I love Ina!
this thread will be peppeloni
hey man
This thread will be bratwurst.
I love the "i love ina" poster
Thats a lot of deleted seethe in the last thread lol
>mori beating kiarawhat the flying fuck!?
>>89350199The absolute worst shitposting in this thread happened when only Myth existed. Like you know how Gura and Mumei didn’t appear in CC’s birthday and barely anyone made a fuss about it? Yeah, back in the day when that would happen, that was like shitpost fuel for weeks.
Gura dedGura ded
Ina worldwide
>>89350359KYS crossposter
>>89350359anonchama, you're replying to the shitposter trying to trick people into thinking it's not all him
>>89350020You spelled Kiara wrong
This thread will be better
>>89350337Gonathan... Gonathan has fairly large female fans
Bae cute!
I like it when Biboo is playing with the less-gamer girls and she has to switch from baby to babysitter
>Kiara>Shiori>Gigiwhat's the name for this unit again?
Please don't post shioface swaps.
>>89350359No one expects shit from those two anymore so there's nothing to shitpost about
We just need more sex in our lives
>>89350427Fauna requested otherwise
I want Shiori to sit on my face while she plays otome games.
It’s less than 6 hours until our collective wife, Momosuzu Nene, returns with the milk. What do you prep for her?
>>89350423Flaming Fist of Knowledge
>>89350358She beat her last year by 50 hours too what's surprising?
I love this dollNOT a failure
>>89350253Why does the pebble lose his legs and then disappears midway through?
>>89350437>nose rightdisgusting
>>89350423I hate mmos
>>89350458Shota fucker you did it, you fixed the thread
>>89350423something something
>>89350469>right*ringI'm the retard now
>>89350401Does Gonathan have a feminine penis?
>>89350401How can you not love and admire the man? I was transfixed the entire time watching ENReco
>>89350458Are you the shotacon with the small penis?
ok when is the league collab?
>>89350469why are your eyes on her nose? does your dick work?
>>89350408Bae a cute
>>89350524Wish I could see all their stupid dms
>>89350536Friday? I think. It's on Nerissa's schedule.
>>89350427i only post genuine, 100% natural, all-american, no-additives Shioriface
>>89350537>Feel better Shiori. I love you!SHIBOO SHIBOO SHIBOO
>ERB collabing with homos againYou have got to be fucking kidding me. You guys told me that she's good now?
>>89350560I need this to come back in cod already fr
Its always funny to see how much this thread seethes at hardworkers and then it bites them in the ass laterRemember Mori's 5%?How's that 100% going for Gura and Ame?
>invades your stream
>>89350583That's only a Kronii and Mori thing really.
>>89350560i got this lil nigga gold in mw3 (2011)
so who is the superior couple?Autofister or TimeRyS?
There’s a huge outage of my ISP… Can someone describe the streams for me please
>>89350560>kystecCan't believe that livestream happened years ago.
>>89350484it died.... I didn't do anything
>>89350459they need to sacrifice their body to complete the mind control transfer
>>89350583I simply ignore those streams and enjoy all her other ones
>>89350593good times
>>89350524Truly Kafkaesque
>>89350610I think all four of them should have sex with me
>Pebbles saying they would rather fuck her momPebbles...
>gg plays teemo>nerissa plays sona and seraphinewho does fauna play?
>>89350650thanks Shiori, have a good sleep!
>>89350634Truly a remarkable concept
>>89350630otofailure never does anything...
>>89350610I'll take Clockwork
>>89350610Yeah, with me
>>89350659Not me
Would you rather the Gigi Murin or the Hakos Bae ?
>>89350610that looks like it should be Autotime and FisteRyS
>holos keeps invited Deso thinking its an easy win because she's retarded>Deso completely mogs them everytimewhen will they ever learn
>>89350524THEY ARE
>>89350308The No One?
>>89350593>deadbeat randomly seething at Gura and AmeFuck off already retard
>>89350693The Hakos Bae because she's a Holorrodent and that's adjacent to my oshi
>>89350659I will always prefer Biboo but I wouldn't mind a threesome either
>>89350601why is she so threatening
>>89350610not sure we need a nude mud wrestling competition to determine the answer
>>89350593I've been laughing since 2021 and trinity
>>89350693the handsome one
>>89350474I love the dream of MMOs, but none have ever fulfilled it. You'd think someone would have pulled it off by now, but with every live service game comes monetization, investors and the need to scale infinitely. The dream is dead.https://youtu.be/dyEnJCgTZds?si=zpSKrreDquvjr4IJ
>>89350662If they ever play lol and drag girls into it, I will snipe every game with a new account and make playing the game living hell, so they never want to play again.
>Council plushies had to have their times extendedhttps://x.com/Makeship/status/1854638510252433481
>>89350610timerys is the third best ship behind rainforest and gurii
>>89350703Get fucked retard lol, you get what you fucking deserve
>>89350542Imagine not being able to take in the whole picture nearsighteded retard
>>89350601I wish Kanade would rub my butt
>>89350703Not even a deadbeat, they have the right to brag given what teamates and chumbuds used to put them through.
>>89350593Ame is finally free from this shit company and is actually happy and Gura's going to join her soon. Meanwhile Mori is stuck because of her contract despite the fact that she obviously wants to leave.
>>89350515>foreigner>likes to manipulate and post images Every time.
>>89350659>Pebbles would rather fuck a hag
>>89350754The fuck is gurii
>>89350693bae is sex incarnate
It would be a shame if someone were to start singing in say....19 minutes...
>>89350693very tough choiceI like breasts, but gigi has a certain appeal
Does anyone have the soundpost of Kaela and Biboo as RL penguins?
>>89350752these things are fucking horrifying. i'll never touch them
novelite who just joined, why is biboo trying to seduce me?
>>89350601jwu, what stream was this?
>>89350802Go to sleep, it ain’t happening hooman
Kek Biboo acts like a little kid.
>>89350773>despite the fact she wants to leave Is this the cope you try every time now?
>>89350756Seethe cuckbeat>>89350771Brag about what? Mori's failed career? Even Kiara is more popular than her now lmao
>>89350810Ina's was the best
>>89350798As long as they don't drag my oshi into it. I won't be smurffing to make it unfun for everyone
>>89350802Sorry bud, but I can sleep soundly tonight knowing I won't miss anything.
https://contents.xj-storage.jp/xcontents/AS05169/66e258af/c00f/4978/b7d1/9ca0ee35df6e/140120241112519512.pdfCover Q3 report
>>89350802don't be silly, anon. that'll never happen. why don't you just head to bed, close your eyes, and sleep....
>>89350751A necessary evil. You're a sick bastard but do what must be done.
>>89350507No but he has that gentle, protective touch that women love.
>>89350802domp eet
>>89350773Ok then why are you here retard? Go watch your indie stream. Oh wait, you can’t lol
>>89350739That son of a bird bitch, you can see it in her eyes. Looking right back at you. Knowing that you know that she knows that you know that she knows that you know she motorboats those -KAWAII POSITIVE GENIUSSU tiddies every night in pure ecstacy. That she gets to scissor her snu snu bride, holding up one muscular leg like she's pushing up a huge oak log, and getting to slam her with no restraint whatsoever. Her huge milkers bouncing around, hitting each other with meaty thick smacks after every gyration as she creams her pussy into her gyaru wife. You know this, and she knows this. And that's why she looks at you that way. She won a game you didn't even know you could play. That son of a gook bitch
>>89350748what got closest?
>>89350798I'm really glad they only got 3. My oshi is the type who would of got dragged in if they had 4 and really needed a 5th
>>89350844Shouldn't you be crying in Guras vod about being ghosted again 41 days and counting lmao
>>89350888>bird bitch*gook bitchwell I guess she's technically a bird but whatever.
>>89350751Honestly, that's a noble goal. There are some games you just shouldn't stream.
>>89350919Based and thanks.
>>89350752I would of bought the bean parts of the plushies for like $15 each.
is this GFE?
>>89350919ehehe cutepost more /an/ holo stuff
>>89350560Man I fucking loved this gun in Killing Floor 1
>>89350888why was this deleted
Man I could watch biboo forever
>>89350895If it counts, 2B2T
Towa will be playing Fauna's favorite membership game soonTHEY AREhttps://youtube.com/watch?v=wjECk9KW_kQhttps://youtube.com/watch?v=wjECk9KW_kQhttps://youtube.com/watch?v=wjECk9KW_kQ
did the ruffians soundpost GET LOST BAU BAU from Ceci's birthday stream? it would have a lot of uses
>>89350987I miss Mooms...
>>89350443All my love.I miss my neneti
>>89350974/vt/'s first rule is no racism
Ok what happened, why are they talking about female ruffians?
>>89350751they are not going to care about losing nearly to the extent that you care so much about winning
>>89350845The correct thing to do is to smurf doing the most ridiculous but funny shitLike Singed flip and teleport to a ward/tower right next to you BM
paperclip holo when?
>>89350919>penguin memethis is why she's getting a redesign...
Advent is very impressive as a generation.Moom and Gura are pulling their respective gens down.Justice is pulling their weight considering they debuted halfway into the year.
>>89350757that's even worse, you took in the whole image and only saw that..
>>89351041They accept all girls and non baunary ruffians
>>89350936>>89350860If they start to actaully stream it I will just make a new account, unlock my main and make their life suck. I grinded solo to challenger and I will amke it not fun.>>89351044Oh no it's not about winning at all, it's about make the lanes and the game as fun as possible for everyone.
>>89351041The dogs see the Jailbirds being mean to fembirds and took course of action.
>>89351070do average per month
>>89351041their numbers must be super low for them to be this desperate. But if they want to court female fans, this kind of posting just isn't going to work.
>>89350802What if we all posted dick pics to encourage Mumei to stream, hahaJust as a funny thing, haha
>>89351069I'd imagine it plays a large part
>>89350974why was this deleted
>>89351070no one cares faggot go back to your thread
>>89350798Gigi wonShiori lost
>invite fauna to league>gg proudly talked about playing teemo jungle and muting everyone because she kept dying to the camps and never ganked>nerissa constantly talks about how bad she isis this an inside job to make sure fauna never wants to play it again?
>>89351125Women should post their pits first to encourage anons to post their dicks
>>89351110I need the raw data, I can probably do some multifactorial analysis grouping girls together into "types"
>>89351093>make the lanes and the game as fun as possible for everyone>I will amke it not funMeds?
I think Towa
>>89351129Stop crying
>>89351164I don't think
>>89351044>they are not going to care about losingBro you have never played lol saying this. Losing is fine, but if someone wants to make you not have fun at all they can do it and feels bad.
Where the fuck are advent's casual outfits?
>>89351070>*cums in your eye*
>>89350659Is that honestly surprising? I assume most pebbles are lolicons, so asking them if they'd like to fuck Biboo except slightly smaller child-like body with a higher pitched voiced with the only "catch" being that she's 15-20 years older, I feel the answer is a no-brainer
>>89351113To court female fans, you have to talk like Mori, Suisei or Towa.
I can't believe that Biboo is so cute
>>89351136Shiori isn't playing league so she wins by default
>>89351160I meant fun™, but my Tm gotten eaten for some reason.
>>89351154but there's no women here, right? So it's okay if everyone just posts their dicks. Then we can compare them.
>>89351198WAIT. Momseki is SMALLER than biboo?
>>89351224This has always sounded like French to me.
>>89351186I’ve hid them in my closet while I try them on, I’ll be done soon
>>89351153Well just like the one time Fauna played Monster hunter when she was younger, she's only doing it because of a girl she wants to impress. I honestly think GG can make Fauna do anything she wants but GG is too considerate to do anything crazy
>>89351041Now I see what I missed
Hey lads, any of you play Holocure? I was kinda getting back into it for the updateare there any melee-ranged characters that are pretty strong? I already maxed out Risu/IRyS so I was looking to mix it up
>>89351265When will we finally get a French holo?
>>89351232Nice try, let's see those pits.
I can't watch biboo because she gives me too much cuteness aggression and I can't focus
>>89351070Why do you need our attention so badly? There are other monkeys you can talk to about this. Why do you have the compulsive need to tell people who don't care? I'm serious, it's really strange behaviour.
>>89351198But Biboos mom has big tits >>89351243Yes
>>89350855Come back with the translated version monkey
>>89351303Same, I can't watch her for five minutes without wanting to rape her.
Mumei, Ina, Towa, Mori and IRyS needs to hold an intervention for Bae.
>>89351289Mel can get pretty broken with Jingisukan
>>89351186>Rizzo Culvers waitress>Dogs in Mr Donut waitress outfits>Biboo schoolgirl>Shiori in nothing but a super large t-shirt
>>89351316I want a girl to look at me like that IRL
>>89351308this artist is a clown though, she said her mom is 1-2cm shorter, not THAT much shorter
This could have happened 1 year earlier, Yagoo
>>89351289Based Risu enjoyer
>>89350659>RatherAlso. Oyakodon would be divine. I joke. I would never do Dadseki dirty like that. He's got incredibly based taste marrying a shortstack tomboy with short hair.
Edging to Biboo in my special goon cave
>>89351403Man, 2022 was a nasty time
Why is Biboo so comfortable with talking about edging?
>>89351289Calliope Morishe has a corpse explosion passive that can wipe out half the screen
>>89351358Oh hey thanks
>>89351289I'm pretty sure most of the melee characters suck ass except for Kiara/Sana, mel kind of okay but she's -really- short range, Kiara/Sana are both strong as fuck but probably the most "boring" of the OP charactersAqua dies to easy, Choco is good on paper but slow as fuck, Miko's a meme and mori scales like shit
>>89351348>Shiori in nothing but a super large t-shirtInject that shit into my veins.
>>89351303This, except instead of Biboo, it's La+And instead of extreme violence, I just want to push her down like Tomo to Chiyo in Azumanga Daioh
>>89351403Advent was such a breathe of fresh air
How come y'all barely talk about Bijou's streams here tho? Feel like even JP streams get more discussion nowadays
>>89351437she's not though, unless you mean edgy
Biboo is the type who would release her hand from a handy in 0.0001s the moment you cum and just laugh at you nonstop begging for the extra pumps
Who else in Hololive has gotten knives or other sharp instruments as merch before? I assume Kiara isn't the first
>>89351302i mean obviously as a man i don't have any pits to post, right?
>>89351424>Be Dadseki>Marry tiny shortstack tomboy>Get a Biboo daughterMan...
>>89351471Bijou streams are the literal definition of slop
>>89351475>she's not thoughYes she is.
When you think about it, Hololive had one hell of a busy quarter.So many things happened.
>>89351471>y'allAin't fooling no one lil pup
>>89351498Yes anon, she's an Asian woman.Haven't you heard about how short most of HoloJP are
>>89351505Fuck you, Cheebs.
>>89351507Still wanna know what happened to ID4, died in the womb?
>>89351497Everyone has pits. It came with your body
>>89351471I genuinely didnt even realize she was still streaming
>>89351498Dadseki is also a hobbit.
>>89351471>Bibooscroll up
>>89351500cute anon still seething
>>89351507>busy quarterWell yea I think that was felt by everybody all around.
stream Multiversehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fSdl2kWrHghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fSdl2kWrHghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fSdl2kWrHg
>>89351540There is no money in ID. Most the money they make is from EN and JP fans.
>>89351403>Advent literally saved EN from mass terminationLmao mythsharts status? I've been saying for years that graduating myth and promise whores would be a positive for Hololive. Glad to feel validated
>>89351343Like a sexy intervention?
>>89351557having difficulties hiring a new management structure
>>89351343Yeah, from me
>>89351578What a dumbass argument lol, they literally pump money into stars
>>89351500>>89351547More popular than anyone in myth btw(meme shark doesn't count)Seethe
can you faggots go back to /#/
>>89351531Anon there is short then there is break 140cm or 130
>>89351540Slow growth
>>89351634I assure you, not that uncommon in Asia
>>89351585>>89351403>>89351507hey cover insider great info maybe do something about your classic talents hating you and leaving?
Don't worry guys, I applied for janitor and I'll fix this board, I'll kill all trolls and falseflaggersJust give me some time..
The JP economy is shit, so make sure to donate to your JP oshi because they need that foreign money
You think Ame is regretting fucking off to become a literal who 2view now that we have more proof that's Hololive continues to be successful?
>>89351665lol sis
>>89350325hey girl
>>89351665>talents want to leave>left with full honorIs this a strange phenomenon to you, nijisis?
>>89351711Ame will be back sooner than you think. I have insider knowledge.
>>89351650It really si anon, look the average for Asian woman now a days. That is really fucking short. Biboo is literally the average height of a 10 year old Japanese girl
>>89351626They make more money from stars then most of ID and there almost no overlap in fans so its basically a whole different market. Sure it isn't nearly as profitable, but most companies don't only invest in their most profitable products otherwise budget electronics and similar wouldn't exist.
>>89351682i love esg and dei, please give yagoo more money to make hololive gay and cringe
>>89351711Hell no, she convinced herself that they were holding her back
>>89351728Who the fuck put Zeta near Ame tier, Zeta has the worst fucking kit on par with Anya.HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ZETA'S HOLOCURE KIT IT IS SO FUCKING SHIT Wait...why is Fauna F?
>>89351682How do I apply to be a holo janny so I can be paid to watch streams?
>>89351760Is that why Biboo was almost kidnapped in Japan?
>>89351711Does that success actual translate to the talents? Where’s the 3D model updates or actually getting perms for games?
>>89351785>Wait...why is Fauna F?pathetic damage and slow, the healing gimmicks are cool but if you actually want to do hardmode stages/Xtreme halu she falls apart
>vtuber awards
>i didn't even know the nomination was a thingBased biboo
>>89351728Love Sanner
>>89351344Doesn't matter if Mel is broken with Jingisukan, when Choco is just a better version of Mel.Mel will always be a downgrade of Choco sensei
>>89351682>ESGAre you fucking kidding me. I thought people were joking but it's actually fucking over
Beeb...stretching your few remaining brain cells will kill you...
>>89351785Man I remember I really wanted to like Zeta, the concept of a stealth-based character sounded so good on paper...
>>89351816oh yeah true, the shield falls apart pretty easily because of constant enemy collision, I think I remember why Fauna is bad now in high levels
>>89349056This was more of a pain than I thought it'd be because Jimmy has a speech impediment and Mori is written like the stereotypical anime gaijin accent but here's crack at a script4[Narration]Todoroki Hajime, a girl who aims to be the number one bancho in the universe. Currently searching the internet for a fighting partner.She searched for "Strongest Girl Fighting Recruitment Virtual Tokyo" and found a pink site she'd never seen before.It was clearly a dirty site, but she didn't question it, because she was only thinking of fighting. It was a famous sex gathering site in the futanari world.5[Hajime]I'll become strongest in the universe! If you run from here you're no girl![Signs]I look forward to battling you.Hello! Okay desu! Please meet in front of XX tomorrow at 9pm! Looking forward to it.[Hajime]Woah, fast!Bad feeling~~I'm nervous, is it really just a fight? What's this weird feeling?[Narration]The next day6[Mori]Sorry to keep you waiting. Are you the one who contacted me?Nice to meet you, I'm Calliope.[Hajime]MA_A? (dunno what this is censoring)[Hajime]But she's really smiley, maybe she's a nice person?Well, let's go. [Mori]Are you still growing? Is it your first time using this site?You're small and cute, I'll be careful not to break you.[Hajime]This is bad, I need to get out of here quickly...8[Hajime]I have a feeling it'll be bad if I stay hereI'm not saying in a place like this!! I'm going home!![Mori]Where do you think you're going?Escaping is no good, let's have fun <310[Mori]Open your mouth please <312[Mori]Are you okay?14[Mori]There's no point in struggling, give up and be quietIf you run, you won't become a strong person. You have no right to refuse.Open up, I'm putting it in18[Hajime]You've been doing whatever you want to me, but now take my counter attack!19[Mori]Amazing! Even though I'm always breaking women in one go, you still have the will to fight! I've met someone amazing <3[Hajime]I need to say something.. my vision is blurry...21[Hajime]Yaa!! Too rough!!
>Fauna was talking about how she's been doing a deep dive into Mouthwashing since her stream on the same day Kronii is streaming MouthwashingI swear to g*d they're secretly getting together behind the scenes and think it's funny to mess with rrat peddlers.
>>89351639>All the English speaking countries combined is only twice as much as IDFUCKING GRIM
does Biboo have two eyebrows?
>>89351814If talents want new models they can always commission their own or use their wish to upgrade them. Cover isn't a fucking charity
>>89351826>>89351819KekHistory repeats itself
>Terrifying newsBiboo knows she is cute and can get away with stuff
>>89351289Kiara is pretty good. Like you have to intentionally fuck up to die as her
>>89351863>here's a drop aggro mechanic for 3 seconds oh btw you deal no damage
Is Biboo usually this smug and bratty?
>>89351885>Cover isn't a fucking charityHey look he said it again, he’s been saying that for 4 years now!
Yup. Biboo needs rape correction
>>89351728Isn't this list from some steam guide?
>>89351711yagoo has sent agents to the US to infiltrate her ISP, they are purposely holding her back, its not her fault
>>89351877That just means there are still tons of room to grow.We're still better than our neighbor which is practically a SEA branch now
>>89351871BASED I'll jerk off as thanks for your hard work
>>89351728>Zeta is literally a worse version of ame by a colossal degree with a mostly useless tacked-on stealth gimmick>right next to herLook ZetAme is cute but Ame literally doubles her damage
>>89351837Some JP companies are starting to wise up, so one can only hope that Cover drops this or simply doesn't act on it before it does any damage>Blackrock shareholder...
>>89351802Yes, Biboo is around the 138 to140cms rangeand that is a 10 year old by Japan standards. Mutiple people she ran into just thought she was a child, so she must really have a baby face too. She should unironically carry around a child alarm.
>>89351830In holocure they are completely different characters
>>89351952She's not that short, but she's short (below 150cm)
which holo paid respect to the fallen soldiers in honour of remembrance day?
>>89351951This is exactly why A-chan, Aqua and Ame left and Gura, Mumei and Ina are planning on leaving.
>>89351837This slide has been present in reports for the last year at least, latechama
>>89351987I made some pulled pork poutine.
>>89351909Yes. 3D has amplified her brat energy, but she's been like this since the beginning.
>>89351728>>89351289I didnt play holocure a ton but it really felt hilarious how absolutely overpowered IRyS was>youre a healing character>oh also youre a high damage crit character>oh also your main attack hits a thousand times which lets you abuse 15 different builds>also if you just want to farm shes top 3 best coin farmers in the game
>>89351979Shel's around like 140-141cms? She way shorter then Marine who is a goblin at 150cms anon
>>89351987I ate at Applebee's and left a big tip.
>>89351289just play as your oshiif you can't win with your oshi what kind of fan are you?
>>89351939Can you post your cock before you finish
Cover should ban talents from receiving any and all birthday supachats
>>89351711After CC's Bday stream and also Shiori's Halloween Unity™ 3D stream, I find it very hard to believe that Cover was holding Ame back from doing CREATIVE things
>>89351711I don't think Ame thinks. Her mind ghosts thinks for her.
>>89351876I've been fucking saying this. This shit reeks of Kronii humour. They know. They fucking know.
>>89352041You excited to play as Luna on friday?
>>89352078>>89351876Kronii mentioned Fauna by name during Gigi's birthday but I don't remember any direct references or interactions between them other than that of recent times.
>>89351877>FUCKING GRIMNot really, it's actually growing at the fastest rate
>>89351728>okayu in B>suisei in D
>>89351876this is how you sound like right now
>>89352096NTA but hell yeah
>>89352056I can believe that, at one point Bee Ame and Armando was banned by 2021-2022's management, but nowadays? Eh.
>eat ban for typing gook >when numberfagging and antiposting gets the a'okIf I'm going to eat a ban, at leasts erve one that suits my palate, niggerfaggot
>>89352117Suisei needs extremely specific items or she kind of just gives upOkayu's only flaw is her special sometimes making you kill yourself
>>89352127The JPbros know about motherfucking D-Generation X?
>>89351279where was this posted
>>89351728Kaela is not that good (or I suck at the game)
>>89352056Ame like the rest of Myth is just a typical lazy talentless entitled westoid bitch who got lucky because of pandemic. Mythtard simps are genuinely fucking pathetic
Bae saying today that she has no clue what anyone has been up to for the last couple of months really bummed me out. What's the point in going this hard on dancing to the point that you no longer have the energy to keep up with what people are up to and don't feel like you can afford to "waste" streams on collabs?Work smart not hard...
>>89352170JPs fuckign love pro wrestling. They even have their own league.
Can someone post lewd pics of smolCC? I wanna fap to them again.
>>89352172/here/ like hours ago
>>89352162Never understood the point of censoring buttholes, it’s not a sex organ.
>>89351591writing fanfic again
>>89351995>GuraGura is still here anon and she isn't going anywhere, she needs Hololive
>>89352162Hello, Ad Police?
>>89351728It's so fucking sad how bad Matsuri is in this game, she should be in a tier on her own.Also Aqua doesn't seem that shit to me and Fauna is definitely not F tier. I would put her in B at least.
>>89352202we poop from there
>>89352172I saw it /here/ when talking about Fempebbles
Gura cute Gura cute!
beep you pikachu
>>89351877Yes anon, that's what happen when there's an entire branch with FOUR gens dedicated to one single country.Crazy
Biboo hates Pikachu
>>89352047I'm black and a not mystery-meat asian twink so you probably don't wanna see that
>>89352162What a based post.
>>89352235 (me)Wait, I'm dumb.Three, not four
>>89352210Gura, Mumei and Ina are all gonna leave in the next 6 months or so. The signs are literally all there.
>>89352019Does Biboo have two eyebrows?
>>89352219moderator moderator! please, save my eyes from this filth! I cant bare to look at an image containing beautiful anime breasts! HELP ME! NOW!
>>89352187Bae very clearly doesn't give a shit about the rest of EN anymore, and I'm not saying that as bait or anythingShe seems kind of arrogant, like now she can go all-in on her dream of doing dancing and stuff she just doesn't care about anything else
>>89352245How does it feel knowing every girl of any and all race/nationality clamors for you
>>89352108Kronii was forced to mention Fauna because the person who wrote the script for that was a based KroFaufag who gave them history with each other
>>89352127KroFau is literally EN PekoMiko.
>>89351540ID3 killed it. On one hand you have Kobo, massive success, almost mainstream celebrity status, big music hits left and right.On the other hand you have Kaela, who just streams in English fulltime and makes more money. Indonesia is a $10k a year median income country, they just don't have the money to spend on anime girls.
>>89352182Eat the exp food, boom Kaela's only weakness is gone and she's now broken
>>89352223You vomit from your pie hole too.
>>89352225>>89352199I meant the tweet. I wrote three of the posts in the image.
>>89352272It's a joke, take it easy.
>>89352272i hope that anon was banned for the racism instead and he gets even madder about it
>>89352260Ina never makes sense in these shitposts.
>>89352127KekWe finally have our own brand of ぺこみこ schizos
>>89352284Id3 was much more successful than 2 so idk where you're coming from with them "killing it"
would you marry your oshi even if she said you would have to get circumcised first?
>>89352210>she needs HololiveFor what
>>89352275Bae gives me the Suisei vibes anyways, the personality is very close to both of them
>>89352268don't all people do?You mean 2 pairs? No, the thing above her eyes are the eyes depth
>>89352291cursory search and it's the latest bvtm post
>>89352275NTA but there is nothing arrogant about going full send on your dreamWhen her storm has settled, she'll be back to collabinh
>>89352328it sounds like you don't watch either
I sleepa
>>89352127It was funny to think of that until this happened.
oobib gone
>>89352309The rrat is that she's increasingly been fed up with management this year to the point where the straw will finally break the camel's back and she'll just up and leave.
>>89352096I'm a 35P, but YES
>>89352348>there is nothing arrogant about going full send on your dreamYes there isThere's no "storm", she just dropped the act and doesn't care about what made her anymore
>>89352348Is it worth it if you're alone at the end of it?
>>89352322What if I'm already circumcised?
>>89352280>>89352321So who raped who, then?
>>89352326Watch this random indie Vtuber talk about how much shit she has to do on a daily basis as a popular... indie Vtuberhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7YZDeKw464&t=261s&pp=ygUTc2FrdW5hIGluZGllIHZ0dWJlcg%3D%3D
>>89352326to pay her to sit on her ass while they use the "gura" IP as a mascot
>>89352374>The rratThe fact that you think a rrat made in the catalog is more credible than what Ina has said multiple times prior to her break is what's confusing. It's quite literally just going "No, it's not Ina who's right" and making up your own theories.
>>89352328Suisei collabs whenever she canWhat a baffling post
>>89352320Did you read the rest of the post anon?
>>89352328Bae has severe imposter syndrome and is very humble and malleable compared to Suisei who is incredibly confident and exudes blunt girlboss auraThey are not even close to being similar
>>89352276Fuck off sapling
>>89352187Bae also made the same exact bullshit excuse for why she never collabs with EN anymore that Ina and Ame gave for why they never collabed each other saying “oh we talk all the time behind the scenes, there’s no need to collab”. Which is she’s saying she also hasn’t been able to keep up with what’s going on with the other girls in EN makes it even more bullshit.
>>89352322Nice try
>>89351871holy basedsomeone please typeset this
>>89352427>Bae has severe imposter syndromeliterally no evidence of this, this thread says this about everyone
>>89352260>>89352374This sister doesn't watch Ina's streams and it shows, kek
>>89352406f but k's heart is already with another
>>89352328What a bizarre comparison
At this point if leaving means they'll stream again instead of not streaming and then shitting out yet another voice pack and then once every 3-4-5 months a 80-120 dollar event happens then I'm all for it.
>>89352348back in the day Bae constantly talked about how Mumei talked to her, I think some falling out has happened
>>89352427>Bae has severe imposter syndromewhy do people say this about literally every single holoEN member?This applies to Bae like the least out of anyone in her branch
>>89352268epicanthal fold
JWU, how were the streams? Was the birthday girl happy today?
>>89352330her eyebrows are so high up on her forehead it made me do a double take
>>89352487No one is delusional to think that Gura leaving would mean she'd stream again, people know Gura outside of hololive and she was never a fan of streaming
>>89352421>>89352461Yeah yeah and Ame's never leaving because she needs to feed her family now and she even built a new 3D studio.
>>89352202>>89352223In my experience with hentai, non-h manga or pixiv art, buttholes usually aren't censored as long as there's no penetration.
>>89352487>At this point if leaving means they'll stream againThis is fact not happening at least with the EN's lamo.
>>89352433It is a lame excuse and it's as if directors would stop working with actors they like because they can talk to each other outside of movie sets.
>>89352527I want to penetrate Ina’s butthole.
>>89352386>Doesn't care what made herHer fans are what made her, not the rest of ENShe has collabed a lifetime's worth with the ones she looks up to, she's not a newbie who needs to pay her dues of she's busy>>89352395>AloneYou lack object permanence of what happens offstream
>>89352493>First the endless kronii vs fauna shit>and "Irys cares about JP more than a gen made for her">Now bae falling out with MumeiMaybe, just maybe it isn't one person's fault, and Promise as a whole is a super low-unity generation?
>>89352493People get busy anon, Mumei is desperately trying to finally finish this pointless degree while off her meds even, she has way less time to talk about Naruto OPs or whatever.
>>89352446>>89352127It's literally the exact same shit as here but reading these always makes me smile for some reason
>>89352433>Bae also made the same exact bullshit excuse for why she never collabs with EN anymore that Ina and Ame gave for why they never collabed each other saying “oh we talk all the time behind the scenes, there’s no need to collab”This is a really dumb comparison to make but I trust you to have a big enough brain to figure out why
just wondering, has anyone here every posted nerissa fanart and not gotten a like from her on it?
>>89352328>Bae gives me the Suisei vibes anywaysEither you don't watch Bae, or you don't watch Suisei.Suisei is a freak of nature. Simple as that.
>>89352557If a generations gets older of course the unity is less stronger, you will see Advent and Justice will have it too.It's a passing thing that happens to all Idol Groups/Youtube Groups/ etc.
>>89352586More like a sex of nature.
>>89352578me because I posted on a private account
>>89352557retard mumei and bae still talk to each other the most out of every holo
>>89352526>Catalogfag bringing up Ame for no reasonMan you guys have been desperate
>>89352450The evidence is watching streams. Good job on outing yourself as a threadreader>>89352497You know nothing about Bae, she literally has had multiple panic attacks before her performances
>>89352578Nerissa is the most twitter-addicted member of ALL of Hololive, JP, EN, and ID, all of them.You could post a stick figure on twitter that says "I like wissa ^-^" and she'd like it on two accounts in 10 minutes WHILE STREAMING
>>89352553>Her fans are what made her, not the rest of ENHololive made herHololive is a group
>>89352576>Oh I haven't done a proper collab with IRyS in almost two years? Haha well I talk to her offstream so I don't need to collab with her while I conveniently ignore that viewers can't do that.
>>89352591>you will see Advent and Justice will have it toobut... advent strong forever, right?
>>89352617that's what people say about mori and kiara all the time or gura and ame lol.I don't believe it.Only one I trust is Advent cause they young right now in years
>>89352586>>89352601More like a retard of nature!
>>89352328Bruh, 2024 was literally Suisei's year of "Let's do all sorts of sit with Holomems" to compensate for 2023 during which she was mostly doing things for herself(3D Live, that MGO side project, etc).She was in every single big project.
>>89352514She was particularly evil today, but she's German so that means she's happy.
>>89352493>Back in the daySo are we going to forget that Bae was in Mumei's most recent karaoke?
>>89352630Another graduation? Grim
>>89352625I watch streams, you retards with no understanding of human psychology take every sign of weakness or stress or anxiety as "imposter syndrome" when it's notBeing worried about if your work is good enough is not imposter syndrome
>>89352630thank god I hadn't killed my self before she announced coming back
>>89352531That's dumb.
>>89352433They fail to realize that talking offscreen doesn't matter if the viewers can't see it.
>>89352645Hololive is supported by the fans
>>89352629>BoobsYou know Suzy is flat, right?
>>89352591idk advent are closer than pretty much any gen of hololive currently, its almost amusing how stubborn they are about doing stuff together stillthey even had that "we all got busy" moment that everyone assumed would be the end, then they just immediately hopped on the collab train again after it cleared up
I hope Bae kills herself
>both fans and holos idolize this woman>they try to convince (You) this is a smooth diva
>>89352630Everything went wrong when Nene left.Everything will be better with her return.
>>89352658Object permanence lacking subhuman retard.
>>89352586Mori is a freak, Suisei is a freak. Bae is just a regular girl that thinks she can do what freaks can do by simply working hard. Instead she's just speedrunning chronic health problems that will prevent her from achieving anything.
Reminder that Bae is closer to Ina than she is to IRyS and has been closer to Ina than to IRyS for like, two years now.BaeRyS schizos don't watch streams.
>>89352617Bae hasn't mentioned her usual Mumei talks in quite a while.
>>89352728>BaeRyS schizoswho are you quotingwhere are these people you're talking about
Bae's just simply isn't good enough to have an imposter syndrome desu
>>89352096Too big.And eh, head too small? The more I look the weirder the proportions get...
>>89352654Idk why you're implying she's living both Irys and Mori corroborate they've done stuff with Bae in past Are all three of them just lying in your headcanon?
>>89352654Bae's excuse is even funnier when you compare it to JPs who see each other IRL all the time, yet they still collab frequently.
>hololive>no one is live
>>89352676>Being worried if your work is good enoughThat's literally the crux of imposter syndrome and why the term is used today in regards to artists, they feel like they need to do more when less would suffice
>>89352768Isn't that just bipolar disorder?
>>89352514>how were the streamsKino Polfriend, kino
Stream frequency or collab frequency means nothing when the content in question is slop.
>>89352773Do you understand what a collab is? You don't call things they do off stream together and then maybe mentions weeks or months down the line collabs do you?
>>89352810Sometimes, mental illness can work in your favor, yes
>>89352708I remember having to rewind since I didn't notice they transitioned to 3D instead of playing the original animation. That Advent 3D collab was so kino
>>89352740watch streams, nier last week
Which holos have boobies and pussies?
>>89352787ENs are far more socially autistic compared to the JPs
>>89352806>Ina goes to Japan>She meets up with LUMINA and hang out>LUMINA then starts drawing more and more sexualized Inas >Is now releasing an artbook full of sexy new Inas and a "secret one"What did Ina do?
>>89352728>the syncs that they had in the cooking streamIt's been a while since I've heard Ina act that comfortably around someone else. It was really nice.
>>89352557Council/Promise is a failed gen>first EN gen to have someone graduate>rebranded to Promise, yet only collabs during announcements and management mandates
>>89352664Nice webm. Saved
>>89352725Yeah, a lot of holos have great ambitions and mental strength but they're beyond that at a psycho level.Mori is also physically built different, she doesn't gets sick or lose her voice and the rare times she does, she recovers insanely fast.
I can’t believe we’ve reached a point where Kronii is the one in Promise with the least amount of issues nowadays.
>>89351728>Aqua at the bottom, when the solo stamp thing (the AKUKIN logo) literally makes her fucking op, and NEKO when utilized properly can annihilate large swathes of enemy mobs effortlessly. Also iirc she had one of the best stats outside of hp
>>89352493>>89352557>>89352915>Holo fanbase vs Holo fanbase againlol
>>89352908She definitely has a bit of clown ancestory, sure
>>89352874they're all men with voice changers except one. and it's IRyS.
>>89352908this is true
I dunno these days if theres more good people than bad people in these threadsI feel like in 2020-2022 we had a bunch of weirdos and a few rotten apples but these threads have been so negative and full of trolling / falseflagging since last year, sometimes I wonder what the fuck I'm still doing here, but I can't leave easily
>>89352819This but unironically. That's what baffles me about kfp, deadbeats and pebbles. They keep gloating about how much their oshis stream while ignoring the fact that majority of their streams are either just plain bad or mediocre. That's like saying DaS2 is good because it has more bosses than Bloodborne.
>>89352908yeah i get it
>>89352908Genki exterior hiding mental problems?
>>89352708So were Myth and Promise until less and less collabs happened
I have started watching Dr. Who ever since ERB decided to start it as a watchalong and I'm now at the very end of the Peter arc. Does having a vagina improve the Doctor?
>>89352630I missed my wife.
Why is every single post that mentions a fanbase always pure garbage?
>>89352811>That's literally the crux of imposter syndromeNo it is not, you idiotImposter syndrome is when you feel like you're an imposter, like people think you're something you aren'tBeing worried about doing a good job doesn't mean you think you're an imposter, it just means you care
Can you find Hologo in this picture?
>>89352915Ehh don’t get too uppity now, just because people are venting some frustrations with promise doesn’t mean they aren’t still by far the most entertaining EN Gen.
>>89352961Peter Griffin lookin' ahh
>>89352883what is this
>>89352975Because antis and schizos make themNotice how they are always outed for not watching streams?
>>89352708Promise showed up in each others streams constantly in the beginning. People were praising them for making casual collabs more of a thing since Myth didn't do much of that. This is what time does to gens.
>>89352908>the Polka TypeA lesbian?
>>89352954>taking funposting this seriously Grow thicker skin lil bro
>>89352934So you're saying IRyS is a man without a voice changer? Impressive
>>893529542022 was when we started getting banned for reporting so there was nothing holding it back anymoreearly this year was like they all synced up and actually made the legion of discord
>>89352810BPD is not like having mood swings. It's alternating weeks or months of ultra high energy mania with weeks or months of ultra low energy depression.
>>89352915Promise fans want solo streams anyway, what's the problem?This endless slop train of biboo/gigi/mori/kiara/shiori collab of the day is awful and no one in /hlgg/ remembers a single one despite there being like 17 of them alreadyIt's telling you can get quotes from mumei or gura's last solo streams despite them being ages ago ON THE SPOT at any hour of the day here, yet if someone asked what happened at the last justice/advent slop collab the best you'd get is "which one?" or some blind blanket statement like "girls are cute!"the funny thing is when Promise actually DOES collab it ends up being way more kino than any of those other girls anyway
Reminder Suisei treats plushies like real people.
>>89352908She definitely does give off Pagliacci vibes, especially when she talks about her family...
>>89352954Feels like people with actual passion just left or are in the chat these days. No one even bothers making anything here anymore, that's always a sign of the lack of investment.This place feels no different than /v/ but I guess thats because vtubers are more popular and the board got big so we just ended up with the "average" 4channer.
>>89352975Because antis are obsessed with fans for some reason.
>>89352830>Do you understand what a collab is?The convo isn't about "what is a collab" it's about what weather there's truth in what's she saying, and the answer to that yes The reason I told you using Ame and Ina saying something similar as a comparison was bad is because it was so obviously not true when they said due to the fact of them living in different countries, while Bae and several other ENs and basically all of JP live within the same city and often corroborate having spent time with her
>>89353023right? I was super impressed by his range
>>89353028I have this or something like this and it fucking sucks
>>89352975easy proxy holo vs holo
>>89353033Can I get a quote from Mumei's and Gura's last streams please?
>>89353064inner if she real
>>89353033>Implying anyone is reading that wall of cope.If you want solo streams, go watch twitch fags
>>89352923I can speak as a non-/inf/ Kronie.The best thing about Kronii is that, while she likes to doompost, she's very genuine about wanting to improve herself and her life.Hence, her actually getting angry that getting sick prevents her from going to the gym.Got a sleeping problem? Time to do a stream where she works on a new life schedule with chat, and now strictly adhering to it. See: Her streaming one hour earlier this week.
>>89352953I genuinely can't remember and objectively bad Biboo stream, not sure why you're lumping her in thereshe plays things she enjoys, it shows, she always has a great time, cracks jokes, basically anything you'd hope for from a gaming stream
>>89353068I want someone to remake this with the more advanced AI video software we have now
>One of Ame's family members got surgery.>It was her mom & she needs constant care now.This will be Grandma Watson all over again, isn't it?
>>89352923What issues Fauna, Bae and IRyS have?
>>89353113Don't care
>>89352986When people tell you you are gonna do good but you still think that it's not enoughThat's imposter syndromeI should remind you that Bae said that she's just A dancer and she doesn't consider herself a choreographer when she was being showered with compliments in regards to these 2 aspects. That's imposter syndrome
9am mooms aren't alowed to post about slop, just look what kind of content Mumei did the past few months
>>89353033I want a balanced diet of both solo streams and collabs and I don't want it to feel like they're never part of what's going on.
>>89353113We don’t care about Ame anymore, retard.
I leave for 2 hours to look through pokemon cards and the thread goes to shit
>>89353113go to your split
>>89352997The (one of many) duality of Suisei
>Nobody is obligated to like [Holo]>Reply to metapost with "no good streams">Reply to complaint about shitposting with “maybe ___ should be more entertaining?”>KEK, KEKKAROO, HOLY KEK>Slop, slopgen, slopgirl, slop game, slop collab>""""funpost""">not your hugbox / stop being sensitive>They hate their fanbase/genmate/language/Hololive>UHHHH [Fanbase]BROS????>[Holo] is [good thing] -> [Another Holo]...>Suddenly bringing up a split when no one was talking about one>Blatantly anti opinion but put in a spoiler>PLEASE WATCH [Holo] in a super obvious condescending tone>Notice how shitposting/Meidos stop when [Fanbase]!?>Why is no one watching [Holo]? Their stream is [Numbers]!
I love her.
The slop posters aren't sending their best.
>>89353151Only if you're coping for Bae's sake
>>89353151you should have looked through warhammer minis
>>89353164you tell em
>>89353151Are you playing Pokémon TCG?
>>89353164I am... kekking you up
>>89353136No retard, that's recognizing her limits and knowing she still has a lot to learn.
>>89353033>Promise fans want solo streams anyway, what's the problem?While this is mostly true, promise fans do make the exception that full gen collabs are peak content
>>89353167that's really cute art
>>89353113Source on this information?
>>89353151why are pokemon cards becoming more and more of a thing recently?
>>89353113>There is something I need to take care of first.>It was her mom all along.
>>89353198You're not as Lex as you'd like yourself to be
>my oshi is a lazy whore that has zero discipline therefore I must insult other fanbases because I'm jealous they're getting love and lots of streamsI used to think it was only trolls non-hololive fans but theres people that actually get mindbroken and turn into antis
>>89353136>When people tell you you are gonna do good but you still think that it's not enough>That's imposter syndromeAlso completely wrong
>>89353178This poster is the Kiaraschizo Connect the dots and realize why the thread is currently like this
I think Hoomans are dumb and Kronies are fat
The high horse promise fans refuse to get off of is always so baffling to me considering the absolute state of the gen - is it just the /#/ influence?
>>89353208because... there's literally a new mobile game of it?
>>89353228plap that router
>>89353138What about muppet mooms?
>>89353207Some indie said it.
>>89352954Theres still good people here anon. Sometimes people can play nice one day and rock the boat another. I still think when something exciting or interesting happens, the good comes out of the woodwork. When there's nothing going on, that's when people pick at the scabs and cause trouble.
>>89353236>out of nowhere>mentioning KiaraNow who's obsessed?
>>89353239taxpayers are clearly the worst fanbase
>>89353243They are all thriving, save Mumei who still has her college shenanigans
>>89352971Lol no
>>89353264>Nijiwhere?Are you lost mayhaps?
>>89353245I meant over the past couple years, but when did that game come out?
>>89353253All I said is objectively true though
>>89353243The gen may be over but they were still the bestAnd I guess they still have the best individual streamers
>>89352752I don't careSuiisei is very cool to me, I will disassociate and tomorrow I will forget I saw this
>>89353268Pretending to be retarded won't stop me from shining the headlights on you
>>89353268>kiara is the kiaraschizo
>>89353239>cheebs>calling others dumb and fatholy projection
>>89353167Shiori is certainly Shiori.
>>89353263this is just a reworded "it's the regulars!!!" angle
>>89353280I hate this image, I hate grems.Dumbass grems.
>>89353280why is the grem giggling with evil intentions
>>89353239Say that again without looking into a mirror
>>89353305>>89353303again, you're the one who brought up Kiara>everyone I disagree with is one anon
>>89353113Latinos sure are extremely family-oriented.
>>89353231Overcompensating is imposter syndrome
>>89353117>BaeRead the thread>Fauna and IRySThey’re actually doing fine too, but it’s just weird to think Kronii is in the group that pretty much doing fine, while Bae is in some nebulous zone where she’s isolated herself from the rest of EN.
>>89353302You can only deny reality for so long, anon
>>89353280I love this image, I love grems.Cute grems.
>>89353190I was looking through some bulk trying to build an interesting deck>>89353208I think the 151 boosters brought a lot of people back into the hobby
>>89353336Good try but that's one of the Kiaraschizo's textbook bot phrases
>>89353314grems are objectively the best fan mascot design and it's not even close
>>89353348>Bae doing great following her dream>The issue that her putting that work leaves little time for collabsOh no, she is totally worse than when she didnt had the current opportunities.
Oh manIt seems I'm the Kiaraschizo today, bros
>>89353348Bae is just doing what IRyS has been doing for 3 years
>>89352954>>893530272022 is the year where we started picking up a lot of outsider shitpost and the board as whole started getting used farm for content containment breaking social media account who wanted to project this "le ebin and wacky schizo den" image onto the board even if it meant astroturfing that sentiment themselves
>>89353394man shut up lol
>>89353378Eww, they are multiplying.
post the last oc you made to prove you're not a stinky loser buttface
Remember when >we were happy?
>>89353390Bae is doing great for herself I guess and her fans that only care about concerts and dancing. Not great for people that miss her old self.
>I disagree with what Bae said>YOU ARE THE KIARASCHIZOHuh…
>>89350423orange oreo
>>89353411You mean that Bae is going out often with JPs, Mori and others? I don't think that is isolating herself.
>>89353439You think that cinder block is going to be enough to stop the ultimate Grem?
That's it. I'm posting Towa.
We hate the word unity now by the way
>>89353356She's not wearing her stage clothes so that's not my cool and assertive Suisei
>>89353033>they're the peak gen collabs>but we don't want any, since we prefer solo streamsSounds like cope. You're also not a Promise/CouncilRySchad. Your oshi just happens to be in Promise.I want more collabs between them, since those were the peaks of EN.
>>89353467We’re not the one who refuses to hang out with fellow EN genmates
>>89353467Yeah, right now.
>>89353474Too bad she is not here to please those people. She is happy and this is the direction she wants.
And time for 15 minutes of peace
Bok bok i love two hat Samantha
>>89350752I hope they rerun the Myth ones. I deeply regret not getting em now that I’ve seen people post theirs.
>>89353411Irys don’t do a lot of 1-on-1 collabs but she sure as fuck didn’t shy from big collabs, retard
>>89353467To be fair this was a pretty shitty year, hopefully next year has zero graduations
>>89353504WE have fellow EN genmates? Where are them?
>>89353535I just want the beans god damnit. I already have giant mascot plushies.
>>89353467I am happy with my oshi who is balancing both solo streams and collabs
>>89353467Who the fuck is that green lizard?
>>89353411What’s crazy though is you can actually say IRyS is more involved with EN than Bae nowadays though. She’s got a collab with Kronii tomorrow, she was thoroughly involved with ENReco, and she didn’t flake on Ame’s final collabs.
>>89353527>delete>back 30 seconds laternew cooldown putting in work
>>89353493Is this your hero?
Moona's new song is goodhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fSdl2kWrHg
>>89353446I made this soundpost and some porn
>>89353493Catch this before you go
>>89353556IRyS had her phasesBae is having her phase
>>89353556Yeah we know man, Bae is just in a weird spot probs, it will get fixed, give it time.
>>89353482I'll make tea out of you
>brrats are now moving from shitting on Kronii to shitting on IRySKek
>>89353313Ok, goodnight
>>89353467Still not going anywhere btw.
>>89353541Literally, this has been the best EN has ever been. Two girls being in lows doesn't change that.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o3NJeeCOPsNene cover!
>>89353467I hope all we'll be missing for CTW3/BD2 is teamates...
There has been not a single fun post ITT
>>89353556>>89353411Oh and not to mention the space marine collab with Mori and Biboo
>>89353596Grems are delicious!
>>89353446doodle during karaoke
>>89353493She uses this outfit almost exclusively nowadays anyway
>>89353467its easy to be happy when you dont have mentally ill people in your ear telling you you have to be angry at every single thing that happens
>>89353536As a brat, I dont really care if Bae doesn't participate in big collabs. If she has limited time to stream these days. I'd much rather she do a solo stream. It's not hard to understand
>>89353643I'm Himmel
>>89353613>Two girls being in lowsI'd say more girls have been in lows, but this year sure is eventful
>>89353619oh nice!
>>89353649>cover numberfagging
>>89353556Bae had a week of collabs with Mumei, and a 12 marathon collab with Biboo, and a bug eating stream with FWMC a couple months ago. She participated in GG's birthday, and ENReco to the extent she was able given the planning for her live. Right before that she planned a HoloEN event stream with the coffee/tea debate. She also participated in GTA and Ark which included EN members. All of this was in the last 3 months. You are retarded.
>>89353649>55% of holofans are whores
>>89353390>leaves little time for collabsshe chooses not to do them
>>89353467I was happy until Mumei left us
>>89353694>literally the worst design out of all of Promise>cute
>>89353695He is doing what we call selective shitposting
>>89353291Pokemon TCG blew up when streamers were opening up old cases for rare Charizards or w/e, and I think a lot of them stuck around. It helps that this is a bit of an off year for Pokemon games too. The mobile game came out like two weeks ago.
me when cricket's head
>>89353667>Gura>Mumei>Ina (technically but not really)Mori is going great, so are the rest of Promise, Advent and Justice.
>>89352182Kaela is broken late game
>>89353694How bought I look at Mori's tits while she was being silly.
>>89352899Ina fucks. It's not even a secret that she does. Kronii too. Kanade seems to be going in the same direction.
>>89353467I can't. I'm a Chumhootie.
>>89353695After Bae's break she has given no shits about her fellow EN members
>>89353695Also working on that musical. I bet you that thing is driving these girls fucking insane.
>>89353167Kiara and Shiori have a nice contrast in color schemes. Like Kiara is max brightness and over saturated while Shiori is muted black and white.
>>89353446technically this >>89350430 if you count manipulating an image as octhen before that this >>89351085
Have we finally forgiven Fauna?
Have sex.
>>89353467Breaking Dimensions truly feels like the final episode of Hololive Season 3
>>89353703Yeah, she would rather rest or do solo stream, crazy.
>>89353773yeah it is kind of crazy that she just ditched the rest of her branch
>>89353649holobox strong
>>89353755Suisei was just joking here
>>89353703Because she has limited streaming availability and has to make a choice between solo and collabsand why is that a bad thing? I will choose a solo stream over collabs any day of the week.
>>89353759We're just forgetting that Fauna has been in collabs and doing solo streams this week? Sounds like cope
>>89353467I’m still pretty happy wdym? My oshi is doing great and I don’t care for her schizos.
>>89353730neat, thanks
Suisei is not even that good
>>89353793she could do some collabs, but she didn't
>>89353694She's not my oshi but she's but very cute and funny it's good to see she managed to navigate her way out whatever mental funk she was going through The energy she exudes when in good mood is very palpable as viewer and seeming to her collab partners as well
>>89353735>AmeAlso FWMC for me personally because they were in my top 3 most watched but now i barely watch them anymore due to the number of cancelled streams and their new "schedules"
>>89353467Is this the new cafeteria image?
>>89353755wait, is it bad to talk to your stuffed animals for some reason?
>>89353791Bro she has canaled important meetings because she Suisei plushie was still the wash and she talks through that thing
>this threadGoddamn...Suisei is really fucking autistic
>>89352170NJPW is the 2nd largest wrestling promotion anon They love pro wrestling in Japan>inb4 AEW is the 2nd largest
>>89353550You will give a fat fuck a home and you will like it.
>>89353164>Nobody is obligated to like [Holo]This is true>Reply to metapost with "no good streams"This is also a proper answer as /hlgg/ quality frequently reflects active stream quality, especially during busy NA hours, night and day difference between a /hlgg/ with a promise collab (memes, OC, soundposts, heavy discussion) vs advent (shitposting, barely paying attention)>Reply to complaint about shitposting with “maybe ___ should be more entertaining?”This is a proper response yes, many EN girls are not entertaining (ie Nerissa)>KEK, KEKKAROO, HOLY KEKCommon warcries of a man who loves shitposting, yep>Slop, slopgen, slopgirl, slop game, slop collabSee point above, many girls generate slop content (Shiori, Biboo)>""""funpost"""Plenty of those in /hlgg/, yep>not your hugbox / stop being sensitiveGood reply actually, not everyone is a thread boogeyman, you realize this is the busiest thread in all of 4chan? You're not alone in a room with the egg and whatever other titled schizo you're afraid of>They hate their fanbase/genmate/language/HololiveSome girls do (Ame, Kronii, FWMC, Gura)>UHHHH [Fanbase]BROS????Not really said anymore, provides low (You)s (was mostly used by the egg)>[Holo] is [good thing] -> [Another Holo]...Not really said anymore, provides low (You)s (was mostly used by the egg)>Suddenly bringing up a split when no one was talking about oneEasy content bro, splits are fucking retarded (but at least they understand that solo content aimed at fans is best)>Blatantly anti opinion but put in a spoilerEasy (You)s and usually speaking truth>PLEASE WATCH [Holo] in a super obvious condescending toneOnly said when someone is hard begging for a certain stream (Happens a lot with Shiori and FWMC streams)>Notice how shitposting/Meidos stop when [Fanbase]!?KFP, yes.>Why is no one watching [Holo]? Their stream is [Numbers]!Biboo and her numberbot.Anything else?
>>89353808kys collab beggar
It's weird how some people seem to think that because someone likes one girl, they have to like the rest of the girls in her gen. Pic not related, I just felt like posting a cute Kiara.
>>89353812Ame was literally in the same situation as Gura, nothing really changed with her gone, so that is not really that big of a loss.
>>89353751>Look she isn't giving a shit right now because she explained she's ultra busy. I'm going to forget everything that has happened even as recent as 3 months because of one phaseWe need to legalize murder of people like this
>>89353840I already have fat fucks! I can't house their cousins too.
>>89353759When is that supposed to happen anyways? I fucking love musicals
>Bae: I don’t wanna do collabs with other EN members right now>Fags: Bae doesn’t wanna do collabs with other EN members right now>HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT?!!Are we being gaslit?
>>89353867Ever since ENReco Bae has completely ignored collabing with ENs, even though she's had many opportunties to do so, she just hasn't
>>89353843skippa skippa
>>89353875she only likes the jps we already knew this.
>>89353794Fauna does not move or dance like Bae. Next question
>>89353869Get a bigger house. You're getting more fat fucks (and fatter fucks) whether you like it or not
>>89353794Actually I can't be bothered today, sorry man
>>89353843rare cringe 9am moom post
I want to lightly pinch, bite, or scratch Fauna and make her go "AAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOWWWWW"
>>89353843>This is also a proper answer as /hlgg/ quality frequently reflects active stream qualityYou had a decent rebuttal for the 1st one then fucked it with this one Not gonna read the rest of your post 9am man
This bae stuff is all just a deflection from the fact that Mumei doesn’t stream at all and is the real issue with promise
>selenfag melty
>>89353860Why is the tampon she’s using so complicated looking?
>>89353863hey I just list out the girls who were in the lows this year, and Ame didn't do that great in the first half of the year. Not that it matters now, but just a general observation
We need a new one
>>89353926There's nothing to say about Mumei, we know she's lost
>>89353890She didn't even really collab with them in ENReco. She did the first day then fucked off until the last day.
>>89353808I do not want her to do collabs over solo streams. Thank you very muchThere was a period of time when Bae did collabs over solo streams and I was miserable You don't even watch her so this doesn't effect you
What did she mean by this?
>>89353875We already knew that when she bailed on 5 days out of 7 days of ENreco, and the entirety of 7dtd. Bae didn't need to spell it out unless you're retarded(you are)
>>89353913What's a based 9am moom post?
>>89353863>nothing really changed with her gone,It's going to take EN ages to ever have a project like the unity Aquarium or a collab like the Spelling Bee again. Heck, management couldn't even handle Justice VR stream well
>>89353956I stopped watching her once she revealed this weirdass atttitude towards others, first she ditches Fauna now she just ditches everyone
Bae still collabs with Ina
>>89353962silly sooey tlan, that's the pacman sound, not mario
>>89353974Pretty much all of them
so is no one gonna comment that recent moom streams just have been a variation of karaoke, sc don don and FPS like doom or ow2
In the next week we will talk about Gura After Gura spin poster has left because of depression I will now take his place
>>89353727Not now gremsis
>>89353984>management couldn't even handle Justice VR stream wellAnd current Ame cant either
>>89353962Some people are intimidated by this girl btw
>>89353984>unity Aquariumnobody cares about VR chat maps>Spelling BeeAnyone could do this
>>89353890No she hasn't had opportunities to collab with others, She already explained this
>>89353984Ame's projects are all stuff that she paid the others to do it for herIf you want actual talent theres Ceci and her birthday today or shiori making things from zero
>>89353867That excuse has already run its course a month ago after bae has come back to seek-regular streaming and STILL doesn’t collab with EN anymore. Don’t forget she also flaked on 7DTD. Even FWMC still found a way to join some of the days and they were busy celebrating their 1M sub milestone.
>>89353718>leftShe's not gone.She'll stream before you know it.
>>89354006>recent moom streamsthose exist?
>>89354002idk they seem just like the one you called cringe, usually just a "promise good advent bad slopsloppaslopslop"
>>89354006>she streams only the things she likes to doya this is fucking crazy
>>89353956>that anon: she could do SOME collabs>You: WHY DO YOU WNAT HER TO DO COLLABS ONLY WITH ZERO SOLO STREAM?!!Brat please
>>89354024Yes she has. She's been streaming, she could choose to do collabs, but she chooses not to
>>89353821What is the Suisei Plushie?Is it like a meme?
>>89353933I feel like these cant be made anymore, there is too many people divided into too many oshis for any real sense of unity unlike when it was only two gens
>>89354019yeah, imagine her stomping you with her bare feet, scary shit
>>89354023>couldjust because anyone can do something doesn't mean anyone will do anything
>>89354030She's not coming back
>>89353991Not Miko, she's too cool for that
>>89353900tbf more people will watch Fauna's 3D live because she actually cares about EN, even if she just yapped in 3D for hours without singing or dancing.
>>89354047Haha yeah.... meme...
>>89353986Fauna was the one who ditched their last scheduled collab because /jp/ was harassing her
>>89353984Other than the avatars I enjoyed that big crab game collab more than the spelling bee honestly.
>>89354035>promise good advent bad slopsloppaslopslopthis is a good post
>>89354023oh you're the schizo that still seethesYou say that yet they haven't done those things
Towa love.https://files.catbox.moe/2wud2y.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/egs11h.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/gk877a.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/or6zh7.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/4ewvzl.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/codos6.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/31h1ci.png
>>89354006>recent moom streams just have been a variation of karaoke, sc don don and FPS like doom or ow2>recentThis has the case with Moom since like late 2021, and I think the only nominal difference is that she used to just do it at a more frequent rate
>>89354047Multiple members and staff have talked about it. Suisei uses a plushie of herself to talk through it a lot of times and talks to it all of the time when she goes to places like it's alive. She just be weird like that
Thread is bad because it lacks Cheebs
>>89353751After Bae's break She'll collab with Biboo who will be Japan
>>89354094People who aren't Ame have organized good collabsHell even Gura has
>>89353984>Aquarium Good. VR shit is overdone at this point and should be saved for special occassions like graduations and maybe big anniversaries.>Spelling BeeMeh the ENs have been doing big collabs just fine.
>>89353956>some collabsSOME collabs, retard. Not 100% collabs and nothing else
DON'T: reply to posts made in bad faithDO: post sexy rat
>>89354084to me its just you being butthurt that your oshi gave up on youBe honest, it hurts doesn't it?
>>89354082> because /jp/ was harassing herAaaaaahhh, sisters are writing fanfic again
>>89354121Still seething
>>89353875>>Bae: I don’t wanna do collabs with other EN members right now>>Fags: Bae doesn’t wanna do collabs with other EN members right nowYou're leaving out a comical amount of context for what Bae said vs what the fags are saying
>>89354026>7DTDSomething bad happened IRL and she cancelled all streams that week, not just 7DTDHolos take breaks when they get unfortunate IRL news
Personally, I just wish IRyS would do shorter but more frequent streams, but I do not complain really.
>>89354156Of course it hurts but I don't see how that's related to anything
>>89354011I hate to be the nudge nudge wink wink guy, but if she REALLy wants to, she can. Her VR project management skills have improved >>89354023Yeah like anyone oculd just make feet assets and put them on streams, but it took Ame to be the fist one to do it. Just because they "can" in theory, doesn't mean they are capable>>89354080that's...your taste, and i respect that. But spelling bee collab gave the girls cute fun models and lots of memorable moments than the crab game>>89354124The spelling bee took Ame, Gura and Ame's 3d team 6 months to prepare. I have NOT seen any EN collabs with that much prep.
>>89354161Seething about what? Are you having trouble reading?
>>89354112you're boring as fuck
>>89354180hmm fuck I'm gonna cum knowing that it hurt for youyour suffering makes my cock hard
>>89354124>overdone.>Literally no one except Ame did it.>Management can't even make one good VR stream.???
>>89354164Too busy with dance practiceWanna spend time with her fans onlyNo collab for nowSame shit
>>89354099Does Towa even like sex?
>>89354115Hoomans are so funnny
>>89354197How am I supposed to take this information
>>89354046She either chooses between a collab or a solo stream in the limited slots she hasAnd she chooses solo streams which is what we brats wantNow kill yourself
>>89353984>ENReco>7DTD>Gigi’s murder mystery birthday collabAll happened after the spelling bee, were all kino, and had no Ame involvement in making them. Get over yourselves teamates.
>>89354115She isn't even the only member who does it. Shiori and Raden do too.
>>89354191When you started with "nobody cares", it's obvious you're seething faggot and not talking in good faith
>delete>no ban>no cooldownwhat are they doing
>>89354164The conclusion remains the same: No energy for EN collabs right now.
>>89354218Yeah I'll kill myself for not liking the idea that Bae just ditched everyone else in the branch, good idea
Why are there so many Suisei (and the blonde girl) posters
>>89354062You know that the main reason most ENs participated in the Spelling Bee is because they probably all knew about Ame’s graduation coming up at that point, right?
>>89354225I don't have much to seethe about because VR chat collabs aren't very common anymore thank god
>>89354138Will do
>>89354218Why not both, retard?What the fuck is this absolutism shit?
>>89354189>if she REALLy wants toThat seems to be always the root of her issues, isn't it?
>>89354242Someone brought up Suisei and her larger than life presence and many anons came to prove that she's not a diva but an autistic dork
>>89354219ENreco was the only one in those three that had any impact and it was because a shit load of money was thrown on it and organized by management, not a single talent
>>89354218Iiiight, because it’s impossible to do both, as is well known
>>89354129>>89354042Nope, you retards can fuck right off She's streaming twice this week, if even one of those streams ended up being a collab, that's a loss due to the rarity of streams
>>89354234I'm glad for old friends.
>>89354214Towa has had sex with almost every EN.
>>89354219So no one makes a big collab like Christmas VR?
>>89354171That would be more believable if she hadn’t already flaked on a billion other EN collabs. At some point your patience has to run out with all the excuses.
>>89354013i really don't get it. It's an atrocious outfit that I can only imagine people who like it see the underboob cutout and their brains just short circuit. also can we talk about her chain hairband? why does she even have something like that? the whole thing is just a series of baffling design choices all the way down.
>>89354242Shut up
>>89354242Suisei and the other girl still living rent free in their heads
>fauna playing leaguefauna... how could you...
>>89354254They didn't know until One Block Minecraft. That's why they did One Block Minecraft.
>>89354234its weird how this bitch has generated like half of the HoloEN members at this point
>>89354296What if I told you… she can stream more and practice dancing less?
>>89354263And yet here you are, a bitter faggot, still seethingIt boils your blood that the aquarium did make people happy and people did care about it
>>89354094a good collab doesn't mean it's a la creatividad high quality collab. There have been many good collabs, but not >>89354219>comparing management organized collabs in games to a single talent'sWhat next? You're going to compare her 3D streams to 3DLives? Dumbass>Gigi birthday streamThat's a great stream, but it's actually an elaborated TTRPG streamAlso,>Ame made the BIGGEST twist in ENreco along with Gigi.
>>89354326gigi roped her into thisand shiori ignored her on read
>>89354313They're in some sort of cognitive dissonance cope mode where even though Bae literally said she doesnt want to collab they're still making excuses and getting mad when people point it out
>>89353875How do i return my merch?
>>89354269>>89354294Actual braindead retards with zero reading comprehension
>>89354340But that is not what she wants to do?
>>89354221Not to the same degree of Suisei though
>>89351682If Cover dont stay from ESG, they will suffer. The pendulum is already swinging back and all the western companies are scaling out. Even the gov will ban these ESG nonsense now. So Cover better watch themselves.
>>89354341Why would it boil my blood that the aquarium made people happy? VR chat is just boring and awkward most of the time
>>89354348Based Shiori
>>89354326shes played dota on stream before idk how this is a surprise
>>89354296You’re coping too hard.We’re not talking about just this week, but like 4 or 5 big EN things that she’s missed in the past few months
>>89354189Anon I’m being as kind as possible. The Spelling Bee is a big project because it’s one of Ame’s last projects. The other girls don’t see the point of doing big branchwide collabs regularly because they regularly get their collab fix in smaller batches.
>>89354336I don't think you know what half means. Also you are overstating her importance on their own individual achievements.
>>89354309We LITERALLY just had a Halloween VR collab
It's funny how people who claim 2021-2022 was THE DARK AGES of HoloEN when they were objectively the best.>THEY WERE SAD MANAGEMENT ABANDONED EN BACK THEN :(((Yes, that's why it was the best time.>streams>NO corporate mandated anything>Gura and Ame streaming all the time>STREAMS>Nothing was prerecorded>creative community projects, NOTHING was forced>Kanauru hadn't become the leader of HoloEN yet constantly climbing into (You)r oshi's body>S T R E A M S
>>89354343 (me)>but notbut not many of them have like long term models and memes like Spelling Bee collab or Ame's VR collabsmissclicked
>>89354221She talked about taking her plushies to a plushie hospital
>>89354314and you look like an ugly lizard with downs. Don't talk about design, gremsis
>>89354313>ExcuseYeah at this point I'm convinced you are just a sister
>>89354354So you’re agreeing with us>Bae doesn’t want to do collabs with other EN members right now
why is mori doing a multi minute segment on her armpits?
>>89354401Damn you are dumb.
>>89354385>Gura and Ame streaming all the timeThis is really the only takeaway from your post because that's all you care aboutEveryone else still streams except Mumei
when is league happening?
>>89354354You’re accepting a thing as fact, while we’re saying it doesn’t have to be that way
>>89354370dota players hate league
Can't wait to hear more Myth mentions in the next 2 years.Oh wait-(There will be no Myth after 2 years)
>>89354364Because you had to say "no one cares about it" which is a blatant lie and you just seethingWhen are you gonna admit you're wrong? Probably never because you're seething faggot
We're a month from 2025 and Advent still only has corporate-mandated kimonoswhat the fuck is going on?
>>89354331Ame and management didn’t know until One Block?
Jimmy is getting more powerfulhttps://youtube.com/shorts/Kg1GIlpb4XY?si=jUCFcDFfksaSSHzP
>>89354407Watame and her consequences have been a disaster for the Mori industrial complex.
>>89354414nerissa schedule on twittre
>>89354410We’re jist trying to establish a baseline here, and you seem to want to have the cake and eat it too
>>89353946What was her excuse again? Kronii i understand since she was on italy or s something
>>89354384Ah yes, the one that was even more scuffed than Ame's & even smaller than teamating press' Halloween collab.
>>89354432I don't bro it really seems like you're the person seething in this conversation
>>89354313>Bae dropping hints something unfortunate that happened to her that if she talks about, will make her cry>Uhhh excusesReal holofan btw
>>89354429Based pebble
>>89354292>>89354343>hypes up the spelling bee as the hottest shit on earth while handwaving off Gigi’s birthday collab as nothing special Not even gonna entertain teamates anymore. Just go back to your indie split already
>>89354380Ame HAS been doing branch-wide collabs since forever bro, the Spelling Bee happens to be has last one. Halloween VR and Christmas VR where she tardwrangled 9 members? Gmod collab with Advent? Stop having short term memory
>>89354385no one streamed mid-late 2022
>>89354453Ah, you’re a nijisis, ogey
>>89354456So are you gonna admit your statement is wrong or? You seem awfully stubborn about not giving up your seethe
>>89354453Ame is long goneLooking back will get us nowhere
>>89354207>>89354236The conclusion being the same literally does not matter when what retards (mostly likely yourselves) are bitching is about is how we got here
>>89354416>stop following your dreams>stop doing what you love>give up on your passionsReal great """fan""" here
>>89354380Nahhhh, it was pretty normal. We got designated wranglers just for stuff like this
>>89354372>ENreco>7DTD That's two
>>89354434Ame didn't decide it until then. Kiara and Mori both talked about that being the reason behind the One Block server.
>>89354390look, Gigi's outfit has it's own issues, but grems are a near-infallible design. Every part of them is engineered to be as cute as possible. The pudgy bodies, the cute expression, the missing eye, the prominent tail silhouette. It's an SSR design that captures everyone's heart.
>>89354480No I'm not, VR chat sucks, none of them were good after the xmas one, they're Ame vanity projects
>>89354386Just because you didn’t watch streams doesn’t mean the collabs didn’t have great memes or memorable moments, conceitedchama.
>>89354385>Gura and Ame streaming all the time>Gura all the timeDebatable. Way more, but all the time? lmao
>>89354490She is a streamer, she should stream
Shan't participate in the daily shitpost topic of today.Instead I will post armpits
>>89354296This is not about just this weekAll the comments that she vaguely referred to were not just about this week
>>89354433gens after id3 get lowest priority for model changes, regloss also has 0 new outfits
>>89354390>ugly lizard with downsayy kay ayy CUTE
>>89354348Theres still a chance. Isn’t there 1 more not revealed?
Hey guys, enough about the dead people, let's talk about Biboo playing dead space
>>89354490Really you should be saying>give up on what made people like you in the first place and singlemindedly follow your passions
>>89354511So why did the holomem have fun with it? I guess they're nobody? Why did all kinds of people check out the map after? They all don't care right? Oh wait it's you just seething and making false statements
>>89354455Didn't we decide this was Ina being kicked out of her live?
>>89354385Just don’t have a shit oshi who abandons you during prolonged moments of time.
>>89354483Lying will get you nowhere. No one in Hololive EN made big events like Ame whether Ame is long gone or not.
>>89354502>Feb 2024>This train is not stopping any time soonyeah sure
everything sucksTowa is yet again in another 3D live, again, as alwayswhy is management forcing Towa?
>>89354490Here, straight from Bae’s oshihttps://youtu.be/sMBsSeY9olY?si=bHSC8hAbpL2WLYWe
>>89354450If you still don't know by this point even though it's been repeated a hundred timesYou should put a bullet through that brain and end it all
>>89354455Cry me a river. What was her excuse for backing out of Ame’s Gary’s mod collab, the only one of like 5 possible collabs she could have joined?>sorry guys computer hortGive me a break already.
>>89354528regloss had to spend 6 months of their time in hololive getting publicly humiliated by cover first for their subs
she's so cool
>>89354550I think most Holos experience in VR chat collabs was probably pretty fucking stressful
>>89354464Kiara did.
>>89354509what? GG's outfit is incredible, she looks like a fighting game character