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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.31 MB, 1000x1000, NewYearScuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40023465 No.40023465 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

Happy New Year Edition

Previous thread: >>39935138

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:

- Survive
-Mass produce spec bio creatures
-Write some good raping and pillaging

>Note that the map is set in stone.
>Casual Stories or Greentexts of your general in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Ignore any trolls, falseflaggers or dramafags. Report, hide and move on.
>Don't press anons on their identity if you are not willing to give yours back.
>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.
>Please think twice before posting if you're intoxicated or feeling moody. Nijiniggers on thin ice!!!


Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements:
Geologic Provinces:




>> No.40023495
File: 194 KB, 850x601, __gawr_gura_mori_calliope_ninomae_ina_nis_watson_amelia_and_takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kura_noi__sample-fe8678a7b6dc04c306dda4fbfaff37e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Please mark and tag the section you want the relevant content to be archived. Unmarked posts will not be archived.
Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
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If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.
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Anchor post for events in the /vtwbg/ canon timeline.
Reply to this post or commentate directly in the sheet suggestions for events to add to the timeline.

>> No.40023542
File: 1.23 MB, 850x574, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
https://rentry.org/m7rhg (most recent)
Aggregated Past Vote Results:
>Vote post archive

>> No.40023564


>> No.40023582
Quoted by: >>40023655


>> No.40023594
File: 201 KB, 850x631, __houshou_marine_shirakami_fubuki_minato_aqua_oozora_subaru_ookami_mio_and_2_more_hololive_drawn_by_nejime__sample-462561d064fe2ea4e63800c443930901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

- - -
Last thread's new lore/discussion you might have missed:

Reply to this post to be included in the next thread's lore catchup.


>> No.40023633

perfect way to start the year

>> No.40023655


>> No.40023681
Quoted by: >>40023732


>> No.40023732
Quoted by: >>40023771

no anon, you were supposed to reply with a g. here, let me show you.

>> No.40023767
File: 2.28 MB, 281x364, 1667443821227280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice, well done stories in Risu. I love to see things get connected like that!

>> No.40023771


>> No.40023773
File: 643 KB, 2048x1152, 1657076348021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My New Year's Resolution will be to complete a few of the many unfinished docs I have piled up in google drive, and to make a smut for every month!

>> No.40023934
File: 238 KB, 1140x1890, 1672239642948022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40025179


Under /hag/ please and thank you. Borderless version of the Hagu height map, without the hydrology, since Haganon wanted to do the rest himself.

Happy new year btw, for real this time!

>> No.40024615
File: 491 KB, 665x653, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40025727

These interactions are grand.
Also PG do you or any of the other meatheads got any tips on what makes good gore/written ryona or maybe how to write stuff like detailed gore or scenes of personal violence good?

>> No.40024723
Quoted by: >>40025639

I hope my loli wife alice has a happy new year ToT

>> No.40025179
Quoted by: >>40025731

You might want to check this before either of you get more depressed.

>> No.40025411
File: 232 KB, 1032x1457, 85AECAB8-895D-4E08-B239-2D843C5AB0FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40025562

Have a happy New Year’s everyone. I hope all your resolutions come true

>> No.40025562
Quoted by: >>40036085

But rosemaiden, my resolution was to rape you

>> No.40025639
File: 177 KB, 946x2048, 53D40562-09EA-4CCA-BC9A-891DAC359457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year tot poster. Your dreams could come true but likely not

>> No.40025727

>I don't think you can just assume because one family gets together because of that, that all will
i don't have to assume. with the proper use of certain limitations, you can create a system where it's guaranteed to happen because otherwise they wouldn't form at all. it wouldn't lead to crime, crime is a tactic that is fruitful for some in some places, it is not caused by poverty, it is more often the cause of poverty. the only reason there would be more death would be if you weren't capable of supporting the living. i am suggesting a hyperfocus on nurturing, what is sometimes called a k-selected strategy, that means that you have fewer children, but the children you do raise are well supported and of very high quality. if you had a very r-selected strategy, where reproduction is the primary focus, then you would get more death because the lives of your kin would be expendable.
also, i got into my pain fetish because of this sort of idea. others here have the same awareness of it without the pain fetish. if nothing else, can you acknowledge the merit in what i am saying even if it were motivated by my own interests? if you get in trouble with one nation, that will change the price of your supply which will encourage other nations to take your offer, and good trade relations is often associated with good diplomacy results, so the likelihood of nations not trading with you goes down the more trade is done.
>I also think making the nation reliant on others in every aspect is unfair because /hag/ does also have lots of things of their own.
as i said, i really think this whole thing is caused by the idea that "negative attribute = negative". just because a nation isn't good at everything doesn't mean they aren't good at anything. with my suggestion, you would be great at making food, but your land wouldn't be very good at growing it. you would make due by finding ways to get around it, but it would incentivize you to ask for help, while also giving you something to barter with to make sure you can reliably get that help when you need it. hong kong was a small fishing nation right between a totalitarian dictatorship and the literal ocean, they had practically nothing to their name, and would have been considered useless land if not for the fact that they were conquered and abandoned by britain. british culture gave them ideas of trade, and not long after they became incredibly rich despite the fact that pretty much everything that happened that lead them to where they ended up was negative. it's because they made the best out of what they had and evolved to their circumstances that they were able to be productive despite having nothing of their own.
that's an extreme case scenario, but it's meant to show you that what i am suggesting is realistic. you can have a practically barren land and still become rich and powerful if you know how to use what you have. you are not being gifted things if part of the deal is that you give something in return. that is called trade, and it doesn't in any way diminish what you have done.
>Also i never said we can do infinite blessings or curses, that is stupid!!! I don't mind waiting.
ya, but how much can you do? lets have a discussion about all the limitations of your magic system so we know how exactly it works. what i mean by that is that we start trying to get into the very fine details, if you want you can let someone else discuss this on your behalf, but you'd have to be ok with differing somewhat to them once a decision is made.
i am not the best at writing, but i guess going into more detail on what is happening, and how everyone is reacting to it is generally a good idea, with that said, there are two exceptions that i can think of. sometimes it can enhance the effect of something to leave the details up to the viewer. think lovecraft and how no depiction of his creatures has ever been quite as powerful as how he described them in novel form. you can use analogies to depict something traumatic or otherwise hazily recalled, such as when an emotion becomes so powerful that they are incapable of properly articulating it. a lot of it comes down to whose perspective you are depicting, which is the second exception, as depicting an event from two different perspectives should be different, and they shouldn't necessarily know how the other feels unless they are looking for it.
when thinking of how to describe gore, i suggest doing what a lot of guro-artists do and looking at images of actual gore and human anatomy. i apologize if you can't stomach it a bit, but i like going to those /rekt/ threads every now and then. if you can't handle that, you could also look at cadavers, but they are a bit less reliable since the process of decay gives them an entirely different feel. here is a youtube channel i like to watch that does a good job at showing how the body if structured, and how it works. https://www.youtube.com/@TheAnatomyLab/videos

>> No.40025731
File: 624 KB, 1417x1417, CinnamonRoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40026125

Yea, I saw that, but I'd rather see the guy have fun with others and not worry about it. I can't promise I won't fuck up like that again in the future, and I'd hate to have a repeat of the last two day.

>> No.40025904
File: 850 KB, 1000x895, 1641288408743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40026865

Speaking of a translator between hagbro and PG!
Just added points addressing feedback from here >>39877823,
as well as a "worked example", which is just putting one of the blessings from https://rentry.org/ekv2ng (Should think about archiving this) into the framework.
Even if other people have great ideas, it's important to be able to say no and trust in your vision! You're the one who knows what's best for Hagu. You're doing great.

Also, happy new year, europoors.

>> No.40026125
File: 110 KB, 850x1196, __shishiro_botan_and_shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_uuroncha__sample-9f0454e774129c70a236270b8d9ebe03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did i make you that angry?? This was my fault, not yours... I want to do more stuff with you...

>> No.40026252
Quoted by: >>40026865

>lets have a discussion about all the limitations of your magic system so we know how exactly it works.
Don't do it while sober nanoraaaa
I'm kind of on a hard line against watching gore and rekt content for some personal/philosophical reasons and because I personally don't like it and don't want to be acclimated to being apathetic towards it.

>> No.40026490
File: 3.02 MB, 1365x1733, 1656285648741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40026684

Nah, not angry at all beside with myself I just don't want you to stress over shit that I may or may not say. My mood does swing A LOT and I shitpost even more, so I don't want you taking anything I say seriously and worry over it. You really didn't do anything wrong, it's ok. And you've been getting into some great discussions with other anons on here in the last thread anyway, I'm sure they can help you out with stuff.
But also, so we don't shit up the third thread in a row with this sappy bullshit, let's just leave it at that, ok?

>> No.40026684
File: 2.83 MB, 1466x2386, __shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_lomocya__a06d44345b6316d64b360e4d01383c27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you agree to going back to being friends and have fun together...

>> No.40026865

>The remains of people related through family ties can become a transubstantiation of the concept of kin for this group
if it were just remains, it might not work. it might actually be better to get the concept of kin from inorganic processes, like the concept of the fibonacci sequence and factorials as it relates to multiplying one into two into 4 etc. so long as you showed the hierarchy between what came first, and what came last. the key detail is in how something produces more of itself, which then produces more of itself ad nauseum.
no what? there was a lot in that comment, and ending the discussion here doesn't resolve anything, especially if you haven't fully comprehended my suggestions or requests enough to know whether or not you might actually want them. plus, continuing the conversation could lead to the realization of other things that you didn't know you wanted, even if you never agree to any of the suggestions i made so far.
don't have a discussion about the magic system? sounds like the rest of your post is about the gore stuff. as i said, you can watch the anatomy guy, there is a greater degree of separation between what he does and what happens in real life. with that said, i am not apathetic to gore, which is part of the reason i enjoy it. i also am not apathetic to the idea of actually doing any of that kind of stuff irl, but unlike merely watching, or fantasizing about gore, i don't enjoy that idea at all, and would never cross that boundary outside of instances where it would be ok for most (voluntary situations like surgery or assisted suicide, and maybe dire situations like self defense and starvation, but that shouldn't be all that different for most people) what i am saying is that even if you get apathetic to gore, you will only get as apathetic as you allow yourself to be. normalization of negative things doesn't happen unless you decide you are ok with it.

>> No.40027262
File: 2.29 MB, 1236x2000, 1651675104147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40033089

>if it were just remains, it might not work. it might actually be better to get the concept of kin from inorganic processes, like the concept of the fibonacci sequence and factorials as it relates to multiplying one into two into 4 etc. so long as you showed the hierarchy between what came first, and what came last. the key detail is in how something produces more of itself, which then produces more of itself ad nauseum.
Can you explain what this might look like in practice, and how it would tie back to the specific kin group of relevance?
>>no what? there was a lot in that comment, and ending the discussion here doesn't resolve anything, especially if you haven't fully comprehended my suggestions or requests enough to know whether or not you might actually want them. plus, continuing the conversation could lead to the realization of other things that you didn't know you wanted, even if you never agree to any of the suggestions i made so far.
You know anon, discussions of high level concepts can be quite intense in terms of mental energy. It's not an issue for you, and I can sorta swing it in moderate doses, but if an anon is ready to move on from a conversation, I think they're free to do so. I don't think it's anything personal, those conversations can just be a bit demanding.

>> No.40027364
File: 49 KB, 850x478, __shirakami_fubuki_and_yelena_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_hoppege__sample-9c4308a7a2696e331cf955d5e5e27e78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to force Hagu to have barren land and even less to a degree the are forced to limit children!!!! And at this point this is not a discussion anymore because i had said so the whole time that i'm not really happy with that idea and you just try to convince me with no care about what i think. And i think this is rude at this point! This is not about what i want for Hagu at all anymore but what you want!!!

>> No.40027625

Naa, I feel like killing some squirrels.

>> No.40027791
Quoted by: >>40028102

>>40027364 https://youtu.be/Lf1ws4oEmZ8
Albeit why you think hagu is reliant on other nations can be questioned.

>> No.40027959
Quoted by: >>40028039

Listen here bitch, i am going to whip out my cock if you dont accept that you will be reliant on risuners for sex and food. I fuck my cousin so much that I can guarantee that Risuners with our 9 in cocks will keep your hags happy. Now bend over.

>> No.40028039
File: 14 KB, 276x195, SureBud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falseflagger btw, ignore him

>> No.40028102
File: 284 KB, 1349x2048, __ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_fujimori_arata__20dd74c09e1702f82943334f723dcb9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because if you don't have enough new children then eventually too many people would be too old and not enough young and that would mean not enough people can work and support old people and then things would be bad, at least that's what i got told. And since we don't get many men of our own we need men from other nations to make more families!!

>> No.40028298

Wouldnt piracy and raiding be a major issue for you guys since you are so reliant on this? Also, poor guys that cannot have their bloodline go on because no male heir…

>> No.40028337
File: 2.68 MB, 480x270, 1665555645077061.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have a discussion while sober, aka, get shitfaced and then type, not a good idea really but may as well noraaaaa
>what i am saying is that even if you get apathetic to gore, you will only get as apathetic as you allow yourself to be. normalization of negative things doesn't happen unless you decide you are ok with it.
I kind of agree and disagree since alot of people don't necessarily have a choice in how they mentally deal with personal tragedy but willingly exposing yourself to that does give you a level of control, there's also mental strength and personal comprehension that can affect how likely someone is to make an active conscious decision to protect themselves rather than reacting on the basic ego that can lead to hurt. Even then, I can't speak to entirely understand my own psyche or how the events around me affect my thoughts nor can I say that I'm capable of preventing things I see from changing the way I see violence and brutality, I am only as conscious of myself as I am currently but I'll never actually know to what degree seeing people in pain or distress could possibly affect the way I continue to evolve as an individual and how that might change the idea of my ideal self for better or worst.

>> No.40028360
File: 296 KB, 1080x1182, __shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_s_mui__56741d496cc4c622295807cd50c35532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we do the water map together?

>> No.40028390
File: 1.78 MB, 1608x2278, AA0D8DD4-110A-4F75-9BE5-484174DDA653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger stfu for now. When a painting isn’t complete, you cannot judge it

>> No.40028395

I mean he honestly did a decent job

>> No.40028482
File: 249 KB, 905x1280, 1670884861673298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, i doon't know things about that kind of stuff but maybe? If they work hard enough they will get one eventually!!!

>> No.40028634


>> No.40028870

Naaaaa, do you want to write smut with me nanora? OG is too horny.

>> No.40029015
File: 119 KB, 850x601, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ardenlolo__sample-e095cb1363cfc89a797ca4895285f4e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This does pose a good question though(and pardon me if this was already answered): Polygamy and polyamory. If the male percentage is much lower than the female in Hagu, I think it would make sense for the society to lean towards that over the course of time. So you would have big families with one husband and multiple wives that would all love and care for each other, all the intimacy included. Would that be against your vision for Hagu though?

Oh and also since some schizo is trying to falseflag as one of the writers again, here is a list of all the trips various anons have for different nations. Might be helpful for the future if they will keep going with this type of attacks. You can also always find this in the OP https://rentry.org/vtwbg-rep-trips

>> No.40029313
File: 2.94 MB, 2671x4096, 1662767627498739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi you bastard, haglord said hags don't sleep around! They're not some kind of hussy that doesn't know nothing about devotion!

>> No.40029315
File: 154 KB, 850x1234, __shishiro_botan_and_ssrb_hololive_drawn_by_suicabar72__sample-08b34202be33652f057db2916d95f641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40029781

There is nothing wrong with that in itself but the way Hagu came to be it is not looked at well because early on hags were treated like very bad by men and it was fought against so they are more equal. Hagu prefers 1 man and 1 woman because that is more proper and more lovely. Ok, i will try to remember to check that!!!

>> No.40029424

Here is what i had for history so far!!!! https://rentry.org/yyy2f

>> No.40029688

>clocks and 3beat forcing warsuner to change his map because it hurt their feelings that he wrote good lore.

>> No.40029781
File: 1.39 MB, 1130x1200, Crikey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40029957

Naruhodo. I think monogamous relationships fit you better as well, but it was still a possibility to consider.
And you call yourself stupid. This is great lore.Also remember to archive this! And the curse of ashen womb entry should be removed from your archive if it's empty. Just reply to the archive post and ask archiveanon to do it for you!

>> No.40029957
Quoted by: >>40030093

No problem!!! I don't mind listening to ideas but that does not mean i will accept it all!!! Also is it fine to archive things when they are not finished yet?

>> No.40030093
File: 394 KB, 2048x1947, Even more smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40030916

>Also is it fine to archive things when they are not finished yet?
Oh absolutely, just look at anything in the /nasa/ archive kek
As long as you have set a password you remember to the rentry so you can come back and edit and add stuff to it later it's all good!

>> No.40030278

Typical... Everything in Risu has to get the approval of everyone and not just the fucking risu writeres.

>> No.40030443
Quoted by: >>40030502

oh yeah "Islands too close to muh ceres!" "I'll destroy agra if you don't move the pixels on muh map!!!!!"
warsuner now is back off to voms thanks to those two jackasses. comes off break just to yell at him about the placements of pixels on a map.

>> No.40030502
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, a73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40030559

Naughty schizos need rape correction

>> No.40030559
File: 18 KB, 642x160, hypocrite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40030694
File: 25 KB, 305x263, 167890383937638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pisscord member's shiting their pants can be shown without being Naughty and Schizophrenic as was displayed in previous threads, now bend over.

>> No.40030885

Happy New Year with all you can eat clam chowder.

>> No.40030916
File: 1.79 MB, 1275x1800, 84834038_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40031225

Ok, TY!!
Hagu politic: https://rentry.org/qngkz
Hagu education: https://rentry.org/csxqf
Hagu history: https://rentry.org/yyy2f
Hagu magic: https://rentry.org/ekv2ng
Hagu language: https://rentry.org/5knzm
Hagu diplomicy: https://rentry.org/nazxa
Exchange of wisdom between Hagu and Writhaven
Also please remove the ash barren curse because meat people don't want it anymore.
Can we do the water map together again?

>> No.40030960
File: 435 KB, 1366x2048, 1672379641882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40031225

I know you mentioned it before, but I really love the idea of a society's social order being affected because the people responsible for child-rearing are only composed of the underclass. Such an interesting dynamic... If women were the working force as well, I guess they'd end up having a bunch of important skills in manufacturing and military matters that the overclass would be lacking.
I had fresh oysters! Chowder would be good too, though, perfect for winter. I wonder what a Moriji clam chowder would look like.

>> No.40031085
File: 455 KB, 2502x1729, 1660644641223205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brisket and Whiskey for me!

>> No.40031225
File: 149 KB, 850x1275, __takane_lui_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_hyde_tabakko__sample-bf22277270a3410cb2899a4fd3fa495e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40031479

I forgot the link... https://rentry.org/9znqf
I thought it makes sense because people like their mothers?

>> No.40031479
Quoted by: >>40031780

Is there whiskey in the brisket? Bourbon-braised brisket is a classic.
Yeah, and they'd be well-positioned to influence their offspring, if the masters are not in their kids' lives. Very neat.

>> No.40031482

What the fuck is this falseflagging bullshit? And why the thread hate me now?

>> No.40031522
File: 124 KB, 600x848, 1670687121067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread doesn't hate you OG, it's just our usual schizos. Happy new year!

>> No.40031717
File: 78 KB, 638x638, a0d640ab347aec855ba1e8a898621b7307107d65_hq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40031780
File: 268 KB, 850x1200, __takane_lui_hololive_drawn_by_amane_sora__sample-05dfcbe879b01f92790044f2fb804954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this is also why i think monogamous relationships would be better because Hagu does not want this time again because it was bad!! Does that make sense?

>> No.40031867

Wrote this pissed because warkop lore is best when pissed off. Vijaya is back because fuck anyone who thought I would throw him away. He isn't a fucking squirrel either. Warkop stories please.

>> No.40032036

I hate that I missed buying store brisket for $3 a pound on Christmas eve because after Christmas it goes up to $8 a pound. And its literally the same shipment of brisket.

Anyway I'll probably take off the next few days off playing Xenoblade 3.

>> No.40032113
File: 1.04 MB, 2304x4096, __pochimaru_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_hizaki_gamma_artist__aa3618d70bbebb76c22a5b74f7a920e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, i'm the /hag/ writer!! I was told to ask you if it would be fine to curse risu with being horny for a bit because i saw some lore about a place there that thinks that risu is very barbaric and maybe we wanted to do diplomacy with them and made the mainland look more bad so we look better and they are more willing to talk with us?

>> No.40032288
File: 207 KB, 842x1023, 1661653100495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that makes sense! That would explain the drive to import potential husbands, too. Since one male would only impregnate one woman, normally.

>> No.40032324

ok seriously, i have no clue what happened but there needs to be some ruling about not creating "lore" or "stories" when pissed or emotional or whatever because i feel this is going a bit far. You do stuff like this that clearly is you taking the piss at two other writers and wonder why people are not willing to believe you that your stuff in /risu/ is done in good faith with /inf/?

>> No.40032554

nta, but one literally got off break to bitch at him about the placement of an island on a fucking map and the other one just backs him because he is his friend. Call them out, and not the fucking man who worked his ass off only for them to bitch and bitch and bitch him away.

>> No.40032687

This, the hypocrisy of them never ceases to amaze me. Willing to bet that anon is one of them kek.

>> No.40032782
Quoted by: >>40033116

If you don't think my stuff in Risu was done in good faith, that's your issue not mine bro. Reading into this too much too, both sides of you stfu. Writing pissed in this context just means more gore retards.

>> No.40032897

unless there is a huge part missing i don't see >>40030559 as bitching, also i thought he was asked to be involved to make sure that /inf/ is not just a punching bag and to make sure that things are ok in that regard so why is him voicing some concerns now suddenly an issue?
and even then i will disagree that using inworld setting and lore to basicaly write insults towards others is not something that should be supported. these kind of spite pieces is exactly why some people are looked at badly and why last time proper lore was creating a timeloop due to the timing because this kind of stuff makes it hard to tell the difference. Having a disagreement with others should not lead to these kind of lore and stories

>> No.40033040

someone please help me so my next comment can be explained better. i doubt it will go well if someone doesn't help. sorry.

>> No.40033089

getting the concept of a single unit of something is fairly simple. just get the concept of a thing, and then multiply it by x when you are referring to x of them and y for y of them. if you isolate the symbol, and use it for multiple things besides what you used it for initially, that symbol becomes disassociated enough to any material concept to be able to apply to any concept, including the idea of a number itself, allowing for the use of pure mathematics. from there you can make a whole bunch of algorithms that allow you to show a pattern, and anything that has that pattern will fall under it's domain. if the pattern is things multiplying and producing more things, the idea of kin and heritage can be easily isolated. if you rely only on the material stuff to refer to a concept as abstract as heritage, you wouldn't be able to isolate the intended target group. communication would still be imperfect this way, since your cells can be said to multiply as well, and even some of your ideas if you think about it, but showing multiple people all connected through genetics, and framing it as a sort of heritage/kin pattern, you can get closer to showing the kind of pattern you are trying to refer to. numbering the patterns is also very useful, and it would be even better if you had access to the progenitor and all of their kin up to at least the third generation to be able to show a pattern that can lead to the intended effect.
>You know anon, discussions of high level concepts can be quite intense in terms of mental energy.
it doesn't have to be now, and as i said, he can ask for help from others, but i think it would be beneficial for the conversation to be had.
this problem has happened before, but it is a bit annoying that even when i explicitly say things repeatedly, nobody ever seems to understand the fact that i don't just say those things for added flavor. i am not forcing you to do anything, i just want to be sure that you are understanding my suggestion before you decline it. please don't accuse me of trying to manipulate you, even though i understand why you would be wary of such a thing given what you had to deal with before. as i said, i think you are making your decision based off of an interpretation of things that i don't see as being particularly healthy, you haven't disagreed with my interpretation of it so i'll assume it is accurate until you decide to respond to it. there are a lot of artists, especially among the more abused and depressed variety, who write characters as a self-insert powerfantasy, and make their self-inserts perfect characters in every way because they fear that having flaws makes their characters bad characters. these kinds of characters are refered to as mary sues, and are the most contemptable characters to read about, to the point where a unique name was made just to disparage them, and warn people against writing such characters.
the amount of media that exists to showcase how, for example, certain disables people who are not good at certain things can live good lives not only despite, but in fact because of their apparent disabilities is vast and well documented. the most common trope might be nerds, which used to be one of the worst insult you could receive in some places, and now people who are absolutely not nerds in any way are crawling over each other to make themselves seem nerdy in that inauthentic, somewhat insulting manner that you would expect of twitch thots and other such social parasites. even the concept of hags, despite otherwise being an insult, has enough of a positive association, hidden by layers of cause and effect though it may be, that hag might be considered one of the highest compliments you could give to someone whose interpretation of it is that way. i would hope that you would appreciate this fact, being the /hag/ writer.
disabilities, character flaws, disadvantages, limitations, imperfections, if you view them all as bad, and therefore something to avoid at all costs, then you will lose out on the many beneficial opportunities that can only come from the use of those seemingly negative attributes. if you think /meat/ only made their nation suffer because we get off to it, so be it, but why then do all of the other nations suffer, too? if you want your nation to not suffer at all, then how can you pretend that trading with others is "getting stuff handed to you easily". in this situation, you guys are perfect, and your only problem is getting others to see that fact. in my situation, you guys are perfect, but you have a problem with getting others to see that fact and also getting the opportunity to show that fact, hence why people would realistically not already know that you guys are perfect. in real life, a common joke about hags is how they have empty egg cartons and dusty uteruses, they aren't supposed to be fertile, but they are great parents that nurture the children they do have to be able to assist them. right?

>> No.40033116
Quoted by: >>40033314

>Deadbeat Captain Limpicus
>Kronie Captain Smallclock
>The two captains, in utter shocked grabbed hold of each other in terror as the giant waved off his men. These two were his personal victims.
yeah sure buddy, totally not related to anyone in this project and just some objective piece of writing.

>> No.40033149
Quoted by: >>40039751

it sucks that i can only write in 5000 characters, but it also sucks that i can't figure out how to distill my message. i know me saying this again isn't going to do much, but i must again emphasize the fact that all i am doing is suggesting ideas and trying to promote the conversation. my philosophy is that as long as people genuinely try to understand each other, the more conversing the better. even in regards to timeloops and misunderstandings, the solution is to find better ways of communicating, not to stop the conversation. even in fruitless conversations where people might decide to agree to disagree, and even against people who have no intention of actually responding genuinely like with trolls and shitposters, there is merit to be found in articulating your ideas and hearing out the ideas of others. i can't figure out the reason why you are against my suggestions, if i knew the reason i would learn more about how /hag/ works in your mind, which would enable me to make better suggestions in the future.
right now, the only reason that makes sense is that you are afraid that adding the limitations i suggested would only be bad, (also, if you assume "less fertile" is me asking you to change your population as it is rather than changing the way you represent the population as it is, or if you think i am suggesting that you make your system so unfertile that it cannot survive, but that relates to degree rather than type, i never said anything about degree, and it can be as manageable as you want it to be.) but i genuinely believe that limitations can and often are incredibly valuable and beneficial, enough to make any problem they may have caused less of an issue depending on how you interpret and respond to it. if you think i am not the right person to say this, you can ask others if you want, but it's better if you read what i am saying without any consideration of that, because a good idea is a good idea no matter who it comes from, especially since you can take what you like out of it and remove what you dislike about it, but you have to know enough about it to know the difference, and that requires deeper thought being put into it. i am sorry if you feel like i am not listening to you when you say you dislike the idea of /hag/ having barren lands to encourage, i am not trying to force this decision onto you, i just don't feel like the idea has been properly articulated.
on an unrelated note, there is little i hate more than instances where conversations that could produce things of interest come to a premature, and supposedly permanent end due to the sensitivities of others. i would have mentioned it if it were anyone else, so it feels unfair to not mention it to you, but i understand it might be easy to misunderstand if you weren't around when that stuff was going on in the earlier parts of the thread. frankly, i should probably ask others to help me explain myself to you, but it feels unintuitive and idk how well they can explain it either. i think it might be something about the way you personally view things which might make it a lot harder to get around. all these nuances with interacting with real people that distract from the pure logic and reason of a conversation are all so tiresome, i vastly prefer talking to computers and i might genuinely become a hermit as soon as computers start reliably being able to replicate sentience and act like real people with real opinions that could contrast with your own enough to be more than just talking in an echochamber with something that can only pretend to have the consciousness and free will to be able to take up a differing position and defend it reliably like an actual human being.
oh, and btw, if 90% of your offspring are female and you only have monogamous relationships, you need to import 80% of your population's worth of men or 80% of your population will die a virgin. if that's all you need them for, it doesn't matter where they come from, as all they are valued for is their ability to enable others to reproduce, and since there aren't problems that would test any relationships, the likelihood of families being emotionally tied is rather low. with such an r-selected strategy, you will naturally have less family loyalty, and less focus on nurturing, and as a result there would be use in producing many children because it doesn't matter if most of them are genetic dead ends as long as some of them reproduce.
culture struggling against biology is a lost cause, and getting genetic makeup from all around the world doesn't help preserve your genes even if dominant, so unless it is a result of your chuubanite, your families wouldn't likely be loyal without necessity. saying you don't want to be dependent on others while you are ok with 80% of your population being dependent on others seems confusing. i don't think you understand enough of what i am saying to understand why i am saying it, which is why i am still trying.

>> No.40033201 [SPOILER] 
File: 74 KB, 632x680, FlRbdRRWIAAFlID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always watching!!!!!!!!

>> No.40033232
Quoted by: >>40033835

Imagine working your ass off for a thread only for dumbasses like this >>40032897 to make an issue out of everything you do because you merely said you were pissed when you wrote something. Also imagine that every. single. thing. you ever wrote for said nation was attacked nonstop by asshats like him who are now trying to discredit you. IMAGINE.

>> No.40033314
Quoted by: >>40033835

I really don't give a shit what you think since you just want to grind an axe against me. Swing away, and say what you want but you are just pissing in the wind my friend. Make your imaginary headcanon too.

>> No.40033436
Quoted by: >>40033933

which anon are you?

>> No.40033835

Or you know, you could not bring your anger about shit on the pisscord into the project and write pieces that clearly are taking the piss at certain people? Do you even listen to yourselves right now? What even happened that made you so fucking angry? Because clearly it is not just what was shown above or else i misjudged you a lot. Maybe consider taking a step back and cool down first before doing stuff like this. I'm not even trying to attack you personally, but can you really not understand that this is not exactly the best look and that you are taking things too personal right now? Also to the upper person, what was this about not making this us vs them?

>> No.40033933
Quoted by: >>40034609

i dunno, which one are you?

>> No.40034156
File: 1.51 MB, 849x1200, 1654339021636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, would it be fair to say that what you'd do is create an abstract kin pattern, and then make it specific to a specific population by using the people?
Also, anon... That's what I mean, if someone is clearly not interested in a conversation, there's no point in writing another thousand words of text at them. They won't read it, they'll go "I am not invested in this conversation anymore, why did they write all that?". I understand that it can be difficult to glean how people can feel about those things, especially using only text. But it's worth trying, I think it helps a lot.

>> No.40034187
File: 23 KB, 342x359, 1669575565451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naaa, If you're trying to defend kronies here you're doing such a bad job that you look like a false flagger but also I think the argument used to justify pisscord lore posting is so weak that it makes the shit ass argument of a schizo look like a nobel winning speech.
Why are you both so bad at this?

>> No.40034333
Quoted by: >>40035173

Does the taste of gold really corrupt a man's heart? KAG men and Nasfaqians are about to find out.

Quit with the drama bullshit, there is no drama here than me wanting to blow off steam from dealing with risu timeloops by being brutal in a nation that you really need to be brutal in to represent.

Warkop story.
both are fucking stupid.

>> No.40034574

because i am not trying to defend kronies, i don't see any issues with what he did so far with /risu/, but this is pretty obviously an outburst of emotion with a clear intent, no matter what he claims otherwise and i don't think this kind of personal thing has a place in the written lore of this project. If he just wants to write this for himself to vent, sure, but then anchoring it as canon to the archive is a step too far in my eyes.

>> No.40034609
Quoted by: >>40035167

pg, you have an idea that i agree with, but i am not aware enough about the way i write, and besides the fact that you occasionally used capital letters, most of what you said seemed similar enough to me that i could imagine someone accusing me of being a samefag if i tried to agree with you, especially since someone just basically accused you of being a schizo. i'll say that i don't particularly like it if someone makes lore where they singlehandedly destroy and humiliate important figures in someone else's lore with ease without even discussing it with them, and then say it's ok because it's not real lore, and you're just mad if you aren't ok just because it isn't canon sounds kind of like a bad idea, but i also think that we should be careful not to abuse such an accusation. i think the easiest solution is just to make sure people actually discuss things before they post it, which might be considered an argument against writing lore in the discord at all (which, while no rule exists formally about it, should still be seen as a faux pas) but with that you can at least change things after the fact once it is posted in the thread.

>> No.40034619
File: 844 KB, 1536x2048, Fgbxo3VX0AIQNBn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to mention that stories making fun of anons on here are nothing new kek, so why can't we have fun with them sometimes?


>> No.40034830
Quoted by: >>40035411

Does everything to you have to have a deeper meaning than what the man says? A story about deadbeats and kronies getting massacred is literally nothing. It's almost as if YOU WANT TO START DRAMA. Step too far? How about log off for the night and realize that this isn't some grand display of dots connecting at all and your confusion is unjustified since he has never even done that before.

>> No.40034975

Head. Canon.

>> No.40035167
Quoted by: >>40035373

well i'm a noname, so as always what i say can be dismissed as schizo or the words of someone who does not count. but based on the limited information in here of >>40029688 and >>40031867 then following with the depiction very clearly aimed at those two with the portrayal and all just does not make me believe at all this is made in any form of good faith and clearly was created to take out anger at those two. and i simply do not believe this should be encouraged or acknowledged as canon to the setting because this can easily spiral out into much worse. and no writing a second piece quickly afterwards to deflect from what targets where chosen first will not make me believe otherwise. If there are issues between people they should either talk it out or if there cannot be a common ground found then they should step back and cool off first instead of things like this.

>> No.40035173
File: 418 KB, 839x753, 1639477714267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40035277

Oh yell well no shit these are objective garbage and shouldn't be anywhere the archive, same as gags nora >>40031867, >>40034333 it's less a respect thing and more that it's so low quality it shouldn't be archived.

>> No.40035277

Everything you have ever wrote is far lower quality than those.

>> No.40035373
Quoted by: >>40035628

I am really questioning your sanity when the writer himself says repeatedly "It's not directed at anyone, please do not make drama out of this" and you proceed to ignore what he says.

>> No.40035411

yes sure, it just so happens to be a deadbeat and a kronie right after he seemed to have had some argument with a deadbeat and a kronie. how about you stop lying about intentions and simply admit that this is exactly what it looks like, instead of trying to justify this as some objective writing that had nothing to do with what apparently just happened. This poor attempt at lying is just sad and really not helping someone that just rebuild his reputation, wich never had any reason to be bad to begin with, with actual good and well thought out lore.

>> No.40035505
File: 310 KB, 922x2048, 1646498423174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will not die on this hill, mostly because you don't read lunaito lore writings. I do not say this to taunt you, i state a fact nora.

>> No.40035623

Bro, why are you accusing other people of being me. I have already said that whether you want to believe me or not, it is not written against anyone. Of course you don't know the full context, do you really think the leaker would show that to you? Please, have a happy new year and end this nonexistent drama.

>> No.40035628

and i am questioning yours when you read this story and can honestly tell it has no relations to whatever drama happened on the pisscord. maybe if you don't want drama about stuff like this don't write hatepieces and anchor them as canon and then pretend they are not when the writing is clearly there for all to see.

>> No.40035684

You're arguing with a schizo trying to gaslight you. Yeah, it's obviously about some other anons, but more importantly, it doesn't matter. He can throw a tantrum in his country if he wants.

>> No.40035759
Quoted by: >>40036033

Warsuner, can you really tell me that despite whatever drama just happened on the pisscord, that choosing a deadbeat and a kronie just so happen to be your choice at random and the way you wrote the depiction was just something that happen to come to your mind? because i just find this hard to believe based on your past writing that was far more thoughtful and well written than these.

>> No.40036020
Quoted by: >>40036867

and i honestly don't know what happened that even led to this, if simply writing helps you vent, sure go ahead, but can you really not see why anchoring this as canon is just really bad? How would you feel if people did the reverse to people you cared about and it starts getting more and more aggressive. i honestly rather not see people start creating lore pieces of blonde girls driven to suicide to vent their angers for example.

>> No.40036033

Well, here is the truth. I spun a wheel that had Kronies, Deadbeats, Nasfaqians Oiseau and Tsukijin on it. (Because those are the most prominent in Risu) The depiction was going to happen regardless of who it was, albeit I would lean more into tropes for those other nations. Trust me when I say there really isn't drama. Clocks wanted me to move an island, I was a little grumpy about it as i can be and did it. That's literally it. 3beat wasn't even involved. Remember Clocks is for nasfaq and not infinity too.

It's not well thought out because stories for warkop really cannot be well thought out. Thread itself is a total tribalistic and cannibalistic shithole. I am not wasting time thinking out something beyond brutality of force for that. It's your choice to believe me on this or not.

>> No.40036085
File: 304 KB, 1417x1417, 65697067-9C07-4856-8F1C-E8AEAF7A9EDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not Rosemaiden, I am the OG. Now have a Happy New Years, butame

>> No.40036141
File: 4 KB, 180x200, 1648037465135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40036832

Happy new year, rosebud! Well, in two hours.

>> No.40036250
File: 3.02 MB, 1920x1080, 1661252050976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40037104

I think I’m making Kokone the goddess of luck for /vnug/ now

>> No.40036292

>I spun a wheel that had Kronies, Deadbeats, Nasfaqians Oiseau and Tsukijin on it.

>> No.40036372
Quoted by: >>40036440

sure, whatever, feel good about yourself, you owned the schizo with your flawless logic, but don't come crying when these things become a thing thanks to your precedent and people use this to attack those you consider friends.

>> No.40036440
Quoted by: >>40036545

clocks is literally his friend KEK

>> No.40036545
Quoted by: >>40036734

oh yeah? what's his take on this then? as a good friend surely this was shown to him.

>> No.40036706
Quoted by: >>40036895


>> No.40036734
Quoted by: >>40037048

he doesn't care

>> No.40036832
File: 141 KB, 1181x1181, 7DDA4A04-A503-49AE-86B1-8319B3145624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a soon-to-be happy New Years to you as well, Deadbeat!
I apologize to everyone for my disappearance, I’ve been busy taking courses in Psychology and Sociology for my next piece of Rosebuta work

>> No.40036867
File: 87 KB, 1280x1280, 20221203_031009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If its written like shit then no but I wouldn't mind a good melodrama tragic story about a suicide in Vitubia, not one that's specifically made to fuck with Alice though cause putting your OC's in stories is shit and writing things out of spite is shit.

>> No.40036895
File: 910 KB, 2280x3643, AE8E3131-818E-4E28-93D4-9A24816BFC95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40037104

I have missed you too, OGsuner. Here is to a fruitful New Year

>> No.40036959
File: 169 KB, 1492x2048, 20221109_065907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40037298

Happy New Years Rosebro!

>> No.40036993
File: 2.38 MB, 2894x4093, 1648882757984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40037298

>Psychology and Sociology
Ah, I can feel the incoming kino in my balls. Looking forward to it.

>> No.40037048
File: 14 KB, 397x174, sure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clocks is literally his friend KEK

>> No.40037104
Quoted by: >>40037298

My sexual urges aside, welcome back. Good to see you again.
It's amazing how every time she plays gacha her luck is stupid good. She always gets so happy too it's adorable. I love my kokowife.

>> No.40037153
File: 41 KB, 569x437, grumpy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40037260

wholesome... I ship.

>> No.40037298
File: 116 KB, 1280x1280, 87B9E967-AC57-4DBD-8167-E1161D1AC886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Years, Lunaito!
I will do my best to not let you down, I may not be the quickest with my lore developments but I do my damnedest to make them of decent quality
The same to you, my friend

>> No.40037403

Why are you both so stupid?

>> No.40037420

yes. really, you shouldn't be able to do any of it if you don't use every possible method of isolating the idea, to the point of absolute redundancy. the whole point is to make it as clear as possible so that nothing else could possibly be included if it isn't explicitly included, and nothing could possibly be excluded if it isn't explicitly excluded. the more the better.
>if someone is clearly not interested in a conversation, there's no point in writing another thousand words of text at them.
firstly, i am insulted that you think i would just write 1000 words kek but also, i understand that is true, but i see it as being important enough to be worth bringing up and trying to resolve. i always hate it when conversations end without coming to a resolution. communication is the only method i have to avoid the all to frequent miscommunications that i get involved in, and when people decide to shut off a conversation before people come to an understanding of what the other person is saying, it makes me feel like they are closedminded and shallow, but with /hag/anon i think it is more that he just doesn't understand what i am saying, and feels like the whole conversation is just getting repetitive, which is true, but only because he doesn't understand it. what he says in responce to me doesn't address what i am saying in the way he thinks it does, actually, most of what he has said has been accusing me of having ulterior motives and just doing this because it's what i want, which seem like a complete nonargument, and a false accusation that i should want to discredit since it directly effects his opinion of me. i am trying to find different ways of expressing the same idea because i don't think he is getting it, but it seems more like he isn't comprehending the deeper aspects of what i am saying, perhaps because he isn't used to thinking like that, and because he might be fatigued from it, both of which are understandable, i don't expect everyone to have the same ability to bang their head against a wall as i do, especially if they are too innocent to see pain as anything other than a negative thing to be avoided, but as i said, these things are important enough to me to warrant putting this much effort into them.
basically, i think they would be in more agreement with at least some of what i am saying if they understood it better, and for the things i am pretty sure they would still not agree with, i am curious as to why they would personally disagree with it because if i knew why i could work around it in the future. part of it is also that i am just plain interested in figuring out how they view /hag/ and why they decided to be a rep for them. if i knew the core concept of them, i could make my suggestions much better, and therefore be more helpful to him, and anyone else i do the same with. think of the kind of insights you can make about how /meat/ works (according to my interpretation) based on the concept of the life cycle. that's the kind of thing i want others to be able to distill their culture into without simplifying the elements that make up the culture as a whole.

>> No.40037504


>> No.40037615
Quoted by: >>40039759

pg, if the core concept of a thread is cunny, how do you translate that?

>> No.40037738
File: 1.39 MB, 964x1025, HeartShape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40037812

happy new years you silly fuckers

>> No.40037812
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 1621116232011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40038367

Oh hey clock. Happy new year!

>> No.40038060
File: 87 KB, 425x600, cutealice!111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>firstly, i am insulted that you think i would just write 1000 words
Funniest thing i read all day. HAPPY NEW YEAR PG AND OTHER FRIENDS!!

>> No.40038367
File: 23 KB, 415x420, FlLdCnTWAAUfc1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40039061

I am right here, Pink chama. Living in your walls. Living in your ceiling. I see you peeing. I see your worries and pains. Oh what a shame. Pink Chama. Oh what a shame.

>> No.40038613
File: 222 KB, 1532x2665, FB59oOZUUAQiPzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40039061

If you wanna have convos with yourself, just join the cord Pink Man, no need to waste posts.

>> No.40038829
File: 211 KB, 500x500, 1644643503686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40039034

Happy new year to you all too!

>> No.40039034
Quoted by: >>40039087


>> No.40039061
File: 156 KB, 1200x1086, 1642962310703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no interest in your sadomasochistic fetish rp with OG nanora?
Yeah but where's the critique you promised nora?

>> No.40039087
File: 226 KB, 500x500, 1658926830245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40039287

I’m glad you enjoy her! I think I’ll work on Remland next

>> No.40039165
File: 70 KB, 1170x613, 3BECB1DD-6D2F-4A86-8483-B0F7D6A411C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Years soon!

>> No.40039172
File: 188 KB, 1320x1197, FlQlYHfWAAA9bfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40039301

The critique is how smol you are. You are a very very smol person and your lore reflects that. Your hatred of women is from your smolness as is your nanoring and semi-intellectual talk. You wish to be a big boy but just too small...

>> No.40039176
File: 66 KB, 675x900, 1672339748192205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, we'll make a channel just for you where you can talk with your tulpas as much as you want.

>> No.40039287
Quoted by: >>40039385

Are you sure about that? You don't want to wrestle with me half naked and wrap my body with your big strong arms?
Would you like help with that? I can pitch in ideas if you like. I discussed yurts at some point

>> No.40039301
Quoted by: >>40039355

This is the second time they promised me combat and again I am denied, I'm starting to think there are no schizos...

>> No.40039355
File: 445 KB, 320x320, 1672334143558782.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh but you are so wrong nanora.

>> No.40039385
File: 254 KB, 426x590, 1651669834065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40039584

I have some ideas for my approach but more ideas are always welcomed even if I might not end up using them!

>> No.40039584
Quoted by: >>40039821

I remember you mentioning something about how she goes into dreams. What would she do if someone was having a dream about having sex with her? Would she slap the shit out of them? As far as I know, despite having EXTREMELY fuckable tits, she really doesn't seem to be that kind of girl.

>> No.40039751
File: 84 KB, 850x958, __ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_suzu_coconatu__sample-38fc5097051852b618baf038b890aa6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40046461

I tried understanding that first part but i really don't, if this is about the curse about mainland and such and it means it is not possible than i'm fine with that, i don't want to mess with the magic system too much since it seems what i made already seems to mess with it a lot...
I'm not saying you are forcing me at all!!! But i feel like you're becoming pushy about this whole thing... I'm also not trying to say you try to say useless stuff over and over!!! I also did not mean that you try to manipulate you... I'm sorry if that is how it came off.. I didn't want to say that at all... I'm not sure if i really understand what you are saying but it just does not sound like something that i want... I'm not sure if what i do is a mary sue, i don't plan to make it perfect in every way and i don't think it's like that because of me but i cannot say it isn't either, i don't really understand that... I don't want to write things that people will hate... I don't know much about such media i don't understand such complex stuff, that is why i like vtubers because they are just fun even if i don't understand them. I also don't want to write things that make fun of certain group of people. And yes i think hags are nice and a good thing. I don't mean that you all just write your things because you get off to it but it feels like you value negative a lot because negative stuff like abuse is not actually that negative for you at all. I don't know about many other nations yet, i do try to read a lot of things but that takes time... I'm sorry if my nation is wrong the way it's right now but i don't try to trick people into thinking anything about it!!! Does that mean me trading is bad right now? I don't think those jokes are fair for hags and it's also not all what /hag/ is about...
I don't mind talking and i don't want anyone to feel anymore like they can't talk with me... I understand that me making so many mistakes made people feel like they shouldn't and i'm sorry for that... The reason i'm against there being little food is that i don't want some bad place where people have to worry about food or even if they can have children at all because they cannot support them. I also want to share with other places in the world like /vnug/. I don't think that feels very family like and warm at all... I don't know how much you want this but you mentioned the thing about families limiting their children and that sounds not fun to write... I'm sorry if i did not properly thought about it. I don't mean to say you are not listening to me, i am glad you take the effort to try and explain things to me because i know that explaining things to me is hard... I'm sorry if i cut you off and it made you feel i was dismissing all you said, i did try to listen and understand it and if it makes sense and if i want it. I'm sorry if talking to me is unintuitive. Please don't feel forced to talk to me if you don't want to and rather talk to others or computers... I did not pick the numbers for any reason so if they are bad i can change them. It just sounded fun and also because many hags would also travel outside the nation and settle in other nations like the mercenaries, not all of them would return with a husband. Some will die and others will marry into the nation they found a husband from. I think families can have bonds even without having to suffer and i think proper upbringing is part of that!!! I don't know about genetic stuff, if what i wrote really is that bad then i don't mind changing it, i'm sorry it's not good enough yet...

>> No.40039759
Quoted by: >>40040273

the core concept likely wouldn't be cunny. even the concept of lust has deeper concepts that inform and define it. you have to ask questions like "why" and "how" until you find something that properly defines every unique aspect of something, so really, the biggest problem would come from a lack of data rather than a simplistic core concept, but we will never have a true lack of data because every thread has a topic, even bait threads which we don't even include and therefore don't have to worry about. either the topic is a corporation or vtuber, who therefore has a personality and thus a core concept, or the topic of the thread is a concept, in which case at least half of the work is already done, that is all assuming the thread itself doesn't have a culture of it's own, but even if two threads share chuubas, or cultures, or some other aspect with each other, even core aspects like how all fetish threads have something to do with sexuality, none of them have the same core concepts unless they are the same thread with the same community with all of the same topics and none of the differing topics. such threads would have a difficult time separating each other and might just be referred to in the same breathe, even the differences between the two types of /inf/ threads are enough to create two separate nations. everyone has a core concept, and everyone here should have enough data to figure it out, but if they lack the inspiration and retrospection to discover within themselves what their core concept is, they have to rely on others to help them. i would imagine that the closer you get to the core concept, the more you would recognize it as such if it was described to you, but it's not like i have interacted with enough people about it to hammer in that sort of thing. i mostly do it for myself, and discuss the idea with a few people who have had similar experiences.

>> No.40039821
Quoted by: >>40042577

Hi /hag/anon! Happy new year to you too!

We don’t really know since chat etiquette forbids us from asking her directly, but she doesn’t seem to be the kinkshaming kind of girl and she doesn’t object to the idea of having a NSFW art tag by fans so I guess she wouldn’t intervene?

>> No.40040273

What is your own core concept?

>> No.40040316
Quoted by: >>40040641


>> No.40040641
Quoted by: >>40040835

To me, that's not a core concept PG. It's far deeper than that and you know it considering the spectrum is deep and diverse.

>> No.40040835

i'm not pg, i was just doing a drive by

>> No.40042248
File: 125 KB, 850x1133, __ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_amato_0321__sample-8ae699bcb57a28b248c43cd8a5323a11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40042797

I'm not trying to ignore anyone, i'm happy that people want to talk with me!!!
Uhm i didn't mean to end the conversation as a whole but that i just don't think i like your ideas... I'm sorry that i made it look like that and i'm closed minded and shallow... I really don't think i fully understand it sorry that you have to repete because of me being dumb... I do try to respond to what you say and try to carefully read it bit by bit and then answer to what i just read! I didn't mean to say you have ulterior motives but that your own view of things that is different affects how you see this different than me... You say i always make false accusations of you but i also feel like you do the same for me... No i'm not really used to thinking so much and so deeply... I'm also getting sleepy. I don't think pain is too good at all no... Maybe if i was smarter i could understand better and write things more that are good but i'm not... I just want a place with happy families that is warm and cozy... I'm mostly in hag because that is where i can talk most about Mio because /OKFAMS/ mostly just has pictures and even if they talk it's mostly just about Subaru, i don't hate Subaru but i rather like Mio but the Mio thread does not exist anymore because we could not keep it alive... I also like that /hag/ likes women that might not be considered the most beautiful women by normal standards and it makes me feel better about myself and also that they like families a lot. I do think you are helpful but i don't think i have the ability to fully use that help, sorry for that...

>> No.40042577
File: 160 KB, 850x1189, __ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_inre_kemomimi__sample-4885c8ca8828b1dfdc5f65ae9c3b881b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEllo and happy new year too!!! Might i ask who i'm talking to?

>> No.40042583

Gotta get me a wife with that battered women disposition.

>> No.40042636
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 1666851065225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40043056


>> No.40042797
File: 412 KB, 640x512, 1670832129300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40043056

Look you two just... Like don't get upset at each other or at yourselves, you're all doing your best, alright? Communicating with other people is muzukashi... Idk, I've had a few shots, that's all the translating I can do atm. Happy new year in half an hour!

>> No.40042891
Quoted by: >>40043145

Vnugget, or Lioranon.

>> No.40043056
File: 254 KB, 2000x1414, __ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_nejime__3bbe8467454b10786c613e3b8a21cb63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry i don't understand this!
I'm not upset at him, but i do feel bad that i cannot understand better and he has to do so much work because of that...

>> No.40043086
File: 207 KB, 500x500, 1657404125925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m the one writing for /vnug/!

>> No.40043145
File: 357 KB, 2400x2501, FW2hfR-VEAAqShW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40043209

VNUGfriend!!! Happy new year!!! I'm sorry i didn't understand, i have never seen this cat before i think!!

>> No.40043209
Quoted by: >>40043405

It’s one of Liora’s cats and her staring emote

>> No.40043405
File: 254 KB, 1364x1718, 1645826428645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40043728

Ok, i'll remember that! Does it have a name? Mio has a cat named Taiga!!!

>> No.40043413
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x1697, thonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive had an idea. you know lichen? What if theres a type of lichen that grows on gem trees

>> No.40043728
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, 1672533157673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it’s called Trjegul! She has another cat that’s blue called Bygul. They’re named after the cats that pulled Freya’s chariot in Norse mythology at least that’s what she thinks since the cat chariot is from the mythology but the names are a modern invention

>> No.40044006
File: 963 KB, 1000x1401, 1671549865105428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look so pretty and fluffy! I wonder if we can have fluffy cats for our nations!!!

>> No.40044164
Quoted by: >>40044799

Is this my sexy bitch ri2ner!? IM GONNA GOOGLE LICHEN RIGHT NOW

>> No.40044201
File: 637 KB, 1703x2048, 1647156735316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see it, there are some lichen that grow on bones, so lichen growing on mineral isn't unprecedented. They're hardy lifeforms.
Well, don't feel too bad about it, I know you're doing your best, and he's doing his best too. It just works out like that sometimes.
Damn those are good cat names, Mori's cats are named Fat Fuck and Destroyer.
Most nations that do trading probably end up with a couple cats in their port cities, they have tended to follow wherever ships went historically. Maybe they originated wherever Okayu is worshipped?

>> No.40044351
Quoted by: >>40044830

Cats are pretty common across the globe so /hag/ could very well have cats, and the somewhat cold weather could explain why they’re fluffy! I haven’t actually worked on /vnug/’s cat population but I kinda want my neighbor to have smilodons for that

>> No.40044388
File: 331 KB, 1280x1691, d97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year world building friends. Once I'm done writing these current set of essays I'll try and finally get back to writing MCMC again.

>> No.40044684
File: 1.60 MB, 1275x2050, 1672314366609949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40045674

I just hope we can be happy aboout it in the end!!! Also i love the idea of Okayu cats!!!!!

>> No.40044799

Have fun, brother. I am thinking of ideas of unique foliage
I dont know the composition of gem trees but i reckon they at least have some bark or cellulose (*˘︶˘*) these lichen would be exposed to the radiant energy emitted by the trees and you can scrape them off for whatever use like medicine. Gunpowder too?

>> No.40044830
File: 116 KB, 850x981, __ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_kintotomaturi__sample-45212dc6fbd2f81d12e2a15d56e8f29d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40045150

Yeah, because it's cold they are extra fluffy!!!
Hello, i'm the /hag/ writer!!! Nice to meet you!! And happy new year!!

>> No.40045150
Quoted by: >>40046093

Glad to have you! have you written anything yet? and if so can you recommend some of it to me? its been ages, so I'm curious as to what new people have added.

>> No.40045674
File: 744 KB, 1423x1871, 1659146780504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ay mountain, have a happy new year! Have some ass!
kek I bet you do, look at that fatto catto.
Oh, chuubanititrophic lichen? That would be fun, yeah... Kinda reminds me of the chuubanite mushroom ecosystem I wrote a while back. They would be quite interesting, I could see them have medicinal compounds, or be useful as gunpowder.

>> No.40045820
Quoted by: >>40046318

By the way. You never answered me. Juicy ass?

>> No.40045929
File: 415 KB, 850x1306, 1672164838977067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40046441

Eyo Mountain, happy new year!

>> No.40046093
File: 158 KB, 850x1221, __ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_dasui191023__sample-e273465b80c03551439fa1fcbc47b372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40046441

Uhm, i don't think i have written anything good yet...

>> No.40046318
File: 548 KB, 1245x798, nutt on butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40048541

lichen is part fungi. Im gonna need mycology anon's help! If he's still here ಠ︵ಠ
Another idea! war suggests that it's the nitrogen levels that made our trees grow super fast. but what if the chuubanite is bound to the bacteria? instead of nitrate fixation, chuubanite fixation. maybe this is the same phenomenon in /uuu/ or /meat/ where they have chuubanite in organic material
You can touch if you want!

>> No.40046441

glad to see this threads still horny

have you written anything yet then? I'd be happy to give you writing tips if its bad.

>> No.40046461

once again, this is less about you messing up with your lore and more about me trying to give suggestions on how i think you can refine things. i just wanted to make sure you understood my suggestion before you said you didn't want it.
>I don't think those jokes are fair for hags and it's also not all what /hag/ is about...
that doesn't change the fact that those jokes exist, and that your interpretation of them has to take those things into account to be correct, otherwise you are just deluding yourself. it's ok to acknowledge that there are good and bad things in a concept, even things that you don't otherwise want to acknowledge like the fact that women have less ability to reproduce the older they get. it's fine if you personally view it as false, but keep in mind that you are trying to represent an entire thread, not just yourself. if they don't speak much then you can assume things based on what you do know, so your interpretation is valuable, but recognizing that it is just your interpretation, and that other interpretations are possible (and more importantly recognizing what other interpretations are possible/relevant, doesn't sound reasonable to let /uoh/ define /hag/ just because an anon might be into both of them, and even if they do, it can be recognized as most likely a separate, if likely shared concept) is important for describing the whole thread.
it might be the case that the smaller window of opportunity would be viewed as a positive, given that they are likely to be more lustful and desperate the closer they get to the point of no return. this is a verifiable fact, not just my own interests (though i learned about this in large part due to my interests) but fear and near death experiences are closely linked to heightened libidos, as your biology naturally compels you to make sure you do the things your body is structured to do, that being to reproduce, otherwise you wouldn't pass your genes on to the next generation, and would therefore not be represented in the genepool of the future. such an interaction is what makes it so difficult for people to go through with suicide even when they start trying to do it, because if they didn't have such a strong biological process to compel them against it, they would not have children, and therefore the genes that encode such tendencies would not survive. what i am saying is that having an "empty egg carton" despite being seemingly negative, can also be positive because it promotes a more intense and lust-filled response, which can guarantee a closer, more intimate pairing with the one who decides to marry them.
>The reason i'm against there being little food is that i don't want some bad place where people have to worry about food or even if they can have children at all because they cannot support them.
that is a question that comes down to ratios. i suppose "barren" land makes it seem like it never grows anything at all, but the fact that i said that there would be things that grow, and that it would be of much higher quality at the expense of being at a lower quantity should hopefully clue you into the fact that i don't mean your land wouldn't be capable of growing anything at all. it just wouldn't have quite enough to comfortably sustain the current population, whether that be large or small. it could still sustain the current population, but the important aspect is that there would be a desire for more, and that there would be a greater feeling of satisfaction when it is there.
here's an experiment that you can do for yourself. try fasting for a day, you can do it longer if you feel up to it, i can assure you it wont be dangerous unless you go over a week without water, or a bit longer without food, depending on your body ratio. when you eat again, pick something you know you'll miss. when you eat it, if it isn't the most amazing thing you've ever had, then maybe it doesn't work for you, but most of the people who do it feel a greater satisfaction from doing that, so i predict you will notice the difference in satisfaction.
point is, pressure is the difference between pencil led and diamonds, hardship strengthens bonds, and true love is only sweeter when tested. i think that makes sense as something for /hag/ to embody, a relationship that can withstand the test of time, and that only gets better with age. as far as how many children you have, you can have it so that you have as many children as possible, but having a clear point where they wont be able to have any more children can heighten the sense of urgency, and therefore the lust that your population will have. it is true that, typically, animals that have k-selected strategies typically have fewer kids because they focus all their attention on nurturing the children they do have, where as animals with r-selected strategies typically have as many children as possible, and almost no affection to any of them at all is very common, but there are exceptions.

>> No.40046528
File: 286 KB, 850x1226, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mile_off8mile__sample-bf1777a05cf5cb24f7fe8150ec057629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40047952

Slut you know it!

>> No.40046556

the typical go-to example of k-selected strategies are wolves with small packs that all nurture and take care of each other, to the point where if you threaten all of them you are threatening the whole pack, and if you kill one of them you might be better of killing the rest of them. they emphasize loyalty and nurturing, and each member of their pack is an extension of the rest. alternatively, the rabbit is the quintessential example of the r-selected strategy. they breed like crazy because they don't know if any of their kin will make it into the next generation, and when they see a predator they scurry and hide, hoping that they aren't the one the predator chooses to follow. each child is a insurance policy in case the others don't make it, but they can be popped out and forgotten about without any real worry, so it doesn't matter that they can't nurture or take care of their kin.
with that said, there are also middle cases, such as eusocial insects that have a very r-selected reproduction strategy, yet follow an overall culture of a k-selected one, and humans who are unique in having the ability to switch between strategies depending on the circumstances they existed in when they were born (it's worth noting that it's very hard to unlearn those strategies, which is why parents that grew up in ghettos and were abused by their parents very often parent their own children the same way, even if they become successful in adulthood enough to move out.) but generally have a very k-selected reproduction strategy, yet have an r-selected culture overall (this is an overview of course, some cultures are more k or r, but our cultures are generally more r selected than, for example, eusocial insects).
the point is that you can make it so that your nation has some aspects of an r-selected strategy, while also having a k-selected strategy overall, but i think it would be easier if it was a full k-selected strategy, especially since the exceptions all have reasons behind why they differ from the norm, understandably so given the fact that the norm creates two self-preserving, self-perpetuating cultures that can reasonably stand the test of time the more they are embodied, so there is an advantage, and precedent to go all one way or all the other. it's just worth mentioning that you created an exception, and that there are reasons behind why your system exists the way it does. as asimov says, get the facts right first, then find ways to work around them. that's the core of hard sci-fi, and that is the ideology i hope to create with this "hard sci-fan(tasy)" setting.
>Please don't feel forced to talk to me if you don't want to
i said i prefered to talk to computers because they are predictable, but i prefered talking to people because they weren't. i love getting into arguments and discussions with people, no matter who they are. if i got into a discussion that irritated me, my first thought would be to make better arguments, not to stop talking. i would see that as a concession of weakness, and more importantly a loss of opportunity for self-growth. i am compelled to talk to you because i want to, and because i am not compelled at all to not talk with you, don't think of this as something i have to force myself to do, more often i have to force myself to stop when others don't want to. i could honestly have discussions with people for literally 4 days straight, god knows my sleep pattern is fucked up enough that i could easily do it until i was mentally fatigued to the point of being incapable of stringing together a proper sentence. please don't feel bad, you are doing fine, and i have no animosity towards you, or anyone else in this thread whatsoever, even the schizos, pathetic as they may be, have interesting ideas from time to time.
>I think families can have bonds even without having to suffer and i think proper upbringing is part of that!!!
arranged marriages are surprisingly reliable, but nurturing alone is not the reason for that. you can try, but as i have said before, when culture and biology conflict, biology always wins. the benefit for you is that biology is adaptable. specifically, to the environment, which is adaptable to culture, which is adaptable to biology, or rather it is forced to adapt to biology, you just need to create an environment that advantages a biology that resonates with your desired culture that preserves your chosen environment. k and r selected strategies do this nicely, so do the exceptions whenever they form, but if you are going to defy convention, you'll have to explain how it is possible to survive on it's own, it can't be something as simple as nurture, whence came first, and to what end are the only questions you need answer.

>> No.40046645
File: 174 KB, 850x1294, __shishiro_botan_and_ssrb_hololive_drawn_by_handplug__sample-580abb618b3b2d56cd6154c0685f72c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the lore for Hagu: https://rentry.org/tnsyr
And here are our Warriors: https://rentry.org/r5dht
We offer hag mercenaries if you want to hire some!!

>> No.40047001
File: 412 KB, 411x597, FjVN9hiX0BMfFUn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40047393

Hi hagbro!!!!!!! I don't think I've ever talked to you before, I'm the rep for /haha/!!!!! I'm not very active these days in the thread but it's nice to know you!!!! I still have to read your lore tho!!!!! But you're a really sweet person as far as I've seen!!!!!!!

>> No.40047150
File: 2.96 MB, 1868x1126, 1670424227972310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40047577

I will try to read this tomorrow because i am really sleepy and cannot read this properly anymore...

>> No.40047393
File: 1.03 MB, 868x1228, 1647142175278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40051419

Hello!!! I'm the /hag/ writer!!! I don't think i read things from you either yet!!! Thank you, i just like to be happy on the internet, you seem nice too!!!

>> No.40047577
Quoted by: >>40047966

as far as k and r selected strategies go, i figure i should mention this much. if you have high nurturing, high reproduction, and high food intake, you need exponentially expanding food production to satisfy all of them. this is what some consider to be the malthusian dilemma. over a great amount of time, and with the use of innovation, you can solve this problem at a reasonable pace, but it will be an arms race, so the pace of technological advancement has to reflect population growth or else the population will be naturally selected against, ie the rate of death and starvation will increase. it is easier to work within the conventional k/r strategies than to divert from them, and diverting from them requires the whole system to enable it. it's more realistic to be all one way or the other.

>> No.40047952
File: 470 KB, 2900x2900, Kiarcrack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hag guns for hire
Thanks for giving me an excuse to write a sexy gender swapped Mike Ehrmantraut into my future work

I'll give them a quick read!

whores the lot of you

>> No.40047966
File: 280 KB, 1891x1727, I am smart!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh... so youre saying that when hag have poor food it makes them stronger? Lets just use Lysenko method

>> No.40048440
File: 155 KB, 987x1600, smugkira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afternoon. Back no longer hurt as much as yesterday.

>> No.40048541
File: 153 KB, 1510x1200, 1651714368770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah... I miss mycology anon... I can be a poor replacement for him if you want to bounce some fungi off of someone.
That could work! Bacteria powered by chuubanite that help fix nitrate into soil? Maybe they could also help with the retention of potassium and phosphorus into the soil, this way the plants get all the raw materials needed for their accelerated growth.
damn right
Afternoon meatbro, and happy new year! Glad to hear you're feeling better.

>> No.40048680
File: 648 KB, 663x921, 1666329868847268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah an Ass man amongst my own heart. Good to see you around you retard.

>> No.40048856
File: 898 KB, 1536x2048, Summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always and forever kek

>> No.40048882
File: 42 KB, 400x400, aaahhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40049497

You know Lysenko?

>> No.40048885

my personal core concept, at least as far as i have been able to distill it so far, is a bit personal, especially since it incorporates certain aspects of things i am not too sure i want the rest of you to know about me, but most of it i figure would be hidden from my own interpretation of things, and how i make connections between certain concepts. the thing is, i don't know how much of it will be obtuse and how much of it will be an obvious enough connection that you guys can infer whatever information i had in mind while creating it. plus, i am not entirely sure it is the absolute core concept behind how my brain works, but i am fairly certain it is getting closer, and much time will go by before i find a way to update it if ever i do.
>Lysenko method
that pseudoscientist who nearly caused the entirety of the holodomor? wasn't his whole idea that the more you struggle towards something, the more you will adapt to be able to do it, as if biology knows how to adapt based solely on desire? octopuses can consciously change their rna, which is why their dna is stagnant, and has been so for generations, i'm not sure if you want that kind of system for yourself. maybe with the use of chuubanite, but there is no apparent connection to /hag/ that i can see.

>> No.40049159

>pseudoscientist who nearly caused the entirety of the holodomor?
ok, to be fair, he was around right as darwin was making his theories, and was of great assistance to darwin as well, but newton was a genius, too, but einstein proved him wrong, the only difference being that people haven't used newton's theories to cause mass genocide, yet. still, forgive me if i was unfair to him.

>> No.40049497

Of course! He's the best example on what not to do in spec bio haha! (꒪꒳꒪) You cant just teach a cat to grow wings like it's pokemon!
I was making of using his methods to solve /hag/'s food production. Please dont take it as a serious suggestion

>> No.40049649
File: 762 KB, 753x1000, bagondream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cant just teach a cat to grow wings like it's pokemon!

>> No.40050721
Quoted by: >>40053992

you don't have to pretend if you really liked his ideas before, i didn't mean to embarrass you if that's how it came across. everyone has their own ideas about things and it's fine if we disagree, i just think my ideas have been well-tested and have came out on top after all of this time, and i'm pretty sure my interpretation would be considered the convention for the majority of this setting. if you figure out a way to link it to your chuubanite, you can use his model if you want, you just have to be able to explain how it works to a reasonable degree, you don't have to do it all by yourself, btw, so don't feel too worried about things.

>> No.40051419
File: 308 KB, 2160x2160, 1664174171575380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late reply and you're probably asleep but tyty!!!! I haven't written much but I'd be glad if you checked it out one day!!!!! But no pressure tho!!!!! Also nice dola pic!!!! I love her!!!!!!!!

>> No.40052718
File: 502 KB, 685x447, 1651339754914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40052921

Celebrating the new year with my Mori, me on the right.
>people haven't used newton's theories to cause mass genocide
Yet! Just wait until someone does a colony-drop, gundam-style. That's all Newton laws of motion!

>> No.40052921
Quoted by: >>40053476

let me correct myself, people haven't used his theories to cause a mass genocide unintentionally due to a lack of adherence to einstein's theories. yet.

>> No.40053476
Quoted by: >>40053972

Yes, yet! Don't underestimate our descendants. Maybe the colony drop will be an accident because someone forgot to take relativistic time dilation into account in his orbital calculations? Humans, uh, find a way.

>> No.40053972
Quoted by: >>40054552

imagine being a piolet in space and not taking account for relativity when figuring out where to direct something. imagine beyond that a future where ai, even simplistic and well-contained, wouldn't warn them of their potential folly. such stupidity would be a spectacle to behold.

>> No.40053992
File: 41 KB, 512x398, medum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu produce a ton of food from our land's fertility. Dont know if war's revision retconned that... but if we still do, the tribe guilds could preserve the excess and sell them.
As for /hag/... taiga climate is still viable for farming! any canadian and scandinavian anons can support this. your place is like livable cold. not COLD cold
>In addition to things like potatoes, carrots, parsnips, beets, rutabaga, turnips, etc. we grow, all kinds of greens, cauliflower, broccoli, gords, sunflowers, plenty of annual and perennial flowers, cabbages, grains, grasses, herbs, onions
>you don't have to pretend if you really liked his ideas before
not really. He tried to go against natural selection because 'science is bias'

>> No.40054552

On one hand, you're completely right. On the other hand, NASA crashed a satellite into Mars because they couldn't be fucked to convert units between Imperial and SI properly so... Human foolishness can be pretty amazing.
It's true, can confirm. Canada grows some pretty top tier produce, good fruits too. I love our apples and blueberries.

>> No.40054853
Quoted by: >>40056042

>taiga climate is still viable for farming! any canadian and scandinavian anons can support this. your place is like livable cold. not COLD cold
my idea was that maybe the same amount of resources could be spent on fewer organisms, but those organisms that survive are grander and more beautiful/tasty/large/[productive etc. as a result of the chuubanite. i probably shouldn't have used the word "barren" to describe any of it, and i recall questioning whether or not to use it, but i didn't have any other word so i figured i'd do it anyways. also, science is biased, biased towards observable truth, that is. not always the objective truth but i challenge you to find something better.

>> No.40056042
File: 207 KB, 1080x1236, 1669619847616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40056845

>not always the objective truth but i challenge you to find something better.
things that come to me in a dream. pic related

>> No.40056845
Quoted by: >>40058477

lol, you think that is worth anything? try this for a change.

>> No.40057985

Most of the agricultural products of Canada and Scandinavia come from the non-taiga part of the country though (although /hag/ also has a significant part of the land being warmer than taiga). Yukon and Sapmi would be closer to a true taiga climate.

>> No.40058477
File: 4 KB, 295x29, source.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40058709

Pathetic. You call that a source? Bow before my superior citations!

>> No.40058709
Quoted by: >>40058928

my example was being honest, your example is half-assed. my example is superior here.

>> No.40058928
Quoted by: >>40059384

>trusting your imagination over divine prophecy from the gods themselves

>> No.40058939

Dragoon is back? Also I stayed up too late playing Xenoblade 3 again. Also happy new year two hours late here!

>> No.40059384

>pretending your imagination is divine prophecy from the gods themselves.

>> No.40059463 [DELETED] 

Also if Mountain is still here then what do phoenixes eat. I'm thinking seeds, insects and sometimes fish and small mammals. For some reason I think Greek phoenixes would like olives to digest oil used to cover their feathers.

>> No.40060189
Quoted by: >>40060897

Don't answer.

>> No.40060848
File: 38 KB, 1131x716, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40061349

>Phoenixes are Omnivorous, subsisting off of nearly anything they can find, however they have a special preference for the Honey of the Continental-Amebee, and will go to great efforts to dig up their underground hives: A Phoenix will often ignite themselves while doing this to deter bee stings.
>While they are not predatory by nature, subsisting mainly on seeds, berries, and grubs, they are capable of hunting when needed, and have on occasion been known to kill and eat unattended livestock
>They are also allegedly especially partial to Lasagna, however its likely this is a misconception born from the popular comic strip (or "Lafferstrippen" in native Pölitid) character Kiarfield the Phoenix being depicted as enjoying Lasagna.

>> No.40060897
Quoted by: >>40061349

too late schmuckus khan

>> No.40061349
Quoted by: >>40061410

I derped from insomnia. I wonder if phoenix likes olives?

>> No.40061410
Quoted by: >>40061659

I don't see why they wouldn't. I think the KFP highland forests might have about the right climate for olives, although some one who knows agriculture better than me might correct me

>> No.40061659
Quoted by: >>40062176

I was thinking about feeding phoenixes olives because raw olives have oil. Olive oil is a good souce of fats, but it also burns when ignited at high temperatures.

>> No.40062052

Did some research on olives. As long as your soil is mostly dry throughout the year (not desert dry) and full of nitrogen it should work. Olives are very hardy trees. You'll need to drip irrigate them if you want the most fruit. Green olives are for pressing into oil. Purple olives are for curing into black olives. They're also great decorative trees. Also olive oil makes the best tasting French fries next to beef tallow.

>> No.40062094
Quoted by: >>40062223

Apparently, olive oil is great for rubbing on your buddy and looking shiny with as well.

>> No.40062176
File: 260 KB, 248x220, bounce kiwawa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40062335

Alright, Olives are added to "special phoenix treats" along Honey and Lasagna (allegedly)

By the way for any one who wants an easy low hanging fruit way of depicting the KFP as weird/foreign their love for Lafferstrippens are what I'd recomend:
>Look!! The Phoenix!! She has eaten all of the Lasagna AGAIN!!! This is HYSTERICAL!
>Ja! Ja! oooh! remember when Kiarfield smashed the alarm clock and said "I hate the alarm clock!"? that was hilarious!! How can a bird hate an alarm clock? It makes absolutely no sense!!

>> No.40062223

Before soap the Romans used olive oils for massages after baths. Then again Romans don't have a concept of filth. Some Romans drank their own piss. Some trivia for /ringo/ I guess.

>> No.40062335
File: 294 KB, 720x404, 1658994474845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40064321

kek, duly noted

>> No.40064321

Is it wrong to be more interested in rubbing the hip and thigh than the ass?

>> No.40064370
File: 622 KB, 2880x2880, 1654455956138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's rightful and correct. hips and thighs > all

>> No.40064761

I just want to rub a woman's hips. I don't even care about sex.

>> No.40067153

nah i didn't retcon being able to grow a lot of food

>> No.40069517


>> No.40071413


>> No.40071489


>> No.40073423


>> No.40073717

please anchor under intro to warkop.

>> No.40075550


>> No.40076202


>> No.40076985
File: 63 KB, 850x892, __ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_daichi_daichi_catcat__sample-2951a50f12e801d8dc1bbf1d13f7f501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just feels whatever i do is wrong, people said my education is bad, my magic is bad, my mining is bad and now my food is bad too... I fell like i can't write anything without someone telling me why it's bad or wrong and i'm starting to get scared to even write at all.. But the joke is that hags are running out of time, not that they already are empty and hags by age alone are meant to be 30 and above, not 50 and above... And that is why i made them really want husbands so that they will even become mercenaries and researchers to travel the world and find one!!! I don't want to force my nation to be constantly near death to be able to be like that... But families are not about little food of higher quality but having plenty of nice homemade food... I don't think i would be allowed to not eat or drink for so long, i would probably get in trouble for that... I don't want to limit children at all... I don't get this science stuff about animals but i'm not sure i like that. I don't want to treat families like rabbits... I don't want to talk about abusive stuff... I'm not strong and i don't think i can keep talking like that...

>> No.40077157
Quoted by: >>40077585

then just dont. Talk about stuff that makes you happy, have happy families, and so on.

>> No.40077585
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I want to... But i keep getting told i should not have food by people and that i should have bad land and i feel if i do what i want despite that, that i will just mess up and upset people...

>> No.40077600
File: 79 KB, 469x600, cutealice!212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40078028

>It just feels whatever i do is wrong
>people said my education is bad
I think it is fine and you can make it better!!!
> my magic is bad
Magic is everything, but many timeloops come from it.

>my mining is bad
Misunderstanding!!! Mining good!

>my food is bad too
I think this is a misunderstanding, but I will explain later.

ABOVE ALL, YOU NEED TO BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY THIS. IF YOU ARE FEELING LIKE THIS, YOU ARE BEING UNIQUE AND BRINGING SOMETHING NEW TO THE THREAD THAT WE NEED. Trust me when I say this, as this is the sentiment, I get all the time. But let me make this clear to you, don't let the opinions against you force you into this fear of writing, because this fear leads no where. Your thoughts aren't even developed enough for them to get shouted down. BUT, your stuff is really good and I love it. Like I promised. IF NO ONE SUPPORTS YOU I WILL...

Now regarding food.

It is 100% up to you but I think what PG is suggesting isn't being said right. A nation might not be self sufficient on food, but may never run into problems with famines because the nation has stockpiled more than enough food over the years. Any your nation isn't going to have the kind of crisis even if you have to import some food because your soil and climate can allow for a large degree of self sufficiency. Do you understand what I mean my dear friend? It's not black and white here, and there is so much more nuance than "Well, we are at the mercy of others and might starve" because a good society like your own won't let that happen even with a deficency in food production because of stockpiling and having a good enough farm network to where even if you run into problems, your stockpile will never be in danger!!!!!

HOWEVER, Don't let ANYONE tell you that you cannot be self sufficient as it is your nation and we cannot tell you otherwise. Have fun!


>> No.40077855
Quoted by: >>40077878

How many years has Vitubia existed for past the Hyper War? What Century would we be in?

>> No.40077878

1120s to 1130s

>> No.40078028
File: 248 KB, 850x1200, __ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_ashiga_oreta__sample-9ddda24eeec197498c53e0258c940a03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want people to be able to harvest food together and cook together and eat together and then share what they have more of with others!!! But if i don't have enough food for Hagu then i cannot share with VNUGfriend and others anymore...

>> No.40078138
File: 33 KB, 425x600, cutealice!3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40078609

> But if i don't have enough food for Hagu then i cannot share with VNUGfriend and others anymore...
But you can have it both ways my friend. Because the food you share can be different than what you import. I hope you didn't think that what I suggest meant that you cannot have what you want at all but rather is my way of trying to suggest a path that isn't black and white.

>> No.40078173
File: 2.22 MB, 300x350, 1665207256275.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40078609

Don’t worry too much about it! It’s ultimately your decision to say how many food /hag/ can produce and how! Besides /vnug/ is always going to be worse in terms of food production

>> No.40078558
File: 276 KB, 1140x798, E268O8CXIAA19Uc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like you've forgotten that a good amount of hags are Architect practicioners hagman, they'd probably relocate to hag in good numbers after the janny attacks.

>> No.40078609
File: 173 KB, 850x1077, __ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_coro1130__sample-e81495fe3620557f3e3574567d02082e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40078668

But then what people eat in Hagu is not selfmade anymore, family food taste best when you worked for it...
But that's why i want to share with /vnug/!

>> No.40078612
File: 49 KB, 432x600, cutealice!40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually good idea!!!

>> No.40078668
File: 67 KB, 554x600, cutealice!44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40078766

It would make the self made food even more valuable if that makes more sense!!! In the end however, its up to you and you alone since I am just giving friendly suggestions here and all!

>> No.40078681
File: 34 KB, 434x750, 1670722222052201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No i have not forgotten you!!! You are welcome!!

>> No.40078766
File: 93 KB, 850x700, __shirakami_fubuki_hololive_drawn_by_vinhnyu__sample-ac30932584116855c141778c8437e728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think i understand?

>> No.40078941
Quoted by: >>40079069

Ok, let me explain. If everyone has good self made food, that will have the effect of it not being special anymore because well, everyone is used to it right?

>> No.40079069
Quoted by: >>40079159

But that is why you share stuff around? Like places with rice sharing with places with bread?

>> No.40079159
File: 50 KB, 474x668, chigusa!!4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40079282

Nevermind! I think you are getting too confused about what I am saying and that's OK! As your nation is up to you and not me at all!

>> No.40079282
File: 165 KB, 1080x1080, 1672350047792130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry i'm not getting it... I just don't understand why Hagu having lots of food is such a bad thing that no one wants me to...

>> No.40079309
File: 259 KB, 1500x1500, 1669631681093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I want that! Food is nice!

>> No.40079380
Quoted by: >>40079868

I don't think that is the point she was making as much as that, in this world as it is now, there are a ton of nations that have more than enough to give and that there is a big difference between starving and just not being totally self sufficient. Economically, i think the overall point is that it doesn't help you that much even at home since most nations in this era were by no means self sufficient with their food.

>> No.40079868
File: 120 KB, 960x951, Map3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40080285

I this just about type of food? I never said we have everything!!! I made a map before about what would be common in Hagu!! But i don't think that we can have many fruits for example, so we would need to buy those!!! Did i finally get it?

>> No.40080285
Quoted by: >>40080495


>> No.40080495
File: 1.67 MB, 1166x1400, 1657885928392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40083355

Ok!!! I never wanted to have everything!!! I just wanted enough of what we have for people!!!

>> No.40080639
File: 752 KB, 1561x2845, FYQB-t3aQAA6q57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40081130

Alright, I got my qrd from Alice, let me see if I can take a crack at explaining this.

So, If the question is about imported vs self-grown produce and self-sufficiency of regions, let me ask this: What is self-sufficiency? It's where a region or a country can provide all the basic needs, specially food, for itself without any outside help. Now let's see what that might mean in practice: Gruel. And bread. And vegetables. And maybe meat on special holidays. That's it. That's the BASE requirement for a region to be self sufficient in terms of food(we could even take bread and meat off of it desu). You have that. You already made the map with all the different produce you make in different regions, so you have that. You are self-sufficient on a base level, like a large portion of the regions in the world are. Hell, more than base level because you are probably producing a much larger variety of produce than just that.

And here is where imports and trade come into play. Humans, thoughout the history, have always desired things that they do not have, and Hagu is no exception. Do your hags not desire husbands so strongly they would even become mercenaries and researcher in foreign countries just to net one? Desire is what drives us. And if have enough produce that merchants can make long journeys to /vnug/ and other places to trade it, then the trade between the regions in Hagu should be bustling, particularly the food trade. Just your internal trade between regions would see a decent chunk of your food being produces in another region, therefore, not being self-grown by the families. And that is okay.
Imports would be much the same, just another item that would appear on the local markets depending on the demand of the locals. Whether it was imported from abroad or a different region in Hagu matters little.

So to reiterate: Self-sufficiency is something that is relatively easy to achieve, humans do not need a lot of stuff to just survive. But to thrive and indulge themselves in good food, they need trade. Whatever their region does not produce, they can get on the markets from merchants that travelled in. And whether the ingredients used in the food your loving wife/mother poured possibly hours into were grown in your own fields or imported from a country you do not even know the name of ,matters little it's the love and care put into preparing those ingredients that matters.

Hagu is self-sufficient. Because even simple gruel can be delicious if prepared by a skilled cook, which most mothers are. But Hagu also imports a lot of food, because they can always have more. I'ts as simple as that.

>> No.40080873

+Kiara has REALLY nice hips + thighs.

>> No.40080935
File: 126 KB, 799x1200, 1672059165114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40081438

Morning! You know hagbro, more generally. Just because someone has some feedback on something you made, doesn't mean that it's bad! It might just have some areas to improve, or maybe they see things differently to you, but you're both right in some ways. Or maybe sometimes they're wrong kek. You should be more confident in your vision and the things you make and work out.

>> No.40080946
File: 597 KB, 1536x1920, 1656267000459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40081225


>> No.40081130
File: 143 KB, 850x1210, __shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_hoshara__sample-9d378b727ad10546c65e882bd8c4ecdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello mister Cunt!! Yes i get it now, i thought that was common sense that you cannot have everything in one place??? There is lots of stuff we cannot make in Hagu and that we would buy if we want it!! It sounded like people say that even if we make bread that we cannot make enough bread for everyone and that we also need to buy more bread or else people would have to eat less or have less children until they got enough bread for few people!!!

>> No.40081225
File: 2.99 MB, 932x494, Kiara sits on Korone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40081290
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>> No.40081400

Honest non horny question, what is the quality of whores in the Kaiserreich?

>> No.40081438
File: 104 KB, 850x1202, __ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_maru_selinn__sample-93384fbfca9668b1badc973f07684d25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40081928

Morning! Nice to meet you!!! Might i ask who you are? I know that i'm not very smart and i don't understand all the rules about things yet so i think i just make errors a lot. It took a lot of people a lot of hard work to make me understand this food stuff, tho i thought i already did what they wanted... Some people sound like they don't like how i do some things because of that and that it should be different or better before it's fine and i don't want to disappoint or anger those people... I do try to make things that are good and fun for Hagu!!

>> No.40081637
File: 219 KB, 1081x1358, 1672139552223154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that could very well be a thing, and something that you should keep in mind. Definitely not the entirety of Hagu, but some regions would definitely be less prosperous than others, and would have to rely more on trade to get their food. That's just the sad reality of life, I'm afraid. But that would not mean that Hagu as a whole can't produce enough food, just that some areas have more and others less.
I agree with pg when he says that imperfections in a nation are needed, just perhaps not on a level he speaks of. I think a good project would be to choose a few small regions in Hagu, and write them as less than prosperous, and then write about a few regions that are almost idyllic. Show how good life in Hagu can be, and also how some regions inevitably struggle more. I think showing the different sides of the spectrum would help give depth to the nation as a whole.


>> No.40081928
File: 3.11 MB, 1700x1113, 1671804531459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40082895

It's Deadbeat man! Well hagbro, I think different people worldbuild in different ways, and something that makes this project amazing is all those different people bringing different things to it. In most cases doing things your way won't disappoint or anger anyone, anything anyone says to you are just suggestions without strings attached. It's fine if you decide not to use the ideas me or other people give you. But keep in mind that using the perspectives of other people can also enrich your worldbuilding! It's a balancing act between your vision for the nation and the feedback of others, and only you can figure out the point that makes you happy.
Also, speaking of trade, would you like to trade with Moriji? I noticed you have grapes, so if you make wine we'd love to get some. It would also be nice to get some elderberry jam if you produce that. We can trade you tropical spices, s o ybeans and canola oil (great for frying donuts!) for it.

>> No.40082895
File: 624 KB, 850x1200, 1659988556563539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the north makes more than the south because of the climate stuff but we would make sure to share things with them so that they are also having a good life!!! Hagu is one big family and caring for those that struggle is also part of a family!!! I don't think we are perfect, we would probably not get much metal because only men work the mines and we also don't have much sand to make glass or clay to make pots...
Hello mister Deadbeat!!! I don't think i'm good at understanding people. And mister meat seemed really insistent on his idea that i think i was doing already anyway if i now get it right... I don't think we make enough wine with grapes to share around but we would also make wine with elderberries and i think that would be something special form us and we would want to share that around if you want that!! You can also have jam!! I would like those things yes!! Is it ok if i write that down?

>> No.40082997
Quoted by: >>40083487

What grains do you have for bread? You can use those grains for other meals like porridge. While bread is nice to have what you really need is fruit, vegetables, and meat. Potatoes, beef, and fish will fill you better than bread.

As for trade you want to buy the dried grains over premade bread. This means you have to grind your own flour and bake your own bread but grains can be stored for years.

>> No.40083136
File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, 1662346647005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climate stuff
somewhat relevant

>> No.40083226
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What's the Watamate version of Inshallah?

>> No.40083355

so, did you read what i said in my long posts? i understand they might be difficult to read, but you can ask others to help. can you think of one time since you came here where anyone at all told you your lore or whatever was bad, and forced you not to do it? everything i have suggested so far has been a suggestion of how you could refine your ideas, but every time someone says "maybe it would be cool if x" you respond by asking why people are forcing you to do x. do you know how the rest of us interpret phrases like that, especially when that was never the intended interpretation? please don't get upset over this, or start excessively blaming yourself, there is such a thing as a grey area in things, and it should be easier to see if you are constantly jumping back and forth between taking all the blame, blaming everyone else, and feeling confused that it isn't either that you deserve all the blame, or everyone else deserves all the blame. communication is a two way street that is never so black or white, and you'll always be confused if you keep failing to notice that fact.
i suggested you try fasting for a day as an experiment, i'm not sure how well i can explain it other than trying to have you experience it yourself, i assured you once before that no harm will come to you, i just want you to experience what it feels like when you allow yourself to eat again, but in the meantime hopefully alice can help with explaining the rest of things. basically, i am saying that i don't trust untested love, and that there is enough data to show that a system like yours will either collapse or change dramatically without the proper environmental/biological set ups. if you want, you can use your chuubanite to set it up, you just need to say as much and we can come up with something, but it is easier to just not have the problem to begin with, i just want to emphasize that nurturing alone wont do anything to defy biological necessity, or survive natural selection. please let alice do the explaining from this point on, as it seems she is more tactful and might hopefully have a better ability to explain this to you.
also, the idea that trade diminishes your own role in doing things by just "handing out" things and makes you more dependent on others is a false interpretation of trade, and doesn't make sense given how much you already are dependent on others. everyone else is dependent on others, and everyone else has difficulties that they are going through, usually more than just the one, and the fact that, despite you repeatedly bringing up your goal of having /hag/s give their families food, it isn't a retort to my suggestion that you have just enough food to avoid starvation without taking it for granted due to higher scarcity, which i have repeatedly tried to show you how that exact interaction is actually strengthened by a higher focus on quality instead of quantity, so i don't get why you would view and of it as unfair when everything aligns but your opinion which seems to be founded solely on the concept that "low food bad" without appreciating the bigger picture, and how everything fits together. ya, generally speaking the immediate, most recognizable effects of negative attributes are negative, i am asking you to take a step back and look at the long term cause-and-effect relationship between everything so that you realize that these sorts of things can never be so simple as "blessings" or "curses" they can only ever be tradeoffs. i have been awake since before the last time you were around so forgive me if i am retarded rn.
>just perhaps not on a level he speaks of.
are you basing that off of how he depicts me, or what i actually said? i think the places that are almost idyllic would be in a more pitiful existence than the ones that have to struggle to maintain what they have, because it breeds stagnation and weakness. people never seem to think about the fine details in these things, they always think things are just good enough from a glance and therefore that nothing has to be done. when defying convention, you should be expected to be able to explain your system to the fullest detail, when referencing the works of others, you can use them as precedent because you can reliably trust that they have explained those things to the fullest detail, and if we lose the virtue of peer review, all of our mistakes will culminate on top of each other like what has happened with the reproducibility crisis in modern science. am i the only one here who has any standards at all when it comes to world building? surely not, as there are other autists just like me, but i suppose their contributions aren't handwaved away so easily. perhaps the rest of you would prefer it if we changed our name to vt story telling general, or even better, vt writing general, since it's that pesky collaborative element that keeps getting in the way of writing whatever story we want to tell? i'll try to sleep now i guess.

>> No.40083401

not sure how good this is yet, i'll just leave it as is, please don't get too frustrated if i fucked up. i'll try to explain anything later i guess.

>> No.40083487
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Quoted by: >>40086145

I think we have wheat, rye, oats and barley? I think that is the normal ones? I don't think we can get many fruits because of the cold place but we have plenty of vegetables but not many of warm places and potatoes and i think we also should have meat and fish?

>> No.40083616
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>And mister meat seemed really insistent on his idea that i think i was doing already anyway if i now get it right
PG can come across like that, but really he just enjoys helping people understand things and discussing stuff.
Mmm elderberry wine and jam, that sounds good! You can add it to your stuff, of course! I'm gonna add it to our records as well https://rentry.org/x99g4#import-list

>> No.40083713

PG is like, extremely competent(?) if I could describe him. Say that you want to build a slide in your backyard. You leave him to check for errors while you grab a drink. You come back to see him do a Phineas & Ferb and build a whole theme park.

>> No.40083794
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A great story has started in the Central Confederation of Risu. I am pleased to have the opportunity, and I hope you enjoy this story too, as it is one that is a crucial part of the center's present and future yet to come.
Risuna é Nossa!: Dom João o Unificador!

>> No.40083838

>>40083794 (me)
Also please put this under Risu stories. Happy new year.

>> No.40083934
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I tried answering you here: >>40076985 I'm sorry if it comes off as i try to blame everyone but that is not really my intent!!! I think i will wait until you read my other thing because i feel you mention a lot of things that i already answered. But i just don't understand why good things have to be bad and cannot just be good and why only bad things are meant to be good...

>> No.40084154

Why should they accept "low food"? It's fucking stupid.

>> No.40084231

Nah its just alice and pg want you to struggle.

>> No.40084454
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I don't really think that things on a national level can be seen properly on that kind of binary of Good and Bad, which seems like where a lot of confusion is coming from in this convo but I'll see how the others develop it.

>> No.40084864
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Quoted by: >>40086004

>we would make sure to share things with them so that they are also having a good life!!!
There's a good prompt! Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food! Detailing how they go about developing regions that might struggle and giving some examples and how they handle times when harvest is bad. That could be fun to write about, and also explain nicely how you can produce a lot of food and nobody goes hungry for long. Perhaps your government simply invests a lot more into that aspect of the country.

>> No.40085286
Quoted by: >>40085414

Way to make risuners look retarded jackass. Og never approved.

>> No.40085414

So it was a perfect portrayal.

>> No.40086004
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Quoted by: >>40086610

I did mention a Advisor for Agriculture, chosen by a cooking contest in my politic stuff but i didn't get around to creating more yet because i first wanted to do more maps with you and i'm also getting scared of writing about food at all...

>> No.40086145

Well if you're warm enough to grow grains then you're warm enough to have summer berries at least.

>> No.40086566

Right man at the right time, interested to see what happens.

>> No.40086610
File: 190 KB, 1080x1920, Activating all kinds of neurons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40086798

>scared of writing about food at all...
Eh don't be like that. As long as you do some good research into what kinds of foods different regions can produce, it should all work out. Vnugget is particularly good when it comes to research, so I would ask him for some pointers.

>> No.40086798
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Quoted by: >>40087571

I honestly don't feel like writing at all anymore, it's not fun at all anymore and just really stressful... Can't we do maps together again? I had lots of fun with that!!!

>> No.40087521

future King? pretty based.

>> No.40087571
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Don't give up writing, there is a lot of fun to be had in stories if that's your style. I know hard lore is something I am not a fan of doing myself.

>> No.40087635

Why does it always have to be this gay shit of kronies look like retards and no one being able to do anything write except main character.

>> No.40087686

They want Kronies out of risu, which is frankly sad honestly. Introducing all of these random nations to risu to replace the true friendship that always existed between the two threads.

>> No.40087721

Ending the special friendship…

>> No.40087751

you know how it is, fuck infinity right? make them drooling idiots and needing others to save risu. punishing them for meta too.

>> No.40087777

>one guy looks dumb
>grrr push them out

>> No.40087807
Quoted by: >>40087868

OG never approved this nor did Ri2ner. This is just self intersert bullshit again and every story is not even lore as we all know.

>> No.40087868
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I don't like it.

>> No.40087925
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Quoted by: >>40087973

Also OGsuner, I am afraid that Risuners will be killed in uuu because your antics.

>> No.40087973
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Quoted by: >>40088172

Sounds good to me UwU

>> No.40088071
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Quoted by: >>40088131

you faggots really think I give a shit about lore? All i want to do is fuck Vnugboi. I get others to write lore for me while I sexuhara anons. Seems like a win win to me. Happy new year fuckers.

>> No.40088131

fucking puppet.

>> No.40088172

Fuck you OGcocksucker

>> No.40088263


>> No.40092354
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>> No.40092499

New bread
