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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.68 MB, 2149x3035, 79270965_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4470816 No.4470816 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4470866
File: 295 KB, 1540x1754, E2o6YTnUUAMMQRb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471325

Polka Love! Polka Love!

>> No.4470888 [SPOILER] 
File: 166 KB, 977x1499, 1622584279406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471007
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, homestar liver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471183

>> No.4471061
File: 537 KB, 2149x3035, EPvTqudUUAAGk4K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471081
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, 1608653175489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina!

>> No.4471178
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x1024, 1620057958131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mori!

>> No.4471183

I miss him....

>> No.4471191
File: 2.23 MB, 2328x2912, E2gQvm5XIAMioay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471193
File: 83 KB, 720x827, 1616037856903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471255

I love Ame so much, bros!
Nier Automata will continue!

>> No.4471194
File: 125 KB, 1080x1051, 6703EB79-3818-484A-8B86-6CD885BE0DAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471195
Quoted by: >>4471218 >>4471228

I love Kiara so much that I'm not even gonna post an image of her! (I would but I'm at work, someone help me out here)

>> No.4471196
File: 1.68 MB, 200x164, a quickly expanding cat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4471198
File: 23 KB, 292x292, kiara oh shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471252

shit shes actually going all 12 hours

>> No.4471200
Quoted by: >>4471212 >>4471255

Ame is so fucking cute bros I cant take it...

>> No.4471201


>> No.4471202

*mating press*

>> No.4471203
File: 2.76 MB, 2546x1432, 1592699414503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471261 >>4471673

God I fucking love cow print

>> No.4471205 [SPOILER] 
File: 481 KB, 610x646, 1622584851530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471208

Oh shit we might be done by this time tomorrow.

>> No.4471209
File: 756 KB, 1920x1080, 1613278411851.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Kiara obviously trying to beat the longest EN stream record of 11 hours and 56 minutes by doing a supachat reading for 11 hours and 57 hours. No but really she's done nearly 10 hours of supachat readings and she's still not even halfway done with her 1m Subscriber Enduranc stream. Go Kiara Go!
While Watame herself is also on a supachat rampage as she's clapping and singing happy birthday to her lovely fans, going onto 7 hours of streaming today as per usual.
While Aruran's being absolutely hilarious by grabbing out his Paint and instead of browsing his meme tag like most people, he's actually drawing them himself, staring at his chat when he's done drawing and then asking them what in the hell does this mean?
While in a couple of minutes, it's finally here! The return of Ame's Nier Automata stream. You've all been yelling at her to finish the game and now she's finally brought it back so you can't complain about it anymore. Let's watch her murder more robots and grab the reigns to Yoko's wild ride.
So friends, where we at?

>> No.4471212
Quoted by: >>4471242

She hasn't even done anything yet!

>> No.4471213
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, gurakao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471487 >>4471600

i just want the biggest picture of gura's big melon head, please.

>> No.4471214
File: 4 KB, 361x103, ogey pedo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471216
File: 982 KB, 828x861, 1605845908930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina!

>> No.4471218
File: 632 KB, 578x594, kiara judges the threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could use this one more

>> No.4471222
File: 164 KB, 1000x1000, Ame Hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ame!

>> No.4471221
Quoted by: >>4471251

>11 hours and 57 hours

>> No.4471224 [DELETED] 
File: 2.64 MB, 1871x1594, 1607890565658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471476

>> No.4471226
File: 283 KB, 371x389, 4[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6gxpz0.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471251

>11 hours and 57 hours

>> No.4471227
File: 2.49 MB, 1051x2048, GuraNeko627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute

>> No.4471228
File: 569 KB, 2680x3500, E2vbUg-UUAEz0GC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go
I love her so much

>> No.4471230

Kiara please, the imposter syndrome needs to go.

>> No.4471232
File: 211 KB, 463x453, kiara peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471234

>Marine collabed and interacted with girls that were way more yab, some completely unhinged.
See all the retards here doomposting have no clue about JP collabs. Unironically thinking the Veibae collab would somehow ruin hololive or cause controversy among the talents is fucking idiotic.

>> No.4471235
File: 671 KB, 728x455, 1610179183547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471283

This image aged rather poorly

>> No.4471237
File: 217 KB, 2000x2000, E1c3KrsVgAEuyyU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat some salad, dumb fat cat

>> No.4471238
File: 309 KB, 785x767, 1620516292481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that this is the HOLOLIVE thread, all mentions of any non-holos/holo mamas or papas should stay out of /hlgg/

>> No.4471240 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4471280 >>4471296

Just going to say Pink cat going for the Collab again despite backing out for her "friend" when Kiara reached 1 mil makes her motives too obviously. Oh well nothing we can do against her, just going to dislike the VOD and wait for her fans to shit up Gura's chat

>> No.4471241
File: 2.69 MB, 2900x2323, E2yb2O7VIAAiiqs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Member's only Nier Automata starting soon.

>> No.4471242

And yet shes still all I can think about...

>> No.4471244
Quoted by: >>4471276

57 hours
KFP bros I can't make that shift

>> No.4471246
File: 175 KB, 1400x912, Kikkeriki[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fs9l9gh.mp3].jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471345

>> No.4471248
File: 1.97 MB, 1913x2835, 1593380643402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to only watch the Trinity

>> No.4471249

Right here ayamefriend! And i'll still be here 11 hours and 56 hours from now too!

>> No.4471251
File: 223 KB, 1099x1079, 1596651207578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471252

and I'm actually gonna watch all of it live again ...

>> No.4471254

*German suplex *

>> No.4471255

The machine village is the cutest location in the game. We're in for a cute time bros.

>> No.4471256
File: 156 KB, 1024x478, 1621978515296.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471278

Its a wonderful day.
Last thread didnt happen

>> No.4471257
File: 178 KB, 500x500, 16245333547847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... I think I once again realize why I love them so much

>> No.4471258
File: 191 KB, 906x1377, gawr gura and bloop (hololive and 1 more) drawn by hitsukuya - cc23422a6a598af137d3446cbac597e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471573

why not the finished one

>> No.4471260
File: 881 KB, 384x480, garf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471261

T u T

>> No.4471263
Quoted by: >>4471427


>> No.4471264

>11 hours and 57 hours.
we're all here to correct you...Ayamefriend

>> No.4471267
Quoted by: >>4471314

The only 4chan celebrity I recognize is Robin Williams' daughter, if she starts Vtubing, then we can talk. Otherwise who gives a shit about some used up whore?

>> No.4471269
File: 1.32 MB, 882x900, E0AZG4CUcAISRmX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex. Marriage. Love. Breeding. Sex again.

>> No.4471270
Quoted by: >>4471284 >>4471346

>bringing this shit to a new thread
kill yourself, you fucking retard

>> No.4471273
File: 1.55 MB, 1000x1000, 1615427313459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471274
File: 196 KB, 1782x1003, E2l-tqLUYAA-Ih_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471359 >>4471427

Trinity bros WW@

>> No.4471275

this remix is really good

>> No.4471276
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x1000, 1609438192783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talk like you have any choice

>> No.4471278
Quoted by: >>4471361

Don't worry anon, Chumbuds and Euros will be here in full force ready to shitpost about it.

>> No.4471279
File: 523 KB, 610x646, 1610601697671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thoughts

>> No.4471280


>> No.4471281

only worried thoughts

>> No.4471283

Imagine if it turned out all along that Ame would be the Vergilfag...

>> No.4471284


>> No.4471286

Watching Aruran's meme review Ayamefriend! Drawing the memes herself is something Coco could do to get rid of copyright

>> No.4471287
File: 85 KB, 680x680, 1614620302205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471289
File: 175 KB, 1400x912, 1591739408977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471290

Kfp really are the worst, huh?

>> No.4471291
File: 780 KB, 727x722, 1592362540286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471315

New thread new me

>> No.4471292
File: 2.49 MB, 1433x1272, 1605749500032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471295
File: 28 KB, 688x915, E2RdeZHWQAYqeND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here Ayamefriend! It's already June, crazy isn't it?

>> No.4471296

They'll just drown amongst the sykunnofags. You have nothing to fear.

>> No.4471297

JP fans are doormats, they don't bring up shit like us unless they're schizo antis

>> No.4471298
File: 455 KB, 2480x3508, 1615255754857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like some """"people"""" really gets mad at cunny.
Post some.

>> No.4471299
File: 274 KB, 610x646, 1620516234537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471301
File: 248 KB, 1800x2000, 1611706063011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hey.. m-me too!!!

>> No.4471300
File: 76 KB, 238x298, 1606487763576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471391

Ayamefriend I need to know, are you above the rest of us and don't want to bone your oshi?

>> No.4471303
File: 269 KB, 2048x1536, EjAIZ1wU4AEQp2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471337 >>4471342

Okayu is optimal size.

>> No.4471305



>> No.4471307
File: 706 KB, 1215x950, ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I W A N T T O E A T R I S U ' S A S S






>> No.4471309

Since people are still busy shit flinging, lets shift topics instead. Holos playing TBC classic, yes or no?

>> No.4471311


>> No.4471312

>11 hours and 57 hours
Ok, Ayamefriend is cuter than usual, today.

>> No.4471313
File: 440 KB, 1000x577, 1614180568476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus wtf why this girl has such a love boner for vshojo, she already has the perfect place in the world to do vtuber stuff stop trying to temp fate and fail in life again

>> No.4471314

>Otherwise who gives a shit about some used up whore?
bro I know you don't like her but Kiara's still part of HoloEN

>> No.4471315

I really hope Ina gets a forehead without the cap. Like a hair tie or something that just clips her bangs up.

>> No.4471316
File: 3.14 MB, 2952x2031, 764325234423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471363


>> No.4471319
File: 17 KB, 500x500, This Poster wants to die for Oshi -Oblige them [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fr0w4rn.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4471320
File: 987 KB, 796x751, koro punch3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say goodnight.

>> No.4471321
File: 204 KB, 1920x1080, gura punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471323
File: 228 KB, 2048x1364, 1622328202129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471362

Everything is fine and youre gonna be alright

>> No.4471324

The difference is that JP viewers have the decency to not spam chats. The EN girls can't even control theirs, they don't need tourists on top of that

>> No.4471325
File: 3.06 MB, 1845x2500, EuACC2iUcAEjMin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka love!

>> No.4471326

Don't you dare reply to it.

>> No.4471328
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat fucking feline.

>> No.4471330
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, 1616216894185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here ayamefriend!

>> No.4471331
File: 51 KB, 355x411, e476e4c546cd1fc2fc3c0935b7284773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*casts a spell to get Anya one million subscribers*

>> No.4471332


>> No.4471335
File: 114 KB, 1024x1024, GREAT MAGIC BARRIER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471337

I like this drawing

>> No.4471340

I love you /hlgg/!
I'm going to do it!

>> No.4471342

Literal sex.

>> No.4471343

shut the fuck up

>> No.4471345

I actually think that's cute

>> No.4471346

You're not refuting any points.

>> No.4471347
Quoted by: >>4471415


>> No.4471349
File: 520 KB, 2439x4096, E1DZR2wWUAYzaFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4471350
Quoted by: >>4471444

Didn't towa collab with her friend after it came to light she was a 2chan shitposter sitting on other vtubers? I know she replied to her on twitter once after then or so.
Just keep in mind most of these people come from holoen booming.

>> No.4471351
File: 1.17 MB, 859x1153, reject.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471353

Ah, the mamaloni...

>> No.4471354
File: 15 KB, 128x128, GO_TO_SLEEP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471493

>How about you say goodnight, you seem tired

>> No.4471356


>> No.4471359


Right here, shitpostfriend!

>> No.4471360
Quoted by: >>4471388

This is one of the more annoying points of how she handles SCs, you end up with timeloops a few days later.

>> No.4471361
File: 985 KB, 870x2048, GuraNeko625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471413

I’m already here, I don’t care about any of the shit you’re talking about

>> No.4471362

Don't you mean Yuul B Alwright?

>> No.4471363

That's MY hand.

>> No.4471364


>> No.4471365
File: 765 KB, 671x682, 1605653980016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since the thread is shit, let's make it shittier! Holos playing absolute disgusting trash, yes or no?

>> No.4471368
Quoted by: >>4471408 >>4471475

What with all these Numberfags SC?

>> No.4471367
File: 624 KB, 1000x894, 1622520492553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471369

I miss Ame so much.

>> No.4471371

Christ, if its this bad already with just a single EN generation I can't imagine how bad it'll be with EN2.

>> No.4471374
File: 401 KB, 1528x1180, 1621343642121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471377
File: 3.18 MB, 2480x3508, 78678643531531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471415


>> No.4471376
Quoted by: >>4471437

I miss Aqua...
I miss Haachama...
I miss Mio...
I miss Doxxbeat Prime...

>> No.4471381
File: 628 KB, 869x1200, 84514186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dominating Lamy!

>> No.4471384
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1613711158562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live now


In 2 hours


>> No.4471387
File: 193 KB, 1023x1023, 1611737037801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day after day i'm reminded how fortunate i am to have ina as my oshi. I really love her.

>> No.4471388
Quoted by: >>4471511

Well, it only affects this place

>> No.4471391
File: 222 KB, 2257x2074, 1604655840594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't consider being above anyone in that regard. think everyone has their own way to express their love to their oshi. Whether that's to marry them, or forcefully impregnate them multiple times and raise 12 kids with them it's all in the name of love. In my face I want to spend my eternity being Ayame's best and inseparable oni friend.

>> No.4471393
File: 372 KB, 2560x1440, 1598343880634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471394
Quoted by: >>4471470

>This happenend in Kiara's SIM4 stream. This has nothing to do with Kiara and Calli's actual relationship!
This right here is why Mamaloni will never draw hentai of them. For a /u/schizo prime, there would be no going back and she knows it

>> No.4471396

Oh, look the pity sc.

>> No.4471398

Realistically, what could happen?

>> No.4471400

I don't know why she is so obsessed with it either.
She could literally collab with so many better outsiders given that she even speaks Jap.

>> No.4471401

it's not the old mic we want kiara...

>> No.4471408

This was during her self doubt moment in minecraft.

>> No.4471413
File: 220 KB, 550x532, 1600212362560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon he's just lusting after chumbuds' cock, he's that kind of sissy faggot.

>> No.4471414
Quoted by: >>4471561

the reason timeloops are so frequent is that we have little actual content
EN2 might fix that

>> No.4471415

Why do teamates start to kill themselves when Ame is 30 seconds late? Or its just shitposters?

>> No.4471416
Quoted by: >>4471561

I imagine at least twice as worse but maybe more

>> No.4471417
File: 2 KB, 152x73, WO8fVZ8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's doing it on purpose!

>> No.4471421
File: 173 KB, 301x330, 1592580396161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471423

are you retarded? it's just shitposting

>> No.4471425
Quoted by: >>4471493


>> No.4471427 [SPOILER] 
File: 240 KB, 561x777, 1622585254197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471530


>> No.4471428

On purpose (forgot)

>> No.4471429
File: 118 KB, 839x1200, 3c18bd560020008cf19113418acba3fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut, i just love ame

>> No.4471431

She wants all of the pent up supas to go to her charity stream.

>> No.4471433

>11 hours and 57 hours

>> No.4471435

Cowprint Koikatsu anon if you are here
Can you please make one for Ina?

>> No.4471437
Quoted by: >>4471585

>I miss Doxxbeat Prime...
Fuck off

>> No.4471438
File: 20 KB, 480x720, 1622585267772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YouTube ads are showing up even with ublock activated
It's over.

>> No.4471439
File: 706 KB, 2241x3729, E2zPGm_XEAAJ-1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such beauty

>> No.4471440
File: 34 KB, 552x438, 1606688245188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471501


>> No.4471442 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 1000x500, 1622585280410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471537 >>4471618

Hey guys, how does THIS make you feel?

>> No.4471444

She basically admitted Sio was dead as a vtuber in her December membership stream

>> No.4471449

Current holos will lose some heat as new yab info comes out about the next gen, so your oshi will likely not get as much schizo obsession
Not that this is really a good thing because the general amount of bullshit will increase, but not for your oshi so I guess it depends on how serious you are about unity

>> No.4471450

Based but every tourist will get angry at you.

>> No.4471453

Thanks for reading my post Ame!

>> No.4471454
Quoted by: >>4471500 >>4471968

Well if you're asking for a doompost, I guess she could organize some kind of holo x shojo amogus collab and try to connect the two groups that way, bringing the other ENs into it alongside her

That's the main thing I don't want to ever happen

>> No.4471455
File: 266 KB, 2533x1480, 1619831278181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuddling with Amelia Watson!

>> No.4471456
File: 636 KB, 1269x1950, 1616958414005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to do it is to be like Amelia Watson. You can give little nods here and there and do things that will please those in the know without actually ever saying 4chan. Every other fucking whore that tries to take that mantle of "4chan's own girl" is cringe and trash. Boxxy, Nyanners, Koopa, all of them. I thank Jesas everyday for Amelia Watson.

>> No.4471460 [SPOILER] 
File: 773 KB, 990x1400, 1622585296627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471459
Quoted by: >>4471950

>Realistically, what could happen?
She enjoys the collab a lot. Gets invited to vshoujo group collabs . Drifts further apart form EN. Not saying it will but it could

>> No.4471461

nice PFP, _____

>> No.4471463


>> No.4471464
File: 449 KB, 450x450, quesionmark.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cow tail and bell for Noel
Who's idea was this?

>> No.4471467

Don't be so sure.
Same amount of schzios, more targets they have to divide attention on.
More content to distract people.

>> No.4471468

Aww fuck... FFX ending still hits me hard. Pekors sniffles are cute though

>> No.4471470
File: 112 KB, 417x417, 5CC279F2-DBEF-4078-9E05-7095EEA821AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People will ask her to do it constantly and her translator will have to tell her what they’re saying and she will have to give a response

>> No.4471473

We think she's not coming back and can't go on living

>> No.4471474

Right here!

>> No.4471475

That's why you can't talk about numbers in front of camera. It just creates more timeloops even though their main reason is to send love.

>> No.4471476
Quoted by: >>4471517

Based but also who cares

>> No.4471477

works on my machine

>> No.4471478
File: 45 KB, 165x133, 1618365104117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fags sure do love talking about off-topic chubas here

>> No.4471479

Hey, me too!

>> No.4471481

so can we assume that all pink cat haters are pedos salty they got called out or did she actually do or say something bad enough to be cancelled from here ?

>> No.4471487
File: 3.32 MB, 8600x8600, 1621920677371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471526 >>4471691


>> No.4471484

>greynames STILL spamming Gura's chat about ecelebs weeks later

>> No.4471486
Quoted by: >>4471534 >>4471579

Trinityniggers tripping over themselves to shitpost, and it's just another day in /hlgg/.

>> No.4471488

Since we are timelooping anyway...
What is the rumored JP outside of hololive collab?

>> No.4471489
Quoted by: >>4472094

ublock is shit
get adblock ultimate

>> No.4471490
Quoted by: >>4471512

Oh yeah, THAT noise.

>> No.4471492
Quoted by: >>4471553

Fuck unity to be honest.

>> No.4471493
File: 66 KB, 333x328, listener-san punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471495
File: 169 KB, 265x317, JIUB IS HORNY[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnqeh08.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471497

I ordered two KDTD and may have made a gigantic mistake.

Ask me anything.

>> No.4471499
File: 100 KB, 620x574, Risu trolled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu is sleeping, take a moment to say whatever you want to Risu right now

>> No.4471500

Yeah that wont happen, just forget it. Seriously.

>> No.4471501
File: 577 KB, 1240x1754, 1604670534836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just eating chili and watching Ame. That's all I know what I'm doing.

>> No.4471502

Don't say that about Kiara...

>> No.4471504

Was Kiara going to say earaped?

>> No.4471506

Right here, Ayamebro!
>11 hours and 57 hours
I don't know how the KFP do it sometimes...

>> No.4471507
Quoted by: >>4471540

>tick tock fagging in a SC
that was uncomfortable to watch
answering numberfagging with more numberfagging is a terrible idea

>> No.4471513
Quoted by: >>4471567


Let's just hope for another split or mass suicide.

>> No.4471514
File: 1.87 MB, 2048x1723, GuraNeko631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471590

Hopefully Gura keeps talking about how sweaty she is so we get more art

>> No.4471516
Quoted by: >>4471726

Anything kiara talks on stream is on-topic retard. By that logic we would also not talk about the games being played here

>> No.4471511

To be more clear
>brings up something that bugs her
>people SC her about it
> a few days later, when shes happier, she now has to deal with the thing that bugs her again

>> No.4471512

The Sonic WMD...

>> No.4471517

>but also who cares
There are unironic Nyanners fan here, better remind them that they should kill themselves.
I think the collab will be a nothingburger but I would sure rather see Kiara collab with literally anyone else.

>> No.4471519


>> No.4471521
File: 198 KB, 296x500, 6E3E1FC6-8C4E-489C-8611-4CA08F9D7BE1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471815

HOUR 10, HOUR 10

>> No.4471523
Quoted by: >>4471533 >>4471548

Why does nuGura have cubes in her hair?

>> No.4471524
File: 354 KB, 1061x1500, 1621614974192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471549 >>4471705

I want this bitch...

>> No.4471526

up-scaling is cheating

>> No.4471528

Log out of your profile and then back in again. Usually works for me. Might have to do it like once a day though

>> No.4471529

I remember the sonic weapon... I was taking a shit and watching on my phone so I survived...

>> No.4471530
File: 58 KB, 1658x309, e827e446bbb0872fe426fa4250c36b8f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically, unity guy turnt into a Massive gosling

>> No.4471531
Quoted by: >>4471619 >>4471704

I'll give a shit about unity when this thread does even when it isn't convenient, so no.

>> No.4471532

Hololove global is more like the general chat of /vt/ honestly.

>> No.4471533

they remind me of dofus slimes

>> No.4471534

What's wrong with liking holos who respect hololive?

>> No.4471537
File: 5 KB, 1000x500, feelings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471618 >>4471736


>> No.4471540

Indeed, I'm glad Kiara didn't comment on it

>> No.4471544

Pink cat was born in /jp/ doing vocaroos for pedos.

>> No.4471546
File: 53 KB, 500x1000, FB_IMG_1622555361826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471774

>> No.4471548
File: 3.77 MB, 600x600, hontodesune.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reference to her oshi

>> No.4471549
File: 1.50 MB, 2894x4093, 1618686900961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want her to do what?

>> No.4471551

>go over 12 hours

>> No.4471554

I'm guessing Tamaki

>> No.4471553


>> No.4471555

I prefer things that can be finished or have quick matches for collabs, but MMOs could be fun if they just run around exploring and roleplaying.

>> No.4471556

Kiara.... onegai...

>> No.4471558

Depends on which chat. Matsuri was getting destroyed when she commented on that Apex tournament

>> No.4471559

>Breaking the record
>for fun
KFP what the fuck is wrong with your oshi?

>> No.4471561

>EN2 might fix that
>Implying they won't stream the same hours as EN1
It'll be exponential. The same retards that keep bringing up vshojo and NijiEN will have a new generation of fanbases to shitpost as.
I kind of hope they start out with Unity as a default instead of the shitflinging that was oh so popular on /jp/.

>> No.4471564

He's still pro UNITY, he just also has an oshi now.

>> No.4471565
Quoted by: >>4471595

Forcing more Collabs and eventually a company Collab. That's the worst that can happen

>> No.4471566

Not having this problem though I've heard others are. Make sure you don't allow any kind of ads whatsoever.

>> No.4471567
Quoted by: >>4471608 >>4471643

The split was the cause of the problem, you cunt nugget.

>> No.4471568


Talking about Kiara should be a bannable offense in /ameg/, you're right.

>> No.4471573

the incomplete one is cuter but they're both good

>> No.4471572
File: 26 KB, 370x320, 1616676597817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471661

>no1 to compete with
>compete with yourself instead

>> No.4471574

one second without ame transforms in a hour without ame...

>> No.4471576

>[DEVIL MAY CRY 3] Dante pls we have a Vergil to bully
this fucking brat...

>> No.4471577
File: 106 KB, 1536x2048, EtaHXEOXUAEnFFj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471623


>> No.4471579

t. deadbeat

>> No.4471580

ame ame ame

>> No.4471582

>The difference is that JP viewers have the decency to not spam chats.
Can you actually read nihongo or are you doing that thing where EOPs assume JOPs are more well behaved and JOPs assume EOPs are more well behaved? Because JP holos get spammed a lot, like Matuli.

>> No.4471585

Actual rent free

>> No.4471587
File: 1.67 MB, 2500x1423, unity school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471645

Unity has endured, unity shall endure.

>> No.4471591


>> No.4471589

My guess is either Tamaki or a Niji

>> No.4471590
Quoted by: >>4471725

Reminder that that artist drew Gura getting knocked the fuck out by Mr X and having her faced slammed into the ground by Lady D

>> No.4471593

....Tenchou plz I need to do shit

>> No.4471594
Quoted by: >>4471640 >>4471707

She said it earlier in the stream: She wants to dominate Mori.

>> No.4471595
Quoted by: >>4471638 >>4471676

...and then?

>> No.4471598
File: 1.87 MB, 1917x1074, 1617939984893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471636 >>4471787

schizo #1
please save us from the /vt/ tourists

>> No.4471597

I totally forgot that Ame played Nier.

>> No.4471600
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, 1604019636386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471691 >>4471832


>> No.4471601

She should just start over it's been like 3 months since she played.

>> No.4471608

Which split? You're gonna have to be more specific, anon.

>> No.4471610
Quoted by: >>4471898

Impregnating multiple times and raising 12 kids with Ayamefriend!

>> No.4471611 [SPOILER] 
File: 163 KB, 2160x1216, 1622585518192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFPs and takos are secretly best bros

>> No.4471612

BASED (and puritypilled)

>> No.4471615

this writing reminds me of ayameposter

>> No.4471616


>> No.4471618
File: 111 KB, 600x600, E2RM2CgVUAYlNb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471683 >>4471812


>> No.4471619
Quoted by: >>4471669

>He let the falseflaggers and shitflingers get to him

>> No.4471620

shes got a GREAT ASS

>> No.4471621
File: 427 KB, 900x1273, E2u86gqVEAIheeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame too!!

>> No.4471622
Quoted by: >>4471791 >>4471840

>Kiara shitting on Ina for not reading her superchats again

>> No.4471623

Nah i'd rather have our 10th vshoujo timeloop

>> No.4471624

UNITY isn't DD
you can love all the girls and still love one the most

>> No.4471626

Christ, if its this good already with just a single EN generation I can't imagine how great it'll be with EN2.

>> No.4471628
File: 228 KB, 1523x2048, E16ObQgVkAQlN_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471694

I want to put 30 babies in Okayu and pamper her for the rest of her life.

>> No.4471625
Quoted by: >>4471657

unitfyfags are all larpers who would gladly throw the others under the bus for their oshi so I'm completely fine with this

>> No.4471629

>Ame actually tests her audio on stream
What the fuck, who is this? Where is Ame?

>> No.4471631
File: 253 KB, 903x588, 1619565215459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4471632
File: 156 KB, 334x307, 1622410989634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471665 >>4471841

Kneel to the TRUE GOD!

>> No.4471633
File: 96 KB, 960x1034, 1610978042158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471696 >>4471698

>The difference is that JP viewers have the decency to not spam chats.
You should be glad you can't read Japanese because if you saw the kind of shit Matsuri or Towa gets sometimes.

>> No.4471636
File: 706 KB, 655x719, 1592463580912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way fag, you're on your own. I've got a date with my wife.

>> No.4471638
Quoted by: >>4471690

That in itself is the problem, anon. Not even that guy.
There is no "and then". Collabing with those whores IS the thing people want to avoid.

>> No.4471639


>> No.4471640

It might be easier if Mori cared about holding the record even half as much as Kiara does.

>> No.4471641
File: 384 KB, 608x554, 1621986606308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471872 >>4471999

Brain rotted by being an idol otaku and toxoplasmosis, pls andastand.

>> No.4471642

I want to fuck a deadbeat

>> No.4471643


But now everyone can hate the other side without actually interacting with each other!

>> No.4471645

>Unity has endured
Not really

>> No.4471646


>> No.4471648

Too based for this board

>> No.4471649
Quoted by: >>4471777

I can read Hiragana and katakana, JP chat are usually decent besides the antis they get

>> No.4471651

It's quite certainly a load of 'anonymous never forgets' newfags trying to resurrect a vengeful ghost that passed on like a decade ago

>> No.4471650

takobros are pretty cool and I like their oshi so they're fine in my book

>> No.4471652
File: 526 KB, 2048x2048, eva takotori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara and Ina are constantly shitting up hlgg threads for fun and giggles

>> No.4471655
File: 301 KB, 1153x1149, 1622502650577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont remember anything

>> No.4471654


>> No.4471656

Current ENs deserve that heat though, they're all either retarded, lazy, or liars. Except for Ina.
t. Chumbud

>> No.4471657


>> No.4471658

English voices? Ame is trolling us now.

>> No.4471661

She should compete with V*****!

>> No.4471662

> are you referencing your name

>> No.4471663
File: 613 KB, 800x800, 1622117867059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true!

>> No.4471665


>> No.4471667
File: 106 KB, 1000x1300, 1602565931765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471702 >>4471710

The weak should fear the strong

>> No.4471668

Unity Chad... your containment reps

>> No.4471669

Yes, yes, everybody is JUST shitposting and nobody holds genuine views, it's literally all a falseflag and we live in a simulation, spare me this tired conversation.

>> No.4471670

She loves talking, hearing herself talk, and reading nice things about herself.

>> No.4471671
File: 590 KB, 1024x1024, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471724


>> No.4471672

That's not how that word is pronunced!

>> No.4471675
File: 214 KB, 995x1412, 1620074128262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to hug and fuck

>> No.4471673

T o T

>> No.4471674

>unity with the gen
Which one of you fuckers sent that?

>> No.4471676

And then what? Faggot it's obvious that it means official association with a bunch of whores whose baggage can affect the EN girls. TT still has a bunch of after effects on Hololive

>> No.4471677

>Unironic unityposting on SC

>> No.4471678


>> No.4471681

JOPs are all honorable samurai who would never resort to filthy EOPs habits like spamming

>> No.4471682
File: 296 KB, 848x1200, 20210601_182803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471683
Quoted by: >>4471734

tourists really can't help themselves

>> No.4471685

They are just talking out thier ass you can turn on Google translate on a stream and see what people say in jp holo streams and when they talk in en.

>> No.4471687
File: 678 KB, 647x738, 1613143050570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English voices

>> No.4471686

The assumption seems Tamaki, but honestly I dunno why

>> No.4471691
File: 179 KB, 1464x1181, bigdumbshark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hell yeah

>> No.4471690

I see. How can you avoid that and how can it affect the girls directly?

>> No.4471694
File: 243 KB, 2275x2163, E2tVuqWUYAIpaaS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471799

I don't remember making this post.

>> No.4471695


Get some good rest :}

>> No.4471696

Towa is just thankful to see any Japanese still in her chat.

>> No.4471698

I can see it, it's nothing compared to the shit that goes on EN chats. It's a few antis in Matuli's chat, it's everyone in the EN ones

>> No.4471702

This is fucking adorable.

>> No.4471704

>I'll give a shit about unity when it's used to try to brush legitimate problems under the rug

>> No.4471705

What would you do if this bitch came up to you and started vibrating like a glitched out videogame model and you could hear the collision sound effects overlapping

>> No.4471706
Quoted by: >>4471743

Ina and Kiara have the second best chemistry in EN after Ame and Gura. Their fan bases also have good chemistry.

>> No.4471707

but Mori is very easy to dominate she is a pushover

>> No.4471710
File: 114 KB, 597x442, 88541504_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471709

English voices are good

>> No.4471711

if she plays the dub im watching it

>> No.4471713
Quoted by: >>4471758 >>4471772

>Oh no my controller doesn't work, guess I'll have to drop the game
>see you guys tomorrow for Obra Dim or whatever byeeee

>> No.4471717

Why does Ame constantly belch during streams

>> No.4471718

yeah I have a thought: KFPs have the worst memes

>> No.4471722

shes lost control of her life

>> No.4471723

>game demo spoils the shit out of the game
taro whyyy

>> No.4471724

Fuck yeah. I can finally enjoy watching this on my phone at work.
RE8 sucked for the same reason.

>> No.4471725
File: 236 KB, 2000x740, GuraLaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471839

Based, it made her laugh

>> No.4471727
Quoted by: >>4471750 >>4471823

Wait did Ame always have English voices on?

>> No.4471726
Quoted by: >>4471784

just because Kiara mentions her doesn't you faggots are allowed to bring up your retarded "le pink traitor" nonsense here, you fucking retard
go the fuck back

>> No.4471728

>English dub

>> No.4471729

Unity is a lie people hide behind and use to deflect when their oshi gets shitposted. When it's my oshi getting shitposted, all these supposed """"""""""unity""""""""""posters mysteriously vanish. It's all a lie built on maintaining appearances, trying to make your oshi's fanbase look good for a few posts before you go right back to shitting on someone else in HoloEN. If you seriously buy into it, you're a fucking shmuck.

>> No.4471730

>tfw old pekora would spend 1 hour on the actual stream and 6-7 hours so sc readings
money and fame changes a person huh

>> No.4471731
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1601055539181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471760

>nierfags are here to infest the thread
alright im out see you when gura goes live

>> No.4471734
Quoted by: >>4471766

neck yourself

>> No.4471736
Quoted by: >>4471853 >>4471889

If you google nyanners (I did for the right shade of pink) google just doxxes her right off. Youtube doing this with vtubers without you even asking is fucking annoying.

>> No.4471738


>> No.4471741
Quoted by: >>4471791

Ame's controller is broken looks like NieR is cancelled

>> No.4471740
File: 136 KB, 774x1024, 20210601_164448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4471743


I like Gura and Mori more, but that's so rare it might as well not count.

>> No.4471747 [SPOILER] 
File: 216 KB, 640x407, 1622585702770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471750

No, she literally turned it to English during this stream.

>> No.4471749
File: 3.37 MB, 514x830, 4ad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame ame ame...

>> No.4471754
File: 744 KB, 2549x3541, 1615070184354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471800 >>4471965

Good answer but
>In my face
What did he mean by this?

>> No.4471755

>TT still has a bunch of after effects on Hololive
It doesn't.

>> No.4471756

You will never be Japanese

>> No.4471758

>controller doesn't work
>accidentally ate a crumb of bread and now her tummy hurts
>oh and she's moving again

>> No.4471760

I don't want you shitting up the thread when my osh is live, kindly do not return

>> No.4471764
Quoted by: >>4471782

What happened to GurAme they used to do everything together

>> No.4471766

kek /qa/ is down the block

>> No.4471770
File: 186 KB, 318x338, perkele.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471848 >>4471857


>> No.4471772


>> No.4471773 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 660x480, 1622585748096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice and all, but I think Kiara has been streaming too much recently. She should get some sleep

>> No.4471774


>> No.4471775
File: 299 KB, 2880x1641, 1607620859208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight, if I gotta
I pick this one

>> No.4471776
File: 867 KB, 1280x1166, Ollie Yabs HARD [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0c7ib6.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot

>> No.4471777
Quoted by: >>4471821

Whenever i read jap chat it takes so much concentration i dont keep up with the oshi

>> No.4471778
Quoted by: >>4471792

Ummmm. Teakeks? Who the fuck is Wame?

>> No.4471780


>> No.4471779
File: 636 KB, 817x720, 1616668538571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl-F "you"
>90 results
Thanks for the yous kind strangers!

>> No.4471782
Quoted by: >>4471804


>> No.4471783

Man, sharkmeido desperately needs to finish with the current batch of jannies already.

>> No.4471784
File: 22 KB, 198x185, 1603471765222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me

>> No.4471787

Tourist hours is when Gura starts streaming.
Teamates are anything but tourists, they're always here.

>> No.4471789
File: 529 KB, 604x604, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471810

>> No.4471788

I like the English dub too, it's just completely out of nowhere for Ame

>> No.4471791
Quoted by: >>4471836

Yeah I'm sure Ina wants to read 10 hours of superchats
I'm your knees

>> No.4471792


>> No.4471793 [SPOILER] 
File: 302 KB, 483x471, 1622585774588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one thought

>> No.4471795

>EOPs assume JOPs are more well behaved
They 100% are more well-behaved on average, and I'm sick of people pretending that 'both sides are the same'. That's fucking bullshit and everyone knows it.

>> No.4471796
File: 30 KB, 538x530, 1603729471416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all newfags who joined around EN debut and have at most seen one or two JP clips. They have this weird perception of Hololive that has never existed.

>> No.4471797

I always think Pascal is a woman since his voice sounds feminine but they refer to him as a guy which is confusing

>> No.4471798

>Playing nier because of terrarium
I love you ame

>> No.4471799
File: 2.94 MB, 2010x3907, EkgyMJKU8AARAX7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a natural reaction if you stare into her eyes for too long.

>> No.4471800
File: 908 KB, 2365x1330, 1600199601977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471956 >>4471965

I meant to type case but my fingers don't work good.

>> No.4471803
File: 2.75 MB, 720x480, あつい、さむい、あつい、さむい... あつい!!![sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fga9u3x.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471875

この ひと き に いった わ

>> No.4471804
Quoted by: >>4471833

Mori doesnt care about Hololive you know

>> No.4471806
File: 17 KB, 533x389, 1611121363456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giggerigi :DDDDD

>> No.4471809
File: 108 KB, 293x203, 1602248115605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471865

>Ame is hoping for terrarium ideas from Nier
Cutest girl in the world

>> No.4471810

She really is the female dsp

>> No.4471811

oh that's some seasoned pasta

>> No.4471812

My fucking sides.

>> No.4471814

Kiara it's been a month already, stream the fucking SIMS again

>> No.4471813

Mori's answer about doxfags is still influencing instead of shutting that shit down Mori said it was okay

>> No.4471815
File: 63 KB, 573x431, HappyEnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly it didnt stick

>> No.4471820
File: 441 KB, 1448x2048, 1613115395075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura lust
Gura sex

>> No.4471818

t. deadbeat

>> No.4471821

It'll come with time

>> No.4471823

Pretty sure she played with JP voices, I think she switched to the Windows Store version because supposedly it's better than the Steam version so settings probably changed

>> No.4471824
Quoted by: >>4471886

you have no trust or respect for your oshi if you believe that their personnality will just shift from being in contact with another tuber with a slightly different style of content

>> No.4471825

Fucking WASTED

>> No.4471826
File: 642 KB, 1225x691, 1608227025907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Kiara, and KFP are cool.

>> No.4471827


>> No.4471829

>Starship TItantic
That is going to be the hardest a holo ever gets filtered and I'll watch every minute

>> No.4471830

>Tourist hours is when Gura starts streaming.
at least they won't bring up vsh*j* garbage since Gura is all they know about vtubing

>> No.4471832
Quoted by: >>4472009

Gura is actually cuter than Pikachu. How did Mamashiro do this?

>> No.4471833
Quoted by: >>4471870


>> No.4471834


>> No.4471835

did ame forget all the story by now

>> No.4471836

The bad knee or the good knee?

>> No.4471838


>> No.4471839
Quoted by: >>4471917

She almost made the punching one her discord icon too

>> No.4471840

I wish all of them did as good of SC readings as Ina did.

>> No.4471841

>not the soundpost
that didn't scare the fuck out of me

>> No.4471842
Quoted by: >>4471877 >>4471906

Do real idols do charity work?

>> No.4471843

It's no secret. Ina is my second favorite HoloEN and I fucking love Takobros

>> No.4471846

This, you wouldn't have to worry about a JP typing NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER in the chat.

>> No.4471848

>choses whore demon girl instead of sex wolf
kiar... onegai

>> No.4471849

They feared the truth and tried to censor it.

>> No.4471850
Quoted by: >>4471931

my oshi is being a graphicsfag again...

>> No.4471853

Blame the normalfags that feed the algorithm while searching for that shit.

>> No.4471852
Quoted by: >>4471903

What are you even trying to say?

>> No.4471855


>> No.4471857


>2 vtubers that both make annoying sounds, but in different ways

Will the respective fanbases be in heaven or get filtered instead?

>> No.4471858

>Current holos will lose some heat as new yab info comes out about the next gen
Would KFP prefer if someone in EN2 has a yab past that diverts some of the schizos from Kiara?
Or that none of EN2 has any yabs even if that means most schizos keep their attention on Kiara?

>> No.4471861
File: 57 KB, 651x626, 1594935330896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471865

A lot of the environments in this game, particularly in the city and the forest, probably make for good inspiration
She is very cute~ though I agree

>> No.4471866

I'd agree with you, but the subtitles are literally just the English lines subtitled, not the Japanese translated to English, so there's really no point in not using the English dub.

>> No.4471868
File: 69 KB, 227x222, 1618692158831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471949

is kiara seriously going to beat her record again with just supachats?

>> No.4471871

I guess it was 8 nice months at least too bad things ended up like this, expect some behavior change from the EN girls in the coming months.

>> No.4471870
Quoted by: >>4471916

Ayame's too busy playing League with her boyfriend to stream

>> No.4471872
File: 133 KB, 207x334, 1595024019770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471999


>> No.4471874

Okay seriously how has nobody superchatted Ame about her encoding or bitrate? Any kind of movement on screen makes it look like a 480pixel stream

>> No.4471875
File: 24 KB, 329x160, i don't know why i am here all i know is that i must fuck[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fyvw091.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471947


>> No.4471876

gib supahcahtto =D

>> No.4471877

no but my oshi wants to

>> No.4471878

You cannot speak Japanese

>> No.4471880
File: 58 KB, 256x256, OOOOUUUUGH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471881
File: 356 KB, 2480x2460, E2Rv0SeVgAQz_ID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thoughts

>> No.4471882

Ame hates her fans the most of any EN

>> No.4471883
Quoted by: >>4471939 >>4472020

Get it guys, like Jean Paul Sartre? This game is so deep

>> No.4471885
Quoted by: >>4471934 >>4471935

We have a bunch of fags who came in after TT and it shows.

>> No.4471886
Quoted by: >>4471940

Imagine trusting women, let alone women damaged enough to get picked up by Cover.

>> No.4471889

Oh it really does. It's literally the first picture

>> No.4471891

Why did they ban him? He was completely right.

>> No.4471893
File: 685 KB, 3031x3662, 1599145777189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 0 (zero) days since I've been rent free in a schizos head

>> No.4471895
Quoted by: >>4471974

fuck you her awoos are cute

>> No.4471896
File: 111 KB, 241x314, 1615453941369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4471897

why is it that spurdo posting is still funny, unlike wojacks and frogs?

>> No.4471898
Quoted by: >>4471942


>> No.4471903

you said TT has no influence, Mori's answer about doxfaggotry saying that it was okay is an example of the influence it had

>> No.4471904


>> No.4471906

They're inherently in the suicide prevention business.

>> No.4471908


>> No.4471909

How long does Ame stay awake for? 4am? 5am?

>> No.4471910

Even JP girls that are about equally as bad as N or V at least have less shitty fanbases that won't defecate all over the EN chats.
The kind of fags you'll get in the chat from such a collab will be worse than anything else.

>> No.4471914
Quoted by: >>4471974

Well I'll be in heaven since I love how both they sound

>> No.4471916
File: 121 KB, 1762x1089, EsQ93spU0AIuYWD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why anon... fine let me hang off my ceiling

>> No.4471917
File: 1.82 MB, 1116x1488, GuraNeko617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471992

I love this dork

>> No.4471918
Quoted by: >>4472016

I didn't want Ollie to go through any of the shit she did even if it kept retards off Tenchou for a bit, I wouldn't want that for EN2 either.

>> No.4471919
Quoted by: >>4471975

They literally just spam kusa when anything remotely entertaining happens anon.

>> No.4471921
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, Butt Slap [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fydns40.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4471923

Ame is not good at pronouncing words

>> No.4471925


>> No.4471926
Quoted by: >>4471993

Are you seriously trying to spread narratives from a second-hand source? God you are an embarrassment to antis everywhere.

>> No.4471928
Quoted by: >>4471978

Mori STILL gets superchats to this fucking day about how "I found you through the podcast" so right there, that alone proves you are full of shit in your sweeping statement.

>> No.4471929

wow nier has cool music

>> No.4471930

Kiara is Finnnish...FINNISH!!!

>> No.4471931
File: 149 KB, 776x778, crosscode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472113 >>4472159

I wanted her to play crosscode so bad especially since she said she wants to support german indie devs.
But she said graphics too bad

>> No.4471932

>wojacks and frogs

>> No.4471933
Quoted by: >>4471982


>> No.4471934

Still haven't watched it. Feels good being this based.

>> No.4471935

Here? In the chats? How are they influencing the girls or Hololive?

>> No.4471936

Kiara had more schizos to begin with since seagulls followed her from her past life. They will always focus on her.

>> No.4471938
Quoted by: >>4471985

>throat sore
>still tired
How many bjs did she give?

>> No.4471939

Get this.
2B? Like to be or not to be?

>> No.4471940
File: 267 KB, 512x512, 1593829541041.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472000

If you unironically believe this, why do you even bother watching the girls? I would say go watch Oga or something but the boys already have their share of schizos to deal with.

>> No.4471942

But consensually!

>> No.4471944

>I stayed up all night watching dumb Internet shit instead of sleeping like an adult
>Sorry for the two hour stream go watch Gura or something my tummy hurts

>> No.4471945

it's not been rammed into the ground by the rest of the internet

>> No.4471946
Quoted by: >>4471988 >>4472065

So why is Ame playing Nier again? She didn't seem to partucularly enjoy it.

>> No.4471947
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x720, Sleepy[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcfjq4b.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471997 >>4472081


>> No.4471948
Quoted by: >>4472080

I wouldn't wish the frustrations of being a KFP during the first 3 months of EN on anyone.

>> No.4471949

I mean, she has to go through them anyhow, might as well do as much as she can in one go. Though at the start of stream she was clearly not going for it, and just want to as long as she felt good. Which just happened to be a long time.

>> No.4471950
Quoted by: >>4471995

Wouldn't that be a win for all the Kiara antis?

>> No.4471951

Greys maybe, she loves her core fanbase as much as Kiara though. They're the only ones that interact off stream.

>> No.4471953

Spurdo posting wasn't hijacked by external entities, also its ebin

>> No.4471954

Kfp has to have kiara be #1 in everything, and that includes schizo antis, this has been a constant even during shit like Oct 1st

>> No.4471956

Dork! Cute Dork! Making anons fall for you Dork!

>> No.4471959
File: 135 KB, 335x367, 1617412754458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is shit, later bozos.

>> No.4471960

>On days Ame streams, she can’t sleep
>on her days off, all she does is sleep
Does the stress of having to stream the next day keep her up all night?

>> No.4471963
File: 483 KB, 800x1287, illust_89736794_20210525_082323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472001 >>4472034

>> No.4471964
File: 112 KB, 221x295, koro smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4471969 >>4472127

She's training to take on the boss.

>> No.4471965

Cum in my face
Stop fingering your pussy

>> No.4471967
Quoted by: >>4472012 >>4472026

it got those threads to bully Moona and Ollie into mental issues cause they interacted with C*nnor
this isn't a fault of the threads, just the collab, and would not happen if it was any unrelated e-celeb (after all, no one ever shitposts Pekora about Jun)
also, like >>4471813 pointed out, no one was ever doxxing holos before the TT collab, people always kept the veil untouched

>> No.4471968

Gura will never play Among Us again, you deluded schizophrenic.

>> No.4471969
Quoted by: >>4472030

What's her record again? Like 48 hours?

>> No.4471970

Because it's innocent, there's little to no irony in it. It's also spammed no where near to the amount Pepe and Wojack are.

>> No.4471972
File: 377 KB, 377x510, 1622406535735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472015


>> No.4471974


Hey, to each their own :}

>> No.4471975
Quoted by: >>4472076

Nobody has ever claimed EoPs spamming 'LOL' when something funny happens is poor behavior.

>> No.4471976

Would be more efficient for schizos to just kill themselves en masse tbqh

>> No.4471978
Quoted by: >>4472024 >>4472833

>More fans/more money
>"after effects"

>> No.4471982

she meant to say BEONIX
but ya know... australian accent *wink*

>> No.4471983
Quoted by: >>4472061

STREAM - wait what?
Stream Huke's birthday present, I guess...

>> No.4471984

schizochama... are you even trying?

>> No.4471985

A really good one

>> No.4471987

Reminder they share rooms in the /higg/ house

>> No.4471988

She did though? Did you watch the streams or are you having hallucinations?

>> No.4471989

Tell her to check OBS

>> No.4471991

I would never wish the shit Kiara deals with on other girls. I'm not a fucking monster.

>> No.4471992

Same desu
There needs to be more art of Gura getting the shit beaten out of her

>> No.4471993

How is it a "narratives from a second-hand source" Mori did not disavow doxfags on the podcast and thus the "le forbidden knowledge" is still an issue.

>> No.4471995

And why should i be happy about a win for antis?

>> No.4471996
Quoted by: >>4472106

Ame's gonna be pretty lost, isn't she.

>> No.4471997
File: 997 KB, 1364x1050, 2v1[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjpgw1g.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472050


>> No.4471998
File: 671 KB, 2880x1620, GuraLife2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m here the 18 hours I’m awake though

>> No.4471994

sinbly ebin :DDDD
not run into the ground by normalfags

>> No.4471999
File: 118 KB, 1192x552, same image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472000

Anon make more funny anon posts. Doki doki.

>> No.4472001
File: 2.97 MB, 2375x2580, 1612836831568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472004

Do it yourself faggot

>> No.4472005

you don't see them being spammed on twitch and reddit also they make laugh like a retard

>> No.4472006

It's remained mostly harmless and funny shitposting, hasn't been co-opted by /pol/ or other groups.

>> No.4472007

I'm gonna akasupa her to che

>> No.4472009
File: 98 KB, 230x237, 1620440987733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472128

Gura does indeed look like some easily recognizable some superpopular mascotte character. Simple is the best, I guess.

>> No.4472011 [SPOILER] 
File: 318 KB, 2048x1081, 1622586105083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472012


>> No.4472013
Quoted by: >>4472092

>TT still has a bunch of after effects on Hololive
Oh no the horrible after effects such as I found out about this from TT. Fucking absolute retard

>> No.4472014
File: 150 KB, 503x498, aquaticanimal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh heh heh

>> No.4472015
File: 441 KB, 1038x594, 1610599242662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nenhum pensamento cabeça vazia

>> No.4472016

I haven't kept up on ollie what happened?

>> No.4472018

>still banned from Ame's chat because I made a mean comment about Kiara months ago
what the hell

>> No.4472019

You will never be Japanese

>> No.4472021

I hope they don't get the same level of hate that she got

>> No.4472020

Wait so Pascal is..............?

>> No.4472023



>> No.4472024
File: 27 KB, 857x260, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472098

Oh so we're working off of your made-up definition instead of the one in the dictionary, okay.

>> No.4472026

>no one was ever doxxing holos before the TT collab, people always kept the veil untouched
I never said doxing never happened retard but Mori normalized it for normalfags

>> No.4472027

Not going to talk about gay shit

>> No.4472029
File: 132 KB, 1122x651, 1612819254349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472152

Kiara and Ina's interactions in chat are the cutest
Also i used to not really like Kiara as much (Little loud for me since she used to stream pretty late for me) but after being able to catch more of her streams live, your oshi's really cute, KFP Also that new outfit... And that cosplay...

>> No.4472030

I think its 36h playin AC Valhalla

>> No.4472031
Quoted by: >>4472056 >>4472101


>> No.4472032

Spurdoposting is inherently so ridiculous it can't be used to shit up threads over some dumbfuck culture war or used as an avatar for some mentally ill robot. It's just a funny face.

>> No.4472033

straight all of them no exception

>> No.4472034
File: 487 KB, 800x1287, illust_89736794_20210525_082324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472158


>> No.4472035
File: 749 KB, 432x763, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Mori's 3D will be censored?

>> No.4472037


>> No.4472038

Get fucked.

>> No.4472040
Quoted by: >>4472055

God theses voices are terrible.

>> No.4472039
Quoted by: >>4472055 >>4472101

>Amelia using English voices now
Extremely based.

>> No.4472041

I've come to believe it's a result of the self evident supremacy of Finnish culture.

>> No.4472043
Quoted by: >>4472138

Somehow, it's primary effect was to negatively shit up the rest of the EN vtuber industry
TT fans are a cancer across twitch

>> No.4472044

not gonna acknowledge this for obvious reasons

>> No.4472046

Ame forgot to change the voices back to Japanese!

>> No.4472050
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, okakoro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472149


>> No.4472052

retard. you should of known better

>> No.4472051
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1611046953987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472180

You can't be serious. I'm being baited.

>> No.4472053

There's a Vtuber that I liked...
But when I asked her out, she turned me down...

>> No.4472056

>Check stream
>Actually playing the dub
Actually surprised. How long until she changes it back?

>> No.4472054
Quoted by: >>4472118

This place has never really recovered after the Amegeddon. I miss old /hlgg/

>> No.4472055


>> No.4472060
File: 124 KB, 463x453, 1621944979318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472104 >>4472108

>these voices

>> No.4472061
Quoted by: >>4472263

it bothers me incredibly how badly that cover has done
i would kill for more acoustic Kiara

>> No.4472062

I thought Ame chose the Japanese voices

>> No.4472063


>> No.4472064

Based Ame.

>> No.4472065

She has been spammed by nierfags ever since she stopped playing it, even had people complaining about her "promising" to play it in her superchats

>> No.4472067

No, and it's not like she can get rid of them. Her schizos have been stalking her for years, it ain't going away and I don't want anyone else to go through the same thing

>> No.4472068

Do you see eceleb/collab spam in their chat anon? Besides 草 and かわいい, spams only come from antis

>> No.4472066

Best case scenario it stays as a one-off collab that doesn't bring many of their fans over.

Worst case it'll lead to more and more collabs in the coming months, normalizing collabs with them to a point where it's a common occurrence as well as filling the chats and communities of the holoENs with more and more of their fans, giving them a voice and power over polls and feedback, making things even shittier yet.

Reality will probably be somewhere inbetween these. I hate it, but there's nothing that can be done but pray.

>> No.4472069
Quoted by: >>4472180


>> No.4472070

Can someone edit the flag into the german one, you know which one, the special one. the spicy one, the amazing one. you know which one, right?

>> No.4472074
File: 62 KB, 182x150, 1605888964237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK it's you again. Imagine buying the rrat that Ame dislikes Kiara. Get fucked, you retard.

>> No.4472073

>I like the JP voices better


>> No.4472076
Quoted by: >>4472233

Still doesn't make you right its all the same shit.

>> No.4472080

>schizos breaking containment to give Kiara collages of people shitting on her
>sends her THAT coupon
My memory is hazy so I don't remember everything KFP dealt with but those 2 alone were pretty bad.

>> No.4472081
File: 2.06 MB, 200x220, ina...[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fu3boo5.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472129


>> No.4472084

Would you ok with a NijiEN collab? Pomu is a boomer weeb ex wotagei who still seems to be ankles deep on idol stuff.

>> No.4472087
Quoted by: >>4472141

I left the previous thread early and went to catch up. To the anon who posted >>4470565, go kill yourself.
>nobody gave a fuck
you're either a newfag who doesnt know what ACTUALLY happened or you're a fucking idiot. In coco's case she modded a bunch of people, one of which turned out to be a chink who, when given the opportunity, went on a mass-banning spree in her chat. Coco had to go on twitter (and YT iirc) to tell people to submit their requests to get unbanned. In Suzy's case she asked her chat who amongst her members were 1 y/o and only gave a select few of them mod roles, not some no-name grey fucks or 1 or 2 month old members.

>> No.4472086
Quoted by: >>4472139

Amelia is such a dirty nasty stinking smelly weeb jesus

>> No.4472088
Quoted by: >>4472337 >>4472413

Will never cease to amuse me how every dumbfuck artist that tries to paint Mori as anything but straight unintentionally exposes themselves as never watching streams.

>> No.4472089

>I like the JP voice better
Ame you weebs

>> No.4472093

I mean I loved the Subaru collab, will probably love the upcoming Reine collab.
The phogs one didn't leave me with an impression apart from that Reine might have been a bit stiff.

>> No.4472092

Go back

>> No.4472094
File: 207 KB, 220x224, 1609400643891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use adblock
>it's shit, use ublock!
>use ublock
>it's shit, use adblock ultimate!

>> No.4472095

>Ame likes the JP voices more
Fucking weeb. Based

>> No.4472096

I hope she changes back to JP voices before the end of the stream.

>> No.4472098

>Moving goalposts
"After effects" in the original post had a negative quality.

>> No.4472099

"I liked the japanese voices better"
Next stream.

>> No.4472101
Quoted by: >>4472119 >>4472303

>Ame just mentioned liking the Japanese voices better

>> No.4472102

>Kiara collabs with VShojo
>suddenly and nearly instantly, every EN literally cannot stop talking about sex, cum, dicks, and in some cases farts every single stream
>most of EN opens official pornhub accounts where they post 3D captured vids of them masturbating or having sex with brand new BFs
>all of them start posting hot takes about politics and divisive topics like lolicons on Twitter
This is how some of you sound. You all have zero faith in these girls and their ability to not jump headfirst into the first bad thing they get into contact with

>> No.4472104


>> No.4472107
File: 211 KB, 930x1400, 1608515678136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got angry with myself for how my reps turned out earlier but knowing some fag thought this shit was good enough to shit out makes me feel better about my own skills

>> No.4472103

jesus christ weebs are the fucking worst man

>> No.4472105

She hates it.

>> No.4472106

Yeah, for the next 30 hours

>> No.4472108
Quoted by: >>4472137

imo the English voices are better in original Nier but the JP ones are better for Automata...?

>> No.4472109

Kek this is the dub everyone liked? It sounds like shit

>> No.4472111

I know this thread is going to be shit like always
your oshi is shit

>> No.4472112

Damn, my oshi is based.

>> No.4472113
File: 3.26 MB, 425x219, badhow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472159

it's a real shame she wont look past the surface and even then its really really good pixel art.

>> No.4472114
Quoted by: >>4472278

Go say it on Mori's chat when she gets back, she actually does hate Kiara.

>> No.4472115

It's cute and most importantly it's not used to prove "le epic arguments" like frogs and wojacks.

>> No.4472116
File: 20 KB, 262x262, Guga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472145

Did any of you get Ame's teammates special card yet? What does it do?

>> No.4472117

not long

>> No.4472118

Amegeddon was on /jp/ though

>> No.4472119

>likes them better
>when the entire time she was playing with them she was whining about not being able to even focus on the story

>> No.4472122
File: 680 KB, 862x457, 1621857129099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472245

Hey /hlgg/,

My name is Dante, and I like every single Holo in Hololive. All of them are cute, a bit dumb, but sweet girls who spend every second of their day looking to entertain (You). But tribalist are everything wrong in these threads. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten your meds? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of numbers because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. Though a rrat every now and again does make threads more interesting. Don't ya think?

C’mon don't be a stranger. Hit me with your best shot. I'm the son of Sparda. I was there on Sora's debut stream, and been here all the way to Holomyth and HoloID 2. What streams do you watch, other than "just watching clips n shitpost about numbers"? I also get Holos to play my games, and have a banging cute oshi (She will play DMC3; Gonna be crazy!). Tribalist are all pathetic and should just learn UNITY LOVE. Take care of yourselves.

Pic Related: It's me and UNITY

>> No.4472123
Quoted by: >>4472194

ublock origin is the real one
dude sold ublock away and then just made it again with better coding or something, if I remember

>> No.4472124

>this nigger again

>> No.4472126
File: 341 KB, 720x711, E03UgL9VEAQm_vo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that 2B's ultra-seriousness and stoicism of all things is what convinces her operator to cheer up

>> No.4472127

She already knelt to Koro-san, I don't think she'll ever got to such lengths

>> No.4472128
File: 2.28 MB, 5185x4093, GuraCute6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple, cute, and funny works wonders

>> No.4472129

I still can't wrap my head around how she was able to get away with this on stream...

>> No.4472130
Quoted by: >>4472183 >>4472232

Why do they do this shit
I can kinda understand, even though I think its retarded, why they do this with fictional characters
But these are real people

>> No.4472133

based ame, get fucked schizo

>> No.4472136


>> No.4472137
Quoted by: >>4472171 >>4472331

>imo the English voices are better

>> No.4472138
Quoted by: >>4472319

How is that COVER's fault? Did you ignore the other episode they made about chuubas?

>> No.4472139

That's why we love her

>> No.4472140

>hears two sentences in English
god you are such an insufferable faggot

>> No.4472141
Quoted by: >>4472297

>. In coco's case she modded a bunch of people, one of which turned out to be a chink who, when given the opportunity, went on a mass-banning spree in her chat.

No? Some retard at cover meant to ban them instead of mod them and modded them instead.

>> No.4472143
Quoted by: >>4472249 >>4472289

This makes me more angry because of how misplaced all of them are rather than the social justice-ey angles.

Most importantly, why is Gura trans?

>> No.4472144
File: 167 KB, 683x720, 1622238985299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a dubnigger

>> No.4472145

It works on her coupon machine.

>> No.4472146

Ame is a massive unityfag, retardchama. Probably the biggest one in her gen.

>> No.4472147
Quoted by: >>4472394

9S is better in the dub, everyone else is worse

So the straighter your oshi is, the more she'll prefer the dub

>> No.4472149
File: 232 KB, 850x1202, sample_c2372d0bac489f29544e74d2a899b651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472239


>> No.4472150

Ame is our girl with good taste. Eng dub sucks shit.

>> No.4472151

>I need your help!

>> No.4472152
Quoted by: >>4472202

Your oshi's flat chest takobro... it does things to me.

>> No.4472158


>> No.4472159
File: 564 KB, 1432x1704, 1618863811681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crosscode is an amazing game. With tons of memes and references and shit. Great story and comedy as well. Lot's of reading (Kiara voice acting) and girly girl main character.

Perfect game for her.

>> No.4472162

>You all have zero faith in these girls
I get your point but considering out of all the possible non-holo collab targets Kiara has gone for Vei first and now for pinkcat I don't think she deserves to have much faith put in her. That's probably the worst taste imaginable, I couldn't think of two worse vtubers to go for.

>> No.4472163
File: 140 KB, 400x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.4472164

Adblock ultimate is shit, just use adnauseam.

>> No.4472166

Are you unironically seething because nobody likes your shitty English dub?

>> No.4472168

>Talk shit about one of her sisters
What else were you expecting retard?

>> No.4472170
Quoted by: >>4472279 >>4472596

Ina will never be Japanese.

>> No.4472171

Idk I watched the library scene at the end of act1 on Migo's channel and I thought it was way more impactful in English, was kind of surpised actually since I usually always go for the JP dub but idk if that scene was an anomaly since I didn't play the rest

>> No.4472174

You'll never be Japanese

>> No.4472177


>> No.4472180

Mori straight up said doxxing was okay so long as you weren't weird about it. On a podcast aimed at normalfags. Now you have those same normalfags celebrating and endorsing videos showing Gura's underage roommate videos. Deadbeats trying to deflect doesn't change that.

>> No.4472183

Because they have to force it on everyone for attention

>> No.4472187

This happens because your oshi pretends to be /u/

>> No.4472186
Quoted by: >>4472209

You are aware Kiara liked Vei before Vshojo right?

>> No.4472188

Does Ame like Automata? She's never seen too invested.

>> No.4472189
File: 610 KB, 915x750, 1594690490383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder, how many of you remember The Quarterpounder?

>> No.4472191


>> No.4472192
Quoted by: >>4472299

Nyanners used to do that kind of content and pander to 4chan, then she tried to go pro and distanced herself from this place, until it didn't work out so she's now a Vtuber. Quite a bit of people here still hold a grudge because of it.

>> No.4472193


>> No.4472194

Yeah, ublock origin is the right one. You want the one by gorhill on github. If you're getting ads with that, your filters are set up wrong or you're not subscribed to the right list.

>> No.4472195


>> No.4472197
File: 66 KB, 240x110, 1607406048708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the guy following Ame around, Teamates?

>> No.4472198

>group of cute anime girls
>JOPs draw them having fun and hanging out
>EOPs draw THIS
Why are EOPs like this?

>> No.4472201

You know, I think I actually see what Ame means. I mean about the terrarium stuff. She just saw a tree that was mixed into a building and I can imagine the gears are turning in her head.

>> No.4472203

No. I wonder if I'm considered KFP since Kiara is my favorite EN and I've been membered to her since the start, but my oshi is Korone. She and her fans went trough a lot of shit back then, in a very similar way to Kiara. It only hurt to see this kind of thing happening again with her. I don't wish all that harassment to anyone and more than anything, it only serves to completely ruin threads since antis have no self-awareness to realize they're ruininge everyone else's fun, particularly the people that don't really care about the girl they're attacking in any way.

>> No.4472202

And your oshi's tic ties, KFP... it does things to me.

>> No.4472204

2B without Ishikawa's voice is fucked up for real
How am I gonna play as an android girl if she doesn't have Violet Evergarden's voice?

>> No.4472205
Quoted by: >>4472252 >>4472266

You will never fit in. Mori saying that changed literally nothing.

>> No.4472206
Quoted by: >>4472418

Ina thanking Pikamee and then ignoring Zentreya and Ironmouse pretty much made me sure I can trust her so I'm thankful for it.

>> No.4472207

Go back

>> No.4472209

Is that supposed to make it better? Vei is absolute bottom of the barrel, actual garbage.

>> No.4472211
Quoted by: >>4472465 >>4472610

The only thing that worries me about pink cat is she hurting Kiara's feelings. She already suffered with people that acted like her friends just to use her.

>> No.4472214

Yeah, me

>> No.4472217

There's gotta be some way to convince her to play it

>> No.4472218


>> No.4472220
Quoted by: >>4472394

9S is undeniably the main strength of the dub, but the rest of the cast is average at best.
Not like it matters if it sucks or not, you're oshi is a retard and can't read at all while playing the game and fags are going to bitch no matter what.

>> No.4472221
File: 494 KB, 720x900, 8768643513454536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472226

ogey, have my last (you)

>> No.4472228

How could you say such an awful thing about Ame?

>> No.4472231
Quoted by: >>4472256 >>4472322

>Perfect game for her
Looks way too hard for her. Unless there's a baby mode, I don't remember.

>> No.4472232

Underage, autism or both.

>> No.4472233
Quoted by: >>4472372

It really isn't. Show me JP comments demanding collabs in the same way that greyfags shit up Gura's chat demanding collabs with ecelebs.

>> No.4472235

it's me don't worry

>> No.4472236

Weren't Takami and Poka good friends in another life, I'm surprised they haven't collabed at all

>> No.4472237


>> No.4472238
Quoted by: >>4472300

Ina will never be japanese.
Ina will never be cute and girly.

>> No.4472239
File: 516 KB, 850x766, sample_5613e33421c5e0cda5013c58af67ca10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472383


>> No.4472241

Damn Ame is rad.

>> No.4472243
File: 472 KB, 466x886, 1616645500763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472242

Kira is the only EN that brings out savage Ina and I love it. Her bantz is amazing.

>> No.4472244
File: 14 KB, 149x85, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is Ame's reward for giving in to the whining "NO, you can't just drop Nier like that!" audience.
I hope she never listens to Nierfags again.

>> No.4472245


>> No.4472246
File: 363 KB, 384x629, 1613473795790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472269

Watched the whole 12h marathon yeasterday and now the sc reading since the begining, someone please send help.

>> No.4472247
File: 229 KB, 637x467, 1617430530474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ME, motherfucker

>> No.4472248
File: 2.06 MB, 1446x2048, GuraNeko614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472293

Gura in 1.5 hours fuck yeah

>> No.4472249

She's transatlantean

>> No.4472250
Quoted by: >>4472288

No I have zero faith in VShoujo fans coming over to Hololive and shitting up everything. And I don't have faith in some of the EN's to think "what's the harm in x" and start sliding, especially since some of them have already demonstrated that.

>> No.4472252
Quoted by: >>4472350

She never said nothing of the sort, he's just twisting her words (like every other Mori thing)

>> No.4472253


>> No.4472256
Quoted by: >>4472322

There is. I believe you can scale enemy damage output and received up to 80%

>> No.4472257
File: 2.52 MB, 1280x720, Luna - Let's Go(Stuck in the Sound)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fp3t5z0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4472258
Quoted by: >>4472292

>Ame caring about numbers

>> No.4472259
Quoted by: >>4472459

What causes the mere thought of Nier to cause people to seethe so hard?

>> No.4472261
Quoted by: >>4472338

I mean she's playing a game that all her genmates already finished ages ago. It's Sakuna arc all over again

>> No.4472263
Quoted by: >>4472896

>no promotion beforehand to keep it a surprise
>Japanese title until a month in
>over 6 minutes long
>old anime outro

Sadly it was doomed from the start.
But I hope she will do stuff like this again.

>> No.4472262


>> No.4472264

Specifically faith not to just BECOME everything bad about those people? Kiara has bad taste at times (I still love her) when it comes to who she interacts with, but to think she (or any Holo) will just transform overnight into the worst that VShojo has to offer is fucking ridiculous, and so is believing it would happen at all even if it would be a gradual change.

>> No.4472265
File: 5 KB, 369x33, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go again

>> No.4472266
Quoted by: >>4472284

>Mori saying that changed literally nothing.

>> No.4472268


>> No.4472269

Same bro I don't think I'm gonna make it...

>> No.4472270

Are people just completely over watching Nier after Kiara and Ina's playthroughs?

>> No.4472272
File: 203 KB, 463x453, 1612062942377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2b means to be

>> No.4472271
Quoted by: >>4472320

More than Kiara's Nier viewers
Its fine.

>> No.4472275

And so Sheep has dropped out, leaving Chicken standing

>> No.4472277

>Perfect game for her.
Kiara is going to get stuck for 7 hours on one puzzle room.

>> No.4472276


>> No.4472278
Quoted by: >>4472386

Yeah they both fucking hate each other, absolutely nothing but pure hatred

>> No.4472279


>> No.4472281

This is my first time watching a Nier stream .

>> No.4472284
Quoted by: >>4472328 >>4472393

You're right anon. Doxing was never a problem until the voices in your head told you that. Totally.

>> No.4472285

JMT love

>> No.4472287
Quoted by: >>4472328 >>4472446

you are correct friend, all the channels about 'X real face' or the 'identity of Y' started popping up shortly after the collab, never seen them suggested by YT shortly after watching 4 Hololive videos beforehand
the Gura doxx was a particularly egregious example since it was the TT guys (and not Chumbuds and shitposters, as some would think) purposefully egging on the schizos by quoting Gura as an exemplary in OPsec and as such someone absolutely untouchable

one just had to expect such a blatant boast to get a similarly aggressive response, and the fact Mori didn't predict it is really a long lasting impact of TT collab

>> No.4472288

>and start sliding, especially since some of them have already demonstrated that.
Wtf are you even going on about?

>> No.4472289

She tacitly endorsed trans rights by saying that bullying is bad in response to a SC asking her if she supported trans rights.

>> No.4472290


>> No.4472291
Quoted by: >>4472332

Kiara is a gosling for jenma?

>> No.4472292

I didn't say Ame cares about numbers. I'm saying that the Nierfags who cried aren't even showing up.

>> No.4472293
File: 200 KB, 1920x1080, 1610802533512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who gets triggered by "1.5 hours" or generally half an hour written as "0.5"?
Because it makes me thing it's 50 minutes but it's not.

>> No.4472294
File: 684 KB, 828x821, Gura's Hotline Crazybus Run [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fy7tod6.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472295
Quoted by: >>4472333

>Ame shitting on EN dub
Please ame...

>> No.4472296

I'm still watching but basically yeah. This isn't even including the JP wave of players.

>> No.4472297
Quoted by: >>4472396

Which led to that guy mass-banning viewers

>> No.4472298

Ame's being really cute in this stream.

>> No.4472300
File: 102 KB, 287x367, kiarastuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina will never be cute and girly.
Now that's a first.

>> No.4472299

Plus she's just a shitty person all around

>> No.4472303

>still uses them anyway

>> No.4472304

Ame thinks the dub SUCKS

>> No.4472305

Ame... Pascal is literally voiced by Aoi Yuki in Japanese...

>> No.4472306


>> No.4472307
File: 136 KB, 319x393, 1621055625223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472363

My man, some faggots here are pulling some impressive mental gymnastics to cope with the fact that the TT podcast was a nothingburger. Don't try to reason with them, they're beyond delusional at this point

>> No.4472308


>> No.4472310

Kek Ame is shitting all over the dub

>> No.4472311

Fuck Nierfags but also fuck you for being a numberfag.

>> No.4472312
Quoted by: >>4472414

I'm sorry who exactly is it that gives a fuck about which number appears under the title of the stream?

>> No.4472313

Remember when Ame was acting all suicidal in her member stream because Gura didn't respond to her text and then it came out later that Gura just slept in late that day

>> No.4472315

Yes unironically no doxx was never posted in /jp/ before TT collab and YT wasn't filled with doxx videos.

>> No.4472316
Quoted by: >>4472414

Ame (and Ina) are the biggest anti-numberfags in EN. She won't care if it doesn't pull in viewers.

>> No.4472317
Quoted by: >>4472388 >>4472454

Good lord Ame just change the voices back to Japanese. This voice acting is terrible.

>> No.4472320
Quoted by: >>4472352

Who gives a fuck about that? I just want eternal...

>> No.4472319

Lmao was there really? Fuck those fags

>> No.4472322

Not just that, you can even adjust the difficulty of puzzles

>> No.4472325
File: 510 KB, 957x539, 1613196512889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the Nier dub is whatever will get me the most (You)s depending on the mood of the thread!

>> No.4472326

Not only is she a smelly nasty disgusting weeb that will never be Japanese and is the living breathing equivalent to a dub actress working for a japanese company, she forgot to move the goddamn cursor off the screen.

>> No.4472328
Quoted by: >>4472359

Stop replying to the stupidest bait in this thread

>> No.4472329
File: 58 KB, 1033x667, 1601390512549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara's supachat reading managed to outlast an entire Watame stream with supachat reading

>> No.4472332

they're actually friends anon, not like you all

>> No.4472331

I could care less for Buckley's 2B voice but 9S' line delivery during the second half is absolutely god tier so I like the english voices just for that
It's like how in Replicant/Gestalt, Laura's line delivery can be hit or miss ranging between pretty meh and pretty amazing but Liam O'Brien as Weiss is probably the greatest voice actor selection any north american company has ever made at least for JRPGs and Jamieson Price as Papa Nier while sometimes sounds cheesy is also really fitting.
Part 2 Brother Nier is alright, not terrible from what I've played so far but not overly amazing either

>> No.4472333

Yes, please Ame, shit on it some more. Make them seethe!

>> No.4472334
Quoted by: >>4472440 >>4472507

What the fuck is wrong with Ame's stream? Why is it so blurry at 1080p?

>> No.4472337

All of these are janky in their placement. I think they're actually coordinating it based on what suits their color palette best, because otherwise none of these make sense.

>> No.4472338
Quoted by: >>4472356 >>4472412

>that all her genmates already finished ages ago.
I fucking wish. Mori never played it. I wanted to see Mori in 2B's or A2's outfit god fucking dammit.

>> No.4472342
File: 207 KB, 338x380, 1612582478680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does everything

>> No.4472343

Games old, and ame doesnt really seem to like it

>> No.4472345
Quoted by: >>4472414

Yes, Amelia Watson, the girl who frequently does false endings and drops thousands of viewers at a time, gives a shit about numbers.

>> No.4472346

These 12 hour Kiara streams makes me think of mamaloni's translator.
RIP that person.

>> No.4472347
File: 201 KB, 758x216, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472385 >>4472407

Things I did not expect

>> No.4472350
Quoted by: >>4472572

>She never said nothing of the sort
yes she did

>> No.4472352
File: 2.77 MB, 2636x3808, 1622501597704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next week

>> No.4472351

damn Kiara really works Jenma to the bone

>> No.4472354


>> No.4472355

Thankfully Ame is ins't a retard like Kiara so I don't have to worry about that

>> No.4472356

This but Gura

>> No.4472357


>> No.4472359
Quoted by: >>4472380

anon, the alternative is watching two first routes of Nier for the 4th time, I'm not going through that shit

>> No.4472361

Yup. I also remember gura letting it slip the fact that she was a submarine captain

>> No.4472362

Jesas, Jenma is spread thin

>> No.4472363

If you think about it we would have never had the Ollie/Moona arc with C if it wasn't for the TT podcast.
So it really did have an effect beyond just shitting up the threads for some weeks.

>> No.4472364

>Jenma is the main person taking care of EN game permissions. As well as things Kiara cant talk about.
Is there anything she does not do?

>> No.4472366

were the enma hate posters right all along ?

>> No.4472367

I remember when Gura did some stupid shit because she's a fucking idiot, yeah.

>> No.4472368

>takes care of game permissions as well
jesus, sounds overworked

>> No.4472371
File: 256 KB, 1165x714, rrat controlled numbersagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472372

I don't have one of those on hand but I'll just point out how pissy jp fans get about Fubuki collabing with holostars (much like the current Pink cat collab.) and I think my point proves itself. They are very much alike and any reasonable person can see that.

>> No.4472374

I can't stand Nier playthroughs anymore after EVERYONE'S done it but I hope Ame enjoys it.

>> No.4472375
File: 256 KB, 905x1441, o12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4472376

Nier is a low viewer game,
Only the intro and the ending attract people

>> No.4472377

>That's probably the worst taste imaginable, I couldn't think of two worse vtubers to go for.
Hime Hajime and Zentreya.

>> No.4472381

I'm a teamate but this is based and true

>> No.4472380
Quoted by: >>4472540

Don't you want to watch Ame being cute?

>> No.4472382

I love Jenma so much anons...

>> No.4472383
File: 711 KB, 1000x1178, 244514b856563972d1cf6865d5312297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472441


>> No.4472384

Ame please 9S voice is good...

>> No.4472385

the fuck?

>> No.4472386
Quoted by: >>4472428

I could really tell all the loathing Mori put into planning their vacation.

>> No.4472387
File: 336 KB, 1920x1080, 1607140995512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4472388

You will never be Nipponese

>> No.4472389
File: 1.70 MB, 1451x2048, GuraNeko615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura in 232 minutes - 2.4 hours

>> No.4472391
Quoted by: >>4472485


>> No.4472393

this is about doxing by normalfags not by weridos

>> No.4472394
Quoted by: >>4472549

She's making fun of 9S too.

>> No.4472395
File: 20 KB, 364x336, ame wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the hint.

>> No.4472396
Quoted by: >>4473447

But she didn't fucking choose them.
She wanted them banned. It's not the same fucking thing.

>> No.4472398
Quoted by: >>4472431


>> No.4472401
File: 2.68 MB, 1920x1080, [MV] ロキ _ Roki (English Rap Cover) - Calliope Mori 1-21 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472449 >>4472578

will mori be ogey

>> No.4472400

>Even does the game perms and talks to all the devs
Jenma is a fucking trooper

>> No.4472402

have sex with me, which is a sin in my eyes

>> No.4472404

She doesn't have emotional sex with me

>> No.4472405


>> No.4472407

Nier is ultra debuff now

>> No.4472406

kek, appreciate you continuing it

>> No.4472408

Pretty sure very few teamates are actually upset that she waited this long to stream. All I care about is that she wants to stream it and that she's enjoying herself.

>> No.4472412

It's not a new release and somebody played it within the past decade so I wouldn't expect Mori to play it, bro.

>> No.4472413

No no she is a bit ungirly and that means she's a full on dyke. Straight women must be girly and lesbians must be butch.

>> No.4472414
Quoted by: >>4472443

Are you being dense on purpose?
It's not about Ame caring. It's about the faggots who cried and begged for her to do Nier again not even tuning in.
She didn't care for the game that much and only went back to it because so many people went apeshit over her not scheduling it again.

>> No.4472416
Quoted by: >>4472528

Shuld I watch Ame's stream if I want to play this game some day myself

>> No.4472417

What counts as Gura sleeping in "late"? Past 5 PM?

>> No.4472418

I already trusted her but that really solidified it.

>> No.4472420
File: 280 KB, 498x336, 14873478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Nier a debuff game at this point since every other holos basically done it

>> No.4472422

She wanted to drop it, but viewers wouldn’t let her.

>> No.4472423

>C*nnor made the threads harass the talents
Man, fuck him.

>> No.4472425
File: 1.49 MB, 308x249, 87684564.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put up with Gura's longing for Ame.

>> No.4472427

Gura is a female. She has ass, breasts, thighs and a pussy.

>> No.4472428
Quoted by: >>4472488

When Kiara talked about how much she admires Mori? You could fucking hear in her voice how much she wanted to tear out her tongue.

>> No.4472430

this thread goes from "ENMA HATE JENMA HATE" to "ENMA HATE JENMA LOVE" to "ENMA LOVE JENMA LOVE" at the drop of a fucking pin

>> No.4472431
Quoted by: >>4472503

>being this wrong

>> No.4472432
Quoted by: >>4472509


>> No.4472433


>> No.4472434


>> No.4472435

I wouldn't wish the frustration on another person, and I would rather not have to deal with it myself but we've dealt with schizos long enough to be desensitized towards them.

>> No.4472438

Fucking kek

>> No.4472437

Even Ina played it and Risu..?

>> No.4472440

Welcome to Nier

>> No.4472441
File: 733 KB, 900x1350, 1621962447325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472622


>> No.4472442

>Gura yesterday: Keeps permission talk as vague as possible when people ask about permissions.
>Kiara goes into detail about how getting permissions work.
One of the things I appreciate the most about Kiara honestly.

>> No.4472443
Quoted by: >>4472458

Have you personally verified and identified which viewers requested Nier and are not present? Shut the fuck up.

>> No.4472444

i prefer writing it that way since 1.5 can be multiplied by 60 to the number of minutes

>> No.4472446

>Chumbuds are lolcow anti
Funny how retards attract each others orcschizo is a KFP then just like eggman

>> No.4472447

why does Cover have no english contacts to rely on in NA, leverage your fucking talents

>> No.4472449

She battled the Fiscal Fiends already

>> No.4472450
Quoted by: >>4472483

>Is there anything she does not do?
Get EN game permissions, apparently.

>> No.4472451
Quoted by: >>4472504 >>4472535

Yeah that part is undeniable. I dont know why people still insist on TT not having any effect

>> No.4472452

No Nier wasn't even a debuff game pre Holocaust. It's a fun game that provides lots of material for Holos to react to and work with.

>> No.4472453

this Nier dub is actually ruining her enjoyment if the game she should just turn this shit off and play oblivion

>> No.4472454
Quoted by: >>4472502

If she does that then she will understand jack shit. She's using English voices because she hasn't done her reps

>> No.4472455

Its beautiful....

>> No.4472459
Quoted by: >>4472486


>> No.4472458

Yes, I have.

>> No.4472460


>> No.4472463

It had the effect of possiblly driving Ollie to take a break from a bunch of antis, some of whom kept shitting on Ollie for the C arc. Ironically the antis seem to have come from here so only the same schizos that shit up the threads are to blame.

>> No.4472464
Quoted by: >>4472727

Ame never got good views on it. It’s not a game many people want to see her play. Yet somehow it beat Doom in that poll, albeit barely.

>> No.4472465
Quoted by: >>4472740

>people that acted like her friends just to use her
This is quite a normal process for "networking", something ecelebs do a lot of. I'm not saying it's gonna happen to her, I'm just pointing out that this bullshit snake tactic is natural among people that just wanna make connections for their own gain and nothing else. Same could be said about any other field, but it's very blatant among people doing content online. Especially "friendly" twitter interactions out of the blue for seemingly no reason.

>> No.4472468

fuck these absolute shitters for making us harrass the girls. What a bunch of unironic faggots.

>> No.4472476
File: 722 KB, 2000x2000, 1609803479723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4473011

>playing nier after it's already been played to death by everyone else
No wonder it's such a big debuff. Ame Ame Ame... She wouldn't have even returned to this if that faggot Teamate didn't cry about it.

>> No.4472475

Gura's childish ass, breasts, thighs and pussy....

>> No.4472477


What did you even say?

>> No.4472479
File: 286 KB, 750x817, 1612445886655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enma has gone from love to hate to love and now back to hate
Enma has the ultimate love/hate relationship with /hlgg/

>> No.4472481

if I say "1/2 hour" do you think it is 20 minutes?

>> No.4472483

watch streams

>> No.4472485

Finally a good post

>> No.4472486

Where are they? Just like all those evil /v/fags that were going to shit up the thread when Gura started DMC5, I don't see any.

>> No.4472487
Quoted by: >>4472508

If she actually liked it she probably would have been eager to play it again once the internet issues were resolved, but she's only now doing it because people kept on asking.

>> No.4472488
Quoted by: >>4472575

and when Mori made those bracelets for them she was absolutely doing it out of pure hatred

>> No.4472492

I've never seen this wojak before

>> No.4472494

I love my retarded oshi
fuck you now I can't unsee the mouse

>> No.4472502

There are subtitles, unless you are insinuating that she is illiterate too.

>> No.4472503
Quoted by: >>4472564


>> No.4472504

do you people really believe in Ollie's self-control if they appeared unrelated to the podcast?
claiming C*nnor or some other fags wouldn't pop up sooner or later considering they are constantly interacting with people in vtuber sphere (including like 6-7 people who she actively responds to) is very fucking naïve, on the level of magical thinking really

>> No.4472505
Quoted by: >>4472560

Management is trash always has been, always will be. The only good staff is A-chan.

>> No.4472507

YouTube is re-encoding it in h264 at like 3mbps which isn't enough for how fast this game moves

>> No.4472508

She liked when she played back then though. Only stopped because her ISP was fucked.

>> No.4472509
Quoted by: >>4472636 >>4472838

Reminder that Metallica is a big proponent of DMCA and their own Twitch stream got muted.

>> No.4472510
Quoted by: >>4472530

hes a big robot

>> No.4472511

Why the fuck do you never provide proof?

>> No.4472517
Quoted by: >>4472527 >>4472546


>> No.4472518

This. Kiara really is the go-to for BTS details on how things work. Everyone else either keeps things vague or tiptoes around it

>> No.4472521
Quoted by: >>4472586

Do you think Ame will ever fix her bitrate? She probably has it set at 2000 instead of 20000.. You have a good internet now Ame

>> No.4472523
File: 256 KB, 480x473, 1602625775042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are the chances of Gura being completely roadblocked by Beowolf, ending the stream after an hour, then dropping DMC3 completely?

>> No.4472527


>> No.4472528

No, it's a narrative-heavy game and you'll spoil the shit out of yourself

>> No.4472529
File: 66 KB, 500x327, 1621836570216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.4472530


>> No.4472531
File: 204 KB, 980x684, CocoMakingSureLunaIsTitanBound [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhr4gwg.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4472535

I guess people just don't associate the TT podcast with ID and fully expected it to affect EN. Since it has minimal effect on EN it appeared to most to have no effect whatsoever.

>> No.4472537

Ina already detailed how permissions work though.

>> No.4472539

it's pretty much dependent on how recently kiara has talked about the behind the scenes stuff

>> No.4472540

not really, I'm just passing time till Gura

>> No.4472541
Quoted by: >>4472666

Well she literally did that, and could not pay attention to the dialogue while doing the combat.

>> No.4472547

stop doxing me anon
I need to sleep, please release me lovely woman

>> No.4472546

jenma balls

>> No.4472548
File: 638 KB, 2789x2160, 1622532364259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you suppose Hololive will celebrate Pride Month?

>> No.4472549
Quoted by: >>4472600 >>4472675

If you watched her Dandy stream she despises gasps and other noises like that in dubs
Out of all the things she hates in voice acting, she said that's what makes her hate them the most.
She just did it again too.

>> No.4472550


>> No.4472553

>Missed the permissions discussion
>Am now going to have to try and dig through a 10+ hour stream to find the point in the archive she talks about it
Fucking christ

>> No.4472554

>It's only been 3 months

>> No.4472557

Her love of Dante and her need to bully Vergil will keep her going.

>> No.4472558

Why are people talking about Vshoujo again? I had to go to sleep for 5 hours in the middle of Kiara's stream so I missed some of it, did she address that stuff again or add additional info to it?

>> No.4472559

Maybe another fag would appear and maybe not. But c*nnor DID appear because of TT. There is no reason to downplay it.

>> No.4472560
Quoted by: >>4473267

Isn't she the fucking director?

>> No.4472561

She's not illiterate. She just doesn't read

>> No.4472563

(you) hate

>> No.4472565
Quoted by: >>4472666 >>4472686

Nigger do you not remember her TF|2 streams? She has a very difficult time reading shit on her screen, especially text. Hell go back to her first Nier streams and she literally asks several questions that the dialogue had already answered.

>> No.4472564

You ca sniff my dick. It's still covered in her ass sweat.

>> No.4472566
Quoted by: >>4472611 >>4472786

no TT no Con
simple as

>> No.4472567
File: 1.83 MB, 2048x1081, FlagTemp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it transparent. Enjoy

>> No.4472568
File: 115 KB, 674x940, 1621043978944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any teamates here that unironically wanted this back?

>> No.4472569

The biggest mistake that the ENs made was not properly creating a culture of respecting kayfabe after debut. The fact that normal fans openly support and embrace dox shit is a lasting impact of that. It's gotten so bad that most fans don't even understand how there could be anything wrong with 'face reveal' dox videos, they treat it as normal and expected. Hell, if you look at the Vei clip you'll even see people openly agreeing with her and saying they find the kayfabe 'creepy' and 'weird'. The sad thing is this will leave a lasting effect on the EN branch going forward and will affect future gens.

>> No.4472570

Even if she somehow gets past Beowolf, Vergil 2 is right afterwards
She ended the last stream in possibly the worst fucking spot

>> No.4472572

timestamp it nigga

>> No.4472573
Quoted by: >>4472676

Furious sex with their boyfriends

>> No.4472574
File: 528 KB, 2164x2851, 1616259949325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm posting chicken and you can't do anything about it.

>> No.4472575
Quoted by: >>4472645

And when Kiara teared up when singing "Leaving on a Jet Plane", crocodile tears. All of it, that entire stream was fake.

>> No.4472578

still living in Japan is unironically the source of 90% of her issues
but the 10% of issues at home will probably make her stick it out

>> No.4472579

I think she'll be fine as long as she doesn't try to royal guard bosses through OBS capture again.

>> No.4472581
File: 421 KB, 550x604, 1616627854263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not acknowledge it at all

>> No.4472582

Hell no. Why do you think it took her this long to return to it? I think she'll begin to like it after the story actually grips her but it will take a while.

>> No.4472584

I doubt Kiara is going to play for much more than 1 or at most 2 streams

>> No.4472585

By having lesbian sex with each other

>> No.4472586

Have you SC'd her about it? How do you know it's at 2k?

>> No.4472588
File: 763 KB, 744x653, Ameme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have your own board to be political on, shut the FUCK up.

>> No.4472589

Because Kiara brought it up.

>> No.4472591

The sporadic emission from RRATs means that they are usually not detectable in standard periodicity searches which use Fourier techniques. Nevertheless, underlying periodicity in RRATs can be determined by finding the greatest common denominator of the intervals between pulses. This yields the maximum period but once many pulse arrival times have been determined the periods which are shorter (by an integer factor) can be deemed statistically unlikely.

>> No.4472593

I appreciate her earnestness and forthrightness, but she could stand to be a little more tact depending on the circumstances. For instance, she really wanted to collab with VSJ, but couldn't keep it a secret, and now we have the current timeline where the collab is cancelled, agiven how it went sown, most likely the ban reinstated.

But generally, it's a good thing that she's open about things.

>> No.4472595

I miss when Gura and Ame used to be friends, they were so cute together. I wonder what happened

>> No.4472596

Fuck you nigger.

>> No.4472597

basically Jenma is the one who reaches out to companies for first contact to get perms, after which they're probably directed to legal to work out the contract.

>> No.4472599
File: 769 KB, 1024x1024, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACHMAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472601
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 1622574638896 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472600
Quoted by: >>4472673

>If you watched her Dandy stream she despises gasps and other noises like that in dubs
Bit ironic, isn't it

>> No.4472602
Quoted by: >>4472679

>Mori made C*nnor interact with Ollie, made Ollie and Moona love him and pressured this board into harassing them

>> No.4472606

Make them all pirates

>> No.4472609

>The biggest mistake that the ENs made was not properly creating a culture of respecting kayfabe after debut.
Ame respects hers. She's always larping as a timetravelling detective.

>> No.4472610
Quoted by: >>4472773

>pink cat is she hurting Kiara's feelings
Okay I know about Nyanners throwing 4chan under the bus to pursue a pro career, but what else did she do that everytime this thread talks about her it's in the worst light possible?

>> No.4472611
Quoted by: >>4472655 >>4472674

so it is magical thinking, at least we cleared up this much

>> No.4472612
Quoted by: >>4472682

>Kiara loves and appreciates her fans so much that she does a second 12 hour stream just to express her gratitude
People who think she's not humble are mental

>> No.4472614
Quoted by: >>4473071

pink cat collab back up date and game not decided, liar whore still banned

>> No.4472613
Quoted by: >>4472687

Yeah? This is the stream I've been looking forward to the most.

>> No.4472615
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why is Dante pointing the gun at Gura's head again?

>> No.4472616
File: 214 KB, 547x407, 1620314792980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472822

Kiara/Jenma >> Takamori

>> No.4472617
Quoted by: >>4472687

I still have my 6 month old grudgepost ready, so of course I wanted this back.

>> No.4472619
Quoted by: >>4472635

Just match the time of the posts here talking about it to the corresponding stream time.

>> No.4472620
Quoted by: >>4472707

You know it's the same deal on the JP side right? They're not exactly dox-free.

>> No.4472621
Quoted by: >>4472633 >>4472659

Do they ever explain who made the robots or why they are here

>> No.4472622
File: 1014 KB, 1095x1200, 78227826_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472684


>> No.4472623

just find it at the 10hr 25 min mark

>> No.4472624
Quoted by: >>4472721

>that most fans don't even understand how there could be anything wrong with 'face reveal' dox videos, t

That has literally nothing to do with the ENs or Holo as a whole and everything to do with retarded fucking faggot ass indies doing face reveals to attention whore. PROMINENT indies, even. Even if they leaned in on the kayfabe so hard they literally become the character and don't have an actual life that's not going to stop idiots.

>> No.4472625
File: 328 KB, 467x374, 1599183864949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472632

I think 9S and 2B sound fantastic in both the dub and sub.

>> No.4472630
File: 1.30 MB, 2048x1768, GuraNeko626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s got this

>> No.4472631

They aren't gonna do shit because they are part of a japanese company

>> No.4472632


>> No.4472633


>> No.4472635

Requires knowing exactly when the stream started, relative to the timestamps here, but that's usually what I'd do

>> No.4472634

This was already the case before, Jewtube doxxed the JPs a million times before EN was even a thing

>> No.4472636

Good. They deserve it.

>> No.4472637

Dub > Sub

>> No.4472639

I am expecting Kiara to receive a deluge of `happy pride month` sc

>> No.4472640

it served it's purpose as a poll item to make Ame not care about overlapping games
Game is shit otherwise, just drop it.

>> No.4472642

Women will never understand twin stick controls and I hate it.

>> No.4472643

Pizza rivalry.

>> No.4472644

Take stream start, take the timestamp of those posts, math
or track down the timestamps on the fancords....

>> No.4472645
Quoted by: >>4473124

Truly Hololive is on par with WWF in its prime with how the girls maintain kayfabe. Vince would be proud. Can't wait for Yagoo to have to sweep a murder/suicide under the rug.

>> No.4472648

We have reached 783 read superchats.
Superchats remaining: ~500
Sanity left: 0

>> No.4472650
Quoted by: >>4472723

I love when Ame goes "bwwaaah", lads.

>> No.4472651

Mori and Gura at least tried. They were ridiculed for it and relapsed into just treating their lore like a Halloween costume. Blame Ame, Ina, and to a lesser extent Kiara.

In fact, the only kayfabe that still seems real is Kiara's KFP thing.

>> No.4472653

I didn't but if Ame is having fun I don't mind it.

>> No.4472652


>> No.4472654

It's more or less the same thing Ina said about permissions.

>> No.4472655
File: 72 KB, 291x263, 1608012001597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472659


>> No.4472660

Dante found out where Vergil was hiding

>> No.4472662
Quoted by: >>4472685 >>4472692

Yes, people will try to deny it because ''Muh Nier Kino'' but at this point everyone has at least watched 3 nier playthroughs

>> No.4472665
File: 64 KB, 640x427, ExXIGc9UUAUXrSV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472666
Quoted by: >>4472755

It's not like shes going to pay attention to the story if its in English either. She just spent at least a minute straight going "I don't know what to do, whats happening" when they said in English what was happening.

>> No.4472670

>We are more than halfway done
Almost there...

>> No.4472672

Make it cisparent

>> No.4472673
Quoted by: >>4472750

Not really. She says she can only stand it in subs, but it's definitely a weird thing to focus on and it makes me wonder what dubs she would actually like.

>> No.4472674
Quoted by: >>4472863

you are the one saying "oh yeah even if it didn't happen it would still happen therefore it's not bad that it happened in the first place"

>> No.4472675

kek, she gasps and pants and shit all the time herself.

>> No.4472676

That would be all me.

>> No.4472677

I would probably watch Kiara if she didnt talk with her fake voice.

>> No.4472678
Quoted by: >>4473033

I think she'll make it through Beowulf through persistence but there's a high chance she'll be filtered by the Vergil fight after.

>> No.4472679
Quoted by: >>4472737 >>4472828

She didn't actively do that, but her appearing on TT led to Connor showing up in Ame's chat. Thankfully Ame banned mentions of him and didn't engage with him.
That's what made him instead go for Ollie, who Ollie style of course went full crazy and then spent the next weeks playing apex with him every single day and saying she'd like to do it on stream too, which led to people being upset. Then the same with Moona etc.

You can't deny the chain of events.

>> No.4472681

Ina leans into the kayfabe almost every stream though?

>> No.4472682

Shut up and stream Heart Challenger.

>> No.4472684
File: 318 KB, 1471x2048, EzFGumoVkAARBQx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472846


>> No.4472685
Quoted by: >>4472768 >>4472818

>Everyone and their mother has seen Minecraft.

>> No.4472686

Man, her TF2 stream was such a wild ride.
She couldn't even read and even notice in the first place instructions and UI prompts on the screen.

>> No.4472687
Quoted by: >>4472810 >>4472978

Alright, next question.
Why? Do you think Ame will enjoy this? Especially considering Route B is mostly a retread of Route A? I know she's nowhere near it, but if she keeps playing she'll get there eventually.

>> No.4472689
Quoted by: >>4472735


>> No.4472690


Probably, I don't care either way, really.

>> No.4472692

I avoided watching any because I wanted to play it by myself and then y the time I was done everyone but Ame & Lamy was already finished and I didn't feel like watching the whole VODs but I did catch some highlights

>> No.4472693
Quoted by: >>4472895 >>4472910

The EN girls normalizing it definitely had an effect on their kouhai. Ollie is a dumb as shit zoomer girl, maybe another fag would have popped up, but without Mori going first, she may not have taken it.

>> No.4472695
Quoted by: >>4472762 >>4472878

>Literally went to sleep, woke up, took a shower twice and Kiara is still streaming
How much fucking stamina does this girl have?

>> No.4472697
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x800, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flz56o7.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~Ame Ame beam
God she is so fuckikng cute bros. It's crazy how she can just utter stupid words that makes me love her even more

>> No.4472700
File: 49 KB, 852x304, Matsuri's antis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri got some nasty comments when she commented on an Apex tournament

>> No.4472703
File: 90 KB, 648x567, 1622568682987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done bros, i might need an ambulance after the stream ends.

>> No.4472702

Does she? Sorry I don't watch Ina.

>> No.4472704
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nabi Mama is a numberfag

>> No.4472705
Quoted by: >>4472761

I really hope this doesn't end up overlapping with Gura's DMC stream

>> No.4472707

The difference is they do a better job of keeping them separate and not shitting up the Holo's chat with it. How often does Polka get spammed with 'le epic forbidden knowledge' comments?

>> No.4472713

He heard she unlocked easy mode to a door

>> No.4472715
Quoted by: >>4472766 >>4472994

>like in gears of war!
Just play it already Ame.. You know you want to.

>> No.4472714
Quoted by: >>4472766


>> No.4472716
Quoted by: >>4472766


>> No.4472717
File: 19 KB, 95x87, ame cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4472720


>> No.4472723

For me, it's how she says 'cute!'

>> No.4472721

at least some parts of the indies hate that shit and won't show face

>> No.4472724

>goddamn, she's got a ratio!
Based Ame.

>> No.4472726
Quoted by: >>4472766


>> No.4472727
File: 70 KB, 234x233, ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 1 did ogey. just 4 months ago

>> No.4472728

>Shut up woman

>> No.4472730

fuck no this game is so boring

>> No.4472731
Quoted by: >>4472763

Turning Ame's SC on.

>> No.4472734

>So what are the chances of Gura being completely roadblocked by Beowolf
>ending the stream after an hour
>then dropping DMC3 completely?

>> No.4472735
File: 150 KB, 666x911, 1615841238194.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's the best part

>> No.4472736

Kiara is a ultra SJW, Mori is a /pol/tard who hates black people. This ship doesn't work at all if you think about it for more than a second.

>> No.4472737

You're missing a key step. C*nnor was already interacting with other chuubas.

>> No.4472738

By not mentioning it

>> No.4472739

>She's got a ratio
Oh boy, horny Ame today. Nice.

>> No.4472740

Yes. but one thing is being friendly with other person and then keep diferents path. Another thing is badmouth that person behind her back or being a hipocryte like Pinkcat does

>> No.4472741
Quoted by: >>4472843 >>4472865

Not necessarily true, that guy was already associating with Ironmouse/Melody prior to the podcast and was likely already thinking about leeching off vtubers even more. IDs were the easy in with Hololive because they'll respond to anyone and don't have managerial oversight. Would have likely happened with or without the podcast.

>> No.4472742
Quoted by: >>4472779 >>4472793

List of Holos who showed up in her 12 hour stream:

List of Holos who showed up to today's stream

Nobody loves Kiara

>> No.4472744
File: 130 KB, 1536x2048, EtaHWf_XAAA7F8Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damn that [hip to waist] ratio

>> No.4472745

>I don't watch anyone except Gura: the post

>> No.4472747
Quoted by: >>4472886

God, I want 2B and the Commander to sit on my face

>> No.4472748

JRPGs are one of the most debuff games, especially if it's an overplayed one like Nier.
Don't care about the numbers though, you will have more intimate time with your oshi. The game is good

>> No.4472750
Quoted by: >>4472880 >>4472951

None. She's automatically biased against dubs, she has /a/ tier brainrot. She wouldn't even like Cowboy Bebop's dub. She'd probably play Resident Evil with Japanese audio.

>> No.4472752

It's almost like >>4472569 completely made up the fact that they don't respect kayfabe and everyone replying taking that as a fact because he said it doesn't watch streams.

>> No.4472755
Quoted by: >>4472832

So by all means, she should kneecap herself even more

>> No.4472757

at worst shell just have to buy a gorb

>> No.4472759

is it true that gura is going to sawcon?

>> No.4472760
Quoted by: >>4472802


>> No.4472761
Quoted by: >>4472956

it will, for a few minutes

>> No.4472762
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1611367724344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10h+ sex with Kiara

>> No.4472763

but she did that before

>> No.4472765

>kappa reddit

>> No.4472766

Is Gears of War based anymore?

>> No.4472767
Quoted by: >>4473040

You say that, but I have never been recommended a EN dox vid. Meanwhile JP dox vids have been pouring though the algorithm sometimes.

>> No.4472768

People who whine about 'debuff games' are annoying but a sandbox game like Minecraft can't be compared to a story-heavy RPG like Nier

>> No.4472769
File: 149 KB, 1200x624, E0LDCh6VoAYBnEx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sit on my dick

>> No.4472772
File: 431 KB, 610x610, Thoughts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4472773
Quoted by: >>4472785 >>4472836

There was the whole "Nekopara is a thing for pedos!" despite her design pretty much coming straight from it, and her saying she wanted to stream the game before people reminded her of what she said about it. It's in this very thread, in fact.

>> No.4472778

by ignoring all the transflags like Kiara

>> No.4472779
Quoted by: >>4472839

I didn't type anything in chat, but I'm lurking.

>> No.4472780
Quoted by: >>4472845

I ship 2B and Nier

>> No.4472782

I don't know how much Ame you watch. But she's always into her time travelling shtick. She's actually convinced herself she's a detective.

>> No.4472785

pretty sure Nyanners predates Nekopara

>> No.4472786
Quoted by: >>4472938

Connor was going to start interacting with vtubers either way, if he had not already by that time, thanks to his friendship with VShojo girls. Ollie still would've taken his bait.

>> No.4472788


>> No.4472789
Quoted by: >>4472826

are >we being raided?

>> No.4472790

Kiara also tries to keep TakaMori going.
Despite her constantly talking about her life outside of stream she also keeps up most of her keyfabe.

>> No.4472791
File: 404 KB, 1006x1200, E2u8HfKVUAMrgNI hqjvtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472820

There is no doujinshi about cute and smut yuri with Holo couples.

>> No.4472792
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gears 1 2 and 3 are pretty based

>> No.4472793

Watame was too busy with her own 8 hour midnight stream this time

>> No.4472794

"Well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions."

>> No.4472796

Ina took the day off so she can hit 70 and be Karazhan ready!

>> No.4472797

despite everything this is the schizoest post in the thread.

>> No.4472804
File: 574 KB, 1920x1080, nig [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fsggtge.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472857

>Mori is a /pol/tard who hates black people
Obviously she's not a /pol/tard, but why would she say this?

>> No.4472801
Quoted by: >>4472841

It's always been. There's only 3 games + Judgement

>> No.4472805

from what i remember the old ones were fun

>> No.4472802

There are a lot of JOPs that hate vtubers

>> No.4472803

CliffyB is still based so yes.

>> No.4472808

Who cares about kayfabe. I love how they just use regular personalities and pepper in references. If you're expecting an actual cartoon character you're watching the wrong shit.

>> No.4472811

who's gura?

>> No.4472810

I like Ame
>Do you think Ame will enjoy this?
I'm watching her right now and she appears to be
>Especially considering Route B is mostly a retread of Route A?
If she could redo half off PPP in one stream, redoing a 3-4 hour segment plus hacking is nothing

>> No.4472812


>> No.4472813
File: 907 KB, 2048x1081, FlagTemp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472814


>> No.4472815


>> No.4472816

does that count

>> No.4472818

>Sandbox game
>Story driven game

>> No.4472820

There is but you have to buy it or know where to search for

>> No.4472823
File: 851 KB, 2894x4093, 1621852948990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first 3 are.

>> No.4472821
Quoted by: >>4472999

Mirror mirror...

I genuinely like Festival and it's upsetting how much hate she gets from the JP side

>> No.4472822

but... that's forbidden love!

>> No.4472825
Quoted by: >>4472850


>> No.4472826

Nope. It's organic and homegrown schizos!

>> No.4472827
File: 19 KB, 500x300, 1610352754348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472828
Quoted by: >>4473104

>but her appearing on TT led to Connor showing up in Ame's chat.
i disagree
Gigguk already got into vtuber and they would have made a vtuber episode of TT regardless of Mori appearing on it
Gigguk already appeared in Coco's chat, there is no reason Connor wouldn't do the same with Ame and then Ollie on his own volition

>> No.4472830


>> No.4472832
Quoted by: >>4472887

If she's not going to pay attention either way then why not listen to something pleasing instead of what she doesn't like.

>> No.4472833

That means that fans of the podcast have infiltrated Mori's fanbase and continue to add to their ranks. Is this who you want in your fanbase?

>> No.4472834

ame should have just dropped Nier

>> No.4472836

Ah yes of course Nekopara, the first piece of catgirl media in history.

>> No.4472838

It was a pretty funny thing to watch anyway. A bunch of washed up old men who couldn't outplay a garage band of potheads.

>> No.4472839

>Check time in Jakarta
>5:44 am

>> No.4472841
Quoted by: >>4472860

5 says hello.

>> No.4472843

The only "bad" thing the podcast brought is the fucking dad meme

>> No.4472844

the og trilogy still is

>> No.4472846
File: 75 KB, 850x574, __inugami_korone_and_nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_kan_sushi_kankan__sample-42d0e269cc703c0893963fcd98b93e3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472876


>> No.4472845
File: 425 KB, 740x370, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472867 >>4473000


>> No.4472847


>> No.4472849
Quoted by: >>4472889 >>4472893

>I don't like lockon
Based ame playing on hard

>> No.4472850


Will she get stubborn and try to beat him all the way at her level?

>> No.4472852


>> No.4472855

Are you dumb as fuck? The dude is a huge cuck.

>> No.4472856
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1620578788994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472884

Look, I love Ame, I really like this game, and I like this game's dub. I really hope she enjoys it since she's picking it up again but if she drops it again I won't blame her, but I'd be afraid that other teamates would bother her about it. I'd rather see her play stuff she enjoys though.

>> No.4472857


>> No.4472859
File: 16 KB, 339x161, 1621478957779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4472860
Quoted by: >>4473092

5? But there's only 4 games. 3 if you don't count Judgement

>> No.4472863

anon, I'm saying that TT guys were already both focusing and consistently interacting with the circle of people related to Hololive
Coco was making callouts to Gigguk in Asacoco ffs, what makes you believe they'd act differently from the various ID e-celebs that reached out and interacted with Ollie already

there's no magical barrier of separation that disappeared cause of Mori, it's the fucking internet and we're talking about a niche business where everyone intersects at some point

>> No.4472864
Quoted by: >>4472895

You don't understand, Ollie would've never passed the Hololive audition if Mori hadn't collabed with TT.

>> No.4472865


>> No.4472867
File: 2.76 MB, 2048x1147, 1607807207507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the superior version

>> No.4472869
Quoted by: >>4472890

KFP is grooming Kiara...

>> No.4472870

Yup, june 15th actually

>> No.4472872

amelia watson is bad

>> No.4472873
Quoted by: >>4472946

>Is there anything she does not do?
More to the point, what the hell are the other mangers doing? You'd think something as complicated as permissions would fall to the people who only manage one holo.

>> No.4472875
File: 6 KB, 180x80, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nier burnout is real. Wasnt she reaching 10k+ at the start?

>> No.4472876
File: 37 KB, 441x600, Inugami-Korone-ZYGUev897-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472937


>> No.4472877

based JP bros

>> No.4472878

Anon, this girl has chronic pain problems. This endurance is nothing. In fact, she's probably doing this so it distracts her from her chronic pain.

>> No.4472879

Father Servo is so based.

>> No.4472880
Quoted by: >>4472968 >>4472979

>Watch FMA Brotherhood
>Shit on Edward's VA
Make it happen Teamates

>> No.4472881


>> No.4472884

She at least seems like she's enjoying herself right now

>> No.4472885

lesss go?

>> No.4472886

you would die, anon...

>> No.4472887

Because obviously she wants to know the story, otherwise she would have changed it already. The first two streams were in Japanese

>> No.4472888
Quoted by: >>4472977

Who's Motoaki Tanigo?

>> No.4472890

>he lack critical information

>> No.4472889

Isn't aiming the pod's blasts manually better since locking on will cause the blasts to veer away partly?

>> No.4472891


>> No.4472892

Hi Cliffy, being an out of touch failure isn't based. Pay your employees.

>> No.4472893

I can't recall lock-on ever being necessary in this game and in most games it's a trap for retards.

>> No.4472895
File: 27 KB, 800x600, 1619450106156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these ones, those are pretty fat rrats

>> No.4472896

More importantly Old Anime Intro where even the original only has 1million views after 6 years.

>> No.4472897

>Woke up this morning to an okay thread.
>Go about my day and come back while Kiara is streaming to a shit thread.
>Leave for a few hours and faggots still looping the same bullshit.
Why is it that whenever an EN holo is streaming, the thread is filled with schizos and shitflingers?
Why can't you fucking behave?

>> No.4472899
File: 95 KB, 200x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I'm new
Is this the cutest vtuber?

>> No.4472902
File: 707 KB, 600x326, kiara descending.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really didn't expect her to stream for more than 8 hours today... I need food

>> No.4472905

>Is there anything she does not do?
Go out on dates with Kiara since she's no longer in japan

>> No.4472907
File: 132 KB, 850x1202, survival of the fittest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472941 >>4473029


>> No.4472908

It's funny that Westerners ended up thinking papa Nier was the original and brother Nier was just made to appease Japanese tastes when it was actually the opposite

>> No.4472910

Ollie already watched the dude and liked him....like really liked him. Mori and dildoman levels of content appreciation. So no, she wouldn't have ignored him.

>> No.4472911
File: 11 KB, 183x182, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The algorithim has gotten so bad that in kiara's case all you have to type in google is
>Takanashi Kiara real
JUST the word real is enough to instantly get all the dox you want. It's disgusting. Because normalfags openly talk about this everywhere everytime. Go on twitter and you see it everywhere

>> No.4472915
Quoted by: >>4472967

>Literally made because Yoko Taro knew Westerners hate their sisters.

>> No.4472916
File: 124 KB, 855x610, 1614567049067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this is

>> No.4472917


>> No.4472918
Quoted by: >>4472982 >>4473006

I like Amelia Watson
t. ako

>> No.4472919
Quoted by: >>4472948 >>4472986

Brother Nier > Papa Nier, fuck your American censorship.

>> No.4472925
Quoted by: >>4472950


>> No.4472926
Quoted by: >>4473002

>The podcast timeloop
Fucking why, this shit has been discussed to death
You just want a quick way to generate "drama" or to shit on Mori

>> No.4472927
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, 1594551306346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but she's up there

>> No.4472928

english dub is debuff for this game

>> No.4472929

This is true

>> No.4472933
File: 30 KB, 548x405, 1603580635687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara...you really did a supachat reading for 11 hours...think about your throat.

>> No.4472931

>Kiara is a ultra SJW
t. does not watch Kiara

>> No.4472934

>9S is given a surfer dude voice

>> No.4472935


>> No.4472936

>Ame's 9S voice.my fucking sides

>> No.4472937
File: 130 KB, 850x601, __inugami_korone_and_nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_yuano__sample-cc2fa9b571dcb380f0c12599c9f7b15e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4472969


>> No.4472938
Quoted by: >>4473026

there is no proof he'd hop to hololive he only did that after the podcast

>> No.4472939

yes, Ame is the cutest vtuber that ever existed

>> No.4472941
Quoted by: >>4472961

Pika already said the only thing stopping a collab is not knowing what to play. ENMa isn't blocking anything, it's a similar situation like how Ina and Mel had initially and what Ina and Mori had for a while.

>> No.4472942


>> No.4472943
File: 881 KB, 915x798, 1622422954501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime dub protag voice
I love her

>> No.4472944


>> No.4472945

I fucking love Ame's Ash voice.

>> No.4472946

what the fuck is enma doing since she only manages ina

>> No.4472949


>> No.4472948

didn't borhter nier sell his butt hole for money

>> No.4472951

Bebop's dub sucks outside of like two or three people. I watched it with my father and he was shitting on the performance of all the side characters until I switched to JP.

>> No.4472950

believe it

>> No.4472952

I wonder if Cover or the talents themselves will ever bring it up. And if they do, what would be the best way to go about it.

>> No.4472954
File: 226 KB, 2048x1446, 876876543345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4473035

*Kills you*

>> No.4472955

At least this guy isn't asking for anything, nor is he bringing down the mood as much since he's fairly upbeat. At let's goooo's go, this one isn't terrible.

>> No.4472956

I'll stop watching when Gura streams then go back to watching Kiara afterwards.

>> No.4472957
Quoted by: >>4473003

RPGs always bleed casual viewers like crazy and she had a massive break in between.
Many of those initial viewers might not watch her anymore and many of her new viewers won't want to start a series in the middle.

>> No.4472958
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x1500, 1609142852667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what she wants

>> No.4472959
Quoted by: >>4473059

Does NieR autotomato insist upon itself?

>> No.4472960


>> No.4472961

More like Ina and Aki.

>> No.4472962

I think only part 1 did but the next parts were around this number

>> No.4472967

No it was made because Microsoft had a problem with a 16 year old boy whoring himself out for money to get medicine for his sister.

>> No.4472968

That would be cool but it's too many episodes, she'll never do it. I'd be surprised if she hasn't seen it already anyway.

>> No.4472969
File: 256 KB, 903x510, 15b36d528de639a6671ce807ca8265a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4473061


>> No.4472970

Yeah but don't let brotherfags hear about this.

>> No.4472971
Quoted by: >>4473017 >>4473094

Kiara needs a yab like Coco to realize there are limits to the shit she can do

>> No.4472973
File: 121 KB, 463x453, 1616367293812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4473025

How long is Nier? I love Ame but this game is so boring to stream, I hope it doesn't take up that many stream slots

>> No.4472974

>he's like a bunny rabbit~
>her parroting the pod blast sounds
I like it, yes sir I do.

>> No.4472975
File: 165 KB, 351x392, kiara gun 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4473147

Pink cat IS happening, you WILL watch, you WILL enjoy, and you WILL stream Heart Challenger!

>> No.4472976


>> No.4472977
Quoted by: >>4473009 >>4473024

How bout you Tanigo to town on deez nutz

>> No.4472978

You know, if she doesn’t want to do route B when she realizes what it entails, she can just drop it and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. She has to play the game to get to that point though.

>> No.4472979
Quoted by: >>4473052

Maybe if the teamates actually voted for an anime watchalong instead of the same exact ASMR twice.

Besides, literally no one likes Vic anymore. Dude burned both sides of the bridge while standing dead center. It'd be like kicking a man while he's down.

>> No.4472980
Quoted by: >>4473120

>TT guys were already both focusing and consistently interacting with the circle of people related to Hololive
not really that ramped up after the podcast

>> No.4472981
File: 60 KB, 574x672, 1619501123191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's like a bunny rabbittttt~

>> No.4472982
File: 485 KB, 1880x1460, 1609523917564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and same

>> No.4472983

Anon, its the same for Ame. In fact typing Amelia Watson while incognito, the second search suggestion is Amelia Watson face

>> No.4472986
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, b4765f9afdbbce895c60f504810ebe90.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're retarded?

>> No.4472989

Ame's going to try to do all of the servo quest chain here

>> No.4472990
File: 44 KB, 441x441, 1596069724553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Gura... This is my last M&M...

>> No.4472992

Is it cheating to abuse hacking to get through all father servo's later stages?

>> No.4472991


>> No.4472994

I really want Ame to force Kiara to play Gears, so that Kiara can get an idea of what a story based shooter is like. Ina as 3rd player.

>> No.4472995
Quoted by: >>4473087

Cliffy B is a hack that takes credit for other people's work. The last game he headed, he announced his company was breaking up through twitter without telling his employees. Just another person that abandoned the people that made him famous without apology.

>> No.4472996


>> No.4472997
File: 157 KB, 940x500, 1600370299702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472998

Wrong thread bro

>> No.4472999
Quoted by: >>4473046

Being Matuli is suffering

>> No.4473000

Having played both, I prefer the brother. The oniisan relationship seems a lot more wholesome and intimate.

Sorry Papa Nier.

>> No.4473001
Quoted by: >>4473057 >>4473073

Guys, I've compiled enough evidence that proves once and for all that Amelia Watson is in fact getting cuter than usual every single day whether she streams or not. Some Cover Cops wanted to stop me but they couldn't block me forever. It's the fucking truth. Amelia Watson is cuter than usual because she has the

>> No.4473002
File: 5 KB, 180x200, 1592034796145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4473045

it's just Deadbeats drawing heat away from KFP, since Kiara drew it before from Mori

>> No.4473003
File: 205 KB, 648x820, 1610534211916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4473062 >>4473076

>RPGs always bleed casual viewers like crazy

>> No.4473004
File: 2.88 MB, 320x180, STREAM IT[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fakxj1q.mp3] (2).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4473005


>> No.4473006
File: 422 KB, 993x350, 1604132381709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would die for Ninomae Ina'nis

>> No.4473007
File: 1.85 MB, 1200x1697, 80718778_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost. But not a bad choice at all!

>> No.4473008


If only....

>> No.4473009

Holy shit, that's actually pretty good

>> No.4473010
Quoted by: >>4473018

Yeah, then later on when Brother Nier killed that fag he noted that it wasn't that different from killing a shade.

>> No.4473011
Quoted by: >>4473122

She honestly should just avoid "promising" to play or continue games in the future.

As much shit as people give Gura for dropping Metroid/Terraria here it's better that she drops those games if she doesn't feel like playing it.

>> No.4473012

surely youre kiddi-
>very first thing
what the actual fuck

>> No.4473013

holy kek that 9s voice

>> No.4473014
File: 724 KB, 1054x2048, pink_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pink cat love

>> No.4473016
File: 249 KB, 905x1441, o13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4473017
File: 360 KB, 1108x1478, A010B4CD-BDBB-4366-A75F-A41B0DA3E0D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 more hours buddy you can do it

>> No.4473018

Brother Nier is a whore

>> No.4473020

Yes, and pretending that that kind of thing doesn't happen in shithole countries or when people are really down on their luck is retarded

>> No.4473021
Quoted by: >>4473070

YT is recommending me her latest roommate video constantly...

>> No.4473023

Lamy got simillar numbers just recently.
Just people that skipped all playthroughs are watching (or you really like Ame).

>> No.4473024


>> No.4473026
Quoted by: >>4473100

And no proof that he would never do it. If we can't talk about hypotheticals then this argument is pointless for both sides.

>> No.4473025

I wanna say 20-30 hours? I clocked in 50 but that's 'cause I spent a lot of time idling and doing side quests.
If this continues, it'll probably take a month if she has a stream or two each week.

>> No.4473027


>> No.4473028

nah, you're thinking of papa

>> No.4473029
Quoted by: >>4473135


>> No.4473031

>Takanashi Kiara
>started streaming 11 hours ago


>> No.4473034

>Kiara is an ultra SJW
you don't watch Kiara, do you

>> No.4473033

You guys overestimate how hard Vergil is, at least on Normal. The Beowulf fight is about as hard as Vergil 2 if you ask me, and Arkham is way worse than any of the Vergil fights.

>> No.4473035

It's ok, she's cute

>> No.4473036
Quoted by: >>4473060 >>4473107

>does not do
getting english voice permission for RE 8

>> No.4473037

haha yes!
save me

>> No.4473038

Especially when it's a company seeking growth with overseas audience.

>> No.4473040

Does content from their old channels count as "doxx vids" cuz I get those sometimes, but I got them a LOT right after debut due to the algorithm shitting itself.

>> No.4473044
Quoted by: >>4473130

>the thread is timelooping
>Kiara is timelooping

>> No.4473045

The podcast appearance wasn't even her idea for fuck's sake and both her and COVER regretted it

>> No.4473046
Quoted by: >>4473101

She should just embrace take the EOP pill and start pandering to them.

>> No.4473047

Yeah it was a lot higher. But it's to be expected. She's playing it after Ina and Kiara, Risu, Miko, Subaru, Sora, Aqua and probably many others. It's a guaranteed debuff now.

>> No.4473049

Ame's seed...

>> No.4473050

No but she’s cute

>> No.4473051
Quoted by: >>4473068

Just like Griffith (one of the most based characters in the entirety fiction)

>> No.4473052

I know he still does for Atlus so he isn't burnt yet, but fags did too much damage to him for him to ever be relevant again
I really love his Edward and Broly voice acting and it makes me cri
Johnny doesn't hit the same cords.

>> No.4473054


>> No.4473057

post it pussy!

>> No.4473058

I'll tell you what she isn't doing: Getting Replicant permissions.

>> No.4473060

I would if i could ok?

>> No.4473059

What does that even mean!?!

>> No.4473061
File: 156 KB, 850x643, sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4473392


>> No.4473062

Numbersagi's ignoring all context like usual for bait I see.

>> No.4473064

hes not crying orange of joy?

>> No.4473065

Mods incoming

>> No.4473066
Quoted by: >>4473097

Anons.... I have to tell you I return by...

>> No.4473067
Quoted by: >>4473157

No, I rather she continue DOOM. Nier is the Cats of video games.

>> No.4473068

Griffith is a fucking retard

>> No.4473069

so who was that guy who made a really stern comment to ame about dropping nier?

>> No.4473070

her latest video is actually the first time she's been recommended to me. I suspect a bunch of KFP watching on their main account contributed to the association even stronger than usual, but who knows maybe I just got lucky never being recc'd her stuff before.

>> No.4473072
Quoted by: >>4473165

My lewd Okayu posting turned into two niggers posting the same okakoro pics at each other.

>> No.4473071

>liar whore
Which one

>> No.4473073

Oh shit Cover Cops hired Candlejack to kidna

>> No.4473076

Japanese FF fans are never casual, they always go hard.

>> No.4473077

I can't do it again Kiara, I'm too weak. I'll go for the archive tomorrow, please don't fry me...

>> No.4473080
Quoted by: >>4473143

If he's so retarded, why did he win in the end?

>> No.4473081

She dragged her feet so long even she forgot what had happened in the story.

>> No.4473087

Don't forget he also lied on a public forum about paying several months worht of severance for his employees, only to be instantly called out by said employees for only paying 2 weeks.
He's just a cuck larping as some industry savior, desperate to turn himself into some sort of western kojima

>> No.4473088
Quoted by: >>4473173

Retard but he won by default since Miura's dead so Guts will never get his revenge

>> No.4473089

Gallons of cum, unironically

>> No.4473090
Quoted by: >>4473111 >>4473141

>retards still seething over the podcast months later and holding their grudge against Mori
Oh boy it's time for this timeloop again.
I can't believe Mori singlehandedly RUINED hololive.

>> No.4473092

Gears 5 is a spinoff?

>> No.4473094

And you need to listen to that voice telling you to take the entire bottle of pills.

>> No.4473095
Quoted by: >>4473134

Why isn't Amelia respecting the kino atmosphere of this game? She must really hate it.

>> No.4473096


>> No.4473097

Yes anon?

>> No.4473098

>the 12 hour marathon superchat reading stream is going to be 12 hours

>> No.4473099

I can think of a few reasons for Kiara going for a pink cat collab, and it mostly borders on cynical numberfaggotry, which is on-brand for Kiara if we were to be honest. If Hololive were to pull in viewers from Vshoujo, Kiara understands that she is probably the best one to do it, since KFP seem to have the strongest overlap with VShoujo's current audience. Also seeing as Pink Cat is pretty much the face of Vshoujo, the logic is straight forward. People who are worried about Kiara being influenced by them are retarded, but they should be worried about KFP becoming even more cancerous than it already is.

>> No.4473100
Quoted by: >>4473217

you're the one talking hypotheticals saying he'd do it anyways without the podcast while we in reality have the fact that he did it because of the podcast

>> No.4473101
Quoted by: >>4473162

EOPs are a double edged sword, they support the oshi on one hand, but they also don't understand the streams and spam stupid stuff in the chat. Having so much "Why is she so calm???" in her chat is irritating

>> No.4473102
Quoted by: >>4473170

Ame probably isn't even gonna know who the hell Emil is

>> No.4473103

I feel like people are doing shit wrong because I literally never get doxshit.

>> No.4473104

You're wrong. He didn't know about her beforehand and only learned about her due to Mori saying she recommends Ame to him.

>> No.4473106


>> No.4473107
Quoted by: >>4473237

To be fair, thats something neither JP or EN managers can do. People forget jp's were the first to be denied en voice, it was just extra retarded with EN for obvious reasons.

>> No.4473110

Anon wtf did you send to Ame?

>> No.4473111

Mori ruined this post.

>> No.4473112

what the fuck its unironically real. tried private mode in firefox and i instantly get 4 dox videos recommended

>> No.4473114


>> No.4473115

I'm in bros

>> No.4473120
Quoted by: >>4473203

check the date of the first vtuber vid
check the date of the Asacoco callout
their initial reach outs actually date as far back as Coco's first 3D streams
you assume the shit intensified since before EN you probably just didn't particularly paid attention, but if you were following Coco you hit your face over random e-celeb nearly every week

>> No.4473122

...but she's having a good time? The only reason she dropped it is because of the ISP thing. Getting back into the game 3 months later is not easy, give her time to get back into things. For now the stream is already pretty good.

>> No.4473124

Did that actually happen in the WWE?

>> No.4473127

Glad Ame got my letter.

>> No.4473131

Anon you're assuming the retards here actually watch streams.
Its like Vshojo timeloops, Coco was the one that started even a hint of a possible collab with showing melody a bunch of times on her morning news thing.

>> No.4473130


>> No.4473132
Quoted by: >>4473175

>switch from thread to chat to escape the timeloops
>immediately see "reminds me of [TT guy]"

>> No.4473134
Quoted by: >>4473182

Nierfags will call anything about these games kino, huh?

>> No.4473135
Quoted by: >>4473363

Why do blondes love Ina so much?

>> No.4473137

>Start Kiara stream
>go to work and expect to watch vod after
>finish work
>Kiara still streaming
What the fuck

>> No.4473138

>Japan is a fucking shithole that destroys your mental health

>> No.4473143

Nyarlathotep gave him cheat codes because he knew he was seething over Guts not wanting him sexually.

>> No.4473141

We went through 70% of the Mori timeloops in the last 3-4 threads. I don't get it, who are you trying to convince? Most deadbeats left already.

>> No.4473144


>> No.4473145

>Kiara feels much better in austria


>> No.4473147

I WILL eat ze chimkins though.

>> No.4473149

Being Yagoo's personal photographer, apparently.

>> No.4473150


>> No.4473151
Quoted by: >>4473190

The attentionseeking modfagging begins....

>> No.4473154
Quoted by: >>4473207 >>4473228

Is Ame really enjoying this game?

>> No.4473155

This bait is like 10 months out of date, holy shit.

>> No.4473157
Quoted by: >>4473180

She finished Doom.

>> No.4473159
Quoted by: >>4473191 >>4473274

Ame is going to fall inlove with the game as soon as Adam and Eve show up
Mark my words

>> No.4473160

>sees a chest
>it's locked, so she can't open it
>"why not?~"

>> No.4473161

Why is Ame playing the dub?

>> No.4473162
Quoted by: >>4473255

Reminds me of the Izuru clip where he's talking about how he ignores his mom and his EOP chat is going "why does he sound sad?" "is he crying?"

>> No.4473165
Quoted by: >>4473427

Yeah i've noticed. Fuck you for making retards waste image slots i guess.

>> No.4473167

"Fuck spics!"


>> No.4473168

t. doesn't watch Kiara

>> No.4473170
Quoted by: >>4473216

Of course she won't? I didn't when I played it, just thought it was a weird goofy robot

>> No.4473171

Sometimes you just get homesick, man..

>> No.4473172

>Kanata kills Coco in a fit of rage
>stays three days in the Holohouse with her corpse
>frantically asks chat about the possibility of Lazarus rituals while telling them everything is okay and Coco is fine

>> No.4473173

Guts was never going to get revenge. Griffith was going to be undone by the moon child killing himself.

>> No.4473175

Our penance for not wiping out the jews when we had the chance

>> No.4473177

I know nothing about the wwe but i assume he's talking about Chris Benoit

>> No.4473178
Quoted by: >>4473214 >>4473231

Honestly Ina's kayfable is pretty weak, she just talks about her daily life but replaces some names and words here and there. At least Kiara has the KFP talk, Ame all the timeline talk, and Gura has dumb shit like "All of atlantis is naked", etc.

>> No.4473176


>> No.4473179
Quoted by: >>4473286

Yes. The dude had CTE before anyone knew what that was. Kill his wife and child and then himself.

>> No.4473180
Quoted by: >>4473222

he means going straight into Eternal, probably

>> No.4473182

2B's gigantic ass is kino

>> No.4473185
Quoted by: >>4473254

It's true.
t. lived in Japan 10 years.

Even stuff like anime gets soured to you and I was only able to even enjoy Japanese games again after a year or so.

>> No.4473186

she is a woman

>> No.4473187
Quoted by: >>4473220

Did she switch to dub/easy so she can blow throuhg the game?

>> No.4473188

wtf the video I shill'd was right

>> No.4473191
Quoted by: >>4473204

Anon, that already happened

>> No.4473190

the fastest grudgepost in the west

>> No.4473192

The girls need to ask their managers about games before permissions can be looked into. JENMa managing three compared to J-chad and ENMa who only manage one would obviously mean she gets more requests.

>> No.4473195

>Spics get the rope too
WTF i love Kiara now

>> No.4473196

>family near
>your own aprtment
>no rrats
i mean is impossible not to feel better

>> No.4473197

this is true

>> No.4473199

Not a suicide, but Jimmy Snuka murdered his girlfriend and Vince help covered it up. Go look up the Dark Side of the Ring episode on it, it's pretty good
(I'm assuming what the other guy was referring to is the Benoit murder/suicide which Vince obviously couldn't sweep under the rug)

>> No.4473200

She can't read.

>> No.4473202

Or you know....its because Pink cat publicly said Kiara was her favorite English vtuber , before that Kiara had no interest in her.

>> No.4473203
Quoted by: >>4473263

>but if you were following Coco you hit your face over random e-celeb nearly every week
Most of the faggots complaining here weren't following hololive back then yet they talk as if they know anything. Is it that hard to do your hololive reps?

>> No.4473205

Time for End of the Unknown kino.

>> No.4473204

No that was just when they weren't even speaking

>> No.4473206
Quoted by: >>4473249

Don't even need to type real. Type a holos full name and you get dox as a 3rd or 5th result

>> No.4473207

No. Shes not into the story at all

>> No.4473211
Quoted by: >>4473286

Search for jimmy snuka murder

>> No.4473214

I think she has a good balance. I dont want them to go full LARP either.

>> No.4473216
Quoted by: >>4473404 >>4473461

you didn't play Nier before Automata???

>> No.4473217

He was well into interacting with vtubers already. Gigguk and Coco were interacting through Asacoco and ID already had a track record before TT/Connor of interacting with any non-Holo eceleb that @d them. What exactly makes you believe Connor and Ollie wouldn't have interacted if TT Collab didn't happen, other than trying to make TT look like it had a bigger impact than it really did?

>> No.4473218

Any japanese salaryman will tell you the exact same thing

>> No.4473220

yes, fuck nierfags

>> No.4473219

Pretty sure she doesnt want to play the game, so dub makes it easier than the sub even though she prefers the sub.

>> No.4473223

Cutest & cuter than usual, every day.

>> No.4473222

He should know she wouldn't do that considering she said she wanted to take a break.

>> No.4473224

>your oshi
>a country you want to visit that is not Japan

>> No.4473225

Because Miko played Replicant

>> No.4473226

>Your oshi
>My oshi
>Do you like my oshi?

>> No.4473228

She seems like she's having fun dicking around.
Probably won't follow the story at all

>> No.4473230

Yeah, I was conflating the two, thanks for clarifying.

>> No.4473231
Quoted by: >>4473414

Nigger she literally lies about being human every fucking time.

>> No.4473232
Quoted by: >>4473244 >>4473269

>cant post images

>> No.4473233


>> No.4473234

I'd be pretty fucking miserable if I was in japan when covid started as well. I think anyone would be

>> No.4473237
Quoted by: >>4473313

I don't understand why they would do that. Capcom loves to make games with English voices only, or made with an English script in mind.

>> No.4473239

I want to fuck both of them

>> No.4473240
Quoted by: >>4473362

My JP favorite is Korone. This is nothing to me.
The moment I realized Kiara would be the EN with the longest stream-times (around late September) I knew she'd be my EN favorite.

>> No.4473242

Unironically true. I have yet to speak to another foreigner that's actually liked it here.

>> No.4473243


>> No.4473244

How new?

>> No.4473248

Decent effort. Relies a lot on people not watching Kiara and general dislike of VShoujo though. I'll give it a C rating.

>> No.4473249
Quoted by: >>4473317

Hm nope not for me. Only tested Kiara

>> No.4473251

North Korea

>> No.4473252
Quoted by: >>4473299

You're stupid. Take your meds. Here's the actual story. Wants collab with Vei, pink cat third wheels, Vei backs out, pink cat backs down, Kiara remembers cat said nice thing about her, "hey wanna still collab?" "Sure", and here we are.

>> No.4473253

For real. He literally had to get over losing Guts and not hate-fuck that princess and he would've probably been fine and still successful. He gets paraded around as this based as fuck guy that sacrificed everything for his dream but he's actually just a fucking retard that got pissy like a child because he lost a guy that he thought of as property and got himself flayed and tortured because his first response was to fuck a princess he wasn't supposed to fuck. Absolute fucking moron. And then, like a cat that fell flat on its stupid fucking face and got laughed at by its owner, he parades around in his new shiny demon body pretending really fucking hard that he didn't fuck up at all in the first place and like it was his grand master plan all along.

>> No.4473254

But to clarify, it's not like it's a bad country, it's just very uncomfortable for a foreigner in the end, after the exotic wears out, and you will just feel better back in your motherland.

>> No.4473255

Izuru's chat is somehow always filled with newfags despite the fact he average 1K viewers when singing. It's a mystery as to why

>> No.4473256


>> No.4473257

Anyone else think it's gay as fuck that Adam & Eve are both men

>> No.4473259


>> No.4473260


>> No.4473258

Kiara has a much, much wider audience. How exactly would that boost Kiara and not Pinkcat?

>> No.4473261


>> No.4473263
Quoted by: >>4473314 >>4473382

>Is it that hard to do your hololive reps
Apparently it is. If they did, 80% of the shitposting would disappear maybe

>> No.4473264

the game is boring doesn't worth the effort of reading subs

>> No.4473266


>> No.4473267

she might as well be the co-founder

>> No.4473268


>> No.4473269

how new?

>> No.4473271


>> No.4473274


>> No.4473275

God, what I wouldn't do to get my hips crushed by her 1-ton ass.

>> No.4473276

not yours

>> No.4473277


>> No.4473281
Quoted by: >>4473324

adam and eve, more like adam and steve

>> No.4473282

Ame your yaoi fetish is showing.

>> No.4473284

Did she deserve it?

>> No.4473285


>> No.4473286

...okay, first off, that's pretty fucked. But second, why do >we have wrestling fans here?

>> No.4473287

her sound of music watchalong made me want to visit switzerland/austria real bad

>> No.4473291


>> No.4473292

tardwrangle p-san

>> No.4473295
Quoted by: >>4473327

Wait, Kiara's still going? What the FUCK

>> No.4473296
Quoted by: >>4473348

I must have zoned out, I thought I heard Gura talking for a second.

>> No.4473299

Why can't we live in a timeline where Kiara realizes how shit those two people are and how absolute garbo their content is.
Go collab with the dino or the thicc finnish girl or pikamee or some niji instead if you must...

>> No.4473300

Were the aliens really that stupid or is he exaggerating?

>> No.4473301

Nene adds a weekly segment to her streams discussing the newest episode

>> No.4473302


>> No.4473303

Ame got her ass kicked!

>> No.4473305

>these two
Is this game for fujos?
That would explain why Ame is playing it and my fujo friend loves it.

>> No.4473307

So will this have gratuitous scenes of feet or is it safe

>> No.4473308
Quoted by: >>4473337 >>4473389

Why are people defending this awful dub?

>> No.4473309


>> No.4473310


>> No.4473311

No, thank you :)

>> No.4473313

Apparently it had something to do with the voice actor union, so it was kind of out of Capcom's hands.

>> No.4473314

Considering the freak out over Mori's first sponsored stream, I have no faith in people doing basic hololive reps before talking shit.

>> No.4473315


>> No.4473316

I cannot describe in words how much I need an iCarly watchalong with Nene.

>> No.4473317
Quoted by: >>4473359

Clear cookies

>> No.4473320


>> No.4473321

Oh, Adam's dub voice is actually decent

>> No.4473322


>> No.4473324

Haha yeah happy pride brother wanna fuck each other? For Ame.

>> No.4473325
Quoted by: >>4473389

this dub is really good

>> No.4473327

you didnt know shes trying to break her previous record?

>> No.4473328
Quoted by: >>4473428

Holofightz is a thing anon

>> No.4473330


>> No.4473331

>S. Korea (aka not japan but not japan)

>> No.4473333

>Young boy looking android horny/murdery for thicc woman android.
>Yaoi bots.
Of course.

>> No.4473334


>> No.4473336

Ame... you don't even need to fight them

>> No.4473337

Even Ame doesn't sem to be a fan but don't ann change it back for reason..?

>> No.4473338


>> No.4473339

Wrestling is just like Vtubing anon, everyone knows that!

>> No.4473343

Well that's the issue, Kiara doesn't watch their streams. Pink cat is only happening because she said Kiara is her favorite.

>> No.4473342


>> No.4473344


>> No.4473341


>> No.4473347
Quoted by: >>4473403

All of the males are pretty boys, it's only natural.

>> No.4473348


>> No.4473352

Greece seems nice for the history bits

>> No.4473353

The US

>> No.4473354

No, there's eye candy for everyone
Adam and Eve if you wanna see shirtless pretty lads, 2B and A2 (and the commander) if you wanna see some curvy ladies

>> No.4473355

why have kfp not realised that kiara probably likes that type of content

>> No.4473356
Quoted by: >>4473432


>> No.4473359
Quoted by: >>4473426

I tried private mode in firefox, there are no cookies or history or whatever. Still don't see anything on the first google page

>> No.4473362

I'm just hoping things get better for Korone soon.

>> No.4473363

Anybody who interacts with her loves her.

>> No.4473365

go back in time and travel with korone to poland watch the witcher's event

>> No.4473367


>> No.4473369
Quoted by: >>4473399

EVERYONE is in these threads
we were discussing soccer yesterday

>> No.4473372
Quoted by: >>4473423

W-why do you friends want to visit canada, roommate shit?

>> No.4473376

Guys hurry up! Kill the thread so Ame can beat Adam!

>> No.4473378

Wow... how do you even lose this fight, Ame? Just fucking dodge you scrublord

>> No.4473381
Quoted by: >>4473436 >>4473442

Kiara would have probably made like 5-8k today if she had Superchats on......

>> No.4473382

>80% of the shitposting would disappear
Absolutely not. Hell, most of the bait I throw out depends on quite a bit of background to contest,

>> No.4473384

I remember her complimenting 9S's lips a few times when she played it last.

>> No.4473385

Germany or France

>> No.4473386
Quoted by: >>4473424 >>4473460

But why. She never seemed like the type given how much of a Pekora fan she was, also Fubuki and the whole weeb in Japan thing.

>> No.4473389


>> No.4473390


>> No.4473392

why do this pictures hurt so much

>> No.4473395
Quoted by: >>4473432


>> No.4473396

Coco is an uncucked John Ce a

>> No.4473397


>> No.4473400


>> No.4473399

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

>> No.4473401


>> No.4473403
Quoted by: >>4473418

All of the females are smoking hot thick thighs big titty babes too.
All video game creators should strive to have beautiful, aesthetically pleasing characters.

>> No.4473404

I completely missed the PS3/Xbox 360 era, was busy.

>> No.4473406
Quoted by: >>4473438

>kiara probably likes that type of content
we watch her and know she doesn't

>> No.4473409


>> No.4473412
Quoted by: >>4473437


>> No.4473413

Fucking rofl

>> No.4473414

Not only is that barely anything, everytime I listen to her say that I got the impression that she meant it, because isn't her lore that she was just a normal girl until the day she found AO?

>> No.4473416

Saying nice things about Kiara seems to be an easy way to her heart. I bet you could manipulate her into a sexual relationship if you kept complimenting her. God it makes me so horny to think about.

>> No.4473417
Quoted by: >>4473440 >>4473452

>Ame and I sneezed at the same time

>> No.4473418


>> No.4473421

Please my sides

>> No.4473423

Actually I've always wanted to visit Canada. Specifically the far northern parts.

>> No.4473424

She doesn't know what kind of content they make. They only talk on discord. And I'm pretty sure they get along well. You don't know them in real life. Just because you dislike their content doesn't mean they can be sweet to each other in RL.
They were nice to Kiara at a time where she was really depressed and Kiara remembers that.

>> No.4473425

Twitter does the same thing. Go to "Mori's" twitter and it'll also recommend you "Kiara's" and "Ina's". If you know any of the JPs, it happens on their twitters too.

>> No.4473426
Quoted by: >>4473451

Try chrome

>> No.4473427

I just wanted to post some new lewds...

>> No.4473428

We have bleedback from fucking Holofightz? The thing that happens once a week, with like 5 threads a week?

>> No.4473430

Jackie Chan

>> No.4473431

The United States of America

>> No.4473432

What the fuck are you me? >>4473356

>> No.4473433


>> No.4473436

>Kiara makes an almost equal amount in supers as she did in her 1mil stream
>Then needs another 12 hour stream to read supers that gains another equal number of supers
>Kiara unknowingly traps herself and her viewersin an infinite loop of supers all because she didnt disable them the first time

>> No.4473437


Good choice

>> No.4473438

then why does she keep bringing it up

>> No.4473440

Breathing in plant cum!

>> No.4473442

she JUST told people to redirect the SC money to fanartists
well, when i say just i mean 10 hours ago, but time flows differently at KFP

>> No.4473447

Kiara barely choose her mods lol

>> No.4473446

>You will never axe kick Ame in the head while she tries to loot her own body.

>> No.4473449

>this guy is bonkers

>> No.4473450

She doesn't really have much time to watch streams, let alone their streams on Twitch. The best she knows are a few clips and their private conversations

>> No.4473452


>> No.4473451

Nah to lazy. I believe you. Kiara is doxed everywhere

>> No.4473457


>> No.4473455


>> No.4473458


>> No.4473460

He's talking out of his ass. Kiara is a clipwatcher and just saw some things about them that made her laugh. Plus they were nice to her so she likes them

>> No.4473461

Most people didn't, myself included.

>> No.4473462

Amelia is disrespectful.
