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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.79857215 [View]
File: 231 KB, 393x360, 1638996941184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it. Just accept 4chanXT. Leave those cookies with us.
You won't regret it.

>> No.79797798 [View]
File: 231 KB, 393x360, 1638996941184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi does not smell.
Your oshi does not have a huge bush.
Your oshi does not shart.
Your oshi does not gorge like a fatfuck.
Your oshi showers, shaves, exercises, and eats lots of fiber.
Your oshi is not a disgusting girlfailure.

>> No.79794935 [View]
File: 231 KB, 393x360, 1638996941184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to win The Game is to not worry about losing.

>> No.79791474 [View]
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That underwear is pointless. She's gonna leave poop marks on everything still.

>> No.79767202 [View]
File: 231 KB, 393x360, 1638996941184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lig/ger messes up
>starts shitting itself in anger
Stop bringing your trashy catalog culture into these threads

>> No.79753895 [View]
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I don't know why but this little fuckbomb's 30 minutes of autistic noises keeps making it into my YouTube music auto-playlist.

>> No.79730458 [View]
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Mori would have beaten this already if she was using Moonveil

>> No.79652288 [View]
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Bros I decided to use 4chanXT and it's so much better.

>> No.79600910 [View]
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Anybody who thinks that /jp/ was better in any way is either retarded, fucking with you, or is a newfag who wasn't around then.
The /jp/ threads were genuinely atrocious. You're over here whining about "Holo vs. Holo" or someone saying something unflattering about a Holo's content and then thinking "maybe we shouldn't have left /jp/..." when in reality this thread has been sanitized to hell and back and is actively protected.
You think the catalog is bad? All the move did was shuttle the shitposting diaspora from our thread into the wilds. Prior to /vt/, all the catalog shitposting you see was concentrated within three threads, Global being the worst.
Quit your bitching because all it does is showcase how much of a whiny and sensitive baby newfag bitch you are, with the only alternative being that you were one of the worst people on the previous board and now you can't ply your shitposts so you miss it.

>> No.79573456 [View]
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Maplestory > Runescape

>> No.79520220 [View]
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It's a bop

>> No.79456859 [View]
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>Most barely get any cosplayers at all.
Now I know this is bullshit considering how Ina and Gura both get entire conventions to themselves

>> No.79402693 [View]
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Flat > Fat
Feet > Armpits
Butt > Boobs

>> No.79375330 [View]
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Only the prawn stars

>> No.79358416 [View]
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I can literally text my boss right now saying I won't be coming in and he won't even ask for a reason. I don't know what job you have but it must not be a real one.

>> No.79345017 [View]
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We need a Spanish holo.

>> No.79318653 [View]
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I eat at 1am all the time and I don't have an eating disorder.

>> No.79303185 [View]
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I will clean my retardwife.

>> No.79291737 [View]
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I'm Californian and I get 1gb fiber for $55

>> No.79283973 [View]
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I'm gonna tell Ina that she doesn't have the background music on and is singing in silence.

>> No.79276325 [View]
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>Hololive Global is a vault
>Retards keep trying to break in to spread their radioactive waste
>Despite not thinking about them at all we're somehow the root cause of their terrible environment
Whatever you see in the catalog you probably deserve it for being so fucking retarded. Get the fuck out.

>> No.79253437 [View]
File: 231 KB, 393x360, 1693343336591590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, let’s define what the word wet means. The word wet is defined as, “Covered with, or saturated with liquid (such as water).” Using this definition, we will attempt to prove why water cannot be wet. I believe that water feels wet, but is not in and of itself wet. The nature of something being wet, means that the water on the surface of it can be dried. If you go out in the rain, then your hair gets wet, but if you go inside and dry it, the wetness is removed. Water cannot be removed from water or else the water itself ceases to exist. To make something wet is an ability that water has, but it is impossible for water to become saturated with itself. If you poured water onto water, you wouldn’t say that the water has become wet, you would just continue to call it water. To continue with this logic, let’s define the word saturated. The word saturated can be defined as, “(a substance) to combine with, dissolve, or hold the greatest possible quantity of another substance.” Based off this logic, one substance cannot become saturated with itself. Since the word wet is defined as being saturated with a substance, it is impossible for water to be wet. Water can saturate things and can also be saturated by other substances, but it is impossible for it to be wet.

Another train of thought we can pursue similarly is with fire. Fire can burn things, but it itself is not burned. If something is burned, that means that it has come into contact with fire. If fire comes into contact with itself, it just becomes a larger fire. Water holds the same qualities, it can make things wet, but since it cannot be saturated with itself, it is not possible for it to be wet.

>> No.79215321 [View]
File: 231 KB, 393x360, 1638996941184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do men really just pee without closing the doors like that?

>> No.79185823 [View]
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Ceci doesn't have a cervix. She cannot bear a child and she will not have compatible "upgrades". She is a sterile sex doll destined for nothing but pleasurable sex and will never be a mother to your child.

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