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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 265 KB, 1397x2000, 1633414724357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29593215 No.29593215 [Reply] [Original]


Last thread: >>29585224

>Magni / Altare / Noir / Syrios
Schedule: https://teamup.com/ksgohfodyecndykvxk

>Magni Dezmond
>MAGNATION / Magmates
Live: #MagginTime
Art: #MagniOpus
Memes: #Dezmemes
Clips: #dezclips

>Regis Altare
Live: #AlTogether
Art: #WorkofAlt
Memes: #LaughTare
Clips: #RegiTales

>Noir Vesper
Live: #VesperONLINE
Art: #ScholArt

>Axel Syrios
Live: #Whysosyrios
Art: #Artxel
Memes: #Axeldent

>> No.29593255
File: 564 KB, 669x926, 1658555919411109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this about correction I hear?

>> No.29593260
File: 257 KB, 736x734, Littlevespi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Nowa

>> No.29593272
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>> No.29593384
File: 123 KB, 600x752, 1658766010708687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29608824

What will we do for an entire day without streams?

>> No.29593394

I’m going to kiss him on his mark

>> No.29593451

regis is actually great

his debut gave totally the wrong impression

>> No.29593474
Quoted by: >>29593626

Just watched the Nowa and Axel collab, does Axel just not have an inner voice or what? His answer to the question was weird.

>> No.29593575

I just ended work is every VOD worth watching?

>> No.29593626

>does Axel just not have an inner voice
That's what it sounds like. Might explain why he can't into books.

>> No.29593652

Pretty much yeah.
I skipped Axel though.

>> No.29593722


>> No.29593803

Yeah. You could see them showing more of their own charms in each of them.

>> No.29593864

The one with Nowa interviewing Axel is great

>> No.29593917

>people call him the chad before debut
>he's effeminate, furry, gay, screaming like a woman all the time
Sasuga /vt/

>> No.29594024
File: 266 KB, 848x597, 1658385535013718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chad enough to pretend to be my femboy maid
You will never be as chad as magni

>> No.29594153

>>he's effeminate, furry, gay, screaming like a woman all the time
thats right, he isnt a chad at all
he is a gigachad

>> No.29594168
Quoted by: >>29594323

Definitely. Good thing he dropped the WAH though. I think that's what filtered me the first time I watched him

>> No.29594219 [SPOILER] 
File: 730 KB, 823x1308, afwfaedfvwavf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to fuck him NOW.

>> No.29594224
File: 265 KB, 600x600, 1651815632659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can cosplay as a maid without shame
>still has a higher body count that you

>> No.29594236

To be a true chad all you need is to have the confidence to be yourself is the cha

>> No.29594272
Quoted by: >>29594302

tfw got gifted a free day off and its the one day with no streams
why even live

>> No.29594276

ayo wtf

>> No.29594302
Quoted by: >>29594385

>Free day off

>> No.29594323
Quoted by: >>29594433

Yeah but I wish he also drops the "whispery" voice too. But if he doesn't I could still live with it

>> No.29594374
File: 101 KB, 218x227, 1658386958130711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watched Marine's 3D concert
>Imagined a what if scenario
>During MAGlord's 3D concert, he duets with Axel singing Ranbu Escalation since they both like Kamen Rider(after nihonggo and singing reps)
I think I'll completely lose my knees on the slim chance of that happening

>> No.29594385

at a hospital anon

>> No.29594396

I want him to fuck me NOW

>> No.29594422

there is nothing more chad than helping a bro out when they got a boner

>> No.29594433
Quoted by: >>29594585

I like the contrast between the voice and his unhinged comments.

>> No.29594444

Ayo wtf that's too lewd

>> No.29594585

good point...

>> No.29594685


>> No.29594693
File: 328 KB, 1682x2048, 1659066314785212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magni EROI

>> No.29594702
File: 750 KB, 768x1024, Untitled676_20220730203428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29596006

My editing skills are horrible but

>> No.29594953
File: 218 KB, 950x1050, 3B53C404-E593-46AB-BE77-710502C2B243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29605638

so it's like this, huh

>> No.29594963
Quoted by: >>29595216

I want to see him bboy live

>> No.29595216

He's been practicing

>> No.29595564
File: 29 KB, 720x960, 1657905275242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29595606

half as long... twice as bright...

>> No.29595606

is the dog okay?

>> No.29595669
File: 152 KB, 736x538, E58A9656-2727-47A5-B249-7AB61D650797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29595756


>> No.29595739

If Marine can have nipple bumps on her fat fucking tits.
Do you think our boys will get to have bulges from their massive hogs?

>> No.29595756
Quoted by: >>29595799

why tf are woman so fucking horny

>> No.29595799
Quoted by: >>29595861

Don’t reply to me again, thanks

>> No.29595809

Catching up on the Vesper/Axel collab. Axel's a fuckin legend

>> No.29595824

After today's interview I've been thinking about pulling on his hair while riding Nowa

>> No.29595861


>> No.29596006
Quoted by: >>29596978

You can use select mask for smoother edges for edits in Photoshop desu

>> No.29596745

How long do you guys think before the boys get monetize?

>> No.29596820
File: 133 KB, 412x360, 1658681916146953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm hoping by next week or the end of the month. I need to send my oji san some money NOW!!

>> No.29596978

Thank you, I'm out right now so I edited this on my phone, also if I had a higher quality image it would look better but eh

>> No.29597106


>> No.29597144

Hopefully because their an en branch and doing well in terms of holostars, maybe soon, but uproar took a month or more just for monetization and 4 months after for a membership

>> No.29597197

Serious question, but is the target audience for male vtubers just gay guys lol? I've just been puzzling over why the fuck anyone would want to watch a male vtuber.

>> No.29597213


>> No.29597318
Quoted by: >>29597420

You forgot women exist, anonchama

>> No.29597400

Gays and women want to fuck them.
Straight guys get to emulate hanging with the bros.
They've been very entertaining so far.

>> No.29597420
Quoted by: >>29598554

I sincerely doubt their demographics would have a higher number of women than any where else on the internet. It's straight up guys watching this shit.

>> No.29597433

Personally I just enjoy listening to someone that's entertaining. I never thought of Hololive as BFE or GFE

>> No.29597464

>he wants to fuck his friends
disgusting coomer

>> No.29597503
File: 632 KB, 4096x2045, 1659156903508437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that I kinda don't want Mori to collab with the boys? Don't get me wrong - she's my oshi but I know she has tons of haters. I just don't want drama stirring with Tempus. It feels very comfy watching them and discussing with everyone here. Not sure if I'm the only one feeling this way

Nah anon, me and my friends are huge fans of Tempus. They enjoy the brotubers.

>> No.29597565

I can tolerate him during collabs because he has great chemistry with the rest of the boys (to be fair, all of them do) but I tried watching his solo content and the mannerisms and voice filter me way too hard. Good thing he managed to resonate with other people though, I wish them all the best.

>> No.29597586

I didn't really care about male vtubers until vesper told everyone about the plastic story.

>> No.29597617

Sauce pls?

>> No.29597700
File: 546 KB, 1157x651, 1659186674036868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yagoo is canonically dead...

>> No.29597717
Quoted by: >>29598726

Drama how?

>> No.29597747
Quoted by: >>29598073

Most male x female collars end up with this weird third wheel vibe even if you’re not a unicorn, this happens irl when your friends get a gif too…

>> No.29597763

i watch the homos because they make better content than the EN girls and i can understand them, if i could understand japanese though i would watch the jp branch streams instead

>> No.29597908

To be its like watching stand up comedy,since improv is a huge part of it.

>> No.29597978

I watch them because EN girls bore me to death, and I can't japanese enough to watch JP girls. It's hard watching people you don't truly understand consistently and for a long duration, but I try.
Tempus are very entertaining EN tubers so I want to support them.

>> No.29598052
Quoted by: >>29598719

taking an early leave from /MANS/ because holy shit my balls are busted from watching Senchou

>> No.29598073

Fucking this. Well put

>> No.29598120
Quoted by: >>29598351

when vesper said he thinks axel isn't needy or needs attention and axel said he likes attention it made me think of axel stalking his ojisan to get attention

>> No.29598258

Since EN is out of the picture. Best HoloID partner for each boy?
For me it’s
Kaela and Nowa
Kobo and Regis
Ollie and Axel
Moona and Magni

>> No.29598272
File: 602 KB, 2400x2800, FYzWvteXwAIFLLj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like Tempus because of their personalities and their content has entertained me more then the girls have lately.
i don't want to watch women being boring over guys that are funny and having fun with their bros.

also i'm just going to bring up the fact that a lot of the Tempus boys have more similar interest to me than any of the girls, Vesp mentioning Tsukihime and Axel being into SRW sold me on them even more

>> No.29598351
Quoted by: >>29598640

I'm anti ship but this is pleasing to think about

>> No.29598445

bro, where's Iofi? she's been the big sis for Stars for years now

>> No.29598549
Quoted by: >>29599172

Altare kobo
Dezmond iofi
Axel risu
Nowa anya

>> No.29598554

>I sincerely doubt their demographics would have a higher number of women than any where else on the internet.
Newchama, Luxiem's fanbase is 70% female.

>> No.29598640

Its not a ship, its more like which ID and HomoEN member will go well with who.

>> No.29598719

That webm alone already made me nut ngl

>> No.29598723

just getting caught up on the second group collab now and holy shit this is already better than any stream ame has ever done

>> No.29598726
Quoted by: >>29598985

She's prone to make minor mistakes that schizos turn it into big yabs. I'd honestly like to keep my girl and guy oshis separate for peace, but I don't mind if they want a collab.

>> No.29598747


>> No.29598783


>> No.29598789

Hi, Regis

>> No.29598795

Magni Dezmond will NEVER be an idol.

>> No.29598883

He will be my wife though.

>> No.29598909
Quoted by: >>29599059

neither will gura
dont care. shes a dumb whore

>> No.29598914
File: 198 KB, 377x349, 1659122152124649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

titty monster is coming for uncle nowa, run !!


>> No.29598919

it's idoru

>> No.29598985

honestly my biggest concern is once the collab ban ends beggars will start losing their shit if the boys don't collab with any of the girls in EN, they'll start sperging over "muh gender seperation bad" without considering the schizos that some of the girls attract and they'll end up harassing the boys over nothing

>> No.29599031


>> No.29599038
File: 15 KB, 308x326, 1659046008956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or are fujo sisters stronger than unicorncels?

>> No.29599042

Regis with me.
Magni with me.
Axel with me.
Vesper is a pure idol and doesn't belong to anyone.

>> No.29599059
Quoted by: >>29599104

Gura, the HoloEN, sang and danced on the idol stage at Holofes, the Hololive JP idol concert.
Small reminder.

>> No.29599085

Yes we are.

>> No.29599104

I came in your mom's pussy. Doesn't make me your dad

>> No.29599127
Quoted by: >>29599361

I want fujo sisters to rape me

>> No.29599128
File: 24 KB, 169x336, guyrys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay away from my ojisan you filthy mutt

>> No.29599161

It does make you a retard though because you have to be real dumb to fuck her these days

>> No.29599172

I want a Axel x Risu cover of a high and mighty color song

>> No.29599205


>> No.29599215

Unity is dead, we must destroy the great evil

>> No.29599229

Fuck off back to >>>/jp/hololive, retard.
This thread is for discussing HoloEN men.

>> No.29599255


>> No.29599254

I think I'm in love with an ojisan HELP

>> No.29599273
Quoted by: >>29599721

I hope the boys get little chibi 3d models too one day, I wonder how their designs would translate

>> No.29599338

you clearly dont know about kpop stans.

>> No.29599361

i dont. bushes are gross

>> No.29599389

wtf is that rigging

>> No.29599392


>> No.29599450

Holy shit, I want to fuck her tits all night and then watch Vesper's morning zatsu together

>> No.29599484

Nijisanji's character art is really good but their rigging is always kind of uncanny

>> No.29599517

avert your eyes nowa this demon is too sex

>> No.29599532

I cannot stand listening to her talk, it's grating.
Also I WILL stab her if she comes as close as several kilometers near my Uncle Nowa.

>> No.29599541
Quoted by: >>29599685

Niji rigging is often atrocious because of how many models they're commissioning.

>> No.29599551

He’s my malewife(male)

>> No.29599591

i really hope theres no trap in gen 2. ENs just cant pull it off period.

>> No.29599604


Another titty monster is coming for Uncle Nowa AND Maggy boy.

>> No.29599644

stupid sexy senchou #

>> No.29599683

Well fortunately while Vesper has the looks, he's not an emo boy. Too old and boomer-y for you, chica.

>> No.29599685

are there really so few good riggers that even holos and nijis have trouble commissioning them?

>> No.29599693 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 473x440, 1641950086968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29599694

Another titty monster

>> No.29599701
Quoted by: >>29599762

Imagine Marine getting gangbanged by Tempus boys

>> No.29599714

I think Magni has the smallest cock in Tempus

>> No.29599721

There's no need. They're getting 3D after Uproar who will get theirs after Stars' concert in Oct.
Haha I wish, but seeing as their manager is always there I believe Tempus is given great treatment anyway. Tempus show like Wachastars and Jump Uproar soon.

>> No.29599746
Quoted by: >>29599838

this is so much better on mute. my fucking ears

>> No.29599762

Yea I'm Magni, Regis, Vesper and Axel btw

>> No.29599791

Why are men like this

>> No.29599796
File: 156 KB, 427x381, 1648170422997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29599913

What is that? I thought Kiara has the worst grating voice, this chick is on par with her

>> No.29599807

this has nothing to do with holostars

>> No.29599838

Go back to your thread deadbeat

>> No.29599905

Who has the biggest?

>> No.29599913

>be in /mans/
>fujo thread
>poster is shitting on Kiara
Wait a minute
Have the schizos that shit on Kiara been women all along? This makes so much sense

>> No.29599941

More like they will NEVER be women

>> No.29599942

Since Tempus will eventually get a 3D debut eventually, do you think they will go to Japan or go to Amelia's office?

>> No.29599963

Axel, right?

>> No.29599970
Quoted by: >>29600030

His oshi is marine? Right?

>> No.29600011
Quoted by: >>29602767

Will /mans/ ever stop getting shills and baitfags one day?

>> No.29600015
Quoted by: >>29600057


>> No.29600020
File: 45 KB, 477x482, 1642217949740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking this from global


Marine limited merch 5,000 Set
>Sold out in 56 s
$500,000 in less than one minute

Bro I just hope our boys get the same treatment for merchandise on birthday

>> No.29600030

He must be really happy right now....

>> No.29600037

seagulls are evil people

>> No.29600041

Japan because by the time they get their 3D, Japan would have opened their country.

>> No.29600057

God I fucking love this chicken

>> No.29600066

THE Kiara anti was a woman yes
Most of the dregs aping her after she left are just tranny larpers (which isn't just an insult, they unironically LARP as her on Discord and it's fucking bizarre)

>> No.29600072

>he just realized

>> No.29600074

The latter, but if it turns out to be another Kanauru 3d then I'll be disappointed. His 3d shader is not my cup of tea, too bright and still not on par with cover's 3d.

>> No.29600085
Quoted by: >>29600151

That's partly because they fucking let people buy 10 items apiece

>> No.29600096
File: 258 KB, 566x458, 1501917376072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>globaltard mutts wake up
>proceed to post about their lazy boring skanks in a wrong tab
Every day.

>> No.29600123
File: 139 KB, 1920x1080, FY6NYj5aUAIhmki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29600131

Maglord and Reg will just make their own with help from Nowa's connections. Nowa worked (works?) in tech, remember?

>> No.29600151
Quoted by: >>29600803

56s is still insane. Let's say only 1 set/user and it still will get sold out

>> No.29600190
Quoted by: >>29600246

What if it's a shota with a really, really deep voice like Hans in FGO?

>> No.29600192

This is Hololive, not Nijisanji.
Tempus will all get good merch, not like keychains or acrylic stands.

>> No.29600223
File: 1.43 MB, 1080x1080, 1648454502206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta love the double standards from the meidos. posting about a holostar stream in mutt global gets you a 3 day vacation

>> No.29600246
Quoted by: >>29600301

Doesn't one of the new NijiENs have a massive voice/model gap

>> No.29600257

Can’t believe I’m going to turn into what I used to hate, a ‘wrong thread’ fag

>> No.29600268

I just hate Kiara because she's annoying and her fans are subhumans

>> No.29600284

Autistic girls who don't care about boys
Risu and Yopi are Holostars best friends

>> No.29600286
Quoted by: >>29600340

>good merch AND keychains AND acrylic stands
This is Holostars, brother.

>> No.29600301

It's not an oldman shota though

>> No.29600333

Merchandise is Holostars' lifeblood. Why do you think they have merch already?

>> No.29600336

Question: If StarsEN 2 has someone like Kaoru, with a super feminine model but a deep as fuck voice and male interests (like beyblades or gun shit), will that person work?

>> No.29600340

Merch in hololive is different. Izuru didn't have to have those in his last merch drop.

>> No.29600341
Quoted by: >>29600422

Fuck off back to >>>/jp/hololive.
This is for Tempus discussion.

>> No.29600346
File: 160 KB, 345x417, 1659119680092259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood unicorns until now. Stay tf away from my Uncle Nowa you absolute leech.

>> No.29600351

if you want to gossip with trannies i suggest trying hololive global. this is the holostars thread

>> No.29600356
Quoted by: >>29601024

I'd be willing to beat the fuck out of someone for a Magni nendo or a pop up parade one

>> No.29600402
Quoted by: >>29600519

Oh look, the shitposter is samefagging

>> No.29600417

Kaoru is the most popular Holostars before he graduated. It's proven already that it works.

>> No.29600422

I wasn't the one who brought her up, if KFP bring her up in unrelated threads I'm happy to dump on her.

>> No.29600477
Quoted by: >>29607354

Kaoru was pretty well received since he became the most subbed Holostar at the time of his debut, if Tempus does go for a feminine model and give it to someone with a really deep male voice it would definitely work

>> No.29600481

If you can't ignore them just tell them to fuck off then ignore their bait reply. We got enough spam in /mans/ as it is.

>> No.29600480

Speaking of merch, do you think there will be a Omocat x Tempus merch run in the future?

>> No.29600519

contributing to off-topic discussion and shitposting is still contributing to both of those things even if you didn't start the conversation you fucking retard what logic is this??

>trying to keep the thread on-topic is "shitposting"
this gaslighting may work on your fellow gossiping trannies but it wont work here. also literally two different people

>> No.29600589
Quoted by: >>29600745

Tempus would seriously have to blow up. Until then, don't get your hopes up. Or just create our own shirts and sell them on etsy or something.

>> No.29600592

Did roommate reps on Regis and while it does seem he is hetero. He looks like he’s an unironic bro. Like the “bros before hoes” and “I want to stand on top with my bros” kinda dude

>> No.29600598
File: 57 KB, 543x475, FX6ZFoIagAE3jb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People wondering about StarsEN gen2 when I just want to know who mystery nigga is...

>> No.29600646

thats a commemorative photo the skinwalker who stole altares body took after he killed the hero

>> No.29600653

Just let Magni do it with initial designs/doodles contribution by the others.
It'd be better anyway.

>> No.29600745

You're retarded. If Council gets a Omocat collab, Tempus will probably get one since Yagoo never leaves anyone behind.
I'm going to save thisband grudgepost your dumbass later.

>> No.29600751
File: 414 KB, 677x718, 1658827238110261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we have more than one week of Tempus content.
Do you guys think they set an incredible starts and foundation for Holostars EN?
Will this encourage more people to apply for Holostars EN?

>> No.29600802

Nah, Luxiem and Noctyx are still better. Good try though.

>> No.29600803

Buying limited Holo merch is almost never a bad idea. You can always resell it and will almost always make a profit. It’s obviously underpriced

>> No.29600815
File: 215 KB, 1548x1241, 1658144994058750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29600843
File: 947 KB, 738x520, 1659034459525348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Noir talk stream today

>> No.29600875

Planning to buy Tempus merch here.
Wtf is a wallmug?

>> No.29600881

They're kinda cringe ngl

>> No.29600891

Yes but its too powerful, theres no way gen 2 can live up to expectations.

>> No.29600922

Their doing pretty good all things considered. Anyone who wants to apply will probably be guys who aren't interested in fujobaiting or fujopandering and just want to be a normal male vtuber streamer.

>> No.29600925

While his model is off the fanart shows off how cool magnis design actually is

>> No.29600939
Quoted by: >>29600998

I don't care about Lux or whatever their name, get filtered. I'm talking about Holostars here on western market

>> No.29600945

My morning feels empty.

>> No.29600967 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 1024x9791, 1658303039263597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29600975

I kind of like just having four of them. cgdct anime always have 4 girls in the group.

>> No.29600984
File: 218 KB, 725x695, 1632660222398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29601659

I like them but the yuro time kills me

>> No.29600992

>finally watch West of Loathing stream
>Vesper actually said "gaslight"

I'm guessing this is when Omega told him about the no-no words then, he didnt seem too hesitant to use it here.

>> No.29600990

He looks so good in fanart. I wonder if they’re going to have subtle live2d changes

>> No.29600998

Iluna got the male market lock so Tempus can only get the scraps.

>> No.29601001
File: 690 KB, 1024x732, 1658991443164983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need my papa to whisper sweet nothings into my ear... I MISS PAPA NOWA UUUUUU

>> No.29601024

I genuinely can’t imagine how Mag’s arms would work in nendo work

>> No.29601037
File: 2.75 MB, 1760x9256, 1657651735872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29601248


>> No.29601035

Magni has gotten quite a lot of fan art some of it from high profile artists. Maybe partly because he’s an artist, like with Ina, but his social media game is strong as well. But his base design as actually really strong and allows for a lot of variation

>> No.29601041

Gaslight jokes are funny though

>> No.29601039

Tempus will collab with Mori Calliope

>> No.29601045

chinksanji is infested with fujos and chinks so anyone that doesn't want that will either just stick to being indies or go to StarsEN

>> No.29601057
Quoted by: >>29601160

lluna what is this? Sorry I don't understand

>> No.29601108

Agreed it's just weird to see after he talked his way around it yesterday.

>> No.29601118
File: 56 KB, 923x424, uuu verdict.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since we realized mans is full of saplings, i asked uuu if theyre full of vesties

>> No.29601128

Remember that sana did this

>> No.29601160
File: 14 KB, 458x490, 1649825088326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29601285

I mean why you bring up about Luna all of sudden?

>> No.29601177

>Male market

>> No.29601187

Tempus' audience is mostly male from the looks of it and women who don't like being pandered to, also iluna is a mixed wave and fujos don't care about the girls the only one i saw that got their attention was the guy with the horns

>> No.29601223

The boys will watch the graduation. You will join them, won't you anon...

>> No.29601248

I know Hololive always going full ham on merch since 2020, Are you just cherry picking on niji?

>> No.29601258

I need something kino like this.

>> No.29601269

I'm kinda afraid it'll just be another Council boys edition, Tempus set the bar too high

>> No.29601279
Quoted by: >>29601455

I think it's time to give Noir a(nother) child

>> No.29601285

Nijiniggers are insecure about their new wave being a flop that's just riding Luxiem's coattails, please understand...

>> No.29601287

No, that's literally what Niji merch is.

>> No.29601291
File: 461 KB, 619x817, 1659104895386380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tribalfagging on seaniggs primetime
Can you guys fuck off and watch some VODs?

>> No.29601300
Quoted by: >>29601747

Anon to be a chad isn't about being a set thing, it's about being confident in yourself and doing what you want to do
He owns all of those things you described, and enjoys his life

>> No.29601332

No i will watch dororo 2019 and play xenoblade 3 today LOL

>> No.29601339

Speaking of graduation... Will Omega be based enough to let Tempus send a video message or something at least instead of just in the sidelines?

>> No.29601356

You're projecting

>> No.29601372

>Cherry picking
Lmao if only

>> No.29601380

Brudda the people shitposting are just some faggot ass niggas leaking in from global and the catalog

>> No.29601384
Quoted by: >>29601690

Man… default Niji merch is a meme by now. Rumor (with some backing from financial reports but nothing concrete) is that Niji takes a pretty hefty merch cut. So the talent isn’t invested in designing and shilling merch the way Holo talents are. On the flip side Holos apparently front some of the costs which means much more risk but they get a better cut. Given how many talents Niji has and how many are 2-3 views it sadly makes sense

>> No.29601409
File: 211 KB, 580x628, vesperdoodle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do i find the vesper porn please

>> No.29601455
File: 45 KB, 1118x798, 1659151319305876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his true end goal

>> No.29601490

uhh, no? sana was and is garbage and nobody is sad she's graduating. she wasn't meant for the role and will quietly shift herself out of hololive.
better than what rushia did, though, for sure.

>> No.29601536

I don't get it. Also Anya is a sword, she can't get pregnant

>> No.29601543

anon what the fuck is this drawing

>> No.29601571
Quoted by: >>29601712

Axel dropped a new song

>> No.29601572
Quoted by: >>29601800

where is this from? i keep seeing it everywhere

>> No.29601592


>> No.29601627
Quoted by: >>29601817

Doing my VOD reps. I was watching them on a second monitor while I did my work on my primary, reviews based on how little work I completed per stream.
>Bad End Theater
Altare probably put the most thought into his stream setup with the zoom ins. I think he is probably the most fluent in OBS in Tempus. 6/10 I don't care much for the game so I think it's a skippable stream.
>Sonic Adventure 2
Sick intro as always + lots of Magni eeks and his commentary is top notch. I would only skip the stream if the camera angles gives you motion sickness. 10/10 I almost got fired.
>Axel zatsudan
Topics mostly revolve around Tempus. I'm glad he got dunked on by the others so much because it turns into entertaining content for him. Only worry is that he's building the other boys up a bit too much so he might lose his own audience, but maybe I'm just thinking schizo. 7/10 kinda tired of the FF talk already.
>Axel Nowa collab
Just watch it. 9/10

>> No.29601645


>> No.29601659

My Spidey senses say nowa oji is trying to groom altare into being a second euro hours streamer with luck you europoors will get half of tempus at your times

>> No.29601683
Quoted by: >>29602011

Generals feel like homes and the denizens just want to be left alone

>> No.29601690
File: 214 KB, 256x642, Screenshot 2022-07-30 092254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for people in Niji yeah but what I'm really getting out of this is that us getting merch of copium or any of these items is a lot more plausible than we think

>> No.29601712
File: 228 KB, 365x416, 1632929027827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29601725

I've been saying, they just need to get a female talent to voice a trap.

>> No.29601747

>being chad is to be a proud flaming faggot
I guess pride parades have the most chads

>> No.29601757

More...magni’s cute tiny bubble butt...

>> No.29601769

incredibly based

>> No.29601794

If Cover really wants to be conscious about the male audience, and if Tempus continues to climb to that point, I think clothing of any sort will be inevitable. Clothing is common merch for any content creator, but it seems like guys love to cop good novelty / "street wear" clothing merch. They just need to commission the right kind of people to design it. Though, it's not say Tempus can't have cute merch. I'm sure Tempus themselves would love to see cute merch.

>> No.29601800
Quoted by: >>29601904

the new Xenoblade game

>> No.29601817

Axel's interview with Nowa was so good. I'm glad we got to know more about him and his chemistry with Nowa was fucking great, I want them to collab again and play something together.

>> No.29601833

Zero women in these threads until proven otherwise

>> No.29601858
File: 187 KB, 577x461, 1658121205886558_Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29601885

I want the heart vial thing as a keychain or a charm with actual liquid inside..

>> No.29601904
Quoted by: >>29602010

that's a joke, right? this has to be a shitpost or something

>> No.29601961

Even though gaslighting is a generic concept, Cover must fear the term because gaslighting is used to describe a form of domestic abuse. Too bad, because gaslighting bits can be hilarious and those are just done in good fun.

>> No.29601962

Boys getting merch that's like motifs or versions of their accessories/weapons would be kino

>> No.29601972
File: 144 KB, 1102x670, 1659161324173535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29602034

What do you guys feel that Alex is streaming half naked?

>> No.29601997
File: 154 KB, 424x425, 1657370928824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she better stay in her lane.

>> No.29601996

I've been slowly coming here instead of global recently, is this the least schizo thread here?

>> No.29602007

How much longer?

>> No.29602010
Quoted by: >>29602396

it's real
I dunno much about the game so I don't wanna post it in case it's a big spoiler

>> No.29602011
Quoted by: >>29602934

Dont come crossposting again, no one cares about worldbuilding general or hlgg or whatever
Very same reason you tempus watchers dont blend with the stars thread

>> No.29602034

this is amazing, now this is all i'm going to imagine when they stream

>> No.29602107
Quoted by: >>29602205

What is the likelihood if Axel doing a cover of Chain by BACK-ON?

>> No.29602205

Depends if Cover can get the OK for it. I would love to hear more songs from Axel since he's got the best singing voice so far.

>> No.29602231
File: 533 KB, 960x960, 1659029856548198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29604238

>Glass or bottle with copium on it
>Glasses frame, pen and bok with vestie mark
>Axel chain and pendant
>Regis ring and sweater
I hope Tempus go wild on merch

>> No.29602264

That's the standardized niji birthday merch, besides that there's unique hoodies, bags, pillow cases, plushies, engagement rings etc
But really this is off-topic

>> No.29602287


>> No.29602388
File: 56 KB, 175x251, 1655865502987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/stars/bro here, just woke up.
Today's a different day. Considering there's no streams today, the thread will probably be moving much slower overall. So, in honor of the graduation that's going on today, I'm going to make a single /stars/bro post later on during a bit more active hours remembering the graduated members of Holostars. Be on the lookout for that.

>> No.29602396

Just saying its from xenoblade is a huge spoiler

>> No.29602458
File: 310 KB, 227x656, 1656241891804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? I dont care nigga. Go improve yourself instead of trying to become a thread celeb.

>> No.29602470

Thank you, Starsbro. Always appreciate you supporting the boys in JP.

>> No.29602473

We're so new we don't have hangups yet. Schizos wander in when the streams get big to try to stir up Holo VS Niji drama and immediately leave afterward but for the most part it's unity.

>> No.29602500
Quoted by: >>29602688

Look at this smug fat fuck...

>> No.29602567

Is it true that the 5th member is actually current Altare? He was so stricken with grief at the death of Altare that he became him which is why you see cracks in his persona sometimes and why at other times he seems to be pretending to feel emotions and he is doing what Altare would do or at least what he thinks Altare would do.

>> No.29602571
Quoted by: >>29602700

What if Shoto is the 5th member of Tempus and long lost friend of Regis?

>> No.29602583
File: 871 KB, 1791x1209, 1638027026389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the spore stream has easily become one of my favourite vods to go back on i love magni and his hilariously cute screams

>> No.29602620

Just don't post anything off topic and not Tempus related since this thread is for them after all.
Niji or any corpo chuuba/indies/non-Holo aren't taken well around here since it clogs up discussions.

>> No.29602631
File: 49 KB, 680x680, dfbf4eee_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29602706

I wish all MANScholars a fine sojourn in this temple of discourse known as /MANS/. Let us all partake in enlightening conversations about Tempus so we can grow stronger as individuals and as a general.

>> No.29602688

I wish Tempus had little mascots, I think Axel's would've been a good fat fuck but knowing him they'd probably look like the buff mice from demon slayer

>> No.29602700

Get out

>> No.29602706
File: 557 KB, 544x747, 1628556264768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29602708
File: 163 KB, 640x480, 1659072345637432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

>> No.29602715
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, FYrkSzDaAAAqk8V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29602801

>there is no 5th member and Regis is just a schizo
I wouldn't be shocked.

>> No.29602767

I'm sorry to tell you, but no. We can only hope the newfags learn to not take bait.

>> No.29602801

nah 5th of tempus is his childhood friend who he thought was a boy but grew up became a tomboy adventurer for EN 3

>> No.29602934

try not to onions out this hard again dude, the guy just asked a question and only one person couldn't handle it like an adult

>> No.29602994
Quoted by: >>29603051

Thinking to get the 4 keychains and some other stuff but shipping is so expensive. Fucking EMS.

>> No.29603051

Not to mention the mug might break or crack during shipping

>> No.29603071
File: 317 KB, 2368x1964, E7DEB5E0-C5E2-41DF-9D63-0DE5BE7FAC58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of Noir and his plastic ball helped calm me from a panic attack today. His hard work and optimism are more inspiring than I think he’ll ever know. Thank you Uncle Nowa.

>> No.29603138

Does anyone actually do the Axel and not have internal monologue? I understand what he's saying though, sometimes I too go on autopilot at work and when people talk to me at work I just go through the motions but he seems to be able to do that with actual in depth and deep conversation and also do it at all times? Is it possible for someone to act purely on instincts like an animal and not think?

>> No.29603143

Noir Vesper Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN

>> No.29603165
File: 170 KB, 1002x1000, FY5auRLXoAAuXPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uncle Nowa makes everything more bearable

>> No.29603190

saw some clips and the highlights were at least funny. they should collab more.

>> No.29603217
Quoted by: >>29603375

>Axel likes Crisis Core
Hope he gets the permission to play Reunion, even if it's the JP version.

>> No.29603231

The 5th member is O

>> No.29603263

Axel seems like he's pretty much got the whole "don't think too hard about it, just do it" mentality down for him. He's pretty straight forward.

>> No.29603266
Quoted by: >>29603337

/hlgg/ still thinks Regis is hated and Magni is the thread favorite because of thr magging memes

>> No.29603307
Quoted by: >>29605264

Be honest any of you going to SC the bois when they get monetized and if so who?

>> No.29603337

/hlgg/ doesn't watch any of the other boys' streams, anon. They'll never understand based demon king.

>> No.29603375

Crisis Core is a little boring to watch. I'd rather see him play Dissidia Duodecim and try to beat Feral Chaos.

>> No.29603479

I believe that there are atleast 100k-150k hololive audience which will eventually come around and start enjoying boys content and with their appeal of being bros streamers which is new and will attract people outside of holobox, I think we can safely relax and enjoy the ride

>> No.29603509

I'm sorry if this causes any controversy , but all of tempus is best boy

>> No.29603632
Quoted by: >>29603759

I know this is playing with fire but Axel should pander to JP yumejos more. He could be a bro when he streams english and BFE when he streams japanese. He might actually be able to pull it off thanks to the language barrier

>> No.29603636
File: 381 KB, 2048x1807, FYyPmx0WQAI4Nlx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29603691

Based. All the lads are good.

>> No.29603678

bros in the thread thinking of applying to starsen: how do you feel about the thirst the boys are getting here? or is it to be expected considering it's the norm for most chuubas?

>> No.29603691


>> No.29603759

the boys are growing at a slow and steady pace, it's probably for the best since their pretty much an experimental group with brotubers without fujobait being a new thing

>Axel doing BFE
no...just no

>> No.29603776
Quoted by: >>29603961

as a poster here, I find it creepy and unsettling, but were I on the other side of the stream, I imagine I would be flattered (and mildly worried)

>> No.29603824

there are people who thirst after the .png tubers in /asp/
I think part of having an internet presence in general is having weird shut-in types lust after you.

>> No.29603856

People get horny over literally anything, as long as they keep it to themselves and don't stir up drama in the wider community, who cares? The only issue comes when the chuubas themselves feed into the delusion.

>> No.29603961

>I find it creepy and unsettling
Do you feel this way when people do this towards the girls in other threads?

>> No.29604074

nta but yes lol a lot of vt are fuckin freaks without boundaries

>> No.29604078
Quoted by: >>29604200

I don't know if it was one of the boys or someone here, but didn't somebody say it's good for them or anyone in general to grow at a steady pace because that'll push them to work harder?

>> No.29604096

i think magni would have a fetish for getting choked...

>> No.29604166
File: 2.55 MB, 542x507, scarlegremlin[sound=a.pomf.cat%2Fwjdedu.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on why are you guys so uptight?

>> No.29604179

Holy shit anon take cover

>> No.29604192

Regis talking about getting goosebumps from horror things makes me feel like I'm the one going schizo. I can tell you're lying. It's in your voice.

>> No.29604200

isn't Magni already growing pretty well and he's the one getting tons of memes and fanart?
Vesp is getting pretty popular too for being a boomer vampire, all things considered the boys are fine right now so there's no need to rush them

>> No.29604210

The original poster is just talking about regular thirst not schizophrenic saviorfags, groomers, and actual pedofiles

>> No.29604231
File: 268 KB, 1611x2048, 1658638100745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29604496

I cant believe I finally understand what people mean when they say a streamer inspired them to change their life. Honestly i'm so embarrassed at my current self, I want to be someone that Vesper feels proud to have watching him.
I love my dad so much.

>> No.29604232

this post reeks of normalfaggotry

>> No.29604238

A pestle and mortar would be kinda neat for mag

>> No.29604239

no, In that case I just wish they would keep it to themselves

>> No.29604252
File: 21 KB, 467x166, 1630520564225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always had trouble visualizing in my mind, maybe he just has the verbal version of that.

>> No.29604281

Tempus will NEVER be senpais

>> No.29604287

Jealous. I’m jealous. I’m a stout pale girl and I’ll never be Noir’s tall buxom caramel wife. Suffering

>> No.29604302
File: 208 KB, 3000x2200, FYxcVUvXgAUJpd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay away from my wife (male), you whore.

>> No.29604315
File: 438 KB, 1030x811, 202E6073-44DA-4906-A36D-1F9C4E490483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we will.

>> No.29604354
File: 308 KB, 700x700, 1635200461784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29604650

What is it with japs and dumb useless shit like keychains and postcards
>the one practical thing (the shirt) is generic as fuck

>> No.29604403

magni is burning out

>> No.29604408

anon...they've only existed for a week now

>> No.29604409

It's steady but it is by no means slow. Always remember that in the wider streaming community, getting 50k subs and having a consistent 1000 CCV is already extremely good. The boys are doing well and here's hoping they get even better.

>> No.29604416
Quoted by: >>29604457

Tempus WILL be ballin

>> No.29604425

Aren't they all preexisting creators? But yeah I imagine this'll get more regular dudes interested in applying

>> No.29604448

Magni doesn't know how time works

>> No.29604457

t. axel

>> No.29604460

>it's already been a week
what the fuck?

>> No.29604492

Ehhhhh I am quite surprised by that to me Nowa Oji is like the least attractive for fujos.

>> No.29604496
File: 563 KB, 2975x3850, 5BA05643-3DE4-48BE-B340-0D9818B229A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly i'm so embarrassed at my current self, I want to be someone that Vesper feels proud to have watching him.
Yes! I was crying because I’ve had 6 months straight of art block and felt like I’ll never finish another piece, but I remembered “If I had fun at work once, it could happen again”. He’s right, and I’m so fucking grateful that someone like Noir is a Holostar. Knowing that he is training to sing songs for us makes me want to be a better person for him in return. I’m glad he inspires you too!

>> No.29604549

Noir gave off such dad vibes in the interview. Noir becoming the other's father figure and them desperately wanting to make their papa proud arc when?

>> No.29604557

Well bros? Have you finally found the Holo chuuba who share your tastes to an uncanny level?

>> No.29604575
Quoted by: >>29604680

>misreads the time and sulks about it
why is he such a woman?

>> No.29604607

It's the chin man women love that shit

>> No.29604622

Vesper likes Salt&Vinegar chips, that's all I need to know

>> No.29604642
Quoted by: >>29604768

Weirdly enough, it's Axel. I wasn't expecting retarded aussie dog to be a mechafag like me.

>> No.29604645


>> No.29604650
Quoted by: >>29604687

Nah I like that the power level is hidden. Need a mix of stuff

>> No.29604671

Frame is up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Oi3fZwGpKc
I hope he plays Chimeraland too.

>> No.29604680

Apparently he had a short sleep but still felt rested so he assumed he slept long

>> No.29604687

You can be subtle without it being a generic shirt with a tiny logo on the back

>> No.29604702

>four hours of rest is enough
this menhera...

>> No.29604733
File: 857 KB, 691x600, ttgomanhunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29604756

thank you sana for graduating so magni won't go full menhera and graduate as well

>> No.29604768

I want to see him get quizzed on the space governments in Gundam or something like that

>> No.29604784

Who would be the first to do an endurance stream?

>> No.29604785

translation anon if you're /here/ check /stars/ there's important info

>> No.29604804
File: 205 KB, 2000x1140, 165903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from what i got women like him because he's awkward in a cute way and his boomer personality and hobbies are endearing, also the gap moe with his high society vampire appearance

>> No.29604863

Regis or Axel are my bets

>> No.29604874
Quoted by: >>29604970

>rewatched uncle nowa's zatsudan ....
is this a withdrawal symptoms

>> No.29604875
File: 95 KB, 400x400, D7683919-55E3-4616-9256-F1DF12EB114B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for paying attention the last time we discussed this, anon

>> No.29604908

35 hours...

>> No.29604954

The second the 1 hour limit goes down, the four will do a full team "Endurance Stream" collab and end it at precisely 1 hour and 1 minute.

>> No.29604970

>they won't stream tomorrow because of Sana's graduation

>> No.29604973

seems like he could legitimately go as long as humanly possible without noticeable change
has a meltdown and quits after five hours

>> No.29604988
File: 65 KB, 643x643, 1642911304433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love retarded orange dog!

>> No.29604996
File: 70 KB, 853x480, 1630537600345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29605293

Noir is like me but about 5 years older, so sometimes his topics are a little too old for me and sometimes it's the other way around and I'm 5 years ahead of him in knowledge. But everything in the middle is pretty relatable 99% of the time. He's like the older brother I never had.
Problem is, I'm not sure how viable his thing is in the long run. I can build railways in Factorio for 5000 hours, but I'm not sure I'd watch stuff like that, you know? I guess we'll see how Dwarf Fortress goes.
Axel debuffing himself with long RPGs, Noir debuffing himself with autismcore, hope it works out.

>> No.29605018

Axel would probably want a JRPG endurance stream

>> No.29605043
File: 228 KB, 1360x516, thumbnails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Uncle Nowa's thumbnails so low-effort?

>> No.29605047

A lot of western women like
1. Men who are passionate about something
2. Ambitious
3. A functioning member of society
4. Confident

Noir loves his niche hobbies and subjects, seems like a classy guy whose confident in himself (you get more confidence as you age), and he's competent enough to have a streaming career doing what he loves. You could argue that the others are doing the same but Vesper REALLY embodies it. He could walk away from streaming forever tomorrow and you know he'd land alright.

>> No.29605062
Quoted by: >>29605627

Dog can finally playthrough an entire RPG like he wants

>> No.29605075

he makes them himself in ms paint please understand

>> No.29605078

>live in 35 hours
Man he reserves his streams early

>> No.29605114

he's ancient, anon....man can't even tag things on twitter correctly

>> No.29605140
Quoted by: >>29607627

omega was right, magni is burning out already and the emotions from the debut is starting to vent out

>> No.29605171

That about sums it up, yes! I like that he’s about a decade older, my taste in skews older but he can teach me about things I may have missed. I admire his confidence in his dorky hobbies, he never sounds ashamed. He’s also very polite and courteous, almost to a fault, which triggers a sadistic desire to tease and bully him until he’s no longer a calm brilliant scholar but a total mess instead.

>> No.29605194
File: 54 KB, 377x349, 1659117015206160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros. What will happen if they actually start streaming full time? Or worse, overlap?
I like them all for different reasons and due to work I won't be able to catch up with them. It will be like your best friends are fighting and they have a birthday at the same day

>> No.29605232

Simple suits him

>> No.29605264


normal. part and parcel of the life really. if you can't deal with it then you will have to try really hard to avoid it, or just be a flop.

>> No.29605275

I don't have a retarder coomer brain like you so I can watch a guy if he's fun and interesting. No everyone is here for the anime girlfriend LARP, I have a life too

>> No.29605293
Quoted by: >>29605403

I have a lot of confidence in him but I'm kind of worried he'll eventually run out of things to talk about with his zatsudans. He's really good at them but can he keep it up for a year or more at this pace?

>> No.29605403

I think a solution to that would be reading SCs or asking for topics on Twitter

>> No.29605434

I feel like he'd just leave your yumejoshi's ass instead of dealing with your bullshit

>> No.29605557

the "shy, gentle, polite older man" gap moe niche is too fucking powerful. it's almost scary

>> No.29605593
File: 128 KB, 1200x1200, 1658338395419103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29605808

>thread personality

>> No.29605627

>Dog wants to play through an entire RPG in one go
>I have been dreaming of streaming an RPG from start to finish in one go
It appears that I aspire to be Axel all along. Unexpected. Unreal.

>> No.29605638


>> No.29605655

Just watch the VODs and drop by when you have time, anon. I'm sure the guys don't mind and appreciate the support either way.

>> No.29605668

NTA but i think he would be pretty pleased to know that women enjoy him, if embarrassed about it. it's simply a fantasy, anon

>> No.29605710

Get a new job that allows you to watch them in the background while working.

>> No.29605721

is regis going to go full schizo when they start streaming longer hours and he can no longer watch each stream live?

>> No.29605762
File: 191 KB, 1049x1488, FY7EwkRaQAUbLMS.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29605776

>unironically calling herself a gremlin whore
People like this...?

>> No.29605785

i was exclusively a vesper fan but im watching magni's spore stream now because i love this game and wow magni is actually quite possibly as based as you all are hyping him up to be

also, why are boys so hard to draw? Dumb wide shoulders

tomorow? You mean today

>> No.29605793
File: 270 KB, 515x438, 1642500066078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Altare will take over the stream, light Altere will keep watching.

>> No.29605806
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 1636353486285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He learned from his senpai.

>> No.29605808
File: 49 KB, 540x535, shiengun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't give a shit what anyone like you thinks
I've gotten thanks again and again for bringing StarsJP info to people /here/ so imma keep doing it till the collab ban is up
I'll sell whatever little fuckin dignity I have left if I get just a handful more people to know about and show support for my lads
You can't stop me

>> No.29605826
File: 20 KB, 229x343, 1536213435430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will defend Uncle Nowa's purity with my fucking life, I vow this wifi-streaming fake Latina harpy will never get her hooks into my sweet old vampire nerd, begone THOT

>> No.29605827
File: 115 KB, 2048x1375, FY2knq0VQAASNmJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29605909

so basically he's just cute? i see

>> No.29605851

100%. I think he's barely containing his powers

>> No.29605861
File: 520 KB, 751x762, 1658881480169318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29605874

Keep it up starsbro, as long as you keep it to the stars shilling.

>> No.29605899


>> No.29605909

What will happen if Uncle Nowa didn't get his 8-hour sleep?

>> No.29605938

Damn, I really hope Axel and Bossu get to collab once the bans are lifted.

>> No.29605942


>> No.29605973

This is the problem with threads as comfy as /MANS/. You get people who get too comfortable and think it's OK to do shit like this.
I don't mind you shilling the JP boys but ffs stop attention whoring

>> No.29606022


>> No.29606101
File: 169 KB, 388x339, CED33A7C-E5E5-4B5E-88EF-A136B60824F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29606112

He makes image edits in MS Paint, please understand

>> No.29606169

Not everyone watches vtubers because they're horny you silly coomer, I just like the anime Aesthetic.

>> No.29606179

Do women like small boys? Why? I don't get it

>> No.29606183

Without the ability to constantly monitor everything his genmates do, how is he going to cope? Do you think he'll have their streams up in another monitor while he's streaming?

>> No.29606190

It’s a good thing I’m just a viewer then, isn’t it? The purpose of the fantasy, the “yume” in yumejo, is comfort and inspiration to better oneself. When I speak of teasing him, ideally in the scenario he’d secretly enjoy himself- that’s the narrative that his BRB and Ending Stream splash art portrays! Sentimental but embarrassed and secretive about it.
Though I don’t think he’d be particular happy with your behavior either, so instead let’s both try to be someone he’d be proud of.

>> No.29606191
File: 965 KB, 4000x2600, FYmAT4akAAm7K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29606405


>> No.29606198

Unless you are a NEET, you need to throw away the completionist mindset that you need to watch all of their streams, whether live or VOD.
Pick and choose the streams you would like watch and stick to that.
Overlaps are inevitable considering there are only 24 hours per day. Pick the ones you like to watch at that moment, and watch the VOD if you can't.
If you try to adjust your whole life around their streams, you will eventually burnout and drop them even if it seems unlikely right now. Be a well adjusted fan with realistic expectations since they will not assume you will watch all their streams anyway. They will rather have a casual fan who is still watching them years down the road than one who dropped them a few months after debut due to burnout.
t. starsfag who tried watching all 9 JP members back in the day and almost dropped them due to burnout.

>> No.29606249
File: 277 KB, 1500x1500, 1659072308001108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love uncle...

>> No.29606278

By the way, since I know a lot of people here are new to Holostars I figured I'd link this from the Holostars X YAGOO interview segment at the Link Your Wish event a while back. I talked about it a bit in one of the threads last night but thread was moving too quickly for a discussion. Oga asked YAGOO what kind of person he'd like to see added to the roster and this was his response (timestamped):

Would you all think he got what he wanted in Tempus?

>> No.29606282
Quoted by: >>29606401

It just comes with the territory, I'm already used to it. I've been on the other side myself, lusting over sexy hags. Pretty sure that shit makes normal fans uncomfortable.

>> No.29606289
Quoted by: >>29607562

Do men like small girls? Why? I don't get it

>> No.29606294

>that schedule
Damn is all Noir gonna do is chat?
How does he have so much to say

>> No.29606296

>already more shota art of magni than any of the others
what does this mean?

>> No.29606366

The girls get just as much thirst if not more, so it's pretty par for the course

>> No.29606388

He’s the kusogaki of tempus

>> No.29606392

they got dog so yea

>> No.29606401

>Pretty sure that shit makes normal fans uncomfortable.
Most VTuber viewers aren’t normal people

>> No.29606405
File: 784 KB, 1500x1500, FY6RX9BUsAQ2nD-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right? He is so cute.

>> No.29606458

Since this is a Holostars gen I guess the usual ToT crowd were enjoying themselves and watch Magni but can't get off to him, so they decided to make some jackoff material in their preferred style

>> No.29606538

He's probably pretty happy with Tempus since they are doing pretty well and better then anyone was expecting.
I'd argue Axel fits his description but dog is also unironically pure and pretty seiso minus the cursing, but he's an aussie so it's fine.

>> No.29606551
Quoted by: >>29606967

i want the tempus team to gang rape me

>> No.29606560
Quoted by: >>29606714

I'm a starsfag who is grateful for all posts but it's cringey as heck to post an annoucement post for a stars fact post. Does nothing to help the stars except to get (You).
If you want to help the stars like you say and not just stroking your own ego then just post it normally without all the fanfare.

Also blatent shilling without caring what others think will just make people ignore your post and thus the stars. Imagine a salesperson shoving their products in your face without care of what you think.

>> No.29606659

you misspelled kino

>> No.29606672

Best thing would be to just tune in when the game they are playing interest you, I been watching pretty much everything that Vesper and Magni do because I want to know them more, but after a couple of weeks of their antics I feel I'll have enough with one or two streams a week plus a couple of clips to have enough

>> No.29606689

Does anyone know what happened to the pokemon card opening stream? I swear it was on the schedule but I can't find any vod.

>> No.29606714
Quoted by: >>29607331

Fair enough. Wrong move there, just gonna keep it to the typical posts from now on. I tend to overexplain things when I do them to try and avoid confusion, but I guess it's not what people /here/ need.

>> No.29606736
File: 36 KB, 800x450, OURS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29606738

boys didn't get permissions yet but i think their working on it so it might still happen

>> No.29606739

Permission shenanigans

>> No.29606776
File: 36 KB, 455x55, 1641449552312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this happening? How's he gonna do it?

>> No.29606811

Shota model with a deep voice would be hilarious and fun, I want it.

>> No.29606867

I'm hoping they'll keep up the weekly Guild Reports so even if I only have the time to watch 1-2 of them throughout the week, I'll get my fix of the others in the group collab

>> No.29606882

Probably some Steam PC building simulator thing

>> No.29606900

I used to when I was a teenager because I was into guys that weren't intimidating, and intimidating to me meant deep voice, tall, and big build. Now my tastes are the complete opposite. I'd give anything for a lumberjack boyfriend.

>> No.29606957
Quoted by: >>29606978

Not having a Vesp stream in an hour now feels weird.

>> No.29606967

I typed this

>> No.29606978


>> No.29606977
Quoted by: >>29608064

I'm guessing like the girls do cooking streams. He'll have to wear gloves to hide his ebony skin and have a table all prepared with nothing too reflective.

He also probably won't do it until well after the hour limiter is removed.

>> No.29607005

by melting it down and harvesting the gold

>> No.29607044

i'm assuming this will be ASMR of him just chatting while not showing us a camera view of scrapping the PC.

>> No.29607082
Quoted by: >>29607200

Like Sana's back?

>> No.29607196

just have a male model voiced by post-transition Kronii

>> No.29607200


>> No.29607202

Why would you compare marine with the boys you dumb retard

>> No.29607262

Agreed but wrong thread

>> No.29607292
Quoted by: >>29607656

She created Tempus? Neat.
Sana is Omega pasta pls.

>> No.29607300

Nah, I would Hate it

>> No.29607331

Just keep it simple, short and readable. No one backreads all the posts given how fast the threads goes. If anyone complains, try not to go on the defensive since all it does is to make you and by extension the stars look bad. Take in any construstive criticisms and ignore the rest. I'm looking forward for the stars post.

>> No.29607354

It would definetly not work, don't encourage him

>> No.29607361

women always hated stacys and the internet allows them to hate stacys without getting put verbally into the ground

>> No.29607562

It's totally different you retard

>> No.29607627

Please Omega, force Magni to get more sleep...

>> No.29607631

that's pleasant to hear, I hope Vesp could know about this

>> No.29607656

shit reply, strongly consider ending your own life

>> No.29607659
Quoted by: >>29607693

haha could you post it lol so i can laugh at how cute and funny it is hahahaha

>> No.29607686

Didn't he say he'd do Zomboid instead if he could get perms for it beforehand?

>> No.29607693
File: 170 KB, 2970x1804, EA91B7F8-F2D0-496D-9EE0-215B695294A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29607831


>> No.29607831

oh my god so cute, he is now the first image in my magni folder thank you

>> No.29607858
File: 77 KB, 463x617, 1658694893151172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I still can't believe this is an actual possibility.

>> No.29607888
File: 574 KB, 1000x1037, he is holding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should he holding

>> No.29607949


>> No.29607957
Quoted by: >>29608587

Tiny Vestie!

>> No.29607965

the plastic ball desu

>> No.29607987
File: 69 KB, 1000x500, FYiyqbtWQAAYOcU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29608021

anon (us)

>> No.29608033

Yesterday we got so many fantastic moments but you can already see the difference between boys an girls; nobody clips their content, which is a shame because there's been so many clippeable moments that would help the boys get more exposure.
They're doing pretty well but now I see the difference between male and female chuubas. This market is focused on lonely males who just want to see cute girls doing cute things

>> No.29608041
Quoted by: >>29608116

So you're telling me no one is streaming today because Sana is graduating? Seriously?

>> No.29608065

a small magni pls... I need some GTS fanart with the boys.

>> No.29608064

>to hide his ebony skin
anon pls

>> No.29608067

No Nowa stream in 30 minutes...

>> No.29608073

the little plastic ball

>> No.29608088

my cum

>> No.29608116
Quoted by: >>29608145

kiwawa is doing a karaoke in half an hour

>> No.29608134
Quoted by: >>29608235

Honestly i'm thinking of clipping them as well. but i'll have to find some free time from school, and learn how to video edit..

>> No.29608145

I was talking about Tempus, you retarded globalnigger.

>> No.29608190
Quoted by: >>29608215

you were talking about sana dude lmao

>> No.29608205
Quoted by: >>29608285

they could have streamed, but said it was their choice as they wanted to be respectful. you be respectful too.

>> No.29608215

I was talking about Tempus not streaming because Sana is graduating, dumbass.

>> No.29608235

It's not like many people is gonna watch, that's the problem, audience is not that interested in males

>> No.29608238

hehehe thac0 Tuesday

>> No.29608239

Really? I get clip recommendations of the boys all the time.

>> No.29608285

>you be respectful too.
To who? her existence wasn't even significant in Hololive and her leaving would unironically have just as much impact as Roboco leaving hololive.

>> No.29608329
File: 254 KB, 1074x1523, 21B2492F-A346-4A3F-9640-9A4EB23AC588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29608339

i need magni potion making ASMR sooooo bad

>> No.29608342

like how it didn't take a week for people to start schizoposting and being tribalfags

>> No.29608359

it was like that since day one

>> No.29608410


>> No.29608451

All people had to do was not post off-topic garbage and this thread would've been peaceful.

>> No.29608459

>Take a week
You say that as if anons weren't anti Regis from the very beginning

>> No.29608495
Quoted by: >>29608592

I left out Oboretai but all of these are different channels.

>> No.29608500

I’m distressingly attracted to TTG nerds and hearing about Nowa’s D&D group was almost too exciting. It also makes me want to see Tempus drawn as the Eltingville Club

>> No.29608530
File: 57 KB, 515x438, A6DBF6DC-A43A-46AC-A439-7254467C6588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29608684

Anti Regis you say?

>> No.29608558

please don't bring that shitty buzzword in this thread.

>> No.29608587
File: 614 KB, 1000x1037, he is holding a vestie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my personal vestie design i hope its acceptable

>> No.29608592
Quoted by: >>29608664

That's nothing compared to the girls and check the views

>> No.29608628
File: 167 KB, 840x1300, 1659031531231002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29608856

is kotor actually good?

>> No.29608651

I re-watched Nowa's talk streams 3 times now...is such a good background noise

>> No.29608664

they debuted a week ago. patience, anon. good things take time.

>> No.29608684

Anon!? I very nearly suggested a tiny bat but thought it would be too out of left field… Our minds…
Thank >>29608530
you, your art is wonderful his little smile has made my day!

>> No.29608698


>> No.29608723
File: 89 KB, 268x303, 1654544793643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29608736

Should I even care about my boys getting clips?

>> No.29608740
Quoted by: >>29608785

Too excited and misclicked…

>> No.29608785
File: 424 KB, 2000x1572, tempus fan designs vesper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, here it is from the front. i made one for each of the boys


>> No.29608808


>> No.29608814


>> No.29608824

Work out, read a book, play games. Our holobros would want us to enjoy our day off, like they are.

>> No.29608856

