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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77284221 No.77284221 [Reply] [Original]

Comment field:

This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below:

"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>77145977
(where white girls, tan girls, suiposting, pissposting and a whole lot of tangents collided in the ring)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.77284273
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Story anchor.

Step into the ring if you have the guts!

>> No.77284336
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.77284455
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Story recap!
There were no new challengers last round

>> No.77284666


>> No.77284678

that is a very dangerous pose

>> No.77284729
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this bread has a little bit of everything in it, has a nice kick to it as well, You out did yourself baker, I'll be sure to enjoy this rare delicacy

>> No.77284739


>> No.77284998


>> No.77285111

couldnt agree more johnson. Mr Koro is trapped in the suplex!

>> No.77285208

Botan's expression looks like this is either her fetish, or she's teaching a harsh lesson gently.

>> No.77285310

Why is Suisei tormenting her girlfriend? Is this consensual?

>> No.77285439

Miko came and acted prideful in her wrestling skills and Suisei is showing her the error of her ways

>> No.77285440
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>> No.77285490

>"this is called a pile driver~ this will hurt a lot but maybe next time you won't allow yourself to be put in this position~"
>she mentions cheerfully before embedding korone's skull into the ground
it's her punishment for thinking about cucking Suisei last thread.

>> No.77285598

>>"this is called a pile driver~ this will hurt a lot but maybe next time you won't allow yourself to be put in this position~"
I guess it can be both her fetish and her teaching a harsh lesson gently.

>> No.77285895

Referee i think the rat is getting raped

>> No.77286030

In a highly controversial angle, Sakura Miko raped Usada Pekora in the 2020 Hololive Xtreme Xmas Xperience PPV. Later she went on to create a heel tag team with Suisei called the Micomet. Now that that thing has run out of steam, Suisei is doing a face turn.

>> No.77286115

that's just Korone's signature move: the knotted screwdriver

>> No.77286140

As usual

>> No.77286278

That's her wife in the ring, therefore it's not rape

>> No.77286291

So who is /wg/ going to send as a rep for LotB3? Yet another variation of The Fly or something completely different?

>> No.77286324
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Thinking about it more.. Yeah I guess Miko wouldn't be fitting for an ntr story at all. How about a moral degeneration story then?

>> No.77286678

Miko goes in the same class as Korone, Luna and Haachama for me. No matter what they do, they're inherently incapable of awakening my cock. In Miko's case it's because she didn't adhere to the you never go full retard principle.

>> No.77287366
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>> No.77287418

I feel like miko trying to degrade you will either fall flat because of her uwu baby speek or completely backfire. This, in of itself can be the crux of the fix if you want to go full comedy

>> No.77288017

this reminds me that i need to re-read holomoms

>> No.77288244
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Songs For Children, Chapter One/Song One


tags: Saijoni Mary, (you), fluff

I'm not really sure what I want this story to be just yet. I got the inspiration for it and just ran with it so I guess we'll see where it takes me. For now, I hope you enjoy some cute fluff.

>> No.77288300

Miko moral degradation or (You)? I've seen more than one piece of fanart where Miko seduces you with her dynamite body, but those are also the 2-koma instaloss type with either Miko or (You) losing.
Miko is already a huge pervert so I don't think you can get much mileage out of her being morally degredated. As for her degrading you, she's not really coquettish or seductive enough for that to draw you in. You either want to fuck her brains out already or don't.

>> No.77288458

Are you balsanon? if the answer is no then disregard the rest of my post

However i've been meaning to ask, and dont take this the wrong way,but why do you insist in starting series? Nothing wrong with that, but you constantly juggle or "kill" series and have problems ending a chapter. Wouldnt it be better if you focused on a more contained history with only one chapter being as long as you want instead of triying to juggle yet another series?

>> No.77288606

>As for her degrading you, she's not really coquettish or seductive enough for that to draw you in. You either want to fuck her brains out already or don't.
You could draw on the lesbian aspect of her character to tell a story about how she feminizes you.

>> No.77288615

>she's not really coquettish or seductive enough for that to draw you in
I think that's where the comedy comes in. Like she's trying hard but she fucking sucks at it.

>> No.77288688

Miko moral degeneration. Miko's a huge pervert sure but she has no experience with the other gender. Maybe a fic of her meeting like a pornstar who gradually teaches her the pleasures of sex

>> No.77288773

The wrestling images motivated me to check out LotB 2. Just saw the pair intro for Son of the Fly and the novelites, I can’t stop laughing. The Pretty Fly from The Offspring, the blinking eyes banner, and the half fox outfit killed me, I commend whoever designed these

>> No.77288800

How about a positive degeneration where she is really afraid of sex and you gently teach her to become fond of your dick?

>> No.77288872

Maybe we should just run the same character with some slight changes to indicate his developing lore.

>> No.77289285

once more im shilling portio orgasms! getting Miko to cum like a hose!

>> No.77289613

You could explore more on the fact that Miko is a shrine maiden. Could also be a fantasy setting where Miko is the healing shrine maiden of the party but she gets a lewd mark placed on her and she gradually becomes more perverted and corrupted.

>> No.77289827
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Yeah that's me. I guess it does appear that way now that you say it but it's not. This story in particular just sorta took me so I wanted to put the inspiration to good use.

I like having multiple WIPs because it allows me to take a break from a story but still work on others if I have creative energy to do it. The only WIPs currently in indefinite hiatus are Blackbean and the Star because I need to sort of workout how best to proceed with both of them and I don't know how.

I know it probably doesn't sound believable, but I haven't killed any other stories of mine, I'm just shifting my weight around to whatever I have the strongest creativity for. Being that Mary is now my new oshi, I wanted to write her a bit.

>> No.77289899

Eh I feel like there's better chuubas for that idea. That requires a degree of sadism and comitment that i dont think she has. Feminizing someone is a Dom thing and Miko can't dominate her way out of a paper bag.

At that point, wouldn't that be so cute that it wraps around to being seductive? Eg, want to fuck her brains out already (or not.) Like a fic based on that could be fun but you'd have to pick a camp.

Oh like a "so this is real sex?!" kind of thing? Yeah I guess I could see that. Personally though I think moral degradation has more appeal when they're already on a pedestal to begin with. The more pure something is the more satisfying it is to stain it.

>> No.77289963

nta but why don't you try to incorporate your inspiration to your current wips? It wouldn't be too difficult to inject Mary in any of them really. Sometimes even just outlining a future appearance or scene does the job for now.

>> No.77290294

I mean like it’s funny and all, but maybe some anons here want to see some reps from their favorite stories? For example, I vaguely remember AA saying that the HoloFantasy main character was loosely based on Luca from MGQ for example and you could give him like glowy dragon arms or something.

>> No.77290369

I doubt the ones wanting that could really agree on one

>> No.77290408

The only story she'd work well for would be The Star (and I'm not excluding her from that either) but like I said, the one is in haitus until I can properly sort it out. None of my other stories really fit her in the way I'm wanting, IE a mother role to a child. But as for the rest, it's generally just wanting to do it right. One of the big critiques I got with Balsa is I moved too fast with too little care for what I was writing. I haven't even begun writing the third chapter of a White December for that very reason; I'll write it when I know I'll do it right.

I always have that creative zeal though, thus I can't help but put it somewhere. I've got even more WIPs I've written but have never released, I'm just someone who writes a lot in their spare time. I haven't halted any of my other works, it's just I like being able to work on something different depending on how I'm feeling. I'd rather do this then do well... Balsa again, ya know? I don't want White December to be Balsa nor Blackbean.

>> No.77290441

>Eh I feel like there's better chuubas for that idea. That requires a degree of sadism and comitment that i dont think she has. Feminizing someone is a Dom thing and Miko can't dominate her way out of a paper bag.
Yeah, I guess it would be more you doing it for her because you notice it makes her more comfortable than her making you do it.

>> No.77290512

Hence why I'm suggesting on Miko starting off pure and being serious about being a shrine maiden. She gradually gets corrupted by the big baddie and grows to become perverted and slutty eventually.

>> No.77290533

New incest fic targets (cousins)
Gaze in utter horror at how comfy they are and how readily Michi torments him about "oooh they said we look cute together" and how he wants bury himself under 6 feet of sand when this exposition machine tells the world about how they found out they were blood related cousins

>> No.77290866

That is true, we can still spitball ideas in the thread at least and see what picks up traction maybe?

>> No.77290961

i feel like the one change we can all agree its the "narrative" of the fly changing.

So why not just keep his mask, change his colors, give him a cape and change his name to signify he's no longer the same wrestler but the same guy is below him (like how some masked luchadors will change mask when they turn into heels)

>> No.77291115

>Fly mask
>The mask passes from wrestler to wrestler but they are all different people with different references
holy kino

>> No.77291247

I don't know, cousins are legal so it doesn't feel as taboo

>> No.77291283

But in a large city that is supposedly a well populated hub, you can easily fit her into White December. If you're set on her being a motherly care giver, she can run a foster house or something to watch the children of those at the front lines, or those who have fallen. Running into her could give Sora some introspection on there being more to joining her country's military than just securing three square meals a day.
You should put that zeal you have into higher level outlining and planning. The problem Balsa ran into was that characters were not really meshing and plotlines were kinda scattered.

>> No.77291662

I absolutely could, but I've already got a path I'm going down. Even though I know what that path is, I still want to make sure I don't rush through it and produce something with less shine than it could have. For Mary, I want to give her a story that's either like BBD or is like Songs for Children.

Exactly. Which is why I'm treading the ground slowly and carefully. But I am pretty confident writing cutesy child stories so it's well enough to occupy that creative energy that has no other place to go. I have to make a sacrifice somewhere and what I've learned from the critiques given is that it's far better to release a chapter later with the right planning than sooner with unfocused plots. So I'll keep ironing out the details for what A White December will be and in the meanwhile, put all that creative energy into other projects. I want to write more in all more projects but I've learned now it's best to just take things with care. That's the only solution I've come to that satisfies things.

>> No.77292195

I mean there is a warped sense of wanting to please the person pressuring the feminization by going along with it but pressure is the key word there. Making it voluntary and not coerced takes the bite out of it. You would then have to introduce "feminine pleasure" to that equation and escalate it because fucking Miko with a skirt on isn't really feminization. You'd have to give Miko a futa cock or introduce a bull and those are whole different conversations.

I just feel like that's a lot of hoop jumping. Not that Miko doesn't have a way to fall, she does have some pride and morals but it wouldn't be a long fall compared to say, Suisei. But hey, if it's hot enough all that's moot. Miko getting in over her head from pleasure is probably the best route for this idea but I feel like that's more along the lines of corruption.

>> No.77293131
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Since the Olympics are next month and the Olympic Village where the athletes live during that time are notorious for the amount of sex that goes on there between the athletes (they go through like billion condoms every time):
>Anon represents Cover in the Chuuba Games
>Bangs the entire Hololive team

>> No.77293589

Still kinda is
People are going to talk with false concern to you and with condenation behind your back, parents are going to disapprove because all of their boomer friends are subtly shaming them for it, law be damned - and sometimes that's enough to put a rift in these relationships.
A lot of drama could be wringed out of this by a competent writer.

>> No.77294070

Muslims are absolutely out of control with their cousin-fucking though
...then again I keep hearing that SEA muslims are pretty different from Middle Eastern muslims so maybe it's true in this regard as well

>> No.77295437

There aren't really any other thread jokes that would work as a wrestler.
Another fly variation is kind of the only thing that would fit despite the thread moving past the fly years ago.

>> No.77295560
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I have entered typo town.
Population: 1 (me)

>> No.77295738


Speaking of, I think my biggest error is that I made Reisha her elder sister instead of her mother.

>> No.77295828
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, tVrZxhyCyN5K2wgmpgOZ2EFhEjQ-1509915651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Fly III
Give him Lupin's outfit and make Fubuki in Fujiko cosplay his manager

>> No.77296041

But honestly don't want drama, I just want a really self-indulgent
> my cute childhood friend teases me to no end
> we look good together, huh? I guess I should try asking her out someday, but I don't think I'm in her league
> oh, we are siblings? well, so I guess we are friends forever
> *flash-forward to a dimly-lit humid, steamy bedroom with Michi peacefully clinging to you in your sleep, while (you) are considering your life trajectory without a wink of sleep*

>> No.77296059

I'm gonna be honest anon, I cannot imagine this woman in a sexual scenario at all regardless of genre. She has a strong barrier against it that you'd have to spend multiple scenes dismantling to make it feel in character and also not like some kind of libido-killing joke parody

>> No.77296995

You can't see her making out with Suisei?

>> No.77298234
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Might as well throw it all out and start over

>> No.77299576

>write for yourself
Do you guys actually read your own fics or something? All of my stories exist as fantasies in my head. The only reason I make them into fics is to share them with others. Most I do not write down.

>> No.77299695

I do sometimes when I want something to wind down in bed with. I also re-read stuff to refresh my memory on some things.

>> No.77299723

Same, but I also read what I write a lot and go "Damn I'm good." As well as "What the actual fuck wad I thinking with this one?"

Pure fantasy is fine in my head, but usually I just "Feel" the fantasy, while writing allows me to describe what that fantasy means.

>> No.77299730

Stories get a lot easier to remember when put on paper.
I do read my own past works just to cringe, but I often find that I still love them.

>> No.77299914

Every now and again. Sometimes I like to read my best rated fics and see what I did well in those and apply it to whatever I'm working on now.

I'm the same way though. All of these are just daydreams I commit to writing.

>> No.77300667
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Fuck yeah I do. It's the kind of story I wanted to see in the world, so why wouldn't I read it? Sometimes I get an itch to relive a certain scene, or just cruise a few chapters for the ride. I also like to observe my growing points and think about stuff I could do better going forward.

>> No.77301017

would rape correction work on authors?

>> No.77301093

Kiara please leave that man alone

>> No.77301438

I have always been able to vigorously jerk it to my own fics moreso than most others' because I know what I personally like and cannot empathize with the faction of imposter syndromers at all

>> No.77301449

which ones need to be raped?

>> No.77301493

Correction implies being an unwilling participant
Correction also implies steering towards a desired outcome by your actions, which I fail fo see

>> No.77301548

any that get negative critiques on their stories. Critiquing is good and all, but do they really learn? The only tried and true method is correction (via rape)

>> No.77301584

I do mostly jerk off to my imagination, but putting something in written form makes it more vivid and concrete - and more easily revisitable.

>> No.77301625

would it be easier to know which ones DON'T need to be raped then?

>> No.77302039
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I don't need to jerk off even if I get horny while writing. To keep up maximum writing efficiency at all times, I've learned to cum using only the power of concentration.

>> No.77302539
File: 149 KB, 850x1202, 1699266868425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyori giving (You) what she thinks is a love potion but instead it's a hate potion and she seems like she just can't think of a way to make the antidote

>> No.77302603

Is this a ryona prompt

>> No.77302730

The antidote in question? Sex.

>> No.77303331

Kill me. Just put a bullet in my head and kill me
I don’t want to hurt Koyo

>> No.77303437

kill that guy, ill punch koyo because its funny

>> No.77303886
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>> No.77304004

>"Hey, you made a typo here."
>Author-sama screams out in fear as his door is kicked clean off its fucking hinges and goes flying inwards, killing his cat in the process (it's the fourth one this month)

>> No.77304330

>Koyo eventually finds a cure
>You still hate for drugging you like that and her dream of everything going back to normal is crushed

>> No.77304464
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this artist is such a dumbass. who would like a fat hairy hag that smells? literally no one would want to do anything with a stinky hag past her prime who also happens to be overweight

>> No.77305058

Fic about a homosexual who despises old attractive women but gets locked in a room with one and gets corrected until he sees the error of his ways.

>> No.77305785

>Stupid lazy writer! Not finishing WIPs...
>Rape correction is needed.
(You), mostly.

>> No.77305974

This, but instead of making you violent towards Koyori, you just turn apathetic and cold like you're dealing with a colleague you have to get along with.
Koyo doesn't realize your good will towards her is but cold formality and then, after she invites you for a coffee during your break (to which you say yes because you hate her so much you don't want her to think so), Koyori confesses and there you tell her you can't fucking stand her while naming all the things you hate about her. Koyori then realizes she gave you a sincerity potion

>> No.77305985

As an Anon mentioned last time, The Fly is no longer valid since the fic doesn’t exist in the (main) archive. It was fun don’t get me wrong, but I think Shiori (no relation) or survivalist Azki would be better candidates now.

>> No.77306087
File: 1.52 MB, 2560x1440, 1689946096058811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't written at all today, I sure hope no holo rapes me

>> No.77306180

Where is the song? I thought there would be lyrics, or even an AI song version

>> No.77306454

it's just a metaphor. Each chapter is a song.

>> No.77306538

Unfortunately, anon, Polka will be the one administering the rape correction. She will keep your dick in her vice-like fennec vagina for four hours straight. That'll teach you.

>> No.77306629

Aww, okay. I still liked the sweetness, but a song would have added a lot.

>> No.77306687

I may just add one then. I didn't realize it would be something someone would enjoy lol. I will brainstorm a bit.

>> No.77306710

Oh god, I hate having my dick milked for hours until it hurts!

>> No.77306745

No, Anon. It's archived alright... in my heart and in the hearts of everyone in this thread. That's the true main archive.

>> No.77306752

>Past her prime
Anon... Mio IS the prime.

>> No.77306876

You managed to make a story about a fictional fox getting brutally raped and impregnated by a bug sound very emotional.

>> No.77307430
File: 467 KB, 950x775, __sakamata_chloe_and_sakamata_chloe_hololive_drawn_by_mitya__1515a26656fa47921c8dee5d7e78c6fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77307753
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>> No.77309477

That's what Miko said.

>> No.77310428
File: 220 KB, 432x498, 1707754974002747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I've been kinda slow on progress lately. I'm probably getting raped soon.

>> No.77310684

For the Glory of Yoyomania (Yoro Yoyo)
Tags: voyeurism, werewolf, older men, brat correction

>> No.77310815

Rusty my man!

>> No.77310907

Better hurry up, or you'll have both trauma and a scuffle with the missus.

>> No.77311462
File: 90 KB, 1109x621, 1708051489180800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've written about avoiding rape before! Surely I can do it in real life.

>> No.77312456
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>> No.77313197

Here's a timestamp for that moment.

>> No.77313435

You get raped by all the chuubas you've written smut about. How fucked are you?

>> No.77313852
File: 872 KB, 900x1013, 1708341800293620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm actually fucked.

>> No.77314537

I do. Sometimes it's to give it a self-review so many days after the fact. It helps to see what you did great on and what you might need to improve with the power of hindsight and the lack of creative fervor clouding your eyes. Also, typos and such stand out much more in the reading format than it does in the doc. I swear I catch a new typo every time. If writing was my job I would sit on these WIPs much, much longer.
Other times I remember a scene I wrote that I like or am proud of and give the entire thing a reread to stroke my ego, I won't front.

>> No.77315652
File: 223 KB, 850x1199, sample_6087898d85b2543c41125852866fb3ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon! Amon! Are you writing your fics? You must be working, Hurry and make the next chapter, I need to know what happens next! Anon, I know you can hear me!

>> No.77315665


>> No.77317209
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>> No.77318121

...Where did you get that key?

>> No.77319081
File: 282 KB, 850x1202, sample_5fd4fe10498d15f6490d85fa9efcd21d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made spares of your apartment key just in case you lost yours, aren't I considerate? And don't worry i have plenty more if I happen to lose that spare~
Now I'll ask again, You're working on your fic today, right? Is that why the general is slow? Because you're being a diligent little writer?

>> No.77319159
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>> No.77319195

>I don’t know what Shrunken Troubles you’re dealing with Anon, but don’t forget that we are the Welcome to the /vt/ Chuuba Fanfiction Content Directory.


>> No.77319337
File: 232 KB, 1376x2048, 1687172584812812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need a crazy bitch to take over my life and never let me go

>> No.77319533
File: 371 KB, 634x784, 1715283881791565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I wrote a line, and that line is kinda gonna mean I end up removing several lines I wrote already, but sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles. Now get out of my house azki. Don't fucking take my coldcuts on your way out this time, and by god if I go to that fridge later and find out the shrimp I thawed is missing, you're going to be the one trying to survive by the time I'm finished with you.

>> No.77319927
File: 312 KB, 850x1202, sample_29b40f712836c3cfa843615cd0b938b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also have fics to write~
my, such a busy schedule. You're such a hard worker, that's why I love your fics anon~ they ooze your persona in a way I can't see normally. But i feel you've been slacking a little. Perhaps you need a schedule to manage your time better to get the most writing time you can

ohno~ it sounds like you've been unwriting more than actually writing. you should reach out top your beta readers before you start rewriting the whole fic anon.
Also, I made a lovely shrimp Alfredo with those. there's plenty of it in the fridge. please eat it and think of me while you finish your WIP

>> No.77320324
File: 1.43 MB, 2560x1440, 1717349723967701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You god damn son of a bitch! I want my shrimp back! The last pasta dish you left wasn't coated in parmigiana at all! It was fucking roofies! You dosed me!
Also the unwriting has to be done, none of the starting points of this chapter felt right. It needs to the be right path to segway into everything else that's gonna go on. STAY AWAY FROM MY FUCKING KITCHEN YOU VAPID WHORE!

>> No.77320607
File: 104 KB, 264x283, hunk1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Unlocking the door is the key to opening my heart!"

If you hear your chuuba say this, take immediate action. Do not say anything. Do not overreact. Do not alert her to your intentions. Find an opportunity to distract her, such as feigning a trip to the grocery store to prove your 'love'. Then, take your essentials and leave, permentantly. Too many men have fallen prey to this siren's call, only to find themselves tied to a bedpost while she sings "Here Comes the Bride." Before you leave, be sure to check your vehicle for any sort of tracking device. Depending on your chuuba, it could be something as crude as some cans tied to your exhaust pipe to a hidden GPS attached to the underside of your vehicle. Be quick and thorough; the two aforementioned spots are not the only places these devices can be in. Never forget to always check the glove compartment. Sometimes, simplicity is the best weapon. Make sure that weapon is in your hands. In crisis, survival is your responsibility.

Excerpt from the Chuuba Survival Manual - Vol. I

>> No.77320914

Anon must find his lost computer and finish his WIP, otherwise, the Azki will catch him and kill him.

>> No.77321372
File: 123 KB, 850x1265, sample_0d2a2bb131a2decf5c633daec72d90f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, where are you going? Why are you reading that funny looking manual, I thought you said you were going to the store. I'm so glad the tracker I hid inside the cupcake I gave you hasn't left your digestive system yet otherwise I would have never found you.
What are you doing in there, silly, you can't use google doc on that phone. Come on anon stop playing around I need you to finish your fic!

>> No.77321588
File: 526 KB, 1916x1064, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Look Fartfag, I know it's our job to write this hag and everything, but I think this broad's a lost cause. She's obviously made up her mind, why don't we just cut our losses and write some action"

>> No.77321592
File: 85 KB, 482x487, 1716822179956485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's less Holos that I haven't written about than there are ones which I have.

>> No.77321810
File: 586 KB, 1080x1440, 1691350541330881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've met your match Azki! I'm writing a fic so long that you can't possibly find time to read it all. Try to hound me all you want, the more you make me write, the farther you fall behind. I've won.

>> No.77322068

This is stepping into RP territory. Stop.

>> No.77322347

> stop having fun writing! Let's talk about fucking hags but not write instead!

>> No.77322361
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>> No.77322381
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>> No.77322746

Alright, fine. Don’t come crying when it devolves into another ERP fest spanning 200 posts.

>> No.77323533 [DELETED] 

an scp style log that documents a chuuba, and how to survive an encounter with each chuuba with a full list of strengths weaknesses and abilities and the best options Anon has to survive the encounter

>> No.77323535

The boy who cried pekofag

>> No.77323806

some say he's still seething to this day, never to get over his trauma of a rando erping in the general that one time

>> No.77324432

Honestly, the scp dry, pseudo scientific style only really works when there's a massive surrounding organization there to make the implied bureaucracy and professionalism work.
While I can understand making Cover that type of org, the general vibe for both fan work and pseudo Canon stuff like hologra is that the chuubas aren't really contained.
Instead what might work better would be the complete opposite. Some kind of personalized, "regulations written in blood" type of survival log that was actually written by You in the future-past/bad timeline where you were significantly less prepared.

>> No.77324436

NTA but it wasn’t just one time, I remember there were at least a few ERPs. I remember one of them because of the fiasco where people were sending him dick pics.

>> No.77324464

You know, im surprised we dont have a gura findom fic

>> No.77324861
File: 2.40 MB, 1501x1605, 1000002224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have the power to give your past self detailed warnings after you die in hopes he can change the outcome where you failed.
that's some good shit for a horror story anon

>> No.77325643

guess because its a touchy subject.
But then again, we dont get many gura fics nowadays

>> No.77325866

Only Chloe so far but I probably am medium fucked

>> No.77326640

max fucked if she decides to go leather vector mode

>> No.77326717

Probably because almost no men are into findom... unless you mean fin job sex because she's a shark...

>> No.77326825

utterly baffling post

>> No.77327140

I can kind of see it in a comedic shitpost type of fic but I genuinely can't see a "serious and trying to be hot" findom gura fic work if try to stick to her being in character. (Since otherwise you could just grab any generic psycho findom dialogue and swap in the word Gura when it mentions the name.)

>> No.77327250

Why would you want to see Gura dominating the Finnish?

>> No.77327374
File: 183 KB, 418x409, 1702043405034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to write Gura leaning into the pedo stuff but findom Gura sounds fun. She could totally pull it off if you don't go the route of brat correction which is so overused.

>> No.77327888

>where people were sending him dick pics
lmao it was literally one guy (subjectionanon) and it was a video he already had saved. Do better next time.

>> No.77328762
File: 53 KB, 1920x1080, 1000002906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloX takes over local businesses to turn them into grunts for the secret society

>> No.77329170

Really? I thought he has received multiple emails. Oh well, it doesn’t really matter.

>> No.77330036

Allegedly they are in contact via email but both of them (Subjectionanon and pekofag) have both been long gone from here. So that shit is basically just thread history at this point.

>> No.77331556

That's the Chloe Wick one right?

>> No.77331793

Yeah it's the retired assassin concept for Chloe that near immediately (at least in terms of writing) got integrated into the Chloe Cuck story.

>> No.77333731

Nope. It got so heated between the two that they moved their talk to the horni thread.

>> No.77334132

Only fags are into findom. It’s the gayest thing you can be into while pretending you’re straight

>> No.77334725
File: 177 KB, 1298x1150, 1702143197208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, he said FINdom, not femdom. Nevermind. I think there might be a Holo or two who could pull it off, but definitely not Gura. I can see someone from ID receiving a large amount of money from someone for doing something that isn't really inconvenient and then getting into it, the EN girls? Very hard, if I had to pick any of them, I think Bae could play the part, but she isn't really the type of person that I can see doing it

>> No.77334843

I meant what I said, it’s queer as hell

>> No.77335248

What is findom anyway? As defined on Wikipedia;
>Financial domination (also known as findom) is a lifestyle activity in which a submissive is required to give gifts or money to a dominant.
But the thread makes it sound like the submissive one is receiving the money? I’m confused.

>> No.77335340
File: 125 KB, 850x1399, 1702139790277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...no one implied anything like that, anon.

>> No.77335441

Nice breasts

>> No.77335504

Isn’t it from this>>77334725 post? I understood it as them getting asked to do something for money, which implies a submissive relationship with the asker. Unless I’m horribly misunderstanding something here.

>> No.77335770
File: 555 KB, 1200x675, 1702143194512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I meant was
> ID girl sees a guy asking for feet pics, offering large amounts of cash for it
> on a whim, accepts it
> gets over a month worth of income from it
> thinks to herself "huh, this wasn't so bad"
> decides to get into squeezing money out of desperate guys
> that starts as a sugar daddy sort of thing but devolves into findom
At no point is she the one being submissive here

>> No.77335827

I think the joke is that instead of the usual relationship of streamer financially dominating normal guy, it would be the comedic reversal where for some reason a chuuba is giving you a massive cut of their donations for sexual reasons.

>> No.77335939

Nerissa, practically whining: “please, I’ll give you like 3000 bucks, I just NEED some dick”

>> No.77336012

Ok I think I get it now, but your image doesn’t help haha

>> No.77336565

>I will fly you to the Midwest if you will stick it into me

>> No.77336649


>> No.77337307
File: 225 KB, 1000x1250, NerissaCame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You haven't even gotten a chance to say yes or no before Nerissa starts sending you Etransfer requests and nudes of herself playing with her pussy and throwing her birth control in the garbage

>> No.77337326
File: 79 KB, 850x554, sample_0f06cec7bfa3f8fd9cea8578b9a2606b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she need to pay for dick when she has her dad, brother, and her brother in laws to give her free dick at home

>> No.77337671

Because she's not a homewrecker and her brother's gay

>> No.77337694

She is not impure like her overseas colleagues

>> No.77337912
File: 89 KB, 850x701, sample_226efeb47825cac8813ba4c63f70be1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not home wrecking if everyone's freeuse

>> No.77339776
File: 180 KB, 2048x1086, GIrUtYhbcAAGlOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77339867

>brother is gae
True or unicope?

>> No.77340195

you'd probably be gay too if the woman in your house spend day in and day out draining your balls without mercy

>> No.77340282

Look up the gay uncle theory

>> No.77340553

>His gaydar doesn't work
They don't make them to well over there huh

>> No.77341050

I would enjoy reading a fanfiction about anon having innocent but dominant intercourse with Gawr Gura. Do we have any of those?

>> No.77341103
File: 587 KB, 1456x2048, 1688940380882190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question. Is every HoloJP member christian? If not, then who are the notable ones? It's for a fic, I swear.

>> No.77341481

I only know Marine went to a catholic all-girls school and retained at least some spirituality, Pekora's made one too many biblical references to not at least have also gone to a catholic school, and Kobo thanked Allah for her gold play button

>> No.77341619

God loves all of them whether or not they love Him

>> No.77341652

What's innocent intercourse?

>> No.77341774

>moral degeneration
Assuming this is the basic form of "sex leads her down the path into becoming a degenerate turbo slut (gyarufication optional)"
I can't really see much (story) potential outside of the base fetish appeal.
Since there aren't really any good plot hooks or relationships to twist that would give this extra oomph outside of the LGD aspect of a Lesbian getting corrupted into a cock hungry whore.
Maybe it could be a plot for a chapter in a "scumbag corrupts idols" fic as part of a series of idols that get corrupted sexually.

>> No.77341803

Not raunchy or crude or too fetishistic or with some surrounding circumstance that makes it gross. Just idyllic sex between lovers.

>> No.77341816

Oof, they're not the chuubas I'm gonna use. I couldn't find anything on my own as to whether Suisei is Catholic or Christian in general, so I was hoping that was the case.
Aye, that is true, brother.

>> No.77341879
File: 362 KB, 1100x733, vihta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chloe would be a better target for Finnish domination
>take her to a sauna
>beat her with a vihta
>make her take a bath in the ice-hole

>> No.77341908

I think suisei said her family is half christian half buddhist.

>> No.77342187

That's perfect, then! Thank you, Anon.

>> No.77342360

Have you tried Gura's cousin?

>> No.77342791

>Innocent intercourse
We need more royal intercourse. I like how in historical fiction (and other fiction that depicts strict hierarchies, like yakuza) the royalty just has sex without giving a fuck about the people around them because they're just insignificant plebs, servants.

>> No.77342931
File: 83 KB, 1080x1110, 1702047107505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunnilingus on princess Luna, sitting on her throne while she tells the court Jester Polka to step up her game or she'll "be executed nora"

>> No.77343298

>royal intercourse
There are recorded instances of newly wedded nobles having sex while the entire household watches

>> No.77343319

>>77342791 (me)
>You're the prince of your kingdom
>You've married the daughter of the royal family of the Oni kingdom
>You consummate your marriage with Ayame
>While you're ravaging her, the maids of your household Aqua and Marine are there by the bed
>They're both doing their best to hide their embarrassment
>Their presence hardly even registers in your mind

>> No.77343997

As the last Romanov, Suisei is of course Orthodox Christian.

Jokes aside, I believe >>77341908 is correct. Here's an old /jp/ thread from when her PL was found, specifically this post cites a christmas stream where Suisei supposedly talked about her mother being Catholic:

>> No.77344092

Without intercourse the marriage would be null and void, so you better have witnesses to confirm that consummation is taking place.

>> No.77344726

I'd die.

>> No.77344788

Made me go read the oldest posts about Hololive and Nijisanji and now I curse myself again for not paying attention to vtubing in 2018 and 2019. It seems like such an interesting time. I was there for the original Kizuna Ai era but it didn't make that big of an impression on me; just thought that some of the stuff was mildly amusing but nothing to get obsessed about.

>> No.77344813

Nobility is so convenient to write about, man. You write family drama and get a political conflict for free.

>> No.77344924

Dying with chuubas all over you doesn't sound too bad.
If it was consensual and you were on your deathbed anyway it would be pretty touching, dying after you shot your last shot.

>> No.77345011

I thought about that and started trying to count on my fingers all the smut I've written and quickly gave up eight and accepted that I'd die looking like that shriveled up alien mummy.

>> No.77345066

>>77344788 (me)
And it's also funny how it's apparent from the very beginning that Nijisanji is run by scumbags

>> No.77345092

Oh wow, that thread's a treasure trove of info. Thanks for this as well, Anon.

>> No.77345184
File: 1023 KB, 744x1052, __jeanne_d_arc_alter_hoshimachi_suisei_and_jeanne_d_arc_alter_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_yellow_takano__feb79a95dcd83605245122e2e483dc00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>royal intercourse
We can go further.
How about romantic intercourse. Chivalric Romance. Get some of that chaste courtly love between a Knight and Lady that slowly descends into a lust filled affair that brings the kingdom to ruin when it is brought to light.

>> No.77345336

>"Oh, wittnessing the consummation, you say? Yes, I was there when Prince Anon spread Princess Luna's legs. She's a tiny sort, you see, dear sir, so there was quite the effort for Prince Anon to add a stack of pillows under her *ahem* bottom so he could reach and enter into congress with her... Yes! It was quite wild indeed. My wife and I talk quite fondly of it from time to time over tea."

>> No.77345453

This >>77345336 just gave me an idea
You are a royal inquisitor tasked to confirm the consummation of marriage between Prince Anon and Princess [insert chuuba here] by interviewing several different witnesses. It'll be like Rashomon where the witnesses tell different versions of the story, with some omitting or adding small details while others tell a wildly different tale.

>> No.77345727

What if hag smell fried anon's brain and the only way he can turn back to normal is an intensive marathon of non-stop breeding said hag?

>> No.77345988

we call those pheromones

>> No.77346013

That just makes me imagine this as some kind of wacky NTR fic where Anon is in a committed relationship with (Insert cunny chuuba here) but an unfortunate encounter with hagsmell sends his life spiraling down a dark path.

>> No.77346102

Oh, is that what its called? I thought it because with something beginning with the letter a but I didn't go with it because I don't know how to spell it properly. All I know is that it was a drug or something that gives you a raging libido (in hentai that is I think).
I'm not daft on cunny but I won't lie I feel really bad for the cunny chuuba who's get NTR'd like that. Would she also try and "correct" poor anon after he's been corrupted by the forbidden fruit that is hagsmell?

>> No.77346134

Sounds like a case for HoloX founder Laplus and her CEO Lui.

>> No.77346789

Lui is the CEO of sex

>> No.77346952

I have held a girl's handl so that pretty much makes me /wg/'s King of Sex

>> No.77347055

Since a girl breathed on my face, I suppose that makes me the Duke of Sex, then.

>> No.77347246

I've had sex with 3 girls and 1 guy

>> No.77347331

Well, since I claimed the title of the King already you can be the Notorious Bum Driller of /wg/

>> No.77347358

Calling me a bum driller makes it sound like I'm some sort of faggot though

>> No.77347400

you had sex with a guy man that's pretty gay

>> No.77347473

Well, at least you're the driller and not the one being drilled in your title. That's much more honorable than something like /wg/'s Knight of the Gaping Hole.

>> No.77347623
File: 90 KB, 640x653, 1677444788609487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to try it to see if I liked it. Turns out I don't like dick which makes me not gay. Just like how you can try to eat a bunch of cake and not be a fatty.

>> No.77347726

Does anyone actually truly need to go that far to find that out though

>> No.77347752

you have to expand your horizons anon. Everyone should suck at least one cock to see if they like it. Gotta try it to know, after all.

>> No.77347796

No thanks. I'm disgusted just by the mental image.

>> No.77347992

Well, at least it's much more definitive for you

>> No.77348175
File: 166 KB, 640x564, notorious bum driller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all could take a note from Ugandan journalists' beautiful English

>> No.77348261

I mean
There is a non-zero probability that somewhere on this Earth there is a man that will turn you, a totally straight guy, gay. It's just that no sane person would want to try sucking 4 billion dicks to determine that. Trying to find your happiness with around a 250-500 women that you could feasibly meet in your lifetime without trying too hard (if normie) is much more productive.

>> No.77349167
File: 1.61 MB, 3200x1440, Holomugshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A story about recruiting chuubas to pull off a grand heist at a casino. Think Ocean's Eleven, Lupin the Third, Persona 5 or Great Pretender.

>> No.77350854
File: 535 KB, 459x565, stay alive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77351021


Ehhhh...dont hear him all too much.

>> No.77351860

Brother… straight people just KNOW. We don’t have to “try it”
Ya gay, my guy

>> No.77352456

but i didn't end up liking cock. How can I be gay if I don't like cock, it makes no sense.

>> No.77352769

You probably didn't apply the cock in the correct manner. Did you try taking it up the ass? You can't truly tell if you're gay or not unless you've had your fudge pipe packed.

>> No.77352842
File: 290 KB, 1577x2048, mad ela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power goes out and Kaela is mopey because she wanted to play games with you

>> No.77352903

You must on some level feel attraction towards male bodies and the idea of gay sex, otherwise you wouldn't even try it. Gay sex for a normal straight person is on the same level as jumping in a bathtub full of cockroaches. It's so inherently disgusting that there is absolutely zero appeal in even trying it out.

>> No.77353281

Yeah what this guy said. Even having tolerance for the idea means you aren’t completely straight because if you weren’t then it would take some massive blackmail or coercion to even get you in that position. If you voluntarily have sex with another man, even if you decide you don’t like it, you’re not completely straight. It’s not just a matter of preference for straight men.

>> No.77353321

>because if you weren’t
*because if you were

Changed my sentence structure halfway through the thought again

>> No.77353348

Welcome to the /wg/, where we discuss whether having a dick in your mouth is gay or not.

>> No.77353388
File: 732 KB, 2373x4000, GOVHDJ6asAAtqjH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can get gayer! what if we make a story about marrying towa?

>> No.77353410

Uh-huh. So, what about having a dick in your mouth and balls bouncing against your chin, but they're both attached to a feminine body?

>> No.77353431

Still gay, penises are inherently male

>> No.77353478

That's correct. Futafags are all faggots.

>> No.77353536

wouldnt futa on female just be regular heterosexual then? its a dick in a girl

>> No.77353632

Good God man, what's next? Raising three beautiful children with Towa? Watching them grow up, together? Aging gracefully Towa? Dying satisfied with your life surrounded by your family and Towa holding your withered hand as you gracefully into that good night?
Idk bro seems kinda gay.

>> No.77353673

I humbally disagree. futa inherently isn't way. but futa on male is, futa on female and futa on futa are fine

>> No.77353685
File: 1.46 MB, 2800x3880, FiUqZJzaMAEa9aY.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm suddenly the gayest man in the world.

>> No.77353712

Au contraire, it loops back around to being gayer than the rest - an act that can only be described as the Supreme Faggotry. Only a faggot of peerless homosexuality could possibly see lesbian sex and be unable to enjoy it without the addition of penises on the women.

Just accept you're a cum-guzzling cockslurper.

>> No.77353720

You are fully entitled to your opinion and while I respect it I also have to respectfully disagree with you.

>> No.77353737

that boy has really soft boobies

>> No.77353745

I can only speak for straight men not straight women, but straight men don’t want to have anything to do with the same sex in a romantic or sexual scenario. For example, if a dude had a functioning vagina (somehow), we would still avoid any kind of sexual encounter because it’s a dude and that’s gross. If a girl had a penis, even a nonfunctional one, we would avoid it because the penis is male and that’s gross.
This all applies to troons too mind you. Even “preop ftm” still have enough conceptually associated “maleness” that we wouldn’t want to engage with her

>> No.77353769

>For example, if a dude had a functioning vagina (somehow), we would still avoid any kind of sexual encounter because it’s a dude and that’s gross. If a girl had a penis, even a nonfunctional one, we would avoid it because the penis is male and that’s gross.

Well spoken.

>> No.77353775

What if the guy is a 40-year-old virgin and all women reject him but miraculously a passable trap is interested in him. The guy says he isn't attracted to the male genitalia but settles for him, tears in his eyes, since it might be his last chance to get at least something. Will you tell him: "It's okay brother, you're not gay. I believe you."

>> No.77353776

you sound either like you're either projecting or insanely insecure.

>> No.77353778

Oh, long city-wide power outages? Don't worry, I'm an expert on those:
> playing dice, playing cards or tabletop games
> reading books together and sharing the imptessions. Hell, even going to an honest to god ink and paper public library if all of your books are inaccessible
> sleeping and sleeping together
> socializing with people standing in line for water (water pumps are probably out as well) or electricity (just enough to turn the phone on and try calling someone)
> going scavenging for frozen products/ice cream (freezers won't hold the temps for long, so the shop owners might as well give some ice cream away to neighborhood kids and whoever else)
Should be a pretty fun bonding experience, as long as there are no explosions and cassette bombings and drone strikes that would cause you to constantly be aware of how fragile the lives of (you) and your partner are

>> No.77353811

And you sound like a real fruit. You prancing la-la homo man.

>> No.77353816

can you please STOP giving attention to the guy whose been repliying to himself about some made up rules about fantasy?

>> No.77353834

you first

>> No.77353836


>> No.77353975
File: 542 KB, 2480x3508, GGQFma6asAA8KAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean i was going for a "sitting with Ela in the dark with a candle because your fusebox blew up" but i can see the appeal on your idea.

Also reminds me of the zombie prompt. Where Ela and you pass time putting names on zombies from a rooftop
>"What about that one?"
>"It has both its legs, wouldnt it be a Runner?"
>"Look at the bone, its sticking out weird. Cant run"
>"If that's a Crawler then you have to admit the fat one is a Rolling"

>> No.77354122

>Will you tell him: "It's okay brother, you're not gay. I believe you."
Uh, no? He's definitely gay. He's fucking a dude.

>> No.77354530
File: 429 KB, 806x706, 1714702885493453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Woah, hey guys, what we talking about writing toda-

>> No.77354559

/wg/ is 10% fics, 30% drama/menhera meltdowns and 60% weird fetish topics

>> No.77354793

>slooooooowly drags the blanket back over your face and gently pats it in place

>> No.77356226
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The one positive to writing a military story is it's opened me up to a bunch of new movies. I rarely watch movies to begin with, but I just finished Glory and that gave me a lot of cool ideas. I finally found a genre of movies I enjoy

>> No.77356570

Sitting together on the floor (it's a bit cooler), candles gently burning and flickering, talking about whatever, maybe even some horror stories
Oh, Kaela's version of a horror story would be Minecraft: Bedrock Edition version of redstone
> no remote piston powering
> arbitrary delays on some things powering on and off making a mess of timings
> essentially no 0-tick mechanisms
> straight up pseudorandomness in some cases

>> No.77356673

I've been watching a lot of 80's and early 90's films from Japan and Hong Kong lately. The two most kino places on earth in the most kino time of them all. I could probably write a decent yakuza story without any additional research at this point.

>> No.77357256

Kaela is her own human being aside from Minecrafts.
Please watch a stream

>> No.77357272

>become Ela's roommate
>kind of a normie but you played some games when you were younger
>she finds this out and starts forcing you to play with her
>eventually she is monopolizing your whole weekends to play shitty vidya
>one night a monsoon hits
>wake up to the power out nationwide
>Kaela is calm at first, but begins growing restless the longer PC-chan stays off
>decide to use your normie powers to calm her down
>teach her all kinds of card games
>eventually things start to get boring so you introduce gambling to her
>fake money and snacks also start to lose their appeal so you have to step it up a notch
>tell her about a time in college you played strip poker
>it takes a lot of convincing, but after a full day with no games she's jonesing for some dopamine and eventually accepts
>after an intense game you're both left naked and sweaty
>she isn't satisfied yet and asks what else you can do
>in a moment of horny normie genius you invent the rules to competitive sex
>the power stays out all week and in that time she never let's you take more than a 15 minute breather
>just when you think you're gonna die of exhaustion the lights come back on
>she goes back to PC-chan and neither of you ever bring up what happened again

>> No.77357708
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Noticed a lot of orcaposting recently... should someone who looks like THIS really be in the presence of innocent Anons' eyes?

>> No.77357738
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This orca is cute and I'm going to fight her, and fuck her.

>> No.77357792

Chloe is a nerd

>> No.77357862

chloe owes me sex

>> No.77358497

chloe owes me her lunch money

>> No.77359112

Sakamata is my wife. You scumbags will get nothing.

>> No.77359356

Chloe owes me $20

>> No.77359427
File: 282 KB, 1194x2048, ChloeHypno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bullying Chloe, see during lunch that she's got a bunch of money in her wallet
>Corner her and give her the ultimatum of sex or cash
>She says sex before you even finish the question

>> No.77359631

Don’t know much about Chloe, why does her head grow shrooms?

>> No.77359665

She doesn’t shower

>> No.77359758

pulling down chloe’s pants to reveal streaks of brown stains

>> No.77359912

Oh, that’s surprisingly nasty. Need to tie her to the top of my car and take her through the car wash if she’s so grimy she’s growing shrooms on her scalp

>> No.77360168

77347246 deserved it. Not only is he a cocoa shunter but by bragging about having had sex with 3 girls he hurt the feelings of 1.2 billion /wg/ posters.

>> No.77361145

Sorry to be a newfag but does anyone have a map of all the locations in HoloAlt? I want to write a D&D like story with my favourite Holos and a self insert for escapism purposes. I've already assigned classes to everyone but I'm having trouble writing the setting unless I just rip of Dungeon Meshi.

>> No.77361169

I like the idea of growing old while your non-human wife barely ages at all and outlives you for a long time.

>> No.77361219

But you aren’t allowed to write smut until you’ve done it? I’ll have the coppers pounding at your door by teatime if I don’t see a notarized sex certificate of completion anywhere.

>> No.77361287

I don't know, being gay and doing gay things are two different things. Just like you can do stupid things sometimes without being considered stupid yourself (unless it happens too often).

>> No.77361364

i'm diamonds

>> No.77361372

chloe owes everyone but me sex

>> No.77361381
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>le 2 hours later conversation
we get it, you love calling yourself a fag and then repliying. can you do it somewhere else?

>> No.77361488

Is there a map of that?
At best there's a map in the HoloEarth video game.

>> No.77361545


>> No.77361572

I remember some JP autist writing an obscene amount of lore relating to it on Pixiv but since it's on Pixiv I'm not sure I can find it again easily.

>> No.77361946

Yeah holoalt just has the holonometria site and the ayafubumio Manga as canonical sources for what the world of alternative is like.
Honestly just don't bother with a serious setting and riff off the jrpg worlds you've played in. As much as the generic Japanese hodgepodge fantasy world is overplayed it's basically as close of a tone as you'll get to the comedic chaos hololive portrays itself as and if needed it's easier to scale back wackiness than trying to add it back in.

>> No.77362100

Sorta? I also banged a dude because I wanted to try it out.
It's not bad but I don't like it better than straight sex. Hurts more than I enjoy it, but that also makes it kind of... emotional? The guy basically put up with pain to please me and that makes my dick twitch still.

>> No.77362107

I’m wagering it’s meant to be like Sonic where it’s just “the earth but with different geography and culture in certain places.” Essentially don’t think too hard and make the setting whatever you want. You want em in Tokyo? That exists, just don’t directly call it Tokyo unless you want to.

>> No.77362255

You are GAY

>> No.77362747

Yeah, let's talk about something else, like which article of Suisei's clothing you'd want to sniff (for me, it's her sweaty bra right after an intense dance practice)

>> No.77363217

Chloe deserves to be walked around naked in public on a leash

>> No.77363355
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Honestly a lot of the fun in writing fantasy is creating the setting and environment. Is there a particular aspect you might be struggling on? We got a few writers on tap who might be able to help out.

>> No.77363529
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How are you always here and ready to make these posts?

>> No.77363707

By me, her senpai

>> No.77363725

I am sitting at my desk at work pretending to work on excel spreadsheets, what else am I gonna do? Actually work??

>> No.77363775

there's more than one suismell enthusiast
i know because i didnt make that post

>> No.77363798

Each Holo gen fuse into 1 person. Jp, DevIs, EN, ID, Stars JP, Stars EN.

Foob will be with Gen1.

>> No.77364241
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I post on /vt/ but I am still a human and I deserve to be loved

>> No.77364438

Your new girlfriend Chloe is lovely and will have sex with you as much as you want however you want it. However, once a month she needs to indulge in her gay cuckquean fetish and must watch you be ass fucked by a cute twink otherwise she'll leave you.

>> No.77364822

Me and my orca wife's relationship is monogamous and pure. The only one who she needs and loves is me. Don't believe /wg/'s lies and and slander.

>> No.77366024
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>> No.77366025

I mean, kind of?

>> No.77366036

You keep saying that Keeper but I have yet to see a Chloe fluff fic....

>> No.77366187
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You'll get your Chloe fluff moments you fucking fluffer. Just wait a while.

>> No.77366402

Chloe owes me a tongue bath.

>> No.77366452
File: 234 KB, 616x598, AZKiXD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came in the fluffer

>> No.77366468

Chloe owes me a solid for helping her move that couch last Saturday

>> No.77366635

i dont know about chloe but Carl owes me five bucks.
fuck you carl, its been a month, i know "its not a big deal" but you still havent paid me back after that lunch

>> No.77366685
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Baker-san give me a hostess bread or something along those lines

>> No.77366938

RIP anon who wanted a Watame OP two generals ago...

>> No.77366964
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Sheep threads will always circle back at some point, it is the great cycle. I can wait.

>> No.77367032

Make a boy kisser bread since that's all you guys want to talk about

>> No.77367268


>> No.77367517

