who was interested last week when i posted my discolored Republic Metals gold bar, I took it to the LCS today and they tested it. Turns out it's pure. pic related. They were ready to buy it from me on the spot so I guess I've been schooled; gold can discolor after all.

>> No.30146682 [DELETED] 

This is also my plan. Too bad everyone ITT will call you a shill to justify the money they wasted on outrageous premiums

>> No.30146685
Quoted by: >>30146857

Shits real here anon, you see a native guy lingering around the meat section, you know what's about to go down.

>> No.30146686
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>> No.30146697

Whats your net worth?

>> No.30146708
Quoted by: >>30146981

I bet you don't even know who Ray Dalio is you retarded crypto kiddie

>> No.30146762
Quoted by: >>30148049

short of a cupellation you won't know for certain

>> No.30146789
File: 268 KB, 220x164, 83B14CB5-573A-45A9-8D6E-581C4284D276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people in this thread that unironically think gold and silver will save them when in reality it’s more better to stuff bank notes in your mattress because the currency reset will be central bank digital currency and the government will redeem your notes and chequing account for a fraction of the new crypto while gold and silver will dump and nobody will buy.

>> No.30146812

Fuck you I steal thousands worth of food from walmart and im not stopping

>> No.30146855
File: 100 KB, 358x553, 1614776748838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30147083

>he's going to be left holding fiat when the bubble pops

>> No.30146857

I thought natives were one with the land and didn't have to follow the same rules as everyone else for game harvesting?

>> No.30146921
File: 2.28 MB, 1081x1448, osmos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, but it's not that bad if it's say, this anon >>30146812

>> No.30146964
Quoted by: >>30147094

They get special hunting rights, but last time I checked a chug walking into Walmart and putting a pork loin under his jacket isn't hunting.

>> No.30146975
Quoted by: >>30147378

A lot of us realized too late that it was time to start. Now is better than never even if you don't go whole hog into it. Buy over the free shipping amount every week/month that have you have enough money to do so. I personally always go in 10-30% of a position immediately depending on my felt urgency and outlook. I did 50% of my intended investment for silver and gold because I believe we are about to have a bad time and there is actual scarcity. We couldn't have a covid event, still make record stock gains, print 50% of the usd in the past year, have the impending 10 yr yield curve monster, and have a healthy economy. I have another 50% sitting waiting for a major drop in the market which based on history is coming.

>> No.30146981
Quoted by: >>30147110

>I bet you don't even know who Ray Dalio
Damn son you must be an expert. I mean only the most initiated ones know the Shylock Ray Dalio.

>> No.30147000
File: 91 KB, 900x900, 1595352017600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEVER BEEN MORE GLAD TO BE A FRAUD RISK! The NH Goldbacks couldn't have come at a worse time for a worse price: the day before my interest-bearing credit card billing period ends, about $30-something more expensive than the limit on my no-interest credit card, after I paid my debts but before payday, fucking hell. At least I have an order in and can play the ID verification dance, stalling for a day until I get paid and shit on the balance before it's properly charged. These things are gonna sell out today or tomorrow, I can feel it.

>> No.30147005
File: 246 KB, 1388x1137, 1603938240109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See my other post >>30146640
Premiums DO NOT go away or lower. You will kick your ass when they are higher faggot

>> No.30147022

Point me to a Fiat currency failure in history where, after a new system was put in place, Gold/Silver became worthless.

>> No.30147063
Quoted by: >>30147583

Meat theift in Winnipeg?

I'm not surprised. Winnipeg is the closet thing Canada has to. Detroit or Chicago. Its an absolute shithole full of racist Indians. The feather kind, not the streetshitting kind.

>> No.30147083
Quoted by: >>30147353

>le bubble pops
>I’m an expert because I watch YouTube videos about e-celebs telling me that the economy will crash

>> No.30147094

I didn't mean to imply that stealing meat from the store was the same as harvesting wild meat. Just expected more from the natives that's all, like why the fuck not take advantage of not having to follow the same hunting harvest rules as everyone else?

>> No.30147097

chuggers get free money and don't pay taxes, and they act exactly like nogs

>> No.30147110

Wow I never could've thought I'd see the day a crypto investor knew any prominent people in finance. Congratulations anon! Now flock off will you

>> No.30147111

i will never have a girlfriend

>> No.30147140

This, but unironically.

>> No.30147141
Quoted by: >>30147780

And then after a year Silver will be at an all time high because its vital for tech and is running out

>> No.30147190
Quoted by: >>30147435

I'm going to stack 100 of the 1s.

>> No.30147213

Try buying bread with your gold coin once shtf and the dollar has no value.

I'll pay with ammunition

>> No.30147220

Its in Winepeg though, so theyre redskins, not black.

>> No.30147238

Why would the kikes allow precious metals to become worthless? That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.30147286

>he doesn't stack the ultimate commodity, canned food

>> No.30147313 [DELETED] 
File: 1.72 MB, 2488x1488, 9A695CBD-D706-47B1-BE49-EAF41F0C73D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away kike

>> No.30147321
Quoted by: >>30147780

Yes the industrial metal of silver will be worthless because the economy is going to crash therefore a digital currency that is worse than fiat will the savior. You make zero sense retard. Everything else except cash will be worth more in a crash. literally Everything.

>> No.30147325


Every time

>> No.30147336

i'm not a newfag by any means sir.

>> No.30147339

>t. Going to pee his pants when he gets hung by the neck

>> No.30147353

Soooo you're saying nothing's going to happen? They're not going to lock down Ney York? They're not going to impose restrictions? They're not going to impose travel bans?
What do you think is going to happen?

>> No.30147360
Quoted by: >>30147426

>muh barter shtf

>> No.30147366

>>he doesn't stack the ultimate commodity, canned food
cans of corned beef ;))))))))if you know what I mean;))))))))))))))))))))) sexy sex ;)))))))))) with woman ;)))))))))))))

>> No.30147378

There is no scarcity, there is no real shtf unless we go back to the Stone Age. We’re transitioning at the moment to central bank digital coin and gold and silver will be worthless compared to just having your money in a bank account because I’ll bet that when it does happen your fiat will be worth more in the new digital coin than gold or silver and both gold and silver will go back to being industrial metals and jewelry instead of a financial hedge on inflation.

>> No.30147387
Quoted by: >>30148170

Because that would mean they'd have to stop drinking and actually work for once. Theyre super fucking racist not only towards non Indians, but even towards eachother. Blacks call eachother "uncle tom", but indians call eachother "apples"... Theyre red on the outside, but white on the inside.

>> No.30147397
File: 99 KB, 1155x676, Got a loicence for dat 10mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not mutually exclusive, mong.

>> No.30147423

Canada was already like that though, they even have a mafia for luxury soups and precious cheeses.

>> No.30147426

you're supposed to eat the food retard
different beast

>> No.30147435
File: 83 KB, 900x900, 1596585081386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your premiums I guess. I'm in for a single set of the NH issue, probably the only New England Goldbacks to be made unless the rest of the north uncucks itself. It's purely a luxury/vanity item, but it completes my alt-money collection as far as I care: 3 Norfed Dollars with $10 face value, 1 set of hometown Goldbacks.

>> No.30147445
File: 50 KB, 208x464, 1614784206733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any leafs tried buying from american sites? do you get shafted in taxes? want to pick up some goldbacks but i can't find anyone in canada that stocks them

>> No.30147449
File: 2.15 MB, 4608x2112, IMG_20210303_124240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30147654

Starting my stack

>> No.30147454

how does one use paypal on buillonexchange? its all greyed out except for check and bitcoin

>> No.30147459
File: 23 KB, 320x369, kluk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amount of shills goes up
amount of physical silver available to buy go down

>> No.30147499
File: 99 KB, 889x1222, 1568851653855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30147828


>> No.30147502
File: 695 KB, 2560x1920, 1585707172908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about ultimate, tin is high on the stackers list but I think brass and lead is the ultimate commodity. brass/lead can get you food, is better than money, and protects what you already have

>> No.30147523

Okay, not like it would be difficult

>> No.30147544
File: 385 KB, 1500x500, PMG-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.30147550
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>> No.30147564
File: 82 KB, 900x900, 1603958623638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30147745

Click the PayPal/credit card button. They're also listed on Apmex for even more absurd premiums. I'm just really happy for fraud protections for once. :)

>> No.30147583
Quoted by: >>30149367

Winnipeg is probably the slimiest, most decrepit city in the entire country, at least that I ve been to. I have never seen so many drunken angry chugs. No wonder the mid night rides were happening there. I ve never seen such a population of people that not only have no will to work, but no will to do anything other than to lay in a yellow pile of snow and drink Listerine all morning. I hated every moment I had to be in Winnipeg.

>> No.30147601

>ammunition gets wet
What then? Gold, silver, bullets will be worthless. In most of human history, transactions were finalized by illusionary credit and debt based on trust.

>> No.30147614

Canada is a collapsing shithole, costs 10$ for 300g in cheese when it was 4 for 1000g a decade ago.

>> No.30147619

Works out at about €26 an ounce, thats as good as you will get it, my local dealer right now is looking for €32/33 and ounce for loose coins

>> No.30147626
File: 471 KB, 1600x4200, CollapseSelco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30148091

Newer version of picture here

>> No.30147654

nice, keep on stacking

>> No.30147657

>trigger discipline

>> No.30147667
File: 508 KB, 820x1160, coingirlllenn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoot someone every time you need bread.

Seems like you thought this one through very carefully.

exchanging money for goods and services is over rated anyways, pretty sure all the great civilizations just killed each other over petty shit all the time.

>> No.30147704
Quoted by: >>30147918

look at the price of eggs mate, same with basics like milk. In some places prices jumped $2 in a week and its amazing that the general populations still just going along with it.

>> No.30147721
Quoted by: >>30148192

Ah yes, when everything fails and society crumbles people will all happily accept and value crypto above all! They simply must! Come on guys, buy my bags!

>> No.30147745
File: 73 KB, 783x574, where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30147967

I clicked the one up top then continued checkout but then I get here: picrel

>> No.30147780

Silver isn’t running out, it’s a myth perpetuated by e-celebs and people that sell silver.

Yea it will be worth nothing as in just as much as copper is worth now to the average bloke.

>> No.30147828


>> No.30147905
File: 58 KB, 960x636, Tokyo Meat vendors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30147918
Quoted by: >>30148124

Is this not what the final stretch to hyperinflation looks like?

>> No.30147926
File: 277 KB, 440x437, D17D7537-C2E9-497D-8402-90FEE323CC4E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No arguments, no sources then claiming in the people in this thread don’t know what we are doing. If you actually lurked here you would know that we prioritise food, water, weapons, tools etc. If you can afford a house/land we say go for it, if you want to make money go into stocks and if you have the balls to go for gamble on some crypto even. Diversification is the key. Never ever we say that you have to take unnecessary risk like taking loans (although possible play on inflation here) to buy PM’s, no we ask you to cost average and never exceed your budget to pay your bills.

No you are a disinformation shill, a liar rot in hell.

>> No.30147943
Quoted by: >>30148406

No they weren't. Trade ALWAYS has been the exchange of goods and services. Credit is exactly that an illusion of wealth. Thats why China and Russia stack millions and millions of ounces of GOLD.

>> No.30147967
File: 92 KB, 771x490, 1613477125105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30148561

It still doesn't work after clicking pic related? Dunno, email customer support, I don't work there.

>> No.30147971

niggers don't need or deserve grocery stores. only white people provide for civilization.

>> No.30147996
File: 76 KB, 780x500, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple weeks after my first online silver order and this appeared in my USPS informed delivery email. What did they mean by this?

>> No.30148049

I don't doubt it, but if the sigma test is good enough for the retail market it's fine with me.

>> No.30148071

I had that show up in my informed delivery today also.

>> No.30148072
Quoted by: >>30149400

what DOES that mean? Makes no sense to me at all

>> No.30148091

Nice conspiracy theory. Old forum threads are toast generally, very few remain. Selco didn't specify his city. Fucking emotionally invested goldbugs resorting to straight up lying now.

>> No.30148102

stock market crash incoming

>> No.30148124
Quoted by: >>30148269

i am fully expecting it to get way worse in the coming months. So far its only effecting the more rural and outpost type communities. It cost $20 to buy a jug of orange juice in Stewart BC last summer because of shipping costs, i am wondering what its going to be this summer.

>> No.30148126
Quoted by: >>30148710

>Uses more silver than mined for years

>> No.30148140
Quoted by: >>30148710

This makes no sense. You make it seem like the US has all the financial power in the world. A crash of the US would fuck everyone else but if literally any of the other big powers don't follow along a US FED coin will mean shit. Globally silver and Gold are the way to move forward nvm that GLOBALLY countries won't support or accept another unbacked fiat US currency if we inflate out currency to pay off our debts. There's no trust in any transaction. Any currency switch would have to go back to a backed currency before going back to fiat

>> No.30148143
File: 161 KB, 1108x633, tards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they raise over 50k and then come up with retarded billboard ads

>> No.30148152

I just wanna stack for God's sake.

Any anons have the korean phoenix? The design was kino but I wasn't impressed with the structure of the coin. There were burrs on the lips of the coin face and you could see pressure smears on the coin edge...

>> No.30148170

Get that juvenile idea of what native means out of your head, my province has the highest density of natives and when you see the real deal you straighten out those ideas fast. Also never drink with natives as a white man, they will hit the point where they get Indian drunk, and guess what happens next.

>> No.30148192

When everything fails and society crumbles nobody will want gold or silver and you’re not going to survive being le epic lone wolf operator. Btw credit as in opening a tab that’s paid back either in some consumable or usable commodity or toil. Keep up young one.

>> No.30148201

How much do you owe the irs? 30%? Nice currency you have there, where the meer accumulation of it costs you capital gains taxes lol. I cant wait for the government to start arresting you crypto retards.

>> No.30148208

Been prepping for this for literal months now, hope it happens soon so I can contribute to my Roth i401k without feeling gypped.

>> No.30148215

have fun sucking dick

>> No.30148229
Quoted by: >>30148643

I personally buy in larger weights kg or higher. That way the amount they charge over spot isn’t as nearly as bad.

>> No.30148247
Quoted by: >>30148427

hello selco

>> No.30148260

>calling people names
>projecting that you yourself are lying
In the filter you go shill

>> No.30148269
Quoted by: >>30148373

last summer there were some major supply chain issues though

>> No.30148270
Quoted by: >>30148390

there's nothing wrong with those billboards. stop whining about muh reddit

>> No.30148354

I mean, this IS reddit we're talking about. I'm surprised they're even spelled correctly.

>> No.30148355

these are cringe and not even good cringe

>> No.30148373

that is true as well, we had supply chain issues everywhere, but in general prices have been creeping up across the board, especially for groceries in general.

>> No.30148378

Why buy bread with gold when you could just buy the bakery?

>> No.30148390
Quoted by: >>30148558

the GME meme guy is stupid

>> No.30148392
Quoted by: >>30149082

Too bad your theory has been proven wrong literally everything society has failed. People do plan ahead and know that if they get pms for cheap from desperate people, they can sell it for a lot more later when the collapse is done

>> No.30148406
Quoted by: >>30148620

You have no clue about anything. Most trades between people were done on credit. It’s only in certain periods of time where gold and silver were available that people used it for mostly international trade. The average person in history, ney I’ll wager 99% never used a gold or silver coin to make a transaction. Even back around the classical gold standard era 1873-1933 the vast majority of people never held a gold coin.

>> No.30148409

Sent that to me as well just this afternoon.

>> No.30148416

>or other usable commodity
Almost like gold and silver have been exactly that since humans have used money.

>> No.30148423

I got some mercury dimes with your name on them

>> No.30148426

>hey can you pay me back in this worthless currency? Your debt is due!
lol sure credit is surely going to save lenders when currency collapses

Precious metals, commodities and tangible assets are for after the crash btw when a new currency is brought up. That's when stackers have a head start. During the crash you best have some food and water stacked up at least. Keep up young one, or stay hungry

>> No.30148427
Quoted by: >>30148519

cans of corned beef ;)))))))

>> No.30148450

Meat theft isnt a new trend, meat ,razor blades, cheese and perfume have always been a high target

>> No.30148489

That's not real right?

>> No.30148519
Quoted by: >>30148899

next time make sure not to out yourself as a bitcoin shill in your first post

>> No.30148558

Normies are stupid. You need to play to your audience.

>> No.30148560

Thank God I'm out of silver for the foreseeable future. Now to aggressively pay denbts, stack cash, and chill out as the auto-invest Sovereigns come to me on a regular basis. Also been keeping an eye on Apmex eBay because they have great deals not on their real site:


>> No.30148561
Quoted by: >>30148731

oh I think the problem is my billing is different than my shipping and they dont let you do that with card. I can change it through my bank tho

>> No.30148575
Quoted by: >>30149639

Only the top right one could conceivably have some effect. USA is full of Qtard 45 year old women who could easily be persuaded to go full prepper mode with the right scary ooga booga.

>> No.30148583
Quoted by: >>30149299

>Noooo don’t blame the tribe you’ll look purple

>> No.30148588
File: 45 KB, 970x409, image_2021-03-03_134803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why. They have to keep that number below 1.5%. If the interest rate on government debt is higher than it's because big players are worried about inflation turning bonds into a negative return. Just like JPM shorts silver to keep the price down the Fed buys treasury bonds to keep the rate down. Government debt is so high that any significant interest rate would make the US insolvent. That will never happen, so the Fed prints money to buy government debt and inflation happens. This is first creates an asset bubble, stocks go up, real estate goes up, everything goes up, then the bubble pops, and we get a stock market and real estate crash. That causes mass unemployment and now the government has to borrow even more to pay for social programs or risk armed uprisings. The fed has to print even more money to buy that debt with because by now everyone is aware that real inflation is coming and treasury bonds at 1.5% are even less attractive than wheelbarrow cash. Politicians have no choice but to promise everything and we become Weimar 2.0. Gold and Silver will likely be unobtanium the moment the markets crash. Buying anything on margin or adjustable rate credit is suicide today.

The only alternative I see to the above scenario is one where the Fed steps on the inflation pedal hard right now and devalues the currency to the point where it forms a floor under current asset prices.

Get ready for $20/loaf bread. You have a mill right?

>> No.30148604
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1584403077484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been prepping for this for literal months now
Fucking kek anon, some of us have been prepping for years, some have been prepping for decades. You are woefully underprepared but atleast you are prepping now because it truly has never felt so imminent

>> No.30148620

Wrong again retard. 99% of everything a human has bought and traded for was with somthing in hand and given over for the product or service IMMEDIATELY. You literally are a tard.

>> No.30148643
Quoted by: >>30149303

I was thinking about that but doesn't it kind of defeat the object or having them in a SHTF situation? I don't have minting tools. I can't break bits off cleanly and weigh them. I figured that having the individual coins is useful because I then have 250 pieces of silver which is like having 250 individual means of barter or whatever.
Or should I just buy a huge kilo bar of silver?

>> No.30148673
File: 58 KB, 720x784, IMG_20210303_145813_929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30148737

First Majestic rounds I panic bought in January finally showed up. VERY shiny. Also, I had no idea Asahi and Sunshine were the assayers and minters.

>> No.30148710

30k tones mined every year, and there’s millions in the ground yet to be developed. Hardly scarce dumbass. Maybe scarce compared to copper.
You’re nothing thinking right. Gold and silver will never be used as a medium of exchange between nations. Crypto is the way forward and the new reserve currency will be an equivalent to an SDR.

>> No.30148727


Painful two weeks ahead still. I'm guessing 24 silver 1640 gold.

>> No.30148731

That'll be the problem. I looked into bank billing and it seems like you can't just do ACH like a 1st worlder. You have to use Bill Pay but deliver it as a mailed bank check. Paid a landlord like that once, the dumb bitch came over and started cunting at me in Spanglish because the bank fucked up the check.

>> No.30148737

You're "silver" coins are yellow their gold m8. A mixup at the company, you lucked out.

>> No.30148750
Quoted by: >>30149069

To be fair, favors and good will could be considered a form of credit.

>> No.30148822

The only crypto we will be seeing is FedCoin lmfao

>> No.30148843

These do not convey the importance of silver, except for the inflation one. The key is condensing tons of macroeconomic information into an easily readable billboard format. Remember that people are driving by these at 90 mph. I wish we could have crowdsourced the copywriting here. PMG could have done a better job at distilling the importance of silver into a billboard format better than what we see here.

>> No.30148876

Warning if you see a metal that's yellow then it's gold. And if it's whiteish metal then it's silver. That's how you do an assay the easy way when you don't have access to expensive furnances.

>> No.30148890

If Reddit is shilling silver and gold then you know it’s just shit. Even the average nigger will be financially well off compared to people ITT because a Benjamin note will be worth more redeemed in fedcoin than gold or silver.

>> No.30148899

PMG needs to stop with this attitude.
PMs are awesome.
Bitcoin is awesome.
There is no competition.
Both are powerful weapons against the fiat nightmare.
And we need all the weapons we can get in this fight.

>> No.30148913

And yet, if you use 50k tons a year and opening a new mine is not profitable under $50/ozt you won't have enough.

>> No.30148940

I mean I've been rebalancing my portfolio as VTSAX has been $100+ for no reason. Doomsday prepping: doing what I can without land.

Silver tarnishes yellow unless you let it tarnish black.

>> No.30148949
File: 77 KB, 600x450, 1613284974307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You bought an interlake acreage before they mooned right anon?

>> No.30149069
Quoted by: >>30149620

In most cases people still used coins for goods. Good will and favors regularly occurred but trade has always been dominated with commodities and coin. Credit is the illusion of money until said coin/commodity is in hand.

>> No.30149082

>collapse collapse collapse
There will be no collapse retard. We are transitioning to central bank digital money.

>> No.30149084
Quoted by: >>30149592

crypto is fiat

>> No.30149101
Quoted by: >>30149504


Cheaper here

>> No.30149139

Only if you live in a bad neighborhood. So don't be a retard.

>> No.30149145
Quoted by: >>30149592

crypto is fiat

>> No.30149146
Quoted by: >>30149373

Russians Stunned As Chinese Leader Pushes Gold Backed Yuan
All the big houses are there -- HSBC, Goldman, ANZ, etc. In fact, recently we’ve seen even more evidence of the huge appetite on a physical basis that the Chinese have. So together with the vaults and the changes at the Shanghai Gold Exchange opening up for international investors, this tells me the Chinese are setting up to dominate the gold market in the future as they continue to soak up the world’s available supply of gold.

>> No.30149167
Quoted by: >>30149715

Which means the dollar collapsed

>> No.30149186
Quoted by: >>30149389

Five foot seven, down to 320 pounds here. You?

>> No.30149188
File: 60 KB, 317x628, 1426427004947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just dumped my whole 30k savings in miners. Too retarded to time anything market wise. Will just hold a few years and hopefully I'll get good gains.

>> No.30149266
File: 127 KB, 961x1162, e2b84f197892a3b5c1c1a4bdcce9a501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember gents, stack for your waifu. She's rooting for you and she knows you won't give your mercy dimes to sluts.

>> No.30149299
File: 529 KB, 1050x700, joom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Noooo don’t blame the tribe you’ll look purple

>> No.30149303

Before the big squeeze I bought packs of coins from the mint for that exact reason. At that time there wasn't much difference between 100 coins and a 100oz bar.
Plus, if silver goes crazy larger bars will be too high value for the majority of transactions.

>> No.30149302

Lol you're hilarious dude. If they did transition to a fed coin, that would terrify and panic most of the markets, it would literally cause a crash and bank run. It would mean the US has no idea how to handle the endless Inflation they are bringing.

>> No.30149324

Checked. Will be interesting to see inflation accelerating.

>> No.30149334
Quoted by: >>30149592

crypto is fiat

>> No.30149339
Quoted by: >>30149768

Depending on your age, etc, smart move imho.

>> No.30149344
File: 25 KB, 470x512, 75DD1C83-B08E-4754-9164-1674DCFD762B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess it almost time to trade silver for gold, if this keeps up it will certainly hit the 1:30 ratio soon. Ride the wave /pmg/

>> No.30149347
File: 24 KB, 224x225, BHSOOOOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30149768


You will pink wojak for a long time before you green wojak.

But boy, when you green wojak, you will REALLY green wojak.

>> No.30149349
File: 269 KB, 963x604, 20210225_234356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you

>> No.30149356

that's clearly a spic

>> No.30149363
File: 156 KB, 960x989, IMG_20210303_150626_635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30149533

trick of the lens, sadly.

>> No.30149364
Quoted by: >>30149655

Wrong wrong wrong. The vast majority of people in history lived in villages and used credit with one another as money for goods and services. Then they pay their tabs by tallying their credit and debts and paying up with a useful commodity or with toil. This is what most of the 99% of transactions before 1500 were done with.

>> No.30149367
Quoted by: >>30149604


Fuck you nigger try going to downtown victoria, vancouver or toronto. Enjoy your chink inflated real estate, needle strewn streets and 'freedom campers' you cunt

>> No.30149373
Quoted by: >>30149569


I dont trust the chinks.. 4% of their reserves were fake gold bars. And thats what they revealed to the public, in reality it was prob closer to 20%

>> No.30149389

6'1 and 187

>> No.30149400

just trying to scare stupid people into not buying PMs.

>> No.30149433
File: 970 KB, 868x789, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If crypto was such a great investment, there would be no need to shill it.

>> No.30149454

F. I lost a little bit on GameStop trying to "play the stock market." At least it forced me to learn about BTC holding stocks. Now I just auto-invest in VTSAX/VSMAX as usual, skim off the top, and buy VBTLX/GBTC/BITW with the profits. All in a Roth account so there's no (((tax))) on anything besides the already-taxed money I put in.

>> No.30149455
File: 89 KB, 410x598, 1610128426097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FedCoin comes out
>instantly BTFO's all the other cryptos
>everybody will now get free gibs from the Fed
>everybody is incentivized to use FedCoin
>private banks fall
>cryptos fall
>power is consolidated to the government and the elite as inflation ramps up due to free gibs
>introduce command economy
>socialism reached, free market capitalism banished
wow sounds like a great future, I cannot wait to be spoonfed by Big Bro!

>> No.30149457

Trips of truth. I'm sorry. but same here.

>> No.30149462
File: 215 KB, 1100x731, 338C2C1F-B1E1-4D2A-96E5-CF3EF3DE0628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30149768

All of it? Damn I hope you diversified in something else too

>> No.30149478
File: 901 KB, 950x852, 1607293907904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30149688

It makes me happy to know that anons are saving my shit. Yesterday I was sure YCC was in effect, today I'm not sure...

>> No.30149490
File: 46 KB, 740x291, EVG History.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30149688


>> No.30149504

Only the $1 are

>> No.30149525

>6 posts by this ID
>none of them about precious metals
Like clockwork

>> No.30149526

shipping number provided for krugs
now we play the waiting game
and by waiting I mean obsessively checking the shipping status

>> No.30149533

a mere foolery trick on my part
I got more

>> No.30149569
Quoted by: >>30150056

>I dont trust the chinks
I don't either, BUT, if they back the yuan with gold it would mean they could buy oil with yuan instead of dollars. Petrodollar is over.

>> No.30149592

Fiat means by wrote.
By force.
By the will of the sovereign.
Learn what words mean.

>> No.30149604

Yep its just about or as bad as Winnipeg in Vancouver now. I havent been to Victoria in years though, is it worse than the downtown east side? Yet another reason I wont ever live there.

>> No.30149606
File: 25 KB, 400x400, tumblr_nsy25tzGmH1udwanoo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has the NADSAQ rugpull begun ?
Will all the meme tech stocks collapse to leave room to oilbros and miners ?

>> No.30149620

>In most cases people still used coins for goods.
Ya since the year 1800 until maybe 1990. Transactions in coins were always rare and something abnormal. Most people used credit and most people TODAY use credit LOL

>> No.30149639

>Only the top right one could conceivably have some effect
that's what I thought

>> No.30149646
Quoted by: >>30150117

fiat in the sense that it's worth money because some guy said it's worth money

>> No.30149653
Quoted by: >>30149843

is this good for silver miners

>> No.30149655
Quoted by: >>30149980

>paid with a useful commodity
Huh I wonder what that was. And again you admitted that credit is worthless until said commodity or coin is in hand. And retard cities are where most people have lived, and you know what they paid with in cities? Gold and silver and bronze coins.

>> No.30149688

Love that I'm increasing my bond position. As long as I stay under 20% it's impossible to lose no matter (((what))) happens.


>> No.30149708
File: 22 KB, 400x400, front_5_new_hampshire_goldback_0.005_oz_24k_gold_foil_aurum_note-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me I've been waiting with my cart since this morning but prices went up like 5%

>> No.30149715
Quoted by: >>30150304

There will be no collapse.

>> No.30149758
Quoted by: >>30149861

>PMs dropped
>PMs been low for almost a week
T-to the m-m-moon, right g-guys?

>> No.30149768
File: 2.59 MB, 350x280, 1430653144908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turned 29. 500oz silver with me too. Will start loading food&water now. Can't do much when you're a wageslave in a tiny appartment. Will keep my last 5k to buy the dip if it happens.
10% uranium, 65% silver, 25% gold. I'm riding this PM bullmarket for real baby.

>> No.30149800
Quoted by: >>30150066

>If they did
They are and it’s going to happen in this decade. China and Sweden are already starting.

>> No.30149843
Quoted by: >>30151701

if that line goes up it will be very bad but if Powell comes and "rescues" the economy once again we will be good

>> No.30149861
File: 171 KB, 900x900, 1586484227778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should it ever matter? If you're not looking 3+ generations ahead, you shouldn't worry about PM's at all.

>> No.30149884

I would say most coin transactions after 1990 would have been at arcades, vending machines, pay telephones, tolls. and parking meters.

Vending machines are the only things that have really survived really and even those can use cards now.

>> No.30149907

>due to increase in demand gold is projected to hit 1200$
Do not buy yet, there will be cheap gold soon.

>> No.30149909

does anyone on here actually see their PM investments as an investment? like do you actually expect riches?

>> No.30149960

No, they're a hedge. I expect riches from my mining stocks

>> No.30149976
Quoted by: >>30150273

Youre fucking stupid if you think that credit has been around longer than the use of coins. Its sad to see how you have never read a book written by the people during the times you say never used gold and silver.

>> No.30149977
Quoted by: >>30150054

I'm confused on why PMs would dump along with stocks. I thought gold would be a safe haven in a declining stock market.

>> No.30149980

Not gold or silver. Most people paid with credit even in cities and you’re low IQ if you think most people lived in cities back then. That wasn’t even the case 70 years ago. Gold and Silver were only used for international trade and when there were no gold or silver to mine trade dried, that’s what basically happened before 1500 until new world mines gave Europe a continuous supply of pm’s to trade with China and India.

>> No.30149981

Truly some jewish sorcery

>> No.30150014

I see it as transfering fake made up money to free shiny rocks

>> No.30150022

I dunno, but the more I stack the comfier I get.

>> No.30150040
File: 2.84 MB, 4032x3024, 068F5204-C765-48F1-84F8-BC1F0A28FB06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30150380

GMI anon, perhaps buy some farmable land too? Or wait for the PM to moon and then buy land perhaps

>> No.30150042

I see mining stocks as an investment, a potentially lucrative one at that, due to their leverage to rising PM prices, evidenced in previous bull markets. This is why I have prioritized mining stocks over physical.

>> No.30150045


oy vey what an ID !

>> No.30150054
Quoted by: >>30152256

Because 1) yields going up signals deflation in this market environment, and 2) bonds are traditionally a competing safe haven to precious metals

>> No.30150056

>BUT, if they back the yuan with gold
On this line of thinking, would it be an entirely "new" currency or will the current yuan be tradeable for gold after it is backed by gold?

>> No.30150066
Quoted by: >>30150343

China is backing with GOLD.

>> No.30150071

There's already an inter-bank payment system that has been trialled - it's been running alongside SWIFT payments for a while now they are switching over.

>> No.30150085
File: 2.79 MB, 1389x2000, 1612124860014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped the last 3k I have in miners today, now all-in 100%, $190k. Currently down $7k

>> No.30150117

Bitcoin is valuable by consensus that it is valuable.
It is valuable because people believe it is valuable.
This is true of precious metals too.
True there is some fundamental industrial applications for gold that bitcoin lacks.
But that accounts for maybe 5% of the value of gold.
The fact that utility as a financial vehicle accounts for 100% of the value of bitcoin does not make it very different from the 95% of gold.
And none of that has anything to do with mythical intrinsic value, which mises proved doesn't exist.

>> No.30150131
Quoted by: >>30150380

Based. I bought land at your age. Many econ cycles ago. You're gonna make it anon. Best to you. Make white babies while your at it.

>> No.30150142
Quoted by: >>30150268

if your understanding is correct why do governments and central banks spend so much energy keeping the price of PMs low, and why do central banks and governments continue to accumulate gold and maintain gold reserves?

>> No.30150213

crypto is fiat

>> No.30150223

I do see it as an investment, it is an investment in my childrens future. Or atleast that is why I started, I hope I will not require it's use

>> No.30150237
Quoted by: >>30150637

No, I see my PM purchase as an insurance policy. I have real estate and stocks as investments, but physical metals are a way to make sure you will never be left penniless even in the worst of crises.

If we reach a golden age after this is all said and done I will liquidate 60% of my physical portfolio and buy other real assets with it. But things will get worse before they get better. Remember that it took over a year between Bear Sterns' failure before it reverberated across the entire sector.

We're coming up on a year since the Covid market selloff. What lies ahead when that finally catches up to the real economy?

>> No.30150239

Impressive, anon. There was an anon in PMG yesterday who had $400k in miners. There are some big dogs in these threads.

>> No.30150257

>whoops power goes out, no more bitcoin for you :^)

>> No.30150268
Quoted by: >>30150978

Because its worthless

>> No.30150273
Quoted by: >>30150587

lol open a book and see for yourself but you won’t because you just parrot what you see on YouTube. Gold and silver coins were hardly EVER used for transactions in domestic economies, most people used credit or some other commodity and that was always the case until about 1500 and that quickly died down by about 1900 when paper notes were more convenient. Read some history bro.

>> No.30150304

>dollar collapsing is not a collapse because i say so

>> No.30150325

crypto is fiat

>> No.30150343

There’s no proof.

>> No.30150353

Fucking bullshit, got a source?

>> No.30150380
File: 277 KB, 1024x768, 1529002074981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never. Will buy that with PM gain in a few years thought.
based. I will buy more gold miner now, Don Durret last interview was a good wake-up call. If what he predict about ETF happen, Silver miner will get raped hard at one point.
Thank you. Marriage & Baby will have to wait after this bullmarket, no way I'm doing any of these during this collapse. That's asking for trouble. How old are you ?

>> No.30150391
File: 30 KB, 373x450, 6A195BD6-140E-4866-B2AA-C3EA36BBD698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More a hedge IMO, will a small chance for a moonshot for silver. Real gains can be on the stock market, but beware some experts predict a crash of 65 - 80 % this year due too overvalued (tech) stocks, good moment to buy cheapies though.

>> No.30150419

There's also the cost of electrical energy used to mine it.
It's not a zero cost fiat.

>> No.30150447
Quoted by: >>30150771

>he doesn't know that the government invented bitcoin

>> No.30150472
File: 73 KB, 441x512, 1604939063995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of these things is not like the other
All you have to do is hold gold in your hand and something in your brain will tell you it is valuable, it is something you can feel. You will never get that from bitcoin. It is not the inherent belief, it is a feeling. Gold will make a person smile even if it isn't their's just by holding it

>> No.30150486
File: 98 KB, 983x758, feels fat man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30150591

>silver got dunked 1 day AFTER I bought my mining stock


>> No.30150489
Quoted by: >>30150604

>How old are you ?

>> No.30150510

>And none of that has anything to do with mythical intrinsic value, which mises proved doesn't exist.
Mises is wrong. Certain things have intrinsic value because you will die without them (food, water, shelter, clothing, just to a name a few). You’re right in that gold only had value because people say it does, but you’re completely wrong when you say intrinsic value doesn’t exist

>> No.30150587
File: 63 KB, 800x764, 1586568652730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm, most of Casanova's transactions were done on credit. The difference is, that credit was backed by gold and he also gambled away so much physical gold it's unbelievable. That guy fucked.

>> No.30150591

Every day is a good day to get betrayed by silver. There's like 3 positive days in a year and they all get sent back to the abyss immediately

>> No.30150604

Thank you for giving us young retard the informations we need. Passing these knowledge is truly something we lack, no-one told me anything about these shit until I discovered PM last year, a bit late unfortunately. Not surprising they destroyed family first.

>> No.30150637

Gold and silver is only worthwhile if you’re living in some third world shithole and escaping to a prosperous country.

>> No.30150658
File: 1.96 MB, 3840x2160, B5CE218C-7E5F-487C-B73D-C121B6DDBA93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debt & usury
Not necessary, pool your money together with your family and buy land together. Outjew the Jew. This is how the Chinese are doing and they quite successful at it. Also if you can get fixed rate loan (I would not do this) you can make money with the expected inflation.

>> No.30150679

The U.S. is a 3rd-world shithole...

>> No.30150690

>imagine thinking crypto will retain value when the government stops allowing it
>imagine not knowing Bitcoin was literally made by the CIA


>> No.30150724

How much is a 1 oz bar of silver worth in Venezuela?

>> No.30150728
Quoted by: >>30151064

I read all 10ish volumes of his diaries (fucking best reading ever) and can confirm he gained and lost almost as many fortunes as barely legal girls he fucked

>> No.30150732
File: 12 KB, 885x442, deutschemarksilver1919-23.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30150747
Quoted by: >>30150960

5000 years of debt. Gold and silver were too rare to be used as a common circulating currency.

>> No.30150771

This can be the only explanation. It was invented in the middle of the previous economic crash by an "unknown" individual using a pseudonym. It supposedly is a rebellion against banking, but now, in 2021, banks and financial institutions are publishing articles that BTC is "digital gold" and is going to seven figures. There is something very fishy about all of this, especially considering that ordinary people with no crypto background knew it was obsolete back as far as 2014.

>> No.30150818

That's why it's a good idea for Americans to buy PMs ;)

>> No.30150827
File: 246 KB, 1503x795, Daily Reminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30150833

A months nessecities, so maybe around $1000

>> No.30150857


>> No.30150872

And casanova lived during the 18th century, the age of metal and yet most things were bought and sold on credit.

>> No.30150887

Literally everything had that exact same chart in weimar fiat

>> No.30150904

smuggling cheese into canada is an honored past time. nothing like taking a few bricks up, drinking a shot of maple syrup, and fucking a canuck in exchange for some loonies.

>> No.30150941

...and that's a logarithmic graph, the 'real' curve would be MUCH steeper.

>> No.30150947
Quoted by: >>30151242

I just bought my first gold ever. An entire ounce. I'm ruined.

>> No.30150960
Quoted by: >>30151029

>t. Retard that can't read

>> No.30150965

no flags in /biz/, OP, but if you live in the USA or western europe you're going to have millions of swarming shitskins to deal with, so you best raidertard up or you gon die boy.

>> No.30150978

that is my point. Central Banks don't spend that much time and energy surpressing PM prices because they are bored. There have been Fed Reserve agreements posted online showing how the fed agreed to supress prices to keep people from thinking of gold as money and supressing the price to make people think the dollar is worth more than it is.

>> No.30151006

this, kek

>> No.30151027

i tried to polish my favorite silver round and now it is scratched to hell. i feel sick bros

>> No.30151029

That’s the name of the book retard

>> No.30151040

unironically though the jew is responsible for most macro events that harm the working/middle class.

>> No.30151064
Quoted by: >>30151214

I left off somewhere after he brought his timid lover to a secret bath tended by a hermaphrodite, who started showing off their genitals, and then they all got so horny that they had an orgy then and there.

Everyone was a white European, so you could draw transactions in France on gold stored in Belgium with a recommendation letter from the banker. Everyone also knew to avoid the swarthy hooknose tribe of bankers.

>> No.30151076

one day, someone will steal everything from you. that is, if you even have anything worth stealing. i hope you are OK with that notion. nigger.

>> No.30151147
File: 61 KB, 581x771, 2021-03-03 16_23_45-What were the currencies in Medieval England_ - Quora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30151424


He doesn't because he's full of shit. Took 2 minutes to find this info in the most basic website in existence.

>> No.30151162
Quoted by: >>30151752

>polishing silver
a shameful mistake

>> No.30151165

everyone he dealt with was white

>> No.30151214
Quoted by: >>30151423

Except even during the heyday of pm as supposed money most people bought everything on credit just like today. It being backed by gold meant nothing.

>> No.30151226
Quoted by: >>30151424

>Born in New York to a working class Jewish family, Graeber was exposed to radical left politics from a young age.

>> No.30151242
Quoted by: >>30151619

>I just bought my first gold ever.
Feels good right? I see weak hands selling at the local bullion store. Most of the supply is people selling. I saw the same in 2009 and 2011 and 2014. Yet the price of PMs keeps going up and with the massive fiat creation PM price will fluctuate but will continue to rise.

>> No.30151273
File: 808 KB, 823x2371, Goldswitzerland 2016 gold property price prediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10oz/year covers rent

Fuck paying rent, just buy the property with 2-4 ounces of gold instead of wasting silver ounces

>> No.30151371
Quoted by: >>30151553

Lol so because peasants didn't use precious metals and aristocracy/merchants/bankers did you're shilling against PMs? Enjoy being a peasant retard.

>> No.30151414
File: 192 KB, 640x565, 9736FCD3-A938-4018-835E-44E762569E53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30151548


>> No.30151423

Well the gold either existed or it didn't so that matters.

>> No.30151424

Most people in England hardly every used a silver penny to buy anything. Most of it was shipped out to the mainland and then to asia.>>30151226 so? He has better arguments and backs up his evidence unlike Schiff also a jew.

>> No.30151461

don't buy silver, goyim.

>> No.30151477
Quoted by: >>30151824


>> No.30151505

anyone baking or should I do it before i go?

>> No.30151529
File: 32 KB, 780x523, f23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new volkswagen costs 477.9 USD

>> No.30151539
Quoted by: >>30151716

>radical left

>> No.30151548
Quoted by: >>30151633

Oh my, so is this raid trannies, banker shills, or bunkerchan?

>> No.30151553

The vast majority of people are peasants, you’re a peasant as well.

>> No.30151598

Id reckon no one else is baking panman

>> No.30151619

Can't wait to get it! As long as it rises over time, the short term volatility inst so bad.

>> No.30151633


>> No.30151646
File: 101 KB, 1858x606, 1614732179785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, I own silver ;^)

>> No.30151667

Go for it

>> No.30151674


>> No.30151701

so is there a point to having silver miners at all?

>> No.30151716
Quoted by: >>30151829

How does that destroy his argument? It’s all based in fact and not fantasy like the fantasy that gold coins were used for everything like in a fantasy video game.

>> No.30151752
Quoted by: >>30151965

what am i suppose to do instead send help

>> No.30151758
Quoted by: >>30151861

Back with the protection. Youre the only person here who is both financially and morally bankrupt.

>> No.30151805
Quoted by: >>30152050

most people in England were poor. The poor use barter or debt. Rich used silver, and wealthy and royalty used gold. England was importing and paying in silver (shipping silver to China) as England had nothing to offer (like the US now). To keep England from losing all of it silver supply, England began selling opium to China. The opium was grown, dried, packaged in India. Opium laid waste to millions of chinese and when the chinese tried to stop England's opium imports there was the first opium war. Drug sales are part of the game of empire.

>> No.30151824

i feel like its ruinined and i should throw it out. rip indeed

>> No.30151829

>how does revisionist literature discredit the argument?
Don't you have fiat to print?

>> No.30151861
Quoted by: >>30152018

The only truly rich people were those that owned land and rented it out. Btw even manor lords got their rent in the form of crops and toil and used credit. Wealth is having power and not having gold and silver.

>> No.30151879

can you find the silverprice in Rentenmark, after the inflation?

>> No.30151965

nothing. love the tarnish

>> No.30152018


>> No.30152049
File: 233 KB, 1000x1000, 1505505469510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Venezuele
>buy VW Golf
>drive to US
>sell VW Golf

>> No.30152050

Barter is a modern thing, back then there was no barter unless you consider a tab a form of barter.

>> No.30152209

You are actually retarded

>> No.30152256

>half of all USD printed in history, printed in last 2 years

yeah, you're an idiot.

>> No.30152258

barter is a modern thing? i really hope you're trolling

>> No.30152261

>Barter is a modern thing
You're joking right? You can't be this stupid, right?

>> No.30152417

That's odd.. I see a whole lot of people that suddenly thought it was a good idea to start stacking metals

>> No.30152597

crypto is fiat

>> No.30153068

holy shit why are morgan dollars so expensive now? ebay has them for > $30. where should i go to find better deals? last lcs store i visited were selling them for $38 each.