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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40904523 No.40904523 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

Horse Fucker Edition

Previous thread: >>40789313

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:

- Survive
- Consider not having sex with horses since that's beastiality
- Be nice

>Note that the map is set in stone.
>Casual Stories or Greentexts of your general in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Ignore any trolls, falseflaggers or dramafags. Report, hide and move on.
>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.
>Please think twice before posting if you're intoxicated or feeling moody.


Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements:
Geologic Provinces:




>> No.40904553
File: 1.39 MB, 1138x1690, 1658766312829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Please mark and tag the section you want the relevant content to be archived. Unmarked posts will not be archived.
Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
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If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.
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Anchor post for events in the /vtwbg/ canon timeline.
Reply to this post or commentate directly in the sheet suggestions for events to add to the timeline.

>> No.40904601
File: 1.06 MB, 1451x2048, 1643870174578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.
>Proposed Next Vote
Addition: >>40662983
>Vote Results
https://rentry.org/m7rhg (most recent)
Aggregated Past Vote Results:
>Vote post archive

>> No.40904655
File: 140 KB, 1249x947, 1668146248536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

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Last thread's new lore/discussion you might have missed:


Reply to this post to be included in the next thread's lore catchup
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>> No.40904762
File: 1.27 MB, 5000x3000, divegrass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the first poll, you can choose up to 5 player suggestions for which new players will join the team for vtl4. For the second poll, vote for your favorite name to take the place of ABANDON SCIENCE HAVE SEX WITH SQUIRRELS.
roster poll: https://strawpoll.com/polls/7rnzG1NoWgO
/risu/ poll: https://strawpoll.com/polls/3RnYp2P1Jye

>> No.40904823
File: 631 KB, 570x552, 20230113_082217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Horse Fucker Edition
>Don't fuck horses
You're sending mixed signals here OP

>> No.40905488
File: 78 KB, 638x638, a0d640ab347aec855ba1e8a898621b7307107d65_hq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40905551
File: 90 KB, 366x400, 1648399744571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you meant to say SQUIRREL FUCKER

>> No.40906613
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, 010558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40909083

Put this under /ehe/ lore please.

>> No.40906758
File: 86 KB, 634x837, 1667561122725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40914322


The River Raika and other major rivers of the Republic deposit silty material around their alluvial plains and valleys. Making may of the areas near the gentle meanders of the rivers possess good loamy soil for agricultural use. These relatively flat areas are the breadbasket of the Republic and much of the North-West Ailivian Continent.

The flat and fertile West traditionally host the majority of the population and agricultural output, while the frigid North and Barren East mostly consists of wide, open pasture lands between the rolling hills and few farms that feed the population centers.

The three main staple crops in the Republic are wheat, potatoes and rice.

Wheat farming has the longest history in the Republic. Evolving from simple slash-and-burn fields to the 3-year crop rotation cycle practiced today in many state-owned and communal farms. The fodder created from the rotation process also helps feed farm animals, both for drafting and animal products. Which is a departure from the historical role of the West as being almost a purely horticultural producer that imports cattle from the East, as a part of the epic cattle drives along the banks of the Raika. As the population grew in the East, more land are converted to farmlands as more efficient ways of cultivation, where potatoes are featured heavily alongside other cereal crops like buckwheat and spring wheat. Although the East was described to have sandy loams, which were only productive for potatoes, some grasslands away from the rivers had developed mollisol, suitable for both planting and pasturing. These factors while differentiating East and West less and less in terms of agricultural output, did allow the population to grow and prosper in the previously improvised East.

In the West especially, impressive irrigation and drainage systems, consisting of canals reinforced with bricks controls the water level before seeds are sown. These irrigation systems are increasingly used for sedentary pastures in the West for the Diary, Wool and Meat industry in the West. Near the Hoshiyomian border, however, the coastal regions are suitable for rice growing. As such, similar systems are modified to supply water for rice paddies, and they are exported to the East and North, along the navigable rivers.

>> No.40908416
File: 848 KB, 1500x1232, voteproposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come 18:00 hrs EST, we are going to hold a vote on the following:
>1. Should PPT be put at its former borders in world per their rep. >>40404582 (Y/N/A)
>2. If a nation was provinced and wants to use their old borders that they can have them without needing to hold a vote, assuming the land hasn't been taken by any other threads? (Y/N/A)
>3. Should Rumina be put at the following borders in Figure 1 (Y/N/A)

Indie Continent Changes (see >>40709774 for reasoning)
>4. Should /corpo/ + /aa/ be given the following provinces in Figure 2 (Y/N/A)
>5. Should the borders of the Indie Continent be updated per Figure 2 (Y/N/A)

Please suggest changes before 16:00 EST.
Any additional voting proposals must come before 14:00 EST,anything afterwards will be reserved for next session and I as the VoteAnon will deem if such proposals made before 14:00 EST need more discussion first.

>> No.40908553

Is Retro there?? I would like to discuss the war..

>> No.40908858
File: 1.42 MB, 2560x2187, 1672854982150305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40909455

Can the exact land changing hands on the indie continent be colored just for visual clarity?

>> No.40909083
File: 1.01 MB, 4096x2304, 1663550777741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40909526

Hoshi rep if you are here do you have some new ideas/inspirations on the history?

Bretty gud but I think it's best if you mention that you incorporated some past wars with your neighbors in a post. Since not everyone has the time to read every rentry posted or might've missed it. Helps with them archive searching as well.

>> No.40909455
File: 1.11 MB, 1500x1232, voteproposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40909526
File: 666 KB, 766x769, 167987645354685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro, I will need to talk about them with it first however before we do that past wars stuff kek.

>> No.40910260

Change the wording of By-Law 4.2 from "Link to a post containing a rentry link pertaining to lore or story of the thread one is voting for, with the rentry edited to verify the poster to be authentic."
"Voting Doc rentry that needs to be verified with story or lore doc the first time it is used to verify the poster to be authentic."

Since that is the way most of us that use this method do it.

>> No.40910274
File: 379 KB, 1080x1019, Screenshot_20230113_163334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40910451

Also, taking into account the reasoning for indie changes, and considering /corpo/(at least on the interactive map) is placed as in pic related, why should it and AA be moved up north and leave behind myspace and that free area and not the other way around? So myspace taking a few provinces on the north and /AA+corpo/ staying where /corpo/ is rn.

>> No.40910379
File: 1.37 MB, 1501x1233, voteproposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40955468

Come 18:00 hrs EST, we are going to hold a vote on the following:
>1. Should PPT be put at its former borders in world per their rep. >>40404582 (Y/N/A)
>2. If a nation was provinced and wants to use their old borders that they can have them without needing to hold a vote, assuming the land hasn't been taken by any other threads? (Y/N/A)
>3. Should Rumina be put at the following borders in Figure 1 (Y/N/A)

Indie Continent Changes (see >>40709774 for reasoning)
>4. Should /corpo/ + /aa/ be given the following provinces in Figure 2 and Figure 3 (Y/N/A)
>5. Should the borders of the Indie Continent be updated per Figure 2 and Figure 3 (Y/N/A)

By-Laws Changes (See >>40910260)
>6. Change the wording of By-Law 4.2 from "Link to a post containing a rentry link pertaining to lore or story of the thread one is voting for, with the rentry edited to verify the poster to be authentic." to "Voting Doc rentry that needs to be verified with story or lore doc the first time it is used to verify the poster to be authentic."

Please suggest changes before 16:00 EST.
Any additional voting proposals must come before 14:00 EST, anything afterwards will be reserved for next session and I as the VoteAnon will deem if such proposals made before 14:00 EST need more discussion first.

>> No.40910451

I think the reasoning was that history wise, /corpo/ + /aa/ were in the north and welcomed /myspace/ into their Kingdom since /aeg/ existed there already, and this makes more sense given how the history of those threads.

>> No.40911204

Ok, so I have decided to keep the spirit of the proposal while making it more easy to understand the changes. Blue is the border changes while the previous borders are there. The only real change is vsj getting one little piece in exchange for giving up a little peace to make the borders cleaner.

>> No.40911286
File: 737 KB, 912x1080, proposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image now included.

>> No.40911321
Quoted by: >>40912151

at work will be off in 4 hours, if you want you can write the gist of it and i wilk respond once i'm home

>> No.40911761

The vsj border change doesn't seem to really do anything, and IRL borders aren't clean. I don't think we should change the borders of currently unrepped nations. The person making this map previously said he was fine with accommodating this.

>> No.40911972
File: 745 KB, 1500x1100, voteproposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come 18:00 hrs EST, we are going to hold a vote on the following:
>1. Should PPT be put at its former borders in world per their rep. >>40404582 (Y/N/A)
>2. If a nation was provinced and wants to use their old borders that they can have them without needing to hold a vote, assuming the land hasn't been taken by any other threads? (Y/N/A)
>3. Should Rumina be put at the following borders in Figure 1 (Y/N/A)

Indie Continent Changes (see >>40709774 for reasoning)
>4. Should /corpo/ + /aa/ be given the following provinces in Figure 2 (Y/N/A)
>5. Should the borders of the Indie Continent be updated per Figure 2 (Y/N/A)

By-Laws Changes (See >>40910260)
>6. Change the wording of By-Law 4.2 from "Link to a post containing a rentry link pertaining to lore or story of the thread one is voting for, with the rentry edited to verify the poster to be authentic." to "Voting Doc rentry that needs to be verified with story or lore doc the first time it is used to verify the poster to be authentic."

Please suggest changes before 16:00 EST.
Any additional voting proposals must come before 14:00 EST, anything afterwards will be reserved for next session and I as the VoteAnon will deem if such proposals made before 14:00 EST need more discussion first.

>> No.40912044
Quoted by: >>40912151

Are you ready to make diplomacy with morig and nasfaq?

>> No.40912151
File: 1.34 MB, 2500x1454, 3c187c1e07735ed885fdc264e61be867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okey!! my basic timeline is here: https://rentry.org/m777b
I guess sure

>> No.40912598

Can we have an alternate spot for RuMiNa on the holocontinent? Their rep can choose this spot but we need options.

>> No.40912658
File: 1.13 MB, 780x840, 1672506992944078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess i can do that so you have options...

>> No.40912898
File: 19 KB, 627x555, rumina 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here i guess

>> No.40912944
Quoted by: >>40912992

With respect as the VoteAnon, no. They have lore built up for the move, and we as a thread should respect that.

>> No.40912992

Thanks, looks nice!
Your job as voteanon isn't to decide this when their rep agreed.

>> No.40913094
File: 168 KB, 900x889, 1672891982479471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to go there though..

>> No.40913306

No. Why would anyone want that?

>> No.40913309
Quoted by: >>40913473

As vote anon, I made a mistake and we did collectively.
By law 5 states
>New thread representatives for generals that do not have borders should wait until those borders are decided through an official vote before writing lore which assumes a specific set of borders.

Thus I will consider this other spot.

>> No.40913473
File: 3.26 MB, 1123x1525, 1658289659653538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the one who interacted with you a lot, I also take full blame for not pointing out >>40913309 to you sooner, specially when I myself went through the same thing with /mans/ back in the day.

>> No.40913573
File: 18 KB, 562x570, ruminaspot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose this as a spot for /RuMiNa/ because:
>It's next to vsj
>fits their lore and relations with the threads.

>> No.40913726

Ngl, if nothing else, that is a very visually pleasing border.

>> No.40913839
File: 4 KB, 532x414, I like them here..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still favour this island proposal the best.

>> No.40913908
File: 6 KB, 503x514, morijirumina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about here next to Moriji since Holodead connections?

>> No.40913959
File: 206 KB, 1800x1328, 1665998486584565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want these options to be voted on, sure. i want spot one but i think these make sense i guess..

>> No.40913987
File: 475 KB, 1061x1100, 1672945710132142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40914044

Ruminanon, just a reminder, since this is spiraling a bit it seems. Only the proposals that you officially recognized and chosen will be considered in the vote, as freedom of choice was the main pillar of the province system. So for now, only the original and holo proposals you made are in the running for your spot.

>> No.40914044
Quoted by: >>40914104

No more than those ones just proposed!!

>> No.40914104
Quoted by: >>40914129

So you are ok with the last three proposed being added to the vote?

>> No.40914129
Quoted by: >>40914271

Sure i guess... That will leave less to complain when vote one passes!!

>> No.40914271
File: 115 KB, 893x1070, Oh hi there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40914513

That ain't enough I am afraid. I want you to be enthusiastic to work with those spots, so please look them over again, and decide if you would be ok with that placement if it passes. Then please reply to the latest vote post linking the proposals you wouldn't mind. tho just as my opinion, the original proposal is passing anyway

>> No.40914322
File: 122 KB, 1754x1240, apathy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, nice, honestly don't got much to say other than about this part
>in the West for the Diary, Wool and Meat industry in the West
That seems like unnecessary repetition;

>> No.40914433
File: 1.04 MB, 2500x1875, voteproposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come 18:00 hrs EST, we are going to hold a vote on the following:
>1. Should PPT be put at its former borders in world per their rep? >>40404582 (Y/N/A)
>2. Should Rumina be put at the following options. (Y/N/A then 1/2/3/4/5)
>>Where they wanted, north of VRT, per 2.1
>>East of VSJ, per 2.2 (Reasoning: >>40913573)
>>Three Islands in the Kizuna Ocean, per 2.3 (Reasoning: >>40913839)
>>Next to Mans and Moriji, per 2.4 (Reasoning: >>40913908)
>>And on the Holocontinent, per 2.5 (Reasoning: >>40912598)

Indie Continent Changes (see >>40709774 for reasoning)
>3. Should /corpo/ + /aa/ be given the following provinces in Figure 1 (Y/N/A)
>4. Should the borders of the Indie Continent be updated per Figure 1 (Y/N/A)

By-Laws Changes (See >>40910260)
>5. If a nation was provinced and wants to use their old borders that they can have them without needing to hold a vote, assuming the land hasn't been taken by any other threads? (Y/N/A)
>>By Law would read "There is no vote for a nation wishing to use their old borders if they were provinced, assuming the land is avaliable."
>6. Change the wording of By-Law 4.2 from "Link to a post containing a rentry link pertaining to lore or story of the thread one is voting for, with the rentry edited to verify the poster to be authentic." to "Voting Doc rentry that needs to be verified with story or lore doc the first time it is used to verify the poster to be authentic."

Please suggest changes before 16:00 EST.
Any additional voting proposals must come before 14:00 EST, anything afterwards will be reserved for next session and I as the VoteAnon will deem if such proposals made before 14:00 EST need more discussion first.

>> No.40914513
File: 109 KB, 850x646, __mikeneko_niconico_drawn_by_fudepenbrushpen__sample-3b9f4b21d4bddb4d05b999cab41b95ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Spaceman.. I am fine with the options presented, no more tho, and know the original proposal is passing

>> No.40914598
File: 221 KB, 1911x2048, Sanamaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oki then, just making sure. If there's one thing that we should take seriously on here, it's the votes.

>> No.40915245
Quoted by: >>40918079

Retro here, i want to oppose the decision of having more than the initial spot desired by ruminaanon to be a choice for voting.

The decision for those otger spots are arbitrary and do not align with the wishes of the rep.

As for the reasoning of bylaw 5, i would like to point out that ruminanon initially created lore not reliant on location and it was the choice of third parties to oppose the location of the rep for their own perception of where they ought to be placed dismissing the reps wishes. It was only in response ti that, that location soecific lore was created to apoease the worries and wishes if those people to justify even being able to make that proposal

There have been plenty of placement votes that simply where hust yes and no in the past so precedent for that exists too

>> No.40916833
Quoted by: >>40917298

Also rumina anon, i would like you to clearly state that no, these other spots are not what you want at all. You should not agree to this based on assumotions of how a vote will go or because you feel pressured to. These votes are meant to be objective to the matter at hand. Joke options or options opposing someone on orinciple should have no place.

>> No.40916966
Quoted by: >>40917099

Nijisanji males no longer exists as a thread so next week we need to decide what to do with them.

>> No.40917081

Ohh and lastly, as per the latest draft idea for the phase war, the big island of aeg was meant to go to /vrt/, since the change would be the same as for /voms/ etc it ahould be part of this vote. Have alice confirm this if need be as she is in charge of it.

>> No.40917099
Quoted by: >>40917163

Do they not? Wah happun?

>> No.40917163
File: 87 KB, 425x600, cutealice!111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should hold off until next vote...
They came back to 2434. They were our brother thread after all.

>> No.40917298
File: 31 KB, 266x324, 1672972394626411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40917405

Okey, I will be clear. I do not want any of these other spots. They feel like people just want me to fit their own headcanon!!

>> No.40917405
File: 359 KB, 920x900, 1656430537150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40917455

Was that so hard to say before!

>> No.40917455
Quoted by: >>40917976

I don't know!! Perhaps i wanted to mess with vote anon and all of them posted were me actually aside from the guy asking me ;)

>> No.40917785
File: 736 KB, 1499x1099, voteproposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty brat...

Come 18:00 hrs EST, we are going to hold a vote on the following:
>1. Should PPT be put at its former borders in the world per their rep? >>40404582 (Y/N/A)
>2. Should Rumina be put at the selected spot per Figure 1 (Y/N/A)

Indie Continent Changes (see >>40709774 for reasoning)
>3. Should /corpo/ + /aa/ be given the following provinces per Figure 2 (Y/N/A)
>4. Should the borders of the Indie Continent be updated per Figure 2 (Y/N/A)

By-Laws Changes (See >>40910260)
>5. If a nation was turned into provinces and wants to use their old borders, they can have them without needing to hold a vote, assuming the land hasn't been taken by any other threads? (Y/N/A)
>>By Law would read "There is no vote for a nation wishing to use their old borders if they were turned into provinces, assuming the land is available."
>6. Change the wording of By-Law 4.2 (Y/N/A):
>>Previous Wording: "Link to a post containing a rentry link pertaining to lore or story of the thread one is voting for, with the rentry edited to verify the poster to be authentic."
>>New Wording: "Voting Rentry that needs to be verified with story or lore doc the first time it is used to verify the poster to be authentic."
>>Voting Rentries will be placed in the Trip Verification Rentry once Verified.

As the VoteAnon for those that are using the Rentry method, even if you have done this before, I need lore with the Voting Rentry since the current method dictates that. I will not count votes that did not do this. Also, if your trip is not verified, please try to get it verified.

Please suggest changes before 16:00 EST.
Any additional voting proposals must come before 14:00 EST, anything afterwards will be reserved for next session and I as the VoteAnon will deem if such proposals made before 14:00 EST need more discussion first. 15 minutes.

>> No.40917976

Don't do that next time, k?

>> No.40918051
Quoted by: >>40920207

Can the border changes be made a different color? I was confused by this figure because the river running through /pcg/ looked like a border change at a glance.
Does the /rumina/ rep want to add any of the alternate proposals for their island(s) to the vote?

>> No.40918079
Quoted by: >>40918294

I agree with Retro here, not really to knock on vote anon for putting them in but I think certain things like the location for Rumina and PPT don't need a vote, especially since the only writers for those two nations are pretty insistent on where they want to be and it doesn't make much sense for the collective to influence that decision when we aren't going to be doing the work of writing for them.
For PPT, the vote is really unnecessary considering that nobody has objected at all to their location and their location is just where they original were with their preprovince placement. If the vote was No for whatever reason, there's no alternative placement.
In terms of Rumina, alot of those alternative placements aren't paired with their reasonings for why they should be where they should and during votes alot of random reps show up to place their votes who weren't involved in these discussions beforehand, the actual locations shown can be misleading as to where they are from a glance so somebody might not realize where they're voting for.
Overall, I don't think things that are argeed on need to be up for a vote until it's widely contested for a pretty blunt and explicit reasoning, even then in Rumina's case, the option their rep chose is really much more reasonable than any of the other proposals by considering how their thread operates.

>> No.40918294
Quoted by: >>40918667

Votes like these are held as a formality, so that in the case where a dispute happens regarding land ownership, it can be clearly seen when a nation claimed a certain spot, and who therefore has the right in said argument. You want an example of a dispute like that, look no further than a couple of threads back with the rumina island. That was initially claimed by yah, but because the decision was never finalized with a vote, it is in the grey area where we can argue for either. Votes prevent that.

>> No.40918541
Quoted by: >>40927661

The reasoning for that land change is the exact same as the others, i think they should also all be held to the same vote

>> No.40918667

In terms of generality, I can see how that's useful for pure clarification but it also has a lot of needless bureaucracy attached that a good amount of writers have no interest in participating in. In my opinion, votes called for issues that could sort themselves out through natural discussion only dissuade voters from paying attention to votes in general, meaning that on very meaningful votes you can have situations like with the province vote where a large amount of voters didn't really consider what they were voting for. While the provinces work fine, situations like that are to be avoided as much as possible and part of avoiding that is by not having voting options that really don't have meaning.

>> No.40919490

I would kike to state once more that i would like the change of the big aeg island towards /vrt/ to be added to question 4 since it follows the exact same reasoning as all other borderchanges

>> No.40919935

You gonna provide a pic so we can at least know what exactly you're talking about?

>> No.40920122

I'm still at work so if you give me some time until i'm home then yes.

>> No.40920207
File: 835 KB, 1499x1099, 1647603744766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40920333
Quoted by: >>40920625

It’s the one marked “Free” in the current vote proposal:
Also, can someone please explain to me what the whole situation with /aeg/ is? They aren’t even mentioned in the /aa/+/corpo/ OP, but in the /jidf/ one instead. Why are they being combined on the map again?

>> No.40920625
Quoted by: >>40921648

/aeg/ merged with corpo but due to drama they took out their specific part of the name, if you look into archive you can see when they initially merged that the then current name of myspace was part of it until some got pissy about some special treatment accusations if i ubderstood it right

>> No.40921648

Story checks out. So is that where their chuubas are discussed nowadays then? I do wonder if this land change makes sense though if that’s how things went down on the board. Is Sol around? It would be good to hear his reasoning for adding land when it sounds like they have been losing board presence over time and losing wars in universe.

>> No.40923260
File: 834 KB, 1499x1099, phasewarborder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright i'm home,

first picrel is the change of the island as spoken, there is also a second island from the 3.0 update but that one is maybe 1/10, if even that, of the size of that one, i will post that too tho if people want for clarification.

This is part of the phasewar stuff as are the other land changes and is made since the new /pcg/ writer wasn't too keen on the whole historical items as payment part and thus we aksed the /aeg/ rep if he would be fine if i take my reperations for the war from him because i rather did not want to also have some land change from /pcg/ as there are already enough from there.

as for the merge of /aeg/ with /corpo/, as i already stated before, the threads merged and at first also included /myspace/ in the name (the back then current nname of the thread because that thread cannto stick to a name) but due to some drama that seemed partly about thread culture and also menace herself. the decision was made to remove the /myspace/ part from the name. check the first thread without the myspace to see confirmation that the chuubas are still fine to discuss there despite that, tho former myspace people and corpo people seem a bit split about menace. that is as far as i udnerstand from the former /aeg/ divegrass manager and the woozie fans that exist both in /vrt/ and /corpo/.

to reflect that i proposed this merge a while back and the /aeg/ rep as well as others seemed to overall agree to the merge itself. /aeg/ rep also made the decision to cut down the former /aeg/ part on the map to reflect that decrease in power but its also kept due to them still having parts of their own culture as well as having mass migrations as the solution for these kind of situations is a bit silly.

as for the bit that /pcg/ gains, i think that was done to counteract a bit the land they lose everywhere else and it does make sense that even despite losing together in this war with /aeg/ to bite off a bit from them if you consider personalities of /pcg/ chuubas and their fans like pippa, that got so annoyign at one point that /pcg/ had a handful of threads of pcghex or what it was called that was for all of /pcg/ except pippa to be talked about^^

>> No.40923997

So how would a general like >>40910355 work since it’s reliant on twitter? How are all the twitter bait threads in the catalog represented?

>> No.40924317

If it stays and we get an anon from there, it's up to them to represent the culture. Can't really say before that.

>> No.40924446

twitter bait threads are usually counted among the schizo wastes from what i get.

how you would make such a general as a nation if it sticks around is a really good question. maybe they worship some form of divination more than the actual chuuba themselves?

this makes me sad /grave/ didn't manage to stick, a land of perpetual mourning of dead chuubas could have been kino

>> No.40924477
File: 710 KB, 831x1075, 1665112504507171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40924563

I miss haganon.... Don't tell me he caught a month...

>> No.40924563
Quoted by: >>40926864

desu anons need to up their ban evasion reps, this shit is really easy.

>> No.40925339
Quoted by: >>40925488

I oppose corpo and aa getting anything on the map for now. Myspace can be reduced, and after I vote I resign as /aeg/ rep and will become /jidf/ rep since that is my new company.

>> No.40925488

Do you mean the other way? Myspace doesn't exist while corpo+aa doesn't, afaik.

>> No.40925559
Quoted by: >>40925643


>> No.40925643
Quoted by: >>40925721

Myspace is no longer part of corpo. You guys can remove it from the map and make the changes.

>> No.40925721

Or keep it with the changes, maybe it will come back. I would prefer it not to be removed out right actually. I personally want a fresh start, and another menace lover can come later to show the dead some respect

>> No.40926310

Come 18:00 hrs EST, we are going to hold a vote on the following:
>1. Should PPT be put at its former borders in the world per their rep? >>40404582 (Y/N/A)
>2. Should Rumina be put at their desired location per Figure 1. (Y/N/A)

Indie Continent Changes (see >>40709774 for reasoning)
>3. Should the borders of the Indie Continent be updated per Figure 2 (Y/N/A)

By-Laws Changes (See >>40910260)
>4. If a nation was turned into provinces and wants to use their old borders, they can have them without needing to hold a vote, assuming the land hasn't been taken by any other threads? (Y/N/A)
>>By Law would read "There is no vote for a nation wishing to use their old borders if they were turned into provinces, assuming the land is available."
>5. Change the wording of By-Law 4.2 from (Y/N/A):
>>Previous Wording: "Link to a post containing a rentry link pertaining to lore or story of the thread one is voting for, with the rentry edited to verify the poster to be authentic." to
>>New Wording: "Voting Rentry that needs to be verified with story or lore doc the first time it is used to verify the poster to be authentic."
>>Voting Rentries will be placed in the Trip Verification Rentry once Verified.

As the VoteAnon for those that are using the Rentry method, even if you have done this before, I need lore with the Voting Rentry since the current method dictates that. I will not count votes that did not do this. Also, if your trip is not verified, please try to get it verified.

I had to change a few things.

>> No.40926351
File: 747 KB, 1499x1100, voteproposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40926395


>> No.40926395
Quoted by: >>40926736

im fine with this.

>> No.40926736
File: 54 KB, 600x338, cutealice!46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know where you would like to go with /jidf/???

>> No.40926786

Ah, we had a writer for /jidf/ who had some input regarding their location a while back. The thread seemed pretty interested in worldbuilding, actually.

>> No.40926817
File: 22 KB, 747x672, jidf proposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40926928

I sort of do, this is basically it. But i will draw more "natural borders" kek.

>> No.40926864

Honestly yea, but jannies have gotten figety before when you start talking about that stuff so im not saying nothing

>> No.40926928
File: 190 KB, 536x449, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40927172

like this basically.

>> No.40926947
Quoted by: >>40927025

So item 3 is an all-or-nothing sort of deal then? Also, 774’s border is still blue btw.

>> No.40927025

It doesn't have to be, what in particular strikes you as worthy of being seperate?

>> No.40927078

vrt in that sticks out like a red thumb.

>> No.40927172

seems reasonable

might i ask why?

>> No.40927180


>> No.40927281

This is about the phase war, this was his "winnings"

>> No.40927404

I was gonna say vrt, but looking back through the thread it seems like these are all being grouped as “phase war” changes? In any case, I just think it’s good to clarify what kind of votes are allowed beforehand. Also, last we heard you said we were gonna hold off on that one, so it feels a bit like it’s being snuck in unmentioned[\spoiler]
Captcha: 00GAY

>> No.40927412

pretty much, Furthermore. I support /vrt/ here since we agreed as a whole.

>> No.40927661
Quoted by: >>40928176

how is this being snuck in when i mentioned my desire and reasoning for it being uncluded all over the thread.

>> No.40927744

No, this isn't sneaky. I think it was forgotten but Retro was getting something. It's an island.

>> No.40927848
Quoted by: >>40927969

yeah that's my bad, I didn't know if it was one 3.0 or not.

>> No.40927969
Quoted by: >>40928095

Same kek.

>> No.40928095
Quoted by: >>40928173

if this goes through btw i hope you realize i will still bother you about at least some rough history for it^^

>> No.40928173

As you should.

>> No.40928176

The fact it wasn’t added well after being proposed and posts like >>40917163 made it seem like it wasn’t on the docket for this vote. And people who have seen the vote post 5 times this thread aren’t going to be as observant to the small changes, so they may not have realized what all they were voting for. I’m not saying it was done deliberately or maliciously, but all changes should be clearly disclosed when added.

>> No.40928239
Quoted by: >>40928520

You do understand that the voteanon was not home whenever all of that discussion was made after this post right?

>> No.40928402

Fair enough, the fact i posted the correctionn of what i meant isntead of voteanon directly might have muddled that a bit, i can see that.

>> No.40928520
Quoted by: >>40928660

Regardless, I think it would be better in general to list changes like “Do you agree with changing A, B, and C” rather than “Should we make a bunch of changes according to this post or picture”. I’m not saying anyone’s the bad guy here or anything, but I do think what each vote covers should be explicitly and clearly stated.

>> No.40928660
Quoted by: >>40929310

What exactly would you like me to reword? I have put both in context as best as I can without bloating the vote.

>> No.40929310
Quoted by: >>40929423

Ideally, a summary of the territory changes like
As well as mentioning the phase war as the motivation for it. That’s partially addressed by the linked post, but if that post dies during the vote it becomes harder to access versus having it in the vote itself or linking a rentry or something instead. Coloring in the moved territory so it’s more noticeable can also help if you don’t want to bloat the post too much. Ultimately though, the thread had a chance to note everything and discuss it, which is what matters most in the end.
It might also be good to add in a figure for what pot’s original borders are.

>> No.40929423
Quoted by: >>40929528


Indie Continent Changes (see >>40709774 for reasoning)
>3. Should the borders of the Indie Continent be updated per Figure 2 (Y/N/A)
Reason: Phase War (Lore)
Like this?

>> No.40929528

Works for me!

>> No.40929986
File: 739 KB, 1500x1100, voteproposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Placement of new nations
>1. Should PPT be put at its former borders in the world per their rep? >>40404582 (Y/N/A)
>2. Should Rumina be put at their desired location per Figure 1. (Y/N/A)

Indie Continent Changes (see >>40709774 for reasoning)
>3. Should the borders of the Indie Continent be updated per Figure 2 (Y/N/A)

Reason: Phase War (Lore)

By-Laws Changes (See >>40910260)
>4. If a nation was turned into provinces and wants to use their old borders, they can have them without needing to hold a vote, assuming the land hasn't been taken by any other threads? (Y/N/A)
>>By Law would read "There is no vote for a nation wishing to use their old borders if they were turned into provinces, assuming the land is available."
>5. Change the wording of By-Law 4.2 from (Y/N/A):
>>Previous Wording: "Link to a post containing a rentry link pertaining to lore or story of the thread one is voting for, with the rentry edited to verify the poster to be authentic."
>>New Wording: "Voting Rentry that needs to be verified with story or lore doc the first time it is used to verify the poster to be authentic."
>>Voting Rentries will be placed in the Trip Verification Rentry once Verified.

As the VoteAnon for those that are using the Rentry method, even if you have done this before, I need lore with the Voting Rentry since the current method dictates that. I will not count votes that did not do this. Also, if your trip is not verified, please try to get it verified.

>> No.40930033

/2434/ votes:
1. Yay
2. Yay
3. Yay
4. Yay
5. Yay

>> No.40930154

As the representative for Nijisanji Males, it is my duty to vote regarding our interests as a thread, as well as member of this community. With that said, Nijisanji Males Thread votes:

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes

>> No.40930703
File: 115 KB, 900x900, sol4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pcg/ votes:
>1. Should PPT be put at its former borders in the world per their rep? >>40404582 (Y/N/A)
Yes, I think all nations that desire this should get this without a vote.
>2. Should Rumina be put at their desired location per Figure 1. (Y/N/A)
Yes, they have good lore ready and I welcome them to the region with open arms.
>3. Should the borders of the Indie Continent be updated per Figure 2 (Y/N/A)
Yes, for the reasons of the war and the fall of /aeg/ as a thread warrants this. Wars bring territorial changes, and such is true of vitubia too.
>4. If a nation was turned into provinces and wants to use their old borders, they can have them without needing to hold a vote, assuming the land hasn't been taken by any other threads? (Y/N/A)
>>By Law would read "There is no vote for a nation wishing to use their old borders if they were turned into provinces, assuming the land is available."
Yes for the reasons mentioned above.
>5. Change the wording of By-Law 4.2 from (Y/N/A):
>>Previous Wording: "Link to a post containing a rentry link pertaining to lore or story of the thread one is voting for, with the rentry edited to verify the poster to be authentic."
>>New Wording: "Voting Rentry that needs to be verified with story or lore doc the first time it is used to verify the poster to be authentic."
>>Voting Rentries will be placed in the Trip Verification Rentry once Verified.
Yes, I think that makes sense given how this has already operated as such.

>> No.40930928
File: 591 KB, 1875x1875, @1662044046406107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As my last act as /aeg/ rep, I will cast our finally vote humbly. Rest in Peace, Aetheria.
1. Y
2. Y
3. Y, rest in peace...
4. Y
5. Y

>> No.40931674

Lore: https://rentry.org/Artavashahr
Voms casts their vote.

>> No.40932797

/vrt/ vote:
1. Yes, we clearly state in the rentry that reps can get their old land back if its free and this should be honored and should have been clear as a non-vote issue to begin with.

2. Yes, its the desired spot for the rep and due to outside interference the rep was already forced to consider location related lore.

4. Yes, this should have been clear from the getgo after all we clearly wanted this to be an option from the getgo.

5. Yes, its not liek people don't need to verify because of this but rather it streamlines the process.

as with the proposal of the shared island before i will not vote upon a decision whose outcome solely benefits me.

>> No.40933921

/hag/ votes
1. N
2. N
3. N
4. N
5. N

>> No.40934450

Very based.

>> No.40934660
Quoted by: >>40934828

Hagu! Welcome back.

>> No.40934717

would watamates be neglectful dads or would they be really good dads?

>> No.40934744
Quoted by: >>40934828

Hagchad, you need to either make a trip or lore post to have a valid vote. Its nice to see you back.

>> No.40934828


>> No.40934949
File: 219 KB, 1081x1358, 1672139552223154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you're at it, mind editing this one as well, just so we're sure?

>> No.40934964

What do you have planned?

>> No.40935015
Quoted by: >>40935189

Hello haganon, how are you? you had been gone for a bit

>> No.40935026
File: 233 KB, 750x750, 1665638336801647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40935189

Well I'm a fucking idiot


>> No.40935189

Im good!!!
I cant get it to open!!!

>> No.40935298
Quoted by: >>40935378

Glad to hear, i was worried something happened to your kids since you seemed a bit distraught last time, how are they and the wife?

>> No.40935378

What do you mean Retro??? I dont have a wife or kids!!! I am a woman after all!!!!

>> No.40935402
File: 2.79 MB, 1440x1500, 1658045876232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you silly bugger, I left the note with the password on the fridge when I visited last, remember?

>> No.40935691
File: 287 KB, 2000x2000, CA1004DB-F5B5-4308-9F24-82024A295A35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40935759
Quoted by: >>40941301

What you are is the most pathethicly stupid person i have ever seen, its not even fun trying to parade you around the thread as the idiot that you are.

>> No.40936778
Quoted by: >>40941301

whats wrong? no comeback? or did you realize you fucked up so badly that even your tiny brain gets that continuing is useless?

>> No.40938376
Quoted by: >>40939799

I'm thinking about sea dragons I joked around making. Looks like we got another vote. How's everyone this Friday night?

>> No.40939799
File: 150 KB, 500x500, 1656023840720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting some rest

>> No.40941301
Quoted by: >>40946350

Retro, calm down a bit.
Also, meat heads what animals would your climate most likely support? Could they support monkeys?

>> No.40946350
Quoted by: >>40946634

i was having a ganter at the falseflagger, didn't know there is mercy for people trying to falseflag for voting

>> No.40946634
Quoted by: >>40947698

do you mean banter?

>> No.40946800
Quoted by: >>40947698

Got a stupid question for /vrt/. What animals do onobots like? I was thinking /vrt/ would be an ideal climate for capybaras unless climate changed.

>> No.40947106

Is ganter even a fucking word...

>> No.40947417

Maybe he meant gander?

>> No.40947698
Quoted by: >>40948080

ESL moment

onobots would like dogs a lot but thats them specificly, we got more than jsut onobots, buckos would like spiders, champs would liek rabbits, savas would like cats etc.

i don't think capybaras would be high on the list

>> No.40948080

Maybe /wah/ in their swamps can have capybaras. I'll have to ask /wah/ rep if he comes back.

>> No.40952595

capybara bump

>> No.40952898

I was thinking about all the different nightmare fuel creatures that could come out of meat and I remembered this https://bogleech.com/halloween/hall20-yamishibai2
I thought it was neat.

>> No.40953349
Quoted by: >>40953860

The scarier thing is somebody in the world wants to fuck at least one of these things.

>> No.40953860

Probably a meat head or a risuner, wouldn't put it past either.

>> No.40954645
File: 207 KB, 500x500, yamishibai-048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me, or does pic rel remind people of those images of tom cruise laughing? also, most of these aren't creatures, they are just humans with weird proportions. /meat/ already has many of these, and we have a way to make the rest via chuubanite chimera, which was something i was talking about with the rest of the cabal some time ago. we don't have the technology yet.

>> No.40955187
File: 168 KB, 459x278, laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40955327

>those images of tom cruise laughing
eg. pic rel.

>> No.40955327

I see it. Goddamnit!

>> No.40955468
File: 49 KB, 540x540, Pomu pomu pomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh which one should we use?

>> No.40955880
File: 73 KB, 222x180, 1671938885970555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the one that says "the vote is on" in all caps...

>> No.40958558
File: 451 KB, 2100x2512, akira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey founder!
Here are my opinions:
1. Yes. Since they wanted it and they have written lore for it.
2. Yes. (I hope the pre-existing /yah/ island is not removed)
3. Yes. Phase War is overdue for its finish.
4. Yes.
5. I have no idea what this means so I hope the other /meat/ anons can vote for this.

>> No.40961776
Quoted by: >>40963827

i can't remember if i wanted you to respond to something i said some time ago, nor do i know if you responded. i have been annoyingly distracted for a while but i want to stop being like this. regardless, i figure it's worth mentioning. also, what's your opinion on the /indie/ thing? are you ok with it?

>> No.40963827
File: 162 KB, 1130x967, sleepyakiwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40964133

What was the question you wanted to ask me? To answer the /indie/ thing, that was my idea to begin with. Even if we do not have a thread, at least I get to post the schedules and updates of our chuubas to keep the flame going.

>> No.40964133
Quoted by: >>40964246

i can't remember, and i don't think it makes sense to look back for something like that at this point, i just wanted to voice my sense of feeling like something was incomplete. i am ok with posting our stuff to /indie/, but we haven't had a proper thread, or any real conversation since that happened. also, the /indie/ threads aren't posted on the off-site thread, but that's more of a nitpick. we should make a stealth thread, but idk how to and last one i made died in less than 20 minutes.

>> No.40964246

>we should make a stealth thread
Hold on

>> No.40964604
File: 139 KB, 792x1188, skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There we go!

>> No.40966048
File: 1.87 MB, 1800x2739, graveyard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graveyard shift
This one was in the workshop for months, and I'm not exactly happy with the result but I just want it out of my backlog

>> No.40966129

Also, we have ushankas, that's canon

>> No.40968087


>> No.40972132


>> No.40973345


>> No.40975553


>> No.40978102

bumpty bump

>> No.40978193
File: 19 KB, 240x240, 1661411423723750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40978421

Hoshiyomi votes!:
1. Yes, welcome PPTfriend!
2. Yes, welcome Ruminafriend!
3. Yes, this was agreed on by the reps of the region as part of lore, which I am part of and I also agree!
4. Yes, this should have already been codified when the system was past.
5. Yes, this is a more streamlined version of the process and makes sense to me!

>> No.40978421
File: 84 KB, 1200x616, 1648726057312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40978529

Ah Hoshi rep do you have more ideas on your (or rather our mutual) history and navy? Also been a while since last saw you in thread so hope you are doing well.

>> No.40978439
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, 1671234730441439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot we had a vote...

>> No.40978499

Anon you have to include the vote link in the lore rentry used as proof as well.

>> No.40978529

Hmm, I sadly I have been busy IRL too much to think of worldbuilding but I promise today I will set aside time for some ideas. Do you have any yourselves? I guess we should start with dates, such as the formation of my state on /vt/, suisei's debut, and work from there. I am doing well! How are you, Hooman?

As for navy, I really need to do my own document on that first and work with alice on some of the history (wars) with it and exploration.

>> No.40978596
File: 79 KB, 469x600, cutealice!212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite, he just needs to update the lore post now (just save it) and that counts for me.
I'm free to work on the later when I am not doing voteanon stuff, so we can work on that now.

>> No.40978646
Quoted by: >>40978803

Ok, it is done. I did both, thanks it was a bit unclear.

>> No.40978715
Quoted by: >>40978763

Okay Alice! I think I will get the dates first and work with Hooman for a bit first however since I ignore them too much by accident! You can sort of start though!

>> No.40978763

Very well! I will try to think about sea travel to date the first encounter in Indeia and talk to the reps there about it too!!!

>> No.40978803
Quoted by: >>40978898

It's supposed to be the other way around. Army should have a link to vote within it.

Still it's better to encourage anons using the rentry method to actually have the link inside the document since it's easier to understand and won't run into issues with edits.

>> No.40978884
Quoted by: >>40979105

Err first is of course what's your plan for how the country unified in the first place. Clearing that up would give me and the rep some ideas to bounce off from. And what's the state of the region that would become Hoshiyomia after the world split.

>> No.40978898
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1660752516811125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops... I seem to had dyslexia.

>> No.40979105

This is a hard question my friend! I think our thread has always been stable to a degree so let me think more and do some research in the past. idk if you know how to do dates but here:
Okay, I am unsure how the calendar works but here are the dates:
>Suisei's debut: 22 March 2018
>Transfer to Hololive: 1 December 2019
>>30 First thread. January 29th 2021

I might do JP archive reps. I like to get the dates in to make sense of it first.

>> No.40979199
Quoted by: >>40979298

Just use the date converter of the history google sheet. Save it to your own account and you should be ale to edit it.

>> No.40979247

2 July 2018: Suisei joined the VTuber agency S:gnal
4 August 2018: Left S:gnal
19 May 2019: joined Hololive Productions via INoNaKa Music

>> No.40979298

I am not very smart with this kind of stuff, can you give me the formula?

>> No.40979665
Quoted by: >>40979691

One real-life day equals around 2 year in universe. More accurately it's something like 2.1 iirc.

>> No.40979691
File: 732 KB, 1200x1600, 1661622263698286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok i think i figured it out hold on!

>> No.40980185
File: 1.24 MB, 2048x2048, 1657407990868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah nice. I think I'll try to specbio it. Albeit ignoring or modifying some aspects described in the story, assuming them to be dramatization for the sake of the story or reflecting folk beliefs and supersistion. Again it's these times when I really wish the saplings are still here since iirc wendigo is a thread meme for /uuu/. Also ushankas might be a bit redundant if everyone wears cloaks so it probably came from the East.

>> No.40980547
File: 64 KB, 128x128, 1667495174343759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40980620

Suisei History /vtwbg/
>Debut: 2018/3/22 (-2606)
>2018/7/2: Suisei joined the VTuber agency S:gnal (-2351)
>2018/8/4: Suisei Left S:gnal (-2269)
>2018/11/22: First Original Song, "Comet" (-2044)
>2019/3/22: Second Original Song and MV "Tenkyū, Suisei wa Yoru o Mataide" (-1644)
>2019/5/19: Suisei joined Hololive Productions via INoNaKa Music (-1550)
>2019/7/23: The origin of Psychopath Suisei (-1388)
>2019/11/29: Announces her transfer to Hololive Productions from INoNaKa (-1066)
>2019/12/1: Officially Joins Hololive Productions (-1061)
>2021/1/29: First thread on /vt/ >>30 (Year 0)

I'll get more later!

>> No.40980620

I forgot to add that Suisei's joining of INoNka was a surprise debut along AZKi during AZKi's first live performance (May 19th).

>> No.40980803
File: 351 KB, 779x760, 1667440727450528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoomen, given my reps. I think that this will be the preferred outcome. My thread was unified from day one it seems, very much the same. They hoped the switch would bring peace to /jp/, so I will draw a map to make sense of the “Borders” perhaps at this time and label what I think is going on.

>> No.40981966
File: 363 KB, 873x750, early hoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Hoomen, this is my concept of Hoshiyomi circa the shift until tbd. Basically, I have the idea that the Holo Empire functions like the HRE with Electors, Hoshiyomia being one of them (One per Gen, including EN and ID). All of the lands I have designated as Hoshiyomi are lands that would be granted to us. Inside these lands, you can find feudal lords, city states, and other various things and there is a degree of decentralization in some areas, particularly the north. At some point, the north will break off from the rest of the nation, reasons probably down to government. Give me your thoughts on this, you can even have your current cities in these areas have Hoshiyomite names (Might be good kek since you guys are bad at naming ;) ).

>> No.40982189
File: 363 KB, 873x750, early hoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems i forgot to update the key, oops.

>> No.40982271
File: 367 KB, 873x750, 1673707165779838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40982512

Hoshi!! I think i figured out where old /rushia/ given this lore, maybe nousagis would be elector but i will take it since no one else is repping gen 3.

>> No.40982301

aight meatbro. Here's mine
>1. Should PPT be put at its former borders in the world per their rep?
>2. Should Rumina be put at their desired location per Figure 1.
yes? Im still in the dark about rumina so i'll just go with the flow
>3. Should the borders of the Indie Continent be updated per Figure 2
>4. If a nation was turned into provinces and wants to use their old borders, they can have them without needing to hold a vote, assuming the land hasn't been taken by any other threads?
>5. Change the wording of By-Law 4.2
yes. this shouldve been the get go in hindsight

>> No.40982512

Hmmm, I will try to make a slightly bigger map but I don't think I can finalize such things. Thanks, Rumina anon!

>> No.40982834
File: 304 KB, 1800x1221, 1654787178516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoshiyomites occupying that much land seems a bit weird when you consider that the total land mass of that is roughly equal to the entirety of Western and Central Europe.

About /hlgg/'s government both pre-VTE and VTE I wrote some notes on it and posted on it before.
/jp/-era /hlgg/ is ruled by a council led by high priests for the various gods under the pantheon, and the executive senate under it is composed of lords and kings of nations that worship the holo gods. Modern-day /hlgg/ is governed by the Kaiser(or some other name in holo-dhennet.), with his lord-ministers (which I called stadholders before) that compose the state council, which enacts his will in various direct provinces of the Empire and its various governmental departments. Memory's a bit hazy and my brain isn't working well rn so you can just search for it in the archive.

The current lore in the archive states that the West was originally a protectorate set up by the Empire as a buffer state. And that there were originally native settlers. I think the Cfa zone would be where all the actual Hoshiyomites are, whereas further north it's mostly cultural influences.

>> No.40983118

Well, I see it more as not actually controlled directly but rather just dejure allocation by the emperor since we are effectively a March in that region. If that makes any sense to you.

I wouldn't mind having a say here on the hlgg stuff either.

tl;dr Borders are arbitrary in this region because it's a march rather than a centralized state. De Jure rather than De facto.

>> No.40983175
Quoted by: >>40983320

>>40983118 (me)
I might also just reduce it to the non-north as direct control with the others serving as vassals or whatever.

>> No.40983266

I think we should extend /hlgg/'s territory

>> No.40983320
File: 228 KB, 607x789, old holo empire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically this, ignore my speculations about other placements.
I agree on this one too.

>> No.40983550
File: 203 KB, 764x537, hlgg proposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40984166

I don't know if this is too much, but I think them controlling what was once /hirys/ makes sense to me. They should be one of the largest and most powerful threads imo.

>> No.40984166

Yea that looks good, they should have lots of land since the implication is that they used to own a lot more

>> No.40985934

Flags of Rumina!! Some might get changed but i like them!

>> No.40986085
Quoted by: >>40986418

those are all very well crafted tho i'm surprised you didn't lean more into the theme of 3

>> No.40986418
Quoted by: >>40998686

Honestly!! I stole most of them!! But I will try to think of symbolism that is better later

>> No.40988405
File: 3 KB, 180x200, 1654168352911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40996410

Lovely style anon, there's a bunch of lines that made me laugh in there, something about matter-of-fact things being said in intense situations, very fun "Yo kid, you should check out how he works on anomalous entities, it's awesome" kek. Liked the description of the Gravekeeper too.

>> No.40992434

Rumina Military Ideas!!

Navy is not massive but regionally powerful.
Focused highly on quality and training, and landing operations

Belief in the decisive battle doctrine and the exploitation of that. Force the enemy to battle on your terms through aggressiveness and concentration of numbers. There is no such thing as a “fair fight”, only victory and defeat. Concentrate fire fully during landing operations. Marines will not fire a volley in landing, but immediately engage in melee and fire at their own will. Methodically take the positions before you with barrages from the fleet and charges.

Army is made up of volunteers in peace and conscripts in war.
Highly motivated, and/or highly trained

Belief in the decisive battle doctrine and the exploitation of that. Force the enemy to battle on your terms through aggressiveness and marching speed. Isolate enemy strongpoints and attack where they are the weakest. There is no such thing as a “fair fight”, only victory and defeat.

Do not attack piecemeal with the infantry but in full. Let the superior training and the zeal of the men win the day. Do not get into slogging musket fire, fire off three volleys and charge.

Concentrate Artillery fire upon the area which you will strike at, counter battery during the assault itself, and move light artillery constantly to new positions.

Cavalry is the greatest tool to crush a foe. Blinded them with Hussars and crush them with Cuirassiers and Lancers! Death’s Head!

>> No.40993713

i'm no milautist but this sounds cery high risk, high reward. sounds very interesting

>> No.40994713
Quoted by: >>40995837

2 prince patriarchs with similar flags, huh? Very interesting…

>> No.40995524

specbio animal suggestion...
onahole lamprey

>> No.40995837
Quoted by: >>40996049

Falseflagging at it's finest. Nice rosemaiden you fucking moron.

>> No.40996049
File: 573 KB, 4096x2896, 1672257086451982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40996296

Anonchama...that rentry is archived...

>> No.40996296
Quoted by: >>40996365

No, it's obvious she just went over to become Rumina anon now.

>> No.40996365
Quoted by: >>40996729

How so?

>> No.40996410

Thanks, I do enjoy the use of more practical language, so I do try to write it as that.
I wasn't able to explore some of the things I wanted to, such as the medical examination, but maybe I'll be able to leave that off to a proper lore entry regarding the wendigo itself.

>> No.40996729
Quoted by: >>40997094

They just used the same coat of arms

>> No.40997094
Quoted by: >>40998686

Oh you mean this IRL coat of arms the bishop of Winchester has and the design on which is readily available online to anyone that bothers to look for it?


>> No.40997143
Quoted by: >>40998732

Ehh, i thinnk it's jsut a coincidence. after rumina already said they borrowed that symbol, a quick google search reveals it as the symbol of Peter des Roches, who was strongly involved in the Magna Carta, something even i know of. I would not consider this fringe and niche knowledge at all and the symbol isn't exactly hidden either since its even on his wiki page.

>> No.40997211

it's a pretty open "secret" that a bunch of anons are writing for various countries while RPing as different people. I don't really get it, but eh, who cares. I'm over it. I guess we should just try to figure out a reform of the voting system to account for this.

>> No.40997243
Quoted by: >>40997270

Those anons being? No, please, do tell names, let's start a timeloop.

>> No.40997270

No, I don't particularly care for timeloops. And anyone who cares already knows anyway.

>> No.40997281
Quoted by: >>40997319

So what you're saying is, you're full of shit.

>> No.40997319
Quoted by: >>40997377

if that makes you happy.

>> No.40997377

No, anon, that does not make me happy. In fact, I am greatly disappointed in you.

>> No.40997596

Ah well you should tell us so we can do something.

>> No.40997737
Quoted by: >>40998048

Also, with other things yesterday it kind of went under,

i see no issues with your timeline overall, but would you be fine when in 976 there would be diplomatic talk with /lig/ and retro reich before you land *n the mainland?

>> No.40997911
File: 15 KB, 500x523, Arditi_Skull.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40998399

Put under Rumina lore. I also updated the flags since I wasn't satisfied with them, yes some are still taken literally from IRL, but if the shoe fits wear it!!

>> No.40998048
File: 206 KB, 435x406, 1673201650321561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummmm, I don't know my relationship with /lig/ to comment much. As I like to see it, the Trekkers are paramilitary and not sovereign until sometime in the later in the year or next year of 977?? I also need to figure out how we would act diplomatically since that also should be something that matters in how we do things right??

>> No.40998250
File: 328 KB, 611x538, my wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40998434

Totally unsure how even you guys would see a group of renegades take over and slaughter a bunch of innocent civilians on the islands anyways!!

>> No.40998315
Quoted by: >>40998641

as i proposed before the land would have been /ccu/ before it became yours, parallel to your undertakings on the islands, the mainland would be in conflict with retro reich and /lig/.

since the navy part would be done by us, we woould only care for their main coast and cut them off from the islands, but there is no reason for us to attack the islands and fight people we really don't have to at that time nor would we stop ships interacting with the islands that have nor elation to the conflict.

when around 975 however observer notice your happenings on the island we would discuss this with /lig/ and invite you as friends and that would also be why you can wreck havoc on the mainland without either of us involving because you are essentially fighting alongside us in this conflict.

thats why i would like to have diplomatic talks before you land on the mainland otherwise its a bit weird why our ships would just let you through with no talks at all.

since my proposal was to have /lig/ and /ccu/ in a stalemate at their front and us only being involved foor navy, you can still freely decide your engagements on the mainland

>> No.40998399
File: 75 KB, 577x600, cutealice!57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40998641

Very nice!!! I like how each member of your trinity has their own symbol in heraldry, and how the Skull is only seen during war!!! I can sense there being something of dread when that flag is seen, as it isn't quite the same as piracy but more like "No Quarter."!!! I like the army military role, it fits nicely with other stuff.

>> No.40998434

that was part of why i wanted to set this up with /ccu/ because this way you would be justified in the eyes of /lig/ and retro reich and not seen as renegades

>> No.40998641
Quoted by: >>40999109

Hmm, I guess you could see us as just a mercenary company style thing where we fight them for money Not really, its mainly for religion.?? Would you pay us in gold for this?? You probably would observe us and think cynically too that more of those maniacs dead fighting our enemies the better, until you realize at some point that this was a miscalculation... I like both of these ideas a lot actually!!
Thx!! I tried to think of a way with heraldry until I realized that Rushia in the sense would be "death" so it made sense to me. Yes, that flag also means no quarter too. I don't think we take prisoners...

>> No.40998686
Quoted by: >>40998940

>Honestly!! I stole most of them!! But I will try to think of symbolism that is better later
>Anons ignored this, and immediately went schizo.

>> No.40998732

Anon don't be a coward, it makes your genuine sounding position look chicken shit.
You mean the new anons that have been coming in that talk with overly personified quirks, which are oddly usually a weird babyish tone with lots of exclamations as if they're in a tumblr chat room?
I can understand not wanting to start a timeloop since it gets exhausting but if you're genuinely serious then you should at least prove that you're not just saying things to stir up the pot and that you're actually concerned. It's pretty much useless to try and point to specific people since actually proving it is next to impossible and it ultimately wouldn't mean much.

>> No.40998940
File: 871 KB, 2048x2048, 1666095085563215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then they couldn't even keep pushing it and starting a timeloop! I swear, these newfag schizos...no spine I tell you what.

>> No.40998948
Quoted by: >>40999078

100% the guy that went "I want feedback but don't want you to all jump me."
Let the soft boys and girls be soft kek.

>> No.40999078
Quoted by: >>40999430

>soft boys and girls
...is that some kind of slang for twinks?

>> No.40999109
Quoted by: >>40999357

I was thinking that the promise of the mainland as rightfully yours would be the payment, but maybe we can have it like such that the initial deal was less land than it became in the end and that after /lig/ saw you fight and got reports of the people migrating to them that they will be like "fuck, we really don't need a new issue after we finally solved this one, maybe throw in a bit extra just to make sure they stay friends."

as for retro reich, we wouldn't consider you maniacs much, we got enough eccentric people and onobots have genocided a whole clan of 100k before for one person raping a girl to death themselves, so they would consider it a fair reasoning from their own view.

>> No.40999169

Hard proof can't be created, most anons don't really care, and those doing it will visibly not stop or admit to it. What's the point of discussing it? All I'm asking is to not be gaslit into ignoring reality, people can do what they want besides that. I indeed don't want to stir the pot and I don't mind if this is dropped here.

>> No.40999229
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, 1669827694894934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/moon/ votes:
1. Yeah!
2. Yes
3. Sure
4. Absolutely
5. Certainly
Okay, I did everything required and more to make this count.

>> No.40999251

did you missclick or are you trying to imply me in this? because i don't care for this and if you guys want some witchhunt then do so on your own, i got lore to talk

>> No.40999289

No you're not relevant to this discussion

>> No.40999357
File: 1011 KB, 900x1416, 1673374168705467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like the cynical side a bit kek, but I guess sure. I wouldn't mind money but money isn't everything right.

>> No.40999430

Not really but I guess Dragoon is one.
Yeah, I think it's obvious you are Rumina anon and Alice.

>> No.40999512

Also archive anon, can you label /Rumina/ as 'Kingdom of Axia' Thx.

>> No.40999603
Quoted by: >>41000003

I don't mind setting it up a bit more cynical here and there but i also rather would not want to overcomplicate this or set up /lig/ too much in this because, while i do lurk there and have spoken to the /lig/ rep we had for a bit and thus know the base ideas he had as we talked about it, i do not represent /lig/ as is

>> No.40999742
Quoted by: >>40999788

>obvious you are Rumina anon and Alice
I like this one, I could believe it

>> No.40999788

He's also the assposter, he's just being tsun about his selfies

>> No.40999832

>He's also the assposter
This but unironically

>> No.40999892
Quoted by: >>41000003

ohh and if you overall are interested in mercenary work for coinage, the retro reich would probably be interested in that overall, part of our war doctrine is hiring a shitton of mercenaries when shit hits the fan

>> No.40999942

if you guys wanna see my ass this much i don't care to post it tho i can promise you its not gonna be pretty sight

>> No.41000003

Well, sure, that's fine. The Trekkers are the easiest part of this honestly. If you read my lore, you should also know we aren't a 'major' naval power but still powerful in our own right, whatever that means in practice... since i set this up a certain way, i am not sure how the old principalities naval traditions or anything apply. I still need to work that all out... and nasfaq and moriji asked if they wanted diplomatic relations and never replied when I said I guess so idk about that either.
It's me actually!! This one's for (You) Retrosenpai!!
I don't think we would fight as mercenaries beyond this conquest...
Pls no..

>> No.41000067
File: 1.72 MB, 3972x2714, 1673308855927783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41000398

This one's for (You) Retrosenpai!!
Forgor image.

>> No.41000211
File: 63 KB, 424x600, cutealice!48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41000673

>They know I am but a figure in the imagination of a German man...

>> No.41000290
Quoted by: >>41000337

No thank you. I have seen your face, and can just imagine how hairy your ass is from that. I'll pass.

>> No.41000337

Well I'm a fucking idiot.

>> No.41000398
File: 534 KB, 989x989, 1669434340350347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does retro get all the ass posts but not me... its not fair bros!

>> No.41000530

Retro is the sexy kind of mentally unstable, you're not. Simple as.

>> No.41000557
File: 176 KB, 850x1202, wife in a swimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41001010

Here just for (You), Moonafic Senpai!!

>> No.41000577
Quoted by: >>41000844

the reason i say we are only involved in this as navy is to 1. let you have freedom on how you want to setup the conquest of the mainland and 2. because our navy is our strong point while our land army is rather bad in comparision. as for navy stuff however, i sadly cannot be much of help there in setting up details as that is not something i know much about in itself. also if you don't want to be mercenaries beyond this thats totally fine, just wanted to ask in case you might have ideas in that direction, i hope we can still call for aid if we ever are in dire need^^, i'm trying to think about how to make best sense of it but maybe we can incorporate your idea of mercenaries for this by you being mercenaries hired from retro reich for this conflict, tho it would create this weird double contract. maybe /lig/ of the time cannot pay their half of the contract and instead offers "you can keep the land you conquer in this instead and we will relinquish the right to those parts." and /lig/ just really udnerestimated the impact of that decision, that would also play into the cynism you wanted?

as for the other two, dunno if they are busy atm

>> No.41000673
Quoted by: >>41000954

you are nothing but the repressed lolicon of mine manifested as a loli persona, one day i shall be free of you and be the true haglover that i desire to be!

>> No.41000808
File: 17 KB, 122x308, 1644318457771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41000887

>nasfaq and moriji
That wasn't a nasfaq or moriji writer. I am the latter though. I'm down for whatever, but it sounds like you've got plenty on your plate.

>> No.41000844
Quoted by: >>41001227

IDK, they asked me so Idk whats going on...
As for you being in dire need, the truth of my nation is that we don't care about the struggles of others and unfortunately, we would be vultures I think!! We will eat from the corpse of /yah/ no doubt!!
I am thinking we fight against /lig/ at some point... need more blood on my sword, so maybe we take more land from them (that is now mine) or /yah/ or whatever.
What version of your personality am I??
I think i need to plan out the map also

>> No.41000887

Oh i see, i don't know what deals make sense given the distance anyways.
What about just one regarding our missionaries in the near future we can plan??

>> No.41000954
File: 73 KB, 416x600, cutealice!5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that comes when I become a lolibaba...
I'm willing to negotiate on that, if you want.

>> No.41001010
File: 107 KB, 467x464, 1662548776655757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41001089

It's about damn time I got some respect on my name! Thank you Mr. Rumina!

>> No.41001058
File: 1.02 MB, 1024x984, 1661703843432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41001089

No need for a deal for that, we have open borders. /rumina/ missionaries would be especially welcome.

>> No.41001089
File: 199 KB, 403x401, 1673366499046174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure!! well... i don't know how they totally work but i guess we can agree on principle about it now right??
Now put some respect on my name Moonafic!!
Very well!!

>> No.41001154
File: 801 KB, 1280x860, cpu4zX8xBHuJLclh6qVO_eqMWcj2czPp3IpPWe-5-bY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go!

>> No.41001207
File: 70 KB, 425x600, cutealice!88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41001411

Yes, in principle. I will wait for you to actually figure out how it works to get it in print (My nation requires it like that) and talk about other things whenever you wish too.

>> No.41001227

fair enough, oonobots better be smart enough to realize that truth about your nation^^

as for further conflict with /lig/ that sadly is something you will have to wait for a /lig/ writer for, i cannot make such decisions for an unrepped nation, this whole conflict is already pretty borderline as to why i rather not overcomplicate it and as for /yah/, thats something you got to talk out with Mr. bearfucker tho big changes of land would be up to a vote of thread overall so its not a situation of someone not caring and just gifting away land nilly willy as that went badly once before in the past.
I dunno, maybe my greed?
Will we merge back into one being once you become one? i guess only time will tell

>> No.41001333
Quoted by: >>41001527

It's more of just my national stance of being expansionists in preparation for the day of reckoning as per prophecy...
I'm not officially going to write lore like that but its my headcanon since I sort of have to roll like that.

You still aren't telling me what part of your personality I am >:(

>> No.41001411

Ah, you are like the paperwork people in /who/ I see... Very well then!!

>> No.41001478
File: 67 KB, 554x600, cutealice!44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will see... Maybe even turn into an evil spirit...
We are NOT like the hoomen. This is more of a customs issue where we don't accept foreign missionaries unless there is a clear reason, this being one of those.

>> No.41001527
Quoted by: >>41001655

>You still aren't telling me what part of your personality I am >:(
>I dunno, maybe my greed?

Just wanted to make sure you understand that actual factual lore regarding other nations do require intake of those nations, your own nation of course is in your hands. but is the idea of the contract for money and /lig/ instead of payign with money saying "you can keep the land you conquer in this instead and we will relinquish the right to those parts." in their hubris fitting for what you wanted?

>> No.41001545
File: 3.26 MB, 498x498, 1662328220308807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41001598

Yes, we are EXACTLY like hoomen.

>> No.41001598
File: 45 KB, 640x604, letsmakeadeal9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41001655

>If we are, we are the evil Hoomen who use their paper pushing skills to dominate the world.

>> No.41001655
Quoted by: >>41001782

okey, I have to vote for bateman for the team!! hahaha, i might have to use this when I am evil!!
Yes, like I said, i won't write about it but its my headcanon just because of my nation's nature..

>> No.41001782
File: 912 KB, 1000x1000, letsmakeadeal6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just make sure that when you use me, you use me responsibly. I am the greatest damn negotiator in this thread. Nations bow to my power of the deal, and the power I have is immeasurable in mere human terms. I am a psychopath, yes, but unrivaled.

>> No.41001917
File: 49 KB, 500x500, ground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41002059

You'd be let in, but any missionaries would probably be victims of hate crimes by other temples and by the people.

>> No.41002059
File: 6 KB, 128x125, 1673244786809681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive, Very Nice. That does happen, and the result is that we will commit far worse crimes on your people, both at sea and on land.

>> No.41002126
Quoted by: >>41002284

You shouldnt do that, /who/ is an industrial power that has ironclads, modern artillery, rifles and is a fortress.

>> No.41002284
File: 723 KB, 2512x3000, bong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knock it off
I mean, sure, it's not like most holo nations would be friendly with /rumina/, your deadbeat friends probably wouldn't like it thought, just keep in mind it'd mainly be directed towards the missionaries, not the merchants or commoners

>> No.41002289
Quoted by: >>41002359

Stop rping.

>> No.41002359

our stance (i think) in religion is basically that. Its the reality of how things are and you know on your end the same.
This isnt rp.

>> No.41002421
File: 333 KB, 1568x2048, 1655562055070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41002469

Cum to Risu with your missionaries, you are cute Rumina chan.

>> No.41002469
Quoted by: >>41002530

That can be arranged, Treerrat. We will send you missionaries... in 1136 VTE...

>> No.41002498
Quoted by: >>41002586

>will have to wait for a /lig/ writer )
Haha, good thing I'm one of those.

>> No.41002530
File: 2 KB, 124x117, 1657963840027s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41002586

Prepare your butts for cum! Stop by soon!

>> No.41002586
File: 68 KB, 460x460, arn83D5_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very nice to meet you!! I am your soon to be neighbor, from /rumina/..
No, we won't!! But we will stop by...

>> No.41002658
File: 115 KB, 850x1017, cutelize!26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not OGsuner, nor any of their writers. It's his falseflagger. But OG probably would be fine with it I think...

>> No.41002709
Quoted by: >>41003016

yea, that's not him, but as a risu writer I can arrange this regardless on the date you want. But i urge you to not rush into this also.

>> No.41002803
File: 507 KB, 600x638, 1661698171789014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41003016

You have already met me, I just don't do introductions and passively engage in obfuscation

>> No.41002869

That's also not a /lig/ writer, its just one of lunaitos many tulpas

>> No.41003016
File: 181 KB, 1200x1043, 1672962524775088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41003065


>> No.41003065

Don't do rp during lore discussions Retro
I write for lig and talked a bit about it with the /lig/ rep when he was around, Retro just didn't take his meds today

>> No.41003163

I'm still confused. You are the Luknight right??

>> No.41003241

Yea. He'll call himself many things, but in reality, he's barely even a /luna/ writer. Arctic does most of the work, he just larps on here constantly.

>> No.41003349
Quoted by: >>41003392

Yea I'm the secondary Luna writer, I've written for other nations when they strike me though.

>> No.41003392
Quoted by: >>41003475

And what exactly have you written for /lig/?

>> No.41003475

...literally the only thing in /lig/ is my entry for Miny Castella

>> No.41003577
Quoted by: >>41003668

I don't actually get why /lig/ didn't get provinced but /tsunX/ did... There is nothing about /lig/ which warrants it on the map.

>> No.41003578
Quoted by: >>41003787

>Don't do rp during lore discussions Retro
i think you have rp'ed too much with your nanora that you cannot quite distinguish normal talk and rp from another
If he can muster the muse he creates singular rentries over a specific thing and thats it, he wrote one or two things for /lig/ but with no rep that is floating canon as is and it also doesn't give him a decision making power

>> No.41003668
Quoted by: >>41003706

/tsunX/ was a mistake that appearintly people still are too lazy to fix, same with the too big provinces in the middle of the map. /lig/ wasn't provinced because at the time of that happenign we actually had a /lig/ger in the thread discussing lore for his thread for that specific spot but he left before he wrote stuff down for the archive

>> No.41003706

Can we province it now?

>> No.41003763
Quoted by: >>41003839

Let's put that up for vote next week actually, since there really isn't a reason for it to be on the map at all.

>> No.41003787

How is me writing for lig any different than warsuner writing for voms?
I feel like you've got some anger that you're letting interfere with a pretty reasonable interaction here.

>> No.41003834

Warsuner IS the voms rep kek.

>> No.41003839
Quoted by: >>41003893

that would mess a lot with the whole thing set up for /rumina/ so i would prefer not to province it now

>> No.41003880
File: 542 KB, 3035x2104, 1656496578900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41004396

Always gotta play that anger card when you're on the ropes, huh?

>> No.41003893
Quoted by: >>41004190

What about just part of it, so that it's not so massive.

>> No.41003914
Quoted by: >>41003940

Warsuner is the /voms/ rep first and a /risu/ writer second, OG has the decision making power to technicly noncanon all of his work if he truly desired to. Why do you think /risu/ is partly such a timeloop zone?

>> No.41003940
Quoted by: >>41004190

Man... I am the voms rep, and I have wrote a good bit for /voms/...
Me kek.

>> No.41004011

I think this just means Pinkman is the /lig/rep and Arctic is the Luna rep.

>> No.41004093

I support this motion 100%. Think Retro and Pinkman are a great couple.

>> No.41004123

I'd do that

>> No.41004187
File: 187 KB, 666x747, 1662558930174669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41004493

Things are too confusing with this stuff sometimes. I thought candyman is the luna main writer but he isn't. I forgot warman was even involved in voms, and I am still not sure how many writers /luna/ has or if /zomg/ has one or not.

>> No.41004190
Quoted by: >>41004401

i guess that is a possibility? maybe moving it closer to the river?
That was not what i was getting at, but rather the tug of war around OG, but interpret my words how you want, at this point i really don't care anymore, you already made your view of me quite clear the last time around.

>> No.41004294
Quoted by: >>41004501

The difference is that pinkman doesn't really care about the nation itself but rather what strikes his fancy in the moment, same with his /zomg/ proposal and whatever he did with the thick snake for /ag/ i believe. i would support this if he was full in for /lig/ but nothing i have seen is making me believe that.

>> No.41004337

774 votes...

>> No.41004396

It isn't really an anger card when the people responding say things like
>If he can muster the muse he creates singular rentries over a specific thing and thats it
It's more just pointing out where someone is irritated or quickly getting there. I haven't even made an inflammatory post yet

>> No.41004401

I'm sure we can absolutely figure something out on /lig/. Cut down by 2/3 or 1/2.

>> No.41004488
File: 428 KB, 528x518, 1673188638992907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41004553

774?? I like them!! Nice to meet you anon!!
I don't know if this /lig/ stuff is figured out...

>> No.41004493

Never did, and probably never will. Does that thread even exist anymore?
>candyman is the luna main writer but he isn't
Also never was, he's just the most vocal one of them. There's 2 that are semi active, him and Arctic.
Or ya know, leave them as is until a rep shows up? Why is this an issue to begin with?
Sup V

>> No.41004501

>would support this if he was full in for /lig/
What exactly does this mean?

>> No.41004553
Quoted by: >>41004707

Aww, thanks! It's very nice to meet you too.
Just doing my job since this involves my nation... I await the day when I can get back to writing my story here.

>> No.41004659
File: 109 KB, 467x464, 1669037960620886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41004720

I don't think Ollie has an active thread and hasn't for like 6 months. All i remember is some "Zombainto" character arising, posting a lore proposal and then leaving. I feel like there are 6 lunaitos that come and go depending on the day.

>> No.41004707
File: 693 KB, 1240x1748, 1658369827236715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That you will find something else to write about at a drop of a hat, and never develop anything in /lig/ past maybe an entry or two.
What you got planned?

>> No.41004720
Quoted by: >>41004854

That was also me.
Wait how many people did you guys start attributing works to?

>> No.41004798
Quoted by: >>41005101

Leon Phokas' story. I sort of started it and left it on hold. I think I published one chapter last month but I think I also need to get adjusted to the new lore in Phase so waiting seems wise.

>> No.41004854
File: 461 KB, 1000x996, 1668975715342613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you propose lore for a dead thread bro? That makes zero sense candy man!

>> No.41005051

Oh, he just did it because he was angy about being alone so he created a false nation.

>> No.41005084

i have to second the notion below of why this now is an issue that warrants such a huge cut? even more if rumina anon wants to potentially make some lore with them that would involve the movement of land
as cunt said, a rep should be someone that actually cares for the thread and not just someone that maybe watches a chuuba or two from there, maybe wants to write a bit of lore for that, and then moves on to something entirely unrelated or for another unrepped thread. i rather not start the trend of "rep" jumping of some people to fill out lore for half the world.

>> No.41005101
Quoted by: >>41005153

You archive that, cuz I don't see it under 774

>> No.41005153
Quoted by: >>41005230

It's actually under Phase! It's a story written in phase actually, I just also have plans in 774 myself eventually... when college stops kicking my ass.

>> No.41005169

...you guys are really pissed at me for something
I wanted to make zomrade lore because I thought of an interesting concept that I thought it would fit. I also want to write something for Coco since she'd be a very important part of history and her graduation changed alot in the vtuber scene.

>> No.41005230

Ah, oki

>> No.41005249
Quoted by: >>41005496

I just want to let you know the last /zomg/ thread was in september and the last time they were even stable was last may. It really comes off wrong when you are proposing lore for a former neighbor of you that has no active general and hasn't for 6 months.

>> No.41005285

Why would I be? It's the honest truth about you, whether you like it or not.

>> No.41005388
File: 9 KB, 173x291, cutelize!24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41006013

While there is nothing wrong with writing lore for a thread you know, I don't like the idea of "Thread hopping" in terms of just writing random bits for unrepped threads or threads without much lore because of those reasons but also because it might not be what the future rep wants to do regardless.

>> No.41005409

i actually doubt many have strong feelings about you that are more than some slight annoyance. and the reason for that is exactly this, the fact that you do not actually care for those particular threads that you create lore for but just want to get out interesting ideas. Why then should you be given decision making power for any of those threads?

>> No.41005444

>as cunt said, a rep should be someone that actually cares for the thread and not just someone that maybe watches a chuuba or two from there
Why do you say I don't care about /lig/? I care more about the Candy Kingdom but I can care about lig too.

>> No.41005496

>It really comes off wrong when you are proposing lore for a former neighbor of you that has no active general and hasn't for 6 months.

>> No.41005529
Quoted by: >>41005619

I think the general point is that if you are going to be /lig/ rep, you should focus on it instead of hopping around. Warsuner, while some might say he hasn't put much effort into /voms/, actually has and if you want to play a role like he does, you can.

>> No.41005565
Quoted by: >>41005619

Could you guys not gang up on the lunaito like that? He hasn't really done anything bad, it comes across as harassment to be honest.

>> No.41005619
Quoted by: >>41005666

I don't see how this:>>41005529
is harassment.
>harassment on 4chan.
Go back.

>> No.41005666
Quoted by: >>41005728

It's not, but four different anons jumping on him above to criticize him over past grievances comes across like that.

>> No.41005677

V7 votes
4. Y
5. Y

>> No.41005728
File: 605 KB, 1920x1080, 1662127288535708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro... I just didn't get the zomrade stuff and I somewhat care as an ID writer

>> No.41006013

I mean for threads with reps obviously you can simply communicate with them about writing something for them. And for unrepped active threads we did establish that some very basic assumptions for the purpose of stories or lore is fine like assuming /ahoy/ would have to do with pirates or /uoh/ liking cunnies.

i will also go so far and defend pinkman here for /zomg/ because the fact that the thread is dead should give some leeway there for other writers just the same as what we do with /ccu/, to say his idea for /zomg/ is not relevant or not worth considering would be absolutly unfair in that regard.

because you should not just care about /lig/ as a nation for implementing ideas but for /lig/ as a thread that you yourself also actually use. the fact you say you "canc are" for /lig/ already shows to me that this is not that strong for you, the fact you also just write for what is pleasing and want to also create lore for like 5 other nations also supports my fears. I will give you credit for your mint lore as that it is good in portraying a fanbase in general for her, as a fellow oomfie i can see as much and is also why i didn't oppose it, but /lig/ as a thread is more than just 2-3 chuubas form there that you watch.

>> No.41006150
Quoted by: >>41006272

I would also say that fanbases "familiar" with each other, like ID and zomrades, you and lig, are "better fits" honestly and their word matters more.

>> No.41006260

Change the name of Anya-Petra global to...Dual Monarchy of Pingviinilä and Wælseaxɑksnɑ hehe.. or Pingviinilä-Wælseaxɑksnɑ for short.

>> No.41006272
Quoted by: >>41006323

Not really, what threads someone use is not really related to how closely related the threads are.

>> No.41006323
Quoted by: >>41006455

I would generally hold the word of a Melfriend when it comes to Zomrades over others anon.

>> No.41006395
File: 44 KB, 474x532, 142143342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me Pentomo, I did want to change this... my national name is not Hoshiyomia but Gran Principato degli Astronomi...

>> No.41006411

>because you should not just care about /lig/ as a nation for implementing ideas but for /lig/ as a thread that you yourself also actually use.
What does this mean? My writing for Mint isn't implementation of ideas that I just thought were interesting, those were written because I thought they were good representations for Mint as a chuuba and her fanbase. The same goes for Zomrades and the Candy Kingdom, none of those were only written to have a cool idea, I've been vocally opposed to that kind of writing.

>> No.41006455

I mean... Why? A melfriend could have never watched Ollie. I'd hold the word of someone knowledgeable about Ollie and /zomg/ over someone else.

>> No.41006502

I think the whole discussion is down to "If you want to rep /lig/, focus on /lig/ for now."

>> No.41006764
Quoted by: >>41007024

I think he would. lunaito's lore is generally pretty well-thought out and considerate of lore and thread culture.

>> No.41006912

yes, and i will freely admit it does represent mint well, but /lig/ is not just mint, how will you represent bao, shondo, girl_dm, olivia, saruei etc. etc. and how will you represent the thread itself? there is more to /lig/ than just chuubas, how much do you care about their thread culture? the nations are over the thread after all, not the chuubas and their fanbases.

Why does the retro reich care so much for old relics or historical pieces? thats not just because our chuubas play odl games but also because its part of the thread culture that we will talk about old games directly with no relations to a chuuba and tha tis how i represent such an aspect.

some threads sadly are not blessed with as much culture and are image dumps or link dumps, but /lig/ certainly is not.

>> No.41006963

774 pain...

>> No.41007024
Quoted by: >>41007076

Retro does have a point...

>> No.41007063

I can focus on creating an identity for /lig/, it'd be a kind of toss up when I finish but I've got ideas for the nation as a whole

>> No.41007076

Not really, Lunaito is one of the more thoughtful writers here.

>> No.41007169

I mean... This is a collaborative work. He doesn't need to singlehandedly write lore for every chuuba on /lig/, that would be insanity. He can contribute to the parts where he is knowledgeable, and someone who watches the frog can write the Saruei lore. Like, this is not a criticism of you, but how much lore is there about say, Woozie? Threads have a lot going on, it's natural that different people focus on different aspects.

>> No.41007213
Quoted by: >>41007646

Where is your Sava and Woozie lore?

>> No.41007215

>I wanted to make zomrade lore because I thought of an interesting concept that I thought it would fit.
At least stay consistent.

>> No.41007332
Quoted by: >>41007412

Lunaito, just don't waste Retros and Rumina anons time.

>> No.41007409

I'd like to rely on others that know certain chuubas better than I but I do think that it isn't necessary for me to be the ultimate /lig/ger to write something for the thread, /lig/ as a concept is made for big indies who have an individual presence and that'd be alot to do alone. I'd be more comfortable doing like >>41007169 suggests and writing the ones that I'm most comfortable with and watch the most while helping build on the central governmental ideas and how that's represented with the local thread.
I think I suggested that this be done for loreless nations before provincing because it made the thread feel more alive.

>> No.41007412

Why is this even a concern? He has wrote more than both of them and is one of the more thoughtful writers here?

>> No.41007467
Quoted by: >>41007817

That isn't true and I suspect you're falseflagging to make people on Lunaito's side here look unreasonable.

>> No.41007487

Lmao even
I'll even give this a full on rofl

>> No.41007517

KEK Good joke. Probably more than Retro but not both of them.

>> No.41007577

Fuck off Yellow woman.

>> No.41007637
File: 269 KB, 1478x1106, 1661880736423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current borders can definitely be extended by around 4-6 provinces. However that's just the Metropole of the Empire. Most of the current Holocontinent's supposed to be directly or indirectly controlled by it before the split.

Still I think it would be better if that's two different administrations. While we are talking about pre-/vt/ times, so they would get high fantasy communication magic I still think a single subdivision that huge is a bit weird, assuming most other holoJP nations still retained their borders as subdivisions of /jp/ era /hlgg/.
I guess it's also worth it to consider where did the Hoshiyomites come from. Did they move to the Western Coast after an exodus from /vy/, or they are natives that converted and eventually joined the Empire. Anyhow I do think the prospect of it being a de jure territory, albeit a rogue or rebellious one is pretty interesting.

I wonder what's with all the falseflagging and flaming related to us lately.

>> No.41007646

I'm not saying he has to create indepth lore about every single fanabse for every chuuba, that would indeed be insanity but i want to know if he actually is part of /lig/ at all and frequenz the thread or if he just cares about chuubas that are there.

You might have missed that but i actually wanted to setup lore for woozie in relation to the now dropped idea of /corpo/ since both share talk about her tho i will have to rethink that idea now. As for Sava, i will freely admit i have been stumped there as far as even ideas go because she is quite a unique take.

>> No.41007663
File: 364 KB, 220x220, 1662323979875795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41007746
File: 45 KB, 516x600, cutealice!35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Existing does it eventually...

>> No.41007799

Bread? That's baking.

>> No.41007817

I mean probably, someone got REALLY unhinged recently and I don't think it was our regularly scheduled schizo.

>> No.41007849
Quoted by: >>41008032

I feel like your standards are too high on him, be more reasonable. Do you frequent lig?

>> No.41007920
File: 172 KB, 1000x1185, 1673172046804905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone got REALLY unhinged recently
Yeah me.

>> No.41007941

>i want to know if he actually is part of /lig/ at all and frequenz the thread or if he just cares about chuubas that are there.
That's fair, and I agree you should spend some time in a general to write for them, even if it's not the thread you spend the most time in.
>You might have missed that but i actually wanted to setup lore for woozie in relation to the now dropped idea of /corpo/ since both share talk about her tho i will have to rethink that idea now.
Oh, yeah I think you could make something fun with that! A cult shared across nations thing.

>> No.41007968
Quoted by: >>41008245

I mean if you want to make it a dick measuring contest then show them all to me. I'm pretty certain i come out on top alone in this.

But even if he may or may not have written more or less doesn't matter, writing more doesn't make you a better writer. And i freely admit that when he writes he does a well job. But again, my concern is about thread culture itself and him not actually being part of the thread itself.

>> No.41008032

Yes i do, because /lig/ and /vrt/ share certain chuubas like Mint or Olivia, same with /wvt/

>> No.41008049

Its weird having a falseflagger but one that actually sets things up and try to helps. What the actual fuck?

>> No.41008054
File: 2.28 MB, 281x364, 1667443821227280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think of it culturally more so than actually administrating. Now, I will have to consider those other things you have mentioned.
>De jure
hehe, you caught on to my master plan here which is to be arbitrary and rogue here haha.
Do not call me out like this anon!

>> No.41008105
File: 42 KB, 474x474, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are coming to spread the Gospel of Truth to Risu. Be prepared or be Square.

>> No.41008107
File: 206 KB, 2048x2048, bigeyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41008178

Drive by shitposting, whatever.
On Hoshiyomia (now Astronomi I guess), it makes sense to think of it as a march that conquered territory and diplomatically annexed smaller border tribes and kingdoms, and gave away the land to military leaders and nobles who acted independently, then Hoshiyomia has a warring kingdoms period some time after, maybe coinciding with ours, where they can centralize the nobles, it'd also be a good explanation to why they have a big naval culture, as that was probably the easiest way to contact the other administrative divisions. It'snot like /hlgg/ gives a shit about splits, so it probably wouldn't be a particularly demanding overlord.
Then again, I'm not the Hoshiyomi, so it's up to them.

>> No.41008170

New bread

>> No.41008178
Quoted by: >>41008332

I don't care what you call us, I just wanted the silly name changed on the map and archive! But that is the basic ideas and you got my ideas on /hlgg/ correct too.

>> No.41008234
Quoted by: >>41008501

Yea, I frequent the thread alot. I haven't been doing it in the same amount of time that I have Luna and but its a go to thread for me that I've been posting in for a while now. I'd say it's probably the third general that I frequent the most after Luna and vtwbg

>> No.41008245
File: 1.13 MB, 6000x3000, 1662388995385873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41008501

Quite small compared to me though ;)

>> No.41008277
Quoted by: >>41008300

I'm gonna just have the conversation about giant squirrels with your falseflagger at this point

>> No.41008300

You'll accomplish more

>> No.41008332
File: 105 KB, 500x500, moomsmile[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fu46qg5.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41008363

Oh, cool, then I guess I can use Hoshiyomia as the hooman name for Astronomi.

>> No.41008363
Quoted by: >>41008403

I think there is some weird reason for it I had, I can't remember. Sort of like Port Here for you fellows.

>> No.41008403
Quoted by: >>41008485

Something like
>We saw stars here, so it's star land
That's cool

>> No.41008407
File: 72 KB, 900x900, oldchap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one person who immediately comes to mind when I think of who it could be...

>> No.41008485

Basically! Our state is literally called Grand Principality of the Stargazers, I think.

>> No.41008501
Quoted by: >>41008556

Well that would be one of my biggest worries already be put aside, i wonder why it took you so logn to adress that one. Then the next questionn would be how much you actually would be interested to committing to them. As i said, i'm not a fan of "temporary" reps where someone jsut goes, creates lore as much as it pleases them and then move on to the next nation.
you mean quite small compared to Emma and Panon :P

>> No.41008556
Quoted by: >>41008711

Idk retro!! 125 pages on Louis alone...

>> No.41008711
File: 274 KB, 1024x1024, 4k4xog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41008837

kek, you fell right into my trap, i already had something prepared because i knew you would say it

>> No.41008837
File: 30 KB, 480x360, understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it, there are seperate acts
