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File: 357 KB, 539x480, gatorgold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20591045 No.20591045 [Reply] [Original]

>Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info



>Bullion tax info by state:


Nitric Acid

https://www.youtube.com/user/silverguru David Morgan

Additional /pmg/ resources and info--


>> No.20591110

FWTDHWAHQUD status-- {cleaning her kitchen}

>> No.20591135
Quoted by: >>20591649

Buy gold mining stocks.

>> No.20591145
Quoted by: >>20592473

When copypasting the OP, please remember to remove the "[embed]" otherwise they stack up.

>> No.20591151

I know there's a silver version of the Gator round, but I've only ever seen the copper one.

>> No.20591192


>> No.20591208


take that shit to plebbit .we dont need memes in the op

>> No.20591236
File: 699 KB, 1895x1402, Super Saiyan 3 Silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is silver up again??????

Pic related, yesterday

>> No.20591258


that might be a good idea

>> No.20591336
File: 2.34 MB, 1417x1026, schtacko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20591923

New schtacko pic

>> No.20591345
File: 591 KB, 1000x938, 100 Kronen Österreich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this it? Is this the golden bull run of our generation?

>> No.20591356
File: 40 KB, 800x450, 23487454326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there HAS to be a correction at some point right? even just a minor one?

>> No.20591360
File: 60 KB, 1045x468, schtocko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My schtocko suicide stack

>> No.20591369
Quoted by: >>20591438

>Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info



>Bullion tax info by state:

www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCL6FKQZyoM [Embed]

Nitric Acid
www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mg9YcAShTo [Embed]
www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgSXg-WOEVY [Embed]

www.youtube.com/user/silverguru David Morgan

Additional /pmg/ resources and info--

>> No.20591379
Quoted by: >>20591649

nope, just up now for the next two months

>> No.20591401

Post your poorfolios lads

3 x First Majestic Oct16 2020 $16 Calls
3 x Yamana Mar19 2021 $9 Calls
3 x McEwen Jan15 2021 $3 Calls
250 Pure Gold Mining Shares @ Avg 1.76
60oz physical silver
2.5g gold

>> No.20591438

oh i guess not because it kills the link

>> No.20591485

correction from 25 to 23, or from 30 to 25? sure.

from 22 to 18? I highly doubt it, as much as I want one

>> No.20591489

is it worth trading options? we're in a bull market so its bound to go up, i just have some shares of each but no options

my portfolio is:

>> No.20591502

I'm poor so even if I bothered and the premiums actually went down, which I'm not sure about, I'd probably win 10-15 oz at best. So I just prefer to play it safe and hoard physical.
Dunno man, it's just your phone that makes me think that.

>> No.20591527
Quoted by: >>20591643

"it HAS to go up sometime right"
-people from 2012-2020
>smashed down every breakout
sorry bro but you had 8 years m8

>> No.20591536
File: 698 KB, 772x523, Captured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was getting ready to pretend to be super autistic and spurg out when you gave me shit for keeping http:// and www., but you have broken my give a fuck meter.
The embeds at least still work.
Maybe OP has a reason for his logic.

>> No.20591594
File: 3.59 MB, 3840x3040, coinstackz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant reveal my other sources for cheap silver, but here is one I can.

10oz at spot is still available people, free shipping over 300$ in canada at least. OBS one per household but Id jump on this before its actually sold out.

>> No.20591608

I bought 2 oz of silver, now I have 3, today is a good day

>> No.20591622
Quoted by: >>20591713

No embeds, no www, no http
>Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info



>Bullion tax info by state:


Nitric Acid

youtube.com/user/silverguru David Morgan

Additional /pmg/ resources and info--

>> No.20591643

I'd like to add:

this move up was the CORRECTION bro. It corrected from being undervalued to slightly less undervalued ;;;)))

>> No.20591649
File: 316 KB, 2560x1440, lgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For those who want to invest in miners, the simple answer is GDX/GDXJ, SIL/SILJ; but to learn more about small caps, (into which you should invest only 1% of your net worth,) see my posts here:


Callinex Mines, which I told /pmg/ to buy both yesterday and this morning, is up 55% on the day. >>20583665 >>20581014, and the stocks which I recommended on 22/06/20 have doubled; Callinex alone is up 211%, and one of them is up 500%. Compare this with SILJ, which is up 36%, or the Nasdaq, which is up only 7.34%.


Will repeat here what I said in a previous thread: "Have pointed out in several threads that, for two months now, David Brady and others have been leading their followers off a cliff with this "buy the dip" attitude, and are still doing so. Trying to be clever, talking constantly about a coming pullback in gold, drawing lines on charts to shake poor gold-investors out of their positions, and not understanding the fundamentals of the gold and silver market, where TA has nothing to do with the present situation. You cannot apply TA when the fundamentals are a short squeeze and the destruction of a manipulation scam. If you don't have any gold, silver, or miners now, you are mad. Nobody should go all-in yet, everybody should have a third of their wealth in cash, but everybody needs some exposure."








>> No.20591661

Let's get real for a minute. Second stimulus check is guaranteed in the next few weeks. Unemployment benefits likely extended as well.
It's political suicide not to. And vaccine narrative is being pushed hard with all these news about positive antibody results and nations prepurchasing supply.

Everyone is going to get a cash injection soon, in an environment of cautious (albeit totally fallacious) economic optimism. They will dogpile into stocks, AGAIN, and metals and miners will be briefly forgotten about, AGAIN.

There WILL be a dip in August before the 'beating corona == total economic recovery' narrative loses its punch. I say this as someone who doesn't even have cash sidelined to buy the dip, I'm all in already.

>> No.20591697
File: 149 KB, 1674x1017, soldsharesapril.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(P. S. In respect to the "buy the dip" mentality I showed an example of someone who tossed away his miners in April at 100% gains, saying that "sentiment was too high"--had he kept them, he would have made 300% or 400%. Again, David Brady, as I said, has been incessantly calling for a crash since May, and none has been forthcoming.)

>> No.20591707
Quoted by: >>20591845

LOL @ retards that think these programs are going to go away when corona is over.

Government programs NEVER go away, they just get larger.

>> No.20591713
Quoted by: >>20591819

still kills the links

>> No.20591740
Quoted by: >>20592737

>A inflationary environment is bad for PMs

>> No.20591769
File: 3.23 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20200722_121434299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys just bought 20oz of silver eagles from my local dealer and the coins had this mark on them, anybody have any info on them?

>> No.20591811
File: 50 KB, 860x574, uploads_1590158134737-image001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>miners will be briefly forgotten about, AGAIN.

See >>20591649. This is not a certainty. Historically, gold and miners went up, not down, on the second leg down of a stock market crash. Homestake Mining soared 500% during the Great Depression, and went up 87% in the same period as the Dow went down 85%.


>> No.20591819
Quoted by: >>20591874

Not sure what you're going for - they aren't live in OP or any of 4chan

>> No.20591845

>LOL @ retards that think these programs are going to go away when corona is over.
>Government programs NEVER go away, they just get larger.
go back niggerlover

>> No.20591846
File: 71 KB, 720x482, 48558512-15167626365862508_origin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20591890

THose aren't silver eagles, those are sunshine mint walking liberties. I mean they're still nice but they're not eagles bro.


>> No.20591852
Quoted by: >>20591880

give it to me straight frens. am i retarded for buying a 9/30 SLV $30c right now. another leg up and i am borderline priced out. a pull back and that's gonna hurt

>> No.20591874

>they aren't live in OP or any of 4chan
highlight and then right click,then open link in new tab

>> No.20591880


Put calls on First Majestic or SILJ, never SLV. SLV is a banker-controlled scam that may go to zero before the end of the year.

>> No.20591886
File: 35 KB, 662x250, retard_google_it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filename related

>> No.20591890
Quoted by: >>20591945

Any pros and cons on walking liberties over eagles?

>> No.20591904
Quoted by: >>20591927

>go back niggerlover
What the fuck are you talking about?
Retarded statist bootlicker.

>> No.20591916
File: 2.63 MB, 2448x3264, 10ozsilver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I got my first 10oz of silver in today and another 10 should arrive in a few days
How much should I be trying to secure?

>> No.20591919
File: 23 KB, 526x534, 1593713246755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20591923
Quoted by: >>20592109

That is one sexy stack. I want tons of silver shot to eventually melt down into my own designs. Or to weigh it out on one of those old fashion scale sets to haggle over FWTDHWAHQUAD threesomes

>> No.20591927
Quoted by: >>20591979

>Retarded statist bootlicker.
plebbit confirmed

>> No.20591945
Quoted by: >>20592040

They're not gov't bullion, so they don't command as high of a premium. These are rounds
Sunshine mint is a pretty well known mint, and they do carry premium over regular rounds

>> No.20591966

Thank you I'm new to this

>> No.20591979
Quoted by: >>20591992

Reddit is FILLED with commies like yourself.
Get off /biz/

>> No.20591992
Quoted by: >>20592042

nigger rich to assume im a commie ,im the opposite you dumb plebbit queer

>> No.20591999


>> No.20592040
Quoted by: >>20592249

Interesting thank you for this info. At this point any silver is good silver. They didn't have any maples only these left.

>> No.20592042
Quoted by: >>20592106

Then why are you acting retarded and irrational?
Why did you even reply to me?

>> No.20592068

Let's get real for a minute.

Fucking coronavirus is not behind the economic crisis we are going to live.

But it's because of the DEBT, and the Falling rates of profit.

>> No.20592080
File: 77 KB, 925x1200, Sabrina Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20592606

>Secret decoders
>Little Orphan Annie Secret Circle Ring is now needed to verify all PMs
>Hm, lets see if this one checks out
>Let me set my decoder ring for B=2
>14 9 7 7 5 18 19 20 15 14 7 21 5 13 25 1 14 21 19
Yep this is genuine

>> No.20592086
File: 240 KB, 878x922, canadayeess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to stop looking at the front page of the state sponsored propaganda machine my taxes pay for... I mean its easy memes... but it is just so fucking depressing sometimes to know that ~50% of my country thinks this is super woke and science based.

>> No.20592096
Quoted by: >>20592116

Central banking created this crisis, everyone should be aware of this.

>> No.20592102
Quoted by: >>20592232

10/16 $20c on First Majestic looks alright. Safe bet you think?

>> No.20592106
Quoted by: >>20592148

His whole presence here is pure garbage.
Just ignore him.

>> No.20592109

the former was the plan when i bought it, the latter is most likely the reality. I do have an electric kiln, crucibles, 3d printers for making complex pieces, mold making shit, and investment plaster for making cast silver designs, but will probably use it for copper or brass shit now desu. I could have spent all that money on bullion but pretending to have other hobbies is nice too.

>> No.20592110

Correct but the pandemic was just the black swan event that kicked the whole show off

>> No.20592116


guess whos owns the central banks?

>> No.20592129
Quoted by: >>20592358

holy fuck that's insane
but global news isn't funded by taxpayers

>> No.20592147

Yo Anon, cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.20592148
Quoted by: >>20592202

god you people suck,you come here from your site and then act like we are the problem

>> No.20592160

>da jews lol xD

Go back to /pol/ you 12 year old sperg.

>> No.20592186
Quoted by: >>20592264

no one owns them, they just try to control the value of fiat currencies, which are monopoly paper.

>> No.20592203
File: 101 KB, 415x348, 1595388866357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"By your wisdom and your understanding you have made wealth for yourself, and have gathered gold and silver into your treasuries."

>> No.20592202
Quoted by: >>20592264

Go back to /pol/ or redddit holy shit.

>> No.20592220

>chinese embassy in houston texas burning documents openly in their courtyard
>chinese embassy in DC gets bomb threats
>theyblame US government
>trump removes HK trade status
>sanctions CCP officials from their money in the usa, traveling, voiding passports
>china vows to arrest americans in china
>usa doing navy exercises with japan and taiwan in south china sea

So war with China soon. How does this affect our stacks?

>> No.20592225
Quoted by: >>20592236

Stop asooming please.

>> No.20592232
File: 85 KB, 1421x1004, fms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Personally I prefer just to buy good small-cap miners and hold them. The average small-cap silver miner goes up 150x in a silver bull market (not an exaggeration; see e. g. First Majestic in the 00s as an example). Silver is leverage on gold, SIL is leverage on silver, SILJ is leverage on SIL, and small-caps are leverage on SILJ, hence why my stock choices are up over 400% since March. (>>20591649.) But yes, if you want to make calls, use First Majestic or SILJ. The only risk with FMS is that they have some sort of tax dispute going on with the Mexican government at the moment; SILJ on the other hand is comprised of 50 different miners, and so hedges risk.

>> No.20592236

I mean it's pretty obvious he's from /pol/.

>> No.20592249

yes they're not a bad buy, just kind of shite that they told you they were eagles and not sunshine mint rounds

>> No.20592264
File: 389 KB, 497x604, backtoreddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20592293


>> No.20592293
Quoted by: >>20592316

Do you want to know how I know you're under 18?

>> No.20592316
Quoted by: >>20592363

>Do you want to know how I know you're under 18?
you don't nigger ,you an onions boy

>> No.20592325

Buy more before you can't buy any at all. I could even imagine a PM ban in the US again, they like to do that during/after the war. Think of a plan to secure your stack, I have a trusted family in a non-cucked Country, so I can always emergency evacuate my stack.

>> No.20592327

the possibility of war and the current shit state of us currency is the reason I am trying to create a small stack.
I see only good things in the future for those who are holding something real but that is just me being an idiot probably.

>> No.20592329

But how did you know who owns the banks?

>> No.20592347
File: 37 KB, 598x711, 1594421979757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20592414


>> No.20592352

Why is Silver going up so much right now? Is it just FOMO or is there something going on we should know? I still believe in the second leg down and I still believe that it will have a huge impact on precious metals as well. Too much highly over leveraged dumb money that will get margin called upon. Wouldn't be surprised if the current rise in Silver is also caused by these idiots.

>> No.20592356
Quoted by: >>20592414

I mean, he's not wrong, though. The Jews will even admit it. They own media and banks. That's simple fact.

>> No.20592358
File: 245 KB, 914x934, canadayeesss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20592436

Oh you sweet, innocent, naive, summer child.

>> No.20592363
Quoted by: >>20592391

>you don't nigger ,you an onions boy
lmao you're probably 12 years old

>> No.20592391
Quoted by: >>20592436

>t. onions boy

>> No.20592407
Quoted by: >>20592602

JPM unravaled the last of its short positions its held for 12 years on Monday. Only citibank alone is shorting it with significant holdings and it looks like, so far, they are losing.

>> No.20592414
Quoted by: >>20592442

why are you posting a picture of yourself?

>Peter Schiff owns the federal reserve

>> No.20592428


The greatest manipulation of an asset in history ending after 9 long years, during an economic crisis and period of high inflation. Eric Sprott stuck the knife in and demanded delivery of 8.8% of the world's annual silver supply. See the links here. >>20591649

>> No.20592436
Quoted by: >>20592476

lmao what the fuck

>can't even get past the wordfilter
ok redddit

>> No.20592442
Quoted by: >>20592475

>why are you posting a picture of yourself?
calls me underage but uses a 5 year olds come back

>> No.20592451

I would just buy and hold but the calls just seem to good of a deal right now to pass up. You think Endeavour is a solid play? I'm fairly new to the PMs market so this is my first rodeo pretty much

>> No.20592465

So many reasons, Anon. The current economical crisis and money printing are the most obvious. Looming Cold War with China, possible Kinetic War with China, Jewish Bankers in America can't afford to manipulate the prices anymore, another generation on young investors realized there is more out there than just stocks (that are about to collapse), silver is so under-priced you'd have to be a mongoloid not to buy any.

>> No.20592467

>The greatest manipulation of an asset in history ending after 9 long years
forgive me for being an idiot but in what way are they manipulating silver? Are they keeping the price artificially low or something?

>> No.20592473
File: 764 KB, 600x338, 38D64DF8-AA87-4E74-A117-6684B9361156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what would be more helpful than this?
putting current spot prices in the OP

>> No.20592475
Quoted by: >>20593158

so you aren't denying that was a picture of yourself?

>> No.20592476
Quoted by: >>20592565

>can't even get past the wordfilter
new fag tries to act like an old fag after reading know your meme

>> No.20592493

Stop replying to the shit stirrer derailer. He doesnt own PMs and he will never be a woman.

>> No.20592523

Saying jewish bankers just makes you look retarded, yes a lot of them are jews and they have a zionist agenda, but they don't control the entire thing. A lot of these scumbags are of different races.
Fucking retarded schizos holy shit, you make everyone look at you like you're insane.

>> No.20592530
Quoted by: >>20592580


Yes. They have been using derivatives to do it. Chris Marcus (Youtube: Arcadia Economics) has proven it in his book The Big Silver Short. Every single person in the PM community knows this. It's all explained in my links. Especially listen to the interviews with Alisdair Mcleod, and browse the Arcadia Economics Youtube channel.

>> No.20592547
File: 485 KB, 600x1078, 1563294837259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The paper silver and gold market have been manipulating prices for over a decade and the dam is about to burst. $300 silver and $10k gold coming over the next couple years.

>> No.20592563
File: 111 KB, 699x789, 2020-07-22_12-45-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't keep getting away with it

>> No.20592565

lmao you dumb nigger I've been here since 07 from ytmnd

It's always the retarded zoomers and election tourists who pretend not to be new the hardest.

>> No.20592576
File: 556 KB, 754x601, jdif2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking retarded schizos holy shit,
ok nigger you said they are jewish and are zionist but its not there fault?

>> No.20592580
File: 324 KB, 634x857, 1585354243511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20592652

Then I am going to order more silver then
Thanks anon

>> No.20592586

Congrats on attaining Stackletâ„¢ status, you are now officially better off than 90% of the US' population.

I say keep stacking. If a dip comes, stack harder. The dollar is gonna crash in the next year, or maybe Trip and Shelton will usher in a new golden age with NESARA and the gold standard in September. Either way you win.

To be frank, government minted coins are only more expensive because boomers think the government minting makes them more legitimate. I have never, and will never buy government minted coins on principle, but also because they are needlessly more expensive.

>> No.20592602

Ok thanks, I heard about this thing but I never really understood. So could this basically break the exchange, will they demand physical delivery of such an incredible amount? When is the contract going to expire?

I'm aware of these reasons, but they haven't been new and people still didn't seem incredibly interested in Silver so far. But this JPM thing could really explain the huge spike.

>> No.20592606
File: 16 KB, 480x270, DuMP8JnVYAAKyJG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20592690

And the jewish tricks that have gone on since 2008
pic related
war would be an easy civil distraction and economic bandaid (on a rotten corpse)
No one will give you a concrete answer. Some say manipulation (suppression), but if you look at charts, all I see is the Hunt manipulation (boom). Yes, there's cartoon debt and unrealized inflation and a horrible depression around the corner, but silver didn't moon until afterwards.
Maybe, just maybe, the timeline fits if you say March was the start of the depression, now money is moving into silver as the economy has the dead cat bounce

>> No.20592615

If you are targeting 150x on your small miners, where are you measuring the bottom from? BOY? February? March nadir?

>> No.20592624
Quoted by: >>20592685

what board were you on nigger
also plebbit soacing?kys faggot

>> No.20592630

Because it's not all of them and they don't control the entire thing.
Saying it's all jews makes you look retarded. A lot of jews like Peter Schiff are against this central banker scam.
Go back to /pol/.

>> No.20592652


You're welcome. Remember to buy some miners too. SILJ. Gives you 2.5x leverage to the price of silver. Up 170% since the March lows; silver up 75%, Nasdaq up 50%.

>> No.20592660
File: 348 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200722-134829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for the shorters. Silver is hitting 50 by November

>> No.20592679
Quoted by: >>20592808

When this happens gold (and silver) is going to quietly keep going up every single day, while the MSM is screaming about other bullshit.

>> No.20592685

It's clear you're just an indoctrinated incel teenager btw lol

>what board were you on nigger
/b/ for the longest time, then /n/, then /new/ then /newnew/ then /pol/

>also plebbit soacing?kys faggot






>> No.20592690


>Hunt manipulation

Hunt Brothers brought the gold-silver ratio back to its normal level of 1:15, which is what it has been since the time of ancient Greece. So they didn't manipulate; they ended the manipulation.

>> No.20592694
File: 202 KB, 481x607, Screenshot from 2020-07-21 12-38-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20592731


>> No.20592704

Yeah I am living with family and thanks to corona reviving huge amounts of unemployment benefits so I will attempt to convert as much as possible to silver.
Its basically free precious metals so I don't think I can go wrong.
another 10 oz come fri when the deposit hits the bank it is.

>> No.20592731

Can you elaborate more on this?
Got a source or article?

Not an argument lmao

>> No.20592737

There are two related but distinct factors driving precious metal prices: the first is currency inflation itself and the related perception that precious metals are a better store of value.

The second is a more general panic about the state of the economy and a flight to safety IN GENERAL.

Economic stimulus is inflating the currency, but it is also delaying the general realization of what an economic hole the country is in.

>> No.20592738
Quoted by: >>20592780

nice shareblue insult,also you responded to my post twice i a row nigger,go suck some nigger dick

>> No.20592744

oh no someone called me out on being retarded, better post JIDF.tiff to resolve my cognitive dissonance

>> No.20592749

You're technically right. All shit eating central bankers are Jews, but not all Jews are shit eating bankers.

>> No.20592776
Quoted by: >>20592882

>Not an argument lmao
so you sound like a plebbit queer
if it sounds like a duck and looks like a duck,it most likely is a duck

>> No.20592778
File: 81 KB, 889x769, inflat_adg_100_yr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20592967

>The Hunts brought back a ratio that hasn't been in place for 8,000 years
Let me guess, you believe in $1,000/oz too? Because modern machinery and exploration and ??? still don't exist.

>> No.20592780

Wow you really memorized all of the schizo /pol/ lines. You're so predictable.

>also you responded to my post twice i a row nigger,go suck some nigger dick
You're a 12 year old who owns no PMs.
What are you even doing in this thread, faggot?

>> No.20592790

That's a compelling interpretation.

Although remember in Nov we have elections, and anytime a 10%+ dip in the market occurs, all that liquidated cash has to go somewhere, the real economy may easily see too much cash chasing commodities, leading to inflation.

>> No.20592798
File: 213 KB, 840x1048, canadaCBCgaysareevilnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, they are the most counterfeited, and you spend 3-5$ premium, to MAYBE get 1-2$ premium back instead of paying 1-2$ premium to get spot back with generics... IE guaranteed loss of a couple bucks per round.

In the end silver is silver, a few meme rounds never hurt anyone, but generics/junk or whatever is cheapest for stacking.

>> No.20592807
Quoted by: >>20593052

>All shit eating central bankers are Jews
name 10

>> No.20592808

Like... right now?

>> No.20592825
Quoted by: >>20593061

The /pol/-related fights on /pmg/ are more fun than anything on /pol/. I love this place.

>> No.20592828

>ll shit eating central bankers are Jews
not all of them, a lot of anti-central bankers are jewish.
it's just that the ideology of being jewish make these ideological jews stick together and support the same bullshit a lot of the time

>> No.20592831

gloryhole. wow what the fuck.

>> No.20592863 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 1675x1004, gsratiohunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The part about the historic ratio is common knowledge, you can find it by googling. Alexander the Great, for example, set the G:S ratio at 1:12.


Sometimes it has been as low as 1:3, but 1:4 is pretty common. Chart of the G:S ratio is easy to find as well; see picture. Notice that it spikes at 1:15 in 1980, when the Hunt "manipulation" came to a climax. The truth is, the Hunt brothers brought silver back to its normal level, and then were persecuted and bankrupted for their pains by those in power. This is because tyrannical governments fear gold and silver (see Dominic Frisby on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvL_Dm2d99A).).


>> No.20592865
Quoted by: >>20592926

hey nigger you said you were here from 07,but i asked you what boards,you never replied so i assume your a lying newfag

>> No.20592882

>still no argument
lmao I bet you're a virgin
You people have some of the lowest IQs in the world. You never actually have any real arguments, it's just the same simple shit over and over. Just as dumb as commies.

>> No.20592908
Quoted by: >>20592982

>a lot of anti-central bankers are jewish.
you are so obvious nigger lover

>> No.20592914
File: 98 KB, 1675x1004, gsratiohunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20593267


The part about the historic ratio is common knowledge, you can find it by googling. Alexander the Great, for example, set the G:S ratio at 1:12.


Sometimes it has been as low as 1:3, but 1:14 is pretty common. Chart of the G:S ratio is easy to find as well; see picture. Notice that it spikes at 1:15 in 1980, when the Hunt "manipulation" comes to a climax. The truth is, the Hunt brothers brought silver back to its normal level, and then were persecuted and bankrupted for their pains by those in power, who have shorted and suppressed silver with paper derivatives ever since. This is because tyrannical governments fear gold and silver (see Dominic Frisby on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvL_Dm2d99A).).


>> No.20592926

>you never replied
imagine not being able to read, see: >>20592685

>> No.20592935

very cringe

>> No.20592936

Stop pretending you're the norm and he's the outsider here.

Everyone on biz knows who created the central banks and why. They know about WW2 and weaponized liberalism and a million other things which are shocking to normies.

This knowledge is so prevalent here that we can't even be bothered to argue with you.

>> No.20592954
Quoted by: >>20593058

>lmao I bet you're a virgin
shes not going to fuck you no matter how many people you call a virgin online

you did not answer the question you deflected like a jew

>> No.20592967

Crazy to think that silver was almost $20 over 100 years ago.

>> No.20592969

I can general agree with this. I mean /pol/ is right that Jews are clannish, many of those waist-deep in shady financial shenanigans are totally Jewy, BUT not all Jews are scumbags

It’s like if it was the 60s and you meet some Italian guy in New Jersey who was in the logistics and warehouse business, it’d be equally understandable for you to wonder if he’s in a mob or racket of some kind, but it would be totally bigoted to assume that it has to be.

Stereotypes exist for a reason, but you can’t blindly treat individual people like walking stereotypes at the same time.

>> No.20592977
File: 110 KB, 699x786, 2020-07-22_12-56-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breakout or fakeout

>> No.20592982
File: 44 KB, 629x396, 0261c9d3f018b39668015085daa2f9e0-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are so obvious nigger lover
LOL why don't you have any actual arguments, you just call everyone a nigger when you get btfo

Is Peter Schiff a central banker? Was Ludwig von Mises a central banker?

>> No.20593017

>Stop pretending you're the norm and he's the outsider here.
because he is, he just spams nigger and has no argument

>Everyone on biz knows who created the central banks and why.
Plenty of people who created them were whites, you are insane and make legitimate anti-central bank people seem insane.

>> No.20593019

>It is generally accepted that lower-tiered Roman solders were paid a single silver denarius (0.12 troy ounces) per day. Likewise, Matthew 20:2 in the New Testament refers to the denarius as being the daily wage for a common vineyard laborer.
>Well, minimum wage is $7.25, so x 8 hours, that's $58. So if .12oz = 58, silver should be $500 an ounce!! MANIPULATION!
This is the type of logic you're trying to understand
That's inflation adjusted. It was actually $4.

>> No.20593034

$20 back then would be how much today? It's hilarious that it's still around $20, if it's not an obvious manipulation, then I don't know what it is.

>> No.20593052

Right, just after saying that I say "not all Jews are shit eating central bankers."


>> No.20593058
Quoted by: >>20593205

>shes not going to fuck you no matter how many people you call a virgin online
I've been dating the same chick for 3 years breh

>you did not answer the question
I literally did lmao you can't even read.
I bet you don't even remember /new/ or /n/.

>> No.20593061

>Everything common sense is pol

Wtf is wrong with millennials trying to thought police everything

>> No.20593062
Quoted by: >>20593102

god you are a faggot,how many dicks do you suck a day

>Plenty of people who created them were whites
sure rabbi ,sure

>> No.20593091
Quoted by: >>20593205

I mean, he's not wrong

>> No.20593102
Quoted by: >>20593205

Based reasonable poster.

I wonder what it's like to be an easily impressionable 12 year old schizo with no friends.
Obvious virgin.

>> No.20593116
File: 52 KB, 810x529, 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20593175

That is inflation adjusted. This one is not adjusted.

>> No.20593145

What's manipulated is your brain to think there is a 100 year conspiracy theory to keep the price low instead of looking at market factors

>> No.20593150

Spot price was hitting $23

>> No.20593158
Quoted by: >>20593214

>silver breakout
>kike shill shits up pmg

>> No.20593175
Quoted by: >>20593371

So we're overdue for a moon? With all that advanced tech it should have a higher bottom, we didn't need much silver before 2000. Now it's one of the most basic components of our everyday 2020 tech.

>> No.20593205
Quoted by: >>20593251

>I've been dating the same chick for 3 years breh
so how often does the bull come over?are you in chastity yet?

technacly put it will crash evetually,maybe even in our lifetimes if we are unlucky

>I wonder what it's like to be an easily impressionable 12 year old schizo with no friends.
>Obvious virgin.
i hope you like raising other mens kids

for anyone else who bought junk,what percentage of preminus did you buy at and what is a good percentage

>> No.20593214

Please tell me how Peter Schiff is a central banker and controls the global financial system.
I love to hear your theories.

>> No.20593225

I think there are a few things going on here. More Jews are interested in banking and finance and the business of money than gentiles generally speaking. This is the case for a number of historical reasons.

Banking and finance isn’t all bad of course: but central banking is both highly predatory and attracts negative attention at times of crisis. When the economy is falling apart and the money doesn’t buy what it did last month, Joe Blow looks for answers and somewhat understandably is more focused on the crooks at the top who treat the economy like their plaything than Peter Schiff who tried to warn everyone or Mr. Schmitt the jeweler down the street who actually isn’t a crook at all.

It’s not fair exactly but it’s not hard to understand.

>> No.20593251
Quoted by: >>20593278

>so how often does the bull come over?are you in chastity yet?
Why are you projecting like a little bitch?
Your ideology revolves around cucking yourself to the state so it's obvious what you're into cuckboy.

>> No.20593267

Do you see any substantial risk of nationalisation of silver/gold mines?

>> No.20593276
Quoted by: >>20593786

>Reddit spacing
It's like a comedy at this point.

>> No.20593278
Quoted by: >>20593332

>cucking yourself to the state
oh please tell me what ideology i am becasue you don't know what it is gayboy

>> No.20593293
Quoted by: >>20593409

300 shares of SLV in a meme IRA i stopped contributing to a few years ago
5 shares of GLD in that IRA

The rest is all physical

1.5 oz gold (all fractional coins)
175 oz silver:
5 10 Oz bars
54 Silver Eagles
3 5 oz bars
12 random 1oz silver rounds
6 1 oz bars
38 oz of 90% constitutional

>> No.20593294

I wish more people would think like this instead of blaming all jews.

>> No.20593320

Those aren't ASEs, those are privately minted walking liberty rounds.

>> No.20593323

>wish more people would think like this instead of blaming all jews.
people do think and then they realize whos behind it

>> No.20593332
Quoted by: >>20593353

90% sure you're a neetsoc/turd positionist manchild

>> No.20593353
Quoted by: >>20593407

wrong.also you like nigger cock ,

>> No.20593367

>people do think and then they realize whos behind it
A group of ideological jews is partially behind it, not every single fucking jew lmao

>> No.20593371
Quoted by: >>20593443

If you erase the Hunt brothers and the 2008 shitstorm, we're at all time highs.
That stands to reason with inflation and silver coming back into the mainstream and all sorts of Baloney Maloney folks talking about wealth transfers.
But moon mission? This isn't crypto. There have been 2 launches and they've crashed. Where's the moon missions from the other recessions noted by the vertical shadows?

>> No.20593397
Quoted by: >>20593437

>A group of ideological jews is partially behind it
what so now you agree with us?dumb faggot

>> No.20593407

>still no argument and calls everyone a nigger like the sperg that he is
What's your ideology then? Are you a magatard? What are you? You said you weren't a commie. there isn't much else.

>> No.20593409
Quoted by: >>20593520

Do you plan to cash out the ETFs?

>> No.20593435
File: 83 KB, 1024x917, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't you heard anon? There's no middle ground allowed, you can either believe all stereotypes are universally true, or universally bigoted. I love our modern world.

>> No.20593437

>what so now you agree with us?dumb faggot
Read my posts in this thread you actual moron, holy fuck kys
and this isn't agreeing with you, you literally think ALL jews are involved in a massive conspiracy
take your meds unironically

>> No.20593443

I think you might be right, so it's just adjusting to the money printing and all the free Fiat given to everyone? Wow, silver truly is without the future.
Thanks Anon, almost FOMO'd in at the top today.

>> No.20593464
File: 95 KB, 524x803, 2020-07-22_13-09-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20593541


>> No.20593508
File: 30 KB, 279x307, Screenshot from 2020-07-20 11-16-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20593540

>take your meds unironically

>> No.20593520

Idk. They are in a roth IRA so I cant touch that money for another 30 years. Figured my returns would be better if I were in silver and gold for now given equities have been pumping for 13 years and will likely either come tumbling down or stagnate as gold and silver continue to rise with inflation.

>> No.20593531
File: 54 KB, 600x800, 22_B23_FB2-8734-44_AD-_B095-_C358492_D84_AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is lead a precious metal?

>> No.20593540
File: 8 KB, 258x195, youu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not new, you are nigger, I don't actually need an argument!

>> No.20593541

Muh coiled spring anon. Enjoying larping as a normie.

>> No.20593551
Quoted by: >>20593583

If trading stocks taught me one thing it's that people pick a side and then try to come up with arguments to rationalize their position.
Counter arguments almost never work. They dismiss it and call it psyop.

>> No.20593583
Quoted by: >>20593647

true, humans are pretty stupid, oh well...

>> No.20593612
File: 7 KB, 255x198, 6235123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20593613
Quoted by: >>20593642

>please, if i post zoomer, maybe they won't think im a complete poser newfag

>> No.20593619
File: 864 KB, 1075x871, tubby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better than holding the dollar, especially when Tubby gets on, but there are a lot of crazies in here.
I think silver is where it should be, if not slightly too high, but it will get higher as inflation increases and the dollar decreases. And when the inevitable stock market correction happens, there should be a pop for a year or two until people are comfortable again with the stock market.
Yes, one day the dollar with be worthless. Then the anon's will tell their great-grandchildren, from their deathbed, they were right and that other anon from 70 years ago was wrong.

>> No.20593628

Yall better take your shit to /b/

>> No.20593642
Quoted by: >>20593687

>they won't
Man, you just keep spamming the thread with gay /pol/ memes and not having an argument.
You didn't even know what /new/ was.
Just close the tab.

>> No.20593647
Quoted by: >>20593683

oh god are a woman?that would explain why your so fucking stupid

>> No.20593683

They're actually going to put this person on the 20? lmao

Nope. But remember that she will never have sex with you.

>> No.20593687
Quoted by: >>20593738

>You didn't even know what /new/ was
i never said i did not know what it was you are puting words in my mouth faggot

>> No.20593722
File: 113 KB, 568x759, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20593738
Quoted by: >>20593819

lol you actually didn't know what /new/ was. fucking newfaggot
What is your political ideology, you refuse to tell us?

>> No.20593746

>silver finally fucking mooning
>/pmg/ is full of QAnon boomers rambling
Am I unironically going to have to go to /smg/ to talk about metals?

>> No.20593754
Quoted by: >>20593784

>Nope. But remember that she will never have sex with you.
cope ,we know your a faggot

>> No.20593784
Quoted by: >>20593871

You will never EVER get laid. I bet you're unironically ugly as well bro.

>> No.20593786

Spacing out disparate thoughts into new paragraphs isn't reddit spacing, it's basic grammar you faglord. Reddit spacing is when you do a new line break after every sentence for no reason at all.

>> No.20593800
File: 17 KB, 480x360, cokacola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20593871

can all you new fags please go back to lurking? You are ruining our comfy thread... if you dont have a stack to post or PMG related shit STFU

This post brought to you by coka cola
*crack sip*
"ill have a coke"

>> No.20593807
Quoted by: >>20594129

/biz/ is /pol/, there are no differences

>> No.20593816

right now /smg/ is just various anons either jerking off or killing themselves over msft and tesla earnings

>> No.20593819
Quoted by: >>20593855

yes i did faggot ,your just grasping at stwas so desperate to not be outed as a complete faggot
talking about /new here faggot before you try to take this out of contex

>> No.20593841

And Trump is racist for not expediting it 10 years from the timeline Obama set for Floyd.

>> No.20593855
Quoted by: >>20593899

>yes i did faggot
No you didn't lmao, you clearly weren't here back then you dumb election tourist
What is your political ideology?

>> No.20593871
Quoted by: >>20593901

>You will never EVER get laid. I bet you're unironically ugly as well bro.
oh is baby mad?is baby crying?

>PMG related shit STFU
sorry the fags just get me so angry

>> No.20593899
Quoted by: >>20593948

>No you didn't lmao, you clearly weren't here back then you dumb election tourist
>What is your political ideology?
god your dumb .i did know your just keep harping on it becasue your trying so despretly to get another anon in this thread to back you on this point,we know your a poser plebbit faggot kys nigger

>> No.20593901
Quoted by: >>20593969

>gonna shit and cum maybe

>> No.20593906
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, JunkSilver-0002-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is the deal on junk silver? Are there any places in particular that are a good place to purchase? Should I bother or just stick to 1 oz rounds/coins?

>> No.20593948

You STILL won't tell us your political ideology. You don't even know the difference between your and you're.
How low is your IQ bro?

>> No.20593969
Quoted by: >>20594017

>>gonna shit and cum maybe
get a load of this soiboy faggot

kys shlomo thats my ideology also know as being a traditionalist,

>> No.20594005
Quoted by: >>20594046

>ou don't even know the difference between your and you're.
look at me im ssoooo smrt.your a fag

isk thats what im looking for, im most likely just going to geo to an LCS

>> No.20594017
File: 27 KB, 500x357, facepalm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20594039

>being a traditionalist
one is not a traditionalist one follows a tradition be is christian or muslim or hindu or buddhist.
Read some guenon and evola before you just throw those words around

>> No.20594039
Quoted by: >>20594089

>ne is not a traditionalist one follows a tradition be is christian or muslim or hindu or buddhist.
im not eather of thoese faggot

>> No.20594046

You're actually a dumb person for not knowing even basic grammar or spellings.
lmao the tradition of being a faggot

>> No.20594082 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 266x430, Screenshot from soy 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20594142

>ou're actually a dumb person for not knowing even basic grammar or spellings.

>> No.20594089
File: 17 KB, 882x758, caa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20594116
File: 125 KB, 500x522, 1588287995485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how about those precious metals guys

>> No.20594124

>lmao the tradition of being a faggot
better than being you faggot

>> No.20594129
File: 63 KB, 474x474, 1234123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth, I stack because of jewish monetary policy

>> No.20594142
File: 31 KB, 601x508, your and youre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20594193


>> No.20594159

Not here.
This is /shitposting&seething/

>> No.20594193

nigger i don't care if i misspell because you still understand me,im not a fag liike you so i don't nitpick like a woman

>> No.20594198
Quoted by: >>20594391

How many ounces of Silver to buy a house in the new world frens?

>> No.20594203
File: 163 KB, 1200x750, 222047_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes back to the topic at hand
I will ask you the same question I asked earlier what are you opinions on junk silver and do you know any good places to buy?
Oh and are you another native Floridian by chance?

>> No.20594217

SLV won't go to zero. One day, they will just close out everyone's position for the current price, and paper holders will miss the moon mission.

>> No.20594304
Quoted by: >>20594319

Give me a vote, should we just keep stacking for now?

>> No.20594312

try local, my LCS was selling mercs for $1.50 a pop a couple weeks ago

>> No.20594316
Quoted by: >>20594914

DESU while I like the look and feel of junk, you have to keep in mind that for example a half dollar is closer to 1/3 oz. than 1/2, a dime is more like 0.08oz than 1/10 and so on.

I think meme junk silver dimes are actually great, because newly minted fractional silver is both not easy to find and a rip-off whereas silver dimes are cheap and pretty great besides.

So while I own a few Kennedy half-dollars and some dimes, a silver dollar and an ordering a walking liberty and Franklin just to have, I’m not sure if I’m terms of sheer stacking weight they are such a great deal anymore. The word is out, so if anything they’re usually more expensive in a raw $/oz analysis than the bars, or the cheapest new rounds, or even cheap coins like Phillys or Krugs.

tl;dr do buy some if you want, but they’re not necessarily the cheapest anymore

>> No.20594319


>> No.20594332
File: 107 KB, 960x960, 8279d128e8609e8e5fd5da1050a75f00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20594563

Ultimately the degradation of our threads while sad, is very bullish for PMs in general.

>> No.20594378
Quoted by: >>20595169

do LCS lag behind spot by any luck?

>> No.20594391

By tomorrow it will be 50 generic ounces or 0.0001 2020 American Silver Eagles

>> No.20594415

you mean actually leave my house and interact with people in the flesh? That is a awfully tall order but I might give it a shot.
Sorry I just hate dealing with people

>> No.20594484
Quoted by: >>20594587

Breakout. Rising wedge is bullish af

>> No.20594563

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH one of my dealers cancelled an order I made after I paid....

>> No.20594571
Quoted by: >>20594660

1,000 is the make it stack. 100 oz would be quite respectable for a short term goal.

>> No.20594587
File: 94 KB, 524x811, 2020-07-22_13-39-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess so

>> No.20594634

Hey silverbros, 85 oz Stacklet here and I'm just giving you guys some underrated advice, don't watch the spot price every day, don't let it bother you, just try your best to stay the course, these past few days have been stressing the fuck out of me because I feel like it could moon any day now, it's literally going up $1-$1.50 every day, I've been having trouble sleeping at night and I couldn't even get hard to fuck last night cause I was so stressed over the price, please anons just don't let FOMO or any other feeling take over your life, this shit sucks and it's all I can think about rn, I gotta just take a break from anything silver related after all this chaos is over

>> No.20594660
File: 655 KB, 960x540, 1569483954479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20596230

100 I think is doable 1,000 as a long term goal is fine but I just don't have the money or at the moment income to make that happen.
I guess I will stick to rounds/coins unless I can find some good prices on bars or good deals on some junk silver.
Thanks for the goals

>> No.20594686
File: 34 KB, 400x388, 1472866845042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate my ugly silver buffalos anymore.

>> No.20594688
File: 131 KB, 500x500, 1585599872393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20594792

You're stressed looking at charts? Bro I'm cooming over here watching the charts.

>> No.20594792

It's nice seeing my shit be in the green, but I always feel like I need more, I think even if I was a 50,000 oz whale who bought it all at $6 an ounce in the 90s I'd want more, that's just how humans are I guess

>> No.20594807
File: 221 KB, 828x1792, D36FC609-277B-4485-9FD1-6707E7E4F973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do next?

>> No.20594829

buy physical

>> No.20594856

What happens when gold breaks its ATH?

>> No.20594910
Quoted by: >>20596260

has it not?

>> No.20594914
Quoted by: >>20594972

You are right anon, its kinda scummy that we have to pay for face value and not weight as it benefits the dealers more then the sellers. On top of the high premiums for junk silver you can get a much better bang for your buck getting generic silver.

>> No.20594936
Quoted by: >>20595085

You mean again? It already did in most of the Fiats.
To answer your question, media attention will happen, normies will start buying, increasing the price even further. If it gets out of control, America would most likely consider Metal Standard again. All you need is the will of the people, the only people against it would be the Bankers and the billionaires. Fuck them.

>> No.20594972

Benefits the dealers more then the buyers.

>> No.20594977

That's when normie investors slowly start trickling in.

>> No.20595084
File: 246 KB, 1147x1103, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably common knowledge here but I was just able to pick up 2 silver krugerrands on ebay with shipping for 55.37.
That comes to 27.685 per oz which is cheaper then a cash transaction at provident metals which is 28.04 assuming you buy 1-24 coins.
With the rapid increase in price there might be some good deals to be had on ebay from the more trusted sellers.

>> No.20595085

>All you need is the will of the Government
>the only people against it would be the Bankers and the billionaires

>> No.20595091
File: 119 KB, 749x751, silver chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new copypasta? me likey.

>> No.20595128
Quoted by: >>20596503

Highlight for me if you will the plethora of chosenites who

1. Call out the aggressive racial nepotism practised by their tribe

2. Promote white interests as a balance towards this general anti white behaviour

Your straw man argument of "it's not ever single one of the chosen" is weak. None of them argue against their tribalism or break ranks. None. Ever. EVER.

>> No.20595132
Quoted by: >>20595202

Ebay charges me taxes so its still more expensive.

>> No.20595169

No. Dealers should, and do, check spot price before every sale.

>> No.20595183


>> No.20595202

fuck that sucks
well if the price keeps climbing and the idiots don't update their listings you still might make out in a few days who knows.
Picked up those two coins and one more silver britannia because the price was right.
I really want to add a us coin to my collection but the premium on the silver eagles or whatever is just too fucking much.

>> No.20595223
File: 20 KB, 280x275, brehs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK I really miss buying eagles lads, when the FUCK will their premiums go back to normal?

>> No.20595246

Why the fuck are people still buying right now? Lmao. Feels so good to have been buying for the last 5 years. Welcome aboard, newfags.

>> No.20595258

Bro, the best part of stacking bullion is that it literally just sits there, it's the definition of a comfy long term hold. You want stress? Try day trading SPY options

>> No.20595282
File: 93 KB, 524x808, 2020-07-22_14-04-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How chad can this metal get

>> No.20595287
Quoted by: >>20595427

Never most likely? $30 per oz will be the new rock bottom.

>> No.20595288

My negro, I'm right there with you. SLV options chads rise up

(Yes I own physical too)

>> No.20595303
Quoted by: >>20595762

>why are people buying now
because like you said I am a fucking newfag and had not even thought about buying gold or silver until very recently.
Between the corona, shit financial system, and the possibility of war it makes a great deal of sense and if I am lucky I made it just in time too.
If not oh well I will have a bunch of silver at my house to horde for an emergency.

>> No.20595315
Quoted by: >>20595597

Where's the best place to get asahi rounds and bars?

>> No.20595321


>> No.20595331
Quoted by: >>20595762

I've been buying for the last decade and I'm still buying now. You can never have too much money and 23 USD is still extremely cheap compared to how much currency has been created.

>> No.20595349
File: 125 KB, 1092x710, gold and silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20597149

Made a nice profit on various gold/silver mining operations and ETFs today. Pic related. Not sure when I sell, honestly.

>> No.20595352

75oz stacklet right behind you. 3 months of unemployment hurt my stacking gains

>> No.20595427

I wouldn't mind paying that if the spot price was $26 or so, but seriously just FUCK a $9 premium

>> No.20595538
File: 204 KB, 1240x781, 2020-07-22_14-12-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20595988

Nice closes on the Comex today for gold/silver. Let's see what happens when they open back up

>> No.20595597



>> No.20595642 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20595717

$29,58 for a philharmonic in my country...
i've been desperately trying to get friends and family to board the lifeboat with me but nobody takes me seriously. they just blankly stare at me or laugh. they're probably thinking i'm being paranoid and/or autistic
i'm fucking done. fuck people

>> No.20595649

I just barely started stacking. 37oz of rounds/bars and then whatever I have in scrap jewelry. Can't buy because Cali is closed down. I'm fucked.

>> No.20595673

$29,58 for a philharmonic in my country...
i've been desperately trying to get friends and family to board the lifeboat with me but nobody takes me seriously.
they just blankly stare at me or laugh.
they're probably thinking i'm being paranoid and/or autistic
i'm fucking done. fuck people

>> No.20595717

I begged my entire family to buy as much silver as they could when it hit 13 USD I said it was a no brainer, definitely going to be double that at some point and can never go to zero. They just gave me that dumb flouride stare.

>> No.20595730

lol, my mom thinks I'm crazy.
>But anon my 401k already regained all its losses and is only going higher!

>> No.20595736

Ignore everyone, take care of yourself. You did everything you could, Normies don't understand Precious Metals. Keep stacking, Bro. There is no other way out of this hell.

>> No.20595747

Maybe appear to their greed
I have seen people talking about the possibility of $100/oz silver prices.
If they invest 263 and buy 10 oz right now they would be looking at 736 in profit.
I would think that might convince some of them to at least buy a small amount.
then again if they are like my family nothing will convince them so I am just going to stack as much as I can and pray its enough

>> No.20595762
Quoted by: >>20595822

That sucks, desu. I'm pissed that I don't have 1,000 ounces yet. Wishing I bought more when I could have. Could only imagine how I'd feel if I didn't buy at all.

True, but where are you finding silver for $23? Because it appears to me that it doesn't exist. Eagles are $33 a pop right now on the major dealer sites. If you could get it for $23, then sure, why not. But I'm not seeing any spot price deals.

>> No.20595793
File: 18 KB, 480x315, 546984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20595985

>thinking the dollar will survive the decade

Anon, I...

>> No.20595822

It does suck but I think 100oz is within my reach over the short term and if it really does go as high as 100/oz that is 100,000 dollars and a huge fucking profit.
Maybe I won't "make it" but I will be in a better position than many/most

>> No.20595836
File: 3.01 MB, 3072x4096, Reportan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20595967


>> No.20595843

1 AGQ jan2022 50$ leap call
215 shares of AGQ
~20K of GLD

>> No.20595846
File: 338 KB, 409x409, seated liberty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so a mercury dime will get you a sexy night out and Roosevelt dime not far off.
Question is what will a seated liberty dime get me? Will they tailor their services to the nuances of numismatic value?

>> No.20595855
Quoted by: >>20595934

Premiums is a lie. Silver is worth what it is worth. Spot price is imaginary.

>> No.20595905

>Will they tailor their services to the nuances of numismatic value?

Yes, it means they will get their boyfriend to rob you for being such a pansy.

>> No.20595908
File: 600 KB, 1056x1553, Good deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20596011

People love to buy those good deal coins at ebay.

>> No.20595934


>> No.20595967
Quoted by: >>20596110

what do those rings do? look like some /x/ tier shit

>> No.20595971

barber dimes get you a full night of raw sex, seated liberties get you a wife

>> No.20595985

100 years ago $20 would buy an ounce of Gold, now it won't even buy an ounce of silver. In 2030, $20 won't even buy the paper it's printed on.

>> No.20595988
Quoted by: >>20596035

silver up another dollar, then down .50 then up .50 just like the past 2 days

>> No.20596011

give it until friday close and that will actually be a good deal

>> No.20596035

"premiums" have increased much faster than spot in my country... retail price is the only thing that matter

>> No.20596073
Quoted by: >>20596122

you guys ready for another 7-8% gain?

>> No.20596093
File: 246 KB, 1806x728, 20200722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver mentioned 128 times
Gold mentioned 58 times
Platinum mentioned 0 times
Palladium mentioned 0 times
OP please change pmg to /silver and gold general/

>> No.20596110

The Cross of Lorraine, the Green Lion, the Void Oval, and the Slanted Tiger's Eye are all signals.

The rest are just pretty.The band with the white, rose, and yellow gold leaves is just a Macy's piece that I got for real cheap.

>> No.20596112
File: 211 KB, 1173x674, 1595290639935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how much metal do we actually have as a group?
Can we build a citadel together? I'm tired of normies :(

>> No.20596122

no plese go down
also ill bake

>> No.20596163

Actually down for this.

>> No.20596168
Quoted by: >>20596573

PGMs have never been used as money and are more industrial metals than precious metals. But yeah theyre cool and a decent buy. I own 5oz of platinum and I the palladium eagle looks nice

>> No.20596171
File: 107 KB, 610x613, 1593475604682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20596210


>> No.20596179
File: 64 KB, 347x419, 1595359295453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20596573

Palladium and Platinum have never been used as money.
Gold and silver exist together naturally and is known as "electrum".
The refining gave us both gold & silver.
God is truly great. We use what he gave us.
I would imagine the introduction of Palladium and Platinum would allow the world to diversify using different standards, but I would imagine there would have to be a general agreement on ratios between all 4 metals.
>inb4 Rhodium

>> No.20596210
File: 91 KB, 960x1024, 1537029088750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20596240

ur the glowie
this is a no bully zone

>> No.20596220
Quoted by: >>20596573

Platinum and palladium are closer to industrial metals than precious metals in a traditional sense. They have not been used as currency or jewelry, but that are great in industrial materials.

>> No.20596230

I just bought 70oz to bring me up to 100.
I bought a kilo + 3 10oz and filled it out with a couple rounds for fun.
You'll save A LOT of money buying those bulk size bars

>> No.20596231
File: 201 KB, 1600x1589, 1587514196439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at those prices It sure looks like it to me platinum makes a better purchase than gold. Although the history with gold may make it a better shit hit the fan metal.
Regardless both are too rich for my blood. Silver is really the only thing within my grasp.

>> No.20596240

>oh no ive been found out

>> No.20596260

in USD i think it's like 1900. Pretty sure it's at ATH in every other currency

>> No.20596264


>> No.20596349

Guys, I've been checking the spot price, and it hasn't moved at all in almost an hour. I don't know whats going on, but I think someone is trying to pull the plug on our little rally. I am taking every ounce of silver that I own and exchanging it at the local pawn shop.
We got too cocky.

>> No.20596424
File: 152 KB, 1110x1239, mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Put calls

>> No.20596462

8675309 oz shinys

>> No.20596503
File: 736 KB, 616x798, 1595417863576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20596586

Dave Smith calls out anti-white racism all the time, also calls out Jewish over representation in centers of power and influence like central banking. All the best Jews are libertarian to anarcho-capitalist. I feel bad for all the based Jews out there, I bet the often feel more alone in their race than white people. In a lot of ways I admire hasidics: rabidly in group focused, but don't pursue power outside of removing outside control over their group, and plenty willing to do business with outsiders.

Anywho, I won't stop thanking Peter Schiff for advocacy of gold and silver, he has done way more than average to advance the cause of liberty through removing yourself from the central banking cartel.

>> No.20596506

What about Neodymium and Yttrium? Just because they are rare and very useful doesn't mean that lots of people want to hold them. Platinum and Palladium are mostly industrial in use. Totally valuable and people wanting to discuss them are welcome to in /pmg/, but they are definitely in the back seat in terms of popularity, and that goes doubly for gold going high and silver jumping out of its head. People are for sure going to want to discuss them more. I think people could make good money speculating on platinum since it probably is very undervalued, but I am holding for speculation AND to preserve wealth. I am convinced that gold and silver will retain a lot of value in an economic crisis. Platinum and Palladium, being far more industrial in nature, might actually take a hit during poor economic times. /2cents

>> No.20596528

This sounds like solid advice. Everyone should dump their physical silver right now. I would happily take it off your hands for spot +1.

>> No.20596543

Anything minted before a Mercury dime is too rare to be appreciated by a woman. They would spend that seated liberty on shoes or some stupid purse. Don't give it to them. Even Mercury dimes should only be given to the finest of roasties.

>> No.20596555

I've said this before but I'd gladly live in a village with all of you, centered around PAN MAN's gold mine

>> No.20596573
File: 37 KB, 576x768, 1590462823939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20596752

>platinum and palladium were never used as money
Fuck me are you brainwashed? Everythread that is only response.

>> No.20596586

I'm not an anti-semite per se, but counter-semitic in that I can see that a group of Jews do in fact wield outsized power and are using it to destroy my people. I don't hate someone because they are Jewish, but I do object to Jewish domination of my people. Dave Smith is alright in my book.

>> No.20596632


>> No.20596752

Well go start your own commune that is backed by palladium and platinum you dummy

>> No.20596895
File: 318 KB, 1200x800, the family that gives footjobs together stays together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SD Bullion
Money Metals Exchange
Monument Metals

Those three vendors have the best prices for junk metals. I prefer mercury dimes because they are distinctive from roosevelts and hard to fake.
> Also exchange rate of 1 FWTDHWAHQUD bj per dime

I used to buy a $100 face baggie for $1400. Last week it was $1600. Yesterday it was $1900. Now it's close to $2000 per bag
>by next month $3000 per $100 dimebag

>> No.20597149

Any source on learning about options that you have used or just investopedia? I have made some good money of probably just luck and silver. But it seems like you the finesse required to really go all in on calls.