>> | No.55673985 File: 216 KB, 1004x1339, 1691292010869621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>55672814 >>55673147 Now I feel like I have to do an xmas eve story, sorry if it's a bit different from expectations. I have never experienced xmas outside of Aus. >Xmas eve >Both of you had made plans for tonight to spend together >It's nearly midnight >You're walking around town, taking in the sights >The tree still unlit >Your phone starts to buzz >It's from your parents >They're wishing you a happy xmas, so of course you message them back >However, that wasn't the only one >It happens again, and again, and again >Shiori is slowly losing her patience with you despite apologizing about it >Finally after the next message >"Anon, what's more important right now? Our date, or your phone?" >"Shiori, please it's fami-" >"And what am I then? You can respond to them later can't you?" >She storms off, clearly mad >Your shoulders slump, you fucked up pretty badly there >You sit on a bench and look up at the sky >Dark and clouded, snow gently falling >You think about the things you two have been through this year >After a while you resolve yourself to at least apologize properly >You get up and look for her >You find her by the giant xmas tree >Suddenly you hear a bell ring, followed by the tree lighting up >Her face is absolutely beautiful in that moment >You take off your scarf and approach her while holding it behind your back >"Hey Shiori?" >She turns to you, still smiling but with a very slight hint of sadness behind that smile >You wrap your scarf around her neck and pull her in towards you for a hug >"I'm sorry, and..I love you" >She starts to laugh a lot then responds >"No anon, I'm sorry, I got a bit upset there, but I love you too" >You share a kiss infront of the xmas tree >She takes out her camera then gives it to a nearby couple >She grabs your arm and tells you to make a pose infront of the tree >She does a very silly pose while you try and do a more serious one >The couple returns the camera and she giggles >Once again you think to yourself "She's the most beautiful and treasured person to me"