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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 337 KB, 1572x2048, F_2TUBgawAA6HA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77145977 No.77145977 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>76983923
(Where we had takes on some fics, how menhera we are, how we back up our works, and wrestling

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.77146013
File: 423 KB, 1680x2240, GMSpeyMbIAAeo7P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story Anchor
Post em if you got em

>> No.77146086
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x865, wg prompt board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.77146149
File: 326 KB, 1360x2048, F3AYU7RaEAEcn33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story recap. There was one story posted last thread:

A White December Chapter 3 >>77004103
Tags: sora, AZKi, Botan, Civia, Iroha, Suisei, Military, Romance

>> No.77146395
File: 870 KB, 547x798, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've seen this image
You've seen the discussion
so allow me to say it once more
Azki wants you to give all her genmates a cute baby like the one you gave her

>> No.77146943
Quoted by: >>77147222

Post nut clarity made this guy angry kek

>> No.77147222

You are the reason our threads went to shit around that time and the reason Pekofag got so much traction in the first place.

>> No.77148755

Okay this is a dumb suggestion but what if we combine the dumb jokes and make
>(SHIORI) Archiver of the Fly.

>> No.77149227
Quoted by: >>77150100

Do I have to pay alimony?
And why isn't it Watame anymore?

>> No.77149581

>whatever happened to the earlyfag?
HCAnon tried to kick him out when hosting the first contest (I think it was sometime around August last year) and he threw a tantrum, at which point the whole thread jumped on the chance to get him out. He spammed the catalog with SIXTEEN /wg/ threads until mods were able to identify the real one and deleted the rest.

>> No.77149862
File: 76 KB, 512x501, 1000000367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77150100

why did azki kill Watame and take her spot as your wife?

>> No.77150100

Watame is letting her roleplay as your wife while she nurses her kid, Botan's kid and also keeps an eye in botan herself who is in a suspension bondage thingy

>> No.77150544
Quoted by: >>77155162

Future Day; Future Time?

>> No.77150759
File: 255 KB, 571x787, Ring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently discovered mossyfroot and some of the details in his animations are divine for writing references, specially the bouncing hag bellies.
What are some minor details that you've become enamored with?

>> No.77153651
File: 891 KB, 1451x2048, 1659748324075740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futa holos gangraping your ass and mouth on the office

>> No.77155162

>present day, haha
>present time! HAHAHA!

>> No.77157311
File: 18 KB, 250x158, 1714207864459638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo finish your WIPs you worthless fuckhole

Mococo tries writing a 100 word essay while Fuwawa backseats her

>> No.77159935
File: 222 KB, 1677x2048, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77161840

save us white woman...save us...

>> No.77161840
Quoted by: >>77162275

Nerissa sparks so many sub amd domloss ideas

>> No.77162275
Quoted by: >>77163015

nah nerissa is a full bottom.
She rolls over a gust of wind, so i dont see her ever getting to the dom part of domloss

>> No.77162897

A chuuba loses a bet with you and now has to give you a front row seat to them masturbating.
they start shy and by the end they are fingerblasting themselves

>> No.77163015

No, the dom loss has already happened in this timeline. One horn nerissa is already a full sub.
It's two horn full power Nerissa who's dom loss bait since she's literally made to have those horn/s broken.

>> No.77164911

She never had a chance

>> No.77167887
File: 649 KB, 3641x4096, 1702143197195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> only virgins think real girls actually like headpats

>> No.77168407

>shitty brat! mocking my onii-chan instincts!
>brotherly love correction is needed!

>> No.77169876
File: 271 KB, 1500x1500, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a fic where for one arc/chapter Nerissa gets back her horn and she becomes this super cool mommy that has all the girls salivating and she gets defeated by being dommed.

>> No.77171553

It should also try its damndest to make full power Nerissa be sexy/cool in such a way that it becomes a mini-tragedy when her horn gets snapped again.

>> No.77172616
File: 324 KB, 850x1202, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77177740

>Literally the coolest gen concept wise
>full of goobers that cant act cool even if their life depends on it
I think this is called blueballs

>> No.77172772
Quoted by: >>77177740

I need Laplus the Unshackled vs Nerissa (Perfect) chuunikino

>> No.77177431
File: 273 KB, 900x900, losing it flare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo where da black woman fics at?

>> No.77177740
File: 214 KB, 1380x1680, crackedgem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that Advent all technically have concepts for evil chuuni superforms really fits.
>Nerissa, Full powered Devil of Song
>Shiori, Fixed Archive
>Fuwamoco, Fused Fluffy and Fuzzy
>Bijou, Cracked Gem

>> No.77177806
File: 364 KB, 1668x2388, GOu8FbZWkAAIOu_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stuck in a logger jam in my rain

>> No.77178054
Quoted by: >>77178158

i need a nagging yappy flare in my life...i need her to sassy me...

>> No.77178158

i need her to be sassy to me*
im going to sleep, because im tired, and i BETTER dream with flare's pink butthole

>> No.77178583
File: 501 KB, 736x783, shiori Mold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77179314

>full power Nerissa is pretty much Vergil dmc. Calm, collected and broody
>defeats X chuuba in a second and catches Shiori in an effortless princess carry
>"This is your first and only Kindness, scum"
>Simultaneous fetish critical hits in all of advent. they fawn all over her. Nerissa doesnt care
>when she's defeated they all cringe into nonexistance when remembering they thought Nerissa was cool and hot instead of lame and desperate

>> No.77179314

well its now "canon" that Shiori has Nerissa's horn somewhere.
with that in mind, its posible Shiori is saving it because she knows its embarassing to see advent thirsting over Nerissa

>> No.77181808
File: 41 KB, 1024x587, 1717296807193247m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77182507

We need more tan girl love in here.

>> No.77182507

This is why I hope Cover aquires the model and the VA.

>> No.77182940

a handful of anon make their own mecha one shot just to have a /wg/ Super robot wars style crossover with Them all

>> No.77183673

I think the most annoying thing about writing is that, unlike music or visual arts, there's no real way to practice the craft besides just doing it. There's no equivalent to running scales or drawing boxes...

>> No.77184016
Quoted by: >>77198610

And no easily visible improvement

>> No.77187083

Add to that the fact that you have to get active feedback from others to get a sense of what's good. But chin up. That's just how communication between people works in general.

>> No.77187472
File: 228 KB, 365x416, 1702143199265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to man up and fix my shitty fic

>> No.77188316

In my experience, running scales and drawing boxes is largely purposeless too.
I think it's great that the best way to practice is actually doing it, whether it's writing stories, learning and writing songs, or drawing from models or imagination.
It provides markers for improvement and shows that you're actually creating something rather than just grinding.

>> No.77188364

I'll be right with you, anon

>> No.77188595
File: 62 KB, 1080x1072, 1000002858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same bro...

>> No.77188784

Fuck me I think I’ve gotten an incest kink

>> No.77189262
File: 23 KB, 296x270, help me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77189644

Just when I thought I was done with this chapter I've realised that the OCs have been given way too much screentime. They're necessary for the plot and were originally supposed to have a minor role, but now their dialogue and screentime come close to that of the main chuuba's.
Now I have to either cut back their scenes, which can remove key elements of the story, or replace them with chuubas and rewrite their entire characters to fit, which will take more time...

>> No.77189644

You know some OCs are acceptable anon, you might want to shoot your fic to a beta reader first before you go in for another rework.

>> No.77190335
File: 3.42 MB, 2480x3796, __usada_pekora_and_pekomon_hololive_drawn_by_el_nevelo__e845c65fd19ee319cb4c56321a15cc4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone would with Suisei as their sister.
I think Suisei is the ideal twincest character but the best imouto for a fic would be Pekora. The only reason why that fic hasn't been written yet is because that would mean giving yourself, the main character, bunny ears. That blocks everyone from seeing the light.

>> No.77190612
File: 577 KB, 1496x2048, __original_drawn_by_otokobara__7af1f90e2282704584a6625bbebf6064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Anon

>> No.77190755

I like pekora but I was thinking about kanata. I got a twitter ad for an incest comic and I started to get a boner and I blame that fucking fic

>> No.77191597
Quoted by: >>77191907

> (you) having bunny ears would turn anybody from pekocest
It's a completely extraneous and unconvincing statement which is also easily avoidable by writing that bunny trait genes are recessive, or only girls are born with it, or any other sort of bullshit explanation
Personally, I would seethe if the reason was bullshit but I realize that I am in a minority, and the majority just want to lewd the bunny. It's an incest fic on a Korean sour plum syrup making forum, not a treatise in genetics.

>> No.77191611
File: 118 KB, 340x340, Riri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is her hair pink? Or bright orange? Or red?

>> No.77191698


>> No.77191779

Iridescent, indescribable colour (unlike any seen on earth (thanks Lovecraft))

>> No.77191830
Quoted by: >>77203448

This fetish have a certain name? I know it's streaking but like does implied streaking have a certain name besides that?

>> No.77191907
File: 2.18 MB, 1771x1254, __usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_surgate_matias__d73230d3b91436c825bf392bf4fd2b30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77192083

Probably the most acceptable reason would be that Anon has some super rare birth defect and that's why his bunny ears didn't grow. Or maybe there was some sort of accident and what remained of his bunny ears were removed.

>> No.77192083
Quoted by: >>77192213

The answer is Pekolander ears are just a headband

>> No.77192196

I don't get the appeal of Pekora. She doesn't have big tits or a fat ass and she isn't even cunny. What kind of freak likes the in-betweeners?

>> No.77192213
File: 125 KB, 400x400, __usada_pekora_usada_pekora_and_don_chan_hololive_drawn_by_yuuki_hagure__83b46ed0771f3d8dd0e018a777aa31aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also always the "Just don't think about it" solution

>> No.77192321

We used to call them “normal”

>> No.77192823
File: 228 KB, 1061x1500, __usada_pekora_and_don_chan_hololive_drawn_by_yuuki_hagure__84d48ed63c62582235ab02faf15c4512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77192955

If you need everything to blast all your senses with vulgar extremes, you're just an addict. True beauty and harmony is found in the golden middle way, but obviously with fried brain that beautiful richness of subtleties is invisible to you. You've strayed away from the path of a true aesthete.

>> No.77192955

wao that’s a hot wabbit

>> No.77193130

my fucking god look at those melons. have to use both hands just to hold one

>> No.77193176

Is the incest angle important enough for you that you can't just do the old non-blood related step sibling?

>> No.77193382

That’s the one I mainly like. But blood relation just makes it so… forbidden~

>> No.77193387
Quoted by: >>77193588

Not really, I guess. You could emulate that sort of relationship even by having Anon be a senpai to a fresh out of HS/college Pekora or something like that.

>> No.77193588
Quoted by: >>77194045

>>77193387 (me)
Actually, now that I think about it, it would probably be funnier to have you be Pekora's boss.
>"Boss... Pekora... she..."
>"Oh for fuck's sake. What did she do now?"

>> No.77193921

making the characters step siblings is the pussy route. If you're going to do an incest 6 there needs to be a blood relation to make it hot. otherwise, there's no point

>> No.77194045

Pekora got stuck in the washing machine again?

>> No.77194696
Quoted by: >>77194814

Why would you need to mention your ears?

>> No.77194814

Heartbeat hearing scene because your dear sister pekora is sick and she will try anything to feel better… ANYTHING…

>> No.77195201

Even that doesn't strictly require mentioning your ears. Just say that you lean down and describe what you hear.

>> No.77195209

Wait this is actually kind of good

>> No.77196084

Gura is getting the paddle and NO aftercare when her punishment is over.

>> No.77196303
File: 2.49 MB, 2742x4057, __sakamata_chloe_and_sakamata_chloe_hololive_drawn_by_namagome_negi__ff34e0704e75eea2f70688f1f7f53035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77197134

You were right. Seeing FC2-PPV-2283981 made me realize the silliness of my overreaction, the girl in it is the exact same height as Sakamata and it's not that weird height after all.

>> No.77196488
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, 1716120269914926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay wait I think I've solved the formula for pekocest without Anon having bunny ears.
What if it's like a Subaru situation where they're passably human, and all they have from their kemono heritage is buck teeth and a long stretchy tail

>> No.77197134
Quoted by: >>77197993

It's only a bit weird if she's next to girls where it feels like she should be larger in relation to them. Like Kobo or Ayame who are taller than Chloe.

>> No.77197993

My sister is like almost 180cm and Sakamata's build made me feel like she would be even taller than her so that threw me off a bit

>> No.77198210
File: 2.64 MB, 1920x2560, pekora stagebutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are extremely wrong

>> No.77198610

I think this is the biggest part for me, it's pretty much impossible to tell if you've gotten better without a second opinion.

>> No.77198680

No, you just talk like Bugs Bunny does.

>> No.77199969
File: 1.32 MB, 850x1280, 1705303035823821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That kind of freak who likes the in-betweeners? Me.

>> No.77201282

A-Chan tricks Gura into thinking she has to vore Mori as some kind of Japanese tradition

>> No.77202732


>> No.77202879
File: 3.30 MB, 1500x2122, 90d0791c66df7f967d675aa35f73be7e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving Nerissa one (1) flity slap on the butt and she lets out an embarrassing moan and instantly folds.

>> No.77203001

What about Anon or Pekora being adopted lol. It solves the problem of Anon not having rabbit traits while still being incest

>> No.77203426
Quoted by: >>77203475

nta then they're still relatives
Personally I think Pekora can be the full Pekolander and Anon is the kid her father had with a human woman
So it fulfils the requirements of 1) Blood relations and 2) Not necessarily giving Anon bunny characteristics. There's also the added bonus of potential drama over being the kid of another woman & being separated from Pekora for so long that she and Anon don't really see each other as siblings despite their biological relations

>> No.77203448


>> No.77203473

That wouldn’t be proper incest, then. Unless you’re saying they should be blood related siblings adopted together, but that would still mean Anon would need rabbit ears (or Pekora would need human ears).

>> No.77203475

*then they're still step-relatives

>> No.77205159
File: 79 KB, 843x1192, 1689408305049022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77205247

I’ve picked up all sorts of kinks and fetishes during my time here. Sweat, piss (no drinking), incest, naizuri…

>> No.77205302
Quoted by: >>77205450

Something involving:

- Polka.
- Books (because that one anon uses a Polka image when he's discussing how anons WiP is going along. No I also don't mean that in a rude way).
- Her greatly rewarding you when you write her something amazing (jn this scenario, could I also make it so that Polka rewards you anyway if you write her something that she can read?)

>> No.77205450
Quoted by: >>77208276

>Polka edges you while writing, but pauses unless you're productive and write well

>> No.77206558
File: 3.03 MB, 2810x4127, Ayamesback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Offkai sped the board up by a lot, so have an oni backside.

>> No.77206787

I know there's some contention about Rrat Ayame but I'm surprised she wasn't suggested for LotB

>> No.77206918
File: 323 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77207407

The scene in Lust, Caution where Tony Leung whips out his belt made me want to write a Suisei story

>> No.77206956

As much as she's a thread beloved character... She's kind of impossible to make into a good joke for a wrestler. Half the joke of the character is that she's physically just Ayame despite being a massive whore.
This kind means there is not much in the way of jokes we can include into the actual wrestler avatar.

>> No.77207163

Nah, it was just me and one other guy IIRC. My distaste for it got a lot attention exactly because Our Cures and the rrat!Ayame character are so beloved here.

>> No.77207289
File: 352 KB, 1280x800, 1675796317463284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secret to (You)s
>disliking characters that are in smut

>> No.77207407
Quoted by: >>77207953

Try your hand at it, anon.

>> No.77207953
File: 136 KB, 850x1236, __hoshimachi_suisei_and_hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_keya_user_pnkz5883__sample-048f51348cb297f4a1449e1e97fca6c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe. Suisei is my ultimate hatefuck fantasy; something about her really rubs me off the wrong way, yet I still think she is the sexiest chuuba that has ever existed. Shit makes my ravaging instinct go into overdrive.

>> No.77208276
Quoted by: >>77208308


When I said "rewards you greatly" this isn't what I had in mind.

>> No.77208308
Quoted by: >>77208497

Don't worry, you'll get a happy ending once you fulfilled your quota for the day.

>> No.77208497

That poor, poor anon. If it were me in his situation I wouldn't be able to write at all because I cannot multitask at all. That anon in the scenario must have built up quite the resistance to Polka's "edging" that he won't crumble at all when he's writing her such a masterpiece that'll blow her goddamn mind.

>> No.77209563

And then Polka will blow him out of his mind!

>> No.77210011

You get used to it once you can edge for 30 minutes or longer.

>> No.77211531
File: 445 KB, 2827x4000, IRySSchool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77214414

Being a TA and having to put up with JKRyS's advances

>> No.77213786
File: 535 KB, 459x565, stay alive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77214945

>> No.77214414
Quoted by: >>77220836

Do we have have a fic where you use IRyS' horns as handlebars?

>> No.77214945

i am glad to see this meme reborn

>> No.77215186

I don't like HoloJourneys. It insists upon itself.

>> No.77215545
Quoted by: >>77215586

How can you even say that, anon?

>> No.77215586

because it insists upon itself

>> No.77216196

It seems hardly avoidable at that kind of length and with its concept, to be honest. We're amateurs here, still.

>> No.77216852
File: 134 KB, 374x560, AnyaKyaa[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fry954s.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anya wants to watch a scary movie with you (because she wants to be flirty) but she keeps laughing or missing her queues to cling to you during it.

>> No.77219022
File: 120 KB, 1000x1414, 1717354034175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pecola can be drawn in a very nice (for me) way - skinny thighs/waist, medium height and modest to whatever they call "medium" in the tags chest. don't get me wrong, the extremes are good as well, but the middle is rarely drawn, and hunting for them is a pain, so I cherish whatever pics I can find.
(pic unrelated to chuubas, an approximation to what I meant)

>> No.77219333
File: 3.33 MB, 1050x1920, ayame_nakiri8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77220044

It's a very nice body type.

>> No.77219445
File: 132 KB, 945x628, 1698989229193824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77239206

care to explain what that means beyond just being a pretentious memeing cunt
maybe something productive like "hj gets wrapped up in its own story and ends up meandering about for six extraneous chapters before getting to the point (sheep shagging)"?

>> No.77220001
File: 596 KB, 2590x3624, IMG_0584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it’s Matsuri. Need a menhera imouto who will get jealous of others and assault me 24/7

>> No.77220044
Quoted by: >>77221911

Does Towa count? Also checked

>> No.77220408

Matsuri seems like the kind of little sister who’d demand you bully her because that’s what big brothers are supposed to do

>> No.77220443
File: 835 KB, 1754x1240, efc9c8645c04f7172c1fac31f5c3c27b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fit for Matsuri would be being a sommelier in Anon's 3 Michelin star restaurant

>> No.77220613

>>77220001 (me)
Oh yea also her piss fetish
I’d be okay with that but I’d only be doing it because she wants me to. Bullying menheras is no fun. I want to coddle them

>> No.77220836

Anon, the horns are like knives...

>> No.77221060

You can always wear gloves or put something over the horns.

>> No.77221281

Is that a no?

>> No.77221406

She’d be all like “stop being so damn nice to me! All my friends always talk about their big brothers bullying them and you never do it to me! Am I not good enough for you to bully??”

>> No.77221500

I feel like you could find a good compromise. Like cuddling with you on top of her, leaving her trapped.

>> No.77221911

Towa totally counts, Sora as well
Just averagely endowed girls
Matuli is more drawn as cute and funny
Kiara is more drawn stacked just a bit too much
Fubuki counts as well but she is drawn anyhow

>> No.77222504
File: 134 KB, 795x1000, IMG_8042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77223980

Oh god anon please. I could see it leading into rough sex where she ends up just telling you she loves you continuously between breaths OR just a little wholesome sibling where she learns to accept your love.
My mind is wandering while I’m out in public so I’m gonna have to close the thread for now. If any anon wants to write a one shot or something with some of these parameters, you’d make an ojisan very very happy later

>> No.77223494

Not so sure. Her black shirt outfit gave her foxy fox cups a buff.

>> No.77223980
Quoted by: >>77227863

>just a little wholesome sibling where she learns to accept your love.
Do you mean love here as necessarily incestous, or can it be wholesome wholesome?

>> No.77224765
Quoted by: >>77226675

It's interesting to consider that body type. In Hololive we have
Suisei (if you interpret her to be on the bigger side of the possible)
Fubuki (the smaller version)
Mococo (same as Suisei)

Kobo would fit based on the official design, but is drawn with the same tendencies as Matsuri.

>> No.77226485
File: 1.34 MB, 1550x1585, de769eb7be285cd5380124e575b6e6e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77226675

>> No.77226675
Quoted by: >>77229058

This Aqua also fits with the list in >>77224765 but she has grown.

>> No.77226902

Matsuli wants to be wedgied by her big bro… kinda hot

>> No.77227863
Quoted by: >>77228052

Either is good! I just like the idea of matsuri as (You)r little sister

>> No.77228052

I might take a crack at a kind of middle-ground scenario where you playfight and tease each other in a way that could be regular sibling stuff or sexual depending on how you feel about each other.

>> No.77229058
Quoted by: >>77230414

To be fair Aqua has her designer pumping up her sizes

>> No.77230414

Her father is ensuring she grows up healthy

>> No.77230507
File: 1.61 MB, 1024x1536, 1710870629254047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77230604
Quoted by: >>77230738

i still dont get why you post aislop when ayame has billions of dedicated fanartists

>> No.77230738
Quoted by: >>77231092

I don't particularly care for the tools used to create the image, and I have a bit of a soft spot for images I comissioned myself.

>> No.77231092
Quoted by: >>77231287

admitting you cant even make these is fucking hilarious not gonna lie.
wondering what are you even doing here if you cant even write words in the printing machine

>> No.77231287
Quoted by: >>77231728

I can write stories, but I'm not experienced in using AI tools to produce images I like. But this is offtopic, and I'm tired of the whole AI ideology debate between Luddites and technophiles anyway. It's an old hat repackaged every time progress makes old jobs obsolete.

>> No.77231728

I agree its offtopic, however the fact you think this is a "luddite vs technophile take on obsolete jobs" debate when we are speaking about art, the medium that is based around expression and personality is so funny.
Makes it evident you cant write for shit, so have a nice day

>> No.77231865

I spent around 1 second looking at this image and thought it had a nice ass, so keep posting them.

>> No.77232205

That's why I like it, too. The other guy was probably just trying to start shit by shitting on AI images while harping on about writing on the side.

>> No.77232303

no one really cares about the bump, but shitposting to own someone is just as annoying as the people starting a fight so please dont be a flaming faggot

>> No.77233364
File: 2.23 MB, 2013x2033, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint is haunting your apartment and you two live a comfortable flirty life.

That is until you bring a girl home and she gets super jealous so now she's constantly teasing you with her powers because she's a woman and she cant tell you she loves you directly

Ignore doki, i just find the situation hot

>> No.77234656
Quoted by: >>77234962

>Ignore doki, i just find the situation hot
Ghost threesome woo woo

>> No.77234927

What if she tried seducing the girl too?

>> No.77234962
Quoted by: >>77235505

>Wrecking doki from behind while mint takes her cock
>fucking her so hard her cock can no longer get erect without penetration
>using a chastity cage on her and taking turns in making her cream herself

>> No.77235505
Quoted by: >>77249859

>her cock

>> No.77237992

no dying

>> No.77238029

This makes me think of a story idea I had once where a dude moves into a house the ghost of a dorky girl is haunting. She thinks “oh finally I can get some revenge on the living and haunt people” only to find out the guy has the sixth sense and can not only see her but touch her. Reverse haunting (bullying) begins and she eventually realizes she kinda likes it and starts vying for sex
Mint is a primo candidate for that honestly

>> No.77239206
File: 2.27 MB, 4961x7016, 1716173612342168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey. Sometimes you gotta get wrapped up in a couple things before you can get sheep legs wrapped around your waist.

>> No.77240122
File: 454 KB, 1264x711, 1714912344350819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me read yo WIPs

>> No.77241114

No. It's not ready yet.

>> No.77241134
File: 108 KB, 363x299, 1684985401215610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77242999

What's in it for me?

>> No.77242999
File: 53 KB, 198x210, 1704592915496353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77243761


>> No.77243155
File: 212 KB, 422x365, bae ice cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a wip? who are you? dude what year is it?

>> No.77243761
File: 934 KB, 1542x1080, 1717266652048266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HA! Yeah right. I wasn't born yesterday.

>> No.77244304
File: 18 KB, 554x554, 1696857067165225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared.

>> No.77246580
File: 6 KB, 190x188, 1670972135742063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77246652

Why are we all Suiposting?

>> No.77246652
File: 35 KB, 481x359, suisex engaged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suipiss in the water

>> No.77247074
File: 30 KB, 392x444, 1697407502591532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suityan is gonna show up in your favorite series, and there isn't a damn thing you can do to stop her.

>> No.77247263

You sure a bunch a schizos wont jump on my ass this time?

>> No.77247402
File: 154 KB, 306x360, 1705626816629862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm don't post you goddam piss baby

>> No.77247644
File: 1.21 MB, 850x1193, sample_d4226dfc73f7d69effe283f89cbab881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei's law.
The longer a series goes on, the higher the chance of Suisei appearing becomes.

>> No.77247761
File: 489 KB, 611x497, 1679358289258331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping the comet from barging her way into your story? Don't make her laugh.

>> No.77247904

Her hair color is the warmth your heart feels in autumn.

>> No.77248237
File: 208 KB, 1287x1155, micomet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantasy series are only safe from Suisei because we haven't had an Anon crack the formula for how to translate her into a fantasy setting yet.

>> No.77248541
File: 213 KB, 850x1202, __hoshimachi_suisei_and_hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_mirai99__sample-045de27d89a52d7ca477eecb57cf1f3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traveling bard suisei
>princess suisei
>sogstress suisei
>battlemaid suisei

>> No.77248748
File: 733 KB, 751x660, 1677773673689647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, that you know about.

>> No.77248949
File: 165 KB, 850x1202, __hoshimachi_suisei_and_hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_kisara_keyy__sample-14161f865d79c53f180bf40a7c32f057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, wait I just remembered that we've had this discussion multiple times.
Let me amend that
>Fantasy series are only safe from Suisei because we haven't had an Anon crack the formula for how to translate her into a fantasy setting and apply it into a fic yet
Once that happens and the fantasy suisei problem is proven to be solvable... That's when the comet enters fantasy.

>> No.77249127
File: 790 KB, 1074x1030, suicha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna be honest. i dont care or need a fantasy sui.
i need a sui who is dripping in sweat and other girl fluids, twitching in my bed and covering her face because she cant face herself after making all those deranged sounds. i need her to wake up and remember my nose and dick have explored every inch of her skin

>> No.77249233
File: 37 KB, 312x333, 1711122975949170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77249945

Sui when she sees the fantasy comet I got cooking.

>> No.77249763
File: 25 KB, 633x633, suisus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77249945

okay what about this

a hangover style fic where both you and Suisei wake up in your hotel room, clearly having fucked.

The problem is, the bedroom was the place where you two crashed after a long depraved night. Now its up to you two (Maybe also Towa) to try and erase all the evidence that might get you two straight up booted from the company.
Full of stuff like
>Removing the camera footage of you two in the hotel lobby
>convincing (gaslighting) a chuuba that it wasnt you two she saw naked in the pool
>intimidating/negociating with another chuuba for their silence
>Rescuing a tied up (can be bondage) aqua and convincing her it was a congolese commando who ganked her in the dark

>> No.77249846
File: 252 KB, 374x338, 1674602449289582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to make Suisei a party member of sorts, I'd make her a bard.
I like the idea of Battle Maid Suisei, although I think I'd rather give that to Aqua since I like the idea of "hyper-competent but only in a fight" as a way to translate "Mad Dog Aqua" into a story. Suisei better fits the "one-man army/swiss army knife" battlemaid archetype though.
Personally, I'd make Suisei a kind of vessel or aspect of a Goddess or Stars ala Moona and Hoshinova.

>> No.77249859

Mint's ghost magic makes her grow a dick

>> No.77249945
File: 1023 KB, 744x1052, __jeanne_d_arc_alter_hoshimachi_suisei_and_jeanne_d_arc_alter_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_yellow_takano__feb79a95dcd83605245122e2e483dc00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what kind of fantasy Sui are you cooking up anon?
>Rescuing a tied up (can be bondage) aqua and convincing her it was a congolese commando who ganked her in the dark
I feel like there's a joke here where the epilogue implies that Aqua gets pregnant from this incident and tries looking for the black ops group that got her knocked up.

>> No.77250081


How about beautiful merc Suisei?

>> No.77250169
Quoted by: >>77250625

Which also has >>77249846
(Vessel or aspect of a Goddess or Stars ala Moona and Hoshinova) elements.

>> No.77250235
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, sui cha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair the idea was her just getting put into bondage because you thought it would be hot and then forgetting her in a closet.
But i do like the idea of an epilogue that acknowledges the bullshit you told her like
>"In other news, The Congo region has experienced its fifth democratic election in a row. Another coup was thwarted by Akukin Kensetsu, a PMC dedicated to peacekeeping the african region"
>"Their president, while shrouded in mistery, is a huge benefactor and advocator for peace in the region. In other news, Kirito Day is also happening in Burkina faso"

>> No.77250314
File: 153 KB, 850x1699, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kasumi_komo__sample-4ce2c4efc2df551614ad88f2f51d34bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77254066

Honestly for a fantasy setting, I still think a fantastic version of the last romanov rrat would work wonders at both giving her motivations and making her symbols the tiara, star, and golden axe both fit in since it'll translate them into respectively being symbol of fallen royalty, symbol of her fallen house, and an ancestral weapon.

>> No.77250424
File: 107 KB, 739x415, 1681070028329450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll just have to wait till you see her in the tags.
Or make your own inferences with what little is sprinkled in so far.

>> No.77250625
File: 151 KB, 850x1640, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77252234

I would love a "saint" suisei. Someone clearly put in a pedestal as an aspect of her faith and rocking armor.
It fits her clean image, you can play her quirks like talking to dolls or eating only meat, it allows her to fight and even fits whatever your fetish is
>tender sex
>escaping the crusades
>moral degradation

>> No.77250732
File: 94 KB, 1280x1000, 1000002897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still trying to cook. May give it to a taste tester before putting it on the menu

>> No.77250913
File: 372 KB, 1115x2481, Suiknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77251229

I do have my own fic featuring Suifantasy in the works and I like what I came up with. She's from an order of bards that was prosecuted and hunted down due to a conspiracy that they were all in the courts of kings and rulers trying to influence the world to their own nefarious ends, and Suisei thus keeps a low profile and lives as a semi-popular opera singer where she keeps her old life a closely guarded secret.

>> No.77251204

I'm on my fourth rewrite so that's gonna take a while, chief.

>> No.77251229
File: 393 KB, 762x1200, 1693476835297024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's pretty cool anon. I like that you have her in a performing career of such in it as well.

>> No.77251245
File: 123 KB, 850x1200, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_mooninkyuu__sample-cbabc8634c0897017dbf3e3ad7798bbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77251554

>thread is slow
>catches a whiff of suismell
>instantly accelerates
Queen of /wg/ everyone

>> No.77251554

>look look I same flagged and avatarposted to myself I'm so funny and cool

>> No.77251681
File: 81 KB, 500x500, 1701821032725510.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77251701
File: 129 KB, 850x1202, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_rukisan_hd__sample-c76becc8e38c2affc56b45c79c47087e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it was me, all me, i even made the thread, the archive and all the stories in it

>> No.77251902
File: 2.11 MB, 900x1600, 1671464885076533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it was me! I orchestrated it all! The stories, the postings, the images. All me.

>> No.77252234
File: 223 KB, 850x1667, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_yozora_1wkdgusdn__sample-03be7fc517b6b6fe15e87c7ce291168a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77252873

>"saint" suisei
>moral degeneration
Out of everyone in holo, suisei just has the most potential for a sad but hot corruption/moral degen story.
Like everyone has some amount of potential but the "diamond in the rough" getting shattered and reforged in corruption is such an obvious "corruption story arc" for her. (Outside of the usual erodoujin tropes of course, but part of the potential is the fact that she has a story outside of generic fantasy setting/idol tropes).

>> No.77252288

Yes, all me

>> No.77252346
File: 381 KB, 1655x2337, Suimurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Honestly the most fun part has been creating in universe stories about the bards(called Songblades). Shit like their songs of lamentation during the siege of their headquarters driving even the attackers to tears, A civil war starting due to a accusation of a crown prince being one of their bastards, the original Songblade being a harpy, stuff like that.

>> No.77252873
File: 99 KB, 1122x819, eyebags mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77253020

i feel like her kind of moral degeneration would follow a slow spiral of a combination of bad decisions+ her own quest for power that leads her to where you want.
If anything ,she would be like Pantheon from Lol. A mortal that ends up grasping the power of a god for themselves and fighting against the things she used to believe in
>Suisei is a saint of X faith.
>Something puts her in a rough spot and she makes a bad decision. pays the price
>starts losing faith, starts questioning stuff
>more escalation. Suisei is slowly learning that no human life is worth shit in the eyes of the gods
>things hit a critical point. Suisei goes against her teachings and gets "smitten" for it
>crawling out of the crater, she manages to hold on to the embers of her power/usurps it with a ritual

And then this is me but i would love if an "oathbreaker" mori joined forces with her, creating Deathstar as this deadly duo of girls pulling themselves by the bootstraps

>> No.77253014
Quoted by: >>77253284

You're mad kek
You're probably this guy >>77247263

>> No.77253020
Quoted by: >>77253147

That sound like a good serious story, but when do they start sucking shotas dry and devouring their souls for power while crying out in ecstasy?

>> No.77253147
File: 477 KB, 3750x3000, 1706921416204980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Mori's veil is like a Nun's so it can be about the hidden impulses of the saint and her battlesister slowly triying to not molest little kids until something happens and then they turn into dreadlords feeding on kid sperm

>> No.77253284
Quoted by: >>77253964

>/wg/worships avatar fag's and cucks
>also criticizes people who actually write

>> No.77253964

You're mad on the internet. If you keep it up, you're never going to make it.

>> No.77254066
File: 300 KB, 1460x2048, GHlx6nlboAAxBGb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77256021

I'm not really huge on the princess Suisei idea because I think that takes away a lot of Suisei's appeal of being "a diamond in the rough" Being a princess, fallen dynasty or not, makes her special from the get-go and not something she has to work towards constantly.
But you can make it work. Like, the "vessel of a God" aspect also makes her special, but you can write that as a "Suisei fights against the fate thrust upon her/I don't need your charity" idea, which fits her.

>> No.77256021
File: 92 KB, 850x1035, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_mozuku_honida1215__sample-4169a5a1a4bad58c43924ed19f5509a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay that's starting to start like a story arc of Suisei trying to fall/cast out her god/cut all ties with her family as part of some struggle complex she has where she feels like she NEEDS to do it all on her own without any help. That the only thing she needs to carve out a kingdom of her own is her unbreaking soul and the will to follow it through...
Oh fuck this making me remember that ancient prompt inspired by Berserk about Suisei pulling a Griffith and using the behelith to sacrifice everything she loves. Makes me imagine that being the "bad ending" where she breaks due to losing everything and being unable to do anything on her own ever again... Thus she makes a pact, and finally accepts help from the worst possible source, all at the cost of the people that managed to keep her alive despite her foolishness.

>> No.77258069
File: 331 KB, 850x1789, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_jun_aousa0328__sample-3d72e66329c5c78e8856a830f3bfb331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77258284

>> No.77258284
Quoted by: >>77259316

Hoeshimatchy Sussy…

>> No.77259316
File: 462 KB, 800x800, 1651209761072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77261163
File: 148 KB, 850x1097, __aki_rosenthal_hololive_drawn_by_electriccross__sample-4387fe1e6c5ded26c748261a5740ba77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77261280

I was looking at lewd pictures of IRyS and it finally hit me -- the perfect narrative framing device I needed to make my WIP interesting. I highly recommend anyone with writer's block to do the same.

>> No.77263745
File: 321 KB, 850x1189, sample_c186282c9f26b521ab7575dd963b9235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77265193
Quoted by: >>77265309

I want my girlfriend Laplus to cuck me and sleep with other men!

>> No.77265309

we know cc

>> No.77267124
File: 184 KB, 850x1198, sample_cfdb6e5337b4cb34d244d0bd46941f8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77267356

>> No.77267356

>you'll be my surrogate if i go infertile, right Chloe-kohai?

>> No.77267461

Lappy has an extremely punchable belly.

>> No.77267546
File: 282 KB, 850x1202, sample_5fd4fe10498d15f6490d85fa9efcd21d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are your fics coming along, anon?
You're working extra hard right?
Yes, you must be.
That's why it's so slow right now and some a few anons have to keep bumping the thread.
That must be why, right? Right!?

>> No.77267654
File: 73 KB, 850x531, __sakamata_chloe_sakamata_chloe_and_hoso_inu_hololive_drawn_by_mogmog_megmog__sample-b2007b3bdd49b9d201ead4eb0020dd0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Title: Pure Desire
>You make porn for FC2
>It's your 100th movie and you want to make it special
>Even with such a dirty job you can't help but be a bit sentimental about stuff like this
>You're in the middle of a meal by the window when an extremely beautiful girl walks by on the street
>She's it! You immediately run after her to convince her to be in your movie
>But something stops you when you're finally face-to-face with her
>You've fallen for Sakamata at first sight
>Instead of recruiting her for your movie, you ask her out on a date
>She seems suspicious but you're a master at this stuff and manage to wrangle a short coffee date out of her
>Making girls comfortable with your sense of humor is one of your best skills and you make good use of your 15 minutes with her
>She's willing to meet you again
>You're back at home and you see some of your porn stuff laying around
>It all suddenly makes you feel sick
>You can't really just quit your job immediately but you want to make an effort to reform yourself into a bit more respectable character

>> No.77267841

Ah, the pure love between a former assassin/cleaner and a retiring pornographer.

>> No.77267846
File: 761 KB, 1128x630, You didn't listen to Azki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77272719

I'm sorry Azki, it's over...
I have to rewrite all the scenes that involve one of the characters...

>> No.77267852
Quoted by: >>77268499

>meanwhile in bizzarro /wg/

>> No.77267885
Quoted by: >>77272719

I'm giving myself a week to finish this goddamn thing so I can finally send it to beta readers...

>> No.77268499
Quoted by: >>77269464

What other bizzaro versions of fics might be good concepts
>Your Curses
Local Man whore Anon is finishing up his high-school goal of banging every girl in the school. Now his last target is in sight. The virgin, student council president Ayame Nakiri.

>> No.77268923

>And then you find out she's an amateur porn actress herself
>Has a cuck boyfriend that convinced her to do this

>> No.77269049
Quoted by: >>77269877

>"hey...we're both in the same line of work and your boyfriend seems to be into sharing you...do you wanna maybe make a home movie for him?"
>her face twists in disgust
>"Uh, no!? Get the fuck away from me creep!"

>> No.77269464

>Cover Academy/Usada
Local prankster Anon terrorizes the new transfer student, Pekora, only to get thrown in jail after nearly blowing up his friend Roberu with a bomb. Pekora must team up with his old friends to get him out of there.

>> No.77269877

>Sorry porn star, but this is real life. The traumatized cuckold gets the girl.

>> No.77270530
Quoted by: >>77271158

>All these Suisei images scrolling up
You know, there was an idea sitting in my head that involved her (which I'll get round to when I come back from my errand) and I've been having a "teeny" bit difficult trying to wrap my head around it. Here's all I know about it:

>* Suisei is a master impersonator and can impersonate ANYONE perfectly right down to everything about them (ie: likes, dislikes, behaviour, etc)
>* Suisei may or may not have a magic wand that she uses on herself for things she can't perfect (ie: she wants to impersonate Lamy but she doesn't have the melons so she uses her wand to give her them). A more "realistic" choice if you don't like that is that Suisei would use some pillows that she'd strap to herself (that would magically not fail her). Personally I think the wand thingy sounds better but I suppose some anons wouldn't possibly like that idea I think.
>* The person she wants to impersonate has to "disappear" for a while. No that doesn't mean death (Suisei isn't a murderer here).
>* People who see her impersonating someone (when everything she's done is all ready) they cannot tell the difference. To them they are seeing the real deal (even if said person is NOT their oshi). Originally I wanted to make it that people are so face blind that all Suisei needs to do is put on a wig and costume and they think that person is the real deal but I didn't because I think anon's possibly wouldn't like that.
>* The only one not fooled by this is (You) her childhood friend. But she's doing such an amazing job that you don't even rat her out even though she's playing your favourite oshi (ie: Mio).
>* Cover for some reason never question why Suisei is unable to be contacted whenever she's needed. I hadn't decided much on this.

And suddenly I just realised I written more than I should have. But those were the ideas running through my head and there is more but I need to head out now.

>> No.77271158

Anon... What would be the plot here?
You just listed out a powerset for suisei letting her impersonate anyone but you didn't lay out a plot to tie it together.

>> No.77271571

To be fair, they did say they had an idea that they didn't know everything about yet. Not a story.

>> No.77272719
File: 312 KB, 850x1202, sample_29b40f712836c3cfa843615cd0b938b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77274008

it's okay anon, you're allowed to make as many mistakes as you need. I hope you get your fic out in time
You too anon! you can do it!
I can't wait to read your fics anon! work extra hard to survive in /wg/

>> No.77272905
File: 90 KB, 487x588, 1717087036850841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need a plot for a Suisei story can't go wrong with beating her into a bloody mess, brutally violating her every hole and then leaving a sobbing Suisei to marinate in a wonderful mix of blood, sweat, tears and semen.

>> No.77273278

>There's an idol contest in 50 days and you've been assigned to make sure Suisei wins or you lose your kneecaps.
>Training Suisei!
>Realizing it's hopeless there's no way you can train her up within the deadline.
>Forcibly ejecting mana into her by any means necessary!
>Breaking her until she loves it!
>Guiding the absorbed mana to make her a better idol!
>Sexual Training by Day, Underground Idol Concerts by night!
>The perfect training routine!
>Winning the idol contest with suisei!
Brought to you by erogame brain rot.

>> No.77273453
File: 179 KB, 1017x955, 1657620022647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77273696

I don't know anon, that doesn't seem very nice.

>> No.77273696
File: 77 KB, 226x226, 1717252524046065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a traditional Japanese way to greet idols. Kinda like how in the West it's rude to slurp while eating but it's encouraged over there. Geez, Anon, try to be a bit more sensitive towards other cultures.

>> No.77274008

Thanks for the encouragement, man. I'll do my best...!

>> No.77274302
File: 303 KB, 414x400, Mikosex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko NTR. Thoughts?

>> No.77274418
Quoted by: >>77274645

I can't see it. but care to share your idea in a tad more detail?

>> No.77274430
File: 19 KB, 256x273, 1717354300667225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei's day just keeps getting better and better. First she gets raped and then she walks in on her girlfriend cheating on her.

>> No.77274540
Quoted by: >>77274653

>Anon... What would be the plot here?
Okay, so I've had my fresh air and done my errand, I think I can explain a bit more on this idea that had popped into my head.

>* Suisei being a master impersonator and can impersonate ANYONE (and carries a magic wand for things she cannot perfect) only does it because she has a noble goal and she wants to help her co-workers when they cannot stream. For example:

>- Lamy falls ill and cannot stream for a week but REALLY wants to (because she doesn't want to disappoint her genmantes and her fans).
>- Suisei for some reason (I'm not decided on this but I was thinking of a fairy godmother) hears of this and really wants to help her co-worker.
>- gets her clothes that lets her "impersonate" Lamy and uses her magic wand for the things she cannot do physically (ie: get a bigger chest).
>- Now she's Lamy and has to act like her (which she can do perfectly) and the spell only wears off when Lamy fully heals and is able to stream again.
>- Lamy's genmates (I'm undecided on this) cannot tell that the "Lamy" they're hanging out with is actually Suisei in disguise.
>- Suisei can only (also undecided on this) masterfully impersonate her CO-WORKERS and they have to physically be unable to stream (or do anything else). If she tries to impersonate a co-worker and they're perfectly healthy it won't work (or it might but stupid scenarios might happen and I'm also undecided on this).
>- (You) are also the only one that can see through Suisei's disguises / impersonations because you are her childhood friend. You NEVER rat her out.

Hope I made sense when I post this, anon.

>> No.77274645

You've been in a relationship with Miko for a couple months. However, you haven't made a single move on Miko yet because you cant really seem to get hard with Miko's adorable voice so the two of you have settled for just light skinship. One day, someone hits on Miko and for the first time in months, Miko felt desired and follows the man into the love hotel. Cucking ensues.

The potential of Miko having a supermodel body but people not finding her sexy because of her voice makes her good ntr material.

>> No.77274653
Quoted by: >>77275478

NTA, but that is an interesting premise. You just need a plot that introduces stakes and tension.

>> No.77274813

dont really see it.
i can imagine, however, miko having a mild unreasonable morning at you because she dreamed you cheated on her.
which is actually an excuse because she's feeling neglected and wants you to fawn over her

>> No.77274825
File: 332 KB, 1277x2048, 1000002698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you won't fuck me so I'll just get someone who will.
I don't know anon. that's not my sorta thing, but if you're feeling that premise, I encourage you to write your idea out. I think if you're passionate about it, it'll be hot reguardless

>> No.77274983

Feels like a disservice to Miko to write her like that.

>> No.77275090
File: 598 KB, 1300x1057, __usada_pekora_sakura_miko_usada_pekora_don_chan_and_sakura_miko_hololive_drawn_by_abara_heiki__92278753c55e0b90788aa4d052797a77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's not evil enough there

>> No.77275212
Quoted by: >>77275369

Honestly I feel like that's my problem with most ntr plots

>> No.77275314
File: 272 KB, 608x608, 1648160046762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting there... slow and steady and all that. I've got like... 3 WIPs right now, two are still developing on chapter one.

>> No.77275369
File: 271 KB, 1280x1862, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77275659

ironically the opposite for me.
I feel like 99% of stories pussy out in the cheating aspect and cope out with the girl getting mindbroken by cock,taking literally every worst decision available or the guy stealing her being a dickmancer.

I get that the japanese explode in shit when they are not being bombarded 24/7 with self insert but i would like to read something else thank you

>> No.77275423
File: 38 KB, 653x362, Songs for Children prv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a new WIP coming up called Songs for Children and it's still a bit far from done. I'm also still trying to decide if I should keep it fluffy or if I should take it for a more darker turn in later chapters. The first three chapters will be sugary sweet regardless though.

>> No.77275478
Quoted by: >>77275627

>You just need a plot that introduces stakes and tension.
I don't want to sound rude when I say this but "plot" would need to happen in order for this prompt to be picked up, no?

>> No.77275627
Quoted by: >>77276294

I mean, you can hope someome comes up with one. But a good prompt should include an idea about the stakes the story has.

>> No.77275659
File: 168 KB, 505x603, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder this is kiara's pillow talk

>> No.77275910

anon, i can only get so hard

>> No.77275921

I don't really see the appeal.
Coming at it from the three angles.
Using this scenario >>77274645 I can't really see the appeal, since the pay off scene with the cuck would be at best
>Ah finally something with Miko I can actually jack it too.
And the "finally someone who loves me for my voice (body)" thing is way too out there to really be a fantasy to insert into.
Yeah... There's no way to take Miko seriously in this role. I can't imagine any scenario where she can keep the aura necessary for it to keep being hot.
Does have potential to be funny in like an absurdist "Miko Noises" kind of way where you're absolutely thrilled because you collected some very rare Miko noises.
Micomet doesn't really have enough spice to make an NTR have appeal, and Miko's character doesn't really have compatability to make me think she'd end up with the standard overworked Japanese salaryman.
So you know, any appeal would just come from things outside of "managing to snag a one night stand with The Sakura Miko."

>> No.77276015
Quoted by: >>77278203

>Kiara keeps catcalling you in german
>you laugh everytime because you think she's making a joke
>turns out she was being flirty when she told you she was gonna schloberhan yur dickensen

>> No.77276294

"Stakes and tension" are something I cannot do but I "tihnk" I could give you a plot or something. I will say this in advance though that I "may" or may not butcher Suisei's character (to try and fit my prompt) and to save my sanity (and possible head), I won't make it extremely detailed.


* Cover hires Suisei because they hear of her skills at impersonating others perfectly (how they find out I've yet to decide).
* They (Cover) are not going to use her skills for selfish reasons, they are doing it for noble reasons (ie: one of their talents fall ill so Suisei can fill in for her).
* Suisei CAN sing, dance, other things that we know her by but in this universe this is all a hobby to her. Her main interests is impersonation (which she uses for a good cause).
* One talent (Mio) falls ill.
* Cover hears about this and call Suisei in.
* Suisei agrees to helping to fill in for Mio but asks Cover that she needs to be alone for her "magic" to work.
* Cover agrees and leaves her to her devices.
* Suisei uses her magic wand to summon her suitcase and gather all the materials she needs in order to impersonate Mio.
* After she gets all the materials she needs to impersonate Mio she then gets ready.
* Only uses the magic wand to change her voice, height, chest size (possibly tail and ears but I'm undecided by this).
* Suisei is now Mio and the spell lasts until the real Mio is better again.
* Mio's genmates when they interact with "Mio" have no clue that the "Mio" they're interacting with is actually Suisei in disguise.
* Suisei's magic and skill in impersonation only works if the person she's impersonating is physically unable to stream.

Does this make any sense to you or have I butchered it? I do realise I had to muddle things around and if I did any butchering I apologise deeply for it.

>> No.77276342
Quoted by: >>77276829

Could you explain where the stakes are? Or is it just a fluff piece that is supposed to make you feel good because there aren't any problems?

>> No.77276464

NTA, but you're basically still just adding mor points beneath the
>Suisei has imitation powers
Part and not so much what kind of story to tell based off that.
Yeah it's a writing prompt, but like, this kind of tells us nothing.
It's like someone making a build off of a fucking cyoa image site and going, make a chuuba story out of this.

>> No.77276502
Quoted by: >>77276829

i thinbk the problem here is that you are losing yourself in the idea.
Okay, suisei can impersonate anyone and does so....what happens next? does she slowly lose her sense of herself?

As it is, your idea lacks stakes because nothing happens. Suisei just transforms and that's it. Super sentai or power rangers have transformations but that's to fight. "The metamorphosis" has the transformation be a problem for all the cast.

Suisei just having this ability adds nothing on top of nothing because she exists in adetached world that doesnt need it. Its like writing "Ame can copy a dog perfectly" in a story where it never comes up

>> No.77276829

>does she slowly lose her sense of herself?
Is this what >>77276342 meant by "stakes and tension?" because if so then I'll admit I hadn't thought that far ahead at all. I think we also could go with that but we'd have to add in the:

- Suisei has a fairy godmother that watches out for her when she's impersonating someone and they can safely rein in her when they feel like Suisei is going to "lose her sense of self"

Or am I not understanding you guys properly once again?

>> No.77276926
File: 160 KB, 1263x2025, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You awaken, cold and naked, alongside a pale woman. Her name is Kronii, and she's a vampire...and so are you, apparently.

Your memories before waking up are missing, and so are Kronii's. With nothing but time, you two decide to join forces and investigate your past lifes as you learn the ins and outs of being night walkers

>> No.77277021

Here's a decent introduction to stakes: https://darlingaxe.com/blogs/news/stakes

>> No.77277353
Quoted by: >>77277658


Think of it like telling a story to your friend.

>Yo dude you wont believe this! i was going through the park, and suddenly a car crash happened and a piece of metal flew my way! i had to jump aside!

The stakes is the metal piece, its something happening that makes the story move forward in an interesting way. With some weak stakes, it would look like this

>Yo dude you wont believe this! i was going through the park, and suddenly a car crash happened.

Its not very interesting is it? it is a thing that happened yes, but its not "story" worth it. Now lets remove all the stakes from the story

>I was walking down the park

what? nothing else? why are you even telling me this?

>> No.77277658

>Suisei suffers NO DRAWBACKS when she successfully impersonates someone.
>Suisei suffers drawbacks (I'm undecided) when she tries to impersonate someone.

^So, something like this, anon?

>> No.77277775
Quoted by: >>77278481

NTA, but it also has to be important in the plot. Stop worldbuilding about Suisei's powers for a second and start thinking about a plot with stakes (which you just learned about)

>> No.77277910
Quoted by: >>77278481

again, you are hyperfocusing in the transformation/impersonation.

Its not necessarily about drawbacks, but about what's happening. Why is it good or bad that suisei can transform? what does it add to the plot? why suisei herself?

Some examples of stakes would be
>suisei can transform. People cant know this so the fic is about her covering up her transformation
>suisei can transform, but she loses a piece of herself. The fic is all about keeping herself together or how she would lose herself for others
>Suisei can transform, but she has after effects,
>suisei can transform, but the original shows up and now we have a different thing going.

>> No.77278203

Do you guys really want a fic where you fuck Kiara while she slips into German from arousal

>> No.77278428

asking me if i want a fic about fucking kiara is like asking a starving man if he wants food.

so in other words yes please

>> No.77278481
Quoted by: >>77278537

Okay, I think this could possibly work after I read >>77277910

>Suisei is only a master impersonator because of a magic wand she wields that grants her wishes. Without it she cannot impersonate anyone easily and if anyone were to know her secret (or if the original showed up) then the magic instantly wears off and Suisei suffers possible life-threatening risks to her health.

Is this good enough?

>> No.77278492

It sounds more like wanting a fic where Kiara slips into some wacky parodic version of English that is somehow inexplicably hot.
Ew, that sound like a Dutch!Kiara fic.

>> No.77278537
Quoted by: >>77278801

It's one half. The other half is where you describe what actually happens and how that weakness of hers creates stakes inside the events of the story.

>> No.77278801

Okay, how's this?

- Suisei's secret gets exposed (could be accident or not) = loses the ability to speak.

With that threat hanging over her head Suisei would take extra careful measures to keep her secret safe when she's impersonating, no? Plus she also loves to sing correct?

>> No.77278839

kek my brain combined this with the mori prompts to create
>Dutch Kiara whispering nonsense into Mori as you fuck her
>"holy shit this is so cool deadbeats! your boy is getting stuffed hahah! big ups!"

>> No.77279462

how do we feel about circumcision fetish here? Getting some ideas... nothing too crazy like guro or anything, more like after the fact. I just want to know if I should bother putting in the work or if people aren't interested and I should spend my energy on other projects.

>> No.77279555

I'm sorry the only thing I can think of is Gura circumcising you with her shark teeth

>> No.77279657
Quoted by: >>77279829

fucking stop trying to get the thread's cookie points and put your niche fetish in it if you want.
>bubbububu i need validation :c
if you are not writing for yourself and putting your fetish because you go "oh man i want people to know how hot this is" then your fic is not worth reading.
You just want a failsafe in case people go "yeah im not reading that shit" so you can blame it on someone else

>> No.77279785

>Oh yah! Geef me ein klapp papa!

>> No.77279829

it's not about validation. I just want to see if people are interested in it or not. If people aren't then I'll write something people do want to see.

I don't think it's wrong or unusual to want to write for audience enjoyment as well. It's half the fun. Alternatively, people don't want it, tear it apart because it's a fetish that's too extreme and I'll have put a lot of time and energy into something that people hated. Is it wrong to not want to do that? I get the whole write for yourself thing, but if I were only in it for myself, I wouldn't share it to begin with, none of us would.

>> No.77280171
File: 1.07 MB, 667x1509, 1661439558851701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but if I were only in it for myself, I wouldn't share it to begin with, none of us would.
That's just fucking wrong. Sharing it is the only way to get feedback and find points to improve so you can make that story for yourself better. Write because you want to, share because you can.

>> No.77280294

I share my stuff even if it’s just to my friends because my goal is to make people happy. I will write things with no promise of reward because I want to make people happy. There is definitely more than one reason to write and share.

>> No.77280492
File: 1.29 MB, 977x1500, __sakamata_chloe_hololive_drawn_by_pinki_o64__205152fa7583de08979b7dc9afb95c89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never actually inserted my benis into bagina in the physical realm, but I've visualized sex with Sakamata so vividly and with such intense focus that I think it's completely fair and reasonable to count that as losing my virginity.

>> No.77280493
File: 559 KB, 683x896, 1646355877070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77281125

getting feedback, which means doing it for others as well. It's doing it so others will see it and give you helpful tips, doing it for yourself means it's good as it is and audience feedback need not apply.

If you're telling me you don't mind putting a bunch of work into something and having it torn apart because people dislike the fetish (whether or not it's badly written) that sounds crazy to me. But that's off-topic anyway. I just want to gauge interest and if people don't want it (which is entirely fine with me) I will put my creativity to something more interesting. I don't think that's a ridiculous thing to want to do. Maybe it's different for you, but I like writing something my audience enjoys as much as I enjoy writing it, otherwise it just sucks for everyone. I don't think it's honest to say people don't also write in part for the enjoyment of their audience, though perhaps you're the outlier.

>> No.77280718


We literally had a fic about birthing eggs received with positive reviews despite how alien the concept is. Yuzuki veterinary services got positive reviews and to this day is liked even through the author's menhera outburst
The author of Medieval synthesis literally got better reviews when he leaned into his fetish and stopped triying to pretend he didnt want to put wedgies in.

You just want the attention and are hiding your posible failure behind a smokescreen by going "SEE? THE FETISH WAS TOO NICHE!"

Literally admitting defeat before you even post

>> No.77280826
Quoted by: >>77280972

>birthing eggs received with positive reviews despite how alien the concept is.
...which fic is this? asking for a friend

>> No.77280972
Quoted by: >>77281652

its linked in the post numbskull

>> No.77281033

I'm not admitting defeat before I post. I have a limited amount of creativity and want to spend it wisely. I don't mind if people aren't sold on my extreme fetish, it doesn't bother me because it is a very out there fetish. It's got nothing to do with wanting attention or anything else, you're just trying to fit my innocent suggestion into this menhera box and make it out to be something far more than what was actually intended. Don't take it for anything more or less than "are you interested in this or not?" that was the entirety of what that question meant, nothing deeper.

It's fine that other authors put our extreme stuff for themselves, power to them fully. I am a different sort of person. I enjoy my work more when my audience enjoys it with me. If my audience doesn't enjoy it for whatever the reason may be, it's not fun for me to write it. We all have our reasons and we all take our enjoyment from it from different places, mine comes from making others enjoy the story I'm telling.

>> No.77281125
File: 44 KB, 551x578, 1703128461903800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77281714

Doing it for yourself doesn't automatically bind you to complacency. If you're passionate about your creation, it deserves everything you can give and then some, and that will likely require outside help. Gauging interest is fine if you have a priority list or something, but you make it sound like if the subject matter doesn't get enough (You)s, it'll never see the light of day in your eyes. If you have a story idea for something, just create it. An audience finding joy and something to say about your work is always a massive boost for a person's motivation and overall happiness towards what they made, but it's not always why people write. Plenty of authors write because it's what they want to do, and if other people end up enjoying it, that's a bonus. Sharing it is also a service to the story itself. It deserves to be let free into the universe for people to see or not see if they so choose.

>> No.77281263
File: 1.70 MB, 1649x1649, 1684587671765780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77281714

How do you know your audience won't like it until it's done? You got a crystal ball or something? Also as another point, wouldn't it make a good challenge for you as a writer to try and make a story involving a niche fetish fun to read for someone who might have no interest in it? I've read plenty of shit from here with fetishes and scenarios which are not my cup of tea at all, but they all still held their own merit and were an interesting read.

>> No.77281530
Quoted by: >>77281714

I think you fit the menhera box perfectly when you first treat readers here as "your audience" and then you have the gall to police what they will like and what they wont without even giving them a chance to react or comment on it.
You asking in broad strokes its not asking "your audience" because we dont even know what you write. That's the entire point of being anonymous

Again, admitting defeat before you post something just makes us all know you werent that interested in writing something unless its met with only praise.

>> No.77281652

i knew that, i was just testing you

>> No.77281714
File: 357 KB, 1791x2184, 1700367554826183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't, that's why I'm asking. And usually I don't ask, I just write and see if it sticks. I ask in this circumstance because it's an extreme fetish about a sensitive topic. Otherwise I would've just gone for it to see if it was a winner or not.

I don't write for the challenge. I write because I enjoy other's having fun with my story. That is my motivation. The motivation to do it for yourself or the challenge isn't wrong, it's just not mine.

(you)'s aren't the problem. It's if the story gets lambasted because people were never interested to begin with. I would have put a lot of work crafting a story and it would be for a bad payoff. If people aren't on board for it, I would rather work hard on something people are on board for or mildly enjoy at the very least.

It's literally that simple. A happy audience makes me happy. An unhappy audience kills my motivation and makes me wish I'd never expended the energy. I want to give out something a lot of people will enjoy.

I'm not policing anyone. I'm literally asking for the opinion of others. If they like it, wonderful. If not, so be it. Either route suits me. I won't mandate people enjoy it, I just want to know before I expend the effort.

You are all taking everything I have said as something far greater than what it really means. I am holding up an apple and saying "would you like me to give you more apples." That's it. It is no grand plan or act of malice. It's a baker asking if they want apple pie or blueberry muffins. I don't want to sound angry, but please stop taking what I'm saying for more than it means.

>> No.77281931

Good morning wg how are we toda—


>> No.77282060
Quoted by: >>77282548

ill give you a better metaphor
>"Hey you want cider? i want to know if you'll like the taste before making it"
>"gee i dunno. we kinda dont know if we'll like it or not because huuuuuh we dont have cider"
>"Well guess its too extreme..."
>"we literally dont know the taste of cider. How do we know if we hate it?"
>"im asking you if you want it !"
>"We dont know the taste of cider! we dont know if we want it! Maybe if you make some we'll know"
>"Guess its too extreme..."

>> No.77282097

>slooooowly pulls the blanket back over your face before gently patting it once in place

>> No.77282127
File: 554 KB, 574x725, 1678284176094302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time you'll get called out for an extreme fetish being in your story is if you don't properly tag it or try to bait and switch readers with it. Also, why can't the enjoyment be found in the ride and not just the fetish itself? There's so much more to a story than "and then Aqua put her uncle's panties over her futa dick, raped towa while cucking her at the same time, making sure to use the magical powers she honed to make her twin tails grow and tickle the demon's nipples with their tips. Oh and Miko is hanging from a flagpole by her panties."
You're not giving the readers a chance to be happy or unhappy.

>> No.77282148

I don’t think what he’s saying is completely invalid. I’m of the opinion that the more stories we get in the archive, the better -- and if that requires us to hand out some (You)s then that’s more than ok to me.
If you’re writing for yourself and audience engagement is a bonus? Good for you.
If you’re writing for yourself and your audience equally? I think that’s fine as well, different people get motivation from different areas. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to want to write a story that’ll appeal to your audience which, when you’re writing self-insert vtuber fanfiction, is almost always going to be this thread. I know I’ve experienced a dip in motivation after getting no (You)s on one or two stories.

>> No.77282232
File: 2.33 MB, 1457x2064, IMG_1579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77284418

Feel free to write a big cope post aswell!

>> No.77282302

>I know I’ve experienced a dip in motivation after getting no (You)s on one or two stories.
That's all too natural. Artists who are satisfied with their own satisfaction are a blursed minority.

>> No.77282447

There's nothing wrong with wanting yous, but to get them you have to get a story posted and no ammount of polling and/or posting guarantees that.

Ive written stuff that had no (yous), both niche and "crowd pleasers", but i would never know what's supposed to land or hit the thread if i didnt post them.
Hell, the issue we sometimes have with twist stories is talking too much about a prompt and killing the twist in there. That could have been a fic in of itself

>> No.77282544

>Oh and Miko is hanging from a flagpole by her panties

holy Frick my peanits got so big

>> No.77282548

And that's an answer I was looking for then. Even "I don't know, I'll give it a chance" is enough for me. That's literally the full sum of what I wanted.

Then just say so. All I wanted as a response to the first post is yes, no, I'm not sure but I'll read it and see if I like it or not. That was literally everything I was asking for, those three answers. It is not that complex or deep or thought-provoking.

I'll try not to waste the thread's time again by asking what they're interested in if it is apparently such a menhera, irrational request lol. I'm sorry I sound agitated but like man it was not that deep. You guys are taking this way, way, way too seriously. It's a simple yes or no question, not some deep psychological quandary that seeks to soothe my own self worth.

>> No.77283063
Quoted by: >>77283284

The answer is never going to be yes or no, you dense fuck. We are talking niche fetishes for a reason
>Someone not interested
Wont ever entertain your fic. Why would i read castration if i dont like castration? You wont convince the people who think wedgies are fucking stupid to like your fic because they read wedgie and go "yeah im good, thanks"
>Someone on the fence
Gee i dont know. i might if you post, but i have no idea if i like it or not. That's all the answers you got. We literally dont know
>Someone interested
yeah. Do you see someone here going yes?

It sounds simple, but the word niche is the crux of all of this. You are shutting down the only people willing to give it a shot aside from people that are already giving it a shot.

And considering not a single person here went "golly gee! that's my fetish! please do!" the entire audience is the people on the fence.
You are shutting down everyone by going "ILL ONLY DO IT IF I HEAR A YES!!!"

>> No.77283216

You're in a thread of fanfics dude. It's never a simple yes, no answer. Without the meat or the context of the story to go off of, who the fuck knows if they'll enjoy it or not? There are some readers here who give fucking anything a chance and will likely post something back to you. There was an architecture story a couple months that was rancid enough to make two reviewers almost tap out, but they read it anyway.
Alternatively, if you really want to test the waters of the idea of your story, throw it in there as a prompt and see what traction it gets.

>> No.77283240

baker-san May I request the rare clock bread please?

>> No.77283284

I won't waste the thread's time any further with this conversation. Gone on too long and nothing productive is coming out of it.

>> No.77283352

Holy boobers edition onegai

>> No.77283397

We just had a clock bread.

>> No.77283413

We had clock the other day

>> No.77283419
Quoted by: >>77283516

NTA but milk bread is delicious!

>> No.77283460

You're coming off as a writer who doesn't respond well to constructive feedback. No one is flat out telling "don't do it", in fact some are encouraging you to just try it anyway, but you seem to be paralyzed by the idea that it won't be met with stadium filling praise.

>> No.77283476

Imouto thread prease

>> No.77283486

Cool. Keep never posting because you only want praise and not to actually improve so you dont ever commit

>> No.77283516
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1712531763464373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77283778

I prefer my milk from sheep.

>> No.77283534

oh shit, you're right! my bad,

>> No.77283552
File: 761 KB, 2504x1748, GH-8J7naAAEBlxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77283629


>> No.77283629
File: 1.39 MB, 2000x2120, 1716192008010132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve of this idea. Make it fantasy flavored too.

>> No.77283696
File: 594 KB, 1700x2200, GL3JX_BWwAAUjel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comically pulls the hag flyer from the board as funny music starts
Zoomer thread!

>> No.77283747

Nah fuck all that noise, bake an Anya bread

>> No.77283778

Voldemuort face

>> No.77283893
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77283960

So a thread about your sisters bae and anya getting big breasts then falling into a time portal and coming out as hags.

got it

>> No.77283960
File: 407 KB, 1304x2016, 2f9c4a74c063cff31b92e5d9ea2552fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds delicious, head chef. Make it a double helping.

>> No.77283994

is someone actually baking or should i?

>> No.77284418

Sex with Suisei in strange positions

>> No.77284512
File: 132 KB, 850x1200, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baked an edition that appeals to everyone.
migrate when ready
