>> | No.40081928 File: 3.11 MB, 1700x1113, 1671804531459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>40081438 It's Deadbeat man! Well hagbro, I think different people worldbuild in different ways, and something that makes this project amazing is all those different people bringing different things to it. In most cases doing things your way won't disappoint or anger anyone, anything anyone says to you are just suggestions without strings attached. It's fine if you decide not to use the ideas me or other people give you. But keep in mind that using the perspectives of other people can also enrich your worldbuilding! It's a balancing act between your vision for the nation and the feedback of others, and only you can figure out the point that makes you happy. Also, speaking of trade, would you like to trade with Moriji? I noticed you have grapes, so if you make wine we'd love to get some. It would also be nice to get some elderberry jam if you produce that. We can trade you tropical spices, s o ybeans and canola oil (great for frying donuts!) for it.