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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28025338 No.28025338 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>27981452

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

Naval Edition

Interactive map:

Introductory blurb for new anons (Test version, subject to change):

- Maps!
- Chuubanite doc
- Name Oceans and Seas, possibly make new names for continents

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.

>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)
>/pcclg/?: !!S9vZSg00/Br
>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1

Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces:



>> No.28025365
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP!

>> No.28025398
File: 108 KB, 243x233, noranekoconcern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
>Vote post archive

>> No.28025450
File: 130 KB, 848x1200, cuterin!24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

What does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Is fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!
What crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?
What kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?
What religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?
>Alcohol and Drink
what do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?
What are your nation's current goals now? What are you trying to aim for in your development? Would said development make your people happy?
>Funeral Rites
How do your people observe the death of one of their own? What kind of ceremonies are held? How are their belongings handled?
What kind of musical instruments/music does your nation make/use?
Does your thread's nation have any naming conventions? What are people named, and why? Do names have meaning? Do people have surnames, and how are those derived?
How does the balance of power look in your nation? who are the ruling/most powerful class? Who are they competing with?
What sort of superstitions/folklore do your nation's people have, as in, are there things that the people believe in or things they think they know to be real that are not real on a meta level? What are omens of good or bad fortune? What mythical monsters lurk in the forests, or in the depths of the sea? Do some foods or materials have to be prepared in a certain way before they are seen as fit to use?
We are making a /vtl/ team! Here are the current suggestions:
Suggest and add to it!

>> No.28025492
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Quoted by: >>28043095

>Anchor post for the chuubanite rework.

PLEASE KEEP ALL DISCUSSION ON THE MECHANICS OF CHUUBANITE TO THIS REPLY CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see chuubanite debates should hide this post.

Current proposal: https://rentry.org/q92vo (WIP)

>> No.28025608
Quoted by: >>28026114

I would like to stay here just a little longer.

>> No.28025614
Quoted by: >>28025989

Why does the board only have 9 pages now?

>> No.28025699
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CHAPTER XXXVI:[Tell the whole world] Aquileia lives, and that Aquileia stands strong!

>> No.28025989

Either a bunch of threads got nuked or Hiroshimoot did it.

>> No.28026114
Quoted by: >>28026232

Stay as long as you want, buddy

>> No.28026232

What would happen if a world builder from this thread became a vTuber?

>> No.28026380

Also who wants to inherit a pre-dug iron mine in /nasa/?

>> No.28026506
Quoted by: >>28027083

/Vtwbg/ chuubanite would get a lot stronger.

>> No.28026522
Quoted by: >>28027083

We'll have a literal god-king assuming they're relevant enough to have a thread here. Then again, there are landless people in this world, so maybe it'll be some kind of Wandering Jew-like figure. Most probably not powerful enough to become superhuman, though.

>> No.28026799
File: 200 KB, 1200x1694, Its not even morning anymore but ohayo anyways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/nasfaqg/ has no such entity to turn to
This is sort of untrue, the republic navy exists, and one of the primary purposes of that navy is to be a Dev Council method of tard-wrangling companies and plutocrats that stepped too far out of the line. That and offer some level of protection in the seas surrounding the serene republic, to both domestic and foreign investors.
I could see them having some of the bigger ships, while even the richest companies would not have that many if at all big ships with big guns. Some plutocrats may have one as their personal ship that they can use to flex on the poor.
Or, they would have them for their own protection. Its been established that many of the plutocrats are somewhat paranoid, so investing into their own safety when leaving their homelands would make sense.

>50% of the world's wealth
While that would be cool as hell, I dont think its fair to translate nasfaqg numbers directly to vtwbg, because as you yourself said, it makes no fucking sense and would destroy any semblance of suspension of disbelief. This is why I wouldnt translate in-game wealth directly, but use relative rankings instead for intra-nasfaqg wealth level comparisons. Meaning, the leaderboard, with each rank given some relatively static level of wealth. I wouldnt want nasfaqg inflation to translate here afterall.
So, if we are talking 1st rates, factions like Miyatsuko and people like Cypher or Financials I could see having multiple, while the companies at around ranks 20-50 (not all of whom would even be canon, mind you) would at most have one. Ranks below that, none.

>> No.28027043

>>50% of the world's wealth
I cant actually imagine that could translate whatsoever, indeed, NASFAQ would have other countries beating down their door because that is nearly worldbreaking.

>> No.28027083
Quoted by: >>28027184

It might not be a big kingdom as no corpo would admit on stream to being from here. It would be a sword in the stone story where a peasant becomes king of a small kingdom. A here tuber would probably have a magical city that has the most powerful chuubanite in the world.

>> No.28027119
Quoted by: >>28027168

I also said that it doesn't make sense for /nasfaqg/ to have that much, I said that if you want to go with historical numbers crunching, this is what you get. Which is absurd. Which means you should not do autistic historical number crunching.
Regarding the relative wealth of the companies, this why I said to multiply that number by 30-80 times.

>> No.28027168
Quoted by: >>28027207

So, lets not go with number crunching and lets go with what makes sense and feels good alright?

>> No.28027184
Quoted by: >>28027336

Well, the closest we have is probably Kiki, who is the only vtuber with threads here that's personally aware of /vtwbg/. Below that would probably be the small-ish collection of /here/tubers. /pcg/ and /meat/ probably has more than one of them

>> No.28027207
Quoted by: >>28027228

I never wanted to go there anyways.

>> No.28027228
Quoted by: >>28027283

what the hell are you guys even arguing about then

>> No.28027283

I was merely talking about the logistics of their navy but I stopped with that a while back.

>> No.28027336

Shame /pyon/ went back to isolationism.

>> No.28027373
Quoted by: >>28027776

Also to OGsuner, even though no one knows about your "Gem Printing" operation, just a heads up that all you will do is make gems worthless while other precious metals like Gold and Silver will back currency.

>> No.28027632
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That seems to be what they often do, but I guess that's their choice. It's not like we'll be nuking their stuff anytime soon anyway.
would picrel count as the 2nd closest in terms of being /here/?

>> No.28027652
Quoted by: >>28027689

Elaborate on offices and rights

>> No.28027689
Quoted by: >>28027734

I just want trade relations, isn't that what you do...

>> No.28027734
Quoted by: >>28027829

sounds great, so what sort of relations are we exactly talking about? Do you have any proposition yourself on the details or...?

>> No.28027776
Quoted by: >>28027894

But consider: gem quantitative easing.

>> No.28027829

Well we sell opium and many fine spices, porcelain too.

>> No.28027854
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Quoted by: >>28027983


>> No.28027894
Quoted by: >>28027935

I think it will be obvious at a certain point, no matter how you hide it, that you are manipulating the market; that will not go down well with those who trade with you. Traders will notice stuff like that.

>> No.28027935
Quoted by: >>28028020

Were not gonna trade those gems. Were gonna BURN and DISINTEGRATE them for MAGICS

>> No.28027938
Quoted by: >>28027964

what is the nijimales thread lore?

>> No.28027964
Quoted by: >>28028022

in what context? Do you want to write for them?

>> No.28027983
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Quoted by: >>28028160


>> No.28028020

Then you are literally affecting nothing but yourselves.

>> No.28028022

like do they have anything existing lore itt?

>> No.28028073

Yeah, similar to 2434 but isolationist.

>> No.28028094
File: 8 KB, 225x225, magiciseverything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats kind of the idea kek. Maybe we would on occasion trade for stuff but were not gonna do it often. Gems are for cool magic shit

>> No.28028130

ive been writing for them in context of 2434...

>> No.28028141
Quoted by: >>28028189

Well, also the people they make burn/explode.

>> No.28028160
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>> No.28028189


>> No.28028302

all mentioned here in my writings...

>> No.28028888
Quoted by: >>28029009

NTA but speaking of spices, would you like to list what kind of spice you have/want? I think it might be a good idea to organise the lists between us (OOCly), so that we would have different kinds of export to help with trade.

t. /meat/head

>> No.28029009
Quoted by: >>28029322

I thought i did… it included sugar, tea, black pepper, green peppers, red peppers, clove, poppy seeds, cinnamon, salt, and ginger

>> No.28029192
File: 840 KB, 2260x3654, Businesstime but jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28029446

So, how about [THIS IS A PROPOSAL]

1. 2434 allows ships hailing from nasfaqg to trade in 2434, on equal terms with the native merchants, following laws of both nasfaqg and 2434.
1.a. If the laws conflict, the laws of the nation wherein the transaction is happening will be prioritized.
2. Ships from nasfaqg, or ships owned or currently under control of nasfaqg merchants are allowed to resupply, rest their crews, and repair their ships if needed at 2434 ports.
3. Nasfaqg merchants are allowed to lease land for the purposes of building warehouses, or are allowed to rent warehouses for the storage of goods.
4. Same applies to 2434 merchants in nasfaqg.

this agreement would pretty much connect 2434 and nasfaqg markets to each other.

As for the resources, I havent actually finished my work on what raw resources nasfaqg has. However, ive been sort of wanting to build nasfaqg as a nation that exports not what it mines from the ground, but what her people can make. Manufactured goods and luxuries.
So, stuff like wine, drugs, jewellery, ships, clothing, weapons, tools, workforce (sailors, translators, chuubanite alchemists, mercenaries, servants of all types, gunsmiths, glassblowers, clockmakers, blacksmiths, engineers, carpenters, etc..), and ofc, all sorts of economic things like loans, banking, and investment into local infrastructure that comes with plutocrats setting up shop in our trade partner's lands.
Our ropemakers are the worlds best! If you ever need to buy a strong rope, nasfaqg got your back!

As for the currency, are you aware of the currencies used in nasfaqg? Which, if any, of those would you accept in 2434? What do you use as currency? Commodity trade is also on the table (as in, trading stuff for useful resources like grain and the like)

Oh, and jsut so I and you dont need to think about being specific, lets agree to accept the possible deal based "on the spirit of the proposal" and not what literally reads there. I'm not feeling autistic enough to think about how to not fuck myself up by wrong word choices.

What do you think? Make a counteroffer!

>> No.28029322

Apparently you did, although it's not in the rentry so I missed it, my bad.
As for /meat/, we have:
>Mace & Nutmeg
>Black pepper
Related non-spice things we have are:
We have some overlaps, but I guess they're not significant enough to be odd or too competitive. Feel free to tell us if you want some swapping, though! IC trade is also welcomed in case you want some additional spices.

>> No.28029446
Quoted by: >>28029901

I agree to the terms but i want a clause that allows us to repair at your dockyards and we are allowed to put a cap on leased land to merchants and you can as well. (This is just so no one abuses power).

We used gold, silver and copper backed coinage for our currecy; i dont know what you have but the gold percentage is 89% in our coins, and similar the other coins. I havent set this up completely.

>> No.28029501
Quoted by: >>28029911

Sorry. Well we are in similar climates.

>> No.28029593
File: 467 KB, 1200x1200, WS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. Might as well continue retro reich stuff today.

>> No.28029901
Quoted by: >>28029980

clause 4. Includes your right to repair at our dockyards, as so would we be able to repair at yours. Ofc, both sides pay the other for the repairs whenever ships are repaired, its not a free service to be provided by either side.

Cap as in, total land area, or cap as in, limiting lease contract terms to an X number of years before they would have to be renewed?

Precious metals are fine. Ours are listed here https://rentry.org/MerchantLore#currency
Do note that while 2434 merchants are doing business within the serene republic, it is encouraged they exchange their local coins to Nsfq$, pure metals, or vitubium-alloy coins at the ports so that there is no need to waste precious time on thinking about exchange rates.
This exchange is encouraged, not forced by law.

>> No.28029911

Don't worry about it. It's not meant to be a criticism. We still have different stuff we can trade in case any of our stuff fancies you!

>>28029322 (me)
Regarding tea, /2434/'s a fairly flat and lowland country, so I imagine most of them would likely be low grown tea (maybe a bit of mid grown tea in the highest regions). They tend to grow (relatively) fast, and it seems they usually have a stronger aroma (think the usual black tea). By comparison, high grown tea tend to have a lower yield compared with it (both due to lower temperature and, well, highlands are rare). The limited supply does lead to higher unit price (although you might still make more money by sheer quantity), and the slow growing condition can result in a softer, more complex aroma due to the gradual build-up of nutrients and stuff.

>> No.28029980
Quoted by: >>28030194

Land area. I dont know what is reasonable so you can help with that.

>> No.28030194
Quoted by: >>28030265

Land area is fine. Honestly, i dont know what is reasonable either, so we could just agree on "the spirit of the agreement" ruling out any abuse of power from either side on land leases.

That, or you could come up with some max% of the land area near ports which is to be allowed to be leased by foreign powers. Someone else who knows more may be able to give you an idea?

>> No.28030265

Spirit would be acceptable because its an odd thing. We accept.

>> No.28030277
Quoted by: >>28030353

Are we going to turn /nasa/ into /cope/ later? I don't ever want to go back to the territory.

>> No.28030353
Quoted by: >>28030497

Lets let the dust settle first before we make decisions.

>> No.28030497
Quoted by: >>28030644

Its an option. And having a gathering ground for council nations where /nasa/ used to be would be poetic. It can be a protected territory where no one is allowed to exploit for resources.

>> No.28030644
Quoted by: >>28030936

With respect, it might be wise to have it as a potentially to EN3. As cold as it is, the world goes on without them and sediments only last so long

>> No.28030870
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>Ships of the line are VERY expensive to build and maintain. To secure shipping you want frigates that are fast and nimble to catch pirates and other frigates. Ships of the line aren't as slow as you'd think but their sheet cost and being logistical nightmares means ships of the line would be an luxury item for the companies, a flex, if you will. Ships of the line are also not cost efficient at all for the purpose /nasfaqq/ would want the most
aww shit i bet this means /vrt/ got like 200 of these money wasters because an onobot heard of them and thought they are cool

>> No.28030936
Quoted by: >>28031011

The other generals don't care about /nasa/ to be honest. But its a small territory for 5 new EN members.

>> No.28031011

I am just putting it up, there will be land taken elsewhere.

>> No.28031305

Objections to the rentry? Should something be added`?

>> No.28031405
Quoted by: >>28031621

Did small edit, adding the mentiong of allowing selling too, please refresh

>> No.28031621
Quoted by: >>28031671

Signed off. No objections

>> No.28031671

Pleasure to do business with ya

https://rentry.org/2repw do we archive agreements? >>28025365

>> No.28031846

On one hand I want to lay a hint for the secret gift. On the other hand I think I should keep it a secret until the end. I also need to see what cunt's up to for the end.

>> No.28032127
Quoted by: >>28032331

Just a heads up schizos are raiding /nasa/ trying to get the last laugh and dismantle it as much as they can. Looks like we're going to war after all.

>> No.28032331
File: 90 KB, 640x640, AC9BE4FC-D75F-4A43-969E-77F2294B4CF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28032602

Want me to write nasa destroying the schizos?

>> No.28032602
Quoted by: >>28032681

I think I got a plan. I want to talk to cunt about it when he's online first.

>> No.28032681

Unironically hire panon to write it for you with both you and cunts influence. Would be the perfect send off.

>> No.28032899
Quoted by: >>28033062

Its up to them. Id make sure it would be the perfect send off but I am not part of nasa, ive never even watched Sana myself, and above all, not my decision to make.

>> No.28033062
Quoted by: >>28033167

I'm sure we'll ask panon for advice. First I need to talk to cunt before going forward.

>> No.28033167
Quoted by: >>28033303

Talk it over, but you both have a lot on your plate and for that reason, someone who writes multiple rentrys everyday offer my services.

>> No.28033192
Quoted by: >>28033816

And this is why I'm holding off writing for nasa.

>> No.28033303
Quoted by: >>28033532

We both need to take it easy for a while. I'm taking the day off because of personal trauma catching up to me. I'll see if I can write something short tomorrow.

>> No.28033532

Gotcha in my prayers bro. Take your time. It will be worth it.

>> No.28033816
Quoted by: >>28033974

I have a couple of unfinished stories I can continue. The biggest story is the Festival of Sheep in Kirby Village. Once I'm done with that and the /uuu/-/nasa/ visit with the other sapling I'll wait to write more lore for /nasa/. I still want to write a "who we are" document, but it might be too late at this stage. What I can do is write about /nasa/'s home colony in the ending. My mind is clouds today to get any solid foundation for anything.

I'm thinking about calling /nasa/'s home world Oven. Oven is where we all come from. Its an artificial planet-sized colony where all Sanalites come from.

>> No.28033974
Quoted by: >>28034547

I am risuner btw. Just phoneposting for now.

>> No.28034422

alright finally got aroudn to make a Corpo entry for the Onobots funds:


>> No.28034547

We're going to have a festival of sheep. We might even have a kidnapping. I do want Charlie to adopt the Risuner twins as adopted daughters and stay behind. He might move to /who/ to work at the bakery. And if things go as planned we might have wives instead.

My plans for Alex is that he's going to talk to 9141 about his life story and about the crash. And maybe he'll convince 9141 to leave with the people of /nasa/ into space. While the 31st is going to be a deadline for when /nasa/ leaves I think I can keep writing these side stories I have planned. Once I'm done writing the stories that I want I'll probably leave the board.

>> No.28035005
Quoted by: >>28036564

9141 will gladly come with you to space, if you need anything he can help you guys out in getting it, he has access to workforces and ships so he should be able to get you going with stuff.

the only compromise would be that Onobots would be allowed to attend the lift off into space as well as gain access to communication devices in order to send those Onobots a vision fo space.

>> No.28036564

Sure, the Grand Directive is moot now. I'm just making a list of stories to write now. So that when I'm done writing them for /nasa/ I'm done with the project.

I'll probably have a better chance of becoming a vTuber I want to watch than finding another vTuber to make a new general about. I'm done with corporate bullshit.

>> No.28036663
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This sounds nice. Ill wait 1 or 2 days just incase things change but do Enochs probably last log of nasa before you go up.

>risuner gets eaten
>risuners call the schizos from the north
>death ensures
this was an alternate ending i thought of just for keks mostly but I think the festival is a nice way to send you guys out.
The other ending I personally thought of would be that you get a call from your starfleet or whatever basically saying: ALL IS LOST YOUR THE ONLY SURVIVORS LEFT. That way you could continue the story in vitubia knowing that you will never get help and are truly stranded and alone. But these are just my ideas. While i never watched sana (i only watch risu in hololive) hope it works out for you space boys.

>> No.28036859

My idea is that its better to make friends than enemies of my enemies. This is probably a stupid thing to live by as it hinders my writing. I might be better suited to write children stuff than the dark and gritty "everyone is evil" world.

>> No.28038390
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Quoted by: >>28038884

while i would love to find a way to have our 2 friends stick around. if /nasa/ as a /thread/ is gone so must their nation. we might be having soem dead threads as part of the world but that is more because makign changes is a lenghty process and not because we keep dead threads around.

and i honestly hope that snaalites agree to end it once sana is gone because not moving on is bad for the mental health, just go look into /yah/ to see what it does to the remnants of a fanbase not able to move on.

i hope sanalites can find some solace that streamign the way cover wanted jsut did not seem to be a good thing for sana and now she will return to go 100% at her passion of art.

that said, having some migrates from /nasa/ that decided to stay behidn for one reason or another could be an interesting thing if they ever want to

>> No.28038884
Quoted by: >>28040008

The problem is when /nasa/ is gone then we're stuck writing for generals that exist. And I don't think other threads will appreciate us migrating to them to world build in a project they don't care about.

>> No.28040008

i don't mind having migrates from /nasa/ in the retro reich, our population is already made up of people believing in a wide variety of chuubas so one more makes no difference, and sana did play retro games on occasion, heck i know for a fact at least once a stream of hers got linked in our thread even.

it is a very nonsensical place operating on the rule of cool. you guys could open up a workshop dedicated to the best tools for baking bread

>> No.28040455

Migration also means integrating myself into another general. I'll look into it. But I don't know if that's what I want to do.

>> No.28040525
Quoted by: >>28041156

/nasfaqg/ always welcomes new arrivals with open arms. I hope that /nasfaqg/ Sanalites will stay in the thread.

>> No.28040940 [DELETED] 

Once the menheras are gone this thread will be so much better!

>> No.28041156

I do hope those Sanalites stay as well. But I think when I'm done writing I'm out. Unless I find another indie vTuber to make a new general with I'm not coming back.

>> No.28041583
File: 336 KB, 651x538, darthlumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you liked sana because she was a massive dork who could get really passioante about niche things then once sana graduates there is a single stream i wanna link to you.

might seem like a shameless plug but i do kinda like you and cunt around and if giving you someone you can like at least partially like sana to stick around than i might as well take my chance

>> No.28041723

If you ever change your mind and just want to hangout and worldbuild, you'll be welcome to returnany time!

>> No.28043095
File: 2.72 MB, 220x220, 1645821747421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I'm going to keep things simple for this post and go through the assumptions I made about the system and how it would act in practice. Then we can start refining things from there and hopefully catch any misunderstandings I made early on. At first, I defined things in terms of broadness and presence, but since those are negatively proportional to our radius, I'm going to switch to their antonyms, specificity and disparity. These will be represented by the variables s and d and can just be thought of as the respective reciprocals of broadness and presence. All this really does is make the equations easier to read. Our other variables will be r for the radius, h for the height, and V for the volume of a given concept's cylindrical container. We'll also have the constants p for pi and e for Euler's number.
Going back through paragraphsanon's previous posts on the topic, it seems like we want a system where decreasing specificity exponentially decreases the radius, decreasing the disparity increases the height, and the fuel's mass is held constant. I will be using a constant volume in place of mass since that is more easily represented in terms of our variables (V=pr^2h). Assuming a consistent density, this doesn't change anything.
This leads us to our base equations for radius and height: r=de^-s and h=V/(pr^2). The radius equation gives us an exponential relationship between r and s, and the inclusion of d as a factor lets it affect the height. The height equation is just the volume formula solved for h. There's a lot that can be fiddled with in these formulas depending on the exact relationships we want, but they should be somewhat similar to this at their core unless I'm misunderstanding what we want to achieve.
Paragraphsanon also mentioned that the specificity could be assumed constant for a fixed concept while the disparity might change over time. Taking this into account, we get the following derivatives (rates) for r and h: r'=d'e^-s=rd'/d and h'=-2hr'/r=-2hd'/d.
Now let's take a look at some examples. Taking the moon as our concept, where its various phases affect its disparity, we get a smaller height during a new moon which corresponds to a larger radius, and vice-versa for a full moon. This means that chuubanite relying on this concept would have stronger, shorter effects with a new moon and weaker, longer-lasting effects when the moon is full. Since the fuel is held constant, the energy obtained should be the same, but the power and duration will change. I assume all concepts will have the same volume for balancing, in which case none is inherently stronger than another, but some are better suited to certain effects.
Switching our focus to rosestone gives us another example of this in action. I believe it was stated that rosestones normally emit light but can be adjusted to cause sparks and explosions. What this would amount to is changing the glyphs on the chuubanite in order to further specify the concept. This allows you to switch from a low-powered, long-lasting light source to a high-powered, short-lasting explosive.
It also occurs to me that we may not want to enforce such a strict "constant energy output" requirement on our writers, in which case we would need to either drop constant volume (which I imagine could potentially lead to other issues) or have the black-box mechanism which converts concept energy to physical energy adjust things as necessary. In this case, instead of thinking in terms of constant energy with varying power, we would have constant fuel with varying fuel rate.
Paragraphsanon, I was also curious if you had anything in mind when you came up with your original formulas. I didn't really see a way to slide them in at this juncture, but maybe I'm overlooking something. In any case, these formulas are meant to be a base to start from, assuming I didn't misinterpret anything. More factors and variables can be added in as needed, and hopefully we can come out of this with something that works and doesn't make people want to blow their brains out when reading it.

>> No.28044113

>/meat/bro drew his own visuals

>> No.28044828

i love it. i should point out though that it should be possible for a larger volume depending on the concept and the ability. i was considering adding some stuff about that, but i haven’t gotten into it yet i guess. it would hopefully make balancing a bit easier. still, good job. my old equation was me trying to remember the shit i haven’t done in years. forget it exists.

>> No.28045637

Good morning
Did Alice answer how big their fleet is? I'd be nice to have it as a point of reference.

>> No.28046071
File: 26 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28046263
Quoted by: >>28046495

I wrote on it, but I am watching kino Pomu birthday stream. Its either in last thread or archived. Sorry

>> No.28046495
Quoted by: >>28046826

Take your time! If it's in the last thrws I will do my archive reps later.

>> No.28046826

Here ya go /inf/rep.

>> No.28047114

Thanks for posting that on my behalf. I, PPanon wrote that because alice doesn’t understand naval things well.

>> No.28047331

OH My senpai wrote on that!! He did great, let me find it

>> No.28047453
Quoted by: >>28053000

Nevermind!! Someone posted it!! Thank you thank you

>> No.28047480
Quoted by: >>28047527

Hey now, you're just Panon, you haven't earned the title of PPanon.

>> No.28047527
Quoted by: >>28047653

Cunt called me that, I am sticking with it.

>> No.28047622
Quoted by: >>28047709

I think would make sense to assign a date to any "navy count", since obviously this is something that would change as time goes by.

>> No.28047653
Quoted by: >>28048304

Ok ppsenpai kek thats funny, im calling you that

>> No.28047709

Its current year, 1123. Ill update that after Pomus stream

>> No.28047759

Saplings and Meatheads are antithesis
One is extremely submissive, wont stop crying about their precious mommy, will do anything for her even becoming Fauna's toilet if they wish.
Meatheads want to rip and tear their oishis, their oshis suffer a lot for content, some are going through serious issues like rape but did not gave up.

>> No.28048304
File: 196 KB, 400x400, 1657126000498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28048540

>PP senpai
Damn Alice really is into nuts after all

>> No.28048540
Quoted by: >>28049054

Only his, kek

>> No.28048773
File: 332 KB, 1638x2048, 1657628210452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo wassup everyone, Cunt here. I thought I might give the general overview of the last piece I will write for /nasa/. This will go balls to the walls, just letting you know.

>Cassandra's perspective decades later, recalling the story
>takes place a few weeks after the festival, there was no incident there(mainly because I am not in the correct state of mind to write a complex piece like that anymore.)
>massive, and I mean massive, raid of schizos
>they breach the station, slaughtering around 5k of us
>all that remains are 300 something Sanallites
>they come to the conclusion that if all is lost, they might as well go out with a bang, the true space aussie way
>Cass agrees and basically dismantles the station's interior to get materials, factories running 24/7
>after 20 days, every single one that was left is outfitted in terminator class space marine suits
>we set out North with the sole purpose of slaughtering every single last schizo there
>before we leave, Sana appears to us as a spectre and grants us her blessing
>formation of the Star Legion is complete
>Cass stays behind, rebuilding the station in the coming decades with her army of bots
>stays there and waits for the day she can announce her existence to the world
>this would be our last gift to you, once you reach atomic age Cass would be a great boon to you all
>the Last Sanallites become a force of nature in the north, traveller's telling stories for centuries to come about large steel warriors fighting schizo tribes

Whether this is made Canon or not, it will be the last piece I will ever write for /nasa/. Probably gonna lurk for a while after that, might return one day as either a Sapling, Kronie or a Brrat.

>> No.28049008
File: 847 KB, 2480x3508, 1651527075360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed, cunt. You were a good man and I will remember your people fondly. I hope to see you back here whenever you wish. Maybe one day we'll get to look back and laugh about things over a nice plate of freshly baked cookies.

>> No.28049054
File: 478 KB, 768x1152, 1650081141760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28049254

Speaking of senpais with delicious nuts ROSE SEXPAI WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU I WANNA KNOW HOW YOUR DOING!
>inb4 he's too busy having sex with his nympho fwb

I gotta get me one of those. Need more sex besides fucking stressed college girls once a week and my cousin

>> No.28049254
File: 46 KB, 565x667, FW_-letVUAYonuT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28049406

I'm perfectly alive, just taking the day off from anything work related. Stress has been getting to me pretty bad lately, figure I need a bit to just cool off properly. Said stress has been infecting my creativity as well, which is why I haven't said or written anything new.

>> No.28049406

I told you just describe words for tribes and i will do it!! Please rosesenpai

>> No.28049429

Think we can ask a favor of /uuu/ if they can take care of the deep chestnut trees we planted in /nasa/?

>> No.28050131
File: 160 KB, 319x364, 1649190175442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28050545

make it a noncanon piece just so you can go absolute slamming balls to the walls with no care of if it would be a good fit for the actual lore

>> No.28050200

Glad to hear it! This should be fairly amenable to any quirks we want to add to the model, so we can certainly make changes if need be. Larger volumes can work, we just have to double-check we don't end up with edge cases which allow infinite energy or something. So how would the volume be structured then? Would it also be determined by the specificity and disparity, or would there just be a table assigning each concept a value based on what effects we plan for it to have?

>> No.28050545

>>28050131 (me)

in fact if i may be so bold to prose a world B where this can take place, alongside with alice's war on /pcg/ where we can have a world of stories that don't have to really care for if it makes too much snese or is balanced or follow the established rules ect. the stories would make up roughly that world and people could still interact with stories set in this world but at the same time don't have to worry abotu continuity ect.

>> No.28050631

So it looks like the Mozzies found friends.

>> No.28051964

Huh? Prease andastand that we are a small community, just because we're not posting here doesn't mean we're out of the game. I'm busy waging and the other guy is busy with school. Please don't nuke us or we'll send our legions of angry rabbits to your shores.

>> No.28052227
File: 581 KB, 835x809, FQTUEZ-UYAE32Qn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah no, no one is nuking anything from you, i feel you as a fellow wagecage slave...

>> No.28052585
Quoted by: >>28052945

Well /nasa/'s out of the project. So there's no fear of orbital nuclear bombs.

>> No.28052945
File: 3.01 MB, 640x476, 1630683939664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of weapons of mass destruction, has anybody played with the idea of biological weapons yet? Had a few idea stewing in my head about mycotoxins...

>> No.28053000
Quoted by: >>28053155

thanks anons!

>> No.28053097
Quoted by: >>28054066

You mean dead bodies in a catapult?

>> No.28053155

forgot my trip
kronii milk hallucinogenic bombs... ringo flood gates...

>> No.28053414
File: 1.70 MB, 702x585, 1646510104947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28057021

not as a hooman?
Sad to see you go... Especially since there's so much biology to speculate over. And thank you for the gift. We will now begin speed running towards the atomic age ASAP.

>> No.28053808

is now a bad time to say i already drew the station lifting off?

>> No.28053936
File: 110 KB, 850x576, __himemori_luna_and_luknight_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_jun_wei__sample-536c7ebba74c5be3448ffd1e0051c6d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28057021

Please include the Lunaitos fighting valiantly alongside you. Good travels, nanora.

>> No.28053977
File: 329 KB, 1200x677, E21E2408-A917-4073-B0BD-E8617CC2A2BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

….ummm thats our secret

>> No.28054066
File: 44 KB, 307x352, 1644540341701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28054266

Weaponized mushroom spores, although from the limited lurking I've done I think /meat/ maybe was doing something similar? I know the other guy had our Chuubanite (whatever the fuck that is) put to use in the cultivation of extremely large plants, and mushrooms is kind of a /pyon/ on-topic thing since our chuuba has a lot of interest in mycology. I would like to delve into the implications of being able to cultivate large, possibly modified mushrooms for purposes other than just food supply.

>> No.28054168


>> No.28054194
Quoted by: >>28054328

Depending on how you drew it exactly it can probably be interpreted as a starfleet rescue vessel as well.

>> No.28054266
Quoted by: >>28054608

There are some talks about /meat/ having its own kind of shrooms, although it's more for... culinary use than as weapons. I don't think our mushroom's particularly useful as weapons as is, and biological weapons tend not to be as fast-acting as chemical ones, which /meat/ *does* incorporate as part of its usual tactics.

>> No.28054328
Quoted by: >>28054444

the station itself is pretty small on the canvas and on its own layer, i can just remove it if you want to replace it

>> No.28054444
Quoted by: >>28054523

Not a sanalite so it really depends on how they decide to end it.

>> No.28054523

checked and that's what i'm saying, i don't know if it will be usable if nothing ever takes off, otherwise i can just see if ppanon can help me draw the battle in the north

>> No.28054608 [DELETED] 

Well what I find interesting about fungus is it's pervasiveness. It has a tendency to spread. Ringworm, for example. is a highly contagious strain of fungus. One carrier could potentially spread it to dozens of others if left untreated I know from experience having taken in a stray cat once. Chemical weapons on the other hand need to be deployed. Well I'll play with the idea more and post back here one of these days when I have it a bit more fleshed out.

>> No.28054669

>Sanalite's have been depicted of skittish spaceman in bulky suits for a long time
>Have never gotten the chance to be excessively bad ass and chill
>Depicted almost as too smart for their own good
>End up becoming a legendary fighting force to prevent schizos invading the rest of the world in the wake of Sana's graduation
>Immortalized as Iron Men.
Fucking Kino. It has my approval

>> No.28054674
File: 14 KB, 101x111, memed-io-output.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, that never even cross my mind desu but they would be great weapons for onobots to use on the battlefield sicne they would be unaffected by it

>> No.28054688
Quoted by: >>28054931

Keep in mind superweapons aren't allowed, so if you're going the highly infectious route it can't be too deadly.

>> No.28054741

accidental deletion oops

>> No.28054804

Yeah, but at the same time, you still need at least days for the infection to take hold, while chemical weapons are pretty much effective the instant it's absorbed. That, combined with its pervasiveness, make fungus a questionable choice as a tactical weapon. It would be more suited as a more strategic weapon, one that targets the home front of the enemy, although that obviously leads to other issues.

>> No.28054931
File: 6 KB, 175x186, 1656619258572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noted, will try to not make it too OP, by the way how did nasa get orbital nukes then?

>> No.28054981

im fairly certain they have or are being taken away from them

>> No.28055024

They didn't. It's a shitpost.

>> No.28055025

I think it's just a meme, like the other superweapons being mentioned in the thread every now and then

>> No.28055090

According to /nasa/ rep their station is a nuke because err the reactor can overload or something. But it is mostly a shit post

>> No.28055185

Would a super weapon that isn't directly in itself deadly, but perhaps dehabilitating economically be considered OP? For example, there are very real fungal diseases that occur on a wide range of vegetables.

>> No.28055244

This anon here is planning a columbian exchange pandemic

>> No.28055261
File: 313 KB, 492x571, 1655511085788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only nuke they got would be their station itself wich if they would use it would mean losing everythign they have, nuking their own nation and probably killing of most if not all of their population

outside of that its jsut shitposts

>> No.28055266

Famine is rather deadly innit?

>> No.28055397

is thsi the next arc we are going to have? someone releases some high infectious disease with decent killrate and releases it on a world not having the medical care to actively combat it?

>> No.28055478

Its a joke.

>> No.28055555

Well, global pandemics do lead to world wars afterward.

>> No.28055855
Quoted by: >>28056173

I'm surpised it hasn't come up already, sorry if I derailed your thread with the topic. I had other things in mind for our island not just suggestions of biological terrorism. But I must admit, warfare is something I spend a lot of time thinking about when it comes to this world building stuff

>> No.28056037

>/inf/ is in the early 19th century and caught up on a civil war
>claims to want to be isolationist but focuses on trade and helping other countries form up in exchange for favorable trades
>always the bad guy in ever diplomatic interaction, and it's true 70% of the time
are kronies the USA

>> No.28056173

i mean its not like biological stuff is suppossed to be nonexistant but when it comes to military stuff we do want things to be a bit restricted and kept in check in order to discourage people from starting to treat this as some strategy game where some constant armsrace exists in order to garantue that "my nation is the most powerful because blablabla"

if you wanna talk realistic warfare stuff the /lazulight/ rep is your person to go to.

other than that i care little if you want champs to live in mushroom houses or have mushrooms in different flavours for food ect.

>> No.28056308
Quoted by: >>28056410

forgot my trip again

anyway I thought i'd use that to ask if that's a good place to base our navy off of. They USA only had 90 ships by the time the civil war started, and they were capable of opening up Japan, fighting Mexico, and taking a few American colonies from the Brits.

Is that a fair basis?

>> No.28056328
Quoted by: >>28056408

>Early 19th

>> No.28056408

we're early 19th in everything else, and the ironclads are prototypes. guns and artillery are still early 19th.

>> No.28056410
Quoted by: >>28056466

Yes. I recommend watching this video if you are interested. https://youtu.be/z3JGnhe7L-Q

>> No.28056466

thanks!! this will be a great help. I'll watch this ASAP.

>> No.28056480
File: 362 KB, 800x863, 1644904227776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28056540


>> No.28056540
Quoted by: >>28057432

Hey. I have asbestos for you senpai!!!

>> No.28056685

according to a quick search, chemical warfare as we know it after the industrial revolution, in 1854. so maybe we can go anachronistic or more fantastical if you guys want chemical warfare.

>> No.28056737
File: 660 KB, 1728x1152, E60F877B-CC32-409D-8DAE-D3A1DF426405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/uoh/ flag

>> No.28056747
Quoted by: >>28056893

Technically we're mid 19th century.

>> No.28056833


>> No.28056871


>> No.28056890
Quoted by: >>28057085

Lets not to down this route when the rest of the world is at 1750

>> No.28056893

that's the best flag yet
we're kind of all over the 19th century, guns and artillery are early stuff but we have ships from the mid and late century. so yeah technically it averages out to the mid century.

>> No.28056950

Isn't Vitubia supposed to be 18th century?

>> No.28056973
File: 145 KB, 209x306, 10177FA3-1BC0-4E9B-9165-CB07A388428E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found that in EN general when Amamya joined Pomus totsu

>> No.28057021
File: 230 KB, 1297x2048, 1657630638758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry owlfriend, Mumei just ain't my cup of tea. Not that I dislike the girl, just not someone that I could see as my oshi.
I said I would lurk, didn't I? Spec biology entries are certainly something I would come out of the shadows for :D

Absolutely not! My piece would be non-canon anyway until the rest of the thread gives feedback and I refine it. AND YES you fuckers will be involved in this! It would feel weird otherwise.
But I would certainly like to see the piece you are working on, if you are comfortable sharing it before it's finished :)

Sorry lunafriend, but this is something that we have to do alone. Hope you understand.

>> No.28057085
Quoted by: >>28057479

well, i don't think kronies would have chemical warfare figured out yet. i meant for everyone else, in which case it'd be anachronistic. but i like a little less realism for this stuff.
yeah but kronies are more advanced yet too retarded to use it on anyone else.

>> No.28057087

oh my god this flag is so good

>> No.28057171

We still have cannons and not artillery, but we have needle rifles for fire arms. Given how long it took /∞/ to agree on something and have it be in the time frame, we're sticking to it.

Most of the world is 16th/17th century, /∞/ gets an exception to have steam/clockpunk and the fact any 'future' tech has significant drawbacks. I.E. the Ironclads can't sail on open ocean.

>> No.28057199
Quoted by: >>28057303

I dont know!! I am proud of my off balance flags that i made with Paint!!

>> No.28057303

For the record, your flags have SOVL alice.

>> No.28057325
Quoted by: >>28057733

Well, toxic smoke has been used in warfare since antiquity, and unlike RL people, we have magical smoke that gives it a lot more potential utility.

I think back then the general level of tech was voted to be 1700, although it's changed to 1750 at some point from the look of it.

>> No.28057432
File: 29 KB, 307x345, 1656867757250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28057586


>> No.28057453
Quoted by: >>28057664

Way better than my shitty /uoh/ flag attempt. Great job!

>> No.28057479
File: 83 KB, 271x254, FIL-DwvaUAMpOkM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28057799

ehh honestly /vrt/ is probably jsut straight going to stay away from such stuff, seems like a headache and will only open up a new can of problems to deal with that

and in lore it sounds like something that with tech around 1750 can go way too badly even for the nation using trying to use it and could endanger way too many lives so onobots would not want something like that at all

but if the warfare autist want to have a crack at it, sure knock yourself out as long as you keep it reasonable and counterable

>> No.28057586

What does Opium and Cocaine do to Rosebutas????

>> No.28057656
File: 2.90 MB, 6000x6000, liftoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i've got so far

>> No.28057664
File: 746 KB, 900x900, 2B4D5F79-7F6E-4EB1-9945-D9B5922BF919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not make this. I found this in NijiEN general.
You are just as much of a menace as Kronies talking about Chemical Warfare

>> No.28057733
Quoted by: >>28057785

Yes, let's
That's true! That's where the fantastical elements can apply as well.

>> No.28057785
Quoted by: >>28057853

I-I only brought it up because others did!

>> No.28057799

Probably should go through the warfare autist council before approval. Who would that be?

>> No.28057853
File: 2.21 MB, 506x546, A0CDE15F-8A5C-4857-A4C4-92F13CFBDB00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im joking with both of you lmao

>> No.28057926
Quoted by: >>28058227

Ppsenpai is the CEO of warfare autism.
HEY. I just want to know if plants affect plants

>> No.28057945
File: 298 KB, 1166x839, 1652163358794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking beautiful
Not that lunaito but while I wish to honor sanalites by being at their side, I must accept their final wish.
Also, it would make for an exceptionally tragic and heartfelt scene of Sanalite's asking Lunaitos to return to the Candy Kingdom so that none of them are hurt during the invasion

>> No.28058077
Quoted by: >>28058168

if only you would you would use your tech for the right things

where are the smut stories about The One making out with her Kronii replica clockwork automaton?

>> No.28058168

We just haven't published them yet :)

>> No.28058227

I am certain that cocaine and opium will effect Rosebutas in some way.

>> No.28058385
File: 102 KB, 1112x1106, Smile more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28058636

Even if not yet finished, this is already fucking beautiful! I say finish it, if nothing else it can be another of our possible endings!

>> No.28058441

Sana might end up liking or retweeting that if she was ever made aware of it

>> No.28058479
File: 328 KB, 2084x1536, FFBi_1AaIAEmN1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only person of the Warfare Autist Council that we of the Fucking about Council, made up by me and the risuners, know would be Panon i guess.

>> No.28058579

CEO of War Autism

>> No.28058636
File: 248 KB, 444x471, 1650117398804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohh btw Cunt just so you also know of it in case it interests you: >>28040008

>> No.28058690

Ill take it. I guess its not a bad idea to go through me for most military stuff considering I have been working on other navies all the time

>> No.28059384
File: 271 KB, 1000x1000, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A moment of silence...

>> No.28059441
Quoted by: >>28059519

>Sana was the warposter

>> No.28059519
Quoted by: >>28060072

the /meat/ cabal was really a cover for sana creating this entire thread....

>> No.28059698


>> No.28059875
Quoted by: >>28059978

>rep likely fun irl

>> No.28059978
File: 2.58 MB, 1920x1080, 8D9686EF-C81F-4F10-B08A-E2E08D22BD76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ppsenpai fun irl i bet!!

>> No.28060072

>Sana was the /nasa/ rep

>> No.28060097
File: 22 KB, 268x128, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28060246

>when most of your economy is dedicated to war

>> No.28060246
Quoted by: >>28060475

>When you are constantly fighting a civil war.
/inf/… /NijiEN/…

>> No.28060372
File: 177 KB, 850x1202, 1656963346898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28060505

Hm, I can get a bit fun with this so... I think I will.
Cocaine when applied to a Rosebuta gives a sort of temporary power rush. More rage, less pain, less holding back. If given enough, they will essentially go Babirusa until it wears off. A full addiction will lead to a full Babirusa transformation.
Opium, on the other hand, can be used as a temporary treatment for Babirusas. It will never be permanent, but it can calm them enough for the Babirusa to use the last vestiges of what they were to communicate again until it wears off. Opium on a normal Rosebuta gives normal Opium effects.
If anyone is looking for any sort of basis for this, the basis is that I pulled it right out of my ass.

>> No.28060385

Fuck I'm still devastated. I got an outline of what I need to do. I should write something tomorrow. All day has been no motivation to do anything.

I also thought about the ending as well. What if we got a response from our home world. However instead of sending rescue ships they send us a starship repair kit? The kit comes with drones that repair the spaceship automatically. All we have to do is defend it until repairs are complete. What are your thoughts cunt?

>> No.28060475

>/inf/ puts their differences aside and declares war on the Niji continent with their chemical weapons.

>> No.28060505

They should also be addictive

>> No.28060563
Quoted by: >>28061021

>Nijicontinent does the same and brings out sekrit weapons

>> No.28060570

I'm an idiot. Had to reread the ending outline. Disregard.

>> No.28060590
File: 701 KB, 528x656, adorkable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28060950

not cunt but i love the idea

have an avalanche of schizos try to overrun the station while they msut defend it.

this can also give everyone a chance for a goodbye by giving them their moment to come in with reinforcments

>I never thought i would one day fight side by side with a hooman
>how about side by side with a friend?

>> No.28060734

I mean, it's opium and cocaine, so that's kind of a given. Then again, it's not like that has ever stopped people from allowing their use

>> No.28060840
File: 1.33 MB, 1240x1748, 72CEADBD-F53E-4CDC-A32F-E0B178652A80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will make so much money ahhaahhaahaha

>> No.28060950

The schizos should also use their captured ships to send reinforcements to /nasa/ by beach. Which means we will need naval support to stop them from landing.

>> No.28060965

I wonder how strong the luxnoc lands could be if they were prepared for war?

>> No.28061021
Quoted by: >>28061244

Tell us your sekrit weapons for the

>> No.28061062

We don't have any!

>> No.28061243
File: 83 KB, 850x588, 1656546055562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28061299

What >>28060734 said.
Well, you might be disappointed when trying to get money from Rosebutas. We're more into trading goods and to be honest the currency we use is sort of for outside dealings only. It's less of a thing we care about and more of a way to make the outside world feel better about themselves. To us it's just some shiny bits of metal we're handing over and calling expensive, so you likely shouldn't expect a very good exchange rate. Financial anons please don't lynch me for anything I say regarding money, I don't know how economies work and the last time I tried to understand I went full commie.

>> No.28061244
Quoted by: >>28061652

…they dont exist. Thats why they are a secret. We dont know!!

>> No.28061270
Quoted by: >>28061359

although most drug trades only become significantly lucrative after they got banned

>> No.28061299

Those shiny metals mean a lot to us, so we will rob you blind!!

>> No.28061359
Quoted by: >>28061403

Thats my plan… sshhhhh.

>> No.28061403
Quoted by: >>28061450

>tfw the drug sellers are also the one lobbying the anti-drug platform

>> No.28061450

Just like Tobacco companies banning advertising. 3D chess

>> No.28061652


>> No.28061765
File: 50 KB, 456x449, 1646887422117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little does everyone know anyone that has SEX with risuners get STD's that stay dormant until a year or so later. We have been waging SEX warfare this entire time. The only ones that are immune are the plants. And vrt onobots.

>> No.28061794
Quoted by: >>28061951

Their rep has been gone for a few days now, but given the stuff he's said about them they should be pretty powerful in a land based war. Historically schizos were responsible for driving out the girls' kingdoms from the center of that land, but the kindred were able to reclaim a lot of it for themselves. A lot of the people living there also have various traits that make them a lot stronger than the average human soldier. No idea how they'd do in a naval one, he hasn't talked about navies at all.

>> No.28061859

Too bad we never had sex!!!!!! Enjoy Opium and Cocaine!!!

>> No.28061947
File: 274 KB, 850x1202, sample_27a1e8a224264af7dc3890966d3434c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28062010


>> No.28061951

As resident war autist and NijiEN enjoyer, Pomudachi are the most warlike and strongest fanbase, followed by Dragoons (in the EN General) and boys fanbases.

>> No.28062010

You will be saying yet for a while!!

>> No.28062094


>> No.28062114
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1647011978236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what coffee's for

>> No.28062129

I think everyone's in agreement for Sanalites making a grand stand against the schizos onslaught from the north and west. It looks like Alex might come out of retirement to lead the counter-assault. He did protect /nasa/ from the schizo raids.

>> No.28062152

Pomudachi’s weakness is they in fight a lot. But they arent the worst for civil wars in EN. Thats Rosebuds by far. LazuLight general doesnt suffer what /rose/ does from their own and schizos

>> No.28062154

Do the STDs turn you into Risuners

>> No.28062259
Quoted by: >>28062328

All well and good, but that doesn't necessarily translate to IC army strength. This is a pointless discussion without comfyanon around to actually chip in though.

>> No.28062328
Quoted by: >>28062354

Cannons and musketry level any battlefield.

>> No.28062354
Quoted by: >>28062421

And why would be the only one with those?

>> No.28062421
Quoted by: >>28062567

You are assuming I dont think that the case when it is, what I am saying is that their abilities will mean nothing on the battlefield where those serve as an equalizer.

>> No.28062556
Quoted by: >>28062693

I'm not timelooping this again. Enjoy your title of strongest army and biggest ego.

>> No.28062567

>>28062421 (me)
My overall point is Pomudachi and Dragoons, the former in particular, are bloodthirsty sons of bitchs sometimes and that translates into this world not by special abilties but by a military culture.

>> No.28062693 [DELETED] 

You started this timeloop and panon was telling you what his opinion is. If you cannot handle his opinion as an oldfag to this board, and nijien. i dont know what to tell you. He knows the fanbases rather well and i think he translates it well too.

>> No.28062742


>> No.28062796
File: 256 KB, 1600x1800, FFlI7KHVcAUGMxV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright warfare autists have fun, i am going to sleep

>> No.28062854

Whatever, if they dont want to take me seriously thats their choice. Comfyanon hasnt really focused on their armies much so its pointless.

>> No.28062912
File: 2.44 MB, 2639x2480, 6C14965E-411B-4B18-B687-9CDDA0B81A95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

…he is right about Pomudachi and Dragoons.

>> No.28062982
File: 123 KB, 1170x1156, FFCB7DEE-92EC-4689-B9C0-4BCC1301663B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28063076

Whatever, Im off to bed faggots see your

>> No.28063076

Good nite ppsenpai ill go off too because i have to go places tomorrow.

>> No.28063170 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28063398

cant stand either one of them ngl. Smug arrogant shithead and his little dumb bitch who gets away with everything.

>> No.28063398

Wish I had an anti like you… not fair

>> No.28063460


>> No.28063525
File: 369 KB, 640x575, 1648577117744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28063627

What are armies? we only have militias

>> No.28063627

militia is a kind of army

>> No.28064224

Are any of the resource autism friends here? I don't remember where to find coal deposits. We're also looking copper. Thanks!

>> No.28064467

For /inf/, your best chance would be in the northern island, since most of /inf/ is a large igneous province, so any coal deposit it might have on the "mainland" would be either destroyed by past volcanic activity, or be buried under the igneous rocks if we assume /inf/ is above water before the hotspot did its thing.
The main island should have a decent amount of it, alongside nickel and iron, as they seem to be associated with the aforementioned large igneous province.

>> No.28064496
Quoted by: >>28064710

Ah, Moriji has quite a lot of copper, but we're ever hungry for steel.

>> No.28064674
File: 354 KB, 604x609, 1647021689835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28064875

I really should look back at the old threads for risuner natural resources. I believe all i asked was about gemstones though.

>> No.28064710
Quoted by: >>28065167

Thank you kindly! That helps a ton
As it so happens, so do we. If you need steel, can I ask what you have to offer for it?

>> No.28064875

it's been a long time, risuner. how are the nut people?

>> No.28065101
Quoted by: >>28065218

Question, have you done a map of the forests of the world? I.E. Pine, Oak, Ash, Elm, etc.

>> No.28065167
Quoted by: >>28065378

Copper, gold, rice, negibeans (/vt/ s o y beans), kimberlite diamonds and rapeseed oil are our more popular bulk exports, but we have a lot of specialty products. Feel free to peruse our brochure:

>> No.28065169
Quoted by: >>28065285

Pretty good. We discovered wtf boats are and made a shit ton of expedition fleets to meet others. That and gemstone magic is fucking pog. Oh and SEX with other people for only the best in genetic diversity (is that how that shit works?) and because NUTS

>> No.28065218

No, because while climate obviously plays a role, it also depends on the local ecoregion on what kind of trees will be dominant, and the ecoregion of this world is a mess determined more by the players than anything intrinsic on the map. You can probably determine what kind of trees you're likely to have based on the climate, though. https://geodiode.com/ is pretty handy in giving a good overview on each climate and biome

>> No.28065231
File: 308 KB, 1668x2224, 1648263360785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28065285

oh wait fucking derp i just realized the trip. were doing fine actually. the usual though tbf just more access to different gems for more eventual powers 100 years down the line.

>> No.28065285
Quoted by: >>28065359

That's nice to hear. Slow and steady. I'm glad you and your thread ended up liking it here.

>> No.28065304
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1648138051020s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of the resources i do remember the west side of /risu/ specifically would probably have a fuckload of laterite due to its unique environment. WE GOT IRON AND DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO MINE THE SHIT!

>> No.28065359
File: 484 KB, 3840x2140, 1647279043599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my thread
its literally just me and ri2ner who just plays amogus and fucks with other threads. But yeah ive loved it here ever since.

>> No.28065378
Quoted by: >>28065609

Thank you, I'll be sure to go through this and likewise see if steel is on the table for exporting for you guys!

>> No.28065431

Due to /∞/'s experience with mining iron on the mainland, we'd offer /risu/ support in helping to mine iron, while making sure to not damage the environment.
Assuming our rep is fine with that.

>> No.28065507

Very fine with that!

>> No.28065609

Won't /inf/ need steel for itself too? If /inf/ wants to export steel in significant amount, you might want to look into importing coal to supplement the likely limited local supply (although I guess forced labour could mitigate that)

>helping to mine iron
Might want to look into how iron is extracted from laterite (after all this time and I still can't find records on how it's done, only that it's apparently done), which might differ from the iron ore /inf/ has.

>> No.28065635

By the way, is that you, Navyronie

>> No.28065696

I wonder who would be the first ones to realize OH SHIT THEY HAVE RED IRON EVERYWHERE! Probably /inf/ but /morig/ would also be a possibility.

>> No.28065730

>Won't /inf/ need steel for itself too?
Mhh, that's why I'll look into it first.
>(although I guess forced labour could mitigate that)
Yeah, might as well make schizos contribute somehow!

>> No.28066003
Quoted by: >>28067034

they ignore schizos there from their time in /NijiEN/, they gay post a lot and not much in fighting goes in there.

>> No.28066103

Probably either /morig/ or /meat/, since they both have experience in ironworking, as well as sharing a similar enough climate to already know of laterite. I like to think /meat/ is slightly more likely since it's more tropical proportionally speaking

>> No.28066626
Quoted by: >>28067442

I think it's done using the Mond process/carbonyl method, after some very quick googling. That's invented in 1890 so most nations would be quite far off from extracting it from Laterite. Even if there's some kind of traditional method of doing so it won't be very pure/high quality I'm guessing.

>> No.28066741

Who will be the archduke ferdinand whose death will engulf the world in the war to end all wars?

>> No.28066890

your mom

>> No.28066913

/morig/ already has a dedicated teade route importing bog iron from risu, so they'd have a strong incentive to see other local source of iron be developed.

>> No.28066966
Quoted by: >>28067029

Doesn't have to be an assassination. You just need a diplomatic crisis that drags most of the world's powers into an armed conflict

>> No.28067029
Quoted by: >>28067535

>almost every mori collab is an international incident that threatens to start the great war

>> No.28067034

I wonder if this would mean their armies are especially good at combating trolls and schizos, but end up performing poorly against regular people.

>> No.28067139
Quoted by: >>28067629

is it possible to overspecialize your army in defense against asymmetrical warfare so hard that they don't know how to handle skirmishes and firing lines

>> No.28067442
Quoted by: >>28068281

Yeah, I did see laterite being stated as a major source of iron in Northern Ireland, but it's neither dated or sourced. I also checked TO Pryce's paper on premodern laterite smelting, but the result seems inconclusive - some of the laterite is good enough as iron ore (although it's always possible that the better ones had long been depleted), but there isn't enough evidence to prove or disprove whether Iron Age continental SEA actually used laterite as a source of iron.
Personally I'm going for it being possible and thus being done, in part because /risu/ is pretty minerally poor otherwise.

>> No.28067470
Quoted by: >>28067629

I mean the last time I was here, the idea was the gayposting was a special form of militia. lol. so maybe.

>> No.28067535

The a recent one did cause a short chumbud-deadbeat war... And every chadcast comes with its Hirys-Moriji conflict.

>> No.28067629
Quoted by: >>28067881

The cyborgs from there were described as being exactly like that, actually. Though if I recall correctly they're overspecialized on purpose as a nerf.
That's really funny. I'm now hoping this is how comfyanon is setting up his armies.

>> No.28067781

>gay posting
>overspecialized military for guerilla warfare against schizos and gayposting
Who is this and why are they just like us

>> No.28067881

hope they do. ;;

>> No.28068241
Quoted by: >>28068673


>> No.28068265
Quoted by: >>28068673

They aren't just like you, they're even gayer.

>> No.28068281
File: 47 KB, 508x472, 1647436481312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28068364

>minerally poor
we really dont have shit?

>> No.28068364
Quoted by: >>28068420

You have shit, just not many of them are metals that you dug up from the ground.

>> No.28068420

seems fair. we do have lots of nice trees.

>> No.28068673

I want to be friends with them now.

>> No.28068720

Shame their rep disappeared the day before you returned. I miss him.

>> No.28068771
Quoted by: >>28068804

/inf/ takes over luxnoc with through dick through unity.

>> No.28068804
Quoted by: >>28073235

our call to arms...

>> No.28068815

What is it with nijireps and other anons going gachi for them? First risuner for rosebud, then Alice for pomerlaneanon and now whoever you are for comfyanon?

>> No.28068894
File: 295 KB, 850x2065, sample_d448015ab8e84cffb9a54aba5626f5c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nijireps are just sexy

>> No.28068901

nijifans are for marriage, i think. half of infinity wanted to love-and-marriage correct a schizo who kept shilling selen

>> No.28068991

Alice just needs some rape correction

>> No.28069100

He's just really wholesome okay? I can't help myself.

>> No.28069590
Quoted by: >>28070131

it's a nice thread! just dont mind the unhinged fanfics..

>> No.28070131
Quoted by: >>28070181

what the fuck? we're exactly the same.

>> No.28070181

Main difference is /luxnoc/ mostly has femanons.

>> No.28070238

it's okay we're mostly gay

>> No.28070415
Quoted by: >>28070551

hop on in. hope you like our males

>> No.28070551
Quoted by: >>28070771

Official Gaylliance between infinity and luxnox when?

>> No.28070668
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1646952779812s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28070727

before i got to bed just wanna say mysta is pretty funny. ok night lads.

>> No.28070727

thanks. his offcollab cooking stream was hilarious

>> No.28070771

I would love that!

>> No.28071569
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1656909289028s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28071606


>> No.28071606
Quoted by: >>28071882

Wait fuck no bump, we passed it already

>> No.28071882
Quoted by: >>28071927

Uh oh. Do we have any bakers?

>> No.28071927

Well, it's the start of dead hours, might as well keep it dead till guys come back.

>> No.28073043
Quoted by: >>28073195

New bread?

>> No.28073195

Bread graduating

>> No.28073235
File: 2.66 MB, 1024x1024, angy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28073299

Dramatic ending but I refused to see you go down like this lmao
Also Im already in the middle of writing a tale
/inf/bro, while you were away this place got obsessed with malepreg and testicle impregnation

>> No.28073299

I'm making this my 40k fantasy and you can't stop me!
