>> | No.25289906 File: 1.35 MB, 1962x3000, 1580958353576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>25289287 >what does that have to do with you being so retarded that you think that 4 boards out of however many there is 50% of 4chan
you are still missing the big picture if you look at that distritubtion, for example mensa requirement would be 130
>this interaction has reconfirmed my prior belief that IQ and the people that preoccupy themselves with it are retarded
well it seems you are preoccupying yourself with it as you defend that chart which is clearly totally wrong or based on flawed survey. as i mentioned iq has some predictability but it does not for example measure creativity (divergent thinking) much at all. altought some correlation under 120 level is to be found
reaction time = fluid intelligence, high correlation with iq
visual working memory = chess skill, academic success and so on. Chess grandmasters ive seen score as high as level 17-18 here and they usually score on verbal memory too very high.
Visual memory has high correlation with math skills but not so much with reaction time ie fluid intelligence