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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27759866 No.27759866 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>27734031

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!


Interactive map:

Introductory blurb for new anons (Test version, subject to change):

- Maps!
- Chuubanite doc

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.

>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)
>/pcclg/?: !!S9vZSg00/Br
>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1

Ocean Currents
Weather Systems
Climate Analysis
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces



>> No.27759889
File: 855 KB, 722x1107, sailor_mercury_render_by_zafirodegeminis_da1c9cy-pre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP!

>> No.27759952
File: 295 KB, 1024x1249, R (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
>Vote post archive

>> No.27760007
File: 153 KB, 900x1274, sailor_saturn_by_fulvio84_d4v2azd-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

What does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Is fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!
What crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?
What kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?
What religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?
>Alcohol and Drink
what do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?
What are your nation's current goals now? What are you trying to aim for in your development? Would said development make your people happy?
>Funeral Rites
How do your people observe the death of one of their own? What kind of ceremonies are held? How are their belongings handled?
What kind of musical instruments/music does your nation make/use?
Does your thread's nation have any naming conventions? What are people named, and why? Do names have meaning? Do people have surnames, and how are those derived?
How does the balance of power look in your nation? who are the ruling/most powerful class? Who are they competing with?
What sort of superstitions/folklore do your nation's people have, as in, are there things that the people believe in or things they think they know to be real that are not real on a meta level? What are omens of good or bad fortune? What mythical monsters lurk in the forests, or in the depths of the sea? Do some foods or materials have to be prepared in a certain way before they are seen as fit to use?
We are making a /vtl/ team! Here are the current suggestions:
Suggest and add to it!

>> No.27760053
File: 157 KB, 1900x950, 341234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anchor post for the chuubanite rework. PLEASE KEEP ALL DISCUSSION ON THE MECHANICS OF CHUUBANITE TO THIS REPLY CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see chuubanite debates should hide this post.
>Current proposal: https://rentry.org/q92vo (WIP)

>> No.27760159
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>> No.27760203
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Quoted by: >>27760298


>> No.27760294
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Quoted by: >>27760420

If you're ever feeling down, just remember that baby Rosebutas are adorable little piglets.

>> No.27760298
File: 56 KB, 424x600, cutealice!17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27760407
File: 836 KB, 3368x3598, E9EDFB9E-3251-4B30-B543-381C46A7A93D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27760755

Impregnation? Pregnancy?

>> No.27760419

To the /inf/ rep. If you want trade deals with /nasa/ again you'll have to renegotiate your deal. We're under new leadership. So deals have to be renegotiated.

>> No.27760420

t. lives on farm

>> No.27760505

No ritual posting this time. We all know that squirrels are made for SEX and that ROSE SEXPAI IS A SEX GOD PLS HAVE SEX WITH ME anyway hi everyone

>> No.27760592
File: 88 KB, 729x769, 1654994384932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27760683

I also live on a farm and I think pigs are CUTE.

>> No.27760683

WRONG!!! They shit everywhere and its gross!! I prefer horses and cows despite them not being better…

>> No.27760720

t. Lives on a farm

>> No.27760737
File: 103 KB, 1000x1200, profnoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27760794


kek some niji guy raging that they did not get our prof

>> No.27760755
File: 72 KB, 867x732, C25521A3-9BC7-4727-B5E2-9A62B442C199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27760869

If Milord wishes it…

>> No.27760794
Quoted by: >>27760866

>Ina picture
I like our Professor in JP.

>> No.27760841
File: 19 KB, 182x171, IMG_1509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They shit everywhere
Alice, all farm animals do that. Chickens shit everywhere, horses shit everywhere. I had a job scooping horse shit when I was younger, they're actually worse than most other farm animals. Pigs typically live outside, so of course they're just going to shit wherever. They were never told otherwise. If you were to raise a pig as a pet, however, you can easily teach them to not do that.

>> No.27760843
File: 1.00 MB, 983x1119, @dsfufusuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27761038

How do you feel about sheep? I would say this information is vital to future relations, but I suppose relations are already permanently ruined given you think BL is gross. Also pigs are cute so your taste is trash twice over.

>> No.27760866

we got superior one, just hear him sing


>> No.27760869
Quoted by: >>27760982

Anything for Milord!

>> No.27760889

>Has chickens
Can confirm
T. Risuner

>> No.27760982
File: 283 KB, 1448x2048, 2CF8EF57-81B9-466B-A469-2316B6493E62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27761397

Accidentally creating a pregnancy cult in /NijiEN/ that’s since spilled over into other threads is one of my crowning internet achievements. Forever obsessed with the idea of being a mindbroken cultist who genuinely and thoroughly believes I have no use outside of being bred by my god/ruler/lord Vox.

>> No.27760994


>> No.27761038

Sheep are cute but we have none.

>> No.27761111
Quoted by: >>27761336

You can in minecraft

>> No.27761126
File: 501 KB, 517x737, 1655872747162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not, but you can teach a pig to fetch. You can cuddle with a pig. You can love and care for a pig just like you would with a dog. Pigs are the fifth most intelligent species in the world, you know. They can even play video games.

>> No.27761234
File: 24 KB, 474x537, hog_rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

counter argument

>> No.27761296
Quoted by: >>27761544

I can also cuddle with you darling :) (ok enough flirting today ill wait until I get home)

>> No.27761336
Quoted by: >>27761544

You will NEVER understand how awesomr horses are, hog lover. I cried for days last year when Antoine died because he was my best friend…. Magistic animals they are. Hogs are just useful for meat

>> No.27761396
Quoted by: >>27761544

Its very possible both of you have different types of swine.

>> No.27761397
Quoted by: >>27762023

I am glad to be a member of it! I don’t know why, but something about fantasy cults is really appealing to me.
I love imagining being inducted into the cult, feeling nervous at first but gradually getting used to the touches!

>> No.27761544
File: 524 KB, 644x673, 1656968259793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cute.
I understand how great horses are, I've had horses. I'm simply saying pigs are good too, you're just refusing to understand that. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry for your loss. I know what it's like to lose a good animal.
That's true as well.

>> No.27761557

I want both horses and pigs on a farm.

>> No.27761652

World building thread by the way. Which country would have horses?

>> No.27761777

Ive also had pigs bite me when I was little so I AM BIASED.

>> No.27761862
Quoted by: >>27771052

Nearly every nation would because of how useful they are unless they are isolated

>> No.27761916

You'd have an easier time asking who doesn't have horses.

>> No.27762016

I dont like chickens either GOATS are nice

>> No.27762023
File: 701 KB, 1383x775, FBBCA38B-DA26-4801-A7E4-21C432B3D358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly how you feel. Something about cults just fascinates me… for me, a large part of the fascination comes from how (usually) one single person is able to get tens of hundreds of people on board with their cause so seemingly effortlessly. Like, how is one person able to influence so many different people so easily? How do people ignore the so-called “obvious” warning signs or red flags? Why don’t people leave before it’s too late? How do we determine “too late?” Things like that… I don’t know. It’s fascinating. And I also just love making it horny like we’ve done with our fun lil pregnancy cult. A whole group of people brought together by the most innate human instinct of all… so cool. What I wouldn’t give to offer up everything I have to Vox, body, mind, and spirit.
I love exploring the culture of our cult and how the sisters interact. I’m really into all the sisterhood concepts we’ve discussed in the past like preparing one another to take Vox’s cock and how new girls are “broken in” and how they gradually get used to all the nudity and friendly touching. How virginity is treated in the cult and how losing it is a huge, HUGE deal and how the image of a pregnant wife is worshipped and treated as divine. Fuck YEAH

>> No.27762127

Okay seriously, stop. This is the worldbuilding thread. It's fine to shitpost a bit and bring up stuff like this when it's related to the thread, but don't keep trying to carry on a personal conversation after everyone else has moved on.

>> No.27762209
Quoted by: >>27762859

/nasa/ doesn't have native horses. We have to import our horses.

>> No.27762250

They are nice. I like goats.

>> No.27762454

Agreed. Chicken hate.

>> No.27762859
File: 102 KB, 1112x1106, Smile more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27763279

We got kirin offshoot deer though, and those are good enough as burden animals. No need for horse imports.

>> No.27762898

Yeah! The human mind is fascinating, how people can accept things that people outside of would never think of accepting.
I also rather like the lore that has been thought up so far for the cult! Hell yeah!

>> No.27763143
File: 264 KB, 900x900, NoHornyHeadEmpty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh also, I just remembered we are going the whole quarantine in Kirby village route, so sadly the deal for that one Sanallite that would fuck you is null and void, OGsuner. He wouldn't be present there.

>> No.27763279
Quoted by: >>27763387

Implying that species of Kirin can be tamed.

>> No.27763361

We NEED an Enclave nation.

>> No.27763387
File: 196 KB, 2480x1884, HoHo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These can.

>> No.27763405

is this some new form of edging?

yeah cults and the like are fascinating, as an outsider you look and just be like "how can someoen fall for something like this?" but then you ever get absorbed into something similar and you don't even realize it happening while others now look liek that onto you

>> No.27763469

Well shit

>> No.27763495
File: 243 KB, 900x900, 1650044792443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I just honestly forgot. Sorry but that.

>> No.27763537

I remember risuners having elephant birds for travel but don't know if they had anything else. Would risuners have horses? I don't think so given the environment

>> No.27763652

Actually now that I think about it would sanalites be smart enough to recognize enochs curious mind as a good thing or be annoyed by constant questions?

>> No.27763812
File: 60 KB, 850x538, __irys_tsukumo_sana_yatagarasu_gloom_and_bloom_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_pako_pakosun__sample-486671b3992cdb57afa19b1135128284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also also, one of you squirrel friends give me a name of a character that you won't mind losing. I wanna write a piece about us preparing one of you, but then deciding that the meat is just not good enough to be entered into our staple diet, simply making a data entry about it and that's it. Time to close this /meat/ loop.

>> No.27763848
Quoted by: >>27764032

Quarantine just means that Risuners need to take a blood test and remain in Kirby Village. We'll provide them with housing and out-door activities. As long as Sanalites wear space suits we'll be protected.

>> No.27763907
File: 395 KB, 2048x1814, 1657242460466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both probably. They would be interested in his desire to learn, but due to the Grand Directive, they would be annoyed a bit at his constant questions.

>> No.27764005

Mac's already taken that into account. Caroline too. They see him as a curious little brother.

>> No.27764032
File: 556 KB, 1585x891, 1657256336528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27764272

Mhm, and explain to me how you're gonna have sex with the little fuckers while wearing a space suit.

>> No.27764272
Quoted by: >>27764396

It'll take up to three days to test for disease. The festival is all outdoors. So Risuners can enjoy the Sheep Festival. Once the Risuners are cleared for harmful diseases they can do indoor activities with Sanalites without spacesuits.

>> No.27764364

Who are the sheepfuckers in vitubis?

>> No.27764396
File: 640 KB, 2341x4096, Sana cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27764611

OK that clears that. Sadly the beefcake still won't be there, he has work to do back at Lamington. Mechanics don't get much time off, specially since the new leadership took over.

>> No.27764520
Quoted by: >>27764728

>but then you ever get absorbed into something similar and you don't even realize it happening
Oh I just love the gentle mindbreak. I always go back to the concept I’ve raised before about a weary, exhausted traveler stumbling across the cult in a desperate search for shelter, food, and water. The cult bringing them in and providing all of that in a gesture of (underhanded) kindness and the traveler is simply none the wiser— why would you ever question someone who’s shown you such good hospitality for free when you’re at your most desperate? That’d be rude… better to just accept their kindness and their invitation to dinner with the rest of the cult. But then they’re showing such a great interest in you, asking you about your travels, laughing at your jokes, and showing amazement at your feats and accomplishments. They just care about you and say that you’re not allowed to leave until you’re feeling better again— they noticed an injury on your leg when you first came in; luckily they have plenty of herbs to help disinfect it and the means to dress the wound and let it heal properly. By the time the wound has healed, you don’t even want to leave anyways… not when they’re so sweet to you and provide so much for you. Do you really want to return to the life you had before where you went days without eating and slept out in the open every night?

>> No.27764611

So it looks like we'll have plenty of time. In the meantime I have a pair of twins to date Charlie after quarantine.

>> No.27764728

i honestly wanted to make a joke story when i had my ban and found /become/ in /trash/ about an Onobot being warped from the same phenomenon that hit the countries atm and there lamys would take care of him and welcome and shelter him from the hell that is /trash/ while the hellish energy together with their serum would manage to actually have him transform slowly into a lamy himself before finally /becomes/ and is returned to Vitubia

i thought it might be a bit too lore breaking in many ways or else i might have gone through with it.

>> No.27764756

Would this be from the expedition? Or just a random risuner?

>> No.27765665
Quoted by: >>27765909

The only Risuners in /nasa/ would be those on the expedition. To be honest. All we need is Risuner DNA and we can grow lab-grown squirrel meat.

>> No.27765751

Currently writing a /nasfaqg/ company. How far am I allowed to take it, given that it's one of the top accounts in the site/thread itself? I don't want to directly self-insert but it /is/ something I run in the game itself.

>> No.27765906
File: 2.54 MB, 2160x1620, 1657217579579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27766202

Expedition. I would hate to kill of anyone important, that's why I'm asking for a random side character.

>> No.27765909

I will come up with a name. But know that if a risuner comes under too much harm then we'll shits gonna go crazy. I actually look forward to see what you do.

>> No.27766025
File: 115 KB, 893x1070, Oh hi there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry it will be quick and humane. He will barely feel a thing. We ain't about torture.

>> No.27766056
Quoted by: >>27768470

I am well aware of this. It would be in Principal Jonathan's interest for the Risuners to leave without any harm. Also if we have a group of native-eaters in /nasa/ then we have a fucking problem. The native-eaters would also be made from the worst criminal scum imaginable.

>> No.27766060
File: 85 KB, 1048x1048, FJgGE4dVUAUeRmN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean thats a bit of a toughy

i honestly never truly self insert or have something that is 1to1 an Anon and stuff, i make them their own thign that mimics the thing its based on.

this story is basicly supposed to mimic this thread and references certain anons directly but i also made sure to have each be their own character that can exit on their own and have also certain characteristics that differ from the Anons they are based on.

>> No.27766169
File: 10 KB, 666x666, delta_simple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27766435

Oh, I have no issue with characters, it's more so about the company itself.

>> No.27766199
File: 108 KB, 345x575, 1656846048183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27766435

The Rosfi bit always makes me laugh.

>> No.27766202
Quoted by: >>27766256

Yeah umm......so take Gading. A dude that just wants to see pretty stuff. I just hope you know how pissed they're gonna be if one of them dies. They are only 35 of them so they will notice if even one of the disappears. But there you are.

>> No.27766256

Kek I just saw the posts about not murdering the dude after I posted this.

>> No.27766313
File: 78 KB, 638x638, a0d640ab347aec855ba1e8a898621b7307107d65_hq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27766357
File: 402 KB, 1280x922, BC048A64-6DC5-4FDC-B067-102EB3A0F8E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27766435

what would be the issue with the company then?

who knows, maybe one day i will make a part 2 of this story, have the onobot and Panon have some casual talk with each other about some paperwork whiel the place burns down aroudn them or whatnot

>> No.27766468

Basically me. I approve. Just missing Alice screaming somewhere about something.

>> No.27766474

Anon... it's written before you joined...

>> No.27766497

Just feels a bit weird to make a company that's technically listed on NASFAQ, I suppose.

>> No.27766615
File: 50 KB, 352x451, 1657328504992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27766701

>whiel the place burns down
Hey now, /rose/ wouldn't let the place get that violent. It might hinder their manipulations. Also since you wrote the ambassador as a Rosy, it'd be funny if he had Boar bodyguards next time.

>> No.27766664
File: 1.51 MB, 931x933, 1651457305322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27766705

as opposed to what? fandoms of chuubas? fanfics written in some generals? straight up anons from this board?

>> No.27766701
Quoted by: >>27766756

Boar bodyguards facepalming at the idea the one they want to protect is getting fucked by an animal kek

>> No.27766705

Never said it's objectively weird, just that it feels like it personally, but point taken.

>> No.27766756
File: 564 KB, 463x727, 1656964619314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds about right, there.

>> No.27766770
File: 694 KB, 320x180, 092D3696-B353-468C-AB08-32E4CBC1F05B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me getting pissed over the map and no one using logic with it.

>> No.27766780
File: 313 KB, 492x571, 1655511085788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its an older piece that was written shortly before you joined

>> No.27766818

Great, now I want to write about a glaive duel between Sanalites.

>> No.27766820

WELL. I see. I need a part then

>> No.27766901
File: 255 KB, 523x480, 1654376613562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw sicne i looked for the story in the archive its funyn archive anon just straight up refused to list all the mentioned threads

honestly surprised he just did not simply log it under /vtwbg/ directly

>> No.27767023
File: 39 KB, 640x360, A12E93D8-D1CF-4CE2-94DB-F4666F50B9ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me trying to tell senpai he slightly messed up a border with Warkop and kr

>> No.27767169

Tomorrow will have Pomerlane fight an assassin in his tent. Will feature references too.

>> No.27767398

Alice i just read the ending. You cannot spell cunniligus correctly and I really was hoping you would just conclude it with “they made love” instead of describing things. LMAO

>> No.27767462

I guess you could say she's not a cunning linguist.

>> No.27767517
Quoted by: >>27767620

I cant spell my native tongue well. I thought thats what you wanted me to do!!! I dont know how sex works.

>> No.27767620

Cute ESL retard

>> No.27767909
Quoted by: >>27767995

She wants Panon to taste her cunny

>> No.27767995

I only joke about him… like risuner does with Rosesenpai… its weird to ship anons

>> No.27768175

>risuner and rose
Oh you sweet summer child...

>> No.27768183
Quoted by: >>27768490

I think clocks or whoever the other nasfaqg-ian is has his conglomerate existing in-universe already, so you're fine. Here's the company template if you haven't seen it yet. https://rentry.org/CompanyCharacterTemplate
I'm not so sure OGsuner's joking at this point...

>> No.27768217

Alice is too innocent for this world…

>> No.27768278

The only ship I support as I will continue to say is Cunt Sanalite and Ri2ner.

>> No.27768416
Quoted by: >>27768458

The only ship I support as I will continue to say is the 40-gun testbed armored steam frigate of the Owl Republic

>> No.27768458

Based and same.

>> No.27768470
File: 14 KB, 276x195, SureBud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27768601

Yea uh, how about you let me write the piece before you start making up shit? For the info, the entire "sample a risuner" plan was approved by the council, Jonathan included. And the guys who will do the deed aren't criminals, they are respected and high ranking members of the crew. They are simply doing their job, there is no sick pleasure in it.

>> No.27768490
Quoted by: >>27768688

Heh. Hey rose sexpai do you think I'm joking or do you think I would actually suck you off correct answer is yes I don't care if it's gay your too based so it's worth it

>> No.27768530
Quoted by: >>27768576

The only ship I support is me x (you)

>> No.27768576
Quoted by: >>27768787


>> No.27768601

Whatever you decide. Just speculating.

>> No.27768600
File: 296 KB, 468x748, 1638721655764.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm caught between writing cunt sanalite + ri2ner smut, writing a grimdark schizo story, and writing architect smut.

>> No.27768642

mesh all of that together then

>> No.27768667
File: 189 KB, 1000x1000, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the word cloud for last thread.

>> No.27768688
File: 226 KB, 2100x2100, 1656857482201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do think it's serious, however due to the nature of where we are, it doesn't bother me at all. If we were face to face I would, naturally, be a little more awkward about such forwardness.

>> No.27768704
File: 250 KB, 1448x2048, BADDB416-ABF3-4226-B05E-78536B4344CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27768749


>> No.27768737

Pregnancy + cum!

>> No.27768749

Happy for you. Somehow despite doing nothing but talking about how much you want Vox to knock you up you are one of the least horny posters here.

>> No.27768770

Hard to beat OGuner

>> No.27768787
Quoted by: >>27768856

*malepregs you*

>> No.27768856
Quoted by: >>27768934

Im a girl… so you just played yourself, now you are with your own kid!!

>> No.27768894
File: 672 B, 99x25, schiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread in a nutshell recently

>> No.27768895
File: 44 KB, 460x460, E1562737-7DE0-471F-8910-99D9BB213840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27768997

What, you want me to be worse?

>> No.27768933

>smut real

>> No.27768934
Quoted by: >>27769051

I’m a woman also…

>> No.27768948
File: 924 KB, 1700x1000, 1656869427090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27769153

Thinking about it, we have a decent amount of femanons now. It's nowhere near 50/50, but we have around 4-5 if I'm counting right.

>> No.27768997

OGuner is hard to beat. Panon and alice are just shitposters. The other two nijis are asexuals. Yeah you can get second

>> No.27769008
Quoted by: >>27769104

>always vox sex
I am beginning to think the kindred pregnancy cult is real

>> No.27769051

Then… we just broke the world… i blame pommersenpai, he was the one who got male preged (i dont know what that means!!’)

>> No.27769096
Quoted by: >>27769168

>other two nijis are asexuals
>Rosebud always ERPs back
You sure about that?

>> No.27769104

Some people in the NijiEN / luxnoc threads have actually gained a pregnancy kink from the pregnancy posts there

>> No.27769119

I’m too stubborn to accept second place… Sisters (aka the one-two other Kindreds here), please join me in more egregious pregposting.

>> No.27769153
Quoted by: >>27769211

I don't care who writes personally.

>> No.27769162
Quoted by: >>27769421

What has the OGuner done?

>> No.27769168

He says he is. But I doubt. All i know is three of them arent horny posters.

>> No.27769177
File: 112 KB, 922x928, dot_cursed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27769219

i think comfy is the only a-sexual one

he is also my anchor of sanity in this thread at this point

>> No.27769211
File: 709 KB, 849x1200, 1652379781053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither do I honestly, I just think it's nice that we're unity in multiple ways.

>> No.27769219

Kinda funny how the self admitted cannibalism and amputees enthusiast turned out to be the most seiso.

>> No.27769246

Don't get me wrong I fucking love women it's just that rose sexpai is such a Chad that he's the exception. Now if you all will excuse me I did at one point say that across the street from the hotel is a gentlemen's club. And my mom gave me like $200 so I'm gonna have some fun.

>> No.27769250

Yes, I am a shitposter and she probably is too but she is sus. I dont get horny from writing a shitty smut story.

>> No.27769257
File: 126 KB, 834x956, F6555E62-87E6-43ED-B1FC-C3323E363A00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27769971

Our power… Oh, I remember the days where I was the only one and my (You)s were rife with YWNBAW because people thought I was shitposting/larping. Now look at us!!

>> No.27769270

Man, I love this thread

>> No.27769302
Quoted by: >>27769733

What is “seiso”? Innocence?

>> No.27769367


>> No.27769394

So wait, is /luxnoc/ a separate thread from EN? Do we need to adjust the map to add them in?

>> No.27769403

I have a hard time taking that kusosmut seriously so i think its a three way draw.

>> No.27769421

He'll proudly tell you if you give him enough time.

>> No.27769479

Considering Nijilands are getting an overhaul on the map thanks to yours truly, it will happen soon enough

>> No.27769499
Quoted by: >>27769630

Luxnoc is a separate thread, and from what I’ve heard there is no map rewrites until there is a new wave in a company

>> No.27769550
Quoted by: >>27769621

>Risu's Law: All organized and sophisticated threads will (d)evolve into horny posting if given enough time and supplied with enough unity.

>> No.27769621

Unity is sex...

>> No.27769630

Dsw doesnt have a thread. Wait till wave 6

>> No.27769733

Eh...More like pure and wholesome.

>> No.27769737
Quoted by: >>27769821

i thought he also adds Dsw?

>> No.27769751

Dsw is a small thread compared to luxnoc

>> No.27769821

Nope. I dont know where to put it.

>> No.27769872

There is no one in this thread that represents that aside from WARanon.

>> No.27769971
Quoted by: >>27770674

People really said that? Kek. I’m glad the cult is where it is now!

>> No.27769981
File: 1.82 MB, 941x1331, 5141A8E2-0B2E-4903-8D13-6483280D8D2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am seiso!!

>> No.27769999
Quoted by: >>27770135

Hey despite how easily comfyanon can be roped into weird /meat/ conversations he's always flawlessly wholesome.
You shitpost too much to be seiso. Cute, though.

>> No.27770008
File: 401 KB, 638x757, 1647609157747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.27770031
File: 936 KB, 1674x1825, FKAFe5dXwAAZmwg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... This is what my life has come to...being shipped with a fucking squirrel...and not the cute shitposty ship like "haha get a room you two" BUT AN ACTUAL FUCKER WRITING ACTUAL MOTHERFUCKING SMUT ABOUT IT!!

.....at least describe me as Pic related...

>> No.27770135
Quoted by: >>27770204

But shitposting is seiso on 4channel!

>> No.27770152

I'm probably weird for not wanting to have sex with any anons here. I just like writing stuff. Probably the only reason why I'm still here.

>> No.27770162
Quoted by: >>27770204

I dunno, anon... >>27627043

>> No.27770169
File: 829 KB, 565x675, summerspike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27772431

nah make him a brown version of this

>> No.27770204

Clearly Ri2ner
Unironically true

>> No.27770304

well i want to have sex with YOU! chu~

>> No.27770315

The only one that wants to have sex with anons here is OGuner

>> No.27770360

I love writing. I just happen to write while horny. Multitasking is great

>> No.27770380
File: 69 KB, 386x675, EB1BEA0B-D7DF-4CFD-A6EF-06D1519D7569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27770610

Imposter!! AMOGUS!!!’

>> No.27770390

You are normal, some people are weird

>> No.27770400
File: 4 KB, 112x112, FVE0ggCWIAQOuwH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, i am right with you fellow anon

>> No.27770425

Day dream all you want to.

>> No.27770495
File: 175 KB, 319x320, 66CBFFC1-BF5E-4B78-B36A-CE155B51BF11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like to write, argue over maps and autism, pick on Alice and Rosebro and shitpost.

>> No.27770602
File: 97 KB, 672x524, C9CBC9AA-437D-49A9-9AA4-205183F93F00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night steers and queers. I will see at the usual hours.

>> No.27770610
File: 47 KB, 424x600, cutealice!22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27770668


>> No.27770650
File: 107 KB, 1100x1253, 1656561264784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a good one and sleep well, my man.

>> No.27770652
File: 1.53 MB, 1148x1080, 1647263617467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27770668


Imposter!!! I am phone posting.

>> No.27770670

i mean i like to shitpost as much as the next anon and i don't really have any room to talk since i partook but at the moment we might be overdoing it a bit, feels like we gone through like 2 threads of jsut shitposting with barely any world building happening anymore

>> No.27770674
File: 623 KB, 1199x1677, 4E274E71-E80A-47FC-8757-D01B039C5FDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t want to fuck any anons. I represent a Kindred pregnancy cult, not an anon pregnancy cult.
Oh yeah, way back when I first started posting in /NijiEN/. Joke’s on them now!
And goodnight for real this time!! Milord LOVE!!

>> No.27770720
File: 96 KB, 540x540, C4BE752A-C739-4031-A1CE-28964789AB5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27770787
File: 37 KB, 200x200, 1654659811384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many people going to sleep. This is a general good night to anyone going to bed, I'm too lazy to reply individually.

>> No.27770789
Quoted by: >>27770883

Weekends have always had more shitposting. It does feel like a bit much now that we have more anons to join in.

>> No.27770805

To be fair, Panon was too busy to write so half of our lore output went away

>> No.27770862

KEK. Thats true although his sidekick wrote a nice army thing this morning.

>> No.27770883
Quoted by: >>27770927

not blaming anyone, more like a general obsersavtion

>> No.27770904
File: 948 KB, 946x1300, 1656811964694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, as I said, I work excruciatingly slow. But I am here to answer any questions, so there's that at least. I'm good at answering things quick and on the fly.

>> No.27770927

Was joking around, you are right. Today seemed like an off day.

>> No.27771052

EG: /morig/ doesn't have horses, we have giant skeleton sloths instead.

>> No.27771068
File: 60 KB, 1208x1139, 1650793495377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27771163

honestly i am happy for all this active shitposting in here, wanted to sleep a long time ago

decided just to watch one karaoke before i go to sleep BUT THE FUCKER JUST WON'T STOP SINGING AND ITS BEEN OVER 4 HOURS ALREADY

>> No.27771163
Quoted by: >>27771281

Well, three of the main shitposters are gone.

>> No.27771281
File: 342 KB, 591x590, 1648502696305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely he must be done soon...

>> No.27771317
Quoted by: >>27791986

Since it is a company that is expected to exost for a long time, perhaps you could translate the individual as a family that passes the company's leadership in an hereditary manner and share some relevant personality traits?

>> No.27771417
File: 614 KB, 3508x2480, 1656610934944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27771745

It must be nice to think in such a naïve manner.

>> No.27771506
Quoted by: >>27771745

You're going to jinx it. He'll sing for 20 hours like Astel.

>> No.27771516
Quoted by: >>27771896

It takes time to write quality work for most people. If you're talented then you can write in no time. But most people need time.

>> No.27771742
File: 2 KB, 259x45, Capture(294).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27771745
File: 1.21 MB, 1286x1080, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he keeps going the set list will not be readable anymore

>> No.27771831
Quoted by: >>27771896

Sorry, normally I post some sort of worldbuilding every day at least, but I haven't been at my pc for the past week.

>> No.27771896

ok sorry if that post somehow came off as an attack

i did not mean to critique anyone with that, write at your own pace as you see fit

>> No.27772070

No no, I didn't take it like that, just throwing in a potential explanation why there has been measurably less new OC maybe.

>> No.27772285
File: 234 KB, 532x374, onobotfly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27772358


good night fuckers

>> No.27772315

I wasn't trying to criticize. I was just pointing out that we're mostly hobbyist writers here. We write in our spare times. So we try to have fun with things when we can. Sometimes its inspiration. I can't count how many times I wrote stuff based on shitposts.

>> No.27772358
File: 362 KB, 800x863, 1644904227776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back here, it's my turn to trap you in karaoke hell.

>> No.27772431
File: 1.36 MB, 2150x3035, 1656944561297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been stuck on deciding whose going to be the top and the bottom.
On one hand, Cunt Sanalite would be the most obvious choice, his aggressiveness and naturally gargantuan schlong are top tier traits for smut, to add to that there's a natural domination of the primitive squirrel person not unlike that of buck breaking and risuners have clarified that large bottomed femboys are a prevalent male demographic. Their eagerness for sex would allow for a more spirited romp when compared to the sarcastic and cynical responses typically associated with C.sanalite, opening up for the possibility of non smut romantic spin offs.
On the other hand, I remembered some of past lore posts and realized that a lot of sanalite lore indicates that they aren't really physically fit and when it comes down to it, there's a good possibility chronic masturbation has turned them into one blow joes. The vast majority of risuners however are well muscled at least in their lower half due to tree hopping for the majority of their lives, their fat asses are less fat and more muscular depending on how you want to interpret this, risuners that go beyond not skipping leg day and actively work out their glutes and buttocks might be immune to surprise butt sex via crushing any unwanted foreign object with the pressure of their rear ends. I am surprised that I have not seen any posts about accidental thigh crushing fatalities in /risu/. They are also explicitly trained in sex and seem to give it pretty good given their national representation, they don't mind too much about how many holes their nut partner has meaning ri2ner would be at least partially trained in the art of anal. This could lead to a femboy dommy mommy dynamic in which C.sanalite is coaxed through a prostate orgasm through gentle but eager ri2ner training, not unlike the occasional sapling horny post outside of /vtwbg/. This also plays towards one of the more popular /nasa/ fetishes of being penetrated by a large futanari Sana Tsukumo, though, that would better pair with the shota depiction of San as opposed to the picture linked by C.Sanalite, double though, femboy on male is less common and extremely interesting territory to explore.
That isn't even analyzing the possibility of Power Bottom Cunt Sanalite, which is perhaps the most intriguing scenario at my disposal, however, this exploration might be best left unexplored until the first smut story is released.

>> No.27772540
Quoted by: >>27775436

>Power Bottom Cunt Sanalite
Write it.

>> No.27773166
File: 161 KB, 2048x1151, 1648292070663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>femboy dommy mommy dynamic
anon, please. my cock is already dripping in anticipation.

>> No.27773205
Quoted by: >>27773297

Yeah I think I see what you mean now

>> No.27773249


>> No.27773297

We need to assemble a not-horny bloc within /vtwbg/ they've accumulated too much influence.

>> No.27773321

just because you guys can't make good meals doesn't mean the meal itself is bad.

>> No.27773385

I'm not going to archive this for chuubanite. Are we still carving/writing runes/glyphs with chuubanite? I thought about the runes being like circuits that program the flow of energy of chuubanite to act in a certain way based on the material. For example my idea od Risuner wands is rattle the nuts inside the carved magic wooden chamber to activate drawing power from gemstones; then you flick to discharge the spell.

>> No.27773554
Quoted by: >>27774253

yes, glyphs and activator substances still work, and can be used to program chuubanite responses, for lack of a better word. also >>27760053

>> No.27773585
Quoted by: >>27774253

The whole /meat/ tattoo system which allows sanalites to take off their spacesuits relies on glyphs as well as /rbc/ golem circuitry I think so it seems like an established thing at this point. Though I think the activator substance interpretation is also being used. What you're describing should probably work in some form or another.

>> No.27773657
Quoted by: >>27774253

Yeah, glyphs and circuits are one of the few things that have remained constant over chuubanite discussions. The magic quanta explanation makes even more sense then, as this way there is a perfect analogy between those and the electromagnetic quantum fields and their circuits.

>> No.27774253

Okay so we have chuubanite curcuits that can be carved/written into the material. I also thought about weaving chuubanite cloth or wire into uniforms to give them a shield to protect against a few bullet balls. I digress. What is not talked about is the activation of the programmed chuubanite. For potions and drugs enhanced by chuubanite its simple chemistry. For potions you need a catalyst to activate. For chuubanite accessories I usually go with ways of touching it or speaking magic words to activate. Like turning a ring three times and saying "fluffy kuzowhimikatz" to activate an effect.


>> No.27774766

all chuubanite released it's energy by one of 3 ways. passively, activator substances, or glyphs. words alone cannot activate chuubanite, but they can direct it to a very minute degree. /meat/ tatoos work when broken glyphs form proper glyphs based on the movement of the user. think full metal alchemist runes being made of of hand signs, but it's the flexing and bending of the flesh that creates the rune, or glyph in this case. when a glyph is formed, it is active, full stop, but a clever person can think of ways to combine glyphs, other glyphs, and activator substances to make more complex circuitry. that's how i understand it, at least.

>> No.27774797
Quoted by: >>27774909

For consistency's sake, maybe chuubanite effects should all require an activator substance, which starts the reaction, and a glyph, which specifies the effect. Which activator substance is used would then be determined by the type of chuubanite and the desired effect.

>> No.27774909

That ruins some preexisting chuubanite uses like the aforementioned meat tattoos

>> No.27775053
Quoted by: >>27775497

Activator substance can be blood or skin. Would that solve or alliviate the issue?

>> No.27775060

Well the activator substance could be something like flesh or blood in that case. Although I'm not opposed to some glyphs being able to work passively as you described, i.e. the glyph specifies no activator substance, but then there's no controlling when the effects start or stop sans breaking the glyph..

>> No.27775068

You can add stuff in the tattoo dye. In fact the dye substance can be the activator substance for /meat/ chuubanite. It doesn't break it IMO but adds to it. Like say indigo ink does a certain function or whatever.

>> No.27775169

Passive effects could be activated by pulse/heartbeat or breathing if you need a consistent activator.

>> No.27775365

making the dye the activator substance would absolutely break it. the whole point is that it is only activated when the glyph is formed. otherwise there would be no way to control it, and it would be wasting energy as if it were in use passively. the dye contains the chuubanite. i don't really like this idea. if other people think it's better, so be it, but even if you thought of a way to make it work with the tattoos, i just think it's more interesting for the glyphs to work without the need of an activator substance. nevermind the question of how people would figure out the glyphs and substances needed to make use of either of them, since every type of chuubanite necessarily has their own unique glyphs and activator substances.

>> No.27775436
File: 362 KB, 850x1098, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_pararan__sample-14c0ecd803948e54e4d3f2f53411603f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, Cunt here, just adding some feedback, because you goddamn made me interested in this shit ffs.

First of all: >>27772540 is based and you should definitely consider it.

Second, on the topic of our fitness: The rrat that we are just little sticks that will break with the smallest gust of wind and also don't have sex is based on nothing but the voices inside our Rep's head.
In reality, we are normal to above average in fitness, depending on the department the person belongs to. While researchers will be more on the weaker side, mechanics and expeditionary team members will be pretty well built, some could even be considered beefcakes, due to the more physical nature of their work.
And we also have a regular amount of sex, it's not like we are forced to just masturbation all the time. The only thing that is taken deathly serious is contraception. Since we are working with limited space, we can't just have kids all willy nilly. If we need more kids, Cass, our AI, will basically send you a e-mail saying "Ey yo you can nut in yo girl now, good luck champ!" What follows is usually the couple calling in sick for the week, stocking up on food, and locking themselves into their apartment.

Just a little bit of lore for ya, since you are taking this pretty seriously, it seems. I look forward to the wank this piece will provide.

>> No.27775487
Quoted by: >>27776808

it could be activated by gang signs, the glyph is incomplete by separating parts of it into different parts of the body, so you do a gang sign or put your arms together in a way that reforms the glyph and it activates it

>> No.27775497
Quoted by: >>27775709

I dunno. This seems a bit too unnecessarily complicated. Maybe stronger, more complex effects can be accomplished by using both glyphs and an activator, but I don't think we should force everyone to use both for every effect.

>> No.27775559
Quoted by: >>27776808

Well you need both the substance and the glyph to make it work, that's the point. If the glyph is broken due to the user's contortion, then the chuubanite has nowhere to go. Think of the glyph as the wire and the activator as the battery. You won't get a current flowing unless both are present.
>nevermind the question of how people would figure out the glyphs and substances needed to make use of either of them
This is a bit of an issue, but it's a problem for all the systems proposed thus far.

>> No.27775709

The glyph and substance can be simple for simple effects though, so requiring both shouldn't be too limiting. If you don't want to use both, then just set the activator to be air or something and it's like it's not even there.

>> No.27775761

If you're going to allow that then why bother forcing both at all? The point of this rework is to make chuubanite simpler and easier to understand, not even more complex.

>> No.27775814
Quoted by: >>27776808

Bringing down chuubanite to chemistry instead of quantum physics does help in making it simpler.

>> No.27775851
Quoted by: >>27776091

Because it keeps the mechanisms that make chuubanite work consistent and easy to digest. Instead of saying you can use chuubanite this way, or that way, or another way, you just say you need A and B, where A could be air or something.

>> No.27775928
File: 167 KB, 640x904, 1648155224205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27776067

The time to back down has long passed me by.

>> No.27776023
File: 409 KB, 2048x2048, 1655969857987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27776239

So why not just make the activator "substance" our belief in the chuuba? That and Chuubanite produce the most simple magical effect, while glyphs can then refine that effect, and even change certain properties of it to a certain extent?

>> No.27776067
File: 14 KB, 276x195, GdayCunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27776091
Quoted by: >>27776808

>>27775851 (me)
If you don't require both, then you have to answer the question of why some chuubanite works one way and another in a different way. That makes things more complicated then forcing chuubanite to always act in a singular, consistent way imo.

>> No.27776239

I think one of the things we wanted was for anyone to theoretically be able to use any chuubanite if they knew how, instead of limiting it to those who believe in that chuuba. It also breaks some stuff like /meat/'s smoke bombs which would need to work in isolation of that activator substance, i.e. after throwing it and running away.

>> No.27776808

>gang signs
you somehow made it infinitely less cool. as i said, gestures form the glyph which causes a response. that is how the tattoos work right now. you are suggesting the requirement of an activator substance in addition to the glyph, and for what gain i cannot tell.
imagine a short circut. that's your suggestion. changing them the way you suggest is adding to complexity, and pretending people would have just as hard of a time realizing that chuubanite in a certain shape, or chuubanite touching a certain substance does cool stuff as they would figuring out that chuubanite in a certain shape while touching a certain substance does cool stuff doesn't make it any better.
air that wont be in contact with dye that is inside the body.
how does turning two options, one chemical and one alchemical, into the same option requiring both chemical and alchemical things reduce the overall idea's complexity at all?
activator substance has connection to concept. in contact to chuubanite, produces effect. glyph is a symbol that has connection to concept. in contact with chuubanite, produces effect. this isn't a problem, that isn't a solution. what do you gain from this? are you that one guy who suggested our system be based off of chuubas instead of concepts? the one who tried to argue that /nasfaqg/ is chiefly about chuubas instead of being chiefly about a stock market of chuuba-backed currency in order to salvage the idea that every thread in /vt/ is chiefly about chuubas? just asking.

>> No.27777044
Quoted by: >>27777310

The weak bones from low gravity has been retconned with gravity wells. The station has Earth's gravity bare mininum. As for illness we're only being cautious with native world diseases. We have space diseases because humans need viruses and bacteria to develop a healthy immune system. Once both Sanalites and native populations develop natural immunity to diseases we won't be as scared. We want to develop natural immunity in a controlled way because a pandemic with 5000 people could wipe us out. The big reason why we wear space suits is because they have air-filters to protect against dust. Living in a sterile station has left us with a dust allergy. This is why we're researching /meat/ tats. The tats will help reset our immune systems to tolerate dust and pollen again. Our infants are able to handle dust in the atmosphere better than we can. In 1-2 generations /nasa/'s dust allergy will be non-existent.

Military style training and conditioning is mandatory for all citizens. Training includes ready for anything fitness programs, including cold space exposure. On top of strength and endurance training Sanalites are required to hold their breaths for at minimum of 2 minutes. Also if you have a crippling disability like type 1 diabetes or brittle bone disease then you can get implants and braces to help you survive training. Astronauts are the fittest of the fittest for a reason. Get too fat and you become a health hazard.

Combat training is a hybrid of martial arts, marksmanship, and strategy games. Martial arts include both unarmed and melee weapon combat. Melee weapons aren't just F0RKS and KN1V3S. They use a wide variety of swords from rapiers to katanas, to spears, to axes (fireman's axe is the most popular), to even unconventional weapons like chains, brass knuckles, and blackjacks. Marksmanship is training in both small arms to heavy arms like turrets and rockets. Most of training is done through virtual reality simulations to minimize damage done inside the station. Melee training is done with replicas. Combat training is done inside and outside spacesuits.

Also your rep is an incel who needs to resign and be euthanized. Sanalites fuck everyone all the time. We use contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The AI determines which families are allowed to be big based on their aptitude during periods of low growth. We also will allow abortion and euthanasia as a last resort to over population. There will always be disgusting loser incels in every population. If incels can't get laid then they can donate sperm which is stored for use during low population times. And for couples that can't concieve there's research in womb transplants with surrogate mothers. No artificial wombs though except for starchildren.

>> No.27777307

Thank you paragraphsanon, I could not properly articulate why I thought the idea of requiring both is colossally stupid but you nailed it here.

>> No.27777310
File: 460 KB, 396x448, 1655787874663.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now wait just a goddamn second. 3rd Sanallite?

>YOUR rep is an incel who needs to resign
>WE use contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies

This makes it sound as if you ain't the rep, and there was only him and me here for the past few months. Oh have my prayers been answered?! Do we finally have more Sanallites to bounce ideas off of?

>> No.27777399
File: 155 KB, 1007x1048, sipmei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27777437

It's your rep being self-deprecatory and beating himself over his old ideas, probably, I'm not sure.

>> No.27777437
File: 413 KB, 1200x675, Absolute Fucking Chaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucker! Don't stomp over my hope like that!

>> No.27777497
Quoted by: >>27777614

I was making fun of myself as rep.

>> No.27777614
File: 38 KB, 483x561, TheMightySteed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27780499


>> No.27777791
File: 257 KB, 584x448, 1657077096758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27777975

Convert to plant, reject your animal self.

>> No.27777794

>another space cunt
also >>27777777

>> No.27777916

The thing about chuubanite is that it stores energy. It doesn't matter if the material is wood, metal, or flesh. If passive activation is a thing then it can work like a battery powered watch. You just need a circuit to draw power from energy storage. Tattoos are interesting because they could draw power from the human body if they need to. And I'm not talking about electricity. I'm talking about kinetic energy from constantly moving our muscles.

>> No.27777973
Quoted by: >>27778155

>The thing about chuubanite is that it stores energy
this is the new point being disputed, at some point in the past there was a switch to the new interpretations, I think the store energy thing was better.

>> No.27777975

But monke is fun.

>> No.27778155
Quoted by: >>27778213

Remember to anchor your chuubanite posts >>27760053

>> No.27778161

>imagine a short circut. that's your suggestion.
I'm not sure I follow you there. If we assume the activator substance is in contact with the chuubanite then there's no difference between how the glyph part works in our versions. If the body is bent in such a way that the glyph is not completed, then there's no effect. A short circuit would be if you somehow bent in a way that created a different glyph inadvertently.
If the activator substance is something the chuubanite would already be touching then it's no harder to randomly come across the pattern that activates the effect. In fact, if the activator substance is ubiquitous enough then I bet some groups wouldn't even realize it's a component, because our two systems work identically in that case.
>air that wont be in contact with dye that is inside the body.
The activator doesn't have to be air, that was just an example. The chuubanite will never be in complete isolation, it's always touching things in its surroundings. The point is that if someone didn't want to have to deal with activator substances then they could simply say the activator is whatever the chuubanite already is in contact with naturally, whether that be the blood it's travelling through or the air or skin the tattoo is exposed to, or whatever else you pick.
>what do you gain from this?
Good question. The tldr is that with the right activator substance the systems are the same, so nothing should break. The benefit to be gained is that now everything works the same way, instead of chuubanite having several different behaviors, there's just one. Having one long path to travel is simpler to understand than a maze of short, branching ones.
>are you that one guy who suggested

>> No.27778192
File: 239 KB, 1181x1748, 1656286171667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monke? How dreadfully simple. Why not be a beautiful cactus? Or a lovely aloe vera? Or even a dastardly corpse flower?

>> No.27778213
Quoted by: >>27778361

They can follow the reply chain.

>> No.27778219

i wanna be an australian

>> No.27778227
File: 2.84 MB, 1280x720, 1652805846033.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27778391

Here's my counterargument

>> No.27778310
File: 72 KB, 850x478, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_sowame_xx__sample-03ad4b24869b4f915d5b11233134cdff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27778472

Nah, imma just be the aussie fuck that will stick his giant schlong inside you flowers.

>> No.27778321
File: 177 KB, 850x1202, 1656963346898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27778370

A golden wattle is always an option. As the floral emblem of Australia, you'll even be a cut above the rest.

>> No.27778360
Quoted by: >>27778410

granted, but as a native instead

>> No.27778361

That post didn't reply to anyone, that's the point.

>> No.27778370
File: 753 KB, 1200x946, 1656201633857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27778472

We truly entering the dead hours, huh? Kinda soon today.

>> No.27778391
Quoted by: >>27778472

Monke is fun. Also monke spit seeds to help spread fruit trees.

Human is just hairless monke.

>> No.27778410

i take it all back, is it too late to be an aspen? i like the mountains...

>> No.27778413
File: 542 KB, 3035x2104, 1656496578900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27778473

Where's Alice when you need her, I wanna replay another Meet the video.

>> No.27778472
File: 717 KB, 2000x2829, 1653613460063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27778529

Considering we're the only ones realistically able to handle each other, that's fair. We can always convince you via the temptation of intercourse, if required.
Well, most of our posters (including me) seem to be living in NA, so it makes sense I suppose. I do somewhat enjoy the quiet though, provided there are still a few people to chat with.
A somewhat wanted use, but nothing we can't do ourselves. You'll understand the truth of the green world soon enough, don't worry.

>> No.27778473

Beating up Kindreds in her dungeon

>> No.27778529
Quoted by: >>27778982

I should sleep. But I think I over-caffinated myself tonight.

>> No.27778982
File: 1.02 MB, 4096x3866, 1647566093671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. I'm something of an insomniac, so it's difficult for me to get much rest. Hopefully the caffeine wears off of you soon, sleep is very important.

>> No.27779530
Quoted by: >>27780304

But if your system can just essentially be ignored with the right activator substance, as you call it, then you haven't actually done anything other than added complexity. The idea of magic circles (glyphs) and spell reagents (activators) isn't hard for people to wrap their heads around, nobody has ever been confused by there being two short paths through the maze. You are answering a question nobody has ever asked.

>> No.27779585
Quoted by: >>27779736

Thinking about making Mac ex-military who can react to pretty much anything. That's why he was sent to venture to /hlgg/. While he's a solid gunman Mac's favorite weapon is his fists. Thoughts?

>> No.27779729
Quoted by: >>27780304

i thought that if there was any gain in your suggestion, it was that you were making glyphs an analogy for circutry, but you expect substances to figure out on their own whether or not they are forming the right glyph to allow activation. if you kept that to the scale of the conceptual realm that would be one thing, but substances and symbols exist in the physical realm, so they need to follow physical laws. in our current system, chuubanite of a particular affinity could have unique interactions with any number of substances, and any number of symbols. with yours it almost seems like activator substances are an unnecessary second limiting feature that brings magic further out of reach to people who aren't magically in the know. if the activator substance is ubiquitous enough that people wouldn't even realize it's a component, it isn't worth having it in the first place. having them as two separate options gives us so much opportunity to be creative with it, and so much of that creativity is squandered if they require each other and are nothing more than a basic circuit.
>If the activator substance is something the chuubanite would already be touching
and what about the instances where it's not something the chuubanite would already be touching?
>they could simply say the activator is whatever the chuubanite already is in contact with naturally
correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm pretty sure the idea of having two of them is that they have advantages and disadvantages over each other, glyphs are programmable but need to be set up, activator substances are simple, but could activate unwantedly. this removes that level of decision making. if someone didn't want to deal with activator substances, they wouldn't use activator substances. they can define which substances would activate their chuubanite regardless of which interpretation they use, but they have to deal with it in one way or another with your idea. what happens if they are in the water? or in space? suddenly they can't use their glyphs. what if the atmosphere isn't technically "air" by it's common definition? this could be solved if you didn't require both at the same time
>with the right activator substance the systems are the same
>now everything works the same way
>instead of chuubanite having several different behaviors, there's just one
this is a good thing? what does this refer to? are you saying you only want there to be one way to activate chuubanite? chuubanite releases energy passively. why do you want to add unnecessary limitations on how chuubanite can be used when the different ways are easier to explain as isolated properties of chuubanite, and give people different ways to put chuubanite to use? anyways, as far as i can tell, most people are moving on from this, and don't seem to support the idea. maybe i'm wrong, but i don't think people generally seem to like your idea. take that as you will.

>> No.27779736
Quoted by: >>27779909

give him a revolver and an aussie hat that goes over his space suit

>> No.27779909
Quoted by: >>27780163

I want Mac to beat up a bear with his fists to impress the Risuners. I watched too much anime today.

>> No.27780163
File: 149 KB, 2090x1225, bearmei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could probably challenge an owl bear to a friendly spar, I was thinking that I could probably make the weird turtle things you have into potential prey items for the owl bears, their strategy would be sneaking up behind them, grabbing them, and then lifting them up into a shell breaking suplex.
The spider things could also be prey too. Crushing them with their claws. Do you think it'd be alright?

>> No.27780304
Quoted by: >>27783247

But if you choose not to ignore it then you get increased functionality for those who want it. The problem I had with the previous system is that some stuff worked with magic circles and others with spell reagents which seemed strange to me. Furthermore how would one compare and contrast these two systems if they were pit against one another. How do they combine and react to one another? I don't know, if I'm in the minority here then that's fine.
>having them as two separate options gives us so much opportunity to be creative with it
You have more options when you combine the two of them than when you use one or the other. If there are 10 possible activators and glyphs then there are 20 different possibilities in your interpretation and 100 in mine.
>and what about the instances where it's not something the chuubanite would already be touching?
Then it doesn't work? Same as the activator-substance-only proposal. If you don't activate it then it doesn't activate. But why would this hypothetical anon choose a substance that the chuubanite wasn't touching if they wanted the effect to always work?
>what happens if they are in the water? or in space? suddenly they can't use their glyphs
I mean, that sounds like it has potential for interesting stories. Those situations would be rare, and if they do happen then why would you expect your tool to work in a completely different environment than what it had been designed for? Let the drowning sailor have that moment of despair when they realize their wind chuubanite isn't pushing them to the surface. Seems like it could lead to fun scenarios.
Now everything would be activator+glyph=magic. No matter the type of chuubanite, it obeys the same rules in order to work.
>anyways, as far as i can tell, most people are moving on from this, and don't seem to support the idea
Yeah, if people don't want to go this route then we won't, simple as that. Thanks for hearing me out at least.

>> No.27780326
Quoted by: >>27792671

Wonder if it would be possible to use gravity wells to make a hyper-gravity chamber to train in. Like maybe test your luck at 1.5G. Though that's starting to get bullshit. Higher Gs also means you need more air pressure in your suits since air would also compress. Its a retarded insomnia idea. Going to bed now.

>> No.27780378

Still looking for the /rbc/ rep.

>> No.27780424
Quoted by: >>27780499

Animals are cunt's domain. I only have mammoths. Ask him. Mac could probably try to fight an owl bear with enough shonen bullshit. But he's going to get an injury.

>> No.27780499
File: 38 KB, 618x410, bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27780981

Hey, consider this >>27780163 idea, thanks in advance.

>> No.27780965

God forbid we have space kangaroos.

>> No.27780981
File: 62 KB, 411x1200, 1657200782133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight so this would require actual brain power to think up, and I am currently in the process of passing out, so I'll get back to you in like 9 hours, k!

>> No.27781507
Quoted by: >>27781945

Can owl bears be friends?

>> No.27781945
File: 268 KB, 1000x1000, thumbs_up2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27784829

Owl bears can be friendly to humans in the right context, if the owl bear sees you as a potential rival in hunting or else it will be aggressive, the bears will generally not see humans as threats in a live and let live act. I imagine that from human settlement in the Republic the owl bears would be used to human contact and as such their social nature shines more. Owl bears in the forest of the druids and the untamed tundra where the starship resides might not be as friendly to humans, but it should still be possible to be friendly with the bears.
The idea behind the owlbears is that they are basically brown bears but if they were smarter and a lot more social, so they are more receptive to communication attempts with humans. A human could initiate a sparring attempt with an owl bear if he learns the invitation that bears use with each other for that.

>> No.27783247
Quoted by: >>27785705

so, i think i'm starting to recognize a misunderstanding here. activator substances and glyphs can be designed to respond uniquely to each other. my idea is that every relevant substance or glyph could have a slightly different effect, including meta-effects that only respond to activated glyphs or in the presence of chuubanite being activated by a specific activator substance(s). if i am not mistaken, we talked a bit about this when the idea of tattoos was being brought up, specifically in relation to different kinds of dyes forming different kinds of tattoos. as it exists right now, we could gain all the additional functionality of your proposed system without any of the required limitations. there's a reason that activator substances are allowed to be things that are more complex or undefined, such as "air" or "blood" or whatever, mostly because it could be reasonably identified at the scale of the conceptual realm. one arguably good point you may or may not have intentionally brought up was the fact that activator substances in nature might activate chuubanite before anyone got access to it, but if that was your intention, then your solution is somewhat shortsighted and unnecessary. the true question we should be asking ourselves is how chuubanite forms naturally. chemicals that would react to each other exist in lose proximity to each other all over the world, but there is usually a reason they are there in the first place. sometimes it's just because it's abundant enough to still be there even if it isn't reformed fast enough to support it's size, in which case it would exist in diminishing quantities. how pressing an issue this is depends on how chuubanite forms, but it can always be explained without the need of this other stuff.
>I mean, that sounds like it has potential for interesting stories.
this is something the first chuubanite rentry went over. interesting stories don't always make for interesting, or ballanced world building. anti-magic domes, immortality, ftl motion, and all the other things listed under "hard limits" would all make for great stories, but giving people the ability to do that just off the bat would not be wise world-building. with the current system, i figure you could create a situation like that if you tried, but you're right that it wouldn't be as limiting as someone realizing the thing they relied on so much until now is no longer functional.
>it obeys the same rules in order to work
>Now everything would be activator+glyph=magic
activator substance || glyph, activator substance && glyph, i don't see how this is a point of contention. it already works the same way, there aren't types of chuubanite that only work with glyphs or activator substances, all forms of chuubanite work with both glyphs and activator substances. this seems like a mute point that serves no objective benefit to the system at large, but that might just be me.
>Thanks for hearing me out at least.
np, i enjoyed hammering out the kinks of the idea. we can still talk about it if you want.

>> No.27784829
Quoted by: >>27785040

But the plant people love nature

>> No.27785040
File: 261 KB, 2291x1431, trenchcoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27785865

Love nature or not, that won't stop the race for resources, this is pure assumption but since the saplings are hunter-gatherers it means that they are in more direct competition against the Owl-bears, harming the degree of tolerance the bears will have for humans, I imagine it varies a lot from tribe to tribe according to bear activity per area

>> No.27785705
Quoted by: >>27787368

At the end of the day, I think the idea has its merits, and there's a certain abstract elegance to it in my brain that I like, but if most people think what we already have is simpler or easier to understand then I can concede that that's what we should go with. Otherwise what was the point of redoing it in the first place? To be honest, I'm running off very little sleep atm, so sorry if I wasn't able to explain myself very well. My hope was that this would simplify the black-box details of how chuubanite functions while not necessarily making it any harder for anons to get the effects they want out of it, but from the general response, it doesn't seem like I succeeded there, so I may as well shelve it for now. Who knows, maybe something will click for me after I wake up, or maybe I'll realize how dumb it is. Anyways, off to bed!

>> No.27785865
File: 202 KB, 366x375, 1655776412368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27786785

The Republic is quite vast and there would be regions where the population mostly relies on hunting game to survive. So different populations would likely have varying behaviors towards humans. But generally they should be a lot of friendlier than irl bears.

>> No.27786785

How long have you been waiting to use that specific edit?

>> No.27786891 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 2048x1446, dancermei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27786931


There are generally three kinds of festivals in the Owl Republic. National, public holidays such as the National day on the 22nd of August. Regional holidays such as the Seeding Festivals, celebrated in the agricultural belt of the Republic, typically in late November after all the planting has been completed. A more unique type of festivals are the celebration of a new divination. While oracles and prophecies are a common practice to receive divination and connect with the Heavenly realm across the world, the Republic has its own distinctive customs. Notably, due to material shortages during its initial founding, Hopium, which was once abundant (overly so) in the country were commonly used to conduct the ritual by priests. But differing from the contemporary ritual, only Hopium is used instead of a complex concoction of chuubanite and various herbs. Due to this, and the lack of regulation led to many inaccurate or downright false divination. Now, only Oracles, high-ranking clergy members conduct such rituals and divination obtained with only Hopium are not treated seriously. Once an Oracle were able to connect with the Heavenly realm and revive the Sacred word of the Nameless One, other priests would rush out of the Temple, yelling the phrase "It's time".
After the divinations ended, the result would be gathered and cross-referenced with those received by other Oracles. The verified content would be published in the myriad newspapers in the Republic, or more immediately announced by a crier outside of temples. Celebrations of such divinations can last for weeks. Though they are not like public holidays, where most production and work pauses. The celebration is localized to temples and the districts surrounding it. Impromptu markets and stages are set up with troupes performing to entertain any visitors wishing to read the full text written by the Oracles. Public games like soccer are often held during the celebration too.

To accommodate the growing population in cities and towns, fairgrounds were established to divert the flow from the increasing cramped temple districts. But as time goes on, these fairgrounds had become more permanent, opening every weekend or even all week in the bigger cities. These locations usually host water or human-powered rides, like pleasure wheels or simple cart rides. But in cities like the Capital and Eulhaven, chuubanite and steam-powered rides are slowly being introduced, curiously even faster than the industries in the Republic. This is perhaps due to the Nameless one's proclamation of "Theme parks" being the peak of civilization (scholars and priests have deduced it's a kind of location performing a similar role to fairgrounds). Aside from fairgrounds, cities often host Botanical or zoological gardens too. Developed from gardens owned by academies, Zoological gardens keep various animals, not just native species like Bubon Ursus but foreign ones like Akimeras from Matiyotl or even Death sloths of Moriji (exact details on how the Eulhaven Zoological Garden managed it is still a subject of curiosity by the media). Sweets and game stalls are a common sight in such locations.

Been a while since I posted any actual lore. The festival section is waiting to be expanded by that other Hooman who suggested 25th Nov as the fertility festival. Although I personally want to have a similar festival at 15th Jan (the shiny breeding stream) it doesn't really match the sowing period for winter wheat in the region /who/ is in. So for now late November it is. Also it's been a while since I wanted to post something about fairground but I never got to it.

Nah it's just on top of the actual cardboard burr image in my folder so I just choose it instead of scrolling further down

>> No.27786931 [DELETED] 

Getting rusty. Anchoring >>27759889

>> No.27787084
File: 330 KB, 2048x1446, dancermei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are generally three kinds of festivals in the Owl Republic. National, public holidays such as the National day on the 22nd of August. Regional holidays such as the Seeding Festivals, celebrated in the agricultural belt of the Republic, typically in late November after all the planting has been completed. A more unique type of festivals are the celebration of a new divination. While oracles and prophecies are a common practice to receive divination and connect with the Heavenly realm across the world, the Republic has its own distinctive customs. Notably, due to material shortages during its initial founding, Hopium, which was once abundant (overly so) in the country was commonly used to conduct the ritual by priests. But differing from the contemporary ritual, only Hopium is used instead of a complex concoction of chuubanite and various herbs. Due to this, and the lack of regulation led to many inaccurate or downright false divination. Now, only Oracles, high-ranking clergy members conduct such rituals and divination obtained with only Hopium are not treated seriously. Once an Oracle was able to connect with the Heavenly realm and receive the Sacred words from the Nameless One, other priests would rush out of the Temple, yelling the phrase "It's time".
After the divinations ended, the result would be gathered and cross-referenced with those received by other Oracles. The verified content would be published in the myriad newspapers in the Republic, or more immediately announced by a crier outside of temples. Celebrations of such divinations can last for weeks. Though they are not like public holidays, where most production and work pauses. The celebration is localized to temples and the districts surrounding it. Impromptu markets and stages are set up with troupes performing to entertain any visitors wishing to read the full text written by the Oracles. Public games like soccer are often held during the celebration too.

To accommodate the growing population in cities and towns, fairgrounds were established to divert the flow from the increasing cramped temple districts. But as time goes on, these fairgrounds had become more permanent, opening every weekend or even all week in the bigger cities. These locations usually host water or human-powered rides, like pleasure wheels or simple cart rides. But in cities like the Capital and Eulhaven, chuubanite and steam-powered rides are slowly being introduced, curiously even faster than the industries in the Republic. This is perhaps due to the Nameless one's proclamation of "Theme parks" being the peak of civilization (scholars and priests have deduced it's a kind of location performing a similar role to fairgrounds). Aside from fairgrounds, cities often host Botanical or zoological gardens too. Developed from gardens owned by academies, Zoological gardens keep various animals, not just native species like Bubon Ursus but foreign ones like Akimeras from Matiyotl or even Death sloths of Moriji (exact details on how the Eulhaven Zoological Garden managed it is still a subject of curiosity by the media). Sweets and game stalls are a common sight in such locations.

Been a while since I posted any actual lore. The festival section is waiting to be expanded by that other Hooman who suggested 25th Nov as the fertility festival. Although I personally want to have a similar festival on 15th Jan (the shiny breeding stream) it doesn't really match the sowing period for winter wheat in the region /who/ is in. So for now late November it is. Also it's been a while since I wanted to post something about fairground but I never got to it.

Nah it's just on top of the actual cardboard burr image in my folder so I just choose it instead of scrolling further down

>> No.27787368
Quoted by: >>27787682

the main problem i have with it is that it makes it harder to explain how people figured it out in the first place, it adds limitations that i don't personally see as being warranted, and that it makes me think of either short circuits or physics-realm magic when i want magic to be contained in the conceptual realm as much as possible. desu, the idea of scale might be hard to describe to normal people, but i imagine it like antman maintaining the same degree of strength as a full-sized human despite his muscles being on the scale of an ant, or a normal sized human grabbing a planet and throwing it towards the sun, both of which would be ridiculous due to how grossly different the scale was in size. same applies to different dimensions, save for something that connects them, ie chuubanite and possibly magic quanta.
if magic happens, it needs to be done in the conceptual realm where you don't need to explain how a turns into b and then c etc. and you can just say that a goes in, and z comes out. the concept of a glyph is sufficiently separate from the concept of an activator substance that the conceptual realm should have a hard time telling when an activator substance is part of a glyph unless there were metaconcepts connecting the two. that's at least how i visualize it. i should probably also explain child vs parent concepts in more detail at some point soon, too. regardless, thank you for giving your ideas. i know some people might find it hard to present their ideas to the open to be criticized and examined, but i respect you for your willingness to support your idea despite other people seemingly disagreeing with you.
i look forward to you potentially refining your idea so that we could talk about it more, though i figure even if you did decide to do that, our ideas are similar enough that we might find it easy enough to come to a compromise if we tried. good luck all the same, and good night.

>> No.27787682
Quoted by: >>27793206

Remember that when you are finished, I will be the one to put into laymans terms for everyone so as long as I can put my own autism in making sense of it, make it complex as you want.

>> No.27787896
File: 752 KB, 677x603, tumblr_ptfs1brdCF1ujb33zo2_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a random adventurer guild

>> No.27790930


>> No.27791006

I am sure /meat/ will like this chapter as will those who appreciate references.

>> No.27791438
Quoted by: >>27791650

>Chapter 33
Damn bro do you just wake up and go "Im gonaa POOM" and write nonstop?

>> No.27791650
File: 622 KB, 828x901, 1656731964505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Acceleration is our business and business is BOOMING

>> No.27791986
File: 273 KB, 1200x1969, Shared coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta, thats why I pressured him into geenlighting the "merchant houses" idea https://rentry.org/MerchantLore#merchant-houses

Also, Good morning /vtwbg/, I see you had an.. intresting night. How are each of your projects going?

>> No.27792671
Quoted by: >>27792902

Please dont use gravity for it, use some sort of a force generation
Gravity is bending of space and it opens a very smelly can of worms

>> No.27792736

Dies too quickly for our taste, but it's still pretty nice nonetheless. I concur that the duke really should try to get his money back tho

>> No.27792852
File: 61 KB, 434x481, isdisniggasrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sanalites doing self insert smut
really bro?

>> No.27792902

I think the nasa gravity wells were made with centrifuges?

>> No.27793206
Quoted by: >>27793237

scale in terms of realms and magic basically means all the magic has to be done in the conceptual realm. chuubanite is unique in it's ability to interact with magic quanta, and while i can't decide whether or not magic quanta should be the fabric of the conceptual realm itself, or the universal realm that connects all other realms, it is the case that magic quanta is the entrance and exit points to the black box that converts stuff like activator substances interacting with chuubanite, or chuubanite forming glyphs into an actual physical effect. the stimuli must go through the magic quanta and back in order to turn into an effect, yet everything in the conceptual realm is a concept, and all concepts are broken into their lesser components when they enter the conceptual realm, so unless a glyph was designed to only effect chuubanite that is active in response to a specific activator substance, or unless chuubanite that formed an active glyph of a specific type was the activator substance of another interaction, ie unless it was tied to their concept itself, there would be no inherent conceptual tie between an activator substance being active, and a glyph being formed, so you could not hope that a glyph or activator substance would be able to recognize when glyphs or activator substances are nearby in the physical realm, since their location relative to each other would be lost in translation going into the conceptual realm. it would probably be easy enough to just say it doesn't have to work like that, but i see it as the inherent, unique mechanisms of each dimension, and how they are so different from each other. treating the conceptual realm as a physical realm with walking concepts seems a bit boring to me.
for the archive, i'll restate my point that antman shouldn't be able to hit people with the force of a fully grown man while he is at the scale of an ant because the scale of an ant is too dissimilar to that of a man to translate into each other evenly. a dimension of conceptual existence where magic could be conceived into existence wouldn't operate the same way as a dimension of physical existence where everything works in terms of physical reality, save for the medium that intersects them, that being chuubanite.

>> No.27793237

on an unrelated note and moving to the idea of parent and child concepts, i simplified it enough in that one long explanation of it, but parent concepts are concepts that are required for another concept to possibly make sense, and child concepts are concepts that require another concept to possibly make sense. i figure, going into the future, an easy misconception would be to assume the language used to describe a concept is the concept itself, so to address that potential problem early, and to simultaneously give an example, i'll use the concept of concepts and languages as an example. you might think that the fact that i am using language to explain a concept means language is a requirement for the formation of a concept, however the explaining of a concept is not the concept itself, and if i had no conception of what it was i was trying to explain, i would in fact have no language adequate to explain it in the first place, and while i can conceptualize things in private, any attempt to put to language a non-concept would result in incoherent jargon, hardly qualified to be considered language at all, so we can see from this that language would be a child concept, that is, it requires the existence of the concept of concepts in order to possibly make sense, with the parent concept naturally being concepts.
what then is the parent concept of concepts? one could say that a universe is necessary for something to come into being that is capable of conceptualizing or being conceptualized, and therefore say that the universe is a requirement for concepts to exist, but while that is true, it is a few steps too far removed, as even with a universe, there must be something more specific to be able to conceptualize something. namely, you need consciousness to form concepts, and furthermore, you'd need a brain or something approaching it that is capable of consciousness to make any sense of that. after some loops of defining requirements for each concept, you'd eventually make it to the universe, depending on the path you followed, but depending on the concept, there might be more requirements than just one. for instance, we previously established that concepts are a requirement for language, however it would be incorrect to say that all that is required for language to exist is the ability to conceptualize something. if we define language as the expression of a concept or group of concepts through the use of a behavior or sequence of behaviors meant to establish mutual understanding (the definition could be more refined than this, i'm just giving it as an example off the top of my head) then behavior, the potential for mutual understanding, and even the existence of another conscious being capable of comprehending the concept could arguably be said to be a requirement for language to make any sense, since if there was no behavior that could convey a concept, or if there was no potential for mutual understanding of the concept, or if there was nobody to understand the concept, then there would be no point in having language at all.
all 5 parent concepts are necessary for language as a concept to possibly make any sense, and so we know the number of parent concepts the concept of language has is on the order of 5. maybe you can reduce that by finding a shared concept between two or more of the 5 concepts that effectively makes one or more of them a restating of another, or maybe you could find yet more concepts that are absolutely necessary for the concept of language to not be incoherent, maybe the definition of language will be refined to describe language more accurately, which might then imply a greater, or lesser number of parent concepts than what we currently have, but for now we'll just say it's on the order of 5. note that specific behaviors, such as a specific vocalization such as the word "the", while requiring language to make sense to us, don't require language to possibly make sense as a concept, depending on how you define it. furthermore, notice that the definition only affects how many parent or child concepts a concept has in so far as how many concepts are implied to exist by the language, no matter how verbose or succinct, the concepts that arise from the definition are what define the concept, not the words used to define them. the concept of "the" will very rarely be a parent concept of anything, even if we simplify it all the way down to being nothing more than a vibration spreading through the atmosphere at a certain frequency. stuff like prefixes, and suffixes require language, and grammar and punctuation, too, but specific symbols, sounds, or behaviors do not.

>> No.27793411
File: 372 KB, 1080x936, IMG_20220709_080239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27793444


>> No.27793444

The concept of a concept.

>> No.27793609

Can you believe this entire wall of text is only 6 sentences?

>> No.27793687

lol, sorry for the run-on sentence. i was maybe getting a bit ahead of myself.

>> No.27793775

That's, that's incredible... Paragraphsanon is the most powerful of all of us.

>> No.27793818

I wonder what paragraph concept chuubanite does

>> No.27794834

instead of saying "new bread doko" i've been saying "breadmaker doko" since i don't expect someone to make a new bread at page 8, even if we are 6 posts past bump limit.

>> No.27794850
Quoted by: >>27794996

initially thought this was a shit assassin but then realize he would have to use a blade and that Pomerlane himself relies on agility and strength. I guess Pomerlane is heavily trained in bare handed combat

>> No.27794915
Quoted by: >>27795035


>> No.27794996

Well, the problem for the assassin was Pomerlane got into his head which he usually does in situations like this and the space was too small. He probably would have had him the second go if Pomerlane didn't throw ink into his eyes.

>> No.27795035
Quoted by: >>27795119

Good morning alice

>> No.27795119


>> No.27796712

