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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 303 KB, 960x1200, GL3ANMlWEAADToH.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74669277 No.74669277 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>74669531

Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:











Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>74662723

>> No.74669295
File: 218 KB, 2048x2048, GMLS72cXQAALUUi.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with my cute wife

>> No.74669334
File: 151 KB, 771x1024, 1714323282259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74669347
File: 207 KB, 1206x1136, GMFrSvzbwAAe7dO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yummy no shu

>> No.74669383
Quoted by: >>74669778

I’m one of the ones that complains when he doesn’t stream but even I think they’re being dumb about it right now, it’s probably just the really extreme complainer

>> No.74669464 [SPOILER] 
File: 757 KB, 1142x906, 1701400573341561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74669495

Enna is good and her singing is perfect

>> No.74669486

I didn’t know half of the Singapore m&g got cut short until Debby complained about it on twitter. Apparently some of them didn’t even get to chat with their oshi due to internet issue and staffs not willing to extend their time… That’s so unfortunate

>> No.74669495
Quoted by: >>74669545

Her singing is mediocre, and she's a nasty cunt who ruined the branch.

>> No.74669529
File: 262 KB, 369x485, 1709154344096616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74669531
Quoted by: >>74669561

Who are they? Are these phase connect whores?

>> No.74669545
File: 294 KB, 1920x1080, 1707241517665258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74669794

Got you

>> No.74669549
Quoted by: >>74669582

People saying Sonny kept apologizing and sounding sad makes me ;_;

>> No.74669561
Quoted by: >>74669587


>> No.74669582
Quoted by: >>74670010

Then you have kadets complaining here that he's not streaming when he's probably feeling bad about it too

>> No.74669587

No seriously who are they?

>> No.74669602
Quoted by: >>74670086

I was just reading another tweet of her right now about how sonny asked in a surprised tone if the m&g was over because she turned around to ask the staff how many seconds she had left due to time cutting. I hope sonny isn't blaming himself for this....

>> No.74669673

damn so much blood

>> No.74669693

I'm being inspired to write some ryona and brutal rape ideas. Briskadets, please write some fanfics

>> No.74669743
File: 356 KB, 1847x2048, 20350215_234800_IMG_0901 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!

Marrying this dumb silly plant girl who doesn't know toilet paper comes from plants!

>> No.74669778

don't get me wrong i also whine when he's gone but i'm not serious about it and i can't be seriously mad while knowing how autistic he gets about showing his best when singing live, and being sick isn't fun.

>> No.74669792

truly part of nijicantdrive kek
im loving his laughs

>> No.74669794
File: 38 KB, 474x474, 1664674665913188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74670033

It blows my mind how there's a clear lineage of people who desperately need to be axed, Enna/Luca/Millie/Elira, and yet NijiEN goes out of their way to avoid punishing them, even though it destroys the entire branch in the process.

It's unironically a clique. Those people are "their friends" and they will always avoid punishing them or firing them. While people who aren't friends with the management get the shit end of the stick.
I mean how can management possibly fire wuca wuca? It's not like he ever leaked anything right?

>> No.74669873

Nooo Shu don't unalive yourself you're so sexy ahaaa

>> No.74669882
File: 22 KB, 222x305, 1714323881546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74669997

It's 3am where my gn

>> No.74669984

im stupid mentally and emotionally unstable guess my oshi

>> No.74669997
Quoted by: >>74670075

You live in my timezone!

>> No.74670000


>> No.74670010

do you think he feels more sad about kadets whining or kadets writing fanfic where he stalks women and cuts their hands off

>> No.74670013

these idiots

>> No.74670023


>> No.74670033

>shitpost about elira despite have elira pic
Gaping anus haver and you will reply with seething paragraph lol

>> No.74670034

>The lady isn't a fujoshi

>> No.74670039

yaminions, comfydants, renvaderz, dropscythes and vantacrews are pretty sane

>> No.74670075
Quoted by: >>74670255

i live in sonny's timezone are you sonny?

>> No.74670078
File: 152 KB, 823x875, IMG_6863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m getting kinda sleepy…

>> No.74670077

yaminions aren't sane there is a really bitchy suicidal one itt

>> No.74670086

sonny's here, I'm punching my face right now

>> No.74670140


>> No.74670155

and his surprised expression uee

>> No.74670189
File: 375 KB, 540x540, 1678262870401956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Claude mean by this?


>> No.74670195
Quoted by: >>74670249

They shared a seesaw and he still betrayed him?

>> No.74670223

>the takos are batshit insane and perhaps some of the worst
I haven't been ITT for months and came back for Ennas 3D, can I get a QRD on why we have holofag residents and why are they menhera...

>> No.74670243
File: 73 KB, 1088x1088, FaPOQdKXoAEdt0Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god what a twist!!!

>> No.74670249
File: 333 KB, 1605x2000, IMG_5662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don’t swing hard enough…

>> No.74670255

I live in Luca's so we aren't always in the same timezone I guess but right now we are!

>> No.74670267
Quoted by: >>74670317

Yaminions and comfydants are crazy

>> No.74670289
Quoted by: >>74670345

>holofag residents
anon... lmao

>> No.74670300

Kindred (just like me fr fr my guy my dude my bro)

>> No.74670309
File: 845 KB, 2316x1080, Screenshot_20240428_101357_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74670317

I'm not crazy :(

>> No.74670338

Obsessing with noombers does that to you but
>the takos are batshit insane and perhaps some of the worst
This is probably smeer campaign bcs local schizo can’t access restream hosted by tako anon

>> No.74670345
Quoted by: >>74670388

If they're friendly enough to be thread celebrities then they're not tourists anymore

>> No.74670356

>I haven't been ITT for months
clearly not if you aren't aware we call one our our fanbases that

>> No.74670364
Quoted by: >>74670404

So I just saw this tweet
and I have to ask, is the plush they hit supposed to be a dragoon? If so that's really funny because they immediately eat shit after that, which is a good representation of every time Enna tries to stir up drama.

>> No.74670380
File: 245 KB, 364x298, 1689730393015085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74670388

you're so dumb

>> No.74670403

PvP lets gooo

>> No.74670404
Quoted by: >>74670541


>> No.74670417
Quoted by: >>74670681

Nenmen is literally unusable because of how menhera and mean comfydants are

>> No.74670443

Mental ward Takradachi...

>> No.74670449
Quoted by: >>74670542

bugposter here. I’m calling janny a coward for being scared of bugs

>> No.74670452
Quoted by: >>74670662

Anons call takaradachi takos or albanians because they bully them and pretend they don't know who they are or what Alban's name is. As for the menhera, we got a recent Takaradachi posting from the mental hospital who got investigated for having shotaban in her computer, and also apparently they talked about being menhera and suicidal or addicted to opiates in /nenmen/.

>> No.74670470

He's sorry for dunking on your kid

>> No.74670471

you are retarded or a tourist

>> No.74670541

I realized I fucked up right after I posted time to kill myself

>> No.74670542

Hope that bug snack is delicious at least anon…

>> No.74670546

>a way out vs it take two
which game is better?

>> No.74670589
File: 44 KB, 200x200, 20350204_053020_IMG_0342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74670670

What is even going on itt? Wrong answers only

>> No.74670594

>to kill myself
Well do it

>> No.74670601

*rapes this dramafag*

>> No.74670612
Quoted by: >>74670673

we have an unironic medically diagnosed schizophrenic takaradachi, actually

>> No.74670631

The parents being psychopaths during the elephant section in It Takes Two forever soured me on it

>> No.74670662

fictako also tried to kill himself during one of alban's breaks and then stopped coming to 4chan almost entirely while trying to recover, they're usually harmless but when they go insane they go off the deep end

>> No.74670670
Quoted by: >>74670726

rosemi said she doesn't want to marry me....

>> No.74670673
Quoted by: >>74670788

They should be put in a room with the local schizo

>> No.74670681

honestly feel like the comfydants on twitter have become bitchier than them, really

>> No.74670680


>> No.74670726

Sorry bud, because she's marrying me! Also it's nice to have a chill early stream on a Sunday =w=

>> No.74670747

i want sex with Ike
anyone agree

>> No.74670762

Says a lot that the twitter comfydants are bitchier by that standard

>> No.74670765
Quoted by: >>74670830

this thing got serious, holy cow

>> No.74670783

It's been clear for some time there are no adults in the room in Nijisanji. There is essentially no management to tardwrangle them, which leaves a bunch of high school bully types with very low IQs essentially managing themselves.

>> No.74670788

why would you wish that on her she doesn't cause drama and just posts alban

>> No.74670804

How bad are they, I hardly see anyone bitching. Is all the bitching in Chinese?

>> No.74670806

>wants to try hugging
why is he so cute....

>> No.74670816

only if it's very slow and romantic and i get to kiss him and tell him everything is going to be alright

>> No.74670815

A Way Out is A Way Better game for collabs

>> No.74670828
File: 1.78 MB, 714x718, josef wins goty.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It Takes Two has a cinematic story but Josef made the game more conventionally fun. There are also a lot more mechanics than A Way Out yet it still manages to feel decently polished, which is an accomplishment. I wonder what kind of game they'll make next, I'm hoping for horror

>> No.74670830

A Way Out?

>> No.74670850

What are they bitching about, Fulgur isn’t streaming

>> No.74670872

i liked it takes two better for the gameplay but a way out had a good story

>> No.74670873

Both of these posts are from maleanons.

>> No.74670878

kek they glitched the game

>> No.74670879


>> No.74670894
Quoted by: >>74670985

twitter comfydants are mad at nijisanji for not forcing fuuchan to travel and be in pain to be in 3D

>> No.74670905

I will save her

>> No.74670922

ea your games.. kek
hugs will resolve everything, i just know it

>> No.74670927
Quoted by: >>74670973

Both of these posts are from Vox.

>> No.74670925

bitching about fulgur not having big heavy milky tits in his new outfit

>> No.74670973
Quoted by: >>74671040

i'm sani

>> No.74670985

It's so funny to see people with easy cushioned lives complaining when they encounter a little pain and have zero ability to handle it. Reminds me of enna complaining when she has to do 1/10th the work of an average working person

>> No.74670993

this reminds me of that pokemon movie when that pikachu slaps the other one while both sobbing..

>> No.74671016
Quoted by: >>74671078

I don't want to go out but I ran out of toilet paper...

>> No.74671040
Quoted by: >>74671146

As long as it's still only men who want to have sex with Ike, cool.

>> No.74671078

just use an old rag

>> No.74671081

hes so invested... NO NO GUNS

>> No.74671093


>> No.74671097

The way I can hear them both mashing their buttons makes this more hilarious

>> No.74671126

i must not leply. leplying is the mind killer. leplying is the little death that brings total obliteration. i will face my general. i will permit the shitpost to pass over me and through me. and when it has gone past i will turn the inner eye to see its path. where the leply has gone there will be nothing. only i will remain.

>> No.74671145

these idiots kek

>> No.74671146
Quoted by: >>74671173

what if i'm yugo?

>> No.74671173
Quoted by: >>74672890

On thin ice.

>> No.74671194

Shu the vox killer

>> No.74671195
File: 27 KB, 303x303, 3717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74671204

this is payback for that jump king stream

>> No.74671214
Quoted by: >>74671355

kek Meloco

>> No.74671215

sorcerer lost the minigames but not this..
dude... leo...

>> No.74671241

Do people actually find Rosemi's voice cute? It sounds like earrape to me.

>> No.74671251
Quoted by: >>74671355

fuck off meloco there's 3 girls streaming you could have raided instead

>> No.74671255
Quoted by: >>74671355


>> No.74671279

i'm gonna cry ;-;

>> No.74671285

oh shit

>> No.74671289

This dude not only bullied the kid on the basketball court, he also killed his dad

>> No.74671291

Sad news : Leos Vincent to be renamed to be simply Vincent

>> No.74671296
File: 160 KB, 1902x1902, GJ-JilNaEAAx_CK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's late and I can't sleep but I want to, how come every time I visit these days someone seems to be referencing me. As a vtuber fan being legitimately schizo shouldn't be that odd. The voices and delusions do cause bad things but I'm still okay and I'm not arrested for my little boy Alban porn.

>> No.74671306

isn't this kinda cruel......
if it's a solo game the sorcerer would definitely cry

>> No.74671338


>> No.74671354

yeah.. he took the blame...
NOOO THE KID this is fucked up

>> No.74671355
File: 913 KB, 894x995, meloco hori shiet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74671370

Sad but not as painful as the elephant segment

>> No.74671383
Quoted by: >>74671421

Did Ike try to off himself or something why are twitter quilldren telling him to get well

>> No.74671411

Ugly ahh baby

>> No.74671421
Quoted by: >>74671441

he vomited

>> No.74671439

fucking kek vox stop

>> No.74671441


>> No.74671457

They're usually the ones doing obnoxious fandom policing in my experience. Not sure how else to articulate it other than saying that they treat being passive aggressive like it's a sport. they're like workers in a qrt factory

>> No.74671473
File: 257 KB, 1920x1080, 1714325829857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijien for this when

>> No.74671497

only a way out..
the nail in the coffin, jesus christ

>> No.74671510
Quoted by: >>74671805

hope u get to sleep soon anon

>> No.74671548
File: 446 KB, 215x320, 1689737745604788224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74672313

wuca wuca!
good morning!! the song ike made with quilldren sounds good!

>> No.74671565
Quoted by: >>74671585

shared a seesaw, played connect 4, and yet..

>> No.74671585

doomed yaoi.......

>> No.74671602
Quoted by: >>74671805

get better soon and i hope you stay as sane as possible as it is for someone in your situation alban would want that for you

>> No.74671633

welcome to /nijiEN/ where anons stalk each other everywhere

>> No.74671660

what the fuck milord kek

>> No.74671661
Quoted by: >>74671724

is there actually another ending?

>> No.74671694


>> No.74671724


>> No.74671796
Quoted by: >>74671860

I need to rewatch Alban and Fuuchan's A Way Out streams. My sides were in orbit around the universe and I only caught part of it.

>> No.74671805

Thank you!
I only really exist here, so I guess that's why

>> No.74671839

i love voxs yapping so much kek

>> No.74671846
Quoted by: >>74671888

Milord it ain't that deep kek

>> No.74671857

He should have taken the reduced sentence

>> No.74671860
Quoted by: >>74671913

I am biased but they had my favourite play through by far.

>> No.74671888
Quoted by: >>74671993

it is that deep and aligns with what the dev felt when making the game

>> No.74671911

but nobody is stalking me...

>> No.74671913

Same, theirs was my favorite. Ike and Luca's being a close second.

>> No.74671919

Rosemi just win like 10 coin toss in a row, she's unstoppable

>> No.74671921

remember when alban cried so hard during this game....

>> No.74671954
Quoted by: >>74672033

Did anything happen to you when you were a child to cause this?

>> No.74671971

Rosemi's "squeaky voice" actually causes earbleed, jesus christ, people listen to this?

>> No.74671985

ty EA for letting us see the cutscene

>> No.74671993

Shaddup Voxxy

>> No.74672031

yes i was turned on

>> No.74672033
Quoted by: >>74672311

A lot of things yes, plus a family tendency towards extreme mental illness

>> No.74672067
File: 505 KB, 1920x1081, GMRRFU-XIAEdVcj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a big collab

>> No.74672144

3 out of 4 from VFAK are joining

>> No.74672145


>> No.74672157


>> No.74672180
File: 165 KB, 617x959, 1709114575544747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74672189

He needs to do it again

>> No.74672193

there are bears in alaska.. mountains too...
these dramatic idiots kek
the soft voice in one moment, hazukashii

>> No.74672214

retard who was crying about no vivi and kunai in collabs, come say thank you to doppi

>> No.74672238


>> No.74672244

Easy skip

>> No.74672261

rip rosemi and fuuchan'd back....

>> No.74672285

I KNEW he was gonna toggle the beard on KEK

>> No.74672289
File: 275 KB, 436x363, 1684302999382341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74672309


>> No.74672311

Pat pat tako I wish you the best ;-;

>> No.74672313
File: 841 KB, 2316x1080, Screenshot_20240428_105445_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, sweet Lucub! Watching Rosemi-sama MD and chatting with her, she's the bestest =w=

I know some anons know who I am publicly but it doesn't really bother me =w=

>> No.74672330

damm leo death is a good ending....

>> No.74672352


>> No.74672365

>luca and vivi in the same collab

>> No.74672396
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 1680827967727401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning, sweet rosebud!! i'm glad she's been streaming so much for rosebuds recently!

>> No.74672418
Quoted by: >>74672544

what do you mean publicly? like at a con?

>> No.74672427
Quoted by: >>74672491

>another claude in elira's collab
just kill me already

>> No.74672447
File: 22 KB, 129x129, 1687866595603089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still clean

>> No.74672491
Quoted by: >>74672595

Why did an Eliracorn start posting only today

>> No.74672512

the letter makes it feel more canonical
hes thinking logically again kek

>> No.74672522

Neither ending is good.
If Vincent dies, then Leo spends his entire life as a fugitive which is no life for a child.
If Leos dies, then his family is torn apart and that will absolutely affect both the mother and the son.

>> No.74672544

Nah my social media handle

>> No.74672576

even though I love elira, rosemi and fuuchan but I need to skip this collab...

>> No.74672577

They should have both died

>> No.74672581
File: 228 KB, 564x444, 1675651791640908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74672669

It's funny how Nijisisters brains work
>it's not Luca's fault for being a creepy fucking sexpest that destroys the girl's appeal
>instead it's Vivi's fault for not wanting to be associated with the sexpest. She's so unfriendly!

>> No.74672586
Quoted by: >>74672727


>> No.74672595

Dunno I have watched Elira since day 1 and like Claude, seems like one of the most likeable males to me. There has been a guy complaining about him collabing so much with Finana for a while so maybe its the same person.

>> No.74672609

They should have both hugged it out

>> No.74672614
File: 299 KB, 1151x1467, F0Y66EVWYAAVBxn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74672670

Ahh the story analysis.....I really miss this. He's just like me.....I wish I could stop being so in love with him

>> No.74672669

is it this guy >>74672581

>> No.74672670

>I wish I could stop being so in love with him
It's easy, just be a fujo and remind yourself that he's always loved Ike, never you.

>> No.74672676

Someone please stalk me at AnimeNYC this August.

>> No.74672696
Quoted by: >>74672738

you stay mr sorcerer

>> No.74672700

4/5 of his last streams are just collab with elira

>> No.74672718
Quoted by: >>74672744

Some horrible faggot with an awful faggoty voice that's painful to listen to? No thanks. Fuck that piece of shit, and he's a nepohire too

>> No.74672727
File: 287 KB, 1200x1600, 1710812474693948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74672956

Nope, but won't play guessing games, just love the Rose =w=

>> No.74672738
Quoted by: >>74672762

didnt you see his cute yawn... hes gonna eep

>> No.74672742
Quoted by: >>74673016

I must have missed that, even Ryuguards were chill about Claude there was an hour long discussion about how many didn't mind since it got her to stream shit that wasn't gacha

>> No.74672744

no one was talking to you and your containment breaking discord server >>74672145

>> No.74672762

yeah, with me

>> No.74672828

i wish those containment breakers would die painfully

>> No.74672829

tell us what you're gonna do for your birthday!!!

>> No.74672845

my boy and his bday.. nice i will be for the rest of the day for it, whatever he does

>> No.74672849

Oh shit yeah, I should watch AR live again

>> No.74672863

>dokifags attacking random sisters in the replies
i hope someone shoots these fuckers at the next con they're at

>> No.74672890

WTF fujoschizochan is transphobic? >:( i thought you were cool but i guess you're just like the rest of them.. ike will literally kill himself because you don't support the cause

>> No.74672918
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, FwVltS-XwAAg3iF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74673033

>> No.74672956

I’m just kidding bud I remember your steam but I never look you up on twitter

>> No.74672964


>> No.74672962

I prefer claude over shu, luca, uki and vox ngl

>> No.74672966
File: 754 KB, 1500x1500, mecri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didn't want to see me on the other side this time

>> No.74673016
Quoted by: >>74673097

Lazu fans who don’t like males usually complain in their split instead of main

>> No.74673023
Quoted by: >>74673179

claude & finana's collabs are so enjoyable though. feesh's reactions are great. theyre both having a good time

>> No.74673026
File: 67 KB, 994x578, GMQfqbgXYAAfnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waaaaa that felt too short

>> No.74673033

Someone needs to draw them as Aoba and Sei

>> No.74673036

I thought Dokifags were feminist why are they targeting women on Twitter?

>> No.74673050

its always impressive to me how these accounts exist and get so much engagement for engaging in nothing but harassment, bullying and spreading misinformation while nothing of the sort exists run by nijisanji fans and yet these people insist that we are the problem

>> No.74673066

that crying emoji.. hes just like me fr fr..

>> No.74673077

oh i knew he would be excited for that mei-chan x kuzuha cover

>> No.74673097
Quoted by: >>74673214

Except /lazu+/ is fine with it, it's tourists in there who didn't even know about the Japan trip who were concerntrolling about feesh's collabs.

>> No.74673100

twitter dot com
why do you think this board is so shitty and vitriolic? its all fucking twitter tourists. at one point we genuinely could self police and not ruin every fucking thread with schizo retardation as a bit

>> No.74673121

I don't even want to have sex with him today I just want to give him a hug

>> No.74673149

if you repeat something long enough, they believe it will come true.

>> No.74673158

honestly i want someone to keep track of all these accounts and how they're all always dokifags, holofags, or phasecucks compile all the common offenders and all their posts replying to random nijifans having fun with their dramafagging.
it would really put all this shit into perspective how toxic those fans are

>> No.74673172

they need someone to bully because some jork always fucked their ass in school

>> No.74673175
Quoted by: >>74673258

Because they'll claim the person running is an evil "nijisister".
That's how they work, they doxx, bully and harass then turn around and go "SEE? NIJI FANS ARE THE WORST"

>> No.74673179

nobody watches anon. Ask yourself why

>> No.74673190
Quoted by: >>74673266

No one else is live....guess I'll keep watching VODs until the next stream!

>> No.74673214

I’ve seen an anon complaining about it in lazu+
You can’t blame everything on tourists, fanbase isn’t a hivemind

>> No.74673223

holoredditors exhibit the same behavior they are apparently crusading against, i don't see anyone with niji icons suoerchatting holo girls with hate or /vt/ shit, i don't see any niji accounts using photos of holo fans to make fun of them, i don't see niji fans brigading hololive related tweets, at this point they should just take estrogen shots if they want to be kpop fandom tier women this badly

>> No.74673235
Quoted by: >>74673632

i can think of dozens of things i've enjoyed recently that aren't popular because the unwashed masses exclusively crave slop

>> No.74673258

kek this reminds that yesterday some faggot doxxed his friends and painted it to nijisisters

>> No.74673257 [SPOILER] 
File: 507 KB, 1262x706, 1711265285545639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know why.

>> No.74673265
File: 230 KB, 554x476, 1687109465369368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it looks like a dragon but it's not a dragon, it's a BIRD!

What did she mean by this?

>> No.74673266


>> No.74673278

shuike crumbs.. i love their interactions

>> No.74673286

Why can't people just be allowed to dislike things? Why does it need to be these weird mental gymnastics about it being tourists or shitposters or *nnaschizo. Some people just don't like certain livers or collabs and that's fine. I don't see the problem in letting out a bit of frustration at it.

>> No.74673298

Praying for the death of all dramafags and their mothers.


>> No.74673322

>everyone else is so fragile
>that's why i need to make a post whining about how fragile they all are for replying to me and bruising my feelings

>> No.74673358

because the schizo and dramafags have broken being able to do that without just being called a schizo. if you don't like someone, you just wouldn't watch the collab and shut your mouth. why are you announcing your departure from a future collab

>> No.74673362

normal people who dislike things do not spend years of their lives raging about how much they dislike said thing on chinese cartoon forums

>> No.74673367
File: 573 KB, 799x564, MyBigSisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74673370

people shit on my oshi a lot but i have no place to complain because i do not control peoples feelings

>> No.74673375

stop whinning like a woman

>> No.74673386

if the equivalent existed ran by a nijisanji fan I would be fucking embarassed by it and it would make me feel bad being part of the same fanbase to see people doing this shit who were supposed to be part of the same group as me. thats part of why even if nijisanji disappeared off the map i would always be reluctant to watch the girls from those other companies they say are so much better the fanbase is garbage and id be embarrassed to be associated with them, enough of them support this kind of behaviour for it to be getting 10k+ likes regularly

>> No.74673397
Quoted by: >>74673458

otshuuuu! it was fun!!!! i've never properly watched the playthrough so it's actually my first time experiencing the game with them and it's really nice. the series of unfortunate events happening during the stream(s) just added even more flavors.
i know the sorcerer and milord have some sort of weird dynamics but i actually really enjoy watching them together. i'm looking forward to more collaborations in the future, well, if ever!
i'm excited for the birthday streams. i hope nothing gets in the way this time and he can stay longer to stream for it.

>> No.74673412

How do I find it?

>> No.74673433
Quoted by: >>74673464

no, you call them a faggot, and then they call you a faggot, and then you call them a nigger, and so in in such fashion

>> No.74673435

No one says anything when people shit on males usually so it’s probably some hanamori fan who’s bias towards him

>> No.74673443


>> No.74673454

If anything, I admire the fans for being able to stick around through so much of their shit being hijacked by dramafags, especially for the ones that had to deal with actual dramafags spouting schizo 4chan rrats IRL.

>> No.74673458
File: 43 KB, 112x112, 1652844354885.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah i havent been arround to see an otshuu post in so long, hope you enjoy the stream!

>> No.74673464
Quoted by: >>74673475

i only call anons faggot and nigger when its funny THOUGH

>> No.74673475
File: 57 KB, 793x540, 1627862663812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74673506

ITs always funny

>> No.74673497

enjoyed* ah

>> No.74673506


>> No.74673507
File: 120 KB, 900x742, 1685186230227645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to be they were content just shitting on Niji's numbers, now they have to lie and take the photos and videos from people who had a good time and spin them as evidence that "the concert we'd never buy tickets for anyway was bad, actually"

>> No.74673560
Quoted by: >>74673619

same reason why i don't like holostars

>> No.74673570

Rosemi sucks so bad at yugioh I wish she'd play more MTG

>> No.74673585
Quoted by: >>74673635

nah, i might just haven't written one in a while...
thank you, i really did!

>> No.74673619

holostar fans are not bad except bettel fans

>> No.74673632
Quoted by: >>74673660

Anon, it's not some secret gem. NijiEN is known by millions. There's people over a million subs in NijiEN.
The reason people aren't watching is because it's legitimately terrible content. Nobody wants to see it

>> No.74673635
Quoted by: >>74673773

oh, that's okay i understand!
glad you had fun! they finished the game, right?

>> No.74673651
Quoted by: >>74673697

many still tune in. its just that non-watchers are more vocal while the former choose to keep their peace

>> No.74673660

>9 minutes to reply and all you can come up with is 'nuh-uh'

>> No.74673663
Quoted by: >>74673770

I don't like react content so I simply do not watch it. You don't see me spamming the catalog with bait about react content or superchatting /vt/ shit on streams. What is there even to gain from me venting about how much I dislike react content? All that would do is start conversations about react content, which I do not like. I am an adult and do not need validation from anonymous Indonesians on the internet, and I would rather spend my finite time in this universe doing literally anything other than making myself upset on purpose by posting about things I don't like.

>> No.74673671
File: 159 KB, 1170x1133, 1711045200217133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see the problem in letting out a bit of frustration at it.
You said it yourself.
A BIT of frustration, what the schizo does isn't A BIT, they have spent years and 24 hours sometimes DAILY, just crying and repeating the same things over and over and over.
At that point you aren't letting out a BIT of frustration, you are a mentally ill lunatic who has decided that this bird woman is the source of all your problems and if you get rid of her, you will be fine, except you have no power, so shit all over this place.

>> No.74673681

i don't care i always see people with their oshi marks in the replies of those tweets and their general hates nijisanji even if hakka likes ike

>> No.74673697

>many still tune in
Finana's audience is about 1/5 what it was in 2021.

>> No.74673717

they're all bad, if you think /MANS/ hates niji, wait until you see their fans on twitter.
I remember when not nina posted starbucks there were stars fans shitting on her saying even though she left the black company she's still not a good person kek

>> No.74673731

He's too busy shitposting about Enna in the catalog

>> No.74673737

this is why I gravitated to NijiEN's girls harder even as an anti for everyone else, I can't stand it when people push propaganda with easily disprovable lies

how difficult is it to just shit on Niji when they mess up

>> No.74673740
Quoted by: >>74673845

??? I'm explaining the fact that NijiEN is not a secret gem. There are many indies who are described that way, but it's not NijiEN.
The reason people left NijiEN is because the content is actually really bad. It's mostly slop for fujos

Are you actually gonna oshi a girl who does male offcollabs? Nobody will.

>> No.74673741

I got bullied so badly when I was in high school for liking the stuff I liked that it was kind of traumatizing but this ongoing shitposting recently from vtuber "fans" is cringe and low effort and kind of just funny to me, like genuinely the fact that antis and dramafags care so much and can only express it by spamming buzzwords and cherrypicked screenshots of this or that is silly to me

>> No.74673763

I just realized but nobody call sonnyban haters schizo when they had mental breakdown....

>> No.74673770
Quoted by: >>74673886

>"let people dislike things"
>immediately takes that to the extreme and thinks I'm talking about the schizos who don't even watch streams and just want to shit up the thread
This place really is like twitter; take everything to the extreme of what someone means. I could say painting is relaxing and one of you fags will say I literally support Hitler and his actions because he also liked painting.

>> No.74673773
Quoted by: >>74673827

they did! i love seeing their reactions at the plot twist and endings

>> No.74673778

he had a big day yesterday, cut him some slack

>> No.74673788

she's literally called sonnyban schizo...

>> No.74673820
File: 2.83 MB, 720x720, Hisui look.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74673958

>> No.74673827
Quoted by: >>74674050

it's been so long since i've seen anyone play but i didn't want to tune into the game late, glad they liked it though! the plot twist ending really is something kek
hope you enjoy the rest of your day!

>> No.74673845

So why are you here? What does that say about you?

>> No.74673886
Quoted by: >>74674115

nta but you can say you don't like claude but you will sound like the schizo who agrees with you. he's on your side.

>> No.74673905
Quoted by: >>74673944

this is pretty funny for me because I just found some ex nijisisters who dropped nijien after the drama got kicked out from tempus fans.....

>> No.74673910
File: 265 KB, 564x444, 1682031534859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember how NijiEN used to be close confidants with various indies and smaller corps. But that all ended when NijiEN's numbers started collapsing and people became massive numberfags paranoid that everyone was trying to leech?

>> No.74673940

yes they do just like saying i dont like shuca awakens the schizo spamming ship art

>> No.74673944

good riddance to them

>> No.74673952
Quoted by: >>74674009

The shitposters says this ignoring the fact that Zali had a collab with a just debuted small corpo tuber yesterday, or Vox with those 2 dudes in runescape.

>> No.74673958
File: 206 KB, 935x1084, 1697525390792709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74674341


>> No.74673990
File: 283 KB, 364x410, 1684097022942899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74674032

Remember the 21st night of september?

>> No.74674009

people used to post about indies all the time in this thread, but when NijiEN's numbers started collapsing everyone began mass-reporting every o posts that wasn't a NijiEN member. Now the NijiEN thread actually has some of the most stringent standards for censorship compared to any other thread.

>> No.74674027

genuinely as long as i have this hobby nothing will ever stop me from loving nijisanji en, i've tried other corpos and i've tried indies but it's never the same.

>> No.74674029
File: 142 KB, 551x451, 1681581453389259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do they use finana to shitpost

>> No.74674032

i don't even remember what i was doing yesterday

>> No.74674040

You just reminded me of that document that cover had to put out telling their male fans to stop acting like knuckle dragging lunatics, all because of that overwatch collab vs the holostars(in which they didn't even talk and the girls got absolutely stomped.)

>> No.74674047
Quoted by: >>74674070

I wonder if we will get avallum boys collab again, all of them are pretty chill and funny

>> No.74674051

it makes me sad because cons are the only time i can talk to fellow vtuber fans and i approach hololive fans since i know who their oshis are plus they have some cute crossdressing fans but now how am i supposed to know who's gonna bring up BVTM

>> No.74674050
Quoted by: >>74674096

yeah! i'm glad they seemed to like it.
it's night for me but hope You enjoy your rest of the weekend!

>> No.74674062

Todays ongoing and upcoming streams:
https://youtu.be/XBG8uxMaYDQ Hex Ao Oni
https://youtu.be/RVsI746ZWzw Reimu FFXVI
https://youtu.be/852uUMqwqIw Rosemi YuGiOh Master Duel
https://youtu.be/Lvf9fu2RzaY Scarle Zatsu
https://youtu.be/P9bnm1tfz7Y Aster TABG
https://youtu.be/3iWMltgKLFo WillyFeesh Morturary Assistant
https://youtu.be/uD1DEOJevxw Lethal company FT Elira Millie Claude and Vanta
https://youtu.be/k4aGssT2c3Y Aia MC
https://youtu.be/Cr6SS8Eh8cc Scarle Gunpla building
https://youtu.be/VTdjt_OJny0 Aster League

Shorts from this week:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NpaP8Phu8M Mariring TouPea 2023 dance
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VkbnpFeWZ0 Mariring Pokedance

Short clips from this week:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi6IFyWf364 millie enna offcollab
https://youtu.be/EYCpbiATQY8?si=XrpvI4y-ps2pDcxt Elira Clip
https://youtu.be/Q7uqmhwmqy0?si=aUONgdvYqox4XU3h Wilson Aia Feesh Claude Content Warning clip
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdkWgvCQEvQ Weekly Highlights
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftIjpzHbVqE AiaVox Clip

Longer videos from this week:
https://youtu.be/qvmmWXVur_4?si=qPsJfRC_wltuenax millie 3d girls sleepover
https://youtu.be/kBqlrBPJmbU Petra on Gameru

Songs from this week:
https://youtu.be/CfjAuHgyRz4?si=YAlkjCLNJ00_XSzv Rosemi sama pokedance (dance only)
https://youtu.be/lwCuoD49yAI Alban Mira Cover
https://youtu.be/JebSygojkM4 Desire MV
https://youtu.be/V0m7bsAqWzQ?si=bsCYa_lM947LENXj Elira Maria Moonlight Destiny Cover

>> No.74674071

Imagine being a twitterfag

>> No.74674070

is avallum the same as fsp boys? i liked them too

>> No.74674082

you're right, it seems kinda... sus

>> No.74674096

oh enjoy the rest of your night then!
goodnighty yams!

>> No.74674102
File: 65 KB, 1020x746, IMG_9786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74674105
Quoted by: >>74674255

I read /mans/ thread during goose collab and it's make me lost some brain cell....

>> No.74674115
Quoted by: >>74674213

Further proving my point that this place is exactly like twitter; just because a schizo has the same opinion as me doesn't mean I agree with everything the schizo says or condone his ways. This is literal underaged underdeveloped brain thinking. This is no different than me retweeting a post I see on twitter that went viral and me showing it to a friend, and then that friend saying "uhmmm in a completely different unrelated post, that person you retweeted from thinks cartoons have human rights :///". It's so retarded.

>> No.74674131

thank you babe

>> No.74674135

I dunno what you mean lots of people still collab with NijiEN? girl dm was playing with finana recently, shoto was playing valorant with the boys recently, i see the kawaii girls in en members chats, the boys recently had that big collab with holostars and that other company, kind of seems like a case of if i don't watch it it doesn't exist

>> No.74674157
File: 121 KB, 450x400, 1650222309780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74674222


>> No.74674173

What happened to Enna's virginity bros?

>> No.74674186

yeah i called them avallum because they will release a new gen soon

>> No.74674199

its funny how that one holofag still likes nijien and replies to a lot of nijien tweets

>> No.74674202
Quoted by: >>74674354

sonny likes women. have you seen how elated he was with one of the briskadets dancing with a sexy outfit for him? sonnyban is quaking

>> No.74674203
File: 15 KB, 267x267, 1639579185435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74674222


>> No.74674207

oh yeah how was vantas p3r?

>> No.74674213
Quoted by: >>74674335

You are allowed to hate Claude but that doesn't mean anons are banned from replying to you, calm down

>> No.74674222 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.05 MB, 1920x1080, 1710683551944808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74674307


>> No.74674223
File: 78 KB, 1044x924, GD0fzn7X0AAGSVc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning chu chu

>> No.74674233
File: 285 KB, 1200x1200, GHcVHafbgAA6Lef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avallum is to FSP as Luxiem is to NijisanjiEN. And I'm glad you like them! Hope to see some more collabs with them as well.

>> No.74674241
Quoted by: >>74674278

Imagine the squeal when you hit this thing with a baseball bat.

>> No.74674255

is it really that bad...

>> No.74674257
Quoted by: >>74674327

pretty fun but he might grind on twitch

>> No.74674273

that guy is chill i like him i feel like i see him talk more about nijien then holo sometimes kek

>> No.74674278

go back to twitter edgelord

>> No.74674281


>> No.74674286

he had underage woman PTSD now
kyo's brother...

>> No.74674299
Quoted by: >>74674360

I want to plunge a knife into his heart and carve open his chest

>> No.74674307

I still don't get why Finana is so linked to Amongus.
I used to watch Elira back in the day before falling in love with Pomu so I missed the Feesh Amongus arc.

>> No.74674313

ohhh shit i didn't know, nice.

>> No.74674327
Quoted by: >>74674395


>> No.74674335

And I never said they couldn't reply to me. I'm not even the Ryuguard upset at Claude but you and a bunch of other anons are having a meltdown just because someone isn't a fan of all the collabs. You sound like you need to calm down if someone having a harmless opinion makes you compare anons to legit schizos with mental illnesses.

>> No.74674341
File: 2.87 MB, 350x422, Hisui jiggle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74674354
File: 1.88 MB, 2000x1535, 1694773555369195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but alban is a cute little girl

>> No.74674360
File: 1.78 MB, 2048x2048, FYwAdZrakAAGQRf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go on and say the word you said yesterday too to me, i dare you.

>> No.74674364
File: 287 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_9305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gm!! (again)
no chus... i dont want to get you sick ;-;

>> No.74674369

They really hate Nijisanji and their fans despite EOP Holostars fans also being annoying within their own fanbase, even Astel has talked about how annoying the EN comments are after Holostars twitterfags were using Astel's 3D to put down Niji's AR Live.

>> No.74674391

It always impresses me how the subhuman genetic trash in this thread is such enthusiastic fans of streamers who make more money than them.

>> No.74674395


>> No.74674399

if you like male vtubers with a community there's really no other company besides Niji, that's it
Men have all the selection in the world, the community for the Niji girls is in tattters and they can easily drop the entire company with no loss

>> No.74674404

here's a relevant clip explaining: https://vocaroo.com/1b1sT1LRzne4

>> No.74674413
File: 78 KB, 300x300, LUCAinJAIL..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74674494

no way, you actually got sick.

>> No.74674439

In the main branch things are more equal.

But in the EN branch horny males drove away all the women's audience and it became super lopsided.

>> No.74674443
File: 60 KB, 1152x1187, GLmhdiaakAEf4CW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you like male vtubers with a community there's really no other company besides Niji
*blocks your path*

>> No.74674458
Quoted by: >>74674647

And here you are, doing the same thing you accuse others of doing. I am not the one having a meltdown nor do I care if anons dislike things, just observing that a reply chain can end if (You) don't leply and yet you're keeping it going.

>> No.74674473

a fat guy just came back to the thread

>> No.74674479
Quoted by: >>74674914

they posted a lot of death threats

>> No.74674488

>didn't reply
scaredy cat

>> No.74674494
File: 463 KB, 1419x2048, IMG_7741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74674501

fake password...

>> No.74674505

I want to bash this thing's skull open with a baseball bat and keep bashing until the twitching stops

>> No.74674539
Quoted by: >>74674727

You may have noticed the word "Anonymous" attached to all of our posts. That means we do not have distinct identities as users, therefore any post could come from anyone and there is no foolproof way to distinguish one user from another.

>> No.74674541


>> No.74674546

can i see it jiggle

>> No.74674555
File: 90 KB, 300x300, lucaRISE..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74674559

for the love of god why are you so cringe

>> No.74674575
Quoted by: >>74674634

marine pfp guy? yeah he's cool

>> No.74674615


>> No.74674616

we like vtubers

>> No.74674621
File: 294 KB, 1600x2000, 1714329894182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny LOVE
Feesh LOVE
Wosemi LOVE
Stream Cendrillon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7HZcCgMx3w
Stream Break Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YnDtV6Yejo
Stream Ringo Mogire Beam

>> No.74674634
Quoted by: >>74674676

he replied to my oshis tweet and i got scared he was dramafagging but he was surprisingly normal
seems like a chill dude

>> No.74674636
File: 84 KB, 300x300, IMG_0767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then maybe i should kiss you too so we're all sick together

>> No.74674645 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>74674769

this lucub is half-nigger, that's why she's so mentally ill.
Ugly as fuck, half nigger shitstain.

Your oshi is a short little brown man who's sexually creepy with the girls

>> No.74674647

Well I'm allowed to reply, aren't I? Just like the other anons being upset at someone disliking things that you're so dead set on defending. If you're this angry about people having a simple opinion then yeah you're having a meltdown over it, especially when you're so hostile about it. You've already outed yourself as having an underaged twitter brain so I don't expect you to have any critical thinking skills beyond that.

>> No.74674665 [SPOILER] 
File: 95 KB, 489x714, 1697516195664848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74674671

That’s kind of a broad statement, there’s still plenty of people who like both and didn’t take the dramafag koolaid

>> No.74674676

marine fans seem cool, hag lovers are nice

>> No.74674674
Quoted by: >>74674914

Really bad, while almost all posts in here were made with good intentions and praised their boys, those posts in that thread were just about how they hate Niji lol.

>> No.74674699
Quoted by: >>74675339

Elira's presence in the branch just feels *awkward*, I just wish she would go away. I don't understand why she's still here.

>> No.74674717
File: 69 KB, 1181x1205, FWCab9bUIAAV3HZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74674940

o-oh hazukashii...maybe we should

>> No.74674727

True, I was probably replying to the fatty himself this whole time. No one goes this schizo about someone not liking a collab. Hope he gets a good workout from typing all that.

>> No.74674735
Quoted by: >>74674940

plase take ike's sickness from him..

>> No.74674763
Quoted by: >>74674908

They have something but they also have to deal with the fans of the main branch that is around ten times larger than them wanting to obliterate the Holostars from existence and having that sentiment mulitply to an insane degree due to narratives from /here/ about Vesper being a sex pest escaping containment

>> No.74674767

Again I am not even the anon who is mad. Let me put it in simpler terms, if you get shitpost replies calling you names, it'll stop if you don't reply. That's all. That's why the
>he leplied
meme exists

>> No.74674769
Quoted by: >>74674878


>> No.74674777


>> No.74674778
Quoted by: >>74674841

marine is sex...i want a hag that can move like her in en but our livers are hikkis with no stamina....

>> No.74674779
Quoted by: >>74674924

Incredible that you've decided to put all this effort into this argument accusing others of being overly sensitive and having a meltdown when most of the people you're complaining about made one post disagreeing with an opinion and moved on yet you're still here complaining about it. It really seems like you're the one having a meltdown and being overly sensitive if anything considering you're this pressed about someone disagreeing with an opinion that's not even yours.

>> No.74674780
Quoted by: >>74674812

Ok does this help things?

>> No.74674796
Quoted by: >>74674877

To be fair holostars panders to males too just like their girls do. That's why they're so much less popular except for the clown.

>> No.74674800
File: 1.11 MB, 560x560, 1707505099933096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74674919

i have the kind of autism where i am too high functioning to qualify for disability or any kind of special assistance, but i am too autistic to actually be a normal productive and socially adjusted human being

>> No.74674811

>hag lovers are nice

>> No.74674812

No, make a tripcode instead

>> No.74674833
File: 3.37 MB, 1588x902, scarle vr.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ERPing with Scarle in VRChat...

>> No.74674834


>> No.74674840

Enna is unironically the reason this branch has died.

>> No.74674841

>hag that can move like her in en
rip pomu...

>> No.74674868
Quoted by: >>74675065

While I understand your view on this, it's also important to look at the bigger piccture. I'm not trying to numberfag here, but several Hololive members have over 1,000,000 subscribers. 10,000 people is 1% of 1,000,000. If we took it a step further, 100,000 people is 10% of 1,000,000. It's unfortunate that there can be so many rotten apples in the community, but it's only a small fraction of the overall fanbase Hololive has. I'd assume most fans are either neutral or even watch Nijisanji sometimes and have Nijisanji members as oshis.

>> No.74674877

Is this even true I see some of those fans body about them not pandering to women but then I hear others complaining about them doing BFE

>> No.74674878
Quoted by: >>74674924

Well that confirms I was replying to the fatty. Ehh I should have known.

>> No.74674880
Quoted by: >>74674933

OH yeah, hey Anon, can I vent to you?

>> No.74674881
Quoted by: >>74674926

pomies are pretty cool when they're not sexually harassing femanons....idk if marine fans do that....

>> No.74674882
Quoted by: >>74675996

say what you will about pomudachi but they've been kind to me both here and irl and i don't even have thread celeb status

>> No.74674893


>> No.74674908

vesper got something like this because he collab with the girls

>> No.74674909
Quoted by: >>74675093


>> No.74674914

if real, then i guess i am too hopeful of people

>> No.74674919
File: 1.13 MB, 590x864, 1684352154601904.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live such a miserable existence

>> No.74674924


>> No.74674923
File: 2.89 MB, 490x292, enna3dtofu[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcn6a99.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74674960


>> No.74674926
Quoted by: >>74674993

but i like it when they're doing that...

>> No.74674927

Thank you!

>> No.74674933


>> No.74674940
File: 134 KB, 2048x1263, IMG_7817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*gives a giant smooch*
sadly i dont think i can quilldren, i do hope he gets better tho ;-;

>> No.74674960
Quoted by: >>74675012

The worst 3D I've ever seen, she's literally wearing a diaper

>> No.74674991

its all for showw

>> No.74674993
Quoted by: >>74675116


>> No.74675000
Quoted by: >>74675094

hakka alone is more BFE than all of 2024 luxnoc combined

>> No.74675012
File: 92 KB, 432x410, 1688428555361839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74675066


>> No.74675029

They're retarded lesbians who don't know what they want. They want the boys to cater to them but when they do cater they complain. No wonder the red pilot cucked his fans.

>> No.74675028
File: 156 KB, 340x340, maidlucaflushge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uwaaa i am actually worried if i ever meet a femanon irl and she asks for a kiss, i'll actually end up saying yes

>> No.74675064
Quoted by: >>74675159

i would argue that the password of alban was way harder since you needed to have watched the people related to the password

>> No.74675065
Quoted by: >>74675164

It's also important to realize that there are positive connections between both companies. Haachama just had a collab with Sara Hoshikawa where they played Suikage together. Hayase Sou and Marine have quite a few collabs together on their respective channels. Roberu from Holostars also collabs a lot with Nijisanji members. Of course there's Ike and Hakka, and there was that big group collab with the ARMIS boys recently. Kiara met with Enna and other NijiEN girls while in Japan, and still brings them up on her streams from time to time. I'm sure there's countless of other examples, but those were just the ones off the top of my head. What I'm trying to get at here is that it's literally only fans who are the problem when it comes to tribalfagging and making everybody involved look bad.

>> No.74675066

kek you made me choke

>> No.74675077
Quoted by: >>74675140

Did you ever see the EOPs trying to tell him he shouldnt play hogwarts? He just banned them.

>> No.74675093
Quoted by: >>74675123


>> No.74675094

Ike is obsessed with him because he has parasocial relationships with vtubers and fell into the BFE trap and not because they are friends irl

>> No.74675116
Quoted by: >>74675134

no but i wish i could be treated like one

>> No.74675123


>> No.74675133
Quoted by: >>74675233

you guys should kiss luca to cure his canker sores

>> No.74675134
Quoted by: >>74675227


>> No.74675140

You can ban retards in chat but you can't do much if non JP people are using your hard work to tear down others.

>> No.74675159

i just got it from discord

>> No.74675164

But NijiEN is legitimately fucking bad. It's not the same. Don't try to compare it to the main branch

>> No.74675188
Quoted by: >>74675233


>> No.74675195
File: 118 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_4262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74675233

femanon offcollab when

>> No.74675206
Quoted by: >>74675250

I still don't know what is the first password....

>> No.74675222

can a sick lucub kiss me i want to skip a wedding

>> No.74675227
Quoted by: >>74675259


>> No.74675233
File: 1.02 MB, 1800x3000, FYuOBHraAAAn3rf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74675319

i don't want his canker sores, i've never had them and don't want them now..
n-never, i will be groomed..

>> No.74675241
File: 595 KB, 1598x1229, 1702994420345884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74675246

Enna is unironically the reason the branch's viewership collapsed. She has avoided getting fired through sheer favoritism.

>> No.74675250
Quoted by: >>74675342

sexo sexo feline

>> No.74675258

Which tuna animation is the bottom one from?

>> No.74675259
Quoted by: >>74675429

wtf? vantacrew? kindred? QUILLDREN?

>> No.74675261
Quoted by: >>74675382

>they will release a new gen soon
Source? I don't see anything on the official Twitter account.

>> No.74675278
Quoted by: >>74675341

Nta but what was it? The pastebin was time limited so I didn't bother and just waited for the vod

>> No.74675291

it's from the diamond city light lofi video.. that is now lost media unless it was reuploaded

>> No.74675315
Quoted by: >>74675626

should be on ragtag

>> No.74675319
Quoted by: >>74675417

But he can't stream if he has canker sores in his mouth.....

>> No.74675324
File: 358 KB, 622x601, 1698478998452092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74675403

this just reminded me that i have tuna i can make spicy tuna onigiri for lunch yammy!

>> No.74675339
Quoted by: >>74675439

Elira is this branch. If Nijisanji ever wronged her badly enough that she went through with graduation there would be a mass graduation leaving next to nothing behind.

>> No.74675341

i think the tako told us not to say in case she reuses it again

>> No.74675342


>> No.74675364
Quoted by: >>74675626

All the lofis were re-uploaded. https://youtu.be/EawztiJxHZQ

>> No.74675382
Quoted by: >>74675445


>> No.74675403

eat well my cute little rosebud

>> No.74675416

The women in this thread are mentally retarded and are more obsessed with winning a twitter spat than actually analyzing why nobody with a penis is watching this branch

>> No.74675417
File: 19 KB, 346x246, 1695011612336538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YEAH HE CAN, he's done it before. i wish he would just say he can't stream word by word instead of vaguely saying it all the time

>> No.74675419
Quoted by: >>74675481

I thought she meant that for the main link, not the "easy" one

>> No.74675429
Quoted by: >>74675487


>> No.74675439

She should have been fired. I don't know why she's still here.

>> No.74675441

tako said she will make a harder password next time

>> No.74675445

Didn't it take several months after auditions to debut the first gen? We'll most likely be seeing them later this year, like November.

>> No.74675476

Why should we care if males are watching

>> No.74675481
File: 611 KB, 3000x3707, 1667119937417932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh its the vocaroo

>> No.74675487

wtf quilldren want to be sekuharad..

>> No.74675498
File: 318 KB, 435x491, 1698004452566059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sussy bakas

>> No.74675501
Quoted by: >>74676295

Why does Enna think she works hard when she streams less than anyone else? It's funny that with her current reduced viewership she has to stream much longer and wear out her voice.

>> No.74675581

>nobody with a penis is watching this branch
Thank fucking goodness

>> No.74675626
Quoted by: >>74675664

Thank u!!

>> No.74675664


>> No.74675716
Quoted by: >>74676063

many japanese men with penises watch alban

>> No.74675777

I just remember that one anon talking about how their boys all have unique voices over ours, but I couldn’t identify any of them

>> No.74675790
File: 907 KB, 2316x1080, Screenshot_20240428_120655_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74675839
Quoted by: >>74675932

That's just Ennaschizo, he's been trying out making fun of NijiEN's voices, first with Shu then Ver now with Rosemi

>> No.74675932

all of those people have terrible voices

>> No.74675996
Quoted by: >>74676010

They shat my oshi and my fanbase so I can never like them

>> No.74676010


>> No.74676027
File: 260 KB, 1840x2048, FbZDhWdaMAAZ70m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you to the anon that shared this p3 mix, i can't stop listening to it

>> No.74676063

do i count if i don't watch alban but i've busted a new loads

>> No.74676092
Quoted by: >>74676111

Scarle wakes up earlier than I do...

>> No.74676111

Scarle sleeps?

>> No.74676116

>the meltdown about anons disliking things stopped after he was called fatty
He really does change targets that often huh?

>> No.74676131
Quoted by: >>74676234

Seems so

>> No.74676149

Enna, why are you hiding the truth from your fans? Also you should take a name too

>> No.74676178

she probably has a better sleeping schedule than most anons...

>> No.74676234

How does she do it... Then again, streaming for hours on end and going through college make me exhausted just thinking about juggling all that.

>> No.74676248


>> No.74676262


>> No.74676276

she's a (or was) student she has to...

>> No.74676286

Definitely better than me and I do fuck all all day.

>> No.74676295
Quoted by: >>74676391

If youre talking 'lazy' that would be sonny. Got a huge load of supas on his bday ($20k+) then dipped

>> No.74676294


>> No.74676340

I was gonna contest that, but cnsidering my sleep schedule is forever fucked up, I don't have a say in this race to begin with.

>> No.74676348

I thought this was Vox for a moment


>> No.74676361
Quoted by: >>74676412

he's crying and hitting his head and fell asleep after jacking off to distract from being sad, his phone is on his bed streaked with cum as the letter 'g' sits alone in the compose a new tweet box...

>> No.74676380

personally if i ever get to do m&g with my oshi, i will probably keep the conversation to myself instead of sharing it to the world. it will be our secret for two

>> No.74676391
Quoted by: >>74676693

Enna took 4 months of vacation and only streamed irregularly because she wanted money.

>> No.74676412


>> No.74676417

What if your oshi shares it on stream

>> No.74676483

that means my oshi is in love with me

>> No.74676503

if they remember it enough to talk about on stream, then that's just another win for me

>> No.74676510
Quoted by: >>74676666

Do people normally share it with the world? I feel like the majority of them are basically just love letters read in person and no one will never hear about it afterwords.

>> No.74676523

my oshi remembering me enough to share to the world would be very special

>> No.74676569
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, z8EUZ6eapcs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74676627

If I ever go to one of my oshi's M&Gs I'll embellish the whole story. Make it so I look like some GIGACHAD who swagger-walked into the booth, asked my oshi to marry me, and they were so impressed and in awe of me that they broke the barrier of reality just so they could grab me through the screen and plant a kiss right on me and say yes to the proposal.

>> No.74676573

Well you gotta do something worth sharing then, like when one of Millie's fans (male) walked in wearing a maid cosplay for her

>> No.74676577

You remind me that the Singapore convention forced three fans to do their m&g at the same time because they ran out of time. I think they were lucubs

>> No.74676619

>Rosemi tried adding Aster on league

>> No.74676627

what the fuck is this image KEK

>> No.74676640
Quoted by: >>74676774

if i had a m&g with sonny i'd say "play klonoa" and leave early

>> No.74676650


>> No.74676666

not all, but i saw a lot of them sharing what they talked about and their oshis' reactions etc. some even wrote almost verbatim dialogue

>> No.74676675
File: 182 KB, 500x500, 1714094010456371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aster thought Rosemi sending him a message on league was a fake account

>> No.74676683

it's over

>> No.74676693
Quoted by: >>74676957

Well after being targeted after the incident, you too would want to stream less. Its all exhausting but she shows gratitude towards aloupeeps during her streams. Unlike some due who constantly says he wants to stream but doesnt, tweets nothing but gm & gns, sees fans as piggy banks.

>> No.74676704

what... he thought that was a sus impostor, he even said "rosemi would never play league she's more of a csgo girl"

>> No.74676753

sonny you better stream tomorrow that one briskadet is on her period again

>> No.74676758
Quoted by: >>74676813

That post pissed me off because I’ve always felt like everyone in NijiEN has a really distinct voice, but it reminded me that I need to stop and think before I passive aggressively shit on other vtubers while praising my own oshi like that kek

>> No.74676774
Quoted by: >>74676890

You mess up your wording and instead say "klay plonoa" and only realize your mistake as you're out of the stall. What do you do.

>> No.74676797
Quoted by: >>74676859

>forced three fans to do their m&g at the same time because they ran out of time
Jesus I'd die

>> No.74676813

Vanta and Claude literally sound the same

>> No.74676813,1 [INTERNAL] 

do u think sani likes kadets that r young especially if he likes lolis

>> No.74676859
Quoted by: >>74676900

his connection was really bad

>> No.74676890

call 911 and cause a scene then calmly say "i want sonny brisko to play klonoa" repeatedly so when people talk about the weirdo who pretended to collapse and called emergency services to the m&g area they'll say "and then she asked for sonny to play klonoa, she's crazy" and he will be pressured to play it

>> No.74676898

Vanta sounds more like Bon to me

>> No.74676900
Quoted by: >>74676971

I've heard, but I'd still feel like dying from embarrassment

>> No.74676905

Doppio and Ren...

>> No.74676907

how many anons have gone to m&gs and how many times have you met your oshi?

>> No.74676957
Quoted by: >>74677024

You are forgetting that she took 3 months of vacation even before the incident where her bullying was exposed.
>she shows gratitude towards aloupeeps
Enna is being "parasocial" because she wants money. It is disingenuous since she flirts with males on stream. That is why her reputation is "NTR".
>sees fans as piggy banks
Enna rationalizes the situation and convinces herself that her relationship with her fans is a good one. However it's purely a relationship of abuse.

>> No.74676971
Quoted by: >>74677020

it was better then when anime impulse fucked up the times so there were 3 people who never got to meet enna because they had to get ready for the concert she was in. i still never found out if they got a refund or not.

>> No.74677007

I still think that kyo sounds like Fulgur without the accent

>> No.74677020

That sucks, I hope they did.

>> No.74677024

Are you pretending to be him or are you actually being considerate and letting people filter you

>> No.74677054

Imagine paying only for your time to be cut or shared with others
