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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76983923 No.76983923 [Reply] [Original]

Comment field:
This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>76831769
(Where domination, spanking, parody,zombies, good and evil clashed)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.76983988
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Story anchor.
Post your storymyeh

>> No.76984037
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.76984096
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Story recap!
There werent any stories posted last thread but holoshorts got an updatemyeh

>> No.76984240
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How does this bread promote alcoholism you ask? why just think about Hajime's flat chest and erotic pits and how they will never be on your face and that's enough to make a man pick up a bottle

>> No.76984500
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I see no holes in this argument

>> No.76984888
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I wanna see and fuck some holes

>> No.76985003
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I wanna play with Sakamata's balloons

>> No.76985099

I'm more interested in her breasts.

>> No.76985580
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That insufferable girl, Flare, is once more being a stick in the mud in your uni class. However today you dont care.

Because you are meeting ShiraFlame in the flesh! you two have been sexting a lot, and even if she's somehow catfishing. you are determined to go ball deeps in your party member that constantly riles you up with her slutty persona

>> No.76985826

Jimmy is so cool...

>> No.76985838
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Ah yes, my texy banchowife Jimmy Todoroki

>> No.76985897


>> No.76985916
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>> No.76986943

Taking Moona for a nude walk in the moonlight

>> No.76987537

Adopting a sheep to help cut your grass.

>> No.76988336

Oh, I get it.

>> No.76989102
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Jowol sex

>> No.76989230
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Get smugpanko’d

>> No.76989851
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Say something about THAT fic.

>> No.76989916
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>Anon and his party of eight holo heroes need a virgin bait to lure out a dragon
>It turns out that Anon is the only actual virgin in the party

>> No.76990257

Im exhausted of "hahah mio is a hag! what if she was [The most boring japanese housewive in existance]" so A white december doing something else has earned a lot of points just for existing

>> No.76991112

I dont care what the dice say, Coco should be the main romance.

>> No.76991464

Taking marimari_en out on a date and having to deal with her nonsense. Bonus points if there’s a “kiss cam” scene that makes her do something funny

>> No.76992297

Can you tell me more about marimari_en? I discovered her a couple days ago and she seemed funny, but also a bit unhinged which scared me off.

>> No.76992547

I mean you hit the nail right on the head honestly. She’s like a tamer version of Pippa (less screaming and more personable), gets along with pretty much anyone, and is very quick on her feet. She’s undeniably weird but in an endearing way

>> No.76993392

As much as I love the drama and romance parts of Our Cures. The writing was so good that I wouldn't have minded if it had more 'Gag Manga' comedy moments in it like the test results scene or more stuff from the earlier half of their relationship.

>> No.76995248
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>> No.76995327

oh man

>> No.76996601
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You are commanded to impregnate Princess Reine

>> No.76997985
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sex with kobo

>> No.76998558

I loved ALS from start to finish, but I really, REALLY wanted the bad ending.

>> No.76999568

is she a regular princess or is she a magitech weird thingy princess?

>> No.77000333

It's still funny that the dice were effectively saying "No, you're getting the series wide romance arc Coco".

>> No.77000445

magic kingdom princess

>> No.77000821
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Based dice. I'll take my slow burn build up with the dragon queen over a quick fuck any day.

>> No.77000930
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>Be hired as a Talent Assistant in Hololive
>They never explained to you exactly what you were suppossed to do but you didn't give it too much attention
>You meet with Shishiro Botan, one of the oldest talent in the group.
>You ask what should you help then with
>She tell you that you should only focus in calming the talents when they need to
>You do a little bit of small talk, you can feel her predator eyes looking at your entire body
>she spins you against the wall and you can feel something hard touching your leg
>That's when you realize you have to calm the talents, their boners to be precise.

>> No.77002590

>you have to calm the talents, their boners to be precise
>Get excited for hot futa sex
>Spend the entire time getting hit by a barrage of shitty jokes and japes.
>Have to pretend to laugh the entire time
>Half way through the rest of the hags come in and start up the worst comedy routine you've ever seen

>> No.77004103
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A White December Chapter 3


tags: sora, AZKi, Botan, Civia, Iroha, Suisei, Military, Romance

I'd have posted this sooner, but the jackass mods banned me for nonsense. Loathed as I am to give them credit though, that ban made this chapter seven or so pages longer so I hope you enjoy it.

>> No.77005997
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Don't give up yet!

>> No.77007698

For a story about racing fast cars, the releases sure are slow.

>> No.77008767

lamy the drunken fist master wants to fight you! except you end up banging her in the most unexpected way!

>> No.77010160

Hajime my beloved...

>> No.77010710

Kurokami errand boy is, in my opinion, a complete miss of a story.
The original idea, of a bancho in love and yadda yadda, barely comes through in the fic and both the chemistry and friction between MC and Kurokami is nonexistant, so this leads to a bunch of scenes where the pacing just stops and characters dont feel like they have real conversations . Its way too toothless for the concept to be fully explored and the romance isnt strong enough to hold it together.

Sorry if it comes off as mean, but its a story that could use some edge,stakes,friction, action or something to prop it up because as it stands, it feels like a cheap sanitized love comedy with a re-skin

>> No.77011402

Menhera Wrangler was kind of a mess story wise, and while I'm probably never going to give it a reread; I have some good memories of reading it when it was still in serializaiton

>> No.77011818

I wonder what MWanon is up to these days. Haven't heard from him in a while.

>> No.77012339

there's two separate Kurokami's errandboy fics. (the other being Beasts of Rebelion) it's rough around the edges in its own way, but maybe you'll like that one more

>> No.77012395

meant for

>> No.77012562

I'm not going to start reading it until it's finished.

>> No.77012814

I'm probably putting more energy into it than I should, but I want to nail it just right. before I try to start getting in the groove to serialize it.

>> No.77014500
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Tower of Tattle is just terminally screwed over by the fact that part 6 is centered around a bunch of doomed OCs and the main pair getting railroaded into reliving Redacted-chan's death and the murders prior. Not even the quest for squeezing out her name is interesting enough to slog through the surrounding melodrama. Frankly, the part is kind of bloated with a bunch of side characters and side plots no one but the author really cares for.
Not really sure how you'd even salvage it, sustown by nature can't really have vtuber characters so barring an excuse like "Oh I barely remember our neighbors so the tower is just filling them in with my coworkers for some reason"; you can't really add more interesting characters. The reduced to kids aspect helps because the two are more open to each other but it also basically stripped out their agency for the arc. The only good aspects are the scene with a shiori/redacted focus and the name hunting parts.

>> No.77017057

Personally I'd rather they take their time and just release everything in bulk.

>> No.77017060
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>> No.77018835
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Let me revise that for you
>Lamy the Drunken Fisting Master

>> No.77019218

Lamy's dainty hand in my butt...

>> No.77020280

And her mouth

Ogey seriously, what's with me and my fetish for facefucking.

>> No.77020328

A command I will fulfill without delay

>> No.77020491

>Anon fucks her like a woodpecker
>Is finished in 3 seconds
>Takes his coat and leaves

>> No.77021658

(Insert my job here is done meme)

>> No.77022128

It doesn't sound very unusual.

>> No.77023761 [DELETED] 
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>> No.77024109

Sex with Ayame while pointing a gun at you so you dont pull out

>> No.77024140

A sword would work better, right up against your throat.

>> No.77024531
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I have so many ideas for a series, but I hardly have the time or energy to write a single chapter. To be a writer truly is to suffer!

>> No.77024717

Welp, enjoy your three day, porn anon.

>> No.77024818

I wish writing wasn't so focus intensive. I feel exhausted after a chapter.

It makes me really respect manga artists. I know it's not quite the same was purely written word but having to be that creative every week/month for like decades would make me want to end myself.

>> No.77024853


>> No.77025658

Sleepy hours

>> No.77025673

I once listened to an interview of Felipe Smith, an American who was a mangaka in Japan for few years. He said
>"Doing Manga isn't like the easiest thing. It was put up there with like heart surgeon in terms of like most stressful jobs in Japan."
Yeah, I'd probably just stick to illustration work if I could draw.

>> No.77025736

it's even worse when you constantly doubt yourself while you're writing and start to hate your idea, not fully aware that if you toss your hat in the ring, someone will find it half decent at least

>> No.77026518


>> No.77026861

Jimmy is an intimidating and powerful gang leader roughing up fools every day.

>> No.77027155


>> No.77027224

i tried to be nice and you pull a knife?. Back to rape we go
NTA but i follow the artist and a quick check tells me its stormcow

>> No.77027347

meant for >>77027155

this is lamy's fault. rape will continue until morale improves

>> No.77027481

such a troublesome woman...

>> No.77027676

do we have a "extreme menhera" lamy fic? she seems unhinged enough to work

>> No.77027860
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3d Gen make their second European trip, this time to Germany, during EURO2024 and Pekora gets raped by Bongistani football hooligans.

>> No.77029279

Just hope the animal girls aren't too much of beasts

>> No.77029859

We still need naked mud wrestling with Botan

>> No.77029890

Can we move it from the mud into the bedroom?

>> No.77029981

Can we move it from naked to fully clothed, please?

>> No.77030079

Only if the clothes come off.

>> No.77030407

No, that's disgusting.

>> No.77030979

We must do it in the traditional way of the lion: in the muck and filth

>> No.77031490

I would like to add to this prompt.
>Anon is a notorious pickup artist
>Due to the recent dimensional merge, all kinds of fantasy species are exploring Earth
>More importantly for you, more clueless women are in town
>Manage to snag some blue-haired elf under the guise of showing her around who goes along with you without much fuss
>Something seems off about her though… and those men in suits you keep seeing around town keep appearing wherever you go
>You put together that she’s royalty somehow in the middle of the excursion
>You can’t shake her off, the crazy girl is unbelievably smitten and you’ll probably get executed for trying a one-night stand with an influential princess
Cue the shenanigans where you try to keep up with her herculean physical and emotional needs to avoid death by bronze bull.

>> No.77033243

Who will win?

>> No.77033451

Whoever doesn't have a UTI afterwards

>> No.77033486

what are the rules, can she punch you in the balls

>> No.77033525

Does a fic that involves her severe alcohol problem and abuse towards you (and your children) count as "extreme menhera?"

>> No.77034003

>Who will win?
>Hmm... Good Question
>If Botan was at the peak of her mating season...
>I might have a little trouble.
>But would you lose?
>Nah, I'd win.

>> No.77034492

Then it turns out she's like 57th in line from the throne. Turns out Elf Royalty gets rather wide because of how many kids they can have over the centuries

>> No.77035791

Just dropping by to say that you have a cute Chuuba right threre and there.

>> No.77036695

Cute and scary

>> No.77037402

I prefer cute and funny ToT

>> No.77037614

I want to be Jimmy's husband and the only one she can show her vulnerable, non-violent side to.

>> No.77039465
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>> No.77040828
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>> No.77040892

That bear has seen some things.

>> No.77042119

Thanks Marimari. Maybe someday someone will write a fic about you.

>> No.77042464

Which one?

>> No.77042861

Marine has seen pekora evade billions of dollars in taxes

>> No.77042945

Hello, just a tourist that got recommended PD PT. I was using the series directory to read through them but the links seem to be dead now. Sorry if I’m being retarded but are they in the mega or elsewhere?

>> No.77043208

No, it's all gone.

>> No.77043567

Both have seen my dick.

>> No.77043589

If its not on the mega hard archive then its gone due to the authors request

>> No.77043592

It should be in the Hard Archive, right?

>> No.77043627

There's this archive, not sure if it's complete though.

>> No.77044595

Rip. I thought only artists were menhera
Thank you! I had really been enjoying it recently so I’m glad this exists

>> No.77044620

Towa's Mom has got it going on

>> No.77044781

There it goes my hope for new chapters...

>> No.77044953

>I thought only artists were menhera
Anon, we are a thread dedicated to writing fiction about women pretending to be anime girls

>> No.77045444

we're all menhera here. The finest psych ward patients produce the greatest art.

>> No.77045636

To be fair, we mostly write about the characters they portray.

>> No.77046294

Nah, even there is a hierarchy
Someone can tap into their (I assume) trauma and invoke the most viscerally uncomfortable emotions with their prose
The untalented many are just doomed to prompt posting, hornyposting and trauma dumping (uninspiringly)

>> No.77047643
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>> No.77047998

very hot midget

>> No.77049070
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>> No.77050145

So many stories to write... so little energy... if only these dorks could stop being so sexy for five fucking minutes...

>> No.77050217

Which dorks, particularly?

>> No.77050260

all the _maleversions of our authors

>> No.77050394

Lately I've been thinking a lot about Mint, Iroha, and Fauna. But I struggle to name a vtuber who isn't a dork.

>> No.77050466


>> No.77050682

Name ONE (1) (I) author

>> No.77050830


>> No.77050929


>> No.77050993

>we are a thread dedicated to writing fiction about women pretending to be anime girls
and you do a damn good job of it! I’ve had decent conversations with anons before so I choose to believe there’s at least SOME well adjusted people here

>> No.77051037

Yea and then delete all of it later because they have a breakdown kek

>> No.77051081

how do we save our writers? Can we, the audience, fix them?

>> No.77051416

But I'm the male version...

>> No.77051497

dick or fuck off

>> No.77051520

Telling them that they did a good job with their stories is the most you can do, really. It also makes it more likely that they'll write more

>> No.77051840
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>> No.77051982

In an alternate universe, your oshi is writing fanfiction about fixing (you)

>> No.77051998

I’m just a tourist so I never give any criticism when the story is bad. I don’t know how to say something is boring without sounding mean

>> No.77052214
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>so I choose to believe there’s at least SOME well adjusted people here

>> No.77052385

I'm a mental wreck on the verge of a mental breakdown at any given moment, but I do behave when I visit this thread, so I couldn't count on that.

>> No.77052518

a fic structured like a collaring fic but its a chuuba breaking you into her perfect author with streams, clips and tweets

>> No.77052526

Ask yourself why do you find it boring and what would make it better

>> No.77052555
File: 166 KB, 1664x2048, see you later mel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never really say it or mention it because I find blogposting a bit tacky, but Kafka helped my menhera-ness more than anyone could ever know. For all it's faults and flaws, it's a story that healed me a lot. Apple of Her Eye was the same way.

I may not seem like it at all and it's filthy rich coming from me, I know, but I'm not nearly as menhera as I was when I first started writing.

>> No.77052648

I don't see the correlation between well-adjusted and decent conversations. You can have better conversations with an intellectual menhera for whom this is the space they actually like being in than with some dull, regular guy.

>> No.77052929

first of all: this is all amateur. Its fine to say "hey man the prose is a bit weak and you could really stop writing the phrase meat obelisk" but dont try to go "the prose is shit because its not [book] and the sex didnt make me cum in my pants so its garbage"
Then make logical criticisms. Its fine to criticize aspects if they feel off, but you need to come up with an argument. Basically dont use catalog speech
>fic was shit because it featured X chuuba
doesnt help anyone. If you cant put disdain or dislike aside, then dont read it and save yourself a fight or being called a dumbass
>Fic was shit because i think you spent twenty paragraphs setting up penetration in a very robotic and un-erotic way, then two phrases later he cums and then she kills herself despite saying she was gonna live

A bit mean sure, but it gets your point across. Also people like to challenge reviews so having an open mind works

Basically think of it like an amateur go kart race where everyone is coming with karts they made themselves. Sure its impressive that guy got a well made car, but its also commendable that the guy in cardboard made it to the end.

>> No.77053332

True. I think I just tend craft an image in my head of people who I find interesting or can carry a good conversation. I forget that everybody’s got shit going on no matter what face they choose to put forward. I wish I could headpat all anons going through a hard time

>> No.77053539

I’ll try to articulate my gripes in a concise way next time since there is a lot of stuff I read where I’ve liked the setup but the end product is a bit lackluster

>> No.77053848
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The sentiment is more than enough. We all are on this crazy journey that is our lives. The road gets bumpy sometimes, but we're all gonna make it.

>> No.77054171
File: 1.42 MB, 1075x1006, 1650186436062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your best, anon! Your feedback can come as a twofold blessing to the author. One, that someone read their work and took the time to say something about it. Two, the feedback you have could help them become an even better writer.

>> No.77055163

Hate that guy
Would peg

>> No.77055425

I'd read more meta fics about the anons here interacting with their stories and chuubas. Maybe a bodyswap fic where a fanfic author becomes the chuuba and the chuuba becomes a fanfic author for a day so they can learn from each other.

>> No.77056992

Arigato, Polka Anon. I hope we're gonna make it as well.

>> No.77057558
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>> No.77058130

Stupid bitch

>> No.77058233

That's not a dog, that's an oni.

>> No.77058346

She's whatever I want her to be when I'm raping her

>> No.77058411
File: 1006 KB, 2485x2808, BijouThaiNot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bijou getting really angry and jealous when she thinks her manager(You) is sleeping somebody else in Advent.

You are

>> No.77058615 [SPOILER] 
File: 166 KB, 1000x1000, 1711852977646508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like it would end with a gag about them releasing birthday merch of a collar or a wedding ring.

>> No.77060940

You had me until the spoiler

>> No.77061906

>Biboo when she isn't invited to Bed Time Stories With Fuwamoco

>> No.77062222

half of the chuubas would wonder why the fuck we are writing these nightmare scenarios

>> No.77063951

Fubuki futa fuckfest

>> No.77065839
File: 3.48 MB, 4256x4329, AnyaSoft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with a plump Anya

>> No.77066262

The other half would be having fun with the fun scenarios we give them.

>> No.77068775

as in fubuki becomes a futa and goes on a rampage raping everyone, or everyone grows futa cocks to gangbang fubuki...?

>> No.77069261

It's complete for PD;PT. Pretty sure the last fic he ever released in the series was the Nina one. And if I remember right the last fic he ever released was a Matara one though I'm pretty sure that one is hard lost since he wiped all of his writings after that and there wasn't a hard archive in between those two events.

>> No.77069286

Both. She catches futa disease and goes around raping everyone. Then the next day she wakes up cured and a woman again, but everyone she infected comes for revenge.

>> No.77069595

I think I read that Marine doujin once before.

>> No.77072228
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>> No.77074666
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>> No.77077481

cumming on this Mori while she's sleeping

>> No.77078455

i want an alternate timeline fic where you are used to mori being a tomboyish reaper dork and then when the change ocurrs you try to buddy it up with awawaw cute princess of the underworld mori

>> No.77080198

Same. And if I remember correct...it was futa!Sora who broke her

>> No.77083446
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>> No.77083484
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>> No.77083657

a fic like stray cat but its you bullying bae because you think she's too cute and too kisseable and that confuses your weird girl brain

>> No.77086626
File: 120 KB, 850x1320, BaeSchool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather kiss Bae because she's too cute and too bullyable

>> No.77086656

Bae triggers cute aggression

>> No.77086966

bu-but i like toxic yuri as much as i like heterosexual romance where im the protagonist...

>> No.77087430

added this entry to the kemono dossier but its all i did so i really dont think its re-anchoring worthy. kinda stumped because aside from that cat kiara discussed around here that one time my brain is not working.
In case you are wondering, im triying to get all non animal chuubas first, so then i can readjust the others. If someone wants to bounce an idea around ,im all ears

>Labrador (Mixed Breed) Ririka
>REALLY cute tail and ears. Always happy to see you. While her ears barely move, her tail is super expressive
>Loves headpats. Will accidentally knock stuff with her tail if she's too happy
>shoves anything you (or her) cooks in her stomach. Both for better or for worse
>Very playful and loving. Good stamina, but it doesnt match her libido. Ends up begging for a round even if she can no longer move
>Kinda stinky, but concious. Cleans herself well but sweating a bit brings out her natural scent
>might or not be really into your scent
>If the day is too hot and humid, you might catch her with her tongue hanging. She doesnt like being watched doing it.
>no sense of personal space. Just plops in your lap, constantly hugs and kisses you in public. Japanese subtlety annoys her
>"You are home! How was work? wanna hear what happened? nee nee let me tell you over dinner, i got some sausages in the fridge! Ahwww cmon let me hug you! i dont mind your smell!"

>> No.77087696

Rescue romance where you rescue Bae from a toxic Yuri relationship?

>> No.77088162
File: 182 KB, 768x1200, __ichijou_ririka_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_xyunx__9fa520d7327eb62236d4e6ae1b8a8756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ririkastink best stink

>> No.77089031

Romance where you join in on her toxic relationship and make it even worse

>> No.77089981
File: 272 KB, 1573x2048, 1717119578933045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>77087430 (Me)
i said this shit and then i remembered something really cool.
Did you know the indochinese tiger is a smaller subspecies from tibetian tigers? they had to fight for the ethymology of it.

Anyway have this Bijou attached to a bigger tiger that i want to pump full of cum god i fucking love leopard print and hags and sex aaaaaaaaaaaa
>Indochinese Tiger Bijou
>still growing she swears, but she's still small. Her nails do hurt a whole fucking lot. Not as many stripes as Kaela.
>Play fights a lot with her and you. Loves being thrown and chasing. Not that good at stalking but she's getting there. You can catch her napping in high places with her tail hanging altough she hasnt mastered how to get down
>Surprisingly good at mating
>Very cat like. Unlike Kaela, she doesnt purr but she will "pyaaah" if she's just waking up.
>seemingly unlimited energy
>Still no fangs. Swears she will get them SOON
>Likes to roll. Is it her cub playfulness or too much fromsoft games? who knows
>cute as a button even if she could technically kill you

>> No.77090259

doubleteaming bae with irys?

>> No.77090665

that's the name of the game

>> No.77091470

doubleteaming bae with mori

>> No.77091534

tripleteaming Bae with IRyS and Mori

>> No.77091601
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that's not what you mean and you know it

>> No.77092189

Bae, IRyS, & Mori weaponize your dick and each girl gets you rape the other two as a prank.

>> No.77092286

>All of Bae's friends grow addicted to making her orgasm because of how cute she is

>> No.77092871
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>> No.77093500

she's already EN's comfort woman, imagine if the fic was about how much she loves it

>> No.77095526
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>> No.77097570
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>> No.77097809


>> No.77098124

I want her to speak more Thai, Lui too

>> No.77098269

Good thing its not the two Koreans in EN elmao

>> No.77099457

imagine unironically still crying about Kronii and Ina

>> No.77099658

I think that Anon was trying to make a bad joke about Korean comfort women, rather than whatever you seem to be paranoid about

>> No.77099661

Uh, no? Just making a shitty joke based on history

>> No.77099851
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I see. Sorry about that then, the catalog brainrot was setting in

>> No.77099858

I'm the most based, red pilled writer here

>> No.77100326

>me finishing a scene where (You) insult women, be racist, and commit a war crime

>> No.77100501

Besides, why'd I ever cry about those two? Kronii's one of my 7 oshi and Ina is my kami's wives

>> No.77100710

Well, they had comfort women from all over Asia and even Australia as well. Comfort women might be a bit too grim subject if you actually put it into fic form so as a lighter version of that we need a fic about Anon's travels around Asia. It'd be called the Oriental Babe Review.

>> No.77101319

Highspeed Etoile, but its Cover characters.

Mc even looks already like an offbrand Koyori

>> No.77101586

I honestly didn't know Korean comfort women were a thing. so I just assumed and made Ass out of me...

>> No.77102761

She's not stupid, anon.

She's CUTE stupid.

>> No.77103231

lately I've been looking up hentai of hags like Botan and Mio and it's making me go downright feral. I need some good hag sex fics, my penis is craving saggy hag tits and barren wombs full of semen (mine)

>> No.77103386

write some then

>> No.77103431

i'm too horny. I'm one hand in my pants horny. As I type this, I'm sliding my hand across my rock hard fuck stick. I need something to get my balls empty

>> No.77103871

Why did they dye their hair black?

>> No.77104637

I get your feeling. idk what it is but that Pic with Watame in bdsm gear while Botan is tied up with a ball gag, combined with the prompt that Watame is a ferral hotwife who will make her husband impregnate her friends drives me insane every time

>> No.77105161

Japanese school

>> No.77106370
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>> No.77106639

Is that the face of someone who's completely unaware that she's about to have a bath at sword point?

>> No.77106759
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>when the realization hits

>> No.77107715

What sword?

>> No.77107852

She became Sora's enemy. There was no other possible outcome.

Also Noel shoved the handle of her mace up Marine's ass to the head at the end

>> No.77108014


>> No.77109230

You won't do that, you're just a pathetic human.

>> No.77110599

Oh, Ayame Nacleanri's sword.

>> No.77111801
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>> No.77111866

god that things i would do to that smug brat. She's literally just asking for it with her attitude.

>> No.77112060
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>> No.77112144

why does she look so dejected?

>> No.77112232

what's got you all down buddy? you wanna talk about it on the school rooftop under the gentle light of the setting sun?

>> No.77112344

You'd give her CBT and turn her into a better, happier person?

>> No.77112349

Sun never sets on my penis

>> No.77112409

i'd make her into a more well behaved girl. She's a shitty brat and she needs to be taught manners

>> No.77112817

Just remember that she's a powerful witch, so don't make her angry.

>> No.77113171

I want to give her CBT (corrective behaviour therapy) so she's less smug and a well behaved brat.

>> No.77113535
File: 66 KB, 561x567, 1711800225188678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidentally delete my 10k word draft
>no backups
Well shit, there goes three weeks of work. Guess I'll have to do it all over again then.

>> No.77113771

And I'm a powerful cock-wielder, I'll make her a slave to my dick and no witchcraft will save her. Scepter of the king will instantly trigger Shion's submissive instinct.

>> No.77113877

Then she's gonna love using my magic wand if you're pickin up what I'm layin down

>> No.77114104

Why aren't you writing straight to google docs?

>> No.77114134

corny cringe
charming chad

>> No.77114535

I'm using a separate service that also allows me to plan the story out and all sorts of other bullshit. I've contacted support so they'll get back to me about it somehow.
Fortunately, it turns out that I've copied over some of the scenes into a text file so it's not a total wipe. Still lost a week or two of progress though since those were rough drafts.

>> No.77115008

I recommend a program that stores everything you ctrl+c, that way you can just copy your story from time to time without having to paste it.

>> No.77115343

There can be Shion CBT to make her worse?

>> No.77115496
File: 790 KB, 1699x956, 1705308439531982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this service giving you that you can't use separate docs and appropriate organization? Also seems fucking whack that a documentation service in the given year doesn't have auto draft saving.

>> No.77115862
File: 92 KB, 752x723, some bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>auto draft saving
They have it but it's in their $19 subscription, so it was on me for cheaping out too. The name of the service is PlotFactory. It's like a simpler version of Scrivener that you can use on multiple devices.
>unironically using a subscription service
I like it because it gives you all your notes, character sheets, everything in one place whether you're on the bus or the shitter. I tend to lose notes all the time, so it helps.

>> No.77116746
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>> No.77117149

You know you could do that with only your Google drive by just placing all the relevant and needed files within the same folder and switching files as needed right?

>> No.77117343

Mio is looking extra nerdy and dorky today.

>> No.77117805

Yup. Consider the difference between this process
>go to Google Drive
>open folder for specific story
>open 'Story' folder
>open 'Draffff 1.doc'
>write story
and this process
>log into PlotFactory.com
>tap 'Stories'
>write story
and PF is easier for me to type in while using a phone (most of my note-taking happens on my phone). Plus I'm a very *very* unorganized writer to boot. I need something to actively tardwrangle me lest something I write gets lost in the ether.
I'm not arguing for whether or not other people should use it, though. It just so happens to work for me. I COULD make a similar system in Google Drive with folders, though I might just run into the same problem I did with Scrivener (disorganized + lazy = lost notes and fucked folders). I dunno. I'll see if it works for me.

>> No.77117928

NTA, I can see the benefit of something like that. But doing backups is mandatory. Can't you export your whole account's writings or something?

>> No.77118020
File: 412 KB, 630x591, BAE NO LONGER WATERMELON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have like 20 "unnamed document" mixed with uni work/docs and a doc where i ocassionally write stuff like "buy more rice"

>> No.77118214

There's Dropbox integration but yeah
I have to reconnect my account whenever I do backups. Thankfully there's an option to manually export everything.
Anon why are you me

>> No.77118288

The Ninisanni sequel is never coming out, is it?

>> No.77118460

How come? Did the author die or something?

>> No.77118462
File: 41 KB, 1094x194, Screenshot 2024-06-01 112425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon it's been four days since his last update chill the fuck out

>> No.77118497
File: 42 KB, 640x480, SHIRAKAMIFLASH[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fr5scwd.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturday, June 1, 2024 (GMT+8)
Time in Philippines

>> No.77118505

Four days is a long fucking time, okay?

>> No.77118646

He will release it at the summer solstice.
I have seen it in my dreams.

>> No.77118767

Ha, joke's on you, anon. I write in a well-lit room even at night.

>> No.77119085
File: 47 KB, 367x494, 1671826853923534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My drive is full of my chapters where the current one just stays open until it's done. Other than that I have a txt file that has all my future ideas, outlines, notes, etc. I have an older version of that uploaded to my gdocs in case I need a backup. I also have a separate folder full of image materials and stuff, which are also uploaded to my cloud.

>> No.77120799
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>> No.77120812


>> No.77121205

I wonder, would it be AltMori, Kiara, Kronii, Marine, Polka, Chloe or Ollie?

>> No.77121692
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>> No.77121803

...I probably am getting into that flight log am I...

>> No.77121855

nigga shut up they'd never invite your broke ass even as a slave

>> No.77122048

The ultimate NTR victim…

>> No.77122159

Bro why so hostile, I was makin a joke
...this is the second time this thread

>> No.77122222

I prefer the idea that she's okay with HoloX members fucking her bf because she is afraid of his big dick.

>> No.77122322
File: 179 KB, 1910x1072, mpv-shot0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I just create one smash hit chuuba fic people will finally respect me! Hot chuubas will have sex with me! I will be rich! I will be happy! I will be a winner in life...!

>> No.77123035

That's right, brother. If I release the next hot chuuba fic, my marriage will be fixed, I'll finish my mortgage, and my dad will finally be proud of me...

>> No.77123300
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, 1705495892381340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your fic makes your marriage even better
That's probably how it works. Right?

>> No.77123561

It helps to write an epic adventure series instead of smut

>> No.77123737
File: 894 KB, 712x714, koyowat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh my god, honey...
>this... stuff... you've written
>all this wild sex...
>is this what you're thinking about...?
>is this what you're ACTUALLY thinking about when you tell me "I have a headache?!"
>you're thinking about having sex with cartoon women?!
>you're cheating on me... in your mind... with a big-titted sheep girl?!
>and a shark that looks like a child?!
>I think I'm gonna be sick...
yep, will work 100%

>> No.77124159


>> No.77125514
File: 1.66 MB, 1555x2341, __sakamata_chloe_hololive_drawn_by_menomanome__d8224c64b3a931ba3a91e6cb0daee9a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77126880
File: 2.33 MB, 2160x3840, __sakamata_chloe_hololive_drawn_by_ara1e__06e7c2ef230f11c7049d10de8d6ae9a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77126896 [DELETED] 


>> No.77127015
File: 2.40 MB, 2579x3643, 1717266206888706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Amazing Streaking Suisei

>> No.77127257
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>> No.77127821

>someone put glue in Chloe's shirt as a prank and now she has to tear it off her boobs

>> No.77131219

Suisei got raptured...

>> No.77131856
File: 1.28 MB, 1024x1024, nakiri_ayame_hololive_drawn_by_fooled_ya_by_making_it_look_like_a_filename_with_tags_its_just_ai_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77132615

My unwashed body odour will make this stinky orca take proper care of her hygiene and smelling really, really fruity and sexually eatable.

>> No.77135971
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>> No.77136552

Sorry Azki, I'm watching Champion's League

>> No.77138354

When you're reading a story and an author mentions a chuuba with a super slutty default outfit (Ina, Fubuki, Kronii, etc) or one that wouldn't match a normal modern setting (Gozaru, Mori, etc) without describing what they're wearing, how do you picture them?

>> No.77138839

Oh hey, Lord of the Board 3 is open now.
Should we enter again?

>> No.77139057
File: 306 KB, 800x1130, GCTrplRa8AAXxNk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the setting and context. In a more modern setting, I imagine them to be wearing their more casual outfits. If it's fantasy or something more fitting towards their character background/story, I imagine their default outfits.

>> No.77139943


>> No.77140031

What >>77139057 says in the case of humans, but for chuubas of other species I usually go with their default outfit. They're special, after all.

>> No.77140203
File: 128 KB, 868x1306, __sakamata_chloe_hololive_drawn_by_sunano_reona__c69075bcacfea4a5eb984f99400186b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I automatically imagine them in normal clothes. Actually, when I was reading Cover High I had a "wait what" moment when it was mentioned that Pekora wears her vtuber outfit in school. Despite all these years of watching anime my westoid brain still has an inclination towards realism.

>> No.77140511
File: 258 KB, 498x498, 1714043268415442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they basically are human in the context of the setting like in a highschool without any fantasy elements?

>> No.77141070

yeah. should we keep son of the fly or move on to a different wrestler?

>> No.77141237

What other iconic wg character can we pull up?

>> No.77141337

iirc the other popular suggestion was AA as herself (Shiori).

>> No.77141449

Our other slot in is AA (no correlation) which is a fat black shiori for the uncle ruckus joke. Aside from that we could workshop a pun like
>The writer's Bloke

or just pull a meta joke like Femanon (male) that makes people interested in visiting.

Altough i would like for us to keep the masked wrestler gimmick

>> No.77141463

I laid out this plan back then >>/vt/thread/60946049#p60960459
It doesn't have to be exactly like that but we could just keep mutating it further and further

>> No.77141527

>LotB 6: Rebuilt and improved AGAIN The Ultra Mega Fly with The White Fly as his manager
I like this

>> No.77141641

honestly as much as i dislike pekofag and his insufferable boyfriend shilling him here, the tiger mask/el santo storyline of the mask going down is a nice touch.

>> No.77141966

guy's not even here anymore and he's still living in your head rent free

>> No.77142480

he literally edited an image for himself and posted a fic some threads ago.
You dont need to suck the dick of the most hated shitposter here yknow

>> No.77142659

what fic is this?

>> No.77142768

Maybe Azki? We can call her The Survivalist or something idk

>> No.77142859

it wasnt archived, thankfully, but it was kronii and mumei futa.
You could instantly know it was his garbage because mumei spoke like a lobotomized 10 year old

>> No.77142994

speaking of, the archive hasn't been updated for a while now. Has AA finally succumbed to his old age?

>> No.77142995

A good compromise would be The Survivor, and have him still resemble his current form while having Azki's color palette.

Altough if we are being honest i think Suisei is more represented these days

>> No.77143158

>the most hated shitposter here yknow
Pekofag will never even come close to being as bad as the earlyfag. Hell, pekofag's shitposting was entertaining.

>> No.77143478
File: 43 KB, 408x470, bae fr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yknow i was wondering...why not go all in on the gimmick and make it a storyline?

We had The Fly and Son of the Fly. Why not make it so he "dies" to another wrestler and his enemy unmasks him, something like "Comet King" or any beloved trend.
they are their own characters while also incorporating masks, gauntlets or capes from previous wrestlers and builds up a narrative.

Fits the idea of our thread being about fanfics and stories, fulfills a "who is this masked heel that rejects reality" fantasy and incorporates how a single idea can inspire everyone

>> No.77143559

I like the idea of creating a storyline, at least. It's what we have to do as /wg/.

>> No.77143801

opinions people might have aside from the author, The fly no longer fits since the fic is no more

>> No.77143884

the fly is eternal and regardless of the fic's existence in the active archive, he has carved out his spot in /wg/ history

it's still in the hard archive anyway

>> No.77143982

How about the Mother of the Fly?
And what is a Comet King

>> No.77144081

p sure it's an imagined 'counterpart' to the fly and another representation of a fic

>> No.77144178

yeah that too is an issue
i just threw comet king as a suisei reference since i suggested we work on trends/fics. it could be the cucker or the rapist for example (please dont send a rapist into the ring)

Mother of the fly sounds really lame anon, im sorry

>> No.77144330 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1707716776867287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77144339

how is faggy rp "entertaining?". Both are dogshit but one was way more annoying

>> No.77144729

I don’t agree that it was ever entertaining since it made the thread quality far worse, but that aside, whatever happened to the earlyfag? When did he stop automating the threads?

>> No.77144749

Because you could point and laugh. He always owned his retarded fucking takes and would admit it was him whenever called out.

Meanwhile the earlyfag would just samefag and throw insults around all the time. Piece of shit.

>> No.77145133

>whatever happened to the earlyfag? When did he stop automating the threads?

Basically there was another grassroots effort to switch to a non-automated thread and the janny must have been sleeping that day because it wasn't taken down.
So the earlyfag had a tantrum and made like 10 more /wg/ threads, and then started making threads in the catalogue about how "wg is spamming" and should be banned from the board or something. Anybody with half a brain could see it as a falseflag from miles away.

So he just left. Probably got bored, he'd been doing it for years up to that point and I doubt one measly failure would have been enough to stop someone with his levels of autism.

>> No.77145202

NTA but it doesn’t matter if he owned his posts, that didn’t stop him from RPing. I’ll admit his dumb takes weren’t the end of the world but his RP shit was awful to deal with.

>> No.77145282

Is anyone baking or shall I?

>> No.77145350

I'll bake.

>> No.77145363

IMHO that was less to do with Pekoshitter himself and more to do with the rest of the thread being his fucking faggot enablers. IIRC even AA was jerking off to that stupid orgy story when it was first released.

>> No.77145377

Its the same shit. good riddance to both
please do. im a bit occupied.
may i suggest a wrestling edition?

>> No.77145417


>> No.77145630

In addition to what has been said, the impulse to switch to manual threads came because he didn't adapt his OP to the contest that was going on.

>> No.77145705
File: 273 KB, 600x600, 1711812784506722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it be with Watame

>> No.77146229

Baked. Migrate when ready

I'll set some 'tame images aside for the next time I'm around to bake.

>> No.77148625

A re-telling of Suisei's project winter collabs, written like a horror story from the POV of the last survivors.
