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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 415 KB, 1955x2514, 1660787666048702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33996291 No.33996291 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)






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Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
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NijiEN song playlist:
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Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>33990986

>> No.33996314

Rape correcting Mysta Rias!

>> No.33996317
File: 367 KB, 2086x2527, aia63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aia, my beloved

>> No.33996329

dead dying fanbase

>> No.33996335
File: 526 KB, 1332x1493, 65f087d854962f3bcdc6e5822e836aec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aster tranny arc incoming

>> No.33996337

Sex with Mysta

>> No.33996339


>> No.33996341
File: 1016 B, 56x61, 1660568971738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make picrel fucking stop???

>> No.33996349
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sonny LOVE

>> No.33996352
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Guess Vox took a 3 hour shit.

>> No.33996362
File: 126 KB, 1500x1500, EAB01CC7-0DDC-4280-81BD-0AC0870C255D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta love!

>> No.33996372


>> No.33996391


>> No.33996393
File: 359 KB, 1366x2048, FD1zA-DakAArlvN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu MY woman

>> No.33996401

he needs more fiber

>> No.33996402

what the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.33996405
File: 178 KB, 2048x1743, FdgfxxuVQAEr6Pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta love!

>> No.33996424
File: 817 KB, 2894x4093, __enna_alouette_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_sakai_eri_illustratoreri__758bfa58c5cc48fd4a1e0e3df6119413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33996595

Ena Earlwet

>> No.33996430
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>> No.33996431
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their love

>> No.33996443
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Feesh LOVE!

>> No.33996445 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33996448

he’s so gross, do kindreds actually like that or do they think “oh milord is so quirky”

>> No.33996449

Goddamn they really have it good when they're complaining about even shit like this

>> No.33996457


>> No.33996460

waow japanese ninja

>> No.33996475
File: 2 KB, 125x124, 1663863874327139s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like that kind of music
dont disappoint me ninaur

>> No.33996487

Youtube is an international platform it doesn't represent a country
Bilibili even through it is used by alot of asian countries, still represent china and comply to china demands

>> No.33996502
File: 2.40 MB, 2894x4093, F1770F9A-E702-4C42-A389-353D3EFAE207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33996618

I love my daughterwife!

>> No.33996507
Quoted by: >>33996856

Nina's karaoke is starting

>> No.33996511
File: 64 KB, 509x680, snban hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent seen a lot of all members hp houses fa actually. There are a lot of individual ones. (For that one anon who asked in the last thread)

>> No.33996510

stop saying wet

>> No.33996521

tmi but i guess he ain’t a pussy

>> No.33996532

Sort tweets by latest instead of the default home option and you won't get recommended shit outside of your follows.

>> No.33996545
Quoted by: >>33996755

So use niconicodouga

>> No.33996549
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Quoted by: >>33996609

i love them

>> No.33996580


>> No.33996585


>> No.33996588


>> No.33996595


>> No.33996597
File: 394 KB, 1244x2048, 6F8716BB-E5EE-4902-B26C-01B7FF0C43A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca love!

>> No.33996609
File: 489 KB, 800x713, FPl5uZPaMAEaoF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss them

>> No.33996618
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We love your daughterwife too.

>> No.33996620
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>> No.33996623

How is it that it has nearly been s year and Nina STILL doesn't have a proper stream intro?

>> No.33996628

Moist and Gushy

>> No.33996650

She actually did but she removed it.

>> No.33996656
Quoted by: >>33996688

Nagaos english has gotten so much better damn

>> No.33996669

numberfag but lazy pls andastand

>> No.33996683


>> No.33996687
File: 238 KB, 513x409, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33996729

I am enjoying Reimu's stream today too. She just made a pomu piss joke, she went like:
>chat i have to pee
>chat was like then go pee gurl!
>then reimu said ok, OPEN UP
then I was like bruh, we're not pomudachis, that's pomu's thing. It was funny. kek

>> No.33996688

It was Millie's help

>> No.33996712

Fucking muted I'm sorry Nina

>> No.33996715


>> No.33996729


>> No.33996734


>> No.33996748
File: 447 KB, 473x585, image_2022-09-26_020744806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga sleepin! das crazzzyyyyy

>> No.33996753
Quoted by: >>33996842

Holy shit i think she actually practiced

>> No.33996755

That's a fair point
but wouldn't be us losing our minds for a NND logo being destroyed only JOPs
bonus outrage points if Enna/Petra/Selen destroys it

>> No.33996757
Quoted by: >>33996842

It's not that bad, it's rough sure but she hits some of the notes

>> No.33996765
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Quoted by: >>33996875

>> No.33996783

jesus fucking christ literally everyone in the QRTs that are angry are below the age of 16

>> No.33996792
Quoted by: >>33996842

she actually improved since her first one

>> No.33996793
File: 114 KB, 306x423, 000033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected cringe, not bad ninaur.

>> No.33996808

>joined Nina’s stream
>stayed for a song
>close the browser
Thank you nina, I feel the world is a better place now without your singing

>> No.33996821
File: 144 KB, 248x293, 1663727391168428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not as bad as i expected

>> No.33996823

Guys you told me nina sucks at singing but this isnt even that bad

>> No.33996842

Don't forget to thank Millie btw

>> No.33996856
File: 36 KB, 374x360, Millie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33996864


>> No.33996872

You can see that working with a vocal coach actually has helped her a lot..
Now if only selen would do the same

>> No.33996875

I’ve been busy with vidya, what caused the sudden flood of nijien harry potter fanarts?

>> No.33996876

Sure, I will Come

>> No.33996882

I don't know why you guys are pretending Nina got better at singing, did I miss a memo? is this the beginning of a new shitpost where you'll start saying nina does belong in the singer wave ethyria?

>> No.33996886

You know what, Nina's singing sounds much better than last time I've heard. That's by far the biggest singing improvement of any chuuba I've ever heard. Still a long way to top NIjiEN singers, but she's definitely better than Rosemi, for example.

>> No.33996891
File: 404 KB, 2289x2381, 1645967337251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie, I kneel

>> No.33996894

Milord titties...

>> No.33996896
Quoted by: >>33997092

Saw this from a mile away. Sooner or later Aster will start using she/her

>> No.33996910
File: 24 KB, 590x131, Humid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33996915

oh she got a vocal coach? good for her

>> No.33996930

Damn, she improved a lot

>> No.33996936
Quoted by: >>33996989

watching vod in the dead hours


>> No.33996940
File: 113 KB, 512x512, 1658548201279245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking Nina shitposts itt seriously

>> No.33996946
Quoted by: >>33997036

Rosemi and Elira did a sorting hat stream

>> No.33996947

her singing improvement arc only started after otakuthon too, not that bad.

>> No.33996949
Quoted by: >>33997032

Pretty sure she's using autotune...

>> No.33996951

Men are uncreative please andastan

>> No.33996956
File: 90 KB, 871x871, 1662782205070862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not bad karaoke
>orisong coming up
>mfw Ethyria is now finally the singer wave

>> No.33996962

Harry Potter house sorting stream

>> No.33996969

>Now if only selen would do the same
I would assume she is at least doing some kind of training since she has the original song coming

>> No.33996989

Oh that was pretty fun

>> No.33996990
Quoted by: >>33997619

Mom van karaoke was peak soul but no one would argue it was good. This is head and shoulders above that

>> No.33997002
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>> No.33997003
File: 125 KB, 480x480, 1662284561470231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Selen gets into a game vs Korone I might actually do a cum tribute

>> No.33997008
Quoted by: >>33997619

you didn't hear how bad she was before? her singing used to be intolerable for me. this isn't nearly as bad

>> No.33997009
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, 1639341870223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

padoru padoru

>> No.33997016

Now Ethyria truly is the singer wave

>> No.33997021

@me when she does.

>> No.33997022
Quoted by: >>33997619

>did watch a single second of her first karaoke
this is leagues better, she was selen tier before

>> No.33997032

This. Someone update the grudgedoc

>> No.33997034
Quoted by: >>33997161

What's this about?

>> No.33997036

Oh I’ll add it on my backlog of vods, thanks.

>> No.33997045

her setlist is fucking based so far

>> No.33997064
Quoted by: >>33997619

I'm sorry anon but if you listened to nijisanji radio, her karaoke was awful. It was sovl but Rosemi and Selen were more on pitch than she was.
That last one was actually almost all on key

>> No.33997066
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, MillieCOME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33997073
File: 1.44 MB, 2829x3575, 1664100020153319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny RAPE

>> No.33997081
File: 203 KB, 2047x1754, FdepNsOX0AANywq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33997142

>> No.33997092

Yup, and he'll try to rope the other boys into troonism too, as he's already doing.

>> No.33997095
Quoted by: >>33997577

This is what a vocal coach does to a motherfucker..
Get one for all of them Noor

>> No.33997107

Nina has certainly improved. Credit to her for spending money on herself rather than trying to groom the guys aboard

>> No.33997128
Quoted by: >>33997170

Even Nina can't avoid the Ethyria problem of talking too much in between songs.

>> No.33997129

It will start with his cover
>All illustrations of the MV will have big boobs
Aster will become nijiEN's babiniku by force

>> No.33997138

>sweaty sexy pop punk fox mom
God i forgot how hot nina was

>> No.33997142

This would be more suited for Finana, right?

>> No.33997161

both playing splatoon I guess

>> No.33997170

its tradition

>> No.33997171

Ethyria - singer wave?
Ethyria - singer wave!

>> No.33997174
Quoted by: >>33997619

She's still bad, but this is leaps and bounds better than her last karaoke. I'm just giving credit where credit is due, she's putting in the work, even if she's not at the point I would call her actually 'good', this is just not as bad as before.

>> No.33997183

I finished watching the noctyx collab vod and even after 7 months they still are soft for yugo uh....cute. too bad they cut the collab short, it was really fun and I like their chemistry as a group. It really feels like they let loose when they're together and are more unhinged between them . It was really fun.

>> No.33997186

what happened to vox getting a vocal coach too? I missed his last unarchived, did he improve too?

>> No.33997190


>> No.33997206

Ener Earlwet

>> No.33997215

He's doing a karaoke on his return in October anon

>> No.33997219


>> No.33997241

I planned to stop watching once she sings something that isn't based and I don't recognize
Not looking good for me

>> No.33997261

FOB songs are hard as fuck to sing. People dont give enough credit to patrick stumps crazy range

>> No.33997266

im coaching his vocal chords with my cock

>> No.33997277

>did he improve too
No. It was sovl, but objectively awful

>> No.33997278

While we're on topic, who's the worst singer in EN so Noor can fix them?

>> No.33997293
File: 189 KB, 1706x2048, FdgBhdKVUAE29Da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Pomu, she's my shining star!

>> No.33997303

Sonny please play Gundam Evolution

>> No.33997306

Kyo only wants to do rap covers, sooooo

>> No.33997323

we can't buy it in australia

>> No.33997324

Who is noor?

>> No.33997325
Quoted by: >>33997448


>> No.33997332


>> No.33997338

Selen Vox and Fulgur

>> No.33997345

selen does karaoke but she doesn't sound like she's singing for most of them

>> No.33997352

>opened Ren pov post splatoon collab to see if Selen stayed on VC with him
Why his voice is so fucking on his own streams? the Kyo adhd clip was low af too

>> No.33997362
Quoted by: >>33997405

Nina is in a fucking cave lmao

>> No.33997374


>> No.33997389
File: 804 KB, 2560x2894, 20220925_122113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33997395

selen... she sounds cute though

>> No.33997396

Selen but the bad singing is cute

>> No.33997398
Quoted by: >>33997448

Rosemi must have some kind of tone deafness. She cannot hit the notes even though it's in her range

>> No.33997405

Yeah a sex cave

>> No.33997420

Anon the game is technically region blocked in Australia
You can download it with a vpn like i did but you'd probably get shit if you did it as a corpo for Niji

>> No.33997432

>Nina mentions possible Russian karaoke
Please do, I'll watch even if I cringe through the whole stream

>> No.33997440

I don't know this one

>> No.33997448

Rosemi's original song was good though, so I can't call her the worst singer now

>> No.33997465

What cool builds do you want to see on the new minecraft server?

>> No.33997467
File: 1.85 MB, 2048x1153, 367FDC4C-1443-49FD-B4E8-C5796F20669B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk bout u guys but I still prefer (True) Ethyria.

>> No.33997486

its russian karaoke but its origa songs

>> No.33997496

Watch one of her karaokes..

>> No.33997498

That wasn't half bad. The chorus is better than the rest imo

>> No.33997501


>> No.33997507

Selen but she doesn't seem possible to improve. She has the unique combination of no sense of timing, no sense of tone and the inability to differentiate her singing voice from her speaking voice

>> No.33997517

reimu’s model is so fucking ugly

>> No.33997522

Stop trying to remove Petra from Obsydia

>> No.33997527

something build in a large natural cavern could be cool, pomu

>> No.33997540
Quoted by: >>33998283

Selen & Vox First Take only Turing love duet when?
imagine how gutted it would be

>> No.33997573

It was heavily auto tuned anon, she sounds good in Black Out too, but she is quite literally tone deaf

>> No.33997577

crazy really
hell Kyo is getting coaching from Enna and he sounds pretty ok now

>> No.33997604

Sauron tower made by Elira

>> No.33997619

>they actually believe nina
>she sang bad on purpose in the first karaoke, you can tell because she exaggerated how bad she was. vtuber fans are so gullible, well done queen.

>> No.33997630

fucking bratty petra turning me on....

>> No.33997642

Millie making Dalaran in the sky

>> No.33997662

His ebonics filter me hard

>> No.33997667

Obsydia might as well not exist if I'm being honest.
Selen became a numberfag
Rosemi doesn't collab that often anymore but likes Elira more
Petra prefers every other wave

>> No.33997670
File: 27 KB, 488x469, 000040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33997678
Quoted by: >>33997726

Citizens of Dalaran!
Raise your eyes to the skies and observe! Today our world’s destruction has been averted in defiance of our very makers!
Algalon the Observer, herald of the titans, has been defeated by our brave comrades in the depths of the titan city of Ulduar.
Algalon was sent here to judge the fate of our world. He found a planet whose races had deviated from the titans’ blueprints. A planet where not everything had gone according to plan.
Cold logic deemed our world not worth saving. Cold logic, however, does not account for the power of free will. It’s up to each of us to prove this is a world worth saving. That our lives… our lives are worth living.

>> No.33997684
File: 61 KB, 193x184, 1656175200820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33997986

What Russians songs does Nina even like? Knowing Nina's taste it probably will be just zemfira, ranetki and t.A.T.u. it will be still kino though

>> No.33997687
File: 237 KB, 620x310, 1661917049041755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely you need to record this in the greater doc of grudges

>> No.33997689

big skeleton

>> No.33997692
Quoted by: >>33997726

Millie is a WoWfag?

>> No.33997723

>Ren is listening in

>> No.33997726

Nah, but it fits since she is a >Mage (Witch)

>> No.33997727

Kek. I mean I wish that was the case but I was there for her mombership karaoke and it was also not very good

>> No.33997732

My lil bro is doing well, I love it

>> No.33997738

dynamite launcher
dynamite bomber

>> No.33997746

Im back in high school again before my mom died. Take me back

>> No.33997755

Great Wall

>> No.33997759

ren is cute in chat

>> No.33997768

Ren should give Nina some of that blue sugar

>> No.33997778

free ethyria from their incurable disease of talking too much in-between songs

>> No.33997783

>Selen became a numberfag
t.Narrative fag

>> No.33997788


>> No.33997790

she sings well but I just can't, sorry

>> No.33997802

Have you ever contributed to the EN minecraft server?
I told my oshi to build something once and they did it so every time someone walks past it I'm filled with an indescribable sense of happiness.

>> No.33997825
File: 96 KB, 213x292, 1656177531423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33997836

Nina sex

>> No.33997838

This shit is going straight in the google doc, sis

>> No.33997840
Quoted by: >>33997859

t. delusional faggon

>> No.33997851
File: 370 KB, 550x592, B0387EEB-F1C5-4D39-ABE5-AECC28893722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33997852

nina is above rosemi now, but shes still below selen.

>> No.33997855

Milking farm. I am the one getting milked

>> No.33997859

Cope and seethe, catalogfaggot

>> No.33997863

If she sings give you hell I'd kneel

>> No.33997868
File: 50 KB, 240x240, hatCome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In any case, Nina's improvement is noticeable. Good for her.

>> No.33997869

My oshi hasn't even logged on the server....

>> No.33997879

life before vtubers...

>> No.33997886
File: 40 KB, 411x411, Aia3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP your mum, anon. Sincerely

>> No.33997888
File: 1016 KB, 1024x1024, 1642224554979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33997894

why do girls get nipple piercings, maririn?

>> No.33997897

okay this is what im talkin about, hell yeah bro

>> No.33997898

selen barely sings

>> No.33997924

Feel free to point out the last time she collabed with an en member who gets lower numbers.
It was Rosemi and she played a game of Fortnite with her back before their new outfits and Selen didn't stream her POV

>> No.33997928

>Selen became a numberfag
I literally don't get how this is true ? She doesn't do anything different from other people,more so she often collabs with 3 viewed chubas and people(Like apex streamers), you know she can spam vshojo collabs every week to get the numbers but she doesn't

>> No.33997938

There's no streams scheduled today, it feels so barren

>> No.33997950
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 1654741908159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina's sweaty hug tits AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.33997951

My sister has her nips pierced.....

>> No.33997979

no way, i actually can watch this stream Selen karaoke was too much for me

>> No.33997986
Quoted by: >>33998094

it will be fucking Vitas, ebanko, early leningrad, ak-47

>> No.33997995

My ex had them. Only got it to enhance things sexually. Which was based

>> No.33997997

how do u know this...

>> No.33998006
Quoted by: >>33998173

Feel free to come back when you understand that she just hang out with people who actually click with her the most
btw, she still does a lot of collabs with KR / ID and Twitch 2views

>> No.33998012

everything pomu built was instucted by me directing her through licking her clit under the desk while she played

>> No.33998022

It's literally /#/ projection, as she was the girl with the best numbers in the branch for a long time. Look at how they claim the blue rabbit for themselves for the same reason.

>> No.33998025
File: 292 KB, 96x96, 1655798163722.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pics of your sister's tits now

>> No.33998053
Quoted by: >>33998198

every girl that is not Enna get lower numbers than her
but ok... have fun

>> No.33998055

Elira Pendora titfuck!

>> No.33998058

Anon do you think siblings don't talk about stuff like that. Also they're very visible when you're only wearing a shirt or bra

>> No.33998064
File: 65 KB, 460x459, 1654781010185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33998124

>> No.33998094

This is what Kyo would listen to if he was russian

>> No.33998101

this setlist is such a throwback...

>> No.33998102
File: 243 KB, 497x497, 1663530159029027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an only child...

>> No.33998124
File: 259 KB, 460x459, tiredenna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33998133

fuckkk I love this song. My happy years.. bring me back T^T

>> No.33998142

So Maripedos aren’t just posting her cause of Cunny? What’s the appeal then?

>> No.33998143
Quoted by: >>33998201

I'm just a notch in Nina's bedpost

>> No.33998157

just admit you peeked at your sister changing breh

>> No.33998173

give up, the cope now is restricting the "Selen is a #fag" to EN collabs only

>> No.33998198

She views EN differently than ID, JP and Indies. In the past 4 months there's only been collab that she's had with an en member who is smaller than she is. It was Rosemi and fortnite. Selen also didn't stream her POV for it.
It's not /#/fag projection, I did my research and reached the conclusion on my own. It makes sense that she views EN differently.
Pomu makes more money than she does. Pomus unironically the most successful girl in en.

>> No.33998201

I wanna be one of the people that left her well loved....

>> No.33998202
File: 175 KB, 348x396, 1635968461149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33998211
File: 72 KB, 678x738, 1663985572342586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33998262

Ehm... henlo I am miima, certified doctor in mens health. Did you know that homoerotic performances BOOST testosterone by 78%?
Try it out with your best friends... visualise the gains!!!

>> No.33998218
Quoted by: >>33998267

Nina 100000000% was that girl in her Emo friend group who encouraged the guys to kiss. Because being "Bi" was fine if you was Emo.

>> No.33998220

Petra works better in Lazulight, Ethyria, and Luxiem.

>> No.33998234
File: 109 KB, 1500x1500, Selinlol 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A fucking Pomunigger

>> No.33998240

You've been ranting about this for a week now

>> No.33998262

Is Shu Yamino one of your patient?

>> No.33998267

>Because being "Bi" was fine if you was Emo
W-wait it isn't?

>> No.33998272
Quoted by: >>33998308

Now superchat matters for the #fag discussion?
get a grip of what you want to sperg about

>> No.33998273

I took her to hot topic on her birthday and she asked me if I would buy her some of their nipple jewelry because she didn't have many since she got them pierced.
She's an adult so I shrugged and said sure.

>> No.33998278
File: 1.76 MB, 786x765, -25d3972652d00b5b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33998349

Nina love !

>> No.33998283

honestly I’d like that

>> No.33998290

Pentomo's hands typed this post

>> No.33998293
File: 1.15 MB, 1133x1404, 1638063688803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to himself at the same time everyday to force a loop

>> No.33998308
Quoted by: >>33998440

Nah I'm just saying that the only people selen collabs with in en are more successful than her in some metric.

>> No.33998319


>> No.33998325

Rosemi makes more money than Pomu

>> No.33998340

I love Nina now wtf

>> No.33998346

>I want to be the one to introduce you to this song
Nina, this is literally one of the most popular songs in my country back in the day..

>> No.33998345
Quoted by: >>33998448

only hinder song i remember is Get Stoned

>> No.33998347
File: 36 KB, 651x651, 1664122129482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will give sonny the warmest and biggest hug when I see him on the streets of Australia!

>> No.33998349
Quoted by: >>33998383

talentless leech

>> No.33998354


>> No.33998363
File: 149 KB, 316x373, 000097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33998386

Oh I know this one.

>> No.33998371

I took her virginity btw

>> No.33998381
Quoted by: >>33998479


>> No.33998383

...but enough about shoto, this is NijiEN after all

>> No.33998386
Quoted by: >>33998429

post your ennarchive

>> No.33998389

disgusting pomudachis, raping pentomos and being brazilian. we must eradicate the pomudachis

>> No.33998405 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 1000x598, 1659011156337220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lips of an Angel

>> No.33998408

i dont know this song but its making me nostalgic either way..

>> No.33998413

I typed this

>> No.33998429
File: 222 KB, 368x338, 000115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33998475

It's just a folder bro.

>> No.33998437


>> No.33998440
Quoted by: >>33998651

This is shocking part were you discover that NijiEN is not a fucking family and everyone have their own group

>> No.33998447

what's it like being a wild animal bro?

>> No.33998448

I'll honestly say that hinder wasn't half bad for a Nickelback esque dad/dude rock kinda band.
Then their lead singer had to quit because he couldn't stay clean and they kinda sucked after that

>> No.33998465

Do we like Nina now?

>> No.33998470
Quoted by: >>33998495

I legitimately thought this wasa bon jovi song...

>> No.33998469

That was a nice touch

>> No.33998475
File: 37 KB, 247x68, 1655988990865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33998534

Upload it

>> No.33998479
Quoted by: >>33998564

does it exist in the karafun??

>> No.33998488

Wtf Mysta is based?

t. ourist

>> No.33998493

not nijien bro, take your 2view and go

>> No.33998495

... how???

>> No.33998508

I always liked her

>> No.33998514

I don't hate her anymore but not enough to say like

>> No.33998519

>Aster cosplayed wearing only a bra, big hoodie, and thigh-highs
is Aster gay?

>> No.33998527

brb queing this song up and finding a good spice and wolf doujin

>> No.33998530


>> No.33998531

You likely weren't of age during the Emo fad anon, but being Bi/Gay wasn't as publicly acceptable as it is now. MySpace and VampireFreaks, these are the platforms the Emo and Goth kids would use to congregate and be more "open" about what they liked. Became popular enough now that Emo is it's own gay porn sub-genre.

Fuck, gay marriage was only legalised like a decade ago for most first world western nations

>> No.33998534
File: 113 KB, 562x602, 000172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33998540

Breaking Benjamin Diary of Jane and I will kneel

>> No.33998545

always appreciated her taste in music

>> No.33998551

I never disliked her, but her streaming became irregular after her ‘vacation’.

>> No.33998560

can Hags be cute?

>> No.33998564


>> No.33998568

hand-crafted for cock

>> No.33998569

Honeys were always here, we just stopped trying to argue

>> No.33998582


>> No.33998584

is anybody archiving this? i wanna relisten to lips of an angel now....

>> No.33998592
Quoted by: >>33998681

better question is if they can ever be not cute

>> No.33998602
File: 120 KB, 1280x1280, 1658848761056507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33998604
Quoted by: >>33998692

I want to hear some Jimmy Eat World

>> No.33998619
File: 887 KB, 848x812, 1651974112507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never stopped, i just don't spam her or her images wantonly

>> No.33998622

i forget she exists unless she does some sus shit which tends to happen often

>> No.33998626
File: 60 KB, 218x232, 1662945767213565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33998629

All hags are cute, go visit /hag/ to verify

>> No.33998632

Green Day

>> No.33998633
Quoted by: >>33998697


>> No.33998639

im indifferent but she improved so much so I'm happy for her

>> No.33998651

Dragoon, your oshi is a numberfag. That's all there is to it. She likes big numbers. I said nothing about family or anything like that but if you wanna go there, it's weird how none of the other girls seem to have any qualms about collabing with people smaller than they are in en. Only selen.

>> No.33998678

sorry I'm not dateing myself Nina
yes I was born before 1994

>> No.33998681

hags cant be cute they can only be sexy

>> No.33998684
File: 137 KB, 900x900, 1664086202824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear diary. anons are more receptive to nina's singing, just goes to show that anyone can improve

>> No.33998687

Aia's hairy lower lips

>> No.33998690

Holy shit that's alot of black hearts

>> No.33998689
Quoted by: >>33998844

Mio will always be the #1 hag. Best hag vtuber

>> No.33998692

You and i are best friends now

>> No.33998697

Her bum-hole virginity?

>> No.33998701

we have /hag/ for a reason bro

>> No.33998700


>> No.33998703


>> No.33998726

nina is stoned

>> No.33998731
Quoted by: >>33998922

Why would selen stream her pov for the rosemi Fortnite shit when it was an impromptu collab since she wanted to play with Rosemi?

>> No.33998742

I fucking hate Luca now for disrespecting this

>> No.33998751

he/her whore

>> No.33998757

I kinda want early 20s Nina as a chuuba. She must've been wild

>> No.33998770

I warmed up to her zatsus. happy her singing is improved and more of her fun tastes can come through

>> No.33998780

>he doesn't know

>> No.33998788

Is there anyone in niji playing splatoon right now

>> No.33998790

>/vt/ went from shitting on Nina's first karaoke to loving her second one
Sasuga fox lady, seems like you improved yourself

>> No.33998794
Quoted by: >>33998854

what is it??

>> No.33998807
File: 278 KB, 486x444, 1635124196019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're straight up doxxing him in the QRTs now.
I hope this deters him from ever playing Genshit on stream again. Fucking cancerous fanbase.

>> No.33998817
Quoted by: >>33999663

>She never dropped a game because of low CCV
>She still does a lot of collabs with 3views
>She doesn't spam Luxiem collabs like Nina did
>She doesn't stream POVs that could reach high numbers
You are retarded

>> No.33998824

if only she would stop holding back right now...

>> No.33998838

>last time Selen collab with exclusively someone smaller was Finana
and was a boring ass collab, go figure

>> No.33998844

Hard to argue, though shizurin can give her a run for her money in my eyes. post winking 3d live mio

>> No.33998849

zoomer please understand

>> No.33998854

Nina sang this with Sonny and Luca and he said it's sad old people music

>> No.33998865
Quoted by: >>33999087

>Nina's sang 8 songs in less than an hour

>> No.33998871
File: 471 KB, 753x384, unknown-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33998986

>> No.33998878

How the fuck did that set them off, this is so bizzare
Genshitters are so fucking weird

>> No.33998879

I love it when our streamers actually practice and improve themselves.

>> No.33998889


>> No.33998899

nigger what the fuck
everyone loves painting 4chan as the boogeyman but twitter minors are way fucking worse

>> No.33998900


>> No.33998902

It always makes me happy when a liver's reputation goes up. All of them deserve love and support except Shu

>> No.33998910

Nina is afraid of Lucubs’ wrath

>> No.33998908
File: 109 KB, 1327x590, 7585ed02f3168736761740c5daa53680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33998909
Quoted by: >>33999061

The funny thing about all of the songs Nina has picked is there's nothing important in these spoilers you've been bamboozled

>> No.33998915

Nah people loved her mom van karaoke stream where she just let it rip without trying to sound good cause the track list was great. This is having our cake and eating it to now

>> No.33998922

I get that. I'm just pointing out that selen doesn't ever stream her POV when she's collabing with smaller members on the rare chance that she does actually collab with someone smaller. I spent a long time looking through twitch vods, pings of her being on someone else's stream and yt vods. In the past 4 months that's the only collab with a smaller en member that hasn't been sponsored, I might have missed one, I'm not infallible but if I did, nobody has pointed it out yet.

>> No.33998928
File: 498 KB, 472x477, 849012705326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33998969

I downloaded project sekai

>> No.33998953

Can she sing break stuff.. i need more versions of that song

>> No.33998969 [SPOILER] 
File: 543 KB, 1440x546, 1651061364802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33999095


>> No.33998974
File: 19 KB, 674x158, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33999112

Why are Kyomies like this...

>> No.33998985


>> No.33998986
File: 60 KB, 870x1081, 1661319512463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33999022


>> No.33998990

the lack of self-awareness...

>> No.33999004

Doxxing a real human over fictional characters... Underage twitterfags are fucking weird

>> No.33999022
File: 707 KB, 1182x606, 1658554717784630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33999031

Based Nina, fucking based

>> No.33999038
Quoted by: >>33999080

Reminder that genshitters doxxed an artist because she made a shipping chart of ships she liked and it was all hetero
Genshin fandom is the most toxic fanbase in recent memory

>> No.33999048
Quoted by: >>33999194

don't check they/it profile btw LOL

>> No.33999054
File: 342 KB, 1640x2222, FcwVcRdacAESvi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our precious lovely Rosemi-sama~

>> No.33999061
File: 748 KB, 512x512, 1656365653000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33999080
Quoted by: >>33999150

>doxxed an artist because she made a shipping chart of ships she liked and it was all hetero
That makes the shipping timeloops here seems tame.

>> No.33999085
File: 219 KB, 424x424, 1631316102101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina gf doko...

>> No.33999084


>> No.33999087

her plan is to raid aster bday after this.

>> No.33999095
File: 415 KB, 2048x2048, 1640044273708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33999141


>> No.33999112

Why are fameliras like this....

>> No.33999117
File: 3.09 MB, 3000x3000, 1640816267958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my fox hag...

>> No.33999135

>I'm just pointing out that selen doesn't ever stream her POV when she's collabing with smaller members
>those Crab game collabs
>The Forest collabs
>That Roblox collab with L*ca

>> No.33999139
File: 162 KB, 958x1200, 000019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a big sister like Nina....

>> No.33999141
File: 685 KB, 400x300, 1662997038294463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33999147
File: 101 KB, 300x300, 64564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting twitter screencaps it increases my urge to end it all

>> No.33999150

bro 4chan is tame nowdays to the toxicity of underage twitter brats in shipping wars
its fucking nuts

>> No.33999178

>specifically mad about the 13 year old tiktok stans part
>is actually 13
can't make this shit up

>> No.33999185
Quoted by: >>33999216

nta but can you both stop shitting the thread, or wait after the karaoke. Nobody cares about your nth selen timeloop.

>> No.33999186


>> No.33999194

>they/it profile
Please... they need to touch grass and see the world out there

>> No.33999211
File: 1.79 MB, 1300x1820, cute nina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it i'm dumping my cute nina folder

>> No.33999216

Fuck off Numberfag

>> No.33999235
File: 65 KB, 300x300, 1641283271306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when people would say Mystakes /here/ were in the wrong for not wanting him to play Genshit?
Now you know why.

>> No.33999283

This is your only chance so take it.

>> No.33999281
File: 583 KB, 700x1200, cute nina 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33999284

well at least his rants about the haters would be warranted now

>> No.33999286

Based Neenaw

>> No.33999287
File: 498 KB, 900x900, 1648845934445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when you were 13 y/o anons?
I was playing runescape and TF2 and shitposting in TF2 forums.
And browsing /v/ like every 13 year old of course.

>> No.33999300
File: 741 KB, 2894x4093, 1658093957130605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hag love!

>> No.33999306

Genshin's fanbase is a combination of the worst elements you can think of.
Its a gacha and yet the fans treat it like a proper action game because they can't convince their mom or dad to buy them actual shit. Its fans are sadly old enough to be on Twitter and also be completely and utterly obnoxious because of the era they grew up in. The character designs are only made for lewds and yet half of the fans hate being reminded of that.

>> No.33999351
File: 2.00 MB, 1500x2121, cute nina 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33999361
File: 601 KB, 831x816, 1633978623065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33999436

I was being groomed by a 21y/o

>> No.33999371
File: 442 KB, 495x635, 1656877379568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uohhh.... cute nerdy pentomo must rape...

>> No.33999376
File: 221 KB, 2048x1428, 1653769498468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33999379

Reading cringe fanfics on fanfiction.net or livejournal

>> No.33999380
File: 36 KB, 457x400, 1654764404633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Genshin with a passion and its not about anything game related. It just seems to bring out the worst in people in a retarded way. My friends fought over it with tierlists and metafagging that I couldn't manage to have fun anymore. I'm glad I dropped that cursed game.

>> No.33999383
File: 23 KB, 314x314, 000034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33999403
File: 398 KB, 3035x2150, 1649300271676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33999421
Quoted by: >>33999547

AK's getting a new anime so should we expect AK sponsorships?

>> No.33999426
File: 252 KB, 512x512, FRcfWLJVcAEPNaF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33999436


>> No.33999438
File: 194 KB, 900x887, cute nina 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33999440
Quoted by: >>33999906

>Crab game
Massive collab
I don't remember her having a pov in any amogus stream
>The forest
Massive collab
>Roblux with Luca
In what measure is Luca smaller than her???

>> No.33999453

Panda's panties.........

>> No.33999475


>> No.33999486
File: 370 KB, 1878x2048, Fdg5PDOacAA2J-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish all underage Genshitters a very fuck off, dramafags trying to be relevant to other underage shitters. I'm glad he's been only playing Genshin off-stream

>> No.33999494


>> No.33999501
File: 3.91 MB, 320x296, 1644792125689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33999584

playing wow and cs
I was also browsing around that age

>> No.33999504

watching yogscast and watching soul eater dub when each episode was split into 4 parts on youtube

>> No.33999523
File: 145 KB, 1021x1200, cute nina 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33999534

This is reminding me that I'm old..... Stop....

>> No.33999535

Camellia I kneel

>> No.33999547
Quoted by: >>33999848

I don't hate Petra but I hope she never plays it again, she's painfully bad at it.

>> No.33999558

>Elira, we will never now, why they won't collab
>Finana likes horror and valo
>Rosemi likes valo and elira
>Petra likes nijiUK and don't like games
>Reimu no chemistry, they literally never play off-stream not just collabs
>Millie no chemistry, no much to say
>Nina no chemistry, at least gave ppl a rare dragon sisters collab with gunfire reborn
>Sonny, collabs often, generally both invited by luca
>Fulgur, collabs often, simply chemistry between them and vox
>Uki, collabs sometimes because he comes package with luxiem/fulgur
>Yugo, only when yugo invites, zero common interests, yet she is Yugo's oshi

>> No.33999563
File: 182 KB, 400x515, 1633153391977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33999673

In a perfect world this would filter all of the underaged retards from his fanbase and he would be open about his love for cunny.
In a perfect world.

>> No.33999574

Exploring my small town when not watching tv.

>> No.33999578

playing runescape and flyff

>> No.33999579
Quoted by: >>33999787

Why is this your argument for selen being a numberfag yet you choose to ignore her collabing with small id and kr members because according to you “it doesn’t count” since it doesn’t fit your narrative

>> No.33999584
File: 143 KB, 1209x1079, 1655072259083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute pentomos... browsing 4chan during their formative years...

>> No.33999606

playing duke3D, halflife and fallout/bg

>> No.33999614
File: 1.37 MB, 2384x4096, cute nina 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33999631
File: 209 KB, 1447x2048, FdWNpCeagAAsymd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Club Penguin, Neopets, Gaia Online...

>> No.33999652

getting groomed by a 17 year old

>> No.33999663

>Low ccv
Even Selens worst games were at 1k+, most at 2k+. Not even close to bad ccv or "low"
>Collabs with 3 views
Only outside of en
>Doesn't spam luxiem collabs
So? Still only streams with members bigger than her in some way
>Doesn't stream povs
Still only streams with bigger members than herself.

>> No.33999673
Quoted by: >>33999915

Is there even a fanbase of the boys that's not just underage retards?
iluna's maybe??

>> No.33999686

I was playing sports, following the unrealistic dream of becoming a pro. It did get me pretty far, but I got several injuries right at the key time for getting noticed by pro teams that basically ended up ruining my life.

>> No.33999700

>I spent a long time looking through twitch vods, pings of her being on someone else's stream and yt vods.
damn, weird ass obsession

>> No.33999703

Playing the original Call of Duty mostly.

>> No.33999702
File: 612 KB, 2098x1825, 1650669144075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33999709
Quoted by: >>33999911

Does a impromptu collab actually count as a collab thou???

.captcha gaygg kek

>> No.33999727

getting groomed by a tranny

>> No.33999743

Watching anime/creepypasta and people playing games because I was too poor to afford a pc to play them myself.

>> No.33999756
File: 2 KB, 124x99, 1656369739119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching TV and playing shitty pirated games. I grew up in a shithole and didn't have access to the internet untill I was 14

>> No.33999772
Quoted by: >>34000259

>I'm glad he's been only playing Genshin off-stream
And I hope it will continue that way... The Genshin community is just too toxic

>> No.33999783
File: 292 KB, 1619x2048, FaNLt_macAAFfI8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33999784
File: 604 KB, 3095x4096, 1648839538361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing tons of f2p mmos, almost getting groomed into being some older women's shota in Dream of Mirror Online. Watching lots of Naruto because I discovered online anime sites.

>> No.33999787

Selen views ID and Indies differently. Selen herself has said that EN is a competition, which explains why she doesn't care about ID and Indies. They're not in the same competition for viewers. People who watch them likely aren't going to go to selen and people who watch selen aren't likely to go to them.

>> No.33999793

>don't go on tiktok

>> No.33999797

I feel like Pomu and Nina are the same person but just have different childhoods/teenage life

>> No.33999798
File: 563 KB, 674x901, 1645462033080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were him I'd keep playing genshit and constantly makes jokes like this. I would start playing badly on purpose and doing dumb shit like fighting a fire type boss with a wind type character without leveling up and then asks chat why I keep losing. I'll keep asking but never take any of the advice. I'd mispronounce all their names and say how cute of a couple Kaeya and Diluc are. Be completely insufferable and then make fun of the fans later like Vox did to get them to completely fuck off.

And then I'll do it again.

>> No.33999808

nina turn down your god damn reverb

>> No.33999820

Watching anime and lurking /a/.

>> No.33999848

man... I wanted one of them to at least play IS2 or a CC event

>> No.33999870

weren't we all teenage dirtbags?

>> No.33999887


>> No.33999899

Locked in my room by my parents with only an English dictionary to entertain myself (they were keen on getting me to be able to understand English)

>> No.33999900
File: 44 KB, 477x375, 1649118965348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching anime in 3 parts on youtube/dailymotion, listening to vocaloid n obsessing over yume nikki

>> No.33999906
Quoted by: >>34000036

She didn't stream her POV today with the Apex player, she didn't do it when she did the collab on Plate Up, same with Dyrua and Pomu on the Mortuary collab
She could have a POV on Splatoon too but she didn't, now fuck off
I'm so sorry that you are salty about Selen not doing collabs with your oshi, maybe she should try to be entertaining first

>> No.33999909


>> No.33999911

I mean if you don't count it as a collab then the last time she collabed with someone smaller than her in en was with finana and that was even longer ago.

>> No.33999915

Iluna’s fanbase is the same as the boys

>> No.33999919

no internet at home
playing Fifa 2002, Sims and all the EA/EA Sports games

>> No.33999920
File: 68 KB, 850x638, __nina_kosaka_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_ameyasumi_yuxx__sample-918c247db71e80ca8c44f3ec3c171777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33999922
File: 234 KB, 1922x1960, Fdg0sAQVsAArcE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33999957

>> No.33999933
Quoted by: >>34000063

>Still only streams with members bigger than her in some way
Are you a phantomo mad at selen for not playing apex with reimu?
Their skill gap is too big, or rather, reimu just sucks at apex.

>> No.33999957

voxina is for cruel and brutal breeding rape

>> No.33999972


>> No.33999983
File: 261 KB, 2048x1448, FbK95YeaIAAiyO7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33999988
Quoted by: >>34000097

nina is kinda cool bros wtf

>> No.34000036

>Doesn't refute the argument that she only collabs with people bigger than her
>Tries to move the goalposts
>Says my oshi isn't entertaining enough
My oshi is Selen, been membered since the first week it opened. I'm just aware she's a numberfag

>> No.34000041
File: 462 KB, 1110x888, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkhnbf6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a collab beggar

>> No.34000043
Quoted by: >>34000175

Nina’s singing ability, even the current one in comparison to 3thyria reminds me of that derpy ass three-headed dragon meme

>> No.34000056
File: 74 KB, 184x207, 1654908632573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played Left 4 Dead, discovered /v/, and played Bully, No More Heroes, Dead Rising and Cawadooty on a softmodded Wii.

>> No.34000063

I don't really care about Reimu but
>Their skill gap is too big
Seems like a bit of a lame excuse given some of the shitters she will happily play with if they are from another branch.

>> No.34000069
File: 597 KB, 897x1200, 1638671281130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34000784

>> No.34000097

she's always been based deep down, but she self-sabotages a lot

>> No.34000096
File: 29 KB, 444x422, c6534c3fae51fc76aad63933d213c5de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34000175

sad boomer music was an accurate description

>> No.34000205
Quoted by: >>34000306

Yeah sure and Lawbreakers is the most successful shooter in the industry
Fuck off collab beggar

>> No.34000211

Nina 100% won't end this without singing Black Parade

>> No.34000242
File: 550 KB, 2780x4096, FRDALvUXoAI-rbI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34000248

Is lazulight's 3d at nijifes cancelled? I want to know how invested I should get into next week

>> No.34000256
Quoted by: >>34000678

who should she collab with in en that’s smaller than her then to make you happy? Someone who shares no interests with her and has zero chemistry?

>> No.34000257
File: 386 KB, 1113x1240, 20220509_192732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting therapy, getting groomed, browsing /v/ regularly, playing a lot of Pokémon and getting very attached to the male characters. Did wolf pack rp online and regularly searched "how to be a werewolf" despite not getting anything from the same few yahoo answers pages. I'd say good times but they weren't, being a teenager was terrible.

>> No.34000259
Quoted by: >>34000968

I do enjoy seeing his reactions to characters and the game itself, but it's not worth it for the shitty chat and this kind of stuff. I hate the loud minority Genshin "community" so much

>> No.34000273

when will nina sing lost kitten by metric?

>> No.34000299
Quoted by: >>34009970

underage twitterfags vs chinks, who would win the war?

>> No.34000304

Nobody knows.

>> No.34000306
File: 93 KB, 1079x659, 1664125888265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34000308

She plays with them ONCE. She already played with reimu once or twice. If she was better maybe she would play with her more, like bobon.

>> No.34000319

i don't think anyone knows yet.

>> No.34000335

Based Kindred.

>> No.34000338
File: 23 KB, 97x121, 1645142629436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those tweets read like satire.

>> No.34000363
Quoted by: >>34000832

I doubt selen would decline an invitation from reimu just because she’s less skilled, reimu and her just don’t click and reimu doesn’t want to play with her either

>> No.34000373
Quoted by: >>34000468


>> No.34000380

lazulight doesn't even know if it's happening yet. might as well assume it's not at this point.

>> No.34000379
File: 265 KB, 850x573, 16498108212971921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34000439

>> No.34000402
Quoted by: >>34000492

Then drop her faggot, because you are clearly not enjoying her anymore since she doesn't collab with your favorite EN 3view

>> No.34000424

Vox did this? When?

>> No.34000435

did you not see last thread?

>> No.34000437

Nina is kinda cute bros...

>> No.34000439

Cute Petra!

>> No.34000454
File: 1.37 MB, 1100x1100, 1643486152285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34000468


>> No.34000473

is it just me or is sonny doing a lot of self reflection in his streams recently.. i hope he's ok mentally

>> No.34000486
File: 311 KB, 1638x2048, jk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that year my poor ass family could finally afford a PC, it wasn't a gaming PC at all but a lot of games were designed to run on very shit PCs back then. My introductions to the world of PC gaming were Resident Evil 2, Age of Empires 2 and Commandos 2.

>> No.34000492
Quoted by: >>34000565

Fans truly reflect their oshi.
Dragoons are the greatest numberfags of NijiEn.

>> No.34000495
File: 153 KB, 1500x1500, 1630285552386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34000607

>> No.34000497
File: 23 KB, 180x265, 1644170118405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gremlin Nina sounds like a Brazilian character

>> No.34000506

how have you been a member that long when you think of her negatively, do you just not care to unmember or what

>> No.34000535

he did a genshin horny challenge a while back

>> No.34000553


>> No.34000565
File: 381 KB, 2500x2500, Die Fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34000819

>Claims to be a Dragoon
>"Dragoons are..."

>> No.34000567
File: 103 KB, 1085x1085, E3CCE303-3938-4AF8-BDC4-5D80307F90A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34001396

Anon... I hope you are okay now...?

>> No.34000585
File: 189 KB, 1340x1340, 1654409816912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a Tumblrina into Homestuck, Jojo and Dangan Ronpa. I'd visit /co/ once in a while to see discussion about IDW Transformers, though. And /a/ whenever a new Jojo episode would air. Back then the easiest way to invalidate somebody's argument was to point out that they had a Tumblr filename... war has changed.

>> No.34000605

no one knows not even Lazulight
safe to say its not happening if even the members dont know

>> No.34000607

wrong gray haired hag anon! but its okay we'll let it slide this once

>> No.34000633
File: 344 KB, 1240x1143, 1664126119636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's fine.. theres nothing to worry about

>> No.34000640

>inb4 Complicated

>> No.34000641
Quoted by: >>34000988

Rosemi is the worst singer of the branch but being better than her is like being better than a crippled child

>> No.34000659
File: 63 KB, 289x299, Enners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34000751

Drawed Enner.

>> No.34000678

How do you know what her chemistry is with other members when she doesn't collab with them due to lower numbers? Her chemistry with Elira was fine. Her chemistry with finana was fine. Her chemistry with Rosemi was great. I'm pretty sure her and Millie would get along pretty well too. I actually don't recall her ever having bad chemistry with another member. I'd argue that selen is probably one of the easiest members to get along with and she's good at talking too.

>> No.34000701

nah someone else in chat said it, definitely happy ending

>> No.34000751


>> No.34000759 [SPOILER] 
File: 385 KB, 758x402, 1926511862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34000837

>> No.34000761

Not even the girls know. You'll have to wait until an official statement is made.

>> No.34000764

>this retarded timeloop again
Selen is a numberfag, but dragoons for some reason act like numberfag is an insult thrown towards their oshi and being a numberfag is evil for some reason.

>> No.34000767
Quoted by: >>34001066

He always has since around the start of his debut but yeah it definitely feels like it’s more prevalent lately
Im sure it’s just mostly his own self reflection and I’m just a schizo bit some of the stuff he says about himself has a lot of likeness to the stuff he gets critiqued for here

>> No.34000774

the reason they gave "last minute"
is in literal hopes flights are back up before Oct 1 and 2
So not even anycolor knows, typhoons are not just a harder rain

>> No.34000784


>> No.34000808
Quoted by: >>34001303

My favorite Avril song

>> No.34000813

i was a tumblrina acting just like the current genshinfags on twitter... once you grow up you really do get your head out of your ass...

>> No.34000819

That's not me anon. You're replying to someone else.
I never said anything about not enjoying her. Just that I recognize she's a numberfag.

>> No.34000826
File: 1.43 MB, 1488x2105, 1640033673976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just confirmed, Empath-chama

>> No.34000832

And you would be wrong. I remember reimu complaining a lot about it when they finally played apex togeter.

>> No.34000837
File: 88 KB, 480x480, 1656431476943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34000847

i used to be such an avril lavigne fan.. this song is gonna make me cry

>> No.34000864

definitely wouldn't have guessed this

>> No.34000867
Quoted by: >>34001112

t.collab beggar

>> No.34000889
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>> No.34000919

/#/ will never win, and your narratives will never hold.

>> No.34000921
File: 117 KB, 728x1140, Okane-ga-Nai-covers-okane-ga-nai-24054617-728-1140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN for this feel?

>> No.34000938
File: 8 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34000997

It was 2003. I was playing Warcraft 3. 4chan didn't exist to me yet. I was also really into Beyblade, Hamtaro and my anime phase had just begun.

>> No.34000947
File: 204 KB, 811x1000, 1627256890761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34001041

>> No.34000955

Selen why the fuck you are here right now
go to sleep you dumbass

>> No.34000968

Genshin community is just too volatile. They can call you out over the littlest and silliest thing. It’s better to just stir clear from them.

>> No.34000982

Fanon foxakuma

>> No.34000985

Sonny and Yugo

>> No.34000988

>worst singer of the branch
>just dropped the best song in the company

>> No.34000997
Quoted by: >>34001820


>> No.34001027
Quoted by: >>34001157

>Where were you when you were 13 y/o anons?
My father was too busy beating me up. Fuck the guy.

>> No.34001044

Ren and Kyo

>> No.34001041


>> No.34001066
Quoted by: >>34001409

Like what

>> No.34001070
Quoted by: >>34001329

That's totally ok for sonny. Before he would share those thoughts to himself but now that he opened up to briskadet, we get to see an overthinking sonny who take his job as a vtuber too seriously!

>> No.34001086
File: 105 KB, 206x206, 1654976132773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you even over 18 these days?

>> No.34001112
Quoted by: >>34001219

>dragoon being butthurt when I point out the truth
The males who are also huge numberfags, have huge numbers, I don’t need to beg Selen for collabs in the first place.

>> No.34001119
Quoted by: >>34001544

Same but I grew out of it quickly. Seeing the stuff kids get into now is especially sad when you’ve been in their places before

>> No.34001127

Only FPS and they have different taste when it comes to shooters
Different taste on everything, besides, Obsydia never had Unity to begin with
We will never know, Elira might be a little afraid / stressed when it comes to the Dragoons
She isolated herself
The only one that clicked with her was Enna and only because of that Chinese stream

>> No.34001157
Quoted by: >>34001313

and despite that, you still ended up becoming a bitch made nigga. I feel bad for your dad.

>> No.34001166

Stardust Crusaders aired 8 years ago. Time flies, I know.

>> No.34001200
File: 65 KB, 1080x603, 1651466581084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34001321

>Ike successfully gaslit Nina about the high note

>> No.34001219
Quoted by: >>34001564

No shit, Luxiem doesn't need it
I can wait for the next waves, we will finally have Homobeggars

>> No.34001221

God-like editing.

>> No.34001230

Playing N64 and GB games. Didn't have internet at home.

>> No.34001241
Quoted by: >>34001715

Glad you are better now, anon... I can imagine how embarrassed you are reading those cringe tweets

>> No.34001263

> stressed when it comes to the Dragoons
Seeing how they act she's doing the right thing

>> No.34001264

Emotionally abused by my mother and my religious pediatrician
Really loved Club Penguin and playing Worms Armageddon too

>> No.34001267


>> No.34001303

I think my favorite was Nobody's Home. That's Avril, right?

>> No.34001313

>I feel bad for your dad.

>> No.34001321

at least she trying to improve.

>> No.34001329

I think out of all NIJIEN, sonny seems to be one of the few who genuinely treats vtubing as a profession so he takes it seriously.

>> No.34001337

Wasn’t it because of the trolley stream?

>> No.34001339

Looking at porn on my PS Vita, countless hours sunk into Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, KYM.

>> No.34001341


>> No.34001361
File: 371 KB, 588x1200, 1630983110702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34001372
Quoted by: >>34001678

>She isolated herself
She wouldn't stay up for over 24 hours just to play with Rosemi on her birthday stream for 5 hours straight if it was the case, retard

>> No.34001392
Quoted by: >>34001950

Yes it’s an Avril’s song

>> No.34001396
File: 66 KB, 581x344, 20220516_000624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a briskadet and I write violent self insert viginettes about police brutality for a fleeting sense of catharsis. You tell me.
God, I wonder if he's ever seen my posts and finds me disgusting. I hope so.

>> No.34001407
File: 869 KB, 4096x2276, Fdb2aXqakAAxlMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browsing /a/ and /jp/

>> No.34001409
Quoted by: >>34003730

Stuff like pulling his weights when he’s in a collab and not relying on the other members cause he doesn’t want them to work themselves too hard trying to carry him
Probably just a coincidence but it’s funny how there was just a shitpost about Fulgur and Alban being the only valuable people in Noctyx and the rest are deadweight and then he talks about pulling his weights

>> No.34001416

>she's good at talking too.
dragoon, repeating the same phrase 8 times and then laughing after each rep does not mean you can hold a conversation

>> No.34001430

I don't remember which stream it was but I remember him talking with Merry about it and how genshit fans need to take a shower and are annoying backseaters. I'll try to find it.

>> No.34001476

>Doesn't play amogus
>Rarely plays minecraft
>Collabs with apex fags and invites jp members
>Doesn't collab spam luxiem
>Avoids valorant collabs
>Doesn't stream fomo games
Idk why you keep insisting shes a numberfag when she dodges most of the stuff that would bring her numbers.

>> No.34001483
Quoted by: >>34001613

>Secondhand Serenade
Ok this is kinda based. Never expected this

>> No.34001512

Nina stop reminding me of my childhood holy shit

>> No.34001544

yeah.. when you're a lonely middle schooler with no friends except online friends then you have to act that way to impress your friends.. i was constantly afraid of saying something wrong and being cancelled by them. twitter and even tiktok now is the same exact way and its insane to see.. it makes me cringe remembering i was exactly like that

>> No.34001564
Quoted by: >>34001959

you know the only reason they can give to Ethyria is lol is just them trying to prove the other anons point of Selen only cares about noombers when collabing with EN
seemed like I’m apparently not a collab beggar, what are you gonna call me next?

>> No.34001592


>> No.34001594

Jesus Christ this takes me BACK

>> No.34001613

I love Secondhand Serenade holy shit

>> No.34001637

i have not thought secondhand serenade in about 12 years. if she busts out straylight run i will send an aka

>> No.34001640
Quoted by: >>34001807

Dragoons are so fucking stupid

>> No.34001666
Quoted by: >>34001950

also good one

>> No.34001678
Quoted by: >>34002163

Selen did the same on the past retard and I'm talking about doing collabs with Selen
Actually is a good thing, OceanLaw faggots are annoying as fuck

>> No.34001715
File: 139 KB, 320x320, 1659430033342725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scrolling through my old tumblr is extremely embarrassing

>> No.34001722
File: 143 KB, 296x294, 000099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34001726

How can I get a hag like Nina...

>> No.34001794

Even if that anon grew up during the period that Jojo P3 and Danganronpa 1 the animation aired, there's a good chance they're legal adults.
Tumblr was dead around the time Danganronpa 3 animation aired, but if that were the case then that anon is probably close if not still a legal adult at the earliest.

>> No.34001807

They're more stupid than Rosebuds. Which is worse when you realize Rosebuds don't think

>> No.34001812
Quoted by: >>34002043

You should delete it.

>> No.34001820
File: 14 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was obsessed with "humanized Hamtaro". Ah... I wish I could go back...

>> No.34001866
Quoted by: >>34002143

It's good that he thinks like that but sometimes he's too autistic for his own good and would just end up in the same place. The fact that he overthinks what to tweet in fucking Twitter leading him to not tweet in the end makes you think what other ideas he had that never seen the day because sonny was too autistic for his content.

>> No.34001922

At least Rosebuds are cute retards

>> No.34001946

i dont have the heart to delete mine..

>> No.34001950

Iirc I really liked that album in general.
Thank you for your approval Satan!
Do you guys remember the conspiracy theory that Avril was secretly replaced?

>> No.34001953
File: 457 KB, 1885x1885, 51935861._UY1885_SS1885_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34002441

NijiEN for this feel?

>> No.34001959

Ok then
She doesn't play shooters or have similar taste on vidya and unless Millie invite Selen for a La Creatividad stream, it wont happen
They already did collabs already but Reimu chose Vox and Ike in the end
btw you a collab beggar for the females, i never mentioned the males

>> No.34001965
Quoted by: >>34002102

It took nearly a full month before rosebuds stopped replying to bait, hopefully dragoons do so much sooner...

>> No.34001977
Quoted by: >>34002081

Will Nina sing any Yellowcard?

>> No.34001981
Quoted by: >>34002192

holy shit... it’s been so long since i heard this site

>> No.34002043

i want to but i'm attached to it because of nostalgia

>> No.34002049

>Corey Taylor
What Slipknot song is this?

>> No.34002081

she's hit blink, MCR, panic, FOB, and even fucking good charlotte. absolutely criminal if she doesn't

>> No.34002083

It's actually kinda interesting how Sonny was such an out of the blue hire but ended up being one of the better ones

>> No.34002102

it'll be easier if they just leave and go back to their general

>> No.34002114
File: 130 KB, 1672x1704, FdHUN8vacAIozTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34002238

I was an incredibly depressed teenager who had no friends and spent all my time either reading or playing Neopets.

>> No.34002143
Quoted by: >>34003321

Is it so wrong to have standards for you content? I don't understand why he needs to force himself to tweet unless it's to shill a stream or himself. Just because fans are eager to lap up whatever shit comes out of his mouth doesn't mean he himself will like it.

>> No.34002163
Quoted by: >>34002283

>doesn't elaborate on the isolation rrat
>moves goalpost
The truth is, Selen doesn't want to collab with Finana anymore, that's it. I can't tell if it because of Finana's low noombers or if she just tired of her, but that's a fact

>> No.34002192

We should commission Nina art from DeviantArtists

>> No.34002217
File: 17 KB, 259x259, 1649070410100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34002238

cocksleeve material

>> No.34002237

Aster's cover incoming btw

>> No.34002243

you say this the day he bails out of a stream 90 minutes in?

>> No.34002283
File: 6 KB, 100x59, 163074852994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because is tired of her
This is probably the reason, trust me

>> No.34002302

I personally like it but I would rank it second after tsunami. Explanation she picked a good producer and she had some great editing done

>> No.34002306

>yellow turd oshi is getting posted
I meant the other one, not the one no one watched or cared for

>> No.34002313

Nina has the most Hot Topic Emo tastes, but they are fun songs regardless

>> No.34002330

No one cares

>> No.34002362
File: 248 KB, 1237x2041, 1653318351136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34002384

im depressed and dissatisfied with myself and now my oshi is depressed and dissatisfied with himself...there is no happiness left..

>> No.34002415

I post it for people who care not you.

>> No.34002441

Alban and Sonny

>> No.34002450
File: 1.60 MB, 1221x1007, 1655533677790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the thread right now

>> No.34002458

I care.

>> No.34002473
Quoted by: >>34002982

Millie doesn’t even know much about selen besides good at fps, gap moe, cute when scared. Sometimes it even felt like she didn’t care for her, why would her and selen collab when neither of them share interests and aren’t good friends

>> No.34002475


>> No.34002481


come do a simple and easy luxiem puzzle with me

>> No.34002492


>> No.34002561

what the fuck was that

>> No.34002564

it's bad

>> No.34002593

This does not sound that good

>> No.34002599


>> No.34002604

I think Nina does better on songs with a female singer than with lower male voices

>> No.34002610

Jesus it already sounds bad kek

>> No.34002636

This is awful

>> No.34002647

Feels like bad timing. He could have done it during his stream and sent a lot more people over to it.

>> No.34002650
Quoted by: >>34002772

Holy shit Aster's pronunciation is cringe

>> No.34002648
File: 40 KB, 374x221, Tomato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34002736

tomato vtuber in nijien when ?

>> No.34002653

Sounds bad but better than LGIS at least
They really got fucked over with the mixing there

>> No.34002703

>pointing out an observation
>hurr durr you’re a collab beggar
I get it that you want to protect your oshi at any cost but you’re too mad and emotional to clearly differentiate between discussion and a shitpost. Also if Enna, who sucks at video games just like Millie, manage to get a collab with Selen in a non-gaming collab. Why wouldn’t it work for Millie then?

>> No.34002708
Quoted by: >>34002873

yes... end it already nina...

>> No.34002722
File: 256 KB, 727x1107, fake_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34002874

NijiEN for this feel?

are you getting nostalgic over 90s BL OVAs?

>> No.34002723

Aster sounds like a below than average JP singer because of this cover.

>> No.34002731

he sounds like he's reading the lyrics trying to get the hang of it.....

>> No.34002736

hahaha nobody would watch a tomato vtuber

>> No.34002745

nina doesn't have much game overlap with selen too, we still got the gunfire collab which was cool, and there was pre-coof a reimu-nina-selen apex collab scheduled, but obviously it didn't happen.

>> No.34002769

I love her but that was horrible

>> No.34002772
File: 69 KB, 300x275, 1661377815702724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34002860


>> No.34002776

the art is nice at least

>> No.34002783

He was supposed to cancel it altogether, but I'm glad he pushed through with it and let viewers know his thoughts.

>> No.34002789


>> No.34002808

i'm very okay with you cutting and running here nina, 13/15 were kino

>> No.34002824


>> No.34002860


>> No.34002871
Quoted by: >>34003307

I'm so sorry Arcadians but this is kinda not very good.
He tried though and that's what matters in the end

>> No.34002873 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34003386

she wants to raid aster after, so she'll likely try to stall until he starts or is about to.

>> No.34002874 [DELETED] 

Yugo and Sonny

>> No.34002908

wait i can't tell which song people are saying is bad, the cover or nina's last song

>> No.34002932


>> No.34002941

i've decided to ignore everything aster does and only jerk off to his nsfw art

>> No.34002957
File: 381 KB, 1750x1650, 1630396936817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the comments are about the MV art rather than the song

>> No.34002969
File: 258 KB, 2048x2048, 20220922_165530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say that again after you watch his stream.

>> No.34002982

nta but
>Millie, one of the unitychads who raids anyone, including Selen, multiple times
>doesn’t care about Selen at all

>> No.34002993


>> No.34003001

The vid is actually quite good.. the singing tho..

>> No.34003015

Both were pretty bad if I'm being honest

>> No.34003035

Ill watch the mv on mute later. the art is apparently good.

>> No.34003041

Sorry for using their term, but this is a perfect way to show the "idol's journey". Now two years later when Aster massively improves, we can all look back on this and appreciate how far she'll have come.

>> No.34003055

zoo oh toe

>> No.34003060
Quoted by: >>34003214

I think I'll cleanse my ears with another round of Jazz on the Clock

>> No.34003066
Quoted by: >>34003232

Yeah that is one of the better made videos I have seen from a NijiEN cover for sure. The rest of it...

>> No.34003087

Does Mysta ever get jealous that Aster looks more feminine than him?

>> No.34003101
Quoted by: >>34003232

I was just thinking that myself. Whoever he hired to do the video did a great job but boy, he pronounces Japanese like I do, minus the lisp.

>> No.34003107
File: 612 KB, 1054x887, FYOZG46VUAA1-xo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34003114

aster... i’m sorry... who convinced you to do this...

>> No.34003120

I don't get it, does Aster want to pretend to be female now?

>> No.34003137
Quoted by: >>34003414

he got jealous of his hairless thighs

>> No.34003141
File: 31 KB, 567x626, 1659964920033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what to think. ...He sounded like he had something in his mouth the whole time.

>> No.34003140
Quoted by: >>34004304

>Clicked on the Chinese collab
>She knows that Enna is perfect for unhinge collabs (Trolley, the Steam Profile)
>Perfect malding material
Unless its Pomu (or Enna for specific streams), Selen wont ping anyone on specific
Its up to Millie to invite her for a 1-1 collab

>> No.34003150
Quoted by: >>34003283

Aster… even selen sounds better than this and that’s not even a high bar to pass

>> No.34003207

yeah, my cock

>> No.34003209
File: 140 KB, 650x936, 650full-sensitive-pornograph-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN for this feel?

>> No.34003214
File: 872 KB, 886x628, 1663946000287456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good man. Don't forget to follow suit to this anon and stream Jazz on the Clock!!

>> No.34003228

Yeah sorry about that I made him suck me off while recording

>> No.34003232

Reminds me of how good was Aster's debut intro, with all the animation

>> No.34003234

some of us are not born to sing

>> No.34003242

That was pretty fuckin' bad. I'll just listen to ANIMA a million times more to cleanse myself.

>> No.34003253

He's probably jealous that Aster is a skinny twink

>> No.34003255


>> No.34003278
File: 1.51 MB, 1282x1742, 1630375126951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34003396

>> No.34003283
Quoted by: >>34003617

Pretty sure Selen's pronunciation would've been worse by a mile

>> No.34003290

I can’t stop laughing, this cover is fucking hilarious

>> No.34003299

fagoons seethe at any mention of Selen that they deem as an attack and >le bad, nothing new.

>> No.34003300

Why are you doxxing him!?

>> No.34003304
Quoted by: >>34003489

Vox and Ike

>> No.34003307
Quoted by: >>34003491

>He tried though and that's what matters in the end
did he really? the fact there's butched lyrics on a cover shows he wanted to put it out in time even compromising the quality
effort or not, this was not a good look for him

>> No.34003318
File: 474 KB, 2500x2500, 1640583845186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least he tried

>> No.34003321

I'm sorry it's kind of a bad example to use Twitter . I was more referring on the fact that he restrict himself too much on things that shouldn't be that big of a deal. It's like when collabing with someone, since he thinks too much about how he is a burden to the others and that maybe the other person would see his proposition and be like " wtf does this guy want, fuck no I dont want to collab with him" that he never tries to reach out for collabs. I was happy today that he finally tried to invite someone to collab .

>> No.34003324
Quoted by: >>34003489

IkeAkuma also stop making me miss the 2000s/early 2010s

>> No.34003326
Quoted by: >>34003467


>> No.34003329

Aster has been choking on too many cocks...

>> No.34003332
Quoted by: >>34003386

This one isn't that bad Nina but you should probably stop....

>> No.34003335

Aster or Mysta... It's a race to be the first to transition!

>> No.34003357

man does she have a motion city soundtrack song lined up?

>> No.34003360
File: 247 KB, 346x308, 1643937665423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34003467

>Pomu - Break Stuff
>Nina - Just Like You

>> No.34003364

MV looks so good though. compensates for the vocals kek

>> No.34003386

see >>34002873

>> No.34003396
File: 1.26 MB, 500x500, 1656122847329.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34003400
Quoted by: >>34003586

I think he admires him, from their conversation last night. He was acting like an anime girl who fondles her friend's breasts as fanservice.

>> No.34003414
Quoted by: >>34003550

Mysta, I'm pretty sure there's creams you could apply and then just wash off to remove body hair. It's better than just shaving.

>> No.34003441

I didnt hear it yet how bad is it?
do I even wanna hear it?

>> No.34003452
Quoted by: >>34003488

Honestly rare day when fucking Nina mogs someone in singing

>> No.34003467

great recovery from the last song
what is the most punk song a girly girl former stacy song elira would know?

>> No.34003482
Quoted by: >>34003535

is there an aggie draw this week?

>> No.34003485
Quoted by: >>34003570

Even rosemi can't sing live shit but she still pull a song better hundred times this cover ...

>> No.34003488

I was halway through typing Nina honestly isn't that bad

>> No.34003489

Does the couple in that manga really have the same dynamic as IkeAkuma? I’ve never read it, but maybe I’ll try it out now

>> No.34003491
Quoted by: >>34004493

I mean I think making an effort is better than not doing it at all. Even if it was a rushed effort, if it's something you want to pursue then I think making an attempt is at least at a start

>> No.34003503

The more I listen, the less I understand.

>> No.34003515
File: 97 KB, 1169x1169, 1661092218546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34003666

Yeah, I like pussy

>> No.34003518
File: 2.92 MB, 500x531, 1663635419055.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34003707

>> No.34003531
Quoted by: >>34003638

I suggest you watch it on mute. the art's good. the singing... is.. Let's just say selen isnt the worst singer in nijien now.

>> No.34003535

i think i saw an aggie link previous thread.

>> No.34003550

Mysta had said that he uses cream to shave

>> No.34003562
Quoted by: >>34003642

what is the most punk song a girly girl former stacy song elira would know?

>> No.34003570
File: 632 KB, 750x750, 1655674166637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34003871

disgusting esl

>> No.34003578

its cute how bad aster's cover is. the mv is beautiful though. This has clearly been planned before debut. Good on him for planning things out well.

>> No.34003586
File: 20 KB, 607x428, 147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34003688

Mysta and Aster are just the make equivalent of this

>> No.34003587
Quoted by: >>34003738

Vox in Reimu's stream btw.

>> No.34003603
Quoted by: >>34003669

Nina needs improvement but I like her singing.

>> No.34003612

Idk I just got off to the anime lol

>> No.34003617

believe it or not, if selen tries then she can actually make it sound better than whatever this shit was (ex doraemon opening, mostly because she tries to make it sound good, don’t know why aster put this out when it’s clear that he didn’t try his best with the vocals)

>> No.34003638

>Let's just say selen isnt the worst singer in nijien now.
I wonder what compelled him to do a cover

>> No.34003642

Oh my god. Elira would be perfect for that id kill to hear it

>> No.34003651
File: 139 KB, 512x512, 1635138991519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34003656
Quoted by: >>34004433

If only the one fucker who can sing in this wave would do this as well

>> No.34003664

He tried at least. He's just not trained in singing though.

>> No.34003666

Oh yeah? Then name every pussy

>> No.34003669
Quoted by: >>34003836

she should improve, at least i hope, for the sake of her orisong.

>> No.34003679

did I post this? I literally just looked the manga up just to see the ikeakuma dynamic. I miss them. Anons better not be lying...

>> No.34003687

>rise against
god tier taste

>> No.34003688
File: 249 KB, 2248x1693, 1652868330073997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34003691

I actually learned how to play this in guitar class

>> No.34003707
File: 288 KB, 1240x1206, 1633124284841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best and cutest paizurituber

>> No.34003723


>> No.34003730

He is a dead weight when you start to compare to other Noctyx. Uki and Fulgur already have their own covers. Everyone in Noctyx except for him does a ton of collabs, actually organizing them, not just showing up. Yugo is la creatividad. Alban has big plans and is making moves to get those completed. Sonny's still just playing video games and sometimes doing VA which he can't do well anymore.

>> No.34003738
Quoted by: >>34003882

what the fuck
when did he show up

>> No.34003777

Which song did Nina sing decently? Just came home.

>> No.34003780


>> No.34003790
File: 132 KB, 850x1020, 1648618694338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34005387

>> No.34003794

Aster's design is so sex though...

>> No.34003801

If he planned this shit well then he would’ve tried to at least pronounce some words right, not sure vocals wise because he’s just a shit singer in general

>> No.34003836
Quoted by: >>34003958

Wait, she's doing an original song? Or is it the Ethyria song?

>> No.34003849

I think it’s time to stop, nina.

>> No.34003850

everything except through the looking glass and dance dance

>> No.34003859

the earlier songs

>> No.34003871
Quoted by: >>34004006

You don't have to protect your purple boy this much , he can't sing any shit

>> No.34003880

Lips of an Angel and Just Like You

>> No.34003882

like 10-15 minutes ago

>> No.34003884

Vox and Reimu are talking about pegging now

>> No.34003896

shut up this is cute

>> No.34003899

Just like you

>> No.34003956

she's got the chorus down, just needed to go lower on the verse and bridge

>> No.34003958
Quoted by: >>34004192

i made a post about it in /yeah/ >>33934645

>> No.34003965

I don’t really get what not having covers has to do with being a deadweight in collabs

>> No.34003973
Quoted by: >>34004168

I also think Alban learning Japanese is pretty commendable, gave him a lot more opportunities when it comes to collabs and shit

>> No.34003978

She's addicted to karaoke now...

>> No.34003994

So I think Nina is best suited to slower songs actually

>> No.34004006
Quoted by: >>34004130

the cover is dogshit but you really should learn english before posting

>> No.34004047
File: 430 KB, 1054x1274, asterbaters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had underage fans like this who eat up literally anything I do I'd sing terribly to get free views too.

>> No.34004096
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1655792097810s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bony pussy
Full lip pussy
The shaved pussy
The expert pussy
The accessorized pussy
The 70s pussy
The virginal pussy
The peek-a-boo pussy

>> No.34004123
Quoted by: >>34004212

Enner is watching Layla

>> No.34004125

The Reason killed Hoobastank

>> No.34004130

I don't need it to shit on someone lol

>> No.34004139

nina is pretty based ngl

>> No.34004148

last time it was Ike on Reimu's stream. Now it's Vox. Why can't they both be there at the same time I miss Ikeakurei

>> No.34004158

honestly I think they’re just being nice, there’s no way they thought that shit was good

>> No.34004163
Quoted by: >>34004318

My music taste is EXACTLY like Nina's...

>> No.34004168

hell didnt he do that podcast with Oliver and those 2 VAs?

>> No.34004180
Quoted by: >>34004237

You want them to trash it in his comments?

>> No.34004192


>> No.34004212

And Aruban

>> No.34004237
Quoted by: >>34004320

yes in fact I'll do it right now

>> No.34004247
File: 509 KB, 1585x2530, FcwtQpMaEAQFJb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id fuck a kindred

>> No.34004262

Someone needs to make a tier list but with NijiCantSing instead of the usual nijien singer tierlist.

>> No.34004277


>> No.34004283

Why is Vox such an asshole? Why did he crash Reimu's game?

>> No.34004297
Quoted by: >>34004483

>people are just realizing Nina has based tastes
I told you guys but you wouldn’t believe me!

>> No.34004304 [SPOILER] 
File: 601 KB, 772x435, March 4th memonly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Clicked on the Chinese collab
They clicked long before, the increase in chinks in their fanbases was the reason they finally did it
and was the perfect substitute to RE5 that never happened because they only had JP version perms

>> No.34004318
Quoted by: >>34004364

Same... Her setlist is exactly what I listened a long time ago

>> No.34004316
Quoted by: >>34004381


>> No.34004320

Make sure you have your Aster pfp

>> No.34004327

Yeah its pretty bad. I'd expect a catalog thread soon.

>> No.34004364

... I still listen to the same songs...

>> No.34004381
Quoted by: >>34004578

nigga no one got time to listen to 20 minutes of instrumentals between words

>> No.34004385

I'll make one for you soon

>> No.34004407

We know, Vox. You already did

>> No.34004410

i hope they'll do eventually this re 5 collab.

>> No.34004413

>because they only had JP version perms
what the fuck is up with Perms? for the longest time, it looks like shit is thrown at a dart board

>> No.34004417


>> No.34004433
Quoted by: >>34004676

Ren can sing well in English but we don't know if he can in Japanese

>> No.34004445

>fan mascots for female vtuber fanbases
>cute little plushie creatures
>fan mascots for male vtuber fanbases
>absolute SEX bombs
It's not fair bros

>> No.34004455

Why would the catalog give a fuck about aster? we barely give a fuck about aster

>> No.34004457


>> No.34004462

I'm not a perfect person

>> No.34004476

i'm definitely throwing on taking back sunday and all time low after this

>> No.34004483

I like Nina when she talks about herself

>> No.34004493

it is, but I feel he should have not bothered with timing, alot of EN members didn't rush covers they wanted to be done by the time of a special event

>> No.34004499

If Mysta didn't get a catalog thread made about the chink logo then i doubt aster would get one for singing badly.

>> No.34004501

Considering he knows he doesn't sing well, but still spent a pretty buck on that video, Aster still has my respect. Wether he did it for the fans or for himself, it's a start.

I think he'll do better with another song. im not saying he'll be instantly good but he could be a bit better. Anima is pretty powerful and intense, it's not really something for someone who lacks confidence in their singing and japanese. AGSJT4

>> No.34004538

to be fair
Vox wants OCs as kindreds and make them unique/sexy as possible
other vtubers wants something that's easy to draw as a personification of the fanbase as a whole

>> No.34004560

because of jp autism they're pretty much at the mercy of random companies responding to their emails

>> No.34004570
File: 66 KB, 680x537, FREqvIUXwAAhPrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34004674

>cute little plushie creatures
but aloupeeps look like this ?

>> No.34004575

Vox and reimu are fucking again. Is there a day they don’t fuck?

>> No.34004578

I know that but they also got good shit like aenima, Prison Sex, Stinkfist, the Pot, Rosetta Stoned and of course Sober

>> No.34004599
Quoted by: >>34004670

This is the only yaoi I ever liked since it actually showed penis

>> No.34004666
Quoted by: >>34004846

i feel like if your singing is this bad management should be allowed to step in and tell you not to publish it to protect them..

>> No.34004670
Quoted by: >>34005200

Makes you realize how times have changed. There's plenty of BL nowadays that doesn't just have the uke as a female stand-in.

>> No.34004676
Quoted by: >>34004919

i think even if his pronounciation sucks, if he picks the right kind of song it will be amazing. Like how Yugo sucks at pronouncing certain English words but I will forever love that one time he sang 'Smells like teen spirit' cause that song fit him really well and he can sing well. I think Ren can pull it off too.

>> No.34004674

woah, that's literally me

>> No.34004682

when vox visits his hometown
doesnt seem nice to fuck while your parents and grandma are in the other room

>> No.34004687

>nijimado and vtuberdex looking slim
>teamup is basically empty
>almost no schedules out so far

>> No.34004712
File: 61 KB, 752x746, 1664067284820505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a perfect person...

>> No.34004751

It's Layla's birthday too btw

>> No.34004761

Aren't they in Japan already?

>> No.34004770

i stopped watching vtubers for a week what is this dog

>> No.34004785
File: 31 KB, 498x457, 000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34004798
Quoted by: >>34005190

Today will be an Aster only day anon

>> No.34004821
File: 81 KB, 498x457, 1655703044223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would still fuck a ryuguard, a pentomo and an aloupeep

>> No.34004832
File: 702 KB, 2480x3498, 1663703170440465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want Dragoons to look like this?

>> No.34004836
Quoted by: >>34005190

It's Aster's birthday so everyone has to drop everything for him

>> No.34004841

>having any hopes about covers after the Iluna wave song
lol, the only person that can sing in that wave is Maria
fuck them for getting the 2nd best wave song after DCL and wasting it on those people

>> No.34004846
Quoted by: >>34005684

>management doing anything for the liver’s benefit instead of the company
you expect too much from them

>> No.34004860

ren told him that on their podcast. looks like he took his advice

>> No.34004892

I just woke up for some reason after 2 hours of sleep and now I can't sleep back. I have a question now that we're at page 10: Why was a screenshot posted in the previous thread deleted if it was the truth? Several screenshots were already posted to twitter already at that point.

>> No.34004896
Quoted by: >>34005053

oh god nina don't do it

>> No.34004917

are the akurei shippers phantocucks all along

>> No.34004919

exactly, it’s still good because yugo can sing well, aster on the other hand is a shit singer

>> No.34004931

anon... i have news for you...

>> No.34004932
Quoted by: >>34004966


>> No.34004948


>> No.34004958
File: 43 KB, 376x267, 1662546875141931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34004962


>> No.34004963

Not yet. If you look at Reimu's schedule with the ??? in them, those are the days where they are supposed to be in Japan (assuming that Nijifes is a go for kr id an en)

>> No.34004966


>> No.34004972


>> No.34004979

Not all the guys mascots are sexy, I am a furry circle.

>> No.34004982


>> No.34004985
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, Always-Has-Been-Memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34004995


>> No.34004994


>> No.34004996


>> No.34005003
Quoted by: >>34005067

>deleted and retracted messages are actually removed from chat now instead of leaving the name and a stub

>> No.34005001


>> No.34005004
Quoted by: >>34005497

capcom has the weirdest perms restrictions
like the "dont show the ending of the RE remakes"
having perms to only JP version for EN corpos
or JP corpos having perms to only the ENG version

>> No.34005007


>> No.34005012


>> No.34005031

actually her best song

>> No.34005051
Quoted by: >>34005146

Nina should be a white female rapper.

>> No.34005054

My mom has been watching Vox since his debut, but now she watches Elira too... The verdict is "she's a nice girl, she's got a great laugh" and "I like Minecraft".

>> No.34005053


>> No.34005062
Quoted by: >>34005393

How do we salvage NijiEn Season 2 bros? Seems like it’s The Promise Neverland S2-tier so far.

>> No.34005065


>> No.34005067

I thought I was the only one who noticed.

>> No.34005069
File: 118 KB, 232x251, 000176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina remembers all the rap parts, just like me.....

>> No.34005074

She's killing it!

>> No.34005083

Nina's taste is pretty based desu

>> No.34005086

Based famelira

>> No.34005098

That's cute.

>> No.34005116

holy shit

>> No.34005123


>> No.34005125

She even did the scream part quite alright

>> No.34005126

oh my god she nailed the growl

>> No.34005130


>> No.34005138

can't help laughing my ass off when i hear this song

>> No.34005139
Quoted by: >>34005199

Phantomos were the first hetshippers in the thread. Even before the males debuted

>> No.34005143
Quoted by: >>34005408

does your mom watch vox’s rp asmr too?

>> No.34005146

honestly, i hope, she'll have russian or french songs the next time she does karaoke, i'm really curious how good she would sound.

>> No.34005145


>> No.34005162
Quoted by: >>34005408

Oh hey, my mom also likes Vox and Elira.

>> No.34005180

Ike who?

>> No.34005188

That was unironically fucking great

>> No.34005190

Remember when Nina made an effort to people to not disrupt their schedules for her birthday and wanted to be like that in the future?

>> No.34005191

Enna was 100% right, Nina has crazy amounts of energy and passion for singing, even if her skill need some polishing.

>> No.34005193

WOW she went hard

>> No.34005199

True. Keep in mind Reimu has a large female audience too

>> No.34005200

Any recommendations? I don't need story, all I want is great art and animation with full nudity.

>> No.34005201

It is unironically this easy to make me like a vtuber

>> No.34005208

Your mom single?

>> No.34005211

lets not get ahead of ourselves. FOX MOM LOVE

>> No.34005217
File: 126 KB, 371x368, 1663854315044139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34005235
File: 576 KB, 567x577, tiredselen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nina and Rosemi have the best song choices of anyone in NijiEN


>> No.34005258

Ike mogged, seen fucking small filipino girls to cope.

>> No.34005264
Quoted by: >>34005378

Nina's been putting in work. Ethryia might actually become the singing wave after all.

>> No.34005280

I love this crackship and I love your mother

>> No.34005295
Quoted by: >>34005422


>> No.34005308
File: 50 KB, 474x673, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34005508

Last one: NijiEN for this feel?

>> No.34005339
File: 1.10 MB, 662x1346, 1633756544024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

official gold standard for karaoke setlists

>> No.34005349

>watches elira
your mom watches an endurance streamer das crazy

>> No.34005378

Millie and Enna really fired her up her passion to improve in singing. I guess other singers in EN like Ike had a hand in that too.

>> No.34005387
File: 336 KB, 492x485, 1652851544546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34005519

I love butts so fucking much

>> No.34005393

reeks of holofag

>> No.34005408

Not anymore, she said a while ago they're "too mean now", but as far as I know she still buys vps.
In another universe we are siblings, anon.

>> No.34005412

based setlist

>> No.34005422

i dont care about singing ability i care about based song choices that arent just generic weeb shit in a fucking english karaoke

Seriously elira, pomu, finana, reimu you fucks BEGGED for english karaoke and all you do is recycle the same songs again for the 90th time...

>> No.34005437

I saw new 3dg live and their best stuff was literally covers of their old material with Adam....

>> No.34005440

Seems like garbage to me but good for you if you enjoy it I guess.

>> No.34005455
Quoted by: >>34005531

The worst EN singers should collab for a original song.

>> No.34005463
Quoted by: >>34005753

nta but ten dance, honto yajuu, and a lot of one off doujins. Manhwa has a lot more though.

>> No.34005466
Quoted by: >>34005629

The rrat that Reimu likes Fuuchan and Millie likes Vox was real all along.....

>> No.34005469

Hmm, I usually read manga so I dunno... It's kind of a meme but Yarichin Bitch Club would probably work for you.

>> No.34005476

>19 songs
19 songs
>19 songs
19 songs
>19 songs
19 songs
>19 songs
19 songs
>19 songs
19 songs
>19 songs
19 songs
>19 songs
19 songs
>19 songs
19 songs
>19 songs
19 songs
>19 songs
19 songs
>19 songs
19 songs

>> No.34005478

wait for Ike's unarchived English karaoke. he plans to do it. there is hope

>> No.34005497

>capcom has the weirdest perms restrictions like the "dont show the ending of the RE remakes"
I still don't understand why Sonny was able to show the endings in his playthrough.

>> No.34005508

Yugo and ike

>> No.34005509

She only did 1 English karaoke and it had more variety than the rest of that list.

>> No.34005519
File: 892 KB, 1252x1079, pomugross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34005643

I love (You) so fucking much

>> No.34005523
File: 272 KB, 1462x2048, FbxHmyYVQAAyVH4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i couldn't listen to the song because of the second-hand embarrassment but at least the mv is nice...

>> No.34005528

>just generic weeb shit in a fucking english karaoke
Pomu.... Enna....

>> No.34005531

what song do they sing?

>> No.34005544
Quoted by: >>34005756

Anon you'd have a better time with this argument if you said Selen only collabs with people that benefit her, be it either numbers or skills. This way you don't have to give her an out for collabing with Dtto, Rpr, Bobon, and her other Pro buddies, because she's just getting boosted by them.

>> No.34005548
Quoted by: >>34005591

Fauna's emo playlist was better

>> No.34005567

i genuinely believe aster was their worst hire ever

>> No.34005575
Quoted by: >>34005753

Yuki to Matsu and everything else by Hidebu Takahashi

>> No.34005576


>> No.34005581


>> No.34005590
Quoted by: >>34005672

If I got into NijiEN anons would hate my karaokes because it'd either be early 2010s rap or 80s pop/rock and at least 3 ABBA songs regardless of the theme

>> No.34005591

it's pop punk/emo you fucking retard

>> No.34005620

how is that true when your oshi exists?

>> No.34005621
Quoted by: >>34005707


>> No.34005629

What did Reimu and Vox talk about? I was in Nina's karaoke

>> No.34005643
File: 332 KB, 400x432, 1660982108560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34005649
Quoted by: >>34005845

I don't remember Elira or Pomu ever mentioning wanting to do English karaoke before it became something they could do. Selen wanted to do it for ages though.

>> No.34005670
Quoted by: >>34005750

unironically they don't need to be good singers to have a good karaoke stream, just singing with confidence and having fun is enough. When they are not comfortable, we don't feel comfortable.

>> No.34005672

I would LOVE your EN karaokes

>> No.34005678

It's like you called it.

>> No.34005684

But Management definitely not the one forcing he did this cover

>> No.34005698

that's not Noor

>> No.34005707

>Using the image posted in the thread
B-but the dramafags totally would have posted about this either way, guys!
Fucking spoonfeeding niggers.

>> No.34005735
Quoted by: >>34005826

ethyria really is the singer wave

>> No.34005746

they talked about pegging 10 minutes and now they are arguing on who loves fuuchan more

>> No.34005750

agreed, we've seen vox's shitpost of a karaoke. but holy shit that cover needed more work shouldve gotten creifu

>> No.34005753
Quoted by: >>34005856

These have yaoi anime?

>> No.34005756

I mean selen has skill. It's been shown since debut and she does collab with people worse than her, but she just chases numbers and has literally said that en is a competition and I mean she's not exactly wrong but on the same hand others are doing just as well as her, if not better while not secluding themselves to only collabing with en livers who are more successful.

>> No.34005760

this is my first aster stream since debut

>> No.34005762

Aster is probably the worst hire in the entire niji company, holy shit

>> No.34005767

No thats aia

>> No.34005775

How does Nina STILL not have a proper outro either? Ethyria's anniversary is literally next month.

>> No.34005783

Ok wow you guys werent kidding asters cover fucking sucks

>> No.34005799
File: 25 KB, 256x256, 13575092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now time to go back to shitposting about Nina

>> No.34005826

wow reimu got a karaoke soon also?

>> No.34005845

pomu and elira wanted to do it FOREVER
which is why i'm mad that everytime they DO EN karaoke it's nothing but the same weeb shit they sing in their normal karaokes

>> No.34005856

manga unfortunately. I dont watch yaoi anime after junjou romantica, the animated sex scenes are kinda off.

>> No.34005869

you wouldn't!

>> No.34005870
File: 399 KB, 640x640, 1652526373027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina is good.

>> No.34005873

I want to fuck her

>> No.34005882

When is the League segment in Aster's stream?

>> No.34005888
Quoted by: >>34006517

I dunno Aia, Scarle and Maria are more questionable.

>> No.34005904
Quoted by: >>34005963

Reimu: I LOVE Fuuchan
Vox: Hey I love him too!
Reimu: I love him more than you do
something along those lines

>> No.34005913
File: 771 KB, 981x743, 1652389961414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34006872

she just really like the gif pomu made for her
Can't blame her honestly.

>> No.34005914
Quoted by: >>34006428

It's weebshit with occasional Disney thrown in it.

>> No.34005925
File: 82 KB, 508x354, 1652881533739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate all of you who spoonfed these niggers with every fiber of my being.

>> No.34005931 [SPOILER] 
File: 166 KB, 547x451, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me before watching aster

>> No.34005933
Quoted by: >>34009970

At this point I believe the chinks put a curse on Nina during the second EU off-collab
from there forward she had to deal with a ton of shit irl, it was not just being trapped in australia with covid

>> No.34005938

no, in fact I will direct all my hate to Iluna except Kyo, Scarle and Maria, the rest of them fucking suck. to the point that even a random person on the street would do a better job than them. I'm pro unity but it's hard to defend this

>> No.34005948
Quoted by: >>34006070

Pomu might have wanted to sing some of those musical songs I guess? But seriously I can't remember Elira ever mentioning English karaoke once. She seems like she would be quite happy to sing hundreds of vocaloid and anime OP songs forever if the audience didn't want them to do English too.

>> No.34005957

aster really has a good model... he’s so pretty what the hell

>> No.34005963

wow theyre just like me

>> No.34005972
Quoted by: >>34006157

i want to fuck aster so bad bros

>> No.34005990

You obviously haven't watched either of their english karaokes

>> No.34006000

W-what happened after?

>> No.34006020
Quoted by: >>34006203

This was bound to happen. Streisand effect, especially with the screenshots getting deleted in the previous thread.

>> No.34006054
File: 47 KB, 270x272, 1663935371663887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34006266

Can rape correction fix Aster's singing?

>> No.34006070
Quoted by: >>34006332

She mentioned it. Shit. They all did.
The whole
>I love nijisanji
Was because they got perms to do en karaoke.

>> No.34006072
Quoted by: >>34006200

please tell me there won't be a totsu and my oshi won't be stopping by. I need to sleep...

>> No.34006078
File: 409 KB, 686x945, 1643161164389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN needs more lolis

>> No.34006087

your best wasnt good enough aster. shouldve gotten shu at least for pronunciation help.

>> No.34006096

>looking at the catalog
go back

>> No.34006097


>> No.34006109

Aster's cover is just a new level of bad, I can't even believe he would release it. No way he thinks that it sounds good right? right???

>> No.34006123
Quoted by: >>34006406

That anon is talking about manga most likely. Yaoi anime are still trash for the most part with few obvious exceptions like Doukyuusei, Umibe no Étranger, Given, and anything Soubi Yamamoto makes

>> No.34006131

Sometimes i just stare at his model make cute expressions. He's so pretty.

>> No.34006142

There will be one next year

>> No.34006150 [SPOILER] 
File: 350 KB, 450x423, chadaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me after watching aster

>> No.34006149
File: 286 KB, 2300x2200, FcTq8JkagAElH0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both him and kyo are very pretty

>> No.34006157

Imagine listening to him trying to dirty talk with that speech impediment... It's cute...

>> No.34006193

he said "at least he tried and thats good enough"

>> No.34006199

Nina really doesn't have anything bad recently to shitposting about

>> No.34006200
Quoted by: >>34006317

there wont be a totsu and your oshi wont be stopping by

>> No.34006203
Quoted by: >>34006341

The image they're using was explicitly posted by somebody begging for the "catalogbros" to make a thread with it. It's not the Streisand effect, it's faggots being faggots.

>> No.34006207

It’s obviously on purpose just to shit on mystakes, nothing new honestly. Shitposters here unironically do some short watching after threadwatching to take screenshots

>> No.34006208

Reminder for people who don't watch him: Aster has no plans of limiting or stopping his uwu speak because he unironically likes doing it.

>> No.34006230
File: 359 KB, 1280x1600, 6_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No we need more oppai loli

>> No.34006229
File: 511 KB, 948x902, 1635790282048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's especially pretty when wearing a maid dress.

>> No.34006231
Quoted by: >>34006455

You are unironically highlighting it more than anyone /here/. Anyway, the underage twitterfags are even more powerful and ruthless than those anons in catalog.

>> No.34006234

>implying the bait thread wouldn't happen eventually
better this way than other member coming across it and becomes a "all nijien pander" shit, let mysta take all the blame

>> No.34006242

sorry guys, aster was sucking me off real hard and i came down his throat like 10 times during the recording, that's why the cover sucks

>> No.34006266

no but i'm going to rape correct him anyways

>> No.34006271
Quoted by: >>34006376

Only second time i heard aster voice and dam he sound so weird

>> No.34006283

@me when they start playing league

>> No.34006304


>> No.34006310


>> No.34006312

Unironically every negative emotion I felt towards her disappeared when she left for a month and now I just shitpost about Aia instead because she's a million times worse anyways

>> No.34006317
Quoted by: >>34006381

thank you. I hope you're not lying to me. gn <3

>> No.34006332

If anything I remember Elira saying she didn't know many English songs anyway when people asked her about doing one before they have permissions. And when it got to be time to be one she had to learn to sing a bunch of songs because she mostly knows vocaloid and anime songs.

>> No.34006341
Quoted by: >>34009970

Eventually screenshots were posted by chinks themselves in twitter anyway. Mysta was an idiot for not refusing to do it if the management ordered him for it.

>> No.34006371

Millie proved NijiEN can shit out anything and fans would love it and claim it's the best thing ever with her totsu. They're just phoning it in at this point.
Shu's recent statement is the mentality the majority of EN have. They don't plan streams that their fans want or might enjoy, they just stream whatever they were going to be doing and playing with their friends anyway.

>> No.34006376

his normal voice is nice. i hope he drops the act soon....

>> No.34006381
Quoted by: >>34006574

yeah :) gn

>> No.34006385

so he's genuinely worse than nina?

>> No.34006406

Thanks for the list will be checking it out. My hope for something toppling Sensitive Pornograph is gone though ah well

>> No.34006428
File: 75 KB, 310x827, uh huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"weeb shit"

>> No.34006434

Iluna was a fucking mistake

>> No.34006437
File: 477 KB, 559x503, 1663633556983169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34006778

>> No.34006444

I fucking hate this nigga

>> No.34006450
File: 128 KB, 376x373, 1663886492575519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you make a cover aster

>> No.34006455
Quoted by: >>34006857

No matter how many fucking retarded petty dramas Mysta wouldn't have gotten into if people didn't spoonfeed dramafags you people will never learn. Even the Twitterfaggotry is an example of this. That stream was up for weeks and caused no drama until some big Twitter account highlighted it.

>> No.34006460

we get it anon you made the threads yourself so you can whine and be an attentionwhoring victim now fuck off

>> No.34006464

speak for yourself yaminion, my oshi doesnt spam valo and splatoon

>> No.34006470
File: 1 KB, 125x70, 1656889963982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally listened to Aster's cover and it's just... Mediocre? I've expected it to be jizz on the cock tier shitshow but it isn't that bad, just barely passable. Yeah, his JP pronunciation is bad but not Mysta/Vox tier bad. I think he can actually become a good singer if he does some vocal training like Nina did.

>> No.34006512

>I HAVE to hate someone from NijiEN

>> No.34006517
Quoted by: >>34006738

Aia milked 3x the supas Aster has
Scarle is trying and has decent stream ideas
Maria has an 8/10 voice and personality she'll be fine when she learns how to stream

>> No.34006529
Quoted by: >>34006800

>posting a karaoke when she was at her lowest point
alright, now post the one she did right AFTER she got perms.

>> No.34006530

I don't even know what he means by weebshit. None of their English karaokes were "weebshit".

>> No.34006541

stop falseflagging, that cover sounds so fucking bad it would actually drive someone to suicide if they were subjected to it.

>> No.34006547

Yeah weebshit

>> No.34006564
Quoted by: >>34006704

Jazz on the Clock is good though???`

>> No.34006570
Quoted by: >>34006634

One of those long Sound Horizon songs.

>> No.34006571

Meanwhile Sonny is worried about his content

>> No.34006574
Quoted by: >>34006641

shouldn't have added that smiley. now I'm anxious ;;

>> No.34006596
Quoted by: >>34006885

Every Time We Touch is an honorary weeb song because of amvs

>> No.34006598

he know's it doesnt sound good. but he released it because it he loves the song

>> No.34006605

>projecting Shu shit schedule choices on all the other talents

>> No.34006617

I didn't know Aster is now doing totsu early in the stream

>> No.34006634

I have a better idea

>> No.34006641

no no its fine. theres no totsu :)

>> No.34006646

>Shu's recent statement is the mentality the majority of EN have
lmao cope yaminion

>> No.34006651

Iluna has a lot of faults, but they've got a few months to amend them before the new wave comes along

>> No.34006656
Quoted by: >>34006822

I can't be the only one that hates english karaoke right?
Granted some stuff like Nina or Rosemi's setlists are welcome but holy fucking for the everybody rest.
The same songs every single time and to make it worst that's the only shit they sing. They no longer do JP karaoke it's the same fucking shit every damn time.
Fuck english karaoke.

>> No.34006668
Quoted by: >>34006864

that song was shit because of chibanyan. this song was shit because of the singer.

>> No.34006704

Where's Petra's image?

>> No.34006707
Quoted by: >>34006772

Mysta Rias is for

>> No.34006709
Quoted by: >>34006755

if you graduated the entirety of Iluna nothing will change, maybe Kyo will be missed but other than him, no one actually adds anything to nijiEN.

>> No.34006732

cant go through fan content if he doesnt have fans

>> No.34006738

>when she learns how to stream
2 weeks bro

>> No.34006742
Quoted by: >>34006791

he's bad at talking with his chat

>> No.34006755


>> No.34006765

>Aster playing LoL with NijiEN full house (5v5)

>> No.34006772


>> No.34006777

>saying this after a spam of la creatividad streams
stop dragging the livers to shu's level

>> No.34006778
File: 39 KB, 640x640, 1645405511936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34006791

you mean he's just bad at everything?

>> No.34006789
Quoted by: >>34006913

aster all those games suck, holy shit

>> No.34006799
Quoted by: >>34006910

>League, Plate Up and Phasmo
At least Prop Night can be fun to watch, I guess

>> No.34006800
File: 35 KB, 231x415, uh huh 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34008507

>>>>"everytime they DO EN karaoke it's nothing but the same weeb shit they sing in their normal karaokes"
Anyway, here. Where are the "weeb shit" songs she sings in her normal karaokes?

>> No.34006818
Quoted by: >>34006893

I hate everyone in NijiEN including my oshi

>> No.34006822

this but JP karaoke
lets unite our hatred together brother and fuel it towards shitposting about various livers being whores

>> No.34006857
Quoted by: >>34006995

Again, you are the one who highlighted it /here/ more than anyone. And genuinely, no one cares about some random stream platform logo in a block game except anons in /vt/. Chill.

>> No.34006864
Quoted by: >>34006926

I doubt any producer can carry Vox and Mysta, both of them are genuinly tone deaf. Vox in particular barely even sings in both HITD and JOTC, just did awkward rap one liners.

>> No.34006869

what's his bday sched? I only caught phasmo and league..

>> No.34006872


>> No.34006874
Quoted by: >>34006960

anyone can venture a lineup guess ?
i would say finana millie enna rosemi kyo and ren, maybe mysta too if he's still awake ?

>> No.34006883

I'll anti my oshi forever if he joins this shit

>> No.34006885
Quoted by: >>34007007

>mentions amvs
>didn't include In the End
Anon you have one job

>> No.34006890

League was a mistake

>> No.34006893


>> No.34006897

If any of you watched streams you'd know every member of Iluna except Ren is currently planning creative and entertaining streams for the following weeks. Stop acting like they're supposed to be perfect from the start. They floundered for a while and now have a clear direction to what they want to do as VTubers

>> No.34006910


>> No.34006913
Quoted by: >>34006996

I guess i could watch LoL since it's going to be a full lobby of Nijisanji members at least, i just hope we get the POV of a team with good banter

>> No.34006923

I'm against anti behavior but the way Aster is doing things makes me irrationally mad, even more than Shu.

>> No.34006926

exactly. they know their limits and was delegated to rapper role.

>> No.34006930

Why did I have to find out about his alt account now I'm being schizo

>> No.34006941

Holy cow... Ren lied to his face... fake friend... its over...

>> No.34006945

Aster is as lame as you average 4channer

>> No.34006952


>> No.34006960

Or if Millie has already woken up. She slept at 6 am?

>> No.34006962

>You cover was amazing
Ren Zotto September 25th 2022

Lied as easily as he fuckboi laughs

>> No.34006967
File: 395 KB, 698x800, 1662836123125586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love them

>> No.34006966

Prop Night, League, Plate Up and Phasmo

>> No.34006969

This is good bait because Millie's covers to this day are some of the best in en. Maximizer and Identity are both bangers

>> No.34006973
File: 256 KB, 480x480, 1661130704846573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking shitposter making shit posts like this about Millie, I'm gonna rape you.

>> No.34006995

No anon, I am not all of those 500 QRTs and I did not post the Tweet here. You are deflecting from the actual issue, which is that you are incapable of not spoonfeeding the worst people on planet Earth for some godforsaken reason.

>> No.34006996

haha good luck with that

>> No.34007007
Quoted by: >>34007202


>> No.34007012

The Millie totsu was dope, just because other people liked it, it doesn't mean that they just blindly accept content without any criticism. I criticise plenty of her and other NijiEN's streams, including the more high "effort" Undating 2 were only Enna and Fuuchan brought their A game.

>> No.34007017

>listen up asterbaters and all asterniggas
Kyo no!

>> No.34007063
File: 3.98 MB, 635x635, 1658560921225881.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you guys fighting over today?

>> No.34007071

So, when can we start to falseflag as Arcadians hating on Reimu because she still streaming?

>> No.34007099

Which of us Nina loves the most

>> No.34007101

arcadians dont exist

>> No.34007107
File: 174 KB, 300x300, 000169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always something.

>> No.34007111
Quoted by: >>34007289

I genuinely believe no one /here/ watches him, as well as Ren.

>> No.34007113

people still busy shitting on mysta in other threads.

>> No.34007127

Yeah reimu and vox no respect at all, fuck them

>> No.34007131
Quoted by: >>34007232

No one here cares about Aster

>> No.34007137

Im so mad such a beautiful model was wasted like this

>> No.34007140

Look, Reimu is transphobic and Aster is a tranny who do you think is objectively better?

>> No.34007148
Quoted by: >>34007284

we had selen is a #fag again, mysta built a bilibili logo on the server and "elira english krk has weeb shit"

how you doing fellow aloufeet

>> No.34007154

Neither of those people have fans

>> No.34007160

Reimu always overlaps other people's birthday streams

>> No.34007168
Quoted by: >>34007403

it's not the first time Reimu streamed over someone's birthday or event
she's just a bitch that doesn't care about other people that aren't Vox or Ike

>> No.34007172
Quoted by: >>34007263

it really is a shame

>> No.34007185

Aster, obviously

>> No.34007201
File: 524 KB, 1900x2125, FcPBtxaakAI6VGf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34007395

Rosemi-sama ToT

>> No.34007202


>> No.34007232

what part of falseflag you don't get it

>> No.34007235
File: 745 KB, 1142x639, 23472346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuzuha and Ibu are saving my sunday for me. I can't bring myself to care about Aster.

>> No.34007237

At least you can fap to it

>> No.34007255

Wtf Reimu is based?

>> No.34007259

my oshi has barely interacted with aster before surely they wont start now right?...

>> No.34007263

A shamefur dispray

>> No.34007276

once again I am requesting for art involving Rosemi sama and a Lycoris uniform

>> No.34007284
File: 96 KB, 271x247, 1655016537886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a really good wank earlier... like really relaxing.
And I'm making coffee!
I hope Enna jumps into asterbater's birthday soon

>> No.34007289

I honestly seen many Aster posts here in ages. Maybe it occurs during SEA hours, the last one I remember was when he had to reschedule that Little Witch game.

>> No.34007320
File: 610 KB, 1200x1800, FbVscdRVsAAZ-4Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34007415

aster is so awkward... help him kyo

>> No.34007325
File: 294 KB, 624x475, 1654887931030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34007324

shame Sonny cant play this

>> No.34007337

God this is awkward

>> No.34007395
File: 340 KB, 497x481, 1661971907250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34007403

I'm glad she is so I don't have to hear two annoying voices today

>> No.34007411

aster is shitting his pants

>> No.34007415

man Aster is awkward even with his gen after a month
what the fuck

>> No.34007421
File: 604 KB, 647x678, 1639022017563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always has been

>> No.34007426
File: 694 KB, 1920x1528, 1658791640157281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34007784

This is hard to watch like the pomudachi asking Pomu questions at the con yesterday.

>> No.34007425

i'm watching both layla and aster, but i have the former with higher volume than the latter.

>> No.34007452

2 months already

>> No.34007458

are all of iluna just shit at zatsu or what

>> No.34007471
Quoted by: >>34007630

how do save alban?

>> No.34007474


Watch Layla instead

>> No.34007477


>> No.34007480
File: 15 KB, 300x300, das crazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34007481

he's not. he collabs with them often and he's always in vc. he's just nervous rn

>> No.34007486
Quoted by: >>34007529

I guess I'll watch Layla.

>> No.34007490

She made the URL for her Vox apology stream
It's understandable due to cultural differences in LatAM/South American countries but its still crazy Anykara greenlit that.

>> No.34007514


>> No.34007522

I feel bad for Kyo right now

>> No.34007529


>> No.34007532
Quoted by: >>34007813

thank god Rosemi isn't there, have fun with your shitty uwu pov

>> No.34007549

>NijiEN League 5x5 custom

>> No.34007561
Quoted by: >>34008228

I mean you are highlighting this bilibili thing by complaining about it, not the twitter thing.

>> No.34007565

elira, millie, enna, finana, mysta, shu, kyo for league 5 v 5

>> No.34007578


>> No.34007583
Quoted by: >>34007685

>No Rosemi-sama
I don't know if it's a good thing because she has been spared from this suffering or a bad thing because I wanted to watch Rosemi-sama today..

>> No.34007616

Reimu Nina Shu and Sonny for phasmo

>> No.34007630
File: 295 KB, 2000x2000, FdgYG9zacAAYVqR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny is not weird ignore the rrats

>> No.34007633

it will be 2 games right? one aram and one summoner's rift

>> No.34007646
Quoted by: >>34007971

>i was expecting more people to zatsu but i guess they're busy

>> No.34007649

oh thank god my oshi isnt gonna show up

>> No.34007658

Mysta was so close to recovering from his League addiction

>> No.34007675
File: 196 KB, 1095x1056, FbWmjjBaQAAVFzm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice !

>> No.34007685

the last league custom with KR was pretty kino
just like Valo custom are more enjoyable than them getting clapped in normal matches

>> No.34007684
Quoted by: >>34007965

>Shu in all birthday games

>> No.34007691

>Shu in every one of the collab games for Aster's anniversary
I kneel, Collab King...

>> No.34007709

>shu for both

>> No.34007723

shu is in every game

>> No.34007726

collab king back at it again

>> No.34007768

are we past the point that everyone needs to pretend they're friends or family?
they're close to 30 members, nobody has the time or will to be close to each other
maybe Aster is annoying behind the scenes or whatever, it's not Reimu's responsibility to stop when even JP doesn't do this

>> No.34007772

Thank you Shu for saving Aster's birthday I kneel

>> No.34007784

That shit was like a parody of cons, Pomu did an amazing job dealing with them

>> No.34007813

I think the guy genuinely hates Rosemi after the Fortnite collab. Dude was really pissed off when she was doing all the buy a skin jokes.

>> No.34007832
Quoted by: >>34007906

It’s only 8 people (including Aster)?

>> No.34007836

aster you fuck.... it should be a nijiEN thing....

>> No.34007858
Quoted by: >>34008106

calm down it is not that serious. If you're so concerned about twitter then go there and white knight in the quote tweets

>> No.34007868

most likely to be there?
shu, mysta, finana, uki, enna, millie, elira...who else? not my oshi please please please

>> No.34007882

wasn't this for propnight ? isn't phasmo only 4 players ?

>> No.34007885
Quoted by: >>34008020


>> No.34007897

People here still pretend you can be best friends with over 25 new people + staff as soon as you get into the company.

>> No.34007902

nobody is complaining about reimu stop trying to force retarded arguments

>> No.34007906

he said them too fast for me so uki might be in it too

>> No.34007910

who are the other two?

>> No.34007914
Quoted by: >>34007966

>oshi isnt part of any of the games
ok bye

>> No.34007929

reimu was cute ttoday too. i love when she plays kusoges

>> No.34007939

They’ll be on Aster’s stream? I guess Sonny’s waking up early

>> No.34007949
File: 151 KB, 2000x1200, BFBD3E86-97E6-447F-AAF2-6E2EE22A265C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight anons!

>> No.34007962

Reimu said "cunt" and transitioned to Australian so she wouldn't be cancelled

>> No.34007965

Is Elira in all of them too?

>> No.34007966


>> No.34007971

isn't it abit early for most of them? he should have done like other livers first play some games then do a zatsu

>> No.34007982
Quoted by: >>34008721

>Elira and Kyo are a part of the legaue match

>> No.34007990
File: 101 KB, 723x1024, FanSQBhWIAIc6ln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still watch aster from time to time, I'm just not going to watch his birthday stream since it feels too soon. He's at his best when he's a sweaty gamer or he's ditzy

>> No.34007993

i think i heard maria maybe ?

>> No.34008001

uki and someone else

>> No.34008005
Quoted by: >>34008123

Shu really is a good senpai.

NijiEN already has more members than NijiID or KR at this point. At the rate the branch is growing, it's flat out impossible for them to keep up the "NijiEN is a family!" image and it'll just end up like NijiJP with friend groups/cliques.

I heard the guy made Nina uncomfortable in Apex with how he try-harded in that, but I doubt he's that awful to game with either.

>> No.34008008
File: 169 KB, 600x600, 1651533720472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to finish lycoris recoil while cooking curry, have fun with your league games I guess?

>> No.34008020

I dunno man it's twitch shit

>> No.34008060
Quoted by: >>34008163

>Kyo don't know about the babygirl IPN reason
this will be awkward someday later

>> No.34008066

He was playing with aster like a month ago

>> No.34008082


>> No.34008095

We know Reimu is a bitch

>> No.34008106 [DELETED] 


>> No.34008122

kyo is just sat there bobbing

>> No.34008123
Quoted by: >>34008252

> I heard the guy made Nina uncomfortable in Apex
it was more astr try harding and not conversing, and elira nina trying to fill dead air while nina was trying to learn to play.
It didn't help that aster was playing way too fast for a beginner like nina.

>> No.34008133
File: 337 KB, 529x523, 1634529268544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34008600

>Pomu is going to stream at 11pm for me today
Pomu have mercy on my sleep schedule please

>> No.34008154

Probably she shows up for all birthdays except Selen's.

>> No.34008163

not again, that was so sad to do during mysta's 900k celebration it got awkward

>> No.34008185
File: 106 KB, 1268x728, 1657470850915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu hasn't even been playing the game in the past 20 min, she's just talking to her chat with the game in the background lmao
based spicy latina bitch

>> No.34008201
File: 171 KB, 346x357, 24543543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34008289

Enna correction doujin when??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.34008204
File: 1021 KB, 999x1019, 000133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Layla is so cute imagine her pale slender Indonesian hands.

>> No.34008209

is this the draw aggie? no one's drawing

>> No.34008219

Two of the most annoying members + Aster's voice
Who even picked this group?

>> No.34008228

I'm convinced this mystake just made the bait thread themselves as an excuse to complain.

>> No.34008252

It was Reimu and Nina with Aster

>> No.34008260
Quoted by: >>34008537

Elira is in two of them

>> No.34008284

Kyo wants to correct Aster

>> No.34008285

i know! i'm watching her stream bro! I love her post game zatsus

>> No.34008289

Enna corrects you bitch

>> No.34008287

fish enter

>> No.34008295

Enter the educating feesh

>> No.34008311
File: 40 KB, 192x192, feesh sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34008372

finana just woke up, hello feesh

>> No.34008330
Quoted by: >>34008441

I would kill myself before heading Finana and Aster speak at the same time

>> No.34008348

What a bitch. She streamed over her kouhai’s birthday.

>> No.34008352

Kyaaaa feesh so cute

>> No.34008374
File: 642 KB, 1800x2400, rsz_y1bnterts0hgzefwcxhkr0rlymx1zmjqnhvmb3pybg9iotzucu5mrmduzz0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 1 iluna member is showing up for the games

>> No.34008372
Quoted by: >>34008527

Bratty fish, waking up at 1 PM... requires immediate correction! For her own health!

>> No.34008396

You're like a child. Nothing better to say when you're called out for being retarded so you default to calling someone a nigger. Fuck off mystake you're almost as bad as fagoons

>> No.34008432
File: 954 KB, 426x640, 1634427507769.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34008435
Quoted by: >>34008503

before that there was a Nina and Elira collab
only the Reimu one got discussed here

>> No.34008441

Theres nothing wrong with Finanas voice

>> No.34008444 [DELETED] 


>> No.34008447
Quoted by: >>34008747

i had to go after the 13th song.. what other songs did nina sing?

>> No.34008451

Elira was at Selen's birthday.

>> No.34008458
Quoted by: >>34008714

wtf who the hell is aster? i always thought aster was kyo, lmao

>> No.34008466

no, there was an apex with aster elira nina.

>> No.34008469

You missed him saying he'd be down to join Aster in League ranking yesterday

>> No.34008503

oh alright

>> No.34008507
File: 356 KB, 608x498, 1629012616019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted to know which EN karaoke is the best since they're over the limit for files on MEGA
>anon freely tells me once I bait him by posting BOTH set lists

holy shit, it's too easy to get what I want from you retards.

>> No.34008515

Finana sounds extra bratty and cute right now

>> No.34008527

she always wakes up at this time, just like me fr

>> No.34008537

Is she I only heard her mentioned for the league? What else is she in?

>> No.34008541

>2 aussies about to sleep
>2 others streamed all night

>> No.34008564

Iluna is literally NijiEN S2, the turning point of the branch.

>> No.34008578

I kind of get a kick out of seeing Iluna flop

>> No.34008590


>> No.34008593
File: 471 KB, 1200x1200, 5234B5EF-090A-4478-A6FA-AE2F055ED3C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34008618

Sleepy feesh is turning me on.

>> No.34008594

Mysta needs to graduate

>> No.34008600
File: 277 KB, 1069x1490, FB3b2ZMXoAE_GTn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34008612

i fucking forgot uki was there

>> No.34008618

I thought this was the triangle for a second

>> No.34008628
Quoted by: >>34008687

Holy shit I feel bad for Aster

>> No.34008633

?? scarle ren and kyo are joining

>> No.34008644

sleepy finana is so adorable..

>> No.34008657
Quoted by: >>34008765

did they get a new minecraft server or are they still playing on the broken one?

>> No.34008671


>> No.34008669

I wonder what Kyo and Maria's birthday will be like

>> No.34008676

what are the chances that they just do totsu because they can't form 10 people

>> No.34008686
Quoted by: >>34008740

>over the limit for files on MEGA
They're both uploaded on Youtube

>> No.34008687


>> No.34008714
File: 110 KB, 921x921, 46456464456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34008721

She already said as much earlier when she streamed Xenoblade, even saying that toxic Elira will be returning... only question with her is if she'll also be hopconning Valo (given that she's been trying play at least once a day for a while now)

>> No.34008740
Quoted by: >>34008851

when the internet dies, you won't have them anymore.
save them so you'll ALWAYS have your oshi on your PC

>> No.34008742

finana's just empty words. souless

>> No.34008744
File: 44 KB, 192x192, 1649644961600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finana's bday speeches are so cute

>> No.34008745
File: 154 KB, 900x900, 1656219160709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34008747
Quoted by: >>34009050

I still think Nina is a bad singer but this karaoke was pure kino

>> No.34008753

That’s such a cute message from Feesh

>> No.34008765

They got a new server

>> No.34008766

noctyx collab when

>> No.34008783

Keep going schizo mystake. Keep throwing a tantrum and making yourself look more retarded I find you shitting your diaper amuzing.

>> No.34008781

Feesh did the same thing for ike, she's so cute

>> No.34008787

She's so cute.......

>> No.34008814
File: 69 KB, 512x512, 1630460611734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil pentomo just give up already we don't care about pengussy anymore. Listen, it's you not me okay? Get it?
All the rape, the screams, the violence, the crying, all that despair-passion mix it's gone...

I'm raping different people right now and I don't want them to think they have a chance of being happy or escaping so don't reply to me anymore okay?
I wish you luck and hope you can find your soulmate.

>> No.34008829 [DELETED] 


>> No.34008851

Just download them from Youtube then

>> No.34008859

Reimu ended. Wanna bet she doesn't even drop by? Would be extremely based.

>> No.34008868

>I wish that there were more people like you that spread positivity with games
Finana he literally makes other people uncomfortable because he tryhards too much on casual games

>> No.34008874

Finana seems to like Aster

>> No.34008876
Quoted by: >>34009143

Finana is such a good senpai, its easy to forget but she's also one of the pillars of NijiEn too.

>> No.34008897

Did she raid him?

>> No.34008955


>> No.34008965

I am not watching Aster.

>> No.34008968

reimu hates trannies so it's possible she skips.

>> No.34008987
Quoted by: >>34009070

You shut the fuck up. That guy is clearly baiting you fucker. Watch stream instead of shitting up this thread.

>> No.34009035

Does aster actually believe his cover was good

>> No.34009048

sleepy finana being wholesome

>> No.34009050

i missed swing life away n the reason.. im gonna rope myself
hope we get more kino setlists like that one, i support soul

>> No.34009055
File: 75 KB, 242x185, 6c5f609e65da0eb552d23be2b181a6ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you threads so shit recently nijikeks
they feel painful to scroll through

>> No.34009070
Quoted by: >>34009124

ok samefag mystake

>> No.34009078
Quoted by: >>34009624

Jesus Christ, you weren't joking.

>> No.34009101

get a room holy shit

>> No.34009102


>> No.34009124 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 580x166, 1643583256135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34009129
Quoted by: >>34009630

he has singer petra syndrome, their friends tell them their singing is good that they believe it.

>> No.34009134

Success breeds jealousy

>> No.34009143

I say this with complete sincerity, Finana is the Ron Weasley of Lazulight. A dumb goofball and a fuckup sometimes, but she's there for her friends in the end.

>> No.34009180

what aster's oshi was elira?

>> No.34009199


>> No.34009202

is this still going on i muted for minutes

>> No.34009210
Quoted by: >>34009305

Yeah Ren leaked it

>> No.34009213

Reimu never raids anyone unless it's Ike/Vox

>> No.34009231
File: 301 KB, 855x949, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34009248

really explains the quality of his streams

Everyone who came after Obsydia needs to go

>> No.34009258

She attended last time. It's right when Nina unleashes unholy ass on stream

>> No.34009261

Yeah, Ren outed him

>> No.34009274
Quoted by: >>34009315

nta but for fuck's sake please provide a fucking counter argument instead of spamming the same reply over and over again.

>> No.34009277
Quoted by: >>34009315

everyone knows what inspect element is believe it or not

>> No.34009286
Quoted by: >>34009340


give me the context of this video

>> No.34009289


>> No.34009297

aster just confessed to finana

>> No.34009305

he doesnt seem like a famelira

>> No.34009315 [DELETED] 


>> No.34009316

>second post
he was right....

>> No.34009329

dont ask that

>> No.34009340

its just a shitpost merging Nijisanji with Jerma

>> No.34009342

all true, that anon is based

>> No.34009344
Quoted by: >>34009597

Iluna is trash but your whores would still be 3views without Luxiem, holobrony.

>> No.34009361

>Everyone who came after Lazulight needs to go
FTFY, especially dragoons

>> No.34009363

>Finana having a nijisanji oshi
hahahaha aster you dumb fuck

>> No.34009387

who was finana's nijisanji oshi again?

>inb4 hololive reject.

>> No.34009392

cute feesh.. im weak to cute girls

>> No.34009397

>I'm sure you also had your own oshi as the first wave like idk, in JP
kek Aster, you will fuck Finana like that

>> No.34009410
File: 627 KB, 2048x2048, FdavWkwaUAovILR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kyo in the dress

>> No.34009421
Quoted by: >>34009511

hoshikawa is what she used to say

>> No.34009426
Quoted by: >>34009500

You must be 18 years or older to post on this website

>> No.34009454 [SPOILER] 
File: 241 KB, 1280x720, 1640622040895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34009460

you aight

>> No.34009461

this is a disaster, it's more awkward than the Millie totsu stream

>> No.34009470

no one, she didn't watch nijisanji

>> No.34009469
File: 55 KB, 200x200, tpAGpKC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to come on buds

>> No.34009472
File: 207 KB, 1500x1996, FCEB199E-2450-419B-A38B-730013B42B14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34009621

Dragoons still shitting up the thread? I might as well do the same then.

>> No.34009481

Hoshikawa. But she doesn't say it anymore after she had a meltdown over people shitting on her on her maros for her lying about that

>> No.34009484

She said before it was Hskw but didn't know much about her.
Granted. Unless you speak Japanese there's not really much of a way to know. Nijisanji JP clippers are next to nonexistent. Even the ones I used to follow have stopped consistently uploading

>> No.34009490
File: 744 KB, 169x206, ogey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 minutes until Amiya

This hell will soon be over

>> No.34009500 [DELETED] 


>> No.34009507


>> No.34009511
Quoted by: >>34009612

she didn't say it this time... she said it was lazulight

>> No.34009514
Quoted by: >>34010231

When are they coming home...?

>> No.34009524

>Hololive reject
Finana had never wathced any corpo chuba, she just saw a bunch of clips and comissioned a model for herself to be like them

>> No.34009525

Pikamee for wave 7

>> No.34009534 [SPOILER] 
File: 593 KB, 317x400, 1655272293806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34009574
Quoted by: >>34010081

did you just call finana a bandwagoner?

>> No.34009583
Quoted by: >>34009684

so how much better will Kyo and Maria's birthday streams be?

>> No.34009585 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.37 MB, 480x420, aldkof304jng.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuba for this feel?

>> No.34009597 [DELETED] 

>your whores would still be 3views without Luxiem
being a 4 or 5 view doesn't count if most of those are bugs or women
badge of honor

>> No.34009607
Quoted by: >>34009861

Holy deleted. The fuck’s happening.

>> No.34009606
Quoted by: >>34010064

Anon, you need to realize that Anycolor and Bilibili have a partnership for years
Virtuareal is built by both companies
Anycolor and Bili2 invested on each other
Niji JP has members streaming on bili, is on bili events
Its not something controversial to be done in nijisanji except if you came from hololive.

>> No.34009612

feesh what a cop out

>> No.34009621

Oh no no no fagoons, don’t look!

>> No.34009624

>listened to the first line, hovered mouse over X
>listened to a few seconds of the second line, hit X
He should just stick to gaming

>> No.34009623

I was watching this collab live. Good times

>> No.34009629


>> No.34009630
File: 273 KB, 986x645, 1683052719305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok phantomo

>> No.34009635


>> No.34009659


>> No.34009663

jesus christ I didn't think mysta of all people would attract this kind of schizo behavior

>> No.34009684

Kyo is likely going to have a decent tatsu, but I don't expect the games to be anything special. Maria may suffer due to timezones

>> No.34009686

>people will literally slide a bar and type out DWHD2R only for it to be wrong then have to wait 4 seconds to type 2KKARZ just to type the n word

>> No.34009695
File: 350 KB, 1804x2007, FdcAjO9aEAExHaB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34009879

I wonder what this community would've been like if all the livers were the same but Luxiem was the first wave.

>> No.34009699
Quoted by: >>34010081

and she got in

>> No.34009715
Quoted by: >>34009771

>nina thank god
i cant believe im happy about nina joining too

>> No.34009714

ok im out, ill be back later

>> No.34009716

Rosemi became a jannie

>> No.34009720

Starfeesh status?

>> No.34009724

the only thing that could make this even worse is Aia joining

>> No.34009733 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34009803


>> No.34009745
Quoted by: >>34009973

>badge of honor

>> No.34009744
Quoted by: >>34009803

That's a chink

>> No.34009762

all it takes is for someone to mention alcohol and nina starts drinking, not an alcoholic

>> No.34009771
Quoted by: >>34009899

Iluna has lowered the bar and it may become lower depending on the next wave

>> No.34009803

Seems like it if the only word they can say is this >>34009733

>> No.34009826

>badge of honor

>> No.34009833

I never thought I could hate a person more than Nina, how is that possible?

>> No.34009846 [SPOILER] 
File: 318 KB, 435x491, 1655783531595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one imposter among us

>> No.34009849

boxxed wine....nina...

>> No.34009861
Quoted by: >>34010017

Mystaschizo spamming and sperging because of making a bait thread and attentionwhoring. Glad she's gone now.

>> No.34009862
File: 191 KB, 1279x719, 1641134559883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold, my nigga Kyo and the worst NijiEN members in a single stream

>> No.34009879

If Luxiem were the first wave I would never give Nijisanji a second glance, but having the rug pulled out from me after 6 months of a female-only branch really sucked too

>> No.34009899
File: 61 KB, 231x213, 1660788693975078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34009901
File: 52 KB, 540x540, FAxy7vtXoAc3Xgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate black racecars, they are hard to watch during races.

>> No.34009921 [DELETED] 


>> No.34009934

kyo is included

>> No.34009939

Is he ban evading?

>> No.34009941
Quoted by: >>34010132

>and the worst NijiEN members in a single stream
Aia, Scarle and Mysta are not there though

>> No.34009970 [DELETED] 

Hey meidos if your gonna ban someone for racism please ban these too cause you missed them:

Please do your job and keep this thread and board clean while your here.
Thank you!

>> No.34009973

>oh no sisters how could they like the most popular vtuber group in the world that doesn't make retarded decisions like hiring everyone in iluna

>> No.34009976
File: 385 KB, 600x583, 1652563352816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up tired, defeated, feeling down
>open バラして!! ROSE ME from Rosemi-sama Lovelock from Nijisanji EN second wave Obysidia singer of Black Out and local genius
>instantly happy, inspired, energized, life has meaning again
This feels so good

>> No.34009979

There is this Mystaschizo who likes to sperg and dox him. I hope we can just ban her from here.

>> No.34010017

Was she triggered by the anti-chinks here?

>> No.34010026
Quoted by: >>34010091

fucking kek, you are a schizo

>> No.34010033
Quoted by: >>34010156

I wish she quit vtubing and went back to making comfy videos on atelier.....or at least did both

>> No.34010039


>> No.34010057

>mystaschizo really is a chink
KEK my sides

>> No.34010058

I'm holding a rabbit in my lap.
rabbit vtuber when

>> No.34010064

anything celebrating chinese is controversial now days anon
and luxiem fans having all sort of dramas don't help either

>> No.34010081
File: 37 KB, 192x192, 1655532109802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34010286

To be fair, despite her being a bandwagooner, she's actually dedicated herself to pull it through due to her genuine autism. The fact that she just sees a cool thing and then bases her life around it for years is both concerning and inspiring

>> No.34010091
Quoted by: >>34010214

i'm not that anon i just think all rules should be applied equally without letting SOME slip through

>> No.34010095

Feesh desk is a fucking mess

>> No.34010098

Ban evading?

>> No.34010105

Eat it

>> No.34010111
Quoted by: >>34010341

i hate how his mouth is never shut, it's like he's constantly expecting something (no, not your dick)
It's the "waiting until my CCV hits 20k on MY BIRTHDAY" look

>> No.34010113

i want a bunny girl vtuber

>> No.34010132

Because they are not the worst hire

>> No.34010156
Quoted by: >>34010297

her code vein intro is still the best one she ever did

>> No.34010170

any chuba you might recommend from njien for this feel?

>> No.34010186
File: 532 KB, 1080x1384, Screenshot_20220925-150129_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34010201

Iluna is garbage but also, go back

>> No.34010214
Quoted by: >>34010283

ok mystachink i believe you

>> No.34010231

With mocca's beef with Elira and Millie, I don't think he's coming home.

>> No.34010249

Why was that so awkward

>> No.34010283
Quoted by: >>34010523

lmao my post got nuked anyways oh well i tried

>> No.34010286
File: 39 KB, 192x192, feesh hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt that considered being an autist, i sort of love her for it though

>> No.34010297

She was a good YouTuber but I've tried watching her vtube and she's about as interesting as paint drying but occasionally spergs out when someone mentions her past life that she completely ditched to become a 2view

>> No.34010323

Deleted lmao

>> No.34010341
File: 147 KB, 1080x1111, 1654774488654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meds now

>> No.34010398

It's so strange. I don't understand the change but it's what she wanted so that's that. I just think she was better in curated videos than in live content.

>> No.34010409

Reimu's not here tho?

>> No.34010431

she disabled her youtube content (paid for by her patreon supporters) because the dude she had a crush on called it cringe. she's as mentally stable as mysta

>> No.34010459

this rabbit has red eyes, it looks like Pomu

>> No.34010462
File: 101 KB, 512x512, 1631740411389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The song cheers me up every single time!

>> No.34010486

>They make worse decisions like hiring everyone in Council lmao

>> No.34010523

teach my how to cook using gutter oil

>> No.34010531
Quoted by: >>34010620

is anyone in nijien gonna play gundam overwatch?

>> No.34010532

When is the phasmo part for aster birthday ? After league or there is something else that I miss out ?

>> No.34010541
File: 82 KB, 512x512, butaHeart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34010610

finana emotes are so cute I smile whenever it is attached to a post

>> No.34010547

She burnt all her bridges with her YouTube pals too. So even those on the lower end of the spectrum don't even wanna lend a hand

>> No.34010555
Quoted by: >>34010596

Nerine come home already

>> No.34010594

If Mystakes all get labelled schizo chinks that's for the best. It'll deter them from posting about streams and spoonfeeding dramafags.

>> No.34010596

keep that menhera away from nijien

>> No.34010611

I miss this Pikamee like you wouldn't believe

>> No.34010610
File: 51 KB, 192x192, 1650615902164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love her emotes

>> No.34010620

Is it available to everyone else except the australians?

>> No.34010624

>aster's nijisanji acceptance email went to his spam box
